S Index to Minutes July 15, 1868INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - xEC. u. s. ?fj County Indezes Since 1888 ?? PAT OFFIGE C.G.?ei7?,!?-Y.?-., An Identifying Trade Mark ' NATUR? OF PROCEEDIN l. Public Hearing - secondary road fund expenditures - DOT 2. Publix Hearing - Secondary Road Construction and Bond Funds r ? SUBJECT SECONDARY ROAD FUND New Hanover Count?? ?. t?. , MAiTER: EXPENDITURES - To bwb emms, apen at COTT A TO 2 TAB INDEX MADE ?Y TNE fOTT INDEX OOMtANY, ?OUIN?6f, ONIO 3URNAl11E IIHTIAL iAB SoI.D BY OWEN G. DUNN CO., NEW BERN, N. C. GS DATE MINUiE BOOK Month Day Year Vol. Page 09 21 1981 18 923 04 19 1982 19 50 r INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover County, N. C. _ Mpg,?ECT (CON]NIISSI?NE1tS' UFFICE) ae?, u. s. County Indezea Since 1888 1o IOlat? nqmK. op?11 at n? ? COiT A-2 TM lMCFJf MADE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OH10 r?r OPFICE - C?E ?.a? tAn Identifyins Trade Mark SURNAME INITIAL TAY SOLD ?Y ONEN ?. DUNN, NEN ?ERN. NOkiN GROLINA DATE MINUTE BOOK NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS Month Day Year Vol. Page 1. C;ommission Architect for 04 'L1 1y69 14 3`l2 2. Renovation of 05 05 I969 14 3L6 3. Building 06 03 1969 14 339 4. Renovation of 07 03 1969 14 359 5. Renovation of OS lx 1969 14 382 6. Renovation of U9 OL 1969 14 385 7. ( ( I Renovation of 09 15 1969 14 38t? INDE? TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES H N N C C - anover ew ount?, . . _ MATTER: SALARIES ` Reo. u. s. Counry Inaezee Since 1888 ?? To locste names, open at r?r o?r?ce ?rA'J? An ldentiFyins Trede Mark SURNAM6 INITIAL TAB COTT A$ TAB INDEX MADE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, fOLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA ? NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS ?' ? DATE MINUTE BOOK ? Month I Day I Year Vol. I Page ?? 1.?? Salary of J. Peterson as Chairman and Clerk of Board of Trustees for Poor set at $200.00 per ,- year. ?, 08 . . 20 p 1868? 1 . 24 2.? Board of Trustees for Poor of New Hanover appointed at $200.00 a year. ?? t? 08 ' 21 ? 1868i 1 25 ; 3.' Salary of Chariman and Clerk of Board of T?ustees for Poor established. ?? 09 11 ? 1868? 1 43 'y i ? ? f 4. Salary of Overseer of Poor House set. ?? 09 16 1868 1 45 5. Salary of H.E. Scott as Chairman of the Board of Trustees of Poor set at $600 a year instead ?: of $250. 4; 11 20 1868 1 122 6.? J.C. Hill as Janitor of Courthouse is allowed $25 per month. i : 12 04 1868 1 133 7.?; ? Salary of Clerk and Chairman of Board of Trustees approved. ?; O1 ?. 02 1869? 1 155 ? a 8.i; Salary of Superintendent of Work House set at $1,200 per year. „ O1 07 1869? 1 159 9.;$ J.C. Hill to receive $30 per month as Janitor to Courthouse. „ 02 24 ; 1869;j 1 188 ; 10... Salary of County Attorney set at $800 a year. . 04 27 1869;; 1 222 11. Bill from Edward Cantwell for salary as Judge of Special Court for $500 approved. 07 07 1869.; 1 272 ? 12. Salary of Superintendent of Work House set at $2,000 per year. OS 07 1870?? 1 s 441 j? , 13. ? Obtaining legal advisor and setting his salary referred to Finance Committee. Q9 05 1870; ,? 1 ? 486 14. ; Treasurer's compensation set at 1% for receiving and 1% for disbursing a11 public funds. ? 09 06 a 1870?; ?B 2 2 15. ; Courthouse Janitor's salary set at $20 a month. O1 03 1871.a 2 110 16.:; M. London appointed Attorney and salary set. , 06 09 1871,? , 2 174 ? ?6 17.? ? Board increased salary of Courthouse Janitor to $25 a month. 01 23 ? 1872? 2 286 E 18.?' M. London appointed Attorney of the Board at $400 per annum. ` 09 17 ?i 1872F? ?? 2 367 19.;; '; Dr. A.E. Wright employed as Physician of Jail at $150 per annum. F 02 06 1873?? ?? 2 425 20. ? Daniel Russell's salary of $200 as a judge approved. 03 03 1873F 3 34 ? 21. ' Judge Daniel Russell's salary approved at $200. ; 08 04 1873h? 3 99 ? 22.,? Dr. West's salary set at $150 per year for care of County paupers. Ol OS 18751 3 ?? ?. 291 I' t. ., iF 23. ; Attorney's salary set at $400 per annum. 05 s: 08 1875!; 3 325 ? 24.?? Wage of Janitor of Courthouse reduced from $30 to $20 per month. 12 11 1875;; 3 397 25.?, ? Salary of physician for out door poor set at $200 per year. ? 12 ?. 16 1875`? ,i 3 400 , 26. ? Salary of Clerk to Auditing Committee set at $1,000 per annum to be paid monthly. i ;, 12 23 1876, 3 514 27.;? Salary of Dr. A.E. Wright for coroner's duties, care of insane and out door poor out of City limits set at 09 10 1877'; ` 3 , 612 ? ; p; a $200 per annum. .. ;t ,, 9 28.'? Salary of Janitor of Courthouse set at $15 per month. ? 12 02 1878? 4 3 29..? ?: ; Salary of $50 a month set for Superintendent of Board of Health. 07 ,? 07 1879;; 4 80 , s. 30. ; ,a Letter from Judge Means relative to reduction of his salary by act of General Assembly. 07 ., 07 ? 1879= 4 ? 81 ? ? 31. ? Solicitor Means protested Assembly's abolishment of his salary. ; 07 07 1879;? 4 81 `?? 32.:' Salary of County Attorney set at $500 yearly to be paid quarterly from Arpil, 1879. ? ; 07 07 ? ` 1879'h; 4 i 81 , 33. Salary of Superintendent of Health increased from $50 to $75 a month. „ 02 02 1880.r 4 170 ,? i 34.?'; Salary of Attorney and Solicitor set at $1,200 a year. ,, 12 05 1881„ 4 f 3?+?+ ? ; 35. .j Salary of Superintendent of Health fixed at $900 per annum. „ Ol 02 1883;; 4 ? 444 ? , 36. j Salary of F.M. James for care of Oak Grove Cemetery set at $50 per annum. 08 '" 03 ?: 1885;; 4 645 i 1 37.' Solicitor's salary set at $100 a month. 03 07 1887?? 4 ? 793 ? 38.?" ?? James Walker elected Superintendent of Poor House at $300, 05 „ 09 1$90k6 5 249 ! 39.ti? " Salary of Courthouse Janitor fixed at $45 per month. 03 06 1$93;? 5 ? 483 ? 40.,? Salary of Superintendent of Health set at $750 per year. 06 12 `'' 1893}{ 5 I 505 " ? 41.'+ ?? Salary of County Physician set at $750 pez year. 08 ,? 07 , 1893;? ,. 5 513 42."y Salary of County Physician and Superintendent of Health set at $750 per year each. F 10 02 1893'?; 5 524 ? 43.?9 ; Salary of $50 a month fixed for Finance Committee Clerk. O1 26 1895?E 5 611 ? ; 44.¢+ Pay established for tax listers and assessors of Wilmin?ton. 04 Ol ,? 1895;! 5 634 °a 45.? Salary of Superintendent of Health set at $600 per annum. 09 02 1895; 5 667 _ ' ,; ii ,? ;? ? s` INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES -- New Hanover Count? SALARIES N C MATTER , . . _ : ? eeo. u. s. Covnty Indezea Since 1888 F?r ? To locate namea, open at r?r OFFICE ?,?i?? An Identifying Trade Mark ?)?? SURNAME INITIAL TAB COTT A-Z TAB INDEX MADE BY THE (QTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA DAiE `M ?? MINUTE NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS ? ' Month ? Day? Year ?" ?t Vol. l. Salary of County Physician set at $400 per annum. ; 09 02 1895 ?+ 5 2. Salary of County Physician increased from $400 to $750 beginning September 2, 1895. ; 10 07 1895 ?? 5 3. Salary of County Attorney set at $250 per annum. O1 14 1897 `; '3 5 4. City and County Superintendents of Health and County Physicians positions to be held by one physician at 04 08 1897k{ 6 $1,250 per annum. i S. Clerk for Superintendent of Health to be employed at $250 per annum. 04 6. Salary of County Attorney raised to $300 since will have more responsibilities. 07 7. Salary of $50 per month awarded Chairman to Board. 10 8. Salary of Superintendent of County Roads set at $75 per month. ., 08 9.? Salary of Superintent.of Oak Grove Cemetery set at $50 per annum. _ O1 ?+ 10.? :, Salary of Superintendent of Roads set at $75 per mon?h. O1 11.?? Salary of Supervisors of road hands set at $25 per year. 04 12.!? . ; Superintendent of Health's salary set at $100 a month. 05 ?, 13.`,' ' Visiting physician's salary set at $500 per year. 05 ? 14.?? Salary of Keeper of Oakdale Cemetery set at $50 a year. 12 ? 1 ? l d h l 5.' ;? ary Sa of Superintendent of Roa s set at $40 per mont . .. O 16.;" ' ! Salary of Superintendent of Health set at $100 a month. 05 ' 17.!? . ? Salary of Chairman of Board set at $100 a month. 09 . ?, 18.i ?. Salary of Superintendent of Roads remains at $40 a month. O1 , 19.? . ?j Salary of Chairman of Board reznains the same as last year. O1 ? 20.? Salary of Chairman of Board fixed at same rate as last year. 12 ;? 21.;? , S.J. Jones re-elected Superintendent of Roads at $40 per month. O1 ., 22.c? ; Salary of Superintendent of Roads set at $50 per month. 02 23.fd Salary of Superintendent of Health set at $1,200 per annum. 05 k ,24.? Salary of Chairman of Board set at $100 per month. , 12 w? 25.?! Salary of Auditing C1erk set at $50 per month. 12 r, 25.64 W.W. King appointed Keeper at Oak Grove Ce?netery at $100 per year. ; 12 ,27.$; , Salary of Superintendent of Roads increase3 from $50 to $60 per month. 05 ?; 28.qq Salary of Chairman of Board set at $100 a month. 12 ,? 29.?? . ?? Salary of Superintendent of County Home set at $70 per month. 12 .. 30.?? Salary of Superintendent of Health set at $1,00 per annum. 05 ?6 .31.?? ?? Salary of Finance Clerk increased $10. 06 32.?? Salary of Chairman of Board remained at $1,200 per annu.. a 12 s? 33.;? Salary of keeper of Oak Grove Cemetery set at $100. . 12 ,; ,34.;? Salary of Superintendent of Roads set at $75 per month. ,, fll 35.F, ? Salary of Chairman of Board remained at $100 per month. 12 ; ;? ,36.;; Salary of road foreman set at $65 per month. .. 12 ,37.?s Salary of keeper of Oak Grove Cemtery set at $100 per month. 12 ? .38.?? ;? Salary of Janitor of Courthouse set at $50 per month. 12 39.;? ., Salary of Superintendent of Roads set at $75 per month. , O1 ,? 40.?? Salary of Superintendent of Health set at $100 per month. .. 0? 41."? Salary of Chairman of Board set at $100 per month. . 1? ,i 42.?F? ? S. C. Winner to keep County clock at $48 a year. 0] ,? { 43. ? Salary of County Attorney set at $1,000 a year. 0? ? 44.? S.C. Winner elected Keeper of County clock at $5 per month. 1? 45. ( Salary of Chairman of Board set at $100 a month. ,. 1? 08 1897 6 07 1897 ; 6 03 1898 , 6 22 1899 ?, 6 01 1900. 6 02 1900 . 6 02 1900 6 09 1900 _, 6 09 1900 .. 6 03 1900 ,; 6 07 1901 ,; 6 06 1901 ?; 6 09 1901 6 06 1902 6 06 1902 6 02 1902 ; 6 05 1903 6 07 1903 6 04 1903 , 6 07 1903 ; 6 07 1903 , 5 10 1903 6 02 1904 , 6 05 1904 „ 7 05 1904 ,: 7 O1 1905 7 05 1905 7 04 1905 7 04 1905 7 02 1906 „ 3 03 1906 ;, 7 03 1906 ., 7 03 1906 e, 7 03 1906 „ 7 07 1907 ;, 7 07 1907 ,; 7 02 1907 ' 7 07 1908 . 7 24 1908 . 7 07 1908 ,; 7 07 1908 ? 7 ' ?? II 667 `? ;, 672 Gr 758 ?? 1 1 20 ., 184 327 „ 381 381 . 426 ,. 436 „, 436 490 _ 512 „ 547 595 628 6 28 ' 688 „ 694 701 718 , 762 762 „ 7b6 791 „ 10 , 10 „ 23 , 27 42 ? 44 46 . 67 69 67 6 7 ,; 75 87 . 114 120 ; 125 160 ?A 160 ?' ?; I r INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover County, N. C. _ MATTER: SA?=ES ` rtec. u. s. County Indezea Since 1888 YO lo[af9 nameS? open ?f COTT A•Z TAB INDEX MADE BY TNE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO ?AT OFfICE Cn?? An ldentifYinB Ttade Mark SURNAME INITIAL TAB SOLD BY OWEN G. D4NN, NEW BERN. NORTH CAROLINA DATE MINUTE BOOK ? NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS Month I Day I Year VoL I Page " l. Salary of Superintendent of Roads same as last year. 2. Keeper of Clock to be paid $5 a month. 3. Salary of County Attorneys same as last year. 4. Salary of Chairman of Board set at $100 per month. 5. Salary of Superintendents of County Home and Farm same as last year. 6. Salary of Superintendent of Health set at $1,800 a year. 7. Salary of Keeper of County Clock set at $5.00 a month. 8. Chairman's salary remained $100 a month. 9. Salary of Superintendent of County Home and Farm set at $75 a month. 10. Salary of Janitor of Courthouse raised from $50 a month to $65 a month. 11. Salary of Clerk to Board and assistant to Auditor set at $1,600 per annum. 12. Deputy sheriff's salary set at $1,200 per annum; field deputy's salary set at $900 a year. 13. Salary of Chief deputy of Register set at $1,200 per annum and for assistant, $600 per annum. 14. Salary of Register of Deeds set at $2,500 per annum. 15. Salary of Sheriff set at $3,500 per annum. 16. Salary of Superior Court Clerk set at $2,750 per annum; one deputy clerk at $1,200 per annum and one clerk at $600 per annum. 17. Salary of Constable of Wilmington set at $720 per annum. 18. Salary of Jailor set at $70 per month and for cook for prisoners $15 a month. 19. Salaries of Health Inspectors set at $65 per month. 20.?;:Recommended pay for County Home guard set at $35 a month. 21. Salary of Superintendent of Roads increased to $25 a month. 22. Salary of Fumigatior Officer of Health Dept. set at $70 a month. 23. Superintendent of County Home's salary set at $25 a month. 24. Superintendent of County Farm's salary set at $65 a month. 25. Salary of Janitor of Courthouse set at $65 per month. 26. Salary of County Attorneys set at $600. 27. Salary of Superintendent of Oak Grove Cemetery set at $15 a month. 28. Salary of Jailor set at $80 per month and $15 a month for cook. 29. Farm Demonstrator elected for 10 months at $75. 30. Salary of Chairman set at $1,200 per annum. 31. Salary of Superintendent of County Home set at $90 a month. 32. Salary of Janitor of Courthouse set at $65 a month. 33. Salary of County Attorney set at $60 per month. 34. Salary of Clerk to Board set at $1,700 per annum. 35. Salary of Farm Demonstrator increased by $25. 36. Special officer appointed of $75 a month. 37. Pay of County Assessor fixed at $4 per day. 38. Salary of Chairman of Board set at $1,200 per year. 39. Salary of Clerk to Board set at $1,700 per year. 40. Salary of Supeiintendent of Roads set at $1,500 per year. 41. Salary of Janitor set at (Courthouse) $780 per year. 42. Salary of Keeper of Courthouse Clock set at $60 per year. 43. Salary of County Attorney set at $900 per year. 44. Salary of Superintendent of Oak Grove Cemetery set at $25 a month. 45. Salary of Court stenographer set at $75 a month. Ol 06 1910 7 190 12 05 1910 7 204 12 05 1910 7 204 12 05 1910 7 204 Ol 04 1911 7 206 05 08 1911 7 218 Ol 02 1912 7 241 12 02 1912 7 264 12 27 1912 7 268 02 03 1913 7 279 05 Ol 1913 7 289 05 Ol 1913 7 289 05 O1 1913 7 289 05 O1 1913 7 289 05 Ol 1913 7 289 05 O1 1913 7 289 05 Ol 1913 7 289 05 Ol 1913 7 289 05 19 1913 7 294 06 09 1913 7 306 06 30 1913 7 308 11 03 1913 7 322 12 O1 1913 7 327 12 Ol 1913 7 327 12 O1 1913 7 327 12 04 1913 7 330 O1 05 1914 7 331 04 04 1914 7 349 10 05 1914 7 386 12 07 1914 7 407 12 07 1914 7 407 12 07 1914 7 407 l? 07 1914 7 407 12 07 1914 7 407 02 O1 1915 7 431 04 05 1915 7 449 08 16 1915 7 479 12 07 1915 7 518 12 07 1915 7 518 12 07 1915 7 518 12 07 1915 7 518 12 07 1915 7 518 12 07 1915 7 518 12 13 1915 7 520 Ol 03 1916 7 522 I ND EX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES N H C N C E BR TE IDGES - ew anover ount?, . . E ERT COMMIT , MA T i nec. u. s. .,q County Indezea Since 1888 ?? ?+}-? To IoCate names? open af P?r ovs?ce ?.?i,??.?o?.<?a-7? An Identifyin& Trade Marlc ? SUBNAME INtT1Ai TAB COTT A-2 TAB INDEX MADE BY THE C017 INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS. OHIO . SOLD BY OWEN 6. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH GROLINA NAtURE QF PROCEEDINGS DATE MINUTE BOOK Month?? Day I Year VoL I Page , 1. Salary of Farm Demonstrator and Manager of County set at $1,500 annum and $10 month for auto. Ol 24 1916 7 529 i 2.; Salary of Superintendent of County Home and Assistant Farm Manager set at $65 a month. O1 24 1916 7 531 3. Salary of County Home Matron set at $25 a month. Ol 24' 1916 7 529 4. Salary of Superintendent of Work House and Supply Officer set at $75 a month. Ol 24 1916 7 529 5. Salary of Assistant Superintendent of Work House and Foreman of road gang set at $35 a month. O1 24 1916 7 529 6. Salary of Work House Matron set at $15 a month. O1 24 1916 7 531 7. Salary of Road Superintendent set at $135 a month. Ol 24 1916 7 531 8. Salary of Superintendent of County Home set at $40 a month. 09 05 1916 7 581 9. Salary of Health Officer increased to $3,000 per annum. 09 28 1916 7 587 10. Salary of Chairman of Board set at $100 a month. 12 04 1916 7 597 11. Salary of Clerk to Board set at $1,700 a year. 12 04 1916 7 597 12. Salary of Auditors Clerk set at $75 a month. 12 04 1916 7 597 13. Salary of Superintendent of Roads set at $135 a month. 12 04 1916 7 597 14. Salary of Superintendent of County Home and Farm set at $90 a month. 12 04 1916 7 597 15, Salary of Superintendent of County Work House set at $75 a month. 12 04 1916 7 597 ' ? 16. Salary of County Attorney set at $75 a month. 12 04 1916 7 597 17. Salary of Special Officet set at $75 a month. 12 04 1916 7 597 f 18. Salary of Court Stenographer set at $75 a month. 12 04 1916 7 597 19. Salary of Keeper of N.E. River Bridge set at $30 a month 12 04 1916 7 597 20. Salary of Janitor of Courthouse set at $70 a month. 12 04 1916 7 597 21. Salary of Superintendent of Oak Grove Cemtery set at $25 a month. 12 04 1916 7 597 22, Salary of Matron of Work House set at $20 a month. 02 05 1917 7 609 23. Legislature to be notified that Board opposes bill increasing salaries of County Officers. 03 02 1917 7 613 24. Salary of Public Defender fixed at $50 a month. 04 02 1917 7 617 ,25. Salary of Superintendent of County Farm set at $10 a month. 07 02 1917 7 625 26. Wages of Keeper of N. E. River Bridge increased to $10 a month. 09 04 1917 - 7 639 27, Salary of Clerk to Board set at $100 a month. 11 05 1917 7 646 ? 28. Salary of Clerk to Board set at $1,500 per year. 12 03 1917 7 651 29, Salary of Superintendent of Roads set at $135 per month. 12 03 1917 7 ? 651 ? 30. Salary of Superintendent of Home and Farm and Matron set at $100 a month combined. 12 03 1917 7 651 31, Salary of County Attorney set at $85 per month. 12 03 1917 7 651 32. .Salary of Work House set at $100 per month. 12 03 1917 7 651 33. Salary of Court Stenographer set at $75 a month. 12 03 1917 7 651 34. Salary of N. E. River Bridge Keeper set at $40 per month. 12 03 1917 7 651 35, Salary of Janitor of Courthouse set at $75 a month. 12 03 1917 7 651 ?. 36. Salary of Superintendent of Oak Grove Cemetery set at $25 a month. 12 03 1917 7 651 37. Salary of Farm Demonstrator set at $80 a month. 12 03 1917 7 651 38., Salary of Probation officer set at $20 a month. 12 03 1917 7 651 39, Salary of Superintendent of Farm and Home fixed at $75 a month. OI 07 1918 7 658 40. Salary of Matron of County Home fixed at $40 a month. Ol 07 1918 7 658 41. Salary of head Deputy Sheriff set at $1,650 per year. OS 06 1918 7 696 42. Salar y of second De ut Clerk of Su erior Court set at $792 y p y p pe? ear. 05 06 1918 7 ! 696 43. Salary of Deputy Register of Deeds set at $1,320 per year. 05 06 1918 7 696 44. Salary of Clerk in Register of Deeds office set at $660 per year. OS 06 1918 7 696 45. Salary of Jailor set at $1,056 per year. OS 06 I918 7 696 4Ei Salary of Janitor set at $990 per year. 05 06 1918 7 696 N INDE? TO COMMISSIOl?ERS MINUTES -- New Hanover Count? C SALARY y, . . , MATTfR: ` ncc. u: t. ? .p??,'? Counry Indezea Since f888 70 loeate names, open at PAT OFFICE Cw?cA?'?c(d? An Identifying Trade Mark ? SURPIAME INITIAL TAB COTT A-Z TAB INDEX MAOE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, ONIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA DATE MINUTE BOOK NATURE Or PROCEEDINGS Month Day I Yenr Vol. I Page l. Salary of Keeper of Oak Grove Cemetery increased to $30 a month. 05 22 1918 S 10 2. Salary of Supt. of County Farm and Home increased to $85 a month. 08 05 19I8 8 16 3. Salary of Supt. of Roads set at $175 per month. 09 03 1918 8 18 4. Salary of probation officer set at $20 a month. 09 03 1918 8 18 5. Salary of Clerk to Board set at $135 per month. 12 02 1918 8 26 6. Salary of Supt, o? Roads and Bridges set ar $175 per month. 12 02 1918 8 26 7. Salary of County Home Supt. and Farm set at $85 per month. 12 OZ 1918 8 26 8. Salary of Matron of County Home set at $40 per month. 12 02 1918 8 26 9. Salary of Supt. of Work House set at $75 a month. 12 02 1918 8 26 10. Salary of County Attorney set at $85 per month. 12 02 1918 8 26 11. Salary of Court Stenographer set at $75 per month. 12 02 1918 8 26 12. Salary of Keeper of N. E. River Bridge set at $50 per month. 12 02 1918 8 26 13. Salary of Janitor of Courthouse set at$90 per monti?. 12 02 1918 8 26 14. Salary of Supt. of Oak Grove Cemetery set at $40 per month. 12 02 1918 8 26 15. Salary of Farm Demonstrator set at $80 per month. 12 02 1918 8 26 16. Salary of Colored Farm Demonstrator set at $25 a month. 12 02 1918 8 26 I7. Salary of Jailer set at $88 a month and $15 a month for cook. 12 02 1918 8 26 18. Salary of PUblic Defender fixed at $50 a month. 12 02 1918 8 26 19. Salary of Keeper of Courthouse clock set at $60 per annum. 12 23 1918 8 29 20. Members of County Bar requested salary system be abolished and fee system reinstated. O1 06 1919 8 31 21. Board to request Legislature to abolish salary system and re-establish fee system. O1 06 1919 8 31 22. Salary of probation officer increased to $35 per month. 03 10 1919 8 40 23. Salary of Plumber of Public Buildings fixed at $25 a month. 05 23 1919 8 55 24. Several salary increases made. 06 09 19I9 8 62 25. Salary of N. E. River Bridge Keeper increased to $60 a month, 07 14 1919 8 67 26. Salary of Ed George increased to $100 a month Janitor of Courthouse. 09 02 1919 8 74 27. Salary of Commissioner of Public Welfare fixed at $100 a month. 09 08 1919 8 75 28. Salary of guards increased to $50 a month for one $75 a month. 09 08 1919 8 76 29. Salary of Jailer increased to $98 a month. 10 06 19I9 8 79 30. Salary of nurse at County Home set at $50 a month. 11 03 1919 8 84 31. Salary of guard at Stockade increased to $50 a month. 11 03 1919 8 84 32. Pay for bailiff of Grand Jury increased to $3 per diem. 11 24 1919 8 87 33. Salary of Clerk to Board fixed at $2,120 per year. 12 O1 1919 8 89 34. Salary of Supt. of Roads fixed at $200 per month. 12 Ol 1919 8 89 35. Salary of Supt. of County Home and Farm set at $85 a month. 12 41 1919 8 89 36. Salary of Matron of County Home set at $50 a month. 12 O1 1919 8 89 37. Salary of Supt. of Work House set at $80 a month. 12 Ol 1919 8 89 38. Salary of County Attorney set at $85 a monfih. 12 O1 1919 8 89 39. Salary of Matron of Work House set at $25 a month. 12 O1 1919 8 89 40. Salary of Clerk to Auditor set at $75 a month. 12 02 1919 8 89 41. Salary of Court Stenographer set at $100 a month. 12 O1 1919 8 89 42. Salary of Keeper of N. E. River Bridge set at $39.45 a month. (New Hanover County's part only) 12 O1 1919 8 89 43. Salary of Keeper of Oak Grove Cemetery set at $50 a month. 12 Ol 1919 8 89 44. Salary of Janitor of Courthouse set at $100 a month. 12 O1 1919 8 89 45. Salary of Farm Demonstrator set at $90 a rnonth. 12 Ql 1919 8 89 46. Salary of Jailer set at $98 a month. 12 O1 1919 8 89 N C INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES -- New Hanover Count SALARY ? ?, . . , MATTER: nEC. u. s. Counry Indexee Since 1888 ?+ x.}-?' 10 IOCate nOmeS? open pf COTT A-Z TAB INDEX v?T OFFICE ?l?e-7?'i. An ldentifying Trade Marlc ???8 SURNAME INITIAL TAB OLD BY OWEN GTDUNNENEW BP RN, NORTH CAROLNNA DATE MINUTEBOOK NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS Month Day I Year Vol. I Page 1. Salary of Public Defender set at $50 a month. 12 Ol 1919 8 89 2. Salary of Supt. of Work House increased to $100 a month. O1 05 1920 8 92 3. Salary of County Attorney increased to $100 a month. O1 05 1920 8 92 4. Salary of Chief Deputy increased to $2,000 a year. 02 02 1920 8 97 5. Salary of Supt. of County Farm and Home increased to $100 a month. 02 02 1920 8 97 6. Salary of guard at County Farm increased to $50 a month. 03 Ol 1920 8 98 7. Numerous County officials met withBoard and requested salary increases. 05 14 1920 8 111 8. Board to consider offici?als request for salary increases and report at next meeting. 05 14 1920 8 111 9. Salaries of guards and foreman of road force increased to $75 and $100 a month respectively. 06 07 1920 8 113 10. Salaries of matron and Superintendent of Stockade increased to $35 and $115 per month respectively. 06 07 1920 8 113 11. Salary of rural policeman fixed at $125 a month. 07 06 1920 8 116 12. Salary of A. L. Meyland increased to $125 a month. 08 02 1920 8 119 13. Salary of Supt. of Roads increased to $250 a month. 09 Ol 1920 8 120 14. Salary of Court Stenographer fixed at $125 a month. 10 04 1920 8 127 15. Salary of Jailer fixed at $100 a month. 10 04 1920 8 127 16. Salary of Keeper of N. E. River Bridge fixed at $75 per month. (New Hanover County's part $49.31) 10 04 1920 8 127 17. Salary of Clerk to Board fixed at $2,000 per year. 12 06 1920 8 133 18. Salary of Sec. of United Charities fixed at $120 per year. 12 06 1920 8 133 19. Salary of Supt. of roads and Bridges fixed at $250 per month. 12 06 1920 8 133 20. Salary of Supt. of Work House set at $115 per month. 12 06 1920 8 133 21. Salary of Matron of Work House set at $35 a month. 12 06 1920 8 133 22. Salary of County Attorney set at $100 a month. 12 06 1920 8 133 23. Salary of Clerk to Auditor set at $100 a month. 12 06 1920 8 133 24. Salary of Court Stenographer set at $125 a month. 12 06 1920 8 133 25. Salary of Keeper of N. E. River Bridge set at $39.45 a month. (Only NHC part). 12 06 1920 8 133 26. Salary of Janitor of Courthouse set at $110 a month. 12 06 1920 8 133 27. Salary of Keeper of Oak Grove Cemetery set at $50 a month. 12 06 1920 8 133 28. Salary of Farm Demonstrator Agcult. set at $90 a month. 12 06 1920 8 133 29. Salary of Colored Farm Demonstrator set at $40 a month. 12 06 1920 8 133 30. Salary of Jailer set at $100 a month and $30 for kitchen help. 12 06 1920 8 133 31. Salary of Home Demonstrator Agent set at $50 a month. 12 06 1920 8 133 32. Salary of Supt. of County Home and Farm set at $100 a month. 12 10 1920 8 137 33. Salary of Matron of County Home set at $50 a month. 12 10 1920 8 137 34. Board to request Legislature to abolish salary system in County and re-establish fees. O1 03 1921 8 140 35. Salary of Chairman of ?Board increased to $1,500 a year. O1 31 1921 8 144 36. Salary of Court Stenagrapher increased to $2,000 year 03 15 1921 8 149 37. Salary of Farm Demonstration Agent increased to $120 a month. 05 02 1921 8 151 38:, Salary of Chief Welfare Officer fixed at $500 annually. 08 02 1921 8 170 39. Salary of Chairman of Board fixed at•$1,500 a year. 12 05 1921 8 182 40. Salary of Welfare officer set at $1,500 a year. 09 06 1921 8 173 41. Salary of Clerk to Board set at $2,000 a year. 1? 05 1921 8 182 4?2. Salary of Supt. of Roads set at $250 a month. 12 05 1921 8 182 43. Salary of Supt. of Stockade set at $115 a month. 12 05 1921 8 182 44. Salary of County Attorney set at $100 a month. 12 05 1921 8 182 45. Salary of Clerk to Auditor set at $100 a month. 12 05 1921 8 182 46. Salary of Court Stenographer set at $2,000 a year. 12 05 1921 8 182 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES -- New Hanover County N C : MATT RT SALARY , . . a nea. u. e. County Indexea Since 1888 {?? ?+?-? To loeate names, open at r?r OFFICE ?p?? An ldentiEying Trade Mark w8 SURNAME INITIAL TAB COTT A•Z TAB INDEX MADE BY 7NE COTT INDEX COMPANY, t0lUMBUS, OH70 SOLD 6Y OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BER N, NORT H CAROLINA NATURE OP PROCEEDINGS DATE MINUTEBOOK Month Day Year Vol. Page 1. Salary of Courthouse Janitor set at $110 a month. 12 05 1921 8 182 2. Salary of Keeper of Oak Grove Cemetery fixed at $SO a month. 12 05 1921 8 182 3. Salary of Farm Demonstration Agent set at $125 a month. 12 OS 1921 8 182 4. Salary of Colored Farm Demonstration Agent fixed at $140 a month. 12 05 1921 8 182 5. Salary of Home Demonstration Agent set at $50 a month. 12 05 1921 8 182 6. Salary of Supt. of Home and Farm set at $100 a month. 12 05 1921 8 182 7. Salary of Matron of County Home set at $50 a month. 12 05 1921 8 182 8. Salary of Custodian of County Clock set at $5.00 a month. 12 05 1921 8 182 9. Salary of Special Officer set at $125 a month. 12 05 1921 8 182 10. Salary of Fish Inspector is "Fees". 12 05 1921 8 182 11. Salary of Cle?k to Board increased to $2,400 a year. 11 24 1922 8 217 12. Salary of Clerk to Board set at $2,000 a year. 12 04 1922 8 219 13. Salary of Supt. of Roads set at $250 a month. 12 04 1922 8 219 14. Salary of S?eward of County Stockade set at $115 a month. 12 04 1922 8 219 15. Salary of Matron of County Stockade set at $15 a month. 12 04 1922 8 219 16. Salary of County Attorney set at $100 a month. 12 04 I922 8 219 17. Salary of Clerk to Auditor set at $100 a month. 12 04 1922 8 219 18. Salary of Court Stenographer set at $2,000 a year. 12 04 1922 8 219 19. Salary of Keeper of Oak Grove Cemetery set at $50 a month. 12 04 1922 8 219 20. Salary of Janitor of Courthouse set at $110 a month. 12 04 1922 8 219 21. Salary of Farm Demonstration Agent set at $125 a month. 12 04 1922 8 219 22. Salary of Home Demonstration Agent set at $50 a month. 12 04 1922 8 219 23. Salary of Supt. of County Home ? Farm set at $100 a month. 12 04 1922 8 219 24. Salary of Matron of County Home set at $50 a month. 12 04 1922 8 219 25. Salary of Keeper of County Clock set at $5 a month. 12 04 1922 8 219 26. Salary of Special Officer set at $125 a month. 12 04 1922 8 219 27. Salary of Fish Inspector is fees only. 12 04 1922 8 219 28. Salary of Welfare Officer fixed at $62.50 a month. 12 04 1922 8 219 29. After bein g rescinded salary of Clerk to Board once again set at $2,400 a year. 02 15 1923 8 228 30. Salary of Meter Adjuster set at $125 a month. 05 07 1923 8 242 31. Salary of Welfare officer set at $2,400 a year. 07 09 1923 8 249 32. Salary of Supt, of County Home set at $100 a month. 07 30 1923 8 255 33. Salary of Matron of County Home fixed at $SO a month, 07 30 1923 8 255 34. Salary of Plumbing Inspector fixed at $300 a year. 08 31 1923 8 260 35. Sa2ary of day guard a't County Home fixed at $50 a month. 09 25 1923 8 2b4 36. Salary of night guard at County Home fixed at $60 a month. 09 25 1923 8 264 37. Salary of Chairman of Board set at $150 a month. 12 03 1923 8 274 38. Salary of Clerk to Board set at $200 a month. 12 03 1923 8 274 39. Salary of Supt. of Roads and Bridges set at $250 a month. ' 12 03 1923 8 274 40. Salary of Steward of Stockade set at $115 a month. 12 03 1923 8 274 41. Salary of County Attorney set at $100 a month. 12 03 1923 8 274 42. Salary of Clerk to the Auditor set at $100 a month. 12 03 1923 8 274 43. Salary of Courthouse Janitor set at $110 a month. 12 03 1923 8 274 44. Salary of Keeper of Oak Grove Cemetery set at $50 a month. 12 03 1923 8 274 45. Salary of Farm Demonstxation Agent set at $125 a month. 12 03 1923 8 274 46. Salary of Home Demonstration agent set at $50 a month. 12 03 1923 8 274 4 I ND EX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES N H C N C - ew anover ount?, . . _ MATT RT SAL ARY ? rtec. o. s. 'q?? County Inde?cea Since I888 To toGa}e names, open p} ?AT OFFICE ??"'it?? An Identifying Trade Mark SURNAME INIiIAL TAB COTT A•I TAB INDEX MADE BY THE COii INDEX COMPANY, COlUMBUS, OHIO . SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORT H CAROLINA NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS DATE MINUTE BQOK - Month Day Yenr Vol. Page 1. Salary of Supt. of Home and Farm set at $100 a month. 12 03 1923 8 274 I 2. Salary of Matron of County Home set at $50 a month. l 12 03 1923 8 274 3. Salary of Special Officer set at $125 a month. 12 03 1923 8 274 4. Salary of Fish Inspector is fox fees only. 12 03 1923 3 274 5. Salary of cook at County Home fixed at $25 a month. 02 04 1924 8 281 6. Salary of Constable of Wilmington Township fixed at $125 a month. 06 09 1924 8 299 7. Salary of Clerk to the Board fixed at $200 a month. 12 Ol 1924 8 316 8, Salary of Supt. of roads set at $250 a month. 12 O1 1924 8 316 9. Salary of Steward, County Stockade set at $125 a month. 12 O1 1924 8 316 10. Salary of County Attorneys set at $100 a month. 12 O1 1924 8 316 11. Salary of Clerk to Auditor set at $100 a month. 12 O1 1924 8 316 12. Salary of Clerk to Auditor set at $100 a month. 12 O1 1924 8 316 13. Salary of Courthouse Janitor set at $110 a month. 12 O1 1924 8 316 14. Salary of Keeper of Oak Grove Cemetery fixed at $50 a month. 12 O1 1924 8 316 15. Salary of County Farm Demonstration Agent set at $125 a month. 12 O1 1924 8 316 i 16. Salary of County Home Demonstration Agent set at $50 a month. 12 O1 1924 8 316 17. Salary of Supt. of County Farm and Home set at $100 a month. 12 O1 1924 8 316 18. Salary of Matron of County Home set at $50 a month. 12 Ol 1924 8 316 19. Salary of Special Officer set at $125 a month. 12 O1 1924 8 316 20. Salary of Fish Inspector is fees only. 12 O1 1924 8 316 21. Salary of Standard Keeper is fees only. 12 O1 1924 8 316 22. Salary of Meter Inspector fixed at $62.50 per month. 12 O1 1924 8 316 23. Salary of Plumbing Inspecfior fixed at $25 a month. 12 O1 1924 8 316 24. Salary of Guards at County Home set at $60 a month. 12 O1 1924 8 316 25. Salary of Court Stenographer set at $105 a month. 12 10 1924 8 318 26. Salary of Steward at Stockade increased to $80 a month. 06 O1 1925 8 341 27. Salary of Chairman of Board set at $250 a month. 12 07 1925 8 361 28. Salary of Clerk to Board set at $210 a month. 12 07 1925 8 361 ? 29. Salary of Supt. of Roads set at $250 a month. 12 07 1925 8 ` 361 30. Salary of Steward of Stockade set at $125 a month. 12 07 1925 8 361 31,. Salary of County Attorneys set at $100 a month. 12 07 1925 8 361 32. Salary of County Auditor set at $125 a month. 12 07 1925 8 361 33, Salary of Janitor of Courthouse set at $110 a month. 12 07 1925 8 361 34.. Salary of Keeper of Oak Grove Cemetery set at $50 a month. 12 07 1925 8 361 35, Salary of County Farm Demonstration Agent set at $125 a month. 12 07 1925 8 361 ? 36. Salary of Home Demonstration Agent set at $50 a month. 12 07 1925 8 361 37. Salary of Supt. of County Home and Farm set at $100 a month. 12 07 1925 8 361 38. Salary of Matron of County Home set at $50 a month. 12 07 1925 8 361 39. Salary of Special Officer fixed at $125 a month. 12 07 1925 8 361 40. Salary of Fish Inspector is fees only. 12 07 1925 8 361 41, Salary of Standard Keeper is fees only. 12 07 1925 3 361 42. Salary of Meter Inspector is fees only. 12 07 1925 8 361 'i I 43. Salary of Court Stenographer fixed at $150 a month. O1 04 1926 8 365 44. Salary of Head Janitor set at $115 a month. 02 05 1926 8 372 45. Commission Chairman re-elected and salary fixed. 12 06 1926 8 412 46. Officials elected and salaries fixed. 12 06 1926 8 412 T SALARY INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover Count N C ? ? y, . . , MAT ER xec. u. s. County Indexea Since 1888 Yo locafe names, open at COTT A-Z TAB INDEX e?t OFFICE ??J? An IdentiEying Trede Mark ? SURNAME INITIAL TAB MIADE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUN H, NEW BE RA, HORT H CAROLINA NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS DATE MINUiEB00K Monih I Day Year Vol. ? Page 1. Recorder's Court deputy paid $175 a month and Clerk of Superior Court's allowance expensed $200 per year. 03 15 1927 8 431 2. Juvenile Court Judge W. N. Harriss requested and declined increase in salary. 04 12 1927 8 453 3. Board of Education submitted resolution on Teacher's salaries. 09 27 1927 8 464 4. Officers' salary cut and control bill protested by Board. 03 07 1927 8 429 5. Mrs. Mae Felgar Hall to be paid 2.5? for indexing 11 16 1926 8 407 6. Mrs. Mae Felgar Hall to be paid $I,000 for indexing. 11 16 1926 8 407 7. Mrs. Mae Felgar Hall salary paid for October 1925. 11 16 1926 8 407 8. Commission Chairman salary fixed. 12 06 1926 8 412 9. Elected officials positioned and salaries fixed. 12 06 1926 8 412 10. E. L. Eakins, Supt. of Stockade, salary increased to $150. 02 14 1928 8 489 11. Auditor J. A. Orrell authorized to confer with New York bond attorney on legality of bond issue for 02 28 1928 8 491 unpaid teachers salaries cuased by deficit. 12. Resolution on school bond for teachers' salaries adopted. 03 21 1928 8 495 13. Salary of $125 a month given employee Porter Davis. Board approved his employment for 2 weeks $300 06 19 1928 8 516 for salary and motorcycle operation placed in budget. 14. Two traffic officers placed under board Supervisor. 06 19 1928 8 516 15. Salary increases; County Farm guard, Red-cross Sanitarium worker, Home Supt. and NC Sorosis for 07 02 1928 8 519 Tuberculosis Survey. 16. Archie Marine, Wilmington Township constable to receive check early due to vacation. 07 10 1928 8 519 17. Salary of E. T. Keal increased for writing tax books. 07 17 1928 8 521 18. Interest on borrowed bank money to be paid for teacher's salaries, and charged to school fund account. 09 25 1928 8 534 19. Note renewed on Teacher's salary. 12 11 1928 8 548 20. Teacher's salaries granted increase. 03 12 1929 8 565 21. Note on teacher's salaries to be renewed. 03 26 1929 8 566 22. Auditor to change salary of county supt, and farm. 07 10 1929 8 583 23. Note renewed to pay teacher's salaries. 12 24 1929 9 14 24. Mrs. E. T. Keal, stenographer, declined raise in salary. 07 15 1930 9 50 25. Petition received on unemployment relief, salary deduction, and amount remitted to Wilmington Relief Assoc. 11 12 1930 9 74 26. Maximum salary allowed per year due to l0o reduction: Sheriff $10,000 for collection of taxes, reduced 07 25 1931 9 173 to $9,000; Clerk of Supexior Court $4,500 reduced to $4,050. 27. Sheriff Morris strongly objected to 10% salary reduction; Board refused to rescind its action, fixed 08 O1 1932 9 174 date for reduction in August and paid Sheriff. 28. August was date fixed for reduction in salary of Recorder George Harriss and Juvenile Judge W. Harriss 08 08 1932 9 175 due to objections as to legality of reductions. 29. Juvenile Court Judge Harriss(above) objected to 33 1J3% reduction in his salary. 08 15 1932 9 176 30. Date of August l, was fixed for 10% reduction of Harriss, Clerk Recorder Court aalary instead of July 1. 08 15 1932 9 176 31. Board voted to adopt action of July 25 meeting all?wing August 1 instead of July 1 to be effective date 08 22 1932 9 178 of salary reduction, and to pay officials and employees balance due on Ju1y salaries. 32. $25 payment to E. L. Bell, employment bureau, authorized and $18 to B. F. King and $12 to W. F. Carpe?cter 08 29 1932 9 179 for balance of appropriations and salaries for July 1932 on I931-32 appropriations. 33. Dwight McEwen court stenographer, requested commissioners rescind its action to cut his salary from 02 13 1933 9 205 $135 to $125 per month for Jan 1, or remove him from Recorder's Court 34. $15,000 payment for teacher's two-week extended term already taught ordered immediately, and action deferr- 04 03 1933 9 2I4 ed on balance until next meeting. 35. Date for discussion of Salary Bill fixed for April 13, 1933. 04 10 1933 9 214 36. Jailer's salary fixed at $100 per month and assistant's at $1,000 per year, under Salary Bill, but subject 04 17 1933 9 216 ? INDE? TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover Count?, N. C. , MATT RT SALARY ` eco. u. s. '?i??? County Indexee Since 1888 ? YO lOtat9 names, open O} COTT A-2 7AB INDEX vAr OFFICE ????i. An Identifying Trade Mark SURNAME INITIAL TAB MIADE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, ONIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH GROLINA NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS DATE MINUTE BOOK Month IDay I Year Voi. I Page to approval of county attorney. 1. Lewis, register of deeds deputy, fixed at $90 per month each. 04 17 1933 9 216 2. Payment authorized to: Sheriff and 2 deputies not over $25 each per auto; Deputy clerk or stenographer 06 12 1933 9 226 $1,080 per year; $3,000 yearly to Recorder; authorized under HOuse Bill, 1548. 3. Clerk Superior Court Harriss requested that County Attorney give written opinion on 1933 Salary Act 07 17 1933 9 231 pertaining to his salary as Judge of Juvenile Court and change of salary of clerk of Recorder.. 4. Clerk Superior Court requested salary as Judge of Juvenile Court for April-June, but County Attorney 07 19 1933 9 234 ruled he was not entitled to it under 1933 Salary Act. 5. City-County boards meeting held to fix salaries of Tax collector, his assistants and clerks, and take 07 31 1933 9 236 further action on consolidated tax department. 6. $2,000 and clerk at $1,800, two clerks at $1,500 per year each; E. L. Wade offered amendment, not seconded. 07 31 1933 9 236 7. Payment of salaries to city-county tax dept. employees authorized for October. 10 30 1933 9 256 8. Welfare officer requested arrangements to be made on salary of Stenographer Inez Hopkins, but referred 04 09 1934 9 280 to Chairman. 9. Salary reduction requested to be restored to employees, but deferred to next meeting. 07 02 1934 9 290 10. Bill to C. T. Powell approved for repairing jail. 07 02 1934 9 290 11. Solicitor of Recorder Court salary increased, Wilmington constable salary fixed, and expenses transferred 04 29 1935 9 336 from Emergency fund. 12. Salary changes, due to 1935 legislature, approved for Clerk Recorder Court, transferred from Emergency fund. 04 29 1935 9 336 13. Salary increases for Deputy Register of Deeds taken under consideration. 06 24 1935 9 349 14. Salary increases for school dentists failed, then passed by vote. 07 24 1935 9 357 15. Salary increases granted to tax officers. 07 24 1935 9 357 16. Payment of Salary authorized to J. T. Hiers. 10 21 1935 9 385 17. ABC Chairman J. D. McMillan, Jr. requested increase in salary, but taken under advisement. 10 21 1935 9 385 18. ABC Chairman requested, declined salary increase. 02 17 1936 9 408 19. ABC Chairman declined increase and reason stated by Hinton. 02 17 1936 9 408 20. Reason stated by Hewlett on decline ABC Salary. 02 17 1936 9 408 21. Trask stated reasons for decline. 02 17 1936 9 408 22. Clerk Superior Court requested, no action taken, on salary increases. 07 20 1936 9 442 23. Carrie Newkirk given increase in salary, and Clerk Superior Court declined. 07 20 1936 9 442 24. ABC requested, not seconded, for salary increase. 07 20 1936 9 443 25. Motion offered, seconded on ABC salary increase. 07 20 1936 9 443 26. Deputy Register's salary increased. 10 12 1936 9 457 27. ABC officials declined salary increase. 11 02 1936 9 460 28. Salary of R. W. Galphin, Court agent approved for increase. 11 30 1936 9 466 29. Increase recommended, consideration taken on Clerk Superior Court salary. 04 05 1936 9 489 30. Payment of salaries approved for Welfare Department for July. 08 02 1937 9 526 31. Salary increases to be shared equally. 08 09 1937 9 530 32. Motion offered to approve salary increases for Clerk S?uperior Court, Health and Sheriff Depts. 08 09 1937 9 530 33. Salary to be commensurated with industries. 08 09 1937 9 530 34. Salary increase unfavored, if taxes increasecl. 08 09 1937 9 530 35. Employees, except recent ones, salaries fixed, increased. 08 09 1937 9 530 36. Assistant Jailer, S. V. Sneeden, recently employed, given increase in salary. 09 07 1938 9 538 37. Jail Cook, Albert Mosely, granted salary increase. 09 07 1938 9 538 38. Solomon Sternberger paid salary for helping deputy Recorder. 09 27 1938 9 542 39. Salaries increased for 1938-39. 08 02 1938 9 605 , INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover Count N C SALARIES ?, . . _ MATTER• ` eec. u. s. County Indezea Since 1688 ? Yo (ocafe nqmes, open at ??T OFi1CE ?, I?J? An ldentifying Trade Mark SURNAMB INIiIAL TAB C07T A-Z TAB INDEX MADE ?Y THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUM8U5, OHIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH GROLINA DATE MINUTE BOOK NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS Month Day I Year Vol. Page , 1. Welfare salaries approved for adjustments. O1 16 1939 10 33 2. Salary increases requested, received for A.M. McKoy, and others. 04 17 1939 10 51 3. Salary increases requested, received for agricultural agent. 06 26 1939 10 64 4. Recreation Supervisor increase in Salary defeated. 08 02 1939 10 71 5. Salary authorized supervisor. 08 02 1939 10 71 6. No action taken on salary for probation officer. 08 07 1939 ?0 72 7. Salary of R. W. Galphin increased. 08 07 1939 10 72 8. Salary of case worker discontinued, action of commissioners postponed. 08 14 1939 10 74 9. Salary increases granted: welfare stenographer, Clerk Superior Court, Sheriff, jailer. 08 21 1939 10 77 10. Rev. H. S. Strickland requested, considered on salary increase for R. W. Galphin. 07 15 1940 10 139 11. Time considered for salary increases - welfare, jail matron and caseworkers. 07 29 1940 10 144 12. Salary increases granted to County farm agent, home stenographer. 07 29 1940 10 144 13. Salary approved for new setup. 10 14 1940 10 I58 14. Tax collector salary increased. 10 14 1940 10 158 15. L. M. Massey salary increased, 10 14 1940 10 158 16. J. M. Brown salary increased. 10 14 1940 10 158 17. J. M. Davis salary increased. 10 14 1940 10 158 18. W. I. Davis salary increased. 10 14 L940 10 158 19. D, N. Calhoun salary increased. 10 14 1940 10 158 20. Miss Wilson salary not increased. 10 14 1940 10 158 21. Salary scale proposed, discussions held. 02 24 1941 10 183 22. Motion carried to reduce employees salaries, and then draft bill. 02 24 1941 10 183 23. Action postponed on raises in salaries. 03 17 1941 10 189 24. Action held in obeyance on Clerk Recorder Court and solicitor salaries. 03 24 1941 10 190 25. Solicitor urged increase in salary. 08 11 1941 10 222 26. Sheriff urged salaries for two more deputies. 08 11 1941 c?0 222 27. Deputy Clerk Recorder Court salary increased. 08 25 1941 10 225 28. Action rescinded on deputy Clerk Recorder's Court salary. 08 25 1941 10 225 29. Jailer's salary increased. 08 25 1941 10 225 30. Solicitor expressed thank for salary incr?ease. 08 25 1941 10 225 31. Solicitor request postponed on salary increase. 09 02 1941 10 226 32. Tax clerk given half month salary. 12 Ol 1941 10 243 33. A. L. Meyland, Harry L. Dosher and Mrs. T. A. Henderson granted salary increase. 08 31 1942 10 289 34. R. W. Galphin declined salary increase for clerk. 08 3I 1 942 10 290 35. Asst. Jailers approved for salary increase. 11 30 1942 10 30? 36. Salary of jail cook fixed. 11 30 1942 10 305 37. Services and Salaries continued for WPA employees. 03 O1 1943 10 318 38. C. R. Moore granted salary increase. 08 02 1943 10 343 39. F.P. Davis granted salary increase. 08 02 L943 10 343 40. Salaries increased: A.M. McKoy, T. C. Eller, T. K. Woody, J. A. McNorton. 08 09 1943 10 344 41... Deputy Clerk Recorder Court salary considered for increased. 07 26 1944 10 397 42. Salaries of Assistant Clerk Superior Court, tax clerk increased. 07 26 1944 10 397 43. Salary of Tax clerk, Beverly Stokley and jaintors increased. 07 26 1944 10 397 44. Fuxds placed in budget for Deputy Clerk Superior Court salary. 07 26 1944 10 397 45. Deputy Clerk Recorder Court Salary discussed, motion offered, failed to fix salary. 08 21 1944 10 400 46. Solicitor requested, deferred on salary increase. 08 21 1944 10 400 INDEX TO CO?IMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover Count N C SALARIES ?, . . _ MATTER: ` aec. u. <_. County Indexea Since 1888 ? To locate names, open af r?t OFiICE C??? An Identifying Trade Mark SURNAME INIiIAL TAB COTT A•2 TAB INDEX NIADE BY iHE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO ' , SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BE RN, NOR TH CAROLIHA NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS DATE MINUTE BOOK Month I Day ? Year Vol. I Page l. Deputy Clerk Recorder Court salary and solicitor salary fixed. 08 28 1944 10 402 2. Home Demonstration clerk granted salary increase. 09 05 1944 10 404 3. Welfare salaries referred to committees. 10 23 1944 10 409 4. Duplicate check authorized for Mrs. M. B. Simpson salary. 12 04 1944 10 417 5. Welfare secretary granted salary increase. 12 04 1944 10 417 6. Miss Beverly Stokley granted salary increase. 12 18 1944 10 419 7. County employees granted bonus in salary. 02 05 1945 10 426 8. Clerk Recorder Court objected to commission fixing salary, wrote legislature. 02 05 1945 10 426 9. H. W. Smith declined resolution to fix salaries. 02 19 1945 10 428 10. Welfare employee Miss M. Miller salary deducted for retirement. 03 26 1945 10 432 11. Salary of late J. A. McNoxton, solicitor, paid to estate. 04 23 :1945 10 436 12. Salary bonus approved for payment. 04 30 1945 10 438 13. Salary of solicitor J. C. King, authorized payment. 05 28 1945 10 442 14. No action taken on welfare salaries. 09 04 1945 10 456 15. Tax Clerk K. Hashagen salary increase referred to committee. 10 O1 1945 10 461 16. Departmental heads discussed salaries. 07 03 1946 10 503 17. Regular employees allowed salaries increase. 08 O1 1946 10 507 18. Welfare Supt's. salary increased. 09 09 1946 10 515 19. Airport employees granted salary increase. 09 09 1946 10 515 20. Airport employees salary increases received no action. 11 12 1946 10 525 21. Bill proposed for offices salary fixing. 02 10 1947 10 545 22. Airport manager given salary increase. 04 14 1947 10 560 23. Regular employees given salary increase. 07 28 1947 10 578 24. Widow of T. C. Eller authorized his salary. 08 18 1947 10 580 25. Regular employees given salary increases. 09 15 1.947 10 585 26. Salary increase declined for WPC manager J. T. Hiers, but granted to stenographer. O1 12 1947 1? 9 27. Clerk Superior Court and clerks approved salary adjustments. 03 . 22 1948 11 18 28. Lois J. Ward and Vernell DeVane salary increased, promoted. 03 22 1948 11 18 29. Court Stenographer, D. McEvren requested received for salary increase. 06 07 1948 11 30 30. No action taken on tax collectors salary. 08 04 1948 11 39 31. Dwight McEven given salary increase. 08 04 1?48 11 39 32. Two police authorized payment of salary. 05 02 19?69 11 89 33. Salary increase approved for Ada McCulloch, Deputy Register. 08 25 1950 11 198 34. Salary increase approved for Helen Sneeden, welfare office. 07 25 1950 11 198 35. Salary increase approved for Lois Ward, Assistant Clerk Superior Court. 07 25 1950 11 198 36. County employees salary increase deferred. 02 26 1951 11 244 37. Special Act prepared on fixing salaries of County officers. 02 02 1953 11 396 38. Late W. A. Russ, wife approved his vaeation salary. 05 04 1953 11 417 39. Meeting suggested of departmental heads salaries. d8 31 1953 11 451 40. Request received, urging reconsideration of salary increases. 09 02 1953 11 451 41. No action taken on reconsideration, for salary increases. 09 02 1953 11 451 42. Recommendations adopted to adjust county salaries. 10 05 1953 11 458 43. Salary disputes at Clerk Superior Court and Recorder Court referred. 10 19 1953 11 460 44. Franklin Bell granted salary increase on civil defense. 04 20 1954 11 505 45. Salary raises adopted. 07 21 1954 11 532 46. Increase in Recorder salary require legislature action. 03 14 1955 11 581 ? INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES -- New Hanover Count N C SALARIES y C ' y, . . MAT E R: ` aec. u. s. I?T OFFICE ??l County Indexea Since 1888 'Jl?.?' An Identifying Trade Mark ?? k.?-- 70 locote namCS? open ot w_8 SURNAME INITIAL TAB COTT A-Z TAB INDEX MADE BY 7HE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD BY OWEN 6. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTN CAROLINA NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS DATE MINUT E BOOK Month ? Day Year Vol. Page . 1. Departmental heads salary increase discussed. 03 14 1955 11 581 2. Bill to be prepared on increase in salary. 03 14 1955 11 581 3. Increase suggested for Recorder salary. 03 14 1955 11 581 4. Increase in Recorde r salary delayed, pending conference with him. 03 14 1955 11 581 INDEX TO COMMI?SIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover County, N. C. _ MU JE T S?ES T? _ nEC. u. s. ?/?, ? County Indezea Since 1888 ? To bwM eam?:? OplO at COTT Mt TA? INOEX v?r OFFICE G.?,td//? An Identifying Trade Mark fURNAME INITIAL iA? MADE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD ?T OIMEN ?. DUNN, NEN iERN, NORTN GROLINA NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS DATE MINUTE BOOK Month Day Year Vol. Page l. Possibility of Carrying Judicial Consideration Further 2. Local Option SalesTax 3. 1% sales tax passed 4. 1% Sales Tax 5. 1% sales tax - Public Hearing discussion of the 1% Sales Tax 6. Advertisement of PUblic hearing to consider levy of 1% sales tax 02 O1 1971 14 574 02 15 1971 14 581 03 15 1971 14 590 03 15 1971 14 592 03 27 1971 14 598 03 16 1971 14 593 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover Count N T SAND DU.IVE C ORDINANCE y, . . _ ry?pTT R a 7e ?eeat? nam?s. ??n at REG. U. 3. ??j. / Counry Indezes Since 1886 ??."?' e?r OFFIGE (.C.?.,tqi??4-7? qn Identifying Trade Merk tN?tY SURNAM6 INITIAL TA? corr ?.t r?? iMO?c IAADE ?Y TNE tOTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN CO., NEW BERN, N. C. DATE MiNUrE BoOK r NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS ', Month Day Year Vol. Page '; 1. Appeal from the Issuance of Sand Dune Permit 06 20 1977 18 58 2. Appeal of Sand Dune Permit, Discussion of 07 05 1977 18 ii5-6 3. Special meeting - Sand Dune Permit 07 12 1977 18 ''2-5 4. Discussion on Ordinance amendment 07 18 1977 18 75 5. Discussion continued on Ordinance w/Bob Jamieson, NER 07 18 1977 18 78 6. Discussion on Coastal Living Seminar regarding Sand Dune 07 18 1977 18 78 7. Discussion on new Ordina?ce 08 O1 1977 18 84 8. Discussion on revised Sand Dune Ordinance 09 06 1977 18 97 9. Adoption of Sand Dune Ordinance 09 19 1977 18 102 10. Appeal from issuance Sand Dune Permit-Newby 05 15 1978 18 207-8 11. Appeal from issuance of Sand Dune Permit-Newby 06 05 19?8 18 217 12. Denied appeal-Sand Dune-Newby 06 19 1978 18 225 13. Amendment to Sand Dune Ordinance - Tabled 02 19 1979 18 359 14. Amendment to Sand Dune Ordinance - Adopted 03 05 1979 18 365 15. Amendment to Sand Dune Ordinance - Section 1& 2 04 02 1979 18 381 SCHOOL COMMITTEE N C INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover Count y, . . _ MATTER: ` ?ao. u. e. ?/?. County Indezes S?nce 1888 To toeate names, open at COTT A-Z TAB INDEX r?r oF??cc C.G,t?? An Identifying Trede Merk ? SURNAME INITIAL TAB MADE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORtH CAROLINA ?i g DATE MINUTE BOOK NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS ?, Month i I Day I - Year ?g ? Vol. I - Page II i `? , ? 1.??° Election returns from August 5, 1869 election for school committees: (Pages 294-297) ?5 ?? 08 09 1869 1 294 ' Federal Point: Stephen Keyes, Anthony Hause and Soloman Reaves ?, ? ? ? ' ? Masonboro: Amos Walton, Ezekeil Hollis and John G. Wagner ?` ?, f , y? ;? Harnett: Daniel Davis, Joseph Pickett and Jason Loftin ?; ? ?? ;? ;? , Cape Fear: Thomas Hill, Samuel Davis and London Bissell ` '' s, ' ? ? ; Grant: D. McMillan, N. Atkinson and a vacancy ?, "' a ? ?? f ? a? :; Holden: Jos. Davis, John Lillington and Jas. McGuire f h? ?° ?? i ; ;i ? Lincoln: Montague Taylor, Miles Armstrong and John Croom ;, '? a3 `I i f ? ? ,; Caswell: P.C. Colvin, Richard Lewis and George Corbett ;: j; ? . , Franklin: Jas. L Corbett, Garbriel Corbett and Alfred Hayes 45 y, ° ?? S - , ? Union: Josiah Johnson, John W. Murray and Pettigrew Moore ; "? i? ,, Holly: Daniel Shaw, G. Cowan and W. Hodges „ ?: ', ; Columbia: J.H. Walker, G.W. Bordeaux and William Horrell ?' i ?? , Wilmington: None elected. ' i `? ?? . 2.in Members elect of the various school committees appeared before the Boarc? to qualify. (Pages 298-308) , 08 19 1869t! 1 298 4? 3.,; Board appointed W. Carr, James Chadbourn and William French to Wilmington's school committee. 08 19 1869?? 1 306 ?? EP ,. ?. 4.;i James Corbett, Alfred Hayes and John Wagner declined to serve on Franklin Township's school committee. ?; 08 19 1869d ' 1 307 ?? ' 5..; , Board appointed Cornelius Johnson, Solomon Faison and Sterling Salling? to fill Franklin's vacancies. 08 19 c 1869?^ , 1 ?i 307 ?? { 6. Board appointed Robert Barnhill, since Montague Taylor was unable to serve on the school committee. : 08 19 1869.': .: 1 307 7, o Board appointed T.W. Orr since George Corbett declined to serve on the school committee. , 08 19 1869, 1 307 i 8.;" . Board appointed C.M. Galloway since W. McHornell declined to serve on the school committee. i 08 19 1869?; ?? 1 308 ? ? , , 9. Andrew McIntyre appointed member of school committee of Lincoln Township since Mr. Barnhill declined. . 09 06 1869w; , 1 ? 311 ?k 10.„ S.J. Faison appointed member of school committee instead of Alfred Hayes for Franklin Township. ? 09 06 1869?a 1 311 ?? p 11. ,. Christopher Rowe appointed member of school committee in place of Daniel Shaw for Holly Township. 09 06 1869;, 1 312 ? j 12.?r ?? J,W. Rowe appointed member of school committee in place of W.T. Hodges for Holly Township. ,. 09 06 1869'?? 1 312 y 13.',: William Tart appointed member of school committee for Wilmington Township,in place of Sterling Sallings. 09 06 1869?; 1 ? 315 ,? 14.,? William Carr approved as member of school committee for Wilmington Township. 09 06 1869;? 1 314 ?? 15.? George BordeauY ap?pointed member of school committee of Columbia Township. ; 09 06 1869;; 1 s? ? ?14 ?? ? ?? 16.,; Cornelius Johnson appointed member of school committee of Franklin Township. , 09 06 1869,? 1 314 17.?i , Solomon Faison appointed member of school committee of Franklin Township. ` 09 06 1869s; 1 315 ? 18.;, Letter from W.M. Horrell filed. 09 07 1869?- 1 ? 317 „ 19.; E.W. Hewlett appointed member of school committee in place of Samuel Davis for Cape Fear Township. 09 07 1869;i 1 318 _ 20.;; A.R. Black appointed member of school cammittee of Holden Township in place of Joseph Davis. 09 16 1869?p 1 324 ?? ?? 21.., Report of school committees from Lincoln, Federal Point and Masonboro Townships filed. 09 16 ' 1869,: 1 328 j; 22. ' ?" 3ames Ct?arlbourn ?and Will?m Fr?nch appointed members of Wilmington's schaol committee. 10 ,. ?5 1869;, u. 1 330 ?; Ec 23. ? ?r R?ports from Aolden and Franklin Townships' school committees filed. 12 E° 06 1669 id 1 r 348 ?? ?Q ? 24. ; A.J. McIntyre resigned as member of Lincoln Township's school cammittee. O1 03 1870;; 1 ? 393 ?; :, ,, 25..? Petition for appointment of J.S. Rhoades to school committee of Lincoln Township granted. Ol ?• 03 1870" r} 1 393 ?' ?C 26.?i Report from school committee of Wilmington Township filed. ; O1 r; 03 1870?:w ?R 1 393 ?? 27. ' Townships' school committees to qualify and organize and report names of Clerks to Clerk to Board. Ol 04 1870f} 1 397 28.,; Rules suspended in meeting to hear James Chadbourn, Chairman of Wilmington Township's School Committee. 02 08 1870`? 1 400 ; ? ' 29.;' Thomas Hill and E.D. Hewlett resigne? as school committeemen of Cape Fear Township. ; 02 09 1870-E ?8 ? 1 ? 407 ?; , 30.;; Isaac Hines appointed to school committee of Cape Fear Township as was H.E. Scott. 02 09 1870?? 1 407 ' 31.,; ` Reports from school committees of Lincoln, Federal Point, and Masonboro Townships received. ; 02 09 1870?s 1 409 ; 32.?? W. Tart resigned as one of school committee of Masonboro Township. ? 02 10 1870?¢ 1 411 33.f? ? z Letters from Grant, Union and Caswell Townships' school committees referred to Committee on Schools. : 03- M; I 07 1870?? ?; +? ? ? 1 412 ? E N TE S -- New Hanover County, INDE? TO COMMISSIONERS MI U N. C. _ MATTER: SCHOOL COMMITTEES ` ?ea. u. s. q Counry Indezee Stnee I86& Fh X.3--? To loeats names, open at ?????C.a-?'.. An Identifyins'3'rade Mark w$ SURNAME IN1TfAL 7A8 PAT OFFICE COTT A•Z TAB INDEX MADE BY THE CQTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA ??' ' DATE ?? MiNUTE BOOK pg NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS s' Month ? Day? Year ?3 Vol. Page ?; 'r 1. Resignation of P. Calvin as one_of school committee and Clerk of Caswell Township referred to School Com. ; 03 07 187C??' 1 412?? , .y 2. Letter from N. Atkinson one of school committee of Grant Township referred to Committee on Schools. 03 07 187C1? 1 412; 3. Letter from S. Faison, Clerk and one of school committee of Franklin Township referred to Committee on Sch. 03 07 187f?; 1 412 , 4.? Resignation of P. Colvin as one of school committee and Clerk of Caswell Township accepted. 03 0? 187C?, 1 416?. . 5. C.W. McClamny and James Brown appointed to school committee of Grant Township. „ 03 OE 187C?: 1 416 6.s John Beasley appointed to school committee of Masonboro Township. 03 OE 1870 .? 1 417, „. , 7.? Petition from Wilmington Township's school committee filed. ; 03 OE 1870, 1 417 , ? 8.;? Recommendation from Board of Trustees of Grant Township for school committee filed. 03 0? 1870, 1 ? 418, .? , 9.s? Letter from A.R. Black, Clerk of School Committee received. ,. 03 0? 1870: 1 418 .10.;; Letter from Union Township's school committee received from Committee on Schools and filed. „ 03 0? 1870 1 418 „ -.11.,u; Letter from P.C. Colvin, Clerk of school committee of Caswell Township received from Comm. on Schools. , 03 OE 1870, 1 418 , 12.;;- Letter from S.J. Failson, Clerk of Franklin Township received from Committee on Schools and filed. .. 03 OE 187Q, 1 418_„ 13.?? P. Colvin resigned as one of school committee of Caswell Township and A. Mott appointed. 04 OE 1870; 1 426 ,a 14.;; Columbia Township sent notice of organization of its school committee, J.H. Walker, Chr. an d C.M.Galloway 04 OE 1870 1 427 ?? _ ?;b ? Clerk. . , 15.?? „ ., Letter from school cotrnnittee of Columbia Township filed. .. 04 16.;? Estimates of expenses for operation of schools in Columbia Township given. 04 ;i :17.?j Letter from Richard Lewis on school committee of Caswell Tocroship about building school house filed. 04 ;'3 18.?? Board suggested above building would be oppressive for taxpayers of Caswell Township. 04 ? 19.?8 W.H. Register recommended for one of school committee of Caswell Township. 04 ?? 20.?? , All school committees to comply with requirements on census of children from Supt, of Public Instruction. 06 ,21.?4 Wilmington Township's school committee report filed. 06 22.? ;? Report from school committee that Wilmington Township failed to levy taxes for purchase of school houses . 06 p? and support of public schools. k ,23.6 Board ordered tax in Wilmington Township for purpose of purchasing schools and support of schools. 06 .24.V? ? Report of school committee of Wilmington received and filed. 06 ? :r [ .25.;? ?? chool census from numerous school committees received. ., 7 26.;; i Letter from Federal Point Township school committee referred to committee on levying Township taxes. 07 ; ?a 27.;? H,E. Scott resigned as one of school committee of Cape Fear Township and Samuel Davis appointed. 07 y ? ?? ,28.?? ? Application of school committee of Federal Point filed. 07 ,29.? Letter from Lincoln school committee that Board of Trustees proved for schools to be taught. 07 30.p? Clerk to Board to confer with Lincoln school committee about levying taxes for school purposes. 07 ,,31.?s ?; Report of school committee from Franklin Township accepted. 08 ,.32.?? Franklin Township to be notified that the time has past for Board to levy Township taxes. 08 33.;; Franklin Township to be notified that the `Township Trustees can levy a tax. „ 08 34.;` S. Faison resigned as one of school committee for Franklin Township. O$ 35.:„ Letter from Superintendent of Public Instruction regarding blanks for school committees. 08 ,36.;s ?s Two blanks to each school committee of Townships forwarded. ?$ 37.?? Report requested from Wilmington school committee on number and status of children between 6 and 21. 09 ? ,38.'?y Letter from Cape Fear Township regarding building schools referred to Public School Committee. 09 ;? 39.?i A.R. Black resigned as one of school committee in Holden Township and Dr. W.T. Ennett appointed. 10 ;; 40.r? Samuel Davis resigned as one of school committee in Cape Fear Township and John W. St. George appointed. 11 k8 41.,i John Rhoades resigned as one of school committee in Lincoln Township and vacancy referred to A.R. Black. 11 42.a? Anthony A. Hawes resigned as one of school committee in Federal Point Township and Robert B. Freeman 12 lu ;e ? appointed in his place. 43.?$ Horace Bagg appointed to school committee in Lincoln Township in place of J. Rhoades. 12 , ?1 ?? ?i 06 1870 06 1870 06 187? 06 1870 06 187Q 06 1870. 11 1870„ 11 1870: 11 1870 1] 1870, 05 1870, 05 187Q. 05 1870 06 1870 OE 187(l OE 1870 0? 1870 0? 1870 0? 1870 OL, 1870, I 2°? 1870 2? 1870, 21 1870 21 1870 08 1870, 07 1870 21 1870: 05 187q, i 0` 187Q ?? ?? 1 427 1 427 ,Y 1 427 1 427 1 428 1 440 . 1 447 , 1 44 7 „ 1 447 , 1 447 „ 1 449 , 1 449 .. 1 451 1 456 1 457 1 457 1 463 1 464 1 46? . 1 465 1 470 1 470 _ 2 8. 2 8 ,: 2 3I 2 84 . 2 90 , 2 92 2 92,. INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover Count?, N. C. _ MATiER: SCHOOL COMMITTEE ` Reo. u. s. County Indezes Since 1888 ? ?y-' To loeats names, OpBll at COTT A•2 TAB INDEX ??i ofsice C.?i???.?' An ldentifvine Trade Merlc tl? SURNAM6 INITIAL TAB MADE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS. OHIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTN CAROLINA k `" DATE ?? MINUTE BOOK ? NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS ? ;" 1. ? J.J. Beasley resigned as one of school committee and as Constable of Masonboro Township. 4°? Month ? Day ? Year ?? Vol. ? Page I ; „ ? •? 12 09 1870 `y 2 97 4 '? ?? 2.:4 Filling vacancies of school committeeman and constable assigned to Masonboro school comrnittee. ? 12 09 1870r? 2 97 ?? ' ;` ? 3. ` ? Bill from Federal Point's school committee for material used in building schoolhouse approved. 12 09 1870'; 2 3 98 : , ?? ? ? 4.`y Above bill to be paid when Treasurer has correct funds for Federal Point. ` 12 09 1870?: 2 98 ?? i f's 5. ? Amounts of School Fund due each Township listed. , 12 17 1870'?. 2 105 ?? ? 6.:? ;; School committees to use above amounts to pay teachers. ; 12 17 1870?; ,: 2 i 105 h 7. Draft drawn on County Treasurer by Federal Point school committee referred to Auditing Committee. ; 02 13 1871,f 2 126 '° ep 8. '' ., Board approved claims of Federal Point school committee for building schoolhouses. 