R Index to Minutes July 15, 1868 N INDEX TO CO?iMISSIONERS MINUTES -? New Hanover County, . C. _ MATTER: RAILROADS ` ¦aa. Y. a. County Indeacu Since 1888 r?T or?ict ?tt?'? An {dentifyin¢ Trade Merk ? To locate names, open at toTT A•z iA6 iNOEx SURNAM6 INITtAL TAB MADE BY TH@ COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTN CAROLINA '3 a? ? ? NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS . ? Month ? DATE Day ? i; ??? ', Year ??; !? ? 1.! List of property presented by Col, Strange as owned by W. and W. Railroad, ?: - ; 04 - 03 ?? 1893 ?E ?. 2.? W.G. Elliot, President of W. and W. Railroad,stated none of above property owned by Railroad in June, 1892., 04 ,? 03 1893 'y p, 3.°„, Junius Davis and J.D. Bellamy appeared on behalf of W. and W. Railroad, ' 04 . 03 1893 + r? 4..' ? Chairman wanted to postpone action on Railroad since a vacancy on Board, but Col. Strange protested. , ;. 04 ? 03 1893 ?; ?? 5.? Mr. Elliot said he was present to pay taxes on Railroa d if Board would accept it. 04 03 1893 !'s •? 6. . Board moved that tax matter on Railroad be postponed s ince vacancy on Board and an important issue. 04 03 1893 :` ?s 7. Amount of back taxes tendered by Mr. Elliot as due for Railroad was calculated by N.C. Railroad Commission? 04 04 1893 ?: 8.' General Assembly compromised back taxes due by W, and W.Railroad if it would surrender its right of 04 04 1893 eYer?ptzon from taxation forever. ? 9. Board accepted tender of back taxes from W. and W. Railroad. 04 10. Messrs. Davis a nd J. Bellamy spoke for Railroad, 04 11. Board rescinded resolution to postpone Railroad matter due to vacancy on Board. 04 12., Board accepted tender offered by Wilmington and Weldon Railroad. 04 13. Auditors of W. and W. and C. and A. Railroad must report number of miles of roadbeds or County will have a 08 civil engineer do this. 14.. Special meeting to hear complaints from Atlantic Coast Line Railroad on assessment of real estate it owns.. 08 15.., Mr. Elliot requested part of assessment be reduced on Railroad, as it was. 08 16.; Letter from State Treasurer S. McD. Tate instructing SheriFf to refund any pension tax which he collected , 10 . since Treasurer had previously collected. 17.. List of parties to receive rebates of pension tax collected by Sheriff, 18.; Tax abated Wilmington and Southport Steamboat Co. since incorporated in another County. 19. Railroad Commission and Sheriff to be notified of tax abatement for Steamboat Company. 20. Valuation of Steamer Clarence reduced as directed by Railroad Commission. 21. Property valuation reduced for W. and W. Railroad as ordered by Railroad Commission. 22.,: Property valuation reduced for Sea Coast Railroad since same land was sold. 23. Property valuation increased for W. and W. Railroad. 24. Request from G,R. Bate for removal of a bridge by Wilmington and Sea Coast Railroad referred to Superin- tendent R.O. Grant. 25., New road to be laid out in Cape Fear Township along Wilmington and Weldon Railroad. 26.', Atlantic Coast Line to fix cattle guard and fence along the Wilmington and Weldon Railroad. 27. Request from F.L. Huggines for right-of- way for a railroad track across County land near County Home referred to Committee. , 10 02 02 10 11 11 11 04 05 12 12 28.? Board feels Atlantic Coast Railroad should reduce danger of crossing at Castle Hayne. 12 29. A.C.L. Railroad Co. presented list of engineers and conductors to be exempted from jury duty. 03 30. Attorney to collect bill from Fidelity Trust and Development Co. for carrying cars of rock over County's 12 railroad. 31. Proposal from C.E. Greenamyer of Wilmington Beach Corp to buy County's railroad referred to Permanent Rds. 09 32.; A.C.L. Railroad granted right-of-way for a spur track to Galina Oil Co. across County Farm. 04 33. Request from J.J. Hopkins Son and Co,for right-of-way to Atlantic Coast Line Railroad on County Home land. ,09 34.; Atlantic Coast Line Railroad to repair Gordan Siding crossing. ; , 09 35., Galena Oil Co. to make railroad crossing to their plant on Castle Hayne Road flush with road surface. „ 11 36..; Cross ties of railroad from line on Federal Point Road to be sold. , 02 37.; Clerk to notify W.V. Railroad Co. to put a crossing at Gordon Crossing. , 08 38.` Health officer, D. Nesbit, requested use of part of County Farm tract in connection with Atlantic Coast Lir?,e04 Railroad for a stockyard. ,a { ?, ? oa . ? . i? MINUTE BOOK VoL I Page ?? ? 5 488 I 5 488 , 5 488 5 488 5 488 ?? ?, 5 489 r ? 1 5 492 ?¢ K1 aB 5 493 :? 04 1893 5 04 1893 5 04 1893 5 04 1893. 5 ?? 07 1893 5 yd 16 1893 _ 5 61 1893 ' S 02 1893 ? 5 a; 02 1893 ; 5 21 1894 5 21 1894 5 Ol 18 94 : 5 05 1894 ? 5 05 1894 :, ?. S 04 1895.: er 5 OB 1897 : 6 04 1897 r 6 15 1899 `? ?? 6 02 1907 ?? 7 02 1907 ?; 7 493 493 493 ' 4 94 '° i? 512 ?; 514 514 523 06 1911 . 7 209 09 1912 7 t? 15 1913 7 13 1914 7 08 1914 +, 7 08 1914 r, 7 18 1914 ,? 7 Ol 1915 7 02 1915 7 03 1916 :: 7 267 i? P 314 ?. 345 ;s ?; 382 ?; ,? 382 ;; ,=. 401 ??` i? 433 :' ?? 475 ?; 543 ?? INDEX TO C0?lMISSIONERS I?INUTES N H C t N C -- ew anover oun y, . . _ MATTER: RAILROA DS ` ¦[c. u. s. County [naezee Since IBBB F?, ?+?-?- To loeats names, open at coiT A•z TAB INDEx v?r OFFICE (??l?a?".. An ldentifying Trade Merk ?8 SURNAME INITIAL TAB MADE BY THE CQTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA i' NATURE 0? PROCEEDINGS ?! DAiE ? P, ! MINUTE BOOK ?? F+ t Mon h i Day I I Year ?? p? Vol. I Page ?? ? 1 - New Hanover and Brunswick to secure contract with Atlantic Coast Lines to use dividing line along " C, 09 O1 !i 1920 ?? .S 8 ?i 122 ? :q . Causeway as drainage canal. ' ? ? „ 2 . Committee recommended new contract with Atlantic Coast Line Railroad to conform with changes. F? a' 09 O1 1920 'i; s? ; 8 122 `. ;; 3 Copy of contract between Atlantic Coast Line Railroad Co. and New Hanover and Brunswick Counties dealing ;p 11 Ol ? 1920 ,?? 8 :, 130 ; with renting land from Railroad for drainage canal p. 130-131. ? 4 Brunswick County approved term of contract with Atlantic Coast Line Railroad. ?= 11 O1 1920 ;?? 8 :? 131 , Q: ?? ?i 5 New Hanover County approved terms of contract with Atlantic Coast Line Railroad. 11 O1 1920 '; ?,? 8 131 ` ?. 6 Photographs to be taken of County for special folder to be issued by Atlantic Coast Line Railroad co. , 11 30 1921 ; 8 181 " 7? r Tide Water Power Co. allowed to run line over County's land if it doesn't interfere with Atlantic Coast ,. 11 13 1922 L, 8 215 ; s ? ? Line Railway. . i _ 8.y ? Auditor to file claim against Atlantic Coast Line Railroad Co. for damages to County truck when hit by 05 07 1923 8 241 e a train. „ 9 Atlantic Coast Line Railroad Co, to remove stop signs on Castle Hayne Rd. for tracks not in continous use,.. 09 04 1923 .; 8 262 .? ,10, No action on Sheriff's request for removal of a stop sign at Delgado Crossing. .: 04 10 1924 ?; 8 291 „ 11, , Atlantic Coast Line Railroad Co. to remove certain Stop signs. ?. 06 09 1924 . 8 300 ., 12, Atlantic Coast Line Railroad Co, allows a road crossing across track at Delgado. 07 14 1924 8 303 13, Mr. R. H. Pool of Wilmington Traffic Assoc. met to secure membership at $300 Objective is to reduce 11 Ol 1926 8 402 county freight rates. See also County Attorney and Auditor. 14? Clerk instructed to write Tide Water Power Co. and Atlantic Coastline Railroad. 12 06 1926 . 8 411 15, Freight charges, overcharges, etc, to be audited by Southern Traffic Service, Inc.'s request but 05 02 1927 8 439 remain commission office. ,16, A. C. L. R. R. Supt. L. Crocker offered to install lumber (if county place it near crossing) Board approved .06 06 1927 8 445 .17. Membership in Wilmington Traffic Assoc. sought to secure lower shipping rates. , 11 15 1927 8 471 ,18, Release of garnishes with Atlantic Coastline R. R, declined. ? O1 17 1928 ? ? 8 484 . ? ,19.? Atlantic Coastline requested permanent easement of tracts accross county; pending report. „ 06 19 1928 ; 8 515 ?20? Stop Law reauirement under advisement for Atlantic Coastline. „ O1 17 1928 4' 8 521 21 Resolution approved allowing Atlantic Coastline easement deed. . 08 06 1928 t? 8 525 ;; 22? Equitable Freight Adjustment Bureau permitted to audit frieght bills for overcharges in 1928. ;, 10 16 1928 ? 8 537 23 Industrial track expenses for transporting track over county land approved, referred to Chairman. 10 30 1928 ? 8 539 „ .24 Atlantic Coastline and Commissioners to ent?r agreement on a siddxact in city. ; 12 18 1928 ': 8 549 25 Right of way deed covering track changes referred to L. L. Merritt, C. E. 07 O1 1929 : 8 582 26 Purchase of railroad track on W. S. Dexter property declined by board. 08 27 1929 , 8 593 27 Purchase of railroad switch on W. S. Dexter property taken under Board advisement. 09 03 1929 8 594 28, Resolution adopted on easement deed for Atlantic Coastline. 10 22 1929,, 9 3,, 29?? Level-off of cinder at Sunset Park track authorized and road repairs. ,. 10 22 1930„ 9 39 c 30,? y Approved $16.41 paymenttOAtlantic ?oastline for labor and material for cleaning Nigger ' 3 2 1931.; 9 95 . _ ? ? Head Road crossing. , , ? 31? ; State Highway and Public Works was requested to take over Highway 40. „ 3 12 1934;; 9 277 . ,32? Atlan??c, Coastline Railroad requested County takeover of County Agents and salary. . 3 4 1935?', 9 327 ?; ,33? ? Invitation extended for Railroad Trainmen to hold convention in County. . 8 2 1937:; 9 526 .? 34 Search for body requested, declined at Railroad Bridge. 12 6 1937; 9 557 35? Reduc?ion in Railroad rates requested by Board to Utilities Commission, hearing set. , 6 20 1937,: 9 592 ; ?? 36 b Dire?tor P. A. McNamara to e written on resuming Atlantic Coastline Statistics. ,. 4 10 I939, 10 49 ;? 37 W?C given funds for Attorney temporary restraining in Railroad. 4 17 1939, 10 50 38 Carolina Coal Consumers request taken under consideration to aid to lower freight rates, 10 29 1945'? 10 464 .39 , County interest, if any in Atlantic Coastline tract at Smith Creek referred to Attorney;, C; ??? ?! 1 21 1946;; IpN ? I 10 477 ,; k ii ?f I? INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover Count RAILROADS N C ?, . . _ MATTER: ` ? To locate names, open at eco. u. s. Covnty Indezes Since 1888 ??r ofr?ca ?? An Identifyin¢ Trade Merk SURNAMB INITIAi. TAB COTT A-Z TAB INDEX MADE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, (OLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA ?' DATE ? MINUT E BOOK I ? 4 NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS G? ?, Month I Day f ? Year ?? Vol. I Page II 1.?? Letter from S. Freemont, Superintendent of Wilmington Railroad, reeeived. k? 04 13 1869?? 1 216 2 ? Committee to confer with Mr. Freemont. „ 04 13 1869?? 1 216 ., 3? Clerk to Board to request assessed valuation of Wilmington C E? R Railroad in order to levy taxes. ? 06 06 1870t? r? 1 440 4.?? B.F, Moore's application for tax reduction for W.& W. Railroad Company refused. ?s 09 08 1870i' 2 4 " ` : 5? Mr. Moore's application refused since time for tax revisions has expired. ? y. 09 08 1870? 2 4 6rj Chairman to examine tax returns of Wilmington and Weldon Railroad. . 05 31 ? 1872,? ?; 2 324 ; 7.?; , g o m ng y on ss Claim for tax rem 8?? Letter from President of Wilmington & Planters Railroad Company referred to Messrs. Shoemaker, Rice, and i. 02 .? Martin. ?. 9. Report on memorial of Wilmington & Planters Railroad Co, spread upon minutes. 02 ' 10. Committees opposed to subsidizing railroad due to various reasons listed on pages 25-28. 02 11. Carolina Central Raliroad Co. to be taxed on valuation of property as well as on assessment for franchise. 12 12. ?, Tax levied on Wilmington & Seaside Railroad suspended until Court reaches decision on Wilmington Bridge 12 Co. of same status. 13.; Request from H.W. Shune, Treasurer of Wilmington & Weldon and the Wlimington Columbia & Augusta Railroad . 12 ' co-operative for a remission of taxes not granted. `. ?? ?, 14.,+ Board reduced value of property of Wilmington & Seaside Railroad Co. 02 15. ? Double tax remitted Railroad Store. ., 02 16. Request for tax remission on N.C. railroad stock by Messrs. John C. and Donald MacRae received. , 06 , 17.; Messrs. MacRae to present evidence that tax on stock is paid by Company. „ 06 18.'? Col. Robert Strange, attorney, argued for tax reduction for Carolina Central Railroad. „ 07 ; 19.;; Assessments set for Carolina Central Railroad Co. as requested by C.H. Roberts, president. „ 07 20.; Valuation of C.C. Railroad Co. road beds and rolling stock reduced. „ 07 , 21.;, Col. Robert Strange represented Carolina Central Railroad Co. relative to valuation assessment reductions.,, 07 , 22.,; Reduction granted C.C. Railroad on real estate, road beds and rolling stock. ., 07 23.;; Tax abated on stock of individual stockholders of Wilmington & Weldon Railroad. ,, 08 ' 24.? ; Bill of State versus Wilmington & Weldon Railroad for cost referred to County Attorney. 05 25.:? ' Street Railway assessed. 06 ? I { ?i 26.?; ? ,; Assessment made by Board on Street Railway to be changed. 0? I 27.? Chairman to demand tax payment from Richmond & Danville Railroad on N.C. Railroad. ? ?? 11 28. Taxes will be collected from stockholders of Richmond & Danville Railroad if company refuses to pay. 11 29.!' Committee on N.C. Railroad reported progress. 11 30.^t Notice to Wilmington Railway Bridge Co. to repair bridge crossing W.C. and R. Railroad or will be indicted., 02 31. Sheriff to collect taxes from Wilmington Bridge Co. for 1871 and 1872. 05 ? 32.j Pastponed sale of property ofWilmington Bridge Co. for 1871 and 1872-73 taxes until courts settle the case, 11 33.? Request from Attorneys Wright and Steadmeen, and Wilmington Bridge's president for remission of taxes on 02 property referred to Attorney London. ?, 34.° ., Received request from Messrs. Wright and Steadman, for release from taxation. 03 ' 35.;? Request from Wilmington Bridge Co. not granted because property is taxable, even though not taxing 03 9 , ,; franchise; Clerk to tax Company for cost of investigation. 36.;q Wilmington Bridge Co.'s attorneys requested Tax Collector cease any action against Company, this referred ? 12 i ?' ? ?' to County Attorney. , , 37.' Tax collection suspended on Wilmington Bridge Co. until Supreme Court renders it decision. ` O1 38.sQ If Wilmington Bridge Co. pays taxes ordered by Supreme Court of N.C. within twenty days, the 10% penalty , 04 ?? will be remitted. ',. . ?? 39.; i ? Complaint entered on behalf of Bridge Co. by Attorney C.M. Steadman. 06 03 1872??i 2 326 ranted n & Weldon Railroad t Wil i b i i 07 06 1873; 2 425 19 1873 3 „ 19 1873`.` 3 02 1873 ` 3 02 1873 3 08 1873 ?? 3 ?? ?i 02 1874 ;? 3 03 1874 ` 3 Ol 1874 :; 3 Ol 1874 ? 3 O1 1875 ?{ 3 ,, 03 1875 ;; 3 03 1875 ?; 3 07 1875 ?; 3 ?= 07 1875 ;? 3 ,? 11 18 7 5?, 3 Ol 1876 3 s' 25 1878 ;': 3 15 1878 ,? 3 ?: 04 1878 ?; 3 04 1878 ^' 3 x? 14 1878 ,:? 3 19 1873 ;? 3 27 1873 ;; 3 15 1873 ! 3 k! 02 1874 " 3 05 1874 :. 3 05 1874 ?; 3 14 i? 1874 s? 3 04 1875 ''r? 3 05 1875 .?; 3 07 4? 1875 ?' 3 25 ; E 25 li t{ 148 i; M? kE l48 ?? ?; ? ?a ? 154 171 ` 184 ?? 221 ? 221 ,! 342 ?? 345 ?` ?? 345 i 346 ?? 346 ; 368 432 ? 732 i 736 772 772 776 24 71 147 173 ? iS t? F? 190 ? ? i 190 `? 288 § i E 28 9 ? 314 348 INDEX TO CO?iMISSI0NER5 MINUTES - New Hanover Count?, N. C. _ MATTER: ?ILROADS ` ¦ec. u. s. Coanry Inde:ee Sinee 1888 Fr x?--- To locate names, open at COTT A•Z TAB INDEX r?r OFi1CE ?t?l? An Identifying Trade Mark ?? SURNAMH INITIAL TAB MADE 8Y THE CQTi INDEX COMPANY, COlUMBUS, OHlO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA ? ?i NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS DATE ?? MINUTE BOOK ???? , Month ? Day ? Year ?' Vol. I Page ;? 1. President R.R. Bridgen of Bridge Co. supported complaint made by Company's Attorney. _ 07 08 1875; , 3 349 2. Board ordered if certain monies paid by Bridge Co., the judgement from the Supreme Court would be 07 08 1875 3 349 considered satisfied and paid. , 3. Board set assessment on Wilmington Bridge Company. 07 08 1875,{ 3 349 4.? A 25% reduction on property valuation of Wilmington Railroad Bridge Company is allowed. , 07 Ol 1878?, 3 734 ? ,5.ti? More consideration given request for tax reduction from Carolina Central Railroad. 08 26 1879 `+ 4 101 6.? C.H. Roberts allowed to Iist rolling stock of Carolina Central Railroad for taxation. L 09 Ol 1879 ; 4 102 ^; 7.?? Carolina Central Railroad requested permission to amend its tax list and allowed to list its property at 10 06 1879 4 113 ? ? $80,aD0. . 8.k Wilmington, Columbia and Augusta Railroad requested permission to withdraw its tax list. 10 06 1879 4 113 9.;? Wilmington, C. & A. Railroad allowed to list its tax at $40,000. 10 06 1879 4 113 , 10.?; Petition from E.S. Martin of Wilmington, Onslow and East Carolina Railroad to have election on subscription 09 21 1886 4 741 ii ?? , ?? of capital stock of Company by County. . . 11.?? Board met to discuss Wilmington, Onslow and East Carolina Railroad. 09 24 1886 4 742 12.? Petition from Railroad withdrawn since may not be a bonafide petition. 09 24 1886 4 742 ,13.; Election to be held on subscription or not on capital stock of Wilmington, Onslow and East Carolina Rail. 10 04 1886 4 ?45 ; 14.;? Election to be held on March 24, 1887 on subscription or not on stock of W., 0. and East C. Railroad. 02 07 1887 4 776 15.s? Voters voted no to subscription of capital stock of Wilmington OnslQ?er and East Carolina Railroad. 05 02 1887 y 5 7 '!. 16.;; r? Chairman reported on assessment value placed on C.C. Railroad Company. .. 07 04 1887 .. 5 19 .. .? 17.?? ? C Assessment values set on W.C. and A. Railroad and on Wilmington Railway Bridge Company. 07 04 1887 .? 5 20 .. 18.? Letter from F.D. Koonce on construction of a railroad laid aside. 07 04 1887 5 20 19.'= Letter from D.L. Russell, President of Onslow and East Carolina Railroad received. 10 03 1887 5 43 , ?? . 20.^? g Board to meet with Board of Directors of 0. and E.C. Railroad. 10 03 1887 5 43 ; 21.?? D.L. Russell's request for use of Old Plank Road for Wilmington, Onslow and E, Carolina Railroad deferred. 10 10 1887 5 46 22 k Assessments made on Sea Coast Railroad and on New Hanover Transit Co. 08 06 1888 5 97 . ? ?i 23.; s Assessment set on land of Sea Coast Railroad sold to company by George Harriss. 08 20 1888 5 101 24.E? Board appraised and assessed L?lmington and Sea Coast Railroad as per returns of Secretary Bowden. 07 O1 1889 : 5 178 ; ? 25.' Board appraised and assessed Ocean View Railroad as per returns of S.Van Amringe, President. 07 Ol 1889 ' S 178 26. Board assessedl?w Hanover Transit Company. , 07 08 1889 S 182 27. Tax on franchise of Carolina Central Railroad to be corrected by Col, J. Burr. 10 07 1889 , 5 195 ? 28. Pension tax of 1888 to be remitted railroads and banks since were paid directly to the State Treasurer. 10 07 1889 5 195 29. Board assessed the New Hanover Transit Company. 07 07 1890 5 256 30. ? Board assessed Wilmington, Onslow and East Carolina Railroad upon returns of H.A. Whiting, General Manager. 07 14 1890 , 5 261 ?l. Board assessed Ocean View Railroad upon returns of S. Van Amringe, its President. 07 41 1890 , 5 261 32.?? ?+ Board assessed Wilmington Sea Coast Railroad upon returns of J.R. Nolan, General Manager. 07 14 1890 5 262 33.;? Board found Carolina Central Railroad had been overcharged for State and pension tax, 10 06 1890 5 273 ,a 34.?j S Money to be remitted Carolina Central Railroad and State Auditor to be notified so State may collect from .. 10 06 1890 ., 5 273 , . ';; the Railroad. . .. ?6 35.?, Property valuation reduced for G.H. Bulkey since W.O. and E.C. Railroad runs near the property. 10 15 1891 S 356 0 36.; Pine Product Co. petitioned to have tract from W.W. Railroad run to their factory. 11 07 1892 ^ 5 450 ? ? r 37.j Board decided both Boards of Magistrates and Commissioners must rule on railroad to factory. 11 07 1892 + 5 450 ' :g 38.?' , Imperial Pine Produce Co. granted permission to run railroad tract through County land to their factory. O1 02 1893 5 464 ? 39.`a ? Board passed resolution concerning collecting back taxes on W. and W. Railroad. 02 06 1893 5 469 +0.?? ? Deed presented and approved granting right of way over County land to Imperial Pine Product Co, to run a 03 06 1893 5 482 s i railroad tract over. _ s +1.? Matter of tax on Wilmington and Weldon Railroad deferred. 03 20 1893 ? 5 487 k, ei, 'i ? ? ? !y ' I ? C? ?'? !i I0 1? ? INDE? TQ COMMISSIONERS MINUTES -? New Hanaver Count?, N. C. _ MU JECT RailRoads - aEC. u. s. County Indexes Sincr 1888 ? TO lotab nam?s, Op?R Ot COTi A-I TA? INGEX v?T OFfICE ?,?? An Identifying Trade Mazk SURNAME INITIAL TAB MADE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD tY OIMEN i. YUNN, NEN ?ERN, NORTX GROLINA NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS DATE MINUTE BOOK Month Day Year Vol. Page 1. Atlantic Coastline RailRoad referred on taking up track along Airport. 7 S 1949 11 105 2. Atlantic Coastline RailRoad to move platform at Wrightsboro. 10 31 1950 11 219 3. Attention called to requesting A.C. L. to move station from Wrightsboro to prevent 1 15 1951 11 234 blocking highway. 4. Atlantic Coastline RailRoad advised nothing could be done about moving station. 6 11 1951 11 265 5. Agreement authorized with Atlantic Coastline RailRoad. 8 6 1951 11 278 6. Railway between Wilmington & Wrightsville Beach for Tidewater Power Co. referred to 8 17 1953 11 446 State Highway Commission. 7. Atlantic Coastline RailRoad referred for culvert at Gordon Road. 3 1 1953 11 490 8. Atlantic Coastline RailRoad approved agreement on installing drainage canal across 6 21 1953 11 523 New Bern Branch. 9. Atlantic Coastline RailRoad agreement authorized with New Hanover County. 6 21 1953 11 524 10. Motion carried to send petition to Governor on Atlantic Coastline RailRoad Clerks Assoc 9 13 1954 11 540 restraining order against Atlantic Coastline RailRoad for signing agreement. 11. Atlantic Coastline RailRoad complain on Castle Hayne residents building on their right- 10 18 1954 11 547 of-way. 12. Adopted resolution relative to removal of Atlantic Coastline RailRoad-Admin offices. 12 19 1955 12 28 13. Adopted resolution relative to removal of Atlantic Coastline Rai?Road from Wilmington. 1 3 1956 12 31 14. Chairman reported on his conference to prevent the removal of the general,office. 1 9 1956 12 33 15. Authorized Type"D" Telegraph ?peraters to be exempt from Jury duty. 2 20 1956 12 45 16. App?oved payment of bill to Atlantic Coastline RailRoad. 7 2 1956 12 80 17. No objections by Board for Atlantic Coastline RailRoad to construct telephone lines 10 24 1956 12 96 across Cape Fear River. 18. Adopted resolution to retiring Mr. Champian McDowell Davis. 7 1 1957 12 163 19. Received letter relative to Stag Dinner, honoring new president, Mr. W. T. Rice. 8 26 1957 12 176 20. Received letter stating employes exempted from Jury duty. 10 21 1957 12 189 21. Letter opposing elimination of passager trains through Wilmington. Il 4 1957 12 192 22. ?etter opposing closing portion of Cape Fear Bridge. 11 18 1957 12 193 23. Letter informing Board of hearing to eliminating passager trains through Wilmington. 12 23 1957 12 205 24. Joint meeting to discuss proposed Atlantic Coastline Day. 6 6 1960 12 558 25. City Council rejects proposed Atlantic Coastline Day and Seaboard Airline, no action. 6 8 1960 12 580 26. Board ratified endorsing emerger of Atlantic Coastline and Seaboard Airline. 9 6 1960 12 605 27. Letters from SeaboardAirline and Atlantic Coastline Companies. 9 19 1960 12 613 2$. Letter regarding the merger of Atlantic Goastline and Seaboard Air?ine, taken for study. 10 17 196Q 12 62Q 29. Action deferred on merger. (above) 11 7 1960 12 622 30. County to be notified of settlement on claim of Woodrow Wilson Young. 1 3 1961 12 460 31. Notice of damage to drawbridge across the Northeast River. 6 19 1961 12 689 32. News Bulletin on information of proposed RailRoad merger. 6 19 19E?1 12 689 33. Mr. Broadhurst to represent County in Atlanta regarding Pullman Service. 7 17 1961 12 698 34. Letter from Brotherhood of RailRoad Trainment. 8 7 1961 13 10 35. Letter, Commissioners oppose the eliminating of Pullman Service by?'?ansylvania RailRoad. 5 14 1962 13 l03 36. Approved the easement agreement with Atlantic Coastline RailRoad on tracks to reach 10 7 1963 13 258 new cemetery track. 37. Chairman authorized to sign lease on the Atlantic Coastline RailRoad Co. warehouse B 10 21 1963 13 261 for surplus commodity. 38. Appropriation (Attlantic Coastline RR) 12 20 1965 13 561 , .. INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES xEC, u. s. County Indesea Since 1888 PAT OFFICE (??? .?.n Identifying Trade Mark ?° ? ?? ?p 1.?; Letter from W. Thomas Rice 2.?? Removal Trains 42 and 49 3.?? Resolution Trains 42 and 49 ?a k', 4.?; Petition - Trains 42 and 49 5.°°.:' Hearing on Trains 42 and 49 6.jt Bill from Mr. Hill 7.;? Hearing -- New Hanover County? ?. U. _ MU JECT RAILROADS ` To locat? nam?s, op?n af COTT A-i TAi INYEX MADE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SURNAME INITIAL TAB fOLD ?T ONEN i. pUNN, MEM tERN, NORiN GROLINA NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS DATE MINUiE BOOK Month Day Year Voi. Page O1 03 1967 14 19 02 06 1967 14 25 02 20 1967 14 30 02 20 1967 14 30 03 06 1967 14 34 05 O1 1967 14 54 07 17 1967 14 77 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES eco. u. s. County Indexes Since 1886 r?r ornc? ? J17?,<?i-?'.+ An Identifying Trade Mark r ? SUBJECT -- New Hanover Count?? ?. U. _ MATTfR: RANGERS , COUNTY _ To Iocats names, open at COii A-Z TAB INDEX ? SURNAME INITIAL TAB MADE BY THE (OTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA '? DATE ?? MINUTE BOOK !' '? NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS E' ?` Month ?_ ??. ( Day ? Year Vol. I Page ?? `? E? l.'?? Appointment of a County Ranger to be studied. '` 10 e 20 1868?3 ?b 1 80 :? 2.?? Joseph Bunting appointed a County Ranger. „ 12 07 '? 1869,{ 1 350 3.?? Office of Ranger of the County to be filled at next meeting. 11 ;a 16 1874`° f? 3 279 ?f 4.?? John H. Brown appointed Ranger for County. 12 07 1874?? 3 280 ?? 4 ? a ;i ?; ' Eg ; ?t '' ?; ?.? ?, ;o , . . =b + Fa :? `? :G ,$ ,e ?? ;; ;; ? " k6 ? (o ? ,? ?' ?? ?? !1 r. ?t j? C ? ,q ? ?i ?? ?? yy ?? . .j .. ; .. t9 .u .j .. ` { ? p f !? ? ?? .1 ?? ??' •? tl ? ? .. ^1 .X iily ii '? ?? d? F? i? j r • I? . N E? 41 ?A . ?? . , " i P? ?? !y ?? ? ?? ? ' , ,? .. I ;i :. 3 :3 t ?? j „ ? ,; ?f a ' ?i Y? ? ?', . S i4 ?', I. t Ki (r ?d ?: V4? F' ?1 {f ?? i (i I? `? REAL INDEX TO CO?IMISSIDNERS MINUTES - New Hanover Count? ? \ U 1NATTER ESTATE, COUNTY ! ? . . . _ : ` eaa. u, s. County Indeze? Sinee ?888 ??+?--- To locat? names, open at COTT A-Z TAB INDEX r?r o?sict ?? An ldentifying Trade Mark ?? SURNAME INITIAL TAB MADE BY THE CQTi INDEX COMPANY, (OLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA ? NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS ` ?? ' DATE ? MINUTE BOOK ,? ?? ?? ?: Month ( Day _ I Year ?Y .. Vol. I Page ? . ? l. rlLetter from D.M. Dart relative to work on County property laid on table. y 04 02 1877.?? 3 537 ?i 2, ' Thomas Watson to bu land from Count , Y Y• , ??? 12 ? 6 05 'ry 1892 ;, ;,w 5 456 ?? ; 3. 1?Imperial Pine Product Co. granted permission to run railroad tract through County land to their factory. Ol 02 1893,a 5 ? 464 tl 4. iDeed presented and approved granting right of way over County land to Imperial Pine Product Co. 03 06 I893l? 5 482 ? ? 5. 'fLetter from E.T. Wade relative to purchasing some County land laid on table, , Ol 07 1895;; ' 5 607 ? 6. ?Board tendered to State through our Representative 100 acres of County land to erect a reformatory for ' 02 04 ? 895 ;+ 5 ! 612 ';; .. F. white children. i °' ?; ' " " n; 7. . List of property sold to County for unpaid taxes due 1895, pages 700?705. 02 .. 03 Z896?? „ 5 r? 700 ' ?; $. ' Real esta??:e agents to submit proposals to Board for purchase of County owned property. 02 Ol 1897; 5 762 ?? 9. W.M. Cumming allowed to rent property under his charge. 02 02 1897 5 764 10. ,Chairman to see that proper care is taken of County property. 02 02 1897 5 764 ? 11. Rc?bertNixon to purchase Countq property and pay back taxes and County Attorney to draw up deed. 02 .. 08 1898 .. 6 83 ?": 12. Attorney BelZamy to begin legal action to recover all property in County sold for taxes sfnce 1885 unless OZ ,, 08 1898 6 83 P? t. taxes have been paid. ? 13. 'List of certificates for property sold to County for unpaid 1897 taxes, pages 98-104. 02 ,. 14 1898Y? ?? 6 98 ?' a 14. Letter relative to purchasing lot for Cape Fear Lodge referred to committee to investigate. 04 .. 19 1$99" F 6 249 ?? t: ( 15. :Contract to build a water fence in Topsoil Sound along surveyed line awarded A.G. Call, 11 06 1899 6 348 i? 16. Request from F.L. Huggines for right-of-way for a railroad track across County Home land referred to Comm. 12 . 02 1907 7 115 i+ ?? 17. .H.M. Chase and P.P. Causey allowed to run a sidetrack through County land. 06 ?? 21 1911 . ?? 7 224 ;' ,? ,? 18. Board to sell some County land on Smith's Creek to National Wood and Products Co. 02 13 1913 . 7 278 ?+ i: , 19. ;Committee to determine number of acres to be sold to National Wood and Product Co. before setting price. 03 ? 06 1913k` ? 7 282 ?i ?? 20. Committee on National Wood and Product Co. asked for more time. 03 .. 17 I913 ... 7 283 !? ?? , 21. ' Board voted to sell land to National Wood and Product Co., but to reserve a wharf and entry way for public. a 04 " 07 1913 7 287 !; kd , 22. ;T.A. Watson requested deed to County land he bought several years ago; land to be surveyed. 10 06 1913` ,. 7 ?r 315 `; , 23. .:National Wood Products Co. applied for purchase of land adjoin?:ng land formly purchased from County. 05 04 1914 7 ? 349 " ? 24. ,.Committee on National Wood and Product Co. given more time to report. „ 05 ? 11 1914''' 7 353 ;, ??? , , 25. ,Proposal received from J.R. Hardee to rent County's land known as Gregerson land left to J.T. Kerr. 02 Ol 1915/? ., 7 431 ?? i: 26. ; ? J.T. Kerr reported on renting land of Gregerson land to J.R. Hardee. ?9 02 . 09 1915; ?, 7 435 s` a ? ' 27, Committee to plot land along Smith's Creek for manufacturing sites. 06 07 1915 7 ? 459 ? 28. County will sell County land only for manufacturing purposes. 06 07 1915;. 7 459 29. Mr. Moore reported he had given an option on certain portion of County Home Iand for manufacturing purposes . 07 06 19I5: 7 465 + ?' 30. ,Option received from Thomas Bacon on County Home land. 07 „ 12 1915 ± 7 471 ? ? 31. Standard Supply Co. purchased part of County Home land. 08 .. 02 1915', 7 475 ' ? 32. Committee to fix prices for sale or lease of County land for manufacturing plants. 08 02 1915 7 475 ? . .. !, ??: 33. ( Request form Mr. Pittman for an option on County Home land for manufacturing purposes referred to Board. .. 09 ? 18 1915 7 ?; 487 j`y ? 34. Messrs. Pittman and Chadborn requested an option on some County Home land. 10 04 1915 7 i 489 I i: 35. :Tide Water Power Co. to erect wires and poles along roads and across County land to connect County Home, 10 04 1915` . 7 ? 490 ?' :y Prison and Sanitarium to plant. ?? i? 3b. yMr. Moore reported progress on sale of lease of County Home land. , 11 Ol 1915: 7 501 t , 37. 'Chairman to investigate titles to County property. ? . O1 03 1915?e 7 522 ? ? ' , 38. Copy of map of manufacutring sites at Countq Home farm to go to Chamber of Commerce and Rotary Club. O1 ° 03 1916 ' 7 ? 522 ? ? ? 39. ? ?Gregerson land rented to J.R. Hardee for $75 and rent to be paid Auditor, who will make contract. 02 07 1916 ?? 7 535 ? 40. Resolution on development of manufacturing sites as requested by citizens. 04 19 1916 EA 7 547 ? 41. ;Chairman and Clerk to sign deed to tract near County Home to Standard Supply Co. 08 07 1916!' 7 +? 574 ?? 42. County land on St. George's Creek to be rented to J.R. Hardee. s 12 18 1916?? E, 7 603 43. ' Chairman and Clerk to sign necessary papers relative to manufacturing sites as passed April ,19?6. ' ? , 07 ? 02?' 1917 :' ;i ? 7 625 ? ; . INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover County, N. C. _ MATTER: REAL ESTATE, COUNTY ` eec. u. s. Counry Indezee Since 1888 ??-3-- To toeate names, open at COTT A-Z TAB INDEX rsr OFFICE ?l?a? An Identifying Trade Mark ?? SURNAME INITIAL TAB MADE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLO BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA , ? C s DATE {' MINUTE BOOK ? NA9'URE OF PR?CEEDINGS ° 6` ir? Month ? Day ? Year ?? VoL ? Page .; 4. , 1. No action on request from Oscar Edwards to lease part of County Home land. 02 04 1918i 7 663 ;?: 2. , Attorney to try and collect rent from J. R. Hardee for use of Castle Hayne Road. 09 03 1918?; ,? 8 18 , 3. Matter of disposing of wire fence on County land in Cape Fear Township referred to Mr. Trask. .. 12 Ol 1919 :, 8 88 `?? :i 4. Request from Oscar Edwards to rent part of County Home's land for hog pasture referred to Auditor + , 12 O1 1919.', .? 8 90 r r, and Attorney. :, 5. Part of County Farm land rented to Oscar Edwards. 12 30 1919 ; 8 91 , ?d 6. Matter of lumber company on part of County Farm's land referred to Chairman. O1 05 1920 ?; 8 92 7. Request from H. A. Church to buy County land referred to Board to investigate. Y , 03 O1 1920 ?. 8 98 „ 8. Board fixed price on County land on north side of Gordon Road. 03 12 1920 : 8 102 9.k? County land north of Gordon Road purchased by H. A. Church to be surveyed. 04 05 1920 8 102 10.#, Request from E. W. Godwin to buy County Home land referred to committee. 07 15 1920 8 116 11.;? W. K. Allen to survey County's land on Smith's Creek under consideration to sell to E. W. Godwin. 07 16 1920 8 118 ?3 12.'i 8 Board ordered survey of County land near Smith's Creek to be sold to E. lN. Godwin. ' 09 07 1920 : 8 124 13.E Board to have more of County land surveyed as requested by E. W. Godwin. 09 20 1920 . 8 126 k 14.? ? County to have part of County land surveyed to transfer land to Edmund Rogers, Trustee for Christine , 10 04 1920,? 8 127 ? M. Church. ,. ,. , 15.? County's farm at Castle Hayne to be rented to H. A. Rowe for $75 a year. 11 O1 1920 8 130 y 16. Sale of County land to Edmund Rodgers, Trustee for C. M. Church, ordered. 11 O1 1920 ' 8 130 „ 17. . Request for County land to build on Old Folks Home for colored citizens re£erred to Board. ., 03 07 1921 , 8 148 18.? County land appropriated for use of Old Folks Home Society if they can provide enough funds for 06 06 1921 ; 8 157 ¢ ? construction. ? 19.a? , Boundaries in deed given to T. A. Watson, Sr., changed. .. 07 05 1921 . 8 161 .. ? R 20.? ? . Oliver Carter •informed that County would sell its land only for cash. 07 12 1921 8 164 ?, 21.? Board approved renting part of County Farm land to J. P. Newton. 12 09 1921 8 183`; ! 22.? , n Tide Water Power Co. allowed to run a power line over County's property at Castle Hayne. Ol 03 1922 . 8 185 ? ?: 23."' Proposal from Southern Packing Corp. to lease County's land on Castle Hayne Road deferred. 07 05 1922^ 8 204 _ ,? . , 24.?? ! Agreement between County and Southern Packing Corp. for latter to rent County land. . 07 07 1922, 8 204 S 25. Request from E. W. Godwin to purchase County land near Smith's Creek referred to a committee. 09 05 1922 8 209 26. Request of E. Green to rent County land at Castle Hayne referred to Chairman. 10 02 1922 8 212 ^ wire 27. Tide Water Power Co. allowed to run live/over County's land if doesn't interfere with Atlantic Coast 11 13 1922' 8 215eY Line Railway. , „ '28.c J. P. Newton allowed to rent County land on County Home property for 3 years. Ol 16 1923., 8 224 ,29.? Tide Water Power Co. allowed to run lines over County land in order to furnish current to adjacent Counties. 04 06 1923 8 238; ? .30.? Board approved renting part of County land to G. W. Pennypacker with option to buy. 04 16 1923 8 240 ,31? Request of Standard Cement Construction Co. to buy County land referred to the Board as a whole. 07 02 1923 8 247 32.?? Request of State Highway Commission to lease part of County's land referred to County Farm Committee. 08 13 1923 8 258 E? 33,? E Reauest of Farm Demonstrator for use of some County land for experimental purposes referred. . 09 04 1923, 8 262 34. Part of County Farm allowed farmers for experimental work. 10 O1 1923; 8 266 35. Part of County land offered to erect Eastern Carolina Industrial Farming School. O1 07 1924? 8 276; ,36. Small pieces of County Farm land to be leased to Burton System, Inc. 03 18 1924 8 287; 37. Small piece of County Farm to be rented to Hughes Sales ? Service Co. 05 05 1924 8 295, 38. Part of County Farm land to be sold to E. W. Godwin ?, Sons Co. 06 09 1924:' 8 299 .39. J. H. Hinton leased part of County Farm land to erect a sign board. 07 14 1924. 8 303, 40. Request of A. C. Stephens to buy part of County's land referred to Mr. Trask. 09 20 1924; 8 310 41, Part of County's land to be sold to A. C. Stephen. 11 02 1924?; 8 312 42. Request of W. S. Dexter to buy piece of County's land referred to County Farm Committee. ' i? 12 O1 1924;, i? i 8 315,. `_ ?0 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES -- New Hanover Count N C T REAL E?TATF ?oUNTY i ? y, . . , MATTER a eec. u. s. Counry Indexea Since 1888 ? To loeate names, open at PA7 OFi1cE ?p?J1? An Identifying Trade Maric SURNAME INITIAL TAB COTT A-Z TAB INDEX MADE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLO BY OWEN C. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA DAiE MINUTE BOOK NAiURE Of PROCEEDINGS Month I Day I Year Vol. Page 1. County land not sold to W. S. Dexter. 12 22 1924 8 319 2. County to lease part of its land to W. S. Dexter. O1 05 1925 8 320 3. County refused to sell strip of County land to Mr. Wallace. 03 02 1925 8 331 4. Reauest of Supt. of Stockade, E. L. Eakins, to buy part of County land to build a home referred to 08 04 1925 8 349 County Home Committee. 5. Deed for part of County land to be given to J. W. and J. B. Hughes. 08 04 1925 8 249 6. No definite action on proposed fertilizer plant on County's land near County Home. 08 02 1925 8 350 7. County Farm land not to be sold for fertilizer plant. 09 04 1925 8 351 8. Rent due by J. P. Newton on County land set. 09 08 1925 8 351 9. W. R. Brown to vacate property since County bought same from City. 09 16 1925 8 352 10. County Farm Committee F? Attorney to confer relative to County buying. 09 16 1925 8 352 11. Worth tract of property. 09 16 1925 8 352 12. City to be paid for purchase of lot at 4th and Princess Streets and Old building on same to be sold. 10 05 1925 8 354 13. Board to buy Worth tract of land in Cape Fear Township. ? 10 05 1925 8 354 14. Old building on County lot sold to Martin Schnibben, highest bidder. 10 20 1925 8 355 15. J. M. Gregory and Co. allowed to lay a pipe over County's property at Winter Park. 11 09 1925 8 357 16. County to bid on Worth tract of land being sold at public auction. 12 Ol 1925 8 359 17. Chairman and Attorney bidded on Worth tract of land and attorney to examine title and have land surveyed. 12 07 1925 8 360 18. Rent reduced on County's land near rock quarry rented to Mr. Green. 03 24 1926 8 378 19. J. R. Newton to settle past due rent on County land. 03 24 1926 8 378 20. J. R. Newton sent word that he would try to make a settlement of rent due on County land. 04 05 1926 8 380 21. Man to appraise timber on Worth track of land recently bought by County. 04 23 1926 8 383 22. R. E. Williams paid for appraising timber on Worth property bought by County. 06 07 1926 8 386 23. Making lots out of Worth tract of land left to County Farm Committee. 06 07 1926 8 386 24. County lots on Worth property to be sold by local realtors. 07 26 1926 8 392 25. T. L..Merrit; Survey?r, paid for_surveying lot? of County on_G?rdon_Road. 08 02 1926 8 394 26. Conference had with Real Estate Board on County lots known as Hanover Gardens. 09 10 1926 8 397 27. List of County lots for sale and prices as recommended by P. 397-398 Real Estate Board. 09 15 1926 S 397 28. A. C. Stephens request to buy some County land on Gordon Road referred to Chairman. 09 15 1926 8 398 29. Louis Belden paid for making blue printis of Hanover Garderis. 09 29 1926 8 399 30. .?oard?Re?erv?s rights to fill in ditches on certain lots in Hanover Gardens. 09 29 1926 8 399 31. Chairman ? Clerk to execute deeds to purchasers of lots in Hanover Gardens. 09 29 1926 8 399 32. Than?s received from Real Estate Board for County's co-operation in sale of Hanover Gardens. 10 04 1926 8 400 33. Damage settlement of Seagate Property based on tax values. 11 10 1926 8 406 34. Board authorized staking of lot. (see Commissioners.) 02 07 1927 8 424 35. J. P. Newton to purchase county land. (see Commissioners.) 04 12 1927 8 434 36. Deed for release of county land to be executed, (see Commissioners) 05 02 1927 8 440 37. Southern Bell granted line extension (see Commissioners.) 05 02 1927 8 442 38. Ten acre tract to be lay-off (see Commissioners.) 06 23 1927 8 449 39. Deed prepared for sell of county land to Messrs. Peeler and Gantt. 10 11 1927 8 466 40. Ten acre lease of county land referred to Mr. Trask. 11 O1 1927 8 468 41. Question of Love Grove lot ownership referred to Chairman and auditor. 11 O1 1927 S 468 42. Chairman of Commissioners and auditor named to investigate property listed by Murchison National Bank 11 07 1927 8 469 in other counties. 43. County auditor instructed increase Murchisrn National Bank's corporate excess due to $22,000 assessment 12 20 1927 8 478 on Pender County land listed. INDE? TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover Count?y, N. C. _ MATTER: ROADS ` eea. u. s. County Indezea Since 1888 To tocate names, open at COTT A-Z 7A6 INDEX ??r OFFICE ?e1J71?? An [dentifying Trade Mark ? SURNAME INITIAL TAB MADE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NFW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA •? NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS DAiE '? MINUTE BOOK ?! ` Month I Day l Year Vol. Page sa ?. 1. John Cowan and William Harper exempted from public duty, pages 295-296. ; 02 02 1875 ? 3 295 '? i, 2. Construction of footway near Smith's Ereek and one at Lillington referred to Chairman. 02 02 1875 :? 3 297 ?' :; 3. . Bill from H.E. Scott for bridges and roads approved. 02 02 1875 ., 3 298 '. ;? 4. Request for pay from Duncan Holmes for throwing up embankment on road to Little Bridge referred to Chair. 03 02 1875 ?p 3 305 5. Bills from Colville & Co. and C.H. Strode for bridges and roads approved. ' 03 05 1875 ?s 3 308 ; r 6. Henry Sharpless exempted from public duty. 03 31 1875 ?? 3 313 7.? i B?lls from S. Bear & Bros, Archie Walker, Duncan Holmes and J. Chadbourn for bridges and roads approved. 04 06 1875 3 315 8. Bills from William Holmes, Duncan Holmes and Colville & Co. for roads and bridges approved. . 08 03 1875 ,; 3 364 a. E , 9.?` Valentine Fillyaw excused from working on public roads having lost one of his arms. ., 12 10 1875 3 398 Y, 10.?y Board notified that footway near Smith' Creek Bridge is out of repair, matter referred to Chairman. 12 10 1875 . 3 399 , 11.;? Charles Strode to repair footway near Smith's Creek, he being the lowest bidder. „ Ol 03 1876 ;, 3 405 ;, ,12.',a Bill from William Holmes for bridges and roads approved. . 03 08 1876 ,. 3 419 13.?? C.H. Strode instructed by Roads and Bridges Committee to do extra repairs on footway near Little Bridge, „ 03 13 1876 _ 3 420 r? 14.?; Bill from C.H. Strode for bridges and roads approved. 04 03 1876 ; 3 427 . ?? 15.gw Bill from W.H. Holmes for roads and bridges approved. 11 22 1876 ; 3 499 „ 16.?' ?i Bills from Duncan Holmes, John Beasley and Wesley Laney for roads and bridges approved, pages 504-505. . 12 04 1876 3 504 . 17.;? Bill from Colville & Co. for roads and bridges approved. 12 04 1876 , 3 507 , w? , . . 18.'? , ? James Henry excused from road duty due to disabilities. . .. 12 05 1876 ,?? 3 508 ., b 19.s Petition that Barnum Creek Road be made a public road referred to Trustees of Masonboro. Ol 29 1877 3 522 i 20.? Harnett Board of Trustees to furnish road overseers with tools. 03 05 1877 y 3 530 21.#? Bill from Reubin Pertha for roads and bridges approved. 06 05 1877 3 553 , ?? 22.w? Two conflicting applications from citizens of Masonboro and Harnett relative to County roads laid on table. 08 11 1877,: 3 590 23.q? Bills from Duncan Holmes for roads and bridges approved, pages 594,595, and 603. 08 11 1877 3 594 . 24.?? Bill from John Wagner for roads and bridges approved. 08 11 1877 3 603 . ?, 25..i Christian Heides appointed overseers of public road from City via Appleton to Federal Point Road. . 09 06 1877 ,y 3 609 26.e? Blackwell Williams appointed overseer of Gordon Road through Cape Fear and Harnett Townships, „ 09 06 1877 , 3 610 ; d ?; 27.?; Overseers of old Newburn Road and A.R. Black to appear and state if any objections to opening road to 09 17 1877 „ 3 613 ;- ? ?? Sound in Harnett. ., , ?? .28.;? ;? Clerk to furnish Board with a list of overseers of public roads. 09 22 1877,? 3 615 , 29.;? Road in Harnett Township leading to Middle Sound declared a public road by Trustees. , 10 O1 1877 , 3 624 i 30.;i , John Corbett appointed overseer of road to Middle Sound. . 10 O1 1877 ., 3 624 , , 31.;; Persons who have interest in above road to pay survey and jury cost. 10 Ol 1877'„ 3 624 „ 32.?? . ? Alex Jones appointed overseer of Nigger Head Road,usually worked with all hands subject to road duty. 10 Ol 1877 3 625 33.`, ;? Report of James Smith, overseer of roads in Harnett Township, filed. lI 06 1877 . 3 633 34.;s ,? „ Bills from Northrop & Cumming and John Zimmerman for roads and bridges approved, pages 644-645. . 11 06 1877 ,. 3 644 . 35.,; ,? Alexander A. Jones discharged as road master of Nigger Head Road. 12 03 1877 3 659 .. 36.ed James Hardy appointed road master of Nigger Head Road. 12 03 1877 e 3 659 37.?s James Grant resigned as overseer of road from City limits to Seven Mile Post. 12 03 1877 3 659 38.k' . ? Road to Seven Mile Post divided into two sections, S.W. Noble overseer of first section and Garnett Walker . 12 03 1877 .u 3 659 .o r ' ?? overseer of second section. . , 39."? ?? Bill from D. Holmes for roads and bridges approved. .. 12 15 1877 .. 3 668 40.r? Henry Davis resigned as overseer of Federal Point Road and W.H. Williams appointed. O1 07 1878 3 680 41.?? ? William Dixon excused as overseer of road and Thomas Harrell appointed. Ol 07 1878 3 680 y 42.,i ?3 Petitions from Harnett citizens asking that Old Plank Road be declared a public road granted. 02 04 1878 ' 3 698 . ?? :r 43.6? Granted petition from Harnett citizens to declare road a public road with James Murrell as overseer. 02 04 1878 . 3 698 f; ? 44.?? ,? Petition from J.M. Hardwick and S.W. Noble for continuance of Old Road as a public road laid over. . 02 16 1878 ; 3 702 ;{ i? X? ii $ ? ?4 s^ yi t? INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover County N C MATTER R°?S _ , . . _ : nca. u. ?. ?, `?? Counry Indezes Since i888 ?,?j? To focats namss, opsn at r?i OFFIC[ C?G,s?//7l?Ce? An Identifving Trade Merk U`t.7 SURNAME INITIAL TAB COTT A-Z TAB INDEX MADE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS. OHIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTN CAROLINA ? k9 ? ` ?? DATE ? ?n MINUTE BOOK ?? NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS , ?, Month ( Day ? Year ?? Voi. ? Page l. ;' ??Edward Sharpless relieved as road overseer at his request and W,W. Johnson appointed. a ;. 02 16 1878;3 3 702 2. { ,?Granted petition of J.M. Hardwick and S.W. Noble for continuance of Old Newburn Road with S.W. Nobel as 03 04 g , 1878 ; 3 706 , P ?; overseer. ; ,? i' ;? 3. 4:Public road on Newburn Road to be extended to a live oak at lower side of small cape on land of A.R. Black.? 03 04 1878?a ?. 3 707 4. y{Chairman to furnish nine spades and nine shovels to overseers of Plank Road. ;; 03 04 1878;! 3 707 5. y ,Petition from Cape Fear citizens for road to be kept open referred to Chairman and Mr. Sanders. ?r 03 .. 18 . 1878?' 3 715 6. . 'Report of Messrs. Divine and Post on Smith's Creek Bridge accepted. , 03 22 ? 1878,; 3 715 7. 'Bond of Duncan Holmes approved for repairing and keeping Smith's Creek Bridge for five years. , 03 22 1878;; 3 715 l 8. Messrs. Divine and Post reported work on above bridge good, but a defective plank in floor should be moved.,: 03 9. Contract between Duncan Holmes and Board relative to Smith's Creek Bridge spread on minutes, pages 716-717. 03 10. C. H.Thomas appointed road overseer of road from Smith's Creek to Derzet Branch. 04 11. Action of laying out road to the Sound as noted by John Loftin in letter referred to Comm. on Roads. 05 12. .James Murrell resigned as overseer of Gordon Road and James Carr appointed. 07 13. Larry Williams excused from road duty for six months due to loss of sight in one eye. 07 14. Blackwell Williams, master of road,to be notified about Larry Williams. 07 15. David Locke exempted from road duty on recommendation of Dr. Bellamy. 08 16. Al1 hands living on each side of Newburn Road and subject to road duty are assigned to Thomas Monk. 09 17. 'Newburn Road to be kept up without any lawful road hands. 09 18. 'Petition of Masonboro citizens to have a public road laid out referred to Committee on Roads and Bridges. 10 19. i'Petition of Harnett citizens to have Work House prisoners work on road referred to Committee on Roads. 10 20. :Committee to confer with officers of Wilmington and Coast Turnpike relative to obstructing County road. 11 21.,; Committee on Turnpike Company not ready to report. 11 22. "' J.T. Edens resigned as overseer of Means Road and J.W. Rogers appointed in his place. 12 23.:? List of hands to work under J.W. Rogers. `y 12 24.,; Overseer of Gordon Road to appear and report on number of hands and list of same subject to road duty. ; 12 25. ; Petition not granted sundry citizens requesting a public road be laid out in Masonboro Township. 12 26.,_ Petition from citizens for Work House prisoners to repair a public road deferred. 12 27. Petition of James Carr for hands in connection with Gordon Road referred to Commissioner Montgomery. O1 28., Thomas Harnell declined appointment as overseer and John St. George appointed. Ol 29.„i List of road hands to work under John St. George, pages 12-13. O1 30..; Report on division of Gordon Road adopted. Ol 31.,,. James A. Carr overseer of Section 2 of Gordon Road; list of road hands to serve under Mr. Carr. O1 32. ; Petition from citizens of Federal Point and Masonboro to lay out a public road in said Townships. Ol 33.. S. Persey Cowan excused from working public road during his ill health. Ol 3?+.: Chairman of public roads recommends Balaam Wade as overseer in place of Bruce Freeman in Federal Point. „ O1 35. Capt. S.W. Noble appointed road overseer. 02 36.. All persons living on Capt. Noble's and Mr. Hardwick's places liable for road work to work under CapC.Noble 02 37. F.M. Beasley appointed road overseer. 02 38.'' Overseer of Federal Point Road,Section l,to repair footway across Jumping Run. „ 02 39.' Resignation of Balaam Wade as overseer of Federal Point Road not accepted. 02 40. Clerk to notify persons that the petition from Masonboro and Federal Point citizens will be acted upon at 02 ; next Board meeting. 41.; J.E. St. George resigned as road overseer and William Jones appointed. . 02 42..; List of road hands subject to road duty under William Jones. 02 , 43._; Public road from City limits via Appleton to Federal Point Road discontinued. 03 ? 44..; Petition from Harnett citizens that John Corbett not be appointed overseer in place of Garrett Walker filec?,. 03 ? ??? ;? ? Ed 22 1878 ,e 22 1878 10 1878 06 1878 Ol 1878? Ol 1878 O1 1878 OS 1878 02 1878, 02 1878, ?. 07 1878 07 1878 _; 04 1878 14 1878 02 1878, 02 1878 18 1878` 18 1878 18 1878- 06 1879 , 06 1879,. 06 1879; 15 1879; 15 187 9 15 1879 22 1879 22 187 9 : 03 187 9 03 1879;; 03 1879: 03 1879' 03 1879p, 17 1879 17 1879' 17 1879„ 03 1879? 03 1879!, i I 0 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 716 ?; 716 ?? 718 ? 723 r. 734 '< 7 34 ''. ?3 7 34 "' 6; 739 s? 744 ??'? €; 744 a? 769 `? ?a 769 ?? ?_ 773 f 776 ' r? 2 ; i? 2 s? 6 !§ ,s ?? 7 ?: k• d 7 !d 11 E& 12 ?, i`, 12 " 15 15 15 ;; 16 ? 17 20 '.. 20 d 20 20 20 ; ri 21 rs r. R [i 22 22 24 25 N C INDEX TO CO?N?ISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover Coun?j MATTER ROADS , . . _ : ` Rec. u. s. County Indexen Si?ce 1888 ?+ k.? TO IOCet! 118tNB3, OplD tt r?r OFFICE ??1?e? An Identifying Trade Mark ?`I? SURNAME INITIAL TAB (OTT A-Z TAB INDEX MADE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA t ? !? DATE 7 "? ?! MINUTE BOOK M? NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS ??? ?L, Month I Dayl - - Year ?? ? Vol. I Page ?`? ? 1. List of road hands subject to road duty under Garnett tidalker, '? 03 03 a 1879 ??K ? 4 ? 25 `; ?? 2. Citizens to appear to state reasons why a road should not go through their land as petitioned by H arnett i , 04 07 1879? 4 56 ?,; a i; and Cape Fear citizens. : ' a 3. Granted petition of Masonboro and Federal Point citizens to lay off road since no one appeared to object. h; 04 07 1879hy 4 56 :; 4. Sheriff to summon a jury of five freeholders to lay off a road in Masonboro and Federal Point. ?; 04 07 ;y 1879?? 4 57.?; , 5. Report from Sheriff in laying off a new road in Federal Point and Masonboro Townships adopted. ?: 05 05 1879?? 4 69 ' . 6.? Board granted petition to open a road in Harnett Township, and Sheriff to summon a jury to lay off the i' 05 05 1879r, 4 71 , i road in conformity with law. '' .? :. kr , 7.?? Sheriff's report on laying off road adopted. ? 06 02 1879 ;. 4 78 ., ?„ 8.a A footway over Jumping Run to be built by County as recommended by overseer J.H. Hewlett. 07 07 1879:' 4 81 ., 9.fq Board of Sup?rvisiors of Cape Fear allowed to change a public road. 09 15 1879n 4 107 10.? Petition from Masonboro citizens relative to a public road referred to Commissioner Montgomery. 11 03 1879 ? 4 119 7i ll.e? T.J. Dale excused from road duty as recommended by County Physician. 12 15 1879: 4 13f3 P 12.?' M4 Petition from Federal Point citizens to have a road discontinued laid over. • 12 15 1879 ; • 4 139 " i? 13.?? Supervisor? of roads in said Township to post notices of above petition. 12 15 1879' 4 139 14.?? ? Granted petition of Federal Point citizens to have road discontinued there being no objections. O1 05 1880. 4 140 r. ,15.p? Petition from Masonboro citizens for continuance of a public road granted if owner of needed land agrees. O1 05 1880:: 4 142 ?, ,16.? j Garnet Walker is Secretary of Board of Supervisiors of Public Roads in Harnett. b, Q2 02 1880? 4 170 ll. John Beasley exempted from road duty due to physical disability as recommended by Dr. J.C. Walker. „ 02 02 1880,; 4 170 ,18.', Supervisors of Public Roads to be paid $2.00 per diem for eight days services and no mileage. 03 O1 1880 4 176 ,; ,19.? Above bills to be certified by Clerk of Board of Supervisors. , 03 Ol 1880;, 4 176 ?; ;s 20.?? ,; Hammond Hutch excused fro?n road duty as recommended by Dr. J.C. Walker. 04 05 1880,,, 4 181 ; 21.?; Petition from Cape Fear citizens requesting a discontinuance of road granted. „ 12 06 1880, 4 248 , k' 22•;; Petition from citizens group for re-establishing Negro Head Road laid over. , 02 07 ' 1881,„ 4 271 23.?:' ? ?? Request for re-establishing road from Hilton to Negro Head Road deferred. ` 03 07 1881 ? 4 277 ?, 24.f , People who own land where Negro Head Road runs to appear and give reasons why road should not be o pened. 04 04 , 1881. 4 283 25.?? Petition of citizens to open Negro Head Road granted there being no objections. 05 02 1881_? 4 291 26.e r Supervisors of roads in Cape Fear to be notified that Negro Head Road to be a public road. 06 06 1881 j 4 298 '27.i Petition for a public road referred to Commissioner J.A. Montgomery. 06 05 1882 ? 4 382 28..? Sheriff to assemble a jury of freeholders to lay out a public road, and the road not to damage any private 07 03 1882;? 4 391 ? rights. , s. ,29.? Petitions not granted citizens to discontinue a road. ; 30.?? Petition of L.R. Mason and others for a public road in Harnett postponed. 31.?? Public road to be laid out if land is donated and interested parties pay all cost. 4. ,32.?; Supervisors of public roads recommended lumber be granted far repairs of a public bridge. ,, ?d 33.?? W.B. Smith exempted from working roads and paying poll tax due to physical disability. ;; _34.?9 F.A. Wood relieved of road duty and paying poll tax due to physical disability. k? 35.?$ Application from Wesley Lany relative to loss of his horse on County road returned since Board has no i ? jurisdiction. 36.?? Richard Jordan relieved of road duty and paying poll tax due to physical disability. ? 37.;' Joshua Garrell relieved from paying poll ta? and road duty due to physical disability. 38.? Samuel Blossom allowed to erect a gate across public road at North East Ferry. , 39.?? William Solomon relieved from poll tax and road duty due to physical disability. 40.e? Gec?rge Grady exempted from poll tax and road duty due to physical disabiltiy. 41.?? James Jones and Howard Beatty exempted from poll tax and road duty due to physical disability. ? 42. F.A. Wood, Henry Steward and Jerry Leonard relieved from poll tax and public duty. I ? '„ 10 02 1882 ;; ; 05 07 1883 .; 06 04 1883:. 11 05 1883 , . 06 02 1884 c „ 06 04 1884 : 07 07 1884 ,, 07 07 09 . 12 Ol 02 05 ?; ?? ?? 07 1884 ,` 07 1884 : O1 1884 . 22 1884 ?; 05 1885 ., 02 1885 `? 04 1885 , ?; ?? ;? ;? ? ? ? 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 42I 471 '. 476 506 , 559 564 , 566 . 566 567 575 600 601 606 637 ?? ?r ii ? ? ROADS N INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover Count? C MATTER . , . _ : ` Raa. u. s. q???? Counry Indezea Sinee 1888 ?? ?.a-?- To loeats names, open at CoiT A•i Tae INOex fAT OFFitt ?n???c An Identi(yin? Trade Mark ?8 SURNAME INITIAL TAB MADE BY THE CQTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS. OHIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTN CAROLINA `' DATE ? MINUTE BOOK ' NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS ?; ? 4? . ?' Month I Day I Year ?? Vol. I Page 1.? Lisbon Smith relieved from poll tax and public duty due to physical disability. ?p 05 04 ?f 1885 ?,? 4 630 ; ? !4 ' 2.;a Isaac Foster, alias Cripple Dick,exempted from poll tax and public duty due to physical disability. ?? 08 03 1885 ;? 4 645 ? ? 3.?? James Dudley and Nicholas Shaw exempted from poll tax and road duty due to physical disability. z. 09 07 1885 ?; 4 650 ? ; ;? N. R; 4.6? Supervisor of Roads, R.E. Heide, sent matter of a footway over Jumping Run, and it was referred to Chair. : ` 04 12 1886 I? 4 706 sa ' ;; 5.;? Petition that Old Military Road be made public was postponed. ?; 06 07 1886 rf 4 718 ?b s= ! 6.,y New road declared a public road and part of public road to be abolished. ?, 09 06 1886 ?;'s E? 4 737 7.? ,? Matter of part of Federal Paint Road referred to J.A. Montgomery, Chariman of Public Roads, and Mr. Moore.- t 07 06 1887 ;, : 5 26 E' 8.` ,? Gordon Road to be discontinued as petitioned by E.W. Manning of Board of Supervisors of Harnett, ,. 09 05 1887 `? ;? 5 39 ?" i 9.? .. D.L. Russell°s request for use of Old Plank Road for Wilmington, Onslow and East Carolina Railroad deferred ? 10 10 1887 '? 5 46 ?: Ms 10. J.P. Richards and D.D. Barber allowed to build a gate across a public road if it does not hinder public 10 10 1887 5 47 travel. 11. Petition from numerous persons to have a public road laid out filed until notice could be given to all 11 12 188?3 5 116 : landowners along the route. F 12. All persons over whose land the public road will pass will be heard at December meeting. 11 12 1888 5 117 ?? 13.` Petiton to have road laid out beginning at Sturgeon Creek granted. 12 03 1888 S; 5 121 ?? 14., Sheriff to summon a jury of freeholders to lay out new public road fairly. 12 03 1f388 ` 5 121 F: ?s „ 15., R.B. Moore exempted from poll tax and public duties due to loss of one hand. , Ol 07 1883 . 5 131 i ?? 16., Citizens petitioned to have a public road changed to better serve more people. ;, 02 04 1889 :? 5 135 y? ? 17.,' Landowners to be notified of road being planned through their property and they to appear and state their „ 02 04 1889 ,? 5 135 - °; ? .. opposition if any. ., ;; ' ;? a, 18.,, John McRae exempted from poll tax and all public duty due to physical disability. ., 02 04 1889,; 5 136 . ?' ?t 19.,; Petition granted to open a public road. „ 03 04 1889 ; 5 151 ?? t, s 20.,, Sheriff to summon a jury of freeholders to lay out a public road fairly. ., 03 04 1889°' S 151 ?? 4? 21.; Jury report on laying off a public road spread on minutes on pages 154-155. ;. 04 O1 1889;; S 154 ?; 22.,; Treasurer will pay Nathaniel Jacobi money for damages in laying off public road. ;. 04 Ol 1899 „ 5 154 i: ra 6' 23. .. Board accepted jury's report on laying off public road. k' 04 O1 1889 I; " 5 154 °? g? 24. ?, L.R. Mason to superintend construction of a new public road, '? 04 O1 1889 f: 5 154 1 ?_ 3! 25. L.R. Mason reports new public road ready to be received by Board of Supervisors of Public Roads in Harnett: 08 12 1889 r 5 187 ?? ?: 26. Board of Supervisors in Harnett to appoint an overseer and a lot of hands to work new road. 08 12 1889 '?^ 5 187 ?Y' 27.' „ Matter of public road in Harnett laid over to next meeting of the Board. 10 07 1889 ,.. 5 195 ' $ 28., More time granted in matter of public road in Harnett Township. ., 11 04 1889 ?; 5 198 ;' !'. 29.' Amos Wallace exempted from public road duty due to physical disability. ; 06 O1 1891 :; 5 331 i. ?; ? 30.? Matter of public road in Masonboro Township laid over to next meeting. ,, 11 02 1891 b, 5 359 €? ?: 31. Old Masonboro Road to be discontinued and Masonboro Turnpike Road to be a public road. „ 02 Ol 1892 „ 5 380 ?" ,. i ? 32.,, Supe?visors of roads in Cape Fear to he notified a new public road has been laid off and overseer and hands, 03 07 1892 ? 5 406 ?, s ;: , to be appointed. .. Y 33.. Petition from Masonboro citizens for a new public road granted. „ 06 06 1892 5 422 ? ?? 34. Petition from Masonboro citizens to have Pervines Creek Road discontinued granted. .. 06 06 1892 , 5 423 ? i? 35.,, Clerk to Board to issue writ to Sheriff to lay off new public road in Masonboro Township. 06 06 1892 :: 5 423 ?; ?? 36..; Board rescinded action laying off new road in Masonboro and discontinuing Pervines Creek Road. , 10 03 1892 4; 5 445 ?s ;? 37.., Board granted petition of Masonboro citizens to declare a road public in Masonboro Townsliip. 06 19 1893 ?; 5 506 ?` 9' 38..; Clerk to notify supervisors of Masonboro that a road has been declared public. 06 19 1893 :`. 5 506 ;; 39.,_ Letter from Governor Elias Carr requesting Board appoint a Road Commissioner to attend convention in 10 02 1893 ;A 5 522 : Raleigh; B.S.Montford appointed Road Commissioner and G.W. Westbrook alternate. ' ,, (: I 40.? Board of Supervisors of Public Roads and Commissioners to meet together. ?. 02 05 1894 '? 5 542 ';? '? 41.,a ?3 f I?_ Joint session held with Commissioners and Supervisors of Public Roads. . _ I? 02 17 1894 ;` `sM ',P p? ?? 5 547 i? s ?i ?i i ? INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover Count? N C MATTER ROADS , . . _ : i aec. u. s. County Indexee Sinee 1888 ? To loeate names, open at COTT A-Z TAB IkDEX ??r OFFICE Cn?? An IdentifS'ins Trade Mark SURNAME INITIAL TAB MADE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NOR TH CAROLINA ? ; NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS P ° ' DATE ,+ - i MINUTE BOOK !? ? ?; l , ,; Month . I Day I Year ?? r; Vol. I Page F? ?. l. - Meeting held to discuss what improvements needed for County roads, and list of money appropriated for 02 . 17 1894 ;; 5 ?? 547 ??` ;1 ? roads for each Township. V , 2.? Amendments made on minutes of ?oint session of Board and Supervisors of Roads relative to money for roads.: 03 05 1894 „, ?: 5 558 ? 3. Additional money appropriated for road in Federal Point. 03 ; 05 1894 '.; 5 558 . r ,r 4. . Petition from Pender County citizens asking that gate across public road at Blossom's Ferry be removed. " . 03 . 05 1894 p? 5 558 ? ?; 5. ? Board instructed Mr. Blossom to remove gate at Blossom's Ferry. 03 05 1894 ': 5 558 ' r? 6.? Matter of macadamizing road to National Cemetery referred to Chariman. 04 02 1894 ; 5 562 j 7.? ? Petition for a public road from Masonboro citizens deferred to annual meeting of Board of Magistrates. : 04 02 , 1894 :, ?? 5 562 ` ? 8.? ; Commissioner B. Montford reported work done on public roads was done well and money well spent. . 04 02 1894 ?? 5 562 ?, 9.;; ; Additional money appropriated for roads in Masonboro as requested by Supervisor D,J.;.Fergus. 04 02 1894 5 562 ; 10.',r " Additional money appropriated for roads in Harnett as requested by E, Manning. 05 07 1894 5 567 11.: ,, Claim from E. Manning for services as supervisor of road improvements referred to Board of Supervisors. 05 07 1894 _ 5 567 12.'s p{ Report from ro?d supervisor D.J. Fergus on expenditures on road improvements in Masonboro. 06 04 1894 5 570 13.?? k Report from Harnett road superintendent E.W. Manning on work done on roads and money spent. 07 02 1394 : 5 575 14.? S Report submitted from road supervisor James Cowan on work done on public roads in Cape Fear, 08 13 1894 ,? 5 581 a 15.,? A number of delegates were appointed to attend meeting of N.C. Road Improvement Association. „ 09 03 1894 5 582 ?,, 16.»d ? Petition from Harnett citizens for a public road granted and road supervisors to be nQtified. , 11 05 1894 y 5 591 ,? 17.?y ? Petition from Stephen Keyes for a public road in Federal Point granted. „ Ol 07 1895 5 608 18.? Board deferred matter of road appropriation to next meeting. ., 03 04 1895 5 629 ?R 19.f; ?q Board to meet March 11 to make appropriations for public roads in County. (See CLERK TO THE BOARD) 03 04 1895 5 629 9 20.? Board and road supervisors met to appropriate money for public roads; list of appropriations made and to 03 11 1895., 5 632 . ;i w which Townships. , .,, . . 21.;? . ? Report from road supervisor D.J. Fergus on money received and expended on roads in Masonboro. ., 07 Ol 1895 ,. 5 648 22.?? „ Board of Superivsors of Masonboro and Federal Point to lay off new roads and apportion hands and work. 07 22 1895 J 5 651 ' !' 23.:? ? '? Report from road supervisor W.D. Rhodes on money received and expended on roads in Federal Point. ?? 07 22 1895 ' 5 652 r 24.` . ? Report from road supervisor E.W. Manning on money received and expended for raad work in Harnett. .. 08 05 1895: 5 653 25.?? E, Public road in Harnett abolished as a public road. .. 09 02 1895 : „ 5 668 e? .? ??? ? 26.s? . ?, Report from road supervisor John Cowan of Cape Fear on receipts and expenditures for road work. 10 07 1895 5 672 27.? Cape Fear Board of Road Superivsors applied for terra cotta pipes and lumber; referred to Committee on 02 03 1896 5 692 ?! Roads and Bridges. ' F i? '28.;I Chairman reported Sheriff had settled with County for 1895 taxes so road appropriations could be made. ?? 29.?? Road appropriations for each Township listed. E? 30.k; Road appropriations reconsidered and changed for Federal Point and Masonboro. ? ?? 31.f; W.D. Rhodes to superintend work on new road, New Federal Point and Masonboro Road. '; .32.;; Superintendent of House of Correction to arrange with road supervisors to work convicts on roads. ,, .33.;? Board re-established public road upon petition of residents. ?? r 34.;; Report from road supervisor James Cowan on money received and expended for road work in Cape Fear, 35.{.a Any telegraph or telephone company may erect lines on any roadway of County subject to rules of Board. 36.0? Work of shelling and improving roads in Harnett to be resumed without delay where work was discontinued ?? . ?? last year. 37.4i All work done on road in Harnett, and material used, to be under a road overseer appointed by Board. ?a 38.i? Action on appropriations for roads and bridges deferred. . , r? 39.;? Action on road appropriations deferred and committee to see what repairs are needed. ? ?'; 40.;; Chairman to consult with Board of Alderman and Board of Audit and Finance of City to repair Ninth Street and Committee on Roads will repair outside of City limits. 41•dtl Money appropriated for road in Harnett for improvements under supervision of Commissioner Alexander 03 02 1896 5 707 ' .. 03 02 1896 5 707 , .. 03 02 1896 S 707 „ 03 02 1896 5 708 , 03 02 1896„ 5 708 , 06 Ol 1896 „ 5 718 08 03 1896 „ 5 727 O1 04 1897 S 754 O1 05 1897 5 756 O1 05 ?. 1897 5 .a 756 Ol 14 1897 5 759 02 Ol 1897 5 762 02 Ol 1897 5 762 ROADS INDEX TO COMMISS?ONERS MINUTES - New Hanover County N C INATTFR , . . _ : ` RE4. U. +. /??',? County Indexee Sinca ?888 ?yl ?.?--- To locat? namea, open at COTT A-Z TAB INDEX r?r q?rte? ?.??(.a? f#n Identifyin? ?'rade Merk ?? $URNAML? INITIAL TAB MADE BY TH@ CQTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD 8Y OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH fAROLlNA DATE ?? i MINUTE BOOK ? ? NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS ??' Monfh Day Year ?? Vol. Page ? ? S I I ?3 I 9 f, '? I.i; Making contracts for hauling cinder and other material for road left to Cha ? 02 10 f ?: 1897 ?? 5 ?? 765 ?? M 2.?{ Contract for repairing and hauling cinders for roads awarded T.A. Satson. + 02 10 1897?; S 765 ? 3.?p Money appropriated for new Federal Point Road. 02 10 1897.? , 5 765 ,? ? `tl y ? 4.;e Money appropriated for continued shelling of Masonboro Road. ; 02 10 1897;? 5 f 766 ?. ? 5.:tl Money appropriated for Little Bridge Road and to repair Bridge, ; 02 10 1897?? 5 ? 766 w' ?? ; 6.,? Attorney to prepare proper paper for opening of new roads. ' 02 10 1897:, 5 766 S! s 7. ? Repair of Cape Fear Township Road was left to Committee on Roads and Bridges. : 03 O1 1897?; 5 . 777 E? 8. ? ., Matter of obtaining signature of Mr. Williams for opening new road left to Mr. Alexander. .. 03 O1 1897. 03 5 777 ;? r. ?. 9.' Extra appropriation for new Federal Point Road was refused. ; 03 O1 1897 ? 5 777 ? 10. ? es collected in 1896. Sheriff s sett?ement in account with Public Roads Fund for tax 03 19 1897 ? S 785 ? 11. New road to be laid out in Cape Fear Township along Wilmington and Weldon Railroad. OS 04 1897_y 6 11 12. Statement made by A,J. Marshall concerning County roads. (Statement not recorded) 09 06 1897 , 6 41 , 13. , Action on road improvements deferred after hearing reports from Township's committees. .. 02 08 1898 , 6 81 ,? I3. A.J, Marsh111 requested information for legal laying off of new road to Federal Point; referred to Attorney 02 I4 1898,? 6 86 ;, 14.; Road appropriations made for various Townships set down. 02 14 1898 6 87 ; . w i' ' 15. Letter from Cape Fear Supervisor of Roads referred to Commissioners Dempsey. ; 03 07 1898;; 6 105 ? ( 16. , " S.W, Noble appeared to explain way he is building Old Newburn Road. ; 03 07 I898, 6 I05 '? ri 17.; Board declared Commissioners Alexander and Nixon would decide way Old Newburn Road to be built. „ 03 07 1898 6 105 ; 18. Petition from Messrs. S.J. Jones and Oscar Pearsall to have road in Harnett Township completed deferred. 04 04 1898,; 6 i? 112 ;? i 19.; Discontinuance of short piece of road leading to Federal Point referred for investigation. : 04 04 1898„ 6 112 ?; ?? , 20.;, Permission given to lay a drain across road at Jumping Run i£ done at no expense to County. ;. 04 25 1898:. 6 120 ;; , 21.; Extra money allowed for road and bridge, above amount appropriated. 05 02 1898:, 6 121 ; 22._: Report from Committee on Roads and Bridges on roads and bridges adopted. :. 06 02 1898;: 6 165 ,; 23. Road appropriations made for various Townships. 10 07. 1898 6 185 24. Matter or repairing Federal Point Road left to Committee on Roads and Bridges. 11 07 1898 6 189. 25.. Request from Messrs. Belcher and Kerr to have road through Rock Hill Plantation declared public referred .. 12 06 1898?? .? 6 203 ,? ? to the Attorney. , ?. 26.? Money appropriated to repair new road in Federal Point. O1 03 1899 : 6 220 ? 27. Election to be held May 2, 1899 to vote on bonds for an act to improve roads. .. 04 07 1899 6 247 `. ?a 28. Election for road bonds 1ost. OS 04 1899 6 260 , ?. a. ,? 29. Petition from citizens for opening of road in Harnett Township to be posted. 06 06 1899 : 6 299 4; 30.. Road report filed from Captain John Barry. 06 13 1899 6 301 ? ? ., ., , 31. „ Prof.Joseph Holmes wrote and suggested John Barry attend Road Builders Institute at Charlotte; approved. 07 05 1899 : 6 317 ?. 32., Salary of Superintendent of County Roads set at $75 per month. 08 22 1899 . 6 327 / 33. l Several persons applied far Superintendent of Caunty Roads and John Barry elected. 08 22 1899 „ 6 327 k, 34. Chairman to accept bond of Capt. Barry as Superintendent of Roads if it is in proper form. 09 04 1899 6 335 ?, 35.,. Chairman's action in accepting Capt. Barry's bond confirmed. 09 12 1899 ., 6 336 36.;, Road supervisors appointed for various Townships. 11 15 1899 ,; 6 350 . 37.,; Road matter discussed and Commissioner Moore to obtain information and report to Board. 11 15 1899 „ 6 350 ;, 38.,: Road declared a public road beginning at Wrightsville Depot and going near Bay Mead Station. .. 11 16 1899 ,; 6 360 ;; , 39,,, Report from Superintendent of County Roads, John Barry, and the payroll, were received and paid. „ 12 04 1$99 ?: 6 361 : 40., Road matters were discussed, but no action taken. 12 05 1899 ;N 6 363 41. Superintendent of Roads, John Barry, reported labor performed by hands in November and report given to 12 I5 1899 6 365 ?, : the Auditing Committee. . „ ., 42.; Matter of repair and buzlding bridges over Whiskey and Hewlett's Creeks referred to Superintendent Barry. 12 20 1899 4 6 366 43. . ?,? P6 9 ;? _. I S.J. Jones and John Barry applied for position of Superintendent of Roads and John Barry elected. i Ol 02 1900 : i Ei 6 381 pn k. s': I? INDE? TO CO?IMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover Count? N C Ro?s i , . . _ MATT R: ecc. u. s. //? County Indezee Sinee 1888 To toeate names, open at COTT A-Z TAB INDEX r?r OFFICE C.G.Sl.?? An Identifying Trade Marlc ? SURNAME INITIAL TAB MADE BY THE CQTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD BY OWEN G. D UNN, NEW BERN, NO RTH CAROLiNA .. ? NATURE OF PROCEEDIfVGS ? DATE ??' " MINUTE BOOK %' ° ' Month I Day I Year ° Vol. , I Page I? ? 1.? i Salary of Superintendent of Roads set at $75 per month. ' O1 - - 02 1900;? ' 6 381 2. Commissioner Alexander and Capt. Barry were appointed to redistrict roads throughout County. 02 05 1900 ` 6 400 3.C ? Temporary quarters to be erected to quarter convicts working roads until pr.ison cage arrives from W. I?ing. 02 05 1900 6 400 ? ; 4.? , Superintendent of Roads to build bridge over Motte's Creek since none of bids were acce?te?... 02 12 ., 1900 ?, 6 . 401 ' s ,5,c Petition received from T.J. Belcher and others for a public road, notice of such to be posted. 03 05 1900 . 6 402 6.? ? Report from Messrs. Alexander and Barry on roads accepted and they to ,appoint supervisors and overseers. ., 03 05 1900 6 404 .. i 7.k' i Chairman Moore reported temporary quarters for convicts had been completed. 03 05 1900' 6 404 8.?? Bond approved for John Barry as Superintendent of Roads. 03 05 I900 ` 6 404 = , ?; 9.;,? Monthly report from Superintendent John Barry was accepted. 03 05 1900 6 405 10..; Partial report submitted from committee on securing rock for roads, but given more time. 03 05 1900 6 405 11.' State Geologist J.O.?Halmes ?cnvited.to visit Wilm3ngton and d?scuss Gou?.ty roads. 03 05 1900 6 405 12.. Letter from Treasurer Green relative to list of hands for working roads re?erred to Superintendent Barry. 04 02 1900 6 426 13.'' ?; J.B. Dempsey and E.A. Orrell appointed supervisors of road hands in Cape Fear and Masonboro Townships at 04 02 1900 „ 6 426 $25 a year. 14.?3 Committee to contract with New Hanover Land and Improvement Co to deliver road rock. 04 02 1900 6 427 . 3 15.;,' ,r Superintendent of Roads rendered his monthly report. , 04 02 1900 6 427 , 16.?, Clerk to post public notices that Board will hear petitioners_ to open road and land owners at next meeting 04 02 1900 „ 6 427 ; 17.?? ? i Bids received for depositing rocks on roads and contract awarded to T.A, Watson. 04 24 1900 . 6 433 .. 18.;i Contract with Thomas Watson for distributing rock on County roads set down. 05 08 1900 6 434 (a ? . 19.,? Letter from D,W, Harriss for betterment of road in Harnett and Masonboro referred to Superintendent Barry. 05 08 1900 6 434 ?? 20.;',,' Board and Justices to request General Assembly to empower Board to issue bon@s for permanent improvement 05 04 1900 6 445 of roads. 21. Superintendent Barry reported Masonboro Roads in need of repair, he to move portable prison there for the convicts. 22.`' A.J. Latta of N.Y, to be notified that Board acted on request of Thomas Belcher to Iay off a public road j ?' through his land. ?? 23.;,; Money allowed by Board for road work in Federal Point Township. - ?? 24.;? Request from Thomas Belcher to open road was granted as recommended by Committee on Roads. ,25.N? Superintendent of Roads to have bridge on Fe3eral Point Road repaire3 and report on cost of grading it. ? 26.'' Request from W,E. Worth and others for rocking of Acom Branch Road not granted. y 27.i{ Board annulled order opening road in Rock Hill going through land of A.3. Latta. , 28.' Mr. Belcher and others may use road through Mr. Latta's land as long as he agrees. fi, 29.`? Report from Su?perintendent of Roads filed. 30.' Good Road Machinery Co. of Pennsylvania, awarded contract for road machinery. 31.;?, Report from Superintendent Barry filed. 32.' Superintendent of Roads to be in charge of all bridges and roads at $40 per month. ?? 33.; Applications received for position of Superintendent of Roads and S.J. Jones elected, ?, 34.: Request for improvement of Market Street Road was referr?d to Superintendent Barry. na 35.;? Report from Superintendent of Roads was filed. 36.?; Bond approved for S.J. Jones as Superintendent of Roads. 37.;? Superintendent of Roads to have part of Newburn Road r?paired i? does not exceed $15.00. ,y 38. Report from Superin.tendent of Roads approved and filed. k: 39.?r Request from J.R. Batton and others to change course of Holly Shelter Road near Castle Hayne was granted. 40.' Bill from Good Road Machinery Co. was approved. ., 41.y+ Report from Superintendent of Roads approved and filed. 71 .Y+2.f+' Commissioner Alexander and Mr. Jones to examine condition of Blue Clay Road. 06 04 1900 6 446 07 02 1900 6 450 07 02 1900 - 6 450 09 03 1900 ,; 6 472 10 O1 1900 ? 6 481 ZO 01 1900 . 6 482 , 10 24 1900 6 483 10 24 1900 6 483 11 05 1900 6 486 12 15 1900 6 499 Ol 07 1901 6 512 Ol 07 1901 6 512 Ol 07 1901 6 512 Ol 07 190I 6 512 02 04 1901 : 6 517 02 04 1901 6 517 02 04 1901 6 518 , 03 04 1901 6 531 03 04 1901 6 531 04 O1 1901 ? 6 533 04 O1 1901,, 6 534 04 O1 1901 6 534 ? ? INDE? TO COMMI?SIONERS MINUTES -- New Hanover Count? N C MATTER ROADS , . ? , : ` eec. n. s. County Indezee Since 1888 {? ? to loeate nomes, open al COiT h2 TAB INDER IAT OFPICF ?p?71?.?' An IdtnGfying Trade Merk ?.8 SURNAME INITIA4 TAB AIADE !Y iNE (OTi INDE% (OMPANY, fOLUTABUf, OHIO SOLO BY OWEN & DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH GROIIMA NAiURE OF PROfEEDINGS DATE MINUTE BOOK Monfh I Day ( l Year Vol, ? Page 1. Com?nissioner Alexander to repair water fence. 04 O1 1901 6 533 2. Board voted to put road bond issue before voters as directed by Act of Legislature. 04 12 1901 6 536 3. Election to be held on June 18, 1901 on road bond issue and new registration to be held. 04 29 1901 6 547 4. Report from Superintendent of Roads approved and filed. 05 06 1901 6 548 5. Water section of County Fence has been repaired. 05 06 1901 6 548 6. Report from Superintendent of Roads approved and filed. 06 03 1901 6 553 7. C,E. Wright exenpted from road duty due to physical disability. 06 03 1901 6 553 8. Road bond issue passed in June 18 election. 06 20 1901 6 567 9. Contract awarded Hanover Land Improvement Co. to sell phosphate for use on roads. 06 20 1901 6 567 10. Report from Superintendent of Roads approved and filed. 07 Ol 1901 6 574 11. Committee and Superintendent of Roads to discuss discontinuing County roads, but may be kept up by citizens. 07 Ol 1901 6 575 12. Bid for bonds for permanent road improvements given to W.J, Hays. 07 22 1901 6 577 13. Report from Superintendent of Roads approved. O8 05 1901 6 584 14. Committee recommended roads in Sections 3 and 6 in Harnett be discontinued. 08 05 1901 6 584 15. Matter of discontinuing road in Section 5 in Harnett referred to this Committee. 08 05 1901 6 584 16. Report from Superintendent of Roads approved. 09 03 1901 6 594 17. Mr. Jones to take legal action against Julius Henry and John Paderick since they failed to obey his sum- 09 03 1901 6 594 mons. 18. Road hands transferred from discontinued Section 4 to Section 1. 09 03 1901 6 594 19. W.J. Hayes and Sons released from offer of road bonds made by them and Chairman to try to resell bonds at 09 09 1901 6 595 same price as bid. 20. Part of road in Section 3 to be discontinued and part to become part of Section 4. 10 07 1901 6 602 21. Report from Superintendent Jones received and approved. 10 07 1901 6 602 22. Report from Superintendent Jones on roads received and accepted. 11 04 1901 6 611 23. Board agreed to pay half of cost for paving Princess Street if City allows its share. 12 02 1901 6 615 24. Report from Sol. J. Jones on roads received and approved. 12 OZ 1901 6 617 25. T.A. Watson awarde? contract for grading and filling in road between Holly Shelter and Gordon Road. 12 02 1901 6 617 26. Al1 convicts in Jail under penal sentence to be sent to County roads. 12 09 1901 6 620 27, All work bi11s done under Superintendent of Roads and Bridges to be approved by Chairman of Committee on 12 09 1901 6 620 Roads and Bridges. 28. Report from Superintendent of Roads approved. 01 06 1902 6 627 29. Several applications received for postiion of Superintendent of Roads and So1. J. Jones elected at $40 a 01 06 1902 6 b27 month. 30. Board met to receive bids for the road improve;nent bonds. Ol 30 1902 6 630 31. List of bids and from whom for road bonds set down, and bid awarded John Armstrong of t?ilmington, ?1 3Q 1902 6 630 32. Report from Superintendent Jones was read and approved. 02 03 1902 6 632 33. Bond from Sol. J. Jones received and referred to County Attorney. 02 03 1902 6 632 34. Mr. Jone?s to notify all persons liable for road work that they must pay $2 exemption tax by April 1 or will 02 03 1902 6 632 not be exempted from work. 35. Form of road bonds to be issued to John Armstrong set dowr,., pages 632-633. 02 19 1902 6 632 36. Report from Superintendent Jones r?ad and approved. 03 03 1902 6 638 37. Bond of Sol. J, Jones as Superintendent of Roads was approved. 03 03 1902 6 638 38. Request from Southern Bell Telephone to 1ay wires along public roads referred to Attorney and Audit Comm. 03 03 1902 6 64Q 39. Report on Road Fund for March, 1902. 04 07 1902 6 645 40. Southern Be11 Telephone Co. given permission to set its poles and string its wires along County roads. 05 05 1902 6 649 41. Report on Road Fund for April, 1902. 05 26 1902 6 652 N INDE? TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover Count? C ; MATTER ROADS , . . : ` eFC. n. s. ^??? County Indexee Since IB88 ? To lotale names, open at COTT A•2 TAB IADEX r?i orrieE ??,o?i An Identifying Trade Merk SURNAME INIiIAI TAB MADE BY THE COTi INDEX (OMPANY, (OLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD BY OWEN & DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH GROIINA DATE MINUTE BOOK NATURE OF PRO(EEDINGS Month I Day I Year Vol. I Page 1. Report from Superintendent of Roads approved. 06 03 1902 6 655 2. Application of Peanbroke Jones for location of road in Harnett deferred. 07 07 1902 6 661 3. Report fra:n Superintendent Jones read and approved. 07 07 1902 6 661 4. Road in Section 4 to be discontinued and another road to be build at expense to Pembroke Jones. 07 14 1902 6 661 5. Board to buy the roadway of the Wilmington Coast Turnpike Co. and make it a public road. 07 22 1902 6 663 6. Report on Road Fund for ,Tune, 1902. 07 22 1902 6 665 7. Report from Superintendent of Roads continued. 08 04 1902 6 668 8. Section 7 of road in Harnett Township was discontinued as a public road. 08 04 1902 6 668 ', 9. Report on Road Fund for Ju1y, 1902, pages 669-670 08 04 1902 6 669 10. Requests from Greenville Sound citizens for a public road referred to Committee on Roads and Bridges. 09 01 1902 6 671 11. Confirmed action of Permanent Road Improvement Com,nittee in agreeing to furnish road material to Goldsboro, 09 O1 1902 6 672 12. Report on Road Fund for August, 1902. 09 04 1902 6 673 13. Report from Superintendent of Roads approved. 10 06 1902 6 677 14. Report from Superintendent of Roads approved. 11 03 1902 6 680 15. J.M. Monk relieved of road duty due to physical disability. 12 01 1902 6 684 16. Request from Samuel Blossom to have road changed crossing his land to a road he has made referred and 12 02 1902 6 686 public notice to be given. 17. Report from Superintendent of Roads received and approved. 12 02 1902 6 687 18. Report on Road Fund from March 4, 1902 to December 1, 1902 ,pages 689-690. 12 ?2 1902 6 689 ?19. Report on Township Road Fund from April, 1902 through December l, 1902. 12 ??2 1902 6 691 20. Report from Superintendent of Roads approved. Ol ?5 1903 6 694 21. S.J, Jones re-elected Superintendent of Roads if he gives twenty days services a month to County at $48 O1 ?5 1903 6 694 ? per month. 22. Report from Superintendent Jones accepted. 02 ?2 1903 6 700 23. Superintendent Jones requeste3 salary increase from $40 to $75 per month or he wi11 resign. 02 J2 1903 6 700 24. Resignation of Superintendent Jones was accepted. 02 ?2 1903 6 700 ?25. Board wi11 accept change in road at Castle Hayne if Mr. Blossoms will assume some expense. 02 )2 1903 6 700 ?26. James A, Perry elected Superintendent of Roads at $50 a month. 02 ?7 1903 6 701 ,27. Permanent Road Crnnmittee to work on Turnpike and report class of improve?nents they will recommend. 02 ?7 1903 6 701 28. Request for repairs on Old Federal Point Road referred to Committee on Roads and Bridges. 03 OZ 1903 6 704 29. Request from J.D, Johnson and others of change of public road near Castle Hayne not granted. 03 02 1903 6 704 30. Co.?nmittee on Roads and Bridges to furnish Superintendent of Roads with two mules and carts. 03 02 1903 6 705 31. Money appropriated for strawing Nea re?eral Point Road with nine inches of straw. 04 06 1903 6 711 32. Pe?nbroke Jones' road adopted as County road and old road discontinued. 04 06 1903 6 712 33. Matter of estabiishing the public Greenville Road was left to Committee on Roads and Bridges. 04 06 1903 6 712 34. Report fron Superintendent of Roads approved. 06 O1 1903 6 725 35. Request from citizens to open Pauline Avenue re?erre3 to Roads and Bridges Committee. 07 06 1903 6 731 36. Letter of J.D, Johnson relative to road improvements from Castle Hayne to Island Creek was laid on table. 08 03 1903 6 742 37. Letter from J.D. Johnson and R.W, Bordeaux relative to road changes at Castle Hayne referred to Permanent 08 03 1903 6 742 I Road Cammittee. I,38. Pauline Ave. declared a public road as suggested by Co:?rnittee on Roads and Bridges. 08 03 1903 6 743 ?39. Money to be transferred from General Fund to the Permanent Fund for Roads. 11 14 1903 6 761 40. Report on Road Fund from December 1, 1902 to December 1, 1903. 12 10 1903 6 769 41. Report on County Road Sinking Fund from December l, 1902 to December 1, 1903. 12 10 1903 6 770 ?42. , Report from Superintendent of Roads Perry was received and accepted. Ol 04 1904 6 774 F43. Roads and Bridges Committee authorized to repair Federal Point Road, 0 2 O1 1904 6 779 ?? N t INDE? TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES H C N C anover oun ?, ew . . _ MATTER: -- ROADS ? ' ecc. u. s. County Indexee Since 18BA ? Yo lomte names, open ol (OTi A•2 TAt INDE% IAT OFFICE ?e?? An (dentiiyin¢ Trqde Mark SURNAME INITiAI TAB MAOE BY iNE (Oii INUER COMPIINY, COLUMBUS, ONIO YOLD BY OWEN & DUNH,NEN BERM,MORTN CAROLIMA DATf MINInE BOOK NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS ? Monih IDay I Year Vol, I Page i , ? l. Pay for Superintendent of Roads, James Perry, was increased from $50 to $60 per month. 05 . 02 1904 6 . 791 2. Report from Superintendent Perry received and ordered that he itemize work done on different roads. 08 O1 1904 6 806 3. Five road wagons to be recovered with sheet iron. 08 O1 1904 6 808 4. Request for road improvement in Federal Point referred to Committee in Roads and Bridges. 10 03 1904 7 3 5. Report from Superintendent of Roads Perry filed. 10 03 1904 7 4 6. Report from Superintendent of Roads for October filed. 11 07 1904 7 7 7. Money transferred from General Fund to Road Fund. 11 07 1904 7 7 8. Report from Superintendent of Roads was filed. 12 05 1904 7 11 9. Report from Superintendent Perry filed. Q1 03 2405 7 1& 10. ?.. Report from Superintendent Perry filed. 02 06 1905 7 18 I 11. I Report from Superintendent of Roads and Bridges referred to Finance Committee. 04 03 1905 7 22 l ' 12. Commissioner Vollers reported improvement to County boulevard. 04 03 1905 7 22 ? 13. I Report from Superintendent of Roads referred to Attorney. 05 Ol 1905 7 24 14. Resignation of J.A. Perry as Road Superintendent referred to Road Committee. 05 01 1905 7 24 ' 15. Election to be held on June 7, 1905 to vote on road bonds for road improvements. 05 O1 1905 7 25 , 16. Road Committee empowered to employ foreman. 06 05 1905 7 27 17. Part of purchases for Independent Ice Co, mules and carts charged to Road Fund. 06 05 1905 7 27 „ 18. Request for improvement of Truman Rich Road referred to Permanent Road Committee. 06 05 1905 7 27 I9. Board canvassed road bond election results, pages 28-31 and declared.:that the band issue had passed. Ob 08 1905 7 28 20. I Report from Superintendent of Roads referred to Road Committee. 07 03 1905 7 34 ' 21. E.R. Skenter, engineer of road engine, resigned. 08 07 1905 7 35 22. Board met to consider road bond bids but rejected a11 bids. 08 30 1905 7 36 ? 23. Request from E,W, Van, Lucas to change location of road at Castle Hayne referred to Road Committee. 09 05 1905 7 37 I 24. ? Report from Superintendent of Roads filed. 09 05 1905 7 37 ' 25. Money transferred from General Fund to Permanent Road Fund. 09 05 1905 7 37 i I 26. ; Report from Superintendent of Roads referred to Finance Committee. 10 02 1905 7 39 ` 27. Money appropriated for improvement of New Federal Point Road. 11 06 1905 7 41 ! 28. i Petition from eitizens to open road referred to Committee on Roads. 12 04 1905 7 42 , ? j ? 29. Board established road improvement bonds, amounts and dates due. 12 04 1905 7 43 . 30. Copy of the way a road bond wi11 read set down. 12 04 1905 7 43 I ? 31. Road bonds sold to Seasongood & Mayer of Cincinnati, Ohio. 12 04 1905 7 44 ? '' 32. Road improvement bonds signed and forwarded to purchaser. 01 02 1906 7 46 33. J.M. Wooland elected Superintendent of Roads at $75 per month. 01 02 1906 7 46 ' 34. Request from citizens of Federal Point for road repairs to be considered as soon as possible. 02 03 1906 7 47 ; 35. Report from Superintendent of County Roads filed. 02 03 1906 7 47 ?? 36. Bond of J.M. Wooland as Superintendent of Roads approved. 02 03 1906 7 47 ? 37. Request from citizens of Cape Fear for a new road referred to Committee on Roads and Bridges. 02 03 1906 7 47 !I 38. i Committee to have survey made relative to petiti?in of citizens in Greenville. 02 03 1906 7 47 i 39. Permanertt Road Committee to advertise for bids to build roads in Federal Point. 02 03 1906 7 48 ?? 40. Committee on Greenville Road to be continued and opposition to said road to be reported on. 03 05 1906 7 48 41. I Petition from Masonboro citizens for a new road to be acted on as soon as possible. 03 05 1906 7 48 ? ? 42. I Report from Superintendent Wooland referred to Road Committee. 03 05 1906 7 48 43. Request from L.R, Mason to open road near Big Mead referred to Committee on Roads and Bridges. 04 02 1906 7 50 44. Committee on Greenvill.e Road given more time. 04 02 1906 7 50 45. Survey to be made to decide on roads in Federal Point and Masonboro. 04 02 1906 7 50 46, Road in Harnett Township to be altered going from Wilmington to Pender County 1ine. 04 02 1906 7 50 INDE? TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover County, N. C. , MATT RT REAL ESTATE, COUNTY ` ncc. u. s. I?J,? County lndezea Since 1888 To locate names, open at COTT A•2 TAB INDEX ?AT OFFICE ?p??C,a-?c An Identifying Trade Mark ?$URNAME INITIAL TAB MIADE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS DATE MINUiE800K Month I Day I Year Vol. I Page l. Board unable to secure report from D. A. Herring for collection of Hanover Garden lot sale (cf. 1/10/28) Ol 17 1928 8 484 and advises all parties concerned to make future payments with county auditor. 2. Deed authorized for sell of county land to Keith Brothers. O1 24 1928 8 486 3. Board authorized sell of county land to Keith Brothers. 02 06 1928 8 487 4. Plotting county land on Gordon Road and Market Street referred to Chairman. 02 21 1928 8 489 5. Action on purchase of 120.3 feet of County land by A. R., H. L, and T. W. Keith agreed. 03 12 1928 8 493 6. Requests to exchange land for county land under report. 09 18 1928 8 532 7. W. S. Dexter given 12 months to purchase county land, but occupy it in meantime. 09 25 1928 8 534 8. Keith Brothers and J. B. Hughs request to secure trackage for their Castle Hayne Road extension 10 16 1928 8 537 referred to Chairman. 9. A. F. Harper offer to purchase timber on County land (Worth tract) declined. 11 12 1928 8 542 10. C. Kure offer of Kure Beach land for Parking space taken under consideration. 02 26 1929 8 561 11. George H. Hutaff request for a method to aid farmers granted. 03 19 1929 8 564 12. J. W. Helbig Esquire of Denver, Col. permitted use of lot, and Board received and erected signs for 04 16 1929 8 570 parking lot. 13. Request for five acres of county land referred to Chairman for report. 04 16 1929 8 570 14. Contract to lease county land to H. B. Thompson authorized. 04 30 1929 8 573 15. Deed to Keith Brothers authorized for county land. 05 06 1929 8 573 16. Sale of Sand to Atlantic Bitulithic Co. Approved. 05 06 1929 8 573 17. Sale of sand to Atlantic Bitulithic Co. authorized at 25¢ per yard. 05 14 1929 8 574 18. Texas Company offer to transfer land to county for right-of-way received, and reply made. 06 03 1929 8 577 19. Will Batson offer to lease Carolina Beach lot to county for parking space under Board advisement. 06 16 1929 8 57? 20. Lease for County land to Thomason Lumber Co. approved. 06 18 1929 8 579 21. Corbett Package Co. request to purchase Smith Creek swamp land declined. 08 05 1929 8 588 22. W. A. Corbett offer via attorney J. J. Burney to purchase 35 acres of county land at Smith Creek 09 10 1929 8 595 referred to Board for report. 23. Sale of County land near Smith Creek to W. A. Corbett agreed. 09 12 1929 8 596 24. Deed prepared for sale of land to Mrs, I.,eona C. Dextar, and J. L. Becton employed to furnish its 09 24 1929 8 596 description. 25. Hollis and Cantwell request to transfer lots 1&2 Hanover Gardens to Tom Murrell, granted. 11 12 1929 9 6 26. Letter advising property owners on requirments for listing Real Estate, approved. 1 21 1930 9 18 27. Authorized visibly mark lines o? County Park near Municipal Golf Course and establishing 1 18 1930 9 19 warning si?ns for litter bugs abusing property. 28. George Roundtree to pay Blake D, AppleWhite Real Estate Block 109 taxes. 3 3 1930 9 28 29. County Attorney requested advise on acquiring property for auto parking for County Road 4 7 1.930 9 37 System. . , 30??Declined refund to H. C. Byrd for Hanover Garden lot. 6 10 1930 9 4? 31. Authorized James E. L. Wade t? clear plot of land "Battle Acre of Fort Fisher". 9 ::3 1930 9 60 32. Action recinded to release tax lien on property block 576 for Hudson and Scruggs. 9 23 1930 9 60 33. Tide Water Po?aer Co. request to purchase County land referred to Chairman and Mr. Trask. 10 6 1930 9 71 ,34, Sale of t;;ounty land near Route 40 to Tide Water Power Co. authorized. 1"2 16 Ia.?O 9 8? 35. Re-evalutation forms?on Real Estae referred to County Auditor, County Attorney & Clerk. 12 16 1930 9 82 36, Authorized Mr. L. C. Herring to convey lot 12 block 2 back to County in Hanover Gardens, 3 30 1931 9 100 paymentrsmade to apply t? purchase of of lot 11, block 2, purchased by Miss D. I. Innis. 37. Received recommenciations to safeguard and beautify Community Drive, 5 12 1931 9 107 38o Sale of Real Estate by Sheriff ??r 1930 taxes postponed until next meeting. 5 12 1931 9 108 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover Count?y, N. C. , MATTER: ROADS eec. u. s. 'A?J,- County Indexea Since 1888 YO IOCOtO names, Opep Ot COTT A-Z TAB INDEX r?r OFFICE ?,e??,o-?i An ldentifying Trade Mark SURNAME INIiIAL TAB IMADE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, (OLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEri BERN, NORTH CAROLINA NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS DATE Month I Day + Year I 1. A.B, Stokey exempted trom road duty. 2. Report of Superintendent of Roads referred to Finance Committee. 3.; Petition of William Nuislie referred to Superintendent of Roads. 4., Contracts for feed for road teams for April awarded J. McEachern, Sr. 5., Committee recommended opening short road near Bay Mead. 6. Damage awarded Harry Merrick due to road change. 7., Report of guperintendent of Roads referred to Permanent Roads to look after damages caused by cutting ditches near roads. $. Contract for Llay for feeding County teams given J. McEachern & Sons. 9. On request from Sam Blossom road to ferry in Castle Hayne wi11 be completed as soon as possible. 10. Old Federal Point Road to be strawed. 11. Report from Superintendent of Roads referred to Finance Committee. 12. Contract given B.F.Mitchell to supply feed for County teams. ?3. Report of Superintendent of Roads referred to Auditing Committee. 14. Request from Roger Moore to put a track across road referred to Chairman and County Attorney. 15. Contract for feed for County teams for July given J. McEachern Sons. 16. Money appropriated to straw new Federal Point Road. 17. Committee on Greenville Road recommended Worth Road and blueprints would be filed soon. ,18. Cape Fear Lumber Co. allowed to use County roads to run a telephone line to Maple Hill. '19. Chairman advertised for bids to construct Macadam Road. '20. Contract for feed for County team for August awarded to B.F. Mitchell Co. '21. Committee on Greenville Road reopened; money appropriated to straw Federal Point Road. ?22. Contract to feed County stock for September awarded to J.S. McEachern & Sons. ?23. Report from Superintendent of Roads referred to Auditing Committee. 24. Request from J.D. Woody and others of Harnett for a new road referred to Committee on Greenville Rca d. '.25. Request that old Federal Point Road be strawed referred to Roads and Bridges Committee. ,26. Contract to feed County road team in September awarded B.F. Mitchell Co. ?27, Report from Superintendent of Roads referred to Finance Committee. ;.28. Contract for feed for County team for November awarded J.S. McEachern. 29. Report of Superintendent of Roads and Bridges referred to Auditing Committee. 30.. Request from Gerrit Walker and others for a road from Jones Road to Macadamized Scotts Hil1 road referred to Road Committee. 31. Contract to feed County teams for December awarded to B.F. Mitchell Co. 32. H. Hocut appointed foreman at $65 per month. 33. Superintendent of Roads to have Gorden Road repaired as requested by J.F. Kerr. ,34. Contract to feed road teams awarded to J.S. McEachern. 35. Superintendent of Roads resigned and Herbert Hocut elected to position at $75 per month. 36. Bi11 submitted to General Assembly to provide for issuing bonds for road improvements. ,37. Report from Superintendent of Roads referred to Auditing Committee. 38. Report from Road Committee on cost of road requested by J.B. Mercer. 39. Contract to feed County mules awarded to B,F. Mitchell Co. 40. Boards of Pender and New Hanover adopted resolution to lay out new highway at Castle Hayne .(BRIDGES) 41. Mr. Hocutt reported escape of convicts. 42. Contract given Consolidated R.L. & Perver Co. for handling rock. ,43. Bond approved for H. Hocutt as Superintendent of Roads. ,44. Mr. Hocutt to appoint road supervisors to see that roads are properly worked. MINUTE BOOK Vol. I Page 04 02 1906r 7 51 04 OZ 1906 7 51 04 02 1906 7 51 04 02 1906 7 51 05 07 1906 7 52 05 07 1906 7 52 05 07 1906 7 52 g5 07 1906 7 53 06 04 1906 7 54 06 04 1906 7 54 06 04 1906 7 54 06 04 1906 7 54 07 OZ 1906 7 57 07 02 1906 7 57 07 02 1906 7 57 07 02 1906 7 57 08 06 1906 7 59 08 06 1906 7 60 08 06 1906 7 60 08 06 1906 7 60 09 04 1906 7 61 09 04 1906 7 61 09 04 1906 ? 