K Index to Minutes July 15, 1868? ? INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover Count?, N. C. _ MUBJEtT Kure Beach - n[c. u. s. Counry Indezea 5ince 18t38 ? TO loeab nam?s, O?NII at COTT A-2 TA? INpEX MADE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO r?r OFFICE ? An Identifying Trade Mark SURf1AME INITIAL TAB fOLD YY OIMEN 0. YUNN, NEN iERN. NORTN GROLINA DATE MINUTE BOOK NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS Month Day Year Vol. Rage l. Parking space approved for Kure Beach. 1 Z8 1930? 9 19 2. Kure Beach ditch changed from Mrs. E. M. Shands's lot to street. 8 9 t?3?? • 9 298 3. Kure Beach parking lot requested. 4 27 1936 9 423 4. Kure Beach??:9arking lot referred. 6 22 1936 9 438 5. Kure Beach parking lot approved. 6 22 L936 9 438 6. Kure Beach ocean land approved for parking lot. 1 30 1939 10 35 7. Operation of Kure Beach tourist cabin declined to Mrs. Florence Mclver. 8 14 L939 10 74 8. Claim declined for reduction on sale of Kure Beach lot. 9 8 ,t941 10 227 9. E. A. Shands referred for damages to his Kure Beach Iot. 5 ?8 ,Zg42 ZO 2?2 10. E. A. Shands declined claim. (above) 9 14 ?1942 10 292 11. L. C. Kure requ?st referred for deputy at Kure Beach. 5 12 ?1943 10 331 12. Kure Beach lawlessness reported by ladies, 9heriff written. 6 14 1943 10 335 13. W. 0. ?'ickling referred on pipe for Kure Beach ditch. 10 29 1945 ? 10 464 14. Kure Beach to get Sheriff services. ?+ l? ,t9?;? ll 22 15. Kure Beach Sheriff needed, applications recommended. ..5 ?0 L948 11 25 16. Kure Beach erosion funds requested by L. Kure. 7 6 1948 11 35 17. Kure Beach Sheriff service taken under consideration. 8 30 1948 11 4? 18. Kure Beach Sheriff service approved, requested by John 0'Bierne. 9 7 1948 11 44 19. Kure Beach approved payment for erosion work. 12 20 1948 11 63 20. Kure Beach land from L. C. Kure received for purchase. 2 21 1949 11 75 21. Kure Beach roads to be repaired. 5 2 1949 11 89 22. Kure Bea?.h roads approved for repairs, requested by L. C. Kure. 3 13 1950 11 164 23. Petition approved on paving Kure Beach roads. 10 5 1953 11 457 24. W. R. Davis complaint referred on Kure Beach fishing pier business. 2 23 1954 11 487 25. W. R. Davis referred ':o Kure Beach Manager on business. 3 1 1954 11 489 26. Kure Beach Mayor pro-ten referred for drainage of ditches. 6 7 1954 11 518 27. Mrs. Faster Berry complaint received on increasing tax rate at Kure Beach. 8 9 1954 11 537 28. Mispelling on Fort Fisher Monument at Kure Beach referred to Chairman. 10 11 1954 11 546 29. Removal of F?rt Fisher Marker at Kure Beach referred to Chairman. 11 29 1954 11 556 30. Progress reported on remoun?ing Fort Fisher Marker at Kure Beach. 12 6 1954 11 559 31. Dragline work reported at Kure Beach. 12 20 1954 11 563 32. Progress reported on sand dunes at Kure Beach. 1 31 1955 11 572 33. T?Iote of thanks received on Kure Beach Marker. 3 14 1955 11 582 34. Discussion on bids for sand dune rehabilitation machine work in beach area. 9 26 1955 12 1 35. Sand dune rehabilitation to begin soon. 10 3 1955 12 6 36. Sand dunes should be completed today. 10 31 1955 12 13 37. Sand dune invoices sent to State. 11 14 1955 12 17 38. Sand dunes completed, discussed methods of upkeep. 11 21 1955 12 19 39. News Bulletin relative to funds for erosion. 12 5 1955 12 23 40. Discussed sand fence. 1 9 1956 12 33 41. Received final payment for sand dunes. 1 17 1956 12 35 42. Representative to make test to end beach erosion. 1 30 1956 12 40 43. Discussion on grasses to retard beach erosion. 2 6 1956 12 40 44. Congress to be petition for funds to help stop erosion. 2 6 1956 12 43 45. Received report on South Regional meeting of National Rivers and Harbors Congress. 2 13 1956 12 43 46. Report received irom Soil Con?ervationist on grass for sand dunes. 2 20 1956 12 45 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover County, N. C. _ MU JECT Kure Beach - n¢a, u. s. Counry Indexea Since 1888 ? TO IoCah nam?:, Op?ll Yf COTi A•2 TA? INpEX PAT OFFICE C?E?? An ldentilrins Trade Mark NU1DE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY? COLUMBUS. OHIO SURNAME INITIAL TAB SOLD ?Y OWEN {. YUNN, NEN tERN, NORTN GROIINA NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS DATE MINUTE BOOK Month Day Year Vol. Page l. Seal bids received for errecting fence on beac?i dunes. 