03 .. 06 1871 , 2 128 '° .; 9. Board Zaid over ?etition of CZerk of Federal Point Townsnzp to levy tax for expense of building schools. 03 0& ?S7I, 2 ?29 .. 10. . Federal Point Township allowed to levy a tax for building schools. . 06 24 1871. 2 177 " 11. . Union Township's school committee returned school census. 07 05 1871„ 2 190 '. 12.: Board rules inexpedient to.have 1871 school census taken so will use 1870 census. 13.,,Township school committees elected August 3, 1871: (Pages 204-205) : Wilmington: N.G. Sampson, John G. Bulken,and J,K. Cutlar „ Federal Point: Sol. Reaves, Stephen Keyes, and R.B. Freeman Masonboro: Sterling Salling, H.M. Bishop,and Halifax Leonard „ Aarnett: J.W. Schenck, Jr., Edward McCabe, and J. Pickett ? Grant: Henderson Nixon, John Alexander, and Robert Nixon , Holly: William Player, Isaac James, and Samuel Hill Cape Fear: H,E. Scott, Isaac Hines, and Eman Williams Holden: S.S. Satchwell, A. Gamburg, and Thomas Lillington Union: Ephraim Powers, E. Garriss, and Israel Carroll Franklin: Samuel Wells, Simon Bannerman, and J.B. Seavey Columbia: D.W. Bourdeaux, Henry Moore, and W.P. Holmes 07 05 1871,, 2 08 08 1871:; 2 „ Lincoln: Bruce Williams, William Speare, and Samuel Herring ., , Caswell: Andrew Moore, A.J. Harmon, and M.H. Flake ? , 14.,,Board received report from Federal Point school committee that was required by School Act. 09 15..,W.T. Bannerman and Rodney Wells were elected school committeemen to fill vacancies created by division of „ 10 Holden Township. : . 16. .;Filed report from school committee of Grant Township. „ 10 17. ,Money to be appropriated to different Townships on basis of census and number of children in each . 10 18. Money appropriated to maintain schools and pay teachers. 10 19. ..As soon as County school money ascertained a further appropriation will be made. 10 20. ,,List of money appropriated to each Township. 10 21. School committees of Holden and Rocky Point to take census of school children between 6 and 21. 10 22. : Thanks given to Wilmington school committee for performances of duty, Mr. Chadbourn given special thanks. , 10 23. .:Dr. J.B. Seavey appointed one,of school committee in Franklin Township due to vacancy. 11 24. ,.Report from Rocky Point school committee on number of school children in said Township filed. , 12 25. .. John G. Bulken resigned as one of Wilmington's school cornmitteemen, J. Chadbourn appointed in his place. „ 12 26. ; Columbia's school committee to employ first grade teacher for baZance of year. 12 27. Columbia's school committee to issue a warrant on Treasurer for the time Mrs. Pigford was employed. 12 28. Letter from Columbia citizens filed and A,R. Black to communicate with school committee in relation to 12 . public schools. 29. . Chairman to confer with Mr. Chadbourn regarding his appointment to school committee. 12 30. .; School committee of Columbia Township notified Mrs. Pigford to no longer receive pay as a teacher. 12 31. ;' School committees to open schools for terms as they see fit. , w ? ?. , . . , i 12 i 05 1871'„ 28 1871 28 1871,, 30 1871, 30 1871 30 1871 30 1871 30 1871 30 1871 11 1871 04 1871 04 1871 04 1871 04 1871 04 1871 11 1871 19 1871; 19 1871 ?? ?? 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 190 204 ;; ?: ?? 219 235 235 ;; 236 : ?. 236 ' 236 ?? 236 f• 237 ; 237 ; 243 ' 244 ?, 245 '` ?• 247 ': f` S: 247 `: 247 `: 2 248 2 2 275 ' 275 ', p; ;: ii 1?. N INDEX TO CQ?IMISSIO?tERS MINUTES - l?ew Hanover Count? C MATTER ?CHOOL COMNIITTEE , . . _ : ` ¦cc. u. s. Counry Indezee Si„ce 1888 {y? x.3-- To locate names, open at rer OFFICE ?o?1?.s?".. An Identifying Trade Mark ??? SURNAME INITIAL TAB COiT A-Z 7A6 INDEX MADE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, <OLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA ? ? DATE " MINU'f V E BOOK ?? NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS ? ?, ?A Month I Dayl . Year f? fid Voi. I Page ?? s? 1. School term not to exceed amounts committees can afford to pay for expenses from school fund. F° 12 19 ?; 18714? 2 275 ;? 2. Report of Holden school committee on number of school children filed. Ol 02 1872?? 2 277 ';? 3. Application of J.M, Wise for position as school committeeman Iaid on table. O1 02 1872?A 2 278 ' ,4. Bill allowed from Wilmington's school committee. ' O1 23 1872iy 2 285 ; "? ,5. H.B, Blake declared elected school committeeman in place of J.H. Chadbourn. ;, ? O1 23 1872;;? 2 286 ,? 6. T.J. Bloodworth and B.H. Wooten appointed school committeemen for Holly in place of Isaac James & W. Player.. 02 05 1872' 2 288 ?e ,7. School committees to govern according to school law recently enacted. „ 02 12 1872;- 2 292 ,. 8.; H.E. Scott resigned as a member of Cape Fear school connnittee. ., 12 02 1872; 2 401 ?' 9.$ Board granted request from Wilmington school committee for repair money for schools. Ol 21 1873 2 423 4. `, 10.e? School Committees elected on August 7, 1873 election: Pages 95-98. 08 11 1873 3 95 ;y Wilmington: James Chadbourn, Silas Martin,and Alfred Howe Federal Point: Solomon Reaves, Stephen Keyes?and R.B. Freeman ;? . . . ?? Masonboro: Henry Bishop, Halifax Leonard,and John Wagner . „ ?? ?? Harnett: Joseph Pickett, William Turley,and Lewis Nixon ? ?? Grant: John Alexander, Vann Everitt?and Jasper Nixon 4iq } •" • 1 ?? Cape Fear: Henry Scott, Isaac Hinesiand Wright Dixon E , i ;; Holden: S.P Hand, Radner Wells, and T. Lillington j9 . , . ?.; ?; Rocky Point: August Gembery, Wesley Moore, and Mathew Carr , > Columbia: R.H. Murphy, Henry Moore,and Archibald Walker „ , ?e ;; Caswell: James Colvin, Cubit Berry, and Alonzo Brown , 11.! 13. Union: Edward Garriss, John Malpass, and J.H. Alderman Holly: Daniel Shaw, George Cowan, and Robert Williams Lincoln: F.H. Bell, C. Larkins, and H. Brown. School Committee elected for Wilmington Township when James Chadbourne and Silas Ma.rtin were absent and failed to qualify. Messrs. Chadbourne and Martin appeared and took oath of above office. Rev. J. Hines of Cape Fear school committee died and Clause Shriver to fill the vacancy. 10 25 1873 3 127 10 10 25 1873 3 07 1874 3 04 1874 3 03 1875 3 07 1875 3 127 267 278 322 367 14.Gm J. Brown resigned as school committeeman of Lincoln Township and requested W.J. Bivins fill his vacancy. 11 ? fe 15.?? ? h. Resignation of Samuel Shaw from school committee of Holly Township referred to Commissioners of Pender Co. 05 ;? 16.;t School committeemen elected in August 5, 1875 election: 08 ? ta ?i ;'1 Wilmington: Joseph Sampson, A.H. Morris and Alfred Howe 6? '? ;? ?, Cape Fear: H.E. Scott and John Casteen i Federal Point: Stephen Keys, Jacob Horn and Henry Davis ,, ?? Masonboro: John Wagner, James Craig and William Waddell ? Harnett: Joseph Pickett, Lewis I?ixon and 3ames Hewlett 17.;? J.W. Craig resigned as school committeeman of Masonboro and E. Hollis appointed. 11 ii 18.;` Chairman to examine claims of parties against school committee. 03 ,19.4? Selection of committeemen postponed until the next meeting. ?8 20.;? ? Committeemen appointed: . . 09 ?? ? First District: D. MacRae, W.M. Parker, and J. Sampson . . ?a ?? r, Second District: J.H. Chadbourne, Walker Meanes, and John Noswood ?` ?? Third District: Ste hen Ke es Jacob Horne Newton Gillican P Y > > . . ?, ?? . Fourth District: John Beasley, J.G. Wagner, and W.H. Waddell a 21.;? School committee for Harnett Township: Lewis Pierce, Jordan Nixon,and Daniel Davis. 09 ?' 22.?? School committee for Cape Fear Township: Iredell JOhnson, William Moore,and Claus Schriver. 09 23. ?I i Letter from Township school committee relative to Peabody Fund. 09 O1 1875 . 3 05 1877 3 16 1877 u 3 04 1877 ,, 3 06 1877 ? 3 06 1877 , 3 22 1877 ,ti '? q ?1 3 389 531 , 606 608 , 611 611 615 ; ;; ;? Ij 8 7i 1. SCHOOL INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES -- N H t N C C COMMITTEE anover oun ew y, . . _ MAiTER: ` eca. u. s. ? `?? Counry Indexes Since 1888 To toeats namea, open at COTT A•Z TAB INDEX ?? An Identifying Trade Mark ? SURNAME IN171AL TAB MADE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO r?r ornac C?G'i te//71 , . , SOLD 8Y OWEN G. DU NN, NEW B ERN, NORi H CAROlINA ! i ?'?' DATE ? MlNUT E BOOK d NATURE Of PROCEEDINGS + ? ?i E fk Month Day ? I Year ? Vol. I Page ?? ig l.?R , ? k, Late school committee to furnish Board of Education with itemized statement of Peabody Fund during their ? 09 22 ?? 1877f s 3 615 ? ; ? r? term. ?, ' ' ? ? 2,t? Former Chairman of school committee, A.H. Moore, submitted report on Peabody Fund as requested. ? 10 Ol 1877jt ? 3 f 624 ' ? ?? 3.;? ' Chairman of each school committee in Districts One and Two to be given copy of above report. • ? 10 O1 ? 1877?? 3 624 ??? 4.?,? i Peabody Report to be spread on minutes of Board of Education. ?; 10 O1 ?v 1877?? s 3 624 , 5. ; ,? School claim of Federal Point school committee to be paid out of General School Fund. ?, 11 06 1877yj 3 632 , 6.;? School committee of Federal Point may order funds of said Township to build Oakhill School. Ol 10 1878?'? ?? 3 R 682 ? 7.; / e Hosea Horne appointed school committeeman in District 3. 12 06 1878i? C5 4 ; 4° • r? 8..? Mr. Horne appointed in place of N. Gillican who moved from District 3. , 12 06 1$78e' 4 4;? ?? 9. . , D.C. Davis resigned as school committeeman of Harnet and W.B. Giles appointed in his place. ., Ol 06 s 1879^ 4 11 '. ?, 10. , No orders from school committees to be paid unless approved by Chariman of $oard of Education. ?? 11 03 1879. 4 118 = k? 11. W.O. Johnson appointed member of school committee of Cape Fear in place of Claus Schriever. O1 05 1880 4 142 ;' f. ? 12. Report from District 6 school committee on election held on assessment. 11 05 1883 4 507 ,. ,. 13. School committee of Harnett reported citizens voted to levy a school tax for white schools. ? ? 09 O1 1884 4 576 !; i? ? 14. ; ? . Clerk to make a list of all taxable polls and property of white citizens in Harnett and give to Sheriff. 09 O1 1884 4 576 ,. j, 15. , Board of Education to appoint men to school committees who will see that fuel will be provided schools .. 06 07 1897', 6 13 '`? ?, . ( „ without charge. .. ?? ? r k? 16. ? Board ruled all school committeemen to render stateznents to Commissioners on all real and personal proper- ". 06 07 1897. ? 6 13 !` i, j ty and insurance held by them. , I. ?y ? ll. Letter from chairman of school committee of District 1 stating amount of insurance paid to Treasurer co11e-, 10 04 1897' 6 45 (y ? cted on school which burned down. ?; _ 18. ; , Bill from Messrs.Atkinson and Chadbourn on insurance on schoolhouse in District 7 returned for signatures , 10 09 1897.., 6 47 '`. ?' , ? i ._ of school committeemen. 1n o; `? k; 4, INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover County, N. C, _ MATTER: oEHPablieul?structiont ¦aa. u. s. Counry Indezee Sinee 1888 ?? ?+.a?- To loeats namea, Opl11 at ?? 'tdTT 11?2 TAB iNDEX T PAT o?twt ???? An ldentifying Trade Mark ?8 SURNAME INITIAL TAB MADE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA NATURE OF PRO(EEDINGS 1. Letter from S.S. Ashley, Superintendent of Public Instruction, filed. r 2. Letter from Superintendent of Public Instruction filed. 3. Letter from Examiner Rutherford concerning Superintendent Ash?:ey filed. DATE Month Day Year 05 27 1869 09 16 1869 11 4. Circular 7 received from Superintendent of Public Instruction Ashley. ; 12 5. ?? Circular 12 received from Superintendent of Public Instruction Ashley. ?+ 12 6. ?? Letter from Superintendent of Public Instruction regarding census of children. , ?r 06 7. ;? Clerk to Board to notify Townships' school committees to comply with requirements for census of children. ?, c? 06 r? 8. ,? Clerk to Board to procure census blanks from Superintendent of Public Instruction. ? 06 9. ,; Letter from Mr. Ashley concerning school census filed. , 08 10. Letter from Mr. Ashley concerning appointment of Miss Bradley as County Examiner filed. „ 08 11. .; Letter from Mr. Ashley concerning blanks for school committees filed. ; 08 12. ,; Blanks forwarded to school committee as requested. „ 08 13. ? Mr. Ashley to be notified that more children in County than on school census. 12 14. County should have credit for more children. 12 15. `' Letter from Mr. Ashley concerning capitation tax for schools referred to Finance Committee. r 03 16. ?+ Mr. Ashley's authorization to Board to apportion money to Townships filed. ? 03 17. .x Clerk to obtain blank school registers and certificates of teachers from Superintendent Ashley. O1 ?, 18. ` Thomas Purnell elected Superintendent of Public Instruction in August 6, 1$74 election. ' 08 19. . , +e John C. Carson was winning candidate in November 7 election as Superintendent of Public Instruction. ? 11 20. ??. aCounty Board, Board of Justices of the Peace and Board of Education to elect a County Superintendent of . ? 05 ` Public Instruction. 21. ;Iredell Johnson elected County Superindendent of Public Instruction by three Boards. , 06 22. ?? %Iredell Johnston elected County Superintendent of Public Instruction. ; 08 23. :Board of Education reported to State Superintendent of Public Instruction that Treasurer's School Fund is ., 12 ? correct. t, 24. ''Boards of Magistrates and Education elected Walker Meares County Superintendent of Public Instruction. ; 06 25. I'Walker Meares qualified as County Superintendent of Public Instruction. ? 12 ?• 26. y?Report of Board of Education on School Fund to State Superintendent of Public Instruction. :. 02 27. ?iBoards of CommissiQners and Education elected Capt. E.W. Manning as Superintendent of Public Instruction. 09 28. Joint meeting of Superintendent and other school authorities and Commissioners held to express regret at .a 3 04 ?, ? death of Mrs. Mary Henenway, a school benefactor. ?? ? 29. ;; Washington Catlett present Superintendent of Public Instruction. r? „ 11 6 ?. " ? ,. 4' ?! ?' 02 1869 06 1869 06 1869 ? 06 1870? s? 06 1870?' c: 06 1870?? 02 1870?? 02 1870„ 29 1870?? 29 1870:? 05 1870e; ?? 05 1870:. ?? 06 1871?a 13 1871[4 ,? 08 1872? IO 1874Hj 11 1876?? k? 02 1881 E; " 06 1581 a= 07 1882 ?? 05 1883 ;? F ;? 1 1X ? 02 1884 ;; Ol 1884 ?; ?; 24 1885 ;? ?, 03 1889 I:i rj 02 1894 ?? 10 1913;; a MINUTE BOOK Vol. Page 1 24 2 1 327 1 338 1 348 1 349 1 440 1 440 1 440 1 465 1 465 ;y , 1 470 ?; 1 470 :t 2 93 ;? ?? 2 93 €s 2 2 128 134 2 3 3 4 282 ? 235 ? 490 290 4 297 4 399 4 518 4 555 4 595 4 5 5 611 191 563 7 323 INDEX TO CO?IMISSIONERS MINUTES -- N H C ? N C ? ew anover oun j, . . _ MATTER: S? ooLS i ew. u, s. Counry Indezea Since 1888 To loeats names, apen at COTT A•Z TAB INDEX r?f OFFIC[ C^??.?oe-?+ An Identifying Trade Merk ? SURNAME INITIAL TAB MADE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY. COLUMBUS. OHIO ; , SOLD BY OWEN G. DONN, NEW BERN, NO RiH CAROLINA , NATURE Of PROCEEDINGS I DATE ?? - ? MINUTE BOOK ?i Month I Day ? Year ? Vol. ( Page I , I 1. VO ' ? S.D. Wallace to turn over to the Commissioners materials pertaining to school districts. ,: Fi 09 ' ' 08 ?( 1868? 1 _ 40 I ? ;? , 2.k Mr. Wallace contacted about the above. k ?, F" 09 ?; 09 '? 18688? 1 ?40 ? 3.= , ? Co?nittee to visit Superintendent of Common Schools. a : 10 13 i 1$68? 1 70 4.? ? Committee saw Superintendent of Common Schools. r 10 14 1868? 1 70 5.? ? Board resolved that Superintendent Wallace to make a financial report. ?? 10 14 1868 1 70 6.;? Committee to carry out Provisions of General Assembly regarding public schools. ? 10 ?? 24 1868 1 86 7.?t Substitute for committee member to carry out Provisions of General Assembly regarding public schools. '? ?? 10 ?' 26 1868? 1 88 f ? 8.,? Committee to carry out Assembly`s ruling on public schools for Wilmington. ;; 10 26 ? 1868c? 1 88 ? J. " Report fram I. Peterson on gub?ic schools received. ;, 11 20 1$68?? 1 126 ti , 10.: Report on schools presented by B.J. Jacobs along with his bill for his services. 11 27 1868,; 1 128 ; „ 11. Report requested from Superintendent of Common Schools. 12 04 1868'' 1 134 ?`' . 12,,; Report from Superintendent of Common Schools WaZlace received and a copy sent to Raleigh. , 12 08 1868;$ 1 138 ;; ' 13.? ^? Commissioners to report on number of children an dschools in New Hanover County. ; 12 14 1868,? 1 142 ?+ ? 14. ,? Report on schools received. 12 22 1868P; 1 3 143 R! i , i ? 15.;F Bill for paper of report on schools approved. ? 12 29 ;; 1868;? 1 s? 151 ?p ; I , 16.; Bills from Messrs. Shoemaker, Hewlett, Keyes, Garriss and Waldron for services on schooZ report approved. ;. Ol 02 `p 1869;; 1 I.53 ? ? 17.; ? Bi11 from D. McMillan for counting children in Topsoil District approved. Ol 11 `` 1869?; 1 4: 161 ?? ? ? 18.;? ? Committee to confer with former Superintendent of Schools Wallace. 03 ' 25 1869'? ? 1 ?; 202 91 , ', 19.,j All bonds, securities and property of schools held by S. Wallace and R,B. Wood to be given to Board. b; 04 ?1 1869;j 1 ,? 218 'e e? 20.;j Letter from former Superintendent Woods filed. , 04 27 ;? 1869?r 1 221 ?; . ' . 21.,; Petition for appointment of General A. Rutherford as Superintendent of 3chools filed. 05 11 1869?? d 1 4 226 ?k , 22.:; Monies and property?of schools demanded from S. Wallace. ; 05 11 1869 ? 1 „ 226 ?? , , . ; 23.%? Bill from J. Murphy for taking names of children in Caintrick District approved. ,; 05 18 , 1869R? 1 ?? 239 ?} • , 24.,, ti Report that Mr. Wallace asked more time to turn over school propertq. ; k 05 27 1869+a 1 ?? i 244 y r ? ? ? 25.:a ? County Attorney to demand funds of schools from Mr. Wallace. „ 07 19 , 1869r; 1 281 ! ? 26.,; Bond of Treasurer of School Fu.nd approved. (See BONDS AND COUPONS) 09 16 ?; 1869;t 1 ? 327 e , 27.?,? Letter from Secretary Ashley of the Board of Education filed . ;. 12 06 ?'' 1869?' 1 E? 349 ?? a ', 28. , School Fund report filed. ?N; 12 06 1?693z 1 349 '? r? 29.?z? Report on ap?portioning school fund acce?pted. 12 10 1869?; 1 356 ° . 30. Money to be distributed according to number of children in a Township. 12 , 10 1869?? , 1 356 ?? ? 31.,; ; List of number of children and amount of mone for each To?nshi Y P• 12 10 1869:? 1 ?? 356 ?? ' . 32.,; Number of inhabitants between 6 and 21 in New Hanover County noted. „ 12 10 ' ? 1869° 1 'r 356 ki ?? , ? 33.;;p Clerk authorized to place County Seal on teachers' certificates as presented by County Examiner. ? „ 12 21 1869?? 1 S= 358 k? . 34.„ Committee appointed to consider school matters. S. Keyes and E.M. Shoemaker to serve on committee. ,. 03 07 1870,? 1 412 ;E I 35.;, Letters from Grant, Union and Caswell Townships'school committees referred to Committee on Schools. ., 03 07 1870;1': 1 3: 4I2 ?;i , 36. ? Resignation of C1erk and school committeeman P. Colvin referred to Committee on Schools. ? 03 07 1870?? 1 ;i 412 y? ? 37., Letter from N. Atkinson on school committees of Grant Township referr.ed to Committee on Schools. 03 07 1870`; 1 ; 412 ;` 38.:; Letter from S. Faison on school commitee and Clerk of Franklin Township referred to Committee on Schools. . 03 07 , 1870:3 1 412 i# ; 39.?? Recommendation from N. Atkinson for Grant Town.ship school committee received from Committee on Schools. 03 08 . 1870?? 1 ?. 418 ; 40.;; Letter from A.R. Black, Clerk of school committee,received from Committee on Schools. 03 08 1870?? 1 418 , . y { 41.;; ° Letter from Union school committee received from Committee on Schools. 03 08 ' 1870i'x • 1 418 ?? ? 42.,; Letter from P.C. Colvin, Clerk of school committee of Caswell? received from Committee on Schools. ? 03 08 . 1870?{ 1 ?s 418 ?} I ? ? , , 43.?; ? Letter from S. Faison, Clerk of Franklin school commifitee received from Committee on cho 1 , S o s. 3 8 7 p ?' 1870?? 1 ? ?' 418 ?? 44.3? Report of County Examiner on number and condition of schools in New Hanover County received. ! 04 06 ;g 1870?; ?. 1 ? 426 45.?; ? Statement of County Examiner on examination of teachers. 04 06 1870?; 1 426 46.;' County Examiner's fee to be paid out of School Fund. 05 r 03 1870?? 1 436 E , ? ?'p C h ?? ' I • E ? - s 7? N INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS I?INUTES -- New Hanover Count?y C MATTER S?HOOLS ? , . . _ : eeo. u. s. County Indezce Since 1888 F?? ?r3-- To locate names, open at fOTT A•Z TAB INDEX eAt OFFICE (??ja?,<?e? An Identifying Trade Mark ?_? SURNAME INITIAL TAB MADE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COIUMBUS, OHIO SOLD BY OWEN G. D UNN, NEW B ERN, NOR TH CAROLINA DATE c? MINUTE BOOK l? NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS , Month I Dayl Year `a ?? Vol. I Page °? 1. Case of Miss Mary Murphy, schoolteacher, presented. 4 05 05 ,? 1870h;, • 1 438 ? , 2. County Examiner directed Miss Murphy to continue the school. 05 05 1870?. 1 438 ;_ 3. Report from Wilming?Qn's school committee that Board of Trustess failed to levy taxes for support of ., 06 11 1870?+ 1 447 ' . schools and purchase of schoolhouse. ?. { 4: .? I , 4.i I Board ordered taxes levied in Wilmington to support the schools. ,,. 06 11 1870?; 1 447 r? 5. Committee to levy taxes on Townships where estimates made for school purposes. , 06 11 ].87Q? 1 448.; , 6.y ? Mr. Keyes relieved as one of committee to levy school taxes. (See TAX DEPARTMENT) 07 05 1870 ? 1 456. 0 , 7•,k Taxes to be levied in Federal Point for schools. . 07 06 187Q; 1 457 ; 8.;, Letter from Superintendent of Public Instruction Ashley concerning school census filed. „ 08 02 1870,. 1 465. 9.:? Bond approved for Owen Fennell as Treasurer of School Fund. 09 06 1870 2 2 10.; Former Treasurer Brink's accounts found correct. (See FINANCE COMMITTEE) 09 08 1870 2 4 ,11.,; Board requested report on taxes levied for purchase and building of schools, amount collected and applied. 09 21 1870 2 9 12.`: ,; Account of E.R, Brink, late Treasurer of School Fund, spread on minutes, pages 11-12. 09 21 1870 2 9 13.?? Sheriff to pay Treasurer all school funds he has or will collect for Wi.lmington Township. 10 03 1870 2 26 14.?? ReQort from Sheriff on school taxes filed. 10 03 1870. 2 28 Y? ;15.;; Report on schools referred to Committee on Public Schools. 10 17 1870 2 71 16.w? ?; A.R. Black's report on schools to be published as a pamphlet and newspapers requested to copy it. 11 07 1870r 2 80 17.;d Board approved Holden Township's suggestion to establish schools. (See SCHOOL COMMITTEE) 11 07 1870 2 81 . 118.?? Board suggested schools be started in conformity with existing laws. ,. 11 07 1870.. Z 81 ; I.k, 19.?, Board pledged to do all it could to have teachers paid. , 11 07 1870;; 2 81 ., 20.;? Complaint from R.K. Bryan that school tax levied is oppressive. (See TAX DEPARTMENT) , 11 12 1870; 2 87 ,. ,21.,; Board ordered above tax suspended until further consideration. „ 11 12 1870. 2 87 ; .22.:? Board rescinded order to suspend school tax in Harnett Township. ; 11 21 1870 2 91 23.0; y Tax against R.K. Bryan used for Township expenses, not for school purposes. 11 21 1870 2 91 , , p 24.? Report of A.R. Black on public schools to be sent to Governor and Council and each member of the Assembly..: 11 21 1870;. 2 91 .25.?? ? Superintendent of Public Instruction Ashley to be notified that County_has more children than on school 12 05 1870 ?? 2 93 ? ;? census. , „ ., a 26.k; Matter of apportioning school funds to different Townships to be continued.(See BOARD OF EDUCATION) 12 05 1870. 2 94 , ;p ,27.;? ? Bill from Federal Point school committee for material used in building schoolhouses. .. 12 09 1870„ 2 98 „ . ? ,28.; Federal Point school bill will be paid when Treasurer has correct funds for the purpose. „ 12 09 1870, 2 98 . i ,29.;; a ? School funds credited each Township for 1869 and 1870 listed. 12 17 1870. 2 105 „ ? ? 30.;; Amount of school fund due Lincoln Township overpaid in 1869 so leaves said amount for 1870. „ 12 17 1870;, 2 105 , Fy .31.,.4 School committees to use school funds to pay teachers. 12 17 1870?', 2 105 ,; 32.'? Letter from Superintendent of Public Instruction concerning taxes for schools referred to Finance Comm. 03 06 1871 2 128 33.`a Board laid over petition of Clerk of Bederal Point to levy tax for expenses for building schools. 03 06 1871. 2 129 ; ; 34.':; ?f Board filed letter from Superintendent of Public Instruction authorizing Board to apportion money to 03 06 1871 2 134 " , ,? Township schools. .. . . ,35.?i Statement from Treasurer on amount of school fund due and March, 1871 apportionment. 03 13 1871 2 135 36.N? Board ruled school tax illegal and if collected must be returned, as inquired of by James Lewis, Clerk of 04 05 1871, 2 140 ,i ?€ R, Caswell Township. ? , ,? 37.?h ? Federal Point Township allowed to levy a tax to build schools. 06 24 1871{ 2 177 38.;? Union Township's school committee returned school census. 07 05 1871•, . 2 190 39.?? Board rules inexpedient to have 1871 school census taken, so will use 1870 census. 07 05 1871, 2 190 , bh 40.;? Mr. Fennell's bond approved as Treasurer of public schools. . 09 04 187L, 2 215 , E' s; 41.?° Money from Wilmington school fund to be loaned out at interest by Finance Committee. (FINANCE CONIMITTEE) 10 07 1871, 2 230 '; 42.8? r? ?, ,? School money to be appropriated to different Townships on basis of census and number of children in each. 10 3C 1871; ' 2 236 r? E I ??. . . _ i? ? ( y G,, ?? S?HooLS INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover Count? N C MATTER _ , . . _ : Reo. u. s. /???? County Indezes Since 18BB To toeats names, open at COTT A•Z TAB IkDEX ??r OFFIC[ C.?i???(.a-cc? An ldentifYinB Trade Mark ? SURNAME (NITIAL TAB MADE 8Y iNE COTT INDEX COMAANY. COlUMBUS, OMIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA Ij ? `? }' ; DATE ? MINUT E BOOK ?? N ; NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS , ,? b? ? Month I Day I Year ,, !? VoL ( ? Page ?? Ml l.FY More money will be appropriated schools when County ascertains how much school money it has. ;? 10 30 1871?; 2 ii 236 ? ' I, s 2.;; List of amounts appropriated to each Township. „, 10 30 1871;a 2 ?s 236 ?; ?` 3. A.R. Black to communicate with Columbia Township's school committee relative to public schools. 12 04 1871;; 2 247 ' f , , ?: !? 4.;; " School committees to open schooZs for terms as they see fit. ;, Z2 19 1871?; ` 2 zi 275 ?? 5.,, n School terms not to exceed amount committees can afford to pay from school funds for expenses. ,, 12 I9 1871;; 2 ?! 275 ;, 6.k? Clerk to Board to obtain blank school registers and certificates of teachers from Superintendent of Public.: Ol 08 1872'y; 2 282 ?; ; . Instruction. .. ?, E; 7. Treasurer to apportion 25? per capita for school children in County under 1870 census. 02 12 1872' 2 291 ° 8. . Treasc?rer to transfer money from School Fund to General Fund for use in paying County debt. 03 25 1872 . 2 302 ; ,, 9. Miss Margerett McCloud permitted to use Township schoolhouse for private school if she will be responsible 04 O1 1872 2 310 ; for any damage to the building. ; 10. Treasurer to pay teachers and school expenses out of monies not otherwise appropriated. 05 07 1872 2 317 11. W.J. Bannermann's bill for taking census of school children approved. 10 07 1872. 2 378 12. Bill from James Hewlett for taking school census approved. 11 04 1$72 2 389 :, 13.,; Bi11 from Henry B1ake for schooZhouse repairs approved. 12 02 1872, 2 403 ?. I4. School repair bi11 from Henry Blake approved. O1 06 1873:, 2 420 "; 15., Board granted request from Wilmington schoal committee for repair money for schools. . O1 21 1873:, 2 423 ?a 16. . Bill from Henry Blake for school supplies approved. „ 02 06 1873-; 2 426 `^? 17. Bill for school census from S.T. Potts approved. 03 03 1873` 3 33 :, 18. Attorney's opinion sought on whether schools and buildings partially used for schools are exempted from tax 06 23 1873 3 80 ; 19. Committee studying tax exemption of schools reports City considering the same and advises acting jointly. 07 10 1873 3 87 ?, 20. . Board has no control over poll tax levied for school purposes. .. 08 23 1873 ? ? 3 107 ,: 21. School Fund Report included in Treasurer's annual report. 09 05 1874: 3 245 ; 22. Payment to Edward Davis approved for furnishing school equipment for Lincoln Township. 03 02 1875 3 306 ? ?, 23.,, Bill of R.B. Fraser for drawing deed for school house in Columbia Township referred to Board of Education. 05 03 1875k, 3 322 .' 24. , Pender County requested all schooZ funds belonging to said County be turned over to it by Treasuere Hewlet?. 05 05 1876, 3 434 s 25. Treasurer Hewlett ordered to turn over school funds of Pender County to same. 05 05 1876; v? 3 434 r' 26. Request from Stephen Keyes for money from School Fund to rebuild a school house destroyed in a storm . 06 05 1877 3 549 ' ?? ?? referred to Attorney. +; 27.,; Above request will be granted if Attorney reports that Board has power to do so. 06 05 1877, 3 549 ?'' 28. Messrs. Grainger and Worth to consult with council on taxes necessary to be levied for school purposes. „ 07 11 1877„ 3 580 : 29.. A committee for Wilmington was appointed to recommend how school districts should be laid off, as well as O8 16 1877 3 606 ; a committee for other school districts. , k, 30..: Commissioners Worth, Grainger, and Holmes to lay off school districts for Wilmington Township. „ 08 16 1877„ 3 607 ; 31. ? Commissioners Wagner and Sanders to lay off school districts for Townships other than Wilmington. 08 16 1$77? 3 603 ?? 32. u Committee laying out school districts designated Harnett Township as District 5 and committee appointed. 09 06 1877 3 611 33. ' Commzttee laying out school districts designatec3 Cape Fear as District 6 and committeemen appointed. 09 06 1877 3 bll '? 34. School vouchers of Eliza Pridgen referred to Attorney to determine whether Pender or New Hanover Counties 09 22 1877, 3 614 shall settle the same. 35.,, School claim of E.K Pridgen to be paid out of General School Fund, this amount charged to Pender County. 11 06 1877' 3 632 ? 36. ; . School claim of Federal Point school committee to be paid out of Feneral School Fund. 11 06 1877 :, 3 632 4, ?, 37. Action on apportioning School Fund due different Townships deferred to next meeting. 12 15 1877? 3 663 `' I? ? , 38. ; Sheriff's account of School Funds for 1877. O1 09 1878'; ? 3 685 ? ?? 39. ' Money to be transferred from School Fund of District 4 to School Fund of District 3. , 02 04 1878_ 3 699 f 40. When laying off above Districts, children taken from Masonboro and added to Federal Point. 02 04 1878' 3 699 ? 41..5 Annual bill of Clerk to Board of Education reduced and to be paid from General School Fund. 03 18 1878,, 3 714 ?; ; : 4 e p? ? :i €` ? ; ?u i , _ . . . If _ _ ? Y.. _ INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES -- New Hanover County SCHOOLS N C MATTER , . . _ : ` e[c. u. s. v?r OFFICE L?i?? County Indezee S;nce I888 ? To loeate names, open at An Identifying Trade Mark SURNAME INITIAL TAB COTT A-Z TAB INDEX MADE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NO RTH CAROLINA ' DATE 4? MINUTE BOOK y? NATURE OF PROZEEDINGS ; K M th D ;? Y V l P ?' ; on ay? ? ear r? ,; o , ? age . ? l.? Balance of Masonboro Township funds to go into School Fund of District 4. ? 03 - - 18 '? 1878f; 3 ? ; 715 :? 2.?¢ , Treasurer to transfer money from School Fund to General Fund. , 04 0 10 1878' 3 ; 719 ' ? 3.?? Money from General Sc hool Fund to be appropriated to meet present demands. 07 02 1878?? 3 735 F 4.? At next Board meeting trustees of school districts will be appointed. 06 02 ? 1879?. ,. 4 ? 79 „ . 5.? Report on School Fund for December, 1882. (See BOARD OF EDUCATION) pages 447-448. . O1 02 1883;' 4 447 ?? 6.? Report on School Fund for January, 1883. 02 05 ` 1883,,; ?? 4 451 k 7.?: @ Report on School Fund for February, 1883. 03 05 , 1883 ?. 4 456 ? 1 8.?? ? Report on School Fund for March, 1883. 04 02 1883 4 468 ?o 9.?? Report on School Fund for April, 1883. 05 07 1883 4 475 10.?'r . ,? Report on School Fund for May, 1883. 06 04 1883 4 478 ll.?y Report on School Fund for June, 1883. 07 02 1883 4 481 12.:; Granted petition of A .3. Grady to levy a special tax for school purposes in District 6. 08 06 1883 4 486 13.Mtl Report on School Fund for July, 1883. . 08 06 1883 . 4 486 , , ?? 14.`: . ?R Building of Mrs. L Hinton being used for school purposes not exempted from taxes. 08 „ ,15.?; ?+ Report on School Fund for August, 1883. 09 16.EA Report on School Fund for September, 1883. 10 .17.'?: Sheriff to collect taxes on white citizens of Cape Fear for use of white public schools. 11 ,18.?F Report from District 6 school committee on election held on assessment. ? , 11 ,, 19.?; Report on School Fund for October, 1883. , 11 ;? ,20.;j ?i Board of Education reported to StaCe Superintendent of Public Instruction that Treasurer's School Fund is . ; 12 . ?? correct. , ?? .21.;; , Report on School Fund for December, 1883. , O1 22.,; ? Report on School Fund for January, 1884. . . OZ ? 23.F? ? Petition of Hosea Shepard for a special school tax for white schools in District 5 granted. 03 G 24.; Voters in District S will be heard on whether they want a tax levied for white schools at next meeting. 03 ,25.;; Report on School Fund for February, 1884. . 03 . ?: r? 26.?kq Election ordered for School District 5 to levy a school tax on all white taxpayers of said District, 04 fs 27.?; Report on School Fund for March, 1884. i, ?; ,28.;? Money collected from Cape Fear Enterprising Co. goes to School Fund. f' ,29.yz Report on School Fund for April, 1884. k? ,30.': Report on School Fund for May, 1884. ,? .31.;{ Report on School Fund for June, 1884. ?? :32.w? Report on School Fund for July, 1884. „ 33.;; Report on School Fund for August, 1884. f" 34.„; Report on School Fund for August, 1884. y; 35.;' Report on School Fund for September, 1884. 36.;i Report on School Fund for November, 1884. 37.?? Annual report on School Fund from December l, 1883 to November 30, 1884. 38.?? Report on School Fund for December, 1884. ?? 39.?g Report on School Fund for January, 1885. ,? ?,? 40.?? Report of Board of Education on School Fund to State Superintendent of Public Instruction. l? ,41.;; Report on School Fund for February, 1885. i9 42.;? Report on School Fund for March, 1885. , ,43.;? Citizens from Districts 5 and 7 petitioned to have annual assessments for aid to white schools. , ?7 .44.„? Petition stated An Act entitled "Local Assessments in Aid of Public Schools". (SEE GENERAL ASSEMBLY) >? 45.?? Board will hear citizens of Districts S and 7 on assessments for school aid at next meeting. E? E' ? i <i 04 07 1884 05 05 1884 , 05 05 1884 06 02 1884 13 1883: 4 492 03 1883_ 4 497 , Ol 1883? 4 501 , OS 1883„ 4 505 05 1883., 4 507 „ 05 1883 „ 4 509 ., 05 1883 „ 4 518 07 1884 „. 04 1884 ., 03 1884 ?? 03 1884 03 1884 07 1884 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 07 07 1884 08 04 1884; 08 04 1884 ; „ 09 Ol 1884„ 10 06 1884 12 Ol 1884. 12 O1 02 02 03 04 05 05 05 O1 1884 : 05 1885 ' 02 1885 24 18?35 , 02 1885 ,; 06 1885; S 04 1885 04 1885 y 04 1885. :? 4 4 4 4 4 524 , 533 ,. 534 534 537 540 546 547 550 561 567 „ 571 571 578 583 4 591 4 596 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 605 ; 609 611 614 623 631 631 631 ? i? ? INDEX TO CONIMISS?ONERS MINUTES -- New Hanover Count? SCHOOLS N C MATTER , . . _ : ` R[o. V. e. ?At 06FlCL C?G ??..s- County (nrlezts Since 1868 ?y? ??.g-- Te locate names, open at ? An Idrntifs?in¢ Trade Mark ?? YURNAME (NITIAL TAB COTT A-2 TAB INDEX MADE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA ,c? ? ? ' DAiE ?i ?? MtNUTE BOOK 1 ?? d ?? ,? NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS ° Month Day Year ?? ?a Vol. Page ? ? 1. ;? t Report on School Fund for April, 1885. , q; 05 ? 04 i? 1885 ?? ? ? 4 631 . ? ' 2.?:" Report on School Fund for May, 1885. ? ?? 06 Ol ? 1885 ? 4 638 3.?? Report on SchooZ Fund for June, 1885. ?y 07 06 ? ?885 s? 4 643 ? 4? 4.??? Report on School Fund for July, 1885. ? k; 08 03 ?, 1885 ??' 4 647 i 5.?? Report on School Fund for August, ?885. ;; 09 07 a? !' 1885 ?? 4 652 3 `! 6.' j Report on School Fund for September, 1885. r; 10 05 1885 ? 4 656 , , 7.?? Report on School Fund for October, 1885. ?; 11 02 ?.; 1885 ?8 4 659 z a 8.,. ? Report on School Fund for November, 1885. ,; 12 07 1885 r 4 667 , ?; ,? 9. ,` Annual reg ort on Schoo.? Funa fror? December I, 1884 to November 30, 18$5. ;> 12 07 , 1885 ?;; 4 669 ;; 10.,. Report on School Fund for December, 1885. O1 04 1886 ` 4 676 ?: ; c ?, 11... Report on School Fund for January, I886. 02 01 1886 ;, 4 685 ? 12.; Report on School Fund for February, 1886. 03 Ol 1886 ,' 4 694 ;`: 13.?; Report on School Fund for March, 1886, pages 704-705. ;. 04 OS I886 ;; 4 704 ?; 14.., Report on School Fund for April, 1F386, pages 712-713. ?, 05 03 1886 ;; 4 712 i; ?? 15.',; Report on School Fund for May, 1886, pages 720-721. ?, 06 ? 07 1886 ;0 4 720 '% ? 16.;;, Report on School Fund for June, 1886, pages 726-727. ,: 07 OS 1886 ;; 4 726 ?. ?'', i; ? 17.; Report on School Fund for July, 1886. :, 08 02 1886 ;; Y? 4 732 '',? I: . 18.,; Report on School Fund for August, 1886. ;, 09 06 1886 ?3 4 740 " ?' 19..: Report on School Fund for September, 1886, pages 748-749. ?, 10 04 1886 ,? 4 748 ,? i? ?' 20.' Report on School Fund for October, 1886. 11 O1 s ? 1886 ?a 4 753 ,; ?S 21. Report on School Fund for November, 1886, pages 762-763. ?; 12 07 1856 F, 4 762 i? ?; 22.„ Annual rep ort on School Fund from December l, 1885 to November 30, 1886. ; 12 07 1886kj 4 765 ? ? 23.,. Report on School Fund for December, 1886. ., OI 03 1887 _ ? 4 773 ?; ? ?? : 24.,„ Report on School Fund for January, 1887. ;, 02 07 , 1887 ?; 4 779 ; " 25.,.; Sheriff's account wit h School Fund for 1886, pages 790-791. ; 02 22 1887;i 4 790 i i' 26. : Report on School Fund for February, 1887. ; 03 07 , 1887fy 4 794 ?,, a; . , 27. Report on School Fund for March, I887. , 04 04 1887 E? 5 5 !? ? , ? 28.` Report on School Fund for April, 1887. ' 05 r? 02 1887?; ra 5 11 ?! , 29. Money coll ected by Clerk of Superior Court from Messenger Publishing Co, to be credit to School Fund. 06 06 1887;r ?; 5 15 ?? ps, 30.?' Report on School Fund for May, 1887. ?;': 06 06 1887?; ?, 5 17 ?R ? 31. Report on School Fund for June, 1889. r 07 04 1887?{ 5 23 ?' 32.;; Report on School Fund for July, 1887. 08 Ol 1837r 5 35 j? ?. r 33. ? Money credited to School Fund collected from incorporation of Standard Automatic Car Coupling Co. . 09 05 1887ka 5 38 ?¢ . ?; 34.„ Report on School Fund for August, 1887. 09 05 1887;; 5 41 y? ? 35. . Report on School Fund for September, 1887. p. 10 03 18$7 : 5 45 `'. ?+ . 36.,, Report on School for October, 1887. 11 07 1887;p 5 49 ?_ ; 37.; Report on School Fund for November, 1887, pages 56-57. 12 05 1887 ? ; 5 56 ; j? . " , ?, 38. Annual report on Scho ol Fund for year ending November 30, 1887. 12 .. 05 1887;` 5 59 1? ?? 39.ti Report on School Fund for December, 1887, pages 64-65. O1 02 1888rya 5 64 ,? " , 40.L? Report on School Fund for January, 1888, pages 70-71 02 05 18$8?? 5 70 +? ?? 41.' Sheriff's account wit h School Fund for 1887 taxes, pages 72-73. 02 05 1888i? 5 72 E? Fs , .: ?? ? ' 42.a Report on School Fund for February, 1888. 03 05 1888?; ? 5 79 ,: =; ; , 43.? Report on School Fund for April, 1888. 05 07 , 1888+ 5 89 ? ;. ?! 44..; Report on School Fund for May, 1888 . 06 04 1888 ;; 5 93 ?? ?? 45. Report on School Fund for June, 1888. 07 02 1888?: y+ 5 96 i' ;, 46.;? i ;; ? ?? . '.. 1 Report . on School _ Fund for July, 1888. . ? 08 1 ?? 06 1838??, {?' ?? ? . 5 100 ?? ;i ?? ?, ? ?? INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS ?INUTES - New Hanover County N C MATTER S?HOOLS ` , . . _ : eao. u, s. ??r OFFICE ??? County Indezee Since 1888 To loeate names, open at An Identifying Trade Mar3c ? SURNAM6 INITIAI TAB COTT A•Z TAB tNDEX MADE BY THE CQTT INDEX CQMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA 4' r; DATE N'' e' f I MINUTE BOOK ?; NATURE OF PROCE?DINGS ? ?? Month I Day I Year 'k ? Vol. I Page ?s , G l.` Report on School Fund for August, 1888. ;;? 09 ? 03 1888 ?3 5 - 106 2. Report on School Fund for September, 1888. ' 10 Ol ,, P. 1888 y`; 5 111 y ? 3. . Report on School Fund for November, 1888, pages 125-126. ` 12 10 ' 18?8 ? t? 5 125 ; Y: 4. Annual report on School Fund for fiscal year ending November 30, 1888. c; 12 10 1888 ;, 5 128 ' < . ?? r 5. . Report on School Fund for December, 1888. Ol 07 1889 ;; F, 5 133 6. Report on School Fund for January, 1889. ; 02 04 1889?; 5 137 7., Sheriff's settlement in account with School Fund from 1888 taxes, pages 148-149. 02 . 13 1889 r ., 5 148 y , ? 03 04 1889 5 153 8. C Report on School Fund for February, 1889. y . _9.?? Report on School Fund for ?iarch, 1889. 04 01 1889 ; 5 158 . 10.;" Report on School Fund for April, 1889. 05 06 1889 5 166 11.?; Report on School Fund for May, 1889. 06 04 1889 5 175 12.tl; Report on School Fund for June, 1889. , 07 01 1889 5 181 ?' 13.'? k Report on School Fund for July, 1889. 08 05 1839 5 186 , 14.K? Report on School Fund for August,l889. „ 09 03 1889 5 193 ?5.;r Report on School Fund for September, 1889. 10 07 1889', 5 197 ?? ?6.?? Report on School Fund for October, 1889. , 11 04 1889 „ 5 ? 201 ?. ky 17. ?? Report on School Fund for November, 1889. ,. 12 09 1E389 .; 5 208 „ , ,, 18.;? ? Report on School Fund for December, 1889. . 01 07 1890 ,, 5 216 ?.9.i? Report on School Fund for January, 1890. 02 03 1890 5 220 20. , Sheriff's settlement in account with School Fund for taxes of 188 9, pages 230-231. 02 03 1890 ' ,, S 230 . 21.?? . ,; , Report on School Fund for February, 1890. 03 . 03 1890 : 5 237 . , 22.;s , ? Report on School Fund for March, 1890. 04 07 1890 w 5 243 ? 23.?? u? Report on School Fund for April, 1890. V 05 12 1890 " 5 248 24.?? , ?, Report on School Fund for May, 1890. 06 .. 02 1890 1 5 254 . 25.?? - ?. Report on School Fund for June,1890. 07 ? 07 1890 ! ? 5 260 , ? 26.?? ;S Report on School Fund for July, 1890. ., 08 04 1890 „ 5 265 , E? 27.?? Report on School Fund for August, 1890. 09 O1 1890 ' 5 271 28.? Report on School Fund for September, 1890. , 10 06 1890 ,; 5 275 „ 29.?? Report on School Fund for October, 1890, „ 11 03 1890 ., 5 279 „ „ '30.?y Report on School Fund for November, 1890. 12 08 1890 „; 5 283 ., ,,' „ ?l.e+ ?? Report on School Fund for December, 1890. „ O1 12 1891 ,; 5 296 ra 32.,; Sheriff's settlement in account with School Fund for 1890 taxes, pages 310-311. . Ol 28 1891 .. 5 310 .+ 33.?? Report on Educational Fund for January, 1891. 02 02 1891 5 315 t ?a 34.;= Report on Educational Fund for February, 1891. 03 23 1891 5 318 35.?:? Report on Educational Fund for March, 1891. 04 06 1891 5 321 y ?? , 36.t? Report on Educational Fund for May, 1891. 06 Ol 1891 5 333 ?, 37.? - ,? Report on Educational Fund for June, 1891. 07 06 1891 ' S 339 3?3.?a Report on Educational Fund for July, 1891. 08 03 1891 5 343 39.?? Report on Educational Fund for August, 1891. , 09 07 1891 . 5 351 40.js Report on Educational Fund for September, 1891. 10 05 1891 ' S 355 ; ?? 41.?? Report on Educational Fund for October, 1891. 11 02 1891 5 361 , E; ,' ,. 42.e? Report on School Fund for November, 1891. 12 07 1891 5 370 y 43.'?? Report on School Fund for December, 1891. O1 04 1892 , 5 376 : 44.?; ?? P.eport on School Fund for January, 1892. 02 O1 1892. 5 383 a? 45."? . ? Sheriff's settlement in account with School Fund for 1891 taxes, pages 394-395. 02 02 1892 ? ., 5 394 ? 46.?i geport on School Fund for February,.1892. __ 03 07 1892 ?, 5 409 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES -- New Hanover Count?, N. C. ' MATTER: SCHOOLS REa. u. s. /??? County Indezes Since 1888 ?I ?.?-- To locate names, open at COTT A-Z TAB INDEX r?T orr?ci ?4.c?+4t?f.?C.a-?.s An ldentifvinQ Trade Mark ?S EURNAM6 INITIAL TAB MADE BY THE (QTT INDEX COMPANY. COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD BY OWEN G, DUNN, NEW BERN, NORtH CAROLINA ?? N; i DATE a? NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS -' ? ? =! Month ? Day ? Year d?? o t. ? ??,? l.' Report on Educational Fund for March, 1892. ,. 04 04 I8924? ?E 2.` ri Report on Educational Fund for April, 1892. ; 05 3.',E ,? Report on Educational Fund for May, 1892. `i 06 .. 4.; ,? Treasurer' s annual report on School Fund submitted, ? 07 At 5.:q Report on School Fund for June, 1892. `. 07 6.'G Report on School Fund for July, 1892. ;; O8 7.,? ; Report on Educational Fund for August, 1892. ; 09 8.` Report on School Fund for September, 1892. ' 10 9. Report on Eaucationa? Fund for November, 1$92 and supplement, pages 456-459. „ 12 10.,, Report on School Fund for December, 1892. O1 11.. Report on School Fund for January, 1893. 02 12... Sheriff's settlement in account with School Fund for 1892 taxes. 02 13., Report on School Fund for February, 1893, pages 485-486. ,. 03 14.; Report on Educational Fund for March, 1893. „ 04 15., Report on Educational Fund for April, 1893. „ 05 16.,; Report on Educational Fund for May, 1893. „ 06 17.,. Treasu rer submitted his annual report on School Fund. ?7 18.,, Report on School Fund for June, 1893. .. ?? 19.. Report on Educational Fund for July, 1893. ., 08 20. Report on School Fund for August, 1893. 09 21.r Report on School Fund for September, 1893. 10 22. Report on School Fund for October, 1893, pages 530-531. 11 23. d Report on School Fund for November, 1893. IZ . 24. Report on School Fund for December, 1893. ; Ol 25., Report on School Fund for January, 1894. ?2 26.' Sherif f's settlement in account with School Fund for 1893. 02 27., Report on School Fund for February, 1894. 03 28., Joint meeting of school authorities and Commissioners held to express regret at death of Mrs.Mary Hemen- . 04 . way, a benefactor of schoolchildren. , 29. Report on School Fund for March, 1894. 04 30.,; Report on School Fund for April, 1894. „ 05 31.;, Report on School Fund for May, 1894. 06 32.,; Report on School Fund for June, 1894, ,, 07 33.,, Report on School Fund for July, 1894. . 08 34. Report on School Fund for August, 1894. 49 35. Report on School Fund for September, 1894. 10 36., Report on School Fund for October, 1894. Il 37.: Report on School Fund for November, 1894, pages 598-599. 12 38. Report on School Fund for December, 1894. . 12 39., Report on School Fund for December, 1894. O1 40.: Report on School Fund for January, 1895. 02 ' 41.? Former Sheriff Stedman's account with School Fund for 1894 taxes, „ ?2 42. Report on School Fund for February, 1895. 03 43.'' Report on School Fund for March, 1895. 04 44. P?eport on School Fund for April, 1895. 05 45.; Report on School Fund for May, 1895. 06 Vi MINUTE BOOK '? Vol. I Page ?? ! ?? 5 413 ?? 02 1892 ?, 5 421 06 1892 E? ? ?, 06 1892 ?; R 06 1892 E? ti? Ol 1892 ;? 16 1892 ' 03 1892 ?' OS 1892 ;¢ 02 1893 „ 06 1893, 06 1893 ,. 06 1893 : 03 1893 O1 1893 ;„ 05 1893 :; 03 1893 ,, 10 1893 :; 16 1893 ;; 04 1893 :, 02 1893 06 1893 ? 04 I893; .s O1 1894 ° 05 1894 ? 21 1894 ' 05 18R4 ?:' 02 1894 5 425 5 428 5 430 5 5 5 S 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 S 5 5 5 S 5 S S 5 5 434 ? 442 :j 1? 446 '?' i• 456 ?? 466 ? 471 ' 480 ;, 485 ;a 491 498 " i+ 503 509 ?; 511 ` 516 ?t 520 '` r. S 26 R' 530 ? „ 536 " :z r 542 ?' 545 ? ?? 557 '•? ?? ?b 561 ? 563 ? 02 1894 5 6• 564 €" ?? 07 1894 5 569 ?'?? 04 1894 5 571 ;' ?, 02 1894 ;; 5 576 ?. 06 1894.', 5 580 ,; 03 1894 +Y 5 584 ,. Ol 1894 .il OS 1894 03 1894 ? 11 1894 ;? s? 07 1895 : ?a 04 1895 13 1895 04 1895 , Ol 1895 06 1895 .; 03 1895 ? .? il 5 588 5 593 - 5 598 5 604 ; 5 609 ?:, ir 5 61"3 :? 5 628 `? 5 631 5 635 S 641 5 645 N C INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New ?Ianover Count? MATTER SCHOOLS , . . _ : ` ¦cc. u. s. q County Indezea Since 1888 ?? ?c+-3- To locate names, open at COTT A•Z TAB INDEX r?r OFFICE (???, (rae-?".i An Identifying Trade Mark ?.? SURNAME INITIAL TAB MADE BY THE fOTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA . a DAiE ?; MINUiE BOOK ;? NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS ?: Month I Day I Year ;? Vol. I Page k? ? 1.? Report on School Fund for June, 1595. 07 O1 1895;,, 5 ? 649 ' 2.j? i Report on School Fund for July, 1895. ? 08 05 1895'' S 654 , : 3.?? Report on School Fund for August, 1895. 09 02 1895': 5 669 4.G Report on School Fund for September, 1895. 10 07 1895 5 673 , ?? 5.j1 , ?p Report on School Fund for October, 1895. 11 04 1895 5 677 , , 6.a? Report on School Fund for November, 1895. 12 02 1895'i; 5 683 y :s 7.r', Property of Rev. D. Marcelle exempted from tax since used only for school purposes. O1 06 1896 ; 5 686 Yy , 8.k? , Report on School Fund for December, 1895, pages 689-690. O1 06 1896 , S 689 r . 9.,`x Report on School Fund for January, 1896. 02 03 1896 5 693 ,10.; Sheriff's settlement in account with School Fund for 1895 taxes. 02 03 1896 5 696 ,11.:; Report on School Fund for February, 1896. 03 02 1896 5 709 12..; Report on School Fund for March, 1896. „ 04 06 1896 . 5 713 ,13.;4 Report on School Fund for April, 1896. 05 04 1896 5 717 ,14.,; Report on School Fund for May, 1896. , 06 Ol 1896. 5 721 ,15.4; Report on School Fund far June, 1896. 07 06 1896, 5 723 i ,16.:r Report on School Fund for July, 1896. 08 03 1896„ S 729 ,17.?;; Simon W. Sebrell appointed a student to A. and M. College at Raleigh. „ 08 10 1396 ,; 5 730 18.&; Report on School Fund for August, 1896. 09 07 1896 5 732 ,. 19.?? Report on School Fund for September, 1896. 10 OS 1896 ; 5 735 20.a{ ?t Property known as Tileston School exempted from taxation since used only for school purposes. 10 29 1896 5 737 21.;? Report on School Fund for October, 1896. 11 02 1896 5 738 22.r! Report on School Fund for November, 1896, pages 742-743. 12 07 1896 5 742 23.?g Annual report on School Fund for year ending November 30, 1896. 12 07 1896 5 745 24.;? Attorney presented list of property exempted from taxation since used for charities or schools. 02 02 1897 ; 5 763 r ,E 25.? hi Report on School Fund for December, 1896, pages 767-768. . 03 04 1897 , 5 767 , 26.?? as Report on School Fund for January, 1897, pages 770-771. . 03 04 1897 . 5 770 , E? :, 27.?; Report on School Fund for February, 1897, pages 773-774. 03 04 1897', 5 773 4? .23.jj , Matter of school vouchers deferred. 03 10 1897, 5 778 .29.'E; Sheriff's settlement in account with School Fund for taxes collected in 1896. 03 19 1897 „ 5 781 3?.,';' ;? Report on School Fund for March, 1897, pages 3-4. , 04 08 1897 6 3 , 31.R? Report on School Fund for April, 1897, page 7. 04 08 1897 6 7 32.,,? Board of Education ruled school term not to be less than six months, no extra tax levy will be necessary. 06 07 1897 6 13 33."„ , ?y Board of Education appointed Prof. M.C.S. Noble as Supervisor of all County schools. 06 07 1897 6 13 , 34.:; Board to appoint men to school committees w?o will see that fuel will be provided schools without charge. 06 07 1897 6 13 35.?? . ,? Board ruled school committeemen to render statements to Commissioners on all real and personal property 06 07 1897 .. 6 13 ? and insurance held by them. 36.?? „ All contracts for buying or selling property must have Board's approval. 06 07 1897 6 14 37., Treasurer to give monthly statement of all monies paid out in each school district. 06 07 1897. 6 14 38.?? s? Report on School Fund for May, 1897, pages 26-28. , 07 12 1897., 6 26 39.?4 Levy of taxes for school purposes set. 03 02 1897y 6 31 i, 40.?? Report on School Fund for June, 1897, pages 36-37. 08 02 1897„ 6 36 , ,41.;1 Report on School Fund for July, 1897. 08 02 1897„ 6 40 , ,42.,? ' Treasurer's School Fund report referrerl to Auditing Committee. 09 07 1897 6 42 ? 43.?? , Board will consider applicants to the A.& M. College as soon as its president is heard from. 09 07 1897: 6 41 ., ; 44.;? Letter from School Committee of District 1 stating amount of insurance paid Treasurer collected on school 10 04 1897', 6 45 ? 'rr' "? ? ?? w?iich burned down. ?, ? „ ?, ?I ? 6? , i? ?i. , INDEX TO COMNlISSIONERS MINUTES -- New Hanover County, N. C. , MA TE RT S??ooLS _ nec. o. s County Indezee Since 1888 ? Yo lotat0 name5, open ot COTT A-2 TAB tNDEX PAT OFFICE ?p?? An ldentifying Trade Mark SURNAMB INITIAL TAB MADE BY THE COTT INDEX [OMPANr, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS 1. Bill from Messrs. Atkinson and Chadbourn on insurance on schoolhouse in District 7 returned for signatures of school committeemen. 2. Report on School Fund for August and Septeznber, 1897, pages 53 and 56. 3. Report on School Fund for October, 1897, pages 59-61. 4. Report on School Fund for November, 1897. 5. Report on School Fund for December, 1897, pages 76-80. 6. Report on School Fund for January, 1898. 7. Sheriff's settlement in account with School Fund for 1897 taxes. 8. Report on School Fund for February, 1898, pages 107-109. 9. Report on School Fund for March, 1898, pages 117-119. 10. Report on School Fund for April, 1898, pages 127-129. 11. Report on School Fund for May, 1898, pages 141-145. 12. Report on School Fund for June, 1898. 13. Report on School Fund for July, 1898. 14. Rep?rt on School Fund for August, 1898. 15. Report on School Fund for September, 1898. 16. Report on School Fund for October, 1898, pages 195-197. 17. Report on School Fund for November, 1898, pages 213-216. 18. For report on School Fund for Deceznber, 1898, see page 386. 19. Report on School Fund for January, 1899, pages 2?0-233. 20. Report on School Fund for February, 1899, pages 240-243. 21. Report on School Fund for March, 1899, pages 254-257. 22. For report on School Fund for April, 1899 see page 382. 23. Report on School Fund for May, 1899, pages 305-308. 24. Report on School Fund for June, 1899, pages 309-310. 25. Report on School Fund for July, 1899. 26. Report on School Fund for August, 1899. 27. Report on School Fund for October, 1899, pages 354-359. 28. Report on School Fund for November, 1899, pages 372-377. 29. Report on School Fund for April, 1899, pages 382-385. 30. Report on School Fund for December, 1898, pages 386-389. 31. Report on School Fund from December 6, 1899 to January 4, 1900, pages 390-394. 32. Report on School Fund for January, 1900, pages 411-415. 33. Re?ort on School Fund for February, 1900, pages 420-424. 34. Report on School Fund for April, 1900. 35. Report on School Fund for May, 9900. 36. Report on School Fund for June, 1900. 37. Report on School Fund for July, 1900. 38. Report on School Fund for August, 1900. 39. Report on School Fund for September, 1900. 40. Report on School Fund for October, 1900. 41. Report on School Fund for November, 1900. 42. Report on School Fund for December, 1900. 43. Report on School Fund for January, 1901. 44. Report on School Fund for February, 1901. 45. Report on School Fund for March, 1901. ? DAiE MINUiE BOOK ? Month Day I Year ; VoL I Page i ? 10 09 1897 i 6 47 10 13 11 Ol 12 13 O1 03 0 2 14 02 14 03 07 04 04 05 31 06 11 07 05 08 01 09 05 10 07 11 18 12 10 O1 03 02 09 03 06 04 19 05 04 06 27 06 27 07 18 OS 22 11 15 12 20 O1 02 Ol 02 Ol 02 03 05 03 05 05 16 07 15 08 06 03 07 09 03 12 15 12 15 12 15 02 13 02 13 04 15 04 15 1897 6 53 1897 , 6 59 1897 6 68 ? 1898 6 76 ? I 1898 6 90 = 1898 6 93 ? 1898 6 107 s 1898 6 117 1898 6 127 ? 1898 6 141 F 1898 6 151 ' _ 1898 6 175 : i ? 1898 6 182 ? ? 1898 6 188 ? 1898 6 195 ; , ? 1898 6 213 ? 1$99 6 223 ? 6 ? ? 1899 . 6 230 ? i 1899 6 240 i i 1899 6 254 F 1899 6 266 ? N i 1899 6 305 ? ? 1899 6 309 ? ? 1899 6 324 ? 4 1899 6 333 i 1899 6 354 ? 1899 6 372 ; 1900 6 382 ; 1900 , 6 386 ( 1900 6 390 ; 1900 6 411 ? 4 1900 6 420 ! 1900 6 443 ` 1900 6 458 ? s 1900 6 466 ' 1900 6 471 t s 1900 6 480 ? ? 1900 6 500 ? ? 1900 6 504 w i 1900 6 509 ? 1901 6 524 ? 1901 , 6 530 f 1901 6 542 ? ; 1901 6 546 `: N. C. INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover Count? MAYTER: , _ Social Serv ices - nec. a. s. Counry Indexea Since IB88 ? To loeate names, open at e?r OFFICE ?IJf? An Identifying Trade Mark SURNAME INITIAL TAB COTT A-Z TAB INDEX ?DE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COIUMBUS, OHIO SOLD BY OWEN 6. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLtNA DATE MINUTE BOOK NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS Month Day I Year Vol. I Page 1• Statement received on Old Age and Dependent Chilc?rex?-s' aid. 8 5 1946 10 508 2. Social Service authorized payment for Sarah Kirnball's treatment at Duke Hospitala 8 19 1946 10 509 3. Purchase of Redcross building authorized, bonds to be sold. 8 26 1946 10 513 4. Social Service Supt. authorized warrants for husbands who abandoned families. 9 23 1.946 10 517 5. Deed ?.ccepted on Sanatorium land. 9 30 1946 10 518 6. Statement received on Old Age and Dependent ChildrenS' aid. 10 7 1946 10 519 7. Expenses paid for Charles H. Sidbury at State Sanatorium, 10 14 1946 10 521 8. Notice received on Old Age and Childrens'' aid. 10 21 1946 10 522 9. Sta?er?en? recezved on O?d Age and Ghz?c?rens' aid. 11 12 1946 10 525 10. Statement received on Old A?e and Childrens' aid. 12 9 1946 10 530 11. Statement received on Old Age and Dependent Childr_enst aid. 1 13 1947 10 5a?3 12. Statement received on Old Age and Dependerst Childrens' aid. 2 10 1947 10 545 13. Repairs to burned cottage at Sanatorium, contract awarded to H. R. Cavenaugh. 2 24 1947 10 547 14. Mrs. Thomas J. Gause named to Social Service Board. 3 10 1947 10 549 15. Statement received on Old Age and Dependent Childrens' aid. 3 10 1947 10 549 16. Payment approved fc?r repairs to cottage at Sanatorium. 3 24 1947 10 551 17. Estimates received on Old Age and Dependent Childrens' aid. 4 14 1947 10 560 18. Girls Scouts granted permission to clear brush at camp. 4 21 1947 10 561 19. Social Service estim?tes received. 5 12 1947 10 565 20. Report received on Old Age and Dependent Childrens' aid. 5 12 1947 10 565 21. Statement received on Old Age and Dependent Childrens' aid. 6 16 1947 10 571 22. Social Service rnerit system postponed. 8 4 1947 10 578 23. Social Service merit system postponed. 8 25 1947 10 581 24. Motion carried to allow mimimum wage scale under merit system. 9 2 1947 10 583 25. Statement recei.ved on Old Age and Dependent Children?' aid. 9 8 1947 10 583 26. Statement received on Old Age and Dependent Childrens' aid. 10 6 1947 10 587 27.Payment authorized, recommended by Social Service to treat Annie L. Lee. l0 13 1947 10 588 28. No action taken on help tor Clyde 2,eller, Social Service requested. 10 13 1947 10 589 29. Statemen? receiQed on Old Age and Dependent Child-rens' aid. 11 10 1947 10 594 30. Statement received on Old Age and Dependent Chilarens' aid. 12 8 1947 11 4 31. Statement received on Old Age and Dependent Childrens' aid. 1 12 1948 11 9 32. Statement received on Old Age and DepPndent Childrens' aid. 2 9 1948 11 13 33. Statement received on Old Age and Dependent Childrens' aid. 3 8 1948 11 16 34. State Social Service Board appointed R. B. Roebuck as mem?-?e?o 3 8 1948 11 16 35. Sanatorium referred ??r repairs. 3 8 1948 11 16 36. Sanatorium considered for repairs. 3 22 1948 11 18 37. Consideration taken on Junior Traffic Officers for T,?ashington meeting. 4 12 1948 11 21 38. Letter of appreciation received from Dept. of Conservation and Development. 4 19 1948 11 22 39. Old Age and Deper?dent Childrens' statement received. 4 19 1948 11 22 40o George Hutaff requested fence around Sax?.atorium. 4 19 1948 11 22 41. Social Service recommen?.ed, referred on hospital for Bessie Avery, 19. 4 26 1948 11 23 42. Statement received on Old Age and Dependent Childrens' aid. S 3 1948 11 25 43. Social Service budget under considerstion. 5 17 1948 11 27 44. Statement rece3ved on Old Age and Dependent Childrens' aid. 6 7 1948 11 31 45. Exchange Club endrosement of drydock received. 7 6 1948 11 35 46. Statement recei;red on Old Age and Dependent Childrens' aid. 7 6 1948 11 35 N. C. INDE? TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES ?-- New Hanover Counti? MATTER , _ : So?ial Serv ices - eec. u. s. County Ind?ee ?ince 1888 ? TO (otu?Y nam?s? oplp at COTT A•2 TAB INDEX PAT OFFItE ?n?7!?' An IdentiEying Trade Mar{c M11,6 E BY THE ?OTT INDEX LOMPANY, COLUMBUS, DHIO SURIiAME INITIAL TAi SOLD ?Y OWEN G. DIINN, NEN tERN, NORTN GROIINA DAiE MINUTE BOOK NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS Monfh Day Year Vol. Page l. Statement received on Old Age and Dependent Childrens' aid. 8 2 1948, 11. 38 „ 2. Statement received on 01d Age and Dependent Childrens' aid. 9 7 1948 11 44 3. Bids authorized on Social Service heating. 10 4 1948 11 50 _. 4. Statement received on Old ?ge and Dependent Childrens' aid. 10 4 1948_ 11 50 5. Social Service heating bids received, contract awarded to Ideal Plumbing Co. 10 18 1948 11 52 .. 6. Statement received on Old Age ?.nd L?ependent Childrens' aid. 11 8 1948 11 56 7. Jun???r Traffic C?ficers approved for badges and belts. 11 22 1948 11 58 8. Uonations given to Samarcand Mar?or, Stonewall, Caswell, Morrison, E. Carolina and 11 22 1948 11 58 , State Girls Training Schools. 9. Statement received on Old Age and Dependent Childrens' aid. 12 6 1948 11 61 10. St%?.tement received on Old Age and Dependent Childrens' aid. 1 10 1949 11 66 11. Historic Commission granted stamp funds. 4 4 1949 11 85 12. Statement received on Old Age and Dependent Childrens' aid. 4 4 1949 11 85 13. Payment referred on TB Hospital. 4 20 1949 11 88 14. Expenses ordered paid for indigents in Boarding Homes. 4 25 1949 11 89 15. Petition received favoring Sanatorium. 4 25 1949 11 89 16. Estimates received on Old Age, Blind and Dependent Children?" aid. 5 2 1949 11 90 _ 17. Statement received on Old Age and Depende?lt Childrens' aid. 5 2 1949 11 90 18. Motion adopted on Old Age and Dependent Childrens'a;d. 5 9 1949 11 92 19. St?atement received on Old Age and Dependent Childrens' aid. 6 13 1949 11 li)0 20. Statement received on Old Age and Dependent Child?ens' aid. 7 11 1949 11 10? 21. Social Service budget requests increased, no action. 7 18 1949 11 107 22. Back door entranc? authorized at Sanatorium houses. 7 25 1949 11 110 23. Social Service discussed investigation of Dept's records. 8 1 1949 11 112 24. Statement received on Old Age and Dependent Childrens' aid. 8 1 1949 11 112 25. Investigation agree?3 for Social Service offic.e records. 8 29 1949 11 118 26. Calling of relatives of O?d Age recipients suggested before the Board. 8 29 1949 11 118 27. Social Service investigation resumed. 8 29 1949 11 118 28. Notice of f?_nal decision received on rejecting Ella 0'Quinn Watkin Old Age Assistanc?? . 9 19 1949 11 121 29. Statement received on Old Age and Dependent Childrens' aid. 10 3 1949 11 125 30. Efforts au?horized for place to treat Sanatorium patients. 10 10 1949 11 126 31. Sorosis Club referred for exhibit space. 10 31 1949 11 131 32. Statement received on Old Age and Dependent Childrens' aid. 10 31 1949 11 131 3?. Mation offered to get lo?aer prices on Maffitt Village Land f?:?r TB Hospital. 11 14 1949 11 135 34. Donations given to Caswell, E. Carolina, Morrison, Sarmarcand Manor, State Girls 11 21 1949 11 136 S. Jackson Training 5chools. 35. Price proposal re-opened on land for TB Hospital. 11 21 1949 11 137 36. Statement received on Old Age and Dependent Childrens' aid. 12 5 1949 11 139 37. Fr?derick Willetts ??.Jited to tov.r TB Hovpital. 12 12 1949 11 140 38. Negotations with F. Willetts announced on TB Hospital site. 12 19 1949 1? 142 ?39. Progress reporyed o? Social Service investigation. 12 28 1949 11 144 40. C. ?. Rehder recommended by Board for gardenin? work. 1 9 1950 11 146 41. List of changes in Social Service rules submitted. 1 16 1950 11 147 42. Sanatcarium proposed name as Wessell Memorial Sanatorium. 1 16 1950 11 148 43. Statement received on 0?? Age and Dependent Childrens' aid. 3 6 1950 11 161 44. Action postponed on appointee tosucceed Mrs. T. J. Cause in Social Service office. 3 13 1950 11 164 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover Count?, N. C. _ MATTER• So?ial Services - eea. u. s. 'O?.??_ County Indezee Since 1888 ? TO IOCa?? namlf? opl4 pt MILCF BY THE COTT ND X COMPANYX COLUMBUS, OHIO e?r OFFICE ?i.?p.ie, An ldentifying Trade Mark fURNAME INITIAL TAB SOLD ?Y OWEN 0. pYNN, NE/ ?ERN, NORiN GROLINA NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS l.: Mrs. Jo McMillan named to Social Service Board to suceed Mrs T.J. Cause. 2., County to coGpPrate with G. H. Hutaff on trespassers on Old Redcrass property. 3.. Mrs. Hen?y J. MacMillen declined, Mrs Eva Long appointed to Social Service Board. 4.. C. H. Hutaff permitted to erect a fence on Sanatorium land. 5.; Arrangements r.iade on deed to Sanatorium land, County Attorney to report. (,, Advertis?m?nt for bids on TB Hospital approved. 7.. Statement received on Old Age and Dependen!? Childrens' aid. 8., Bids opened on. John C. Wessell TB. Hospital, general construction awarded to W.A. Simon and Son, Plun:aing and heating to Goodyear Plumbzng Co. 9, Estimates approve? for Old ?:ge and Dependent Childrens'. 10. W. A. Simon and Sons to begin on TB Hospital. 11.. Statement received on Old Age and Depenr,?ent Childrens' aid. 12,. Ground breakingCeremony set for John C. Wessell Sanatorium. 13. Heating authorized in TB Hospital. 14. Letter received from Dr. John C. Wessell on Sanatorium equipment. 15. Statement received on Uld Age and Dependent Childrens' aid. 16., V?rious facilities for TB Hospital bro??.?,??t to attention. 17,. Letter oF appreciation rece?_ved for Girls' Scouts. 18.. Statement r.eceived on Old Age and Dependent Childrens' aid. 19.. Bids received for pump at TB Hospital, held for consideration. 20, Social Service buu.get received and approved. 21, Statement received on Old Age and Dependent Childrens'. 22. Sketch of floor plan approved for TB Hos?.?ital. 23,, Wilmington Well and Pump Co. awarded bid for Sanatorium water control. 24.. Bids for Sanatorium pump opened, contract awarded to Wilmington Well Co. 254, Board of Managers named, Dr. J. C. Wessell, Ben McDonald, N. L. Foy, Dr. A. H. Elliott and Mrs. A. Peiffer. N. L. Foy named Chairman. 26. Letter of appointment received from TB Hospital Managers. 27. Letter of appointment received from Mrs. T. B. Peiffer. 28., Joint meeting with Pender County to induce industries in Counties. 