61 10 O1 1906 7 63 10 Ol 1906 7 64 1:0 O1 1906 7 64 10 O1 1906 7 64 11 06 1906 7 65 12 02 1906 7 66 12 02 1906 7 67 12 02 1906 7 69 12 02 1906 7 69 O1 07 1907 7 74 01 07 1907 7 74 O1 07 1907 7 75 O1 28 1907 7 76 02 04 1907 7 77 02 04 1907 7 77 02 04 1907 7 77 02 05 1907 7 79 03 04 1907 7 80 03 04 1907 7 81 03 04 1907 7 81 03 04 1907 7 81 ? I INDEX TO COMMI?SIONERS MINUTES -- New Hanover Count? N C MATT RT RoAns ? , . ? _ eec. u. :. County indexes Sinee 1888 to locate names, open al COTT A•2 iA6 INDE% !AT OPFICE ?? An IdentiEyingTrede Muk SUkNAMf lNITIAL TAB NAGE iY 1NE (01T INDE% fOMPANY, WLUMBUS, OXIO SOLD BY OWEN & DUNN, NEW BERM, MORiH CAROLINA NATURE OF PRO(EfDINGS DATE MINUtE BOON MoMh Day Year Vol, I Page ,; 1, Contract to feed County mulas awarded to J.S. McEachern. 03 04 1907 7 81 ' 2. Committee on Roads brought up matter of which road would serve most people, old or new Federal P oint Roads. 04 01 1907 7 84 3. Mr. Hocutt reported rocks received for roads and work on Turnpike going well. 04 01 1907 7 84 4. Mr. Hocutt appointed C.E, Carney supervisor of roads for Harnett, and William Gregerson for Cape Fear. 04 O1 1907 7 84 5. Mr. Hocutt reported a convict escaped. 04 Ol 1907 7 84 6. Request from Ed Foy for change of road in Harnett referred to Committee on Roads. 04 O1 1907 7 85 7. Committee on Raris reported Greenville Road to be opened, 04 01 1907 7 85 8. Contract for feeding County mules awarded to B,F. Mitchell Co. 04 01 1907 7 85 9. Superintendent Hocutt reported on road work; contract to feed County teams for May was awarded to J.S, Mc 05 06 1907 7 86 Eachern. ? 10. Greenville Road to be surveyed and graded. 05 07 1907 7 87 11. Request from Messrs. Salivibben and Lineker to establish a road re£erred to entire Board. 06 03 1907 7 89 12. Board to inspect road widened by Carolina Trucking & Development Co. 06 D3 1907 7 89 13. Report from Superintendent o£ Roads on road work. Ob 03 1907 7 89 14, Bonds approved for C,E. Carney and William Gregerson as road supervisors. 06 03 1?07 7 89 15. Contract to feed County livestock awarded to B.F. Mitchell Co. 06 03 1907 7 90 16. Money appropriated to straw old and new Federal Point Roads. 06 03 1907 7 90 17. Board to have buggie of Superintendent of Roads repaired; used in County service. 06 03 1907 7 90 18. Committee on Roads recommended road be built in Cape Fear and right-of-way to be bought. 07 Ol 1907 7 93 19, Map presented by W.G. MacRae showing route of proposed Greenpike to Greenville Sound Road, 07 01 1907 7 93 20. Road from Greenpike to Greenville Sound to be laid out and land condemned if necessary. 07 O1 1907 7 93 21. Road offered by T,F. Bagley to be County road in lieu of one supported on Apri1 1, 1907. 07 O1 1907 7 93 22. On suggestion of Mr. Hocutt convicts given holiday on July 4th. 07 O1 1907 7 93 23. Superintendent of Roads reported on road work being done. 07 01 1907 7 94 24. Contract to feed County Stock awarded to Stone and Co. 07 O1 1907 7 94 25. W,A. Lineker presented plans for proposed road from Rock Road to Wrightsboro. 08 05 1907 7 104 26. J, Herbert Johnson showed right-of-way for Rock Road obtained and Mr. Quelch said old road would be better; OS OS 1907 7 104 a11 referred to Road Committee. 27. Deed from C. Suinber and wife for right-of-way for road given to Finance Committee. 08 05 1907 7 I04 28. Report fxac?a,Superintendent ?f Roads on work being dorn submitted. 08 05 1907 7 104 29. Contract to build guard quarters at Rock Quarry awarded to Silvia & Comache. 08 05 1907 7 105 30. Contract for feeding County stock awarded to B,F. Mitchell & Co, 08 05 1907 7 106 31. Report from Supex•fntendent of Roads on work being done on roads. 09 03 1907 7 107 32. T,F. Bagley arranged with Mr. Hawkins so that Connty could proceed with Greenville Ra?d. 09 03 1907 7 107 33. Committee on road to Wrightsboro reported progress. 09 03 1907 7 108 34. Part of old road in Cape Fear disconfiinued and Macadam Road adopted as public road instead. 09 03 1907 7 108 35. Contract to feed County stock awarded to .T.S. McEachern. 09 03 1907 7 108 36. Treasurer to transfer funds from General Fund to Permanent Road Fund. 09 03 1907 7 108 37. Commitkee on Wrightsboro Road reported progress. 10 07 1907 7 110 38. Superintendent of Roads Hocutt in Hospital with typhoid fever; arrange?nents made for his work to be done. 10 07 1907 7 111 39. , Chairman reported four dump cars had been inspected and shipped. 10 07 1907 7 111 40. Contract to feed County stock awarded to B.F, Mitchell Co. and Stone & Co. 10 07 I907 7 111 41. Contract to feed County mules for November awarded to J.S. McEachern. 11 04 1907 7 113 42. Road from County Rock Road to Wrightsboro, laid out by Messrs.Lineker and Schuibber, declared public road. I2 02 1907 7 115 43. Report from Superinfiendent Hocutt on road work. 12 02 1907 7 115 44. nao mules transferred from County road department to County Home. 12 02 1907 7 115 MATT RT ROADS INDE? TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover Count? N C , . . _ ` nec. u. s. County Indezea Since 1888 ?? )e?? To locate names, open af COTT A-Z TAB INDEX ?? An Identifying Trade Mark ? SURNAME INITIAL TAB ?DE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO rer OFi1CE SOLD BY OWEN G. DUN N, NEW BE RN, NORTH CAROLINA NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS DATE MINUTE BOOK ' Month I Day I Year Vol. I Page 1. Action of Board on dangerous crossing at Castle Hayne Road sent to City. 12 02 1907 7 116 2. Board feels Atlantic Coast Railroad should reduce danger of crossing at Castle Hayne . 12 02 1907 7 116 3. Contract for pump for rock quarry awarded to Southern Hydraulic Engineering Co. of Atlanta. ? 12 02 1907 7 116 4., Contract to feed County stock awarded to B.F. Mitchell Co. a nd Stone & Co. 12 02 1907 7 116 5. Report from Superintendent of Roads on road work done. O1 07 1908 7 120 6. Contract to feed County teams awarded to Stone & Co. O1 07 1908 7 120 7. Permanent Roads Committee to obtain additional labor to zaork roads. O1 22 1908 7 121 8.. Permanent Roads Committee to purchase mules and charge to County Home account. 01 22 1908 7 121 9. D.L. Gore allowed to run a telephone wire along side of road in Cape Fear. 02 03 1908 7 122 10.. Report from Superinteudent of Roads on work done in January. 02 03 1908 7 122 11. Contract to feed County mules for February awarded to B.F. Mitchell Co. 02 03 1908 7 122 ,12. Superintendent of Roads reported on road work. 03 02 1908 7 126 13. Bill from Stone & Co. for feeding County stock to be paid if found correct by Mr. 0'Fennell. 03 02 1908 7 126 14. Road advocated by Messrs. Lineker and Schinbber to be completed or Board wi11 take necessary action. 03 02 1908 7 126 15.. Contract to feed County stock for March awarded to J.A. McEachern. 03 02 1908 7 127 16. No action taken on request of postmaster T.E. Wallace not to change course of Old Military Road. 04 06 1908 7 129 17. Application to straw Masonboro and Federal Point Roads referred to Road Committee. 04 06 1908 7 129 18. Contract to feed County stock awarded to B.F. Mitchell. 04 06 1908 7 130 19. Report fran Superintendent of Roads. 04 06 1908 7 130 20. Messrs. Lineker and Schnibber requested Board accept road proposed by them; referred to Co?nittee on Roads. 05 04 1908 7 131 21. Superintendent of Roads reported on road work done. 05 04 1908 7 131 22. Contract to feed County stock awarded to J.S. McEachern. 05 04 1908 7 132 23. Report from Superintendent Hocutt on road work don?; contract to feed County stock awarded to B.F. Mitchell. 06 O1 1908 7 134 24., No action on request to have Princess Street macadamized. 07 06 1908 7 137 25. George Roundtree asked for road from Turnpike to baseball ground to protect the Go1f Club; referred. 07 06 1908 7 137 26. Report from Superintendent of Roads on road work and conv.icts; contract to feed County mules awarded to 07 06 1908 7 138 W,B. Cooper. 27. Report from Superintendent of Roads on road work and convicts. 08 03 1908 7 139 ,28. No action on request for a road from Scott's Hill to San?d. Ridge. 08 03 1908 7 140 29. Contract to feed County stock awarded to B.F. Mitchell. 08 03 1908 7 141 30. Papers to be drawn up for an election on road improvement bonds. 08 03 1908 7 141 31.. Manner in which road bond election papers to be drawn up set down. (See ELECTIONS). 08 03 1908 7 142 32. Superintendent of Roads reported on road workand convicts. 09 08 1908 7 144 33. New Federal Point Road to be strawed by Road Committee and paid for from Township funds. 09 08 1908 7 145 34. Request that Rock Hi11 Avenue be declared ? public road referred to Roads Committee, 09 08 1908 7 145 35. Contract to feed County mules awarded to J.S. McEachern. 09 08 1908 7 145 36. Letter to Board of Aldermen relative to rock road on Castle Street. 09 08 1908 7 145 37. Transfer of funds from General Fund to Road Fund. 09 O8 1908 7 145 38. Election returns of registrars on road bond issue, pages 147-150. 10 Ol 1908 7 147 39. Recapitulation of road bond election; roads bonds passed. 10 Ol 1908 7 150 40., Request that Chaar Road be declared public referred to Comrnitfiee on Public Roads. 10 05 1908 7 151 41. A.O. Gilbert, agent of Kelly $pringfield Road Roller Co. offered to furnish County with rock hauling mach- 10 05 1908 7 151 42. Report from Superintendent of Roads on road work done. 10 05 1908 7 151 43. Contract to feed County teams awarded to B.F. Mitchell Co. 10 05 1908 7 152 44. Chairman to advertise for bids for bonds for improving roads and bridges. 10 05 1908 7 152 45. Chairman to buy mules for road work. 10 05 1908 7 152 ,? ? INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES -- N H C t N C T ew anover oun ?, . . , MATT R ROADS _ ¦ee. u. s. Connty Indezea Since 1888 ? YO IOG?te npM24, open Ct COTT A•2 TAB INDEX r?r OFFICE C??? An Identifying Trade Mark SURNAME INITIAL TAB ?DE BY TNE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUN N, NEW BER N, NORTH CAROLINA NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS DATE MINUTE BOOK Month Day Year Vol. Page l. Superintendent Hocutt to attend GoodRoad Association meeting. 10 OS 1908 7 ,, 152 2. Superintendent of Roads reports on roads and convicts. 11 02 1908 7 154 3. Superintendent of Roads reported on needed repairs in County fence. 11 02 1908 7 154 4. Contract to feed County stock awarded to J. S. McEachern Sons. 11 02 1908 7 154 5. Committee on Roads reported progress on road from church to River Rose Hill Landing. 11 02 1908 7 155 6. List of bids for road bonds; road bond bids accepted from E. H. Rollins and Son of Bost, Mass. 11 23 1908 7 156 7. Matter of Kelly Springfield Road Rooler Co. selling a road roller to County referred to Road Committee. 12 07 1908 7 158 8. Superintendent Hocutt reported on road work and convicts and repairs for County fence and water fence. 12 07 1908 7 159 9. Contract to feed County stock awarded to B. F. Mitchell. 12 07 1908 7 160 10. Report from Superintendent Hucott on road work. 1 04 1909 7 164 11. Contract to feed County teams awarded to Stone and Company 1 04 1909 7 161 12. Road bonds deposited in bank and draft made on E. H. Rollins and Sons. 1 04 1909 7 166 13. H. Hocutt re-elected Superintendent of Roads. 1 04 1909 7 164 14. Request from 0. P. Caycaux to pave old Military Road rocked referred to Road Committee . 2 O1 1909 7 167 15. Superintendent Hocutt reported on road work and convicts. 2 Ol 1909 7 168 16. Superintendent Hocutt to see that no persons put up any signs on roads or highways. 2 O1 1909 7 168 17. County fence repaired and tools used turned over to Superintendent of Roads. 2 O1 1909 7 167 18. Contract to feed County mules awarded to B. F. Mitchell. 2 O1 1909 7 169 19. Superintendent Hocutt reported on road work and convicts. 3 Ol 1909 7 170 20. Chairman to sell rock from quarry upon orders from Clerk to Board. 3 Ol 1909 7 171 21. Contract to feed County mules awarded to J. S. McEachern.. 3 O1 1909 7 170 22. Superintendent Hocutt reported on road work done. 4 05 1909 7 173 23. Request from W. B. Tompkins for gate in County fence referred to Superintendent of Roads. 4 05 1909 7 174 24. Board accepted road from Castle Hayne Rock Road to Wrightsboro as advocated by W. A. Tineker and M. 4 05 1909 7 173 Schnibben. 25. Contracts to feed County stock awarded to Stone and Company and Mitchell Company. 4 05 1909 7 173 26. Chairman felt bill of cost excessive relative to prisoner of Pender County working New Hanover County roads. 4 05 1909 7 173 27. Contracts to feed County mules awarded to B. F. Mitchell Company and J. S. McEachern. 5 03 1909 7 175 28. Onslow Telephone Co. allowed to string its wires along road's right of way at Scott's Hill. 5 03 1909 7 176 29. Road force to cut road from Turnpike Rock Road to baseball ground. 5 03 1909 7 175 30. H. Hocutt resigned as Superintendent of Roads and W. H. Shearin appointed in his place. 5 03 1909 7 175 31. Road offered by Moses Horne not accepted since runs parallel with Tinaker Road previously accepted. 6 07 1909 7 178 32. Superintendent of Road's report referred to Budgetirg Committee. 6 07 1909 7 178 33. Bond of W. H. Shearin approved as Superintendent of Roads. 6 07 1909 7 178 34. Money allowed to straw New Federal Point Road. . 6 07 1909 7 178 35. Matter of Middle Sound and Masonboro Roads Improvements and needed for ditches referred to Superindendent 6 07 1909 7 179 of Roads. 36. Contracts to feed County teams awarded to J.S. McEachern ones and B. F. Mitchell Company. 6 07 1909 7 178 37. Request for a rock road in Greenville Sound referred to Permanent Road Committee. 7 06 1909 7 179 38. Report from Superintendent of Roads referred to Auditing Committee. 7 06 1909 7 180 39. Contracts to feed stock awarded to Mitchell & Co. and McEachern Co. 7 06 1909 7 179 40. More money needed to straw New Federal Point Road. 7 06 1909 7 179 41. Money allowed to straw Gordon Road as requested by J. Y. Kerr. 8 02 1909 7 181 42. Federal Point Macadam Road to connect with Third Street and Greenfield; management left to Road Committee. 8 02 1909 7 181 43. Road Committee to advertise for fastenings and locomotive to build Federal Point Road. 8 02 1909 7 181 44. Report from Superintendent of Roads referred to Auditing Committee. 8 02 1909 7 181 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover County, N. C. , MAT ECR• ROADS ` ncc. u. s. ?j County Indezea Since 1888 ?? ??.3-? To locote names, open at fOTT A-2 TAB INDEX r?r OFFICE (.?p?l? An Identifying Trade Mark ??? SURNAME INITIAL TAB NUIDE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLO BY OWEN C. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS DATE Month I Dny I Year 8 02 1909 9 07 1909 9 08 1909 9 08 1909 10 04 1909 10 04 1909 10 04 1909 10 04 1909 11 O1 1909 11 Ol 1909 11 Ol 1909 11 O1 1909 12 06 1909 12 06 1909 12 06 1909 12 06 1909 12 06 1909 1 03 1910 1 03 1910 1 03 1910 1 06 1910 2 07 1910 2 07 1910 2 07 1910 2 07 1910 2 07 1910 3 07 1910 3 07 1910 3 23 1910 4 04 1910 4 04 1910 4 04 1910 5 02 1910 6 06 1910 6 06 191Q 7 05 1910 7 05 1910 8 Ol 1910 9 08 1910 10 03 1910 10 03 1910 11 07 1910 MINI Voi. 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 1TE BOOK I Page 181 181 182 182 183 183 183 183 183 184 183 185 186 186 186 186 186 189 189 189 190 190 191 190 190 190 191 192 192 193 193 193 194 195 195 197 197 198 199 200 201 201 l. Contracts to feed County stock awarded to Mitchell Co. and J.S. McEachern. 2. Petition on Greenville Sound Road referred to Road Committee. 3. Report from Superintendent of Roads referred to Auditing Committee. 4. Contracts to feed County stock awarded to J. S. McEachern Sons and Mitchell Co. 5. Progress reported on Federal Point Road. 6. Matter of grading Turnpike Road referred to Permanent Road Committee. 7. ,Report from Superintendent of Roads referred to Auditing Committee. 8. All bids received to feed County stock considered too high and Commissioner Voller to purchase feed. 9. Superintendent Sherin explained why convict will Hendricks allowed to come into City. 10. Superintendent of Roads reported on road work and prisoners. 11. Road Committee to purchase road oil to be spread on County roads and use oil sprinkler. 12. Commissioner Vollers was authorized to punc?ase feed for County stock. 13. Report from Superintendent of Roads on stock inventory and convicts referred to Auditing Committee. 14. Treasurer submitted his report on Township Road Funds. 15. Matter of strawing Federal Point Road referred to Permanent Road Committee. 16. Contract to feed County stock awarded to B. F. Mitchell Company. 17. Report received on road that had been oiled. 18. Report from Superintendent of Road referred to Auditing Board. 19. Permanent Road Committee reported Old Federal Point Road had been strawed. 20..Bids to feed County stock referred to Commissioner Vollers. 21. W. H. Sherin re-elected Superintendent of Roads at same salary as last year. 22. Report of Superintendent of Roads referred to Auditing Committee. 23. New hoisting engine to be bought from Standard Supply Co., Newurk, N. J. for rock quarry. 24. Bond of W. H. Shearin approved as Superintendent of Roads. 25. Petition for a rock road from Castle Hayne to Island Creek referred to Permanent Roads Committee. 26. Bids to feed County stock referred to Commissioner Vollers. 27. Report from Superintendent of Roads on road work and men referred to Auditing Board. '28, Commissioner Vollers to purchase feed for County stock. 29. Chairman to purchase machine for rock quarry in lieu of hoisting machine. 30. Commissioner Vollers to purchase feed for County stock. 31.,Matter of macadamiging 18th, 19th and 20th Streets referred to Permanent Road Committee. 32. Mary Bridgers' request to open Chestnut Street referred to Permanent Roads Committee. 33..Harrison Blackledge, who was sentenced to road duty, was hired out to D. J. Fergus instead. 34. Matter of improving road from Turnpike to Bradley's Station referred to Permanent Roads Committee. 35. Report from Superintendent Sherin referred to Auditing Board. 36. J. Wesley Hunt relieved of road duty. 37. Report of Superintendent Sherin deferred to future meeting. 38. Report from Superintendent Sherin referred to Auditing Board. 39. Board to build a macadam road on 18th Street. 40. Report from Superintendent of Roads referred to Auditing Board. 41. J. P. King notified not to cut through County road unless p?rmission given by Board. 42. Request from Rev. Cunningham to change road so property of Methodist Episcopal Church could be fenced in referred to Attorney. 43. Report from Superintendent Shearin referred to Auditing Board. 44. Contract to feed and cloth prisoners awarded to Superintendent of Roads Shearin. 45. Report from Superintendent Shearin awarded to auditing Board. 11 07 1910 7 201 12 05 1910 7 204 12 05 1910 7 204 INDE? TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES N H C N C C ? - ew anover ount?, . . ; MAiTE R: Ro?s _ aEC. u. s. p ?? Counry Indaee Since IBBB To loeate names, open at (OTT A•I TAB INDEX PAT OfFiCE ?pJJ?I.(,oc?' An Identifying Trsde IMark SORNAME INITIAL TAB MADE BY THE (OTi INDEX (DMPANY, CDLUMBUS, ONIO SOLU BY OWEN 6. DUNN, NEM BERN, NDRTN (AROIINA NATURE OF PRO(EEDlNGS DATE MINUTE BOOK ? Month Day Year Vol. Page , 1. Report of Superintendent Shearin for December referred to Auditing Board. 1 04 _ 1911 7 ,? 206 2. Bond of W. H. Shearin accepted to feed and cloth convicts of the camp. 1 04 1911 7 206 3. W. H. Shearin elected Superin?en?ent of Roads. 1 04 1911 7 206 4. Bond of W. H. Shearin as Superintendent of Roads was approved. 2 06 1911 7 208 5. Board to decide whether to se11 road engine now in use and buy a different one or not. 2 06 1911 7 209 , 6. Tide Water Power Co. allowed to run electric line along Market Street. 3 06 1911 7 209 7. Superintendent Shearin's report referred to Auditing Board. 3 06 1911 7 210 8. Tide Water Power Co. to conform with rules governing public roads in laying out their power lines. 4 03 1911 7 212 9. ftequest to bui?d a roaa from Acorn Branch citizens referred to Road Committee. 4 03 1911 7 212 10. Report from Superintendent Shearin referred to Auditing Board. 4 03 1911 7 213 11. Board to consider calling an election on road bonds. 4 06 1911 7 214 12. Board called for an election on road bonds for May 31. 4 10 1911 7 214 13. Way ballots to read for road bonds. 4 10 1911 7 214 14, Owen Martindale request to haul produce over road used to build rock road referred to Chairman. 4 10 1911 7 216 a 15. Foreman and engineer of construction train to forbid all parties from riding train unless working 4 10 1911 7 214 on road. ' 16. Report from Superintendent Shearin referred to Auditing Board. 5 Ol 1911 7 217 ' 17, Election returns for road bond issue set down on pages 218-222. 6 Ol 1911 7 I 218 18. Recapitulation of road bond votes; road bond issue passed and Chairman to advertise for sale of bonds. 6 O1 1911 7 222 I 19. Petition for road in Harnett Township deferred to future meeting. 6 05 1911 7 223 ? 20. Position of Road Engineer abolished and Mr. Neathers to be notified. 6 05 1911 7 ? 223 21. Bids for road bonds listed; Wilmington Savings and Trust Company's bid was accepted. 7 03 1911 7 I 225 I 22. Report from Superintendent Shearin referred to Auditing Committee. 8 O7 1911 7 230 I 23. Form road bonds for coupons to be in p. 233-231. 8 26 1911 7 230-3? 24. Bond of Treasurer Green approved for issuing road bonds. 8 26 1911 7 231 25. Miss Mary D. Cronly to be notified that City in control of road at Summer Rest. 9 06 1911 7 232 26. Report from Superintendent Shearin refined to Auditing Committee. 9 06 1911 7 232 27. Matter of draining roads at Winter Park Gardens referred to Road Committee. 9 06 1911 7 232 28. Matter of purchasing a new road roller referred to Road Committee. 9 06 19I1 7 232 29. Letter from Mary D. Cronly relative to road at Summer Rest referred to County Attorney. 10 02 1911 7 233 30. J. S. Divine resigned as road Engineer. 10 02 1911 7 233 31. Report from Engineer A. D, 0'Brien referred to Road Committee. 10 02 1911 7 233 32. Voucher issued to J. S. Westbrook for rent of house occupied by road guards lost; referred to Attorney. 10 02 1911 7 233 33. Henry McNeil, sentenced to road work hired out to his father Enoch McNeil. 10 05 1911 7 234 34. Request from Carolina Place and Carolina Heights residents for macadamized streets referred to Road 10 05 1911 7 234 Committee. 35. Duplicate order to be issued by Clerk to J.S. Westbrook, 10 05 1911 7 234 36. Request from Mary D. Cronly to open road from Wrightsville Station to Scotts Hill referred to Road 11 06 1911 7 235 Committee. 37. Request from Pembroke Jones and others that Summer Rest Road be discontinued through his land. 11 Ob 1911 7 235 38. Request from J. B. Mercer that road be established in Mercer Place referred to Permanent Road Committee. 11 06 1911 7 235 39. Summer Rest Road to be discontinued and any objections to this action will be heard at Jan. meeting. 12 04 1911 7 236 40. Road to be laid out from Wrightsville Station to New Bern Road near McCumber's Store. 12 04 1911 7 237 . 41. Federal Point Road to be strawed by Road Committee and to be paid out of Federal Points' road fund. 12 04 1911 7 237 42. W. H. Shearin re-elected Superintendent of Road. 1 02 1912 7 241 43. Several letters relative to discontinuance of Summer Rest Road; no action. 1 02 I912 7 241 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover Count?, N. C. , MATTER: ROADS nc4. u. s. ?p???? County Indexee Since 1888 ? To locate namC3? op¢n at COTT A-Z TAB INDEX r?r OFFICE ??T?'ii(,a-? An identifying Ttade Mark SURNAMB INITIAL TAB INADE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, ONIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS DATE. Month ? Day ? Year l. L. D. Lotta of Winter Park Gardens School Committee notified road had been attended to. 2. Mary Cronly to be notified that no action taken on Summer Rest Road yet. 3. Matter of hiring Henry Henry, sentenced to road work, to his wife referred to Road Committee. 4. ?Permanent Road Committee to inspect road going from Scotts Hill to Middle Sound. 5. Complaint of Frank Weston of flooding due to poor road drainage referred to Road Committee. 6. Bond of W. H. Shearin as Superintendent of Roads approved. 7. W. M. Jones sentenced to road work to be hired out to his wife Bessie. 8. Money allowed for road improvement as requested by Gearge T. Shepard, who is to supervise the work. 9. Board unable to grade school bt as requested by Board of Education, due to damages done to roads in recent storm. 10, Road Committee to connect Dock Street with the Turnpike at 17th street. 11. Board increased appropriation for work on Middle Sound Road to be paid from Harnett Township road Funds. 12. Request from Harnett citizens for relief from ob?struction in Old Greenville Road referred to Road Committee ,13., Matter of Summer Rest Road referred to Road Committee. 14. More time given for investigation of Summer Rest Road. 15. Roads and Bridges Committee to have road in Federal Point strawed. 16. Roads and Bridges Committee to investigate request for sand clay'road in Harnett Township. 17. Road to be laid out from Lighthouse at Wrightsville Sound to public road. 18. Request from Tidewater Power Co. for right of way and franchise for road along road from Wilmington to Carolina Beach referred to Attorneys. 19. Harnett Avenue to become a public road. 20. Superintendent of Roads to check Old Gordon Road which was reported in bad condition. 21. Matter of Franchise of Tidewater Power Co. discussed and referred to a committee. - 22. Board ruled that Tidewater Power Co. may use present temporary railroad track to Sunset Park but no part up macadam road. 23. Summer Rest Road discontinued. 24._ Tidewater Power Co. not granted right of way to road to Sunset Park Road. 25. Tidewater Power Co. granted use of County tracks from City to Greenfield Creek for 6 months. 26. Harnett Avenue Road declared open as a public road since all but one property owner has given County right of way. 27,. Adopted rule that all improved roads of County to be 30 feet wide with 5 feet on each side. 28,_ Board recommended incoming Board build a road on Greenfield Street between 3rd and 4th streets. 29., Matter of macadamizing Old Gordon Road left to incoming Board. 30. J. P. Herring allowed to use left over rock to build a road from County road to schoolhouse. 31. Market Street Road nearly finished and Mr. Willard favored giving san? clay part of Federal Point Road another trial. 32. Chairman to sell old hossting machine now idle at rock quarry. 33. Chairman to estimate damage done by fire at rock quarry and investigate cause of same. 34. Attorney to collect bill from Fidelity Trust and Development Co. for carrying cars of rock over County's railroad. 35. Senator Bellamy to introduce legislation to allow Board to call a road bond election. 36:.Board to request Legislature to pass a bill allowing road convicts to work under "Honor System." 37. No relief given for road improvements on road from Scott's Hill to Middle Sound. 38. Request from Trucker's Union to have road improvements made referred to Superintendent of Roads. 39, Road Committee to investigate conditions of Turnpike Road near second toll gate. 40. Road Committee to investigate condition of Scotts Hill Road and the County gate. MINUTE BOOK Vol. ? Page 1 02 1912 7 241 2 05 1912 7 243 3 04 1912 7 244 3 04 1912 7 244 3 04 1912 7 245 3 04 1912 7 244 4 04 1912 7 248 5 06 1912 7 249 5 06 1912 7 249 5 06 1912 7 249 6 03 1912 7 250 7 O1 1912 7 253 7 O1 1912 7 254 8 05 1912 7 255 8 05 1912 7 255 9 03 1912 7 257 9 03 1912 7 258 10 07 1912 7 259 10 07 1912- 7 259 10 07 1912 7 259 10 10 1912 7 260 10 15 1912 7 261 11 04 1912 7 262 11 ZZ 1912 7 263 11 07 1912 7 263 11 07 1912 7 263 11 07 1912 7 263 11 07 1912 7 263 11 30 1912 7 263 12 05 1912 7 266 12 09 1912 7 267 12 09 1912 7 267 12 09 1912 7 267 12 09 1912 7 267 12 27 1912 7 268 12 27 1912 7 269 1 06 1913 7 269 1 13 1913 7 272 1 13 1913 7 272 1 13 1913 7 272 ? INDEX TO COMMISSIO?ERS MINUTES -- New Hanover Count?y, N. C. _ MATT RT ROADS nec. u. s. 'p??? County Indexea Since 1888 10 loeate nOmef? opeq dt COTT A•Z TAB INDEX ?AT OFFICE Cw?wo-?i An IdentiEYing Trade Mark SU&NAME INITIAL TAB MADE BY THE COTT INDER COMPANY. COLUMBUS. OXIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORiH GROLINA NATURE OF PROCEfDINGS DATE Month ? Day Year l. Road from Castle Hayne to Red Cross Sanitarium to be built as soon as possible. 1 2. J. B. Fenly allowed to move his house across Turnpike and cut a tree to do so if replaces tree. 1 3. Permanent Road Committee to hire a consulting engineer for permanent road work of County. 1 4. Road Committee to purchase an auto truck for hauling prisoners and material for road building. 1 5. Permanent Road Committee recommended no changes be made on charges against Fidelitq Trust for 1 transporting cars. b. Permanent Road Committee to purchase an automobile for use of Superintendent of Roads. 1 7. Old Federal Point Road to be strawed. 1 8. Committee to act on hiring out Dave Williams, sentenced to road work. 2 9. Permanent Road Committee reported Federal Point Road almost completed. 2 10. Permanent Road Committee said Federal Point Road would be repaired, but could glve no timetable. 3 11. Case of G. C. Bordeaux on damming of water on his property due to road built referred to Permanent 3 Road Committee. 12. Work House to be built to house convicts working on roads. 3 13. Report from Superintendent of Roads, R. A. Burnett, received. 3 14. School Board requested school bond election be held at same time as road bond election. 3 15. Harry Davis to be returned to convict camp to finish servirg time on roads. 3 16. Commissioners caZled election on road bond issue and set dates, hours and election officials. 3 17. J. 0. Hinton advocated loop in road at Wrightsville Sound; referred to Permanent Road Committee. 4 18. E. H. Freeman reported persons blocking Old Greenville Road; referred to Attorney and Road Committee. 4 19. C. H. Bonhan reported road work had flooded his land; his request that ditches be cleaned out referred 4 to Permanent Road Committee. 20. Superintendent of Roads to supervise laying of drainage pipes by Highwood Park Development Co. 4 21. Chairman to purchase road bonds with roads sinking funds. 4 ZZ.C hairman to hire a driver for auto truck. S 23. Request from Mrs. Mason to visit her son, who is working road, referred to Messrs. Burnett and St?k.es. 5 24. Matter of blocking Old Greenville Road referred to Attorney. 5 25. No action yet on Wrightsville Road or ditch on Mr. Bonham's place. 5 26. Attorney recommended parties protesting obstruction of Greenville Road bring suit against offending parties. 5 27. Report from Superintendent of Roads filed. 5 28. Superintendent of Roads to settle with E.H. Freeman relative to road locomotive causing his woods to burn. 5 29. Permanent Roads Committee to place mile posts on macadam roads. S 30. Al1 County horses and mules to be insured. 5 31. Chairman to advertise for sale of bonds for roads and bridges. 5 32. Election returns from election officials on road bond issue, pages 296-300. 5 33. Road bond issue passed in May 27 election. 5 34. Attorney to draw up papers for opening of road from Wrightsville to Tidewater Co.'s tracks and turnpike. 6 35. Superintendent of Roads to investigate situation at Downey Branch as requested by Mr. Bonham. 6 36. Action on obstruction of Old Greenville Road deferred. 6 37. Claim of D. Mataxas for damage by fire along Federal Point Road referred to Permanent Roads Coinmittee. 6 38. Report from Superintendent of Roads filed. 6 39. Road Committee to investigate road at Wrightsville and abate problem if possible. 6 40. Permanent Road Committee to have survey made to determine route of road from Wrightsville to Tidewater 6 Power Company's tracks. 41. Motion lost for Mr. Fenley to remove alI obstruction to Old Greenville Road. b 42. No action on damage to property on Federal Point Road. 6 20 1913 20 1913 20 1913 20 1913 29 19I3 MINUiE BOOK Vol. I Page , 7 275 7 275 7 275 7 275 , 7 277 29 1913 7 278 29 1913 7 278 03 1913 7 279 03 1913 7 280 03 1913 7 280 03 1913 7 280 03 1913 7 281 06 1913 7 282 17 1913 7 283 06 1913 7 282 24 1913 7 285 07 1913 7 287 07 1913 7 287 07 1913 7 287 07 1913 7 287 07 1913 7 288 O1 1913 7 289 Ol 1913 7 290 O1 1913 7 290 Ol 1913 7 290 09 1913 7 291 09 1913 7 292 15 1913 7 292 15 1913 7 292 29 1913 7 295 29 1913 7 295 29 1913 7 296 29 1913 7 296 02 1913 7 304 02 19Z3 7 304 02 1913 7 304 02 1913 7 305 02 1913 7 305 02 1913 7 305 09 Z913 7 305 09 1913 7 305 09 1913 7 306 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover Count? N C T ROADS y, . . , MATTER ?ec. u. s. County Indexea Since 1888 ? To locafe names, open at COTT A•2 TAB INDEX ?AT OFfICE C,?i?? An ldentiFying Trade Mark SURNAME INITIAL TAB ?DE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLO BY OWEN G. DU NN, NEW B ERN, NORiH CAROLINA NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS DATE Month I Day I Year l. Offer from Messrs. Loughlin and Pate to furnish rock for road to Carolina Beach referred to Permanent Road 6 09 1913 Committee. 2. Account of W. H. Shearin referred to Chairman for settlement. ? 09 1913 3. Chairman reported he had consulted a surveyor in matter of Villa View and Wrightsville Road. ?i 17 1913 4. J. Foxworth, road convict, to be investigated by Chairman and Attorney. ? 17 1913 5. Account of W. H. Shearin to be paid for board and clothing of convicts when approved by Clerk. ? 17 1913 6. Chairman recommended Joe Foxworth be discharged. 4 23 1913 7. Chairman reported progress on Wrightsville, and Villa View Road. ?i 23 1913 8. Rock to be supplied for 18th Street to be macadamized if residents do rest of work at their expense. ?i 23 1913 9. Locating of road between Wrightsville Via Villa View to turnpike was left with Permanent Road Committee. 6 30 1913 10. Salary of R. D. Burnett as Superintendent of Roads increased to $25 a month. 4 30 1913 11. Permanent Road Committee to secure rock for road building. , 6 30 1913 12. Fidelity Trust and Development Co. to supply straw and Superintendent of Roads to Have road to Oakside 7 07 1913 Park strawed. 13. Superintendent of Roads and Sanitary Engineer to investigate drainage at Winter Park. 7 07 1913 14. Rock to be furnished to macadamize 19th and 18th Streets as soon as possible 7 07 1913 15. Report from Superintendent of Roads filed 7 07 1913 16. Superintendent Burnett to attend meeting of Road Committee at Moorehead, N. C. 7 07 1913 17. Superintendent Burnett to insist upon weekly reports from several camps. 7 07 1913 18 Chairman to advertise for sale of school and road bonds as passed in May 27 election. 7 14 1913 19. Monthly report from Superintendent of Roads filed. 8 ?J4 1913 20. Danger of billboard at track crossing near 17th and Castle referred to Superintendent of Roads. 8 04 1913 21. L. W. Moore reported progress in matter of site for rock quarry. 8 04 1913 22. Gangworking Greenfield and Federal Point Roads to start work on road to Red Cross Sanitarium. 8 04 1913 23. Claim of Neptune Hansley for crop damage by hogs breaking through County fence referred to Superintendent 8 04 1913 of Roads. 24. Claim of J. M. Walker for making new gate for County fence referred to Superintendent of Roads. 8 04 1913 25. Request from J. L. White of Health Department to correct fault in ditch at Winter Park referred to 8 04 1913 Superintendent of Roakts. 26. Selection of site for gang shelter on Federal Point Road left to Superintendent of Roads. 8 11 1913 27. Bill of expenses from Superintendent of Roads for trip to Moorehead ordered paid. 8 11 1913 28. Chairman to borrow money to continue road work and to be repaid from sale cf bonds passed in May 27th 8 18 1913 election. MINUTE BOOK Vol. ? Page 7 306 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 306 306 306 307 307 307 307 308 308 308 308 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 309 309 309 309 309 310 310 311 310 310 310 7 310 7 310 7 311 7 311 7 312 29. Chairman offered reward for any person convicted of removing rock along public roads. 8 18 1913 7 30. Only bids for road bonds rejected and matter postponed to August 26th. 8 18 1913 7 31. Bill of J. M. Walker for County fence to be paid. 8 25 1913 7 32. Al1 bids for road bonds rejected and matter postponed to August 26th. 8 25 1913 7 33. List of bids received for road and school bonds, but all rejected. 8 26 1913 7 34. Report from Superintendent of Roads filed. 9 Ol 1913 7 35.. C. C. Chadbourn requested that Federal Point Road be extended to Carolina and Wilmington Beaches; referred to Permanent Roads Committee. 9 15 1913 7 36. Several bids for school and road bonds read and declined. 9 15 1913 7 37. Bids received for school and road bonds and accepted. 9 15 1913 7 38. Report from Superintendent of Roads filed. 10 06 1913 7 39. Petition for a road from Sea Gate to Masonboro Road referred to Permanent Road Committee. 10 06 1913 7 40. Sheriff to appoint special deputy to check speed laws for 30 days. 10 06 1913 7 312 312 3l3 313 313 314 314 314 315 316 316 316 ,l ? INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover Count?, N. C. , MATTER: ROADS nec. u. s. County Inde:ee Since 1883 ? Yo locate names? open qf WTT A-Z TAB INDEX r?r OiFICE ??? An IdentiFying Trade Mark SURNAME INIiIAL TAB MADE YY THE COTi INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS DATE Month I Day I Year 1. Request from Mr. Bonham for relief from drainage problem referred to Superintendent of Roads. 2. Purchasers of school and road bonds changed their conditions for purchases and Board accepted new terms. 3. Request from G. 0. Gaylord to declare road from Castle Hayne Road to N. E. River public referred to Permanent Road Committee. 4. Request from Mr. Bonham to relieve problem of ditch drainage referred to Superintendent of Roads who recommended no action. 5. Board to furnish pipe to build road to Masonboro Church. ? 6. No action on request from B. Qulech for repairs on Blue Clay Road. 7. Resolution authorizing sale of road bonds as authorized in May 27 election 8. Copy of road bonds to be issued as authorized in May 27 election. 9. Report from Superintendent of Roads filed. 10. Mr. Jacobi allowed claim for damage to his cow. 11. Mr. Moore to secure 50 mile posts for roads. 12. Permanent Road Committee ruled not expendient to declare Rock Hill Ave. public at this time. 13. Amendment made on form of road bonds as adopted on November 3. 14. Auditor gave new bond for road fund and approved by Board. 15. Permanent Road Committee to extend Villa View Road to siding at Bradley's Creek. 16. Superintendent of Roads to furnish Auditor with list of supplies needed for winter for convict camps. 17. J. S. Brown and Linwood Lotta sought relief from water in road at Winter Park Gardens; referred to Permanent Roads Committee. 18. R. A. Burnett re-elected Superintendent of Roads at same salary as before. 19. No action taken on granting contract for grading Federal Point Road since Permanent Road Committee made no report. 20. Monthly report from Superintendent of Roads filed. 21. Report from Superintendent of Roads filed. 22. Road work in Townships to be paid out of money credited to Townships' road tax fund. 23. Bill from J. L. Becton for laying off roads approved. 24. Superintendent of Roads to attend meeting of Road Superintendents at Chapel Hi?.l. 25. Request from Dr. Maxwell for stumps to be removed from Federal Point Road referred to Chairman. 26. Report from Superintendent of Roads filed. 27. Dragging of Acron Branch Road left to R. A. Burnett and Commissioner Kerr. 28. Mr. Moore may hire an engineer to ascertain if ditches can be improved to drain in Winter Park Gardens. 29. Southern Bell Telephone Co. to remove telegraph poles from rights of way of roads. 30. Letter from Winter Park citizens relative to drainage road. 31. Report from Superintendent of Roads filed. 32. Report on drainage problem at Winter Park Gardens. 33. Space between tract of Tidewater Power Co, and siding of Wrightsville to be filled with clay gravel. 34. Clerk to notify Onslow Telephone Co. to remove certain telephone poles from roadways. 35. Due to trouble at convicts camps, guards to use discipline they feel necessary. 36. Report from Superintendent Burnett filed. 37. Road Committee to macadize 17th Street. 38. Bill of J. L. Becton for services on Winter Park, Greenville Road and Wrightsville Road to be paid. 39. Request from Seagate taxpayers to have road to schoolhouse graded referred to Permanent Road Committee. 40. Report from Superintendent of Roads filed. 41. Mr. Yopp to sell locomotive and track on Federal Point Road. 42. Request from 0. Pearsall for repair of road in Harnett Township referred to Permanent Road Committee. MINUTEBOOK Vol. I Page 10 15 1913 7 317 10 15 1913 7 318 11 03 1913 7 319 11 03 1913 7 319 11 03 1913 7 319 11 03 1913 7 319 11 03 1913 7 320 11 03 1913 7 321 11 03 1913 7 322 11 03 1913 7 319 11 03 1913 7 319 11 10 1913 7 323 12 Ol 1913 7 325 12 O1 1913 7 325 12 04 1913 7 330 12 04 1913 7 330 1 05 1914 7 330 1 05 1914 7 331 2 02 1914 7 337 2 02 1914 7 337 3 02 1914 7 340 3 04 1914 7 341 3 04 1914 7 342. 3 04 1914 7 341 4 06 1914 7 343 4 06 1914 7 343 4 06 1914 7 343 4 06 1914 7 343 4 13 1914 7 345 4 13 1914 7 345 5 04 1914 3 3?9 5 04 1914 7 349 5 04 1914 7 349 5 04 1914 7 351 5 11 1914 7 353 6 Ol 1914 7 359 6 Ol 1914 7 361 6 08 1914 7 367 7 06 1914 7 369 7 06 1914 7 369 7 06 1914 7 370 7 06 1914 7 371 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover Count?, N. C. _?`p T?ER• Real Fstate, County? xec. u. s. '?r??? County Indezea Since IA88 ? Te btoM nam?s. Op?? O! COTT A•2 iAB INDEX ?11r<La-?i An Identifying Trade Mark MttCE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, WLUMBUS, DHIO rAr OFF?CE SURIiAME (NITIAL TAB SOLD tY OY/EN i. YONN, NEN IERM, NORTN GROLINA NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS DATE Month Day Year MINUTE BOOK Vol. Page 1. Accepted. o?fer from Moore-Fonviell_e Realty Co. to purchase lots in H?.nover Gardens. _ 5 12 1931 9 108.. 2. Mrs Lena S. Bear and Peter B. Saffo declined release of payment for_ property advertising,. 6 15 1931, 9 113.. 3. Authorized payment to John and S?lar Taylor ?or notary fees for Rzght-of-wa?. ._ 6 29 1931.. 9 116.. 4. ?luthorized check for $1,500 from Moore-Fonville Realty as full settlement for lots .. 7 13 1931, 9 118 1&2 ,block 2, Hanover Gardens. . . 5. Charles Summerlin requested reduction of acreage near Seaga??e referred to Chairman. 9 14 1931 9 127 6. Settler?.ent with Mr. Blake for trees cut on his property by County ?eferr?d to Mr. Trask. 12 7 1931 9 14z. 7. Authorized Mr. Blake to receive $10. on all cut wood as settlement for trees cut. 12 28 1931 9 145 8. Discu?sed land sale for I933 taxes, time for advertising postponed. 4 2`? 2932 9 ZbZ 9. Authorized County Farm space to be leased to Ge?.eral Cutdoor Advertising Co. 4 25 1932 9 161 10. l?,u?horized payment of $20 to Mr. 131ake for cutting ??ood on his property by error. 5 16 1932 9 165 11. Autharized deed for Margart C. Vaughans for lots 14?J_5 block 2, Hanover Gardens upon 6 6 1932 9 167 paymentof $540. each to County. _ .. 12. Mo?.ion carried to ren.t space for sign on Count_y land along Highway ?k40. 6 13 19'?2 9 167 13. Authorized Market st. lot to be corrected by size for Hughes Real Estate, assessr??.ent 8 1 1932 9 175 reduction ordered for 1932, refund paid on assessment for 1931. 14. Local Real Esta?,e Board and Civic Organization urged endorsement of bill to re-evaluate 2 27 1933 9 207 1933 Real Estate, action deferred until next meeting. 15. Revaluation of County Real Estate by horizontal reduction or assessors postponed. 4 3 1933 0 214 . . lb. Tax values discussed, horiz,ontal over general to be considered at next meeting. 4 10 1933 9 215 17. Advertisir?g Real Es::ate for sale for 1932 tax?s referred to County Auditor. 4 24 1933 9 217 18. Percentage reduction on Real Estate discussed, no action taken. 4 17 1933 9 216 19. Authorized deed of trust to be cancelled for Mrs. Daisy I. Innis, lot 11 block 2 in 1 29 193? 9 268 Hanover Gardens. 20. Motion failed on assessment reduction of 10% and appropriations in budget. 6 2 19?3 9 224 21. Real Estate meeting, accepted horizontal reducti_on of 10%. 6 5 1933 9 224 22. Federal Point property of W. A. Corbett reduced from 1012 to 93acres, abatement ordered 6 12 1933 9 226 on $170 valuation for 1932. 23. Declined to rent Noble land for Gommunity farming, offered by L. M. Noble. 6 12 1933 9 230 24. Trees from ?ounty property sale referred to Chairman. 8 21 1933 9 239 25. Committee named to consider releasing land for Community Relief Farming. 8 21 1933 9 239 26. Adjusting valuation on New Hanover Transit Co. land at Carolina Beach referred. 8 21 1933 9 239 27. Settlement secured from L.E.Allen and D. A. Herring on land at Hanover Gardens. 8 21 1933 9 240 28. Robert C. Cantwell request to purchase or lease County land along route 40 referred. 10 30 1933 9 256 29 Notes for deferred payment cancelled and surrended to Daiay Innis and H. L. Smith, 11 27 1933 9 260 30. William Craig request to purchase County land referred to Chairman. 1 29 1934 9 268 31. Contract app?E??Ted to sell County trees. 2 19 1934 9 273 32. Richard Rogers request to purch?se County land referred to Board. 2 26 1934 9 275 33. General Fund credited with funds from sell of County trees. 2 26 1934. 9 275 34, 51,600 offered for 11:acres of land near Airport. 2 26 1934 9 275 35. Motion fail on purchase price and payments for J.H. ?la?.ces 11 ?cres of land. 3 26 1934, 9 279 36. E. B. Josey requested, deferred action for lumber. 4 2 1934 9 27? , 37. House on Blake land authorized to be rented by Chairman. 4 23 1934 9 281 38. Deed from J. L. Sprunt and wife to City on Church St, received and accepted. 12 3 1934 9 313 39. Small house near Airport auhtorized for rent. 12 31 1934 9 315 40. Payment to Moore-Foriville?Realty appro?,red for rent of Garrell Building. 12 13 ?934 9 316 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES -- New Hanover Count?, N. C. _ MATTER• _ ROADS To lotafe names, open ot (pTT A•Z TA6 INDEX aEC. u. s. q???? Covnty Indexea Since 1888 MADE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO r?t ?FFICE C??c.d?J??C.4-?i. An IdentifYinB Trade Marlc SURNAME INITIAL TAB SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN. NORTH CAROLINA DATE MINUTE BOOK NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS Month I Day I Yea? Vol. f I Page l. Superintendent of Roads to repair road to schoolhouse at Seagate. 7 31 1914 7 375 2. Petition from Cape Fear citizens referred to Permanent Road Committee. 8 03 1914 7 377 3. Report from Superintendent of Roads filed. 8 03 1914 7 377 4.. Speed signs to be posted on roads for automobiles. 8 03 1914 7 278 5., Regulations set on speed of automobiles or County roads. 8 03 1914 7 377 6. Superintendent of Roads to top dress road from Masonboro Road to W. L. Parsley's grounds. 8 15 1914 7 381 7. Sheriff to put an officer on the road to enforce speed laws. 8 15 1914 7 381 8. Report from Superintendent of Roads filed 9 08 1914 7 3$2 9. Request from Mr. Bonham relative to filling ditch referred to Permanent Road Committee. 10 05 1914 7 385 10. Messrs. Westbrook and Bordeaux requested that Island Creek Road be repaired. 10 05 1914 7 385 11. Report from Superintendent of Roads and Bridges filed 10 05 1914 7 385 12. Request for construction of road on Willard Street referred to Permanent Road Committee. 10 05 1914 7 385 13. W. I. F. Bagley allowed to move a small house over road in Seagate if no damage done to road. 10 05 1914 7 386 14. Ditch near powning Branch to be filled in if property owners will pay half cost of pipe. 10 12 1914 7 387 15. Chairman and Superintendent of Roads appointed delegates to Road Convention. 10 12 1914 7 387 16. Letter from Mr. Neistley asking for repairs on Blue Clay Road referred to Permanent Road Committee. 10 12 1914 7 391 17. Officer to be employed to enfarce speed laws for 2 months at $75 a month. 10 12 1914 7 387 18. Report from Superintendent of Roads pited. 11 02 1914 7 395 19. R. A. Burnett to be reimbursed for expenses connected with Perry trial. 11 02 1914 7 395 20. Texas Co. allowed to lay pipe across Castle Hayne Road under supervision of Superintendent of Roads. 11 18 1914 7 399 21.Galena Oil Co. to make railroad crossing to their plant on Castle Hayne Road flush with road surface. 11 18 1914 7 401 22. Matter of horse drowning of Joe Wheeler referred to Superintendent of Roads and Clerk. 12 07 1914 7 403 23. Superintendent Burnett's report filed. 12 07 1914 7 403 24. Copy of Auditor-Accountant's report on roads and road work and recommendation of consoldation on City 12 07 1914 7 406 and County road work. 25, Proposal from N. H. Transit Co., Wilmington Beach Corp. and Kure Land and Development Co, relative to 12 14 1914 7 409 completing Federal Point Road. 26. Gentlemen representing N. H. Transit Co. and others appeared and discussed macadamizing Federal Point 12 17 1914 7 415 Road. 27. Request from Messrs. W. Niestlie, Dempsey, McGurt and Queen for improvement of Blue Clay Raad referred 1 04 1915 7 419 to Road Committee. 28. Complaint of damages from blast at rock quarry from E. D. Williams. 1 04 1915 7 419 29. Board ruled it would pay half of costs for macadamizing road to Carolina Beach Boulevard if N. H. Transit 1 04 1915 7 419 Co. and others would pay remaining cost. 30. Board ruled it was not responsible for drowning of horse of Joe Wheeler since bridge not County owned. 1 04 1915 7 419 31. Report from Superintendent of Roads filed. 1 04 1915 7 420 32, Board passed a resolution approving borrowing money for road work to employ unemployed citizens. 1 09 1915 7 423 33. Road work resolution resulted from mass public meeting on unemployment. 1 09 1915 7 423 34. Committee reported progress on macadamizing Federal Point Road. 1 11 1915 7 425 35. Chairman ordered blasting at rock quarry in East Wilmington stopped. 1 11 1915 7 425 36. Contract between Roard and New Hanover Transit Co., Wilmington Beachorp., and Kur? Land and Development 1 14 1915 7 427 to surface road to Carolina Beach. 37. Form of bond offered by Aevelopment Companies to surface road. 1 14 1915 7 428 38. Road Committee to make specifications for construction of Federal Point Road. 1 14 1915 7 427 39. Board approved terms of contract to build rock road to Carolina Beach. 1 14 1915 7 429 40. Request from J. H. Rehder for repairs on Middle Sound Road referred to Superintendent of Roads. 2 O1 1915 7 431 INDEX TO COl?MI55I0NERS MINUTES N H C N C E -- ew anover ounty, . . , MA T ER: Ro?s ? . nec. u. s. County Indezea Since 1888 YO IotG}0 naMES? open Gt COTT A-Z TAB INDEX PAT OFFICE ?eTfJl?i?' An ldentifying Trede Mark SURNAME INIiIAL TAB MADE 8Y THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS DATE MINUTE BOOK Month I Day I Year Vol, ! Page ; I 1. Request for building road from Gordon Road to Wrightsboro referred to Road Committee. 2 Ol 1915 7 431 2. Request from D. Neistle for repairs on Blue Clay Road referred to Road Committee. 2 O1 1915 7 431 3. Cross ties of railroad from line on Federal Point Road to be sold. 2 Ol 1915 7 433 4. Resolution authorizing execution of amended contract with N. H. Transit Co. and others. 2 O1 1915 7 431 5. ? Superintendent of Roads presented his January report which was filed. 2 09 1915 7 435 6. Superintendent of Roads to attend Road Institute at Chapel Hill. 2 09 1915 7 435 7. Money allowed to plant trees along County roads. 2 09 1915 7 435 8. All bids rejected for surfacing Federal Point Road. 2 23 1915 7 439 9. Report from Superintendent of Roads filed. 3 Ol 1915 7 441 10. Request from Mr. Bonham that road near Highwood Park be declared public referred to Road Committee. 3 O1 1915 7 441 11. Report from Superintendent of Roads filed. 4 05 1915 7 448 12. Chairman to purchase wagon and road binder for use on permanent roads this summer. 4 05 1915 7 448 13. Chairman to exchange county's present road roller to "landem" roller. 4 05 1915 7 448 14. City to care for roads and streets taken into City by recent annexation. 4 05 1915 7 448 15. Road Committee to put signs on roads showing City limits. 4 12 1915 7 451 16. Bond for contract and contractor for Federal Point Road to Carolina Beach referred back to Committee 4 12 1915 7 451 to reconcile amounts. 17. Solicitor to investigate request from Shepart Ultey for compensation for time erroneously served 4 19 1915 7 453 working roads. 18. County to pay Cape Fear Gravel Co. for gravel used on Carolina Beach Road. 4 19 1915 7 453 19. C. R. Humphrey to submitt a bond for construction of Carolina Beach Road? 4 19 1915 7 453 20. Island Creek Road to be repaired. 4 19 1915 7 453 21. Rock quarry abandoned and work force reduced. 4 19 1915 7 453 22. Allowance given Superintendent of Roads for a telephone in Federal Point Camp. 4 19 1915 7 454 23. Report from Superintendent of Roads filed. 5 03 1915 7 455 24. Action deferred on request from N. H. Transit Co. that road be build to Carolina Beach. 5 03 1915 7 455 25. Mr. Burnett to tear down signs on trees on rights of way on improved roads. 5 03 1915 7 455 26. Bill from J. L. Becton for working on Carolina Beach Road approved. 5 03 1915 7 455 27. Question of oiling Federal Point Road referred to Permanent Road Committee. 5 03 1915 7 456 28. Committee on bond of C. R. Humphrey and Co. reported progress. 5 03 1915 7 455 29. Mr. Burnett to make repairs on Middle Sound and Blue Clay Roads. 5 31 1915 7 458 30. Board unable to give Mr. Linneker information on mile post on Castle Hayne Road. 6 07 1915 7 459 31. Requested changes in road foundation material by Mr. Humphrey referred to Committee. 6 07 1915 7 459 32. Matter of road from Winter Park to Pearsalls Factory referred to Permanent Road Committee. 6 07 1915 7 459 33. Report from Superintendent of Roads filed. 6 07 1915 7 460 34. Granite screenings to be used in connection with the tarvia being placed on permanent roads. 6 07 1915 7 460 35. J. B. Fenley allowed to remove tree near Shell Road if he care for sycamore trees along Shell Road. 6 14 1915 7 463 36. Request from Kure Land and Development Co. that AvenueLbe graded referred to Permanent Road Committee. 7 06 1915 7 465 37. Report from Superintendent of Roads filed. 7 06 1915 7 465 38. Road to be cut to Old Graig Cemetery as requested by Messrs. Hanley and Henniker, 7 06 1915 7 465 39. Superintendent of Roads to receive a weeks vacation and expenses to attend Good Roads Convention in Asheville.7 06 1915 7 467 40. Delegates selected to attend Good Roads Convention in Asheville. 7 06 1915 7 465 41. Request that bond of C. R. Humphrey cover construction of Carolina Beach Road referred to Road Committee. 8 02 1915 7 475 42. Road Committee will report on grading Avenue L in a few days. 8 02 1915 7 475 43. Report from Superintendent of Roads filed. 8 02 1915 7 475 44. Speed limits set for automobiles going through Wrightsville and Vella View. 8 16 1915 7 479 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover Count?, N. C. , MATT RT Ro?s aec. u. s. ?,,,^ County indexea Since 1888 To lotate names? open at CO1T A-Z TAB INDEX PAT OFFICE ????K?-7?'..' An ldontiFying Trade Mark ? SURNAME INITIAL TAB MADE ?Y THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS DATE Month Day Year MINUTE BOOK Vol. Page 1. Auditor to borrow money for Road Fund. 8 16 1915 7 480 2. Money appropriated for Boys Road Patrol for dragging the roads. 8 16 1915 7 481 3. Board took matter of road from Princess Street 12oad to Gordon Road under advisement. 9 08 1915 7 485 4. Board noted Brunswick Co. going to build new roads and wants some built at expense of New Hanover County. 9 08 1915 7 485 5. Board feels Brunswick wants bridges and causeways for its development at expense of New Hanover County. 9 09 1915 7 486 6. Board took matter of changing road covering material for road to Carolina Beach under advisement. 10 05 1915 7 489 7. Report from Superintendent of Roads Filed. 10 05 1915 7 489 8. Tide Water Power Co. to erect wires and poles along roads and across County land to connect County Home 10 OS 1915 7 490 Prison and Sanitarium to plant. 9. Superintendent of Roads to approve all power poles along County roads. 10 05 1915 7 489 10. Metal signs to be bought for all permanent roads in County. 10 05 1915 7 491 11. Copy of request that Board tell contractor that road to Carolina Beach must be completed as soon as possib1e.10 14 1915 7 495 12. Copy of resolution stating failure of contractor to uphold his contract and stating conquences if he 10 14 1915 7 495 fails to remedy situation. 13. Matter of material for Federal Point Road referred to Committee. 10 21 1915 7 497 14. Meeting held with Beach Development Co., contractor and bondsmen relative to construction of Federal 10 25 1915 7 499 Point Road; no decision made. 15. Report from Superintendent of Roads filed. 11 Ol 1915 7 503 16. A. B. Sneldin to remove track and trolly from East Wilmington Quarry. 11 Ol 1915 7 503 17. Board met with Beach Development Companies regarding Fort Fisher Highway. 11 03 1915 7 505 18, Letter from contractor C. R. Humphrey relative to building and finishing Fort Fisher Highway 11 03 1915 7 505-506 19. Board passed resolution and material to be used and finishing date for Fort Fisher Highway. 11 03 1915 7 507 20, Board agreed to supplemental agreement proposed by C. R. Humphrey on Fort Fisher Highway. 11 08 1915 7 509 21. Superintendent of Roads to go over first three miles of Federal Point Road with contract and point out Il 0$ 19I5 7 509 needed corrections. 22. Matter of buying a truck for road work to be investigated. 11 18 1915 7 511 23. Development Companies objected to supplemental agreement on Fort Fisher Highway approved November 8. 11 29 1915 7 513 24. Mr. Kure withdrew above objections. 11 29 1915 7 513 25. Contractor Humphrey to be notified that work is not proceeding with due dispatch. 11 29 1915 7 513 26. Dr. W. Niestle requested immediate work on Blue Clay Road. 12 06 1915 7 515 27. Report from Superintendent of Roads filed. 12 07 1915 7 517 28. R. A. Burnett elected Superintendent of Roads at $1,500 a year. 12 07 1915 7 518 29. Clerk to report on ownership of "Third Toll House" on Turnpike. 12 12 1915 7 519 30. Mr. Moore report progress on road to Carolina Beach only fair for past month. 1 03 1916 7 521 31. Report from Superintendent of Roads filed. 1 03 1916 7 521 32. Photographs of County roads and convict gangs working same to be made for J. Hyde Pratt. 1 03 1916 7 523 33. Request from Winter Park citizens for a road to Market Street referred to Permanent Road Committee. 1 10 1916 7 523 34. Request for road repairs from Messrs. Redher and Polvoght referred to Superintendent of Roads. 1 10 1916 7 523 35. Auditor notified Beach Companies and Mr. Humphrey that County would pay for only half of cost of Carolina 1 10 1916 7 523 Beach Road. 36. Superintendent of Roads to represent County at Good Roads Institute in Chapel Hill; expenses paid by 1 10 1916 7 524 County. 37. Pender County notified Board that County fence between two Counties needed repairing. 1 10 1916 7 524 38. Request for culvert in road in Federal Point Township. 1 24 1916 7 529 39. Development Companies want to cancel contract with Mr. Humphrey to build Ft. Fisher Boulevard. 1 24 1916 7 529 40. Clerk to request reasons for cancellation of contract by Development Companies. 1 24 1916 7 529 INDE? TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - N H C t N C ew anover oun y, . . , MATTERT ROADS ` .EC. u, s. Coun?y lndezee Since 1888 ?? ?e.?-? Yo locate names, open af COTT A•Z TAB INDEX PAT OFFICE ?,e?71?? An ldentifying Trade Maric ?}`8 SURNAMB INITIAL TAB ?DE BY THE COTT INDEX tOMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLO BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORiH CAROLINA NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS DATE MINUTEBOOK Month I Day I Yenr Vol. I Page 1. Superintendent of Roads to note needed repairs in Island Creek Road and Middle Sound Road. 1 24 1916 7 529 2. Duties of Road Superintendent set down. 1 24 1916 7 529 3. T. J. Brewer elected foreman of Road Gangs. 1 24 1916 7 531 4. Salary of R. A. Burnett as Superintendent of Roads set at $35 a month. 1 24 1916 7 529 5. Report of Superintendent of Roads filed. 2 07 1916 7 535 6. Request from Mr. Humphrey that Board accept part of clay gravel part of Carolina Beach road referred 2 14 1916 7 537 to committee. 7. Committees appointed. 2 14 1916 7 537 8. Road Committee to work Blue Clay Road as soon as possible. 3 06 1916 7 539 9. Report from Superintendent of Roads filed. 3 06 1916 7 539 10. Request from Wilmington Beach Corp. to use road bed to Federal Point to lay a temporary tram road 3 06 1916 7 539 referred to Permanent Roads Committee. 11. Matter of getting out and preparing line from quarry on Prince George's Creek referred to Messrs. 3 06 1916 7 539 Kerr and Willard. 12. Request for road improvement in Federal Point Township referred to Road Committee. 4 03 1916 7 543 13. Petition froin citizens relative to location of road from Winter Park Gardens to Scotts Hill Road 4 03 1916 7 543 referred to Permanent Roads Committee. 14. Wilmington Beach Corporation not allowed to use road bed to Federal Point. 4 03 1916 7 544 15. Letter from W. Niestle read relative to Blue Clay Road. 4 03 1916 7 543 16. Report from Superintendent of Roads filed. 4 03 1916 7 543 17. Chairman to contract for tarvia and granite chips. 4=: 03 1916 7 543 18. Request from Mr. Humphrey and Co. for road payment for Carolina Beach Road declined. 5 O1 1916 7 549 19. Right of way to be secured for road from Scott's Hill road to Wrightsville Turnpike. 5 Ol 1916 7 549 20. Money allowed to defray expenses for Good Road Convention to be held in County. 5 Ol 1916 7 549 21. Report from Superintendent of Roads filed. 5 O1 1916 7 550 22. Specifications received from Wilmington Beach Corp. for building road. 5 Ol 1916 7 549 23. Chairman reported he had purchased tarvia. 5 Ol 1916 7 549 24. Clerk to notify American Surety Co. that contractors have not upheld the Carolina Beach Road contract 5 Ol 1916 7 549 and Board holding bonding company responsible. 25. Superintendent of Roads presented map drawn by D. L. Struthers on location of road to Scotts Hill Road. 5 04 1916 7 551 26. Board approved location of road from Wrightsville Turnpike to Scotts Hill Road. 5 04 1916 7 551 27. Superintendent of Roads to continue repairs on Blue Clay Road. 5 04 1916 7 551 28. Letter from citizens on building a spur to connect new Scotts Hill Road with Audubon Ave. referred to 5 08 1916 7 553 Committee. 2R. Request from land developer A. M. Scales for County to co-operate in laying off a road. 5 18 1916 7 555 30. Report from Committee on accepting road as proposed by Beach Development Co. 6 O1 1916 7 557 31. Report from road committee adopted on accepting Carolina Beach Road. 6 O1 1916 7 557 32. Report from civil engineer W. K. Allen on Federal Point Road. 6 O1 1916 7 558 33. Permanent Road Committee to report on best binder treatment for road to Carolina Beach. 6 O1 1916 7 557 34. Board declined proposals from A.M. Scales to build a road from Scotts Hill Road. 6 0] 1916 7 557 35. Request of N. H. Transit Co. tor improvement of Carolina Beach Blvd. referred to Permanent Road Committee. 6 05 1916 7 561 36. Request from J.H. Rehder for repairs on Middle Sound Road referred to Road Committees. 6 0? 1916 7 561 37. Chairman to appoint delegates to Good Road Convention. 6 05 1916 7 561 38. Report from Superintendent of Roads for May filed. 6 05 1916 7 563 39. Auditors to exchange automobile of Superintiendent of Roads. 6 17 1916 7 564 40. Proposal from Oscar Pearsall to remove timber from Scotts Hill Road right of way to be investigated. 6 17 1916 7 567 N N H C C IO ERS MINUTES anover ount?, . ew -- . , MATTER: INDEX TO COMMISS N Ro?s ? nec. u. n. County Indexea Since 1888 10 locate names, open at COTT A-Z TAB INDEX r?r OFi1CE ?L?.? An IdentiEying Ttade Mark ? SURNAME INITIAL iAB M?DE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO INA SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BE RN, NORT H CAROL DATE MINUTE BOOK NATURE OF PROtEEDINGS Month Day Year Vol. Page 1. Board declined offer of 0. Pearsall to remove timber from roaci right of way. 7 03 1916 7 569 2. Request from J.O. Carr of Beach Co. that a plank road be built to Ft. Fisher referred to Permanent Roads 7 03 1916 7 569 Committee. 3.,, Report from Superintendent of Roads filed. 7 03 1916 7 569 4. Request for repairs on Carolina Beach Blvd. referred to Permanent Road Committee. 7 03 1916 7 569 5. Superintendent of Roads presented map of D.L. Struthers on location of road from Scotts Hill Road to 7 03 1916 7 570 Gordon Road. 6. Board approved report from Permanent Road Committee on location of road to be know as Kerr Avenue. 7 03 1916 7 569 7. Assessment against County roads for Drainage District ?fl was ordered paid. 7 03 1916 7 569 8. Bill from J.Van B. Metts for insurance premium on steam truck approved. 7 03 1916 7 571 9. Matter of plank road to Carolina Beach to be brought up later. 8 07 1916 7 573 10. Request that road from Galloway's field to Audobon Ave. be continued referred to Permanent Road Committee. 8 07 1916 7 573 11. Report from Superintendent of Roads filed. 8 07 1916 7 573 12. Complaint from W.B. McClelland relative to road being built through his land referred to Permanent Road 9 05 1916 7 581 Committee. 13. Bills from Deputy Sheriff Kelly for auto supplies for patrolling road approved. 9 05 1916 7 581 14. Special service of road patrols to be discontinued. 9 05 1916 7 581 15. Bill for surveying Wilmington and Fayetteville Highway to be paid. 9 05 1916 7 581 16. Report from Superintendent of Roac3s filed. 9 05 1916 7 581 17., Sheriff to summon disinterested parties to assess damages to land of W.B. McClelland by Kerr Ave. 9 18 1916 7 583 I8., Permanent Raad Committee recommended the July 3 proposal from the Beach Companies not be accepted. 9 18 1916 7 583 19. Beach Companies to be notified that they must promptly perform their contract on roads. 9 18 1916 7 583 20. Sureties on bond of road contractors to be notified work is not being satisfactorily done. 9 18 1916 7 583 21. Load of clay gravel ordered to repair Fort Fisher Highway. 9 18 1916 7 583 22. Mr. Burnett appeared interest of a road from Fort Fisher Highway to schoolhouse in Federal Point 9 18 1916 7 583 Township. 23. Grady C. Cook hired out to Superintendent Burnett although sentenced to jail. 9 18 1916 7 583 24. Appraisers found that any damages to land of Mr. McClelland were offset by advantages of new road. 9 28 1916 7 586 25. Bill from N.C. State Highway Association for surveying Wilmington & Fayetteville approved. 9 28 1916 7 586 26. No action on extending road from Winter Park to Pages Ave. 10 02 1916 7 589 27. Superintendent of Road's monthly report filed. 11 06 1916 7 593 28, R. A. Burnett elected Superintendent of Roads at $135 a month. 12 04 1916 7 597 29. Extension given to Development Companies to begin completeing work on Ft. Fisher Highway. 12 04 1916 7 598 30. Report from Superintendent of Roads Filed. 12 04 1916 7 599 31. Auditor to negotiate a loan for Road Fund and Chairman and Clerk to execute same. 12 13 1916 7 6Q1 32. Road to be built from Gordon Road to Wrightsboro and blueprints for same to be prepared by J.F.Becton 12 18 1916 7 602 33. Permanent Road Committee to consider request from Development Companies that road gangs finish Federal 1 02 1917 7 604 Point Highway. 34. Board unable to allow Wright Simmons to hire his son George, sentenced to road. 1 02 19?7 7 604 35. Report from Superintendent of Roads filed. 1 02 1917 7 605 ?oard accepted proposition from Beach Companies to finish building road to Fort Fisher. 1 24 1917 7 607 36. 37. Chairman reported that right of way secured from T.M. Galloway to build a road through his land. 1 24 1917 7 607 38. Chairman to purchase tarvia and granite chips for roads. 1 24 1917 7 608 39. Superintendent Burnett to attend meeting of Road Convention at Chapel Hill. 1 24 1917 7 607 40. January report from Superintendent of Roads filed. 2 05 1917 7 609 41. Contract with Development Companies to build road to Ft. Fisher approved. 2 17 1917 7 612 ? INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES H I? C N C anover ew ount?, -- . . , MATT RT Ro?s ` ?ec. u. s. .?J!- County Indezea Since 1888 ?'to loeate name5, open at 6-? An Identifying Trade Mark SURNAME INITIAL TAB ?DE BY THE r?r OFFICE ?nI??C COTT A-2 TAB INDEX COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO , SOLO BY OWE N C. DUNN, NEW BERN , NORTH GROLINA NATURE Of PROCEEDINGS DAiE MINUTE BOOK Month I Day I Yea? Voi. I Page ' l. Letter from Wilmington Beach Companies relative to delay in paying on account of Company filed. 3 02 1917 7 614 2. Request from E.H. Freeman for an extension of Winter Park Garden. 3 05 1917 7 615 3. Road to Pages Line referred to Permanent Road Committee. 3 05 1917 7 615 ; 4. Request for relief from water standing in land by Frank Weston referred to Superintendent of Roads. 3 05 1917 7 615 5. Request from Myrtle Grove citizens for a road to schoolhouse referred to Road Committee. 3 05 1917 7 615 6. Report from Superintendent of Roads filed. 3 05 1917 7 615 7. Request from Topsoil Sound citizens for a road referred to Permanent Road Committee. 4 02 1917 7 617 8. Request from Edgar Williams for a road to Ft. Fisher referred to Permanent Road Committee. 4 02 1917 7 617 9. Superintendent of Roads to look after crossing on Kerr Ave. and Gordon Road. 4 02 1917 7 617 10. Report from Superintendent of Roads filed. 4 02 191? 7 618 11. County to enter contract with Development Companies to finish road from Ft. Fisher. 5 03 1917 7 619 12. Superintendent of Roads to turn a mule over to Superintendent of Home. 5 03 1917 7 619 13. Report from Superintendent of Roads filed. 5 07 1917 7 621 14. Bill from D. Tucker Brown approved for stakes for measuring Wilmington Fayetteville Highway. 5 07 1917 7 621 15. Request from L.C. Kure to road force to build a road to Ft. Fisher. 5 28 1917 7 623 16. Development Co. refused due to scareness of convicts. 5 28 1917 7 623 17. Request of Mr. Kure for grading on Avenue K. referred to Permanent Road Committee. 5 28 1917 7 623 18. All present roads to be repaired before new roads are built. 5 28 1917 7 623 19. Superintendent of Roads recommended and it was carried that several employees of roads have salary increases. 5 28 1917 7 623 ; 20. Permanent Road Committee reported it declined request of Kure Land Development Co. to build a road to 6 04 1917 7 624 Ft. Fisher. 21. Report from Superintendent of Roads filed. 6 04 1917 7 624 22. Chairman appointed citizens as delegates to Good Road Convention in Asheville. 6 04 1917 7 624 23. No action taken on request from Messrs. Koch, Love and Cole for repairs on road between Ft. Fisher and 7 02 1917 7 625 Carolina Beach. 24. Auditor to borrow money for County roads. 7 02 1917 7 625 25. Chairman to buy stone chips and tarvia to finish roads now being treated. 7 02 1917 7 625 26. Parties intending to haul logs and lumber over Fort Fisher Highway will be held responsible for damages. 7 02 1917 7 625 27. Report of Superintendent of Roads filed. 7 02 1917 7 626 28. Superintendent of Roads to patch Carolina Beach Boulevard. 8 O1 1917 7 631 29. Chairman to hire help to make repairs on County roads. 8 O1 1917 7 631 30. Letter from W. E. Price of Wilmington Beach Corp. saying his company would expect a refund of County 8 Ol 1917 7 631 built roads for other corporations at County expense. 31. Chairman to purchase material to repair loop towards Carolina Beach. 8 06 1917 7 632 32. Auditar to borrow money for road fund. 8 06 1917 7 632 33. Report from Superintendent of Roads filed. 8 06 1917 7 632 34. Letter from Hugh MacRae and Co. relative to N.E. Bridge keeper employing a negro referred to 8 07 1917 - 7 633 Superintendent of Roads. 35. Board cancelled bond on Beach Companies relative to building Ft. Fisher Highway. 8 07 1917 7 633 36. Superintendent of Road given a vacation with use of County auto. 8 15 1917 7 635 37. Beach Companies withdrew their demand contained in letter read at Aug. 1 meeting. 9 04 1917 7 639 38. L. D. Love presented deed for Carolina Beach Boulevard to N.H. County from New Hanover Transit Co. 9 04 1917 7 639 39. Monthly report of Superintendent of Roads received. 9 04 1917 7 640 40. Parties damaging Ft. Fisher Highway by hauling timber to be notified of law and penalties for damage. 10 O1 1917 7 641 41. Report from Superintendent of Roads filed. 10 Ol 1917 7 642, 42. Road leading from George Roger's to Loop at Myrtle Groove school declared public. 10 Ol 1917 7 641 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES -- New Hanover Count? N C MATT RT Ro?s ? , . . _ nec. u. s. Counry Indexee Since 1888 To locate names, open at COTT A-Z TAB INDEX v?T OFiICE ???1'Jl?i?..' An Identifying Trade Matk ? SURNAME INITIAL TAB NIADE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BE RN, NORT N CAROLINA NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS DATE MINUTEBOOK Month Day Yea? Vol. Page l. Auditor to transfer funds from Bridge Fund to Road Fund. 10 Ol 1917 7 644 2. Report from Superintendent of Roads filed. 11 05 1917 7 645 3. Damage to Ft. Fisher Highway by vehicles hauling heavy loads to be declared a nuisance. 11 05 1917 7 645 4. Board refused to take over road from Ft. Fisher Highway to Carolina Beach due to lack of funds. 11 05 1917 7 645 5. Matter of furnishing clothing for Clyde Hardison, guard, since stolen by escapee, G. Galloway, referred 11 05 1917 7 646 to Superintendent of Roads and Clerk. 6. No action on request for road improvements on Old Inmay Road. 11 05 1917 7 645 7. Chairman and Attorney to take steps to abate damages done to Ft. Fisher Highway by lumber truckers. 11 12 1917 7 649 8. R. A. Burnett e?ectea Superintenaent of Roaas at $Z35 a monzl?. 12 03 ?9.t7 7 65? 9. Report from Superintendent of Roads filed. 12 03 1917 7 652 10. Request for ditch near Scott`s Hill Road referred to Road Committee. 12 03 1917 7 651 11. Request from C.O. Jurgesen to lease Jeffrey truck referred to Auditor and Messrs. MacMillan and Burnett. 12 21 1917 7 655 12, County's road roller to be sold and a new one to be purchased. 12 21 1917 7 655 13. Attitude of Chairman toward Pembroke Jones in matter of damages done to road approved. 12 21 1917 7 655 14. List of roads to be turned over to State Highway System. 1 07 1918 7 657 15. Board approved State Highway Commission adopting road. 1 07 1918 7 658 16. No action on complaint from Frank Weston to enlarge culvert along road since not sufficient. 1 07 1918 7 657 17. Ma?ter of extending Ft. Fisher Highway to Fort Fisher deferred. 1 07 1918 7 657 18. Report from Superintendent Burnett filed. 1 07 1918 7 657 19. Expenses of Mr. Burnett to be paid to attend, Good Road Convention. 1 07 1918 7 659 20. Report from Superintendent of Roads filed. 2 04 1918 7 663 21. Matter of Board matching money from State Highway Commission for roads referred to Permanent Road 2 04 1918 7 667 . Committee. 22, Chairman of Board of Education requested repairs on Carolina Beach Boulevard. 2 04 1918 7 663 23. Motion to have Beach interest help pay for repair of Carolina Beach Boulevard did not pass. 2 04 1918 7 663 24. City Taxicab Co. to operate a truck and trailer over Ft. Fisher Highway and Mr. Burnett to determine effects2 15 1918 7 669 on road. 25. Ft. Fisher Highway to be repaired. 2 15 1918 7 669 26. Auditor to get quotations on pressure tank to be used in distributingtarvia on roads. 2 15 1918 7 669 27. Auditor sold hoisting engine to Roberts Pile and Timber Co. 3 04 1918 7 671 28. Report of Superintendent of Roads filed. 3 04 1918 7 671 29. Repair of Ft. Fisher Highway delayed due to failure to receive material for repair. 3 04 1918 7 671 30. Board and Superintendent of Roads to investigate damages done on Ft. Fisher highway by Trailer and truck. 3 04 1918 7 671 31. Request from Frank Harriss to have Blue Clay Road straightened or extended referred to Mr. Burnett. 3 04 1918 7 673 32. Board to permit hauling of lumber over Ft. Fisher Highway if company pays money and does not exceed 3 06 1918 7 679 speed limit. 33. Auditor to punc?ase pressure tank for applying binder on roads. 3 06 1918 7 679 34. Chairman and Auditor to purchase tarvia for roads. 3 21 1918 7 681 35r Attorney to notify W.C. Smith to repair Ft. Fisher Highway or will be indicted. 3 21 1918 7 681 36.. Mr. Burnett to dispose of windmill at Work House. 3 21 1918 7 681 37. Board agreed to meet requirements to obtain federal money for roads and will match federal money 3 21 1918 7 683 with County money. 38. Granite chips and dust to be bought for road repairs. 3 21 1918 7 681 39, Material for repair of roads purchased. 4 O1 1918 7 685 40.. Attorney to defer action against W.C. Smith for damages of Ft. Fisher Highway. 4 Ol 1918 7 685 41. Request from L. Clayton Grant for a drain pipe or support for ditch on Seagate-Greenville Road referred. 4 O1 1918 7 685 r? T N H ? N C C anover ount ew y, . INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINU ES - . _ MATT Rv ROADS ` Rtc. u. s. q?,'? County Indezee Since 1888 {?? 1+•fi-?' Yo locate names, open at COTT A-Z TAB INDEX ??T OFFICE ?????C.6? An IdrntifYin6 Trade Marlc ??? SURNAME INITIAL TAB MADE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS.OHIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA DATE MINUTE BOOK NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS ` Month Day Year Vol. Page 1. Report from Mr. Burnett filed. 4 Ol 1918 7 690 2. Request from Messrs. Poster and Boyd to buy or rent road roller referred to Chairman. 4 O1 1918 7 685 3. Salary of E. T. Eakins increased by $10 a month as suggested by Superintendent of Roads. 4 O1 1918 7 691 4. State Highway Engineer advised date of recieving County's guarantee of accepting federal money for roads. 4 O1 1918 7 691 5. Invitation extended to N.C. Good Roads Association to hold their next meeting at Wrightsville Beach. 4 30 1918 7 693 6. Letter from officials of State Penitentiary relative to hiring State convicts to work on Shipyard Blvd. 4 30 1918 7 693 7. Material to be used on Shipyard Boulevard. 4 30 1918 7 693 8. Concrete to be used in construction of Shipyard Boulevard and Auditor to purchase material. 5 03 1918 7 694 9. Superintendent of Roads to complete Shipyard Boulevard as soon as possible. 5 03 1918 7 694 10. Men found that property of Frank Capps not damaged by cutting of a ditch along Seagate-Greenville Road. 5 06 1918 7 695 11. Report from Superintendent of Roads filed. 5 06 1918 7 695 12. Board rescinded order authorizing Auditor to purchase road material since want to use different material. 5 06 1918 7 695 13. Auditor to buy granite chips from time to time to repair County roads. 5 06 1918 7 695 14. Request for improvements on Carolina Beach Boulevard from A.W. Pate referred to Mr. Burnett. 5 06 1918 7 695 15. Carolina Beach Boulevard to be repaired as requested by A. W. Pate. 5 22 1918 8 10 16. City/County to be requested to improve the road leading to Oak Grove Cemtery. 5 22 1918 8 10 17. Report from Superintendent of Roads filed. 6 03 1918 8 11 18. Money appropriated for expenses of NC Good Roads Convention to be held at Wrightsville Beach. 6 03 1918 8 11 19. Bill of J. L. Becton, C.E. for surveying new government Shipyard Road approved. 6 03 1918 8 11 20. John Niggle reported stone shipments for New Shipyard Road would be dispatched as soon as possible. 6 03 1918 8 11 21. R. A. Burnett to have general supervision of County Stockade making his salary $150 a month. 6 03 1918 8 11 22. Auditox to borrow money for County roads' account. 6 03 1918 8 12 23. Cement driveway to be built on southside of Central Boulevard. 6 23 1918 8 12 24. Road to be extended to Timekeeper's Office of Steel Shipbuilding Plant. 6 23 1918 8 12 25. Board confirmed action of Auditor in purchasing Ford truck for road work. 6 23 1918 8 12 26. Four rock cars sold to Ling City Iron Yards. 7 02 1918 8 13 27. Report from Supt. of Roads filed. 7 02 1918 8 13 28. Surveying bill from J. L. Becton for work on Shipyard Road to be paid. 7 02 1918 8 13 29. Auditor to borrow money to County road account. 7 02 1918 8 13 30. Report from Supt. of Roads filed. 8 05 1918 8 14 31. Auditor to borrow money for County roads' account. 8 05 1918 8 14 32. Supt. of Roads to put in drain pipe at mail route crossing on Castle Hayne Rd. 8 05 1918 8 16 33. Bill from J. L. Becton for services on Concrete road to be paid. 8 05 1918 8 16 34. J. S. Funchess complained that drain pipes on Castle Hayne Road caused flooding on his road. 9 03 1918 8 17 35. Report from Supt. of Roads filed. 9 03 19I8 8 17 36. Chairman reported State Highway Commission would help obtain needed tarvia for roads. 9 03 1918 8 17 37. Board approved salary increases for Kirby Damels and G. C. Orr by Supt. of Roads. 9 03 1918 8 17 38. Salary of Supt. of Roads set at $175 per month. 9 03 1918 8 17 39. R. A. Burnett to attend meeting of Highway Convention at County's expense. 9 20 1918 8 20 40. Chairman announced increase in tarvia approved by Government Report from Supt. of Roads filed. 10 07 1918 8 20 41. Report from Supt. of Itoads Filed. 10 0? 1918 8 20 42. W. D. MacMillan Jr. to a?tend meeting of ti1?ilmington-Charlotte Military Highway at County expense. 10 07 1918 8 20 43. Military Highway to be built between Charlotte and Wilmington. 11 04 1918 8 21 44. Gravel to be purchased to repair Fort Fisher Highway. 11 04 1918 8 21 45. R. A. Burnett elected Supt. of Roads and Bridges at $175 per month. 12 02 1918 8 26 46. Report from Supt. of Roads filed. 12 02 1918 8 26 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover Count?, N. C. , MATTER: ROADS aec. u. s. County lndexea Since 1888 ?+ x+.3-?- 70 lotofe namCS? open at COTT A-Z TAB INDEX e?r OFFtCE ?,?i?? An Identifying Trade Merk ?? SURNAMB INITIAL TAB MADE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, (OLUMBUS, ONIO SOLD BY OWEN 6. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS DATE. Month I Day ? Year MINUTE BOOK Vol. I Page , 1. Board rejected request of Tide Water Power Co. to rent County's rock crusher. . 12 02 ? 1918 8 28 2. Board requested Legislature to amend Chapter 264 relative to rules regulating roads and bridges. 12 23 1918 8 29 3. Appropriation granted Miss H. M. Berry as Secretary of NC Good Roads Association to help secure 12 23 1918 8 29 State Highways. 4. Nelson McKoy Dowless, sentenced to roads, hired out to W. F. Jones. O1 06 1919 8 29 5. Board to request Governor to pardon James M. Johnson, sentenced to roads. O1 06 1919 8 29 6. Resolution from NC Good Roads Convention advocating a State Highway system. O1 06 1919 8 29 7. Report from Supt. of Roads filed. O1 06 1919 8 31 8. Matter of easement on property of J. 0. Hinton discussed. O1 06 1919 8 31 9. Request from F. G. Harriss to have part of Blue Clay Road straightened referred to Supt. of Roads. O1 06 1919 8 31 10. Supt. Burnett and Board to inspect Carolina Beach Boulevard to recommend necessary repair material. Ol 13 1919 8 32 11. Grand Jury recommended a culvert be put in ditch on right of way of Tide Water Power Co. at O1 13 1919 8 32 Masonboro Road. 12. No action on Request of Woodus Kellum asking Board to build concrete road to Carolina Beach. 02 03 1919 8 34 13.,, Report from Supt. of Roads filed. 02 03 1919 8 34 14.,, Supt. of Roads to build a road into Carolina Beach. 02 03 1919 8 34 15. Board adopted bill to allow them to make rules on County roads in order to control damage to road. 02 10 1919 8 35 16. Frank Harriss requested Board to straighten Blue Clay Road. 02 10 1919 8 35 17. No action on proposed road near Rock Hill Church in Cape Fear Township. 02 10 1919 8 35 18. Board adopted "An Act Relative to the Establishment of Roads, Bridges and Ferries" and sent copy to 02 10 1919 8 35 Legislature. 19. Supt. Burnett to open ditch on Masonboro Road so property of D. W. Trask would i?e properly drained. 02 10 19I9 8 35 20. Harriss Burness, sentenced to roads, hired out to L. Stein. 02 10 1919 8 35 21., C. Chadbourn not relieved of paying for hauling lumber over Ft. Fisher highway. 02 10 1919 8 36 22. Board requested copy of any bill in Legislature considering refunding road building money to Carolina 02 22 1919 8 37 Beach, Wilmington, or Kure Land Development Co. 23. Senator Cooper informed Board of bill pending to refund money to Beach Companies. 02 24 1919 8 37 24. Board passed resolution urging Senator Cooper and ?epresentative Grant to oppose Legislature refunding 02 24 1919 8 37 money to beach interest. 25., Lillington gravelto be purchase for use on road from Castle Hayne to N. E. River Bd. _ _ __ 03 03 1919 8 38 26. Surface to be hardened on Kerr Avenue. 03 03 191? 8 38 27. Prisoners from State Prison to be hired to use on road work. 03 03 1919 8 38 28. Report from Supt. of Roads filed. 03 03 1919 8 38 29. Judge of Recorder's Court submitted report of persons sent to County roads and farm for first quarter. 03 03 1919 8 38 30. Bill against C. Chadbourn for hauling lumber over Ft. Fisher Highway, which he refused to pay, deferred. 03 03 1919 8 39 31. Committee to appear before Senate Committee relative to refunding road money to beach i.nterest. 03 03 1919 8 39 32. Supt. of Roads to notify Tide Water Power Co. to install a culvert at Masonboro Crossing or County 03 03 1919 8 39 will do at Company's expense. 33. Road Committee ordered tarvia from Barrett Co. in Philadelphia. 03 10 1919 8 40 34. Bid from Messrs. Davis $ Halbrooks to construct Carolina Beach Boulevard rejected. 03 21 1919 8 41 35. Supt. Burnett to hire wagons for construction of Carolina Beach Boulevard. 03 21 1919 8 41 36. Crushed stone to be bought for repair of roads. 03 21 1919 8 41 37. Reward offered for William Sheridan, escaped from roads. 03 21 1919 8 41 38. Concrete mixer used in building Shipyard Road to be sold. 03 21 1919 8 41 39. Request from Kure Land F? Development Co. to have a road built to be investigated. 04 07 1919 8 42 40. Report from Supt. of Roads filed. 04 07 1919 8 42 INDE? TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover Cou?tt N C T ROADS ?, . . , MATTER ` aec. u. s. ,,A County Indezee Since 1888 ? To locafe names, open et COTT A•2 TAB INDEX An Identifying Trade Mark SURNAME INITIAL TAB ?DE BY TNE COTT INDEX COMPANY? COLUMBUS, OHIO ??r OFFICE ?it:?.?E'i . SOLD BY OWEN G. DU NN, NEW BER N, NORTH CAROLINA DATE MINUTEBOOK NATURE Of PROCEEDINGS Month Day Year Vol. Page 1. Supt. Burnett to purchase oyster shells for repair of sand-clay roads. 04 09 1919 8 42 2. Board approved application made to State Highway Commission for Federal aid for roads. 04 09 1919 8 42 3. Reward granted Constable T. M. Belk for capturing Jesse Johnson, escapee from roads. 04 09 1919 8 42 4. Citizens to have lights on all vehicles using hard surfaced roads after dark. 04 09 1919 8 42 S. Horace Jackson, sentenced to roads, hired out to W. F. Jones. 04 14 1919 8 43 6. Board agreed to sand-clay surface on Ft.Fisher Highway to Kure Development Co. 04 14 1919 8 43 7. Refund made to Supt. Burnett for the advance in salary made by him to men under his supervision. 04 14 1919 8 43 8. Gravel purchased for repair of Ft. Fisher Highway and road at Castle Hayne. 04 14 1919 8 43 9. Report from Supt. of Roads filed. 05 05 1y19 8 48 10. Supt. of Home to lay drain tile along road from Castle Hayne Koad to County Home. 05 05 1919 8 48 11. Committee to meet with Highway Commission relative to joint application of State F? Federal aid. 05 05 1919 8 48 12. New Hanover, Onslow, Pender, C:raven and Jones Counties to request aid from State and Federal Governments 05 06 1919 8 53 to build a road from New Bern to Wilmington. 13. New Hanover and Brunswick Counties ruled that Causeway from Wilmington to Brunswick County to be 05 20 191y 8 53 built by State Highway Commission. 14. New Hanover and Brunswick Counties will furnsih up to 4 of funds for causeway. 05 20 191y 8 53 15. Supt. of Roads to widen parts Carolina Beach Boulevard and Ft. Fisher Highway. 05 20 191y 8 54 16. Money appropriated for delegates to attend meeting on Wilmington-Charlotte Highway. 05 20 1919 8 54 17. Money allowed for photographs for hard surfaced roads to be distributed to adjoining Counties. 05 20 1919 8 54 18. Maintenance contract between County and State Highway Commission was read and approved. 05 20 1919 8 54 19. Chairman reported New Hanover- Brunswick Causeway in good condition. (see 13ridges) 05 23 1919 8 55 20. Board recommended R. A. Burnett generally superintend maintanence of highways of New Hanover 05 23 1919 8 55 Brunswick and Pender Counties. 2I. Money allowed for eXpenses of NC Good Road Convention?to be held at Wrightsville Beach. 05 23 191y 8 55 22. Request of Wilmington Beach Corp. to build Fifth Ave. Through their property declined. 05 29 1919 8 60 23. Lawrence Tomlinson, sentenced to roads, hired out to his father. 06 Ol 1919 8 60 24. Report from Supt. of Roads filed. 06 Ol 1919 8 61 25. Mr. Phelps surveying New Hanover-Brunswick County Causeway for the US government. 06 O1 1919 8 61 26. Request from J. I. Metts to have surface of Greenville Sound Road hardened referred to Road committee. 06 O1 1919 8 61 27. Auditor to borrow money for the County Road Fund. 06 Ol 1919 8 61 28. Request from J. 0. Hinton for an officer to regulate traffic near Light House Station referred to Sheriff. 06 O1 1919 8 61 29. County's Steam Road Roller to be sold. 06 18 1919 8 63 30. Attorney for estate of Pembroke Jones to show cause why a gate erected by Mr. Jones should not be removed. 07 07 1919 8 64 31. Supt. Burnett to remove road machinery from Kerr's Ave. so farmers may use in crushing lime deposits. (?7 07 lyl9 8 64 32. Report from Supt. Burnett filed. 07 07 1919 8 64 33. A. B. Shelding suggested fil?ng ?.n ditch on east side of Wrightsville Turnpike to provide another lane. 07 07 191y 8 64 34. Auditor, Attorney and Supt. of Road to draft an ordinance regulating traffic on nublic roads. 07 07 1919 8 64 35. Bill approved from A. Fred Devere for good road photographs. 07 07 1919 8 64 36. Men listed to be delegates to Good Roads convention to be held at Wrightsville Beach. 07 07 1919 8 64 37. Mr. Cormick mowing machine to be purchased for use on (;ounty roads. 07 07 1919 8 64 38. Ordinance passed on weight allowed on certain public roads and prevention of damage to same. 07 14 1919 8 66 39. Mr. Burnett allowed to buy a Ford automobile for use on County roads. 07 14 1919 8 67 40. Salary of Supt. of Roads to be paid from Road Fund and Auditor to transfer money from Road Fund tcQ 07 14 1919 8 68 general Fund to cover past salaries. 41. Board to investigate gate erected by late Pembroke Jones acr?ss road at Summer Rest. 08 04 1919 8 68 42. Report from Supt. of Roads filed. 08 ?O?k 1919 8 68 t C H C N INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - N oun y, anover . ew . _?pTTER: Real Estate , County - eec. u. s. 'qJt County Indexea ?ince 1888 ? YO IOta?? pOt1Uf? Opl11 01 COiT A•2 TA{ INDEX eAr OFFICF ??i?.cce An Identifying Trade Mark M166 E BY THE COft INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SURNAME INlTIAL TAB SOLD ?Y OWEN i. pWIN, NFM DER11, NORTB GROLINA NATURE OF PROCEEDlNGS DATE MINUTE BOOK Month Day Year Vol. Page l. Purchase of County land on highway ??40 referred to Board Committee. 1 28 1935 9 319 2? Payment authorized on rent of FERA office in Garrell Building. 2 4 1935 9 323 _ 3, Sale of County property approved to W.H. B?ake. 2 4 1935 9 323 4. Payment to G. Van Schaack, approved for landscape serva.ces. 2 11 1935._ 9 324 _ 5. Paymeni to William J. Bridgha.m approved for landscape services. 2 18 1935 9 325 . 6. Dr. J. W. Stanly claim of defective title referred to Attorney. 3 4 1935. 9 327 . 7. No action taken on defecti?e claim of Rosa Hill property. (above) 3 11 1935 9 329 $. h7.C. Smith re?;uested to be release from balance and cancel deed, Hanover Gardens taken 4 1 1935 9 331 for consideration. . • 9, ?ayment to Gordon V. Shaack approved ?or Greenfield landscap?ng. 4 1 1935 9 332 10. Authorized given Southern Bell to cut 58 trees from County land at Winter ?ark. 8 5 1935 9 370 11. Claim for damages adopted for payment, if road go through property, of Wades' Frog Farm. 9 30 1935 9 381 12. Commissioners can not assist Dr. J. W. Stanley on Real Estate matters. 5 25 1936. 9 434 13.. J. I. Crews requested to rent County land, referred. 6 1 1936 9 434 _14,. Purchase of timber on County land declined. 10 5 1936 9 455 .IS,. Purchase of E.K. Bryan land authorized for cemetery. 10 5 Z936 9 45b .16,, Sale of Hanover Garden lot referred to Chairman. 2 15 1937 9 480 17,_ Quarry land rented at Castle Hayne. 2 22 1937 9 482 18., County agreed to lease Real Estate. 11 8 1937 9 551 19. Carolina Advertiszng Co. requested , declined lease of County Home property. 11 8 1937 9 552 ?.20, Purchase of Hanover Garden lot ?k 3, requested and taken for consideration. 3 7 1938 9 571 .21, Sale of Apple Street, Hanover Gardens, requested taken under consideration. 3 14 1938 9 572 22.. Disposing of County property at private sale discussed and advertisements considered. 3 14 1938 9 572 .23,. Conveyance of deed prepared, approved f?r County Farm land. 5 16 1938 9 584 24e Authorized re-conve?ance or money to County for sale of Han.over Gardens lot. 5 16 I938 9 586 25. Deed of trust authorized to convey land on Castle Hayne Road. S 31 19?8 9 588 26. Substitution of new deed of trust forms requested, referred to County Attorney. 7 18 1938 9 600 27.. Judgm?nt can.called against Wrightville Beach lot ?? 63 block E, which was not recorded. 7 25 1938 9 6Q2 28. Ricl?iard L. Player request referred to Committee regarding property settlement. 8 22 1?38 9 612 29.. Request referred on purchasing timber on Rock Quarry. 9 26 1938 10 13 30. Balance of payments referred on Hanover Gardens lots. 10 3 1938 10 14 31. Louis Hanson offer referred on purchase of land near Burnswick Coun.ty. Il 7 1938 10 22 32, Authori7ed securing bid for Inter-County land, if agreeable with Burnswick County. 1I 23 1938 10 24 33. Thomasor Lumbex Go granted lease agreement of County land. 12 21 1938 1_0 28 34. J. H. Hinton referred on land correction at Kure Beach. 1 9 1939 10 32? 35, Meares Harriss claim referred on land purchased without warranty. 1 16 1939 10 33 36, Sale of Inter-Cour?ty land approved to L.A. Hanson. 1 30 1939 10 36 37. Deed of trust cancelled lot 4&5, block 2, held by County. 2 13 1939 10 39 38. Meares Harriss request ?o remove fence from. his property h?ld in abeyance. 2 27 1939 10 42 39. Sale on Inter-Gounty land ap?roved to L.A. Hanson 2 27 1939 10 42 40, Offer declined to purchase Cypress trees at Smith Creek. 3 13 1939 10 52 41. Deed of convey?.nce authorized to Goldsboro Lumber Co. for Couf?.ty land. 4 24 1939 10 52 42. Land near Airport t? be purchased, transactions authorized. 5 1 1939 10 54 43. Sale of Hanover gardens lots authorized to Mrs. C. S. Burton. 6 12 1939 10`: 62 44. Deed from Parmele accepted for lot. 10 23 1939 10 90 45. Miss Valeria William.s advised to get Attorney to study land deed. 11 6 1939 10 92 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES N H C N C -- ew anover ount?, . . _ MATT RT ROADS ` aec. u. s. 'A??? Counry lndezea Since 1888 ?? k.fi? To lotate nam6s? open at r?t OFFICE ??ct.? An Identifying Trade Mark (??g SURNAME IPlITIAL TAB 1?1ADE BY !HE COTT A-2 TAB INDEX COi7 INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, ONIO SOLD BY OWEN C. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORT H CAROLINA NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS DATE MINUTE BOOK Month I Day I Yea? Vol. ? Pnge ?,• Request that road from Ft. Fisher Highway to Oak Hill School be discontinued declined. 08 04 1919 8 68 2. Supt. of Roads and Road Committee to cooperate with Wilmington Motor Club in eliminating reckless 08 04 1919 8 68 driving and use of glaring lights on automobiles. 3. Sheriff requested an extra deputy to enforce speed F? light laws on County roads. 08 04 1919 8 68 4. Dodge Automobile to be purchased for the Supt. of Roads instead of a Ford car. 08 07 1919 8 71 5. No action on request from Tide Water Power Co. to retain right of way along New Hanover-Brunswick 08 07 1919 8 71 Causeway. 6. Damages to car of Ed Story due to washout on Ft. Fisher Highway referred to Road Committee. 08 28 I919 $ 72 7. Jeffreys truck to be put in good repair and sold. OS 28 191y 8 73 8. Mr. Burnett to build a hard surface road to Wrightsboro from llavis Store. Oi? 28 1919 $ 73 9. Mr. Burnett to work on road to Kure Development Co. only when road bed is properly laid. 08 28 1919 8 73 10. Mr. Burnett to repair Myrtle Grove Road. 08 28 1919 8 73 11. Complaint of Robert Canady of Water standing on his place near road referred to Mr. 1?urnett. 08 28 1919 8 73 12. Auditor to borrow money for the County Road Account. 08 28 1919 8 73 13. Matter of Horace Gorman, sentenced to roads, referred to Sheriff. OS 28 1919 8 73 14. Board apnroved lindin? road machine to R. J.ARmstrong for work in Pender County. OS 2? 1919 8 73 15. Report from Supt. of Roads filed. Oy 02 1919 8 74 16. No action on taking out gate erected by Pembroke Jones at Summer Rest since not obstructing traffic. 09 08 1919 8 76 17. Boaxd to pay Mrs. Jessie S. Williams for taking traffic censes at Winter Park Gardens. 09 13 1919 8 77 18. Tide Water Power Co. to remove their sales along northern side of New Hanover-Brunswick Causeway. 10 O1 1919 8 78 19. No action on request from Wrightsboro League to build ?ad from Davis Store to Wrightsboro Station. 10 O1 1919 8 78 20. Road Committee to investigate having speed limit si?ns placed on roads. 10 O1 1919 8 79 21. Road work to begin before Jan. 192U on road to Kure Development Co. 10 06 1919 8 79 22. Part of Middle Sound Road to be repaired. 10 06 1919 8 79 23. Request of B, B. Trask to lay out roadway to Rock Hill referred to Road Committee. 10 06 1919 8 79 24. Report from Supt. of Roads filed. 10 06 1919 8 79 25. Searafier to be purchased to drag sandclay roads of County. 10 06 1919 8 79 26. Damages of Montford Curve on Masonboro Road referred to Mr. Burnett for correction. 10 06 19I9 8 79 27. Report from Supt. of Roads filed. 10 06 191y 8 7y 28. Membership fees paid to NC Good Roads Association. 10 06 1919 8 80 29. Chairman's expenses to Raleigh to be paid to press claim for State and Federal aid for NH-Brunswick 10 06 1919 8 83 Causeway. 30. 5upt. Burnett to furnish road convict to clean Courthouse and Jail yards. 10 21 1919 8 83 31. Report from Supt. of Roads filed. 11 03 1919 8 84 32. J. B. Clingman reported a check would be sent from State to County for nayment of road maintenance, lI 03 1919 8 85 33. Frank Harriss request Board to repair and straighten Blue C;lay Road near his propertv. 11 03 1919 8 85 34. Rules for conduct of prisoners and punishments for violation of same listed. 11 U3 1919 8 86 35. Supt. Burnett to settle matter of repair of Je?frey's truck with E. P, lludley. 11 24 1919 ? 87 36. Request of V. Ambrosiana for a culvert on Masonboro Road referred to Supt. Burnett. 11 24 1919 8 87 ?7. Report from Supt. of Roads filed. 12 Ol 1919 8 88 38. Mr. Burnett to report on proposed road citizens of Rock Hill want to build, 12 O1 1919 8 88 39. Matter of hiring out Hill Guthrie, sentenced to roads, referred to Recorder Harriss. 12 O1 1919 8 88 40. R. A. Burnett elected Supt. of Roads and Brid?es at $200 a month. 1Z O1 1919 8 89 41, Request for culvert on Masonboro Road from V. Ambrosiana referred to Mr. Burnett. 12 O1 1919 8 y0 42, J. B, ?lkins to renair Jeffreys Truck. 12 U? I919 8 y0 43. Request to have Seabreeze Road repaired referred to Permanent Road Committee. 12 08 1919 8 90 ? INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES N H C N C ! - anover ew ounty, . . , MATT RT ROADS _ nec. u. s. County Indexea Since 1888 To IOCate naroBS, open Ot PAT OFFICE ?1?? An ?dentifying Trade Mark SURNAME INIiIAL TAB NWDE BY THE COTT A•2 TAB INDEX COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS DATE MINUTE BOOK Month I Day I Year Vol. I Page 1. Hill Guthrie, sentenced to roads, may bE hired out if he tells from whom he obtained whiskey. 12 08 1919 8 90 2. Request from Associated Charites for 2 road trustees to distribi.zte wood to poor referred to Chairman. 12 08 1919 8 90 3. Special officer to be appointed to patrol highway and enforce traffic laws. 12 08 191y 8 9U 4. Special officer to be under control of Chairman of Board. 12 08 1919 8 90 5. Report from Supt. Burnett filed. O1 05 1920 8 92 6. Kure Land Development Co. to be informed that work on road to Ft. Fisher would begin soon. O1 05 1920 8 y2 7. ?ommittee to try ?o obtain right of way from Henderson Cole in order to straighten road. O1 05 1920 ? 92 8. Tarvia and stone to be purchased to repair County roads. Ol 05 1920 8 92 9. Board to request Legislature to give State authority to issue serial bond for road aid to County. O1 05 1920 8 92 10. Request to hire W. F. Jones, sentenced to roads, declined. Ol 14 1920 8 94 11. Auditor to purchase a truck with a hoist dump body. Ol 14 1920 8 94 IZ. State Highway Commission to construct part of New Hanover-Brunswick Causeway and Counties will nrovide Ol 14 1920 8 95 4 of costs. 