P Index to Minutes July 15, 1868 N C INDE? TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES -- New Hanover Count? MATT R??""'?'0? RECREATION a , . . , aac. u. s. County ?ndexes Since 1888 To loeate names, open af ?? An ldentifying Trade Mark ? SURNAMB INITIAI, iA6 ?p r?T oFr?cc COTT A-2 TAB INDEX MADE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH GROLINA , DATE MINUTE BOOK NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS Month I Day I Year Voi. I Page 1. Thanks given Mr. and Mrs. Hugh MacRae for donation of land for use as a public park to be known as Winter 04 07 1913 7 287 Park. 2. Letter from Prof. Blair relative to building entrance to park at Winter Park Gardens referred to L.W. Moore 04 13 1414 7 345 ? 3. Request from Mr. Blair for a road into park at Winter Park Gardens left to Road Committee. 05 04 1914 7 351 4. Board to consider building approaches and gateway to land donated by Hugh MacRae. 02 07 1916 7 533 5. Funds not available to build approaches and gateway to park at Winter Park Gardens. 02 14 1916 7 537 6. Request from Mrs. J.W. Hale for repairs on Summer House in park referred to Chairman. 04 30 1918 7 693 7. Board declined rec{uest from citizens for money for a baseball field due to lack of funds. 04 19 1920 8 106 8. Supt. of Roads to clear fields at Audubon Park for landing of government aircraft. 04 19 1920 8 106 9. Chamber of Commerce requested aid from Board in developing park near Greenfield Lake. 05 24 1922 8 199 10. Board reQuested deed to land from Hugh MacRae which was furnished County as a park. 07 13 1923 8 251 11. Matter of securing another deed for land donated by Hugh MacRae as a park referred to County Attorney. 08 31 1923 8 261 12. Board to ask,Hugh MacRae to furnish a deed to land he donated to County for use as a park. Ol 28 1924 8 280 13. Money will be allowed for tea room at Lake Side Park if open to public. 02 04 1924 8 281 14.?_ Committee to request new deed from Hugh MacRae for land he donated for a park. 02 OS 1925 8 329 15. Deed secured from Hugh MacRae for land donated for park. 04 06 1925 8 335 16. Greater Wilmington agricultural Fair Association may have carnivals at Greenfield Lake upon certain 09 18 1925 8 352 conditions. 17. Rubbish to be cleared from County Park near Winter Park Station. 02 04 1926 8 3b5 18. Henry Peschan and J. H. Hamilton rec{uests for removal of rubbish from Winter Park received. 05 15 1928 8 509 19. Mrs. 3. H. Hamilton requested, granted use of park near golf course for Cape Fear Garden Club. 04 15 1930 9 38 20. No action taken on request of oil interest to eliminate fire hazards below Sunset Park by burning underbrush.01 02 1934 9 264 21. Glenward Blomme reauested but declined Carolina Invitational Tennis Tournament appropriations. 07 23 1934 9 293 22. Agreement to lease recreation field approved to American Legion. 10 28 1935 9 386 23. Consideration taken for getting WPA funds for recreation Park. 11 13 1935 9 391 24. Recess taken, recreation park considered. 11 12 1935 9 391 . 25. Recreation Park authorized use of stockade pipeline. OZ 03 1936 9 406 26. Recreation Park authorized payment for wood. - 02 10 1936 9 407 27. Park bleachers insured. 05 14 1936 9 432 28. placed Barb wire to be around recreation center. OS 17 1936 9 448 29. No action taken on recreation center for girls. 08 17 1936 9 448 30. City-county to purchase typewriter for Girls Recreation Center. 08 31 1936 9 450 31. Recreation project report filed for August. 09 08 1936 9 451 32. Recreation Center authorized rent of typewriter. 12 21 1936 9 471 33. Girl`s recreation center report filed for December. O1 11 1936 9 474 34. Recreation Park authorized truck. 02 O1 1937 9 478 35. Recreation project report filed for January. 02 08 1937 9 479 36. Proposed bill declined on recreation project. 02 22 1937 9 482 37. Cement and lime authorized at Recreation park. 03 08 1937 9 485 38. Bricks authorized at recreation center. 03 15 1937 9 486 39. David-Moore Paint co. awarded painting contract at Recreation Center. 03 22 1937 9 487 40. Soft Ball diamonds requested, provided at Recreation Parks. 03 29 1937 9 488 41. Window sash purchased for Recreation Center. 03 29 1937 9 489 42. Girl's recreation report filed for March. 04 05 1937 9 490 43. Baseball team granted use of recreation field. 04 05 1937 9 490 44. Bid to erect poles rejected at Recreation Parks. 04 12 1937 9 492 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover Count?, N. C. , MA TERT PARKS-RECREATION ` nec. u. :. County Indexea Since 1888 ? To locote names, open at COTT A-Z TAB INDEX PAT OFFIGE C,?i?l?a?-?E'i An Identifying Trade Mark SURNAME INITIAL TAB ?DE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD BY OWEN 6. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS 1. Motion carried on recreation projects. 2. Payment approved for insurance on recreation park. 3. Parks to be cleaned by drain force. 4. Bids taken on poles for recreation park. 5. Bids awarded to Otton Lehman. 6. Project approved for fair grounds. 7. Blue prints to be made for half-section of stadium. 8. Exhibit for state fair rec{uested, referred to committee. 9. Girls Recreation report received for June. 10. Flora Miller appointed Girls' Recreation Supervisor. 11. Girls Recreation report filed for July. 12. High School football team authorized to use Stadium. 13. Girl's Center authorized typwriter. 14. Line of construction authorized for lighting Park. 15. Arrangement made for departments to attend Recreation Parks dedication. 16. Recreation plan submitted, approued. 17. Recreation director requested, granted room repairs for Girls' Club. 18. Recreation report filed for October. ? !19. Recreation report filed for November. 20. Sunset Park Co. declined clay for Legion Field. 21. Recreation report filed for January. 22. Payment approved for Recreation members training. '23 Material authorized for Legion Field project. 24. Recreation report filed for February. ,25. Lighting for Recreation field referred to Chairman. 26. Recreation report filed. 27. Recreation park petitioned, referred to committee. 28. Recreation report filed for March. 29.; Legion Field's 1936-37 budget increased for lighting, switches, etc.; labor bid authorized. 30.; Bids received for Legion Field lights. 31. Labor bids received for Legion Field. 32. John H. Niggels' award bid for lights. 33. Jones Electric Co. bid referred to Chairman on transformers. 34. A. B. Blake's bid for floodlights accepted. 35. Recreation report filed for April. 36. Clay authorized for Hugh MacRae Park; County truck used. 37. Legion Field authorized flood lights. 38. Payment approved for lighting units at Legion Fields. 39.; Long-range lighting; instead of Graybar Electric Co. light bid, accepted from B. Alzak Aluminum Co. 40. Recreation report filed for May. 41. WPA funds requested for Legion Stadium. 42. Contract authorized for flood lights at Legion Field. 43. Lights authorized for grand stand at Legion Field. 4?, Bids authorized for plumbing at Legion Field. 45. Minutes of July 20 approved after correcting order to sign contract for floodlights. 46., R. L. Fryer requested, approved use of Legion Field. DATE Month I Day i Year ? 04 12 1937 04 19 1937 04 26 1937 04 26 1937 04 26 1937 06 07 1937 06 07 1937 06 28 1937 07 06 1937 08 ?4 1937 08 ?9 1937 09 13 1937 09 13 1937 10 11 1937 10 18 1937 10 J.5 1937 11 )1 1937 11 )8 1937 12 )7 1937 12 20 193`? 02 )7 193? 02 07 193g 02 07 1938 02 27 1938 03 14 1938 04 04 1938 04 04 1938 04 11 1938 04 25 1938 05 09 1938 05 09 1938 05 09 1938 05 09 1938 05 09 1938 05 09 1938 05 09 1938 05 09 1938 05 16 1938 05 23 1938 06 06 1938 06 20 1938 06 20 1938 06 20 1938 06 20 1938 Ob 27 1938 06 27 1938 MINUTE BOOK Vol. I Page 9 492 9 494 9 495 9 495 9 495 9 507 9 507 9 517 9 521 9 528 9 529 9 540 9 540 9 544 9 548 9 549 9 550 9 552 9 557 9 559 9 566 9 566 9 566 9 571 9 572 9 576 8 576 9 577 9 579 9 582 9 582 9 582 9 582 9 582 9 582 9 583 g 583 9 584 9 586 9 589 9 591 9 592 9 592 9 592 9 593 9 593 ,, ; INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover Count?y N C pARKS-RECREATION , . . , MATTER: ` aec. u. s. ?,q?,'? County Indexee Since 1888 ? To IotQfe names? Open ot e?r OFFICE ?.TI?cC,a? An ldentifying Trade Matk SURNAME INITIAL TAB COTT A•2 TAB INDEX ?ADE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD BY OWEN 6. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORT H CAROLINA NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS DATE MINUTE BOOK Month Day Year Vol. Page 1. Payment authorized for floodlights at Legion Field. 06 27 1938 9 594 2. Recreation report received for June. 07 I1 1938 9 599 3. Toliet at Recraation Center received for consideration. 07 11 1938 9 599 4. Baseball diamond of good quality authorized at Legion Field for baseball games. 07 18 1 938 9 601 5. Church benches authorized for Legion Field. 07 25 1938 9 602A 6. Payment authorized for benches at Legion Field. 07 25 1938 9 602A 7. Payment authorized for watching fire hazards at Legion Fie2d. 08 Ol I938 9 603 8. Improvements continued at Winter Park athletic grounds. 08 O1 1938 9 603 9. Recreation program granted funds. OS 03 1938 9 604 10. Committee to study police protection at Legion Fields. 08 15 1938 9 610 11. Remission of gate receipt of 10% requested, declined. 08 15 1938 9 610 12. Purchase of material authorized for Legion Stadium. 08 22 I938 9 611 13. Bids received for improving Legion Stadium. 08 22 1938 9 611 14. Virginia Steel Co., Richmond, awarded bid. 08 22 1938 9 611 15, Purchase of trucks authorized for improving Legion Stadium. 08 22 1938 9 612 16, ltecreation Park cleaned at Bowden Landing at Wrightsville Beach. 08 29 1938 10 1 17. Recreation program approved except director's funds. 09 06 1938 10 7 18. F. P. Blanchard appointed caretaker of Legion Fields. 09 12 1938 10 9 19. Report of committee referred on recommendations for recreation systems. 09 15 1938 10 10 i 20. Miss Flora Miller granted half-cost on trip to Recreation Convention, Pittsburg. 10 03 1938 10 15 '? 21. Legion Fields authorized portable Bleachers. 10 24 1938 10 20 ? 22. Offer referred on sale of pump and motor at Legion Field. 10 31 1938 10 20 23. W. R. Dosher request granted on bring major teams to Legion Fields. 11 07 1938 10 20 24. 0. K. Pridgen allowed to use Legion Field Stable for pony, 12 12 1938 10 28 25. Recreation report filed for November. 12 12 1938 10 28 26. Recreation Supervisor declined telephone expenses. 12 28 1938 10 30 . 27. Recreation Supervisor authorized recreational fund to attend Beauford, SC meeting. O1 03 1939 10 30 28. Recreation Supervisor authorized telephone expenses. O1 03 1939 IO 30 29. J. B. Edwards request approved for bleachers at Legion Stadium. Ol 03 1939 10 31 30. Coastal Fairs granted use of Legion Field and Stadium. O1 30 1939 10 36 31. Lights and material authorized at Legion Field and Stadium. 02 06 1939 10 38 32. Recreation report filed for February. 03 13 1939 10 45 33. Paints and Hardware authorized for Legion Field Stables. 03 20 1939 10 46 34. Prison labor to be used for azalea planting at Greenfield Lakes. 03 27 1939 10 47 35. H. H. 3eter granted use of Legion Stadium. 04 17 1939 10 50 36. Consideration taken on concessions at Legion Fields. 04 17 1939 10 SO 37. Rec{uest approved for baseball team for Blacks. 04 17 1939 10 51 38. I. J. Sutton declined use of Legion Field stables. 04 24 1939 10 52 39. Colored Boys Club granted use of Legion Fields. 05 O1 1939 10 53 40. Recreation report filed for April. 05 15 1939 10 57 41. J. 0. Carr granted request for cleaning Legion Baseball fieZd for game. 05 15 1939 10 57 42. H. H. Jetter granted useof Legion Stadium. 05 22 1939 10 58 43. Letter received expressing appreciation for improving Masonboro Sound playgrounds. 05 29 1939 10 60 44. Payment authorized for general services at Legion Fields. 05 29 1939 10 60 45. E. A. Shands referred on use of space at Legion Fields. 05 29 ]939 10 60 46. Land near Winter Fark donated by Hugh McRae for County parks. 06 19 1939 10 63 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover Count?y, N. C. _ MAT ECR: PARKS-RECREATION _ aec. u. s. County Indezea Since 1888 To locofe naOtBt? open pf COTT A-2 7A8 INDEX ??t OFFICE C.?i?? An ldentifying Trade Mark SURNAME INITIAL TAB ?DE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COlUMBUi, OHIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS DATE MINUTE BOOK Month Day Year Vol. + Page I l. Committee requested on maintenance for Legion Fields. 07 24 1939 10 69 2. Half expenses declined for Recreation director at New Bern conference. 07 24 1939 10 69 3, Recreation Director presented estimates. 08 02 1939 10 71 4. Samuel Sandlin named keeper at Legion Fields. 08 07 1939 10 73 5. Rev. J. L. Malone requested reconsideration on funds for Recreation Program. 08 14 1939 IO 74 6. Fence to be installed around Legion Fields. 09 18 1939 10 83 7. Recommendation adopted on fixing charge on receipts for athletic games. 09 18 1939 10 83 8. F. D. Blake offered to sell pump; bids to be secured at Legion Fields. 10 02 1939 10 86 9. Consideration postponed on water pump for Legion Fields. 10 09 1939 10 87 10. Quotations received on water pump for Legion Fields. 10 11 1939 10 88 11. Motion carried on water pump for Legion Fields. 10 11 1939 10 88 12. Father Manly request referred on football schedule at Legion Fields. 10 16 1939 10 89 13. Bill approved for pump at Legion Fields. 10 23 1939 10 90 14. Filling in ditches referred at Legion Fields. 10 30 1939 10 91 I5. Flues authorized at Legion Fields. 11 07 1939 10 93 16. Question raised on ownership of H ugh McRae and Co. to obtain rock for Legion Fields. 11 13 1939 10 93 17. Coastal Fair allowed auto race at Legion Fields. 11 13 1939 10 94 18. Puxchase of paint authorized for Legion Stadium. 12 lI 1939 10 99 19. City Motor Cycle Club request for motorcycle track taken under consideration. 12 11 1939 10 100 20. F. E. Livingston given check for insurance on Legion Field Exhibition building. 02 26 1940 10 115 21. Erection of sports arena discussed at length, favorably endorsed. 04 15 1940 10 122 22. Pistol and Rifle Club request received on dirt for planting grass. 04 15 1940 10 122 23. Wrightsboro Home Club request granted on repairs to club grounds. 04 I5 1940 10 122 24. Irrigation expenses authorized for baseball diamond at Legion Stadium. 05 13 1940 10 127 25. Rev. J. D.McRae request for recreation funds received for consideration. 05 20 1940 10 127 26. Statement of receipt authorized for last horse show at Legion Fields. 06 17 1940 10 132 27. Women activities discussed at length. 07 05 1940 10 137 28. Cape Fear Horse Show charged percentage to use Legion Fields. 07 22 1940 10 140 29. Space for David Harriss declined at Legion Stadium. 09 23 1940 10 155 30. W. R. Dosher request granted on no charges to use Legion Fields. 10 28 1940 10 159 31. Communication received from Greenfield Drive Association on Greenfield Beautification project. 12 16 1940 10 170 32. Hugh McRae reauest received on establishing Public Paxk. 12 30 1940 10 172 33. Joint erection of soldier hut referred to Chairman and County Attorney. O1 13 1941 10 175 34. Seals proposals received on Recreation Building. Ol 27 1941 10 177 35. Young Civic Club referred on Recreation Building. O1 20 1941 10 177 36. Bids authorized on Recreation Building. 02 03 1941 10 178 37. Bids and recommendations accepted on Recreation Bilding. 02 03 1941 10 178 38. HarFiss New man grant?luse of Legion Stadium for show. 02 10 1941 10 180 39. Ladies Restroom report filed for January. 02 17 1941 10 I82 40. Ladies Restroom Secret?ry granted increase in funds. 02 24 1941 10 183 41. Rules adopted on use of Legion Fields. Q3 03, ?941 1Q 185 42. Report presented on recreation center. 03 )3 1941 10 185 43. Report adopted on recreation center. 03 03 1941 10 185 44. Cape Fear Baseball Association granted use of Legion Fields. 03 10 I941 10 187 45. Cape Fear Baseball Association to alternate use of Legion Fields with Bert Kile's Priates for games. 03 17 1941 10 188 46. Joint meeting held on recreation building. 03 24 1941 10 Z89 INDEX TO CO?IMISSI?NERS MINUTES N H C N C p -- ew anover ount?, . . , MATTERT PARKS-RE CREATION _ ? Rec. u. s. ? ` Covnty Indexee Since 1888 YO lotate namBS, open at r?T OfFICE C?,?//? An ldentifying Trade Mark SURNAME INITIAL TAB COiT A-Z TAB INDEX MI1DE BY THE COTi INDEX COMPANY, fOLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROIINA NA'fURE OF PROfEEDINGS DATE MINUTE BOOK Month Day Year Vol. I Page 1. No action taken on W. A. Peschan request to use Legion Stadium. 05 12 1941 10 199 2. Sign authorized an county park at Winter Park. 06 02 1941 10 208 3. I. J. Sutton declined rent of Legion Field stables. 07 07 1941 10 213 4. I. J. Sutton approved rent of Legion Field stables. 07 17 1941 10 217 5. Action of July 17 rescinded in part. O8 18 1941 10 224 6. Receipt of Regional Directors telegram announced on allotments for Recreation buildings. 08 25 1941 10 225 7. Camp Davis granted use of Legion Field. 09 02 1941 10 226 8. Three stalls rented at Legion Stables to C. A. Biddle. 12 22 1941 10 246 9. No action taken to grant Coastal Fairs a fair at Legion Fields. 02 09 1942 10 258 1Q. Payment to Greenfield Drive Realty approved for clay for Legion Fyeld Stadium. 03 09 1942 IO Z6I 11. Cape Fear Driving Association granted use of Legion Stadium. 03 17 1942 10 263 12. City Rye and Pistol Club granted use of Legion Exhibition Building. 03 23 1942 10 264 13. American Oil Co. declined use of Legzon Field for game. 03 3Q 1942 10 264 14. Schedule for ball games referred to Legion Baseball Committee. 04 20 1942 10 268 I5. Admission charges considered for Sunday games at L.?gion Fields. 05 25 1942 10 274 16. Matter of others making admiSSion charges at games referred to committee. 06 08 1942 10 276 17. Requests made on admission charges at games at Legion Fields. 06 08 1942 10 276 18. Negotions set with American Legion on purchase of land for Legion Stadium. 06 22 I942 10 278 19. Motion carried on price of land from Coastal Fairs for Legion Stadium. 06 29 1942 10 278 20. Truman King, Legion Field Caretaker, given salary increase. 08 17 1942 10 288 21. James Rattlery show granted at Legion Fields. 08 24 1942 10 288 22. Junior House show granted use of Legion Fields. 08 24 1942 10 289 23. Messrs. Bigford and Moore granted use of Legion Fields. 09 08 1942 10 291 24. Renting s?alls at Legion Stables referred to committee. 10 05 1942 10 295 25. Renting stalls to 0. K. Pxidgen referred to committee. 10 05 1942 10 295 26. Petition approved for Dept. of Conservation and Development to establish Iay days. 10 05 1942 10 295 27. Petition received, no action taken, on lay days. 10 12 1942 10 296 28. J, F. Horan "Death Dodgers" denied use of Legion Fields. lI OZ 1942 10 299 29. Management of "Death Dodgers" to be notified on denial of show at Legion Fields. 11 02 B42 10 300 30. Hearing set for rec{uests fox Death Dodgers show. 11 05 1942 10 300 31. Motion carried on rescznding Nov. 2 action on Death Dodgers show at Legion Stadium. 11 05 2942 10 300 32. Sunset Park Boys Scout granted use of Legion Stadium. 12 07 1942 10 305 33. Committee named on County-Coastal Fairs transaction on Legion Stadium purchase. 12 07 1942 10 306 34. Exhibition building at Legion Stadium rented to U. S. Government. O1 11 1943 10 3?2 35. Exhibition building at Lagian Stadium leased to U, S. Government. O1 18 1943 10 312 36. P. K. Montford employed as Legion Stadium Field caretaker. O1 18 I943 IO 313 37. Cape Fear Horse Show granted use of Legion stadium and Fields, 04 12 1943 10 325 38. Girls Scout director granted county park for frame building. 05 03 1943 10 328 39. Claud 0'Shields referred on use of Legion Fields. 05 I7 1943 10 330 40. Claud 0'Shields referred on use of Legion Fields. 06 07 1943 10 333 41. Edmund McLaurin granted use of Legion Exhibition Building. Q6 14 1943 10 335 42. Committee recommendation adopted to allow while persons dancing at Legion Exhibition building. 06 14 1943 10 336 43. Edmund McLaurin again referred to Stadium Committee on use of rifle range at Legion Fields. 06 21 1943 10 336 44. American Legion granted u? of park of Legzon Field. 06 29 1943 1Q 338 45. American Legion granted use of part of Legion FIeld. 08 30 1943 10 346 46. L. M. Todd and Joe Simon requested use of Legion Field. 09 13 1943 10 348 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES -- New Hanover Count? N C RECREATION T PARKS , . . - a _ MATT R nec. u. s. r?T OFFICE ? County Indezea Since 1888 l? An ldentiEying Trade Maric ? To lotate namCS? open dt SURNAME INITIAL TAB COTT A•2 TAB INDEX MADE BY 1NE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA NATURE Of PROCEEDINGS 1. L. M. Todd declined use of Legion Field. 2. N. C. Shipyard electricians deferred on use of Legion Fields. 3. Edmund McLaurin and Rifle Club to reach agreement of use of Legion Stadium. 4. Petition received on repairs to Bryan Avenue. 5. W. W. Southerland referred on re-opening roadway to Roger Southerland lands. 6. A. W. Best, Jr., granted use of Legion Stadium. 7. Petition on horse stable across Winter Park Gardens referred to County Attorney; County cannot act on it 8. U. S. Army granted use of Legion Fields. 9. Rev. R. T. Richardson granted use of Legion Stadium. 10. R? S Amusement Co. granted use of Legion Stadium. 11. Federal grant for recreation programs taken under consideration. 12. C. W. Baker granted use of County Park for Boys Scout Camp. 13. Complaints referred on C. C. Morse plowing up park; County Attorney to instruct him to stop. 14. Pete Howard authorized pay for caretaker service at legion stadium. 15. Colored wrestling match declined at Legion Stadium. 16. H. R. Emory request favored for State park at Ft. Fisher. 17. Boxing matches granted at Legion Stadium. 18. R? S. Amusement Co. granted use of legion fields. 19. Shipyard Plumbers Baseball Club reimbursed for equipment at Legion Fields. 20. High School Althetics Director, Rupert Bryan, requested repairs at Legion Stadium, for ball games. 21. Plunk Mooring granted use of Legion Field Exhibition Blds. 22. George Croom requested Exhibition building too; Gardner moved to charge in future. 23. Motion offered to permit George Croom to use building if no conflict. 24. J. A. Reynolds, recreation director, granted use of Wilson Hut. 25. George Croom to use Legion Exhibition building for wrestling matches. 26. U. S. Coast Guard authorized release from quarters at Legion Stadium. 27. G. W. Croom refunded deposit for use of Legion Stadium. 28. Payment approved for Maffit Village Recreation Program. 29. Thomas B. Hughes granted use of Legion Fields for R? S Exhibition. 30. Removal of light reflectors referred at Legion Stadium. 31. Lighting arrangements discussed for Legion Fields. 32. H. E. Rogers approved for appointment to Boxing Commission. 33. William Rhodes approved for appointment to Boxing Commission. 34. Dr. H. R. Coleman approved for appointment to Boxing Commission. 35. Softball diamond authorized at Legion Fields. 36. Arranging rent schedule referred at Legion stables. 37. Recommendations for rent schedule adopted at Legion stables. DATE MINUTE BOOK Month Day ? Year Vol. Page 09 ZO 1943 10 349 09 27 1943 10 350 09 27 1943 10 350 10 11 1943 10 352 10 18 1943 10 353 11 08 1943 10 356 11 29 1943 10 358 02 28 1944 10 372 03 27 194? 10 375 04 03 194q. 10 376 04 24 1944 10 379 04 24 19444 10 379 05 Ol 194q. 10 381 05 22 1944 10 385 06 26 1944 10 393 07 10 1944 10 394 07 17 1944 10 395 08 14 19Q?4 10 399 08 14 1944 10 399 10 09 1944 10 408 10 16 1944 10 409 10 23 1944 10 409 10 23 1944 10 409 10 23 1944 10 410 11 06 1944 10 412 11 20 1944 10 414 12 18 1944 10 419 Ol OZ 1945 10 421 02 12 1945 10 427 04 09 1945 10 434 05 07 1945 10 439 05 07 1945 10 439 05 07 1945 10 05 07 1945 10 05 14 1945 10 07 02 1945 10 07 16 1945 10 38. Protests of rent increase referred to committee. 07 23 1945 10 39. Trask named on committ? on Legion Stables rent. ? 07 30 1945 10 40. Meeting set at Legion Stables to consider rent. 08 13 1945 10 41. Action of July 16 rescinded on stable rent. 08 20 1945 10 42. Mutual votes taken, except on trailer sites. OS 20 1945 10 43. More seats requested at Legion Stadium by football coach. 09 24 1945 10 44. Motion carried that cash bond required on shows, circuses, ect., exhibiting at Legion Fields due to litter. 10 22 1945 10 45. Baseball practice request granted at Legion Fields. 10 29 1945 10 46. Committee to meet with Cape Fear House show at Legion Fields on improvements. 11 05 1945 10 439 439 44Q 448 449 450 452 453 455 455 459 464 464 465 /? INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES -- New Hanover County, N. C. , MATTER: PARKS-RECREATION •EC. u. s. County Indexea Since 1888 ? TO IotOtO nam24? open q} COTT A•Z TAB INDEX r?r OFFICE ?eml? An ldentifying Trade Mark SURNAME INIiIAI TAB M?ADE BY THE COTT INDEX (OMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD BY OWEN C. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS DATE Month Day Yea? MINUTE BOOK Vol. Page ' 1. Cape Fear Horse Show's letter filed on changes and improvements to Legion Stadium. 12 03 1945 10 469 2a? Repairs postponed on Legion Stadium. 02 25 1946 10 483 3. American Legion gxanted use of Legion Stadium; but for rides, held in obeyance. 03 04 1946 10 483 4, A. H. Ward request received for concession stand at Legion Stadium. 03 04 1946 10 483 S. J. E. Wade rec{uested arrangement for professional baseball at Legion Stadium. 03 04 1946 10 484 6. Concession rights at Legion Stadium accepted from Carolina Concession Co. 03 11 1946 1Q 485 7. Cooperation given to clean Hugh McRae Park. 03 18 1946? 10 486 8. Carolina Concession Co, requested and commissioners rescinded March 11 action on lease. 03 18 1946 10 486 9. Bids to be offer for corzcession at Legion Stadium. 03 18 1946 10 486 10. Trask favored 10% of coacession gross profits. 03 18 1946 10 486 11. Colored American Legion request heard on using Legion Stadium; schedule requested. 03 18 1946 10 486 12. Consideration taken on request for portable fence behind home plate at Legion Stadium. 04 Ol 1946 10 488 13. Fence around home plate at Legion Stadium taken under consideration. 04 O1 1946 10 490 14. Albert Simon request for race track at Stadium received for consideration. 04 O1 1946 10 491 I5. Pirates Baseball Club granted premission to erect portable fence at Legion Stadium. 04 08 1946 10 491 16. Cape Fear Horse Show request to repair race track at Stadium received for Consideration. 04 08 1946 10 491 17. Repairs authorized at Legion race tracks. 04 15 1946 10 493 18. Commissioners invited to Pirates Baseball game at Legion Stadium. 05 06 1946 10 495 19. Proposal to use Legion Stadium for major football game received, arrangements to be worked out. 05 13 1946 10 496 20. Z. A. Sneeden's and Son bid accepted for clay at Legion Stadium. 05 20 1946 10 497 21. Bids opened for trucks at stadium. 05 20 1946 10 497 22. Request referred on colored Red Sox baseball team using Legion Stadium. 06 17 1946 10 501 23. American legion referred on use of Legion Stadium. 07 15 1946 10 505 24. Old fence to be torn down at Legion Stadium and ditches cleaned. 08 26 194b 10 514 25. American Legion granted use of Legion Stadium and ditches cleaned. 09 03 1946 10 514 26. H. E. Strauss referred on beautifying legion stadium. 10 14 1946 10 520 27. Objection to carryals at Legion Stadium not seconded. 10 28 1946 10 523 28. P. M. Mooring granted use of Legion Stadium Exhibition building. 11 15 1946 10 526 29. VFW granted use of Legion Stadium bleachers. 12 30 1946 10 532 30. Victor Stefano granted schedule of baseball games at Legion Stadium. O1 06 1947 10 533 31. Concessions to be advertised at Legion Stadium. O1 13 1947 IO 533 32. C. T. Gore report filed on repairs to Legion Stadium. O1 13 1947 10 534 33. L. M. Pollock offer for concession referred to Legion Stadium Committee. O1 20 1947 10 536 34. L. M. Pollock offer continued on concession for Pirates baseball. O1 27 1947 10 537 35. L. M. Pollock o€fer accepted on concession for team. 02 03 1947 10 538 36. Building at Legion granted permission to be torn down. 02 17 1947 10 545 37. Red Hickman granted use of Legion Stadium race tracks. 05 26 1947 10 567 38. Requests submitted for improving Legion Field floodlights. 06 02 1947 10 569 39. R. R. Key granted use of Legion Fields for races. 06 23 1947 10 572 40. Lighting bid authorized at Legion Stadium. 06 23 1947 10 572 41. Lighting bid received at legion stadium. 06 30 1947 10 573 42. Wilmington Electrical Supply awarded bids for lights. 06 30 1947 10 573 43. VFW authorized use of Legion Stadium bleachers. 06 30 1947 10 573 44. J. A. Jones bid received for legion stadium lights; material held in obeyance. •07 07 1947 10 574 45. Legion Stadium Committee to negotiate with J.A, Jones on lighting bid. 07 07 1947 10 574 46. W. K. Rhodes request declined on release of charges on Drum and Bugle Corp. 08 11 1947 10 579 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES -- New Hanover Count?, N. C. _ MATT RT PARKS - RECREATION _ Rec. u. s. Counry ]ndezea Since 1888 ? Yo loeate names, open at e?r OFFICE C??? An Identifying Trade Marlc SURNAME INITIAL TAB COTT A-Z TAB INDEX MADE BY iHE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, ONIO SOLD BY OWEN 6. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA DATE MINUT E600K NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS Month Day Year Vol. I Page 1. J. A. Jones approved payment for Legion Stadium Floodlights. 08 18 1947 10 580 2. J. D. James, Jr., expressed appreciation on Legion Floodlights. 08 18 1947 10 580 3. W. K. Rhodes declined use of Legion Stadium for circus. 09 22 1947 10 585 4. W. K. Rhodes granted use of Legion Stadium for auto racing. 10 13 1947 10 588 5. Winter Park Service Club to have committee confer with county attorney on numbering of streets. 10 20 1947 10 590 6, No objections raised on using Legion Stadium for practice shooting. 11 17 1957 11 1 -7. J. C. Anderson referred to Legion Stadium Committee for use of Stadium. 11 24 1947 11 2 8. St. Andrews-Cov. Church referred on protest for racing at Legion Stadium. 12 08 1947 11 4 9. Aetion conf?rrr?ec?, JNi?mir?gton Baseba?I C?ub to use Leg3on Stadium. 0] ?2 I948 ?3 & 10. Legion Stadium bleachers to be used at Armory. Ol 12 1948 11 8 11. Legion Stadium barns and stables approved lease by Frank Keene. O1 12 1948 11 9 12. Legion Stadium hearing set on profits from sports events. O1 26 1948 11 11 13. Dr. W. H. Moore granted use of Legion Sta. for singing. 02 09 1948 11 13 14. Dr. W. H. Moore baseball diamond not authorized changes. 02 23 1948 11 15 15. Dr. W. H. Moore bleachers used by Civitan Club. ' 02 13 1948 11 15 16. Use of Legion Stadium cowbarn granted to Richard Shew. 03 08 1948 11 16 17. J. A. Jones Electric Co. approved payment for flood lights at Stadium. 05 10 1948 11 25 18. Gate receipts waived for Pirates Baseball game 06 21 1948 11 33 19. Stadium gate charges waived for use of field for racing. 06 28 1948 11 34 20. American Legion referred to committee for use of Legion Stadium. 08 23 1948 11 41 21. American legion referred to committee on use of Stadium. 08 30 1948 11 42 22. Order amended for gate receipts at Legion Stadium. 10 04 1948 11 50 23. W. K. Rhodes granted request for American Legion to use Stadium. 10 11 1948 11 51 24. W. K. Rhodes, H. E. Rodgers and Dr. F. H. Coleman re-elected to Boxing Commission. 11 08 1948 11 56 25. Use of Legion Stadium requested for Pirates Baseball Club. 12 28 1948 11 64 26. Baseball diamond at Stadium raised. 12 28 1948 11 64 27. Operations summary received for Legion Stadium. O1 03 1949 11 66 28. Pirates Baseball Club authorized use of Legion Stadium. O1 03 1949 11 66 29. No action taken on moving baseball diamond at Legion Stadium. O1 10 1949 11 67 30. Roadway considered for Legion Stadium. O1 17 1949 11 68 31. Attention received on budget for Hugh M??R?? Park. O1 31 1949 11 72 32. Hugh Ma?Rae Park donated as County Park. 03 14 1949 11 81 33. Azalea Festival Committee granted free use of Legion Stadium. 03 14 949 11 81 34. March 14 action amended and Hugh MacRae County Park changed to Hugh MacRae Park. 03 21 1949 11 82 35. Use of Legion Stadium approved for Wilmington Police. 03 28 1949 11 84 36. Use of Legion Stadium to be clarified by City baseball club. 03 28 1949 11 84 37. Use of legion Stadium discussed, baseball club given 30 day notice. 04 11 1949 11 86 38. Use of Legion Stadium approved for baseball club. 04 20 1949 11 87? 39. Free admission to Legion Stadium granted to children. 04 20 1949 11 87 40. Hugh MacRae Park to be cleaned. 04 25 1949 11 89 41. Payment to Sheriff deputies approved for Services at Stadium during baseball games. 05 09 1949 11 91 42. Use of Legion Stadium granted to Riverside Apts. boys. 05 16 1949 11 93 43. Use of Legion Stadium trailer site granted to Church of God. 05 23 1949 11 94 44. Charge of using Stadium donated to Police Benovolent Fund. 05 23 1949 11 94 45. Use of Legion Stadium bleechers granted to N. C. ?lks Assoc. 05 23 1949 11 95 46. Use of Legion Stadium by Police Dept. received no action. 05 31 1949 11 97 _f N C INDEX TO CO?IMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover Count T PARKS f RECREATION y, . . , MATT R ? _ xec. u. s. Counry Indezee Since 1888 ? To locate names, open at COTT A-2 TAB INDEX r?r OFFILE ??l7l?o-z?? An Identifying Trade Mark SURNAME INITIAI TAB NIAOE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, ONIO SOLO BY OWEN 6. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH GROLINA DATE MINUTE BOOK NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS Month I Day ? Year Vol. I Page 1. Use of Legion Stadium opposed for motorcycle races. 06 06 19A?9 11 98 2. Use of Legion Sta. granted to Police Dept. 07 05 1949 11 104 3. Daily Bros. Circus permitted use of Legion Stadium for show. 07 25 1949 11 110 4. Daily Bros. Circus permitted at Legion Stadium. 07 25 1949 11 110 5. W. K. Rhodes, Jr., granted use of Legion Stadium for Raftery Show. 08 08 1949 11 112 6. D. S. Harris asked county to confer Stadium to City. 08 22 1949 11 115 7. Wilmington Baseball Club to remove fence at Stadium to city. 08 22 1949 11 116 8. J. B. Hines ?'eferred for purchase of Stadium reflectors. 08 29 1949 11 118 9. Wilmington Baseball Club allowed to erect Stadium fence. OS 29 1949 11 118 10. Attention called on repairing Legion Stadium. 09 06 1949 11 118 11. R. R. Key referred to committee on using Legion Stadium for races. 09 26 1949 11 112 12. Recommendations submitted to ?liminate bad show at Stadium. 09 2b 1949 11 122 13. Supt. of Stadium Roda Farrow put in full charge of Stadium grounds. 09 26 1949 11 123 14. Beautification program approved for Stadium and Hugh MacRae Park. 09 16 1949 11 123 15. Employing deputy at Legion Stadium referred to Stadium committee. 09 16 1949 11 123 16. R. R. Key request accepted on repairing Stadium race and tracks. 10 03 1949 11 124 17. R. R. Key granted use of Legion Stadium race tracks. 10 03 1949 11 124 18. No action taken on H. C. Bost question on noise and dusts at Legion race tract. 10 10 1949 11 126 19. Parking lane at Legion Stadium referred to stadium committee. 10 10 1949 11 127 20. Baptist Pastor Assoc. letter received protesting Sunday use of Stadium for paid amusements. 10 17 1949 11 128 21. Mark Nathan reQuested Legion Stadium police service. 10 17 '949 11 129 22. Sunset Baptist Church protest received on Sunday races at Stadium. 10 24 1949 11 130 23. Proposal of removal of trees at Winter Park met approval of Board. 10 24 1949 11 130 24. R. M. Kermon to submit request to Iease stadium. 11 I4 I949 12 135 25. R.M. Kermon postponed lease request; R. R. Key granted use of Stadium for stock car races. 11 21 :1949 11 136 26. J. D. Biggord referred to Stadium committee on use of Legion Stadium. 11 28 1949 11 138 27. Hugh Morton, Pres. of Hugh MacRae Co., referred to cnunty attorney on controversy at L. Y. Mintz and H. B. 12 05 1949 11 139 Garriss. 28. Mr, and Mrs. L. J. Mintz advised that nothing could be done to upset H. B. Garris permit for acquatic p lants.l2 T2 1949 11 140 29, Sea Scouts granted use of Greenfield Lake near Stadium. 12 I2 1949 11 141 30. Mrs. J.R. Wood and Mrs. A. M. Fexhtig granted joint funds for ads in State Garden Club Pilgrimage. 12 28 1949 11 143 31. Cape Fear Recreation Club granted use of Legion Stadium. 12 28 1949 11 143 32. J. D. Biggford granted use of Legion Stadium. 12 28 1949 11 144 33. R. M. Kermon referred on leasing Legion Stadium for Racing Assoc. horse races. Ol 09 1950 11 145 34. City manager, 3. R. Benson referred to County Attorney for lease to use cammunity center. O1 09 1950 11 146 35. Attention called to forest fires at Hugh MacRae Park. O1 09 1950 11 146 36. Favorable outlook reported Legion Stadium exhibition building activities. O1 16 1950 11 148 37. Lease of Legion Stadium to Wilm. Racing Assoc. discussed. Ol 23 1950 11 149 38. Meeting authorized to fix race schedules. Ol 23 l 950 11 150 39. Caretaker lot at Legion Stadium increased; to be sold to Rhoda Farrow. O1 23 1950 11 151 40. Supt. of Legion Stadium Rhoda Farrow authorized petty cash. 02 06 L950 11 155 41. Contract leasing Legion Stadium to Wilm. Racing Assoc. approved subject to approval of Sta. committee. 02 13 1950 11 156 42. Lease to be signed on lease of Stadium committee. 02 13 1950 11 156 43. Feb. 9 action rescinded on sale of caretaker lot to Supt. Rhoda Farrow. 02 13 1950 11 156 44. Sale of caretaker lot approved to Rhoda Farrow. 02 13 1950 11 156 45. Wilm. Athletic Assoc. granted appropriations. 02 20 1950 11 158 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES -?tew Hanover Count?, N. C. , MATTER: PARKS-RECREATION rtec. u. :. County Indexea Since 1888 ?? ?+.3--' To lotate namBS, open at C07T A•2 TAB INDEX r?t OFFICE ???? An Identifying Trade Marlc v`8 SURNAME INITIAI TAB IAADE BY THE COTT IN6EX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH GROLINA NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS DATE Month I Day I Year 02 20 1950 02 27 1950 02 28 1950 03 06 1950 03 06 1950 MINUTE BOOK Vol. ? Page 11 158 11 159 11 160 11 161 11 162 1. Progress reported on MacRae Parks grill for party. 2. Supt. of State Parks letter received on conference on public use areas along River Road. 3. City Manager and Parks Supt. written letter on beautification program at Stadium and Courthouse. 4. Lease authoxized between county auto Racing Inc., instead of R. R. Key on races at Stadium. 5. Rhoda Farrow placed in charge of H. MacRae Park and Oak Grove Cemetery, G. I. Crandall transferred to Stadium. 6. G. I. Crandall made assistant supt, of Legion stadium. 7. Lease and agreement between New Hanover county and auto races, inc., approved anstadium. 8. Construction of benches, tables, etc. report at Hugh MacRae Park. 9. Letter written to George West and Supt. of Park, thanking them for services. 10. Legion Stadium to employ extra help at Stadium. 11. Meeting held on leasing Legion Stadium to Wilm. Racing Assoc. 12. Contract re written on Legion Stadium lease. 13. Contract approved on Legion Stadium lease. 14. Legion Stadium lease postponed for action. 15. Supt. of Parks advised on t rip of F. H. Brant chief landscape engineer of state highways. 16. R,? M. Kermon not to put any more money into stadium; reconsideration taken on lease contract. 17. Lease agreement with Wilm. Racing Assoc, declared void: 18. Offer to commend Kermon on efforts failed for second. 19. Progess reported on Legion Stadium city water connection; cost requested. 20. Attention called to toilet facilities at Hugh MacRae Park. 21. Lease agreement referred t? St-adium ba?s. 22. Stadium committee authorized to sign contract with P. Batson on barn stable lease. 23. SENC Junior Dairymen granted use of exhibition Bldg. at Legion Stadium. 24. J. W. Jackson granted permission to install Legion Stadium time clock. 25. SENC Junior Dairy Cattle Show granted funds for Legion Stadium show. 26. Payment authorized for trash dumping information at Hugh MacRae Park. 27. Stadim commission adopted parking regulation, county attorney reported. ? 28. Cape Fear Horse Show allowed show at Legion Stadium. 29. Use of Legion Stadium granted for horse races by Wilmington police. 30. Atty. W. K. Rhodes and Pleasant Batson discussed Renewal of lease on Legion Stable barns and stables. 31. Question on authority to permit tax refund to VFW on Legion Stadium referred to Coun?y attorney. 32. Arrangements discussed for American Legion ball game at Legion Stadium. 33. Atty. W. K. Rhodes request for P. Batsons lease renewal granted subject to Stadium committee approval, 34. Additon Hewlett, J, H. Farrell and Arnold Peterson named to USO committee. 35. NHC Kennel Club granted use of exhibition building. 36. Motion carried to stop breaking of blubs at Hugh MacRae Park. 37. W. K. Rhodes, T.M. Jeffords and Dr. G. R. C. Thompson named to NHC Boxing and Wrestling commission by Mayor. 38. SENC Junior Dairy Cattle Show granted appropriation for show at Legion Stadium. 39. Analysis of Legiori Stadium floodlights received from Tide Water Power Co. 40. J. A. Yopp claim referred payment approved, for damages to automobile at Legion Stadium. 41. Atty. W. K. Rhodes request continued for lease renewal on Legion Stadium Stables. 42. Use of Legion Stadium granted to Police and Firemen for comedy. 43. Sept. 4 action amended, gate receipts fixed at Legion Stadium. 44. Lease Agreement between County and P. Batson approved for Legion Stadium barns. 03 20 1950 11 165 03 27 1950 11 166 04 03 1950 11 168 04 03 1950 11 169 04 03 1950 11 170 04 17 1950 11 177 04 18 1950 11 177 04 19 1950 11 177 04 24 1950 11 178 04 24 1950 11 178 05 O1 1950 11 182 05 O1 1950 11 182 05 O1 1 950 11 182 06 12 1950 11 190 07 13 1950 11 200 08 07 1950 11 201 08 14 1950 11 202 08 21 1950 11 205 09 05 1950 11 207 09 11 1950 11 208 09 11 1950 11 208 09 25 1950 11 212 10 23 ?50 11 218 02 26 195? 11 243 04 16 195? 11 254 04 16 195?i 11 255 05 07 195I 11 259 05 14 195 T 11 260 05 21 1951 11 261 06 04 1951 11 263 06 11 1951 11 265 08 06 1951 11 277 09 17 1951 11 287 10 08 1951 11 292 IO 15 1951 11 294 10 22 1951 11 297 10 22 1951 11 297 10 29 1951 11 298 11 05 1951 11 299 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES -- New Hanover County, N. C. _ MATTER: POOR HOUSE, COUNTY ` Rcc. u. s. ? ` County Indezee Since 1888 ? To tocate names, open at COTT A-Z TAB INDEX r?r OFFICE C.?.?lJl'?? An Identifying Trade Mark SURNAME INITIAL TAB MADE BY THE CQTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA ? DATE ?? MINUTE BOOK ??? NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS ` Month I Dayl Year : Vol. I Page';` 1.?? ? Bill of Superintendent John Garrell of Poor House referred to Poor House Committee. ; 08 11 1877 . 3 590 ? 2.' Bills of H.E. Scott for Poor House approved, pages 593 and 594. : ? 08 11 1877 ? 3 , 593 ,r 3.? Report from Out Door Poor Committee on number of paupers sent to Poor House. 08 11 1877 3 603 ? 4.?? Committee on Poor House found all twenty-four inmates in Poor House Department clean and well cared for. ; 09 04 1877 ± 3 608 . ,? 5.?? Contract of J. Garrall amended to allow him 5? more on each inmate in Poor House from September l, 1877. 09 06 1877,; 3 610 . , 6.?? Committee on Poor House found all inmates in Poor House and Insane Department well cared for. 10 03 1877 3 626 , 7.;? „ Contract with J.F. Garrell to superintend the Poor House spread on minutes. , 10 29 1877 ; 3 629 , . 8.k; '" Contract with Mr. Garrell to run from June 1, 1877 to January 1, 1879. , 10 29 1877 3 629 „ . 9.;; Board to pay Mr. Garrell once a month at 25? per day for each poor and insane person in his care. , 10 29 1877; 3 629 „ .10.;a Contract of Mr. Garrell amended to allow 5? extra on each inmate in Poor House from September l, 1877. , 09 06 1877 3 630 ?11.`; Bill from J.F. Garrell for Poor House approved for August, pages 644 and 647. 11 06 1877 3 644 12. Bill from N. Jacobia for incidental expenses approved. 11 06 1877 3 648 13.; r: Report from Out Door Poor Committee on number of poor sent to Poor House in September. ? 11 06 1877 3 651 14.'. Report from Poor Committee on number of poor sent to Poor House in November. 12 15 1877 3 667 . ?, . 15.`", ? . ?; Bills from J.F. Garrell for Poor House approved, pages 669-671. 12 15 1877 . 3 669 , 16.;? Bill from N. Jacobia for Poor House approved. 12 15 1877 3 671 ? . .. .. 17.` ,? Report on Poor House and Insane Department from Grand Jury of Criminal Court referred to Poor Committee. o, Ol 07 1877 .,. 3 679 ,. 18.? Report from Out Door Poor Committee on number of poor sent to Poor House in December. Ol 09 1878 3 693 19.,', ,? Report from Out Door Poor Committee on number of poor sent to Poor House in January. . 02 16 1878 .. 3 706 .. 20.!' - ?? Poor House Committee reported twelve females and twenty-four males at Poor House and all well cared for. 03 04 1878 3 707 . 21.i' , f? Poor House Committee reported seven persons should be discharged from Poor House. . 03 04 1878 . 3 707 ?. '22. ! Poor House Committee reported some buildings needed repairing at Poor House. 03 04 1878 3 707 ` 23.;g Report from Out Door Poor Committee on number of poor sent to Poor House in February. 03 04 1878 ; 3 712 24.;: Petition relative to repairs on Poor House referred to Committee on Public Buildings. 03 18 1878 3 714 25.,' Request for a small house of worship for poor at Poor House laid on table. 04 10 1878 3 717 26.r' Rev. J.T. Hill allowed to build a small house of worship on Poor House grounds. 05 06 ].878 3 722 ,27.k+ , Site for chapel to be picked by Committee on Poor House. „ 05 06 1878 3 722 28.:' Rebecca Jones and Penny Jones now in Poor House to be sent to Hospital. . 05 06 1878 3 723 29.?, Rhoda Middleton, Phillis Moore, Sarah McKinzie, Emma Burruss and Lydia to be examined to determine sanity „ 05 06 1878 . 3 723 „ a , R? and released if ruled sane. „ , 30.?j ;; Commissioner Holmes to repair bridge from Work House to Poor House. 06 05 1878 , 3 725 .31.{; Chairman to discharge persons from Poor House whom he feels fit to be discharged. „ 06 25 1878,, 3 732 „ .32.;# Annie Banton, Lovy Ann Waldron and Mary Aolmes each given $1.00 having recently been discharged from the „ 08 05 1878,,; 3 739 . ;, Poor House. . ?° 33.i, Rev. John F. Hill allowed to erect a small chapel on Poor House grounds. 08 05 1838 3 739 34.?; Chairman to supervise site of chapel and to be open to all religious denominations. 08 OS 1878 3 739 35.:? Board to go as one body to Poor House on September 11, 1878. 09 04 1878 - 3 745 36.; Indictment against John Garrell to be presented at next term of Criminal Court. 09 04 1878 3 745 37.? , Order on indictment against Mr. Garrell reconsidered and left open to next meeting. 09 04 1878?, 3 745 , 38.?i John Garrell made a statement relative to report of Grand Jury of Criminal Court. 09 07 1878 3 746 ? k; , 39.F? F Above matter to be left open until after Wednesday. . 09 , 07 1878 . 3 746 .. 40.k : Letter from J.F. Garrell relaitve to funds due him by County to be laid on table. 09 21 1878 3 763 „ ? 41.! ? Order of J. Garrell in favor of First National Bank to be returned. 09 27 1878 . 3 765 42.° ?? Settlement already made for amount due Mr. Garrell up to September, 1878. 09 27 1878;, 3 765 ,` 43.?? Mrs. Mary Hughs requested Miss Susan Currie be sent to Poor House, granted. . 09 27 1878, 3 766 ; i ,44.4± ?, ;N ,? jf '? !i li . John Garrell as keeper of Poor House to be notified to take Susan Currie into the Poor House. , ? 09 ? 30 1878., ? ? ? ? ,: ii 3 766 .. „ ?; ?? INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - Ne?r Hanover Couniy, N. C. _ MATTER: POOR HOUSE, ?oUNTY ` ?ca. u. s. County lndeaca Since 1888 ?I ?-?- To locat? names, open at COTT A•Z TAB INDEX ??r ornac ??'?.+ An Identifyin¢ Trade Mark ?B 8URNAME INITiAL TAB MADE BY THE tOTT INDEX <OMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROtIRA ? ?? ? DATE ?? MINUTE BOOK .? NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS `' ?? !; Month I Day I Year ?'? Vol, I Page It s B4 Ei 1.?3Money due J. Garrell for October and November to be paid to E.E. Burress. 11 04 1878`? 3 772 'sS 2.;,?Mr. Garrell to bring Lucy Hill to City to be examined by Dr. Lane and discharged from Poor House if needed.: 11 3. ;?A11 temporary aid persons will be admitted to Poor House if recommended by Dr. Lane. ? 11 4. , `?Commissioner Worth to investigate the best way to heat the Insane Department. ° ?? 11 r+ , 5. ??Committee on heating Insane Department of Poor House not prepared to report. 11 ? 6. ?? ?Rebuttal to statement of Criminal Court against Work House and Poor House management. ? 11 7. ?;J.F. Garrell, Keeper of Poor House, requested all money due him from County for December to be paid E.E. 12 Burnuss; request granted. ; 8. 'Committee on Poor House to heat Insane Department for as little cost as possible. 12 9. , Margaret Sidberry to be admitted to Poor House if she makes proper application. 12 10. ;.Matter of heating and furnishing stove for Insane Department of Poor House referred to Commissioner Worth. 12 11. , Commissioner Worth reported cooking and heating arrangements were made in Insane Department of Poor House. 12 12. Sealed bids to be received for keeping Poor House for one year under present contract. 12 13. Work House to have use of cleared land attached to Poor House. 12 ? 14. ,Bids opened for keeping County poor and insane, and John Garrell awarded contract. , Ol , 15. Mr. Garrell to furnish food, clothing and medical necessities to poor and insane of County. , Ol ,' 16. .Mr. Garrell to provide a bond of $1,000 for Poor House. ;. O1 , 17. ,;Jennie Washington permitted to go to Poor House. , O1 ? 18. ':Bond of John Garrell accepted. .. Ol 19. Contract set down between Mr. Garrell and Board to keep Poor and Work Houses, pages 18-19. Ol 20. ;Mr. Garrell to use wood cut on Poor House premises by D. Holmes and allow him a fair compensation. 02 21. a Request from Mr. Garrell for County to pay all money due him for February to Mr. E.E. Burnuss. 03 22. Contract for furnishing medicines to poor awarded J.C. Munds at 12 1/2? per prescription. 03 23. Balance due from State Auditor received for keeping insane up to date law was repealed authorizing such. 03 24. ;Mary Murrell to be admitted to Poor House for one month. 03 25. Joanna Holmes,who has one leg, to be admitted to Poor House. 03 ' 26. ,.Board granted request from Mr. Garrell to have repairs made around Poor House premises. OS 27. ;,Letter from Dr. W.W. Lane relative to Insane Department referred to Conference Committee, (INSANE) , 05 ! 28. , Lewis Hines admitted to Poor House upon his own petition. . 06 29. More rooms to be added to Insane Department and fence to be built around premises. , 06 30. ,,Board approved bill from Commissioner Grady for work on Poor House. „ 07 ? , 31. ;Capt. R. Radcliff allowed to build a cistern at Poor House. „ 07 ' 32. .,Tenah Sneed to be admitted to Poor House. , 07 33. Proposals will be received for keeping Poor House and Insane for one year. 12 ? 34. W.J. Mott elected to keep Poor House and Insane for one year. 12 35. Bond of W.J. Mott approved as overseer of Poor House. O1 36. Report from W.J. Mott on articles received by him from John Garrell for Poor House. O1 37. Eliza Taylor to be admitted to Poor House. Ol 38. ;Provision and Forage House on Poor House lot to become a part of House of Correction. O1 39. AEdward Ward admitted to Poor House on his petition. 04 40. :uJohn Wingate and wife admitted to Poor House on their petition. ' 04 i 41. ;Chairman to have Poor House property surveyed by special County Surveyor. 04 42. Bids will be received for care of Poor House for two years from 1881. 12 I 43. , Application set down from J. Savage for keeping poor, insane and convicts. 12 44. AJohn Savage declared Keeper of Poor House and Insane for ensuing two years. 12 45. ;;Bond received from John H. Savage for keeping Poor House and Insane Department. , O1 04 1878 ;;; 3 ?s 04 1878 ?; 3 Q7 1878 ?y 14 1878 ?'; h`. 14 1878 ?, 02 1878 ,? 06 1878 ` 18 1878 18 1878 27 1878 27 1878 =. 27 1878 06 1879; 06 1879 , 06 1879 ;; 15 1879 22 1879;, 22 1879' 03 1879,s ?o 03 1879 .4 03 1879„ 18 187 9 , 18 18 7 9 ';? 18 1879 05 1879: 05 1879;; 02 1879. 02 1879,; 07 187 9 ;; 07 1879;, 07 1879 ;. O1 1879 a 15 1879 05 1880 05 1880 05 1880 05 1880:. 05 1880 .a 05 1880` 05 1880 .. 06 1880 . 20 1880:. 20 1880 ; 03 1881' 3 772 773 776 3 776 3 777 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 ? i? I? 3 5 + 6 ;, 6 8 ?: 10 E; €: 10 '; 11 12 12 15 16 18 20 23 ` ;? 24 '? ? 25 k; 26 ij 26 71 71 78 79 80 80 81 132 139 141 141 141 141 181 181 182 251 256 257 260 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover Count? N C MATTER POOR HOUSE, ?oU?Y ? , . . _ : e[?. u. s. County Indezee S?nce 1888 ?i? k-3-? To loeate names, open at COTT A•Z TAB INDEX 8 SURNAME IN1TlA1 7A6 MADE BY TH@ CQTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO PAT OfFICE ??1? An ldencifying Ttade Mark ?` . SOLD BY OWEN G. D UNN, NEW B ERN, NO RTH CAROLINA DATE ;? MINUTE BOOK i? NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS ? ? , Month Day Year ;? ,? Vol, Page { , I. Public Buildings Committee to erect an additional building on Poor House premises. , 01 12 1881`' 4 269 ! t? 2. Roof of Poor House to be tinned and painted. 06 06 1881?y 4 297 3. Finance Committee to see to contracting to have roof tinned and painted. y 06 18 1881 ? 4 304 4. Finance Committee awarded Messrs. Parker and Taylor contract for tinning Poor House roof. , 07 11 1881: 4 307 5. Request of J.H. Savage not granted for a pay increase for keeping paupers and insane. 12 05 1881;i 4 343 ?; 6. Letter from John Savage stating that he will keep Poor House and convicts. Ol 02 1883 ' 4 445 7.? J. Savage awarded Keeper of Poor House for ensuing two years. . 01 02 1883e' 4 445 ? 8.?? ,? Bond of John Savage as Superintendent of Poor House approved. 02 OS 1883 . 4 450 i 9.?+ Chairman to sell boiler of County now at Poor House. 04 16 1883 ; 4 470 , 10..' ,1 F.W. Kerchner offered to se11 land opposite Poor House to County. 10 15 1883 , 4 502 „ 11.?i Mr. Bagg stated necessity of County owning land of Mr. Kerchner's, and joint Boards authorized County to 10 15 1883 4 502 , ?? H? buy land of F.W. Kerchner's. (See JUSTICES OF THE PEACE.) „ 12.;? ? Matter of Superintendent J. Savage laid over. ,_ 05 05 1884„ 4 547 ? 13.?? Board to make other arrangements with Mr. Savage since unexpected increase in persons sent to Poor House. _ 06 02 1884 4 554 2? 14.`? John Savage awarded for two years contract as Superintendent of Poor House at 22 1/2? per person. ,. 12 22 1884:, 4 599 , ;? 15.;? Copy of proposal from J. Savage for keeping Poor House and House of Correction. „ 12 22 1884 „ 4 599 ;; ? ,16.;? ?'? Bond of J.H. Savage as Superintendent of Poor House approved. O1 05 1885.,; 4 601 ,. 17.? Report on money received from Pender County for care of poor in Poor House. ,. 12 07 1885, 4 662 , 18.i? Matter of roofing the Hospital part of the Poor House referred to Committee on Public Buildings, „ 05 03 1886.,;; 4 709 .. ro 19.?? Proposal from John D. Savage to care for Poor House for ensuing two years. 12 13 1886 4 766 20.k John Savage awarded contract to care for Poor House for ensuing two years. 12 13 1886 4 766 21.k? Bond of J.H. Savage as Superintendent of Poor House approved. O1 03 1887 4 770 rd 22.? Proposals from S.H. Terry to care for Poor House and House of Correction; Mr. Terry elected to position. 02 14 1887 ; 4 780 23.k Bond of S.H. Terry approved as Superintendent of Poor House. 02 21 1887 4 780 ? 24.?? ? Money collected_fram S.H. Terry for wood cut on+County land. ' - 03 05 1888 5 77 , 25.?? Contract awarded S.H. Terry as Keeper of Poor House. 12 17 1888 5 129 , E? 26.r? ? Bond of S.H. Terry as Keeper of Poor House approved. O1 07 1889 5 131 27.? Board to consider rebuilidng Poor House and pass on drawings for same. 03 27 1890 5 238 28.'? Board to consider matters relative to Poor House and House of Correction. 03 27 1890 5 238 4 . i? .29.?? S.H. Teryy resigned as Superintendent of Poor House and House of Correction. 04 O1 1890 5 239 ?. 30.,?. ?4 B.R. King to fill unexpired term of Mr. Terry under same contract conditions, and contract set down. , 04 O1 1890 a 5 239 .. 31.;? Mr. King to feed, cloth, furnish medicines and burials for paupers and insane persons. 04 O1 1890 5 239 ° ,, , ,32.MM Bond of B.R. King as Keeper of Poor House approved. 04 07 1890 , 5 240 . 33.? Chairman reported on insurance collected from Messrs. Williard, Smith and Boatwright on Poor House. . 04 07 1890 5 240 34.?? Board examined drawings for Poor House and decided to advertise for bids to construct it. . Q4 14 1890 5 244 , 35.;; Compensation given S.H. Terry for loss of furniture in £ire at Poor House. 05 OS 1890 F S 246 36.';? Bid for building new Poor House opene?, but matter deferred to next meeting. 05 05 1890 5 246 37.;; E Board discussed plans and specifications for Poor House buildings. „ 05 09 1890 : 5 246 , 38.; James Walker elected Superintendent of Poor House at $300. ; 05 09 1890, S 249 , 39.?? Contract to build new Poor House awarded to Jacob S. Allen, and allotment made to build same. 05 12 1890 5 246 ih 40.;? ? 6? }? County Poor House to be hereafter known as County Home. (See COUNTY HOME) i 12 08 1890 . 5 286 .. f 4 ?'{ ?,' n .,, Y' f? ?M INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover County, N. C. _ MATTER °rn°?raphy i To IoWH names, o?IBn pt COTT A TO Z TAB INDEX ne?. u. s. ,???,L County Inde:es Since 1888 ?? M?DE ?Y THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLIIMIUS• ONIO vAS OFF{GE ??i??n-w AnldentifYing"TradeMar3c SURNAINE INITIAL TAB SOI.D BY OWEN G. DUNN CO., NEW BERN, N. C. ? i -. it DATE MINUTE BOOK !? NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS Month Day Year Vol. Page '' 1. James McGinnis appeeared to discuss pornography ( Atty. to put together an ordinance) 12 20 1982 19 206 ?: ? ?. s '. i ?? ?4 7 , ? f i ? N N H C . anover Count?, . _ ew INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - MATTER: POOR HOUSE COMMITTEE ` ¦aa. u. s. ? A???? Counry Indezes S??e? 1888 ? To tocats names, apen at r?T otsinc ?n??.It??i An IdentifYin6 Trade Mar? SURNAME INITIAL TAB COTT A•Z TAB INDEX MADE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS. OHIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA I' DATE ? ` MINUT E BOOK NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS ' Month ? Day ? Year ?? Vol. ? Page ? ? T7 .? - ny ?a . ? 1.?? Poor House Committee members: Stephen Keyes and Elijah Hewlett. 02 06 1869p? 3 1 180 a 2.E; ?a Letter from Sheriff referred to Committee on Poor. (See SHERIFF) ., 02 10 1869?? ,, 1 f 183 ! P? 3.t? Report from Committee on Poor House. 02 13 '" 1869P9 1 184 4.? Letter from E. Scott referred to Committee on Poor House. ;; 03 04 ?? 1869?? 1 191 V' .5.?? Letter from Dr. Winants concerning prisoners at Jail referred to Committee on Poor House. 03 11 ' ? 1869A1 ?; 1 ? 196 ,s 6.?? p H.E. Scott's bill referred to Committee on Poor House. w; 03 22 1869'¢i ?t 1 Z00 } 7. ; Report from Committee on Poor House adopted. r; 04 05 1869?i 1 204 ? ?a , 8.;? H.E. Scott's petition referred to Committee on Poor House. 09 07 1869?x 1 318 q? ;? 9.:"w', Petition of Catherine Farrow referred to Committee on Poor. „ 09 16 1869;; 1 324 j? 10.,? Poor House Committee members: James Lowry and E.M. Shoemaker, also S.W. Martin was added. 09 05 1870,, 1 3 486 ? 11. Matter of sending paupers to Poor House and sick paupers to Hospital left to Committee on Poor House. 10 03 1870' 2 26 ? 12. Committee received matter of assistance to indigents outside of public institutions. 10 13. ?Clerk to Board to compile list of persons to whom an allowance is to be paid outside of Poor House. , 10 14. F,Report to be made on repairs needed for Poor House. 11 15. '.Committee on Poor House to make repairs on Poor House and buildings. : 12 16. ; ,.Committee to send all persons it considers proper to Hospital and County will pay for their support at 70fi 04 ?,? a day. ?, 17. ;Mr. Martin authorized Mr. Scott to have repairs done on Poor House buildings and submitt an itemized bill 06 not to exceed $300. „ 18. 'Committee received Mr. Scott's request for supplies for Poor House. ;. 08 19. :aCommittee received Mr. Scott's request for a stove. .: 12 20. .,Committee to suggest most economical means to provide for paupers in Hospital and for medicines for Poor ;, 02 House. ,. ;i 21. F;Committee recommended erecting a building at Poor House for the insane. ,, 02 22• :?Committee on Public Buildings to ascertain cost of erecting above building. 02 23. Committee to report on improvements for Poor House. „ 03 24. 'Report from committee on medicines and medical attention for County poor for 1871 received. w. 04 25. :?More time given committee to study means to provide medical care. ,. 04 26. ,;Committee said more supplies needed for Poor House and listed these. :. 04 27. :;Members newly ap?pointed to Committee: Coimnissioners Martin, Shoemaker, and Lowrey. :. 09 28. Committee received petition of Mr. Scott's for articles for Poor House. 09 29. ? Committee recommended Mr. Scott's petition for articles for Poor House be granted. „ 09 30. ' Committee recommended that rooms in main building, outhouse, and fence of Poor House be whitewashed. , 09 31. .Committee reported work on Poor House has been properly done. , 10 32. ;Committee requested three bedsteads for Poor House and these granted. : , 10 33. Committee recommended purchase of large iron bedstead and mattress instead of single bedstead for Poor , 11 ;; House; this was approved. . . 34. Committee received request of Mr. Manning for a mule and clothing for Poor House. (See POOR HOUSE) „ 12 35. ? , Members of Committee: S.N. Martin, J. Chadbourne and D. Nixon. 03 36. ;Committee authorized to have one or more rooms prepared for safekeeping of the insane. , . 12 37. 'Members of Committee: J. Wilson Stacy Van Amringe and Deleware Nixon. 09 38. Report filed from Poor House Committee. , 10 39. ;Poor House Committee report filed. , 11 40. Committee's report filed. „ 12 41. !?Filed report from Poor House Committee. „ Ol 42. '?;Received and filed Committee's report. a? 03 08 1870, 2 08 1870?' 07 1870 09 1870 ; 05 1871 ; ?r 09 1871;° 08 1871?? 04 1871;: 05 1872:i OS 1872;; OS 1872;; 29 1872;; 05 1872?? 05 1872,; 05 1872 ?. 02 1872„; 04 1872 ?? 05 1872 i 05 1872 03 1872 03 1872 ? 13 1872 ;? 2 2 2 2 3 2 :: :, :? 32 ?? b; 79 s; d 96 ?! 139 !; ?? 2 174 2 199 2 246 2 287 2 287 2 289 2 303 2 312 2 312 2 312 2 353 2 357 2 359 2 359 2 376 2 376 2 397 16 1872 .: 17 1873 16 1873?' 16 1874 ? 07 1874?; 02 1874 : ?, 07 1874' OS 1875 ? 03 1875p; ?? 2 405 ?? , 3 40 !? '; 3 160 ; S 3 262 ?? kf ?? 3 268 !; ?? ; 3 271 i , C 3 280 ? ? 3 290 a 3 307 ?? d i INDEX TO CO?IMISSIONERS MINUTES -- ?Iew Hanover Coun#?, N. C. _ MATTER: POOR HOUSE COMMITTEE ` RF?. u. s. County Indezee Since 1888 ? To locate names, open at COTT A•Z TAB INDEX MADE BY THE COTT INDEX <OMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO r?r OiFICE L?o-?,? An Identifying Trade Merk SURNAME INITIAL TAB SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA ;,? ?i DATE ??°. MINUTE BOOK ?? NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS ? Month ? Day ? Year i.? Vol. ? Page ?? l. Report from Committee filed. ., 05 03 1875 3 322 ?; 2. Committee to discharge all in Poor House and Hospital who can be properly removed. 05 08 1875 a 3 325 ?, ; 3. Committee to report names of all minors in th?se institutions so they may be bound out. ?? OS 08 1875 . .h 3 ? 325 ri ?a 4.? Report of Poor House Committee spread on minutes and found in good order. 08 03 1875 r, 3 363 5.? Committee on Poor House appointed: J.G. Wagner, A.H. Morris, and D. Nixon. ?. 10 12 1875 ? ,. 3 387 6.? Report from Committee on Poor House received. 04 03 1876 . ?« 3 424 ?' .? ? 7.? Report from Committee on Poor House laid over to next meeting. y 11 28 1876 ;u 3 501 t 8.4 Committee on Poor House to examine contract with H.E. Scott and report if a better contract might be made. ? Ol 03 1877 3 518 ; C ,9.?? Members on Poor House Committee: J. Wagner, B.G. Worth, and D. Nixon. Ol 03 1877 3 518 10.;p Report from Poor House Committee filed. 06 04 1877 3 548 ?1.;? Bill of Superintendent John Garrell of Poor House referred to Poor House Committee. 08 11 1877 ,. 3 590 ?.2.'; Committee visited Poor House and found twelve males and twelve females in Poor House Department. 09 04 1877 3 608 13.`? ? ; Committee found twelve males and three females in the Insane Department. . 09 04 1877 3 608 14.? Committee found all inmates in both departments clean and well cared for. 09 04 1877 3 608 15.?; Report from Committee on Poor House and Hospital to be spread on minutes. 10 03 1877 3 626 a3 .. 16.? Committee found all inmates in Poor House and Insane Department well fed and well cared for. 10 03 1$77 3 627 r 17."a , .s Committee found all eight patients in Hospital well cared for. 10 03 1877 .. 3 627 e? 18.`? Report on Poor House and Insane Department from Grand Jury of Criminal Court referred to Poor Committee. O1 07 1878 3 679 Y9.?? Report from Committee on Poor House to be spread on minutes. 03 04 1$78 3 707 20.;; Poor House Committee reported twelve females and twenty-four males in Poor House and all well cared for. 03 04 1878 , 3 707 ,? 21.rf Poor House Committee reported eleven females and five males in Insane Department all well cared for. 03 04 1878 3 707 ?2.?; Poor House Committee reported seven persons should be discharged from Poor House. 03 04 1878 3 707 23.;? ; Poor House Committee reported some buildings needed repairing. 03 04 1878 3 707 ; 24.y? ?? Poor House Committee to chose a site for chapel to be build on Poor House land. 05 06 1878 ? 3 722 .. 25.'? P? New members on Poor House Committee: A.J. Grady and B.G. Worth. . 12 02 1878 ? 4 2 26.y? Committee on Poor House to heat Insane Department at as little cost as possible. 12 06 1878 4 5 27.?y Committee on Poor House reports progress. O1 06 1879 4 10 , 28.!` .? E.L. Pearce, B.G. Worth and H.A. Bagg appointed to Poor House Committee. 12 04 1882 4 433 29.?a New Committee members: B.G. Worth, E.L. Pearce and H.A. Bagg. O1 17 1887 4 774 1 (PORT, WATERWAY ? BEACH COMM.) INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS ?IINUTES N H C N C PORT5 -- ew anover ounty, . . ^ MATTER• COMMISS ION ` xec. v. s. ??Q County Indesea Since 18$8 ? TO loto?? num?s? OplO Ot aAr OFFICE (.Ctit??' An IdentifY?ng Trade Merk SURl?AME INITIAL TA? COTi A•Z TJ1B INDEX Mll[ F BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHID SO LD ?Y OWEN i. O UMN, NEN 6ERN, NORT N GROLINA NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS DAiE MINUTE BOOK ,"; Month Day Yenr Vol. Page ;" , l. Appropriated funds for advertising in the State Ports Magazine. 12 . 04 1961 13 _ 44 . 2. Letter from Corps of Engineers regarding deepening of the Cape Fear River, public hearing. O1 02 1962 13 54 3. Letter to Col. Gillette, informing of Boards support. O1 02 1962 13 54 4, Request approved to continue advertising in SPA Magazine at $50 per issue. 02 19 1962 13 68 5. Notice of the extension of time for public hearing converning Cape Fear River. 02 19 1962 13 71 6. Letter announcing the 36th annual meeting of the ASBPA. 04 16 1962 13 98 7. Commissioners allocated office space for Co1. George W. Gillette. 05 14 : ?_962 13 102 ; 8. Invited the Colonel to attend the National Rivers and Harbors Congress in Washington at County co st. 05 14 1962 13 102 9. Appropirated $5D for aaversiting in SPA A4agazine. 06 04 1962 13 114 10. Progress report of various projects pertaining to Ports and Waterway Davelopment. 11 05 ; '.962 13 168 11. Notice of the 50th National Convention of the National Rivers and Harbors Congress in Washington, DC. 02 18 1963 13 191 12. Letter to Senators regarding the reestablishment of Masonboro Inlet. 02 18 1963 13 191 13. Resolution regarding flood control water in Cape Fear River. 03 18 : ?_963 13 198 14. Corps of Engineers gave progress report on Masonboro Inlet. 04 O1 1963 .. 13 202 15. Applications for permits for work on Cape Fear River. 04 16 1963 13 207 16. ? Turning basin contract awarded to the Atkinson Dredging Co. paid from advertising inlets and Dev. fund. 05 06 1963 13 210 ; 17. Notice of 50th annual convention of N.R.H.C. 05 20 1963 13 217 18. Notices from the Corps of Engineers regarding the proposed improvements for Cape Fear River. 05 20 1963 13 218 19. Col. George W. Gillette reported on convention of National Rivers and Harbors Congress. 06 17 1963 13 222 , 20. Letter requesting adjacent counties to participate in proposed project for Cape Fear River. 06 17 1963 , 13 222 21. Annual report of the Wilmington Ports & Waterway Development Comm. from George W. Gillette. 07 15 1963 13 229 22. Report from National Rivers and Harbors congress. 07 15 1963 13 229 23. Letter from Col. George W. Gillette urging support for deepening the Channel of the Cape Fear Riv er. 09 03 1963 . 13 248 24._ Letters to adjacent counties and Senators and Congressmen urging support. 09 03 1963 . 13 248 25. Transferred to County. 07 21 1964 13 357 ? 26. Resolution providing permits or easements for harbor dredging _ 02 19 1971 14 583 27. Right of Entry for Construction 02 19 1971. 14 583 „ ' 28. Appointment of - Comm. Alper, W. S. R. Beane, F. Willets, Jr., David S. Sharpe, M. H. Vaughan 02 17 1975 16 120 29. Expansion of inembership to include Mayors of Wrightsville and Carolina Beaches 05 05 1975 16 190 30. Establishment of terms for members 05 19 1975 16 201 31. Appt. of Fred Willetts, Jr. 02 02 1976 17 57 32. Appt. of Jack Ross 06 07 1976 17 145 33.. Appt. Lee and Clemmons 02 20 1 978 18 176 . 34. Appointment of Ed Kizer 02 19 1979 18 363 l 35. Approval - funding request 08 20 1979 18 463 36. Appointment of Bob Warwick 09 09 1979 18 473 37. Reappointment of Bob Hicks, Jr. to Commission 02 18 1980 18 558 38., Esso Clemmons and Estelle Lee appointed Co Commission 03 16 1981 18 789 39. Appointment to Commission - Ken Davis 05 03 1982 19 64 40. Appointment of Bob Warwick 07 06 1982 19 112 ?. i. INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS H N MINUTES - N C PRISON FARM? COUNTY C f ounty, anover . ew . _ MATTER: ` ?ac, u, s. r?r o??icR C.?i Counry Indezes Since 1888 ?? An Identifyin? Trsde Mark ? To locats oames, open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB [OTT A-Z TAB INDEX MADE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY. COLUMBUS. OHIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA °? ? DATE ?? MINUTE BOOK ? NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS ?? ; '? Month ( Day ? Year ;,? Vol. ? Page l.'? , ,; County Farm to be cut off from County Home leaving small plot for Home's garden ' 12 08 1896! ?, 5 749 2.° Farmhouse and bar racks to be built for prisoners. 12 08 1896. ?. 5 749 3.;y Farm to be let ou t to highest bidder to maintain and keep prisoners safely, 12 08 1896 . 5 749 4.;? ' Action deferred on appointment of T.A. Watson as Superintendent of House of Correction, County Farm and ; Ol 04 1897 5 753 s ' .M County Home. 5.' , I , „ i ? ' , ? „ ., ,. .. „ ;, .. .. INDE? TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES -- I?ew Hanover County N C ??UN? PRISON MATTER FARM , . . _ : ` aEC. u. e. Covnty Indezea Since 1888 ? YO ?otat9 names, open Gt r?r OFFICE C??? An ldentifying Trade Mark SURNAME INITIAL TAB COiT A-Z TAB INDEX MADE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH UROIINA NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS DATE MINUTE BOOK Month Day Year Vol. Page 1. Superintendent of Health reported County institutions in good condition. 10 03 1904 7 4 2. Superintendenfi of Health reported convict camp in good condition. 11 07 1904 7 6 3. Contract for care of County prisoners awarded W,H. Shearive. ?2 05 1904 7 11 4. Superintendent of Health reported convict camp in good condition. 01 03 1905': 7 16 5. Superintendent of Health reported County institutions in good condition. 02 06 1905 7 18 6. Superintendent of Health reported County institutions in good condition. 03 06 1905 7 20 7. F.A, Montgomery elected Superintendent of Work House and County Home at no extra pay. 03 06 1905 7 20 8. Sanitary Board ruled that all persons entering County institutions must take a bath. 05 Ol 1905 7 23 9. Superintendent of Health reported inmates at County institutions healthy. 05 Ol 1905 7 23 10. Superintendent of Health reported County institutions in good condition. 06 OS 1905 7 27 11. Keeper of convicts to keep record of all whippings given convicts. 10 02 1905 7 39 12. No convict to be buried without examination by physician and unusual deaths to be reported to Coroner. 10 02 1905 7 39 13. Board investigated maltreatment charges of convicts and sent copy of evidence to Board of Public Charities. 10 04 1905 7 40 14. Contract for care of convicts awarded W.H. Shearin. 12 04 1905 7 45 15. Reward offered for capture of A.F. Thompson, escapee from County Farm. 02 03 1906 7 47 16. No visits allowed prisoners of County Farm unless person has a permit from Superintendent of Health. 03 05 1906 7 48 17. Contract given W.H. Shearin to feed, cloth, and shoe prisoners and to feed guards. 12 03 1906 7 69 18. Bond approved for W.H. Shearin as keeper of convicts. 02 04 1907 7 77 19. Mr. Hocutt reported escape of convicts. 02 04 1907 7 77 20. Telephone to be put in convict camp. 03 04 1907 7 81 21. Mr. Hocutt reported that a convict had escaped. 04 Ol 1907 7 84 22. Request from Mrs. S.E. Crandell to visit her son in convict camp referred to Chairman. 