29._ Letter ?f appreciation received from Sanatorium. 30.. N. L. Foy declined appointment and D. D. Camer?on to replace him. 31, Plans approved for Nurses Home and Sanatorium septic tank. 32.. Statement received on Old Age and Dependent Childrens'. 33. A. L. Ca?renaugh letter received on.starting Steel Mill. 34.. D. D. Camerson letter received accepting appoir?tment to TB Hospital . 35.. Architect Lynch and Foad paid for T3 Hospital plans. 36. Granite approved for TB Hospital. 37. Septic tank bids received for TB Hospital. 38. Letter of acceptance rec?ived from Dr. ?J. C. Wessell, Sr. 39. D. D. Camerson, Chairman, Ben McDonald Vice-Chairman of TB Hospital Directors. 40. Nurses Home plans referred. 41. Social Service to appear before the Commissioners on Social Security. 42. Statement. received on Old Age and Dependent Childrens' aid. 43. Statement presented on Old Age and Dependent Childrens'. 44. Statement received on Old Age and D?pendent Childrens' aid. DATE MINUTE BOOK Month Day Year Vol. Page ' 3 20 1954 11 165 3 20 1950 11 165 3 27 1950 11 166 3 27 19?0 11 166 3 27 1950 11 166 4 11 1950 ?l 175 4 11 1950 11 175 5 1 1950 11 182 5 18 1950 11 185 5 8 1950 11 185 8 S 1950 11 185 5 15 1950 11 186 5 22 1950 11 186 5 22 1950 11 186 6 5 1950 11 189 7 10 1950 11 195 7 17 1950 11 196 7 T? 195G 11 19? 7 24 1950 11 197 7 25 1950 11 198 7 31 1950 11 199 7 31 1950. .11 199 7 31 1950 11 200 8 14 1950 11 202 8 14 1950 11 202 8 21 1950 11 204 8 28 1950 11 205 8 28 1950 11 206 9 5 1950 11 206 9 5 1950 11 206 9 5 1950 11 206 9 5 195Q 11 207 9 11 1950 11 208 9 11 1950 11 208 9 11 1950 11 208 9 18 1950 11 209 9 18 1950 11 209 9 18 1950 11 210 9 25 1950 11 211 9 25 1950 11 21I 10 2 1950 11 214 10 2 1950 11 214 10 16 1950 11 216 10 23 1950 11 '?18 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES --- New Hanover Gount?, N. C. _ MATTER: so?ial Services - aec. u. s. 'q.??? County Indezea Since 1888 ? YO IOCW? Aain?t? Op?A OT COTT A-2 TAB INDEX r?r OFFICE C???r2,a.? An Idm6Fying Trade Mark A111t E Bl THE COTT INDEX fOMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SURNAME INITIAL TAi SOLD tY OWEN i. DUNN, NEN lERN, NORTM QROLINA NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS DATE MINUTE BOOK Month Day Year Vol. Page l. Water sample report receiv?? on TB Hospital well, well safe, pump z?eferred. 10 2. Plans a?proved for Nurses Hoc;1e at Sanatorium. 10 3. Statement received on Old Age and Dependent Childrens' aid. 11. 4. Donation granted to Morrison Training School. 11 5. Donations grar??ted to Caswell, E. Ca.rolina, Samarcand, N.C. Girls, S. Jackson and 11 America Advent Christian OrphanagP. 6. Civil Engineer. J. A. Loughlin to prepare sketch of TB Hospital. 12 ?e Communication received on Old Age anr?. Dependent Children's aid. 12 8. Statement received on OJ d Age ai?.d Dependent Children's aid.: _2 9. Statement received on Old Age and Dependent Children's aid. 3 10. Social Service statement ?eceived on Dan Camerson succeeding R. B. Roebuck. 3 11. Roebuck written, thanked for Social Service services. 3 12. Statement received on 01d Age and Dependent Childrens' aid. 4 13. Communication received. on Old Age and Dependent Childrens' ai?.?. 5 14. Social Service authorized City directory. S 15. Estimates submitted on Old Ag? and Dependent Childrer?;.' aid. 5 16. Social Service meeting to be held in Whiteville American Legion Hut. 6 17. Statement received on Old Age and Dependent Childrens' aid. 6 18. Social Service budget authorized incr?ase by auditor. 7 19. Statemen? received on Old Age and Dependent Childrens' aid.. 7 20. Offer received on sale of Old Redcr?ss Building. 7 21. No action taken on use of Sanatorium Building for office. 8 22. Statement received on Old Age and Dependent Childrens' aid. g 23. R2ply expected from Kerner Incinerator Division on TB Ho?pital. 8 24. Social Service application of Sarah H. Simps??n, 77 returned for more information. 10 25. Statement receis.?ed on Old Age and Dependent Childrens' aid. 10 26. City Manage?s referred to f?ommittee on disapproval of Sheriff as Civil Defense Director. 10 27. Social Service employees granted salary increases. 10 28. Statement received on Old Age and Dependent Childrens' aid. 11 29. Donations granted to Caswell, E.N. Carolina, Samarcand Manor, S. Jackson, Morrison, 12 American ?'?dvent Christian ?iome and State Gzrls Training Schools. 30. Statement received on Old ?:ge and Dependent Childrens' aid. 2 31. State???:?nt received or? Old Age and Dependent Childrens' aid. 2 32. Statement received on OId Age and Dependent Childrens' aid. 4 33. State*n?nt received on Old Age and Dependent Childrens' aid. 5 34. Auditor to transfer funds to aid for Dependent Childrens' and 01d Age. 5 35. Payment to Lessie R. Williamson approved at Sanatorium. 5 36. Katie Cox approved payment for dentures at Sanatorium. 6 37. Communication received on Old Age and Dependent Childrens' aid. 6 38. Letter of appreciation from Girls' Scouts Council. 5 39. Jack J Moore placed in V?teran Sanatorium. 6 40. Communication received on 01d Age and. Dependent Childrens' aid. 7 41. Cash funds authorized for Sa?atorium. 7 42. Social Service Supt. referred on allotment increase for Public Assistance. 7 43. Pub]_ic Assistance a?lotments inc?eased. 7 44. Miss 1?iamie J. Fernell, dietitian a? Sanatorium allowed supplies. 7 23 ?,1950 11 218 .. 30 1950 11 219 6 1950_ 11 220 20 1950 11 224 20 1950 11 224 11 ' 950_ 11 ? 228 11 1950 11 230 _ 5 I95I II Z3? 5 1??51 ]_1 245 19 1951 11 248 19 1951 11 248 ,. 16 1951 11 254 7 1951 11 259 21 1951 11 261 28 1951 11 262 4 1951 11 264 4 1951 11 ?64 2 1951 11 267 9 1951 11 269 9 1951 11 269 6 1951 11 278 13 1951 11 280 13 1951 11 280 1 1951 11 290 l5 1951 11 294 15 1951 11 294 17 1951 11 295 12 1951 11 301 19 1951 11 303 4 1952 11 315 25 7_952 11 319 7 1952 11 330 12 1952 11 336 19 1952 11 337 26 1952 11 338 23 1952 11 344 23 1952 11 344 ?n iq?? ?i ??? 30 ;_952 11 345 7 1952 11 347 14 1952 11 350 24 1952 11 355 28 1952 11 356 31 1952 11 356 INDE? TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover Count?y, N. C. eec. u. s. County Inde?cee Since 1888 ? TO ?OtG?N 1101MS. O?Nq Ot ver OFFICE C.?r?l?- An Identifying Trade Mark SURNAME INITIAL TAB ?a ` NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS l., Report received on Old Age and Depen.dent Childrens' aid. 2.. No action taken on dentures for Jennie Russ. 3.. 4-H Club report filed for September. 4.. Statement received on Old Age and Dependent Childrens' aid. 5.. Statement received on Old Age and Dependent Childrens' aid. 6., Donations granted to Caswell, East N. C., Moz.rison, S. Jackson, Samarcand Manor, State .; Girls', American Advent Christian Training Schools. 7.. Notice received on Old A.ge and Dependent Childrens' aid. 8.. Statement received on Old Age and Dependent Chilcirens' aid. 9.. Payment approved for Jennie Russ dentures. 10. 0. R. Parker's bid rejected for Sanatorium property. 11, Statement received on Old Age and Dependent Childrens' aid. 12._ Motion carried for Social Service Board to appear ?efore the Commissioners. 13. Social Service Board appeared on parking problems. 14. Received resignation from Dan Camerson from Social Service Board. 15., Authorized advertising for bids on Sana.torium repairs. 16. State Social Services letter received on expiration of Mrs Eva Long's appointment. 17. T. C. Davis appoix?ted to Social Service Board. 18. Social Services report received and filed. 19., Estimates received on 01d Age and Dependent Childrens' aid. 20., Letter received on Dependent Childrens' policies. 21, Statement received on Old Age and Dependent Childrens' aid. 22.. Notice received on Old Age and Dependent Childrens' aid. 23., Notice received on Old Age Aid for Virginia E. Carter. 24.? Notice received on Old Age Aid for Sophie H. Alford, Nora A. Carroll and Idella Sessoms. 25, ?ocial Service report received. 26.. Continuation of relief appropriati:ons, requested thru Social Service office, no action. 27. Girls' Scout letter received on campsite at Greenville Sound. 28. Notice of hearing received on Old Age Aid fo? Hattie H. Sellers and Mary A. Bonham. 29. Notice received on Old Age Assistance for ldella F. Sessoms and Sophie H. ?lford. 30. Report received on Old Age and Dependent Childrens' aid. 31., Notice received on A.E.T.D. grant for Nora A. Carroll. 32.. Letter from Human Betterment League received for Social Service Supt. 33.. Payment approved for Horace V. Bolton dentures. 34, Social Service staternent approved on O.A.A., A.D.C. and A.P.T.D. 35, Social Service agreement presented from State Social Services Dept. 36. Statement received from Social Services for the year. 37. Invitation received on Social Service meeting. 38. Social Services report filed. 39. Salvation Army letter -reeeived on ?aivering tax?s. 40P Statement received from Social Services on A.D.C., O.A.A. and A.P.T.D. 41, Notice received on terminating O.A.A. for Robert Hylen. 42. Notices received on terminating Old Age Assistance for Julia D. Drevery. 43.: Donations granted to Eastern N.Co,S. Jackson, State Girls', Morri.son, American Advent Christian Home and Sarmarcand Training Schools. 44.. Social Services Statistical report approved for Social Service cases. ` sue?ecr - _ MATTER: Social Services - COTT A-2 iA? INDEX MItCE BY THE COTT INDEX (OMPANY, COLUMBUS, DHIO SOLO ?Y OWEN i. YYNN, NEIr tERN, NORTH GROLINA r? ? DATE MINUTE BOOK Month Day Year Vol. Page 9 15 1952 11 364 9 29 1952 11 367 10 6 1952 11 369 ?0 20 1952 11 372 11 10 1952 11 377 11 24 1952 11 380 12 1 1952 11 391 12 15 i952 11 385 1 S 1953 11 390 1 12 1953 1l 390 1 19 1953 11 392 2 9. 1953 11 399 , 2 16 1953 11 400 2 16 1953 11 400 2 16 1953 11 402 3 2 1953 11 404 '? 2 1953 11 404 3 23 1953 11 410 5 4 1953 11 417 5 4 1953 11 417 S 4 1953 11 ?19 5 26 1953 11 424 5 26 1953 11 424 6 1 1953 11 424 6 1 1953 11 425 6 29 1953 11 432 7 6 1953 11 435 7 20 1953 11 438 7 20 1953 11 438 7 20 1953 11 438 7 27 1953 11 441 8 10 1953 11 444 8 17 1953 11 446 8 17 1953 11 446 8 17 1953 11 446 10 S 195? 11 457 10 12 1953 11 459 10 12 1953 11 460 10 12 1953 11 46Q 10 19 1953 11 461 10 19 ?1,953 11 461 10 19 1953 11 461 11 16 1953 11 466 11 23 1953 11 467 INDEX TO CDM?iISSIONERS MINUTES -- New Hanover Count?, N. C. _ MATTER• So?ial Services - ee¢. u. s. 'p??_ County Ind?ea Since 1888 ? To loeo?a naM?s? op?e af COTT A-2 TAC INDEX r?r OFFICE ?¢I??? p.LCe- pn Identifying Trade Marlc SURlEAME IN{TIAL TAB MIA[ E BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOID YY 01MEN C. CUNN, NEN lERN, NORTM GROLINA NATURE OF PROCEfDINGS l. Notice of hearing received on O.A.A., for Amanda K. DeBruhl and Carrie S.. ??;clnnise 2. Letter received on O.A.A., A.D.C. and A.P.T.D. 3. Stastical report received on A.D.C. 4. Announcem?nts received on United Fund meeting. 5. Social Service report filed. 6. Statement received on O.A.A.,A.D,C. andA.P.T.D. 7. Communication received on O.A.A., A.D.C. and.-?1.P.T.D. 8. Social Service report recieved and filed. 9. Notice received on t?rmina?icsn of A.D.C. for Sarah K. Parker. 10. Notice received on termination Old Age Assistance for Amanda eZ. Debruhl & Carrie Mclnnis. 11. Two Social Service cases received public assistance, turned over to Social Service Supt. 12. Notice received on termination of A.P.T.D. fox Robert C. Kelly. 13. Notice received on termination of O.A.A. for Florence Kelly. 14. Statement received from Social Service on A.D.C.and A.P.T.D. grants. 15. Census report received on Sanatorium. 16. Paym?nt authorized for Howard G. Watts dentures. 17. Social Service report received and filed. 18. Letter received from State Social Services on rc?-appointment of Dr. Ellen Winston, 19. Social Services stati?tics report received. 20. Time set for meeting with State Social Services. 21. Letter received from State Social Services to discuss relief. 22. Statement received on O.A.A., A.D.C. and A.P.T.D. 23. Social Ser?ice Statistic report received. 24. Appointment to Civil Defense continued, to succeed Col. R. S. McCellard. Senate 25. ___ Bill 3092 endorsed for Social Security Benefits. 26. Census report received on Sanatorium. 27. Franklin W.Bell appointed Director of Civil Defense. 28. TB Hospital report received. 29. Social Service report filed. 30. Social Services estimates received. 31. Social Service estimates show net income, approved subjecTr to reduction. 32. Census report received on Sanatorium. 33. Mrs Eva Long appointed to New Hanover County Social Service B??ard. 34, Social Service report received on aid to dependent ?ecipients. 35. Social Service budget approved. 36. Mr, and Mrs. Ryan Russ admitted to Sanatorium. 37. Funds authorized for F?,arence Crittenton Home for unwedded mothers. 38. Application received to admit James D. Fidley to N.C. S?.natorium. 39. Sanatorium report f?led. 40. Social Service ?eport filed. 41. Statement received on recipients. 42. Letter of thanks from Girls' Scouts at Greenville Sound. 43. Social Services reports received. 44. Letter of thanks troin F?_ore?zce Crittenton Home on donation, 45. Social Services reports received, noti,:e of hearing on ADC appeal for Varginia Bo Holt. 46. City investigator to handle false statements with County Attorney and Solicitor. DATE MIMOTE 800K Month Day " Year Vol. Page 11 23 1953 11 . I1 23 1953. 11 11 30 1953 11 _ 12 7 1953 11 12 21 1953 11 _, 1 Ll 1954 11 1 L8 1954 11 1 L8 1954 11 1 Z5 1954 11 1 ?5 1954 11 2 1 1954 11 2 8 1954 11 2 8 1954 11 2 8 1954 11 2 8 1954 11 2 8 1954 11 2 L5 1954 11 2 ;?3 1954 11 2 ?3 1954 11 3 1 1954_11 3 8 1954 11 3 ?_5 1954 11 3 1_5 1954 11 3 ?2 1954 11 3 ?9 19?4.11 4 ?_2 1954 11 4 L2 1954 11 4 ?0 1954 11 4 ?0 1954 11 5 3 1954 11 5 3 1954 11 5 3 1954 11 S LO 1954 11 5 LQ 1954 11 5 L7 1954 11 6 1 1954 11 6 1 1954 11 6 1 1954 11 7 6 1954 11 7 12 1954 11 7 t2 1954 11 7 19 1954 11 7 19 1954 11 8 23 1954 11 8 23 1954 11 8 30 1954 11 540 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES -- New Hanover Count?, N. C. Reo. u. s. Counry Indexee Since 18BB ? To IotoM Ilam?f? Op?n Ot r?r OFFICE ??l?C?o? An Idenrifyine Trade Mark fUBIiAME INITIAL TAi ?1 F NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS SUBJECT ? _ MATiER: Social Services - COTT A•2 TAt INOEX MILLE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, ONIO SOLD tY OWEN i. oUNN, NEN lERll, NORTH GROLINA DATE MINUTE BOOK Month Day Year Vol. Page l? Letter from Cape Fear Ambulance Service for ,Ta?f?es A. Hightower, referred to Soc. Ser. 2. Recipients feport received. 3,, Invitation received for Social Service Institute. 4, Report made on storm-stricken assi?tance. 5q; Recipients report received. 6R Social Service ststistics report received. 7; Civil Defense report filed on hurricane Hazel. 8: Civil Defense bulletin received c?n hurricane disasters. 9. Civil Defense letter received on al.lotments to State. 10., Civil Defense letter received on replacing sirens. 11. Recipients_ report rec?ived. 12. Civil Defense list of supplies ??ceived. 13. Donatians granted to Morrison, Case;??ell, East N.C., State Girls, S. Jackson, Samarcand , Manor and American Advent Christian Training Schools. 14.. Letters of thanks from training schools for donations. 15., Letter from Redcross on blo?ci. 16?. Social Service report received. 17.. Letter of thanks from Caswell School. 18., Social Service investigator reported on matters of farnily cases. 19., Civil Defense report received on hurricane damages and the endorsement on first aid. 20,. Social Services report on recip2ents and adjustments. 21.. Letter of thanks from S.Jackson School. 22., Social Service statistics report filed. 23., Civil Defense press release received on First Aid in Schools. 24., Social Service statistics report filed. 25.: Social Service lett??? received on Social Services hearing. 26., Social Service report filed. 27.. Civil Defense memorandum adopted on air-raid sirens. 28.? Social Services statistics report filed. 29., Notic:e received Cicero P. Yow, not to be re-appoint?d to Social Service BQard. 30. Communication received from N. C. Betterment League on steri_lization in County. 31. F. W. Bell, Civil Defense Director granted lzave of absence. 32. No ?ction taken on procurement of ilanatorium property. 33., 4?'G3a•?Service statistics report filed. 34. Civil Defense report filed. 35. Authorized County emp?.oyees to h.ear Sec State Retirement Nathan Yelton at high school. 36. Authorized lien to be cancelled on Mrs. Loula M. Alford's house. 37. Social Service case of Mrs. Elizabeth S. P.layer left with Social Service. 38. Invitation received to Redcross election. 39. Finalr?PortrECeived on Civil Defense siren tests 40. Social Service recipients report received. 41. Sanatorium? report received. 42. Social Se?szice li_en cancelled for John A. McMillan. 43. Social Service case of Elizabeth S. Player referred to tax collector. 44. Approved request for campsite at Camp Wright to be cleared for Girl Scouts'. 45. Social Service reports filed, budget received. 9 20 1954 11 542 10 4 1954. 11 545 ,.10 11 1954 11 546 10 18 1954. 11 547 .10 18 1954 11 547 10 25 1954 11 548 10 25 1954 11 548 .11 1 1954 11 550 11 15 1954 11 554 11 22 1954 11 555 11 22 1954 11 555 11 29 1954 11 557 11 22 1954 11 555 12 6 1954 11 559 12 13 1954 11 561 12 13 1954 11 561 12 13 Z954 11 561 12 20 1954 11 562 12 20 1954 11 562 12 ?0 1954 11 562 1 3 1955 11 564 1 3 1955 11 565 1 17 1955 11 568 1 31 1955 11 572 2 7 1955 11 573 2 14 1955 11 575 3 7 1955 11 580 3 21 1955 11 584 4 12 1955 11 588 4 12 1955 11 588 4 12 1955 11 588 4 18 1955 11 590 4 18 1955 11 590 4 25 1955 11 592 5 2 1955 11 593 5 2 1955 11 594 5 2 1955 11 594 5 2 1955 11 594 5 9 1955 11 596 5 9 1955 11 597 5 23 1955 11 600 5 23 1?a55 11 600 5 23 1955 11 600 6 13 1955 11 606 t H C N C INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES -- N oun ?, anover . ew . _ MATTER: So? ial Services - ae?. u. s. County Indezee Since 1$88 ? TO IOCO?! nam?s, Op?11 Ot COTT A•I TAB INDEX ?,[¢??? An ldentifying Trade Mark M16C E BY TNE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO v?r OFFICE SURNAME (NITIAL TAB SOLD ?? OYIIEN C. DUNN, NEN ?ERN, NORTN GROLINA NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS DATE MINUTE BOOK Month Day Year Vol. Poge l. Social Service recipients, statistic and census reports recieved and ?iled. 7 5 1955 11 610 2. Social Security and retirement meeting held. 7 S 1955 11 610 , 3. Civil Defense appropriation continued, office to be curtailed. 7 S 1955. 11 612 4. Social Service appropriations approved. 7 5 1955 11 612 ,. 5. State Soci.al Service Board welcome W. Allen Cobb as member. 7 18 1955 11 61? 6. Social Service recipients report received. 7 18 1955 11 615 7. Letter ?::? ??ri-1 Service on approval of budget. _ 8 1 1955 11 619 8. Social Service budget di5cussed. 8 1 1955 11 620 9. Social Service appropriations di?cussed. 8 1 1955 11 620 10. Social ?ervice funds restored for APTD cases. 8 c 1955 11 622 11. Letter received on Social Services APTD cases. 8 15 1955 11 625 12. State Services letter received on renovating Boarding Home. 8 29 1955 11 627 13. Social Service report filed. 8 29 1955 11 627 14. Social Service report filed, statements of income and disbursements received. 9 S 1955 11 628 15. Social Service statistics report filed. 9 19 1955 11 632 16. Social Service recipient authorized admission to ?he County Home at $30. per month_. 9 26 1955 12 1 17. Instructions given on means of keeping the Social Service budget down. 9 26 ZpSJ 12 I 18. Authorized S+?cial Security office to census residents over 65 in County. 10 10 1955 12 8 19. Income and disbursement report received. 10 10?? _955 12 8 20. Monthly reports received. 10 24 1955 12 10 21. Statement of income and disbursements received. 10 24 1955 12 10 22. Received invi?ation to attend Annual Public Social Services Institue. 10 24 1955 12 11 23. Motion carried and resolutions ado?ted regarding lien property of Mattie Lockhart, 10 31 1955 12 12 . Lorman Burnson and Maggie C. Sheridan. 24. Statistical re?ort received. 11 21 1955 12 19 25. Statisticial report filed. 11 21 1955 12 19 .. 26. Monthly report filed. 11 21 1955 12 20 27. ' Statement of income and disbursements reeeived for October. 12 13 1955 12 26 28. Monthly report received. 1 3 1956 12 30 29. Letter of thanks for services rendered during Christrna? Holidays. 1 9 1956 12 32 30. Statement of income and disbursements received for recipients. 1 9 1956 12 32 31. Invitation for Commissioners to attPnd the St?.te-- wide meeting on Public Social Ser?ice. 1 16 1956 12 34 32. Authori?zd loan to repair property with County lien, lot??2 House 807 South 10th street. 1 16 19?6 12 34 33. Social Service requested that TB facility be used for:_the aged. 1 30 1956 12 39 34. No action taker? o? request to convert TB ??ospital into home for the aged. 2 13 1956 12 44 35. Statement received on f?r?ds serit to Cour?ty for December. 2 13 I956 12 44 36. Commissioners to meet with the Board of Social Services. 2 20 1956 12 45 37. Approved ?em?orary care for James Hardy at the County Home. 2 20 1956 12 45 38. Monthly report received. 2 20 I956 12 45 3°. Discussion on Old Age assistance property collectians, liens and cost of Soc Sers. 2 27 1956 12 47 40. Funds for purchase of TB Hospital to be earmaLaked for a Home for the Aged. 3 5 1956 12 49 41. Law Enforcement to participate in Social Security referendum. 3 5 L956 12 50 42. Old Age assistance liens to be discussed at County Commissioners District Meeting. 3 5 1956 12 51 43. Authorized clerical assistance in filling out Social Securty applications. 3 12 1956 12 52 44. Action ?n Old Age assistance lien law postponed. 3 19 1956 12 53 45. Three d??_?abled citizer?s granted permission to enter the County Home at $40. per month. 3 19 1956 12 53 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - N H t C N C anover ew oun ?, . . , ry?pTTER: So?ia1 Services - ¦ec. u. s. County Inaezta Since IB88 ? To loca+? nam?s, op?n af COTT A-2 TAe INDEX MItCE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, ONIO PAT OiFICE 1?.7? An Identifying Trade Mark ? SURNAME INITIAL TAB so?o ?r owEM a ouNx, NEN ?ERN, NORTH UROLINA ! - NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS DATE MINUTE BOOK ? . Month Day Year Vol. Page l,: School arranged to formulate plans and ?arocedure to assist in preparing Social Security ; ,? 26 1956 12 55 , applications. , 2,. Statement of income and disbursements received for Feburary 1956. 4 9 1956 12 58 3., Monthly report received. 4 9 1956 12 58 4,, Names being picked to enable eligibl,?s ? to receive Social Security. 4 16 1956 12 60 5,, Census report received for March. 4 16 1956 12 61 6,_ Special reports received. 4 23 1956. 12 64 7. Chairman reported satisfactoryresults in getting citizens prepared for Social Security., 4 23 1956. 12 64 8, Terminating OAA to James Harry Gurganus up-held. 4 30 1956 12 66 9, Walter Hopson re-instated ior ADC. 4 30 1956 12 66 10, Monthly report received. 5 7 1956 12 67 11. Statement of funds for March received. 5 7 1956 12 67 12. Received estimates for budget 1956-1957. 5 14 1956 12 68 13. Callie Smith admitted to the County Home. 5 21 1956 12 69 14. Social Security recipient admitted to the County Home. 5 21 1956 12 69 15. State and Federal funds report for April receivecl. 5 21 1956 12 70 16. Hearing on APTD at 11 AM at-?d 1:30 PM. S 21 1956 12 70 17.. Census report received. 5 21 1956 12 71 18., January report received and filed. 5 18 1956 12 73 19. Statistics report for 1951-55 received and filed. 6 4 1956 12 74 20. Mr. Thurston C. Davis appointed to the Board of Social Services. 6 25 1956 12 78 21. Mrs Mary Bladwin admitted to the County Home. 7 2 1956 12 80 22.: Report of funds sent to C?unty for May received. 7 9 1956 12 81 23,, Kingsley tiee King rejected for APTD payments. 7 16 195? 12 83 24. Report of funds sent to County for June received. 7 30 1956 12 86 ,25. Katie Leggett Brown, rejected for APTD. 8 20 1956 12 90 26.. Therese BElI Harris admitted to the County Home. 8 20 1956 12 90 .27, Invitation to attend the State Board of Social Services meeting. 9 10 1956 12 94A .28. Statement ?tlowing funds sent to the County for August. 9 24 1956 12 96 30. Restored ?alary increase to Mrs Helen B. Sneeden. 9 24 1956 12 96 31. Social Services to pa? Babzes ?Iospital same rate as paid James Walker Hospital. 10 1 1956 12 97 32.. Announcement of ineeting to discuss 1956 Social Security Act, Social Service and 10 1 1956 12 97 Legisaltion. 33. Adopted resolution on property of J. A. Rivenbark. 10 29 1956 12 104 34. Received statement of funds sent to the County for September. 11 6 1956 12 106 35. Social Service transferred Kersell Evans to J. Arthur posher Memorial Hospital. 11 26 1956 12 110 36. Resolution adopted on Old Age assistance lien against Eusibio A. Valenio. 12 3 1956 12 111 37t State Board of Social Services reported on funds received in County for October. 12 3 1956 12 112 38. Authorized transferring funds from unanticipated fund to extra help and Social Security 12 10 1956 12 113 Pauper Burial Funds used for Burial of TT1G?.Zbpnts. 39, Letter of thanks from Mrs. Louise S. Bland for County's help week before Christmas. 1 7 1957 12 120 40., r1r. Kingsley King request for additi?nal APTD referred to Social Services. 1 14 1957 12 121 41. Discussion of patient pay at Community Hospital, patients to sign a Lien Law agreement. 2 4 1957 12 126 42, Discussion of monies spent on clothing for Boarding Home Children. Z 4 1957 12 126 43. Adri?.n Deems Sellers admitted to the County Home at $40.00 per month. 2 4 1957 12 126 44. William Dudley and son William Dudley, Jr. admitted to the County Home. 2 8 1957 12 125 ? H t N C C INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES -- N anover oun ?, . ew . _ MATTER: So ?ia1 Ser vices - nec. v. s. "????? Counry Indezes Since 1888 ? YO IOtO?f AOOUf? OptD at COTT A-Z TA! INDEX ?o?'iK,a-?.s An IdentifyinQ Trade Mark MII,L E BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO P?r OFFICE SURIiAME INITIAL TAB SOlO ?T 01MEN i. DONN, NEM {ERN, NORTH CAROLINA ? NATflR? OF PROCEEDINGS DATE MINUTE BOOK Month Day Year Vol. Page l. Application to admitt Mr. Charl_?s K. ?oundelis to County Home referred b?.ck to Soc. Ser. 2 11 1957 12 129 . 2. Request for additional appropriations taken under consideration until next meeting. 2 18 1957 12 132 3. Approved additional funds for Social Services. 2 25 1957 12 133 . 4. . Authorized Sup?. to go to Washington or ??leigh . to reques? funds to supplement program. 2 25 19?7. 12 133 S. Complaint of Mrs. Clemmons about ADC check referred to Mr. Hollis. 3 11 1957 12 136 , 6. Resolution adopted on Old Age Lien against Henry A. Robinson. 4 1 1957 12 141 7. Statement of funds sent to the County for February. 4 8 1957 12 143 8. Discussion of electrical payments of assistance cases. 4 15 1957 12 145 9. Superintendent ?eported on indigents length of stay at James [?Talker Hospital. 4 29 1957 12 147 10. Election relatives to Social Security. 5 13 1957 12 152 11. Mrs. T. J. Morris accepted appointtrent to New Hanover County Board of Social Services. 6 3 1957 12 158 12. Letter stating increase in Hospital Bill at James Walker Hospital a??xd Community Hospital. 6 3 1957 12 158 13. Attorney fee bi11 for Mrs Irene Herring referred to Mr. Hollis. 6 3 1957 12 158 14. Old Age Lien of Anna S. Hal1 referred to County Attorney. 6 17 1957 12 161 15. Federal and State funds transferred to ADC. 6 17 1957 12 161 16. Authorized Attorney fee for Mrs. Irene Herring. 7 1 1957 12 163 17. Salary increase for H. R. Hollis, tentatively included in the budget. 7 8 1957 12 166 18. Authorized lien release against Anna S. Hall. 7 8 1957 12 166 19. Received 1957-1958 assistance estimates. 7 15 1957 12 167 20. All County empl?yees allowed Social Security coverage. 7 25 1957 12 169 21. Superintendent explained method of saving at Hospitals. 8 19 1Q57 12 175 22. Letter announc?ng t?ie appointment of Mrs. Helen B. aneeden. 9 23 195% 12 182 23. Notice of rejectin?r assistance to Marie M. Berry, Ina M. Taylor and ?eti?ena L. Brown. 9 23 1957. 12 182 24o Social Service to aid Mrs Pauline Noble and daughter on invoice from physician. 11 4 1957 12 191 25. Social Services to investigate Training School for County Children. 11 18 1957 l2 193 26. Inc?ease in Child Social Service workers to be studied by Board. 12 9 1957 12 201 27. Report on Hospital patients and establishing proof of residen?e, referred to Soc. Ser. 12 16 1957 12 202 28. Authorized increase in salaries of Social Services workers. 12 16 1?57 12 203 29. Rev. J. S. Crowley requested assistance for citizen referred to Social Services. 1 13 1958 12 214 30. Supt. reported because of unemployment,assistance requests have increase. 2 17 1958 12 27_5 31. Statistical report received. 2 24 1958 12 227 32. Approved increase in salary of Miss Spear, Social Service worker. 4 28 1958 12 252 33. Board tentative approved budget ?or the blind. 5 12 1958 12 256 34. No action taken on request to shift funds within budget. 6 16 1958 12 268 35a Request granted to employ additional worker. 6 30 1958 12 273 36. Received budget requests, no action taken. 7 7 1958 12 278 37. Authoriz?d Social Service lien against Annie P. k'hitley lifted. 7 14 1958 12 280 38. Supt.'s. salary to be adjusted in adopting of budget. . 8 18 1958 12 292 re- 39. Social Service requested to'?instate visiting teacher, no action, re-instated last ??eek. 8 18 1958 12 292 com 40. Citizezz's?lplaint at County Home Lef?rred to Sacial SCYVZCCS. 4 18 1958 12 292 41. Mrs Heleri B. S?.?eeden and Exec. Sec. to administer funds for Christmas gifts. 10 6 1958 12 312 42. Social Service.property lien against Robert J. Nickols referred to Mrs. Sneeden and 10 20 1958 12 317 Cuunty ?,ttorney, 43. Approved request to transfer Jorn Paul Lewis to James Walker Hospital. 10 20 1958 12 318 44. Received chan?ing of status reports. 11 24 1958 12 336 45. Authorized County Attorney to confer about lien on property of James H. Berry. 11 24 1958 12 336 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover County N MAiT RT SCHOOLS C , . . , _ xec. u. s. r?T OFFICE C? 'q ??c? ?? Counry Indexea Since 1888 To locate ttameS? opert at -? An IdentiEying Trade Mark ? SURNAME INIiIAL TAB COTT A-2 7AB 1NDEX MADE BY TNE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLO BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORT H CAROLINA ? NATURE OF PROtEEDINGS ` DATE MINUTEBOOK , Month Day Yea? VoL I Page 1. Report on School Fund for April, 1901. 06 17 1901 6 562 2. Report on SchooZ Fund for May, 1401. 06 2? 1901 6 572 3. Rewards offered for capture and delivery to Sheriff of murderers of tw? peaple. 07 18 1901 6 577 4. Report on School Fund for June, 1901. 07 24 1901 6 583 5. Report on School Fund for July, 1901. OS 05 1901 6 591 6. Report on School Fund for August, 1901. 09 25 1901 6 601 7. Report on School Fund for Septe:nber, 1901. 10 07 1901 6 609 8. Report on School Fund for October, 1901. 11 15 1901 6 614 9. Report on Schoot Fund for Novernt?er, Z9a?. 12 31 19fJ2 6 625 10. Report oz School Fund for December, I90I. 02 19 1902 6 635 11. Report oa School Fund for January, 19?2. 02 19 1902 6 537 17_. Re?ort on School Fund for February, 1902. 03 03 1902 6 642 13. Report on School Fund for March, 1902. 04 07 1902 6 648 14. Report on School Fund for April, 1902. 05 26 1902 6 653 15. Report on School Fund for June, 1902. 07 22 1902 6 655 16. Report on School Fund for July, 1902. 08 04 1902 6 670 17. Report on School Fund for August, 1902. 09 04 1902 6 675 18. Report on School Fund for Septe;nber, 1902. I1 03 1902 6 681 19. Report on School Fund for October, 1902. 12 02 1902 6 688 20. Report on School Fund for November, 1902. Ol 05 1903 6 697 21. Report on School Fund for December, 1902. 02 07 1903 6 703 22. Report on School Fund from February 6 to March 9, 1904. (NUMBERS 22-26 ARE OUT OF OKDER) 04 04 1904 6_ 790 23. Report on School Fund from April to May 5, 1904. 06 06 1904 6 799 24. Report on School Fund fro?n May 5 to May 31, 1904. 06 ?6 1904 6 800 25. Report on School Fund for June, 1904. 08 ?l 1904 6 806 26. Report on School Fund for July, 1904. 08 ?l 1904 6 808 27. Repflrt on School Fund for January, 1903. (NUMBERS 22-26 GO BEFORE NUMBERS 27-38.) 03 05 1903 6 708 28. Report on School Fund for February, 1903. 04 25 1903 6 716 29. Report on School Fund for March, 1903. 05 04 1903 6 722 '30. Report on School Fund from April 6 to April 30, 1903. 05 Ol 1903 6 726 31. Report on School Fund for May, 1903. 05 30 1903 6 729 32. Report on School Fund for June and July, 1903. 08 03 Z903 6 745 33. Report on School Fund for August, 1903. 09 Z8 I903 6 753 3/+. Report on School Fund for September, 1903. 11 02 1903 6 761 35. Rep rt on School Fund for October, 1903. 12 10 1903 6 771 36. Report on School Fund for November, 1903. O1 04 1904 6 777 37. Report on School Fund for December, 1903. 03 07 1904 6 783 38. Report on School Fund from January l, to February 6, 1904. 03 24 1904 6 785 39. Report on School Fund for August 1904. 10 03 1904 7 2 40. Report on School Fund for September, 1904 12 05 1904 7 13 41. Report on School Fund for October, 1904 12 05 1904 7 14 42. Board of Sanitat ion ruled that Board of Education require all students and teachers present certificates 12 16 1904 7 15 of va ccinations to prevent spread of small pox. 43. Superintendent o f Hea lth reported vaccination completed in schools. 03 06 1905 7 20 44. Reques t f rom Boa rd of Education for an election on school taxes. 04 05 190? ? 174 45. Electi on to be h eld o n school tax. ?see Elections) 04 19 1909 7 175 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover Counti?, N. C. ` MATTER: Social Services - ¦ea. u. s. County Indezee Since 1888 ? To IotaM nam?t, opl11 OT COTT A•Z TAt INDEX PAT OFFICE ?p?"Jl?e?- An Identifying Trade Mark SUHNAME INITIAL TAB MItC E BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, DHIO SOLD iY OIIEN i. pUNN, NEw tERN, NORTN GROLINA NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS 1a, Progress r?port on patient transferred to James Walker Hospital. 2?. Refused request for extra funds for Chris?nas donations. 30,. Notice that Federal Government have new rules for Old Age Assistance Liens. 4K: Received notification of Status change, reviewed and filed. 5., Letter from Catholic Social Services, conforming safe arrival of Ronnie Escobedo. 6. Thank you letter for Christams aide. 7. R?port on change of Status of recipients reviewed and filed. 8. Approved request to employ ? in-training employe. 9. Acknowledged the re-?appointment of W.Allen Cobb. 10. Authorized funds for travel expense permit. 11, Lighting problem in office ?eferred ur?til next budget. 12.. Pro?erty lien of Mrs Owen W. King cancelled. 13.. Received report on recipients statistical changes. 14, Authorizrd $500.00 form General Assistance Fund to Mr. Jac?icson to purchase ambulance. Equipment. 15. Received recipients statistical change? report. 16. Received quarterly report and proposed budget for 1959-60. ,17..,Request for salary increase taken under advisement. 18, Discussion of salary scale, no consideration given at this time. 19..,Received report of change in reczpients status. '20..Discussed Amblance serv,ice rates. 21..,Informed Board of lien on property of Mary Strickland Allen, deceased. 22.. Liens of J. G. and Bertha Kuhlken referred to Supt., Attorney Board af Educ & Ex?c.Sec. 23., Lien on propert?. of Mary Strickland not reduced. 24. Authorized lien caizcellec? on property of Mr. And Mrs. Kuhlken and resolution adopted. 25.. Request to appoint a Chairman to the Board of Social Service deferred. 26.. Mr. neter H. Braak appointed Chairman to the Board of Social Service. 27. ?±rs. Helen B. Sneeden to present Board a list of classifications of personnel for . increase in salary. 28. Received changes for reci_pients report. 29., Mrs. Helen B. Sneeden explairaed reasof?s for salary adjustments. 30R_Commissioners opposec? trend in socialize thiz?king ?f Social Service Policies. 31. Salaries of Social Service Dept. Approved as reGOmmended by County Auditor. 32. Lien of Mrs Mary Strickland Allen, deceased refer-red to County Attorney. 33. Commissioners disclaim any lien against propprty owned by R. R. Allen. 34. Report on SurpluS Policy received. 35,. Report of Social Se-rvice recipients statistical changes. 36. Received indigents statistical revisions report. 37. Letter co?unending Mr. Rivenbark for handli?g oi Social Service funds at County Homeo 38.. App'rove?. .?1GJ Chris?«?as donatiorL to Institu?ions. 39. Lien on praperty of Ida W. Sampsor? and Gertrude Green referred to Tax ?issessor, McGrift. 40. Received reczpients statistical changes for November 1959. 41. Lien of Ida Wallace Sampson Cancelled upon payment of $500.00. 42. Authorized sale of lien property of Thomas J. and Mary Baker Franks, for $1150.00. 43. Notice of movement to eliminate restrictions for receiving Public Assistances. 44.. Mr. Williams reported on meeting of N. A. C. 0., adopted resolution for ADC grants. DATE MINUTE BOOK Month Day Year Vol. Page 12 1 1958, 12 338 12 1 1958 12 338 . 12 1 1958 12 336 12 12 1958 .. 12 342 1 12 1959 12 359 1 12 1?959 ? ? 359 1 12 1959 12 359 1 26 1959 12 366 2 2 1959 12 372 2 2 1959 12 372 2 16 195?. 12 381 2 16 1959 12 381 2 16 1959 12 382 2 19 1959 12 385 3 16 1959 12 397 4 13 1959 12 412 4 13 1959 12 412 4 20 1959 12 420 4 20 1959 12 421 5 18 1959 12 434 5 18 1959 12 434 6 14 1959 12 439 6 14 1959 12 439 6 15 1_959 12 445 6 15 1959 12 446 6 2? 1959 12 451 7 6 1959 12 460 7 6 195?' 12 463 7 18 1959 12 466 7 20 1959 12 470 7 23 I959 12 474 8 3 1959 12 475 8 12 1959 12 481 8 17 1959 ? 12 489 10 19 1959 12 507 11 16 1959 12 517 12 7 1959 12 519 12 7 1959 12 521 12 7 1959 12 521 12 7 ?1959 12 523 12 21 1959 12 525 12 21 1959 -I2 525 1 4 1960 12 532 1 18 1960 12 535 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES -- N H C t N C ew anover oun ?, . . _ MATTER: Social Se rvice s - xec. u. s. County Indezee Since 1888 ? TO IOto+f names? Op?n u1 COTT A-1 TA? INDEX v?r oFF1cE ?Qi? An Identifyine Trade Mark SURKAME INIi1AL TAB Ml6L E B7 THE C077 INDEX COMPAMY, COLOMBU3, DHIO SOLD tY OWEN i, pUNN, NEN CERN, NORTN GROLINA NATURE Of PROCEEDINGS DATE MINUTE BOOK Month Day Year Vol. Page ` 1• Authoriz?d lien cancelled on property of Corrinnie Barnett Bradford, for second lien. 2 1 1960 12 540 , 2. Lien property of Maggie Canandy, deceased referred. to Social Service Board for study. 2 1 1960 12 541 , 3. Received County Social Service report £or October, November and December 1959. 2 I 1960 12 543 _ 4. Resolut-?_on to be presented at N.A.C.O. Mid-winter meeting relative to ADC. 2 15 1960 ,I2 544 S. Authorized lien cancelled on prop^rty of Ma?;ie Canady deceased, upon payment of $1250. 2 15 1960 12 545 6. Received change in status report for January 1960. 2 15 1960. 12 546 , 7. Social Service report of F?deral.and State funds. 3 7 1960 12 550 8. County Auditor, Love reported on shortage in ADC funds. 4 18 19Ci0 12 567 . 9. Received quarterly report, need additional funds for ADC. S 2 i960 i2 570 10. Received assistance e?timate for 1960-61. 5 2 19b0 12 570 ' Il. Received recipients status ck?anges for April 1960. 5 2 1960 12 573 12. Received recipients status changes report. 5 7 1960 12 587 13. Budge? meeting, Supt. Sneeden'"supply list of essential items. 7 12 1960 12 590 14. Bza.dget approved, Supt. to make adjustznent on expenditures within budget. 7 15 1960 I2 590 __ 15. Denied requ?st to employ caseworker as?istant, $10 adjustment for those recommended. 7 20 1960 12 594 16. Supt of Social Service and County agreed to take end of lien on property of B. R. Meares. 9 6 1960 12 606 17. Received statistical changes of recipients. 9 b 1960 l2 610 18. Receive?3 statistical changes of recipients. 9 16 1960 12 613 14. Notice of State and Federal allocations for the month of June. 10 3 1960 12 617 15. Ratified action of September 6th regarding Social Service lien. 11 7 1960 12 622 16. Mr, Bra?k was authorized to attend Social Servzce meeting in Raleigh at County expense. 11 7 1960 12 626 17a Received recipF?ents` statistical char?ges report. 11 7 1960 12 626 , 18. Authorized $125. as requested for Christmas donatio?. .,11 21 1960 12 629 . 19. Social Service statistical changes report. 1 3 1961 12 641 . 20. Estate of William P. Bass, deceased County Home resident referred ?or negotiation. 1 16 1961. 12 642 . 21. Letter of appreciation and thanks from Social Service Index, 1 16 1961 12 64? , 22. Mr. Braak, appointed to Social Service Committee, 2 6 1961 12 643 23. Social Service lien against Matilda A. Klein cancelled. 3 6 1961 12 651 24. Annual meeting to explain USDA Food Program lett?r. 3 6 1961 12 652 . 25. Social Service statistical changes ??report. 3 6 1?61 12 654 26. Committee appointed to study Surplus Food Program, motion carried to participate, 4 14 1961 12 660 27. Notice of Bill to provid? ADC to chiZdren of unemployed parents. 4 14 1961 12 661 28. Lien cancelled,. property of Isaiah David Jackson, deceased. 4 17 19F?1 12 666 29. Received estimate budget for 1961-62, ap??roved and signed. 5 1 196 12 668 30. Approved request to ?mploy an additional clerical helper. 5 15 1961 12 671 31. Received changes in recipients status report. 6 S 1961 l2 686 32. Notice ?egarding a re-placement for Mr. W.Allen Cobb, term expire 6-30-61. 6 5 1961 12 686 ?3. Joint meeting Commissioners and Board of Social Services, no action taken. 7 3 1961 12 694 34. Received revised figures for So?;ial Service budget. 7 7 1961 12 695 35. Porcions of buclget a??-roved, «<otion ??ad on other part. 7 17 1961 12 700 36. No a?reement re?3ched on Social Service budget. 7 22 196I 13 2 37. Approved Social Service budget, changed to meet minimun merit system. 8 7 1961 13 9 38. Notice of statisticaZ changes. 8 7 1961 13 10 39. Letter in?orm?ng of rule ior d?ug dispension at Hospital. 8 21 1961 13 12 40. Report o n the Surplus Commodity warehouse received. 8 21 1961 13 14 41. Damage mattress of Mrs Sneeden to be repaired. 9 5 1961 13 16 H INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - N C t N C anover oun ew ?, . . , MATTER: So ?ia1 Services - eec. u. s. County Inde:es Since 1888 ? To loeah nam?f? Op?t1 aT COTT A•Z TA? INDEX e?r OFFICE ?p?? AnldentifyingTradeMarlc MILCE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO fURKAME INITIAL TAB SOLD tT OWEN 0. pUNN, NEN ?ERN, NORTH GROLINA NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS DATE MINUTE BOOK ?' Month Day Year Vol. Page _ l. Social service office space to be investigated by the Chairman. report back to Board. „10 2 1961, 13 23 2R Letter to Dr.Ellen Winston, Commission State Board of Soc. Ser. relative to County 'll 6 1961, 13 35 . Social Service office space, copy to R. Eugene Brown, Director. .. ? 3,, Recipients statistical report received. 11? 6 1961_ 13 36 4. Chairman Hall to confer with Board of Educ. regarding the Isaac Bear Building for space,. .?1]_ 20 19C1. 13 , 38 5. No agreement reached on space for Social Service,.Committee na.med to study problem. Z2 4 1961 13 40 6,. Authorized $125 for Christmas donation to Institutions. 12 11 1961. 13 46 7. Board requested individual case history on County Home residents in Hospital sec?ion. 12 18 1961 13 52 8, Architect to sketch prelicninary plans for remodeling Social Service space. 12 18 1961 13 52 9.,Received a r?quest from Boys' Home for a donation. 12 18 1961_ 13 53 10. ?e?ter from R. E. Brown approving Isaac Bear Building for Social Service. 1 2 1962; 13 57 11. Motion carried to prosecute r?cinients for raising c:hecks. (changing numbers?. 1 15 1962 13 60 12. Thank you letter for use of truck and men for Christ??.s program. 1 15 1962 13 61 13. Recipients statistical changes report received. 1 15 1962 13 61 14.. Received new compensation plans ?i?r merit system. 2 19 1962 13 71 15.. Motion carried to remodel Isaac Bear Building for Social Service Dept. 3 5 1962 13 73 16.. Social Service property approved for sale, subject to County attorney's approval. 3 19 1962 13 78 18.. Lien cancelled on property of Cora M. R. B. Young. 3 19 1962 13 82 19.. Notice of employing a Civi1 Defense Social Service officer, duties outlined. 3 19 1962 13 83 20. District Conference in Greenville, for policy making groups. 3 19 1962 13 83 21.. Received recipients st?tistical changes report. 4 2 1962 13 89 22. Received Public Assistance estimates for 1962-63, accepted for study. 4 16 1962 13 95 23.. Letter regarding Social Servic? space, budget revising referred to Mrs. Helen B. Sneeden a 4 16 1962 13 95 24.. Received bids for renovation of the Isaac Bear Building, contract to be awarded 5-21-62. 5 14 1962 13 101 25.. Autharized property of William Fennell for sale. 5 14 1962 13 102 (See pages 104-?6 ) 26. Besolution making application for cov?rage of al1 employees under the Soc. Sec. Act. 5 14 1962 13 104 27.. Comznunity Council approved mo??ing Social Service Dept. to the Isaac Bear Building. 5 14 1962 13 105 28.. Social Service quarters, decision delayed for precise information on State Allotment. 5 21 1962 13 110 290. Authorized payment to Ballard, McKim and Sawyer, ard?utects- for Isaac Bear Building. 6 4 1962 13 113 30. ?iscussion of State funds, Social Service Dept. to remain where is, air conditioning 6 4 1962 13 113 coz.sidered. - . 31. Mr. Peter H. Braak, re-appointed member of the Board of Social Services. 6 4 1962 13 113 32. Mr. Gary Willetts, re-employed at $300.00 per month,increase considered in budget. 6 4 1962 13 114 33. Received the administrative budget for 1962-63, to be considered and presented in 6 4 19?2 13 ll4 corrected form. 34. Letter and report from the State Director of the Commodity Distribution Program. 6 4 1962 13 114 35. ?pecial budget meeting, approved the commodity budget with increase in salaries. 7 9 1962 13 127 36. Authorized bids for air conditioning the Social Services Dept. 7 ll 1962 13 128 37. Social Service lien cancelled on property of Erice M. Ford, upon payment of -lien. 7 16 1962 13 130 38.. Budget rne?ting, Socidl ?C1VZl.C ?o prepare quarters for air conditi?r?ing. ? 18 '??362 13 134 39. Miscellaneous budget approved as presented, ?alaries deferred for study. 7 18 1962 13 134 40. Received bids for air conditioning, Exc. Sec. to negotiate with GoodYear Service Stores. 7 23 1962 13 135 41. Recipients statistical changes report. 8 6 1962 13 141 42. Lien cancelled on property of James and Della H. Brice, upon payment of $2,000.00. 8 20 1962 13 143 44. Lien property of Henry C. Stotler or Stolter approved for sale. 9 4 1962 13 145 45, Letter regarding the modification of the merit system. 9 4 1962 13 146 INDE? TO CDMMISSIO?ERS MINUTES -- New Hanover Gount?, N. C. eec. u. s. County Indezee Sincc l888 To bt?o?? aam?s? OplD O! vAt OFTICE C???4?»7LPd? An Iden6fyin6 Trade Mark ? SURAAME lNITIAL TAB NATU?E OF PROCEEDINGS SUBJECT _ MATTER: Social S?XVIC2S - tOTT A-Z TAB INDEX RIIItE Bti THE COTT INpEX COMPANY, COIUMBUS, OHID SOLD YY OWEN i. OUNN, MEN ?ERII, NORTN GROIINA DATE Month Day Year MINUTE BOOK Vol. Page '' l. Miss Lela i'?'Ioor? Hall, new director of Social Service met with Commissioner?,. 9 17 1962 13 150 2. Letter approving modification pay plan from Merit Sysi:em Council. 9 17 '?362 13 152.. 3. Miss Le1a Moore Hall, presented questions, re?rorted needs and gave information on D?pt. . . 10 15 1962 13 160 .. questions r?ferred to Attorney Cobb, approved purchase of one dictaphone. '_ - , 4. Comm.t??sioners recessed to investigate space and equipment at Social Service offi?;e. _ 11 5 ].962.. 13 168 ., 5. Received statistzcal of changes report? 11 S 1962 13 16£? 6. Authorized County's purchasing agent to secure equipment on Government contract basis. lI 19 1962 I3 171 7. Mr Francis P. Fensel., appointed to County Social Service Board. 11 19 1962. 13 172 ,. 8. No objections to demolition of lier? condernned house of Mrs. Eula Davis. II ig Ig62 33 i72 9. Motion carried mileage payment and general assi?j?ance to remain as is. Il 19 1962 13 172 10. Approved transfer of funds within budget to pay for equipment. 12 17 I962 I3 178 11. Increased ?ocial Service grants are to be discussed with Legis?ators. I 7 I963 13 t82 12. Received recipients st?:tistical ch?.r?ges report. T 7 1963 13 1.82 13. Lzen cancelled on property of William Fennell, upon payment of $1,000. 1 21 I963 I3 185 14. Authorized salary for Miss Lela Moore Ha11 to b? $8,316 per annum effective 12-I7-62. 1 21 1963. 13 I85 15. Authorized employing a child care worker, action wi?thheld on stenographer or clerk.. I 2? 1963_. 13 I85 16. Received recipients statistical changes status report. 1 2I 1963 13 18b 17. Received report of Social Services changes, classificat_ion and workers. 2 4 1963 13 189 l8. Received statistical chan?es re?ort. 2 18 1963 13 192 19. Joint meeting, lzen property of Acie T. and Mamie W. Harr?es, referred .to sheriff Dept. 3 4 1963 13 194 20. Federal revising Law report?and possible Legislation regarding Keer-Mills Bill. 3 4 1963 13 194 21. Accepted tund for upgrading adirn.in?stratzve offices, if no cost to County? 3 4 1963 13 194 22. Notice of Social Service lien repeal, Bi11 H-B 149. 3 4 1963 13 195 23. Appropriated $500.00 for telephone and office equipment. 3 4 1963. 13 195 24. Upgrading fund from State no longer available. 3 18 1963 13 198 25. Approved minor changes in Department, 3 I8 1963 13 199 26. Meeting set for April lst to discuss budget. 3 18 1963 13 199 27. County Attorney ruled the custody of juveniles bel?ngs to Social Ser,?ices. 3 18 1963, 13 199 28. Received changes in status report. 4 1 1963 13 202 . 29. Joint meetzng, to discuss.Social Services budget. 4 1 1963 13 203 30. Request to increase number of inembers to the Board of Directors, taken for study. 5 6 I963. 13 210 31. No objections to demolishing condemned lien houses r??here former owners are deceased. 5 6 1963 13 210 32. Received 1963-64 assistance estimates, no action taken. 5 6 1963 13 210 33. Received changes in status report. 5 6 1963 13 213 34. Report regarding rent, space, funds, and Hospital fees. 6 3 1963 13 220 35. Approved transfer of fuz?ds for travel expense. 6 3 1963 13 220 36. Appropriated $3,500 for petition and flo?r, clinic fees referred. 6 3 1963 13 220 37. Social Ser??ice adminstration improvemEnt report received, b 17 1963. 13 223 38. Approariated additional ?2000.00 for Social Service pxoject. 6 17 1963 13 223 39. tiction ?f 6?3 nullifz?d, r??an?cJ tra??sferred from ?ocial Service-salaries for g?-oject. 7 1 1963 13 224 40. Authorized policy of the State Association of County Co?runissioners :or sending checks. 7 1 1963 13 224 41. Social Service Board members to remain at three(3). 7 1 1963 13 224 42. Hospital cost increased from ?16. per diern to $20. 7 1 1963 13 224 43. Out-of we?.lock children referred to the Health Dept. 7 1 19b3 13 224 44. Budget meeting, approved salaries as requested if no extra cost to County. 7 29 1963 13 240 45. Reqt?.est denied to subsidize workers attending school. 9 3 1963 13 249 H C t N C INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - N anover oun ?, . ew . _?pTiER: Soc ial Services - , ¦cc. u. s. County Indezee Since 1988 ? Yo loca*a nam?s, O?NII Ot COiT A•2 TA? INDEX eer OFFICE ??? Anlden6fying Trede Matk MI?CE BY THE (OTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, DH10 SURNAME INITIAL TAi SOLD ?Y OWEN i. DUNN, NEIr tERN, NORTN GROLINA ? ?? NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS DATE MINUTE BOOK Si Month Day Year Vol. Page l,. Received char?ges in status for Social Service clients. 9 3 1963 13 294 2., Annual report of the Commodity Distribution Program received. 9 3 1963. .13 294 3:, Lien complaint of Mary Dinkins referred to Social Service Board meeting. „ 9 16 1?363 1?3 253 4?: Agreement confirmed with Tate Ambulance Service, letter to that effect. 9 16 1963_ 13 253 5.. No action taken on salaries of employees of the Surplus Commodity Program. 9 16 1963 13 556 6.: Approved ?'equest to change position from steno??III to public Social Service Worker I. 10 7 1963 13 258 7.. Letter regarding the distribution of creamery butter, taken under advisement, referred 10 7 1963 13 258 ? Exec. Sec to secure cost and plans. 8. Authorized County Attorney to cancel the lien on property of Henrietta H. Petterwagr. 10 7 1963 13 258 9. Exec. Sec. reported on matters relatives to creamery butter, tabled at thi? time. 10 21 1963 13 261 10. Social Service lien of Malachi and Mary Dinkins referred to Social Service for handling. 11 4 1963 13 265 ? 11.. Notice of ineeting to discuss recommendations of administrative relationship. 12 2 1963 13 269 12.. Received changes in status report. 12 2 1963 13 270 13.. Authori•.ed $800. transferred to travel account. 12 16 1963 13 273 14.. (Dates are as recorded in book). Mee?.ing to receive reports on administrative relations. 12 13 1963 13 277 15. General briefing on study of administrative relationships in Mecklenburg County. 12 13 1963 13 278 16. Welfare lien - Rudolph Flores O1 20 1964 13 287 17., Alterations-Heating in Building O1 20 1964 13 284 18. Appropriations 02 17 1964 13 294 19. Ventilation Ol 06 1964 13 280 20. Welfare lien - Rudolph Flores 03 16 i964 13 304 21. Welfare lien - Rudolph Flores 04 06 1964 13 308 22. Griffenhagen - Kroeger Report 05 04 1964 13 323 23. Welfare lien - John D.?Cottle 05 04 1964 13 322 24. Appropriation 06 O1 1964 13 335 25. Welfare appropriation 06 O1 1964 13 335 26. Welfare Lien - John D. Cottle 06 O1 1964 13 364 27. Budget discussion 07 20 1964 13 355 28. Board - Increase in members 07 28 1964 13 361 29. Capital Outlay 07 28 1964 13 361 30. Commodity Distribution Program 07 28 1964 13 361 31., Operating Statement 07 28 1964 13 361 32. Reclassification - Case Workers 07 28 1964 13 361 33.. Salaries 07 28 1964 13 361 34. Welfare lien - John D.Cottle 07 06 1964 13 349 35. Welfare lien - John D. Cottle 07 06 1964 13 349 36. Board of Directors 08 03 1964 13 363 37. Delay?c? Hospital bi1Ts 08 03 1964 13 364 38.. Lien - John D. Cottle 08 17 1964 13 367 39. Lien - Mary McGowan Darden O9 (lR 1964 13 370 40. Lien - Mrs. Annie C. Farrow 09 08 1964 13 369 41. Personnel Change 09 21 1964 13 376 42. Appropriation - Child Welfare Workers 10 05 1964 13 381 43. Office Hours 10 05 1964 13 382 44. Reauest - Reconsideration of Employment two workers 10 05 1964 13 381 45. Welfare Exception 10 19 1964 13 387 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover County, N. C. _ MU JECT SOCIAL SERVICES aea, u, s. /?? County Inaeaee Since 1888 ? TO lotat? OYllqf? O?p W r?r OFFICE C.?:?p-?i An IdentiEying Trade Mark COTT M! TA? INpEX MADE BY TNE COTT INDEX COMPANY? COLUMBUS, OHIO SURNAME INITIAt TAi SOLD ?1 OINEN 0. OUNN, NEN ?ERN, NO?TN GROLINA NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS DATE MINUTE SOOK " Month Dny Year Vol. Page , 1. Welfare Exception 11 02 1964 13 392 2. We?fare Lien 11 OZ 1964 I3 389 3. Juvenile Detention Home Q2 O1 1965 13 433 4. Surplus Commodity Distribution 02 15 1965 13 435 5. Changes in 03 O1 1965 I3 443 6. Telephone 03 15 1965 13 449 7. Mileage Sheets 03 O1 1965 13 443 8. Welfare Lien - Matilda Ann Klein 03 15 1965 13 450 9. Telephone Q4 QS i465 3? ?58 10. Child Welfare Worker's salary 04 20 1965 13 467 11. Indigent Denistry 04 20 1965 13 467 12. Indigent Denistry fund 05 I7 1965 I3 475 13. Directors 05 17 1965 13 479 14. State audit 05 17 1965 13 483 ? ? 15. Appropriation 06 07 1965 13 488 16. I Appointment Welfare Board 06 28 1965 13 495 17. Re orts P 06 28 I965 13 497 18. Budget discussion 07 06 1965 13 503 19. Abuses 07 26 1965 13 509 20. Juvenile Home 07 12 1965 13 504 21. Abuses 08 02 1965 I3 511 22. Report 08 16 1965 I3 515 23. Lien - Mrs. Bertha M. Stokley 08 OZ I965 13 509 24. Lien - Mrs. 8ertha M. Stokley 08 16 1965 13 513 25. Report 09 ZO 1965 13 5Z4 26. Educational Supplement 10 18 1965 13 537 27. Resignations 10 I8 1965 13 537 28. Welfare Resignations lI O1 1965 I3 542 29. Welfare Lien - Mary Williams 11 15 1965 I3 547 30. Welfare Lien - Ruth Brown Fonvielle II 15 1965 13 546 31. Attorney fees - Child Adoption 12 06 1965 13 552 32. Educational Forum 12 06 1965 13 552 33. Creation of Juvenile Court 12 06 1965 13 551 34. Attorney fees - Child Adoption 12 ZO 1965 13 557 35. Defined Services 12 20 1965 13 562 36. Food Stamps 12 20 1965 13 562 37, Salary Presentation Ol 16 1967 14 22 3$. Terminations O1 03 1967 14 19 39, Transfer from Public Assistance to T. B. Care O1 lb 1967 14 23 40. Professional Peoples' salaries 02 20 1967 14 29 41. Salaries 02 Ob 1967 14 26 I 42. Salary adjustments Q3 20 1967 14 39 43. Food Stamp Program 04 17 1967 14 42 44. Senate Bill 164 04 17 1967 14 43 45. Presentation of projections, Lela Moore Hall 05 15 1967 14 61 46. Salaries 08 28 1967 14 84 _ ,? . .? .. .. INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES -- New Hanover County N. C. ECT SOCIAL MUB SERVICES , _ J ` nec. u. s. County Indexea Since 1888 P?T OFFICE ?? Anldentifying Trade Mark ? TO IOCOb no?nls? Op?A Ot SURNAME INITIAL TAE COTT A-2 T?? INpEI MADE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OH10 SOL? tT OWEN 0. pYNN, NEw tERN , NORTN GRO LINA ?? NA?URE OF PROCEEDINGS DATE MINUTE BOOK ? r; Month Day Year Vol. Page 1? Salaries 08 07 1967 14 81 2} Welfare recipients 08 28 1967 14 85 3;: Wiring Food Stamp Building 08 07 1967 14 81 4;? Discussion Mr. Vaughn 09 18 1967 14 91 5;. ? Food Stamp Building Wiring/and heat pumps 09 ?5 1967 14 87 6; Letter to State Board 10 02 1967 14 94 7: Lien 10 ?2 1967 14 94 8.. Question Welfare recipients 10 16 1967 14 99 9. Reclassification and salaries ]7. ?b ?9b? I4 108 10, Welfare board reclassification of salaries 11 20 1967 14 113 11, Welfare recipients 11 ?6 1967 14 109 12. $35,000 case 12 18 1967 14 128 I3: Central State Bank for Welfare checks O1 02 1968 14 131 14, Question $35,000 welfare care O1 ?2 1968 14 131 . I5. Request for membership NC Assoc. Ol 15 1968 14 134 16: Request '£or information, financies O1 15 1968 14 134 17? Nurses' quarters 02 05 1968 14 139 18, Welfare LIens, Attorney's % 02 05 1968 14 140 I9, Bond Issue 02 05 1968 14 140 20. Case ($35,000) 02 05 1968 14 140 21. Need for additional worker 03 04 1968 14 149 22, Bids on re-roofing Nurses' quarters 04 O1 1968 14 167 23, Cost estimate, renovation 04 O1 1968 14 168 24; Cooper building 04 O1 1968 14 169 25;, James Walker Hospital 04 O1 1968 14 169 26: Member of board 04 16 1968 14 175 27; New laws 04 Ol 1968 14 169 28, Appointment to board 05 06 1968 14 183 29; Nlaternity Home 05 06 1968 14 185 30. Maternity Home 05 20 1968 14 187 31. Transfer of Funds 05 06 1968 14 184 , 32. Clinics 07 15 1968 14 226 33. Welfare Liens 08 05 1968 14 234 34. Bill from Mr. Tillery for Welfare Lien 08 19 1968 14 238 35. Dictating Equipment 08 19 1968 14 239 36. Operation of Air conditioners 08 19 1968 14 232 37.. Salaries 0? 19 1968 14 239 3g? Bid opening- Dictating equipment 09 03 1968 14 241 39; New welfare dept. 09 16 1968 I4 247 40? Parking space 10 21 1968 14 256 41.. Use of M. P. Space in courthouse basement 10 21 1968 14 256 42; Parking request 11 04 1968 14 264 43,` Christmas contribution, Children in institutions 12 16 1968 14 283 44; Appointment to board 12 02 1968 14 281 45.: Transfer of funds 12 02 1968 14 277 46,. Supplement, Medicenter 12 16 1968 14 283 INDEX TQ COMMISSIONERS MII?UTES -- New Hanover Count?, N. C. _ M B?E T SOCIAL SERVICES ` aec. u. s. ?/{ ? County Indezea Since 1888 ? i0 IOCab nam?s? O?NO Of COTT A-I TA? INGEX r?r OFFICE (..?,?p?!/??E's ?n ldentifying Trade Mark SURNAME INITIAL TA? INADE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD tY ONEN 0. pUNN, NEw ?ERN, NORTN GROLINA NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS DATE MINUTE BOOK Month Day Year Vol. Page 1. Welfare Lien Foreclosures Ol Ob 1969 14 28y 2. Posta? ?quipment request O1 20 i96y 14 "l91 :S. Professionai Sa?aries O1 20 1969 I4 29I 4. Appointment of inember O1 20 1969 14 292 5. Electrical Service 02 03 1y69 14 296 6. Appointment Member to Board 02 03 19Ei9 14 296 7. Salary Requests 02 03 1969 14 296 8. Resignation of Mr. t3owden 02 0:5 1969 14 296 9. Paricing Funds U2 03 ?9b9 ?4 29b 10. Legislation needed for public welfare 03 17 1969 14 309 11. Request for additional items to complete renovation 03 1/ 1969 14 30'1 12. Parking lot paving 03 17 1969 14 S06 13. Parking Lot bid opening 04 21 1969 14 320 14. Miss Lela Moore Hall 04 21 1969 14 320 15. Moving 05 19 1969 14 334 I6. Expiration of Mr. Mark's Term OS 19 1969 I4 330 17. Requests for transfers 05 U5 1969 14 32'% '? 18. Request for funds for floor machine 05 19 1969 14 332 19. Request additional funds for parking lot 05 05 1969 14 32?3 20. Reappointment Reese Smith to Board 05 19 1y69 14 334 21. Budget 07 16 1969 14 S71 22. Final Payment of bills for renovating building 08 04 1969 14 380 23. Outside position af director 10 06 1969 14 396 24. Social Services ?0 Ub 1969 14 395 25. Education leave for employees 11 U3 1y69 14 4U7 26. Air Conditioners left in basement of courthouse 11 17 1969 14 410 27. Air conditioners 12 O1 1969 14 419 28. Rehabilitation request 12 O1 1969 14 419 29. Vocation Rehabilitation agreement 12 15 Iy69 14 4`l3 30. Reqeust for additional clerical help O1 05 1970 14 428 31. Aid to Families with Dependent Children O1 05 1970 14 428 32. Change in aid to inmates of nursing homes O1 05 1970 14 428 33. Light fixtures Ol 05 1970 14 428 34. Quit Claim Deed to satisfy Welfare Lien 04 20 1970 14 469 35. Releasing land to satisfy Welfare Lien 04 20 1970 14 469 36. Transfer cf funds 05 04 1970 14 471 37. Transfer from out patient to transportation 05 04 1970 14 473 . 38, Transf? of funds OS 18 1970 14 475 39. Welfare lien - Evie McIntire Ford 05 18 1970 14 479 40. Unfinished items in Building 06 01 1970 14 483 41. Termite Contract 06 01 1970 14 481 . 42. Bid Opening carpet 06 O1 1970 14 483 43. Proposed administrative budget 06 01 1970 14 483 44. Swain County Letter Re Growing Costs 07 20 1970 14 498 45. Response concerning resolution adopted by commission 8/3/70 08 17 1970 14 521 46. Social Services Action Committee 08 03 1970 14 518 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES -- New Hanover County, N. C. _ SU JECT SOCIAL SERVICES ` xsc. u. s. Counry Indezee Since 1888 ? To IO?ob nam?s? Op?? at COTT ?•2 TA? INpEX (???? An Identifrins Trade Mark MADE BY THE COiT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS. OH10 P?r OFFICE fURNAME INIiIAL TAB fOLD ?T OYIEN i, pYNN, NEw ?ER14 AORTH GROLINA DATE MINUiE BOOK NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS Month Day Year Vol. Page ?i l.' Action Committee meeting report by Mr. Marks 2. Building 3.; LIen of Property of Eddie Stevenson and wife 4. Outside EmpZoyment of Social Services Director 5.. Outside employment of Ron Knoff 6., Adverse decisions 7.? Break-ins 8. Additional funds-clerical 9. Report on facilities provided by County for Social Services 10. Public assistance budget estimates 11. Legislative Bulletin 4?12 welfare programs by State 12. Estimate aid to blind people 13. Appointment to board 14. Report on study of delivery of community services in NHC 15. T& M Ambulance Service 16. Burial of unidentified man 17. Welfare resolution-welfare lien 18. Cancellation of Welfare Lien 19. Bowden nursing home complaint 20. Caswell Center request county participation in cost of Nursing Home care 21. Additional staff 22. Caswell center request 23. Transfer of funds 24. Wrecker Service Fee for George T. Powell 25. Subordinating Lien 26.. Renovation 4th floor James Walker 27. Subordinating Lien 28. Appointment to Board 29. Subordinating Lien 30.. Lien - Stevenson 31. Lien - Callie G. Potter 32. Naming of architect for Top floor renovation 33. Transfer of funds 34. Persons obtaining services under false pretenses 35. WIN program discussion 36. Parking Lot 37. Contract Approval - renovation 4th floor 38. Renovating of building 39. Architect's recommendations, 4th floor 40: Tabulation of bids 41; State personnel 43, Architects Fees, transfer of funds 44. Acceptance of bid for carpeting 45. Demolition of 6716 Wrightsville Avenue 46. Income tax on retirement for 1969 08 17 1970 08 03 1970 08 17 1970 09 21 1970 11 16 1970 12 07 1970 O1 18 1971 O1 18 1971 Q4 OS I971 04 05 1971 04 05 1971 05 03 1971 05 17 1971 06 07 1971 07 19 1971 07 06 1971 08 02 1971 09 07 1971 ?LO 04 1971 11 O1 I971 11 Ol 1971 11 15 1971 04 )4 1972 04 l7 1972 05 Ol 1972 05 O1 1972 05 15 1972 05 15 1972 06 05 1972 07 07 1972 07 07 1972 08 14 1972 09 05 1972 09 05 1972 10 16 1972 10 16 1972 11 06 1972 12 18 1972 O1 15 1973 Ol 15 1973 Ol 15 1973 02 05 1973 05 21 1973 05 21 1973 06 04 1973 14 523 14 519 14 524 14 533 14 548 14 555 14 568 14 569 14 606 14 605 14 607 14 621 14 647 14 653 14 668 14 664 14 671 15 9 15 19 15 35 15 34 15 42 15 105 15 110 15 119 15 119 15 130 15 130 15 141 15 178 15 178 15 194 15 211 15 211 15 234 15 235 15 238 15 292 15 309 15 310 15 311 15 322 15 421 15 422 15 428 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES -- New Hanover Counti?, N. C. _ MU JECT SOCTAL SERVICES ` aEO. u. s. Counry Indezea Since 1888 ? To IOtOh nam?s, O?O Yt COTi A•Z TA! INpEX r?r OFFICE C.?i? An 1dcn6?nS Trade Mark fURNAME INITIAL TA? MADE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUM805. OHIO SOLD ?T OWEN ?. pYNN, NEN ?ERII, NORTN GROLINA NATURE OF PROCEEDtNGS DATE MINUTE BOOK Month Day Year Vol. Page 1. Transfers for transportation, telephone, travel and contractual services 2. Appropriation for state meeting 3. Request from Social Services for Dept. iV classification 4. Discussion of Social Services Dept. classification change 5. Budget Amendment - Family resources 6. Transfer o£ funds - Public assistance fund 7. lliscussion of change in dept. classification 8. Resolution releasing welfare lien from Property of Hampton Sanders 9. Reinstatement of ? positions deleted in FY 74/75 budget 10. Budget Transfer - Public Assistance fund 11. Budget Transfer-Insurance 12. Budget transfer for bond for special deputy 13. Approval of lease purchase contracts for Model 661o IBM typewriter and Model 900 Savin Word Master I4. Discussion of Ietter from Celya Trent re lack of protection from weather i ' 15. Budget transfers - putting fed. funds with state funds for Food Stamps F? County Welfare Admin. I6. Budget transfer fox utilities 17. Tabling of request for transfer for Aid to Families with Dependent Children ?8. Budget transfers for Aid to Families with Dependent Children (AFDC) 19. Report on Title XX 20. Authorization for travel 21. Denial of budget transfer rec{uests for out-of-town travel 22. Budget amendment for AFDC 23. Appointment of Karl W. McGhee to Board 24. Appointment of Beatrice R. McIntyre to Board 25. Budget transfers for AFDC and Medical Assistance 26. Budget transfers for indigents and vaccuum cleaner 27. Budget transfer for group insurance ' 28. Approve outside employment for Lela M. Hall 29. Tabling Child Support Enforcement prog. 30. Designated to enforce Child Support Enforcement Prog. Title IV-D 31. Budget transfer - equip. 