13. Road Committee to investigate putting tarvia on some City streets. O1 28 1920 8 95 14. Request from (:ity for a team to haul material for road repair referred to Chairman. Ol 28 1920 8 95 15. Date given Kure llevelopment Co. for starting work on road to Kure Beach. 02 02 192U 8 96 16. Matter of extending Shipyard Road referred to Permanent Road Committee. 02 OZ 1920 8 96 17. Dangerous curve just east of Greenfield Bridge referred to Permanent Road Committee. 02 02 1920 ? 96 18. Z. A. Sneeden told not to cut any more trees on rights of way along roads and anyone doing so will be 02 02 1920 8 y6 prosecuted. 19. Matter of tree removal from Wrightsville Turnpike referred to Mr. Burnett. 02 02 1920 8 ?7 20. Report from Supt. of Roads filed. 02 02 1920 8 97 21. Report from Supt Burnett filed. 03 O1 1920 8 98 22. New Hanover t? Brunswick passed order that State to construct Causeway and Counties will provide some funds. 03 12 1920 8 102 23. Rec{uest of J. W. Blake for repair to Middle Sound Road referred to Mr. Burnett. 04 05 1920 8 102 24. Renort fr?m Supt Burnett filed. 04 05 1920 8 103 25. Mr. McGirt to go to Raleigh to urge State to begin work on Causeway as soon as possible. Q4 05 1920 8 103 26. Salary of G. C. Orr increased to $85 a month as urged by Supt. fiurnett. 04 05 1920 8 104 27. Board favored widening Castle Hayne Rd. near Linker Place 04 05 1920 8 104 28. Bids for construction of Causeway to be received by State Highway Commission until April 29. 04 14 1920 8 105 29. Auditor to borrow money for the Road fund. 04 14 1920 ?3 105 30. Middle Sound Road to be made passable until more work could be done. 05 03 1920 8 107 31. Greenville-Seagate Road to be renaired as soon as possible. 05 OS 1920 8 107 32. No vote on motion to oppose starting construction of new roads. 05 03 192U 8 1?7 33. Mr. Rhodes of Frenchauf Trailer Co. to expalin truck trailers used in road work. 05 03 1920 8 107 34. ?toney allowed for advertisement advocatin? State highway system, 05 OS 1920 8 107 35. State Highway Commission informed Board no bids received for building Causeway, so work may be let to OS 03 1920 8 I08 nrivate bidder. 36. Report from Supt. of Roads filed. 05 03 1920 8 108 37. Reward offered for Randolph Williams, escapsed from County Roads. 05 03 1920 8 108 38, Request from W. S. Batson for drainage culvert on Scotts Hill Road referred to Mr. Burnett. 05 0:5 1920 8 110 39. Auditor to purchase necessary road material. 05 03 1920 8 110 40. Board to request Legislature and Governor to provide funds for a State system of highways. 05 14 1920 8 111 41. Delegates appointed to State Road Convention at Asheville, N(:. 05 14 1920 8 111 42. R. A. Burnett to represent County at State Road Convention and expenses to be paid. 05 14 1920 8 111 43. Auditor to borrow money for County Road Fund. 06 03 1920 8 112 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover Count?, N. C. , MATT RT ROADS ncc. u. s. Counry Indexea $ince 1888 ?? ??3--, YO IOCate names, Open pt COTT A-Z TAB INDEX r?T OFFIGE ??? An Identifying Trade Mark ?t? SURNAME INITIAL TAB ?DE BY THE COTT fNDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHfO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH GROLINA NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS 1. Request from R. L. Fox to have ditch along Market Street opened to drain off water referred to Mr. 1£urnett . 2. W. H. Stone of Wilmington Automobile Association urged Board to cooperate in traffic regulation. 3. Alex llock to assist Sheri£f in directing parking of automobiles on Sundays at Wrightsville Beach. 4. Salaries of guards and foremen on road force increased to $75 and $100 per month res?ectively. 5. Addison Hewlett elected as delegate to attend State Road Convention at Asheville. 6. Matter of fence around right of way at intersection of Wrightsville Turnpike and Masonboro Rd. referred to Mr. Trask and Chairman. 7. A. M. Worth requested Board amend Ordinance prohibiting 5 in. pneumatic tires and allow same. 8. Robert 13radford, sentenced to road, hired out to John C. Newsome. 9. Renort from Mr. Burnett filed. 10. Increasing traffic problem at Wrightsville Sound referred to Chairman and Sheriff. 11. Hill Guthrie, sentenced to roads, hired out to Dr. T. D. Bryan. 12. Board approved contract made by State Highway Commission with W. C. Lacy to do earth work for causeway. 13. Mr. Burnett to investigate fence be erected by Mrs. Pembroke Jones on right of way of Wrightsville Turnpike. 14. Telephone and power companies to rer??ve all poles off rights of way of County highways. 15. Auditor to borrow money for County Road Fund. 15. Report from Supt. l3urnett filed. 16. List of delegates to attend Good Roads A1ass Meeting at Raleigh on August 10. 17. Salary of Mr. Burnett increased to $250 a month. 18. Tide Water Power Co. felt Counties should pay for temporary removal of their poles along Causeway, but Counties refused. 19. Power Co. will remove poles and matter of payment will be decided later. 20. New Hanover and Brunswick to secure contract with Atlantic Coast Lines to use dividing line along Causeway for drainage canal. 21. Ferry Commission to see to keeping Causeway open during construction of road. 22. Clerk to confirm an agreement with two Counties and State Highway Commission that State to bear half cost to keep Causeway open. 23, Committee recommended new contract with Atlantic Coast Line Railroad to conform with changes. 24. Mr. Burnett to sell shed used for storage of cement during building of Shipyard Road. 25. State Highway Commission informed Board State would not pay to keep Causeway open during construction. 26. Request from J. D. Robbins to purchase standing trees on north side of Gordon Road referred to Messrs. Trask and Hewlett. 27. Board confirmed action in hiring out Charles Revey, sentenced to roads. 28. Auditor to borrow money for County Road Fund. 29. Middle Sound Road added to list of roads protected by Ordinance passed July 14, 1919. 30. E. S. Smith, sentenced to roads, hired out to Oakland McMillan of Red Springs, NC. 31. Salary of Kirby Daniels employed on road force fixed at $85 a month. 32, Board agreed to repair Myrtle Grove Road and Island Creek Road. 33. Report from Supt. of Roads filed. 34. Ft. Fisher Highway to be widened and Myrtle Grove Road to be repaired. 35. Report from Supt. Burnett filed. 36. Expenses paid for Mr. Hewlett who went to Raleigh on behalf of New Hanover-Brunswick Causeway project. 37. Request for Board to take over avenue through Mercer Place referred to Permanent Road Committee. 38. Copy of Contract between Atlantic Coast Line Railroad Co. and New Hanover ? Brunswick Counties dealing with renting land from railroad for drainage canal p. 130-131 DATE Month I Day I Year 06 07 ly"l0 MINUTE BOOK Vol. ( Page 8 113 06 07 1920 8 113 06 07 1920 8 113 06 07 1920 8 113 06 07 1920 8 113 06 07 1920 8 114 06 07 1920 8 115 07 06 1920 8 115 07 06 1920 8 116 07 06 1920 8 116 07 06 1920 8 116 07 06 1920 8 116 07 16 1920 8 117 07 16 1920 8 117 07 '16 1920 8 118 08 02 1y20 t? 11? 08 02 1920 8 119 09 O1 1920 t? 120 09 O1 1920 8 121 09 Ol 1920 8 121 09 O1 1920 8 122 09 Ol 1920 8 122 09 O1 1920 8 122 09 Ol 1920 8 122 09 04 1920 8 122 09 09 1920 8 124 09 09 1920 8 124 09 09 1920 8 124 09 09 1920 8 124 09 10 1920 8 125 09 20 1920 8 126 09 ZO 1920 8 126 10 04 1920 8 127 10 04 1920 8 127 1T O1 1920 8 129 11 O1 1920 8 129 11 i01 1920 8 129 11 Ol 1920 8 130 11 O1 1920 8 130 ?- INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES -- New Hanover Count?, N. C. , MATTER: ROADS nec. u. : Coun?y Indexea Since 1888 {(?? ?? 70 locate names, open at COTT A-2 TAB INDEX r?r OFi1CE ?? An ldentifying Trade Marlc PI?-L7 SURNAME INITIAL TAB MIADE BY THE COTT INDE% COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORiH CAROLINA NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS DATE Month I Day Year , r° MINUTE BOOK Vol. Page l. Brunswick County approved term of contract with Atlantic Coast Line Railroad. 11 O1 1920 8 131 2. New Hanover County approved term of contract with Atlantic Coast Line Railroad. 11 O1 1920 8 I32 3. Amendment to ordinance passed on July 15, 1919 controlling traffic. 11 O1 1920 8 132 4. R. A. Brunett elected Supt. of Roads ? Brirlges at $250 a month. 12 06 1920 8 133 5. W. R. Dosher suggested Ft. Fisher Highway be extended into Ft. Fisher. 12 06 1920 8 134 6. W. R. Dosher suggest laws be enforced against immoral conduct in autos parked along roads. 12 06 1920 8 134 7. Greenville-Seagate and Middle Sound Roads to be reparied as soon as possible. 12 06 1920 8 134 8. Cost of building Ft. Fisher Highway and possibility of using State convicts for work to be investigated. 12 06 1920 8 134 9. Matter of repairing Middle Sound Road with oyster shells referred to Mr. Burnett. 12 06 1920 8 134 10. Tide Water Power Co. to cut overhanging tree limbs over its wires along right of way of Castle Hayne Rd. 12 06 1920 8 134 11. Kure Land Co. offered to let County remove material from its property to build road to Ft. Fisher. 12 06 1920 8 135 12. Auditor to pay State Highway Commission County's part for Ferry Project. 12 06 1920 8 136 13. November report from Supt. Burnett. 12 07 1920 8 136 14. E. L. Tinga reauested road repair on road from David's Store to Wrightsboro. 12 07 1920 8 137 15. Money allowed for Wilmington Highway Association to further cause of State Highway system. 12 07 1920 8 137 16. Ordinance on traffic control passed on July 14, 1919 amended. 12 07 1920 8 137 17. Matter of repairing Middle Sound Road with oyster shells referred to Chairman. 12 10 1920 S 137 18. Walter Holland, sentenced to roads, hired to his wife. 12 17 1920 8 138 19. to request for replace on Blue Clay Road, Commissioners to inspect all sandclay roads in that area. O1 03 1921 8 139 20. Supt. Burnett reported trestle of Tide Water Power Co, in good condition and can take care of Ol 03 1921 8 139 traffic over same. 21. Report from Supt. Burnett filed. O1 03 1921 8 139 22. Henry Jones and J. T. Merrick, sentenced to roads, allowed to be hired out. O1 27 1921 8 142 23. Matter of hiring out Kopepe Sowstery referred to Chairman. O1 27 1921 8 142 24. Materials to be purchased for road repair. Ol 27 1921 8 142 25. Rental money allowed for 2 automobile trucks from Highway Commission. O1 27 1921 8 142 26. Health Officer recommended Robert Marshall be released from roads. Ol 27 1921 8 142 27. Drainage ditch along Castle Hayne Road damaged trees, referred to Mr. Burnett. O1 31 1921 8 143 28. I?4r. Trask to purchase sycamore trees to be set along Castle Hayne Rd. Ol 31 1921 8 143 29. Road Committee to continue repairs of Middle Sound Road. O1 31 1921 8 143 30. Enlarging drain ditch on Wrightsville Ave. and draining road to Winter Park School referred to 02 07 1921 8 145 Road Committee. 31. Request for better drainage system along Scotts Hill Road referred to Road Committee. 02 07 1921 8 145 32. No culverts or drain pipes to be installed on any roads without permission from Supt. Burnett. 02 07 1921 8 145 33. Board refused to reimburse Rose Rogers for damages to auto while crossing a washout on Wrightsville 02 10 1921 8 147 Turnpike. 34. Report from Supt. of Roads filed. 02 10 1921 8 147 35. Board ruled that State should have a compzjt;?ensive road system throughout counties. 02 10 1921 8 147 ?6. Matter of installing larger culverts along County roads referred to Road Committee. 02 10 1921 8 147 37. Road Committee to buy an extra truck to transfer road convicts. 03 07 1921 8 148 38. J. D. Bellamy presented deed to New Hanover ? Brunswick Counties for right of way for road across Eagles 03 07 I921 8 148 Island. 39. Report from Supt. of Roads filed. 03 07 1921 8 148 40. Expenses of Mr. Dosher approved for trip on behalf of Coastal Highway Project. 03 15 1921 8 149 41. Auditor to purchase material for roads. 03 15 1921 8 149 42. Wood along Ft. Fisher Highway F? lumber along Scotts Hill Road to be removed. 03 15 1921 8 149 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover Count?, N. C. , MATT RT ROADS ` ?ec. u. s. County Indexea Since 1888 ?]?}-? To lotafe namBt? open at COTT A-2 TAB INDEX PAT OFFICE (,?i?? An Identifying Trade Mark ?f?? SURNAME INITIAL TAB MADE BY THE COTT INDE% COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLG BY OWEN C. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS 1. Request to macadamize Mercer Ave. and reopen highway through Rogersville section referred to Road Committee. 2. Myrtle Grove Road to be put in good condition as soon as possible. 3. Matter of hiring C. T. Brewer and John Martin and R. W. Russ, sentenced to roads deferred. 4. Report from Supt, of Roads filed. 5. Auditor to borrow money for Road Fund. 6. Board declined to hire out C. T. Russ and R. W. Brewer sentenced to roads since ditn't give evidence. 7. P.equest of Tide Water Co. to move power lines to south side of Causeway referred to New Hanover F? Brunswick Commissioners. 8. Board rescinded April 4th Action having Auditor borrow money for Road Funds. 9. Request for County to take over road from Wrightsville Turnpike to Winter Park Garden Station referred to Road Committee. 10. Request to have continuation of Third St. resurfaced referred to Road Committee. 11. Report from Supt. of Roads for Apri1 filed. 12. Complaint of J. R. Canady on opening of ditch on Middle Sound Road referred to Road Committee. 13. Request that a road to Summer Rest and Wrightsville Depot be maintained by County referred to Road Committee. 14. Special Officer to pay special attention to violation of Ordinance on overloading vehicles. 15. Board declined request to distribute rock on roadway from Vella View Rd. to Babies Hospital. 16. Board refused to repair private road leading to home of Mrs. Giles Westbrook. 17. Map of County roads to be includec? in State system received and Board to rule on same. 18. Board ruled that Castle Hayne and Scotts Hill Roads be surrendered to State Highway Commission. 19. Report from Supt. of Roads filed. 20. Discussion of State maintenance of Scotts Hill and Castle Hayne Roads. 21. Contract set down between State Highway Commission and Board relative to maintenance of Castle Hayne and Scotts Hill Roads p. 161-162 22. No action on request for work on Wrightsville-Middle Sound-Scotts Hill Road. 23. Report from Supt. of Roads filed. 24. Board favored building road along ocean front through Wilmington Beach interests. 25. Thomas Levy, sentenced to roads, hired out. 26. Board paid money to State Highway Committion for project #61 27. July report from Supt.of Roads filed. 28. Legality of tNalker Hewett maintaining a gate across Ft. Fisher Road referred to Attorney. 29. Request from Tide Water Power Co. to move power lines from north to south side of Causeway referred to Attorney. 30. Special officer to watch for persons who refuse to yield sufficient road to passing vehicles. 31. Supt. of Roads to repair aviation field at Audubon. 32. Board ruled to stop advertising along County Highways. 33. Board to recommend Governor pardon Joseph Walker, sentenced to roads. 34. Mr. Little spoke on necessity of have a progressive road program. 35. Chairman and Supt. of Roads to go to Raleigh to locate suitab2e guarry machinery for Castle Hayne Quarry 36. Report filed from Supt. of Roads 37. ?o?rd agreed__to_purchase quarry machinery: , ? _ 38. Request to change location of intersection of Myrtle Sound Road and Ft.Fisher Highway referred to Road Committee. 39. Request that Seabreeze Park Road be repaired referred to Road Committee. DATE MINUTE BOOK Month I Day Year Vol. Page 04 04 1921 8 150 04 04 1921 8 151 04 04 1921 8 151 04 04 1921 8 151 04 04 1921 8 151 04 05 1921 8 152 04 05 1921 8 152 04 08 1921 8 153 OS 02 1921 8 154 05 24 1921 8 155 05 24 1921 8 155 05 24 1921 8 156 06 06 1921 8 157 06 06 1921 8 157 06 06 1921 8 157 06 06 1921 8 157 06 06 1921 8 157 06 06 1921 8 158 06 06 1921 8 158 06 23 1921 8 160 07 05 1921 8 160 07 05 1921 8 162 07 05 1921 8 162 07 05 1921 8 162 07 12 1921 8 164 08 Ol 1921 8 169 08 O1 1921 8 169 08 Ol 1921 8 169 08 O1 1921 8 169 08 O1 1921 8 169 08 Ol 1921 8 169 OS Ol 1921 8 170 08 22 1921 8 173 09 06 1921 8 173 09 06 1921 8 173 09 06 1921 8 174 09 21 1921 8 174 10 03 1921 8 175 10 03 1921 8 175 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MI?UTES - New Hanover Count? N C ROADS y, . . , MpTTER: a nec. u. s. County lndezea Since l888 ? To locate names, open a! tOTT A-Z TAB INDEX PAT OFFICE ?a,?J? A.n Identifying Trade Maric StlRNAME INIiIAL TAB MADE YY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA NATURE OF PROCEEDtNGS DATE MINUTE BOOK Month I Day ? Year Vol, I Page , 1. Delegates named to attend Good Roads Convention at Greensboro, NC. 10 Q3 1921 8 175 2. Report from Supt. of Roads filed. 10 03 1921 8 176 3. Ordinance passed on speed of autos on highways. 10 03 1921 8 176 4. Board committed to maintain good roads in order to develop the beaches. 10 05 1921 8 176 5. Request to repair Third St. Extension referred to Road Committee. 10 05 1921 8 177 6. Request to have caal cinders spread on Power Co. right of way at Villa View referred to Road Committee. 11 07 1921 8 178 7. Request that County take over road near Oleander referred to Road Committee. 11 07 1921 8 178 8. Tide Water Power Co. to be altered to reckless manner their cars run over crossings at Winter Park 11 07 1921 8 178 and Wrightsville Turnpike. 9. Board to recommend Governor pardon W. M.Newkirk sentenced to roads. 11 07 1921 8 179 I0. Need to secure additional earth for causeway re£erred to Ferry Commission. 11 07 1921 8 179 11. Frank Fergus, sentenced to roads, hired out to his father. 11 30 1921 8 180 12. Signs directing way to Ft. Fisher to be placed on Ft. Fisher highway. 11 30 1921 8 181 13. Photographs to be taken of County highways for advertising purposes. 11 30 1921 8 181 14. Board will not take up any new road projects, but will attend to a road to connect Middle Sound with 12 05 1921 8 181 Summer Rest as soon as possible. 15. R. A, Burnett elected Supt. of Roads at $250 a month. 12 05 1921 8 182 16. Report from Supt. of Roads filed. 12 09 1921 8 183 17. Request that County take.over part of road at Castle Hayne referred to Road Committee. Ol 03 1922 8 184 18. Request from J. S. Funchess for damages to his auto caused by improper stopping of County truck referred O1 03 1922 8 184 to Road Committee. 19. Request to connect Scotts Hill F? Castle Hayne Roads with better road referred to Road Committee. O1 03 1922 8 184 20. Report from Supt• of Roads filed. Ol 03 1922 8 185 21. Mr. Page to deliver two Farm mules to Supt. Burnett for road work. Ol 03 1922 8 185 22. Mr. Burnett reported need for another truck to carry rock for road repair. Ol 03 1922 8 185 23. Tide Water Power Co. allowed to run power lines along Castle Hayne Rd. if State approves. O1 03 1922? 8 185 24. Matter of purchasing additional trucks for road force referred Road Committee. O1 20 1922 8 186 25. Report from Supt. of Roads filed. 02 06 1922 8 187 26. Request to have road from Davis store to Wrightsboro Station repaired referred to Road Committee, 02 06 1922 8 188 27. Matter of shelling Middle Sound Road referred to Road Committee. 02 06 1922 S 188 28. Board to pay for half o£ damages to auto of J. S. Funches which collided with County truck. 02 06 I922 8 188 29. Request from J. I. Crews to have ditch on Gordan Road cleaned so water would drain referred to Chairman. 03 06 1922 8 189 30. Requests that culvert be made deaper in front of Bethany Church on Castle Hayne Rd. referred to State 03 06 1922 8 190 Commission. 31. $oard to inspect all County highways. 03 06 1922 8 190 32. Illegal placing of signs along roads referred to Supt. of Roads. 03 06 1922 8 191 33. Report from Supt. of Roads Filed. 03 06 I922 8 191 34. Request that Audubon Boulevard be drained referred to Road Committee. 04 03 1922 8 193 35. Request for road repairs near railroad siding at Delgate Mills referred to Road Committee. 04 03 1922 8 193 36. Road Committee to discuss repair of Middle Sound Road with J. W. Blake. 04 10 1922 8 194 37. Objection of J. R. Bame to road bezng built over his property fron2 Kure To Carolina Beach. 0? 10 1922 8 194 38. Board accepted deed from Maryland Wrecking Co. for a concrete driveway within Carolina Shipyard. 04 10 1922 8 194 39. Supt. Burnett to send convict, Kid Hawkins, to Janie Walker Hospital for a broken arm . 04 10 1922 8 194 40. Report from Supt, of Roads filed. 04 10 1922 8 194 41. Report from Supt, Burnett filed. 05 O1 1922 8 197 42. Dr. W. C. Dendznger requested a trustee from road force be furnished him to he?p in testing cattle. 05 Ol 1922 8 297 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES -- New Hanover Cou?t?y, N. C. _ MATT RT ROADS ` acc. a. s. p????? Counry ]ndexea Since 1888 ?? ?e+3-? To locqte namBS, opeb pf COTT A-Z TAB INDEX ?AT OFFICE ??? ?LCO-zri. An Ideatifyin8 Trade Mark ?? SURNAME INITIAL TAB M11DE BY THE COTT INDEX CoMPANY, COLUMBUS. OHIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA NATURE Of PROCEEDINGS 1. Petition from F. E. Robinson to close Sycamore Ave. referred to Road Committee. 2. Road Committee to purchase an automobile for the Supt. of Roads. 3. Board passed resolution on road improvements for several roads. 4. Request to open road from Scotts Hill to Wrightsville through Summer Rest referred to Road Committee. 5. Request from J. 0. Hinton for County to build a road referred to Road Committee. 6. Road to Ft. Fisher Beach to be widened. 7. Report from Supt. of Roads filed. 8. Lee Road Grader to be ordered. 9. Resolution on opening road through Summer Rest passed on June 5, 1922 amended. 10. Request for repair money for Ft. Fisher Road to the "Rocks" referred to Road Committee. 11. Request to open road from Scotts Hill to Holly Shelter Road referred to Road Committe. 12. Road Committee to inspect all County dirt roads. 13. Report from Supt. of Roads filed. 14. J. R. Bame gave Board right of way over his Carolina Beach road for a public road. 15. Request from Oscar Pearsall that pipe be installed on Scotts Hill Road at his place referred to Chairman. 16. Auditor to borrow money for the Road fund. 17. Chamber of Commerce requested ordinance prohibiting discarding rubbish along County roads. 18. Mainland Beach Corp. to remove its sign at intersection of Ft. Fisher dirt road and Main Blvd. 19. Road from Sea Gate Church and School to main highway to be repaired. 20. Request to repair roads in Rock Hill referred to Road Committee. 21. Matter of treating road through Sunset Park with tarvia referred to Mr. Burnett. 22. Report from Supt.of Roads filed. 23. Request from J. E.Bunting for road repair to his property declined. 24. Ordinance passed prohibiting any person or persons form depositing any trash on roads. 25. Board to repair all old terra cotta culverts on main highways with reinforced concrete pipe. 26. Howard and Wells to remove fence along Ft. Fisher Highway. 27. Request from J. B. Finley to close Old Meares Road referred to Road Committee. 28. Board to repair and widen b9iddle Sound Road as requested by W. I. Schuster. 29. Complaint received from Mr. Burmingham relative to washing away of his land due to ditch cut along Carolina - Kure Beach Road. 30. Request from Ellis G F? J. N. Freeman for County to take over a road referred to Road Committee. 31. Request of D. Pearsall for County to install pipe along Scotts Hill Road to drain water referred to Road Committee. 32. Report from Supt. of Roads filed. 33. W. I?iestle requested County to repair Blue Clay Road and install culverts. 34. Board to view Old Qunce Road with mind of repairing same. 35. Request of citizens of Castle Hayne Colony for County to maintain private roads in said colony received. 36. b4atter of damages done to Myrtle Grove Sound Road by Haywood Wilson referred to Mr. Burnett. 37. Report from Supt. of Roads filed. 38. Rec{uest for damages to auto of C. D. Gilbert due to washout on Ft. Fisher Highway declined. 39. John Shiver, sentenced to roads, hired out to Mr. Morris. 40. Report from Supt of Roads filed. 41. Request £or repair of Old New Bern Road referred to Road Committee. 42. Board requested State build a State road from Wilmington to Wrightsville, specifications set down and Chairman to negotiate. 43. Report from Supt. of Roads filed. DATE MINUTE BOOK Month I Day ? Year Vol. I Page 05 10 1922 8 198 05 17 1922 8 199 05 17 1922 8 199 06 05 1922 8 200 06 D5 1922 8 200 06 05 1922 8 200 06 D5 1922 8 200 06 ?5 1922 8 201 07 D2 1922 8 201 07 ?2 1922 8 201 07 ?2 1922 8 201 07 ?2 1922 8 201 07 ?2 1922 8 202 07 ?5 1922 8 203 07 ?5 1922 8 203 07 Z8 I922 8 205 07 28 1922 8 206 07 28 1922 8 206 07 ?8 1922 8 206 08 ?7 1922 8 206 08 ?7 1922 8 206 08 ?7 1922 8 206 08 ?7 1922 8 206 08 ?7 1922 8 207 08 ?9 1922 8 207 08 ?9 1922 8 208 09 ?5 1922 8 209 09 ?5 1922 8 209 09 ?5 1922 8 209 09 05 1922 8 209 09 05 1922 8 210 09 06 1922 8 211 10 02 1922 8 212 10 02 1922 8 212 10 02 1922 8 212 10 02 1922 8 212 10 02 1922 8 212 10 02 1922 8 212 11 06 1922 8 214 11 06 1922 8 214 11 06 1922 8 214 11 24 1922 8 216 12 04 1922 8 217 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES N H C N C -- anover ew ount?, . . _ MAT ER: ROAD S ` pcc. u. s. County lndexea Since 188$ ? To IOCOtO names, OpBn Ot COTT A•2 TAB INDEX rer OFFICE ?l?,s-7?i. An ldentifying Trade Mark SURNAME INITIAL TAB MADE BY 1NE (07T INDEx COMPANY, COLUA4BU3, OHIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS DATE MINUTEBOOK Month I Day Year Vol. I Page , 1. Matter of sharing cost with Southern Real Estate Co. to build road between Market St. ? Wrightsville 12 04 1922 8 218 ' Turnpike deferred. 2. R. A. Burnett elected Supt, of Roads at $250 a month. 12 04 1922 8 219 3. Pipe to be laid in ditch at Masonboro colored church to drain same. 12 08 1922 8 220 4. Board to mee?C with citizen relative to straightening Old Meares Road. Ol 02 1923 8 222 5. Board to purchase oyster shells to shell Middle Sound Road. O1 02 1923 8 222 6. Truck bought for road force. O1 02 1923 8 222 7. Board to build road between Market St. and Wrightsville Turnpike in conjunction with Southern Real 01 02 1923 8 223 Estate Co. 8. If Winter Park Citizens furnish cinders, County will fix road connecting MacMillan St. With Masonboro Rd. Oi 02 1923 8 223 9. Clerk to re quest Johnson Motors Co. to deliver truck. O1 16 1923 8 223 10. Report from Supt. of Roads filed. O1 16 1923 8 224 11. Money paid Johnson Motors Co. for road truck. O1 22 1923 8 224 12. Board to sell sand to State Highway Commission for Castle Hayne Road. 02 05 1923 8 227 I 13. Board to investigate request of W. F, Mitchell to open road for Island Creek citizens. 02 05 1923 8 227 14., Road trailers to be bought from MacMillan and Cameron. 02 15 1923 8 228 15. F. G. McGuire, contract?ar with State, to make settlement for sand from Countylands only with County 03 05 1923 8 229 authorities. 16. Bituminous material to be purchased from Barrett Co. and American Tar Products Co. to compare products. 03 05 1923 8 229 17. Work on Greenville Sound Road discontinued until hard surfaced road from rock c{uarry to same can be built. 03 05 1923 8 229 18. Road from Rock Hill to Wilkins Store to be repaired. 03 05 1923 8 230 19. Monthly report from Supt. of Roads filed. 03 12 1923 8 231 20. Board rescinded its May 5, 1902 order allowing Telephone Co. to trim trees along roads. 03 12 1923 8 232 21. Reauest of Delegado Cotton Mills to have cinders spread on road referred to Road Committee. 03 12 I923 8 232 22. Trucks to be ordered for roads as well as parts for machinery from W. D. MacMillan. 03 15 1923 8 235 23. Report from Supt. of Roads filed. 04 02 1923 8 236 24. Price of rock sold to Cape Fear Country Club set. 04 04 1923 8 237 25. Mule to be purchased for road work from C. H. Daniels. 04 04 1923 8 237 26. Request of E.F. Pittman to have course of Meares or Greenville Road changed refused. 04 04 1923 8 237 27. One Storage battery to be bought for County trucks. 04 06 1923 8 237 28. Board bought a tractor and road plan for use on roads. 04 06 1923 8 238 29. Auditor to borrow money for Road Fund. 04 06 1923 8 238 30. Ernest Brown given reward for capture of Eddie Crite, escapee from roads. 04 09 1923 8 239 31. Screening of convict ages at Kure Camp approved. 04 23 1923 8 240 32. L. L. Hanby informed that street in Summer Hill belonged to property owners and County couldn't 04 23 1923 8 240 return same to him. 33. Bill from Wilmington Iron Works for truck repair referred to Mr. Latta. 05 07 1923 8 241 34. Salary of Kirby Daniels of road force increased from $85 to $100 a month. 05 07 1923 8 241 35. Engine to be bought for Bethleham truck No, 7. 05 07 1923 8 241 36. Ordinance passed limiting speed of school zones to 15 MPH. 05 07 1923 8 242 37. Insurance on Packard Truck no. 11 authorized. 05 07 1923 8 242 38. Engineer J. L. Becont to go over prospered route for road from Wrightsville Turnpike to Market Street. 05 21 1923 8 243 39. Request of L. L. Hanby that County install a drain pipe under part of Wrightsville Turnpike received. 05 21 1923 8 243 40. Insurance premiums on trucks and autos of County to be paid. 05 21 1923 8 243 4I. Paul Chase to have sign removed since obstructing view of road on Wrightsville Turnpike. 06 04 1923 8 244 42. Roadway to Oak Grove Cemetery to be improved. 06 04 1923 8 244 H N N C C ew anover ount?, . INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - . , INATTERT ROADS ` ¦ec. u. s. 'p?????? Counry [ndezea Since 1888 To locate names, open at COTT A•2 TAB INDEX eer oFVice (??i?-u? An Identifying Trade Mark ? SURNAME INIiIAL TAB MADE BY THE COTT INDEX CQMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLU BY OWEN C. DUNN, NEW BE RN, NORTN UROLINA DAiE MiNUTE BOOK NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS Month Day Year Vol. I Page 1. Damage done to auto of J. M. McIntire by County truck to be paid. 06 04 1923 8 244 2. May report from Supt. of Roads filed. 06 11 1923 8 245 3. Report from Supt. of Roads filed. 07 02 1923 8 247 4. Matter of improving road to W. G. Pennypacker's place referred to Road Committee. 07 02 1923 8 248 5. No action on proposed road between Wilmington and Wrightsville Sound. 07 02 1923 8 248 6. Traffic census to be taken. 07 09 1923 8 249 7. Auditor to borrow money for the Road Fund. 07 11 1923 8 250 8. Hire of Dan Garrett, sentenced to roads referred to Chairman ? Attorney. 07 24 1923 8 253 9. County to take over and maintain Central Blvd. Northern Blvd. and Riverside Drive. 07 26 1923 8 254 10. Work to be done on roads in Cape Fear Township. 08 06 1923 8 256 11. No action on request of John Keyes for Board to close Oak Hill School Road. 08 06 1923 8 256 12. Report from Supt. of Roads filed. 08 06 1923 8 256 13. Board did not favor pushing matter of new road from Wilmington to Wrightsville Sound. OS 06 1923 8 256 14. Request of State Highway Committion to lease part of County's land referred to County Farm Committee. 08 13 1923 8 258 15. Records of Third District open to Board, but State keeps no records of construction and maintenance 08 13 1923 8 258 by County. 16. Auditor to borrow money for Road Fund. 08 13 1923 8 258 17. Action on road connecting Wilmington and Wrightsville Sound deferred. 08 17 1923 8 259 18. Request from James Donnelly to buy rock from Castle Hayne Quarries referred to Chairman. 08 31 1923 8 260 19. Report from Supt. of Roads filed. 09 04 1923 8 262 20. Atlantic Coast Line Railroad Co. to remove stop signs on Castle Hayne Rd. for trucks not in continuous 09 04 1923 8 262 use. 21. I. S. Turlington, sentenced to roads, hired out to his wife. 09 04 1923 8 262 22. Matter of building a road with Irving Park Co. referred to Road Committee. 09 10 1923 8 263 23. Highway from Carolina Beach to Ft. Fisher named Edgar Williams Ave. 09 25 1923 8 264 24. Report from Supt. of Roads filed. 10 O1 1923 8 265 25. Third Street in Winter Park to be repaired. 10 O1 1923 8 266 26. Blue Clay Road to be repaired. 10 22 1923 8 268 27. Hire of Albert Brown and J. McKoy, sentenced to roads, referred to Chairman. 11 05 1923 8 269 28. Report from Supt. of Roads filed. 11 05 1923 8 269 29. County Southern Real Estate Co. to build a road connecting Wrightsville Turnpike to Market St. Rd. 11 05 1923 8 269 30. Motion on road connecting Market St. and Wrightsville Turnpike changed. 11 08 1923 8 270 31. Two Packard Trucks to be purchased. 11 08 1923 8 270 32. MAtter of purchasing an additional truck referred to Chairman. 11 19 1923 8 271 33. Board will not do grading on road Southern Real Estate Co. wants to build. 11 27 1923 8 271 34. J. L. Becton to prepare specifications for construction of road between Market St. ? Wrightsville Turnpike. 11 27 1923 8 271 35. Report from Supt. of Roads filed. 12 03 1923 8 272 36. Price of rock delivered to Lawrence Sprunt set. 12 03 1923 8 272 37. Citizens furnishing oyster shells for Seabreeze Rd. referred to Road Committee. 12 03 1923 8 273 38. R. A. Burnett elected Supt. of Roads and Bridges at $250 per month. 12 03 1923 8 274 39. Board issued note to W. D. MacMillam, Jr, for payment of Packard Truck. 12 17 1923 8 276 40. Repair work to be done on Blue Clay Road. O1 07 1924 8 276 41. Pump to be bought to take water out of rock quarry. Ol 07 1924 8 276 42. Report from Supt. Burnett filed. O1 07 1924 8 277 43. Board to sell two trucks which have not been running. Ol 07 1924 8 277 44. This County to use prisoners from Brunswick Co. to work roads. Ol 07 1924 8 277 INDE? TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES -- New Hanover County, N. C. _ MATTERT ROADS ? aec. u. s. County Indexee Since 1888 {y? ?..}-? 10 IotO}0 names, Op@n G} COTT A•2 TAB INDEX rAr OFF1C6 ?,?i?? An Identifying Trade Mark ? SURNAME tNITIA[ iA6 11ADE BY THE [07T 1NDEX COMFANY, COLUMBUS, OHlO SOLD BY OWEN fi. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS DATE MINUiE SOOK Month ? Day ( Year Vol. ( Page 1. Matter of building road from Wilmington to Wrightsville Sound deferred. O1 10 1924 8 278 2. Pro ? cons heard on proposal road from Wilmingtrn to Wrightsville Sound. O1 14 1924 8 278 3. Request for a road from Oleander to City limits received. O1 14 1924 8 279 4. State Highway Commissioner McGirt reported on road to Wrightsville Sound. O1 14 1924 8 279 5. J. H. Hinton thanked Board for repairing roads in Sunset Park. 02 04 1924 8 280 6. Qrdinance passed on limiting speed of vehicles on certain roads. 02 04 1924 8 281 7. Report from Supt. Burnett filed. 02 04 1924 8 281 8. Objections received to State Highway through Oleandex to Wrightsville Sound. 02 04 1924 8 281 9. Sale of steel dump body of packard truck authorized. 02 04 1924 8 281 10. Salary of J. F. Rochelle, foreman at Rock quarry, increased. 02 04 1924 8 281 11. Tires to be bought for County Mechanic's auto. OZ 04 I924 8 281 12. No action on opening road from Olenader to Ft. Fisher Highway. 02 04 1924 8 281 13. Hire of E. L. Miller, sentenced to roads, referred to Chairman. 02 19 1924 8 282 14. Board to continue repairs on Middle Sound Road. 02 19 1924 8 282 15. Grading of State Highway near Brunswick Bridge referred to State Highway Commission. 02 19 1924 8 282 16. State Engineer to look over route for a proposed State highway to Ft. Fisher. 03 03 ? 1924 8 285 17. Cinders to be spread over road at Love Grove. 03 03 1924 8 285 18. Request for road repair through Montgomery Development referred to Road Committee. 03 03 1924 8 285 19. Report filed from Supt. Burnett. 03 03 1924 ?8 285 20. Middle Sound Road to Be repaired with oyster shells . 03 2S 1924 8 288 21. L. D. Latter to attend South Atlantic Coastal Highway Assoc, meeting, 03 27 1924 8 288 22. Report from Supt. Burnett filed. 04 07 1924 8 290 23. Board approved building a road to Ft. Fisher by way to Williams Ave. 04 10 1924 8 290 24. No action on including Wrightsville in roads excluded from hauling by ordinance. 04 10 1924 8 290 25. Matter of making Wrightsville Loop Road one way referred to County Attorney. 04 10 1924 8 290 26. Request from citizen of Middle Sound District for road repair referred to Road Committee. 04 21 1924 8 292 27. Board, Messrs, J. B. Shatzer and J. F. Roache to look ov?r proposed roadway in Middle Sound section. 05 05 1924 8 294 _ 28. Report from Supt. Burnett filed. 05 05 1924 8 294 29. Definite route to be set for proposal road to Wrightsville. 05 05 1924 8 295 30. All counties to provide rights of way for State highways. 05 05 1924 8 295 31. Speed limit sign to be replaced at South Wilmington School on Ft. Fisher Highway. 05 05 1924 8 296 32, Discussion on ordinance to prohibit dumping along highways. 06 04 1924 8 297 33. Report from Supt. of Roads filed. 06 04 1924 8 298 34. Reauest of Supt. Benton for a ferry pass referred to Ferry Commission. 06 04 1924 8 298 35. Board to meet with Messrs. D. L. Cronly and 3. 0. Bowden on reopening road. 06 09 1924 8 299 36. Repair of autos along rights of way of highways prohibited. 06 09 1924 8 299 37. Pay increase given Clayton Canady for use of house and cart on New Middle Sound Road. 06 09 1924 8 299 38. Sign board directing traffic to be placed at intersection of Villa View Road ? Wrightsville Turnpi.ke. 06 09 1924 8 300 39. Atlantic Coast Line Railroad Co. to remove "Stop" signs at certain crossings. 06 09 1924 8 300 40. Signs to be erected at various entrances to highways that traffic laws strictly enforced in Co.unty. 06 09 1924 8 300 41. Supt. Burnett to relieve drainage problem on land of James Crews. 07 07 1924 8 301 42. Blueprints submitted for State Highway from Wilmington to Wrightsville Sound. 07 07 1924 8 301 43. Road Committee to secure rights of way for State Highway from City to Wrightsville Sound. 07 07 1924 8 302 44. Road from Wilmington Beach to Ft. Fisher to be repazred. 07 07 1924 8 302 45. Report from Supt. Burnett filed. 07 07 1924 8 302 46. No action on matter of speed limit signs on highways. 07 07 1924 8 302 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES -- New Hanover Count?, N. C. e¢c. u. s. County Indexea Since 1888 f}+ a?-- io bcah eom?s? Opl? Ot r?r OFFICE ?pJJjl?o-? An Identifying Trade Mark w8 SURNAME INITIAL TAB NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS ? SUBIECT ` _ MATiER: Real Estate, County- COTT A-2 iA? INDEX MI?C E BY THE COTT INDER COMPANY, tOLUMBUS, DHIO SOLO YY OWEN 0. OUNN, NEN tERN, NORTM UROLINA ? DATE Monfh ? Day Year l. .Rent of lot at Hanover Gardens declin??. to Termite Eradicating Co. 1 2. Meares Harriss re?uest, referred on reinbu-rsing for tract of land. 2 3. Acreage reduced on Telfair Creek land. .. 3 4. Acreage reduced on 0. 0. Whitlock land. ? 5. Payment authorized for deed to County land. _ S 6. Communication from M. P. Watkins received on claim of title at Villa Village. 5 7. H. M. Solomon decli.ned release from sale of property. _ 9 8. Social Service offer received, motion carried to release heirs of Sabra A. Russell not 2 to release her land. ?a. County Attorney to get j??int title to land or rental agreement. 3 10. ?,ease on land accepted from Seamans Friend Society. 3 11. County land to be rented to J. P. Newton along Castle Hayne Road. 3 12. Accepted unconditional offer from H. McRae to give land for County Park. 6 13. Balance accepted on lot at Hanover Gardens. ? 14. Rea? Estate purchased near Airport. ? 9 15. Balance accepted without interest on Hanover Gardens lot. 9 16. Coun.ty ?Commissioners to execute lease on land at ?econd and Orange Streets. 10 17. M.L. Harriss declined purchase of Hanover Gardens lot. 11 18. J. E. Ellis authorized payment for land and building a?; McGirt Subdivision. 12 19. Agreed to accept cash from J. T. Barker as part payment on Hanover Gardens 1ot. 12 20. La.nd in Pender County conveyed to Miss Olivia Miller. 1 21. Purchase of land and buildings declined b? Commissioners. 1 22o Apprai??.1 report submitted on Schutt property. 1 23. Price ?ffered on Schutt property. 1 24. Authorized lease of County property to Federal Government, declined request on Schutt 1 p?roperty near Airport. 25. Attorney J. A. Stevens offer accepted, payment au`?horized on W.L. Shutt's property. 2 26. Offer to donate iand along Smith Creek referred to Commi?tee 2 27. Negotiation authorized with War Dept. on land near Airport. 2 28. Purchase of land an?, hiring of Otto Lehman authorized for m«vin? Meyland's house. 2 29. Letter from Cooperative Building and Loan on moving Meyland's house referred to Attorney. 3 30. E.M. Meyland to confer wit1?. accountant on loss of property in moving house 3 31. Payment to L. T. Rogers approved for apprasial on Schutt property. 3 32. Autha?ized land conveyed back to Miss 0livia Miller. 3 33. Purchase of land authorized at Airport. 4 34. Letter received on US Dept. of Interior request for name o? land near Cape Fear-Masonboroo 6 35. Offer f?om C.T. Gore declined on buying land at ?ilver Lake. 8 36. Agreement presented, authorized on sale of land to Federal Government. 12 37. James Dixon declined purchase of Winter Park trees. 2 38. Seaman Friends Society req?est granted for purchase of land to Government. ? 39. Auditor to cut off land sold to Government by To V. ?rainer and f?.M. McKoy. 3 40. S.L.Smith referred to Committee on buying County lancl. 4 41. M. L. Harriss request received on buying County landa 4 42. W.T. Lee request declined on renting County land. 6 43. I. J. Crews granted use of County land on Gordon Road. , 7 44. Motion failed on permitting W. H. Blake to buy County land along Castle Hayne Road. 11 MINUTE BOOK Vol. Page 15 1940_ 10 5 1940, 10 4 1940.. 10 15 1940,. 10 6 1940 10 13 1940 10 9 1940 10 17 1941 10 3 1941 10 24 1941 10 24 1941 10 2 1941 10 2? 1941 10 22 1941 10 29 1941 10 17 1941 10 17 1941 10 22 1941 10 22 1941, 10 12 1942 10 12 1942 10 19 1942. 10 19 1942 10 19 1942 10 2 1942 10 9 1942 10 16 1942 10 23 1942 10 2 1942 10 9 1942 10 9 1942 10 16 1942 10 20 1942 10 22 1942 10 24 1942 10 7 1942 10 1 1943 10 1_5 1943 l? 22 1943 10 19 1943 10 28 1943 10 14 19?3 10 6 19'?3 10 1 1943 10 106 109 ll6 121 125 126 153 182 186 190 190 208 221 231 2:31 238 241 247 247 250 251 251 252 . 252 256 258 259 260 261 262 262 263 268 278 288 306 314 316 321 326 327 i35 338 355 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES -- New Hanover County, N. C. , MATT RT ROADS acc. u. s. ? 'p???? Cnunty Indezea Since 1885 ? TO IOCOt9 eamES? OpBe at COTT A•2 TAB INDEX ?AT orvice C.?iGc.AaJI?K,a-rc? An Identifying Trade Mark SURNAME INITIAL TAB N1ADE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH GROLINA NATURE OP PROCEEDINGS DATE Month I Day I Year 1. Repair of Peach Tree Ave, referred to Road Committee. 07 07 1924 2. Auto tires purchased for J. D. Jackson, mechanic for County. 07 14 1924 3. Atlantic Coast Line Railroad Co. allows a road crossing across tract at Delgado. 07 14 1924 4. Request from Middle Sound citizens to have a road opened referred to Road Committee. 08 04 1924 5. Road Committee to handle opening of road near Summer Rest. 08 04 1924 S. Report ?rom Supt. Burnett filed. 08 04 1924 6 Board to pay Irving Park Co. and N. C.Trust Co, money for building road from Wrightsville Turnpike to 08 04 1924 . Market St. Road. 7. Auditor to borrow money for the road Fund Account. OS 8. Hiring out Noah Futch, sentenced to roads, referred to Chairman 08 9. Frank McCartney, sentenced to roads, hired out to Capt. Ellis Sherman. 08 10. Road built by Irving Park Co. connecting Wrightsville Turnpike with Market St. Rd. accepted as County 09 road. 11, Irving Park Co. to furnish drainage culverts for new road and County to install. 09 12. Irving Park Co. paid for construction of new road. 09 13. Auditor to borrow money for the Road Fund Account. 09 14. State Highway Commission to let contract for grading road from Gity to Wrightsville Sound at County expense.09 15. No action on road repairs on Peach Tree Avenue. 09 16. Drainage of road in East Wilmington referred to Road Committee. 10 17. New road in Forest Hills subdivision named Forest Hills Drive. 10 18. Report from Supt. of Roads filed. 10 19. Road force to remove railing around plaza on 3rdlSt. side of Courthouse. 10 20. Report from Supt. of Roads filed. 11 21. Request from Federal Point citizen that a road be abandoned referred to a Committee. 11 22, County to open a road from Scotts Hill to Porters Neck. 12 23. Report from Supt. of Roads filed. 12 24. County to hard sufface road from Wrightsville Tunrpike into Oleander. 12 25. R. A. Burnett elected Supt. o£ Roads at $250 a month. 12 26. Beds for concrete pipes for road to Wrightsville received and contract awarded to Cement Products Co. 12 27. Contract to grade Wilmington-Wrightsville Highway given to J. F. Mulligan. 12 28. New Ford truck to be purchased for County's road force. 12 29. County to buy tarmac from American Tar Products Co. for County roads. 12 30. Adolph Darden, sentenced to roads, hired out to his father. O1 31. Repair of Eggart Ave. referred to Road Committee. O1 32. Repair of Old Middle So?znd Road referred to Road Committee. Dl 33, Report from Supt. of Roads filed. Ol 34. Request to have roads in Brookwood dragged occasionally referred to Supt. Burnett. • O1 35. County to begin grading roadway through Portexs Neck even though don't have deeds for rights of way. O1 36. Trucks to be bought to hasten surfacing of roads. O1 37. Board ruled to lower grade of road running through Cape Fear Country Club. O1 38. Cutting road from Wrightsville Turnpike to Winter Park Cemetery referred to Road Committee. O1 39. Board will not do any grading through City blocks. Ol 40. Matter of hard surfacing Oleander Road deferred, until early summer. O1 41. Auditor to borrow money for Road Fund Account. O1 42. No action on request of Dr. E. F. Keever that County abandon road in Winter Park. 02 43. Board to issue road bonds to build and rebuild roads. 02 MfNUTE BOOK Vol. I Page 8 302 8 303 8 303 8 304 8 304 8 304 8 304 08 1924 8 306 08 1924 8 306 18 1924 8 307 02 1924 8 308 08 1924 8 308 08 1924 8 308 08 1924 8 308 20 1924 8 309 20 1924 8 309 06 1924 8 310 06 1924 8 310 06 1924 8 311 06 1924 8 311 03 1924 8 312 03 1924 8 313 O1 1924 8 315 Ol 1924 8 315 OI 1924 8 316 O1 1924 8 316 10 1924 8 318 10 1924 8 318 10 1924 8 319 22 1924 8 319 05 1925 8 320 05 1925 8 320 05 1925 8 321 05 1925 8 321 05 1925 8 321 05 1925 8 321 10 1925 8 323 10 1925 8 323 20 1925 8 323 ?0 1925 8 323 20 1925 8 324 20 1925 8 324 02 1925 8 326 02 1925 8 326 INDEX TO CO?IMISSIONERS MINUTES N H C N C -- ew anover ounty, . . _ MATTER: ROADS ` ?ec. u. s. County Indexea Since 1888 ? Yo loeate nqmes, open af ?/????? r?t OFFICE c(?t-?i An Identifying Trade Mark SURNAME INITIAL TAB COTT A•2 TAB INDEX NUIDE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD BY OWfN G. DUNN, NEYM BE RN, NDRTX CAROLtNA NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS DATE MINUTE BOOK Month I Day ? Year Vol. I Page 1. Town road bonds to be issued in. 02 02 1925 8 327 2. Tax to be levied to pay principal and interest on road bond notes. 02 02 1925 8 327 3. Repair of road leading into Rock FIill referred to Road Committee. ' 02 02 1925 8 327 4. Mr. McGirt Hzghway Commissioner, submitted agreement on Wilmington-Wrightsville Highway. 02 02 1925 8 328 5. Report from Supt. of Roads filed. 02 02 1925 8 328 6. New route approved for Wilmington-Wrightsville Road as submitted by Engineer S. M. Gibbs. 02 05 1925 8 329 7. No action on damage claim of Arnold King suffered on Old Shipyard Road. 02 05 1925 8 329 8. B. H. Bridgers, Attorney, stated Cape Fear Country C?ub wzll assume expenses for grade cha nge in 02 05 1925 8 329 project 353. 9. Happy Murrell, sentenced to roads, to be hired out if pleads guilty to another case. 03 02 1925 8 330 10. Extension of Porters Neck Road referred to Road Committee. 03 02 1925 8 331 - 11. Report from Supt. of Roads filed. 03 02 1925 8 331 12. Board to sell small amount of tarmacto John F. Keyes for his driveway. 03 02 1925 8 331 13. No action on request of J. H. Rehder to build road to church on Middle Sound Road. 03 02 1925 8 331 14. Discussion on route of Wilmington-Wrightsville Road. 03 06 1925 8 332 15. J. F. Mulligan Construction Co, paid for grading Wilmington-Wrightsville Road. 03 06 1925 8 332 16. Surfacing road in Country Club Pines referred to Road Committee. 03 16 1925 8 332 17. H. C. L. Borkenhagen given contract to move house of G. Rhodes off right of way of Project 353. 03 16 1925 8 332 18. Happy Murrell to be hired out. 03 16 1925 8 332 19. Truck parts to be sold since beyond repair. 03 30 1925 8 334 20. No action on request of John F. Keyes that road be discontinued running through his land. 04 06 1925 8 334 21. Report from Supt. of Roads filed. 04 06 1925 8 334 22. Improvement of Roads in Castle Hayne farming district referred to Road Committee. 04 06 1925 8 334 23. Discussion on damage to land of 0. M. Anderson by road project 353. 04 06 1925 8 335 24. Additional road drag to be purchased for County's Road Department. 04 06 1925 8 325 25. Discussion on proposed route for project 353. 04 06 1925 8 336 26. Delegates chosen to attend annual meeting of South Atlantic Coastal Highway Association. 04 06 1925 8 336 27. County to loan State Highway Department its concrete mixer. 04 10 1925 8 336 28. River Side Drive to be repaired. 05 04 I925 8 337 29. Matter of drainage situation for project 353 referred to Road Committee. 05 04 1925 8 337 30. Purchase of Huass Tar Distributor referred to Chairman. 05 04 1925 8 337 31. Hire of Cornelius Robbins and James McDonald, sentenced to roads, referred to Chairman. 05 04 1925 8 337 32. Report from Supt. of Roads filed. 05 04 1925 8 337 33. No action on change of route for project 353. 05 15 1925 8 339 34. Romeo and Lessman Caoper, sentenced to roads, to be hired out. 05 21 1925 8 340 35. James Murphey, sentenced to roads, hired out to Mrs. E. A. Hawes. 06 41 1925 8 341 36. Report from Supt, of Roads filed. , 06 O1 1925 8 341 37. Route adopted for road project 353. 06 O1 1925 8 341 38. Damage to property of J. E. Hines to be determined by Board of Arbitration. 06 Ol 1925 8 341 39. Men paid for capture of Charles Walker, escapee from road force. 06 08 1925 8 342 40. Appraisers fixed damage to land of John E. Hines du? to grading for project 353 and Board ap?roved. 06 24 1925 8 342 41. Road ordinance passed on direction of vehicles to be driven over roads. 06 24 1925 8 342 42. Dixie Poster Advertising Co. to remove sign from Wrightsville Turnpike. 06 25 1925 8 343 43. Report from Supt. of Roads filed. 07 07 1925 8 344 44. Auto of County Mechanic, J. D. Jackson, to be repaired. 07 07 1925 8 344 45. Board to co-operate with City in applying tarvia to Second Street. 07 27 1925 8 346 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES N H C C - ew anover ounty, N. C. , MAT E R: ROADS ` Rec. u. s. County Indezea Sincc 1886 ? Yo loeate names, open at r?t OFFICE ?? An Identifying Trade Mark SURNAME (NITIAL TAB MADE BY THE tOTT A-2 TAB INDEX COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLO BY OWEN C. DUNN, NEW BE RN, NORiH UROLINA NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS DATE MINUTE BOOK Month Day Year Vol. Page 1. Soliciting any motor vehicles on public roads declared unlawful. 08 03 1925 8 347 2. State Highway's man W. F. Morson, to fix right of way for Project 353 through J. Hines property. 08 03 1925 8 347 I'? 3. G. T. Shepard's bill for repairs on Middle Sound Road approved. 08 04 1925 8 349 4. Request for road repair on Country Club Pines road by J. G. Wright and Son declined. 08 04 1925 8 349 5. Giles Smith, sentenced to roads, hired out. 09 08 1925 8 351 6. Report from Supt. of Roads filed. 09 08 1925 8 351 7. Report from Supt. of Roads filed. 10 05 1925 8 353 8. Tank for storing tarvia to be used on roads to be bought. 10 05 1925 8 354 9. Trees to be removed on Princess St. in from of Courthouse Annex. 10 05 1925 8 354 10. Installing culvert in ditch in front of home of F. Capps referred to Mr. Burnett. 10 05 1925 8 354 11. County unable to repair streets in Brookwood Subdivision at this time. 10 05 1925 8 354 12. New Chevrolet Truck to be bought. 10 29 1925 8 356 13. State Highway Commission paid for making excatiration for culvert. 10 29 1925 8 356 14. Report from Supt. of Roads received. 11 02 1925 8 356 15. Matter of County taking over Kenwood Ave. Referred to Mr. Hewlett. 11 02 1925 8 356 ? 16. Board endorsed proposed Wilmington-Elizabethtown-Fayetteville Highway. 11 02 1925 8 357 , 1? Scanfying Wrightsville Turnpike referred to Chairman to investigate. 11 09 1925 8 357 18. Board to request State Highway Commission to repair Scotts Hill Road. 12 O1 1925 8 359 19. Report from Supt. of Roads filed. 12 07 1925 8 360 20. Additional shell work to be done on Porters Neck and T4iddle Sound Roads. 12 07 1925 8 360 21. Cost of putting tarmac on Walnut And Second Streets estimated. 12 07 1925 8 360 22. Hard surfacing Audubon Blvd. referred to Road Committee. 12 07 1925 8 360 23. R. A. Burnett elected Supt. of Roads at $250 a month. 12 07 1925 8 361 24. County to sell one barrel of tarmac to L. C. Kure. 12 18 1925 8 362 25. Contract to be signed with American Tar Products Co. for tarmac. 12 31 1925 8 364 26. Repair of Myrtle Grove Sound Road referred to Road Committee. Ol 04 1926 8 364 27. Report from Supt. of Roads Filed. O1 04 1926 8 365 28. Request that road from Graingers Point to Seabreeze Park Rd. be repaired referred to Road Committee. O1 11 1926 8 366 29. Willie B. Foy, sentenced to roads, to be hired out. O1 28 1926 8 367 ?'? 30. Myrtle Grove Sound Road to be repaired. O1 28 1926 8 367 31. Board to inspect roadway in northeastern section of County. 02 O1 1926 8 370 32. Report from Supt. of Roads filed. 02 O1 1926 8 370 33. Pennell and Harley paid for scarrifying Wrightsville Turnpike. 02 12 1926 8 373 34. Detour signs and lights for area under construction of Wrightsville Turnpike requested. 02 12 1926 8 373 35. A. A. Dock to return topsoil he hauled from Wrightsville Turnpike. 02 12 1926 8 373 i 36. Report from Supt. of Roads filed. 03 O1 1926 8 375 37. Minutes of joint meeting of Brunswick and New Hanover Counties and Horry Co., S.C. on road extension. 03 O1 1926 8 376 38. Rock sold to Dick Barfield. 03 24 1926 8 378 39. Repairs on Old Greenville Road and road to Winter Park Cemetery referred to Road Committee. 04 05 1926 8 379 40. Report from Supt. of Roads filed. 04 05 1926 8 379 41. Alex Dock and Dolly Southerland to appear relative to road material taken by them. 04 05 1926 8 380 42. Chairman to sell mules from road force. 04 05 1926 8 380 j I 43. Board to furnish stone chips for patching Wrightsville turnpike. 04 05 1926 8 380 44. Board purchased dump truck. 04 09 1926 8 381 45. Board not to press any further on matter of A. A. Dock returning road material he had taken. 04 23 1926 8 383 46. Report from Supt. of Roads filed. 05 03 1926 8 384 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover Count?, N. C. , MATTER: ROADS _ aEC. u. s. p? '' County Indezea Since 1888 ? To lo[ate names? Open at COTT A-2 TAB INDEX v?T OFFILE C?F??s An ldentifYine Trade Mar3c SURNAME INITIAL TAB INADE iY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS.OHIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS 1. Hire of Kinsey Hobbs, sentenced to roads, referred to Chairman. 2. Q. E. Leslie, sentenced to roads, to be hired out. 3. Graham Brothers truck to be purchased. 4. Drainpipe to be installed under road at Seagate near Mr. F. Capps if necessary. 5. Clearing right of way of Porters Neck Rd. to Sound taken under consideration. 6. A. J. Hanby's complaint on removal of topsoil from his land on Wrightsville Turnpike referred to Chairman 7. Report from Supt. of Roads filed. 8. Purnell and Harley paid for scarrifiering Wrightsville Turnpike. 9. 1Iard surfacing Kenwood Ave. referred to Road Committee. 10. Driveway and walkway across Myrtle Grove Sound referred to County Attorney. 11. Report from Supt. of Roads filed. 12. Mercer Ave. to be repaired. 13. Driveway and walkway across Myrtle Grove Sound connecting beach with mainland to be built. . 14. Request for concrete coping from J. 0. Hinton on Wrightsville Tuxnpike referred to Chairman. 15. Auditor to borrow money for Road Fund. 16. Expenses of Chairman paid for meeting with other Counties on Atlantic Coastal Highway. 17. Request of J. 0. Hinton declined for a concrete coping around his land to keep cars from parking there. 18. Report from Supt. of Roads filed. 19. Auditor to borrow money from Road Fund. 20. Report on road work completed and Porter's Neck Road to Sound to be worked on. 21. Damage complaint from C. Summerlin due to grading on project 353 deferred. 22. Monthly reports for October filed. 23. Thirty-four tons of rock sold to D. R. Foster to build road through woodcrest. 25. Mr. W. D. MacMillan requested county road roller to use at golf course at Cape Fear Country Club. 26. Surfacing Myrtle Grove Sound Road with oyster shells authorzzed completion. 27. Board recommended payment $50 for damages done to Lots 1S4 and 155 owned by C. C. Morrison at Seagate. 28. Construction of coping along J. 0. Hinton's property at Wrightsville Sound discussed. 29. Monthly report received. 30. B. B. Cameron's request for sand around William Hooper school referred to Roads Committee. (See Roads Committee and Schools.) 31. Road Committee to investigate surfacing military road with oyster sheels, and report to board. 32. Bills of $615 and$311.20 for purchase of oyster shells for Myrtle Grove Sound road presented. 33. R. G. Burnett, Supt. of Roads, was granted increase in auto allowances. 34. County home road to be surfaced with rock. 35. Bids for 6D,OD0 gal. of Tar?mac for surface treatment received. 36. Bill of $337.25 to purchase oyster shell for surfacing Myrtle Grove Sound Road approved. 37, Monthly report received. 38. Bill for surfacing Queens Point and Porter's Neck Roads approved. 39. Bill of $615.64 to expense the oyster shell surfacing of Myrtle Grove Sound Road approved. 40. Bills of surfacing Porter's Neck Road approved. 41. Monthly report received. 42. Middle Sound Road surfaced. 43. Bill for Myrtle Grove Road construction received. 44. Request for culvert granted. 45. Bill to expense Potter's Neck and Myrtle Grove Roads received. 46. Bill for improved roads submitted. DATE MlNUTE BOOK Month I Day I Year Vol. I Page 05 Q3 1926 8 384 05 03 1926 8 384 05 03 1926 8 384 05 21 1926 8 385 06 07 1926 8 386 06 07 1926 8 386 06 07 1926 8 386 06 07 1926 8 387 07 06 1926 8 388 07 06 1926 8 388 07 06 1926 8 389 07 06 1926 8 3$9 07 12 1926 8 389 07 19 1926 8 390 07 19 1926 8 390 08 09 1926 8 394 08 09 1926 8 394 09 07 1926 8 396 09 15 1926 8 398 09 29 1926 8 398 10 04 1926 8 400 11 Ol 1926 8 403 11 O1 1926 8 403 11 10 1926 8 406 11 16 1926 8 407 11 26 1926 8 407 11 26 1926 8 409 12 06 1926 8 410 12 10 1926 8 413 12 21 1926 8 416 12 21 1926 8 416 12 30 1926 8 416 12 30 1926 8 416 12 30 1926 8 417 12 30 1926 8 417 O1 03 1927 8 418 O1 02 1927 8 418 Ol 10 1927 8 418 OZ O1 1927 8 423 02 07 1927 8 424 02 07 1927 8 424 02 07 1927 8 424 02 07 1927 8 424 02 21 1927 8 425 02 21 1927 8 426 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover Count?, N. C. , MATYER: ROADS nec. u. s. County Indez?a Since 1888 f'?? To locate namCS? operl at COTT A•Z TAB INDEX P?r OPFICE C,?i?? An Identifying Trade Mark U?S SURNAME INITIAL TAB MADE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH GROLINA NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS DATE Month ? Day I Year 1. Board approved bill for construction of Myrtle Grove Sound Road. U3 2. Monthly report filed. 03 3. Surfacing of Porter's Neck Road referred to Board for investigation. 03 4. Bill to expense Myrtle Grove Sound road approved by Board. 03 5. Request of Raymond Hunt to have commissioner rent county equipment for tarvia treatment of Wrightsville 03 Harbor Island causeway referred to road committee. 6. Continuation of work on Porter Neck Road approved by Board. 03 7. Road notes presented as paid to auditor (see Finance Dept.) ? 03 8. Board order h?aring on petition to move southern line of School hous? Road; Preparation of papers, notices 03 etc, referred to County Attorney. (see County attorney) 9. Board approved labor and shell purchase for Myrtle Grove Sound Road. 03 10. Petition of Brookwood Realty Co. to construct streets of state highway width received but action deferred. 03 11. Road fund discussed, and auditor authorized to take care of it. 03 12. Monthly report for March filed. 04 13. Seven citizen petition to improve Mimosa Ave. area referred to Road Committee for recommendation. 04 14. George M. Plumm request for commission to buy tarmac for Wilmington-Wrightsville Beach causeway approved. 04 15. Monthly Report ?iled. 05 16. J. 0. Reilly of Real Estate Board congratulated Board, hastened action on county highways. 05 17. Southern Bell granted line extension, provided Supt. of Roads supervise Telephone pole installation and 05 widening of road becomes necessary (See County Commission) ' 18. Road Force to clear debris from county airports runway. 05 19. Monthly Report filed. 06 20. Board heard May 2, 1927 petitirn decision to be rendered later. ? 06 21. Commission lettered Highway Commis?ion on hard surface highway for county. Reply made. 06 22. County auditor authorized to renew two notes due May 18 for $10,000 and $20,009. 06 23. Monthly report filed. ?? 24. Monthly report filed. ?g 25. Montford curve to be widened. ?? 26. Montford curve and Castle Hayne Road construction receive attention in fall. ?g 27. Tarmac to patch county roads authorized. 09 28. Board Committee will investigate proposed road route to connect beaches. ?9 29. Monthly Report filed. 09 30. Route of proposed highway connecting beaches under investigation. Og 31. Monthly report filed. 10 32. Mrs. Henderson Cale vaanted $25 for small strip of land needed by county to widen curve, but county agrees 10 to pay her $20. 33. Committee's report to erect stop signs adopted. , 10 34. City, County and highway commission to sign highway agreement. 10 35. Monthly Report filed. 11 36. Action to loan road rollers to contractor consented. 11 37. Kenwood Ave. and Audubon Blvd, to be hard surfaced, after construction completed on Williams Ave. 11 38. A?preciation for road improvement expressed. 11 39. Monthly Report filed. 12 40. Purchase of shell for road repairs authorized. 12 41. Action taken on acceptance of transcript for Carolina Beach Road contract, 12 42. County to join city on road situation. 12 MINUTE BOOK Vol. I Page O1 1927 8 427 07 1927 8 428 07 1927 8 428 07 1927 8 429 15 1927 8 430 15 1927 8 430 15 1927 8 431 15 1927 8 431 29 1927 8 432 29 1927 8 433 29 1927 8 433 04 1927 8 433 04 1927 8 434 12 1927 8 435 02 1927 8 439 02 1927 8 439 12 1927 8 441 21 1927 8 444 06 1927 8 445 13 1927 8 445 20 1927 8 447 20 1927 8 448 05 1927 8 451 O1 1927 8 455 O1 1927 8 456 O1 1927 8 456 06 1927 8 460 06 1927 8 460 06 1927 8 461 14 1927 8 462 03 1927 8 465 11 1927 8 466 11 1927 8 466 25 1927 8 468 07 1927 8 469 22 1927 8 474 22 1927 8 4i4 29 1927 8 475 06 1927 8 475 20 1927 8 478 29 1927 8 479 29 1927 8 479 N H N INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES C t? C T anover oun . ew y, . -- , MATT R ROAD S _ aec. u. s. County Indexea Since 1888 ? TO IoCOte names,? open Gt n?t oFLICE ?? An IdentiEying Trade Mark SURNAME INITIAL TAB MADE BY TH SOLD BY OW COTT A•2 TAB INDEX E COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, ONIO EN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA DATE MINUiE BOOK NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS Month I Day I Year Vol, Page : " . 1. Monthly report filed. O1 , - 03 . 1928 8 .?....y? . 480 2. Highway Commissioner ackonwledged receipt to re-open Carolina Beach Road request. O1 10 1928 8 482 3. Letter on removal of Fort Fisher rock received. O1 17 1928 8 484 4. Clerk to write to highway commission a letter of gratitude on road issue. O1 17 1928 8 484 5. Employment of extra guard for Road force referred to Supt. of Roads. Ol 17 1928 8 485 6. Truck purchase authorized for County Road Department. O1 24 1928 8 486 7. Monthly Report filed. 02 06 1928 8 487 8. No action taken on connecting Wilmington with Route 20, spoken by Dr. Russell Bellamy. 02 04 1928 8 488 9. Rec(uest of Adm. Edwin A.Ander9on to repair military road given temporary relief. 02 21 1928 8 489 10. Repairs on Audubon Blvd. adopted. 02 28 1928 8 490 ' ? 11. Monthly report filed. 03 05 1928 8 491 ? i i 12. F. G. Harriss urged to furnish Blue Clay and Holly Shelter roads. 03 20 1928 8 494 ?? 13. Commissioners granted Roger Moore and V.T. Wallace use of equipment to apply tarmac on Wrightsville 04 02 1928 8 501 causeway. 14. John D. Bellamy's request for repayment on Wild Cat Road near his home referred to Chairman. 04 02 1928 8 501 15. Monthly Report filed. 04 02 1928 8 502 16. Capt. E. H. Atkins and Charles E. Gause of Brunswick County wanted Board to use its influence before 04 10 1928 8 505 highway commission to maintenance Bell Swamp road to Southport. 17. Resolution to maintenance Bell Swamp Road to Southport adopted. 04 10 1928 8 505 18. Monthly report filed. 05 07 1928 8 508 19. Monthly Report filed. 06 04 1928 8 512 20. Commissioners voted on Fort Fisher trip to check Williams Ave. Construction. 06 04 1928 8 513 21. Southern Bell's rec{uest to erect poles along Wrightsville Ave. referred to Supt. of Roads for report. 06 04 1928 8 514 22. Road construction to rebuild highway circling Ft. Fisher mound struck by storm approved. 06 19 1928 8 514 23. Citizen petition for board to pavP Keaton Ave. and install storm sewers submitted by 0. T. Wallace and filed 06 19 1928 8 516 for consideration. 24. Monthly report filed. 07 02 1928 8 518 25. Retired Admiral's request on military road received. 07 02 1928 8 518 26. Signs to be erected directing traffic on Southern roadway. 07 24 1928 8 523 27. Supt. of Roads, R. A. Burnett asked to take sick vacation. 07 31 1928 8 524 28. Supt. of Road Report filed. OS 06 1928 8 525 29. Road near turnpike closed. 08 14 1928 8 527 30. Petition for improvements on Third St. at Winter Park received. 08 21 1928 8 528 31. Extension of Island Creek road referred to Chairman. 08 21 1928 8 528 32. 'Aiinter Park School Road to be raised for drainage. 08 28 1928 8 534 33. Supt. of Roads report filed. 09 04 1928 8 530 34. Kenwood Avenue to be hardsurfaced. 09 11 1928 8 531 35. Board voted to hard surface Masonboro Military Roads 09 11 1928 8 531 36. Citizen petition for Marathon Ave. repairs received. 09 18 1928 8 532 37. Supt. of Roads report filed. 10 O1 1928 8 534 38. Requests for hard surfacing on Keaton and Borden avenues referred to Road Committee. l? ?1 1J28 8 535 39. Supt. of Roads to repair Mercer Avenue bridge (mail route). 10 09 1928 8 536 40. Prospect Cemetery Road at Middle Sound granted repairs. 10 09 1928 8 537 41. Reauest to take over Marathon Ave. declined. 10 16 1928 8 538 42. Repairs payments to Mrs. S. Carrie Beatse's car due to highway collapse declined. 10 23 1928 8 538 43. Supt. of Roads report filed. 11 05 1928 8 540 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover County, N. C. , MATT RT ROADS ?ec. u. s. County Indexea Since 1888 ?+ ?+a-? Yo IOCOt9 names, Op¢O G} COTT A-Z TAB INDEX r?T OFFICE ???G?4? An IdentifYin6 Trade Mark ?.? SURNAME INITIAL TAB MADE BY THE CO7T INDEX COMPANY. COLUMBUS. OHIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORiH CAROLINA NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS 1. Citizen urge for take over of Oakley Neighborhood Road referred to Chairman. 1 2. Carl Powers request for driveway at his Borden Avenue resident during hard surfacing of avenue declined. 1 3. Supt. of Roads report filed. 1 4. Expense statement of 0. T. Wallace for hardsurfacing Borden Avenue Road authorized. 1 5. Request to hard surface Rock Hill Ave. granted. 1 6. Preparing resolution on hardsurfacing Borden Ave. referred to County Attorney. 1 7. Large pipe for Princess Street authorized for payment. 1 8. Supt. of Roads report filed. p 9. Road thru M. S. Willard's property under continuation. 0 10. Road thru Willard property adopted for hard surfacing. 0 11. Williams Street repair request by Charles C. Walker granted. 0 12. Petition to hard surface Seagate Station 1 Myrtle Ave. Roads referred to Board. 0 13. Supt. of Roads report filed for January. 0 14. Contract for tarmac awarded to American Tar Products. 0 15. Petition to hard surface Borden Ave. referred to Road committee. 0 16. Complaints on highway sign made, and letter written to W. F. Morrson to remove sign. 0 17. Resolution on highway dept. adopted. p 18. George T. Shepard authorized purchase of shells for Middle Sound, Porter Neck and Queens Point roads. 0 19. Temporary repairs on Rock Hill Road authorized. p 20. Survey for Sunset Park route reported next meeting. p 21. Damaging of Shell Road by A. C. Boone and Co. truck under settlement by Chairman. 0 22. Supt..of Roads Report filed. p 23. Petition for Meares Road upkeep referred to Road Committee. p 24. Postmaster W. G. Elliott request for Meares Road repair (Mail Routes) referred to Board. 0 25. Additional Repairs to Wild Cat Road (farmer route) made. 0 26. Requests for repair of Mimosa Drive declined. p 27. Delegation urge for Myrtle Grove Sound Road repair (damaged by truck) carried by vote to repair bad 04 places now. 28. Supt. of Roads report filed for March. 04 29. James E. Wade request for use of road equipment on Babies Hospital Roadway taken under advisement. 04 30. Frank Harriss urge for further ditching and grading of Blue Clay Road to be inspected. 04 31. Resolution rec{uesting allocations to debt services adopted. 04 32. Purchase of shells authorized to repair Myrtle Grove Sound Road. 04 33. Supt. of Roads report filed for Ap?il. 05 34. Further information requested on Marathon Ave. improvements. 05 35. Repair of Wrightsville Turnpike referred to Road Committee. 05 36. Notice of Recommendation on right of way road iss?te across Texas Co. land adopted. 05 37. 0. T. Wallace request for Wrightsville causeway surface treatment authorized by Supt. OS 38. Petition to repair Blue Clay and Holly Shelter Roads under report for June meeting. 05 39. Supt. of Roads report filed. 06 40. Atlantic Bitulethic Co. t•ec?uest for gravel to build Babies Hospital Road approved. 06 41. Adm. E. A. Anderson requ?st to reword "Granger Point and Masonboro Road" sign to Masonboro Road declined. 06 42. Supt. of Roads report filed. p? 43. Attorney and Board agreed on available funds for 1928-29 Road purposes. p? 44., Delegation urge for highway construction referred to appointed committee for report. 07 45. Oliver T. Wallace urge for paving of Keaton Ave. Declined. p? DATE th Day I Year 1 13 1928 1 27 1928 2 02 1928 2 11 1928 2 31 1928 2 31 1928 2 31 1928 1 07 1929 1 07 1929 1 07 1929 1 15 1929 1 22 1929 2 04 1929 2 04 1929 2 12 1929 2 12 1929 2 26 1929 3 04 1929 3 04 1929 3 04 1929 3 04 1929 3 04 1929 3 12 1929 3 19 1929 3 19 1929 3 26 1929 )2 1929 MINUTE BOOK Vol. Page 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 02 1929 8 09 1929 8 09 1929 8 09 1929 8 09 1929 8 06 1929 8 14 1929 8 21 1929 8 21 1929 8 28 1929 8 28 1929 8 03 1929 8 08 1929 8 25 1929 8 O1 1929 8 16 1929 8 30 1929 8 30 1929 8 541 546 546 548 551 551 551 552 552 552 553 553 554 555 557 558 561 562 562 562 562 562 563 564 564 565 567 567 568 568 568 569 573 5 74 575 576 576 576 577 579 580 582 585 586 586 INDE? TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES -- N H C t N C T ew anover oun y, . . , MATT R RoADS ? eec. u. a. County Indezea Since I&38 To lota}0 names, open p! 1'AT oFilcE ?pJ?J? An Identi[ying Trede Mark SURNAME INITIAL TAB C07T A-Z 7AB INDEX MADE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLO BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORT H CAROLINA NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS DATE MINUTE BOOK Month I Day I Year Vol. I Page 1. Supt. of Roads report filed. 07 30 1929 8 587 2. J. A. Taylor requested construction of highway at Point Peter-Pender County line. 07 30 1929 8 587 3. Pent of small rol2er to B. F. Ramseur for Fort Fisher Highway usage agreed. 08 05 1929 8 588 4. Texas Co. request for permit of Right of way of Shipyard Road through their property declined. 08 20 1929 8 592 5. Petit?ion urging Seabreeze Road repairs referred to Chairman. 08 20 1929 8 592 6. Supt of Roads report filed. 09 03 1929 8 595 7. Supt. of Roads authorized to open road from Castle Hayne to Thomason Lumber plant. 09 03 1929 8 595 8. 0. T. Wallace request for county to pave Keaton Ave.-Apr. 27 petition was taken under consideration. 09 24 1929 8 597 9. Board voted to hardsurface roads leading from Masonboro Loop Rd. 09 24 1929 8 597 10. Sale of Tarmac to J. M. Ballard authorized. 09 24 1929 8 597 11. Supt. of Roads report filed. 10 07 1929 8 598 12. Delegation requested hard-surfacing of three roads through Rock Hill community, but action taken at 10 15 1929 9 1 next meeting. 13. Resolution adopted on petition presented by 0. T. Wallace, to hard-surface Keaton Ave. 10 15 1929 9 1 14. Cost for hard-surfacing Keaton Ave. charged against property iisted at Keaton Ave. 10 15 t929 9 1 15. Hardsurfacing approved for Oakley, Rock Hill, and Oakley Avenues. 10 29 1929 9 4 16. Authority to culvert under Masonboro Road given. 10 29 1929 9 4 l?. Supt. of Roads report filed: 10 29 1929 9 5 18. Repairs to Marathon Ave. approved. 11 12 1929 9 6 19. Sidwalk requested for Sunset Park School, but referred to Chairman. 11 19 1929 9 8 20. Repair of G. Colucci mill at Love Grove under advisement. 11 26 1929 9 10 21. Supt. of Roads report filed. 12 02 1929 9 11 22. Opening of industriaZ road referred to Road committee. 12 11 1929 9 13 23. American Tar Products bid to furnish tarmac accepted. 12 31 1929 9 15 24. Authority given to continue hard-surfacing Porter Neck Road. O1 06 1930 9 16 25. Supt. of Roads report given. Ol 06 1930 9 16 26. Authority given to pay George T. Shepard for oyster shells and labor used to hard-surface Porter Neck Rd. OZ 06 1930 9 17 27. Cleaning of ditches authorized along Masonboro Rd. 01 06 1930 9 17 28. Supt. of Road report filed. O1 06 1930 9 17 29. Use of road roller allowed to roll back lot at Murchison Bank for parking space. 02 11 1930 9 23 30. Supt. of Roads report filed. 03 03 1930 4 27 31. Winter Park citizens requested county repair streets and drainage at Winter Park was referred to a 03 11 1930 9 29 committee appointed by the Board to give report. 32. Oleander-State Highway 20 intersection to be repaired. 03 18 1930 9 30 33. Purchase of Western Road Grader at $270 authorized. 03 18 1930 9 30 34, N.E. Land and Timber Co. request for right-of-way road between two rivers granted. 04 O1 1930 9 33 35. Hard-surfaced road near Golf course clubhouse authorized. 04 Ol 1930 9 33 36. Payment of $75 to Wilmington Traffic Assoc. for subscriptions approved for payment. 04 07 1930 9 37 37. Supt. of roads Report filed. 04 07 1930 9 37 38. E. L. Robinson request that county take over Myrtle Grove Road right-of-way taken under board advisement. 04 22 1930 9 39 39. W. B. Head request for continued Gordon Road hardsurfacing up to his place taken under board advisement. 04 22 1930 9 39 40. Road committee to take steps to purchase gasoline pump for stockade. 04 22 1930 9 39 41. Petition to drain lakes at Edna Station and Tide Water Power Co. (for mosquito control) and hard surface 04 22 1930 9 39 Hinton Ave. referred to Board for report. 42. Road repairs near Methodist Chruch authorized. 05 20 1930 9 43 43. Rock purchase (State Highway request) to surface Bell Swamp in Brunswick County declined. 05 20 1930 9 43 INDE? TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - N H t C N C ew anover oun ?, . . , MATTER: ROAD S ` aec. u. s. County Indexea Since 1888 ? Yo locate names, open at COTT A-2 TAB INDEX ? ?AT OFFICE ? An Identifying Trade Mark SURNAMB INITIAL TAB INADE 6Y THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, ONIO SULD B?l ?WEN G. DUNN, HEW BERM, NORTH CARaLINA NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS DATE MINUTE BOOK Month Day Year Vol. I Page 1. Supt. of Road report filed. 06 02 1930 9 44 2. Nathan Humphrey request for trees removed from Wrightsville Turnpike right of way referred to Supt. 06 10 1930 9 44 3. Purchase of vehicles authorized. 06 10 1930 9 44 4. Request for road repair of Greenville Macadom terminus referred to board. 06 10 1930 9 44 5. William Peoples authorized to do road surface treatment work at $1.25 a day and board until prisoner 06 17 1930 9 44 experience to do it. 6. Supt. of Roads report filed. 07 07 1930 9 48 7. No action taken on Allodin Co. request to construct wharf on Cape Fear River terminus. 08 15 1930 9 50 8. U. S. District Engineer on providing anchorage basin and wharf at Wrightsville Sound. 07 15 1930 9 50 9. J. H. Hinton advised that Supt. of roads already arranged tarmac for North-South Blvd. 07 29 1930 9 51 10. Special meeting called on building road through rice fields near Point Peter. 07 29 1930 9 51 11. Meeting called to discuss constructing road through at Peters Point near Northeast River Bridge. 08 07 1930 9 52 12. Action deferred on road through Peters Point. 08 19 1930 9 55- I3. Securing wood along right of way of highway 40 for the poor referred to Chairman. 08 26 1930 9 57 14. Fertilizer Co. requests to construct road to their plant continued under consideration. 09 02 1930 9 57 15. Supt. of Roads report filed. 09 02 1930 9 57 16. County agreed to furnish gasoline, oil, labor, and hard surface road for Fertilizer Ind. entering county. 09 09 1930 9 58 17. Hard surfacing of Castle Hayne to Blue Clay Roads. placed on program. 09 09 1930 9 58 18. Fertilizer Companies accept county offer to build road near highway 20 Referred to Road Committee. 09 16 1930 9 59 19. Change in location of Highway 40 near Northeast to Smith Creek Bridges approved. 09 16 1930 9 59 20. James E. L. Wade request for city to resurface Princess Street taken under board advisement. 09 16 1930 9 59 21. Resurfacing of Princess St. at city expense agreed. 09 23 1930 9 60 22. Board agreed to accept wooden dump bodies instead of inetal ones for constructing Peter Point Rd. 09 23 1930 9 60 23. Board accepted truck titles by Fertilizer interest in road construction and trucks transferred to Companies.09 30 1930 9 70 24. Supt. of Roads report filed for September. 10 06 1930 9 70 25. Ope ning_ of Cemetery road granted as requested by Seagate citizens. 10 14 ?930 9 71 26. Iiighway dept. asked to install culvert at Wildcat Branch for drainage. 10 28 1930 9 74 27. Greenfield Lake road project approved and securing right of way deferred. 11 18 1930 9 75 28. Committee to investigate repairing dirt road near Oak Grove Cemetery. 11 03 1930 9 75 29. Supt. of Roads report filed for October. 11 03 1930 9 75 30. No action taken on request for hardsurfacing of Holly Shelter and Blue Clay roads continued. 11 25 1930 9 76 31. Hardsurfacing driveway at Bradley Creek school approved. 11 25 1930 9 76 32. Johnson Motor Co. offer to sell truck, reduced with trade-in, taken under consideration; othe r truck 12 O1 1 930 9 77 prices also considered. 33. Supt. of Roads report filed. 12 Ol 1930 9 78 34. Requests to build 1,000 ft. of road at Carolina Beach at property owners expense heard, petition advised, 12 09 1930 9 79 matter under consideration. 35. HaYd surfacing of Blue Clay and Holly Shelter Roads approved. 12 16 1930 9 82 36. Proposed route for Sunset-Winter Park Rd. considered for Dec. 22. 12 16 1930 9 82 37. Va. Carolina Chemical Co. request for blue print of proposed route of Nigger Head Rd. over their property 12 23 1930 9 83 was received, but action deferred. 38. Drainage and repairs of Cherry St. and 7th Ave. recommended, approved. 12 23 1930 9 83 39. Castle Hayne citizens requested Northeast Ave. be improved, and review of roads, Marathon too, set for 12 30 1930 9 84 Friday. 40. Chairman, Ross, Trask named to oppose state-takeover of county roads at Engineers and Road Superintendant 12 30 1930 9 84 41. Supt. of Roads report filed. OI 05 1931 9 85 N. C. INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES -- New Hanover Count? M ER ROADS , _ • ATT _ xce. u. s. County Indt:ee Since 1888 ? To loto?3 nom?s? op?n at COTT A•2 TA/ INDEX ing Trade Mark MILC E BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO e?r OFFICE ??? An Identif y SURMAME INITIAL TAB SOLO ?Y OWEN 0. OU NN, NEw ?ERN, NORT X GROLINA DATE MINUTE BOOK NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS Month Day Year Vol. Page l. Trask expensed for Greensboro Trip to attend N. C. Assoc. of County Engineers and Road Supt. meeting. Ol 05 1931 9 85 2. Northeast and Marathon Avenues to be drained and upgrac?ed. Ol 05 1931 9 85 3. $50 granted for Greenfield Lake Road project for tools, and expenses transferred from emergency fund. Ol 13 193I 9 86 4. Texas Company bid to furnish gasoline for Road account accepted at lowest bid. Ol 13 1931 9 86 5. Cutting of bushes and seeds and repair to Myrtle School road granted to road gang. Ol 13 1931 9 86 6. $8 bill for Raney-Chevrolet Co. for seat cushions mailed to A.A.C. Co. (Agricultural Chemical Co.)for Ol 20 1931 9 87 payment. 7. Part of Greenfield Lake Rd. declared and adopted as state road, and known now as Community Drive. 02 02 1931 9 88 8. Relief Assoc. urged hard surfacing of Greenfield Lake Rd; discussed and referred to County, city and 02 02 1931 9 88 Relief committees. 9. City, County and Relief Committees agreed to hard surfacing of Greenfield Lake Rd, work ordered immediately 02 02 1931 9 88 following committee report. 10. Blue prints on Nigger Head Road authorized. 02 02 1931 9 88 ? 11. Supt. of Roads report filed for January. 02 02 1931 9 89 ?. ; 12. County agreed to hard surface part of Nigger Head Rd. 02 02 1931 9 89 , 13. Board committee to represent county at Feb meeting in Raleigh to oppose road legislature for state 02 02 1931 9 89 take-over of county roads. 14. A. F. Williamson requested county to aid them on grading roadway from Route 20 to cemetery, but 02 10 1931 9 91 was taken under consideration. 15. Communication on payment for streets paved at Brookwood was received and letter written to owners. 02 17 1931 9 93 16. Statement of Road maintenance for purchase and service and repairs prepared for presentation to highway 02 24 1931 9 94 commission for payment. 17. Black Swamp Road adopted, declared. 02 24 1931 9 94 18. Petition from Carolina Beach Ave. presented, requests for hard-surfacing lot 7, Block 5& 6 to 5th Ave. 03 02 1931 9 95 received and referred to Board. 19. Trucks purchased or rented to speed up construction on Community Drive and other county projects. 03 02 1931 9 95 20. Supt. of Roads report filed for February. 03 02 1931 9 95 21. Authority given to complete repairs on Porters Neck Road. 03 09 1931 9 96 22. Board voted to urge Governor to appoint W.A.McGirt as Third District Highway Commissioner. 03 09 1931 9 97 23. Contract to grade Carolina Beach Ave. (North) awarded to 0'C. Connelly and C. R. Watson. 03 26 193? 9 98 24. Authority granted to pave Carolina Beach Ave. street crossing. 03 23 1931 9 98 25. Authority giventD surface Seabreeze Roald, Federal Point, with oyster shells. 03 30 1931 9 99 26. Hard-surfacing approved for Carolina Beach Ave. 04 13 1931 9 102 27. David Scott, East Coast Fertilizer Co., objected use of their trucks on county roads; Chairman and 04 13 1931 9 102 Ross named to meet them and straighten situation out. 28. Agreement between Board and Fertilizer Co. whereby all truck used on Nigger Head Road construction 04 20 1931 9 103 also be used on Community Drive project. 29. Ocean Oil Co, awarded bid for 10,000 gal. gasoline for Road account. 04 20 1931 9 103 30. 500 tons of rock approved for repairs to Blue Clay Rd. used as Route 40 detour. 04 27 1931 9 104 31. Highway Commission to be notified that maps posted on courthouse door do not list all county roads to 05 04 1931 9 105 be taken over by State. 32. Dr. Thorndike Saville suggested that the county may not have any road funds after July l, when State 05 04 1931 9 105 take over county roads. 33. Supt. of Roads report filed for Apr. 05 04 1931 9 105 34. Chairman named to meet City Commissioners to employ engineer to map Community Drive. 05 04 1931 9 107 35. __.. Chairman to appoint committee for conference with City on maintaining restructed area along Community Dr. . . .??._._.? ___ ----- ?_ __ 05 . .._?.__...i 12 1931 9 107 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES -- New Hanover County, N. C. _ MATTER: Real ?state, ?ount? aec. u. s. County Indexee Since 1888 ? To IotoN nam?s? oplq pt COTT A•Z TAE INDEX rer OFFICE ?111?0-?- Anlden6fyingTradeMark SURNAME INITIAL TAB INIECE BY THE COTT INOEX COMPANY, COCUMBUS, OHIO SOlO ?l' OWEN 0. OUNN, NEw ?ERN, NORTH GROLINA NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS DATE MINUTE BOOK Month Day Year Vol. Page 1, County join City on offer to purchase land at Second and Orange St. by Federal Works Agc. 11 15 1943 10 357 2. Authorized negotiation on lease ?y John Nuckton for County land on Prince George Creek. 12 6 1943 10 359 3._ Advisement taken on sale of Hanover Gardens lot to M. L. Ha rriss. 12 13 1943_ 10 361 4..Virginia Le ttly allowed full purchase price on land sold to Government. 1 10 1944 10 363 5.. Emp??oyment of Civil Engineer authorized to relocate Hanover Gardens lot to J.T. Barker. 3 20 1944 10 375 6, S.A. Troy offer to pur?hase Hanover Gardens lot taken under cor?siderati_on. 3 20 1944 10 375 7. Authorized lease to Government for land near Rock Quarry as temporary shelter for prison l€ 10 1944 lU 377 . camp . 8. WiZmington Rea2 Estate Board requested reduction in tax rate. 9. A.F, Grimstead request to buy Hanover ?ardens lot received, no action?taken. 10. Misunderstanding reported by auditor on Chase an? Carr land values recorded by W.L. Burnett, Federal Point. 11,_ Authorized sale of Hanover Gardens lot to P.E. Hoggard & wife for home. _12. Atlantic Coastline Railroad agreement declined on lease of County lancl. 13. City Mana?er advised that Marie Eiden had submitted offer for vacant Ann St. lot. 14.. County purchased land in Rose Hill, Cape Fear Township. l?. M. L. Harris instructed to remove buildings sold to P. E. Haggard. 16. A.H. Hensen offer accepted on buying Hanover Gardens lot. .17., Marethon property owners to sign easement for power line. 18. June 8th action confirmed on high timber cost on Corbett land. 19.. Ri?'zt of way grant authorized for Government power line. 20. W.A. Corbett to trade land, no action taken. 21. Real Es??te Board discussed Airport operations. 22? Southern Bell Telephone Co. permitted to bu?y cables on County land along 4th Street. 23. Notice filed on sale of Surplus Government Real property. 24.. Government lease authorized on Castle Hayne land. 25.. Commissioners entered agreement with Broome Wood Product on lease of Castle Hayne land. 26. Deed authorized on land agreement with Broome Wood Co. 27._ Deed to be cancelled between County and Herbert P. Smith on Hanover Gardens lots ??7 & 8. :28. Offer declined on purchase of Hanover Gardens lot ?? 6. 29. Sale of land referred on Kirby Daniels. ?30.° JeP. Newton referred for leasing Castle Hayne land. 31. City-County land sold to James H. Everetts, deed authorized. 32., Industrial Property Inc. to meet on Real Estate AssessLnents. 33.. Broom Wood Product Co. referred for purchase of land xaear Castle Hayne. 34. Broom Wood Produc? Co postpon?d on purch,ase of land near Castle Hayne. 35. Despite objections George A.Moore was sold land near Broom Wood Co. 36. Sale of land to Broom Wood Co. postponed, 37. Sale of land to Broom Wood Co postponed. 3$. Sa1e of l?nd to Broc?rn W??d c4. rec?ived for consideration, as requested by G.A. Moore. 39.. Sale of land to Broom Wood Co authorized. 40.Plotting of County land approved for sale to J. A. Smith. .41. Sale of Hanover Gardens lot authorized to D. M. Coleman. 42. Committee named on right-of-way deeds for deepening channel at Wilmington Harbor. .43. Right-of-Waay approved over Orrell Bros. land. 44. C.D. Hogue,Sr, payment approved for bids on C;ounty property. 7 IO I944 IO 395 10 2 1944 10 407 10 23 1944 10 409 11 6 1.2 11 1 15 3 19 4 30 4 30 5 14 6 11 6 8 6 8 1 14 8 15 8 12 12 9 1 13 1 13 3 10 6 16 6 23 7 28 7 28 11 3 12 15 12 15 12 29 12 29 1 5 1 12 2 9 3 22 4 19 6 21 7 12 7 12 1944 1944 1945 1945 1945 1945 1945 1945 1945 1945 1946 1946 1946 1946 1947 947 1947 1947 1947 1947 1947 1947 1947 1947 1947 1947 1948 1948 1948 1948 1948 1948 1948 1948 10 412 10 417 10 423 10 432 10 438 10 438 10 440 ?0 444 10 445 10 445 10 476 10 505 10 509 10 530 10 534 10 534 10 548 10 571 10 572 10 577 10 578 10 592 11 5 11 6 11 7 11 8 11 8 11 8 11 13 11 17 11 22 11 33 11 35 11 36 ROADS ' INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES -- New Hanover County, N. C. , MATT R _ ? n[?. u. s. County Indezes $ince 1898 ? YO loea±? nam?s, open at COTT A-2 U{ INDEX I rer OFFICE C.?i?? An Iderttifyin? Trade Merk M0.CE BY THE C07T INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OH10 SURNAME (NITIAL TAE fOLO tY OINEN i. OUNN, NEw ?ERN, NORTN GROLINA 5a I ?y I r ?. j ?,'; NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS DATE MINUTE 80oK ' Month Day Year Vol. Poge i '? ? I l, Safeguarding and beautification programs for Community Drive presented, adopted. ? 2: Chairman authorized to sign agreement to place equipment at Rt. 40 for Standard Oil Co., for storage and handling of petroleum products. ; 3'. Construction nearly completed on Carolina Beach Ave., and $200 held back until fully completed. ' 4: Property owners requested hard-surfacing of Cape Fear Streets, Carolina Beach and committee appointed ! .. ;? to check on petition from them. ; 5: Purchase of 2 tank cars authorized to tarmac Community Drive. 6. Chairman authorized to have blue prints made to show location where Community Drive crosses Mrs. Carrie Helbig's property on Greenfield Lake; purpose is to secure right of way for drive way. 7. Supt. of Road report filed. ' 8. Ross and Attorney named to negotiate with state on camp site issued under Road Act. ', 9. Employment of driver approved to speedup road work. iIO. Certificates of Notaries Public executed concerning various deeds for right-of-way of community Drive ? '. issue. ? ill. Balance of payment authorized for Sneeden and Watson for paving Hamlet Ave. and Cape Fear St. at ? Carolina Beach, except $25 retained until completion of scraping and smoothing. 12. Auditor instructed to include a tank car of tarmac and rock, etc. through June I5 for estimated cost to construct Community Drive. 13. Removal of road surface material from Ft. Fisher Road by Walter Winner under investigation by Board committee. 14. Statement of Highway Funds, prepared by Auditor, due the county by the State Highway Commission. 15. James E. Wade, public works commissioner, urged Board reduce charge for constructing Community Drive. 16. Check of $1,000 recently appropriations from State Bd. of Conservation and Development, to be used ' to aia in erosion work at Fort Fisher. 17. Supt. of Roads report filed. 18. Rock from county quarry given to State Highway Dept. for used on county roads. 19, Inventory of Road equipment taken over by State Highway at $8,506.33 approved and signed. 20. Acknowledgement for appreciation and for final report of Burke H. Bridgers instructed to clerk concerning right of way tor Community Drive. 2I. David Scott thanked Board for work done on Nigger Head Road. 22. Refund of $1,037.05 ordered to City account for overestimates of cost of constructing Drive and resurfacing Bellevue Cemetery Road. 23. Receipt of $4,629 from State Highway was reported for gasoline tax for road work to close. 24. Board voted to furnish office in courthouse for State Highway commission. 25. Payment of $1 to Hattie Taylor approved as Notary Public fees for deed on right of way on community Dr. 26. Repairs to public passage at Carolina Beach authorized at request of taxpayers. 27. Board agreed to let highway cominission use rock from rock quarry to widen State Highway 60. 28. Monthly report filed. 29. Payment of $3.30 to W. B. Thorpe and Co. approved for three toqls roofing for tool house at Greenfir?ld. 30. Louis T. Moore, secretary of Chamber of Comeerce, requested county appropriate $10 for payment for painting of sign at entrance of Community Drive. 31., Chairman named to represent Commissioners on advisory council for beautification of Community Drive. i32. Board allowed highway commission to cultivate land between Stockade and Gordon road. ,33. Board directed communication with state highway commission, and urged payment of rent due county. '34. Contract between cotnmissioners and state highway commission on lease of stockade approved. 05 12 1931 ? 9 107 05 12 1931 9 108 05 12 1931 9 108 OS 18 I931 9 108 OS ZS 193I 9 109 05 25 1931 9 110 06 01 1931 9 110 06 Ol ?_931 9 110 06 O1 1931 9 110 06 15 1931 9 113 06 15 1931 9 114 06 13 1931 9 114 06 22 1931 9 114 06 22 1931 9 115 06 29 1931 9 115 06 29 1931 9 115 07 Ol 1931 9 116 06 29 1931 9 116 07 Ol L931 9 117 07 13 '. . 931 9 118 07 20 1931 9 118 07 20 1931 9 118 07 27 1931 9 119 07 27 1931 9 120 08 10 1931 9 122 09 08 1931 9 126 11 30 1931 9 140 12 07 1931 9 142 12 14 I931 9 143 02 OS 1932 9 151 02 08 1932 9 151 02 15 1932 9 152 03 O1 1932 9 155 03 04 1932 9 157 .._ _ _ . __ -- . .. _ _ .:..._._--_ __ -- _... - _ _ _ _ _ ?-?--- _ _ _ _ .,._ . __ . . - - -_ __ __ ---? -°--- _ ?_?. r-... ? - ? --a, _>_? ._ _ _ _ .. __._ ,. ?,-- . " <, T ROADS C N INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES -- New Hanover County , . . _ MATT R ` ? e¢c. u. s. County Indexee Since 1888 ? t0 loea*s nam?s, Oplh tlt PA1 ovviee ?1?? AhldentifyinC Trade Mark M0.[E BY SURNAME INI?IAL TAR SOLD iY COTT A-2 iA6 INDEX THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, ONIO ONEl1 C. CUMN, MEN ?ERN, NOR7H GROLUTA DATE MINUT E BOOK NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS Month Day Year Voi. Page l. $2,000 received from state highway commission, Chairman announced for renting stockade. 04 25 1932 9 162 2. Request to improve 3-mile road along Gordon Rd. heard; petition requested. 08 22 1932 9 178 3. Public entrance through sand hills authorized for repairs. 08 22 1932 9 178 4. Petition from taxpayers approved, and recommended to state highway dept. for surfacing Southside N. Blvd. 09 26 1932 9 182 5. Petition to repair road along Wrights?r311e Turnpike receiva?d, approved, forwarded to Highway Comm. 11 28 1932 9 192 6. Application to borrow $12,500 for relief directed to director of Local Government for approval. 12 05 1932 9 194 7. J. A. Taylor, Admin. of Relief informed Board that Assoc. of Relief's Trucks protected by liability 12 19 1932 9 195 insurance; licenses secured for trucks. 8. Statement on paving charges for Borden and Keaton Avenues received from Auditor. 01 D3 1933 9 198 9. Dr. R. Bellamy urged relief labor to clear county land, building river front and hiring three women to Ol 16 1933 9 197 accept ferry fares, but no action taken on it. 10. Engineer requested to survey proposed roads connecting Sunset-Winter Parks as Relief Projects. Ol 23 1933 9 200 11. Grading a portion of Atlantic Ave. from "K" St. to Dow Chemical plant, Kure Beach, recommended to Relief O1 23 1933 9 200 Assoc. to provide parking spaces. 12. Requests for road repairs by Relief labor received, and given to Wilmington Relief Assoc. O1 30 1933 9 201 13. Temporary title to truck accepted, loaned to Relief Assoc, by receivers. O1 23 1933 9 200 14. John Flein and L. Allen requested Henry, Evans and Clay Streets in E. Wilmington be included an improvement 02 06 1933 9 204 list by Relief Assoc., and committee named to investigate requests. 15. Klein and Al1en request for Relief Assoc. to repair and upgrade Klein Street in Arcadia, East Wilmington 02 06 1933 9 204 approved by Board. . 16. $12,500 Federal emergency Relief funds received, Chairman announced, and turned over to J. A. Taylor. 02 06 1933 9 204 17. Petition and requests for grading 30 ft. roadway from Carolina Bch. Rd. to Myrtle Grove Sd. and also 02 13 1933 9 205 Martindale Ave. by Relief ASsoc. was referred to Chairman. 18. $1,500 payment to J. A. Taylor for Relief approved for payment. OZ ZO 1933 9 207 19. Committee recommendation to repair streets by Relief projects adopted: Henry St. and others in Montgomery 02 20 1933 9 207 Subdiv.; Foxtown Streets, Rehder Rd. cl?ar off Prospect and Burnett's Cemetery; 23rd St.; Martindale Ave. 20. Dr. J. Sidbury requested repairs to Babies Hospital drainage and road near Masonboro Baptst Church by 02 27 1933 9 208 Relief Assoc., which was received, approved and referred to 12elief Assoc. 21. $410 appropriation granted from County's Emergency Relief Fund to match City's, with $3,00p Fed. Funds. 02 27 1933 9 208 22. $8,250 Federal Emergency Relief funds from Ronald B. Wilson, assistant, to Relief Director, Chairman 02 27 1933 9 208 announced, was turned over to Taylor. 23. Carrie G. Hargrave requested construction of hard surfaced road from state Highway 40 to Myrtle Grove 03 13 1933 9 209 Sound, but referred to committee for report. 24. Requests to hardsurface Masonboro Bluff Rd., improve Blue Clay Rd and construct road along southside 03 20 1933 9 210 of xight of way approved and referred to Relief Assoc. for work. 25. $8,250 Federal Relief Funds, Chairman announced, was turned over to Relief Admin. J. A. Taylor. 03 27 1933 9 211 26. Dr. R. Bellamy requested, declined lease or purchase of land for Relief Farming, for unemployed, construc- 04 03 1933 9 212 tion of Road on River front. 27. $1,000 payment authorized for general relief and $410 for community Relief farm out of county emergenc_y 04 03 1933 9 214 Relief funds for Taylor. 28. Walter P. Sprunt request, approved that relief Assoc. improve old Worth Road leading from state highway 2". 04 03 1933 9 214 29. Sheriff Jones requested, declined appropriations to aid in services of special deputy sheriff at Delgado, 04 17 1933 9 216 Forest Hills & Oleander & Carolina Beach, but county attorney ruled and Board adopted that Sheriff would be reliable for payment of premium on bonds. 30. Ditch along Blue Clay Rd. near Wrightsboro under investigation by Chairman. OS 13 1933 9 218 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - N H C N C ew anover ounty, . . _ MATTERT ROADS ` Re?. v. s. County Indezee Since 1688 TO IOtah IIOMf?. Op?ll pt ? COTT A-Z TA! INDEX „? ? e?T OFFICE ?'JG?? pa ?dentifying Trade Mark SURNAME INITIAL TAB MwE E BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD ?Y OWEN i. OUNN, NEN ?ERN, NORTN GROLINA j,;' ? ?' NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS ' DATE MINUTE BOOK : :? .. Month Day Year . Vol. . Page .. i ? 1. Repairs approved for Old Whisky Creek Rd. via old election house by Relief ASsoc. 05 08 1933 9 219 2. Citizen taxpayers petition of Masonboro Township request for road repairs along Masonboro Rd. by Relief 05 15 1933 9 221 Assoc. approved and turned over to relief assoc. 3. No action taken on M. C. McIver's request for rock to repaiz Carolina Bch. streets by Relief Assoc., 05 15 1933 9 221 but arrangements made to secure rock. 4.. Communication from Relief Assoc. received; and projects uncomplete due to concentration of forces on 05 22 1933 9 223 mosquito control, road projects postponed until fall. S.: Completion of repairs on southern end of McRae St. in E. Wilmington approved for Relief Assoc, as petitione d.05 29 1933 9 223 6. Relief Assoc. authorized to assign force to repair dirt roads in Cape Fear Townsfiip. 06 OS 1J33 9 225 7. Commission action confirmed for Apr. 9 meeting wherein payment was authorized to Taylor necessary due 06 12 1933 9 226 to delay of federal funds from state for payrolls. 8. ? Copy of report from Louis T. Moore to E. B. Jeffress, highway commissioner, urged widening of highway 06 12 1933 9 226 ? 40, and presented to Bd. for endorsement, but conference with Jeffress requested. 9. i Jeffress was requested to repair Macadam Rd. 06 12 1933 9 226 ;10. Payment authorized for Taylor for relief. 06 19 1933 9 228 11. Delegation of property owners, from Marathon Ave., Cape Fear, requested repairs on Marathon by relief 07 03 1933 9 230 Assoc., and Board approved request. 12. B. H. Bridger's advised that area behind Babies Hospital at Wrightsville Beach, Dr. J. B. Sidbury announced 07 03 1933 9 230 ; was agreeable for parking lot, and committee appointed to confer with Sidbury. 13. J. A. Taylor advised reduction. in Federal Relief Funds for July, and told Bo?rd Aug.-Sept. allotment 07 10 1933 9 231 would be less than July and urged 14. Louis T. Moore urged conference between Board and E. B. Jeffress of State Commission on widening of 07 16 1933 9 231 Carolina Beach or relief of traffic from Southern beaches. 15. Sheriff requested J. A. Taylor assign two members of relief force to police duty at Wrightsville Sd and 07 16 1933 9 231 Harbor Island to protect parked vehicle from vandalism and depredations; request approved. 16. Communication from George Moore, Pres. Moore's Creek Battle Ground to George Lucas, Pender Co. Auditor, ?? 