N Index to Minutes July 15, 1868INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES -- New Hanover Count?, N. C. _ MU JE T NACo ` aee. u. s. /????? County lndezea Since 18&8 ? TO IOCCb nam?s? Op?O Yt COTT A-Z TA? IN6EX r?T OFFICE C^E?'(-o"? An Identi[Yina Trade Mark SURNAME INITIAL iA? MADE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY. COLUMBUS. OHIO SOLD ?Y ONEN 0. pUNN, NEN ?ERN, NOR1H GROLINA NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS DAiE MINUiE BOOK , Month Day Yenr Vol. Page '? l. Subscription 11 02 1964 13 390 2. Midwinter Meeting 11 16 1964 13 399 3. Meeting in January 12 18 1967 14 128 4. Authority to attend 3rd annual conference 02 03 1969 14 295 S. Membership dues 02 J3 1969 14 295 6. Commissioners attending meetings held long distance away 06 OS 1969 14 337 7. Planning and development committee report 06 16 1y69 14 341 8. Change date of July meeting 06 16 1969 14 341 9. Membership dues 02 02 z970 z4 438 10. Legislative conference 02 16 1970 14 444 11. Legislative conference 03 02 1970 14 447 12. Legislative conference 04 06 1970 14 455 13. New County, USA 05 04 1970 14 470 14. Revenue sharing white paper 05 18 1970 14 479 15. Position on water & sewer 06 O1 1970 14 482 16. Bulletin relative dues 11 02 1970 14 543 17. Meeting on consolidation Baton Rouge, La. & Jacksonvillex Fla. 12 18 1971 14 570 18. National conference, Jacksonville O1 02 1973 15 300 19. Discussion of April meeting 03 19 1973 15 357 20. Discussion of Annual meeting 05 06 1974 15 630 21. NACo legislation conference 03 O1 1976 17 73 22. Voting delegate to NC Assoc. of CC 07 06 1976 17 160 23. Introduce Frank Lewis of NC. Assoc. of CC 11 15 1976 17 323 24. Discussion of legislative Conf. in DC 02 21 1977 17 289 25. Service fee - Albert Coates Local Government center 05 16 1977 18 39 26. Comm. Gottovi to attend NACo in Detroit 06 ?6 1977 18 53 27. NCACC convention in Charlotte Agu. 18-21 06 27 1977 18 64 28. Comm. Williams voting delegate to Annual NCACC conferenee 08 ?1 1977 18 81 29. Comm. Gottovi request for committee to look into School financing at NCACC meeting 08 ?1 1977 18 86 30. Endorsement of resolution for HB 658 adopted at NCACC conference 09 06 1977 18 98 31. Comm. Gottovi appt. to Land Use Steering Committee of NACo 11 ?7 1977 18 129 32. Comm. Gottovi attend meeting in February in Calif. 12 19 1977 18 151 33. Chm. 0'Shields voting delegate - conference NCACC 05 15 1978 18 213 34. Chm. 0'Shields voting delegate conference NCACC 08 07 1978 18 257 35. Coffin. 0'Shields reported on the N.C. Associ. of County Commissioners Leg. Conference 06 02 1980 18 612 36. Comm. 0'Shields to be voting delegate for NCACC Annual Conference 08 04 1980 18 645 37. Reminder to attend NCACC Annual Conference 08 04 1980 18 646 Comm. 0'Shields congratulated on being installed as president of NCACC and report on discussions on 38' revenue sharing and social services 10 20 1980 18 688 39. Discussion on NCACC legislative goals conference in December 10 20 1980 18 688 40. NCAAC Workers Compensation Fund, resolution 06 Ol 1981 18 339 41. Discussion on NACo Conference in Louisville, Ky. and NCACC Conference in Winston Salem 06 15 1981 18 868 42. Recognition of Chm. 0'Shields for Service as President of NCACC 08 17 1981 18 905 43. Commissioners Blake and Gottovi appointed to NACO Committees 0$ 17 1981 18 905 44. Letter supporting NACo Position on Budget Cuts 11 16 1981 18 958 45. Discussion on NCAAC District Meeting in Jacksonville, N.C. on March 16, 1982. 03 15 1982 19 33 46. Discussion on Hotel Charges for NACo Conference in Baltimore 06 07 1982 19 90 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - N H t N C C NACCo and NcA?C M ` anover oun y, . ew . , U JE T ae6, u. e. County Indexea Since 1888 PAT OFFICE C.?iE?? An IdentifYing Trade Mazk ? TO Io?Of? nam?s, O?M11 Yi SURNAME INITIAL TAY ?OTT M2 TA? INOEX MADE BY THE COTT INDEX tOMPANY, COLUMBUS. OHIO SOLD tY OWEN i. pUNN, NEN tERN, NORTH GR OLINA ?? NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS . DATE MINUTE BOOK a; ?? Month Day Year Voi. Page l.:.Chm. Blake designated as voting delegate to annual conference of NCACC 07 19 1982 19 122 2.i'?,Discussion on NACo Jail Conference 10 04 1982 19 167 3.?: Designation of Comm. O'Shields as voting delegate to NCACC Annual Conference 08 02 1982 19 131 4. Discussion on NCACC Annual Conference 08 02 1982 19 131 5? NACO Special Service Fee 12 C6 1982 19 194 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES -- New Hanover Count?, N. C. _ MU JECT ?OR?OUNTYOCOMMISSIONERSI? N xEC. u. s. q???? Counry Indezea Since 1888 ? To IOWN AaM?s? O?O of P?T OFFICE (?E??.a?i An Identifying Trade Mark SURNAME INITIAI TAl COiT A-Z TA? INpEX MADE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY? COLUMBUS? ONIO ' fO1D ?1 OWEN i. pUNN, NE N ?ERN , NORTN GRO LINA NATURE OP PROCEEDINGS DATE MINUTE BOOK f Month Day Year Voi. Page ': ;? l. District Meeging Ol 06 1964 13 281 2. Annual Convention 04 06 1964 13 308 3, State Convention ? Ob O1 1964 13 334 4. District Meeting 12 07 1964 13 403 5. Annual Convention 06 ?3 1965 13 494 6. Annual Convention 08 l6 1965 13 514 7. District Meeting 04 O1 1968 14 172 i 8. Legislative Committee-Mr. Williams Ol 04 1971 14 564 9. Invitation to hold annual convention in New Hanover County 08 02 1971 14 672 10. Report by Mr. Williams, annual convention 08 16 1971 14 694 l?. I Region "0" district meeting O1 02 1973 15 300 I 12. I Appt. of Comm. Davis to Political Action Committee 02 05 1973 15 327 ' 13. Appt. of voting delegate to convention 08 06 1973 15 467 14. Annual legislative district meeting 12/5/73 11 19 1973 15 528 ? 15. Endorsement of House Bill 529-taxation of motor vehicles 12 17 1973 15 546 ; 16. Designation of voting delegate 08 05 1974 15 691 ? 17. Approval of amendments to constitution 08 05 1974 15 691 18. Meeting in Raleigh on School fiscal control act 09 03 1974 15 710 19. County Council on Women 10 07 1974 16 16 20. Legislative goals conference 10 07 1974 16 17 21. I?DEX TO COMMISSIONERS MIKUTES -- New Hanover Coun?j, N. C. , MATTER: ???P ? ae;. u. s. ,,,.?f `?- Counry lndezea Since 1888 '[p IO?pt? p?eNlf? O?IlD at COTT A TO Z TAB INDEX PAT OfFlGE ?e?'