32. Award of calculator bids 33. Approve child support program budget Title IVD 34. Request autharity to sign Title XX contracts 35. Approve child support agreement Title IW 36. Discussion of Title XX Contracts 37. Approval of Title XX applications 38. Approval of outside Employment of Lela M. Hall to teach at UNC-W 39. Approval of Title XX Contract (Housing Auth.) 40. Budget Trans. Public Assistance 41. Approval of budget amend. - Admin. 42. Approval Title XX for Voluntary Action Center 43. Budget Amend. for sufficient funds to complete this fiscal year for Special Asst. for adults 44. Discussion Title XX contracts 45. Approval budget amend. for Title XX contracts 46. Back dating Title XX contracts 06 18 1973 15 438 07 16 1973 15 447 11 19 1973 15 525 12 03 1973 15 536 12 03 1973 15 536 12 17 1973 15 545 12 17 1973 15 545 10 21 1974 16 27 IO 2I I?i? 36 .'6- i 12 02 19?4 16 61 I2 16 1974 16 71 O1 20 1975 16 89 O1 20 1975 16 96 02 17 1975 16 121 04 07 1975 16 161 04 07 1975 16 161 04 07 1975 16 161 04 21 1975 16 177 04 21 :.975 16 178 04 21 1975 16 178 05 05 1975 16 193 05 12 1975 16 19b 05 12 1975 16 197 05 19 1975 16 203 06 09 1975 16 217 06 16 1975 16 224 06 30 1975 16 233 OS 18 1975 16 257 09 08 1975 16 2b5 09 29 1975 16 275 10 20 1975 16 291 10 20 1975 16 291 11 03 1975 16 297 11 10 1975 17 Z 12 O1 1975 17 18 12 O1 1975 17 19 12 08 1975 17 21 12 08 1975 17 23 12 15 1975 17 24 02 )2 1976 17 `5-6 02 16 1976 17 64 03 OI 1976 17 76 03 15 1976 17 84-6 04 05 1976 17 98-9 04 20 1976 17 107 05 03 1976 17 117 INDEX TO COMMISSI0?IERS MINUTES -- New Hanover Count?, N. C. , MAiTER: S??°°LS nac. u. s. Coun?y Indexca Since 1888 to locate nnmes, upen at COTT A•2 TAB INDEX PAT o?vice C??? An IdentiFying Trade Mazk ? SURNAME IWITIAL TAB INADE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS DATE. Month ? Day Yeae l. School Board suggested money .that would be needed for school term and terms of schools set. 05 2. Election carried for school tax levy and votes recorded from various townships. 05 3. Tax levy reduced from 1908 except for schools. 06 4. Letters from Commissioners and Board of Education on school tax levy. 06 5. Detailed statement of school tax levy. 06 6. Minutes corrected relative to statement of school tax use on p. 196. 07 7. Sanitary Board ruled all school children and personnel to be vaccinated for small pox. (See Board of Health)12 8. Superintendent of Health reported all but one school in good sanitary condition. 09 9. Superintendent of Health reported all schools complying with Sanitary Law. 10 10. L. D. Latta of Winter Park Gardens School Committee notified road been attended to. 01 11. Lot of Isaac Bear Memorial School not to be graded. (See Roads) 05 12. Dr. McMillan reported he had inspected and fumigated schools. 09 13. Superintendent of Health reported all schools inspected and fumigated. 10 14. J. P. Herring allowed to use left over rock ta build a road from County road to schoolhouse. 12 15. School Board requested a school bond election be held at some time as road bond election. 03 16. Commissioners called election on school bond issue and set dates, hours, and election officials. 03 17. Election returns from election officials on school bond issue p.300-304 05 18. School bond issue passed. 05 19. Board of Education requested Commissioners to sell school bonds. 07 20. Chairman to advertise for sale of school bonds as passed in May 27 election. 07 21. Only one bid received for road and school bonds, so matter postponed. 08 22. Al1 bids for school bonds rejected and matter postponed to August 26. 08 23. List of bids received for road and school bonds, but all rejected. 08 24. Several bids for road and school bonds read and declined. 09 25. Bids received for school and road bonds and accepted. 09 26. Commissioners received letter from Board of Education asking that intue amount of school bonds be sold 10 27. Purchasers of school and road bonds changed their conditions for purchase, and board accepted new terms. 10 28. Copy of school bond to be issued as passed in May 27 election. 10 29. Amendment made on form of school bond as adopted on Nov. 3 12 30. Auditor gave new bond for school fund and approved by board. 12 31. Chairman and auditor to borrow money to pay interest on school bonds. 06 32. Board of Education requested Board levy a special school tax. (See Tax i?epartment) 08 33. Matter of sinking deep wells at schoolhouses to be taken up with Board of Education. 12 34. Board of Education requested that school tax levy remain same as in 1916 08 35. Deep well to be drilled for schQO1 and Board of_Education_to gay,half of costs?___,.?.._ _ 10 36. Matter of calling an election for school bond issue and an additional school tax levy postponed. 03 37. Board ordered an election on May 8 to vote on special school tax. (See Elections) 04 38. Board ordered an election on May 8 to vote on issuing school bonds. (See Elections) 04 39. Election returns received from May 8, election(1918) on school tax levy and bonds. OS 40. School tax levy and bonds issue passed election of May 8, 1918. OS 41. Board ordered sale of school bonds as requested by Board of Education. 08 42. Bid for school bonds awarded to John Neween and Co. of Chicago, I11. 09 43. Board met at called meeting to discuss issuing school bonds. 10 44. Board passed resolution to issue school bonds. 10 45. Form school bonds to take. 10 46. John Neween and Co. were purchasers of school bonds. 10 03 1909 ? 1 MINUTE BOOK Voi. I Page 7 177 28 1909 3 07 1909 7 06 1910 7 06 1910 7 05 1910 7 23 1910 7 06 1911 7 02 1911 7 02 1912 7 06 1912 7 03 1912 7 07 1912 7 05 1912 7 17 1913 7 24 1913 7 29 1913 7 29 1913 7 07 1913 7 14 1913 7 18 1913 7 25 1913 7 26 1913 7 15 1913 7 15 1913 7 15 1913 7 15 1913 7 17 1913 7 Ol 1913 7 Ol 1913 7 08 1914 7 03 1914 7 04 1916 7 07 1917 7 Ol 1917 7 Z1 1918 7 Ol 1918 7 Ol 1918 7 10 1918 8 10 1918 8 05 1918 8 03 1918 8 25 1918 8 25 1918 8 25 1918 8 25 1918 8 177 179 195-96 196 197 204 232 233 241 249 257 259 266 283 284 300 304 309 310 312 313 313 314 315 317 318 320 325 325 357 380 598 633 641 681 686 686 1-10 5-8 15 18 21 21 22 22 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover Countg N. C. SOCIAL ?U JE SERVICES , _ CT a nec. u. s. County Inclexes Since 1888 ? To bean nCM?t? op?p of vAr OFFICE ??? An Identifying Trade Mark fURNAME IN{TIAL TA? COTT A•2 TA? INOEX IYIADE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COIUMBUS, OHIO SOLO ?Y OWEN 0. pUNN, N EN iER N, NORTX G ROLINA NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS DATE MINUTE BOOK Month Day Year Vol. Page 1: Approval Title XX contract - YWCA 06 07 1976 17 140 2; Approval continuation Title XX contracts 06 07 1976 17 140 3? Approval Title XX for Parks F? Recreation 06 07 1976 17 141 4.` Trans. funds - repair air conditioner and to cover increased maint. costs 06 07 1976 17 141 S. Budget trans. repair air conditioner 06 21 1976 17 155 6.. Budget trans. Public Assist. to account for revenue 06 30 1976 17 15b 7. Continuation of Title XX contracts 06 30 1976 17 157 8? Budget amend. - Title XX 07 06 1976 17 159 9. Budget trans. - transcriber 09 07 1976 17 192 10. Approve Title XX contracts for legal aid, Inf. F? Referal, Consumer Credit and Northside Center 09 27 1976 17 200 11. Budget amend. YMCA Title XX 10 04 1976 17 210 12. Budget Amend. Title XX 10 04 1976 17 210 13. Budget Amend. Title XX Girls'Club, Boys' Club 10 04 1976 17 212-3 14. Discussion on DSS Director signing AFDC Checks - 10 18 1976 17 218 15. Budget Amend. Title XX - Girls' Club 10 18 1976 17 219 16, Discuss audit report for FY ending 6/30/75 11 15 1976 17 231 17. Budget Amend. - YWCA Title XX 12 06 1976 17 242 18. Nathaniel Holmes Lien O1 ? )4 1977 17 257 19.' Contract w/Atty. Child Support Program Ol 17 1977 17 263 20.' Report on App. for AFDC and Food Stamps 03 07 1977 17 299 21. Budget Amend.-Public Assistance and Air Cond. 04 04 1977 18 18 22. Budget Amend.-Public Assistance 04 18 1977 18 22 23. Approve Apps. for Tztle XX Continuation 05 02 1977 18 28 24.' Budget Trans.-Special Assistance for Adults 05 02 1977 18 32 25. Budget Trans.-Cover acct. remainder FY 76/77 05 16 1977 18 39 2C,, Budget amend. - General Assistance 05 16 1977 18 39 27. Appt. Comm. Gottovi to Social Services Bd. 05 16 1977 18 40 28. Budget transfer 06 06 1977 18 51 29. Budget Transfer - clos out 1977 06 06 1977 18 51 30. Discuss on controversy in SS Dept. 06 27 1977 18 54 31. Approval Child Support Enforcement Program 06 20 1977 18 51 32. Approve Title XX Contracts 07 05 1977 18 58 33. Designation DSS as operator Weatherization Program 11 07 1977 18 129 34. DSS Budget Trans. - 6 five-drawer file cabinets 11 07 1977 18 130 35. Budget Amend. - Public Assistance - Revenue received from State for Admin. Expenses 11 21 1977 18 137 36. Discussion on committee for input on Title XX program 11 21 1977 18 138 37. Discussion on personnel situation at DSS 12 OS 1977 18 144 38. Appt. Jim Gillespie Title XX Committee 12 05 1977 18 145 39. Approval contract legal services - IV-D program O1 03 1978 18 156 40. Discuss Social Service's responsibility for Medically Indigent O1 16 1978 18 161 41: Approval Vocational Rehabilitation Agreement 02 06 1978 18 169 42. Discuss Weatherization Program ( no action) 02 06 1978 18 170 43. Approval bid for lexan windows (Atlantic Glass Company) 03 20 1978 18 185 44. Approval Title XX contracts OS 15 1978 18 210 45. Budget Transfer - increased state mandated rates 05 15 1978 18 211 46. Budget Transfer-typewriter & moving costs 05 15 1978 18 211 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES -- New Hanover County N. C. - SUBJECT SOCIAL SERVICES M _ , , ATTER: ? acc. u. s. County Indezee Since 1888 TO IOCib II?IINf. ?pM ?t COTT A-= TAi INOEII MADE !Y TNE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUTA?US, OH10 e?r OFFICE ?? An ldentifyin? Trade Matk SURNAM< INRIAL TA/ SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN CO., NEW BERN, N. C. ? NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS DATE M?NUTE BOOK ??' ? ? Month Day Year Vol. .. Page '? .a 1. Budget Amendment-Energy Assist. Grant 05 15 1978 18 212 2. Resolut_ion ailowing retirement - 3 employees 05 15 1978 18 212 3. Budget Transfer - travel-denied-more information 05 15 1978 18 213 4. Position reclassification 06 05 1978 18 222 5. Budget Trans-complete fiscal year 06 19 1978 18 232 6. Budget Transfer-complete fiscal year 06 19 1978 18 234 7. Budget Transfer-complete fiscal year 06 29 1978 '18 235 8. Appoint Derick Davis to DSS Board 06 29 1978 18 236 9. Retirement-Hall, Huband, Hixson & Wood Q7 Q3 I978 I8 237 10. Introduction of new director 08 07 1978 18 255 11. Contract w/attorney for Child Support Enforcement program 08 07 1978 18 257 12. Reclassify Clerk-Steno V to Admin. Sec. V 08 21 1978 18 266 13. Reclassify Training Officer & Spec. 10 02 1978 18 286 14. Budg?t transfer - 2 new budget accounts 11 06 1978 18 301 15. Approval of hiring two employees at advanced entry,?salaries 11 06 1978 18 302 16. Designated to operate Weatherization Program 11 20 1978 18 307 17. Equalizing Funds - equitable distribution to counties 12 18 1978 18 327 1$? Appropriation of Day Care Title XX Funds O1 02 1979 18 334 19. Budget Amendment transfer from Printing to Copying and Duplicating Ol 02 1979 18 334 , 20. Reorganization of Social Services 02 19 1979 18 358 , 21. Appointment of Wayne Morris - Title XX Advisory Commission 02 19 1979 18 363 22. Request for Human Relations Commission to hear discirmination cases 03 19 1979 18 358 , 23. Budget transfer - Human Relations Commission & LEAA 03 05 1979 18 369 24. Endorsement of legislation relating to Social Services 04 02 1979 18 382 25. Budget amendment - cover expenditures for remainder of fiscal year 04 02 1979 18 384 26. Budget :?ransfer - miscellaneous purchases allowed under Title XX 05 21 1979 18 410 27. Refusal to pay Medicaid 06 04 1979 18 420 28. Budget amendment - for telephone & postage 06 04 1979 18 420 24. Award of bid for microfilming 06 04 I979 18 421 , 30. Contract w/Attorney Robert 0'Quinn for legal services 06 18 1979 18 432 r 31. De.pt. Human Resources Loan - Counties having difficulty in meeting medical assistance payments 07 02 1979 18 443 32. Agreement for food stamp security 07 02 1979 18 443 33. Recommendation that Finance Officer be appointed Social Services Commission 07 30 1979 18 452 34. Budget Amendments 08 06 1979 18 458 ? 35. Retirement presentation to Mrs. Jean Fitzgerald - 31 years 08 20 1979 18 461 36. Medicaid & Nursing Home Cost Adjustments 08 20 1979 18 464 37. Budget Amendment - Public Assistance 09 04 1979 18 471 38. Discussion on bid for Word Processing & Dictation equipment for Social Services 09 17 1979 18 479 39. Award of Bid - Word Processing & Dictating Equipment 10 Ol 1979 18 487 40. Budget Amendment - Public Assistance - return Department of NR & CD unused portion of Emergency Energy Program Grant FY-1978/79 10 Ol 1979 18 488 41.. Approval of WIC contract & budget FY -79/80 10 15 1979 18 493 42. Class Range Changes & Position reclassification 11 05 1979 18 508 43. Budget Amendment - Chore Services 12 17 1979 18 526 44.. Budget Amendment - increase printing & supplies cover cases begun by contract attorney 12 17 1979 18 526 45., Budget Amendment - Services for the Aging Congregate Feeding Program 12 17 1979 18 527 „ INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover County, N. C. _ MATTER: SOCIAL SERVZ?ES a e¢c. u. a. County Indezea Since 1888 To leeat? namp, ?pM it COTi A•2 TA{ INpEII PAT OFFICE ?,.?? AnldentifyingTtadeMark ? SURNAM? INITIAL TAS ?SOLDYBYHOW NttG!NDUNN?OM?PANNENCOBEMBYSNOBIO • NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS DATE MINUTE BOOK Month Day Year Vol. Page l., Position reclassification 12 17 1979 18 528 2. Contract for CSA Funds 12 17 1979 18 528 3. Increase in general assistance funds 02 04 1980 18 545 4. Comm. Gottovi reappointed to Board 02 18 1980 18 558 5. Budget Amendment - Reallocation of funds to cover underbudgeted expenditure items 04 21 1980 18 586 6. Appointment of Johnnie Parker to Social Services Board 04 08 1980 18 580 7. Discussion on potential ?ood stamp crisis 05 OS 1980 18 594 8. Budget Amendment - Initial payment for Day Care Services 05 19 1980 18 599 9. Budget Transfer to cover phone & postage & cover inadequate estimates in AFDC-?`oster Care 06 25 1980 1$ 622 10. Director of Social Services & Health Director prepared a coordination plan for In-Home Service 07 07 1980 18 632 11. Agreement for services - Foodstamp security 09 15 1980 18 664 12, Bid award for programmable calculators 10 06 1980 18 672 13. Budget amendment - IBM equipment, vacuum cleaner, video tape recorder, food stamp security, file cabinet 12 15 1980 18 731 14. Budget amendment - State day care funds 12 15 1980 18 731 15. Position reclassification SS Program Consultant to Administrative Officer I Ol 19 19$1 18 750 16. Reclassification of Social Worker II to Social Work Supervisor I 02 16 1981 18 764 17. Budget Amendment - necessary due to change in method of paying chore providers 02 16 1981 18 764 18. Discussion between Bd. of Soc. Serv. and Commissioners on Annual Report 79/80 and objectives for 81/82 02 16 1981 18 766 19. Budget amendment State Day Care Funds 03 1.6 1981 1$ 780 20. Budget amendment - conversion of formerly leased equipment being purchased under install. 04 ??6 1981 18 796 21. `?j Social services - position reclassifications 04 21 19$1 18 807 22. Governor's highway safety program 04 21 1981 18 812 23. Budget amendment - Title XX - AFDC - Medical and General Assistance 04 21 1981 18 812 ' 24. Retirement Presentation Lucille B. Piner 05 18 1981 18 833 25. Budget Amendment to appropriate Title XX Day Care funds 06 Ol 1981 18 845 26. Position reclassification - Day Care Coordinator I 07 20 1981 18 889 27. Discussion on meeting with Board of Social Services 08 03 1981 18 898 : 28. Discussion on Effects of Federal and State Funding Cuts for DSS 10 05 1981 18 938 29? DSS Reclassification Requests 12 07 1981 18 966 30. Award of Bid on Photocopier for DSS 12 21 1981 18 974 31, Budget Amendment - DSS, Services for the Blind Ol 18 1982 18 987 32. Budget Amendment - DSS 03 O1 1982 19 16 33. Proposal for "WORKFARE" Program 04 05 1982 19 42 34. Discussion Social Services budgetary problems & tentative adoption of Social Services budget for Fy 82/83 05 03 1982 19 58 35. Budget Amendment-Soc. Services (CIP Block Grant Funds, Utilities and Misc.) 06 J7 1982 19 82 36. Reclassification Requests & title changes - DSS 08 02 1982 19 126 37. DSS Technical Assistance Contract (computer feasibility study) 09 07 1982 19 144 38. Cheese & Butter Distribution Agreement 09 07 1982 19 145 39. In- Home Services Commmittee 10 18 1982 19 172 INDEX TQ COMMISSIONERS MINUTES aEC. u. s. q? ? County Indezea Since 1888 ? PA7 OFFICE l, i? ??(,o- ? us An Identifyins Trade Mark - New Har?over Count?? ?. t?. _ MU JECT SOIL EROSION a to IowN nam?s, op?n at COTT A-2 TM INOEX MADE BY THE COTT tNDER COMPANY, COLUMBUS, ONIO fURNAME INITIAL TAB SOLD ?Y OWEN 0. DUNN, NEN tERN, NORTII GROLINA DATE MINUTE BOOK NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS ? Month Day Year Vol. Page ? 1. Public hearing set - Ordinance 03 18 1974 15 601 2. Public Hearing 03 25 1974 15 605 3. Discussion of conservation Div, 03 25 1974 15 6)5-6 4. Adoption of ordinance 03 25 1974 15 606 5. Adoption of soil erosion and Sedimentation ordinance 04 O1 1974 15 6?)9-1 6. Second adoption of 04 08 1974 15 613 7. Discussion of 05 20 1974 15 638 8. Report of Herbert McKim 06 17 1974 15 666 9: Adoption of ord. 07 01 I974 IS 677 10. Ordinance amending ordinance 07 15 1974 15 684 11. Establishment of fee schedule for permits 12 16 1974 16 70 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover Count?y, N. C. _ MATTER: aEC. u. s. County Indezes Since 1888 ?? To IoeaM nam?s, Open O} PAT OFF16E ?1?.?-.. An Identifving Trade Marlc SURNAME INITIAL TAB SOLID WASTE COTT A TO 2 TAB INDEX ¦lIOE tY TRE COTT INOEX (O?ANY, COLYBYS, ONIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN CO., NEW BERN, N. C. DATE MINUTE BOOK NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS Month Day Year Vol. Page l. Long range planning 06 18 1979 18 427 2. Request for COG to update report on Solid Waste Planning 06 18 1979 18 427 3.. Authorization to solicit proposals for solid waste planning 07 23 1979 18 450 4. Discussion on Solid Waste Consultant 08 06 1979 18 459 5. Discussion on solid waste disposal proposal 08 06 1979 18 460 6. Discussion - meeting w/Solid Waste Consultants 08 20 1979 18 465 7. Discussion - Solid Waste Recycling Plant 09 04 1979 18 467 8. Postponement of Solid Waste Study to Sept. 11, 1979 09 04 1979 18 472 9. Discussion on method of selection of solid waste consultants Q9 13 I979 18 475 10. Presentation of proposals from Consoer-Townsend and Associates 09 11 1979 18 475 11. Presentation of proposals from Henningson Durham & Richardson 09 11 1979 18 475 12. Presentation of proposals from Post, Buckley, Shuh & Jernigan 09 11 1979 18 G76 13. Selection of Post, Buckley, Shur & Jernigan 09 17 1979 18 480 14. Approval of contract w/Post, Buckley, Shuh & Jernigan 10 Ol 1979 18 484 ?, 15. Discussion on Solid Waste Disposal 02 04 1980 18 546 16. Discussion & approval of reapplication for license to use property for solid waste transfer station 02 18 1980 18 556 I 17. Short term solid waste disposal committee to be created 02 18 1980 18 556 18. Special meeting & appointment of committee to study Regional Solution to Solid Waste 02 18 1980 18 556 site suggestions 19. Budget amendment to increase contract w/Post, Buckley, Schuh & Jernigan to allow them to furnish 4/ vs. 3 03 10 1980 18 568 Z0. Comments from Don Blake on Solid Waste 05 19 1980 18 603 21. Discussion on COG finding regional solution OS 22 1980 18 606 22. Co. Manager explained the proposed contract for a Long Range Waste Management & Disposal Plan 06 02 1980 18 612 23. Public Hearing to consider a Bond Order for Solid Waste Disposal Bonds 09 02 1980 18 658 24. Praposal 09 26 1980 18 665 25. Discussion on problems 09 26 1980 18 667 26. Discusson on problems 09 29 1980 18 669 27. Postponement of proposal 10 06 1980 18 680 28. Post, Buckley, Schuh & Jernigan report on alternatives 10 06 1980 18 680 29.- Discussion on meeting with surrounding county officials 10 06 1980 18 680 30. Discussions on questionnaire concerning waste disposal 10 20 1980 18 688 31. Discussion on solid waste issues-special session-Bolivia 11 10 1980 18 701 32. Proposal for regional solid waste disposal system 11 17 1980 18 707 33. Discussion on consultants' report and EPA technical panel report 11 17 198Q 18 707 34. Anrcouncement of low level hazardous waste meeting in Jacksonville, NC 1/22/81 Ol 15 1981 18 748 35. Discussion on solid waste disposal alternatives Ol 15 1981 18 749 36. Comments on consultant's report on solid waste disposal alternatives Ol 19 1981 18 753 37. Discussion on importance of solid waste task force Ol 19 1981 18 753 38. Letters to proposed committee Ol 19 1981 18 754 39. Organization of Solid Waste Advisory Task Force 02 02 1981 18 757 40. Discussion of Report from Solid Wast? Advisory Task Force 02 02 1981 18 761 41. Angus Phillips appointed to Task Force 02 02 1981 18 763 42. Discussion on Regional Solid Waste Committee 02 02 1981 18 763 43. Tour of other solid waste facilities 03 02 1981 18 779 44. Discussion on Bladen County Ordinance regulating Landfills 03 02 1981 18 779 45. Interim Report from Solid Waste Advisary Task Force 03 16 1981 18 7$7 46. Nomination of Solid Waste Advisory Task Force for volunteer award 03 16 1981 18 789 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover Count?, N. C. , MATTER• ?°?T? WAST?? i aea. u. s. County Indezes Since 1888 1?? To lotab names, OplO Ot COTT A TO 2 TAB INDEX PAT OFFIOE C,?i?l?,s-7?•E'i. An Identifying Trade Mark MADE ?Y TNE COTT INDEX [OrPANY. COWNtOf? ONIO SURNAME INITIAL TAB SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN CO., NEW BERN, N. C. ?% NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS DATE MINUTE BOOK ?' Month Day Yea? Yol. Page ?'. . F; ?; 1..; Discussion on assistance to SWATF by American Inst. of Chemical Eng. (AICHE) ? ?? 2.° Discussion on illegal trash dumping ?: 3.? Task Force Report and Recommendation 4.? Discussion on Solid Waste-To-Energy Facility f= 5.;. Discussion on Grant received by AAUW 6.; Resolution Authorizing Application for Issuance of Bonds for Solid Waste Disposal 7,?Request for use of Solid Waste Advisory Task Force Report 04 06 1981 18 805 04 21 1981 18 813 05 04 1981 18 817 06 15 1981 18 865 06 15 1981 18 865 08 17 1981 18 908 12 21 1981 18 978? INDEX TO COMMISSIDNERS MINUTES - New Hanover County, N. C. ? MATT RT SARTS?QALTTION TURAL _ eec. u. s. Covnty Indezes Since 1888 ? j0 IOtati Oa1plf. open aT COTT A 70 Z TAB INDEX rer OFfIQE ??i L?- An Identifying Trade Mark SURNAME IN?iIAL TM MADB {Y THE COTT INDEX GDMPANY? aDL111YUS? OMIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN CO., NEW BERN, N. C. NA'tURE OF PROCEEDINGS DATE MINUTE BOOK Month Day Year Vol. Page l. D3.scussion postponed until 2/2 on funding for Broadway Play "Home" OZ 05 1981 18 745 2. $3,000 funding was approved for Broadway Play "Home" 02 02 1981 18 761 3. INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES -- N H t N C C M ? ew anover oun y, . . , U JE T SOUTHEAS TERN ECONOM IC xe?. u. s. ?/???? County Indrsen Since 1888 ? TO 10lON eom?t? o?p Yi PAT OFFICH ??K.a? Anldentifying Trade Mark SURNAME INITIAL TAS COiT A$ T?? INOEX MIIDE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD ?Y ONEN i. pUNN, N EN tERN, MORTB GRO LINA NATURE OF FROCEEDINGS DATE MINUTE BOOK Month Dny Year Vol. Page 1. County Membership in 02 16 1968 14 147 2. County Membership in 03 04 1968 14 155 3. Appointment Committee 04 Ol 1968 14 172 4. Appointment Committee 05 06 1968 14 185 5. First meeting Advisory Committee 05 20 1968 14 190 6. Budgeted for 07 11 1968 14 222 7. Appointment member to 08 19 1968 14 237 8. Appointment member to 12 02 1968 14 280 9. Resolution of Admission to Ol 20 1969 14 2y2 10. Appointment of Alternate Member 03 17 1969 14 304 11. Budget 04 21 196y 14 s23 12. llavid Alexander, Director 09 02 1969 14 384 13. Regional Meeting 12 Ol 1969 14 412? 14. Discussion on Planning region 02 02 1970 14 435 15. Appointment of inember 02 16 1970 14 442 16. Meeting 03 02 1970 14 448 17. Budget Q4 2Q 1970 l4 470 18. Regional Planning 05 18 1970 14 479 19. Discussion of status of SEDC 06 15 1970 14 485 20. Change in resolution ?n Industrial Development 09 08 1970 14 527 21. Discussion of Council of Governments and SEDC 09 08 1970 14 526 22. Resilution designatin.g with other counties A Regional Planning & Economic Development Commission 09 08 1970 14 527 23. Resolution Establishing Working Relationships between SEDC and Council of Governments 09 08 1970 14 526 24. Appointment members 04 05 1971 14 604 25. SEDC-Council of Governments 05 02 1971 Z4 639 26. Length of terms of inembers recently appointed OS 17 1971 14 647 27. Resignation of L. W. Latham 02 21 1972 15 84 28. Appointment of Mrs. Augusta Cooper 02 21 1972 15 85 29. Term of H. A. Marks 10 16 1972 15 236 30. Approval of SEDC Assessment 0? 07 1974 15 553 31. Discussion of 02 18 1974 15 585 32. Appointment of SEDC 04 16 1974 15 617 33. Clenton Smith-work program of SEDC 07 17 1978 18 247 34. Resolution of Endorsement 10 16 1978 18 293 35. Quennon Beatty Appointed to Commission 03 05 1979 18 369 36. Redevelopment Area Progress Report 06 18 1979 18 428 37. Reappointment of Dan Eller to SEbC 08 06 1979 18 460 38. Concurrence with overall Economic Development Program prepared by SEDC 06 16 1980 18 618 39. Appointment to SEDC Board of Directors (Claud 0'Shields, Jr.) 05 18 1981 18 842 40. Reappointment of Gene Merritt to SEDC 07 06 1982 19 112 41. N C INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover Count? MATTER SPECIA RT CO . , . _ : L U ? e[o. u, s. County Indezee Since 1886 N+ ?+?-? To loeats names, open at r?r OfFiC6 ????.:?? An Identifying Trade Mark ?.? SURNAME INITIAL TAB corr a•z rae ?NOex MADE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA , ? I? ?? DATE MINUTE BOOK NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS ; Monih °s ? Day I Year ? ? Vol. Page l. c Special Court notified that it has no jurisdiction over Poor House or Jail. , _, Ol 12 1869 j @e 1 161 2. a ?Letter from Special Court received. ?'? Ol 12 1869 ? ? 1 • 162 3. ,q C?Bill for officer of Special Court approved. ; k; 02 10 1869 ? 1 183 4. ??Letter from Clerk of Special Court, H.S. Servos, filed. ?! 03 11 1869 W? 1 197 5. ? ?Bill from Special Court for stationary approved. ?' 03 11 ? 1869 ?? ?: 1 197 6. sLetter from Clerk of Special Court, H.S. Servoss, referred to Finance Committee and County Attorney. ?9 OS 18 1869 ? 1 236 ;, . Ft 7. ??Bill for service at Special Court from J. Schenck approved. ;. 07 07 ?y 1869 ?? 1 270 ;y 1? 8. ,?Money to be paid Benjamin Lucan for services as Clerk of Special Court. „ 08 03 1869 x? '; 1 291 9. '?IAccount of Clerk of Speeial Court approved. „ 11 02 1869 ?? 1 336 10. .,Treasurer and Clerk of Special Court not to pay any witness tickets until notified by Finance Committee. .. 12 06 1869 :, 1 346 ? 11. Bill for ?ee of Judge E. Cantwell of the Special Court approved. O1 03 1870 `' 1 . 394 "_, ?' 12. 'Expenditure estimates received from Clerk of Special Court referred to Auditing Committee. .. 02 09 1870 ; 1 407 ?; , ?3. ;Special Court's bill approved. : 04 05 1870 ';? 1 ? 425 14. ,Order to Treasurer of Feb. 8, 1870 concerning witness tickets amended to confer same power on Clerk of ; 07 05 1870 ,` ., 1 450 ? Special Court. (See FINANCE DEPARTMENT) R; 13. ?foney allowed B. Lucus, late Clerk of Special,Court for services. ?, 10 08 1870'g 2 31 ? 14. ?Ir. Lucus required to make out his accounts of receipts and disbursements. 10 08 f 1870?? 4. 2 31 ? 15. ??iolden Township suggested establishing schools. (See SCHOOLS) „ 11 07 1870;? ?? 2 81 16. ., ;?John Heyer and J.A. Lowrey to audit account of Benjamin Lucas, late Clerk of Special Court. 12 17 1870i{ .? 3 2 104 17. ; ,?ooks and vouchers of late Clerk of Special Court, B. Lucus, reported correct. ' O1 ' 07 1871;? 2 113 18. .? ;i?oard filed statement of Benj. Lucus, late Clerk of Special Court. „ 02 13 ??; 1871,? s„ 2 126 19. ? e,Jurors of Special Court allowed $1.50 per day, no mileage. „ 05 12 1871;, 2 ° 157 j t E 20. :?I.S. Servoss' bill as late Clerk of Special Court not allowed. ,: 06 02 p !q 1871;y 2 ? 171 ? ;, ? .? i , ,r ,; ?p ?1 ;; ?? ; tc , ? ?? INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES -- New Hanover Count?, N. C. _ MU JECT SPECIAL USE PERMITS ` aeo. u. s. County Indezea Since 1888 ? To IotaM nom?f? op?11 af COTi A$ 7A? INPFJ? PA7 OFFICE ?? An Identi£ying Trade Msrk SURNAME INITIAL TAY INADE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS? OHIO SOI.D tY OWEN i. oUNN, NEM tERM, NORTN GROLINA DATE MINUTE BOOK NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS Month Day Year Vol. Page 1. Shandy Point O1 19 1970 14 431 2. Shamrock Estates 06 O1 1970 14 481 3. Cape Fear Academy 07 07 1970 14 493 4. St. Matthew's AME Church 10 05 1970 14 536 5. Southern Bell 10 05 1970 14 536 6. Mrs. Elise B. Aalam 10 19 1970 14 539 7. Middle Sound Avent Christian Church 10 19 1970 14 539 , 8. J. C. Parker, Jr. 10 19 1970 14 539 9. Public Hearing Special Use Permits 03 IS I97I 14 ?91 10. Porter's Neck 06 07 1971 14 651 11. Public Hearing Special Use Permits 06 07 1971 14 651 12. Wilmington College 06 07 1971 14 651 13. 4904 and 4908 Carolina Beach Road 09 07 1971 15 4 14. I Wrightsville Ave.-Rogersville Ave. 12 20 1971 15 55 ? 15. ? Silver Lake 12 ZO I971 15 57 16. Silva Terra and Marquis Hills 12 20 1971 15 55 I 17. Royal Oak Drive 12 20 1971 15 55 18. N. C. 132-Chalmers Drive 12 20 1971 15 56 19. Myrtle Ave. 12 20 1971 15 56 20. Eastwood Rd. 12 20 1971 15 56 21. Silver Lake Subdivision 02 21 1972 15 79 22. New Testament Baptist Church 02 21 1972 15 79 23. Winner - Headboat 07 07 1972 15 181 24. Pine Valley Apartments 09 18 1972 15 216 25. 421 Between Silver Lake and Antoinette Dr. 10 02 1972 15 226 26. I 132 between Kings Grant and Spring View 10 02 I972 I5 226 27. 132 and Murryville Rd. 10 02 1972 15 226 28. Middle Sound - Marina il 06 1972 15 239 29. Long Leaf Acres Drive 11 20 1972 15 252 30. Middle Sound - Marina 11 20 1972 15 254 31. 113 S. Crestwood Dr. - greenhouse Zoning Area 9A O1 06 1975 16 77 32. Blue Clay Rd. - Convenience Food Store Area 8A O1 06 1975 16 78 33. Market St. Exten. Convenience Food Store Area #5 O1 06 1975 16 78 34. Middle Sound Loop Rd. Convenience Food Store Area #3 Ol 20 1975 16 87 ( 35. Blue Clay Rd. Stables in Area 8A 02 03 1975 16 100 36. Eastwood Rd. for a machine and welding shop in Area 9B 03 03 1975 16 127 37. Screening plan for Governour's Square Apts. tabled 03 03 1975 16 128 38. Schools on North College Rod (tabled) 03 17 1975 16 138 39. Masonboro Loop Rd. for stables in Masonboro Area 04 07 1975 16 '_54-5 40. N. College Rd. for schools in area 8B ?4 07 1975 16 156 41. i Blue Clay Rd. Mobile Home in 8B 04 21 1975 16 171 I ? 42. Blue Clay Rd. Mobile Home in 8B 04 21 1975 16 .71-2 43. Carolina Beach Road Mobile Home in 9B 04 21 1975 16 172 44. Myrtle Grove Loop Rd. and Piner Rd. for Convenient Food Store 06 02 1975 16 ?07-8 45. Wrightsville Ave. for Child Day Care Center 06 02 1975 16 208 46. North Blue Clay Rd. for Kennel 06 02 '.975 16 ?08-9 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover Cou?t?y, N. C. , MATT RT SCHOOLS nec. u. s. County Indczea Since 1888 tg, ? To lotate names, open af COTT A-2 TAB INDEX ?er OFFICE ??1? An ldentifying Trade Mark [l? $URNAME INITIAL TAB tdADE BY iNE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, ONIO SOLD BY OWEN 6. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH [IIROLINA NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS DATE Month I Day I Year 10 25 1918 11 04 1918 MINUTE BOOK Vol. I Page 8 22 8 23 1. Clerk to obtain quotations for preparation of school bonds. 2., Request that Williston Industrial School be developed into a County Demonstration plat for colored people referred to Farm-Committee. 3. Preparation of school bonds referred to Auditor and Clerk to Board. 4. Money allowed for expenses for wayward youths in Jackson Training Schools of City agrees to same. 5. Bill incurred by Rev. Dean, probation officer, in opening another building at Stonewall Jackson Training School approved. 7. J. D. Lowery to dig a wellat another site at Wrightsville Schoolhouse. 8. Board of Education requested an election on special tax levy. 9. Board of Education requested an election on school bonds. 10. Board ruled to have an election on school bond issue on May 27, 1919. 11. Form of school bond ballot. 12. Board went on record as favoring school bond issue. 13. School budget for 1919-ZO presented with a reauest from Board of Education for a new tax levy. 14. Election returns from Townships on school bond issue for May 27, 1919 election p. 56-60. 15. May 27, 1919 election on school bonds carried. 16. Request from J. L. Becton and Hugh MacRae that Board educate youth at State Agriculture College referred to committee. 17. Board of Education presented a revised budget for itself. 18. Tax levy to be made to maintain schools for 8z months. 19. B. S. Solomon of Board of Education requested Board to pay half of cost in sinking wells located near schools and highways. 20. Board approved money to educate one youth at the State Agriculture College. 21. Board of Education requested Commissioners issue school bonds and Clerk to advertise for sale of same. 22. List of bids received for sale of school bonds. 23. Board decide that serial bonds to be issued instead of sinking fund bonds and contract awarded to A. B. Leach and Co. 24. Board of Education and Commissioners to sink a deep well at Wrightsboro School. 25. Outside opinion of Attorney, J. C. Thompson sought on validity of remainder of public school bonds. 26. Board to issue public school bonds for repair and erection of schoolhouses. 27. Form of school bonds. 28. Special tax to be levied to pay for any outstanding school bonds. 29. Scholarship to State Agriculture College extended for another year. 30. Board of Education and Commissioners to share cost of sinking wells at Scotts Hill, East Wilmington and Castle Hayne Schools. 31. Board of Education demanded sale of remaining school bonds as passed in May 27 election. 32. Clerk to advertise sale of balance of school bonds on April 7, 1920. 33. Form of School bonds. 34. If any bonds remain outstanding a special tax will be levied to pay for principle and interest on same. 35. Bids received for sale of school but all bids rejected. 36, Bond brokers to bc notified that school bonds weren't sold and will consicler a private sale. 37. Request from Board of Education that Board try to sell school bonds again. 38. Clerk to advertise sale of balance of school bonds; bids to be opened June 4. 39. Form of school bonds and coupons p. 109-110 40. Special tax to be levied for any outstanding school bonds. 41. Board to ask Legislature to require City to pay half expenses of City schools. 11 04 1918 8 23 12 02 1918 8 28 O1 06 1919 8 31 04 14 1919 8 44 04 23 1919 8 46 04 23 1919 8 46 04 23 1919 8 46 04 23 1919 8 47 04 23 1919 8 47 05 05 1919 8 48 05 29 1919 8 56 05 29 1919 8 60 06 O1 1919 8 60 06 09 1919 8 62 06 09 1919 8 62 07 07 1919 8 63 07 07 1919 8 64 07 07 1919 8 65 08 11 1919 8 72 08 11 1919 8 72 10 06 1919 8 78 10 06 1919 8 80 10 06 1919 8 80-83 10 06 1919 8 80-83 10 06 1919 8 8? 11 03 1919 8 83 03 O1 1920 8 98 03 O1 1920 8 99 03 O1 1920 8 99 03 Ol 1920 8 99-100 03 Ol 1920 8 100 04 07 1920 8 103 04 14 1920 8 105 05 10 1920 8 108 05 10 1920 8 109 05 10 1920 8 109 05 10 1920 8 110 06 03 1920 8 112 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES -- New Hanover Count?, N. C. _ MU JECT SPECIAL USE PERMITS a aeo, u. s. County Indeaea Since 1888 ? io IOMt? nOnNf? o?N11 Of COTT M2 TA? INOEX rAr OFFICE C?? An Identifying Trade Mark SURNAME INITIAL TA? MADE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS? OHIO SOLD ?Y OWEN 0. CUNN, NEM tERN, NORTH GROLINA DATE MINUiE BoOK ` NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS ?,$ Month Day Year Vol. Page 1'; Greenville Loop Rd. for kennel 06 02 1975 16 209 2; N. College Rd. for Mol?le Home 06 02 1975 16 209 3: Market St. Exten. for Convenient Food Store 06 02 1975 16 210 4;? 5200 Wrightsville Ave. for Convenient Food Store 06 02 1975 16 210 5? Ca?tle Hayne Rd. for automobile paint shop, body repair and/or frame shop 07 07 1975 16 237 6?: 5313 Wrightsville Ave. for Family Care Home 07 07 1975 16 237-8 7'? 110 Longstreet Dr. for Convenience Food Store 07 21 1975 16 243 8'. 5313 Wrightsville Ave. for Group Care Home 07 21 1975 16 243-4 9:' Corner of 1?'rightsvil3e ?ve. and Wallace r?ve. far Famiiy Care Home 07 Z1 1975 16 245 10. Hwy 421 for Scrap Processor 09 02 1975 16 262 11. 5$09 Oleander Dr. for storage and machine shop 10 06 1975 16 278 12. Tabling intracoastal Waterway for marina 10 06 1975 16 280 13. 7220 Wrightsville Ave. for sale and storage of boats 10 20 1975 16 287 14. 145 Charter Dr. for day care center 10 20 1975 16 ?87-8 15. 305 Wallington Rd. Day Care Center 10 20 1975 16 288 16. West side Hwy. 421 Storage Facilities 10 20 1975 16 288 17. Denial of Marine on Intracoastal Waterway 11 03 1975 16 ?95-6 18. Hwy. 17 for Microwave Tower 12 O1 1975 17 ?_6-17 19; Hwy. 421 for Cable TV Tower 12 O1 1975 17 17 20: Approval application to use prop. at 405 5trada St. for Duplex Ol 05 1976 17 35 21. Approval to use property in Kings Grant for Day Care Center Ol 05 1976 17 36 22. Withdrawal of appeal to deny application to use property Cardinal Dr. area #9B O1 05 1976 17 37 23? Southwest corner Oakley Rd. and Oakley Loop Rd. for Triplex Area #l0A 02 02 1976 17 51 24: Approval SUP property Intracoastal Waterway for Marina 04 05 1976 17 91 25.? Approval application use property Carolina Beach Rd. for emergency service facility 04 05 1976 17 91-2 26. Approval application use property Castle Hayne Rd. for Mobile Home 04 05 1976 17 92 27. Approval application use property Hwy 421 Mobile Home 04 05 1976 17 92 28.: Approval application use property S. College Rd. for Stable, Masonboro Zoning Area 04 05 1976 17 92-3 29. Application use property Carolina Bch. Rd. for Mobile Home 05 03 1976 17 114-5 30: Application use property corner Market St. and Lennon Dr, for Animal Hosp. ?5 03 1976 17 115 31. Application use property N. Kerr Ave. and Gordon Rd. for Convenience Store 06 07 1976 17 133 32.. Tabling SUF Harrelson's Marina 12 06 1976 17 235 33; SUP 234 Rose Ave. for Family Care Home 12 20 1976 17 245 34?, Application use property Bridge Rd. for Marina, Private Club, and residential sales office 06 21 1976 17 148-9 35. Application use property Hinton Ave. for a family care home 06 21 1976 17 149 36. Application use property Oleander for Amusement Facility 06 21 1976 17 149 37. SUP Forest Park Rd. for Machine and Welding Shop 08 02 1976 17 168-9 38. W. Side River Rd. for Radio Tower 08 17 1976 17 177 39; E. Side for Mobile Home, Area #l0A 09 Ol 1976 17 186 40. Tabling SLIP Harrelson's Marine 10 04 1976 17 202 41. Velva Dr. North of Oakley 10 03 1976 17 203 42, SUP NE side Oakley Circle 11 Ol 1976 17 225-6 43. Tabling SUP - Harrelson's Marina 11 O1 1976 17 226 44. SUP - Harrelson's Marina O1 04 1977 17 ?54-5 45. SUP - Airlie Road 02 07 1977 17 ?73-4 46. SUP Ea.stwood Road 02 07 1977 17 274 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover SPECIAL County N. C. MAT'fER USE PERMITS , _ : ` TO IOCat? IlafMf, ?pM at REG. U. 5. / County Inde:es Since 1888 ??Y' PAT OFFICE ?ei? An IdentiEvin¢ Trade Mark W? SURNAMt INRIAL TAS COiT A•I TA? INOEX INADE !Y THE COTi INDE% COMPANY, COLUMYUS, OHIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN CO., NE W BERN , N. C. NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS DATE MINUTE BOOK Month Day Year Vol. Page .? 1. SUP E. Side Hwy. 133 03 07 1977 17 292- r 2. SUP - Oleander Dr. - Hinton Avenue 03 07 1977 17 293 ? 3. Withdraw SUP App. 4918 Wrightsville Ave. 03 07 1977 17 294 4. SUP Oleander Dr. $ Eaglewood - Outdoor Recreation 04 04 1977 18 11 ? 5. SUP Waterford Subd. Pub. Utility Bldg. 04 04 1977 18 12 6. SUP US Hwy. 17 and Alexander Rd. Stable 04 04 1977 18 12 7. SUP Carolina Beach Rd. $ Sunnyvale Dr. Storage 04 04 1977 18 12-3 8. SUP. N. Kerr and Blue Clay Rd. Private Club or lodge 04 04 1977 18 13 9. SUP 325 Forest Fark Rd. Machine ? Welding Shop 04 04 1977 18 13 10. SUP Ness Dr. F? Oakley Rd. - Mobile Home 04 04 1977 18 14 11. Table SUP Middle Sound Rd. - Boat Storage 04 04 1977 18 15 12. Denial SUP US. Hwy. 17 and Porter's Neck Rd. for Outdoor Recreation 04 04 19?7 18 15 13. Table SUP - Middle Sound Rd. - Boat Storage 04 18 197'' 18 20 14. Discuss SUP not advertised pz?operly 05 02 1977 18 27 15. 7`able SUP MIddle Sound Rd. - Boat sto.rage 05 02 1977 18 27 16. Withd7•aw SUP Middle Sound 06 06 1977 18 42 17. SUP - Jessie Dupont Rd, - Greenhouse G?6 06 1977 18 42 18. SUP Carolina Beach Road - Privat?? Club 06 06 1977 18 4? 19. SUP - Spring Branch Rd. - Family Care Home 06 06 1977 18 4s 20. SUP - Greentree Rd. - Htg. F? Air Cond. Shop 06 06 1977 18 43-4 21. SUP. S. College Rd. - Private Club 06 06 1977 lE 44 22. Amend.-Zoning Ord. to permit Adult Day Car Facility by SUP 06 06 1977 18 44-5 23. SUP Carolina Beach Rd. Convenience StorE, 06 06 1977 18 46 24. Denial SUP Oleander Dr. - Seafood Market 07 05 1977 18 66 25. SUP Oakley Road - Mobile Home 07 05 1977 18 67 26. SUP River Road - Mobile Home 08 O1 1977 18 83 27. St?P Hwy 17 £or a mobile home 08 O1 1977 18 83 28. Withdrawal SUP Tra.ils End Rd. - Mar.ine 09 06 1977 18 92 29. SUP Oakley Rd. - Mobile Home 09 06 1977 18 93 30. SUP Burke St.-expansion of telephone exchange building 09 06 1977 18 93-4 31. SUP Deerfield Dr. -Convenience Store 09 06 1977 18 94 32. SUP Carolina Beach Rd.-Family Care Home 10 03 1977 18 109 33. SUP Greentree Rd. - Auto Paint ? Body Shop 10 03 1977 18 =09-1 34. SUP Carolina Beach Rd. - Private Club-advertised in error 10 03 1977 18 110 35. SUP-Monterey Heights - Community Water Bldg. 11 07 1977 18 123 36. SUP Walnut Hills - Community Water Bldg. 11 07 1977 18 124 37. SUP US. Hwy. 17 - Storage and Distribution Facility 11 07 1977 18 124 38. SUP Piner Road Private Stables 12 02 1977 18 141 39. SUP - Hwy. 421 - Mobile Home O1 03 1978 18 153 40. SUP - Hooker Road - duplex O1 03 1978 18 154 41. SUP - modification - Forest Park Road - Storage and Distribution Facility O1 03 1978 18 154 42. SUP - Airlie Road - docks, repair, sales, etc. 02 06 1978 18 166- 43. SUP - Market Street Extention - Auto Paint & Body Shop 05 Ol 1978 18 199 44. SUP - Hwy. 421 Landfill 05 Ol 1978 18 200 ; 45. SUP - Hwy. 421 Cemetery 05 Ol 1978 18 200 ; 46. SUP-Hwy. 421-Landfill 06 05 1978. 18 217 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES ?W ?T??r Hanover County N. C. MATT RT SPECIAL USE PERMIT , _ ` aec. u. s. ,,,A County Indezes Since t888 TO leeab namn, ?pM at COTT A•I TAt INOEX r?r OFFICE ?AJj?c(AQ.?- An ldentifying Trade Marlc ? SURNAMt tNIT1AL TAO NU1DE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMiUS, ONIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DU NN CO., N EW BERN , N. C. ? NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS DATE MiNUTE BooK ?: . Month . Day Year Voi. Pnge l. SUP-Cape Fear Hospital-parking lot 06 19 1978 18 226 2. SUP-Flemington-Landfill-tabled 07 03 1978 18 237-8 3. SUP-S. College Rd. - Outdoor recreation 07 03 1978 18 238-9 4.' ,? SUP-Castle Hayne Rd.- Mobile Home . 07 03 1978 18 239 .. 5. SUP-Rock Hill & Apple Rd.-Convenient Mart 07 03 1978 18 239-0 6. SUP-Market Street-Wholesale Establishment 07 03 1978 18 240 7, SUP-River Rd. - Mobile Home 07 03 1978 18 241 8. SUP-Intersection of Masonboro & Myrlte Grove Community Bldg. 07 03 1978 I8 24I 9. SUP-Hugh MacRae Park-Public Recreation Facility 07 03 1978 IS 24Z 10. SUP - Pages Creek Marina 10 02 1978 18 285 11, SUP-Highway 421 N. for Mobile Home 11 06 1978 18 295 12.. Navajo Trail in Tanglewood for Day Care Center 12 04 1978 18 313 13., Station Road for Storage & Distribution 12 04 1978 18 313-14 14« Ogden Rescue Squad 12 18 1978 18 327 15. West side Carolina Beach - N. of Myrtle Grove Loop Rd. - Community Center O1 02 1979 18 329 16. Northeast corner intersection of Market & Lennon Drive - Seafood Market O1 02 1979 18 330 17. S. Side Market Street extension S. Green Meadows Drive - Storage & Distribution facility Ol 02 1979 18 330 18.. Junk yard & mobile home Ol 02 1979 18 330 19. Governmental facility in airport industrial district Ol 02 1979 18 331 20. Additional kennels Ol 02 1979 18 331 21. Military Cut-off Road & S. Market Street for emergency facility O1 15 1979 18 338 22. Emergency Shelter Care Ol 15 1979 18 344 23. Use of property for Storage & Distribution in a B-2 District 02 05 1979 18 347 24. Modification of permit for alteration of cable TV 02 05 1979 18 348 25. Property - N. side Greenville Loop Rd. - Stable - R-15 03 05 1979 18 366 26. Storage facilities (mini-warehouses) 03 05 1979 18 366 27. Townhouses in an R-15 postponed until June 04 02 1979 18 379 28. Condominiums on Figure Eight Island R-20 postponed til June 04 02 1979 18 379 29. Convenient Food Store in R-15 District 04 S'3 1979 18 389 30. Use of property for residential occupancy in conjunction with a business use in a B-2 District 04 23 1979 18 389 31. Use property for child day care center in a R-15 District 04 23 1979 18 398 32. Application for landfill - 230 acres I-2, 60 acres R-15 District 05 21 1979 18 406 33. Application to use property located on East side of U.S. Hwy. 17 for residential occupancy in a B-2 Dist. 06 04 1979 18 416 34., West side of Hwy 117 for a mobile home in an R-20 06 04 1979 18 418 35.. Southwest corner of Dogwood Land & Oleander Drive for Disco in a B-2 District 06 04 1979 18 418 36. West side College Rd. & North side of Bragg Dr. for a townhouse project in R-15 district 06 04 1979 18 418 (condominiums) 37... Property on Bridge Rd., Beach Rd. north of Figure Eight Island for multi-family dwellings in R-20 district 06 04 1979 18 419 38., Property west of S. College Rd. & North side of Bragg Dr. for Townhouse project in R-15 District 07 02 1979 18 438 39. Property on Bridge Rd. & BeachRd. North of Figure ?ight Esland for Condos in an R-20 District denied 07 02 1979 18 439 40. EaSt side of Hwy 421, No. of Cathay Rd. & extending northward 110 ft. for Gift Shop in R-15 District-approved 07 02 1979 18 441 41. Enlargement of telephone exchange - N. side of unnamed rd. leading to Porter's Neck E. of Hwy 17. 07 02 1979_ 18 441 42. Greenhouse & Nursery in R-15 District - Masonboro Loop Rd. east of Johnson Landing Rd. 08 06 1979, 18 455 43.. Day Care Center in R-15 District - E. side Carolina Beach Rd., S. Monkey Junction 08 06 1979. 18 455 44.: Mini-Warehouse - B-2 District Market Street & Military Cutoff 09 17 1979 18 478 greenhouse - R-15 Dist. 45. To use property approx. 1900 ft. west of Wrightsville ave on S. side of Hooker Rd, for a nursery & 10 O1 1979 18 484 Property - W. Side U.S. Hwy. 17 approx. 1 mi. S. of Pender County line - 46..: Community Center Building R-15 District 10 Ol 1979 18 485 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover Count? N C T SPECIAL USE PERMIT y, . . _ MATT R - xee. u. s. County Indezee Since 1888 To loeats namas, O?IBII Yt rer OFFlOE ???L?o-? An Identifyins Trade Mark ? NSO? D? T COTT A TO Z TAB INDEX ON?O gE?US ? G!N ?A? SURNAME INITIAL TAB BY OW N NEW E N DUNN DATE MINUTE BOOK ` NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS ? . Month Day Year Voi. Page . l. Gift 5hop in R-15 Dis t rict - E. side of Carolina Beach Rd. - 528 ft. S, of Cathay Rd. 10 Ol 1979 18 485 Governmental facility park in R-15 District E. side of Hwy 132, North of intersection of 2? Hwy 132 & Murraysville Road 10 15 1979 18 495 3.: Private dock & boading facility in R-20 District-S. side private Rd. to Cedar Island S.E, of Old Military Rd 11 05 1979 18 50? 4. Duplex in an R-15 - 413 Shuney Street 11 05 1979 18 504 5.. Plant nursery accessory bldg. in R-20 E. side of U. S. Hwy 117, N. of Arlene Drive 11 05 1979 18 504 Private Dock & Boating Facility in an R-20 District, S. side of the private road to Cedar Island 6, approximately 1,000 ft. S. E. of the end of Military Road 12 03 1979 18 517 Mobile.home incidental to a business use in a B-2 District under Sec. 72-29-5625 Carolina Beach Rd. - E. 7, side Carolina Beach S. of the intersection of Carolina Beach Rd. & S. College Road 12 03 1979 18 518 Townhouse development in an R-15 District E. side of Masonboro Loop Rd. approximately 2 miles S. of the 8. intersection of Masonboro Loop Rd. & Greenville Loop Rd. 12 03 1979 18 519 9. Family Care Home in an R-15 District W. of intersection Gordon Rd. & Hwy. 17 12 03 1979 18 520 10. Mini Warehouse in a B-2 District E. side Vision Dr. approx. S00 ft. N, of intersection Vision & Eastwood Rd 12 03 1979 18 520 McCarley Blvd. 11.. Expansion of an Emergency Service Fac. 4550 Caro. Bch. Rd. W. side of C.B. Rd. approx. 2,800 ft S. of / 12 10 1979 18 522 12. N. side Figure 8 Island Causeway, west of Intersection of Beach Rd. & Beach Rd. S? for a private club Ol 07 1980 18 535 expansion in R-20 district 13. 5625 Market Street for auto body repair in B-2 Disirict 02 18 1980 18 552 14. 306 Bradley Drive for cemetary in R-15 District 03 10 1980 18 553 Approved to use p,roperty west side of Old Wrightsboro Rd. (SR-1319) for a church in an Airport 15.. Residential District ? 03 10 1980 18 563 16. 306 Bradley Drive for Cemetary in an R-15 District - approved 04 08 1980 18 575 10612 Gordon Rd. - sheet metal fabricating shop for heating & air conditioning in a B-2 District - approved 04 08 1980 18 576 17. 200 ft. S. of Lorraine Dr. & Silver Lake Rd. for a park in a R-10 Dis trict - approved - E& W sides of 18' Carolina Beach Rd., abutting the intracoastal waterway at Snow's Cut for a park - R-15 District 04 08 1980 18 577 19. 1402 Airlie Rd. for Marine 5ervice facility expansion in a B-1 Disirict 05 05 1980 18 591 20. Caro. Bch. Rd. apposite of P3cQuillan Dr. for a Rest Home R-15, District 06 02 1980 18 609 21. .4 acres at N. side of M?Quillan Dr. & Caro. Bch. Rd. for Rest home R-15 District 06 02 1980 18 609 22. 5.36 acre tract at Oleander Dr. & Englewood Dr. in a combination B-2 District & R-15 District 06 02 1980 18 610 23., Intersection of Castle Hayne Rd. and Holland Drive for a Group Care Home 07 07 1980 18 627 24. To use properties located in the interior of Runnymeade subdivision for lift station and well house 07 07 1980 18 628 25. South side of Edgehill Rd. & S. Side Murray Rd. for public utility building 08 04 1980 18 643 26. N. W. Corner of Hwy 132 & Kenningston St. for School & Child Day Care Center 08 04 1980 18 643 27.. N. Side of N. Kerr Ave. app. 1200 feet West of Trusdale Rd. for a mobile home 08 04 1980 18 643 28.. S. Side Hwy 17 for an entertainment establishment 08 04 1980 18 644 29. SUP-W. side of Oakley Rd. & Fork Dr. for a mobile home in an R-20 (Residential) District 09 02 1980 18 655 30. SUP-N. side of Arlene Dr. & Castle Hayne Rd. for a mobile home in an R-20 Dis trict 09 02 1980 18 655 31. Blue Clay Road Landfill site 10 03 1980 18 670 32. For a machine shop on S, side of Station Rd. 250' E. of Hwy 17 10 06 1980 18 675 33. Private Club & Lodge on W, side of Carolina Beach Road 500' S. of Barnards Creek 10 Q6 1980 18 676 3?. For Day Gare Ce.nter on I?. side of Wrightsville Ave. between intersections of Wr'vill Ave. & Rainbow Dr. 10 06 19$4 18 676 Militar y Rd. 35. For a community boating facility on the S. side of a private rd to Cedar Island 1000' SW of end of Old/ 10 06 1980 18 677 36. Discussion on procedural requirements 10 20 1980 18 686 for a multi-family development on East side of Oleander Dr. South of Bradley Creek Bridge and 37.. Adjacent to Bradley Creek Marine 11 03 1980 18 691 for a public utility building-located East of Oleander Dr. & Adjacent to Bradley Creek Marina 38. 11 03 1980 18 693 39. Mobile home on west side of Oakley Loop Rd. about 700' N. of intersection with Fork Drive 11 03 1980 18 694 for Septic tank vacuum service on E, side of Carolina Beach Road approximately 700' N. of 40. intersection w/Manassas Drive , 11 03 1980 18 696 41. 60 day suspension of SUP applications 11 03 1980 18 698 ? 42. Discussion on rules of procedure 12 O1 1980 18 711 43. Storage & Warehouses West of US 17 at Junction with Military cut off 12 Ol 1980 18 711 44. Public utility bldg. South of Gordon Rd. West of Northbrook Drive 12 O1 1980 18 713 45. Home for Aged & Infirm North of Oleander Dr. WEst of Willow Woods 12 Ol 1980 18 713 46. Offices and warehouses Southwest corner of Military cutoff road & Allen's Lane intersection 12 Ol 1980 18 716 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover County N C T SPECIAL USE PERMITS , . . , MATT R ? aec. u. s. County Indezea Since 1888 ?'? To lowta names, O?IBII Ot ' COTT A TO Z TAB INDEX r?r OFfIOE ?l? ?%?- AnldentifyingTradeMark SURN/1ME INITIAL TAB NSO?LD ,BYTOWE?N G!NDUNN??NE WBERN,?SNOH?O ? ?? NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS DATE MINUTE BOOK ?? ?e .? Month Day Year Voi. Page ,E 1.?? i Community boating facility N. of Bridge Rd. West of Bch. Rd. 3.ntersection (Figure 8 Island) 12 Ol 1980 18 717 2. Blue Clay Landfill . 12 08 1980 18 725 3.'; SUP property on east side of Avery Dr. approx. 400' east of Bradley Dr. Terminus for townhouse,multi-family 03 02 1981 18 769 4.;"." SUP property on west side of Hwy. 421 approx. 300' north of River Rd, for Travel Trailer Park/Campground 03 OZ 1981 1$ 772 Recreation Club 5. SUP property on east side of Hwy. 421 approx. 500' north of Silva Terra Dr. for a Membership Sports and J 03 02 1981 1$ 773 multi-family devel. r-15 6.:; SUP to use property on E, side of Avery Dr. approx. 400' E. of Bradley Dr. Terminus, for townhouse / 03 16 1981 18 783 7. SUP to use prop. on west side of 421, approx. 500' s. Barnard's Creek for private club/lodge (R-15) 04 06 1981 18 798 8.. Property Approx. .9 acres on west side of $lue Clay Rd. for Children's Day Care Facility in I-2 District 05 04 1981 18 818 & 819 ? in 0& I District 05 04 1981 18 818 9. Property Approx. ..? acres Iocated on SE corner of W'ville Ave & Wallace Ave for multi-family dev. (Fraterni ty) 10. Property approx. 15.4 acres East side of Myrtle Grove Loop Rd. for Townhouse/multi-family dev, in R-15 zone 05 04 1981 18 821 Property Approx. 9.3 acres loeated on west side of PZasonboro Loop Rd., Approx. 600 feet N, of Masonboro 11. Sound Rd., for membership spo.rts and recreation Club in R-15 District. 05 04 1981 18 $27 12 Property approx. .26 acres on S. side of Southgate Rd. Approx. 40Q ft. west of Hiway 421 for Children's ' . Day Care Facility in R-10 district 05 04 1981 18 828 13... Property Approx. 8.5 acres located on west side of Hiway 132, west of Mahican Trail for private Club 06 O1 1981 18 848 Property approx. 1 acre locate3 on west side of Highway 421 North, approx. 4200 feet south of Fishing 14. , Creek for a mobile home in I-2 district. 06 ?1 1981 18 849 15. Property approx. 200 acres located on E. side Highway 421 North adjacent to Fishing Creek for a Landfill 06 ?l 1981 18 851 sPU to use property located North side of Eastwood Rd. west o? US 74/76 Junction for a multi-family dev. 16. in R-20 district 07 ?7 1981 18 876 Property located 650 ft. west of Castle Hayne Rd. 1200 feet North of Rock Hill Rd, for mobile home in R-20 17.:: dis ?ict 07 ?7 1981 18 878 ' Appeal denial of application for special use permit to use property located on west side of Ilex Drive, :18. 40 feet north of Sandy Court for Children's Day Care Facility in an R-10 district 07 ?7 1981 18 883 19.' To use property South side of Oakley Loop Rd., South of Ness Road for a Mobile Home 09 ?8 1981 18 913 :20... Property 1-ocated on S. side of Edgewater Club Rd. S. of Porter's Neck Rd, for mobile home in R-20 district 10 05 1981 18 932 I21. Property located on North side of Middle Sd. Rd., So. of Mkt. St. for Child Day Care Facility in R-15 Dist. 10 05 1981 18 934 ,22. Appeal to denial of rezoning property on Gordon Rd. from R-15 to 0& I District 10 05 1981 18 934 i 423., Property S. side of Greenville Loop Rd., E. of Riley Branch for Mobile Home in R-20 district 11 02 1981 18 950 '24. ? ? To use property ( approx. 13.1 acres) located on S. side of Oakley Loop Rd. Approx. 1,202 feet E, of i Ness Rd. for Mobile Home in R-20 District 12 07 1981 18 967 ' " To use property located on E. side of Ol.eander Drive immediately South of Bradley Creek Bridge and '25, adjacent tp Bradley Creek Marina for a multi-family condominium Development in R-15 District 02 O1 1982 18 995 To use property located on S. side of Greenville Loop Road SR 1421 approximately 520 feet W. of Darby Rd. 126• for Multi-family Townhose Development in R-20 District 02 Ol 1982 18 997 i? To use property located on East side of Carolina Beach Road approximately 1700 feet west of US 421 and j27, ? State Road 132 intersecCion 02 08 1982 19 03 28. Zoning & Subdivision Ordinance Text Amendment to replace the Multi-family Sepecial Use Permits with pre- ? established performance standards for high density development 02 08 1982 19 06 ? To use property located on west side of Silver Lake Road South of Lorraine Drive North for Child Day 29. ? Care Facility 02 08 1982 19 06 To use property located on North side of Oakley Loop RQad approximately 850 feet East of Ness Road for 30. two?mobile homes. 02 08 1982 19 07 II To consider an amendment to the Zoning Ordinance to add septic Waste Disposal as a Special Use in the 31• R-15, I-1 and I-2 Districts and to add a new section 72-33 for additional restrictions imposed on certain , special uses. 02 08 1982 19 07 32. To use property located on North side of Trails End Rd. East of Masonboro Loop Road for Multi-Family Townhouse and Apartment Development in R-15 District 03 Ol 1982 19 19 33. To use property located on N. side of Arlene Dr. 13,300 Feet E. of Castle Hayne Rd., for Mobile Home in R-20 06 07 1982 19 85 34. Discussion on Appeal from the Planning Board extension of Special Use Permits 06 21 1982 19 97 in an R-15 District 35. To use property located on west side of So. College Rd. Directly west of Mohigan Trail for a private club 07 06 1982 19 107 ' 36. 1 STANDARD KEEPER INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES -- New Hanover Count N C y, . . _ MATTER: a Rao. u. e. A???? County lndezee Since 1888 ?? ?3-? To loeats names, open at coTT A•i TAe INOex r?r o?rtce (.?i?•?(.a-? An Identi(ying Ttade Mark ??B SURNAME iNIT1AL TAB MADE BY THE CQTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA ?? ? NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS u DATE MINUT E ?OOK ' w Month ? I Day I Year ? ; Vol. I Page II i ? l.s Owen Burney appointed Standard Keeper for the County. r' ;+ 08 24 s? 1868?? 1 28 t ?! ? 2.?i Owen Burney qualified as Standard Keeper of the County. ? f; 09 07 1868?? E? 1 38 ,p 3. ? Committee to investigate weights and measurers. (: 10 08 1868' 1 66 ? 4.4? Owen Burney bonded as Standard Keeper. ?? 10 09 1868 1 67 i? 5.?? Letter from C.W. Farris, Keeper of Weights and Measurers, filed. ?' F; 10 ? 24 ? 1868? a 1 85 r? ? 6.? P John Wood, late Standard Keeper, to appear before the Board. ? ? 11 06 r +? 18684? ? 1 95 . 7.;? Inquiry to be made into cost of weights and measurers needed for the County. !` 11 27 1868?; 1 128 8.?! Bill for Raleigh Standard for one year approved. ?, 02 Ol 1869?? 1 175 9. ;',' Resignation of ?tven Bz?rr?ey as Standard Kee?er accepted, ar?a ddilZfam CutZar appointea in his place. 02 Z3 I8&9?` ?. ??!? {? 10.,, William Cutlar presented his bond for Standard Keeper. „ 02 24 1869; 1 188 ?} 11._? Owen Burney to deliver all articles pertaining to his former office to the Board. 02 24 1869 1 188 ;? 12.;? Standard Keeper petitioned Raleigh for weights and measurers. 03 .. 11 1869' ?, 1 196 ?.` t? ., ,? 13.?? Clerk to Board to confer with Standard Keeper Farris about weights and measurers. 04 21 1869,4 1 218 € 14., William Cutlar resigned as Standard Keeper. 05 , 11 1869:; r 1 226 ;;p j4 15.;: ? Clerk to Board received weights and measurers of Express Company and made draft on Treasurer to pay them. 06 26 P 1869;? 1 261 M ? ? 16.;y Bill for weights and measurers approved. 07 21 ?; 1869? 1 283 i ?? k? 17.,i Elkanah Al1en appointed Standard Keeper of New Hanover County. 11 Ol 1869r? 1 335 i? f ? ?. ? 18.;? : Elkanah Allen to qualify as Standard Keeper or office wi11 be ordered vacant. +, 12 06 1869?; ' 1 347 ?? ' 19.;? Mr. Allen's bond for Standard Keeper approved. O1 04 ? 1870;? 1 396 j? ? , 20.?? ;' Board refused petition of Richard Sellers to be appointed Standard Keeper. ` 03 06 ?; 1871.? 2 128 ? ? s, , 21.,j Applications of Messrs. Sellers and Hewlett for position of Standard Keeper laid over to next meeting. ` 03 13 1871',? 2 133 ?? 22.` ? Petitions of sundry parties for office of Standard Keeper laid over to next meeting. 03 31 1871?a 2 136 ? ? 23.'? E.D. Hewlett elected County Standard Keeper. 04 05 ,? 1871;? 2 139 '? i 24.,? Bond approval of E.D. Hewlett as Standard Keeper postponed. ? ;; 04 22 1871? ,; 2 149 i ` 25.;? Appointment of E. Hewlett as Standard Keeper annulled since he holds office of Coroner, would be illegal. ,; 05 12 1871p? 2 156 ? 26.:?? William Harriss elected Standard Kee?per. OS 19 1871F; Z 162 ? i 27.'.. William Harriss' bond approved as Standard Keeper. 05 26 1871,; 2 164 ? ?? ? 28. ; Daniel 0'Conner elected Standard Keeper. 09 02 1872;; 2 355 li ? ?? „ i 29.;p Bond of Daniel 0'Conner registered as Standard Keeper. 09 05 1872,i 2 359 e 30. j Request received from Mr. 0'Conner for a room to keep weights and measurers of County safely. 10 14 1872;? 2 3$2 ?? , 31.; Standard Keeper given room at end of Commissioners' Hall near Courthouse. 10 14 1872;, 2 382 ? 32.,, Mr. 0'Conner to make requisitions for weights and measurers as required by his office, and Clerk to Board ;. 10 14 1872,° 2 382 ,w MI . s, to furnish necessary certificates. .; ,, i j ! 33.? Standard Keeper to report all persons who use weights and measurers illegally to Solicitor. (SOLICIOTR) ; 03 24 1873„ 3 42 ?F . 34.' Al1 weights and measurers must be sealed by Standard Keeper after April l, 1873 or Solicitor must be told. 03 .. 24 1873.; 3 42 ?t ; , 35.?' Public Buildings Committee to procure place for keeping the standard weights and measurers. 03 24 ; 1873', 3 43 1 ' ; ? i? ?? :? 36.;; Bill from Giles and Murchison for Standard Keeper scales approved. 05 06 1873;? ?? 3 66 '? i= 37.'; Renewed bond of Daniel 0'Conner and approved as Standard Keeper. 11 . 05 1873?" 3 141 ;? ? s ; 38.`? Standard Keeper allowed $50 for rent of his office from April l, 1874 to April l, 1875. 04 4• 06 i^ 1874;? 3 210 39.;, Petition of H.C. Leonard for position of Standard Keeper laid over. 09 14 j 1874;? , 3 258 40..? Petition of Neill Gerken for position of Standard Keeper laid over. 09 15 1874;R 3 259 41..? , Daniel 0'Conner elected Standard Keeper. „ 09 16 i 1874;i 3 261 ? , 42.?' Bond of Daniel 0'Conner, Standard Keeper, offered and taken. 09 23 1874`? 3 263 ? 43.E, ?` Grand Jury room in Courthouse to be used by Standard Keeper for safekeeping of County property. ,. 09 24 1874?? r; 3 264 ; 44.? Letter from State Treasurer referring to weights and measurers furnished County. ,, 10 06 1874,? C 3 265 ? , v 45.? ? Clerk to inquire of State Treasurer by what authority articles furnished; no record appears in minutes. ?. 10 06 1874;? 3 265 ? 1 ' ? ,, y ? ? ?; ?? ? t H C N INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - N STANDARD C KEEPER anover oun ?, ew . . _ MATTER: a eeo. u. s. County Inaezee Since 1888 fl ,?-' To loeats names, open at r?r OFF?CE ?,rIl7G?.s-7? An Idenrifying Trade Mark U?.? SURNAM6 INITIAL TAB COTi A-Z TAB INDEX MADE BY THE CQTT INDEX COMPANY, (OLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA ? DAtE ;? a ?: MINUTE BOOK ?? NATURE OF PROtEEDINGS Month I Day I , Year Vol. I Page ?? ? , 1. Petition from Standard Keeper for purchase of weights and measurers laid over. 11 02 ? 1874 ?a 3 ;? 271 tla 2. Application of Standard Keeper for purchase of weights and measurers referred to Chairman pro tem. 11 04 1874 ; 3 277 `'' ?, 3. , Bill of Daniel 0'Conner approved. , 12 07 1874 ?; ?M 3 281 ' 4. Money allowed D. 0'Conner to rent a place to keep weights and measurers. , O1 05 1875 :? 3 290 5. Bill from D. 0'Conner for incidental expenses approved. , O1 05 1875 3 292 ?+ 6. Bills from Daniel 0'Conner for incidental expenses approved. , 03 05 1875 p; 3 309 ;{ 7.? Bill from D. 0'Conner for incidental expenses agproved. , 04 06 1875 ?? 3 316 •z 8.? Bill from D. 0'Conner for office rent approved. 07 08 1875 3 352 ; ? 9.?? Bond of Daniel 0'Conner for Standard Keeper put on record. D9 Db 1875 „ 3 372 10.'