24 1933 9 235 urged for formal application to improve "Negro Head" Rd. with federal funds recelved from Chainber. 17. Opening of "Negro Head" Rd included in Federal State Road construction. 07 31 1933 9 236 18. Road leading to Dow Chemical plant, under construction, continued as requested. 09 11 1933 9 250 19., E. B. Jeffress, chm. State Highway Commission, authorized call from commissioners on continuation of 09 25 1933 9 251 road to Dow Chemical Plant. ? 20. State Highway Comm. was requested to repair Eagles Island Rd. I1 06 1933 9 257 21. Recess taken, and board met with J. A. Taylor, civil works admin., at city hall, to submit approval for 11 20 1933 9 259 civil works projects. 22. Petition presented on highway 40 - Blue Clay Rd. connection, then discussed and approved, drainage too. 11 27 1933 9 260 23. Requests approved on Chestnut St., extension if doesn't interfere with airport project. 12 04 1933 9 260 24. R. G. Lytton, Sunset Park manager, applied for street repairs, and board approved repairs to park streets. 12 04 1933 9 260 25. Application amended for civil work assoc. (CWA) project on road near Rt. 30 connection with R?. 40. 12 04 1933 9 260 26. Pender county citizens reported commissioners approved repairs to Negro Head Rd. 12 11 1933 9 262 27. $. Van Bavel presented petition to hard surface and drain Northeast Ave. 12 18 1933 9 263 28. Women's Club applied approved repairs to Cherry Ave., Audubon Blvd. 7th St., Park and Peachtree Ave. O1 1 5 1934 9 266 29. Request for drain at Jumping Run and culvert at Community Dr. referred to Mosquito Comm. 02 05 1934 9 270 30. CWA's J. A. Taylor approved payment to Foy-Roe Co. for rubber boats and to Electrical Supply Co. for 03 26 1934 9 278 electrical work to office. 31. Funds to be secured for beautification of N.C. highways. 04 16 1934 9 281 32. Extension of highway along beaches requested and investigated. 05 07 1934 9 283 1 N C INDEX TO COMMISSIOI?ERS MINUTES -- New Hanover Count? ROADS , . . _ MATTER: _ ^ County Indezea Since 1888 ?' +?.. --? To IotoM nam?s, OEIln Of M0.?E BY THE COTTT N EX COMPANYX COLUMBUS, OHIO eec. u. s. ?, PAT OFFItE ?i?o?' An ldentifying Trade Marlc t??,8 SURliAME INlTIAL TAB SOLD ?Y OWEN i. OUNN, NEN ?ERN, NORTN GROLINA DATE MINUTE BOOK NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS Month Day Year Vol. Page 1. Dr. W. H. Moore request and board voted to secure CWA funds to construct highway along Cape Fear River. 06 18 1934 9 288 2. Exchange Club requested and conference set with highway commission to discuss construct beach highways. 06 25 1934 9 289 3. Board voted to request highways and public works dept. hardsurface Southern Blvd. 07 30 1934 9 294 4. Chairman to confer with highway dept. on improving Southern Blvd. 11 19 1934 9 310 5. Petition presented, approved hard-surfacing of Holly Shelter Rd. 12 03 1934 9 311 6. Project to assign about 200 men to ERA. 12 10 1934 9 314 7. Payment to William Brigham approved Greenville Dr. 12 31 1934 9 315 8. Murray Rd. taken over by State highway and public works dept. 12 17 1934 9 315 9. Payment approved for Greenfield Dr. Beautification project. OI 07 1935 9 317 10. Payment approved for Greenfield Dr. Beautification project. Ol 07 1935 9 317 11. Road from Villa View to Wrightsville authorized construction. Ol 07 1935 9 317 12. Landscape service approved for payment to G. Van Schaack. 02 11 1935 9 324 13. Landscape service approved for payment to William J. Bridgham. 02 18 1935 9 325 14. Greenville Lake project approved for payment of landscape Service. 03 04 1935 9 327 15. Greenfield Rd. planning completed, work carried on. 04 16 1935 9 334 16. Right-of-way easements referred to Chairman. 04 16 1935 9 334 17. Right of way request through Dr. J. W. Stanly property referred to committee. 04 29 1935 9 336 18. L. C. Kure requested approved hardsurface of Atlantic Ave., and referred to Chairman. 06 03 1935 9 344 19. Right of way through Stanly property discussed, but no action taken. 06 10 1935 9 345 20. Hugh McRae requested, approved roadway graded and right of way cleared. 06 10 1935 9 346 21. State Highway machinery for Penter Co. azoads conferred to Highway engineer. 07 08 1935 9 355 22. Delegation requested, approved for state take-over of Mimosa Ave. 07 22 1935 9 356 23. Road survey authorized for Ocean strand. 08 Ol 1 935 9 370 24. Culvert authorized for repairs. 08 O1 1935 9 370 25. Petition from Middle Sound residents forwarded to State Highway Dept. 09 16 1 935 9 380 26. Petition from Masonboro Sound residents forwarded to State Highway Dept. 09 23 1935 9 381 27. Petition requested for State Highway Dept. to take over roads. 09 16 1935 9 380 28. Damages settlement authorized to Wade property authorized if State Highway Dept. locate highway thur it. 09 30 1935 9 382 29. Road repairs to G. Colucci plant, Love Grove, received from him. 10 14 1935 9 384 30. Ditch deepened near Carolina Beach Rd. to drain Horne Farm. 11 12 1935 9 391 31. Damages to Wade's Frog Farm paid from emergency fund as occurred during Chestunt St. extension. 11 12 1935 9 391 32. Edwin Meade requested, approved road repairs, but petition requested too. Ol 06 1936 9 399 33. J. W. Stanley's claim not considered for damages due to Chestnut St. extentions. Ol 13 1936 9 401 34. Conference sch2dule on Wrightsville Beach Rd. held and early schedule arranged. Ol 20 : .936 9 402 35. Petition on surfacing 3rd St. received, approved, and forwarded to State Highway Dept. Ol 20 1936 9 402 36. SpECial request made to correct drainage. 02 17 1936 9 408 37. Chairman to attend conference of Highway Commission. 02 17 1936 9 408 38. Richard L. Player requested, approved highway-public Works to take over Metts and Broodwood Avenues. 02 24 1936 9 409 39. Attention called on Highway 40 and changes requested to eliminate dangerous curve near bridge. 03 02 1936 9 412 40. Roads to be investigated for repairs. 03 23 1936 9 415 41. Repairs to be made on Nigger Head Road. 04 13 1936 9 420 42. Miss E. Hatch requested, referred on filling in road excavation. 04 27 1936 9 423 43. Road treatment request, approved at Redcross Hospital. 05 04 1936 9 425 44. Carolina Beach Roads to be repaired treated. 05 25 1936 9 433 45. Petition to repair roads referred to Highways and Public Works. 06 O1 1936 9 434 46. Petition to repair roads requested, approved. 06 Ol 1936 9 435 N C INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover Count? ROADS , . . , MATTER: ` eec. u. s. County Inde:ee Since f888 ?' To IOCQ?Y 11QOHS? OptR at COTT A-I TA6 INDEX M16CE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, DHIO r?r OFFICE ? An Identifying Trade Mark SURNAME INIiIAL TAB SOLD YY OWEN Q pYNN, NEN dERN, NORTN GROLINA 49 ?. -. y, DAiE MINUTE BOOK ?e NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS ? ?q t Month Day Year Vol. Page 1.;, Walkway requested by Board. 06 22 1936 9 437 2•., Chairman and auditor name for State Highways and Public Works Commission on road improvements. 08 03 1936 9 445 3.'' Improvements requested referred on Community Drive. 08 17 1936 9 449 4. Statement of funds received on County roads. 08 24 1936 9 449 5.'? Pennsylvania and Idlewild Avenues repairs petitioned, approved and referred to Highway Dept. 09 14 1936 9 452 6. .? Hearing to be held on Highway claims. 09 14 1936 .. 9 452 7. Repairs to Meares Road petitioned, approved, and referred to state Highway and Public works. 09 28 1936 9 453 8. Repairs authorized for McRae Avenue. 10 26 1936 9 459 9. Claim for road funds mailed. 11 02 1936 9 463 10. Claim for road funds approved for state committee. 11 09 1936, 9 462 11. Repairs to road near school approved, referred to Highway Dept. 12 14 1936 9 470 12. Effort to secure River road requested, approved. 12 21 1936 9 470 13. Carolina Beach Rd. construction petitioned, approved. 12 21 1936 9 470 14. Improvements on old Wrightsville Road petitioned, approved, then referred to Highway Dept. 03 O1 1937 9 483 15. Improvement to Nigger Head Road requested, approved. 03 08 1937 9 484 16. Provisions made for Roadway across Sunset Park land. 03 15 1937 9 486 17. Rock Hill Roads petitioned, granted hard-surfacing. 03 22 1937 9 487 18. Holly Shelter, Blue Clay and Kerr Ave. recommended in Federal Secondary Roads program. 03 29 1937 9 489 19. Road construction petitioned, approved, referred, along Cape Fear. 04 19 1937 9 494 .20. Road along Ft. Fisher petitioned for improvements but referred to highways and public works. 04 26 1937 9 495 21. Road repairs approved, referred along Ft. Fisher. 05 10 1937 9 498 22. Loop Road at Castle Hayne to be repaired. 05 17 1937 9 500 23. Board voted for repairs to Rock Hill Road. 05 24 1937 9 502 24. Riverside road repairs petitioned, referred to state highways and public works. 05 24 1937 9 502 25.: Board to write highway dept. on Roads. 05 24 1937 9 503 26. List of road projects up for discussion. 06 Ol 1937 9 503 27. Report from highways - Public Works dept. received, declined on roads improvement. 06 07 1937 9 507 28. Highway named as Temme-Sea Trail. 06 21 1937 9 510 29. Request for resolution received, but 6 road projects postponed. 06 28 1937 9 510 30. Market St. lot used on right-of-way for Road, and taxes cancelled. 07 06 1937 9 521 31. Hardsurface of Middle Sd. Rd. petitioned, approved and referred to State Highway and public works. 07 26 1937 9 526 32.. Road construction at Wrightsville Beach urged, not seconded. 08 02 1937 9 526 33. Trask vote no for Wrightsville Beach Rd. construction, but approved Castle Hayne Road funds. 08 02 1937 9 526 34. Hardsurfacing of Old Holly-Shelter Roads petitioned, held in obeyance. 08 09 1937 9 529 35. Roads and parking spaces at Kure Beach requested, taken under consideration. O8 09 1937 9 529 36. Improvements requested for Beasley Bridge. 08 09 1937 9 529 37._ Communication received on newly appointed State Highway Commission. 08 23 1937 9 535 38. Hardsurface of Holly Shelter Rd. petitioned, approved and forwarded to State Highway Dept. 08 16 1937 9 532 39. Road improvements requested, approved and referred to highway commission. 08 23 1937 9 533 40. Road repairs petitioned, approved for Black Swamp Rd. 09 27 1937 9 542 41. Action on Black Swamp Road. opposed. 10 11 1937 9 544 42. Communication received, declined on road extension. 11 Ol 1937 9 550 43. Meeting set in Whiteville on proposed River Rd. project. 11 Ol 1937 9 551 44. Action of April 19 asked to be reconsidered on Holly Shelter Rd. 12 06 1937 9 557 45. Road repairs requested, referred at E. Wilmington. 12 06 1937 9 557 46. No action taken to hardsurface Chestnut Heights. 12 06 1937 9 557 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES -- New Hanover County, N. C. _ pTTER: ROADS _ nec. u. s. County Indexea Since 1888 ? TO lotu?? nam?s? op?n o1 COTT A.2 TAY INOEX r?t OFi1CE ??? An Identifyin¢ 7'rade Mark MIIC E 87 THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SURI#AME INITIAI TAB SOLD t10WEN i. pUNN, NE11 ?EAN, NORiN URDLINA NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS 1. Repairs to Carolina Beach dirt road petition, referred to committee. 02 2. Repairs to Roadrear Market St. petitioned, referred to Highway Dept. 02 3. Communication received on River Road construction. 03 4. Garden Club requested, referred for Road repairs by convict labor. 03 5. Road improvements requested, investigated. . 03 6. Road improvements requested, referred at Winter Park Gardens. 03 7. Road improvements - Williams, Summert Hill, and Winter Park - approved, referred to Highway Dept. 03 8. Communication on reimbursement of Road funds received, referred to County Attorney. 03 9. Communication on Road fund allocations received; to be spent on Carolina Beach roads. 03 10. Old Beasley Road and Bridge added to Road improvement list. 03 11. Road improvement along Wrightsville Turnpike petitioned, approved and referred to Highway Dept. 04 12. Old Federal Point Road petitioned, referred for repairs. 04 13. Decision requested on petition for roads along Middle Sound. 05 14. Material and labor for Wrightsville Beach roads requested, referred to Chairman. 05 15. Traffic hazards along Kure Beach Roads referred to Highway Commission. 05 16. River Road to be included in highway system. 05 17. Trucks, divers, and gasoline given for work on Wrightsville Beach Southern Extension. 05 18. Improvements to state Road petitioned at Masonboro Bluff; repairs requested thru highway dept. 05 19. Roadway connecting old-new Holly Shelter Roads requested via highway commission. 05 Z0. Signs to control speed along Sunset Park school requested, approved and referred to Highway Dept. 05 21. Su`rfacing of 23rd St. along Chestnut Heights requested and committee to present action to Hwy. Dept. 06 22. Roadway connecting old-new Holly Shelter investigated by committee. 06 23. Harclsurfacing of Northern Blvd., ana Cross Streets and Van Buren petitioned, request ado pted 06 24. Re?ort given on State High??ay conference, was received concerning improvements to 23rd, Sunset Park, 07 Holly Shelter Streets. 25. Highway Commission requested, approved take over of Columbia Ave. 07 26. Communication received on adding River Rd., S. 8th St., Williams Ave. Chestnut Extension to highway system. 07 27. Road bridge repairs requested, granted along Wrightsville Highway. 08 28. Widening of state highway 40 requested, grant,ed and referred to Highway Dept. 08 29. Repairs to road along ?hestnut Heights requested, and motion carried. 08 30. Petition referred on repairs to Old Meares Road. 08 31. Contribution declined for safety films for State Commissioners. 09 32. Petition referred on repairing Montgomery Avenue. 09 33. Gd. T. DeVane request referred on regairing Middle Sound road. 09 34. Repairs referred on wash-out Old Ferry Road. 10 35. Mrs. H. Woodwell request received on improving Second Ave. 10 36. Instructions given to improve Central Blvd. 10 37. Communication received, no action taken on clearing slum from Highway 30. 10 38. Complaints on repairs of Nigger Head Rd. carried by motion. 10 39. Rock authorized for Sunset Park driveway and grounds. O1 40. A. S. Wheeler referred on improvements to Rock Hill Rd. Ol 41. Barring of traffic from Greenfield Lakes declined to Recreation director. 02 42. Petition received, referred on repairs to Summer Hills dirt road. 02 43. State Highway Commission was requested to build driveway at Wrightsville School. 02 44. Petition referred on Audubon Ave. improvements. 03 45. Second Avenue referred for improvements. 03 DATE rh Day Year 28 1938 28 1938 07 1938 07 1938 14 1938 14 1938 21 1938 21 1938 Z8 I938 28 1938 25 1938 25 1938 02 1938 02 1938 02 1938 02 1938 16 1938 23 1938 23 1938 31 1938 13 1938 20 1938 27 1938 05 1938 MINUiE BOOK Vol. Page 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 18 1938 9 18 1938 9 08 1938 9 15 1938 9 15 1938 9 29 1938 10 06 1938 10 12 1938 10 19 1938 10 10 1938 10 24 1938 10 24 1938 10 24 1938 10 24 1938 10 03 1939 10 30 1939 10 13 1939 10 27 1939 10 27 1939 10 06 1939 10 06 1939 10 569 570 571 571 571 572 573 574 575 575 579 579 580 580 580 581 584 586 586 587 590 591 593 598 599 601 607 607 607 1 7 9 10 16 19 19 20 20 31 36 39 42 42 43 43 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover Count? N C M?Tr R Ro?s ? , . . _ To loea+? nam?s, o ees. u. s. 'p? ,, County Indexea $ince 1(388 ? p?? O} ?AT OFFICE ?i? An Identifying Trade Mar1c SURNAME INITIAI TAB COTT A-i TA6 INDEX M0.tE BY iHf COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD ?Y OWEN 0. YU NN, NEw {ERN, NORTN GROLINA - 5? n, . a ?s' DATE MINUTE BOOK NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS ?' ? w'a Month .. Day Year .. Voi. Page 4 l., State Highway Commission to repair roadway leading from State Highway 40. 03 06 1939 10 44 2.` Petition referred on improvements to Monroe Streets in Sunset Park. 03 13 1939 10 44 ?, .. 3. ; Committee to investigate request for major repairs along Masonboro Road. 06 05 1939 10 61 . 4.'' Geographer W. H. Phillips declined request to map highways. . 06 12 1939 10 62 5.'; Consideration taken on road and ferry across inland waterway to Seabreeze. 06 19 1939 10 63 6. Repairs referred on road near Catholic Church. 06 26 1939 10 64 7.; Petition referred on repairs to Patilanda Road. 07 10 1939 10 66 8. Action taken for joint conference with Highway commission on truck lane thru city. 07 24 1939 10 68 9. Communication received on inc?ud?ng roaas zn Highway system. 10 16 1939 10 89 10. Dump truck authorized, negotiations to be made. 10 30 1939 10 92 11. Old Wrightsville turnpike intersection widened. 11 30 1939 10 92 12. Petition referred on hardsurfacing road from Old Wrightsville Turnpike. 11 20 1939 10 94 13. Communication received, request granted on improving William and Princess Sts. and Chestnut Extension. 11 20 1939 10 94 14. Van Lewven St. authorized scraping. 12 11 1939 10 99 15. Instruction given to drag Idlewild road. Ol 02 1940 10 104 16. River Road requested naming and designation. Ol 02 1940 10 104 17. River Road named Burnett Blvd. in honor of late R. A. Burnett, roads supt. Ol 02 1940 10 104 18. Half-mile of road on Buna Vista authorized repairs. O1 08 1940 10 104 19. Petition approved to include 23rd st. in highway system. Ol 22 1940 10 107 20. Efforts renewed on widening Carolina Beach Rd. O1 29 1940 10 107 21. Petition referred on improving Rock Hill Rd. 02 05 1940 10 109 22. G. H. Hutaff request approved for repairs on Love Grove Rd. 03 04 1940 10 116 23. State Highway dept. requested to improve Nigger Head Rd. 03 25 1940 10 119 24. Petition refer?ed on widening State-county roads. 04 Ol 1940 10 119 25. Petition referred on improving Mimosa Drive. 04 22 1940 10 122 26. State Highway Dept. urged to resume work on Murrayville Rd. 04 22 1940 10 122 27. Petition presented, take up with Tide Water Power Co. on resuming bus service. 04 29 1940 10 124 28. Petition referred on resurfacing S. 8th St. and Lake Avenue. 05 20 ]940 10 128 29. Petition referred on improving Sunset Park. 06 03 1940 10 130 30. Petition referred on constructing road at Front St. and Maple Ave. 07 08 1940 10 138 31. Petition referred on hardsurfacing Road at Greenville Sound. 07 15 1940 10 139 32. Petition referred on improving Kenwood Ave. Rd. 08 05 1940 10 146 33. Burnett Blvd. added to county highway system. O8 05 1940 10 146 34. W. T. DeVane requested improvements to Middle Sound Rd. 09 09 1940 10 153 35. Improvement requested referred on Summer Hill Rd. 09 09 1940 10 153 36. Improvement requested referred on Forest Hill School Rd. 09 09 1940 10 153 37. Improvement requested granted on Masonboro Rd. 09 09 1940 10 153 38. Ethyl-Dow Chemical plant requested traffic be diverted from certain roads. 10 14 1940 10 157 39. State Highway and Public Works added Burnett Blvd. and Columbia Ave. to system. 10 21 1940 10 158 40. US 74-76 referred for widening from Wilmington to Wrightsville Beach. 10 28 1940 10 159 41. Petition received on repairs to Winter Park roads. 10 28 1940 10 159 42. Petition referred on paving of Mercer Ave. 10 28 1940 10 159 43. Request to improve Nigger Head Rd. made. 11 12 1940 10 162 44. Action correction on Nigger Head Rd. improvements. 11 18 1940 10 163 45. Improvements referred on road near Winter Park. 11 l8 1940 10 163 46. Willetts Realty Co. request approved on state take-over of Glen Arden roads. 12 02 1940 10 167 N C INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MII?UTES -- New Hanover Count? ROADS ' f , . . _ MATTER: ` County Indexee Since 1888 ? TO IOtG?f nam?s, O?NO Ot ¦ec. u. s. q?? ? COTT A•2 TA! INDEX M0.CE B7 THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLU MBUS, OHIO ' ? rAr OFFICE i?o-? Anldentifying Trade Mark SURIiAME INITIAL TA? fOID ?T OWEN i. pUNN, NEII iERN, NORTX GROLINA DATE MINUTE BOOK NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS Month Day Year Vol. ? Page 1. Wrightsville Beach officials requested state pave county roads near Wrightsville Beach. 12 16 1940 10 169 2. Petition approved on improving Montgomery Avenue. 12 16 1940 10 170 3. Motion carried to request state to improve Chestnut Street. 02 24 1941 10 184 4. Motion offered on preparing courthouse yard for parking lot. 03 24 1941 10 190 5. State Highway Commission to close all highways to races. 03 31 1941 10 191 6. J. M. Batton request referred on removing trees, from his driveway. 04 14 1941 10 193 7. Highway Commission requested to consider stop lights for county intersections. 04 14 1941 10 193 8. Request referred on removal of shrubbery on Colonial Drive. 04 14 1941 10 193 9. Highway Corrunission to c?ear ?eaves, grass a?ong highraays to prevent fires. 04 21 2941 ZD 195 10. Dr. George Johnson referred on highway for Greenfield Lakes. 05 12 1941 10 199 11. State Highway Dept. granted use of Air Compressor at quarry. 05 12 1941 10 199 12. Conditions along old Ferry Rd. approved for correction. 05 12 1941 10 199 13. Request approved to include Glen Arden in highway system. 05 19 1941 10 203 14. Petition referred for repairs to Magnotra Place rd. 05 26 1941 10 205 15. State Highway Dept. granted use of RoadroZler. 06 02 1941 10 207 16. State Highway Dept. advised on setting date for me?ting. 06 09 1941 10 209 17. Petition referred on repairs to Henry Street. 07 17 1941 10 216 18. Chestnut Street Extension approved for repairs. 07 21 1941 10 217 19. Request approved, referred for repairs to Middle Sound rds. 07 28 1941 10 219 20. James L. Duffy request referred on including 22nd street in Highway System. 09 08 1941 10 227 21. H. H. Hartis granted request to install signs at Winter Park by prison labor. 09 08 1941 10 227 22. State Highways and Public Works requested to build at Sunset Park. 11 10 1941 10 240 23. Requests for school zone signs referred at Winter Park School. 11 24 1941 10 242 24. Caution light approved for interseetion of US 17 and Gordon Rd. 12 08 1941 10 244 25. Petition approved on dragging of roads at Audubon-Winter Park areas. O1 26 1942 10 254 26. Request to improve Middle Sound Rd. approved. 02 02 1942 10 256 27. Request to relocate Wrightsville Cut-off Road approved. 02 02 1942 10 257 28. N. C. Shipbuilding Co. request referred on closing Central and Northern Blvds. 03 02 1942 10 264 29. Petition referred on placing Northern and Central Blvd. on state map. 03 23 1942 10 264 30. Authority given for prisoners to remove trees along Wrightsville Turnpike highway. 03 30 1942 10 264 31. Road along Middle Sound request place on state road system. 04 16 1942 10 265 32. Petition approved for state take-over of Oleander Drive. 04 16 1942 10 265 33. State Highway and Public Works granted right of way through Winter Park. 04 13 1942 10 266 34. State Highway Dept. proposal approved for adding roads along Shipyard to system. 04 13 1942 10 266 35. More attention requested on dragging and repairs to Winter Park streets. 04 27 1942 10 268 36. No more roads to be a?ded to State system due to War. 04 27 1942 10 269 37. Request to include Winter Park roads in road system sent to Winter Park Service Club. 05 25 1942 10 274 38. Army request agreed on closing of Kerr Ave. for Army reservation; State Highway dept. notified. 09 08 1942 10 291 39. Traffic dept. to minimize traffic along Northern Blvd. to Carolina Beach. 09 14 1942 10 292 40. Highway dept. request approved for repairs to Chestnut Street Extension. 09 28 1942 10 294 41. Coopera?ion given to state on aid in street repairs. 10 26 1942 10 298 42. Motzon reconfzrined authorizing state engineer to control employees parking area. 11 09 1942 10 301 43. Frederick Willetts urged improvements to Park Ave. Extension roadway at Glen Arden. 12 21 1942 10 309 44. State Highway and Public Works requested to widen Chestnut Streets. 03 22 1943 10 321 45. Roads leading from US 117 and From Princess St. requested extension by State Highway and PUblic Works 07 26 1943 10 341 46. State Highways and Public Works to repair road at Smith Creek Bridge. 07 26 1943 10 341 N C INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover Count? ROADS , . . _ MATTER: _ ¦ec. u. s. County Indezee Since 1888 ? To IotnM nam?s, Opltl Yf COTT A•I TA? INDEX MILC E BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, DNIO ? l?a?.. An Identifyin? Trade Mark r?r OFFICE SURNAME INITIAL TAi fOlO ?l' OWEN i. DUNN, NEw ?ERN, MORTH GROLINA aS ? , DATE MINUTE BOOK ?? NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS , Month Day Year Vol. Page , l.l' State Highways to install signal lighC at intersection of Masonboro-US 74-76. 08 30 1943 10 347 . 2.'.? Matter of Sheriff's right to ban parking on Tyler Street referred to C. Attorney. 09 13 1943 10 349 3.?`: State Highway requested to repair Glen Arden road. 11 O8 1943 10 356 4.. Complaints received, regulation passed, on double parking along Harrison Street 11 15 1943 10 357 S.?A Condition on Harrison Street referred to C. Attorney. 11 22 1943 10 357 6.' Petition referred on improvements to Brandon Rd. Ol 31 1944 10 367 ?•i Petition referred on improvements to Monroe Street. 02 28 1944 10 372 8. Petition referred on improvements to Newton Road. 03 ?0 1944 10 374 9. Request approved, adding Newton and Kerr Avenues to State roads. 05 15 1944 10 383 10. State Highway and Public Works to remove brick wall at Sunset Park. 05 ;?9 1944 10 387 11. Petition approved on improving Washington Street. 06 L2 1944 10 388 12. C. Attorney to get information from sCate Highway and Public Works on removal of signs from highways. 06 L2 1944 10 388 13. State Highway and PUblic Works to improve 23rd Street. 08 07 1944 10 399 14. Petition referred on State take over of Live Oak Avenue. 08 21 1944 10 400 15. Selecting name for Road referred to Chairman. 10 16 1944 10 408 , 16. State Highway and Public Works requested to repair Sunset Park streets. 10 30 1944 10 411 17. Ben H. Brown referred on repairs to Bryan Avenue. 11 27 1944 10 415 18., State Highway and Public Works requested to repair Sunset Park School Road. 12 18 1944 10 418 19. Dr. R. V.Gooding endorsed for re-appointment to District Highway Commission. 12 18 1944 10 419 20. W. H. Millican letter received, referred, on bad conditions of Carolina Avenue. 12 27 1944 10 420 21. Petition referred on signal light at intersection of US 40 and Gordon Road. Ol 08 1945 10 421 22. T. T. Betts letter received on Carolina Beach Road curve near bridge; Shrubbery planted. O1 08 1945 10 421 23. G. W. Shepard request referred on repairs to Middle Sound roads. O1 15 1945 10 422 24. H. R. Williams request referred on repairs to Park Ave. and Brandon Road. Ol 29 1945 10 425 25. Park Ave. to be repaired, Brandon Ave. included in state roads. 02 26 1945 10 429 26.? Meters authorized on county property at 3rd St. 02 26 1945 10 430 27.' Letter received on improvements to Fox Town Rd. 04 20 1945 10 436 28. Letter received on improvements to Newton and Kerr Avenues. 04 20 1945 10 436 29. Letter received on improvements to Live Oak Ave. 04 20 1945 10 436 30. Letter received on no improvements to road from Castle Hayne Rd. 04 20 1945 10 436 31. Letter received on improvements to continuation of Live Oak Ave. 04 20 1945 10 436 32. Mrs. J. T. Vicks complained on W. H. Smith obstructing traffic near Seagate. 05 21 1945 10 441 33. State Highway and Public Works to abandon improvements to road along Live Oak and Mercer Avenues. 05 21 1945 10 441 34. State Highway employees invited commissioners to supper. 06 11 1945 10 444 35. State Highway dept. authorized to pave 23rd street in Kenwood. 06 11 1945 10 444 36. State Highway dept. to give attention to improving Park Ave. in Oleander. 06 11 1945 10 444 37. Joint committee named to prepare information on Roads to State Highway Commission. 07 23 1945 10 450 38. Petition approved on including Wallace Ave. in system. 07 30 1945 10 452 39. State Highway and Public Works to repair Wrightsville Turnpike and drainage. 07 30 1945 10 452 40. Motion failed on to mal? streets in Subdivisions. 07 30 1945 10 452 41. Petition referred on paving of Love Ave. and 8th Street. . 07 30 1945 10 452 42. Petition referred on improving Jacksonville Ave. 10 O1 1945 10 460 43. Highway engineer to be written on paving 23rd street. 10 O1 1945 10 460 44. Repairs referred on Nigger Head Rd. 10 08 1945 10 461 45. Highway Engineer letter received; 23 rd street to be paved by summer. 10 08 1945 10 461 _ 46. Petition approved on state talce over of Marathon Ave. 10 15 1945 10 462 N. C. INDEX TO C?MMISSIONERS MINUTES -- New Hanover Count? ROADS T , _ MAT ER: _ eec. u. s. County Inde:ee Since 1888 ? To loea+? nam?s, OplO at ? COTT A-2 TA? INDEX M16tE Bll THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COL UMBUS, OXIO e?r OFFICE l?o.?',' An Identifvin¢ Trade Mark SURIiAMf INITIAL TAB SOLD ?10NEN i. DUNN, NEIN tERN, NORTH GROIINA DATE MtNUTE BOOK NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS Month " Day Year Vol. Page l. Bad condition of Seagate dirt road referred to State Highway. 10 29 1945 10 464 2. Motion carried for Pender-New Hanover County repairs to Nigger Head Rd. 10 29 1945 10 464 3. Petition approved to repair Burnett Bovd. 11 05 1945 10 465 4. Road from Masonboro Bluff requested repairs. 11 05 1945 10 465 5. Petition approved on placing dirt road on map. 12 10 1945 10 470 6. State Highway and Public Works meeting set with Commissioners. O1 14 1946 10 477 7. Petition approved on hard-surfacing of Purviance Creek Avenue. O1 21 1946 10 477 8. Petition approved on state take-over of Masonboro Township road. O1 21 1946 10 478 9. Petition referred on repairs to Hinton Ave. at Seagate. 02 04 1946 10 480 10. H. A. Yost to replace soil he took from his Castle Hayne Rd. premises. 02 04 1946 10 :•80 11. Petition referred on paving road from Gordon and Murrayville Roads. 03 04 1946 10 483 12. Petition referred on improvements to Newbern Ave. 03 04 1946 10 484 13. Petition referred on street paving programs at Seagate. 03 11 1946 10 485 14. Widening Middle Sound Rd. authorized. ?03 11 1946 10 485 15. Petition referred on improving Meares Rd. 03 18 1946 IO 486 16. Ditch along Gordon Road to be cleaned. 03 18 i_946 10 486 17. State highway and Public Works ask to report on approval of March 19 petition. 04 22 1946 10 494 18. Rev. W. P. Ha11as request referred on extending road from Cape Fear Presby. Church. 05 27 1946 10 498 19. Motion seconded on abandonment on streets and roads by State Highway dept. 06 17 1946 10 501 20. State Highway and Public Works to report March 19 petition on Seagate street repairs. 06 24 1946 10 502 21. Petition approved on state takeover of Page Ave. 07 Ol 1 946 10 503 22. Petition referred on improving Greenville Sound roads. Q7 08 1946 10 503 23. Request taken under consideration on improving Montgomery Ave. 07 08 1946 10 504 24. State requested to repair road near Myrtle Grove Sound. 08 05 1946 10 508 25. Mrs. Maude P. Martin declined request for removal of Live Oak Ave. from State list. 08 05 1946 10 508 26. Old fence down along Legion Stadium Road and repairs to Roads authorized. 08 26 1946 10 514 27. Southern Box and Lumber Co. referred on improvements to road to its Love Grove plant. 09 09 1 946 10 515 28. Petition referred on improvements to McRae Ave. 09 09 1946 10 515 29. Repairs to Wallace Ave; Marathon Ave. alreadly on State system. 09 16 i_946 10 516 30. Ogden Civic Club referred for repairs to Middle Sound Road. 09 23 1946 10 517 31. Petition referred on repairs to Cedar Ave. 09 30 1946 10 518 32. State to report on July 15 request for repairs to Montgomery Ave. 09 30 1946 10 518 33. Mercer Ave. added to state system, state reported. 10 14 1946 10 520 34. Petition approved on hardsurfacing Oakley Ave. Rd. 10 21 1 946 10 522 ? 35. Petition referred on state take-over of Greenville streets. 10 28 1946 10 523 36. Road to be added along Myrtle Grove Sd., if agreement signed and power lines moved. 11 04 1946 10 524 37. Petition referred on adding Davis Road to state system. 12 02 1946 10 529 38. Pender County asked to join requests to repair Nigger Head Rd. 12 02 1946 10 529 39. Request made, petition requested on repairing Kerr Ave. 12 16 1946 10 530 40. State request ?pproved on grading Kerr Ave. Extension. 02 10 1947 10 544 41. Request deferred on abandoning Old Meares Raod. 02 24 1947 10 547 42. OId Meares Road abandoned. 03 03 1947 10 548 43. Petition approved on paving Murrayville Community Roads. 03 17 1947 10 550 44. Lawrence Kure request approved on repairs to Dow Road. 03 31 1947 10 555 45. .Petition approved on State takeover of Myrtle Grove Sd. Road. 04 14 1947 10 560 46. Request approved for repairs along Blue Clay Rd. and Wrightsville Turnpike. 05 12 1947 10 564 ? INDEX TO CON?I?IS?IONERS MI?IUTES -- New Hanover Count?, N. C. ne?, u. s. County Indrsee Since 1888 ? To bcah nom?s, Op?n at v?r OFFICE ?Jl?7lCa-?i An tdentifyins "Crade Mark SURkAME INIiIAL TAB NATURE OF PROCEE?INGS SUBJECT ! _ MATTERReal Esta?.e, County - COTi A-2 TA6 INDEX MI66E BY THE WTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, DHIO SOLD ?Y OWEN C. pUNN, NEN ?ERN, NOItTH GROLINA DATE Month Day Year MINUTE BOOK ' Vol. Page , l. Petition to be fill??d on right-of-way thru Orrell Bros land. . 8 2 1948. 11 38 2. T? M. Summer and J.H. Bate and Co. written on granting right-of-way thru their land. _. 8 30 1948. 11 43 :. 3. Authorized offer for right-of-way to J.H. Bates. .10 25 1948 11 53 „ 4. Authorized payment to T. M. Summer for right-of-way. „10 25 1948_ 11 53 . 5. Authorized payment to T. M. Summer for right-of-way. _12 6 1948 ll 61 6. Petition approved for aiding in preparing land for playground. 12 13 1948 11 62 7. Parcel of land frnm W.C& James authorized correction. 12 13 194$ 11 62 8. Reevaluation of property discussed. 12 28 1948 11 64 „ ?. Authorized payment to J.H. Bate for easement over his property. Z2 28 Z9?8 ?? &5 10. Steve C. Barefoot referred to Committee on purchase of County land. 1 17 1949 11 67 11. Sketch of County land presented by A.A. Blake, roadway to be laid out. 1 24 1949 11 68 12. A. A. Blake to buy County land, pending conference with Atlantic Coastline Railroad. 1 24 1949 11 b8 13. Boa-r'd agreed to sell County land to S.C. Barefoot. 1 24 1949 11 68 14. Erroxs in New Hanover Gounty deed to Broom Wood Co. authorized corrected. 3 7 1949 11 79 15. Smith Bros. Supply Co. and Broom Wood Co. to be contracted on more land. 3 7 1949 11 79 16. Conference held on Masonboro Inlet right-of-.way and disposal area. 3 28 1949 11 83 17. Deed prepared, approved for sale of County land to A.A. Blake. 3 28 1949 11 g3 18. Bid of W.P.Burkhimer referred on purchase of County ?iand. 4 11 , 1949 11 86 19. Offer of W.P. Burkhimer accepted on purchase of County land. 4 20 1949 11 87 : 20. Conditions approved ?o erect Commerical Building on Castl?.. Hayne Road. 4 25 1949 11 88 21. No objectior.s on Becker Co. , Sand and Gravel Co. for conveyor belt in County. 4 25 1949 11 89 22. Sale of County land authorized to John W. Roderick. 5 16 1949 11 92 23. Purchase of County land referred on W.P. Burkhimer. _ 5 16 1949 11 93 . 24. Real Estate Board invited to budget meeting. 5 23 1949 11 95 „ 25. G. D. Humphery request of May 31st amended. to carrect error on Masonboro land issue. 6 6 1949 11 98 26. Southern Bell Telephone permitted to install poles at Masonboro-U S 74-76. 7 S 1949 11 104 27. Rent of Couz?.?y land near Legion Sta?it:m agreed for Pony Track. 7 18 1949 11 108 2$. Lease of County land at Legion Field approved to James Clemmons. 7 25 1949 11 110 29. ?urchase of lot 2, block 21, held in a'ueyance for Nathan Cole's client. 8 1 1949 11 111 30. Real Estate Board recommendation received on reducing b?:dget. 8 15 1949 11 11?+ 31. H. B. Garress allowed plants from County Pond and Land. 8 15 1949 11 114 32. Deed received for S?utheri.and Div. lot 24. 8 22 1949 11 116 33. Willie McKeiver to cc?nfer with Rea? Estate Board on City-County land, block 229. 8 22 1949 11 116 34. Reply to Au?ust 20th letter received from P> H.A. on appraisal of land near Hospital. 8 29 1949 11 118 35. K. C. Sidbury again referred on complaint of no de?d for County land. 9 6 1949 11 118 36. Real Estate Board allowed three-man Committee on appraisals. 9 6 1949 11 11??? 37. City Manager's letter received on J. N. Bryant offer o?f Pinehurst Subdiv. lots 1-12 9 12 1949 11 119 block D. for City Park. 38. G.D. Hum?hery ?eferred on error in land from J.T. ?i?.dle to R. Phillips in 1945. 9 12 1949.. 11 120 ?9. S??e of ?i?y-County property block 309 approved to James P?ars??l. ? 9 26 1949 11 123 40. Reply received relative to site for TB Hospital. 10 31 1949 11 131_ 41. Attorney H. E. Rodgers complaint from Middle Sd AME Church received on Board of Educ. 11 14 1949 11 135 „ s?lling Church property_?o.J. W: Reaves. 42, Ll?yd Mintz ?nd Wife referred to Board on Aquatic plants from Silver Lake Road. 11 21 1949_ 11 136 43. D.E. McClammy request for County land on Castle Hayne Road received for consideration. 12 19 1949 ll 142 , 44. Real Estate Board appraisals accepted on 104 parcel.s o? land for City-County. 12 19 1949 11 142 . INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES -- New Hanover County, N. C. ¦e?. u. s. County Indezea Since 1888 j? ? To locu?f nom?s? op?tl af P?r OFFICE ?1?'?'? An Identifying Trade Mark ?? SURNAME INITIAL TAE tlp I @? ?? NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS ?' ; l.' Al1 County roads to be surveyed. 2. E. L. White request referred on state take over of Carolina Beach Road near Blake Dairy. 3. Petition received from Winter Park Service Club on roads. 4.. Petition approved on State take over of Winter Park Roads. 5., J. P. Stanley request referred on Middle Sound Road survey. 6. W. T. DeVane, Jr., request approved on Middle Sound Road take over. 7.' Petition approved on Wrightsville Beach street. 8.; Nigger Head Rd. matter referred to conference with Pender County and Highway Dept. 9. Attention to be calZed an UiZZa View Road. 1?. Information authorized on improvements for Kerr Avenue. 11. Davis Road added to State list. 12. Petition referred on including road along Carolina Beach to River Road in state list. 13. Petition referred on State Take over of Allen's Lane. 14. Communication received on adding of Cedar Street to road list; each half not approved. 15. Petition referred on repairs to Flora Avenue at Gorden City. 16. Petition referred on state take over of First Street and Maple Avenue at Winter Park. 17. Letter from State Highway Dept. received on roads not approved. 18. Petition approved for take over of Wrightsville Beach Road. 19. Bad conditions of Henry Street referred to A. K. Mallard. 20. Petition referred on repairing dirt road at Myrtle Grove. 21. State roads dept. tc, check on approving Carolina Beach roads. 22. Petition referred on take over of cherry av?nue. 23. Petition referred on repairs to Murrayville roads. 24. Petition referred on repaiz?s to Aud?sbon roads. 25. Request approved or. driv?tiay repairs for Mr?. Robinson. 26. Pe?ition ap???oved on Villa Roa3 repairs for Mrs. Robinson. 2'. Fetition approvec? on right of way thru Mrs. Rosa L. Gadd?r gr.r.pe?=;. 28. Petition approved on repairs to Wrightsville Acres road. 29. Petition approved on repairs to Flora Parkway. ? 30. Communication received from State Highway on roads approved. 31.' Letters written on roads to be improved. 32. Petition from Chadbourn hosiery Mills referred on repairs to Raleigh Road. 33.? Petition presented by L. C. Kure on maintaining roadway. 34. Petition approved on repairing Cherry Ave. 35. State Highway report received on funds for roads and bridges. 36. Petition for right of way thru Seagate received, referred to State Highway dept. 37. State Highway communication received on roads added to state list. 38. Hard surfacing of Newton Avenue referred to state highway. SUBJECT ! _ MATTER: ROADS ` COiT A•2 TA6 INDEX MItCF BY THE COTi INDEX COMPANY, COlUM6US, OHIO SOLD ?Y ONEN 0. pUNN, NEM ?ERN, NORTH GROLINA I: DATE MINUTE BOOK ? Month Day Year Voi. Page 39. Petition approved on paving Park Ave. in Winter Park. 40. Petition approved on repairs Audubon in Winter Park. 41. State Highway commission letter received, authorizing monthly meeting on highway discussion. 42. State highway letter received, meeting authorized. 43.; Petition approved for Audubon road repairs. 44. Petition approved for repairs to roadway near Masonboro road. 45. Lindsay Russell suggestion declined on labor and tractor at Smith Dairy and at Bradley Creek Bridge. 46. Sheriff to arrest anyone dumping trash along highways. 05 12 1947 10 564 05 12 1947 10 564 05 12 1947 10 564 05 12 1947 10 564 05 19 1947 10 566 05 26 1947 10 567 06 ?2 1947 10 569 06 ?2 1947 10 569 06 ?2 I947 IQ 569 06 ?9 1947 10 570 06 ?3 1947 10 572 07 J7 1947 10 574 09 15 1947 _ 10 584 09 ?9 1947 10 586 10 L3 1947 10 588 11 LO 1947 10 594 12 Ol 1947 11 3 12 08 1947 11 ?i 12 22 1947 11 6 Ol 12 1948 11 9 O1 19 1948 11 10 02 09 1948 11 13 03 08 1948 11 16 03 08 1948 11 16 04 19 1948 11 22 G4 26 1948 11 23 05 03 1948 11 24 05 03 1948 11 24 05 02 1948 11 25 06 O1 1948 11 29 06 O1 1948 11 29 07 25 1948 11 35 O8 0'L 1948 11 38 08 02 1948 11 38 08 30 1948 11 42 09 27 1948 11 49 10 18 1948 11 52 11 O1 1948 11 54 12 06 1948 11 60 I2 06 I948 I1 60 12 28 1948 11 65 Ol 03 1949 11 65 O1 10 1949 11 66 O1 10 1949 11 66 Ol 31 1949 11 71 Ol 31 1949 11 7I N C INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES -- New Hanover Count? RoADS ? ?" , . . _ MATTER: rtec. u. s. ??j County Inaexea Since I$88 ?? TO IOCG?Y nam?s, 0?11 at COTT A-2 TAB INDEX If11LCE BY THE C07T INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO ( ? ?h? A ld if i T d M i e?r OFFICE , ,? n ent y ng ra e ar c SURKAME INITIAL TAB SOLG YY OWEN 0. O UNN, NEN ?ERM, NORiN GROLINA DATE MINUTE BOOK NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS Month ? Day Year Vol. ' Page 1. Petition approved take over of Lodar's Lane. Ol 31 1949 11 71 2. David Sinclair Requested to withdraw endorsement to W. W. Thompson for Highway Commission. 03 07 1949 11 79 3. Petition received for repairs to River Road. 04 11 1949 1 1 86 4.- Petition referred for repairs to Nigger Head Road. 04 11 1949 11 86 5. Petition approved for repairs to St. Joseph Street. 04 25 1949 11 89 6. Attention called to moving dragline to surface roads. 05 02 1949 11 90 7. Dragline suggested for Blue Clay Road. 05 02 1949 11 91 8. Request to pave Live Oak Ave. approved. 05 09 1949 11 91 9. Petition referrea on hard surfac?ng of Peach Tree Ave. D5 23 1949 11 95 10. Petition approved for'take over of Old Masonboro Road. 05 31 1949 11 97 11. Petition approved for paving of Greenville Seagate Road. 06 06 1949 11 98 12. Petition approved for paving of four Audubon streets. 07 11 1949 11 106 13. State Highway requested to reduce speed limits to 35 mph. 07 11 1949 11 106 14. State highway Chairman acknowledge?ient received on speed reduction. 08 O1 1949 11 111 15. State Highway Chairman A. W. Clark to hold meeting. 08 15 1949 11 114 16. State Highway Chm. A. W. Clark letter received on meeting. 08 15 1949 11 114 17. Attention called to wash out on Park Ave., Winter Park. 08 22 1949 11 116 18. Highway committee recommended four laner to city Wrightsville Beach. 08 29 1949 11 117 19. Highway committee recommended four laner to beaches. 08 29 1949 11 117 20. Highway committee recommended improved highway to Burgaw. 08 29 1949 11 117 21. Answer to be secured from highway dept. on repairing Bonham Avenues. 09 06 1949 11 118 22. A. W. Farrow requested received on repairs to Montgomery Ave., petition needed. 09 12 1949 11 119 23. Safeway Transit Co., written, urging their drivers to q;uit stopping along highway, blocking traffic. 09 12 1949 11 119 24. Petition approved to hard surface Wrightsboro Acres road. 09 12 1949 11 120 25. Petition approved to pave Harper Ave, at Carolina Beach. 09 26 1949 11 122 26. Sept. 28 action confirmed to abandon DT. E. River Bridge at U. S. 117 on completion of state proposal. 10 03 1949 11 125 27. State Highway dept added Twin Oak Road to list. 10 10 1949. 11 126 28. State highway dept. to remove trees from roads. 10 31 1949 11 132 29. Right of way petition endorsed from Carolina Beach manager on extending US 17. 11 07 1949 11 132 30. State Highway Commissioner letter received on extending US 17. 11 07 1949 11 132 31. Mrs. J. T. Vickes approved request that her land not be included in Hinton Ave. right of way agreement. 11 21 1949 11 136 32. Mrs. I. R. Hughes given state right of way agreement form for Mercer Ave.-Live Oak connection. 11 ,?1 1949 11 136 33. Petition approved on right of way agreement for Live Oak -Mercer Avenue connection. 11 28 1949 11 137 34. Petition approved for repairs to Old Military Road. 12 12 1949 11 140 35. Petition received for repairs to Myrtle Grove Sound rd. 12 19 1949 11 142 36. Request received from Winter Park Service Club to include Page Avenue on State list. 12 19 1949 11 143 37. Petition approved for repairs to roa'dway near Myrtle Grove. Ol 17 1950 11 148 38. Petition approved for surfacing of Old Stage Coach Road. Ol 23 1950 11 149 for 39. Petition/repairs approved to Iienry street in East Wilmington. O1 30 1950 11 152 40. Petition approved for repairs to St. Joseph Street. OZ 06 I950 11 155 41. Petition approved for repairs to Clay Street. 02 13 1950 11 156 42. Petition approved for repairs to Public Landing. 02 13 1950 11 156 43. Petition received for repairs to Old State Coach Road. 02 27 1950 11 159 44. Letter received from Pender County on Road at Richards Station. 02 27 1950 11 ?59 45. Petition to be prepared by R. A. Shew for road at repairs of roads. 03 ?6 1950 11 161 45. Mrs. J._ H. James request approved for repairs on roads near Greenville-Seagate Loop Road. + 03 ZO 1950 11 164 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover Count N C ROADS ?, . . _ MATTER: ` xec. u. s. County Indezea Since 1888 ? To loea*s nam?s, opl? at e?r OFFICE ?? An Identifying Trade Mark SURNAME INITIAL TAY COiT A•2 TA? INDEX MILCE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, DHIO SOLD tY OWEN 0. GU NN, NEN ?ERN, NORT . N GROLINA , .. GN ?? DATE MINUTE BOOK NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS ?a ;; Monfh , Day Year Vol. Page ,; . 1.:, Lodar's Lane and Old Masonboro -Beasley Road added to state list but not St. Joseph St., & Mercer Ave. 03 27 1950 . 11 . 166 2.;! Petition approved for repairs to lOth, Park and Peachtree Streets. 04 03 1950 11 168 3.? State Highway dept. communication received on changing meeting date. 04 11 1950 11 175 4. State Highway dept. requested to fix speed limits. 05 15 1950 11 186 5.;' Petition approved for repairs to Nathan Street. 05 22 1950 11 186 6. Letter written on March 13 Petition for repairs to PinecrestDriveway. 05 29 1950 11 187 7., State Highway Dept. requested to adjust problem with Mrs. J. T. Vicks on Hinton ?ve. repairs. 06 26 1950 11 192 8. Petition approved on repairs to dirt road at Seabreeze. 07 03 1950 11 193 9. Instructions given for State Highway dept. to take p,?ompt action to repair Page Avenue. 07 17 1950 11 196 10. Action re-affirmed and construction of more roads opposed that would jeopardise 4 laner to beaches. 07 ?4 1950 11 197 11. Petition approved for repairs to Gordon Road. 07 24 1950 11 198 12. Petition approved for repairs to Victoria Drive Extension. 07 24 1950 11 198 13. Petition approved for repairs to Bonham Ave. 08 07 1950 11 201 14. Kiwanis Club endorsed construction of 4 laner to beaches. 08 07 1950 11 201 15. ., State Highway to install iight at Hugh MacRae Park. 04 14 1950 11 202 16. Endorsement received from Ben McDonald for 4 lare highway to beaches. 08 21 195d 11 204 17. State highway letter on Aug. 3 meeting on additions to state highway system .. 08 21 1950 11 204 18. Petition approved for repairs to County home road. 08 28 1950 11 205 19. Petition approved for opening of Cedar Ave. 08 28 1950 11 205 20. Petition approved for paving road in Masonboro. 08 28 1950 11 206 21. Petition approved for takeover of Bue? Vista Road. 09 05 1950 11 206 22. Efforts pressed for securing 4 laner to beaches. 09 05 1950 11 207 23. Petition referred for repairs to 41st street in Idlewild. 09 18 1950 11 210 24. Statement on four laner to beaches delay, state highway dept. reported. 09 , ?5 1950 11 211 25. Communication received from T. R. orrell on abandoning US 421. 10 L6 1950 11 217 26. Communication received from State Highway on Roads added to State list. 10 16 1950 11 217 27. Request to put P,age ave on state list referred to A. W. Clark. 10 23 1950 11 218 28.. Hugh Morton request granted for cltange in Battle Acre Road. 10 30 1950 11 219 29. Letter received to resurface six roads. 11 06 1950 11 221 .30. State Highway commission requested to re-open road at red Cross Sanitorium. 11 06 1950 11 221 31. State Highways to abandon section of 421. 11 06 1950 11 221 32. State highway reported that 41st and road from Buena Vista added to state list. 11 13 1950 11 223 33. Petition authorized for paving Hawthorne Ave. 11 13 1950 11 223 34. Mrs. J. T. Vicks objected to right of way through her property for repairing Hinton Ave. 11 27 1950 11 225 35. Petition prepared for repairs to Hinton Ave. 1 1 27 1950 11 226 36. Petition presented, opposing re-routing Nigger Head Road. 12 11 1950 11 229 37. PEtition presented to add Peachtree Ave. to State list. 12 18 1950 11 230 38. State Highway reported to add Page Ave. to Adams. St. extension to State list. 12 18 1950 11 230 39. A. W. Clark letter recPived on status of road bond. Ol Ol 1951 11 232 40. A. W. Clark State roads comm. to visit for road discussion. . O1 08 1951 11 232 41. Petition approved for repairs to 43rd street. O1 08 1951 11 233 42. State highway com?ission leCter received on list of roads to be surfaced. Ol 08 1951 11 233 43. Highway letter received that Public Landing road at Greenville Sound added to state list. Ol 15 1951 11 234 44. Petition received on add Porter Neck Road to list. O1 22 1951 11 235 45. Petition received o? ?ate takeover of three roads. Ol 22 1951 11 235 46.. State Hig?way letter mailed approving construction to US 17. O1 29 1951 11 236 N. C. INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MII?UTES -- New Hanover Count? ER ROADS r`,?' , _ MATT : ` xec. v. s. 'pr County Indexea Since IB88 ? To loca+? names, open ef WTi A•2 TAB INDEX k MIIL E By THE ?OTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, DHIO ? ? A ld if i T d M wp n ent y ng ra e ar ?AT OFFICE SURIiAME INITIAL TAB SOID YY OWEN fr. p UNN, MEII ?ERN, NORTH GROLINA DATE MINUTE BOOK NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS Month ? Day Year Vol. Page l. Petition referred on repairs to Park Ave. Ol 29 1951 11 237 2. Petition referred on repairs to Castle Hayne Rd. Ol 29 L951 11 237 3. Petition referred on repairs to US 17. O1 29 1951 11 237 4. Carolina & Kure Beaches officials expressed concern on current road program. 02 05 1951 11 238 5. Motion offered for State Highway commission to discuss road program in meeting. 02 05 1951 11 238 6. Petition approved on paving Jacksonville Ave. 02 13 1951 11 240 7. State Highway approved take over and ?.ve Porter Neck Road. 03 05 1951 11 246 8. Rev. G. W. Shepard referred on reduction of speed at Gordon Road-Ogden. 03 12 1951 11 246 9. J. E. L. Wade requested opening of Wilson Ave. in Highwood Park. 03 IZ Ig51 II 247 10. State Highway letter received on investigation of 34 mph speed limit and caution light, both at Ogden. 04 02 1951 11 252 11. Dr. H. W. Jordan, Highway chm. to be written to repair road thru Hinton Property and improve bridge. 04 09 1 951 11 254 12. Herbert Hewlett referred on paving of Audubon Ave. 04 16 1951 11 255 13. Petition referred for repairs to Trask Road. 04 16 1951 11 255 14. Petition approved on repairs to Station Road. 05 07 1951 11 259 15. State Highway letter received Peachtree St., Park Ave., Williams Community Rd. added to state list. 05 04 1951 11 260 16. Petition referred on paving Myrtle Ave. 05 14 1951 11 260 17. L. E. Whitfield letter received on abandonment of Old Rt. 421. 06 11 1951 11 265 18. Elm Rd. and airport road added to state list. 06 11 1951 11 266 19. State Highway Dept. referred to C. attorney on land lease proposal. 07 02 1951 11 267 , 20. Payment to Herbert Bluenthenthal and wife authorized for balance on Cape Fear land. 07 09 1951 11 269 21. Authority given to write A. W. Clark for conference. 07 09 1951 11 270 22. Aileen Smith letter received advising on Clark's vacation. 07 17 1951 11 270 23. Petition referred on repairs to Cherry Ave. 07 23 1951 11 273 24. Previous petition status checked for roads work. 07 23 1951 11 273 25. Petition referred on repairs to Channel Drive and AuditoriumStreet. 08 06 1951 11 277 26. Sources of Revenue provided for Wrightsville Beach Highway, and Bridge over Fishing Creek to be completed. 08 06 1951 11 278 27. Report authorized on all road funds. 08 06 1951 11 278 28. Board voted to request paving of Central Blvd. 08 20 1951 11 281 29. Copy of City county action received on truck route through City. 08 20 1951 11 281 30. Petition referred on hardsurfacing Halbrook Ave. 09 17 1951 11 287 31. Dr. F. W. Avant given form for repairs to Carolina Beach Fishing Pier Road. 09 24 1951 11 289 32?. Prospect CemetPry Road approved addition to state system. 09 24 1951 11 289 33. Trask Rd., Ni?n Blvd., Castle Hayne Station Rd., and Castle Hayne Rd. approved addition to state system. 09 24 1951 11 289 34. A. W, C1ark to furnish statement of road expenditures. 09 24 1 951 11 289 35. State Highway letter received on approved roads to highway system. 10 22 1951 11 296 36. Fund appropriated for Oak Grove Cemetery Road. 10 22 1951 11 296 37. Petition referred to hardsurface Wrightsville Acres Road. 10 22 1951 11 296 38. Board voted to request state Highway dept. to install'caution light at Catholic School. 10 29 :.951 11 299 39. Mixed asphalt application for courthouse parking lot continued for studX. 11 05 1951 11 300 40. State Highway Dept. requested to improve shoulder of highway at Legion Stadium. 11 12 1951 7.1?t 301 4 1. State highway conference reported that plan for widening beach highway still on table. 11 12 1951 11 302 I 42. H. C. Dixon given state form for Oak St. repairs and drainage petition repaired for paving Elm st. 11 19 1951 11 302 43. I. E. Whitefield letter received, sent to peitioners for light at US 17 and Kerr Avenue. 11 19 1951 11 303 44. Petition referred for repairs to Military Road. 12 10 1951 11 307 45. Pe?ition referred for repairs to Jacksonville Street. 12 10 :.951 11 307 46. Petition referred for repairs to Franklin Drive. 12 10 :_951 11 307 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES -- New Hanover Count?, N. C. _ MATTER: ROADS ` aec. u. s. 's???? Counry Indexee Since 1888 ? To lotoh nant?s? Op?D at COTT A•2 TA? INDEX ??K,o-?ci An Identifying Trade Mark MILC E BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUf, OH?O r?r OFiIGE fUR1iAME INITIAL TAY SOLD ?T ONEN i. YUMN, NEN tERN, NORTtl GROLINA aa . ? ?? f? _ " NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS DATE ? Month Day Year ?? MINUTE BOOK . Vol. Page " f l.'; Petition referred for repairs to Swart Road. 12 31 1951 11 309 2.I City Manager notice received with resolution for paving road to relieve stadium traffic. O1 ?7 195? I1 310 3.? Instructions given for conference with State Highway Commissioner A. W. Clark. 02 11 1952 11 317 4.'. Mrs. T. Christenson complaint received on mud holes in Park ave. and road near her home. 02 18 1952 11 317 5." Ben McDonald reported bad holes in road at Winter Park school. 02 18 1952 11 317 6. Suggestion made to haveState Highways and Public Works to map out Legion Stadium's North boundary for 02 18 1952 11 318 paving. 7. Petition received for paving Park Abe., Audubon. 03 03 1952, 11 320 8. Route I: All traffic south via Burnett, Shipyard, Winter Park, Kerr Ave. other roads marked "A" &"B". 03 25 1952 1I 325 9. W. E. Sissons for 6 oil companies presented recommendations for 2 truck routes. 03 24 1952 11 325 10. Route I designated for trucks. 03 24 1952 11 325 _ 1Z. Route II: all traffic south of city via Route I to US 17. 03 24 1952 11 325 12. Detailed discription and recommendations under consideration. 03 24 1952 11 325 13.; Delegation opposed truck route through Winter Park; meeting held; Ben McDonald request referred for storm 03 31 ]952 .. 11 326 windows. 14. Petition read opposing truck route via Winter Park. 03 31 1952 11 326 15. Petition referred for repairs to Stokley Drzve. 03 31 1952„ 11 327 16. Truck route matter discussed. 04 07 1952 11 330 17. Study survey suggested for truck route problem. 04 07 1952 11 330 18.. Mrs. T. Christenson complaint filed on mud holes at 431 and Park Ave. _ 04 15 1952 11 331 19. B. H. Bridgers Committee on truck route matter recommended survey study by engineer, but no action deemed. 04 15 1952 11 331 20. Petition referred on Youpon Dr. and Express Dr. 04 21 ]952 11 332 21. Petition referred on Seagate Cemetery Road. 04 21 1952 11 332 22. Winter Park residence request referred for repairs to 4th street. 05 12 1952 11 336 23. Roads abandoned by May 1 state meeting. 05 19 1952 11 337 24. State Highway and Public Works approved abandonment of Canal St., Harper Ave., Burk St., Central Blvd., 05 19 1952 11 337 Colonial Dr., Country Club Blvd., Community Dr., and 4th street. 25. Petition referred for repairs to Bor_ham and Page Avenues. 05 19 1952 11 337 26. Petition approved to surface Greenway Ave. and Lullwater Drive. 05 26 1952 11 338 27. Third Div. Highway engineer to be written on traffic arrangement at US 17-New Wrightsville Bch intersec. 06 02 1952 11 339 28. Miss. F. C. Rann complaint received on. dust from unteated Driveways at New N. 17th Drive-In. 06 16 1952 11 341 29. Petition referred £or repairs to Franklin Ave. 06 16 1952 11 341 30. Recommendation to Gov. approved to extend 4-way highway over US 74-76 to Seagate. 06 16 1952 11 343 31. Additions to Stokely Drive, 43rd st. or A. F. Williamson Cemetery Rd. not approved by state. 06 23 1952 11 344 32. Petition approved for surfacing of Road from Wrightsville Ave. to Maple Ave. 06 30 1952 11 345 33. Petition received for repairs to road in Masonboro. 07 14 1952 11 350 34. Petition received for paving of Park Ave. 07 21 1952 11 351 35. Petition returned to R. B. Davis for correction on Nixon Blvd. Extension. 07 21 1952 11 352 36. Petition approve for repairing Dixie Ave. 07 28 1952 11 355 37. Petition approve for repairing Arlington Drive. 07 28 I952 11 355 38.a Petition referred for reducing speed on Oleander Drive. 08 11 1952 11 358 39. Copy of letter received on state highway dept. declining light at Catholic School near Castle Hayne. 09 08 1952 11 363 40. Petition requested from R. B. Davis on Porter Neck Extension; letter written. 09 08 1952 11 363 41. Petition referred for state additions to Old Mill and Rivenbark Roads. 09 29 1952 11 367 42.; Petition referred for hardsurfacing Purviance Creek Road. 09 29 1952 11 367 43. Notice received, Park added to state list. 10 20 1952 11 373 ROADS INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES -- New Hanover County, N. C. _ MATTER: _ \ nec. u. s. '/??? Counry Indexes Since 1888 ? TO IoCO?f no1MS? Op?n of COTi A•Z TAB INDEX r?r OFFICE ?pJ?o?-zc:c An Identifying Trede Mark MItC E BY TNE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, DHIO SURKAME INITIAL TAB fOLD iT ONEN i. GUNN. NEN ?ERN, NORTM UROLINA NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS 1.' The following added to state list: Bonham Ave., Yaupon and Cypress Ave., Greenway Ave., Lullwater Dr., Franklin St., Arlington Ave., Maple Ave., Dixie Ave., Loop Rd., Maple Ave. 2. Ocean-Highway Association granted appropriation from advertising fund. 3. Petition referred for paving Kinston Ave. 4. Instruction given to check with State Highway Safety Div. on reduced speed limit on Oleander Dr. 5. Petition approved for paving Nigger Head Road. 6. Letter to state Highway dept. authorized on abondonment of light at 46th st. arrlOleander Drive. 7. Petition referred for paving Henriksen Ave. $. Petition referred for paving Peachtree St. prior to Park Ave. , 9. Petition returned for correction for repairs to Strawberry Ave. 10. Petition referred for paving Bradley Creek road. 11. Petition referred for hardsurfacing Masonboro Loop Road. 12. Request referred for take over of Vance St., and Worth Drive. 13. Petition referred for hardsurfacing Road thru Wrightsboro Acres. 14. Request approved from Fred Willetts to include Jenning Drive. 15. Request approved from Willetts for state to include Winston Blvd., Stratford Blvd. Larchmont Drive., and Latimer Drive. 16. Request acknowledged on adding Vance St. and Worth Dr. to list. 17. Old mill and Rivenbark Roads added to state list. 18.. Part of Old Nigger Head Road take over by state; but not portion near Pender County line. 19. State written on moving garage on castle Hayne road to Prison site. 20. Petition referred for repairs to road in Harnett. 21. State roads requested to install light at Carolina Beach-River Roads intersection and at Oleander Dr. 22. State highway engineer L. E.Whitfield letter received on route changes on US 431; US 74 extended; US 76 remains same. 23.__ Objection raised on route changes. 24. Motion carried to request US 74-76 be left unchanged; US 17 to Wr.Bch. designated alternate 74A. 25. G. E. Hughes letter received on installing "slow-children playing" signs on Devon Park. 26. G. C. Stromsoe letter received on repairs to street in 3800 block on Peachtree st. 27. petition referred for repairs to Harnettroadway. 28. Petition referred for repairs to Southerland-Koonce Rd. 29. Petition referred for repairs to Harnett roads. 30. Requests referred for repairs to Oak Ave, Henry St., and Evans and Clay Streets. 31. Advice received and Pine, Washburn Streets and Wallace Ave., added to state list. 32. G. H. Hutaff given reason for hold-up on Princess St. paving. 33. Petition approved on widening Castle Hayne Road. 34. Petition referred for repairs to Evans st., Oak st., and Clay st. 35. Roads and Bridges assets charged off general ledger since taken over by state. 36. Historic Commission letter recieved to extend US 117. 37. Mrs. M. B. Keever letter referred for restricted speed limit in Devon Pk and Longwood or Bryan Ave. 38. Petition received for hardsurfacing Bryan Ave. and Old Brick Yard Road. 39. Petition referred for closing streets in Flemington Subdiv. 40. Petition listed for closing streets in Flemington Subd?.v. 41. Mrs. Elizabeth Christ letter received, thanking board for dressing Pine St., but requests sign with name. 42. Complaints referred to solicitor for closing of Mercer Ave. road. 43. State Highway Commission letter received on paving of more streets. DATE MINUTE BOOK Month Day Year Vol. ? Page , 10 20 1952 11 373 11 03 1952 11 375 Ol 12 1953 11 391 Ol 12 L953 11 391 dl 19 1953 11 392 O1 19 L953 11 392 O1 26 1953 11 395 02 02 I953 II 397 02 09 1953 11 399 02 16 1953 11 401 02 16 1953 11 401 02 16 1953 11 401 03 02 : _953 11 403 03 02 1953 11 403 03 02 1953 11 403 03 02 1953 11 404 03 02 1953 11 404 03 09 1953 11 406 03 30 1953 11 411 03 30 1953 11 411 04 13 1953 ,, 11 414 04 20 1953 11 415 04 20 1953 11 415 _, 04 20 1953 11 415 05 11 1953 11 420 05 11 1953 11 420 05 18 1953 11 422 06 O1 L953 11 425 06 08 1953 11 426 06 15 1953 11 428 06 15 1953 11 428 06 15 1 953 11 428 06 29 1953 11 432 06 29 1953 11 433 06 29 1953 11 432 07 06 1953 11 435 07 13 1953 11 435 07 20 1953 11 437 07 27 1953 11 439 07 27 1953 11 439 07 27 1953 11 441 08 03 1953 11 442 08 10 1953 11 444 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover County, N. C. , MATTER• Ro?s _ ¦ec. u. s. ?7?, _- County Indezee ?ince 1888 ? Yo loto?a nam?s, Opln Ct MIICE Bti THE COTTTINDEX [OMPANYX COLUMBUS, OHIO r?r OFFIGE C.?//7? An Identifying Trade Mark fURNAME INITIAL TAB SOLD ?T OWEN i. YUNN, NEII ?ERII, NORTN GROLINA Fi . fd ?' NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS DAiE MINUTE BOOK ?? Month Day Year Vol. Page r, ai r. 1. Maps of roads in Cape Fear presented by G. H. Hutaff. 08 ., ? 2.` Berry Williams objected to 35 mph speed limit. 09 3.' Carolina Beach petition referred for speed zones. 09 4.? State Highway letter read on approval of additions to US 74-76. 09 5. State Highway letter read on 35 mph speed signs in Maffit Village. 09 6. State highway letter received on 35 mph speed signs in Maffit Village. 09 7. Petition referred for repairs to Seabreeze Road. 10 8. State Highway letter acknowledged, and speed zone on US 421 from Maffitt Village to Echo Farm not warranted.l0 9. Mrs. Marion K. Walker referred for Winter Park road clearing. IO 10. State petitioned to grade and surface roadway thru Hugh MacRae Park. 10 11. Petition filed, Public Hearing called on closing Fleming st., and Second St. 11 12. No reason to take action on Mrs. Walkers request. 10 13. PHA petition discussed for state take over of Maffitt Village streets. 14. Petition referred for hardsurfacing Stokley Drive. 15." Request declined for continuation of road peition; hearing set. 16. Report received and 4th st., Atlanta Ave. and Nigger Head Ra back on list. 17. Petition referred for paving Allens Ave. 18. Petition to be heard on closing of Flemington street 19. Petition to be amended on closing of Flemington street. 20. S. B. Frink declined dismissal of action on closing of streets, and refused to participate in hearing. 21. After hearing, resolution adopted. 22. Petition referred for state take over of Lullwater Drive. ,23.,, Petition referred for repairs to Watters Road, Harnett. 24., Seabreeze Road added to state list, State highways reported. 25. Six county road report received on road work and bridge work. 26. Road report received on repairs to road near Whiskey creek. ; 27.. Road report received on work to road near Becker's Supply. 28. Road report received on work to road near Maffitt Village. 29. Road report received on work to Flemington road. 30.? State Highway letter received, approved additions to Hugh MacRae Park roads. 31. Petition referred on road work to Old Wrightsville Turnpike. 32. Petition referred for hardsurfacing Victoria Drive Extension. 33. Petition referred for State take over of Old Crest Drive. 34. Petition referred for paving road in Old Crest Development. 35. Petition referred for continued paving of Park Ave. 36. Petition not approved on Clay Street; letter written to find out why. 37. State I?ighway Comm. C. H. Trask letter on thanks received on opening of New 3rd Div High. Shop. 38. Petition referred farhardsurfacing Franklin St. 39.. Petition referred for hardsurfacing Lullwater Dr., and Jacksonville Ave. 40. Petition referred for road work to Old County road. 41. Requests declined for additions to Bryant Ave. 42. Petition referred far•hardsurfacing Myrtle Ave. 43. Petition referred on repairs to Hoggard Drive. 44. Petition referred on repairs to Winston Blvd. Extension. 45. Petition referred for roadwork on Strawberry Ave. 46. Dan Herring advise? County could not accept his offer on land on Old Wrightsville Turnpike. 31 1953 11 02 1953 11 02 1953 11 14 1953 11 14 1953 11 28 1953 11 12 1953 11 19 1953 11 19 I953 IZ 26 1953 11 02 1953 11 26 1953 11 11 16 1953 11 11 16 1953 11 11 23 1953 11 11 23 1953 11 11 23 1953 11 11 30 1953 11 12 03 1953 11 12 03 1953 11 12 03 I953 11 12 28 1953 11 O1 11 1954 11 O1 11 1954 11 Ol 18 ]954 11 Ol 18 1954 lI O1 18 1954 11 Ol 18 1954 11 O1 18 1954 11 02 15 1954 11 03 Ol 1954 11 03 Ol I954 11 03 Ol 1954 11 03 08 1954 11 03 08 1954 11 03 15 1954 11 03 29 1954 11 03 29 1954 11 451 451 451 453 453 455 459 461 ?62 462 463 462 465 465 466 467 467 469 470 470 470 477 478 478 480 48Q 480 480 480 486 489 489 489 491 491 493 496 496 03 29 1954 11 496 03 29 1954 11 496 03 29 1954 11 497 04 05 1954 11 498 04 12 1954 11 500 04 12 1954 11 500 04 12 1954 11 500 04 12 1954 11 S00 C N INDEX TO COM?IISSIONERS MINUTES -- New Hanover County RoADS ! ?? ?" , . . _ MATTER: _ REG. U. S. ??j. ? COllflty IpdGZGS Since 1888 ? To lota?? eemel? op?? pt COTT A-2 TAB INDEX Trade Mark 81A?E E BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, DNIO PAT OFFICE C ? ap//??' An Iden6f in LtNA A IA TAB . . y g SURK ME INIT L SOLD iY O NEN 6. GU NN, NEN tERN, NORTN GRO DATE MINUTE BOOK NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS , Month Day Year Vol. Page " l, Letter received from G. S. Stromsoe on needed repairs to Peachtree St; State Hwy notified. 04 12 1954 11 500 2. Lion Bldg. Committee to make detailed sketch of roadway of Market St.for repairs. 04 20 1954 11 505 3. Lullwater Dr. and Peiffer Ave. added to state list, Hwy dept. reported, but not Allen`s Dr. 04 20 1954 11 506 4. Attention called to traffic hazard at Wrightsville Beach and Seagate, but referred to Hwy dept. 04 26 1954 II 508 5. Petition referred for state take over of old Carr line rd. 05 03 1954 11 510 6. April 29 meeting approved addition of Williamson Dr. to State list. 05 17 1954 11 514 7. Davie Dr. approved to state list, state Highway dept. reported. 05 17 1954 11 514 8. Cathoun Dr., Marion Dr., Rutledge Dr., Summer Dr., Morgan Dr., Hooper., & Williamson Dr., approved to 05 17 1954 11 514 State list, state Highway reported. 9. Pem St., Ward St., Graham St., and Dare St., approved to State list, Hwy Dept. reported. 05 17 1954 11 514 10. Petition referred for paving Carlton Ave. 06 Ol 1954 11 517 11. Question raised on petitioners 50 ft. right of way meeting approved of state for Carlton Ave. 06 O1 1954 11 517 12. Letter on paving 50 ft. of Carlton Ave. rather than 60 as permitted by state received from Hwy. Commission. 06 07 1954 11 518 13. Petition to pave Wilanda Dr., received, but no action taken. 06 07 1954 11 519 14. Petition referred for adding Myrtle Grove Rd. to state list. 06 28 1954 11 525 . 15. Acknowledgement received to reduce speed limit in Winter Park & in Hugh MacRae Park. 06 28 1954 11 525 16. Oak Leaf Dr., and OakCrest Dr., added to state list. 06 28 1954 11 525 17. State Highway Dept. to investigate turning of traffic at Masonboro-US 76 light at Hugh MacRae Park. 06 28 1954 11 525 18. Information received on petition to improve and extend old Military Rd. in Federal Point. 07 06 1954 11 528 19. Petition referred for state take over of Strawberry Ave. 07 26 1954 11 533 , 20. Petition referred for hardsurfacing Myrtle Grove Ave. at Seagate. 21. Petition referred for state take over of Masonboro roadway. 22. Petition referred for state take over of Long Leaf Hills Drive. 23. Petition referred for paving road on N. 43 st. at Winter Park. 24. Petition referred for paving road at Harnett Township. 25. State Highway letter read on turning right on red light; permitted. 26. Petition referred for road at Castle Hayne. 27. Willetts Realty referred for hardsurfacing MeDonald Dr., Ashley Circle, Larchmont Dr., Winston Blvd., & Hoggard Dr., in Devon Park. 28. Hoggard Dr., at Devon Park, Winston Blvd., and Carlton Ave. At Cape Fear added to state list. 29. Petition referred for Repairs to roadway at Harnett. 30. Letter of thanks authorized to State Hwy. Dept. for removal of debris fram high?aay at Harbor Island. 31. Petition referred for take over of Cardinal Dr., Timber Lane, Long Leaf Dr. 32. Purchase of Power Saw for dra?line work referred to Chariman. 33. Petition referred on repairs to 43rd st., Winter Park. 34. City requested to provide more free parking spaces for tax payers. 35. Additions approved for N. 23rd and Cedar Ave., Harnett. 36. Additions approved for Park Ave., Winter Park, Long Leaf Hills Dr., Rivenbark Rd., Middle Sd-Walters Rd 37. Additions not approved for Myrtle Grove Rd. 38. Charles T. Burke referred for change of MacRae St., in Foxtown to MacRae St., in Wilmington. 39. Petitions referred for repairs to Park Ave. Azalea Blvd. and Seagate Cemetery Rd., 40. List of duplicate street names submitted. 41. Petition referred for repairs to road in Harnett. 42. Petition referred for hardsurface of road in Masonboro. 43. Notice on Jan 27 meeting approved addition to Old Carr Rd., C?;rdinal Dr., and Cross Street. 44. Petition referred for hardsurfacing 47th st in Winter Park. 07 26 1954 11 533 08 02 1954 11 535 08 23 1954 11 537 09 13 1954. 11 540 09 13 1954 11 540 09 ZO 1954 11 542 10 11 1954 11 545 11 O1 1954 11 550 11 Ol 1954 11 550 11 08 1954 11 552 11 08 1954 11 553 11 22 1954 11 555 12 20 1954 11 563 O1 03 1955 11 564 Ol 03 1955 11 565 Ol 10 1955 Z1 566 Ol 10 1955 11 566 Ol 10 1955 11 566 Ol 10 1955 11 567 O1 31 1955 11 571 O1 31 1955 11 571 02 07 1955 11 573 02 07 1955 11 573 02 14 1955 11 575 02 14 1955 11 575 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover County, N. C. ne?. u. s. 'A??? County Indexes Since 1888 A/ ? To lota+? nam?s? op?n ot v?r OFFIGE ?,?i?iLO?i An Identifying Trade Mark ?? fURNAME INITIAL TAB ;? '?''? NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS ?° l.+ Petition referred for including Parkway Dr. , in state system. 2. Petition referred for widening Live Oak Ave. 3. Petition referred for repairs to Park Ave. 4. Petition referred for hardsurfacing Aa?lea Blvd. 5.? Petition referred for hardsurfacing Short cut to Carolina Beach Road. 6. Feb. 24 action approved additions to Tennessee St., Maple St., and Alabama St. 7. Highway Comm C. H. Trask letter received on keeping Old Carr Line right of way same. 8. Petitioners meeting to be held on highway thru Winter Park. 9. Petition referred for widening Roadway in Harnett. 10. Petition referred for repairs to Lennon Drive 11. State Hwy. letter received on conveying Old Carr Line Rd., to county. 12. Petition referred for paving St. Joseph Road. 13. Petition referred Protesting highway thru Winter Park at 46th st. 14. Petition protesting highway thru Winter Park received. 15. Rerouting of Winter Park Rd. approved. 16. Petition referred for repairs to Murrayville Road Extension and Chadwick Ave. ? SUBJECT ! _ MATTER: ROADS a COTT A-Z TA! INDEX MII?CE Bll THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD ?T OWEN 0. OYNN, MEN ?ERN, NORiN GROLINA DATE MINUTE BOOK ; Month Day Year Vol. Page 02 21 1955 11 577 ? 17. Petition referred for repairs to Henry St. 18. Petition referred for repairs to Bellwood Farm Road. 19. Petition referred for paving Piney Acres Sub-Dviision, Harnett. 20. June 30 action approved addition to Azalea Blvd in Azalea Heights, Publip Ave., Roseland Ave., Verbena Ave., Azalea Blvd., Park Ave. in Seagate, Davis Road at Porters Neck, McDonald Dr. at Devon Park., Ashley Dr. at Devon Park, Larchmont Dr. at Devon Park. 21. June 30 action not approved addition to 43rd st., road to 47th St., US 76 to Greenville Sound, Azalea Blvd., St. Joseph St. Extension to Carolina Beach, Murrayville Rd. extension. 22. Petition referred for repairs to Francis Marion Dr., Midland Dr., Adelaide Dr., Parkway Blvd. 23. Petition referred for state maintenance of Oak Leaf Dr. 24. Petition fxom C. W. Meschoe referred for repairs to road in Cape Fear. 25. Petition from C. W. Meschoe referred for work to Old Mill Road. 26. Petition referred for repairs to Myrtle Grove Ave. in Seagate. 27. Dragline drainage report received, 9500 ft. completed in Black Swamp 28. Mr. L. R. Blake ask for improvements to a road in Dumbar plantation. 29. Petition a?lright of way agreement received for drainage. 30. Petition for road improvement Harnett Township. 31. Approved petition to pave and drainage to roads in Azalea height. 32. Petition approved road grading Harnett Township. 33. Petition for improvement of road in Federal Point Township. 34. Petition approved for improvement of roads. 35. Harnett Township, Federal Point Township and Winter Park. 36. Eight ?oad approved to county highway system one (1) disapproved. 37. Request made for passage on Murray Hill Rd. 38. Request granted to fill Murrayville Road. 39. Request approved to pave Yaupon to Cyresss Drive in Masonboro Township. 40. Approved request to improve roads in Tucker and Burnett Development, Federal Point Township. 41. Request to close South Live Oak Parkway referred to County Attorney. 42. Approved peiition to pave dead end portion of Cherry Ave. into Floral Parkway. 43., Petition approved to improve roadway in F7emington. 03 07 1955 11 579 03 07 1955 11 580 ' 03 07 1955 11 580 03 07 1955 11 580 03 14 1955 11 582 03 14 1955 11 582 03 21 1955 11 584 D3 28 1955 11 585 03 28 1955 11 585 04 04 1955 11 587 05 02 1955 11 593 05 09 1955 11 595 05 16 1955 11 597 05 16 1955 11 597 05 16 1955 11 598 06 27 1955 11 608 07 I_1 1955 11 612 07 18 1955 11 615 07 18 1955 11 615 07 18 1955 11 615 07 25 1955 11 6I6 08 O1 1955 11 619 09 12 1955 11 630 09 12 1955 11 630 09 12 1955 11 630 10 10 1955 12 8 10 24 1955 12 9 10 31 1955 12 13 11 07 1955 12 16 11 04 1955 12 17 11 21 1955 12 19 12 05 1955 12 23 12 13 1955 12 25 12 13 1955 12 25 Ol 03 1956 12 30 O1 03 1956 12 30 Ol 09 1956 12 32 Ol 23 1956 12 37 O1 30 1956 12 38 02 06 1956 12 40 02 13 1956 12 44 02 20 1956 12 46 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES -- New Hanover Coun#? l? C ROADS , . . _ MATTER: _ nec. u, s. County Indezea Since 1888 ?? ?..3--+ To ioCai! ?omes, Op?O at r?r 9FFICE ???<Pif-?' AnldmtifvinsTradelVlark +?` g COTT A-2 iA! INDEX MM[E BY THE COTT tNDEX COM?ANY, fOLUMBUS. DHtO . SURKAME INITIAL TAE SOLD iY OWEN 0. D UNN, NE N tERN, NORT M GROLINA NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS DATE MINUTEBOOK Month Day Year Vol. " Page ' l. Community, Cape Fear Township and New Hanover County report of dragline work on Blue Clay Rd. Ol 27 1956 12 48 2. Portions of road to be closed in Winter Park if no objections. 03 05 1956 12 49 3. Letter relative to Cape Fear Ferry. 03 05 1956 12 SO 4. Protest from residents on State Highway through Winter Park. 03 19 1956 12 53 S. Motion denied for rerouting, approved old routing. 03 19 1956 12 53 6. Petition approved for property owners to maintain road in harnett Township. 03 19 1956 12 53 7. Hearing on petition to close portion of Peachtree st. 04 03 1956 12 57 8. Petition approved for road work in Cape Fear Township. 04 09 1956 12 58 9. Petition approved for road work in Harnett Township. 0% 26 1956 I2 &0 10. Invitation to attend all Seashore Highway Association meeting. 04 16 1956 12 61 11. Approval request to close portion of Peachtree St, 04 30 1956 12 6b 12. Petitions approved for road work zn Masonboro Township and Victoria Village. 05 07 1956 12 67 13. Approved road work in Harnett township. 05 14 1956 12 69 14. ? Notice advising certain roads in Harnett township added to County Highway System. 05 21 1956 12 69 15. Request to complete drainage on Blue Clay Rd. 06 04 1956 12 74 16. Approved request for road work in Harnett township. 06 11 1956 12 75 17. Letter stating certain roads in Winter Park added to County Highway system. 06 18 1956 12 77 18. Approved request to hard surface ?ine Valley Road. 06 25 1956 12 78 19. Request to include 7th ave in Highway system continued. 06 25 1956 12 78 20. Request for Street signs referred to State Highway and public works commission. 06 25 1956 12 78 21. Approved request to hard surface Peachtree St. Winter Park. 07 0? 1 956 12 80 22. Approved 4th Ave., King St. and Harper Ave of Carolina Beach to Highway System. 07 16 1956 12 83 23. Received letter relative to installing street signs. 07 23 1956 12 83 24. Approved request to improve roads in Federal P'oint Township and Harnett Township. 08 06 1956 12 88 25. Approved hard surfacing Wilmington Ave. Harnett Township, 08 27 1956 12 92 26. ?i Request for road signs referred to State Highway Comm. 08 27 1956 12 92 27. Approved open and pave Jefferson St., ext. Masonboro Township. 08 30 1956 12 94 28. Road blocked in Winter Park, letter asking citizen to unblock. 09 07 1956 12 94B 29. Approved request to pave Oakley Circle Cape Fear Township. 09 24 1956 12 96 30. Approved grading and surfacing roadway in Wrightsville Sound. 10 O1 1956 12 98 31. Approved request to include Cape Fear Blvd. Masonboro Township into County highway system. IO 22 1956 IZ 102 32. Request for improvements to Old Ford Landing Road, need petition. 11 05 1956 12 105 33. Approved petition for work of Mill Rd. Cape Fear Township. 11 05 1956 12 106 34. Approved petition for work on Canal ?rive Ext. in Federal Point Township. 11 05 1956 12 106 35. Approved petition to repair road in Masonboro Township. 11 19 1956 12 107 36. Board agreed to repair roa? ? Federal Point Township. 11 19 1956 12 107 37. Received letter advising roads added to Highway system and roads not added. 11 19 1956 12 108 38. Request for improvement of road near Babie's Hospital referred to State Highway Commission. 12 31 1956 12 118 39. Clerk to secure copy of plans concerning Secondary Roads. 12 31 1956 12 119 40. Timme Road to be prepared and trip signal light ins?ialled. 12 31 1956 12 119 41. Letter stating road added to county Highway system, also road disapproved. 02 11 1957 12 129 42. Approved road maintenance in Masonboro Township. 02 lI 1957 12 19? 43. $oard approved widening of US 421 from Wilmington to Ft. Fisher Ferry Boat. 02 11 1957 12 129 44. Motion second granting right of way necessary for highway con?ruction 02 18 1957 12 131 45. Approved petition for work improvements White's road Harnett Township. 02 18 1957 12 132 46. Board authorized funds from County Farm Emergency Fund for fence on 23 st. Highway extension. 02 25 1957 12 133 ..;? ? INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES -- N H C t N C T ew anover oun ?, . . _?rypT ER Rea l Estate, Cou nty - r ¦ec. u. s. ??q County (ndezee Since 1888 ? To IotaM qOmtf? op?n oT M0.CE BY THE COTTi NDEX COMPANYX COLUMBUS, DHID eer OiFiCE (..?,sp?1?? pn Identifying Trade Mer? SURNAME INITIAL TAB SOLD ?Y ONEN ?. OUNN, NEw lERll, NORTH GROLINA ? ?? NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS DATE MINUiE BOOK Month Day Yeat Vol. Page 1, Wilmington Board of Realtc?rs authorized payment for land appraisals. 12 19 1949 11 142 , 2,. Half-acre along Gordon Road to be sold to Kirby Daniels. 1 9 1950 11 146 3._ City may ?ive Battle Acres to County. 1 16 1950. 11 148 4., peed prepared, payment authorized far land from Herbert Bluethenthal and wife to County. 5 29 1950_ 11 188 5.. No action taken?on Edna M. Harriss offer to purchase City-County lot in block 23. 7 3 1950 11 193 6.. Sale of City-County land Zot 5 block 537, approved to R.L. Rouse and wife Estelle. 7 24 1950 11 198 7.,Marshall Realty Co. offer received on purchase of lot 4&5 block 228 for client Dr. Black. 9 18 1950 11 210 . 8.. Attorney Allen Marshall referred to County Attorney on correction of acreage against 9 25 1950 11 211 Wiley Johnson. 9. Edna M. Harris offer received fo? purchase of lot 2&3 block 23. 9 25 1950 11 211 10.. Sale of lots 2&3 block authorized to Edna McNeill. 10 2 I950 11 214 11. Payment to Civil Engineer W.K. Allen, authorized for land markers at Airport. 10 16 1950 11 217 12, T.H. Wright offer to purchase block 200 received for corrsideration, 10 23 1950 11 218 .13,. James ?aniels otfer to purchase block 272 received ior consideration. 10 23 1950 11 218 14,. James H. Holmes offer to purchase bloc?. 340 ?eceived for consideration. 10 23 1950 11 218 15. Sadie Hughr? offer approved t? redeem her old house, block 2400 10 30 i950 11 220 16. Charles D.Evans authorized purchase of lot 5, b?:ock 37. 10 30 1950 11 220 17, Land from James M. Hall,Jr. accepted as part of lot 36&37 and all of lots 38&39. 12 4 1950 11 227 18, Motion carried to take over rent of tenant houses and improve property. 12 11 1950 11 230 .19,. No action taken on Percy W. Wells getting land for amusement center. 12 18 1950 11 230 ;?.?, J.H. Holmes offer to purchase land in block 340 received for consideration. 12 l? 1950 11 231? 23.. Sale of part of Legion Stadium lot under discussion. 1 8 1951 11 232 24.. Authori?;ygiven to transfer C_i_ty-County land, block 80, lot 3&1?lock 337 lot4, payment 1 29 1951. 11 236 authorized. 25. Sarah Osborne prop?rty re-conveyed land in block 31, 5adie Hooper redeemed block 349. 2 5 1951 11 239 .26. Bill presented for postponen3ent of Real Estate evaluations. 2 19 1951? 11 242 27. Correction authcr?zed on land transferral of block 159 ownPd by H.A.Hanby to 1?.I. B?cker. 3 19 1951 11 249 28. Petition referred for hardsurfacing Elm Road. 3 26 19?1. 11 250 29. Sadie Hooper re?uest to redeem lot S, block 349 received , no action taken. 3 26 195.1 11 250 30o State take over of prison land referred for investigation. 4 9 1951 11 254 31. Rev. T.P. Noe offer accepted on sale of S.17th St. lot. 4 23 1951 11 255 32. Waddell Walters referred on offer to pu.rchase block 83. 6 18 1951 11 265 33. Attorney W.P. Burkhimer offer received on purchase of lot 1,2,6 &8 ?f Methodisto 6 25 1951 11 266 , Church property. 34. Attorney W. P. Burkhimer letter recei??ed on purchase of lots. 7 2 1951 11 267 35.. Attorney E. Bellamy offer received to reclaim lot 12,block S, no action taken. 7 2 1951 11 268 36. Action continued on W.P. Burkhimer's offer. 7 9 1951 11 269 37., Girls Scout letter of thanks recei:ved on land for camp site. 7 9 1951 11 269 38. Resale of property at Seabreeze authorized to Mrs. Ethel Murrin. 7 30 1951 11 274 3?. Purchase of property payment authorized to HAbert B?_uethenthal. 8 6 1951 11 277 40. Emmett Bellamy request granted for Oscar Allen to reclaim property ia.t 12 block 5. 8 13 1951 11 279 41. Sale of property agreed for 566 to W.P.Burkhimer. 8 13 1951 11 279 42.. Sale of property lot 4, agreed for Hardy Jones. 8 13 1951 11 279 43. Sale of property approved for Augustus Jones, lot 5. 8 13 1951 11 279' 44. Sale of Methodist Church property authorized to Mary C. Jackson. 8 20 1951 11 281 45. Boa?cd agreed to move fence at Marstellar St. to give Rev. Noe access to h?is property. 11 5 1951 11 299 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MI?UTES - New Hanover Count?y, N. C. _ MATTER: Ro?S ` aea. u, s. County lndesea Since 1888 ? To loeoh nom?s, oplA of COTT A-Z TAE INDEX MIICE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, WLUMBUS, OHIO r?t OFiICE ?o? An ldentifying Trade Mark SURNAME INITIAL TAB SOL? tY 01MEN 0. YUMN, NEN ?ERN, NORTX pROIINA p9 .. ? tl? ?' DATE MINUTE BOOK ; ?9 NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS ',;j Month Day Yea? Voi. Page ' :q .. . l. Report on Jacksonville Ave. referred to Clerk approved petition to improve Magnolia Dr. Harnett Township. 2.'; Copy of proceedings in condemnation suit concerning Highway through Winter Park referred to Countq Atty. 3.` Request for improvement US 74 near Babies Hospital pending with State Highway Commission. 4.•1 Instructions to correct Mud-Hale State port road. 5. Report of fence along 23 st highway. 6.• Board approved maintenance of roads Fairlawn. 7.'; Development Harnett Township. 8. Approved petitions to include certain roads, Masonboro Township to State Highway System. 9. Approved citizens request to pave road Harnett Township. 10. Approved citizens request to repair Jones Cemetery Road. 11. Letter stating roads accepted to County Highway road system. 7th Ave. not accepted. 12. Public hearing set on petition to close portion of auditorium st. 13. Approved petition to construct new highway from US 17. 14. Approved request to include Brakley Hill;s Dr. to County Highway System. 15. Approved additional right of way for Highway construction thru Winter Park. 16. Request that two main highways names be changed received for consideration. 17. Approved citizens petition to open Sidner Ave. Federal Point Township. 18. Chm.:. presented letter pertaining to proposed defense highways. 19. Board motion to request maintenance Willinda Dr., Harnett Township. 20. Approved request to pave Dogwood Dr., Harnett Township. 21. Letter advising of roads added to state highway system. 22. Citizens gathered at hearing to close auditorum st. 23., Board approved closing portion of Auditorium St., Harnett Township. 24. Chairman signed right of way agreement. 25. Communication concerning change in ?'o.cedure of petitions for road improvement. 26. Petition to close road on South Front St., referred to State Highway and public works. 27. Name of Masonboro Rd. referred to Ms. Woody. 28. Board approved road request from Carolina Beach. 29. Petition for road work in Masonboro Township approved by Board. 30. Petition from citizens, Wrightsville Sound and Seagate area referred to clerk. 31. Board to renew request to make US 421 four lane highway. 32. Received for study memorandum concerning Secondary Road System. 33. Board adopted recommendation to change name of "Monkey Junction" 34._ "Pine Vally Road" signs replaced to read "Masonboro Road." 35. Certain streets in Hanby Beach subdivision to be included in county highway system. 36., Board to meet with Mr. E. J. White, concerning 4 lane highway to carolina Beach. 37. Petition approved include woodale drive county highway system. 38.., Letter advising of funds allowed for county's dirt roads. 39., Ditch cleaning of Peachtree St., referred to Mr. Dave Rivenbark. 40., Invitation accepted to discuss seco?dary roads problems. 41. Board jointly with Chamber Commerce to petition. 42. Highway Commission for four lane highway. 43. Board approved closing portion 47th st. referred to County Attorney, Hearing 2/2/57. 44. Acknowledgement of petit?on of Wood Dale Dr ive filed. 45. Letter suggesting join? planning board for naming of future streets of road. 46. Approval of Board before naming streets of roads. 03 11 1957 03 25 1957 03 25 1957 04 Ol 1957 04 08 1957 04 08 1957 04 08 1957 04 29 1957 Q5 ?3 ? 957 05 12 1957 05 13 1957 05 20 1 957 05 20 1957 05 20 1957 05 27 1957 06 03 1957 06 03 195? 06 03 1957 06 10 1957 06 17 1957 06 t7 1957 06 .t7 1957 07 ?al Z957 07 22 1957 07 22 1957 07 29 1957 08 05 1957 08 05 ]957 08 12 1957 08 19 1957 08 26 1957 08 26 1957 09 09 1957 09 09 1957 09 16 1957 09 23 1957 09 30 1957 09 30 1957 10 07 1957 10 14 1957 10 28 1957 10 28 1957 10 28 1957 10 28 1957 10 28 1957 10 28 1957 12 12 12 12 12 z2 12 12 Z2 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 I2 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 136 139 139 142 144 144 144 148 ?52 152 152 153 153 154 155 157 157 158 158 159 160 160 162 168 168 171 171 172 174 174 176 177 179 179 180 183 184 184 185 187 189 189 189 189 189 189 ? ? ??`. INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES --- New Hanover County, N. C, _ MATTER: ROADS a?? eec. u. s. County lnde?cea Since 188$ ?? ??3-? io lota+9 Nam?s? op?? Of COTT A-Z TAB INDEX PAT QFFICE ??'ll?.? An Identifying Trade Merk ??•ig SU81iAMF INITIAL T4B RW?t E BY THE tOTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, DHIO SOLD ?l' OWfN i. DUNN, NEN /ERl1, NORiM GROLINA NAiURE OF PROCEEDINGS DATE , MINUTE BOOK Month Day Year Vol. Page l. Petition approved for four lane over US 74 and presented to Chamber of Comm?.rce. lI 04 1957 12 192 2. Request of Willetts Realty for road service in Devon Park approved. 11 18 1957 ' 12 194 3. Board approved road resolution. 11 25 1957 12 195 4. Mr. Charles Burke, and L. E. Broadhurst appointed to assist in compiling names of streets, road ect. 11 25 1957 12 195 5. Board approved closing portion of 47th st., Winter Park. 12 02 1957 12 198 6. Board to meet with citizens concerning Monkey Junction, Z2 02 1957 12 198 7. Board named "Monkey Junction" Myrtle Grove, with signs of miles and direction to Ft. Fisher. 12 09 1957 12 201 8. Received report and outline of Secondary Roads. 12 16 I957 12 203 9. Mr. Williams reported on new bridge and four Iane highway. 12 30 1957 12 206 I0. Citizens of Middle Sound request help with road. O1 13 195$ 12 214 11. Board discussed roads needing repairs. Also, changing of Carolina Beach Rd., referred to committee. Ol 13 1958 12 214 12. Board accepted petition for new road from Mr. Hugh McRay, referred other request to County Attorney. O1 20 1958 12 215 13. Following petitions for accepting additions to State Highway System were rejected. Ol 20 1958 12 216 14. I Mr. W. H. Bonham, Jr., Dogwood Dr., Sue H. Ledbetter, Hanby Ave., Ocean View Ave., Myrtle Ave., Ol 20 1958 12 216 Second St., and Daw Ave. 15. W. C. Loftin, Seaview Road (all secondary roads.) Ol 20 1958 12 216 16. Approved petition of Enoch Nixon. O1 20 1958 12 216 17. Petition for maintenance only for pogwood Lane approved. Q1 27 1958 12 217 18. Petition for road work approved, send to highway commission. 02 03 1958 12 219 19. W. H. Bonham, Jr. - Dogwood Dr. - Maintenance; L. C. Kittrell - Victory Gardens Dr. - Maintence; 02 03 195$ 12 219 Lee N. Kye - 200 yds S. Trails End Road - pave; E. Mosely Fonvielle - Devon Ct. - Maintenance; G. D. Murray - N. Myrtle Ave. - Maintenance. 20. Approved road work for Mr. H. L. Darden, letter asking special attention given this road. 02 17 1958 12 224 21. Petition for 17th st. board approved for 16th st. formal request made to State Highway Comm. 02 24 1958 12 226 22. Petition for roads in Pine Valey Estates recomtnended to State Highway comm. 02 24 1958 12 226 23. Motion to change name section South Front no second. 02 24 1958 12 227 24. Report from county, citq street naming committee. 02 24 1958 12 227 ?' 25. Letter on traffic count on secondary roads. 03 03 1958 12 233 26. Commissioner Williams reported on roads for improvement. 03 03 1958 12 233 27. Memorandum attaching a"general policy for secondary roads." 03 10 1958 12 234 28. Street use of Mr. Frank W. Cook, referred to his attorney. 03 17 1958 12 235 29. Letters informing petitions of change in policy of the Dept. of Secondary Roads. 03 17 1958 12 235 30. Road petitions for Marvin B. Brown and Leonard J. Johnson approved. 03 24 1958 12 237 31. Executive Secretary and Mr. Dave W. Rivenbark to investigate problem on Maple St. 03 31 1958 12 239 32, Petition of Mr. C. L. Austin approved, referred to State Highway thir? division office. 03 31 1958 12 239 33. Road petition of Mr. Laurence G. Sprunt approved. 04 14 1958 12 243 34. Board adopted road petition. 04 21 1958 12 246 35. Board to attend informal meeting with State Highway Commission. 04 21 1958 12 246 37. Road petitions for Sidbury Rd., Harnett Township referred to 3rd Division, State Highway Commission. 04 28 1958 12 252 38. InEormal meeting of State Highway Commission. 04 28 1958 12 253 39. Received maps covering the proposed secondary road plans 1957-58 budget. OS 19 1958 12 258 40. Catch Basin installed under Hinton Ave. 05 19 1958 12 258 41. Approved petitions for road in Seagate neighborhood. 05 19 1958 l2 258 42. Request to change street name referred to executive secretary and report to board. 05 19 1958 12 258 43. Approved road work Harnett Township. 05 26 1958 12 260 44. Portion of south Front St. named Carolina Beach Road. 05 26 1958 12 261 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES -- New Hanover Count? N. C. TTER ROADS , _ MA : ` eec. u. s. County Indezee Since 1888 ? TO loto!0 nam?s, opln ut r?r OFFICE ?? AnldentifYing Trade Mark fURl6AME INITIAL TAB COTT A•Z TA6 INDEX M0.CE BY THE COTi INDEX COMPANY, (OLUMBUS, OHID SOLD tT OIMEN i. YUNN, NEM tERN, NORTN GROLINA d? ?? ? DATE ? MINUTE BOOK ' ?? NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS '' ?! i? e? Month - Day Year . Vol. Page ; ? l.^ Report on Masonboro Loop Road. 05 26 1958 12 261 2.;, ? Road petition of Oleander DR_ referred to State Highway Commission. 06 ., 02 1958 12 264 ' J 3. ,, Pine Grove Dr. to keep name. 06 ., 09 1958 12 266 ' 4.., Executive Secretary to handle matter of road signs on Hawthorne Rd. 06 .. 16 1958 12 267 ,. 5." .? Petition of Willetts Realty, Devon Park approved referred to 3rd Division State Highway Commission. 06 , 30 1958 12 272 6.'' List of Second Roads approved for New Hanover County: Dardon Rd., Burnett Rd., Park Ave., Rogers rd., 07 07 1958 12 278 Jacksonville and Wilmington Ave., 47th St., and Maple Ave., Circle Dr., Railroad Ave & Castle Hayne. 7. Resolution adopted for roads. 07 07 1958 12 278 8. Secondary roads added to State Highway Commission: Old Military Rd., Devon Ct., King 5t., Brightwood 07 ?4 ?958 12 279 Rd., Pine Valley Estates, Old Cemetery Rd., Darden Rd., Wood Dale Dr. 9. Request new street name Dupree Dr., granted if no objection from citizens. 07 21 1958 12 281 10. Request two streets named Dupree Dr., and Primrose Dr. granted. 07 28 1958 12 284 11. Letter from Ocean Highway Assoc., informing of ineeting concerning permit for Bridge-Tunnel 09 08 1958 12 299 12.. Executive Secretary to attend meeting of Ocean Highway Assoc. 09 t5 1958 12 301 13. Board name Main St., in C.S. Newton Subdivision. 09 L5 ?_958 12 301 14. Brentwood Dr., if no conflict. 09 15 1958 12 301 15. Approved petition for extension of Rivenbark Rd. 09 15 1958 12 301 16. Notice announcing widening of Carolina Beach Rd. 09 15 1958 12 302 17. Letter pertaining to naming of street from Mrs. S. D. Corbett. 09 29 1958 12 309 18. Letter of appreciation for work done during Hurricane Helene. 09 29 1958 12 309 19. Petition from citizen of Parkwood Dr. referred to State Highway Comm. 10 O1 1958 12 310 20. Petition for stabilization of 41st St., referred to State Highway Comm. 11 10 1958 12 329 21. Mrs. S. D. Corbett second choice for street name, granted Palmetto Road. 11 24 1958 12 335 22. Letter informing of road improvements and projects authorized. 12 O1 1958 12 338 23. Decision on naming planning committee delayed. 12 Ol 1958 12 338 24. Board motion to appoint survey and planning committee. 12 15 1958 12 342 25. Executive secretary to receive names from governing bodies for appointment to committee. 12 15 1958 12 342 26. Request to name portion of ??132 College Road deferred until January 12th. 12 22 1958 12 346 27. Received State Highway comm. pamphlet of Secondary Roads. 12 22 1958 12 347 28. Report accepted on Secondary Roads and filed. 12 29 1958 12 349 29. Commissioners to investigate road complaint of Mr. Earl H. Orrell. 12 29 1958 12 350 30. Road complaint of Mr. Earl H. Orrell referred to State Highway Comm. Ol 05 1959 12 355 31. Resolution for "Operation Floodlight". Ol 05 1959 12 356 32.? Letter requesting up to date report of street naming committee. Ol 12 1959 12 358 33. Letter requesting explanation of indifference to acceptance Brentwood Dr. for improvement. Ol 19 1959 12 361 34. Third road petition of Mrs. Katherine Jorgensen. Ol 26 1959 12 364 35. Mrs. Jorgensen given right form for signatures for State Highway Comm. Ol 26 1959 12 364 36. Letter referring to Road complaint of Mr. Earl H. Orrell. 02 02 1959 12 368 37. Duplication of Road name referred to naming committee. 02 02 1959 12 370 38. Received report on Secondary roads. 02 02 1959 12 372 39. Letter naming representatives to Highway Survey planning,committee. 02 09 1959 . 12 374 40. Memorandum from Dept. of Secondary Roads. 02 09 1959 12 376 41. Letter in answer to complaint of Earl H. Orrell. 02 16 1959 12 382 42., Mr. Earl H. Orrell to submit new petition, all owners signatures. 03 02 1959 12 389 43. Road paving request of Mr. S. N. Patelos need proper petition. 03 02 1959 12 389 44. Petition for maintenance and repair of Whitman Ave. approved. 03 09 1959 12 393 N. C. INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES -- New Hanover Cour?t? M TTER RoADS ? ?'= ?!` , _ A : ne?. u. s. ?,,,q County Indezee Since 1&88 ? TO IOtoh IlOtll?f? Ojll? af COTT A•2 TA6 INDEX Trado Merk 1110.[ E BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO r?t OFFICE ?jii? An Identif in a?" y i g c. SURNAME iN171A1 TAB SOIp iY QMIEN i. pU NN, NEII ?ERN, NORTB GROLiNA DATE MINUTE BOOK NATURE QF PROtEEDiNGS Month Day Year Vol. ' Page ? 1. Supplementary petition for Blossom St. referred to State Highway Comm. 03 09 1959 12 393 2. Road petition for Wallace Ave. approved. 03 16 1959 12 396 3. Received State Highway Comm. Secondary road plan for county. 03 16 1959 12 397 4. Road coinplaint of Mr. Earl H. Orrell to be discussed by Commissioners and Mr. C. E. Brown. 03 23 1959 12 402 5. Board to approve recommendations of State Highway Comm. for paving Secondary Roads. 04 Ob 1954 12 4Q8 6. Request to name new road "WinterGreen Road" approved. 04 13 1959 12 411 7. Request to name portion of ??US 421 "Moores Creek Battleground Highway" granted on approval of City and 04 13 L959 12 412 Highway Comm. _ 8. Letter pertaining to construction of a connection from Sauth 17th St. to Shipyard Blvd. 04 13 1959 12 4l3 9. Executive Secretary reported of proposed of construction on Old Federal Point Rc3. 04 20 1959 12 420 10. Petition approved to pave portion of Old Military Rd. and acceptance in State Highway system. 05 04 1959 12 424 11. No action taken on road complaint of Mr. Earl H. Orrell, need signed right of way agreement. 05 04 1959 12 424 12. Letter to developer of Lincoln Forest Subdivision requesting to change name of Hermitage Rd. 05 ]8 1959 12 436 13. Trustees of Winter Park Baptist Church request ditch and road improvement agree on conditions. 06 15 1959 12 447 14. Received a county traffic map. 06 15 1959 12 448 15. Road petition from L. E. Al1en, and G. D. Murray sent to State Highway Comm for acceptance. 06 24 1959 12 451 16. Approved petition to change name of Newton Lane to Glendale Dr. 07 06 1959 12 460 17. Received State Highway Comm's report on Secondary Roads. 07 06 1959 l2 463 18. Road petitions from Cape Fear and Federal Point Townships, referred to State Highway Comm. 07 20 1959 12 468 19. Letter given information of funds for maintenance and construction of County Secondary Roads 1959-60. 