?,zLOr-oc,? Art Idenkfying Trade Mark ? w?E {NtiIAL TAB MSOL D eBYT OWE?NttG!NDUNN C?O.?NEW guERNU NOH?O NATURE pP PROCEEDlNGS DATE ' MINUTE BOOK Month Day Yea? Vol. Page l. Discussion on request for meeting with NAACP 2. Request from NAACP for Endorsement of keeping Downtown Schools 03 Ol 1982 19 25 I?DE? TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES -- New Hanover Coun?j, N. C. , MATTER• N?W HANd`VER COUNTY ?nDE - rtec. u. s. County Indezea Since 1888 ? TO IOWi? IlOp1?f? qpRn Ot COTT A TO Z TAB INDEX a?r OFFIGE ?,?1??..' An ldentifying Trade Mark MI1DE YY THE COTT INDEX ?OM?AMY? COWN?Of? ONIO SURNAME INITIAL iA8 SOLD 8Y OWEN G. DUNN CO., NEW BfRN, N. C. NATURE OP PROCEEDINGS DATE MINUTE BOOK ? Month Day Yea? Vol. Page 1. Repeal of Chapter 6.5 of Code Fair Employment Ordiance 11 16 1981 18 959 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES -- New Ha?over Count?, N. C. _ MATTER: NC ADMINISTRATIVE CODE rtec. u. s. .yq County Indezes Since 1888 ?? fo lowb namas, Op@O Ot COTT A TO Z TAB INDEX rer OFFIGE ??V?ke,?ll?a-? AnldentiEyingTradeMerk M?oE ?Y TNE COtt INDEX GOMrANY, COLUMiOf? OHIO SURNAME INITIAL TAB So?D BY OWEN G. DUNN CO., NEW BERN, N. C. ? DATE MINUTE BOOK , NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS Month Day Year Vol. Page I. Designation of Iocation for code Il 17 1980 18 706 2. INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES -- New Hanover Count?, N. C. aec. u. s. Counry Inaezea SinCe 1888 I?," fo loeats namas, 0(IBII p} rer OFFIOE ???l.?v-?-.. An Identifying Trade Mark SURNAME INITIAL TAB NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS ' SUBJECT N C 2000 COMMITTEE _ MATTER: _ COTT A TO 2 TAB INDEX MADB ?Y THE ?TT INDEX WMrANY, COLUM?OS, ONIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN CO., NEW BERN, N. C. DATE MINUTE BOOK Month Day Year Vol. Page '1. Approval of Budget for NC 2000 Conmmittee 12 07 1981 18 970 t N C N H C INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES A3 E anover oun ?, . . _ - ew MAiTER: G NERAL SEMBLY _ RFO. v. e. Counry Indezes S?nc? 1888 ?,J?''? To loeate namss, open at r?r orvicc ???.s An ldentifying Trade Mark U?.t:7 SURNAME INITIAL TAB COTT A-Z TAB INDEX MADE BY THE COT7 INDEX COMPANY, COlUM80S, OHIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA , . p? DATE ? ? MINUT E BOOK NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS ? ?? Month I Day I Year ?? Vol. Page ? ,? ; s? i 1. ??j Tax List to be corrected according to provisions of Act of Assembly. r= 09 18 1868? 1 49 2. k& 4? Notice to be given of request to General Assembly to issue bonds to raise money. ? ? 10 ` 24 1868?N 1 85 E ; tq 3. ?? John Sanders appointed to carry out provisions of General Assembly relative to public schools. f ?, 10 24 1868?d 1 86 4. ? M? J.W. Williams substituted for John Sanders to carry our provisions of General Assembly relative to schools.k; 10 26 , 1868, 1 88 '? l? 5. ? Board to request permission from General Assembly to investigate accounts of County officers. il i 10 ? 26 1868?? : 1 89 6. R? Messrs. Shoemaker and Wilson to carry out provisions of General Assembly relative to schools. a; 10 26 1868?? 1 89 7. ;? ?; Note issued as agreed by Act of 1861 fer Public Purposes Relative to Debts of County. ;, 11 t 02 ?? 1868?? 1 90 ? . 8. y :, An "Act to amend an act to provide for registration of voters" was stated. ,; 11 02 %; 1868;i 1 92 9. ;An "Act concerning the government of Counties" was used as reference by Board. 11 02 1868_# 1 94 ?' ? 10. 'Chairman to consult Attorney General for proper construction of an "Ac? concerning fees of the Clerk to 12 04 1868;{ . 1 fs 135 {. the Board of Commissioners." ?. ., ? i ? F ( ? 11. Chairman requested three copies of all laws passed by Legislature at last session. 12 12., s Committee to report on section of N.C. Constitution. :. 12 13. Report on ArticZe seven, Section 3 of the Constitution of the State received. O1 14.; ;Board referred to an "Act concerning government of Counties." 07 15. " Board cited an "Act to incorporate the Cape Fear Agriculture Association." 04 16. ? Copy of Revenue Act to be sent to Board of Assessors and Sheriff. (See TAX ASSESSORS) 04 17. ,; Board cited an "Act to provide for the registration of voters." ; 07 18. ;; Section 5 Article 7 of State Constitution provides for Township Boards of Trustees. , 08 19. ,.Reference made to an "Act of General Assembly providi.ng for collection of taxes. „ 03 20. .; Assessors appointed in obedience with 'Act to provide for collection of taxes". 04 21. ; Committee to coilect all acts of General Assembly since formation of new State government. 05 22. Acts of Legislative Sessions of 1869 and 1870 to be retained by Clerk to the Board. 09 23. •.Paragraph 15 of "An act concerning Townships" passed April 6, 1869 related to petition. (See PETITIONS) „ 11 24. ;;Report of A.R. Black on public schools to be sent to each member of the Legislature. (See SCHOOLS) 11 25. ,;Board sent General Assembly a request to levy taxes to pay County debt. (See TAX DEPARTMENT) „ 12 26. ;S.N. Martin and John Heyer to confer with General Assembly relative to levying of tax for County. Ol 27. ;sCommittee to confer with General Assembly relative to giving Board power to levy a tax to pay floating ; , 02 debt. (See TAX DEPARTMENT) ,. 28. ,;Board passed an order relative to "An act in relation to fees of County officers and the Supreme Court Clk.;!' ,? 05 29. .?"An act to amend an act to provide for the collection of taxes....." used by Board ta levy taxes. (TAX D.) : 05 30. "An act Go raise revenue" used by the Board to levy taxes. 05 31. General Assembly limits revenue tax to 36 2/3% on $100.00 and 10% on each poll dollar. (TAX DEPARTMENT) 05 32. _,"An act to submit the question of "Convention" or "No Convention"...." to be decided in August, 1871 elect- 06 , ion. ., 33. Voting places set to decide "Convention" or "No Convention" act. 07 34. ;"An act concerning the government of Counties relative to collecting from other Counties for caring for 10 their paupers." (See PAUPERS) . 35.;,'Board to request representative in General Assembly to assist in repealing tax on sales of property. ,; 12 36.??Copy of "An act to annex a part of New Hanover County to Sampson County" to be sent to the Board. „ 03 37. ;?Revenue Act of General Assembly ratified January 24, 1$72 was used by Board to levy taxes. (TAX DEP'r,) 03 38. ?Clerk to Board to send copy of boundary changes to Secretary of State in compliance with act of General , 09 ? ? Assembly. ,, 39. ;Board to elect a tax collector in compliance with acts of General Assembly. 09 40. !?Chairman to request extension of time for settlement of state taxes from General Assembly. 11 4 41. ;gCorporations to be taxed on franchise according to "An act to provide for collection of taxes...". . 12 08 1868 1 138 ;' i 28 1868? 4? 1 149 ? I? 02 1869'n ? 1 155 ?? ; O1 ? 1869 ;? ,; 1 174 ?? 02 1869 Pj 1 ?? 219 ?? 27 1869 4? 1 ? 222 y? 06 ; 1869;G =r E3 1 i? 264 ? ? 19 1869,? ; 1 ? 309 08 i 1870':? ': 1 417 i ? 05 ? 1870?k 1 423 ? 05 '1 1870;y 1 d 438 ? ?$ 1 IB?? ?? 2 ? 7 ° 07 1870 =? 2 81 j ! 21 1870?'s, 2 91 16 1870€ 2 103 03 1871;, ?i 2 110 ? 06 ?, 1871;yr 2 119 `i ?i a; 12 s y 1871 ?? 2 ?I 157 ?; ? 12 1871 a? 2 6 157 ? ?; ? 12 1871:i 2 158 ! i ;? 27 1871 ??.? 2 165 si !! 02 1871 i?' , 2 168 ??'. i? 03 1871- 27 1871 : 04 1871;? 19 1872 ti? 29 1872 _?? 02 1872 ?? „ 2 178 2 234 2 245 2 301 2 305 2 355 04 1872 =. 21 1872 .j 23 1872 ` 2 358 ?? ?? 