L Index to Minutes July 15, 1868INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES -- New Hanover Count?, N. C. _ MU JECT LEAA GRANTS ` aea. u. s. Counry Indezea Since 1888 ? TO IotM? nam?:, 0?11 at C07T A-Z TA? INDE7I PAT OPFICE C?E?? An IdentifYinB Trade Mark fURliAME (NITIAL TAB NUIDE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS. OH10 SOLD ?Y ONEN ?. pUNN, NEN tERN, NORiH UROLINA DATE MINUTE BOOK NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS Month Day Year Vol. Page 1. N. C. Ocean Sciences Inst. 07 15 1974 15 581 2. Sheriff's Dept. 07 15 1974 15 581-2 3. Youth Help, Inc. 07 15 1974 15 582 4. Acceptance of grant - Staffing at Juvenile Services 10 21 1974 16 30 5. Acceptance of grant - Crime Scene Investigation - Sheriff's Dept. 10 21 1974 16 30 6. Discussion on calcellation of Jail Grant O1 20 1975 16 88 7. Discussion of Jail Grant O1 27 1975 16 98 8. Approval of grant - Communications system 02 03 1975 16 03-4 9. Discussion of Jail Grant 0? ?7 ?9?5 ?b 113 10. Approval of Grant - Crime Scene Investigation 03 03 1975 16 1.30-1 11. approval o£ grant - Group Care Home 03 03 1975 16 131-2 12. Meeting w/governors committee on Law F? Order re jail grant 03 17 1975 16 149 13. Approval of grant - Crime Prevention officer 04 07 1975 16 160 14. Approval of grant - New Hanover Juvenile unit 04 07 1975 16 60-1 15. Presentation of grant - legal unit 05 05 1975 16 194 16. Consideration of grant - Legal unit 05 19 1975 16 202 17. Denial of application - legal unit 06 02 I975 16 213 18. Discussion of pre-trail release pgm. 06 23 1975 16 229 19. Approval of contract - New Hanover Juvenile unit 07 14 1975 16 239 20. Approval of contract - crime prevention officer 07 21 1975 16 242 21. Tabling of pre-trial release program. 08 I9 1975 16 256 22. Approval continuation for LEAA 10 06 1975 16 278 23. Funds received for Jail/law enforcement ctr. 10 06 1975 16 281 24. Adopt resolution urgint congress to continue LEAA 11 03 1975 16 297 25. Adopt LEAA resolutio n 11 10 I975 17 1-2 26. Approval LEAA - Crime Prevention Officer and Juvenile Unit 04 05 1976 17 95 27. Approval LEAA crime prevention officer 05 03 1976 17 120 28. Continuation LEAA grant - Group Care Home 06 07 1976 17 145 29. Continue grant - Crime Scene Investigation 07 19 1976 17 165 30. Discussion of costs - LEAA grants 09 07 1976 17 189 31. Group Care Home grant 09 07 1976 1 7 189 32. Regional training application 11 Ol 1976 17 228 33. Comm. Grant application 02 07 1977 17 273 34. Crime Prevention Application 03 07 1977 17 295 35. Juvenile Unit Grant Application 03 07 1977 17 299 36. Tabling Grant Appl. - mobile crime 1ab 05 02 1977 18 ?7-8 37. Discuss cut in funding OS 02 1977 18 30 3$. Tabling Grant application - Mobile Crime Lab 05 16 1977 18 36 39. No action on cut in funding 05 16 1977 18 37 40. Discussion application for funds for Career Guidence inst. (no action taken) 12 19 1977 18 L51-2 41. Approval grant application for Alternative School Program OI 03 1978 18 I53 42. Approval LEAA-Interim Skills program in Schools 06 29 1978 18 234 43. Change Order & Tranfer of funds - increased costs 09 05 1978 18 274 44. Budget Transfer - miscellaneous 11 06 1978 18 301 45. Discussion of LEAA funds 03 19 1979 18 375 46. LEAA Grant Funds for 911 System 11 19 1979 18 511 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTE a[c. u. s. ? County Indezea Since 1888 veT OFFICE ?. i? ?? An Idendfyins Trade Mark ,;? ;a ?; l. Phase 1 litigation 2.? Release - Law Enforcement Center Contractors S? New Hanover County? ?. l?. _ MUBJECT ?MIN?IS?TRAT ONT (LEE1A) T?? ? To IoWN nam?f, op?n af 1HADE BY 7HE iOTT N EX SOINPANYx COLUMBUS, OHIO SURNAME INITIAL TAB fOLD tT OWEN ?. DUNN, NEw ?ERN, NORiN GROLINA NATURE OF PROCEEDlNGS ? DATE, MINUTE BOOK Month Day Year Vol. Page 10 ?6 1980 18 673 12 O1 1980 18 710 ? INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover County, N. C. _ MATT R?D RECORDS MANAGEMENT` aec. u, s. ?/? ?p???? Coanty lndexea Since 18BB To lowts nam?s, OpBll 0i COTT A TO Z TAB INDEX r?r OFFIGE (?t,.JTJ"Jr:( a-cc-i. An Identifying Trade Mulc ? SURNAME INITIAL TAB M O?LD `BYT OWE?NttG!NDUNN??NE W B?EwYSNOHCO NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS DATE MINUiE BOOK ; Month Day Yen? Vol. Page 1. Resolution adopted to file application for grant N. C. Dept. of Admin. for County`s Land Record System 05 19 1980 18 602 2. Acceptance of additional NOAA grant contract ??4462 was approved 06 25 1980 18 623 3. INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover County N. C. JECT LANDFILL MU , _ B ` nec. u. s. County Indezea Since 1888 v?r OFFICB ?? An Identifying Trade Mazk ? TO bCab ?amef? Op?p Of COTT M2 MADE BY THE COTT INDEX TA? INOEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SURNAME INITIAL TAB SOLD tY OIMEN {. YUNN, NEII ?ERN, NORTN GROLINA DATE MINUTE BOOK NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS ' Month Day Year Vol. Page '; 1. State Highway Commission participation in operation of 06 05 1967 14 67 2. County's use of city 07 17 1967 14 78 3. County's use of city 08 07 1967 14 81 4. County's use of city 10 16 1967 14 103 5. Contract between city and county 02 16 1968 14 146 6. Inclusion of in budget discussion 06 03 1968 14 193 7. Use of city 07 08 1968 14 216 8. Lease of property 07 17 1969 14 373 9. Operation 08 04 2y69 t? 3%6 10. Waste disposal study Ol 05 1970 14 427 11. Report 02 16 1970 14 441 12. Report on meeting in Raleigh-Mr. Bowden 03 16 1970 14 450 13. Solid Waste Report 04 20 1970 14 468 14. Lease on trask property 08 17 1970 14 524 15. Status of negotiations on eastern site 11 02 1970 14 541 16. Equipment 11 02 1970 14 543 17. Progress report on second landfill 11 16 1970 14 544 18. Progress report on second landfill 12 07 1970 14 550 19. Contract for operation landfill No. 2 02 15 1971 14 580 20. Charges to Carolina Beach 03 Ol 1971 14 588 21. Salaries Sanitary Aids 06 07 1971 14 654 22. Hook's Wrecking Company 06 07 1971 14 567 23. Clock on machine of contractor 06 21 1971 14 662 24. Franchising collectors 08 02 1971 14 672 25. Bid opening-25 ton low bed semi-trailer 09 Oi 1971 15 5 26. Discussion of crawler loader contract 09 07 1971 15 6 27. Solid waste disposal ? 12 20 1971 15 60 28. Sanitary landfills Ol 17 1972 15 67 29. Discussion of trash problems Mr. Horace King, et al 02 21 1972 15 80 30. Report on solid waste disposal meeting 03 20 1972 15 96 31. Collection of outstanding bills for use of 04 04 1972 15 107 32. Operation 04 04 1972 15 105 33. Report on proposals for operation 05 O1 1972 15 123 34. Proposal 0 5 15 1972 15 127 35. Request of city to use Carolina Beach 05 15 1972 15 128 36. Status of contract 06 05 1 972 15 142 37. Operations 07 17 1972 15 188 38. Early phase-in Waste Industries 07 07 1972 15 177 39. Contract 11 20 _972 15 256 40. Date of Closing 12 04 1972 15 278 41. Location of 12 18 1972 15 289 42. Report on status Ol 15 1973 15 308 43. Flemington Public Hearing 04 02 1973 15 361-2 44. Presentation by Warren Stiles 05 21 1973 15 422 45. Reissuance of Special Use Permit 06 )4 1973 15 423-5 46. Resolution to have SR 2001 paved 06 19 1973 15 435 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover County, N. C. _ MUB ECT LANDFILL ` aeo. a s. ?j ?? County Indezea Since 1888 ? TO IO?Of? noMlf? op?q O} COTT A-z TA{ INpEX PAT OFFICE C??,t?/r? .?nidentifying Trade Mark SURNAME INITIAL TAY ?DE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OH10 SOLp ?r OWEN i. pYNN, NEN tERN, NORTN GROLINA DATE MINUTE BOOK NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS , Month Day Year Vol. Page 1; Acceptance of 75¢ per cubic yard ? 06 18 1973 15 435 '? 1 2, Acceptance of agreement w/Carolina Beach 08 06 1973 15 467 3; Discussion of Paving SR 2001 08 06 1973 15 467 4,, Changing Operating Hours 08 20 1973 15 477 5, Additional access road (off CPF?L road) 08 22 1973 15 478 6. Discussion of Carolina Beach's use 09 17 1973 15 498 7. Rate - Wrightsville Beach 09 17 1973 15 498 8. Discussion of Add'1 Access Road (CP?L) 09 17 1973 15 502 9. Discussion of Carolina Beach's tJse ?0 DI I9?3 15 508 10. Reduction of rate 10 O1 1973 15 508 11. Discussion of Add'1 access road (CPF?L) 10 ?1 1973 15 508 12. Extension of Carolina Beach's use 10 15 1973 15 5I3 13. Discussion of location of transfer station 12 ?3 1973 15 536 14. Termination of lease agreement McCumber Station Rd. (former landfill) Ol 07 1974 15 549 15. Access Road O1 21 1974 ?5 566 ?I 16. Paving of Access Road to Flemington Landfill 02 18 1974 15 581-2 17. Budget amendment - refund to Rural Enterprises for Landfill Prepayment 04 O1 1974 15 ( 511 18. Refuse disposal rate 06 03 1974 15 546 19.. Approval of easement for CPF?L, transfer station, Carolina Beach 08 05 1974 15 592 20. Renewal of license for transfer station-Carolina Beach 02., 03 1975 16 107 21. Approval of revised contract with Waste Industries, Inc. 03 03 1975 16 132 22. Rates for FY 75/76 05 19 1975 16 :?00-01 23. Discussion of purchase by Waste Ind. of a refuse collection company in NHC O1 19 1976 17 43 24. Approval landfill rates for FY 76/77 05 03 1976 17 120 25. Discuss franchise and change of hours 12 06 1976 17 239 26. Discuss rates 12 20 1976 17 251 ? 27. Discuss renewal of contract w/Waste Ind. 02 21 1977 17 283 28. Proposal from W. L. Whitehead 03 07 1977 17 292 29, Tabling renewal of contract w/Waste Ind. 05 02 1977 18 27 30. Revised contract w/Waste Industries 05 16 1977 18 37 31. Agreement extending contract w/Waste Industries 06 06 1977 18 54 32. Amendments to contract w/Waste Ind. 06 20 1977 .18 59 33. Revision in contract w/Waste Ind. - letter of credit 07 05 1977 18 71 34. Authorization advertise bids for landfill operation and terminate Waste Ind. contract 11 07 1977 18 128 35. Approval lease agreement for landfill 04 03 1978 18 192 ' 36. Extension contract w/waste Ind. for Landfill 04 17 1978 18 198 37. Discussion on meeting in Raleigh concerning Flemington 07 17 1978 18 252 38. Update on Flemington 08 J7 I978 I8 258 39. Roads in Flemington deteriorating because of water being hauled 08 ?1 1978 18 268 40. Report on removal of water tanks from Flemington 09 13 1978 18 276 41. Discuss Contract 11 ?6 1978 18 299 42.? Status Report on Transfer Station 11 ?6 1978 18 30? 