05 06 1907 7 86 23. Superintendent of Health reported convict camp in good condition. 06 03 1907 7 89 24. Contract to build stockade for convicts awarded to Sylvia and Comache. Ob 15 1907 7 91 25. Superintendent of Health reported convict camp in good condition. 07 O1 1907 7 94 26. On suggestion of Mr. Hocutt convicts given holiday on July 4?h. 07 O1 1907 7 94 27. Superintendent of Health reported County institutions in good condition. 08 05 1907 7 105 28. Contract to build guard quarters at Rock Quarry awarded to Silvia and Comache. 08 05 1907 7 105 29. Superintendent of Health reported County institutions in good condition. 09 03 1907 7 107 30. Superintendent of Health reported County institutions in good condition. 12 02 1907 7 115 31. Permanent Roads Committee to obtain additional labor to work roads. Ol 22 1908 7 121 32; Superintendent of Health reported County institutio? in good condition. 02 03 1908 7 122 33. Due to crowded Jail, future prisoners will be confined at convict camp or at County Home. 02 06 1908 7 124 34. Superintendent of Health reported County institutions in good condition. 03 02 1908 7 126 35. Superintendent of Health reported County institutions in good condition. 05 04 1908 7 131 36. Superintende?t of Health reported County institutions in good condition. 06 Ol 1908 7 134 37. Superintendent of Health reported County institutions in good condition. 07 06 1908 7 138 38. Report from Superintendent of Roads on road work and convicts. 07 Qb 1908 7 138 39. Superintendent of He?lth reported County institutions in good condition. 08 03 1908 7 139 40. Report from Superintendent of Roads on road work and convicts. 08 03 1908 7 139 41. Superintendent of Roads reported on road work and convicts. 09 08 1908 7 144 42. Superintendent of Roads reports on roads and convicts. 11 02 1908 7 154 43. Superintendent of Health reported County institutions in good condition. 11 02 1908 7 155 44. Applications to feed and cloth convicts deferred. 12 07 1908 7 160 45. Superintendent Hocutt reported on road work and convicts. 12 07 1908 7 I59 46. Contract to feed and cloth prisoners and feed guards awarded to W.H. .Shearin. 12 10 1908 7 163 ,., INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover County, N. C. = MATTER: C?UNTY PRISON FARM aec. u. s. ,q?,, County Indezee Since 1888 ? Yo locote names, open af COTT A•2 TAB INDEX c?t OFFIGE ?,tc+??(.a-? An Identifying Trade Marlc SURNAME INITIAL TAB MIADE BY THE COTS {NDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH GROLINA NATURE Of PROCEEDINGS DATE 1. Superintendent of Health reported County institutions in good condition. 2. Superintendent of Roads reported on road work and convicts. 3. Bond of W.H. Shearin was accepted in Board. 4. Superintendent Hocutt reported on road work and convicts. 5. Superintendent of Health reported County institutions in good condition. 6. Chairman felt bill of cost excessive relative to prisoners of Pender County working N.H. County roads. 7. Superintendent of Health reported County institutions in good condition. 8. Road force to cut road from Turnpike Rock Road to baseball ground. 9. Superintendent of Health regorted County institutions in gooa conaition. 10. Request for money from Rev. C.R. Krimet for services in preaching at camp referred to Mr. Montgomery. 11. Superintendent of Health reported County institutions in good condition. 12. Superintendent of Health reported County institutions in good condition. 13. Superintendent Shearin explained why convict Will Hendricks allowed to come into City. 14. Statement about remarks made on unsatisfactory crop conditions on County Farm. 15. Superintendent of Health reported convict camp in good condition. 16. Superintendent of Health reported County institutions in good condition. 17. Flyn and Fayer Brick Manufacturer to use part of County Farm land. 18. Superintendent of Health reported County institutions in good condition. 19. Superintendent of Health reported County institutions in good condition. 20. Superintendent of Health reported County institutions in good condition. 21, Harrison Blockledge, who was sentenced to road duty, was hired out to D.J. Fergus instead. 22. Superintendent of Health reported County institutions in good condition. 23. Superintendent of Health reported County institutions in good condition. 24. Superintendent of Health reported County institutions in good condition. 25. Superintendent of Health reported East Wilmington Camp in good condition. 26. Superintendent of Health reported County institutions in good condition. 27. Superintendent of Health reported County institutions in good condition. 28. Contract to feed and cloth prisoners awarded to Superintendent of Roads Shearin. 29. Superintendent of Health reported County instiCutions in good condition. 30. Superintendent of Health reported County institutions in good condition. 31. H.C. Blake appointed Superintendent of County Home and Farm at same salary as last year. 32. Superintendent of Health reported County institutions in good condition. 33. Superintendent of Health reported County institutions in good condition. 34. Superintendent of Health reported County institutions in good condition. 35. Request from Frank Huggins to use part of County Farm land for manufacturing purposes referred to County Home Committee. 36. Superintendent of Health reported County institutions in good condition. 37. F.L. Huggins appeared relative to land on County Farm; map showing lot presented by W.G. MacRae. 38. Superintendent of Health reported County institutions in good condition. 39. Manufacturing sites on County Farm set aside and blueprint to be displayed at Chamber of Commerce. 40. Hanry McNeil, sentenced to road work, hired out to his father, Anock McNeil. 41. Superintendent of Health reported County institutions in good condition. 42. Superintendent of Health reported County institutions in good condition. 43. H.C. Blake elected Superintendent of County Home and Farm. 44. Superintendent of Health reported County institutions in good condition. 45. W.E. Worth requested a site on County Farm land for manufacturing. Month Day Year MiNUrE sooK , VoL I Page O1 04 1909 7 164 02 Ol 1909 7 168 03 Ol 1909 7 170 03 Ol 1909 7 171 04 05 1909 7 173 04 05 1909 7 174 05 03 1909 7 176 05 03 1909 7 176 06 07 I909 7 178 06 07 1909 7 178 07 06 1909 7 179 10 04 1909 7 183 11 01 1909 7 183 11 01 1909 7 184 12 06 1909 7 185 Ol 03 1910 7 189 Ol 06 1910 7 190 02 07 1910 7 190 04 04 1910 7 193 05 02 1910 7 194 05 02 1910 7 194 06 06 1910 7 195 07 05 1910 7 197 08 O1 1910 7 198 09 08 1910 7 199 10 03 1910 7 200 11 07 1910 7 202 12 05 1910 7 204 12 05 1910 7 204 O1 04 1911 7 206 Ol 04 1911 7 206 03 06 1911 7 210 04 03 1911 7 213 06 05 1911 7 223 09 06 1911 7 232 09 06 1911 7 232 10 02 1911 7 233 10 02 1911 7 233 10 05 1911 7 234 10 05 1911 7 234 11 06 1911 7 235 12 04 1911 7 236 12 04 1911 7 237 Ol 02 1912 7 241 O1 04 1912 7 242 T PARKS ? INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES -- Nev? Hanover Count N C RE?REAT?oN ` r y, . . , MATT R aec. u, s. County Indexea Since 1888 ? YO IOCOt9 names, OpE11 Gt COTT A•2 TAB INDEX PAT OFiICE ?l?a-7?' An Identifyin? Trade Mark SURNAME INITIAL TAB MADE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD BY OWEN 6. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS . DATE MINUTE BOOK Month Day I Year Vol. Page 1. Board agreed for Stadium Committee to handle P. Batson request for blacksmith shop at Legion Stadium. Il 05 I951 I1 300 2. Lease agreement on Stadium barns approved to P. Batson. 11 12 1951 11 301 3. L. T. Moore and W. A. McGirt to bear expenses for plaque at H. MacRae Park entrance to honor Hugh MacRae. 11 19 1951 11 302 4. Attention called to lines sewer at Legion Stadium S?ables, Stadium lot appraised for sale. 11 19 1951 11 303 5. Memorial Plaque approved at Hugh MacRae Park. 11 26 1951 11 305 6. Newman Brothers bid accepted for Plaque at Hugh MacRae Park. 12 17 1951 11 308 7. Order received for plaque at Hugh MacRae Park. 12 31 1951 11 309 8. Stadium Committee allowed to paint Legion Stadium; Motion offered to discontinue committee. 12 31 1951 11 309 9. Bids authorized for painting stadium. 12 31 1951 11 309 10. Statement received on Stadium appropriations and disbursements. Ol 07 1952 11 311 11. Rubbing Proof of Hugh macRae Plaque approved by Newman Brothers. O1 28 1952 11 313 12. Statement referred on Legion Stadium. 02 11 1952 11 316 13. Azalea Committee under Stadium director to use Stadium bleachers. 02 11 1942 11 317 14. W. K. Rhodes request granted for Rev. J. P. C. Johnson to use Stadium and track for youth rally if OK with 02 18 I952 11 318 P. Batson,leasee. 15. Senior Faternity Boys Brigade Club granted use of Legion Stadium for Show. 02 18 1952 11 318 16. Stadium Committee to call meeting. OZ 18 1952 11 318 17. Stadium Committee meeting called to discuss finances. 02 20 1952 11 319 18. Stadium Committee statement revealed deficit. 02 20 1952 11 319 19. Stadium Committee statement showed 1947 lighting caused deficit. 02 20 1952 11 319 20. Stadium Committee statement showed drop caused by Pirates game stoppage. 02 20 1952 11 319 21. No action taken on lease Stadium to City with interest. 02 20 1952 11 319 22, More stable for Legion Stadium referred to Stadium Commission. 02 25 1952 11 319 23. Study Survey of Legion Stadium recommended 12 ?t. undertaking by Legion Stadium Committee. 03 12 1952 11 323 24. Motion carried to $2,500 for water sewer and 2 ticket booths. 03 12 1952 11 323 25. Toilets at Stables referred to P. Batson. lessee, R. Farrow, Supt. of Stadium to be written letter of 03 12 1952 11 323 thanks for 12 pointer. 26. Misunderstanding over Management between Manager and Assist. Manager Robert Norton postponed. 04 07 1952 11 332 27. Boys Brigade Field to use flood lighting. 04 07 I952 11 332 28. Architect L. N. Boney to make sketch of mounting for Hugh MacRae Park Plaque. 04 07 1952 11 332 29. Jack Page referred to Stadium Supt. on selling benches tables, etc. to county. 06 02 1952 11 339 30. Dust situation at Stadium referred for conference with Supt. of Parks and Recreation. 07 07 1952 11 350 31. W. K. Rhodes referred for leasing Stadium. 07 28 1952 11 355 32. Installing of Hugh MacRae Plaque delayed. 08 18 1952 11 359 33, Hot Rod and Gar Club President J. Moore reauested use af Stadium for safety training; track to be prepared. 09 08 1952 11 363 34. Atty. Rhodes referred to Stadium Committee on Albert Simon taking over P. Batson, deceased lease on Stadium. 09 15 ?952 11 364 35. J. D. Dixon payment approved for removing trees at Hugh MacRae Park. 09 22 1952 11 366 36. Lumber from Huch MacRae Park trees referred to committee for dressing. 09 22 1952 11 366 37. Attention called that law and order not pxoperly maintained at Legion Stadium to be discussed at meeting. 09 29 1952 11 367 38. Meeting called investigate L. Stadium disorders during high school games; sheriff to take care of it. 03 30 1952 11 369 39. Instruction given to Humphrey A?arshall for procurement of cinder hlocks at Maffit Village for L. Sta. wall. 10 13 1952 11 3'2 40. Thanks expressed by farm agent Baggett on use of Stadium. 11 03 1952 11 375 41. City Manager to discuss disposition of L. Sta; special legislation requested to give it to city. 11 03 1952 11 375 42. Legislation to transfer Legion Stadium to city postponed. I1 17 L952 11 378 43. NHHS Principal 0. K. Spencer reserved dates to use Stadium for commencement excercises. O1 2S : 953 11 395 44. Joint discussion held for City take over of Legion Stadium; $15,000 requested. 02 02 1953 11 396 N C INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover .Count? MATTERT COUNTY PRISON FARM h . , . , ` nEC. u. s. County Indexee Since 1888 ? To lotafe names, open Ct SURNAME lNITIAL TAB l d M ld F i T ?? ? COTT Ad TAB INDEX ?DE YY TNE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUM8U5, OHIO NORTH CAROLINA EW BERN c ra e ar An enti y ne ??t OFFItE ¢ SOLD 8Y OWEN G. DUNN, N , DATE MINUiE BOOK NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS Month I Day Year Vol. Page l. Superintendent of Health reported County institutions in good condition. 02 05 1912 7 243 2. Matter of hiring Henry Henry, sentenced to road work, to his wif e referred to Road Committee. 03 04 1912 7 244 3. Superintendent of Health reported County institutions in good condition. 03 04 1912 7 245 4. W.M. Jones, sentenced to raad work, to be hired out to his wife Bessie. 04 04 1912 7 248 5. Superintendent of Health reported County institutions in good condition. 05 06 1912 7 249 6. Matter of F.L. Huggins buying part of County Farm referred to County Farm Committee. 07 O1 1912 7 253 7. County Physician reported County institutions in good condition. 07 Ol 1912 7 253 8. Part of County Farm land to be given to Wilmington Red Cross Sanitarium. 08 05 1912 7 254 9. Superintendent of Health reported County institutions in good condition. 08 05 1912 7 255 10. Luther Ballamy, sentenced to County Farm, to be hired out to his mother. 08 05 1912 7 255 11. Report made on conditions of convict camps and Road Committee to see that recommendations are com plied with. 08 07 1912 7 256 12. Part of County Farm sold to Huggins Naval Stores Co. by County Farm Committee. 09 03 1912 7 257 13. Dr. McMillan reported County institutions in good condition. 09 03 1912 7 257 14. Demonstration farm to be established on County Farm. (See AGRICULTURE AND ECONOMICS) 09 03 1912 7 258 15. Superintendent of Health reported County institutions in good condition except for sewer at Federal Point 10 07 1912 7 260 Camp. 16. Deed presented to Wilmington Red Cross for land to use for a sanitarium. 10 10 1912 7 260 17. P.H. Rasberry elected Superintendent of County Farm. 12 02 1912 7 265 18. Report from J.P. Herring, Agent of Farmer's Demonstration, filed. 12 03 1912 7 265 19. Superintendent Rasberry to list equipment needed at County Farm. 12 27 1912 7 268 20. Salary of $75 a moih:th and duties of Superintendent of County Home and Farm set down. 12 27 1912 7 268 21. Bond of P.H. Rasberry approved as Superintendent of County Home and Farm. 12 27 1912 7 268 22. Board to request Legislature to pass a bill allowing road convicts to work under "Honor System". 12 27 1912 7 269 23. Mattie Pee, sentenced to the Farm, was hired out to Mr. Blake. O1 06 1913 7 269 24. Superintendent of Health reported County institutions in good condition. O1 06 1913 7 270 25. Committee on County Home recommended peanuts at County Farm be sold. Ol 06 1913 7 270 26. Sheriff charged Mr. Shearin with charging twice for feeding prisoners when transferred from Jail to Camp. Ol 13 1913 7 273 27. Committee to act on hiring out Dave Williams, sentenced to road work. 02 03 1913 7 279 28. Work House to be build to house convicts working on roads. (See WORK HOUSE) 03 03 1913 7 281 29. Henry Davis to be returned to convict camp to finish serving'time on roads. 03 06 1913 7 282 30. County Farm Committee to purchase horse for County Farm. 04 07 1913 7 288 31. Perma?nent Road Committee to investiage conduct of Superintendent of Convict Camp and Roads. 06 09 1913 7 306 32. Superintendent of Roads to insist upon weekly reports from several camps. 07 07 1913 7 309 33. Monthly report of Superintendent of County Farm filed. 08 04 1913 7 310 34. J.P. Herring, Farm Demonstrator, to supervise County Farm along with Superintendent of Home. 09 O1 1913 3 31? 35. P.H. Rasberry elected Superintendent of Farm at $65 a month. 12 Ol 1913 7 327 36. Superintendent of Roads to furnish Auditor with list of supplies needed for winter for convict camps. 12 04 1913 7 330 37. A.C.L. Railroad granted right-of-way for a spur track to Galena Oil Co. across County Farm. 04 13 1914 7 345 38. Due to trouble at convict camp, guards to use discipline they feel is necessary. 05 11 1914 7 353 39. Money to be borrowed to build Work House on County Farm. 07 06 1914 7 371 40. Request from Attorney K.C. Sidbury for pay for loss of inelons of his client near East Wilmington Camp. 09 08 1914 7 383 41. Auditor and Accountants' report on care of prisoners in County. 12 07 1914 7 406 42. Solicitor to investigate request from Shepard Ulley for compensation for time erroneously served on roads. 04 19 1915 7 453 43. Report requested consolidation of Farm Demonstration work and County Farm. O1 03 1916 7 521 44. Prison superintendent submitted his report for the year. Ol 03 1916 7 522 45. Photographs of County roads and convict gangs working same to be made for J. Hyde Pratt. Ol 03 1916 7 522 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES N H C N C anover -- ew ount?, . . , MATTER: COUNTY PRISON FARM ` aec. u, s. "????? County indezea Since 1888 ?+ ? To locate names, open at COTT A•Z TAB INDEX - An ldentifying Trade Mark ?? SURNAME INITIAL TAB MADE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO e?T OFFICE ??i( v??. , . SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BER N, NORT H GROLINA ? NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS DATE MINUTE BOOK Month Day Year Vol. Page l. Report received on consoldiation of Farm Demonstration work and County Farm. O1 17 1916 7 527 2. Committee presented an amended report on consolidation of Farm Demonstrator's work and County Farm. Ol 24 1916 7 529 3. J.P. Herring nominated as County Farm Demonstrator and manager of County Farm at $1,500 per annum. Ol 24 1916 7 529 4. Duties of Prison Matron and Superintendent of County Farm and Farm Demonstrator set down. Ol 24 1916 7 529 5. Report from Superintendent of Farm filed. 02 07 1916 7 535 6. Health officer, Dr. Nesbit, requested use of part of County Farm tract in connection with Atlantic Coast 04 03 1916 7 543 Line Railroad for a stockyard. 7. F.J. Dempsey elected Superintendent of County Home and Farm. 09 28 1916 7 586 8. Auto to be purchased for Superintendent of County Farm. 11 06 1916 7 594 9. F.J. Dempsey elected Superintendent of County Home and Farm at $90 a month. 12 04 1916 7 597 10. County Farm Committee approved request for fence wire and drainage tile for the Farm. 12 04 1916 7 597 11. Matter of hiring out Luberla Clark, sentenced to County Farm, left to Chairman. 12 18 1916 7 603 12. Board unable to allow Wright Simmons to hire his son George, sentenced to roads. O1 02 1917 7 604 13. Farm Committee recommended F.J. Dempsey, Superintendent, be paid $10 a month and Kirby Daniels $5 a month. 07 02 1917 7 625 14. Committee on County Home recommended a hay rake be bought for Farm. 08 06 1917 7 632 15. County Home Committee recommended Farm raise more livestock. 09 04 1917 7 639 16. F.J. Dempsey elected Superintendent of County Farm. (See COUNTY HOME.) 12 03 1917 7 651 17. Superintendent of Home suggested more drain tile for Farm and use of a gasoline engine; referred to Farm 12 03 1917 7 652 Committee. 18. Report from Superintendent Dempsey filed. O1 07 1918 7 658 19. Drain tile to be purchased for County Farm. , O1 07 1918 7 658 20. Salary of Superintendent Dempsey fixed at $75 a month. Ol 07 1918 7 658 21. Hot bedrock to be purchased for County Farm. 02 04 1918 7 665 22. Case of Martha Moore, feebleminded woman sent to County Farm, referred to Chairman and County Attorney. 03 04 1918 7 673 23. Report from Mr. Dempsey filed. 04 O1 1918 7 690 24. Messrs. Hewlett and Kerr to act on purchase of stock of County Farm. 04 Ol 1918 7 690 25. Report from Superintendent Dempsey filed. 05 06 1918 7 695 26. Report from Supt. of County Farm filed. 06 03 1918 8 11 27. Farm wagon to be purchased for County Farm. 06 03 1918 8 11 28. Report from Supt. of County Farm filed. 07 03 1918 8 13 29. Same as July 2. 08 05 1918 8 14 30. Matter of building a new barn for County Farm referred to Farm Committee. 08 05 1918 8 14 31. Salary of Supt. Dempsey set at $85 a month. 08 05 1918 8 16 32. Report from Supt. of County Farm filed. 09 03 1918 8 17 33. County Fa? Committee reparted favarable an erection of barn at Farm. 09 16 1918 8 19 34. County Farm Committee recommended W. H. Blake be here to assist in construction of barn. 09 16 1918 8 19 35. Report from Supt, of County Farm filed. 10 07 1918 8 20 36. Corrugated steel roofing to be purchased for barn at County Farm. 11 04 1918 8 24 37. Matter of building new wagon body for wagon at Farm referred to Mr. Dempsey. 11 04 1918 8 24 38., Request from Mr. Dempsey for a car load of drain tile referred to Farm Committee. 11 04 1918 8 24 39., Report from Supt. ot County Farm filed. 11 04 1918 8 24 40. F. J Dempsey elected Supt. of County Home and Farm at $85 per month. 12 02 1918 8 26 41. Report of Supt. of County Farm filed. 12 02 1918 8 26 42. Nelson McKoy Doraless, sentenced to roads, hired to W. F. Jones. O1 06 1919 8 29 43. Board to request Governor to pardon James M. Johnson, sentenced to roads. Ol 06 1919 8 29 44. Report from Supt. of County Farm filed. Ol 06 1919 8 31 INDEX TO CO?IMISSIONERS MINUTES -?ew Hanover Count N C T PRISON FARM ?oUNTY < <= ?, . . _ MATT R , nec. u. s. Counry Indezee Since 1888 To loeate names, open at COTT A-Z TAB INDEX v?r OFFICE ??'?' An Identifying Trade Mark ? SURNAME INITIAI TAB NIADE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW B ERN, NORTH CAROLINA NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS DATE MINUTE BOOK Month ? Day Year Vol. Page 1. Mr. Trask to buy 2 mules for County Farm at best possible price. O1 06 1919 8 31 2. Request of Supt. Dempsey for drain tile referred to Farm Committee. Ol 27 1919 8 33 3. Report from Supt of Farm filed. 02 03 1919 8 34 4. Harriss Burnes, sentenced to roads, hired out to L. Stein. 02 10 1919 8 35 5. Supt. Dempsey not to hire out any prisoners in his custody unless authorized by Board. 02 24 1919 8 38 6. Farmers petitioned Board to restain Supt. of Farm from putting Farms' products on local markets; 03 03 1919 8 38 referred to Farm Committee. 7. Judge of Recorder's Court submitted report of persons sent to County roads and Farm for first quarter. 03 03 1919 8 38 8. Report from Supt. of farm filed. 03 03 1919 8 38 9. International Pivot Cultivator to be purchased for Farm. 03 ??3 1919 8 38 10. Supt. Dempsey to purchase drain tile to complete drainage work at Farm. 03 10 1919 8 40 11. Bond of Supt. Dempsey approved. 03 10 1919 8 40 12. Bill against Odis Hinnant for hire of Robert Week, who escaped, referred to Attorney Bellamy. 03 10 1919 8 40 13. Reward offered for William Sheridan, escaped from roads. 03 21 1919 S 41 14. Report from Supt. Dempsey filed. 04 ??7 1919 8 42 15. Horse to be purchased from P. E. Haggard. 04 07 1919 8 42 16. Lizzie Simmon, sentenced to County Farm for larceny, hire to John Bellamy but must not return to County. 04 07 1919 8 42 17. Horace Jackson, sentenced to roads, to be hired to W. F. Jones. 04 14 1919 8 43 18. Farm Committee ordered buggy used by Supt. Dempsey repaired. 04 19 1919 8 44 19. Report from Supt. of Farm received. 05 05 1919 8 48 20. Matter of hiring Dan Hawkins, sentenced to County roads, referred to Messrs. Yopp and McGlaughan. 05 23 1919 8 55 21. Lawrence Tomlison sentenced to roads, hired out to his father. 06 Ol 1919 8 60 22. Report from Supt. of Farm filed. 06 O1 1919 8 60 23. Guennsey bull bought for Farm and County Agent to make expermental test of permanent pastures at Farm. 07 07 1919 8 64 24. Report from Supt. of Farm filed. 07 07 1919 8 64 25. Supt. of Home and Farm requested a buggy for use of Home and Farm. 07 07 1919 8 64 26. Report from Supt. of Farm filed. 08 04 1919 8 68 27. People who desire services of Guennsey bull must come to county farm and pay a fee. 08 28 1919 8 72 28. Report from Supt. of Farm filed. 09 02 1919 8 75 29. Salary of guards R. Murray and George Ward increased to $SO a month and of F. A. Ward to $75 a month. 09 08 1919 8 76 30. Committee to determine rules for prisoners and punishment for infraction of same. 10 06 1919 8 79 31. Damages to buggy of Supt. Dempsey due to collision with street car referred to Attorney. 10 O1 1919 8 79 32. Claim from Walter Bell for repair of buggy used at County Farm to be adjusted by Attorney. 10 06 1919 8 79 33. Report from Supt. Dempsey filed. 10 06 1919 8 79 34. Bill paid fram IIavis IIaniel Co. for hire of vehicle by Mr. Dempsey. 10 06 1919 8 79 35. Request from Supt. Dempsey for an increase in salary of Sandy Allen referred to Mr. Trask. 10 06 1919 8 80 36. Supt. Dempsey granted 10 days vacation. 10 06 1919 8 80 37. Report from Supt of Farm filed. 11 03 1919 8 84 38. Money allowed J. J. Jackson for services while Supt. Dempsey was on vacation. 11 03 1919 8 85 39. Ruled for behavior of convicts and punishments for violation of same listed. 11 03 1919 8 86 40. Recorder's Judge Harriss recommended Ramsey Cottle be released from County Farm if leaves County. 11 24 1919 8 8' 41. Judge Harriss recommended Jordan McIver, sentenced to Faxm, be released if pays court cost. 12 Ol 1919 8 88 42. Report from Supt.Dempsey filed. 12 Ol 1919 8 88 43. Matter of hiring out Hill Guthrie, sentenced to road, referred to Recorder Harriss. 12 Ol 1919 8 88 44. F. J. Dempsey elected supt of County Home and Farm at $85 a month. 12 O1 1919 8 89 45. Matter of Phillip Lovering hiring Jack McKenny referred to Recorder Clerk Harriss. 12 Ol 1919 8 89 N H C C C ount?, . anover . , INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES ?- New R: PRISON FA?, MAT E COUNTY _ xaa. u. s. Coanty Indezes Since I888 To locate names, open at r?r OFFICE ?p?? An Identifying Trade Mark ? SURNAME INITIAI TAB COTT A-Z TAB INDEX MIADE BY iHE COTT INDEX COMPIiNY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD BY OWEN C. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORiN CAROLINA DATE MINUTE BOOK NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS Month I Day I Yea? Vol. ? Page 1. Hill Guthrie, sentenced to roads may be hired out if he gives over parties from whom he obtained whiskey. 12 08 1919 8 90 2. Part of County Farm land rented to Oscar Edwards. 12 30 1919 8 91 3. Matter of lumber company on part of County Farm's land referred to Chairman. O1 05 1919 8 92 4. Report from Supt. Dempsey filed. Ol 05 1919 8 92 5. Repairs needed at County Farm referred to County Farm Committee. O1 05 1919 8 93 6. Grapevines to be bought for County Farm. O1 05 1919 8 93 7. Request to hire W. F. Jones, sentenced to roads, declined. O1 14 1920 8 94 8. No prisoners to leave prison after dark except to perform duties. O1 14 1920 8 94 9. Salary of Supt. Dempsey increased to $100 a month. 02 02 1920 8 97 10. Report form Supt. Dempsey filed. 02 02 1920 8 97 11. Salary of T.W. Watts, guard at Farm, increased to $50 a month. 03 O1 1920 8 98 12. Disposal of 50 bags of seed Irish potatoes purchased for Farm referred to Mr. Trask. 03 O1 1920 8 98 13. ? Report from Supt. Dempsey filed. 03 O1 1920 8 98 14. Report from Supt. Dempsey filed. 04 05 1920 8 103 15, County Farm Committee to purchase one stock log from County Agencyfor County Farm. 04 14 1920 8 105 16. Reward offered for Randolph Williams, escaped from County roads. 05 03 1920 8 108 17. Report from Supt. Dempsey filed. 05 03 1920 8 108 18. Report from Supt. Dempsey filed. 06 07 1920 8 113 19. Report from Supt.Dempsey filed. 07 06 1920 8 116 20. Robert Bradford, sentenced to roads, hired out to John Newsome. 07 06 1920 8 115 21. Hill Guthrie, sentenced to roads, hired out to Dr. T. D.Bryan. 07 06 1920 8 116 22. J. B. (Babe) Singletary, sentenced to County Prison Farm, hired out to Price Bros. Inc. 07 15 1920 8 116 23. Report from Supt. Dempsey filed. 08 02 1920 8 118 24. Board confirmed action of hiring out Charles Pevey, sentenced to roads. 09 09 1920 8 124 25. E. S. Smith sentenced to roads, hired out to Oakland McMillan of Red Springs, NC. 09 20 1920 8 126 26, Auditor to buy Davenport Wooden Sale Shoes for convicts. 09 20 1920 8 126 27. Marrion Cooper convicted in Recorder's Court was hired to J. C. King. 10 04 1920 8 127 28. Report from Supt. Dempsey filed. 10 04 1920 8 127 29. Report from Supt. Dempsey filed. 11 O1 1920 8 129 30. Reward paid Oscar Johnson for capture of Mabel McQueen escaped from County Farm. 11 04 1920 8 133 31. Matter of electing of Supt. of Farm referred to County Farm Committee. 12 06 1920 8 133 32. Board objects to statement in "Star" made by Supt. Dempsey relative to purchase of potatoes for Farm. 12 06 1920 8 135 33. F. J. Dempsey resigned as Supt. of County Farm and Home. 12 06 1920 8 135 34. Nov. report from Supt. of Farm filed. 12 07 1920 8 136 35. Bill from 3. L. Becton for preparing map of County Farm ordered paid. 12 07 1920 8 136 36. County Farm Committee to report applicants for position of Supt. of Farm. 12 07 1920 8 137 37. W. C. Page elected Supt. of County Farm and Home at $100 per month. 12 10 1920 8 137 38. Walter Holland, sentenced to roads, hired out to his wife. 12 17 1920 8 138 39, Bud Carpenter was not hired out to his wife since also wanted in Lumberton, NC. 12 17 1920 8 138 40. Report from Supt. of Farm filed. O1 03 1921 8 139 41. Henry JOnes and J. T. ?4errick, both sentenced to roads, allo?ved to be hired out. Ol 27 1921 8 142 42. Matter of hiring out Kopepe Sowstery referred to Chairman. O1 27 1921 8 142 43. Health Officer recommended Robert Marshall be released from roads. O1 27 1921 8 142 44. Report from Supt. Page filed. 02 10 1921 8 147 45. Committee on County Farm to dispose of house used by Supt. of Farm. 02 10 1921 8 147 46. Money allowed for oil and gasoline for auto of Supt. Page. 02 10 1921 8 147 N C INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES -- New Hanover Count? COUNTY MATTERT PRISON FARM , . . _ , ` ecc. u. s. ? `- County Indexea Since 1888 ??}'?? Yo loeate names, open at PAT OFi1CE C Cct?//"/? An ldentifying Trade Mark U?-a SURNAME INITIAL TAB COTT A-2 TAB INDEX MADE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA DATE MINUTE BOOK NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS Month Day Year Vol. Page 1. Supt. Page's report filed. 03 07 1921 8 148 ?2. Matter of hiring C.T. Brewer, R. W. Russ and John Martin, sentenced to roads deferred. 04 04 1921 8 151 3. Board declined to hire out C. T. Russ and R. W. Brewer sentenced to roads since they did't give evidence. 04 05 1921 8 152 4. Report from Supt. Page filed. 06 06 1921 8 158 5. Report from Supt. Page filed. 07 05 1921 8 162 6. Bond of Supt. Page approved. 07 12 1921 8 164 7. Thomas Levy, sentenced to roads, hired out. 07 12 ]921 8 164 8. July report from Supt. Page filed. 08 O1 1921 8 169 9. Board to recommend Governor pardon Joseph Walker, sentenced to roads. 08 22 1921 8 173 10. Report filed form Supt. Page. 09 06 1921 8 174 11. Report from Supt of Farm filed. 10 03 1921 8 176 12. Board to recommend pardon from Governor for W. M. Newkirk, sentenced to roads. 10 07 1921 8 179 13. Armistice Day Nov. 11, to be a holiday for all prisoners in County. 10 07 1921 8 179 14. Reward offered for capture of Belle Malone, escapee from Farm. 11 27 1921 8 180 15. Frank Fergus, sentenced to roads hired out to his father. 11 30 1921 8 180 16. W. C. Page elected Supt. of County Home and Farm at $100 a month. 12 05 1921 8 182 17. Report from Supt. Page filed. 12 09 1921 8 183 18. Board approved renting part of County Farm land to J. P. Newton. 12 09 1921 8 183 19. Report from Supt. Page filed. O1 03 1922 8 185 20. Mrs. Page to deliver two Farm mules to Mr. Burnett for road work. O1 03 1922 8 185 21. Report from Supt. Page filed. 02 06 1922 8 187 22. Report from Supt. Page filed. 03 06 1922 8 191 23. Report from Supt. Page filed. 04 10 1922 8 194 24. Report from Supt. Page filed. 05 O1 1922 8 197 25. Report from Supt. Page filed. 06 05 1922 8 200 26. Hiring out of Mabel Bryant, convicted of receiving referred to Chairman. 06 05 1922 8 201 27. Report from Supt. Page filed. 07 02 1922 8 202 28. County Home Committee to repair roofs of County Home and Farm building. 07 05 1922 8 203 29. Report from Supt. Page filed. 08 07 1922 8 206 30. Same as Aug. 7. 09 06 1922 8 211 31. Same as Aug. 7. 10 02 1922 8 212 32. John Shiver, sentenced to roads hired out to Mr. Morris. 11 06 1922 8 214 33. Report from Supt. Page filed. 11 06 1922 8 214 34. No action on application of W. R. Evans for position of Supt. of Home and Farm since no vacancy. 11 06 1922 8 215 35. Report from Supt. Page filed. 12 04 1922 8 217 36. Award paid E. T. Tew, Police Chief of Goldsboro, for capture of Will White. 12 04 1922 8+ 217 37. W. C. Page elected Supt. of County Home and Farm at $100 a month. 12 04 1922 8 219 38. Board made its annual appropriation to Mr. Page for gas and oil for auto for Farm. 12 04 1922 8 219 39. Money paid Mrs. M. Justice for work done at County Farm by her husband. 12 08 1922 8 220 40. Report from Supt. Page filed. Ol 16 1923 8 224 41. Bill from N. M. Benton for capturing Mary Hill and Mack Nixon, escapees from Farm, approved. 02 05 1923 8 228 42. Sheriff's bill approved for bringing escapees Alberta Smith and Margaret Johnson back to Farm. 02 15 1923 8 228 43. Report from Supt. Page filed. 03 12 1923 8 231 44. Same as March 12. 04 02 1923 8 236 45. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Page to be replaced as Keepers of County Home and Farm. 04 04 1923 8 237 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover Count?, N. C. , MAT ER• PRISON FARM, COUNTY nec. u. s. 'p? ???? County Indexea Since 1888 ?? ,?+?.?--? To lotafe names? opeb ot C07T A-I TAB INDEX r?r OFFICE ?.?i?.N??i?(?z?i. An Identifying Trade Mark w? SURNAME INITIAL TAB MADE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS DATE Month Day ? Year l. All applicants for Keeper of County Farm referred to County Farm Committee. 04 16 1923 2. Screening of convict cages at Kure Camp approved. 04 23 1923 3. May report from Supt. of Roads filed. 06 11 1923 4. Same as June 1. (except not May) 07 OZ I923 5. Hire of Dan Garrett, sentenced to roads, referred to Chairman and Attorney. 07 24 1923 6. C. H. Bonham elected Supt. of County Home and Farm at $100 a month. 07 30 1923 7. Report from Supt. of Farm filed. OS 06 1923 8. Matter of hiring out I. S. Turlington referred to Chairman and Recorder. 08 31 1923 9. Report from Supt. Bonham filed. 09 04 1923 10. I. S. Turlington, sentenced to roads hired out to his wife. 09 04 1923 11. Harrison Blackledge and Dan Garrett to be hired out. 09 24 1923 12. Report from Supt. Bonham filed. 10 Ol 1923 13. Gasoline and oil allowance for auto granted Mr. Bonham. 10 Ol 1923 14. Part of County Farm allowed farmers for experimental work. 10 Ol 1923 15. Hire of Albert Brown and J. McKoy sentenced to roads referred to Chairman. 11 05 1923 16. Report from Supt. Bonham filed. 11 05 1923 17. 0. C. Freeman sentenced in recorder's court to be hired. 11 05 1923 18. Report from Supt. Bonham filed. 12 03 1923 19. Bond of C. H. Bonham as Supt. of Farm approved. 12 03 1923 20. Tractor to be purchased for County Farm. 12 03 1923 21. C. H. Bonham elected Supt. of Home and Farm at $100 a month. 12 03 1923 22. Annual appropriation made for upkeep of auto of Supt. Bonham. 12 03 1923 23. Bill from James Walker Memorial Hospital for treating guard at County Farm declined. 12 17 1923 24, Convicts clothes to be marked. O1 07 1924 25. Report from Supt. Bonham filed. O1 07 1924 26. Report from Supt. Bonham filed. OZ 04 1924 27. Medical bill paid Dr. J. E. Evans for services for C. W. Watkins injured by bull on County Farm. 02 04 1924 28. Report from Supt. Bonham filed. 03 03 1924 29. Small piece of County Farm land to be leased to Burton System Inc. 03 18 1924 30. Salary increase given Frank Leadley, employee at County Farm. 03 27 1924 31. Report from Supt. Bonham filed. 04 07 1924 32. Report from Supt. Bonham filed. 05 05 1924 33. Same as May 5. 06 04 1924 34. Old prison cage and old camp horses to be soid to Brunswick County. 06 04 1924 35. Aart of County`s Farm land to be sold to E. W. Godwin $ Sons Co. 06 09 1924 36. Report from Supt. Bonham filed. 07 07 1924 ?7. J. H. Hinton leased part of County Farm land to erect a sign board. 07 14 1924 38. Report from Supt. BOnham filed. 08 04 1924 39. Hiring out Noah Futch, sentenced to roads referred to Chairman. 08 08 1924 40. Frank McCartney, sentenced to roads, hired out to Capt. Ellis Sherman. 08 18 1924 41. Annie Pettit, Mary B. Henaerson and Sadie Hammond, sentenced to County Farm, to be hired out. 09 08 1924 42. Complaint of R. A. Rouse on water draining from County Farm land onto his land referred to Mr. Trask. 10 06 1924 43. Hiring out of G. Bloodworth referred to Chairman. 10 06 1924 44. Report from Supt. Bonham filed. 10 06 1924 45. 0. R. Parker to be sold sand from County Farm land. 10 06 1924 46. County to open ditch to drain water from land of J. A. Rouse. 10 10 1924 MINUTE BOOK Vol. ? Page 8 240 8 240 8 245 8 247 8 253 8 255 8 256 8 261 8 262 8 262 8 264 8 265 8 266 8 266 8 269 8 269 8 269 8 272 8 273 8 273 8 274 8 274 8 275 8 276 8 277 8 281 8 281 8 285 8 287 8 288 8 290 8 294 8 298 8 299 8 299 8 302 8 303 8 304 8 306 8 307 8 309 8 310 8 310 8 311 8 311 8 312 N C INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES -- New Hanover Count PRISON FARM E COUNTY ?, . . , M TT ER: , ` aec. u. s. County Indexea Since 1888 ?? ]e+-?-?' Yo locafe names, open at r?r OFi1CE ??1? An ldentifying Trade Mark ?`.8 SURNAME INITIAL TAB COTT A-2 TAB INDEX ?DE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA DATE MINUiE BOOK NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS Month Day I Year Vol. I Page 1. Report from Supt. Bonham filed. 11 03 1924 8 312 2. Same as Nov. 3. 12 O1 1924 8 315 3. C. H. Bonham elected Supt. of County Home F? Farm at $100 a month. 12 Ol 1924 8 316 4. Salary of J. N. Justice, day guard at County Faxm, increased to $60 per month. 12 O1 1924 8 316 5. Annual appropriation made to Supt. Bonham for auto upkeep. 12 O1 1924 8 317 6. Adloph Darden, sentenced to roads, hired out to his father. O1 05 1925 8 320 7. Report from Supt. Bonham filed. O1 05 1925 8 321 8. Board to request Governor to pardon Lee Everett, convicted of running a gambling house. O1 10 1925 8 323 9. Mr. Bonham allowed automobile upkeep allowance. D1 30 1925 8 325 10. Report from Supt. Bonham filed. 02 02 1925 8 328 11. Southern Bell Telephone Co, allowed to erect telephone poles on County Farm land. 02 05 1925 8 329 12. Happy Murrell, sentenced to roads, to be hired out if pleads guilty to another case pending. 03 02 1925 8 330 13. Report from Supt. Bonham filed. 03 02 1925 8 331 14. Happy Murrell to be hired out. 03 16 1925 8 336 15. Discussion of E. Dickinson purchasing sand from County Farm, opposed by County Farm Committee. 03 30 1925 8 334 16. Report from Supt. Bonham filed. 04 06 1925 8 334 17. Hire of Cornelisu Robbins and James McDonald, sentenced to roads, referred to Chairman. 05 04 1925 8 337 18. Report from Supt. Bonham filed. 05 04 1925 8 337 19. Romeo and Lessman Cooper, sentenced to roads, to be hired out. 05 21 1925 8 340 20. James Murphey, sentenced to roads, hired out to Mrs. E. A. Hawes. 06 O1 1925 8 341 21. Report from Supt. Bonham filed. 06 Ol 1925 8 341 22. Men paid for capture of Charles Walker escapee from road force. 06 08 1925 8 342 23. Report from Supt. Bonham filed. 07 07 1925 8 344 24. County Farm land not to be sold for fertilizer plant. 09 04 1925 8 351 25. Giles Smith, sentenced to roads, hired out. 09 08 1925 8 351 26. Report from Supt. Bonham filed. 09 08 1925 8 351 27. Report from Supt. Bonham filed. 10 05 1925 8 353 28. Board to request Governor McLean to parole Clyde Montgomery, sentenced to life. 10 05 1925 8 354 29. Board paid State Prison for keeping Morris Tidal and Tom Robinson. 10 05 1925 8 354 30. Bill paid City Taxical Co. for use of auto in taking Tom Robinson and Morris Tindal to State Pr ison. 10 29 1925 8 356 31. Report from Supt. Bonham filed. 12 07 1925 8 360 32. .C. H. Bonham elected Supt. of County Home and Farm at $100 a month. 12 07 1925 8 361 33. Annual appropriation made for upkeep of Mr. Bonham auto. 12 07 1925 8 361 34. Request for salary increase from Mr. Bonham declined. 12 07 1925 8 361 35. Report from Supt. Bonham filed. O1 04 1926 8 365 36. Willie B. Foy to be hired out, he was sentenced to roads. O1 28 1926 8 367 37. Report from Supt. Bonham filed. 02 O1 1926 8 370 38. Report from Supt. Bonham filed. 03 Ol 1926 8 375 39. Same as March 1. 04 OS 1926 8 379 40. Same as March 1. 05 03 1926 8 384 41. Hire of Kinsey Hobbs, sentenced to roads, referred to Chairman. 05 03 1926 8 384 42. A. E. Leslie, sentenced to roads to be hired out. 05 03 1926 8 384 43. Report from Supt. Bonham filed. 06 07 1926 8 386 44. Same as June 7. 07 06 1926 8 389 45. Same as June 7. 09 07 1926 8 396 46. Board ordered release of M. C.(Jitney Jones) for good behavior. 10 04 1926 8 400 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover Count? N C COUNTY PRISON FARM y, . . _ , , MATTER: nec. u. s. ret OfFICE ?.?i? County Indexea Since 1888 1?4-?{'.. An ldenti[ying Trade Mark ?• ? To loeate names, open a} ?`? SURNAME INlT1AL TAB CO7T A-Z iAB INDEX MADE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERIi, NORTH UROLINA NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS 1. Usual monthly report received and ordered filed. 2. Reward of $1000 offered for Moses Graham who escaped. 3. Sept. 7, 1924 from county roads (see also jails). 4. W. S. Dexter requested purchase of sand from county to use for septic tank at county farm. 5. Monthly report received. 6. Monthly report filed. 7. Monthly report filed. S. Monthly report filed. 9. Monthly report filed. 10. Sarah Davis hired out by husband. 11. Monthly report filed. 12. Monthly report filed. 13. Monthly report filed. 14. Monthly report filed. 15. Supt. resigned, application processed for Supt. and matron. 16. Monthly report filed. 17. Kate Ellerby, inmate, hired out to Rock Mt. relatives. 18. Monthly report filed. 19. Guard George Bryan's sala?y increased, Supt's car alloance transferred to pay it. 20. Mules to be purchased for farm. 21. Leghorne pullets approved for purchase. 22. Two mules to be purchased for farm. 23. Purchase of grill mill authorized. 24. 0. E. Robbins, welfare officer, requested two women for farm; declined. 25. Purchase of grist mill approved. 26. Monthly report filed. 27. Inmate Dwight Savage hired out to mother. 28. Monthly report filed. 29. Monthly report filed. 30. Monthly report filed. 31. Time schedule for prisoners adopted. 32. Authority given to replace three old toilets. 33. Monthly report filed. 34. Authority to hire out prisoners referred to Chairman. 35. Willie Green approved for hire-out. 36. MOnthly report filed. 37. Insurance settlement for loss of county barn by fire approved. 38. Reinstatement of original coverage authorized because insurance affected by loss of barn. 39. Monthly report filed. 40. Monthly report filed. 41. Plans to construct barn referred to committee. 42. Fannie Mumford jailed, and sent to county farm. 43. Bids received to construct barn. 44. Bids to construct barn awarded to C. T. Blake. 45. Committee named to check C. T. Blake's construction of barn and sign for labor. 46. Monthly report filed. DATE MINUTE BOOK Month ( Day I Yea? Vol. ( Page 10 04 1926 8 401 11 10 1926 8 406 11 10 1926 8 406 12 06 1926 8 410 12 06 1926 8 410 O1 03 1927 8 418 02 04 1927 8 424 03 07 1927 8 428 04 04 1927 8 433 04 26 1927 8 437 05 02 1927 8 439 06 06 1927 S 445 07 05 1927 8 451 08 O1 1927 8 455 08 30 1927 8 460 , 09 06 1927 8 461 09 14 1927 8 461 10 03 1927 8 465 10 03 1927 8 465 10 03 1927 8 465 10 03 1927 8 465 10 25 1927 8 467 10 25 1927 8 467 11 O1 1927 8 468 11 Ol 1927 8 468 11 07 1927 8 469 11 22 1927 8 475 12 06 1927 8 475 Ol 03 1928 8 480 02 06 1928 8 487 03 05 1928 8 492 03 20 1928 8 494 04 02 1928 8 502 04 17 1928 8 506 04 24 1928 8 506 05 07 1928 8 508 05 15 1928 8 509 05 15 1928 8 510 06 04 1928 8 512 07 02 1928 8 518 07 02 1928 8 518 07 10 1928 8 520 07 17 1928 8 521 07 24 1928 8 523 07 31 1928 8 524 08 06 1928 8 525 N H t N INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES C C T oun anover ?, . -- ew . _ MATT R PRISON FARM, COUNT Y ` ?ec. u. s. ?p??? County Indexea Since 1888 ? To (ocate names, open at r?r OFFICE ?p?Kd?a An ldentifying Trade Mark SURNAME INIiIAL TAB COTT A-Z TAB INDEX MADE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANT, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLO BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW B ERN, NORT H CAROLINA DATE MINUTE BOOK NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS Month I Day I ? Year Vol. I Page 1. W. H. Blake and Will Simon allowed $10 for drawing plans for barn. 08 14 1928 8 527 2. Monthly report filed. " 09 04 1928 8 530 3. Monthly report filed. 10 O1 1928 8 534 4. Monthly report filed. 11 05 1928 8 540 5. Monthly report filed. 12 03 1928 8 546 6. Monthly report filed. O1 07 1929 8 552 7. Monthly report filed. 02 04 1929 8 554 8. Monthly report filed. 03 04 1929 8 562 9. Monthly report filed. 04 02 1929 8 567 10. Monthly report filed. 06 03 1929 8 577 11. Monthly report filed. 07 O1 1929 8 582 12. Monthly report filed. 08 05 1929 8 587 13. Monthly report filed. 09 03 1929 8 595 14. Monthly report filed. 10 07 1929 8 598 15. More shed at county barn and purchase of mule authorized. 11 _9 1929 9 8 16. $175 payment approved for George Bryant for mule. 11 26 1929 9 10 17. Monthly report filed. 12 02 1929 9 11 18. Material for fence to house hogs authorized for purchase. 12 31 1929 9 15 19. Monthly report filed. Ol 06 1930 9 16 20. Monthly report filed. 02 03 193? 9 20 21. Purchase of potatoes authorized. 02 18 1930 9 24 22. Monthly report filed. 03 03 1930 9 27 23. same. 04 07 1930 9 37 24. same. 06 02 1930 9 44 25. Purchase of sodas nitrate authorized from Nitrate Agency. 06 02 1930 9 44 26. Monthly report filed 07 07 1930 9 48 27. same. 08 04 1930 9 51 28. same. 09 02 1930 9 57 29. same. 10 06 1930 9 70 30. same. 11 03 1930 9 75 31. same. 12 O1 1930 9 78 32. same. Ol 05 1931 9 85 33. same. 02 02 1931 9 39 34. same. 05 04 1931 9 105 35. same. 06 O1 1931 9 110 36. same. 07 O1 1931 9 116 37. Express bill approved as payment for bull calf for county farm. 08 10 1931 9 122 38. Payment to County Farm Supt. approved to expense capture of Pete Robertson escaped convict. 09 08 1931 9 137 39. Payment to S. G. Long, Supt. of County Home and farm, approved to expense Helen James & Geneva Wilson 11 09 1931 9 137 from Vanceboro, NC. 40. Monthly report filed. 12 07 1931 9 142 41. Monthly report filed for February. 03 O1 1932 9 155 42. Monthly report filed for February. 03 08 1932 9 156 43. Transfer of Prince Preston from jail to County Farm ordered for six months in default of bond. 04 11 1932 9 160 44. Monthly report filed. 05 OZ 1932 9 163 45. Prison labor declined to cultivate corn for canning for poor, but one acre devoted for it. 05 31 1932 9 165 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover Count?, N. C. , MATTER: PRISON FARM, ?o??Y ` To locate names, open at nec. u. s. County Indexea Since 1888 ??'" k U?C:7 SURNAME INITIAL TAB f M Id i T d ?E' ? ?? tOTT A-Z TAB INDEX MADE YY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO ORT UIROLINA ar y ra e enti ng i. An ?AT OFFICE s- n. SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BE RN, N H DATE MINUT E BOOK NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS Month ? Day Yen? Vol. I Page 1. Supt. and Matron of County home and farm granted 10 day vacation. 07 05 1932 9 169 2. David Mitchell transferred from jail to County farm. 07 18 1932 9 171 3, Jack Bleecker, in jail, transferred to county farm. 08 O1 1932 9 174 4. Authority granted to use county truck to transfer John Smith and family with household goods to 08 22 1932 9 178 brother's home, Tar Heel, NC. 5. Furnishing of 40,000 ft. of lumber from county farm trees for wharfs and yachts basins at dock. 11 14 1932 9 190 6. C. H. Bonham's application for Supt. of County home and farm received, filed. 12 05 1932 9 194 7. Resolution to abolish farm and home demonstrations agents, Hinton announced in two weeks. 12 19 1932 9 196 8. Commissioner Hinton offered resolution to abolish home and farm demonstration agents. O1 03 1933 9 197 9. Fertilizer bid secured for county farm barn?,. 03 13 1933 9 210 10. Bids telephoned in, none present, but East Coast Fertilizer Co. & Nitrate Agency Co. were lowest bidders. 03 13 1933 9 210 11. County farm report filed for March. 04 03 L933 9 213 12. County farm report filed for April. 05 08 1933 9 219 13. Turkey authorized for Christmas dinner. 12 18 1933 9 263 14. Recorder recommendation adopted, and George Baker paroled from County farm with his wife. Ol 05 1934 9 266 15. Transportation of Henry Rutledge, county farm prisoner, to Government Hospital. O1 15 1934 9 267 16. Additional construction to county farm, requested by Asst. Health officer for treatment of prisioners. Ol 22 1934 9 267 17. 1Qorth-Smith accepted coal bid. 02 05 1934 9 273 18. Community Relief Farm granted lumber for bridge at county farm. 02 19 1934 9 273 19. County farm Supt. authorized expenses for capturing Thurman Bellamy. 07 09 1934 9 291 20. Payment to 0. W. Waters approved for supervisor, at county farm. 09 17 1934 9 302 21. W. E. Tousch claim for loss of finger on County farm referred to committee. 09 17 1934 9 302 22. Porter Newton paid for use of tent for G. A. Wilson, county farm prisoner. 04 Ol 1935 9 332 23. County farm guards granted one week paid vacation. 07 Ol 1935 9 353 24. J. R. Mauldin, Inc., awarded bid for County £arm truck. 09 03 1935 9 378 25. County farm agent authorized telephone. 09 09 1935 9 379 26. Rudolph Hardwick, County farm prisoner, sent to Redcross hospital. 10 07 1935 9 384 27. Communication received on changing parole sentences. 02 17 1936 9 408 28. Payment to Jane Wood approved for County farm hogs. 02 24 1936 9 409 29. Purchase of truck authorized for County farm. 02 24 1936 9 410 30. County farm truck used to carry 2 families to Wallace and Whiteville. 03 09 1936 9 413 31. County farm authorized tractor and harrow, transferred from emergency fund for payment. 11 09 1936 9 462 32. Bid received on county farm tractor and harrow. 11 16 ]936 9 464 33. Bid received on county farm tractor and harrow. 11 30 1936 9 466 3?. 3. I. Case f arm tractor discussed. 12 07 1936 9 4b8 35. Bids received for tractor. 12 07 1936 9 468 '36. Bids of Marks machinery Co. accePted for tractor. 12 07 1936 9 468 37. Old parts for truck authorized for sale at County farm. 12 07 1936 9 469 38. County farm authorized turkey for christmas dinner. 12 14 1936 9 470 39. County fa?m report submitted for November. 12 14 1936 9 470 40. County farm report filed. Ol 04 1937 9 472 41. County farm report filed for February. 03 Ol 1937 9 484 42. No Smoking sign posted at County farm. 06 07 1937 9 508 43. Inspection of County farm postponed; Roebuck absent. 06 21 1937 9 510 44. No objections offered on transferring Randolph Jones to County farm. 06 19 1939 10 63 45. Schloss Poster Co. declined rent of County farm space. 07 03 1939 10 65 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS N C MINUTES - New Hanover Count? PARKS ? R ECREATION MATTER , . . _ _ : nec. u. :. r?r oFCice County Indezea Since 1$BB ?p?Ii ? An Identifying Trade Marlc ? To locate names, open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB COTT A-Z TAB INDEX SOLD BY OWEN GTDUNNENEMI BERN, NORTH GROLNNA DATE NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS Month Day I Year 1. Mr. Wade suggested that $1 request for L. Stadium would be an historical event. 02 02 1953 2. Motion carried to sell Stadium for $1 with all military, educational and recreational activities continued. 02 02 1953 3. Celebration to be held at Legion Stadium to transfer title. 02 02 1953 4. Jack Pate request received for Cape Fear Recreation Co. to continue rental lease of stadium . 02 09 1953 5. Bd. voted to deed part of Legion Sta. property to NC for Armory site for Co. I. 02 09 1953 6. Deed authorized for Legion Sta. land to state for NC Armory Site. 03 02 1953 7. Removal of Hugh MacRae Park trees discussed. 03 02 1953 8. Wilm. Clippers Baseball Team asked to submit request to Bd. of Education for use of L. Stadium. 03 02 1953 9. Fire reported in Wilm. Terminal Warehouse Co.; buildings destroyed. 03 09 1953 10. Cincinnati Reds baseball scouts granted use of L. Stadium for ball. 0 3 09 1953 •11. Frank Maynor granted use of L. Stadium for Races. 03 [i9 1953 12. D. S. Batson granted use of L. Stadium for pony rides. 03 16 1953 13. Wilm. Clippers granted use of L. Stadium for pony rides. 03 16 1953 14. Use of Stadium to be discussed when turned over to City. 03 16 1953 15. Extra help need at Stadium for Azalea Festival. 03 23 1953 16. Wilm. Clipper team granted use of Stadium. 03 23 1953 17. Babcock and Wilcox Assoc. granted use of Stadium. 03 23 1953 18. Twelve section of Stadium bleachers granted for Golf Tournament. 03 30 1953 19. Final drawing of Stadium land for NC Armory site received, but no action taken. 03 30 1953 20. Schedule of rate charges received £or L. Stadium. 04 13 1953 21. L. T. Moore urged installation of Hugh MacRae Plaque;study of landscape;attention called to lost confeder- 04 20 1953 ' ate marker. MINUTE BOOK Vol. I Page 11 396 11 396 11 397 11 398 11 399 11 ?03 11 404 11 404 11 406 11 407 11 407 11 408 11 409 il 409 11 409 11 410 11 410 11 411 11 411 11 414 11 415 22. Payments to J. A. Jones Electric Co. approved for to Legion Stadium transformer and oil switch. 05 04 1953 11 23. SENC Agricultural Development INc. referred for lease of Stadium Exhibition Hall. 05 04 1953 11 24. Wilm. F. D. Rrecreation Club granted use of L. Stadium, 05 04 1953 11 25. Bd. agreed to meet expenses for Student Govn't Luncheon at Community Center. 05 11 1953 11 26. Optomist Club granted use of L. Stadium. 05 18 ]953 11 27. Bd. advised on visit of state parks Supt. T. W. Morse. 05 18 1953 11 28. Legion Stadium property to be mapped and surveyed; motion adopted. 06 18 1953 11 29. Capt. R. H. Crisson referred for deed for Co. I. Armory site. 07 13 1953 11 30. Further developments approved for Hugh MacRae Par::: 08 03 1953 11 31. Installation of Hugh MacRae Plaque postponed until co?pletion of US74-76. 08 10 1953 11 32. Maps presented on Hugh MacRae Park, trees to be cut for Road, Maps referred to state Hwy. Dept. OS 17 1953 11 33. Wilbur Bayham granteduse of Legion Sta. for baseball team. 08 17 1953 11 34. Date for colored baseball team cancelled at Legion Sta, due to Junior Chamber of Commerce circus. 08 24 1953 11 35. F. G. Maner approved use of Legion Sta. for races. 08 24 1953 11 36. No objections raised on Curley Bryant using Stadium for shows. 09 08 1953 11 37. Letter of thanks received on use of stadium of Arab Shrine and Elks C.lub. 09 08 1953 11 38. Letter from State Hwy. received on visit to Hugh M acRae Park. 09 08 1953 11 39. Hwy. Commissioner, C. H. Trask to put ball park and tennis court at Legion Sta., Raiford Trask reported. 09 08 1953 11 40. Cutting of timber bids authorized for Hugh MacRae Park. 09 08 1953 ll 41. F. C. Manor approved use of L. Stadium for races. 09 08 1953 11 42. Liabilities on owner Jack Page for Stadium Seats, if used by Jr. Dairy Cattle Show. 09 08 1953 11 43. Sudan Drum and Bugle Corp letter read and request granted to use Legion Sta. 09 14 1953 11 44. Cutting timber bids received from J. D. Joye for Hugh MacRae Park. 09 21 1953 11 46. Cutting of timber bids received from F. M. Hufham for Hugh macRae Park. 09 21 1953 11 418 418 419 420 422 422 430 436 442 445 446 446 448 448 45? 452 452 452 452 452 452 453 454 454 N. C. ?NDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES --- New Hanover County PRLSON FARM, M E COUNTY , ? ATT R: ` nec. u. s. County Indexee Since 1888 ? TO IOCa?Y namet? OqD Ot ? COTY A-2 TAB INDEX MI?LE BY TNE COTT lNDEX COMPANY, COIUlABUS, OHIO rar OFF?CE ? An Idtntifying Trade Mark SURNAME INITIAL TA? SOLD tY OWEN G. oUNN, NEN 6ERN, NORTX UROLINA DATE MINUiE BOOK NATURE Of PROCEEDINGS Month Day Year Vol. Page l. County farm prisoners authorized turkey dinner. 11 27 1939 10 96 2. R. B. Holmes allowed trees from County farm land. 04 15 1940 10 122 3. County farm prisoner, Hortensen Edwards authorized glasses. 05 27 1940 10 129 4. J. I. Crews allowed to use County farm land. 10 07 1940 10 157 5. Appointment to county farm and home held in obeyance; operations continued. 12 02 1940 10 167 6. Payment approved for mules at county farm. 02 24 1941 10 184 , 7. City authorized clay from county farm land. 04 27 1942 10 269 8. Exchange of county farm mules referred for two others. 02 21 1944 10 371 9. Bid received on County farm mules. 02 28 1944 10 372 10. Bid of C. S. Newton accepted on county farm mules. 02 28 1944 10 372 11. Action rescinded on mules at County farm. 03 06 1944 10 374 12. T. E. Coopers and Co. bid accepted for county farm mules. 03 06 1944 10 374 13. Purchase of cartwheels declined for county farm. 04 17 1944 10 378 14. Joe Williams, former county farm guard, referred to committee on discharge from county farm. 04 03 1945 10 433 15. Mark S. Nathan referred on payment for county farm horse. 04 16 : i_ 945 10 435 16. Joe Williams guard allowed payment for month. 04 20 1945 10 436 17. Motion carried to pay Nathan for horse at county farm. 04 20 1945 10 436 18. Committee meeting held on horse at county farm. 04 20 1945 10 436 19. Nathan allowed payment for horse at county farm. 04 20 1945 10 436 20. F. S. Wilson requested to file application for Supt. of County Home and farm. 12 03 1945 10 469 21. Richard S. Shew offer to request figures on county farm land taken under consideration. 02 11 1946 10 481 22. Motion carried to sell county farm land. 02 04 1946 10 480 23. Motion withdrawn to sell county farm 1and. 02 11 :?.946 _ 10 480 , 24. Applicants for Supt. examined by civil service. 02 11 1946 10 480 25. J. T. Rhynee referred for lease of county farm land. 04 15 1946 10 492 26. Mr. Broom referred for lease of county farm land. , 04 22 1946, 10 493 _ 27. County farm budget estimates received. „ 06 17 1946 10 501 28. S. G. Long, supt. of county farm, paid through April 30 for services. 04 14 1947 , 10 560 29. Mule approved for county farm. . 04 21 1947 10 561 30. Action confirmed on suspending C. M. Carter, Supt. of County home and farm. 08 04 1947 10 579 31. Kirby Daniels made Supt. of County home and farm. 09 22 1947 10 585 32. Bids authorized for county farm tractor. 10 27 1947 10 592 33. $ids for tractor at county home awarded to Marks Machinery company. 11 10 1947 10 594 34. County farm truck authorized purchase. O1 12 19/?8 11 9 35. County farm truck bid received from Marks Machinery Co. Ol 26 1948 11 Ll 36. County farm truck bid awarded to Raney-Chevrolet Co. 02 02 1948 11 L2 37. Authority given for County farm prisoners to remove airport trees. 03 14 1949 11 81 38, Board agreed to se ll part of county farm land to Herring Brothers Garage. 07 18 1949 11 108 39. City to give garbage to county farm for livestock. 10 03 1949 11 12 S 40. County farm agent, R.W. Galphm resigned. Ol 15 1951 11 234 41. County farm assist. Agent, D. D. Baggett appointed. O1 15 1951 11 234 42. County farm assist. agent needed. Ol 15 1951 11 234 43. County farm authorized disk out of advertising fund. Ol 15 1951 11 235 44. County farm truck authorized out of advertising funds. Ol 22 1951 11 235 45. County farm bids authorized, for truck d2 02 1951 11 237 46. County farm bids read, for turck. 02 02 1951 11 237 PRISON FARM, N. C. INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover Count? ER COUNTY , , MATT : ` County Inde=ee Since 1888 ? To lota?? nam?l? o?N11 at COTT A-Z TAB INDEX nec. u. s. p? ? MI?CE Bti THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, DH10 ? ? ? PAT OFFICE ?K.o-? AnldentifYing Trade Mark SURNAME INITIAL TAB SOLD tT OWEN i. YUNN, NEII CERN, NORTM GROLINA DATE MINUTE BOOK a NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS Month Day Year Vol. Page l. Cape Fear Motor Sales bid received. 02 02 1951 11 237 2. Raney-Chevrolet Co. bid received. 02 02 1951 11 238 3. Cape Fear Motor Sales awarded bid for County farm truck. 02 02 1951 11 238 4. Raney-Chevrolet Co. awarded bid for county farm truck. 02 02 1951 11 238 5. County Farm Prisoner, W. T. Sykes referred to county home due to broken arm. 06 04 1951 11 264 6. Report received on test of cattle at county farm for worms and Bang's disease. 12 22 1952 11 387 7. Chairman recommended planning long range county farm program. O1 19 1953 11 393 8. Civil Engineer's letter received on county farm land left for sale. 03 02 1953 11 404 9. Letter sent to Supt. Kirby Daniels on naming Mr. Rivenbark as Farm Prisoner supervisor. 05 26 1953 11 424 10. Resignat?on of Daniels announced, due to heart attack. 06 Ol 1953 11 424 11. Appointment of County home farm Supt. and Matron discussed. 06 13 : .953 11 428 12. Mr. and Mrs. Rivenbark applications accepted as county home farm supt. and matron to replace the Daniels. 06 22 1953 11 430 13. Selling county home poCatoes surplus referred to Trask. 07 13 1953 11 437 14. Purchase of new tractor authorized at county farm. 08 17 1953 11 446 15. Bid from Orrell Equipment Co. accepted for county fa?m tractor. 08 24 1953 11 448 16. Boiled garbage sent to county farm for livestock. 11 02 1953 11 464 17. County Prison Farm report received on detainees. 04 13 1954 11 500 18. County Prison Farm report received on detainees. 08 23 1954 11 538 19. County Prison Farm report received on detainees. 10 18 1954 11 547 20. County farm prison damages reported. 10 25 1954 11 548 ? 21. Changes in county f arm rules and regulations discussed. 11 22 1954 11 556 ? 22. Action postponed on County farm rules and regulations. 11 29 1954 11 557 23. Action postponed on County farm rules and regulations. 12 06 1954 11 559 24. County Prison Farm report received. 12 13 1954 11 561 25. Bids authorized for purchase of county farm tractor and lime distributor. Q7 05 1955 11 610 26. Bids received from Orrell Farm Equipment for tractor and lime distributor at county farm. 07 18 1955 11 614 27. Orrell Farm Equip. Co. awarded bid for tractor and lime distributor at county farm. 07 18 1955 11 614 28. County attorney reported that County farm Prisoner Clifton Justice was permitted to go home for funeral 09 05 1955 11 628 of father-in-law, but farm supt. denied letting any prisoner go home. 29. County farm prison reported received. 09 19 1955 11 632 30. New boiler purchase for county farm. 06 19 1955 11 632 31. Monthly report received. 04 23 1956 12 64 32. Monthly report received. 04 30 1956 12 66 33. 8ounty vehicle turned over to county farm. 05 14 1956 12 68 34. Report received and filed. 05 21 1956 12 70 35. Charles H. Stanland request for admission to county home, no action taken. 02 25 1957 12 133 36. The Board authorized request for prison labor to set up bleachers Cape Fear Country Club. 03 25 1957 12 139 37. Letter informing that prison labor is available for employment. 09 08 1958 12 300 38. Received bid for pump awarded contract to Hyman Supply Co. 12 21 1959 12 526 39. Commissioner Broak, informed Board of escaped prisoners, referred to Sheriff's Dept. for investigation. 12 21 1959 12 527 40.. Received inspection report of County stockade at the Farm. 02 O1 1960 12 540 41. Approved recommendation improvement for county farm and home, approved $600 budget for project. 02 15 1960 12 546 42. Adopted policy that prisoners are not entitled to holidays. 03 07 1960 12 550 43. Report on prison boiler defects and cost to repair Secretary to secure specifications in reverti?g to oil. 07 05 1960 12 583 44. Budget meeting approved as recommended by County Auditor. 07 20 1960 12 594 45. Secretary to advertise for new automatic oil_boiler. 07 28 1960 12 600 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MI?UTES -- New Hanover N C County pRISQN FARM, ?o?? ` , . . _ MATT R ne?. u. s. County Inde:te Since 1888 TO IOCU+? ntlmtt? oprn Ot sar OFFICE ?h? An Identifyin?'frade Mark SURKAMB IN1ilAL iAB COTT A-Z TA? IN?EX MIICE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS. DHIO SOLD YY OWEN 0. DUNN, NE11 ?ERN, NORTH GROUNA ? DATE M1NU?E BOOK NATURE OF PRQCEEQINGS Month ? Day lfear Vol. Page . l. Request declined for prison labor to work on grounds of St. Andrews Episcopal Church. 11 07 1960 12 662 2. Notice of State hauling soil from farm, bound to investigate. Ol 16 1961 12 642 , 3. Mr. Broak, appointed to farm, home and prison dept. committee. Ol 16 1961 12 643 4. Board approved extra phone for prison farm. 05 O1 1961 12 669 5. No?ice of accident claim of Nora Lee Lovett, county pay for expert witness. Q9 18 1961 13 20 6. County declined payment to Nora Lee Lovett and Thurman Turner, injury claims while prisoners at County farm.l0 02 1961 13 24 7. Couunissioners agreed to inspect county facilities. 06 28 1962 13 118 8. Letter requesting Iist of equipment not covered by insurance. 07 16 1962 13 129 . 9. Appropriated $150 travel expense for Mr. D. D. Baggett. 08 06 1g62 13 i4Q 10. Thank you for travel expense (above). 09 04 1962 13 146 11. James K. Bryant report county hog damaged his car claim denied. 10 15 1962 13 163 12. No action on prison farm problems. 04 O1 1963 13 202 13. Personal Injury Settlement 09 :?3 1964 13 378 14. Policy 12 )7 1964 I3 405 15. Chapel Heat }.2 21 19b4 13 412 16. Discussion of Use of 02 15 1965 13 439 17. Livestock Sale 03 15 1965 13 450 18. Woodland Management 09 20 1965 13 519 19. Woodland Management 09 20 1965 13 525 20. Woodland Management , 10 04 1965. 13 529 21. Sale of 11 15 1 965 13 547 22. Authorization to sell old Surplus Equipment 12 18 1967 14 127 23. Grand Jury report Ol 15 1968 14 134 24. Condition of equipment OZ 05 1968 I4 141 12 02 19b8 14 276 25. Disposition of iised Tractor at 12 lE 1968 14 285 26.-- Tractor and other eauipment Ol 06 1969 14 286 27. Medical bills 02 17 1969 14 298 28. Sa1e of used equipment 0`L 03 1969 14 296 29. Farm tractor 03 17 1969 14 306 30. Discussion Study of 08 18 1969 14 382 31. Employment help County Farm 11 U3 1969 14 4?8 32. Request to rent space 33. Discussion of discontinuing operation (l2 02 1970 14 437 34. Appropriation of funds for Janitorial supplies 03 16 I970 14 454 35. Transfer from Capital Outlay to Laundry and Janitorial supplies 03 16 1970 14 443 05 04 1970 14 471 36. Closing of : N. C. INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover County MU JE T , , p robat ion Offic er - aso. u. s. County Indezea Since 1888 ? TO IOtYt? IIY?INf? op?n at COTT ?-2 TA? fNpEX r?r OFFICE ???c?y?? An Identifying Trade Mark SURNAME INIiIAL TAB MADE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD tT OWEN 0. pUNN, NEw ?ERN, NORTH GROLINA DATE MINUTE BOOK NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS Month Day Year Vol. Page l. Recorder reported that Otis B. Hinnant appointed Probation Officer. 12 18 1916 7 603 2. Probation Officers all??ed $20 a month for next three months. 2 5 1917 7 609 3. Otis Hinnant and James Johnson appointed Probation Officers for three months. 5 7 1917 7 620 4. Monthly salaries of Otis Hinnant and J. H. Johnson to be paid. 10 1 1917 7 641 5. Otis Hinnant and J. H. Johnson appointed Probation Officers at $20 per month. 12 3 1917 7 651 6. Otis Hinnant and J. H. Johnson appointed probation Officers for three month. 3 4 1918 7 673 7. Otis B. Hinniant and J. H. Johnson appointed Probation Officers for three months. 7 2 1918 8 13 8. Rev. F. D. Dean appointed Probation Officer to succeed Otis B. Hinnant at $20.00 a month. 9 9 1918 8 18 9. Salary of $20 a rnonth aZZowed Rev. F. D. Dean as Probation G?fieer _.?or ?rhite juveniZes. 9 9 ???? 8 ?9 J. H. Johnson for Black juveniles. 10. Rev F. D. Dean and J. H. Johnson allowed $20 a montn as Pobation Officers. 12 2 1918 8 26 11. Bill incurred by Rev. Dean in opening another building at Stonewall Jackson Training 1 6 1919 8 31 School for wayward youth_approved. 12. Recorder Harriss appointed E. G. Storg, Black assistant Probation Officer to succeed 3 3 1919 8 3$ J. H. Johnson, deceased. 13. Salary of Otis Hinnant increased to $35 per month, assistants unchanged. 3 10 1919 8 40 14. Bill against Mr. Hinnant for hire of Robert Week, who escaped, referred to Attorney. 3 10 1919 8 40 15. Board recon5idered and paid expenses of Rev. Dean for tal?ing delinquent home to Arkansas. 4 7 1919 8 41 16. Letter from Mr. Hinnant referred to City Council. 5 5 1919 8 45 17. Telephone bill to be paid as incurred by Rev Dean in trying to place youths. 9 8 1919 8 76 18. Employing Probation Officer referred for juveniles. 2 6 1939 10 38 19. Employing Probation Officer requested for juveniles. 8 30 1943 10 346 20. Proba.tion O?ficer approved payment for trips of Kelly and Rivenbark children. 3 6 1945 10 373 21. State Probation Commissioner J. D. Beaty referred for more suitable office in Courthouse. 7 11 1955 11 612 22. Approved request to paint office and floor for juvenile Offices. 11 18 1957 12 193 23. Approved interragotion room for new Probation Officers office. 6 6 1960 12 578 24. Thank-you letter from C. W. Thompson for providing additional office space. 5 7 1960 12 587 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover County, N. C. _ MATTERT ??NNNOVDEPARTM NT ? nec. u. s. Counry Indezes Since 1888 ?? To loeab nam?s, OpBn At COTT A TO Z TAB INDEX r?r OFFI4E L,t??'? An Identifying Trade Mulc SURNAME INIiIAL TAB M O?LD, YT QWE?NT G!NDUNN C?O.ANNEW BERN? NOH?O ' NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS DATE MINUTE BOOK , Month Day Year Vol. Page l. ,Housing Assistance plan for Gommuriity Development Block Grant Application 2. Budget transfer - Creation of County Planning Director Position 3. Public Hearing to consider proposed amendment to Sec. 55-2 4. Final plat approval - Eastwind Sec. III 5. Final plat approval - Hidden Valley, Sec. 2 6. Final Plat Approval - Greenbriar, Sec. 2-A 7. Final Plat Approval - Stoneybrook, Sec. 2 8. Coastal Area Managernent Act Grant Application for Planning 9. Ord. amending zoning map of zoning area B of N.H.Co., N.C. adopted 4/1/72 was adopted 10. Balanced Growth Policy 11. Comm. Gottovi requested update on Special Use Permit - Oleander Memorial Gardens 12. Approval of Planning Budget 13. Final Plat Approval-Glynwood Village Subdivision Section 1 14. Recommendation of Planning Comm. to Deny closing of Imperial Road 15. Public Hearing to consider adoption of Order closing Imperial Road 16. Rezoning property located on E& W sides of N. Kerr & Smith's Creek 17. Rezoning property located on S. side of Murrayville Rd. & N. College Rd. 18. SUP for property intersection Castle Hayne & Holland Drive 19. SUP for properties at Runnymeade Subdivision for list station and well house 20. Public Hearing to consider Resolution of Intent to close a portion of 47th Street in Winter Garden 21. Public Hearing to consider Resolution of Intent to close a portion of Old Federal Point Road 22. Phase II of the CAMA Land Use Plan Update being immecliately after completion of I 23. Final Plat-River Bend Subdivision 24. Additions of Roads in Crestwood Subdivision 25. Certificate of Appreciation to I. John Tinga, for service on County Planning Commission 26. Rezoning property on southside of Highway 17 27. Appeal from recommendation.of Planning Commission to deny rezoning property at Carolina Beach Road 28. Presentation of Resolution creating County Planning Board 29. Budget Amendment-Planning Department 30. Final Plat-Approval Bent Tree Subdivision 31. Final Plat Approval-County Place Subdivision 32. Final Plat Approval - Pine Valley Estates 33. Public Hearin_g to consider Amendment to the County Zoning Ordinance 34. Public Hearing to consider adoption of an Ordinance creating a County Planning Board 35. Concurrence in City Council Resolution designating Lead Planning Agency for Transportation 36. Appointments to New Hanover County Planning Bd, are: L. Flowers, C. H?llis, J. Orrell, Jr. M.R. Sniffen 37. Final Plat approval - Henleigh Hills (section 1) 38. Final Plat appraval. - Tall Tree section 1 39. Final Plat Approval - Bar Harbour Estates 40, Final Plat Approval - Figure 8 Island section 19, block A 41. Discussion on planning board appointment 42. Accepted 1974 Maverick from City 43. Methods of enforcing GS 39-30 44. Final Plat Approval - Runnymeade Section 3 45. Final Plat Approval - Crestwood Section 13-A 46, Final plat approval - Walnut Hills Section 5 Ol 07 O1 07 02 18 02 18 02 18 02 18 02 18 03 10 03 10 03 17 03 17 04 08 05 19 06 02 07 07 07 07 07 07 07 )7 07 07 07 07 07 07 07 28 07 28 07 28 08 04 08 04 08 04 08 04 08 18 08 18 08 18 08 18 09 02 09 02 09 02 09 02 09 15 09 15 09 15 09 15 09 15 10 06 10 20 10 20 10 20 10 20 1980 1980 1980 1980 1980 1980 1980 1980 19$0 1980 1980 1980 1980 1980 1980 1980 1980 1980 1980 1980 1980 1980 1980 1980 1980 1980 1980 1980 1980 1980 1980 1980 1980 1980 1980 1980 1980 1980 1980 1980 1980 1980 1980 1980 1980 1980 18 18 1$ 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 1$ 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 535 538 554 554 554 554 555 562 563 570 570 580 599 610 626 627 627 627 628 628 629 625 638 636 641 642 644 645 648 649 649 649 655 656 659 660 663 664 664 664 666 673 684 685 685 685 ' SUBIECT NEW HAI30VER COUI?TY _ INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover Count?y, N. C. _ MATiER: PLANNING DEPARfiMENT a ae?. u. s. Cou»ty Indezee Sinee 1888 ? TO IOCOt? nomBS? Ope11 at COTT A TO Z TAB INDEX PAT OFFIGE ?,?11I?a-?T. An Identifying Trade Mark MADE ?Y iHE COTT INDEX fOMPAMY. COUIM6US? ONIO SURNAME INITIAL iAB SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN CO., NEW BERN, N. C. ?; ? NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS 1.:? Final Plat Approval - Millbrook Section 7-A 2.?. Final Plat Approval - Bent Tree Section 1-A 3. Discussion on structure and composition of planning board 4., Discussion on sign regulations and moratarium on billboard permits 5.; Final Plat Approval - Pine Valley Section 24-B 6.j Final Plat Approval - Monterey Heights, 5ection 10 7.'I Final Plat Approval -?reenbriar Section 2-B 8. Public Hearing to consider rezoning property on East of Avery Drive from R-15 to R-10 9. Public Hearing to consider rezoning prop. E. of Carolina Bch. Rd. at Silver Lake Rd. from B-2 to R-15 10. Public Hearing to consider rezoning property W. of US 17 at junction w/Military Cutoff from R-15 Co B-2 , 11? Variance from Billboard Moratorium 12. Bid award to Kucera & Associates for aerial photography and mapping 13. Jim Sandy and Doyle Brummitt appointed to Planning Board 14. Survey and Planning Grant application 15, Growth & Development Polices report presented for action 16, Public Hearing - Renaming Camp Wright Road to Greenville Sound Road 17. Discussion on Land Use Plan - Policies for Growth and Development 18. Discussion on Fountainhead Adult Book Store 19, Continuation of Statewide Growth Center Designation 20,?Public Hearing - Renaming of Camp Wright Road to Greenville Sound Road Public Hearing to consider request to rezone property North side of Eastwood Road west of US 74/76 from 21..B-1 to R-20 22? Amendment to Wilmington/New Hanover Land Use Plan 23. Richard Sniffen appointed to Planning Board 24. Public Hearing to consider rexoning property on West side of US 17, So. of Gordon Road 25. Public hearing - zoning ordinance text amendment to amend section 46 and subsection 46-1 26« Public Hearing-zoning ordinance and mobile home park ordinance text amendments amending section 23 & 4.4 27. Fina1 Plat approval - Hillside, Section 2 28,=,Final Plat approval - Brickstone Estates Section 2(25-lot provision) 29. Withdrawal of Final Plat approvel - Regency Square, Blocks 2 and 11 Zoning Ordinance Text Amendment to Amend Section 46, Abandonment & Discontinuance of 30.