O Index to Minutes July 15, 1868INDEX TO COMMISSION£RS MINUTES - New Hanover County, N. C. _ MU JECT ?PEN HOUSE - DRUG ABUSE ` REG. U. S. t??.+04/BL`?''`W'['? County Indexes Since 1888 ? TO IotOt? nom?s? Op?p at COTT A-I iM INpEX SURNAME INITIAI TAQ 1?1ADE 8Y iHE C07T INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OH?0 PAT OFFICE ? An [dentifying Trade Mark SOLD /Y ONEN ?. pUNN, NEw {ERII, NORTX GROLINA NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS DATE MINUTE BOOK Month Qay Year Vol. Page 1. Presentation of program 04 16 1973 15 371 2. Transfer for program 04 16 1973 15 373 3. Report on Open House 12 03 1973 15 534 4. Statement of Intent 03 18 1974 15 600 5. Vote change by Comm. Wright 07 15 1974 15 685 6. Closed on July 4, 1974 09 03 1974 15 709 7. Chm. to write re being closed on 7/4 10 07 1974 16 18 8. Report on Drug Abuse Committee 12 16 1974 16 67 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES -- New Hanover County, N. C. , MATiER: OFFENDER AID & RESTORAT?oN rtsc. u. s. "'???? County Indezee Since 1888 TO I?Cib Il?ltl?f? ?pM n COTT A-2 TA? INOEX rer OFFICE ?Ri7,.r?,a-? AnldentiEyin¢TradeMatk ? SURNAYi INITIAL TA! MADE 6Y TNE COTT INDEX COIMANY, COLUMitlS, ONIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN CO., NEW BERN, N. C. DATE MINUTE BOOK . NATURE OF PROCEEDlNGS ? Month Day Year Vol. Page . l. Request for funding 2. Request for funding 3. Audit of OAR Books 4. Discussion of charges that have been made 5. Contract made with New Hanover County - 1 yr. 6. Contract executed w/OAR & New Hanover County -9 member Board 7. Appointments made to Board of Directors 8. Budget Amendment 9. Discuss Victims Program 10. Rev, Al1en Laymond appointed to OAR Board 11. Juvenile Court Rehabilitation Program approved 12. Reappointment of Rev. Allen Layman, Mr. Deother Melvin and PZr. Ernest Fullwood to OAR Board 13. Funding-neighborhood justice program 14. Committee terms set for Richardson and Vincent 15. Request for funding $9,500 16. Discussion on Trash Pickup by Youthful Offenders 17. Discussion on OAR Account Problems 18. Appointment of H. G. Grohman and J. R. Fullwood and Gerotha Spain Washington 19. Appointment to OAR Board of Directors (Joyce Bragg) 20. Discussion on Neighborhood Justice Program (Diversionary Program funding) 2I. Approval of Funding Request for Neighborhood justice Diversionary Program - OAR 22. Appointments to OAR Board of Directors (Joyce Bragg and Gerotha Washington) 23 OAR Board Member to attend Jail Crisis Meeting inWash 02 20 1978 18 174 03 20 1978 18 183 07 17 1978 18 25? 08 07 1978 18 255 . 271 09 05 1978 18 ?72 09 18 1978 18 278 09 18 1978 18 282 10 02 1978 18 284 10 02 1978 18 286 Ol 03 1979 18 :?36 04 02 1979 18 i76 Ol 21 1980 18 541 09 15 I980 18 665 OI 19 1981 18 754 05 04 1981 18 830 06 O1 1981 18 856 10 05 1981 18 937 10 19 1981 18 945 06 21 1982 19 98 08 02 1982 19 130 08 16 1982 19 137 09 07 1982 19 152 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES -- New Hanover County N. C. ORDINANCES M E , _ U J CT a aee. u. s. County Inaesea Since 1888 ? To IO?Ob nam?s, Op?11 dt r+?T OFFICE ?? .?n Identifyiag Trade Mazk SORNIUNH INITIAL TA? CO?T A$ M11DE BY THE COTT INDEX TA? INpEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OH10 SOLD iT OMEN i. CUNN, N Ew ?ERN , NORTH QRO LINA DATE MINUTE BOOK NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS Month Day Year Vol. Page 1. i Request for Ordinance regulating the keeping of animals on private property 05 03 1976 17 117 2. Discussion of Ordinance regulating use of Public Address systems on autos. 05 03 1976 17 118 3. Request for consideration of a solicitation ordinance 05 17 1976 17 124 4. Approval change of wording in Journeyman Plumber's Ord. 05 17 1976 17 125 5. Adoption o£ Loud Speaker Ord. 06 07 1976 I7 139 6. Discussion contract for codification of County ordinances 06 21 1976 17 151 7. Approval ordinance limiting use of loud speakers 06 21 1976 17 153 8. Codification of ordinances 07 06 1976 17 L61-2 9. A4obi?e home registrat?on ord. 02 21 1977 17 286 10. Discussion on Subdivision ord. 07 18 1977 18 79 11. Discussion on Subdivision ord. - readvertised 09 19 1977 18 101 12. Adopted Sand Dune ord. 09 19 1977 18 102 13. Discussion amendments to Subd. Ord. 10 03 1977 18 110 14. Discussion on amendment to Erosion and Sedimentation Control Ord. 11 21 1977 18 L35 ?I 15. Ado tion amendment to Buildin Code p g I1 21 1977 I8 135 I6. Discuss Noise Ordinance - tabled 02 )6 1978 18 167 17. Adoption Ord. to License Insulation contractors 02 )6 1978 18 167 18. Rec{uest for consideration of Bingo Oxdinance 03 20 1978 18 186 19. Discussion letter on Bingo Ordinance 04 17 1978 18 197 20. Amendment to Erosion & Sed. Control Ordinance 07 17 1978 18 249 21. Tabling adoption of County Code 08 07 1978 18 257 22. Discussion of Noise Ordinance 08 07 1978 18 255 23, Abatement of Nusances 08 16 1978 18 262 24. Adoption County Code 08 21 1978 18 265-6 25. Discussion of Noise Ordinance 09 05 1978 18 268-9 26.Changes made in Noise Ordinance 09 18 I978 18 278 27. Adopt Naise Ordinance in New Hanover County 09 18 1978 18 281 28. Date Set - November l, 1978 - effective for Noise Ordinance 09 18 1978 18 282 29. Repeal Obsolete Ordinances & Session Laws 11 20 1978 18 309 30. Amend Noise Ordinance 12 04 1978 18 315 31. Adoption of Privilege License Tax Ordinance 02 ?5 1979 18 350 32. Amendment to Ambulance Ordinance 02 ?5 1979 18 351 33. Amendment to Plumbing Code 03 35 1979 18 367 34. Regulating use of Parks .