2 398 ?E 2 411 ? s 6 INDEX TO CO?iMISSIONERS MINUTES -- N H C t N C anover oun ew ?, . . _ MATTER: GEN ERAL ASSEMBL Y ? eec. u. s. Counry Indezee Since ?88$ ? To loeate names, open at COTT A•Z TAB INDEX r?r OFFICE ?L?a??E7.' An IdentiEving Trade Mark SURNAME INITIAL TAB MADE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NO BTH CAROLINA ! DATE C? ;?. MINUTE BOOK ?? NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS ` sS E? Month I Day I Year '? Vol, I Page ?? ! R? h? ?; l. General Assembly passed bill establishing House of Correction and Refuge. ;{ 03 24 1873 '?, 3 ;; 44 ?4 "? i: 2. General Assembly ratified on August 14, 1868 "An act concerning the government of Counties" giving power 04 21 1873 ?' °? 3 63 ?' °? to Commissioners to excuse persons working on highways. a; 3. Board of Trustees appointed in accordance with Section 1 of the Machinery Act, Session 1872 and 1873. ,' 04 21 1873 r? i 3 64 :; 4. Election to be held in Lillington in accordance with an act of the General Assembly. ; 04 21 1873 ,j 3 65 ?r 5. Vote to be taken on N.C. Constitutional amendments in August, 1$73 election as required by Act of General , 06 23 1873 ' 3 77 ;? g ? Assembly ratified March 3, 1873. ., ' ;, 6.? General Assembly levied an increased tax on property as shown in report from Finance Committee. ; 08 23 1873 ,r 3 107 ?? E . 7.?, Commissioners have no control over poll taxes levied for.schools, reference Sec. 37, Chapt. 90 Act of 1873,. 08 23 1873 3 107 „ . _ 8.c? Tax complaints to be disposed of in manner stated in Sec. 17 of Act of General Assembly ratified Feb. 28. „ 10 t7 1873 3 116 9.;g County officials to give bonds in accordance with Sec, 1 of an Act in relation to offical bonds. 10 22 Z873 ,, 3 121 10.a? Act to provide for holding special term of Superior Court ratified April 12,?1869 was invoked by Board. , 10 ?8 1873 .. 3 128 , w! 11.?? Resolution sent to General Assembly proposing a postponment of sQlling property for taxes since entire ;, 1Z 15 1873 ; 3 146 ,; ?? !9 nation is in a financial panic. 12.?? Petition from R.K. Bryan for a division of County to form a new County called Jefferson sent to Assembly. 12 ??8 1873 :. 3 155 „ 13.?? Letter to General Assembly establishing boundaries for proposed new County. 12 ?8 1873 „ 3 155 y , 14.; o Board called to order in accordance with Machinery Act, Sec. 3, ratified Feb.14, 1874. . 03 L7 1874 ., 3 199 ? 15.? Land of Elisha Porter to be drained in accordance with Chapter 39 of Battles Revisal. ^ 04 J6 1874 „ 3 208 16.f Register of Deeds to examine books for claim of excess taxes paid as provided in section 12,Chapter 134 05 ??4 1874 . 3 213 ? Acts 1873-1874. 17.? ," Act of General Assembly, ratified February 12, 1874 allows Townships to levy taxes. 05 ??7 1874 , 3 214 : ? 18.{ Boundary lines to be determined according to Chapter 91 of Battles Revisal. (See BOUNDARIES) 05 20 1874 3 217 19. Section 2, 121 of "An act to provide for better collection of fines" used by Auditing Committee. 08 31 1874 3 240 ? 20. Section 3 of Chapter 173 Acts 1873 and 1874 used by Auditing Committee. , 08 31 1$74 ? 3 240 21. Act of General Assembly for better collection of fines, forfeitures and penalties used. . I1 ??2 1874 3 271 22. Taxables to be listed by law Chapter 133, Acts of 1873 and 1874, ratified February 14, 1874. „ 03 03 1875 a; 3 307 ,. 23.?a CI Election to be held in Pender County according to Act of General Assembly passed February lI, 1875. . 03 16 1875 3 311 24." County levies same tax on liquor licenses as stated in Section 11 of last revenue act of General Assembly.,, 04 05 1875 „ 3 314 „ 25.°? Act of General Assembly concerning maintaining lunatices ratified March 22, 1875. ;, 04 05 1875 ?; 3 314 „ 26. ? Article 5, Section 3 of Constitution and Chapter 134 Section 3 of Laws of 1873 and 1874 provide 25% of poll 04 09 1875 ., 3 319 ?. R " tax for support of poor. 27.E? ; Machinerq Act of 1875 Section 9 subdivisions cited by Board relative to list of depositors of banks and . 07 ??2 1875 ,' 3 345 . F ? ? , k, , stockholders. , , : ,, 28.?y Machinery Act, Section 9 employed against businesses. 07 28 1875 3 357 ?h , , . 29.?? ? An act of Assembly of 1874 and 1875 relative to amount of debt of 13ew Hanover County to be assumed by 08 11 1875 „ 3 368 , + ? Pender County. 30.?? ; .e Election notice passed by General Assembly changing time of holding elections in State. 08 07 1876 , 3 456 , , ri 31.?; Laws passed by General Assembly dealing with taxes. 07 02 1877 3 566 ? 32.? Act of General Assembly relative to tax to consolidate public school laws cited. „ 08 06 1877 3 , 582 33.? € Section l, Chapter 196 Public Acts of 1876 allows farming out of convicts. 08 07 1877 3 587 , i 34.j P Letter from Secretary of State Englehard referred to "Act to Regulate Election." 04 29 1878 ? 3 720 „_ e 35.? ? Act requires Secretary of State to furnish registrations, poll and election books and printed blanks for 04 29 1878 , 3 720 „ returns. 36. Committee to confer with legal council as to proper construction of Section 6 of Machinery Act and Section, 06 25 1878 3 732 ? ( 2 of Revenue Act and matter of poll tax. „ ?, 37. Ed. Alderman appointed a student at University of North Carolina under Act of Assembly of Feb. 11, 1867. . ?? 08 05 1878 ;a ,? l. ?s ?? 3 738 ?R P {? s9 9 1 INDEX H t N TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - N C C A ? anover oun y, . ew . _ MATTER: GENERAL AS SEMBLY _ aec. r?T O u. s. /??? County Indezes Sinee 1886 ?' ??3--' To loeate names, open at corT A-i TAB INOex FFIG6 ?,?2.a-?c< An ldentifying Trade Mark ?1?8 SURNA6AE INtT1AL TAB MADE BY THE CQTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROL?NA ? ?? DATE ' ?? MINUTE BOOK ? " ?_ 3? 3? NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS ? ; ??a Month Day ? 1? ? Year ?? i? Vol, Page ? ?i l.{? Magistrates to file annual reports in compliance with Laws 1876 and 1877, Chapter 276. ?? 12 06 C? 1878 ?? 4 4 ? 2.'?: 6tl Attorney to request General Assembly to repeal a law that provides for another term of Superior Cour 3? t. " 12 27 ?' ?? 1878 I? 4 9 3.?p Chairman to petition Legislature to enact a law similar to Sec. 8, Chapter 16, Battles Revisal. G Ol 22 1879 ?t 4 17 = .; i? , 4.?4 Attorney to procure the re-enactment of Chapter 227 for levying special taxes for 1879 and 1880. ? O1 22 ?? 1879 ?j 6e 4 17 9 5.?y Work House to be known as House of Correction as provided in Sec. 8, Chapter 27, Battles Revisal. ` O1 22 ? 1879 € 4 17 6.,? Board appoi nted assessors as provided by Machinery Act. ?, 04 07 1879 ?? 4 56 's ?:; 7.'? Letter from Judge Means relative to reduction of his salary by act of General Assembly. ?; 07 07 1879 '•? 4 81 3 8.. Attorney to obtain opinion of Attorney General on legality of Judge Means' case. i 9.' Solicitor B.R. Moore protested as unconstitutional General Assembly's abolis?ment of his salary. ., 07 07 1879 ;, , 4 ? D7 07 1879 =? 