43. Discuss Landfill Study 3/Gov. Rep. 11 20 1978 18 303-4 44, Discuss Landfill 3/Lonnie Poole 11 20 1978 18 304-5 45. Discuss Alternatives to Landfill 11 28 1978 18 310 46. Discuss Operation of Landfill 11 28 1978 18 310-310A INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS H C t N MINUTES -- N LANDFIZL C anover oun y, . ew . _ MATTER: a¢s. u. s. ?y? PAT OFFIGE C..?, County Inde:ea Since 1888 R?? Anldentifyin¢TradeMark T? IOCib 11?111K? ?pl11 ?t ? EURNAM? INRIAL TAS COTT A-I TA{ INOEX A?ADE BY THE COfT INOEX COMPANY, COLUMYYS, OHIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN CO., NEW BERN, N. C. NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS l. Budget Transfer - Soil Borings 2. Community Water System for Flemington 3. Community Development Funds for Flemington 4. Public Hearing - Community Development Block Grant Funds for water systems for Flemington 5. Discussion Flemington Water System Grant 6. Discussion of bids for sanitary landfill 7. Presentation of bids for operation of landfills 8. Continuation of bid presentation 9. Presentation of corrected bids 10. Award of landfill bid 11. Discussion of EPA landfill regulations 12. Solicitation of landfill bids 13. Discussion of acquisition of property from International Paper Company 14. Application for special permit for landfill 15. Request for reimbursement for location of landfill site I6. Commendation to County for landfill efforts 17. Adoption of Amendment to Preliminary Condemnation Resolution for landfill 18. Abandonment of condemnation proceeding for landfill site 19. Discussion of reimbursement for expenses incurred in locating landfill site 20. Appointment - Landfill Search Committee 21. Reimbursement - expenses to Waste Industries for landfill search 22. Contract with Waste Management for operation of interim landfill 23. Abandoment of LandfiZl Committee 24. Grant for Flemington Water System 25. Additional Water Tank for Flemington 26. Water trailer for Flemington 27. Discussion of Waste Management cont ract 28. HUD Grant Application for Flemington Water System 29. Discussion - Grant Application for Flemington Water System 30. Meeting with Carolina Beach Town Council to discuss landfill 31. Chairman authorized to execute license for Sunny Point, N. C. for use of landfill 32, Discussion of Solid Waste 33.. Approval of request for 90 day extension of Carolina Beach Landfill site 34. Mr. Ed Thomas of Post, Buckley, Schuh & Jernigan commented 35. Comments from concerned citizens of Pleasure Island concerning landfill 36. Commissioners authorized letter to be written to EPA asking them to drop Iaw suit against County 37. Mrs. Susan Blalock requested information update on sites being considered for use as a landfill 38. Discussion on landfill access road 3?. Residents from Castle ?ayne gave their opposition to 4 landfill sites in their area 40. Rev. Whitted commented 41. Removal of trash containers from Wilmington Beach 42. Discussion of Landfill charges for users 43. Waste Management Inc. requested increase in fees effective, July 1, 1980 44. Discussion on consultant's final report on landfill sites 45. Schedule for Landfill site selection process 46. Mr. Lawrence Rhodes invited Comm. to visit proposed landfill site DATE Month Day ? Year 11 28 1978 12 04 1978 12 18 1978 Ol 15 1979 03 19 1979 04 26 1979 04 26 1979 04 26 1979 04 26 1979 04 26 1979 05 07 1979 05 07 1979 05 14 1979 05 21 1979 05 21 1979 05 30 1979 06 04 1979 06 11 1979 06 11 1979 06 11 1979 06 18 1979 06 18 1979 07 02 1979 08 06 1979 08 20 1979 09 04 1979 09 04 1979 09 17 1979 09 17 1979 11 19 1979 11 19 1979 02 04 1980 02 18 1980 03 10 1980 03 10 1980 03 10 1980 03 10 1980 03 :i 17 1980 03 17 1980 03 17 1980 04 08 1980 04 08 1980 04 21 1980 04 21 1980 05 05 1980 05 19 198G MINI Vol. 18 1$ 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 1s 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 ? J !TE 800R Page 310-A 316 321 339 37S 394 394 394 394 395 403 404 405 407 413 414 423 425 425 425 429 431 443 456 463 472 473 474 482 513 513 546 559 565 564 566 567 569 570 57Q 578 580 586 588 595 603 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover ?DFILL County N. C. M ER ` , _ : ATT REG. U. 4. eet OFFICE ? / County lndezes Since 1888 ,???.7? An Identifying Trade Mark Te IOC?t? nam?S. ?pM it SURNAMt INITIAL TA! COTi A.I TAi INOEX MADE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY? COLUMYUS, OHIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN CO., NEW BERN, N. C. NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS 1. Discussion on format for Pubiic Hearing to be conducted conducted,concerning landfill 2. Public Hearing on Landfill sites 3. Comm. Discussion on landfill sites and.consultant's reports 4. Discussion of rate increase for landfill operation 5. Problems acquiring clay for Carolina Beach Landfill 6. Board to pursue the ?. F. site in terms of a short-term, 5 year landfill site 7. Bids received on clay for Carolina Be.ach Landfill 8, Resolution to obtain entry to the W.F. ?ledge property-for surveys & boring 9. Discussion on Modification tD license with Corps, of Engineers for Extension of landfill 10. County Manager gave an update on landfill site selection 11. Contract with Waste IVianagement for landfill cover and New Hanover Rescue Squad for Clay cover 12. Update on Landfill site selection 13. Discussion on Resolution concerning landfill site on G.E. property 14. Tabling of resolution of assurances to General Electric Company` ? 15. Change i.n Waste Management's Contract for landfill cover 16. Bond Order authorizing the issuance of $900,000 Solid Waste Disposal Bond of the County of New.Hanover 17. Comments on handling of Waste Contracts 18. Contract with Waste Management of N. C. Inc. 19. Comments on Landfill 20. Discussion on proposal for use of Carolina Beach site 21. Additional services from Post, Buckley, Schuh & Jernigan re: design & permitting procedures 22. County Manager authorized to pay bills for Blue Clay Road landfill 23, Discussion on Special Use Permit 24. Cr&L right of way for electricity 25. Discussion on letter from Judge Burnett concerning illegal dumping 26. Funderburg's comments on back up bell (TraeLOr) 27. Discussion on landfill hours 28. Discussion on continuance of ineeting to December 8 for public hearing 29. Public Hearing - SUP Blue Clay Road 30. Increase in landfill tipping fees 31, Discussion on length of necessity for landfill 32. Discussion on New test wells at Blue Cl'ay Road Landfill 33. Request for state assistance in siting landfill 34. Capital Project Ordinance - Sanitary Landfill 35. Contract for design of Sanitary Landfill 36. Adoption of Preliminary condemnation resolution for Landfill (Exh. Book VIII, pg. 40) 37. Landfill Rate increase 38.. Landfill Rate increase (changed date for action to June 8) 39. Landfill Rate Increase 40. Announcement of acquisition of site for landfill 41,. Landfill site - Authorization for acquisition 42. Discussion on Contract with Waste Management for Landfill 43. Change Order to contract with Waste Management for Landfill 44. Change Order ??2 - Landfill Construction 45. Easement for CP&L to furnish power to landfill 46, Discussion on Landfill Opening Ceremony DATE MINUTE BOOK Month Day Year Vol. Page 05 19 1980 18 603 , 05 19 1980 18 605 05 22 1980 18 606 , 06 02 198U 18 612 06 02 1980 18 612 06 02 1980 18 614 06 25 1980 i8 623 06 16 1980 18 619 07 D7 1980 18 634 07 28 1980 18 640 08 04 1980 18 645 08 04 1980 18 646 08 04 1980 18 646 08 18 i?80 18 650 08 18 1980 18 651 08 18 1980 18 651 08 18 1980 18 651 08 18 1980 18 653 09 11 1980 18 661 09 15 1980 18 665 10 06 1980 18 680 10 06 1980 18 681 10 20 1980 18 689 11 03 1980 18 689 11 03 1980 18 700 11 03 1980 18 700 11 17 1980 18 708 12 O1 1980 18 723 12 08 1980 18 725 Ol _.9 1981 18 753 Ol 19 1981 18 753 03 02 1981 18 777 03 16 1981 18 788 04 06 1981 18 804 05 13 1981 18 832 05 18 1981 18 834 06 Ol 1981 18 854 06 O1 1981 18 857 06 08 1981 18 858 06 11 1981 18 862 06 15 1981 18 867 08 17 1981 18 902 09 21 1981 18 923 10 05 1981 18 931 10 05 1981 18 937 10 19 1981 18 944 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover County, N. C. , MATTER: aea. u. s. County Indexee Since 1988 ? TO IOMt? IIOMBf? OpBll Ot ??T OFFIGE ???1?'.?- AnldentifyingTradeMerk SURNAME INITIAL iAB NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS l. Discussion on Closing of Blue Clay Road landfill 2. Landfill opening Ceremony 3. Contract for well at landfill 4. Update on status of Landfill Opening Ceremony & Plaque presenta.tion to Engineering Director 5• Change Order Na. 3- Landfill ( , Budget Atnendment . 7. Policy Statement - Landfill g, Landfill Rate Increase 9. Budget Amendment - Sanitary Landfill 10. Ratification of Contract with DePoortere Corporation for purchase of steam 11. LANDFILL a COTT A TO 2 TAB INDEX MADB ?Y THE COTT INDEX GD?ANY, ?OLIIM?Uf. 01110 SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN CO., NEW BERN, N. C. DATE MINUTE BOOK Monih Day Year Vol. Page 11 ?2 1981 18 953 11 02 1981 18 954 11 16 1981 18 956 11 16 1981 18 957 12 07 1981 18 965 02 15 1982 19 11 02 15 1982 19 13 05 17 1982 19 '?0 06 07 1982 19 80 100 19 1982 19 100 INDEX TO COMMI55IONERS MINUTES - New Hanover Count ? LAND RECORDS MANAGEMENT ?ROGRAM y? . U. _ MATTER: rsec. u. s. County Indezes Since 1888 I?'