$ H. Bishop and D.C. Davis applied for position of Standard Keeper. 12 16 1876 ,. 3 510 ,11.!; D.C. Davis elected Standard Keeper on second ballot. 12 16 1876 ?, 3 510 ,12.s; Bond of C.D. Davis as Standard Keeper presented. 12 23 1876 ,' 3 512 i, ,13.+? Chairman to rent suitable place for safekeeping of weights, stamps and brands of County. „ 12 23 1876 , 3 512 . rs .h 14.?i Standard Keeper allowed to store his weights and measurers in office of Register of Deeds. , 09 22 1877 3 614 . ;15.„ Committee on Public Buildings to prepare a place in rear of Sheriff's office to keep weights and measurers*. 10 03 1877 :, 3 626 ., ?k 16.' Nick Morris elected Standard Keeper for a term to expire January, 1880. Ol 06 1879 4 11 ,17.?? Nicholas Morris gave his bond as Standard Keeper and it was approved. Ol 15 1879 4 15 ; k' ,l$.i Board elected J.C. Millis Standard Keeper for ensuing two years. , Ol 03 1881 F 4 262 : ?a 19. Bond of Standard Keeper J.C. Millis accepted and he qualified. O1 12 1881 4 269 20.? ? John W. Perdew elected Standard Keeper for ensuing two years and his bond approved. O1 02 1883 , 4 444 :; ,21.;; <? If legal,Standard Keeper will be allowed to keep weights and measurers in his store if he insure s them. 04 02 1883 , 4 462 „ ?, 22.r, ? J.W. Perdew elected Standard Keeper. ,_ 12 22 1884 ,, 4 599 , i 23.'j e Bond of John W. Perdew as Standard Keeper-elect approved. . O1 05 1835 4 601 , ? 24.?` J.W. Perdew elected Standard Keeper for ensuing two years. ,. 12 13 1886 „, 4 767 ,, R? ,25.;g Bond of John Perdew as Standard Keeper approved. ?. Ol 03 1887 _, 4 776 ,; ; 26.? John W. Perdew elected Standard Keeper and his bond was approved. Ol 07 1889 5 131 ? t, 27.,? John W. Perdew elected Standard Keeper for two years. 12 15 1890 5 , F? ., ., :? 28.`.d ? Bond of Standard Keeper, John W. Perdew, approved. 12 29 1890 5 29.? Bond of Standard Keeper-elect, J.W. Perdew, approved. Ol 02 1893 5 30. John W. Perdew elected Standard Keeper. 12 17 1894 ` 5 '? 31.6 Bond approved for Standard Keeper J.W. Perdew. Ol 07 1895 5 32.,i ,, Bond of J.W. Perdew approved as Standard Keeper. 03 02 1896 . 5 , 33.?? , W.J. Harris elected Standard Keeper. . 12 08 1896 „ 5 34.?? Action on bond of Standard Keeper deferred to next meeting. , O1 04 1897 _ 5 :, sN 35.`? Bond of Standard Keeper, W.J. Harris, approved. , . O1 05 1897 5 36.?? , f Office of Standard Keeper declared vacant. 09 06 1897. ,. 6 ;? 37.`? , ?? Men nominated for Standard Keeper and J.W. Perdew elected to fill unexpired term of C.W. Harriss, dismissed .. 09 07 1897 „ 6 38.;? f Matter of Standard Keeper forfeiting his office since violated promises was deferred. 10 04 1897, 6 k 39. Matter of Standard Keeper not keeping promises deferred due to illness of County Attorney. 10 09 1897 6 40.i? , Matter of Standard Keeper left to Commissioners Boatwright and Barrp., 08 O1 1898. 6 si a, 41.`' ? Chairman of Committee on Weights and Measurers reported Standard Keeper using same contrary to law. 08 15 1898; 6 42.k Attorney to write Standard Keeper and demand return of County property in his possession. 08 15 1898?,: 6 43.? ? Matter of electing a Standard Keeper deferred. 09 05 1898 ? 6 44.?? Men nominated for Standard Keeper and Thomas H. Platt elected. 10 03 1898 6 45. Bond of Standard Keep?r, Thomas H. P1att, approved. 10 07 1898: 6 46.? Charles H, Platt and G.T. Bland applied for ?A?iti?tin of Standard Keeper and G.T. Bland elected. , ': . ? ? 12 06 1898,a ? ?? ,; ; i [ ? ? 6 289 290 464 ; 605 607 707 750 . 753 ,? 756 42 43 45 47 171 ?; 177 177 178 183 185 203 ``: fi MATTER N C INDEX TO COMMI55IONERS NIINUTES - New Hanover Count? STANDARD KEEPER , . . , • ` aec. u. s. Covnry indexea Since 1888 To locate names, open at COTT A•Z TAB INDEX r?r OfF?GE ?.eeJl?? An ldentifying Trade Mar? ? SURNAME INITIAL TAB MADE BY TNE COTT INDEX COMPANY, (OLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD BY OWEN 6. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTN CAROLINA DATE MINUTE BOOK NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS Month I Day I Year Vol. I Page 1. Bond of G.T. Bland, Standard Keeper-elect approved. 12 10 1898 6 204 2. George T. Blank was elected Standard Keeper. 12 03 1900 6 491 3. Bond of Standard Keeper, George Simmons, was referred to Attorney. O1 07 1901 6 514 4. Bond of G.C, Simmons as Standard Keeper approved. 02 04 1901 6 517 5. Bond received and approved from Standard Keeper Simmons. 12 02 1901 6 616 6. George Simmons elected Standard Keeper. 12 02 1902 6 686 7. Bond of Mr. Simmons returned for completion and will be accepted when completed. Ol 05 1903 6 693 8. Bond of G.C. Simmons approved as Standard Keeper. 02 02 1903 6 700 9. Bonr? approved for G.C. Simmons as Standard Keeper. Ol 04 1904 6 774 10. ?. C. Simmons_elected Standard_Keeper , __, . . 12 05 1904 7 11 11. Bond of G. C. Simmons approved as Standard Keeper. O1 03 1905 7 16 12. Bond of G. C. Simmons as Standard Keeper approved. O1 02 1906 7 46 13. Election of Standard Keeper deferred. 12 03 1906 7 68 14. G. C. Simmons elected Standard Keeper. 12 07 1908 7 160 15. Bond of G. C. Simmons as Standard Keeper needed correcting before approval. O1 04 1909 7 164 16. Bond of G.C. Simmons accepted Standard Keeper. 03 Ol 1909 7 171 17. G.C. Simmons appointed Standard Keeper for County. 12 05 1910 7 204 18. Borid of G. C. Simmons approved as Standard Keeper. 07 03 1911 7 225 19. H. K. Holden elected Standard Keeper for 2 years. 12 02 1912 7 265 20. Bond of H. K.Holden approved as Standard Keeper. 12 05 1912 7 266 21. Chairman to buy weights and measures for standard keeper. 12 09 1912 7 267 22. H. K. Holden elected Standard keeper. 12 07 1914 7 407 23. Bond of H. K. Holden approved as Standard Keeper. Ol 09 1915 7 423 24. N. R. Aiken elected Standard Keeper. 11 Ol 1915 7 501 25. N. R. Aiken elected Standard Keeper. 12 07 1915 7 518 26. R. Aiken resigned as Standard Keeper. 02 07 1916 7 535 27. Numerous applications received for position of Standard Keeper and G. C. Simmons elected. 02 14 1916 7 537 28. Qualifications of Standard Keeper filed with Superior Court Clerk. 03 06 1916 7 540 29. Report from Standard Keeper Simmons filed and also offered condemned some liquid measurers. 05 Ol 1916 7 549 30. Suggestion that Standard Keeper be sent to meeting in Washington, D.C. referred to Chairman. 05 O1 1916 7 549 31. Bond of G. C. Simmons as Standard Keeper approved. 05 Ol 1916 7 550 32. Report from Standard Keeper filed. 07 03 1916 7 569 33. Horse of Standard Keeper to be fed at expense of County for County services. 07 03 1916 7 569 34. Report from Standard Keeper filed. 08 07 1916 7 573 35. Bill from B. Y. Mitchell Co. for feed for Standard Keepers team was ordered paid. 10 02 1916 7 589 36. Report from Standard Keeper filed. 11 06 1916 7 593 37. G. C. Simmons elected Standard Keeper. 12 04 1916 7 597 38. Bond of G. C. Simmons as Standard Keeper approved. 03 05 1917 7 615 39. Bill from Huband Printing Co. for a book for Standard Keeper not approved. 07 02 1917 7 625 40. Report from the Standard Keeper filed. 07 02 1917 7 626 41. Report from the Standard Keeper filed. 08 02 1917 7 632 42. Sam? as August 6. 11 05 1917 7 645 43. G. S. Simmons elected Standard?Keeper. 12 03 1917 7 651 44. G. C. Simmons was electeci Standard Keeper. 12 2 1919 8? 26 45. Money allowed G. C. Simmons to attend conference at Bureau of Standards in Washington. 5 20 1919 8 54 46. Standard Keeper reported on trip to convention in Washington, D. C. 6 1 1919 8 60 INDE? TO COM t N N H C MISSIONERS MINUTES T C E anover oun ?, . ew - . , MA T R Standard Keeper - acc. u. s. ??i.??? County Indexea Since 1888 To locafe names, open at r?r oFFICE ??K.d?i. An Identifying Trade Mark ? SURNAME INITIAL TAB COTT A-Z TAB INDEX MADE BY TNE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLO BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH UIROLINA NATURE OP PROCEEDINGS DATE MINUTE BOOK ? Month ? Day I Year Vol. I Page 1.,; G. C. Simmons elected Standard Keeper. 12 1 1919 8 89 ` 'i 2. G. C. Simmons elected Standard Keeper. 12 6 1920 8 133 3.; Bond of G. C. Simmons as Standard Keeper approved. 3 7 1921 8 149 ,4.. Bond of G. C. Simmons as Standard Keeper approved. 12 4 1922 8 219 5. Bond of G. C. Simmons as St.andard Keeper approved. 3 12 1923 8 232 6.. G. C. Simmons elected Standard Keeper for fees only. 12 1 1924 8 316 7., G. C. Simmons elected Standard Keeper for fees only. 12 7 1925 8 361 8., Standard Keeper G. C. Simmons resigned; J. S. Simmons (son) appointed, bond fixed. 9 6 1927 8 461 N. C. INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover County SUBDIVISIONS MU , , JECT ` ee?, u. s, q County Indezee Since 1888 ? TO IOWN AORI?f? O?A fl} Trade Mazk ?n ldentif in r?E' (? ?? COTT MZ MADE BY THE COTT INDEX TA? INpEx COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO y g PAT OFFICH ., .:(.o .s . SURNAME INITIAL TA? SOLD tY OMEN 0. CUNN, N EN ?ERII. NORTN GROL INA DATE MINUTE BOOK ?'; NATURE OF PROCEEDWGS Month Dny Year Vol. Page 1. Ordinance 06 Z3 1965 13 493 2. Ordinance 07 06 1965 13 499 3. Ordinance - Hearing OS 16 1965 13 512 4. Ordinance 09 07 1965 13 516 5. Ordinance 09 20 1965 13 522 6. Ordinance 10 18 1965 13 534 7. Piney Woods 10 16 1967 14 102 8. Queen's Point 11 06 1967 14 108 9. King?s Grant 11 06 1967 14 108 10. Crestwood 11 20 1967 14 115 11. King's Grant, Section 2 O1 15 1968 14 134 12. Tanglewood, Section 5 04 O1 1968 14 167 13. Tanglewood, Section 2 04 O1 1968 14 171 14. Farmington, Section 1 04 O1 1968 14 167 15. Farmington, Section 1 04 O1 1968 14 171 16. Farmington, Section 1 04 O1 1968 14 172 17. Windemere, Section 2 05 06 1968 14 183 18. Cliff Side 05 06 1968 14 183 19. Proposed development of E. C. Baldwin 06 17 1968 14 198 20. LeRay, Lois, Request to discuss registering of deeds of 06 03 1968 14 194 21. Maple Woods, Section 2 07 Ol 1968 14 211 22. King's Grant, Sections 4 and 5 07 15 1968 14 222 23. Green Meadows, Section 4 08 19 1968 14 237 24. Ordinances 09 16 1968 14 248 25. Ordinances 12 02 1968 14 275 26. Approval Map, Lansdowne Estates, 5ection C O1 ZO 1969 14 291 2l. Ordinance 0"l 03 1969 14 297 28. Ordinance OZ 17 196y 14 299 29. Parks in Q4 U8 1969 14 311 30. Silva Terra 04 U8 1969 14 311 31. Renaming Streets in 06 16 1969 14 34? 32. Pirates' Cove 11 17 1969 14 411 S3. Brandywine, Section 1 11 17 1y69 14 411 34. Farmington, Section I1 12 15 1969 14 423 35. Crestwood 10 06 1969 14 393 36. Windemere, Section 3 03 16 1970 14 451 37. Shell Bank, Section 1 03 16 1970 14 451 38. Bradley Park 03 02 1970 14 446 39. Marquis Hills, Section 1 03 16 1970 14 451 40. Long Leaf Acres, Section 8 04 06 1970 14 456 41. Queen's Point, Section 2-A 05 04 1970 14 473 42. Marquis Hills, Section 3 05 18 1970 14 476 43. Windemere, Section 4 06 O1 1970 14 481 44. Marquis Hills, Section 4 06 Ol 1970 14 482 45. Monterey Heights, Section 1 06 Ol 1970 14 482 46. Kings Grant, Section 2 07 20 1970 14 499 \4 .... .. .. ?w N H ? N M NERS MINUTES C C SS Y ? anover ounf y, . - ew INDEX TO CO MI IO . _ MATT Rr SCHOOLS a .ec. u. s. ?,,,A Couney Indezea Since 1888 ?? ??.?--- To loeate names, open at COTT A-2 TAB INDEX r?T OFFICE ?P/I/K,A-? An ldenkifyins Trade Mark ??? SURNAME lN1TIAL 7AB MADE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD BY OMfEN G. DQNN, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA DATE MINUTE BOOK NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS Month I Day I Year VoI. I Page 1. Bid from Citizens Bank and Trust Co. of Wilmington one received for sale of school bonds and accepted. 06 14 1920 8 114 2. Board of Education asked Board to borrow money to build County High School, but Board has no legal 06 14 1920 8 114 authority to do so. 3. Board of Education asked Board to sell remaining school bonds and Clerk advertised for sale of same. 06 14 1920 8 115 4. Commissioners and Board of Education to pay each half of cost for wells at Scotts Hill and Masonboro Sch oo1s07 15 1920 8 116 S. No bids received for sale of school bonds so recessed to July 16, 1920. 07 I5 1920 8 117 6. Bid received from Powell, Garrard, and Co. for school bonds and accepted by Board. 07 16 1920 8 117 7. Auditor to invest money in sinkings funds in school bonds. 07 16 1920 8 117 8. Money awarded Lawrence Rhoc?es to attend State Co?Iege Df _Agricvlture and Engineering. 09 04 1920 8 122 9. School Budget for 1921 presented and a request for a special tax to extend school term. 09 07 1920 8 124 10. Attorney to investigate legality to levying a tax to extend school term beyond 6 months. 09 07 1920 8 124 11. Board wanted to know amount of money that should be received from State based on rising teacher's certi- 09 09 1920 8 124 ficates. 12. Motion by Mr. McGirt to pass School Budget did not receive a second. 09 09 1920 8 125 13. Board passed School Budget for 1921 with a few changes. 09 10 1920 8 125 14. Commissioners and Board of Education to share expense of sinking well at Middle Sound School. 09 20 1920 8 126 I5. Rate of pay for teachers and przncipals in NC State System. 09 20 1920 8 126 16. School Budget revised to conform with teacher's pay rates. 09 20 1920 8 126 17. Copy of School Budget for 1920-21 and resolution from Board ofEducation asking Commissioners to support 10 04 1920 8 128 schools. 18. Board informed Board of Education there was no need for either Board to borrow money. 10 04 1920 8 129 19. Board of Education requested Commissioners to borrow money to cover school expenses; matter referred to OI 03 1921 8 139 Auditor. 20. Board to borrow money for expenses for maintaining schools. Ol 10 1921 8 141 21. School Budget for 1921-22 submitted to Board, but action deferred. 05 02 1921 S 154 22. Board requested Board of Education reduce school budget by 20% due to present financial depression. 05 24 1921 8 155 23. Board of Education informed Board it could not reduc? its budget by 20% and asked Board to indicate 06 06 1921 8 158 specific denials in Budget. 24. Commissioners ruled that all areas of school budget should be reduced. 06 06 1921 8 159 25. Commissioners would not pass action on budget until final listing of taxes is completed. 06 06 1921 8 159 26. Board of Commissioners and Education discussed school budget further, but no agreement reached. 06 20 1921 8 159 27. Letter from Board of Education listing deductions they have taken from school budget. 07 05 1921 8 163 28. No agreement reached on 1921-22 school budget. 07 05 1921 8 163 29. Copy of resolution from Board of Education asking County to execute a loan for school purposes. 07 14 1921 8 165 30. Commissioners approved school budget for 6 months and plans to borrow money as rec{uested. 07 14 1921 8 165 31. Commissioners stated tha?C any contract made with teachers would not become an obligation for County. 07 14 1921 8 165 32. Letter to Board of Education from Commissioners relative to why the school budget had to be reduced 07 18 1921 8 166 p. 166-67 33. Board agreed to sign note with Board of Education to borrow money to equip new high school. 07 25 1921 8 167 34. Request from Board of Education for extra money for schools for 1921-22 declined. 08 O1 1921 8 170 35. Board of Education won suit against County and tax levy to be increased. 08 22 1921 8 172 36. Board of Education to renew its note for $70,000 since State has not advanced needed loan. 02 06 1922 8 188 37. Money from sale of inetal in captured whiskey stills to be credited to School Fund. 04 10 1922 8 195 38. School budget presented for 1922-23, but action deferred. 05 O1 1922 8 198 39. Matter of sending incorrigible youth, Thomas Hart, to training school referred to Chairman. OS 10 1922 8 198 31. After discussion with Chamber of Commerce, the 1922-23 school budget was adopted. 05 17 1922 8 199 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MII?UTES - New Hanover County N. C. SUBDIVISIONS MU , , JECT ` aao. u. s. ?/{ ?? County Indezea Since 1888 Trade Mark veT OFFIC //J? An Identif in ( C ? To locob nam?s, op?p af COTT A-I ?DE BY THE COTT INDEX TAi INpEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO y g E . c/? SURNAME INITIAL TAB SOLD tY ONEN ?. YUNN, N Ew tERN , NORTN GR OLINA ?± DATE MINUTE BOOK k? NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS ?? Month Day Year Voi. Page ?? ?r ?: 1.:; Hillside Section 1 07 20 1970 14 499 2.; Silva Terra, Section 2-A 08 03 1970 14 519 3.t Pine Valley 10 05 1970 14 535 4.'`:.? Adoption of Regulations 10 19 1970 14 539 5.4' Discussion of Proposed Amendment to County Ordinance 10 19 1970 14 538 6.r; Marquis Hills, Section 5, 6, and 7 10 05 1970 14 536 7.° Parkwood Estates 11 02 1970 14 541 8.` Queen's Point, Section 2-B 12 07 1970 14 553 9.` Parkwood Estates, Section I 12 21 1970 14 557 10. Lansdown, Section D O1 L8 1971 14 567 11. Silva Terra, Section 2-B 03 )1 1971 14 586 12. Millbrook, Section 1 03 15 1971 14 590 13.? Brookfield, Section 3-B 04 05 1971 14 604 14. King's Grant, Section 8 04 05 1971 14 604 15.,' Lehigh Estates 04 05 1971 14 604 16. Parkwood, Section 3 04 05 1971 14 604 17.' Walnut Hill, Section 1 05 03 1971 14 624 18. Shamrock 06 07 1971 14 650 19.' Marquis Hills, Section 8 06 07 1971 14 650 20. Windemere, Section 5 08 16 1971 14 694 Z1. Windemere 09 07 1971 15 5 22. Sherin Hills 10 18 1971 15 27 23.. Parkwood Estates 10 18 1971 15 27 24. Silver Sands, Section 1 12 06 1971 15 43 25. Queens Point - Section 2-C Ol 17 1972 15 ?5 26; Arrowhead - Section 1 02 07 1972 15 74 27. Castle Estates, Section 1 02 07 1972 15 74 28. Millbrook, Section 2 02 21 1972 15 79 29. Highland Dunes, Section 2 03 20 1972 15 96 30? Pelican Point Estates, Section 2 04 17 1972 15 111 31. Silver Sands - Section 1-A 07 07 1972 15 184 32; Arrowhead - Section 2 07 07 1972 15 184 33, Brookfield 3-D 07 07 1972 15 184 34. Millbrook, Section 3 07 07 1972 15 184 35: Silva Terra - Section III 08 03 1972 15 192 36; Egret Point 08 03 1972 15 192 37. Policy on Development by Metes and Bounds 08 21 1972 15 204 38? Final Approval - Figure 8 Island 10 16 1972 15 232 39? Queens Point - Sections 3? 4 11 06 1972 15 246 4?; Qtieens Point 11 06 1972 15 245 41, Figure 8 Island - Sections 11, 12 $ 13 11 06 1972 15 245 42. Figure 8 Island 11 06 1972 15 245 43? Complaints of local surveyors Ol 02 1973 15 300 44'. Section 4, Bayshore Estates O1 15 1973 15 312 45'; Bayshore Estates, Section 4 O1 18 1973 15 315 46:? Figure 8 Island, Release of Bond 02 05 1973 15 322 ?? INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES -- New Hanover County, N. C. _ MUBJECT SUBDIVISIONS ? aec. u, s. A County Indezea Since 1888 ? Te IoCat? Oom!!? Op?D Yt COTT A-Z TA{ INOEX PAT OFFICE C?E??C..o?..?' tAn ldentifyins Trade Mark SURNAME INITIAL TAB MADE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS. OHIO fOLD tT OMEN ?. pUNN, NEw ?ERN, NORTN GROLINA NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS DATE MINUTE BOOK Month Dny Year Vol. Page 1. Discussion of regulations 2. Discussion of ordinances 1? surveyors 3. Queens Point, Sections 3 and 4 4. Shearin Hills, Section 2 5. Pirate's Cove, Drainage problem 6. Millbrook, Section 4 7. River Oaks, Section 1 8. Marauis Hills, Section 8(Extension of time) 9. Brzekstone, Sec. ? 10. Sandy Ridge, Sec. 1 11. Glen Arbor, Sec. 1 12.. Newcastle Estates, Sec. 1(discussion) 13. Newcastle Estates, Sec. 1(approval) 14. Figure 8 Island (release of bond) 15. Tanglewood (drainage complaint) 16. North Hills, Sec. 1 17. Roads in subdivisions developed by metes and bounds 18. Tanglewood (Drainage complaint) 19. Windemere Petition 20. Replatting portion Figure 8 Island 21. J. D. Dixon, Sr., subdivision request tn record plat 22. Whitman Development (drainage complaint) 23. Holly Ridge 24. McLain Heights, Section l, Plat 25. Lehigh estates, Section 2, plat 26. El Ogden Plat 27. Arrowhead, Section 3, plat 28. County Mgr's development of revised subd. regulations, approval of 29. Shearin Hills, Section 3 F? 4 30. Highland Dunes, Section 3 31. Shearin Hills, Section 3 and 4 32. Release of cash bond -Marquis Hills, Section 8 33. Request of surveyors for Unified Subdivision Ordinance 34. Glynnwood II subd. sec. 2 35. Monterey Hgts., Sec. 2 36. S. Branch Estates, Sec. 1 37. Deferral of Brookfield subd. 38. Discussion of Shrine Park 39. Silva Terra Subd., Sec. II-C 40. Petition, Resolution ?, Notice in Matter of d osing certain portion of unnamed road between King's Grant and Crestwood 41. Concurrence in construction of Tangle Oaks Waterwater Treatment Facility. 42. Approval of final Plat-Bradley Hills 43. Approval of final plat - Glynnwood II, Sec.3 44. Approval of final plat - Queen's point, Sec. 5 45. Silver Sands 02 19 02 19 03 19 03 19 03 19 04 02 04 02 04 16 05 07 05 07 (05 07 05 07 05 07 05 07 06 04 06 04 06 04 06 18 06 18 07 16 07 16 08 06 09 04 09 17 09 17 09 17 10 O1 11 05 12 10 12 10 12 13 12 17 Ol 07 03 04 03 04 03 04 03 04 03 04 03 18 05 06 1973 1973 19 73 1973 1973 1973 1973 1973 1973 1973 1973 1973 1973 1973 19 73 1973 1973 1973 1973 1973 1973 1973 1973 1973 1973 1973 1973 1973 1973 1973 1973 1973 1974 1974 19 74 19 74 19 74 1974 1974 19 74 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 1$ 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 332 333 354 354 354 364 365 375 380 380 380 380 582-3 383 425 425 429 434 439 448 456-7 464 481 498 498 498 506 517 538 538 539 544 549 593 593 593 593 596 599 630 05 20 1974 15 637 06 03 1974 15 651 06 03 1974 15 65I 06 03 1974 15 652 08 05 1974 15 681 N. C. INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES -- New Hanover Count? SUBDIVISIONS SO C , _ JE T ` nec. u, s. Counry Indezea Since 18&8 ? io lOCat? eom?s? op?p af ?? An Identifying Trade Mark rer OFFI C ? COTT A-z TM INpEX ?DE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO CE . i SURNAME INITIAL TAY SOLD ?Y ONEN ?. pYMN, N Ew ?ERN , NORTN CAR OLINA DATE MINUTE BOOK NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS Month Day Year Vol. Page l.; Greenview Ranches Subdivision-request for street maintenance 08 19 1974 15 700 2.? Presentation of plats - Bradley Creek East, Sec. 1; Porters Neck Plantation, Sec. H 09 03 1974 15 709 3.' Final plat approval - Bradley Creek East, Sec. 1 09 16 1974 15 717 K, 4.`, Final Plat approval - Porters Neck Plantation, Sec. H. 09 16 1974 15 717 5. Final Plat approval - Lansdowne Estates, Sec. E 09 16 1974 15 717 6.,?' Final Plat approval - Porters Neck Plantation, Sec. 6 10 07 1974 16 16 7. Release of Performance Bond - North Hills Subd. 10 07 1974 16 16 8. Extension of letter of credit - Treasure Cove Subd. 10 07 1974 16 16 9. Final plat approval - Castle Estates, Sec. 2 II 18 I974 I6 SI 10. Final plat approval - Parkwood Estates, Sec. 6 12 02 1974 16 59 11. Report on Committee to revise subdivision regulations 12 16 1974 16 66 12. Discussion of letter of credit for Bayshore Estates, Sec. 7, 8 F? 9 12 16 1974 16 68 13. Final Plats Approval - Bayshore Estates, Sec. 7, 8 F? 9 12 16 1974 16 69 14. Final plat approval - Silva Terra, Sec. 4A 12 16 1974 16 69 1'S. Final Plat approval - Brierwood 12 16 1974 16 69 16. Final plat approval-Kimberly Estates, Sec. 1 12 16 1974 lb 69 17. Reduction in letter of credit for Bayshore Estates, Sec. 7,8, and 9 Ol 06 1975 16 79 18. Hanover Park Sec. 1, Approval of final plat 02 03 1975 16 105 19. Kimberly Estates, Sec. 1, Approval of ?inal pla? 02 03 1975 16 106 20. E1 Ogden - Road Petition 02 03 1975 16 107 21. Final Plats Deferred - Sea Pines, Sec. 1 F? 2; Millbrook, Sec. 6; Windemere, Sec. 8-A 02 17 1975 16 118 22. Sea Pines, Sec. 1? 2 approval of final plat 03 17 1975 16 139 23.' North Hills Sec. ZA Approval of final plat 03 17 1975 16 140 34. Millbrook, Sec. 6 approval of final plat 03 17 1975 16 140 35. Brickstone estates, Sec. l, Tabled 03 17 1975 16 140 36. Sunnyvale Road Petition for Palm St. and Chula Vista Dr. 03 17 1975 16 140 37,', Public Hearing closing of Stub St. in Silva Terra, Sec. III Denied 04 07 1975 16 153-4 38. Brickstone Estates, Sec. 1, approval of final plat 04 07 .975 16 163 39.? Glen Arbor, Sec. 2, approval of final plat 04 07 1975 16 163 40. Blue Cove Sec. l, Approval of final plat 04 07 1975 16 163 41. Tabling of final plat - Windemere 8-A 04 07 1975 16 164 42. Discussion of streets in Foxcroft 05 05 1975 16 187 43, Discussion of drainage in Foxcroft 05 05 1975 16 190 44, Road Petition Sec. 4 and 6 of Windemere 05 05 1975 16 191 45. Road Petition, White Oak Dr. and Birch Court in Oak Forest 05 05 !975 16 191 46.. Road petition, Kenningston St. and Kenneth Court in Churchill Estates and Kings Grant 05 19 1975 16 202 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES -? New Hanover County, N. C. , MU JE T SUBDIVISIONS _ xEC, u. s. ?J'_ County Indezea Since 1888 ? TO IOWb OO?Mt? O?ND af COTT A-2 TA? INpEX PAT OFFIC6 C.?,?:?,o? An ldentifYins Trade Marlc SURNAME INITIAL TA? MADE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY. COLUMBUS. OHIO SOLD ?l OWEN ?. OUNN, NEN ?ERN, NORiB GROLINA NATURE OP PROCEEDINGS 1, Walnut Hilis Sec. 1-A :? ? final plat approval 2, Castle Estates, Sec. 1 and 2 road petition 3, Glen Arbor, Sec. 3, Final Plat approval 4, Final Plat Country Place Sec. 1 5. Final Plat Marathon Farms 6. Tabling final plat Prince George Estates 7. Approval final plat Prince George Estates 8. Final Plat Crestwood, Sec. 8 9. Approval application 701 Planning ? Management Assist. funds 10. Final plat approval - Pine Valley Estates 11. Tabling of final plat approval for subd.s 12. Approval subdivision plats for Kings Grant, Churchill Estates, Spring View, Pinecliff and Creekstone 13. Denial release $17,000 irrevocable letter of credit on Silva Terra, Sec. 3 14. Tabling final Plan - Turtle Hall 15. Discussion re: subd. regulations 16. Tabling final Plat - Turtle Hall 17. Release letter of credit - Briarwood 18. Final Plat approval - Turtle Hall 19. Final plat approval - Waterford Subd. 20. PReliminary Plat - Great Oak Estates 21. Discuss Public Park in Monterey Hts. 22. Approval road funds for Ocean Hts. Subd. 23. Release letter of credit - Silva Terra 24. Final Plat approval for Arrowhead, Kings Grant, Greenbriar and White Oak Plantation 25. Final Plat Arrowhead, Sec. 5 26. Final Plat Monterey Heights, Sec. 3 27. Final Plat Queens Point, Sec. 5A 28. Final Plat Arjean by the Sound 29. Final Plat Millbrook, Sec. 5A ? 7A 30. Letter of Credit - Bayshore 31. Release letter of credit Bayshore 32. Final Plat Crestwood, Sec. 8A ?, 9 33. Final Plat Walnut Hills, Sec. 2A 34. Appeal from Subd. Review Committee on Bayshore, Sec. 10 35. Final Plat Arrowhead, Sec. 6 36. Final Plat- Castle Estates, Sec. 3 37. Final Flat - Waterford 38. Final Plat - Lansdowne 39. Final Plat Airport Industrial Park 40. Final Plat Cavalier Woods 41. Final Plat Lansdowne 42. Final Plat Hidden Valley, Sec. I 43. Final Plat Grainger Point, Sec. 1 44. Final Plat Arrowhead, Sec. 7 F, 8 45. Final Plat Edgewater 46. Letter concerning violatior?s of Subd. Ordinance DATE MINUTE BOOK " Month Day Year Vol. Page 05 19 ? 1975 I 06 16 1975 06 lE I1975 ? 08 04 1975 08 18 ; 97 5 09 ?2 1975 09 08 1975 02 16 1976 03 Ol 1976 03 15 1976 04 20 1976 06 07 1976 06 07 1976 07 19 1976 08 02 1976 08 02 1976 OS 02 1976 08 16 1976 09 07 1976 09 20 1976 09 20 1976 10 18 1976 11 15 1976 12 06 1976 O1 i?4 1977 02 ?1 1977 03 28 1977 04 i?4 1977 05 ??2 1977 04 18 1977 05 ?2 1977 05 ?2 1977 05 ?2 1977 05 16 1977 05 16 1977 05 16 1977 06 ?6 1977 06 ?6 1977 07 ?5 1977 07 ?5 1977 07 ?5 1977 11 ?7 1977 12 )5 1977 12 J5 1977 07 05 1977 07 05 1977 16 202 16 221 16 225 I 16 .250 ? 16 255 16 263 16 266 17 62 ? 17 75 17 80 17 106 17 135 17 135 17 164 17 169 17 170 17 172 17 177- 17 188 17 195 17 195 17 221 17 231 17 Z38 17 255 17 285 18 4 18 18 18 27 18 19 18 27 18 27 18 27 18 :4-5 18 35 18 35 18 48 18 ? 8-9 18 67 18 67 18 67 18 128 18 142 18 142 18 67-8 18 72 ?. SUBDIVISIONS INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover County, N. C. _ MU JECT _ xeo. u. s. County lndesea Since 1888 To IotaN eairNt? op?s at COTT Mi TAt INOEX MADE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OH10 r?T OFFICE (???:?p?' An Identifying'I'rade Mark SURNAME INITIAL TAQ SOLD il OWEN i. DYNN, ME/ ?ERN? NORTN UROLINA DATE MINUTE BOOK ',; f; NAfURE OF PROCEEDINGS Month Day Year Vol. Page 1.' Final Plat Long Leaf Acres 07 18 1977 18 78 2. Final Plat Weaver Acres 07 18 1977 18 78 3. Discussion on Subdivision Ord. 07 18 1977 18 79 4.- Discussion on appeal from actions of Subd. Review committee 08 15 1977 18 90 ? 5., Final Plat Monterey Heights, Sec. 4 09 06 1977 18 91 6.;. Final Plat Eastwind Subd., Sec. 1 09 06 1977 18 91-2 7. PUblic Hearing consider amendments to the County Subdivision Regulations 09 06 1977 18 94-5 8. Discussion on amend. to Subd. Ord.-readvertised 09 19 1977 18 101 9. Tah1e fina3 F1at, Sec. IO Bayshore Esta?es 10 03 1977 18 107-8 10. Final Plat Tabled, Sec. 18A - Figure $ Island 10 03 1977 18 108 11. Discussion on amendments to Subd. Ord. 10 03 1977 18 110 12. Additional discussion - Figure 8 Island 10 03 7977 18 110 13. Final Plat Figure 8 Island, Sec. 18A 10 17 1977 18 115 14., Final Plat - Bayshore Estates, Sec. 10 10 17 1977 18 115-6 15. Final Plat - Equestrain Estates, Sec. 1 03 06 1978 18 179 16. Final Plat - Waterford, Sec. 3 03 06 1978 18 l79 17. Final Plat - Monterey Heights, Sec. 5 03 06 1978 18 179 18.' Final Plat - Greenbriar, Sec. 1-B 03 06 1978 18 l79 19. Final Plat - Arrowhead, Sec. A 03 06_ 1978 18 179 20. Final Plat - Valley Hills, Sec. lA 04 03 1978 18 189 21. Final Plat - ApProval Shinn Point, Sec. 1 Q4 17 1978 18 196 22, Final Plat - Approval-Bradley Creek East 04 17 1978 18 196 23: Final Plat Approval-Crestwood Subdivision 05 O1 1978 18 201 24. Table Final P1at-Stoneybrook, Sec. 1 05 15 1978 18 206 05 15 1978 18 213 25, Discussion Subdivision Review Session 26, Final Plat-Grainger Point Section 2 06 05 1978 18 217 27. Withdrawal final plant-Stoneybrook, Sec. 1 06 05 1978 18 218 Ob OS 1978 18 218 28.° Discuss Subdivison regulations 07 03 1978 18 245 29. Extension letter of credit-Shinn Point 07 17 1978 18 247 30. Final Plat-Edgewater, Sec. 2 07 17 1978 18 247 31. Final Plat-Between the Creeks 32, Finalc Plat-Figure 8 Island, Sec. 18 07 17 1978 18 248 33. Public hearing-consider amendment to ord. 08 07 1978 18 255 6 08 21 1978 18 265 34. Final Plat-Montery Heights, Sec. 2 08 21 1978 1.8 265 35. Final Plat-Brickstone Estates, Sec. 7 09 05 1978 18 270 36. Final Plat - Monterey Heights, Sec. 09 05 1978 18 270 37., Final Plat - Middle Oaks Subdivision 38. Public Dedication-Shannon Drive for State Road Acceptance 09 05 1978 18 270 09 18 1978 18 281 39? Discussion Stoneybrook Subdivision 40, Final Plat Approval - Arrowhead, Sec. 9 10 OZ 1978 18 285 10 16 1978 18 289-290 41: Final Plat - Stoneybrook, Sec. 1 11 06 1978 18 295 42'. Final Plat - Waterford, Sec. 4 11 06 1978 18 295 43. Inlet Point, Sec. 1 11 06 1978 18 296 44. Amend Subdivision Regulations 45, Refund retained funds to Figure 8 Island Co. 11 20 1978 18 307-8 46:. Amend Subdivision Regulations re: Water & Sewer 12 04 1978 18 314 ? , u Hanover Count INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES -- N N C SUBDIVISIONS y, ew . . _ MATTER: - Te beab namts. ?pa? at REG. U. 5. I/? County Indexee Since 1888 ? e?t OFFICE ?gi?7,iLC,a? An ldentifyin¢ Trade Mark SURNAY< INITIAL TA? cOTT A-2 TAt INOEx MADE BY TNE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUM?US, OHIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN CO., NEW BERN, N. C. DATE MINUTE BOOK ` NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS Month Day Year Vol. Pnge l. Amend Subdivision Regulations - Re: Monuments 12 04 1978 18 315 2. Final Plat Approved - Crestwood 12 04 1978 18 315 3. Amend. Subdivision Reg. - Private Streets 12 18 1978 18 320 4. Final Plat Submitted - Crestwood 12 18 1978 18 326 5. Paving assessments - Hillsdale & Dixon Acres Ol 02 1979 18 332 6. Discuss private street amendment to subdivision regulations Ol 02 1979 18 332 7. Final plat approval Arrowhead Subdivision, Section 10 Ol 15 1979 18 339 8. Final Plat approval Monterey Heights Subdivision, Sec. 8 Ol 15 1979 18 340 9. Discuss Walnut Hills Subdivision, Sec. 4 01 I5 Z979 ?8 34(1 10. Final plat approval, Windemere Subdivision, Sec. 9 Ol 15 1979 18 340 11. Proposed amendments to subdivision regulations pertaining to private streets 02 05 1979 I8 348 12. Final plat approval - Walnut Hills subdivision, Sec. 4 02 05 1979 18 349 13. Amendment - subdivision regulations - private streets 02 19 1979 18 357 14. Amendment subdivision regulations - private streets - adopted 03 19 1979 18 371 15. Closing Peachtree Street - Winter Park Gardens 03 19 1979 18 371 16. Final plat approval - Waterford subdivision, Sec. 4 03 19 1979 18 371 17. Final plat approval - Bradley Pines Subdivision 03 14 1979 18 371 18. Final plat approval - Smith Creek Estates 04 02 1979 18 381 19. Final plat approval - Arrowhead Subdivision, Section 11 04 02 1979 18 381 20. Final plat approval - Millbrook Subdivision, Section 5B 04 02 1979 18 381 21. Final plat approval - Greenbriar, Section 1-C 04 02 1979 18 381 22. Request for assistance for street paving - Dixon Acres & Hillsdale Subdivisions 04 17 1979 18 390 23. Final plat approval - Eastwind Subdivision, Section 11 05 07 1979 18 400 24. Discussion of roads in Dixon Acres Subdivision 05 21 1979 . 18 413 25. Final plat approval - Barton Oaks Subdivision Section I 06 04 1979 18 416 26. Final plat approval - Crestwood Subdivision, Section II 06 04 1979 18 416 27. Final plat approval - Grainger Point, Section III 06 04 1979 18 416 28. Proposed Subdivision Regulations pr.esentation 08 06 1979 18 454 29. Final plat approval - Arrowhead subdivision Section 12 & Crestwood Subdivision 09 04 1979 18 469 30. Paving Assessments - Hillsdale Subdivision 09 04 1979 18 470 31. Release of surety - Grainger Point Subdivision 09 17 1979 18 476 Preliminary assessment rall for street improvements in Hillsdale Subdivision 32. Final plat approval - Runnymead Subdivision, Section 1 10 O1 1979 18 486 33. Presentation of propsed County Subdivision Ordinance 11 05 1979 18 507 34. Final plat approval - Pine Valley, Section 23-B 11 05 1979 18 507 35. Final plat approval - Monterey Heights - Section 9 11 05 1979 18 507 36. Final plat approval - Stonebrook Subdivision Revision to Section 1 11 05 1979 18 507 Public Hearing to consider proposed New Hanover County 37? Subaivision Ordinance recommended by N.H. & Wilmington Planning Commission date 9/24/79 & Metes & Bounds Committee Recommendations for New Hanover County Subdivision Regulations 12 10 1979 18 523 38. Special meeting set for subdivision regulations. 11 19 1979 18 514 39. Approval - Parkwood Estates, Sec. 5 12 17 1979 18 529 40. Approval - Millbrook Subdivision, Section 5C 12 17 1979 18 529 41. Discussion of drainage problem in North Hills Subdivision 02 04 1980 1 8 545 42. Addition of roads in Eastwind Subdivision 02 18 1980 18 554 43.. Final approva of plat - Eastwind, Sec. III 02 18 1980 18 554 44. Final approval of plat - Hidden Valley, Section II 02 18 1980 18 554 45. Final Approval - Greenbriar, Section 2-A 02 18 1980 18 554 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover County, N. C. rtea. u. s. County Inde:ee Since 1888 {? ?--Te beat? nam?s. ?pM at P?T OFFICE ?,c? i? An Identifying Ttade Mark ?a.? SURNAM! INITIAL TAe NAiURE OF PROCEEDtNGS 1. Final approval - Stoneybrook, Section 2 2. Final Plar approval - Marywood Subdivison 3. Final Plat Approval - Glynwaod Village Subdivision Section 1 4. Final Plat Approval - Oyster Bay Subdivision 5. Final Plat Approval - Runnymeade Subdivision Section 2 6. Preliminary Plat for Regency Square Townhouse Project 7. Final Plat Approval - Old Chimney Subdivision 8. Final Plat Approval - Glynwood Estates Section II 9. Fina? PZat Approva?-Crestwood Subdivision Section I3 10. Final Plat Approval-Glynwood Village Section II 11. Continuance of final plat approval of Regency Square, Blocks 1& 10 12, Final Plat approval - Smith Creek Estates Section 2A 13. Final Plat Approval-Southgate Section 2 14. Review Committee with regards to Tall Tree Subdivision 15. Final Plat Approval-River Bend Subdivision 16. Final Plat Approval-Regency Square Block 1& 10 17. Final Plat-Approval Bent Tree Subdivision Section 1 18. Final Plat Approval-County Place Subdivision Section 2 19. Final Plat Approval-Pine Valley Estates Section 24-A 20. Final Plat Approval - Henleigh Hills (Section 1) ? 21. Final Plat Approval - Tall Tree Section 1 22. Bar Harbour Estates 23. Figure 8 Island Section 19 block A 24. Final Plat Approval - Runnymead Section 3 25. Final Plat Approval - Crestwoad Section 13A 26. Final Plat Approval - Walnut Hills Section 5 27. Final Plat Approval - Millbrook Section 7A 28. Final Plat Approval - Bent Tree Section lA ? 29. Public Hearings to consider amendments to subdivision regulations 30. Final Plat Approval - Pine Valley Section 24-B 31. Final Plat approval-Monterey Heights Section 10 32. Final Plat approval-Greenbriar-Section 2-B 33. Public hearing to consider an amendment to the subdivision ordinance text 34, Release of letter of credit on Oyster Bay Subdivision 35. Discussion on subdivision plat compliance with GS 39-30 36. Final plat approval-Dutch Acres Section 1 37.. Final Plat approval-Eagles Nest Section 1 38., Final Plat approval-Runnymeade Section 4 ? SUBJECT _ MATTER: ?tTBD?VZSION WTT A-2 iA? IMOEX MADE BY THE fOTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMtUS, OX10 SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN CO., NEW BERN, N. C. 39. Discussion on additional traffic on 117 40. Final Plat approval - Glen View Section 1 and Sun Valley Section lA 41. Public hearing to consider amendment to Subdivision Ordinance text amending Article V, Section 3 42. Final Plat Approval - Sun Valley Section lA 43. Subdivision Ordinance Text Amendments concerning Planned Thoroughfares 44. Final Plat Approval - Bent Tree Section 2 45. Discussion on Subdivision regulations 46. Final P1at Approval - Holly Tree Road DATE Month Day Yea? 02 18 1980 18 555 04 21 1980 18 586 05 19 1980 18 05 19 1980 18 OS 19 1980 18 05 19 1980 18 06 16 1980 18 06 16 1980 18 06 16 1980 18 07 07 1980 18 ?J7 07 1980 18 07 07 1980 18 07 07 1980 18 07 07 1980 18 07 28 1980 18 OS 04 1980 18 08 18 1980 18 08 18 1980 18 08 18 1980 18 09 15 1980 1$ 09 15 1980 18 09 15 1980 18 09 15 1980 18 10 20 1980 18 10 20 1980 18 10 20 1980 18 10 20 1980 18 10 20 1980 18 11 03 1980 18 11 17 1980 18 11 17 1980 18 11 17 1980 18 12 O1 198Q 18 12 15 1980 18 12 15 1980 18 12 15 1980 18 12 15 1980 18 12 15 1980 18 12 15 1980 18 Ol 19 1981 18 02 02 1981 18 02 02 1981 18 03 02 1981 18 03 16 1981 18 03 16 1981 18 04 21 1981 18 MINUTE BOOK Vol. Pnge 599 600 600 600 616 617 617 630 631 631 631 631 638 644 649 649 649 663 664 664 664 685 685 685 686 686 698 704 704 705 720 730 735 735 735 735 735 752 759 760 776 785 785 811 INDE? TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover Count? N C ????IVI?z°NS ` y, . . _ MATTER: nES. u. s. County Indezes Since 1888 ?? To loeat? nam?s, open af reT OFFlOE ???1?0-?. An Identifving Trade Mark COTT A TO Z TAB INDEX MIIYH ?Y TBE COTT INDEX !??ANY. COLIIM?YS? ONIO . SURNAINE INiitAL TAB SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN CO., NEW BERN, N. C. DATE MINUTE BOOK NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS Month Dny Year Vol. Page 1. Final Plat Approval - Churchill Estates, Section 5 05 18 1981 18 836 2. Final Plat Approval - Pine Valley Estates, Section 25A 05 28 1981 18 836 3. Tabling of Final Plat Approval - Red Bird and Cascade Roads 05 18 1981 18 836 4. Final Plat Approval - Red Bird and Cascade Roads 06 Ol 1981 18 854 5. Final Plat Approval - Barton Oaks, Section 2 , 06 15 1981 18 866 6. Final Plat Approval - Raintree, Section 1 06 15 1981 18 866 7. Final Plat Approval - Eagles Nest subdivision, Section lA 07 20 1981 18 891 8. Final Plat Approval - Smith Creek Estates, Section 2B 07 20 1981 18 891 9. Final Plat Approvai - Smith Creek Estates, Section 2C 07 20 19&? ?8 891 10. Final Plat Approval - Tangle Oaks Club - Marina, Section 1 10 19 1981 18 942 , 11. Postponement of Final Plat Approval-The Cape (Shipwatch Village, Section 1) 10 19 1981 18 942 Public Hearing-Subdivision Ordinance-Text Amendment to amend numerous sections of the Regulations to Change 12" "Wilmington-New Hanover Planning Comm" and "Wilmington-N.Fi. Planning Dept." to NH Co. Planning Bd" and "New Hanover County Planning Department" Amend Art. III, Sections 3.1 and 4.1 ?l 02 1981 18 952 13, Postponement of Final Review - North Green Meadows Drive 03 15 1982 19 29 . 14 Adoption of Zoning & Subdivision Ordinance Text Amendments replacing the multi-family special use permi t , with pre-established performance standards for high density development 03 22 1982 19 38 Appeal from decision of Planning Board concerning amendment to preliminary Plat of Pine Valley Estates, 15. Section 25. 04 05 1982 19 42 16. Final Plat Approval - No. Green Meadows Drive (Duteh Square) 04 19 1982 19 53 17. Final Plat A-proval - Sand Dollar Shores 04 19 1982 19 53 18. Final Plat Approval - Eagle Point 04 19 1982 19 53 19. Discussion on sludge disposal in Walnut Hills 05 03 1982 19 58 20. Final Plat Approval - North Wilmington, Section 1(25) Lot Provision 05 17 1982 19 71 21. Final Plat A?proval - Dophin Bay, Section 1(25 Lot Provision) 05 17 1982 19 71 22. Discussion on Septage Dumping Probelm inWalnut Hills 05 25 1982 19 78 23. Discussion on 5eptage Dumping in Walnut Hills Subdivision 06 21 1982 19 96 24. Discussion on Public Hearing on subdivision ordinance text amendment and erosion and sedimentation ord. amen0$ 02 1982 19 129 25. Hearing Date for Appeal from Figure Eight Island Preliminary Plat approval 09 07 1982 19 147 ! To consider subdivision Ordinance Text Amendments: (A) Amendment to Art. I, Sec. 4, Concerning Metes & Bounds 26- descriptions and Art. II, Sec. l, and Art. III, Sec. 5,by adding an abbreviated review procedure for mi nor subdivisions. Delete Art. III, Sec. 4.5 and 4.6 and substitute a provision for Plan. Dept. review of ', final subdivision plats. 09 07 1982 I9 147 ! 27. Approval of Final Subdivision P1at of Lansdowne Estates - Rev. of Sections F& G. 09 20 1982 19 159 , 28. Continuation of Public Hearing to Consider Subdivision Ordinance Text Amendments 09 20 1982 19 159 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover Count?, N. C. _ MATTER: ?UPERIOR COURT ` Rca. u. s. County Indezea Since 1888 ? To toeats names, open at COTT A•Z TAB INDEX r?r OFFiCE C??? An Identifying Trade Mark SURNAME INITIAL TAB MADE BY TH@ (0TT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA r ?? ? DATE MINUTE BOOK NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS ?? Month ? Day ? Year Vol. Page ? 1.9? , Statement of Superior Court concerning "insane" defendant Caesar Murphy. + ?. 11 ? 2.? Board gave approval for purchase of Superior Court seal. &; ?: 11 3.g i Bill for seal of Superior Court approved. i'? ?j 02 4.? Bill for the Superior Court approved. '? i, 02 5.? } Fee for attendant at court for the Superior Court approved. ?; E,' 03 s 6.j William Harriss contested Board's decision concerning Justices on Boa rd of Trustees to Superior Court. ` ?M 08 ? 7.p? ? Petition from Caswell Township referred to Clerk of Superior Court. 12 ?q 8.?? Letter from Secretary of Governor stating special session of Court to be held. : 12 9.'F Cflal and wood ordered for the Superior Court. 12 10.; Bill for the Superior Court's office approved. 12 11._ Bill for advertising for the Superior Court approved. 12 12.;; Bill for holding special term of Superior Court presented by Hon. D. Russell and approved. ;, 02 13.; Waiting on decision of Court to decide case of Board of Trustees for Wilmington. (See JUSTICES OF PEACE) ; 04 14.?? Bill for Superior Court approved. 06 15.,, Solicitor Richardson's bill for Superior Court approved. i 06 9 16.;g J.C. Mann's bill as Clerk of Superior Court approved. 06 17.,? ,? Officers fees from R.L. Seller, E. Allen, Joseph Highsmith and Mingo Hill approved. 06 18.;? Bill from C.Fnlilis for making a case for the Superior Court approved. ; 07 ? 19.;? Bill from Charles Wilis as an officer of the Superior Court approved. ?. ,, 07 20.?? Jurors of Superior Court allowed $1.50 per day and S? per mile, plus tolls and ferry charges. + 05 21.'; Court received matter of Thadens Lamont versus Justice Corbett. (SEE JUSTICES OF THE PEACE) ; 02 22.;} R. Nixon instructed to apply to Judge of Superior Court for relief from jury duty. , 10 23.? ?, A special term of Superior Court is needed to deal with accumulated civil action suits, Board to request 10 E ? :? Governor to call this special term. a? ? 24.:? ?p Letter from Governor Ted Caldwell granting special term of Superior Court to start Dec. 29, 1873. 11 ? 25.p Clerk to revise Jury List and jurors to be drawn for special term of Superior Court. ,, 11 26.; Dawson Durham requested appeal of appraisers' report on Porter's land to Superior Court; request granted. 07 27.:; Daniel Russell elected Judge of Superior Court in August 6, 1874 election. 08 28.?? Chairman to obtain missing criminal docket of Superior Court from former Clerk of Court, James Mann. 05 29.?? Judge A.A. McKoy and Bar recommended a special term of Superior Court to hear civil cases. ? 10 30.;? Board to make request from Governor to call a special term of Superior Court. , 10 31.." Jurors' names drawn for Special Term of Superior Court as ordered by Governor Broyden. , 11 32.!n Clerk to notify all papers who advertised civil cases pending in Superior Court that they will not be paid?, 12 F since it was not ordered inserted. ., 33.,? Bill of A.V. Horrell laid over until case in question is disposed of in Superior Court. O1 34.+ .i Chairman to advise with Council who argued tax injunction suit in Superior Court. ? 04 35.°? ,; Suit to be brought against injunction bond for damages incurred if advised. 04 36.;? :, Bill from A.A. McKoy as Judge of Superior Court approved. . ? 06 37.as Bill from A.E. Seymore for judge's fee of Superior Court approved. , 08 38.?? Claim of George Price disallowed even though erroneously summoned by Superior Court of County. ;, 08 39.;? All unwritten minutes of Superior Court which should have been done by late Clerk to be written up. ;, 10 40.?a Chairman plans to bring suit against the City during special term of Superior Court. ( WILMINGTON, CITY OF)';; 12 `9 41.?+ ?n Attorney to request General Assembly to repeal a law that provides for another term of Superior Court. ? 12 ;! 42.'? ? Attorney to request there not be any January and June terms of Superior Court. 12 43.+y Judge McKoy to be notified that January term of Superior Court is not legal or necessary and request it not` ? , 12 ?? ,i ? ? be held. (See JUDGES) ?, 1 Ei i : ?? 12 1868 14 1868N k O1 1869? C 06 1869? 04 1869 I 19 1869? R 06 1869; 06 1869=; ;p Ofs_ 1869s? 07 1869. 07 1869? 08 1870?' 05 1870?` i?d 08 1870a4 F? 08 1870,?? ?; 08 1870s? ?, ?? 08 1870?? a, 05 1870R? c' 05 1870'? 12 1871?? 12 1872?j 07 1872'; 27 1873?: s io i? 04 1873 ?? si 04 1873;? <<; 06 1874 ?; 10 1874 ?? i, 08 1875`? 07 1875;; g 07 1875,; fy ; 15 1875;; 10 1875'y?+ ;; 03 1?76;; a 07 1876?? 07 1876;? 05 1877;; ; 11 1877;? 16 1877;; 03 1877p? 4. kj 15 1877;; ,' 27 1878 "i ?a 27 1878 ?? w? 27 1878p? ;i 1 106 1 118 1 175 1 180 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 3 194 I 309 I i 346 ! 348 i 348 ; ? 351 ? 351 ? 401 a E 423 ? d 443 ? 443 ? 444 w 444 ? ? 451 ? 451 C 157 ? ? 290 ? E 379 ? , 128 1 3 132 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 132 227 235 `? 4 i 325 ?? 381 ? f 381 ' ? 394 ? ?i 399 ?; ?f ?f ,? 404 ?? ,? 428 ;? ?, 428 ?? 553 ?? 600 606 ? !? 627 i? 662 "' f! .y 9 !i 9 ?? 9 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover Count?, N. C. _ MATTER: SUPERIOR COURT a eac. u. s. County Indezee Since 18BB ? TO IOCet! B8ME3, open at COTT A-Z TAB INDEX ?AT OFFICE C??.<?-z?EJ. An [dentifyins Trade Msrk SURNAME INITIAL TAB MADE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA , p. :? NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS Fd DATE ?? MINUiE BOOK ?? ,? Month I Day ( Year p? Vol. I Page r? . . , l. Members of legal profession felt Board's order cancelling terms of Superior Court not correct. ?,. Ol 06 1879 ? 4 14 `9 "i 2. Board resolves it meant no disrespect to Judge McKoy only trying to save County some expense. S ?^ O1 06 ? { 1879 '? 4 ?p 14 w?? 3. Sheriff to hold tax against Steamboat Passport in abeyance until Superior Court rules on its validity. ?,' O1 05 1880 ?? 4 140 ?? 4. Annual Board's report reported Special January term of Superior Court held. ; 06 02 1884 ?y 4 553 ?? ?, 5. Board to request General Assembly to pass an act similar to act relative to jurors of Criminal Court for Ol 05 1885 ?{ 4 602 '' ,? Superior Court. ?' :, 6. Chairman to request Judges of Superior Court to try all cases as quickly as possible to cut expenses. ' 02 04 1889 ?? 5 ?t 134 ? 7.? Solicitor B.R. Moore of Criminal Court to assist Solicitor O.H. Allen of Superior Court in prosecuting ? 04 04 1892 'r', 5 411 ? ? case of State versus J.C. Davis. ? 8., Report from Superior Court Clerk on Grand Jury's term of Superior Court, 04 06 1896 5 712 9.'? Miss Estelle Shrier elected Court Stenographer for Superior Court. 04 05 1897 5 799 10.,a Claim from Miss Hannah Shrier for services as stenographer of Superior Court disallowed. 09 06 1897 6 41 ?: ?11.?; Attorney reported Superior Court's docket so full Board may have to petition Governor to call a special 10 04 1897 . 6 45 ? ?? .? o? term. 12.? . ? 13.c Claim of Miss Estell Shrier as ste?.?grapher of Superior Court allowed. 10 13 1897 ' 6 Judge G.S. Gerguson ordered money be allowed certain physicians for professional services in matter of A. 02 O1 1904 ? 6 W, Rivenbark in Superior Court. 14.`j Chairman to hire out Bessie McFayden, a convict, in accordance with order of Superior Court. s ,15.?? Resolution pertaining to cases in Superior Court to be expunged from Board's records. ,16. Board to request Governor to order a special term of Superior Court and a Grand Jury for same. i ,17.io Governor ordered special term of Superior Court and details of such posted for public. E; E? 10 05 O1 ti 02 18.?? Board requested Governor to order a special term of Superior Court to try criminal cases only. ,05 ia .19.',? Governor ordered special term of Superior Court and notice of same posted for public. '06 16.?? ? Matter of appointing a permanent Court stenographer referred to Messrs. Divine and Vollers. 12 V ,17.? Clerk to publish special term of Superior Court 2 weeks prior to holding of same. ;12 18.E ` Governor W. W. Kitchen ordered special term of Superior Court. ;12 . + :19.?? Board to request Governor to call an extra session of Superior Court. 06 ,? ,20.?? Bill of Messrs. Poisson and Burgwin for services in case of "State vs. Cowan" in Superior Court approved. .09 ? .21. a R. A. Burnett to be reimbursed for expenses connected with Perry trial. 11 I ,22.? Sheriff to make statement of fees due his office from criminal term of Superior Court. 06 k ,23.'? Wilmington Constable to attend sessions of Superior Court and execute processes instead of a deputy 07 ? Sherif f . ,y ? 4 '.24.p ?? Superior Court Clerk to suggest to Governor to provide another judge in place of Judge Peebles for ,.06 . ?? Superior Court term. ;, 3 ,25.; ? Woodus Kellum requested a special term of Superior Court. 07 ,.. 26.;? F ?, M? f9 ' F3 ? Board requested Judge and Solicitor not to hold May term of Court due to small caseload. 04 , ., . ? i? Y^ i? + t ? 6 i; A? i?q ?? k i i , .. , 02 1905 ; ., 07 1907 ? ?? 22 1908 ,? 03 1908 ? 04 190$ ;: Ol 1908 , 04 1911 ; 03 1912 ; .F 03 1912 17 1913 ., 15 1913 , 02 1914 "I 07 1915 ? 06 1915 17 1916;; 02 1917 „ 30 1918;a 48 ? 779 7 39 .` 7 88 7 121 7 123 7 132 7 133 7 239 ?? 7 265 ?? 7 265 7 306 7 314 7 395 7 460 7 467 7 567 7 625 „ 7 693 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover Count?y, N. C. , MATTER: SCHOOI,S ?ec. o. s. County lndezee Since I888 ? To loeate names, open af COT7 A•2 TAB INDEX r?T OFFICE ??? An ldentifying Trade Mark SURNAME INITIAL TAB MADE BY THE COTT INDE% COMPANY, COIUMBUS, OHIO SOLD BY OWEN 6. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH GROLINA NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS ? DATE Month Day Year 1. Board paid half of cost for sinking well at Middle Sound School. 2. Oxdinance passed limiting speed of vehicles in school zones to 15 mph. 3. School budget and school funds discussed and auditor to make comparative figures of 1920-21-2 2 budget. 4. School budget for 1923 to 1924 approved with a few changes. 5. Board approved bond for New Hanover County High School. 6. Part of County land offered to erect Eastern Carolina Industrial Training School. 7. Supt. W. A. Graham submitted 1924-25 school budget. 8. Board approued revised 1924-25 school budget and tax levy to support same set. 9. Board of Education allowed a deficit in repair budget to build a room at Wrightsville School. 10. List of taxes to be raised to support 1923-24 school budget. 11. Auditor to transfer funds from General Fund Account to credit of School Fund Account. 12. Money approved for a more efficient heating unit in William Hooper School. 13. Chairman and Mr. Rose to confer with Board of Education on 1925-26 School Budget. 14. Mr. Trask and City Commissioner Wade to confer on filling in yard of William Hooper School. 15. School Budget for 1925-26 presented by Superintendent Graham and approved. 16. Board of Education to borrow money from State for new buildings in school consolidation. 17. Money received from Board of Education relative to consolidation of schools. 18. School bond reported as having been lost. 19. Money to be transferred from General Fund to pay deficit for Board of Education. 20. Amount of School Budget paid by taxes levied itemized. 21. School Budget for 1926-27 presented by Superintendent Graham and referred to a Committee. 22. Board to notify Board of Education that the tax levy cannot be increased at this time. 23. School Budget for 1926-27 approved and tax levy for same set. 24. Additional schoolbus to be bought in order to consolidate Masonboro School with Forest Hills School. 25. Filling of ground at Wrightsboro Schools received. 26. B. B. Cameron's request for sand around William Hooper School referred to Road Committee (see Roads) 27. School deficits discussed and bill submitted to assume indebtness. 28. Parent Teacher Association opposed salary cut received. , 29. Statement prepared for school deficit referred to Chairman and County Attorney for conference with Board of Education (See County Attorney). 30. Board levied taxes, as requested, to supplement school funds. 31. School board wanted additional funds credited to school fund for July. 32. Playground for Tileston School by First Presbyterian Church granted construction material. 33. Board voted to assist in clearing stumps for Bradley Creek Schoolground. 34. Hauling of sand authorized for Myrtle Grove Schoolyard. 35. Leveling of Forest Hills Schoolgrounds by Work force granted. 36. Tax rate not to increase and school bond issue taken care of without increased taxes. 37. Mr. Ross and auditor named to study 1928-29 school budget. 38. Action on Isaac C. Wrights' request for $3,846.32 judgment payment to Liberty Engineering Co. for balance due on high school deferred. 39. No action taken on J. O.Carr requsst for payment of expenses on high school repairs. MINUTE BOOK Vol. Page 07 05 1922 8 203 05 07 1923 8 242 08 06 1923 8 256 08 07 1923 8 257 10 22 1923 8 267 O1 07 1924 8 276 07 07 1924 8 302 08 04 1924 8 305 08 18 1924 8 307 O1 05 1925 8 321 O1 05 1925 8 321 04 06 1925 8 335 05 04 1925 8 337 07 27 1925 8 346 08 04 1925 8 349 II 19 1925 8 358 O1 04 1926 8 365 O1 28 1926 8 369 02 24 1926 8 375 02 24 1926 8 375 07 06 1926 8 388 07 23 1926 8 392 07 26 1926 8 393 09 15 1926 8 297 11 10 1926 8 406 12 10 1926 8 413 O1 22 1927 8 421 02 21 1927 8 425 03 15 1927 8 431 05 24 1927 8 442 07 12 1927 8 452 08 Ol 1927 8 455 02 06 1928 8 487 02 28 1928 8 491 03 29 1928 8 494 05 O1 1928 8 507 06 04 1928 8 513 06 19 1928 8 515 08 20 1929 8 592 INDE? TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES -- New Hanover County, N. C. _ MAT ECR: SUPERIOR COURT aEC. u. s. 'nJ,- County Indezee Since 1888 ? 70 locate names? open aT COTT A•2 TAQ INDEX r?r OFFILE ?el?c?,?-? An ldenti(ying Trade Marlc SURNAME INITIAL TAB ?DE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH GROLINA NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS DAiE Month Day I Year MINUTE BOOK Vol. Page I. Board to request Judge and Solicitor not to hold May term of Superior Court due to Iack of cases. 2. Camera to be bought to photograph prisoners of Superior and REcorders Courts. 3. Calender of cases for each term of Superior Court to be printed of cost is absorbed by court cost. 4. Matter of a special term of Superior Court discussed. 5. Bill from Wilmington Printing Co. for printing Superior Court's calendar approved. 6. Board decided no need to call as special term of special term of Superior Court before JANuary term. 7. Expenses of Solicitor Woodus Kellum paid for transporting witnesses for Greer case. 8. Bill from Clerk Harriss for making up special calendar of court cases for Superior Court approved. 9, Board to request Governor to call a special term of Superior Court. 10. Bill of T. H. Jewett paid for reporting extra session of Superior Court. 11. 0. D. Hall paid for janitorial services at Custom House for term of Superior Court held there. 12. Superior Court Clerk and Chairman to investigate matter of changing term of Superior Court. 13. Matter of seats in Superior Courtroom in courthouse annex discussed. 14. Printing bill from National Press for Court Calendars approved. 15. Board to eliminate term of Superior Court due to lack of sufficient cases. 16. Adjustment to be made on charge of National Press for printing court calendars. 17. Annual statement of Trust Funds in hands of Clerk Harriss received and approved. 28. Matter of National Press' printing bill for court calendar deferred. 19. Board did not allow full payment to National Press for printing Superior Court calendars. 20. Chairman and Sheriff to act on special term of Court. 21. Printing bill from National Press for Court calendars referred for investigation. 22. Since special term of Superior Court called, regular criminal term cancelled. 23. Northam Book and St?tionery Store to furnish bookcases for superior courtroom. 24. Superior court to be provided with required volumns of NC Supreme Court reports. 25. Survey to be made of southern beaches. 26. Acoustics in Superior Courtroom discussed. 27. Mrs. A. L. Meyland paid for making up Superior Court calendar. 28. Copy of contract to improve acoustics in Superior Courtroom. 29. Rev. Carol 0'Neal not allowed to use Superior Courtroom for lecture on better health etc. 30. Acoustical work on courtroom not satisfactory. 31. Johns-Manville, Inc, to install additional acoustical treatment to Superior Courtroom without pay. 32. A$1,560 bill for acoustical treatment approved for courtroom. 33. Special Attorney Nathan Cole allowed commission on 55 suits to be brought in Superior Court and 49 in Recorder's Court, but held up due to settlement (see Recorder's Court). 34. Selling of Old Superior Court records to Cyrus Hogue referred to Chairman. 3S. Gov. McLean request for special term of court in Fall referred to Chairman and Clerk, (see Governor). 36. Mrs. A. L. Mayland, Superior Court and Dr. R. B. Rodman, examiner, paid . 37. Board voted to h?±re To R. Sykes as contairied in Superior Caurt Judgement. 38. Mayor Blair's reques? to use courtroom for mass meeting on employment, granted. 39. Mrs. R. W. H?_cks requested and granted use of court?oom for Ladies Club meeting. 40. Two committees named by Gen. Committee at Jan.28 mass meeting(above) suggested iGsues on Merchants inducements, Taxation, Employment, etc. 4?. Chairman to telegraph Presdent Hoover on appointing North Car??.ina Chief Justice W. P. ?tacy, t? U. S. Supreme Cn.urt. _ _ " _ . _ _ 43. Authorized $15 for Mrs Roscoe Greer, monthly payments while husband on rc.ad, non-support. 44. Contract between Dwight McEwen and Commissioners covering employment, approved. 04 26 I920 8 106 05 10 1920 8 110 02 07 1921 8 145 03 24 1922 8 192 04 10 1922 8 194 12 12 1922 8 221 02 15 1923 8 228 04 04 1923 8 237 09 10 1923 8 262 11 05 1923 8 269 07 07 1924 8 302 O1 30 1925 8 326 03 30 1925 8 333 05 04 1925 8 337 06 Ol 1925 8 341 06 O1 1925 8 341 12 09 1925 8 341 06 25 1925 8 343 07 07 1925 8 344 08 24 1925 8 350 09 02 1925 8 350 09 04 1925 8 351 12 10 1925 8 362 03 O1 1926 8 377 04 05 1926 8 379 05 21 1926 8 385 05 21 1926 8 385 06 07 1926 8 386 07 19 1926 8 390 09 07 1926 8 396 09 29 1926 8 398 11 26 1926 8 409 07 05 1927 8 451 04 10 1928 8 505 05 22 1928 8 510 02 19 1929 8 560 12 11 1929 a 13 1 21 1930 9 18 1 21 1930 9 21 1 28 1931 9 19 1 11 1931 9 30 2 2 1931 9 88 2 10 1931 9 90 N INDEX TO COMMISSIONf ERS MINUTES H C t N C anover - ew oun y, . . , MATT R Superio r ?ourt ? eec. u. s. ? `? County Indezee Since 1888 ? To locate names, open af COTT A•Z TAB INDEX rAr oFi1CE C.+,Y,e,eP//7l?oe-? An Identifyins Trade Mark ? SURNAME INlTIAL TAB 1NADE ?Y THE C07T INDE% COMPANY, COLUMSUS, OHIO SOLD BY OWEN C. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH CARQLINA NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS DATE MINUTE BOOK Month I Day I Year Vol. ? Page l. Authorized repairs for Superior Courtroom chairs. 8 17 1931 9 123 2. Purchasing copy of "Allens Reported and Cited Cases" deferred to next meeting. 12 l? 1931 9 143 3. Approved payment of $5.50 to W. F. Carpenter, J. P., fc?r fees in case involing three 2 23 1932, 9 153 Sheriffs. 4. Pafinent of $15 per month ordered for Mrs. Myrtle Greer in State Vs Roscoe Greer. 4 4 1932 9 159 5. Payment of $4 per month ordered to Mrs J. R. Wells, declined in State Vs J. R. Wells. 4 4 1932 9 159 6. Payment of $139.95 Superior Court fees approved to CSC, subject to County Attorney 5 23 1932 9 159 approval. 7. Installing awning over Jury box approved for Superior Courtroorn. 5 16 1932 9 165 8. Approved payment of $1 per day to William Bennett and James Rhoe for ten days, case 7 18 1932 9 171 State Vs John Furlong. 9. Purchasing 1931 NC code for Superior Court referred until adjournment of legislature. 1 y 1933 9 198 10. Meeting held in Superior Courtroom in regards to passage of act on Shad fishing. 2 20 1933 9 206 11. Judge N. A. Sinclair, authorized purchase of Michie's 1931 Digest for Superior Court. 3 27 1933 9 211 12. Approved payment of $4.07 half-witness to J. L. Crowder, case of State Vs T. E. Cooper• 4 24 1933 9 217 for 13. Payment preparation of court-calendar for April term at $53.28 referred to Attorney. 4 24 1933 9 217 14. Approved payment of bill to Mrs. A. L. Meyland, $53.28 for court-calendar, etc. 5 8 1933 9 219 15. Broken chairs refastened in Superior Courtroorn. 7 17 1933 9 232 16. List of court payments nade. 8 20 1_934 9 299 ?7.? Window. shades a??thorzzed.for Superior Courtroom. 11 12 1934 9 310 18. Window shades authorized in Superior Courtroom. 1 21 19?5 9 319 19. Attorizey's bill for services in George King's trial referred to County Attorney. 8 S 1935 9 370 20. Typewriter authorized for Superior Court. 9 28 1936 9 454 21. Stenographer authorized chairs. 2 8 1937 9 479 22. OrdEr received for Special Term of Superior Court. 3 22 1937 9 487 23. Payment paid ?o Dr. H. M. Taylor as witness in courtcase. 3 29 1937 9 488 24. Authorized bill paid to Court Reporter for transcript of records. 3 29 1937 9 488 25. Superior Court authorized to have telephone. 5 23 I937 9 585 26. Payment authorized for cases. 1 23 1939 1(? 34 27. Payment authorized for cases. 3 27 1939 10 47 28. Superior Court report filed. 3 27 1939 10 47 29. superior Gourt lighting authorized. 7 31 1939 10 70 30. Superior Court authorized North Carolina Supreme Court reports. 8 2 1939 10 77 31. Superior Court renovations referred. 8 5 1939 10 145 32. L. D. Padgett to use Superior Court. 8 12 1939 10 146 33. Payment authorized in rape case of David Mills. 9 16 1939 10 154 -34. Sketches received on renovation. 3 10 1947 10 186 35. Payment made in case of E. J. Murray. 3 24 1947 l0 190 36. Consideration received on office for Superior Judge. 3 8 1943 10 319 37. A. L. Lennon granted use of Superior Courtroom. 3 22 1943 10 321 38. Hire out of Nathaniel Irvin referred in Superior Court rape case. 4 5 1943 10 322 39. Special term of Superior Court requested, motion carried. 4 26 1943 10 326 40. Superior Court scheduled, first week court postponed. 11 8 1943 10 356 41. Letter received on Special Term of court. 9 4 1944 10 404 42. Payment approved for representing Joseph Miles in Superior Court. 9 5 1944 10 404 43. Payment approved in Superior Court case. 12 31 1945 10 475 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover Count , N. C. '?U JECT ? - Superior Court aec. u. s. County Indezes Since 1888 ? TO IO?Ot? Da?INf? Op?A Ot COiT A-2 TA? INOE7I PAT OFFICE C?F?? AnldentifYing Trade Mark SURNAME INITIAL TAi MADE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUM8U5. OHIO SOLD ?Y OWEN i. YUNN, NEN iERN, MORTH GROLINA NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS DATE MINUT E BOOK Month Day Year Vol. Page l. Request adopted on Special Term of Superior Court. 1 IS I946 10 492 2. Payment made for Superior Court case of Moses Bracy. 11 4 1946 1G 524 3. Bill approved, payment held in abeyance on Sliperior Court case of Alias Len Gause. 12 23 1946 10 532 4. Substitute date authorized for Special Term of Superior Court. 9 2 1947 10 583 S. Substitute date aut;h.orized for Special Term of Superior Court 11 10 1947 10 549 6. Andrew Harriss granted use of Superior Courtroom. 1 10 1948 11 67 7. Letter recei?ved on Special Term of Superior Court. 9 19 1949 11 121 8. Investigation agreed for Superior Court acoustics improvements. 11 7 1949 11 132 9. Installing speaking system postponed for Superior Court. 