4 10., Register to list delinquent poll taxes as provided in Sec. 18, Chapter 71, Laws of 1879. 07 11., Board and Board of Justices of the Peace met in accordance with Sec. S, Chapter 141, Laws of 1876 and 1877, 08 12.; Board to petition General Assembly to repeal law stating County must buy land sold for State taxes. .. 08 13.,, Sheriff to pay half of receipts from tax land sale to School Fu nds and half to County fund as stated in „ Ol , Chapter 55, Section 3697. 14.,; New voter registration to take place in accordance with Section 2675 of Election Law. „ 10 15.;, Board to request General Assembly to pass an act similar to act relative to jurors of Criminal Court for ;; O1 .: the Superior Court. ,. 16.,; Board to request General Assembly to create a small criminal circut of five counties. ,. 02 17.: Copies of above request to go to Lt. Governor Steadman and a member in the House and Senate. 02 18.': The Act to Raise Revenue as passed by 1885 session of Legislature cited. 03 19. Citizens stated as Act entitled "Local Assessments in Aid of Public Schools" in their petition.(SCHOOLS). 05 20. Remitted tax due to Act of General Assembly, Sec. 16, Chapter .77, dealing with benevolent purposes.(TAX) 12 21. Board to request General Assembly to prevent an act making salary of Solicitor of Criminal Court fixed. ? 02 22. Board to request General Assembly to leave manner of paying Solicitor of Criminal Court up to the Board. 02 23.;; General Assembly ruled Solicitor to be paid $100 a month in lieu of fees and allowances. (SOLICITOR) 03 24. Superior Court Clerk made report in accordance with Chapter 367 Acts of General Assembly.(SUPERIOR CT. CL.) O1 25. Board to request Representatives in Legislature to have time extended for assessing property. O1 26.' i I f Men exempted from jury duty by Act of Assembly, 05 '' 27,,' General Assembly compromised back taxes due by W. and W. Railroad if it would surrender its right of 04 exemption from taxation forever. (See RAILROADS) 28.,' Mecklenburg County requested Board to urge Legislature to make better provisions for care of insane. 02 29.; Board resolved to endorse Mecklenburg County's petition urging Legislature to provide better care of insane 02 , 30.,_ J. Chadbourn to be repaid for loss of money in accordance with 1895 Legislature due to failure of First ,. 05 National Bank. 31. Thanks given Senator Cannon for attending .to County matters before General Assembly . 04 32. Board and Justices to request General Assembly to empower Board to issue bonds for permanent improvement. 06 33. Board responded to Assembly that proceeds from sale of old Courthouse would not be used to furnish armory 02 for navy or military. 34.;; Board approved "Act" that it would contribute to support of the Wilmington Light Infantry and Naval Brigad? 02 if not mandatory. , 35.? Recent act of Assembly required appointment of a Sanitary Board, . 04 36.' Board voted to put road bond issue before voters as directed by act of Legislature. ! 04 37.: Boards of Commissioners and Magistrates to request General Assembly to act to increase jurisdiction of 06 Magistrates. 38.° Board met to consider exemption of Federal Point Township from the stock law as passed by last L?gislaturet 03 ;? ? 39.;? Fence required by Act of L?gislature. (See BOUNDARIES) 03 ,+ ,? G? ? 4 ;? ? '? i . ?i 05 1880 y, 4 Ol 1881 ' 4 07 1882 ;; 4 07 1884 ?; 4 06 1884 ??; ? 4 05 ;., 1885 :? 4 02 1885 ;z 4 02 1885 !x 4 '; 23 1885 ?ti 4 ,a ?? 04 1885 ;= 4 07 1885 ?i 4 ,K 21 1887 ?` 4 22 1887 N c 07 1887 x 05 1891 ' S 12 1891 s 02 1892 i 04 1893 ? 4 4 5 5 5 81 g k; 81 '? ?? 202 ;' 312 "` 398 '- 522 580 602 606 606 615 643 s? 662 '- 781 781 793 294 ? 295 415 ?? 5 493 04 1895 ;; ?? 5 612 s; a 04 1895 ;; 5 e 612 ?? ., ?? 06 1895 ?< 5 637 ?? i s s, ?; 05 1897 :, 5 ?, i' 798 04 1900 ., 6 445 s; • ?d i. 13 1901 ?. 6 519 "' I? ?, , 13 1g01 ';; 6 g IZ 519 ?? '4 ? ?? ?i ` O1 . ?? 19D1? ?? 6 ? +. ?e 535 12 . 1901 ; 6 536 ?? ?, 03 1902 ?; `, 6 654 ! i ? 24 ?? ?: ? 1903 5; 6 ? ? 709 24 1903 ;? 6 709 ? INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover Count NORTH CAROLINA GENERAL ASSEMBLY N C ` ?, . . _ MAiTER; ¦ec. u. s. County Indezes Since 1888 ? To locats names, open at IAT OFFICE ?t?? An Identifying Trade Marlc SURNAME INITIAL TAB COTT A-Z TAB INDEX MADE BY THE CQTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA . f ?" DATE ° ? tl MINUTE BOOK ` NATURE Of PR?CEEDIIdGS ? ;: Month ? ? Day ? Year fti VoL ? Page ky 1. Board to request Legislature not to divert liquor tax of County from the General Fund. 02 ;?; 06 ,x 1905F; Ea 7 18 ": ?? 2. Chairman to go to Raleigh to look after a bill in Legislature in interest of County. 02 14 ;? 1905';? 7 19 '£ _ ;' t? e? 3. Chairman reported all bills in Legislature relative to County were in good shape. ; 03 06 1905i; 7 20 -; 4. Chairman to secure copies of bills passed by Legislature relating to the County. 03 09 1905;, 7 21 ^; , . ?K Fa 5. Bill sent to Legislature to establish a Recorder's Court in County. ? O1 07 1907?! 7 75 ? . >, ,„ ?a 6. Board to request General Assembly to make a law allowing Board to hire an auditor to audit County's books.y Ol 28 1907;? 7 76 ? 7. Bill submitted to provide for issuing bonds for road improvements. , Ol 28 1907'?, 7 76 8. Attorneys for Pender and New Hanover to draw a bill to request Legislature to give Boards power to build 02 05 1907; 7 80 . N.E. River Bridge. (See BRIDGES) ?, 4 9.PA General Assembly allowed election to be held to decide question of Recorder's Court in County. 03 ?? ,10.'? Legislature allowed Commissioners to appropriate money to improve habor as requested by Chamber of Commerce 03 ,ll.u Board requested Legislature to pass law to regulate speed on automobiles. 08 _" , f 12.?, Board to request Legislature to establish a Recorder's Court as requested by Grand Jury. „ 02 ? ,13.i? Legislature passed bill saying jury list to be put in jury box for Recor,der's Court. 03 ,14., Senator Bellamy to introduce legislation to allow Board to call a road bond election. ,, 12 .a.5.? Board to request Legislature to pass a bill allowing road convicts to work under "Honor System". „ 12 ? ?6.;. Committee to consult with Representative Kellum and Senator BeZlamy relative to putting County officers on,. 12 ° salary basis. ? M „ ! 17.` Councilman Moore requested Board to ask Legislature to create position of Solicitor for Recorder's Court. ' 18. No decision reached on salary of County officers after meeting with Messrs. Bellamy and Kellum. 19. County Attorney and Chamber of Commerce to prepare bill for, Legislature to allow annexation of part of : ' Brunswick Co. (See: BRIDGES) 22 1907 02 190& 03 1908?r Ol 190?; 06 1911„ 27 1912: 27 191?; 27 191?, Ol 06 1913F Ol 06 1913. O1 13 1913 20. Board to request Legislature to create position of County Auditor. O1 ,21. Board to request legislation to allow City and County Boards of Health to consolidate. Ol .22.? Board to request Legislature to ignore petition that law creating consolidated Board of Health be repealedR 08 .23.? Board to request legislation allowing Commissioners to appoint special deputy sheriffs. 