? To loeat? nam?s, OpYll Yt PAT OFFIDE C??LPv-?F' ? An IdontifyingTrade Muk COTT A TO Z TAB INDEX MI1DE ?Y THE COTT INDEX OD?ANY, COLUM?YS? OHIO , SURNAME INITIAL iAB SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN CO., NEW BERN, N. C. DATE MINUTE BOOK ` NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS Month Day Year Vol. Page l. Chairman authorized to execute agreement with state accepting grant along with amendmendment 1 and bud.amen. 04 06 1981 18 793 2. Acceptance of Land Records Management Grant 09 21 1981 18 922 3. Resolution approving grant application for land records management program 07 07 1981 18 874 4. Agreement with State for Land Records Program 11 02 1981 I8 947 5, 1982/83 Land Records Management Grant 07 06 1982 19 106 6. Agreement with N. C. Dept. of Administration for Land Records Management Grant 10 04 1982 19 164 7. ? ? INDE? TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES -- New ?anover Coan? N C i ?ND USE PLAN j, . ? , MATT R ` aec. u. s. ?. `'? County lndaee Since 1888 To ktate nam?s, open af ? COTT A i0 2 TAB INDEX r?r OFFIGE (,G?t/f7+..Co? AnldentifvingTradeMark 61IRNAME INITIAL TAB MApE IY TNE (Ott I11?EX (OWAMY, (OLGNIYS, Oq10 SOLU BY OWEN G, DUNN CO„ NEW BERN, N. C. NATURE OF PRO(EEDlNGS DATE MINUTE BOOK Month Day Year Vol. Page l. City/County Planning Departments addressed the Commissioners regarding plans for public participation in Land Use Plan being prepared jointly 02 16 1981 18 765 2. Public Hearing - Amendment to Land Use Plan 05 18 1981 18 836 3. Discussion on Land Use Plan - Policies for Growth and Development Ob 15 1981 18 864 4. Public Hearing/amendment to Wilmington/New Hanover Land Use Plan 07 20 1981 18 889 5. Public Hearing set for CAMA Land Use Plan Update 09 OS 1981 18 919 6. Resolution Authorizing Execution of Contract for Land Use Plan Update and Acquifer Mgmt. Program 09 21 1981 18 926 , 7. Discussion on Land Use Plan Public Hearing 09 21 1981 18 926 8. Discussion of Land Use Plan 10 05 1981 18 935 9. 1981 CAMA Land Use Plan Update 10 19 1981 18 941 10. Public Hearing-1981 CAP1A Land Use Plan Update 11 02 1981 18 948 11. Postponement of Land Use Plan Discussions 11 16 19$1 18 957 12. Date set for work session on Land Use Plan 11 16 1981 18 958 13, Discussion on CAMA - 1981 Land Use Plan Update 11 23 1981 18 961 14, Continued Discussion on 1981 Land Use Plan Update 11 30 1981 18 962 15. Further discussion on 1981 Land Use Plan Update 11 30 1981 18 962 i 16, Boundary for Rural Service District O1 18 1982 18 990 17, Land Use Plan Update Public Hearing 03 O1 1982 19 16 18. Discussion of Special Meeting on Land Use Plan Scheduled for March 22 03 15 1982 19 15 19. Public Hearing and adoption of the revised 1981 Update to the Wilm/New Hanover Land Use Plan - Policies for 03 22 1982 9 Grow?h and Development 1 38 20. Natice of approval of Land Use Plan Update 06 07 1982 19 88 21. Presentation of Wilm/New Hanover Land Use Plan 1981 Update 06 21 1982 19 95 22. Support for Continuation of Land Use Planning Program (Letter to Payne} 09 07 1982 19 151 23. INDE? TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES -- New Hanover County, N. C? _ MAiTER: JAIL, ENTERF°R??NT ? ne?. u. s. County Indezee Since 1888 ?` fo toeate nam?s, open at (OTT p i0 2 TA8 ?NDEX P?i OFfl4E ?l(?,?.. An Identifving Trade Merk MAOE IT iNE fOiT II?EX ?IIMC? G?WWYf. OHIO ?va?E ixmat rae SOLD 6Y DWFN G. DUNN lA., NEW BERN, N. C. pATE MINUTE BOON , ; NATURE Of PRO(EEDINGS Month ? Day ? Year Vol, Page l. Budget transfer - Jail - mobile cart for inmates' property 2. Change orders - HVAC-4, E-9, G-16, E-10 3. Tabling of LEC change orders and modifications to architect's contract 4. Budget iransfer - cover increase in installation of telphone system 5. Discussion on problems re: construction of building 6. Discussian on problems re: Construction postponed to executive session 7. Comments on Law Enforcement Center and Annexation by Mr, C. G. Berry 8. AddiCional work to be performed at Law Enforcement Center 9, Agproval of Architect's statement for additional services 10. Approval of waterproofing work on LEC 11. Agreement wiCh architects for Law Enforcement Center 12. Signs for the Law Enforcement Center 13, Award of contracts for renovations of LEC 14, Discussion on modifications to jail library 15. Contracts for Renovations to the LEC 16. LEC renovations for additional bunk space 11 05 1979 18 503 11 05 1979 18 508 11 19 1979 18 513 12 03 1979 18 521 02 02 ?9s1 ls ?6z 03 02 1981 18 l71 03 02 1981 18 777 03 02 1981 18 778 04 06 1981 18 800 04 21 1981 18 812 03 Ol 1982 19 15 03 15 1982 19 29 06 21 1982 19 96 06 21 1982 19 96 07 19 1982 I9 I14 10 19 1982 19 L72 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES -- New Hanover County, N. C. _ MATTER: LAW ZI$RARY ` aec. u. s. County Indezee Since 1888 TO UCib lutllp. ?pM ?t COTi MZ TAt INOEX b1ADE tY THE COit tNDEX COMPANY, COCUMttlS, OHfO ??r OFFICE ?? An Identifyin? Trade Mar? SURNAM[ INITIAL TAS SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN CO., NEW BERN, N. C. NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS DATE MINUTE BOOK Month Day Year Vol. Page 1. Budget Transfer-publications 06 29 1978 18 233 ? 2. Budget amendment - to cover unexpected costs for books & subscriptions 06 18 1979 18 431 ?. INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover Count? N. C. ?ECT LAW A? M?g o?ER i , _ , rtec. u. s. County Indezea Since 1883 ? To IO?Oh nallqs? O?O ai v?r OFFICE ?? An Identifying Trade Mazk COTT A-Z TA? INOEX INAOE BY iHE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SURNA ME INITIAL TA6 SOLD YT ONEN i. pYNN, N EN YERN, N ORTN GRO LINA DATE MINUTE BOOK , NATURE Of PROCEEDINGS Month Day Year Vol. Page 1. Mutual Assistance in Law Enforcement Ol 18 1971 14 570 2. Mutual Assistance in Law Enforcement 02 15 1971 14 582 3. Curfew 02 26 1971 14 584 4. Resolution authorizing the chairman to enter into agreements with other political subdivisions for 03 16 1971 14 594 law enforcement emergencies 5. Special meeting-appropriation for additional force 03 18 1971 14 595 6. Letter of thanks to law enforcements departments 04 19 1971 14 615 ( 7. Mutual assistance agreement between City of Wilmington and Co. of NH for Police Work 04 19 1971 14 614 &. Report of Law Enforcement guidelir?es 04 I9 ?97? ?4 b?3 9. Request Governor appoint elected members of Local Governing Boards to Governor's Committee on L aw & Order. 06 07 1971 14 656 , ( ? 1 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - N H C t N C LEGAL DEPARTMENT anover ew oun y, . . _?ATTER: ` Ree. u. s. ?g ?? County Indezes Since IBBB ? ? To loeafs namos, open at r?t OFFIGE ?.?c?e/rfl?a?-i. An ldentifying Trade Mazlc SURNAME INITIAL TAB COTT A TO Z TAB IND MApE ?Y THE COTT INDEX GOMPANY, EX COLUMlOf? ONIO SOLD BY OW EN G. DU NN CO., NE W BERN, N. C. , NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS DATE MINUTE BOOK , Month Day Yea? Vol. Page ? ! 1. :County Manager to authorize Small Claims Actions 05 25 1982 19 78 i I ? 2. . Update on Litigation ($225,000 bond forfeiture) 05 25 1982 19 79 i! ? ? 3. Authorization to join the City in Litigation Against Harry Forden 06 07 1982 19 90 ; ji 4. Agreement with Marine Corps for use of bus to Transport Jurors 10 04 1982 19 167 ?? ? l ?? 5. Commissioners requested to be present for the Court Hearing of Harnett Construction Co., et al vs Clark-Kenith Inc., N H County et al ?' 12 06 1982 19 ,; 200 E 6 Discussion and action on the Graham Pleasants Litigation . 12 20 1982 19 ? 207 i I 7 i County attorney commended for a fine job in recent litigations 12 20 1982 19 208 ?? !? ,; INDE? TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES -- New Hanover County, N, C. ; ?s; ?T LE?ION STADI?M County Inaezea Since 1688 ? Y? IOMh 110AM$ O?A 01 wec. u, s, C01i k2 TAi IMOF? MIIOE BY THE (OTi INOER COIdPANY, COLUMBUS, UHIO p?? ?S.d.r.ts Anldea' PAt OFFICE tiEyinB Trade Mark fURNAME fN1ilA1 lAI SOLD IY ONEN 1. CUMN, N Ew IERN, NORiR GROLIIU DATE MINUTE BOOK NATORE OF PRO?EEDINGS Month Oay Year Vol, Page 1. Initial discussion under "Revenue Sharing" 04 02 1973 15 368 2. Report on progress 04 16 1973 15 376 3. Discussion (with City, etc.) 05 07 1973 15 380-2 4. Approval of Agreement 06 04 1973 15 ?26-7 5. Agreement 06 18 1973 15 ?40-1 6. Allocation of funds Q6 18 1973 15 441 7. Appt. of Comm. Davis F Powell to Board 06 18 1973 15 441 8. Discussion of funds 03 04 1974 15 588 9. Awarding of contracts - Phase I 03 iS 19i4 15 599- 10. Approval af change order - Elec. O6 03 1974 15 653 11. Change order in Plumbing contract 06 17 1974 15 664 12. Discussion of broken sewex line 06 17 1974 15 664 13. Change Order - plumbing contract 08 19 1974 15 700 14. Report from architect 09 03 1974 15 709 15. Change Order 09 16 1974 15 715 16. Intent to fund remaining $200,000 for renovation in FY 75/76 02 03 1975 16 1?7 17. Tabling of Add'1 $200,000 03 17 1975 16 144 18. Tabling of add'1 $200,000 03 21 1975 16 150 19. Approval of July 4th fireworks display 06 16 1975 16 224 20. Award of contracts 09 02 1975 16 261 21. Tabling award of general contract 10 13 1975 16 282 22. Approve change order 10 13 1975 16 282 23. Rejection of bids - Phase II 10 20 1975 16 284 24. Award Aluminum seating contract to Wesco 11 24 1975 17 10 25. Budget amend - to account for funds to be contxibuted by City of Wilmington 03 15 1976 17 84 26. Approval for fireworks display at Legion Sta. July 4 03 15 1976 17 85 27. Approval change order - no additional funds for a stucco finish 04 20 1976 17 110 28. Approval additional aluminum seating 05 03 1976 17 121 29. Discussion on progress at Legion Stadium 06 21 1976 17 155 30. Approve fire works display Ju1y 4, 1977 06 27 1977 18 63 31. Approve firewo,xks disptay - A?alea Festival 04 03 1978 18 189 t INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES -- New Hanover County, N. C. _$pBJECT j?E?IS?ATI°N a ne?. u. s. /???? County Indeaea Since 1888 ? To (otqN nam?s? op?n at COTT A-S TA? INpEJf r?r OFFICE L,?,F?-C.dr-?i .?n Identif3'ins Trade Mark fURNAME INITIAL TAY MADE RY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS. OHIO SOLD tY OWEN i. DUNN, MEw ?ERN, NORTN GROLINA DATE MINUTE BOOR NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS Month Day Year Vol. Page 1. National land use policy 07 07 1972 15 186 2. Constitutional amendment making office of County Commissioner a Constitutional Office 11 20 1972 15 249 3. Rehabilitation of Alcoholics 02 19 1973 15 334 4. Tax free bonds 02 19 1973 15 335 5. Annexation 03 05 1973 15 346 6. Rehabilitation of Alcoholics 03 05 1973 15 346 7. Minimum pay for Law Enforcement officers 03 05 1973 15 347 8. Sale of public school property 03 05 1973 15 347 9. COG. Increse of power 03 D5 I973 15 347 10. Cog, Discussion of Sen. Rountree's letter 03 19 1973 15 358 11. Minimum Pay for Law Enforcement Officers 03 19 1973 15 358 12. Annexation 03 19 1973 15 358 13. Waterfront Property 03 19 1973 15 358 14. Control of Sedimentation 05 21 1973 15 422 15. Erosion Control Ordinance (discussion of) 07 02 1973 15 444 16. Discussion of General Assembly's authority 08 06 1973 15 467 17. Request to raise bondmen's fee 11 05 1973 15 519 18. Legislators to be requested to review state income tax system 11 18 1974 16 51 19. Legislators to be rec{uested to review state unemployment practices 11 18 1974 16 51 20. Commissioners to meet with legislators 11 18 1974 16 52 21. Legislators to be requested to abolish Harbor Master Position 12 02 1974 16 59 22. Discussion of legislator for school expenses 12 02 1974 16 64 23. County to bill state for prisoners who violated probation or parole O1 06 1975 16 ''9-0 24. Meeting w/legislators Ol 20 1975 16 ??5-6 25. Discussion w/legislators re revaluation OZ 03 1975 16 100 26. Discussion of Senior Citizen Exemption being extended to disabled 02 17 1975 16 114 27. Introduction of Charlie Rose's secretary 03 03 1975 16 125 28. Discussion of SB 166 (Sub. streets) 03 03 ?975 16 128 29. Property tax exemption for disabled tabled 03 03 .