07 20 1 959 12 469 20. Petition to accept Horne place Dr. if 44th St., referred to State Highway Comm. 08 03 1959 12 476 21. Mrs.Katie B. Newkerk`s request for traffic lights near Odgen School, referred to Highway Comm. 08 12 19S9 12 482 22. Notice of public Highway hearing on roads in Brunswick and New HanQVer Counties. 08 17 1959 12 488 23. Mr. Broadhurst reported on findings of road complaint of Mr. Earl H. Orrell. 09 08 1959 12 492 24. Letter to State Highway Comm. requesting acceptance of Park Ave. into system. 09 08 1959 12 492 25. Petition for acceptance of maintaining portion of Wallace Ave., approved and sent to State Highway Comm. 09 08 1959 Z2 493 26. Received and approved Secondary Road priorities for fiscal year. 09 08 1959 12 495 27. Received State Highway Comm. reports of public meetings of counties in 3rd Division. 09 08 1959 12 495 28. Road petition from Marc Neuwirth for assistance for Hawthorne Ave., approved. 09 21 ]959 12 497 29. Gov. Hodges, appointed Mr. Ralph T.Morris as State Highway commissioner, replacing Mr. E. L. White, dec. 09 21 1959 12 499 30. Notation informing approval of allocation for school bus driveways in County. 09 21 1959 12 499 31. Commissioners signed form R-10 to include portion of Park Ave. into Highway System. 10 05 1959 12 501 32. Names of Myrtle Lane and Pine Tree Dr., not accepted for Green Meadows Subdivision new names to be submitted.ll 16 1959 12 516 33. Petition to accep? Holmlock Terrace referred to State Highway Comm. 11 16 1959 12 516 34. Board express disappointment of Division to delay bridge and improvements to Highway 421. Letter to that 11 16 1959 12 516 effect to Chm. Highway Comm. and copies to members,its director and Division Engineer. 35. Mr. Ralph T. Morris, newly appointed District Highway Commissioner, appeared to complain about 12 07 1959 I2 519 criticism for delay of improvements to Highway 421. 36.. Petition for improvements to Oakley Circle approved, referred to State Highway Comm. 12 21 1959 12 524 37. Letter to State Highway Comm. for improvement of South Hawthorne Rd. 12 21 1959 12 524 38. Notice of official naming of portion of 421, Moore's Creek Battleground highway. Resolution adopted. 12 21 1959 12 525 39. Green Meadows Subdivision, new names Pine Tree Dr. to Toulon Dr., Myrtle Lane to Edward St. approved. I2 21 1959 12 525 40. Notice of public hearing on road matters in county. 12 21 L959 12 526 41. Petition to improve Silver Lake Rd., approved and referred to State Tiighway Comm. Ol 04 _960 12 531 42. Letter commending the State Highway patrol. , Ol 04 L960 12 531 43. Road petition for Evans St. referred to State Highway Comm., requesting street be worked. O1 18 ._960 12 536 ROADS INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover Count C N ?, . . _ MATTER: ` ¦E?. u. s. County Indezes Since 1888 ? YO IOCah nam?s, Op?? C} ing Trade Mark MI?C E BY rer OFFICE ?p?'IG?d?i An identiE COTT A•Z TA6 INDEX THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, DHIO i , , y SURtiAME INITIAL TAB SOLO YY OWEN 0. pUNN, NEN ?ERN, NORT H GROLINA . .. r ;, ir ??? NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS DATE MINUiE BOOK ;' Month Day Year Vol. Page l;?' , Approved request to name Stanley St., area of Green Meadows Subdivision, Chester St. O1 18 1960 12 537 2.'? Approved Chester St. to be named Elisha Ave. 02 O1 1960 12 541 3. Road petition for Sea View Rd. approved referred to State Highway Comm. 02 15 1960 12 544 4. Roads petition from Mr. A. V. Saffo approved, sent to State Highway Comm. 03 07 1960 12 549 5. Board changed Cypress Lane to Athens Lane and North St., to Loubelle in Green Meadows Subdivision. 03 07 1960 12 550 6.' Letter requesting change of Hermitage Rd. in the Lincoln Forest Subdivision within 30 days. 03 07 =960 12 550 7. Motion carried to complete plans for 17th st. extension. 03 21 1960 12 558 8. Received report from state highway comm regarding the extension of 17th st. 04 04 1960 12 560 9. Petition from East Wilmington Development Program regarding community streets referred to State Tiwy. Comm. 04 04 1960 12 560 10. Approved petition to add Yorktown Dr. to Secondary Rd. system, referred to State Highway Comm. 04 04 t960 12 560 11. Road petition from Wintergreen Rd. and Mocking Bird Lane referred to State Hwy. Comm. 04 18 7960 12 564 12. Received survey report on US ??421. 04 18 1960 12 564 13. Four road petitions referred to State Highway Comm. 05 02 ?960 12 569 14. Request to close road circling lake at Hugh MacRae Park, referred to Div. Engineer. 05 02 1960 12 569 15. Letter requesting developer to change name of Hermitage Rd. in Lincoln Forest Subdivision. 05 02 1960 12 570 16. Petitions for Carter Ave., Elisha Ave. and Woodland Dr., forwarded to State Highway Commission. 06 06 1960 12 577 17. Hermitage Rd. changed to Halifax Rd. approved. 06 06 1960 12 578 18. Wrightsville Sound Rd. not a road in State Highway System, petition returned. 06 06 1960 12 578 19. Board to meet with State Highway Comm regarding secondary roads for 1960-61 budget. 06 ?6 1960 12 579 20. Notice from State Highway Comm. regarding paving priorities for Secondary roads 1960-61. 06 J6 1960 12 580 21. Petition to accept roads from Green Meadows subdivision referred to State Highway Comm. 07 ?5 1960 12 582 22. Notice of public road hearing. 07 05 1960 12 583 23. No action taken for request regarding Silver Lake Road pending hearing of Highway Comm. 07 05 1960 12 584 24. Received confirmation of secondary road plan for county 1960-61. 07 05 1960 12 587 25. Road request of Mr. W. T. DeVane, private road referred to Mr. McKim Third Div. Engineer of Highway Comm. 08 Ol 1960 12 601 2b. Report on public hearing from State Highway Commission. 08 Ol 1960 12 604 27. Letter regarding Silver Lake Road and drainage referred to Secretary for investigation. 09 06 1960 12 606 28. N. C. State Highway Comm. analysis of long range highway needs. Authorized changes in State route 09 06 1960 12 610 members, secondary road additions approved by State Highway Comm. 29. Petition approved, referred to open road near Wrightsville Beach school. 10 03 1960 12 615 30. Un-named streets in Winter Park, also similar names referred to County Attorney. 12 05 1960 12 632 31. Road petition from L. A. McKinnon, forwarded to State Highway Comm. 12 05 1960 12 633 32. Road petitions from Mr. T.W. Crews, approved and referred. 12 19 1960 12 637 33. Petitions for Stonewall Jackson Dr., Rose Ave., Campus View Cr. & Ridgewood Heights Dr. approved and Ol 16 1961 12 642 referred. 34. Letter and booklet regarding secondary road program. Ol 16 1961 12 643 35. Mr. Broadhurst, appointed to Highway committee. Ol 16 1961 12 643 36. Notice from State Highway Comm. of public road hearing. 02 06 1961 12 646 37. Petition for extensive road work from Mrs. Ray Williams, referred. 02 20 1961 12 648 38. Notice of plans to improve US 17 and Construct dual lane along present route. 02 20 1961 12 650 39. Road petition for improvement to Tin Top Rd. referred. 03 06 1961 12 651 40. Letter from the US 17 Development and Improvement Assoc. 03 06 1961 12 654 41. Foxtown subdivision streets referred, property owners line out of town. 03 20 1961 12 654 42. Letters requesting parking ramps at Wrightsville Beach on US 74. 03 20 1961 12 655 43. Road petition to name "turn around circle" Wallace Ave. Circle approved. 03 20 1961 12 656 44. Road petition from Harnett Township approved and referred. 03 20 1961 12 656 SUBJECT ? ti?`, INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES -- New Hanover C?unt?, N. C. _ MATTER: ROADS a ¦ec. u. s. _,q. County Indezee Since 1888 ? 70 (ota?a nomss? oplp W COiT A•2 TAB INDEX v?r OFFICE Cq??7l? AnldentifvinBTradeMark SURMAfAE INITIAL TAB M0.[E BY THE COTT INDEX (OMPANY, COLUMBUS. OHIO fOLD YY OWEN i. DUNN, NEN ?ERN, NORTX GROLINA NATURE OF PR6CEED3NGS l. Petition to add roads Camellia Heights and S. Bagley to secondary system approved and referred. 2. Road petition from Blossom St. and old Ferry Rd. approved and referred. 3. Extension of N. 23rd St. US 117 named North 23rd Street. 4. Received master plan improvements required on US ??17, request support. 5. Road in Lincoln Forest subdivision named Fordhom Road, if request is made in writing. 6. Memorandum regarding traffic counts for county 1960. 7. Petition from Hanby subdivision approved and referred. 8. Road petition from Masonboro Township referred. 9. Letter requesting consideration regarding petition from Mrs. J. H. Burnett. 10. Petition approved to add Fisherville Road to State Maintenance county system, referred. Il. Notice of State Highway Comm. meeting. 12. Received 1961-62 Secondary road plan for county, showing amount of allocation, letter confirming same. 13. Petitions from Wilmington beach subdivision and Green Meadows Subdivision approved and referred. , 14. Report on proposal under consideration with reference to changing Ocean Highway US ??17 to US ??5. ? , 15. Approved proposal to repair sidewalk in front of Health building. 16. Road petition to improve Randall Dr. and add to State system approved and referred. 17. Resolution for changing US ?617 to US ??5. 18. Approved rock curbing along sidewalk in front of Health Building. 19. Letter approving recommendations proposed for road program by State Highway Comm. 20. Approved naming NC 132 College Road. 21. Approved road Petitions add Yorktown Dr., Andover and Overbrook Rds. to secondary road system,referred. 22. Approved Clewis Ave. and Hill St. for State. 23. Maintained secondary road system, petition referred. 24. Hill st. to be renamed letter to petitioners informing of same. 25. Motion carried, Hill St. renamed Meadowview St. 26. Road petition concerning ??1334 approved and referred. 27. Letter requesting survey for trafffic lights at Oleander Dr. and US 17 shopping centers. ' 28. Approved PTA road resolution for Lake Ave. and referred. 29. Letter regarding traffic light at US 421, 17, 74 and 76 referred. 30. Camellia Heights subdivision road petition approved and referred. 31. Road petition for Jamaica Dr. and Wisteria Dr. approved and referred. 32. No action taken on request to name streets. 33. Petitions to add Ashley Circle, George Trask Dr., and Jennings Dr. approved and referred. 34. Petitions were reviewed for addition to State secondary road system and referred. 35. Bermuda Dr. in Sedgefield subdivision, Cape Fear Township Hillsdale Ave. Subdivision in Harnett Township. 36. Improvement and paving Secondary road NC 1334 for 3 miles. 37. City-County to act as hosts to the 28th annual meeting of Ocean Highway Assoc. 38. 1962-63 secondary road plans, showing amount of allocation allowed. 39. Approved street closing resolution, from the Southern Box and Lumber Co. 40. Street closing hearing August 6, 1962. 41. Approved secondary road plans for New Hanover County 1962-63. 42. Congratulated Mr. T. J. McKim, Division Engineer and wished Happy retirement. 43. Petitions to add to the State Maintained read system were approved and referred. 44. Holland Dr. in Wrightsboro subdivision. 45. Parmele and Knollwood Roads in Highland Hills subdivision. i 46. Robinhood Rd., South 17th St., Parmelle and Sherwood DR. in Sherwood Forest subdiv. Woodhaven Dr. DATE MINUTE BOOK Month Day Year ' Vol. Page , 04 14 1961 05 O1 1961 05 O1 1961 05 Ol 1961 05 15 1961 06 19 1961 08 07 1961 08 21 1961 08 21 1961 09 18 1961 09 18 1961 10 02 1961 10 02 1961 10 16 1961 10 16 1961 11 06 1961 11 06 1961 11 06 1961 11 20 1961 12 04 1961 12 04 1961 Ol 15 1962 Ol 15 1962 Ol 15 1962 02 05 1962 02 19 1962 02 05 1962 03 05 1962 03 05 1962 03 19 1962 04 02 1962 04 02 1962 04 16 1962 05 14 1962 05 14 1962 05 14 1962 05 14 1962 06 04 1962 07 02 1962 07 02 1962 07 02 1962 07 02 1962 07 02 1962 07 02 1962 07 02 1962 07 02 1962 12 12 12 12 12 12 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 660 668 669 670 679 689 6 12 13 18 19 23 24 27 28 33 33 34 38 39 42 60 60 63 63 68 68 72 75 78 87 88 95 101 101 101 104 115 119 119 121 121 121 121 121 121 ROADS INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES -- New Hanover County N C , . . _?pTTER: ` ¦EC. u. s. 'q,'? County Indezee Since 1888 ? To IoCO? n0111?f? oplO at COTT A•2 TA6 INDEX r?r OFFICE C??i?,?.? An Identifying Trade Marlc IIIII,E E BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OXIO SURNAME INIiIAL TAB ? SOLD YY OWEN i. Y UNN, NEII ?ERN, NORTN GROLINA I "? NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS DATE MINUi 1 E BOOK ? j; ?+ Month Day Year Vol. Page :?i , . . 1: State Highway Commission report. 07 02 1962 13 124 2.?' A?proved road petition for Gleason Rd. and referred. 07 16 1962 13 129 3., Street closing hearing notices. 08 06 1962 13 137 4,` Resolution and order pp. 138-139. 08 06 1962 13 138-39 5.?, Petitions for Mochican Trail and Rd. ??1516 approved and referred. 08 06 1962 13 139 6.?: Letter requesting the removal of the Trestle near Bradley Creek Bridge. 08 20 1962 13 142 7:? Letter requesting trash dump signs. "No Dumping or Burning Allowed." 08 20 1962 13 142 8. Petition from citizens on Fordhom Dr. approved and referred. 08 20 1962 13 143 9:' College Dr. road petition referred and approved. 09 04 1962 23 ?45 10. Petition to add Parkway Dr. approved and referred. 09 17 1962 13 152 11. Notice from State Highway Comm. regarding petition on Parkway Dr. 09 17 1962 13 152 12. Petition for Bluebird Lane, Mockingbird Lane and Cascade Road approved and referred. 10 15 1962 13 163 13. Letter informing of ineeting regarding improvements of US 17, request degelation of 25 from County. 10 15 1962 13 164 14. Cross over petition from Masonboro Township approved and referred. 11 05 1962 13 167 15. Resolution to Mr. J. T. McKim, retiring. 12 03 1962 13 175 16. Resolution to change in County road approved extension of 17th st. to Shipyard Blvd. via Old Federal Pt.Rd. 12 03 1962 13 176 17.? Removal of graves for 17th St. referred to Chairman Hall, Jr. 12 03 1962 13 176 18. Proposed improvement report for 16th and 17th streets. 12 03 1962 13 177 19. Conference to discuss improving road leading to US 117. O1 07 1963 13 182 20. Petition approved and referred on adding French and Boyette Roads. Ol 21 1963 13 185 _ 21. Petitions to add the State system approved for Rainbow Circle and sections 5 and 6 of Pine Valey. 02 18 1963 13 191 22.. Resolution regarding secondary roads from Onslow County accepted for legislators to act. 03 04 1963 13 194 23. Approved road bond bill, except requested minor change. Letter to Mr. McMahon, to that affect. 03 18 1963 13 200 24. Approved petition for closing portion of llth st. 04 O1 1963 13 201 25. Road petitions from Lincoln Forest approved and referred. 04 Ol 1963 13 202 26." Road petition from Wilmington Beach approved and referred. 04 16 1963 13 204 27. Approved right of way agreement for extension of South 17th st. 04 16 1963 13 204 28. Petition for roads in Green Meadows Subdivision referred. 05 06 1963 13 211 29. Letter regarding US 74 as Andrew Jackson Highway supported. (05 ?6 1963 13 212 30. Name Patrick Ave. approved for Street South of Kerr Ave. petition for street approved and referred. 05 20 1963 13 215 31. Exec. Secretary to confer with State Highway Comm. about speed limit on US 76 near Babies Hospital. 06 17 1963 13 223 32. Received questionnaire for completion in time for AASHO-NACO Fall meeting, Chairman to complete. 07 15 1963 13 229 33.' Report of proposed interstate 21 ending in Florence,SC. 07 29 1963 13 241 34. The Board have no objections of closing portion of Taylor St., Brooklyn St. and Nixon St. 08 05 1963 13 243 35., Yorktown Dr. complaint referred to the Highway Commissioner, Mr. L. Faircloth. 09 03 1963 13 247 36. Petitions for roads South of Wrightsville causeway approved and referred. 09 03 1963 13 248 37. Road name "Airlie Road" protested, Board to investigate. (:9 16 1963 13 255 38. Road petition for 5200 Block of Pine Street approved and referred. 10 07 1963 13 257 39. Petition for speed limit adjustment on N. Kerr Ave. approved and referred. 10 ?7 1963 13 258 40. Petitions for Heritage Park Dr. and Pilgrim Circle approved and referred. 10 21 1963 13 260 41. Road improvement request of Mr. George Crandall need official petition. 11 04 1963 13 265 42. Endorsed road resolution for S. Eastern North Carolina Beach Assoc. for Highway improvements. 12 02 1963 13 268 43. Petition to add Englewood and Brenda Drives approved and referred. 12 02 1963 13 270 44. Petitions to add roads in Harnett Township approved and referred 12 16 1963 13 274 45. Authorized letter assuring the removal of all graves within right of way of 17th st. extension by 1/15/74. 12 16 1963 13 274 46. E Notice of demonstration meeting in Fayetteville of Drunkometer. . 12 18 1963 13 275 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover County, N. C. , MATTER: ROAD CLOSINGS ` ?ec. u. s. Counry Indezes Since 1888 To loeata nam?s, OpRn pt COTT A TO I TAB fNDEX PAT OFFIGE L??L?a-?EI. AnldentifyingTradeMark ? SURNAME INITIAL TAB 1S?O?LD`BYTOWE?N G,NDUNN C?O.?NEW gER?N?,SNOH`0 DATE MINUiE BOOK NATURE Of , PROCEEDINGS Month Day Year Vol. Page l. Public Hearing to consider Closing an Unnamed Street in Wrightsboro Acres 2. Resolution of intent to Close Portions of Yorkshire Lane and Ocean Boulevard 3. Further discussion on Closing Unnamed Street in Wrightsboro Acres 4. Continuation of Public Hearing to consider closing a portion of Yorkshire Lane in Lansdowne Subdivision 5. Continuation of Public Hearing to consider closing a portion of Ocean Blvd. at Wilmington Beach 6. Continuation of Public Hearing to consider closing a portion aE' Yorkshire Lane in Lansdowne Estates and a portion of Ocean Boulevard at Wilmington Beach. I 7. Continuation of Public Hearing to consider closing a portion of Yorkshire Lane in Lansdowne Estates 8. Dismissal of request to Close a Portion of Ocean Boulevard at Wilmington Beach 9. Postponement of Adoption of Resolution of Intent to Close a Portion of Basin Road, Carolina Beach 10. Dismissal of Petition to Close a Portion of Yorkshire Lane in Lansdowne Estates 05 17 1982 19 05 17 1982 19 05 17 1982 19 06 21 1982 19 06 21 1982 19 07 19 1982 19 08 16 1982 19 08 16 1982 19 09 07 1982 19 09 20 1982 19 67 67 69 95 95 119 136 136 149 161 a? i `. ? i ?: i, i' ;? ? i, ? ?? ?; i i' i! C' i! INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover Count N C ROAD PETITIONS ? y, . . , U JfCT ` aEC. u. s. ?/? County Indeze? Since i888 gr ?a,?.... TO IoCOq IIaM?s? OwO a1 COTT A•Z TAi INOEX ,?? rnT OFFICE C?'i.q*!//? An Identifying Trade Mark w? fURNAME INIiIAL TAY INADE BY iHE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO so?o ?Y ow¢x ?. oux?, NEM ?ERN, NORTN GROLINA NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS DATE MINUTE BOOK Month Day Year Vol. Page 1. Woodhaven Drive O1 )6 1964 13 280 2. Bayshore OZ 03 1964 13 290 3. Burnett Rd. 03 16 1964 13 304 4. Ocean View 04 06 1964 13 308 5. Street Paving-Peachtree St. 04 06 1964 13 308 6. Cypress Circuit 04 20 1964 13 318 7. Park Ave. 05 05 1964 13 323 8. Rose Ave., Ext. 06 l9 1964 13 342 9. Bedfora Dr. 06 19 1964 13 342 10. Breckinridge Dr. 06 29 I964 I3 345 11. Jasmine Dr. 08 17 1964 13 367 12. Long Leaf Acres Dr. 09 08 1964 13 369 13. Crandale Rd., Elisha Dr., Chester St. 09 08 1964 13 369 14. Ocean View Subdivision 10 05 1964 13 380 15. Springview Dr., Spring Branch Rd., Riplee Dr., Ripwood Rd. 11 02 1964 13 390 16. Atietam Dr., Appomatox Dr., Shiloh Dr. 11 16 1964 13 397 17. Roads No. 1319 and 1320 02 O1 1965 13 430 ?8. Seacrest Drive 04 20 1965 13 466 19. Brookfield Drive 05 03 1965 13 473 20. Greenhouse Road 06 23 1965 13 493 21. Chalmers Dr. 06 23 1965 13 493 22. Bragg Drive 06 23 1965 13 493 23. Pine Valley Dr. 06 23 1965 I3 493 24. Lynbrook Dr. 07 26 1965 13 507 25. Lochwood Dr. 07 26 1965 13 507 26. Irwin Dr. 07 26 1965 13 507 27. G1enlea Dr. 07 26 1965 13 507 28. Fork Dr. 07 26 1965 13 507 29. Dinbar Rd. 07 26 1965 13 507 30. Alandale Dr. 07 26 1965 13 507 31. White Rd. 07 26 1965 13 507 32. Ness Ave., York Ave., Yorktown Dr, 08 02 1965 13 509 33. Park Ave. 08 16 1965 13 515 34. Willow Woods 09 20 1965 13 523 35. Summerhaven Ave., and Partridge Dr. 10 17 1965 13 534 36. Lansdowre Rd., Dover Rd., and Brookside Lane 11 O1 1965 13 540 37. Patridge Rd., Dianne Dr., Yvonne Rd., Greenville Dr. 12 06 1965 13 551 38. Greenview Ranches 12 20 1965 13 556 39. Bayshore drive O1 16 1967 14 23 40. Dogwood Lane O1 16 1967 14 23 41. Pine Valley 03 06 1967 14 34 42. Landsdowne, Yorkshire Lane, Cromwell Circle 05 15 1967 14 61 43. Masters Lane 06 19 1967 14 70 44. Horne Place Dr. 07 03 1967 14 75 45. Flemington Community 08 28 1967 14 83 46. Masters Lane, Yorkshire Lane, and Greenhowe Dr. ' 08 07 1967 14 79 ,? ROAD PETITIONS INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover Count?, N. C. _ MU JECT _ a68. u. s. Counry Indezea Since 1688 f} ? TO IOtYN eamis? op?n af COTT A-Z TAt INCEX PAT OFFICE ????? .?n Identifyins Trade Mark ?B SURNAME INITIAL TAB MADE BY THE (OTT INDEX COMPANY. COLUMBUS. OHIO SOLD ?T ONEN i. YYNN, NEw ?ERN, NORTH GROLINA i? ?+ :,, 1;' Carl Seitter Dr. 2i Horne Place Dr. 3j! Gladiolus and Sassanqua Rd. 4i; Pasha Dr. 5;? Sierra Dr. 60° Rainbow Circle 7:? Laurel Dr. 8. Hollan Dr. 9. County .4irport 10. Arlene Dr. 11. Sierra and Monterey Drives 12. Kennedy Drive 13., Oakley Circle 14. Hyacinth Dr. 15. Castlewood Dr. 16. Brookfield Subdivision 17. Piney Woods Section H 18. Gladilous Road 19. Battle Park 20. Spring View 21. Bayshore Estates 22. Weaver Acres 23.6 Bayshore Drive 24.?. Rogers Ave. 25. King's Grant 26. Channel Haven 27. College Acres 28. Lansdowne Estates 29. Unnamed road near Masonboro Sound 30. f3olidays Hills Drive 31. Horndale Drive 32. N. C. State Road 1526 33. N. C;restwood llrive 34. N. C. State Road 1526 35. Fleming Street 36. Cherokee Trail 37. Capps Road (Masonboro) 38. Cherokee Trail 39. Gandee Road 40. Sound View Drive 41. Blue Clay Road 42. Wood Haven Drive 43. Thrift Acres 44.: Willow Woods 45. Thrift Acres 46. Silva Terra, Section 1 NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS DATE MINUTE BOOK Month Day Year Voi. Page 09 05 1967 14 87 09 05 1967 14 87 10 02 1967 14 93 10 02 1967 14 93 11 04 1967 14 110 11 04 1967 14 110 O1 02 1968 14 132 O1 02 1968 14 132 DI l5 ].968 14 ?34 02 ?)5 1968 14 138 04 16 1968 14 175 04 16 1968 14 175 05 06 1968 14 182 07 O1 1968 14 210 07 Ol 1968 14 210 07 O1 1968 14 210 09 16 1968 14 249 09 03 1968 14 244 09 16 1968 14 249 10 07 1968 14 252 10 07 1968 14 252 10 21 1968 14 257 11 18 1968 14 268 03 17 1969 14 308 O5 05 1969 14 328 O5 05 1969 14 328 U6 03 1969 14 337 OEi 03 1969 14 S37 08 04 1969 14 380 08 04 1969 14 3t50 09 15 1969 14 387 09 15 1969 14 387 10 06 i969 14 S93 10 06 196y 14 393 10 06 1969 14 393 il 17 1969 14 411 i2 O1 1969 14 41y O1 05 1970 14 426 O1 19 1970 14 432 02 02 1970 14 438 02 16 1970 14 442 02 16 1970 14 442 03 02 1970 14 445 03 16 1970 14 450 03 16 1970 14 450 04 20 1970 14 470 ?. INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - N H C t N C anover oun ew y, . . _ MATTER: Real Estate, County- nec. u. s. County Indezes Since 1888 ? TO IOta??i nam?s, Op?ll at r?r OFFICE C??? AnldentiErinBTradeMarlc SURKAME INITIAL TAB COTT A-I TAB INDEX M16[E BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS. OHIO SOlO tY ONEN C. pUNN, NEII iERN, NORTM GROLINA NATURE OF PROC??DINGS DATE MINUTE BOOK Month Day Year Vol. Page l. Mrs Blanche Phillips offer received on purchase of lots 2&3, block 21. 11 ? 1951 11 300 2. Sale of lots 2&3, ?lock 21 approved to Mrs B. Phillips. 11 19 1951 11 303 3. Tide Water Power Co. granted permission to run power lines over County land. 12 3 1951_ 11 306 4. Land apprasial adopted on lots 1-7 approved. 1 14 1952_ 11 312 5. County land aold to Annie Smith, block 337. 1 21 1952. 11 312 6. Sale c?f lot 12, part 11 & 13 Love Groye approved to J. Wade. 2 4 1952 11 315 7. Mrs E.B. Hale, trustee of Gospel Light Mission referred ori charity property. 2 11 1952 11 317 8. Artfiur Smith permitted to redeem 18 acres at Island Creek, deed au?horized. 3 3 1952 11 317 9. Aut?iorized ex?uting deed for C.A.A. for generator site. 3 ZO ?952 ?? 322 10. C.A. Elloitt referred for purchase of lot 11 block 15. 4 7 1952 11 330 11. M.J. Carson prope??y cancelled against Estate Corp. , 4 15 9952 11 331? 12. Pedcock acres cancelled against Estate Corp. 4 15 1952 11 331 13. P. T. Moore acres cancelled against Estate Corp. 4 15 1952 11 331 14. Francis Bill acres cancelled against Estate Corp. 4 15 1952 11 33? 15. Seabreeze lot and Wilmington Beach lot 13 for sale to Mrs. W.L• Murrin. 4 15 1952 11 331 16. Sale of County lot 15 block 11 & lot 18 block 10 Wilmington Beach Authorized. 4 28 1952 11 333 17. Real Estate listings at Wrights??lleBeach received for study. 4 28 1952 11 333 18. Sale of lot 15 block 11 Wilmington Beach authorized to C.A. Elliott and wife. 5 5 1952 11 334 19. Albert Axler offer declined purchase of City -County land, part of lot 5, block 1 0. 6 9 1952 11 340 20. Cancellation of lots 9& 10 block 23, Summer Hills against Howard Hanby authorize d. 6 30 1952 11 346 21. ?ale of City-County lot 2. block 252 authorized. 7 28 1952 11 355 22. Sale of County lot 40 & 41, Seagate authorized to E. Norfleet. 8 11 1952 11 358 23. Horace Garrison referred ?or purchase of County land on Gordon Road. 8 11 1952 11 358 24. Sale of County land on Gordon Road authorized to H.C. Garri;?ion 9 8 1952 11 363 25. Sale of County land lot against William Fennell auhorized to Alise Hil1y 9 15 1G52 11 365 26. W.D. Stokley request Via Attorney R? M. Kermon for refunds referred to Committee. 1G 13 1952 11 371 27. Purchase of City-County at 1Kercer Place, lot 1 block 6, accepted. 10 13 1952 11 371 28. Purchase of New Hanover County land at Cape Fear allowed for H. C. Garrison. 10 13 1952 11 372 29. Sale of City-County land, part lot 1, block 200 to be advertised. 10 13 1952 11 372 30. October 13th action recinded, lot l, block 200 authorized for Dr.. A.M. Couch, Jr. ? 10 20 1952 11 373 31. Sale of part lot 1, block .._ 200 approved, deed authorized. 10 27 1952 11 374 32. Refund of purchase price to W.D. Stokley allowed for County land. 11 3 1952_ 11 375 33. Attorney R.M. Kermon to make motion for court to order Commissioners to give W.D. 11 7.0 1952 11 377 ?tokl??Z a refund on land. 34. Alton D. Rivenbark to purchase Pauline Ave lot 4, apprasial ordered. 11 10 1952 11 378 35. Board to reft?.nd purchase price of land to Stokley's if courF:.s directs it. 11 24 1952 11 380 36. Payment to W.D. Stokley and wife approved for Harnett land in New Hanover County. l? 1 1952 11 382 37. Re-evaluatian of Real Estate discussed, held in abeyance. 12 15 1952 11 385 38. Hargrove Bellamy asked Board to postpone re-evaZuation of Real Estate. 12 22 1952 11 387 39. Sale of Smith Creek land referred to County Attorney. 12 22 1952 11 387 40. D;eeded repairs to County house discussed, building being sold. 12 22 1952 11 388 41. Re-evaluation of real ?state discussede 12 22 1952 11 388 42. Purchase of County land near Corbett Package Plant investigated. 12 29 1952 11 388 43. Action postponed on re-eva?uation of Real Estate. 1 5 1953 11 389 44. Z.V. Worley referred ?Orpurchase of t?ounty land sold to H.C. Garrison. 1 12 1953 11 390 45. Agreed for Johnson to redeem his property in block 325. 2 2 1953 11 3g? INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES -- New Hanover County N. C. ROAD PETITIONS MU EC , _ J T ` xs?. u. s. ,n1' County Indezea Sincc 1888 PAT OFFICE ??1 ?i An Identifying Trade Mark ? TO bCaM IIa1Mf? O?O Yt COTT A$ INADE BY THE COTT INDEX TA? INpEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS? OH10 . SURNAME INITIAL TAB SOLD tT OWEN i. OYNN, NEA ?ERN, NORTH GROLINA NATURE OP PROCEEDtNGS DATE MINUiE BOOK Month Day Year Vol. Page l. Green Meadows - Section 4 08 03 1970 14 520 2. Dean Dr. Ext. 09 08 1970 14 530 3. Spring Time Road 09 08 1970 14 530 4. Spring View Drive 09 08 1970 14 530 5. Tambridge Road 09 21 1970 14 533 6. Laurel Drive 09 21 1970 14 533 7. Green Meadows 10 19 1970 14 537 8. Rose Avenue 04 19 1971 14 613 9. Battleship Drive 04 19 197? ?4 b14 10. Queens Point 05 17 1971 14 645 11. Marquis Hills 05 17 1971 14 645 12. Castle Farms Road 09 20 1971 15 13 13. R.E. Lee Dr., - Early Dr.,- Pine Valley 12 20 1971 15 57 14. Spring View - Section 5 06 05 1972 15 L34 15. Marquis Hills - Section 1 06 05 1972 15 L34 16. Stonewall Jackson Dr. 07 07 1972 15 L79 17. Sumter Ave., Carolina Beach 08 14 1972 15 198 18. Shaw Dr. 08 14 1972 15 l98 19. Brier Crest Dr. 08 14 1972 15 l98 20. Fitzgerald Dr. and James Place 12 04 1972 15 ?78 21. Long View Subdivision 12 04 1972 15 ?78 22. Pirates Cove Subdivision 12 04 1972 15 ?78 23. Heathcliff Road O1 l5 1973 15 312 24. Foxcroft Sobd., Walnut Hills, Sec. 1 O1 l5 973 15 312 25. Endorsement of Petition for improving Hwy. 117 02 )5 1973 15 325 26. Discussion w/Comm. Isabel Holmes 02 L9 1973 15 330- 27. Northbrook Drive 04 )2 1973 15 367 28. Westbrook Dr. and Springdale Dr. 04 ?2 1973 15 367 29. Lansdowne Estates, Sec. D 04 02 1973 15 367 30. Ilex Dr., Sunny Court, Berry Dr., Sandy Co urt $ a portion of Horn Rd. 04 02 1973 15 367 31. Horndale Drive 04 02 1973 15 367 32. Allen's Lane 04 02 1973 15 367 33. Deletion of SR1343 05 07 1973 15 384 34. Ilex and Salix Drives, Silva Terra Subd., Sec. 2 05 07 1973 15 384 35. Tanbridge Rd., Windemere Subd., Sec. 4 05 07 1973 15 384 36. Westchester Subd. (Westchester, Wallington and Lancaster Rds.) 05 07 1973 15 384 37. Terry Lane, Spring View Subd., Sec. 5 05 07 1973 15 384 38. Bragg ? Ewell Drs., Pine Valley Estates 05 07 1973 15 384 39. Monterey Heights Subd,, Sec. 1 05 07 1973 15 384 40. Horn Road, Silver Lake Subd. 05 07 1973 15 384 41. Yacht F, Basin Rds., Basin View Subd. 05 07 1973 15 384 42. Discussion of Subdivisions developed by Me tes and Bounds 06 04 1973 15 429 43. Samuel Cooper F? Kirby Smith Drives 06 04 1973 15 429 44. Plantation Drive 08 06 1973 15 467 45. Bretonshire Road 11 19 1973 15 528 46. Hickory Knoll subdivision Ol 07 1974 15 550 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover Count N C ROAD PETZTZONS M ` y, . , _ U 1E T esa. u. s. County Indezea Since 1888 TO toeaN nom?s, Op?a af ? COTT A-I TA/ INOEX ?? 9 ? PAT OFRICE C?E ? An Identifyin8 Trade Mark SURNAME INITIAL iAY MADE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS. OHIO SOLD ?Y OWEN i. pYNN, NEN ?ERN,110RTN GROlINA ?' NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS , DATE MINUTE BOOK `? 4Y Month Day Year Yol. Pnge I.?' Access road at intersection of US 17 ? US 74 at 132 overpass O1 07 1974 15 552 2.;'. Brandywine O1 07 1974 I5 554 3.,' Deerwood Dr. (Brookfield) O1 07 1974 15 554 4.+ Resolution for paving rural road 1519 02 04 1974 15 570 5.; Policy regarding 02 04 1974 15 573/4 6.? Millbrook Subd.-Section 4 02 18 1974 15 581 7.; Connector between SR 1434 and 1573 03 04 1974 15 592 8. Millbrook, sec. 3 04 L6 1974 15 618 9. Shearin Hills, Sec. 1 and 2 04 16 ?974 I5 bI8 10. King's Grant, Sec. 7, 8, and 9 OS 06 1974 15 626 11. McQuillan Drive 06 03 1974 15 652 12. Lehigh Estates - Sec . 1 06 17 1974 15 667 13. Arrowhead Subdivision, Sec. 1, 2, 3; Egret Point Rd; Sherain Hills Subdivision, Sec. 3, 4 09 03 1974 15 708 14.. Shandy Point Development 12 16 1974 16 70 15. Rogers Ave. - Resolution adopted 02 03 1975 16 107 16. E1 Ogden Subd. - Resolution adopted OZ 03 1975 16 107 17. Petition to close Stub street in Silva Terra Subd., Section III 02 17 1975 16 113 i8. Long View Dr. in Pumpkin Acres - resolution adopted 02 17 1975 16 118 19.? Kzngs Grant Subd - Sections 1Q, 11 ? 12 resolution adopted 03 03 1975 16 128-9 20. Plam Street and Chula Vista Dr. in Sunnyvale Subd. resolution adopted 03 17 1975 16 140 21. Public hearing - closing of stub street in Silva Terra (denied) 04 07 1975 16 L53-4 22. Windemere Subd. - Sections 4 and 6 resolution adopted 05 05 1975 16 191 23. Oak Forest Subd. - White Oak Dr and Birch Ct. resolution adopted 05 05 1975 16 191 24. Churchill Estates and Kings Grant Subd. Kenningston St. and Kenneth Ct. 05 19 1975 16 202 25. Castle Estates, Sections 1? 2 06 16 1975 16 221 26.- Approve to assist Residents of Hillsdale on Road Petition 10 06 1975 16 278 27. Treasuxe Cove Subdivision 11 03 1975 16 276 28. Section E Lansdowne Estates 11 03 1975 16 276 29. Brookfield Subdivision 12 O1 1975 17 19 30. Windemere Rd. Rds in Brierwood Subd. and Highland Dunes 03 15 1976 17 86 31. Hickory Knolls Rd. 08 17 1976 17 ;79-80 32: Bradley Park 09 20 1976 17 197 33. Arrowhead Subd. 11 ?1 2976 17 228 34. Churchill Estates, SEc. 1. 2 and 3 11 15 1975 17 232 35. Silva Terra Subd. 12 06 1976 17 239 36. Appache Trail 12 20 1976 17 246 37. Queens Point 12 20 1976 17 246-7 38. Intent to Close 2nd or 47th st. 12 20 1976 17 247-8 .39. Order to close 2nd or 47th St . Ol _7 1977 17 260-1 40. Wildwood Cricle O1 17 I977 I7 264 41. Victoxy Garden's Drive 02 07 1977 17 279 42. Apache Trail 02 21 1977 17 284 43. Intent to close portion of MacRae Ave. 02 21 1977 17 285 44. Springview Subd. Roads 02 21 1977 17 289 45.: Silver Lake Road 03 28 1977 18 4 46. Roads in Bayshore Estates 03 28 1977 18 5 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover Count N C ROAD PETITIONS y, . . _ MATTER: ` rtec. u. s. .,q County Inde:es Since 1&4B TO IMC?b Ilifll?f. ?pM it COTT A•I TA? INOEX COMPAN USNOfl10 e?r OFFICE C.?j????? Anldentifyin?TradeMark ? SURNAMI lNITIAL TAD ? Y H i !N E ? SOLD 6Y OWEN G DUNN N W BERN NATORE OF PROCEEDINGS DATE MINUTE BOOK "i ' Month Day Year Vol. Page ' ? ' 1. Order closing portion of MacRae Ave. 04 ' 04 1977 18 10 2. L t r f r d' - B s or st t et e o C e it a h e E a es Y 04 18 1977 18 . 19 3. R?solution of intent to clos?; unnamed street in Queens Point OS Ol 1977 18 80 . 4. Resolution of intent to close streets in Battle Ground Park Subd. 10 17 1977 18 116 5. Adopted resolution of intent to close unnamed street in Queens Point 09 06 1977 18 91 6. Addition roads Westchester Subd. to State System I1 07 1977 18 127 7. Addition of roads S. Branch Estates to State System 08 21 1978 18 265 ? 8. Resolution of Intent to close streets Monroe Ave., Franklin St. & portion of Magnolia Drive 11 21 1977 I8 I32 9. ResoZution for Streets in Dixon Acres 11 06 1978 18 300 10. Public Hearing - Dixon Acres I2 04 1978 18 31I-I2 11. Addition of McDougald Dr., Samuel Cooper Dr, Kirby Smith, Joe Wheeler, and CAssidy Dr, to State Sec. Rd. Sys. 03 19 1979 18 375 12. Additions of Patsq Lane, Bragg Dr. & Ewell Dr. in Pine Valley, Shannon Dr. to State Secandary Rd. System 04 03 1979 18 381 13. Addition of Derby Down Way, Suffolk Lane & Coventry Rd. in Lansdown Estates 05 07 1979 18 402 14, Addition of roads in Monterey Heights - Section 6& 7 05 21 1979 18 409 I 15. ? Addition of roads - Greenbriar Subdivision 06 18 1979 18 429 16. Addition of Roads - Holiday Hills Drive, Heathcliff Rd., Apple Rd. & Brier Rd. - Walnut Hills 08 06 1979 18 458 I 17. Addition of extension of SR-1236 to State Secondary Road System 08 06 1979 18 458 18. Request for road maintenance in Castle Hayne 10 Ol 1979 18 484 19. Addition of Glen Eden Dr., Worthdale Rd., Ravenwood Rd. in Pumpkin Creek Acres 10 Ol 1979 18 485 20. Addition of Tom Avenue 10 Ol 1979 18 485 Acres Dr., Tupelo Dri., Sheppard Rd. 2I. Addition of Lakewood Place,.Ashton Rd., Cantwell Rd., Ivanhoe Rd., Canetuck Rd., Harris Rd., Governor`s Rd. 10 15 1979 18 492 22. Addition of Spring Branch Rd., Lord Elkins Rd., Long John Silver Dr., Friday Dr., Mark Twain Dr. 11 05 1979 18 508 23. Addition of Hunter's Trail to State Secondary Road System 12 17 1979 18 525 24. Addition of Eastwind Rd., Camway Dr., Collinwood Ct. & Hiddedn Valley Rd. to State Secondary Rd. System 02 18 1980 18 551 Da11as Dr., Giner Rd., 25. Addition to Longleaf Acres - Elisha Dr., Sabra Dr.,Oakland Dr., Long Leaf Dr., Hellman Rd. & Rosin Ct. 03 17 1980 18 569 26. Recommendation for secondary road & bond fund expenditures by DOT for Dixon Acres 03 17 1980 18 569 27. Public Hearing - Naming 5econdary Rd. 15I5 as Masonboro Sound Road 04 08 1980 I8 574 '?I 28. Addition of Hidden Valley Rd. to State Secondary Road System 06 02 1980 18 607 29. Adoption of Bavarian Dr., Lorraine Dr. to State Secondary Road System 07 07 I980 18 625 30. Public Hearing to consider adoption of Order closing Imperial Road 07 07 1980 18 626 31. Public Hearing to consider intent to close a portion of 47th St. in Winter Park Gardens 07 07 1980 18 628 32. Public Hearing to consider intent to close a portion of Old Federal Point Road 07 07 1980 18 629 33. Addition of roads to State Secondary Road System 07 28 1980 Z8 636 34, Public Hearing to consider adopting an Order closing a portian of 47th Street in Winter Park 08 04 1980 18 642 I 35. Public Hearing to close a portion of the Old Federal Point Road in Federal Point Township 08 04 198Q 18 642 Resolutions requesting additions to State Secondary Road System 36. Blount & Shaw & Rockwell Road, Neil Court and Cricket Court 09 02 1980 18 654 37. Public Hearing to consider renaming Conventry Lane to Nottingham Lare 09 02 1980 18 656 38. Public Hearing-changing name of Edgehill Drive to Candlewood Drive 10 06 1980 18 673 39. Public Hearing - change name of Hidden Valley Road to Cross Creek Road 10 20 1980 18 683 40. Resolution requesting addition of Emily Street to State System 12 Ol 1980• ]$ 710 41. Addition of Roads in Shellbank Subdivision to State System 06 O1 1981 18 844 , 42. Addition of Holly Tree Rod to State System 07 07 Z981 18 873 43. Addition of Roads to State Secondary Road System - French Rd. & Sycamore Street in Greenwood Estates / 10 05 1981 18 931 44. Addition of Rds. to State Secondary Rd. System Runnymead Subdivision & Brickstone Estates & Wood Haven Subd. 10 19 I981 I8 941 45,? Addition of Roads in Arjean-By-The-Sound to State Secondary Road System 12 07 1981 18 965 46. Addition of Rds. to State Secondary Rd. System - Berry Street, Walnut Hills Subdivision O1 18 1982 18 987 w ?,r-? INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover County, N. C. MATTER: ROAD PETITIONS Te Ieeat? nam?a, ?p?n at COTT A-I TAi INOEX eec. u. s. County lndezes Since 1888 ' NUIDE !Y THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMYUS, OH10 PAT OFFICE ???? An ldentifvine Trade Mazk SURNAME INITIAL TAS SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN CO.. NEW BERN, N. C. ? NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS DATE Month Day Year l. Addition of Bretonshire Road and Beckenham Road to State System 2. Adoption of order closing a portion of Sycamore Ave. in the Seagate Area 3. Adoption of Resolutidn of intent to Close Unnamed Road in Wrightsboro Acres 4. Addition of Streets in Walnut Hills Subdivision 5. Addition of Danie & Olive Streets in Seitter Acres 6? Addition of Roads to the State System 7, Addition of Roads to State System 8.Addition to Madeline Dr. to State Secondary Road System MINUTE BOOK Vol. Page 02 O1 1982 18 992 04 05 1982 19 42 04 19 1982 19 52 04 05 1982 19 40 04 19 1982 19 48 06 07 1982 19 80 07 06 1982 19 102 11 Ol 1982 19 178 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover County, N. C. _ MATTER: COMNIITTEE BRIDGES ~ Rea. u. s. County Inaezes Sinee 1888 To locats namas, open at (OT7 A•Z TAB INDEX ??r orsicc ?Jj1l.C?e-7.?.? An IdentiEyins Trsde Mark ? SURNAME iNITtAL TAB MADE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS ;s 1. Roads and Bridges Committee members: Rufus Garriss and Stephen Keyes. 2,? Petition from Charles Bonham for a public road. 3.? Committee approved report on public road petition from C. Bonham. i 4.?? Committee on Roads and Bridges received letter from W.B. Houston. G 5.; Report from Wilmington Township referred to Committee on Roads and Bridges. ? 6.:, Letter from Clerk of Grant Tor?m.ship referred to Committee on Roads and Bridges. 7.-? Committee members: A.R. Black and J.C, Heyer. .? 8.,;Reports from Townships on roads and bridges in County referred to Committee on Roads and Bridges. 9.'??Letter from J.S. Hines and J. HiZ? on condztion of roads in Holden Township received. 10. , Conanittee received reports from Cape Fear Clerk and Wilmington Trustees on roads and bridges. 11. ? Board received report on roads and bridges from Harnett Township, then referred to this Committee. 12.,, Committee received report from Union Township on public highways. 13.,J,Committee received Federal Point Township's report on roads and bridges. 14.;eCommittee received bill from Daniel Melvin for building Newkirk's Bridge in 1864. 15.;;? E.M. Shoemaker appointed member of Roads an.d Bridges Committee during absence of S. Martin. :; 16.,' Committee approved claim of Daniel MeZvin for building of Newkirk's Bridge. DATE MINUTE BOOK ? Month ? Day ? Year ? Vol. ? . Page ? s 3 02 ?? 06 ? 1869 1 180 ?. '? 02 ?' 10 1869 1 183 ?j 02 18 1869 1 186 ? ?; 04 ? 27 1869 1 222 ? ?; 11 k 02 1869? ? 1 337 ! O1 04 1870 1 390 ,3 ? ;; 09 f? ,; 10 10 10 10 11 11 02 02 03 r; 17.;i Committee received matter of repairs for bridge at Green's Mill Pond. 03 ? 18.::;Committee approved bill from Julius Thompson for building bridge across Green's Mill Pond. 05 19.;? Letter concerning building bridge over Green's Mill Pond received. „ 05 20.,?Report favorable on repairs on bridge over Green`s MiII Pond and Mr. Thompson's bill approved. ;; 05 r 21.,? Letter from Cape Fear and Lincoln Townships received regarding boundary changes. ;$ 06 22.Y,'H.E. Scott's request for repairs on bridge across Smith's Creek referred to this committee. ? ? 08 ?Committee instructed to repair bridge over Smith's Creek. ?. 23. 08 y + 24.Fa Alfred Howe's bill for repairs on Smith`s Creek Bridge received. ; 09 25.;; Caswell citizens requested bridge across BZack River. 10 y 26.;?Committee to determine cost for bridge across Black River ;; 10 27.;? Committee given more time to report on bridge across N.E. River. ? 10 ? ., ?, 28.'? Committee to repair bridge over Smith's Creek. i0 29.;@ Committee received petition from Masonboro Trustees to build bridge across Hewlett's Creek. k 12 ?r 30.;? Committee received petition from Holly Township's overseers for repairs on Shelton Creek Bridge. 12 31.,? Committee received petition from citizens of Union Township for a bridge. 02 32.,j Matter of Point Caswell Bridge received. , { 02 33.,„ Committee to approve construction and bill for bridge over Black River. ;, 03 , 34.,? Members newly appointed to Committee: Commissioners Martin, Black and Morris. ,. 09 35. ;Letter from J. Post regarding bridge over Beasley Creek. , 09 36. ;Application of John St. George for bridge over Prince George Creek received. 10 37.''Report from committee on Prince Creek Bridge filed. ., 10 38.'„ Committee received letter from Grand Jury concerning roads and bridges. ;; 10 39.;?; Mr. Rice temporarily appointed to Committee in place of A.R. Black. E? 10 40.;;Report from Committee concerning letter from Grand Jury on roads and bridges deferred to next meeting. ?, 11 4Z.?4 Petition for bridge over Northeast River received, ° 11 42.?y Letter from Caswell Trustees concerning bridge in said Township referred to Committee on Roads and Bridges.", 11 43.;,Commissioner Rice to become member of Committee in place of former Commissioner Black. ? t lI 44.;?Committee to receive plans and estimates for bridge over Northeast River. ?; 01 45.??Committee received petition for birdge over Moore's Ferry. 03 ?? 46.'?New members on Committee: S.N. Martin, A. Morriss, and D. Nixon. f` ( (;. 6 I"4 ? s,, 4 ?. I. ij li 0? 05 1870 1 486 , 03 1870? 2 28 ?? 08 1870;? 2 32 ? 13 1870?? 2 36 ? t? ?, 17 1870,;; 2 71 ?; ?i 07 1870 ?= 2 83 ?; P? ,_ 12 1870k= 2 89 ? ?= 4 06 1871s 2 121 ,? :; 13 187 ]. j? 2 125 „ 06 1871 ky 2 129 .x ? 31 1871?; 2 136 ? !j 05 1871'y 2 1 S4 ; '; ? 12 1871,? Z 156 19 1871; 2 163 ? ?• 09 1871 ??? 2 173 ? p p-7 i' ?7 ?i OO 10/ 1'? G ZOO 9 f? 14 1871? Z Z11 ?`i "? f! ,: Q6 1871?j 2 220 ? {t j; 02 1871N? 2 225 j ? I 02 1871'? 2 225 P? ?? a 07 1871"r" 2 229 j` ?a ( 30 1871?? 2 237 ?? ?i R 04 Z871;; 2 247 33 04 1871? 2 247 05 1872?? 2 287 ,? , ? 12 1872'?? 2 290 ? : ? 11 1872',? Z 299 ; ?? 6 02 1872:; 2 353 ?? 24 1872',? 2 370 ?? E BY 07 1872?,} 2 379 i? ?i 14 1872;s 2 38I '? ? ?? 28 18725; Z 386 i? ?? t; ?? 28 187266 2 386 ? 04 1872?? 2 387 ? '? ! 4{ 04 1872?? 2 387 ?a ; I ?_ 04 1872,9 2 388 ?? .? Z1 1872?? 2 398 r 06 1873 ?? 2 419 j4 s ?' 03 1873 p; 3 30 ,? 17 1873 ;? 3 40 ? @ ? ? INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES -- New Hanover Coun t? N C TEE BRIDGES , . . _ MATTER: COMMIT ` ece. u. s. Counry Indezea Slnce i888 ? To laeate eames? open at (OTT A•Z TAB INDEX MADE BY THE CQTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO r?r OFFICE I:Ca? An ldentifying Trade Mark SURNAME INITIAL TAB SOLD BY OWEN G. D UNN, NEW BERN, NO RTH CAROLINA ' DATE ?; ? MINUTE BOOK ?? NATURE OP PROCEEDINGS ? Month Day I ? Year ;? Vol. ` Page E; I . 1.? Committee reported work on Bannerman's Bridge about half completed and R.G. Ross, contractor, paid $700. ?[ OS 12 1873?? 3 68 ?; ? ; ? a, 2.? Request from David West for repairs on footway near Little Bridge in Cape Fear Township received. 05 12 1873;' ;, 3 69 F` s• 3. Request from Masonboro Trustees for construction of footway over Watson's Branch received. :y 05 12 1873;? 3 69 4. Committee reported contract for repairs on pathway at Smith's Creek given to David West. 06 02 1873;? 3 73 ;? , 5. Committee reported contract for repairs over Watson's Branch given to John Wagner. .. 06 02 1873;; 3 73 ? ,? 6. Board received letter concerning condition of bridge over Toomer's Mill Creek. 06 23 1873,; 3 81 7.i? € Application of Bruce Williams in reference to construction of footway across Reileys? Creek, Guffords Bran-., 07 07 1873!; 3 83 ? ? ch, and Long Creek received. . i , 8.? r Committee received application of Bruce Williams concerning decision of Lincoln Trustees to build a road .. 08 04 1873 „ 3 90 „ f? ? ?? , through his property. r , 9.;; Letter from Lincoln Trustees concerning building a new road received. 08 04 1873 , 3 90 10.;; Committee to advertise for bids to repair or rebuild Little Bridge over Smith Creek and then contract for ,. 10 18 1873._ 3 118 _, ?, ? ? work. . „. i ,11.?; >; Committee to contract for work on bridge over Qualkers Creek and maintenance for two year not to exceed 10 23 1873,. 3 122 , ;c j? $ 63 . 00 . .. .. . .12.?? ?; Committee to contract for work on bridge over Long Creek. 10 13.?? Committee to investigate condition of Moore's Creek Bridge and report. 05 . ? . . ky ,14.?? Members appointed to Committee: James Wilson, J. Wagner and Delaware Nixon. 09 `? 15.?? Received request from citizens of Lillington for County aid in building a footway. 11 € ,16. Request from citizens for repairs on road between Smith's Creek and City received. 12 a 17.{? .3 Committee recommends making a footway over Long Creek at County's expense. , Ol ,18.,? Colored citizens requesCed bridge over North East River at Croom's Ferry. 02 r, 19.;? e? Application of Mr. Shaw for repair of bridges in Holly Township received. 02 ?, ,20.F Application of H. Murphy and D.J. McMillan for repairs on bridge at South Washington received. 02 ;21.? Statement from J.D. Powers on condition of bridge over Washington and Sill's Creek received. 02 ; 22.?; < ?; Application of Hanson Murphy for building a bridge over Croom's Ferry received. 02 • ?r ;23.?, y Committee received request to have aid from County for construction of bridge over Blakes Ferry. , 03 ?t ,24.?; Matter of Blakes Ferry Bridge referred to Commissioners of Pender when elected. . . 03 25.?; ' 'M Board receiv?d an.d filed report from Committee on Roads and Bridges. 03 ?? 26.?? ? Committee received letter from James Grant concerning bridge on old New Burn Road. . 06 ?27.€? ; Committee received statement relative to bridges over Smith's Creek. 06 ! 28.?o .? Board filed report of Roads and Bridges Committee. 06 29.FF Committee on Roads and Bridges appointed: J.G. Wagner, S. Van Amringe and D. Nixon. 10 tB 30..', Roads and Bridges Committee reports C.H. Strode was instructed to do extra repairs on footway near 03 :? ?; ?;? Little Bridge. 31.;? , ,? Report from this committee that Island Creek Bridge needs repairs. 09 32.k? f New Committee members: J. Wagner, D. Nixon and D. Holmes. O1 33.?? Letter from J. Loftin relative to laying out road to Sound referred to this Committee . 05 34.?? Contract for repairing Toomer's Mill Creek Bridge awarded E. Hewlett if approved by this Committee. 09 k? 35.,? Petition of Masonboro citizens to have road laid out received. 10 h 36.?? Petition of Harnett citizens to have prisoners from Work House work on roads received. „ 10 ?; 37.?, ? ?? New members on Roads and Bridges Committee: James Montgomery and H.A. Bagg. . 12 . r; 38.?' Committee on Bridges to repair Green's Mill Pond Bridge. O1 39.`,? ? Chairman of this committee recommends Balaam Wade as overseer in place of Bruce Freemen in Federal Point. Ol ? 40.?? James A. Montgomery, E.L. Pearce and H.A. Bagg appointed to Roads and Bridges Committee. 12 41.? Chairman of Roads and Bridges to advertise for bids to build bridges over George's Creek and Green's Mill 04 Pond. 23 1873.a 3 122 ;? 07 1874 3 214 16 1874 3 262 04 1874 ,. 3 277 , 07 1874 3 280 OS 1875 „ 3 290 ., Ol 1875 . 3 295 Q2 1875 3 296 , 02 1875 3 02 1875 ,. 3 02 1875 _, 3 Ol 1875 :, 3 02 1875 „ 3 03 1875 ? 3 07 1875 ; 3 07 1875 3 15 1875 3 12 1875 , 3 13 1876 , 3 05 1876 .. 3 03 1877 3 06 1878 , 3 11 1878 ,; 3 07 1878 ,? 3 07 1878 ,fi 3 02 1878 4 296 ,, 296 „ 296 , 300 „ 305 „ 307 330 330 336 387 „ 420 464 „ 518 , 723 ,a 748 ., 768 , 768 2 . 15 1879 4 22 1879 A 4 04 1882 4 05 1886 ' 4 a ? t? i? 14 17 433 7 Ol `? r: rr ?? ?? INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - - New Hanover County ?t C. B?IDGES MATTER: , . ` _ COMMITTEE RE6. 8? s, ?r? r?r ori?ca C.?. , Cou»ty Indezes Since 1888 /? An Identifyina Trade Mark ? To locate namea, open aL SURNAME INITIAL TAB COTT 11•Z TAB INDEX MADE BY THF COTT INDEX (OMVANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA 43 (? 1 E NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS ?e l.r ?, Chairman of Roads and Brid es Mont omer re orted Beasle 's Mill Creek Brid e has been re aired. ?' g g Y P Y $ p y 08 ? 2.y? New Committee members: J.A. Montgomery, E.L. Pearce and H.A. Bagg. ;? O1 3.-? Matter of Hilton Ferry was referred to Committee on Roads and Bridges, ? ?, OS ,? 4..x Men appointed to Roads and Bridges Committee; J.A. Montgomery, E.L. Pearce and H.A, Bagg. ; 12 5.?? Men appointed to Roads and Bridges Committee: B,S, Montford, J.C. Stevenson and H.A, Bagg, ?, ?; 12 , 6.E .. Request from Board of Road Supervisors of Cape Fear for terra cotta pipes and lumber received. ` St 02 7.sa Gommissioners Alexander, Dempsey and Nixon appointed to this Committee. Ol 8.`, Chariman Alexander of Roads and Bridges Committee presented his report. ? ?, O1 9.' Chairman to consult with Board of Alderman and Board of Audit and Finance of City to repair Ninth Street 02 and Committee on Roads will repair outside City limits. 10. Repair of Cape Fear Township Road was left to Committee on Roads and Bridges. 03 11. Repair of bridge over Prince George's Creek left to Committee on Roads and Bridges, 03 12.a Repair of bridge this side of Prince George's Creek left to Committee on Roads and Bridges. ,; 03 13.. Request fram W.A. Strauss to build fence around field at County Home referred to this Committee. 10 14.:n New Committee appointed: W.F, Alexander, John Cowan and Roger Moore. 05 15. Report on roads and bridges from this Committee adopted. ,, 06 16._ Committee received bids for repairing Pervine Creek Bridge. , 09 17.r .y Bid from W,A. Strauss to put a fence around the County Home referred to this Committee. ? 10 18. Committee on Roads and Bridges reported urgent need for repairs at County Home. 10 19... Contract for repairing Pervine's Creek Bridge awarded Messrs. King and Merritt, subject to approval of ; 10 ; this Committee. „ 20.;, Matter of repairing Federal Point Road Ieft to this Committee. „ 11 21.,u Letter trom Pender County saying they wi11 pay their part on repairs to Island Creek Bridge referred to , 12 ; this Committee. ,. 22.., Men appointed to this Committee: W.F. Alexander, John Barry and Roger Moore. .: 03 23.' ., Members appointed to this Committee: Commissioners Alexander, Holmes and Moore. ,. 12 24. Members appointed to this Committee: Commissioners Alexander, Montgomery and McEachern. 06 25. I Committee recommended road in Rock Hill be opened as requested by Thomas Balden; granted. 09 26. ' Request from J.G. Johnston relative to securing County Fence to prevent hogs from breaking through referrec? 03 to this Committee. 27. Committee and Superintendent of Roads to discuss discontinuing County roads, but may be kept up by residen? 07 28. Committee recommended roads in Sections 3 and 6 in Harnett be discontinued. 08 29.',; Matter of discontinuing road in Section 5 in Harnett referred to this Committee. ,. 08 3?J.,, All work bills done under Superintendent of Roads and Bridges to be approved by Chairman of Committee on 12 . Roads and Bridges. 31.., Request for lumber for footway over Hewlett's Creek referred to this Committee. , 04 32.,: Committee recommended money be allowed for footway over Hewletts Creek, but County would not be responsible 05 ;; for upkeep. .. 33.. Request from Gr?eer.ville Sound citizens for a public road referred to this Committee. ,. 09 34. : Committee rejected a1Z bids to repair Green's Mill Creek Bridge and new bids to be taken. 10 35.„ Committee to sell County mules not needed now that have tractor engine and wagon. 10 36., Chairman Alexander of Roads and Bridges Committee turned in money from J.F. Foy for rails. ^ 11 37., Members appointed to this Committee: Commissioners Alexander, Robertson and McEachern. 02 38. , Request for repairs on OId Federal Point Road referred to Committee on Roads and Bridges. 03 39.:• ;, Committee to furnish Superintendent of Roads with two mules and carts. .. 03 40. ? Matter of establishing the public Greenville Road left to this Commi?tee. 04 DATE MINUTE BOOK ith ? Day I Year ?? Vol. I Page II ?tl - - 02 1886 ? 4 729 17 1887 `? 4 7?4 ?, 07 1888 ? 5 87 i 0? 1890 ?? 5 285 ?, U3 1894 ? 5 596 03 I896 ?? 5 692 a 05 1897 ?? 5 756 ? i 14 1897 i? 5 759 ? 41 Ol 1897 y?? 5 762 kd ? :a ?_ ?. j; : is Ol 1897 ,?: 5 777 Y': Ol 1897 ?; 5 777 's; E? i? Ol 1897 ,.? 5 777 `? ?' ? ` s, 13 1897 . 6 48 ?; t5 02 1898 ?y 6 164 ? 02 1898 i? 6 165 ? 05 1898 F? 6 179 03 1898 ,': 6 184 ?a M 07 1898 ;? 6 185 " , ?i 1' ?; 07 1898 ?` 6 185 ?, _ ?? t?i .8 ?? 07 1898 ,; 6 189 ;, , ?; 10 1898 ?'; 6 205 ??; kg ?' ?" ; ? ? 06 1899 '.: 6 236 ?? s; 20 1899 ?i 6 365 r? 04 1900 ?` 6 447 `s 03 1900 :; 6 472 ?i ?ti e, ?'. 04 1901 4; 6 531 "? ?, !? 9! [P OZ 1901 ??' 6 575 ? ,; ? I;. 05 1901 ;; 6 584 ?'' p? 4? 05 1901 ,? 6 584 ?q ?i 09 1901 ? 6 620 i? ;, ?; . 07 1902 ;y 6 644 ,; ?r 05 1902 6 649 ?? s? ;i O1 1902 ;; 6 671 ?; 06 1902 ' 6 677 ;_ ?y ?s ,r 06 1902 ;? 6 678 " s; ?k 03 1902 ?; 6 680 ' . y?. 02 1903 `; 6 701 1; :; ?! 02 1903 '° 6 704 ;? D2 1903 06 1903 ' 6 6 705 {; ?: 712 1i ,k ?! ??t ? INDEX TO COI?MISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover Count?, N. C. _ MATTER: COMMITTEE BRIDGES ` ?cc. u. s. ? `_ County [ndezee Since 1888 ? To loeate names, open at COTT A-Z TAB INDEX v?T OFi1CE C.?.ee///l.?.s-?' An Identifyins Trade Mark SURNAME INITIAL TAB MADE BY THE CQTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA ?., Ei NATURE OF PROfE?Dl1?GS "? DATE ;? nAINUiE BOOK ?? `?? Month ? Day ( Year ?? Vol. ? Page F; ? s? , s$ . ,; l. Request from citizens to open Pauline Ave. referred to this Committee. ; 07 1+ 06 1903;+ wp 6 731 ` pr 2. Pauline Ave. declared a public road as recommended by this Committee. I ' 08 03 1903 ? 6 i 743 ? ?r ; 3. This Committee authorized to repair Federal Point Road. 02 01 1904i', u? 6 779 ?_ 4. Request from Federal Point citizens for road improvements referred to the Committee. 10 03 1904 , 7 3 ? ,? 5. Application of W. A. Linaker referred to Committee on Roads and Bridges. 05 ., O1 1905',; 7 24 s :? b. Resignation of J. A. Perry as Road Superintendent referred to this Committee. ` 05 ,. O1 1905<, ,? 7 24 „ 7. Road Committee to contract for road material they will need. 05 O1 1905 7 24 ,. ,k H. 8. Road Committee empowered to employ foreman. ' . 06 05 1905 7 27 , 9. t Report from Superintendent of Roads referred to Road Committee. 07 03 1905 , 7 34 ? 10? Letter from E.W. Van C. Lucas referred to Road Committee. 08 07 1905 7 35 ?? 11;?. Request from E.W. Van Lucas to change road location of Castle Hayne referred to the Committee. , l?y?. Road Committee reported requested granted Huch MacRae. ?? E l?. Petition to open road referred to Road Commit?ee. a? ?y , 1/;?. Request from citizens of Cape Fear for a new road referred to this Committee. € 6 , 1.?. MQra_t?me_giuen..thi?. Committee to report on road in East Wilmington. i , lE. Report from Superintendent of Roads referred to this Committee. 17?? Request from T. R. Mason to open road near Bay Mead referred to this Committee. • ?r 6? 18?? Committee recommended opening about road near Bay Mead. ? 19??. Petition from Mr. Linaken referred to this Committee. G , 20?r Request that old Federal Point Road be strawed referred to Roads and Bridges Committee. , ?; , 2]?. Request from Gerrit Walker and others for a road from Jones Road to macadamized Scott's Hill Road C3 ?y referred to this committee. ?s , 22??. Report from Road Committee on cost of road requested by J. B. Mercer. 2??. This Committee reported on roads to be built. i 2/??. Committee brought up matter of which road would serve most people, old or new Federal Point Roads; 09 05 1905 7 37 10 02 1905 7 39 ; 12 04 1905 A 7 42 , 02 03 1906 , 02 03 1906 ? „ 03 05 1906 „ 04 02 1906 05 07 1906 y 06 04 1906 y 10 O1 1906,, 12 03 1906 02 04 1907 7 03 04 1907 7 04 O1 1907 7 7 47 , 7 47 7 48 7 50 7 52 7 54 7 61 7 66 ; 77 - 80 F 84 no decision. . „i 2??. . Request from Ed Foy for change of road in Harnett referred to Committee on Roads. 04 ,. O1 1907 .. 7 ?? 2?6. Committee on Roads reported Greenville Road to be opened. 04 Ol 1907 ` 7 2?. ?, . ? Letter from C. H. Dock offering to sell rock quarry machinery referred to Road Committee. 05 ? 07 1907 7 r 2?;. a Committee on Roads recommended road be built in Cape Fear. 07 ., Ol 1907:. ., 7 2?. k Rights of_way to be bought for proposed road in Cape Fear. 07 Ol 1907, 7 ? 3C??. This Committee received all suggestions on road from W. A. Lineker, J. H. Johnson and Mr. Quelch. 08 05 1907 7 ps 31??. Grand Jury's report relative to 17th and Market Streets referred to this committee. 08 05 1907 ., 7 4? 3?9. ?? Request from A. 0. McEachern for change in drainage on New Burn Road referred to Road Committee. . 09 03 1907 7 3?. Purchase of machinery for rock quarry referred to Committee on Public Roads. 11 04 1907 7 ;; , 3/?4. f, Bids opened to repair bridge over McCumber's ditch referred to this Committee. 12 02 1907 7 ;a 3??. Letter from Tide Water Power Co. to change Winter Park siding referred to this Committee. Ol 07 1908 7 3F;. Application to straw Masonboro and Federal Point Roads referred to this Committee. , 04 06 1908; 7 3i?. Request from Messrs. Linker and Schnibber to accept road proposed by them referred to this Committee. 05 04 1908, 7 3??. Request from Mr. Hatch for County to furnish rock for baseball ground referred to this Committee. 05 04 1908.? ,. 7 ?? E4 3?". Request from George Roundtree for a road from Tur.npike to baseball ground to protect Golf Club referred ' here.07 06 1908,,, 7 ? 4(?. k? Matter of helipin W. Streeter buy a horse since his was injured due to hole in road referred to this .„ 08 10 1908,; 7 , ? Committee. . ? 4? ? . New Federal Point Road to be strawed by Road Committee and paid for from Township funds. 09 08 1908. 7 4? ?. Request that Rock Hill Avenue be declared a public road referred to Roads Committee. ,. 09 08 1908,; 7 4? ° E ?a . Request that Chair Road be declared public referred to Public Roads Committee. . 10 05 1908-, ? 7 i i? { ,1 ?? 84 84 87 . 93 93 104 105 108 112 . 115 120 129 131 131 137 , 141 145 . 145 ., 151 'n, ?I? is ?? INDEX TO COMMISSI01?1ERS MINUTES -- New Hanover Count?, N. C. , MATT RT COMMITTEE BRIDGES aec. u. s. County Indezea Since 1888 ? YO IOCOtO names, OpBn G} COTT A•I TAB INDEX r?r OFFICE ?? An ldtntifying Trade Mark SURNAME INITIAL TAB MADE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLG BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTN CAROLINA NATURE OP PROCEEDINGS DATE Month Day I Year 10 05 1908 11 02 1908 12 07 1908 Ol 04 1909 Ol 04 1909 Ol 04 1909 Ol 04 1909 02 Ol 1909 08 02 1909 08 02 1909 09 07 1909 10 04 1909 11 Ol 1909 12 06 1909 12 06 1909 Ol 05 1911 Ol 05 1911 04 03 1911 09 06 1911 09 06 1911 10 02 1911 10 05 1911 MINUTE BOOK ?. Vol. I Page ?; l. Letter from H. B. Skelding relative to signs obstructing vision referred to this Committee. 2. Committee reported progress on road from church to River Rose Hill Landing. 3. Matter of Kelly Springfield Road Roller Co. selling a road roller to County referred to this Committee. 4. Request from J. P. Walton for a footway across Hewlett's Creek referred to this Committee. 5. Matter of repair of bridges over Bradley and Lee's Creek referred to this Committee. 6. County Road Committee; W.F. Robertson, J.P. Montgomery and M. W. Divine. 7. Bridge's Committee; M.W. Divine, W.F. Robertson and D. McEachern. 8. Request of O.P.C?ycaux to have old Military Road rocked referred to this Committee. 9. Management of Federal Point Macadam Road connecting Third Street and Greenfield left to this Committee. 10. Road Committee to advertise for fastenings and locomotive to build Federal Point Road. 11. Petition on Greenville Sound Road referred to Road Committee. 12. Committee reported progress on Federal Point Road. 13. Road Committee to purchase road oil to be spread on roads and to use oil sprinkler. 14. Roads Committee; W.F. Robertson, J.P. Montgomery and M.W. Divine. 15. Bridges Committee; M.W. Divine, W.F. Robertson and D.McEachern. 16. Road Committee - J.V. B. Meets, J.L. Kerr and M.W. Divine. 17. Bridges Committee - M.W. Divine, W.F. Robertson and D.McEachern. 18. Request to build a road from Acorn Branch citizens referred to Road Committee. 19. Matter of draining roads in Winter Park Gardens referred to Road Committee. 20. Matter of purchasing a new road roller referred to Road Committee. 21. Report from Engineer A.D. 0'brien referred to Road Committee. 22. Request from Carolina Place and Carolina Heights residents for macadamized street referred to Road Committee. 23. Request from Mary Cronly to open road from Wrightsville Station to Scotts Hill referred to Road Committee. 24, Minutes corrected to show that letters from Mary Cronly and G.B. Elliott referred to this Committee not County Attorney. 25. Federal Point Road to be strawed by Road Committee and to be paid from Federal Point's road fund. 26. County Roads Committee - J.V.B. Metts, J.L. Kerr and M.W. Divine. 27. Bridges Committee - M.W. Divine, H.L. Vollers and D. McEachern. 28. Matter of hiring Harry Henry, sentenced to road work, out to his wife referred to Road Committee. 29. Complaint of Frank Weston of flooding due to poor road drainage referred to Road Committee. 30. Road Committee to connect Dock Street with Turnpike at 17th Street. 31. Bridge Committee to hire an engineer and inspector for N.E. Bridge and procure sites for approaches. 32. Bridge Committee to hire an inspector to inspect work done on Smith Creek Bridge by H. Willowby. 33. Matter of Summer Rest Road referred to Road Committee. 34. More Time given for investigation of Summer Rest Road. 35. Roads and Bridges Committee to have road in Federal Point strawed. 36. Road Committee to act on request from Fidelity, Investment and Development Co. to construct a switch from County's main line. 37. Report made on conditions in convict camps and Road Committee to see that recommendations are complied with. 38. Roads and Bridges Committee to investigate request for sand clay road in Harnett Township. 39. Road Committee: W.E. Yopp, J.Van B. Metts and J.L. Kerr. 40. Bridges Committee: J.Van B. Metts, J.L. Kerr and M.S. Willard. 41. Road Committee to adjust rates Fidelity Trust and Development Co. pays for transporting cars to Sunset Park. 7 151 7 154 . 7 158 7 164 7 165 7 164 7 164 7 167 7 181 7 181 7 181 7 183 7 184 7 187 7 187 7 208 7 209 7 212 7 232 7 232 7 233 7 234 11 06 1911 7 235 12 4 1911 7 236 12 04 1911 7 237 Ol 02 1912 7 241 Ol 02 1912 7 241 03 04 1912 7 244 03 04 1912 7 245 05 06 1912 7 249 05 30 1912 7 250 06 03 1912 7 250 06 03 1912 7 254 08 05 1912 7 255 08 05 1912 7 255 08 05 1912 7 255 0$ 07 1912 7 256 09 03 1912 7 257 12 09 1912 7 267 12 09 1912 7 267 Ol 06 1913 7 269 INDE? TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES N H C N C ? ?RI DGES -- ew anover ounty, . . , MATi RT C OMMITT EE = Rcc. u. s. Counry Indcxee Siace 1888 ??`?'? To loeate names, open af COTT A-2 TAB INDEX ?.e?l?s-?,?' An Identifying Trade Mark U?CT SURNAME INITIAL TAB ?DE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO r?t OFi1CE SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH GROLINA " NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS DATE MINUTE BOOK Month Day I Year Vol. Page l. Attorney Bellamy reported claims of Fidelity Trust and Development Co. adjusted. O1 06 1913 7 270 2. Road Committee to investigate condition of Turnpike Road near second toll gate. O1 13 1913 7 272 3. Road Committee to investigate condition of Scotts Hill Road and the County gate. Ol 1_3 1913 7 272 4.. Road Committee to purchase an auto truck for hauling prisoner and material for road building. Ol 20 1913 7 275 5,. E.H. Freeman reported persons blocking Old Greenville Road; referred to Attorney a?d Road Committee. 04 07 1913 7 287 6. Matt?r of bridge tender for Hungry Neck Bridge referred to Bridge Committee. 04 07 1913 7 287 7. Road Committee to investigate road at Wrightsville and abate problem if possible. 06 02 1913 7 305 g, Bridge Committee reported N.E. River Bridge open for traffic and U.S. Engineer to inspect it. 06 30 1913 7 308 9. Road Committee to furnish rock for walks, etc. at Tuberculosis Hospital. 12 04 1913 7 330 10. Road Committee to procure a new road machine. 12 04 1913 7 330 11. Request from Mr. Blair for a road into park at Winter Park Gardens left to Road Committee. 05 04 1914 7 351 12. Road Committee to investigate boring of deep wells in County and ask Board of Education to assist 06 Ol 1914 7 361 in paying for same. 13. Road Committee to macadamize 17th Street. 06 Ol 1914 7 361 14. Request from Messrs. W.Niestlie, Dempsey, McGirt and Queen for improvement of Blue Clay Road referred Ol 04 1915 7 419 to Road Committee. 15. Offer from Mr. Winstead to put in pipe in ditch in Tdlewild if Road Committee would fill in ditch. Ol 11 1915 7 425 16. Road Committee to make specifications for construction of Federal Point Road. O1 14 1915 7 428 17. Matter of excess water draining on land of Horne Place referred to Road Committee. 02 Ol 1915 7 431 18. Request for building road from Gordon Road to Wrightsboro referred to Road Committee. 02 Ol 1915 7 431 19. Request from D. Niestle for repairs on Blue Clay Road referred to Road Committee. 02 Ol 1915 7 431 20. Request from Mr. Bonham that road near Highwood Park be declared public referred to Road Committee. 03 O1 1915 7 441 21. Road Committee reported on clearing ditches near Winter Park. 04 12 1915 7 451 22. Road Committee to put signs on road showing City limits. 04 12 1915 7 451 23. County Roads Committee - Messr.s. Yopp, Moore and Kerr. 04 19 1915 7 453 24. Bridges Committee - Messrs, Moore,Kerr and McGirt. 04 19 1915 7 453 25. Request that land of C.R. Humphrey cover construction of Carolina Beach Road referred to Road Committee. 08 02 1915 7 475 26. Road Committee will report on grading Avenue L. in a few days. 08 02 1915 7 475 27. C.R. Humphrey's letter to Road Committee was read to Board. Ol 17 1916 7 527 28. Auditor to notify Beach Companies and Mr. Humphrey that County deposited its money to complete Carolina Ol 17 1916 7 527 Beach Road. 29. Bids for erection of home for Bridge Keeper referred to Bridge Committee. 02 07 1916 7 535 30. ?oad Committee to work Blue Clay Road as soon as possible. 03 06 1916 7 539 31. Road Committee to lay drainage pipes for Winter Park Gardens next week. 03 06 1916 7 539 32. Request for road improvement in Federal Point `?ownship referred to Road Committee. 04 03 1916 7 543 33. Request from J.H. Rehder for repairs on Middle Sound Road referred to Road Committee. 06 OS 1916 7 561 34. Bridge Committee to ascertain from Corps of Engineers if building a bridge across Cape Fear River will 06 17 1916 7 565 Be allowed. 35. Road Committee purchased a"Jeffrey" Truck. 07 03 1916 7 571 36. Representative of Jeffrey TrucK Co. made explanation relative to truck purchased by County. 10 06 1916 7 591 37. Complaint of Thomas Tart on damming of water during rains upon his land referred to Road Committee. 11 06 1916 7 593. 38. Road Committee to investigate water supply of Work House and County Home. 11 06 1916 7 593 39. Bridges Committee - Messrs. MacMillon, Yopp, and Kerr. 12 04 1916 7 598 40. Roads Committee - Messrs Hewlett, Kerr and Yopp. 12 04 1916 7 598 41. Request from Myrtle Grove citizens for a road to schoolhouse referred to Road Committee. 03 05 1917 7 615 42. County Roads Committee: Messrs Hewlett, Kerr and Yopp. 12 03 1917 7 652 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES --- N H t C N C T ` anover oun ?, ew . . _ MATT R Rea l Estate, County - .j nac. u, s. '?r?? County Indexee Since 1888 ? TO IOta?Y nomts? Optn at COTT A•2 TAi INDEX P?r OFFICE ?I?lrq,a.? AnldentifyingTradeMark MuCE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SURNAME INITIAL TAB SOLD ?T ONEN i. CYNN, NEw ?ERN, NORiX GROLINA .. NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS DATE MINUTE BOOK Month Day Yenr Vol. Page l.. Authorized 3ahn Hooper to redeem his property for $32?2.47, installments declined. 2 16 ?1953_ 11 401 2:. Maps of County Farm land prepared by Engineer H. Von Oesen. 3 9 1953 11 406 3.: Senatorial lettt??presented to support truck l?ase bill. 3 9 1953, 11 40b 4., Local bill for re-evaluation to take over if State bill fail to pass. . 3 9 1953. 11 407 5., H. W. Mullican request received for purchase of Gordon Road lot. 3 16 1953 11 409 6.. L?.st of 118 pieces of New Hanover Coun?y land for taxes referred to Chairman. 3 16 1953 11 410 „ 7.. Board to sell C.H. Hataff County land in block 186. 3 16 1953 11 410 8.. Part of County land at Castle Hayne recommended for State Road-side Drive-In. 3 30 1953 11 412 9.. American Bakeries Co. offer accepted for purchase of County Iand on 2nd St., payment 5 4 3953 II 4I7 and deed authorized. ll). Rev. T. P. Noe offer received on sale of County lots block 551, for Oak Grove Cemetery. 5 11 1953 11 420 11. Seventh Day Adventist Church request received for purchase of County lot in block 119. 5 11 1953 11 420 12. List presented on 151 County lots to be appraised. 5 18 1953 11 422 13. Action postponed on purchase of land in block ?,52 to Scipio Hawkins. 5 26 1953 11 423 14., U.S.N. Real i,state Branch to visit County, Chairman announced. 5 26 1953 11 424 15.. American Bakeries Co. receipts received. 5 26 1953 11 242 16. Wilmington Board of Re?.ltors tt? appraise 59 parcels of County land. 6 15 1953 11 428 17.. Old Real Estate accounts cancelled for D. I. Innis, Old ledger. 6 29 1953 11 432 18.: Old Real Estate accounts cancelled for H. L. Smith, Old ledger. 6 29 1953 11 432 19. Old Real Estate accounts cancelled for R. D. Smith, Old ledger. 6 29 1953 11 432 20. Notice received on option for purchase of lands at Airport. 7 27 1953 11 440 21. Deed authorized for sale of lot 3, block 2 Hanover ?ardens to Mr. & Mrs. M. L. Harris. 7 27 1953 11 441 22. Authorized error corrected on deed ?o P. E. Hoggard. 7 27 1953 11 441 23.. Deed presented to State for sale of Stadium land _f_-o-? Armory. 7 27 1953 11 441 24. Transfer of County home land approved from,Timme Corp. to County. 7 27 1953 11 441 25.. Attorney C. C. Holmes to be written on protecting him on sale on Holsey Williams 7 27 1953 11 441 Estate property for ta?es. 26.: Inquiries reported for purchase of City-County tax for?closed land, appraisals postponed. 8 10 1953 11 444 27. J. J. Flamm, N. Y`. Attorney, referred on title £or Wi.lliam H. Johnson property block 8 17 1953 11 446 266, lot 5. 28.. Exchange of land approved at Smith Creek with Corbett Industries. 8 31 1953 11 450 29. Sale of sand on land at Quarry at Castle Hayne referred to Chairman. 9 2 1953 11 451 30._ Towles-Cline Co. bid received for Quarry land. 9 8 1953 11 452 31, Sale of City-County property discussed. 9 21 1953 11 545 32., State Revenue letter received for list of property valuations. 9 28 ?953 11 455 33.. E. B. Towles Co. b:?d approved for Quarry land. 9 28 1953 11 456 34. Exchange of land deeds approved on Corbett Industries, autho-rized closing of road. 9 28 1953 11 456 35.. Discussed cost of mapping. 9 28 1953 11 456 36.. J.H. Quigley letter received on cost to reevaluate propertyo 10 5 1953 11 457 37, Mary r?. Bradshaw ?equested for OAA lien be dropped f?om her prop?rty block 182, granted. 10 12 1953 11 459 38. Sale of block 8, lot 1, Mrece Place approved for W.D. Byrant. 10 12 1953 11 460 39. Sale of block 59, lots 5&6, approved to W.S. Steven. 10 12 1953 11 460 40. Sale of block 502, lot 2, approved to He1en K. ?.'arborough's heirs. 10 12 1953 11 460 41 State Revenue letter received for list of property valuations. 10 19 1953 11 461 42? Declined 20 day option from Willie James on purchas? of City-County lots 3-5, block 228. 10 19 1953 11 461 ' 43, Deed authorized on City-County land block 351 for J. N. Alexius. 10 26 1953 11 462 INDE? TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES ? H C N C BRI DGES ?? . , MATT RT COMMITTEE ew anover - ount?, . ` eec. u. s. Counry lndexea Since 1888 70 loeate nomes, open at C07T A-1 TAB INDEX e?i OFFlCE ?p?? An Identifying Trac?e Matk ? SURNAME IMITIAL TAB MADE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS DATE ? MINUTE BOOK Month I Day I Year Vol. I Page ; 1. ? Bridge Committee: Messrs. MacMillan, Yopp and Kerr. 12 03 1917 7 652 i ' 2. Request for ditch near Scott's Hill Road referred to Road Committee. 12 03 1917 7 652 3. Road Committee to investigate complaint of L. C. Grant that people are parking automobile on his 08 05 1918 8 16 private property. 4. Complaint of J. B. Fenley of drainage on his land referred to Road Committee. 09 03 1918 8 17 S. Parking trouble of J. 0. Hinton referred to Attorney to adjust. 09 03 1918 8 17 6. Bridge Committee: W. P. McGlaughon, G. W. Trask and W, E. Yopp 12 02 1918 8 26 7. County Roads Committee: Addison Hewlett, G. W. Trask and W. P. McGlaughon. 12 02 1918 8 26 8. Road Committee to purchase material for road work. 03 03 1919 8 38 9. Road Committee ordered tarvia from Barrett Co. of Philadelphia. 03 10 1919 8 40 10. Matter of gate removal at Pembroke Park referred to Road Committee. 06 O1 1919 8 60 11. Request from J. I. Metts to have surface of Greenville Sound Rd, hardened referred to Road Committee. 06 O1 1919 8 61 12. Road Committee to cooperate with Wilmington Motor Club to eliminate reckless driving and use of glaring 08 04 1919 8 68 lights on automobiles. 13. Damages to car of Ed Story referred to Road Committee. (see Roads). 08 28 1919 8 72 14. Road Committee recommended bill for damages to car of Ed Story be declined. 09 02 1919 8 74 15. Road Committee to investigate having speed limit signs placed on roads. 10 06 19I9 8 79 16. Request of B. B. Trask to lay out roadway to Rock Hill referred to 12oad Committee. 10 06 1919 8 79 17. Roads and Bridges Committee - A. Hewlett, G. W. Trask and W. E. Yopp. 12 O1 1919 8 89 18. Road Committee to investigate putting tarvia on some City streets. O1 28 1920 8 95 19. Committee members: J.W. Little, G. W. Trask and W. E. Yopp 12 06 1920 8 134 20. Road Committee to continue repairs of Middle Sound Road. O1 31 1921 8 144 22. Enlarging drain ditch on Wrightsville Ave. and draining road to Winter Park School referred to Road Comm. 02 07 192I 8 145 22. Request for better drainage system along Scotts Hill road referred to Road Committee. 02 07 1921 8 145 23. Matter of installing larger culverts along County roads referred to Road Committee. 02 10 1921 8 147 24. Road Committee to buy an extra truck to transfer road convicts. 03 07 1921 8 148 25. Request for County to take over road from Wrightsville Turnpike to Winter Park Garden Station referred to 05 02 1921 8 154 Road Co?nmittee. 26. Request to have construction of Third St. resurfaced referred to Road Committee. 05 24 1921 8 155 27. Complaint of J. R. Canady on opening of ditch on Middle Sound Road referred to Road Committee. 05 24 1921 8 156 28. Request that a road to Summer Rest and Wrightsville Depot be maintained by County referred to Road Comm. 06 06 1921 8 157 29. Request to change location of intersection of Myrtle Sound Road and Ft. Fisher Highway referred to 10 03 1921 8 175 Road Committee. 30. Request to repair Third St. Extension referred to Road Committee. 10 05 1921 8 177 31. Request to have coal cinders spread on Power Co's right of way at Villa View referred to Road Committee. 11 07 1921 8 178 32. Request that County take over road near Oleander ?r?ferred to Road Committee. 11 07 1921 8 178 33. Roads and Bridges Committee: A. Hewlett, G. W. Trask and W. E. Yopp, 12 05 1921 8 182 34. Reauest that County take over part of road at Castle Hayne referred to Road Committee. O1 03 1922 8 184 35. Request from J. S. Funchess for damages to his auto referred to Road Committee. O1 03 1922 8 184 36. Request to connect Scotts Hill and Castle Hayne roads with a better road referred to Road Committee. Ol 03 1922 8 184 , 37.. Matter of purchasing additional trucks for road force refexred to Road Committee. O1 20 1922 8 186 38. Request to have road from Davis Store to Wrightsboro Station repaired referred to Road Committee. 02 06 1922 8 188 39. Matter of shelling Middle Sound Road referred to Road Committee. 02 06 1922 8 188 40. Request from Mr. Davis that a bridge be built over Jumping Run referred to Road Committee. 03 06 1922 8 191 41. Request that Audubon Blvd. be drained referred to Road Committee. 04 03 1922 8 193 42. ?? Request f or road repairs near railroad siding at Delgado Mills referred to Road Committee. 04 , 03 1922 < 8 193 ., INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES -- New Hanover Count?y, N. C. , MATT RT ROADS AND BRZD?ES COI?II TTEE aec. u. s. County Indexea Since 1888 ? TO lOtat9 npRt@S? open Gt COTT A-2 TAB iNDEX r?r OFFICE ??JJ? An Identifying Trade Mark SURNAME INITIAL TAB MADE BY THE [OTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, ONIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH GROLINA NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS 1. Road Committee to discuss repair of Middle Sound Road with J. W.Blake. 2.. Request of W. W. Holladay to have driveway graded referred to Road Committee. 3. Petition from F. E. Robinson to chose Sycamore Ave. referred to Road Committee. 4. Road Committee to purchase an automobile for the 5upt. of Roads. 5. Request to open road from Scotts Hill to Wrightsville through Summer Rest referred to Road Committee. 6. Request from J. 0. Hinton for County to build a road referred to Road Committee. 7. Sale of County's lime crusher referred to Road Committee. 8. Request for repair money for Ft. Fisher Road to the "Rocks" referred to Road Committee. 9.; Request to open road from Scotts Hill to Holly Shelter Road referred to Road Committee. 10. Road Committee to inspect all County dirt roads. 11. Request to drain pond on Wrightsboro Road referred to Road Committee. 12. Request to repair roads in Rock Hill referred to Road Committee. 13. Request from J. F. Fenley to close Old Meares Road referred to Road Committee. 14. Request from Ellis G. and J. N. Freeman for County to take over a road referred to Road Committee. 15. Request to install pipe along Scotts Hill Road to drain land of 0. Pearsall referred to Road Committee 16. Matter of erecting a fence around Stockade Building referred to Road Committee. 17, Request for repair of Old Newbern Road referred to Road Committee. 18. Roads and Bridges Committee: L. D. Lotta, A. Hewlett and W. R. Dosher. 19, Request from Delgade COtton Mills to have cinders spread on road referred to Road Committee. 20. Matter of improving road to W. G. Pennyparker's place referred to Road Committee. 21. Matter of building a road with Irving Park Co. referred to Road Committee. 22. Citizens furnishing oyster shells for Seabreeze Road referred to Road Committee. 23. Roads and Bridges Committee: L. D. Lotta, A. Hewlett and W. R. Dosher. 24. Matter of a new range for Stockade referred to Road Committee. 25. Request for road repair through Montgomery Development referred Road Committee. 26. Plans for a Tourist Camp referred to Road Committee. 27. Request from citizens of Middle Sound District for road repair referred to Road Committee. 28. Reauest for damages from Donald King referred to Road Committee. 29. Road Committee to secure rights of way for State Highway from City to Wrightsville Sound. 30. Repair of Peach Tree Ave. referred to Road Committee. : 31. Water draining off highways onto private property referred to Road Committee. 32. ReQuest from Middle Sound citizens to have a road opened referred to Road Committee. 33, Road Committee to handle opening of road near Summer Rest. 34. Drainage of road in East Wilmington referred to Road Committee. 35. Roads and Bridges Committee: L. D. Lotta, A. Hewlett and W. R. Dosher. 36. Repair of Eggart Ave. referred to Road Committee. 37. Repair of 01d Middle Sound Rd. referred to Road Committee. 38. Cutting road from Wrightsville Turnpike to Winter Park Cemetery referred to Road Committee. 39. Repair of road leading into Rock Hill referred to Road Committee. 40. Matter of money to beautify approaches to N.E. River Bridge referred to Road Committee. 41. Extension of Porter's Neck Road referred to ltoad Committee. 42. Surfacing road in Country Club Pines referred to Road Committee. 43. Improvement of roads in Castle Hayne farming district referred to Road Committee. 44. Matter of drainage situation for project 353 referred to Road Committee. 45. Matter of a gate to pasture of A. W. Hewett on Ft. Fisher Rd. referred to Road Committee. 46. Hard surfacing Audubon Boulevard referred to Road Committee. DATE Month Day Year 04 10 04 10 05 10 05 17 06 05 06 05 06 05 07 02 07 D2 07 02 07 28 08 07 09 05 09 05 09 05 09 06 11 06 12 04 03 12 07 02 09 10 12 03 12 03 02 19 03 03 03 25 04 21 05 05 07 07 07 07 08 04 08 04 08 04 10 06 12 O1 O1 05 Ol OS Ol 20 02 02 03 02 03 02 03 16 04 06 05 04 05 04 12 07 MINUTE BOOK Vol. Page 1922 8 194 1922 8 195 1922 8 198 1922 8 199 1922 8 200 1922 8 200 1922 $ 201 1922 8 201 1g22 8 20? 1922 8 201 1922 8 206 1922 8 206 1922 8 209 1922 8 209 1922 8 210 1922 8 211 1922 8 214 1922 8 219 1923 8 232 1923 8 248 1923 8 263 1923 8 273 1923 8 274 1924 8 282 1924 8 285 1924 8 288 1924 8 292 1924 8 296 1924 8 302 1924 8 302 1924 8 304 1924 8 304 1924 8 304 1924 8 310 1924 8 317 1925 8 320 1925 8 321 1925 8 323 1925 8 3?7 1?25 8 330 1925 8 331 1925 8 332 1925 8 334 1925 8 337 1925 8 337 1925 8 360 INDE? TO COMMISSIONERS MINU?ES -- New Hanover Count? N C MAT ERT ROADS AND ???ITTEE BRIDGES i '. , . . , nec. u. s. County Indezea Since l888 ? YO IotatB oames, Opl11 Ot PAT OFFICE ?p,?? An ldentiEying Tradc Mark SURNAME INITIAL TAB ?DE BY THE COT7 p•Z 7A8 lNDEX COTT ?NDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD BY OWEN C. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA NAi'URE OF PROCEEDINGS DATE MINUTE BOOK Month I Day Year Vol. I Page . , 1. Repair of Myrtle Grove Sound Road referred to Road Committee. O1 04 1926 8 364 2. Request that road from Grainger Point to Seabreeze Rd. be repaired referred to Road Committee. O1 11 1926 8 366 3. Repairs on Old Greenville Road and Road to Winter Park Cemetery referred to Road Committee. 04 05 1926 8 378 4. Hard surfacing Kenwood Ave. referred to Road Committee. 07 06 1926 8 388 S. B. B. Cameron's request for sand around William Hooper School referred to Road Committee. 12 10 1926 8 413 6. Request of Raymond Hunt to have Commissioners rent County eauipment for tarvia treatment of Wrightsville 03 05 1927 8 430 Harbor Island causeway referred to Roads Committee. 7. Bridge Committee to investigate and report on surfacing of military road. 12 21 1926 8 416 8. Raymond Hunt's request on renting Bridge referred to Road Committee. 03 15 1927 8 430 9. Citizen petition on Mimosa Ave. repairs referred to Road Committee. 04 04 1927 8 434 I0. Resolution on bridge expenditures and hearing committee authorized and named. 06 23 1927 8 450 11. Bridge over Stergeon Creek referred to Road Committee. 09 06 1927 8 460 12. Request for dirt for Wrightsville School referred to Road Committee. 10 11 1927 8 466 13. Refusal of large truck on ferry referred to Ferry Commission. 11 22 1927 8 474 14. Petition to hard surface Borden Ave. Referred to Road Committee for Dec. 20 report. 12 13 1927 8 477 15. Road Committee reported favorably on citizen petition to hard surface Borden Ave. 12 20 1927 8 477 16. Stockade's window repair to be set with concrete was referred to Road Committee. 12 20 1927 8 478 17. Petition to construct road near Pender County line referred to Road Committee. O1 10 1928 8 483 18. Motion to surface parking space at Carolina Beach carried by vote. O1 10 1928 8 483 19. Committee report to allow road note to be changed concerning May 2, 1927 and June 14, 1927 hearings O1 17 1928 8 483 was accepted by board. 20. Road Committee to investigate widening road at Seagate Station. O1 17 1928 8 483 21. Lamont Smith request for fexry pass to deliver newspaper referred to ferry committee. O5 29 1928 8 512 22. Purchase of truck referred to Road Committee for report. 06 19 1928 8 514 23. Committee to purchase two Graham trucks. 07 31 1928 8 524 24. Purchase of truck for road account was authorized by Committee. 21 07 1928 8 545 25. Road Committee to investigate widening road at Seagate Station. 1 17 1928 8 483 , `? 26. i Lamont Smith request for Ferry pass to deliever newspapers referred to Ferry Committee. 5 29 1928 8 ?12 ' 27. Purchase of truck referred to Road Committee for report. 6 19 1928 8 514 28. Committee to purchase two (2) Graham trucks. 7 31 1928 8 524 29, Committee authorized the purchase of truck for road account. 11 7 1928 9 545 30. Brunswick-New ??anover Commissioners held meeting on Ferry operations and Cape Fear- 11 12 1929 9 6 Northeast River Bridges. 31. J. A. Taylor's urge to discontinue Ferry in order to avoid bridge- ferry competition 11 12 1929 9 _? referred to Ferry Committee. 32. Ferry Coinmission referred damages of automobile by truck to both drivers to settle. 11 12 1929 8 6 33. Repairs of Gordon road referred to Road Committee. 6 2 1930 9 44 34. Road and Bridge Committee met in joint session to discuss plans for road repairs. 12 6 1948 11 60 35. Road and Bridge Committee recommendation adopted as listed. 12 6 1948 11 60 INDEX TO GOMMISSIONERS MINUTES -- New Hanover Gounty, N. C. _ MATTER: aec. u. s. County lndezes Since 1888 ?? To lowt? names, OplO at r?r OFFICE ?.s?l?'.s?- An Identifying Trade Mazk SURNAME INIiIAL TAB NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS 1. Approval o? application for funds for road signs 2.' Resolution approving application for funds 3. Funding shortfall for project, report ROAD SIGNS COTT A TO Z TAB INDEX MAGE tY THE COTT INpEX ODN?AKY, COLOM?US, ONIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN CO., NEW BERN, N. C. DATE MINUTE BOOK Month Day Year Vol. Page 12 O1 1980 18 722 12 O1 1980 18 723 05 18 1981 18 837 INDE? TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES -- New Hanover County, N. C. , MA TER• Real Estate, County- aae. u. s. ''qJ,? County Indezea Since 1888 ? TO lota? num?f, Optn af COiT A•2 TA6 INDEX rsr OFFICE ?ic? An[dentifyingTradeMar(c SURNAME INITIAL TAB ???E 81 THE fOTT INDEX tOMPANY, COlOMBUS, DNIp fOLO tY OWEN i. pUNN, NEN 6ERN, NOR1N GROLIXA NATURE QF PROCEEDINGS DATE Month Day Year MINUTE BOOK Vol. Page .,; s l. Deed authorized on City-County 1a?.d block 228 to J. W. Hooper. ; 2._ List of unlisted property referred to soli?itor. , 3.., J. R. Casey agreed to convey land on Gordon Road ??. Coun:ty. 4. Chairman and Board members to attend NACo Convention in Ala. 5.. NA?o. meeting discussed, r??ort made by audito?. _ 6. County join City in sale of parcel 46, block 310 to R. J. Yow. 7. County>join City in sale o? parGel 47,.block 277 to L1Qyd Elkins. 8.. County join City in sale of parcel 123, block 149 to Kennedy Evans. 9. Sale of Wilmington,Beach lot 18, block 10 & lot 15 blo?k 11 approved to V.S. Gore, Jr. 10.. Sale of ?.ot 3, block 2 Meares Place approved to H. E. & Eunice Boykin. 11. C P& L granted easement over County land on Blue ?Iay Road, Ca?e Fe?.r. .. '12. Realtor Glen Tucker, discussed Carolina Beach ta:?ti valuations. 13. County Attorney raised e?uestion relative to land value with standing timber. . I4, Sale of City-Coun?y land, bloc.k 19, lot 2, approved to John S. Ca.mpfield. 15.. No action taken on inquiries for mapping program from Hunicult an? Assucia_tes of FIa. and Cole-Layer-Trumb3:e Co of N.?. . 16. Harold Steinberger referred for refund on block 309 lot f_com City-County foreclosure. 17. Dennis Botevsky complaint referred to C P& Lfor relocation of power lin.e. 18. A. ?I. Graham letter received in reply to March 3lst -r_elative to Tide Water Power Co. 19. Sale of land part of lot 5& 6, block 41 auhtorized to L. B. Harrell, Sr. 20.. Dr. L. W. Upperman declined sale of tax foreclosed land at block 499 on Nun Street. 21.. Authorized tax fore.closed lot block 68, sale to Willie & Elizabeth Graham. . 22._ C P& L request for easement over County land accepted for advisement. 23? Cape Fear Boy-scoi.tt letter of thanks for land at N E River Bridge. 24. A?.thorized refund for Sanda Daeniels and wife for lots 25 &26 Gideon Height, lots 5& 5A East Wilmington Park, approved in case of Owen & J. B. Maides, Jr. Vs County. 25. Motion carried to sell ?ity-County land, block 41. 26. Survey on beach destruction by hurricane, Horton reported, to be presented to Governor. 27. Carolina, Kure and Wrightsville ?Beach, Commissioners met to discuss ?.?lans on tax values for loss of property by hurricane. 2$. Sale of tax foreclosed land, lot 6, block 148, approved to J. E. Canady. 29. Sale of foreclosed Zand approved to .3. E. Canady, land ?.t Cap? Fear. 30. Meeting set for re-evaluating Carolina, Kure and Wrightsville Beach property. 31. Attention called to forms to be filled out fo? unincorpated areas. 32. J. E. Canady offer accepted. deed authorized on tax foreclosed land lot SO & Sl, block 5, lot 18 & 19, block 5, South Wilmington. 33. Estimates cost received for aid to rehabitat. Be aches an.d Airport property. 34. ReporL indicated amounts of funds alloted for hurricane damageS. 35. Waddell Walters offer accepted for purchase of property, block 83. 36. H. H. Mallette offer accepted for purchase of lot 5& 6, block 11°. 37. Contract awarded to Hanover Co. for repairs to Shoreline at Freeman, Wilmington and Fort Fisher Beaches. 38. E. E. Bagg offer accepted for purchase of lot S, block 337. 39. R. L. King offer accepted for purchase of lot 6& 14, block A, Greenfield Ter. 4U. Offers for parcels 102 blk 119, 125b1k A, 18 blk 37, 19 blk 499, 91 blk 489, 18 blk 37, not accepted by.City. Sale of parcel 31 lot 4; I02 '??_ock ?19 approved. 10 26 10 26 10 26 11 2 11 16 11 3? 11 30 11 30 12 3 12 3 12 3 12 14 12 21 12 28 1 25 1953 1953, 1953. 1953 1953., 1953, 195? 1953 1953 1953 I953_. 1953. 1953._ 1953. 1954 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 II 11 11 11 11 11 11 462 462 46 2 465 465 468 468 468 47I 471 471 474 4i6 47; 480 2 1 1954 11 481 3 1 1954 11 48?? ,. 4 5 1954 11 498 4 5 1954 11 498 5 24 1954 11 508 5 24 1954. 11 515 6 21 1954 11 523 8 9 1954 11 536 ? 30 1?54 11 539 9 20 1954 11 539 10 18 1954 11 547 10 25 1954? 11 548 Il 1 1954 11 549 , 11 1 ?954 11 549 _ 11 1 1954 11 551 11 8 1954 11 552 Il 8 1954 11 552 11 8 1954 11 552 11 22 1954 11 534 12 13 1954 11 561 1 3 1955 11 564 1 1? 1955 11 568 1 17 1955 11 568 1 17 1955 11 568 1 17 1955 11 568 2 14 1955_ 11 575 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - N H C t N C ew anover oun y, . . _ MATTER: Real Es tate, County - Re?. u. s. County Indezee Since 1888 ? 10 loea? nam?s, op?? Of COTT A•Z TAB INDEX r?r OFFICE C???? An Identi[yine Trade Mark SURNAME INIiIAL iAB Mwt E BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY. COLUMBUS. OHIO SOLD ?Y OWEN 0. pUNN, NEN tERN, NORTN GROLINA NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS DATE MINUTE BOOK Month Day Year Vol. Page l,. Foreclosed propertydispo.?al referred to Chairman and City Officials. 3 1?+ 1955 1.1 582 2.. No action taken on attending Real Estate appraisals conference. , 4 4 1955 11 587 3.. Stateme?nt presented on cost of land and units for Long Leaf Hames. 4 18 1955. 11 590 4.. Parcel of Winter Park land requested by R. M. Waldorf for Winter Park VFW s?.te. 4 25 1955.. 11 591 5.. Rev. Y. S. Crowley complaint received, US 17 property near Ogden cannot be located. 5 16 1955, 11 598 6_. Motion carried for Canady to purchase real estate in County at 10%. 5 31 1955 11 601 7.. Timme Corp. letter received on changing nam? of Corpor?tion from Woonso?ket Falls Mills. 7 5 1955 11 610 8. Sale of land approved on Castle Hayne Road a.s State Highway and George Shop. ;' 11 1955 11 613 9. Sale of County- City foreclosed land block 349 approved to F?r?hur Lee Davis. 8 29 1955 11 627 10, A.E. Armstrong offer app ?ov?d, deed authorized for item l, block 67a I?. ,T. L. Baldwin offer approved for ?lot 30, block C, Bronx. 12. Wilmington Board of Realty received complementing Board on Stand for property tax. 9 12 1955 11 629 13. Authorized lots 6& 14 for ?ale. 11 21 1955 12 18 14. Motion carried to sale Old Redcross Sanatorium track of land. 1 3 1956 12 31 15, TB Hospi?al and land to be sold. 1 30 1956 12 39 16. Real Es?ate Equalization Advisory Board to meet with Commissioners. 1 30 1956 12 40 17. City Council approved to r?convey to Church part West lot S, block 350. 2 6 1956 12 41 .18, Approved sale of tax .for_eclosed property block 325. 2 6 1956 12 41 19, The Real Esta?e R?valization Advisory Committee disci?.ssed ?plans for revaluation. 2 6 1956 12 43 20R Bids received fa.r Count?r Sanatorium sa1e. 3 5 1956 12 48 21. Approved bid of Drse S.E. Pace, R. T. Sinclair, Jr. and W. C. Mebone, at $50.000.00. 3 5 1956 12 49 22. Discussion of Old Age property liens. 3 19 1956 12 55? .23. Resolution adopted by Wilmington Realtors Inc. 3 19 1956 12 57 .24. Land boarding Bluethenthal Field to be used for Industrial site. 5 14 1956 12 68 25, Approved sale of foreclosure to Arteacher B. McKoy. 5 21 1956 12 70 26. Approved sale of tax foreclosure to J. C. Evax?s. 5 28 1956 12 72 27., Approved refund and land deeded back to County. 6 25 1956 12 79 28,. Letter concerning property taken over by City-Countyo ' 7 23 1956 12 85 29?. Wilmington Board of Realtors presented revaluation resolution. 8 13 1956 12 89 30, Requested joint meeting to discuss revalua.tion. 9 10 1956 12 94 31,_ Approved tax foreclosur?e property to Willets Realty Co. 9 17 1956 12 9? 32.. Local Realtors offered services to revaluatian project. 9 24 1956 12 99 33, Communication stating City Council oppose sale of tax property to Willets Realty Co. 10 8 1956 12 99 34.. The Federal Bureau of the Census request for form of property transactions and transfers 10 22 1956 12 103 .. referred to Mr. R. L. Black, Register af Deeds. 35.. Authorized sale of County-City tax foreclosure to T.W. and J. A. Sneeden. 12 17 1956 12 116 36. Authorized ?.etter to be acknowledged offering land for sale in Harnett Township. 1 14 1957 12 121 37. Accepted Bond from Cole-Layer-Trumble for appraisal of all Real Estate in Countym 1 14 1957 12 122 38. Authorized tax foreclosure to Roy Shepard on approval of City. 1 21 1957 12 123 39.. Representatives from Cc?le-Layer-Trumble to give report on revaluation. 1 2? 1957 12 123 40. Mrs Lillian Baltzetar off.er to sale land to County tabled at this time. 1 28 1957 12 125 41. Inquries to purchase Old Redcross Sanatorium referred to County Attorney. 3 4 1957 12 135 42. Letter in ?egards to property owned by Pure Oil Co. 5 13 1957 12 152 43. Letter in regards to parking on County property. 5 13 1957 12 152 44. Mr. J. W. Gutherie request to bu3? County property tabled. 5 20 1957 12 153 45. Approved tax property to Mr. Noah Elisco, on approval of City Council. 6 3 1957 12 157 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES -- N H C t N C anover oun ew y, . . _ MATTER: Re al Es tate , County- nec. u. s. Covney Indezee Sinee 1888 ? TO loto+s nam?s, op?n ot COTT A-Z TA! INDEX P?t OFFICE ?,??J? AnldentifyingTradeMerk IIIIACE By THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, DHIO SURkAME INITIAL TAB SOID ?1 OWEN i. OUNN, NEII tERN, NORTH GROLINA NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS DATE MINUTE BOOK Month Day Year Vol. Page ? 1. ,.Property of Ann2 S. Hall, sold Foster-Hill Realty Co referred to County Attor.ney ; : 6 17 1957.. 12 161 ., 2. Sale of land for tax to be a.dvertised. , : 7 1 1957., 12 163 .: ' 3. Board set price on tax foreclosure lot part of 4& 5 block 270. , . 7 1 195 ?.. 12 167 .. 4. .Approved tax sale to G. D. Hargrove, on approval of City. . _ 7 15 1957.? 12 167 .. 5. County's one-third lot 4& 5 block 270 sold to F. D. Sadgwar. _ . 7 15 1957, 12 1?7 . 6. County land ?old to W:?11iam L. Lowey if City approves, . . 7 22 1957.. 12 168 .. 7. County land sold to Mr. L, E. Allen, if City approves. 7 22 1957_ 12 168 8. County land sold to William M. Hill. 8 19 1957.. 12 174 .. 9. Clerk to send Iand appraiser to HonorabZe Thad Eure. 8 26 1957. 12 177 l0. Board leave value of Mr. H. D. Ca.mbell's property as is. 10 14 1957 12 186 11. 0. B. Snipes, Wilmington Realty Board Pres. met to discuss revaluation matters. 10 21 19:?7 12 188 12. Approval of Commissioners required before naming future Streets and Roads. . 10 28 195.7 12 190 13. Offer to purchase City-County property referred to Mr. Love and County Assessor, Mcg?it. _ 10 28 1957, 12 190 14. Received appraiser on City?County property from Mr. Love and Mr. McGrit. 11 4 1957 12 192 . 15. Commissioners to study problems of agents listing and mapping land. 12 23 1957 12 205 .. 16. Commissioners discuss and approve method for valuation sub-divisions. 12 30 1957 12 206 17. Invitation answered in reg?et, to Real Estate appraisers meeting. 1 6 1958_, I2 ZIZ 18. Letter referring to property sold in error, referred to County Attorney, 1 27 1958. 12 217 19. Approved foreclosure property sold to James T. Jackson? 2 10 1958. 12 223 20. Approved foreclosure property sold to Fifth Ave Methodist Church, if City approves. 2 10 1958. 12 223 . 21. Boy Scouts re-deeded Bridge Tenders back to County. 2 24 1958 12 226 .. 22. .Editor?al concerning Real Estate values, discussed. 3 24 1958 12 237 . 23. Offer of Ole?nder Co. on tax foreclosure City-County, referred to tax Supervisor. 4 21 1958 12 246 24. County property sold to Oleander Co. if City approves. 4 28 1958 12 253 , 25. County property sold to Ralph Barwell, on City approval. . . 5 19 1958 12 253 26. County property sold to Mrs Rose Ely, as is on City approval. 5 19 1958, 12 259 27. Chairman authorized to sign ??'ee Simple Deed to State Highway Patrol. 5 19 1958 12 259 28. County property deeded to State Highway Patrol. 6 2 1958, 12 264 _. 29. Request to redeem foreclosure property referred to County Attorney. 7 21 1958, 12 280 30. Old Age lien ?.ifted for Annie Pearl Whitley. 7 21 19S8_. 12 280 ., 31. Offer from Wilder Real Estate Agency refused, will accept tax assessor's appraisal. 7 21 1958. 12 281 32. County property sold to James T. Jackson, on City approval. 7 21 1?58_ 12 281 . 33. Discussion deferred on property of Sanitorium site. 8 4 1958 12 286 34. County property sold to Tide Water Natural Gas Co. 9 15 1958 12 302 35. Authorized release of lien on property of Elijah Hewl?tt. 9 29 1958 12 309 36. Received binder from Willetts Realty Co. for Old Sanitorium site. 9 29 1958 12 309 37. Lien on property of James H. Berry, referred to County Attorney, assessor and Soc. Ser. 11 24 1958 12 336 38. County Attorney reported on lien of James H. Berry. 12 15 1958 12 342 39. County prope?•ty sold to Mr. F. S. Sadgwar, on City approval, authorized deed no warranty. l2 29 1958. 12 349 40. Lien on property of Owen W. King, Masonbor? referred to County Attorney and tax assessor. 1 5 1Q59 12 355 , 41. Board rejected offer b? Carr & Swails for prQperty of Owen W. King. 1 12 1959 12 359 ., 42. Ta? assessor reported on appraisor of Owen W. King's property. 1 19 1959 12 361 43. Board ratified decision on Carr & S??ails offer. 1 19 1959 12 361 44. Property lien of Malachi Dinkins, ref?rred to tax assessor. 