12 k _24. Board to request legislation requiring all tax papers to go to Auditor for certificates before going to 12 , the Register of Deeds. . ,25.? Board to request law on Recorder's Court read as originally enacted. 1"Z ,26.?? Board to request legislation to provide for meth od for deciding annual appropriation for Board of Health. 12 ! ?27.? 4 Board to request legislation for a more equitable basis for supporting charitable organizations by City and„ 12 ? ? ?. ? County. , 028.? Board to request legislation changing Auditor's term from two to four years. „ Z2 29.e? Attorney to prepare bill for Legislature to call for election on purchase of property of Brunswick Bridge 02 ?? ?' and Ferry Co. . 30. 31. Act passed by Legislature equalizing appropriation paid by City and County for Hospital. Attorney to prepare bill for presentation to Legislature aZlowing Board to issue bonds for use at Work House and County Home. ? ? ? 32.? City requesting Legislature to require County to pay for half of expenses of Health Departinent. E3 33.'? Board opposed City's request and sent statement to Legislature showing amount of County taxes used to ?a ? benefit City. € .34.I? Resolution to Legislature requesting them not to deprive County of services of Special Officer. .35. Legislature to be notified that Board opposes bill increasing salaries of County officers. 06 12 Ol : O1 02 03 13 1913 13 1913 25 1913` 17 1914: 17 1914' 17 1914 17 1914 17 Z914 17 1914; 23 1915 07 1915 18 1916 02 1917; 02 1917y ;? 17 1917. 02 1917., ?, '4 ;i fp Y I? :, 7 8 3 .. 7 125 , 7 141 , 7 168 ,, 7 210 „ 7 268 .; 7 269 , 7 2b9 , 7 269 .tl 7 271 7 272 7 274 7 278 7 313 ?, 7 417 y 7 417 7 417 7 417 : 7 417 r 7 417 , 7 439 7 460 7 603 7 604 ?? 7 605 7 612 7 613 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES nca. u. s. ?j ?? County Indexea Since 1888 e?r OFFICE (.?i,Yy?//7L?,f-? An Identifying Trade Marlc -- New Hanover Count?? N. C. , MATT RT N. C. GENERAL ASSEMBLY` M(1 ,?'? To loeate names, open at COTT A-Z TAB INDEX U?-a SURNAMf INITIAL TAB MADE YY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA DATE MINUiE BOOK NATURE OF PROCEEDtNGS Month Day Year Vol. Page 1. A. Silverman requested salary increase, but no action since a matter for Legislature to decide. 12 02 1918 8 28 2. Board to request Legislature to allow Board to levy a tax to keep and maintain inmates and prisoners 12 23 1918 8 29 at County Home. 3. Board requested Legislature to make it obligatory for New Hanover ? Brunswick Counties to establish a 12 23 1918 8 29 public ferry over Cape Fear River. 4. Board requested Legislature to amend Chapter 264 relative to rules regulating roads and bridges. 12 23 1918 8 29 5. Board to recommend an increase in salary of Judge of Recorder's Court to Legislature. O1 06 1919 8 31 6. Board to request Legislature to abolish salary system of re-establish fee system. O1 06 1919 8 31 7. Board adopted "An Act Relative to the Establishment of Roads, Bridge ?, Ferries" and sent a copy to 02 10 1919 8 35 Legislature. 8. Board requested a copy of any bill in Legislature considering refunding road building money to Carolina 02 22 1919 8 36-7 Beach, Wilmington or Kure Land Development Company. 9. Senator Cooper informed Board of bill pending to refund money to Beach Companies. 02 24 1919 8 37 10. Board passed resolution urging Senator Cooper and Representative Grant to oppose legislation refunding 02 24 1919 8 37 money to beach interest. 11. Committee to appear before Senate Committee relative to refunding road money to beach interest. 03 03 1919 8 39 12. Board to request Legislature to allow a combined City and County juvenile court under jurisdiction of 06 09 1919 8 62 Judge of Recorders Court. I3. Board to request Legislature to give State authority to issue serial bonds for road aid to Counties. 0? 05 1920 8 92 14. Board to reauest Legislature and Governor to provide funds for a State system of highways. 05 14 1920 8 111 15. Board to ask Legislature to reQuire City to pay half cost of assessing City property and half expenses 06 03 1920 8 112 of City schools. ' 16. Board to ask Legislature to allow Board to hold State an,d County primaries on same date. 06 07 1920 8 114 17. Board to ask Legislature to increase salary of Auditor to $4,000 per annum. 08 02 1920 8 119 18. Board to request Legislature to repeal Act requiring a jury trial for cases before Recorders Court. 12 17 1920 8 137 19. Board to request Legislature to abolish salary system in County and re-establish fees. O1 02 1921 8 140 20. Revised Iist of fees for Recorders Court to be made for Legislature to enact into law. O1 03 1921 8 140 21. P?Iessrs. Dosher and Trask to aid Attorney in drafting fee bill to present to Legislature. O1 10 1921 S 141 22. Board favored Legislature allowing County to supplement pensions for Confederate soliders. 02 10 1921 8 147 23. Board requested Legislature to repeal relative to salary of Clerk to the Board. 12 04 1922 8 220 24. Attorney to draft a bill to allow Board to issue bonds for Courthouse and County Home improvements. O1 ZZ 1923 8 224 25. Legislature allowed Board to fix salary of Clerk to Board. (see Clerk to Board) 02 15 1923 8 228 26. Board requested permission to issue bonds to build a Courthouse annex and more buildings at County Home. 02 17 1923 8 229 27. Board to inquire into State Constabulary at next Legislation session. 08 08 1924 8 306 28. Board requested General Assembly ?o repeal clause prohibiting bond issuance with vote of people. O1 29 1929 8 555 29. Chairman to visit Raleigh for General Assembly meeting. 02 26 1929 8 562 30. Cty. Attorney to prepare bill for Gen. Assembly to change days of Board meetings. OI 20 1931 9 87 31. Bill prepared by auditor, adopted for Gen. Assembly to regulate Sheriff's fees for tax collections. 02 02 1931 9 89 32. Board requested representatives in Gen. Assembly to use influence in restoring Schedule B Taxes. 02 02 I.931 9 89 33. Bill to allow prisoners to work on drainage to be prepared for passage at Gen. Assembly. 03 23 1931 9 99 34. Board declined requests to endorse bill for General Assembly permiting Sheriff to Collect Carolina Bch. 04 07 1931 9 100 taxes and county auditor to be treasurer of funds. 35. Clerk to letter Gov. Max Gardner and urge him to decline demands to convene Gen. Assembly in extra session. 11 02 1931 9 136 36. Board recommended appointment of W. H. Davis as doorkeeper of state senate. 