-975 16 130 30. Letter from Anson county re Bottle deposits 03 03 1975 16 135 31. Support of SB 134 (Medical Examiner Fee) 03 03 1975 16 135 32. Comm. to write legislators re SB 166 (Sub. streets) 03 17 1975 16 139 33. Legislation requested re senior citizen exemption 03 17 1975 16 147 34. Discussion of valuations in historical district 03 17 1975 16 147 35. Legislators to be asked to introduce to NHC retirement act 04 07 1975 16 158 36. Request for SB 463 04 07 1975 16 164 37. Chairman to write legislators re reappraisal legislation 05 19 1975 16 203 38. Discussion of HB 961 0 regulating entry of Building inspectors 06 09 1975 16 218 39. Exclusion from SB 661 - ABC education expenditures 06 09 1975 16 218 40. Exemption from HB 961 regulating entry of building inspectors Ob lb 1975 16 221 41. Majority opposed to HB 473 and HB 254 re Inventory taxes and personal property taxes 06 16 1975 16 221 42. Discussion of SB 703 re collective bargaining for municipal employees 06 16 1975 16 221 43. Manager to write Congressmen re Social Security withholdings 06 16 1975 16 225 44. Tabling discussion of House Bill 456 Alternatives to Training Schools 12 15 1975 17 25 Kure 45. Authorization to include /Beach in ABC Profits 12 22 1975 17 29 46. Appoint task force under HB 456 - Alternatives to Training Schools 12 22 1975 17 '>1-2 N. C. INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover County LEGISLATION S? ECT , _ UBI _ eec. u. s. County Indezea Since 1888 ? To IotON nam?:, OplD Yt rk T d M Id tif i ?? A C ? COTT A•2 TA? INOEX INADE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, ONIO NORTN GROLINA iERN ng ra e a n en y rer OFFICE . fURNAME INITIAL TAY i fOLD tY OINEN i. GUNN, N , Ew ° DATE MINUTE BOOK ?? ?? NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS , Month Day Year Vol. Page l.F; Reqeust to write legislators - re: several matters 02 07 1977 17 280 F 2.: Reqeust Amendment to G. S. 160A-274 02 21 1977 17 288 3.° Discuss meeting w/legislators 03 07 1977 17 296 4.'.? Request letter to legislators re: sales tax 03 07 1977 17 299 5.4' Letter to legislators to oppose HB 140 03 07 1977 17 299 6.? Concerning State Ports 03 28 1977 18 2 7.' Concerning Status Offenders 03 28 1977 18 2 8. Concerning Fiscal notes 03 28 1977 18 2 9. Concern?ng HB 549 - Cornm?ssioners .4ppt. ABC Boaxd 03 28 Z977 18 2 10, NHC conveying property to Federal Government 03 28 1977 18 2 11. Secondary road allocation 03 28 1977 18 2 12. State funds for Museum 03 28 1977 18 2 13. HB 423 0 litterbugging 03 28 1977 18 3 14. Repeal local legislation - no longer eligible 03 28 1977 18 3 15. Concerning sales tax 03 2$ 1977 18 7 16. Write legislators re: bill on minimum term for imprisonment 04 18 1977 18 21 17. Discuss Senate Bill #530 - Minimum Term for imprisonment OS 16 1977 18 39 18. Support for Anti-Pornography Bill and Resolution adopted 06 06 1977 18 46-7 19.' Comm. Wright request latest on Open meetings law 06 06 1977 18 53 20. Order legislation Wrap-up for Commissioners 07 18 1977 18 79 21. Endorsement of resolution for HB 658 09 06 1977 18 98 22. Request to support Liquior By the Drink - denied O1 16 1978 18 158 23, Request to support Liquor by the Drink 04 17 1978 18 197 24, Clarification of vote Liquor by the Drink 04 17 1978 18 197 25. Referendum on Liquor by the Drink-1/79 06 19 1978 18 229 26? Legislative proposals re: Education & Social 5ervices Ol 02 1979 18 333 27'. Repearl of Local Wildlife Laws 02 05 1979 18 351 28? Discussion of House Bill #70 - AFDC recipients 02 05 1979 18 369 29: Proposed bill clarifying Proposed Tax Exemption 03 19 1979 18 370 30. Discussion - House Bill - 804 - County Social Services 04 02 1979 18 382 31. Resolution endorsing franchise tax revision 04 02 1979 18 382 32; Tax Exemption Bill tabled 04 02 1979 18 384 33. Letter in opposition - Senate Bill 844 05 21 1979 18 409 Discussion on proposed legislation concerning civic auditoriums, etc. 03 L6 1981 18 788 34: 35, Request for Revised Fair Employment Enabling Legislation 03 L6 1981 18 788 36« Request for SCatus of Legislation on Precious Metals Dealers 05 )4 1981 18 831 37. Amendment to enabling Legislation for Fair Employment & Fair Housing AgencS 05 27 1981 18 843 38. Discussion on Bill to hold Public Hearings before submitting local legislation 06 ?l 1981 18 857 39. Discussion on Local Legislation 06 ?8 1981 18 861 40.? Discussion on Legislative Matters with Rep. Harry Payne 06 15 1981 18 864 41? Letter to Legislators concerning redistricting bill 06 15 1981 18 867 42.,. Discussion on EEOC Legislation 07 ?7 1981 18 886 43.. Early Civil Aeronautics Board Sunset Legislation 02 O1 1982 18 993 44. Discussion on May 3rd Meeting with Legislators 04 19 1982 19 54 45: Comm. o'Shields to requet assistance from NCACC on Legislation 12 :_3 1982 19 203 ? ? INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES -- New Hanover County, N. C. , MA TERT I.IBRARY nec. u. e Counry Indezea Since 1888 To loeafe names? open ot COTT A-Z TAB INDEX r?r OFFICE ??J'll??ET. An Identifying Trade Marlc ? SURNAME INIiIAL TAB INADE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS 1. No action on request of Miss Margaret L. Gibson for supplement to budget of Public Library, 2. Committee to investigate request for money for City Library. 3. Action deferred on allowing money for the Public Library. 4. Money granted Wilmington Public Library. 5. Annual appropriation made for Wilmington Public Library. 6. Appropriation to Public Library to be sent through City Clerk ? Treasurer. 7. Annual appropriation made to Wilmington Public Library. 8. Request from Mrs. Herbert Buethenthal for an increase in appropriation for the library deferred. 9. Request to increase Library appropriations maae. 10. The Rev. G. D. Carnes requested appropriation for library. 11. Wilmington Public Library request to store in vault Wilmington Messenger granted. 12. Delegation request for city-county appropriation for Wilmington Public Library taken under advisement for consideration. 13. Mrs. Herbert Bluethenthal requested Wilmington Public Library appropriations not be reduced, subject to consideration. 14. Miss Jennie Wood F? Rev. Andrew J. Howell requested appropriation for 1932-33 be continued to Wilmington Public Library. 15. Col. Walker Taylor requested 1935-36 appropriations increase for library; taken under consideration. 16. Request endorsed for federal government to give old post office to city for library. 17. Commissioner Hall gave reason for declining to turn old post office building into library. 18. Payment to library declined for state library commission truck. 19. Kings Daughters Library awarded funds for books. 20. City library filed statement of disbursements for July. 21. Library report filed for August. 22. Library report filed for September. 23. Library report filed for October. 24. Consideration taken on request for book stacks for new library quarters. 25. Steel stacks authorized for library. 26. Library report received for March. 27. Half cost payment requested for library shelves. 28. Annual library report filed. 29. Library given appropriations. 30. Payment authorized for library shelves. 31. Library report filed for September. 32. Library report filed for October. 33. Library statement of disbursements received. 34. Library statement of disbursements received. 35. Library statement of disbursements received. 36. Library report filed for March. 37. Library report filed for April. 38. Library report filed for May. 39. Rec{uests for library fund received for consideration. 40. Library report filed for June. 41. Library report filed for June. 42. Library report filed for July. 43. Library report filed for August. DATE Month ? Day ? Year 12 09 1921 06 05 19Z2 08 06 1923 10 O1 1923 12 Ol 1924 08 04 1925 12 07 1925 05 03 1926 12 Ob I9?& 12 06 1926 04 17 1928 MINUTEBOOK Vol. I Page t 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 & 8 8 183 200 256 266 317 349 361 384 4?0 410 506 05 29 1928 8 511 06 13 1932 9 167 07 25 1932 9 172 08 05 1935 9 370 02 24 1936 9 409 02 24 1936 9 409 11 02 1936 9 460 10 18 1936 9 548 08 21 1939 10 77 09 18 1939 10 83 10 16 1939 10 89 11 20 1939 10 95 03 18 1940 10 118 04 O1 1940 10 120 04 22 1940 10 123 06 17 1940 10 132 06 17 1940 10 132 07 23 1940 10 143 09 16 1940 10 154 10 14 1940 10 157 11 25 1940 10 165 12 16 1940 10 170 O1 13 1941 10 174 02 10 1941 10 180 04 21 1941 10 195 05 12 1941 10 200 06 16 1941 10 209 06 23 1941 10 210 06 30 1941 10 212 07 21 1941 10 218 08 18 1941 10 224 09 OZ 1941 10 226 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES -- New Hanover Count? N C MA TERT LIBRARY , . . , ` nec. u. s. ??r OFFICE County Inde:ee Since 188$ To IOCOie namBS? open ai ??I? An Identifying Trade Mark ? SURNAME INITIAL TAB COTT A-Z TAB INDEX ?DE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY? COLUMBUS, ONIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORT H CAROLINA NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS DATE MINUTE BOOK Month Day Year Voi. Page 1. Library report filed for September. 10 20 1941 10 236 2, Library report filed for November. 12 O1 1941 10 243 3. Library report filed for November. 12 22 1941 10 246 4. Library report filed for December. Ol 19 1942 10 251 5. Library report filed for March. 