`Public Hearing - Non-conforming situations, Subsection 4-1 by reducing the time whereby the Property may only be used for conforming purposes. 31, Letter to Planning Board to Expedite 7oning Ordinance Revisions 32. Final Plat approval - The Cape (Shipwatch Village), Section l. 33. Discussion on Rezoning Property on Hwy. 74 near Plaza East 34. Barrier Islands Flood Insurance Proposed Regulations comments 35. Public Hearing to consider amendments to the Zoning and Mobile Home and Travel Trailer Ordinances to Revise the Definition of Mobile Home and to change the minimum Number of Mobile Home spaces required for ? a Mobile Home Park 36. Continuance of Request for Final Plat Review-North Green Meadows Drive 37. Complaints about Mobile Homes & Mobile Home Parks 38. Discussion on UDAG funds for Monkey Junction Shopping Center ? 39? Public Hearing & adoptionof Zoning & Subdivision Ordinance text amendments replacing the multi-family special use permit with pre-established performance standards for high density development ? 40. Reappointment of Mssrs. Flowers & Orrell 41 Acceptance to access strip in Wrightsvoro Acres 42. Denial of Requ3st for resubmission of application for R-15-S Zoning Category 43.' Postponement of Planning Board Appts. DATE MINUTE BOOK Month Day Year Vol. Page ' 10 20 1980 18 686 10 20 1980 18 686 10 20 1980 18 689 11 03 1980 18 699 11 17 1980 18 704 11 17 1980 18 704 11 17 1980 18 705 12 O1 1980 18 710 12 Ol 1980 18 710 12 Ol 1980 18 711 O1 05 1981 18 744 Ol 05 198i 18 737 02 02 1981 18 763 04 21 1981 18 807 05 18 1981 18 842 06 15 1981 18 864 06 15 1981 18 865 06 15 1981 18 867 07 07 1981 18 874 07 07 1981 1$ 874 07 07 1981 18 875 07 20 1981 18 889 07 20 1981 18 893 08 03 1981 18 896 08 03 1981 18 896 08 03 1981 18 896 08 17 1981 18 904 08 17 1981 18 904 08 17 1981 18 904 08 17 1981 18 904 10 19 1981 18 943 11 ?2 1981 18 952 Ol 18 1982 18 990 02 Ol 1982 18 1000 02 08 1982 19 0$ 02 15 1982 19 12 03 15 1982 19 32 03 15 1982 19 34 03 15 1982 19 38 07 06 1982 19 112 07 19 1982 19 118 07 19 1982 19 122 09 07 1982.. 19 152 ( INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES -- New Hanover PROCLAMATIONS Count N C y, . . _ MATTER: ` : xea. u. s. ,? County Indezes Since 1888 ?? xa}---TO IOC?tt llaltlp. ?pM ?t e?r OFFICE ???i".,o?rY?d?' An IdenHFvins Trade Mark ?8 SURNAME INRIAL TAO COTi A•I TA? INOEX MADE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY. COIUM?US, OHIO , SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN CO., NE W BER N, N. C. ! ' NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS DATE MINUTE BOOK ? , ` ? ,! Month :, Day Yenr , Vol. Page V? "g' ' 1. Human relations week 02 02 1976 17 52 2. Engineers week 02 16 1976 17 62 3. Resolution making July 4, 1976 a National Day of Prayer and Dedication 05 17 1976 17 127 4. Proclamation making May as Older American Month in NHC 05 17 1976 17 128 5. Human Relations Week 02 ?7 1977 17 271 6. Cape Fear Optimist Dixie Youth Baseball days 05 ?2 1977 18 31 7. United Way Week Sept 19 thru 25 06 ?0 1977 18 59 8. ' United Way Week Sept. 18 thru 24 09 19 1977 18 101 ., 9. Signing joint proclamation - United Way Week Sept. 18-24 09 l9 1977 18 1?3 10. Veteran's Day- November 11 11 )7 1977 18 121 11. Human Relations Month - February 02 06 1978 18 166 12. National Engineers' Week 02 20 1978 18 174 ' 13. May-Family Camping Month 05 Ol 1978 18 198 14. Human Relations Month - February O1 _ 5 ?_979 18 341 I 15. Soil Stewardship Week 05 07 1979 18 400 16. Vietnam Veterans Week 05 21 1979 18 409 17. Htiunan Relations Month 02 )4 1980 18 547 18. New Hanover County Leadership Day Proclamation 03 ?1 1980 18 584 19. Soil Stewardship Week Proclamation 05 )5 1980 18 593 ? 20. Proclaiming 1981 as the year r?f the Community College System 02 J2 1981 18 756 21. Proclaiming Black History and Human Relations Plonth 02 )2 1981 18 762 , 22. Land Use Week Proclamation 03 )2 1981 18 ? 778 ?, . 1 23. Keep America Beautiful Day Proclamation 04 ?1 1981 18 810 I, 24. Proclaiming Soil Stewardship Week 5/24/-31/1981 05 )4 1981 18 831 25. National Recreation and Park Month Proclamation 06 J1 1981 18 855 , ? 26. i Proclamation - Law Enforcement Awareness Week 06 15 1981 18 867 ?? 27. American Enterprise Day Proclamation 09 ?8 1981 18 ? 910 I, 28? Boy Scout Proclamation O1 18 1982 18 ? 990 I, a 29. Annual County Volunteer Proclamation 03 Ol 1982 19 23 '' 21. Beautiful is Better Week 03 15 1982 19 30 I i 22. Michael Jordan Day 05 03 1982 19 63 I 23? National Recreation and Park Month OS 17 1982 19 70 24. Rescue Squad Appreciation Week 05 17 1982 19 72 li 25. Authorization for Chairman to sign United Way Week Proclamation 05 25 1982 19 77 II ! 26. Chairman to Proclaim June 14 as Flag Day 06 07 1982 19 88 27. Proclamation - Dog Bite Prevention and Awareness Week 09 07 1982 19 145 28. Hunger Awareness Month Proclamation 09 07 1982 19 150 29. United Way Week Proclamation 09 07 1982 19 151 30. American Enterprise Day Proclamation 10 18 1982 I9 174 3.1 ? I '? Proclamation for the Great American Smoke out 11 Ol 1982 19 177 ? INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover Count?, N. C. _ MAiTER: PROPERTY MADTAGEMENT ` ece. u. s. Counry Indezes Sinee 1888 to bwts namea, Open at COTT A TO Z TAB INDEX PAT OFFIGE C??l-?o-? An Identi(ying Trade Mark ? SURNAMF INIiIAL TAB MSOOD `BYT OWEN G!NDUNN?CMO'ANNEW BERN? N?G NATURE OP PROCEEDINGS l, Award of bid on two pick-up trucks 2. Budget Amendment to renovate Lucille Shuffler Building 3. Budget Amendment - Shuffler Building 4. Budget Amendment - Bookkeeping purposes 5. Budget Amendment to cover cost of gas and engine replacement for water tank 6. New Housekeeping position and position reclassification 7. Reclassification and Ran.ge Changes of 6 positions: Maintenance Foreman, Housekeeping Director Maintenance Mechanic II to Maintenance Mech. IV, Clerk III to Clerk IV, Housekeeping Foreman Range change and changed Housekeeping Range from Sl to 52 Approval of Housekeeping position for Library 8. 9. Budget amendment - Property Mgmt. (funds for repair of street signs) DATE MINUTE BOOK Month Day Year Vol. Page 07 28 1980 18 636 07 28 1980 18 638 09 26 1980 18 666 10 06 1980 18 672 Ol 05 1981 18 739 O1 19 1981 18 751 05 04 1981 18 815 03 Ol 1982 19 15 11 O1 1982 19 179 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover Count N C T P?BZZ? AS?IST??E ` ?, . . _ MATTER aec. u. s. County [ndezee Since 1888 ?? eer OFFIDE C?,? ?l?v-?F-., An ld?ntifyins Trade Mark To IomM nomes, OplO a} SURNAME INITIAL TAB COTT A TO 2 TA8 INDEX RNUSNON?O 'SOL ? T ?,?NEW EN 'N UN D BY OW G D N BE NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS DATE MINUTE BOOK , Month Day Year Vol. Page - 1. Budget Amendment - to caver additional allocation CBA funds for Open House 06 02 1980 18 608 2. Budget Amendment - disburse payment to Title XX provides 07 28 1980 18 637 3. Budget Amendment - M& R Building and Grounds 07 28 1980 18 637 4. Budget Amendment 09 15 1980 18 663 - SUBJECT p bl' Off' ' 1' ` INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover Coun?y, N. G. _ ryIpTTER: Bondsc l?la S_ COTT A TO Z TAB INDEX Counry [ndezes Since 1888 To IoedN names. Open qY M?DE ?Y THE COTT INDBX COMPANY, COLIIMtYS? OHIO P.EG. U. 5. ? ^. SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN CO., NEW BERN, N. C. e,?s ovF?ce ???///l?o-?-.. An Identifvins Trade Muk SURNAME INITIAL TAB r? l. Approval of Public Official's bonds DATE MINUTE BOOK ?;?, I NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS MoMh Day Yeat Vof. Pnge `4 I I , 12 06 1982 19 193 ? N C INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES -- New Hanover Count? PARKS ? RECREATION ?? y, . . , MATTER: a nea. u. s. County Indezee Since 1888 ? To IOCGtB names, open Ct PAT OiFICE C.?e?? An ldentifying Trade Mark SURNAME INITIAL TAB COTT A•I TAB INDEX MADE BY THE COTi INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA DATE MINUTE BOOK NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS Month Day Year Vol. Pnge 1. Cutting of timber bids awarded to J. D. Joye for Hugh MacRae Park. 09 21 1953 11 454 2. Deed approved accepted by City for Legion sta. 09 28 1953 11 456 3. Vandal at Hugh MacRae Park reported to Sheriff. 10 05 L953 11 457 4. Tree cutting started at Hugh MacRae Park. 10 OS 1953 11 457 5. Mrs. Marion K. Walker referred for clearing off Winter Park Roadway. 10 19 1953 11 461 6. No reason to take action on Mrs. Walker's request. 10 26 1953 11 462 7. Wilm. athletic Assoc. granted funds for Azalea Golf Tournament. 11 23 1953 11 468 8. Roadway thru Hugh MacRae Park received progress report and installation of pipe at Winter Park Church. 12 03 1953 11 472 9. Letter to congressmen authorized to oppose abandonment of Moore's Creek National Park. 02 O1 1954 11 482 10. Ralph Rollins offer referred for aiding to improve Hugh MacRae Park. 02 08 1954 11 484 11. Supt. of State Parks visited Hugh MacRae Parks, but suggested parking lot and picnic areas. 02 I5 1954 11 485 12. Removal of Hugh MacRae Park trees referred to Chairman. 03 08 1954 11 491 13. Sketch presented for sign at Hugh MacRae Park; vocational educational director G.West written on cost. 03 15 1954 11 493 14. Progress reported on clearing of Hugh MacRae park for baseball field. 03 22 1954 11 495 15. Bids authorized for archway Pilar at Hugh MacRae Park. 04 05 1954 11 498 16. Toler Ornamental works awarded bid for pillar at Hugh macRae Park. 04 12 1954 11 501 17. Attention called to Fat Stock Show at Legion Sta. 04 20 1954 11 505 18. Sketch of Hugh MacRae Parlc emblem presented; matter investigated. 04 26 1954 11 509 19. Attention called to student Gov't Day at Community center. 05 10 1954 11 512 20. Attention called to trash dumping at hugh MacRae Park. 05 10 1954 11 513 21. Dedication program submitted and discussed for Hugh MacRae Park. 05 10 1954 11 :?13 22. Suggestion made on including 3 former NHC Commissioners and NHC Historic Commission on Hugh MacRae Park. 05 10 1954 11 513 23. Attention called to Band concert, speaking and unveiling of Hugh MacRae Park plaque. 05 24 1954 11 515 24. City/County bill received for Student Govern't Day lucheon. 05 24 1954 11 515 25. Dedication given on 101 S. acres of land for Hugh MacRae Park. 06 07 1954 11 518 26. Hugh MacRae Park rededication held. 06 07 1954 11 518 27. Damages to Hugh macRae Park toilet facilities referred to Sheriff. 06 07 1954 11 519 28. Use of Hugh MacRae Park road by heavy trucks referred to State Hwy. Dept. 06 14 1954 11 520 29. "Green a' Growin" padgent announced at NC Extension Station. 06 14 1954 11 520 30. Color transparency presented on Commissioners Horton, 0'Shields, Horton's mother and grandmother during 07 19 1954 11 530 Hugh MacRae Park dedication. 31. Motion carried to prohibit shooting of weapons at Hugh MacRae Park. 07 26 1954 11 533 32. Appropriations approved for PGA tournament at Municipal Golf Course. 10 11 1954 11 546 33. Appropriations approved for Carolina PGA Tournament. 11 15 1954 11 553 34. Hugh Morton letter received on behalf of Hugh MacRae family not to clivic?.Park land for county projects. 03 21 1955 11 583 35. Hugh Morton letter received on gift of Memorial Park by Hugh MacRae. 03 12 1955 11 583 36. Preparations made for bleachers at Cape Fear Golf Club for golf tournament. 03 28 1955 11 585 37. Letter of thanks authorized to Hwy commissioner for improvements to Hugh MacRae parking lots. 05 09 1955 11 595 38. Hugh MacRae Park appropriations increased. 05 31 1955 11 601 39. W. K. Rhodes, Jr., invitation received for American Legion Baseball at Legion Stadium. 06 06 1955 11 602 40. G. R. Thompson granted fishing Rodeo by NHC Fishing Club and city Parks and Recreation Dept. 06 13 ]955 11 605 41. Request declined for unused Hu?h MacRae Parks bricks. (see next page #40) ?7 11 1955 11 612 42. Board informed of advertisingspace county entitled to. 10 24 1955 12 9 43. Premission granted to construct power lines along edge of Hugh MacRae Park. O1 09 1956 12 33 44. Facilities to be increased in Hugh MacRae Park for ball diamond. 02 27 1956 12 48 45. Approved lights for Baseball diamond in Hugh MacRae Park. 05 14 1956 12 68 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover Count?, N. C. , MATTER: PUBLIC BUILDINGS ` eaa. u. s. County Indezee Since 1888 ?h ?,+?-- To loeats names, open at COTT A-2 TAB INDEX r?r otcict ??? An Identifying Trade Merk ?? SURNAME INITIAL TAB MADE BY THE (OTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA NAYURE OF PROCEEDINGS `' 1.? Bill from W. Reston for gas approved. ?t ? 09 ? 2. George Tilly to pay damages on brick wall of County done by his horse and dray. t? ?, 03 3. Bi11s from W. Sutton, J.A. Ashe, and Henry Walker for public buildings approved. '= R? 12 4. Bi11s from J.C. Mann for coal for public buildings approved. ;9 12 5. Bills from Parker & Taylor and George Jackson for public buildings approved. ?? r; 12 6. ? Bill from E.M. Shoemaker for public building approved. ;F 12 7. 'I ?a Bill ? E? from James & Brown for public buildings approved. 4? O1 8. n ?? Gas b ill from Wilmington Gas Light Company for public buildings approved. Ol 9. w??Bi1Is from Alex Strauss and Henry Walker for public buildings approved, .; 02 10. ; Bill from R.S. Radcliffe and Landen Perkins for public buildings approved. 03 ll. i% Bills from Anthony Howe and Wilmington Gas Light Company for public buildings approved. 04 12. ?Bill ., from Pennypacker and Shoemakers for rent for public buildings approved. ,. 04 13. ?Bills ?? from Strauss & Rice and W.H. Dart for public buildings approved. ; ,, 05 14. ?Bills from Solomon Moose, D.A. Smith and Landon Perkins for public buildings approved. ; 05 lS. h3 ;q Bills from Anthony Howe and Elvin Artis for public buildings approved. ;? 06 16. "+Bill ' from W.H. Dart for public building approved. 08 17. p ?Bills from Wilmington Gas Light Co., Nathaniel Jacobi, J. Lowery and Parker & Taylor for buildings approved, 10 18. " Bills ? from H.E. Scott and Hart & Bailey for public buildings approved. 10 ? ;; 19. raBi11 ? from H.E. Scott for repairs on public buidlings approved. 11 a 20. ?iBills from J.H. Chadbourn& Co. and Nathaniel Jacobi for public building approved. 11 ., << 21. ?+Bills from H.E. Scott for repair of public buildings agproved. k 12 , , 22. ?Bills ; from Wilmington Trust Co. and W.H. Dart for repair of public buildings approved. , 12 23. , -?Bill .: from George A. Peck for public buildings approved. , 12 24. '„Bill ?, from Parker & Taylor for repairs on public buildings approved. ?, Ol 25. ;? '.+Bills from Hart & Bailey, Northrop & Cumming and J.S. Williams for repairs to public buildings approved. ?, 02 26. :;Bills .; ? from Giles & Murchison and W.H. Dart for repairs on public buildings approved. ? 02 27. . ?? `,dBills ?s from Alexander Stranz for repair on public buildings approved. ; „ 02 28. ?yBi11 from Mathes & Co. for public buildings approved. ?, 02 29. ;s ? 'rCommittee on Public Buildings received request from J. Smith for use of Courthouse. ' ?, 09 30. rBills from T.A. Schubtee, John Berdeau, E.G. Polley, H.B. Vincent and J.S. Williams for public buildings ? 10 `? approved. a? ,. 31. ? Bill from Alex. Rice for public buildings approved. ?? 10 32. ?'Bills from E. V an Gross, D. 0'Conner, Wilmington Gas And Light Co, and Alex Price for public bu ildings. ; 11 33. ?Bills from E.R. ;; Brink, E. Wescott, Philip Newman, Commercial Reporter, Henry Price and A. Howe for public . 11 ` buildings :? appraved. ?, 34. ?? :?Bills from D. 0'Conner, Wilmington Gas Co., D.A. Smith & Co., F. Schutter Meyer and J. Springer ?; for public ? .. 12 ? buildings approved. „ 35. ? ;?Bi11 from Dunca n Holmes for public buildings approved. „ Ol 36. ra G?Bills from T. Newell and Edward Butlar for public buildings approved. ;, O1 37. ;a ;?Bills from W.H. ,, & G.M. Dart and Alfred Howe for public buildings approved. ?? 02 38. 7?Bills from Sol , Bear & Bros, Parker & Taylor, D.A. Smith, W.H. Dart, J.W. Perdew, Washington Gas Light Co., i: ? 03 ,4 ;tl and Alex P ?; rice for public buildings approved. ' 39. "? :?Bills from C.H. Stroder, Henry Taylor, W.H. & D.M. Dart, Wilmington Gas Light Co., J.W. Perdew, , , N.B. Vin- 04 , +; s? cent, E.G. Rolley, Joshua Glenig and Nathaniel Jacobi for public buildings approved. ;w 40. i ? Bills from Sol 9 Bear & Bros. J.A. Springer and J.H. Allen for public buildings approved. ?; ' 05 41. ? Bill from J.W. Perdew for public buildings approved. Q ,. 06 DATE MINUTE BOOK Month I Day I Year I Vol. I Page ? 08 1868 1 39 25 1872 2 302 02 1872 02 1872f 16 1872? 23 1872i? 06 1873?? k? 06 1873 ?; ;: 06 1873,e; 03 1873 i 07 1873?' 07 1873 06 1873'? ,? :? 06 1873 ?? d 02 1873?M , 23 1873?a 06 187: 06 187: 04 187: 04 187: 02 187: 02 187: 02 187: 05 187? 02 187? 03 187? 03 187? 03 187? 16 187? 06 187? 06 1874 ?? ? 02 1874 x9 ? 02 1874 ;; ?? 07 1874 €, ; 05 1875 ?; OS 1875 02 1875? ? 05 1875 ? ? ! 06 1875 ? i ? 08 1875 g t O8 1875E 2 403 2 403 2 406 2 412 2 420 2 420 2 426 3 33 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 57 57 66 67 p' 75 ? 104 R= !e ,? i? 114 j? ? 115 ! 3 139 3 145 3 151 3 151 3 152 3 168 3 174 , 3 186 3 186 j ?i 3 18 6 i! ? 6 3 261 ?° ; 3 266 3 267 3 273 3 274 3 281 3 291 3 292 3 298 3 309 i 3 315 ? ' 3 326 3 333 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover Count? N C MATTER PUBLIC BUILDINGS , . . _ : ` ¦cc. u, s. .? `?? County Indezee Since 1888 `l To loeats namea, open at COTT A•2 TAB INDEX r?i OFFICE C??!/71?z? An Identifvins Trade Mszk [? SURNAME INITIAL TAB MADE 8Y THE COTT INDEIC COMPANY, COLUMBUS, UHIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTN CAROLINA k; DATE p? "' MINUTE BOOK NATURE OF PROCEEDIfVGS ;' Month Day Year R+ r? Vol. Page ?? ?: l. Bill from J.W. Perdew for public buildings approved. ?' 06 08 a 1875 :a 3 4's 333 `' ?; 2. Bill from Wilmington Gas Light Co. for incidental expenses approved. 07 08 1875'' 3 352 '' ? ,? ,, ,?g 3. Bills from S.W. Holden and William Cutlar for public buildings approved. '; 08 03 1875 ;? 3 364 " !? 4. Bill from Wilmington Gas Light Co. for incidental expenses approved. . 09 06 1875 ,w 3 373 F, y 5. Bills from J.W. Perden and William Cutlar for public buildings approved. " 09 06 1875 rti 3 373 , 6. Bills from James K. Cutlar, P.H. Hayden, W.P. McMahon, P. Newman and Wilmington.Gas Light Co. for public ! 11 09 1875!, 3 391 ;? r, buildings approved. :, ;? 7. Bill from P. Newman for public buildings approved. 12 16 1875 3 3 403 , 8., Bills from J.A. Springer and Wilmington Gas Light Co. for public buildings approved. 02 07 1876 3 412 ; '? 9.;; Bills from O.G. Parsley & Co. and W.H. & D.M. Dart for public buildings approved. 02 07 1876 ; 3 413 ,; 10.:; Bills from Mills Donalson, A.R. Black, N. Jacobi and John W. Perdew for public buildings approved. 02 11 1876 3 414 11.;; Bills from O.G. Parsley & Co. and A.C.H. Fenchen for public buildings approved. 03 08 1876, 3 420 „ _ 6i 12.?? s Bills from P. Newman, W.H. & D.M. Dart, and Wilmington Gas Light Co. for public buildings approved. ,. 04 03 1876 .. 3 427 . 6 13.f` Bills from James Lowrey, W.T. Cutlar and J.A. Springer for public buildings approved. 05 05 1876 .? 3 435 14.? p Bills from M. London, James Lane and R.L. Harriss for public buildings approved. ?. 08 07 1876 .. 3 457 „ 15. _ Bills from W. Laney, L.Perkins, James Love, J. Moses, P. Newman, A. Howe and Zimmerman and White for 09 27 1876 3 481 ?? . ,? public buildings approved. ., .. ?? ,16.?? Bill from Henry Price for public buildings approved. 09 27 1876 ; 3 482 " 17.;? ? Bills from P. Newman, N. Jacobi, D.M. Dart,George Peck, Zimmerman & White and Henry Green for public 11 22 1876 „ 3 499 ? ? ? ? 4 buildings approved, pages 499-500. ?. ? . s, 18.? ,? Bills from J.W. Perdew, Alex Price and Zimmerman & White for public buildings approved. 12 04 1876 ` 3 507 19.;? ! Bills from P. Newman and S. Van Amringe for public buildings approved, pages 514-515. 12 29 1876 3 514 ? .20.;' ?? Bill from D.M. Dart and C.C. Parker approved. Q6 05 1877,; 3 553 ,21.? ? Bill from Wilmington Gas Company for incidental expenses approved. . 12 15 1877 3 668 . .22. Bills from S.G. Hall and J.G. Norwood for public buildings approved. 12 15 1877 ? 3 671 ?, 23.? , ? Petition of J.W. Galloway nor granted to furnish lightning rods to public buildings. .. 08 06 1883 ., 4 ? 486 .. r 24.; _ , Matter of leasing part of Fairground referred to Messrs. Bagg and Montgomery. 10 06 1884 ., 4 580 ? o. 25.?? Col. A.M. Waddell present to explain nature of proposed public improvements. 05 12 1886 4 713 ;, 26.?? ° Board to hear resolutions adopted by citizens relative to proposed public buildings. 06 04 1886 ° 4 714 ? , 27.? Citizens want a new Jail and new Courthouse to be built on site of present Courthouse. 06 05 1886'; 4 715 ; 28.; , ? Board ruled it is not the proper time to consider building a new Courthouse. .. 06 05 1886 .. 4 716 ,: ? 29.dr ,? Matter of repairs on Harnett Township Public Building referred to Commissioner E.L, Pearce. 06 30 1893 5 507 ?, 30.4i Contract for furnishing coal and wood for County awarded to P.R. Fowler. Ol 04 1897 ; 5 755 ? 9 31.f? Contract for lighting public buildings awarded Wilmington Gas Light Co. at $300 per annum. 05 03 1897 6 10 ,y 32.?? Bids opened to paint roofs of County buildings and iron railings around Courthouse; Chairman to contract. 05 02 1898 6 122 33.:; James H. Taylor awarded contract for furnishing coal to public buildings of County. 12 03 1900 6 490 , ,? :, . .. 34.,? ?d Letter from M. Whitlark rela?ive to buying fire extinguishers for public buildings referred to Mr. Vollers. 04 04 1904 6 788 35.? Bid proposal from Independent Ice for ice for County passed over. 12 05 1904 , 7 11 36.? ? Contract for furnishing ice for public buildings for coming year awarded W.E. North and Co. .. 02 06 1905 : ,a 7 18 ,. 37.?9 County will pay for damages to house loaned to County as requested by M. Cronly. 10 02 1905 7 39 ? ;? • ? 38.?? Bids for coal for public buildings deferred. 12 04 1905 a 7 45 ; 39.a ? Contract for coal for public buildings awarded J.A. Springer Co. 03 03 1906 ; 7 48 40.? 0 Report from Grand Jury on public buildings referred to Public Buildings Committee. 08 06 1906 y 7 59 e 41.¢ Use of fire extinguishers in public buildings referred to Public Buildings Committee. 09 08 1908 ; 7 144 , 42.? i FHA (Federal Housing Admin) granted appropriations. 12 09 1935 ; 9 395 43.i ? t FHA granted payments. 12 09 1953 ' :? 9 396 ` . E; ; i ,; ?.. ; d ? ( , F li INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES --- New Hanover Count N C T PUBLIC BUILDINGS y, . . _ MATT R ` nec. u. :. County Indezea Since 1888 ? To locate namez, open at lAT OFi1CE ?? An IdentiEying Trade Mark SURNAME INIiIAL TAB COTT A-Z TAB INDEX MADE BY TNE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD BY OWEN 6. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORT H CAROLINA NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS DATE MINUTE BOOK Month Day Yea? Vol, Page l. FI?A granted funds. 12 09 1936 9 396 2. FHA granted funds. 07 06 1936 9 440 3. FHA granted funds and fiscal balance continued. O1 11 1936 9 473 4. FHA report received on appropriations. 07 12 1936 9 522 5. BHC (Better Housing Campaign) granted funds. 07 12 1 936 9 522 6. FHA granted funds. 08 16 1937 9 532 7. FHA confirmed for funds. 09 07 1937 9 539 8. BHC report filed for October. 10 18 1937 9 548 9. FHA report filed for October. 11 22 1937 9 555 10. BHC report filed for February. 03 21 1938 9 574 11. BHC report filed for April. 04 18 1938 9 578 12. BHC report filed for April. 05 31 1 938 9 588 13. BHC considered for funds. 06 20 1938 9 593 14. BHC declined funds. 08 02 1938 9 604 15. Thomas Williams granted permission to erect building. 09 26 1938 10 13 16. Recreation and NYA building condemned, transferred to 106 E. Queens. 02 20 1939 10 41 17. J. I. Crews objected licensing for cabin. 05 22 1939 10 57 18. W. N. Betts apposing tourist camp license. 05 22 1939 10 58 19. Mrs. J. P. Newton objected to issuing license to M. L. Harris. 05 29 1939 10 59 20. James H. Blackledge approved license for dance hall. 05 29 1939 10 59 21. Mrs. J. E. Caison approved license for dance hall. 05 29 1939 10 50 22. The following people approved license for dance Hall: M. B. Cavenaugh, James Fox,Grover Freeman, 05 29 1939 10 59 Frank Herring, Mamie Higgins, Inex Short, B. L. Wagamon, and Charles Westbrook. 23. Nora B. Moore approved license for dance hall. 06 05 1939 10 60 24. Harry Thompson approved li?ense for dance hall. 06 05 1939 10 ii0 25. Harry Thompson approved license for cabin camp. 06 05 1939 10 60 26. W. T. Holley and Miss. I. Cox approved license for cabin camp. 06 05 1939 10 60 27. C. Worley approved license for Tourist Home. 06 05 1939 10 60 28. J. W. Futch, Jr., approved license for Tourist Home. 06 05 1939 10 60 29. Harry H. Green approved license for tourist camp. 06 05 1939 10 60 30. Charles F. Lewis approved license for tourist camp. 06 05 1939 10 60 31. Mrs. Melzar Pearsall app?oved license for Tourist Home. 06 05 1939 10 60 32. L. H. Reaves approved licnese for Cabin Camp. 06 05 1939 10 60 33. Lula W. Russell approved license for Dance hall. 06 05 1939 10 60 34. ? Mrs. Annie H. Slocum approved license for Tourist Home. 06 OS 1939 10 60 35. Capt. Ellis Sherman approved license for dance hall. 06 12 1939 10 62 36. J. A. Rhyne approved license for Tourist Camp. 06 12 1939 10 62 37. Mrs. J. P. Newton approved license for Tourist Home. 06 12 1939 1 0 62 38. Ray Black approved license for Cabin Camp. 06 12 1939 10 62 39. S. J. Ray approved license for cabin camp. 06 12 1939 10 62 40. Alton Brown declined license for cabin camp. 06 12 1939 10 62 41. Isaac Barfield, Jr., approved license for dance hall. 06 12 1939 10 62 42. Sarah Smith approved license for dance hall. 06 12 1939 10 62 43. Jack Gore approved license for Tourist Camp. 06 26 1939 10 64 44. Edwin Meads approved license for dance hall. 06 26 1939 10 64 45. Mrs. Velma Jones approved license for dance hall. 06 26 1939 10 64 INDEA TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover Count?, N. C. , MATTER: PUBLIC BUILDINGS ` etc. u, s. County Indexee Since 1888 To lotat0 names, open C} COiT A•2 TAB INDEX PAT OiF1CE ??1??.. An Identifying Trade Mar1c ? SURNAME INITIAL TAB IMADE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS DATE MINUTE BOOK Month Day Year Vol. Page 1. C. E. Justice approved license for dance hall. 06 26 1939 10 64 2. U. B. Spindle approved license for tourist camp. 07 10 1939 10 66 3. M, L. Harris approved license for tourist camp. 07 10 1939 10 66 4. Ruben McNeal approved license for dance hall. 07 17 1939 10 67 5. Sam Nixon declined license for dance hall. 07 24 1939 10 69 6. C. V. Covil approved license for dance hall. 07 31 1939 10 70 7. Silas E. Sneeden approved license for dance hall. 08 14 1939 10 74 8. Al1ie Weston approved license for dance hall. 09 18 1939 10 83 9. Henry Green approved li?nse for dance hall. 10 02 1939 10 86 10. C. A. Ramsey cited on license for regulation. 10 30 1939 10 91 11. C. T. Croom cited on license for regulation. 10 30 1939 10 91 12. Oscar Jackson declined license on dance hall. 12 11 1939 10 99 13. Committee to be appointed on oyster houses. O1 15 1940 10 105 14. L. M. Mohn approved license for dance hall. O1 29 1940 10 108 15. Housing Authority not subject to taxtation. 02 19 1940 10 112 16. Better Homes endorsed for America Week. 04 O1 1940 10 120 17. Ellis Sherman approved license for dance hall. 04 29 1940 10 123 18. Margaret Harrell approved license for dance hall. 05 06 1940 10 125 19. M. L. Harris approved license for tourist camp. 05 13 1940 10 127 20. Ms. Oscar Persall approved license for tourist home. 05 27 1940 10 129 21. U.B. Spindle approved license for camp cabin. 06 03 1940 10 130 22. Mamie Higgins approved Iicense for tourist cabin. 06 18 1940 10 132 23. W. J. Holley approved license for tourist cabin. 06 17 1940 10 132 24. William R. Parker approved license for tourist cabin. 06 .7 1940 10 132 25. L. H. Reavis, J. A. Rhyne, and Sadie Smith approved license for tourist cabin. 06 17 1940 10 l?t 26. L. Suggs granted free license for confectionary store. 06 24 1940 10 134 27. J, H, Anthony approved license for dance hall. 07 O1 1940 10 135 28. Roy Black approved license for cabins. 07 O1 1940 10 135 29. Mrs. J. E. Caison approved license for cabins. 07 Ol 1940 10 135 30. Jack Gore approved license for Tourist Camp. 07 O1 1940 10 136 31. J. Grover Freeman approved license for dance hall. 07 O1 1940 10 136 Frank Herring, Rudolph McGuire, Ben. L. Wagamon and William C. Wilson approved license for dance hall. 07 Ol 1940 10 136 32. 33. Lula W. Russell, C. W. Westbrook and Pat 0'Quinn approved license for dance hall. 07 08 1940 10 138 34. Charles F. Lewis approved license for cabins. 07 08 1 940 10 138 35. Pat 0'Quinn ?pproved license for dance hall. 07 09 1940 10 138 36. R. V. Rogers approved license for dance hall. 07 15 1940 10 139 37. Henry Green approved license for dance hall. 07 22 1940 10 140 38. Isiah Ballard approved license for dance hall. 07 29 1940 10 144 39. B. E. Kistler declined license for tourist camp. 07 29 1940 10 144 40. Placing Housing Authority on taxes discussed. 07 29 1940 10 144 41. M. L. Harriss cited on tourist camp. 08 12 1940 10 147 42. M. L. Harriss case dismissed, referred to courts, Sheriff. 08 26 1940 10 151 43. Frank Dilazzero approved license for dance hall. 09 23 1940 10 155 44. C. A. Ramsey declined license for dance hall. 10 28 1940 10 159 45. No action taken on license for C. A. Ramsey. 11 04 1940 10 160 46. J. D. Hobbs granted license for Tourist camp. 11 12 1940 10 162 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES N H C N C C - ew anover ounty, . . R: PUBLIC , MAT E BUILDINGS ` aec. u. a. County Indezea Since 1888 ? To locate names, open at r?t OFFICE ??1?.?-? An ldentifying Trade Mark SURNAME INITIAL TAB COTT A•i TAB INDEX MIADE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD BY OWEN 6. DUNN, NEYY BERN, NORTH tAROLINA NIlTURE OF PROCEEDINGS DATE MINUTE BOOK Month I Day I Yea? Vol. I Ppge 1. Ordinance requested to tear down buildings, 11 18 1940 10 163 2. Mamie Higgins approved license for dance hall. 05 05 1941 10 197 3. Catherine M. Stephenson approved license for dance hall. 05 05 1941 10 197 4. Motion approved for renting Wallace Building. 05 05 1941 10 198 5. Offer accepted for rent of 2 dillapidated buildings. 05 12 1941 10 199 6. Mrs. Margaret Howell approved license for dance hall. 06 26 1941 10 205 7. Nora B. Moore approved license for dance hall. 06 26 1941 10 ?05 8. Jack Gore approved license for tourist camp. 06 02 1941 10 208 9. William H. James approved license for dance hall. 06 02 1941 10 208 10. Henry Green approved license for dance hall. 06 16 1941 10 210 11. L. H. Raevis approved license for tourist camp. 06 16 1941 10 21Q 12. Mrs. Melzar Pearsall granted license for tourist home. 07 07 1941 10 213 13. Elliott Ripley granted license for tourist home. 07 07 1941 10 213 14. Building report given to Postmaster. 07 14 1941 10 214 15. Building report given to postmaster. 07 14 1941 10 214 16. Mrs. Beula I. Costas granted license for dance hall. 09 02 1941 10 226 17. Rent of NYA building increased 09 08 1941 10 227 18. Action held in obeyance on Housing Authority agreement. 09 15 1941 10 229 19. Trust Building granted for storing rationing books. 03 06 1942 10 263 20. Communication received from housing authority on shelter rent payments. 04 06 1942 10 265 21. Fred Edwards approved license for tourist camp. 04 27 1942 10 269 22. Mrs. J. N. Todd approved 2icense for tourist home. 04 27 1942 10 269 23. Mrs. Carl A. Griplett approved license for dance hall. 05 04 1942 10 270 24. Mrs. l?largarett Howell approved license for dance hall. 05 04 1942 10 270 25. Sadie Smith approved license.for dance hall. 05 11 1942 10 271 26. Mamie Higgins approved license for dance hall. 05 18 1942 10 273 27. Rudolph McGuire approved license for dance hall. 05 18 1942 10 273 28. City Housing Authority received check for taxes on houses. 05 18 1942 10 Z73 29. National Housing Authority reported taxes cannot be levied on housing authority. 05 18 1942 10 273 30. C. C. Gray approved license for tourist camp. 06 22 1942 10 278 31. Mrs. Melza Pearsall approved license for tourist camp. 06 29 1942 10 279 32. Mrs. B. W. Worley approved license for tourist camp. 06 29 1 942 10 279 33. W. H. Blackledge granted license for dance hall. 07 13 1942 10 282 34. Gov't. voucher accepted on payment of shelter rent for housing authority. 08 03 1942 10 285 35. Report approved on tax appraisal of Government housing authority. 08 24 1942 10 289 36. Woodrow Wilson building discussed services referred. 03 08 1943 10 320 37. Government Housing Project authorized shelter rent. 03 15 1943 10 321 38. Sadie Smith approved license for cabins. 05 03 1943 10 329 39. Walter McGuire approved license for dance hall. 06 07 1943 10 334 40. Petition received on building pool room. 06 21 1943 10 336 41. R. A. Wilhams and J. D. Hobbs approved license for cabin. 06 21 1943 10 336 42. J. D. Hobbs approved license for tourist camp. 07 26 1943 10 342 43. Woodrow Wilson hostesses granted salary increases. 09 07 1943 10 347 44. Purchasing equipment for Woodrow Wilson Hut referred. 02 07 1944 10 368 45. Budget allotment referred on Woodrow Wilson Hut. 03 06 1944 10 373 46. Repairs authorized on Woodrow Wilson Hut. 04 03 1944 10 376 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES -- New ?ianover Count N C T PUBLIC ? BUILDINGS ?, . . MATT R ` ?ec. u. <. Couniy Indexen Since 1888 ? 10 lo[ate ?ome5? op¢n at r?t OFFICE ?I?? An Identifying Traae MarSc ? SURNAME INITIAL TAB COTT A-I TAB INDEX ?DE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OH10 SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA DATE MINUTE BOOK NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS Month Day Yea? Vol. I Page 1. Consideration taken on funds for Woodrow Wilson Hut. 04 03 ?944 10 376 2. James Grover Freeman approved license for tourist camp. 05 O1 1944 10 381 3. Sadie Smith approved for license for dance hall. 05 O1 1944 10 381 4. Mamie Lee Higgins approved ricense for dance hall. 05 O1 1944 10 381 5. No action taken on request to number house and erect signs in subdivisions. 02 12 1945 10 427 6. C. C. Gray granted license for tourist cabin. 04 23 1945 10 436 7. Henry Omirly granted license for Dance hall. 04 23 1945 10 437 8. Sadie Smith granted license for dance hall. 04 23 1945 10 437 9. Mamie L.Higgins granted license for dance hall. 04 30 1945 10 438 10. Maude McKee granted license for dance hall. 04 30 1945 10 438 11. Robert McFarland granted license for dance hall. 05 28 1945 10 442 12. Charles E. Craig, Jr., granted license for business. 06 25 1945 10 446 13. J. D. Hobbs and wife approved license for tourist camp. 06 25 1945 10 446 14. Housing Authority to meet for tax payment. 06 25 1945 10 446 15. Woodrow Wilson Hut to be sold. 07 23 1945 10 450 16. Motion carried to operate Hut jointly for first quarter. 07 23 1945 10 450 17. Motion carried to sell Hut to city, and county withdraw. 07 23 1945 10 450 18. Motion carried to sell Hut to city. 07 23 1945 10 451 19. Committee named on sale of Wilson Hut. 09 10 1945 10 457 20. Sept. 12 action confirmed on committee for sale of Hut. 09 12 1945 10 458 21. Communication received from Housing Authority on closing date of War Housing Center. 10 15 1945 10 462 22. Committees named on Housing to determine buildings to be moved. 10 15 19'45 10 462 23. Motion carried on price for Woodrow Wilson Hut; offices eliminated from deed. 10 15 1945 10 462 24. Bill of sale approved for selling Wilson Hut. 10 22 1945 10 464 25. H. E. and H. J. Clark granted license for tourist camp. 11 05 1945 10 465 26. Sadie Smith granted license for dance hall. ? 04 29 1946 10 495 27. Grover Lewis granted license for tourist camp, 05 06 1946 10 496 28. C, C. Graf granted license for touri°st camp. 06 03 1946 10 499 29. T. B. Bonham granted license for dance hall. 09 Q9 1946 10 515 . 30. H. J. Clark granted license for tourist camp. 09 16 1946 10 516 31. H. J. Clark granted license for tourist camp. 09 16 1946 10 516 32. Kauno A. Lehto granted license for dance hall. 03 03 1947 10 548 33. C.C. Gray granted license for cottages. 04 28 1947 10 562 34. Mamie Huggins granted license for dance hall. 04 28 1947 10 562 35. Sadie Smith granted iicense for dance hall. 04 28 1947 10 562 36. Henry Omirly granted license for dance hall. 04 28 1947 10 562 37. T. C. Lewis and M. J. Peach granted license for dance hall. 05 26 1947 10 56$ 38. J. D. Hobbs granted license for tourist camp. 06 30 1947 10 573 39. Amelia H. Mills declined permit for dance hall. 12 29 1947 11 7 40. 5adie Smith granted permit for cafe. 04 26 1948 11 23 41. C. C. Gray granted permit for Tourist Camp. 05 03 1948 11 24 42. Gaston Hussey granted permit for dance hall. 05 17 1948 11 27 43. W. G. Gore granted permit for tourist camp. 06 01 1948 11 30 44. Housing Authority communication received on prohibition of voluntary tax payments. 06 21 1948 11 33 45. Ed Holt not given free tax to operate market place. 11 15 1948 11 57 46. Act for building permits to be endorsed. 12 20 1948 11 63 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover Count? N C PUBLIC BUILDINGS , . . , MATTER: ` aec. u. s. 'q??? County Indezea Since 1888 r0 1otGt0 oames, OpEtt af r?r OFFICE ?.?l?iLa?c An Identifying Trade Mark ? SURNAME INITIAL TAB COT7 A-Z TA8 INDEX NADE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD EY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORT H CAROLINA NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS DATE MINOTE BOOK Month I Day I Year Vol. I Page ? 1. Statement received from housing authority on taxtation. 06 13 1949 11 99 2. Housing Authority communication received on war houses. 07 25 1949 11 110 3. Public Housing Admin. negotiations authorized on T. B. Hospital site. 08 O1 1949 11 112 4. Housing admin. advised on T.B. Hospital site; survey authorized. 08 11 1949 11 114 S. Petition presented on Ioud music at Carolina Drive-In operated by W. F. Murphey. 09 12 I949 11 120 6. Further housing construction opposed. 09 19 1949 11 121 7. PUblic Housing Admin. advisement received on sales price for county land. 09 26 1949 11 123 8. James C. Powell granted license for seafood market. 10 10 1 949 11 126 9. Action deferred on bid for building at airport. 05 08 1949 11 185 10. WHA (Wilmington HOusing Authority) request for housing in Maffitt Village taken under consideration. 06 05 1949 11 189 11. Motian carried on WHA housing in Maffitt Village. 06 12 1949 11 190 12. WHA clieck presented on housing in Maffitt Village. 10 09 1949 1? 215 13. PHA A. R. Hanson letter recieved on Maffitt Village h?using. 10 30 1949 11 220 14. PHA A. R. Hanson receipt received on Maffitt Village housing. 11 20 1949 11 225 15. County tenant Tindall re?uested repairs on house. 12 11 1949 11 230 16. PHS directcr letter received on dispositiion of Maffitt Village property. ?w 05 1950 11 239 17. PHA offLr received on sellin?; fire tr?icks ar I??affitt Village. 03 05 1950 11 245 18. F. A. Rasbury reque?te?J i?cense for bingo club. 11 05 1950 11 299 19. Hous?ng repo??t fi?ed. 04 20 1950 11 415 20. He?using report filed. G5 18 1950 ?I 422 21. Letter received on War Emergency HOusing. 06 08 1953 ?l 42'? 22. Housirig ?epart ?iled. 06 15 1953 11 42?> 23. Public Housing Administration (PHA) Communication received on Hillcrest Extension. 06 29 1953 11 434 24. Wilmington Housing Authority (WHA) letter received on Maffitt Village map plans. 07 13 1953 11 437 25. HOusing report filed. 07 20 1953 11 438 26. Housing report filed. ? 08 17 1953 11 446 27. Rent charge for county offices approved. 08 24 1953 11 448 28. Housing report filed. 09 14 1953 11 453 29. Housing report filed. 10 19 1953 11 460 30. Housing report filed. 12 21 1953 11 476 31. Housing report filed. 02 15 1954 11 486 32. same. 03 15 1954 11 494 33, same. 04 2 1954 11 500 34. same. 05 17 1954 11 514 35. same. 06 14 1954 11 520 36. WPA received no action on report of rent collection. 08 23 1954 11 538 37. Housing report filed. 09 20 1954 11 542 38. No action taken on WPA agreement. 10 04 1954 11 545 39. Housing report filed. 10 15 1954 11 548 40. same. 11 15 1954 11 554 41. same. 12 13 1954 11 561 42. same. O1 '_7 1955 11 569 43. Building permits required by passing Forsyth bill. O1 24 1955 11 570 44. Housing report filed. 02 14 1955 11 575 45. same. 0 Z 28 1955 11 578 46. same. 0 3 14 1955 11 590 INDE? TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover Count? N C MATT Ri PUBLIC BUILDINGS , . . , ` nec. u. s. ?p??/'? Counry Indexca Since 1888 YO IOCOtO names, open at ??r OFFICE ?,eT?? An Identifying Trade Marlc ? SURNAME INIiIAL TAB COTT A•2 TAB INDEX INADE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORiN CAROLINA DATE MINUTE BOOK NATURE Of PROCEEDINGS Month I Day I Yea? Vol. I Page l. Housing report filed. 04 18 1955 11 590 2. Boarding Home Care given funds. 04 25 1955 11 591 3. Housing report filed. 05 16 1955 11 598 4. PHA Letter received on sale of Federal War Houses. 05 23 1955 11 600 5. HOusing report filed. 06 13 1955 11 606 6. WHA letter received on payment of taxes on Hillcrest Homes. 07 11 1955 11 612 7. Housing report filed. 07 18 1955 11 615 8. same. 08 15 1955 11 624 9. same. 09 19 1955 11 632 10. Approved request to enlarge court house parking lot. 10 10 1955 12 8 11. Building at Chapel Hill to be completed 1/1 10 31 1955 12 13 12. HOusing report filed. 11 14 1955 12 17 13, same. 12 19 1955 12 28 14. Housing report filed. O1 17 1956 12 36 15. same. 02 20 1956 12 45 16. same. 03 19 1956 12 54 17. INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES N H N C C ount?, -- anover . ew . MATTER: PUBLIC BUILDING S _ COMMITTEE ` eao. u. s. Counry Indezee St?ce 1888 F?• ?- To loeats namss, open at r?s otricc ????a? An Identifying Trade Mark d?ff SURNAM! INITIAL TAB COTT A-Z TAB INDEX MADE BY THE CQTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS. OHIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA ?? ? ?; `" DATE ; r' ? ? NATURE OF PRO(EEDINGS ;?? M th D Y 3 Y, on I ay I ear i `d ?? 1.',$ r? Public Buildings Committee members: Stephen Keyes and Elijah Hewlett. 02 06 r° 1869':? 2.?§ Mayor's letter sent to Committee on Public Buildings. 05 27 1869;? 3.f : Petition from J. Schenck referred to Committee on Public Buildings. , 09 07 1869;5 4.';; Public Buildings Committee members: E.M. Shoemaker and James Lowry. p, 09 05 i' 1870?y 5.?? Committee approved work to be done on pavement in front of Courthouse. 09 22 1870'i,? ? 6. S Request for gas burner for Courthouse referred to Cammittee on Public Buildings. 10 03 ?. 1870i< 7. :'{ Committee received matter of furnishing iron shutter, repairing gutters and leaders to roof for office of 10 Clerk of Superior Court. ; 8. ? Comrnitree ta fvrnish room to be used for the County Board. 11 9. More time requested on shutter for Superior Court Clerk's office. 11 10. Committee received matter of repairing Jail floor. 12 11. Committee received Clerk of Superior Court Mann's request for a new grate. 02 12. J.C. Wood' s claim for services as Treasurer of Public Buildings referred to special committee. 02 13. Committee approved claim of J.C. Wood as Treasurer of Public Buildings. 03 14. .Committee received Sheriff's request for blankets and mattresses for Jail. 03 15. ;Report app roved for purchase of blankets and mattresses for Jail. (See JAIL) 04 16. .a Request fr om Sheriff to have Jail wall built up so objects cannot be thrown in cell windows received. 04 17. ,. Request fo r bucket, water-cooler, and two glasses for Courtroom received. , . 05 18. : Committee received petition of Sheriff for necessary clothes for prisoners in Jail. 05 19. ' Judge of Probate Mann requested window shades for his office. 05 20. , Committee received letter ?rom Lodge No. 1 Knights of Pythias. 07 21. Report on condition of Jail referred to Committee on Public Buildings. 09 22. ? Committee on Public Buildings has until next meeting to submit plans for Jail improvements. 10 23. Committee given more time to report on Jail repairs. „ 10 24. ,,Committee received petition from Courthouse officials to build a shed on Courthouse lot. , 11 25. ? Committee received Register of Deed's request for more pigeon holes. „ 12 26. :Committee to repair turrets on Jail. O1 27. ., Committee received Mr. Scott`s petition. (SEE POOR HOUSE) „ Ol 28. .: Committee to ascertain cost of erecting a building at Poor House for the insane. , 02 29. .;;Committee and a competent builder to examine condition of Jail and report on most economical means to , , 02 repai r it. 30. ?; Committee received petition from College of Physicians and Surgeons. 03 31. Matter of Jail referred to this Committee. 03 32. ,Committee given more time on repair of Jail, but holes in third story to be stopped up. 04 33. , Committee received matter of putting a pump or well in Courthouse yard. . 06 34. , Members newly appointed to Committee: Commissioners Martin, Shoemaker, and Lowrey. , 09 35. Committee received matter of outhouse adjoining Courthouse. , 09 36. ? Committee recommended new water closet for outhouse at Courthouse. 09 37. ,; Committee to render a cost estimate for water closet for Courthouse. , . 09 38. ?;Committee authorized to make alterations on outhouse at Courthouse. „ 09 39. ,;Committee to estimate cost of an addition on Courthouse for use of Register of Deeds and Commissioners. 09 40. .; Matter of erecting water closet in Courthouse yard referred for more consideration. 09 41. ,;Committee , received request from Jailor Nash for cooking stove for Jail. 09 42. ;pCommittee reports Jail needs cooking stove. , 09 43. k;Committee '? to ascertain cost of heating Jail during winter 09 44. f;Report on improvements on Jail and Register's office filed. 10 ? ? { i 13 1870 ? ,? 07 1870' 07 1870 10 1870 06 1871 13 1871`' 06 1871 31 1871 ?; 05 1871. 22 1871.; O1 1871;„ 12 1871 `? ;` 27 1871,., 05 1871, 23 I871 02 1871 07 1871: 07 1871; 04 1871 _; 08 1872^ 23 1872;? 05 1872,; 12 1872 04 1872;' 11 1872. 05 1872., 24 1872,; 02 1872 03 1872. 04 1872;: 04 1872'„ 06 1872;; 1Z 1872:, 12 1872?;? 17 1872?:; 23 1872,N 23 1872.3 02 1872:M ?? MINUTE BOOK ?? Vol. I Page ? ? ?? 1 180 i? Is 1 244 ' 1 318 ? 1 486 2 17 ? 2 27 ?? ??t 2 3 7 ?; a? i; ??, 2 79 ,;t 2 79 2 100 °' 2 121 °„ :i 2 125 '? 2 129 ?; ?? ;? 2 131 ?' Y !y I. 2 139 6? I; 2 149 ?; <? 2 152 ?j P. 2 157 ?s 2 166 ?s i 2 190 ?? ?? 2 223 ?; ?, i? 2 225 ?r b? k: 2 229 ?? i? 2 240 ?? 2 246 ?? 2 282 :'? 2 285 ,y s? 2 289 ? 2 291 2 293 2 299 2 313 2 330 2 353 2 352 ;; 2 358 ;; ?? 2 358 !; ? ? 2 361 „ i6 2 365 ? i< 2 365 a£ , i 2 367 r? , 2 369 !s 3; ?, 2 369 ?? E 2 373 f INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover Count? N. C. MATTER: ILDINGS , _ COMMITTEE ` eeo. u. s. County Indezee Since t888 To toeate names, open at COTi A•Z TAB INDEX r?r OFFIGE ??JyJ? An Idenrifying Trade Mark SURNAME INiT1AL TAB MADE BY TH@ CQTT INDEX COMPANV, COLUMBUS, OHIO .. SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA DATE cy MINUTE BOOK ?? NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS ' r .. Month I Day ( I Year ? VoL I Page .f 4 1.? Committee reported a two story addition to Courthouse is needed for Register and Board. . 10 03 1872?,^ 2 376 rI. ?a _ 2. Committee to suggest plans, specifications, and estimates of cost for addition on Courthouse. ?. 10 03 1872': , 2 376 ?, a 3. Committee to obtain bids for addition to Courthouse and contract the lowest bidder. ?• 10 03 1872,' tk 2 376 ? ? 4. Committee reported they have ordered cook stove for Jail and a new floor is to be laid in the kitchen. . 10 03 1872';a 2 376 ?, 5.? Committee reports efforts to heat and ventilate cells being made. 10 03 1872;' 2 376 . ` 6.p? Committee reports new Jai1 is needed since present one is so dilapidated. , 10 03 1872.+ ,? Z 376 ` ?? 7.?w ? Committee recommends sash be put in windows, tower on top of Jail be repaired, water pipes and washing 10 03 1872.ti 2 377 &? ?? arrangements be repaired. ?, 8. «f Comzrzittee a?ztt?orized to have above work done. 9.y Committee received letter from Grand Jury on water closet at Courthouse. 10." Committee to visit Jail and supply bedding and heating and floor over cells if needed. ,11.:; Commissioner Rice temporarily appointed to act on Conunittee in absence of Mr. Martin. ?i ,12.?? Letter from Sheriff Black concerning stationary and furnifiure for his office received. z. 13.?; Committee reported bedding ordered for Jail. _ ,s 14.;a Committee reported heater placed in second story with registers in third story of Jail. ?? a ,15.r? Committee recommends inside grating on windows in Jail be removed and sold. i? ?i .16.;i Committee recommends employment of night guard to patrol corridor and cells and be in charge of heating unit in Jail. 10 03 1872; 2 10 28 1872 2 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 17.?y ? Committee recommends narrow wooden bed?.rames be built within iron work and placed in each cell of Jail. 11 18.? p? Committee recommends new sashes and repair of old in window of Jail. 11 .19.?? , Committee recommends cost of bedframes be authorized. 11 , ,20. Committee to furnish new pump or repair old one for the Jail. 12 4;? 21."± ? ?? Committee to put water and sewer pipes in order in Jai1. . 12 ,22.R? , Committee to purchase forty_suits of clothing, all the same, for prisoners. 12 ? ,23.;? ,r Matter of night watchman's duties at Jail to be considered. 12 ,24.;? ', Committee received request from Earnest Bany to use Courtyard to erect a gymnasium. Ol ,25.?; , Committee received request from Rob Roy Club to use Courtyard for games. Ol 26.r; . ?? Committee to visit Courthouse and have necessary repairs and refurnishing done. 02 C; 27.:.± • Fz Committee to furnish gas fixtures, carpets, rug and washstand for Commissioners'room and Register's office. . 03 28.`! s New Committee members: S.N. Martin, L. Rice and J. Chadbourn. ? 03 ,? 29.?? c Committee to procure a place to keep Standard Weights and Measures. 03 i 30.?? ? Members appointed to Committee: James Wilson J. Wagner and Delaware Nixon. 09 ; 31.;? , ? Report from Public Building Committee filed. 11 32.;? Committee to ascertain necessity of night watchman at Jail. 11 °? 33.'? Received request from John Orrell, jail watchman, for pay increase, . ., k 34.0? Committee recommends Zights be put in Jail windows and clothing and bedding for prisoners. 35.'; Committee received request from J.J. Cassidey to erect an office on vacant land next to Courthouse. ? ?, 36.?? Board received and filed this Committee's report. . f, 37.i' Board received request from H.E. Scott for repairs on Poor House. ?? 38.'? Report from Committee on Public Buildings spread on minutes. • i' 39.! , i 40. 41.? i 42.? ; 43. ? 'I Committee reports Jail houses sixteen males and 6 females, and all doing well. I, Committee on Public Buidlings appointed: J.G. Wagner, S. Van Amringe, and D. Nixon. New members on Committee: J. Wagner, D. Nixon and D. Holmes. ?I Chairman and this Committee are to have repairs made on wall in Jail yard. Committee to make permanent arrangements in rear of Sheriff's office to keep weights and measurers of Standard Keeper. 11 O1 O1 07 1872 07 I872 07 1872 09 1872. 09 1872 09 1872y 09 1872 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Z 2 09 1872' 13 1872 13 1872 16 1872 16 1872 16 1872 16 1872 21 1873 Z1 1873 19 1873 10 1873 24 1873 24 1873 16 1874 02 1874 16 1874 16 1874 05 1875 05 1875 03 03 1875 05 17 1875. 08 03 1875, 08 03 1875, 10 12 1875_. Ol 03 1877 03 05 1877. 10 03 1877 2 3 3 3 377 386 391 391 391 395 395 395 395 395 397 397 405 405 405 405 424 ? 424 24 38 43 3 43 3 262 J 3 271 3 279 3 279 3 290 3 291 3 307 3 328 3 363 3 363 ; 3 387 3 518 3 3 530 626 .. „ ?, C a g?, i? INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES ?1 H C N C anover -- ew ount?, . . , MATTER: PARKS F? RECRE ATION _ aec. u. s. Counry lndezea Since 1888 YO IOCOt9 names, open C} ??t OFFICE ?a ?l? An Identifying Trade Mark ? SURNAME INIiIAL TAB COTT A-Z TAB INDEX MADE YY THE COTT INDEX COMPAHY, COLUMBUS, OHIO , SOLD BY OWE N G. DUNN, NEW B ERN, NORi H CAROLINA NATURE OF PRQCEEDIMGS DATE MINUTE BOOK Month I Day I Year Vol. I Page 1. Carolina light and Power to install lights at Hugh MacRae park. 05 21 1956 12 70 2. Resolution to convey Legion Stadium to City of Wilmington. 05 21 1956 12 70 3. City to transfer portion of Legion Sta, bond to Federal Government. 05 21 1956 12 72 4. Invitation to Little League opening game. 06 04 1956 12 74 5. Letter of thanks from the Optimist Club of Winter Park. 06 11 1956 12 75 6. Reauest for bleachers referred to clerk to contract City Manager. 06 25 1956 12 78 7. Request granted to furnish worms to Greenfield Lake. 06 25 1956 12 78 8. State Forester to mark trees for removal in Hugh MacRae Park. 07 09 1956 12 S1 9. Letter concerning insect damage to trees in Park. 07 23 1956 12 84 10. Communication referred to Mr. Rhoda Farrow to remove unsightly objects from park premises. 07 23 1956 12 85 11. Damaged trees to be cut. 07 30 1956 12 85 12. Received contract concerning electric for Little League Ball. 07 30 195b 12 86 13, Letter of thanks from optimist club of Winter Park. 08 20 1956 12 91 14. The trees to be cut and removed by Mr. James Holder. 08 27 1956 12 92 15. Decision of Legion Stadium referred to Mr. Hall and Mr. Holton to confer with Local post. 10 Ol 1956 12 98 16. Mr. Holton reported on Legion Stadium. 10 08 1956 12 99 17. Approved request of funds for Azalea open tournament. 10 08 1956 12 99 18. Mr. Holton reported on Legion Stadium. 10 15 1956 12 101 19. Resolution concerning Legion Stadium. IO 22 1956 12 103 20. County join city in signing lease part of Legion Sta, to U. S. for Government Armory. 11 05 1956 12 105 21. Letter concerning Legion Stadium. 11 19 1956 12 107 22. The Board declined request for prize money to New Hanover Fishing Club. 11 26 1956 12 i10 23. The Clerk to arrange meeting for County, City and American Legion to discuss Legion Stadium. 12 03 1956 12 112 24. Meeting of County, City and American Legion Committee. 12 10 1956 12 114 25. American Legion lift restrictions on Legion Stadium. 12 17 1956 12 116 26. Board approve a proposed draft of a bill to release restrictions and convey property of Legion Stad. to 12 31 1956 12 11? city. 27. Legal status of park near 39th street to be investigated. 1957 12 28. County attorney to prepare deed transferring Legion Stadium. 05 13 1957 12 152 29. Deed presented, referred to Chairman to present to City Council. 05 20 1957 12 153 30. Request to clean athletic Field Seabreeze referred to Mr. Rivenbark. 05 20 1957 12 153 31. Funds for baseball team under consideration. 08 09 1957 12 174 32. Park cleaning referred to State Forester. O1 :'0 1958 12 216 33. Authorized erection of fence Little League Park, Winter Park. 03 24 1958 12 236 34. Report on Little League for County outside City limits. 05 19 I958 I2 257 35. Request for funds for bleachers in Hugh MacRae Park granted. 05 19 1958 12 257 36. Letter concerning "Keep North Carolina Beautiful" 09 08 1958 12 300 37. Board to study improvement of Parks and Recreation., OZ 02 1959 12 369 38. Wilmington Advisory Recreaction Commission to hold public hearing to hear needs and desires of people. 04 06 1959 12 409 39. Approved Firework display at Skyline Drive in Theater. 04 20 1959 12 420 40. Permission granted to construct power line along edge Hugh McRae Park. O1 09 1955 12 33 41. Facilities to be increased in Hugh MacRae Park for ball diamond. 02 27 1955 12 48 42. Approved lights for Hugh MacRae Park Baseball Diamonds. OS 14 I955 12 68 43. Carolina Light and Power Co. granted right of way to insta?l li ghts. (,?5 21 1955 12 70 44. Invitation to Little League Opening game. 06 04 1955 12 74 45. Letter of thanks from the Optimist Club o? Winter park. 06 11 1955 12 75 ? INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - N H C t N C ILD INGS anover ew oun ?, . . _ MATTER: COMMI TTEE = ¦co. u. s. ? `-?/f??? County Indezee Since 1886 ?'r ?,.a-- To locats namea, open at COTT A•Z TAB INDEX ??r o?f?cs C.?s/?fK.o-?i An Identifying Trsde Meric ?? SURNAME INITIAL TAB MADE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHtO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA ?l FA ?3 NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS ` ' DATE i? '? ' MINUTE BOOK i? =V # Month I Day I Year ?; Vol. I Page ?? 1. ?, FyPetition relative to repairs on Poor House referred to Committee on Public Buildings. 03 - - 18 1878+k 3 ? 714 ? ' a 2. ??New members on Public Buildings Committee: H.A. Bagg and A.J. Grady. , 12 02 1878;' 4 2 { 3. ? ;.'Matter of painting Jail referred to Public Buildings Committee. w'r 12 18 1878(? f i 4 6, i 4. ??Committee on Public Buildings reported progress. ?? Ol 06 'i 1879;; ;? 4 ?,? 10 '! ?? 5. 'y Committee on Public Buildings awarded F.M. King and Co. contract for putting iron shutters on Courthouse ' O1 ? 15 1879!? 4 15 ?? windows. .. „ r Y; ,; 9s ? 6. 'Public Buildings Committee to erect an additional building on Poor House premises. Ol 12 1881 4 269 i? ? p; 7. ' Roger Moore appointed to Public Buildings Committee in place of W.L. Smith. ? 04 04 1881' 4 !1 282 ?; ?A 8. ; Public Buildings Committee to investigate ventilation of Courthouse. 06 18 1881: 4 304 4; 9. Roger Moore, James A. Montgomery and Horace A. Bagg appointed to Public Buildings Committee. 12 04 1882 4 433 ? ?' 10. Matter of roofing Hospital part of Poor House referred to Committee on Public Buildings. 05 03 1886 4 709 ; 11. ,, New Committee members: Roger Moore, J.A. Montgomery, and H.A. Bagg. Ol 17 1887 4 774 12. Men appointed to Public Buildings Committee: Roger Moorea J.A, Montgomery and H,A, Bagg, 12 O1 1890 5 285 ". ., s; I; 13. Men appointed to Public Buildings Committee: J.C. Stevenson, B,S. Montford and H.A. Bagg, . ? 12 . 03 1894, .. 5 596 ' :a 14. ?Public Buildings members appointed: Commissioners Moore, Barry and Cowan. 07 .. 26 1898; ?: 6 ! 156 `? ?: 15. ?Committee members appointed: Roger Moore, James Cowan and John Barry. 05 ? 02 1898 ` 6 164 ,? ?? 16. Committee members appointed: D, McEachern, W.F. Alexander and Roger Mor?re. . 03 .. 06 1899 , 6 236 I' i, 17. F?Committee members appointed: Commissioners Moore, Holmes and Alexander. 12 20 1899 6 I4 366 18. 'Committee members appointed: Commissioners Vollers, Alexander and Montogmery. 06 ? 04 1900:{ 6 447 ` I? 19. , Rev. D.C. S. Blackwell, President of Associated Charities, requested repairs on their room; referred to 11 OS 1900?; 6 484 t this Committee. ?? 20. ,This Committee to have plumbling repaired in Jai1 and fence painted around Courthouse. 11 OS 1900,; 6 484 ;; i, 21. Building Committee to investigate an estimate £or rearranging; the Courtroom. O1 07 1901;, 6 512 j ; F+ 22. ;Committee members appointed: Commissioners Vollers, Robertson and McEachern. , 02 02 1903;; 6 701 E; 23. Action of Public Buildings Committee in renting rooms in old Courthouse to Sargents Co. approved. . 03 06 1905 ` 7 20 ' i? 24. ;Building Committee to have inside of Jailers quarters painted. 04 . 03 1905 ?. 7 23 j? I; 25. Request from Superintendent of Health for removal of petition under stairs referred to this Committee. -? 06 . 05 1905 7 27 ? ?i 26. Bid of Pauly Jail Co. to enlarge cells for insane referred to this Committee. ? 07 03 1905 • ° 7 34 ?'. !' 27. Letter from South Easter Insurance Assoc. referred to this Committee. . 11 06 1905. , 7 ,s 40 '? ?; 28. This Committee contracted Edward Capps to paint Jail's roof. . Ol . 02 1906 7 46 ?. 29. Report from Grand Jury on public buildings referred to this Committee. 08 06 1906' 7 ?. 59 " ,: 30. Plans for Jail improvements from Mr. Leitner referred to this Committee. , 11 06 1906' 7 65 ?? I 31. Bids to furnish coal for County institutions referred to this Committee. ; 12 03 1906 7 +. 68 ?? 32. This Committee reported contract for furnishing coal to County institutions awarded to Springer Goal Co. Ol 07 1907 .. 7 74 ?,. 33. This Committee to extend vaults in offices of Superior Court Clerk and Register of Deeds. 05 07 1907 7 $7 `:y ; 34. Chairman of Public Buildings Committee asked to use convicts to grade Jail's yard; granted. 05 07 1907 7 87 ?? 35. „Board of Alderman requested use of grounds around Courthouse for playground for children; referred to this 06 03 1907 7 89 Committee. 36. .:Chairman of Committee reported repairs in Jail had been completed and Jai1 in good condition. 08 37. ;Report from Public Buildings Committee on Courthouse boiler. „ 09 38. Matter of Janitor collecting money from Sheriff for removing cots for jurors referred to this Committee. 10 39. This Committee to furnish more shelves and files for offices of Register of Deeds and Court Clerk. „ 04 40. ,.Request from Rev. R,W. Hoge to use Courthouse yard as playground for children referred to this Committee. 07 41. ;Use of fire extinguishers in public buildings as recommended by J.F. Newbeging referred to this Committee., 09 42. 'Letters from A.M. Waddell and R.D.W. Conner of N.C. Historical Commission referred to this Committee. (See. 09 :; REGISTER OF DEEDS) , 05 1907 ?, 03 1907 ? 07 1907 ,;, 06 1908 ,! 06 1908 08 1908 ., 08 1908 ; 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 105 108 111 130 136 144 145 ?i H INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - N t C DINGS N C PU anover ew oun ?, . . _ MATTER: COMMIT TEE a Aec. u. s. /J? Counry Indezee Since IB88 ? To locate namea, open at ?? An Identifying Trade Mark SURNAME INITIAL TAB ?AT OFFICE C Zc t coTT A-z TAB iNDex MADE BY THE CQTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO - _ d SOLO BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NOR TH CAROLINA y ?9 ;, DATE ;°; MINUT E BOOK ;;? NATURE OF PROCEED(NGS ?, Month Day Year (' ?';? Vol. Page `, , l. . Sheriff's request for Jail supplies referred to this Committee. 10 05 190$: , 7 152 ; 2.? ? Bid from Springer Coal Co. to furnish coal for County referred to this Committee. 12 07 " 190$' r; 7 160 `. 3. . Public Buildings Committee: H.L. Vollers, D. McEachern and M.W. Divine. Ol 04 , 1909 7 164? ?; 4. , Public Buildings Committee received request from Register of Deeds for another typewriter. ?, Ol 04 y. 1909, 7 166 .. 5. Committee reported progress in enlarging shelves and files ?ef Register's and Superior Court Clerk's office;. 02 O1 190?` 7 168,y 6. Committee reported a new typewriter had been ordered for office of Register of Deeds. 02 Ol 190?? 7 169 t 7.? Plans and bids presented by Architect J.F. Lectner for fireproof floors for Courthouse referred to this 04 05 ? 190? 7 173 y ? Committee. . ?? ?? . . 8.?? Matter of blankets for Jail referred to this Committee. 10 , 9.' _, Matter of decorating Courthouse for Taft Day referred to this Committee. 11 10.?; Courthouse decorated for Taft Day by Public Buildings Committee. 12 11.?? Public Buildings Committee: H.L. Vollers, D. McEachern and M.W. Divine. 12 12.?? Grand Jury's report relative to Courthouse referred to this Committee. 02 13. ? Plans from L.O. Smith to heat County Home referred to this Committee. 11 ? ?, ,14.r' Committee members: H.L. Vollers, D. McEachern, M.W. Divine. O1 15.?? ?? Letter from Superior Court Clerk on chairs for Jury Box and other matters relative to Courtroom referred , 06 ,, k? , t; o this Committee. . „ ?g ,16.?? Register's request for another typewriter referred to this Committee. , 06 .; ,17.?? Board to recommend improvements for Courthouse to this Committee. „ 06 .18.k Request from City Council for sidewalk referred to this Committee. , . 10 19.?h ? Question of purchasing an adding machine referred to Buildings Committee. 10 20.„; Public Buildings Committee. H.L. Vollers, D. McEAchern and M.W. Divine. Ol ?; ?: 21.'; This Committee to acquire a safe and a copy of Pells Revisal for the Recorder's Court. Ol E? ? 22.` , F This Committee to screen doors and windows in Jail as suggested by Superintendent of Health. 05 " ? 23.? Public Buildings Committee: W.A. McGirt, W.E. Yopp and V. Ban B. Metts. 12 . y ? ? . 24.; . ? Public Buildings Committee (Courthouse): J. Van B. Metts, W.A. McGirt and W.E. Yopp. , 12 . E 25.?? Buildings Committee recommended improvements in Sheriff's office. 05 ?a 26.?; k This Committee to consult with City Council relative to consolidating Health Department headquarters. . 05 . k 27.?? ? Matter of connecting Court and Jail to City sewage system referred to Buildings Committee. 07 ? a 28.?? Changes needed in office of Superior Court Clerk to facilitate business referred to this Committee. O1 i4 29.?? ? Committee on Public Buildings to purchase plumbing tools. 12 30.?? Matter of heating Courthouse referred to Building Committee. 05 !; ,31.E? John Shepard appeared relative to metal stripping for Courthouse doors and windows; referred to this ? , 05 04 1905 O1 1909 06 1909 06 1909 07 1910 07 1910 05 1911 05 1911 05 1911; 05 1917,? 02 1911,; OS 1911 02 1912. 02 1912 06 1912 09 1912: 09 1912? 05 1913 29 1913 07 1913 14 1915: 21 1917; 06 1918:_ 06 1918.n 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 183 , 183 185 187 „ 190 201 208 223 . 223 „ 223 ., 233 ,: 234 241 241 249 267 267 291 295 ? 309 429 655 696 , 696 Committee. INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES -- New Hanover County, N. C. , MATTER: pUBLIC EMPL?O?NT REG. U. S. r?. / County lnde:es Since 1888 TO I?Cib 11?III?f? ?pai at INADE BY THE COiT NDEX TCOMPANY, COLdMtYS, ONIO e?r ovv?ce L.?s??1,? An ldentiEyinB Trade Mark ? EURNAY[ INRIAL TAS SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN CO., NEW BERN. N. C. NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS DATE Month Day Year MINUTE BOOK Vol. Pnge 1. Approval bid on CETA Title I Funds 06 19 1978 18 230 2. Budget Amendment - Highway Beautification Program 07 03 1978 18 245 INDEX TO CO?IMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover N. C. County HOOL MATTER: , _ COMMITTEE a Rea. u. s. County Indezes Since 1888 e?r o?r?ce ?t?71C4-7? An Identifyin¢ Trade Mar? To locate names, open at ? SURNAME iNIT1AL TAB COTT A-Z TAB INDEX MADE BY THE COTT INDEX COMYANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLO BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA t' . " DAiE ' tl 3 ? ;; MINUTE BOOK ? ? ? NATIlRE OF PROCEfDINGS E ?' Month ? Day ? Year ?? VoL ? ,? Page ?? ? ?? i,!k Standing committee on Public Schools appointed: A.R. Black, James Lowrey, and S.W. Martin. ? - 09 21 ;i ? 1870=a 2 8 j ; r, , 2.r? Letter from school commissioners of Cape Fear Township regarding building schools referred to School , 09 21 1870?' 2 8? 3. 4. 5. i , g j Committee. ; i? r? ; Reports on school referred to this committee. 10 17 1870;a 2 71 ?' ? ? Report of former school committee filed. 10 30 1871;1 2 236 ? ? Committee received petition for building fence between Red Cross and Campbell Streets. ; 05 29 187Z" 2 321 i SSIONERS MINUTES N C N H C - INDEX TO COMMI anover ounty, . . ew MATTER: PUBLIC WORKS _ ? Rec. u. s. ?j _?? County Indezee Since 1888 r?r OFFIC[ C?C?,te/J7l:eo?i An ldentifying Trade Marlc ? To toeats names, open at SURNAME INITIAL 7AB COTT A•Z TAB IkDEX MADE BY THE CQTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA ,? ' DATE ? NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS °i ? ` M h D ? Y . ont I ay I ear i ?? 1.??Bi11 from George Mosely for hauling sawdust approved. „? ; 10 05 1869? ? i; 2.?3 Letter from C. Harriss, Superintendent af Public Works, received. 02 09 `A 1870?R 3.? H. Hall's bi11 as scavenger ap?proved. "? 06 r? 08 1870?p ?3 4.??H. Hall's bill for scavenger at Cou?ttrvuse approved. 07 06 i? 1870s? :? 5.;; Harry Hall's bill for filth removal from Courthouse yard ,? ? approved. ' 08 29 1870`? 6.;'A. Jones' bill as scavenger of Courthouse approved. 10 13 . 1870ra ?? '? 7.q,A. Jones' scavenger bill approved. 8.?yA. Jones' bill as city scavenger a?p?proved. 9.;.:Toney Ashe and A. Jones' bill for moving oil approved. 10.. Bill from A. Jones as city scavenger approved. 1L ?Bill from A. Jones as city scavenger approved. 12. ;Scavenger's bi11 from A. Jones approved. 13. Bill from A. Jones as scavenger approved. 14. ,Bill from A. Jones as scavenger approved. 15. ,?Letter from D.M. Dart relative to work on County property laid on table. 16. .Chairman to sell boiler of County now at Poor House. 17. ?J.A. Farrow elected Fish Inspector of County. 18. P Board to furnish each County officer with one ton of coal for winter's supply. 19. ,;Chairman shows receipt for rent of shingle timber. 20. ;,Money appropriated for State Exposition. 21. ,; Executive Committee of Donald McRae, B.F. Hall and Clayton Giles to prepare exhibition for October , Exposition at Raleigh. 22. ;John Farrow failed to give bond as Fish Inspector so post declared vacant. 23. ;rJ.W. Alderman appointed Fish Inspector. 24. Money allowed Messrs. Aa11,Giles and McRae for State Exposition. 25. County Attorney to draw up contract with American Suburban Corp. to lay water pipes and sidewalks. 26. '' Committee to confer with City officials relative to establishing a municipal woodyard. 27. :Auditor to borrow money for extermination of the mosquito around shipyard. ? 28. Part of money for mosquito extermination deposited with Treasurer Orrell. 29. ,Matter of maintenance of Rest Room deferred to next meeting. :a 30. ; iBoard to pay Mrs. Jessie S. Williams for taking traffic census at Winter Park Gardens. 31. ?Request from Treasurer of Rest Room for expense money referred to committee. 32. .;Money allowed for maintenance of rest rooms by Housewives League. 33. Money allowed for maintenance of Ladies Rest Room. 34. `Board allowed money for a State Forest Fire Warden. 35. Action deferred on appointing a Fire and Game Warden. 36. W. T. Mercer and E. G. Hall appointed Forest Fire Wardens. 37. jMoney allowed for N. C. Geological and Economic Survey for prevention of forest fires. 38. ''Matter of sinking a well at Ft. Fisher for public's use referred to G. W. Trask. 39. 'Contract not renewed between Board and N. C. Geological and Economic Survey to prevent forest fires 40. r ; Board allowed some money for prevention of forest fires. 41. :Men urged Board to continue grading fairgrounds and athletic fields. 42. ?yCo1. Walker Taylor absolved from any liability of damage done to monument of World War soldiers. 43. 'Matter of grading fairgrounds to be discussed with City authorities. '? 44. _?Money allowed N. C.Geological and Economic Survey for forest fire protection. ,? 45. , ;;County declined to do additional grading at Fairgrounds. '€ ? 12 09 1870?a 02 ., 06 1871:? ., , 04 05 1871?, 06 02 1871., 07 09 10 02 , 04 04 10 11 04 . 04 ? 04 08 ;. 08 12 . 06 Ol 06 07 09 09 10 ,. 12 04 10 11 12 07 ? 08 12 02 02 y 04 ' 06 ? 07 07 05 1871,: 06 1$71 . 02 1871; 05 1872.' ,', OZ 18?? ;' 16 1883 ??? Ol 1883;` „ 05 1883?; 'f 07 1884 '?; 07 1884 'ke 07 1884 ,k 11 1884'?' 11 1884'°` 22 1884 ' ,E 04 1906?? 15 1918 ; 03 1918 r ;? 02 1918 ': 02 1919 '". r: 13 1919 ? ;? 06 1919 s`. O1 1919 ' ?. 04 1921 ; 03 1921 r 07 1921 09 1921 28 1922 07 1922 .' :s 04 1922 ,4 05 1923 ,: 05 1923 ; E? 16 1923 ? 04 1923 : ,g OZ 1923.? 16 1923 Vd {; F? MINUTE BOOK Vol. ( Page ? i 1 332 ? 1 407 1 444 1 456 1 471 2 37 ? 2 99 2 123 ?? ,? 2 143 ;; 2 170 ? e? 2 180 ?; 2 220 '; 2 227 ?? s? 2 282 '; ,a E? 3 537 ?? 4 47 0 ?' ?; 4 499 ?, 4 505 4 540 4 541 5 541 4 572 4 572 4 600 7 54 7 661 8 11 8 14 8 74 8 77 8 80 8 89 8 150 8 175 8 179 8 183 8 206 8 207 8 218 8 227 8 227 8 239 8 243 8 24 7 8 252 ° {; i' s INDE? TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover Count?, N. G. _ MATTER: PUBLIC WORKS ` ¦ea. u, s. County Indezea Since 1888 ? To loeate names, open at COTT A•Z TAB INDEX r?r OFFICE (???y?!?a-?Es, An ldentiEying 7'rade Mark SURNAME INITIAL 7A6 MADE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA ? '? DATE `? MINUTE BOOK ;; NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS ?: Month I Day I Year . Vol. Page k. l. Action deferred on bids for County`s coal supply. 