12 19 1932 9 196 37. T.R. Wolfe, Stanley County Boardthairman, request declined , for N. H. County to join gasoline-tax 12 27 1932 9 196 issue before Gen. Assembly. N C INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover County T GENERAL ASSEMBLY , . . , MATT R ` aec. u. s. County Indezea Since 1888 ? TO IoCCt9 names, open Ot COTT A•2 TAB INDEX r?r OFi1CE ?? An Identifying Trade Mark SURNAME INITIAL TAB MADE BY THE COTT INDE% COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD 8Y OWEN 6. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA DATE MINUTE BOOK NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS Month Day ? Year Vol. Page 1. R. C. Fergus, requested, board voted to endorse bill before legislature prohibiting shad fishing in NHC, O1 23 1933 9 199 Pender, Brunswick and Onslow Counties. Z. Dr. R. Bellamy read excerpt from proposed bills he plan to submit to General A??embly. O1 23 1933 9 200 3. Hon. John Bellamy urged Commissioners to prepare bill to legislature to reduce interest rate on back Ol 30 1933 9 201 taxes from 10% to 6%. 4. Clerk instructed acknowledgement of letter from Southport Mayor Furpless advising him of bill before Ol 30 1933 9 203 legislature which prohibits shad fishing in five counties. 5. Board voted to endorse gasoline-tax bill to be presented before General Assembly. O1 30 1933 9 203 6. County Attoxney instructed to prepare bill for legislature to allow county to use Special School f unds 02 06 1933 9 205 for other school buildings. 7. Bill to place officers on salary basis adopted in skeleton form, forwarded to Rep. Harris, Newman & L. 02 06 1933 9 205 Clayton Grant, and published by press. 8. Bill to appoint tax collectors and to provide 1933 Revenue Act was put to vote as request for rep?entati ves. 02 06 1933 9 205 9. Southport citizens and fishermen delegation agreed, some for, some against shad fishing, before Gen. 02 20 1933 9 206 Assembly was referred to State Fisheries dept. 10. Dr. R. Bellamy presented three bills selection of Grand Jury, work aid from Relief and city-county 02 27 1933 9 207 consolidation, which were taken under consideration. 11. Clerk instructed to secure from secretary of state certified copies of act passed in legislature, 03 27 1933 9 211 abolishing penalities on delinquent tax prior to 1927; salary basis for county offices. 12. Legislature requested to compromise and adjust taxes and to allow discounts, and collection of 1931 04 10 1933 9 215 taxes authorized; Penalities and discounts to be discussed later. 13. Bill prepared by county attorney, and forwarded to legislature, authorizing transfer of Carolina School 04 10 1933 9 215 building fund for school sinking fund. 14. Action deferred on application to sell beer, pending information from legislature. 04 17 1933 9 215 15. 1933 Legislature failed to fix Commission Chairman's salary under Salary Bill; left to Board. 04 28 1933 9 218 16. Committee appointed to confer with legislators on bac?.-tax law. 10 Ol 1934 9 304 17. Request received to send representatives to legislature session. O1 07 1935 9 316 18. Gen. Assembly act to release tax penalties considered, and full settlement ordered. 04 16 1935 9 335 19. Certified copy of legislature act,Turlington Act,?resented. OS 13 1935 9 339 2Q. Bill prepared for legislature to prohibit road construction without Board approval. 03 08 1937 9 484 21. Bill considered for General Assembly on election for part development. 08 Ol 1938 9 603 22. Motion carried on asking General Assembly for bond act. 08 22 1938 9 605 23. Motion carried on submitting port development bill to General Assembly. 08 08 1938 9 607 24. Passage of tax bill objected, conference requested with Gen. Assembly. Ol 16 1939 10 34 25. No action taken on request for higher salary tttrough General ASsembly. 02 27 1939 10 42 26. Gen. Assembly to use influence passage of bill. 02 27 1939 10 42 27. City/County approved civil service bill for General Assembly passage. 03 20 1939 10 46 28. Bill adopted on Civi1 Service for legislature passage. 03 27 I939 10 47 29. Sen. R. R.Reynolds thanked for proposing airmail li ne. 02 19 1940 10 113 30. Recess taken for meeting with legislators. 02 24 1941 10 183 31. Certified copy of legislature act authorized. 05 19 1941 10 203 32. Payment to Institute of Government approved for legislature services. Ol 04 1943 10 311 33. Act prepared for General Assembly on teachers' pensions. O1 18 1943 10 312 34. Act prepared for General Assembly on WPC Funds from ABC. O1 18 1943 10 312 35. Proposed bill on retire?ent adopted, sent to Gen. Assembly. 02 08 1943 10 316 36. Bill prepared to exempt county from paying damages by dogs. 02 08 1943 10 316 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES -- New Hanover County, N. C. _ MATTER• GENERAL ASSEMBLY _ nec. u. s. County Inde=ee Since 1888 ? TO IOCa?f AOtf1?f? Opt11 a1 COTT A•2 TAB INDEX v?T OFFICE ??'Jl? An Identifying Trade Mark R10.t E BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, ONIO SURNAME INITIAL 7A6 SOLD tY OWEN G. pUNN, NEN ?ERN, NORTH GROLINA IdATURE OF PROCEEDINGS DATE Month Day Year MINUTE BOOK Vol. Page ,' l. Committee appointed to invesitagte beer sale for bill to General Assembly. 06 07 1943 10 333 2. Act to be put into effect on schedule of beer sale. 06 07 1943 10 333 3. Communication from Rep. T. Q. LeGrand received on upcoming General Assembly. 07 03 1944 10 394 4. Act approved for General Assembly on construction. Ol 15 1945 10 422 5. Legislators written on securing ABC funds for county. O1 22 1945 10 424 6. Act to create Bo?ing commission referred to County Attorney. 03 12 1945 10 431 7. Representatives was requested to support passage of act on sale of fireworks. Ol 06 1946 10 533 f 8. Passage of act approved for legislature on licensing sale of beer. 02 03 1947 10 538 4. ?ep. R. AZ. Kerman to pass bil? prohibiting sein fishing at Wrightsvi?Ie Beach. 02 2/? ?947 ?0 546 10. Legislature has no right to fix jury fees; Trask authorized to fix fees. 04 14 1947 10 559 11. Cong?essman J. Black written on regrets for non-candidacy. 02 09 1948 11 13 12. Bill for General Assembly prepared controlling ABC profits. O1 10 1949 11 67 13. Bill approved on State reimburising county for medicines, hospitalization, etc. for insazi?. Ol 24 1949 11 69 13. ? Bill for General Assembly prepared to postpone re-assessments. O1 31 1949 11 71 14. Bill for General Assembly prepared on building repair requirements. O1 31 :.949 11 71 15. Acknowledgement received on Cong. T. E. Cooper on Jan 24 bill. 02 07 1949 11 73 ( 16. Protest to be submitted to Legislature by County Attorney. 02 14 1949 11 74 17. Bill to be submitted to Legislature on better method for payments. 02 28 1949 11 77 18. Cong. Cooper to be written on building permits. 02 28 1949 11 77 19. Bill to be drafted on ABC profits. 03 07 1949 11 80 20. House Bill 594 opposed on dog racing; Sen. R. Rowe written. 03 14 1949 11 81 21. Bill from Cong. Cooper approved on appointing Asst. Recorder Solicitor. 