& Recreation facilities 03 05 1979 18 368 35. Amendment to Ambulance Ordinance 05 07 1979 18 397 36. Discussion of Animal Control Ordinances 08 06 I979 18 457 37. Amendment imposing County Privilege License Taxes 10 Ol 1979 18 486 38. Amendment New Hanover County Ambulance Ordinance 11 19 1979 18 513 39. Public Hearing to consider proposed New Hanover County & Wilm. Planning Commission dated 9/24/79 12 10 1979 18 523 and Metes & Bounds Committee recommendation for NHC Subdivision Regulations 40. Amendment to Building Code pertaining to Plumbing Installations O1 07 1980 18 534 41. ? Public Hearing - naming NC Se.condary Road 1515 Masonboro Sound Road 04 08 1980 18 574 42.- Capital Prop. Ord, for Flemington Water System 05 19 1980 18 600 43. Adoption of Fair Employment Ordinance 06 02 1980 18 611 44. Amendment to the Zoning Ordinance Section 52, 52-4, Dimensional Requirement 06 )2 1980 18 608 45. Budget Ordinance for year 1980/8I 06 ?5 I980 I8 623 46. Amendment to Ambulance Ordinance 06 ?5 1980 18 623 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover County N. C. ORDINANCES MU EC , a , J T nEC. u. s. v?r OFFICE ?JjI? Counry Indezes Since 1888 An Identifyin8 Trade Mark ? To loeat? na1MS, o?Nn af fUR1UME INITIAL TAB COTT A•i TAt INOEI MADE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD ?Y OWEN 0. pUNN, NEw tERN, NORTM GROLINA ? NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS 1. Special Meeting 6-25-80 to adopt Budget Ordinance 2t Adoption of Ordinance establishing Human Relations Comm. & Fair Employment Ordinance 3.' Discussion on repeal of Sand Dune Ordinance 4?' Amendments to County Zoning Ord. regarding definitions & classifications of priv. piers, coromunity boat 5. An Ordinance of the Co. of New Hanover Amending the Zoning Map of Zoning Area ??4 6, Public Hearing to consider amendments to the County Zoning Ordinance 7. Public Hearing to consider adoption of an Ordinance creating a County Planning Board Postponement of Ordinance regulating the N. H. County Water System & deletion of Resolution to G. E. 8• Company 9, Renaming Irwin Drive to Milford Road 10. Adoption of countywide water ordinance 11. Proposed ordinance regulating dealers in Precious Metals and Jewels 12? Naming of State Road 2133 as Terminal Road North and State Road 2134 as Terminal Road South 13. Renaming of NC Secondary Road 1187 to Sanders Drive 14, Discussion on Cable TV Ordinance 15. Adoption of Road Closing Ordinance amendment 16, Capital Project Ordinance - Sanitary Landfill 17. Proposed Outdoor Advertising Sign Ordinance 18. Presentation of Proposed Cable TV Ordinance 19. Discussion of fact that County has no ordinance to prevent open burning - possible burning ban 20. "An Ordinance amending the Zoning Map of Zoning Area 9-B adopted. Zoning Ordinance Book I,Sec. 9-B, Pg.39 05 04 1981 18 21. Discussion on Sign Ordinance 05 04 1981 18 22. Discussion on Request for Burning Ordinance 23,, Discussion on Ordinance Regulating Precious Metals Dealers ? 24, Capital Project Ordinance - Arrowhead Park I 25. Adoption of ordinance prohibiting the setting of fires in certain areas Zoning Ordinance text amendment Section 50-2 Table of permitted uses by adding special trade contractors, 26? with no storage, as permitted in the B-1 district ; 27. Zoning Ordinance text amendment to amend Section 94-2 Outdoor advertising signs. 28. Adoption of Cable TV Ordinance ; 29? Amendment to Ordinance establishing Human Relations Commission 30. Amendments to Fair Employment & Fair Housing Ordinance ? 31, Discussion on Ordinance prohibiting septic tank wastes from being brought into County ? 32. Amendments to Ambulance Ordinance '33. Adoption of Septage Disposal Ordinance 34. Franchise Application - Pleasure Island Volunteer Rescue Squad - Ordinance Granting 35. Final Adoption of Franchise Ordinance - Pleasure Island Volunteer Rescue Squad 36 Ordinance establishing rules and regulations for Airport I-37 Report on progress of Hazardous Waste Ordinances DATE MINUTE BOOK Month Day Year Vol. Page 06 16 1980 18 618 Ob 16 1980 18 06 16 1980 18 07 07 1980 18 08 04 1980 18 09 02 1980 18 09 02 1980 18 09 02 1980 18 z2 25 2980 z8 12 15 1980 18 12 15 1980 18 Ol 05 1981 1$ 03 02 1981 18 03 16 1981 18 04 06 198i 18 04 06 1981 18 04 21 1981 18 04 21 1981 18 04 21 19$1 18 619 619 628 644 655 656 659 73.i 732 736 741 775 787 802 804 811 813 813 817 831 05 04 1981 18 831 06 08 1981 18 860 05 18 1981 18 838 05 18 1981 18 839 07 07 1981 18 883 07 07 1981 18 880 09 08 1981 18 915 12 Z1 1981 18 973 12 21 1981 18 975 12 21 1981 18 978 06 07 1982 19 89 06 07 1982 19 90 07 06 1982 19 102 07 19 1982 19 114 12 06 1982 19 199 12 06 1982 19 199 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover County, N. C. _ MATT R ?