04 13 1942 10 266 6. Library report filed for April 05 18 1942 10 272 7. Library report filed for Ma?. 06 22 1942 10 278 8. Library report filed for June. 07 20 1942 10 283 9. Library report filed for August. 09 14 1942 10 292 10. Library report filed for November. O1 18 1943 10 312 - 11. Financial support granted for Bookmobile. 03 29 1943 10 321 12. March 29 Order adopted on funds for bookmobile and salary of Chief librarian. 06 14 1943 10 335 13. Complaints ref erred on bookmobile not stopping in Winter Park. 07 06 1943 10 339 14. Requests made for library funds increase for bookmobile and library for blacks. 07 19 1943 10 340 15. State,ment of d isbursements received from Library. 08 30 1943 10 347 16. Statement of d isbursements received from library. 11 15 1943 10 357 17. Statement of d isbursements received from library. 12 20 1943 10 361 18. Statement of disbursements received from library. O1 17 1944 10 364 19. Statement of disbursements received from library. 05 15 1944 10 383 20. Library request received on appropriations. 07 03 1944 10 393 21. Library report filed for July. 08 07 1944 10 398 22. Library budget increased. 08 14 1944 10 399 23. Library report filed. 10 23 1944 10 409 24. Library report filed for October. 11 20 1944 10 414 25. Library report filed for November. 12 18 1944 10 418 26. Bookmobile authorized purchase from federal government. 02 05 1945 10 425 27. Library report filed for May. 06 18 1945 10 445 28. Library report filed for August. 09 17 1945 10 458 29. Library report filed for October. 11 19 1945 10 467 30. Library report filed for November. 12 17 1945 10 474 31. Library report filed for December. O1 14 1946 10 477 32. Library report filed for January. 02 18 1946 10 482 33. Library report filed for February. 03 10 1946 10 486 34. Library report filed for March. 04 15 1946 ld 492 35. Library report filed for April. 05 20 1946 10 497 36. Library report filed for July. 08 19 1946 10 509 37. Library report filed for August. 09 23 1946 10 517 38. Library report filed for Oetober. 11 18 1946 10 526 39. Library report filed for November 12 16 1946 10 531 40. Library report filed for January. 02 17 1947 10 546 41. Library report filed for February. 03 17 1947 10 551 42. Library report filed for March. 04 21 1947 10 561 43... Library report filed for April. 05 19 1947 10 566 44. Library report filed for May. 06 16 1947 10 571 45... Library report filed for August. 09 22 1947 10 586 , 46.., Library report filed for October. 11 03 1947 10 592 N, C. INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES -- New Hanover Count? L=B??Y ? , _ MATTER: nc?. u. s. Coanty Inde:ee Since 1888 ? To loca+? nam?s, op?n ut ? MU,CE BY THE COTTT N EX COMPANYX tOLUMBUS, OHIO r?r OFF(CE Qi%? An Identifying Ttade Mark SURNAME iNfTiAL TAB SOLD iY OWEN C. OUNN, NEN ?ERiI, NORiM GROLINA DATE MINUTE BOOK NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS Month Day Year Vol. Page l. Library report filed. 11 17 1947 11 1 2. Same as above. 12 22 1947 11 6 3. Same as above. O1 19 1948 11 10 4. Library report filed. (?2 23 1948 11 15 5. Library report filed. 03 15 1948 11 17 6. Same as above. 04 19 1948 11 22 7. Same as above. 05 10 1948 11 26 8. Same as above. 05 24 1948 11 29 9. Same as above. 06 21 1948 11 33 10. Library report and financial statement received. 07 19 1948 11 37 11. Library statement of financial and disbursements received. 08 16 1948 11 40 12. Library report filed. 10 18 194$ 11 52 13. Library report filed. 11 22 1948 11 58 14. I Library report filed. 12 20 1948 11 63 ?? 15. Same as above. O1 24 1949 11 69 16. Same as Above. 02 14 1949 1Z 75 17. Same as above. 03 14 L949 11 81 18. Same as above. 04 20 1949 11 87 19. Same as above. 05 23 1949 11 94 20. Same as above. 06 20 1949 11 102 21. Library report filed. 07 18 1949 11 108 22. Same as above. 08 15 ? i.949 11 114 23. Same as above. 10 03 1949 11 125 24. Bookmobile report filed. 10 03 1949 11 125 25. Bookmobile operation outline requested. 10 03 1949 11 125 26. Bookmobile librarian, Mrs. Dorsey, gave historical report. 10 10 1949 11 126 27. Library financial statement filed. 10 17 1949 11 128 28. Library circulation report filed. 10 17 1949 11 128 29. Bookmobile circulation report filed. 10 17 1949 11 128 30. Bookmobile circulation report filed. 11 14 1949 11 135 31. Library circulation report filed. 11 14 1949 11 135 32. Library circulation report filed. 12 19 1949 11 142 33. Library report filed. Ol 16 1950 11 148 34. Same as above. 02 27 1950 11 159 ? ' 35. Same as above. 03 20 1950 11 164 36. Same as above. 04 24 1950 11 178 37. Bookmobile report filed. 04 24 1950 11 178 38. Bookmobile report filed. 07 17 1950 11 196 39. Library report filed. 07 17 1950 I1 196? 40. Library report filed. 08 28 1950 11 205 41. Bookmobile report filed. 08 28 1950 11 205 42. Library report filed. 09 25 1950 11 211 43. Library report filed. 10 23 1950 11 218 44. Library report filed. 11 20 1950 11 225 45. Library report filed. 12 18 1950 11 231 46. Library report filed. 03 05 1 951 11 245 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES nec. u. s. County Indezes Since 1888 e?r OFFICE ?J,?.? An ldentifying Trade Merlc ti;'i ?Is NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS ; i: 's. 1.'? Library report filed. 2. Bookmobile report filed. ,a 3. Bookmobile report filed. 4. Library report filed. 5. Library report filed. 6.? Bookmobile report filed. 7., Library report filed. 8. Same as above. 9. Bookmobile report filed. 10. Bookmobile report filed. 11. LIbrary report filed. 12. Social Security benefits for colored library employees referred to County Attorney. 13. Library report filed. 14. Wilmington Public librarian Mrs. E. W. McMillan resignation received. 15. Public library report filed. 16. Bookmobile report filed. 17.. Library report filed. 18. Library report filed. 19. Library report filed. 20. Library report filed. 21. Library report filed. 22. Bookmobile report filed. 23. Bookmobile report filed. 24.. Library report filed. 25., Colored library granted appropriations after lengthy discussion. 26. Bookmobile report filed. 27. Library report filed. 28.; Library report filed. 29.; Bookmobile report filed. 30. Bookmobile report filed. 31. Library report filed. 32.: Colored library to move in Commercial Building. 33., Commissioners disapproved colored library moving to Redcross Street commercial building. 34.. Acquisition of new colored library site authorized. 35. LIbrary report filed. 36.. Bookmobile report filed. 37., Bookmobile report filed. 38... Library report filed. 39. Women Club Book report filed at Carolina Beach. 40. Funds for law library taken under consider??ion. 41. Petition to Addison Hewlett, Jr., received fcr new bookmobile. 42. Establishment of law library discussed. 43. Colored library report filed. 44. County library report filed. 45. Bookmobile report filed. 46. City library report filed. - New Hanover Count?? ?. lJ. _ MATTER• LIBRARY a ? To loca+? nam?s, op?n at COTT A•2 TA? INDEX MILCE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, DHIO fURNAME INITIAL TAB SOLD /T OWEN 0. YUNN, NEN /ERII, NORTH GROLINA DATE MINUTE BOOK Month Day Year Vol. Page 03 19 1951 11 248 03 19 1951 11 248 04 ?3 1951 11 255 04 23 1951 11 255 05 ?1 1951 11 261 05 ?1 1951 11 261 06 25 1951 11 266 08 20 1951 11 281 08 20 z953. ZZ 283 10 12 1951 11 296 ??0 12 1951 11 296 11 12 1951 11 301 11 19 1951 11 302 12 17 1951 11 309 Ol 21 1952 11 312 02 25 1952 11 319 03 25 1952 11 319 03 ?5 1952 11 319 03 31 1952 11 327 04 28 1952 11 333 ' OS 19 1952 11 337 05 19 1952 11 337 06 30 1952 11 345 06 30 1952 11 345 07 24 1952 11 353 -' 07 28 1952 11 355 07 28 1952 11 355 08 25 1952 11 360 08 25 1952 11 360 09 22 1952 11 366 09 22 1952 11 366 09 22 1952 11 366 09 29 1952 11 367 09 29 1952 11 367 11 17 1952 11 378 11 17 1 952 11 378 12 08 1952 11 384 1 12 08 1952 11 384 12 08 1952 11 384 Ol 05 1953 11 389 O1 12 ?53 11 391 O1 12 1953 11 391 Ol 26 1953 11 395 03 09 1953 11 399 03 09 1953 11 399 02 16 1953 11 401 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES -- New Hanover Co??tt? N C T LIBRARY , . . _ MAiT R ` Res. u. s. County Indeiea ?ince 1888 ? TO IOCCh nam?s, OwD Of PAT qFFICE ?nJ?? Anldentifying Trade Mark SURIdAME INITIAL TAB COTT A•S TAB INDEX 610.LE B11 THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLO ?Y OWEN i. DUNN, NEN tERN, NORTN GROLINA DAtE MINUTE BOOK NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS Monlh Day Year Vol. Page 1. Colored library report filed. 02 16 1953 11 401 2. Bookmobile report filed. 02 16 1953 11 401 3. Public library report filed. 02 16 1953 11 401 4. Library report filed. 03 02 1953 11 404 5. Certified copies received on law library. 03 30 1953 11 411 6. Library meeting set, librarian to be present. 04 13 1953 11 414 7. Bids opened for purchase of bookmobile. 05 04 1953 11 417 8. Raney-Chevrolet awarded bid for bookmobile. 05 04 1953 11 417 9. Raney-Chevrolet and Cape Fear A4otor SaZes to work out agreement on bookmobi?e; matter tab?ea. 05 ?? ?953 ?? 42? 10. Library report f iled. 05 11 1953 11 420 11. All bid rejected, readvertisements ordered for bookmobile. 05 18 1953 11 421 12. Library report filed. 06 08 1953 11 427 13. Bookmobile report filed. 06 08 1953 11 427 . 14. Colored library report filed. 06 29 1953 11 433 15. Colored, city, and law libraries given appropriations. 07 27 1953 11 441 16. Committee named to law library. 07 13 ]953 11 436 17. Colored library report filed. 08 03 1953 11 443 18. Bookmobile almost ready for use, Chairman ?ported. 09 14 1953 11 453 19. Library report filed. 09 14 1953 11 453 20. Colored library report filed. 09 21 I953 II 455 21. Public library report filed. 10 12 1953 11 460 22? Colored library report filed. 10 12 1953 11 460 23, Colored library report filed. 10 26 1953 11 463 24. Public library report filed. 11 16 : 1953 11 466 25. Letter of appreciation received on bookmobile. 11 16 1953 11 466 26. Colored library filed report of disbursements. 11 23 1953 11 467 . 27. Public library report filed. Ol 11 1954 11 478 28. Colored library report filed. O1 18 : i.954 11 480 29. Colored library report filed. Ol 25 1954 11 481 30. Colored library report filed. 02 08 : 954 11 485 31. Public library report filed. 02 08 .- 954 11 485 32. Bookmobile report filed. 