2. Discussion on removal of hurricane debris. 3. Contractors to remove debris, with owners permission. 4.? Soil test reported. 5. Progress report received on sand dunes. 6. Received report on sand dunes fence. 7. Sand fence completed. 8. Letter received in regards to Bill passed for beach erosion funding. 9. Board granted $500.00 to Beach Association. 10. Appropriated funds tosurvey unicorporated areas of beach. 11. Meeting to discuss beach erosion, SENCBA, representative spoke on funds for beaches. 12. Report from SENCBA. 13. Mayor H. L. Prevatte and citizens reported Kure Beach condition to Commissioners. 14.' Group (above) requested aid to help stop erosion, letter to State Highway Commission. 15.` Mr. Richard A. Shew suggested ways to rehabilitate beach erosion. 16.' Executive Secretary to make application for Federal Funds for l?each erosion. 17. Office of Civi1 Defense Mobilization approved $7,000 for hur?icane rehabilitation. 18.?`. Drainage problem of Kure Beach referred to Post Engineer, Sunny Point. 19. Mr. Tomlinson to elean ditches at Carolina and Kure Beaches. 20. Appropriated $10,000.00 to be used with Civil Defense rehabilitation money for erosion. 21. Approved payment of $138.86 for dragline accident claim. 22. Commissioners expressed williness ?o accept plan C for cooperative erosion control. 23. Letter received advising of plan and cost for erosion control, taken for study. 24. Budget meeting, approved $10,0U0 for erosion control.? 25. New breakwater to check erosion. 26. Beach preservation report received, Commissioners recessed to inspect beaches, damages discussed with the Mayor. 27. Resolution adopted in regards to erosion during recent storm. 28. INCO Extension of property 29. Recreation 30. Test station 31. Project 32. Berm and Dune Project 33. Endorse efforts to release property from buffer zone 34. Approve agreement w/Army for drainage ditch maintenance 35. Approval to sponsor legislation to include in ABC Profits 36. Approval of Kure Beach share in ABC profits 37. Discussion Kure Beach share ABC profits 38. Presentation of Growth and Development Policy for Kure Beach 39. Contract w/Sheriff's Dept. 40. Discuss ABC Bill 41. Appt. Lewis & Al1o to Kure Planning Commission 42. Discuss Transh disposal problems 43. Kure Beach-Ft. Fisher Wastewater Intercepter 44. Discussion of transfer station used by Kure Beach 45. Adoption of Resolution designating Carolina « Kure Beaches as a Community Employment Center 2 27 1956 12 46 3 5 1956 12 50 3 12 1956 12 52 3 26 1956 12 56 3 26 1956 12 56 4 16 1956 12 61 7 9 1956 12 81 4 8 1957 12 144 4 Z9 I957 IZ I47 10 L8 1957 12 1$8 10 L8 1957 12 188 2 3 1958 12 220 5 Z6 .1958 12 260 5 ?6 1958 12 260 11 t0 1958 12 323 11 LO 1958 12 328 2 9 195? 12 375 2 L6 1959 12 379 3 5 1959 12 391 7 1 1959 12 454 5 2 1960 12 569 8 1 1960 12 601 3 6 1961 12 652 7 Z6 1961 13 3 4 2 1962 13 89 12 3 1962 13 174 12 L7 1962 13 179 06 ?8 1965 13 496 06 28 1965 13 497 08 02 1965 13 510 08 16 1965 13 515 11 06 1967 14 108 10 13 1975 16 281 11 24 1975 17 12 12 22 1975 17 29 O1 05 1976 17 34 04 20 1976 17 101-2 05 30 1976 17 130 08 31 1976 17 183 11 15 1976 17 231 02 '0 1978 18 176 07 17 1978 18 250 10 02 1978 18 286-87 05 07 1979 18 400 05 05 1y80 i8 593 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover Count N C KURE BEACH, TOWN OF y, . . _ MATTER: - nec. u. s. County Indezes Since 1888 PAT OFFIGE ?l?oz?'., An Identifying Trade Mnrk To fowt? eam??, OplO af ? SURNAME INITIAL TAB COTT A TO Z TAB INDEX MADE ?Y TNE COTT INDEX CON?ANY, COLUrlYS? OHIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DU NN CO., NEW BERN, N. C. NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS DATE MINUiE BOOK Month Day Year Voi. Page l. 'Funds budgeted for Carolina Beach & Kure Beach for lifeguards & EMS funds 06 25 1980 18 621 2... . Request for information on Kure Beach ABC Bill 04 06 1981 18 805 3.. . Letter indicating no objection to Kure Beach ABC Bill 04 21 1981 18 814 4.::