=L REFINERY ` aec. u. s. County Indezes Since 1888 To IornM nom?s, Opl11 Of (OTT A TO Z TAB INDEX PAT OFFIGE ???1?e.? An Identifring Trade Merk ? SURNAME INITIAL iAB M O?LD,BYT OWE?NT G,NDUNN??NEW gERNU NON?O NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS _ DATE. MINUiE BOOK Month Day Year VoL Page 1. Discussion on Public Hearing for Oi1 Refinery 08 14 1979 18 390 2. - -- - ?--- • ? INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES -- New Hanover Count?, N. C. , MU JECT ONE-MILE JURISDICTION ` aec. u. s. /??_ County Indezea Since 1888 ? TO (oCa?? nam?s, op?11 Of COTT A-2 TM INOEX r?r OFFICE C,?i?Jj??C.4-? An Identifyins Trade Mark SURNAME INITIAL TA? MADE 8Y THE COTS fNDfX COMPANY, COIUMBUS. OHfO SOLO tY ONEN i. YUNN, NEw CERN, NORTH GROLINA DATE MINUTE BOOK NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS Month Day Yenr Voi. Page ; 1. Discussion of b4r. Jones 05 15 1972 15 125 2. Possibility of City relinquishing 05 15 1972 15 125 3. Wrightsville Beach 05 15 1972 15 128 4. Hearing date for public hearing on 05 23 1972 15 131 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES aee. u. s. ?? ?? County Indezea Since 1888 P?t OFFICE ?,?" Wi//7? An IdentifYins Trade Mark OPPORTUNITIES, INC. -- New Hanover Count?, N. C. _ MU JE T _ ? To lowt? num?s, op?n of COTT A-Z TA? INOEX MADE BY TNE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OH10 fURNAME INITIAL TAY SOLO ?Y OMIEN ?, pYNN, NEN ?ERN. NORTH GROLtNA DATE MINUTE BOOK ? NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS ? Month Day Year Vol. Page ?. ? 1. ? Office space 06 07 1965 13 497 2. Administrative space 06 23 1965 13 494 3, Report 10 04 1965 13 527 4. Resignation of Mr. Metts 10 04 1965 13 528 5. Representative from board 11 15 1965 13 545 ? 6. Office space 11 06 1967 14 .09 ' 7. Resolution concerning funding 05 05 1969 14 329 8. Upportunities, Inc. 06 03 1969 14 336 9. Consideration given to the use of Nursing Home 06 16 1969 14 342 10. Use of Nurses' Homes at Community Hospital 08 18 1969 14 383 11. Appointment of Representative to 09 02 iy69 14 384 1"l. Lease 10 ZO 1y69 14 4U2 1S. Opportunitites, Inc. 12 1S 1969 14 424 14. Lease 12 15 1969 14 424 15. Convention in Wilmington 09 21 1970 14 :i33 16. Convention in Wilmington 10 05 1970 14 i34 17. Lease 02 02 1970 14 'f36 18. Discussion lease at Community Hospital 04 20 1970 14 'f69 19. Letter from 05 04 1970 14 'E74 ?1 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES -- New Hanover Count?, N. C. , MATT RT ORDTNANCES a ¦ea. u. s. County Indezea Since 1888 ? Yo IOCOtO nqm2S? OpCn Ot COTT A-Z TAB INDEX r?r OFFICE ??? An ldendfying Trade Mark SURNAME IN171A1 TAB MADE BY TNE COTT INDEX COMPANY, tOLUMBUS, OHIO SQLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLtNA NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS DATE MINUTE BOOK ' Month Day Year Vol. Page ?' l. Board of Health met and passed a sewage ordinance for Wrightsville Beach. 2. Board of Health met and passed an ordinance not allowing any surface closets on Wrightsville Beach. 3. Ordinance passed on speeds set for automobiles and Permanent Road Committee to post signs. 4. Attorney to draw up an ordinance requiring all vehicles traveling at night to carry lights. 5. Expenditures of Sheriff for enforcement of dog ordinances approved. 6. Ordinance passed on weight allowed on certain public roads and prevention of damage to same. 7. A. M. Worth asked Board to amend ordinance prohibiting 5 in. pneumatic tires to allow same. 8. Middle Sound Rd. added to list of roads protected by ordinance, passed July 14, 1919. 9. Atnendment to ordinance passed on July 15, 1919 controlling traffic. 10. Ordinance on traffic control passed on July 14, 1919 amended. 11. Ordinance passed on speed of autos on highways. 12. Ordinance passed prohibiting any person or persons from depositing any trash on roads. 13. Ordinance passed limiting speed of vehicles in school zones to 15 mph. 14. Ordinance passed on limiting speed of vehicles on certain roads. 15. Discussion on ordinance to prohibit dumping along highways. 16. Ordinance passed on direction vehicles to be drawn over roads. 04 25 19I2 7 248 04 25 1912 7 248 05 05 1913 7 291 08 02 1915 7 475 04 30 1918 7 693 04 14 1919 8 66 06 14 1919 8 115 09 10 1920 8 125 11 Ol 1920 12 07 1920 10 03 1921 08 07 1922 05 07 1923 02 04 1924 06 04 1924 06 24 1925 17. Ordinance passed prohibiting sale of fireworks. 