09 04 1923' .? 8 262 a, 2. Contracts awarded for County's coal supply. 09 10 1923, 8 262 ` 3? Bill paid N. C. Geological and Economic Survey for Forest Fires. ^ 11 05 1923 8 269 `; 4? ? Board declined to renew contract with N. C. Geological and Economic Survey for prevention of forest fires., 03 03 1924, 8 285 ` i 5,e Money allowed Forest Fire Prevention Survey group. 04 11 1924., 8 291 6. Auditor to purchase County's winter coal supply. 07 07 1924, 8 ;, 302 ,, I 7? Contract for County's winter coal supply awarded to Springer Coal Co. and Gardner and North. 08 04 1924 8 304 ,? 8?? Renewal of appropriation for State Forestry Dept. referred to Chairman and Mr. Trask. 09 16 1925. 8 352 y 9?? Bids received for County's coal supply and contracts awarded. 10 17 1925, 8 355 10:,? J. S. Holmes, State Forester, paid for Forest Fire prevention. Ol 04 1926 8 365 11.` Mr. Kimbell's request that Board allow money for forest fire prevention considered. 02 O1 1926 8 370 12: Board went into Executive Session on money for forest fire protection and action deferred. 02 OS 1926 8 371 ?, 13f? Matter of money for forest fire prevention deferred. 04 09 1926, 8 381 14:? Statement from Merchants Exhibit and Ladies Rest Room approved an?d Mrs. Marcus Jacobi appointed to 05 03 1926 8 384 ?? its Board. (see Committee Appointees) ? 15;? ;? Clerk to secure sealed bids for County's coal supply. 08 16?? Bids awarded for coal. , 08 , 17?? Ladies Restroom report filed. 09 18?N ? Ladies Restroom report filed. „ 11 19i ? Ladies Restroom report filed. .. 12 , 20?? Report delayed on forest fire prevention. 12 4? 21;! u Ladies Restroom report filed. O1 ! 22; Ladies Restroom report filed. ?2 ? 23dg ? Ladies Restroom report filed. 03 , s 24;; ?'s Ladies Restroom report filed 04 a. 25i? Ladies Restroom report filed. 05 « hf 26? Ladies Restroom report filed. 06 ;? 27:F ? Ladies Restroom report filed. ?? 28? Appropriations considered for August 16 on forest fire prevention, requested by J. H. Stone. OE 29? Appropriations for forest-fire prevention deferred. ?? tia 30s ? State conservation signed contract for forest fires. ?? 31w Ladies Restroom report filed. pc F? 32? ' E Ladies Restroom report filed. pc 4? 33r r Ladies Restroom report filed. 11 344 Ladies Restroom report filed. 1? 35M „ Ladies Restroom report filed. 1? 36? Ladies Restroom report filed. ?? 37? Statement filed on fire control. ?= 38? ? ? No action taken on resignation of E. R. Pickard, announced by Charles H. Flory, district forester. 0` 9 39? ?; Ladies Restroom report filed. „ Of :? 40? Henry Horne, R. F. Warren, Sr., and E.A. Orrell filed application for Game and Fire Warden. ? OE 41? k Ladies Restroom report filed. ?? ? 42;? Ladies Restr.oom report filed. ?f 43p? ? Ladies Restroom report filed. ?`• 44{ Ladies REstroom report filed. 1? 45? ?? ;! Ladies REstroom report filed. 1- 09 1926 8 20 1926 8 07 1926 „ 8 O1 1926 „, 8 06 1926 ,,. 8 10 Z926.? 8 02 1927 8 07 1927 8 07 1927 8 04 1927 8 02 1927{ 8 06 1927 8 05 1927 8 08 1927 8 16 1927 8 19 1927 8 06 1927 8 27 1927; 8 07 1927 8 06 1927 8 29 1927 8 05 1928: 8 13 1928: S 22 1928 8 04 1928:; 8 19 1928?. 8 02 1928, 8 06 1928„ 8 04 1928; 8 O1 1928 8 05 1928: 8 394 395 „ 396 , 403 411 „ 413 ., 421 424 428 ^. 433 433 445 y 451 451 457 , 458 461 465 469 475 480 491 493 511 „ 512 „ 518 , 518 „ 525 530 , 534 540 ?. :4 ?? INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS N?INUTES -- New Hanover Count?y, N. C. _ MATT RT PUBLIC WORKS nec. u, s. /????? County Indezea Since 1888 ? TO IOCatO names, ope? p} COTT A-Z TAB INDEX ??t oFFICE CnE?Cd? An IdentiE3+in8 Trade Mark SURNAME INITIAL TAB MADE EY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS.OHIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA NATURE OF PROCEEDIN6S DATE Month Day I Year l. Ladies Restroom report filed. O1 2. Ladies Restroom report filed. 03 3. Ladies Restroom report filed. 04 4. Ladies Restroom report filed. 05 5. Consideration ta ken and postponed on appropriations for coming year, requested by forest, W. A. Peterson. 05 6. Appropriations granted for 1929-30 to Forest Fire prevention. 05 7. Ladies Restroom report filed. 06 8. Ladies Restroom report filed. 07 9. Ladies Restroom report filed. 08 10. Ladies restroom report filed. O1 11. Ladies restroom rec{uested county to expense audits of books; declined by Board. 05 12. William. C. Hammerle, district forester, report filed on expenditures for July-May. 05 13. Ladies Restroom report filed. 06 14. Hammerl e requested Board to account for its attitude on forest fires. Allowed to use Commissioner's 06 office in annex. 15. Ladies restroom report filed. p'7 16. Meeting to be set with citizens on forest-fire prevention. p? 17. Ladies Restroom report filed. pg 18. Payment declined from state forester for Warden,J. H. Morse's salary; no appropriation set aside for it. 09 19. Ladies restroom report filed. 10 20. Ladies restroom report filed. 11 21. Ladies restroom report filed. 12 22. Receipt of letter from James E. L. Wade, Public Works commissioner, made for his expression of appreciation. 12 23. Ladies restroom report filed. O1 24. Ladies restroom report filed. 02 25. Ladies restroom report filed. 03 26. Ladies restroom request for increase in appropriations declined because funds not provided in budget. 03 27. Ladies restroom report filed. 06 28. Mrs. J . H. Dreh er and Miss Margaret M. Price of Ladies restroom, requested increase in appropriations, and 06 request taken under consideration. 29. W. C. Hammerle, district forester, requested declined $1,000 for forest fire prevention for 1931-32. 06 30. Ladies restroom report filed for June. 07 31. Clerk i nstructed to notify district forester on surrendering annex office for use of state highway dept. 08 32. Ladies restroom report filed for September. 10 33. Ladies restroom report filed for October. 11 34. Ladies restroom report filed for November. 12 35. Ladies restroom report filed for December. O1 36. Ladies restroom report filed for January. 02 37. Ladies restroom report filed for February. 03 38. Ladies restroom report filed. 05 39. Mrs. W. B. Cooper and Miss M. Price requested ladies restroom appropriation not be reduced, action deferred. 06 40. Ladies restroom report filed for June. 07 41. Ladies restroom report filed for July. 08 42. Ladies restroom report filed for August. 09 43. Thomas Hooper requested, declined payment for half of damages to St. John M. E. Church roof by fire. 09 44. Ladies restroom report received for Sept?mber. 10 22 1929 04 1929 09 1929 06 1929 14 1929 21 1929 18 1929 O1 1929 05 1929 06 1930 05 1930 27 1930 02 1930 17 1930 MINUTE BOOK Vol. I Page 8 553 8 562 8 569 8 573 8 574 8 5 74 8 579 8 582 8 587 9 16 9 42 9 43 9 45 9 45 07 1930 9 48 15 1930 9 49 04 1930 9 51 23 1930 9 61 06 1930 9 70 03 1930 9 75 O1 1930 9 78 23 1930 9 83 05 1931 9 85 02 1931 9 89 03 1931 9 95 02 1931 9 95 Ol 1931 9 110 22 1931 9 lI4 22 1931 9 114 13 1931 9 118 31 1931 9 125 19 1931 9 135 16 1931 9 13$ 07 1931 9 142 11 1932 9 148 08 1932 9 152 08 1932 9 156 09 1932 9 163 28 1932 9 167 18 1932 9 171 15 1932 9 176 26 1932 9 182 26 1932 9 182 17 1932 9 186 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover County N C MATi RT PUBLIC WORKS , . . , a Rcc. u. s. County Indezea Since 1888 ? TO lotate names? open at reT OFFICE ??? An Identifying Trade Mark SURNAME INITIAL TAB COTT A•2 TAB INDEX MADE QY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW B ERN, NORTH GROLINA NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS DATE MINUTE BOOK Month Day Yea? Vol. Page 1. Ladies restroom report received for October. 11 14 1932 9 190 2. Ladies restroom report received for November. 12 19 1932 9 195 3. Ladies restroom report filed for December. Ol 23 1933 9 200 4. Ladies restroom report filed for January. 02 13 1933 9 205 5. Lindsay Russell urged participation in President Roosevelt re-forestation program, but action deferred. 03 27 1933 9 211 6. Ladies restroom report received for March. 04 10 1933 9 215 7. Ladies restroom report filed for May. 06 05 1933 9 225 8. Ladies restroom report received for June. 07 19 1933 9 232 9. Ladies restroom report filed. 09 18 1933 9 250 10. Federal Emergency Administration of public works authorized meeting at Kinston. 09 18 - 933 9 250 11. Application of Fe?eral Emergency Admin. of Public Works meeting approved to aid Fort Fisher. 09 25 1933 9 251 12. Ladies restroom report filed. 10 09 1933 9 253 13. Same as above. 11 06 1933 9 257 14. Same. 12 11 1933 9 262 15. Same. O1 15 1934 9 267 16. Same. 03 12 1934 9 277 17. Same. 04 16 1934 9 281 18. Same. 05 14 1934 9 284 19. Same. 06 18 1934 9 289 20. Same. 07 17 1934 9 291 21. Same. 08 06 1934 9 295 22. Same. 08 17 1934 9 302 23. Same. 10 29 1934 9 308 24. Same. 12 02 1934 9 313 25. Same. 04 16 1935 9 334 26. Same. 05 13 1935 9 339 27. Same. 06 24 1935 9 352 28. Same. 07 15 1935 9 355 29. Same. 08 12 1935 9 374 30. Same. 09 09 1935 9 380 31. Same. 11 12 1935 9 391 32. Same. 12 02 1935 9 394 33. Same. O1 13 1936 9 400 34. Same. 02 17 1936 9 408 35. Same. 03 09 1936 9 413 , 36. Same. 04 20 1936 9 422 ' 37. Fire engine discussed, committee sought. 04 27 1936 9 423 38. Ladies restroom considered for monthly increase. 05 25 1936 9 433 39. Ladies restroom report filed for May. 06 15 1936 9 436 40. Communication rece?ved, considered on forest fires. 06 22 1936 9 438 41. District forester requested, considered for funds. 07 06 1936 9 439 42. Ladies restroom report filed for June. 07 13 1936 9 441 43. No actionlaken on forest fire prevention request. 07 20 1936 9 442 44. Ladies restroom report filed for July. 08 24 1936 9 449 45. Ladieszestroom report filed for August. 09 14 1936 9 452. 46. Ladies restroom report filed for October. 11 16 1936 9 463 INDEX TO COMMI55IONERS MINUTES - New Hanover County, N. C. , MATi RT PUBLIC WORKS ?ec. u. s. ?q???? County Indezea Since 1888 ?? la?Y-? 70 loeate names? open af COTT A•Z TAB INDEX r?r OFFICE ???,?t?i.K.o??.s An ldentifyiag'I?rade Mark ?`S SURNAME INITIAL TAB ?DE QY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS DATE Month Day Year l. Ladies restroom report filed for November. 2. CBC to answer questionaire of Federal Emergency administration of Public Works on schools. 3. Ladies restroom report filed for December. 4. Same filed for January. 5. Same filed for February. 6. Same filed for March. 7. Same filed for April. 8. Same filed for May. 9. Same filed for June. 10. Same filed for August. 11. Same filed for October. 12. Same filed for November. 13. Same filed for January. 14. Same filed for February. 15. Same filed for March. 16. Same filed for April. 17. Same filed for June. 18. Same filed for June. 19. Relief gardening program placed under PUblicNbrks and monthly report expected. 20. Gardening program appropriations fixed. 21. C. B. Rehder appointed director of gardening program and salary fixed. 22. Ladies restroom report filed for July. 23. Committee named to confer on repairs to llth and Orange streets. 24. Ladies restroom report filed. 25. Ladies restroom report filed for September. 26. Funds authorized to protect forest and homes against fires. 27. Ladies restroom report filed for November. 28. Ladies restroom report filed. 29. Same filed for January. 30. Same filed for February. 31. Same filed for April. 32. Same filed for May. 33. Same filed for June.. 34. Same filed for August. 35 Communication received on fire protection in County. 36. Ladies restroom report filed for September. 37. No action to be taken on fire department for county. 38. Ladies restroom report filed for October. 39. Ladies restroom report filed for November. 40. Motion carried to thank city for invitation to create fire dept. 41. Ladies restroom report filed for January. 42. Same filed for February. 43. Same filed for March. 44. Same filed for A.pril. 45. Same filed for May. 46. Ladies restroom request received for increase in budget. 12 14 1936 12 21 1936 Ol 18 1937 02 15 1937 03 22 1937 04 19 1937 05 17 1937 06 14 1937 07 12 1937 09 13 1937 11 08 1937 12 13 1937 02 14 1938 03 14 1938 04 11 1938 05 09 1938 06 13 1938 07 18 1938 08 02 1938 08 02 1938 08 02 1938 08 22 1938 08 29 1938 09 12 1938 10 02 1938 11 28 1938 12 12 1938 O1 16 1939 02 13 1939 03 I3 1939 05 15 1939 06 Q5 1939 07 31 1939 09 18 1939 10 16 1939 10 16 1939 11 13 1939 11 27 1939 12 11 1939 O1 15 1940 02 19 1940 03 18 1940 ?4 14 1940 05 20 1940 0 6 10 1940 06 17 1940 MINUTE BOOK Vol. Page 9 470 9 471 9 475 9 481 9 487 9 494 9 501 9 508 9 522 9 540 9 553 9 558 9 568 9 592 9 577 9 582 9 590 9 600 9 604 9 604 9 604 9 611 10 1 10 9 10 15 10 26 10 28 10 33 10 40 IO 45 10 57 10 61 10 70 10 83 10 89 10 89 10 94 10 9b 10 99 10 105 10 113 10 118 10 121 10 128 10 131 10 132 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES -- New Hanover Count N C T PUBLIC WORKS ! ?, . . , NiATTER nec. u. s. ?}? ,, Coun?y Indexea Since 1888 ? Yo locate namez, open af COTT A•2 TAB I NDEX ? r?T oFFICE C-(",c.tp//"!? An ldentilying Trade Mark SURNAME INITIAL TAB IMADE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA NATURE OF PRO(EEDINGS DATE MINUTE BOOK Month ( Day I Year Vol. ? Page 1. Ladies restroom report filed for June. 07 15 1940 10 139 2. Sarae filed for August. 08 OS 1940 10 145 3. Same filed for October. 11 12 1940 10 162 4. Public Works permitted fireworks display at Christmas Tree celebration. 12 09 1940 10 169 S. Ladies restroom report filed for November. 12 16 1940 10 170 6. Ladies restroom report filed for December. O1 20 1941 10 176 7. Same filed for February. 03 24 1941 10 190 8. Same filed for March. 04 21 1941 10 194 9. Ladies restroom committee request received on funds. 06 23 1941 10 211 10. Ladies restroom report filed for June. 07 14 1941 ?0 214 11. Same filed for July. 08 11 1941 10 223 12. Same filed for September. 10 20 1941 10 236 13. Same filed for October. 11 24 1941 10 242 14. Ladies restroom xeport filed for December. O1 19 1942 10 251 15. ?ame filed for January. 02 16 1942 10 259 16. Committee restroom report filed for February. 03 16 1942 10 263 17. Ladies restroom report filed for March. 04 10 1942 10 267 18. Same filed for April. 05 18 1942 10 272 19. Same filed for year. 06 08 1942 10 276 20. Same filed for June. 07 20 1942 10 283 21. Same filed for July. 08 10 1942 10 286 ?22. Same filed for August. 09 14 1942 10 292 23. Same filed for September. 10 12 1942 10 296 24. Same filed for October. 11 09 1942 10 301 25. Same filed for November. 12 14 1942 10 308 26. Ladies restroom report filed for December. Ol 18 1943 10 313 27. Same filed for Janaury. 03 08 1943 10 319 28. Communication received on assigning fire fighting vehicles to communities. 03 15 1943 10 320 29. Ladiesrestroom filed for March. 04 12 1943 10 325 30. Same filed for April. 05 17 1943 10 330 31. Same filed for May. 06 14 1943 10 335 32. Same filed for July. 08 02 1943 10 343 33. Same filed for August. 09 13 1943 10 348 34. Same filed for October. 11 15 1943 10 357 35. Same filed for 3?ovember. 12 13 1943 10 360 36. Same filed for December. O1 10 1944 10 363 37. Same filed for January. 02 07 1944 10 368 38. Same filed for February. 03 13 1944 10 374 39. Same filed for March. 04 10 1944 10 377 40. Same filed for April. 05 15 1944 10 383 41. Ladies restroom report received for budget consideration. 06 19 1944 10 392 42. Ladies restroom filed for June. 07 10 1944 10 394 43. Same filed for July. 08 14 1944 10 399 44. Same filed for Aug. 09 18 1944 10 405 45. Same filed for Sept. 10 09 1944 10 408 46. Petition filed, motion adopted to quarantee payment to city for fire equipment. 11 06 1944 10 412 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES -- New Hanover Count?, N. C. , MU JE ?arks & Recreation - rtE?. u. s. ?7? ? County Indesea Since 1888 ? te 1Oi11t? no111ff? Op?b OI COTT A•Z T?? INpEX Per OFFICE (.CwHtE/{'? An IdentiEying Trade Mark SURNAME INITIAL TAY ?ADE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHfO SOLD ?T OWEM i. YUNN, NEN tERN, NORTH GROLINA NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS l. Letter requesting Youth appreciation week, granted, Chairman authorized to sign : proclamation. 2. The Chairman was authorized as requested to write letter endorsing proposed plans of Little League Baseball Program. 3. Authorized Mr. Boardhurst and Exec. Sec, to meet with the Seagate Community Development Association on park problems. 4. Approved request to have Fire`aorks at Legion Stadium during Azelea Festival. 5. Budget meeting, approved $575.00 for Wilmington Athletic Association. 6. Mr. Mayhan to rrteet zaith Winter Park Officia?s regarding Litt?e League Playground. 7. Wrightsboro's Little League Playground referred to Mr. Mayhan. 8. Action tabled regarding establishing a Advisory Recreation Commission for the County. 9. No action taken on report of proposed Advisory Recreation Commission. 10. Prembroke Jones Park letter by J. Vermon Teague, urging development. 11. Permission granted for Firework display at Legion Stadium. 12. Letter to Mr. James Dixon regarding appropriation request for Youth Camp. 13. County participation in city parks and recreation 14. County participation in city parks and recreation 15. Additional parks 16. Additional help for maintenance of 17. Bid OPening - Pick-up truck _ 18. BId opening - pick-up truck DATE MINUTE BOOK Month Day Year Vol. Page 11 2 1959 12 510 2 1 1960 12 540 3 21 1960 12 557 3 20 1961 12 656 7 2b 1961 13 4 2 S 1962 13 63 3 19 1962 13 78 4 2 1962 13 87 4 16 1962 13 95 5 14 1962 13 105 3 18 1963 13 199 11 18 1963 13 274 07 08 1968 14 216 07 11 1968 14 221 11 18 1968 14 272 02 16 1970 14 ?+45 10 05 1970 14 536 10 19 1970 14 538 J 4 ?? INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES N H C N C - ew anover ount?, . . , MATT RT PUBLIC WORKS ` ncm. u, s. County Indezee Since 1888 r?T OFFICE ?,e,TJJl.?',s-?' An ldentifying Trade Mark ? To lotafe name5, open of SURNAME INITIAL TAB COTT A-Z TAB INDEX IMDE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OXIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORT H CAROLINA NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS DATE MINUTE BOOK Month Day Year Vol. Page 1. Ladies restroom report filed for October. 12 11 1944 10 418 2. Same filed for January. 02 26 1945 10 430 3. Same filed for February. 03 05 1945 10 431 4. Payment to city approved for responding to fire call at County home. 04 03 1945 10 433 5. Ladies restroom report filed for March. 04 09 1945 10 434 6. Same filed for May. 06 11 1945 10 444 7. Same filed for June. 07 16 1945 10 449 8. Same filed for July. 08 13 1945 10 453 9. Same filed for August. 09 10 1945 10 457 10. Same filed for Sept. 10 15 1945 10 462 11. Same filed for October. 11 13 1945 10 466 12. Same filed for November. 12 10 1945 10 470 13. Same filed for December. O1 14 1946 10 477 14. Same filed for January. 02 25 1946 10 482 15. Same filed for February. 03 11 1946 10 485 16. Same filed for March. 04 15 1946 10 492 17. Same filed for April. 05 13 1946 10 496 18. Same filed for May. 06 17 1946 10 501 19. Same filed for May. 06 24 1946 10 502 20. Same filed for June. 07 08 1946 10 503 21. Same filed for June. 08 12 1946 10 509 22. Same filed for June. 08 19 ]946 10 509 23. Fire reported; repairs advertised on buildings; plans to be prepared by architect. 08 19 1946 10 509 24. Ladies restroom report filed for Aug. 09 09 1946 10 515 25. Ladies restroom report filed for Sept. 10 07 1946 10 519 26. Same filed for Oct. 11 12 1946 10 525 27. Same filed for 6ct. 11 12 1946 10 525 28. Same filed for November. 12 09 1946 10 530 29. Same filed for December. O1 13 1947 10 533 30. Same filed for January. 02 10 1947 10 544 31. Same filed for February. 03 10 1947 10 549 32. Same filed for April. 05 12 1947 10 565 33. Ogden Civic Club request carried for forest fire protection. 05 19 1947 10 566 34. Forest fire protection discussed at length. 06 02 1947 10 569 35. Forest fire protection considered for budge t. 06 02 1943 10 569 36. Ladies restroom report filed for May. 06 09 1947 10 570 37. Same filed for June. 07 14 1947 10 575 38. Same filed for July. 08 11 1947 10 579 39. Same filed for August. 09 08 1947 10 584 40. Same filed for September. 10 06 1947 10 587 41. Same filed for October. 11 10 1947 10 594 42. Ladies restrooms report filed. 12 15 1947 11 5 43. Ladies restroom report filed. O1 12 1948 11 9 44. Same. 02 09 1948 11 13 45. Same. 03 08 1948 11 16 46. Same. 03 15 1948 11 17 N C INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES -- New Hanover County MATT RT PUBLIC WORKS , . . , ` nec. u. s. County Indexea Since 1888 To loeate nomBS? open pt ? ? COTT A•2 TAB INDEX IMDE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUIHBUS.OHIO SURNAME INITIAL TAB i?? An Identifying Trade Mark PAT oFFICE L, SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA DATE MINUiE BOOK NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS Month I Day I Yea? Vol. I Page 1. Ladies restroom report filed. 04 05 1948 11 20 2. Same. 05 10 1948 11 26 3. District Forester urge for county fire control received for consideration. 06 Ol 1948 11 30 4. Ladies restroom report filed. 06 (i7 1948 11 31 5. Same. 06 21 1948 11 33 6. Same. 07 06 1948 11 35 7. Same. 08 16 1948 11 40 8. Same. 09 07 1948 11 45 9. Same. 10 11 1948 11 51 10. Same. 11 08 1948 11 56 11. Same. 12 13 1948 11 62 12. Ladies restroom report filed. O1 10 1949 11 66 13. Ladies restroom report filed. O1 07 1949 11 73 14. Dangerous forest fires matter discussed at length. 03 14 1949 11 81 15. Ladies restroom report filed. 05 09 1949 11 92 16. District forester request received for forest fire protection. 05 17 1949 11 92 17. Ladies restroom report filed. 06 13 1949 11 100 18. Ladies restroom funds discontinued. 06 I3 1949 11 100 19. Motion failed on cooperating with State Conservation and Development on forest fire control. 07 18 1949 11 108 20. Fire Chief Ludie Croom filed report on fire hazards at J. Walker Hospital. 09 26 1949 11 123 21. N. C. Fire Chiefs Association meeting set for Raleigh, board to attend. 11 21 1949 11 136 22. Statement presented and read on forest fire control. O1 16 1950 11 :47 23. Motion carried for public meeting to prepare budget for fund for forest fire control. O1 16 1950 11 147 24. City Manager advisement received on Fire Dept. response to fire alarms. OI 23 1950 11 151 25. Statement read on forest fires protection. 02 06 1950 11 153 26. Discussion continued on fire protection after lengthydiscussion. 02 20 1950 11 158 27. J. 0. Richardson Fire Control Equip. Co., shows films on fire protection. 02 27 1950 11 159 28. Motion carried on City reauest to loan fire truck to County. 02 28 1950 11 160 29. Fire equipment favored; R. G. Kooser, Atlantic Coastline RR fire engineer explained equipment. 03 06 1950 11 161 30. Fire protection statement prepared. 03 06 1950 11 162 31. City loaned firetrucks to be placed at airport. 03 06 1950 11 162 32. Applications received for driver mechanic of fire truck. 03 06 1950 11 162 33. Loan of fire truck approved without cost to County. 03 13 1950 11 163 34. Date set to interview applicants for fire truck positions. 03 13 1950 11 164 35. Brush fires reported. 05 O1 .95fl lI 182 36. Ladies restroom report filed. 05 08 950 11 185 37. Robertson Chemical Co. letter of thanks received on fire assistance at his plant. 05 15 1950 11 186 38. Ladies restreom repprt filed. 06 12 1950 11 190 39. Motion carried to discuss fire protection at meeting. 06 19 1950 11 191 40. Motion seconded to discuss fire pretection at public meeting. 06 19 .950 11 191 41. Firemen report filed. 07 03 1950 11 193 42. Wrightsboro fire dept. invitation received for fire control demonstration. 07 17 1950 11 196 ? 43. Maffitt Village Fire Dept. extended appreciation for aiding Carolina Beach fire Dept. on fire. 07 31 1950 11 200 44. Fire equipment approved for purchase. 07 31 1950 11 200 45. Ladies restroom report filed. 08 07 1950 11 201 46. Firemen report filed. 08 28 1950 11 206 INDE? TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES --- New Hanover Count?y N C PUBLIC WORKS MATTER , . . • , ?eo. u. s. ??T OFFICE ?nJ? Counry Indexca Since 1888 l.?a-? An Identifying Trade Mark {??i ? fo locate namez, open at U? SURNAME INITIAL TAB COTi A-Z TAB INDEX MIADE BY iHE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH GROLINA NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS DATE Month Day Year MINUTE BOOK Vol, Page 1. Firemen report filed. 2. No action taken on extra help for fire dept. 3. Firemen report filed. 4. Closing of fire truck shed discussed to protect trucks. 5. Fire Dept. report filed. 6. Keep NHC Green sign requested along highways. 7. Ladies restroom report filed. 8. City Manager to request return of fire truck from county, if necessary. 9. Airport manager H. Hoyd, Jr. and fireman E. C. Burroughs to be sworn in as deputy sheriff. 10. Fireman report filed. 11. Attention called to Wrigl:?sbor? fire der?t. i;xpenses. 12. Fireman report filed. 13. Payment for cylinder authorized for Seagate Fire Dept. 14. District Forester Joseph Harlevick budget received for consideration. 15. Fireman report filed. 16. Firemen praised on extinguishing Ft. Fisher fire; housing authority offered to assume fire truck repairs. 17. Conservation and Development letter received outlining cooperation for fire protection. 18. Richmond Field Office of PHA to sell?Maffitt Village Fire Equipment. 19. Firemen report filed. 20. Purchase of trailer and tank authorized for Coun?? fire department. 21. Fire destroyed William Dyke Home due to delay in receiving call, firemen reported. 22. Ben McDonald report interview with Firemen association and Salisbury F. D. on Rowan County fire fighting. 23. PHA offer accepted on seling Maffitt Village Fire Equipment to County. 24. Request approved to move siren from R. V. Rogers store to Seagate fire dept. 25. Firemen report filed. 26. Fire pump problems discussed, referred to PHA; sale of unit recommended for new equipment. 27. Purchase of pressure pumping unit approved for county fire trucks. 28, Firemen report filed. 29. Firemen report filed. 30. Motion carried to install radio on fire trucks. 31. Fire chief Earl Burroughs request received for part-time relief fireman to be put on full-time. 32. Statement received on Fire Department appropriations and disbursements. 33. Statement received on Fire Department appropriations. 34. Firemen report filed. 35. Firemen report filed. 36. Firemen report filed. 37. Fire Chief J. L. Croom called to aid fire fighting. 38. Firemen report filed. 39. New fire truck discussed. 40. Fire fighting equipment discussed. 41. Payment to Jewell and Strickland and to Wilmington Scrap Iron ? metal approved for Wrightsboro and Winter Park fire depts. 42. Attention called to forest fire control, agreement urged for state cooperative fire control. 43. Whiteville Assistant Fire Warden asked to attend next meeting. 44. Wrightsboro Fire Dept. granted donation. 45. Whiteville state forester invited to meeting; funds for fire control under consideration. 10 30 1950 11 220 11 20 1950 11 225 11 27 1950 11 226 11 27 1950 11 226 Ol 22 1951 11 235 03 05 1951 11 246 03 12 1951 11 247 03 19 19 51 11 248 03 19 1951 11 249 04 09 1951 11 253 04 09 1951 11 254 04 30 1951 11 257 06 11 1951 11 264 06 11 1951 11 265 07 02 1951 11 267 07 16 1951 11 270 07 16 1951 11 270 07 30 1951 11 275 08 06 1951 11 277 08 20 1951 11 281 08 27 1951 11 283 08 27 1951 11 284 09 04 1951 11 286 09 10 1951 11 286 09 17 1951 11 287 10 10 1951 11 291 10 29 1951 11 298 11 12 1951 11 301 12 03 1951 11 306 12 10 1951 11 308 12 31 1951 11 309 O1 07 1952 11 311 Ol 07 1952 11 311 02 04 1952 11 315 03 03 1952 11 321 03 31 1952 11 327 04 07 1952 11 330 05 05 1952 11 334 05 05 1952 11 335 05 12 1952 11 336 06 23 1952 11 344 07 07 1952 11 346 fd7 07 1952 11 346 07 07 1952 11 350 07 07 1952 11 350 INDEA TO COMMISSIONERS MINUT?S -- New Hanover Count? N C MATT RT PUBLIC WORKS , . . _ ` aa?. u. s. County Indexee Since 1888 ? To loeate names, open at COTT A-I TAB INDEX PAT OFFICE C,?i?? An ldentifvins Trade Mark SURNAME INITIAI TAB MADE 6Y THE COTT INDEX COMPANY. COLUMBUS. OHIO SOLD BY OWE N 6. DUNN, NEW BE RN, NOR TH CAROLINA NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS DATE. MINUTE BOOK Month I Day Year Vol. I Page 1. Former Commissioner, C. W. Trask asked if he should join state cooperative forest fire program. 07 21 1952 11 352 2. Winter Park Fire Dept. authorized payment for services. 07 28 1952 11 356 3. Fire Chief E. C. Burroughs authorized payment terminating services. 07 31 1952 11 357 4. Delegation discussed fire protection; loan for equipment agreed. 08 05 1952 11 360 5. Fire Protection Program adopted, recommendation presented by fire dept. 09 15 1952 11 364 6. Fire protection meeting scheduled in Salisbury; H. J. Love to attend. 10 13 1952 11 371 7. New Hanover County-Winter Park fire dept. agreement received referred to fire inspection rep. W. Trask. 11 24 1952 11 380 8. Fire Chief H. E. DeHart rec{uested clarification on services outside of area; Winter Park VFD not to O1 OS 1953 11 389 go outside area. 9. Trask reported on forest fire extinguished. O1 12 1953 11 392 10. State Forester F. H. Claridge letter received on aiding in fire fighting. O1 26 1953 11 395 11. No objections raised on surplus pump and fire fighting equipment from Camp Lejeune for fire depts. 02 09 1953 11 398 12. Ogden VFD granted use of County jeep for one year. 02 09 1953 11 399 13. FIre Chief J. L. Croom written, congratulated on Wilmington Terminal Warehouse fire. 03 23 1953 11 409 14. Map covering Winter Park VFD presented new equipment needed. 04 13 1953 11 413 15. Wrightsboro VFD letter to J. L. Morison, Planning Eng. received on NHC large scale map for selling fire depts.04 20 1953 11 415 16. Fire protection meeting to be held at Oak Grove Church winter Park VFD letter received rn fire meeting. 04 20 1953 11 416 17. Letter of thanks presented for forest fire efforts in Masonboro. 06 O1 1953 11 425 18. Letter from forester T. S. Rhyne received on transfer of fire control Organization. 06 15 1953 11 428 19. Payment approved to Mrytle Grove VFD on fire fighting. 06 29 1953 11 432 20. Letter received from Ogden FD on cost to operate county jeep. 06 29 1953 11 433 21. Wrightsboro VFD trailer sold for fire equipment. 07 06 1953 11 434 22. Myrtle Grove VFD payment approved for inspection. 07 06 1953 11 434 . 23. Ogden VFD payment approved for inspection. 07 06 1953 11 434 24. Purchase of plow and tractor for fires under consideration. 07 13 1953 11 436 25. Complaints received on spectors blocking highways near fire scenes. OS 03 1953 11 442 ,26. Wrightsboro VFD contract for funds carried to 1953-54 fiscal year. 08 10 1953 11 444 27. State forest Joe Herlevich submitted names for state forester position. 08 17 1953 11 445 28. W. P. Jones application received for state forester. 08 17 1953 11 445 29. Applications received for state forester. 08 17 1953 11 445 30. L. M. Sullivan named state forester, salary to be increased. 08 17 1953 11 445 31. Appraisals on timber authorized for forest fire protection. 08 17 1953 11 445 32. Statement of expenditures for Forest fire control approved for payment. 10 12 1953 11 460 33. Fire Department meeting to be held on expenses. 10 26 1953 11 462 34. Ogden VFD approved for payment for truck. 11 16 1953 11 465 35. Winter Park VFD approved payment for truck and trailer. 11 16 1953 11 465 36. Wrightsboro VFD approved payment for truck and trailer. 11 16 1953 11 465 37. Castle Hayne approved payment for trailer. ?1 16 1953 11 465 38. Seagate approved payment for trailer. 11 16 1953 11 465 39. Report of forest fire control received from Forestry Division. 11 16 1953 11 466 40. Lancl owners requested to backfire land protection against forest fire destruction. 12 ?1 1953 11 476 41. Report on timber cruise reported by V. W. Herlevich. 12 21 1953 11 476 42. Herlevich submitted bill upon completion. 12 21 1953 11 476 43. Timber contract appraisal program discussed on who to include to meet forest fire expenses. 12 21 1953 11 476 44. Receipts discussed for timber, motion carried to discontinue forest fire program. 12 21 1953 11 476 45. Castle Hayne and Myrtle Grove Sound fire dept completed their fire trucks, committee reported. 12 21 1953 11 476 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover Count?y, N. C. _ MATTER: pUBLIC WORKS ` aec. u, s. County Indexea Since 1888 ? To loea}e names, open at COiT A-2 7AB INDEX e?t OFi1CE C??? An Identifying Trade Mark SURNAME INlTIAL TAB NIADE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLO 81 OrYEM 6. DUNH, NEW BERM, NOR7H GROLINA NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS DAtE MINUiE BOOK Month Day Year Vol. I Page i 1. Castle Hayne VFD approved payment for trailer. 12 21 1953 11 27b 2. Seagate VFD approved payment for trai?er. 12 21 1953 11 276 3. Wrightsboro VFD approved payment for trailer and truck. 12 21 1953 11 276 4. Residents urged to keep fires down. Q2 23 1954 11 488 5. State of expenditures received for forest fire control. 03 08 1954 I1 492 6. MOnthly payment to Seagate VFD approved for fire truck repairs. 04 05 1954 11 498 7. New Hanover County Volunteer Fire meeting announced for Winter Park. 04 26 1954 11 509 8. Copy of constitution and by-laws received by New Hanover County Rural Firemen Association. 05 03 1954 11 510 9. Statement of expenditures received for forest fire control. 05 10 1954 11 513 10. County aid for 6 VFD to be increased for 8VFD, New Hanover County Rural Firemen t?ssoc. reported. 05 17 1954 11 513 11. New Hanover County Fire Inspection Committee submitted names of rural VFD members who raised $200 payment. 06 14 1954 11 520 12. Ft. Fisher VFD Chief W. H. Hines, Jr. to serve on Rural Committee. 06 14 1954 11 520 13. South Wilmington VFD Chief Carl Parker to serve on Rural Committee. 06 14 1954 11 520 14. Payment of $200 Received from Ft. Fisher and South Wilmington VFD. 06 14 1954 11 520 15. Addition of Ft. Fisher and South Wilmington VFD totaled 8 VFD. 06 14 1954 11 520 16. Request received on raising appropriations for VFD. 06 14 1954 11 520 17. Continuation of State-County Cooperative Forest Fire Protection Service discussed at length; proposal needed.06 28 1954 11 526 18. Niotion carried to support Cooperative Forest Fire Service. 07 06 1954 11 527 19. J. H. Burnett letter of complaint received on forest fires burning over his land from trash dumping. 08 30 1954 11 539 20. Purchase of fire plow authorized for forest fire prevention. 10 25 1954 11 549 21. New Hanover County Firemen Association letter received on abandonment of Ft. Fisher VFD. 12 20 1954 11 562 22. Endorsement referred for Winter Park VFD to secure lot at Hugh Mac Rae Park. O1 03 1955 11 563 23. Winter Park VFD site referred to Chairman. 02 14 1955 11 576 24. Wilmington VFD certificate approved from inspection committee. 02 12 1 955 11 577 25. Question raised an fire equipment, timber assessments discussed. 03 07 1955 11 579 26. Castle Hayne VFD budget estimates submitted for truck. 06 I3 I955 11 606 27. Myrtle Grove VFD budget estimates submitted for truck. 06 13 1955 11 606 28. S.Wilmington VFD budget estimates submitted for truck. 06 13 1955 11 606 29. Ogden VFD budget estimates submitted for truck. 06 13 1955 11 606 30. Seagate VFD budget estimates submitted for truck. 06 13 1955 11 606 31. Wrightsboro budget estimates submitted for truck. 06 13 1955 11 606 32. Winter Park VFD budget estimates submitted for truck. 06 13 1955 11 606 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover County, N. C. _?U JECT PUBLIC WORKS BILL rsEO. u. s. County [ndezea Since 1888 ? 7?a?.? To lotat? nam?s? Op?n af PAT OFFICE ?? An Identifying Trade Mark ?? COTT A-2 TA? INpEX MADE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, ONIO SURNAME INITIAL TAB SOLD ?Y OWEN i. YUKN, N Ew tERN, NORiN GRO LINA DATE MINUTE BOOK NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS Month Day Year Vol. Page 1. Request to consider projects eligible for funds 07 19 1976 17 165 2. Discussion of projects 07 28 1976 17 166 3. Discussion of swimming pool at Laney High School 08 02 1976 U 173 4. Discuss of application for funds 09 20 1976 17 195-6 5. Approval assurances - Public Wroks Employment Act of 1976 10 18 1976 17 221 6. Discussion on PWB 06 20 1977 18 52 7. Discuss LPW for Community Bldg. in Seabreeze/Myrtle Sound area 07 05 1977 18 ?8 8. Aublic Works grant approved f?r Schools Materials Warehouse 10 03 1977 18 111 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover County, N. C. PARKS AND MU JE T?CREATION ? _ xs?. u. s. ,,A??? County Indezes Since 1888 ? TO IotaN pom?s? Opfn Ot r?r OiFICE ?i?(yo-?.s An ldentifying Trade Mack SURNAME INITIAL TAY COTT A-I TA? INOEX MADE BY THE CQTi INDEX COMPANY? COCOMBUS? OH(0 SOLD tT OWEN i. pUNN, N EN ?ERN, NORTN GRO LINA NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS DATE MINUTE BOOK Month Day Year Vol. Page ' l. Recreational Development Q2 0? 1965 13 433 2. Appointment 03 O1 1965 13 440 3. Seashore Park 04 12 1965 13 465 4. Seashore Park 04 20 1965 13 470 5. State fund - volunteers 05 17 1965 13 479 6. State Advisory Agency 08 16 1965 13 510 7. Water Safety 08 16 1965 13 513 8. Parks ? Recreation 09 07 I965 13 518 9. Development Potential 09 20 1965 13 521 10. Formation of Committee , 10 04 1965 13 527 11. Names for Committee 10 18 1965 13 534 12. Names for Committee 11 O1 1965 13 539 13. Appointment Members to 12 06 1965 13 551 14. AppdintmEnt member to O1 03 1967 14 19 15. Appointment member to O1 16 1967 I4 22 I6. Appointment member to 07 03 1967 14 75 17. Authorization for disposition of old records 04 02 1969 14 322 18. Senate Bill #389 U5 OS 1969 14 328 19. T'ransfer of Funds. 06 OS 1969 14 340 20. Request of $2,000 for part time help 11 16 ?969 14 413 21. Increasing Mrs. Bowen One Step 12 O1 I969 14 420 22. Decision to advertise for property 04 16 1973 15 :375 23 Hu h P 9acRae Park us I . g . e 04 16 1973 15 376 24. Hugh MacRae Park use 05 07 1973 15 385 25. Request to improve county park at Northeast Cape Fear River 07 16 1973 15 449 26. Request from Dixon-Hillsdale Community club 07 16 1973 15 ??49-5 27. Discussion of Dixon-Hillsdale Community Club's request 08 06 1973 15 464 28. Request for buoys at Park on Northeast Cape River 08 06 1973 15 464 29. Discussion of park at Northeast Cape River 08 20 1973 15 ?75-6 30. Report from Comm. Powe11 on Dixon Hillsdale Community Club 09 04 1973 15 484 31. Recommendation on park at Northeast Cape Fear River 10 Ol 1973 15 506 32. Discussion of MCS Noble Jr. High County Mgr, directed to base his negotiations for Recreational ar ea on 11 05 1973 15 523 a 15 acre tract 33. Request of Manager to ascertain acreage 10 15 1973 15 515 34. Discussion of Recreational facilities 11 26 1973 15 530 35. Report on Parks ? Recreation 05 20 1974 15 632 36. Presentation of plans for three school sites 07 15 1974 15 687 37. Discussion of letter re NC Land and Water Conservation fund 09 03 1974 15 710 38. Federal Surplus real property - Wrightsville Beach 10 07 1974 16 18 39. County to get quotes on preparing Recreation Master Plan (in conjunction with City of Wilmington) 10 21 1974 16 35 40. Discussion of state acquiring Masonboro Island for Park 11 04 1974 16 41 41. Execution of lease agreement to develop Blair-Noble school property for recreation 12 02 1974 16 56 42. Resolution authorizing development of Blair/Noble School Park 03 17 1975 16 145 43. Transfer of funds for survey of land behind Laney ? Trask school sites to be purchased for future 04 14 1975 16 168 recreational development 44. Denial of proposal for comprehensive recreation plan for Wi?mington and New Hanover County 06 02 1975 16 214 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES -- New Hanover County N. C. - MATTER: PARKS AND RECREATION U EC _ , _ S BJ T ` xeo. u. s. County Indexea Since 1888 ? TO IOtatf Oam?t? Op?p Yt PAT OFFICE ?? An Identifying Trade Mnrk SURNAME INITIAL TA? CO?T A•Z TA? INpEX MADE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY? COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD ?Y OWEN 0. pUNN, NEN tERN , NORTH GR OLINA ? DATE MINUTE BOOK ? NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS ?? C ta Month Day Year Vol. Page 1.?? ' Discussion with Gardner Gidley re Comprehensive Recreation plan 07 14 1975 16 239 , ? 2.',; Progress report from Gardner Gidley on Master Plan 10 27 1975 16 293 3.,:? Gardner Gidley presented development plan 12 08 1975 17 21 4.;' Approve request for boating access area on Northeast Cape Fear River 12 22 1975 17 32 5.,:i Budget Trans. - Recreation Master Plan 02 02 1976 17 53-4 6.:?' Contract approval to develop Rec. Area at Blair School 03 O1 1976 17 74 7." Discussion on property for boat ramp at Castle Hayne 04 20 1976 17 109-10 8.'° Special meeting set w/Cardner Gidley to present final draft of Master Plan 04 20 1976 17 111 9.; Presentation of Parks ? Rec. Master Plan 04 20 1976 17 113 10. Discussion of Parks F? Recreation Master plan 05 03 1976 17 119 11; Letter from Sen. William Smith concerning boat ramp at Castle Hayne 05 03 1976 17 120 12. Request of beaches for lifeguard funds 05 17 1976 17 122-3 13. Discussion on boat ramp at NE River at Castle Hayne 05 17 1976 17 128 14. Discussion on boat ramp at NC River at Castle Hayne 06 ?7 1976 17 145 15. Bids on tennis courts at Blair approved, for e?uip., fencing and multi-use paved area 06 21 1976 17 145 16, Award bid for tennis courts at Blair School to Regaon Const. Co. 06 30 1976 17 156 17.: Public park in Monterey Heights 09 20 1976 17 195 18. Request city to reconsider use charge for parks 10 25 1976 17 225 19. Comments from Mayor Halterman on user fee 10 25 1976 17 224 20. Endorse tennis tournament 12 ?6 1976 17 238 21; Request meeting w/city re: recreation 12 ?6 1976 17 242 ' 22. Comm. Wright proposal to purchase land on river for boat ramp 02 i)7 1977 17 280 23: Request meeting of Recreation Comm. 02 21 1977 17 288 24:. Proposed budget for recreation 04 04 1977 18 16 2Si Blair park lease - Supper Optimist 04 18 1977 18 19 26: Discuss obtaining Park At Snow's Cut 04 18 1977 18 23 27? Discuss park at Snow's cut OS 02 1977 18 3.1 28? Approval lease agreement w/Supper Optimist 06 06 1977 18 49 29.; Budget amend.-Blair School Park 06 06 1977 18 50 30. ? Budget Amend.-Blair School Park lights for ball fields and tennis courts 08 O1 1977 18 86 , ,. ? 31". Discuss boat ramp at Wrightsville Beach. 09 06 1977 18 ?7 32. Discussion on funds for tennis courts at Virgo School 09 06 1977, 18 ?6-7 33. Naming Blair School Park 10 03 1977 18 111 . 34. Approval funds for lighting Hugh Mac Rae Park 11 07 1977 18 129 35. County Manager given latitude up to $1,000 for salary of recreation director 12 05 1977 18 145 36. Budget Transfer - moving expense - director O1 03 1978 18 156 3? Approval construction - dugouts and pressbox at Blair by Supper Optimist 03 06 1978 18 181 38. Budget Transfer - repairs to Blair/Noble and Hugh MacRae parks 04 03 1978 18 191 i39, Budget Trans-Chain link fence 05 Ol 1978 1$ 203 40.? Acquisition of land for Park-Mary C. Williams 06 19 1978 18 234 41. Delay purchase of property-Mary C. Williams 07 03 1978 18 244 42,? Approval amend. to contract for construction Tennis Courts - Hugh McRae Park 09 05 1978 18 273 43., Appraisal of Arrowhead Park Property 09 OS 1978 18 276 44. Approved Federal Grant Applications for a park at Arrowhead & Trask School 09 18 1978 18 279-80 45: CAMA Grant for Snow's Cut Park 10 02 1978 18 287 46« Myrtle Grove Community Bldg. 10 02 1978 18 287 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover Count?, N. C. _ MATTER: pARKS AND RECREATION ` eeu. u. s. County Indezee Sinee 1888 To lowt? namrs, OpBn O} COTT A TO Z TAB INDEX PAi OFi1?E ?L???- An Identifying Trade Muk ? SURNAME INIiIAL TAQ II?DE ?Y TNE COTT INDEX C0?lANY, COWIYUS? ONIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN CO., NEW BERN, N. C. l. Budget Transfer - Cement Mixer ? 2. CAMA - Recreation Planning Grant 3. CETA III-Project - Training Program 4. Budget Amendment NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS DATE MINUTE BOOK Month Day Year Vol. Page 11 20 1978 18 208 12 1$ 1978 18 321 12 18 1978 18 322 Ol 15 1979 18 344 5. Proposed Parks & Reereation Ordinance 02 19 1979 18 6. Bid awarded for waterfront parks • 03 OS 1979 18 7. Ordinance Regulating use of Parks & Recreation 03 D5 1979 18 8. Approval Capital Project Ordinance - construction of ballfields at Trask School 05 07 1979 18 9. Approval - preliminary concept for Masonboro Island & Snow's Cut Park 05 04 1979 18 10. Approval - Outdoor Adventure Course Amendment to contract with Derick G. Davis & Assoc. recreational faciliti?? 23 1979 18 11. Request - Funds for Snow's Cut Park 07 23 1979 18 12. Federal Grant - Arrowhead Park 07 23 1979 18 13. Opening tennis courts - Hugh MacRae Park 07 23 1979 18 14. Request information - Snow's Cut Park Property 08 06 1979 18 15. Status - Trask Park & Snow's Cut Park 16. Payment to Kay Building Company - Tennis Courts Hugh MacRae Park 17. Approval - use of tennis courts at Hugh Mac Rae Park 18. Update - water front parks 19. Short term lease agreement - Snow's Cut Park 20. Budget amendment - moving equipment to correct drainage at Hugh MacRae Park 21. Discussion on engineer for design of Trask Park 22. Award of bids for Trask Park 23. Award of electrical contract for Trask Park and Budget Amendment 24. Lease from Corp of Engineers for 25 acres north side of Snow's Cut for park purposes County Manager and Director of Parks & Recreation to negotiate agreement with City of Wilmington Parks & 25• Recreation to Qperate softball leagues at Trask Park 26. Budget transfer - Arrowhead Park, Ogden School & Trask Park 27. Resolution authorizing development, Arrowhead Park 28. Bids on Trask Park equipment 29. Request time extension for Trask Park improvements 30. Interim lease on Snow's Cut Park 31. Denial of request for German beer concession at Piney Woods Festival at Hugh MacRae Park 32. Authorization for Wilmington Softball AssociationiD operate concessions at Trask Park 33. Time extension granted to Morris Construction Co. for completion of Tr.ask Park 34. Comm. Armistead requested information of the ballfields at Trask Park ? 35. Budget Amendment to increase lighting Contract at Trask Park 36. Comm. Gottovi commented for the Piney Woods Festival 37. Position reclassification-addition of position and budget amendment 38, Hugh MacRae Park-Road improvement and new picnic facilities 39. Budget amendment to auto and capital outlay-equipment Resolution authorizing development of Hugh MacRae Park & Assurance of Compliance for Grant Application 40. 41. Acceptance of LWCF grant Arrowhead Park 42' Donation of property to be included in Park 43. Recreational Program Development 44. Budget amendment to appropriate donation by Supper Optimist Club of Wilmington 45. Concerned citizens discussed with commissioners problems,with park and suggested improvements 46; Award,of contract for Arrowhead Park to E. D. Stone, Jr. & Associates, Inc. 08 20 1979 18 09 04 1979 18 09 04 1979 18 09 03 1979 18 09 04 1979 18 11 05 1979 18 11 05 1979 18 12 03 1979 18 12 17 1979 18 Ol 21 1980 18 O1 21 1980 18 02 18 1980 18 02 18 1980 18 03 10 1980 18 04 08 1980 18 04 08 1980 18 04 08 1980 18 04 08 1980 18 05 21 1980 18 06 02 1980 18 07 07 1980 18 09 02 1980 18 09 15 1980 18 10 06 1980 18 11 17 1980 18 11 17 1980 18 12 Ol 1980 18 Ol 19 1981 18 Ol 19 1981 18 02 02 1981 18 02 16 1981 18 02 16 1981 18 358 365 368 404 424 447 448 448 449 459 463 469 469 469 469 503 510 517 526 541 542 558 558 562 572 573 577 579 589 613 626 660 664 678 702 705 709 751 752 755 766 768 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover Count N C p?KS AND RECREATION y, . . _ MATTER: ` nea. u. s. County Indezes Since 1888 ? io loeats names, O?1Rn Yt PAi OFFIGE ???l?o-?'i An Identifying Trade Muk COTT A TO Z TAB INDEX MApE tY iNE COTT INDEX aDMPANY, ?LUII?Of? ONIO ?i . SURNAME IN{TIAL TA8 SOLD BY OWEN G. D .. UNN CO., NEW BERN, N. C. ' DATE MINUTE BOOK ? NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS - di ?' i . E` Month Day Year Vol. Page h, 1.?? Discussion on State Parks and Racreation Budget Cuts 03 16 1981 18 788 2.:1 '; Concession Agreement - Trask Park 04 06 1981 18 795 ? 3.?' Amendment extending Snow's Cut Park Interim Lease 04 06 1981 18 797 4.`; Bid for front cutting mower awarded to E. J. Smith & Sons for $7,545 05 04 1981 18 815 5.i` Rejection of Bid of 112 ton truck for P& R 05 18 1981 18 833 6.?? ;? Award of bid for Truck for P& R Department ? 06 08 1981 18 858 7.. Contract for Architectural/Engineering Services for Arrowhead Park 07 07 1981 18 886 8. N. C. DOT proposal for future borrow pit 08 03 1981 18 898 9. Lease with Corps of Engineers for Snows Cut Park 09 08 19$1 18 910 10. Budget Amendment - Parks & Recreation 11 02 1981 18 947 11. Postponement of Discussion on Arrowhead Park Development 11 16 1981 18 958 12. Award of Contract on Arrowhead Park to Central Builders, Rocky Mount, N. C. and Budget Transfer 12 07 1981 18 971 13. Approval of Concession Agreement for Trask Park 03 Ol 1982 19 15 14. Contract Modification - Arrowhe?d Park 03 15 1982 19 27 15. Budget Amendment - Additional Development of Arrowhead Park 03 15 1982 19 35 ?16. Agreement with National Parks Service for funding of Hugh MacRae Park Improvements 04 15 1982 19 40 17.; Change Order - Arrowhead Park 04 19 1982 19 55 ?18. Proclamation-National Recreation and Park Month 05 17 1982 19 70 19. Reminder of Arrowhead Park Dedication 06 07 1982 19 83 ??20., Transfer of Storage Building from Hugh MacRae Park to Roland Grise 10 04 1982 19 163 21.. Capital ProjectOrdinance & Budjet Amend. for Hugh MacRae Park 11 Ol 1982 19 178 '22 Award of Bid - Hoggard Ballfield Lightning 12 06 1982 19 194 4 i ,? ` INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover Count N C PAUPERS y, . . _ MATTER: ` Rca. u. s. /?_??? Covnty Indezee Sinae 1888 ? To locats names, Oplf1 at r,tr o?rtcc ?.?i?tiezG An Identifyins Trade Mark SURNAME tNIT1AL TAB ' , (OTT A-Z TAB INDEX MADE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY. COLUMBUS. OHIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA ! ? ? NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS DATE M? I? f? MINUTE BOOK r c ;; Month ? I Day I Year ?p E; Vol. I Page i 6 1. ? F:? ??Fe a sibility of using Jail's basement as a stor?e ?.ouse for provisions for County poor studied. L? 08 20 ?; 1868 s? 1 ? 24 ? ;? ;r 2. syBoard of Trustees for ?poor of County a?p?pointed. ?+ ?s 08 21 1868 a? 1 25 3. ;?Bond of $1,000 to be required of Chairman and Clerk of Board of Trustees of the Poor. , 08 21 1868 ?? 1 26 ? fi e 4. ?fF.J. Williams declined appointment as Trustee of Poor for Third Ward of Wilmington. 08 27 ? 1868 k? 1 29 4 ? ? 5. +?John G. Bulcken appointed Trustee of Poor in Third Ward of Wilmington. i 09 O1 1868 ?q 1 32 6. '?John Sands to turn over property pertaining to County's poor to Chairman of Board. ' 09 O1 ? 1868 °. ?, 1 ? 32 7. ';Bill form Yopp & Woolvin for coffins approved. ; 09 08 , 1868 ?? 1 39 ?? 8. ' yHenry Alderman appointed Trustee of Poor in Lower Black River. 09 ,. 19 1868 ;; E. 1 ?; 50 '' ?? ?t 9. ?,?Drder granted in favor of Susan Gurgaves, a pa?per, 09 24 1868 '? 1 53 ?s 10. ,Lewis Wrighsmith declined to accept appointment as Trustee of Poor. 09 29 1868 1 57 <? 11. Dr. Charles Kerrbe appointed in place of Mr. Wrighsmith. 09 29 1868' 1 5? ` 12. Letter sent to General Rutherford about transfer of paupers from New Hanover to Rowan County. 11 12 1868 ; 1 105 ; 13. „Bill approved for transporting pau?pers. , 11 12 1868 , 1 105 ?, ?: 14. :?;Report from Chairman of Board of Trustees of Poor. „ 11 _12 1868 ,s 1 105 ?i 6; 15. ;Bill for coffins and supplies for poor approved. „ 11 12 1868?; 1 'I 105 ;; ?o 16. Letter to Counties concerning returning paupers to lawful Counties and reinbursements ? for services. 11 ?. 12 1868t: , 1 105 ?? s? 17. Bill for maintenance and transfer of paupers to praper Counties a?pproved. : 11 20 1868,? 1 121 !s ?? 18. 'Raised salary of Chairman of Board of Trustees of the Poor to $600 a year. , 11 20 1868 ,; 1 i 121 ' ?? ? 19. fCommittee to investigate transfer of paupers from Wilmington to Bureaux Hospital at Salisbury. , 11 21 1868 1 125 ?5 €; 20. ,aDiscussion of paupers belonging to New Hanover from General Rutherford. 11 27 1868 '. 1 126 k? E, 21. ;,Letter concerning return of paupers from Wilmington to Salisbury received. = 11 28 1868 ? 1 129 ?? 22. ,Bill from Henrietta Milligan for care of poor approved. 12 11 1868;? 1 139 ;, 5i 23. ,yConference concerning City "Poor" held. (See Wilmington, City of ) 12 23 1868RG 1 145 ?? ? 24. ;,Report on "Poor" rescinded. , 12 28 1868;a 1 ? 149 ? 25. ;:L?tter from Clerk to Board of Alderman about City poor. , 02 10 1869E; 1 183 ? ! s 26. ? ;Fee of H.F. Murphy as Trustee to ?oor approved. „ 03 11 1869;; 1 f 197 ?? ;. 27. ,;Bill as Trustee of the Poor from George Corbett approved. 04 05 1869,, 1 207 t? 28. ,,Bill from William Kellogg as Trustee of the Poor approved. 05 11 1869 ' ' 1 ; 225 ?' ' ? ? 29. Bill from Elijah Haneger for care of paupers approved. 05 11 1869?; 1 225 ? 30. Bill from George Gladden for care of Gounty paczpers approved. 07 07 1869,; ?? 1 270 31. :,Bill from David Davis as Trustee of Poor approved. 07 07 1869 ? 1 270 ? ; 32. ;Bill from S.N. Bell as Trustee of Poor approved. 08 03 1869? 1 ? . 288 i! 33. 'aBi11 from Yopp & Woolvin for a coffin for a pauper approved. 08 03 I869 , I ?, 2$8 ?? 34. ;Bill from George Gladden for care of paupers approved. 09 07 1869 1 ?, 316 35. Bills from G.W. Pollock and W.S. Larkins as Warden's of the Poor approved. 09 16 1869; 1 ? 325 ! ?? „ 36. .'Bill for supporting paupers from George Gladden approved. 10 05 1869. 1 332 ?4 ii ? 37. ,?William MacCumber and Greenfield Masonboro given money as paupers, but their cases were investigated. 11 02 1869;, 1 i 336 t? 38. ;,Bills from W. Cumber and G. Gladden for support of poor approved. 11 02 1869; 1 ii 339 ia ji 39. ;,Bill for burying dead man and furnishing a coffin approved. ;; 11 02 1869;? 1 339 ? 40. ,?Clothing and blanket ordered for a pauper, William Farrow. , 12 06 1869[; 1 ? 348 ? 41. .,Allowance granted pau?per Mary James. „ 12 06 1869;. 1 348 42. ?Bill from Catharine Farrow for aid for self and 6 children approved. , 12 07 1869?. 1 351 i? 43. ° Bill from G. Gladden for caring for a pauper, Fanny Wilkinson, approved. 12 07 1869;; 1 352 ? 44. .;Bill from Mary James for supplies approved. 12 07 1869;9 1 i 352 ` 45. ,gY?pp and Woolvin's bill for burial ap?proved. . 12 07 1869;F 1 323 46. ??Bi11 from Catharine Farrow for support of self and 6 children approved. ;? ?? E? s? Ol ; li 03 18704; ` ?? 1 394 ? INDEX TO CO?IMISSIONERS 1?INUTES -- New Hanover Count?, N. C. _ MATiER: PAUPERS ` ?ec, u, s. Countq Indezee Stnce 1888 ? To loeats names, open at (??11? An Identifvin8 Trade Mark SURNAM6 INITIAL TAB ?s OFFICE COTT A•2 TAB INDEX MADE BY THE COTT {NDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS. OHIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA r DATE ?? MINOTE 4: BOOK ?? NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS ' Month I Day I ' Year !; Vol. I ? Page ?? ? 1. Pauper bills from G. Gladden and Mary James approved. '? O1 03 1870.; 1 39G? '??'. , 2. Bills from Mary James, G. Gladden and Catharing Farrow for aid approved. „ 02 08 1870r; 1 401 ;p 3. Bills from Martha Walker and Elijah Flanagan for support ap?proved. ,, 02 08 1870,; 1 401 :, 4. Bi11 from Charles Wi11is for coffins and burying paupers a?pproved. , 02 08 1870;„ 1 401 ,; , 5. Money allowed for one month for W. Smith, Catharine Flanagan and Catharine Eason. . 02 09 1870';; 1 408 ?, 6. In extreme cases of sickness paupers will be allowed in Hospital at rate City pays. (See HOSPITAL) „ 02 09 1870,; 1 408 `. 7.? City marshal to procure coffin and bury Sarah Hamilton. : 02 09 1870.; 1 409 ,; 8p E Bills for support of paupers approved. 03 07 1870„ 1 414 . 9jR ?, Rescinded order for admission of paupers to City Hospital. .. 03 Q8 1870., 1 419 ., 10.46 Money allowed I?enry Johnson for support. 05 02 1870 1 433 11.? Books to be purchased to register names and monies allowed all paupers outside Poor House. OS 02 1870 1 433 12.?; Money allowed Isaac Bourdeaux for relief. OS 03 1870 1 434 ?; 13.;? Emma Sadley, a pauper, sent to City Hospital. 05 03 1870? 1 434 14G'? Emeline Roberts to receive money for support. 05 04 1870 1 437 15a; ! Monthly allowance of $??00 granted Sarah Fay. . 05 05 1870,: 1 439 Q "° 16.?? Support bi11s from numerous ?paupers ap?proved. 06 08 1870 ?? 1 444 _ ?k 17?; Monthly allowance of gneline Roberts increased from $3.00 to $6.00. 07 05 1870, 1 451 „ +g 18.Ei Bill from Charles Wi11is for coffins and burying pau?pers approved. 07 05 1870 1 451 ?? 19.?; Bills from James Wooster, Henry Johnson and Emeline Roberts for aid approved. 07 05 1870 1 451 20"? . ?, Bills from several paupers for support approved. 07 05 1870 1 452 , 21? Bill of 3.C. Bowden for support of paupers approved. 07 06 1870^ 1 456 . ? 22.?r , Monthly allowance of $3.00 allowed J.O. Bowden. , 07 06 1870„ 1 457 . E? 23.?? Monthly allowance for Mary James diseontinued. 07 06 1870, 1 457 ?? 24.? Bills for support of paupers approved. 08 Ol 1870 1 460 „ ? 25?y Medical bi11 from Dr. Winants for care of Emma Sadley a?pproved. 08 O1 1870,,, 1 460 4? 26.? Medical bi11 from Dr. Winants for Sarah Hamilton to stay at Hospital approved. ,. 08 O1 1870 1 460 „ ? ,27.;? Bi11 from H. William for coffins and burial of poor approved. 08 . Ol 1870 1 460 ?? ?? 28.?? Bills for support of several paupers approved. 08 29 1870 1 471 ? ? ?i 29?? Monthly allowance to James Wooster discontinued. 08 30 1870; 1 474 , V? 30.?? Fee from Yopp and Woolvin's for coffin and burial approved. 08 30 1870, 1 474 ? 31.? Bill from Dr. Winants for Hospital care of ?anna Sadley approved. 08 31 1870 ? 1 483 32.?? Monthly allowance of $3.00 granted Mr. Beasly. , 09 05 1870? 1 486 ? 33? Monthly allowance of $3.00 each granted Catharine Farrow and Fanny Wilkinson. 09 21 1870 2 8 ,, ?? 34?# Assistance of indigent persons outside public institutions referred to Committee on Poor House. 10 08 1870 2 32 35? Clerk to compile a list of persons to whom an allowance is to be paid. 1.? 08 1870 2 32 36;? Clerk to issue an allowance to above persons for September, it was not issued before. 10 08 1870 2 32 ;¢ 37;? Monthly allowance increased for Mr. & Mrs. William Smith. 10 08 1870 2 33 38?? e; Bill from Dr. Winants for care of poor approved. 10 08 1870 2 34 ?a 39? Bill for paupers outside Poor House approved. 12 05 1870 2 94 ? 40? Bill from Dr. Winants for medical attention for out door paupers approved. O1 03 1871 , 2 111 ,. E 41? Monthly allowances of $3.00 granted Halifax Tate, and $8.00 granted Martha Walker. 02 06 1871, 2 119 ;? 02 06 1871, 2 124 42j 6 List of out door paupers. 43?` Monthly allowance granted Harriet Faison, a deaf and dumb pauper. 02 13 1871., 2 126 44` Monthly allowance granted Mary Gordman. 03 06 1871. 2 129 „ 45 Monthly allowance increased to $5.00 for Catharine Farrow and six children. 03 06 1871, 2 129 ' 46. P etition of Robert Harriss for a contract to make coffins for County paupers postponed. 03 fy 06 1871 ; r? 2 129 ,? tF ?? INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES -- New Hanover Count? N C pAUPERS MATTER , . . _ : 4 a¢a. u. s. Counry Indezes Since 1888 ? To locat? names, open at r?i ofs?ct CnE?:Co??E".s An ldentifyins Trsde Mark SURNAME INITIAL TAB COTT A•2 TAB INDEX MADE BY THE CQTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS. OHIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA ? ' DATE !?? MINUT E BOOK ? I NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS ? ; . ;? Month ° ? I Day i I ` Year o? d? Vol. ( Page j? ? f;; i? 1.;? Monthly allowance of $5.00 granted Rebecca Coker, a widow. 03 06 1871s: 2 ! 130 w ?; , 2.?dBi11 from Peter Gardner for burying a pauper approved. ?, ;{ 03 06 ? 1871,? 2 130 ?? :; 3.??Bill from C. Rowes for registration of out door paupers approved. ?:. 03 Ob 1871j; 2 130 ??Committee on Poor to send all paupers need.ing care to Hospital and County will pay t 4 he cost. ` 04 05 1871?? 2 139 . ? ` S.;;Bill from J. Mint for co?fin for pauper approved. „ 04 05 ' 1871F; ? 2 ? 143 ? ?t ?.. , 6.;`; Bill from S. Satchwell for coffin for pauper approved. ,, , 04 , 05 1871;? 2 143 7. i5 Out door pauper list. ,; 04 OS 1871 r?,' " 2 143 ?? 4? 9 ? 8.;; Monthly allowance of $5.00 granted Susan Fellows and children.. ;; 04 22 1871;, 2 148 ?; ?3 ? 9.;a Monthly allowance of $3.00 given -Ester Taylor. 05 O1 1871?, 2 ,; 152 ?? 10. .Bills for paupers outside Poor House approved. 05 01 1871;, 2 152 ?, 11. Fare paid for J. Knight. 06 02 1871p 2 170 ? 12. ? Claim of John Sanders, late Chairman of Board of Wardens of Poor, referred to Auditi ng Commit tee. 06 09 1871. 2 174 ? ?, 13. William Mclntyre allowed money for keeping Alex Mosely, a pauper. , 07 OS 1871 2 180 r? 14. Bills for out door paupers approved. ? 07 05 1871, 2 180 ?? ,x ? 15.? Bill from J. Lowrey for coffins for paupers approved. , i „ 07 05 1871; 2 181 ? ,r ? 16. Bills for out door paupers approved. 07 05 1871,; Z 181 ?; ; ' 17. : Bi11 from S. Fellows as a Warden of the Poor allowed. . 07 05 1871;,; 2 ? 184 ?; , , 18. ; Bi11s for out door poor approved. 08 12 1871,, 2 r, 209 ;; ?'. 19,;:Bi11 from J. Lowrey for making coffins for poor approved. „ 09 06 1871:? 2 221 ;; t; 20.,, Treasurer to receive State money for care of paupers. ' ,: 09 23 1871„: 2 222 ;; 21, ° Letter from J. Hand about paupers on premises approved. ,? 09 23 1871; 2 ?, 224 ?' ?? ' 22. Woman on Mr. Hand's land to be sent to Poor House or given a monthly allowance. ? .. , 09 23 187I. . 2 224 `' .; s 23. Bills for out door paupers approved. 10 02 1871 ,, 2 228 ; ,, , ' 24.? Elizah FZannagan's pauper account approved. ? 11 07 1871,, ? 2 241 `? ?? 25. ' C.W. McClammy's pauper accounfi approved. i 11 07 1871 2 242 ?' ?? § , 26. ;Bills for out door paupers approved. O1 02 1872! 2 279 ? F' ' 27. + Petition from Polly Stokes for assistance granted for three months. O1 23 1872,. 2 i. 285 ?; , ?'' 28.„ Bills for paupers approved. 02 05 1872,, 2 ;E 289 ?; ?; , j , 29.,? Monthly allowances granted David Moore for $4.00, and W.C, Thorpe for $3.00. 03 04 1872`' 2 ,; 295 ?Y €" 30. ?! Monthly allowance of $7.00 granted Betsey Ramsay to be administered by Commissioner ? Heyer. 03 15 1872.. 2 300 '' ?y 31. : MonthZy aZlowance of $4.00 granted Pattie Bowden to be administered by Commissioner Black. 03 15 ? 1872j 2 i+ 300 se ? , 32.!; Monthly allowance of $4.00 granted Henry Faison. ,, 03 29 1872, 2 r 303 ?A ? 33.'; Monthly allowance of $5.00 granted Mr. Williams and family. 04 26 1872;', 2 315 ''; P: ?"? 34.. Monthly allowance of $7.00 granted Terra Johnson. 05 07 1872:. 2 317 ;, ; 35.., Monthly allowance o? $4.00 granted Enock Siabary. . 05 29 1872y„ 2 321 ?; ', 36. ; Monthly allowance o? $4.00 granted John Potter. 06 O1 18720 2 325 ?; ? 37.,, Monthly allowance of $8.00 granted Mr. Fentrell. 07 Ol 1872?; 2 331 i 38. ? Pauper list to be revised to see if any savings can be made for the County. 07 Ol 1872 2 331 °, !? 39.., Board referred letter concerning pauper , Mrs. May Savage, to Commissioner Black. ? 07 29 1872 2 341 '; ?a , 40. ; Monthly allowances for $4.00 each granted Mrs. Margaret Wilson and William Rackley. , 08 14 1872k, 2 4 358 ?? ?' ' 41.„', Monthly allowance of $6.00 granted Mrs. Elizabeth Fails. 08 . 14 1872:; 2 358 ? i, ' 42. . Usual monthly allowance granted Simon Reaves and daughter. „ 09 09 1872„ 2 363 F? C' 43.„ Chairman Martin to investigate claim of John Sanders, former Warden of Poor. 09 10 1872;, 2 363 ?" ??? , 44.?, Monthly allowance of $5.00 granted Mrs. Elizabeth Smith. „ 09 12 1872; 2 366 ?', , 45.,( Report recommends claim of J. Sanders be paid. 09 27 1872;; 2 371 ?? ? 46.,? Monthly allowance of $4.00 granted William Ratley. ? ;E i , R 10 ° ff 02 1872„ , '" F' ? 2 373 `s? ?? ?? ?? ?j ? I. INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS NIINUTES - New Hanover County, N. C. _ MATTER: PAUPERS ` eeo. u. s. County Indezea Since ?888 ?''I ?.?--? To loeate names, open at COTT A-Z TAB INDEX !AT OFFICE ?l?e-? An Identifying Trade Mark ?8 SURNAME 1NITlAL TA8 MADE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, ONIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA . p, r? ?' MINUTE BOOK '? NATUR? OF PROCEEDINGS ?; Month ? Day ? Year ?? Vol. ? Page ;? ? ? _ . ,? P ? , , 1. Amounts allowed out door paupers listed. 10 07 1872?? 2 380 ?a, 2. Mrs. Arther sent .to Hospital and name entered on Masonboro Pauper List. 10 16 1872:J 2 385 `; 3.. List of out door paupers and their fees on pages 389-390. ; 11 04 1872;r 2 389 ? i; 4. Monthly allowance of $4.00 granted Moses McKethen. 11 07 1872• e? 2 391 ?' K, ,5. Monthly allowance of $8.00 granted Rachael Henry and four children. 11 13 1872; 2 397 ?1: ,,, 6. Monthly allowance of $6.00 granted Mrs. Elizabeth Ferils. 11 21 1872; 2 399 ? ? 7.y Medical bill from Dr. Winants for paupers approved. „ 12 02 1872.? 2 403 ` tl 8.d ? Bill from Harry Larkins for burying a pauper approved. 12 02 1872; 2 403 ? -9•;j s; Out door pauper list and amounts p?id. 12 02 1872; 2 404 ,; lO.Fy t Out door paupers' accounts approved. O1 06 1873. 2 421 11.?; Monthly allowance of $5.00 granted Abbie Lamb. 02 06 1873 2 425 12. ;, Paupers' bills .approved. 02 06 1873 2 427 13.;a @? Valentine Bunting petitioned for aid as an out door pauper. 03 03 1873°; 3 33 14.`a ?3 Medical bill for paupers from Dr. Winants approved. 03 03 1873 3 33 „ 15.?a t? Paupers'bills listed and approved. 03 03 1873 3 34 ?. r 16.? Rinah Walker, pauper, to be sent to Poor House for proper treatment. 04 07 1873 3 53 sa 17.?? Paupers'bills listed and approved. 04 07 1873 3 58 x, , 18.?¢ Bills for paupers approved and listed. 05 06 1873; 3 67 , s 19.?? Monthly allowance of $6.00 granted Mrs. Williams and family. 05 12 1873 3 68 ?i 20.?? fs Dr. Winants' bills for paupers approved. 06 02 1873 3 75 ` l? 21.?? Out door paupers bills approved. 06 02 1873, 3 75 22.R? " Dr. Winants' bills for paupers approved. . , 07 07 1873: 3 84 23.kC Bill from Mamteller Charles for pauper's coffin approved. 07 07 1873. 3 84 24.K`; Bill from S.N. Martin for pauper approved. 07 07 1873 3 85 t , . 25.?? ' ?I Paupers' bills approved. 07 07 1873? 3 85 Fs 26.?i € Persons placed on Pauper List and allowances set Iisted. 07 10 1873 3 87 27.i? Monthly allowance of $4.00 granted Abigail Lamb, pauper. 07 22 1873 3 89 +E 28.?a ?? Deferred matter of money being paid to paupers by Joseph Westbrook. 08 .. 04 1873 . 3 90 ., 29." Alexander Bowden placed on Paupers List and allowance granted.. 08 04 1873 3 90 30.?? r John Smith allowed $2.00 to procure medicines as prescribed by Dr. Bellamy. 08 04 1873. ? 3 91 31.E Paupers' bills approved, pages 92-93. 08 04 1873} 3 92 , 32.? Monthly allowance of $4.00 granted Matilda Cannon and placed on Pauper List. 08 23 1873, 3 101 ?? ?3.;? ?? Caswell Trustees to ascertain if H.J. Moore can support himself until winter without aid. 08 23 1873 ?? 3 102 ? 34.w; ;, Paupers' bills approved. 08 23 1873 . 3 104 ; ?5.',? Monthly allowances granted several out door gaupers. , 10 06 1873, 3 111 ,,, 36.;; Request from Grace A. Hill for aid as out door pauper deferred. 10 06 1873 3 112 37.?", ?+ ;, Out door paupers bills approved, pages 114-115. 10 06 1873 3 114 ? 38.;i Bills from James Lowery and H.E. Scott for paupers' clothing approved. 10 06 1873 3 115 ?r ?; , 39.? ? Dr. Winants' bill for paupers at Hospital approved. 10 ' 06 1873. 3 115 E 40.f- Monthly allowance granted Grace A. Hill for $4.00 made payable to Township Clerk. 10 17 1873 3 117 > >? . . ? 41.?? Monthly allowance of $3.00 granted Elizabeth Gurgannis on pauper list. 10 17 1873 3 , 117 ;? ,, ?, . 42.;';' ; Monthly allowance of $4.00 granted Henrietta Hewlett for October only. 10 18 1873` ., 3 118 .. „ 43.?? Bill for out door pauper allowed. 10 18 1873_, 3 118 ' 44.?i , Deferred petition from H.M. Lewis and C.M, Taylor for aid in supporting Rebecca Coaker, a pauper. 10 2Q 1873, 3 114 ? 45.y ? Bill from John Eakins for coffin and burial of Edward Walker not allowed since he was not a pauper. 10 27 1873 3 128 ? 46.? All paupers in Hospital who are able to be sent to Poor House. 11 03 1873 ; 3 131 ; ? ?? r • ; ,r' ?tl , ' :,? I sp gf 'i ?? INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover County N. C. ' MATTER• PAUPERS - ? _ ? _ ¦ea. u. s. County Indezes Sinee 1888 ? To locate names, opsn at COTT A•Z TAB INDEX ??t otrict C?? An Identifrin8 Trad? Mark SURNAME INITIAL TAB MADE BY THE CQTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS. OHIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA ' '° ?p NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS F? ;; DATE ?? MINU'fE BOOK ?? :n ;? Month , I Day I Year ?' f? Vol. I Page ? 1. , ??Monthly allowance of $4.00 granted David Moore, pauper. Pa 11 03 Fc 1873?; ?s 3 ? ae 131 ? ? 2. ;Halifax Tate requested aid as out door pauper and sent to Poor House. 11 ,? 04 1873?; wa 3 ? 138 . 3. 4?Dr. Winants' bill for Hospital poor approved. ?a 11 .> 04 ? 1873;a :? 3 139 4. ?Bills for out door paupers approved, pages 139-140. ; 11 04 F; 1873?; 3 139 ± ?? r, , ? ? S. ;?Monthly allowance granted Violet Penn for October and November only. 11 05 1873?i 3 i 140 ? s A ! 6. ?Monthly allowances of $5.00 granted Brice Williams and $4.00 granted John Rogers. , 11 05 1873r; 3 141 ;? . . ?? I`. 7. 'Bill for out door paupers from J.H. and J.M. Westbrook approved. .. 11 ?a 12 1873;? 4; 3 145 'i ?? 8. ? Monthly allowance of $4.00 granted Mary Ann Herring as out door pauper. 11 " 12 1873: 3 jt 146 s; ! q 9. Letter from Mayor of City notifying Commissioners that City will no longer care for indigent within City. 12 , 02 1873`. 3 149 ?` F; 10. After Nov. 22 City will not be responsible for paupers at Poor House, and after Nov. 24 it will not be 12 02 1373 3 149 'y responsible for paupers at City Hospital. ., ' ?. 11. Marshall will send out door paupers now under City care to County. 12 02 1873 3 149 .. 12. J.A. Lowrey was contracted to furnish coffins to persons unable to pay for them. 12 02 1873 3 149 °. 13. After Dec. 1, 1873 all applicants for relief of paupers must appear in person or offer good evidence of 12 02 1873 3 ?` 150 ` urgent need. 14. qCommissioners Martin and Rice to hear and send all approved applicants to Poor House and make status report to Board. 12 02 1873 ; 3 150 F ri q; ?? 3 150 ;: ?? E' 3 150 k? I', 3 150 ;?. i? f? 3 151 ?? 3i y'. 3 151 '; 4? 3?, ;? 15. '.All poor to be cared for at Poor House, , 12 16.,;Above committee to be in Commissioners' room daily to receive applicants for relief of paupers. ; 12 17. Committee to report best way to handle paupers at City Hospital. 12 18. ; Finance Committee to estimate cost of caring for large number of paupers now charged to Board. 12 rd .. 19. Finance Committee to report what means will be necessary to obtain money to meet additional expense of City 12 02 1873; 02 1873„ 02 1873 ; ?? 02 1873 , 02 1873, paupers. 20.. Bills for out door paupers approved. 12 02 1873;' 21., Report from Committee on Paupers spread upon minutes. 12 08 1873;; ?? 22. Attorney's opinion set down as to whom belongs the responsibility for care of City paupers. (ATTORNEY) 12 08 1873' 23._' Attorney feels responsibility of sick and City paupers belongs to the City. 12 08 1873 24.. Paupers in Hospital and their status to be reported. 12 08 1873. 25. Proposals to be received for care of sick paupers in Hospital after February 28, 1874. 12 08 1873f 26. ntl Letter from Dr. Wright relative to medical treatment of paupers filed. 12 08 1873:;, FS 27.., Report from Committee on Poor received and recommendations approved. Ol 05 1874? 28. . Out door paupers' bills approved. O1 OS 1874. 29.:; Out door paupers' bills approved. O1 05 1874; 30.1 Bills from H.E. Scott, Parker & Taylor and George Myers for clothing for paup ers approved, pages 168-169 O1 OS 1874, 31. Advertisement to run in paper for bids for caring for indigent sick of County for twelve months. 02 02 1$74 32. Bills for out door paupers approved, pages 174-175. 02 02 1874. 33. Bills for out door paupers at Hospital approved, pages 174-175. 02 02 1374 34. Bill for out door paupers approved. 02 03 1874,, 35. , Monthly allowance of $3.00 granted Sarah Berry and Venus Adams. 02 26 1874e 36. Request for aid from Mrs. Mary Jane Williams referred to Commissioner Nixon. 02 26 1874? 37. Bids for care and maintenance of indigent sick opened. 02 26 1874- 38. Care of indigent sick awarded to H.E. Scott, Attorney to draw up contract. 02 26 1874' 39. . Bond of H.E. Scott for care of indigent sick approved. 02 27 1874: 40. Contract of Mr. Scott's to care for indigent spread upon minutes. 02 27 1874 41. , Mr. Scott to provide all necessary medical supplies for sick, and bury those who die at his own expense. 02 27 1874;, r4 42. ? i 1? i? ? ? ? . Mr. Scott to be paid 50? per day per person each month. . 02 f ^, `? f 27 1874r, ? E^ ? ?r 3 152 3 155 3 156 3 156 3 157 3 157 3 158 3 162 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 162 167 i? 168 '. 171 ': 174 `, 174 ;: r? 186 ?? ?` 18 6 !': i'. 18 6 ?': ;, ?: 187 , 3 187 3 187 3 188 3 188 3 188 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS I?INUTES - New Hanover County N C MATTER PAUPERS , . . _ : ` rtec. u. s. County Indezea Since 1888 F? ?