02 08 1954 11 485 33. Librarian letter received on bookmobile seals. 02 15 1954 11 486 34. Public library report filed. 03 O8 1954 11 492 35. Public library report filed. 03 15 1954 11 494 36. Colored library report filed. 03 15 1954 11 494 37. Colored library report filed. 04 05 1954 11 498 38. Public library report filed. 04 12 1954 11 500 39. Colored library report filed. 04 20 1954 11 505 40. Public library report filed. 04 20 1954 11 505 41. Public library report filed. 05 10 1954 11 512 42. Colored library report filed. 05 10 1954 11 512 43. Colored library report filed. 06 14 1954 11 520 44. Public Zibrary report filed. 06 14 1954 11 520 45. Public library report filed. 06 21 1954 11 524 46. Bookmobile report filed. 06 21 1954 11 524 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES -- New Hanover County N C LIBRARY , . . , MATTER: ` ¦EC. u. s. County Indexee Since 1888 v?r OFFICE ?.?p?Il? An Identifying Trade Mark ? To IOtaN 11Om?t? Opln at SURNAME INITIAL iAB COTT A•2 TA! INDEX MitDE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD ?Y OWEN i. YYNN, NEN ?ERN, NORTN GROLINA .o v: , ?" DATE MINUTE BOOK w? NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS i?9 Monrh Day Year Vol. Page l.''' Public library report filed. 07 12 1954 11 529 2. ; ?; Colored library report filed. 07 12 1954 11 529 3.: Public library report filed. 08 02 1954 11 535 4.' Public library report filed. 08 09 1954 11 536 5., Bookmobile report filed. 08 09 1954 11 536 6. Public library report filed. 09 13 1954 11 541 7. Bookmobile accident reported. 09 13 1954 Il 541 8. Colored library report filed. IO 04 1954 Il 545 9. Public library report filed. 10 18 ]954 11 547 10. Colored library report filed. 10 25 1954 11 548 11. Colored library report filed. 11 15 1954 11 554 12. Public library report filed. 11 15 1954 11 554 13. Colored library report filed. 10 13 1954 11 561 14. Public library report filed. 12 20 1954 11 562 15. Colored library report filed. O1 03 1955 11 565 16. Colored library report filed. O1 17 1955 11 569 17. Public library report filed. Ol 17 1955 11 569 18. Bookmobile report filed. O1 17 1955 11 569 19., Public library report filed. 02 14 1955 11 575 20. Colored library report filed. 02 14 1955 11 575 21. New library ground breaking ceremony called at Old WLI Armory site. 02 21 1955 11 577 22. Colored library report filed. 02 28 1955 11 578 23. Public library report filed. 03 07 1955 11 580 24. Colored library report filed. 04 04 1955 11 587 25. Colored library report filed. 04 12 1955 11 588 26. Public library report filed. 04 12 1955 11 588 27. Bookmobile report filed. 04 12 ]955 11 588 28. Bookmobile report filed. 05 09 1955 lI 596 29. Colored library report filed. OS 09 1955 11 596 30. Public Iibrary report filed. 05 09 B55 11 596 31. Changing law library in Courthouse tabled. 05 16 1955 11 598 32. Public library filed report. 06 06 1955 11 603 33. Bookmobile report filed. 06 06 1955 11 603 34. Colored library repoxt filed. 06 13 ]955 11 606 35. Colored library funds considered. 07 05 1955 11 611 36. Public library report filed. 07 05 1955 11 612 37. Public library report filed. 07 11 1955 11 612 38. Bookmobile report filed. 07 11 1955 11 612 39. Public library funds considered. 07 25 1955 11 617 40. Colored library funds considered. 07 25 1955 11 617 41. Public library book report filed. 08 15 1955 11 624 42. Public library report filed. 09 12 1955 11 630 43. Colored library report filed. 09 12 1955 11 630 44. Moving of law library opposed by lawyers to make room for museum. 09 12 1955 11 631 45. Monthly reports received. 09 26 1955 12 1 46. Monthly reports received. 10 10 1955 12 8 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUT?S -- New Hanover County, N. C. _?pTTER: LIBRARY ` eee. u. s. ??Q ?? County Indezee Since 1888 ? To IoCa?a 1lamat, opin at MIL[E Bll THE COTiTINDEX COMPANYX COLUMBUS, OHID r?r OFFICE C.?.?//7? An Identifying Traae Mark SURNAME INITIAL TAB SOLD ?Y OWEN G. DUNN, NEN ?ERN, NORTII GROLINA NATURE Of PROCEEDINGS DATE MINUTE BOOK Month Day Year Vol. Page 1. Monthly reports received. 2. Colored library report received. 3. Monthly report received. 4. Statement of cash and receipts received from County Library. 5. Monthly reports received. 6. Monthly reports received colored library. 7. Monthly reports received. 8. Same as above. 9. Same as above, 10. Same as above. 11. Same as above. 12. Letter of thanks from Mr. Allen B. Jones. 13. Monthly report received. 14. Monthly report colored library received. 15. May reports received. 16. Invitation to attend opening of new library. 17. June report filed. 18. July report received. 19. August reports received. 20. September reports received. 21. September colored library received. 22. October reports received. 23. November reports received. 24. Received December reports. 25. Received cash receipts and disbursements and balances colored library from July 1,1955-Nov. 30, 1956. 26. Received January report. 27. Received January report colored library. 28. February report for colored library. 29. March report colored library. 30. March report for colored library. 31. April report for colored library. 32. May report for colored library. 33. May report received for colored library. 34. June report received for colored library. 35. June report received for colored library. 36. Agreed on appropriations for librarys. 37. July report received. 38. Request for increase budget and air conditioning, postponed until next meeting. 39. Board granted $1,500 public library. 40. August report received. 41. September report received public library. 42. October reports received public library. 43. Library report received. 44. Statistical report of all libraries. 45. Library report received and filed. 46. February report received. 11 14 1955 O1 03 1956 O1 09 L956 Ol 23 1956 02 13 1956 02 27 1956 03 12 1956 03 12 _.956 03 2b I956 04 09 1956 04 16 1956 04 30 1956 05 14 1956 06 04 1956 06 11 1956 07 16 1956 07 23 1956 O8 20 1956 09 17 1956 10 Ol 1956 10 15 1956 11 19 1956 12 17 1956 O1 14 1957 Ol 21 1957 02 11 1 957 02 18 1957 03 18 1957 04 08 1957 04 15 1957 05 06 1957 06 10 1957 06 17 1 957 07 15 1957 07 15 1957 07 25 1957 08 12 1957 08 12 1957 09 09 1957 09 16 1957 10 14 ]957 11 18 1957 O1 20 1958 02 10 1958 02 10 1958 03 10 1958 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 ?2 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 17 31 33 38 44 48 52 52 56 58 61 66 69 74 75 83 85 91 95 99 101 107 116 122 123 129 131 138 143 144 150 158 159 167 167 169 173 174 178 188 187 194 216 222 224 234 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES -- New Hanover County N C LIBRARY , . . _ MATTER: ? eec. u. s. County Inde:ee Since f88$ ? i0 IoCaR? nomis. opl4 pt o?r OFFICE ?/?r.7?.. An Identifying Trade Mark SURNAME INITIAI TAY COTT A-2 iAi INOEX M0.C E BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD ?Y OWEN i. Y UNN, NEI I tERN, NORT N GROLINA sq . ?? NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS DATE MINUTE BOOK f r? Month Day Year Vol. Page 1.; March reports received. 04 14 1958 12 244 2.' Library reports received. 05 12 1958 12 257 3. Library reports received. 06 16 1958 12 271 4. Board to study proposed budget. 07 07 1958 12 274 5. Received Wilmington Library report. 07 07 1958 12 278 6. Citizens protest non funding of Tibrary. 08 04 1958 12 286 7. City/County to discuss library funding. 08 04 1958 12 286 8. City council and board reach no common grounds concerning library subject impasse. 08 04 1958 12 286 9. Discussion, Board appropriated $12,500 for library. O8 04 1958 12 288 10. Received Wilmington public library report. 08 11 1958 12 291 11. Letter asking increase in budget, granted. 08 25 1958 12 296 12. County attorney, reported on regulation for State aide. 09 08 1958 12 300 13. Monthly reports received. 09 08 1958 12 300 14. Monthly reports received. 09 15 1 958 12 302 15. Monthly reports received and filed. 10 13 1958 12 316 16. MONTHLY reports received and filed. 11 10 1958 12 329 17. Monthly reports received Wilmington Public LIbrary. 12 08 1958 12 342 18. Monthly received and filed. Ol 05 1959 12 357 19.,, Monthly regort received Wilmington Public Library. Ol 12 1959 12 359 20.?°i Monthly report received and filed. 02 02 1959 12 372 21. same as above. 02 09 1959 12 376 22. same as above. 03 09 1959 12 395 23.,, Same as above, filed for March. 04 06 1959 12 410 24. Same as above, for colored library. 0 4 2C 1959 12 421 25. Same as above. 05 04 1959 12 431 26. Same as above. 05 L8 1959 12 438 27. Same as above. 06 t5 1959 12 448 28. Report from Wilmington Black Library, request for increase in budget, to be considered. 06 24 1959 12 452 29. Library's budget to be discussed after meeting with City Council. 07 O1 1959 12 454 30. Discussion of Wilmington public Library, increase in salaries to be considered. 07 06 1959 12 459 31. Received Library's reports. 07 c16 t959 12 463 32. Joint meeting to discuss budgets, motion dead to increase public library budget, city/county to appropriate 07 22 1959 12 472 jointly for Black Libr?ry. 33.. Letters requesting the restore of their appropriations as originally requested, to be at finalizing of 08 12 1959 12 481 budget. 34. Received Wilmington public library report for August 1959. 09 21 1959 12 499 35. Received September reports. 10 19 1959 12 507 36. Received both library reports. 11 16 1959 12 517 37. Received both library reports for November 1959. 12 07 1959 12 523 38. Received both library reports for Dec. 1959. Ol 18 1960 12 539 39. Received both library reports for January 1960. 02 15 I960 12 546 40. Received both library reports for February 1960. 03 15 1960 12 550 41. Received both library reports for March 1960. 04 18 1960 12 568 42.. Received both library reports for April, 1960. 05 16 1960 12 575 43. Received both library reports for May, 1960. 06 06 1960 12 580 44. Budget meeting, approved $3,600 and $13,559.49 for libraries. 