03 14 1949 11 81 22. Sen. R. Rowe written on bill controlling ABC profits. 03 21 1949„ 11 82 , 23. Motion carried not to reconsider House Bill 594. 03 21 :?_949 11 82 24._ Bill to Sen. Rowe to be submitted on Clerk Superior Court pension. 03 21 1949 . 11 82 ; ? 25. House Bill 463, act to aid war veterans, referred to County Attorney. 05 09 1949 11 92 26. Letter approved, mailed to General Assembly on Old Age Aid. 02 12 1951 11 240 27., Report made on General Assembly amendment Bill. 02 19 .1951 11 242 , 28. Efforts to be renewed at Harbors Congress on Waterways. 02 19 1951 11 242 29. Rep. Addison Hewlett, Jr., told Board that action on state Civil D&?fense bill was undetermined. 03 19 i_951 11 248 „ 30. Addison Hewlett, Jr., offered cooperation on passage of bill thru legislature. 12 29 1952 11 388 31. Institute of Government letter received for Commissioners Assoc. to discuss Gen.Assembly activities. 02 02 1953 11 397 32. Rep. Addison Hewlett, Jr., requested proposed bill on I. D. Bureau. 02 16 1 953 11 400 33. Rep. Hewlett letter recieved on relieving critical Hospital situation. 03 02 1953 11 403 ? 34. Rep. Hewlett expressed appreciation to city/county. 03 09 1953 11 406 35. Bill sent to legislature on I. D. Bureau. 03 09 1953 11 407 36. Bills sent to legislature on Jurors increase, city purchase of Legion Stadium. establishing Port 03 09 1953 11 407 Comm., property re-evaluation postponement, fixing salaries by Commissioners. 37. Senatorial letter received on efforts to kill Bill 5-925, "Trucking Trip Lease." 03 16 1953 11 408 38. Hewlett salary bill discussed, question asked on where his facts were gotten. 03 16 1953 11 409 39. County Attorney to write congressmen on permit to use Social Security files for locating deserted fathers. 03 23 1933 11 410 40. Legislature Act received on fixing county officers, alloting ABC funds to WPC, division of ABC profits, 04 13 1953 11 414 and establishing law library. 41. No action taken on Hardware Dealers request for support of air rifles. 04 20 1953 11 416 42. Legislature Act received, payment approved, on medical care. 05 04 1953 11 418 43. Senatorial letter received on General Assembly discussion. 06 08 1953 11 427 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES -- New Hanover Count?, N. C. _ MATTER• GENERAL ASSEMBLY ` ¦ec. u. s. County Indexee Since 1888 ? To loeah nam?s, OptD at COTi A•Z TAB INDE7I ??? AnldenRfying Trade Mark MwCE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OH10 r?r OFFICE SURNAME INITIAL TAB SOLD ?Y OINEN i. pUNN, NBw ?ERN, NORTN GROLINA t9 "" ' DATE MINUTE BOOK NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS Month - Day Year Yol. ? Page 1. Congressional letter authorized to protest moving district engineer`s office. 2. Sen. A.A. Lennon Letter received on repairs to Masonboro Inlet. 3. Attention called to General Assession session. 4. Bills for General Assembly approved on appointing tax supervisor, appointing more than one lister, travel expenses for Board of E& R, modernizing tax list, motor vehicle listings, to clarify tax bill G.S. 105-331, to define real estate assessments, and to exempt fire district from taxes. 5. Disposing of inerit system discussed for General Assembly legislation. 6. Bill opposed on tax levy by state. 7. Personnel Syste? vs. Mer?t System discussed; old system insufficient. 8. Representatives written on two local bills: Building permits and reassessment bills. 9. J. H. Farrel letter received on legislative bill for federal funds, for beach repairs. 10. S. H. Kress Co. called on state laws on sales. 07 13 1953 11 436 04 05 1954 11 498 11 08 1954 11 552 O1 03 1955 11 564 02 03 03 03 04 05 11. Cong. F. E. Carlyle letter received on support from county. 05 12. Special legislative bulletin received from N.C. Wholesale Assoc. on s-?le of weapons. 05 13. Senate Bill 296 received from Secretary of Sta?e on New Hanover County being excluded from act of sale of 06 pistols. 14. County Attorney responded on Gen. Assembly Act on Pensions. 15. Commissioner Hall insisted on tax bill for Gen. Assembly to do away with prepaid taxes. 16. Sen. Kerr Scott letter received in reply to July 15 letter. 17. Rep. Carlyle letter received on LST resolution. 18. Approved payment of invoice for publications from Institute of Government. 19. Notice of tax course at Institute of Government. 07 06 08 08 09 09 .20. Executive Secretary, authorized to attend Institute of Government. 09 21. County Attorney to confer with legislature about gunfire in populate areas. 09 22. County Attorney to attend Institute of Government meeting. 09 23. Joint meeting discussion of plan for Emergency Ambulance Service. 10 24. Board moved to arrange a caucus to work out a plan. 10 25. County to assume some responsibility for ambulance service. 10 26. Joint meeting to discuss water main for industrial site. 11 27. City/County attorneys to advertise for bids, awarding to lowest joint bider. 11 28. Sales tax in support of schools referred to Hewlett and Yow, next session of Legislature. 11 29. Received Institute of Government's Legislature report. 12 30. Sheriff and Clerk of Superior CourtiD attend Insti,tute of Government. 12 31. Legislature suggestions and proposals to be studied by Board. Ol 32. Letter from Congressman Alton A. Lennon, concerning Federal Aid for schools. 02 33. Letter informing Board 85th Congress amended Federal Defense Act of 1950. 02 34. Board discuss Legislature proposals. 02 35. Legislative proposals for School deferred. 02 36. Letter supporting Senate Bill ??910. 02 37. Letter informing, that SSth Congress amended the Federal Civil defense Act and enacted public law 85-606. 02 38. Mayor J. E. L. Wade, informed Board of House Bill 4?HR 1011 Federal airport aids. 02 39. Institute of Government announce school for personnel officials and civil service commissions. 03 40. Response letters regarding Boards endorsement of Bills ??910 and HR 1011. 03 41. Ditch construction bill sent to Speaker of the House, Addison Hewlett, Jr., and Sen. Cicero Yow. 03 42. Legislative Bulletin advising of MinimunWages. 03 43. Houses to receive bill for microfilming program. 03 28 1955 07 1955 2I ?955 ?? 28 1955 11 04 1955 11 05 1955 11 16 1955 11 22 1955 11 13 1955 11 05 1955 11 18 1955 11 Ol 1955 11 04 1955 11 08 1958 12 15 1958 12 22 1958 12 29 1958 12 29 1958 12 06 1958 12 06 1958 12 583 585 587 595 598 600 605 611 615 619 621 299 302 306 308 309 311 312 20 1958 12 317 12 1958 12 330 12 1958 12 330 17 1958 12 332 O1 1958 12 339 15 1958 12 344 26 1959 12 366 02 1959 12 369 02 1959 12 370 02 1959 12 371 09 1959 12 373 09 1959 12 374 09 1959 12 375 16 1959 12 380 09 1959 12 394 09 1959 12 395 16 1959 12 396 16 1959 12 397 16 1959 12 397 11 579 11 581 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover Count?? ?. l?. , MATTER: NORTH`EAST INTERCEPTOR ` aec. u. s. County Indezee Since IBBB ?? To loeab namas, opan at COTT A TO Z TAB INDEX FAi OFFIGE ?.?i??oz?.. An Identifving Ttade Mark MAOE ?Y TNE COTT INDE7C OONrANY. COW?i05? OHIO SURNAME INITIAL TAB SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN CO., NEW BERN, N. C. NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS l. Proposal for Construction of NE Interceptor 2. Proposal for Construction of NE Interceptor accepted recommendations and County remains Lead Agent but requested City to pay $565,000 as they had offered. 