--? To loeats names, open at COTT A•Z TAB INpEX r?r OFFICE ?L?? An Identifying Trade Mark '3?? SURNAME INITIAL TAB MADE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA ? DATE ' MINUTE BoOK -? NATURE OF PROCEEDIN?S I Month I Day l Year '` Vol. I Page ? is l.i? Dr. Winants to turn over all indigent sick at Hospital to H.E. Scott. 02 27 1874 . 3 187 &? ? , 2.?? ? Mr. Scott to erect building on Poor House tract for care of indigent sick, ; 03 02 1874; 3 189 y 3.?? r Monthly allowance of $2.00 granted Mrs. Mary Cornber. 03 02 1874 3 189 4.? ? Monthly allowance of $3.00 granted Mrs. Zilphan Smith and Precilla Burton. : 04 06 1$74 ., 3 211 , 5.?j ? Monthly allowance of $3.00 granted Aettie Batta and Charriney Batts as recommended by Committee on Poor. ' 08 08 1874 . ,, 3 234 6.}? ks List of paupers' accounts not claimed for payment. .. 09 05 1874 ? `. 3 244 .. + 7.?? Accounts of paupers approved, pages 246-248. 09 05 1874, 3 246 ' ;_ ?? 8.',? ; Commissioners Morris and Van Amringe appointed to attend to out door paupers. ., 09 07 1874 .. 3 250 . 9.;; Request from L.H. Brown for relief of J.O. Bowden, pauper, referred to Committee on Poor. 09 15 1874 3 260 10. Request from Polly Stokes for aid referred ?o Committee on Poor. 10 06 1874 3 265 ,11.;; Application of Coroner Hewlett and R.S. Harris for contract to furnish coffins for paupers rejected due to 10 06 1874 3 265 existing contract. „ .. ,12.;g Bills for out door poor approved. 10 06 1874 3 266 13.,; Bills from S. Van Amringe for removing pauper approved. 10 06 1874 3 267 14.; Nathan Graham, pauper?sent to his home in Richmond County. 10 07 1874 . 3 268 15.,; ?; Request from Jas. W. Moore for clothing rejected. „ 10 07 1874 3 268 16.' ?; Matter of poor outside City referred to Poor Committee. 10 24 1874 . 3 270 .. F 17.?` Bills for out door paupers approved, pages 273-274. 11 02 1874 3 273 y; ? .. . 18.; Relief granted Nancy Stokely. 11 16 1874 3 278 . f: . 19.i; r W Bills of out door paupers approved. , 12 07 1874 3 281 . ri 20.,` Monthly allowance of $6.00 granted Caroline George. 12 08 1874 ' 3 284 ?; „ , 21.? Board granted assistance to Betsey Bowden. Ol 02 1875 3 289 22.'' ;4 Monthly allowance of $4.00 granted Thomas Blanton. O1 04 1875 ., 3 289 . 23.i# ? Accounts for out door poor approved. , O1 05 1875 , 3 291 . 24.k Bill from H.E. Scott for paupers clothing approved. : 01. 05 1875„ 3 292 , 25.0? Annie Carroll and Lydia Orre both added to Poor List and given monthly allowances of $3.00 each. 02 02 1875 3 296 5 , 26.? Applications for aid referred to Poor Committee. . 02 02 1875 3 296 „ 27.'f:, ,a Bills for out door paupers approved. . 02 02 1875 3 298 28.r? E: Request for aid from Mrs. A.J. Malprance tabled. ,. 03 O1 1875., 3 302 r; 29.? ? All money orders received by out door paupers to be discontinued unless recommended by Poor Committee. 03 03 1875 „ 3 307 ,30.!; Bills for out door paupers approved, pages 308-310. 03 05 1875,,: 3 308 ,. 31.'?i .j Bills for out door paupers approved, pages 315-316. 04 06 1875 , 3 315 .. 32.;+; Law provides 25% of poll tax to be used for support of poor. 04 09 1875 3 319 33.'' Board ordered 12 and 1/2% of poll tax collected in 1874 be used to support poor. 04 09 1875 3 319 34., Bills for out door paupers approved, pages 325-326. 05 08 1875 3 325 35. Bills for out door paupers approved, pages 332-333. 06 08 1875 3 332 36. Chairman to advertise for sealed proposals for furnishing medical care for out door poor for one year. 06 15 1875 3 336 37. Dr. W.J. Bellamy awarded contract to care for out door poor. 06 23 1875 3 337 38.,4 ? Dr. Bellamy to be notified of his appointment to care for out door poor. 06 28 1875 ; 3 338 , ?? 39.G? a Dr. Bellamy to care for poor within City recommended by Board, only poor confined to their homes. 06 28 1875 3 338 , 40.?? , Filed letter from Dr, J.D. DeRosset relative to establishing a free Eye and Ear Institute in City for poor. 06 28 1875 „ 3 340?. ', 41.?? Filed letter from Drs. M.J. DeRosset and T.H. Wood announcing opening of Cape Fear General Hospital in 06 28 1875 ,, 3 340 ' ,a City for care of poor at a certain per capita. 42.'', ?a Bills for out door paupers approved. 07 08 1875 3 352 43.?'; Bills for out door paupers approved. 08 03 1875 3 364 44.;? ?'. ?? ;, , ? I Bills for out door paupers approved. r 09 06 1875 ; ? Ei ?? 3 373 ? ' ?? r INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover County N C MATTER PAUPERS , . . _ : ` eea. u. s. County Inde:e? Since 1886 ?y x+?-? To loeate namea, open at ??r orncc ?ik?1.?4k?.. An IdentiFying Trade Mar? ?)?8 SURNAME INITIAL TAB COTT A•Z TAB INDEX MADE BY TH@ COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OH10 SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTN CAROLINA ?? NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS DATE ?? MINUTE BOOK ? ?? 61 °, Month Day I I Year €?t ' 2 Vol. Page I ?? ? ' " . L ' ??+ 1 l.r?Clerk to notify pastors and presidents of societies that monthly aid granted for poor is revoked. '' 10 07 1875a? ?? 3 381 2.?F Bills for out door paupers approved, pages 383-384. ? i 10 07 E. 1875: 3 383 € 3.,?Claim form Clerk of Board of Onslow County for board, nursing and furnishing a coffin for citizen of New 10 11 1875?0 3 384 ?? M ; Hanover who died in that County was disallowed and returned. , 6,; R? r ?{ ?? 4.f„ Bills for out door poor approved. 11 09 1875?; ;? 3 391 ? ? 5. Board member to visit each out door pauper who receives County aid and see if aid is just and proper. 12 11 1875?; 3 397 Rf ,; 6. ? Request from physician for out door poor for increased compensation granted. ' 12 - 16 1875;? 3 400 "e; ;+ t? 7..' Bills for out door paupers approved. 12 16 ? 1875€: 3 400 !i ?s 8. ,' Bills for out door paupers approved, pages 412-413. . 02 9. Bills for out door paupers approved. 02 10. _ Application from Margaret Dahmen for relief not granted. 03 11. Bills for out door poor approved, pages 419-420. 03 12. Bills for out door poor approved. 04 13. Bills for out door paupers for month of April approved. OS 14. Bills of out door paupers for Ma.y, 1876 approved. 06 15. +Letter from G.H. West referring to attendant to out door poor laid over to next meeting. 07 16. Chairman to advertise for bids for a physician to attend to out door poor for one year from August 1, 1876. 07 17. Bills for out door poor for June approved. 07 18. .Bills for July for out door poor approved. 08 19. City cemetery where paupers are buried is full and another burial place is needed, ground to be selected 08 y as burial ground on tract of Poor House. 20. Chairman to employ a physician for poor within City limits at $200 per annus. 08 21. Report on burial ground for paupers on County land was filed. ; 09 22. Bills for out door poor for August approved. 09 23. Matter of Messrs. Lowery and Hooper relative to poor of County referred to Chairman. 10 24. Bills for out door poor for September approved. 11 25. ? Bills for out door poor for October and November approved, pages 504 and 507. 12 26. Bills for out door poor for December approved. 12 27. ,;;Clerk to invite sealed bids from drug stores to provide medicines to out door poor and other poor of County O1 28. ,;Proposals of J.C. Munds accepted to furnish prescriptions for out door poor, contract to expire in Jan.1878 02 29. Report on amount of help given out door poor and names sent to Hospital and Poor House. 02 30. .; Report on persons furnished coffins in January, 1877. 02 31. „ Proposals for medical attendance for out door poor for one year to be accepted until March, 15. , 03 32. Bid for attending out door poor awarded Dr. A.E. Wright. 04 33. .;Bills for out door poor for January, February and March approved. „ 06 34. Report from Out Door Poor Committee on amount of aid received by poor in May. 06 35. Report from Out Door Poor Committee on number of paupers sent out of County in May. 06 36. ? Report from Out Door Poor Committee on number coffins and number of paupers buried in May. 06 37. Report from Out Door Poor Committee on number of poor sent from County in April. ?, ? 06 38. Report from Out Door Poor Committee on amount of aid given poor in June. 07 39. a Report from Out Door Poor Committee on number of poor sent out of County in June. 07 40. Report from Out Door Poor Committee on number of coffins furnished and number of poor buried in June. 07 41. ; Bills for out door porr for April, May and June approved. 08 42. ; Bills for out door poor for July approved. 08 43. ? Report from Out Door Poor Committee on number of coffins furnished poor in July. ; 08 44. ? ,: Report from Out Door Poor Committee on number of burials of paupers and amount of aid given poor in July. , 08 m 07 1876;, 11 1876 08 1876;: 08 1876 03 1876 : 05 1876'. 07 1876 03 1876 : 03 1876 08 1876 ?? 07 1876 .; 15 1876 ?.. 15 1876 • r 23 1876 27 1876?. 09 1876 . 22 1876 , 04 1876?: 29 1876Fr 29 1877 ' OS 1877y 05 1877'; 05 1877,; 05 1877;, 02 1877: 05 1877 .. 05 1877 05 1877 05 1877 . 05 1877 :; 02 1877 ; 02 1877 ; ?, 02 1877':: 11 1877?? .3 11 1877 ,? 11 1877?; 11 1877?, ? M; ?? 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 ?; E 412 ?: s° 414 , 417 ? 419 ; 427 sr 435 446 t' .? 449 `?? 449 451 457 461 461 ; i? 475 !' E? f 481 .' 484 498 5 04 514 523 524 527 ,? 527 ?' ?± 531 ?, 536 , 553 ;; 562 ? 563 '. ;? . 563 ? 565 ;` ,? ;; 568 ?? ?R 569 ?: ,, 569 :' ?; ?° 592 '; 600 603 604 INDEX TO CO?IMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanaver Count? N C MATTER PAUPERS , . . _ : a Rac. u. s. County Indezee Sinee 1888 ?I ? To loeate names, open at coiT A•i TAe INUex r?r OFFICE ??? An Identifying Trade Mar? 'S?? SURNAME INITIAL TAB MADE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA ? NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS DATE ? MINUTE BOOK "; .. Month I Dayl Year ,^ ,; Vol, I Page ,; 1. . ? Report from Out Door Poor Committee on number of paupers sent out of County in July. . 08 11 a 1877 ,. 3 . 605 ., 2.? Application of Mrs. Daniels for assistance from County not granted. F 09 06 1877 ? 3 611 3.? i Applications of persons asking for County aid referred to Poor Committee. 09 06 1877 3 611 4.`? - .? Chairman to contract with Dr. A.E. Wright to attend out door poor out of City limits along with other duties09 10 1877 ?. 3 612 .. ;a 5.;j ,, Report from Committee on Out Door Poor on amount of aid given poor in August. .. 09 22 1877 ', 3 615 „? . 6.?b Report from Committee on Out Door Poor on number of poor sent out of County and number of coffins furnished 09 22 1877 Y 3 617 ? . 7.; , Report from Committee on Out Door Poor on number of poor buried in August. 09 22 1877 , , 3 618 8.?; Dr. A.E. Wright to attend to out door poor out of City limits along with other duties. 10 O1 1877 3 625 . , 9.',? Application asking to be awarded the furnishing of coffins for poor laid on table. 11 06 1877 3 633 ,10.:: August bills for out door poor approved, pages 644-647. 11 06 1877 3 644 11.,; Report from Out Door Poor Committee on amount of aid given paupers in September, pages 648-650. 11 06 1877 3 648 : 12." Report from Out Door Poor Committee on number of coffins furnished poor and number of burials in Sept. 11 06 1877 3 651 13.^ _ ?, Report from Out Door Poor Committee on number of poor transported out of County in September. 11 06 1877 _. 3 651 .. 14.'' Report from Out Door Poor Committee on number sent to Poor House in September. 11 06 1877 : 3 651 15. Report from Out Door Poor Committee on amount of aid given poor in October, pages 652-654. 11 06 1877 3 652 - r? . 16.`b Report from Out Door Poor Committee on number of coffins furnished and number of burials in October. 11 06 1877 3 654 17." . « Report from Poor Committee on amount of aid given poor in November, pages 664-666 12 15 1877 3 664 . 18.± . ? Report from Poor Committee on transportation given poor in November. 12 15 1877 3 666 .. 19. ? Report from Poor Committee on number of coffins furnished poor in November. 12 15 1877 ; 3 666 , 20.F Report from Poor Committee on number of burials in November for poor. 12 15 1877 3 667 21.,? Septemb er, October, November, and December bills for out door poor approved. , 12 15 1877 „ 3 668 , ,22.,, Bills f or out door poor approved, pages 670-671. „ 12 15 1877 „ 3 670 23.'° Report from Out Door Poor Committee on amount of money given poor for groceries in December, pages 690-92. O1 09 1878 ; 3 690 24.r? Report from Out Door Poor Committee on loads of wood and amount of clothing and shoes given poor in Dec. Ol 09 1878 3 692 ,25.„; s Report from Out Door Poor Committee on number of coffins furnished poor in December, pages 692-693. ,. Ol 09 1878 „ 3 692 ; ,26.;? ? Report from Out Door Poor Committee on number of burials and number of paupers sent out of County in Dec. „ O1 09 1878 ;, 3 693 „ 3 27.?; Clerk t o notify parties that Board will receive bids for furnisi?ing coffins to poor. 02 04 1878 3 698 .28.?, William Sampson awarded contract to furnish coffins for poor,being the lowest bidder. , 02 16 1878 „ 3 701 „ 29.; ? ,, Bids fr om Thomas Burbank and James.Munds to furnish medicines to poor, contract awarded James Munds. . 02 16 1878 .. 3 701 30.;! Petitio n of Lizzie Sidburry for charity referred to Poor Committee. 02 16 1878 3 701 31.?+ Report from Out Door Poor Committee on amount of aid given poor in January, pages 702-705. 02 16 1878 3 702 32.;; Report from Out Door Poor Committee on number of coffins and burials furnished poor in January. 02 16 1878 3 705 33. Report from Out Door Poor Committee on clothing furnished poor in January. 02 16 1878 a 3 705 34.; Report from Out Door Poor Committee on amount of wood furnished poor in January, pages 705-706. 02 16 1878 3 705 35.?? Report from Out Door Poor Committee on transportation of poor in January. 02 16 1878 3 706 36.•? Report from Out Door Poor Committee on grocery money given poor in February, pages 708-711. 03 04 1878 3 708 37..; Report from Out Door Poor Committee on transportation of poor out of County in February. , 03 04 1878 „ 3 711 38.,; Report from Out Door Poor Committee on amount of wood given poor and number of coffins given poor in Feb. 03 04 1878 3 712 ,39.,; Petitio n from Canady Blueiwho lost one arm,to be transported to Louisiana was ordered taken as far as 04 10 1878 . 3 718 , ? Fl orence, S.C. ?: 40.;? ? Request from Mrs. Skipper for County aid referred to Committee on Out Door Poor. „ 04 10 1878 , 3 718 , 41.;, Duncan Holmes awarded contract for burying the poor, he being lowest bidder. . 04 10 1878 „ 3 718 42.' A blind woman, Jennie Washington, turned over to W. Russell for $5.00 per month. 05 06 1878 3 722 43.,? Request from R.S. Radcliff to raise aid of Miss Currie from $3.00 to $5.00 a month laid on table. 06 05 1878 ; 3 725 44.;; Request from Moses Mott to have Elizabeth James placed on poor list granted. 07 O1 1878 3 733 45.;a ,s` Request from William Jones to have Robert Davis placed on poor list granted. 07 Ol 1878 3 733 !r 6? ?? -. i$ {? . I? INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover Count?, N. C. _ MATTER: PAUPERS ` R[s. u. s. Counry Indezw Since 1888 ? To locata namaa, open at COTT A•Z TAB INDEX ??s o?noc ???? An Identifyin¢ Trade Maric SURNAME INITIAL TAB MADE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA [? ; ph NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS ? DATE ?? MINUTE BOOK ? ?? ?? Month ? Day ? Year ? VoL ? Page e ?? 1.h?Monthly allowance of Bob Hooker on poor list to be increased from $1.00 to $2.00. 07 02 1878;` 3 735 ? ?, d?? ? 2.4?'Auditing Clerk to issue a pass to pauper Emalin Johnson to Goldsboro, she wanting to go to Raleigh. 07 15 1878?Ea 3 736 ;? 3. +Auditing Clerk to issue a pass to Clanton and Saphron Toole and children to go to Weldron. ; 07 4. ;?01. John Taylor elected Clerk of Auditing Committee and Warden of the Out Door Poor. 09 5. ?",Burrell Sidberry allowed $1.50 for September. . ,, 09 6. ?Ma.rtha Walker allowed $2.00 per month instead of $1.00. y ,, 09 7. ;Transportation to Raleigh granted William Bowden, a blind man. 09 8. Mrs. Nancy Harvill allowed $1.00 for relief for present and Warden of Out Door Poor to ?:ook into her case. : 09 9. Alice Dingle granted transportation to her home in S.C. 09 10. Mary Hudosn and Sarah Parker granted $1.00 each, not being on regular poor list. 09 ]]. .Nancy Eagles, Lucy McKinzie and Daniel Cooper granted $1.00 each, not being on regular poor list. 09 12. Mrs. Mott to be allowed one pair of shoes not to exceed $l. , 10 13. Nathan Smith granted $3.00 per month, and James Jones allowed $1.00 per month until further ordered. 10 14. ;Case of Zilphia Williams referred to Dr. W.W. Lane. 10 15. .; Petition of Lovy Ann Waldrons referred to Dr. W.W. Lane for investigation. , 10 16. , Eliza Price, Sarah Blaney and Morris Gause allowed $1.00 each. , 10 17. :,,Petitions of Dennis Parker and Henry Sharpless requesting aid referred to Dr. W.W. Lane. 10 18. ,Case of Lizzie Herring referred to Dr. W.W. Lane. 10 19. Monthly allowance of $1.00 granted Polly Moore and Harriet Livingston. 10 20. : All temporary aid persons to be admitted to Poor House if Dr. Lane so recommends. 11 21. .Temporary aid given A.J. Johnson until he can take family to his former home in Onslow. 11 22. Name of Daniel Robinson to be stricken from poor list. 11 23. Mrs. Pete Robinson allowed $1.00 temporary relief. 11 24. J.J.H. Dawson allowed $2.00 to go to Shelby, N.C. 11 25. ;Report of Dr. W.W. Lane relative to Potter's Field referred to Commissioners Montgomery, Grady and Lane. 12 26. After Jan, l, 1879 the allowance granted blind girl, Jane Washington, to be disallowed. 12 27. ;Bids received for furnishing coffins and burying dead of County. Ol 28. ^Nora Sampson awarded contract to bury County poor. Ol 29. Name of Mrs. Caroline George to be stricken from Poor List, but $2.00 monthly granted George Gladden and O1 William Farrow each. 30. ?Hiram Button allowed $2.00 monthly during winter months. 31. Jeff Johnson allowed $1.00 per month for January, February and March. 32. Monthly allowance of $2.00 granted widow of George Gladden for February through April. 33. Monthly allowance of $2.00 granted Mrs. William Farrow for three months. 34.',;BQard disallows claim of Wake County since RQbert PQwell is not a citizen of New Hanover, 35..;Contract for furnishing medicines to poor awarded J.C. Munds at 12 1/2? per prescription. 36. ,Board disallows claim from Mecklenburg County since Frank Johnson is not a citizen of this County. 37.,;Salary set for Superintendent of Board of Health and for care of out door poor. 38., John D. Taylor elected Clerk to Auditing Committee and Warden of the Poor. 39.;;Bil1 from G. Boney and Sons for out door poor to be paid. 40.,,rioney allowed Henry Aiken to bury Kitty Ward. ; 41.:,Moses Mott allowed $4 a month for care of Mrs. Elizabeth James. 42. Bids will be accepted for furnishing medicines, coffins and burials for paupers. 43. J.K. Mcllhenny awarded contract to furnish medicines to out door poor at 12? per prescription. 44. Nora Sampson awarded contract to furnish coffins and bury County poor who may die. 45.;?Mrs. Blackwell allowed temporary relief of $2.00, and monthly allowance of $1 granted Sue Longdon. ?. ° O1 15 1878 k; ,a 04 1878 ?q 06 1878 f? 11 1878 ?? 16 1878 f 27 1878;r 27 1878 ., {. 30 1878" 30 1878. 07 1878, 07 1878 07 1878 ? 07 1878' 07 1878': 07 1878` ?? 07 1878 ;; 07 i878. 04 1878i 04 1878' 04 1878 14 1878;; 29 1878?= 06 1878 ?? ,; 06 1878 '?. 06 1879 s, 06 1879 ;? 06 1879 +F 06 1879 : O1 22 1879 02 17 1879 02 17 1879 03 03 1879 ;; 03 03 1879. 06 02 1879 ' „ 07 . 09 09 „ 02 08 12 12 12 09 07 1879;, O1 1879;, 15 1879 ,; 02 1880„ 02 1880;a 06 1880, 20 1880 ? 20 1880r: 04 1882 ? ?; ?? 3 736 3 745 3 746 3 748 3 7 5 0 !', ? 3 7 65 `' ; 3 766 `: ?, 3 766 3 767 ?. 3 768 ? „ 3 768 ?' ?? ?; 3 768 ' 3 768 ?3 3 7 68 ?; ? ?; 3 769 : 3 769 3 769 3 773 3 773 3 773 3 778 3 780 4 4 4 5 4 11 4 12 4 12 4 13 4 17 4 22 4 22 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 23 ;,, 24 ? ?: 78 80 102 ?: ;; 107 ;; 17 0 ?.: 221 251 257 257 413 ?AUPERS INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES -- New Hanov r C t N C e oun ?, . . _ MATTE R: ` County Indezee S?n« ie88 So tocats names, open at eeo. u. s. //? C4TT A-Z TAB 1NDEX ? ,,?I?-? !AT OiFICE C?GttJ1y??C.a-? An Identifying Tradc Mark SURNAME INITIAL TAB MADE BY TH@ COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA , ? NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS DATE ;? i MINUTE BOOK '' ^ Month I Day l Year '1 Vol. Page ° R? ? 1.? ? Letter from Owen Fennell, Jr., relative to aid for Mrs. Edens was not approved. 12 ? . 04 1382 : 4 435 , 2.i3 Nora Sampson awarded contract for furnishing coffins and burying out door paupers. Ol .? 02 1883 , ?. 4 443 ?? ?? 3. ? Coffins will be $1.20 each, and burials and conveying body will be $1.4d. O1 . 02 1883 : .. 4 443 ,? 4.? John K. Mcllhenny awarded contract to furnish medicines for out door poor at 15? per prescription. : O1 02 1883 1 4 443 5.s ?fI Warden of Poor John D. Taylor turned over money to Treasurer collected from Columbus County. , 04 02 1883 „ 4 457 6.?? Col. J.D. Taylor resigned as Warden Co the Poor to become County Treasurer. 04 16 1883 4 469 .? 7.?? Board elected W.W. Shaw as Auditing Clerk and Warden to the Poor. 04 16 1883 4 470 ?; 8.,? 't Request for aid from Henry 0. Rankin laid on table. 07 02 1883 `v 4 480 9.;; Temporary relief given Thomas and Cornelia Beasley, infant stepchildren of I.W. Haney. 12 05 1883 ; 4 515 , 10.;, Relief granted Mrs. Mary Farrow and Mrs. C.A. Armstrong. 02 04 1884 4 527 11. John S. Gibson awarded contract for furnishing coffins and burying paupers. 08 04 1884 4 569 12., James W. Conoly awarded contract for furnishing medicines to out door poor at 13G per prescription. 12 22 1884 4 599 13.' John S. Gibson awarded contract for two years for furnishing coffins and burying poor. 12 22 1884 4 599 14.?? ,. All applicants for relief must come before the Board. 03 Ql 1886 4 690 15.?; W.H. Green & Co. awarded contract to furnish medicines to out door poor at 12? per prescription. 12 13 1886 4 767 16.'{ W.T. Cornish awarded contract for furnishing coffins and burying poor. 12 13 1886 4 767 17.! W.W. Shaw resigned as Warden of the Poor. 07 04 1887 5 20 18.,:? ? ?? S.W. Vick elected Warden of the Poor. 07 ., 04 1887 ,. 5 21 ., 19.'i Board passed resolution praising W.W. Shaw for his work and services. 07 06 1887 5 26 20.?? f W.A. Cornish surrendered his contract for furnishing coffins and burying paupers. 10 10 1887 . 5 46 21.' John S. Gibson awarded contract for furnishing coffins and burying paupers at $2.60 each. 10 10 1887 5 46 r? .. .. .. 22.:; Contract for furnishing coffins and burying out door poor granted Edward Green. 12 17 1888 5 129 . . „ ,23.' ?? Contract awarded Munds Brothers for furnishing medicines for out door poor at 10 3/4? per prescriptione 12 .. 17 1888 5 129 . 24.?? Contract awarded James D. Nutt for furnishing medicine to County paupers at 10 1/2? per prescription. 12 08 1890 , 5 287 „ 25.,9 Contract awarded Davis C. Evans for furnishing coffins and burials for poor at $2.34. , 12 08 1890 ,? 5 287 ,_ 26..; 7 Mrs. Kate Newell allowed $2.50 per month since she has a deformed child. 10 05 1891 ., 5 353 ,. . '27.?? Contract to furnish medicines for out door poor awarded J.D. Neett. 12 19 1892 ; 5 462 ? 28.?' Contract to furnish coffins for pauper dead awarded D.C. Evans, 12 19 1892 5 462 „ 29.?; Board to request City Physician to care for poor in City limits. .. 06 12 1893 „ 5 504 „ :? 30.;? , Superintendent of Health to care for poor outside City limits. „ 06 12 1893., 5 504 . 31.`? Aldermen Northop, Harriss and Fowler reported in opinion of City Attorney Roundtree, it was not City's 06 19 1893 5 505 `3 ?? duty to care for sick poor of City. (See HEALTH DEPARTMENT) ,. . 32.?? ? Money to be donated to the Ladies Benevolent 5ociety for relief of out door poor. 07 ?. 03 1893 ... 5 509 .. 33.' Board donated money for relief of out door poor as requested by Mr. Daniels. O8 07 1893 5 512 34.?' Rev. Robert Strange appeared in interest for providing for out door poor. 09 04 1893 5 518 35. Associated Charities, all white churches, to investigate all whites on out door pauper lists and to 09 04 1893 5 519 receive money from Treasurer for their care. 36.?: Board donated money to Ladies Benevolent Society for care of out door poor. 10 02 1893 5 524 37.` Contract awarded G.L. Harman for furnishing medicines to out door poor at 10 1/2? per prescription. 12 17 1894 5 605 ;38..?; Bids received for furnishing coffins and burials for paupers and contract awarded ?o D.C. Evans, 12 17 1894 5 605 39.',? President E.J. Gregg of United Society of Charities requested aid from Board for colored paupers; granted. O1 07 1$95 5 608 40.; ?. Money appropriated for wood for out door poor to be distributed by Associated Charities. 11 .. 04 1895 .. S 675 41.;, Committee to investigate idea to change present system of furnishing medicines for out door poor. 11 04 1895 5 675 42.r{ Contract for furnishing medicines for out door poor transferred from G.L. Harman to J.C. Munds; Mr. Har- 11 04 1895 5 676 ;? , man retired. . 43.;; Mrs. Ketchun petitioned for relief from taxes and for aid, petition deferred. 12 08 1896 5 750 ?s v1 !? ? ?? i? " ? ? ?S. I? Y i ?? r; ?i, N INDEX TO CO?IMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover Count? C pAUPERS MATTER , . . _ : ` ¦cc, u. :. Couney Indezes Since 1888 ?? ?+.? To iocate names, open at rAr o?f?c? ???? An 1denNfying Trade Mark ?3?..? BURNAME INITIAL TAB COTT A•2 TAB INDEX MADE BY THE CQTT ?NDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS. OHIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA ?? NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS ? DATE ;?g MINUTE BOOK ; ¢? ? ? Month ? Day ? Year ?? Vol. ? Page ?? , - E, . E 1.`?' James Richardson granted $1.00 allowance, , Ol 04 ? 1897?i ?; 5 755 2.; ?g Bid read from City druggist for furnishing medicines for poor; action deferred., F; Ol 04 1897?; : 5 755 ,; ? 3., „ Contract awarded D.C. Evans for furnishing coffins for poor. ` Ol 04 1897!; 5 755 ?; t 4.? Bid from City druggists to fill prescriptions for poor was accepted by Board. i Ol 05 1897;' S i 757 ? ?; 5.„ Benjamin Laspiere and Celia Davis allowed $2.00 per month for March and April. 02 i? 10 1897?; i, 5 765 ii ?? 6.` Allowance of $1.50 left to Wright Dixon. 03 O1 1897 5 777 i ? ,p • Itl 1 ?i ? 7.! . Petition from Harvey Brown for aid referred to CQmmissioner Dempsey. 04 05 i. 1897}? 5 796 ?? ' P. 8.. Tools and materials to be purchased for Willis Stevens so he can earn a living and not become a County I 05 .. 03 1897 '; 6 10 ?? „ charge. 9. Fred Green allowed $1.50 for June. 06 07 1897 , 6 10. Lucy Berthay allowed money for burial of Reuben Berthay. ?8 02 1897's 6 11. Nellie Croom granted $1.00 for the month for relief. 09 06 1897 ; 6 12. Claim presented from Pender County for keeping John Sessoms, but Board ruled he was never a bona fide 09 06 1897_` 6 resident of New Hanover. 13. Mrs. Mary Farrow was allowed $3.00 per month for aid. ; 09 07 1897 a ?, 6 14. Application from A,B. Jones and wife denied since own real estate. 10 13 1897 .' 6 15. Request from Miss Lillie E. McCarson for aid referred to Commissioners. . 10 13 1897 '? 6 16.. C.C. Ketchum allowed $2.00 per month. . 11 O1 1897 ' 6 17. Petition of Miss Lillie McCarson for aid not granted. , 12 06 1897 '' 6 18.«; Sophie McKenzie allowed $1.00 for month of December. , 1Z_ 06_ 1897 ,.; 6 19.;. Mrs. Ketchum granted $2.00 a month. ,: 12 13 1897 ;; 6 20. Monthly allowances granted Lamb Harris, Mrs. Ketchum, Ben Watson and Thomas Rowe. O1 03 1898 6 21. Committee to investigate aid case of Miss Lillie McCarson. O1 03 1898 , 6 22. Request for aid from Mosely Williams not granted. 61 03 1898 ! 6 23. ., Petition from James Wilson referred to Gommissioners Dempsey and Nixon. , 02 08 1898 ' _? 6 24. Application of D.A. Teachy to bury pauper dead not allowed, contract already given. 02 08 1898 ;; 6 25. Monthly allowances granted Annekey John.son and William and wife. 02 08 1898 .; 6 26.; Monthly allowances granted Miss Lillie McCarson, Manlsey Williams, Maria Gause, Fannie Davis and H. Futch. 03 07 8898 : 6 27. Request for aid fr:am Ida Holman referred to Commissioner Dempsey for investigation. 04 04 1898 ';y 6 28. Mrs. Williams allowed $2.00 per month and Josh. Garrell cut off of Poor List. 04 25 1898 6 ., M i 29.. Monthly allowance of $1.00 granted Ida Holman. a. 05 OZ 1898 6 30. County Physician reported family of Mrs. Ketchum has scarlet fever and quarantined and money allowed. , 05 04 1898 4; 6 31.. Mrs. Ketchum and family who were quarantined allowed money as requested by County Physician. 05 31 1898 :; 6 32. Allen B. Jones allowed $1.50 a month. 06 06 1898 . 6 33., Request for aid from Alcenia Reed referred to Superintendent of Health. 07 05 1898 ;, 6 34.,, Board deferred revising Out Door Poor List. . 08 O1 1898 ,; 6 35., Mrs. Fannie Farrow allowed $2.00 a month. ; 08 15 1898 ,; 6 3b.,, Superintendent of Health reported there is little sickness among poor, but one case of smallpox. . 81_ 02 1899 .; 6 37. Monthly allowance granted Burrell Sidberry and his wife of $1.50 per month. 02 06 1899 6 38. Superintendent of Health reported a case of smallpox found in a tramp and he sent to Pest House and cured. 03 06 1899 6 39., Josh Garr?ll granted $1.50 for one month only. 03 06 1899 ; 6 40. Superintendent of Health reported an increase in demand from poor for medical assistance. 04 03 1899 ?? ?? 6 41. Monthly allowances granted John Crandal, Laura Nixon and Ben Watson. 05 O1 1899 , 6 42., Contract for furnishing coffins and burying out door poor awarded Calvin Reaves. 05 O1 1899 6 43. Monthly allowance granted J.A. Smith. 06 05 1899 ? 6 44.. County Physician to examine for physical disabilities a11 applvcants for aid before it is given. 06 05 1899 . 6 ? W ; ;? , ?i ?: i? 12 Y: 3,l 40 40 ?; 43 48 48 58 ?_ i: 63 ?; 65 ;; 66 ?; ?. 72 ? ,: 72 py tp 72 N F 81 ?4 83 ?? 84 , 105 112 120 ' n? ? 122 '` ?: 123 ? 126 : r+ I; 134 149 „ 17 2 r; 17 219 ?. 225 235 ?: ;; f 236 ;? ?' 4' 245 ?, 259 ` rr 259 ?''.. i? ?,' 29 7 `'' ;; 297 ?' ?i ?;; E INDEX TO CONiMI5SI0NERS MINUTES - I?ew Hanover Count?, N. C. _ MATTER: PAUPERS ?ac. u, s. County Indexea Since 1888 ??.3--- To loaate names, open at corr A-z Tne INDEx r?r OFFICE ??1?-? An Identifying Trade Mer? ?..? SURNAME INITIAL TAB MADE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA DATE ?" NATURE OF PROC?EDINGS ? °e Month ( Day I Year ?,? ? l. Mrs. J. Farrow, Fannie Harriss and Mrs. Jones dropped from out door poor list in Masonboro Township. ; 12 2. Contract for burying out door poor awarded W.L. Thorp. ! 12 3. Bond of W,L. Thorp and P. Cumming for contract for burying out door poor incomplete so returned. ' 12 r= 4. William W. Garrell was allowed $2.00 per month for his support. ?: 02 5. Widow of James Jones allowed $1.50 a month for herself and children. ??' 02 6. Out door poor list of County was revised. ,' 06 7. Dr. McMillan reported on changes in poor list; allowed increase for Eneor Jordan and cancelled for Henry ; 07 i ? ? Jordan. ?? 8.? Superintendent of Health found Eliza Davis old, unable to cook and destitute. 08 9.? F Benjamin Peckett placed on poor list and allowed $2.00 a month. 12 , 10.w? Application of Rose Howard for relief referred to Dr. McMillan. 12 11.?' Superintendent of Health reported Rose Howard a fit subject for the County Home. ,,, O1 i; 12.^ Allowance granted Allen Jones to be continued to his wife. 03 13.?? Wiley Johnson allowed money for burying unknown Negro in Federal Point Township. , 04 14. Betsy Simpson allowed $1.50 per month until further notice. ? 04 ,15. Monthly allowance of Mary Eliza Jones and children raised from $1.50 to $2.00. ;, 04 ,16.?y James Irwin, Lydia Simmons and William Usher placed on poor list at $1.50 each per month. ; 05 fY ,17,?? Josh Garrell allowed $2.00 for August and September. ,, 08 18.? Josh Garrell granted one more month's allowance, and his case to be investigated by Commissioner Holmes. 10 ? 19.'? Committee recommended monthly allowance be continued for Josh H, Garrell. 11 20. ? Contract for burying paupers awarded W.W. King. 12 " 21.;, Cases of James Bender and Fanny Davis requesting relief re?erred to Superintendent of Health. 03 „ ` ? 22.?N Superintendent of Health recommended Fanny Davis and James Bender be granted monthly allowances. 04 23. James Bender allowed $3.00 per month and Fanny Davis allowed $1.50 per month. 04 24. Request of Julius Henry for relief was referred to Auditing Committee. 04 25.y? :? Money granted Mrs. James Rasberry and children for one month and Superintendent of Health to investigate 06 f? ?? the case. _ {3 26.y? ? Request fram Mr. McAnslow for relief referred to Commissioner Alexander and Montgomery. ? 07 27.? Committee advised continuing relief given Mrs. Rasberry and children. 07 28. Sophia McKoy put on poor list and allowed $1.50 per month. , 09 29. William Williams and wife Molsey, allowed $3.00 per month. ; 11 30.i Request from Mrs. Bornamann for relief referred to Messrs. Vollers, Montogmery and McEachern for review. 12 ? 31.j f Mrs. Ann E. Bornamann to receive monthly allowance. 12 R 32.'; ;; Bids for burying paupers received from J.W. Hansley and W.W. King, contract awarded W.W. King. Ol ?, 33 ? L . ? - , aney Bowen re?uasted to be placed on poor list, referred for investigation. D2 . 34.l? Mrs. Rage Sanders placed on poor list at $3.00 per month. 03 s; 35.?? ? C? Appropriation of Mrs. Laney Bowen to be made permanent. 04 . 36.?? Request from Charles A11en and wife to be put on poor list referred to Finance Committee. 05 37.? Application of Sarah Frank for relief was laid aside for more information. 06 ?p 38.?? Scipio Jones allowed $1.50 for this month. 06 ?, ?, °s 39. Appropriation to Scipio Jones was made permanent at $1.50 per month. 07 40.R? ,, Allowance of $1.50 given Scipio Jones continued to his wife. 09 E, 41.? John Robinson allowed $2.00 per month and placed on poor list. 09 42. Board misinformed on death of Scipio Jones and order giving allowance to wife rescinded. 10 ? 43.? Allowance granted James Irwin of $1.50 per month to be continued to his widow. 11 44. Eliza McKoy placed on poor list at $1.50 per month, and Jim and Annie Wilson allowed $2.50 per month. 11 04 1899 15 1899, 20 1899 ' 05 1900 ; 20 1900 ? ? 04 1900: 02 1900 ? 06 1900 03 1900 , 03 1900 , 07 1901 „ 04 1901 ; O1 1901 :, Ol 1901 :, 15 1901 ::; 06 1901 ., 05 1901 ;, 07 1 O1 ?, 04 1901 ; 02 1901 03 1902 07 1902 07 1902 ` 07 1902 s' 03 1902 ? 07 1902 ;; 07 1902 ., Ol 1902 ;, 03 1902 ;; O1 1902 02 1902 05 1903 02 1903 02 1903;: 06 1903 04 1903 je O1 1903 Ol 1903 ?, 06 1903 '° 08 1903 y 09 1903 '; 05 1903 02 1903 ;? 02 1903; :8 ? MINUTE BOOK j° VoL ? Page E. 6 362 ? 6 363 ,? 6 366 ?? 6 399 ? ,? 6 401 f. 6 446 , 6 449 < 6 459 6 488 6 489 . 6 511 , 6 532 6 535 6 535 ,? 6 537 6 548 ,? 6 584 ,e 6 602 6 610 ' 6 617 ? 6 640 6 643 6 644 6 644 ,; 6 655 ; 6 661 6 661 6 672 6 679 6 683 . 6 687 6 694 6 699 . 6 704 6 712 6 718 6 725 6 7 25 6 731 6 748 6 751 6 753 6 757 6 758 i ?? 4? I? INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover Count N C PAUPERS ?, . . _ MATTER: 4 ?ea. u. s. County Indezes Sinee f888 r?r orr?cc C.?i?ay??? An ldentifrins Trsde Mark To toeat? names, open at EURNAMH INITIAL TAB COTT A•Z TAB INDEX C T E ? I L SOLD BY OW N G DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH CARO N A ' NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS is DATE ;= MINUT E BOOK ? ?. Month I Day I Year pi ., Vol. I Page ? l. ? 4 d aq W,W. King awarded contract for furnishing coffins and burial of poor at $2.00 each. 12 10 y 1903;, 6 ? ?, 766 ? 2. ?1 Request from Board of Managers of James Walker Memorial ?a Hospital for another way of filling prescriptions 07 11 1904; 6 , F; 803 `? y for poor referred to Chairman. ni .. ` , .i ?{ d 3. Elijah Taylor, age 13, hired out to Charles Bennett and Mr. Bennett to pay all costs against boy. ' 10 03 1904nj 7 3}y 4 s? 4. ' Prescriptions for poor awarded to J.C. Munds. 12 05 1904 ? 7 11 ?; 5. + Monthly allowances granted Ellen Carlston, Easter Fryor and Harry Merrick and wife. 6. ` E:? C.arlston and Esther Fryer granted $2 for February. .! 7. ; Mrs. Fr?on and Mr. Carlston allowed $2 for March and $2 for W. Garrell. ., 8. Esther Fryon allowed $2 per month. 9. Bill from Jordan Nixon for burial of Out Door Poor was disallowed. 10. Silas Ross allowed $2 per month. 11. Money donated to be expended by Rev. J. Carmichael for poor. 12. Contract for furnishing coffins and burying poor awarded W.W. King. 13. Rickey Hopkins not allowed "keep" by County. 14. ' Mary Peadrick allowed $3 per month. 15. ' Aid given J.W. Crandell. 16. y Contract for burials and coffins for poor given to W.W. King. 17. Allowance of $5 a month granted J.D. Costin and wife, an old Confederate soldier. 18. No action on request for increased aid from J.W. Crandell and wife. 19. Request for aid increase for Mrs. J.W. Crandell referred to Superintendent of Health. 20.,,,Tdilliam Garrell allowed $2 per month. 21.; Mr. and Mrs. Gurganus allowed $5 per month. 22. Maney allowed Lucy Wilson and husband. 23.,, Magg Brown allowed $2.50 per month. 24.; Mrs. C.A. Mintz allowed $2 a month until case could be investigated. 25.., Rev. J.F. Hill allowed $5 a month since unable to work. 26.., John McKoy allowed $2 per month. 27. ' County Medical Society to assist Superintendent of Health with Out Door Poor. 28.: Rufus Strickland allowed $2 per month; to be investigated for continuance. 29. . Rufus G. Strickland to receive $2 a month and to be put on permanent list. 30. Virgil Hill allowed $2 per month. ?• ?a n? ; ' O1 , 03 1905,; 7 b; 16 ? ?r ? 02 ., 06 1905 ?' 7 1£i E'' `I 03 .. 06 1905 ? 7 20 ;' ?, 04 ? 03 1905' M 7 22 ' A; 04 Q3 1905 7 22 31. ' Request for relief from Jessie Walker referred to Superintendent of Health to investigate. 32. ; Proposal from E.J.W. Anders to sell his land for use of Potter's Field Cemetery referred to committee. 33. Superintendent of Health recommended Jessie Walker be put on Out Door Poor List, as she was. 34. Zeth Wilson allowed $2 per month and aid not granted Burney Thomas. 35. Harry Merrick and wife put on Out Door Poor List at $2 per month; Board to revise poor Zist. 36. Mrs. Rafe Sanders allowed $3 a month, but Dr. McMillan to investigate. 37. Marinda Spivy allowed money for one month, but Dr. McMillan to investigate. 38.;, Superintendent of Health recommended people to be continued on poor list. 39. Betsy Spivey granted $2 per month. 40. Allowance of Josh Garrell increased to $2.50. 41.; Mrs. Lucy Byrd allowed $2 per month until case is investigated by Superintendent of Health. 42. Committee to investigate matter of paupers' buryirtg ground. 43., Mrs. Hattie Piner and four children allowed $2.50 per month. 44. Request of Salvation Army for aid for Mrs. Martha Costin referred to Superintendent of Health. 45.,? Mrs. Hester Buford allowed $2 a month. E G ? E ?? 06 04 1905 7 27 , 09 05 1905 7 37 „ 12 04 1905 ., 7 44 ?' ,. 02 03 1906 7 47 11 06 1906 , 7 65 ,; 12 ?,? 03 1906 ,? 7 68 " p. 12 03 1906 7 69 ?? 02 04 , 1907 ;; 7 ;: 77 ;: ; 04 Ol 1907` 7 , 85 '? .. a, .. ?. „ 05 06 1907 „? 7 86 ?, „ 05 06 1907 ',' 7 86 F ,. 09 03 1907 ,, 7 107 ; . 03 02 1908 ,, 7 126 ?; ., 04 06 1908 ;: 7 129 ;. 07 06 1908 ;. 7 137 ,; ;; 09 08 1908 ;; 7 ; 145 ; , , 10 OS 1908 ;? 7 151 ;, 02 Ol 1909 . 7 167 02 Ol 1909, 7 168 i. 03 . O1 1909 ? „ 7 170 `, 04 ?, 05 1909 , 7 174 6: r. 05 03 1909 7 175 ' 06 07 1909., 178 ; 06 07 1909 , 178 ?, 1?3 9 . 183 ' „ 189 :^ 47 10 O1 06 1909 04 1909 03 1910 7 7 7 7 7 O1 03 1910 7 , Ol 02 03 04 04 06 06 07 03 1910 t^ 07 1910': 07 1910 04 1910 ?q 04 1910 06 1910 06 1910 05 1910 _; I 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 I89 r 189 ? E? 190 ? ?? 191 ?' ,? 193 ?. F! 193 a? ;? 195 ?? 195 ?' 7 197 INDEX TO COi?MISSIONERS MINUTES -- New Hanover Count? N C MATTER PAUPERS , . . _ : ` ?ec. u. s. County Indezee Since 1888 ? TO IOCOt! f18M8S, OpBD 0t r?r OFFICE C??? An ldentifyins Ttade Mark SURNAME INITIAL TAB COTT A-Z TAB INDEX MADE BY TNE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NOR TH CAROLINA DATE ?i MINUTE BOOK ';, NATURE OE PROCEEDINGS ? Month I Day I Year J ' Vol. Page ? ,, , l. Contract to bury Out Aoor Paupers awarded to W.W. King. 12 05 1910;a a 7 204 ',': , 2.?? J.P. Wallace given $2 a month until Superintendent of Health can investigate it. O1 04 1911;. 7 206 :' ?? ? 3.?` Board listed people entitled to be on Out Door Poor List. 02 20 1911 7 209 4.N Caroline Solomon allowed $2.50 per month. , 05 Ol 1911'? 7 217 , ?? 5.? Auditing Clerk to issue orders for poor to "whom it may be presented" not to specific person s. : 05 O1 1911? 7 217 4 p 6.'? John Taylor allowed $2 per month. 09 06 1911 7 232 ?• 7. Isaac Hines allowed $2 a month as recommended by Superintendent of Health. Ol 02 1912 7 240 ' 8.?5, ?? Rufus Strickland allowed $2 for March. 03 .. 04 1912; r. 7 244 ., , 9.k, Mrs. Ward allowed $2.50 per month, but aid denied Mrs. M.E. Clemmons and Elisha McGuire. 04 Ol 1912; 7 247 10. Aid to be continued for Rufus Strickland and he to report to Superintendent of Health once a month. 04 O1 1912 7 247 ,? . 11., Zeth Walton placed on Out Door Poor List as recommended by Superintendent of Health. 05 12. Request for aid from Josephine Stubbs referred to Miss Carrie Price. 06 13.;? Request for aid from J.R. Rackley referred to Superintendent of Health. 06 14.`` Rosa Spellman and Mary A. Rowan allowed $2 a month. 08 15.;? Action of putting Mary Rowan and Rosa Spellman on Out Door Poor List by Superintendent of Health approved. 09 16.!44 Request for aid from Exelina Mack referred to Superintendent of Health. 10 17.'?? Mrs. Robert Rivenbark allowed $3 a month temporarily. 11 18.;a W.W. King awarded contract to furnish coffins and burials for Out Door Poor. 19.ky Bid received from W.H. Green and Co. to furnish medicine for poor, but Board decided to readvertise. 20.?? Request from Mrs. C.T. Powell for aid referred to Superintendent of Health, and from Mrs. R.A. Evans. b 21.c? Out Door Poor of County to meet with Board in March. i? 22.'' Jarman and Mintz awarded contract to furnish medicine for Out Door Poor. oi 23.'? Cases of R.J. Strickland and Mrs. R. Rivenbark? stricken from Poor List, referred to Chairman to confer ., ?a with Superintendent. .? 24.`9 Members of Out Door Poor to meet with Superintendent of Health who will investigate each case. ,! r; 25.',° List from Superintendent of Health on Out Door Poor referred back for more details. r 26.; Request of P.D. White to be put on Out Door Poor List referred to Superintendent of Health. :? 27.?? P.D. White placed on Out Door Poor List. ?y 28.:? Clerk to issue order to Richard Wilson for $1.50 per month. 29.?? Monthly allowance of $2 granted Carolina Ennett. , ,, ;i 30.ty Request from Joseph Gray for aid referred to Dr. James Thames for investigation. i; 31.?w Assistant Superintendent of Health recomm?nded J.A. Gray not be placed on Out Door Poor List. „ ?? ,32.;; Request from Mrs. Henry C. Arthur for aid for her husband referred to Dr. Thames. ?;. 33.,; Henry C. Arthur placed on Out Door Poor List, but G.H. Rogers refused. .?4.?; Request fram L.43. Maare for aid referred to Dr. Thames. 35.,; W.W. King awarded contract to furnish coffins and bury poor. , 36.;; A.A. Odum and David Harrell not allowed on Out Door Poor List. 37.;i Request f?nMrs. Anna Ballard for aid referred to Dr. Thames. n 38.?? Report of Dr. Thames on Mrs. Annie Ballard filed. 39.`? Request from J.T. Hancock for aid referred to Dr. Thames. 40.'?? Auditor to make duplicate warrant for Out Door Poor order to W.J. Mallard. ? 41.?? Associated Charities and health officers to review applicants for relief and investigate those receiving. ?; y 42.;; Letter from Dr. Thames relative to pauper woman referred Co County Home Committee. :, 43." Mr. Jamison placed on Out Door Poor List. :t i; 44.i? Request from A.A. Odum to be put on Out Door Poor List referred to Dr. Thar?es. ?. 45.k? A.A. Odum not put on Out Door Poor List. 06 1912; 7 249 03 1912 7 250 03 1912, 7 250 05 1912 7 254 : 12 12 12 Ol O1 02 03 1912 07 1912 04 1912 03 1912 05 1912 05 1912. 06 1913; 06 1913 03 1913 7 257 7 259 ; 7 261 . 7 265 ', 7 266 7 266 7 270 . 7 270 7 279 03 1913. 7 280 03 1913 7 281 07 1913 7 287 ! 05 1913 7 290 02 1913, 7 305 30 1913 7 309 06 1913 7 315 03 03 04 05 06 06 10 10 11 11 O1 O1 02 02 03 04 04 10 11 11 O1 O1 15 1913„ 03 1913. 10 1913. a? l?i?+, OS 1914,;, 02 191?E. 02 1914„ 02 1914t 06 1914 13 1914 05 1914 02 1914 02 1914 04 1915 11 1915 7 317 7 319 7 323 , 7 330 . 7 331 „ 7 337 7 337 7 340 7 343 7 345 7 385 7 395 . 7 397 7 420 7 425 ', N C INDEX TO COI?MISSIO?ERS MINIJTES - New Hanover County PAUPERS MATTER , . . , • ` aec. u. s. County Indezea Since 1888 ? to lotata naMes, open at Per OFFICE ?¢.?? An Identifying Trade Mar1c ? SURNAME INITIAL TAB COTT A•Z TAB INDEX ?DE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA DATE MINUT EBOOK NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS Month Day Year VoL I Page , ! 1. Requests from L.P. Hufham, John Lawhorn and Amande Lumsden for relief referred to Dr. Thames. 02 O1 1915 7 431 2. John Lawhorn allowed $3 a month for three months, 02 09 1915 7 435 3. Mrs. John Kizer put on Out Door Poor List at $3 a month. 02 23 1915 7 439 4. Addison Hewlett put on Out Door Poor List at $3 a month. 03 O1 1915 7 441 5. H.C. Lumsden and J.F. Rowe put on Poor List for $3 a month each. 04 12 1915 7 451 6. Mrs. Jane Fowler allowed $2 a month until September 30. 05 03 1915 7 455 7. Silas Craig's family allowed $3 a month and Dr. Thames to urge Mr. Craig to go to Tuberculosis Hospital. 05 03 1915 7 455 8. Aid not given A.G. Manning, citizen of Johnson County. 07 06 1915 7 465 9. Monthly allowances given W.S. Craig continued for his widow. 08 ?b ?.9?5 7 !?&? 10. C.F. Pridgen informed Board he could no longer care for his brother Joe and requested aid. 10 04 1915 7 489 11. Request for aid from Charles Johnson referred to Dr. Thames. 11 O1 1915 7 501 12. Joe Pridgen not relieved from admission to County Home. 11 29 1915 7 513 13. J.T. Stokey allowed $3 a month from Poor List. 11 29 1915 7 513 14. Request from R.L. Sanford for relief referred to Dr. Thames. 11 29 1915 7 513 ? 15. Family of Mr. Hayes to be cared for by County. 02 07 1916 7 533 16. No action on request for aid for Rachel Wright. 02 07 1916 7 533 17. Request from undertaker W.W. King for increased raCe to bury Out Door Poor referred to Mr. Yopp. 05 18 1916 7 555 18. Mrs. Kate Stokely put on Poor List at $3 a month. 06 05 1916 7 561 19. Mr. Yopp given more time on burial of Out Door Poor. 06 05 1916 7 563 20. Bill of W.W. King for burial of Out Door Poor to be paid. Ob 17 1916 7 565 21. Request from Mrs. Rosella Grissom for aid referred to Dr. Thames. 07 03 1916 7 571 22. No action on request from Rosella Grissom to be put on Poor List. 08 07 1916 7 574 23. Allowance granted Henry Lumsden transferred to his widow. 09 05 1916 7 581 24. Dr. Thames to investigate case of Mrs. Rosa Grissom who requested aid. 11 06 1916 7 593 25. Money appropriated to buy milk for sick children whose parents are too poor to buy the milk. 11 06 1916 7 594 26. Mrs. Rachel Wright allowed $3 a month as suggested by Dr. Stoval, County Physician. O1 24 1917 7 607 27. Request from Mason Kennedy for help referred to Associated ChariCies. 03 05 1917 7 615 28. Rosa Grissom allowed $3 per month. 03 05 1917 7 615 29. Money appropriated to send indigent Confederate veterans to reunion in Washington, D.C. 05 28 1917 7 622 30. Money to be appropriated for milk for indigent infants if City will provide its share. 05 28 1917 7 623 31. Cherry Dich to be put on Out Door Poor List if approved by Dr. Stovall. 11 12 1917 7 649 32. Money appropriated to bury Out Door Poor. 12 03 1917 7 653 33. Cherry Dich placed on Out Door Poor List. 12 21 1917 7 655 34. Persons appearing on Poor List to be checked. Ol 07 1918 7 657 35. John Lawhorne placed on Out Door Poor List. 02 04 1918 7 667 36. Money appropriated to buy milk for indigent infants. 04 Ol 1918 7 691 37. Clerk appointed to committee to look after burial of our door poor, 07 02 1918 8 13 38. Bill from Robert McLaughlin for burial of Lloyd Broady referred to W. E. Yopp. 11 04 1918 8 23 39. Money allowed for Milk Depot which supplies indigent infants with milk. (see Charities.) 12 02 1918 8 26 40. Request for aid from James Johnson referred to County Physician. 02 03 1919 8 35 41. John Johnson put on out door poor list at $3 a month. 03 03 1919 8 39 42. Money allowed for milk for indigent infants. 06 18 1919 8 63 43, Money allowed for milk for indigent infants. 10 O1 1919 8 78 44. Money allowed to bury a man, Corbett, found in river. 10 06 1919 8 78 45. H. C. Lumsden placed on Out door poor list. 10 06 1919 8 79 46. Request from Calvin Hardy for aid referred to Dr. Crouch of Health Dept. 11 24 1919 8 87 N C INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover Count?y PAUPERS MATTER i , . . _ : 70 locate names, open at nca. u. s. County Indexea Since IBNS iA6 k SURNAME INIiIAI M d f T d ?IG? ? ? COTT A-Z TAB INDEX MADE BY iHE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO NORTH CAROLINA HEW BERN ON DUNN . ar o'7 enti ying ra e An l r?r OFiICE ?J fEN G. , SOLD BY , ? DATE MINUTE BOOK NATURE Of PROCEEDINGS Month I Day Yea? Vol. I Page l. Money allowed for Milk Depot to supply milk for indigent infants. 12 Ol 1919 8 89 2. Calvin Hardy allowed $3 a month from poor fund. 12 08 1919 8 90 3. Burial rates for out door poor established. 03 O1 1920 8 98 4. Land purchased next to Oak Grove Cemetery for burial of out door poor. 03 O1 1920 8 98 5. Annual appropriation made for milk for indigent infants. 12 06 192Q 8 133 6. Appropriation increased for burial of County's poor. O1 03 1921 8 140 7. Charles Jordan allowed $3 a month. 02 10 1921 8 147 8. Al1 aid applicants to go to Chairman for investigation. 11 30 1921 8 181 9. Annual appropriation made for Milk for Indigent Infants. 12 05 1921 8 182 10. Request for aid from Julia Lucas referred to Chairman. 03 06 1922 8 190 11. Mrs. D. S. Sellers allowed $3.00 per month. 03 06 1922 8 190 12. Request for aid for Alfred Cannon referred to Chairman. 03 24 1922 8 I92 13. Request for aid for Nancy Beaty referred to Assistant Health Officer. 07 02 1922 8 201 14. Winnie Johnson allowed $3 a month. 07 02 1922 8 202 15. Board made its annual appropriation for milk for indigent infants. 12 04 1922 8 219 16. Aid allowed J. J. Farrow of $3 a month. 02 13 1923 8 228 17. W. M. Taylor allowed money to supplement his State veterans pension. 04 06 1923 8 237 18. Sampson Batts allowed $3 a month. 05 07 1923 8 241 19. All out door poor bills may be paid without sworn statement from those presenting bills. 05 07 1923 8 242 20. Money allowed T. T. Gaskill to supplement his State pension. 05 21 1923 8 243 21. J. J. Farrow given $6 a month. 06 04 1923 8 244 22. Request of W. 0. Lee for aid referred to Chairman. 07 02 1923 8 247 23. Fannie Peterson allowed $3 a month from poor fund. 08 06 1923 8 256 24. No action on request for aid from W. 0. Lee. 08 06 1923 8 256 25. Request of W: B. Grady for aid referred to Health Officer. 08 04 1923 8 262 26. Bessie Jordon given $2.00 a month from poor fund. 10 O1 1923 8 266 27. Money allowed M. H. Casten for burial of Mrs. Mary Brown. 10 Ol 1923 8 266 28. Delia Pickett allowed $3 a month from poor fund. ?0 22 1923 8 268 29. Money allowed for burial of Marcus McDowell. 11 05 1923 8 269 30. Money allowed for burial of Charles Tebolt. 11 19 1923 8 271 31. Request of Plentifuly Loftin for aid referred to Chairman. 12 03 1923 8 272 32. Annual appropriation given for Milk for Indigent Infants. 12 03 1923 8 274 33. E. H. Faison allowed $3 a month from Poor Fund. 12 li 1923 8 275 34. Bill for treatment and funeral expenses for Annie Lock from N.Y. Hospital declined. 12 17 1923 8 275 35. Money allowed Wollven-Andrews for burial of Susan Weston Ol 28 1924 8 28Q 36. Money allowed for burial of infant of Mrs. Watson. 02 19 1924 8 282 37. Money allowed for burial of Nellie McClammy. 02 19 1924 8 282 38. Money allowed for burial of Ottoway S. Bell. 04 10 1924 8 291 39. Mildred McNew to be sent to her home in Michigan. 06 09 1924 8 300 40. , J. J. Farrow's monthly allowance not increased. 07 07 1924 8 302 41. Andrew Foy allowed $3 a month from Out Door Poor Fund. 08 04 1924 8 304 42. Alex McRae allowed $3 a month from Out Door Poor Fund. 08 08 1924 8 306 43. R. J. Sikes given $10 a month since old Confederate soldier. 11 03 1924 8 312 44. Burial expenses for Rosa Lee Watson approved. 12 O1 1924 8 315 45. Messrs. D. N. Page and W. M, Skipper allowed $10 per month each. 12 Ol 1924 8 316 46. Annual appropriations made for milk for Indigent Infants and Rest Room, Housewives League. 12 O1 1924 8 317 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES -- New Hanover Count?y, N. C. , MATT RT PAUPERS aec. u. s. County Indexea Since 1888 ? Ta locate name5, open pt COTT A•2 TAB INDEX r?r OFi1CE ??Jl? An ldentifyias Trade Mark SURNAME INIiIAL TAB NUIDE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NOR7H CAROLINA NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS 1. L. A. Watkins allowed $10 a month. 03 2. Request of Jackson Shiver for aid referred to Welfare Officer, 06 3. Mrs. Rebecca Bishop allowed $3 a month from Out Door Poor Fund. 07 4. Money paid late T. F. Bell to be paid to his widow. 09 5. Mingo Foy and wife allowed $5 a month from Out Door Poor Fund. 10 6. Dan Hawkins allowed $3 a month from Out Door Poor Fund. 12 7. Annual appropriation made to milk for Indigent Infants. 12 8. Money from Out Door Poor Fund allowed to be use in emergency cases among County's poor. 02 9. Aid for Mr. Cummings referred to Chairman. D3 10. Eliza Foy allowed $3 a month. 04 11. Dr. Baldwin paid for funeral expenses of late Edward Cole. 07 12. Welfare Officer to investigate those receiving aid from Out Door Poor Fund. 08 I3. Aid given J. J. Farrow. 08 14. Out door Poor Fund aid for Frances Dove referred to Chairman. O1 15. Employment of Green and Sadgwar for burial of Coun?y paupers(county to furnish coffins) authorized. Ol 16. W. T. Shepard granted Out Door Poor Fund allowance. 02 17. Lilly Allen granted Out Door Poor Fund allowance. 07 18. Mary E. Shiver granted $3 a-month outdoor poor fund. 12 19. Robert & Mary Ellerby, Frances Miller, Minerva Williams & Chloe 4Tright granted funds. 12 20. Andrew Pridgen allowed $3 per month outdoor poor fund. 12 21. Wilson Walston granted $3 per minth outdoor poor fund. 12 22. Janet Pridgen allowed $2 p?r month outdoor poor fund. 1 23. Andrew Jones request for outdoor poor funds referred to Social Service Officer. 4 24. Andrew Jones denied outdoor poor funds. 4 25. D. H. Kennedy allowed $10 per month poor aid. 4 26. Mamie Brown granted $2 per month outdoor poor fund. 7 27. Mrs. J. A. Holleman granted $5 outdoor poor fund, 7 28. Irene Hall and Lula Blake granted $2.50 per month outdoor poor.fund, 9 29. J. H. Hart granted $2.50 per month outdoor poor fund, 10 30. Mrs. Blake, Cape Fear Township granted $3 per month outdoor poor fund. 11 31. Chairman authorized to furnish wood for the poor. 11 32. Amos Lacewell, blind granted $3 per month outdoor. poor fund. 1 33. J. E. Benton allowed $3 per month outdoor poor fund. 3 34. J. A. Holleman, previous given $S per month mothers aid aliowed more from time to time 8 to help support children. 35. Mrs. Walter Corbett, Harnett Township granted $2 per week ?ut-door poor fund. 10 36. Moses Padrick granted $2.50 a-week outdoor poor fund, lp 37. A. B. Coleman, Harnett Township granted $2 per week outdoor poor fund. (for eight weeks) 11 38. Mrs. Loula Blake grantec? $2.50 per week outdoor poor fund increased to $1.50 Sept. 9th. 11 39. Moses Pa??ick (above) extended $2.50 per week outdoor poor fund due to blindness. 11 40. Herbert R. Smith, Harnett Township granted not-in-excess of $8 per month. 11 41. Robert Farrow granted $3 per-week ou?door poor fund. 2 42. Aid of Herbert Smith, blind of Winter Park authorized from outdoor poor fund. 4 43. Mrs. Lizzie Padgett, Harnett granted outdoor poor fund. 4 44. Hanson Blanton granted $4 per month outdoor poor fund-, 5 45. Cans authorized for canning vegetables to distribute to poor as presented by Mrs. Herbert 5 Bluethenthal. DATE ?th I Day ? Year 02 1925 O1 1925 07 1925 16 1925 05 1925 MfNUTE BOOK Vol. I Page 8 331 8 341 8 345 8 352 8 353 07 1925 8 360 07 1925 8 361 O1 1926 8 370 O1 1926 $ 377 05 1926 8 380 19 1926 8 391 02 1926 8 394 30 1926 8 395 14 1927 8 420 07 1929 8 552 04 1929 8 555 09 1929 8 582 2 1929 9 11 12 1929 9 13 12 1929 9 13 31 1929 9 15 28 1930 9 19 1 1930 9 33 7 1930 9 37 22 1930 9 39 7 1930 9 48 15 1930 9 50 9 1930 9 58 6 1930 9 70 18 1930 9 75 18 1930 9 75 20 1931 9 87 30 1931 9 100 31 1931 9 125 5 1931 9 133 26 1931 9 136 g 1931 9 137 lb 1931 9 138 30 I931 9 140 30 1931 9 140 5 1932 9 153 25 1932 9 161 25 1932 9 161 9 1932 9 164 23 1932 9 165 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover Count?y, N. C. , MATTER: Paupers - nec. u. s. 'p????? County Indezea Since 1888 (?> >r??-? To loeate namet? open at COTT A•Z TAB INDEX r?r OFFICE ?p?iT,o?-?- An ldentifying Trade Mark ?`S SURNAME INITIAL 7A6 MADE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLO BY OWEN 6. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTN GROLINA NATURE OF PROtEEDINGS 1. Insurance of Outdoor Poor Funds authorized if expenditures do not exceed monthly quota based on $2,000 annual appropriations. 2. Approved $7.50 per month to Salvation Army Home for care of Fred E. Lamb from Aug. 13, and charged to Outdoor Foor Fund. 3. Authorized $2.50 from Outdoor Poor Fund to Mrs Annie K. Turner for support of family. 4. Personal goods of C. H. Davis, pauper moved to Pender Co. Home. 5. Mrs. Mary Guy granted Outdoor Poor Funds. 6. Outdoor Poor Funds given to Richard Spooner. 7. Outdoor Poor Funds given to George Capps. 8. Outdoor Poor Funds granted to Mary Swindell, 1113 Fanning St. 9. Outdoor Poor Funds granted to S. E. Smith at Duke Hospital. 10. Outdoor Poor Funds granted to Mrs. Mary Petit. DATE MINUTE BOOK Month Day Year Vol. Page 7 25 1932 9 172 9 26 1932 9 182 3 13 1933 9 209 3 25 1934 9 278 8 20 1934 9 299 11 5 1934 9 309 5 6 1935 9 338 8 12 1935 9 374 9 16 1935 9 380 2 3 1936 9 406 N C INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover Co?nty PEDDLERS MATTER . , . _ : ` eFO. u. s. q County Indezes Since 1888 ? To toeats names, open at a? An IdentifYing Trade Mark SURNAME INITIAL TAB r?r oF??ce (??,C COTT A-i TAB INDEX MADE BY TH@ COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHiO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA . ; DATE t? ?j MINUTE BOOK ? ? NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS ?' Month ? Day ? Year ?q Vol. ? Page ?? ?i .y .. '1 0 ? i ? 'R 1.?? Request for peddler's license by James Abraham received. ` 04 21 1869;? ? 1 218 ? ? 2 ? Request not granted James Abr.aham until evidence of good moral character presented. , 04 21 1869;i 1 218 i? .. ? ; 3. , Peddler s license granted James Abraham. ` 04 ,? 27 1869 fg 1 221 ?! ?i ,? i 4.;? Peddler's license granted S. Anathan. ,? O1 04 1870??? " 1 397 ?9 5.;? Licenses to peddle goods,wares,and merchandise granted James McClusky and Michael Byrne. r O1 03 1871;R 2 109 4I ?. 6.?; License granted Edward Murphy, John Bodkin, and James Dukea to peddle goods, wares, and merchandise. 04 22 1871',„ ?, Y 2 148 I,I f 7.,;j Letter from Emanuel Scharff regarding peddling home made clothing from ma.terial made in State not granted. ' 06 07 1875:? 3 ? 330 p 8. Board renewed peddler's license for Emanuel Scharff. 12 16 1875?:? i' 3 400 ' ? 9. Peddler`s license granted Charles Huig. 04 03 1876, 3 424 ? 10. License to peddle goods and merchandise granted Joht? H. Harper. „ 09 05 1881,; 4 324 „ 11 ranted peddler's license without paying tax since he is an infirm person. Aaron Willis 02 06 1882 4 357 , g ., 12. J.H. Harper allowed to peddle without paying peddler's license. 09 13. W.H. Walker allowed to peddle without paying license tax he being blind. 05 14. M. Dowling allowed to peddle without paying license tax due to physical disabilty. 07 I 15. ",E.D. Mcllhenny allowed to sell goods without payment of tax. ?.08 16. M. Dawling allowed to peddle without paying County tax. ?g ? 17. J.C. Thatcher allowed to peddle without paying tax. „12 18. ,E.M. Barton granted license as an itinerant merchant upon paying taxes for license. 06 19. ' M. Dawling allowed to peddle goods without paying County tax due to a physical disability. 09 20. 'A.D. Maloy allowed to peddle without payment of County tax. 'll 21. ,Kim Hamilton allowed to peddle without paying tax due to physical disability. e01 22. J.F.A. Reaves allowed to peddle goods without paying tax due to physical disability. 06 23. Board granted licenses to persons to sell merchandise on streets of Wilmington. 12 ,, 24. E.M. Searles allowed to sell Walcott Pain Paint witi?out paying a license tax since he manufactures same. 02 25. M. Dowling allowed to peddle without paying license tax due to physical disability. O1 ' 26. .Elijah Chadwick allowed to peddle without license and exempted from poll tax due to physical disability. „04 '; ? 27. ?Simon Garner allowed to peddle without license due to physical disability. ;06 I 28. ; ;,M. Dowling allowed to peddle without license due to physical disability. ,02 ? ? 29. lications of Ma ie Jose h and Jose h Abraham to eddle was not ranted. ?App gg? P P P g 07 30. ?icense given A.C. Neilson to peddle medicines. ?-? 31. ;J.H. Mann exempted from tax for peddling medicine of his own manufacture. 7-0 ' 32. T.P. Sykes given permission to peddle patent medicines on foot. p3 I'? 33. ?icenses granted Ward Schikley and Mary Aboalloh to Qeddle on foot. 04 ' 34. Frank Lewis allowed to peddle free of taxation. 06 ? 35, T.s. Slinkard granted license to peddle medicine on foot, d6 36. ?rivilege of peddling granted J.F.A. Reaves, a Confederate soldier. 02 37. ?icense to peddle not granted H. M. Brothers. ?-1 38. R.W. Bell granted permission to peddle merchandise free of taxation. ,08 39. ?1.B. Wells and W.L. Wilking allowed to peddle tax free, poor and infirm Confederate soldiers. 08 40. ,J.R. Marsball allowed to peddle without license since a poor and infirm Confederate soldier. ^09 41. 'W.H. Spencer allowed to peddle without license. ?? ;?5 i 42. i ?J.T.Mclrer granted permission to peddle without license being disabled Confederate soldier. 09 ? 43. W.R. Dowdy, old Confederate soldier, allowed to peddle without license. 'Ol 44. ?'Levy Bryan allowed to peddle without license. ?g 45. ".J.B. Farrar exempted from privilege tax for selling goods and wares. 03 46. j? ?;F.M. Louis granted permission to peddle without license tax. ,, i? ? ?? ' ! i 04 . B? ?4 1882 4 J4 1885 ??= 4 J6 1885 „ 4 ?2 1886 ;; 4 )6 1888 ta 5 413 ;? 630 '? ;? 640 730 98 ?' ?? ? t7 1888 5 129 ?? { , ?4 1889 ?; 5 ? I . 170 ?.? ?? ?`r, I )3 1889 ??; 5 „ t? ! 191 ?? p, )4 1889 ;n 5 'a.:R8 a? F )5 1891 _ .^, 5 s 293 t? Ol 1891 : 5 331 ' Ol 1891 ?; S 365 ?' ?I O1 1892 ' 5 381 ;a 07 1895 `` 5 607 ?? O1 1895 '' S ,; 634 ,; 28 1895 ' S ??z 647 ?? p? 03 1896 ;'; 5 692 ;? y, )2 1900 ' 6 ,? 451 ?? E )1 1900 ?e 6 ° s? 482 ?; 13 1900 ?; 6 E; 483 ?E J4 1901 ': 6 '? ?? 532 r` 12 1901 6 .. i.? 536 E? t? ?2 1901 6 ; 553 r'; s 17 19Q1 ? 6 ,. 556 ?:', i, )2 1903 6 699 '' ' ?2 1903 6 • 757 ?; J1 1904 . 6 . 806 ?° f, )7 1905 ?°?? 7 35 ?q )5 1905 " 7 .. Is 37 '? ?; )7 1405 y; 7 ?: 52 ;? :s )4 1906 r 7 62 ?i ?_. = )7 1907 7 r 74 f^ )5 1907 '" 7 I, 105 rj fE )2 1908 7 , 127 ? J6 1908 4; 7 I'? i° I. !? ?r j 129 ? ?a y' i f ?i INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES -- New Hanover Count?, N. C. _ MATTER: PEDDLERS ` ¦ea. u. e. County Indezes Sinee 1888 h? ?r3--- To toeats names, open at COTT A•Z TAB INDEX eAr OFFICE ?? An ldentifying Trade Mark ??? SURNAM6 INITIAL TAB MADE BY THE COiT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLO BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA Ypl NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS ?ATE ',° MiNUrE soOK ?„ ? Month ? Day I Year L?, Vol. Page '? ?. l. George L. Burns allowed to peddle without license tax. 11 . 02 1908? G? 7 155 ; 2. ' E. Mott allowed to peddle goods and wares without paying license tax. 05 03 1909?; 7 176 `? y 3.? Application from T.D. Cox to peddle medicine referred to Attorney General. 03 07 1910k 7 191 ; 4.? T.B. Cox allowed to peddle without license tax under Veteran's Act. : 06 06 1910' 7 195 ' , °' ?q 5. L.A. Watkins allowed to peddle without license tax unc?er Veteran's Act. 10 03 1910''? 7 200 ' ; ? 6.! R.F. Rising allowed to peddle without paying license tax. 06 08 1911= 7 , 223 7.?? F.W. Cornish exempted from peddler's license tax. ; Ol 05 1914 7 330 8.? W.F. Spooner granted peddler's license. 02 02 1914 7 337 : 9.?? , ? S. J. Newsome granted peddler's license without charge. 10 . 06 1919 8 79 10 1 Request from C. N. North that Board rescind action on Schedule B. taxes declined. 12 05 1921 8 182 , ? g: 11.?; T. F. Gaskill given permit to peddle without any charge. 12.' War Veteran Emmett H. Bellamy request to peddle linoleum in county taken under consideration. - „ 13.,3 Spanish War Veteran Matthew C. Rivenbark permitted to peddle linoleum without paying for license tax. u 14.:°G. B. Craig granted privilege to peddle medicines without paying taxes. ,15.?? Donnie McLeod granted privilege to peddle jewelry without paying license due to physical disabilities. ?? 16.Yy John T. Wilkins allowed to peddle without license. 17.`? W. H. Davis, Wilmington, biind permitted to peddle without tax. , ? ?3 18.k? A. J. Campbell, Wilson County, disabled Spanish War veteran permitted to peddle medic?nes without paying "s ` a license. 19.g Max Palansky's application to peddle without license, as presented by J. S. Howell of Asheville, reeeived ? '? but action deferred pending receipt of product to be sold. i? .20.,y Max Polansky permitted to peddle scarfs and furs without permit of license tax. .21.; Max Polansky's privilege - granted at August 26 meeting-to peddle revoked by Board. 'R 22.?s F. T. Hatchell exempted from license tax payment for peddling polish. 23.?? Virgil Williams allowed to peddle without license. 24.'?Zakaria Shennarah allowed to peddle without paying for license tax. ? f ? 25.?; Zakaria Skennarah given privilege to peddle for 30 days without license. . y, 26.;i Zakaria Skennarah extended privilege to peddle to 30 days without license. ?? 27.?? Zakaria Skwnnarah allowed to peddle 30 days in County. . ,? 28.?? John T. Abbott granted privilege to peddle key checks for one week without license. ?? 29.'," Walter E. Bland, of Winter Park, excused from payment of all tax for peddling and selling as huckster. ? +s ;? 30.`i Zakaria Skennarah of Greensboro, requested, declined renewal of order to extend release from payment ? i? i ?± of license tax. ,i 31.',y C. A. Bordeauz, excused from tax payment for peddling. ? 32.?9 Harvey Nichols excused from tax payment far peddling in County. ;? .? 33.:? John N. Mohr excused from paying license tax to peddle neckties. ? 34.6? J. T. Tyler, Harnett, permitted to huckster without paying license tax. , ?y 35.'? Alonzo Blake, excused from paying tax to huckster vegetables and fruits for 90 days. 36.?? W. E. Hardison allowed to peddle fruit, fish and vegetables without paying license tax for 60 days. 37. G? a Linwood Brinson, granted privilege to peddle in county for 90 says without license. (? 38.Fg W. E. Hardison, granted permission to peddle was granted renewed and extended license for 6 months. ? ?; 39.sg James Medlin excused from tax to peddle food products. 40.; W. E. Hardison excused from license payment to peddle. ?.. 41.; A. T. Blake, granted free license to peddle vegetables. k 42.?? L. Iv1. Yost, exempted from tax in Rowan County and granted free license in this county. G? 43.tl L. M. Hobbs, allowed license to peddle vegetables and fish. 04 06 1923 8 240 03 04 1929 8 562 08 05 1929: 8 588 10 15 1929; 9 2 10 29 1929 9 4 04 22 1930; 9 39 02 10 1931 9 90 04 20 1931 9 103 07 27 1931, 9 119 08 26 1931, 9 124 10 22 1931. 9 135 12 07 1931 9 140 03 14 1932, 9 157 04 04 1932 9 159 05 23 1932 9 164 - 07 25 1932', 9 172 10 03 1932 9 184 ' 12 12 1932 9 194 , O1 03 1933 9 197 O1 23 1933 9 199 O1 23 1933 9 199 05 22 1933„ 9 222 07 10 1933, 9 231 07 17 1933„ 9 231 __ 07 24 1933., 9 234 , 08 28 1933 9 247 10 09 1933; 9 253 ' 11 06 1933 9 258 - 02 26 1934 9 275 05 14 1934 9 284 ' 07 23 1934 9 293 07 30 1934, 9 294 , 10 ?i 15 1934; 9? 9 305 9 ?? INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover Count?, N. C. , MATT RT PEDDLERS ` aEC. u. s. Counry Indezea Since I888 ? To locote nomes, open af COTT A-Z TAB INDEX ?AT OFi1CE C??? An Identifying Trade Mark SURNAME INlT1A1. TAB MADE BY TNE COTT INDEX COMPANY, fOLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS DATE MINUTE BOOK Month Day Year Vol. Page 1. H. W. Guthrie granted permit to peddle fish. 2. C. S. Robinson granted permit to peddle medicine. 3. A. T. Blake granted free license to peddle fruits and vegetables. 4. J. M. Leigh granted free license to peddle medicine. 5. W. J. Blanton granted permit to peddle medicine. 6. A. T. Blake granted permit to peddle vegetables and fruits. 7. J. H. Medlin granted permit to peddle doughnuts. 8. J. M. Blanton declined permit to peddle medicines. 9. d6'. B. Sanders declined 2icense to peddle artic3es. 10. J. A. Speagle declined license to peddle soap. 11. J. H. Wheeler granted license to peddle poultry. 12. H. D. Futrelle granted license to peddle razor blades. 13. Charles K. Foster declined license to peddle fish. 14. C. K. Foster granted license to peddle fish. 15. J. C. Mitchell declined license to peddle medicine. 16. John Smith declined license to peddle medicine. 17. C. K. Foster granted license to peddle chickens, etc. 18. G. W. Edwards declined license to peddle medicines. 19. C. K. Foster granted license to peddle chickens, etc. 20. W. L. Wheeler granted privilege to peddle peanuts, coffee, etc. 21. W. L. Jackson granted license to peddle fruits, drinks. 22. C. K. Foster granted license to peddle chickens, etc. 23. A. S. Partin granted license to peddle belts. 24. William H. Sloan granted license to peddle razor blades, etc. 25. C. K. Foster granted license to peddle chickens, etc. 26. Adellah Mabock granted license to peddle in County. 27. J. L. Fairclo?h granted license to peddle wares. 28. H. A. Percy granted license to peddle fish, vegetables. 29. Marion Wilderone referred on license to peddle produce. 30.. Robert E. Chahoc granted license to sell fruits and vegetables. 31. Robert E. Chahoc extended license to sell fruits and ?egetables. 3 2. D. F. Powell granted license to huckster fish. 33. Paul Cory complaint received on sale of food at Hugh Mac Rae Park. 34. Mathew J. Walker granted free license to sell fruits and vegetable?. 35. Joseph Tyler granted free license to peddle. 36. No objections raised on Mrs. Laura M. Arkens State permit to sell at Fyth Wheel Truck Stop. 37. Eugene Ca.merson granted free license to peddle and operate concession in County. 38. Received request for free peddle license. 39. Mr. Walter T. Johnson granted free peddle license. 40. Mr. S. M. Edwards granted free peddle license. 41. Mr. William R. Edwards granted temporary free license. 42. Mr. S. M. Edwards received re-newal on free peddle license. 43. Authorized free peddle license for Mr. C. K. Stallings. 44. Mr. S. M. Edwards granted free peddle license. 11 13 1934 03 04 1935 07 Ol 1935 07 O1 1935 07 15 1935 12 02 1935 03 16 1936 07 06 1936 IZ 06 I9s7 O1 03 1938 O1 31 1938 02 28 1938 09 06 1939 02 06 1939 05 29 1939 05 29 1939 O1 15 1940 12 OZ 1940 12 30 1940 02 24 1941 04 28 1941 Ol 05 1942 04 13 1942 11 02 1942 Ol 11 1943 03 22 1943 07 31 1944 06 11 1944 07 30 1944 07 08 1944 09 15 1944 09 29 1944 7 20 1949 7 2 1951 5 26 1951 1 11 1954 6 6 1955 10 24 1955 5 28 1956 6 4 1956 5 20 1957 6 17 1957 9 9 1957 7 19 1958 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 g 9 9 9 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 11 11 11 11 11 LZ 12 12 12 12 12 12 309 32 7 353 353 355 394 414 519 554 561 564 569 7 38 59 59 106 168 172 184 195 248 266 299 311 321 398 444 452 503 584 586 109 267 338 478 602 9 72 74 153 159 178 228 PENSIONS N INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES -- New Hanover Count? C INATTER . , . _ : ` Reo. u, e. County Intlezee Si?ce 1888 ??` '?" To loeats names, opsn at (OTT A•Z TAB INDEX rar orc?t? L?i?.:?a? An ldentifvina Trade Mark W?tS SURNAMS lNJ71A1 TAB MADE BY THE COTT INOEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS. OHIO SOtO BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLiNA ? ? ?.. ?°?9 DATE r i `? ? MINUTE BOOK [ Pi , ?;? NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS ,? Month ? Day ? Year ¢g dd Vol, ? Page ?? , , , l.'„ Board of Pension approved several applications for pensions. p: 06 - - 27 ?f 1892a3 ti 5 - ?? 426 i ' ?? ? + Ir ?? 2.,'? Board of Pension granted pension to Thomas ?urney. 07 06 1892?? 5 428 ?; 4n ?? ?! i, 3.??' ?a Letter from State Treasurer S. McD. Tate instructing Sheriff to refund any pension taxes which he collect-;' 10 02 1893i? 5 523 ?? ? ' , i? ed since Treasurer had previously collected. ` ts ,; ;? ? ;? , `? 4.'? List of parties to receive rebate of pension tax collected by Sheriff. ?? 10 02 ,? 1893?? 5 523 5.:" Clerk to notify members of Advisory Board of Pensions to meet with Commissianers. ?? 07 07 1897 `? 6 E, 21 ?? ,9 Ih ?t ?i 6.,; Pension Advisory Board presented claims of T,A. Hughs and J.R. Harts which were endorsed, but claim of `? 