1 9 1950 11 164 10. Payment to Kate Wade, approved for vervices in Superior Court. 3 20 1950 11 164 11. Payment to Amy M. Walker, approved form CSC salary. 3 27 1950 11 166 12. Wallace Murchison, requested, granted on Mitchie Digest for Superior Court. 6 26 1950 11 192 13. Payment approved to Attorney J. C. Walker for Special Criminal Superior Court. 8 21 1950 11 204 14. Superior Court autY?orized desk. 8 21 1950 11 204 15. Appeal made to Supreme Court in tax suit of Rudolph Lewis VS City-County. 12 18 1950 11 231 16. Payment made to Dr. H. A. Codington and Dr. Jere D. Freern.an in Superior Court case. 3 26 1951 11 250 17. Advisement taken on Superior Court air conditioner. 8 6 1951 11 277 18. Painting bid of S. W. Garrett received for Sugerior Court. 1 7 1952 11 311 19. Three bids received for painting Superior Court. 7 14 1952 11 351 20. Shaw Paint and Wall Paper Co. awarded contract. 7 14 1952 11 351 21. Shaw Paint and Wall Paper authorized payment. 7 31 1952 11 356 22. No action taken on putting Superior Court records in order. 9 3 1952 11 363 23. ?pecial Term of Superior Court called. 12 15 1952 11 385 24. Payment to Attorney D. Sinclair approved for Superior Court case of Freddie Taylor. 5 26 1953 11 423 25. Special Attorneys paid for Superior Court, case of James Josey. 8 24 1953 11 488 26. Special Attorneys paid for Superior Court, case of Clarence NewKirk. 10 12 1953 11 460 27. Communication received on Special Term of Superior Court. 10 26 1953 11 462 28. Payment to Attorneys approved in Supericr Court9 case of Walter Moore. 1 18 1954 11 479 29. Payment approved to Attorneys in Super.ior Court, case of C. S. Potter. 6 1 1954 11 523 30. Superior Court authorized amplifying system. 8 30 1954 11 539 31. Notice received of Special Term of Superior Court. 10 11 1954 11 545 32. Superior Court order approved on tax foreclosed property in case of Thomas J. and 2 28 1955 11 578 Susanna Williams. 33. Gommissioners to appear in Superior Court case, action postponed. 3 7 1955 11 58Q 34. Payment to Dr. E. J. We11s approved in Superior Court, case of Herron Dale. 3 21 1955 11 583 35. Superior Court budget estimates received. 6 6 1955 11 604 36. Payment ?o Dr. Auley Crouch approved for Superior Court, case of Harry R. Wilson. 8 15 1955 11 624 37. Payment to Attorney Harry Latta approved for Superior Court, case of Norwood Wright. 8 29 1955 11 627 38. Mr. Foster Edwards made request for permanent office worker. 10 3 1955 12 6 39. Judge Clifton L. Moore, assigned to hear all proceedings not requiring a Jury. 10 24 1955 12 9 40. Approved Special Term of Superior Conrt. 11 14 1955 12 16 41. Portrait of Frankiin D. Roosevelt to remain in Superior Courtroom. 1 7 1956 12 121 42. N?r. Foster Edwards presented his report of annual funds. 1 14 1956 12 121 43. Rec?ived bill from Knight Photo Co. for portrait of former President Woodrow Wilson. 1 28 ?-956 l? 125 44. Superior Courtroom repairs referred to Secretary for bids. 11 25 1956 12 196 45. Approved Special Term of Superior Court. 12 2 1956 12 198 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanaver Count?, N. C. , MU JECT Superior ?ourt - xe6. u. s. County Indezea Since 1888 ? To IoCOt? 11am?f. Optl1 al COTT A•= TM INpEX r?r ?FFICE ??? An ldentifying Trade Mark SURNAME INITIAL iA? INADE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD ?Y OMEN i. pYNN, NEw ?ERN, NORTH GROLINA NAiURE OF PROCEEDINGS l. The Board was informed of a Special Term of Superior Court for Civil cases, no jury. 2. Mr. McEwen, C?urt reporter to serve substitute for Special Term of Superior Court. 3. Miss Virginia Bunn named as substitute Court Recorder. 4. Approved payment for substitute Recorde?. 5. Superior Court Judge, Rudolph I. Mintz. expressed appreciation for nice office made made available to him. 6. Motion dead to reserve parking space for visiting Judge, placed on agenda for discussion. 7. Budget meeting, budget approved as recommended by auditor. 8. Request granted to re-name Mr. W. A"llen Cobb assistant Solicitor. 9. Authorized $59.25 from Court-lodging and meals to Court cost, case State VS C. V. Parris. 10. Approved request for extra Court Term, 1-8-62. 11. Report received, Chief Justice Office ordering an extra term of Civ il Court 11-8-61. 12. Approved request for extra term of Superior Court 2-5-62. 13. Approved extra term of Court beginin? March 26, 1962. 14. ?eceived report on proposed admendment to improve Court System. 15. Budget meeting, suggestions from Judge Mintz, referred to Executive Secretary. DATE MINUTE BOOK Month Day Year Vol. Page 1 19 1959 12 361 1 19 1959 12 362 1 26 1959 12 367 2 29 1959 12 518 12 7 1959 12 518 1 4 1960 12 532 7 12 1960 12 590 I2 5 I960 IZ 63I 4 4 1961 12 661 12 11 1961 13 51 12 18 1961 13 53 1 15 1962 13 60 2 19 1962 13 69 10 15 1962 13 162 7 29 1963 13 241 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover County, N. C. _ MU JECT SUPERIOR COURT ` aec. u. s. Counry Indezes Since 1888 ? TO IO?OM Ilomis? O?IlO Yt COTT A-2 TA? INpEX v?T OFi1CE C??Fi?? .?n IdentiEvins Trade Msrk SURNAME INIiIAL TAY MADE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY. COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD ?Y ONEN {. YYNN, NEw ?ERN, NORTH GROLINA DATE MINUTE BOOK NATURE Of PROCEEDINGS ' Month Day Year Vol. Page . 1. Locked Cabinet O1 18 1965 13 423 2. Public Statement - Auditor O1 25 1965 13 427 3. Public Statement - Clerk 02 O1 1965 13 428 4. Deputy Clerk 04 12 1965 13 465 5. Problems 06 07 1965 13 486 6. Extra Terms 07 06 1965 13 501 7. Resignation - reporter 10 18 1965 13 536 8. Resolution - Mr. Dwight McEwen 11 O1 1965 13 541 9. Reporter I1 O1 I965 13 541 10. Annual. Report - Public Funds 12 06 1965 13 550 11. Appropriation - Clerk 12 20 1965 13 556 12. Transcript Charge 12 20 1965 13 561 13. Reporter 12 20 1965 13 562 14. Desk for Clerk 09 21 1967 14 91 15. Petit Jury 11 06 1967 14 110 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES Rea. u, e. ?j Counry Indezes Since 1888 r?t o ?rw[ C.E"e [?? An Identifyin¢ Trsde Mark - New Hanover County? ?. U. _ MATTER: SUPERIOR COURT CLERK _ To locats eames, open at COTT A-Z TAB ?NDEX ? SURNAME INITIAL TAB MADE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH (AROLINA ?s ?' DATE MINUTE BOOK !` NATURE 0? PROCEEDINGS ? Month ?' I Day I Year ? ? I Vol. I Page _? x ?: - ?? 1.' ; J. Mann presented his bond and approved as Superior Court Clerk. ?a 08 24 18684 1 27 2.e9 Bill for work on office of Superior Court Clerk from W. Phinney approved. !? 11 06 1868 1 95 ? 3.; Desk repair requested from Superior Court Clerk Mann. ?? ?; 11 14 " 1868? 1 119 i 4.? Bill in favor of Superior Court Clerk approved. ,, 11 20 1868? 1 122 ; 5.? Bill from J. Mann for services approved. l ;, 11 ? 20 ? 1868? 1 123 6.i? J. Mann's bill in favor of H.A. Bragg approved. 11 '' 21 1868k? 1 124 , . ? s 7.;? Bill for stationary for Superior Court Clerk approved. ,? 11 21 18684 1 124 ? e 8•;? Mr. Mann req?ested a safe for his office; request to be investigated. g 11 ? 27 :? 186&' t°: 1 128 9.;' 8?1? for repairs on desk in office of Clerk of the Superior Court from W. Avant approved. . 12 , 24 186Sy 1 146 . 10. ? Bill for stationary for Clerk of Superior Court approved. , 12 29 1868:, I 151 Eg ?i 11.?; Bill for repairing desk in office of Superior Court Clerk from W. Avant approved. O1 02 1869;' 1 152 ?? 12.,, Bill for stationary for Superior Court Clerk approved. O1 02 1869,; 1 ,r 153 6; 13.„ , Application to procure desk for Superior Court Clerk received. ;, O1 18 1863?? 1 164 ?; ? 14.': Impression of County Seal sent to Secretary of State and Clerk of Superior Court. ,. O1 19 „ 1869' 1 ? 167 i? ? E 15.:; ` Bill for grate and hardware for Superior Court Clerk's office from A.A. Neff approved. ?; 02 02 1869?r ? 1 ? 177 ?? 4 16.;; Report requested from Clerk of Superior Court coneerning expenses. ? 02 03 ! 1869G; 1 ?? 178 i 17.?? Bill for furniture for Superior Court Clerk's office from D.A, Smith approved. „ 02 06 1869:; 1 180 ? ?t !@ 18.?; Letter from Superior Court Clerk filed. '„ 02 10 1869?? ` 1 183 Ei 19.?? , Bi11 for stationary for Clerk of Superior Court approved. ? 03 04 ? 1869E; ?? 1 ;? 193 ?? 20.? Bill for blanks for Superior Court Clerk from Englehard & Price approved. 03 11 1869?; 1 197 ?; 21.,; Bi11 for paper for Clerk of Superior Court approved. , 04 05 1869p? 1 207 ?# ;; 22.;; , Bill for stationary of Clerk of Superior Court approved. , 05 11 1869;? 1 229 ?_ ? 23.,; a Bill for hanging sash in office of C1erk from George Flack approved. 05 s": 11 1869i;' ,' 1 ? 229 ?? ? 24. ; Bill for stationary for Clerk of Superior Court approved for H.J. Manninger. ?, 05 18 1869rp 1 237 ?? , ? ?, ? 25..? Bill for merchandise for Clerk's office from James Wilson approved. OS 18 1869?; 4? 1 239 ? ?i 26.;?. Bill for stationary for Clerk of Superior Court from R.S. Waldron & Company approved. p, 06 07 1869E; 1 250 27.,; Bill of Clerk of Superior Court to be investigated by Finance Committee. ? 06 07 1869`5 1 250 i? ?, 28..; Bi11 for Clerk Mann approved. ?,. 07 07 1869;; ?y 1 271 k? j 29.?; Bill for printing bonds for Court Clerk from W.H. Bernard approved. 07 07 1869;? ?? 1 273 " ? 30.?= Clerk to notify Clerk of Superior Court of vacancies of August 5, 1869 election. 08 09 1869°" , 1 297 ? ,; „ , y 31.' ?, J.C, Mann bonded as Clerk of Superior Court. 09 ., 06 1869;? ,, ` 1 311 + ?? ?g 32.' Petition from Clerk Mann for pigeon holes granted. 09 07 1869``, 1 ? 318 j 33.;; Clerk Mann notified of resignation of Justice Morton from Columbia Township. , 09 16 1869?; ? 1 324 ? ? 34.;; Bi11 for care of Superior Court C1erk's office from Hart & Bailey approved. „ 12 07 1869' 1 352 ? ' , 35.„ Fee for bills rendered by Clerk Mann approved. ;, 12 10 1$69w"; 1 357 36.;; Fees in probate cases by J. Mann approved. , 12 10 I869k; . 1 357 ; d; 37. ;; Fee for Clerk Mann approved, ;, 03 07 1870E? 1 413 ?? ?, 38.;, Bill for merchandise for Clerk Mann's office from R.S. Waldron approved. ; 03 08 1870?? 1 419 ?? 39.;F " Bill from Clerk Mann approved. 06 08 1870?? 1 444 ? 40.;; ? Clerk Mann authorized to procure boards and twine to hang old pa?pers in his office. ? „ 08 O1 ? 1870;? 1 , 460 ? 41.,' ; Bill for supplies for Superior Court Clerk's office from R.S. Waldron approved. ?; 08 Ol 1870?i i t 1 460 ` 42.?y Stationary bill for Clerk Mann's office from P. Heinsberger approved. „ 08 Ol , 1870?; 1 461 s ? , 43.;" Mr. Mann's bill for cost in probate cases and taking affidavits in pauper accounts approved. ? „ 08 02 1870?? 1 463 , z 44.',;x f Application of Mr. Mann for cupboards for his office referred to committee. ; 08 02 ,i 1870,? 1 464 I 45.? L, Wagstaff resigned as register of Columbia Township and Clerk to be notified.(See VOTING REGISTRARS) ; 08 29 1870ii 1 469 f? 46.; ? . Bill for boards for Clerk's office from Charles Willis approved. E, 08 ?i 6z li 29 1870€; '? I? wi n 1 470 INDEX TO CO?IMISSIONERS MINUT£S -- New Hanover Coun? ? SUPERIOR COURT CLERK j? . U. _ MATTER: ` ¦ea. u. s. County Indezee Since 1888 ? To locate names, open at CO An Identifying Trade Mark SURNAME INITIAL TAB MADE BY THE COTT P?t OFFICE ?t ??P ?• TT A-Z TAB INDEX INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO , . SOLD BY OWEN G. D UNN, NEW BERN, NO RTH CAROLINA ' , t, DATE ? ? MINUTE BOOK ? ? ? NATURE OF PROCEEDiNGS ? ?+ Month Day . Year ? Vol. Page ;? I l ? I. J.C. Mann presented his bond as Clerk of Superior Court, but it was returned due to insufficient sureties. , 09 05 k? 1870; ;; 1 F; 486 ?e , 2. Clerk authorized to purchase necessary office supplies. ' 09 06 1870r? ? l 2 1?^ k? 3. - Pay and mileage set for all jurors. (See JURY) 09 21 1870" ,? 2 8?? ?S , ,4. Bond approved.for James Mann, Clerk of Superior Court. : 09 21 1870?y 2 9" ,5. Clerk sent names of officers of County who are qualified to Board. 09 22 , 1870;? 2 17 ho 4? .6. Clerk of Superior Court to pay Treasurer all taxes collected on marriage licenses and deeds. 10 03 1870F{ 2 28 ,7.? Clerk to pay Sheriff State tax due on licenses and deeds. 10 03 1870': 2 28 !: k ? 8.' Clerk to designate jury tickets to be paid and amounts. 10 13 1870'; 2 ,. 36 ,9. y Furnishing iron shutters, repairing gutters and leaders to roof for Clerk's office referred to Committee , 10 13 1$70`? 2 36 '. ', e? on Public Buildings. ? 10.;? Public Buildings Committee requested more time for purchase of shutters. 11 07 1870;; 2 79 11.?? Clerk Mann's fees approved. „ 12 09 1870. 2 99 ?. 12.?? r Bond of J. Hill, Constable of Wilmington Township, to be deposited with Clerk of Superior Court. , 12 10 1870 2 100 13.;, r E.M. Shoemaker and A.R. Black to examine accounts of Superior Court Clerk and report on monies due County.„ 12 17 1870;? 2 104 ,. + ? ,14.?? 6 Bill for cupboards for office ?f Cler? of,Superior Court approved. „ 12 31 1870;, ' 2 108 ,, ,15.? E Board referred Mr. Mann's request for new grate to Committee on Public Buildings. , 02 06 1871i? 2 121 . 's ?16.? Accounts of Clerk of Superior Court reported all correct. .. 02 13 1871;; 2 125 ,; ? 17.? Clerk of Superior Court to have blank forms printed for Grand Jury's use. 05 12 1871;a 2 156 . 18, Request from Judge of Probate Mann to have window shades for office referred to Public Buildings Comm. r; 05 27 1871? 2 166 ? ? 19. J,C. Mann's bond approved as Clerk of Superior Court. 09 OS 1871,; 2 . 217 :? 20. Three members approved Mr. Mann's bond and one objected. (See COUNTY COMMISSIONERS) 09 05 18714,; 2 217 ' ig 21.?? John Heyer protested Clerk's bond approval due to insufficient bond and securities. 09 05 . 1871,.; 2 217 „ ' i,4 ,22.?? Clerk Mann's fees approved. 09 06 , 1871 2 220 ' '? ? t .. 23.;i Clerk to report on amount of fines paid him by Justices of Peace in cases of final jurisdiction. „ 12 04 1871;; 2 245 ;, ?4. Board approved bond of James Mann, Clerk of Superior Court. „ 09 27 1872;? 2 371 ,, 25.? Superior Court Clerk Mann's fee approved. 12 02 1872?, 2 403 .`. 26.;? , Estimate of stationary for office referred to Auditing Committee. ., 02 19 1873; 3 25 .. i? 27.?? ? Bi11s from James Mann approved as Superior Court Clerk. 08 04 ? 1873+ 3 ? 93 28.?? Mr. Mann's fee approved. ; 10 06 1873?_ 3 114 ? 29.` Clerk notified by Clerk to Board to appear and offer official bond. : 10 22 1873?? 3 121 k 30 j Bi11 f J M f f f S i Cl C k d .? • ' . ! rom ann ames or ee o uper or ourt er approve . , 12 02 1873 3 151 ? ?3 31.`? Fees of J.C. Mann approved as Clerk of Superior Court. 02 02 1874'' 3 174 , ;? 32.?? ? Approved renewed bond of J. Mann as Clerk of Superior Court by vote of 3 to 2. , 03 16 1874; 3 194 ' s? 33.p? James Heaton elected Clerk of Superior Court in August 6, 1$74 election. 08 10 1874,,, 3 235 ,§ 34.;? , Auditing Committee reports on fines collected by Clerk Mann since 1869. „ 08 31 1874„ ? 3 240 „ ? ? ?5.j p Auditing Committee reports on monies received by Clerk Mann from Justices of the Peace. 08 31 1874'; 3 240 , + 36.`,? Fees of W.A. Bagl.ey as Clerk of Superior Court approved. 09 05 1874;, 3 247 „ 37.?? James Heaton, Clerk elect of Superior Court,requested more time for presenting bond, this granted. ,, 09 09 1874;, 3 253 ;, 38.?? All papers in processioning cases of Murray vs. Murray and Teachy vs. Murray and Powers to be filed with 09 09 18744; 3 253 ;'? '° ? ? Clerk of Superior Court. s ` ?, ., ., 39.€ Bond of James Heaton approved as Clerk of Superior Court. 09 14 1874;? 3 258 +O.r , Daniel Russell explained that he had sufficient U.S. bonds to cover bond of Mr. Heaton. .. 09 14 1874? 3 258 +1.? Iq 3 Letter from Clerk Heaton requesting office ?tationary; Chairman to visit office of Mr. Heaton and give 09 15 ].874;: 3 260 :? ? ? order for necessary stationary. ? , ?" 42., Clerk of Superior Court notified of jurors' rates for Superior Court. (See; CLERK TO BOARD) 09 24 1874?; 3 264 ,? 43..? ? ? After term of Superior Court Board to examine amount of fines, forfeitures and penalties paid to Clerk. ?„ 11 02 1874?? ,? 3 271 ?; ,? ?i ', '' ?q . , ?1 ? ?9 ?G S ? E': F1 ? ?? ? SUPERIOR COURT CLERK YNDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover Coun?j N C MATTER , . . , : ` ets. u. s. /? County Indeze? Since 1888 ?? a+a?-- To loeats names, open at COTT A-Z TAB INDEX r?r oence LLct?m? An [dentifying Tnde Marlc ??..5 8URNAME INITIAL TAB MADE BY THE COTT INDE% COMPANY, GOLUMBUS, OHIO SOLU BY OWEN G. D UNN, NEW B ERN, NOR TH CAROLINA ?? j? `` NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS DATE ?? MINUTE BOOK ;, ? Month I Day I Year ?, ?. Vol. I Page ?? " ? l.!j ? Board to send transcript of Clerk's collection of fines to Treasurer and Clerk to settle. 11 02 t` 1874', ?? 3 271 .? , ' 2.-? Commissioners Wagner, Van Amringe and Morris to examine Clerk's collection of fines and forfeitures. Y, 11 02 1874f? '' 3 272 ? ?g B '? 3.;? Chairman requested more time to examine books of Superior Court Clerk. : 12 07 , 1874E? 3 280 j j ? 4.4; Bill from James Heaton as Clerk of Court approved, 12 07 1874ka 3 281 , 5. '„ Board filed report on books of Clerk of Superior Court and State Treasurer notified. O1 05 1875 ?; 3 290 E; + 6. .. Account of Clerk of Superior Court not settled with Treasurer because Clerk was not present at meeting. ;, 02 02 1875?i e? 3 297 ; i f 7.'; Bills of J.C. Mann, late Clerk of Superior Court, referred until he furnishes the Board the dockets he has.'. " 03 05 1875ki 3 308 d, ?? ?? 8. ; Fee of James Heaton as Clerk approved. 03 OS 1875: 3 309 r: ?: `? , „ ?? 9. .' Bi33 from ?eorge Flack for CZerk of Superior Co?rt approver?. . 04 06 1$75.; 3 316 ;3 {` 10... C.M. Galloway elected Clerk of Superior Court in Pender County April 15, 1875. 04 17 1875, 3 319 S' 11.. Chairman to obtain missing criminal dockets of Superior Court and all other County property which James 05 08 1875, 3 325 '` Mann, late Clerk of Court, holds. .. . 12. Fee of James Heaton, Clerk ofSuperior Court, approved. 05 08 1875 3 327 13.. J.C. Mann, late Clerk of Court, had received County money during his term without accounting for it. 06 11 1875 3 335 14. ? Chairman to employ clerical labor to ascertain amount Mr. Mann owes County, and Chairman to bring suit ?° 06 11 1875 ? 3 335 '.'; +ti ' against Mr. Mann's bondsmen. ? i ,15.:. Report received on investigation of James Mann, and Board ordered proceedings to be taken against Mr. Mann. 07 28 1875, 3 360 { 16.: .. Fees of James Heaton approved as Clerk of Superior Court. .. 08 03 1875 3 364 'f tr 17.?,; James Heaton, Clerk of Superior Court, allowed until September 13 to renew his official bond. , 09 06 1375 3 371 ?: 18 .'.; Bond of James Heaton approved . 09 08 , 1875',, 3 374 ?y ?' ? . 19. Bill of James Heaton, Clerk of Superior Court, referred to Auditing Committee. 11 09 1875„ 3 390 i }a ,, 20.,. Chairman to ascertain amount due County by Mr. Heaton. , I1 09 I875 3 390 ?r v 21., Chairman.and S. Van Amringe to examine books of Clerk of Court to ascertain amount of fines, forfeitures, 02 07 1876. 3 411 `? . ?; ?. and penalties received by him. . :? 4; ;; 22.,, Bill from James Aeaton as Clerk approved. „ 02 07 1876?? 3 412 ?; 23.,,. Bill from James Heaton as Clerk of Superior Court approved. 02 11 1876„ 3 414 ;; 24.: Bills from James Heaton and Munds Bros. as Clerk of Superior Court approved, pages 419-420. 03 08 1876; 3 419 `' 25..: Bill from James Heaton approved. ,. 04 03 1876;; 3 427 ;; , 26. Report on monies paid Court Clerk's office since October term for fines, forfeitures, and penalties. 04 19 1876; 3 431 ?'a r? 27.? k Bills from William H. Bagley and James Heaton as Clerk of Superior Court approved, pages 446-447. . 06 07 1876? 3 446 ;; t? 28.. Bill from Clerk Heaton approved. .. 08 07 1876.- .. 3 457 ?'' ?? , 29. ? All officials elected in November to give bonds in December, except Clerk of Court, who must give bond in . 09 04 1876; ., 3 462 ,? t? ., September. , . `? ?; 30. Clerk Heaton requested more time in presenting his bond due to misunderstanding on when it was due. 09 04 1876,{ 3 462 31. .. Clerk of Superior Court to present his bond on October 9, or his office will be declared vacant. ,. 09 27 1876 .. 3 478 .- „ i' 32. Fee of Clerk Heaton approved. 09 27 1876 3 481 ? .? 33. Chairman to ascertain amount of fines, forfeitures and penalties received by Clerk of Court since Sept.l875 10 04 1876? „ 3 483 "? 11 34., Chairman to report on bond securities of Superior Court Clerk which were not justified when presented. 10 09 1876! 3 484 ?_ 35.; James Heaton allowed until November to file his bond. ,. 10 24 1876 3 485 `i €; 36.? Affidavit from Mr. Heaton stating that his mother will become his security when she returns from trip. , 10 24 1876, 3 485 ?i 37.,? Opinion of Attorney is that Clerk should be given ample time to file his bond so as not to defeat will of , 10 24 1876, 3 485 ', a fy ,, ? the people who elected him. . ? ?;. ? P 38.,: ' Committee given more time to report on fines, forfeitures and penalities received by Clerk. 11 22 1876: , 3 497 '' !` 39.;; , Bill from Clerk Heaton for September approved. 11 22 1876„ 3 498 ?; (? j3 4 40.9 Clerk Heaton to present his bond by November 28 or his office will be declared vacant, ? 11 23 1876;. 3 500 ;? 41.F; `t k? ?f ?? , fl? ?I_ Clerk Heaton given until 4:00 PM today to present his bond or his office wil be declared vacant. , y _ :; ?? 11 28 1876n ^ 1 E? ?i 3 501 ?; t; ? ` "? ?i 1I INDEX TO CO?iMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover Count?y, N. C. _ MATTER: SUPERIOR COURT CLERK ` ?ac. u. s. ,?1,- County Indezea Since 1888 h? ?r.?-r To locate names, open at coTT A-z TAB INOex r?t OFFICE ?n? ???(.a-? An Identifyins Trade Mark ??? SURNAME INITIAL TAB MADE BY THE CQTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTN CAROLINA , ? . NATURE OF PROCE??INGS `? DATE ? MINUTE BOOK ky Month I Day I Year ?? Vol, I Page ?; ;? ? ? - - ,, ? ?, 1. Letter from Dr. J.F. King saying Mr. Heaton is very ill from gun shot wound and not to be disturbed. ?? 12 ., 02 1876?? s 3 502 'w` "? 2. Clerk Heaton allowed more time to present his bond. ;; 12 02 ?y 1876 " ?; 3 502 ?E : 3. Superior Court Clerk Heaton must offer his bond by Decernber 23 or his offic e will be declared vacant. s; 12 14 1876?? , 3 510 4? , 4. Bond of Clerk Heaton was received. ; 12 23 1876;'. 3 t 513 ?; , i? F, ?? _ 5. Finance Committee to ascertain amount of monies collected by Cler k of Court for past twelve months. ? 02 05 1877y? 3 525 s? 6. Clerk Heaton to present his claims against County for payment sin ce County is now paying cash. ` 06 05 1877 ?; 3 549 { , y{ k? 7.` John D. Taylor appeared and presented his appointment as Clerk of Superior Court. „ 07 16 1877? a 3 580 ,, . 8. 9 Supreme Court of N.C. declared office of Clerk of Superior Court and Judge of Probate vacant in Kenan 07 16 1877 3 580 , ? versus Heaton. ;i „ 9.;; Bond of J.D. Taylor as Clerk of Superior Court and Judge of Probate approved. F? ,e ,10.?? Messrs. Grainger and Worth to investigate unregistered papers in office of Clerk of Court which were ;+ . 4R alleged paid to former Clerk Heaton. .11.?? Clerk of Court to have all records in his office which need repaired done at County expense. #; 12.?; All unwritten minutes of Superior Court which should have been done by late Clerk to be written up. !f .13.? Clerk of Superior Court, John D. Taylor, renewed his bond and it was approved. 14.? Power of Attorney of James Wilson relative to affairs of late Clerk Heaton referred to County Attorney 15.i Bill from J.D. Taylor as Clerk of Superior Court approved, pages 668 and 671. f 16.j? Report from Clerk Taylor on papers he affixed seal on from July, 1877 to January, 1878 referred to d R Finance Committee. 07 16 1877 3 581 08 07 1877 ` 3 587 10 10 12 12 12 ; Ol 03 1877 3 03 1877 3 03 1877 3 15 1877 3 15 1877 ,< 3 07 1878 ? ,? 3 627 ? F+ 627 653 ' 663 y 668 , 680 ,' .17. Request from Clerk Taylor for a small iron safe to keep records of his office in referred to Mr. Worth. Ol 18. ,; Claim of W.M. Baldwin, Clerk of Superior Court of Whiteville,N.C.,referred to Finance Committee. , Ol 19.g Claim of Clerk Taylor for bill of cost in lunacy cases referred to Auditing Committee. 02 20,?? In 1876 former Clerk Heaton gave order on Board in favor of J. London for $100, but never made out bill. A4 21.? Board ordered warrant of $100 be drawn on account of Mr. Heaton in favor of Mr. London. F `. 04 ? 6 ,22.° Copy of 1876 order given to Auditing Committee by Mr. Heaton to pay Mr. London. ; 04 ,23. P Bond of S. Van Amringe as Clerk of Superior Court approved and registered, and he qualified before Board. 09 E ;24.? + ? Finance Committee to furnish interior room of Superior Court Clerk with carpet. 11 ?? .. ',25.?? Claim of James Heaton referred to Finance Committee. , 11 t 26.? Report of Clerk of Superior Court, S. Van Amringe,found correct. ; 12 ? 27.? Attorney to examine claim of H. Nutt that County ruling against him as surety on bond of J.C. Mann unjust, Ol ? 28. Attorney to determine if J.C. Mann owes County more than included in above judgment. , O1 29. Bills from Clerk of Supreme Court for cost in sundry cases to be paid. , 05 ? ,30. Clerk of Superior Court allowed money for two terms of the Court. p7 31.4Bond of Clerk of Superior Court and Judge of Probate, S. Van Amringe, approved. 12 32.? Annual report from C1erk of Superior Court found correct. 12 ? 33.? Bond of Clerk of Superior Court, S. Van Amringe, accepted. , 12 ?j 34.?? ;? Report from S. Van Amringe paid in. : 12 €? .35.?? Clerk of Court allowed to remove his records to Courtroom while repairs are made on Courthouse. 08 36.? Apglication of Clerk Van Amringe and member of Bar referred to Finance Committee. ? 09 37. Bond of Clerk of Superior Court, S. Van Amringe, approved. 12 38.? Bond of Clerk ofSuperior Court, S. Van Amringe, approved. „ 12 39. Clerk's office of Superior Court to be furnished one ton of coal by County for winter's supply, u, 11 40. Bond of Clerk of Superior Court, S. Van Amringe, approved. !„ 12 41.k Report from Superior Court Clerk Van Amringe on money collected from Bladen Steamboat Co. received. 03 42. Superior Court Clerk reported on money collected from Cape Fear Enterprising Co. which went to School Fund: 05 43. Superior Court Clerk submitted his annual report. r. ?' ?; I? 12 t, 07 1878 .? 3 10 1878 ' 3 16 1878 ,, 3 29 1878 3 29 1878 , 3 29 1878 3 ?, 02 1878 , 3 14 1878 ', 3 29 1878 F; 3 06 1878 ' 4 06 1879 '; 4 06 187 9 , 4 05 187 9 4 07 1879 '? 4 , O1 1879 „ 4 15 1879 „ 4 06 1II80 ,; 4 20 1880 „ 4 08 1881 , 4 05 1881 ,n 4 05 1881 E'; 4 04 1882 :; 4 05 1883 „ 4 03 1883 .; 4 03 1884 ? 4 OS 1884 ?, 4 Ol 1884 r? 4 ?;? `? :F k` : ? ,? 680 682 701 721 721 !, 721 743 . 778 780 4 13 13 ,? 71 81 131 „ 139 250 . 258 323 324 ;, 341 433 ,; 505 ?, 511 , 534 ` 547 ? 589 s?? i >? ?? ?? il ? ??. INDEX TO GOMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover County, N. C. _ MATiER: SUPERIOR COURT CLERK - eao. u, s. County Indezee Since 1888 ?? k.3-- To loeats namss, open at COTT A•Z TAB INDEX ??r orrwa ???e-7'? An ldentifyin? Trede Mark ??`? SURNAME INITIAL TAB MADE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBIIS, OHIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN NEW BERN NORTH CAROLINA ? l , F? NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS `? !i 1.%' Bond of Superior Court Clerk, S. Van Amringe, approved. ?? 2.`? Cle•rk Van Amringe reported on money received from N.C. Phosphate Co. 3.'; Clerk Van Amringe reported on money received from Carolina Oil and Creosate Co. 4.;? Annual report from Clerk Van Amringe submitted. ? - 5.y; Clerk Van Amringe allowed more time to file his bond, it having irregularities in it. 6.?? Bond from Superior Court Clerk Van Amringe approved. 7.;; Report from Clerk Van Amringe on money collected from Wilmington Electric Lightirig Co. received. 8.,{ Report from Superior Court Clerk on money collected from Creosote Lumber and Construction Co. and ' WiZmirtgton Homesteaa anc? Loo?n Association. ?? DATE p ?, Month I Day I Year ? u : 12 ? Ol ?; 1884 ?I ` 05 04 ?;? 1885 ?; '{ E: 10 05 1885 S ? 12 07 ?? 1885 ;$ ' 12 07 ?; 1885 'i? ?? ?, : 12 14 1885 ?? ' ! 06 07 1886 ? ;, 09 06 1886 t?? 9... Report from Clerk Van Amringe on money collected from Fore & Foster Plaining Mill and Sash and Blind Co. 10 10. Clerk of Superior Court Van Amringe submitted his annual report. 12 11. . Bond of Clerk Van [?nringe approved. . 12 12.:. Report from Superior Court Clerk on money collected from Carolina Chemical Company received. , 03 13.?• Money collected by Clerk Van Amringe from Messenger Publishing Co. for incorporating it to be credited to 06 the School Fund. , ? 14. Money collected from incorporation of Standard Automatic Car Coupling Co, to be credited to School Fund. 15.. Clerk Van Amringe reported on money collected from Cape Fear Agricultural Association. 16. Letter from S.H. Manning, S. Van Amringe and J.E. Sampson laid on table. 17.:: Bond of Clerk of 5uperior Court,S. Van Amringe, approved. 18.; Annual report from Clerk Van Amringe showing amount paid Treasurer submitted. 19.,; Clerk Van Amringe reported on money collected from Pugete Sound Creosote Co. and paid Treasurer. 20.,, Clerk Van Amringe reported on money collected from Dalcan Chemical Co, 21.`? Annual report received from Clerk Van Amringe on money paid Treasurer. 22.,; Bond of Clerk Van Amringe approved. 23.; Report from Clerk Uan Amringe on money collected from Proctor Screen Co, and paid to Treasurer. 24. Report from Clerk Van Amringe on money collected from Mechanics House Association and paid to Treasurer. 25.. Report from Clerk Van Amringe showing amount collected from Carolina Fibre and Bagging Co. 26.. Report from Clerk Van Amringe on money collected from Switch Back Pleasure Company and the Industrial ;a Manufacturing Co. and paid to Treasurer. ? 27.' Report from Clerk Van Amringe on money collected from incorporation of American Pine Fibre Co, and ; Wilmington Investment Co. 28. Report from Clerk Van Amringe on money collected from Peoples Perpetual Building and Loan Association. 29. Bond of Superior Court Clerk Van Amringe approved. 30.,..; Annual report from Clerk of Superior Court spread on minutes. 31.,; Report from Superior Court Clerk Van Amringe on amount of official money held by him. 32.?, Clerk Van Amringe reported on money collected from Universal Lubricant Co. and paid to Treasruer. 33.,, Report from Clerk Van Amringe on money collected from Carolina Interstate Building and Loan Association. 34., John D. Taylor, Superior Court Clerk-elect, presented his election certificate and took oath of office. 35.,„ S.Van Amringe proCested, claiming he had been legally elected Clerk of Superior Court. 36.:; Report submitted from Clerk Taylor on money belonging to other parties which he held and had never been : claimed. 37.,, Clerk Taylor's report on money he holds belonging to other parties spread on minutes. (GENERAL A5SEMBLY) 38.;' Report from Clerk J.D. Taylor on money collected for incorporating Oak Point Pleasure Club. 39.;,i Report from Superior Court Clerk John D. Taylor on money he holds which belongs to other parties. 40.:; Bond of John D. Taylor as Clerk of Superior Court approved. 41.'`, Will of Cornelius Harnett dated 1781 recently found in office of Clerk of Superior Court. ?8 09 11 , 12 12 ? 12 . 07 ,n 09 ,. 12 , 12 02 06 07 08 09 10 12 MINUTE BOOK Vol. I Page 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 04 1886 „ 4 06 1886 ? 4 06 1886 : 4 07 1887 ; 4 06 1887 5 ?? 05 1887 ? 5 ?9 07 1887 ? 5 05 1887 '? 5 05 1887 .? 5 05 1887 5 02 1888 '?` 5 03 1883 ? 5 03 1888 ;: 5 ? 03 1888 ,, 5 04 1889 :; 5 i? 04 18?9 ?; 5 Ol 1889 '.° 5 05 1389 5 s; 03 1389 ?? 5 .; 07 1889 5 02 1889 ;? 5 12 02 1889 , 5 Ol 06 1890 : 5 Ol 06 1890 `, 5 10 06 1890 ? 5 „ 12 , 12 ;, O1 O1 ? 05 12 12 ; 07 Ol 1890 ? 5 Ol 1890 ,; ? 5 05 1891 ,= 5 05 k 1891 '.? 5 04 1891 ?„ 5 07 1891 'e 5 07 1$ 91 E, 5 11. 18 9 2;; 5 593 630 653 660 664 670 718 735 744 ;; I 756 ; 756 ; ,; t' ?, 793 ;; E 15 ; r? 38 ?; 4' ?i 47 ?+ 5 2 '' I; f 53 3; 54 ?? 94 ?' o?. 102 ?d i+ 118 ?' 120 y k 135 i' ??. 17 0 !; I:? 17 8 ;,? ?, 6? 183 '` ii ?? !1 9; 190 g' d 194 ff s; 203 i? ?, 204 j3 S' 212 213 " ?? 's+ 273 ;; 283 283 293 294 324 ?; ?E 366 ? ?? 367 ?! 6 431 r ! INDEX TO COMMISSIOI?ERS MINUTES -- New Hanover County, N. C. , MATT RT SCHOOLS eec. u. s. County Indexea Since 1888 ? Yo loeate nam@S? open pt COTT A•Z TAB INDEX r?T OFFICE ?sll7l?s-?S An Identifying Trade Mark SURNAME INITIAL TAB MADE QY THE COTT INDEJI COINPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS l. Hardsurfacing agreed for Sunset Park School. 2. Statement showing distribution of property values and school costs between urban-rural population. 3. Request for work on Isaac Bear School grounds referred to Chairman. 4. Mrs. Louis Poisson rec{uested, granted clay hauled on Tileston School grounds. 5. Peabody School gronnds, as requested, granted clay furnishings. 6. Board agreed to haul clay for Harnett School grounds. 7. Letter of appreciation received from PTA of Isaac Bear School regarding hauling of clay and services rendered on new playground. 8. Forest Hills School grounds committee reQuested gravel for School driveway; Chairman to confer with Superintendent of Relief on matter. 9. Clay to be hauled on grounds of Wrightsboro School and Church. ZQ. School Board authorized to continue repairs to school buildings and premises during summer from receipts, fines, forfeitures, dog and poll taxes, pending budget adoption. 11. Col. R. S. McClelland requested, postponed, CWA project for Peabody School. 12. Peabody School approved for CWA project. 13. School books authorized for Bert and Sam Register. 14. Reduction in tax rate on state loans requested for schools. 15. Chairman and auditor to discuss School notes with state officials. 16. Letter of appreciation received from school principal. 17. Half-amount payment authorized for Nursery School by City/County. 18. Williston Industrial Center to be replaced, funds requested. 19. School bond prepared, approved. 20. April 12 action approved, and statement to be filed on school dept. 21 School construction bids too high; but Tileston and Carolina Beacl-? Schools approved anyway. 22. PTA requested, referred to Health Dept., appropriations for nurse. 23. Tileston School to be renovated; fund received by bond. 24. PTA invited board to attend their meeting of appreciation. 25. Motion carried to install signal light at Sunset Park School. 26. Caution light installed at school. 27. Caswell Training School granted donation for Childrens' Christmas funds. 28. Morrison Training School granted Childrens' Christmas donation. 29. State Home and IndUStrial School granted Childrens' Christmas donation. 30. Caution light urged quick installing at School. 31. School credits approved for March. 32. Flashing light, not caution light, decided for Sunset Park School. 33. Flashing light authorized at Bradley Creek and Sunset Park Schools. 34. Payment approved for caution light at Sunset Park School. 35. School zone sign authorized, installed at Sunset Park School. 36. Junior Officer appropriation requested, declined for sending school members to Washington, DC. 37. Schools authorized credit from budget. 38. Nursery school requested, considered for budget increase. 39. School's tax rate fixed. 40. School bond approved.. 41. East Wilmington referred for sign at school. 42. Bus authorized to transport Wrightsville Beach School children. 43. Report made on traffic ignoring caution sign at Sunset Park School. DATE Month Day Year 09 30 1930 09 28 1931 12 07 1931 O1 11 1932 02 Ol 1932 02 08 1932 02 15 1932 MINUTE BOOK Vol. Page 9 70 9 129 9 142 9 147 9 150 9 152 9 152 D1 09 1933 9 198 05 Ol 1933 9 218 06 26 1933 9 230 Ol 15 1934 9 266 O1 22 1934 9 268 09 24 1934 9 303 02 lI 1935 9 324 09 09 1935 9 379 02 17 1936 9 407 03 16 1936 9 414 09 08 1936 9 451 04 12 1937 9 491 04 19 1937 9 493 06 ?7 1937 9 505 06 Z1 1937 9 509 06 28 1937 9 510 06 ?8 1937 9 5I0 10 17 1938 10 16 11 ?7 1938 10 21 12 ?5 1938 10 27 12 19 1938 10 29 IZ 19 I938 10 28 O1 ??3 1939 10 31 G3 13 1939 10 45 03 15 1939 10 46 04 10 1939 10 49 04 03 1939 10 48 04 17 1939 10 50 04 17 1939 10 51 06 05 1939 10 61 06 26 1939 10 64 OS 09 1939 10 74 08 09 1939 10 74 09 05 1939 10 80 09 11 1939 10 92 10 02 1939 10 86 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover Count? N C MATTER SUPERIOR COURT CLERK , . . _ : ` ?ac. u. s. County Indezee S?nee 1888 ?' ?+.?--? To loeats names, open at coir A-i Tae IhDex ?l?,s-?' An Identifying Trade Mark '?'? SURNAME INITIAL TAB MADE BY THE C4TT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO PAT OFFICE SOLO BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA NATURE Of PROCEEDINGS ? DATE ?y " MINUiE BOOK '??'? ?? Month ? Day ? ; Year ? Vol. ? Page ";' ?' 1.? Will of Cornelius Harnett only recently recorded by Clerk Taylor. '. 07 11 1892 .a 5 z, 431 t' 2. Report from Clerk Taylor on m?rney he holds belonging to other parties. , 12 05 1892 ?^ 5 453 ? ,? 3. Bond of Superior Court Clerk-elect, John D. Taylor, approved. 12 05 1892 5 453 4. Bond of Superior Court Clerk-elect, John D. Taylor, approved. ? 12 05 1892 ? 5 455 z r 5. . Report submitted from Superior Court Clerk J.D. Taylor on money he holds for minor children, ' 12 04 1893 ;„ 5 532 ; 6.? Bond of Superior Court Clerk J.D. Taylor approved. „ 12 04 1893 , 5 532 ?- ?? ?9 7.? , Clerk of Criminal Court W.R. Franch allowed more time to have his bondsmen justify before Clerk of Court. „ 12 04 1893 s ? 5 532 „; 8.? . ? Report from Clerk Taylor on tax collected on incorporation of Southern Merchantile Association, ,. 02 05 1894 ., 5 544 ? s? 9.6? Report from Clerk Taylor on mone_y held from unclaimed witness tickets. 02 05 1894 , 5 544 10.'? . E Annual report from Clerk Taylor showing money he holds for minor children. 12 03 1894 ., 5 594 11.?? ?? Clerk Taylor gave oath of office to new Commissioners. 12 03 1894 5 595 12.,? Bond of Superior Court Clerk J.D. Taylor approved. 12 03 1894 5 595 `r; 13.?? . N Superior Court Clerk Taylor reported on incorporation fees collected from the Hilton Lumber Company. Ol 07 1895 5 607 ? 14.r? ?, Clerk Taylor reported paying Sheriff jury tax. 04 Ol 1895 5 633 !, 15.E? Report from Clerk Taylor on jury tax he paid Sheriff and incorporation tax paid Treasurer, 05 06 1895 5 637 i! 16.?? Report from Clerk Taylor on jury tax and on incorporation fees. 06 03 1895 5 643 17.?j rs Clerk Taylor reported on jury and incorporation taxes collected. 07 O1 1895 5 648 ?? 18.;? Report from Clerk Taylor on incorporation fees. 08 05 1895 5 652 , 19.Mk F Report from Clerk Taylor on incorporation taxes. 10 07 1895 „ 5 672 n € ?0. Bond of Superior Court Clerk Taylor approved. 12 07 1896 s 5 748 21.? Various oathes of office sent to office of Superior Court Clerk to be recorded. 12 07 1896 ;; 5 748 _. , i? 22.;? Annual report from Clerk Taylor referred to Auditing Committee. , Ol 04 1597 „ 5 754 „ l? 23.?? Report from Clerk Taylor on money collected from Worth Ice & Fuel Co. and from S. &. W. H, Northrop. „ Ol 05 1897 5 758 23.?y Report from Clerk Taylor on money collected from Jackson and Bell Co. ,; 02 Ol 1897 ,: 5 761 „ ? 24.?? Report from Clerk Taylor on money collected from charter fees and jury taxes. 03 O1 1897 ; 5 778 i; 25.?? ` ,, Superior Court Clerk's report on jury tax collected filed. 04 05 1897 5 799 :I 26.a? Report from Clerk Taylor on incorporation taxes collected. (Out of sequence, numbers 26-37) 12 02 1895 ? 5 679 27.?j S Clerk Taylor submitted his annual report on monies he holds for other parties. 12 02 1895 , 5 679 ? ?s 28.? Bond of Clerk of Superior Court Taylor appraved. 12 02 1895 5 680 ? 29.E Report from Clerk Taylor on incorporation taxes collected. 02 03 1896 5 691 ? 30.? Report from Clerk Taylor on incorporation taxes collected. 03 02 1896 5 707 31.? E Report from Clerk Taylor on incorporation taxes and on Grand Jury's January term of Superior Court, „ 04 06 1896 : 5 712 ,?2.? Report from Clerk Taylor on incorporation taxes collected, 06 Ol 1896 : 5 718 I ?3.;? Report form Clerk Taylor on incorporation taxes collected. 08 03 1896 S 727 ?? 34.?s ;; Superior Court Clerk appointed Duncan McEachern as member of Board of Commissioners. 08 10 1896 5 730 ;, 35.;; ,; Report from Clerk Taylor on fines collected by him. 11 02 1896 . 5 737 ?i ,36.;? Report from Deputy Clerk Preston Cumming on incorporation taxes collected. 11 09 1896 , 5 740 , a 37.?? Deputy Clerk Preston Cumming requested more time for Clerk Taylor to make his report and was granted. 11 09 1896,; 5 741 ,. !? 38.?? r Clerk Taylor reported on money collected from Wrightsville Hotel Co. 05 03 1897.; 6 9 39. ?i 1 Report from Clerk Taylor on fees collected in jury cases. 06 07 1897 6 12 , ; _40. Report from Deputy Superior Court Clerk on money collected from C.W, Polvagt Co., American Union Assoc. 09 06 1897 6 41 ? ?? and Wilmington Livery Stable Co. . P? ?'' 11 O1 1897 6 57 41. k Report from Clerk Taylor on money collected from the Kidder Lumber Co. ; ,42.? ? Clerk Taylor reported on incorporation fee collected from Merchants and Farmers Steamboat Co. 12 06 1897 6 64 ,? 43.f'? g Clerk Taylor rendered his annual report. 12 06 1897 ; 6 64 ??? , 44.`? Board decided it was not necessary to have bonds of Clerk renewed. 12 06 1897.; 6 65 , ?3 Y FZ . ?? 4 iq ? ?? V'? Ey 1 ?1. INDEX TO COMMISSIO?ERS MINUTES - New Hanover Count?y, N. C. _ MA?TE T SUPERIOR COURT CLERK ` aec. u. s. County Indezea Since 1888 ??}??' '" To loeate names, open at COTT A-2 TAB INDEX ??r OFFICE ?? An Identifying Trade Mark U?.GY SURNAMF INITIAL TAB MIADE BY THE COTi INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLO BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BFRN, NORTH CAROLINA NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS 1. Clerk Taylor reported on incorporation taxes collected by him. 2. Report from Clerk Taylor on money he has collected. 3. Report from Clerk Taylor on money he has collected. 4. ReQort from Clerk Taylor on money he had collected. 5. Report from Clerk Taylor on money he had collected. 6. Commissioners, Superior Court Clerk and Register of Deeds met in special session. 7. Clerk Taylor submitted his annual report. 8. Bond of John D, Taylor, Clerk of Superior Court, approved. 9. Com?nissioners, Superior Court Clerk and Begister of Deeds accepted resignation of F.J. Dempsey from the Board of Education. 10. B.G. Worth elected to Board of Education by above officers. 11. Commissioners, Register of Deeds and Superior Court Clerk accepted resignation of F,W, Foster and Jordan Nixon from Board of Education. 12. T.D. Meares and Giles Westbrook elected to Board of Education by above officers. 13. Report from Superior Court Clerk approved. 14. Report fm m Superior Court Clerk filed. 15. Report from Superior Court Clerk filed. 16. Report from Clerk Taylor filed. 17. Report from Clerk Taylor filed. 18. Report from Clerk Taylor approved. 19. Report from Clerk Taylor filed. 20. Report from Clerk Taylor filed. 21. Clerk Taylor allowed to purchase bookcase for his office. 22. Annual report frmm Superior Court Clerk approved and read. 23. Renewed bond of Clerk Taylor as Superior Court Clerk accepted. 24. Monthly report from C1erk Taylor approved. 25. Report from Clerk Taylor for May was accepted. 26. Report from Clerk Taylor filed. 27. Annual report fram Superior Court Clerk filed. 28. Bond of Clerk of Superior Court, John D. Taylor, approved. 29. Report from Clerk Taylor for December, 1900 was filed. 30. Report from C1erk Taylor received and filed. 31. Report from Clerk Taylor received and approved. 32. Bond received and approved frorn Clern Taylor. 33. Annual report of public mo?.ies in hands of Clerk Taylor file3. 34. Bond of Clerk John D. Taylor approved by Attorney. 35. Report from ?lerk Taylor file 3. 35. Report of Clerk Taylor filed. 37. Report of Clerk Taylor read arid approved. 38. Report from Clerk Taylor on money collected for School Fund and jury tax received. 39. Report fro m Clerk Taylor filed. 4J. John D, Taylor elected Clerk of Superior Court and oath given. 41. Report from Clerk Taylor for November was approved. 42. Annual report from Clerk Taylor approved. 43. Bond of Superior Court Clerk John Taylor approved. 44. Report from Clerk Taylor approved. DATE . MINUTE BOOK ? Month IDay Year Vol. Page Y 02 08 1898 • 6 83 ?. ?? 03 07 1898 6 105 ? , 04 04 1898 6 112 ? 05 02 1898 6 ! 121 h 6 ' 09 05 1898 6 , K 177 ? I1 I8 1898 6 ' 191 ;. 12 05 1898 6 P 198 ? s 12 05 1898. 6 e 201 ; 12 05 1898 6 201 ?. 12 05 1898 6 201 ? 12 06 1898 6 203 12 06 1898 6 02 06 1899 6 04 03 1899 6 05 Ol 1899 _ 6 06 05 1899 6 07 05 1899 6 08 07 1899 . 6 09 12 1899 6 11 06 1899 6 11 06 1899 6 12 04 1899 6 12 04 1899 6 05 08 1900 6 06 04 1900 6 11 05 1900 6 12 03 I900 6 12 08 1900 6 O1 07 1901 6 06 17 1901 6 07 O1 1901 6 12 02 1901 6 12 09 1901 6 12 09 1901 6 02 03 1902 6 04 07 1902 6 06 03 190 2 6 08 04 1902 6 09 O1 1902 6 12 Ol 1902 6 12 Ol 1902 6 12 O1 1902 6 O1 05 1903 6 05 04 1903 6 ? 204 225 245 ; 258 ; f 297 : 316 ? 325 ? 336 ; 347 347 ? 362 ' 362 434 ; 446 485 489 492 ? 511 ; 556 ' 574 ? 616 ?2? 622 632 645 ` 656 666 672 , 684 , 685 ? 685 695 718 : INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover Count? N C SUPERIOR COURT CLERK MATTER , . . , • ` eec. u. a. Counry [ndezee Since 1888 ?r ?.?' To locate names, open at r?r OFFICE ??? An ldentifying Trade Mark ?`? SUBNAME INITIAL TAB COTT A•2 TAB INDEX ?DE RY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD BY OWEN 6. DUNN, NEW BE RN, NORTH CAROLINA NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS DATE MINUTEBOOK Month I Day I Year Vol. Page 1. Report from Clerk Taylor was approved. 06 O1 1903 6 723 2. Report from Clerk Taylor received and filed. 08 03 1903 6 742 3.a Report from Clerk Taylor for October approved. 11 02 1903 6 758 4. Report from Clerk Taylor for November approved and public monies in his hands received. 12 07 1903 6 763 5. Bond of John Taylor as Clerk of Superior Court approved. 12 07 1903 6 764 6. Report from Clerk Taylor approve?. 03 07 1904 6 782 7.,. Report from Clerk Taylor approved. 04 04 1904 6 787 8. Report from Clerk Taylor accepted. 05 02 1904 6 791 9. Report from Clerk Taylor was read and approved. 11 07 1904 7 7 10. Bond of J. D. Taylor approved as Clerk of Superior Court. 12 05 1904 7 10 11. Report from Clerk Taylor of monies on hand filed receiveddnd spread on minutes, page 11. 12 05 1904 7 11 12. January report from Clerk Taylor approved. 02 06 1905 7 20 13. Report from Clerk Taylor on money collected and paid to Treasurer filed. 05 O1 1905 7 24 14. Report from Superior Court Clerk filed. 08 07 1905 7 35 15. Report from Clerk Taylor filed. 11 06 1905 7 40 16. Report from Superior Court Clerk referred to Auditing Committee. 12 04 1905 7 42 17. Bond of John D. Taylor as Clerk of Superior Court approved. 12 04 1905 7 43 18. Report from Superior Court Clerk filed. 12 04 1905 7 45 19. Clerk Taylor's report referred to Finance Committee. 03 05 1906 7 48 20. Report from Clerk Taylor referred to Auditing Committee. 05 07 1906 7 52 21. Diplicate tickets issued by Clerk Taylor to Clara Marshall and Jim Hill to be paid. 06 04 1906 7 54 22. Report from Clerk to Court referred to auditing Commiteee. 07 02 1906 7 57 23. Report of Superior Court Clerk referred to Auditing Committee. 08 06 1906 7 59 24., Report of Superior Court Clerk referred to Auditing Committee. 11 06 1906 7 65 25. Report from Superior Court Clerk referred to Auditing Committee. 12 03 1906 7 66 26. Bond of J. D. Taylor approved as Superior Court Clerk. 12 03 1906 7 67 27., Filed annual statement from Clerk Taylor. 12 03 1906 7 68 28. Clerk Taylor reported on money collected from jury tax. O1 07 1907 7 74 29. Report from clerk Taylor filed. 02 04 1907 7 77 30. Report from Clerk Taylor on fines and forfeitures collected. 05 06 1907 7 86 31. Public Buildings Committee authorized to extend vault in office of Superior Court Clerk. 05 07 1907 7 87 32. Report from Clerk Taylor received. 06 03 1907 7 90 33. Report from Clerk Taylor on money collected filed. 07 O1 1907 7 93 34. Board to buy new typewriter for office of Clerk of Superior Court. 07 O1 1907 7 93 35. Report from Clerk Taylor on money he has collected and turned over to Treasurer. 08 05 1907 7 104 36. Report from Clerk Taylor on money he has collected and turned over to Treasurer. 10 07 1907 7 110 37. ?eport from Clerk Taylor on meony he has collected and turned over to Treasurer. 11 04 1907 7 112 38. Annual report from Clerk Taylor referred to Auditing Committee. 12 02 1907 7 113 39. Bond of Clerk Taylor found satisfactory. 12 02 1907 7 116 40., Report from Clerk Taylor on money collected by him and paid to treasurer. 12 02 1907 7 113 41. Clerk Taylor reported on money collected by him. Ol 07 1908 7 120 42..i, .Clerk Taylor reported on money collected by him_and paid to treasurer. 04 06 1908 7 130 43. Committee on Buildings to furnish more shelves and files for Clerk`s office. 04 06 1908 7 130 44. Clerk Taylor reported on money he collected and turned over to Treasurer. 05 04 1908 7 131 45. Clerk Taylor reported on money he collected and turned over to Treasurer. 08 03 1908 7 140 46. Clerk Taylor reported on money he collected and turned over to Treasurer. 09 08 1908 7 144 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES -- New Hanover County, N. C. , MAiT RT SUPERIOR COURT CLERK _ ecc. u. s. County Indexes Since 1888 ??o locate nqmet, open at COTt A-2 TAB INDEX r?r OFF+CE C,?iE??? An Identi[Yin6 Ttade Mark SURNAME INtT1AL 7A8 MADE YY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS? OHIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA .? NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS DATE MINUTE BOOK Month ? Day Year Vol. Page . 1. Clerk Taylor submitted copy of Grand Jury's report, 2. Report from Clerk Taylor on fees collected and turned over to Treasurer. 3. Clerk Taylor reported on money collected by him for month and year. 4. Clerk Taylor's report on money he turned over to Treasurer. 5. Buildings Committee reported progress in enlarging shelves and files in Clerk's office. 6. Clerk Taylor reported on money he collected and turned over to treasurer. 7., Clerk Taylor's report on money he collected and turned over to treasurer. 8. Shelves and files put in Clerk's offices proved satisfactory to Board. 9. Clerk Taylor's report on money he co3?ectea and turnea over to Treasvrer. 10. Clerk Taylor's report on money he collected and turned over to Treasurer I1. Report from Clerk Taylor on money he is holding referred to Auditing Committee. 12. Clerk Taylor`s report on money he had collected and turned over to Treasurer. 13. Clerk Taylor's report on money collected and turned over to Treasurer. 14. Superior Court Clerk appointed J. V. B. Metts to fill Board's vacancy. 15. Clerk Taylor requested same old valuable records be rebound; matter deferred. 16. Clerk Taylor reported on fees collected and turned over to Treasurer. 17. Clerk Taylor reported on fees collected and turned over to Treasurer. 18. Bond of John D. Taylor as Clerk to Superior Court approved. 19. Annual report from Clerk Taylor referred to Auditing Board. 20. Clerk Taylor reported on money collected and turned over to Treasurer. 21. Clerk Taylor reported on money collected and turned over to Treasurer. 22. Clerk Taylor reported on money collected and turned over to Treasurer. 23. Letter from Superior Court Clerk on chairs for jury box and other matters relative to Courtroom referred to Buildings Committee. 24. Clerk Taylor reported on money collected and turned over to Treasurer. 25. Bill from Clerk Taylor for pay of stenographer in case of W. L. Duke referred to Auditing Committee. 26. Clerk Taylor reported on money he had collected and turned over to Treasurer. 27. W. N. Harriss appointed Superior Court Clerk by Judge Al1en due to resignation of J. D. Taylor. 28. Bond of W. N. Harriss approved. 29. Report from Clerk Harriss on money collected and paid to Treasurer. 30. Report from Clerk Harriss on money collected and paid over to Treasurer. 31. Same as October 7, 1912. 32. Bond of W. N. Harriss accepted as Superior Court Clerk. 33. Annual rego?t_frnm ?ug??rior Cnurt Elerk .to be published. _._ 34. Clerk Harriss reported on money collected and paid over to Treasurer. 35. County to employ Meares Harriss to take proceedings in case of Jones vs. Wynwood Lumber Co. 36. Public accountant, A. H. Nash`s recommendation on vault raom in Clerk's office referred to Courthouse Committee. 37. Clerk Harriss' report filed. 38. Report from Clerk Harriss filed. 39. Clerk Harriss reported having Chief Deputy at $1,200 a year and one assistant at $600 per annum. 40. Salaries of Clerk of Superior Court and his assistant set (see Salaries) 41. Report from Clerk Harriss referred to Auditor. 42. Superior Court Clerk appointed L. W. moore to fill Board's vacancy. 43. Couxthouse Committee to have vault door of Superior Court Clerk's office repaired. 44. Superior Court Clerk reported ort fees collected and given to Auditor. 10 05 1908 7 152 11 02 1908 7 154 12 07 1908 7 159 Ol 04 1909 7 164 02 Ol 1909 7 168 03 O1 1909 7 170 05 03 1909 7 176 06 07 1909 7 179 . 07 06 1909 7 180 11 01 1909 7 184 I2 06 1909 7 186 02 07 1910 7 190 03 07 1910 7 191 04 04 1910 7 19? 08 Ol 1910 7 198 09 08 1910 7 199 11 07 1910 7 202 12 05 1910 7 203 12 05 1910 7 203 02 . 06 1911 7 208 04 03 1911 7 213 05 Ol 1911 7 217 06 05 1911 . 7 223 08 07 1911 7 230 09 06 1911 7 232 02 05 1912 7 243 03 05 1912 7 247 03 05 1912 7 247 09 03 1912 7 258 10 07 1912 7 259 11 04 1912 7 262 12 02 1912 7 264 12 05 1912 7 266 O1 06 1913 7 270 O1 13 1913 7 273 Ol 13 1913 7 273 02 03 1913 7 279 03 03 1913 7 281 05 Ol 1913 7 289 05 Ol 1913 7 289 05 Ol 1913 7 289 05 09 1913 7 291 06 02 1913 7 305 06 17 1913 7 309 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover Count N C T SUPERIOR COURT CLERK ?, . . ` , MATT R nec. u. s. ?AT OFFICE ??j ?? County Indexea Since 1888 C?,&e/r? An Idtntifying Trade Mark ? YO IOCCte names, op@n at SURNAME INITIAL TAB C07T A•2 TAB INDEX 7?DE BY 7HE COTT INDEX COAIPANY, COLUMBUS? ONIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH GROLINA NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS l. Clerk Harriss' report filed. 08 2. Same as August 4. 09 3. Same as August 4. 10 4. Request from John Watson for abatement of costs of Recorder`s Court referred to Clerk of Court to Auditor. 10 5. C1erk?Harriss' report filed. 10 6. Monthly and annual reports from Clerk of Court received. 12 7. Report from Superior Court Clerk filed. Ol 8. Report from Clerk Harriss filed. 02 9. Request that salary of Deputy Court Clerk be changea to Recorder's Court referred to Attorney and Auditor. 05 10. Matter of changing salary of Deputy Court Clerk to salary fund deferred until return of Clerk Harriss. 06 11. Amount set for Superior Court Clerk's Bond. 11 12. Qualifications of Clerk ?Iarriss presented. 12 13. Report from Clerk Harriss presented and referred to Auditor. 12 14. Changes needed in office of Superior Court Clerk to facilitate business; matter left to Public Building Ol Committee. 15. Purchase of new typewriter for Clerk of Court referred to Chairman and Auditor. 05 16. Superior Court Clerk to make statement on delinquent costs and fines due Recorder's Court. 06 17. Annual account of Superior Court Clerk Harriss filed. 12 18. Annual statement of Superior Court Clerk Harriss on receipts of Superior and Recorders Courts. 12 ,19. F. A. Olds' request for loan of will of Corneluis Harnett to State Museum of History referred to 05 , Superior Court Clerk. ;20, Superior Court Clerk to suggest to Governor to provide another judge in place of Judge Peebles for term 06 , of Superior Court. '21. Request from Superior Court Clerk that a phone be put in Register's office postponed. 08 ,?22. Annual report from CZerk Harriss on funds in his hands and on collection from Superior and Recorders Court .l2 23. Contract for new shelving in Superior Court Clerk's office awarded to C. W. Yates Co. 05 24. Typewriter in office of Clerk of Superior Court to be exhcanged. 10 25. Annual report from Clerk of Superior Court filed and thanks extended to him for his work. 12 26. Salary of Henry Horne, Deputy Clerk, set at $1,320 per year. 05 ;27.: ?alary of J. L. Gaylord in Clerk's office set at $792 per year. 05 28. Bond of W. N. Harriss as Superior Court Clerk approved. 12 29. Annual report from Superior Court Clerk referred to Auditor. 12 30. Clerk Harriss request for increase in his salary as well as salaries of his clerical force referred to 12 Committee (See Committee Appointments) 31. Clerk Harriss also serving as ex-officio Clerk of Recorder's Court. 12 32. Auditor to sell typewriter on o£fice of Superior Court Clerk. 02 33. Register Blair and Clerk Harriss requested salary increases for th eir deputies; referred to Auditor and 04 Attorney. 34. Committee recommended no salary increases for Superior Court Clerk and Register of Deeds' deputies. 04 35. Matter of fixing salary of Judge of Juvenile court referred to Chairman, Attorney F? Clerk of Court. 05 36. Chairman Auditor and Attorney to consider salary increases for deputy and stenographer of Clerk of 05 Superior Court's o£fice. 37. Annual report from Clerk Harriss on money turned over to Auditor. 12 38. Annual report from Clerk Harriss filed. 12 39. Committee to investigate clerical needs of office of Superior Court Clerk. Ol 40. Committee to investigate clerical needs of Superior Court Clerk to include entire Board. O1 DATE ?nth I Day I Year )4 1913 O1 1913 06 1913 17 1913 17 1913 O1 1913 05 1914 02 1914 18 1914 Ol 1914 • )2 1914 07 1914 07 1914 14 1915 MINUTE BOOK Vol. ( Page 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 311 314 316 319 322 327 331 337 355 359 395 407 407 429 03 1915 7 456 14 1915 7 463 07 1915 7 517 07 1915 7 517 O1 1916 7 550 17 1916 7 567 07 1916 7 574 04 1916 7 599 07 1917 7 621 O1 1917 7 641 03 1917 7 652 06 1918 7 696 ??6 1918 7 696 (i2 1918 8 26 02 1918 8 26 23 1918 8 29 23 1918 8 29 24 1919 8 38 07 1919 8 41 14 1919 8 44 05 1919 8 49 20 1919 8 54 O1 1919 8 88 08 1919 8 90 05 1920 8 92 09 1920 8 93 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover Count?, N. C. , MATTER• SUPERIQR COURT CLERK ` ? atc. u, s. ?p ??_ County Jnclezea Since 1888 ? 10 lotate namBS? open pf COTT A•2 TAB INDEX ?AT OFi1CE ?p?"it(?-? An Identifying Trade Mark SURNAME INITIAL TAB MADE BY THE COTT INDE% COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORSN CAROLINA / NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS 1. Clerk Harriss rec{uested a phone for Register's office so his office would not have to take Registers calls, 09 2. W. N. Harriss, Clerk of Superior Court, allowed $300 a year as Judge of the Juveni?e Court. 10 3. Annual report of Clerk Harriss filed. 12 4. Committee to determine what should be done with interest accuring from bond, deposited by Clerk Harriss. 12 5. Committee to adjust certain fees and costs with Clerk of Superior Couxt. 03 6. Order for iron bars for Superior Court Clerk's office to be cancelled unless in actual transit. 06 7. If iron bars for office of Superior Court Clerk do not arrive soon order will be cancelled. OS 8. Wilmington Iron Works to install iron bars in windows of Superior Court Clerk's office. 09 9, Private office authorized enlargement.? 11 10, Court auditor to purchase Vol. 1 of Consolidated Statutes of N. C, for Superior Court Clerk: 11 11. Superior Court clerk to administer oaths of office. 12 12. Clerk Superior Court bond accepted. 12 13. Annual report received. 12 I4. Board Chairman to appear before Superior Court clerk in tax case. 12 15. B. T. Reidville to install wood work to clerk's vault and remove dirt from courthouse roof. 09 16. N. C. Supreme Court xeports reported missing by clerk. pg 17. Court Stenographer allowed office. 10 18. Board to report on cost to install iron bars in Register of Deeds ? Superior Court Clerk vaults. O1 19. Contract for window guard installment at Superior Court Clerk ? Register of Deeds office granted to 11 Wilmington Iron Works. 20. Annual report received, and referred to Auditor. 12 21. Filing of Stenographer transcript referred to Chairman Auditor and Superior Court Clerk. 12 22. Contract accepted for maintenance and inspection of Superior Court Clerk Typewrzter. 04 23. Purchase of 6 sets of index for Judgment Docket Book granted. 07 24. Issuance of vouchers in payment of suits in Superior Court for back taxes granted. ?p 25. Clerk Superior Court annual report accepted, subject to check. 12 26. Clerk Superior Court request to enclose railing in vault referred to Board. Ol 27. Action on Clerk Superior Court to charge court stenographer fees in Superior Court referred to Attorney. 03 28. Supexior Court Clerk annual accounts received and referred to Chairman, Ross and Audior. 12 29. Chairman to provide table for Superior Court Clerks lower vault. I2 30. Contract with Court Stenographer Dwight McEwen approved, accepted, signed. 12 31. Bill for Mary L. Cavenaugh for board,lodging and laundry in case of W. T. McClushky for killing W. C. O1 Cavenaugh. 32. Purchase of storage cabinet for Superior Court clerk office at $29.75 authorized. OZ 33. W. N. Harriss, Clerk of Superior Court, request for telephone in vault declined. 03 34. Harriss' request for larger safe referred to Board. pg 35. Clerk Superior Court Harriss request ?or removal of part of his vault to make room for Recorder's Court 09 Clerk granted. 36. Gregg Brothers awarded contract to deliver material for Clerk Superior Court vault at $60. 10 37. Petty cash funds of $100 for Clerk Superior Court Harriss authorized. 11 38. Action on Clerk Superior Court Harriss qualification deferred, and bonds returned, until next meeting. 12 39. Clerk Superior Court Harriss presented qualifications and bonds; accepted by board. 12 4?. No action taken on Clerk's Harriss request that Board endorse bill for ?egislature i.e. law to give clerk 02 of Court right to employ and fix salaries, instead of Board. 41. Extension phone for Clerk Superior Court vault, requested by Harriss, and clerial help for recorder 03 court referred to Board. bATE MINUTE BOOK rh I Day I Yenr Vol. I Page 09 1920 8 124 04 1 920 8 128 06 1920 8 134 06 1920 8 I34 07 1921 8 148 07 1926 8 386 20 1926 8 395 07 1926 8 396 Ol 1926 8 403 16 1926 8 407 06 1926 8 411 06 1926 8 410 06 1926 8 411 10 1926 8 413 20 1927 8 463 20 1927 8 463 18 1927 8 449 O1 1927 8 22 1927 8 474 06 1927 8 476 20 1927 8 479 24 1928 8 507 10 1928 8 519 10 1928 8 535 ?1 1928 8 548 07 1929 8 552 26 1929 8 566 02 1929 9 11 17 1929 9 13 31 1929 9 15 21 1930 9 18 I8 1930 9 24 02 1930 9 28 02 1930 9 57 23 1930 9 60 21 1930 9 72 18 1930 9 75 O1 1930 9 77 09 1930 9 80 24 1931 9 94 30 1931 9 100 MATT RT SUPERIOR N INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover Count?y C COURT CLERK , . . _ _ n¢c. o. <_. County Indexee Since 1888 ?? ?+?-? To loeafe namBt? open a} COTT A-Z TAB INDEX PAT OFFICE ?p?? An ldentiFying Trade Mark ?? SURNAME INIiIAL TAB MADE ?Y THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLO BY OWEN 6. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH GROLINA DATE MINUTE BOOK NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS Month I Day Yenr Vol. Page 1. Employee assistant authorized to help Clerk Superior Court but salary not to exceed $120 per month. 04 07 1931 9 101 2. Communication on payment of fees to Sheriff and Clerk received and action deferred pending receipt of 05 04 1931 9 105 Legislature Act. 3. Statement listed on Sheriff and Clerk Superior Court annual fees of salary listed. 05 05 1931 9 106 4. Payment to A. B. Rhodes, Register of Deeds, for recording commitments. 06 15 1931 9 114 5. County Attorney and auditor named to meet Clerk Superior Court's Harriss to decide if June's fees should 11 03 1931 9 117 be considered in work of 1930-31. ? , 6. Annual report of Clerk Superior Court present - for first time - to Board, received subjected to check, 07 13 1931 9 117 and published. _ 7. Committee received, adopted Clerk Superior Court report. 08 17 1931 9 122 8. Clerk Superior Court's annual report, presented, acknowledged and committee named to check it, and report 12 07 1931 9 142 to board. 9. Clerk Superior Court's annual report presented, and referred to committee, checked approved by committee 12 21 1931 9 144 verified by auditor, approved by Board, published and recorded by register of deeds. 10. E. G. King's bid for jury box and Clerk Superior Court awnings at $7.50 each received and work authorized. 05 31 1932 9 166 11. Clerk Superior Court xequested credit for more help, but referred to Chairman and County Attorney. 06 20 1932 9 168 12. A. B. Rhodes took oath of office, presented bond of $10,000 penalty; Bond fixed and accepted. 12 05 1932 9 193 13. Clerk Superior Court report presented, acknowledged, checked by committee. 12 05 1932 9 194 1?. Clerk Superior Court annual report of public funds check and found correct by auditor, approved and adopted 12 27 1932 9 196 by Board, and published by Clerk. ?15. Bill to Keystone Envelope Company approved for payment of Clerk Superior legal envelopes. 02 20 1933 9 207 16. Clerk Superior Court allowed $50 additional petty cash. 04 03 1933 9 212 ,17. Communication on Clerk Superior Court settlement on salary was received from auditor. 04 03 1933 9 212 ?lg, Clerk Superior Court urged salary fixes for Miss Lois Ward and Miss Tallman, providing $1,200 per year 04 03 1933 9 212 under salary Act, but commissioners demanded certified copy of Act pending meeting on it. k19. Settlement with Clerk Superior Court on fee basis for March 31 period allowed Clerk Superior Court 04 10 19s3 9 214 i for extra help adopted April 7, 1931, and allowance allowed for one clerk nine months and $30 per month and one three-month period at $30. 20. Book of "Record of Leans" for Clerk Superior Court postponed until adjournment of legislature. 