11 18. Ordinance prohibits sell of fireworks in county. 12 19. Game Law Resolution on tax levy adopted by commissioners. (See Tax Dept.) 07 20. National Redcross representative requested Board pass ordinance requiring registered trained guard 08 service at public bathing places, but no authority to do so. 21. J. H. Stone requested act to regulate shad fishing industry along Cape Fear River, taken under consideration09 22. Ordinance adopted pedestrain crossing at Sunset Park School. 06 23. Auditor to confer with employees and senator on passing of local law on retirement. 02 24. Motion carried on county order establishing capital reserve funds. Ol 25. Ordinance adopted on sale of beer and wines. 11 26. Ordinance presented on electrical inspections. 11 27. Ordinance of November 7 amended on electrical inspections salary. 28. Me?t inspection ordinance adopted. 29. Meat ordinance - inspection program presented; ordinance adopted. 30. Board adopted ordinance for Courthouse parking. 31. Received Firearms Ordinance for County. 32. Action delayed on County Firearms Ordinance. 33. Adopted Firearms Ordinance and resolution. 34. The Chairman explain Firearms Ordinance to Mr. Charlton A. Pape. 35. New Hanover County Airport Zoning Ordinance. pp. 671-676. 36. No action on suggestion regarding zoning ordinance. 37. Notice of County be placed under State Zoning Ordinance, committee to be appointed. 38. Approved Bird Sanctuary Ordinance requested by C. McDavis. 39. Firearm Ordinance to be placed on agenda for legislative change. (General Assembly) 11 04 09 09 02 1925 21 1926 18 1927 28 1933 11 1933 16 1941 15 1943 24 1944 15 1946 07 1949 28 1949 02 1951 14 1953 29 1958 11 16 1959 Ol 04 1960 11 07 1960 12 05 1960 05 15 1961 02 18 1963 05 20 1963 08 05 1963 12 02 1963 $ 132 8 137 8 176 $ 207 8 242 8 281 8 297 8 342 8 357 8 416 8 453 9 246 9 249 . 10 210 ; 10 317 10 365 ' 10 526 :; 11 133 11 138 11 251 11 453 12 309 12 515 12 532 12 623 12 633 12 671 13 192 13 217 . 13 243 13 269 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover Count? N. C. MU JECT ORDINANCES , _ a aE6. u. s. ?/?. ?? County Indezea Since 1888 TO (OCCb pOelUf? OpNI af COTT A•2 TA? INGEX ? r?T OFFICE (.L"ctF//7? tAn ldentifying Trade Mazk SURNAME INITIAL TAY INADE BY THE COTT INDEX SOLO ?Y ONEN i. OUNN, N COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO EN tERN, NORTN GROLINA NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS DATE MINUTE BOOK Monih Day Year Vol. Page ' ' 1. Mobile Home Park 10 02 1967 14 93 2. Mobile Home Park 10 16 1967 14 102 3. Regulating parking at Airport 12 04 1967 14 124 4. Building Code 05 20 1968 14 187 5. Codifying O1 ?2 1968 14 132 6. Subdivision 09 16 1968 14 248 7. Subdivision 12 ?2 1968 14 275 8. Codifying 12 16 1968 14 285 9. County Zoning Urdinance 08 ?4 1969 14 376 10. Public hearing Zoning Ordinance Oy 15 I969 14 :587 11. Zoning Ordinance 10 06 1969 14 391 12. Adoption Zoning Ordinance 10 07 1969 14 S93 13. Mobile Homes 02 02 1970 14 435 14. PUblic Hearing-Zoning Ordinance 03 02 1970 14 444 15. Mobile Home & Trailer Park 03 02 1970 14 446 16. Codification of 03 02 1970 14 447 17. PUblic Hearing - Zoning Ordinance 04 06 197Q 14 456 18. Mobile Home and trailer ordinance-Amendment Ol 18 1971 14 566 19. Providing for the adoption, administration and enforcement of Regulatory Codes 02 O1 1971 14 574 20. To permit the Imposition of Prohibitions & Restrictions during State of Emergency 02 05 1971 14 579 21. Zoning Ordinance of NHC., Adopted October 6, 1969, amending 04 05 1971 14 602 22. Subidivsion Ordinance-Public Hearing-Amendment to 04 05 1971 14 601 23. Prohibiting vehicles on strand of beaches 05 17 1971 14 648 24. Motor behicles on strand of beaches 06 07 1971 14 655 25. Topless dancers 06 07 1971 14 656 26. Motor vehicles on strand of beaches 06 21 1971 14 662 27. First reading-Dune Buggy Ordinance 09 07 1971 15 8 28. Public Hearing-Dune Buggy Ordinance 09 20 1971 15 14 29. First REading-Junk Ord. 10 04 1971 15 I9 30. Dune buggy Ordinance recinded 10 04 1971 15 19 31. Public Hearing-Junk Ordinance 10 18 1971 15 22 32. Subdivision Regulations-Amending 10 18 1971 15 25 33. Junk Vehicles Ordinance 11 15 1971 15 37 34. Hugh MacRae Park 11 15 1971 15 42 35. Dune Protection 12 06 1971 15 46 36. Junk 12 06 1971 15 SO 37. Zoning Map, Area ??2 12 06 1971 15 44 38. Amendment to Sand Dune O1 17 1972 15 69 39. Amendment to Junk Ol 17 1972 15 69 40. Regulating dispensing of motor fuels 02 21 1972 15 77 41. Regulating Massage Parlors 06 19 1972 15 152 42. Proposed amendments zoning ordinances 11 06 1972 15 241 43. Discussion concerning Drive-In movies 12 04 1972 15 271 44. Fortune telling O1 15 1973 15 314 45. Amendments to zoning 02 05 1973 