09 06 1897 ?? 6 40 ?, ?: B.A. Carter held over. , ?? ?e 7.: Board recessed to constitute Board o? Pensions. , 07 05 1899': 6 316 k 8. Application from widow of W.W. Mintz for pension not in proper form so returned. , 07 05 1899 „ 6 316 , 9. Application of Allen B. Jones for pension to be investigated. 07 05 1899 6 316 10. W.L. Wilkins Co. and G. Regiment U.C. Troops to be placed on pension 1ist. „ 08 07 1899_. 6 325 ;, 11. Report read by Col. Taylor from State Auditor relative to pensions. :, 07 02 1900,; 6 451 12. ? Report read by Col. Taylor on pensioners now on list. .: 07 02 1900;; 6 451 r ? 13. _: J.H, Harper and John A. Farrow placed on pension list. ;, 07 02 1900P 6 451 ;; ?: 14. Request from Mrs. Mary F. Wuvell for pension referred to Advisory Board. „ 07 02 1900?; 6 451 ?; 15. Board of Pensions met but recessed. ., 06 02 1901,. , 6 552 ` N? 16., Numerous widows and soldiers placed on the pension list. 06 17 1901F, b 555 ?; ?. 17.:, Numerous persons were granted pensions. ,, 07 O1 1901,? 6 573 ?; 18.; Board of Pensions met and numerous pensions granted. ;. 07. 04. 1g01?; 6 662 ;, F 19.,. Board of Pensions met and pensions granted J.T Mclver, W,W, Skinner and B. Hawkins. ?a 08 04 1902?; 6 666 ?; 20.,, Board favored Le?islature passing law allowing County to supplement pensions for ., 2 10 1921,; 8 147 ; Confederate Soldiers. ,. j: 21.?. Action deferred on a supplement pension for Old Confederate Soldiers. 3 15 1921;; 8 149 ; 22.,, Board allowed money to supplement pension of C. W. Bishop, Old Confederate Soldier. ,. 5 20 1921:; 8 155 ?; _ 23.: Request from F.W. Cornish, R.J. Sykes and R. M. Reaves for Soldiers pensions referred. :, 7 5 1921:; 8 162 ?? 24.: Pension allowed to F. W. Littleton, as Old Confederate Soldier. _ 7 5 1921;; 8 162 ,; ? , 25.,, Chairman authorized to settle pension ?r?atters relative to Old Co??federate Veterans. „ 7 3 1921;' 8 175 '? ? 26.,; W. M. Taylor allowed ???.oney to supplement his State Veteran's pension. „ 4 6 1923 ;? 8 237 F, ? 27.. Calvin Reaves application for Confederate pension referred to Chairman. ., 7 24 1928,; 8 523 ;; , 28.,: Calvin Reaves granted Confederate pension. „ 7 26 1928:; 8 i; 524 ;; 29. , D. F. Aman granted pension appropriation of $10. per month as a Confederate pensioner. .. 10 19 1929;, 9 3 t; t , ??? ? 30. , Miss Adelaide Meares issued duplicate checks for $131.09 for school pension. ,. 4 7 1930.; 9 37 ? , k; 31, Payment of pension to (school) Mrs. M.L. McLeod'Sestate referred to County Attorney. 12 28 1931,„ 9 145 ;, , 32.,, County Attorney ruled estate (above) entitled to pension, Board approved pa?nnent. ,. 1 30 ?933;; 9 202 G: 33.,_ Chairman auth oriz???'. to confer with Board of Edu: on pensions for retired teachers. ,. 2 6 1933:; 9 204 ;; 34.,, Recieved list of teachers for pensions, twelve ?rith twenty or more years. , 2 13 1933.r 9 205 : 35.,: Approved payment of $70.16 for Mrs McLeod's estate from October lst to Decet7Yber 25th 1931...11 6 1933;' 9 258 ? 36., Payment authorized for pension. „ 8 13 1934; ' 9 , 299 ?, 37.;' Mrs. M. L. Smith, pensioner given expense for funeral. 8 19 1936 ,; 9 376 ? . 38., Pension payment authori?ed. ; 9 30 1935 9 h 383 ;` ?° '? 39.. Miss Thelma Smith approved payment of school pension. ,. 3 22 1943„, 10 321 ?, 40. Action postponed on Board of Trustees retirement system. 7 6 1943:, 10 338 ;; 41., Daniel H. Penton named f??y? 'F??.stees retirement system. 6 26 1943 ?? 10 341 ?, 42..? Budget increased for pension of R. J. Myers and Mary H. McFarland. ,; 8 21 1944;; 10 401 E: ?; 43.;; ? Miss Louise Hill au?horized duplicate ??'leck for pe.?.sion, check ?k929 stopped at the bank. '. 10 22 1945 ?? p? 10 463 F; ; S+ ?? ? ? WI ;? ` $ ? ?i . ?I INDEX TO C0?lMISSIO?ER? MINUTES -- New Hanover Count?, N. C. _ MATTER: pensions - ?eo. u. s. ??1? County Indezee Since 1888 ? TO IOC2t0 11811188, open at COTT A•Z TAB INDEX r?r OFFICE ?tA7cC.a-rc, An Identifying Ttade Mark SURNAME INITIAL TAB MADE BY THE CQTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, ONIO SOLD BY OWEN G, DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA i,i G{ N? NATUR? OF PROCEEDINGS r, DATE ; MINUTE BOOK ;; ;? Month I Day I Year ;; Vol, Page ' bs ;? ?? 'i l. Endorsement given to pass Bill to amend school pension act. 4 2 21 1949'? `? 11 76 : .2. Meeting ?ield, minutes received on Mrs.Margaret Nixon's request for pension. ,; 3 21 1949;" 11 82 ??6 3. WoP. Harriss referred for payment of pension. ?; 5 16 1949,; , 11 93 4. Authorized payment of pension to Mrs. Margart Nixon. 9 I9 1949,s 11 12I ; q 5. Notice of disability retirement received on Miss Eliza A. Collins, approved. ` I 30 1950;, lI 152 ;; ?? ,6. Action adopted for retirement benefits for ID Bureau Supt. H. E. Fales. ,: 6 18 1953!? ?.: 11 429 ?; 7. Auditor presented statements of receipts and disbursements on County retirement system.' 8 31 19538; Il 450 8.l; Retirement appropriations approved. ;, 8 ?l 1953a 11 450 .9.? Transferral of retirement funds to County from City referred to Chairman. , 1 11 1954„ 11 478 ?; 10.Fy . ?, Payment of school pension for F. J. Rogers authorized from Emergency Fund. 11 22 1954.; 11 555 11.?' Letter received relative to re-adjustment in retirement funds. 12 6 1954, 11 599 ; ?: 12.r? Chairman reported on retirement funds for two (2) Hospitals. 12 13 1954,. 11 560 13.?? State-Wide Social Security Bill for County retirement postponed. .. 1 24 1955; 11 570 o! 14.?? Consideration postponed on amending N. C. retirement system. 6 6 1955'? 11 602 fi 15.?? Two meetings announced on retirement. 6 27 1955?:, ll 608 .. i? ?6.? ?? Security Federal Social meeting announced on coordinating two systems for retirement. 6 27 1955.s 11 608 17 ?a ?y State retirement meeting announced on coardinating two systems for retirement. . 6 27 1955 ::A , 11 608 18. Attention called to election for officers of Retirement Board. :. 8 1 1955,: 11 619 19. Br?ef outline received on procedure of N. C. Workmen's Compensation Act. ., 8 15 1955?, 11 624 ; 20. Teacher's and State ?mployees Retirernent Systems not ready for election on NHC , 8 29 1955i; 11 627 ? . employees Social Security benefits. ; . 21.'? ? Authorized payment of school pension to Mrs. Ruth 0. Jones. , 9 12 1955; 11 629 ; 22.e' _ ?? Extra appropriation suggested for up coming budget. v 9 12 1955?; 11 629 , 23.wh Winston Salem Pension Service Co. letter received on probl?ms with present retirement , 9 12 1955;; 11 629 ,; ?, g? . ? plan. ., ,. ?4.?? Auditor submitted report on l?etirement System, referred to County Attorney. 9 19 1955,; 11 632 ,` iw 25.?; Daniel H. Penton re-elected New Hanover County Retirement System Trustee. 9 19 1955_; 11 632 ;: 26.Fd Gounty Retirement System will 1-?old meeting 10-25-55. , 10 24 1955,; 12 9; 27.;? County Retiretttent Board requested payment. . 2 27 1956,: 12 48 ,. 28?, Mrs. Nina B. Tenuta e?plained the Teacher's Retirement Plan. ;, IO 29 1956; 12 104 ,. 29.? Request for Mrs C. Stokes, Nurse in ?uvenile Home be included in retirement system ,. 11 26 1956,?; 12 110 „ ? rn ?? referred to Mr. T. D. Love. .., 30.?? Received proposed Bill to include ABC Employees in County Retirement System. ?. 3 18 1957,: 12 138 ,. ?'' 31.?? t ? checks Coun:ty Aud?tor to deduct from Personnel s for back Social Security payment. „ 8 5 ? 1957; 12 17L 32.; 6 E. R. Mayhan, retired as member of Board of County Commissioners. . 12 1 195?. 12 337 ? ? 33.' J. M. Hall, Jr retired as Chairman of the Board of County Commissioners. 12 1 1958: . 12 337 . ? 34?? Marvin B? Register re'?ired as County Sheriff. 12 l 1958,? 12 337 ; 35.?? Appropriated funds to school pension fund covering Konzie H. Pete. 12 1 1958. 12 33?J 36m4a Mr. H. C. Garrison to retire March l. 1959, Building Custodian. , 2 16 1959? 12 379 37.# Proposed retirement Legislation taken under consideration, tabled f?r study. 3 23 19594 12 401 38,? Approved praposed Retirement Amendment. 4 13 1959 . ' 12 411 " ? 39.?? Matters of Retirement Age Poilcy tabled until next meeting. „ 7 20 1959;; 12 470 . 40.? Motion carried for ?'?etirement Age Policy, age 75 affected July 1, 1961. 9 8 195y 12 494 „ 41, Letter to Mr. Nathan H. Yelton explaining County's ineligibility for RetirEment System._ 8 7 1961„ 13 9; 42. ?? North Carolina Local Government Employees' Retirement System exemption repe?rt received. 8 21 1961! 13 9 43.w? E? No change in Retirement Setup. ; 12 17 ,. 1962,w 13 17? ; ; , ?; ;? :? ;? 4{ ?,? , i? N. C. INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover Count? MATTER: , _ pensions ? ncc, u, s. County Indexee Since 1888 ? TO lota? no?MS? Opln df r?s OFiICE C???? AnldentifYing Trade Mark SURNAME INITIAL TAB COTT A•2 TAB INDEX MACF BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY. COLUMBUS. OHIO SOID tY OIIEN i. pUNN, NEII ?ERN, NORTH GROLINA NATURE Of PROCEEDINGS ? DATE - ? MINUTE BOOK Month Day Year Vol. Page ? 1. Discussion of State County c?st regarding school pensions. 4 16 1963 13 204 . 2.. School pensions deferred until next meeting. 5 6 1963. 13 209 .. 3. Mrs Ruby K, Matthews. retired as Deputy Sheriff and Cler'x. 5 6 1963 13 210 . 4. Budget meeting, approved plan for teachers pensions. . 7 22 1963.. 13 239 _. AD? ?NDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES -- Ne H ? C t N C PER ' over w a oun y, . . _ MATiER: o?ITT ? a neo? e, s. p CoueEy (ndezes Since ?888 ? TO IOCOt! f1i1fl6S, OpQt1 at COTT A•2 TAB INDEX e?r arna? ??i??.rfb?.?Cd? An ldentifYias Trsde Marlc gURNAM! (NITIAL TAB MADE BY THE C07i 1NDEX COMPANY. [OLUMBUS. ONIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA 'y DATE y MINUTE BOOK ?? " ? NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS ? ? ;? { Month . Day I I Year ?? ?? Vol. Page I ?? ? ?? l.f? Members appointed to Permanent Roads Committee: Commissioners McEachern, Holmes and Voll.ers. 06 „ ? 04 ? 1900?? ., 6 ? ? 447 R ? I 2.'`? Chairman of Board to be Chairman of Permanent Roads Committee. 09 " 09 ° 1901?; 'B 6 R 595 ' ` 3.F4 +i Board confirmed action of Chairman of this Committee in furnishing road material to City of Goldsboro. 09 Ol 1902?? ti 6 672 ? 4.?{ ? This Committee recommended buying good road machinery from Good Road Machinery Co.; adopted. 09 23 1902?a 6 ? 676 ?? € 5.?' Members appointed to Permanent Roads Committee: Commissioners McEachern, Holmes and Robertson. 02 02 1903, ? 6 ? 701 ?? .. ' ? 6.' ' This Committee to work on Turnpike and recommend class of improvements needed. ; 02 07 1903;? 6 701 t? 7.? Committee on Permanent Road Improvements reported progress on Turnpike Road. 03 02 1903?3 6 ?r 705 ?? . ?a 8. Estimates from Engineer S.P. Adams for erecting bridge over Prince George's Creek referred to this Comm. : 07 06 1903?? 6 731 y? 9.,; Letter from J.D. Johnson and R.W. Bordeaux relative to road changes at Castle Hayne referred to this Comm. 08 03 1903.. 6 742 ;, ' 1Q, Claim for damages from Jere Hewlett due to runaway team due to traction roller used on road referred to 10 05 1903 6 3 754 . _ this Committee. _ ?? 11... Committee recommended compensation not be allowed Jere Aewlett for damages. 11 02 1903_ b 757 ;' 12., Proposal of Samuel Blossom to sell corn to County referred to this Committee. . O1 04 1904; 6 773 } 13. Request for improvement of Truman Rock Road referred to this Committee. 06 05 1905 „ 7 27 ' ? 14.. , . This Committee to advertise for bids to build roads in Federal Point. 02 ,. 03 1906 .p 7 48 `' ?; 15. Report from Superintendent of Roads on damages caused by cutting ditches too near roads referred to this 05 Q7 190b 7 z: 52 ' ' Committee to investigate. ' E? 16., This Coinmittee to build a concrete bridge on Market Street Road. 06 04 1906; 7 54 ?' ? .. ., ?? 17. Permanent Road Committee to obtain additional labor to work roads. O1 22 1908, •• 7 120 ?^ ?? 18. Permanent Road Committee to purchase mules and charge to County Home account. . Ol 22 1908k, 7 120 i 19.,, ? Permanent Roads Committee: D. McEachern, M.W. Divine and H.L. Vollers. Ol 04 1909 .. ? 7 165 ?' ?? ; 20.y Claim of T.J. Kenan against County getting rock o?'f of his land referred to Permanent Road Committee. 05 03 1909 7 ? 175 ' 21. Request for a rock road in Greenville Sound referred to this Committee. „ 07 06 1909 7 179 F; 22., Matter of grading Turnpike Road referred to this Committee. 10 04 1909;; 7 183 ?; 23. Ma.tter of extension of street car tracks as requested by E.P. Willard referred to this Committee. „ 11 Ol 1909?; 7 183 ?; 24._, This Committee to purchase locomotives, rails and equipment to aid in building roads. 11 O1 1909 7 r: 184 ?; ,. „ ? 25. Matter of strawing Federal Point Road referred to this Committee. ; 12 06 1909_? 7 186 ;? , 26.,, Permanent Roads Committee: D. McEachern, M.W. Divine, H.L. Vollers and W.F. Robertson. ., 12 06 1909,, 7 187 s: 27..; Permanent Road Committee reported Old Federal Point Road had been strawed. ,. Ol Q3 . 1910;, 7 189 ?; 28.„ Petition for rock road from Castle Hayne to Island Creek referred to Permanent Roads Committee. ., 02 07 1910;,? 7 ?, 191 ?, 29..,Matter of macadamizing 18th, 19th and 20th Streets referred to this Committee. ., 04 04 1910:. ? 7 Fi 193 t; 30.., Request of Mary Bridgers to open Chestnut St. referred to this Committe?. ., 04 04 1910.; 7 193 ;c 31. Matter of improving road from Turnpike to Bradley's Station referred to this Committee. 06 06 1910 7 195 ? 32. This Committee to purchase rail. 09 08 1910 7 200 ? ? 33. ?ommittee members: D. McEachern, H.L. Vollers and M.W. Divine. Ol 05 1911 7 208 ; ;? 34. Request from J.B. Mercer that road be established in Mercer Place referred to this Committee. 11 06 1911 7 235 35. Permanent Roads Committee: D. McEachern,H.L. Vollers, M.W. Divine and J.V.B. Metts. O1 02 1912 7 241 : 36. This Committee to inspect road going from Scott's Hill to Middle Sound. 03 04 1912' 7 244 37. Permanent Roads Committee: M.S. Willard, J. Van B. Metts and W.A. McGirt. 12 ?„ 09 1912,, ?4 7 267 ; r? 38. This Committee reported work progressing as rapidly as possible. O1 06 1913 7 270 :e ' , i 39. Permanent Road Committee to hire a consulting engineer for permanent road work of County. O1 20 1913'' 7 275 i` f? ' 40.; This Committee recommended no changes be made on charges against Fidelity Trust for transporting cars. Ol ? 29 1913' .. 7 276 ?. 41. Permanent Roads Committee to purchase an automobile for use of Superintendent of Roads. Ol . 29 1913 7 278 i ;, 42. This Committee reported work on Federal Point Road almost completed. 02 ? 03 1913 7 280 "' t? 43.' This Committee said Federal Point Road would be repaired, but could give no timetable. 03 03 1913. 7 280 ? i 44.ki ? ? _... ?I_ Case of G.C. Bordeaux on damming of water on his property due to road built referred to this Committee. . 03 ? ii 03 1913`' ? ` ?? ? 7 k 280 ?, r f: ? N. C. INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover Count? MATTER: OADS PE N , _ C ITT O EE ` rteo. u. s. County Indezea S[nce 1888 ?/ ?+-? To loeate names, open at CoTT A•z TAa INDEx r?r OFFICE ?P,?? An Identifying Trade Mark ??`? SURNAME INITIAL TAB MADE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, ONIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA i DATE ?' MINUT E BOOK ?? NATURE OF PROCEEDiNGS ` " 's Month I Day I Year '' VoL I Page ,?; , l. J.O. Hinton advocated loop in road at Wrightsville Sound; referred to this Committee. ,. 04 07 ? 191?; 7 ? 287 v? 2.' Request from C.H. Bonham that ditches be cleaned out to alleviate flooding referred to this Committee. 04 07 191?` 7 287 '. . ,. ;,? 3.3 ? Ordinance passed on speeds set for automobiles and this Committee to post signs. „ 05 05 191?? . 7 291 ? , 4. This Committee to place mile post on macadam roads. 05 15 191?° 7 292 . 5. This Committee to negotiate with heirs of I.B. Rhodes relative to quarry in East Wilmington. 05 26 1913? 7 295 .? „ 6. Claim of D. Mataxas for damage by fire along Federal Point Road referred to this Committee. 06 02 1913i? 7 305 s 7.? Letter from Miss Mary Cronly referred to this Committee. 06 02 1913?. 7 305 , 8.?? This Committee to have survey made to determine route of road from Wrightsville to Tidewater Power Co.'s 06 09 1913 7 305 _; „ ? tracks. ; .. . 9.,; No action on damage to property on Federal Point Road. 06 09 1913 7 306 . 10.;i Offer from Messrs. Loughlin and Pate to furnish rock for road to Carolina $each referred to this Committee,, 06 09 1913 7 306 ,11.`y This Committee to investigate conduct of Superintendent of Convict Camp. 06 09 1913 7 306 ,12.;; ;s' Clerk to reply to Miss Cronly's letter. 06 09 1913 7 306 i? ,13.Y; . Location of road between Wrightsville via Villa View to Turnpike left with this Committee. 06 30 1913 7 308 y 14.;? This Committee to secure rock for road building. 06 30 1913 7 308 , y .15.;; i Proposal from C.E. Greenamyer of Wilmington Beach Corp. to buy County's railroad referred to this Committee 09 15 1913. 7 314 _; ,16.;; Request from C.C. Chadbourn to extend Federal Point Road to Carolina and Wilmington Beaches referred to 09 15 1913„ 7 314 , ?? this Committee. , „ 17.,, rf Petition for a road from Sea Gate to Masonboro referred to this Committee. 10 06 1913 , 7 316 ?. 18."? . ;s Request from G.O. Gaylord to declare Rock Hill Ave. to N.E. River public referred to this Committee. 11 03 1913. , 7 319 ?, 19.` , This Committee reported not expedient to declare Rock Hill Ave. public at this time. 11 10 1913 7 322 20.R? Request from Mayor of Wrightsville Beach for lumber to extend boardwalk referred to this Committee. 12 O1 1913 7 325 21.i; w? This Committee to extend Villa View Road to siding at Bradley's Creek. 12 04 1913, . 7 330 ;? 22.?^ Request from Messrs. Brown and Latta for relief from water in road at Winter Park Gardens referred here. Ol 05 1913 7 330 ; 23.?i This Committee made no report so no action on grading Federal Point Road. 02 02 1914; 7 337 rr 24.;? This Committee authorized to purchase oil and tarvia as they decide. 05 11 1914 7 353 25.'? . r. Request from Sea Gate taxpayers to have road to schoolhouse graded referred to this Committee. 07 06 1914 , 7 369 ,. 26.,? Request from 0. Pearsall for repairs on road in Harnett referred to this Committee. 07 06 1914 7 371 h= 27.Pa Petition from Cape Fear citizens referred to thisCommittee. 08 03 1914 7 377 . ry 28.?? € Regulations suggested by Superintendent of Health was referred to Permanent Roads Committee. 09 08 1914; 7 383 , ? 29.?? Letter from Board of Education relative to boring deep wells referred to this Committee. 09 08 1914, 7 383 ., ,30.,? Request from Mr. Bonham relative to filling ditch referred to this Committee. 10 05 1914, 7 385 yi .31.p? ' Request for construction of road on Willard Street referred to this Committee. 10 05 1914 7 385 h 32." Letter from Mr. Neistley asking for repairs on Blue Clay Road referred to this Committee. . 10 12 1914. 7 391 33.;? Offer from .I.H. Rehder for a publi.c.landing on Middle Sound refer?ed to this Committee. , 02 09 1915,. 7 435 , 34..; Matter of ditches from Winter Park and Turnpike draining into land of Dan Beuton and J. Williams referred ,. 04 05 1915,, 7 488 '. ;; to this Committee. , 35.:? Matter of buying automobile trucks and selling mules referred to this Committee. 04 19 1915 7 453 36." Permanent Roads Committee: Messrs. McGirt, Willard and Moore. 04 19 19i5 7 453 37.? Question of oiling Federal Point Road referred to this Committee. 05 03 1915 7 456 p/ u{ 38.?? ?, Request for road from Winter Park to Pearsall`s Factory referred to this Committee. . 06 07 1915 . 7 459 , 39.?? Request from Kure Land and Development Co. that Avenue L be graded referred to this Committee. 07 06 1915 7 465 4 0 . ?` j Request from Winter Park citizens for a road to Ma.rket Street referred to this Committee. Ol 10 1916 7 523 7 539 7 543 ? Request from Wilmington Beach Corp. to use road bed to Federal Point to lay a temporary tram road referred 03 06 1916 ? to this Committee. ' ?? ., 42.r+ Petition from citizens relative to location of road from Winter Park Gardens to Scotts Hill Road referred 04 03 1916 t: to this Committee. ' INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover Count?, N. C. : MAT ER: PE OMMITTEEOADS nec. u. s. County Indezea Since 1888 ? To lotaf0 names? open Ct COTT A•2 TAB INDEX r?r OFFICE ?e,IlJ??-? An Identifying Trade Marlc SURNAMB INITIAL TAB MADE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, (OLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD BY OWEN 6. DONN, NEW BERN, NORTH GROLINA NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS 1. Letter from New Hanover Co. Drainage District ??12 referred to Permanent Road Committee. 2. This Committee to report on best binder treatment for road to Carolina Beach. 3. Request of N.H. Tzansit Co. for improvement of Carolina Beach $lvd. referred to this Committee. 4. Request from J.O. Carr of Beach Co. that a plank road be build to Ft. Fisher referred to this Committee. 5. Request for repairs on Carolina Beach Road referred to this Committee. 6. Board approved report from this Committee on location of road to be known as Kerr Avenue. 7. Request that road from Galloway's field to Audubon Ave. be continued referred to this Committee. 8. Request for repairs to bridge approaching Bethany Church referred to this Committee. 9. Complaint frorrl W.B. McC?ebland relative to road being built through his land referred to this Committee. 10. This Committee recommended the proposal of July 3 from the Beach Companies not be accepted. 11. Permanent Roads Committee: Chairman and Messrs. MacMillan and Hewlett. 12. This Committee to consider request from Development Companies that road gangs finish Federal Point Highway 13. Request from E.H. Freeman for an extension of Winter Park Garden Road to Pages Line referred to this Comm. 14. Request from Topsoil Sound citizens for a road referred to this Committee. 15. Request from Edgar Williams for a road to Ft. Fisher referred to this Committee. 16. Winter Park Gardens requested culvert under Turnpike; referred to this Committee. 17. Request of Mr. Kure for grading on Avenue K referred to this Committee. 18. This Committee reported it decZined request from Kure Land Development Co. to build a road to Ft. Fisher. 19. Salaries of T.J. Brewer and G.E. Orr raised to $10 a month as suggested by this Committee. 20. This Committee to purchase machinery for crushing rock. 21. Matter of buying a gasoline engine and rock crushing outfit referred to this Committee. 22. This Committee reported it had purchased a Allis-Chalmer Road Crusher. 23. Permanent Roads Committee: Chairman, Messrs. MacMillan and Hewlett. 24. Expense of maintaining prisoners at stockade referred to this Committee. 25. Matter of Board matching money from State Highway Commission for roads referred to this Committee. DATE Month Day Year OS 08 1916 06 O1 1916 06 05 1916 07 03 1916 07 07 08 08 09 09 12 Ol 03 04 04 05 05 Q6 08 10 10 11 12 I2 OZ 03 1916 03 1916 07 1916 07 1916 05 1916 18 1916 04 1916 02 1917 05 1917 02 1917 02 1917 07 1917 28 1917 04 1917 04 1917 Ol 1917 Ol 1917 MINUTE BOOK Vol. Page . 7 554 7 7 7 7 7 558 561 569 569 570 7 573 7 573 7 581 7 583 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 598 604 615 617 617 620 623 b24 639 642 7 644 05 1917 7 645 03 19Z7 7 652 21 19I7 7 655 04 1918 7 667 INDE? TO CO?IMISSIONERS MINUTES N H C -- ew anover ount?? 1?. l?. , MATTER: PE?NENT ROA DS COMMITTE? aee. u. :. vst OFiICE County Indezea Since 1888 ? To loeate names, open at ?7l?ii-? An ldentifying Trade Mark SURNAME INITIAL TAB COTT A-Z TAB INDEX MIADE BY THE COtt INDEX COMPANY, COlUM6US, OHIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS DATE MINUTE BOOK Month Day Yea? Vol. l I Page 1. Permanent Roads Committee; W.A. McGirt, Addison Hewlett and W. E. Yopp 12 02 1918 8 26 2. Permanent Roads Committee; W.P. McGlaughon, W.A. McGirt, W. E. Yopp. 12 O1 1919 8 89 3. Repairs of Seab reeze Road referred to this Committee. 12 08 1919 8 90 4. This Committee to replace all wooden bridges on County highways with concrete or use metal culverts. O1 05 1920 8 92 5. Matter of exten ding Shipyard Road referred to this Committee. 02 02 1920 8 96 6. Dangerous curve just east of Greenfield Bridge referred to this Committee. 02 02 1920 8 96 7. Request for Boa rd to take over avenue through Mercer Place referred to this Committee. 11 O1 1920 8 130 8. Committee membe rs: Addison Hewlett, G. W. Trask and W. E. Yopp. 12 06 1920 8 134 9. Permanent Roads Committee: A. Hewlett and W, E. Yopp. 12 05 1921 8 182 10. Permanent Roads Committee: Addison Hewlett, G.W.Trask and W. E. Yopp. 12 04 1922 8 219 11. Permanent Roads Committee A. Hewlett, G. W. Trask and W. E, Yopp. 12 03 1923 8 274 12. Permanent Roads Committee: A. Hewlett, G. W. Trask and W. E. Yopp. 12 Ol 1924 8 317 13. Permanent Roads Committee: A. Hewlett, G. W. Trask and W. E. Yopp. 12 07 1925 8 361 . INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover County, N. C. , MATT RT Rea. u. s. ?? `? County Indezes Since 1888 ?? To loeat? namss, O?JBII af PAF OFFIOE (?G'cto//71?0.?'.. An IdentiEyine Trade Muk SURNAME INlTIAL tAB NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS '' 1, Fireworks permit to Jaycee Fair 2. Permit for 4th of July fireworks show 3. Approval of Fireworks Permit for City of Wilmington Parks and Recreation Department 4. Fireworks Permit - City of Wilmington Parks & Recreation - July 4th at Battleship 5. Authorization for Fireworks Display conducted by That's Amore" Pizza Pie, Inc. on Masonboro 6. Additions to Electrical Permit Fee Schedule 7. Fireworks Permit - City of Wilmington Parks and Recreation Department 8. PERMITS COTT A TO Z TAB INDEX ` ¦AOE tY THE COTT INYEX !0@ANY, OOLUIM?US, OHIO SOLD BY OYYEN G. DUNN CO., NEW BERN, H. C. DATE MINUTE BOOK Month Day Year Vol. Page 09 15 1980 18 b62 04 21 1980 18 807 03 Ol 1982 19 15 06 21 1982 19 93 06 2I I982 19 99 06 21 1982 19 100 08 16 1982 19 135 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES -- New Hanover County, N. C. _ MA'fTER: PERS°NA? pR°FI?? SYSTEK aes. u. s. ?y _' County Indezes Since 1888 To lomt? nam?s, OplO at COTT A TO Z TAB INDEX PAT OFFIGE C?///l?'a-? AnldentifyineTradeMark ? SURNAME INIiIAL TAB ?S?O?LD,BYTOWE?NTG!NDUNN?ANNE WBERN?=NON?O NATURE OF. PROCEEDINGS DATE MINUTE BOOK Month Day Yea? Vol. Page l. County Manager to get more information for county staff . 07 20 1981 18 892 2. ?NDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES -- New Hanover Count? N C MATTER PERSONNEL , . . _ • ` acc. u. :. County Indezta Since 1888 + to loeate names, open a} !AT OFFICE ?p ?? An ?dendfying Tredc Mark ? SURNAME INITIAL TAB COTT A-2 TAB INDEX MADE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, ONIO , SOLD 8Y OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BE RN, NORTH CAROLINA NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS DATE MINUT E BOOK ';' ? Month Day Year Vol. Page ' ?_ , l. John W. Bowman allowed two months pay due to injury incurred while employed by County. 01 . 06 . 1902 6 ? 626 `. 2. E.R. Skenter, Engineer of Road Engine, resigned. 08 07 1905 7 35 ? 3. Superintendent of County Home granted 10 day vacation. 08 06 1906 7 60 i 4. Committee to consult with Representative Kellum and Senator Bellamy relative to putting County officers 12 27 1912 7 269 ; k on salary basis. ? 5. Numerous personnel positions filled for coming year. (See Salaries) 12 02 1918 8 26 ? 6. Members of County Bar requested salary system be abolished and fee system reinstated. O1 16 1919 8 31 7. Numerous personnel positions filled for coming year. (See Salaries) 12 O1 1919 8 89 8. Numerous County officials met with Board and requested salary increases. 05 14 1920 8 111 9. Board voted to consider officials' request for salary increases and report at next meeting. 05 14 1920 8 111 10. Securing Employees Liability Insurance for F. John Knox referred to Ferry Commission. 09 07 1920 8 124 11. Numerous personnel positions filled for coming year. (see Salaries) 12 06 1920 8 133 12. Request to allow Masters of Ferry boat sick leave with pay referred to Ferry Commission. 12 07 1920 8 136 13. Board to request Legislature to abolish salary system in County and re-establish fees. O1 03 1921 8 140 14. Numerous personnel positions filled for coming year and salaries set. (see Salaries) 12 05 1921 8 182 15. Board instructed all County offices to observe Armistice Day, November 11, as a holiday. 11 06 1922 8 215 16. Numerous personnel positions filled for coming year and salaries set. (see Salaries) 12 04 1922 8 219 17. All married men to be employed before females for any clerical positions in County. 12 03 1923 8 273 ' 18. Numerous personnel positions filled for coming year and salaries set. (see Salaries} 12 03 1923 8 274 19. Tires to be bought for County Mechanic's auto. 02 04 1924 8 281 ; 20. Board suggested that men employed on ferry boats be given a vacation with pay. 06 04 1924 8 298 21. Numerous personnel positions filled for coming year and salaries set. 12 Ol 1924 8 316 22. J. D. Jackson is County Mechanic. 07 07 1925 8 344 23. Money for gas and oil for County employees to be investigated by Chairman. 11 02 1925 8 357 24. Monthly gasoline and oil allowances granted certain County employees. 12 O1 1925 8 359 25. Various official bonds renewed with U. S. Fidelity and Guaranty Company. (see Salaries) 12 07 1925 8 360 , 26. Numerous personnel positions filled. 12 07 1925 8 361 27. Resolution from James Walker Memorial Hospital on treating injured County employees. 07 23 1926 8 391 28. E. R. Pickard endorsed as Fish and Game Warden. 08 Ol 1927 8 456 29. Mrs. Marcus Jacobi resigned Ladies Rest Room Committee, and Mrs. B. T. Hopkins appointed. 02 28 1928 8 490 30. County Mechanic J. D. Jackson granted leave of absence with pay. 02 26 1929 8 561 31. Miss Beverly Stokley promoted to Auditor Clerk, Mrs. M. B. Stuart to tax clerk and Mrs. G.W. W ilkins to 08 25 1947 10 582 ' Secretary. 32. Personnel rules and regulations approved. 04 13 1953 11 413 33. Personnel summer hours discussed. 05 04 1953 11 41b 34. Personnel summer hours fixed. 05 04 1953 11 418 35. Personnel stzmmer hours schedule amended. 05 11 1953 11 419 36. Personnel given United Fund forms for contribution. 10 05 1953 11 457 37. Action deferred on change of schedule; employee polls presented. 04 26 1954 11 508 , 38. Personnel rules and regulations amended presented for study. 06 O1 1954 11 516 „ 39. County Offices closed from noon 12/23 - 12/27. 12 13 1955 12 27 , 40. Legal Holiday. 02 20 1955 12 44 , 41. April 2 Easter Monday Holiday. 03 26 1955 12 56 , 42. September Legal Holiday (Labor Day) 08 27 1955 12 93 43. Board agreed to abolish Personnel Rules and Regulaticns. 10 15 1955 12 102 44. Mr. R. L.Black Register of Deeds reported one of his Clerk's on sick leave for a month. 10 15 1955 12 102 , INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES -- New Hanover Count? N C MATT RT PERSONNEL , . . , ` nec. u. s. Counry lndexee Since 1888 ?? X..3--? ?o locafe names, open at r?T OFFICE (??l??i. An Identifying Trade Mark ?.? SURNAME INITIAL TAB COTT A-Z TAB INDEX MIADE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTN CAROLINA ' NATURE OF PROCEED(NGS DATE MINUTE BOOK y :€ Month I Day Year Vol. Page 1., Veteran's Da;• Nov. 11 on Sunday employees to observe Nov. 12 as Holiday. 11 15 1955 12 106 2.' Holidays Dec, 24 - 26 for Christmas. 12 10 1955 12 114 ? 3. Board approved observance of Washington's Birthday Feb. 22, 1957. 1957 12 4. Meeting of all Courity employees to discuss Social Security. 03 04 1957 12 135 5. Easter Monday 4/21/57 Holiday. 08 15 1957 12 146 6. County employees to make repairs on Airport Building. 05 13 1957 12 152 7. Board set time to start daylight saving time. 05 13 1957 12 152 8. Election held for employees concerning Social Security. 05 13 1957 12 152 9. Report on election, majority yes, to be covered by Social Security. 05 20 1957 12 153 10. Resolution relating to County employees retirement coverage. 05 27 19?7 12 154 11. Holiday May 30, Memorial Day. 05 27 1957 12 155 12. Caunty auditor to deduct from personnel checks for back Social Security payr?ent. 08 03 ?957 12 ].72 13. Board approved payroll payment plan. 08 26 195? 12 175 14. Board want to kr.ow why City employees get flu shots before C?unty employees. 10 28 1957 12 190 15. Caunty employees advised t? get flu shots. 11 04 1957 12 192 16. Holida;r November llth, Veterans Day. 11 04 1957 12 192 17. Holiday Pdovember 28, Thanksgiving Day. 11 25 1957 ?2 195 18. Hnliday December 24th Noon - Dec. 27. 11 25 1957 12 195 19. Approved Easter Monday Holiday. 03 24 1958 12 237 20. Bcard discu?s vacation and sick leave for county employees. 05 12 1958 12 257 21. September lst Laba.r Day, Holiday. 08 25 1958 12 297 ?2. Board a?pr?ved Thanksgiving and Christmas Holidays. 11 24 195?? 12 ?35 23. January ls? Holiday. 12 29 1958 12 350 24. Letter to Board of_ Healtr pertaining to extra :?-Ioliday empl?yees c?bserved. O1 12 1959 ?2 359 25. Washington's Birthday ?n Sunday, ?Ionday no Holid.ay. ?2 09 1959 12 374 26. Board to appoint Study Committee for sick leave and vacation schedules. 02 11 1959 12 378 2'. Board declared February 23rd Holiday. 02 16 1959 12 381 28. Azalea Festival parade day, declared legal Holiday. 03 23 1959 12 401 29. Easter Monday Legal Holiday. 03 23 1959 12 401 30. Board approved bill for Minimum Wages. 03 23 I959 12 403 31. Mr. Williams and Councilman Capps to study system for sick leave, vacation and Holidays. 04 06 1959 12 410 32. Board approved proposed retirement amendment. 04 13 1959 12 411 33. Mr. Edwards to send to Legislators. 04 13 1959 I2 411 34. Received agreement by joint committee on vacation, sick leave and holidays, tabled for further study. 04 13 1959 12 414 35. All Dept. Heads ta meet with Board for opinians regarding employee leave af absence. 04 20 1959 12 420 36. Board adopted a uniform system for employee leave of absence. 05 04 1959 12 425 37. Holiday July 3rd 1959. 07 Ol 1959 12 454 38. Approved 8o across the board raise for employees. 07 22 1959 12 472 39. Motion failed for all employees to have some vacation and sick leave schedu?e. 11 ?2 1959 12 511 40. Dept. heads to control vacation and sick leave rules. O1 ?4 1960 12 532 41. Approved Washington Birthday as legal holiday. 02 15 1960 12 544 42. Adopted April 2nd, parade day for Festival holiday. 03 21 1960 12 558 43. Easter Monday April 18th approved for holiday. 04 ?4 1960 12 562 44. May 30th Memorial Day, declared legal holiday. 05 16 1960 12 574 45. , Approved July 4th for legal holiday. 06 ?6 1960 12 579 46. November 11, 1960 legal holiday Veterans Day. 11 )7 1960 12 626 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES -- New Hanover Count N C PERSONNEL M ?, . . _ U JECT ` aec. u. s. ??Q ??,?1` Counry Indezea Since 1888 ? TO IoWt? notMS? Op?11 Y! r?r OFFICE C.?//7?(?6-? An Identifying Trade Mark SURNAME INITIAL TAY COTT A•I MADE BY THE COTT INDEX SOLD ?T OWEN ?. YUNN, N TA? INOEX tOMPANY? COLUMBUS, OHIO EN tERN, NORTN GROLINA NATURE OF PROCEEDiNGS DATE MINUTE BOOK Month Day Year Vol. Page 1. Board approved Christmas Holidays 12/24 - 12/26. 12 05 1960 12 631 2. January 2, legal holiday, Jan. 1 on Sunday. 12 19 1960 12 638 3. February 22, Washington Birthday legal holiday. 02 06 1961 12 646 4. April 3, Easter Monday, April 18, Parade Day Employees Holiday. 03 20 1961 12 656 5. May 30, Memorial Day, legal holiday. OS 15 1961 12 679 6. Labor Day, Sept. 4th legal holiday. 08 21 1961 13 14 7. Veteran's Day, Nov. 11, legal holiday. 11 20 1961 13 36 8. Thanksgiving Day, Nov. 23, legal holiday. 11 20 1961 13 38 9. Dec. 25, 2b and Jan 1, 1962 Holidays for County employees. 12 04 1961 1? 43 10. February 22, legal holiday for County employees. 02 19 1962 13 69 11. April 23, legal holiday, Easter Monday. 04 02 1962 13 88 12. Resolution making application for coverage for all employees under the Federal Social Secur ity Act. 05 14 1962 13 104 13. Approved County employees holidays on annual basis. 06 04 1962 13 114 14. Matters of deduction insurance monies from employees checks left to auditor Love. 07 11 1962 13 128 15. Community accelerated Public Works program report. 10 15 1962 13 164 16. No action on servi ? pins for County Employees. 12 17 1962 13 179 17. Discussion regarding service pins, sec. to get list showing various lengths of service. Ol 07 1963 13 183 18. Matters regarding employees citation of award referred to Exec. Secretary to report back to Boa rd. 07 15 1963 13 229 19. Approved one step salary increase for employees. 07 29 1963 13 241 20. Authorized new tags for courthouse parking. 10 21 1963 13 262 21. Motion carried all dept. heads open office til noon, Dec. 24, other employees be off until Dec. 27. 12 16 1963 13 273 22. Merit System 03 02 1964 13 298 23. District Meeting 03 02 1964 13 298 24. Holidays 03 16 1964 13 305 25. Holidays 07 21 1964 13 358 26. Retirement System 09 08 1964 13 372 27. Retirement System 11 16 1964 13 398 28. Christmas Holidays 12 07 1964 13 402 29. New Year's Holidays 12 07 1964 13 402 30. Retirement 12 07 1964 13 406 31. Retirement system 02 15 1965 13 437 32. Retirement Plan 04 12 1965 13 462 33. Retirement Alternate Plan 04 12 1965 13 462 34. Retirement Plan 04 20 1965 13 468 35. Retirement Plan Implementation 04 20 1965 13 469 36. Retirement Plan 05 03 1965 13 471 37. Retirement funds 06 07 1965 13 488 38. Budget Discussion 06 07 1965 13 488 39. Sick Leave Policy 07 06 1965 13 500 40. Regulations 07 26 1965 13 507 41. Salary Adjustments-merit system 08 16 1965 13 514 42. Salary adjustments - merit system 09 07 1965 13 518 43. .Regulations 09 ZO 1965 13 524 44. Retirement Plans - Pension 10 18 1965 13 534 45. Management 10 18 1965 13 535 46. Merit System salaries 10 18 1965 13 535 PERSONNEL INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover Count?, N. C. _ S?U JECT ? aec. u. s. ?/{ ?? Counry Indezea Since 1888 ? TO IOCaN no1Mf? O?NII Ot WTT A-Z TA? INOEX PAT OFFICE (.C?.eto!/%? An ldentifying Trade Mark SURNAME INIiIAL TM NU1DE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY? fOLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD ?Y OWEN i. OUNN, MEN tERN, NORTN GROLINA DATE MINUTE BOOK t NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS Month Day Year Vol. Page 1. Retirement plan 10 18 1965 13 537 2.. Management 11 O1 1965 13 540 3.' Pension and Retirement Plan 12 06 1965 13 549 4. Christmas Holidays 12 06 1965 13 551 5. Salary Adjustments - Merit System 12 20 1965 13 557 6., Hutchison, Proposed retirement system. O1 l6 1967 14 24 7.. Plan O1 )3 1967 14 17 8. Retirement system - Judge Winfield Smith Ol L6 1967 14 22 9. Hutchison, N. Gray, bill 02 ?D J.9b7 ?4 30 10. Local Government Retirement plan 02 )6 1967 14 25 11. One county plan 02 ;?0 1967 14 29 12. N. C. Local Government Employees Retirement 02 ,?0 1967 14 30 13. Plan, Amendments or changes 02 .?0 1967 14 32 14. Retirement System - Old records 02 20 1967 14 32 15. Revision - Sheet No. 21 02 20 1967 14 32 16. Salaries - elected officials 02 20 1967 14 31 17. Salaries - Welfare Dept. 02 ZO 1967 14 29 18. Salaries - Elected Officials 02 06 1967 14 26 19. Salaries - elected officials 03 )6 1967 14 35 20. Status of 03 20 1967 14 40 21. Hutchison, H. Gray, bill 03 06 1967 14 34 22. Extra help - completion retirement forms 04 17 1967 14 ?47 23. Prior service credit - retirement 04 03 1967 14 ?0 24. Retirement system 05 15 1967 14 ?52 25. Completion - retirement forms 06 05 1967 14 54 26.. Services from H. Gray Hutchison relative to old retirement system 07 17 1967 14 77 27. Vacation Pay, former employee auditor's office 07 03 1967 14 75 28. Final report on old retirement plan 08 07 1967 14 32 29. Report from Mr. H. Gray Hutchison old county retirement plan 08 07 1967 14 30 30. Department heads 09 05 1967 14 37 31. Plan, review of 09 28 1967 14 35 32. Plan 02 16 1968 14 147 33. Meeting to discuss plan 05 06 1968 14 186 34. Employee's lounge 05 06 1968 14 183 35. Courthouse personnel seeking public office 05 06 1968 14 186 36. Plan-discussion 05 13 1968 14 191 37. Merit system 06 03 1968 14 193 38. Employees paid below base in auditor's office 06 03 1968 14 192 39. Salary of Hazel Savage 06 03 1968 14 195 40. Salary increases 07 11 1968 14 221 41. Salaries, Clerk of Court's office 10 07 1968 14 254 42. Extra Curricular work 10 07 1968 14 251 43. Outside work by county employees 10 21 1968 14 261 44. Department heads notify administrator when taking time off 11 04 1968 14 262 45. Employees Hospital Ins. 11 18 1968 14 268 46. Employees Hospital Ins. 11 18 1968 14 267 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES -- New Hanover Count?y, N. C. , MU JECT PERSONNEL i ae?. u. s. County Indezee Since 1$88 ? TO (otab ooeN3. Op?n at COTT M= TA? INpEX P?r OFFICE C.?i?,? An IdentifYins Trade Mark SURNAME INITIAL TAY MADE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY. (OLUMBUS. OHIO SOLD ?Y OWEN i. OUNN, NEN 6ERN, NORTN UROLINA NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS DATE MINUTE BOOK Month Day Year Vol. Page 1. Approval of Pay roll Z. Outside ?mployment, employee in 'I'ax ?ffice 3. lncreases in Salaries 4. Discussion revised plan 5. Increased personnel 6. Personnel Plan 7. Bids on health insurance ?S. Employment, Help County Farm 9. Resignation of Sandra Moore from Cornmissioners 10. Additional employees 11. Moonlighting 12. Help in County Administrator's Uffice 13. Approval of change in Manual Work Week 14. Additional Benefits - Local Government Itetirement System 15. Itesolution Governing Outside Employment-Department Heads 16. Airport salary adjustments 17. Deputy Blanton's retirement benefit 18. Part-time employment 19. Death benefit for employees 20. Death benefit for employees 21. Outside employment of Ron Knoff 22. Joint retirement Insurance city-county tax collector's office 23. Discussion of employment practices prior to certification by civil service commission 24. Progress report 25. Custodian-Overtime Pay 26. Emergency Pay-Assistant Plumbing Inspector 27, Payment for compensatory time to person leaving employment 28. Mental Health Employee reclassification 29. Meeting with State personnel in Raleigh 30. Employment extension-employee Tax Collector's Office 31. EEA funds program 32. Additional personnel for personal property tax division 33. EEA report 34. ZMethod of hiring new employees 35. Transference of sick leave 36. Transfer of sick leave, Louis Smith 37. Transfer of sick leave 38. Approval retroactive pay key punch verifier 39. Increases for other personnel 40. Hiring of relative 41. Salaries - Grand Jury Officer 42. Salaries - School Guards 43. Tax Office 44. Outside work Ron Knopf 45. Closing County offices in inclement weather 46. Salary policy I?i 02 Ul 2U 04 ZI 05 19 06 18 06 03 0? 18 08 18 ll9 02 09 02 10 20 10 06 10 06 10 20 11 17 O1 19 Ol 19 02 OZ 06 O1 06 15 11 16 11 16 11 I6 12 21 02 15 02 15 07 19 08 OZ 09 07 09 07 09 07 09 20 10 18 10 04 11 O1 12 06 12 20 O1 04 O1 04 08 14 08 14 08 14 09 18 10 16 O1 15 O1 15 1968 1969 1969 1969 1969 196y 196y 1969 19b9 1969 196y 1969 196y 1969 1969 1970 1970 1970 1970 1970 1970 1970 1970 1970 1971 1971 1971 1971 1971 1971 1971 1971 197I 1971 1971 1971 1971 1972 1972 1972 1972 1972 1972 1972 1973 1973 14 14 t4 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 I4 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 277 294 3L3 334 343 340 S83 382 386 3?36 403 396 395 400 414 430 430 438 482 489 548 548 545 556 581 582 668 672 8 8 8 15 22 17 35 51 59 62 62 193 193 193 222 235 311 311 N. INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover Count? PERSONNEL C. ? M EC ? , U J T aec. u, s. q? ??- County Indezea Since 1888 ? TO (OCYf? nam?s, Op?A af P?T OFFICE L?E?:C.a-rca ?n ldentifP?ns Trade Mark fURNAME INITIAL TAB CO?T 142 TA? INOEX MADE BY 7HE COTT INDEX COMPANY? COLUMBUS. OXIO SOLD ?Y ONEN i. oUNN, NEw ?ERN, NORTN GROLINA DATE MINUTE BOOK ?i NATURE OF pROCEEDINGS ;? Month Day Year Vol. Page 1; Salary p??licy O1 15 1973 15 311 2. Resignation of Chm. Oxenfield Ol 30 1973 15 315 3, Presentation to Bill Guthrie of Medallion 02 05 1973 15 316 4;; Arnold Mintz, Sick Leave of 02 05 1973 15 323 5. Discussion of Newspaper article 02 05 1973 15 327 6.' County Manager',s resignation 02 19 1973 15 335 7: Recognition of deputy sheriff Sgt. Jackson 02 19 1973 15 335 8. Courthouse and park staff 02 19 1973 I5 335 9. Rttendance at Seminars 05 21 1973 15 423 10. Discussion of change in policy 08 22 1973 15 479 11. Veteran's day observance 10 O1 1973 15 503 12. Discussion of Personnel Plan O1 ??7 1974 15 555 13. Declassification of Dept. Heads 03 18 1974 15 602 14. Discussion of wage and salary survey 11 18 1974 16 50 15.. Salary durvey referred to committee 12 02 1974 16 62 16. County hiring moratorium 12 02 1974 16 64 17. Payroll checks to be distributed 12/23/74 12 16 1974 16 70 18. Resolution claiming exemption under Sec. 7(k) of the Fair Labor Standards Act relative to overtime O1 06 1975 16 31 19.? Introduction of Bob Wms. new engineer O1 ZO 1975 16 9I 20. Reimbursement of education expense for Nikki Davenport O1 20 1975 16 92 21. Reclassification of County Manager's Secretary from Steno I to Steno III 02 03 1975 16 107 22. Resignation of County Engineer, Richard J. Epling 02 03 1975 16 108 23. Salary plan for FY 75/76 03 17 1975 16 146 24. Juvenile Services - Ron Knopf's resignation and appointment of Bob Ping as Interim Director 03 17 1975 16 149 25. Appointment of Norman R. Holden as Director of Juvenile Services Center 05 05 1975 16 191 26. Tabling of request for advance of sick leave for Charles Register 05 26 1975 16 205 27. Reimbrusement of Educational Expenses (Davenport, Batts F? Mack) 06 02 1975 16 212 28. City of Wilmington, Human Relations Dept., designated as operator of swnmer youth prog. 06 09 1975 16 217 29. Policy re sick leave taken but not earned 06 16 1975 16 226 30. Motion not to reappoint Tax Adm. Powe11 06 16 1975 16 227 31. Appointment of Robert M. Williams as County Engineer 06 30 1975 16 234 32. Reappointment of Larry J. POWELL AS Tax Supervisor 07 07 1975 16 ?35-6 33. Appointment of Alyce B. Brown as Clerk to the Board 07 28 1975 16 246 34. Contract for extension of EJP program OS 25 1975 16 260 35. Discussion of Ceta Title II 09 22 1975 16 273 36. Approve retroactive step increases for 2 garage employees 11 17 1975 17 9 37. Amend personnel policy 12 08 1975 17 23 38. Approve Ceta II budget 12 15 1975 17 28 39. Appointment of Alyce B. Brown as Clerk to the Board 12 22 1975 17 33 40. Approval request Sadje Whitty for retirement payment O1 05 1976 17 39 41. Denial of reclassification of Steno at Museum 02 02 1976 17 54 42. Approve overtime pay for Janie Straughn ? Mae Stuart in Tax Dept. 02 02 1976 17 58 43. Approve recognition of Rebecca Hall upon retirement 02 02 1976 17 58 44. Tabling of approval of RSVP employee for Museum 02 17 1976 17 62 45. Approval 5% cost of living increase FY 76/77 02 ll6 1976 17 63 46. Appointment Ben Washburn Civil Prepredness Coord. 04 20 1976 17 111 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover Count?, N. C. _ MU JECT PERSONNEL a eec. u. s. ,,q1'- County Indezea Since 1888 ? t0 lown nam?s, op?? Yf COTT A-Z TA? INpEII PAT OFFICE ?/?,? An ldentifying Trade Mark SURNAME INITIAL TAY NIADE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY. COLUMBUS, ONIO SOLD tY QMEN i. YUNN, MEw tERN, NORTN GROLINA DATE MINUTEBOOK NAiURE OF PROCEEDINGS Month Day Year Vol. Page I, 1. Discussion in change in annual leave policy 05 17 1976 17 124-5 2. CETA Title VI budget amendment 07 06 1976 17 160 3. Appt. Jim Miller - JSC Director 07 06 1976 17 161 4. Reimburse Thad Carmichael - correspondence course 07 06 1976 17 161 5. County Manager vacation 07 06 1976 17 161 6. Medallian presetned to Dr. Knox 07 19 1976 17 162 7. Introduce Dr. J. Finger 07 l9 1976 17 162 8. Training reimbursement - Sgt. Pickler 07 19 1976 17 163 9. Sa?ary oirerpayment - McNamee - A F? E OS 02 197b 17 174 10. Approve outside employment - Jim Miller - JSC 08 16 1976 17 178 11. Training reimbursement Lt. Robert E. Spell 09 07 1976 17 189 12. Approve App. for CETA II funds and budget amendment 09 27 1976 17 7_00-1 13. Observance of Veteran's Day 10 04 1976 17 209 14. I County Manag ? out of town 10 04 1976 17 213 i 15. Tabling retirement presentation - Eula Mae McInnis 11 15 1976 17 233 16. Training reimbursement - Billy Dawson 11 15 1976 17 233 I 17. Reappt. Alyce B. Brown - Clerk to the Board 12 06 1976 17 235 _ 18. Budg?t Trans. - Ceta II 12 06 1976 17 241 19. Budget Amend. - Ceta II 12 06 1976 17 242-3 20. Approve Commissioners on BCBS 12 06 1976 17 243 21. Retirement Eula Mae McInnis, R. Inex Hopkins 12 20 1976 17 244 22. REclassifications in Sheriff's Dept. 12 20 1976 17 247 23. Approve Public Official Bonds 12 20 1976 17 252 24. County Manager - out of town O1 04 1977 17 257 25. Budget amend - CETA II O1 17 1977 17 267 26. I Contracts and budget amend. - CETA II and VI O1 27 1977 17 270 27. Approve hiring recreation planner O1 27 1977 17 270 28. Discuss withdrawal from Social Security 02 07 1977 17 278 29. Presentation of revised Personnel Polic Y 02 07 1977 17 279 30. Discuss energy savings 02 07 1977 17 279 31. County Manager - out of town 02 07 1977 17 281 32. Budget Trans. - CETA VI 02 21 1977 17 288 33. Request discussion on Personnel Policy 02 21 1977 17 288 34. Report on additional Ceta funds 02 21 1977 17 289 ? 35. Discuss Ceta VI program 03 07 1977 17 ?96-7 36. Discuss revised Personnel Policy 03 07 1977 17 298 37. Presentation-Coaching in Supervision Certi. 03 28 1977 18 1 38. Training reimbursement - W. F. Pickler 03 28 1977 18 3 39. Approve revised Personnel Policy 03 28 1977 18 5 40. CETA VI funds 03 28 1977 18 8 . 41. Discuss withdrawal from Social Security 03 28 1977 18 9 42. Discuss CETA VI funds 04 04 1977 18 16 43. Discuss policy re: hiring local people 04 18 1977 18 22 44. Discuss deferred compensation plan 04 18 1977 18 22 45. CETA VI project applications 05 02 1977 18 28 46. Approve Social Security for Commissioners 05 02 1977 18 29 .,? „ INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES -- New Hanover Count?, N. C. _ S?U JECT P?RSONNEL - ae?. u. s. Counry Indezea Since 1888 ? To loea» nam?s, Op?11 at COTT A-I TA? INpEX r?r OFFICE ??? An Identifying Trade Mark SURNAME INITIAL TAY ?DE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD t10MEN i. oUNN, NEw tERN, NOR?H GROLINA DATE MINUTE BOOK + NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS . Month Day Year Vol. Page 1.; Approval final amendments - Personnel ?olicy 05 16 1977 18 37 2. Authorize CETA VI position for COG 05 16 1977 18 39 3.- Personnel Director - Gary Cannon Outstanding Graduate in 1977 County Admin. Course 05 16 1977 18 40 4.. Retirement presentation - Mae Stuart 07 05 1977 18 65 5. Approve retirement credit for Betty West 07 05 1977 18 50-70 6. Reappt. Larry Powell Tax Administrator 07 05 1977 18 70 7. Amendments to Personnel Policy 08 15 1977 18 88 8. Budget Trans. - Affirmative Action Plan 09 06 1977 18 96 9. Discussion on personnel turnover at JSC 09 Db 1977 18 97 10. Budget Amend. - CETA II ? VI for funds which have not been appropriated 10 03 1977 18 111 11. Planning reclassifzcation Planner II to Senior Planner 11 07 1977 18 125 12. Change name of Clerk to Board 11 21 1977 18 132 13. Approval agreements w/municipalities for CETA programs 12 19 1977 18 151 14. Approve Secuxity Guards for Admin. Bldg. O1 16 1978 18 160 15.. Adopt Affirmative Action Plan 02 06 I978 18 _67-8 16. Amendments to Personnel Policy 02 06 1978 18 _70-1 17. Budget Transfer - Ceta - printing application forms 03 06 1978 18 180 18. Endorsement of proposed change in retirement system 03 20 1978 18 184 ?19. Amendment to Personnel Policy 04 03 1978 18 192 20. Continue employment beyond 65-Clara Sternberger 04 Ol 1978 18 195 21. Retirement of County Employees 05 Ol 1978 18 198 22. Amendment - Personnel Policy 05 OI 1978 1$ 202 23. Resolution allowing retirement service - 3 DSS employees 05 15 1978 18 212 24. Position reclassification - DSS 06 05 1978 18 222 25. Amendments to Personnel Policy 06 19 1978 18 230 26. Approval bid on CETA Title I funds 06 19 1978 1$ 230 27. Discuss notification to job applicants 06 19 1978 18 233 28. Retirement - Hall, Huband, Hixson & Wood 07 03 1978 18 237, 29. Retirement - Love and Wallace 06 I9 I978 18 225 30. Authorization Museum Director salary 07 17 1978 18 252 31 Introduction of Personnel Intern 08 07 1978 18 256 • 32 Ainendment to Personnel Policy - Physical Examination 08 07 1978 18 256 33 Eyster Matter - Executive Session 08 09 1978 18 261 ; 34 Reclassification Clerk-Steno V to Administative Secretary V- DSS 08 21 1978 18 266 35. Adopt resolution - Dismissal Gary E?ster 08 21 1978 18 267 36 Retirement presentation - Chrystabelle B. Brown 09 05 197$ 18 268 37 Introduction of Museum Director - Janet Seapker 09 05 1978 18 268 38 CETA Budget Transfer - T ravel 10 02 1978 18 283 39 Budget Amendment - CETA - Beautification Program 10 02 1978 18 283 40 Plaque presented to Delores Farrow 10 02 1978 18 284 41 Social Services Reclassifications 10 03 1978 18 286 42 Personnel Policy Amendments 10 16 1978 18 293 43 Discuss State Employees Credit Union 11 20 1978 18 303 44 Appt. Norma E. Philpott Deputy Clerk to Board 12 04 I978 18 311 45 Appoint Alyce Rusmisell Clerk to the Board 12 04 1978 18 312 46 Reprimand Tax Department Employee for error 12 04 1978 18 319 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS H C t N MINUTES - N PERSONNEL C oun anover y, . ew . _ MATTER: acs. u. s. ?7? e?r OFFICE C?G"i, , County Indezee Since 1888 / i! Anldentifyin¢TradeMar? Te t?eat? namts. ?pM st SURNAMt (NRIAL TA! COTT A-I iA! INDEX NIADE tY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUM6US, ONIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN CO., NEW BERN, N. C. NAiURE Of PROCEEDINGS 1. Discuss State Employees Credit Union 2. Mandatory Retirement Age 3. Retirement - Clara Sternberger, Lutha Mintz, Durwood Baggett 4. Reclassification of accounting technician II to aacounting technician I 5. Amendment to personnel policy Article VII, Sec. 20 6, Reclassify positions in Sheriff's office 7. Reclassify positions to meet minimum wage $. Plaques to Sheriff H. G. Grohman & former Chief Deputy H. M. O'Sullivan for many years of service 9. Amendments to Personnel Policy 10. Approval of Agreement - Employee Assistance Program 11. Progress report of Affirmative Action Plan Program adopted 12. 2 position in Health Department reclassified 13. Legal Defense for County Employees 14. Position added for Tax Department 15. Discussion of Employee Benefit Survey I6. Request for sick leave pay - Fred Pickler 17. Transfer of Retirement Benefits - employees formerly covered by N. C. Retirement System 18. Amendment to Personnel Policy - temporary employees 19. Retirement of O. M. Parker - Airport 20. Amendment to Personnel Policy 21. Presentation of pa.cque - 19? years to John H. Greene at Airport 22. Amendment to Personnel Policy - Military & Civil Le?ve 23. Letter of commendation for Personnel Intern, Dan McCarthy 24. Class range changes & position reclassification for Social Services 25. Commendation Program 26. Range change Lab Helper class - Health Department 27. Salary for Reg, of Deeds set back to Grade 77 Step 1 28. Amendinent to Personnel Policy 29. Amendment to Personnel Policy - vacation and sick leave 30. Appxoval of payroll check for Finance Department 31. Discussion on Fair Employment Ordinanance 32. Position reclassification-Sheriff Department 33. Position Transfer-Engineering Technician & request to hire Dir. of Engineering 34. 5tatement of Intent for FY 1981 - PSE Program 35. personnel Policy amendm?nts 36. Personnel Policy amendm?nts 37. Volunteer recognition-National Volunteer Week 38. Amendment to Personnel Policy 39. Contract for Pay and Classification Study 40. Ratification of Contract with Duplin County for Law Enforcement 41. Presentation of Retirement Plaques 42. Transfer of positions in Health Department 43. DSS Reclassification requests 44. Amendments to Personnel Policy 45. Adjustment in Salary Schedule 46. Reclassification of Operator/Data Entry specialist DATE Month Day Year 12 04 12 18 O1 02 Ol 02 O1 02 Ol 02 O1 02 O1 02 O1 ?5 02 05 02 05 02 OS 02 05 02 19 02 Z9 03 19 04 02 04 17 OS 07 05 07 07 02 07 23 09 17 11 05 11 05 Ol 07 Ol 07 03 10 03 21 05 05 05 08 05 19 07 28 08 18 02 16 04 06 04 06 04 21 08 I7 08 17 10 19 11 16 12 07 12 21 03 Ol 03 Ol 1978 1978 1979 1979 1979 1979 1979 1979 ? 979 1979 1979 1979 1979 1979 I979 1979 1979 1979 1979 1979 1979 1979 1979 1979 1979 I980 1980 1980 1980 1980 1980 1980 1980 1980 1981 1981 19 81 1981 1981 1981 1981 1981 1981 1981 1982 1982 MINUTE BOOK ' Vol. Page ; 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 .?8 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 19 19 320 325 428 333 333 333 336 337 343 350 351 351 353 360 372 372 384 388 396 401 437 448 481 508 508 532 535 569 583 595 598 598 639 648 766 795 801 807 905 909 941 956 966 973 15 15 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover County, N. C. , MATTER: PERSONNEL aec. u. s. A County Indezea Since 1888 Te leeab namn, ?pM it COiT A-I TA? INOEX v?r OFFICE ?,sTJ7l?.o?i An Identifying Trade Matk ? SURNAME INITIAL TA! INADE BY iHE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUM{US, OHIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN CO., NEW BERN, N. C. NATURE QF PROCEEDINGS 1. Presentation of Retirement Plaques 2. Retirement Presentation 3. Revisions to Pay Plan Policy and Classification and Pay Plan Study 4. Resolution to elect a Tax 5helter of Employees' Contributions to N. C. Local Government Emp. Retirement 5. Salary Upgrade for Practical Nurse II position 6. Reclassification requests and title changes - DSS and Inspections Dept. 7. Approval of Amendments to Personnel Policy 8 Ratification of Contract w/Duplin Co. for Law Enforcement 9 Introduction of new professional staff inembers: Weaver, Dixon, McAbee ?f?Smith DATE Month Day Yea? MINUTE BOOK Vol. Page 05 17 1982 19 66 06 21 1982 19 94 06 21 1982 19 97 06 21 1982 19 98 08 02 1982 19 126 08 02 1982 19 126 08 16 1982 19 135 10 18 1?9?82 19 175 12 06 1982 19 196 SUBJECT INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MIN UTES - New Hanover County, N. C. _ MATTER: PETITIONS ` ?y ?y?-- To tocat? names o en a! aea. u. s. Counry Indesee Since 1888 ' ? p ??r ornce ?.?i?? An (dentiEvinB Trsde Mark ?`? SURNAME INITIAL TAB COTT A•Z TAB IkDEX MADE BY THE CQTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA ° f? DATE 6? C? MINUTE BOOK ? k ?? NATURE Of PROCEEDINGS Month I Day I Year ba Voi. I Page ? 4 l.t? Several ?p etitions received, read and ordered filed. ?; 07 22 ;; 1868;? - 1 3 k. 2.r? Petition from E.D. Hewlett received, read and filed. 07 23 1868i? E? 1 4 ? ? 3.;p Petition of A. Pave Repiten concerning taxes filed. : 07 27 1868p? 1 5 `g 4.'ie Petition of J. Mann, Superior Court Clerk, asking permission to have door cut between his off ice and ?? 07 " 27 1868?; „ ? 1 5 !? ? p! ? u? adjo ining room granted. ? «, ?? ? ? 5. ? Petitio?z of John Fitzgerald filed. 07 27 , 1868?? q 1 5 ? i? ?? 6.:; Two petit ions filed. 07 28 1868?; 1 6 ?? 7, ??3 Petition af J. J. Parker filed. ;, 07 29 1868?? 1 6 ?? 8..: Petition of D.L. Clark filed. ; 07 31 1868,P 1 7 ;; 9. Petitions from D.W.W. Meyers and E.J. Pennypacker filed. 08 04 1868 1 8 ; 10. Pet?tion from Dr. William Freeman filed, 08 07 1868 1 10 ;' }, 11. Petitions from E,R. Brink, W.F. Murphy, J.E. Winants all filed. 08 12 1868 1 12 ?s 12. Petition from Thomas Gardner and H.S. Serrop filed. 08 13 1868 1 13 i; 13. Petition from John Sanders filed. 08 20 1868 1 23 '. 14.: Petition from Republican voters of New Hanover County laid on the table. 08 20 1868.; 1 23 ?; 15.,, Petition from Alex Bryant rejected. 09 O1 1868,i 1 32 ?? ?§ 16.,; ? Petitions from H.S. Serrop and J.W. Schenck, .Ir. filed. 09 O1 1868,' 1 32 i; 17.,i Petition from Mrs. Leslie received and filed. 09 . 02 1868;' 1 33 ;; ;' .? ? 18.;s Committee to investigate petition from E.W. Shoemaker. 0 09 07 1868. ?; 1 38 i ?; , : ?; 19.?, Petition from County Coinmissioners of Brunwick County filed. . 09 17 1868' 1 47 i; i? 20..? Petition from J. Mann and J.W. Schenck,Jr. granted. „ 09 23 1868;j 1 54 ?? k; 21.. Petition from J. Hill rescinded. ,. 11 28 1868 1 133 ?s 2?,,.,. . Petition from J. Hill granted. 12 04 1868 1 133 !? ? 1? 23.` ' Petition from Toney Lewis received. ^ 12 22 1868. 1 143 j? ? ?e 24. ' Petition from Charles Bonham for a public road filed. 02 10 1869,; ., 1 183 !b a ? : 25. ° ? Petition for appointment of A. Rutherford as superintendent of schools received. 05 11 1869? 1 226 . ; ?? < 26..? Petitions from Dr. J.E. Winants, O.J. Parsley and George Flack filed. „ 05 11 1869'_ 1 226 < Rr 27,, Petitions from Daniel McAlister and George Flack filed. . 05 27 1869,' 1 243 s ?? 28..; Pe?ition from Mr. Flack referred back to him. , 05 27 1869; 1 243 ?k ,? ?9 29. ? Mr. Scott , s petition referred to Committee on Poor House. (See POOR HOUSE COMMITTEE) 09 07 1869?? 1 318 ; , ? 30. Peti?ion from J.C. Hill filed. 09 07 1869? 1 318 !? , ;a ? 31. ; Petition from James Mann, Superior Court Clerk, filed. 09 07 1869 ` 1 318 f . R_ EF 32..a Petition from J. Schenck referred to Public Buildings Committee. 09 07 186?": 1 318 0! 4? 33.`,. Petition from S. Van Amringe and E.D. Hewlett for extensian of superintendence of Work House filed. „ 09 08 1869„ 1 320 i' ':' ;j 34., Petition from Catherine Farrow filed. 09 16 1869 1 324 ?? c 35. ; Petition from Trustees from Holden Township filed. 11 . O1 1869; 1 334 ?' ?; 36.:. Petition of Republicans of Caswell Township filed. 11 Ol 1869: . 1 334 ':i +? :, 37. ., Petition of W. Katy regarding taxes filed, 11 O1 1869, 1 334 " fj ?. 38.. Petition of John Watkins regarding taxes filed. 11 Ol 1869; 1 334 ?` 39. Petition from Caswell Township referred to Superior Court Clerk. 12 06 1869; ?r 1 346 ?? , 40.; ' Petitions from J. Rhoads, John Beasley and S. Larkins filed. 12 06 1869` 1 346 ? ' ? 41.;; Petition from James Brown referred to Holden Township assessors. (See TAX ASSESSORS) 12 06 1869 1 346 ? 42.,; Petition of R.S. Waldron received. 12 ? 07 1869' ? 1 350 j? s ?a 43.,, Petition from S. Van Amringe and E.D, Hewlett filed. O1 03 1870'` 1 392 ?' ? ! ? 44. Petition for appointment of J,S. Rhoades to school committee of Lincoln Township filed. . O1 03 1870;i 1 392 y 45.;; ?y +' ? ?i Petition from Wilmington Township School Committee filed. _ 03 r 08 1870!' ?Y ? ?G ?i 1 417 ? ? I INDEX TO CO?MISSIONERS MINUTES -- New Hanaver Cou?? PETITIONS N C y, . . _ MATTER: ` e¢o. u, s. County Indezea Since ?888 h? xy-- To tocats eames, open at OFFICE ?????a?' An Identifving Trade Mark ??? SURNAM6 INITIAL TAB ? COTT A-Z TAB INDEX MADE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS. OHIO ?r SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORT H CAROLINA ? ' DATE ip 'i MINUTE BOOK ?? NATURE OF PROtEEDINGS ? ? ` Month I Day l - Year ; '? ? Vol. ? Page "; 1. Petition from saloon keepers filed. , 04 06 ?; 1870?, 1 428 ? 2. Petition from William Robinson, James Murphy and James Kerr for a bridge filed. 08 02 1870,' ,. 1 465 ,' 3. Petition from Mrs. Middleton on double tax granted. : 09 05 1870 1 487 ' ??V 4. Petition from F,W. Foster to remit taxes referred to Finance Committee. 10 08 1870t 2 31 r? ? ,5.? Petition of James Kerr to disallow road under consideration. „ 10 13 1870.? 2 37 f; 6.? Petition of J. Kerr, John Carr, Shaw, and others to disallow road approved. . 11 07 1870 2 81 ;, E 7.; Petition from Union Trustees to fill vacancy in constable's post not approved. 12 17 1870., 2 104 ' ;E 8.j? Petition from R.K. Bryan to change Township boundaries told to proceed. (See BOUNDARIES) „ Ol 03 1871; 2 111 ;. 9.wy Petition from E.D. Hull for remission of 1866 taxes wrongfull? listed. , Ol 03 1871,,, 2 111 ,; ,; 10..; Petition protesting using Work House prisoners_on public roads referred to committee. Ol ?? 11.;; Petition of Richard Sellers to be appointed Standard Keeper refused. 03 12..; Petition of Stephen Keyes to levy tax for school building expenses laid over. 03 ;; ,13.;g Petition of Robert Harriss for a contract to make coffins for paupers of County postponed. 03 ,14.,Q Petitions of sundry parties for Standard Keeper laid over to next meeting. 03 ? 15.?a Petitions of sundry persons for Courthouse janitor's position laid over to next meeting. 03 ?; ,16.M; E. Mann's petition to be released from payment of taxes for 1869 taxes of Norman and J.N. Macumber referred 04 , ;? to Mr. Gardner. ?, 17.?: ?? Petition from citizens of Franklin Township for Susan Fellows and children to receive monthly allowance. 04 s4 18.i? ?? Petition from citizens of Masonboro Township to have R. Sellers appointed constable. 04 19.; Petition of Mz Van Amringe for lumber to extend stockade at Work House. (See WORK HOUSE) 05 ? .20.? ? Petition of Sheriff for necessary clothes for Jail prisoners referred to Committee on Public Buildings. . 05 21.33 Mr. Van Amringe withdrew Qetition for extension of stockade at Work House. 05 ? 22.?3 Petition of John Smith for sum to support his family referred to Board of Alderman of City of Wilmington. 07 ? 23.f? Petition from S.R. Bunting to be relieved from taxes, not granted. 09 24 Petition from Wilmington Trustees to levy a tax to pay debts deferred until County taxes levied. 09 .;E 'pi 25.;j ; Petition of P. Murphy for remittance of tax referred to Attorney of County for an opinion. 10 ;? 26.;? Petition from citizens of Holly, Union, and Holden Townships to have bridge repaired referred to A.R. Black. 10 27.?g Petition filed from Grant Trustees to levy a tax to build a Township House. „ 10 .n , 28.? ' Petition from officials in Courthouse to build shed on Courthouse lot referred to Committee on Public Bldg. 11 o t 29.? ' Petition for adjustment of taxes referred to Committee on Taxes. (See TAX DEPARTMENT) 11 ? 30.! Petition from Trustees of Lincoln Township to build bridge referred to A.R, Black. 12 31.,; Petition from Trustees of Masonboro to build bridge across Hewlett's Creek referr?d to Committee on Roads 12 ;? and Bridges. ?? 32. ; Petition from overseers of Holly Township for repairs on Shelton Creek Bridge referred to Committee on 12 , 4ar r? Roads and Bridges. . 33.;q Petition from citizens of Masonboro to open roads referred to Trustees of said Township. Ol 34.;: ,; Petitions for remission of taxes referred to Sheriff for correctness. Ol 35.'.; , Petition from Polly Stokes for assistance granted for three months. O1 36.?? Petition from Superintendent Scott of Poor House referred to Committee on Public Buildings. O1 37.? ;? Petition from George Gurganus for relief from ?poll tax and road work granted. „ 02 ;? 38.;d Petition from Union Township's citizens for a bridge referred to Committee on Roads and Bridges. 02 39.6 Petition from H. Brunhild for return of taxes not granted. 02 i 40.s; Petition from J. Hewett for remission of tax granted. 03 41.?? Petition from R.E. Colston for remission of double tax not granted. 04 42.c; petition from citizens of Union Township for bridge at Croom's Ferry filed. 04 43.?? Petition for building fence between Red Cross and Campbell ?treets referred to School Committee. 05 i? 1 03 1871„ 2 112 . 06 1871 2 128 06 1871 2 128 06 1871 2 128 : 31 1871 2 136 31 1871 2 139 05 1871: 2 140 : 22 1871 2 148 22 1871, 2 148 05 1871? 2 154 12 1871: 2 157 19 1871, 2 162 05 1871 2 189 23 1871 2 224 23 1871, 2 224 p 02 1871, 2 226 02 1871 2 226 28 1877.,: 2 235 . 07 1871 2 240 , 07 1871 2 240 ` 04 1871' 2 244 04 1871 2 247 04 1871 2 247 23 1872 2 285 23 1872 2 285 23 1872 2 285 23 1872 2 285 ; 05 1872, 2 287 ; 05 1872 Z 287 05 1872„ 2 288 , 29 1872. 2 303 , O1 1872: 2 310 2E 1872 2 315.. 29 1872 2 321 ? ? i ; y i PETITIONS N C MATTER INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover County . , . _ : ` eeo. u. s. Covnry Indeze? Since 1888 ? To loeat? names, OpBD Et COTT A•Z TAB INDEX r?r o?f?cc ??t?!?Pd? An ldentifying Trade Mark SURNAME IN171AL TAB MADE BY THB COTT INDEX <OMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA ?? ?? DATE ??? MINUTE BOOK NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS !' Month I Day I Year r Voi. I Page I? 9 1. S? ?? Petition from Messrs. J. Purr, George Hooper and ?GJilliam Poisson for pay as investigating committee not ? ? 08 - 12 f' 1872?; 2 , 9 349 ' ?? granted since no service performed. i; ? ?; Z. ??Petition from R.S. Harriss for continuance of bill board around Courthouse yard granted. „ 08 31 1872;' V• 2 352 3. If ? w?Petition of citizens of Caswell and Columbia Township for changing their boundaries granted. (BOUNDARIES) ;, 09 02 ?i 1872?? 2 355 4. '? Petition from H.E. Scott for articles for Poor House referred to Committee on Poor House. 09 04 1872;, ! 2 357 5. ?? :?Committee on Poor House recommended Mr. Scott's petition be granted. 09 OS .: ?: 1872`': f? 2 ? 359 6. ;? Petition from Mr. Murphy, Solicitor, to have claim acted upon. , 09 06 1872; 2 360 a o, 7. .,;Petition from Messrs. G. and C. Bradley for remission of double tax not granted. , 09 23 1872R= _ 2 369 ?i $` 8. ,:Petition from J. McLanin for reduction of valuation of land due to clerical error granted. 09 23 18724? 2 369 9. ,,;Granted petition of J. McGerrity for remission of double tax on stock in store. 10 OZ 1872, 2 372 ;, 10. ..Granted petition of J. Donby to reduce valuation of property. 10 03 1872,, 2 374 ?; 11. Petition for bridge over Northeast River in Caswell Township referred to Committee on Roads and Bridges. 11 04 1872 2 388 12. 'Petition from Masonboro Trustees to have footway across Jumping Run Branch granted. 12 02 1872 2 402 ;. :, ?; 13. No action on citizens' petition concerning bridge at Moore's Ferry. O1 21 1873; 2 : 422 " 14. ; Petition from James Anderson & Co. for remittance of overpaid taxes referred to Commissioner Shoemaker. r 02 19 1873 ., 3 25 ;4 ,, 15. ?? Petition referring to census of inerchants and traders subject to taxes under Schedules B and C referred . 02 19 1873, 3 25 ?3 j? to the Auditing Committee. „ , ` r: 16. ?Petition from citizens asking for a bridge referred to Committee on Roads and Bridges. 03 03 1873;, 3 30 ?i 17. :Petition from Valentine Bunting for aid as out door pauper referred to Chairman. 03 03 1873, 3 ?: 33 e+ t? 18. ? Petition from William Smith, vice-president of Dawson Bank, for refund of taxes erroneously paid granted. . G 03 27 1873;; 3 51 f? `? w? 19. ; Petition from F.C. Burnett on taking census of inerchants and traders for taxes laid on table. „ 04 21 1873?; 3 64 ;? 20. Petitions asking for tax reductions to be returned and a full statement of errors to be resubmit.ted in „ 08 04 1873F„ 3 91 x' .; i writing. . . 21. Petition from Caswell Trustees for repairs on a bridge deferred. 08 22. ,,; Petition of Dr. W.A. Perry for reduced valuation of property withdrawn. 10 23. „ Deferred petition of H.M. Lewis and C.M. Taylor for aid in supporting Rebecca Coaker, a pauper. „ 10 24. `Petition from Trustees and Clerk of Federal Point Townships to appoint N. Carr Constable laid over. 10 25. Petition from Nicholas Carr to be appointed Constable of Federal Point Township laid over. 10 26. ' Petition from Jesse Lowe to appoint Joseph Whitney Constable of Federal Point Township received. 1C 27. Petition from Thomas Lee for a ferry at Crooms Landing laid over. , 1C 28. Petition from R.K. Bryan for a division of County to form a new County called Jefferson. 12 29. , 'Petition from Bruce Williams for money for damages for timber cut from his property for building footways 12 in L incoln Township not granted. , 30. Petition from Dr. Elisha Porter to have wet lands drained granted. '? 31. 'Petition from citizens of i3nion Township for Board to order an election to prohibit sale of spiritious «, 23 1873;; 20 1873;; 20 1873',; 22 1873:= 22 1873;, 23 1873,a 23 1873`; 08 1873 16 1873 ; ,' s? E: 3 101 4; ; 3 119 ?; 3 119 ?? 3 120 '+? 3 120 ?: 3 3 3 3 122 123 155 160 ;p 208 ;, 21I ;; 04 06 1874. 3 04 06 1874 , 3 ?, a, liquors laid over. 32. Petition from H.A. Colvin, surveyor, to allow him to run out lands of Mrs. Martha Johnson and process the same referred to a jury. 33. Appeal made by Dawson Durham against Dr. Elisha Porter's petitions. a 34. "Petition granted Surveyor Colvin to survey disputed lines between J.C. Murray and J.W. Murray and William Powers. OS 20 1874;.: 3 217 07 06 1874 3 227 07 07 1874 3 228 35. 'sPetition of Alexander Bryant fbr position of night watchman at Jail laid over. 09 '? 36. ,Petition of Simon Hayes for position as janitor of Courthouse laid over. 09 37. Petition of H.C. Leonard for position of Standard Keeper laid over. 09 38. 'Petition of Neill Gerken for position of Standard Keeper laid over. 09 ., 39. , , ?Petition rd ?k 1jJ I ? for aid to bury a c hild and an adult refe rred to Poor Committee. 10 1 12 1874 12 1874 ? 14 1874`? 15 1874 '; n, 07 1874 ,, 4? ! ?? II 3 257 3 257 3 258 3 259 3 269 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MIIv1UTES - New Hanover Count?, N. C. _ MATTER: PETITIONS ` eec. u. s. County Indexee Since 1988 ih ?3- To loeats names, open at COTT A-Z TAB INDEX v?r OFFICE ??7? An Identifying Trade Mark ?5?8 SURNAM6 INITIAL TAB MADE BY THE CQTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA ?? 4' DATE ??+, MINUTE BOOK ??? NATURE OF PROC?EDINGS ??? Month I Day I Year ?:? Vol. I Page s? ,e I F. s, v ? t. ; 9 1. Petition of Standard Keeper for purchase of weights and measurers laid over, 11 02 1874 ;? 3 271 -; ?? 2. Petition from Lincoln and Holden Townships to have Township lines changed referred to special committee. ?. ?, Ol 05 1875 p 3 295 ?? 3. Petition presented by James Heaton from citizens praying for appointment of Jasper Bishop to fill Board's 10 04 "i 1875 :,+ 3 380 ; vacancy filed. , ' w, :? :i :? 