1 26 1959 12 367 : 45. Property title cor??usion of Lucy F. Perry, referred to County Attorney and auditor Love. 2 2 1959 12 368 46. Property transfer of State Highway Pa?rol Commission.. handle by County Attorney. 2 2 1959 12 371 . INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES -- New Hanover Count?, N. C. _ MATTER: Real Estate, ?ount?- eec. u. s. County Indexee Sinee 1888 ? To bea±? nam?s, oplA a} COTT Ad TA6 INDEX ??? Anldentifying Trade Mark MIICE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, DHIO P.r OFFICE SURNAME INITIAL TAB SOLD tll OWEN i. oUNN, NE111 lERN, NORTH GROLINA DATE MINUiE BOOK , NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS Month Day Year Vol. ? Page 1., Property lien of Mr. Owen W. King, cancelled. 2.. Forclosure on Mr Lloyd W. Moore property sold back to him. 3._ Foreclosure property ?old to Moore-Fonviel? Realty Co. on City approval. 4.. Old Sa?litorium to be res?u.rveyed for redeeding and sale. 5.. City-County property sold to Miss Mary H. Whitted. 6,. Property title confusion of Mrs Perry ?eferred to County Attorney and County Auditor. _ 7.: Lien property of David and Ellen Neil referred to Attorneys Hill and Yow. 8., Tax foreclosure sold to T. S. Williams and C. D. Evans on City approval. 9. Sar_itorium land site sale being cleared by attorney for the prison Dept arrd State . Highway Commission. 10. Chairman authorized to go to Raleigh, in effort to r?lear title to Sanitorium site. 11. Meeting to consider agreement between County and Bruce B. Cazneron on Airport land. 12. County-City property sold tc? F. E. Livingstcn and Co. on City approval. ,130. County-City lots sold to Ida Mae Fernell, on City approval. 14, Chairman reported suc?ess in having deed drawn for Sanitorium site. 15, County-City praperty sold to 0. R. Parker, Essie Dantinac and Mary Witted, City appro?;a1. 16, Notice from J. E. Davenport, attorney explaining the reverter clause. 17., Secretary authorized to complete action on land sold to Tide Water Natural Gas Co. 18, Received check for $2,400 from.Tide Water Natura?l Gas Co for property. .19, County to sale lots to Mrs. Pear.l Jackson and Kina N. Stradford, it City approves. 20. Received check of $177I.09 balance on property owned by Hattie A. Frost, Soc S?r lien. 21, County-City property sold to Florence T. Williams and R.A. Lawrence on City approval. 22. Wilmingtan Real Estate Board requested redu?tion in property taxes. 23. Approved purchase of two lots for James B. Dudley School. 24., Commissioners, disclaim any lien on property of Mary Stickland A11en. 25. Board refused to sell 10 feet City-County property to Mr. W.C. Manson. .26._ State Real Estate Property Attorney informed Board County must provide office for _ probation officer. 27. Property title confu?ion of Mrs Lucy F. Perry referred to County Attorney. 28. Authorized the purchase of school property a'?. $4,750. ? 29. County-City property sold to Mrs. Rowena Jones, Nlurray Sonsky and J. C. Newkirk. 30. Bids to be taken on future sales. 31. Afitorney reported, property of Mrs Lucy Perry legally belongs to Countyo 32.. Notice of praperty reverter, from the Board of Education. 33. County-City property sold ?.o Goerge Shedrick, James L Johnson and Richard Simpson, on ?ity approval. 34. County property sold to Mr. W. E. Outlaw. 35. ?ounty-City property sold to R. Lawren?.e, W.M. Jenkins and F. W. Talman, City approval. 36. No action taken on subject of County owned land. 3i. Rec?ivcd natice of suit by Federal ?overnment for rever?e? af School propertyo 38. Approved sale of lien property of Mary Baker F?anks for $1150.00. 39, City-County property sold to Carter W. Newsome arid Daniel E. Dicks, on City approval. 40. County-City property sold to W.T. Childs, an.City approval. 41. Approved request for Anthony A. Blake to construct a Dry-out lagoon on County property. 42, Authorized new easement for CP & L Co, old easement & right-of?way to be cas?.celled. 43,_ Foreclosed property sold to Mrs. Winnie H. Swansan, on City approval. 2 16 1959 12 381 2 16 1959 12 381 3 2 1959 12 388 3 2 1959 12 389 3 16 1959 12 397 3 23 1959 12 403 4 13 1959 12 412 4 20 1959 12 419 4 20 ?959 12 420 5 4 1959 12 426 5 13 1959 12 432 5 18 1959 12 435 5 18 1959 12 435 5 18 1959 12 436 6 15 1959 12 4?7 7 1 1959 12 453 7 1 1959 12 453 7 3 1959 12 455 7 6 1959 12 461 7 6 1959 12 461 7 2C? 1959 12 468 8 3 1959 12 475 8 3 1959 12 476 8 12 1959 12 481 8 17 1959 12 487 8 17 1959 12 487 8 l? 1959 12 490 9 8 1959 12 492 9 8 1959 12 494 9 8 1959 12 494 9 8 1959 12 495 9 21 1959 12 498 10 S 1959 12 501 10 5 1959 12 SOl 10 19 1959 12 506 1i_ 16 1959 12 517 12 21 1959 12 524 12 25- 1959 12 525 1 4 1960 12 530 1 18 1960 12 536 1 18 1960 12 536 2 1 1960 12 540 2 1 1960 12 540 r t H N C INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MI?IUTES -- N C T anover aun y, . ew . _ MATT R Real Es tate , County ? nec. u. s. '/????? County Indezea Since 1$88 ? To (oea?s nam?s, op?n at ? [OTT A•i TAB INDEX PAT OFFICE ?p?'it?? An Idcntifying Ttade Marlc MkC E B1 THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SURKAME INITIAL 1A6 SOLD YY OWEN 0. DUlpl, NEN tERN, NORTN GROLINA NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS . DATE MINUTE BOOK Month Day Year Vol. Page l. Sale or rental of property adjacent Courthouse, taken for study. 2 :-.l 1960_ 12 542 ; 2. Wilmington Realty Association, oppose advertising County property for sale. _ 3 7 1960,, 12 547 , 3. Mr. Braak named as a Committee to check propos.al to purchase County property, Northe?.st ; 3 7 1960._ 12 550 .River Hottse . . .; 4. Approved County-Gity property for sale, on City approval. .. 3 14 1960.. 12 553 S. County-City property sold to Thomas E. Neville and Sebron Scarborough, on City approval. . 5 2 1960 12 569 6. County-City property sold to Walter W. Wright at appraisal value, on City approval. 5 16 1960 12 574 7. County-City property sold to Margaret B. Bennerman, on City approval. 7 18 1960, 12 592 ._ 8. Letter from T, B. Upch.urch, offering to sel? ^?unty property adjacent Caur?house, refused. 7 18 19b0 12 592 9. Board ratified sale of property sold to Skippio C. and Rosa M Hawkins. 7 18 1960 12 592 10. Letter regarding the Saline Water conversion property, no action taken. 8 1 1960 12 602 11. County?-City property sold to Mr. William E.Fisher, on City approval. 9 6 1960 12 606 12. Request granted for County and Social Service to subord.?_n?.?te lien on property of Blanche 9 6 1960 12 606 R. Meares to the end. 13. County-City property sold to Robert Cooper, on City approv2.l. . 9 16 1960 12 612 14. William H. Fisher abandoned i?eal to purch?_?se County-City property. 9 16 1960 12 612 15. Motion carried to appropriate City share to City on property sold to Willie Graham. 9 19 1960. 12 613 16. County-City property sold May 2nd to Mr. Neville, refuse to pay price, approved for $150. 10 3 1960_ 12 ?l? 17. Hurricane damages to property of Schloss Estate Corp. referred to the provisions 10 17 1960 12 621 of the General Statutes. 18. Board to inspect property of Loyal Order of Moose, for purchase. 11 7 1960 12 624 19. Joint property sold to J. H. Williams, on City approval. 11 21 1960 12 629 20. Letter requesti?.? to purchase County-City ?roperty for Urban Renewal property, approved. 12 19 1960 12 637 21. County-City property sold to F. C. Sadgwar, on City approval. „ 12 19 1960 12 637 22. Board refused sale of County-City property lots 4& 5 block 228. 1 3 1961 12 639 ? 23. County-City property sold to Mrs. J. T. Blue, on City approval. 1 16 1961 12 64? 24. County-City property sold to F. C. ?adgwar, on City approval. 2 6 1961 12 645 25. Tax foreclosure property jointly owned lot 3 block 300, appre?ved for sale, Ci.ty approval. 2 6 1961 12 646 26. Renting of County b?.ilding to C.W. White L-umber Co. referred for appraisal. 2 20 1961 12 6.?0 27. Letter from C.W. White Lumber Co. to rent Old County Garbage property. 2 20 1961 12 650 28. County-City property in block 349 & 268, approved for sale, on City approval. 5 1 1961. 12 668 29. County-City lot SW 2 in block 271, approved for sale, on City approval. 8 7 1961 13 6 30. County-City proper`y lots 2& 3 block 326, lot 5 block 337 approved for sale on approval. 10 16 1961 13 28 31. County-City property WM lot 1 block 33? sold to Lonnie and Li11ie Mclver. 11 6 1961 13 33 32. Social service lien property sold to F. E. Livington and Co. if County ?ttorney appro??es. 3 19 1962 13 78 33. Social Service lien property formerl;r owned by R. B. Brewer sold for $550.00. 4 2 1962 13 88 34. County-City properties sold on City approval. 4 2 1962 13 88 35. County-City property lot 1 block 349 approved for sale, on City approval. 4 16 1962 13 95 . 36. County-City property lot 4 block 97 approved for sale, on City approval. ? lf 196,2 13 95 . 37. C?unty-City property pt 1ot 1 block 490, NW 4?_bt 4 block 568 approved for sale on City 5 14 1962 13 102 approval. 38. Social Service lien property of William Fennell approved for sale. 5 14 1962 13 102 39. County-City property lots pt MW 2, 3& 4, for sale on City approval. 7 16 1962 13 129 40. Harry I. Forden, Sr. denied to purchase County-City property $150, approved at $300.00. 7 I6 1962 13 129 41. Tax foreclosed property block 400 pt lot 4, approved for sale on City approval. 8 6 1962 13 139 42. Authorized City to acquire Cov.nty property near Smith's Creek. 8 20 1962, 13 142 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES -- New Hanover County, N. C. _ MATTER: Real Estate, County - aeo. u. s. County Indexee Since 1888 ? To lotut? nom?f? opee Of COTT A•I TA{ INDEX eAt OFFICE ?gJJ?l?.? An Identifying Trade Mark fURNAME INITIAL TAB MIIC E BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD ?Y OWEN i. YYNN, NEII tERN, NORTM GROLINA NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS DATE MINUTE BOOK Month Day Year Vol. Page 1? Tax foreclasure property sold to Lillian S. McKoy, deed to be investigated by the Board. ° 2. Discussion of foreclosure procedures, John T. Schiller to explain. 9 3.: Tax foreclosure property in block 27 & 498, approved for sale on Gity appro?al. 9 . 4. Lien property of Henry C, Stotler (or) Stolter, approved for sale. 9 So. Purchase price for tax foreclosure property returned to Lillian McKoy. 10 6.. John Ta Schiller, reported on tax forclosure procedures. 10 7.. John T. Schiller, County Attorney Tillery and City Attorney Yow, to recommend procedure 10 , for furture tax foreclosure handling. 8. Offer rejected to purchase County property at 198 Castle Hayne Road. 12 _ 9.. Action delayed on County-City agreement, regarding property near S1nith Creek. 1 .10. County-City property sold to Board of Education. 2 11. County-City property sold in block 326, 338, 349 and 350 on City app?oval. 2 12. County-City property block C lot 30, approved for sale on City app?oval. 3 13. Property values referred to Messrs. Blake, McGirt and T. D. Love. 3 14.County-City property block 241 pt lot 1 approved for sale on City approval. 4 15.. Co?.nty-City property block 105 pt lot 2, 147 pt lot 2, approved for sale on City app roval. 5 16.. Action with held on County-City property in block 349 and 350. 6 17, County-City property in block 326 approved for sale on City approval. 7 18.. Tax foreclosure property in block 350 approved tor sale, if buyer purchase adj?cent lot. 7 .19. County-City tax property in block 350 apFroved tor sale on City approval. 8 .20. County-City tax forclosure property approved for sale in block 349-350 if City approves. 9 ,21_ County-City tax property Bronx A 1ot 9, approved for sale on City approval. 9 .22. Lien cancelled on p:eoperty of Hennitta H. Petteway, upon receipt of sale funds. 10 23. Offer refused to sale property Bronx A lot 9 under appraisors valuation. 10 24. Possible preservation - Masonboro Island 05 25. Authorization for Chairman to execute deed to City of Wilm. for property adjacent to LEC Bldg. 06 4 1962 13 14? 4 1962 13 145 4 1962 13 145 4 1962 13 145 1 1962 13 ISS 1 1962 13 155 1 1962 13 155 3 1962 13 I76 7 1963 13 181 4 1963 13 188 4 1963 12 188 4 1963 13 193 4 1963 13 193 1 1963 13 201 20 1963 13 216 3 1963 13 219 1 1963 I3 225? 15 1963 13 228 5 1963 13 242 3 1963 13 248 16 1963 13 253 7 1963 13 258 21 1963 13 261. 15 1978 18 213 04 1979 18 422 26. Resolution approving sale of surplus property 08 02 1982 19 125 27. Purchase of Office Bldg. located at 5th and Chestnut Streets 09 20 1982 19 157 28. Offer to 5EACOR for Lnad Acquisition for Incinerator 10 04 1982 19 168 29. REsolution accepting offers for surplus property 10 18 1982 19 169 30 Disposition of County owned property adjacent to Musuem 10 18 1982 19 173 ? INDEX TO COMMISSIO?ERS MINUTES -- New Hanover Cou?t? N C E T RECORDER' S COURT y, . . , MA T R ` nec. u. s County Indezea Since 1888 ? To locate nqmes, open at COTT A-Z TAB INDEX rer OFFICE ?l?-?F',?' An Identifying Trade Mark SURNAME INITIAL TAB MADE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS DATE MINUiE BOOK Month I Day I Year Vol, I Page l. County Attorney raised question of establishing a Recorder's Court with City; to consult with Board of Ci ty. 12 03 1906 7 68 2. Cell improvements on Jail postponed until fate of Recorder's Court known. 12 12 1906 7 72 3. Attorney Bellamy read bill to be presented to Legislature to establish a Recorder"s Court for County. O1 07 1907 7 75 4. Board met to consider bill to allow election for a Recorder's Court in County and if need registration. 03 16 1907 7 83 5. General Assembly allowed election to be held to decide question of Recorder's Court in County. 03 22 1907 7 83 6. Board received election results from canvassers on Recorder's Court election. 05 09 1907 7 88 7. Election went against Recorder's Court. 05 09 1907 7 88 8. Letter to be sent to Legislature requesting that a Recorder's Court be established as suggested by Grand 02 Ol 1909 7 168 Jury. 9. Bond of F.T. Skipper approved as Clerk of Recorder's Court. 04 05 1909 7 173 10. Prosecution of liquor cases in Recorder's Court to be handled by County Attorney. 04 07 1909 7 174 11. Report of Recorder's Court referred to Auditing Committee. 05 03 1909 7 176 12. Report from Recorder's Court Clerk referred to Auditing Committee. 06 07 1909 7 179 13. Report from Clerk to Recorder`s Court referred to Auditing Committee. 07 06 1909 7 180 , 14. Report from Clerk to Recorder's Court referred to Auditing Committee. 08 02 1909 7 181 15. Report from Clerk to Recorder's Court referred to Auditing Committee. 10 04 1909 7 183 16. Report from Clerk to Recorder's Court referred to Auditing Committee. 11 Ol 1909 7 184 17. Report from Clerk to Recorder`s Court referred to Auditing Committee. 12 06 1909 7 186 18. Clerk to Recorder's Court reported on fines and cost collected. O1 03 1910 7 189 19. Report from Clerk to Recorder's Court referred to Auditing Committee. 02 07 1910 7 190 20. Report from Clerk to Recorder's Court on fines collected. 03 07 1910 7 192 Zl. Report from Clerk to Recorder's Court on fines collected referred to Auditing Board. 04 04 1910 7 194 22. Report from Clerk to Recorder's Court on fines collected referred to Auditing Board. 05 02 1910 7 194 23. Report from Clerk to Recorder's Court on fines collected referred to Auditing Committee. 06 06 1910 7 195 24. Report from Clerk to Recorder's Court, F.T. Skipper, d?ferred to future meeting. 07 05 1910 7 197 25. Report from Clerk to Recorder's Court on fines collected referred to Auditing Board. 08 Ol 1910 7 198 26. Report from Clerk Skipper referred to Auditing Committee. 10 03 1910 7 200 27. Clerk Skipper's report referred to Auditing Board. 11 07 1910 7 202 28. Annual report of Clerk of Recorder's Court referred to Auditing Board. 12 05 1910 7 203 29. Report from Clerk Skipper referred to Auditing Board. O1 04 1911 7 206 30. Legislature passed bill saying jury list to be put in jury box for Recorder's Court. 03 06 1910 7 211 31. Bond of F.T. Skipper approved as Clerk of Recorder's Court. 04 03 1911 7 213 32. Report from Clerk Skipper on money collected referred to Auditing Board. 04 03 1911 7 213 33. Recorder's Court not to grant jury trials in criminal cases due to expense. 07 03 1911 7 225 3?+. Report from Recorder`s Court Clerk referred to Auditing Committee. 11 06 1911 7 235 35. Annual report from Recorder's Court Clerk referred to Auditing Committee. 12 04 1911 7 237 36. Public Buildings Committee to acquire a safe and copy of Pells Revisal for Recorder's Court. Ol 02 1912 7 241 37. Bond of F.T. Skipper approved as Clerk of Recorder's Court. 12 02 1912 7 264 38. Report from Recorder's Court Clerk referred to Auditing Committee. 12 03 1912 7 265 39. Annual report of Recorder's Court Clerk referred to Auditing Committee. 12 05 1912 7 266 40. Councilman Moore suggested Recorder's Court meet in basement of Courthouse. Ol 06 1913 7 269 41. Councilman Moore requested Board to asic Legislature to create position of Solicitor for Recorder's Court. O1 06 1913 7 269 42. Commissioner McGirt to act in matter of providing a place to hold Recorder's Court. O1 06 1913 7 271 43. Matter of holding Recorder's Court in basement of Courthouse referred to Courthouse Committee. O1 13 1913 7 273 44. Public accountant A.H. Mash reported Recorder's Court Clerk's records had many errors and they to explain Ol 13 1913 7 273 these errors. T RECORDER' S INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES -- N H C t N C COURT ew anover oun ?, . . , MATT R ` aec. u, s. Counry [ndexea Since 1888 ? ?" To locate names, open at COTT A•2 TAB INDEX fAT OFFICE ??'J? An Identifying Trade Marlc U? SURNAME INITIAL TAB ?DE BY THE COT7 INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD BY OWEN C. DU NN, NEW BE RN, NORT H UROLINA NATURE OP PROCEEDINGS DATE MINUiE BOOK Month Day Yea? Vol. Page l. Recorder, J.J. Furlong and his clerk, Fred Skipper, present to explain errors on their dockets. O1 20 1913 7 274 2. Committee reported on fines uncollected and on dockets of Recorder's Court Clerk. O1 29 1913 7 276 3. Committee recommended cost of audit of Recorder's Court should be paid by Recorder and Clerk. Ol 29 1913 7 277 4. Clerk Skipper to appear and show why he should not be removed from office due to incompetence. O1 29 1913 7 277 5. Motion made to dismiss Recorder's Court Clerk Skipper, but Board decided to discuss it in Executive Session 02 03 1913 7 279 6. Board ruled in Executive Session to defer action on Recorder's Clerk. 02 03 1913 7 280 7. Action on Clerk to Recorder's Court postponed to next meeting. 03 17 1913 7 284 8. List of delinquents on records given Recorder's Court Clerk for collection. 05 05 1913 7 290 9. Deputy Sheriff to collect from delinquents on Recorder's Court records. 05 05 1913 7 290 10. Delinquent costs collected from Gussie Greer by Recorder's Court refunded since an error. 05 09 1913 7 291 11. Copy of new Jury List put in Recorder's Court Jury Box. 06 30 1913 7 308 12. Sheriff to appoint A.M. Godwin as deputy to collect back costs due Recorder's Court. 10 06 1913 7 316 13. Sheriff declined to appoint H.M. Godwin to collect back costs of Recorder's Court. 10 15 1913 7 317 14. Percentages set for deputies for collecting back costs of Recorder's Court. 10 15 1913 7 317 15.. Request from John Watson for abatement of costs of Recorder's Court referred to Clerk of Court and Auditor. 11 03 1913 7 319 16. W.M. Cherry and Mary Pope applied for refund of cost paid Recorder's Court Clerk. 11 03 1913 7 319 17.. No action on request of J.T. Overby for refund of cost of Recorder's Court. 11 03 1913 7 322 18. Clerk reported not having heard from F.T. Skipper. 11 10 1913 7 323 19. Request that part of salary of Deputy Court Clerk be changed to Recorder's Court referred to Attorney and 05 18 1914 7 355 Auditor. 20. Matter of vacation of Recorder referred to County Attorney. 05 18 1914 7 357 21. Money allowed to pay substitute Recorder during absence of Recorder. 06 Ol 1914 7 359 22. Bill of George Harris as Deputy Recorder approved. 10 12 1914 7 391 23. Amount set for Recorder's bond. 11 02 1914 7 395 24. Amount set for Recorder's bond at November 28th meeting rescinded. 12 07 1914 7 407 25. Report from Recorder's Court Clerk received. 12 07 1914 7 407 26. Board to request from Legislature that law on Recorder's Court read as originally enacted. 12 17 1914 7 417 27. Superior Court Clerk to make statement on delinquent costs and fines due Recorder's Court. 06 14 1915 7 463 28. W.H. Northrop, Jr. reported on delinquent costs due Recorder's Court. 07 06 1915 7 465 29. Recorder to assist in reducing amount of delinquent costs due. 07 06 1915 7 465 30. Auditor to eliminate amount of uncollected Recorder's Court cost from his reports as barred by statute. 12 13 1915 7 519 31. Gas heater to be installed in Recorder's Courtroom. 12 18 1916 7 603 32. Recorder reported that Otis B. Ainnant appointed Probation Officer. 12 18 1916 7 603 33. Board to pay half of rent for telephone in Recorder's office. 12 18 1916 7 603 34. Increase granted Mrs. Parham ta feed prisoners at City station House awaiting trial in Recorder's Court. 05 03 1917 7 620 35. Recorder allowed a vacation. 09 04 1917 7 639 36. Annual report from Recorder's Court filed and thanks given for his service. 12 03 1917 7 652 37. riore money allowed to feed prisoners awaiting trial in Recorder'c Court at Police Station. 12 03 1917 7 652 38. Board to request Recorder to hold his court in a place other than the main Courtroom in order to save heat. 12 21 1917 7 655 39. George Harris, Recorder, granted 2 weeks vacation and Deputy Recorder, J. A. McNorton to preside during 06 03 1918 8 11 Recorder's absence. 40. Annual report from Recorder's Court Clerk referred to Auditor. 12 02 1918 8 27 41. Qualifications of George Harris as Recorder presented to Board. 12 02 1918 8 27 42. W. N. Harriss also serving as Clerk of Recorder's Court as well as of Superior Court. (see Superior Court) 12 23 1918 8 29 43. George Harriss is Judge of Recorder's Court. 12 23 1918 8 29 44. Judge Harriss requested an increase in his salary and Board to recommend such to Legislature. O1 06 1919 8 31 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES N H C N C . , MATTERT RECORDER anover ew ount?, -- . "S COURT ` Rec. u. s. County Indoxea Siace 1888 M? Yo locate names, open at COTT A-Z TAB INDEX ??T ocv?ce ??? An IdentiEying Trade Mar1c '?`.8 SURNAME INIiIAL TAB MADE BY iHE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLO BY OWEN G. DUNN , NEW BE RN, NORTH CAROLINA NATURE OF PROC?EDINGS DATE MINUTE BOOK Month I Day I Year Vol. I Page 1. Judge of Recorder's Court submitted report of persons sent to County roads and Farm for first auarter. 03 03 1919 8 38 2. Recorder Harriss appointed G. Story, colored, assistant probation officer to succeedJ. H. Johnson, deceased. 03 03 1919 8 38 3. Auditor no longer checks docket book of Recorder's Court and County Attorney to investigate law relative 05 05 1919 8 49 to signing docket. 4. Courthouse Committee to purchase filing case for Recorder. 05 23 1919 8 55 5. Board to request Legislature to allow a combined City F? County juvenile court under jurisdiction of Judge 06 09 1919 8 62 of'Recorder's Court. ?. Recorder's Judge Harriss recommended Ramsey Cottle be released from County Farm if leaves County, 11 24 1919 8 87 7. Judge Harriss recommended Jordon McIver, senten ced to Farm, be released if pays court cost. 12 O1 1919 8 88 8. Annual report from Clerk Harriss on money turned over to Auditor. 12 O1 1919 8 88 9. Matter of Phillip Lovering hiring Jack McKinney referred to Recorder Harriss. 12 O1 1919 8 90 10. Committee to investigate clerical needs of office of Recorder's Court Clerk. O1 05 1920 $ 92 11. Committee to investigate clerical needs of Recorder's Court to include entire Board. 02 09 1920 8 93 12. Telephone expenses in office of Recorder to be paid by County entirely. 04 14 1920 g 105 13. Location for sessions of Recorder's Court in Courthouse referred to Courthouse committee. 04 14 1920 8 105 14. Camera to be bought to photograph prisoners of Superior and Recorder's Courts. 05 10 1920 8 110 15. Auditor and Attorney to settle matter of sharing profits of Recorder's Court with City. 08 02 1920 8 118 8 16. George Harris, Judge of Recorder's Court, granted 10 days vacation. . 10 04 1920 127 17. John J. Furlong granted money for presiding over Recorder's Court while recorder was on vacation. 11 Ol 1920 8 130 ?18. Qualifications of George Harriss as Recorder filed. 12 06 1920 g 134 19. Annual report of clerk Harriss filed. 12 06 1920 g 134 20. Board to request Legislature to repeal Act requiring a jury trial for cases above Recorder's Court. 12 17 1920 g 132 21. Chairman, Auditor and Attorney to make up revised list of fees for Recorders Court for Legislature to O1 03 1921 8 140 enact into law. 22. Board authorized purchase of Recorders Court, Vols. 1 F? 2. 02 10 1921 g 147 23. Printing bill for envelopes for Recorder's Court ordered paid. 07 05 1921 g 162 24. Recorder George Harriss granted a 2 weeks vacation and money allowed for services of Deputy Recorder 09 06 1921 g 174 during absence. 25. Courthouse Committee and Recorder to decide on quarters for Recorders Court during winter. 10 03 1921 g 175 26. Courthouse Committee to receive bids to remodel Courthouse porch for use by Recorder's Court. 10 OS 1921 g 177 27. Recorder Harriss requested awnings or curtain over windows of his courtroom. 06 05 1922 g 200 28. Qualifications of George Harriss as Recorder approved. 12 04 1922 8 219 29. Request for court cost refund for Mrs. Mollie Faulk convicted in Recorder's Court referred to Chairman. 02 05 1923 8 227 30. Money allowed J. L. Pearse for acting as Deputy Recorder during absence of Recorder. 10 O1 1923 8 266 31. Bill from Dwight McEven for Transcript for Recorder in State vs. Laney McKeithan and G. Fowers case 11 07 1924 g 315 approved. 32. John L. Pearse paid for presiding over Recorders Court during illness of Recorder Harriss. 02 05 1925 8 329 33. Court cost remitted W. G. Austin, as suggested by Recorder. 03 02 1925 8 331 34. John L. Pearse paid for services as Deputy Recorder during Recorder's vacation. 09 22 1925 8 353 35. Office across from Sheriff's general offices to be used by Sheriff and Recorder as a private office. 02 O1 1926 $ 371 36. Repairs to be made in old Recorder's courtroom now used by Board of Health. 02 12 1926 g 373 37. J. R, and C. R. Davis paid for watching Acquella Roderick while at James Walker Memorial Hospital. 08 30 1926 8 395 38. Charge of $3.00 made by W. H. Davis for chair repairs. 11 05 1926 8 404 39. F. F. Costin, sentenced in recorder's court, released. 02 Ol 1927 g 423 40. Board recommended by Recorders Court voted to parole William Jones. 05 02 1927 8 439 41. Ellis Farrow, found quilty in Recorders Court, hired by Board vote. 06 21 1927 g 449 INDE? TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover Coun?t?, N. C. ; MATTER: RECORDER' S COURT a aec. u. s. Covnry Indexes Since 1888 ?? k-}?--? 70 loeate names, open a} COTT A•2 TAB INDEX ??? An ldentifying'1?rade Mark ?`? SURNAME INITIAL TAB NIADE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OXIO r?r OFFICE SOLD BY OWEN 6. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLtNA NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS DATE MINUTE BOOK Month I Day Yea? Vol. Page 1. Special Attorney Nathan Cole allowed commission on 55 suits for Superior Court and 49 for Recorders Court, but held up due to settlement. (See Superior Court). 2. Bill to L. L. Motte for serving as Deputy Recorder approved for payment. 3. Recorder's Court recommendation to hire Prisoner James McDonald adopted by Board. 4. Upon Recorder's Court recommendation, Prisoner Townsend McDonald was hired by board. 5. Disposition of electric fan in old Recorder's courtroom referred to Chairman. 6. Recorder letter to parole Moses Patrick, Jr. and Burton Buggs adopted. 7. George T. Shepard hired out by payment of Recorder's Court. 8. J.C. Gayney hired out upon payment of Recorder's Court. 9. Mrs. Helen Byrd hiring out upon payment of court cost approved by board, recommended by Recorder. 10. Willie Andrews hired out, as recommended by Recorder's Court and approved by Board. Il, Hire out of Albert Williasm recommended by Recorder approved by Board. 12. Request to hire out Jesse Branch charged with soliciting immoralpurpose sentenced by Re?orders Court. 13. Action to hire out Jesse Branch deferred. 14. Hire out of Jesse Branch subject to Recorders approval. 15. Recommendation of Recorder to hire out Henry James at courtcost received if James do not operate auto in state for 6 months. 16. Recorder to hire our Charlena Baldwin, qulity of violating the law and jailed. 17. Recorder recommended Board hire out Fred Cox on payment of $10 courtcost. 18. Recorder recommended hire out of James McNeil on payment of court cost. 19. Henry Crawford hired out as Recorder recommended. 20. Hire out P. L. Hobbs and Julius Dingle accepted by recorder and board. 21. William Moore hire out to mother at Recorder request. 22. Recommendation of recorder to hire out Pete Peterson accepted. 23. Recorder recommendation to hire out H. J.Hobbs approved. 24. Bub McDaniel hire out on Recorder's recommendation. 25. Annie Payne hire out on Recorder's recommendation. 26. Willie Dennis hired out on Recorder's recommendation. 27. Booker Lloyd and Isaac Green hired out on Recorders recommendation. 28. G. Mark Winner hired out on Recorders recommendation. 29. Recorder George Harriss oath of office already taken, qualifications presented, accepted. 30. Private office to be installed in Recorder office. 31. Bids received for building office in Recorder's office. 32. Contract to build recorders office awarded to B. T. Reville . 33. B. T. Revelle bill of $79 for building Recorders office approved for payment. 34. Theodore Sharpless hired out as Recorder recommended. 35. Steel desk authorized for Recorder's office and expenses transferred from emergency fund. 36. W. N. Harriss request for changes in Iighting for office and larger safe for Recorder referred to courthouse committee. 37. Ben Mintz hired out under Recorder recommendation. 38. Mildred Wilson hired out upon $7.60 payment of cost of court. 39. James Burris to be hired out, provided recommendation is received from Recorder's court. 40. Recorder's recommendation approved, and Board voted to hire out J. B. Stanley without cost. 41. Re cc?'der's recommendation approved and Board voted to hire out W. V. Hudson on $8.80 payment. 42. Alton A. Lennon. Deputy recorder, approved for payment of $60 for presiding during Recorders vacation. 43. 12 chairs authorized for purchase for Recorder. 07 05 1927 8 451 09 07 1927 8 460 12 13 1927 8 477 12 20 1927 8 478 03 20 1928 8 494 10 05 1928 8 450 07 30 1929 8 586 08 05 1929 8 588 09 03 1929 8 595 09 12 1929 8 596 09 ?7 1929 8 596 10 O1 1929 8 597 10 07 1929 8 598 12 07 1929 9 13 O1 14 1930 9 17 O1 18 1930 9 19 03 03 1930 9 27 03 18 1930 9 30 03 25 1930 9 32 04 29 1930 9 40 05 05 1930 9 40 05 20 1930 9 41 05 20 1930 9 4I 07 07 1930 9 48 07 15 .1930 9 49 07 15 1930 9 49 07 15 1930 9 50 08 12 1930 9 52 12 Ol 1930 9 77 12 O1 1930 9 77 12 09 1930 9 79 12 09 1930 9 79 12 23 1930 9 83 12 23 1930 9 83 12 30 1930 9 84 02 10 193I 9 90 05 04 1931 9 105 05 12 1931 9 107 05 18 1931 9 109 06 O1 1931 9 110 06 08 1931 9 111 07 Ol 1931 9 116 09 08 1931 9 126 N C INATTER INDEX TO C0?lMISSIOI?ERS MINUTES -- New Hanover County RECORDER' S COURT , . . , : ` e¢c. o. s. County Indexea Since 1888 Yo locafe names, open at COTT A•2 TAB INDEX Trade Mark ? SURNAME IPIITIAL TAB MADE BY THE COTT ?NDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO in ?? An Identif LINA W BERN NOR H AR y g !AT OFFICE SOLD BY OWEN G . DUNN, NE , T C O DATE MINUiE BOOK NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS Month I Day I Year Vol, I Page 1. Expenes paid for transportation to C. L. Philemon of Taft Lowe from Wallace, as recommended by Recorder's 09 21 1931 9 128 Court. 2. Russell Carlile, as recommended by Recorder, paroled by Board to mother without cost. 09 21 1931 9 128 3. Authority given for W. H. Davis to repair Recorder's Court five chairs. 02 15 1932 9 152 4. Board authorized hire out of W. M. Pierce to wife, subject to Recorder's approval. 02 23 1932 9 154 5. Ed Holland convicted in Recordec's Court and sentenced wasYnred out to mother. 03 08 1932 9 156 6. Faison Gore convicted, sentenced, hired out to mother as recommended by Recorder; Gore to appear 03 08 1932 9 156 before Recorder to receive suspended judgment. 7. ?931 NC Code book approved for purchase to Recorder at $40. 04 04 1932 9 159 8. Robert Hawes hired out to C. D.Rivenbark, for $50 and cost of court and $6 per week paid to Recorder's 04 25 1932 9 161 Court until cost and fine paid. 9. Fees due Sheriff by Recorder's Court approved for payment, subject to County Attorney's check. 06 20 1932 9 168 10. Recommendation of Recorder's Court adopted to hire out J. C. Saunders upon payment of Court cost. 07 05 1932 9 169 11. Action ratified to hire out Walter A. Thomas upon payment of court cost. 07 25 1932 9 172 12. Dr. W. C. Peterson, as recommended by Recorder, hired out to father at court cost. 08 Ol 1932 9 174 13. Recorder's recommendation adopted, and Pearce Simon voted to be hired out; J. P. Parish hired out to 08 22 1932 9 178 secure employment to provide for wife. 14. Recorder's recommendation adopted and Kenneth Lee hired out at court cost. 09 12 1932 9 180 15. Recorder's recommendation adopted, and Mary Cummings without cost hired out, provided she returns to 09 12 1932 9 180 Delco and remain there. 16. Recorder recommendation adopted and D. L. Pridgen hired out upon payment of court cost and jail fees. 10 24 1932 9 186 17. Recorder's recommendation adopted; James Addison hired out on court cost. 12 12 1932 9 194 18. Recorder's request for employment of rural police for fight theft taken under advisement. 12 12 1932 9 194 19. Recorder's recommendation adopted; Ed King hired out to care for family. O1 03 1933 9 197 20. Payment to T. Fiarcloth for capture of Sam Goins, escapee, fox REcorder's Court was approved for payment. O1 23 1933 9 200 21. Recorder's recommendation adopted and Empie Jackson and Will Corbett hired out on court cost. O1 23 1933 9 200 22. Action postponed on request for typewriter for Recorder's office. 03 13 1933 9 209 23. Recorder recommendation approved and William Craig hired out upon courtcosts. OS 15 1933 9 221 24. Recorder's recommendation adopted and W. A. Thomas hired out from county farm. 06 02 1933 9 224 25. Recorder's recommendationaclopted and Henry Herring hired out after 5 day time on County farm. 06 12 1933 9 226 26. Recorder's recommendation adopted and Minnie Dobbins hired out from County farm at courtcosts. 08 24 1933 9 246 27. William Harriss, CRC requested $50 per month allowance for extra help, but referred to chairman. 10 09 1933 9 253 28. Recorder recommendation approved and Milton Thorpe hired out without cost. 11 13 1933 9 258 29. Order of NOvember 6 amended by authorizing employment of full time assistant to Deputy. 11 20 1933 9 259 30. Recorder reported that about $150 fines remitted over 8-10 year period never disposed of and board 11 20 1933 9 259 ordered they be placed to credit of general fund. 31. Recorder's recommendation adopted and Annie Smith hired out at court cost. 12 11 1933 9 262 32. Action of December 14 to hire out Rommell McKoy confirmed. 12 18 1933 9 263 33. Recorder's recommendation adopted, and George Fields hired out at court cost. Ol 02 1934 9 264 34. Recorder's recommendation and Billie McCalum hired out. O1 08 1934 9 266 35. Reco?•der's reco?i?ntendation approved and Johnnie 3ones hired out. ?3 19 1934 J 2ii 36. Recorder's recommendation approved and William Henderson F? Thurman Bellamy hired out. 07 02 1934 9 290 37. Thurman Bellamy escaped and action to hire out recinded. 07 09 1934 9 291 38. Recorder George Harris authorized his salary be paid to wife Eugenia. 08 20 1934 9 299 39. Recorder's recommendation approved and J. L. Browning hired out. 08 20 1934 9 300 40. Recorder's recommendation approved and L. Walker and A. Lewis hired out. 09 04 1934 9 300 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES -- New Hanover Count? N C MATT RT RECORDER'S COURT , . . , ` aea. u. s. County Indexea Since 1888 ? To locafe names, open af COTT A•2 TAB INDEX r?T OFFICE ?? An identifying Trade Mark SURNAME INITIAL iAB MADE YY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD BY OW EN G. DUNN, NEW BE RN, NORT H CAROLINA NATURE OE PROCEEDINGS DATE MINUTE BOOK Month I Day Yea? Vol. I Page l. Late George Harriss'salary given to wife and George L. Peschair appointed Recorder by Governor. 09 04 1934 9 301 2. Payment to state highways and public works approved for care of prisoners during death of Recorder. 09 17 1934 9 302 3. Deducting deputy and assistant Clerk salary referred to County Chairman, Auditor and Attorney. 10 Ol 1934 9 304 4. Deputy Recorder requested (above), declined cancellation of old costs. 10 15 1934 9 307 5. Recorder recommendation approved and Virginia King hired out. 10 22 1934 9 307 6. Recorder judgment authorized and J. E. Eichorn, Dan and Leon Morgan authorized to be hired out. 11 05 1934 9 309 7. Recorder authorized and Alfred Williams hired out. 11 13 1934 9 309 8. Recorder authorized, and Zack Hunter hired out. 11 19 1934 9 310 9. Recorder authorized, and Fred Goff hired out. 11 28 1934 9 3?I 10. Recorder authorized, and Emanuel Roderick hired out. 11 28 1934 9 311 11. Recorder authorized, and Bennie Pierce hired out. 12 03 1934 9 312 12. Leroy Goff request for refund of Recorder cost referred to County Attorney. 12 17 1934 9 314 13. Alice Johnson authorized hire out from County farm. O1 07 1935 9 317 14. Recorder authorized refund for Mrs. T. E. Goff for court costs. O1 14 1935 9 318 15. Recorder authorized, and Henry Taylor hired out. 02 11 1935 9 323 16. Recorder authorized and Emma McBride hired out. 03 18 1935 9 329 17. Half-profit expenses for recorder approved for payment. 07 15 1935 9 355 18. Since Edna Rogers was released in error through Recorder and two deputies released from payment of Ol 27 1936 9 404 court cost. '19. Spurgeon Baxley given payment for Recorder cases. 06 22 1936 9 437 20. C. R. Croom allowed to apply witness ticket to Recorder Court costs. 06 22 1936 9 438 . 21. Payment approved for Recorder services to Solomon Sternberger. 09 08 1936 9 451 22. Payment approved and Recorder to be charged for Mrs. J. D. Cheek transportation to Washington State. 09 28 1936 9 454 23. Bids for Recorder's chairs authorized. 09 28 1936 9 454 24. Recorder's Court jury list to be drawn. 10 12 1936 9 457 25. Recorder Court authorized arm chairs. 10 19 1936 9 458 26. Clerk Recorder Court authorized desk stool. 10 19 1936 9 458 27. Use of masonite on Recorder Court floors referred to Chairman. 12 21 1936 9 471 28. Jerome Criminal Code book purchased for Recorder. O1 25 1937 9 477 29. Clerk Recorder Court authorized window shades. 06 27 1938 9 594 30. Payment authorized to Deputy Clerk Recorder Court for services. 09 26 1938 10 13 31. Clerk Recorder Court bill for transcripts for James Henderson trial discussed at length but approved. O1 23 1939 10 34 32. Salary for appointing Deputy Clerk Recorder Court increase, previously too low. 03 20 1939 10 46 33. Request received to hire out Morris Sneeden, sentenced in Recorder's Court. 07 31 1939 10 70 34. Payment to Clerk of Recorder's Court approved for storing slot machines. 08 21 1939 10 77 bill 35. Clerk of Recorder's Court?referred for payment in Simon Gibson case. 10 23 1939 10 90 36. Clerk of Recorder's Court Bill referred for payment in Simon Gibson case. 10 30 1939 10 91 37. Clerk of Recorder's Court imposed fine partially refunded to R. L. Williams. 11 20 1939 10 95 38. Judgment cancelled in Recorder case of State vs. P. Q. Moore and J. J. ?CUrlong. 12 04 1939 10 98 39. Recorder's courtcost refunded to C. M. Phillips. 07 15 1940 10 139 40. Recorder's courtcost refunded to Harry Carter. 08 05 1940 10 145 41. Recorder's court cost refunded to Miss Ann Carr. 08 05 1940 10 145 42. Recorder's court cost refunded to Harry Davis. 08 05 1940 10 145 43. Recorder's Court cost refunded to Miss. Hazel Kimery. 08 05 1940 10 145 _44. Recorder's court cost refunded to Dennis Connor. 08 05 1940 10 145 45. Recorder's payment authorized to return Helen Davis for trial. 08 26 1940 10 154 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES -- New Hanover Count?, N. C. , MATTER: RECORDER' S COURT ` ? aec. u. s. ??i??? County Indezea Since 1888 ? Yo loeate names, open af COTT A-Z TAB INDEX r?r OFFICE ?a,?K.a-?i." An Identifyine Trade Mark SURNAME INIiIAL TAB NIADE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLO BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH tAROLINA NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS DATE MINUTE BOOK Month I Day I Year Vol. ? Page l. Contract endorsement authorized for Clerk Recorder's Court adding machine. 2. Motion carried to secure bill for speedy trials in Recorder's Court. 3. Clerk Recorder Court rec{uested salary increases. 4. P. L. King presented offer to put judge chair in Recorders Court without obligation. 5. Recorder's Court Session to be resumed on Saturdays. 6. Recorder A. A. Lennon written on resuming Court sessions. 7. Motion ordered that no reply made to Recorder on session of court. between 8. Solicitor indicated he had no part in controversery / Gardner and Recorder. 9. Deputy Clerk Recorder Salary deducted. 10. Recorder's Court authorized more benches. 11. Letter received on appointment of S. E. Lofton as deputy Clerk of Recorder Court. 12. Clerk Recorder Court granted salary increase. 13. Clerk of Recorder Court clerks given bond increase. 14. Recorder's Court solicitor approved payment for services. 15. Clerk Recorder Court request to refund fine to C. H.Moon referredto Board of Education. 16. Action deferred on C1erk Recorder Court request for salary increases for staff. 17. Clerk Recorder Court rec{uested postponement on salary increases. 18. Clerk Recorder Court letter received on appointing G. L. Peschau as deputy Clerk to ?eplace J.H. Fergson. 19. Return of Walter Hayes authorized to serve Recorder's Court sentence. 20. Clerk Recorder Court authorized, as agent, to act on confiscated liquor. 21. Letter from Recorder received on resuming his salary payments. 22. Recorder Court recommended, and Lawrence Batts hired out. 23. Recorder's Court solicitor J. C. King given office for temporary Recorders Court work. 24. Clerk Recorder's Court given payment to reimburse Recorder's Court for worthless check of C. S. Gregg. 25. Recorder's Court found Irene F? T.W.Robinson quilty of violating liquor laws, sheriff reported. 26. Clerk Recorder Court authorized directory. 27. Recorder requested to renovate Recorder's Courtroom taken under consideration. 28. Payment to J. R. Crawford and S. W. Ketchum approved for guarding Recorder's court prisoners. 29. Directory authorized for Recorder. 30. Recorder Court receipts and reports filed. 31. Rec?rder's Court approved amplifying sys.tem. 32. Recorder and ??ecorder Solicitor to appear for decision of cases . 33. Special Investigating Officer to be appointed for Recorder's Court. 34. Wilmington Police Officer, S. R. ?Tilliams appointed Special Investigating Officer for Recorder's Court. 35. Recorder,.Smith, recommended H. L. Dosher or F. Porter Davis, Jr. as S.I.O., deferred. 36. Statement adopted on Recorder's budget discussion. 37. Payment approved to French Radio Co. for Recorder's Microphones. 38. S. W. Garrett bid received for painting Recorder's Courtroom. 39. Recorder referred for refund of fine on E, F. Davis, Jr.. 40. Hernea treatment fo? Farm Prisoner, T. J. Hare referred to Recorder. 41. Deputy Recorder, G. L. Peschan salary increase requested, to be granted. 42. Deputy Recorder, Peschan granted salary increase. 43. Recorder referred on office expenses. 44. Dwight McEwen statement of income for Recorder's Court received for consideration. 45. Joe Newton declined use of Recorder's Courtroom for "Youth for Christ Religious meeting. 12 09 1940 10 168 02 24 194?` 10 184 03 10 194? 10 187 08 25 1943? 10 225 06 22 1942 10 278 07 13 194? 10 282 07 27 1942 10 284 07 27 194? 10 284 08 17 1942 10 288 10 05 1942 10 295 O1 11 1943 10 312 07 27 1943 10 342 05 22 1944 10 385 06 05 1944 10 388 07 10 1944 10 394 08 07 1944 10 398 08 14 1944 10 399 10 16 1944 10 408 11 20 1944 10 414 03 26 1945 10 432 05 14 1945 10 440 08 13 1945 10 453 10 14 1946 10 521 11 04 1946 10 524 02 03 1947 10 538 02 10 1947 10 545 05 05 1947 10 564 10 13 1947 10 589 2 6 L950 11 154 7 3 L950 11 193 7 25 1950 11 198 11 6 1950 11 221 7 16 L951 11 271 7 ?5 ?951 11 ?73 9 4 t951 11 284 10 l7 L951 11 Z95 12 31 L951 11 310 1 7 L952 11 311 1 ?8 L952 11 313 3 L2 L952 11 ?23 7 7 L952 11 347 7 31 L952 11 356 9 2 L953 11 +51 2 1 L954 11 •'+81 11 ?2 L954 11 i56 INDE? TO COMMISSIONERS MI1?UT?S - N H C t N C E - ew anover oun ?, . . , MA i ERT Recorder ? S ?ourt ? nec. o. s. ?p?"??? County Indexea Since 1888 ? TO IOCpte namef? OpCn a1 CO77 A•Z TA8 1NDEX ?AT OFFICE ??(.,v?vec? An Identifying Trade Mark SURNAME INITIAL TAB 1YIADE BY TNE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLO BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS DATE . MINUTE BOOK Month Day ? Year Vol. I Page l. Youth for Christ granted use of Recorder's Court for three(3) months. 1 10 1955 11 567 2. Deputy Recorder requested willness of George Peschan by Recorder Court Judge H. W. Smith. 3 7 1955 11 579 3. Recorder Court Judge requested office and Secretary. 3 7 1955 11 579 4. Deputy Recorder appointment discussed, tabled. 3 7 1955 11 580 5. Appointment of W. L. Former as Deputy Recorder, tabled. 3 21 1955 11 583 6. Mr. T. E. Goff complained of discourteous treatment from Recorder, ma?ter for Recorder, 7 16 1956 12 83 7. No action taken on Recorder's request for increase in salary. 10 10 1956 12 94A 8. Request for salary increase declined. 10 17 1956 12 95 9. Approved ir?crease in salary of Depu.ty Judge of Record?r's Court. 1 7 1957 12 120 10. No action taken on report of noise in Recorder's Court and request for air conditioning. $ 4 1958 12 288 11. Minut?s of August 4th corrected in regards to Recorder's report, action taken. 8 18 1958 I2 293 12. Mr. H. S. Winfield Smith, Judge of Recorder's Court to receive offical parking space. 6 1 1959 12 440 13. Deputy J?u.dge L. Bradford Tillery, resigned as of 7/15/ 59, William C. Cameron appointed. 6 15 1959 12 448 14. Recorder's Courtroom to display Flags. 7 6 1959 12 459 l5. Recorder' Court Judge H. Winfield Smith declined parking reservation, permits enforced. 11 16 1959 12 516 16. Committee appointed to study the needs and suitable quarters for Recorder's Court Clerk. 3 7 1960 12 547 17. Approved Court Stenographer's room for office ot Clerk of Recorder's Court. 4 4 1960 12 562 18. Letter objectirg to location for Recorder's Office, action with held. 4 18 1960 12 564 19. Budget approved as recommended by the Auditor. 7 12 1960 12 590 20. Budget approved as recommended except 8% increase in salary of Judge. 7 15 1960 12 591 21. Authorized additional $2496.00 in budget for extra clerical help. _, :. -? 7 24 1960 13 2 22. Authorized increase of $30.00 per month in salary of Deputy Judge William Cameron, Jr. ? 2 I960 I3 ? 23. Approved $278.40 for office expense. 9 5 1960 13 16 24. No action taken on request of Foster Edwards, Clerk of Superior Court. 9 I8 1960 13 17 25. Mr. L. W. Humphery to replace Mr.Y.H. Sponcler, Deputy Clerk Recorder's Court. 10 16 1960 13 27 26. Space vacated by Board of Education awarded to Recorder's Court. 11 6 1960 13 35 27. Appropriated $50.00 for desk and chairs, new space in Recorder's Court. 11 20 1960 13 37 28. Approved "Bridal-Pax", if not burdensome to administer. 11 20 1960 13 38 29. Authorized closing of office Saturday 12/23/61. 12 11 1960 13 51 30. No action taken regarding salary increase for Mr. L. W. Hu.mphery, Clerk of Superior Court. 1 15 1961 13 59 31. No action taken on request to secure cash register. . 1 15 1962 13 59 32. Received letter informing of resignation of Deputy Judge William M. Cameron. 1 15 1962 13 61 33. Mr. Gilbert H. Bt7.rnett appointed intermin as Deputy Judge. 1 15 1962 13 61 34. Mr. Broadhurst, Judge Smith and Auditor Love to confer regarding accounting procedures. 1 15 1962 13 61 35. Motion carried to discontinue distributing "Bridal Pax". 2 S 1962 13 64 36. Authorized advertising for bids .for window air conditioning units. 5 21 196? 13 111 37. Received report of revenue collected and turned in for August & September 1962. 10 15 1962 13 162 38. Authorized pay for extra day worked, if Clerk ?aork on December 26th.or another day off. 12 17 1962 13 178 39. Authorized extra pay for additional two weeks of Court for H. Dwight McEwen. 7 L5 1963 13 228 40. Authorized Executive Sec to award c.ontract for Recorder's Court ceiling repairs. 9 3 1963 13 249 41. Sept. 3rd action rescinded, Attorneys to pay contractor, Mr. Ma?Zhan to investigate repairs.9 16 1963 13 253 42. Monthly report received. 9 16 L963 13 254 43. Authorized advertising for bids to lower Court ceiling, funds reimbursed to Mr. Garett. 10 7 1963 13 258 44. Received bid.s contract awarded to Wrenn Contractzon Co. 12 2 1963 13 268 45. Received Recorder's Court report for September. (Dates are as recorde?t in book). 11 18 1963 13 275 , INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover County N. C. MU JECT RECORDER' S COURT , _ ` aeo. u. s. ?J'- County Indezea Since 1888 ?a-? An ldentifSing Trade Mark r?r OFFICE t??? ?/ ? TO IoCab nofMf? O?o Y} ?B COiT A-I MADE BY THE COTT INDEX TA? INOEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO : tURNAME INITIAL TAY SOLD ?T OWEN ?. OYNN, M EN ?ERN, NORTN GROLItU DATE MINUTE BOOK NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS Month Day Yen? Vol. Page l. Policy O1 06 1964 13 279 2. Report 04 06 1964 13 309 3. Report 04 06 1964 13 319 4. Deputy Judge 04 20 1964 13 318 5. Auditor's Check of Records 05 18 1964 13 329 6?. Report 06 11 1964 13 338 7. Suggested Procedures 06 19 1964 13 339 8. Budget Discussion 07 07 1964 13 352 Y 9. Report 07 3Q I964 I3 354 10. Study Committee report 07 20 1964 13 355 11. Audit 08 17 1964 13 368 12. Deputy Clerk 08 17 1964 13 367 13. Report 08 17 1964 13 366 14. i Special Audit 08 17 1964 13 365 15. Report 09 21 1964 13 376 16. Special Audit 09 21 1964 13 377 17. Records inspection 09 23 1964 13 378 18. Report 10 19 1964 13 387 19. Report of receipts 11 16 1964 13 398 20. Request 11 02 1964 13 388 21. Special Audit appxopriation 11 16 1964 13 399 22. Equipment 12 07 1964 13 404 23. Special Audit O1 08 1965 13 424 24. Validating Machine 03 O1 1965 13 440 25. System 03 O1 1965 13 441 26. Office Location 04 12 1965 13 463 27. Office Location 04 20 1965 13 469 28. Salaries ?i6 07 1965 13 488 29. Investigation 07 06 1965 13 500 30. S.B.I. Report 07 26 1965 13 508 31. S.B.I. Report 08 02 1965 13 510 32. Responsibility 08 02 1965 13 510 33. Clerk's Replacement 08 16 1965 13 515 34. Audit 08 16 1965 13 515 ? 35. Audit 10 18 1965 13 535 36. Installation Supervision 11 15 1965 13 544 37. Audit 12 20 1965 13 562 38. Additional appropriation 06 05 1967 14 66 ? 39. Additional help in 05 06 1968 14 185 ? 40. Overtime pay 06 03 1968 14 194 41. Overtime pay 06 17 1968 14 199 i ? 42. ? Salaries 09 03 1968 14 244 43. Replacement of Col. Gnau 09 16 1968 14 249 44. Validating machine 11 04 1968 14 265 45. Use of Employees' lounge 11 04 1968 14 265 46. Salaries 11 04 1968 14 264 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS N C MINUTES -- New Hanover County RECORDER' S COURT M . , . ` , U JE T aeo. u. s. ?1 ????:(.a PAT OFFICE ? County Indexea Since 1888 ?i An Identifvins Trado Mark ? TO IOCat? Ilo?nl3? Optl1 Ot SURiIAME INIiIAL TA? COTT A-2 TA? INpEX MADE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS. OH10 so?c ?r oweM a. CUNN, NEM ?ERN. NORTN GROLINA DATE MINUTE BOOK ?i NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS Month Day Year Vol. Page ,js 1.` Deputy Judge 11 04 1968 14 265 2. Overtime ; 11 18 1968 14 272 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - N H C ? N C' SUBJECT PiW anover ?un ?? . ._ MATTER: REGISTER OF DEEDS _ ¦aa. u. s. ?.? `? County Indezea Since 1888 To tocate namss, open at COTT A-Z TAB INDEX r?r ornc? C.?'cte///L.Ca?Ei An Identifying Trade Marlc ? BURNAME INITIAL TAB MADE BY THF COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA p? i, ; q? DATE ? MINUTE BOOK ` NATURE OF PROtEEDINGS ?+ za 1.3? R.S. Waldron bonded and approved as Register of Deeds. ,9 2.;? Room assigned to Register of Deeds in Courthouse. 3.; Bill for painting Register's office approved. 4.? Bill for record book for Register from W.H. Bernard approved. ;? 5.;? Report requested from Register concerning expenses. 6.;? Repair bill for Register's office from D.A. Smith approved. Y 7.,; Bill for desk for Register's office from M. London approved. , / 8.,; R.S. Waldron resigned as Register of Deeds. l ; 9.. William Anderson appointed Register of Deeds. 10.y W.T. Anderson approved as Register of Deeds. 11.,, Bill for merchandise for Register's office from R.S. Waldron approved. 12.,; Applications for positions of Clerk to Board and Register of Deeds received. . 13.; R. Waldron elected Clerk to Board and Register of Deeds. 14.' Board received protest against appointment of Register of Deeds. 15.;; R.S. Waldron's bond for Register of Deeds approved. 16.?? Bill for office of Register of Deeds from W.H. Bernard approved. 17.,' Board ordered report on cost of improvements for Register's office. 18.:: Money allowed for office improvements for Register of Deeds. 19.ri Application of Register of Deeds filed. 20.?? Register Waldron authorized to have Book N of Records copied at 10? per copy sheet. 21.;j Bill for railing and shelves in Register's office from Alfred Howe approved. 22.., Action on statement of R?g?.ster of Deeds postponed.. p 23.; Tax List to go to Register of Deeds to copy in his books. 24.:; Register of Deeds authorized to have Book P of Records copied. 25.,,y Register of Deeds' statement regarding marriage license recorded. 26.,; Statement of number of marriage licenses issued. 27.;; ?. McQuigg to deliver 1869 Tax List for Wilmington Township to Register of Deeds. 28.,,; Board instructed that S. Faison could obtain desired list from Register of Deeds. 29.?? Names and number of vot?s cast for office of Register of Deeds in August 5, 1870 election. , 30.,?; William J. Bivins elected Register of Deeds. ? 31.;? Bond of Superintendent of Work House recorded in Registry of Official Bonds. ; 32.:i Register Waldron's bills for registering official bonds approved. 33..; Bill for repairing windows in Register's office from Anthony Howe approved. 34.; W.J. Bivins, Register of Deeds elect, presented his bonds. 35..; W.J. Bivins' bond for Register of Deeds approved. 36., R.S. Waldron, late Register of Deeds, retired. 37. .R,S. Waldron retired as Register of Deeds and William Bivins elected in his place. 38.;; Former Register Waldron to complete all unfinished work in his office. ? 39.;; R.S. Waldron, late Register, ordered to add up columns of Bill, Jury, and Witness Books left by hi 40.,; Statement of R.S. Waldron, later Register of Deeds,filed. i 41.;; Register to pay Treasurer all taxes collected on marriage licenses and deeds. ? 42.:; Register to pay Sheriff the State tax due on marriage licenses and deeds. 43.;, William Bivins' bill as Register approved. 44.;± Mr. Bivins' fee as Register approved. ; 45.' Clerk of Wilmington to give bond of J. Hi11, Township Constable, to Register. ,a 46.; Register to deposit bond of J. Hill with the Clerk of the Superior Court. {: i i i+ Month I Day I Year {? t? Vol. I Page I I . ; 07 .. - 15 sm 1868; , 1 1 ;: ;+ 08 26 , :? 1868??, M 1 29 ? 10 ?? 20 V 1868? 1 80 _ ?s 02 O1 ?? 1869?? 1 176 ;; 02 03 1869ey ? 1 178 o; 05 11 , 1869;? „q 1 228 l 07 07 1869; 1 271 08 19 1869;; ;: 1 309 ? 08 19 ?869:° 2 ; 3d9 ;!; 09 06 1869'? 1 311 '?{ 09 ., 07 1869, , 1 ia 316 ; ?, 11 . O1 1869. . 1 334 " ? ' ? 11 O1 1869k? 1 s 334 ?' c 11 Ol 1869:? 1 334 E? 11 ., 02 1869?? w, 1 R 337 ? . 12 07 1869R. 1 351 ?? 12 „ 07 1869? ?, 1 I 351 ?; ?? " 12 10 1869;; ? 1 E 355 ? ,; 01 03 , 1870?; 1 ?t 392 ? Ol r? 03 1870?' F? 1 ? 392 ? O 1 03 y 1870?y 1 39 2 f, ?: 02 09 187Q 1 408 C? 19 , 02 09 1870?? 1 409 ?? 02 09 1870?; 1 ?, 409 ? ; 03 08 ' 1870f; 1 y 419 ? ;, 03 08 187a; 1 419 Pe 11 04 05 . 1870. 1 424 ?; : 05 02 187?; 1 !? 432 ? 08 06 187?; 1 467 € „ 08 06 187Q.? i 1 468 „ 08 29 1870; 1 ? 470 ? ,? os 30 18?a,t 1 4?4 ? 08 31 1870fx 1 483 i ,, 09 05 1870; 1 i? 486 ;# i= „ 09 06 1870i; 1 487 ??; ?_ 09 06 1870i? 1 487 `y ? ?09 .. 06 1870?? 2 1 ?? ?? 09 .. 08 1870: 2 3"? ?; . a. 09 22 1870??? 2 E? 17 ?+ a, r? :, 09 22 1870;a 2 25 t? i" ,; 10 03 1870;? 2 28 ; „ 10 03 1870;? 2 2 28 ?i f, 10 08 1870;f 2 33 ?,? 12 05 1870?0 2 ? `?5 ? 12 .. 10 1870;; ,; 2 100 ! ! 12 10 1870id 2 ? 100 ? ? . ?i 6j , ?, ?, ?? ? kj d' ? m I INDEX TO CO?iMISSIONERS MINUTES N H C N - ew anover ount?, . C. _ MATTER: REGISTER OF DEE DS ` •eo. u. s. County /ndexee Since 1888 ?y? xy-- To toeate names, opee at r?f OFFICE ??? An Identifying Trade Mark ?3`.? SURNAME INITIAL tA8 COTi A•27A6INDEX MADE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORT H CAROLINA NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS j DATE ;, bi MINUTE BOOK ?? : Month I Day l . . Year ,; Vol, I Page 4; ? , l. E.M. Shoemaker and A.R. Blakc to examine accounts of Register of Deeds and report on monies due County. . 12 17 , 1870?+? 2 . 104 t^ 2. W.J. Bivins' fee for registering official bonds approved. „ 12 31 1870',; 2 108 ;? 3.? Statement from Register Bivins on number of marriage licenses issued and taxes collected on them. „ 01 07 187I: , 2 I14 .,? 4.? R. Woods gave oath that the above report is correct. „ Ol 07 1871p; 2 114 „ ,5.? Register to have numbers ot beginning and ending years printed on books. , 02 06 1871j 2 120 „ ? ,6.? Statement of number of marriage licenses issued and tax on each received from R.S. Waldron, former Registez,. 02 06 y 1871 2 120 ? , + ? 7.;? ` Mr. Bivins' fee as Register approved. „ 02 06 ? 1871„ 2 123 ,, s 8.?? Register Bivins' fee approved. „ 03 06 1871,, 2 130 , ?s 9.i; Register authorized to purchase an office stool for his office. . 03 31 1871„ 2 137 ,, 10.,, Register Bivins' fee approved. 04 05 1871 2 143 , „:; Register of Deeds allowed $2.00 per diem when acting as Clerk to the Board. 05 12 1871w, 2 157 _; .12.:i Register Bivins' fQ? approved. 06_ 02 1871„ 2 170 , 13.y, t? Register Bivins' fee approved. 07 05 1871, 2 181 „ ? ?, 14.;; ,j Register Bivins` fee approved. 08 12 1871,. 2 209 ,,, 15.;? Bond of W. Bivins as Register of Deeds not approved. .. 09 05 1871.. 2 218 . 16.;; John Heyer against approving above bond because sureties not good and sufficient. ., 09 05 1871,, 2 218 ., :; .17.;; Register Bivins' fee approved. 09 06 1871.,; 2 220 ,, w? ,18.?j Approval of bond for Register of Deeds deferred until October meeting. 09 16 1871 2 222 „ ? ,19.E? Bond of Mr. Bivins deferred to next meeting. , 09 23 1871- 2 224 , fi ? ? ,20.i; Mr. Bivins to procure an additional bondsman. 09 23 1871. 2 224 ,; 21.;; Register of Deeds given one more week to give his bond. 10 02 1871.; 2 227 „ 22.,, Register Bivins' fee approved. 10 02 1871; 2 228 „ ??. 23.'k, W.J, Bivins' bond for Register approved. ,. 10 07 1871, 2 229 ?q 24 ?i R i f i l f d bli ild h . r? or more p eg ster request geon es re erre to Coirnnittee on Pu c Bu o ings. 12 04 1871_: 2 246 .:_ . .25.j? AII persons who obtained Iicense from Sheriff must present these to the Register or wi11 be penalized. O1 02 I872, 2 278 ;; $? ,26.„ Proposals for medical attendance at Jail will be accepted at Register's office until January 15. „ Ol 08 1872. 2 282 ; ,27.f; Assessment of debt of Franklin Township (annexed to Sampson Co.) entered on Board records and registered „ 04 Ol 1872.„ 2 308 .. x? y in Register's office. ' 28.?s ,? Chairman to inquire why order of Board to enter suits against parties failing to register licenses has not., OS ?? ?? ;; been camplied with. , ,29.`; ,? Register to give Mr. Flack all tax lists he now holds so Mr. Flack can compute County taxes. , 05 r? 30.;; Notice to be published that all persons who have not registered their business licenses will be penalized 05 G; ;? if they do not do so. e 31.;; Register of Deeds allowed until August 10 to revise tax list. 08 32.;; 3oseph Hill elected Register of Deeds in August, 1872 election. 48 ,33.;; W.J. Bivins, ex-Register,allowed time to complete work in his office. 09 34.? Board accepted bond of Joseph Hill, Register of Deeds elect. 09 35.6? § Chairman to procure two new record books for the Register. 09 %? 36.;;' :, Board allowed W.J. Bivins' bill as Register. 09 ?, 37.?? Committee to take inventory of stock in Register's office. ., 09 .38. 39. , 40. 41. ! 42. ; 43.' Chairman to examine affairs in Register's office. Chairman to have any unfinished work of Register done by persons and on terms he sees fit. Committee found about 60 deeds in Register's office which had not been registered. Committee found list of juror and witness tickets in books which had not been written up. Committee found neglect indicated in registering and countersigning licenses issued by Sheriff. Committee reported business of Register's office not satisfactory due to insufficient clerical force. 09 09 09 09 09 09 07 1872. 2 318 .; 29 1872' 2 322 .. 31 1872;, 2 325 ., 03 1872, 06 1872, OZ I872„ 02 1872; 04 1872. 05 1872. 06 1872. 06 1872. 06 1872 2 342 2 3?-8 , 2 354 „ 2 354 , 2 357 ., 2 359 ,. 2 360 ,; 2 360 „ 2 360 ., 09 1872 09 1872 09 1872 09 1872, !? 2 361 2 361 2 361 2 361 ' INDEX TO COi?MI55I0NER5 MINUTES - New Hanover Count? N C MATTER REGISTER OF DEEDS , . . _ : ` ¦co. u, s. ?j County Indezee Sinee 1888 To locate names, open at ?er OFFICE C.G.tI?? An ldentifying Trade Marlc ? SURNAMB INfTiAL TAB - COTT A-Z TAB INDEX MADE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLO BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA . g NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS ?: DATE ? MINUTE BOOK ? ,r ;! Month I i Day I Year ? .; Vol. I Page ? i' p ?, ? ? l. i Committee recommended Board employ a person to finish Register Bivins' work at his expense. ?, 09 09 1872?? ? 2 361 k ! 2. ;? Inventory of stock in Register's office listed. ?; ? 0 09 09 ? r 1872?j 2 ; 361 3. ? g?Recommendations of committee concerning Register's office set down, pages 362-363. 09 09 1872.`; tr 2 361 ?? 4. ;? Committee on Public Buildings to estimate cost of an addition on Court House for use of Register and Board., 09 12 1872,? 2 365 ? 5. b; Committee on Public Buildings gave report on improvements in Register's office and Jail. ,, 10 02 1872;•q 2 s 373 ? 6. ?? Comrnittee on Public Buildings reported a two story addition to Courthouse is needed for Register and Board.; 10 03 1872?` 2 376 k , ; 7. ?':Register's bill for recording official bonds app?oved. 10 07 1872Y; 2 379 ?? 8. ;+ Bill from Register Hill for services approved. ° ;, 11 04 1872'; 2 _? 389 d?! ?; 9. ',; Register Hill's bill approved. , 12 02 1872; 2 5? 403 =' 10. .. Register Hill's fee approved. I2 23 1872,; 2 412 z; 11. 'Re?ister Hill's fee approved. Ol 06 1873 2 420 ?. 12._,Register Hill's fee approved. „ 02 13. Unsettled account of late Register to whom a balance is due listed. 03 14. Register Hill's fee approved. 03 15.i Register's office in extension of Courthouse to be furnished by Committee on Public Buildings. 03 16. Re?ister Hill's fee approved. 04 17..' Register Hill's fee approved. 05 18. Money appropriated to build locker in Register's office for safekeeping of Tax Books and Lists. 05 19.,; Register Hill's fee approved. ; 06 20.;; Register Hill's fee approved. 07 21.;; Register Hill's fee approved. ;, 08 22.,; Register Hill`s fees approved. „ 08 23.,,, Register Hill's fee approved, pages 114-115. :, 10 24..; Register notified by Clerk to Board to appear and present offical bond. „ 10 25.,; Bill of Jasper Bishop for fees of Register approved. 11 26.^e Register Hill's fees approved. 11 27.= Board received renewed bond of Joseph Hill and approved as Register of Deeds. 11 28. : Register Hill's fee approved. 12 29. Fee of Register Hill approved. Ol 30. Fee of Register Hill approved. 02 31.'? Register and Sheriff to collect all taxes due on Schedule B. 03 32. ' Register to examine books of Philip Newman to determine if excess taxes have been paid as provided in Act .. 05 of 1873-1874. 33. , Clerk to file copy of August 6 election returns with Register. , 08 ? 3?. George Bordeaux eiected Register of Deeds in August 6, 183? election. 08 35. Clerk to file certified statement of August 6 election returns with Register and Sheriff. „ 08 36. ;, Sheriff and Register to compel payment of all taxes listed on Schedule B. 08 37. ' Register to publish notice to all delinquents who are now liable to the tax and penalties. ,. 08 38. Official bond of George Bordeaux, Register of Deeds elect, referred to a special committee to determine 09 validity. ?, .. 39. -'Committee reports that it recommends bond of Mr Bordeaux not be a?proved. 09 40. Time extended for Mr. Bordeaux to file his bond to September 15. 09 41. If Mr. Bordeaux does not file his bond by September 15, his office will be declared vacant. 09 42. Request of John Fowler for position of Register of Deeds if office becomes vacant, laid over. 09 43. ? Bond of George Bordeaux presented as Register of Deeds. ,r 09 .. 44. ? ?Mr. Bordeaux's bond referred to a special committee for examination. d? ? . - - . . . ; 09 i' ii 06 1873,u 03 1873 03 1873 10 1873: 07 1873?; 06 1873,; 12 1873c 02 1873` 07 1873; 04 1873;; 23 1873;: 06 1873? 22 1873;.; 04? 1873;, 04 1873?, OS 1873; ?? 02 1873,; 05 1874; 03 1874? 05 1874,, 04 1874 08 1874 10 183?+,' 10 1874,; 31 1874 ; 3i is?4:. 10 1874 ; 2 426 ,; 3 2 9 ?' M? ?" 3 29 :: 3 38 ; r? 3 5 7 :.' 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 66 70 75 85 92 104 , 114 I 121 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 139 139 141 15 2 ?; ,? 169 +: I9 186 ?? ? 1? 191 i; 213 234 ? 236 , 236 ` 239 ;; 239 t; 255 . 11 1874 3 256 11 1874. 3 256 11 1874 3 256 12 1874. 3 257 14 1874;, 3 258 14 1874 :' ?; ?1 3 259 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES -- New Hanover Count?, N. C. ` MATTER: REGISTER OF DEEDS _ et?. u. s. County Indezea Since 1888 {?? ?+.? To locate names, Op60 tL COTT A•Z TAB INDEX r?T OFFICE ?1L?? An Identifying Trade Mark ?`y? SURNAME INITIAL TAB NUIDE BY THE COiT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHtO SOID BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA 'd PIATURE OF PROCEEDlNGS ri DATE ?i MINUTE BOOK ? `, Monfih ? Dpy ( Year p?? Vol, ? Ppge r? l. Request from John Sanders for position of Register of Deeds laid over. 09 15 1874 ?? 3 259 ' . < ?( <, 2. Mr. Bordeaux allowed to withdraw his bond in hands of special committee, and it was approved. . 09 15 I874 3 260 ? ..? ??, :? 3. Mr. Hill, late Register of Deeds, allowed 60 days to complete registration of deeds and mortgages. ? 09 15 1874 3 261 `' ' b? q 4. Re?erred bill of J. Hill, late i2egister, to Auditing Committee. y 09 16 1874 i` 3 261 €t 5. Chairman to attend to Register's request for staCionary. ` 09 23 1874 ?; 3 263 ; 4 ?! 6. Application of Jasper Bishop to work on Tndexes in office of Register of Deeds referred to Auditing Comm. , 11 02 1874 ;,' 3 270 7. Register Hill`s fee approved. . 11 02 1874 : 3 273 .? 8.€ ,, Fee of Register Bordeaux approved. .. I1 OZ 1874 : .. 3 274 ., ? , 9.?? Register Bordeaux's fee approved. 12 07 1874 3 281 , j i ?? ? ,10.' Request from members of Bar to have Index Books, keys to Record of Mortgages and Deeds and other material 12 07 1874 3 283 ,5 ,;; transcribed, and to have Jasper Bishop do this. 11.4; Agplications of Jasper Bishop and J.H. Smyth to transcribe and correct County Indexes received. ., 12 Q7 1874 _ 3 284 ,12.?; Bill from John Smyth for incidental expenses approved, Ol 05 1875 . ; 3 292 ? 13.`9 ?§ Register Bordeaux to have deeds of property sold by State bound in book form. OZ 02 1875 , 3 296 ?14.i? Treasurer and committee settled accounts with former and incumbent Register of Deeds, y 02 02 1875 3 297 ? 15.M, ,e Fee of Register Bordeaux approved. 02 02 1875 .. 3 297 .. ?: ,16.j? : Bill of John Smyth for incidental expenses approved. 02 02 1875 = 3 298 9 ,17.?o Bill from J. Hill for Register's fees approved. 03 05 1875„w? 3 308 :s 18.?? Bill from J. Smyth for incidental expenses approved. 03 05 1$75 3 308 ? 19.? Register Bordeaux's fees approved. 04 06 I875 3 315 ? 20.Y , Bill from J.H. Smyth for in.cidental expenses approved. 04 06 1875 ? 3 315 . 21.p? ,s Register and Tax Collector to grant retail liquor licenses semi-annually. 04 19 1875.; 3 319 ? ? ,22.?? Thomas Nixon elected Register of Deeds for Pender County on April 15, 1875. 04 17 1875 3 319 ?4 23.4? ,? Clerk to file certified copy of Pender County elections returns with Register of New Hanover. 04 17 1875 i 3 319 , ,24. Bill of J.H. Brown approved as Register of Deeds o? Pender County. 05 08 1875 , 3 325 ? 25.'t; BiI1 of J. Smyth for incidental expenses approved. 05 08 1875 , 3 326 , t? E,. 26.e? Fee of Register Bordeaux approved. 05 08 1875 , 3 326 .f 27.?? Board granted request from Register for a fee of S? each for writing money warrants, attaching warrants to 06 08 1875 3 332 !? .;s ? bills and filing the same. ? ? 28.k ? Bill of J.H. Smyth for incidental expenses approved. 06 08 1875?; 3 332 _29.?? Fee of George Bourdeaux as Register approved. 06 08 1875, 3 333 ,30.; Committee to examine work done by J.H. Smyth in transcribing Index Books and amount received by him. 06 15 1$75 3 336 . 31.t? Messrs. Wilson and Morris requested more time in examining Index Books being transcribed by Mr. Smyth. 06 23 1875 3 337 {? 32 ? Ch i , . ? a rman Wilson moved that J.H. Smyth be discharged as Clerk to Auditing Committee, but Board refused to 06 23 1875 3 337 t? vote on this since Smyth was appointed by Chairman and not by Board. 33.?o Chairman then discharged Smyth as Clerk to Auditing Committee. 06 23 1875 3 337 E? . , 34.k; Report from Mr. Morris on matter of J.H. SmyCh and the Index Books spread on minutes. 06 28 1875 3 338 35.;; ,? ; Report stated Mr. Smyeh was transcribing while acting as Deputy Register and Clerk to the Board, and listed Q6 28 1875 3 339 ?, i? ?. amounts paid Mr. Smyth. 36.;? ? Mr. Morris found many errors in Mr. Smyth's work and the work is not complete and has never been tendered 06 28 1875t; 3 339 ?, `; ? ? to Board as complete. ., , ? 37.!? Mr. Morris recommends work be completed immediately so Board may receive or rejecC it, and suggest Board 06 28 1875 „ 3 339 , ?? i.nvite investigation so they may be vindicated and public satisfied. „ a . 38.?g ? Chairman entered protest which was spread upon minutes concerning Mr. Smyth. 06 28 1875,;, 3 34? . 39.?? ,? Chairman states he presented a report on Mr. Smyth which Board rejected, and he protested conduct of . 06 28 1875;; , 3 340 ?? Board in giving County money to Mr. Smyth for work improperly done. „ ? i; ?, g" i 4? . i ?: . . . f? 1 l? ;i f= ?9 REGISTER OF N INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover County C MATTER DEEDS , . : . _ ` ?ea. u. s. Counry Indeze? Since 1888 To loeats names, open at COTi A•Z TAB INDEX ??T OFflt6 C?i?-Ce??E"+ An Identifvins Trade Mark ? SURNAME INITIAL TA8 MADE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLO BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA '? r?? ` DATE ?? MINUTE BOOK ;? NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS r ;?? P? ?? i Month ? Day ? - - Year ?R o; Vol. ? Page ? 1. t ;Chairman protested conduct of Auditing Committee in auditing full amount of Mr. Smyth's account without c ? 06 28 ?, 1875;? 3 ? 340 ? ., ?; investigating his work. ;r ?. ; :? 5A 2. ? Register to publish an advertisement in daily papers regarding Schedules B and C. r 06 28 1875;i 3 340 ? 3. ,iRegister stated he had neglected to have J. Sampson, Deputy Clerk, sworn in, so Mr. Sampson was sworn in. . 07 Ol 1875?k 3 E 342 ? I 4. r;Bi11 from J.E. Sampson for Register's fees approved. . 07 08 1875iy 3 352 '? ?? S. ;;Fee of Register Bordeaux approved. 08 03 1875tl; 3 365 ?? ?d 6. Bond of George Bordeaux as Register of Deeds put on record. ; 09 06 1875:: x 3 !n 372 ?: j, ,K 7. .,Register to furnish each magistrate of Wilmington Township with list of qualified jurors of said Township.. 09 17 1875:^ 3 377 `? 8. Bill from Register Bourdeaux approved. , 10 07 1875;, 3 383 ?; 9. . Bill from Register Bordeaux approved. ,. 11 09 1875. 3 391 r, l0. ,Bi11 from Register Bordeaux approved. 12 16 1875,? 3 403 ;; 11. .,Bi11 from Register Bordeaux approved, pages 412-413. 02 07 1876 3 412 ;; E 12. Register Bordeaux's bill approved, pages 419-420. „ 03 08 1876 ? 3 419 " r. 13. Bill from Register Bordeaux approved. .. ?. 04 03 1876 3 427 ? ;? 14. Bill from Register Bordeaux approved. 05 05 1876; 3 435 ? 15. ? Bill from Register Bordeaux approved. 06 07 1876 3 ;. 447 16. Bill from Register Bordeaux approved. ? .. 08 07 1876 3 457 `` ?; 17. :Register Bordeaux's fee approved for August. 09 27 1876 3 481 ?; ,_ 18. Copy of returns of November 7 election to be filed in office of Register of Deeds. . 11 11 1876,y 3 489 ?? ? 19. Joseph E. Sampson elected Register of Deeds in November 7, 1876 election. , 11 11 1876; ' 3 491 ?3 F 20. Bill from Register Bordeaux for September approved. 11 22 1876,, 3 : 498 '` 21. Report from Register of Deeds Bordeaux ordered spread on Records of Officials Reports. 11 28 1876,, 3 501 ;; 22. Bills from Register Bordeaux approved, pages 505 and 507. 12 04 1876;, 3 505 ?: 23. . Sureties of Register of Deeds Sampson out of town so question of his bond continued. ? 12 05 1876,; 3 4' 508 ;; ?_ ' 24. ,Bond of Register of Deeds of J.E. Sampson accepted. ?.. 12 16 1876;; 3 s. . 611 ,; 25. ,A.P. Howe presented and sworn in as Deputy Register of Deeds. 12 16 1876,? 3 611 ;; 26. a;Bil1 from Register Bordeaux approved. 12 29 ? 1876„ 3 ;? 514 ;y 27. 'Bill from A.P. Howe for incidental expenses approved. 12 29 1876.? ?, 3 514 ?: ?? 28. ;Bill from J.E. Sampson for Register's fees approved. 12 29 1876. ? 3 515 ` ;. by 29. Report from Register of deeds on fees due County from marriage licenses for last three month in minutes. .. O1 29 1877'' „ , 3 523 "' 30. Bill from Register's office for J.E. Sampson approved. 06 05 1877? 3 554 °? 31. Bill from S.H. Ma.nning as Register of Deeds approved. 08 11 1877 ,? 3 593 '' ;n 32. Bill from J.E. Sampson for Register's fees approved, pages 594 and 600. ., 08 11 1877';; 3 594 r, ?. 33. Register of Deeds presented N.G. Sampson to Board and he was sworn in as Deputy Register of Deeds. 09 04 1877, 3 608 „ 34. ,?Standard Keeper allowed to store his weights and measurers in the office of Register of Deeds. . 09 22 1877„ 3 61?+ ?: 35. ,_Letter from Sheriff and Register of Deeds relative to stationary referred to Commissioners Worth & Grainger. 10 O1 1877,, 3 624 36. ;Annual report from Register on marriage licenses' fees due County referred to Auditing Committee. 10 Ol 1877„ 3 625 ; 37. ?,Register's bill from Joseph Sampson approved, pages 644 and 647. 11 06 1877„ 3 644 ?; 38. Register of Deeds?J.E. Sampson,renewed his official bond and it was approved. .. . 12 03 1877 „ 3 658 ;: p; 39. Register's fees from J.E. Sampson approved, pages 667,668 and 671. 12 15 1877 3 667 ;s 40. Special Audit Committee cancelled all old vouchers and gave to Register of Deeds to file. Ol 19 1878, 3 ;. 697 :? ?. 41. Register of Deeds requested deeds of lands sold for 1877 taxes be bound in book form. 02 16 1878y 3 701 FC ;f 42. Above deeds to be bound by lowest bidding contractor. .. 02 16 1878 3 ? 701 ?. ?, 43. `Report from Register of Deeds on fees due County from marriage licenses referred to Finance Committee. 03 44. 'Letter from Secretary of State, J.A. Englehard, to Chairman relative to Register of Deeds filed; letter 04 ? referred to the Act to Regulate Elections. , ? :3 ; r r E? ?; 04 1878 3 706 29 1878:q 3 72d INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - l??w Hanover Count? N C REGISTER MATTER OF DEEDS , . . _ : ` aeo. u. s. /J?C Covnty Indezee S?nce 1888 ? To loeata names, opee at COTT A-Z TAB IkDEX e?r OFFICE C.Le,F?? An Identifying Trade Mark SURNAME INITIAL Tp6 MADE BY THE CQTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD B Y OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NO RTH CAROLINA DATE re °? ,,,' MINUTE BOOK ?? NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS ? ' ?, Month Day I I Year N ? Vol. I Page ?? , ?: I ?a 1. George Harriss to relist property of Mrs. Julia Harriss and specify each piece. 08 09 1878?; 3 741 .. ,? j? . 2. Bond of J.E. Sampson as Register of Deeds approved and registered. 4 09 02 1878'?a 3 743 ; 3. Mr. Sampson appeared before the Board and qualified. !r 09 ?, 02 1878;; •? ? 3 744 ;? 4. Register to report all money paid to State by theatrical companies for 1877 fiscal year. , . 11 04 1878?? 3 i; 772 ? . 5. Report from Register on money received from marriage licenses since August 31, 1878. 11 04 1878?? 3 774 _ 6.? Register to see that ballot boxes be delivered to various precincts in Wilmington Township. c 11 04 1878e; 3 774 ,{ ." i , 7.? Register to pay money to County for failure to collect taxes from theatrical performances. 11 15 1878r 3 779 8. . Annual report from Register of Deeds on fees from marriage licenses from State and County. 12 , 02 1878 .? 4 1 9.` Report from Register of Deeds on money received from marriage licenses for five months to be recorded. 03 03 1879 4 23 10.?', Register to strictly enforce Section 2, Schedule B Laws of 1876 and 1877. 03 03 1879 4 24 11.'" Report from Register on money received from marriage licenses for three months approved. 06 02 1879 4 78 12.:; Report from Register on money received from marriage licenses for three months. 07 07 1877 ; 4 81 r; 13.N? ??? Report from Register on money received from marriage licenses for July. 08 04 1879 * 4 92 14.,? ; Report from Register on money received from marriage licenses for August. 09 Ol 1879 4 103 ? lS.p Register to furnish Wilmington Magistrates a Jury List. 09 15 1879 ' 4 107 E ,16.;? Register of Deeds to deliver the 1879 Tax &ooks to Sheriff. ,. 09 22 , 1879 4 112 :, 17.?; ?? Register presented a copy of his annual Agricultural Statement to the Department of Agriculture. ; 09 22 1879 , 4 112 ?. ?? 18.?? ; Report from Register of Deeds on money received from marriage licenses in September, 1879. u, 10 06 1879 . 4 114 „ .19.? Report from Register on money received from marriage licenses in October. 11 03 1879'? 4 118 ,. ,20.; Finance Committee regulated fees of Register for annual work and listed those fees. „ 11 12 1879 , 4 122 _, ?, 21.?I Bond of Register of Deeds, J.E. Sampson approved. 12 Ol 1879 ;; 4 131 „ 22.?? . ? Report from Register on fees received from marriage licenses for November, 1879. 12 .. O1 1879 , ., 4 132 ? 23.;; . ? Annual report from Register of Deeds approved. 12 15 1879 ? 4 139 , ? 24.;, Report from Register on fees received from marriage licenses for December, 1879. Ol 05 1880 4 140 • y? ? i ... 25.`? - ? Report from Register on fees received from marriage licenses for January, 1879. 02 .. 02 1880 ' ; 4 171 .. 26.? Report from Register on fees received from marriage licenses in February, 1880. 03 Ol 1880 4 176 ? 27.?? ,, Report from Register on fees received from marriage licenses in March, 1880. 04 05 1880 4 182 ti 28.?? Report from Register on fees received from marriage licenses for April. 05 03 1$80 4 188 , ? 29. Report from Register on fees received from marriage licenses in May, 1880. 06 07 1880 4 197 i 30. , Register to list delinquent poll taxes as provided in Section 18, Chapter 71, Laws of 1879. 07 OS 1880 : 4 202 ., 31.? L.T. Beatty allowed to list his taxes before Register of Deeds. 07 26 1880 Y 4 218 32.'? Report from Register on fees received from marriage licenses for June, 1880. 08 02 1880 4 220 33.i? , ? Register of Deeds submitted his August report on fees received from marriage licenses. 09 ,. 06 188Q .. 4 227 ,. ,34.? Register to deliver Tax Books to Sheriff for collection of taxes. 09 13 1880 4 232 35.r; Report from Register on fees received from marriages licenses for September. 10 04 1880 4 237 .a ! 36.?? ?? Register's report on fees received from marriage licenses for October, 1880. 11 Ol 1880 , 4 242 i? ,37.?? Bond of Register of Deeds, J.E. Sampson, accepted. 12 06 1880 4 250 _38.;? J.E. Sampson qualified by taking oath of office. 12 06 1880 4 251 ?+ .39.?? r Report from Register on fees received from marriage licenses for November, 1880. 12 20 1880 , 4 257 r 40.? k Annual report of Register on fees received from marriage licenses for year ending November 30, 1880. 12 20 1880 4 257 0 41.j Report from Register on fees received from marriage licenses for December, 1880. Ol 03 1881 ' L 4 262 42.? Register allowed one quart bottle of ink every six months for office use. ? Ol 03 1881 '? 4 262 ; ,i 43.i' Register failed to collect proper taxes on purchases of liquor. Ol 12 1881 , ; 4 269 ? 44.?? Register to notify all parties involving liquor purchases to reform their tax Iists. . , O1 12 ? 1881 4 , 269 45.? Report from Register on fees received from marriage licenses for January, 1881. 02 07 1881 ° 4 271 + ? ?46.? Report from Register on fees received from marriage licenses for February, 1881. i 03 07 1881,: 4 277 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES N N H t C C REGISTER OF DEEDS ew - oun . anover y, . _ MATTER: a ¦ea. u. s. q?? r?t ofvicc L.?iE?:C.a-z? Counry Indezee Sincd 1888 An Idonti(7'inC Ttade Mark ? To locats names, open at SURNAMF IN{TIAL TAB COTT A•Z TAB INDEX MADE BY THE CQTT INDEX COMPANY. COLUMBUS. OHIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA i'=, ,, ? DATE ? MINUTE BOOK "' ? • NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS , ?s Month ? Day ( Year ? :? Vol. ? Page ?{ IB l.p? Report from Register on fees received from marriage licenses in March, 1881. _: 04 _ 04 X? 1881 y? 4 284 2.3`? ?? Report from Register on fees received from marriage licenses in April. i 05 02 1881 ; 4 290 3.6? Report from Register on fees received from marriage licenses in May. '; 06 06 1881 ?? 4 298 ? 4.?p Report from Register on fees received from marriage licenses in June. ? ; 07 11 ?, 1881 ?? 4 307 ? 5.?" Report from Register on fees received from marriage licenses in July. ' 08 Ol 1881 ?s 4 315 ? :, 6.p Report from Register on fees received from marriage licenses in August, 1881. ? 09 7.,? Report s from Register on fees received from marriages licenses in September and October. ; 11 8.,` ?? Board granted Register's petition for a stove for his office. :. 11 9.; Report from Register on fees received from marriage licenses for November, 1881. ; 12 10. Annual report from Regis ter on fees re ceived from marriage licenses from year ending December l, 1881. „ 12 11. Bond of Register of Deeds approved. ,. Ol 12., Reports from Register on fees received from marriage licenses for December, 1881 and January 1882. 02 13. Registe r to notify persons whose prope rty was sold t o County for taxes that they may redeem land without ;, 02 25 % penalty if done before March 6. „ ?2 14.,? Report from Register on fees received from marriage licenses for February, 1882. ;. 03 15._; Report from Register on fees received from marriage licenses in March, 1882. ;, 04 16.,'; Report from Register on fees received from marriage licenses for April, 1882. ;, 05 17., Report from Register on fees received from marriage licenses in May, 1882. ,. 06 18. Report from Register on fees received from marriage licenses in June. 07 19. Report from Register on fees received from marriage licenses for July. ; 08 20. Report from Register for August. ; 09 21. Report from Register on fees received from marriage licenses for September, 1882. :. 10 ' 22.' Report from Register on fees received from marriage licenses for October, 1882. 11 ' 23.y Report from Register on fees received from marriage licenses in November. ; 12 24..' Annual report from Register on fees received during the year. „ 12 25.; Bond of Register-elect, J.E. Sampson, approved. , 12 26. , .. Report from Register on fees received from marriage licenses in December, 1882. Ol 27.,? Report from Register on fees received from marriage licenses for January, 1883. ;? 02 , 28..; Report from Register on fees received from marriage licenses for February, 1883. „ 03 29.,; Report from Register on fees received from marriage licenses in March, 1883. F, 04 ', 30., Report from Register on fees received from marriage licenses in April. ;,, 05 , 31.,? Report from Register on fees received from marriage licenses in May, 1883. :, 06 •, 32..; Report from Reigster on fees received from marriage licenses in June. .. 07 33. Athony Howe sworn in as Deputy Register of Deeds. .. 07 34.? ? r. Regort from Register on fees received from marriage licenses in Ju1y, 1882. 08 , 35. Report from Register on fees received from marriage licenese in August. 09 36.:, Report from Register on fees received from marriage licenses for September. 10 37. Report from Register on fees received from marriage licenses in October. ? 11 38. Register's office to be furnished one ton of coal by County for winter's supply. 11 39.. ?? Report from Register on fees received from marriage licenses in November. 12 ,. 40. '' Bond of Joseph E. Sampson as Register of Deeds approved. „ 12 ? 41.. Report from Register on fees received from marriage licenses in December, 1883. ? O1 I 42. Report from Register on fees received from marriage licenses in January, 1884. 02 43.; Report from Register on fees received from marriage licenses in February, 1884. 03 44.? Report from Register on fees received from marriage licenses in March, 18 84. , 04 45.? 7 4, , ? ? Report from Register on fees received from marriage licenses in April, 18 84. ,. 05 ` ?? 05 k'? 1881 t? ?s 4 07 1881 (? ?, 4 07 1881 `? 4 05 1881 i 4 05 1881 .? 4 02 1882 ,; 4 06 1882 4 06 1882 4 06 1882 ?;a 4 06 1882 i; 4 03 1882 :, 4 Ol 1882 ;; 4 05 1882 ,; 4 03 1882 :; 4 07 1882 .i?? 4 r? 04 1882 ??? 4 02 1882 , 4 06 1882 4 04 1882 ; 4 04 1882 !???? 4 04 1882 ?' 4 ?. 02 1883 ? 4 t; 05 1883 ;, 4 05 1883 ;„ 4 02 1883 „ 4 07 1883 ?'P; 4 04 1883 :; 4 02 1883 ?; 4 ?' 02 1883 :, 4 06 1883 ,_ 4 03 1883 4 O1 1883 ? 4 05 1883 :; 4 05 1883 ?; 4 03 1883 ?,. 4 03 1383 `? 4 07 1883 t; 4 04 1884 ' 4 03 1884 4 07 1884 ?; 4 05 1884 ;? 4 324 ? ? i 334 f= E? 334 i? ,+ 340 `? .} 341 ' 348 . y= 357 ' 357 ' E? t; 357 ?' 362 „ ?? 368 ;, :? 377 ;; :? 382 :e i' 391 ?? ?,? 400 ?: ? 412 ?? 419 ? t+. 426 ?? ?? u? 432 ? , ?? 432 R? i? 433 ' ?y ,; 443 "' €? s; 450 ?; ,, 453 ?? r 457 ; .; E- 471 ?; 476 ?? ?, ? 47 9 {, 480 ; i 485 ' i• 494 ? ? 498 S ? ? 503 ; 505 510 510 520 527 534 540 ?? ?? 547 i? ii ?r ?S e ? ?. INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES -- Ne? Hanover Count?, N. C. _ MATTER: REGISTER OF DEEDS ` Reo. u, s. ?7?. County Indezea Sinee 1888 ?? ?,+? To toeate names, open at COTT A•2 TAB INDEX r?r OFFIGE ?nR.4??67?"... An Identifying Trade Mark '?8 SURNAME INITIAL TAB MADE BY THE CQiT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA 4i ;a NATURE OF PftOCEfcDINGS ?? DATE `? MINUTE BOOK i? Month ? Day ? Year Vol. Page '? 1. Report from Register on fees received from marriage licenses in May, 1884. ; 06 02 1884 '.' 4 556 2. Petition from members of Bar relative to General Index in Register's office laid over. ?? 06 . 02 1884 ' ?a 4 556 3. Report from Register on fees received from marriage licenses in June, 1884. 07 07 1884 ts 4 566 4. Report from Register on fees received from marriage licenses in July, 1884. ,, 08 04 1884 ,: 4 569 . 5. Report from Register on fees received from marriage licenses in August, 1884. 09 Ol 1884 , 4 573 ? 6.? Report from Register on fees received from marriage licenses in September, 1884. ? 10 06 , 1884 ;e 4 ? 579 , , . 7.? Report from Register on fees received from marriage licenses in October, 1884. 11 03 1884 ; " 4 584 y i , 8.?? Report from Register on fees received from marriage licenses in November, 1884. . 12 O1 1884 4 589 ?, ?? 9.e? Annual report from Register on fees received from marriage licenses. ,10.?? l3ond of Register Joseph E. Sampson approved. 11.?? J.E. Sampson qualified as Register of Deeds of New Hanover County. 12.;: Anthony Howe qualified as Deputy Register of Deeds. ,d ,13.E? Reports from Register on fees received from marriage licenses in December and January. 6'• .s ,14.;; Report from Register on fees received from marriage licenses in February, 1885. ,?s ?; 15.;? Report from Register on fees received from marriage licenses in March, 1885. 16.?? Report from Register on fees received from marriage licenses in April, 1885. R: ,17.;? Report from Register on fees received from marriage licenses in May and June, 1885. 18.,, Report from Reigster on fees received from marriage licenses in July, 1885. 19.?? Report from Register on fees received from marriage licenses in August, 1885. ?? ,S 20.?r Report from Register on fees received from marriage licenses in September, 1885. 21.? Reports from Register on fees received from marriage licenses in October and November, 1885. `?,i ,22.k? Bond of Register J.E. Sampson approved. ,j 23.?? Report from Register on fees received from marriage licenses for past year. ,24 . ` .25., ; Report from Register on fees received from marriage licenses in December, 1885. j Report from Register on fees received from marriage licenses in January, 1886. ,2b.;? Report from Register on fees received from marriage licenses in February, 188b. ?; E ,27.;? Report from Register on fees received from marriage licenses in March, 1886. ?i ,28.?? Report from Register on fees received from marriage licenses in April, 1886. G i' 29.?? Report from Register on fees received from marriage licenses in June, 1886. G? ,.30.g? Report from Register on fees received from marriage license in July, 1886. Y? 31.?? H.G. Sampson qualified as Deputy Register of Deeds and took oath of office. t+. ,32.ti Report from Register on fees received from marriage licenses in August, 1886. 33.?? Report from Register on fees received from marriage licenses in September, 1886. 34.c? Report from Register on fees received from marriage licenses in October, 1886. `, 35.?; Register to cancei deed held by coun?y in names of J.K. Brown and Anna Highsmith. :? 36.;? Report from Register on fees received from marriage licenses in November. .? 37.'?? Annual report from Register on fees received from marriage licenses for 188(. " 6! ? 38.;p Bond of Register, J.E. Sampson, approved. ?? 39.'' Report from Register on fees received from marriage licenses in December, 1886. ?? 40.? Register to give Anna Davis deed in name of Missoura Elunter, Mrs. Davis having paid taxes. _4 L,?? Report from Register on fees received from marriage licenses in 3anuary, 1887. °y ,42.;? Report from Register on fees received from marriage licenses in February, 1887. w+ 43.' Report from Register on fees received from marriage licenses in March, 1887. ? 44.?? Report from Register on fees received from marriage licenses in April, 1.887. ?? 45.?? Report from Register on fees received from marriage licenses in May, 1887. +, 46.'s, Report from Register on fees received from marriage licenses in June, 1887, ? ? 12 Ol 1884 4 589 12 Ol 1884 , 4 593 „ 12 O1 1884 4 594 12 O1 1884 4 595 „ 02 02 1885 ;, 4 606 03 02 1885 4 612 , 04 06 1885 , 4 620 , 05 04 1885 ?., 4 628 ,. 07 06 1885. 4 , 08 03 1885 „ 4 09 07 1885 4 10 05 1885 4 12 07 1885 , 4 12 07 1885 „ 4 12 14 1885?; 4 „ Ol 04 1886, 4 „ 02 O1 1886 ,, 4 „ 03 Ol 1886 ,., 4 03 26 1886 ,: 4 , 06 07 1886 ,,, 4 07 05 1886 ,.. 4 .. 08 02 1886 ,? 4 08 09 1886 ;? 4 ,. 09 06 1886.,; 4 10 04 1886 4 11 Ol 1886 4 11 Ol 1886 4 . 12 06 1886 4 12 06 1886 12 06 1886 , O1 03 188 7 „ „ Ol 03 1887 ; _ 02 07 1887.', „ 03 07 1887 ,; 04 04 1887 05 02 1887 06 06 1887 4 4 4 4 4 4 5 639 „ 645 , 649 653 660 „ 663 670 , 671 682 687 , 696 , 717 . 722 „ 728 733 .? 735 , 744 750 750 755 756 , 758 769 ; 769 ; 775 792 1 5 7 ? 5 15 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS ?IINUTES - New Hanover Count? li l? REGISTER OF MATTER DEEDS ? ? . . _ : ` ?ec. u, a. County Incleze? Since 1888 F? ? To locate names, open at r?r OPFIC{ ?? An ldentifyin? Trade Mark ?.? SURNAMH INITIAL TAB COTT A-Z TAB INDEX MADE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NO RTH CAROLINA ?! ? ?E? ? NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS ??` DATE 3 y? MINUTE BOOK ? j? ,I :? ?` Month . I Day I Year ?? ?? Vol. ( Page 1.,? ?' Report from Register on fees received from marriage licenses in July, 1887. ,:08 C Ol ? 1887 k? {? 5 34 ; ? 2. Report from Register on fees received from marriage licenses in August, 1887. 09 ? 05 1887 ,'' F; S 38 ? i s 3.? nA Report from Register on fees received from marriage licenses in September, 1887. i 10 03 1887 !i ?? 5 42 p? ? „ 4.? Deeds of property of B.A. Campbell voided by Register since A, Campbell paid taxes on same. ?+ 10 ; 03 1887 qs 5 42 ^ ? 5.` ? Report from Register on fees received from marriage licenses in October, 1887. G 11 "' 07 1887 ?a 5 47 ??, ?? 6.; , . Report from Register on fees received from marriage licenses in November, 1887. 12 ?? 05 ? 1887 ?' S 51 `^ 3? ? 7.: Register submitted his annual report on fees received from marriage licenses. , 12 05 1887 , ; 5 51 ;a °' ?+ ?s 8. / , Letter from S.H. Manning, S. Van Amringe and J.E. Sampson laid on the table. 12 ,. 05 1887 ; ,. 5 52 `? 1 9.: Bond of Register of Deeds-elect, Joseph E. Sampson, approved. 12 05 1887 ?. 5 52 ?. 10. Register submitted his annual report on fees collected from marriage licenses. 12 05 1887 5 54 11. Report from Register on fees received from marriage licenses in December, 1887. O1 02 1888 S 61 12. Report from Register on fees received from marriage licenses for January, 1888. 02 05 1888 5 66 13. , Report from Register on fees received from marriage licenses in February, 1888. 03 .. 05 1888 ?? ., 5 76 ?? , 14. Report from Register on fees received from marriage licenses in March, 1888. 04 02 1888 5 80 15. . Report from Register on fees received from marriage licenses in April, 1888. 05 07 1888 5 87 ?; „ ' 16., Report from Register on fees received from marriage licenses in May, 1888. 06 04 1888 .: 5 90 ;; ?; ' 17. Report from Register on fees received from marriage licenses in June,l888. 07 02 1888 '' ,, 5 94 ??, 18. Report from Register on fees received from marriage licenses in July, 1888. „ 08 06 1888 ' S 97 ?; 19.?, Report from Register on fees received from marriage licenses in August, 1888. , 09 03 1$88 ?; 5 102 f i: ;; , 20.,, Report from Register on fees received from marriage licenses in September, 1888, ,, 10 O1 1888 ;, 5 109 ?; ?; ;? ' 21.:, ? Report from Register on fees received from marriage licenses in October, 1888. „ 11 05 ? 1838 ;, 5 113 E; , 22... Report from Register on fees received from marriage licenses in November, 1888. .. 12 03 1838 .: 5 118 23.:; Annual report received from Register on fees received from marriage licenses. :. 12 03 1888 '" 5 118 ?` 24.., Bond of Register-elect, Joseph Sampson, approved. ;. 12 03 1888 ,: 5 120 25., Report from Register on fees received from marriage licenses in December, 1888. • Ol .. 07 1889 :; S 130 f, ?? ' 26. Register's report on fees received from marriage licenses in January, 1889. 02 04 1859 '., 5 134 ? 27. Report from P.egister on fees received from marriage licenses in February, 1889, 03 04 1889 i 5 150 °j . ?, ?a 28. Report from Register on fees received from marriage licenses in March3 1889. 04 '?l 1389 `, 5 154 ? ?, , . ?, ? , 29. , . Report from Register on fees received from marriage licenses in April, 1889. 05 ?6 1889 5 159 ?; ' 30.1 , Report from Reigster on fees received from marriage licenses in May, 1889. 06 ??4 1889 ,; ,? 5 170 `. d? 31. ' , Report from Reigster on fees collected from marriage licenses for June, 1889. 07 Ol 1889 5 17?3 , ?? A4 32.: Board met to consider best means of reindexing the County records. 07 t5 1889 5 133 33.? Chairman to consult Register of Deeds at Washington, D.C. and New York City and this County on reindexing 07 15 1889 5 133 , procedures. „ ? F^ { 34.,. Report from Register on fees received from marriage licenses in July, 1889. 08 D5 1889 5 133 „ 35.. Register's report on fees received from marriage licenses in August, 1889. 09 03 1889 5 190 a ' 36.,, All magistrates whose terms expired in August to return Code of Civil Procedures and other books to 09 03 1889 5 190 ., Register of Deeds. ,? ?; 37.:. Report from Register on fees received from marriage licenses in September, 1889. .10 07 1889 i; 5 194 38.,. Rate established for compensating indexers of County records. , 10 07 1889 5 194 , .? , 39.: S.P. Collier an3 James G. Burr elected to index County records, 10 07 1389 ?: 5 195 " ? 40.; ' Report from Register on fees received from marriage licenses in October, 1889. 11 ? 04 1889 ; 5 198 F? 41. Report from Register on fees received from marriage licenses in November, 1889. 12 02 1839 5 202 tr ; ;, , 42. . Register submitted his annual report on fees received from marriage licenses. 12 02 1389 : 5 202 ' ? ? 43., Register exhibited receipt from Sheriff showing his annual settlement for 1889. 12 02 18g9 5 202 k. = ;. ? 44.'. '; ii Bond of Register of_ Deeds-elect, Joseph Sampson, approved. 12 ? 02 1889 . , ?? 5 204 E; I ,, ?s ? INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - Ne?r Hanover Count? 1? U MATTER REGISTER OF DEEDS ? . . _ : ` ¦cc. u. s. Coanty Indexes Since ?088 ? To loeate names, open at COTT A•Z TAB INDEX r?z OFFIGE ?p?I? An ldentifying Trade Mark SURNAME INITIAL TAB MADE BY TH@ COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA :, - ?? DATE ?,, a ? ? ? E? MINUTE BOOK ?R? NATURE OF PROCEEDlNGS !' ' ? Month I Day I ? Year ?o E? Vol. Page "? ?; 1. Report from Register on fees received from marriage licenses in December, 1889. N? O1 06 ?? 1890t3 5 'Y 210 i ;! 2. . Report from Register on fees received from marriage licenses in January, 1890. ? : 02 03 1890 ?? x?W? 5 217 , 3. Report from Register on fees received from marriage licenses in February, 1890, s; ?, 03 03 1890 `, ,; S 234 ? :A 4. Chairman to procure eight additional index books and have delivered to Register's office. 03 03 1890?? 5 234 ; 5. ? Register to return thanks from Board to Capt. W.H. Bixby for map of survey of N,E. River Branch of Cape 03 03 1890'?;'; 5 235 , ?r Fear River. ?? - ? . ? ?s - ? 6. Report from Register on fees received from marriage licenses in March, 1890. . 04 07 1890?y ?x 5 240 , ? 7.e Report from Register on fees received from marriage licenses in April? 1890. ; 05 05 1890,. 5 246 , ; 8.?? Report from Register on fees received from marriage licenses in May, 1890, „ 06 02 1890 5 249 iJ , 9.?; Register of Deeds will examine books with accountant of those who have not listed their taxes,(TAX DEPT.) 06 23 1890. 5 255 ,10.:?; Report from Register on fees received from marriage licenses in June, 1890. 07 07 1890 5 256 ?? ll.i? Report from Register on fees received from marriage licenses in July, 1590. 08 04 1890 5 262 ;? .12.k! • Report from Register on fees received from marriage licenses in August, 1890. ;, 09 Ol 1890., 5 268 ,? ,13.t? Report from Register on fees received from marriage licenses in September, 1890. 10 06 1890„ 5 272 t ,14.?d Notice to be posted at Courthouse that bond of Register of Deeds will be increased. 10 06 1890, 5 273 ? ,, 15.j; Report from Register on fees received from marriage licenses in October, 1890. 11 03 1890,y 5 276 r, ,16.?? Bond of Register will increase effective December, 1890. ;, 11 03 1890 5 276 ; w4 17.?? i Report from Register on fees ? received from marriage licenses in November, 1890. 12 O1 1890 5 280 , ?i „18.? Register submitted his annual report on fees received from marriage licenses. ,, 12 Ol 1890?, 5 280 „ .19., John Haar, Jr., Register of Deeds-elect, presented his election certificate, filed his bond and took offic? 12 Ol 1890„? S 284 , 20.?? F., John B. Dudl ey protested,claiming he had been legally elected Register of Deeds instead of John Haar. 12 Ol 1890 Y 5 284 ,. 21.?? , f Report from Register on fees collected from marriage licenses in December, 1890. ? Ql 05 1891 ? 5 293 ? 22.; Report from Register on fees collected from marriage licenses in January, 1891. 02 02 1891 5 312 , ; 23.?? , ? Report from Register on fees received from marriage licenses in February, 1891. 03 02 1891 ., 5 316 ,. 24.4 • ? Report from Register on fees collected from marriage licenses in March, 1891. 04 06 1891, 5 320 s 0 25.? Report from Register on fees collected from marriage licenses in April, 1891. ; 05 04 1891? 5 324 ; 26.?3 Report from Register on fees collected from marriage licenses in May, 1?391. ; 06 Ol 1891? 5 331 E? , 27.? Report from Register on fees collected from marriage licenses in June, 1891. ? 07 06 1891 i 5 337 28. Report from Register on fees collected from marriage licenses in July, 1891. 08 03 1891 5 342 29. Report from Register on fees collected from marriage licenses in August, 1391. ' 09 07 1891 5 350 ? 30.?i Report from Register on fees collected from marriage licenses in September, 1891. 