15 320- 46. Amendments to Mobile Home ? Trailer Park 02 05 1973 15 321 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES -- New Hanover N. C. County ORDINANCES MU E , _ B CT ` aE6. u. s. County Indezea Since 1888 YO IotOb pOr1NS? op?n af A? Tr k if i d M Id C-?? ? COTT A-= TA? INOEX MADB BY THE COTT INDEX (OMPANY, COlUM6US, OHIO y a e ar n ent ns PA7 OFFICE :(?o-?.. . SURNAME INITIAL TAB SOLD ?T OIIIEN ?. pUNN? N EN tElM. NORTN GRO LINA DATE MINIITE BOOK ?? ;i, NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS Month Day Yenr Vol. Page 1. Airport Height Zoning (revised), presentation of 02 05 1973 15 322 2. Discussion of Subdivision Ordinance by Surveyors 02 19 1973 15 333 3. Amendment to zoning 03 05 1?73 15 341 4.' Public Hearing/Proposed Airport Height 03 05 1973 15 341-3 5. Amendment to Zoning 04 02 1973 15 363-4 6.: Public Hearing/proposed Airport Height 04 09 1973 15 :?68-9 7. Adoption of Airport Height Zoning 04 16 1973 15 370 8. Amendments to zoning 04 16 1973 15 379 9. Discussior? of soi? eroszon 06 04 1973 15 431 10. Request - ordinance governing topless entertainment 09 04 1973 15 483 11. Request - ordinance prohibiting motorized vehicles from beach areas 12 03 1973 15 533 12. Ordinance prohibiting motorized vehicles from beach areas to be drawn up 12 17 1973 15 547 13. Amendment to "An ordinance prohibiting the operation of motor t?ehicles on the property in NHC 02 18 1974 15 578-9 bordering the Atlantic Ocean" to include area south of Kure Beach and north of the Ft. Fisher Site 14. Adoption of Soil Erosion and Sedimentation Control Ord. 07 11 1974 15 677 15. Adoption of Dog Control Ordinance 07 15 1974 15 686 16. Ordinance creating bird sanctuary in Lansdowne Estates 12 16 1974 16 73 17. Tabling ordinance establishing building code appeals and licensing board. O1 06 1975 16 75 18. Committee to draft new Firearms Ord. O1 06 1975 16 79 19: Amendments to zoning ord. 02 03 1975 16 100-2 20. Amendments to zoning ord. 03 03 1975 16 127 21. Attorney to prepare solicitations ord. 03 03 :i .975 16 130 22. Building code appeals and licensing Board ord. referred to county attorney. 03 03 1975 16 132 23. Tabling of solicitations ord. 03 17 1975 16 144 24. Public hearing called for Ambulance Franchise Ord. 03 17 1975 16 146 25. Public hearing called for building code appeals and licensing board 03 17 1975 16 146 26. Amendments to zoning ord. 04 07 1975 16 155-6 27. Public hearing - amendment to regulatory codes (bldg. code appeals and licensing Bd) not adopted 04 07 1975 16 156-7 28. Solicitations ord. tabled 04 07 1975 16 163 29, Amendments to zoning ord. re kennels 04 21 1975 16 i_72-3 30. Amendments to zoning ord. re home occupation 04 21 1975 16 173-5 31. Public hearing and adoption of Ambulance Franchise Ord. 04 21 1975 16 J_75-6 32. Solicitations Ord. - First reading 04 21 1975 16 i.80-1 33. Solicitations ord. tabled 05 05 1975 16 189 34. Amendments to Zoning ord. re kennels 06 02 1975 16 210-1 35. Amendment to zoning ord. re industrial and trade union offices 06 02 1975 16 211 36. Adoption of Massage Parlor ord. 06 16 1975 16 ?21-3 37. Adoption of Budget Ord. for FY 75/76 06 30 1975 16 232 38. Tabling solicitation ord. 08 18 1975 16 256 39, Reconsideration of Solicitation ord. 09 02 1975 16 ?62-3 40. Reconsideration of Solicitation ord. 09 15 1975 16 267 41. Adopt Electrical code. 10 20 1975 16 285 42. Adopt Plumbing Ord. 10 20 1975 16 ?85-6 43. Approval amendments to County Zoning ORd. OI 05 1976 17 .?6-7 44. Defeat of adoption of solicitation ord. O1 19 1976 17 43 45. Approval road closing ord. for NHC 03 15 1976 17 1?0-1 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover County, N. C. - MATTER: ORPHANAGES ! eta. u. s. ^-`'_ County Indezee Since 1888 ? To loeats namea, open at r?r OiFICE C.?iE??.a-? An IdendEYing Trade Mark SURNAME INITIAL TAB COTT A•Z TAB IkDEX MADE BY THH COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS. OHIO SOLO BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH fAROLINA ;? DATE ??? M?NUTE BoOK ?? NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS _ ;: Month I Day I Year t! Vol. I Page , I? 1.?" Letter from Henry Blake filed. ;? 12 . 07 `? 1869':,' ? ` 1 . 350 i 2.'; Committee to confer with Mr. Blake. ? 12 07 1869eP ?" 1 350 ? 3.? Letter from Superintendent B1ake of Brewer Orphan Asylum filed. ' 12 10 1869E} •; 1 355 ,? 4.;? Committee to visit orphanage. 12 10 , 1869'?? 1 355 ; 5.;t Report on petition of Superintendent Blake's relative to Brewer Orphan Asylum filed. O1 03 „ 1870i4 r: 1 393 6.„ Allowances set for annual support of Ellen Rigford and Eliza Collins, orphans. ;, O1 03 1870$ ?' 1 393 7.y; Money appropriated for each child mentioned in Mr. Blake's letter. 11 07 1870`? `? 2 83 ?? i 8.`? Mr. Blake's bill for boarding orphans in orphanage approved. , 02 06 1871? 2 123 j? 