4. Petition from Alfred Loyed of Pender County for money collected in 1872 for Grant Township. ? 10 07 1875 ;`: 3 380 ?; 5. Petition to have Henry Taylor appointed to fill Board's vacancy referred. ,. Ol 03 1876 ? 3 404 ? ?, ;: 6. Petition of L. Solomon not granted. : 09 05 1876 :? 3 465 „ ? 7.?? Petition from Preston Cumming, Herb & Bailey and others that Banrnum Creek Road be made public referred to, Ol 29 1877 . 3 522 r, w? ?F Trustees of Masonboro. „ ?„ 8.? Petition from George Price, Jr. for assistance for a blind boy and girl until they are sent to Raleigh 07 02 1877 3 567 „ ? ; granted. , ?9 9.<< Board opened and read petitions for office o? constable of various Townships. 09 06 1877 3 609 . 10.? ? Petitions from Harnett citizens asking that Old Plank Road be declared a public road granted. 02 04 1878 „ 3 698 ll.t, Granted petition from Harnett citizens to declare road a public road with James Murrell as overseer. 02 04 1878 3 698 , 12.? Petition from Lizzie Sidburry for charity referred to Poor Cammittee. OZ 16 1878 , 3 70I . 13.rs ?; Petition from J.M. Hardwick and S.W. Noble for continuance of Old Road as a public road was laid over. 02 16 1878 „ 3 702 „ 14.?i Granted petition of J.M. Hardwick and S.W. Noble for continuance of Old Newburn Road with S.W. Noble as .. 03 04 1878 ,, 3 706 : f? ?4 a overseer. , a ?.5.? Petition relative to repairs for Poor Aouse referred to Committee on Public Buildings. , 03 18 18.??? : 3. 7T4 16.j? Petztion from Cape Fear citizens for road to be kept open referred to Chairman and Mr. Sanders. 03 18 1878 ; 3 714 ; ! 17.;? Petition of E.G. Styron for a transfer of liquor license to party who bought his business not granted. 04 10 1878 3 718 18.?; ;? Petition from Canady Blue to be taken to home in Louisiana ordered taken as far as Florence, S.C. 04 10 1878 3 718 19.6' y Petition of Alexander Oldhan relative to disorderly proceedings on Nutt Street referred to Chairman. 09 02 1878 : 3 744 e 20.€? Petition of Charles Murphy deferred to next meeting when M. Cronly will explain the matter, r 09 27 1878 3 765 N 21.?? Petition of Lovy Ann Waldrons referred to Dr. W.W. Lane for investigation. 10 07 1878 3 768 : c; z2.'f? Petitions of Dennis Parker and Henry Sharpless referred to Dr. W.W. Lane for investigation. 10 07 1878 ,; 3 769 !: 23.?j Petition of Jacob Horn to have a doctor sent to C.W. Clemmston in Myrtle Grove not granted. 10 07 1878 ; 3 769 :, y`k 24.y? Petition of Masonboro citizens relative to laying out a public road referred to Committee on Roads. 10 07 1878 ', 3 _769 „ ? ? ?? 25.? Petition from Harnett citizens for prisoners from Work House to work on road referred to Committee on Roads 10 07 1878 ; 3 769 ? 26.?? Petition not granted sundry Masonboro citizens for a public road in Masonboro. . 12 18 1878 4 7 f 27.y Petition from citizens requesting Work House prisoners to repair a public road deferred to next metting. 12 18 1878 4 7 ? e 28.? Petition of James Carr for hands in connection with Gordon Road referred to Commissioner Montgomery. „ Ol 06 1879 , 4 11 r P 29.y; Petition from citizens of Federal Point and Masonboro to lay out a public road in said Township. „ Ol 15 1879 , 4 " 15 „ 30.;? Petition from Harnett citizens that Jotzn Corbett not be appointed overseer in place of Garrett Walker. 03 03 1879 „ 4 24 ?; , , 31.?' ?? Board granted petition of Masonboro and Federal Point citizens to lay off a road since no objection raised, 04 07 1879 ?, 4 56 ?; ,32.F? Granted petition of Mr. Garrell to build a building at his expense for use of Work House prisoners. 04 07 1879 .; 4 56 ?, 33.? Board granted petition to open a road in Harnett Township. 05 05 1879 4 71 ?, 34.?? Lewis Hines admitted to Poor House upon his own petition. „ 06 02 I879 4 78 „ ? 35.?? Petition of P. Newman not granted. .. 10 06 1879.,; 4 114 „ ?' 36.:'R Petition from Masonboro citizens relative to a public road referred to Commissioner Montgomery. 11 03 1879 ,? 4 119 ?; 37. Petition relative to Joe Davis granted. 11 03 1879 ., 4 119 h ,38. Petition from Federal Point citizens to have a road discontinued laid over. 12 15 1879 4 139 ? ,39.a Petition granted Federal Point citizens to have road discontinued there being no objections. O1 05 1880 4 140 ? ? 40.g? Petition of Masonboro citizens for continuance of a public road granted if owner of needed land agrees. O1 05 1880 4 140 ?? 41.?? Edward Ward admitted to Poor House on his petition. 04 05 1880 4 181 ,. ? 42.N ? John Wingate and wife admitted to Poor House on their petition. 04 05 1880 ? t 4 181 ;? ?i ?s ? ?g N fi C H C INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - N PETITIONS . anover oun ?, . ew _ MATTER: ` eFO. u. e. /? /????_ County [ndezee Since 1888 ? To loeate names, open at r?r OFFICL C.GeffJ??C.4-Kw- An Iaentifyin¢ Trade Mar? SURNAME INITIAL TAB fOTT A•Z TAB INDEX MADE BY THE CQTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA ? ?? ?? DATE ? ?4 MINUTE BOOK ' NATURE OF PROCfEDINGS ?? ' s; Month I Day I Year ! :? Voi. I Page ? ;o s=, l.!; Petitions of E.T. Hancock and Hancock & Daggett not granted. h; i 07 - 13 i 1880 ! 4 216 r? E? ?; ,r 2.`.: Petition from Cape Fear citizens requesting a discontinuance of a road granted. 12 06 ? 1880 ?? 4 248 ' ,? ' , . ? 3.,? Petition from citizens' group for re-establishing Negro Head Road laid over. : 02 07 ?„ 1881 ?q ?; 4 271 4.;? Petition of citizens to open Negro Head Road granted there being no objections. ? 05 ? 02 1881 ?, 4 291 ?? y , 5., ,? Board granted petition of E. Van Lean. ( q, 06 06 °; 1881 ?, 4 298 6.;; ?t Petition of J.I. Carten referred to Chairman. ? O8 >, 08 i? 1881 ?? r ` 4 323 t? 7.?^ ; Board granted Register's petition for a stove for his office. 11 ' 07 1881 y: 4 334 E i 8. Petition to have Water Works Co. place a hydrant in front of Courthouse referred to a committee. 04 03 1882 : 4 9. Petition for a public road referred to Commissioner Montgomery. 06 05 1882 ;? 4 10. Petition not granted citizens to discontinue a road. 10 11. Petition of L.R. Mason and others for a public road in Harnett postponed. 05 12.; Granted petition of A.J. Grady to levy a special tax for school purposes in District 6. ,. 08 13.; Petition of J.W. Galloway not granted to furnish li?htning rods for public buildings. ;, 08 14.. Petition of Jerry Reynolds not granted. „ 02 15.; Petition of Hosea Shepard for a special school tax for white schools in District 5 granted. ,. 03 16.,z Petition from members of Bar relative to General Index in Register's office laid over. , 06 \ 17.,; Citizens from Districts 5 and 7 petitioned to have annual assessments for aid to white schools. „ 05 18.,; Petition of Messrs. S.W. Sanders and Joe Merritt referred to Messrs. Montgomery, Pearce and Moore. ., 06 19.:; Board declined to take any action on petition of Elijah Keeter. .. 02 20..^ Petitions presented to rebuild Jail on a new site not granted. ;. 04 21..; Board granted petition of Francis A. Montgomery and money to be refunded. ., 06 22.,; Petition that Old Military Road be made a public road was postponed. 06 23. Petition that Hewlett and Beasley's Creek be declared a lawful fence postponed. ., 06 24. Petition of W. Latimer on property valuations referred to Board of Assessors of Harnett. ? 07 25.,, Board of Assessors ruled no changes be made on assessment as petitioned by W. Latimer. , 08 26.,, Petition of Messrs. White and Pearsall and other merchants relative to tax listing deferred. , 08 27.„ Petition from E.L. Martin of Wilmington, Onslow and East Carolina Railroad to have election on subscriptio ?}, 09 ;; of capital stock of Company by County. ., 28..? Petition of Wilmington, Onslow and East Carolina Railroad withdrawn. ., 09 29.,, Board felt Railroad's petition may not have been a bonafide petition. :. 09 30.?' Petition from W.A. French laid on table. ,. Ol 31. ., Gordon Road to be discontinued as petitioned by E.M. Manning of Board of Supervisors of Harnett Township. 09 .. 32.' Petition from numerous persons to have a public road laid out filed until notice could be given to all 11 landowners along the route. . 33. Petition to have road laid out beginning at Sturgeon Creek granted. i 12 34. Citizens petitioned to have a public road changed to better serve more people. ; 02 35. Petition granted to open a public road. ; 03 36. . Petition from Mrs. R.J. Bunting to reduce land valuation laid on table. 08 37. Petition from Masonboro citizens for a new public road granted. ,06 "? 38. Petition from Masonboro citizens to have Pervienes Creek Road discontinued granted. 06 39. Petition from Masonboro citizens to have a road declared public granted. ,06 40. ? ' Petition from Pender citizens asking that gate across public road at Blossom's Ferry be removed granted. 03 I 41. Petition for a public road from Masonboro citizens deferred to annual meeting of Board of Magistrates. ; 04 42. ,Petition from Harnett citizens for a public road granted. 11 43. ?Board of Magistrates granted money as petitioned by Masonboro citizens for a bridge over Pervines Creek. ? 12 ? (See ;s BRIDGES) „ 02 1882 ,, 4 07 1883 ,; 4 06 1883 ;. 4 06 1883 4, 4 04 1884 ;; 4 03 1884 ;„ 4 02 1884 ;? 4 04 1885 ?: 4 Ol 1885 „: 4 Ol 1886 ?: 4 ?? 12 1886 ?: 4 07 1886 ?e 4 07 1886 ?? 4 07 1886 `' 4 ? 05 1886 "? 4 ,F 02 1886 ;? 4 02 1886 .' 4 21 1886 !; 4 24 1886 ;? 4 ? 24 1886 ;; 4 03 1887 :; 4 ?5 1887 ? 5 12 1888 ' S 03 > 1888 : 5 04 1889 ; 5 04 1889 ? 5 12 1889 s; 5 06 1892 ?, 5 06 1892 ;; 5 19 1893 ?, 5 ?5 1894 F? 5 ?2 1894 ?; 5 ?4 1894 •s 5 17 1894 ,? 5 369 ? 382 ;? 421 ; s? 4 71 ;; 486 y; ?? 486 ?; 527 E; 534 r; 556 ;. 631 635 684 705 718 718 718 723 729 729 741 742 742 771 39 111 121 135 R. ,; 151 i? ?; 18 7 '.? 4? 422 ? 423 ?? s; 506 4? ?i s; 558 ?' 562 °? i ? 591 i 1 605 i INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES -- New Hanover Count?, N. C. _ MATTER: PETITIONS ` ?eo. u. s. County indezee Since 1889 To loeate names, Op@11 !It COTT A•Z TAB fNDEX r?r OFFICE ?tJj1J-e47?' An Identifying Trade Mark ? SURNAMB INITIA4 TAB MADE BY THE CQTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA ?; , DATE ?% MINUTE BOOK `? NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS ' " ; Month ? Day ? Year ????; VoL ? Page ?a : ? r: l. Petition from Stephen Keyes for a public road in Federal Point granted. ? 4? O1 07 1895?, 5 608 2. , Petition from citizens for a bridge over 5mith's Creek near Col. Moore's brickyard deferred. 1, . ? 05 04 1896y k, 5 715 ?': ? 3. Board re-established public road as petitioned by residents. 06 Ol 1896' ?; S 718 ! ? 4. Petition from St. John's Lodge to be erased from Tax Books since revenue from property used for widows : .. 10 05 1896;': ,? 5 734 ; ?? . and to educate orphans. ?, .y 5. Petition from Mrs. Ketchum, widow, for relief from taxes and for aid deferred. ? 12 08 1896,f 5 750 ? 6. Petition from citizens to have work done at Oak Grove Cemetery deferred. ? ,, 12 08 1896?, ?, r 5 750 `' 7.? Petition from J.O. Nixon to be relieved of tax due to fire loss refused. 02 02 1897? ., 5 763 E 8.? Petition from citizens requesting County to place as much of County's insurance as possible with Carolina 04 05 1897. 5 796 r? Insurance Co.; referred to committee. , 9.ag Petition from Harvey Brown for aid referred to Commissioner Dempsey, 04 05 1897 S 796 10.:; Petiition from Esther Southerland referred to Commiss?oner Dempsey. 05 03 1897 6 10 11.;' s Petitons for bridges over Hewlett's and Motts Creeks not granted since roads leading up to them are not , 07 12 1897 ; .. 6 23 ., `? ? „ for public use. ? ., , 12.;? ? Petitions for reduction of valuation of property deferred to meeting to be held for that purpose. .. 07 14 1897 ., 6 28 13.C; , p? Petition from Ed Cullun to be sent with his children to Aiken, S.C. referred to Associated Charities. 09 06 1897 6 40 .. 14.?? Petition of Cato Waddell for explanation of taxes referred to Register of Deeds. 11 O1 1897: 6 58 ;? 15.t? Petition from Messrs. S.J. Jones and Oscar Pearsall to have road in Harnett Township completed deferred. 04 04 1898 6 112 x, , ,. , !16.C? p Petitions from citizens to open a public road in Harnett posted for twenty days. 06 06 1899 6 299 y, 17.g ? Petition from citizens asking for discharge of Superintendent of County Home for handcuffing white to Neg- 06 12 1899 6 300 ?, ? ,? ? ro while transporting to Work House. (See: COUNTY HOME) „ :, , ?? 18.?? Petition from T.J. Belcher and others for a public road received and public notice to be given. . 03 05 1900,,, 6 402 „ 19.i Petition from citizens to use old race track for driving Club granted. 11 07 1904 7 7 ,? 20.?? , ?? Petition to deed old Courthouse to Wilmington's Naval Reserves not granted. ., 02 06 1905 7 18 ,. 21.? ? Petition from Carolina Lodge of Eagles for tax exemption on fair referred to Auditing Committee. 09 04 1906 : " 7 61 ? 22.f' ? Petition from Harnett citizens for protection from forest fires. .. 81 07 1907 7 74 ,23.?? Board offered a reward for arrest and conviction of anyone setting fire in woods. Ol 07 1907, 7 75 ? ?? .. ... ,. 24.;? ?d Petition from Winter Park Gardens residents on nuisance of beer dealers deferred. 07 05 1910 . 7 197 . ?,25.?? + Board ruled it has no jurisdiction on petition from Winter Park Gardens citizens. 07 11 1910? 7 198 4 26.k Petition from J.E. Taylor relative to land drainage referred to Board of Education. (See DRAINAGE) 10 07 1912' 7 259 27.? , Joe Fenley to meet with petitioners from Winter Park Gardens. .. 05 15 1913 . 7 292 . ,28.? i F Petition referred for street repairs, presented by Brookwood Realty. 3 29 1927. 8 ; 433 , 29?? Petition received to repair Mimosa Avenue. .. 4 4 1927:: 8 434 .. s? 30?? Petition received for repairs to Keaton Avenue. 6 19 1928, 8 516 31.?? " Petition received for repairs to 3rd Street. , 8 21 1928„ ? 528 „ i 32.? t, Petition referred to hardsurfacing Station ??l Myrtle Ave. Road. 12 29 1928,: 8 523 , t. 33.?? Petition referred for hardsurfacing Myrtle Grove Road. 1 29 1929. 9 553 .. ? 34? ,i Petition referred for upkeep of Meares Road. . 3 12 1929:, 9 563 ,: 35. Petition referred for repairs to Blue Clay Road, , 5 28 1929.: 9 576 ., 36. Petition referred for repairs to Holly Shelter Road. , 5 28 1929., 9 576 ?? 37?? Petition referred for repairs to Seabreeze Road. . 8 20 1929, 9 592 .. 38. ? Petition under consideration for repairs to Keaton Ave. ,. 9 24 1929.. 9 597 M. ? 3?.? Petition received for hardsurfacing Keaton Ave, referred. 10 15 1930:: 9 1, 40. Petition referred for hardsurfacing Hinton Ave. 4 22 1930.? 9 39 : 41. Petition req??sted for paving Road at Carolina Beach. 12 9 1930; 9 79 , 42.?etition referred for hardsurfacing Carolina Beach Road. 3 2 1931;, 9 95 INDEX N. C. TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover County INATTER: , _ petition s - ?ao. r?r o u. s. Counry Indezee Since 1888 To locat? names, OpB11 at ?rie[ C??+4t?N-Ca?s An Identifrin¢ Trade Merk ? SURNAME (NITIAL TAB COTT A•Z TAB INDEX MADE BY THE CQTT INDEX COMPANY. COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA G' ?? : DATE `? ;? MINUTE BOOK i ' ? NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS s??? Month ? Day ? Year ?';; r; Vol, ? Page ?? ?d ? l. ;' , ,, Pe:tition ?eques?ed for repairs to 3-miles Road along Gordon Road. 8 ? 22 ?a "1932? 9 ?3 i? ? 1Z8 V? ;, ; 2. ,; i Petition approved for hardsurfacing Northern Blvd. 9 26 , 1932?; 9 ; 182 ? 3. ;; Petition referred for repairs to Wr?;ghtsville Turnpike. ,, 11 28 1932`?:, ? 9 192 ?? ' 4. ,; Petitions referred for repairs to Carolina Beach Road and Martendale Ave. ., 2 13 1933;? 9 i 205 j; i: 5. .', Petition presented for repairs to Blue Clay Road. , 11 27 1933;? 9 _; 260'; 6. ,; Petition approved to hardsurface ?iolly Shelter Road. ,. 12 3 1934. 9 + 311 ;` ?_ 7. ,; ° Petition referred for repairing Middle Sound Road. 9 16 1935:; 9 380 ;, , 8. ,. Petition referred for repairing Masonboro Sound Road. 9 23 , 1935;, 9 381 ;; 9. „ Petition requested for State takeover of County Roads. „ 9 16 1935 9 380 '; 10. Petition received for repairing E. 3rd Street. 1 20 1936 9 402 ; , 11. .. Petition referred for repairing County Roads. 6 1 1936 9 434 '. 12. . Petition requested for repairing County Roads. 6 1 1936, 9 435 :. 13. , Petition referred for repairing Meares Road. 9 28 1936, 9 453 , , 14. Petition referred for repairing Carolina Beach Roads. 12 21 1936 9 470 ?, ,!, 15. „ Petition referred for repairing Old Wrightsville Road. 3 1 1937,; 9 483 P; 16. . Petition referred for repairing Rock Hill Road. 3 22 1937„ 9 487 ', 17. ;; Petition referred for repairing Road along Cape Fear. 4 19 1937„ 9 494 ;; 18. . Petition referred for re?airing Road along Fort Fisher. .. 4 26 1937., 9 495 ?; 19. Petition held in abeyance for hardsurfacing Ho11y Shelter Road. 8 9 1937 9 529 ;; ;, 20. Petitian approved for repairs to Blank Swamp Road. 9 27 1937v 9 542 21. ? Petition referred for repairs to Road along Market Street. „ 2 28 1938 9 570 ? ? ? 22. Petition requested for repairs to Masonboro Bluff Road. . 5 23 1938;, 9 586 !; 23. Petition adopted for repairs to Northern Blvd. . 6 27 1938.; 9 593 ; 24. . Petitions adopted for hardsurfacing Cross and Van Buren Streets. . 6 27 1938; 9 59? °' ?? 25. ,; Petitions received for repairing Meares R.oad, ref?rred. ? ,` ... . „ $ 2?? 19?8,, lf? 1? ?' 26. „ Petition . referr?d" for: r?pairing MQ?tgomery.-' ti?e. 9 1?2? 193?., 1(J' . 9` ?` 27. Petition received for repairing Sttmn?e? Hills dirt Road. _ 2 2? 193g l?? 42 ? 28. ? Petition referred for repairing Audubon Ave and Second Ave. ,. 3 6 193?„ 1?7 43 y, , 29. ., Petition rQferred for repairing Monore St. . 3 13 1939,. 10' 44 ?; 30. , Petition referred for repairing Po•rter Neck Road. . 5 6? 1939„ IO _ 6-1 , 31. ., Petition referred for ?epairing Patita?hda Road. ,. 7 ? 10- 1939„ l? 66 `; ' 32, . Petition referred for hardsurfacing Old Wrightsville Turnpike. „ 11 20 1939;, 10 94 ;, , 33. „ Petition referred for repairing 23rd Street. ,. 1 22 1940?;; 10 107 k; 34. Petition referred for repairing Rock Hill Road. 2 5 1940„ 10 109 ? 35. .. Petiti?n referred ?or widening State County Raads. , 4 1 194?,, 1Q 119 :,. 36. Petition referred for repairing Mimosa Drive. . 4 22 1940.. 10 122 37. Petition presented on resuming bus schedule. 4 29 1940,? 10 124 ;, 38. .: Petition referred for resurfacing South 8th ?treet and Lake Ave. . 5 20 1940:, 10 128 ,. ,' 39. , Petition referred for resurfacing Sunset Park. 6 3 1940;, 10 130 ;; 40. ,, Petition referred for constructing Road at First Street. 7 8 1940,, 10 138 w; 41. ., Petition referred for hardsurfacing Road at G-reenville Sound. ., 7 15 1940,; 10 139 ; , 42. ,, Petition referred for improving Kenwood Ave. Road. 8 5 1940 10 146 ?, 43. Petition s received for repairing Winter Park Roads and paving Mercer Ave. 10 28 1940 10 159 ?` 44. : Petition approved for repairing Montgomery Ave. 12 6 1940+ 10 170 '?. 45. , Petition referred for repairing Magnata Place. 5 26 1941: 10 205 €i 46. ! Petition referred for repairing Henry Street. 7 17 1941 10 216 s: ? ,, ? ?[ ? ' , ?? ,, ,; ? f I NDEX T O C O?MISSIONERS ?III?UTES - N H t C N C ew anover oun y, . . _ MATTER: petitions - ecc. P?r O u. s. FFICE ?t.?l?,s-? County Indezea Since 1888 ? 70 loeate namea, open at ' An Identifving Trade Ma:lc SURNAME INITIAL TAB COTT A-Z TAB INDEX MADE BY THE CQTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS ?r DATE ? 'd MINUiE BOOK ;; '. Month I Day I Year ^ Vol. ? Page , ? l. Petition approved for dragging roads at Audubon-Winter Park. 1 26 1942. 10 254;; .2. Petition referred for placing Northern & Central Blvds on Map. 3 23 1942?; 10 264?; € _3.? Petition approved for State takeover of Oleander Drive. 4 14 1942„: ]_0 265,. .4.? Petition referred for repairing Brandon Road. , 1 31 1944,. 1Q 367:; . 5.?? Petition referred for repairing Monore St. 2 28 1944 ,e 10 372 ?; ? 6.? ? Petition referred for repairing Newton Road. „ 3 20 1944,; 10 374., ? .7.; Petition approved for repairing Washington Street. 6 12 1944,. 10 388?; ,8.,; ?; Petition referred for State taking over Live Oak Ave. 8 21 1944,.. 10 400:. .9.;' ?B Petition referred for Signal Light at US 40 & Gordon Road. 1 8 1945„ 10 421, 10.k; Petition referred for including Wallace Ave on State list. 7 30 1945, 10 4?2. 11.:; Petition referred for paving Lake Ave. 7 30 1945„ 10 452,; ?2.;; Petition referred for paving 8th S?reet. 7 30 1945 10 452 13.?s Petition referred for paving Jackson Street. „ 10 1 1945 10 460. S? 14.?; Petition referred for State takeover on Marathon Ave. 10 15 1945 10 462. `F 15.?? Petition referred for repairing Burnett Blvd (River Road). . 11 5 1945, 10 465 ?N 16.,? t? Petition approved for placing dirt Road on map. „ 12 10 1945, 10 ' 470, 17.d? Petition approved for hardsurfacing Purviance Creek Ave. 1 21 1946,,, 10 477„ ?, 18.;? ?s Petition approved for State takeover Masonboro Road. 1 21 1946., 10 478.: ,, 19.?? Petition approved for repairing Hinton Ave at Seagate. . 2 4 1946. 10 480., 20.6? ! Petition approved for paving Gordon & Murrayville Roads. . 3 4 1946.. 10 483. ? 21.?w Petition referred for repairing Newbern Ave. .. 3 4 1946 .? 10 484 ?. 22.;; Petition referred for Street paving Program at Seagate. . 3 11 1946., 10 485., k; 23.?? Petition referred for repairing Meares Ave. „ 3 18 1946„ 10 486. i 24.`; ? Petition referred for State take-over of Page Ave. . 7 1 1946.. 10 503:, 25.;? ro Petition referred for repairing Greenville Sound Road. . 7 1 1946 10 S-3, 26.'?3 Petition referred for repairing Monroe Ave. . 9 9 1946_ 10 515 , 27.?; E? Petition referred for repairing Cedar Ave. 9 30 1946 _ 10 518., ?r 28.?? „ Petition approved for hardsurfacing Oakley Ave. Road. ; 10 21 1946 10 522 ? ? ?? 29?? ? Petition referred for State take-over Greenville Sound. „ 10 28 1946„ 10 ? 523.. ? 30g; :? Petition referred for adding Davis Street to State list. 12 2 1946„ 10 529., ,; 9 31.;t Petition approved for paving Murrayville Roads. 3 17 1947., 10 550,. 32.?? Petition app?oved for State take-over of Myrtle Grove Roads. 4 14 1947. 10 560,. 33.?? Petitions approved for services and State take-over Winter Park Roads. „ 5 12 1947„ 10 564.?. t` 34„j „? ? Petition approved for Wrightsville Beach Streets. 6 2 1947,. 10 569?. ; 35.?? Petition referred for including Road alon g Garolina Beach on State list. 7 7 1949. 10 574. ; 36.?? Petition referred for State take-over of Allen's Lane. 9 15 1947 10 584.. 37.ja , ? Petition refe?rred for repairing Flora Ave. at Garden City. 10 13 1947. 10 588 ? 38.;; ?e Petition referred - for State take-over of First Ave and Winter Park Ave. 11 10 1947., 10 594, ? 39.;? , Petition approved for State take-over of Wrightsville Beach Road. .. 12 8 1947„ 11 4., , 40.?s ,', Petition referred for repairing dirt Road at Myrtle Grove. „ 1 12 1948:. 11 9., ? 41.,? Petition referred for re?airing Cherry Ave. 2 9 1948., 11 13.? 42.?6 Petition referred for repairing Murrayville Road and Audubon Road. 3 8 1948 11 16 ? ., ,. , „ 43.?? Petition approved for drive-way repairs for Mrs. Robinson. 4 19 1948, 11 23., I 44.;? Petition approved for Villa Road repairs. 4 25 1948 11 23,. 45.;? ; Petition a roved PP for ri ht-of-wa throu h Mrs. R. L. Gadd 's land. g y g y S 3 1948 . 11 24 „, 46.?? Petition approved for repairs to Wrightdville Acres Road and Elora Parkway. 5 3 1948, 11 25;, . INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES -- New Hanover Count?, N. C. _ MU JECT petitions - nEO. u, s. County Indezea Since 1888 ? TO IOtaN nam?s, o(N? of COTT A•Z TA? INOEX ?? An Identifying Trade Mazk MADE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO PAT OFFICfi fURNAMB INITIA? TAB SOLO tY OWEN 0. YUNN, NEM tERN, NORTN UROLINA NATURE OF PROCEEDtNGS DATE N1INUTE BOOK Month Day Year Vol. Page I l. ? Petition referred for repairs to Raleigh road. 7 5 1948 11 35 2. Petition presented by L. C. Kure on maintaining Kure Beach roads. 8 2 I948 11 38 3. Petition app-roved ?or repairing Cherry Ave. 8 2 1948 11 38 4. Petition referred for right-of-way through Seagate. 9 27 1948 11 49 5. Petition approved for paving Park Ave. 12 6 1948 11 60 6. Petition approved for repairing Audubon Road. 12 6 1948 11 60 7. Petitions approved for repairing Audubon Road and road along Masonboro. 1 10 1949 11 66 ( 8. Petition approved for repairing Lodois Lane. 1 3 1949 11 71 9. Petitions referred for repairzng River and Nigger Head Roads. 4 11 1949 11 86 10. Petition referred for repairing Nigger Head Road. 4 25 1949 11 89 11. Petition referred for repairing Peachtree Ave. S 23 1949 11 95 12. Petition approved for repairing Old Masonboro Road. 5 31 1949 11 97 13. Petition approved for repairing Greenville Loop Road. 6 6 1949 11 98 , 14. Petition approved for repairing four (4) Audubon Streets. 7 11 1949 11 106 15. Petition approved for repairing Wrightsboro Acres Road. 9 12 1949 11 122 16. ( Petition approved for repairing Harper Ave. 9 26 1949 11 122 _ 17. Petition approved for right-of=way for Live Oak-Mercer Ave. 11 28 1949 11 137 . 18. ?etition approved for repairing Old Military Road. 12 12 1949 11 140 , 19. Petition received for repairing Myrtle Grove Sound. 12 19 1949 11 142 : 20. Petition received for repairing Myrtle_ Grove Roadway. 1 16 1950 11 148 21. Petition app?oved for repairing Old Stage Coach Road. 1 23 1950 11 149 _ 22. Petition anproved for repairing Henry Street. 1 30 1950 11 152 23. Petition approved for repairing St. Joseph Street. 2. 6 1950 11 155 24. Petition approved for repairing Clay Street. 2 13 1950 11 156 25. Petition approved for repairing Public Landing. 2 13 1950 11 156 ? 26. Petition approved for repairing Old Stage Coach Road. 2 27 1950 11 159 ? 27. Petition approved for repairing Pine Crest Ave. 3 6 1950 11 161 . 28. ?etition to be pre pared by R. A. Shew for Road repairs. 3 6 1950 11 161 29. Petition approved for repairs to lOth Street. 4 3 1950 11 168 30. Petitions approved for repairs to Peachtree Street and Park Ave. 4 3 1950 11 168 31. Petition approved for repairs to Park Ave. 7 3 19.?0 11 193 32. Petitions approved for repairs to Gordon Road and Victoria Drive Extens?.on. 7 24 1950 11 198 33. Petition approved for repairing Bonham Drive. 8 7 1950 11 201 34. Petition approved for repairing County Home Road. 8 28 1950 11 205 ? 35. Petition approved for opening Cedar AvP. 8 21 1??50 11 204 _ 36. Petitian ?.pproved for paving Road i.n Masonboro. 8 28 1950 11 206 37. Petition approved for State take-over of Beuna-Vista Road. 9 5 1950 11 206 38. Petition referred for repairs to 41st Street. 9 18 1950 11 :?10 39. Petition au?horized f o.r repairs to Fiawthorne St?eet. 11 13 1950 11 223 40. Petition prepared oxi Hinton Ave. 11 27 1950 11 226 , 41. P?titioxi presented, o pposing re-ro?iting Nig?er IIead Road. 12 11 1950 11 229 . 42. Petition presented to add Peachtree Ave to State list. 12 18 1950 11 230 43. Petition re?•eived Eor adding Porter Neck Roari to State list. 1 22 1951 11 235 44. Petitiotl received :?or State t?ake-over c?f three (3) Roads. 1 22 1951 11 235 45. Petition referred for repdiri?zg Castle ?iayne Road and US 17. 1 29 1951 11 237 46. Petition approved .for reQairing Jacksonville Ave. 2 1:Z 1951 11 :?40 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES --- New Hanover Count ? N. C. ' MU JECT , - Petiti ons - ae?. u. s. County Inaeaea Since 1888 ? TO IOtOt? ROm?f? O?NO Ot (,?,??? .?n Identifyias Trade Mark PAT OFFICE SURNAME INITIAL TA? COTT A-2 TA? INpEX MADE BY THE COTT INDEX (OMPANY, COLUMBUS. OHIO SOLD tT ONEN i. pUNN, MEw {ERN, NORTH GROLINA '$ NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS ' DATE MINUiE BOOK Month Day Year Vol. Page ?, l?; Petition referred for repairing Trask Road. 4 16 ]_951 11 255 ?. 2.`; ,; Petition approved for repairing Station Road. 5 7 1951 11 259 ?, 3.?' b Petition referred for repairing Myrtle Ave. 5 14 1951 11 260 ? 4.?? ; Petition referred for repairs to Cherry Ave. 7 23 1951 11 273 '? 5.i?' P?titions referre3 for repairing Channel Drive and Auditorium Street. 8 6 1951 11 277 6.;? Petition refe?red for hardsurfacing Holbrook Ave. 9 17 1951 l.l ?87 7.?? ?- Peti.ti?n referred for hardsurfacing Wrightsboro Acres Road. 10 22 1951 11 296 8.;i r Petitions received for paving Park Ave and Audubon Ave. 3 3 1952 11 320 : 9.?? Petitior? read, ?p?? o?ing trt2ck route via WZnter Park. 3 3? 2952 Z? 326 10. Petition refer?r.ed for rep:iring Stokley Drive. 3 31 1952 11 327 ll. Petitions referred for rep?iri?ng Youpon Drive, Express Drive and Seagatc, Cemetery Road. 4 ?1 1952 11 "332 12., Pe?.ition referred fo7- repairing Bonham Ave a;ld Page Ave, 5 19 195? ll 337 13. Petitio-rl approved for rep?.iring Gre?nville Ave and Lullwater Drive. 5 26 1??52 11 338 14.- Petition referred for repairing Franklin Ave. 6 16 1952 11 341 15.'' Petition approved for repairing road frorn Wrightsville Ave to Maple Ave. 6 30 1952 11 345 16.'' Petition received for repairit?g road in Masonboro. 7 14 1952 11 350 E 17.`' Petitiozi received for repairi7lg Park Ave. 7 21 1952 11 351 18.' Petition returned to R. B. Davis for correction on Nixon Blvd. 7 21 1952 11 352 19. Petition approved for repairing Dixie Ave. 7 28 1952 11 355 20. Petition approved for repairing Arlington Drive. 7 28 1952 11 355 21.?? Petition refe.rred for reducing speed on Oleander Drive. 8 11 1952 11 358 22.. Petition requested from R. B. Davis on Porter Neck Extension. 9 8 1952 11 363 23. Petition referred for addition to Old Mill and Rivenbark Roads. 9 29 1952 11 367 24.! ?: Petition referred for repairing Purvance Creek Road. 9 29 1952 11 367 ;25.?a Petition referred For paving Kinston Ave. 1 12 1953 11 391 i26.f:? Petition approved for paving ?`digger Head Road. 1 19 1953 11 392 27.? Petition referred for paving Henriksen Ave. 1 26 1953 11 395 28.': Petitioxz referred for pavi?ng Preachtree Street before Park Ave. 2 2 1953 11 397 29. Petition returned for correction for repairing Strawberry Ave. 2 9 1953 11 399 30. Petition referrec? for paving Bradley Creek Road, Masonboro Loop Road and State take-over 2 16 1953 11 401 Vance Str eet and W orth Drive. 31.," Petition referred for hardsurfacing road through Wrightsboro Acres. 3 2 1953 11 403 32.,' Petition referred for repairs to road in Harnett 3 30 1953 11 411 33.: Petition referred for repairs to Harnett Roadway. 5 18 1953 11 422 34., Petition referred for regairs to Southerland-Koonce Road. 6 1 1953 11 425 ?35. Petition referred for repairs to Harnett Roads. 6 8 1953 11 426 '36. Petition approved for repairs to Castle Hayne Road. 6 29 1953 11 432 37. Petitions referred for repuiring Evans Street, Henry Street, Oak Street and Clay Street. 6 29 1953 11 433 38.;° Petition received for hardsurfacing Bryan Ave and Old Brick Yard Road. 7 20 1953 11 437 39. Petition referred for clo?ing Streets in Flemington Subdivision. 7 27 1953 11 439 40.? Petition referred for repairing Seabreeze Road. 10 12 1953 11 459 41. Petition filed, Public Hearing called on closing Flemington Streets and Second Ave. 11 2 1953 11 463 42.;. Petiton referred for hardsurfacing Stokley Drive. 11 16 1953 11 465 43. Petition received, 4th Street, Atlantic Ave and Nigger Head Road back on list. 11 16 1953 11 467 44. Petition referred for paving Allen's Ave. 11 16 1953 11 467 45.'.= Petition referred for State take-over of Lullwater Drive. 12 28 1953 11 477 ? ? INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES -- New Hanaver Coun?t?, N. C. _ MU JE T petitions - aec. u. s. County Indezea Since 1888 ? 1'0 loeaf? nam?s, op?n af COTT A-2 T?? INOEX PAT OFFICE ??E?? An Identifl'in8 Trade Mark SURNAME INITIA? TAd MADE BY THE fOTT INDEX COMPANY. COLUMBUS. OHIO SOLD ?T OMEN i. YUNN, NEN tERN, NORTN GROLINA NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS DATE MINUTE BOOK Month Day Year Vol. Page l. Petition referred for hardsurfacing Myrtle Ave, 4 5 1954 11 498 2. Petitions referred for repairing Hoggard Drive, Winston Blvd. Extension and Strawberry 4 12 1954 11 500 Ave Road. 3. Petition referred for State take-over of Old Carolina Road. 5 3 1954 11 510 4. Petition referred for paving Carlton Ave. 6 1 1954 11 517 5. Petition received on Wilanda Drive, no action taken. 6 7 1954 11 519 6. Petit?_on referred for adding Myrtle Grove Road to State list. 6 28 1954 11 625 7. Petition referred for adding Strawberry Ave to State list. 7 26 1954 11 533 &. Petition referred .for hardsurfacing Myrt?e Grove Ave. 7 2b 1954 ?? 533 9. Petition referred for State take-over of Masonboro Roadway. 8 2 1954 11 535 10. Petition referred ?'or State take-over of Long Leaf Hills Drive. 8 23 1954 11 537 11. Petition referred for paving road on N. 3rd Street, Winter Park. 9 13 1954 11 540 12. Petition referred for paving road in Harnett. 9 13 1954 11 540 13. Petition referred for repairing road at Castle Hayne. 10 11 1954 11 545 14. ?etition referred for repairing road in Harnett. 11 8 1954 11 552 15. Petitions referred for State take-over of Cardinal Drive, Timber Lane and Long Leaf Dr. 11 22 1954 11 555 16. Petition referred for repairing 43rd Street, Winter Park. 1 3 1955 11 564 17. Petition referred for repairing Park Ave, Azalea Blvd,and Seagate Cemetery Road. 1 31 1955 11 571 18. Petition referred for repairing road in Harnett and Masonboro. 2 7 1955 11 573 19. Petition referred for hardsurfacing 47th Street, Winter Park. 2 14 1955 11 575 20. Petition referred for including Parkway Drive in State System. 2 21 1955 11 577 21. Petition referred for widening Live Oak Ave. 3 7 1955 11 579 22. Petitions ?referred for repairing Park Ave, Azalea Blvd and short cut to Carolina B?ach. 3 7 1955 11 580 23. Petitions referred for widening road in Harnett and repairing Lennon Drive. 3 28 1955 11 585 24. Petitions referred for paving St. George Road and protesting Highway through Winter Park. 5 9 1955 11 595 25. Petit?_ons referred for repairing Murrayville Road Extension and Chadwick Ave. 5 16 1955 11 598 26. Petition referred for repairing Henry Street. 6 27 1955 11 608 27. Petition referred for repairing Belwood Farm Road. 7 11 1955 11 612 28. Petition referred for paving Piney Acres Subdivision, Harnett. 7 18 1955 11 615 29. Petitions referred for repairing Francis Marion Drive, Midland Drive, Adelaide Drive and 7 25 1955 11 616 Parkway Blvd. 30. Petition referred for State repa?rs to Oak Leaf Drive. 8 1 1955 11 619 31. Petitions referred for State repairs to road in Cape Fear and work to Old Mill Road. 9 12 1955 11 630 32. Petition referred for repairs to Myrtle Grove Ave. 9 12 1955 11 630 33. Petition referred for State maintenance on roads in Piney Acres, approved. 10 3 ?955 12 7 34. Petition referred for State maintenance and drainage on South Carolina Ave. 10 3 1955 12 7 35. Petition referred for County maintenance of Green Forest Drive, Harnett. 10 3 1955 12 7 36. Petition referred for repairs to roads in Harnett. 11 7 1955 12 16 37. Petition approved for road grading in Harnett. 11 21 1955 12 19 38.. Petition •received for Farm Land drainage, no a.ction taken. 11 21 1955 12 19 39. Petition referred for drainage at Wright's Cleaners, Wrightsboro and Castle Hayne Roads. 2 l3 1956 12 44 40. Petition approved for drainage on US 17, Wrightsville Beach Area. 2 20 1956 12 44 41. Petition approved and referred for repairs to road in Flemington Community. 2 20 1956 12 46 42. Petition approved and referred for repairs to road in Cape Fear. 2 20 1956 12 46 43. Petition approved for drainage in Cape Fear. 4 9 1956 12 58 44. Petition approved for paving and grading 47th Street, Harnett. 4 16 1956 12 60 N. C. INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES -- New Hanover Count? MUBJECT , _ pe titi ons - nec. u. s, ? `- PAT OFFICE C.?c?¢/?"{? County Indexea Since 1888 ? To lotat? eam?s. op?n at COTT A-2 TA? INpEX An Identilying Trade Mazk SURNAME INITIAL TAB MADE BY THE COTT INDE% COMPANY? COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLO tY OMfEN 0. OUNN, NEN tERN, NORTN GROLINA ?' NATURE OF PROCEfDINGS DATE MINUTE BOOK , Month Day Year Vol. Page l?? Petition r?ferred for dragline drainage in Wood Haven Subdivision, Cape Fear. 4 16 1956 12 61 2.`; Petitions app?oved from Masonboro Township and Victoria Village. 5 7 1956 12 67 F; 3.s' Petition approved for Harnett and referred to State Highway and Public Work Commission. 5 14 1956 12 69 I?? 4.?? Petition approved for State to open, pave and maintain 39th Street, Harnett. 6 11 1956 12 75 5.i$ Petition approved to hardsurface Peachtree Street, Winter Park. 7 2 1956 12 80 f? 6.;' Petition referred for Highway 74, Summer Rest. 7 9 1956 12 81 ?; 7.;; Petition from ABC Board referred to County Attorney. 10 1 1956 12 98 8.'' Petition approved for road work at Wrightsville Sound. 10 1 1956 12 98 9.? Pe?ition approved to incZude Cape Fear B?ud into Co?u.nty Highway System. 10 22 1956 12 102 10.; Petition approved requesting drainage on property lines near US 17. 10 22 1956 12 102 11. Petition approved for road work on 7th Ave, Carolina Beach. 11 19 1956 12 107 12.;: Petition approved to hardsurface dirt road in Masonboro Township. 11 I9 1956 12 107 ? 13.'' Petition for Graveyard Road, Masonboro placed on file. 11 19 1956 12 107 14.; Petition approved for road maintenance in Masonboro. 2 11 1957 12 129 15.'; Petition approved to improve White`s Road, Harn.ett. 2 18 1957 12 132 16.; Petition received pertaining to School improvement Bonds. 2 25 1957 12 133 17.A Petition approved for road repairs on Magnolia Drive, Harnett. 3 11 1957 12 136 18.';' Petition approved for maintenance of roads in Fairla?m Development. 4 8 1957 12 144 19.' Petition approved to pave road, Harnett and Jone Cemetery Road. 5 13 1957 12 152 20.; Petition approved for New Highway ?rom US-17. 5 20 1957 12 153 2I. Petition approved for Barkley Hills Drive, Harnett. S 20 1957 12 154 22.; Petition approved to open Silver Ave, Federal Point. 6 3 1957 12 157 23.!', Petition approved for Seaview Road, Federal Point. 6 17 1957 12 159 24.,? ?; Petition to close Auditorium Street taken under advisement. 6 17 1957 12 160 25.; Petition to close Street on South Front Street referred. 7 29 1957 12 171 26.: ?: Petition approved from North Carolina State Port Authority, American Bitumulus and _ ._ 8 12 1957 12 174 Asphalt Co. 27.' Petition from Allen's Lane and road in Seagate Area referred. 8 19 1957 12 174 28. Petition approved to include Streets in Hanby Beach Subdivision in County Highway System. 9 16 1957 12 180 29.G? Petition to improv? drainage at Henry's Drive-in-Restaurant referred to Mr. Rivenbark. 9 30 1957 12 184 30.? Petition filed from citizens in Masonboro until funds are available. 10 14 1957 12 187 31. Petition approved for faur (4) Lane Highway, presented to Chamber of Commerce. 11 4 1957 12 192 32. Petition approved for new road from Mr. Hugh MacRae. 1 20 195? 12 215 33. petition for road service received from Mr. H. L. Darden, Harnett. 2 17 195g 12 224 34. Petition approved for 17th Street Extens?on. 2 24 _195g 12 226 35.; Petition approved for all roads in Pine Valley Estates. 2 24 19?8 12 226 37.;: Petition to itervene from Mr. F. A. Downing approved. 3 24 1958 12 237 38., Petition approved for Mr. C. L. Austin, Wood Acres. 3 31 1958 12 238 39.?; Petition approved from Mr. Lawrence G. Sprunt. 4 14 1958 12 243 40.?; Petition for road service in Harnett referred to 3rd Dzvision State Highway Commission. 4 28 1958 12 252 41.; Petition for road service from H. L. Darden and W. Frank Joyner, not County work. 4 28 1958 12 253 42.; Petition approved for relief for Emma Jane Hewett and Gertie Salling. 5 5 1958 12 254 43. Petition approved for Oleander Company. 5 19 1958 12 258 44.{? Petition approved for Mrs. Henry Jordon. 5 19 1958 12 258 45. Petition approved for Mr. Robert C. Plvxruner. 5 26 1958 12 260 46.;; s' k; Petition referred from Oleander Company. 6 2 I958 12 264 i ? N. C. INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES -- New Hanover County M g? CT , _ P etiti ons _ nee. u. s, PAT OFFICE (??G.?o.7?"i County Indexea Since 1888 ? TO IotW? nOm?f? O(M? ot COiT M2 TA? INDEX ?n Identifying Trade Mark fURNAME INITIAL TAY MADE BY iHE COTT iNDEX tOMPANY, COLUMBUS, OH10 SOLO ?Y OWEN 0. DUNN, NEw tERN, NORTN GROLINA NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS DATE MINUTE BOOK Month Day Year Vol. Page l. Petition approved for relief for Preston McFarlan. 6 2 1958 12 264 2. Petitian approved to keep same name for Pine Grove Drive. 6 9 1958 12 266 3. Petition approved for road work from Willetts Realty. 6 30 1958 12 272 4. Petition a?proved for relief for Lizzie Dudley and Frank Cyrus Dawson. b 30 1958 12 273 5. Petitions approved for relief for Archie Fryar and John Lewis. 7 14 1958 12 279 6. Petition referred from State Highway Commission. 7 21 1958 12 281 7. Petition approved for relief for Frank Robinson. 7 21 1958 12 281 8. Petition approved for extension of Riven?ark Road to State Highway Sy?tem. 7 21 1958 12 281 9. Petition referred for maintenance of Park Wood Drive. IO I I958 IZ 3I(? 10. Petition approved for relief for Mr. Milton Leroy Kidd. 10 20 1958 12 317 11. Petition from Mr. Henry A. Jordon and Oliver R. Gowdin again re?erred to State Highway 10 27 1958 12 319 Commissio n for relief. 12. Petition approved for relief for Campbell Richardson. 11 3 1958 12 322 13. Petition approved for relief for Hardy Calvin Korney. 11 10 1958 12 328 14. Petition for stabilization of 41st Street referred. 11 10 1958 12 329 15. Petition approved for relief for Mrs. Katie Adams. 11 24 1958 12 335 16. Petition approved for relief for Lester Wesley Gainey. 12 1 1958 12 338 17. Petition from Mrs . J. T. Vick delayed until she reopen ditch. 12 1 1958 12 338 18. Petition referred for drainage in Ogden Area. 1 2 1959 12 352 19. Petition received from property owners on Gordon.Road, Mr. Rivenbark to clean ditches. 1 2 1959 12 352 20. Petition approved for relief for Dave Cowan. 1 12 1959 12 359 21. Petitions referred for drainage on Hen?y Street and Prince George Creek. 1 19 1959 12 360 22. Petition for road improvement for Mr. C. S. Newton forwarded, explanation requested. 1 19 1959 12 361 23. Petition approved for relief for Dudley Pridgen. 1 26 1959 12 366 24. Petition approved for relief for John William Curtis. 2 2 1959 12 369 25. Petition referred for drainage, Myrtle Grove Sound. 2 9 1959 12 375 26. Petition referred for drainage at Snow's Cut Seabreeze. 2 16 1959 12 379 27. Petition approved for relief for Bessie Simmons Harves. 3 2 1959 12 389 28. Petition approved for road improvement. Cape Fear. 3 2 1959 12 390 29. Petition referred for d?ainge on Henry Street. 3 5 1959 12 391 30. Petition to clean Prince George Creek on wrong ?'orm, 3 5 1959 12 391 31. Petition placed°n next agenda for dra?nge, Myrtle Grove Sound. 3 5 1959 12 391 32. Petition approved for drainage at Everett's Creek. 3 5 1959 12 391 33. Petition has signature mi?sing for drainage at Long Branch. 3 5 1959 12 391 34. Petition approved for drainage at Snow's Cut-Seabreeze. 3 5 1959 12 392 35. Petition approved for maintenance and repair to Whitman Ave. 3 9 1959 12 393 36. Petition from cit izens of Castle Hayne sent to State Highway Commission. (Supplementary) 3 9 1959 12 393 37. Petition approved for maintenance on ?'allace Ave. 3 16 1959 12 396 38. Petition approved for relief for Walter Floyd Harrell. 3 23 19?9 12 405 39. Petition referred for drainage in Ogden Area. 4 6 1959 12 409 40. Petition. referred for lowering culverts at Kerr Ave. 4 13 1959 12 413 41. Petition approved for relief for Lu1a Nichols Miller. 4 20 1959 12 420 42. Petition referred for road services from S. M. Patoles. 5 4 1959 12 424 43. Petition approved for relief for Richard Breece Masters. 5 4 1959 12 430 44. Petition approved for relief for Wakely King. 6 15 1959 12 445 45. Petition referred for road work from L. E. Al1en and G. D. Murrary. 6 15 19?9 12 445 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES -- New Han?ver Count N. C. S'U JECT ? ! , - Petit ions - aEO. u. s PAT OFFIC . County Indezea Since 1888 ? To IotOt? nOml1? op?n o1 WTi A-Z TA? INOEX E C.?i?j? An Identifying Trade Mark SURNAME INITIAL TAS INADE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO fOLD tr OIIEN i. pUNN, NEw ?ERN, NORTN GROLINA ?' NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS DATE MINUTE BOOK Month Day Year Vol. Page , a:i l.w' Petition approved to change Newton Lane to Glendale Drive. 7 6 1959 12 460 ?, 2.`,± Petition approved for relief for John Arther Proctor. 7 6 1959 12 461 3.?; : Petitions referred for road work, Cape Fear and Federal Point. 7 20 1959 12 468 ; 4.;; Petitions approved for relief for John Wesley Hill and Christopher Franks. 7 20 1959 12 468 5.?= Petition to be considered for dragline operation elimination when setting tax rate. 8 3 i 59 12 475 6.`. ?i Petitions approved and referred for road improvement from Eunice H. Patrick and A. Brown. 8 3 1949 12 476 7.!- Petition rejected for relief for James Hardy. 8 3 1959 12 476 8.'' Petition received to eliminate dragline operation, committee appointed to study. 8 12 1959 12 485 9." Petitions approved for reZief for Elzzabett? ?oods Moore and Mary Tate. 8 17 ?959 I2 48& 10. Petition approved for relief for Mrs. Sophia Margaret Maxwell. 9 8 1959 12 493 11. Petition approved for road improvement on Wallace Ave. 9 8 1959 12 r93 I2. Petition approved and referred for assistance with Hawthorne Ave. 9 21 1959 12 497 13.`. Petition approved for relief for Mrs. Evaline G. B?u.rns, at $40.00 per month. 9 21 1959 12 498 14.; Petitions approved for relief for Willie DeVaun, Maggie C. Hill, James B. Montgomery 10 5 1959 12 501 ? and Omer Shepard R odgers, referred to County Home and Farm Committee. 15.'. Petition approved for relief for Rosa Belle Wartham. 11 2 1959 12 510 16.:? Petition referred for acceptance of Holmlock Terrace to State Highway Commission. 11 16 1959 12 516 17.?; Petition approved for relief for Ollie Burnson. 12 7 1959 12 521 18.`. Petition referred for Oakley Circle. 12 21 1959 12 524 19.` Petition approved to improve Silver Lake Road. 1 4 1960 12 531 20.?? Petition referred for Evans Street. i 18 1960 12 536 21.' Petition approved for relief for Lois Mae Branch. 2 1 1960 12 542 22.,? Petition approved for road service on Seaview Road. 2 15 1960 12 544 23. Petition approved for relief for Hattie Victoria Beasley. 2 15 1960 12 545 24.` Petition approved and referred for road improvement from Mr. A. V. Saffo. 3 7 1960 12 549 25.' Petition approved for relief ?or Sarah Womble Clemmons and James Gordon Hunt. 3 21 1960 12 558 26.?? Petition approved and referred for road service in Council Heights Subdivision. 4 4 1960 12 560 27.`; Petition referred for maintenance of Winter Green Road and Mocking Bird Lane. 4 18 1960 12 564 28.; Petition approved for relief for Lina Clemmons and James Faison. 4 18 1960 12 567 29.: Petition referred for drainage from citizens adjacent US-17. 4 18 1960 12 567 30.,` Petitions (4) for road service referred to State Highway Commission. 5 2 1960 12 569 31.'; Petition representing fourteen (14) citizens received protesting Courthouse Bond Order. 5 2 1960 12 571 32.`? Petitions forwarded to add and maintain Carter Ave, Elisha Ave and Woodland Dr. 6 6 1960 12 577 33.? Petition referred for road service from Oleander Co. 7 5 1960 12 582 34. Petition app?oved for relief for Claire Dexter White and William Poisson Zellars. 7 5 1960 12 583 35.; Petition approved for relief for Edgar Hood Hines. 7 18 1960 12 592 36.;. Petition referred for drainage from citizens in the Holmlock Terrace Subdivision. 9 6 1960 12 606 37.'? Petition approved for relief for Mrs. Sadie Vastie Carter Lamb. 9 6 1960 12 608 38.' Petition r.eferred for drainage from Mr. W. E. Saunders. 10 3 1960 12 615 39. Petition referred to open road near Wrightsville Beach School, approved. 10 3 1960 12 615 40., Petitions approved for relief for George Mel?zin and Delma Morgan Moody. 10 3 1960 12 617 4T.?' Petitions approved for relief for Graham Atkinson, Carrie Saver Guyton and M. Robinson. 11 ? 1960 12 625 42.,' Petition approved for relief for Lyman Frank Batten. 11 21 1960 12 629 43.; 4 Petition referred for road service from L. A. McKirmon. 12 5 1960 12 633 44. Petition received protesting location of dump site. 12 19 1960 12 637 45:: i? r, ,° Petition referred for road service from Mr. T. A. Crew. 12 19 1960 12 637 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES -- New Hanover County, N. C. _ MU JE T petitions ? aec. u. s. ?1?? County Inclezea Since 1888 TO lotat? nam?s? op?n af COTT A-Z TA? INpEX PAT OFFICE C.?,??:(?a?c An ldentifyin8 Trade Mark ??- MADE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS. OHIO SURNAME INITIAL TAB SOLD tY OMIEN i. DUNN, NEN tEittl, NORTH GROLINA ? NATURE Of PROCEEDINGS l. Petitions approved for relief for Samuel Nelson Marshburn and Woodrow Wilson Young. 2. Petitions approved and referred for adding and naintenance of Stonewall Jackson Drive, Rose Ave, Campus View Circle and Ridge Wood Heights Drive. 3. Petition approved for relief for Lula Jane Mohn. 4. Petition app?oved for relief for Cato M. Littleton, for $60.00 per month. 5. Petition ref.erred for road work from Mrs. Ray V. Williams, Harnett. 6. Petition approved for relief for Mrs. Trudy Leola Shepard, for $75.00 per month. 7. Petition referred on Tin Top Road. S. Petition approved to name "T`urr? Aro?.tnd Circle" on Wa??ace Azre "SJa??ace Ave Czrc?e". 9. Petition approved and referred for road, Harnett. 10. Petition approved for relief for Mrs. Annie Belle Roper. 11. Petition approved for relief for Willie Richardson and Anna Jones Green. 12. Petition received of over 5,000 citizens in support of New Hospital. 13. Petition appro?Ted and referred from Blossom Street and Old Ferry Road. 14. Petitions approved for relief for Anos Batson and Earl Hampton Shipp. 15. Petition approved for relief for Youngless Parker. 16. Petition approved and referred from Hanby Subdivision. 17. Petition approved for relief for Julius James Rich. 18. Petition referred for road service, Masonboro. 19. Petition received for adding and improvement of Old Cartway Road. 20. Petition approved for relief for Thomas Cashwell and Ruth Mathews Tiviford. 21 Petition approved for relief for Alice Sanders. 22. Petition approved and referred for Fisherville Road. 23. Petition approved for relief for Ora Cotton Pennington. 24. Petition approved for relief for Wil?ie T?aultsbye 25. Petitions approved and referred for Wilmington Beach Subdivision and Green Meadows. 26. Petition referred for ditching along Wildcat Branch. 27. Petition approved for relief for Joe Pinkey Harrelson. 28. Petition approved for Randall Drive. 29. Petition approved for relief for Ma.rie Selders. 30. Petitions approved and referred for Yorktown Drive, Andover and Overbrook Road. 31. Petition approved for relief for Joshar James. 32. Petition approved f?r relief for Lora V. R. Prince. 33. Petition approved and referred for roads in Murrayville Subdivision. 34. Petition approved for relief for pora Elizabeth Pender. 35. Petitions approved for relief for James 0. Baltzegar and Josephine M. Hill. 36. Petition approved and referred for adding 0.3 of a mile of Road ?k1334 to State System. 37. Petition approved for relief for Mary Emma Berry. 38. Petition approved from Roland-Grise Jr. High School PTA for Lake Ave. 39. Petition approved for relief for Alex Francis Benton. 40. Petition referred for drainage, South of Myrtle Grove Junction. 41. Petition referred for road service from Camellia Heights Subdivision. 42. Petition approved for relief for Rena W. Gornto and George T. Hardwick. 43. Petitions approved and referred for Ashley Circle, George Trask Drive and Jennings Drive, 44. Petitions approved and referred for roads in Cape Fear, Harnett and Road ?? 1334. 45. Petitions approved for relief for Ruth B. Brinkey, Joe 0. Farrow and Charles S. Hewett. DATE MINUTE BOOK Month Day Year Vol. Page 1 3 1961 12 640 1 16 1961 12 642 1 1F? 1961 2 6 1961 2 20 1961 2 20 196 ?_ 3 6 1961 3 20 19b1 3 20 1961 3 20 1961 4 17 1961 5 1 1961 5 1 1961 5 15 1961 6 5 1961 8 7 1961 8 7 1961 8 21 1961 8 21 1961 8 21 1961 9 5 1961 9 18 1961 9 18 1961 10 2 1961 10 2 1961 10 2 1961 10 23 1961 11 6 1961 l? 6 1961 12 4 1961 12 18 1961 1 2 1962 1 15 1962 1 15 1962 2 5 1962 2 19 1962 2 19 1962 2 19 1962 3 5 1962 3 19 1962 3 19 1962 4 2 1962 4 16 1962 5 14 1962 5 14 1962 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 643 645 648 650 651 656 656 657 666 667 668 671 685 6 6 12 13 13 16 ?. 8 20 23 24 24 30 33 34 42 52 56 60 61 65 68' 68 68 75 78 78 89 95 101 101 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover Count? N. C. MU JECT , _ petit ions ? nec. u. s. County Indezee Since 1888 ?. 7?.?--- TO loeoT? nom?s? Op?A af PAT OFFICE ??? An ldentifying Trade Mark ?$ fURNAME INILIAI LA? ?DE BY THE SOLD tY ON COTT A•Z TAt INpEX COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO EN i. YUNN, NEN {ERK, KORiN UROLIiI? i, ` g" NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS DATE MINUTE BOOK Month Day Year Vol. Page ?' ?tl 1.'i? s Petitions approved for relief for Omer S. Rodgers and Earl H. Shipp. 5 14 1962 13 101 2.; : Petition approved for relief for John W. Reynolds. 6 4 1962 13 113 F; 3.;; Petitions approved and referred for Holland Drive, Wrightsboro S?u.bdivision, Parmele & 7 2 1962 13 121 w? ;' ; Knollwood Roads, H ighland Hills Subdivision, Robinhood Road and Woodhaven Drive. h^ 4.??, Petition approved and referred for Parmele and Sherwood Drives, Sherwood Forest Sub-Div. 7 2 1962 13 121 5.?? Petition denied fo r a rehearing in regards to Piedmont Airlines Local Services. 7 2 1962 13 121 6.?: Petition referred for Gleason Road, approved. 7 16 1962 13 129 7.'? Petitions referred for relief for James 0. Baltezegar and Charles H. Stamland. 7 16 1962 13 129 8.`? Petitior? approved for re?ief for A?ex F. Benton. 7 23 Z962 13 i35 9. Petition approved and referred for Road ?k1516 and Mochican Trail. 8 6 1962 13 139 10. Petition referred for ditching Everett's Creek. 9 3 1962 13 144 11. Petition Approved and referred for College Drive. ' 9 4 1962 13 1.45 12.: Petitions approved for relief for Lovanna B. Simms and Geneva S. Thompson. 9 4 1962 13 145 13., Petition approved for work on Parkway Drive. 9 17 1962 13 152 14?; Petition approved for relief for Simon Hardison. 10 15 1962 13 160 15. Petition approved and referred for road work from Mr. Hugh M. Morton. 10 15 1962 13 163 16.. Petition approved (cross-over petition) for citizens in Masonboro. 11 5 1962 13 167 17 Petition approved for relief for Charles W. Rice. 12 17 1962 13 179 18.' Petition referred for State take-over French and Boyette Roads. 1 21 1963 13 185 19.`, Petitions approved for relief for Clarence R. Croom and Frank Whitfield. 2 18 1963 13 191 20. Petition referred for State take-over Roads in Pine Valley Estates. 2 18 1963 13 191 21.? Petitions approved for relief for Acie T. Hennies and Mamie W. Henries. 3 4 1963 13 194 22.! Petition approved for Street closing from City of Wilmington. 4 1 1963 13 201 23. Petitions approved and referred from. Lincoln Forest, Harnett. ? 4 1 1963 13 202 24.= Petitions approved and referred for adding roads in Wilmington and Hanby Beaches to 4 16 1963 13 204 State 5ys tem. 25.° Petitions approved for relief for Richard M. Grant and Mary J. H. Lee. 5 6 1963 13 210 26.: Petitions (miscell aneous petitions) referred for Green Meadows Sub-Division. 5 6 1963 13 211 27. Petition approved and referred for Patrick Ave. 5 20 1963 13 215 28.., Petition approved for relief for Mrs. Lovella B. Blanton. 8 17 1963 13 223 29.`, Petitions refexred for maintaining roads South of Wrightsville Causeway. 9 3 1963 1"3 248 30.? Petition approved and referred for improveme?zt in 5200 Block of Pine Street. 10 7 1963 1'3 257 31. Petiti?n approved and re?erred for speed limifi adjustment on North Kerr Ave. 10 7 1963 13 258 32.. Petitions referred fc?r Heritage Park Drive and Pilgrim Circle. 10 21 1963 13 260 33. Petition referred for Englewood Driv?? and Brend?. Drive. i2 2 1963 13 270 34., Petitions approved and referred for roads in Harnett 12 16 19F?3 13 274 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES eao. County Indezes Sinee 1888 ?? u. s. q r?r o rr?cc ??? ? ? ?i??(d?.• An ldentifying Trade Mark PHYSICIAN, COUNTY - New Hanover County, N. C. _ MATTER: ? To locats names, apen at COTT A-I TAB INDEX ? SURNAMB INITIAL TAB MADE BY THE CQTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD 8Y OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA ? DATE MINUTE BOOK I NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS ?; Month . I Day I Year ? s Vol. ( Page 1.? , W.E. Freeman elected County Physician to attend Work House, Poor House and Jail. `? OS 13 1868' 1 13 r 2.E Board ordered that the County Physician to be appointed for one year. 09 ? Ol t 18684 1 32 ? 3.? ? Report from Dr. Freeman filed. ?; 10 20 fY 1868?? 1 ? 80 ? ?? 4.? Report from Dr. Freeman filed. ?; 11 02 k? ?A 1868?? 1 `V? 93 ? 5.?? r?y Consultation to be held with Dr. Freeman concerning services at Jail. (See JAIL) rr 11 ' 02 1868F? K, 1 93 ? M? 6.?i Bill for medicines and medical services at Jail approved. . r, 11 02 ?? 1868?? 1 93 ? ?r 7.ca Received report on discussion with County Physician. 11 06 ?_ 1868?? 1 95 ? ?F ;, 8.}? Office of County Physician abolished. 11 27 1868?j ? 1 127 ` ? r; 9.f; Advertising made for physician for Poor House, Work House and Jail. . Ol 12 f 1869;; 1 164 i E , . I lr 10.;, Proposals from physicians received. .. O1 25 1869?; 1 168 I? ? 11.:.; Dr. Winants was appointed to serve Work House, Poor House and Jail. : O1 25 1869?: 1 168 j; „ ? 12.,?. Medical bill from Dr. Winants approved. „ 05 11 1869.? 1 , ?. 228 R; [9 13.; ' Dr. Winants' bill for medicines for County institutions approved. 06 07 1869i: ' 1 ?! 249 f 14.?;: ? Schedule for visiting Jail, Work House and Poor House by County Physician set. ; 07 06 1869'= I i 263 ? ? ?? lS.y? Physician's bill for Jail approved. ; 07 07 1869?a 1 272 ? ; s 16.;j Physician's bill for Poor House approved. 07 07 '„ 1869?! ?+ 1 ? 272 i ; 17.„ Letter from Dr. Winants filed. ,. 07 19 1869h; 1 281 `' ? 18.;; County Physician to examine condition of inmates in Work House and JaiZ. ,, 07 19 1869;? Z 281 19.s? Report from visit to Jail and Work House filed. ;, 07 21 1869;; ?" 1 282 I 20.'e;? Bills for medical services at Poor House and Work House approved. .!, 08 03 1869;; ?: 1 288 ,? 21.?6 Dr. Winants' bill for Poor House and Work House approved. ?; 09 07 `3 1869E; ? 1 317 22.0{ Dr. Winants' bills for the Jail for July and August approved. ,. 09 07 k 1869;; 1 317 ? ? 23.i? Medical bills for Work House, Poor House and Jail from Dr. Winants approved. 10 05 1869wq s, 1 331 24.;? Medical bills for Work House, Poor House and Jail ap?proved. 11 ?? 02 ., 1869?q 1 339 6? 25.'a €i Dr. Winants' medical bills for Work House, Poor House and Jail ap?proved. ?; 12 07 1869?? 1 351 26.;? Doctors' bills for post mortems reduced. F; 12 07 1869?a 1 352 27. i 28. ; 29. I Post mortems performed on an infant; N. Bannersman, Sandy Sikes and Hannah Moore. 12 07 1869"? 1 352 ° Dr. Winants' medical bills for Poor House, Work House and Jail approved. Ol 03 1870?; 1 394 ?? Dr. Winants' bills for medical services for the Jail, Poor House and Work House approved. , 02 08 1870?y 1 401 30.s? Letter from Dr. Winants ?.°eferred to Tax Committee. 02 09 1870?; ? 1 407 Ei 31. ; Applications from Dr. W. Love and Dr. William Freeman for County Physician's position filed. ? 02 09 1870F? 1 408 , 32.,? Clerk to advertise for proposals for medical attendance and medicines for Poor Aouse and Jail. 02 ` 09 1870k; 1 409 33.F; Board ordered that in extreme cases of sickness in paupers they will be admitted to Hospital at same price , 02 09 1870;; 1 ;? 409 !? .? as allowed by City authoriL-ies. .. ' ?, ' ? ,j ? 34 ; Winants` biils for 3aii and Poor House approved. Dr „ 03 07 1870?Q? 1 ? 413 M? ., . ?? 35.?k Proposals from Dr. Bellamy, Dr. Wright and Dr. Freeman filed. 03 08 1870? 1 419 ?? f: ?a 36.P; ?, Dr. Winants to be notified that order for admission of patients to City Hospital is rescinded. ; 03 08 1870+y 1 419 ?i ` 37.? ?? Dr. Love's medical bill for Jail approved. 06 05 1870,;; 1 j 444 ? 38.0? Dr. Winants bill for post mortem examination approved. , 07 05 ?; 1870? 1 452?' ' ? ; 39.?a Dr. Winants' bill for medical attendance and board for Emma Sadbury approved. 08 O1 ?; 1870?.g 1 461 ?, ?z 40.Pw Bill for hospital care for Sarah Hamiiton approved. Q8 Ol 1870i: 1 461 ? 41.c? Dr. Winants' bill Eor post mortem examination on Harriet E. Williams approved. ; 08 31 1870;# 1 483 ; ; 42.?? Dr. Winants' bill for medical attendance for Emma Sadbury at City Hospital approved. f 08 31 187.0?? €' 1 483 ? 43.?j Account of Dr. J. King to be paid. 09 ? 22 , 1870'; 2 25 ;< ^y 44.?'? 3 Dr. Thomas Wood's bill for?post mortem examination at Coroner's request approved. ,, 10 08 1870?? ' 2 33 ?? 45. ( g Dr. Winants' bill for medical care of poor approved. `? 10 F 08 ` 1870E? t4 2 34 INDE? TO CO?iMIS5I0NERS MINUTES -- New Hanover PHYSICIAN, ?oUN? ? Count? N C MATTER . , . _ : aea. u, s. ?? ? ?AT OFFICE C?/?/ ? County Indezee Since 1886 ? An IdentifYins Trade Merk ? To locats names, apen at SURNAME INITIAL TAB COTT A-2 TAB INDEX MADE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY. COLIIMBUS, OHIO SOLO BY OWEN G, DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS l. Dr. Love's medical bill for the Jail approved. ,2. Proposals to be received for medical attendance at Jail. DATE MINUTE BOOK Month I Day I Year I? Vol. Page I ? ? ?i ?$ 12 09 1870 2 99 ? 12 ?' ,3. Commissioners may reject any or all bids received for medical attendance at Jail. ?? ?? . 12 .4. ?: Dr, Winants' bill for attendance at Coroner's inquest approved. ?M ? 12 5. ? Contract for medical attention for Jail given to Dr. Bellamy. F? ?; O1 ,6, Dr. Winants' bi11s for medical attention for County paupers approved. ?; O1 k F? .7. Dr. Winants' bills for medical attention for sundry out door paupers approved. ? O1 8. Fred Thompson's bi11 as examining physician for the Militia approved. ??, 02 9. Bi11s from Drs. King and Winants for post mortem examinations approved. ?; 08 10., Dr. J.F. King's bill for medical services approved. 09 11. Dr. J,E. Winants?bill for hospital cost approved. 10 12. Dr. Wznants' bill for coroner services approved. 11 13. Application from College of Physicians and Surgeons referred to special committee. 12 I4. Proposals for medical attendance for Jaii wi11 be accepted at Register's office until January 15. 01 15. Contract for medical attendance for Jail awarded A.E. Wright. , 01 16. Report from committee on medicines and medical attention for County for 1871 received. ea 04 ?7. More time given for committee to study ways to provide above. ;q 0? 18. Dr. Winants to retain Daniel ?ubanks in Hospital until he is well. 05 19. Medical bill for paupers from Dr. Winants approved. 12 20. Dr. A.E. Wright employed as physician for Jail at $150 per annum. 02 21. Dr. Winants' bill for paupers approved. 03 22. Dr. Winants' bills for paupers approved. ; 06 23. Dr. Winants' bills for paupers approved. : 07 24. Dr. Bellamy prescribed m2dicines for John Smith, a pauper. ;a O8 25. , Hospital bill for poor from Dr. Winants approved. Cn 11 26. Filed report from Dr. Wright relative to medical treatment of paupers. ;r 12 27. ? Dr. Winants to be retained as physician to Jail at same rate and on same terms. „s 03 28. Request of G.H. West for position of County Physician to Jail and Poor House laid over. r 09 29. H.E. West elected County Physician. 09 30. Dr. West's salary set at $150 yearly for care of County paupers. O1 31. Bill from Dr. West referred back to be itemized. Ol 32. Filed letter from Dr, West denying statement of sick white woman in Jail who claims proper care denied her.;: 05 33. Physician to be employed to care for sick of out door poor for one year. ?. 06 34. Dr. W.J. Bellamy submitted lowest bid and awarded contract to care for out door poor. , 06 35. Request from physician for out door poor for increased campensation granted, salary set at $200 per year. ? 12 36. Chairman to advertise for bids for medical attendance at Jail. F 12 37. Dr. A.E. Wright appointed physician for Jail having submitted lowest bid. O1 38. Letter from Dr. West regarding attending to out door poor laid over to next meeting. ,, 07 39. Chairman to advertise for bids for a physician to attend to out door paupers ?or one year. ,p 07 40. Chairman to employ a physician for paupers within City limits at $200 per year. 08 41. Dr. A.E. Wright awarded bid for caring for County poor, Jail inmates and out door poor. 04 42. Application of Dr. W.W. Lane laid on table. :. 08 43. Chairman to complete contract with Dr. A.E. Wright for duties relative to coroner's inquest, examining in-;; 09 , sane, and attending out door poor out of City limits for $200 per year. ?' 44. Chairman and Dr. A.E. Wright entered into contract for Dr. Wright to examine all insane, attend coroner's r 10 inquest, and visit out door poor beyond City limzts. ;; s; 10 1870 2 102 10 1870 ? 31 1870 03 1871? 03 1871 03 1871 ?" 06 187Z ? 1 2 1871 ? k{ 06 1871.; ?? 02 1871,'` 07 1871 ; r, 11 18711? 08 1872 ?s 15 1872 ?? ^s t9 05 1872 -b C? 05 1872k? 29 1872t? O? ????ki ;: 06 1873C; .? . ?? 03 1873 i? p ? 02 1873 ?? ? 07 1873'`? C 04 1873 ?? 04 1873 '?? ? 08 1873 Ry :d ., 05 1874kp -+. 15 1874 ;? 16 1874;; k? b 05 1875 ':i 05 1875 ?? 0 ,x 03 1875,? 15 1875 ? ,, 23 1875';,; a 16 1875 i ?. 16 1875 ?; ? 03 1876 ':. ?, 03 1876 : ?` 03 1876 ?? ,g 15 1876;? ?M Q2 18?? ip p 11 1877',? 10 1877y? ?, ,; ?; 2 102 2 108 2 2 Z 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 O1 1877?? ? P? ip r! .? 3 109 111 111 ? 123 209 ? 9 221 F; .F 227 !' ;? ?' 24 2 ?' ?, 249 ;: 282 284 312 312 321 403 425 33 75 84 91 139 158 191 259 261 291 291 322 336 337 ';'. 400 `? 400 `?; 404 449 449 461 53? 591 ;. ?F 612 ?E 625 ? { ? INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover Count?, N. C. _ MAT'fER: PHYSICIAN, COUNTY ` nea, u. s. ,.? _? County Indeze? Since (8B8 n?+'?,J? To loeats names, open at COTT A•Z TAB INDEX fAT omct C,G.tt//?I?a?.tL. An ldentifrine Trade Mark U?.? SURNAME INITIAL TAB MADE BY THE tOTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA '? ?' DATE ?? MINUTE BOOK ? NATURE Of PROCEEDINGS ' a 6 Month ? Day ? Year ?? Vol. ? Page ? 1. `?Expert fee to be allowed Dr. A.E. Wight for each term of Court he attends. ?p 2. G?Letter from County Physician A.E. Wright relative to sink in Courthouse yard referred to Chairman. ? 3.'?'Contract of Dr. W.W. Lane for keeping sick at Hospital to be renewed. ?? 4. ??City Physician to examine five ladies to determine if sane and can be released. ;i 5. !;Petition of Lovy Ann Waldrons referred to Dr. W.W. Lane for investigation. ?j 6. ;sPetitions of Dennis Parker and Henry Sharpless requesting aid referred to Dr. W.W. Lane. ''? 7. ';Case of Lizzie Herring referred to Dr. W.W. Lane. ?, 1 8. ?Petition of Jacob Horn to have a doctor sent to C.W. Clemmston in Myrtle Grove not granted. ?? 9. ;?Lucy Hill to be examined by Dr. Lane and discharged from Poor House if he recommends. 10. All temporary aid persons will be admitted to Poor House if recommended by Dr. Lane. 11. Dr. W.W. Lane to be retained as County Physician on basis of contract of Dr. A.E. Wright. } 12. Dr. F.W. Potter elected County Physician of Health for ensuing two years. 13. ,Dr. J.C, Shepard elected County Physician and Superintendent of Health. 14. `Office of County Physician declared vacant. 15. "Salary of County Physician set at $750 per year, and Dr. Shepard elected to position. 16. ?•Salary of County Physician set at $400 per annum. e:; 11 06 1877 ?? 3 634 j° ? ki !' 11 j 06 1877 ?? 3 634 , ; 03 04 1878 ?' 3 707 ? v ', 05 06 1878 ?j 3 723 ? 10 F? 07 E° 1878 ?? 3 768 ; 10 " 07 1878 ?g 3 768 ?? 10 07 ?4 1878 ?; 3 769 10 07 1878 ?: 3 769 0 11 11 O1 12 08 10 10 F 09 17. ,Applications for County Physician were read and Dr. W.D. McMillan elected County Physician. 09 18. `;Salary of County Physician increased from $400 to $750 beginning September 2a 1895. 10 19. ? ? ,:Report from County Physician W.D. McMillan filed. ? 1 10 20. ? ?Monthly report from County Physician W.D.McMillan submitted. 11 21. "County Physician allowed to use office in old Courthouse for a dispensary. ;r 11 22. ,;Report from County Physician McMillan filed. 12 23. Report from County Physician, Dr. McMillan, on number of patients treated filed. ; Ol 24. ,, ;Report from County Physician, Dr. McMillan, on number of patients treated filed. ;, 02 25. „Report from W.D. McMillan, County Physician,on number of patients treated filed. p? 03 26. ' . ?;County Physician to visit County Home to examine inmates Johan Talley and Jesse Merrick to see if they ;, 03 , could be cared for by their relatives. . 29. ,;Committee to confer with Mayor Wright on electing a physician for City Superintentend of Health and County „ 04 Physician. 30. ;;Report from Dr. McMillan, County Physician, on number of patients he treated filed. ,, 04 31. County and City Superintendents of Health and County Physician's positions to be held by one physician at 04 $1,250 per annum. 32. ;eSuperintendent to employ a Clerk at $250 per annum. 04 33. ..City and County to share burden of paying salaries of Superintendents and Clerk. 04 34. ?,Baard aQgroved apgointment of Dr. W.D. McMillan by Mayor and BQard of Aldermen for above three positions. . 04 35. County Physician McMillan's report on patients visited and predominate diseases in County filed. „ 05 36. ;Minutes amended for April 8 meeting concerning Dr. McMillan's salary. , 05 37. ;;Request from Dr. McMillan for chairs and desk granted, and his report on patients treated in May filed. 06 38. :Dr. McMillan's June report on patients treated submitted. ;, ; 07 39. ;?Dr. McMillan reported City would furnish transportation only in City carts to take patients to Hospital and,. 07 ;; bad for some of the patients. , 40. Dr. McMillan reported on number of patients treated and called attention of Board to immensity of work. z 08 41. ?Report from Dr. McMillan on number of patients he treated in August, 1897. 09 42. ?;County Physician McMillan reported on number of patients he visited on October. : I1 43. ;`Dr. McMillan reported on number of inmates in County Home and that well cared for, but heating unit in ; si 11 ?P ? Insane Department unoperative. .. 04 1878 ?, 3 772 04 1878 ,. 3 773 f: ?; 06 1879:; 4 i: 12 ?; ?9 13 1886? , 4 ?. 677 ; ?? ?? 07 1893 ?; 5 ? 513 ? 02 1893 `•:. 5 524 ?E 02 1893 N 5 r? 524 i f 02 1895 ?y' ? S i 667 ? j! 02 1895 ;` f? 5 667 ?i I 07 1895 ? S ; 672 i? li 05 1896; 5 ; 734 i ? 02 1896 ?? 5 737 6 ? 02 1896 ;; 5 737 07 1896 ?; 5 741 ? ? 05 1897 i; 5 756 ?? O1 1897 ;?, 5 ? 762 e s Ol 1897:? 5 ? 778 ? ? O1 1897 ;; ? 5 ? 778 ? ; i ?: 05 1897 „' S ?? R? 798 ?f ? `" ?? ? ? 05 1897 ?, 5 798 ' 08 1 97 r 6 1 : 08 1897 `? ?° 6 1 ?? , 08 1897 ,, 6 1 ?? 08 1897. ; 6 ,: 1 ti ? p , 03 1897 :: 6 ?i 10 ;; „ 04 1897 '' . 6 s; 11 {? 07 1897 ,,, 6 i3 12 ?? 07 1897 `? 6 ?! 20 07 1897 '; ? 6 20 ? ; ; e? 02 .; 1897 ?; e 6 ?i 32 06 1897 ;; 6 ?f 41 ? ? O1 i, I897 ;p 6 57 ? Ol '? 1897 k; 6 i 57 e 7 INDEX TO CO?iMISSI0NER5 MINUTES -- New Hanover Count?, N. C. _ MATTER: PHYSICIAN, ?oUN? ? Rec. u. s. County Inde:ee Since 1888 Fh x•3- To locate names, Op811 0t COTT A•I TAB INDEX r?r OFFICE (? ?,?.t?l?a-? An Identifying Trade Mark ?? SURNAME INITIAL TAB MADE BY THE CQTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA ??i NATURE OF PROtEEDINGS ` DATE ?; MINUTE BOOK 'i ^' Month ? Day? Year ??' Vol. ? Page ??" ,; 4 1. Dr. McMillan suggested more discipline at Home, feels Superintendent too lenient. 11 O1 1897 Fk 6 57 ,a 2. Dr. McMillan reported on number of prisoners in Jail, and that it was in need of whitewashing and cleaning? 11 Ol 1897 :? 6 57 ?'' ?, 3. Dr. McMillan requested window lights and a heating unit for his office. 11 O1 1897 ? 6 57 ?; 4. Matter of furnishing County Physician's office with a stove left to Chariman. ;. 11 O1 1897 ?` 6 58 .5. Office of County Physician put in good condition. 12 06 1897 ,; 6 63 ? 6. Dr. McMillan reported on number of patients visited in December, 1897, and on number inmates at Home. „ O1 03 1898 ,y 6 73 , 7.? Dr. McMillan reported Home inmates healthier and food good, but they and inmates at House of Correction ?! O1 03 1898 ; 6 73 ? ! ° should be vaccinated for virus. ,? ?? .. .. .. , 8.?i rs Dr. McMillan reported that Jail in good condition. „ Ql. 03 1898 _.; 6 73 „ 9.; Dr. McMillan asked for more time to submit rules for governing County Home. O1 03 1898 .. 6 73 ,10.;? Dr. McMillan called attention to window lights in Physician's office; they are missing. . O1 03 1898 . 6 73 . 11.!; . ?? Dr. McMillan reported family of Mrs. Ketchum has scarlet fever and quarantined and money allowed. .. 05 04 1898 ., 6 123 . 12.;? Money allowed Mrs. Ketchum and family, who have been quarantined, as requested by Dr. McMillan. 05 31 1898 6 126 , ,, ?i ?. ,. 13.? . t, Dr. McMillan reported on number of patients treated in May and that one family quarantined for scarlet fev- 06 06 1898 6 133 . h ? er; Dr. McMillan reported in Jail in good condition. 14.?p Dr. McMillan reported County Home in good condition, but water unit in need of repair. 06 06 1898 y 6 133 i? 15.!? County Physician to examine for physical disabilities all applicants for aid before it is given. 06 05 1899 6 297 61 ?. r+ .. '16.C? Dr. D.W. McMillan elected County Physician at $100 per month.(He will also serve as Superintendent of Hea1th05 16 1900 6 442 17. County Physician to visit Jail once a week. . 10 13 1900 6 483 ? 18.R? County Physician authorized to transfer insane prisoners in Jail to Insane Department if not confined for 09 25 1901,a 6 596 ? ? . ? criminal offenses. „ ., ,? 