07 15 1960 12 590 INDEX TO COM?IISSIONERS MINUTES -- New Hanover County N C L=B?RY ? , . . _ MATTER• ee?. u. s. County Indezea Since 1888 ? TO 10tqb nam?s, ONNn a1 rar OFi1CE ?f.?? AnldentifYin¢TradeMarlc SURK/1ME INITIAL TAB COTf A-2 TAB INDEX 6116CE Bll TNE COTT INDEX COdIPANY, COLUMBUS, DHIO SOLD iY OWEN G. OUNN, NEIi ?ERN, NORTH GROLINA NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS DAiE MINUTE BOOK Month Day Year Voi. Page l. I Received Wilmington public library report for June. 07 18 1960 12 593 Z. Joint appropriation session, Motion carried county $3600, ticy $3600, for colored library. 07 27 1960 12 598 3. County appropriated $14,500 for Wilmingtrn Library. 07 27 1960 12 598 4. Received Wilmington Public Library report 1959-60. 08 Ol 1960 12 604 5. Received both library reports for July 1960. 09 06 1960 12 610 6. Received both library reports for Aug. 1960. 09 16 1960 12 613 7. Received both library reports for Oct. 1960. 11 21 1960 12 630 8. Received Wilmington public library report. 12 19 1960 12 638 9. Received both library reports for Dec. 1960. O1 16 1961 12 643 10. Wilmington public library report for Jan. 1961. 02 06 1961 12 647 11. Library report for Jan. 1961. 02 20 1961 12 650 12. Both reports for Feb. 1961. 03 20 1961 12 658 13. Both reports for March 1961. 04 17 1961 12 666 14. Public LIbrary report for April 1961. 05 15 1961 12 683 i ?i 15. Both library reports for May 1961. 06 19 1961 12 689 16. Both library reports for June 1961. 07 17 1961 12 698 17. Both library reports for July 1961. 08 07 1961 13 10 18. Chairman Hall to confer with City authorities regarding the librarian's salary increase. O8 21 1961 13 11 19. Annual report of Wilmington PubZic Library. Q8 21 1961 13 14 20. Salary of Librarian talbed until Sept. 18. 09 05 1961 13 16 21. Public library report for August. 09 18 1961 13 22 22. Both library reports for Sept. 1961. 10 16 1 961 13 29 23. Received library report. 11 06 1961 13 36 24. Public library report. 11 20 = 961 13 38 25. Library report for Nov. 1961. 12 18 1961 13 53 26. Public library report for Nov. 1961. 12 18 1961 13 53 27. Both library reports for Dec. 1961, O1 15 1962 13 61 28. Public library reports for Dec. 1961. 02 19 1962 13 71 29. Both library reports for Feb. 1962, 03 19 1962 13 83 30. PUblic library report. 04 16 I962 13 99 31.. Both library reports. 05 14 1962 13 105 32. Both library reports. 07 02 : _962 13 124 33. Special budget meeting, board request progress report. 07 06 1962 13 126 34. Approved state aid $1,200 and $14,500. 07 06 1962 13 126 35. Wilmington public library request salary increase no action taken. 07 11 1962 13 128 36. Joint meeting, Boards agree to 5% salary for librarian, assistance's salary to remain the same. 07 16 1962 13 131 37. Boards approved budget as presented, increase disallowed additional personnel. 07 16 1962 13 131 38. Both library reports for June 1962. 07 16 1962 13 132 39. Public library yearly report for July 1962. 08 06 1962 13 141 40. Both library reports for July 1962. 08 20 1962 13 144 41. Public LIbrary report. 09 04 1962 13 I52 42. Public Library report for Aug. 09 17 1962 13 152 43. Public library report for Sept. 10 O1 1962 13 158 44. Public library report. 10 15 1962 13 164 45. Both library reports for Oct. 1962. 11 19 1962 13 173 46. Public Library reports. 12 17 1962 13 179 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES -- New Hanover County, N. C. , MATT RT LIBRARY ` ae?. u. s. County lndezee ?ince 1888 ? To IOCO?! nam?s, OplD af COT7 A•2 TA? INDEX r?r OFiICE ??? An Identifying Trade Merk SURKAME INITIAL TAB MItC E BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, ONIO SOLD iT OINEN i. GUNN, NEM ?ERN, NORTN CAROLINA r? ??;? NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS ;?. 1.??' Public libraries reports. 2. Public library report for Feb. 1963. 3.?' Public library report for Jan. 1963. 4. Public library report for Feb. 1963. 5.' Public library report for March 1963. 6. Public library report for April 1963. 7. Public library report for May 1963. 8. Public library report. DATES RECORDED IN BOOK AS WRiTTEN 9. Budget meeting, Board of Library to meet with City/County Boards. 10. Joint budget discussion, adopted as recommended. 11. Public library report. 12. Public library report. 13. Public library report for Sept. 1963. 14. Public library report. 15. Public library report. 16., Bookmobile Repairs 17. Budget Discussion 18. Bookmobile committee report 19? Bookmobile bid opening 20. Bookmobile bid 21. Bookmobile chassis 22. Bookmobile Chassis bid 23. Bookmobile Chassis award 24. Bookmobile 25: Salary Chagnes 26. Bookmobile 27. Bookmobile 28. Watts line 29. Resolution 30. Appropriation for 31. Appropriation of funds 32. Discussion of additional space 33. Transfer for equipping van 34. presentation of paln for relocation of branch library 35. Discussion-on library plans 36. Damages allegedly caused by const. of Law Enforcement Center 37. App. Alton Lennon to request County concerning damages 38. Discuss damages w/architects ? Attorney 39. Advertise for bids to repair 4Q. Designate library week 41. Award contract for repairs 42. Temporary location during repairs 4?;. Tabling of discussion on relocation of library 44. Discussion on progress of repairs 45. Further discussion on relocation ? DATE MINUTE BOOK Month Day Year Voi. Page O1 07 1963 13 182 02 18 1963 13 192 02 18 1963 13 192 03 18 1963 13 200 04 L6 1963 13 207 05 ?6 1963 13 213 06 ?7 1963 13 224 07 L5 1963 13 229 06 ?8 1963 13 231 07 ?2 1963 13 238 09 )3 1963 13 249 09 L6 1963 13 256 10 ?1 1963 13 263 11 )4 1963 13 266 12 J_6 1963 13 273 O1 06 1964 13 280 07 21 1964 13 356 06 )5 1967 14 65 08 ?8 1967 14 84 10 )2 1967 14 94 12 )4 1967 14 124 O1 02 1968 14 129 O1 15 1968 14 134 06 03 1968 14 193 07 08 1968 14 215 08 19 1968 14 238 09 03 1968 14 240 10 07 1968 14 253 Ol 1$ 1971 14 569 09 20 1971 15 13 02 19 1973 15 330 02 19 1973 15 330 04 02 1973 15 359 06 02 1975 16 213 O1 19 1976 17 47 07 L9 1976 17 162 07 L9 1976 17 166 08 11 1976 17 175 08 11 1976 17 175 09 )7 1976 17 189 09 ?0 1976 17 194 10 04 1976 17 211 10 18 1976 17 215 10 18 1976 17 216 10 18 1976 17 220 , INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover Count? N. C. MU JE T LIBRARY ? , _ nec. u. s. Counry Indexea Since 1888 PAT OFFICE ?? t4n Identifying Trade Mark ? TO IO?RN nom?s? OpNI af SURNAME INIiIAL TAY COTT A-Z TA{ INDEX MADE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS? OHIO SOLD ?T OWEN i. pUNN, NEN ?ERN, NORTH GROLINA DATE MINUTE BOOK NATURE Of PROCEEDINGS Month Day Year Vol. Pnge 1. Discussion on funding relocation of library 10 25 1976 17 222 2. Approval of funding for relocation of library 10 25 1976 17 223 3. Intro. State Librarian, David McKay 10 25 1976 17 223 4. Progress report on repairs 02 07 1977 17 276 5. Budget transfer 02 21 1977 17 287 6. Budget trans. - temporary location 05 02 1977 18 31 7. Progress report library repairs 05 16 1977 18 36 8. Approval that library operate as any other County Dept. and Trustees act in advisory capacity 07 18 1977 18 77 9. D?scuss?on on grants for izbrary 07 I8 ??7? 38 7' 10. Name change to New Hanover County Public Library 07 18 1977 18 78 11. Discussion of Change order to add $4,311.85 and deduct $1,128 08 O1 1977 18 81 12. Discuss operation of library 08 15 1977 18 88 13. Life insurance for employees 05 15 1977 18 88 14. Discuss obtaining proposals from architects for library project 08 15 1977 18 90 15. Adoption of policy for library 09 06 1977 18 95 17. Approval change orders w/Reagan for library repairs 09 06 1977 18 96 18. Appts. to Library Advisory Bd. 09 06 1977 18 99 19. Discussion on possible location for library 10 03 1977 18 110 20. Discussion on architects - interviews scheduled 10 03 1977 18 112 21. Approval lease w/City for library property 10 03 1977 18 113 22. Appts. to Library Advisory Bd.: Parkinson, Shelton and Cotton 10 03 1977 18 113 23. Discussion on Architect interviews 10 17 1977 18 120 24. Appt. Ruth Waddell to Library Adv. Board 10 17 1977 18 120 25. Discuss architect interviews 10 17 1977 18 121 26. Amend. - Federal library Enrichment grant 11 07 1977 18 128 27. Meeting 3iscuss architect - Nov. 8 11 07 1977 18 130 28. Architect for library-Jefferies and Faris 11 07 1977 18 131 29. Capital Proj. Ordinance adopted 12 19 1977 18 149 30. Range Change - Library Aide (shelver) 48 to 50 Ol 03 1978 18 157 31. Budget Amendment - repairs to heating system 02 06 1978 18 169 32. Budget Transfer - film storage boxes and flannel board 03 20 1978 18 185 33. Robert T. Brown - Library Advisory Board 03 20 1978 18 186 34. Budget Amendment-insurance premium. 05 t5 1978 18 211 35. Budget Trans. Salary overexpenditure 06 05 1978 18 220 36. Discuss criteria used determining library site 06 ?5 1978 18 222 37. Budget Transfer -Library Capital Project fund 06 ?5 1978 18 223 38. Recission budget transfer - Library Cap. Proj. 06 12 1978 18 223 39. Budget Trans-Library Capital Project Fund 06 12 1978 18 223 40. Discuss Library site OS 25 1978 18 215 41. Date of ineeting w/Advisory Board 07 03 1978 18 244 42. Comm. Alper-appt. Library Advisory Board 08 07 1978 18 260 43. Reappoint Cotton, Shelton & Waddell 08 07 1978 18 260 44. Objectives of Library Advisory Board presented 08 21 1978 18 263 45. Budget Amendment - Library Enrichmerit Grant 09 18 1978 18 280 46. Appoint Louise Smith to Library Advisory Board 10 16 1978 18 294 47. Budget Amendment - Per Capital Grant 11 20 1978 18 308 nover Count N INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES -- New H C M Z1B?Y a y, . . _ U JECT _ ?. nec. u. s. County Indezea Since l888 ? To IotoN nYnNf? O?A Y! veT OFFlCE C?E?? FAnldentifYinB Trade Mark e; COTT A•S TM INOEX MADE BY THE"COTT INDEX COMPAt{Y. WLUMBUS. OHIO 4? SURNAME INITIAL TAY SOLD tY OWIlN 0. DUNN, N eN ?ERM . NORTN G ?LINA DAT4 MINO'?E BOOK NATURE OP PROCEEDINGS Month Day Year Vot. Page 1. Budget Transfer 12 04 1978 18 318 2.' Changes in Library Capital Pro?ject Fund 12 18 1978 18 324 3. Subsurface investigations for new Library 04 02 1979 18 381 4.'` Update on Library Project 05 21 1979 18 408 5. Budget transfer - to cover rent & Xerox copying 06 18 1979 18 431 6. Presentation of Library Report - Information, Unlimited 07 23 1979 18 445 7. Approval - bill of sale & lease agreement - Carolina Beach Library Branch 09 04 I979 18 468 8. Approval - Library Microfilm Contract 09 04 1979 18 468 9. Approval of clerk typist for COM Catalogue Lib. Conversion 3?? 3? 