'Mr. Blake's bill for boarding orphans in orphanage approved. ., ,_ 04 05 1871 2 :. 143 `' i1 S4 10.,; Bill from H.B. Blake for orphans approved. 11 07 1871 2 241 ', 11. , Al1 orphan children in Poor House under seven to be sent to Orphan Asylum. (See POOR HOUSE) 12 11 1871 2 248 s€ 12..: Mr. Blake will be allowed same amount for support of children sent from Poor House as for other children. ,. 12 ll. 1871,, 2 248 ;; 13. Bill from H.B. Blake approved. , Ol 02 1872. 2 278 f? ?; 1.4.;Naomi Monroe taken to Orphan Home. 12 4 1922 8 ?? 217?` ,? 15.,: Money allowed for mothers' aid fund for Orph?.ns in home?.of worthy mothers ? , 7 1C? 1923e 8 252 ?? 16.. Addie Brown to be taken to Jenkins Orphanage School in Charleston S.C. ; 12 ? 1923` 8 ? 273`° !? 17...Board to pay expense to Jenkins Orphan School in Charleston South Carolina. , 12 ? 192?. 8 273?q ?? :Board to pay expenses o? Social Service Officer for sending lamb children and infant to , 5 18. 21 192?; 8 385 ? , , ;Childrens' Home Society. , , i; 19..Gretchen Cambell to be taken to Orphanage in Kinston. ; 10 11 1937; 9 544?? s ; 20.,;Peggy L. Land approved transportation to Presbyterian Orphan Home. ;. 7 5 193?; 9 f 597',j 21.,,American Advent Christian Home and Orphanage of Live Oak Fla. g?.-?.nted donation. „12 13 194?, 1.7 62?; ?, „Payment authorized to I. 0. 0. F. Orphanage at Goldsboro. 22 12 28 194?` 11 64?? . , ,p 1X .! .,, n' INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover Coun t? N C POOR DOOE T OU MAT ER , . . E ? ? _ : T ` Rca. u. s. Counry Indexes Since 1886 F? z3?- To locats names, opsn at rsr OIFICE (.?i??e?' An IdentiEying Trade Mark ?.? SURNAM6 INITUL TAB COTT A•Z TAB INDEX MADE BY TNE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NOR TH CAROLINA si ? i , DATE c,' ? ? MINUT E BOOK ? NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS . , ? , ?s ,' Month I Day ( Year ;; €o Vol. I Page ? B. l.: Commissioners Martin and Rice to hear and send all approved applica?t to Poor House. ` ; 12 02 1873;? '' 3 150 ?? R? I ? ' 2.? Above committee to be in Commissioners' room daily to receive applicants for relief of paupe rs. 12 02 1$73J '? 3 150 ?. ° ; 3.?d Committee to report best way to handle paupers at City Hospital. ; 12 02 1873?3 3 150 ?; " s ?? 4.;; Report from Committee on Paupers spread upon minutes. ?, 12 08 1873" 3 155 ;? 5.. ? Report from Committee on Poor received and recommendations approved. ,; O1 05 . 1874'; 3 162 ?? ?s 6.'i ° Request from Charles Galloway for aid to poor referred to Committee on indigent paupers. 08 04 1874?? 3 232 ?6 ?; ?, , 7. Request from Delaware Nixon for relief of poor persons referred to this Committee. , 08 04 1874?; 3 232 ,, ;; 8.? Monthly allowance recommended for Hettie Batts and Charriney Batts. . 08 08 1874 3 234 ; ' 9. ` Camrr?issioners Morris ana Van E3mringe appointea to attena out c?oor paupers. „ 09 07 Z&74;, 3 25? ` 10. Request from H. Brown for relief of J.O. Bowden, pauper, received. 09 15 1874 3 260 ,; , 11.. Application of H.E. Scott, Superintendent of Poor House, received. 09 23 1874, 3 263 :. 12.. Applications of Polly Stokes for aid referred to this Committee. 10 06 1874, 3 265 ;, 13.,, Application of S. Watson, Rector of St. James Parish, received. „ 10 06 1874:: 3 265 ",; 14.; Received request from H.E. Scott for repairs on Poor House. 10 07 1874.: 3 268 :; a? , 15. , Received application from J.H. Freeman. .. 10 07 1874.; 3 268 i' ? ', 16.,u Petition received for aid on burying a child and an adult. . 10 07 1874„ 3 269 ?; ; i 17.; Matter of poor outside City referred to the Poor Committee. .. 10 24 1874.. 3 270 i° 18.. , ? Request from George Permann for aid referred to Poor Committee. 11 .. 04 1874 ,. 3 277 `' ?; 19. .. ? Applications of Balain and Julia Fennell, Lydia Orrell and Annie Carroll for relief referred to Committee. 11 ?. ? 16 1874?. 3 278 ?r ?? s 20. ? Application of Ann Fennell for relief in paying doctor's bill referred to Poor Committee. 11 ? 16 1874 • 3 278 °_ ?r? 21.. .. Requests of Caroline George and Edward Beasley for relief referred to Poor Committee. 12 07 1874 3 280 ?' ?? 22. Applications for aid received. 02 02 1875 3 296 p f , 23. Board filed report of Poor Committee. 02 02 1875", 3 297 ; s= , 24. Requests for aid from Francis Curtis and Mrs. Herring referred to Poor Committee. 03 O1 1875., ? 3 382 ?; ?e i ; 25. Only out door paupers recommended by Poor Committee to receive any furth'er money orders. 03 03 1875? 3 307 ?E 'i 26. ? Chairman pro tem to appoint an additional member to Poor Committee. • 03 16 1875,? ., 3 311 ? ! ?' 27.? Board filed Poor Committee's report. 04 06 1875: ? 3 315 p! ? ' s ?'i , 28.,, No prescriptions or doctors' bills will be paid by County unless an order from Committee accompanies it? 05 03 1875, 3 322 ?? w 'i 29., Committee on Poor requested more time to make their report. 