05 O1 1933 9 218 21. C. B. Parmele paid state hospital expenses of Clerk Superior Court, and Reimbursement of $SO authorized 06 19 1933 9 227 for him. 22. Clerk Superior Court requested Board to rescind Section 3 resolution adopted June 2, on Salary Bill, but 07 31 1933 9 236 ', taken under advisement. 23. Clerk Superior Court requested that June 2 resolution be amended by inserting word "Clerk" in Sect. 2 08 07 1933 9 237 and eliminate Section 3, but taken under advisement. 24. $16 payment to Michie Company approved for 1933 supplement to code for Clerk Superior Court. 11 20 1933 9 259 25. Clerk Superior Court presented annual report, checked by auditor and published. 12 04 1933 9 261 26. Clerk Superior Court request for office safe referred to Chairman. 12 18 1933 9 263 27. Board committee named to check Clerk Superior Court annual account. 12 26 1933 9 264 28. Clerk Superior Court requested, declined $150 salary as Juvenile Judge. Ol 15 1934 9 266 29, Clerk Superior Court declined transferral of Superior Court funds to Clerk Superior Court. Ol 15 1934 9 266 30. Clerk Superior Court reported on Clerk Superior Court's annual report. O1 29 1934 9 269 31. Clerk Superior Court's request to retain fees referred to Auditor. O1 29 1934 9 269 32• Clerk Superior Court granted conference with Auditor and Attorney. 02 05 1934 9 273 33. Clerk Superior Court bill approved to pay cost of court. 03 05 1934 9 276 34. Clerk Superior Court authorized $50 for treatment of F. L. King to State Hospital?. ?? 03 26 1934 9 278 ? I NDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - N H N C C ` - anover ew ount?, . . , MAT ER: SUPERIOR COUR T CLERK ` aES. u. s. PAT oFi1GE L.?l? County lndezee Since 1888 ???j`?'? Yo IotGte nam@S? open aT ? An ldentiiYing Trade Mark U?=LS SURNAME INITIAL TAB COTT A-Z TAB INDEX NADE 6Y THE COTT INDEX tOMPANY. COLUMBUS. OHIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEIM BERN, NORTH CAROLINA NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS DATE MINUTE BOOK Month Day Year Yol. Page , 1. Clerk Superior Court authorized postage stamps and envelopes. 06 04 1934 - 9 ? 286 2. Payment approved to Clerk Superior Court for court fees. 09 24 1934 9 303 3. Clerk Superior Court rec{uested, declined set of books from C.P. A. 10 15 1934 a 9 307 4. Clerk Superior Court administer oath of office to Y. Earl Sneeden, meter adjuster, whose qualifications 12 03 1934 9 310 accepted. 5. Adjusting fees on Cl erk Superior Court referred to Chairman, County auditor and attorney. Ol 07 1935 9 316 6. Clerk Superior Court fees adjustments was requested from Committee. O1 21 1935 9 218 7. Clerk Superior Court to employ extra help. 02 04 1935 9 322 8. Clerk Superior Court requested salary increases, but no action taken. _ 02 11 1935 9 324 9. Reindexing of Clerk Superior Court records under FERA aid under consideration. 02 25 1935 9 ? 326 10. No action taken on reindexing Clerk Superior Court records under Cott system. 03 04 1935 9 327 11. Clerk Superior Court to contimn with old typewriter, new one later. 04 08 1935 9 I 334 I 22. Former C1erk Superior Court W. N. Harriss, given payment on revenue taxes. Q6 24 1935 9 352 I 13. Clerk Superior Court authorized new typewriter. 10 21 1935 9 385 14. Clerk Superior Court authorized extra clerk for 30 days. 11 18 1935 9 392 I 15. Clerk Superior Court 's annual report presented, received, referred to auditor. 12 02 1935 9 393 , 16. Clerk Superior Court annual report presented, received, referred to committee. 12 30 1935 9 398 17. Clerk Superior Court granted funds and time-extension for extra help. O1 06 1936 9 399 I I 18. Clerk Superior Court annual report, received, checked accepted, and filed. O1 13 1936 9 401 19. Clerk Superior Court allowed more time for extra help. 02 10 1936 9 406 I' 20. Clerk Superior Court granted allowance for more help. 03 09 ?936 9 413 I 21. Clerk Superior Court appropriation for extra help. 03 30 1936 9 416 ??I 22. Clerk Superior Court extended for extra help. 05 O1 1936 9 424 I I 23. Clerk Superior Court requested, action postponed on temporary help. 05 18 1936 9 433 24. Clerk Superior Court vault has termites, and sulfer candle to be used. 05 25 1936 9 433 25. Clerk Superiar Court authorized to payment to State hospital. 06 08 1936 9 435 26. Purchase of desk referred for Clerk Superior Court. 09 14 1936 9 452 27. Clerk Superior Court authorized payment to State Hospital for 0. W. Perry. 10 05 1936 9 455 28. Clerk Superior Court authorized payment to State Hospital for W. E.Pruett. 11 02 1936 9 461 29. Clerk Superior Court annual report received, referred to auditor, to committee. 12 07 1936 9 468 30. Carrie Newkirk, part-time, employed permenantly in Clerk Superior Court office. 12 14 1936 9 469 31. Clerk Superior Court report, checked, is correct, approved. 12 21 1936 9 471 32. Clerk Superior Court requested, authorized hospital payment for R. C.Towles. 05 17 1936 9 501 33. Clerk Superior Court authorized payment to State hospital. 05 24 1936 9 503 34. Clerk Superior Court authorized payment to State hospital. 09 07 1937 9 539 35. Clerk Superior Court authorized payment to State Hospital for F. LeRay. 11 O1 1937 9 550 36. Clerk Superior Court authorized payment for meeting. 11 08 1937 9 552 37. Clerk Superior Court report received, referred to auditor. 12 06 1937 9 557 38. Former Clerk Su perior Court claim referred to auditor and attorney. 03 07 1938 9 570 39. Clerk Superior Court authorized, referred on window awnings. 03 07 1938 9 570 40. Clerk Superior Court authorized payment for directory. 0 6 20 1938 9 592 41. Clerk Superior Court authorized extra help. 06 20 1938 9 592 42. Clerk Superior Court 's extra clerk authorized pay. 07 11 1938 9 599 43. Clerk Superior Court c{ualifications and bond accepted?.? 10 05 1938 10 27 44. Clerk Superior Court annual report referred to auditor and committee. 10 05 1938 10 27 45. Clerk Superior Court authoriz?d gayment to State hospital for Mrs. W. Meares. 04 10 1939 10 50 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover County, N. C. , MATTER.'SUPERIOR COURT CLERK ` ae?. u, s. rar OFFfCE County (ndexea Since 1888 ? YO IOCOte names, open C} ?p?? An Identifying Trade Mark SURNAME INITIAL TA8 COTi A-2 TAB INDEX INADE BY THE COTi INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW B ERN, NORTH CAROLINA NAtURE OF PROCEEDINGS DATE ? MINUTE BOOK Month Day Year Vol. Page 1. Clerk Superior Court granted check for State Hospital expenses of John Moore. 09 05 1939 10 79 2. Clerk Superior Court report filed for year. 12 04 1939 10 99 3. Action rescinded on contract for court stenographers. IZ 18 1939 10 100 4. Clerk Superior Court offer accepted on stenographer contract for duties. 12 18 1939 10 100 5. Clerk Superior Court contract accepted on stenographer duties. 12 26 1939 10 102 6. Clerk Superior Court annual report referred to committee. 12 02 1940 10 167 7. Clerk Superior Court authorized extra clerk. 04 28 1941 l? 195 8. Clerk Superior Court continued on extra clerk. 05 26 1941 10 204 9. Check authorized to Clerk Superior Court for courtcost in John D. Bellamy case. 06 16 1941 10 210 10. Clerk Superior Court granted extra clerk. ? 06 30 1941 10 212 11. Clerk Superior Court authorized extra clerk. 09 02 1941 10 226 12. Clerk Superior Court annual report referred to committee. 12 08 1941 10 244 13. Special meeting held to appoint A. L. Meyland to replace late Clerk Superior Court T. A. Henderson. 08 12 1942 10 286 14. Clerk Superior Court Meyland bond and qualifications approved. 08 12 1942 10 286 15. Clerk Superior Court account to be audited by Auditor. 08 17 1942 10 287 16. Clerk Superior Court salary increased. 08 17 1942 10 288 17. Clerk Superior Court authorized extra clerk. 09 08 1942 10 291 18. Clerk Superior Court annual report referred to committee. 12 07 1942 10 306 19. Clerk Superior Court rec{uest to appoint clerks taken under advisement. O1 25 1943 10 312 20. Clerk Superior Court declined endorsement. . 02 O1 1943 10 315 21. Capt. Russell Bellamy requested arrangement for Clerk Superior Court in Superior courtroom. 08 09 1943 10 343 22. Cl.erk Superior Court authorized service agreement on typewriter. Q9 20 1943 10 349 23, Clerk Superior Court annual report referred to committee. w 12 06 1943 10 359 24. Clerk Superior Court reported on public funds, bond increased. 05 22 1944 10 385 25. Clerk Superior Court 's assistant and clerks given bond increase. 05 22 1944 10 385 26, Clerk Superior Court granted temporary Clerk to work in recorders Court. 05 22 1944 10 385 27. Clerk Superior Court annual report filed. 12 04 1944 10 416 ,28. Clerk Superior Court allowed more clerks. 05 28 1945 10 443 29. Services of Clerk Superior Court clerks continued. 07 30 1945 10 452 30. Clerk Superior Court audit report filed. 09 10 1945 10 457 . 31. Clerk Superior Cnurt communication received on jury's calendar meeting. 09 23 1946 10 517 32. Clerk Superior Court annual report referred to committee. 12 02 1946 10 529 33. Clerk Superior Court authorized florescent lights. O1 06 1946 10 533 34. Clerk Superior Court authorized directory. 02 10 ?946 10 545 35. Clerk Superior Court extra clerk in office. 05 26 1946 10 467 36, Clerk Superior Court granted extra clerk in office. 11 10 1946 10 594 37. Clerk Superior Court report referred to Committee. 12 Ol 1947 11 3 38. Clerk Superior Court bond increased on clerk Lois J. Ward, and decreased on C. L. Meyers. O1 05 1948 11 8 39. Clerk Superior Court Payment approved for Clerk of Courts convention, Henderson, July 7-9. 07 26 1948 11 38 40. Clerk Superior Court referred to Mr. Mclntire on setting aside judgment on R. L. Lewis back-tax case. 10 04 1948 11 Sl 41. Clerk Superior Court annual report of funds referred to committee. 12 06 1948 11 61 42. Action postponed on Clerk Superior Court request for special term of civil court. 12 05 1949 11 139 43. Gregor y Radio Co. bid received for Clerk of Superior Court address system. Ol 16 1950 11 147 44. French Radio Co. bid received for Clerk of Superior Court address system. O1 16 1950 11 147 45. French Radio Co. awarded bid for Clerk of Superior Court address system. Ol 16 1950 11 147 46. Clerk of Superiox Court granted extra clerk. O1 23 1950 11 151 INDE? T? COMI?ISSIONERS MINUTES N H C N C ~ --- ew anover ounty, . . _ MATT RT SUPERIOR CO URT CLERK ` pc?. u. s. ??? County Inde:ee Since 1$$8 ? TO loeoh qam?f? opllll at '? B COTT A-2 TAB INDEX ? v?r OFiICE C. i? ??TA-rF.% An IdentiEvine Trade M?rk SURNAME INITIAL TAO R116t E BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS. ONIO SOLO ?Y OIYEN G, OUMN, NEII CERM, NORTN UROLINA NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS DATE MINUT E BOOK ,? Month Day ' Year Vol. Page 1. Clerk of Superior Court authorized City directory, 02 06 1950 11 154 2. Clerk of Superior Court granted request to continue services of clerk. 04 24 1950 11 178 3. Clerk of Superior Court Clerk Mrs. Ethel A. Brown's services contin?zed. 06 26 1950 11 192 4. Clerk of Superior Clerk Mrs. Ethel A. Brown's services extended for 60 days. 08 21 1950 11 204 ,5. Clerk Superior Court recommended and Sheriff L. E. Brown of Buncombe paid for carrying Mrs. H. Gorman to 09 05 1950 11 207 state hospita?. 6. Clerk Superior Court ordered payment to state hospital, Raleigh, for treatment of Mrs. E. S. Thompson. 09 05 1950 11 207 7. Clerk Superior Court office authorized closing at noon S aturdays. 10 02 1950 11 213 S. Superior Court Clerk bond approved on Clerk Superior Court employees. ii I3 1950 11 223 9. Clerk Superior Court audit authorized; Foster Edwards appointed Clerk Superior Court to suceed A. L. Meyland.l2 04 1950 11 228 10. Clerk Superior Court, Foster Edwards, granted temporary clerks. 12 11 1950 11 229 I1. Clerk Superior Court Edwards authorized to attend Clerk Superior Court school, Chapel Hill. O1 O1 1951 11 232 12. Clerk Superior Court records of A. L. Meyland deceased, audited by W. C. Barfield and H. W. Cherry, CPAs. O1 Ol 1951 11 232 13. Clerlc Superior Court records audited; payment approved to W. C. Barfield and H. W. Cherry, CPAs. 02 12 1951 11 240 14. No action taken on destroying certain records in Clerk Superior Court office. - 02 12 1951 11 241 15. No action taken on appointment of three Clerk Superior Court clerk. 02 12 1951 11 241 16. Clerk Superior Court granted request to extend Clerk Superior Court Clerk Ethel Brown. OZ 19 1951 I1 242 17. Dwight McEven granted increase in pay as Court Stenographer. 03 26 1951 11 250 18. Clerk Superior Court authorized city directory. 05 21 1951 11 261 19. Clerk Superior Court clerks Ethel Brawn and Letha Dixon Walker granted salary increases. 10 17 1951 11 295 20. Clerk Superior Court audit reported by Foster Edwards referred to Board committee. 12 10 1951 11 307 21. No action taken on bids to repair Clerk Superior Court office. 12 31 1951 11 309 22. Clerk Superior Court granted extra clerk for 60 days. O1 14 1952 11 312 23. Clerk Superior Court granted salary increase. 07 31 1952 11 357 24. C1erk Superior Court payment approved for Robbery & Safe Burlary Insurance Policy. 09 22 1952 11 366 25. , Clerk Superior Court granted extra clerk. 1, 10 20 1952 11 372 26. Clerk Superior Court bond fixed. 11 24 1952 11 380 27. Clerk Superior Court annual report referred to committee. 12 08 1952 lI 383 28. Bill authorized to fix probate fees in Clerk Superior Court's office. ,. Ol 26 1953 11 394 29. Bill approved by board, as introduced by McIntyres et al, on filing names, addresses etc. 02 16 1953 11 400 30. Court record binder of Minn, request received for contract to repair Clerk Superior Court records. 02 16 1953 11 401 31. Clerk Superior Court office hours discussed. ? OS 04 1953 11 416 32. Clerk Superior Court hours discussed; five-day work week ok. 05 04 1953 11 416 33. ?losing of Clerk Superior Court on Saturdays under fixe from lacal Bar Association. 05 04 1953 .. 11 419 34. Clerk Superior Court recommended, payment approved to state hospital for treating Patricia G. Kimball. 06 Ol 1953 11 425 35. Letter received from Dobbs Brothers Library Binding Co. of Fla. on book repair work in Clerk's Office. 08 10 1953 11 444 36. Clerk Superior Court granted extension for filing annual report. 12 07 1953 11 473 37. Clerk Superior Court annaul report referred to Board committee. 12 28 1953 11 477 38. Clerk Superior Court granted temporary help. ?06 14 1954 11 520 39. Clerk Superior Court annual records to be checked by board committee. 11 29 1954 11 557 40. Clerk Superior Court granted two week extension on annual report. 12 06 1954 11 559 41. Clerk Superior Court request for special term of court taken unc3er advisement. 12 I3 1954 11 560 42. Clerk Superior Court annual report filed. 12 13 1954 11 560 43. ,Supreme Court Clerk Adrain J. Newton authorized payment for records and briefs in case of George V. Smith. O1 03 1955 11 563 ,. 44. Montlzly payment to Assist. Court Clerk from library funds referred to County Attorney. 03 Z1 1955 11 584 45. ?p. Clerk Superior Court, J. H. Adams, approved part-time libraria?. 03 28 1955 11 585 °e,,, , INDEX TO GOMMISSIONERS MINUTES --- New Hanover Count SCHOOLS N G y, . . _ NVATTER: ` aec. u. s. ,p?J'- County lndezee Since 1888 To Iocate names, open at O-?? An Identifying Trade Meric ? SURNAME INIiIAL TAB PA7 OFFILE ? e?[:( tOTT A-Z TAB INDEX MADE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO , ? SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BE RN, NORT H GROLINA DATE MINUTE BOOK NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS Month Day I Year Vol. Page l. Sunset Park School authorized clay for playgrounds. 11 27 1939 10 96 2. Schools authorized repairs. O1 08 1940 10 105 3. Insurance from burned school used to lay out E?st Wilmington and Sunset Park schools lots. O1 08 1940 10 105 4. PTA consider for health nurse at Tileston School. 05 13 1940 10 125 5. Invitation received from Church ladies for High School graduates honor. 05 20 1940 10 128 6. Regular school budget increased. 07 O1 1940 10 135 7. Regular school budget approximated, referred to Auditor. 07 O1 1940 10 135 8. School budgets presented, considered. 07 15 1940 10 139 9. School Capital Lay-out reduced, transferred to Supplement Eund. 07 23 1940 10 143 10. School Capital Lay-out reduced, further for auditorium seats. 07 23 1940 10 143 11. School property considered for paving. 09 16 1940 10 154 12. School property favored for paving. 09 23 1940 10 153 13. Samarcand granted donation. 11 25 1940 10 165 14. East Carolina Training School granted donation. 11 25 1940 10 165 15. Donation given to Stonewall Jackson Training School. 11 25 1940 10 165 16. Donation given to Caswell Training School. 11 25 1940 10 165 17. Donation given to Morrison Training School. 11 25 1940 10 165 18. Donation given to Children's Home Society. 11 25 1940 10 165 19. School janitors committee requested pay increase. O1 20 1941 10 176 20. School janitors committee delayed on pay increase. O1 27 1941 10 177 21. School janitors committee requested on pay increase. 02 03 1941 10 177 22. Scriool janitors pay increase referred to Board of Education. 02 03 1941 10 178 23. School janitors pay increase discussed, action postponed. 02 17 1941 10 182 24. Motion failed on referring future increases to Board of Education. 02 17 1941 10 182 25. Request for traffic to stop at school granted. 02 24 1941 10 184 26. No action taken on school janitors salary. 03 10 1941 10 187 27. Erecting stop light at Sunset Park School received, referred to state attorney. 03 17 1941 10 189 28. Forest Hills PTA request approved for signal light at school. 04 14 1941 10 193 29. Morrison Training School granted donation. 04 14 1941 10 193 30. Signal Light authorized at Sunset Park school. 06 16 1941 10 210 31. School budgets presented, deferred. 08 11 1941 10 222 32. School budgets granted. 08 14 1941 10 223 33. School Budgets approved. 08 14 1941 10 223 34. School budgets amended. 08 14 194.1 10 223 35. Sunset Park School authorized signal light. 08 18 1941 10 224 36. Senator Bailey was thanked for aid in approving School facility grant. 10 27 1941 10 237 37. East Carolina Training School granted donation. 12 08 1941 10 244 38. Samarcand Manor granted donation. 12 08 1941 10 244 39. Caswell Training School granted donation. 12 08 1941 10 244 40. Stonewall Jackson Training School granted donation. 12 08 1941 10 244 41. Morrison Training School granted donation. 12 08 1941 10 244 42. Winter Park, Forest Hills, Wrightsboro $ Sunset Park School considered for WPA funding on cafeterias. 04 27 1942 10 249 43. Schools considered for WPA funding on cafeterias. 04 28 1942 10 270 44. Motion offered to allow sheriff to operate signal light at Sunset Park School. 06 22 1942 10 278 45. School Budget granted increase. 06 29 1942 10 280 46. Nursery school considered for increase. 06 20 1942 10 282 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover County, N. C. , MATTER: SUPERIOR COURT CLERK ` eec. u. s. County Indexes Since 1888 ? To toea?? nam?s, OptO Ot COTT A-2 TA? INDEX q??? MwCE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, DHIO vAr 9FFICE -(..a?i An Identifying Trade Mnrlc fURNAME INIiIAL TAB SOLD tT OWEN C. YUNN? NEIN ?ERN, NORTN GROLINA DATE MINUTE BOOK NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS ? Month Day Year Vol. Page l. Court reporter to be paid for ten more weeks of court. 2. Clerk Superior Court budget estimates received. 3. Clerk Superior Court office fans discussed; budget set up for it. 4. Annual report of public funds received. 5. Received report for April. 6. Clerk Superior Court appointed Mr. James E. Holton County Commissioner for 6 months. 7. Clerk Superior Court ask and received $10.00 restored to Typist-Clerk salary. 8. Clerk Superior Court requested salary increase for recorder. No action taken. 9. Approved transfer of funds from Bonds to Capital Outlay. 10. Discussion of overtime pay for Mr. Sponcler. 11. Clerk Superior Court out sick, will make report two weeks later. 12. Due to illness Clerk was granted two more weeks to prepare report. 13. Mr. Foster Edwards presented his annual report. 14. Request approved for Clerk Superior Court to transfer $200 jury fees to insane and inebriates. 15. Approved proposed bill concerning fees for Clerk Superior Court and Sheriff`s offices. 16. Subordination of Deed of trust by Henry A. Robinson entered on docket office Clerk Superior Court. 17. State Board of allotments and appeal notices of formal hearing 2/24/58 received. 18. Request of ownership of James Walker Memorial Hospital filed Clerk to Superior Court. 19. Request to close office on Saturday to be studied by Board, request for five day work put on agenda. 20. Letter pertaining five day week, clerk superior court and Register of Deeds. 21. Board authorized closing offices for Azalea Festival. 22. Request to transfer funds within budget granted. 23. Prisoners released from Farm must have receipt from Clerk of paid fine also order from Court. 24. Audit to check funds of Clerk of Superior Court. 25. Clerk informed Board audit of public funds in his care was completed, to make report next meeting. 26. Clerk reported audit and properties deposited in safe under his name. , 27. Board favor Clerk attending school in Chapel Hill. 28. Clerk's request for travel funds for Ronald Escobedo granted. 29. Received audit report from office of Clerk of Superior Court. 30. Clerk to meet with Commissioners. 31. Banks, Saving and Loan companies covered by FDIC use for depositories. 32. Clerk to use some system as before for handling trust funds. 33. James H. Adams appointed custodian of the Law Library, authorized to sign checks for same. 34. Approved transfer of funds within budget. 35. Clerk to name person for vacancies on board. ,36. Motion granted for April 14, parade day for Azalea Festival Legal Holiday. 37. Clerk presented a proposed retirement amendment, tabled for study. 38. Foster Edwards informed board of satisfaction with budget, except no adjustment in salary of Clerk. 39. Received and accept clerk's annual report, authorized to be advertised as required by law. 40. Committee of Mr. L. E. Broadhurst, Mr. Hilton, Judge Smith, Solicitor Walker, Clerk Superior Court, Edwards, and Exec. Sec. to study needs and suitable guarters for recorders court clerk. 41. Letter requesting appointment of Dr. L. B. Mason,Acting Coroner, approved payment of 575.00 for emergency services. 42. Budget meeting, Mr. Edwards, on vacation budget considered later. 43. Clerk's budget approved as recommended by the auditor. 44. Request to use room with vault, considered when ?'acated by Board of Education. 05 31 06 06 06 06 12 05 04 16 06 25 08 06 08 27 09 10 10 08 12 03 12 31 O1 14 03 04 0 3 18 04 Ol 02 24 03 03 03 17 03 24 03 24 05 05 07 28 07 28 12 Ol 12 08 12 15 12 22 12 29 O1 12 O1 12 O1 19 03 09 03 09 03 16 03 23 03 23 07 06 12 07 03 07 1955 1955 1955 1955 1956 1956 1956 1956 1956 1956 1956 1956 1957 1957 1957 1957 1958 1958 1958 1958 1958 1958 1958 1958 1958 1958 1958 1958 1958 1959 1959 1959 1959 1959 1959 1959 1959 1959 1959 1960 11 11 11 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 601 604 604 24 60 77 89 93 94 99 112 118 121 135 138 142 227 232 235 237 237 254 284 284 337 339 344 346 349 358 358 360 392 394 397 401 401 460 521 547 03 07 1960 12 547 07 08 1960 12 589 07 12 1960 12 589 09 06 1960 12 605 IND?X TO COM?IISSIONERS MINUTES N H C N C ' -- ew anover ounty, . . _ MATT RT SUPERTOR COURT ?LE? _ nec. u. s. County Indczea Since 1888 ? TO IOtaH pOf11?l. Op?;ll Ot rAr OFFICE ?? Anldentifying Trade Mark M1tCE SURKAME INITIAI TAR COTT A-Z TA6 INDEX BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY. COLUMBUS, OHIO SOL D ?Y OWEN C. D UNN, N8M IERM, NORT N GROLINA NATURE OF PROCEEDlNGS DATE MINUT E BOOK , Month Day Year Vol. Page ; l. Clerk, ?'oster Edwards, made his annual report, accepted for record, and authorized to be published. 12 05 1960 12 631 :, 2. Appropriated $500 to insane, inebriates, as requested. 02 06 1960 12 645 3. Mr. Foster Edwards, Clerk Superior Court, requested additional office space, no action. 09 18 1961 13 17 4. L. W. Humphrey to replace Y. H. Sponcler, Deputy Clerk, Recorders Court, with salary adjustment. 10 16 1961 13 28 5. Foster Edwards, Clerk Superior Court, thanked commissioners for extra space for Recorders Court. 11 20 1961 13 37 6. Clerk Superior Court request to give annual trust funds report at next meeting, no action. 12 04 1961 13 39 7. Public funds report, also properties by H. Foster Edwards. O1 15 1962 13 59 8. No action taken on request to inar?ease salary of Mr. L. W. Humphrey Clerk Recorder's Court. O1 15 1962 13 59 9. No action on requast for funds to purchase a cash register. OI IS I962 I3 59 10. Office closed on Saturday 4-7 Festival parade Day. 04 02 1962 13 88 11. Budget meeting, approved as presented except adjustment of Capital Outlay and fees-insane & inebriates. 07 18 1962 13 134 12. Requested salary increase deferred for study. 07 23 1962 13 135 13. Report of inspection of warrants. 09 17 1962 13 150 14. Approved $17.50 for typewriter repairs. 09 17 1962 13 150 15. Driver Licenses report of backlog violation. 09 17 1962 13 150 16. Request for delay in Trust fund report granted. 12 03 1962 13 175 17. Letter requesting additional time for presenting annual trust fund report. 12 17 1962 13 179 18. Trust fund report still due. O1 07 1963 13 181 19. Received trust fund report ordered advertised. 02 18 1963 13 191 20., Declare April 6th legal holiday offices closed. 04 Ol 1963 13 201 21. Matters regarding separate Legislation approved after change, definiate action after expansion from 04 Ol 1963 13 202 Recorder's Court Judge. 22. Matters of mierofilmirg taken for further study. 04 16 1963 I3 205 23. Commissioners to meet with microfilming committee. 05 06 1963 13 210 24. Report that air conditioning unit burned out, autnorized new bids, contract awarded to Hanover Hardware. 07 O1 1963 13 225 24. Authorized extra pay in budget for H. Dwight McEwen, Court reporter, for two extra weeks of court. 07 15 1963 13 228 25. Approved request to start new employees to replace one retiring two resigning. 07 29 1963 13 239 26. Approved request for public fund report to be two weeks late. 12 02 1963 13 268 27. Public funds report. 12 16 1963 13 272 28. Approved salary increase for three newly employed employees. 12 16 1963 13 272 29. Authorized additional telephone for Clerk Superior Gourt office. 12 16 1963 13 274 30. Juror Parking 07 .'.1 : 1964 13 358 31. Additional Telephones 10 05 : 1964 13 380 32. Puhlic Funds report 12 07 1964 13 402 33. Annual Audit Public Funds 12 21 1964 13 410 34. Witness 12 21 1964 13 412 35. Public Funds ? 12 21 1964 13 413 36. Order for special venire 02 20 1967 14 33 37. Bonds 03 06 1967 14 45 38. Salaries of deputy clerks 04 17 1967 14 46 39. Space for warrant writers OS 28 1967 14 85 40. Resignation of employees 08 28 1967 14 83 41. Additional funds in insane and inebrate accounts 11 ZO 1967 14 .15 42. Inventory of PUblic Funds 12 04 1967 14 .25 43, Recommendations by Mr. McKeithan 05 )6 1968 14 185 44. Court order, Judge Hubbard 05 ?6 1968 14 185 MI SI NE S MIN TES H O CO C C ? anaver ounty, N. INDEX T M S R U -- New . , ry?AiT R SUPERIOR COURT CI,ERK ` ¦ec. u. s. County Indexee Since 18R8 ? To IoCq? nam?s, Op?n ot r?r OFFICE ?? Anlden6Eying Trade Mark SURNAME INITIAL TAB COTT A•2 TA? INDEX M0.CE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, DHIO SOLD ?Y OWEN i. YUNN, NEw ?ERN, NORiH GROLINA DATE MINOTE BOOK ? NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS Month Day Year Vol, Page l. Overtime pay, Deputy clerks 05 20 1968 14 187 , 2. Budget Discussion 07 11 1968 14 221 3. Salaries of Employees 10 07 1968 14 254 4. McKeithan, Mr. James 10 Z1 1968 14 262 5. Appointment of Outsider Auditor for 11 04 1968 14 265 6. Outsider Auditor for ? 11 18 1968 14 270 7. Transfer of funds 12 OZ I968 14 277 8. Advertising of public funds 12 02 1968 14 279 9. Baker, Mrs. John Dee 12 16 1968 I4 286 10. Furniture for 12 16 1968 14 279 11. Inventory of public funds 12 16 1968 14 282 12. Overtime pay for employees 12 16 1968 14 279 13. Request for overtime pay for employees 12 16 1968 14 281 14. Transfer of funds - Travel 11 05 1973 15 520 15. Compensation for Jury Commission 12 17 1973 15 540 16. Discussion of transfer for Court of Justice Fund 12 17 1973 15 540-1 17. Transfer of funds - Court of Justice Fund O1 07 1974 15 552 18. Budget amendment 02 04 1974 15 ??69-0 19. Budget amendment 03 04 1974 15 594 20. Senate Bills 1284 ?, 1285 (Jurisdiction overi Clerk of Court Employees) 03 18 1974 15 604 21. Budget Amendment 04 16 1974 15 617 22. Approval of over-Expenditure in FY 73/74 12 02 1974 16 62 23. Budget Transfer - Juvenile Courtroom and Office furniture 10 20 1975 16 290 24. Budget transfer - Jury Commission 12 08 1975 17 22 25. Budget Transfer - Jury Commission 12 15 1975 17 :?7-28 26. Budget Trans. - to pay for computer printouts 06 )7 1976 17 143 27. Discussion on Clerk of Superior Court budget 06 21 1976 17 155 28. Request furniture and budget amendment 10 04 1976 17 211 .29... Report on audit 03 07 1977 17 297-8 30. Budget Trans. Law Library 03 28 1977 18 6 .31. Budget Amendment 03 28 1977 18 8 32.. Budget amendment telephone system - 11 07 1977 18 127 ?URVEYORS, N C MATiER INDEX TO CO?IMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover Count? ?oUN? ? . , . , : ?co. u. s. CounCy (ndezes Since 1888 ? To locate names, open at COTT A•Z TAB INDEX r?s o?rw[ ?? An ldentifyin¢ Trade Marlr SURNAME INITIAL TAB MADE BY THE CQTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA 'S i DATE MINUT I E BOOK NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS i , ` , Month I Day I Year ? VoL I Page ?. . 4? i t l.i? s Major J.S. Rhoades qualified as Surveyor and was bonded. ?: ?' 07 15 1868?' 1 1 , A 2.,? Order from J.S. Rhoades in favor of General A. Rutherford was accepted. ?'3 08 11 1868? 1 11 , , .. ?; ? 3.?? Board resolved a survey to be made of County to establish Townships and school districts. ?a 10 14 1868?? ?' 1 71 ,y /?.?? Advertisin.g from Clerk to Board for loan of Montagues' survey of New Hanover County to be made. 11 21 1$68 1 124 G , 5.? J.S. Rhoades appointed Surveyor of New Hanover County. c; 12 06 1869; ? 1 346 ? '? 6.3? ; Survey to be made of lands of David Canady and Duncan Bryant. ??y 12 06 ,•'i 1869?s 1 349 ', f? ', 7.;; ? ? Request from.G. Flack that D. Robinson be appointed surveyor granted. M; 12 07 Y? 1869€? ? 1 350 ,; ? 8, ; , Bond of J,S. Rhoad? ap?proved. ? O1 03 ? 1870?; 1 393 ?? ? ; , , +< ?? 9.:' BurreZl I?irehead elected Surveyor on August 5, 1870. ; 08 06 1870Y 1 467 f? 10. Office of County Surveyor declared vacant. 10 03 1870. 2 ; 26 ?_ r: ;, 11. ' John Murphy appointed to fill vacancy of office of Surveyor. 10 03 1870, 2 26 ;? 12..; Bond of John Murphy for Surveyor presented and Mr. Murphy ordered to appear to be qualified. , 12 05 1870 2 94 r 13.?"; Bond approved for John Murphy as County Surveyor. Ol 03 1871$ 2 110 ! ? 14.?; J.K. Brown's fee for surveying lots approved. 04 05 187L; 2 y? 143 ?? i 15.,; Surveyor to establish line between New Hanover and Bladen Counties if Bladen County will pay half the cost.„ 09 04 1871`a 2 i 214 I? ', 16.:, Surveyor to establish line between Caswell and Columbia Townships. ,, 09 04 1871y 2 Ei 214 ; i 17.,; Board received report of surveyor regarding altering lines between Cape Fear and Lincoln Townships and „ 09 05 1871k; 2 218 ? i , " approved change to be made. ?• ,? ? r 18 i James Brown's bill for surveying Township lines approved. i? 09 06 1871;;'' ?d 2 221 ? 1 ., 19.w? Surveyor to run out line between Columbia and Franklin Townships. (See TOWNSHIPS AND TRUSTEES) 12 19 1871?: ?? 2 275 ? ? l 20.;M Surveyor Murphy to survey dividing line between Caswell and Columbia Townships. 02 12 1872?a 2 291 ?w +? : , 21..? Survey for localities of bridge across North East River to be made. p, 03 Q4 1872? 2 ; 295 ' ?? , 22•F? ? Commissioner Black to establish boundary lines between Rocky Point, Holden, and Columbia Townships before 05 31 1872;_ 2 324 ? ?, August election. , 23.Y,' . , Lines between Columbia and Franklin Townships to be surveyed thirty days before the August election. „ 06 24 1872;,; :, 2 329 ?F 24.b; Mr. Black's report filed on boundary lines between Rocky Point and Lincoln Townships. 07 O1 1872:C 2 331 ? I 25..? ? _ Mr. Black surveyed and marked lines between Rocky Point, Holden and Lincoln Townships. 07 01 1872° 2 ? 335 ?? :t ' 26.,? Henry Colvin elected Surveyor in August, 1872 election. 4 08 06 1872:? 2 F; 348 s , 27.,; i ?: Bond accepted from Henry Colvin, Surveyor elect. I, ? 09 03 1872ij ?'? 2 356 ?? > 28. : Bill of H. Colvin approved for surveying, marking and furnishing map of boundary line between New Hanover ` 07 07 1873` ? 3 84 j ? and Sampson Counties. ' '? ? I i i , 29. ? Laid over bill of Henry Colvin for surveying. , 10 21 , 1873;; 3 120 !i , ' 30. , .. „ Surveyor notified by Clerk to Board to appear and present official bond. ?, 10 22 1873;s 3 ; 121 jj ? 31. : Renewed bond of Henry Colvin approved at Novermber 12, 1873 meeting. ,, 12 02 1873; 3 147 i ?; 32. ? Petition from H.A. Colvin to allow him to run out lands of Mrs. Martha Johnson and process the same. , , 05 20 1874;; 3 217 '3 ' 33. ; Petition from Surveyor Colvin to allow him to survey disputed lines between James Coleman Murry and others „ 07 07 1874„ 3 228 ?; ?? against James W. Murry and William Powers granted. „ ,; ? ? 34.: u Mr. Colvin requested permission to survey disputed lines in case of Arnold Teachy versus James Murry. „ 07 07 1874?; 3 ; 229 ? '. 35.; ; S.D. Cherry elected County Surveryor in August 6, 1874 election. , 08 10 1874i. 3 236 '? ? ;; 36. Bond of Samuel Cherry, Surveyor elect, presented and approved and oath given. ? 09 07 1874??: ?: 3 251 ; i 37.. , iClerk to deliver to S. Cherry a certificate of his having been duly sworn in as Surveyor. , 09 08 1874`i 3 252 ! 1 38.' ?B.J. Larkins elected County Surveyor for Pender County on April 15, 1875. 04 17 1875?i r. 3 , 319 i i ? 39. Surveying bill from Bruce Williams approved. 10 07 1875,i 3 , 383 40. wAlfred B. Lind elected Surveyor in November 7, 1876 election. ' 11 11 1876?; 3 491 M ; ' 41.z eBill from A.B. Lind for incidental expenses ?pproved. ? f' 11 22 ; 1876?y 3 500 , ; 42.? ? ' i ?Resignation of County Surveyor A.B. Lind accepted. _; ? R ?' ? I 12 16 1876'' 3 510 ? f INDEX TO CO?IMISSIOI?ERS MINUTES - New Hanover County N C MAiTER SURVEYORS, COUNTY , . . _ : ` eeo. u. s. County Indezea Sinc? 1888 ? To toeate names, open at COTT A•Z TAB INDEX v?r ovF?ce ??? An Identifying Trade Mark ? SURNAME INITIAL TAB MADE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD BY OWEN G. D . ? UNN, NEW BERN, NO RTH CAROLINA ?. ? F? DATE f? K? MINUTE BOOK ? NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS ?' f: Month I Day I Year ;s ? Vol. Page ??. 1. John K. Brown elected unanimously to fill vacancy of Surveyor when A.B. Lind declined to serve. ,a 12 23 '4 1876 ?? 3 li 512 t? 2. Bi11 from A.B. Lind approved. . ;? 12 29 1876 i? 3 i? 514 ''' , .. , . ?t ,. 3. J.K. Brown appointed Surveyor in special case of J.N. Maffett and William Giles. ; • 03 22 1878 .N , 3 715 g' i .4. Poor House property to be surveyed by a special County surveyor. 04 ?5 1880 ;? 4 182 i ?? ,5. Capt. J.N. Moffitt appointed special surveyor to survey some land in Harnett. 4 05 ?3 ;? 1880 u; 4 ? 188 d y 6. John K. Brown to survey some land in Federal Point as requested by B.R. Moore. .. 05 ?3 1880 ,' 4 188 ?' ?? 7. John K. Brown appointed special surveyor to survey grounds of J.F. Garrell. ? 09 D6 1880 E; 4 226 ? ;? r .8.j Count ? y surveyor Roderick McRae to act with surveyor appointed by John Garrell to survey property. 03 07 1881 ! 4 277 , ?f ,9., Repor t from surveyors J.K. Brown and Rod McRae on boundary lines between lands of Poor House and J. Garrell, 04 D4 1881 ? 4 282 ' 4 . `? adopted. , ,. ?0.4? ? Roder ick McRae appointed special County surveyor to survey lands of E.F. Bryant. , 04 04 1881 4 282 11.,; ? J.K. Brown appointed special surveyor to survey lands of Tabitha Hays. .. 05 02 1881 4 290 „ ?y ?2.k? ?, Board of Justices of Peace, County Board and Board of Education to decide boundary disputes between County 05 02 1881 ; 4 290 , ?? and John Garrell. „ „ ,; ? 1.3.? Bound ary line between County and land of J. Garrell to be made according to survey of Messrs. McRay and „ 06 06 ?? 1881 ' 4 . 297 , s? `? `i Brown. ' ?? 14.;? I? When Garrell's land is established each party to execute to other the proper deeds of release. „ 06 06 1881 ? 4 297 15.`'?? , Board granted request of J.D. Bellamy and G. Harris to have S.D: Cherry survey a tract of land. ,, 04 03 1382 :i 4 369 ,i 16.f? Grant ed request of Sarah Gilbert to have John K. Brown survey two tracts of land. „ 04 03 1882 ?; 4 369 17.;? s? Grant ed request of Owen McKinnie to have Archibald R. Black survey a.tract of land. ; 04 04 1882 4 369 18.`j •; Samue l D. Cherry appointed special surveyor to survey lands of E.T. Martin. 08 07 1882 ; 4 400 ,? ,19.;? Roder ick McRae appointed special surveyor to survey land of A.B. Cook. 10 02 1882 ; 4. 420 ? ?? ,20.?? Roder ick McRae appointed special surveyor to survey lands of E.F. Martin. , 11 06 1882 , ? 4 427 i 21.? ? Bond of surveyor-elect Samuel D. Cherry approved. O1 02 1883 4 ? 443 22.j ? , S.D. Cherry appointed special surveyor to survey lands of W.L. Smith, J.C. Shepard and F.M. Foy. , Ol 03 1887 ? 4 770 23.i? ii S.D. Cherry appointed special surveyor to survey lands of R.B. Freeman and J.L. Winner, W. Turly and ;. 02 07 1887 4 777 ; ? Malissa Burruss and William Turley. ,? ? ?4.?? ? S.D. Cherry appointed special surveyor to survey lands of W.E. Mayo. 03 07 1887 ' 4 793 ? 25.i? S.D. Cherry, E.W. Bortell and Roderick McRae appointed special surveyors. 03 16 1887 r, 4 798 : 26.? ? J.L. Winners appointed special surveyor to survey lands of A.W. Downing, J,T. Burruss and S.C. Burruss. 05 02 18$7 : 5 7 , 27.$ S.D. Cherry appointed special surveyor to survey lands of George Harris and A.F. Cherry. 06 06 , 1887 5 15 ? 23.? E.W. Boutell appointed special surveyor to survey lands of J.A. Hewlett. 07 22 1887 5 28 ; ; 29. S.D. Cherry appointed special surveyor to survey lands of J.T. Cannady and G. Harris and W. Sneeden. 08 O1 1887 . 5 35 , ? 30.? John C. Chase appointed a special surveyor to survey lands of D. Quinlivon. 11 14 1887 5 51 ? 31.? S.D. Cherry appointed a special surveyor to survey lands of H.F. Cannady and C. Tietgen. „ 12 05 1887 , 5 51 . ? 32.` S.D. Cherry appointed special surveyor to survey lands of G.W. Harper, 12 09 1887 S 60 , 33.?? W.G. McRae appointed special surveyor to survey lands of W.R, Shaw. , Ol 02 1888 ; 5 61 ? 34.?? S.D. Cherry appoi?t?d special surveyor to survey island of Joseph Sneeden known as Cedar Hammock. 03 05 1888 , 5 77 , 35.? ? S.D. Cherry appointed special surveyor to survey lands of Victoria Williamson and W.H. Sneeden. , 04 02 1888 5 80 36.?, W.M. Hansley appointed special surveyor to survey lands of O.P. Batten. . 04 09 1888 '? 5 86 37.?° S.D. Cherry appointed special surveyor to survey lands of H.F. Cannady and V.F. Williamson. , 05 07 1888 ?? 5 37 ? 38.i S.D. Cheryy appointed special surveyor to survey lands of T4rs. W.E. Mayo. ?, 07 02 1888 „j 5 94 39. John C. Chase appointed a special surveyor to survey lands of Messrs. James Post, J. and W.N. Riach. ' 09 17 1888 i 5 107 +O.f S.D. Cherry appointed special surveyor to survey lands of L.R. Mason. 10 Ol 1388 ? ', 5 109 . a ?1. S.D. Cherry appointed surveyor to survey lands in case of W,H. Sneeden known as Beach lands. , 11 21 1888 ;.? 5 117 +2. Willi am Hansley appointed special surveyor to survey lands of Isaac Hines. w 04 Ol 1859 4: ;? 5 154 ;t ?; p4 - ? r ? I y? h' SURVEYORa INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES -- New Hanover County N C MATTER COUNTY , . . , : ` REC. u. s. /??,? County lndezea Sinae 1888 ?y? ?-- To locate namsa, open at COTT A-2 q?cc4 An ldentifYinq Trasle Mark ??$ SURNAME INITIAL TAB MADE BY THE COTT INDEX r?r 4vF?t? ?:?f? TAB INDEX COMPANY, COL?MBUS, OHIO . SOLD BY OWEN G . DUNN, N EW BERN, NO RTN CAROLINA ` DATE ?' MINUTE BOOK ? 5 NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS ' ?_ ,z :d ; Month I Day I Year "? ?e Vol. I Page ?? ? 1.+; Roderick MacRae appointed special surveyor to survey Sound lands of H.D. Murrell. ?_05 06 1889 ': 5 159 ? ? i 1 2.?y S.D. Cherry appointed special surveyor to survey lands of Mrs. M.A. Mayo, ' 09 ?3 1889 ,; 5 190 4 ?? s 3. William Hansley appointed special surveyor to survey lands of B.A. Carter. 09 D3 1889 ?" 5 190 ? 4.?3 W.M. Hansley appointed special surveyor to survey lands of B.A. Carter, ,10 07 1389 iM 5 194 ?? ? t 5.,? W.M. Hansley appointed special surveyor to survey lands of B,A. Carter. , 11 04 1889 Gi 5 199 ?? fi ', 6.' Register to extend Board's thanks to Capt. W.H, Baxby for map of survey of N.E. River Branch of Cape Fear. ; 03 03 1890 E` 5 235 s ?{ 7.' Roderick MacRae appointed special surveyor to survey lands of Henry Green? 05 05 1890 :; 5 246 ?? r ', 8.,; W.M. Hansley appointed special surveyor to survey lands of Owen Hansley, 05 05 1890 5 246 " ?a 9.:, S.D. Cherry appoir?tea special surveyor to svrvey lands of H.C, Evans and Isaac Shrier. 06 02 1890 ?;; 5 250 G,, _ 10., William Hansley appointed special surveyor to survey lands of B.A. Carter, OS 04 1890 5 263 , 11.,, S.D. Cherry appointed special surveyor to survey lands of Mrs. Mary A. P?ayo. 10 06 1890 5 272 12.. W.M. Hansley appointed special surveyor to survey lands entered by Owen Hansley. 02 02 1891 „ 5 312 . ' 13. W.M. Hansley appointed special surveyor to survey lands entered by W.B. Cannady, y 03 02 1391 : 5 316 R ,, , ,, 14.,; W.M. Hansley appointed special surveyor to survey land entered by Owen Hansley, . 04 06 1891 , 5 320 , i 15.:, William Hansley appointed special surveyor to survey lands of W.R. Alexander and Harry Murrick. , . 08 03 1891 . 5 342 ;? ?; 16.„ S.D. Cherry appointed special surveyor to survey lands entered by J.A. Hewlett. , 08 03 1891 5 342 ?; ! 17. ? W. Hansley appointed special surveyor to survey lands e ntered by B,A. Carter. 08 .. 03 I89I 5 342 " 18. Chase and MacRae appointed special surveyors to survey lands entered by Lewis Merritt. 08 03 1891 5 342 19. ?,. S.D. Cherry appointed special surveyor to survey J.?nds entered by Gabrial Baker. 08 , 17 1891 ? r. 5 349 :y 20. , S.D. Cherry appointed surveyor to survey lands entered by Alex Huggins, 02 .. Ol 1892 5 380 ?? {? 21. A.A. Colvin appointed to survey land of J.N. Burriss. 03 07 1892 ; 5 406 ?' E? 22. S.D. Cherry appointed special surveyor to survey lands entered by $.W. Skinner and P.R. Fowler. 05 02 1892 5 415 23. S.D. Cherry appointed special surveyor to survey lands entered by Mrs.Fannie Pritchard. 06 27 1892 ?, 5 426 ;. I , 24. . S.D. Cherry appointed special surveyor to survey lands entered by Peter Mohn. 08 O1 1892 5 432 ? „ 25. S.D. Cherry appointed special surveyor to survey land entered by Isaac J, Bear. „ 02 06 1893 „ 5 468 ?,. 26.., S.D. Cherry appointed special processioner to procession lands of late Thomas Turney, 03 06 1893 5 483 `' ;. ,' ? 27. Application of J.T. Weiner for appointment as special surveyor for Federal Point laid on table, Q6 05 1893 . 5 501 ?. ,, 28..; i , William Hansley appointed special surveyor to survey land of C.H. Thomas and land entered by J.R. Simmons. 02 05 1894 ' S 543 ' 29..; S.D. Cherry appointed special surveyor to survey land entered by Hill Burgwin, , 06 04 1894 ;; 5 570 ` ?; : 30.._ William Hansley appointed special surveyor to survey land entered by W.F. Kerr. 07 22 1$95 ',; 5 652 f ?; ?i ' 31.:: William Hansley appointed special surveyor to survey land entered by Hector Smith and Perry Murray. 09 20 1895 !;; 5 671 ; 32... W.H. Hansley appointed special surveyor to survey land of Samuel Bear. , 12 02 1895 ,? 5 680 ;; f 33.?. J.H. McRa.e appointed special surveyor to survey lands of J.H. Risley, 12 02 1895 , 5 6$0 ?? 34. S.D. Cherry appointed special surveyor to survey lands entered by Hi11 Burgin. O1 ??6 1896 5 686 ?` . _ ?, ? 35.: W.M. Hansley appointed spe?ial surveyor to survey lands entered by C.H, Alexander. O1 ?6 1896 ' S 685 ?'? i+ 36. . J.H. McRee appointed special surveyor to survey land of F.D. Caps. 04 .. 06 1F396 5 712 ?' pi ? 37. _ ? William Hansley appointed special surveyor to survey lands entered by Samuel Bear. 05 04 1896 5 715 s a ? ?: ? 38. , S.D. Cherry appointed special surveyor to survey land entered b_y Sallie Burgwin, 07 06 1896 5 722 i; ? ?? 39. ' W.M, Hansley appointed special surveyor to survey land entered by Perry A. Murray. IO OS 1896 4 5 734 40. S.D. Cherry appointed special surveyor to survey lands entered by Mrs. Sallie Burgwin. O1 04 1897 S 754 4. 41. , William Hansley appointed special surveyor to survey lands entered by Henry Graes. Ol ?. 04 1897 ? 5 754 y, ' k? ; 42. W. Hansley appointed special surveyor to survey lands entered by Prismus Acock. O1 05 1897 ` 5 ?56 ?; ?, 43. G]illiam Hansley appointed special surveyor to survey lands entered by Richard Murray and David Finch. 02 10 1897 5 765 ?, h'- , 44. Co1.Moore to arrange with a surveyor to run out Iands of J. Winner. 07 14 1897 6 29 `? ,. 45. Walter MacRae appointed special surveyor to survey lands o? Charles Tietgen and J.L Winner. 0$ 02 1897 : 6 32 ? 46.,; : ?i i? W,M, Hansley was appointed special surveyor to survey lands of Henry Greer and William Wright. ; 08 ? ;4 ii 02 1897 ? E' I? 6 32 ?: ? ? i ?? INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover Count?, N. C. _ MATTER: SURVEYOR, COUNTY ` eeo. u. s. County Indexen Since 1886 ? To loeate names, open at COTT A•Z TAB INDEX r?s OFFICE ?? An Identilying Trade Marlc SURNAM6 INITIAL TAB MADE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA NATURE 0?' PROCEEDINGS ? DATE ??' MINUTE BOOK ';?; , Month ( Day I Year :; Vol. Page ? ? 1.? k L.D. Cherry appointed special surveyor instead of W.G. MacRae to survey lands entered by J.L, Winners. 09 2.? ? L.D, Cherry appointed special surveyor to survey lands of Henry Graw and William Wright. 10 ? 3.? W.M. Hansley appointed special surveyor to survey lands of D.G. Westbrook. 12 ?y 4.`? W.M. Hansley appointed special surveyor to survey lands entered by G.W. Grady and Owen D. Hansley. R O1 5. County survey to be made by Joseph McRee on land of Maria Spooner. 06 6.;? ?! H.A, Colvin appointed special surveyor to survey line between C.T. Bonham and Francis Capps. 09 7.? W.M, Hansley appointed special surveyor to survey lands entered by G.W. Grady. 10 i 8.k, Letter from State Geologist Holmes stating he had marked off magnetic survey on curbing in rear of U.S. 11 ?, i ?? Post ?ffice. , 9.?? W.N. Hansley appointed special surveyor to survey land entered by H.J. Breman, Alex Ledley and B, Turling- 04 ; ?, ,; ton. . _10.?; W.M, Hansley appointed special surveyor to survey lands entered by J.P. Quinn. 06 .ll.?y W.M. Hansley appointed to survey lands entered by Jennie Turlington, H.J. Rierman and Alexander Ledley. „ 06 ,12.,, Co:nmissioner Alexander to have line between New Hanover and Pender Counties surveyed for fence. 06 ,13.?i Progress made on surveying line between Pender and New Hanover Counties lx?t Mr. Alexander unable to unable„ 07 , ?t to obtain desired papers. , 14.'! ? ?? W. Hansley appointed special surveyor to survey lands for H.J. Bierman. 09 15.?' ; W.M. Hansley appointed special surveyor to survey lands for C.B. Bellois and J.W. Murray. 10 16.f; W.M, Hansley appointed special surveyor to survey lands entered by C.B. Bellois. 11 ?? 17.Itl E.P. Bailey of Wilmington Iron Works reported County fence completed. 12 « 18.;' Commissioners accepted County fence as built by Wilmington Iron Works. 12 ,19.;; ?i Money allowed Wilmington Iron Works for building County Line Fence. 12 20.;{ Joseph McRae appointed special surveyor to survey lands of B.S. Mon.tford. „ 02 ,21.?? ?? W.M. Hansley appointed special surveyor to survey lands of Henry Grain. 02 x ,22.?; W. Hansley appointed special surveyor to survey lands of B,A. Carter. 05 23.;?! , ?, W.M. Hansley appointed special surveyor to survey lands of Miss Hattie A. Heyer. .. 06 24.ih , ?? W,M, Hansley appointed special surveyor to survey lands of C.B. Bellois and I.C.W.H. Bellois. 03 ;? 25.V? W.M. Hansley appointed special surveyor to survey lands in Harnett Township. 03 2b.ca L,D, Cherry appointed special surveyor to survey lands entered by Thomas Walton. 04 ? 27.f? L.D, y ppointed s ecial surve or to surve lands of M.G. Chadwick. Cherr a p y y OS + 28.?a W,M. Hansley appointed special surveyor to suraey lands of J.D. Sidbury. 05 ya ,29.?! _ Matter of surveying the County and map of same was laid on the table. 06 € . 30.?? L.D. Cherry was? appointed special surveyor to survey land f?r O.M. Fillyaw. 07 ?, ,31.?? Action appointing L.D, Cherry to survey lands of O.M. Fillyaw and W.M. Gherry approved. 09 i .32.? L.D. Cherry appointed special surveyor to survey lands of S.E. Carter. 09 E ,33.? Land to be surveyed between County Home and W.E. Worth if Mr. Worth will pay half of cost. 10 34.?? W.G. MacRae appointed special surveyor to survey lands for A,H. Hunt. 10 i 35.; :' W.M. Hansley appointed special surveyor to survey lands for R.S. Murray. 10 , 36.?z ?y A,P, Adrain resigned as County Surveyor. , 12 fy 37.;g W,M, Hansley appointed special surveyor to survey lands for F. Padrick. 02 c; 38.?? L.D. Cherry appointed special surveyor to survey lands of B,S. Montford. 04 '9 39.?? W.M. Hansley appointed special surveyor to survey lands of Mrs. Sarah Carter. 07 Ks 40.?? ?d Requ est from:H, Tientgen that W. MacRae survey his land referred back for more information. 10 ?; 41.?? ? ? p? ?? ?? L.D. Cherry appointed special surveyor to survey lands of T.A, Watson. , 11 06 1897 ,;: 6 42 , 04 1897 6 46 ? 06 1897??? 6 65 ? 03 1898.; ., 6 72 ?? 06 1898 6 166 ' 05 1898. 6 177 03 1898. 6 183 ,' 07 1898„ 6 190 03 1899 6 245 OS 1899., 6 296 . 13 1899 .. 6 301 „ 13 1899 . 6 301 05 1899, 6 317 IZ 1899. 6 336 02 1899 : 6 337 . 07 1899„0 6 348 15 1899 . 6 365 20 1899,? 6 366 , ZO 1899 . 6 367 05 1900 , 6 399 , 05 1900 ? 6 399 08 1900 ; 6 435 13 1900 ; 6 448 04 1901y b 532 03 1902 6 640 07 1902 6 644 05 1902' 6 649 05 1902 6 650 ? 03 1902 6 654 14 1902 ; 6 661 O1 1902 6 672 O1 1902 6 672 , 06 1902 6 676 06 1902., 6 676 06 1902. 6 677 02 1902,; 6 687 02 1903 „ 6 700 25 1903 µ 6 713 06 1903 6 731 05 1903 ? 6 754 02 1903 6 759 i INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES -- New Hanover Count?y, N. C. , MATT RT SURVEYOR aec. u, s. A??? County Indezee Since 1888 ? Yo lotate namBS? open Ot COTT A•Z TAB INDEX r?T OFFICE ??.?(?o-? An Identifying Trade Mark SURNAME INITIAL TAB MADE BY THE COTT INDEX GOMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA NATURE OP PROCEEDINGS DATE Month Day Year _ ` _ MINUTE BOOK ? Vol. Page ' 1. W. M. Hansby appointed special surveyor to survey lands for J. S.W. H. Bellois. 11 07 1904 7 7 2. Patrick Nathern to survey lands entered by Henry Martindale 12 05 1904 7 11 3. H. A. Colvin appointed special surveyor to survey lands entered by N. W. Richards. O1 03 1905 7 16 4. P. Nathern appointed special surveyor to survey lands for F. W. Davis. 04 03 1905 7 22 5. L. D. Cherry appointed special surveyor to survey lands of W. A. Pines. 06 05 1905 7 27 6. Board to have a map made of the County. 06 08 1905 7 32 7. L. D. Cherry appointed special surveyor to survey land entry of J. J. Metton. 10 04 1905 7 40. , 8. N. G. MacRae appointed special surveyor to survey line between Henry Teitgin and Johanne and Mary Teitgen 02 03 1906 7 47 9. Committee to have survey made relative to petition of citizens in Greenville. D2 D3 19Db 7 47 10. Office of County Surveyor vacant. 05 07 1906 7 52 11. E. J. Ander to survey land entered by Lewis Todd. 05 07 1906 7 52 12. H. A.Colvin to survey lands for E. R. Gore. 05 07 1906 7 52 13. H. A. Colvin to survey lands for D. L. Gore. 05 07 1906 7 52 14. E. J. Ander to survey lands for J. J. Melton. 05 07 1906 7 52 15. Confirmed appointment of E. J. Anders to survey lands of W. Hollis and J. F. Hoch. 06 04 1906 7 54 16. H. A. Colvin appointed special surveyor to survey land entered by D.L. and E.R. Gore. 06 18 1906 7 56 17. Patrick Mathews appointed special surveyor as requested by Robert Rieark. O1 07 1907 7 74 18. L. B. Hatch appointed special surveyor to survey lands of Mrs. Fowler and L. A. Koeth. 03 04 1907 7 81 19. E. W. Taylor agpointed special surveyor to survey land entered by L. B. Rogers. Ol 07 1908 7 120 20. H. A. Colvin appointed special surveyor to survey land entered by D. L. Gore. 03 09 1908 7 128 ., 21. E. J. W. Anders appointed special surveyor to survey land entered by H. L. Horne. 07 06 1908 7 137 22. E.J.W. Anders appointed special surveyor to survey lands entered by W.A. Piner. 08 03 1908 7 139 23. E.J.W. Anders appointed special surveyor to survey lands entered by Charles Tietgen. 11 02 1908 7 155 24. Walter McRae appointed special surveyor to survey land of A.O. Capps and J.A. Hewlett. 12 07 1908 7 159 25. E.J.W. Anders appointed special surveyor to survey land of Jerry Hewlett and J.A. Hewlett. 11 Ol 1909 7 185 , 26. E.J.W. Anders appointed special survey to survey lands of Victor Bordeaux 03 07 1910 7 191 ? 27. E.J.W. Anders appointed special surveyor to survey land entry of Samual Bossom. 04 04 1910 7 193 28. E.J.W. Anders appointed special surveyor to survey land entered by B.E. and J.W.Hollis. O1 04 1911 7 206 29. E.J.W. Anders appointed special surveyor to survey entry of W.Hollis. 08 07 1911 7 230 30. E.J.W. Anders appointed special surveyor to survey land entered by M. Schnibben and Charles Tietjin. 12 04 1911 7 236 31. J.L. Becton appointed special surveyor to survey land entered by Martin Schnibben and Charles Tietjen. 02 08 1912 7 244 32. E.J.W. Anders appointed special surveyor to survey land entered by J.J. Piner. 05 06 1912 7 249 . 33. D.J. Joyner appointed to survey lines between Addie L. Joyner and Mrs. Maude W. Westbrook. 05 09 1913 7 291 : 34. Survey to be made to determine route of road from Wrightsville to Tidewater Power co's tracks. 06 09 1913 7 305 ,. 35. Chairman reported he had consulted a surveyor in matter of Villa View and Wrightsville Road. 06 17 1913 7 306 , 36. Walter G. MacRae appointed special surveyor to survey land entered by Samuel A. Lewis. 09 15 1913 7 314 37. E.J.W. Andrews appointed surveyor to survey lands in East Wilmington. O1 05 1914 7 331 38. J.A. Louglin appointed special surveyor to survey Mink Island. 02 02 1914 7 338 39. E.J.W. Anders to survey Mink Island at no expense to County. 05 04 1914 7 349 40. E.W. Taylor appointed surveyor to survey certain lands if done at no expense to County. 07 06 1914 7 371 41. E.J.W. Anders appointed special surveyor to survey lands entered by C.W.Melton. O8 03 1914 7 378 42. E.J. Anders appointed special surveyor as requested by George Maides. 10 12 1914 7 393 43. W.H. Branck appointed special surveyor to survey land in Harnett Township. 04 05 1915 7 447 . 44. J. W. Anders appointed special surveyor to survey land entry for William Hollis. 07 06 1915 7 467 45. Request from 0. Pearsall to use part of Courthouse wall referred to County Attorney and Surveyor. 08 07 1916 7 573 46. J.L. Becton appointed special surveyor to survey land entry of D.L. Gore. 12 18 1916 7 602 „ INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover County, N. C. , MA TER•Surveyor aec. u. s. County Indexea Since 1888 ?? ??.?j? To lotaf0 names, open at COTT A-Z TAB INDEX ??t OFFICE ?p?? An ldentifying Trade Mark ?? SURNAME INITIAL TAB INADE YY THE fOTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD BY OWEN 6. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA NATURE OF PROfEEDINGS l. W K. Allen to survey County land at Smith Creek. 2. Survey ordered at Smith Creek, land sold to E. W. Godwin. 3. More County land to be surveyed requested by E. W. Godwin. 4.. County land to be surveyed and transferred to Edmund Rogers, trustee for Christine M. Church. 5 ? Survey chart atzr?horized on North- South Caro.i?ina. 6., E. J. W. Anders named Special Surveyor to survey land entered by Frank Andrews. 7. E. J. W. ??nders appointed Special Surveyor on W. H. Lumsden. 8. E. J. W. Ar?a?rs appoznted Speczal Surue3Tor for land entered by J? T. Herbst. r 9. J. L. Becton to survey Worth Tract. 10. L. L.Merritt, surveyor, paid to survey County lot on Gordon Road. 11. ,T. L. Becton appointed to survey land by J. R. Hollis. 12. City trade and Industry declined survey expenses on Tourist Hotels. 13. Survey authorized at Community Drive at Greenfield Lake. 14. Payment authorized to Lewis and Merritt, C. E. for survey and map of Greenfi?ld Lake. 15. River Road authorized surve.y. 16. Survey authorized for County by UNC-W. 17. Estimates requested on survey of City-County conditions. 18. Notice of s?urvey presented by Miss Jane Woods, received for con?itierat?_on, 19. Survey authorized on lot sold to W. H. Blake. 20. , Paycr,ent authorized for realestate survey. 21. Highway Commission written on City road survey. 22. Survey authorized for meeting on fire hazzard. 23.. Survey endorsed for dredging on Purviance Creek. 24. Survey authorized on houses outside City. 25. Survey authorized on land near garage to sell A. A. Blake. 26.? Surveyor au?horized to survey County land. 27.. Action referred to committee for surveyor. 28.. Survey of culv?rt ordered to drain water. .,29. Survey authorized for Steel Mi11? 30., Letter received on survay of Steel Mil.l. 31. Pay??nt approved to Dept, of Conservation and Development for Steel Mill Survey. 32. Survey authorized on Airport land. 33.. City Manager to make survey of Highways. 34., Special Surveyor H. V. Oesen to survey Harnett land. 35..? Conservation and Development received copy of Stee1 Mill Su?vey. 36..? Report to be delivered on Steel Mzll Survey. 37... Report received on Steel Mill Survey. 38. Copy of survey filed on Harnett land. 39.., Plans and survey on Legion Stadium held in abeyance. 40. Payment authorized for Legion Stadium survey. 41. Surveyor employed to map County land near Smith Creek. 42. Survey of tax listers shob?ed above tax listings. 43. Bill from H. M, Osen received for su?veying Navy-County base lines. 44.. Survey nresented on County land near Smith Creek, 45. Committee appointed on survey of re-evaluation program, DATE Month I Day I Year MINUTE BOOK Vol. ( Page 7 16 1920 8 118 9 '7 1920 8 124 9 20 1920 8 126 10 4 1920 8 127 4 2 9 2 6 25 11 9 12 7 8 2 10 10 3 30 4 20 6 15 2 22 5 3 7 1 7 1 6 6 1 30 9 18 12 7 4 9 9 27 2 7 7 18 12 12 7 31 10 23 11 6 11 20 1 8 1 29 2 26 3 5 3 12 3 19 3 26 8 11 10 6 1 26 1 26 3 2 5 ?6 6 18 1923 1924 1925 1925 1925 1926 1926 1931 1931 1926 1937 1937 L937 1937 t938 1939 1939 1942 1945 1948 1949 1949 1949 1950 1950 1950 1950 1951 1951 1951 1951 1951 1951 1951 1952 1952 1953 1953 1953 1953 1953 8 8 ? 8 ? 8 8 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 1 c' 10 10 10 17- 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 lz 11 11 235 308 343 357 360 394 397 99 103 113 482 518 518 589 35 83 306 434 49 73 108 140 199 218 221 224 233 237 243 245 247 248 250 35$ 371 394 394 404 423 30 H INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES -- N C t N C anover oun ew y, . . _ MATTER: Surveyor - aec. u. s. qJ,? County lndezea Since 18$B ? To lotah noM?s? O?D Ot COTT A•2 TA! INDEX rnr OFFICE C.?i?t,o r? An IdeatifyinB "I?rade Mark MIAC E BY THF COTT INDEX COMPANY. COLUMBUS. DHIO SURKAME INITIAL TAY SOLD YY OYYEN i. pUNN, MEII tERN, NORTN GROLINA NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS DATE MINUTE BOOK Month Day Year Vol. Pnge l. Survey requested on Va?ce Street traffic. 8 17 1953 . 11 447.. 2. Survey received on Courthouse and Co?unty Home heating plants. 6 14 1954 11 52Q., 3? No objections raised on survey of County Home. 8 2 1954. 11 535.. 4. No decision made on survey of Courthouse office??. .. 9 20 1954 . 11 542._ 5. Survey report received on Public Cor?struction plans. 10 4 1954, 11 544 _ 6. Letter received from Civil Defense Sirens. 12 13 L954. 11 561 7. Civil Defense received on survey, maps secured. . 1 31 L955 11 572 _ 8. Nursing Committee Survey reported, action postponed. 3 14 1955 11 581.. 9. Survey to be made on erosion around Fort Fisher Monument. 3 L4 : ?_955 11 582 l0. Survey to be made on Courthouse air conditioning. 3 l4 : ?_955 11 583 '? 11. Surv?y to be made to locate land in Harnett Township. 12 L9 ?_955 12 27 12. City/County surve;r to be conducted, Industrial survey. 2 6: ?_956 12 41 13. Received report on Industrial survey, 5 7_8 : ?_956__ 12 72 14. State Highway Patrol to make survey of speed in Winter Park. 8 6; ?_956 12 88 15. Soil conserv?tionist requested to survey drainage problem in Winter Park. 8 6 ?_956 12 88 _ 16. Received Hospital survey report. 7 8: ?_957 12 165 17. Request to survey James Walker Memorial Hospital referred to New Hospital Board. 7 8: ?_957 12 165 18. Approved survey ?f area to be heated at Community Hospital-at minimum cost. 9 30 : ?.957 12 184 19. Received report of survey at Community Hospital. 10 1_4 ?_957 12 187 20. County to appropriate funds to survey Beach Areas. _1p i_4 :i_957 12 188 .: 21. Received survey of Secondary Roads. 12 L6 :?_957 12 203 22. Property of Mr. E. A. Palgren, Harbor Island to be surveyed. 6 30 :?_958 12 273 23. Notice received of State making survey of all properties own in County. 7 7 L958 12 277 24. Secertary au.thorized to arr?nge and receive complete phntographic serial survey maps. 7 7 :1_958 12 277 25. Civil Aeronautics Administration Engineers requested survey for runway at Airport. 7 L4 :1958 12 279 „ 26. Received report on price for aerial mapping survey. 7 21 :L958 12 281. 27. Decision delayed on appointing Survey and Planning Committee. 12 1 ??958 12 338 28. Motion defeated on aerial mapping survey. 5 18 .L959 12 437. 29. Received report of surv?y being made on US421 by State Highway Commission. 4 L8 L960 12 564 30. Notice received that Industrial survey in progress. II 7 :L960 12 626 31. Approved payment to M. H. Lander for County Building Survey. 4 4 L961 12 661 32. Received insurance analysis for County. accepted for study. 5 1 .L961 12 667 33. Mr. M. H. Lander i?o survey a piece o? land to enter in County records. 6 L9 :L961 12 687 3?., Letter from Governor Sanford, regarding Federal Fal1-out Survey. 2 5 :1962 13 64. 35. Letter informing of water survey available. 3 5 1962 13 75 36, Federal funds to match County-State funds for County Ground Water Survey P?aject. 8 6 L962 13 139 37. Decision regarding Water Survey held in abeyance. 8 6 1962 13 139 38. Colonel Harry E. Brown, Director State Dept. of Water Resources to meet with ?oard. 8 6 L962 13 139 39. County to participate in proposed Water Survey. . 8 20 L962 13 143 40. ?round Water Survey report received from Mr. George L. Baizi. 5 6 ?963 13 209 41 Ground Water Survey report received from Mr. George L. Bain. 10 7 t963 ?3 257 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS ?IINUTES N H C C -- ew anover ounty, N. . , MATTERT SCHOOLS ` nec. u. s. Counry lndezea Since 1888 ? To (acafe names, open ot COTT A•Z TAB INDEX ?AT OFi1CE C.?l?? An Identifying Tradc Mark SURNAME INITIAL TAB M?DE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BE RN, NORT N CAROLINA NATURE OF PROtEEDINGS DATE MINUTE BOOK Month I Day I Yenr Vol, I Page 1. School budget presented, received for consideration. 08 03 1942 10 285 2. School Superintendent requested, referred for repairs to Gibson Ave. for school children. 08 31 1942 10 290 3. Donation given to E. Carolina Training School. 11 30 1942 10 304 4. Donation given to Caswell Training School. 11 30 1942 10 304 5. Donation given to Morrison Training School. 11 30 1942 10 304 6. Donation given to Stonewall Jackson Training School. 11 30 1942 10 304 7. Donation given to Samarcand Manor Training School. 11 30 1942 10 304 $. School budget received for re-adjustments. 05 24 1943 10 331 9. Morrison Training School given donation. 06 14 1943 10 335 10. Schools' Junior Traffic Officers authorized belts F? badges. 09 30 1943 10 349 11. Donations granted: East Carolina, Stonewall Jackson, Caswell, Morrison ? Smarcand Traing Schools. 11 22 1943 10 358 12. Donations fixed for above schools. 11 22 1943 10 358 13. Walkway discussed for Forest Hills School. 06 19 1944 10 392 14. Carl H. Moultrie requested to move old school building received for consideration. 06 19 1944 10 392 15. School budget discussed, Superintendent and assistant's salary transferred. 07 26 1944 10 397 16. Capital Outlay items, except for school buses, transferred. 07 26 1944 10 397 17. Funds reduced for assistant bookkeeper's office. 07 26 1944 10 397 18. School janitor's wages fixed. 07 26 1944 10 397 19. School budget reduced. 07 26 1944 10 397 20. School's tax budget fixed. 07 26 1944 10 397 21. School zone reauested at Sunset Park School. 11 06 1944 10 412 22. Donation granted to Training Schools: Samarcand, Stonewall Jackson, Caswell, Morrison, East Carolina. 11 20 1944 10 414 23. Services of school janitors approved, paid for election. 11 27 1944 10 416 24. Street improvements approved at Sunset Park School. 06 04 1945 10 443 25. Consideration taken on School Budget. 07 02 1945 10 448 26. Donations granted to training schools?. Samarcand, Stonewall Jackson, Caswell, Morrison, East Carolina. 11 19 1945 10 467 27. School Budget granted increase. 12 31 1945 10 475 28. Fund for schools referred. 02 25 1946 10 482 29. Fund for schools granted. 03 11 1946 10 485 30. Check received, appropriations, increased. 04 08 1946 10 491 31. School budget taken under consideration. 07 12 1946 10 504 32. School budget discussed. 07 29 1946 10 507 33. School supplementary budget approved. 08 • O1 1946 10 507 34. School donations: Samarcand, Stonewall Jackson, Caswell, Morrison, East Carolina ? State Training 'School. 11 18 1946 10 526 35. Donation granted for high school lecture. 03 10 1947 10 548 36. Wrightsboro School drain improved. 