3979 18 493 10. Budget Amendment - purchase 3 IBM typewriters 10 15 1979 18 493 lI. Discussion on proposed library plans 10 22 1979 18 499 12. Award of contracts to low bidders for ?,ibrary project 11 05 1979 18 500 13. Mr. William King appointed to Library Board 12 17 1979 18 531 14. Award of bid for computer output microfilm catalog readers O1 07 1980 18 533 15. Budget transfer to pay insurance on van Ol 07 1980 18 534 16. Budget amendment - Federal Enrichment Grant 02 18 1980 18 552 17.: Budget transfer - library capital project 05 OS 1980 1$ 589 18.. Budget transfer - supplemental State Aid Funds to be used for supplies, audiovisual & office equ ip. & Travel 05 05 1980 18 590 19.. Budget Amendment - for equipment for dis-advantaged 06 02 1980 18 608 20.: Award of Bids for COM Catalog Reader 06 02 1980 18 608 21.: Budget Amendment to increase revenue 06 16 1980 18 615 22. Budget Amendment - Library Capital Project 06 16 1980 18 616 23. Change Order for the Library Plumbing Contractor 07 07 1980 18 634 24. Award of bid on copier for Library 07 2$ 1980 18 637 25. Award of contracts for library furnishing 07 28 1980 18 637 26. Appointment to Library Advisory Board 08 04 1980 18 647 27, Change orders for construction contracts 07 28 1980 18 638 28. Award of Bid for moving Library 11 17 1980 18 706 29. Library project-landscaping bids 12 15 1980 18 734 30. Change order-plumbing 12 15 1980 1$ 735 31. Request for reduction of General Contractor retainage 12 15 1980 18 735 32• Chm, authorized to execute moving contracts Ol 05 1981 18 638 33. Landscaping contract reduced to $10,000 & approved by 4 to 5 commissioners O1 05 1981 18 742 34. Opening ceremoni?s - I?ew Library Ol 05 1981 18 743 35, Budget amendment to cover insurance for fire and extended coverage under Special Multiperil 02 02 1981 18 756 36. Adoption of New Hanover County Library Policy 02 02 1981 18 761 37. Discussion on Bids for Library Telephone System 02 16 1981 18 768 38. Tour of Library, Friday, March 6, 1981 03 02 1981 18 779 39. Library Copier 04 21 1981 18 808 40. Budget amendment - Library Enrichment grant 04 21 1981 18 808 41: Check from Jr. League for Children's Room 04 21 1981 18 808 42, Library Dedication Ceremony held 5/14/81 05 04 1981 18 832 43. Payment of Library Project Utility Bills 05 18 1981 18 838 44, Close-out of Library Project and final payment authorization 05 18 1981 18 838 45. Expression of thanks from the Board to the New York Times and Friends of the Library 05 18 I98I 18 841 46. Discussion on Library Book renewal policy 07 07 1981 18 886 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover County, N. C. , MATTER: ?IBRARY _ aec. u. s. County Inaezes Since 1888 ? To lowh nam?s, open at COTT A TO Z TAB INDEX rnr OFFIFE C??l?a-L?ET. An Identifying Trade Mark ? MADE ?Y TNE COTT INDEX GOMPANY? COIUMlYf? OHIO SURNAME INITIAL TAB SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN CO., NEW BERN, N. C. ? NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS DATE MINUTE BOOK . Month Day Year Vol. Page ? 1. Discussion on Library Book renewal policy 2. Committee Appoin,tments - (4) 3. Carolina Beach Branch Library Lease 4. Appointment of Louise Gorham to Library Board 5. Request for Use of Library Parking Facilities 6. Pres.entation of che?k for Library 7. Contract with General Research Corp. for Library COM Services 8. Complaints about Library Employees g, Approval of Housekeeping position for Library 10. Budget Amendment - Library lI. Closing of Red Cross-Street Branch Library 12. Contract for N.G. Board of Science and Technology Grant - Library 13. p'.?;et Amendment - Library, State Aid Grant 14. F?gpointment of Jackie Glisson 15. Appointments to Library Advisory Board 16. Budget Amendment - Library (Microcomputer) 17. Budget Amendment - Library (funds by State) 18. Budget Amendment - Capital Outlay-Library 19.Request for library branch in College Square Shopping Center 07 07 1981 18 886 08 03 1981 18 900 08 17 1981 18 901 08 17 1981 18 906 10 05 1981 18 936 10 12 1981 18 939 10 19 1981 18 940 11 16 1981 18 960 03 Ol 1982 19 15 03 Ol 1982 19 15 03 Ol 1982 19 23 05 03 1982 19 57 05 03 1982 19 57 07 06 .1982 19 112 09 07 1982 19 152 09 20 1982 19 155 09 20 1982 19 155 10 04 1982 19 164 10 18 1982 19 174 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover County N. LIBRARY CONSTRUCTION C. MATTER , _ : rtcc. u. s. PAi OFFICE C?y Counry Inde:es Since 1888 AJi%Y?,y7?C' AnldentiFyin?TradeMark ?TO )OOib 11?R1K. ?pM ?t SURNAML INRIAL TAS COTT ?-I t?! 1N0E7I ?SOLDYBYHOWE?NTG!NDUNN?OM?PANNE?OBEMiUSNOHIO NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS 1. Approval contract w/Jefferies F? Faris 2. Appoint Library Construction committee 3. Library Building Committee - Alper and Goi?tovi 4. Library Capital Project Ordinance - Soil testing 5. Purchase Belk-Beery Bldg. - Library Site 6. Discussion of Library Site 7. Budget Transfer-for purchase Belk-Beery Building 8. Change in Scope of Project 9, Discuss use of Solar Energy 10. Budget Transfer- Surveying 11. Approve Revised Contract 12. Budget Amendment - Contribution - City of Wilmington 13. Architects Presentation 14. Discussion remodeling Belk-Beery Building for Library 15. Adoption of preliminary condemnation resolution for 215 Chestnut Street 16. Adaption of final condemnation of property for library purposes 17. Jr. League donation of $25,000 for library 18. Approval of Elevator Contract for new library building 19. Budget Transfer - Capital Project - Plumbing 20. Mr. C. G. Berry commented on renovation of the Belk Bldg. 21. Approval of change orders for l.ibrary Construction contracts 22. Budget Amendment-Library Capital Project 23. Change orders-construction capital project 24. Approval of change orders 25. Plaques for new library bldg. 26. Change orders-library construction 27' Reduction of retainage of contractor from 10% to 5% 28. Reduction of electrical contract retainage with Watson Electrical Co. from 10% to 5% 29. Library Project Change Orders G-8, HAC-2, E-4, P-3, E-3 and G-7 30. Construction Change Orders G-9 and E-4 approved. Budget Amendments for same approved. 31. DATE Month Day Year 11 11 12 08 09 09 09 11 11 11 11 11 12 02 09 11 11 12 Ol 04 07 09 09 09 10 10 MINUTE BOOK ;, I, Vof. Page ,': ? °? 21 1977 18 134 ' 21 1977 18 134 ?5 1977 18 143 07 1978 18 ?58 , 05 1978 18 274 18 1978 18 278 05 1978 T8 274 06 1978 18 299 06 1978 18 299 06 1978 18 300 20 1978 18 306 20 1978 18 308 04 1978 18 311 05 1979 18 346 17 1979 18 482 05 1979 18 501 05 1979 18 502 17 1979 18 525 07 1980 18 533 21 1980 18 585 28 1980 18 638 02 1980 18 658 15 1980 18 665 26 ? 29 1980 18 666 20 1980 18 687 20 1980 18 687 O1 05 1981 18 742 02 16 1981 18 764 J4 06 1981 18 801 05 04 1981 18 815 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES -- New Hanover Count?, N. C. , MUBJECT FORETHEAARTSEAR COUNCIL xsc s u County Indezea Since (888 ? Yo lotaH na?Mt. op?e at COT7 A•2 T?t IKOEX MADE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OH10 . . . (^?G.?d:?' v?r OFFICE An Idendfying Trade Mark fURNAME INIiIAL TAB SOLD ?Y OIIEN i. YUNN, NEN ?ERN. NORTN GROL INA DA'fE MINUtE BOOK NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS Month Day Year Vol. Page l. Request for funds 05 Ol 1972 15 121 2. Funds granted 05 15 1972 15 129 3. Presentation 06 11 1972 15 246 4. Request to use money appropriated in advance 07 07 1972 15 179 5. Expenditure approval - outdoor drama appropriation 04 05 1976 17 98 6. Designation of Council as recipient of funds under Grass Roots Art Program 09 06 1977 18 97 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover Count?, N. C. _?ATiER: ?'??ER CAPE FEA12 HOSPIC?, INC. aec. u. s. County Indezes Since 1888 To loeats nam?s, open at COTT A TO Z TAB INDEX PAT OFFIGE C??l?it-t?.. An Identifying Trade Muk ? SURNAME INITIAI TAB MSO? D eBYT OWE?NT G!NDUNN?COP?NE W B??USNONCO NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS DATE MINUTE BOOK ? 1. Funding for Lower Cape Fear Hospice 2. Monih Day Year Vot. Page , 08 17 1981 18 903 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES --- New Hanover County, N. C. _ MU JE T SEWER A?HORITY WATER &_ rs¢a. u. s. County Indezee Since I$88 ? TO bCah IIOMll? O?NO Yf COTT A-I TM INOEX PAT OFFICE C?E?? An ldentill?in8 Trade Mark SURNAME INITIAL TAY MADE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY? COLUMBUS. OHIO SOLC tT ONEN ?. pYNN, NEw ?ERN, MORTN UROIiNA NATURE OP PROCEEDINGS DATE MINUTE BOOK Month Day Year Vol. Page 1. Appropriation for Water & Sewer by Congress 06 15 1970 14 490 2. Name changed from Wilmington-New Hanover County 11 16 1970 14 548 3. Progress report 02 16 1970 14 441 4. Appointment of inembers 03 02 1970 14 447 5. Request to attend opening meeting 03 02 1970 14 449 6. Resolution 03 16 1970 14 451 7. Appropriation toward expenses 04 06 1970 14 459 8. Public hearing 04 06 1970 14 457 9. Resolution to organize 04 06 1970 14 457 10. Change of name 11 16 1970 14 548 11. Public hearing-changing name from Wilmington/NH Water and Sewer Authority to Lower Cape Fear W& S Auth. 05 03 1971 14 639 12. Appointment member to 04 04 1972 15 107 13. Letter £rom Michael Brown explaining functions of 08 21 1972 15 208 14. Adoption resolution to joinder of Bladen, Columbus and Pender counties 11 22 1972 15 263 15. Reauest meeting with O1 15 1973 15 313 16. Reappointment of W. B. Beery, III 03 04 1974 15 596 17. Resolution agreeing to permit Brunswick County to join 10 07 1974 16 3-6 18. Appointment of Chairman 0'Shields to Lower Cape Fear Water and Sewer Authority 08 17 1981 18 909 proposed pipeline. 19. Discusszon on Lower Cape Fear Water and Sewer Authority Request for County to buy water for Authority's / 09 08 1981 I8 920 20. Discussion on Public Hearing about Water Supply Grants 11 16 ?981 18 958 21. Discussion on the Lower Cape Fear Water and Sewer Authority Contracts 03 Ol 1982 19 25 22. Reappointment of Bob Mack 03 Ol 1982 19 25 23. Lower Cape Fear Water & Sewer Authority representation 07 19 1982 19 121 24. Additional funding for Lower Cape Fear Water and Sewer authority office 07 19 1982 19 123 25. Update on Lower Cape Fear Water & Sewer Authority water syste 07 19 1982 19 123 26. Letter of Appreciation to Lower Cape Fear Water & Sewer Authority Member Bob Mack 08 02 1982 19 131 27.