05 17 1875„ 3 328 ! , ? 30.,, Letter from Claudia Fergerson and J.C. Shepard referred to Committee on Poor. „ 06 07 1875 3 330 ? ? F: 31., Letter from J.C. Shepard referred to Poor Committee. 06 07 1875 3 331 ?, , 32.., ' Application of George Pearman referred to Poor Committee. 07 07 1875„ 3 348 ;? ? ?I 33.. Committee on Out Door Poor appointed: J.G. Wagner, A.H. Morris and S. Van Amringe. 10 12 1875., 3 387 ; ,; ?? 34. .. i Application of Peggy Burr referred to Poor Committee. 12 10 1875 3 399 ?? 35. , ? Application of Mrs. Caroline George for relief referred to Committee on Out Door Poor. 04 . 03 1876 .. 3 424 ?' ;, 36. Application of Catharine Farrow referred to Poor Committee. 05 •. Ol 1876 3 432 ?_ ?; 37. ? Application of John Evans to be sent to Poor House referred to Poor Committee. 07 08 1876; 3 450 ?; ?, 38. Request from Eliza Blunt and Ann Williams for assistance referred to Poor Committee. 08 07 1876.. 3 454 . ". 39. Request of Eliza Blount and Maneriva Newkirk to be placed on poor list referred to Poor Committee, p. 464-5 09 OS 1876 ? 3 464 , , 40. Application of Annie McMillan referred to Poor Committee. 09 08 1876: 3 466 ?, ? ' 41.y Request from Mrs. Florencetta Skipper for relief referred to Poor Committee. 10 24 1876 ? 3 486 h? ? ? 42. Report from Poor Committee received and filed. O1 03 ? 1877 3 518 j; ;` ? ? 43. ilew memb?rs on Out Door Poor Committee: J. Wagner and I.B. Grainger. Ol 03 1877 3 518 . ? , ? 44. Application of Dr. W.W. Lane relative to County poor referred to Poor Committee. , O1 29 1877;, 3 522 j: ?; , 45.; Committee on Poor and Hospital to make an annual contract with Mr. Scott. O1 29 1877'; 3 523 ?; '` , 46.;; Committee to employ a man to take charge of poor or invite proposals to care for poor. . O1 29 1877,, 3 523 } j; i ;j _ _ i? ? f ` !? " ?' ; ?? INDEX TO CO?iMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover Count? N. C. MATTER: POOR ???D? , _ TE E ` ¦ec. u. s. County Indezea Since 1888 f]+ ? To loeate names, open at COTT A•Z TAB INDEX r?r OFFICE ???L? An Identifying Trade Matk ?3?? SURNAME INITIAL TAB MADE BY THE CQTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, O HIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROL INA " k` DATE Il ?+ ?? MINUTE BOOK ?? NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS :? Month ? Day? Year ?? t VoL ? Page ?? !? 1. Application . of Eda Larkins for assistance referred to Poor Committee. k, 02 05 1877 aq ?? 3 i: 524 t? I i 2. - Report from Out Door Poor Committee ordered spread on minutes. ?; ? 02 05 1877 ??: ;?? 3 524 :' I ?? 3. Report of Committee on Poor received and ordered spread on minutes. ' ? 03 05 1877 ., ;; 3 530 '? FI 4. Report from 1; Out Door Poor Committee for February spread on minutes. ?; 03 05 1877 ;? 3 534 k , ? ;; .5. Report of Poor Committee was received. ?. 04 02 1877 4 `a ;? 3 537 , 6. Report of Poor Committee on number of paupers sent to Hospital and Poor House in March, 1877. G ? 04 02 1877 ?' ? i 3 537 ,; ?; ,7.? 0 Report from Out Door Poor Committee on number of coffins furnished paupers for March, t 04 02 1877 ;: 3 538 ' ? .8. Report from Out Door Poor Committee showing amount allowed Out Door Poor for March. 04 02 1877 ;N 3 539 y ,9.? Reports from Committee on Out Door Poor for April and Ma.y to be spread on minutes. , 06 05 1877 ? rp 3 551 ?O.o ' Report from Out Door Poor Committee on amount of aid received by County Poor in May. 06 05 1877 , 3 562 ?? ll.?o ,; Statement on paupers sent out of County in May by Poor Committee. 06 05 1877 . 3 563 12.?8 , Statements on coffins and burials furnished poor in May by Poor Committee. ;. 06 05 1877 „ 3 563 ? 13.? Reports from Poor Committee on number of paupers sent to Hospital, Poor House and insane department in May. 06 05 1877 ,; 3 563 „ ? ?4.; ? Report from Poor Committee on amount of aid given poor for April. 06 05 1877 _ ' 3 564 . ? 15.?? Report from Poor Committee on number of poor sent from County in April. 06 05 1877 ; 3 565 . ? 16. , Report from Out Door Poor Committee on number of poor sent to Hospital and Poor House in April. . 06 05 1877 , 3 565 :i 17.?? Report from Out Door Poor Committee on number of coffins furnished for April. : 06 05 1877 , 3 565 ? .s 18. Report from Poor Committee to be spread on minutes. 07 02 1877 p: 3 567 19.?? Report from Out Door Poor Committee on amount of aid given poor in June. 07 ??2 1877 3 568 i 20.?' Report from Out Door Poor Committee on number of poor sent out of County, to Hospital and to Poor House. 07 ?2 1877 3 569 21. Report from Out Door Poor Committee on number of coffins and burials f urnished poor in June. 07 ?2 1877 3 569 ?, 22.?' . Report from Poor Committee on number of poor sent out of County in July. 08 tl 1877 3 605 ? 