19.?? ? County Physician, Dr. McMillan, reported on diseases and patients treated in County. 07 O1 1912 7 252 t i; 20.?? County Physician reported County institutions in good condition. 07 Ol 1912 7 253 ?1. Dr. Stoval, County Physician, recommended Mrs. Rachel Wright be given aid, as she was. O1 24 1917 7 607 ? 22.? E Extra money approved for County Physician for services in contain?ng a small pox outbreak. 05 28 1917 7 623 . ?? ;? , !? ?? ?d ?? ; ? ?? g , ? .. . ... ., ? . ., .. ,. .. .. INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover Count?, N. C. _ MU JECT P?anningnBoard ? eec. u. s. A???? Counry Indeze? Since 1888 ? T? loeoli nom?s? op?A Of COTi MZ TA? INYEX PAT OFFICE C,?iE?T,o-? AnldentiFyinB Trade Mazk MADE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OH10 SURNAME INIiIAL TA? SOLD tY OWEN i. pUNN, NEM iERN, NORTH GROLINA NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS l. County Planning Board appointed 1-5-56 Page 356. 2. Discussion on replacing present Planning Board with County/City board, no action taken. 3. Notice received of North Carolina Planning Conference, urged County/ City attendance. 4. Accepted resignation from Mr. J. Win.der Hughes, member of Planning Board. 5. Adopted resolution, establishing a Community Planning and Development Cammission. 6? Chairman Hall, as ex-officio member to ap?oint three(3) persons to serve on Committee and five (5) persons to serve on Zoning Board of adjustment. (above) 7. No action taken on appointments to the Planning and Development Commission Committee. 8. Letter received recommending traffic Iight at US 42I, 17, 74 and 76 referred. 9. Public carrier franchise reported. 10. Community Planning Board report received. 11. Natice received on National Association Commission Urban County Congress, Washington, D. C. February 6-9-63. 12. Meeting of the Planning Board, discussion on roads system for Hospital and schools. 13. Messrs. Hall and Metts reported on their attendance to the Urban County Congress. 14. Chairman J. M. Hall, Jr. appointed Frank I. Ballard, French I. Davis, Morris S. Emmart, J. B. "Bunny" Hines and I. John Tigna as County Planning and Zoning Board. 15. Budget meeting, Chairman Hall, Jr announced more names for County Planning and Zoning Board: the Black he had in mind already employed by State, cannot serve. 16. Joint budget me?ting, agreed Planning and Zoning to be a joint venture. 17. Letter ?equesting appointments to the Planning and Development Commission Mr. James Z. Godwin re-appointed for three (3) years. Mr. Hu.gh MacRae re-appointed for two (2) years. Mr. Richard A. Shew re-appointed for two (2) years. 18. L?st of functions of Wilmington-New Hanover County: Bi-Racial Committee, approved and signed by Commissioners. 19. Report 20. County Planning ? Zoning 21. Tinga, I. John, Report 22. AppoinZtment Building Inspector 23. County Planning 24. Tinga, I. John, Chairman, report 25. Report joint meeting to organize 26. Joint 27. Recommendation - Enforcement of Ordinance 28. Joint meeting County Commissioners and City Council 29. Ordinance establishing 30. Joint 31. Appointment members 32. Recommended budget 33. Designation of plat approving authority 34. Appointment of inember to 35. Apointment of Commission 36. Mr. I. John Tinga, Chairman Wilmington,-NH 37. Hiring of Planning Technician DATE MINUTE BOOK Month Day Year Vol. Page 1 5 1960 12 356 10 17 1960 12 620 3 20 1961 12 656 3 20 1961 12 657 12 18 1961 13 52 1'2 18 1961 13 52 1 2 1962 13 54 3 S 1962 I3 75 4 2 1962 13 89 12 3 1962 l3 175 1 21 1963 13 186 2 4 1963 13 18r? 2 18 1963 13 192 7 15 1963 13 229 7 1 1963 13 231 7 22 1963 13 238 10 21 1963 13 262 11 18 1963 13 275 02 17 1964 13 290 03 02 1964 13 296 05 04 1964 13 324 10 19 1964 13 387 10 19 1964 13 387 11 16 1964 13 395 04 03 1967 14 40 04 03 1967 14 40 06 05 1967 14 66 06 05 1967 14 67 07 17 1967 14 77 07 17 1967 14 77 09 18 1967 14 90 07 08 1968 14 216 08 05 1968 14 232 09 03 1968 14 244 09 16 1968 14 248 12 02 1968 14 274 12 16 1968 14 282 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Ha?over Count?, N. C. MU JECT C1TY/COU NTY PLANNING _ BOAR D ` eEC, u. s. County Indezea Since 1888 ? To loeat? nam?s, 0?11 Of PAT OFFICE C.?i?r?.?iPO,?1.? f?n Identi[1?in8 Trade Mark ? T ?•= MADE BY THE COTT INDEX TA? INpEX COMPANY. COLUMBUS. OHIO SURNAME INITIAL TAB SOLD t1 OWEN i. YYNN, NEw ?ERN, NORTN GROLINA ? ? NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS DATE MINUrE BoOK ? ? Month Day Year Vol. Page ; 1.? Ek Subdivision Regulation Ordinance. 02 U3 1J69 14 297 ?? 2.?; Subdivision Regulation Ordinance 02 17 1969 14 299 t, 3.?? %F County Land Development 02 17 1y69 I4 300 ?5 4.sa ?' Commendation 03 17 1969 14 304 5.;? f County Land Development 03 17 1969 14 30? ; 6.?? Naming of Streets 04 08 1969 15 311 7.?? County Office Space 04 08 1969 14 315 ?, 8•f`", Budget consideration 07 17 1969 14 372 9.? Appointments to Board ?8 04 1969 14 375 10. County Zoning Ordinance 08 04 1969 14 376 11. Adoption Zoning Ordinance - Masonboro 10 06 1969 14 393 12.? Designation of Official Zoning Maps 10 ZO 1y69 14 401 13., Zoning New Area 11 1/ 1969 14 411 14.;! Unapproved Subdivisions 12 O1 196y 14 418 15:? Letter of Credit 12 O1 1969 14 418 16. Adoption of Zoning Map-Zoning Area #2 12 15 1969 14 422 17;? Public Hearing - Zoning Ordinance changes, Masonboro Marina 03 16 1970 14 450 18,; Approval of subdivision maps 03 16 1970 14 451 19? ?, Amendment to Masonboro Zoning Map R-15 to B-1 03 02 1970 14 445 r 20? Discussion of Amendment to Masonboro Zoning Map 03 02 1970 14 446 21`.` Amendment to Masonboro Zoning Map (2) from r-15 to I-1 03 16 1970 14 445-51 22; Turesdale Road 03 02 1970 14 445 23?" ? Recommendation for Zoning of Area No. 3 04 06 1970 14 456 24:? P. L. 60 Federal Grants 04 . 06 1970 14 455 25?' Adoption of Zoning Map - Middle Sound 05 04 1970 14 472 .26?1 Discussion of space needs report 05 18 1970 14 478 27!.: Appointment of inembers to 07 10 1970 14 514 28? Amendment to Masonboro Zoning map (4) 07 07 1970 14 492 29?' Adoption of County Subdivision Regulations 10 19 1970 14 539 30Y? Appointment member Wilmington New Hanover Zoning Board of Adjustment 11 16 1970 14 545 31;? Appointment member New Hanover Zoning Board of Adjustment 11 16 ]970 14 545 32;: Changes to subdivision regulations 12 07 1970 14 552 33; Proposed Zoning Map for Zoning Area No. 4 12 07 1970 14 553 34,; Staffing 12 07 1970 14 554 35? Public Hearing-Zoning Area ??4 Ol 04 1971 14 562 36. Introduction Mr. Jerry Ramsey 03 O1 1971 14 586 37: Zoning Area ??4 04 07 1971 14 608 38? Amendment to Masonboro Zoning Map (5) 06 21 1971 14 659 39: Amendment to Zoning Area ??4 (6) 06 21 1971 14 660 40? r? Public Hearing Zoning Area f?5 07 06 1971 14 665 41{ Discussion of Zoning Area 6 07 19 1971 14 668 42, Designation of official zoning Map Area 5 07 19 1971 14 668 43; Amendment to County Zoning Ordinance and application for special use 08 02 1971 14 671 44« Public Hearing Zoning Area ??6 08 18 1971 14 699 ? 45? Zoning Area ??6 08 12 1971 14 671 46? . Zoning Mpa of Area ??6 .: ' . . 09 . 07 1971 . 15 5 ,: INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover Count? N. C. CITY/COUNTY MU JEC PLANNING DE?. , _ T ee6, u. s. A???? County Indezea Since 1888 ? TO IOWt? Oomtl? Op?o Ot r?r OFFICfi C.?iE?-Cd? ..?.n Identifsins Trade Mazk SURNAME INITIAL TAY COTT A-Z TA? INpEX INADE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY. COLUMBUS. OHIO SOLC tT OMEN i. pUNN, N EN {ERN , NORiN GROL INA DATE MINUTE BOOK ? NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS , Month Day Year Vol. Page 1. Amendment to Zoning Area ??4 (7) 09 07 1971 15 4-5 2. Amendment to Zoning Area ??2 (8) 09 07 1971 15 4-5 3. Appointment member 09 07 1971 15 5 4. Appointment member deferred 10 04 1971 15 19 5. Appointment member 10 18 1971 15 27 6. Drainage problems-subdivisions 11 Ol 1971 15 33 7. Zoning Map of Area 4?7 11 Ol 1971 15 32 8. Amendment to Masonboro Zoning Area (9) 11 Ol 1971 15 32 9. Amendment to Zoning Areas 2&&(??) 12 06 z973 35 ?3/44 10. Water, Sewer & Drainage 12 06 1971 15 45 11. Zoning Map of Area ??7 12 06 1971 15 45 12. Zoning Map of Area ?67 12 20 1961 15 57 13. Naming of street - John B. Drive O1 04 1972 15 62 14. Public Hearing City Council Thoroughfare Plan Ol 17 1972 15 68 15. Report and recommendation on R-10 zoning 02 07 1972 15 73 16. Appointment to Wilmington-New Hanover Commission 02 07 1972 15 75 17. Amendment to zoning area #5 (11) 02 07 1972 15 ''2/73 18. Amendment to Zoning Area #4 (12) 02 07 1972 15 73 19. Amendment to Zoning area #6 (13) 02 07 1972 15 ?3/74 20. Amendment to zoning area #4 (14) 02 07 1972 15 74 21. Changning names of streets 02 21 1972 15 83 22. Amendment to zoning area #2 (15) 02 21 1972 15 79 23. Amendment to Zoning Area #6 (16) 03 06 1972 15 85 24. Action taken 2/21/72 on rezoning rec{uest rescinded redrafted ordinance approved 03 06 1972 15 ?;5 25. Request to name road Krauss Lane 03 20 1972 15 96 26. Jurisdiction over one-mile area 03 26 1972 15 101 27. Special Use Permits 03 20 1972 15 95 28. Soil Survey 03 06 1972 15 86 29. Special Use Permit approved 2/21/72 amended 03 06 1972 15 85 30. Two thirty-five housing 04 17 1972 15 111 31. Amendment to zoning area #2 (17) 05 O1 1972 15 120 32. Figure 8 Island - Approval subdivision plats 05 Ol 1972 15 120 33. Public hearing special use permit 7-11 05 15 1972 15 127 34. Proposed zoning Area #8 05 15 1972 15 127 35. One-Mile Jurisdiction-Wrightsville Beach 05 15 1972 15 129 36. One-Mile Jurisdiction limit 05 O1 1972 15 122 37. Hearing Date set for Public Hearing on One-Mile Jurisdiction 05 23 1972 15 131 38. Rezoning request and special use request - public hearing 05 O1 1972 15 119 39. Public Hearing - Zoning Area #8 06 05 1972 15 134 40. Public Hearing - One Mile Area 06 19 1972 15 147 41. Public Hearing - Special use permit and amendment to zoning ordinance 06 05 1972 15 133 42. Consideration adoption of zoning map for One Mile area 06 05 1972 15 135 43. Dysignation of official zoning maps 8-A and 8-B Area #8 07 07 1972 15 184 44. Public hearing - rezoning amendments to County ordinance 07 07 1972 15 181 45. Public hearing - rezoning Oleander Co., etc. 08 14 1972 15 195 46. Public Hearing - Rezoning and Amendment to County Ordinance 08 21 1972 15 204 INDEX TQ COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover Countyl 1\. l?. _ MU JECT CITY/COUNTY PI,ANNING DEP ?. aee. u. s. ?. ` County Indezea Since 1888 ? TO IoCOt? nam?f? oENll W v?t OFFICE C.?p?!/? An Identifying Trade Mazk SURNAME IHIiIAL TAY COTT A-I TA? INpEX MADE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD ?T ONEN i. pUNN, NEN tERN , MORTH GR OLINA p', i? NATURE Of PROCEEDINGS . DATE . MINUTE BOOK 7' ?" Month Day Year Vol. Page : 1.;? Appeal from Planning Commissions recommendation 08 21 1972 15 205 2.?: Discussion policy on subdivisions developed by metes and bounds Q8 21 1972 15 204 3.? ?? Amendment to Zoning area #9-B (ZI) 08 14 1972 15 196 4.;# , Amendment to zoning area #g-B (20) 08 14 1972 15 196 f 5.w;, Amendment to Zoning Area #4 (19) 08 14 1972 15 195 (,.? Appointment members to 09 18 1972 15 222 7.;?; Amendment to Masonboro Zoning Area (26) 10 02 1972 15 225-26 8. Amendment to Zoning Area #4 (27) 10 02 1972 15 226 9. Specia? Use Permit Requests F Rezonzng 11 06 1972 15 243 10. Special Use Permit - Field Construction Office 1? 20 1972 15 259 11. Thoroughfare Plan 11 20 1972 15 260 12. Public Hearing-rezoning requests, special use permits-Beauty Shop, Long Leafe Acres, Maring - Middle Sound 11 20 1972 15 254 13.' Amendment to Zoning Area #2 (28) 11 20 1972 15 252 14. Amendment to Zoning Area #6 (29) 11 20 1972 15 252 15. Amendment to Zoning Area #9-A (30) 11 20 1972 15 253 16,` Public Hearing - Proposed ordinance regulating Height of Buildings near Airport 12 04 1972 15 271 17, Public Hearing - Rezoning Cape Fear Hospital 12 07 1972 15 279 18, Amendment to Zoning Area #g-B (31) 12 07 ?972 15 279 19.? Amendment to Zoning Areas 6? 8-B (32) 1Z I8 1972 15 281 20.! Amendment to Zoning Area 5(33) 12 18 1972 15 281 21. Amendment to Zoning Areas 6 F? 9-B (34) 12 18 1972 15 281 22. Rezoning requests O1 ?2 1973 15 294 23.' Special Use Permit applications O1 ?2 1973 15 296 24.` Rezoning of proproperty already in use for commercial purpose O1 ?2 1973 15 300 25.? Rezoning reQuests 02 ?5 1973 15 :19-20 26.'. Special Use Permit applications 02 ?5 1973 15 320 27. Figure 8 Island, release of bond 02 ?5 I973 15 322 28, Special use permit application 02 19 1973 15 331 29. Rezoning requests 03 ?5 1973 15 340 3Q.' Special Use Permit applications 03 05 1973 15 ?40-1 31? Rezoning of town square property 03 19 1973 15 354 32;; Rezoning requests 04 02 1973 15 i62-3 33. Special Use Permit applications 04 02 1973 15 >61-3 34.? Rezoning request 04 16 1973 15 370 35. Special Use Permit No. 40 (amendment to) 04 16 1973 15 370 36. Rezoning requests 05 07 1973 15 >77-8 37: Special llse Permit Applications 05 07 1973 15 378 38: Amendments to Zoning Ordinance 05 07 1973 15 379 39. Rezoning appeal 05 07 1973 15 379 40; Rezoning request 05 21 1973 15 419-20 41. Rezoning appeal 05 21 1973 15 420 42,? Reissuance of Special Use Permit to Waste Industries 06 04 1973 15 423 43. Establishment of County Planning Dept. 06 04 1973 15 ?28-9 44:; Approval of "Alexander Rd." for SR I345 06 18 1973 15 ?35-6 45, Discussion of Planning Dept. 06 18 1973 15 441 46: Discussion of Special Use Permit No. 52 06 18 1973 15 441 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover Count N C CITY/COUNTY M PLANNING DEPI'. y, . . _ U JECT aea, u. s. /???? County Indezea Since 1888 r?r OFFICE C.?i?c?itl??C6?w An identifS'ing Trado Mark ? TO IOCOb pam?f? Op?O at fURNAME INITIAL TAB COTT A•I MADE BY THE COTT INDEX SOLD YY OINEN 0. pUNN, N TA? INpEX COMPANY. COLUMBUS. OHIO EN tERN, NORTN GROLINA DATE MINUTE BOOK NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS Month Day Yenr Vol. Page 1. Rezoning requests 07 02 1973 15 443 2. Special Use Permit applications 07 02 1973 15 ?43-4 3. Rezoning appeals 07 02 1973 15 444 4. Special Use Permit (No. 52) 07 16 1973 15 ?47-8 5. Rezoning appeal 08 06 1973 15 ?61-2 6. Rezoning requests 08 06 1973 15 ?62-3 7. Special Use Permit applications 08 0 6 1973 15 ?63-4 i 8. Rezoning Appeal 08 20 1973 15 470 9. Rezoning requests 08 20 1973 15 ?70-1 10. Special Use Permit Application 08 20 1973 15 ?71-2 11. Rezoning request 09 04 I973 15 480 12. Special Use Permit application 09 04 1973 15 481 13. Special Use Permit application 09 17 1973 15 497 14. Special Use Permit applications 10 Ol 1973 15 ?,03-5 15. Rezoning request 10 O1 1973 15 504 16. Special Use Permit applications 10 15 1973 15 510 17. Rezoning requests 11 05 1973 15 ?,17-8 18. Special Use Permit Applications 11 05 1973 15 ,',18-9 19. Appointment to Planning Commission, Charles W. Hollis 11 05 1973 15 524 20. Reqeust amendment to budget 11 19 1973 15 528 21. Discussion of review process of Subdivision Plats 11 19 1973 15 528 22. Discussion of employing Planning Director I1 19 1973 15 528 23. Special Use Permit Application 11 26 1973 15 530 24. Special Use Permit applications 12 03 1973 15 532 25. Rezoning requests 12 03 1973 15 532 26. I Rezoning request 12 17 1973 15 ??41-2 27. Special Use Permit application 12 17 1973 15 542 28. Rezoning appeals 12 17 1973 15 542 29. Rezoning request 12 17 1973 15 543 30. Special Use Permit applications 12 17 1973 15 :?43-4 31. Approval of hiring temporary employees 12 17 1973 15 545 32. Notification of securing Planning Director 12 17 1973 15 545 33. Approval of Budget 1973/74 12 17 1973 15 547 34. Introduction of R. Fender O1 0? 1974 15 551 ' I 35. Rezoning appeals O1 07 1974 15 551 36. Rezoning request O1 07 1974 15 551 37. Transfer of funds (theft) Ol 07 1974 15 552 38. Discussion of separating... O1 07 1974 15 554 39. Discussion of attendance at mtg. O1 07 1974 15 554 40. Rezoning reqeust O1 21 1974 15 5>7-8 41. Special use permit application O1 21 1974 15 5i8-9 I 42. Discussion of establishing separate boards to hear rezoning requests O1 21 1974 15 559 43. Policy re absences from Planning Commission meetings O1 21 1974 15 559 44. Rezoning request 02 04 1974 15 572 45. Letter commending J. Schillmoller 02 04 1974 15 572 46. Subdivision Plat - Glynwood II, Section I 02 04 1974 15 576 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover N. C. County M?B; ?T D?PARTMENTY Pj A?N?N? i , , ? fe bcaN pam?s, op?a at REG. U. S. ? J/? COl1IILy IIlC1CZC6 Since 1888 r?r OFFICE ?????Ga-? An IdentiEyins Trade Mark fURNAME INITIAL TAB tOR ??-2 TIU IIWEX MADE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY? COLUMBUS? OHIO SOLD ?Y ONEN ?. YUNN, NEw tERN. NORTN GROLINA DATE MINUTE BOOK ; NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS Month Day Year Vol. Page €: 1. Budget transfer 02 18 1974 15 582 03 04 1974 15 ?88-89 2.;-: Rezoning requests 3.?? Special use permit applications 03 04 1974 15 ?89-90 4.E: Rezoning request appeals 03 04 1974 15 ?90-91 5. Appeal from Planning Dept. to make amendments to Zoning ord. 03 04 1974 15 591-92 6.,?' Request for Zoning of unzoned portion of New Hanover County 03 04 1974 15 592 7. Rezoning request appeal 03 18 1974 15 598 03 18 1974 15 598 8.: Rezoning request 9.?: Transfer of funds 03 I8 1974 IS 603 04 Ol 1974 15 608 10. Rezoning request 11. Special Use permit applications 04 O1 1974 15 609-09 12. Special Use Permit applications 05 06 1974 15 C?24-25 13. Discussion of Subdivision Review Committee meeting of Apxil 22, 1974 05 06 1974 15 630 06 03 1974 15 647 14. Rezoning requests 15.. Special use permit application 06 03 1974 15 648 16. Preservation of residential neighborhoods 06 03 1974 15 652 17. Public hearing to consider closing a portion of road running between Kings Grant and Crestwood d6 17 1974 15 655 18. Transfer of funds 06 17 1974 15 665 07 O1 1974 15 671 19. Rezoning requests 20. Special Use permit applications 07 O1 1974 15 671-73 • 21. Public hearing to consider proposed amendments to Subd. regulations of New Hanover County, NC 07 O1 1974 15 673 ? 22. Public hearing to consider proposed zoning plan for Wrightsboro Area #l0A 07 Ol 1974 15 673-74 23. Public hearing to consider proposed zoning plan for Figure 8 Island #5 07 O1 1974 15 674 24, Withdrawal of support for neighborhood districts 07 O1 1974 15 678 25. Introduction of new asst. 07 15 1974 15 681 26. Transfer of funds 07 15 1974 15 686 08 05 1974 15 639-90 27. Rezoning reqeusts 28. Special use permit applications 08 05 1974 15 690 29. Transportation planning funds 08 45 1974 15 690 30.' Special use permit application 09 03 1974 15 706 31. Public hearing to cnr?sider appeal 3. H. Batuyios, Petitioner 09 16 1974 15 716 32. Public hearing - special use permits, rezoning requests, appeal - Jaycees 10 07 1974 16 3-12 33. Residents of North Hills objecting to convenience food store 10 07 1974 16 12 34. Miss Li1y English re 539 Castle Hayne Rd. 10 21 1974 16 23 35. Public hearing rezoning requests 10 21 ]974 16 ?4-26 36. Application for Planning Assistance funds under Coastal Area Management Act 11 04 1974 16 41 37, Public Hearing 12 02 1974 16 i6-59 38. Public Hearing postponed to 1f20/74 12 16 19i4 16 66 39. Tabling of budget transfer for autos 02 03 1975 16 105 40. Approval of budget transfer for autos 02 17 1975 16 119 41. Budget transfer for insurance and bonds 04 07 1975 16 158 42. . B?idget transfers for Group Ins. and Telephone and postage 06 30 1975 16 233 43. Contribution from County to be in lump sum 06 30 1975 16 234 44. . Reappointment of Charles W. Hollis and appointment of Tatum S. Robertson to Planning Commission 07 07 1975 16 237 45. Grant application to National Endowment for the Arts 10 27 1975 16 293 46. . Approval road construction variance for Chamberly Dr, inWeidemere 09 29 1975 16 275 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES -- New Hanover Counf? N. C. MU JECT D?pA ?MENTY PLANNI?? a , _ ? aE6. u. s. County Indezoe Since 18$8 ? to IOtqE? nam?s, Op?? Yt PA7 OFF1Cfi C?C?-Co-?? An Idenafying Tzade Mazk SURIiAME INItIAL TA? COTT b2 TM INOEX 1NADE BY 7HE C07T 1NDEX COMPANY? COLUMBUS. OHIO SOLD tY OIMEN i. OUNN, NEN ?ERN, NORTN GROLINA NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS DATE MINUTE SOOK Month Day Year Vol. Page 1. Naming public roads in Victory Garden Est. 11 03 1975 16 296 2. Approve Grant app. National Endowment for the Arts. 11 03 1975 16 297 3. Approve amend. - CAMA grant 02 02 1976 17 53 4. Discussion of Planning District meetings 02 17 1976 17 68 5. Rezoning of property near Oakley Loop Rd, in Area #l0A 03 O1 1976 17 70 6. Report on Citizen Participation program in Planning Districts 03 O1 1976 17 75 7. Reports on citizens participation in NHC 03 15 1976 17 79-0 8. Final Plat Approval - Pine Valley Sec. 23-A 03 15 1976 17 80 9. Appt. of Richard Sn?ffen to Planning Commission 04 05 1976 17 99 10. Distribution 1975 annual review of selected Economic Indicators 04 20 1976 17 106 11. Report on regulation of animals on private property 05 17 197b 17 124 12. Presentation by Planning Dept. of Proposal Growth and Development Policy 05 20 1976 17 129 13. Appt. J. D. Orrell to Planning Co?nm. 07 06 1976 17 161 14. Appt. I. John Tinga to Planning Comm. 07 19 1976 17 16S i 15. Discussion on Planning Comm. minutes 08 02 1976 17 169 I6. Annual report 08 16 1976 17 177 17. Airport Zoning 08 16 1976 17 177 18, Final approval policies for Growth ? Development 09 07 1976 17 187 19. Discussion Planning Commission 09 20 1976 17 194 20. Adopt Airport Zoning plan 10 04 1976 17 204 21. Tabling NOAA grant offer 10 04 1976 17 206 22. Rejection of NOAA grant offer 10 18 1976 17 217 23, Letter of intent - Permit letting areas of environmental concern 11 15 1976 17 232 24. Report on 5-yeax Capital Improvement Program O1 04 1977 17 256 25. Order to close 2nd and 47th street O1 17 1977 17 ?60-I 26. Discuss Zoning Ord. Amendments-Barber Shops OI 17 1977 17 ?61-2 27. Discuss repeal of CAMA O1 17 1977 17 ?66 28. Approve request for redevelopment area designation 02 07 1977 17 279 29. Meeting set to discuss CAMA 02 07 1977 17 279 30. Intent ?o Close MacRae Ave. 02 21 1977 17 285 31. Discuss Implementation of CAMA 03 03 1977 17 291 32. Discuss CAMA 03 07 1977 17 ?98-9 33. Distribute CAMA Plan 03 28 1977 18 4 34. Order closing portion of MacRae Ave. 04 04 1977 18 10 35. Distribute Synopsis on CAMA 04 18 1977 18 23 36. Present 5-year Capital Improvements Program 05 ?6 1977 18 36 37. Comm. Gottovi reqeusted briefing from Planning Dept. before meetings 06 06 1977 18 46 38. Comm. Gottovi briefing on Planning items 06 27 1977 18 64 39. Discuss Planning Department briefings 07 05 1977 18 71 40. Charles R, Smith appt. to Planning Comm. 07 18 1977 18 79 41. Amend. - Planning distribution Land Use Plans 08 Ol 1 977 1$ 81 42. Implementation and Enforcement Plan OS 15 1977 18 88 43. Discussion on £unding assistance to Myrtle Grove Community Center 09 06 1977 18 97 44. Discussion on absentions from voting by Planning Commission 09 06 1977 18 97 45. Presentation of Bikeway Development Plan 09 19 1977 18 102 46. Approval Implementation and Inforcement Plan 09 19 1977 18 104 INDEX TQ COMMISSIONERS MINUTES -- New Hanover ?ounty, N. C. _ MU JE TCITY/COUN'TY PLANNING CONfI? . nEC. u. s. ?,?vl ??- County Indezea Since 1888 ? TO IOCON nam?s, op?p al PA7 OFFfCE ?i?? a.ov An ldentiEying Trade Mark COTT A-Z TA? INGEX MADE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY? (OLUMBUS, OHIO . SURF{AME IN(TIAL TAY SOLD tY ONEN i. OUNN, NEN tERN, NORTH GROLINA I ?$ NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS DATE MINUTE BOOK Month Day Year Vol. Page l.'?? Signing CAMA - Implementation ? En?orcement Plan 10 03 1977 18 113 2. Res. of Intent to close roads in Battle Ground Park Subd. 10 17 1977 18 116 3. Reclassification Planning II to Senior Planner 11 07 1977 18 125 4.:' Discussion on grant for bikeways 12 05 1977 18 145 5.'' Introduction Senior Planner - Charles Lilly 12 05 1977 18 145 6. Appoint Fullwood - Planning Commission 02 ZO 1978 18 176 7. Change name of Jim Hawkins Ct. to Trelawney Ct. 03 20 1978 18 182 8. Discuss Subdivison regulations 06 05 1978 18 218 9. Info on Community Development Block Grants 06 05 1978 18 222 10. Discuss application for Community Development Block Grants 07 17 1978 18 250 11. Reappointment Sniffen & Hollis - Planning Commission 07 17 1978 18 252 12. Tabled Community Development Block Grants 08 07 I978 18 255 13. Deadline as of 1/1/79 for continuation of Metes & Bounds Committee 09 05 1978 18 271 14. Rep. from HUD unable to attend to discuss Community Development Block Grant Funds 09 18 1978 18 278 15. Appointment of Convener fro Metes & Bounds Committee 09 l8 1978 18 282 16. Community Development Block Grant Funds 10 :.6 1978 18 291 17. Amendment to Subdivision Regulations 11 06 1978 18 296, 7, 8, 9 18. Meeting with Planning Commission Members 11 20 1978 18 304 19. Discuss Street Name Signs 11 20 1978 18 305 20. Amendment Subdivision Regulations - Re: Water & Sewer 12 04 1978 18 314 21. Amendment Subdivision Regulations - Monuments 12 04 1978 18 315 22. Amendment Subdivision Regulations - Private Streets 12 18 1978 18 320 23. Metes & Bounds Comm. extension of report 12 18 1978 18 320 24. Final Plat - Crestwood Subdivision 12 18 1978 18 326 25. Appointment of William B. Farris to Planning Director 12 18 1978 18 327 26.? Award to Richard Fender upon his resignation from Planning Ol 02 1979 18 331 27. Approval - Proposed amendments to County Zoning Ordinance for Townhouse development Ol 02 1979 18 • 331 28. Public Hearing - Community Block Grant Funds from HUD Ol 02 1979 18 332 29. Public Hearing - Community Development Block Grant Funds O1 15 1979 18 339 30: Order to close portion of Imperial Drive 02 05 1979 18 346 31. Amendment - Zoning Ordinance 02 19 1979 18 358 32. Data Processing Study presentation by HaroZd Cox 04 02 1979 18 380 33. Planning Staff recommendations for Courthouse space 04 02 1979 18 380 34. Request - submit progress report for designation as a Redevelopment Area 06 04 1979 18 423 35. CAMA Planning & Management Grant application 07 02 1979 18 441 36. Budget amendment - upd ?ing CAMA Land Use Plan 11 05 1979 18 503 37. Special Use Permit requested from N. H. Rescue Squad 11 19 1979 18 514 38, Public Hearing - Special Use Permit - New Hanover Rescue Squad for expansion of emergency service facility 12 03 1979 18 522 39. Public Hearing - Community Development Block Grant Funds - water for Flemington community 12 17 1979 18 529 40, Public Hearing - final plat approval - Parkwood Estates, Section 5 12 17 1979 18 529 41. Final Plat Approval - Milbrook Subdivision, Section 5C 12 17 1979 18 529 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES -- New Hanover County N. C. ?lanningVDepa?tment , _ MATTE _ aFC. u. s. County Indezes Since 1888 PAT OFFIGE ?L?a,?-i. An Identifying Trade Marlc ?? fo IocaN name:, OplII Ot SURNAME INITIAL fAB COTT A TO Z TAB INDEX M11DE ?Y TNE COTT INDEX Wr?ANY? COW?OS? ONIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN CO., NEW BERN, N. C. NATURE OP PROCEEDINGS DATE MINUTE BOOK ?( - Month Day Yenr Vol. Page '; ';; ?; ]. Appointments postponed until Jan. 4 meeting 12 13 L983 19 203?' 2. Appeal from Preliminary Plat Approval - Figure Eight Island 11 4? 0] 1982 19 1f32 3 Discussion on i?act on high rise development in the county 11 15 1982 19 188 , INDEX TO COMMISSIO?ERS MINUTES -- New Hanover Count? N C PLUMBING , . . _ MATT R ` aec. u. s. County Indezea Since 1888 ??'_"? To locate names, open a} COTT A-Z TAB INDEX ??r oFVice ?p?? An Identifying Trade Mark U?..a SURNAME INITIAL TAB INADE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OXIO SOLD BY OWEN C. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA _.. _ -_,..,a._._.__-? ?_ ,...._.._.. .. ,.__r.._.,..__?e.,_..?_.a...._._-?..._.a..?_._.?___.__. _.._._...____._._____?._....,_..__...?._.r._.._.._.....?..,_.__,v?.._,.?.._?._ .w_._.__._...___..__.._,.?.._...,___.a.._.?__...r_._._.__. _ _____?u? __._? . ..,.__..M _.v._...?._. s,.._.. __.....?.iF_ .. NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS DATE MINUTE BOOK : ?See Inspectors ) Month ? Day Year Vol. Page ,° ; :??-?? ? .?.... _... ?.?=?s,-6._ ,_ ?. _v ?.. .. ? l. Letter from R. H. Grant, Inspector of Plumbing, referred to Sanitary Board. 09 08 1910 7 199 ' 2, Otto Genoust allowed $10.00 monthly as plumber of Public Buildings. 12 2 1918 8 26 3. Public Builc?ings repo?t filed. 1 6 1919 9 31 4. Plumber, Genoust to overhaul furnance at the County Home. 1 27 1919 9 33 5. Salary of Otto Genoust as plumber of Public Buildings increased to $25.00 a month. 5 23 1919 9 55 6. Plumber of Public Buildings allowed $25.00 a month. 12 1 1919 9 g9 7. Work House Plumber'a complaint on use of plumbing fixtures at County Home & etc. 3 1 1920 ? 98 8. Approved Health Department budget less amount allowed for Plumbing Inspector. 7 26 1923 9 254? 9. McKean Naffitt elected Pl?mbing Inspector for the City & County at $300.00 per year. 8 31 I923 9 2b0 ? l?. McKean Naffitt elected Plumbing Imspector at $25. 00 per month. 12 1 1924 9 316 l?. Plumbing material purchased for Recreation Center. 4 5 1937 9 489 12. W. A. Peschau request received on plumbing at Legion Fields. 7 10 1939 10 66 13. Paym?nt declined to Ideal Plumbing Co. for repairs at WPA Building. 1 19 1939 10 113 14. Health Officer, Dr. Elliott, requested increase in Plumber Inspector's Jalary, tabled. 10 10 1949 11 126 15. Health O?ficer again requested increase in Plumber Inspectar's salary. 10 24 1949 11 130 16. Plumber Inspector's salary approved as requested. 10 31 1949 11 131 ? 17. Plumbing Inspector recommended for Sheriff's Bepartment, no action taken. 10 , 2 1950 11 214 18. Request to replace pumps at Community Hospital_referred_?o Plumbing ?nspector. 8 26 1957 12 177 19. Fees for Plumbing Inspector referred to Board of Health. 1 16 1961 12 643 20. Amendment to Pluml?ing Code Ordinance tabled 02 ? ?19 1979 18 359 ? I ?? ? y a ? ? ? INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover County, N. C. , MATTER: PLEXAMINEROARD OF ` nec, u. s. Counry Indezea Since 1868 ? ?O IoWt! Ilpm?f, Ops11 Ot COTT A TO Z TAB INDEX PAT OFFICE ?l?o.?i. An Identifying Trade Marlc M?GE {Y THE COTT INDEX GOMPANY? COWWOf? OHIO SURNAME INITIAL TAB SOLD BY OWEN 6. DUNN CO., NEW BERN, N. G NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS DATE MINUTE BOOK Month Day Yea? Vol. Page 1. Appointment of E. G. Vereen 12 21 1981 18 979 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES N H t C l? C anover - ew oun ?, . . _ MATTER: POOR HOUSE, COU NTY ` eea. u. e. q???? Counry Indezee Sinee 1888 To locate namss, apen at COTT A•Z TAB IIlDEX ?z?n An Identifying Trade Mar? SURNAMB INITIAL TAB MADE BY TNE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO r?r o?r?c[ ?i?l . SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW B ERN, NORTH CAROLINA k? ? NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS ?s E DATE MINUT E BOOK ? E Month I Day I Year VoI. ? Page ?P y ?? . ! p ? 1.,? Board meeting adjourned to meet on July 23 to visit Poor House. e? 07 22 f 1868i 1 4 i ?! ;a fs 2. ;a ? Motion made to visit Poor House at some. further date. f? 0'? „ 23 1868?? , 1 4 , f 3.; W.E. Freeman elected County Physician to attend Poor House. t,? 08 I3 1868? 1 I3 ( ? 4.V? Committee of Mess?s. Shoemaker; Keyes and Hewlett appointed to investigate affairs of Poor House. `; 08 14 1868Cp 1 14 + 4. 5.;? Committee investigating aff?irs of Poor House reported progress. '; 08 17 1868E k 1 14 6.? ?? Committee investigating affairs of Poor House reported progress. `? 08 18 1868;? ?. z4 1 15 7.,? Feasibility of using Jail's basement as a storehouse for ?provisions for County poor studied. ; 08 20 1868;E 1 24 , 8.,; Committee to examine basement of Jail reported that it would be feasible to regair and use it. ? 08 21 {? 1868.? lr 24 k? ?' ? 9.::' Comrnittee empowered to contract for repairing Jai1's basement, r, 08 21 1868" 1 24 ?? 1i 10.. Committee to investigate affairs of Poor House reported. , 08 21 1868 1 24 ", ? 11. Board of Trustees for the Poor of County appointed at $200 a year. 08 21 1868 .? 1 25 d j; ?t 12. Form letter approved to be sent to each Trustee of the Poor recently ap?pointed. 08 „ 21 1868 1 25 :, ? s: 13. Bond to be required of Chairman and Clerk of Board of Trustees af the Poor. 08 21 1868, 1 26 ?i ;i N• ,? t, ii 14. i Board approved procurement of provisions for the poor of the County. 08 .. 21 1868; 1 .27 ? ,n 1 y ? 15. °? ?, ? Polly Brock stated that she had been discharged from Poor House by Overseer Williamson. 08 24 ' 1868,; 1 27 ? 16. : ?, Board moved that Polly Brock be sent back to Poor House and an inquiry be made of Mr. Williamson. 08 24 1868?Y i` 1 27 ? js 17. : " F.J, Williams delcined the appointment as Trustee•of the Poor for Third Ward of Wilmington. 08 27 1868??, 1 29 ?4 ?? 18.,? John Southerland requested permit to place girl in Poor House. 09 ? Ol 1868" 1 32 e `"• ? „ 19.`? Order for food for Poor House given to Charles French. : 09 O1 1868;? 1 32 E 20.?, John G. Bulcken appointed Trustee for Poor in Third Ward Wilmington. . 09 O1 1868,y 1 32 w , 21., Received bill for provisions for poor from C.H. French. „ 09 O1 1868'; 1 3.2 22.;(' Jahn Sanders to turn over property pertaining to County's poor to Chairman. 09 O1 1868:' 1 32 ?? i? 23. ; Committee to draft resolutions for government of the Board of Trustees. „ 09 02 1868„ 1 33 ?? M 24.;, Chairman and Clerk appointed for committee to draft resolutions. 09 02 1868?; 1 33 ? i 25.E?, Benjamin Jones requested two men be ?placed in the Poor House. ?F; 09 03 1868;??b 1 34 ? 26.;; Committee for Government of Board of Trustees requested more time. . 09 03 1868;? 1 35 i? ! 27.:; Committee appointed to purchase rovisions for p ?poor. 09 03 1868,? 1 35 i ? ;? , , 28.;? ? Report and ru?les recommended from Committee to draft resolutions for governrient of Board of Trustees. .: 09 04 1868„ " 1 35 ? ?? 29..; Report adopted from committee drafting rules and H.E. Scott elected Chairman of Board of Trustees. „ 09 04 1868,; 1 36 s ? 30.„ ?l J.H. Grotgen presented bill for provisions for poor and approved. . 09 04 186&? 1 36 ? ?? 31.., Board established rixles for procuring ?provisions for poor. ;, 09 09 1868R? 1 41 r '? ?; ; 32.-' Order to contract for fresh meat for Poor House given. 09 09 1868',; 1 41 , ' i 33. ; H.E. Scott appointed Chairman and Clerk of Board of Trustees for week. ; 09 09 1868?? 1 42 ! ? 34. ,; Ten cups for poor ordered. 09 09 1868 i 1 42 ?i ;i ? 35.;; Tin cups purchased and bill presented. 09 11 1868i 1 42 ??f ?? 36..,; Contract made with butcher A,J. Johnson for beef for Poor House. 09 11 1868?? 1 42 1+ ?? 37..; Meal purchased for the poor. 09 ' 11 1868 1 43 ;i fl 38.;.A Salary of Chairman and Clerk of Board of Trustees established. : 09 11 1868f? 1 43 ? t 39.., ? J. Costin appointed Overseer of Poor House. , 09 11 t? 1868?? r. 1 43 ?? ? 40.;; Bill for beef for Poor House ap?proved for Messrsj Johnson and Bros. ,. 09 15 1868?; 1 44 ? i? 41.:? Bill from Dr. Bellamy for medical assistance and su?p?plies for Poor House ap?proved. 09 ? IS 1868?? I 44 1? , , ?? ; 42.?? Order made to procure spiritous liquors for the Poor House. , 09 16 1868?e 1 45 ? 43..; I Bill for medical services and supplies for poor approved for Dr. Winants. 09 16 1F68?? [ 1 45 ? ? 44..; Salary of Overseer of Poor House set, k 09 16 ?S 1868?? r? 1 45 ? ? 45.;? Bill from George Williamson for services to Poor House approved. 09 16 1868?? 1 45 ; 46.y? Order of provisions for Poor House made. , 09 18 1868???? 1 49 ? '? ?' ? i ? INDEA TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover Count?, N. C. _ MATTER: POOR HOUSE, ?oUN? ? eec. u. s. County Inde:ee $ince 1888 ?? _?}-? To Ioeats namea, open at COTT A•Z TAB INDEX r?r OFFICE C??J,?e? An Identifying Trade Mez? ?`.Fj SURNAM6 INITIAL TAB MADE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD QY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA 1 i ^ ?; NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS DATE €? MINUTE BOOK ?? , ?,, ;?? Month ? Day? Year j?? Vol. ? Page ?'? ?. ?' k? t! 1.?? W.E. Scott certified for office as Superintendent of Poor House. 09 ' 18 1868y; 1 49 " 2. Henry Alderman appointed Trustee of Poor in Lower Black River. ? „ 09 19 1868`; 1 ;; 50 a; 3. Bill for supplies for Poor House approved from R.S. Waldron. 09 23 Z868,; Z 52 ; ,, 4. Adopted rules for government of Poor House. ;; 09 23 1868?; 1 53 ?; S. Bills for supplies for Poor House approved for J.H. Grotgen. 09 24 1868?, 1 54 ;; , 6. Lewis Wrighsmith decZined his appointment as Trustee of the Poor. ; 09 29 1868,; 1 57 '? t 7.? Dr. Charles Kerrbe appointed in ?place of Mr. Wrighsmith. „ 09 29 1868s; 1 ; 57 R? 23 , 8.? Bill from ?.E. Scott for expenses for Poor House a?pproved. ? „ 09 30 1868; 1 60 r ' 9.;; ;; Order made to purct?ase supplies for Poor House. , 09 30 1868., 1 60 ,, ; ,10.;; rt Bill for labor at Poor House from Henry Chancler filed. 10 Ol 1868. 1 61 , :i ,11.`:3 Bill for supplies for Poor House approved for J.H. Grotgen. 10 08 1868., I 66 12.;4 Rules adopted for physician of Poor House. 10 12 1868,. 1 68 ?i 13.;'E Bi1.1 received from Dr. Bellamy approved. , 10 I2 1868,: I 68 , 14.:? Ru1es for government of Poor House amended. „ 10 13 1868,; 1 69 , ;? .15.,? ? Order made to procure stove for Poor House. ., 10 I3 1868,: 1 69 „ ? i 16.; Bill for supplies for Poor House approved for Stephen Keyes. 10 14 1868,; I 70 .. 17.;? i? List of people reassigned to their proper Counties from New Hanover County's Poor House. . 10 14 186$„ 1 70 ,, ?F 18.? Board authorized purchases for Poor House. 10 21 186$, 1 83 .? 19.k? Letter from Edward Kidder filed. . 10 .21 186$i 1 80 .? 20.? Board will try to raise ?provisions for poor. 10 24 1868; 1 86 ; 21.;? Bill for suppli2s for Poor House approved for Dr. W.E. Freeman. 11 OZ 1868? 1 93 , ?; 22.;j ? Bill for meal and corn for Poor House approved for E. Wescott. 11 12 1868 1 104 .. ?t 23.k. ? Bill for supplies for poar from S.H. Manning approved. 11 12 1868 1 105 _ s .24.? ? Report from Chairman of Board of Trustees of the Poor. , 11 I2 1868? I I05 .? ?25.€ Bill for coffins and supplies for poor from H.E. Scott approved. 11 12 186$ I 105 „ ,26.r? Board gave authorization for purchases for Poor House. lI 12 186$ 1 107 ,27.?? ,, Trespass notices to be posted on Iand of Poor House. 11 12 I86$. 1 107 ? ?.28.? , Bill for supplies for Poor House approved for J.H. Grotgen. 11 I3 I868; " 1 117? r? ?; 29.;, Bills for supplies for Poor House approved for R.S, Waldron. I1 20 I868 1 121 : 30.'?,?' Raised salary of Chairman of Board of Trustees for the Poor. , 11 20 1868 I 121 ER 31.f? Bill for supplies for poor a?pproved for Cannon Stokeley. , 1I 21 186a 1 I24 ?1 32.;? Bill for services at Poor House a?p•proved for David West. II 27 I.868 1 126 .33.j Sick of Poor House to be reported to Chairman who will secure medical attendance ?or them. 11 27 186$ 1 127 34.?; f? Authorization for procurement of supplies for Poar House given. 11 27 1868 1 128 „ 35.„? Superintendent Scott to furnish list for needed su•p?plies in Poor House. 11 28 1868„ 1 13D i 36.;? ?: Monthly report of Superintendent Scott received. 11 28 186$ 1 132 „ 37.:?i ?, Superintendent Scott authorized to order supplies for Poor House. 12 04 1868,; 1 134 ; „ 38.;! a Bill for meat for Poor House approved for Johnson & Bros. 12 04 I?6g I I35 ai 39.?q Bill for services at Poor House a?pproved for Henry Crenshaw. 12 04 1868; ? 1 135 ?a? r? 40.0? Supplies for Poor House received. 12 04 186$ 1 13S y ?? ,41.5? Bill for coffins at Poor House approved for H.E, Scott. 12 04 186$ 1 136 ; ?: 42.i? Bill for medicines for Poor House approved for W.H. Lippitt. 12 OS 1868 , 1 138 ,? P 43.f? Bill for services at Poor House approved for Larry Jones. 12 22 1868 1 143 ?? 44.?a Bill for transporting paupers to Poor House ap?proved for City of Wilmington. . 12 22 lE6$, 1 143 „ 45.? Bill for services at Poor House approved for J.C. Costin. .. 12 23 1868; 1 146 ;; R 46.; ? Purchase of supplies for poor approved for H.E. Scott. , 12 29 186$; 1 151 ,', , f 6 f 6 i` ? ?? y; ?i ?? INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover County, N. C. _ MATTER: POOR HaUSE, ?oUN? ` ¦aa. u. s. /???? County Indezw Sinee 1888 ? ?` '?" To loeate names, opee at C07T A•Z TA8 INDEX r?2 orr?ec ????-C.4-?.a An IdentifYinB Trade Mark V?.? SURNAME INITIAL TAB MADE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY. COLUMBUS. OHIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA ? '" 4 Y ?n DATE Q9 MINUTE BOOK ?? NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS i ?i ?; Month I Day I Year F? Vol. J Page ?: I 1. 2.; ! ? ;; ? ?? Bill for transporting poor from City of Wilmington ap?proved. Ol 02 1869?h 1 152 ? Bill for services for Poor House ap?proved for J.C. Costin and Henry Crenshaw. p; O1 02 1869;? 1 152 ? ?? :e 3.?? Bi11 for medicines for Poor House approved for W.H. Lippitt. ' O1 02 1869s; 1 152 ?, _ ,, ; 4.j? Bil1 for services laid over. + Ol ?„. 02 1869?s 1 154 ? 5.;? Bill for blankets for Poar House from E.M. Shoemaker approved. ;t O1 02 °? 18b9, ? 1 153 sj 6.;? Salary of Clerk and Chairman o? Board of Trustees approved. ' O1 02 1869+? 1 155 ? 7.p'? ? Bill for meat at Poor House from S.H. Johnson approved. ?: O1 02 ti 1869?y E 1 155 a ' 8. ,? Bill for supplies for poor ap?provsd. ; O1 07 ; 1869;s 1 ? 157 i ? 9. ; Poor House Superintendent remo?ed and a temporary appointed. Ol 07 1869'' 1 , 158 rN , ,, 10... Bill for surdries for Poor House approved. O1 07 I869 I 159 "? 11,., Bill for meat at Poor House approved. O1 07 1869. 1 1S9 ?? 9: 12.?; Bi11 for Poor House supplies approved. , O1 11 1869 Z Z60 y, 13.; Neither Special Court nor Grand Jury have any jurisdiction over Poor House or Jail. O1 12 1869 1 ,? 162 ?' ? , 14.., Purchase of supplies authorized for the Poor House. , O1 12 1869': 1 ? 163 "? ?: 15. Removal of sick from Poor House authorized. O1 .. ? 12 1869: . 1 i: 163 ' ; ? 16.?, Bill for services at Poor House approved. ' O1 12 ti 1869,f? 1 163 ? 17.?; Bill £or medical attendance at Poor House approved for Dr. Winants. - Ol 12 1869? ? 1 ?, 163 i` iE Z8.,: Advertising made for physician for Poor House. , O1 12 ? 1869'n' 1 164 ?' ?? 19..; , Application of Cape Fear Agriculture Association received. :, OI ?8 1869,; 1 164 ?; ? 20..; Committee to confer with Cape Fear Agricultural Association. ,. O1 19 1869?? 1 ? 167 F; ?? 21.`? ' Appointment of Dr. Winants for services to Poor House made. O1 25 1869?; 1 169 'E? f 22.,; Board discussed letter from Mr. Scott leasing land of Poor House to Cape Fear Agriculture Association. Ol 25 1869'? 1 ? 169 r4 F: 23.., A11 material from Poor House to be rented. O1 29 1869:; k? 1 170 a e 24.; Advertising for renting Poor House to be made. , O1 29 1869?y 1 170 ?? ?" 25.? Status and inventory of people in Poor House to be made. , Ol 29 1869.s 1 ?, 170 (? G? 26., Authorization for purchases for poor given. ;, O1 29 1869„ 1 a, I70 ?; ? 27.:; Agriculture Association requested land from Poor House for annual fair. ,a 02 O1 1869•? 1 173 ? 28.?; Deed for land for Agricultural Association set down. 02 O1 1869F 1 173 ? 29.;; Rations for poor approved. 02 O1 1869?? ? 173 + ? , 30.; Qualifications to live in Poor House listed. 02 Ol 1869,? 1 173 ; 31.? Conference with Cape Fear Agriculture Association held. 02 Ol 18694, 1 174 g 32. BiZZ for lumber for Poor House approved for James H. Chadbourn. 02 O1 ? 1869; , 1 ; 175 ? s . ? 33.; Salary and supplies for Poor House approved for H.E. Scott. 02 O1 1869=, 1 175 1 ? 34.,: Medical bill for Poor House approved for Dr. Winants. OZ O1 1869,% 1 176 ` ; 35.,; Bill for prflvisions for Poor House approved for S,H. Mannings. 02 Ol 1869? 1 ? 176 ?y ?? 36. Report from visit to Poor House. 02 02 1869 1 176 ? 37.. Bill from A.H. Neff for stove and pipe for Poor House approved. 02 02 1869.; 1 177 ? 38.; Received proposal for renting Poor House. '_ 02 06 1869e' 1 , 179 ; 39.,; Mr. Kidder's report on Poor House received. „ 02 06 1869? 1 179 ?. ? 40.,;; Fee for Trustee of Poor, Anthony Howe, approved. 02 06 1869V? 1 ? 180 ! ? 41.:? E. Scott rented Poor House. 02 06 1869G; 1 ; 181 ! 42.:; Rules and regulations for Poor House set down. 02 Ob Z869?; 1 181 i 43.:' Inventory of personal property in Poor House. 02 06 1869;i 1 182 ? 44.,; Letter from Clerk of Board of Alderman about City's poor. , 02 10 1869u 1 183 45.;' Lease drawn for Poor House tract. 02 24 1869?; 1 188 :? 46.a .J ? E? ? ? i Ru1es for government of Poor House set down. ' 02 i 24 1869"'; ? 1 188 i INDE? TO CO?IMISSIONERS MINUTES N H C N C -- anover ew ount?, . . _ MATTER: POOR HOUSE, ?oUN? ? eEC, u. s. County Inde:ee Since 1838 ? To loeate names, OpBB 0t rer OFFICE C???,C?a-7? An Identifyins Trade Mark SURNAME INITIAL TAB (OTT A-Z TAB INDEX MADE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS. QHIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NOR TH CAROLINA ' DATE ?; ?° i MINUTE BOOK k? NATURE OP PROCEEDINGS ? ?' ?? ? Month I Day I Year '? ? Voi. ? Page '? 1. Bill from S.H. Manning for supplies for the Poor House approved. 0? 04 1869',a 1 193 .? 2.? Bill from T.H. Johnson & Bros.for meat for Poor House approved. 03 ? 04 1869? 1 193 " 3 I ill f f d . „ s, ;G . B rom H.E. Scott or Poor House approve . 03 04 1869? 1 193 ? 4. Fee of Trustee to Poor approved for H.F. Murphy. , 03 11 1869;; 1 197 ;; ,5, Contract to be arranged with H.E. Scott, Superintendent of Poor House. „ 03 22 1869„ 1 200 ?; 6.f Bill for supplies at Poor House from G. and C. Bradly, H.E. Scott and R,S. Waldron approved. , 04 05 1869r; 1 206 t; ? 7.?g Bill for services at Poor House from George Gladden approved. , 04 05 ? 1869,, 1 206 ?,, ? ?? ? 8.;? Bill for medical services for Poor House from Dr. Winants approved. ., 04 05 1869.,, 1 207 ;, 9,? Bill as Trustee of the Poor from George Corbett approved. 04 05 1869 1 207 10.y H.E. Scott's bill for subsistence for paupers approved. 04 06 1869 1 211 11.,' Land donated from Poor House tract to Cape Fear Agriculture Association. 04 21 1869 1 219 12..;q Bill for services for care of paupers from George Gladden approved. 05 11 1869 1 227 , 13.;; Bill from William Kellogg as Trustee of the Poor approved. 05 11 1869. 1 228 ?? 14.c' Copy of rules of government of Poor Aouse forwarded to H.E. Scott. 05 18 1869 1 238 :? 15.'y ,q Bill for merchandise for Poor House from James Wilson approved. 05 18 1869 ? 1 239 , ?i 16.;? Requested report on Mr. Hewlett's bill for Poor House. 05 18 1869 1 239 ?? 17.;'? Mr. Scott's bill for sundries for Poor House approved. 05 27 1869, 1 245 ,18.`?' Bill for subsistence for paupers from H,E. Scott approved. ? 06 O1 1869; 1 246 x 19.;? Superintendent Scott's report on Poor House received. r? ,ZO.?G Schedule for visiting Poor House by County Physician set down. t? ,21.;; David Davis' bill as Trustee of Poar received. Bill for Dr. Winants' medical services at Poor House approved. Bill for support of paupers from H.E. Scott approved. 24.;? Bill for physician's services from Dr. Winants approved. ?; 25.?? Bill as Trustee of Poor from S.N. Bell approved. a :? 26.;; Mr. Scott's bill for subsisiting paupers approved. „ ? 27.?A Medical bill for Poor Ho?.se from Dr. Winants approved. „ 28.,? Mr. Scott's report on Poor House received. ?? 29.s; Bill for merchandise for Poor House from R.S. Waldron approved. .? 130.i? Bill for lumber at Poor House from W.H. Northrop approved. 31.?? Bill for Warden's af the Poor, G.W. Pollock and W.S. Larkins, approved. '? 32.?? County certificates for Wardens of Poor, C. Johnson, B. Waters, and Susan Fellows, presented. 33.:? Bi11 for provisions for poor from S. Vollers approved. k? 34.',:E Mr. Scott's application postponed. ?? 35.?? Money for poor appropriated. .y 36.? Payment to paupers Henry Johnson, Mary James and E. Flanagan approved. ,? 37.':? Medical bill for Poor House from Dr. Winants approved. ?`? 38.P; Bill for support of paupers from H.E. Scott approved. 39.?? Application from W. Whitman for position as Superintendent of Poor House filed. ? ? 40.?? Superintendent Scott's contract extended. ?s 41.? Land of Poor House to be planted. ?? ?? 42.,? Bill for care of Poor House by H.E. Scott approved. ? 43.; Medical bill for Poor House from Dr. Winants approved. 44.F` Bill for burying paupers and furnishing coffins from H.E, Scott approved. w? 45.`? Mr. Scott's bill for subsisting paupers approved. ?G?y ? 46.,"? Dr. Winants' medical bill for Poor House approved. ?? 07 06 1869„ 1 263 07 07 07 08 08 08 „ 09 09 09 09 09 09 , 09 09 09 09 10 10 10 11 11 „ 11 . 11 11 12 12 12 06 1869 0? 1869, 07 1869:. 03 1869 03 1869 03 1869, 07 1869 07 1869 07 1869_, 08 1869 16 1869, 16 1869 16 1869; 16 1869 16 1869 16 1869; 05 1869 05 1869 05 1869 O1 1869 O1 1869 Ol 1869 02 1869. 02 1869 07 1869, 07 1869 07 1869 ;? N? 1 263 ; 1 27(3 ' 1 270 .. 1 287 1 288 1 288 1 316 1 317 1 317 1 322 ', 1 325 1 325 1 326 1 3 26 1 326 1 326 p 1 330 1 331 1 332 1 335 1 335 ; 1 335 1 338 1 339 1 351 ,. 1 351 1 351 > ri _ ?? INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover County, ?ac. u. e. County Indezee Sinee 1888 ? To tocate names, open at r?t OFFICL ?ei?1.?,s-? An Identifying Trnde Metlc SURNAM6 INITIAl. TAB f? ? NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS SUBJECT N. C. _ MATTER: POOR HOUSE, COUNTY ` COTT A•I TAB INDEX MADE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOtD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA DATE ? MINUTE BOOK `; Month I Day I Year ?i Vol. I Page ? - ?. ? 1.G?Bi11 for tools for Poor House from George A. Peck approved. ?; 12 07 1869? ?, 1 351 ?s 2.„? Bill from Yopp and Woolvin for coffin for Poor House approved. r ?l 03 1870"' 1 394 ., '3 3.G.? ` Medical bill for Poor House from Dr. Winants approved. ?- O1 03 1870ii x, 1 394 ' 4.F' Superintendent Scott of Poor House to file new bond and receive new lease. ; O1 04 1870p? 1 397 I k 5.F? Bill for Poor House merchandise from R.S. Waldron approved. 02 08 i' 1870? 1 401 " ?, ?? 6.k; Poor House's medical bill from Dr. Winants approved. ?; 02 08 1870?? 1 401 ,? ., 7.?; E. Scott's bill for subsisting paupers approved. 02 ? 08 1870?: ?? 1 401 ?• ? 8.'„ E. Scott's lease for Poor House approved. 02 ?. 08 1870G' ? 1 405 p ? 9.,, ; Monthly report from Poor House Superintendent approved. 02 08 1870.? : 1 406 M ?, 10. . Monthly report of Poor House Superintendent received. ,, 02 09 1870„ 1 407 ;; 11. Clerk to advertise for proposals for medical attendance and medicines for Poor House. 02 ,. 09 1870 .. 1 409 s a: 12.., Dr. Winants to attend Poor House until March 1, 1870. 02 09 1870 1 409 ;'; ?? 13. Mo?thly report on Poor House filed. 03 ?? 07 1870' 1 412 i; r 14.'` Superintendent Scott's bill for Poor House approved. 03 07 1870 1 413 ? u :? ; 15._; , Medical bi11 for Poor House approved. 03 07 1870? 1 413 ^ ?? ?F ;. 16. ,w Poor House bills approved. 03 07 1870n' 1 414 ?? 17. ' Superintendent Scott to employ a physician to attend the Poor House. 03 " 08 1870; 1 419 i? +3 18.,; Board rescinded order for admission of paupers to City Hospital. (See PHYSICIAN, COUNTY) , 03 08 1870; 1 419 ?? 19.,; Bills for Poor House subsistence from H.E. Scott approved. 04 05 1870'' 1 424 '? ?a {? 20..; Poor House's monthly report filed. „ 04 06 ; 1870r; 1 426 ?4 21.,, Poor House monthly report filed by H.E. Scott. ., 05 02 1870;, 1 433 s? 22. ? Books to be purchased to register names and monies allowed all paupers outside Poor House. 05 02 1870,; 1 433 ?? Y' ?? 23. ' < Jane Gibson sent to Poor House. 05 . 03 1870'?? ,. 1 434 ": ;? 24.','? , Poor House bills approved. ? 05 03 1870??: ' 1 435 ij ?? t, ? 25. ,; . Superint,ender_t's bill approved. 05 03 1870,: 1 435 << ?ti ? 26.'? Bills for Poor House from H.F. Humphy and B,N. Gurgauns approved. , 05 04 1870;; 1 437 ,? `" is ; 27.;, Bills for Poor House from Sarah Fay and Emeline Roberts approved. 05 05 1870, 1 439 ,! ±' ? ? E? 28.,? Letter from Superintendent Scott of Poor House filed. ,, 06 06 1870E; 1 441 ?e 29. ' Superintendent Scott's bill approved. 06 .. 08 - 1870'. 1 444 9g ;? ,, 30.' Mr. Scott's monthly Poor House report received. 07 ?. 05 1870,, 1 450 ?i ? ? 31.'?; Mr. Scott's monthly report for Poor House filed. 08 O1 1870A 1 460 i9 i 32. : Mr. Scott's bill for subsisting poor approved. 08 O1 1870?? 1 461 ; ?? ? ? ?? ,. 33.,y Gin for Poor House approved. 08 O1 1870C? 1 461 f, ?? "? 34. ' Mr. Scott's monthly rgport from Poor House filed. 08 29 1870 1 469 F, ;? :, 35..: Charles Willis' bill for coffins and burials for PoQr House apQroved. 08 29 1$74;?, 1 469 ;? ? 36.,o Bill for merchandise for Poor House from R.S. Waldron approved. 08 29 1870? 1 469 ? '.' ;, 3?..?, Mr. Scott's bill for subsisting paupers for the month approved. 08 29 1870•? 1 471 ;', 38. , Bill for brushes and lime for Poor House approved. 08 „ 29 1870?: 1 471 R'. "? 39.j, ?pplication from William Moore for the position of Superintendent of Poor House received, but no vacancy. 09 05 1870,a 1 487 ° 40.I; Postponed application of H.E. Scott for renewal of contract for subsisting paupers. ? 09 ? 22 1870? ;? 2 18 , ?? 41.?' Sick paupers and paupers entering Paar House referred to Committee on Poor House. 10 03 1870?,? 2 26 ,? 42.!1 Matter of contract for keeping Poor House to be considered at special meeting. : 10 03 1870 , 2 26 , ? ' 43. . Proposals for Poor House contract to be handed in at special meeting. 10 "? 03 1870: 2 26 ? , ?_ i? 44.°, Parties submitting proposals must have a bond. 10 03 1870? 2 26 ? ? 45.;'p Y Board can annul contract at any time. 10 .. 03 1870; 2 26 46.`.a k? ?s ?' ? Assistance of indigent persons outside of public institutions referred to Committee on Poor House. ? , 10 i 08 1870,? ?; ?? f' d 2 34 I 4! `E ? i i INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover Count N C POOR HOUSE ?oUN? ` ?, . . _ MATTER: , eec. u. s. e?t OFFICE ?? County Indezea S[nce 1888 ? To toeate names, open at 1,?.s-?E'.. An Identifying Trade Merk SURNAM6 INITUL TAB COTT A•2 TAB INDEX MADE BY THE CQTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NOR TH CAROLINA DATE " ' ,a MINUTE BOOK a! NATURE OF PROtEEDINGS i ?; `? Month ( Day? Year .?" Vol. ? Page ?? c, l. Dr. Winants' bill for medical care for the poor approved. 10 08 1870;q 2 34 ? 2.? Contract talks for subsisting paupers will be continued at another meeting. 10 13 1870?` 2 36 ?' 3.d H.E. Scott awarded contract for subsisting poor at Poor House at 25? a day for each person. 10 17. 1870' 2 72 cr 4. ? Mr. Scott to present a good and sufficient bond. 10 17 1870?; ' 2 72 ;, ? 5. Committee on Poor House to report on needed repairs for the Poor House. ,. 11 07 1870,? 2 79 ;F 6.? No more wood to be cut from Poor House tract except for use of Poor House. :, 11 07 1870;,; 2 79 , 7.c? Superintendent of Work House to be notified of wood order. , 11 07 1870;; 2 79 ?, 8.p? Mr. Scott's fee as Superintendent approved. 11 07 1870? 2 83 : ys , 9.k? Superintendent Van Amringe requested permission to cut wood on Poor House tract. (S ee WORK HOUSE) 12 05 1870 2 93 ? 10.[; Repairs on Poor House and buildings referred to Committee on Poor House. 12 09 1870 2 96 11.'{ Superintendent Van Amringe permitted to cut wood on Poor House tract within defined areas. 12 09 1870 2 96 ,12.;„ Mr. Scott's bill for subsisting paupers approved. 13.;? J. Lowrey's bill for coffins for the Poor House approved. F1 14.?.? S.R. Birdsey's bill for clothing for Poor approved. 15.c` Mr. Scott's bill for subsistance of poor at Poor House approved. 16.'; Dr. Winants' bill for medical attention for County paupers approved. ,.; 17.?; Mr. Scott's bill for subsisting paupers approved. 18.p; Bill for repairs at Poor House approved. di ? 19.'' Petition of Robert Harriss for a contract to make coffins for County paupers postponed. ti 20.:, Mr. Scott's bill for Poor House approved. i? 21.?? Committee on Poor to send all paupers to Hospital if need be and County will pay their support. 22.;; Mr. Scott's bill for medicines for Poor House postponed. ?`, 23.Ef Mr. Scott's salary approved. ;t 24.,? Mr. Scott's bill for subsisting paupers at Poor House approved. ? 6p 25.;j Resignation of H.E. Scott as Superintendent of Poor House received. "? 26.;? Clerk to Board to advertise for bids for subsisting paupers at Poor House. i? ,27.;? Motion to continue to receive bids for Poor House Superintendent passed. ? `? .28.;; Board rescinded resignation of Mr. Scott as Superintendent, he to remain under former contract. w? 29.k; Mr. Scott not to be absent from Poor House for over twenty days without Board's permission. ?{ 30.E? Claim of John Sanders, late Chairman of Board of Wardens of the Poor, referred to Auditing Committee. a 31.;; Mr. Scott to have repairs done on Poor House buildings and submitt itemized bill not exceeding $300. , 32.?? Mr. Scott to report numbers and names of persons sent to Poor House, and on whose authority. ..? .? 33.;? No others persons to be admitted to Poor House unless on order from a Board member. ;? 34.;? Mr. Scott's bill for subsisting paupers approved. 35.; J. Lowrey's hi11 far coffins for paupers approved. r 36.?; S. Fellows' bill as Warden of Poor received, (old claim). 37.,; Report from Mr. Scott on names and number of paupers in Poor House filed. 38.?,' Rose Beasley, a colored girl, sent to Poor House. ,? 39.k Mr. Scott's request for supplies referred to Committee on Poor House. ?? 40.;? Mr. Scott's bill for subsisting paupers approved. 41.`j Mr. Scott granted leave of absence for six weeks. ?, tj 42.i; Bill for clothing for Poor House approved. 43.;? Jas. Lowrey's bill for making coffin approved. . ,, 44.?? Treasurer to receive State money for care of paupers and insane and idiotic persons. S 45.?? Treasurer to pay City money due it from State. 1 46.k Woman on Mr. Hand's land to be sent to Poor House or given a monthly allowance if Mr. Hand will keep her. 4 i? ?{i 1 I 12 12 12 12 O1 02 02 03 03 04 04 04 05 05 05 05 05 05 06 06 06 06 07 03 07 07 . 08 08 , 08 08 09 09 09 09 1870 17 1870. 31 1870 31 1870. 03 1871 06 1871{, 06 1871, 06 1871 06 1871,. 05 1871, 05 1871„ 08 1871 O1 1871„ 05 1871. 05 1871„ 19 1871, 26 1871 26 1871? 09 1871; 09 1871. 09 1871 09 1871 05 1871 05 1871 2 99 2 105 2 108 2 108 , 2 111 .. 2 123 05 1871 05 1871 08 1871,; 08 1871 12 1871 14 1871w 06 1871 06 1871 23 1871 09 23 1871 09 23 1871?,; 2 123 2 129 „ 2 130 „ 2 139 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Z 2 2 139 146 153 154 154 16 2 ;; 164 ,: 164 . 174 „ 174 .. 175 175 181 181 184 „ 190 198 .; 199 . 209 . 211 ., 220 „ 221 ; 222 222 ;; 224 ' fl / INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover Couni?, N. C. ' MATTER: POOR HOUSE, COUNTY ! ¦co. u. s. Covnty Indesee Since 1888 ?? ?-j? To tocate names, open at r?r orriae i? An (dentifyin¢ Trade Mark tl? 8URNAMB INITIAL TAB COTT A-Z 7AB IMDEX MADE BY THE COTT INDEJ( COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OH?O SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA 66 '^ °$ ??I s? ?: DATE ' ` MINUT E BOOK ? ? NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS ?? ?' Month ?'. I Day I ? Year ? €d Vol. I Page ? @¢ ' - - ? { I. I? Chairman to col2ect payment from Counties who have sent paupers, or whose paupers have been cared for by ' 10 : 28 1871?a 2 234 ` ?? , { ? ,, , '? New Aanover County. ` ? ? P. !r " ? b R? 2. r3 ,? October report ?rom Superintendent Scott received. .? 11 07 1871? 2 ?S 240 t' 3. ??? Mr. Scott's bill for paupers ap?proved. ?, 11 07 E 1871k? 2 ? 240 4 4. Fa Superintendent Scott's fee ap?proved. r 11 07 1871;s 2 241 a ? ' ;: ? !, S. ?s Request for stove by Mr. Scott referred to Committee on Poor House. 12 04 1871t! 2 246 ?? : ? 6. ? Mr. Scott's report on condition of paupers filed. ?. ,. I2 11 I871?; 2 ? 248 ?? 7. ,? All orpizan children under seven in Poor House to be sent to Orphan Asylum. 12 11 1871;, 2 ia 248 ?? 8. , Stove to be purchased for the Poor House. ;. 12 19 1871„ 2 275 ?; 9. ,, Bills from J.S. Williams, H.E. Scott, and A.N. Neff for the Poor House approved. O1 02 1872;a 2 278 ,. 10. Petition from Mr. Scott referred to Committee on Public Buildings. O1 23 1872 2 285 11, ., Clerk to ascertain amount County spent on sick at Hospital and medicines for Poor House. 02 05 1872- 2 287 4 12. ? Committee on Poor House to suggest best economical means to meet above expenses. OZ 05 I872 2 287 13. Mr. J. Wilson to appear before Auditing Committee with books of J. Sanders, late Warden of the Poor. 02 05 1872y 2 287 ; 14. . Committee on Poor House recommended erecting a building for insane at Poor House. 02 05 1872a 2 289 ? ?s 15. ' Bill from H.E. Scott for Poor House approved. 02 OS 1872': . 2 289 ?, ?a 16. Chairman to contract for building quarters for insane at Poor House. , 02 12 1872, 2 `; 291 `° 17. ,? Committee on Poor House to report on improvements for Poor House. 03 29 1872? 2 303 ` 18, s Committee on Poor House said more supplies needed for Poor House and listed these. 04 05 1872? 2 312 ?: 19. ? Dr. Winants to retain DanieZ Eubanks in City Hospital until he is welZ. . 05 29 1872' 2 321 a? 20. , Petition from Mr. Scott for articles for Poor House referred to Committee on Poor House. „ 09 04 1872: 2 357 ?; 21. .: Committee on Poor House recommended Mr. Scott's petition be granted. , 09 05 1872:; 2 359 22.., Committee on Poor House recommended rooms in main building, outhouse, and fence of Poor House be whitewashed.09 23. Chairman Martin to investigate claim of John Sanders, former Warden of Poor. . 09 24. Report recommends claim of John Sanders, former Warden of Poor, be paid. , 09 „ 25.; Committee on Poor House reported work on Poor House has been properly done. ;, 10 26. ? Committee on Poor House requested three bedsteads, these granted. ., 10 27.,; Mr. Scott requested renewal of his contract as Superintendent of Poor House. ,. 10 28.,; Mr. Scott's contract renewed on same terms as before. .. 10 29.;; Bills from H,E, Scott for materials for Poor House approved. „ 10 30.,; Board granted Mr. Scott's request for a leave of absence for two weeks. :, 10 31..tl Bill from Mr. Scott for Poor House accounts approved. 11 32. ; Committee on Poor House recommended purchase of large iron bedsteads and mattresses instead of single , 11 OS 1872,? 10 1872.? 27 I872', 03 1872;; 03 1872 re? 07 1872;; 07 1872,; 07 1872;; 16 1872,E 04 1872,, 13 1872 2 359 2 363 2 371 2 376 2 376 2 379 2 379 ;; 2 379 ??. 2 385 ;, 2 389 w; 2 397 ; ?? ? bedsteads for Poor House, this was granted. „ 33.;; Bi11 from James Lowery for coffin for Poor House approved. , 11 34. Mr. Scott granted leave of absence and S.H. Manning to act in his absence. 12 35.?, H.E. Scott's bill for Poor House paupers approved. e 12 36..,; Mr. Manning requested a mule and clothing for Poor House; referred to Committee on Poor House. 12 37.,; Bill from S.H. Manning for Poor House paupers approved. „ O1 38.,, Bil1 from S.H. Manning for Poor House mule approved. ;, O1 39.' ?? Bill from H.E. Scott for Poor House approved. 03 s 40.: ,? Rinah Waller, pauper, to be sent to Poor House for treatment. 04 ? 41. Mr. Scott's bill for Poor House approved. 04 42.' Bill from Mr. Scott for Poor House approved. 05 43.+ ?„ Bill from James Lowrey for Poor House approved. 05 .. 44.?; Bills from H.E. Scott for Poor House approved. . 06 i? 13 1872 02 1872: 02 1872: 16 1872, 06 1873;? 06 1873?; 03 1873? 07 1873?' 07 1873: O6 1873 06 1873Y;, 02 1873??, ?s fl 2 397 2 400 " 2 403 2 405 2 420 ?: ?r 2 420 ? 3 3 3 ?; 3 53 ?! ?? i 3 57 ` 3 67 3 67 3 75 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover Count?, N. C. r MATTER: POOR HOUSE, COUNTY ` ¦ac. u. s. County Indezea Since 1866 ? Ta loeate names, open at COTT A•Z TAB INDEX r?r OFFICE ?i?? An ldentifvins Trade Mark SURNAME INITIAL TAB MADE BY THE CQTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA G? h NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS DATE ?? MINUiE BOOK ?? ;` Month ( Dayl Year ta Vol. Page 4; l. Bill from H.E. Scott for Poor House approved. 07 07 1873 ?° 3 84 ? f+ ?; ?• 2.? David Fentrall sent to Poor House for proper treatment. 08 04 ?F 1873 ;? 3 89 3.? Bettie Bowden sent to Poor House for proper treatment. `+ 08 04 1873!; 3 90 4? 4.' Isaac Lamb sent to Poor House for proper treatment. ; 08 04 1873 ? 3 91 +. fC 5. Bills from H.E. Scott for Poor House approved. ^ 08 04 1873 ?: 3 92 1" 6.? William Evans sent to Poor House. 08 23 1873 ?; 3 101 7.` Nathan Smith sent to Poor House. 10 06 1873?? 3 112 8.?? Bills form H.E. Scott for Poor House approved, pages 114-115. 10 06 1873 a 3 114 ; ?? 9.? All paupers in Hospital who are able are to be sent to Poor House, Henry Brissom sent to Poor House. 11 03 1873:; 3 131 ?? ?10.;; Halifax Tate requested aid as out door pauper, but sent to Poor House. 11 04 1873 3 138 11.,? Bills from H.E. Scott for Poor House and for clothing for paupers approved. 11 04 1873 3 139 ,12.?:' After November 22, City of Wilmington will no longer be responsible for paupers at Poor House. . 12 02 1873 3 149 13.,`; y Commissioners Martin and Rice will send all approved applicants to Poor House. 12 02 1873 ? 3 150 14.';' . All County poor to be cared for at Poor House. , 12 02 1873 „ 3 150 ? ? 15.x? r All paupers in Poor House to be examined and a report to be made on all those who may be discharged. 12 02 1873 3 150 ; ?, 16.?; 3 Bill from H.E. Scott for Poor House approved. 12 02 1873 3 151 ? : 17.?? Report on City Hospital recommends three patients be sent to Poor House, and only two discharges from , 12 08 1873 , 3 - 157 „ C? Poor House. ; ;, 18.! R Committee on Poor House authorized to have one or more rooms prepared for safekeeping of the insane. , 12 16 1873,,; 3 160 ,, 19.1 i? Report from Committee on Poor received and recommendations approved. O1 05 1874 ' .? 3 162 .? ;? 20.?? , Bill from H.E. Scott for Poor House paupers approved. . O1 05 1874 ; 3 167 .., 21.?d Bi11 from B. Will and D.A. Smith & Co. for clothing for Poor House approved. Ol 05 1874 3 169 22.!' r3 H.E. Scott's bills for paupers at Poor House and for clothing approved. .. 02 02 1874 ,, 3 174 . rf 23.?? Bond approved for H.E. Scott for care of indigent sick. „ 02 27 1874? ,a 3 187 , ?i 24.?? Contract between H.E. Scott and Board of Commissioners spread upon minutes. 02 27 1874 ? 3 187 't? ,25.;? _ Mr. Scott authorized to erect a building on Poor House tract for care of indigent sick at his expense. 03 02 1874 3 189 ? 26.?s Mr. Scott requested all insane persons in his care be transferred from Poor House account to Hospital acct. 04 06 1874 3 . 210 ,, ?' , ? ,27.;j Mr. Scott allowed 50? per day for each insane patient certified by a physician. ; 04 06 1874.. 3 210 „ f; 28.`g; k? Mr. Scott will be allowed 50? per day for each insane person if he presents a certificate for each person 04 06 1874 " 3 211 ' ?a f? ?.? for each person signed by a physician. ,. .a 29.r? ; Contract for care of indigent and sick at Poor House extended with modifications regarding buildings. 07 07 1874 3 228 : ip 30.;? Above contract to be drawn up and submitted to Board for approval. 07 07 1874 , 3 228 31.'<? Chairman recommends signing contract drawn up by Attorney between Mr. Scott and Board. 07 30 1874 3 230 32.?; Contract between H.E. Scott and Board for care of indigent and poor spread upon minutes. 07 30 1874 3 231 33.:;; ;? Mr. Scott to receive all insane persons who cannot be admitted to insane asylum at Raleigh. 07 30 1874 3 231 .. 34. Board will pay Mr. Scott monthly sum of money due for care of poor and sick. 07 30 1874 3 231 35..; Contract binding for four year from January, 1874. 07 30 1874 3 232 'i 36..{ ;9 Request of G,H. West for position of County Physician for Poor House laid over. 09 15 1874 , . 3 259 .. 37.kY Members appointed to Poor House Department. (see POOR HOUSE COMMITTEE) 09 16 1874 , 3 262 i `, 38.r? Application of Mr. Scott referred to Committee on Poor. 09 23 1874 „ 3 263 39.?? Bills from Mr. Scott for paupers' clothing approved. 10 06 1874 3 266 y ii 40.N; y Request of Mr. Scott for repairs on Poor House referred to Poor Committee. 10 07 1874 . 3 268 ., 41.?? Fr Mr. Scott to employ at his expense a physician for Poor House and Hospital. 12 07 1874 ; 3 280 , 42.??? Bills from Mr. Scott and Parker & Taylor for Poor House approved. 12 07 1874, 3 281 'q 43.I? ,, Mr. Scott reported that he employed Dr. F. King for Poor House and Hospital physician. O1 04 1875' 3 289 , 44.?; t Matter of reported insane person at Poor House referred to Chairman. `: Ol 05 1875,? 3 291 ? ?; i? ?, ? , r Ei ?? ?? ; ? i ?i POOR INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover Couniy N C MATTER HOUSE, COUNTY , . . _ : ` ee?. u. s. County Indezei Since 1888 ? To loeste names, open at ?AT olnct C???et??1:Ce-?',' Aa ldentiEvins Trade Merk SURNAME INITIAL TAB MADE BY THE corr ?•z rne tr?oex COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS. OHIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NOR TH CAROLINA u? ' Gi k? s NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS ? ?: DATE Ey MINUTE BOOK ? ;?? Month ( Day ? Year ?? VoL ? Page ? r eR !: g? k1 ," tl 1. :?Bill from H.E. Scott from Poor House approved. .1 O1 ? 05 1875'? ??i 3 292 P i 2. 9 aBills from H.E. Scott for Poor House and for clothing for Poor House approved. 02 02 1875'?? 3 298 ? 3. `;Bills from H.E. Scott for clothing and for Poor House approved. 03 05 1875?,n 3 309 ?° ? 4. i; eBi11 from Mr. Scott for Poor House approved. 04 06 ; 1875?? 3 316 ? "? ? s, ?? S. ,iFinance Committee to report on what is to be done with paupers in Poor House belonging to Pender County. °f , 05 08 1875:' 3 325 ?? 6. ;Poor House Committee to discharge all in Poor House who can be properly removed. 05 08 1875;? 3 326 ! ; ?, ?, , rr 7. Poor House Committee to report names of all minors in Poor House so they may be bound out. ' 05 08 1875;' 3 326 !? w, C. 8. ;Bi11 from Mr. Scott for Poor House approved. 05 08 1875'; ? 3 326 ;d '? !? 9. ,Request from H.E. Scott for repairs on Poor House referred to Public Buildings Committee. ; 05 17 1875'; 3 328 i. , 10. ;Bills from H.E. Scott, L.A. Craig, S.L Gopp and Henry Tietgen for Poor House approved. 06 08 1875; 3 333 ;, 11. Bill from H.E. Scott for Poor House approved. 07 08 1875 3 352 12. Bill from H.E. Scott for Poor House approved. , 08 03 1875„ 3 364 ., 13. Bills from H.E. Scott and J.F. King for Poor House approved. 10 07 1875 3 383 = ?? 14. Bills from Henry E. Scott and Sol. Bear & Bros, for Poor House approved. 11 . 09 ? 1875 3 391 s, ` z; 15. Report from H.E. Scott on Poor House filed. 12 10 1875 3 399 r_ 16. Expenses of Poor House to be reduced by binding out all minors residing there. .. 12 11 1875 ,. 3 397 ? ?? 17. 'Bill from H.E. Scott for Poor House approved. 12 16 1875? 3 403 ; ., .. ?. ta 18. Bill from H.E. Scott for Poor House approved. 02 07 1876; b? 3 412 > 19. : Bill from H.E. Scott for Poor House approved. 02 ? 11 1876 3 414 s. ,, 20. : Bill from H.E. Scott for Poor House approved. 03 08 1876- .. 3 420 `'` p, 4 21. Bills from James Lowrey, Henry Scott, D. Nixon, Sidney Brown and Benjamin Scott for Poor House approved. 05 ? 05 1876. ? 3 435 . k: ?? 22. H.E. Scott won judgment against County for an amount to support poor and sick of County, Sheriff to give 05 ? 15 1876 3 436 ' F? these claims presidence over any other claims against County. j„ ' ?. 23. , Bill from H.E. Scott for Poor House approved. 06 07 1876'.; 3 446 i 24. . Committee reported nine paupers in Poor House and recommended Rufus Camel be discharged, and that nine 07 03 1876`, 3 448 ?' patients be transferred from Hospital to Poor House. C' F, 25. , Application of John Evans to be sent to Poor House referred to Poor Committee. (He was sent) 07 08 1876? 3 450 ` , 26. I Bill from H.E. Scott for Poor House approved. „ 08 07 1876s 3 457 i? ?; i 27. ? A burial ground to be set apart for paupers on tract of Poor House. „ 08 15 1876`: 3 461 ?; 28, .,; Report on burial ground for paupers was filed. . 09 23 1876`; 3 475 29. ,. Bills from B. Scott and H.E. Scott for Poor House approved, pages 481-482. 09 27 1876,? 3 481 ? 30. After report from Committee on value of Poor House tract Commissioners voted against selling portion of it. 11 „ , 28 1876: 3 502 ? i ?? 31. Bill from H.E. Scott for Poor House approved, pages 505 and 507. v 12 ,. 04 1876 .. 3 505 ?. ,: ?, 32. Bills from H.E. Scott and Sol Bear & Bros. for Poor House approved, pages 514-515. . 12 29 1876 ,. 3 514 , ; ,. i 33. Report on names of people sent to Hospital and Poor House, , 02 _ 05 1877 . 3 527 `;. .. 34. Commissioner Holmes to clean up and fence a portion around Poor House. 02 17 1877 3 530 ' 35. H.E. Scott allowed $100 for Hospital building on Poor House grounds. 03 05 1877, 3 531 i ! 36. Bid for attending County poor awarded Dr. A.E. Wright. .. 04 ? 02 1877 3 536 ? ,, 37. ` H.E. Scott to turn over to Commissioner Holmes Mathew Ashe who was at one time declared insane. 04 02 1877=' ?, 3 537 ? 38. Marcy Cross to be sent from Poor House to Richmond, Va, at her request. 04 . 02 1877 p. 3 537 ?? ?. E; 39. Report from Poor Committee on number of paupers sent to Poor House in March. 04 02 1877tia 3 537 ? d ?. 40. ; Bills from H.E. Scott and M. Bear for Poor House approved. 06 05 1877?: 3 553 ? ? 41. Report from Out Door Poor Committee on number of paupers sent to Poor House and Insane Department in Ma.y. 06 05 1877", 3 563 i, ?;: 42. , Report from Out Door Poor Committee on number of poor sent to Poor House in April. ? 06 05 1877 ,.. 3 563 ? r 43. , Bond of John Garrell as keeper of the County poor received. 07 02 1877;,. 3 567 I ' 44. ? Report from Out Door Poor Committee on number of poor sent to Poor House in June. 07 ? 02 1877?? ., 3 569 ; !' ?f ? ?; i? i ?i II . ' f? °y 'i II ?? ;, ?i '? i?_