10 05 1891,? 5 353 "4 31.?? ?, Report from Register on fees ' collected from marriage licenses in October, 1391, 11 02 1391 ? 5 358 ,32.?? Register to keep a record in the new Block Books of all transfers of real estate from June l, 1891. 11 02 1891 5 359 , ? y _ ?? (See TAX DEPARTMENT) „ , „ 4 33.?? Report from Register on fees collected from marriage licenses in November, 1891 and for the year. ; 12 07 1891., 5 366 . , 34.?? ,'a Bond of John Haar, Jr. as Register of Deeds approved. 12 07 1891 5 3b7 i; _35.?? Indexing of County Records deferred for the present. 12 07 1891 ` 5 363 ,? 36.?? Report from Register on fees collected from marriage licenses in December, 1891. ,, Ol 04 1892,, 5 374 .37.?? S.P. Collier awarded contract to complete and index records of County. , Ol 11 1892,,, 5 379 „ I ,38.?? Report from Register on fees collected from marriage licenses in January, 1892. ?. 02 O1 1892;? 5 380 , ? .39.?? Report from Register on fees collected from marriage licenses in February, 1892. '„ 03 07 1892?; 5 406 40. Report from Register on fees collected from marriage licenses in March, 1892. , 04 04 1892;. 5 411 ? ? 41.? ? Report from Register on fees collected from marriage licenses in Arpil, 1892. 05 02 1892, S 415 42.?? Report from Register on fees collected from marriage licenses in May, 1F392. ' „ 06 06 1892; 5 422 43. Report from Register Haar on fees collected from marriage licenses in June, 1892. 07 06 1892?? 5 428 ' 44.? ? ? Report from Register on fees collected from marriage licenses in July, 1892. , ?, If 08 Ol 1892? , V ?? ?? 5 432 ? ' . 'i ?i Itl INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover Count N C REGISTER 0?' DEEDS ?, . . _ MATTER: ^ Reo. u. s. County I?dezee Si?ce I888 ??T oFric¦ ?l ?a-? An Identifyine Trsde Mark {'?i,? U?7 To tocat? namea, opsn at SURNAME (NITIAL TAB COTT A•2 TAB IkDEX MADE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO . SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW B ERN, NOR TH CAROLINA DATE ;i ;x 4? MINUTE BOOK j? 3 NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS ? ?: Month I Day I Year `j Vol. I Page ?? ?; l.'" _ „ Report from Register on fees collected from marriage licenses in August, 1892. 09 ?. 05 1892t' ?' S i 438 i, i? 2.; . Register reported Registrati on Books for First Ward were mislaid or lost so Board ordered a new resigtrat-, 09 ,. 27 1892'y 5 ? 443 `? ?s " ion for First Ward befor e November election, ?r „ " ? ?? 3.,? Register reported Registrati on Books of 1890 for Fir st Ward had been found so order for new registration 09 28 1892; 5 443 ?? ;_: , ?°; iy rescinded. ., u pl ! ? r? ;d 4., Report from Register on fees collected from marriage licenses in September, 1892. ; 10 03 1392'. 5 444 ?? 5.,' Report from Register on fees collected from marriage licenses in October, 1892, 11 07 1892:. ?g 5 449 6.' Report from Register on fees collected from marriage licenses in November, 1892, 12 05 1892qq 5 453 7.{ Bona of Register of Deer?s?e? ect, Johr? Haar, Jr., app roved. 12 05 1892? 5 455 ? 8. Report from Register on fees collected from marriage licenses in December? 1892, Ol . 05 1893 5 464 R.. 9.. Report from Register on fees collected from marriage licenses in January, 1893. 02 06 1893 5 468 , 10. Report from Register on fees collected from marriage licenses in February, 1893. 03 06 1893 , 5 4B2 , 11. Report from Register on fees collected from marriage licenses in T?arch, 1893. 04 03 1893 : 5 487 12. Report from Register on fees collected from marriage licenses in April, 1893, 05 O1 1893 5 494 13.,; Contrac t awarded Edwards and Braughton at Raleigh to furnish o fficial seal of Register of De eds, 05 Ol 1893 „ 5 494 ?? 14. Report from Register on fees collected from marriage licenses in May, 1893, 06 05 1893 „ 5 501 15._. Old Register's office in old Courthouse rented to Jo seph H. Mc Ree, City Civil Engineer. 06 05 1893:. 5 501 ':, 16.; Report from Register on fees received from marriage licenses i n June, 1893. „ 06 30 1893,; 5 ;. 509 ?? ll.,; Re}?ort from Register on fees collected from marriage licenses in July, 1893. „ 08 07 1893;;; 5 512 i; 18.,', , Report from Register on fees collected from marriage licenses in Augusts 1893. :, 09 04 1893,; 5 E; 518 ` 19.., Report from Register on fees collected from marriage licenses in August and September, 1893. ., 10 02 1893';, 5 d 522 ,, 20.; Report fzzxm Register on fees collected from marriage licenses in October, 1893. 11 06 1893 5 528 21. . Report from Register on fees collected from marriage licenses in November, 1893. 12 .„ 04 1893 5 532 f; 22. Annual report from Register on fees collected from marriage li censes. 12 04 1893 , 5 532 23.; Bond of Register of Deeds Jo hn Haar, Jr. approved. 12 04 1893 5 533 t, 24. Report from Register on fees collected from marriage licenses in December, 1893. Ol O1 1894 5 538 ° 25.,; Report from Register on fees collected from marriage licenses in January, 1894. 02 05 1894 5 543 ? 26.; Report from Register on fees collected from marriage licenses in February, 1894. , 03 05 1894 ,? 5 558 " 27. ?, Report from Register on fees collected from marriage licenses in March, 1894. 04 .. 02 1894 . ?. 5 562 M. 28. .. Report from Register on fees collected from marriage licenses in April, 1894. 05 ,. 07 1894 ,. 5 566 B E. 29. Report from Register on fees collected from marriage licenses in May, 1894. 06 04 1894 „ 5 r, 570 „ 30. Report from Register on fees collected from marriage licenses in June, 1894. , 07 02 1894 5 575 31. Report from Register on fees collected from marriage licenses in July, 1894. , 08 06 1894 „ 5 578 ,? 32. Board n oted that several par ties have not listed the ir taxes w ith Register of Deeds. 08 13 1894 ,. 5 581 „ 33.. Sheriff to call on all busin esses in County to see i f they hav e license and report those who do not to the„ 08 13 1$94 ,; 5 581 , Reg ister of Deeds, . 34. Report from Register on fees collected from marriage licenses in August, 1894. 09 03 1894 . 5 582 ,. 35. Report from Register on fees collected from marriage licenses in September, 1894. 10 Ol 1894 i.` 5 586 ? 36. Report from Register on fees collected from marriage licenses in October, 1?394, 11 OS 1894 5 590 ; 37.' Registe r's report on fees collected from marriage licenses in November, 1894. 12 03 1894 5 594 ?, 38._ . Registe r's a?nual report submitted. 12 .. 03 1894 5 594 ? s, 39. , Bond of Register of Deeds, John Aaar, Jr., approved. 12 . 03 1894 .. 5 596 ? s: 40. Report from Register on fees collected from marriage licenses in December, 1894. Ol 07 1895 . . 5 607 ; F. 41. Report from Register on fees collected from marriage licenses in December and January,. 02 ? 04 1895 , 5 612 ?,! ?_ 42.. Report from Register on fees collected from marriage licenses in February, 1895. 03 04 1395 ,: 5 629 ? i' 43.' Report from Register on fees collected from marriage licenses in March, 1895. 04 Ol 1895 ?; 5 633 ;t { ? INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover Count?, N. C. _ MATiER: REGISTER OF DEEDS _ eec. u. s. County Indezee Since 1888 F?? x.3-- To loeate names, open at COTT A-ZTAB INDEX r?r OFFICE ?t?? An ldentifying Trade Mark ?`'8 SURNAME INIT(AL TAB MADE BY THE CQTS INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, ONIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA NAiURE OF PROCEEDINGS ? DATE `; MINUTE BOOK :? Month I Day I Year Vol. I Page ;; 9 ? . . _ ; 1.? Register notified Board he was ready to compute the Tax Books at same price as last year. 04 Ol 1895 :' S ? 633 ? 2.o ? Report from Register on fees collected from marriage licenses in A?ril, 1895. 05 06 1895 v. 5 637 r 3.?? Report from Register on fees collected from marriage licenses in May, 1895. 06 03 1895 5 643 4 4.? Report from Register on fees collected from marriage licenses in June, 1895. 07 O1 1895 5 b48 ? .5.? Report from Register on fees collected from marriage licenses in July, 1895, 08 05 1895 , , 5 652 ; z 6.? Report from Register on fees collected from marriage licenses in August, 1895. 09 02 1895 , 5 666 s , 7.?y National Bank of Wilmington and Atlanti c National Ba nk to list s hares of resident stockholders before 09 02 1895 5 668 . ?? the Register of Deeds. c Fn 8.;; Report from Register on fees collected from marriage licenses in September, 1895. 9.,, Report from Register on fees collected from marriage licenses in October, 1895. 10.;, Report from Register on fees collected from marriage licenses in November, 1895. .11.;, Annual report from Register on fees collected from marriage licenses for 1895. ?; ,12..; Bond of Register of Deeds, John Haar9 approved. ?,; ,a 13.:; Report from Register on fees collected from marriage licenses in December, 1895. 14.,'„ Report from Register on fees collected from marriage licenses in January, 1896. 15.t, Report from Register on fees collected from marriage licenses in February, 1896. ;: 16.,; Report from Register on fees collected from marriage licenses in March, 1896. ; 17.? Report from Register on fees collected from marriage licenses in April, 189fi. 18.;, Report from Register on fees collected from marriage licenses in May, 1896. ,. ; 19.; Report from Register on fees collected from marriage licenses in June, 1896. . ?, Y4 20.;? Report from Register on fees collected from marriage licenses in Ju1y, 1896. 21.I: Report from Register on fees collected from marriage licenses. „ 22.; Report from Register on fees collected from marriage licenses in September, 1896. ?? 23.e Report from Register on fees collected from marriage licenses in October, 1896. ?, 24.,: Report from Register on fees collected from marriage licenses in November, 1896. ,a ?? ,25. Annual report from Register on fees collected from marriage licenses. 26.°' Bond of Register of Deeds, Charles Norwood, approved. Fg 27.;; Report from Register on fees collected from marriage licenses in December, 1896. 28.?} Report from Register on fees collected from marriage licenses in January, 1897. 29.?? Report frn?m Register on fees collected from marriage licenses for the month. 30.?„ Report from Register Norwood on fees collected from marriage licenses. 31."; Report from Register on fees collected from marriage licenses for April, 1897. 32.?i Report from Register on fees collected from marriage licenses for May, 1897. 33.'`?, Money allowed Register for writing up the tax books. 34.; Report from Register on fees collected from marriage licenses in June, 1897. 35.'? Report from Register on fees collected from marriage licenses in July, 1897. 36.?? Report from Register on fees collected from marriage licenses in September, 1897. 37. Report from Register on fees collected from marriage licenses in October, 1897. 38.?: Petition from Cato Waddell for explanation of taxes referred to Register of Deeds. ?PY 39.!; Report from Register on fees collected from marriage licenses in November, 1897. ?a ,40.?? Annual report from Register on fees collected from marriage licenses. 41.;€ Board decided it was not necessary for Register to have h?.s bond renewed. ' 42.r; Report from Register on fees collected from marriage licenses in December, 1897. 43.? Report from Register on fees collected.,from marriages licenses in January, 1898. ? .44.k Report from Register on fees collected from marriage licenses in February, 1898. 45.'? Report frorn Register on fees collected from marriage licenses. i? ?? t ;; ?; ?j 10 07 1$95 5 b72 11 04 1895 5 675 12 02 1895 5 679 12 02 1895 5 679 12 02 1895 5 680 ; Ol 06 1396 5 685 02 03 1896 5 691 03 02 1896 5 707 04 06 1896 : 5 712 05 04 1896 5 715 06 Ol 1896 5 718 07 06 1896 5 722 08 03 1896 5 727 09 07 1896 5 731 10 05 1896 5 734 11 02 1896 5 737 12 07 1896 5 740 12 07 1896 5 741 12 07 1896 5 747 O1 04 1897 5 754 02 Ol 1897 5 762 03 Ol 1897 5 778 04 05 1897„ 5 799 05 03 1897 6 10 06 07 1897 6 12 07 07 1897 6 20 07 07 1897 6 21 08 02 1897 , 6 32 10 09 1897 6 47 11 Ol 1897 6 57 11 O1 1897 6 58 y 12 06 1897„ 6 65 12 06 1897., 6 65 „ 12 06 1897 6 65 O1 03 1898 , 6 73 02 08 1898 6 83 , 03 07 1898 6 106 04 04 1898? 6 112 ; ,? ?i i?. INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover County N C REGISTER OF MATiER DEEDS , . . _ : ` ?eo. u. s. ?, _I- CountY Indezee Since 1888 rer Wivw[ C.?W//"/!-C4t?E-.+ Aa ldentifyin? Trsda Mark To loeate namea, open at ? SURNAME INITIAL TAB fOTT A-Z TAB INDEX MADE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA ?? DATE ?? MINUT E BOOK ? i NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS , t' Month I Day I Year ?; ?? Vol. I Page ?p ! '.? 1..; Report from Register on fees collected from marriage licenses. 05 02 k` 1898;? 6 fi 121 ? F? i k 2.'', „ Bids to be taken for making a new door and lock which was pried open while Sheriff and Registe r were out. 05 ? 04 1898;? 6 123 4 _, ?, COURT RULED THE ALL BOARD ACTION F ROM APRIL 30, 1898 to JULY 26, 1898 IS ILLEGAL . ?? ? ' ,? ? ?? 3.,N Trivial papers taken when office broken into, but important papers untouched. 05 04 1898;w 6 12.4 i? 4.?? Report from Register of Deeds referred to Auditing Committee. ;, 06 06 1898y; 6 €? 134 ?? 5.: Report from Register on fees collected for marriage licenses in May and June. 07 05 1898;i 6 ,; 148 ?? ., • 6.,? Tax assessors and listers to re- value improvements on property and give list to Register. '' 07 12 1898'.? 6 152 E? 7.i ? Money allowed Register for compiling 18 98 Tax Books. . 07 12 1898?, 6 152 ;; 8.., Register to notify a11 persons who have access to block books not to make any changes in them; some have ?, 07 12 1898 6 152 i? been made previously. ,. ?, 9.,; Matter of putting electric fan in vault of Register left to committee. ;, 07 I 10., Register of Deeds told to serve as Clerk to Board, but he refused. ( ALL MEE'?I.I1?? FROM HEREON LEGAL). 05 11. Register to appear before Board with all County books and records, but he was absent and Deputy R,G. Leboo 06 refused to appear. 12. Register, or his Deputy, to be subpoenaed to appear before Board; copy of subpoena set down in minutes. 06 13. Sheriff refused to serve subpoena on Register since he did not recognize this Board as the legal Board. 06 ? 14. County Attorney to take legal action to serve Register's subpoena and punish Sheriff for not discharging 06 his duties. 15. Committee on electric fans requested more time. 16..; Report from Register on fees collected from marriage licenses in July, 1898. 17. Committee advised against putting in electric fans since so late in the season. 18., Report from Register on fees collected from marriage licenses in August, 1898. 19., Report from Register on fees collected from marriage licenses in September, 1898. 20., Committee Co investigate request from Register for relief for services performed. 21.,; Money allowed Register for services performed in May, June and July. 22.,, Report from Register on fees collected from marriage licenses in October, 1898. 23.;. Commissioners, Superior Court Clerk and Register of Deeds met in special session. 24.. Bond of W.H Biddle, Register of Deeds-elect, approved. 25. Report from Register on fees collected from marriage licenses in November, 1898. 26. Commissioners, Superior Court Clerk and Register accepted resignation of F.J. Dempsey from Board of Education and B.G. Worth elected in his place. 27.' Commissioners, Superior Court Clerk and Register accepted resignations of F.W. Foster and Jordon Nixon ; from Board of Education. 28. T.D. Meares and Giles Westbrook elected to Board of Education by above otficers. 2g.; T.?3. Strange to take tax deeds on file in Register's affice to collect back taxes. 30. Tax file in Register's office to be open to public and in fire proof safe. 31..; Report from Register on fees collected from marriagelicenses in. December, 1898. 32.; Report from Register on fees collected from marriage licenses in January and February, 1899. 33. Deputy Register of Deeds, John McLaurin, qualified. 34. Report from Register Biddle on fees collected from marriage licenses. 35. Report from Register on fees collected from marriage licenses. 36. Report from Register on fees collected from marriage lic:enses in May, 1899. 37. Register's report on fees collected from marriage licenses in June, 1899. 38. Report from Register on fees collected from marriage licenses in July, 1899. 39. Tax Books for 1899 received from Register Biddle and to be turned over to Sheriff. 40.., Report from Register on fees collected from marriage licenses in August, 1899. 08 , 08 . 08 , 09 „ 10 10 11 , 11 . 11 12 12 . 12 26 1898,: 02 1898,. 20 1898' 20 1898 25 1898 25 1898; O1 1898 O1 1898?, O1 1898?. 05 1898;, 03 1898; 07 1898,; 07 1898;; 07 1898:; 18 1898':; 05 1898? 05 1898; ., 05 1898;: 12 06 1898.; 12 06 1898 12 10 18g8., 12 10 1898 02 06 1899 03 06 1899,. 04 03 1899, 04 03 1899 05 O1 1899 06 05 1899, 07 05 1899. 08 07 1899' , 09 04 1899,' 09 04 1899„ 6 155 ?; 6 163 ., 6 168 - i? 6 168 '? t 6 169 '? z 6 169 ` 6 170 . ;? 6 171 ??'? E? 6 172 ?: r, 6 178 P, 6 184 ?; 6 185 ?. 6 190 ;, 6 190 ;; 6 191 0; 6 200 ?? 6 198 ;, ?, 6 201 ???, Ff 6 203 :? r? r? 6 204 f? 205 ' 6 205 p? 6 225 6 235 ;, 6 245 6 245 ''. 6 259 '" !1 6 298 G? 6 316 ?r 6 325 F+ 6 334 'z ?, 6 334 t, ;i r; k: ?? INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover Count?? ?. U. _ MATTER: REGISTER OF DEEDS ` eac. u. s. County Indezee Since 1888 ?? ?+3-- To loeate names, Op811 at COTT A•Z TAB INDEX v?r OFFICE ?1.?-?".. An ldentifying Trade Mark '?`? SURNAM6 INITIAL TAB MADE BY TH'E COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS ? DATE ; MINUTE BOOK ?, ' Month I Day ( Year '` Vol, I Page `; 1. Report from Register on fees collected from marriage licenses in September, 1899. ; 10 02 1899 ' 6 337 F? 2.. Register to give City author ities the deed to tract of land f or Pest House. 11 06 1899 6 346 3. Report from Register on fees collected from marriage licenses in October, 1899. 11 ., 06 1899 i' ., 6 347 ? 4. Deeds of W.B, Canady and wif e, W.T. Bannerman and ?dife, T.M. Foy and wife, W.B. Johnson and J.G.Johnson ? 11 06 1899 6 347 y ? ? and wife for right of way for Coutny fence given to Regi ster of Deeds. ? 5.; ? Plot of location of County fence to be hung on Commissioners' _ _ office and copy given to Register to file. 11 .. 06 1899 6 348 , 6.?$ Amount _ _ set allowed Register for computing taxes. 11 15 1899 ,? 6 350 7.'? Report from Register on fees collected from marriage licenses in November, 1899. 12 04 1899 6 361 ? , , a 8.?? Bond of W.H. Biddle, as Register of Deeds, approved. , 12 15 1899 „ 6 364 „ ? 9. Report from Register on fees collected from marriage licenses in December, 1899. Ol 01 1900 6 379 10.;? Report from Register on fees collected from marriage licenses in January,1900. , 02 05 1900 6 400 ll.k? Annual report from Register on fees collected from marriage l?censes approved. 03 05 190Q . 6 4Q3 .. 12.?? ?3 Report from Register on fees collected from marriage licenses in February, 1900. 03 05 1900 6 403 13.; Report from Register on fees collected from marriage licenses in March. _ 04 02 1900 6 425 14.;, Report from Reg?ster on fees collected from marriage licenses in April. 05 08 1900 , 6 434 15.;? Report from Register on fees collected from marriage licenses in May, , 06 04 1900 6 446 , 15.;; :? Report from Register on fees collected from marriage licenses in ,Iune, 1900. 07 02 1900 .. 6 450 16.?? Report from Register on fees collected from marriage licenses in July, 1900. 08 06 1900 , 6 459 17.?? , .? ? Report from Register on fees collected from marriage licenses in August. 09 03 1900 6 473 .. ? 18.„ ? ,, Tax Boo k for 1900 received from Register of Deeds and turned over to the Sheriff. 09 03 1900 6 473 ., L9.4? Report from Register on fees collected from marriage licenses in September, 1900. 10 01 1900 , 6 482 „ ZO.:? Report from Register on fees collected from marriage licenses in October. 11 05 1900 6 485 , k? . . F 71.?' ; W.H. Bi ddle was elected Register of Deeds and John Mc Laurin elect ed Deputy Register of Deeds. 12 03 1900 6 488 . ? F? Z2.?tl Report from Register on fees collected from marriage licenses in November, 1900. 12 03 1900 6 489 i; Z3.??i , t, Contrac t awa rded Jackson & Bell Co, for making and bi nding books for Register. 12 03 1900 6 490 , r? Z4.?"; ;, r Bond of Regi ster of Deed s-elect, W.H. Biddle, was ref erred to County Attorney to be corrected. 12 08 1900 .., 6 493 .. `s' ?5.?? Report from Register on fees collected from marriage licenses in December, 1900. O1 ??7 1901 . 6 511 i, r6.rj H? Bond of W.H. Biddle appr oved as Register of Deeds. O1 07 1901 6 511 : ?; 27t?i Annual report from Register filed. 02 0/+ 1901 6 516 „ ? . ? 28.!? , ? Report from Register on fees collected from marriage licenses in January, 1901. 02 04 1901 . 6 516 , 29.; i: Report from Register on fees collected from marriage licenses in February, 1901. 03 0?+ : 1901 6 531 30.p? Report from Register on fees collected from marriage licenses in March, 1901. 04 O1 1901 6 534 31.`; Report from Register on fees collected from marriage licenses in April, 1901. 05 06 1901 6 548 ?, 32.?? Report from Register on fees collected from marriage license in Ma,y, 1901. 06 03 1901 6 553 33.'r? Report from Register on fees collected from marriage licenses in 3une, 1901. 07 O1 1901 6 574 34.,? Report from Register on fees collected from marriage licenses in July, 1901. 08 05 1901 6 585 , 35.t; Tax Books for 1901 received from Register of Deeds and endors ed by Clerk and given to Sheriff. 09 03 1901 6 593 36.;a s+ Report from Register on fees collected from marriage licenses in August. , 09 03 1901 6 593 _ 37.'; ; Report from Register on fees collected from marriage licenses in September. 10 07 1901., 6 603 „ ? ??, 38.54 Report from Register on fees collected from marriage licenses in October. „ 11 04 1901 6 611 ?? 39.pj ? Bond received and approved f rom Register Biddle. 12 02 1901 „ 6 616 t; 40.;" Annual report from Register of Deeds accepted. 12 OZ 1901 6 616 hk 41.?? i Report from Register on fees collected from marriage licenses in November, 1901. 12 02 1901 6 617 42.?a Report from Register on fees collected from marriage licenses in December, 1901. O1 06 1902 6 627 j 43.?a E. Bond of Register Biddle approved. Ol 06 1902 6 628 44.r; ,? „ ? i? ;r ? Report .._ . . from _ . _. Register on z . _ _ -- - _ _ - fees - _--- collected from marriage -- _ -_ _ - --- --- licenses - - -- - _ ?n _ .January, 1902. - _ _____ . 02 ? 03 1902 I 6 631 „ . Ei INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES N - New Hanover County C REGISTER OF MATTER DEEDS , . . _ : _ Rao. u, s. Counry Indezee Since 1886 /J?/???? a-r.cw An Identifyin? Trade Mark ? T orncc C Ges? C ? To loeats namea, open at SURNAM6 INITIAL TAB COTT A-2 TAB INDEX MADE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NOR7H CAROLINA ? ? . . ? ;' DATE ? MINUTE BOOK ? ' ?? a; NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS _?? Month ? Day ? Year ? VoL ? Page ?? ? 1.I? ?? Re ort P from Re ister on fees g collected from marriage licenses in February, 1902. ., 03 03 ,. 19026°., F,? 6 ; 639 ?k ?? 2.?;. Report from Register on fees collected from marriage licenses in March. 04 ? 07 1902?? 6 s? 643 ?r ? 3. .M a? Report from Register on fees collected from marriage licenses in April. 05 05 1902;? ?? 6 650 ? ` 4.'M Report from Register on fees collected from mariiage licenses in May. 06 03 1902?? 6 ; 655 ?a ?'P i4 , t S.?? Report from Register on fees collected from marriage licenses in June. ? 08 04 1902Et 6 666 ?? a 6. ': Report from Register on fees collected from marriage licenses in July. 08 04 1902?e 6 ?? 667 ?, ; 7. ' ,? Report from Register on fees collected from marriage licenses in August. 09 O1 1902r' 6 i 671 'e 6'. ` 8. ` Tax Book delivered and approved from Register to be g iven to S heriff for collection. _ 09 04 1902r; 6 ':a 673 '! _, 9. ; Reports from Register on fees collected from marriage licenses in September and October. ,, 11 03 1902y 6 679 „ 10. W.H. Biddle elected Register of Deeds and oath given. ., 12 OZ 1902,; 6 684 ,; 11. John Mc Laurin elected Deputy Register of Deeds. _ 12 O1 1902;; 6 684 ,; 12., Report from Register on fees collected from marriage licenses in November, 1902. .. 12 O1 1902,. 6 685 .. 13. Annual report from W.H. Biddle as Register was approv ed and fi led. 12 02 1902., 6 687 ;, , 14. Report from Register on fees collected from marriage licenses in December, 1902. ,. O1 05 1903,, 6 694 ;; 15. , Bond of Register of Deeds, W.H, Biddle, approved. ., Ol 05 1903;r 6 695 r, 16. Report from Register on fees collected from marriage licenses in January, 1903. 02 02 1903: 6 699 " Er, ll. Reports from Register on fees collected from marriage licenses in February and March. 04 Ob 1903 6 711 r' 18. ; Report from Register on fees collected from marriage licenses in April. 05 04 19036 6 717 y: 19. , Report from Register on f?es collected from marriage licenses in May. 06 Ol 1903 6 724 e? ? 20. Board moved that Bar Association decide regular hours office o f Register should be open. 06 O1 1903' 6 ; 725 X; 21. Office hours set for Register of Deeds. , 07 06 1903;; 6 730 '; ? 22.,; Report from Register on fees collected from marriage licenses in June,1903. 07 06 1903„, 6 731 ?; ?, 23.,, Report from Register on fees collected from marriage licenses in July, 1903. „ 08 03 1903; 6 742 „ 24..; Tax Boo ks for 1903 delivered by Sheriff and Clerk to sign and deliver to Sheriff. 09 08 1903.: 6 747 ;; ;E 25.,; Report from Register on fees collected from marriage licenses in August, 1903. 09 08 1903;, 6 r. ?, 748 ?, ?; 26.,. Report from Register on fees collected from marriage licenses in September, 1903. . 10 05 1903?? 6 755 ?; 27. Report from Register on fees collected from marriage licenses in October, 1903. 11 02 1903, 6 758 s 28. - Books in Register's office t o be repaired by Jackson & Bell. 11 14 1903 6 761 ?i p' 29. Annual and November reports from Register on fees col lected from marriage licenses recieved. 12 07 1903 6 ;? 763 '?' 30. Bond of W.H. Biddle approved as Register of Deeds. 12 07 1903,' .a 6 765 ?, 31. Report from Register on fees collected from marriage licenses in December. Ol 04 1904 6 773 ; 32. ' Report from Register on fees collected from marriage licenses in January, 1904. , 02 O1 1904„ 6 778 ?; 33. , Report from Register on fees collected from marriage licenses in February, 1904. . 03 07 1904, 6 781 ;, 34 Re rt from Re ister on fees collected from marriage licenses in March, 1904. 04 04 1904,, 6 787 ; • ., P° g 35. ? Report from Register on fees collected from marriage licenses in April, 1904. 36. Report from Register on fees collected from marriage licenses in May, 1904. 37. ,Report from Register on fees collected from marriage licenses in June. 38. , Report from Register on fees collected from marriage licenses in July. 39. , Tax Book for 1904 received from Register, signed by Clerk and delivered to Sheriff. 40., Report from Register on fees received from marriage licenses in August, 41, Report from Register on fees collected from marriage licenses in September. 42. Report from Register on fees collected from marriage licenses in October. , 43. Bond of W.H. Biddle approved as Register of Deeds. 44.` Report from Register on fees collected from marriage licenses in November. 45.' Annual report from Register on fees collected from marriage licenses. 46. Stamp for Register to be bought to stamp papers for registration. ;+ _ Id_ „ 05 , 06 07 . 08 09 „ 09 10 11 12 12 12 12 02 1g0?,'; 06 1904 05 1904 O1 1904„ 06 1904;; 06 1904's; Q3 190? ?, 07 1904 05 1904 OS 1904 05 1904' .R 05 1904 ?? 6 6 6 6 6 6 7 7 7 7 7 7 791 ',: 796 ?_ 802 ; 805 ; P, 809 ?, 810 ?; 4 , ? I 10 11 11 11 INDEX TO CO?iMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover Count?? 1\. U. _ MATTER: REGISTER OF DEEDS ` ¦sc. u. s. County Indezes Since 1883 h? x•3-- To loeate names, open at COTT A-Z TAB INDEX r?T OFPICE ?l,?e-Z? An ldentifying Trade Mark ?.? SURNAME INITIAL TAB MADE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA si NATURE OE PROCEEDiNGS ? DAiE ??< MINUTE BOOK ?r??i r Month I Day I Year Vol. I Page ? 1. Register's reports for January and February filed. 03 06 1905 7 20 ? ? 2.? Register's report on marriage licenses filed. 04 03 1905' 7 22 3.d . Register's report on money received from marriage licenses. ?, 05 O1 1905 7 24 '' Y.j 4. Register's office will close at 1:00 PM on Saturdays from June 1 to September. 06 05 1905, 7 27 .9 5. Register's report on marriage licenses for June filed. 07 03 1905 7 34 :y 6. Register's report filed. 08 07 1905: 7 35 7.? Report from Register filed. 09 OS 1905 7 37 :',' 8.=? P? Register presented 1905 Tax Books and they to be given to Sheriff for collection. 09 05 1905, 7 37 , ?? ' 9.?? . ?g Report from Register filed. „ 10 02 1905 7 39 , 10.;? Report from Register filed. 11 06 1905 7 40 i 11.,, Report of Register referred to Auditing Committee. 12 04 1905`'" 7 42 12.?? Bond of W.H. Biddle as Register of Deeds approved. 12 04' '1905 7 42 ,13.6; E Monthly report of Register filed. 12 04 1905 7 44 , wi 14.;; ?; Report from Register filed. O1 02 1906 ° 7 46 15.?? ?; Register report filed. 02 03 1906' 7 47 .16.? a Report from Register filed. 03 05 1906, 7 48 , .17.?? Register's report on marriage licenses fees collected in March. 04 02 1906 7 51 , ee .18.?? Register's report on inarriage licenses fees collected for April filed. 05 07 1906 7 52 w? 19.` i Register's report on fees collected from marriage licenses for May filed. 06 04 1906 7 54 20.;s , Register's report on fees collected from marriage licenses in June. 07 02 1906 7 57 . ? ?" ?, . . 21.:i Register's report on fees collected from marriage licenses in July filed. 08 06 1906 7 60 . ;,? ?, . 22.` Chairman to investigate advisability of purchasing a typewriter for Register's office. 08 06 1906 7 60 t? 23.?? Register's office to be kept open during i?ours specified by Board without interference by Janitor or other 08 06 1906 7 60 a? ?? ' County employees. ;? 24.F? Tax Book for 1906 received from Register and to be given to Sheriff. , 09 04 1906, 7 61 ?+ 25.f? Register's report on fees collected from marriage licenses in August filed. 09 04 1906, 7 61 , ?y 26.s. €? Register's report on fees collected from marriage licenses in September filed. 10 O] 1906 7 64 ? 27.?? Register's report on fees collected from marriage licenses in October filed. 1.1 OE 1906 7 65 . i? ' 28.?? ? Register's report on marriage licenses issued in November filed. 12 03 1906„ 7 66 ?w 29.? Bond of John Haar approved as Register of Deeds. 12 03 1906 7 67 30.k? Register's report on fees collected from marriage licenses in December. ?1 07 1907, 7 74 ,31.k? ? Register's report on fees collected from marriage licenses in January. 02 04 1907, 7 77 32.?? r? Register's report on fees collected from marriage licenses in February. 03 04 1907. 7 80 , ,a ii .33.?; Register's report on fees collected from marriage licenses in March. 04 O1 1907, 7 84 34.?y ;? Bond af 3ohn Haar agproved as Register in place of individual bond given at start of term, fl 5 06 i903, 7 86., 35.? Register's report on fees collected from marriage licenses in April. 05 06 1907, 7 86 36.i; Chairman of Public Buildings Committee authorized to extend vault in office of Register of Deeds. 05 0% 1907, 7 87 37.?5 Register's report on fees collected from marriage licenses in May. 06 03 1907, 7 89 , 38. ? Register's report on fees collected from marr.iage licenses in June. 07 01 1907. 7 93 . , e 39.?' Report from Register on fees collected from marriage licenses. 08 05 1907. 7 104? e 40.E` u Register turned in 1907 Tax Books which were given to SheriFf for collection. 09 03 1907 . 7 107 41.?+ Register's report on fees collected from marriage licenses in August. 09 03 1907 7 108 42.?? Register's report on fees collected from marriage licenses. 10 07 1907 7 110 43.`' Register's report on fees collected from marriage licenses in October. 11 04 1907 7 112 fl 44.'? Bond of Register Haar found satisfactory. 12 02 1907 7 116 45.?? 3 I Register's reports on fees collected from marriage licenses in November and for the fiscal year. ? Pd 12 0? 1907, ?d 7 113 ?i INDE? TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover Count?y, N. C. , MA TERT REGISTER OF DEEDS _ nec. o. s. County Indezea Since 1888 ? 10 lo?ate namet? open ai COTT A•2 TAB INDEX e?t OFFICE C???L?7?'.s' An Identifying Trade Mazk SURNAME INIiIAI TAB ?DE BY iNE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD BY OYIEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORiH ChROLINII NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS DATE MINUTE BOOK ?, Month I Day I Year Vol, I Page ' l. Register's report on fees colLected from marriage licenses in December 2. Register's report on fees collected from marriage licenses in January. 3. Register's report on fees collected from marriage licenses in February. 4. Register's report on fees collected from marriage licenses in March. 5. Committee on Buildings to furnish more shelves and files for Register's office. 6. Register's report on fees collected from marriage licenses in April. 7. Register's report on fees collected from marriage licenses. 8. Register's report on fees collected from marriage licenses. 9. Register's report on fees collected from marriage licenses. 10. Register's report on fees collected from marriage licenses. 11. Register presented 1908 Tax Books and these given to Sheriff to collect. 12. A.M. Waddell asked that papers in Register's vault be examined for N.C. Historical Commission; referred to Public Buildings Committee. 13. Register's report on fees collected from marriage licenses in Septes?ber. 14. Register's report on fees collected from marriage licenses. 15. Register to copy all transfers in new Block Book since June, 1908. (See: TAX DEPARTMENT) 16. Bond of John Haar as Register of Deeds approved. 17. Register's annual and monthly reports on fees collected from marriage licenses. 18. Register's report on fees collected from marriage licenses in December. 19. Register Haar requested another typewriter for his office; referred to Public Buildings Committee. 20. Register reported on fees collected from marriage licenses. Zl. Buildings Committee reported progress in enlarging shelves and files in Registers' office. 22. Buildings Committee reported new typewriter had been ordered for Register's office. 23. Register's report on fees collected from marriage licenses in February. 24. Register's report on fees collected from marriage licenses in March. 25. Register's report on fees collected from marriage licenses in April. 26. Office hours of Register of Deeds set. 27. Shelves and files put in Register's office proved satisfactory to Board. 28. Register presented revised Jury List which was placed in Jury Box. 29. Register's report on fees collected from marriage licenses in May. 30. Register's report on fees collected from marriage licenses. 31. Register turned over 1909 Tax Books which were then given to Sheriff. 32. Register's report on marriage licenses issued in August. 33. Register's report on fees collected from marriage licenses. 34. Register's report on fees collected from marriage licenses. 35. Annual and monthly reports on fees collected from marriage licenses by Register. 36. Register's report on fees collected from marriage licenses. 37. Register's report on fees collected from marriage Iicenses. 38. Contract to furnish record books for Register awarded to Jackson & Bell. 39. Register reported on number of marriage licenses issued. 40. Register re?vorted on number of marriage licenses issued. 41. Register reported on number of marriage licenses issued in A??i1. 42. Register reported on number of marriage licenses issued in May. 43. Register reported on number of marriage licenses issued. 44. Request to request bids to rebind some index and record books. 45. Register reported on number of marriage licenses issued in July. ?1 07 1908 7 119 02 03 1908 7 122 03 02 1908 7 126 04 06 1908 7 130 04 06 190$ 7 130 05 04 1908 7 131 06 O1 1908 7 134 07 06 1908 7 138 08 03 1908 7 140 09 08 1908 7 144 09 08 1908 7 145 09 08 1908 7 145 10 05 1908 7 152 11 02 1908 7 154 11 02 1908 7 155 12 07 1908 7 157 12 07 1908 7 159 O1 04 1909 7 164 01 04 1909 7 166 02 Ol 1909 7 168 02 O1 1909 7 168 02 O1 1909 7 169 03 O1 1909 7 170 04 05 1909 7 174 05 03 1909 7 176 05 03 1909 7 176 06 07 1909 7 179 07 06 1909 7 179 07 06 1909 7 179 08 02 1909 7 181 09 08 1909 7 182 09 08 1909 7 182 10 04 1909 7 183 11 Ol 19fl9 3 la? 12 06 1909 7 185 O1 03 1910 7 189 02 07 1910 7 190 03 07 1910 7 191 03 07 1910 7 191 04 04 1910 7 193 05 02 1910 7 194 06 06 1910 7 197 07 05 1910 7 197 08 Ol 1910 7 198 08 O1 1910 7 198 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES -- New Hanover Count? N MATT RT REGISTER OF C DEEDS , . . _ ` nec. u. s. County lndexca Since 1888 ?? ?.3-? To locafe names, open at ??r oFiicE ?t???' An ldentifying Trade SVlerk ??'? SURNAME INITIAL TAS COTT A-Z TAB INDEX M?ADE BY THE COTT INDEX CQMPANY, COLUMBUS, ONIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA ", NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS DATE MINUTE BOOK Month I Day I Year Vol. I Page 1. Register reported on fees collected from marriage licenses. 09 08 1910 7 199 2. . Register to have index and record books rebound. 09 08 1910 7 200 3. ' Register reported on marriage licenses issued. 10 03 1910 7 200 4. Register's report on marriage licenses issued. 11 07 1910 7 202 5. Bond of John Haar approved as Register of Deeds. 12 05 1910 7 203 6. ,; Annual report of Register of Deeds referred to Auditing Board. 12 05 1910 7 203 7. Register's report on marriage licenses issued. O1 04 1911 7 206 8. Register's report on marriage licenses issued in January. 02 06 1911 7 208 9. Register's report on marriage Iicenses issued. 03 06 Z911 7 2i0 10. Register's report on marriage licenses issued referred to Auditing Board. 04 03 1911 7 213 11. Register's report on marriage licenses issued. 05 O1 1911 7 217 12. Register's report on marriage licenses issued. 06 05 1911 7 223 13. , Register's request for another typewriter referred to Public Buildings ?ommittee. 06 05 1911 7 223 14. Register gave Board revised Jury List which was put in Jury Box. 07 03 1911 7 225 15. . Register's report on marriage licenses issued. 07 03 1911 7 225 16. Register's report on marriage licenses issued. 08 07 1911 7 230 17. Register's report on marriage licenses issued. 09 06 1911 7 232 18. Register turned in 1911 Tax Books which were given to Sheriff for collection. 10 02 1911 7 233 19. Register's report on marriage licenses issued. 10 02 1911 7 233 20. Register's report on marriage licenses. 11 06 1911 7 235 21. Register's report on marriage licenses issued. 12 04 1911 7 237 22. Register's report on marriage licenses issued. 01 02 1912 7 241 23. Register's report on marriage licenses issued. 02 05 1912 7 243 ?4. Register's report on marriage licenses issued. 03 04 1912 7 245 25. Register's report on marriage licenses issued. 04 Ol 1912 7 247 26. .Register's report on marriage licenses issued in Apri1. 05 06 1912 7 249 27. Register's report on marriage licenses issued in May. 06 03 1912 7 250 28. Register to register Courthouse bonds 79 and 80 in name of "bearer" instead of to C.H. Williamson. 07 Ol 1912 7 253 29. Register's report on marriage licenses issued. 07 O1 1912 7 254 30. ,Register's report on marriage licenses issued. 08 05 1912 7 255 31. Register's report on marriage licenses issued. 09 03 1912 7 258 32. Register's report on marriage licenses issued. 10 07 1912 7 260 33. Register turned over 1912 Tax Books which are to be given to Sheriff for collection. 10 07 1912 7 260 34. Register's report on fees collected from marriage licenses in October. 11 04 1912 7 262 35. Bond of Joh n Haar approved as Register of Deeds. 12 02 1912 7 264 36. Register's report on fees collected from marriage licenses in November. 12 03 1912 7 265 37. yRegister's monthly report submitted and filed. O1 06 1913 7 270 38. Register Haar reported pages missing from Record Book K.K.K., but were never used. O1 06 1913 7 270 39. Public accountant A.H. Marsh's recommendation on vault room in Register's office referred to Courthouse Com. 01 13 1913 7 273 +0. , Register's report filed. 02 03 1913 7 279 +1. ,,Register's report filed. 03 03 1913 7 281 +2. ,Register's report filed. 04 07 1913 7 287 43. ,Register reported having one deputy at $1,200 per annum and one assistant at $600 per.annum. 05 O1 1913 7 289 +4. :Salaries of Register of Deeds and his assistants set. (See SALARIES) 05 O1 1913 7 289 +5. Office hours set for Register of Deeds. 05 Ol 1913 7 289 46. ,,Register and his assistants granted two weeks vacation. 08 04 1913 7 311 ,? ?INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES -- New Hanover Count?y N C MATTERT REGISTER OF DEEDS , . . , eEC. u. s. PAT OFi1CE Counry ]nde:ea Since 1888 C??? An Identifying Trade Mark ? To loeate names, open aT SURNAME INITIAL TAB COTT A•Z TAB INDEX ?DE 6Y THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, ONIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS 1. Register to arrange with his staff in taking vacation so that office wi11 remain apen. 2. Matter of new indexes and loose leaf system for Register's office referred to Attorney and Auditor. 3. A11 property transfer papers to be presented to Auditor before being given to Register's office. 4. Auditor reported indexes had been ordered for Register's office but no action on loose leaf system. 5. Request from Register Haar for more temporary office help referred to Auditor and Attorney. 6. Auditor and Attorney recommended additional help in Register's office; granted. 7. Office hours set for Register of Deeds. 8. Register and his Deputy each allowed two weeks vacation. 9. Way records in Register's office to be typed set down. 10. Office hours set for Register of Deeds. 11. Amount set for Register of Deeds bond. 12. Bond of John Haar, Register of Deeds, approved. 13. Register Haar appeared relative to complaints from attorneys about the system of indexing in his office; referred to County Attorney. 14. Board to request legislation requiring all tax papers be given to Auditor for certificates before going to Register of Deeds. 15. Register to copy and insert pages in "Record Book BB" which were worn. 16. Register to make a copy of the "Campbell tract" to insert in Book BB. 17. Register Haar and his office staff allowed a holiday of 10 days. 18. Register and his deputies allowed a vacation in summer months. 19. Request from Superior Court Clerk to have a phone put in Register's office postponed. 20. Request from Register for a new typewriter for his office referred to Auditor. 21. Register reported on indexes of records in his office. 22. Register's office to close at 1:00 on Saturdays. 23. Purchase of filing equipment for Register's vault referred to Auditor. 24. Bond approved for John Haar as Register of Deeds. 25. Office hours of Register of Deeds fixed. 26. Salary of Deputy Register set at $1,320 per year. 27. Salary of Miss Gesine Haar, in office of Register, set at $660 a year. 28. Salary of Miss Gesine Haar increased to $60 a month. 29. Matter of telephone in office of Register referred to Auditor. 30. Application received from A. S. Meyland and Henry Horne for office of Register of Deeds. 31. Henry Horne appointed Register until W. H. Blair is discharged from U. S. Military Service. 32. Bond of Henry Horne approved as Register of Deeds. 33. Gas heater to be installed in Register office, but request for heater in vault of said office rejected. 34. Henry Horne resigned as Register of Deeds as agreed and Walter H. BLair to assume office. p. 32-33 35. Qualifications of Walter H. Blair presented and filed. 36. Notice from Auditor that there is no more room in filing cases in Register's vault. 37. Messrs. McGlaughan and McGirt to cut down on volume of stored records. 38. Bond of Walter Blair as Register filed. s9. Register Blair and Superior Court Clerk re?uestecl salary increases for their deptuies; referred to Auditor and Attorney. 40. Money refunded to Register Blair for registration from Walker, Hines which was withdrawn before recorded. 41. Request for typewriter desks from Register referred to a committee. 42. Committee recommended no salary increases for Superior Court Clerk and Register of Deed's deputies. 43. Typewriter desks to be purchased for Register's office. DATE Month I Day ( Year MINUiE BOOK Vol. I Page 10 06 1913 7 315 O1 05 1914 7 330 Ol 05 1914 7 331 02 02 1914 7 337 04 06 1914 7 343 04 13 1914 7 345 06 08 1914 7 367 06 08 1914 7 367 06 08 1914 7 367 10 OS 1914 7 385 11 02 1914 7 395 12 ? 4 1914 7 409 12 14 1914 7 413 12 17 1914 7 417 03 O1 1915 7 441 04 05 1915 7 450 06 14 1915 7 463 05 08 1916 7 554 08 07 1916 7 574 O8 07 1916 7 574 08 23 1916 7 579 10 06 1916 7 591 12 O1 1916 7 595 12 04 1916 7 597 10 O1 1917 7 641 05 06 1918 7 696 05 06 1918 7 696 06 03 1918 8 12 09 09 1918 8 18 12 02 1918 8 27 12 02 1918 8 27 12 02 1918 8 27 12 02 1918 8 28 O1 27 1919 8 32 02 03 1919 8 34 02 03 1919 8 34 02 03 1919 8 35 03 10 1919 8 40 04 0? 1919 8 41 04 07 1919 8 42 04 07 1919 8 42 04 14 1919 8 44 05 05 1919 8 48 REGISTER INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover Count? N C MATTER QF DEEDS , . . , : - .ec. u, s. Counry Indexea Since 1888 ?? ?.? Yo lotpte npmes, open a} COTT A-Z TAB INDEX TAB MIADE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS.ONIO PAT OFFICE ?,?i?? An ldentifying Trade Mark w B SURNAME INITIAI . SOLD BY OWEN G. DUN N, NEW BER N, NORTH CAROLINA NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS DATE MINUTE BOOK ; Month I Day I Year Vol. I Page 1.' Chairman, Auditor and Attorney to consider request of Register Blair for salary increases for his deputy 05 20 1919 8 54 and stenographer. 2. Request from Register for salary increase for his Deputy, C. W. Bannerman, referred to Auditor and Attorney. 09 02 1919 8 74 3.. Phone for Register's office referred to Auditor. 10 06 1919 8 80 4. Comparative statement from Regist?r of Deeds for 1918-1919. 11 03 1919 8 84 5. Request from Register for extra office clerks due to heavier work load referred to auditor and attorney. 11 03 1919 8 84 6. Register to employ extra help to assist him in catching up with his work. 12 30 1919 8 91 7. Typewriter to be bought for Register's office. O1 05 1920 8 93 8. As requestect by Register, sa?ary of ?1issDoris Brown increasea to $8&.60 per month. OZ ?4 ?920 8 9? 9. Fees of local registrars of vital statistics increased for birth and death certificates. 04 05 1920 8 104 10. Bill of Miss Doris Brown for overtime in Register's office to be investigated. 05 03 1920 8 108 11. No action on enlarging vault in Register's office. 05 10 1920 8 110 12. Overtime bill for Miss Doris Brown in Register's office to be paid. 05 14 1920 8 111 13. No action on bill from Miss Doris Brown for overtime. 06 03 1920 8 112 14. Overtime bill from Miss Doris Brown in Register's office approved. 06 07 1920 8 113 15. Miss Doris Brown employed to do extra work in Register's office after regular hours. 06 07 1920 8 113 16. Walter H. Blair resigned as Register of Deeds to enter private business. 08 13 1920 8 119 17. Mr. Blair given 10 day vacation with salary. 08 13 1920 8 119 18. W. P. McGlaughon appointed Register of Deeds until general election. 08 13 1920 8 120 19. Bond of W. P. McGlaughon as Register of Deeds not approved. 09 Ol 1920 8 120 20. Bond of W. P. McGlaughon approved as Register of Deeds. 09 04 1920 8 122 21. Phone for Register's office referred to Courtnouse Committee as requested by Superior Court Clerk. 09 09 1920 8 124 22., Doris Brown of Register's office requested a salary increase to $100 a month referred to Auditor and 09 20 1920 8 126 , Attorney. 23.. Qualifications of W. P. McGlaughon as Register of Deeds filed. 12 06 1920 8 134 24. Board ordered refunded an overpaid charge to W. P. McGlaughon for hire of Thomas Tomack. 12 07 1920 8 137 25. Bond of W. P. McGlaughon approved as Register of Deeds. 12 17 1920 8 138 26.. Office hours established for Register of Deeds. 04 05 1921 8 152 27. Request from Register for more help in his office referred to Chairman. 12 05 1921 8 183 28. Board allowed purchase of a typewriter for office of Register of Deeds. Ol 27 1922 8 186 29. Register allowed extra help for two weeks but not allowed to purchase awnings for windows at County expense. 04 10 1922 8 194 30. Request from Register for extra help referred to Auditor and Attorney. 06 05 1922 8 200 31. Resignation of W. P. McGlaughon as Register of Deeds accepted and Adrain Rhodes elected to his office. 07 28 1922 8 205 32. Register of Deeds allowed extra help in his office until Sept. 1, 1922. 08 09 1922 8 207 33. Bond of Adrian Rhodes as Register of Deeds approved. 08 09 1922 8 208 34. Adrian Rhodes qualified as Register of Deeds and took oath of office. 08 14 1922 8 208 35. Request from Register to have Block Books and Map Books referred to Auditor. 11 06 1922 8 215 36. Proposal from Mrs. May F. Hall to rewrite index of recorders in Registers office referred to Chairman. 12 04 1922 8 218 37. Bids from C. W. Yates Co. and Northan's Book Store to install shelves in Register's office declined. 12 04 1922 8 218 38. Adrian B. Rhodes, Register of Deeds-elect, took oath of office. 12 04 1922 8 218 39. Qualifications of Miss Doris Brown as Deputy Register of Deeds approved. 12 04 1922 8 219 40. Bond of A. B. Rhodes as Register of Deeds approved. 12 04 1922 8 219 41. Bond of Register of Deeds increased by Board. 12 08 1922 8 220 42. Bill of C. W. Yates Co. for Shelves in Register's office approved. 12 08 1922 8 220 43, Board accepted proposal from Mr. Rhodes to record all papers up to and including Dec. 2, 1922 in his office. 12 OS 1922 8 221 44. Bond of A. B. Rhodes as Register of Deeds approved. 12 18 1922 8 221 ? INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES N H C N C C anover - ew ount?, . . _ MA TE R: REGISTER OF DEEDS _ nec. u. s. Counry indexea Since 1888 ? 70 loeate names, open at e?T OF(ICE ?pJ/7? An ldentiEying Trade Mark SURNAME INITIAL TAB ?DE BY THE COTT A•Z TAB INDEX COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORT N CAROLINA NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS DATE MINUTE BOOK Month I I Day Year Vol. I Page 1. Offer of Mrs. May F. Hall to reindex Register's records declined. 06 11 1923 8 245 2. Register of Deeds complained of practice of posting maps in records books. 06 11 1923 8 245 3. Matter of rebinding Register's indexes and changing system to be investigated. 03 25 1924 8 288 4. Printing bill for forms of Register of Deeds referred to County Attorney. 04 07 1924 8 290 5. Matter of reindexing records in Register's office postponed until Courthouse annex is completed. 04 11 1924 8 291 6. Typewriters to be purchased for office of Register of Deeds. 0$ 04 1924 8 304 7. Underwood Typewriter Co. to maintain typewriters in Register's office. 11 03 1924 8 313 8. Auditor to deduct check issued on Citizens Bank F? Trust Co. by Register Rhodes. 12 O1 1924 8 316 9. A. B. Rhodes qualified as Register of Deeds. 12 Ol 1924 8 316 10. Bond of Register Rhodes approved. 12 O1 1924 8 317 11. Register Rhodes given leave of absence so he may go to a sanitorium to regain his health. O1 05 1925 8 321 12. Equipment needs for Register's office in Courthouse Annex to be determined. Ol 05 1925 8 322 13. Matter of indexing records in Register's office left with Chairman, Auditor and Attorney. 08 03 1925 8 346 14. Register's records to be reindexed by May F. Hall. 09 16 1925 8 352 15. Money paid Mae F. Hall for work on reindexing records in Registers office. 12 07 1925 8 360 16. May F. Hall paid for reindexing Register's records. O1 04 1926 8 365 17. Mae F. Hall paid for reindexing records in Register's office. 02 O1 1926 8 370 18. Request from Mrs. Hall for more money for reindexing Register's records recieved. 02 O1 1926 8 371 19. Mae F. Hall paid for reindexing records in Register's office. 03 O1 1926 8 376 20. New typewriter to be bought for Register. 04 05 1926 8 380 21. Mae Hall paid for working on index in Register's office. 04 15 1926 8 382 22. Request from Register that Mr. Felgar be paid for setting out new Cotto index sheets deferred. 04 21 1926 8 383 23. Mae Felgar Hall paid for April for reindexing Register's records. 05 03 1926 8 384 24. Request from Mrs. Hall for an advance on her contract declined. 05 03 1926 8 384 25. Order for iron bars for Registers office to be cancelled unless in actual transit. 06 07 1926 8 386 26. Mae F. Hall paid for June for reindexing Registers office. 07 06 1926 8 388 27. Bill in favor of Register Rhodes for setting new Cotto Index declined. 07 06 1926 8 389 28. Register Rhodes paid for awnings which he installed at his own expense. 08 20 1926 8 395 29. If iron bars for Registers windows do not arrive soon order will be cancelled. 08 20 1926 8 395 30. Wilmington Iron Works to install iron bars in windows of Registers office. 09 07 1926 8 396 31. Mae F. Hall paid for reindexing County records for September. 10 04 1926 8 400 32. Approved payment of $550 to Mrs. Mae F. Hall for indexing for October. 11 O1 1926 8 403 33. Payment for cost of printing forms and one record sheet. 11 O1 1926 8 403 34. Deed for ten acres of county land at $100 per acre prepared by attorney (see County Attorney) 11 05 1926 8 404 35. Board reauests itemized statement from Mrs. Mae Hall for indexing county records decision to be made 11 1D 1926 8 ?106 at November 12 meeting. (see county commissioners) 36. Sworn itemzied statement of $8,035.50 for indexing register of deeds records is submitted. Settlement 11 12 1926 8 406 held in abayance (see county commissioners) 37. Mrs. M. F. Hall submitted affidavits from other county officials. 11 12 1926 8 406 38. A. B. Rhodes, Register of Deeds bond presented and accepted. 12 16 1926 8 411 39. Indexing of Register of Deeds record referred to Chairman. 12 16 1926 8 411 40. Register of Deeds records completed and bill of $459.50 to Mrs. Hall (above) approved. 12 16 1926 8 415 41. Recommendation from Register of Deeds to employ Miss Agnes Hayden for re-indexing approved. 02 O1 1927 8 423 42. Error found in b4rs. Hall indexing work. 03 Ol 1927 8 427 43. Typewriter requested for Register of Deeds for indexing purposes, but referred to Chairman. 05 12 1927 8 441 44. Action deferred on Register of Deed check submitted to settle fees. 05 24 1927 8 443 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES -- New Hanover Count?, N. C. , MAiT R REGISTER OF DEEDS nec. u. s. County Inde:ea Since 1888 ? To loeafe names„open af COTT A-Z TAB INDEX r?r OFFfCE ?p?? An Identifying Trade Mark SURNAME INITIAL TAB INADE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS. OHIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS DATE Month Day Year MINUTE BOOK Voi. I Page 1. Contracts for typewritexs received for Register of Deeds and Auditor's office. 2. Emergency funds transferred to pay for Register of Deeds typewriter. 3. Cost of iron bars for Register of Deeds and Clerk of Superior Court vault to be reported. 4. Payment approved for indexing records. 5. Wilmington Iron Works awarded contract to install window guards in Register of Deeds and Clerk of Superior Court office. 6. Fee reduction approved for recording Register of Deeds records. 7. Purchase requested, declined. 8. Fan authorized for purchase. 9. Two typewriters chairs authorized. 10. Bond from Register of Deeds submitted, accepted. 11. Regulated system of recording Register of Deeds maps requested, approved. 12. Indexing of birth and death certificates approved, by amendment, for payment by County. 13. Desks authorized for purchase. 14. Typewriters authorized for purchase on old ones. 15. Rhodes (Reg. of Deeds) took oath of office, bond presented, fixed, accepted. 16. Bill for indexing birth-death certif icates approved for payment. 17. Lights adjusted in Reg. of Deeds office. 18. Bill to J. K.Clark, register of Deeds for Bladen County, approved for payment of certificates of birth on Athalia McKoy as requested by Recorder in Junus McKoy's trial. 19. S?:ven record books for Register of Deeds at $200 authorized for purchase, expenses transferred from Emergency Fund. 20. Salary for two register of deeds clerks considered after study of salary bill. 21. Register of Deeds granted $25 petty cash. 22. Record books left to Register of Deeds to purchase. 23. Transfer of maps and blue prints from Book 1 and 2 to new book referred to Register of Deeds. 24. Transfer of maps and blue prints referred to auditor and Register of Deeds. 25. Register of Beeds authorized funds for office material. :26. Consideration taken on re-indexing marriage deeds. 27. With not authority to interfere, action deferred on fees charged for recording Building ? Loan deeds. 28. Charges reduced for recording. 29. Registration of photostatic copy of deeds authorized for Register of Deeds. 30. Miss Leila Stack authorized payment for Register of Deeds work.. 31. Register of Deeds allowed extra help. 32. Typewriter needed for Register, and transferred from emergency funds. 33. Register to continue with extra help. 34., Register rec{uested, considered for lavatory and office shelves. 35. Register allowed extra help. 36. Edna Brown appointed assistant Register of Deeds; salary fixed. 37. Register requested month's salary for Mrs. N. D. Lewis, resigned. 38. P. L. Knight awarded contract for Register of Deeds cases. 39. Edna Brown appointed Assistant Register of Deeds. 40. Register authorized map of Wilmington Beach. 41. Register of Deeds A. B. Rhodes presented qualifications. 42. Register of Deeds A. B. Rhodes qualifications accepted 43. Register of Deeds A. B. Rhodes qualified. 08 16 1927 8 458 10 11 1927 8 466 11 O1 1927 8 468 11 07 1927 8 469 11 22 1927 8 474 02 21 1928 8 490 04 28 1928 8 505 08 Ob ?928 8 52b 10 09 1928 8 536 12 03 1928 8 546 02 26 1929 8 561 02 26 1929 8 561 03 12 1929 8 563 10 12 1929 9 5 12 O1 1930 9 77 03 09 1931 9 96 03 09 1931 9 96 03 14 1932 9 157 11 21 1932 9 191 d4 03 1933 9 213 12 04 1933 9 260 05 28 1934 9 286 06 18 1934 9 288 06 25 1934 9 289 07 09 1934 9 291 04 O1 1935 9 332 04 08 1935 9 333 04 16 1935 9 334 06 03 1935 9 345 08 19 1935 9 375 03 02 1936 9 411 03 09 1936 9 413 03 30 1936 9 416 06 22 1936 9 437 06 22 1936 9 437 08 03 1936 9 444 08 17 1936 9 448 08 17 1936 9 449 08 17 1936 9 448 10 12 1936 9 457 12 07 1936 9 468 12 07 1936 9 468 12 07 1936 9 468 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES N H C ? N C -- anover ew ount y, . . , MATTER: REGISTER OF DEEDS ` eea. u. s. ?.A?,' Counry Indexea Since 1888 ? Yo lomte names, open at rer ovr?cs ?e???L4? An ldentifying Trade Mark SURNAM? INITtAL TAB COTi A•2 TAB INDEX NIADE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD BY OWEN C. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORT H UROLINA NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS DATE MINUTE BOOK Month I Day ? Year VoI. I Page ? 1. No action taken on bonds for deputy Register of Deeds. 12 07 1936 9 468 I 2. Register of Deeds request was received on deputy bonds. 12 21 1936 9 471 3. Register of Deeds requested, granted extra help, and salary fixed. 12 28 1936 9 471 4. Register of Deeds requested granted record book of materia? on WPA labore 03 O1 1937 9 483 5. Bill authorized to pay Register of Deeds salary. 03 29 1937 9 487 6. Metal table authorized for Register of Deeds patrons. 06 Ol 1937 9 503 7. Fan for register referred to Chairman. 06 07 1937 9 508 8. No action taken on register of deeds request for index of their records. 06 28 1937 9 512 9. Bid received for Register of Deeds record books. 09 20 1937 9 540 10. Payment approved for Register of Deeds work. O1 31 1938 9 565 11. Register of Deeds authorized repairs to record books. O5 16 1938 9 583 12. Register of Deeds awnings for vault referred to committee. 05 16 1938 9 584 13. Register of Deeds authorized numbers and markers for old record books. 10 31 I938 10 21 I4. Discontinued indexing of marriage records resumed at Register of Deeds office. 02 06 1939 10 39 15. Register of Deeds authorized leaves and tabs for index books. 04 24 1939 10 52 16. Register of Deeds authorized repairs to index books. ? 05 Ol 1939 10 54 17. Register of deeds authorized record books. 07 O1 1940 10 135 18. Register of Deeds granted emergency funds for binders. 10 14 1940 10 157 19. Register granted extra office help. 03 31 1941 10 191 20. Order of March 31 amended on help for register. 04 I4 1941 10 193 21. Register referred on help with office work. 05 05 1941 10 198 22. Register authorized extra help. 06 02 1941 10 208 23. Register authorized roller shelving for deeds books. 05 04 1942 10 270 24. Register authorized record books. 06 29 1942 10 279 25. Register to confer with Jackson ? Bell Co. on damages to index books. 06 14 1943 10 336 26. Register re?erred servicemen complaints on marriage license fees, but no action taken. 06 21 1943 10 337 27. Register authorized clerical help on damaged index books. 09 07 1943 10 348 28. G. D. Humphrey complained about heat in Register of Deeds vault; work authorized. 12 11 1944 ?0 4Z7 29. Register request disapproved on bill for form of Chattel Mortgage on autos. OZ 12 1945 10 427 30. Register audit report filed. 09 10 1945 10 457 31, Register allowed extra office clerk. 11 19 1945 10 467 32. Motion carried to hold funds for Register of Deeds. O1 07 1946 10 476 33. Photographic copies of statistics discussed for Register of Deeds records. O1 14 1946 10 477 34. Lighting Improvements authorized in Register of Deeds office. O1 28 1946 10 479 3?. Register granted extra help. 03 25 1946 10 -487 36. Register granted extra help. 04 15 1946 10 492 37. Register request approved on employing Vivian Fisher. 06 03 1946 10 499 38. Register authorized rollers for shelves in office. O1 06 1947 10 533 39. Register authorized florescent lights in office. O1 06 1947 10 533 40. Register authorized director. 02 10 1947 10 545 41. Register authorized extra clerk. 03 17 1947 10 550 42. Register authorized extra clerk. 06 09 1947 10 570 43. REgister request for letter to Raleigh granted for records of servicemen drafts. 08 I8 1947 IO 580 44. Register's (Marriage licenses) report received. 10 13 1947 10 588 45. Marriage license reports received from Register of Deeds. O1 26 1948 11 11 46. Marriage license reports received from Register of Deeds. 05 10 1948 11 26 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES N H C N C - ew anover ount?, . . , MAT ERT REGISTER OF D EEDS ` eec. o. s. ,?1L County Indezea Since 1888 YO IoCCtO names, open G} COTT A-Z TAB INDEX r?T OFFICE ?p?K?o-u? An IdentiFying'I?rade Mark SURNAME INITIAL TAB MADE BY THE (OTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OXIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH UROLINA NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS DATE MINUTE BOOK Month I Day I Yea? Vol. I Page 1. Register to sell old binders. 05 24 1948 11 28 2. Register granted extra clerks. 06 O1 1948 11 30 3. Register records request safeguarding by H. E. Rodgers. 07 12 1948 11 36 4. Register granted retainment of clerks working on Soldiers Roster. 10 11 1948 11 51 5. Register presented roster of servicemen. O1 24 1949 11 68 6. Register authorized more record books. 02 21 1949 11 75 7. Register requested continuance of clerk, Mrs. J. M. Myatt. 03 14 1949 11 81 S. Register given fund for next year budget. 04 20 1949 11 87 9. Register approved extra clerk. 06 13 1949 11 99 10. Register approved payment to Record Rebuilding Service Co. for repairing records. 09 12 1949 11 119 11. Register allowed extra help. 12 19 1949 11 142 12. Register adding machine under discussion. 12 28 1949 11 144 13. Register authorized extra clerk. 02 20 1950 11 158 14. Register A. B. Rhodes tendered resignation due to health. 04 03 1950 11 169 15. Register Clerk Miss M. V. DeVane granted sick leave. 04 03 1950 11 169 16. Register authorized extra clerk. 04 03 1950 11 169 17. Register of Deeds appointment discussed; Harlan McKeithan nominated; Robert Black unseconded for nomination.04 05 1950 11 171 18. Register nominees R. L. Black and Norman Shew recommended; Black appointed. 04 07 1950 11 174 19. R. L. Black to fill unexpired term of A. B. Rhodes as register of deeds. 04 11 1950 11 174 20. Register granted request for full-time applicants for clerk position. 04 11 1950 11 174 21. Register approved bond. 04 24 1950 11 179 22. Register selected Dorothy Walkins as deputy clerk. 05 O1 1950 11 182 23. Register clerk Miss M. DeVane granted sick leave. 05 08 1950 11 185 24. Register A. B. Rhodes allowed half-month payment, resignation was effective May 1. 05 08 1950 11 185 25. Register clerk DeVane improved to resume work. 05 29 1950 11 188 26. Register officer to be closed at noon Saturdays. 10 02 1950 11 213 27. W. M.Wilson price of microfilming Register of Deeds records received for study. O1 15 1951 11 234 28. Register authorized temporary clerk and typewriter for rent. O1 22 1951 11 235 29. R. C. Ball offer referred on copies of Register of Deeds maps. 02 26 1951 11 243 30. Register R.L. Black granted request for extra woman clerk. 02 04 1952 11 316 31. Register R. L. Black granted request for extra woman clerks. 06 19 1952 11 339 32. Register R. L. Black to attend Register of Deeds session at Chapel Hill. 12 O1 1952 11 382 33. Bill discussed to revised fee schedule charged by Register of Deeds for recording of register's papers. 12 29 1952 11 388 34. Bill authorized for commissioners to fix Register of Deeds fees. O1 05 1953 11 389 35. Bill prepared authorizing Board to fix Register of Deeds fees. O1 26 1953 11 384 36. Record Rebuilding Service of Fla. request to repair Register of Deeds records under consideration; bids authorized. 02 09 1953 11 398 37. Court Record Binder of Minn. representative was asked to furnish A-1 Specification for contract to 02 16 1953 11 401 repair Register of Deeds records. 38. Register of Deeds microphone equipment to be set up in Courthouse. 04 13 1953 11 413 39. Bar Association members protest use of microfilm recorder on trial in Register office. 05 04 1953 11 416 40. Register office to be kept open three hours on Saturdays. 05 04 1953 11 416 41. Opposition from local Bar discussed on use of Microfilm Recorder in Register office and closing its 05 11 1953 11 419 office. 42. Strong protests received on use of Microfilm in Register Office. 05 11 1953 11 419 43. Orange County Register J. E. Laws presented statement on long-time use of microfilm in his county. 05 11 1953 11 420 F INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINU?ES -- New Hanover Count? N C MATTER REGIS`TER OF DEEDS ' , . . , : a aec. u. s. County Inde:ea Since 1888 ? YO IOtate names, open a} COTT A•2 TAB INDEX r?r OFFICE ??? An Identifying Trade Mark SURNAMf INITIAL TAB I11ADE iY THE COTi INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS DATE MINUTE BOOK . Month I Day I Year Vot. I Page 1. Motion carried to for use of Microfilm as trial. 05 11 1953 11 420 2. Motion carried to fix Register fees. 08 03 1953 11 442 3. Dobbs Brothers Library Binding Co. of Fla. letter received on book repairs to Register of Deeds office. 08 10 1953 11 444 4. Register's petty cash account increased. 08 31 1953 11 ?51 5. Register's microphone system discontinued. 09 02 1953 11 451 6. Register of Deeds Bob Black approved salary adjustments. 09 14 1953 lI 453 7. Register of Deeds Bob Black to proceed with book binding. 09 14 1953 11 453 8. Board allowed Hall and McChesney Co. to let microfilm machine stay in Register office pending sale proposal.ll 16 1953 11 465 9. Board to inspect Register of Deeds vault. O1 18 1954 11 479 10. Register objected to adoption of Summer Schedule hours. 04 26 1954 11 508 11. Register to get price list for rubber runners and light repairs. 11 15 1954 11 553 I2. Register approved cost for rubber runners and light repairs. 11 15 ]954 11 556 13. Register of deeds losses reported by Chairman. 12 20 1954 11 562 14. Register requested legislative authority on smaller maps for office; uniform size to be recommended. 03 14 1955 11 582 i 15. Register of Deeds budget estimates received. 06 06 1955 11 604 16. l?pproved temporary storage of certain articles in vault of County Register of Deeds. 11 18 1957 12 193 17. Accepted Micro-Filming Program as outlined, if no cost to County. 1 27 1958 12 219 18. Tax Collector`s Bond to be filed with Register of Deeds. 2 3 1958 12 220 19. Authorized cZosing office Friday July 4th. 6 16 1958 12 268 20. Approved shift in Register of Deeds budget. 6 30 1958 12 273 21. Matters of painting office on week-end referred to Mr. Rivenbark. 9 29 1958 12 309 22. Public Record Examiner to visit County 1/8/59. 1 5 1959 12 356 23. Authorized and appropriated $400.00 for additional clerical help. 3 23 1959 12 405 24. Authorized Mr. R. L. Black to attend State Association of Register of I?eeds, in Ashevi lle. 5 18 1959 12 436 25. County Attorney, authorized to execute & record deed to Tide Water Natural Gas Co. 7 1 19?9 12 453 26. Register of Deeds, Mr. R. L. Black informed Board of his satisfaction with budget. 7 6 1959 12 460 27. Extra help money can only be used on approval of Commissioners. 7 18 1959 12 467 28. Request granted to charge additional $.50 for Registar Seal on delayed birth certificates. 9 6 1960 12 602 29. Accepted Surety Bond of $10,000 for R. E. Black, subject to County Attorney's approval . 12 5 1960 12 632 30. Approved request to transfer funds within budget. 1 3 1961 12 640 31. Adopted resolution, transferring deed of Battle Acres to State of North Carolina. 6 19 1961 12 688 32. Authorized change in rate for recording legal documents. 7 17 1961 12 6?8 33. Authorized $175.00 for new typewriter. 8 7 1961 13 9 34. Authorized recording Airport deed from U. S. A. 10 2 1961 l? 22 ? 35. Authorized closing affice Saturday 12/23f61. 11 11 1961 13 51 36. Authorized closing office April 7th Saturday, Azalea Festival Parade Day. 4 2 1962 13 88 37. Approved recording lease between the State Dept, o? Archives & History/ Sunny Point 4 16 1962 13 96 Army T?rminal Military Reservation With out cost. 38. Mr, R. L. Black discussed budget with Commissioners, no action requi??ed. 7 18 1962 13 133 39. Approved increase in salary of Miss Delores Farrow, office Register of Deeds. 8 20 1962 13 143 40. Special Meeting to appoint replacement for Robert L. B1ack, deceased. 11 13 1962 13 169 41. Miss Ida McCulloch, appointed to serve unexpired term of Mr. Black, deceased. 11 13 1962 13 170 42. Adopted Necrologh Resolution, copy sent to Mrs. Black. 11 13 1962 13 170 43. Acc?pted Public Offical Bond for Mrs. Lois C. LeRay, Deputy ?egister of Deeds. 1 21 1963 13 185 44. Authorized adjustment in salary of Mrs. Lois LeRay, 1 21 1963 13 185 45. Conditional sales contracts on autos referred to Miss Ida McCulloch. 1 21 19b3 13 186 INDEX TO COMI?ISSI0NER5 MINUTES N H t? N C C anover oun ew y, . . -- _ MATTERRegister of Deeds - nec. u. s. County lndezea Since 1888 IAT oiFiCE ??Jl?a? An Identifying Trade Mark to loeafe names, open at ? SURNAME INITIAL iA6 COTT A-Z T116 lNDEX MWDE 81 iHE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OXIO SOLD 6Y OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA DATE MINUTE BOOK NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS Month IDay I Year VoL I Page l. Approved payment for Bonding of Mis s Lois C. LeRay. 2 18 1963 13 191 2. Micro-Filming matters accepted for study. 4 16 1963 13 205 3. Matters of fees charged for Federal Tax Liens referred to County Attorney. 7 15 1963 13 228 4. Letter in regards to sick employe, left to Department Head. 8 5 1963 13 244 5. Budget discussion 07 07 1964 13 352 6. Citatian Award - Ada McCulloch 02 O1 1965 13 430 7. Air Conditioning 02 15 1965 13 438 8. Air Conditioning 04 20 1965 13 474 9. Air Conditioning 05 03 1965 13 474 10. Annual Convention 05 03 1965 13 474 11. Microfilming Equipment 05 17 1965 13 478 12. Microfilming Equipment 06 07 1965 13 485 13. Microfilming Equipment 06 23 1965 13 493 14. Recordak Purchase 07 26 1965 13 507 15. Job classification 08 16 1965 13 515 16. Revised fees 09 20 1965 13 523 17. Extra help 10 18 1965 13 536 18. Record Book Removal 12 06 1965 13 550 19. Transfer of Funds 04 03 1967 14 42 20. Time recorder 05 15 1967 14 62 21. Recommendation old records 02 06 1967 14 27 22. Additional appropriation 06 05 1967 14 64 23. Documentary tax stamping machine 10 02 1967 14 92 24. Letter to Paul Blanchard 11 06 1967 14 110 25. Closing of office due to death of Paul Blanchard O1 15 1968 14 l37 26. Appointment of 02 05 1968 14 L41 27. Audit of 02 05 1968 14 l41 28. Staff needed and salaries 02 16 1968 14 l46 29. Discuss recording of Subdivision Maps 04 16 1968 14 l76 30. Bill from Hal McChesney 07 11 1968 14 ?22 31. Salary of Delores Farrow 07 26 1968 14 ?28 32. Bid opening-Recordak Printer 09 03 1968 14 240 33. Approval of Bond 12 16 1968 14 285 34. Transfer of funds - Bond 04 20 1970 14 464 35. Request to change office hours 05 04 1970 14 472 36. Disposal of Federal Tax Liens 04 05 1971 14 605 37. Resolution 05 O1 1972 15 123 38. Request part time position be made full time 09 05 1972 15 210 39. Transfer for new Xerox System 03 05 1973 15 340 40. Recommendations to Gene?al Assembly 03 05 1973 15 346-7 41. Transfer for Cott Data Processing 06 04 1973 15 430 42. Transfer for telephones 06 04 1973 15 430 43. Discussion of listing problems 06 18 1973 15 434 44. Listing problems form 07 02 1973 15 443 45. Approval of Cott Reindexing Co. Contract 08 20 1973 15 470 46. Discussion of Heat problem 11 19 1973 15 529 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES -- New Hanover County, N. C. _ MUBJE?T REGISTER OF DEEDS ` rsea. u. s. ?/? ?? County Indezea Since 1888 ??o (otpt? ItdONf? Op?? af COTT M2 TA? INpEX PAT 9FFICE (..?,?GplC? An Identifying Trade Mazk 1URNAME INITIAL ?AB INADE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD tY OWEN i. YUNN, NEN tERM, NORTH GROLINA DATE MINUTE BOOK NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS Month Day Year Vol. Page 1. Approval of request to remove public records 02 04 1974 15 569 2. Award of bid - microfilm processor 10 07 1974 16 13 3. Transfer of funds for microstar reader-printer 12 16 1974 16 71 4. Approval of purchase contract - 16 MM Reader/Printer 1 20 1975 16 91 5. Approval of out of state travel 03 17 1975 16 145 6. Budget transfer for xerox bill 06 16 1975 16 223 7. Award bid for Reader/Printer 08 25 1975 16 259 8. Approve cartridge file and console 08 25 1975 16 259 9. ,Qae*ara Reader/Prznter b?d Qg 22 Ig?$ ?6 2i2 10. Approve sale of Reader/Printer 12 22 1975 17 32 11. Approval sale of Reader/PRinter ? dryer O1 )5 1976 17 38 12. Trans. funds for plat cabinet 02 l6 1976 17 64 13. Approval for additional Reader/Printer and rental of camera 04 )5 1976 17 98 14. Approval Reader/Printer bid from Eastman Kodak 05 l7 1976 17 125 15. Discussion retrieval system in Reg. of Deeds office 06 )7 1976 17 135 16. Budget trans. - pay outstanding bills 06 ?1 1976 17 153 17. Bid for Reader/Printer 09 )7 1976 17 188 18. Budget trans. - to cover Maint. contract 10 l8 1976 17 221 19. Approve typewriter - Antirecessionary funds 04 18 1977 18 20 20. Discontinue Excise Stamp Form 05 02 1977 18 28 21. Increase price of map copies 05 02 1977 18 28 22. Budget Trans. reimburse petty cash F? pay phone biil 06 06 1977 18 53 23. Approve bids on equipment 08 15 1977 18 88 24. Indexing contract-Cott Data Processing Co. 09 19 1977 18 104 25. Budget Transfer-typewriter 05 Ol 1978 18 202 26. Endorsement HB-1489-Increased fees 06 ?5 1978 18 218 27. Approval bid Reader/Printer Kodak 08 07 1978 18 259 28. Award of bid - Electronic Remittance Control Machine 09 18 1978 18 281 29. Demonstration Grant for Land Records System 10 02 1978 18 287 30. Letter frog? Mrs. LeRay re: Land Records System 12 18 1978 18 327 31. Approval of budget transfer - purchase binders O1 15 1979 18 344 32. Approval - additional retrieval station 09 04 1979 18 468 33. Award of bid - 2 microimage terminals 10 Ol 1979 18 487 34. Disc. with Reg. of Deeds pert, to her office Ol 07 1980 18 535 35. Additional position approved in Register of Deeds Office 04 08 1980 18 579 36. Register of Deeds - certification of Public Records 11 17 1980 18 702 37. Disposition of Old Re?ords - destruction of 03 16 1981 18 782 38. Discussion of bids received on Automatic Retrieval Machine for Register of Deeds 07 20 1981 18 890 39. Rejection of bids on microfilm equipment for Register of Deeds Office 08 03 1981 18 896 40. Award of Bid on Microfilm Retrieval Equipment 08 17 1981 18 903 41. Authorization for Disposal of Register of Deeds Equipment 08 17 1981 18 909 42. Discussion on Registry Hours 05 25 1982 19 77 43. Registry Hours 06 07 1982 19 80 44. Denial of Request for Contribution for Register of Deeds Convention 06 07 1982 19 88 45. Cott Corporation Lease - Register of Deeds 08 Ol 1982 19 125 46. Authoriza?ion for Execution of Records Retention and Disposition Schedules 08 16 1982 19 139 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover Count?, N. C. , MU JE T?GISTER OF DEEDS i ne?. u. s. q??? Counry Indesea Since 1888 ? To IoCOt? nam?s? op?n af COTT A$ TA? INpEX r?r OFFICE ??E?:(,4? An ldentifYinB Trade Mark fURNAME (NITIAL TAS MADE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY. COLUMBUS. OHIO SOLD ?Y OINEN i. pUNN, NEN ?ERN, NORTB GROLINA F: NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS DATE MINUTE BOOK ;? Month Day Year Vol. Page .+ 12 20 1982 19 205 l:, Certification of Registar of Deeds Consolidated index INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES -- New Hanover County, N. C. _ MU JECT RESCUE SQUADS ` aea. u. s. /?1? County Inclezea Since 1888 ? Te IotOM nanl?f? op?p Ot COTT A-2 TA{ INCEX PAT OFFICE C????G.4?s ?n IdentifYins Trade Mark fURNAME INITIAL TAY MADE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS. OHIO SOLD tT OWEN i. YUNN, NEw tERN, NORTH GROLINA NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS DATE MINUTE BOOK Month Day Year Vol. Page l. Franchise-Ogden Rescue Squad 2. Request for financial aid - Ogden Rescue Squad 3, Maintenance of Vehicles 4. Request from Ogden Rescue Squad for letter of interest for funds 5. Request from New Hanover Rescue Squad for assistance in obtaining special use permit 6• Funding for ambulance service 7. Contract with New Hanover Rescue Squad for furnishing elay for cover at landfill 8. Contract with New Hanover Volunteer Rescue Squad for clay cover material g' Approval of Funding for ? Vo2c?nteer Rescue Squac3 to expan.d facilities 10. Agreement with New Hanover Volunteer Rescue Squad 11. Budget Amendment - Carolina Beach/Pleasure Island Rescue Squad 12. Proclamation - Rescue Squad Appreciation Week 12 04 1967 14 121 03 06 1967 14 34 11 ?0 1978 18 305 04 17 1979 18 391 11 19 1979 18 514 Ol 10 1980 18 566 OS J4 1980 18 645 08 18 1980 18 653 03 02 1981 18 777 03 16 1981 18 786 05 03 1982 19 64 05 17 1982 19 72 IND EX TO COMMISSIOI?ERS MINUTES N H ? C N C ew anover ount y, -- . . , MATTERT RESOLUTION a aEC. u. s. ?Q ???q???? Couney [nde:ea Since 1888 ? 10 loeate names, open af Ce!/"/t?g-? An Idtntifying Trade Mark SURNAME INITIAL TAB ?DE BY THE v?r oFVice CrCc COTT A•Z TAB INDEX COTT INDEJf COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO ,? . SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BE .? RN, NORTH CAROLINA .. ?s NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS DATE MINUTE BOOK Month Day Year Vol. Page 1. Resolution adopted on paving Keaton Avenue. 10 15 1929 9 1 2. Resolution adopted on easement deed for Atlantic Coast Line. 10 22 1929 9 3 3. Resolution adopted on separating taxpayers on taxbooks. 10 22 1929 9 3 4. Resolution adopted on license tax. 10 22 1929 9 3 5. Resolution adopted on continuing ferry operations. 11 12 1929 9 6 6. Resolution adopted on advertising notes. 11 12 1929 9 7' 7. Resolution adopted on school bonds. 11 20 1929 9 9 8. Resolution adopted on school bonds. 11 19 1929 9 8 9. Resolution adopted on paving Keaton Avenue. 12 24 1929 9 14 10. Resolution adopted on school bond hearing. 03 03 1930 9 28 11. Resolution adopted on conference for Wrightsville causeway. 04 O1 1930 9 32 12. Resolution adopted on Tax reduction. 04 O1 1930 9 33 13. Resolution adopted on bond issue. 04 O1 1930 9 33 14. Resolution passed o n bids for school bond. 04 15 1930 9 38 15. Resolution adopted on bond issue. 04 29 1930 9 40 16. Resolution adopted on taxes received from auditor. 05 05 1930 9 41 17. Resolution adopted on license tax. 06 17 1930 9 45 18. Resolution requeste d on Road fund and surfacing treatment. 06 17 1930 9 46 19. Resolution adopted on Williams Ave. parking complaints. 07 07 1930 9 48 20. Resolution adopted on 1930-31 budget. 07 07 1930 9 48 21. Resolution adopted on personnel and material for county. 08 07 1930 9 52 22. Resolution adopted on appropriations. 08 12 1930 9 53 23. Resolution adopted on appropriations. 08 12 1930 9 54 24. Resolution adopted on release of bond. 10 28 1930 9 73 25. Resolution presented on electing W. H. Varum of Brunswick County to Ferry Commission. 12 09 1930 9 80 26. Resolution adopted on Sheriff and tax collector retirement. 12 09 1930 9 80 27. Resolution adopted on extending Route 20. 12 16 1930 9 83 28. Resolution adopted releasing NC Bank F? Trust Co., and National Surety Co. from bond liability. 12 30 1930 9 85 29. Resolution adopted on extending Route 20. Ol 05 1931 9 85 30. Resolution adopted on surfacing Carolina Beach Avenue. 03 0? 1931 9 97 31. Resolution adopted on Ft. Fisher erosion. 03 16 1931 9 98 32. Resolution adopted on banking skating on public bonds. 03 23 1931 9 99 33. Resolution amended on Ft. Fisher Erosion. 04 27 1931 9 104 34. Resolutianadopted on Cape Fear Council and pmerican Legion activities to raise funds. 05 04 1931 9 107 35. Resalution adopted, amended on authorizing Clerk Superior Court to employ extra help. 05 12 1931 9 109 36. Resolution adopted at May 12 meeting which amended resolution a dopted at April 7 meeting on authority 05 18 1931 9 109 ?of Clerk Superior Clerk to employ extra help and designating funds for that help's salary, rescinded and adopted; extra clerk's salary to be paid from accumulated fees or profits for fiscal year. 37. Resolutior? offered, adopted request by property owners to hardsurface Hamlet Ave. and Cape Fear St. 06 O1 1931 9 110 38. Ft. Fisher Beach Erosion: cF. "Fort Fisher" 06 08 1931 9 112 39. Resolution offered relative to special term of Superior Court for trial of cases pending on Home Saving 06 22 1931 9 114 Bank sit uation, as requested by attorney. 40. Resolution received from Rotary Club and Chamber of Commerce on reduction of County's 1931-32 budget. 06 29 1931 9 115 41. Resolution adopted on Workmen Compensation. 06 29 1931 9 116 42. Resolution adopted on hard surfacing of Hamlet Ave. and Cape Fear St. 07 20 1931 9 118 43. Resolution adopted concerning action against Atrus Cook and wife, as held in obeyance until Dec. 1. 08 17 1931 9 123 N C INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS M?NUTES - New Hanover Count? MAT ER RESOLUTION , . . _ : ` nec. u. s. ,qJ,_ Covnty Indexea Since 1888 To loeate names, open at COTT A-Z TAB INDEX PAT OFFICE ?n.??CA?-? An ldentiEyin6 Trade Mark ? SURNAME INITIAL TAB INADE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTN CAROLINA DATE MINUTE BOOK - NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS Month Day Year Vol. I Page 1. Resolution adopted concerning new list of deposit as referred in May 17, 1927 meeting. 08 24 1931 9 124 2. Resolution adopted to fix 1931 county and school tax rates. 08 26 1931 9 125 3. Resolution adopted on state highway commission to include highways in system of state highways. 09 31 1931 9 126 4. Resolution offered, adopted concerning schedule of county expenses ending June 30, 1932. 10 05 1931 9 131 5. Resolution adopted on unpaid taxes due by Seaboard Airline Railway. 11 23 1931 9 138 6. Resolution adopted concerning collection of taxes as proposed by W. H. Banck. 11 30 1931 9 139 7. Committee appointed to confer with Banck on proposition on funds, as mentioned in resolution. 12 07 1931 9 141 8. Resolution presented adopted and W. H. Banck submitted proposition. 12 07 1931 9 142 9. Resolution adopted concerning Governor calling special term of Superior Ct. in pending suit case. 12 14 1931 9 143 10. Resolution offered but failed to be seconded. 02 Ol 1932 9 150 11. Resolution adopted on surrender of surety bond. 02 O1 1932 9 150 12. Resolution adopted on changing congested location of Route 40 through Carolina Beach by extending 04 04 1932 9 159 highway over Lake Park Blvd. 13., Resolution adopted on state highway commission include public highway at Carolina Beach Northern Extensi on 04 11 1932 9 160 in takeover. 14, Resolution_adopted on appropriation budget. 08 15 1932 9 176 15, Resolution adopted and sent to Board of Equalization at Raleigh on school budget. 09 15 1932 9 181 16. Resolution received from NC Building and Loan League opposing tax rate and clerk to reply to them. 09 26 1932 9 182 17. Resolution adopted concerning Federal Funds for relief. 10 24 1932 9 187 18. Resolution adopted at Jan. 13 meeting, authorizing committee of Chairman, Auditor, attorney to acquire 11 21 1932 9 191 more federal or state bonds from depositories to secure funds deposited. 19. Resolution concerning Carolina Beach property owned by W. W. Walsh and Co. presented for adoption Ol 30 1933 9 201 read and referred to chairman. 20. Resolution adopted on lack of county funds to Supplement Federal Relief allotment. 02 20 1932 9 207 21. Resolution adopted concerning matter that 10% cut of Clerk Superior Court salary is illegal and Clerk 04 10 1932 9 215 refuses to grant it. 22. Resolution adopted on President Roosevelt Reforestation program. 04 07 1933 9 215 23. Resolution reQuesting representatives to amend Section 7 and 10 of Salary Act on Sheriff's auto allow- 04 17 1933 9 216 ance and Deputy Clerk on stenographer compensation adopted by commissioners. 24. On question of right to collect Schedule "B" taxes, Resolution passed giving Sheriff, not tax collector, 04 28 1932 9 218 the right. 25. Resolution, prepared by auditor, adopted on officer's salaries and transfer of funds. 06 02 1933 9 224 26. Resolution adopted concerning license tax levy for 1933-34 and 1934-35 on all trades, professions, 06 19 1933 9 227 businesses, etc. as passed in General Assembly 1933, except some businesses. 27. Resolution preses?ted, adopted on Board of Education request far election. 07 19 1933 9 232 28. Resolution adopted to amend Article 3 Salary Act by inserting "Clerk" after "solicitor in Article 2 of 08 14 1933 9 239 first line, and last line after "court", add "provided" there should be profit from said court..." 29. Resolution adopted, fixing 1933 tax rate. 08 28 1933 9 246 30. Resolution adopted on General fund approprriations for June 30, 1934. 09 05 1933 9 248 31. Resolution endorsed on roads for exchange clubs. 10 09 1933 9 253 32. Itesolution received on employment on tax collector. 10 16 1933 9 254 33. Resolution adopted on Federal vocational funds. 10 16 ]933 9 255 34. Resolution adopted on Schedule B taxes. 10 30 1933 9 256 35. Resolution adopted on e?tra he?p for Clerk Recorder Court, E. H. Davis recommended. 11 06 1933 9 257 36. Resolution not adopted on farm census. 02 05 1934 9 270 37. Resolution received from 8-month school term from NC Home Demonstrations. 07 02 1934 9 290 INDE? TO COMMISSIOI?ERS MINUTE? - New Hanover Count? N C RESOLUTION _ y, . . MATTER• ` n PA ec. u. :. T OFFICE ? '? ?K o- ?f? County Indezea Since 1888 ?+ ?.a-? Yo loeate names, open at ?c? An Identifying Trade Mark ??S SURNAME INITIAL TAB COTT A•2 TAB INDEX MADE BY THE COiT lNDE% COIHPANY, COlUM8U5, OHIO , SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BE RN, NORTH CAROLINA NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS DATE MINUi E BOOK Month Day Year Voi. Page 1. Resolution adopted on 1934-35 budget. 08 06 1934 9 296 2. Resolution adopted on tax rate. 08 09 1934 9 298 3. Resolution adopted on funds in bank without securities. 08 I3 1934 9 298 4. Resolution adopted on 1933 Back-tax interest rates. 10 15 1934 9 306 5. Resolution adopted on completing courthouse work. 10 22 1934 9 307 6. Resolution adopted on FERA at Associated Charities. O1 07 1935 9 317 7. Resolution adopted on insurance policy distribution. 02 18 1935 9 325 8. Resolution adopted on Special term for Superior Court. 03 25 1935 9 331 9. Resolution adopted on additions to budget. 04 08 1935 9 333 10. Resolution au?opted on levying 1935-36 and 1936-37 taxes. 05 20 1935 9 342 11. Reeolution adopted on levying taxes to aid Wilmington ports. 05 27 1935 9 343 12. Resolution adopted on levy taxes to aid Greenfield Parks and lakes, 05 27 1935 9 343 13. Resolution adopted fix ing tax rates on taxable propertp?, 08 02 1935 9 372 14. Resolution adopted on 1935-36 Budget. 08 26 1935 9 376 15. Resolution offered on getting Federal grant for Ft. Fisher erosion. 08 29 1935 9 378 16. Resolution adopted on for highways along Kenwood Ave. 09 23 1935 9 381 17. Resolution adopted on Special texm of Superior Court for criminal cases. 11 04 1935 9 389 18. Resolution adopted on getting WPA funds for recreation Park. 11 I3 1935 9 391 19. Resolution adopted on getting WPA funds for budget work. 11 12 I935 9 390 20. Resolution adopted Feb. 24, Mr. Caldwell said, would not pass. 02 26 1936 9 410 21. Resolution adopted Feb. 24 shall stand. 02 26 1936 9 410 22. Resolution adopted on special term of Court. 03 23 1936 9 415 23. Resolution adopted on Board of edu¢ation election. 04 08 1936 9 418 24. Resolution received from insurance company. 04 20 1936 9 422 25. Resolution adopted on Armory issue. 05 04 1936 9 425 26. Resolution adopted on grant application. 06 22 1936 9 437 27. Resolution adopted on fixing tax rates. 07 20 1936 9 442 28. Resolution adopted on 1936-37 Budget. 08 10 1936 9 446 29. Resolution considered on cancelling American Legior? lease on Recr eation center. 09 18 1936 9 452 30. Resolution adopted on lease. 09 18 1936 9 452 31. Resolution adopted on WPA work on Recreation Center continued. 09 21 1936 9 453 32. Resolution adopted on continuing WPA work. 09 21 1936 9 453 33. Resolition of WPA, adopted, referred for state meeting. 09 28 1936 9 454 34. Recess taken for resol ution for WPA at Raleigh. 09 28 1936 9 454 35. Resolution adopted on Raleigh meeting. 10 02 I936 9 454 36. Resolution adopted on Community Hospital aid. 12 09 1936 9 469 37. Resolution adopted on Special term of Court. O1 18 1937 9 475 38. Resolution adopted on liquor control. O1 25 1937 9 477 39. Resolution adopted on Special term of court. 03 15 1937 9 485 ?- 40. R esolution adopted on property easement. 03 29 1937 9 488 41. Resolution adopted by Board of Education. 03 29 1937 9 488 42.?, Resolution adopted on School bond issue. 04 19 1937 9 493 43, Resolution introduced on School bond issue. 05 03 1937 9 496 44. Resolution introduced on School bond issue. 05 03 1937 9 496 45. Resolution introduced on Schdule B Taxes. 05 10 1937 9 498 46. Resolution introduced on School Bond. 06 07 1937 9 505 INDE N X TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES H C N C ounty, - ew anover . . _ MATT RT RESOLUTION a eec. u. s. County Indezea Since 1888 ? YO IOCat9 nam85? open Ci r?T OFFICE C,?i?? An ldentifying Trade Mark SURNAME INITIAI TAB COTi A-2 TAB INDEX MADE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COIUMBUS, OHIO . SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BE RN, NORT H CAROLINA NAiURE OF PROCEEDINGS DATE MINUiE BOOK Month I Day I Year Vol. I Page l. Resolution introduced on School improvement bond. 07 06 1937 9 519 2. Resolution introduced on School improvement bond. 07 06 1937 9 520 3. Resolution introduced on School improvement bond. 07 19 1937 9 522 4. Resolution introduced on School improvement bond. 07 19 1937 9 522 5. Resolution introduced on County home bond. 07 26 1937 9 525 6. Resolution introduced on Tax rates. 08 09 1937 9 530 7. Resolution introduced on Col. Walker Taylor death. 08 16 1937 9 532 8. Resolution adopted on School Bond. 08 16 1937 9 533 9. Resolution adopted on Col. Taylor's death. 08 23 1937 9 535 10. Resolution adopted on Bulluck Hospital. 08 30 1937 9 536 11. Resolution adopted on 1937-38 Budget. 08 30 1937 9 537 12. Resolution adopted on Regular Superior Court term. 10 04 1937 9 543 13. Resolution adopted by Board of Education. 10 11 1937 9 544 14. Resolution adopted on Roads. O1 03 1938 9 561 15. Resolution adopted on Carolina Beach road reauests. 03 21 1938 9 573 16. Resolution offered on Cape Feax River survey. 05 31 1938 9 588 17, Resolution forwarded to Representatives. 05 31 1938 9 588 18. Resolution adopted on Ministerial Association against Prostitution. 07 27 1938 9 594 19, Resolution adopted on Welfare Bond. 07 05 1938 9 595 20. Resolution adopted on Welfare Bond. 07 05 1938 9 595 21. Resolution adopted and published in Wilmington Star. 07 05 1938 9 596 22. Resolution adopted on school bond. 07 05 1938 9 596 23. Resolution adopted and published in Wilmington Star. 07 05 1938 9 596 24. Resolution adopted on transferring road bond to School Bond fund. 07 05 1938 9 598 25. Resolution adopted on Bond order. 07 18 1938 9 601 26. Resolution adopted on school bonds. 07 25 1938 9 602 27. Resolution adopted on construction of Carolina Beach and Peabody schools. 08 Ol 1938 9 602-A 28. Resolution adopted on General Assembly session. 08 02 1938 9 605 29. Resolution authorized substitution on WPA application. 08 02 1938 9 605 30. Resolution authorized on tax rates. 08 03 1938 9 606 31. Resolution authorized on securing bond for welfare. 08 22 1938 9 611 32. Resolution received no action on highway claims. 08 22 1938 9 612 33. Resolution adopted on 1938-39 budget appropriations. 08 29 1938 10 1 34. Resolution adopted on fileing of Community Hospital bids. 08 29 1938 10 4 35. Resolution ta he adopted on NiPA funds for Wilmington Port Commission. 08 29 1938 10 4 36. Resolution to be adopted on bidding requirements. 08 29 1938 10 6 37. Resolution to be signed on application for WPA funds. 08 31 1938 10 7 38. Resolution to be adopted on funds for Tenne-Sea Trial. 09 06 1938 10 7 39. Resolution proposed on construction of school bulding. 09 12 1938 10 8 40. Resolution adopted on WPA grant for WPC. 09 19 1938 10 11 41. Resolution adopted on and JEL Wade wired on WPA grant. 09 19 1938 10 11 42. Resolution adopted on contract with city. 09 22 1938 10 12 43. Resolution adopted on School bond. 10 17 1938 10 17 44. Resolution postponed on releasing claim for funds reimbursement. 10 24 1938 10 20 45. Resolution adopted on sale of fireworks. 10 24 1938 10 21 46. Resolution prepared on releasing disbursement funds. 10 24 1938 10 21 IND E? TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES N H C t N C ew a?over -- oun y, . . _ MATTERT RESOLUT ION _ rt[c. u. s. County Indezea Since 188$ ? Yo locate names, open at r?t oFi1CE ???l?o-?'. An Identifying Trade Mark SURNAME INITIAL TAB MADE BY THE CO T INDEX COMPANYXCOLUMBIIS, OHIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BE RN, NORTH CAROLINA NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS DATE MINUTEBOOK Month Day Year Vol. Page l. Resolution adopted on School Bond. 11 07 1938 10 22 2. Resolution aiopted on death of H. R. Gardner's wife. 11 21 1938 10 23 3. Resolution adopted on Superior Court case. 11 28 1938 10 25 4. Resolution adopted on taxes, interest rates. 12 28 1938 10 29 5. Resolution adopted on mail delivery along Gordon Road. 12 28 1938 10 30 6. Resolution adopted on mail route along Gordon Road. O1 03 1939 10 31 7. Resolution adopted on reviewing NE River report. 02 06 1939 10 38 8. Resolution rescinded adjustment referred on T. H. Wright land title. 02 06 1939 10 39 Guard 9. Resolution adopted for Coast/Station at Wrightsville Beach. 02 13 1939 ID 4D 10. Resolution adopted on appropriations to Board of Health. 02 27 1939 10 43 11. Resolution adopted on extending improvements to Carolina Beach Road. 04 10 1939 10 49 12. Resolution received on constructing school building. 09 25 1939 10 84 13. Resolution aiopted on fireworks in County. 11 20 1939 10 95 14. Resolution adopted on improving services to beaches• 02 05 1940 10 109 ? 15. Resolution a3opted on school bond issue. 02 12 1940 10 110 16. Resolution adopted on County Home bond issue. Q2 12 1940 10 111 17. Resolution passed on County Home bond issue. 02 12 1940 10 111 18. Resolution passed on School bond issue. 02 12 1940 10 111 19. Resolution introduced on school bond. 02 26 1940 10 113 20. Resolution introduced on County Home bond. 02 26 1940 10 114 21. Resolution adopted on County home bond. 02 26 1940 10 114 22. Resolution introduced on School bond. 02 26 1940 10 114 23. Resolution adopted on school bond . 02 26 1940 10 115 24. Resolution adopted on funds for improving airport. 05 06 1940 10 124 25. Resolution adopted on funds for improving airport. 05 13 1940 10 125 26. Resolution adopted on Dependent Children funds. 05 13 1940 10 127 27. Resolution adopted on-?aining men for National Defense. 06 03 1940 10 130 28. Resolution adopted on appointments to aerial Club. 06 24 1940 10 133 29. Resolution adopted on airport ynprovements. 06 24 1940 10 134 30. Resolution adopted on Federal commodities agreement. 07 02 1940 10 136 31. Resolution adopted on fixing tax rate on property. 07 23 1940 10 143 32. Resolution adopted on special conference with army. 08 12 1940 10 147 33. Resolution adopted on military use of airport. 08 12 1940 10 147 34. Resolutionadopted on 1940-41 Budget. 08 19 1940 10 148 35. Resolution adopted for recorder to release checks. 09 03 1940 10 152 36. Resolution amended on name of surplus commodity marketing. 09 16 1940 10 154 37. REsolution adopted on correcting minutes on repairs to Nigger Head Road. 11 18 1940 10 163 38. REselution made on appointing officials to positions. 12 02 1940 10 167 39. Resolution amended on widening Lumina Avenue. 12 16 1940 10 169 40. Resolution adopted on surfacing airport runway. 12 16 1940 10 170 41. Resolution adopted on massive number of cases up for Superior Court. O1 13 1941 10 174 42. Resolution adopted on raising expenses for activities, etc. 02 10 1941 10 180 43. Resolution prepared on janitor's salaries in schools. 02 17 1941 10 182 44. Resolution discussed on elected officers salaries. 02 24 1941 10 183 45. Resolution adopted on Legion Fields. 03 03 1941 10 185 46. Resolution prepared on Soldiers Hut. 03 24 1941 10 190 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover Count N C T RESOLUTION ?, . . , MATTER ` aec. u. s. County Indezee Since 1888 ?i ?+.}--• 70 loeate names, open af COTT A•i TAB INDEX ??r OFfICE ?l?,s-?., An ldentifying Trade Marlc ??? SURNAME INITIAL iA6 MADE BY TNE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH GROLINA NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS DATE MINUTE BOOK Month I Day I Yea? Vol. I Page l. Resolution declined on Schedule B License. 04 07 1941 10 192 2. Resolution adopted on Board of Education election. 04 28 1941 10 195 3, Resolution adopted to call election. 04 28 1941 10 196 4. Resolution adopted by American Legion and County on soldier's hut. 05 05 1941 10 198 5. Resolution adopted on School building bond. 05 12 1941 10 201 6. Resolution approved on School building bond. 05 12 1941 10 202 7. Resolution adopted on Criminal trials in Superior Court. 05 19 1941 10 202 8. Resolution passed on May 19 order. 06 02 1941 10 205 9. REsolution passed on School buildi?g bond. 06 02 1941 10 206 10. Resolution declined on application for Atlantic Greyhound line from Wilmington to Clinton. 06 09 1941 10 209 11. Resolution declined support of Commissioners for Queen City Coach line grant. 06 23 1941 10 210 12. Resolution introduced on Canvassing election returns. 07 17 1941 10 215 13. Resolution ?iopted on canvassing election returns. 07 17 1941 10 216 14. Resolution introduced on publication of election bond. 07 17 1941 10 216 15. Resolution adopted on publication of election bond. 07 17 1941 10 216 16. Resolution carried on recreation building for each race. 07 17 1941 10 216 17. Resolution read on school building bond. 07 28 1941 10 219 18. Resolution adopted on fixing tax rate. 08 14 1941 10 224 19. Resolution adopted on 1941-42 budget. 09 08 1941 10 227 20. Resolution adopted on tax collection money. 09 08 1941 10 228 21. Resolution adopted on construction recreation centers. 10 13 1941 10 234 22. Resolution adopted on placing city council under City Government. 10 27 1941 10 237 23. Resolution and petition referred in October 19 meeting at Great Hall of St. James Church. 11 03 1941 10 239 24. Resolution passed at meeting on industrial property for National Defense. 12 29 1941 10 247 25. Resolution adopted on annual form census. O1 05 1942 10 248 26. Resolution adopted on military useage of airport. Ol 05 1942 10 248 27. Resolution adopted on airport agreement on use of airport. O1 26 1942 10 255 28. Resolution a3opted on numerous Criminal Case of Superior Court. 02 09 1942 10 257 29. Resolution adopted on shortage of J. Walker Hospital facilities. 