23.? Report from Poor Committee on number of paupers sent to Poor House and Hospital in July. 08 tl 1877 3 603 '24. Report from Poor Committee on number of coffins and burials furnished paupers in July. 08 11 1877 3 604 25. Report from Poor Committee on number of monies given poor in July. . ;. 08 tl 1877 3 604 , 26. August report from Committee on Out Door Poor ordered spread on minutes. ? 09 06 1877 3 609 27.? Applications of persons for County aid referred to Poor Committee. ; 09 ?6 1877 ` 3 611 28.? Report from Committee on Out Door Poor on amount of aid given poor in August. 09 22 " 1877 ; 3 615 29. Report from Poor Committee on number of poor sent out of County in August. 09 22 1877 :? 3 617 .. , 30. Report from Poor Committee on number of coffins and burials furnished poor in August, pages 617-618. ;, 09 22 1877 :, 3 617 31.? Report from Poor Committee on amount of aid given paupers in September, pages 648-650. ? 11 06 1877 ; 3 648 ., P 32.k Report from Poor Committee on number of coffins and burials furnished paupers in September. 11 06 1877 3 651 ,? ? 33.''s? , ?? Report from Poor Committee on number of poor transported out of County in September. ? 11 06 1877 ?? 3 651 34.?? t? Report from Poor Committee on number of paupers sent to Poor House in September. 11 06 1877 3 651 35.?? . ? Report fram Paar Gommittee on amount of aid given poor in October, pages 652-654. 11 06 1877 .. 3 652 , i 36.9 ? Report from Poor Committee on number of coffins and burials furnished poor in October. 11 06 1877 3 654 .. 37.6 ; " Report from Poor Committee on number of poor sent to Hospital in October. 11 06 1877 3 654 . s 38.n? . ? Report from Poor Committee on amount of aid given poor in November, pages 664-666. . 12 15 1877 .. 3 664 39.? Report from Poor Committee on transportation given poor in November. 12 15 1877 ; 3 666 40. . Report from Poor Committee on number of coffins and burials furnished poor in November, pages 666-667. 12 15 1877 . ,d 3 666 ? e. 41.?, Report from Poor Committee on number of poor sent to Hospital and Poor House in November. ? 12 15 1877 ' 3 667 i 42.?? . Report from Out Door Poor Committee ordered spread on minutes. Ol 07 1878 ' 3 679 I , 43. Report from Poor Committee on amount of aid given poor for groceries in December, pages 690-692. O1 09 1878 : 3 i 690 ' 44. Report from Poor Committee on loads of wood and amount of clothing and shoes given poor in December. Ol 09 1878 3 692 ? 45. Report from Poor Committee on number of coffins and burials furnished poor in December, pages 692-693. O1 09 1878 3 ' 692 46. Report from Poor Committee on number of poor sent out of County, to Poor House and to Hospital in Dec. , Ol 09 1878 <i :3 3 693 ?; , j? i r, I? E? '? s ?? R. 1 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover County N. C. POOR DOOE T MAT ER: OU , _ ? ? E a eeo. r?r o u. s. County Indexee Since 1888 ?''?y-'' To locate names, open at ?.?? An (dentifying Trade Mark U?t:?' SURNAME IN(TIAL TA8 rF?ce ? COTT A•2 TAB INDEX MADE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO ? SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW B ERN, NOR TH CAROLINA ; f` DATE i; ?4 MINUTE BOOK NATURE 0? PROCEEbINGS `? ?? ?' Month ? Day ? Year ?? Vol. ? Page ?? 1.'-, Out Doo r Poor Committee's report fs?r January to be spread on minutes. 02 - ? 04 ?a 18784j s - 3 ? 699 2.'? Petitio n of Lizzie Sidbury for charity referred to Poor Committee. 02 16 p 1878?j F 3 701 3.r? Report from Poor Committee on amount of aid given poor in January, 1878, pages 702-705. 02 16 ; 1878PM 3 702 ' 4.` Report from Poor Committee on number of coffins and burials furnsihed poor in January. ? 02 16 ?a 1878?i 6 3 705 5.`? Report from Poor Committee on clothing and amount of wood furnished poor in January, pages 705-706. ' 02 16 ?? 1878'? 3 1 705 ? ;? ; 9 6.. Report from Poor Committee on transportation of poor in January. 02 I6 1878`?' ? 3 ? 706 ? i r , a 7.„ Report from Poor Committee on number of poor sent to Hospital and Poor House in January. . 02 16 1878j; ?' 3 ? 706 ?i „ 8.'` Report from Poor Committee on grocery money and transportation given poor in February, pages 708-711. ?, 03 04 1878;: 3 708 ?? ?? 9.,; Report from Poor Committee on amount of wood given poor in February. 03 04 1878',; ,; 3 712 tl? ?? ?: 10., Report from Poor Committee on number of coffins and burials furnished poor in February. 03 04 1878 3 712 ?; 11.,, Report from Poor Committee on number of poor sent ot Hospital , Poor House and Insane Department in Feb. 03 04 1878'. 3 712 r, 12.,, , Request from Mrs. Skipper for County aid referred to Committee on Poor. 04 .. 10 1878;, ` 3 718 ; k? 4: ,. e ., ., ?. . ?,, ? , . ,, •? ?• ' ., ? ., .. J e i? . ? k; ;? t? i? i9 E? ?r I: n? ?T t? k E? ?; _ 4! „,,; js !s r: ? „ y; ?I ?? s ? .. ? . , . . " , { •, , .? .. ;f F? i? . „ ? . e .. , ^. ? . ' p: s' ii i: , .. o. .. , r, i, ? i' , +? ; ? r; ! ?i II t? ji ? ?, e, ?. t i ? b? ? 0 i a ? ? k g F k 6 i r I f i r 4 4 ? k '