3. Authorization to negotiate contracts for Northeast Interceptor 4.. Discussion of Right-of-way acquisitions for Northeast Intezceptor 5. User Charge System Report , (, Resolution authorizing negotiations for right of way for NE Interceptor 7. Authorization for Chairman to execute encroachment agreements for Northeast Interceptor 8. Approval of Interlocal agreements for Northeast Interceptor 9. Approval of contract with Henry von Oesen and Associates for construction of Northeast Interceptor 10. Capital Project Ordinance - Northeast Interceptor 11. Report on Progress of Title Examinations 12. Discussion on Northeast Interceptor construction project Z3. Update on Northeast Interceptor Project 14. Adoption of User Charge System for Northeast Interceptor 15. Authorization for Execution of Documents relating to FmHA funds for Sewage Collection System 16. Authorization of Easement Contracts for Northeast Interceptor and Budget Amendment l?, Adoption of Wastewater user Charge System Revisions 18. Acceptance of State Grant for Northeast Interceptor 19. Approval of Revisions to Engineering Contract for Northeast Interceptor 20. Complaints from Residents about Northeast Interceptor Construction 21. Discussion on Proposed Construction of Northeast Interceptor Force Main 22. Award of bids for Northeast Interceptor 23. Authorization for Chairman to execute Henry von Oesen contract for Northeast Interceptor 24. Discussion on Interest rates for Sewer Collector System 25. Update on Northeast Interceptor 26. Award of contracts for construction on Northeast Interceptor 27. N. E. Interceptor Easement Acquisition 28• Discussion on connections to N E Interceptor sewage line 29. Change Orders - Northeast Interceptor 30. Approval of N. E. Interceptor Tie-In (Airlie Rd.) 31. N. E. Interceptor 5?ewer System Tie-In (Airlie Rd.) 32. Change Order No. 2 to Contract No. 1 33. EPA Grant Increase for Wastewater Treatment (ID No. C370426-02-2) 34. Selection of bricks for Bradley Creek Lift Station 35. Request for delay of Wrightsville Sound public services facilities (Airlie Road) DATE MINUTE BOOK Month Day Yea? Vol. Page 04 21 1981 18 808 05 04 1981 18 817 05 04 1981 18 831 ,. 05 27 1981 . 18 843 .. 06 Ol 1981 18 854 06 Ol 1981 18 856 06 08 1981 18 859 06 11 1981 18 861 Q6 23 3983 38 862 06 15 1981 18 865 06 15 1981 18 867 08 03 1981 18 899 OS 17 1981 18 903 09 21 1981 18 925 09 21 1981 18 928 11 16 1981 18 959 12 07 1981 18 967 12 07 1981 18 971 Ol 18 1982 18 988 O1 18 1982 18 990 02 O1 1982 18 993 02 Ol 1982 18 993 02 15 1982 19 10 03 15 1982 19 36 03 15 1982 19 36 04 OS 1982 19?i 47 05 03 1982 19 56 06 21 1982 19 98 08 16 1982 19 135 08 16 1982 19 137 09 07 1982 19 150 10 04 1982 19 163 10 04 1982 19 164 10 04 1982 19 167 10 18 1982 19 171 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES --- New Hanover Count?, N. C. _ S?UBJECT NO WAKE ZONE ` ne?. u. s. County Indezea Since 1888 ? TO IoWf? pOMls? op?0 Ot COTT A-Z T?? tNpEX PAT OFFICE ?? ..?n ldentiEying Trade Mark fUR11AME INITIAL TAO MADE BY THE COiT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD ?Y ONEN 0. GUNN, NEN ?ERN, NORTM GROLINA DATE MINUTE BOOK NATURE Of PROCEEDINGS Month Day Year Vol. Pnge 1. Wrightsville Beach 04 16 1973 15 370 2. Resolution adding Motts Channel 05 07 1973 15 379-8 3. Renewal of Permit - Motts Channel 08 06 1973 15 464 4. Call for Public Hearing to increase "no wake zone" in ?Iotts Channel 08 20 1973 15 477-8 5. Public Hearing 09 17 1973 15 499 6. Denial of request in Myrtle Grove Sound (policy of Corps of Engs.) 04 21 1975 lb 170 7. No destructive wake signs 09 02 : .975 16 263 8. Request for extension of "No Wake Zone" 10 18 1976 17 2I9 9. Enaorse "I?To Iyake" zone extension at Traks M?m. Br?dge at Wrightsville Beach 11 15 197E, 17 23? 10. Request for extension South of CH Trask Memorial Bridge 02 07 1977 17 276 11. Public hearing - extension South of Trask Memorial Bridge 03 07 1977 17 291- 12. Resolution extending no wake zones 03 28 1977 18 5 13. Request for no wake zone by Masonboro Boat Yard and Marina, Inc.-no action taken 06 20 1977 18 57 14. ? Request no wake Masonboro Boat Yard and Marine - Public Hearing 11 07 1977 18 125 15. PUblic Hearing - Atlantic Intracoastal Waterway - tabled to 12/5/77 11 21 1977 18 132 16. Withdrawal of request - Masonboro Boat Yard 12 05 1977 18 140 ' 17. No Wake Zone Request - Bradley Creek 11 20 1978 18 305 18. Discuss No Wake Zone - Masonboro Boat Yard 11 04 1978 18 319 19. No Wake Zone - Readvertisement 12 18 1978 18 325 20. Public Hearing -"No Wake" Zone - Bradley Creek - Resolution adopted Ol 15 1979 18 337 21. Request for "no wake" zone - Pages Creek Resolution 07 23 1979 18 445 22 Date for Public Hearing on No Wake Sone at Myrtle Grove Sound (Nov. 15) 10 18 1982 19 1'?3 23. Public Hearing - No Wake Zone at Carolina Beach Resolution 11 15 1982 19 18 6 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover Count H OME ADVISORY ?RSIN N C ?, CO ? . . _ MATT R T ` ecc. u. s. Counry Indezes Since 1888 F? ?---Te leeat? nam?s, ?pM at e?t OFFICE ?,?jl? qn Identifyine Trade Mark ?8 SURNAM[ INRIAL TA6 COiT A-= TA? INOEX MADE !Y THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMIUS, OHIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN CO., NEW BERN , N. C. NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS DATE MINUTE BOOK Month Day Year Vol. Page 1. Establishment of Nursing Home Advisory Committee 09 05 1978 18 273 2. Appointment of John Mobley or Dr. James Sabella to Board 12 18 1978 18 327 3. Mimi Cunningham appointed to Advisory Committee 03 05 1979 18 3? Reappointment of Mrs. PSartha McIntosh, Mr. Richard Gerrish, Mrs. Elias (Butch) Pegram & Mrs. Routh P. Dixon 4? to Nursing Home Advisroy Committee O1 21 1980 18 542 5. Appointment of Mrs. Kathryn Wilson, Mrs. Helyn Lofton & Mrs. Marsha Eichenberg to Nursing Home Adv. Comm. 04 08 1980 18 580 6.. Appointment to Nursing Home Advisory Committee 07 28 1980_ 18 640 . 7. Advisory Committe.e report 10 ?0 1980 18 684 8. Appointments to Nursing Home Advisory Committee - Lofton and Cook 04 06 1981 18 805 9.' Committee appointment: Mrs. Linda Bedo OS D3 ?9&? ?& 90D 10. Vacancies on Nursing Home Advisory Committee 04 OS 1982 19 45 11. Discussion on Nursing Home Advisory Committee 05 25 1982 19 77 12. Appointment of Alyce Brown to Nursing Home Advisory Committee 07 19 1982 19 123 13.