03 09 1942 10 261 30. Resolution adopted on utilities rates of Tide Water Power Company. 04 20 1942 10 267 31. Resolution adopted on increasing Sanitarium budget funds. 04 20 1942 10 268 32. Resolution adopted on increasing Sanitarium budget funds. 04 27 1942 10 269 33. Resolution prepared on AAA hiring and duties. 06 O1 1942 10 275 34. Resolution considered on investigating audits of Tide Water Power Co. 06 29 1942 10 279 35. Resolution adopted on criminal cases in Superior Court. 07 06 1942 ]0 281 36. Resolution reply received NC Utilities Commission on Tide Water. 07 20 1942 10 283 37. Resolution authorized on Tide Water for Utilities Commission. 07 23 1942 10 283 38. Resolution adopted, fixing tax rates. 08 10 1942 10 286 39. Resolution adopted on purchasing Sheriff cars. 08 17 1942 10 287 40, Resolution adopted on surveying Cape Fear-Masonboro land. 08 17 1942 10 288 41. Resolution adopted on 1942-43 budget appropriations. 08 31 1942 10 290 42. Resolution adopted on leasing County land to federal government. 09 21 1942 10 293 43. Resolution adopted on use of airport by War Department. 10 12 1942 10 296 44. Resolution not requested from Governor by Utilities Commission on Tide Water Power rates. 11 02 1942 10 300 45. Resolution adopted on maps relocation of county roads. 11 06 1942 10 302 46. Resolution?assed on leasing of County land to federal government. 11 06 1942 10 302 N C INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES -- New Hanover Count? RESOI,UTION MATTER iI , . . , : ` ncc. u. s. Counry Indezee Since 1888 To loeate names, open at ? ? (OTT A-Z TAB INDEX MADE YY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, C04UMBU5, OHIO r?T SURNAME INITIAL TAB i?? An ldentifying Trade Marlc OFFICE C, SOLU BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORT H GROLINA DATE MINUT EBOOK NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS Month I Day Year Vol. Page 1. Resolution offered on Mayor Bellamy resignation to enter military. 11 30 1942 10 305 2. Resolution adopted on large number of criminal cases. Ol 18?- 1943 10 313 3, Resolution adopted on Sanitarium land for hospital. 03 08 1943 10 319 4. Resolution foxwarded to NC Shipbuilding Co. 03 15 1943 10 321 5. Resolution adopted on extablishing firing range. 03 29 1943 10 322 6. Resolution adopted on US agreement on airport. 04 05 1943 10 323 7. Resolution request on Real Estate Board referred to committee. 04 19 1943 10 326 8. Resolution postponed on Schedule B taXes. 05 17 1943 10 331 9. Resolution from Wilmington Baptist Association presented on sale of wines. 06 10 1943 10 332 10. Resolution adopted to replace servicemen from poll taxes. 06 07 1943 10 334 11. Resolution received from 5th Ave. Methodists on beverages. 07 06 1943 10 338 12. Resolution received ?rom Methodists on ban of Alcoholic beverages. 07 06 1943 10 338 13. Resolution adopted on numerous criminal cases in Superior Court. 07 19 1943 10 340 14. Resolition adopted on fixing tax rate. 07 26 1943 10 342 15. Resolution adopted on 1943-44 budget. . 08 16 1943 10 345 16. Resolution adopted on numerous criminal cases in Superior Court. 12 06 1943 10 360 17. Resolution presented on extending channel from waterway. 12 13 1943 10 361 18. Resolution adopted, approving official county road map. Ol 17 1944 10 364 19. Resolution adopted, establishing Capital Reserve Funds. Ol 24 1944 10 365 20. Resolution of January 24 rescinded. Ol 17 1944 10 366 21. Resolution introduced on Capital Reserve Funds. Ol 17 1944 10 366 22. Resolution adopted on returning Seamans Friends Society lease. O1 31 1944 10 367 23. Resolution introduced, authorizing withdrawal of Capt. Reserve Funds. 02 16 1944 10 369 24. Resolution prepared, calling election on Reserve fund for Sanitorium, but no action taken. 02 21 1944 10 371 25. Resolution authorized on serviceman reinstate to county jobs. 03 20 1944 10 375 26. Resolution acknowledged from Medical Association endorsing Sanitarium. 03 20 1944 10 376 27. Resolution adopted, giving tribute to memory of May? B. B. Car?eron. 07 24 1944 10 396 28. Resolution adopted fixing tax rate. 07 27 1944 10 397 29. Resolution adopted to purchase U. S. Certificates for Reserve funds, 08 24 1944 10 399 30. Resolution adopted on Government using airport 08 21 1944 10 401 31. Resolution adopted on 1944-45 budget. 08 21 1944 10 401 32. Resolution adopted on ordering judge to hold Superior Court. 08 28 1944 10 402 33. Resolution, authorizing withdrawal of Capital Reserve Funds. 09 05 1944 10 403 34. Resolution adopted thanking 0. H. Shoemaker for Ratoning Board servides. 09 18 1944 10 405 35. Resolution adopted to relieve Tax Supervisor from Farm Censeus. 12 04 1944 10 417 36. Resolution adopted to give county 50% of ABC profits referred to committee. 11 27 1944 10 416 37. Resolution introduced on withdrawal from Capital Reserve funds. 12 18 1944 10 419 38. Resolution from Iredell County on road funds taken under consideration. O1 08 1945 10 422 39. Resolution adopted for Special term of Superior Court. O1 22 1945 10 423 40. Resolution adopted with Railroad Co. on land grant. 02 15 1945 10 425 41. Resolution adopted on conditions of Railroad agreement. 02 05 1945 10 426 42. Resolution adopted to appoint R. B. Page to WPC. 04 09 1945 10 434 43. Resolution adopted on death of President Roosevelt. 04 16 1945 10 435 44. Resolution received on election on tax levy. 04 23 1945 10 437 45. Resolution received on appointing Hargrove Bellamy or W. G. BrQadfoot to WPC. 05 21 1945 10 441 46. Resolution adopted on request for Special Term of Court. 06 18 1945 10 446 N C INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Ha?over Count? MATT RT RESOLUTION , . . , ` xec. u, s. ?Q ?? County lnde:e? Since 1888 Yo locafe names, open at r?r OFFICE C?L'c6a//"/? An Identifying Trade Maric ? SURNAME IlIITIAL TAB COTT A-Z TAB INDEX MIADE BY THE C?TT INOEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOL? BY OWEN 6. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA DATE MINUTE BOOK NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS Month I Dny ? Year Vol. I Page 1. Resolution adopted on executing agreement with U. S. Government. 06 27 1945 10 447 2. Resolution adopted, calling Board of Education to rearrange its schedule. 06 27 1945 10 447 3. Resolution adopted fixing tax rate on property. 07 23 1945 10 451 4. Resolution adopted on 1945-46 budget. 08 20 1945 10 454' 5. Resolution received from Bar Association on civil term of court. 08 27 1945 10 456 6. Resolution adopted on daily deposit by tax collector. 10 08 1945 10 4b1 7. Resolution from American Legion on military Hospital at Ft. Fisher. 10 15 1945 10 462 8. Resolution corrected on repairing Legion Fields. 10 29 1945 10 464 9. Resolution authorized requesting action on service application of National Airlines, ?0 29 I94? I0, 464 10. Resolution adopted with federal government on airport lease. 11 26 1945 10 468 11. Resolution adopted on 1945-46 budget. 02 18 1946 10 481 12. Resolution acknowledged from Ministerial Association. 02 25 1946 10 483 13. Resolution adopted on leasing airport to U. S. Government. 04 O1 1946 10 488 14. Resolution adopted on building community Hospital. 04 08 1946 10 491 15. Resolution adopted on re-election of Congressman 3. B. Clark. 04 15 1946 10 493 16. Resolution adopted on limited parking on courthouse lot. 07 15 1946 10 505 ? 17. Resolution adopted on fixing 1946 tax rate. 08 O1 19 6 10, 508 , 18, Resolution adopted on 1946-47 budget appropriations. 08 26 1946 10 512 19. Resolution adopted on constructing Garner Manufacturing Corp. 10 21 194b 10 521 20. Resolution adopted on Special Term of Superior Court. 12 30 1946 10 532 21. Resolution filed on Rotary Club request for Juniar College. Ol 06 1947 10 533 . 22. Resolution presented on election for Junior College. O1 20 1947 10 535 23. Resolution adopted on Carolina Trailways routes. Ol 20 1947 10 535 24. Resolution adopted on Carolina Trailways routes. O1 20 1947 10 536 25. Resolution adopted on appointment of A. W. Allen as corner. 02 03 1947 10 538 26. Resolution adopted on establishing Junior College. 02 10 1947 10 539 27. Resolution adopted on establishing Redcross Sanitarium. 02 10 1947 10 539 28. Resolution adopted on Carolina Beach request to substitute Canal Drive for Carolina Beach Ave. on road list.03 10 1947 10 548 29. Resolution adopted on transferralof airport property. 03 10 1947 10 549 30. Resolution adopted on Air coordinating committee considering air routes. 03 17 1947 10 550 31. Resolution adopted on regular term of Superior Court. 03 24 1947 10 551 32. Resolution introduced on election for Junior College, Capital Reserve, special tax. 03 27 1947 10 552 33. Resolution adopted on canvassing election results. 03 27 1947 10 555 34. Resolution adopted expressing sympathy for Sheriff C. D. Jones, deceased. 04 14 1947 10 559 35. Resolution adopted on moving state patrol headquarters to County. 07 Z1 1947 10 576 36. Resolution adopted on departure of Col. B. C. Snow, corp. of engineers. 07 21 1947 10 576 37. Resolution adopted on resignation of W. D. McCraig, Community Hospital Bd, of Managers. 08 11 1947 10 579 38. Resolution adopted on death of T. C. Ellers, auditor's clerk. 08 18 1947 10 580 39. Resolution alopted on 1947-48 Budget appropriations. 08 25 1947 10 581 40. Resolution adopted on Special term of 5uperior Court. 08 25 1947 10 582 41. Resolution adopted on death of Rev. Andrew J. Howell, Historic commission. 10 13 1947 10 589 42. REsolution adopted on hardsurfacing Fourth and Spartanburg Aves. at Carolina Beach. 11 03 1947 10 592 43. Resolution adopted on Navy-County airport agreement. 12 15 1947 11 6 44. Resolution adopted by VFW on admission charges for Legion Stadium events. Ol 12 1948 11 9 45. Resolution received and report authorized on charges for Legion Stadium events. Ol 19 1948 1l 9 46. Resolution adopted on death of Josephus Daniels, Statesman and editor. Ol 19 1948 11 10 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES --- New Hanover Count RESOZUTION N C ? `" ?, . . _ MATTER: nea. u. s. r?r OFFICE County Indezea Since 1888 ? TO IOCa?f eamff. Opln Ot ?l?-{?-, An Identifying Trade Maric SURNAME INITIAL TAB MILtE BY THE COTT N EX fOMPANYX COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD Y7 OWEN C. DUNN, NEN 6ER11, NORTX GROLtNA DATE MINUTE BOOK NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS Month Day Year Vol. Page 1. Resolution received on Legion Stadium profit events. O1 26 1948 11 11 2. Resolution received and commercialize sports permitted at Stadium. Ol 26 1948 11 11 3. Resolution adopted on special terms of SC. 03 22 1948 11 18 4. Resolution prepared for deeping inland waterway at Wrightsville Beach. 03 29 1948 11 20 5. Resolution adopted on Hargrove Bellamy candidancy as Representative. 04 05 1948 11 20 6. Resolution received from Lions Club on classroom lighting. 06 O1 1948 11 30 7. Resolution received from civitan Club for T. B. Hospital investigation 06 07 1948 11 31 8. Resolution approved from Carolina Beach Alderman on take-over of Harper Ave. 06 14 1948 11 32 9. Resolution introduced by Rep. Hewlett on withdrawal of Capital Funds. 06 14 1948 11 32 10. Resolution adopted on tax rate. 08 04 1948 11 40 11. Resolution adopted on use of housing at Ma£fitt Village for VFW. 09 07 1948 11 44 12. Resolution of Dec. 13, 1943 adopted discussed. 09 13 1948 11 45 13. Resolution adopted on Nov. 2 election. 09 20 1948 11 46 14. Resolution adopted for easement over Bate Lumber Co. land. 10 11 1948 11 51 15. Resolution to add funds for erosion at Wrightsville Beach corrected in minutes. 11 08 1948 11 56 16. Resolution read on withdrawal of Capital Funds. 12 06 1948 11 61 17. Resolution received from Carolina Beach Alderman for membership in NHC Agricultrual & Breeders Assoc. 12 28 1948 11 64 18. Resolution authorized to lower speed limits on highways. 12 28 1948 11 64 19. Resolution adopted by Bar Assoc. to protect House Bill 293. 02 14 1949 11 73 20. Resolution adopted by National Security week for Reserve Officers Assoc. 02 14 1949 11 74 21. Resolution adopted on Merchant Marine drydock. 02 14 1949 11 74 22. Resolution adopted on Merchant Marine drydock. 02 21 1949 11 75 23. Resolution adopted by Winter Park Civic Club endorsing T. B. Hospital. 02 21 1949 11 76 24. Resolution acknowledged on Feb. 14 request for drydock. 02 28 1949 11 77 25. Resolution presented endorsing democratic committee of NHC. 02 28 1949 11 77 26. Resolution to be prepared for Gen. Assembly. 03 07 1949 11 78 27. Resolution wired to Senate and house finance committee on state levy. 03 07 1949 11 80 28. Resolution from Community Hospital trustees under consideration for fire insurance. 05 02 1949 11 89 ? 29. Resolution adopted on resignation of H. R. Gardner. 06 20 1949 11 100 30. Resolution adopted on special term of SC. 06 20 1 949 11 102 31. Resolution adopted on fixing tax rate. 07 25 1949 11 111 32. Resolution adopted on 1949-50 budget funds. 08 22 1949 11 115 33. Resolution adopted on state highway dept. repairing roads. 10 10 1949 11 126 34. Resolution adopted on proposed T. B. Hospital site. 12 12 1949 11 141 35. Resolution to be prepared on naming T. B. Hospital. Ol 16 1950 11 148 36. Resolution adopted on attach from newspapers. Ol 23 1950 11 151 37. Resolution from American Legion approved to hardsurface Old Stagecoach Road. 02 06 1950 11 153 38. Resolution request from U. S. Page taken under consideration on construction of Cape Fear River Bridge. 02 27 1950 11 159 39. Resolution discussed; no action taken on Baptist Council urge for action to be rescinded of Sunday Beer. 03 20 1950 11 165 40. Resolution postponed on issuing school bond. 03 27 1950 11 166 41. Resolution on March 27 meeting discussed with Board of Education. 04 03 1950 11 167 42. Resolution read on school bond issue. 04 03 1950 11 167 43. Resolution adopted for Board of Education. (? 04 03 1950 11 168 44. Resolution authorized withdrawal from Capital Funds. 04 03 1950 11 169 45. Resolution adopted on federal grant for airport. 04 03 1950 11 169 46. Resolution adopted on federal grant for airport. 04 07 1950 11 172 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover Count?, N. C. _ MATTER: RESOLUTION ` to loca*? nam?s, op?n af COTT A•i TA! INDEX aec. u. s. County Indexea Since 1888 ? MIILE Bll THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO e?r OFFICE ?.?i ?? An IdentiEyin6 Trade Mark SURNAME INITIAL TAB SOLO ?Y OWEN 0. YUNN, NEM tERN. NORTN GROLINA NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS DATE Month ? Day ? Year MINUTE BOOK Vol. ? Page 1. Resolution recommended to CAA on grant for airport. 04 11 1950 11 174 2. Resolution authorized on issuing school bond. 04 11 1950 11 175 3. Resolution from Winter Park Civic Club received on transferring county firetruck from Airport to Winter P1?. 04 24 1950 11 177 05 Ol 1950 11 183 4. Resolution adopted on airport contract. 5. Resolution adopted on school bond. 06 19 1950 11 190 6. Resolution adopted on special term of S.C. 07 10 1950 11 195 07 25 1950 11 199 7. Resolution adopted on tax rates. 8. Resolution adopted by VFW Post 2573 and American Legion Post 10 for Civil Defense Plan; committee named. 08 07 1950 11 201 9. Resolution adopted on county budgetary appropriations. 08 21 1950 ?? 203 10. Resolution approved to press efforts for 4 laner at beaches. 09 18 1950 11 209 11. Resolution adoption for truck lane received no action. 09 25 1950 11 211 12. Resolution to be prepared on state treasurer John Skinner, died in auto accident. 10 16 ]950 11 217 13. Resolution adopted on airport landing fees. 11 13 1950 11 222 14. Resolution adopted on services of Commissioners G.W. Trask. 11 20 1950 11 224 15. Resolution prepared to obtain Navy Drydock at Wilmington. 11 ?0 1950 11 224 16. Resolution prepared on finances for County depts. 11 ?7 1950 11 226 17. Resolution adopted on Mitchell's landing site for Cape Fear Bridge. 12 04 1950 11 227 18. Resolution to be drawn for family of late A. L. Meyland. 12 04 1950 11 228 19. Resolution adopted on tax rumor to state legislature. O1 08 195T 11 233 20. Resolution to be prepared on services of Dr. A. H. Elliot, health officer. O1 08 1951. 11 233 21., Resolution postponed on re-location of Nigger Head Road. 02 05 195? 11 239 22. Resolution adopted on re-location of Nigger Head Road. 02 12 1951? 11 240 23. Order introduced on withdrawal of Capital Reserve Funds. 02 19 1951 11 242 24. Resolution adopted, opposing federal taxation of bonds. 02 26 195?, 11 243 25. Resolution adopted on death of Sheriff F. Porter Davis. 03 05 1951,? 11 244 26. Resolution adopted on ABC gross receipts. 03 12 195?i 11 247 27. Resolution adopted on dredging in Snow's Cut. 03 12 1951: 11 247 28. Resolution received urging action on contamination in Myrtle Grove Sound. 04 02 1951 11 252 29. Resolution adopted on NHC housing area as critical. 04 09 1951 11 253 30. Resolution adopted on special term of court. 05 28 1951 11 262 31. Resolution received on Board of Education funds. 07 30 1951 11 274 32. Resolution approved on Bd. of Education funds. 07 30 1951 11 274 33. Resolution adopted on Bd. of Education funds. 07 30 1951 11 274 34. Resolution adopted for tax rate. 07 30 1951 11 275 35. Resolution adopted on agreement with Atlantic Coast Line RR. 08 06 1951 11 278 36. Resolution adopted on installing armed facilities in City. O8 13 1951 11 279 37. Resolution alopted on special term of S. C. 08 13 1951 11 280 3$. Resolution adopted on more public school facilities. 09 04 1951 11 285 .39. Resolution adopted on raising sum for school plant facilities. 09 04 1951 11 285 40. Resolution of city/county support armed services facilities, letter of thanks received. 09 04 1951 11 286 41. Letters of thanks received on joint resolution for armed service facilities. 09 17 1951 11 287 42. Rear Adm. G. B. Davis letter of thanks recieved on joint resolution supporting Armed Forces installations. 09 24 1951 11 289 43. Resolution adopted by aviation committee on signing lease with Navy. 10 22 1951 11 297 44. Resolution adopted on airport lease agreement. 10 22 1951 11 297 45. Resolution authorized on death of Hugh MacRae. 10 22 1951 11 297 46. Resolution aiopted on borrowing money for school bond. 11 05 1951 11 300 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES -- New Hanover Count? N. C. RESOLUTION MAT /' , _ TER: ` eec. u. s. PAT OFiICE ? County Indezee Since 1888 ? TO IOtOh nORMt? Opf11 Ot p?'JL? F? An IdenHf in Trade Mark CM7 A-2 iAB IHDEX MU,[ E BY TNE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO , y g SURKAME INITIAI TAB SOLD iY OWEN i. OU NN, NEw tERN, NORT N GROLINA DATE MINUTE BOOK NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS Month Day Year Vol. Page 1. Resolution adopted on thanking CP&L and Tide Water Power Co. for binding services. 11 19 1951 11 302 2. Resolution adopted to appoint R. S. McClelland as Civil Defense Director. 11 19 1951 11 302 3. Resolution adopted on Special Term of S. C. 11 19 1951 11 302 4. Resolution endorsed for paving Stadium Road. O1 07 1952 11 310 5. Resolution prepared for using Armory (attached). O1 07 1952 11 310 6. Resolution adopted, authorizing Amendment No. 1 to grant agreement between CAA & NHC. 03 10 1952 11 321 7. Resolution adopted for school facilities for Bd. of Education. 03 17 1952 11 324 8. Resolution adopted authorizing bond issue of $2,993. 03 24 1952 11 325 9. Resolution adopted on notice of school bond election. 04 07 1952 11 328 10. Resolution adopted on agreement for N.E. River Bridge lighting. 04 28 1952 11 333 11. Resolution adopted on Special election May 31. 06 16 1952 11 341 12. Resolution adopted on school bond issuance. 07 07 1952 11 347 13. Resolution received on Community Hospital expenses. 07 24 1952 11 354 14. Resolution adopted on Community Hospital expenses. 07 24 1952 11 354 15. Resolution from Wrightsboro Fire Dept. presented; $5,000 set up in 1952/53 budget. 07 24 1952 11 355 16. Resolution authorized fixing tax rate. 08 04 1952 11 357 17. Resolution adopted on 1952/43 budget appropriations. 08 25 1952 11 360 18. Resolution adopted on services of J. M. Hall. 09 03 1952 11 362 19. Resolution adopted on retiring commissioner Chm. A. Hewlett, Sr. 12 O1 1952 11 381 20. Resolution adopted on special term of Superior Court. 12 08 1952 11 393 21. Resolution endorsed from city on request N-S Highway and plans for New highway across Cape Fear River. 02 09 1953 11 398 22. Resolution adopted on CAA agreement with Navy on Airport. 02 19 1953 11 402 23. Resolution from local bar assoc. presented protesting summer work schedule and recording in Reg. of Deeds. 05 04 1953 11 416 24. Resolution adopted on change of county roads. 05 18 : 953 11 422 25. Resolution adopted on school bond. 05 26 1953 11 424 26. R?solution adopted on special term of SC. 06 15 1953 11 428 27. Resolution adopted on school bond. 06 29 1953 11 431 28. Resolution accepted on appointment of T. D. Love as auditor. 06 29 1953 11 433 29. Resolution adopted on fixing tax rate. 08 17 1953 11 445 30. Resolution adopted on July 27 petition on closing of Flemmington Subdivision streets. 08 31 1953 11 449 31. Resolution ordered to declare Fire Protection Week. 10 05 :i_953 11 457 32. Resolution from Wrightsville Beach PTA for ordinance on refigerators referred to Bd. of Health. 10 19 = 953 11 460 33. Resolution from Aviation Committee read on rights of civil Aviation personnel. 11 02 1953 11 463 34. Request for resolution approved for State Hwy to accept dedication for public use. 11 30 1953 11 469 35. Resolution adopted on hearing inclosing of Flemington Streets. 12 03 1953 11 470 36. Resolution of Nov. 25 meeting adopted on J. Walker Hosp. Board of Managers request for repairs. 12 07 1953 11 473 37. Resolution adopted on retirement of Madis.en Bellamy, C. Attorney. 12 28 1953 11 476 38. Resolution passed for school bond issue. 02 O1 1954 11 482 39. Resolution authorized for reconsideration on use of airport field. 02 15 1954 11 486 40. Resolution to U.S. Navy to be prepared on the use of airport field. 02 15 1954 11 486 41. Resolution to US Navy adopted on the use of airport field. 02 15 1954 11 486 42. Resolution adopted to reopen airport negotiations. 02 23 1954 11 487 43. Resolution adopted on salf of school bond. 02 23 1954 11 488 44. Resolution acknowledge by USMC letter, appreciation extended. 03 Ol 1954 11 489 45. Resolution approved, authorizing school bond issue. 04 05 1954 11 497 46. Resolution presented by S. B. Broadfoot to call election for school tax levy. 04 12 1954 11 499 INDE X TO C MMI SIONERS MIN TES N H O S U - ew anover County, N. C, _ MATTER: RESOLUTION ` , ne?. u. s. rer OFFICE ? ?p?_??? County Indexee Since 1888 ? To Iotu?O nam?f? Oplq Of pJf"JK,a?c An Iden6fying Trade Mark SURRAME INITIAL TAY COTT A-2 TAt INDEX MI?C E BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, WLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD ?Y OWEN ?. pUNN, NEN {ERN, NORTN GROLINA _ . DATE MINUTE BOOK ?? NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS Month Day Year Vol. Page l. REsolution adopted for election of school tax levy. 04 12 1954 11 499 2. Resolution adopted in substitution for Apr. 12 meeting on school tax levy. 04 20 1954 11 501 3.` Resolution amended on school tax levy. 04 20 1954 11 501 4. Resolution adopted calling for election for school tax levy. 04 20 1954 11 502 5. Resolution adopted on iasurance for Winter Park & Wrightsboro VFD. 05 10 1954 11 511 (. Resolution adopted on moving 30th NC Division at Tennessee to Wilmington. 07 19 1954 11 530 7. Resolution adopted on moving 30th NC Div. to Wilmington. 07 19 1954 11 530 8. Resolution adopted on fixing tax rate. 08 02 1954 11 534 4.' Resolutian adapted on 1954-55 budget estimates. Q$ Q9 I954 II 536 10. Resolution approved from UPI on segregation in schools. 08 09 1954 11 536 11. Resolution adopted on financial aid for hurricane damages. 11 Ol 1954 11 549 12. Resolution to be prepared by C. Attorney on death of Gov. W. B. Umstead. 11 08 1954 11 553 13. Resolution received for Gov. to aid in rehabilitating property damaged by Oct. 15 Hurri cane. 11 22 1954 11 555 14. Adopted resolution for Old Age Ass. lien against property of Mattie Lockhart. 10 31 1955 11 12 15. Resolution adopted on mosquito control in Salt rfarsh. 02 14 .1955 11 547 16. Resolution adopted on mosquito control by SENCBA. 03 14 1955 11 5$2 17. Resolution adopted on mosquito control by Conserv. and Development committee. 03 14 1955 11 582 18. Resolution from SENCBA prepared for highway along NC Outer Banks. 03 28 1955 11 585 19. Resolution from SENCBA prepared for improving waterway for mosquito control. 03 28 1955 11 585 20. Resolution made on death of James C. Rowe. 04 18 1955 11 589 21. Resolution adopted on personnel summer hour schedule. 04 25 1955 11 592 22. Resolution from Bd. of Health approved on services of E. L. White. 05 31 1955 11 601 23. Resolution adopted endorsing Resort Promotion Week. 06 06 1955 11 603 24. Resolution prepared on death of J. H. Davis, former police and Sheriff. 07 05 1955 11 611 25. Resolution adopted with City on death of John H. Davis. 07 25 1955 11 617 26. Resolution adopted with services of John H. Davis. 07 25 1955 11 617 27. Resolution from welfare Board to be drawn up on OAA aid for L. D. Middleton. 08 O1 1955 11 619 28. Resolution from Gov. to be prepared on Social Security coverage. 08 O1 1955 11 619 29. Resolution from Gov. to be prepared on New Cape Fear River Bridge. 08 O1 1955 11' 619 30. Resolution from Seagate VFD to be drawn up attention called to it. 08 08 1955 11 621 31. Resolution from Conser. & Dev. Dept recommended repairs to N.C. Waterways. 08 08 1955 11 621 32. Resolution forwarded to governor on funds for Cape Fear River Bridge. 08 08 1955 11 622 33. Resolution adopted on rehabilitation funds for Oct. 15 hurricane disaster. 08 15 1955 11 622 34., Resolution and lett?r to Gov. secretary E. Rankin approved for appointment with Gov. on Cape Fear Bridge. 08 15 1955 - 11 623 35. Resolution adopted on OAA for Leslie D. Middleton. 08 29 1955 11 625 36. Resolution adopted on 1955/56 budget appropriations. 08 29 1955 11 626 37. Resolution adopted on death of J. J. Burney, Sr. retired Superior Court judge. 08 29 1955 11 626 38. Resolution adopted on services of J. J. Burney, Sr., retired Superior Court judge. 09 12 1955 11 630 39. Resolution adopted for Presbyterian college. Ol 03 1956 12 32 40. Resolution adopted concerning Building & Loan Assoc. O1 16 1956 12 34 41. Resolution adopted regarding the Seagate VOlunteer Fire Dept. Ol 16 1956 12 34 42, Resolution adopted regarding the Ogden Volunteer Fzre Dept. Ol 30 1956 12 38 43. Resolution to establish a Ferry across the Lower Cape Fear River. 02 27 1956 12 47 44. Resolution acknowledged on Cape Fear Ferry. 03 12 1956 12 52 45. Resolution adopted by Wilmington Board of Realtors, Inc. 04 03 1956 12 57 46. Resolution adopted levy maximum amount license tax. 05 07 1956 12 67 INDEX TO C COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanaver Count N T ?SQLUTION ? l ? . y, , _ MATTER ` nec. u. s. ,??Q. ?q?? CounRy. Inde?ee Since 1888 ? TO bC0?e IItl?1Mf, O?ND G! r?r OFfICE C..?.,tpJJ?c?,OZ? An Iden6Eying Trade Matk SURBAME lN(TIAL iA6 COTT A•Z TA! INDEX R10.t E By TNE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, DHIO SOtO tY QINEN i. pUNN, NEII tERN, NORTN GROLINA DATE MINUTE BOOK NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS ? Monih Day Year Voi. ? Page 1. Resolution adopted to convey Legion Stadium to City of Wilmington. 05 21 1956 12 70 2. Resolution adopted "old Age Assistance Lien." 06 04 1956 12 74 3. Resolution adopted for Chairman and clerk to execute contract with Carolina Power & LIght Co. 06 11 1956 12 76 4. Budget Resolution a dopted. 07 02 1956 12 80 5. Hurricane Disaster Resolution adopted. 07 23 1956 12 84 6. Real Estate Resolut ion adopted. 08 20 1956 12 89 7. Resolution adopted on appropriation budget. 08 20 1956 12 90 8. Resolution adopted regarding the removal of debris attributable to Hurricanes. 09 24 1956 12 95 Resolution adopted on Revaluation. 10 08 1956 12 100 9. 10. Resolution concerni ng Legion Stadium. 10 22 1956 12 103 11. Resolution adopted change in county road. 10 22 1956 12 103 12. Resolution adopted concerning old age assistance lien against J. A. Rivenbark. 10 29 1956 12 104 13. Resolution adopted to release lien to James E. Franks. 11 19 1956 12 107 14. Resolution adopted o? old aged assistance lien against Eusibio A. Valerio. 12 03 L956 12 111 15. REsolution adopted in passing of John H. Farrell. 12 10 1956 12 115 16. Resolution adopted pertaining to waterways. ?2 10 1956 12 115 17. Resolution adopted concerning retirement system. 02 11 1957 12 128 18.' Resolution adopted old age lien against Ina Mae Taylor. 02 18 1957 12 132 19. The Board to prepare resolution to State advisory commission. 02 18 1957 12 132 20. Received copy of resolution from Craven County Board of Commissioners concerning public school expense. 03 11 1957 12 137 21. Resolution adopted old age lien assistance againsy Henry A.Robinson. 04 Ol 1957 12 141 22. Resolution adopted of South Wilmington Volunteer Fire Dept. 04 29 1957 12 146 23. Resolution adopted to create a community college system. 04 29 1957 12 147 24. Resolution adopted retirement social security plan. 05 27 1957 12 154 25. Resolution adopted on proposed budget. 07 Ol 1957 12 163 26. Resolution adopted on Board of Education. 07 Ol 1957 12 164 27, Resolution adopted on Industrial growth in county. 07 Ol 1957 12 164 28, Resolution adopted on retirement of president of Atlantic Coastline RR. 07 O1 1957 12 164 29, Budget resolution adopted. 09 09 1957 12 179 30, Adopted resolution to State Port Authority. 10 28 1957 12 190 31 Adopted resolution to (deceased C. Heide Trask) 11 04 1957 12 192 32 Resolution adopted to change relocation of County road. 11 25 1957 12 195 33. Resolution adopted of Hospital $ond. 12 02 1957 12 197 34. Resolution adopted for School Bond. 12 02 1957 12 197 35. Resolution adopted for approval of Hospital & School bonds. 12 02 1957 12 198 36. Spread made of Hospital Bond resolution. 12 16 1957 12 202 37. Adopted resolution on Hospital Bond. Ol 06 1958 12 208 38. Adopted resolution on School Bond. O1 06 1958 12 209 39. Adopted resolution on statement of result of special election. 03 03 1958 12 230 40. Adopted resolution for school bond hearing. 04 14 1958 12 241 41. Resolution adopted for road improvement. 04 21 1958 12 246 42. Resolution adopted pertaining to hospital and suit of cumber-moore. 04 21 1958 12 247 43. Resolution adopted of compromise settlement with cumber-moore . 04 28 1958 12 248 44. Resolution adopted on school bond order. 04 28 1958 12 249 45. Resolution adopted on school borid adopted. 04 28 1958 12 250 46. Resolution adopted for approval of bond for Wilmington College. 05 26 1958 12 261 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover County, N. C. _ MprTER• RESOLUTIONS ` nec. o. s. County Indezes Since 1888 ? TO IoeaN nam?s, opln at COTT A-Z TA? INDEX eer OFFICE ?J7? AnldentifyingTradeMarlc Mu?CE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, DXIO fURNAME INITIAL TAB SOLD IY OWEN i. GUNN, NEN ?ERN, NORTH GROLINA Ri "` E i DATE MINUTE BOOK ?, NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS - , Month Day Year Vol. Page :, 1. Resolution adopted 2. Resolution adopted 3. Resolution adopted :, 4«: Resolution adopted 5. Adopted resolution on dedication of New Bridge, Wrightsville Beach. on rescue fire district limits. on result of Special Election (School Bond). on county budget. for Commissioners convention. 06 04 1958 12 06 09 1958 12 06 16 1958 12 265 267 269 273 276 6. Adopted resolution for county secondary roads. 7. Resolution adopted on budget approval. 8. Resolution adopted on Top Rate. 9. Resolution adopted Myrtle Grove Fire Dept. 10. Resolution adopted Sudden death of James Goodlett Thornton. 11. Adopted resolution for Federal Aid on Hurricane Helene damages. 12. Adopted resolution for sale of school and college bonds. 13. Adopted resolution commending on "Operation Floodlight". 14. Adopted resolution commending Dr. John C. Wessell (resigned). 15. Adopted resolution Bond Sale and Interest Rate. 16. Adopted resolution proposed bridge Cape Fear River. 17. Adopted resolution on Masonboro Inlet Spoils. 18. Adopted resolution for proposed Ferry from ft. Fisher. 19. Adopted resolution welfare lien against J. G. Kuhlken. 20. Resolution adopted to sale school bond. 21. Resolution adopted for budget. 22. Adopted resolution for budget appropriations. 23. Resolution adopted for school bond interest rate. 24. Resolution adopted appropriation resolution amended to reduce appropriation for vocational salaries. 25. Resolution adopted on tax rate. 26. Resolution adopted for Mr. E. L. White, recently deceased. 27. Resolution in naming portion of 421 Moore's Battleground Highway. 28. Adopted resolution for ADC. 29. Adopted resolution for courthouse bond order. 30. Resolution adopted on adoption of Courthouse Bond. 31. Resolution adopted for FAA grant. 32. Adopted resolution - Crime Achievement resolution to Andraa H. Harriss, Jr, 33. Adopted resolution budget appropriations. 34. Resolution adapted in memory of Wilbur R. Dosher. 35. Adopted resolution on approval of 1960-61 budget. 36. Budget resolution regarding signatures on airport property. 37. Resolution adopted on merger of ACL and Seaboard Airline. 38. Resolution adopted on opposing Congressio ial Investigations. 39. Adopted resolution to build commercial hotel, Wrightsville Beach. 40. Resolution adopted to Firearms ORdinance. 41. Resolution aiopted for Hurricane damages, Federal funds. 42. Resolution adopted First National Bank Depository. 43. Resolutions adopted from Civic clubs and orgin on Hospital Bond. 44. Resolution from Sec. State Thad Eure, regarding Azalea Festiva. Exec. Sec. to have framec3. 45. Adopted resolution - Airport Zoning. 46. Resolution adopted - Airport Easement and Grant. 06 30 1958 12 07 07 1958 12 07 07 1958 12 08 18 1958 12 08 18 1958 12 09 08 1958 12 09 15 1958 12 12 15 ?958 12 O1 05 1959 12 Ol 05 1959 12 Ol 12 1959 12 02 0? 1959 12 02 16 1959 12 04 20 1959 12 OS 04 1959 12 06 15 1959 12 07 06 1959 12 07 O1 1 959 12 07 23 1959 12 08 02 1959_ 12 08 12 1959 12 08 17 1959 12 09 08 1959 12 12 21 1 959 12 Ol 18 1960 12 04 18 1960 12 05 02 1960 12 05 02 1960 12 06 06 1960 12 06 06 19b0 12 278 294 295 299 303 344 352 356 359 368 380 419 423 445 456 454 474 476 485 489 493 525 535 565 571 572 578 579 07 05 1960 12 586 07 28 1960 12 600 08 O1 1960 12 602 09 06 1960 12 605 09 06 1960 12 607 09 06 1960 12 608 11 07 1960 12 623 11 21 1960 12 629 04 14 1961 12 659 04 17 1961 12 666 05 O1 1961 12 670 05 15 1961 12 671 05 15 1 461 12 676 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS 1?INUTES -- New Hanover Count?, N. C. _ M T,TER: RESOLUTIONS ` aec. u. s. County Indezea Since 1888 ? TO loCO?? nam?s, o?1tR af C07T A-2 TAB INDEX r?r OFi1CE ?PJ/71?y7'?.. An ldentifyin¢ Trade Mar? M0.[ E BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SURlEAME INITIAI TAB SOLO ?Y OWEN C. pUNN, NEII 6ERN, NORiN GROLINA NATURE OF PROC?EDINGS l. Adopted resolution on Battle Acre transfer. DATE MINUTE BOOK Month Day Year Vol. Page 06 19 1961 12 688 2. Adopted resolution 1961-62 budget 06 28 1961 12 692 3. Adopted budget resolution. 07 28 1961 13 5 4. Adopted Hospital bond resolution. 08 07 I961 13 8 5. Adopted intent to file application on Hospital Bond resolution. 08 07 1961 13 8 6. Adopted bond adoption resolution. 08 21 1961 13 10 7. Formal resolution setting date for Bond election 09 18 1961 13 18 8. Adopted resolution - special term civil court. 10 02 !.961 13 23 9. Adopted resolution for changing US 17 to US 5. 11 06 1961 13 34 10. Resolution in memory of James S. Craig. 11 06 1961 13 34 11. Resolution adopted hospital Bond election and special tax. , 12 04 :i_961 13 40 12. Resolution adopted confirming Hospital Board of Truetees, appointed. 12 11 1961 13 45 13. Adopted Workmen's compensation resolution for elected officials. O1 02 1962 13 57 14. Endorsed River Bridge Resolution. 02 19 :. 962 13 67 15. Endorsed Wilmington college resolution. 03 05 1962 13 72 16. Approved Roland Grise Jr. High School PTA Road resolution for Lake Ave. 03 05 1962 13 72 17. Adopted resolution changing New Hospital move. 03 19 :i.962 13 77 18. Adopted resolution on deepening of Cape Fear River. 03 19 1962 13 79 19. Adopted resolution caunty schools. 03 19 1962 13 80 20. Adopted bond order resolution. 03 19 1962 13 81 21. Adopted bond order public hearing resolution. 03 19 1962 13 82 22. Adopted Local Government application for Bond, approval resolution. 03 19 1962 13 83 23. Resolution to School Bond order adoption, pp. 84 - 87 04 02 1 962 13 84 24. Adoption County Home Board of Directors Resolution. pp. 96-98. 04 16 1962 13 96 25. Adopted resolution covering all employees under Social Security Act. pp. 104-106. 05 14 1962 13 104 26. Adopted resolution to Colonel R. P. Davidson, Corps of Engineers. 05 21 1962 13 110 27. Adopted resolution to Sale of Bond Anticipation Notes (Hosp. $ond). 06 04 1962 13 112 28. Adopted street closing resolution. 07 02 1962 13 119 29. Adopted special school bond election resolution. 07 02 1962 13 122 30. Adopted interim budget resolution. 07 02 1962 13 124 31. Adopted 1962-63 budget resolution. 07 25 1962 13 136 32. Adopted street closing resolution. 08 06 1962 13 138 33. Adopted Fair Tax amendment resolution. 10 Ol 1962 13 155 34. Adopted School Bond Resolution. pp. 156-158. 10 O1 1962 13 156 35. Adopted School bond resolution. 10 15 1962 13 162 36. Adopted Necrology resolution to Mr. Robert L. Black. 11 13 1962 13 170 37. Adopted Hospital`s Abandoment Resolution. 11 19 1962 13 171 38. Adopted resolution to the retirement of Mr. J. T. McKim, Dir. of Eng. State Highway Comm. 12 03 1962 13 175 39. Change in County Road Resolution (17th St.) 12 03 1962 13 176 40. Resolution declaring New Hanover County Major Disaster Area. 12 03 1962 13 176 41. Resolution to retain the Local ROTC Units. 02 04 1963 13 187 42. Resolution to reestablish Masonboro Inlet. 02 18 1963 13 192 43. Resolution regarding Flood Control. 03 18 1963 13 198 44. Resolution supporting Fort Fisher Ferry services. 05 20 1963 13 216 45. Adopted resolution to Hospital Bond and anticipation notes. 06 03 1963 13 218 46. Resolution supporting the works of the Bi-Racial Committee. 06 17 1963 13 221 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover Count? N C RESOLUTIONS , . . _ MATT R: a ne?. u. s. County Indexee Since 1888 To IoeaM nam?s, op?n af COTT Ad TA? INDEX ? PAT OFFICE ??Tf'JL?- An Identifying Trade Mark SURNAME INITIAL TAB M0.CE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, DHIO SOLD YY OMEN 0. oUNN, NEN ?ERN, NOR7N GROLINA ?° NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS DATE MINUTE BOOK ?, Month Day Year Vol. Page l. Iterim Budget resolution. 06 17 1963 13 223 2. Resolution in Honor of Lt. Commdr. L. W. Godd, Jr. being transferred. 09 13 1963 13 251 3. Resolution declaring Federal Aviation week. 10 21 1963 13 261 4. Adopted three civil defense resolutions. 11 ?4 1963 13 263 5. Adopted road resolution. 12 ?2 1963 13 268 6.; Adopted Northeast River Resolution. 12 16 1963 13 272 7. Resolution to Champion McDowell Davis. 11 t8 1963 13 276 8. Bond Denomination 02 li3 1964 13 290 9. Voters Certification Ob 29 ?9b4 ?3 345 10. Appropriation 1964-65 07 28 1964 13 362 11. State School bond referendum 09 21 1964 13 375 12. Bond anticipation notes 12 21 1964 13 113 13. Bonds, Denomination and interest 06 07 1965 13 487 14. Road Bond Issue 10 04 1965 13 528 15. Court of Appeals amendment 10 04 1965 13 528 16. Wilmington Harbor 11 O1 1965 13 541 17. Mr. McEwen 11 Ol 1965 13 541 18. Board of Education, Capital Reserve Fund 11 ?0 1967 14 112 19. Mr. Braak Ol ?3 1967 14 18 20. Enlisting N. C. Local Employees' retirement system 02 20 1967 14 30 21. Trains 42 and 49 02 20 1967 14 30 22. re: Pine Valley Site 03 17 1967 14 46 23. Butler, E. M. 05 15 1967 14 61 24. Attachment to resolution for Hoggard High School 12 04 1967 14 124 25. Waggoner, Dr. William 12 18 1967 14 127 26. Blockade Runner Museum commendation Ol 15 1968 14 135 27. Cape Fear Tech Bond Issue Ol 15 1968 14 136 28.. Mr. Allen Jones O1 15 1968 14 131 29. Family of Blanchard Ol 15 1968 14 134 30., Welfare Department Lien Release O1 15 1968 14 136 31. Clerk, Sgt. A. H. 03 04 1968 14 148 32. Supplemental School Tax 03 18 1968 14 163 33. Request for road maintenance schools 03 04 1968 14 148 34. Lions Club Palm Tree Sale 04 Ol 1968 14 169 35. Flags at courthouse 05 06 1968 14 184 36. Schools re: HEW inspection 05 20 1968 14 189 37. Civil Defense 06 03 1968 14 194 38. Bond election returns 06 03 1968 14 195 39. Adoption of budget 07 26 1968 14 229 40. Conservation and Development 08 19 1968 14 238 41. Use of School buses 09 03 1968 14 245 42. U. S. District Court, Supreme Court 09 03 1968 14 245 43. Esterling, Mr., Commending 09 03 1968 14 244 44. Regarding School busing 09 16 1968 14 249 45. Authorizing sale of bonds for Schools, courthouse renovation, courthouse annex, county office building 10 21 1968 14 257 46. Appreciation to Commander Joseph C. Fox 10 21 1968 14 260 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover County N. C. RESOLUTIONS MU , , JE T a ae6, u. s. ?? ??? County Indezea Since 1888 ?} ? To lotat? nom?f. op?o af PAT OFFICB ? Ea//%'? An Identifyins Trade Mark ?? Cti COTT A-= MADE BY THE COTT INDEX TA? INOEX COMPANY, COIUMBUS. OHIO - .? SURNAME (NITIAL TAB SOLD ?1011EN 0. oYNM, NEw ?ERN, NORTN GRO LItU NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS DATE MINUTE BOOK Month Day Year Vol. Page 1. Blanchard, Family of 10 07 1968 14 253 2. Cape Fear Chapter, National Railway Historical Society 11 18 1968 14 268 3. Determining Interest Rates and denominations of school, courthouse and office building bonds 11 18 1968 14 267 4. Courthouse and office building bonds 11 18 1968 14 267 5. Admission to SEllC O1 GO 1y69 14 2y2 6. Omnibus Crime Control and Safe Streets Act of 196ti 02 17 1y69 14 300 7. Postive Action Program Wilmington Area Economic Growth Center 03 17 1969 14 303 8. St. Mark's Episcopal Church Ke: Centennial Celebration U3 li 1969 14 305 9. Establishment of Wilmington as Part of State University System. U4 O?i 1969 14 312 10. Adoption for issuance of Airport bonds 10 2U 1969 14 397 11. Water Sewerage Plant 11 03 1969 14 404 12. Suport of new approach to Taxation of motor vehicles 11 17 1969 14 415 13. Governing outside employment-department heads 11 17 1969 14 414 _ 14. Judge Rudolph L. Mintz 02 02 1970 14 439 I, 15. Judge H. Winfield Smith 02 16 1970 14 440 ? 16. Place of Commissioners' meetings 03 16 1 970 14 478 17. Adopting 1968 N. C. State Plumbing Code 08 03 1970 14 520 18. Concerning Resolution Adopted by the Commission 8/3/70 RE: Social Services 08 17 1970 14 521 19. Establishing working relationship between SEDC and COG 09 08 1970 14 526 20. Designating with other counties, A Regional Planning and Economic Development Commission 09 08 1970 14 527 21. Lower Cape Fear Historical Society O1 04 1971 14 563 22. Tax Ratio Ol 04 1971 14 561 23. Public Library O1 18 1971 14 569 24. Authorizing Executive Sec. of NH. Co. Board of Elections to Serve as ?lerk to Wilmington Board of Elec. 03 15 1971 14 590 ` 25. Authorizing Chm. of the Board to enter into agreements with other political subdivisions for law 03 16 1971 14 594 enforcement assistance in emergencies 26. Levying a 1% Local Sales Tax 03 27 1971 14 598 ' 27. Resolutions-Mr. Sam Johnson and Mr. Leon Boardhurst 04 19 1971 14 614 28. CP&L endorsing legislation for cooling reservoir to include Catfish Creek 04 19 1971 14 612 29. Change of name of water authority 05 03 1971 14 639 30. Auditor's position resolution on 05 03 1971 14 623 31. Proclaiming Week of June 7 as Marine Science Week 05 17 1971 14 647 32. Proclaiming May 16-22 Senior Citizen Week 05 17 1971 14 645 33. Clarifying former Airport Easement 06 07 1971 14 655 ? 34. Interim Bud et Resolutions g 07 06 1971 14 663 35. Col. George W. Gillette 07 19 1971 14 667 36. Recommendations to Charter Commission 07 06 1971 14 665 37. New Hope Dam 08 18 1971 14 698 38. Closing "Old Road" 09 20 1971 15 11 39. Listing by Mail 1 0 04 1971 15 17 40. Industry Appreciation Week 10 18 1971 15 23 I 41. Closing "Old Road" North of Northeast River Bridge 11 O1 1971 15 29 42, Tax Assessment Ratio O1 04 1972 15 62 43. Coroner L. Starr McMillan O1 04 1972 15 64 44. Discount of tax prepayments O1 17 1972 15 65 45. Federal Flood Insurance 02 21 1972 15 82 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover Count?y, N. C. , MUBJE T RESOLUTIONS _ nec, u. s. County Indesea Since 1888 ??y--? To IoeoN eamts. o?Np W COTT ?•2 T?? 1NOEX ?? ?? MADE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OH10 PAT OFFICE (.?'ea!%? An Identifying Trade Mark w-8 SURNAME INITIAL iAB SOLO YY OWEN 0. YUNN, NEN iERN, NORTH GROLINA ° DATE MINUTE BOOK A; NAiURE Of PROCEEDINGS Month Day Year Vol. Page ?; i? ?. 1.' One Mile Jurisdiction 2. New Hanover Memorial Hospital 5th Anniversary 3.` Cape F,ear Council of Governments Lead Organization 4.'? Improve Housing Conditions 5. FAA Grant - Airport Master Plan study 6.? Planning for Interstate I-95 7.? One to Three Mile Subdivision Regulation 8. Ragsdale, Hugh 9.? Smith, James 10. Lennon, A1ton A. 11. Resolution protesting expansion of U. S. Corps of Engineers authoxity 12. Resolution proclaiming w/o 2/23/75 Federal Home Loan Bank Week 13. Approve Wrightsville Beach Zoning powers 14. Application for State Clean Water Bond Grant for Laney F? Trask Sewer Line 15. Resolution for approval of 201 Plan, PT. II 16. Resolution for inspection of CIty/County property 17. Resolution adopted endorsing HR 9719 (Nat'1 Forest Service's land policies) 18. Resolution making July 4, 1976 National day of Prayer 19. Adoption of resolution for Growth F? development Policy for NHC 20. Endoxse Federal Point Medical Center 21. Human Relations Week 22. Resolution re: Driving Under Influence 23.. Discuss supporting offshore oil and gas 24., Transfer surplus property at Airport re: runway 5-23 strengthening 25.., Resolution Anti-Pornography bill 26. Resolution expanding membership to Lower Cape Fear Water F? Sewer Authority 27. Resolution of intent to close unnamed street in Queens Point 28.' Endorsing State Highway Bond Act of 1977 29. Approval resolution authorizing removal graves from abandoned cemetery 30.n Tabling endorsement resolution Right to Vote Assoc. exempting NHC from G.S.allowing cities to annex ? without vote of people 31. Adoption resolution designating NHC as Redevelopment Area 32. Endorsement Right to Vote Assoc. 33. Resolution approving sale of stock of Pleasure Island Pier, Inc. (no action) 34. Discuss resolution - Pleasure Island Pier, Inc. 35; Discuss resolution - Pleasure Island Pier, Inc. (denied) 36. Resolution adoption - Con ?act agreement ADAP-05 37 Resolution approved - Issuance of Revenue Bonds to Finance Industrial Facilities & Pollution Control 38; Resolution approved - Certification of Airport Fire Dept. 39'? No action on Resolution re: SCate Licensing & Regulatory Boards 40 Endorsement of SEDC 41 Approving Stock Sale for Pleasure Island Pier 42 Electrical Code Amendments 43 Adoption of resolution of intent to close Imperial Drive 44* Consider resolution to close portion of Peachtree Drive 45. Addition of Roads to State 5yste 05 15 1972 15 126 06 05 1972 15 132 06 05 1972 15 132 06 05 1972 15 138 06 19 1972 15 155 07 07 1972 15 179 07 07 1972 15 180 08 14 1972 15 194 08 14 1972 15 194 11 22 1972 15 267 06 09 1975 16 217 06 23 1975 16 231 11 10 1975 17 3-4 11 17 1975 17 7-8 O1 19 1976 17 45 03 15 1976 17 81 03 15 1976 17 83 05 17 1976 17 127 05 20 1976 17 i30-1 11 15 1976 17 232 02 07 1977 17 271 02 07 1977 17 277 03 28 1977 18 4-5 05 16 1977 18 38 06 Q6 1977 18 53 07 05 1977 18 68 08 O1 1977 18 80 10 17 1977 18 115 11 07 1977 18 127 12 05 1977 18 140 12 05 1977 18 144 12 19 1977 18 148 02 06 1978 18 17D 02 20 1978 18 172-3 03 06 1978 18 178 09 05 1978 18 275 09 18 1978 18 278 09 18 1978 18 279 10 16 1978 18 292 10 16 1978 18 293 12 04 1978 18 317 12 18 1978 18 327 O1 42 1979 18 332 02 05 1979 18 348 02 19 1979 18 360 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES -- New Hano e un? N C C ?SOLUTIONS _ y, v r o . . _ MATT R rtee. u. s. County Indezes Since 1888 ?? io loeot? nam?:, OpQll at PAT OFFI?E ???l?,s-? An Identifying Trade Mazk SURNAME INITIAL TAB COTT A TO Z TAB INDEX N?OE iT THE WTT 11(pEX COrPANY, GDWM/US, ONIO SOLD BY OW EN G. D UNN CO., NEW BERN, N. C. NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS DATE ? MINUTE BOOK Month Day Yeat Vol. Page , l. Resolution endorsing Franchise Tax Revision 04 02 1979 18 382 2. Addition of roads to State System 04 02 1979 18 381 3. Resolution - tra nsferal of benefits of employees under NC State Emplo?ees & Teachers Retirment System 04 02 1979 18 380 4. Resolution - Board asks Neil P?. Laney be appointed as County appriaser for condemnation praceedings 04 17 1979 18 391 5. Resolution adopted to revise Section 72-5 of County Zoning Ordinance 06 04 1979 18 417 6. Resolution for condemnation of Landfill 06 04 1979 18 423 7. Adoption of Resolution for Clean Water Bond Fund application 08 20 1979 18 465 8. Adoption of Preliminary Condemnation Resolution for property - 215 Chestnut Street 09 17 1979 18 482 9. Grant Agreement Resolution - Taxiway "B" ADAP-06 10 Ol 1979 18 487 10. Adoption of Amendment to Prelimnary Condemnation Resolution 10 Ol 1979 18 489 11. Amendment to Resolution declaring costs for Hillsdale Street Paving 10 15 1979 18 494 12. Appointing Finance Officer 10 15 1979 18 495 13. Final Condemnation 12esolution adopted for Library purposes 11 05 1979 18 501 14. For Support of Small Farmers 11 05 1979 18 509 ?i 15. Requesting addition of Hunter's Trail to State Secondary Road System 12 17 1979 18 525 16. Requesting Federal Grant increase for Northeast Interceptor O1 21 1980 18 548 17. Requesting additions to Eastwind Subdivision 02 18 1980 18 551 1F?:1 Request to change authorized signature for the 201 Facilities Grant Documents to the current chairnian 02 18 1980 18 559 19. Resolution adopted by citizens of Pleasure Island Concerning Landfill 03 10 1980 18 564 20. Resolution adopted by New Hanover County Industrial Facilities & Pollution Control Financing Authority 03 10 1980 18 566 21. Resolution on Balanced Growth Designation 04 08 1980 18 578 22. Emergency Medical Services Week Resolution 04 21 1980 18 585 23. Resolution Authorizing Feasibility Study for Resource & Energy Recovery Facility 05 19 1980 18 600 , 24? SR-2 Resolution requesting Hidden Valley Rd. to State Secondary Road 06 02 1980 18 607 25. Budget Amendment Procedures 06 25 1980 18 621 26. Resolution adopted for supplemental benefirs on Law Enforcement Retirement Fund 06 25 1980 18 621 27. Adoption of Resolution authorizing entry to property for survey, boring, etc. 06 16 1980 18 619 28. Resolution authorizing sale of Airway Beacon Bulbs 07 07 1980 18 626 29, Additions of Roads in Crestwood Subdivision 07 28 1980 18 636 30. Presentation of Resolution Creating County Planning Board 08 04 1980 18 645 31. Discussion on Resolution concerning Landfill site on General Electric property 08 04 1980 18 647 32. Resolution designating Sickle Cell Awareness Month 09 02 1980 18 659 33. Postponement of Resolution of Assurance to General Electric Company 09 02 1980 18 659 34. Resolution of acceptance of State Clean Water Bond Grant 09 02 1980 18 660 35. Cheyenne Trail to State System 10 06 1980 18 672 36. Request for resolution endorsing revenue sharing 10 20 1980 18 688 37. Adoption of Resolution endorsing General Revenue sharing 11 03 1980 18 699 38. Resolution authorizing development of Hugh MacRae Park and Assurance of Complance for Grant Application 11 17 1980 18 705 39. Resolution requesting addition of Emily Street to State System 12 O1 1980 18 710 40. Adoption of resolution of intent to close a portion of Wood Dale Drive 12 Ol 1980 18 721 41. Requesting addition of Dilworth Rd., Brockway Rd. Stoneybrook Rd. and Cale Court to State System 12 15 1980 18 730 j Southgate and Hollins ? 42• Addition of roads to state system: Buckner, Pettigrew, Early, Semmes, Brighton, Horndale, Conwal,/ Ol 05 1981 18 738 }; 43. Resolution of Intent to close portion of Wood Dale Drive O1 05 1981 18 740 44. Resolution Endorsing Carolina Beach assistance for Beach erosion Ol 05 1981 18 744 Pinecliff Drive, Shamrock Dr, West Rye Lane, 45. Adoption of SR-2 Resolutions to add roads to state system: West Lord Byron Rd, and Calder Court 02 02 1981 18 755 46. - - ------ :. Resolution authorizing Amendment 4?2 to Grant Agreement for ADAP-O1 - Airport - 02 • 16 1981 18 764 r Count N N H C INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES RESOLUTIONS y, . anove . ? ew MAiTER: , ` aec. u. s. County Indezes Since 1888 To IoCats namaf, opsn pf ??z OFFL6E ?L?o? An ldentiEving Trade Mazlc ? COTT A TO Z TAB INDEX S NON?O ? T ? !NDUN ??EW gERN? ? ` SURNAME 1NITIAI TAB BY SO LD OW E , "r': ?' DATE MINUTE BOOK ? NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS = ? Month Day Year Vol. Page ', 1?, Resolution authorizing sale of surplus city/county owned property - see exhibit book VIII, Page 33 02 16 1981 . 18 764 .. 2,, Resolution requesting addition of Wood Ridge Rd. and Pine Forest Rd to State System 02 16 1981 18 764 . 3,: Resolution requesting addition of Hadley Court in Crestwood subdivision to State System 05 04 1981 1$ 815 .. 4;, Resolution establishing deferred compensation plan 02 lb 1981 18 767 5,? Resolution for Indemnification of County Officials and Employees 03 02 1981 18 771 .. , 6+; Resolution authorizing sale of $900,?00 Bond Anticipation Notes 03 16 1981 18 781 7t. Resolution adopted establishing an Urban Gardening Program 03 16 1981 18 782 , 8?, Resolution adding Tennessee Avenue & Second Ave. - Wilm. Beach to State system 04 06 1981 18 795 9. Resolution authorizing signature of Cape Fear Checks 04 06 19$1 18 796 10. Resolution adopted re: ADAP 06 04 06 1981 18 794 11. Resolution concerning legislation affecting CAMA Regulations 04 06 1981 18 804 12. Resolution of Intent to close portion of 47th Street 04 21 1981 18 810 13. Resolution - Preliminary Condemnation of Landfill 05 18 1981 18 834 14. Resolution of the County of New Hanover amending the Land Classification Map of New Hanover County 05 18 1981 18 836 Memorandum of Understanding between City of Wi1m., Town of Wrightsville Bch, Gounty of New Hanover and 15. NC Board of Transportation Agreement 10-6-80 be approved and Chairperson and Clk. directed to execute i t 05 18 1981 18 837 16; Resolution honoring Congressional Medal of Honor Winner (E.A. Ashley, Jr.) 05 18 1981 18 841 17. Adoption of Notice and amendment to preliminary Condemnation Resolution 05 27 1981 18 842 18. Resolution, NCACC Workers Compensation fund 06 O1 1981 18 844 ,19. Resolution authorizing County Manager to Sign Clean Water Bond Documents 06 O1 1981 18 845 I20., Resolution of Intent to Close a Portion of 47th Street in Winter Park Gardens 06 O1 1981 18 846 21. Resolution - Free Trade Zone Designation 06 Ol 1981 18 855 22. Resolution authorizing negotiations for right-of-way acquisition for Northeast Interceptor 06 O1 1981 18 856 23. Resolution Authorizing Clean Water Bond grant application 07 07 1981 18 872 24. Resolution approving grant application for Land Records Management Program 07 07 1981 18 874 25. Resolution authorizing issuance of $900,000 Solid Waste Disposal Bonds 09 08 1981 18 918 26. Resolution calling for Referendum 09 21 1981 18 924 27. Resolution Authorizing execution of contract for Land Use Plan Update and Acquifer Mgmt. Program 09 21 1981 18 926 28. Resolution - Title IV-D, Child Support Enforcement Program 10 19 1981 18 940 ,29. Resolution Designation of November l, 1981 as Hospice Sunday 10 19 1981 18 943 '30. Resolution authorizing change in Grantee for sale of surplus property locat4d at 203 McRae S treet 11 02 1981 18 945 ,31. Resolution authorizing Quitclaim Deed for Property at 1314 Glenn Street 11 02 1981 18 946 .32. Adoption of Resolution of Construction of I-40 extension 11 02 1981 18 948 ?33. Resolution authorizing application for Clean Water Bond Funds for Flemington System 11 02 1981 18 953 134.. Adoption of Resolution of intent concerning Purchase of Water 11 16 1981 18 959 Resource Recovery Slide Presentation Resolution 12 07 1981 18 965 35. 36, Plumbing Permit fee change resolution 12 07 1981 18 965 37. Resolution donating 2 vehicles to City 12 07 1981 18 966 I 38. Award of Bids for Northeast Interceptor 02 Ol 1982 18 993 I 39. Resolution endorsing efforts to obtain Public Radio 02 15 1982 19 12 40: Adoption of Resolution of intent to Close a Portion of Sycamore Avenue 03 Ol 1982 19 22 I '' 41. Resolution-Outer Continental Shelf Revenue Sharing 03 Ol 1982 19 24 42. Resolution authorizing application for Clean Water Bond funds to construct well at Laney/Trask Schools 04 05 1982 19 46 43.: Resolution opposing designation of certain barrier islands as ineligible for flood insurance 03 15 1982 19 31 44. Resolution requesting addition of Danie and Olive Streets in Seitter Acres 04 19 1982 19 48 45. Adoption of Resolution of intent to close unnamed road in Wrightsboro Acres 04 19 1982 19 52 46. „ Adoption of Resolution for $390,000 septage disposal bond issue 05 03 1982 19 61 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover Count N C ?SOLUTIONS ?, . . _ MATTER: a Re?. u. s. County Indezea Since 1888 I?'¦ To beat? names, OpEn 01 ? ' COTT A TO Z TAB IN DEX PAT OFFIGE ?? l..?O .? An Identifvine Trade Marlc SURNAME INITIAL TAB MADE iY THE COiT INDEX ?IPAkY, COLUIN?YS, ONIO SOLD BY 6WEN G. DUNN CO., N EW BERN, N. C. NATURE OF PROtEEDINGS DAiE MINUTE BOOK ? Month Day Year Vol. Page ? E j l. Resolution of intent to close portions of Yorkshire Lane and Ocean Boulevard . 05 17 ]982 19 i 67 ?? i? ?; I 2, ? Addition of Roads to the State S stem Y 06 07 1982 19 '3 81 E ? ,? 3. Resolution establishing Policy and Procedure for sale of surplus property 06 21 1982 19 ;, 93 ?s 4. Resolution to elect a tax shelter of Employees' Contributions to N. C. Local Government Employees' Retiremt. 06 21 1982 19 98 i? 5. Acceptance to access strip in Wrightsboro Acres . 07 19 1982 19 118 ?? i9 i 6, Community Development Block Grant Application 07 19 1982 19 l 120 ;? ? 7, Resolution approving sale of surplus property 08 02 1982 19 ? 125 ?; s? 8. Adoption of Resolution Concerning the School Calendar 09 07 1982 19 151 ?• Resolution accepting offers for surp2us property 10 18 1982 19 169 10. Public Official's Bonds 12 06 1982 19 193 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover Count N RESOURCE RECOVERY C y, . . _ MATiER: _ aec. u. s. County Indezes Since 1888 ? YO IOMN RdMlS? tlp@O O} rAr OFFI?E ??i?l:? f,7? An Identifying Trade Mark COTT A TO Z TAB IND MIIDE {Y THE COTT INDEX CONPANY, EX COLOMlUf? OHIO , SURNAME INITIAL TAB SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN CO., NEW BERN, N. C. DAiE MINUiE BOOK ' NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS Month Day Yea? Vol. Page ? ! 1. Discussion on workshop on Resource Recovery in Providence, RI 10 20 1980 18 689 2. Discussion on Development of Resource Recovery Project 05 18 1981 18 835 I 3. Comments on proposal from George Campbell Company 08 17 1981 18 905 4. Discussion on Bond Referendum Schedule 08 17 1981 18 906 5. Presentation of Proposal for Resource Recovery Project 09 08 1981 18 916 , Approval of budget ' 6. Approval of Contract with George S. Campbell & Associates, consulting engineers for Resource Recovery System 10 05 1981 18 936 7. Discussion on Resource Recovery Slide Presentation 11 16 1981 18 959 8. i Discussion on Resource Recovery Bond Referendum Publicity 11 30 1981 18 963 9- Resource Recovery Slide Presentation ?2 07 Z98? ?& 9?4 10. Discussion on Resource Recovery Bond Issue Publicity 12 07 1981 18 972 11. Letter of thanks to AAUW for Help in Resource Recovery Bond Issue 12 21 1981 18 979 12. Request for Qualifications for bidders Ol 18 1982 18 988 , 13. Discussion on Request for proposals for Resource Recovery Project 03 15 1982 19 34 14. Award of Contract for Soil Study for the Resource Recovery Project 04 05 1982 19 40 15. Discussion on contract for sale of steam to DePoortere Corporation 04 05 1982 19 46 16. Discussion on the Steam Contract Negotiations with DePoortere 06 07 1982 19 89 i 17. Update on bids received for RRC 07 06 1982 19 111 18. Update on Status of Steam contract with W.R. Grace Company 07 06 1982 19 111 19. Proposals for Resource Recovery System 08 02 1982 19 132 20. Adoption of Resource Recovery Bond Resolution 08 02 1982 19 132 21. Discussion on Resource Recovery Project Contracts 09 20 1982 19 156 22, Resource Recovery System Contracts 09 20 1982 19 161 23. Discussion on Capital Project Ordinance for Resource Recovery System 09 20 1982 19 162 24. Discussion on Resource Recovery Bids 09 20 1982 19 162 25. Offer to SEACOR for Land Acquisition for Incinerator 10 04 1982 19 168 ? 26. Discussion on Resource Recovery Contract 10 1$ 1982 19 175 , 27 Resource Recovery Capital Projecrs Ordinance 11 Ol 1982 19 179 28. Approval of Steam Contract with W.R. Grace 11 Ol 1982 19 179 ' 29. Approval of Contract with Clark-Kenith, Inc. for Resource Recovery System 11 O1 1982 19 179 ?. 30. Discussion on Resource Recovery Ground Breaking Ceremonies 11 Ol 1982 19 :_83 31. Steam Purchase Contract with W.R. Grace & Co. 12 20 1982 19 205 32. Selection of paint color for Sesource Recovery Project (outside of bldg. granite beige) 12 20 1982 19 206 33. ' ? Amend. Clark- Kenith Contract (final Completion extended 18 days) 12 13 1982 19 203 INDE? TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover County, N. C. _ MATTER: RETIOF?TRUSTEES? BO? aec. u. s. County Indezes Since 1888 ?? fo IoeaM namas, OPYn Ot COTT A TO Z TAB INDEX PAT OFFIGE ?,?l?L?a-? An Identifying Trade Muk M11DE ?Y THE COTT INDEX GOMrANY, COWNlOS? OHIO SURNAME INIiIAL TAB SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN CO., NEW BERN, N. G NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS DATE MINUTE BOOK Month Day Year Vol. Page l. Appointment of Louten Hedgepeth and Richard Morgan 07 20 1981 18 894 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover County, N. C. , MAiTER: ?VENUE BONDS ` nec. u. s. County [ndezea Since 1888 To beof? names, open at COTT A TO 2 TAB INDEX PAT OFFIGE C?? ,Il1l?,s-?E- AnldentifvingTradeMark ? SURNAME INITIAL TAB ?S10?D`BYTOWENTG!MDUNN??NEW g?ERN?fNONCO NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS 1. Issuance of Revenue Bonds for Federal Paperboard 2. DATE MINUTE BOOK Month Day Yenr Vol. Page ? ?7 07 1980 18 633 IND£? TO COMMISSIONERS MI?IUTES etc. u. s. County Indezee Since 1886 r?r OFFIGE ???L?? An Identifying Trade Merk r - SUBJECT REVENUE PROCEDURES - New Hanover Gaunty? ?. U. , MATTER: _ ? To locat? nam?a, open at COTT A TO Z TAB INDEX ¦ADE ?Y TNE COTT INDEX QOMrANY, COWMlOS? OHIO SURNAME INITIAL TAB SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN CO., NEW BERN, N. C. DATE MINUTE BOOK ? NATURE 0? PROCEEDINGS Month Day Year Vol. Page l. Objections to revenue procedure 80-55 02 16 1981 18 768 r ? N. C. INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hannver Count? REVENUE MU JE SHARING , _ CT _ asa. u. s. ? `- Counry Indezea Since 1888 ? To lotol? Oamis? op?a Ot PAT OFFICE C.?.?y//"/? E?in ldentifying Trade Mark SURNAME INITIAL TAB COTi A•2 TA? INYEX ?D? BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLO ?Y OWEN i. pUNN, NEN ?ERN, NORTtl GROLINA DATE MINUTE BOOK NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS Month Day Year Vol. Page l. Discussion of Memphis Ruling 03 19 1973 15 356 2. Appropriation for Health Dept. Bldg. 04 16 1973 15 373 3. Appropriation for Health Dept. Bldg. 06 04 1973 15 428 4. Appropriation for Jail-Courtroom ? related facilities bldg. 06 07 1973 15 432 5. Appropriation for Legion Stadium 06 18 1973 15 441 6. Appropriation for Health Dept. Bldg. 09 06 1973 15 465 7. Appropriation for Brigade Boys' Club 08 20 1973 15 475 8. Request from YMCA for Revenue Sharing funds 09 ?4 1973 15 482 9. Planned use report of revenue sharing funds for entitlement Period 4 09 ?4 1973 15 483 10. Budget Transfers 11 19 1973 15 528 11. Budget transfer to adjust over-estimated fund balance 12 02 1974 16 ?50 12. Approval of over expenditure in FY 73/74 12 02 1974 16 ?52 13. Resolution supporting Revenue Sharing Program Ol 20 1975 16 94 14. Supporting Wilmington F? Carolina Beach's requests for Community Development Revenue Sharing 03 03 1975 16 129 15. Application for Community Development Revenue Sharing 08 04 1975 16 250 16. Discussion Revenue Sharing and approval of single Tax levy for 76/77 05 )3 1976 17 120 17. Budget Amendmen t 12 ?0 1976 17 249 18. Discuss Budget Officer's Public Hearing on Revenue Sharing Funds 04 18 1977 18 22 19. Budget Officer's Public Hearing on Revenue Sharing Funds 05 02 1977 18 26-7 20. Adoption of resolution endorsing General Revenue Sharing 11 03 1980 18 699 21. Public hearing conducted on Budget Officer's Revenue Sharing 02 02 1981 18 757 22. Public Hearing conducted on Revenue Sharing and proposed use of 05 04 198I 18 830 23. Postponement of revenue sharing budget appropriation 06 O1 1981 18 855 24. Revenue Sharing Budget changed date for action 06 Ol 1981 18 857 25. Revenue Sharing Budget Appropriation 06 08 1981 18 859 26. Budget Amendment - Revenue Sharing 06 15 1981 18 863 27. Public Hearing - Proposed Budget & Revenue Sharing Budget 1981/82 06 15 1981 18 863 2$, Public Hearing - Revenue Sharing (Judicial Bldg. Capital Project) 09 20 1982 19 155 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover Count N C ORT OF T R ?, . . _ MATT R COLIECTOR OF ` aec. u. s. County Indezee Since 1888 ?? To fowt? aames, O?lie1 at PAT oFFic? ?.Jl1l?i.? AnldentifyingTradeMark SURNAME INITIAL iAB COTT A TO Z TAB INDEX IIADE ?Y THE COiT INpEX COMPANY, COWMdOf.ON10 SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN CO., NEW BERN, N. G NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS DATE MINUTE BOOK . Month Day Yea? Yol. Page ,? 1. Report through April 30, 1981 05 18 1981 18 833 2. Report through May 31, 1981 06 15 1981 18 863 3. Approval of report through 6/30/81 07 20 1981 18 889 4. Approval of report through 7/31J81 08 17 1981 18 901 5. Approval of collector of Revenue through August 31,,1981 09 21 1981 18 921 6. Collector of Revenue Report through 9/30/81 10 19 1981 18 940 7. , . ? ? ; i I i ? I i • f f, INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover County, N. C. , MU 1E T REZONING _ eEC. u. s. q? ??- County Indexea Since 1888 ? TO btab OYm?t? Op?q af COTT A-2 TAt IMOEX r?T OFFICE ??E?:?,atics An Identifrins Trade Mark SURNAME INITIAL TAB MADE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY. COLUMBUS. OHIO SOLD YY OIMEN i, pUNN, NEN iERN, NORTH GROLINA NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS 1. Amendment to Zoning Area (35) 2. Amendment to Zoning Area 9-B (36) 3. Amendment to Zoning Area 9-B (37) 4. Amendment to Zoning Area 9-A (38) 5. Amendment to Zoning Area 9-B (39) 6. Amendment to Zoning Area 4(40) 7. Amendment to Zoning Area 6(41) 8. Amendment to Zoning Area 9-B (42) 9. .Arr?endment to Zoning Area 8-B (43) 10. Amendment to Zoning Area 4(44) 11. Amendment to Zoning Area 9-A (45) 12. Amendment to Zoning Area 8-B (46) 13. Amendment to Zoning Area 9-A (47) 14. Amendment to Zoning Area (48) 15. Amendment to Zoning Area 2(49) 16. Amendment to Zoning Area 8-A (50) 17. Am?endment to Zoning Area 2(51) 18. Amendment to Zoning Area 8-B (52) 19. Amendment to Zoning Area 9-B (53) 20. Amendment to Zoning Area 8-B (54) 21. Amendment to Zoning Area 4(55) 22. Amendment to Zoning Area 9-A (56) 23. Amendment to Zoning Area 9-A (57) 24. Amendment to Zoning Area 8-A (58) 25. Amendment to Zoning Area 9-B (59) 26. Amendment to Zoning Area 8-B (60) 27. Amendment to Zoning Area 8-A (61) 28. Amendment to Zoning Area 2(62) 29. Amendment to Zoning Area 3(63) 30. Amendment to Zoning Area 6(64) 31. Amendment to Zoning Area 9-A (65) 32. Amendment to Zoning Area 9-B (66) 33. Amendment to Zoning Area 9-B (67) 34. Amendment to Zoning Area 9-B (68) 35. Amendment to Zoning Area 6(69) 36. Amendment to Zoning Area 9-B (70) 37. Amendment to Zoning Area 9-A (7I) 38. Amendment to Zoning Area 8A (72) 39. Amendment to Zoning Area 9A (73) 40. Amendment to Zoning Area 9A (74) 41. Amendment to Masonboro Zoning Area (75) 42. Amendment to Zoning Area 8A (76) 43. B-2 to I-2 Zoning Area #9B 44. R-15 to 0 F, I Zoning Area #9B 45. Tabling of R-15 to R-10 Zoning Area #4 46. Denial of R-15 to R-10 Zoning Area #4 DATE MINUTE BOOK Month Day Year Vol. Page O1 02 O1 02 O1 02 02 05 02 05 02 05 03 05 03 05 04 02 04 02 04 02 04 02 05 07 05 07 05 07 05 21 05 21 07 02 08 06 08 06 08 06 08 20 08 20 08 20 08 20 09 04 10 O1 11 05 12 17 12 17 O1 )7 O1 07 02 04 03 04 03 04 03 18 04 O1 05 06 06 03 06 03 07 O1 07 O1 Ol 06 Q1 06 Ol 20 02 03 1973 1973 1973 1973 1973 1973 1973 1973 1973 1973 1973 1973 1973 19 73 1973 1973 1973 1973 1973 1973 1973 1973 1973 1973 1973 1973 1973 1973 1973 1973 1974 1974 19 74 1974 1974 1974 1974 1974 19 74 19 74 1974 19 74 1975 1975 19 75 19 75 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 16 16 16 16 :'94-5 :'95-6 :'95-6 319 :;19-2 320 340 340 362 363 363 364 377 378 379 419 < 19-2 443 462 462 462 470 471 471 471 480 504 518 s,41-2 543 551 551 572 589 589 598 60$ 632 647 647 571 671 77 77 ??6-87 99 N C INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES -- New Hanover Count REZONING M y, . . _ U JECT a aea. u. s. County Indezea Since 1888 ? TO (OCOti eOmlf? op?o Of ??JJ? Anldentif in Trade Mark r?r OFFIC COTT A•2 TA? INDEX MADE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OH10 y g E fURNAME INITIAL iAY soi.o ?r owex a ouMM, N EN ?ERN , NORTB GR OLINA DATE MINUTE BOOK F? NATURE OF PROCEEDtNGS z ?? Month Day Year Vol. Pnge 1. Denial of R-15 to 0? I Masonboro zoning area 03 03 1975 16 126 2.. Approval of R-20 to R-15 in Zoning Area l0A 03 03 1975 16 126 3. Approval of R-15 to B-2 Zoning Area 2 03 03 1975 16 126 4. Approval of R-15 to B-1 Zoning Area 9B 04 07 1975 16 154 5.'' Approval of R-20 ? R-15 to B-2 in ZA l0A 04 07 1975 16 156 6. Approval of 0? I to R-15 in ZA 9B 04 21 1975 16 170-1 7. Tabling of request for R-15 to R-10 on Masonboro Loop Rd. in ZA #4 04 21 1975 16 175 8.- Denial of R-15 to B-2 on Gordon Road in ZA #OA 05 05 1975 16 185-6 9. Denial of R-15 to B-1 on Carolina Beach Rd. in ZA #9B 05 05 1975 16 186 10. Approval of R-15 to R-10 on Masonboro Loop Rd. in ZA #4 05 05 1975 16 i86-7 11. Approval of B-1 to R-15 on west side of Carolina Beach Rd. 06 02 1975 16 207 12. Approval of R-15 to B-2 on Englewood Dr. 06 02 1975 16 207 13. Approval of R-15 to 0 F? I on Wrightsville Ave. 06 02 1975 16 211 14. Denial of R-20 to B-1 at 28-A Oakley Circle 07 07 1975 16 238 15. Approval of R-15 to B-2 on Market St. Extension 07 21 1975 16 ?42-3 16. Rezone R-15 to B-1 in Zoning Area #9B 10 20 1975 16 286 17. Rezoning R-15 to R-10 Zoning Area #9A 10 20 1975 16 287 18. Appeal to rezone East side of Hwy 132 10 20 1975 16 290 19. Approve Rez oning East Side Hwy 132 11 03 1975 16 295 20. Rezone from R-15 to 0? I in Zoning Area #9B 12 O1 1975 17 16 21. Appeal to Rezone Southeast Corner Stokley Road 12 O1 1975 17 L7-18 22, Tabling rezoning appeal Oakley Rd. 12 ft. SW of intersection w/Oakley Loop Rd. 02 ?2 1976 17 51 23. Approval of rezoning Property west of Oakley Loop Rd. 03 ?1 1976 17 20 24 . Approval r?zoning property on south side of Brentwood Dr. 03 15 1976 17 78 25. Denial rezoning property SW intersection Rossmore Rd. and N. Kerr Ave. 03 15 1976 17 79 26. Appeal to deny rezoning property east and west of intersection of Middle Sd. Rd. and Market St. 03 15 1976 17 79 27. Withdrawal request rezone property east and west of intersection of middle Sd. Rd, and Market St. 04 ?1 1976 17 88 28. Approval rezone property east side of Carolina Beach Rd. souty Mrytle Grove Junc. 04 J5 1976 17 89 29, Approval rezone property west Carolina Beach. Rd. south of Antionette Dr. 04 ?S 1976 17 89 30. Approve rezone propertyvest Oakley Loop Rd. 04 ?5 1976 17 89 31. Appeal to deny rez oning property south side Market St., SW intersection Market St. and Military cut-off. 04 ?5 1976 17 93 32. Appeal to deny rezoning property west of Carolina Bch. Rod between Manassas Dr. F? Cathay Rd. 04 ?5 1976 17 93 33. Appeal to deny rezo?ing property west Airlie Rd. 04 ?5 1976 ,.17 116 34. Approval rezone property west of Carolina Beach Rd. between Manassas Dr. ? Cathay Rd. 05 ?3 1976 17 116 35. Rezone 110 Pine Grove Dr. 08 ?2 1976 17 168 36. Rezone Hwy 133 SE of Hwy 421 08 02 1976 17 168 37. Deny rezoning Gordon Rd. between Glynwood and Southgate 10 ?4 1976 17 203 38. Adopt Airport Zoning plan 10 ?4 1976 17 204 39. Rezoning - 105 Cardinal Dr. 11 ?1 1976 17 225 40. Rezone N. side SCLRR East of Hwy. 132 12 06 1976 17 236 41. Rezone W, side Carolina Bch. Rd. between Manassas and Cathay 12 ?6 1976 17 236 42. SUP Oakley Rd. for Mobile Home 12 ?6 1976 17 236 43. Deny rezaning East side River Rd. N. of Loran C. Station 12 ?6 1976 17 236 44. Rezone East side S. College and McMillan 12 20 1976 17 244-5 45. Appeal-Rexone on Masonboro Loop Rd. 02 )7 1977 17 274 46. South side Wrightsville Ave. 03 ?7 1977 17 292 ,? .,. INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES -- New Hanover Count N C T REZONING y, . . _ MATT R ` TO I?eat? nam?s. ?pM at COTT A•2 TA? INOEX REG. U. S. / County Indezee Since 1888 ? NU1DE BY TNE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMYUS, OHIO PAT OFFIGE ?,yT?? An Identifying Trade Mark SURNAML INITUL TAO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN CO., NE W BERN , N. C. DATE MINUTE BOOK NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS ? ' Month Day Year Vol. Page ;' 1. Rezoning Eastwood Rd. ? Cardinal Dr. 04 04 1977 18 14 2. Table rezoning Middle Sound Rd. 04 04 1977 , 18 14-5 3. Table Rezoning Middle Sound Rd. 04 18 1977 18 20 ? 4. Table rezoning Middle Sound Rd. 05 02 1977 18 27 5. Discuss rezoning not advertised properly 05 02 1977 18 27 6. Table rezoning Summer Rest Road 06 06 1977 18 42 7. Withdrawal rezoning Middle Sound Rd. 06 06 1977 18 42 8. Table rezoning South Side of US Hwy. 17 06 06 1977 18 45 9. Rezone South Szde of Hwy. I7 to B-? 06 20 1977 18 55 10. Continuance to deny rezoning property at 211 Summer Rest Rd. 07 05 1977 18 66 11. Denial rezone property NE corner Oleander Dr. 07 05 1977 18 66 12. Denial to rezone property at Summer Rest Road 08 O1 1977 18 82 13. Approval rezone property on SE corner of Hinton and Park Ave. to B-2 08 O1 1977 18 83 , I4. Denial appeal rezone prop. located on Brenda Dr. 08 O1 1977 18 84 15. Denail rezone prop. US 17 from R-15 to B-2 09 06 1977 18 92 16. Approval rezone prop, on Wrightsville Ave. from R-15 to B-2 09 06 1977 18 93 17. Approval rezone property on Castle Hayne Rd. from R-20 to B-1 10 03 1977 18 09 18. Approval rezone property located Market St. from R-15 to B-2 11 07 1977 18 22-? 19. Table rezoning prop. Acorn Bracch Crooked Rd. from A-1 to A-R 11 07 1977 18 123 20. Deny rezoning Wrightsville Ave. from 0? L to B-1 11 07 1977 18 125 21. Deny rezoning prop. Gordon Rd. and Acorn Branch Crooked Rd. (offer to buy Property) 11 21 1977 18 133 22. Property Market St. extension from R-15 to I-1 12 05 1977 18 141 23. Deny prop. Market St. extension from R-15 to B-2 12 05 1977 18 141 24. Property intersection Wrightsville Ave F? Allens Lane from R-15 to B-2 O1 03 1978 18 155 25. Rescind action rezoning property Wrightsville Ave from R-15 to B-2 - no action taken O1 03 1978 18 155 26. Continue Public Hearing - property N. Kerr Ave. from A-R to B-1 02 06 1978 18 165 27. Rezone N. Kerr Ave. from A-R to B-1 02 20 1978 18 173 28. Deny rezone Wrightsville Ave. from R-15 to B-2 04 03 1978 18 188- 29. Rezone Wrightsville Ave. & Wallace Ave. R-15 0& I 05 O1 1978 18 199 30. Rezone Property N. College Rd. I-1 to R-15 06 19 1978 18 225-6, 31. Rezone Property ?ayshore Dr. R-15 to I-1 06 i9 1978 18 226 32. Rezone property Market Street R-15 to B-2 06 19 1978 18 228-9, 33. Rezone property S. College Rd. R-15 to B-2 07 03 1978 18 238 34. Table Rezone property - Wrightsville Ave. 0& I- B-1 07 03 1978 18 241 35. Request for rezoning NHMH property 07 17 1978 18 251 36. Approval rezoning property southeast corner Wrightsville Ave & Stokley 0& I to B-1 08 07 1978 18 254 37. Rezone property North of NC 132 intersection from I-2 to R-15 08 07 1978 18 254 38. Public hearing consider corrective ordinance to reflect intent original 0& I for Cape Fear Hospital 08 07 1978 18 255 39. Request rezone property on 17th Street 08 21 1978 18 265 . 40. Public hearing - consider rezone - East Side Judges Road from I-1 to R-15 - approved 09 05 1978 18 269 41. Special Use Permit - Property located east side of Judges Road - Family Care Home in R-15 District 09 05 1978 18 269 42. Special Use Permit property located at East side of Airlie Rd. for a Marina in a B-1 District 12 04 1978 18 313 43. Special Use Permit - Property-Southwest Corner of Glynwood & Exeter Rds. - A=R Disirict 09 OS 1978 18 270 44. Carolina Beach Road North of 132 12 04 1978 18 313 45. Rezone property 6005 Oleander Dr. - R-15 to B-2 03 ?5 1979 18 365 46. Rezone - 5927 Carolina Beach Rd. - R-15 to B-2 03 05 1979 18 365 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover County, N. C. xec. u. s. ,,,,A???? County Inde:ea Since 1888 ??.3--Te leeab nam?s, ?pql ?t ??r OFFICE ???ou??C.az?' AnldentifvineTradeMark ?? SURNAMB INITIAL TAE NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS - SUBJECT ?ZONING ` _ MATTER: ? COTT A.Z TA{ IMOEX MADE !Y TNE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMYUS, ON10 SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN (0., NEW BERN, N. C. DATE MINUTE BOOK ` Month Day Year Vol. Page .? .. .. 1. Rezone - 6005 Oleander Drive - R-15 to B-2 03 2. Rezone - S. side of Oleander Dro., Englwood Drive & S. of Oleander Dr. R-15 to B-2 04 3.' Appeal to deny rezoning property located S. side of N. C. S.R. - 1322 from R-15 to R-10 06 4. Appeal to deny rezoning N. side Kerr Ave. East of Hwy. 117 from A-R to B-1 06 5.' West side of Hwy 132 - North of Greentree Rd, from B-2 to I-1 07 r 6.! Rezone 7234 Wrightsville Ave. from R-15 to B-1 08 7.' Appeal to deny rezoning property Southwest Side Gordon Rd., N. W. of Seaboard Costline RR right-of-way from 07 " R-15 to T-2 8. Appeal to deny rezoning property West side 132 S. of In tersection Hwy 132 & Parmele Rd, from part R-15 " and part I-2 to B-2 District ' 9. Rezone - Gordon Rd. & Marekt Street extension from Tract 1 I-1 to I-2, Tract 2 R-15 to I-l. 10. Deny - property SW of Intersection 132 & Blue Clay Rd. from R-15 to I-2. 11. Rezoning of properties from R-15 to 0.&I. Pine Grove Drive & Oleander Drive 12. Both sides of 47th Street £? Oleander Drive 13. 166 acres E& W sides of N. Kerr Ave. at Smith's Creek & N. Kerr Ave. from A-1 to R-15 06 09 19 1979 18 370 02 1979 18 379 04 1979 18 419 04 1979 18 419 02 1979 18 440 06 1979 18 454 06 1979 18 455 06 1979 18 '?56 17 1979 18 479 09 17 1979 18 479 03 10 1980 18 563 03 10 1980 18 563 05 05 1980 18 591 14. N. Kerr Ave. & Intersection of Smith Creek from A-1 to R-15 06 02 1980 18 15. N, Kerr Ave. & Intersection Smith Creek from A-1 to R-15 was postponed until first mtg, in September 07 07 1980 18 16. Property S. side of Murrayville Rd. & N. College Road 07 07 1980 18 17. South Side of Hwy 17 & N. E. of SR1346 from Residential to Business 08 04 1980 18 18. Appeal from the recominendation of the Planning Comm. to deny rezoning property at Carolina Beach 08 04 1980 18 19., Public Hearing to rezone property at E.&W. sides N. Kerr Ave. & Smith's Creek from A-1 to R-15 09 02 1980 18 20. Public Hearing request to rezone property on W. side of US Hwy 17-1750' S. of Edgewater Club Rd. R-15 to T-1 10 06 1980 18 R-15 to B-2 21. Public Hearing request to rezone property on E. side of Carolina Bch. Rd. - 200' S. of Silver Lake Rd. 10 )6 1980 18 22. Public Hearing request to deny rezone prop. on W. side of Airlie Rd. 332' S. of intersection of ? Airlie & highway 74/76 from R-15 to B-1 10 06 1980 18 23. Discussion on rezoning requirements 10 20 1980 18 24. Pub. Hearing request to rezone prop. on SW of intersectionof SR1322(N. Kerr Ave) & Hwy. 132 from A-r to B-2 11 03 1980 18 25.; Public Hearing request. to rezone prop. East of Avery Dr. Approx. 400' E. of Bradley Dr. from R-15 to R-10 11 03 1980 18 Public Hearing request to rezone prop. located East of Oleander Drive S. of Bradley Creek Bridge adjacent 26. to Bradley Creek Marina from B-2 to R-15 11 03 1980 18 27• Rezoning property located east ?f Avery and east of Bradley Dr. Terminex to be continued 2/2/81. 28. Rezone Property east of N. Kerr at intersection with Smith Creek 29. Amendment to Zoning Ordinance text amending Article VII 30. Rezone Property East of Avery Dr. 400 feet east of Bradley Drive Terminus - deni?d 31. Rezone property east side of 421 approx. 600 ft north of intersection with Manassas Dr. - approved 32. Rezone property North of Hwy. 17 approx. 250 feet North of Spartan Road 33. Rezone property west of Blue Clay Road approximately 1418 ft. North of Kerr Ave. from R-20 to I-2 34. Rezoning property located 200 feet South of Shipyard Boulevard 35. Rezoning property located on west side of Highway 421 36. Rezone property located north side of Eastwood Rd. West of US 74/76 junction from B-1 to R-20 37. Consider an appeal from the recommendation of Planning Board to deny a request to rezone property located North side of Wrightsville Avenue between Wallace and Wood Dale from 0& I to B-1 district 38. Rezoning property North of Holly Shelter Rd. & So. of Old Holly Shelter Road, east of Blossoms Ferry Road from I-2 to R-15 39;, Rezoning property located on the Southeast corner of Blue Clay Rd. & Holly Shelter Roads 40. Rezoning property located 200 feet South of Shipyard Blvd., East of Newkirk Road 41. Rezoning property located East side of Carolina Beach Rd., So. of Silver Lake Rd. 42. Rezoning property located on South side of Oleander Dr. East of Dogwood Lane 43. Rezoning property East of Market Street, North of Middle Sound Rd. to heavy business Ol 05 1981 18 O1 05 1981 18 O1 05 1981 18 02 02 1981 18 02 02 1981 18 03 02 1981 18 04 06 1981 18 06 Ol 1981 18 06 Ol 1981 18 07 07 1981 18 07 07 1981 18 610 627 627 642 642 656 674 674 675 686 690 691 691 739 739 740 758 758 771 797 847 847 875 883 09 21 1981 18 923 06 Ol 1981 18 848 09 08 1981 18 912 09 08 1981 18 912 09 08 1981 18 912 10 05 1981 18 932 I?DEX TO CO?IMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover County, N. C. _ MATTER: REZONING _ et?. u_ s. County Indezes Since 18$8 ?? To low» namss, open at COTT A TO 2 TAB INDEX r?r OFFIGE ???l?a-?-., An Identifying Trade Mark M?pE ?Y THE ?OTT INpEX WMrANY. COLUM?OS? OHIO SURNAME INITIAL iAB SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN CO., NEW BERN, N. C. NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS DATE Month Day Year l. Rezoning property located on No. side of Wrightsville Ave. between Canal and Summer Rest. Rd. from B-1 to 0&I 10 05 1981 2. Rezoning property located along Canal St., No. of Eastwood Rd. from B-1 to R-20 11 02 1981 3. Rezoning property located on So. side of W'ville Ave. East of Wood Dale Dr. from R-15 to B-1 district 11 02 1981 4. Rezoning property located on West side of Market St. North of Gordon Rd. from R-15 to B-2 district 5. Appeal of denied request to rezone property located No. of Holly Shelter Rd. east of Blossoms Ferry Rd. from I-2 to R-15 district Rezoning property located on South side of Wrightsville Ave. SR 1411 Approx. 250 feet East of MacMillian 6. Street from R-15 to 0& I District 7. Property on E. Side of Carolina Beach Rd. No. of Grand Champion Rd. from R-15 to B-1 District Public Hearing to consider rezoning'property located on South side of Wrightsville Ave. approx. 200 ft. $- East of a?1al?ace Aue. from R-15 & 0& I to B-1 District ''' ' 9. Public Hearing to consider an appeal from the recommendation of the Planning Board to deny a request to rezone property located on West side of Market St., approx. 300 ft. South of Edgewater Club Rd., from R-15 to B-2 district. Public Hearing to consider an appeal from the recommendation of Planning Board to deny rezoning property 10. on West side of Airlie Road, South of Stokley Drive, North of Edgewater Lane & East of Wrightsville Ave. from R-15 to R-205 District or an R-20 District as recommended by staff. Property located S. of Hewlett's Crreek, No. & E. of Masonboro Sd. Rd. of Intracoastal Waterway and N. of 11. Seabreeze Blvd. from R-20 and R-15 to R-20-S District. Public Hearing to consider an Appeal from recommendation of Planning Bd. to deny rezoning property 12, located on W. side of Castle Hayne Rd. Directly S. of Glendale Ave. from R-15 to B-2. Public Hearing to consider appeal from recommendation of Planning Bd. to deny rezoning property located 13, on S. side of Park Ave. W. of Hawthorne Dr. from R-15 to O& I. Property located South of Brentwood Dr., Ayprox. 1,300 feet west of Castle Hayne Rd. fro, I-2 to an 14. R-15 District 11 02 1981 MINUTE BOOK Vol. Page 18 18 18 18 932 949 949 949 11 02 1981 18 952 02 Ol 1982 18 994 03 Ol 1982 19 18 04 05 1982 19 41 04 05 1982 19 41 05 03 1982 19 60 06 07 1982 19 84 06 07 1982 19 87 06 07 1982 19 87 08 02 1982 15. Property located North side of Pine Grove Dr. directly West of 48th St. from an R-15 District to an O& I. 09 Property located E. of the Center line of the Atlantic Intracoastal Waterway, S. of the NH County/Pender 16. County line, W. of the Atlantic Ocean Shoreline, & N. of the Center Line of Mason Inlet Channel, including all of the area known as Figure Eight Island from an R-20 District to an R-20S District. 09 l?. Request for rezoning Airlie Road front ???' _ ?• 18. property approx. 10 acres located on the Southeast Corner of Blue Clay Rd. (SR I318) and Sidbury Rd. (SR 1336) from R-15 to B-1 19. Public Hearing to consider rezoning propety located W. side of Castle Hayne Rd. S. of Glendale Dr. from R-15 to B-2 District. 20. Public Hearing to consider an appe$1 from the recommendation of Planning Board to deny rezoning property located on S. side of Eastwood Rd, directly W. of Hillsdale Ave. and Charter Dr. from R-15 to B-2 10 07 1982 07 1982 18 1982 19 127 19 146 19 146 19 I72 11 Ol 1982 19 180 12 06 1982 19 197 12 06 1982 19 197 INDEX TO CONiMI55IQNERS MINUTES - New Hanover County, N. C. _ MATTER: ROADS _ ¦[o. u, s. County Indezee Since 1888 i?, ?.?--? To locats namea, OplO at COTT A•Z TAB ?NDEX r?r or?icc ?? An (dentifying Trade Merlc ?)?..8 8URNAME INITlAL TAB MADE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS i w 1.? Proposition to change road leading to City to road called.I?ewbLrn Road. ? 2.? Mr. H. Horn, overseer on Federal Point, to work on said road. 3. Mr. Horn instructed to work roads and be responsible for condition of same. i 4.? Mr. R.H. Grant, overseer, to work Old Newburn Road from point opposite Frank Pum's place to Plank Road. 5.? Communication from R.H. Grant, overseer of Public Road from Humphries to Wilmingt?n, rec eived. x' 6.,? Committee to select names for appointment as overseers of different public roads in the County. ?? 7.;'? 4 Committee reported on public roads and re?uested more time which was granted. .? 8.j, Letter received from General Rutherford was referred to John Sanders. 9.,? Committee on public roads reported progress and asked for? more time which granted. 10.:., Committee on public roads recommended that old road districts be continued . 11.,; Committee appointed 86 overseers for various districts. 12.;A A.J. Ceastin appointed overseer of public road section 2. 13.,a T. Mounks requested relief of duties as an overseer of public roads. 14.,: Correction of boundaries of public road section number 4. 15.;a y Request for relief of position as overseer of public road section number 9 by John Hanes granted. 16.;? Change made in boundary of public road section 10 in South Washington. 17.;? Request by Thomas Sikes for relief from job of overseer of public road received. '? 18.;i Section number 3 of public roads had Patrick Montague appointed as its overseer in place of Thomas Sikes. 19.;? W.T. Bannerman appointed overseer for public roads. 20.:; Workers (hands) for work on roads ordered. 21.,A ??; Road duty assigned to road hands. 22..?? Charles McClamy and W.W. Humphry appointed overseers of public roads. 23.{ Daniel Sanders resigned as overseer of public road section 1. ?? 24.i John Clark appointed overseer of public road section 1. 25.:? W. Humphrey, Thomas Newton and J.W. Bordeaux excused as road overseers. ? 26.d . James Nichols, Richard Davis and 0. Scott appointed as road overseers. ?, 27.? Repart from J.W. Williams on Holly Shelton and Middle Soun.d District. 28.; William Bray and J,P. Clark excused as overseers of public roads. (Pages 129-130) 29._; Rueben Swadon and John George appointed overseers of public roads. (Pages 129-130) 30.;; R.W. Collins appointed public road overseer. 31.F? ? Road hands to be used for road work. 32.,; Report from Stephen Keyes for Federal Point and Masonboro Sound. ?; 33.:; James Hines appointed overseer. 34.,, T.J. Lees, William Eaking and J.W. Williams appointed overseers of public roads. 35.:; T,s, Bloodworth and J. Padgett subject to road duty. 36.`i Transfer of road to County as public road allowed. 37.;; Major Jas. S. Hines appointed road overseer. 38.?; Calvin Nixon appointed road overseer. 39.;; John Hawes relieved as road overseer and :2ol?ert A. Henry appointed in his place. 40.,; James Morgan appointed road overseer. 41.,? Letter from Cornelius Johnson received. 42.;; Petition for a public road from Charles Bonham referred to Roads and Bridges Committee:,, 43.,? ? Committee approved report on public road petition of Charles Bonham. 44.4; Charles Bonham appointed overseer of road in his petition. 45.;; W.W. Humphrey excused as a road overseer. 46.?? Section 3 of the Middl? Sound District divided. ; DATE - MINUTE BOOK ? Month ? Day I Year Vol. I f Page ? 1 1868?? 1 1 07 ? 5 ? I 07 30 1868E 4 1 7 ? 07 30 1868? 1 7 ', 07 31 P 1868? 1 7 08 Il 1z?68s? 1 11 08 08 08 ' 08 ., 08 08 08 09 09 ; 09 ;, 09 09 ?, 09 r? 09 09 09 ; 09 ? 10 p. 10 11 ; 11 11 ?, 11 ii 12 ? e 12 ; 12 F: ?? O1 : Ol O1 Ol „ 02 02 M• ,; 0 2 4; 02 02 ,. 0 2 „ 02 03 '. 03 s; p. 12 1868?? ?? 17 1868r? fl ?i 18 1868k' 19 1868?' 's 20 1868: 20 1868pa 24 186 &:' 07 1868:? $ 07 1868'; 16 1868d? ii 16 1868ad 17 1868? 17 1868`?? 19 1868?; 23 1868;? 24 1868?? 29 1868; ?{ 13 1868;? ?' 13 1868€? E; 20 1868i? 20 1868?u; 21 1868?; :? ? 28 1868?; 28 1868:a ?;. ?: 08 1868?? ?.. 08 1868' r' 14 1868;; 29 1868';; 07 1869`?; 07 1869'.: 19 1869.: 29 1869"' O1 1869,: O1 1869;; 02 1869;? 02 1869;? 10 186 9 ???' 18 1869`,?? 18 1869;; ri 04 1869?? 04 1869?? ;? ?;? ,f. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 12 14 ' 15 ? 16 '' ;? .16 " ? 16 b; :? 27 a: 38 a ? 1 38 ?; ! 45 ` ? 45 ! t 47 ? ? 47 t 50 51 54 ? 57 ?f €9 69 ?i 69 ; ? 120 ? 120 ? 125 i G? I? 129 3! i 129 I? E? ? 137 ' 137 ; ? f 142 ? ? 150 ? 158 ? 4 159 j 169 ' 171 172 , 174 176 177 183 186 186 191 191 N INDEX TO CO?IMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover Count?y C ROADS , . . _ MATTER: a ? ?eo. u. s. County Indezee Since 1888 ?h ? To toeate names, open at COTT A-Z TAB IRDEX r?r OFFICE ?t?1? An Identifying Trade Mark ?? SURNAME INITIAL TAB MADE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD 8Y OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA ? DATE d? k, MINUTE BOOK y? NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS ` Month ? Day I Year ` Vol. I Page ' ;? ? 1.? E.J. Moore appointed road overseer. 03 04 1869," w? 1 192 ?°. !y 2. Road from Smith's Creek to Prince George's Creek divided into two sections. ; 83 22 1869, r+ 1 199 :,; 3. A.J. Hill and John St. Grange appointed overseers. 03 22 1869 ., 1 199 .? 4. Board ordered removal of obstruction in Smith's Creek. 03 22 1869Fa 1 200 '. 5.?? Issac James, G.F. Pridgen and J.W. Cowan released as road overseers. ;. 03 29 1869? 1 201 ?? 6.? Peter Atkinson, Edward Kea and L.N. Bowden appointed road oversaers. 03 29 1869?: 1 202 7. Y Road hands assigned to road duty. 04 05 1869 1 203 ` , 8.; s K.B. Powers appoin.ted overseer and Holden Lewis and A.J. Hill reappointed. 04 OS 1869 1 203` 9.?? Archibald Rooks and A.J. Hill released as road overseers. . 04 OS 1869. 1 203 r, 10.,; Issac James appointed overseer. 04 27 1869 1 222 „ 11.;; James Alderman and L.N. Bouden appointed overseers. . 06 07 1869„ 1 248._ 12., Kinchen Powers released as overseer. 06 07 1869; 1 248„ 13.0? , Sheriff's fee for road notices approved. 07 07' 1869 1 272 „ ? 14.:; Contract to be given for footway across Little Bridge. 08 02 1869, 1 2?? . ,15.F? Report from Lincoln Township on road overseers filed. „ 11 01 186?; 1 335 ,16.'? Reports from Grant and Caswell Townships on roads and bridges filed. , 11 02 1869 1 337„ 17,Rr Money allowed to complete footway on County road near Smith's Creek Bridge. „ Ol 04 1870, 1 396n, ?, , ,18.?? Mr. He??lett's bill for completing footway near Smith's Creek Bridge approved. „ 02 0? 187Q 1 401 , 19.?? Letters from Columbia Township on roads and bridges filed. ;, 05 0? 187p; 1 432„ .20.?? Letters from Franklin, Caswell and Holly Townships on roads and bridges filed. , 05 02 187Q 1 433 i` ,21.;? Letters from Grant, Wilmington and Lincoln Townships on roads and bridges filed. . 05 Oc 1870 1 433„ ,22.;? Reports from Townships on roads and bridges referred to Committee on Roads and Bridges. 10 03 1870 2 28 .23.@? Letter from J. Hines and J. Hill on road conditions in Holden referred to Committee on Roads and Bridges. 10 08 1870 2 32 R ,, 24.F? Board referred Cape Fear Clerk's report on roads and bridges to Committee on Roads and Bridges. 10 13 1870 2 36 ,25.r? Board referred Wilmington's Clerk's report on roads and bridges to Committee on Roads and Bridges. , 10 13 187a: 2 36 26.;; Petition from James Kerr to disallow roads,under consideration. 10 13 1870 2 36 ,: ? 27.;? William Moore exempted from poll tax and working roads due to bodily infirmity. 10 17 1874 , 2 71 , ? 28.;; Report approved on public roads from Mr. Bagg, Clerk of Lincoln Township. 10 17 1870, 2 71 . i? 29.;? Report from Harnett Township on roads and bridges referred to Committee on Roads and Bridges. , 10 17 1870!; 2 71 , #? 30.;; ; Petition of J. Kerr, John Carr, Colin Shaw, and others to disallow road approved subject to "Act" of April ? 11 07 1870; 2 81 z ; , ;? 6 , 1869 . . . .? ,31.sy William Giles told to proceed according to law to have public road reopened. . 02 06 1871? 2 121 „ ,32.;; Report from C1erk of Caswell on public roads filed. LL, 04 05 1871', 2 140 4? 33.:; R.M. Bourdeaux exempted from road duty for 1871 due to pulmonary condition. 04 05 1871 2 140 34.;; Trustees of Union to be ncztified of request of James and David Rooks to continue working Shiloh Road. Q4 22 1871 2 148 , 35. ; Board filed report from Masonboro Clerk on condition of the Township's roads. 09 06 1871 2 219 , ? 36.E; A.J. Eakin relieved from road work in Columbia Township. 09 23 1871_ 2 224 37.,; , D.W. Mott relieved from road work in Federal Point Township. 10 02 1871, 2 225 38.??? Andrew Shines, Calvin Birn, W. Pope, J. Chadwick, T. Sheapard, and H. Edens appointed overseers in Grant. , 10 30 1$71 2 238 , 39.?N Board filed report from Grant Township on condition of roads. ' 12 04 1871., 2 244 , 40.;F? W.H. Moore excused from road work. , 12 04 1871 2 244 , ?? 41.+, Board filed report of Cape Fear T?ustees on road conditions. . 12 04 1871 2 244 4t 42.;t Henry Register excused from performing any public duty due to disability. 12 19 1871._ 2 275 43.6? Petition of citizens of Masonboro to open roads referred to Masonboro Trustees. O1 23 1872, 2 285,; r= ? 44., ' 6 Petition from George Gurganus for relief from road duty gran?ed. 02 05 1872 2 281 , 45.? ? ? f Justice Corbett to apQear before Board to discuss matter of working on Turnpike Road. , s 02 05 1872, ?? ? 2 281,; ? ;; i? INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover Count?, N. C. _ MATTER: ROADS ` Rco. u. s. /? ,,,/???? Counry Indezea Since 1888 ??+?-- To toeate names, open at COTT A•Z TAB INDEX ret ofrica C?GUei?zLa?s An Identifying'I?rade Mar? ?)t? 8URNAME INITIAL TAB MADE BY iHE COii INOEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHtO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS DAiE `' MINUiE BOOK ? ? M , ? ? Month ? Day ? Year ?; Vol. ? Page ? 1., ? ? Matter of Thadens Lamont versus Justice Corbett referred to Superior Court. f 02 12 1872`; 2 ?? 290 ' ? 2.` :Board referred question of who is to furnish tools for work on County roads to Attorney. 02 12 1872". 2 290 ?? ?'? 3.: ?Overseers of roads to determine who furnishes tools for road work with Trustee's approval. 03 04 1872?? 2 293. ?{ i 4.',,?Board suggested overseer of roads in Caswell Township be changed. :a y 09 ^ 04 1872?; 2 , 357 {' !i S.? ? ;Report from Clerk of Caswell on condition of roads filed. 10 16 1872?{ i' 2 ? 385 ?? 6. ; ,Bill for roads and bridges from John Onell approved. 12 23 1872, 2 s? 412 ?? +? 7. ;Application for new road from W.W. Harris referred to Trustees of Masonboro. O1 06 1873,, 2 G; 420 a? Ei 8.; ?Report from Caswell`s Clerk on condition of roads filed. OI 21 1873'' 2 ?r: 422 ``' ki l 9. , Names of overseers of roads in Caswell Township listed. O1 21 1873,. 2 422 ?? 10. .Board filed report from Masonboro Township on road condition. OI 21 1873 2 423 „ 11., , Board filed report from Grant Township on road conditions and names of overseers. O1 21 1873, 2 423 12. Filed report from Caswell Township Clerk on condition of roads. 04 02 1873 3 63 13. Al1 licensed pilots and apprentices exempted from working on roads. 04 02 1873 3 63 14. Commissioners given power to excuse persons working highways by General Assembly. 04 02 1873 3 63 15. Persons exempted from poll tax and duties on roads: R. Rivernbark, I. Brown, J. Croom and J.H. Pearsall. 05 12 1873 3 f. 81 16. Several persons exempted from duty on highways and poll tax. 07 07 1873 3 83 ?- 17. Filed report from Caswell Township's Clerk on condition of roads. 07 10 1873 .. 3 86 `; w: 18. ;Application of Bruce Williams on building a road through his property referred to Committee on Roads. 08 04 1873 . 3 90 '' yd 19. Letter from Lincoln Trustees concerning building a new road referred to Committee on Roads and Bridges. 08 04 1873 .. 3 90 ; ;, e` 20. Resident of Harnett Township exempted from road duty since disabled in one leg. 10 17 1873 3 116 a; 21. Board filed report of Union Trustees on condition of roads and bridges in said Township. 10 17 1873 3 116 ?, 22. Bil1 from H. Murphy for roads approved. 11 04 1873. 3 139 ;, 23._ Bill from David West for roads and bridges approved. 11 12 1873„ 3 145 ;; 24.. _Petition from Bruce Williams claiming $50 damage for timber cut from property for building footways in 12 16 1873, 3 ': 160 ?; , Lincoln Township not granted. : 25. Board approved Lincoln Trustees condemnation of land for road through property of Bruce Williams at $12 as 12 23 1873 ?, 3 161 ' a more than suitable price. .. ;; 26. Board ordered road to be laid out on William's property in accordance with the law. 12 23 1873 ,, 3 162 „ „ 27. Bill from S. Martin for roads and bridges approved. Ol 05 1874 3 167 ? 28. Request from David West for exemption from road duty not allowed. 02 02 1874 3 173 ?' ,. 29. Board filed report from Masonboro Trustees on condition or roads. 02 02 1874 3 173 • 30. Bill from C.F.W. Bissniger for roads and bridges approved. . . 02 02 1874 .. 3 174 ; ,? 31. ,Andrew Mclntire and George Gurganns exempted from road duty due to age. 05 18 1874 3 216 ' 32. Report from Union Trustees on condition of roads and bridges filed. 05 18 1874 3 216 33. ,TOd.3. Ennett exempted from all public duty as imposed by law. 06 Ol 1874 3 221 ' 34. James McIntire exempted from any public or jury duty due to age and illness. 06 29 1874 3 223 35. _Record of May 18, 1874 stands corrected to read James McIntire instead of A.J. Mclntire. 06 29 1874 3 223 : 36. Request from citizens of Lillington for County aid in building a footway referred to Committee on Roads. 11 04 1874 3 277 ?. 37. ,Request from H.E. Scott, J.W. St. George, George Sanders and others for road repairs referred to Committee 12 07 1874 3 280 ?: ,. on Roads and Bridges. : ' 38., . Warren Farren exempted from public duty. , O1 04 1875.` 3 ?, 28R ?? 39. ; Filed report from Holden Township on condition of roads and bridges. O1 04 1875,_ 3 289 40. Committee on Roads and Bridges recommended making a footway over Long's Creek at County expense. O1 OS 1875, 3 290 41. Complaints made by citizens of Masonboro and Harnett Townships about neighborhood road made by T. Edens. O1 05 1875 3 291 ? 42. 'Trustees of Harnett to have above road put in lawful order. Q1 OS 1875 3 291 ? 43. ? ? 'Bill from A.R. Black for bridges and roads approved. y - d Ol ? 05 1875. ,? ?5 3 292 '. ?' ?: f? ^? ??