04 14 1947 10 559 37. School budget received. 07 14 1947 10 575 38. School budget considered. 07 28 1947 10 477 39. School budget increased. 07 28 1947 10 477 40. School budget approved. 07 28 1947 10 578 41. PTA report referred, protesting truck line thru Williston School zone. 07 28 1947 10 578 42. Spurgeon Baxley granted funds for School lecture. 02 16 1948 11 14 43. School budget presented. 07 12 1948 11 36 44. Acknowledgement received on reducing speed at schools. 02 07 1949 11 73 45. Ben McDonald referred on Schools' Dumping Police idea. ? 02 14 1949 11 73 46. Use of Middle Sound school lot referred for cemetery. 08 15 1949 11 114 8 r INDE? TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES -- New Hanover Count N C T S?HOOLS ? ?, . . , MAi ER eec. u, s. County Indexee Since 1888 Ih ka-- To loente names, Op¢q Ut IAT OFFICE ?n?1? An ldentifying Trade Mazk ??.8 SURNAM6 INIiIAL TAB COTT A•I TAB INDE% A1ADE BY iXE (OTT INDE% COMPhNY, COLUMBUS, ONIO SOLD BY OWEN C. DUNN, NEW BER X, NORiN UROLINA NATURE OF PRO(EEDINGS DATE MINUTE BOON Month (Day I Year Voi, I Page l. .]. W. Reaves complaint made on use of school lot for colored cemetery. 08 22 1949 11 116 2. Goldsboro High School athletic director granted use of bleachers. 10 17 1949 11 128 3. Appreciation letter received on bleachers. 10 31 1949 11 132 4. School traffic boys invited to Elks Club entertainment. 02 20 1950 11 158 5. ,Tr. High School band granted funds for Goldsboro trip. 03 27 1950 11 165 6. Highway to be marked near school. 08 28 1950 11 206 7. Highway school students to serve on County Commission one session. 09 05 1950 11 207 8. Jr. Traffic Officers authorized belts and badges. 10 30 1950 11 219 9. William Autry declined purchase of old school bus for peanut stand. 11 27 1950 11 225 10. Funds referred on New Hanover High School uniforms. 03 05 1951 11 245 11. New Hanover and Lake Forest School students observe commissioners. 03 12 1951 11 246 12. Congratulation given to High School teams and coaches on winning State Basketball Championship. 03 12 1951 11 247 13. Funds granted to Jr. High School band on trip to Goldsboro. 04 02 1951 11 251 14. Appreciation letter written by New Hanover High School's John H. Lounsbury. 04 02 1951 11 252 15. Letter of thanks received on Jr. High School Band Club. 04 09 1951 11 253 16. School budget postponed. 07 16 1951 11 271 17. School budget postponed. 07 16 1951 11 271 18. No action taken on school budget. 07 25 1951 11 273 19. Payment approved for New Hanover High School Band funds. 08 27 1951 11 284 20. State receipt charges increased for School events at Legion Stadium. 09 04 1951 11 284 21. Donation granted to Jr. H. School band uniform fund. 10 O1 1951 11 290 22. Letter of congratulations written to New Hanover High School coaches for championship. 11 26 1951 11 305 23. Date set for school board meeting. Ol 07 1952 11 311 24. Payment authorized to F. V. Batson, school pensioner. 02 il 1952 11 317 25. Request received for caution light at Catholic School. 09 03 1952 11 362 26. Overcrowded school bus issue referred to school officials. 09 22 1952 11 366 27. Financial Statement received for High School Band Booster Club. 09 29 1952 11 368 28. Richard H. Shew request approved for school bus route. 11 10 1952 11 382 29. School zone request received. 12 08 1952 11 383 30. Attention focused on overcrowded school buses. 02 09 1953 11 399 31. Social Studies Dept. letter received for commissioners to attend student Government Day program. 05 04 1953 11 418 32. Joint meeting to be called on historical studies at schools. 05 26 1953 11 423 33. Letter received on abandoning efforts for historic studies in schools. 08 24 1953 11 448 34. Numerous calls reported on school bus situation. 09 14 1953 11 453 35. Winter Park streets referred for school safety. 09 28 1953 11 455 36. NHHS band Booster Club request received for funds. 10 05 1953 11 457 37. NHHS Band granted funds. 10 12 1953 11 460 38. Tileston-Sunset Park schools request received for funds. 10 12 1953 11 460 39. Tileston-Sunset Park schools request granted for funds. 10 19 1953 11 460 40. Letter of appreciation receives from NHHC on funds. 10 19 1953 11 460 41. Invitation received for?American Legion celebration. 11 02 1953 11 465 42. Request received from High School SQCial Studies Dept. on pictures of commissioners. 11 23 1953 11 467 43. Letter of thanks received from training schools for donations. 12 21 1953 11 476 44. Williston High School band booster club request received for more buses. Ol 25 1954 11 480 45. Budget appropriations set for Williston School Band. 02 O1 1954 11 481 46. Letter of thanks received from NHHC Socia?. Studies for pictures. 02 08 1954 11 484 INDEX TO COMMI?SIONERS MINUTES -- New Hanover County N C SCHOOLS ? , . , _ MATTER: _ ,,,,,q ty ? To loca+a nam?s, open af xec. u. s. Coun Indezea Sinee 1888 rar OFi1CE ????{ o? An Identifying Trade Mark COTT A•2 TA6 INDEX MlttE Bll THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO ? SURNAME INITIAL TAB SOLD ?Y OWEM G. p UNN, NEI I {ERN. NORTN GROLINA NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS DATE MINUTE BOOK ?°; ,, Month ., Day Year „ Vol. Page '; ;a : a 1. ? ? Invitation received for Sunset Park School dedication. ' 03 ? Ol 1954 . 11 489 ., 2. PTA proposed special school election. 04 12 1954 11 499 ' 3. Attention called to Student Government Day. 05 03 1954 11 510 4. Letter of thanks received from NHHS Social Studies Dept. ` 07 19 1954 11 531 5. Consideration taken on school budget. 07 26 1954 11 533 6. A1lotments for teachers deferred. 08 30 1954 11 539 7. Letter from Institute of Government read on schools held at Chapel Hill. 09 13 1954 11 541 8. , Williston Junior HS request for fund read. 09 20 1954 11 542 9. New Hanover High School request for fund read. 09 20 1954 11 542 10. Tileston-Sunset Park School request for fund received. 10 04 1954 11 543 11. NHHS fund request received. 10 11 1954 11 546 ' 12. NHHS invitation received. 10 11 1954 11 546 13. NHHS band funds requested. 11 15 1954 11 553 , 14. I NHHS band funds requested. 11 15 1954 11 553 ? 15. Williston Band funds requested. 11 15 . t95 4 11 553 16. ? Letter of thanks received from Williston School. O1 10 1955 11 567 17. Excerpts from Newsletter received on first aid training in schools. O1 10 1955 11 567 18. NHHS letter of thanks received. Ol 17 1955 11 568 19. Tickets approved for Cape Fear Sales Club Clinic at NHHS. 02 21 1955 11 577 20.,, NC Education Assoc. invitation received for banquet for NHHS. 03 07 1955 11 580 21. Letter filed on school student ground observer Corps. 03 28 1955 11 585 22. Arrangement made for meeting at Winter Park Schools. 04 04 1955 11 586 23.,. Student Government Day approve d. 04 25 1955 . 11 592 .. 24. School budget adopted. 05 31 1955 11 601 25. Letter of thanks received from NHHS Social Studies Dept. 06 06 1955 11 602 26. School budget continued. 07 11 1955 11 613 27. School budget reduced. 07 11 1955 11 613 i 28. School budget discussed. 08 08 1955 11 622 29. School budget adopted. 08 08 1955 11 622 30. School appropriation request held in obeyance. 09 05 1955 11 629 31. City/County Committee named to work out plan for school assistance. 09 19 1955 11 632 32. Report school tax Chapel Hill. 11 14 1955 12 18 33. Discussed fire station,Winter Park School. 11 21 1955 12 18 34. Funds approved for Institutions and Training Schools. 11 21 1955 12 19 ? 35. College Committee to meet Resolution adopted. Ol 09 1956 12 32 '' 36. Board made bid for college, offering site. Ol 17 1956 12 35 37. Committee to look over sites for college. 02 20 1956 12 45 38. Report concerning a Methodist College. 03 12 1956 12 52 39. Received report of School for Retarded Children. 07 02 1956 12 79 40. Request for increase in budget to be considered during preparation of budget. 07 02 1956 12 79 41. No action taken for provision to help expenses for School for Retarded Children. 07 23 1956 12 85 42. The Board granted funds for School for Retarded Children. 08 20 1956 12 90 43. Request of citizens from Harbor Island for School Traffic Zone approved. 10 08 1956 12 99 44. Board approved donations for institutions and Training Schools to supplement Christmas fund. 11 19 1 956 12 109 45. Request for funds for Wilmington Junior High School Band declined. 12 10 1956 12 114 46. Letter of thanks from State Training School at Kinston. 12 17 1956 12 11b ? C N INDEX TO CUMMISSIONERS MINUTES -- New Hanover County S?xooLS ? , . . , MATTER• xe?. u. s. County Indexea Since 1888 ? YO IOCOtY 11o11Nt? O?Nb Ot COTi A•I TA6 INDEX k MkLE 8Y 7HE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO NORTH GROIINA NEN ?ERN pUNN ?' AB SOLD lY ONEN i I ??11? Id d M A ' ,?r- ar PAT OFFICE entifying Tre e SURRNYIE IN iI I [ An . , . ? DATE MINUTE BOOK . NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS Month ? Day Year Vof. Page l: The board agreed the Board of ?ducation should finance travel for the Band. Ol 21 1957 12 123 2. Communication objecting to Vulgar advertisement of motion pictures carried in papers. 02 18 1957 12 131 3. Petition Commissioners to call election to vote on issue County School improvement bond. 02 25 1957 12 133 4. Resolution received concerning financining public school,no action taken. 03 11 1957 12 137 5. Request for finances for Junior band taken under advisement. 04 15 1957 12 ?44 6. Announcement of Student Government Day, May 9th. 05 06 1957 12 150 7. Letter of appreciation for student government day. 05 20 1957 12 153 8. Requests for funds from Junior High Sch?ol band tabled. IO I4 1957 12 178 9. Board voted to grant donations to institutions for Christmas. 1I 18 3957 22 193 10. Discussion of date for bond election. 11 25 1957 12 195 11. Board authorized hearing for school bond, on Jan. 6, I958. 12 02 1957 12 197 12, Received request on proposed Technical Institute Site. 12 23 I957 12 204 13. Public hearing on school bond, Bond adopted. O1 06 I958 12 208 14. Approved payment of school auditor, after discussion with school officials. 03 17 1958 12 23S 1.5. County/city pay jointly for student Government Day. 04 14 1958 12 240 16. Research and scientific experiments to be cleared with concerned organizations, report back to Board. 04 14 1958 12 240 17. News letter reference to study public school financies. 06 30 1958 12 273 18. Funds from Capital Outlay to Book Fund in School Budget. 08 18 1958 12 294 19. Letter requesting Commissioners aid as welcoming guest, Chairman to make address. 09 I5 1958 12 302 20. Letter relating to sales tax for schooi support. 11 17 1958 12 332 21. Letter referred to Mr. Hewlett & Yow for study. 11 17 1958 12 332 22. School budget to recieve insurance checks for building damages. 11 24 1958 12 335 23. Board oppose Federal Aid to schools, Federal and State representatives to be informed. 12 08 1958 I2 340 24. Board approved caunty participation in Student Government Day. 12 08 195$ 12 341 '25. Request for cross guards placed on agenda for next meeting. 12 22 1958 I2 347 26. School guards to be place by Sheriff Dept. with study for future plans. 12 29 1958 12 348 27. Letter pertaining to award for school bomb scare. O1 05 1959 12 355 28. County Aditor appropriated unanticipated funds to regular school budget. Ol 05 1959 12 357 29. Teacher's salary and school problems to be presented, studied before presenting to State Legislators. O1 26 1959 12 367 30. Letter from Congressman Alton A. Lennon, concerning Federal Aid to schools. 02 02 1959 12 369 31.. Board appropriate funds for college. 02 02 1959 12 370 32. Boax?d discuss Legislature proposals, on election for tax. 02 02 1959 12 370 33. School bilding funds are to be spend only to purchase sites, erect di? remodel building. 07 23 1959 12 474 34. Letter requesting the approval to purchase property for James B. Dudley school granted. 08 03 1959 12 476 35, Mr. C. S. Lowrimore supplied School Statistics. 08 03 1959 12 480 36. Board approved the appraisal price for the purchase of school property. 09 08 1959 12 492 37. Received insurance check for fire damages to William H. Blount School, approved request to ac3d check to Q9 08 1959 12 492 budget. 38. Letter protesting action in levying 15.3 School Supplemen.taxy Tax instead of .20 authorized. 10 05 1959 12 502 39. Report on school of Industrial Ed ucation Burlington. 10 05 1 959 12 502 40. Secretary report on School Fire inspections, inspections being conducted but no names of inspectors. 11 02 1959 12 510 41. Board appointed committee to study school fire inspection. 11 16 1959 12 514 42. Approved transfer of funds within budget for bus. 11 16 1959 12 514 43. Approved signature of Chairman on application for State aid to operate training program for retarded. 11 16 1959 12 514 44. Received fire inspection committees report, Harry EveretC and Fred Futches for County schools and 12 07 1959 12 521 J. A. West & City electrical inspector for schools in city limits. INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover Count? ?1 C SCHOOLS ?`? , . . _ MATTER: _ aec. v. s. County Indezes Since 1$88 TO IOCa?? IIaM?f? Op?O af ? ? COTT A-Z TA! INOEX j PAT OFFICE .L?,7?„ pn Identifyia? Trade Marlc =URNAHIE INITIAI TAB Mllt E 61I THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUT, OHIO SOLD tY OYIIEN i. DUNN, NENI ?ERN, NORTM GROLINA ? ?. NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS DAiE MINUiE BOOK ;; `' Month Day ? Year Vol. Page r;' .. :c .. . 1. ? Letter from Mrs. E. F. Wehinger,president of the Opportunity Group for Educable Children. ? 12 07 1959' 12 523 2. Mr. E. A. Laney, informed Board of Federal Government property reverter suit, county to underwrite the 12 21 1959 12 524 cost of suit up to $120,000 land support. 3. Board motion Mr. Fred Futch, Jr., to receive 8.50 per school per inspection. 12 21 1959 12 524 4. Secretary to arrange special meeting if questions. 07 22 1960 12 596 5. Joint budget session, approved $300 f or indigent and school denistry to be shared jointly. 07 27 1960 12 S97 6. School pension fund set by attorney in N. Y. determining amount drawn. 07 28 1960 12 599 7. Sheriff to employ crossing guards at Lake Ave. and Oleander Drive. 09 06 1960 12 605 8. Invitation to attend school committee meeting in Greenville, 9/27/60. 09 06 1960 12 605 9. Granted request County equipment and prison labor to clean and level Athletic Field for the college. 09 06 1960 12 607 10. Letter opposing small amount allowed for Capital Outlay in budget. 09 16 1960 12 611 11. Director of bonds of school system request commissioners to ride in parade, observance of Education Week. 11 07 1960 12 625 12. School crossing guarding to be assigned by Sheriff with school officials. 11 07 1960 12 626 , 13. Letter regarding school for County Commissioners. O1 16 1961 12 642 14. Appropriated $3,750 interest accrued to college building fund. 02 06 1961 12 646 15. Received insurance check for hurricane damages to school, placed in repairs and maintenance account. 02 06 1961 12 646 16. Notice of school for County Commissioners and Accountant. 02 20 1961 12 650 17. Invitation to attend children's concert of the State Symphony. 05 O1 19bs1 12 670 18. Approved request to participate in student government Day. 05 15 1961 12 679 19. Letter from forema?county school superintendent regarding an article intitled "Design for Quality." 05 15 1961_ 12 680 20. School budget meeting to be held June 8th in S. C. R. (Superior Courtroom.) 06 05 1961 12 685 21. Thank you letter regarding student Government Day, 06 05 1961 12 686 22. No objections to construction of boiler room at Wrightsboro School and mobile class rooms at Bradley Creek?, 06 19 1961. 12 687 ,. 23.. Letter requesting Congressman to support school aid program. , 07 02 1961 12 694 . 24. School budget approved. 07 17 1961 12 700 25. Approved merging of Hemenway School with Tileston school providing cost in overall budget. 09 18 7961 13 17 26. Approved $3,614 for adjustment in school salaries. 10 02 1961 13 24 2?• Approved resolution petition from Roland-Grise Jr. High for Lake Ave. 03 05 1962 13 72 28. Public Hearing on school bond, April 2, 1962, resolution to same. 03 19 1962 13 82 29. Letter advertising student Government Day. 04 02 1962 13 88 30. Date for Local Student Government Day May 3rd. 04 02 1962 13 89 31. Student Government Day scheduled for May 3. 04 16 I962 13 99 32. Fire inspector's report, by John Marshall. 05 14 1962 13 105 33. Approved transfers within budget. 06 28 1962 13 118 34. Income from the National Defense Educational Act increase school budget. 06 28 1962 13 118 35. Returns from special school bond election April 2, 1962, adoption of Bond, resolution to same. 07 02 1962 13 122 36. Budget meeting, approved to regular and Supplementary budgets as presented. 07 16 1962 13 133 37. Adopted School bond resolution, in order to sale bonds. 10 Ol 1962 13 156 38. Adopted School bond resolution outlining sale. 10 15 1962 13 162 39. Letter expressing appreciation to Winter Park Elementary Baptist Chruch. 10 15 1962 13 163 40. Annual audit report from School Superintendent. 12 17 1962 13 179 41. Letter regarding the elimination of Junior ROTC units. 02 04 1963 13 187 42. Resolution to Congress to restore the budget funds necessary to continue the program (ROTC). 02 04 1963 13 187 43. Approved transferring School funds. 05 06 1963 13 211 44. Appropriated $22,299.28 to match N.D.E.A. Funds. 05 06 1963 13 211 45. School bond interest report by County Auditor. 05 06 1963 13 212 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES -- New Hanover Count?y C N SCHOOLS ? , . . _ MATTER: xac, u. s. 'p????? County Indezea Since 1888 •Ar OFFICE ??i? ?c Anldentif o in Trad Mark ? TO lotoh nam?s, Op?n af COTT A•Z TA? INDEX MItCE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO „ y . g e SURNAME INITIAL TAB fOID ?Y OwEN 0. YUNN, NEN tERN, NORTH uROIINA ? DATE MINUTE BOOK ? NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS Month Day Year Vol. Page 1. School pension discussion, no action. 05 20 1963 13 213 2. No action on school pensions. 06 03 1963 13 218 3. School Crossing Guard for Edwin A. Alderman school, referred to Sheriff's dept. and Highway Comm. 09 03 1963 13 249 4. Mr. W. West, principal New Hanover High dis cussed bond uniforms and books of athletic assoc. with Comm. 10 07 1963 13 257 S. Appropriation request for the band boosters club referred to the Board of Education. 12 02 1963 13 268 6. Authorized selling of school bonds at time recommended by Local Government Commission. 12 16 1963 13 274 7, Bond Sa?e Order O1 20 1964 13 285 8. Carolina Beach Playground Ol 20 1964 13 283 9, College Park Site OZ 20 ?964 ?3 2&7 10. Issac Bear Building Razing 02 03 1964 13 297 11. Costs 03 02 1964 13 298 12. Appropriation 06 Ol 1964 13 334 13. Water Bills 08 03 1964 13 363 14. State School bond referendum 09 21 1964 13 375 15. Transfer of funds 09 21 1964 13 376 16. Bond Issue 10 19 1964 13 387 17. Inspections - Electrical 11 02 1964 13 390 18. Crossing guard 11 02 1964 13 390 19. Inspections - Electrical 12 07 1964 13 402 2Q. Data Processing 02 IS 1965 I3 438 ;. 21. Reports 02 15 1965 13 439 22. Complaint - Carolina Beach 03 15 1965 13 447 23. High School Site 05 17 1965 13 479 24. Budget Transfers 06 28 1965 13 495 25. Budget Discussion 07 02 1965 13 497 26. Teacher Pensions 07 14 1965 13 505 27. Dedication - D.C. Virgo School 09 20 1965 13 523 28. Road Paving 12 06 1965 13 549 29. Site Purchase 12 20 1965 13 557 30. Dentist, Dental Aid, Catholic Schools O1 16 1967 14 23 31. Naval ROTC-Hoggard 02 06 19u7 14 27 32. Needs at Hoggard 02 06 1967 14 26 '33. Teachers' salary supplements 02 20 1967 14 32 34. Building Costs Discussion 03 20 1967 14 39 35. Resolution-Funds to buy Pine Valley Site 04 17 1967 14 46 36. Design and cost 06 05 1967 14 66 37. Paving Around 06 19 1967 14 72 38. Inspection-Lower building costs 07 17 1967 14 77 39. Inspection - Lower building costs 07 03 1967 14 75 40. Redevelopment Project 07 03 1967 14 75 41. Teachers retirement-Miss Maie Saunders 08 28 1967 14 84 42. Paving 09 05 1967 14 86 43. Costs 10 02 1967 14 94 44. School board presentation 10 16 1967 14 99 45. Metal buildings film 11 20 ]967 14 114 46. Costs II 06 1967 14 109 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES -- New Hanover Count N C SCHOOLS M ?, . . _ U JECT ` aec. u. s. ? r-- County Indezea Since 1888 ? Te IotoM na10?f? O?NO W //{!? E?n ldentifying Trade Mark r?r OFFICE C C E CQTT M= INADE BY THE COTT IHDEX TA? INOEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS? OHIO . ? ? SURNAME INI7IAL TAB SOLD tT OWEN ?. OUNN, N EN tERN, NORTH GROLINA DAiE MINUTE BOOK ` NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS Month Day Year Vol. Page ' 1. Board of Education resolution Capital Reserve Fund 11 20 1967 14 112 2. Roard of Education resolution 12 04 1967 14 122 3. Pine Valley financing O1 02 1968 14 131 4. Pine Valley financing O1 15 1968 14 136 5. Wrightsboro School Petition O1 02 1968 14 129 6. Pine Valley 02 16 1968 14 147 7. Bond Issue hearing and resolution 03 04 1968 14 150 8. Pre-Engineered Buildings 03 18 1968 14 167 9. Resolution requesting state road maintenance for 03 04 I968 I4 I48 10. Resolution Supplemental School tax 03 18 1968 14 163 11. Award bids, school paving 04 22 1968 14 173 12. Prefab buildings 04 O1 1968 14 171 13. Standardized buildings 04 16 1968 14 175 14. Correspondence on bond issue 05 06 1968 14 186 15. Advance to pay architect 06 03 1968 14 192 16. Formal approval fund, paving around schools 06 03 1968 14 192 17. Communications re Intergration 07 15 1968 14 224 18. Allocation 07 26 1968 14 228 19. Vandalism in 07 15 1968 14 223 20. Yarboro, Mrs. Jack, et al, protesting appropriation to School Board 07 Ol 1968 14 211 21. Vandalism in 07 15 1968 14 223 22. Vandalism Reward 07 O1 1968 14 214 23. Clerical Employees' salaries 08 19 1968 14 238 24. Auxiliary Courtrooms OS I9 I968 14 238 25. Assistant superintendent's salary 08 19 1968 14 239 26. Vandalism Schools 08 19 1968 14 238 27. SOS Protest, reallocation of bond funds 08 19 1968 14 237 28. Disorder in Schools 09 16 1968 14 246 29. Resolution-Busing 09 03 1968 14 245 30. Resolution regarding school busing 09 16 1968 14 249 31. School bus service request 09 03 1968 14 240 32. School bond anticipation notes 09 03 1968 14 243 33. Classrooms originally planned in new schools 10 07 1968 14 254 34. Call of election, Teacher's salaries 10 21 1968 14 260 35. Sale of Bonds 10 21 1968 14 257 36. Buses on Dawson St. 11 04 1968 14 264 37. Resolution determining interest on school building bonds 11 18 1968 14 267 38. Transfer of funds 11 04 1968 14 263 39. Request for election on supplement to Teacher's salaries 12 16 1968 14 283 40. Transfer of Funds 12 02 1968 14 277 41. Transfer of funds 12 16 1968 14 281 42. Transfer of funds O1 06 1969 14 287 43. Rec{uest for Election O1 06 1969 14 28? 44. Teachers' Retirement 03 17 1969 14 307 45. '1'ransfer of Funds 04 08 i969 14 S10 46. Proposed pension bill for retired teachers 04 08 1y69 14 312 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover Count?, N. C. , MU JECT SCHOOLS ` aEO. u. s. Counry Indezea Since 1888 ? TO Io?aN nanNf? Op?n at WTT A-z T11? IMOE7I NU1DE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO r?r OFFICE (?t?:? .?n ldentifying Trade Mark SLRNAME INITIAL TAB SO1.01'f OYIEN 0. pYNN. NE11 ?ERN. MOATN GROLINA NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS 1. Transfer c£ funds 2,. Paving Contract 3? Budget 4;, Air Conditioning Hoggard High School and Cafeteria Roland Griese School 5t: Request, Legal fees 6; Transfer of funds for salaries Maids and Janitors 7. Air Conditioning of Schools 8: Funds for Social Security and Retirement y. High School crossing (NH) 10. Representation on Athletic Advisory Council 11. Transferof funds 12. Transf er of Funds 13. Transfer of funds 14. Request state board of education revise teacher allocation 15. Termination of County school retirement for teachers 16. Retirement - County Teachers' system 17? Retirement of board of education employees 18. Cross Country Activities Bus 19.. Action, School Board 20. Calling law Enforcement Officers 20. Approval Funds, Identification Cards, High School Students 21. Communications system within schools 22, Statement of Dr. Bellamy 23. School Board requests 24. School property protection 25. Transfer of funds - Unanticipated Revenue to Building Fund 26. Approval purchase 7 school buses 27. Purchase extra patrol car, Sheriff's Dept. 28.; Transfer of funds-Building Reserve Fund to Building Fund 29.? Appeal of Plan "B" Ordered by Judge Algernon L. Butler 30. News Release-School Board 31. Request funds for Security Guards 32. Transfer of funds - Reserve & Burglar Alarm to Bus Garge-Capital Outlay 33. Transfer of funds - Back Hoe to Maintenance Vehicle 34. Transfer of funds - back Hoe to Maintenance Vehcile 35. Transfer of funds from Capital Outlay Back-Hoe to Maintenance Vehicle 36. Appropriation for purchase of property 37. INSTALLATION OF AREA lights 38.. Transfer of Funds 39. Board of Education - Informal meeting with 40. Request for funds 41. Major transfers - state budget 42. Jaycees' request - Permission use of Hemenway Hall Property as Park 43. Additional clerical employee 44, Financing Fund requirements 45.. Transfer for salaries DATE MINUTE BOOK Month Day Year Vol. Pnge 04 21 1969 U6 16 1969 07 1"% 1969 07 17 1969 08 04 1969 08 OS 1969 08 04 1979 Ot3 18 1969 11 D:5 I9b9 12 Ol 1y69 03 16 1970 04 06 1970 05 18 1970 05 18 1970 07 07 1970 09 19 1970 11 16 1970 Ol 04 1971 02 Ol 1971 03 O1 1971 03 15 1971 03 18 1971 03 18 1971 05 03 1971 05 17 1971 06 21 1971 06 30 1971 06 09 1971 08 16 1971 08 20 1971 08 20 1971 08 18 1971 10 18 1971 12 06 1971 12 20 1971 O1 04 1972 02 07 1972 02 21 1972 03 20 1972 05 O1 1972 05 15 1972 10 02 1972 11 20 1972 12 04 1972 O1 02 1973 02 05 1973 14 323 14 34L 14 374 14 374 14 380 14 3%7 14 378 14 S81 14 404 14 420 14 453 14 459 14 ?+74 14 478 14 496 14 539 14 548 14 562 14 572 14 587 14 592 14 597 14 596 14 621 14 645 14 658 14 663 14 657 14 696 15 2 15 2 15 1 15 22 15 43 15 54 15 62 15 72 15 77 15 94 15 125 15 129 15 228 15 260 15 277 15 298 15 319 ? INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover Count? N. C. SCHOOLS M , _ U JECT ` xsa, u. s. A?? Counry Indexes Since 1888 TO IocaN nam?s, Op?ll af ? COTT M2 TA? lNG E7I ? ? PAT OFFICE ??? :Ld?i' An Identifying Trade Mark SURNAME IMITIAL TA8 MADE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY. COLUMBUS? OHIO fOLO ?T OMfEN 0. pYNN, NEN ?ERN, NORTH GROLINA NATURE OF PROCEEDlNGS DATE MINUTE BOOK Month Day Year Vol. Page 1. Mecklenburg County's Request for support of Kindergartens 02 05 1973 15 327 2. District V, N. C. School Board Assoc. 02 05 1973 15 327 3. Discussion of State-Wide Kindergartens 02 19 1973 15 333- 4. Transfer of funds - Insurance on burned Bldg, to Capital Reserve Fund 03 05 1973 15 339 5. Transfer for vans, Servicing school buses and ?arage equip. 03 19 1973 15 355 . 6. Transfer for encumbrance system 04 02 1973 15 359 7. Capital Needs, presentation of 04 16 1973 15 371 ? 8. Bus for physical?y handicapped 04 16 i973 15 371 9. Approval of heating ec{uipment 04 I6 1973 IS :7Z-5 10. NDEA Funds (Request to use) 04 16 1973 15 376 11. NDEA Funds (Approval to use) 05 ?7 1973 15 383 ? 12. Storage facilities for heating fuel 06 ?4 1973 15 430 13. Transfer for sewerage and phones 06 18 1973 I5 438 14. i i Transfer for secretaries in schools 10 ?l 1973 15 507 ?, ? I5. Increase of state funds for trainable children 10 ?1 1973 15 308 lb. ? Discussion of State school bond issue 10 15 1973 15 515 17. Request transfer of funds to purchase accounting machine 11 19 1973 15 528 18. Discussion of new acct. machine 12 ?3 1973 15 533 19. Approval of proposed school sites 12 ?3 1973 15 ?33-4 20. Discussion of Jurisdiction over pupil assignments 12 ? 3 1973 15 534 21. Discussion of assignment of kindergarten children I2 ?3 1973 15 534 22. Discussion of school construction 12 )3 ?973 15 534 23. Approval of petition for school bond election 12 ?3 1973 ?5 537 24. Transfer of funds, Bd. of Education 12 17 1973 15 546 25. Aerial photos of school sites 12 17 1973 15 546 26. Discussion of school construction 12 17 1973 15 548 27. Application for approval of School bonds O1 07 1974 15 550 28. Discussion of school pensions Ol 07 1974 15 555 I 29. Discussion of classroom requirements O1 07 1974 15 555 30. School pensions O1 2I 1974 15 560 31. Bond order - School bonds O1 21 1974 15 ?63-4 32. Public Hearing - bond order authorizing issuance of $5,500 school bonds for NHC 02 04 1974 15 571 33. Transfer of funds - school adm. bldg. 02 04 1974 15 572 34. Discussion of off site sewage disposal for new high school 02 04 1974 15 572 ? 35. Presentation of N. Senior High School 02 04 1974 15 573 36. Deferral of discussion of NHC school pension system 02 04 1974 15 573 37. Transfers of funds 02 04 1974 15 573 38. Presentation of N. Senior High School site 02 04 1974 15 576 39. Discussion of off site sewage disposal for new high school 02 18 1974 15 578 40. r Discussion of pension system 02 18 1974 15 578 , 41. $5,500 school bonds 02 18 1974 15 ?83-5 , 42. Sewage disposal for new high school 03 04 1974 15 594 43. Approval of New High school site 03 04 I974 15 595 44. Discussion of gravity sewer line for new high school 03 18 1974 15 599 45. Actuarial study for school pension system 03 18 1974 15 b03 46. Discussion of actuarial study for school pension system 04 O1 1974 15 612 N. C. INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover Count? SCHOOLS M EC , _ UBJ T ` ee6. u. s. A???? Counry Indexes Since 1888 ? To IoCOb AartNf? Opl? at PAT OFFICE C?E?T.4-? An IdentifPing Trade Mark SURNAME INITIAL TA? COTT A$ TA? INOEi MADE BY iHE COTT INDEX COMPANY? COLUMBUS. OHIO SOLD ?Y OWEN ?. pUNN, NEN tERN, NORTN GROLINA DATE MINUTE BOOK ??' NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS , Month Day Year Vol. Page 1.`' Site plans for 3 sites as recreational areas 04 16 1974 15 614 2.: Approval of contract w/H. Gray Hutchison ? Assoc. 04 16 1974 15 615 3.°, Approval of Gravity sewer line to serve new North High School 04 16 1974 15 615 4.' Presentation of requests 04 29 1974 15 620 5. Comments re: budget 73/74 04 29 1974 15 620 6. Report on value of land at Carolina Beach 04 29 1974 15 620-1 7. Discussion of sewer line for new high school site 05 06 1974 15 629 8.. Intention to appropriate funds for NHHS Overpass 05 06 1974 15 629 9. Discussion of modular construction of schools 05 06 1974 15 629 10. Discussion of modular construction 05 20 1974 15 634 11. Discussion of proposed school sites 05 20 1974 15 635 12. Early commitment of employment principal for new high school 05 20 1974 15 635 13. Sewer line for new high school site 05 20 1974 15 636 14. Certificate of Canvass - Bonds 05 20 1974 15 639-40 15. Presentation of modular school construction 06 03 1974 15 652 16. Intent to appropriate $46,000 of schools capital reserve fund for Admin. Building 07 O1 1974 15 675 17. Date for mtg. w/Board of Education on Recreation plans 07 O1 1974 15 675 18. Adoption of resolution re: Supplementary Pension Plan 07 15 1974 15 684-5 19. Transfer of funds 08 05 1974 15 692 20.? SEDC Retirement Program 08 05 1974 15 693 21. Discussion of ineeting with H. Gray Hutchison 08 05 1974 15 694 22. Discussion of school pension plan 08 05 1974 15 694 23. School pension system 08 19 1974 15 699 24. Transfer offunds 08 19 1974 15 702 25. Budget amendment 09 03 1974 15 707 26. Setting date for special meeting with H. Gray Hutchison 09 16 1974 15 718 ?27. Resolution re The Curious Eye 09 16 1974 15 719 28.' County offer reward re Chestnut Street School Burning 09 30 1974 16 1 29. 1 Reward - Chestnut Street School burning 10 07 1974 16 2 30. Protest of The Curious Eye 10 07 1974 16 12 31.. Budget Amendment - Chestnut Burning 10 07 1974 16 13 32. Meeting w/ H. Gray Hutchison 10 07 1974 16 20-22 33. Pension system - Payment to Hutchison 10 21 1974 16 29 34. Request for street paving 10 21 1974 16 33 35. Budget Transfer -$6,869 to be used for service van, storage tank F? Payroll Machine 11 04 1974 16 42 36.. School board requested to consider setting up model high school 11 04 1974 16 42 37. County to acquire land for new high school 11 18 1974 16 47 38. Discussion of school pension system 11 18 1974 16 49 39. Discussion of payroll machine approved 11/4/74 11 18 1974 16 51 40. Approval of Expenditure of contingency in bond fund - 8-inch water main for College Park School 12 02 1974 16 56 41. Discussion of school pension system 12 02 1974 16 62 42. Approval of expenditure of contingency in bond fund - Library and one classroom at Carolina Beach 12 16 1974 16 69 43. Discussion of Youth Legislative Assembly O1 20 1975 16 94 44.. Transfer of funds for purchase of property for Laney School 02 17 1975 16 115 45. Approval of $700 of bond funds being used for playground stabilization at Washington Catlett School 02 17 1975 16 115 46. Approval of contract for overpass at New Hanover 02 17 1975 16 115 ? N C. INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES -- New Hanover County SCHOOLS M , . _ UB ECT ` Rea. u. s. County Indezea Since 1888 ? TO IoCaN names, O?NII at Tr rk Id tif d M (???? A, ? COTT A-Z TA? INOEX MADE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPAHY? COLUMBUS. OHIO ng e a n en a Y r?r OFFICE SURNAME INITIAL TAB SOLD ?Y OIIEN i. pUNN, N Ew ?ERN, NORTN GROLi NA DATE MINUTE BOOK ,; NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS Month Day Year VoI. Page ' a 1. Prior approval of $4,000 in FY 75/76 actuarial services for pension fund 02 17 1975 16 115 2. Tabling of request for prior approval of $13,538 in FY 75/76 for phones 02 17 1975 16 116 3. Intent to appropriate $13,538 in 75/76 budget for phones 03 ?3 1975 16 127- 4. Intent to appropriate $3,613 in 75/76 budget for computer service 03 ?3 1975 16 128 ? 5. Request of Comm. Wright for proposed bond expenditures 03 ?3 1975 16 128 ' 6. Invitation from Dr. Bellamy re School budget 03 ?3 1975 16 135 7. Contract deferred for sewer line to serve new schools 03 17 1975 16 148 8. Commission to meet w/Bd. of Education 03 l7 1975 16 148 9. Approval of contract - Engineering services for sewer Iine to serve Laney and Trask Schools 04 ??7 3gi? 36 2?7 10. Intent to appropriate $8,000 in FY 75/76 for Vocational Rehabilitation In- School program 04 ;)7 1975 16 163 11. Intent to appropriate funds in FY 75/76 04 ,7_1 1975 16 169-0 12. Transfer of funds for transportation costs 04 ?8 1975 16 183 13. Transfer of funds for Emma B. Trask school site 04 ,?8 1975 16 183 14. . Budget increases for Chestnut St Fire Damage; Lunchrooms and Night school 04 ;?8 1975 16 183 15. ? ? Authorization for Chm. to execute deed to Board of Education 05 l9 1975 16 201 ' 16. Budget amendment to account for School Bond Funds 06 )2 1975 16 215 ; ( 17. Addition of triangular portion in Blair Park 09 )2 1975 16 264 18. Agreement re OSHA Compliance 09 ?.5 1975 16 270 19. Trans. funds fire alarm system O1 05 1976 17 34 20. Approve condemnation for Laney/Traks Sewer line 02 02 1976 17 52 ' 21. Delegates to State Youth Council conference 02 02 1976 17 53 22. Intent for equip. funds FY 76/77 02 16 1976 17 50-1 23. Budget trans. Laney/Trask Sewer line 02 16 1976 17 ?8 24. Discussion on budget funding for Bd. of Education 03 O1 1976 17 70 25. Contract approval to develop Rec. area at Blair School 03 O1 1976 17 74 26. ; Reduction in school pension plan funding 03 O1 1976 17 76 ' 27. Approval change order-Laney/Trask to change pipe 04 ('??5 1976 17 ?6 28. Discussion school budget and Fiscal Control Act 04 (?5 1976 17 ?7-8 ' 29. Remittance of taxes to NHC schools 05 03 1976 17 l17 30. Budget transfer 05 17 1976 17 123 31. Discussion on air conditioning at Wrightsboro School 05 17 1976 17 l28 32. Approval supplement for driver education 06 21 1976 17 ?47- 33. Discussion on school budget for FY 76/77 06 21 1976 17 L55 34. Youth Seminar 07 06 1976 1 7 l60 ? 35. Discussion of Swimming Pool - Laney High School 08 02 1976 17 L73 36. Tabling budget amend. - Public School const. 09 07 1976 17 190 . 37. Budget Amend. - School construction 09 20 1976 I7 196 38. Discuss school budget 11 O1 1976 17 229 ? 39. Discuss amendment to school budget 11 15 1976 17 230 ? 40. Discuss prior buclget approval for recreation area at Virgo School 12 06 1976 17 238 ? 41. Discuss boiler problems 02 07 1977 17 279 ' 42. Approve funds for boiler repairs 02 21 1977 17 ?83-4 43. Budget Amend.-Const. Fund 02 21 1977 17 287 44. N. C. Youth Advisory Council letter 02 21 I977 17 289 45. Legislation Amending Pension Plan 03 28 1977 18 5 46. Discuss School Budget 03 28 1977 18 7-8 ? . x... . ... . INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover Count N C SCHOOLS ? ?, . . _ _ S U JECT ae?. u. s. ??, ? r?t OFFICE ?-C"t???? County Indezea Since 1888 An IdentifYinB Trade Mazk ? TO IOWt? nam?s, Op?n 01 SURNAME INITIAL TA? COTT A-Z TA? INOEX MAOE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY. WLUMBUS. OHIO SOLD ?Y OWEN 0. pYNN, NEN ?ERN, NORTH GROLINA F? NATURE Of PROCEEDINGS ? ; `i ?; Budget Amend.-197?/75 Taxes for schools 2ti? Distribute School Budget FY 77/78 3a': Letter of endorsement - NC Ocean Sciences Inst. ? ?: 4:' Approval Summer Feeding Program in Schools ? 5: Budget Amend. - Blair School Park 6.' Budget Amend.-to pay excess back taxes 7.: Discussion on funds for tennis courts at Virgo School 8: Public Works grant approved for Schools Materials Warehouse 9. Budget Trans.-School Bond Funds 10. Budget Trans.-School Capital Reserve - Hoggard roof repairs 11. Funding for Hoggard Band to go to Mexico 12, Budget Amendment - Credit 1975 taxes 13.. Budget Amendment - two new boilers I4, Conveyance Community Hospital to Board of Education 15, Anti-recessionary funds for Hoggard roof repairs 16, Budget Trans-Hoggard roof repairs 17. Approve LEAA-Interim Skills program 18. Budget Amendment - Pension Fund 19, Compliance w/handicapped regulations 20,? Approve use of 7 acres adjacent to Trask School 21. Amendment to School Pension Law 22; Transfer from Public School Capital Reserve Fund 23.? Pine Valley PTO requested assistance for sidewalks & bike paths from County 24. Discussion of School Budget 25. Funds for Asbestos removal from vocational education building 26. Budget Ainendment - New Hanovt?r windows 27,' Install ceiling & lights - G. H. West Bldg. 28:: Ventilation - Tileston Cafeteria 29: Replace ceiling in ROTC bldg. 30, Budget Amendment - Inc. to acet. for insurance proceeds to cover cost of fire at Gregory School 31?, Funding for roof repairs at MCS Noble School 32. Request for increase in compensation for Board of Education members 33. Appointment of Comm. Armistead to School Bond Issue Committee 34. Budget amendment-purchase payroll computer 35. Approval of Public Schools increase in Capital Outlay - Outlay Expenditure Budget 35. Discussion on meeting with School Board . 37. Discussion on Use of Dudley School after it is closed 3?.. Letter to 5chool Supt. concurring in Agricultural Extension Use of Schools 39.., Agreement with Electric Engineer for Lighting System at Hoggard high School Baseball Field 40. Request for public school insurance onfo. DATE MINUTE BOOK Month Day Year Yol. Page 04 04 1977 18 17 05 16 1977 18 37 06 06 1977 18 ?!8$53 06 06 1977 18 49 06 06 1977 18 50 06 20 1977 18 60 09 06 1977 18 96-7 10 03 1977 18 111 ?3 07 ?977 I8 I22 11 07 1977 18 122 11 21 1977 18 133 02 06 1978 18' 169 03 06 1978 18 180 04 03 1978 18 189 04 03 1978 18 t89-90 04 17 1978 18 196 06 29 1978 18 234 09 05 1978 18 274 09 05 1978 18 276 09 18 i978 18 281 02 19 1979 18 357 03 19 1979 18 373 04 17 1979 18 387 04 2I 1979 I8 406 09 04 1979 18 468 09 Z7 1979 18 481 09 17 1979 18 481 09 L7 1979 18 481 09 17 1979 18 481 Ol 21 1980 18 539 02 18 1980 18 556 05 19 1980 18 599 08 04 1980 18 645 11 03 1980 18 690 09 08 1981 I8 911 11 02 1981 18 953 05 J3 1982 19 64 05 J3 1982 19 64 09 20 1982 19 153 10 _8 1982 19 174 INDE? TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES -- New Hanover Countg, N. C. ; M?EER: SEpsT?DYDISP°S? ` eea. u, s. ? `? County Indexee Since 1888 ?+ fo lo?ah namn, open at COTT A TO Z TAB INOER re? OFFICE (..G.ee//71-Ce.? qn IdentiEyins Tmde Muk SURNAME INIiIAL TAB MADE H' iNE CO1T INDEX WMPANY? (OWIYCS? ONIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN (0?, NEW BERN, N. G NAtURE OF PRO(EEDINGS . DATE MINUTE BOOH Month Day 1 Yea? Voi, Page l. Contract for Septage Disposal Study 02 Ol 1982 l8 999 2. Update on Septage Study Report 03 15 19$2 19 32 3. Adoption of Resolution for $390,000 septage disposal bond issue 05 03 1982 19 61 4. Natural Resources and Community Development ?5 17 1982 19 69 5. Discussion on Committee Studying Septage Disposal 05 17 1982 19 75 6. Request to City for De1ay in Septage Dumping Fee increase 06 07 1982 19 83 7. Adoption of Septaqe Disposal Ordinance 06 07 1982 19 90 8. Discussion on Septage Dumping in Walnut Hills 06 21 1982 19 96 9. Authorization for negotiations with D/Appolonia for Design of Septage Treatment Facilities 06 21 1982 19 99 10. Contract with D'Appolonia for Septage Disposal Facility 08 02 1982 19 126 C N INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover Count SERVICES FOR THE AGING y, . . _ MATTER: _ Te letab nam?s, ?pu? at COTT MZ TA? INOEX ncc. u. s. County Indezee Since 1888 NADE ?Y iHE COTT ?NDEX COMPANY, COLUMIUS, ONIO PAT OFFICE ???7?E- An ldentifyinY Trade Mark SURNAM? INITIAL TA? SOLD BY OWEN G. DI1NN CO., NEW BERN, N. C. DATE MINUTE BOOK '. NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS ' Month Day Year Vol. Page 1. Nutrition and Social Services program for elderly O1 04 1977 17 254 2. Nutrition and Social Services program for elderly O1 17 1977 17 ?58-9 3. Nutrition and Social Services program for elderly 02 07 1977 17 276 4. Endorse Nutrition Program for Elderly 04 18 1977 18 19 5. Ltr. inviting Sencland Community Action to operate nutrition program for elderly 05 16 1977 18 36 6. Designate Sr. Citizens Week 05 16 1977 18 38 7. Discuss feeding program for elderly - complaints received on food 02 06 1978 18 170 8. Tabling report on Congregate Feeding Program 03 06 1978 18 181 9. Congregate Feeding Program 03 20 I978 18 183 10. Request summary & allocation statement Plan for Aging 06 05 1978 18 222 11. Discuss designating Exec. Director of Services for the Aging as representative from NHC 07 03 1978 18 244 12. Wilmington/New Hanover Services for Aging designated focal point on aging 02 15 1979 18 251 13. Designated as agency to operate nutritional program for the elderly in New Hanover County 04 17 1979 18 387 14. Budget Amendment thru S.S. - Congregate Funding Prog & Senior Citizens Center 12 17 1979 18 528 15. Acceptance of Lucille Shuffler Bldg. for Senior Center & funding for Myrtle Grove Center 04 21 1980 18 585 16. Lease on Lucille Shuffler Bldg. to be used as a Senior Center 06 02 1980 18 612 17. No action on budget amendment for Multi-purpose Senior Center on the Lucille Shuffler Building 07 07 1980 18 634 18. Contracts for operation of the Multi-Purpose Senior Center 07 28 1980 18 638 19. Contract with COG for Senior Center renovations 09 08 1981 18 910 20. INDE? TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES -- New Hanover Coun?j N ? SEWERS MATTER , . . , : ` eea. u. ?. County Indezes Sinee 1888 ? To loeate namea, open at r?r orr?et ?? An ldentifyinQ Trade Mark $URNAME INITIAL TAB COTT A-Z TAB INDEX MADE BY THE COTT INDEX tOMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DllNN, NEW BERN, NOR iH CA&OLINA 'r ?$ NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS ' DATE fa ?' MfNUT ?' E BOOK ? ; Month I Day I . Year ;y Vol. I Page ,? E ? l. ' ;Permission granted Hibermean Association to connect their sewer pipe to the County sewer pipe. 03 05 1888;: 5 ?? 77 E` ?? 2. + Sanitary Board approved sewer to run into Mill Branch for American Suburban Corporation. 03 °a 05 1906'; 5 49 ?? ?t 3. ;Proposed disposal plant for sewage system of Miss Mary Bridges at Carolina Heights referred to Sanitary 09 09 1908 5 146F? , , .. ,, P± Board which referred it to State Board of Health. ??? ?'g 4. aBids received to disconnect courthouse and Jail from Jacob's Run to City sewage system. 12 27 1912. 5 I 268?f 5. yMatter of Connecting Court and Jail to City sewage system referred to Building Committee. , 07 07 1913 ` 5 309ti 6. Advertisements to be made for bids for repair of Jail relative to change of sewage and plumbing. 09 .. . 08 1914;. .? 5 383;+ F ,1 !+ INDEX TO CO?IMISSIONERS MINUTES -- New Hanover Count?y? 1\. U. MATTER: SHERIFF' S DEPARTMENT ? Rto. u, s. Counry Inaezes Since IBBB it? ?c•3-? To tocate namas, open at r?r OFFiGt ?? An ldentifying Trede Merlc ?j??? SURNAME INITIAL TAB COTT A•Z 7A6 INDEX MADE BY THE CQTT INDEX <OMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA ? ; DATE ?? MINUTE BOOK ? ? .? NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS ` `{ Month I ?? ? Day I Year ?? ? Vol. I Page ? ?' 1.; J.W. Schenck, Jr, qualified as Sheriff elect of New Hanover County. f - t' ? 07 {? 15 R? ? 1868? 1 1 2.?? G.P. Rouke appointed Jailer of New Hanover County. `? 07 15 1868?y 1 1 ;? 3.;? ? , Solomon Wash and Albert R. Thomas qualified as deputy sheriffs. ?? 07 15 € 1868; k9 1 1 , 4.?? Mr. Schenck presented his bonds and he was granted power to assume his office. ? 07 r 2'L 1868l? 1 3 ?? 5.;?? Sheriff to employ a janitor for the Courthouse. ? ` `?'? 08 ?? 27 ? 1868?? 1 30 6.p? Sheriff presented his bill for services and it approved. , 09 02 1868i; ? 1 33 ? '? 7. ? Sheriff ordered supplies. i 09 ? 04 "? 1868¢? 1 37 ? 4 ,j ? . $.,; Order from John Sanders in favor of Samuel Bunting, Sheriff. :, 09 15 ,r 1868?? 1 44 ? , 9..?? Sheriff delcared Iist of people insolvent. „ 09 25 1868t? 1 ?; 56 E? 10.: Attorney London to ca11 on former Sheriff Bunting for statement of account for present year. „ 10 12 1868:, 1 68 ,; 11. Bi11 for advertising for Sheriff approved. 11 06 1868: 1 ,; 95 :: ;? 12. , Sheriff to rer?zove gallows to Jail's yard. : 12 04 1868; 1 134 ?; 13.:, Order on J. Schenck for Sheriff approved. 12 22 1868x; 1 144 ?; « 14..: Sheriff authorized to procure pans for the Jail. O1 07 1869:4 ? 1 156 53 ,, 15.,; Report requested from Sheriff on. forthcoming expenses. . 02 03 1869« 1 178 !? ; 16.! Letter from Sheriff referred to Committee on Poor. , 02 10 1869?? 1 183 d? ? 17. `, Tax settlement with Sheriff. ;. 02 10 1869;; 1 4: 183 `? 18.; Sheriff to accept County bonds for debts. ;. 04 05 1869?? 1 f+ 204 ? ; 19 ; Sheriff to notify persons wanting trade or employment license to make applications. ?, 04 06 1869F, 1 211 fi . , 20.; Clerk to Board to give Sheriff list of evaluations of property of County. 04 21 1869i? '? 1 220 r, ? 21.,? Copy of Revenue Law sent to Sheriff and Board of Assessors. 04 27 1869:? 1 a 222 ?? l: 22..: Sufficiency of bonds of Sheriff discussed. : 05 18 I869.`? 1 237 ?i 23'.R Matter of bonds for Sheriff discussed. 05 27 1869?? 1 242 ?? ,, E? 24. '; Sheriff's bill to be investigated by the Finance Committee. ; 06 07 1869^ 1 250 {? , E 25.?? Sheriff's subpoena fees approved. 07 07 1869"? 1 270 + ?, 26.'' Sheriff's bi11 for executing subpoenas approved. 07 07 ?i 1869=.: ? 1 ?k 270 ? i `: 27.:, Sheriff's bill for half fees of insolvents convicted in Superior Court approved. 07 07 ' 1869`;' 1 ii 271 ?? ? 28.;, , Sheriff s fee for road notices approved. ? 07 07 1869?; ' 1 271 ?; j? I ? 29.:; Bill for serving notice on assessors from Sheriff approved. ? 07 21 1869?? °a 1 283 y s 30.?; Sheriff's bill for stationary approved. 07 ?. 21 186?r ?, 1 283 ?` 6 31.,, Sheriff to pay all monies collected to Chairman of Finance Committee instead of to the Treasurer. 08 03 1869?; 1 291!! :; 32.?; Sheriff Schenck's fee for serving notices approved. „ 09 07 186?; 1 317 `? 33.y Sheriff's bonds renewed. , 09 08 1869c? 1 320 ? 34.,; Sheriff's bond consideration postponed. .. 09 08 1$69.e 1 320 ?+ ;? 35. ? Sheriff to furnish monthly statement of County and State funds. y 09 16 i$69E 1 i 32? ? ? , ? , 36.,; Board ordered examination of accounts of Samuel Bunting, late Sheriff. 09 16 186?? 1 324 `? E: 37. Sheri?f's Jail fees approved. 09 .. 16 1869: 1 324 ;? ` ?': 37.; Report on late Sheriff Bunting filed. . 09 16 186?,? 1 327 ? 38.,? Bill from Sheriff for serving notices approved. 11 02 1869?: 1 340 Q 39.,; ? Report ordered on Sheriff s account. ? 12 .t 06 1869??s .. 1 346 ?? y? 40.'.? Tax collecting report from Sheriff received. 12 06 1869`:? 1 ,? 348 ?? s , j 4I.;; Board requested tax report on taxes levied and then colZected by the Sheriff. , 12 07 ,' 1869?? 1 350 f ? 42.,; ? Sheriff to give tax refund to Miles Cortin. , 12 10 1869'?; 1 355 ? ? 4 43.?? ? Committee requested more time on Sheriff's account. 12 10 F? 1869?a 1 i 355 i ? 44.?? Sheriff not held responsible for errors in Tax List and Board requested no penalty be imposed on Sheriff. ; 12 10 1869?? 1 i 355 # e , 45.:? ?; ? Sheriff's statement on overcharges, insolvents, remittances and delinquents accepted after corrections. '. 12 ??' ? il 21 ?: 18694? A, ," ? 1 358 ?j ? ? N INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES -- New Hanover Count? C MATTER SHERIFF' S DEPARTMENT , . . _ : ` Re?. u. s. County Inde:ee 9ince 1888 f{?i To loeats names, open at COTT A•Z TAB INDEX s-7? An Identifying Trade Mark U? SURNAME INITfAL TAB MADE BY THE COTT INDEX COM?ANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO r?r OfFICE ? ?l? . t. SOLD BY OWEN G. D UNN, NEW BERN, NOR TH CAROLINA ? DATE ? MINUTE BOOK a,? , NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS Month I Day l . Year `, Vol. ( Page ;', ? 1. Report from committee to correct Tax List. (See TAXES) 12 21 1869?: 1 358 ; 2.?? Sheriff requested guards to convey prisoners John Hill, Henry Young and Henry Larkins to State Penitentiar?. O1 03 1870 1 393 ' „ ? s : 3.; ? Sheriff's application granted. „ , Ol 03 1870': 1 393 ? ? 4.' Committee to assist Treasurer in settling with the Sheriff. (See FIAtANCE DEPARTMENT) y' Ol 03 1870;, 1 396 ; 5. Sheriff's fee approved. Ol 04 1870?; 1 396 s , 6.? p Sheriff to give tax refund to Frederick Browne. O1 04 1870` 1 397 4: , 7.? Sheriff allowed above amount in settlement with the Treasurer. O1 04 1870; 1 397 ' ? , 8.,? Sheriff to procure coal for the Courthouse. O1 04 1870„ 1 398 :; , 9.?a Clerk to notify Clerks of Townships of "An act to provide for collection of taxes by State...on income" 02 08 1870, 1 400 10..; Sheriff to serve notices to Township Clerks concerning above act. (See TOWNSHIP CLERKS) 02 08 1870 1 400 .11..; Sheriff's fee approved. 02 08 1870 1 402 . 12.,; , Sheriff's bill for board of prisoners approved. 02 08 1870 1 402 ; 13.;, Sheriff's bill for transporting prisoners to Raleigh approved. 02 08 1870 1 402 ,14.;? ?, Sheriff's bill for serving orders on school committees approved. . 02 08 187Q ' 1 402 . ;15.+? ` Board approved improvements in Sheriff's offices. „ 02 09 1870 1 407 ; ; 16.;u City marshal to procure coffin and bury deceased Sarah Hamilton. 02 09 1870 1 409 17.,j Clerk to issue a certificate to Sheriff for amount of remitted taxes in name of Mr. Incy. „ 02 09 1870,; 1 410 ? ,18.;; Sum to be paid Sheriff on taxable polls. (See TAX DEPARTMENT) „ 03 07 1870 , 1 413 i ,19.p? ? Treasurer to allow Sheriff 5% commission in his settlement of 1869 taxes. (See FINANCE DEPARTMENT) „ 03 07 1870, 1 413 , , ?i ?20.'pP , Sheriff's bills approved. „ 03 07 1870,; 1 413 ,, .21.:? Sheriff to employ physician to attend Jail. , 03 08 1870, 1 419 ,. ,22.;; Sheriff's statement referred to Finance Committee. 03 08 1870 1 421 23.!; , Statement from Auditor of State concerning taxes received from Sheriff. (See TAX DEPARTMENT) 04 06 1870, 1 428 24.?tl Amount deducted from Sheriff's bill for care of Roberson County prisoners. 05 05 187Q; 1 438 , ? ,25.;? Poll tax of City of Wilmin?ton collected by Sheriff. 06 07 1870 1 442 ,26.;? ' Poll tax of Wilmington charged to Sheriff by Treasurer in a settlement with the Sheriff. 06 07 1870 1 442^ i .27.;, Bills for Sheriff approved. 06 08 1870 1 443 `? ,28.?? a Bill from S.R. Bunting as late Sheriff approved. 06 09 1870 1 446 . ??; ,29.;; Sheriff allowed corrected tax of Kidder & Martin case in his sett?.ement for State taxes. 07 06 1870, 1 455 i ,30.? Sheriff allowed taxes in Robert Henning's case for his settlement. 07 06 1870: 1 455 .31.?? Sheriff to receive County claims in payment of taxes. 07 06 1870 1 457 'si 32.,, Committee to receive tax lists and turn them over to the Sheriff. (See TAX DEPARTMENT) 07 06 187C1: 1 457 33.k? ;, Revised rules to use County claims to pay taxes. See page 458. 07 06 1870 ' 1 458 ; 34..; ? Sheriff's bill for serving notices approved. „ 08 Ol 1870 1 461 35.4; Sheriff's bill for keeping prisoners approved. 08 O1 1870 1 4b1 36.,; J.W. Schenck,Jr. elected Sheriff in August 5, 1870 election. 08 06 1870 1 468 „ 37.;; Clerk to Board to file certified statement with the Sheriff of returns of August 5 election. 08 06 1870 1 469 38.;? Sheriff Schenck's bill for serving notices approved. 08 29 1870 ,? 1 471 ?i 39.?q Sheriff elect Schenck presented his bond and will be approved when sureties are justified. 09 05 1870. 1 485 ia 40.'?? Sheriff's fees for certificates of election approved. 09 06 1870a 2 3 41.?? ? t Amount set for Sheriff to maintain prisoners at the Jail. 09 21 1870, 2 8 ? : t" 42.;; ?? Bonds approved for James W. Schenck, Sheriff.elect, for general duties, for collecting and paying public 09 22 1870- 2 16 ?'a ;? taxes, and for collecting and paying County taxes. , 43.?4 Sheriff to pay to the Treasurer all school funds he has or will collect in Wilmington Township. 10 03 1870 2 26 44.;; s? Report from Sheriff on school taxes filed. 10 03 1870' 2 28 ? 45.,? ?? C1erk of Superior Court and Register to pay State taxes collected on marriage licenses and deeds. , 10 03 1870; 2 28 ? „ ? ?" "? i^ ? ? C ? `: ?? ?? ? ?? ' ?? SHERIFF' S INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover County N C MATTER DEPARTMENT , . . _ : ` e[a. u. s. /?_??? County Indese? Since 18BB {? ?-- To loeats names, open a! COTT A•Z TAB INDEX ??r oft?t[ ?n???C.a?Lrs An Identifying Trsde Mark ?.,? SURNAME INITIAL TAB MADE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY. CO LUMBUS, OHIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA `? gr NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS DATE F; :; , MINUTE BOOK ( ?? ; ? Month I Day I - - Year t Vol. I Page ?? l.'' Sheriff's refusal to pay Special Taxes to State Treasurer upheld by the Board. , 10 08 . 1870. 2 ??? 33 ?y 2.'y; Board feels Special Taxes are only for County use. 10 08 1870?, 2 33 L? "t 3. ? Sheriff Schenek's fee approved. „ 10 13 1870.q 2 ?? 37 ?' t 4.,; Sheriff's sworn statement veri?ying delinquent and insolvent tax list set down. , 10 13 1870;; 2 ? 70 ?? ? 5.,; Finance Committee to petition Legislature to pass on an act allowing County to retain Special Taxes Sherif? 11 07 1870;; 2 .p ;? 79 ;? , ?,, now holds for 1869. "? 6.;,, Sheriff's fee for poll holders approved. _ 11 07 1870,; 2 83 ;i 7..; r Committee to help Treasurer audit Sheriff's accounts for monies due County. 12 05 1870:. Z 92 0, 8. . Sheriff Schenck's fees approvea. 12 05 1$70.. 2 95 :: 9. Sheriff to collect taxes on dividends or profits of banks and bankers up to october 1, 1870 and again on 12 09 1870 2 96 „ Apri1 1, 1871. 10. Bill from W.G. Moore disapproved for arrest of S.J. Stanly. 12 09 1870 2 98 ., 11. Sheriff Schenck's fee approved. , 12 09 1870 .. 2 99 . f; 12. Settlement between Sheriff and Treasurer recorded. 12 10 1870 _ 2 lOQ ? 13., Amount of taxes received from Sheriff by Treasurer. 12 10 1870 2 101 14., S.P. Swarn's bill for Sheriff's fee approved. 02 06 1871 2 123 . ? 15. Sheriff Schenck's fee approved. 02 06 1871; 2 123 ;; 16., Sheriff's request to have list of taxes remitted not allowed. . 02 13 1871, 2 125 ; 17.. Sheriff credited with Joseph Cutlar's taxes for 1869, paid by James Wilson. ? 03 06 1871; Z 131 ,. 18. . Sheriff's application for blankets and mattresses for Jail referred to Public Buildings Committee. 03 31 1871, 2 136 ?, 19. Report approved for purchase of blankets and mattresses for Jail. 04 05 1871 2 139 ` Z0. Committee to settle with Sheriff on Merchants' License tax. 04 05 1871 2 140 . 21. , Sheriff requested increase of fees for prisoners• support, lowest in State. 04 08 1871. 2 145 22. , Board refused SheriEf's request for increase in money allowed for care of prisoners. 04 08 1871; 2 145 23..? Sheriff requested wall on east side of Jail be raised higher so articles cannot be thrown in cells. 04 22 1871, 2 149 `y 24.,, Sheriff stated he found knife in one ceZl, feels it was thrown in window. 04 22 1.871 2 149 25. , Jail wall matter referred to Public Buildings Committee. 04 22 1871 2 149 ,? 26. , Report that Merchants' License tax not payable in advance. 04 22 1871 2 150 ' ? 27. Report that Sheriff's indebtedness for special tax has been paid. 04 22 1871. 2 150 ?, 28.: Petition of Sheriff that prisoners in Jai1 be supplied necessary clothing referred to Committee on Public 05 12 1871: 2 157 ;; Buildings. „ 29.., Sheriff to be paid amount of taxes and expenses paid by him for 1869 and 1870.in the S.S. Satchwell case. 05 19 187L. 2 163 ,;; 30. Sheriff to be notified of rate of taxation on real and personal property and to collect the same when he 06 02 1871 2 167 ' collects State taxes. i 31. Sheriff Schenck's bill for conveying prisoners to Work House approved. 07 05 187L, 2 181 ; 32., Sheriff's fees approved. 07 05 1871 2 181 33.. Letter from State Auditor concerning altering Sheriff's bond laid over. 07 05 1871,. 2 190 „ 34.. Board ruled not to change election place from Borough to Point Caswell and Sheriff to advertise such. 07 07 1871„ 2 192 s, 35..', Sheriff Schenck's fees approved. 08 12 1871,. 2 209 ;, 36., Sheriff's bond forwarded to State Auditor not enough to cover taxes due from New Hanover County. 08 14 1871 2 210 '' 37.., Auditor suggest Sheriff should increase his bond. 08 Z4 Z871 2 210 '? 38.,,, Tax List for 1871 given Sheriff. 08 14 1871 2 211 I 39., Sheriff gave receipt for State taxes for previous year. 08 14 1871 2 211 40.; Sheriff credited with z of tax charged against Mr. H.D. Vaun. (See TAX DEPAR'I'MENT) 09 04 1871, 2 214 41., Three of Sheriff's bonds approved. 09 04 1871 2 214 ; 42... ; - r Sheriff to appear and increase his bonds. ,. _ ?: 09 04 1871! t? 2 214 ; ?` ? i? INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Ha?over County? 1\. l?. _ MATTER: SHERIFF' S DEPARTMENT _ REC. u. s. ? `_ County Indezee Since 1888 ? To locate names, OpBl1 0t COTT A-Z TAB INDEX v?r OFFICE C.?e?{7? An [dentiFying Trade Mark SURNAME INITIAL TAB MADE BY THE CQTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA ? DATE ? MINUTE BOOK ;? NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS " . ?` Month I Day I Year y VoL I Page „ 1. Sheriff to make settlement with State and County Treasurer as often as amounts come into his hands. 2. John Heyer protested approval of Sheriff's bonds because sureties not good and sufficient and amount of ? bond insufficient. i 3.p Sheriff Schenck's bill for carrying prisoners to Work House approved. i? 4.?; Sheriff Schenck's fees approved. ?? 5.?; Finance Committee to call on Sheriff every ten days to see that State and County taxes are collected correctly. 09 ?? 04 1871'', ? 09 04 , 1871? ., n 09 06 1871 09 06 1871,? 09 23 1871: .z 6.;? Sheriff n? to make deed to State for Mrs. Davis' property since sale was illegal. 09 . 7. ," Bond approved for Sheriff Schenck, although J. Heyer voted against it. 10 ; : 8..; Clerk to return to Sheriff the Board's approbation of manner in which he collected and paid County taxes. 10 9..; Applications of John Moore and Mrs. Julia Fillyaw for remission of taxes referred to the Sheriff. 10 ,10.,Q Sheriff to remit tax paid by J. Neff on property owned by S. Bunting. 10 ,11.;? When have sale of delinquent property which was listed twice, one party paying and one not, no cost will 10 ;? be allowed Sheriff. :12,?? k? Sheriff will be held accountable for sale of property for payment of taxes due. 10 13.'..; Sheriff to receive copy of delinquent taxes and proceed to collect. „ 10 ,14.;? y Sheriff to remit t?x assessed against George Kelly. 10 15.;; No more taxes to be collected under Schedule B of State Tax Bill against theatres, concerts and museums. , 11 ,16.,; ? Sheriff Schenck's fee approved. 11 17.F? ? ., Sheriff to retain part of State taxes to pay for remission which may be allowed. ., 12 ,18.?, Sheriff to advertise that all persons on delinquent tax list to pay before February 1, 1872. 12 19.?,; If delinquent taxpayers do not pay names will be advertised and strictest provisions of law will be 12 , 4' ?' applied to collect taxes from them. , j ,20.?? , Board granted Sheriff's request for padlocks for the Jail. ,. 12 ,21.4? Sheriff turned in list of insolvent taxes. .. 12 ? 22.F? Sheriff's tax returns to have County Seal placed on them by the Clerk to Board. 12 ;: 23.? All persons who obtained licenses from Sheriff must present them to Register of Deeds or will be penalized. O1 24.;; Sheriff Schenck's fees approved. , O1 d ? ?? 25.?; Petitions for remission of taxes referred to Sheriff for correctness. , O1 Y ,? 26.Eg ;, Sheriff to explain why advertisement of delinquent tax list not made as ordered. „ 02 ,27.?{ ' ? Claim from S.R. Bunting, late Sheriff, disallowed. 03 ; 28.;j Sheriff to be paid for preparation of delinquent tax list and for publication of same. 03 29.;? Sheriff to deliver to Township trustees blanks for making out personal list of taxes for Townships. 04 30.Fz Suit brought against Sheriff by Treasurer for noncompliance with law for collection of revenue for 1871. 04 31.?; Board requested Treasurer drop suit since Sheriff has madepayments. 04 32.?; t? Committee to examine accounts of County officers reported that Sheriff refused to have his accounts 05 ;: , ?, examined. 33.;; Chairman to inquire into above and subpoena Sheriff if necessary. U5 34.r; Taxes levied on Wilmington Township for its expenses to be collected by Sheriff when he collets State and 05 in County taxes. ,. .+ 35.;: Notice made that all persons who have not registered their business licenses will be penalized if they do „ 05 "` not do so. .. ?: 36.;; Rocky Point Trustees allowed to levy a tax for its expenses and Sheriff to collect when he collects State . 06 ,. and County taxes. ?'. 37.t; Sheriff to appear and give bonds for collection of taxes for 1872. , 07 38.?? Clerk to Board not to deliver 1872 Tax List to Sheriff until directed to do so by the Board. 07 ,? 4; ii ?i ?, ?9 (: G? i? _ ... , 23 1871, 02 1871; 02 1871 07 1871 07 1871 28 1871 28 1871 28 1871, 30 1871„ 07 1871; 07 1871; 04 187 ];; 11 1871„ 11 1871;. 11 1871., 11 1871?, 11 1871 02 1872. 08 1872, 23 1872, 12 1872; 04 1872, 04 1872 Ol 1872,a 12 1872, 12 1872. 29 1872„ 29 1872. 31 1872 31 1872;. 11 1872 Ol 1872. Ol 1872 ti _ fy ?I 2 214 2 215 2 221 .; 2 221 2 223 : 2 224 ., 2 226 2 226 2 229 2 230 2 234 2 234 „ 2 235 2 237 .. Z 239 w 2 240 1 2 246 „ 2 248 , 2 248 .. 2 249 .: 2 249 ,. 2 249 2 278 2 283 ., 2 285 2 29 2 , 2 295 2 295 2 309 ,, 2 314 2 314 . 2 322 2 322 . 2 324 2 325 2 327 . 2 332 2 332 4. ?9 ?1 SHERIFF' S INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover Count? N C MATTER DEPARTMENT , . . _ : ` ecc. u, s. Counry Indezee Since 1888 ? To loeats names, apen at COTT A•2 TAB INDEX r?r orncc ?t.?l7l? An ldentifying Trsde Mark SURNAM6 1NITIAL TAB MADE BY THE COTT INDEX tOMPANY, fOLUMBUi, OHIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NOR TH CAROLINA °'? ? DATE `; MINUTE BOOK j' ? NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS S . Month I Dayl Year °.; Vol. I Page ? 1.' More time given Sheriff to present bonds for collection of taxes. . 07 06 1872: .? 2 6„ ?v 337 s; ?? 2..; Tax Books to remain with Clerk until satisfactory bonds given by Sheriff. : 07 06 1872:; 2 337 " x? 3. ,:Time extended for Sheriff to give bonds. F; 08 05 1872;? 2 343 °? 4. : James Schenck elected Sheriff in August, 1872 election. 08 r. 06 1872;? r? 2 348 ? RI 5." C1erk to Board to file in his office and with Sheriff a certified statement of the returns made by judges 08 06 ° 1872: 2 ,4 348 ?; . «d ;y? : of elections for the August election. ?? s? , , 6. .. Telegram received from Sheriff concerning his official bond, deferred to next meeting. 08 .. 12 1872, , 2 349 ;' ?. 7., Matter of Sheriff's bond deferred since Tax Books not ready for delivery. 08 14 1872. 2 350 :; 8., Board to ballot on sufficiency of Sheriff's bond. 09 02 1872 2 355 ; 9. Board voted four to one that secureties on Sheriff's bond not sufficient and not acceptable. 09 02 1872 2 3S5 10., Sheriff to prepare and deliver to Clerk to Board a statement of Schedule B Tax and other related taxes. 09 04 1872 2 357 11.,, Bonds of Sheriff not sufficient for collection of State and County taxes. 09 04 1872 2 357 ; 12., Sheriff was notified bonds not sufficient, but he failed to provide good and sufficient bonds. 09 04 1872 2 357 13., Sheriff elect Schenck failed to qualify. 09 06 1872 2 360 14. Coroner Hewlett presented bonds and will serve in office of Sheriff until Board elects a Sheriff. 09 06 1872 2 360 . 15. Attorney granted fee for services in suit of Treasurer Fennell against Sherif£ Schenck. 09 17 1872 2 368 , 16.., New Sheriff must be elected since Sheriff elect failed to qualify. 09 23 1872 Z 367 17. Board declared office of Sheriff vacant. 09 24 1872 2 370 18.., Board to elect a Sheriff to fill unexpired term of office. 09 24 1872 2 370 , 19. Election o? Sheriff to be by ballot. 09 24 1872? 2 370 20.. R,B. Frazier elected Sheriff to hold office until next regular election. 09 24 1872 2 370 ?'4, 21. Mr. Frazier given two days to prepare his bonds. 09 24 1872 2 370 , 22. Mr. Frazier allowed more time to file his bonds. 09 27 1872 2 372 23., Clerk to Board to send copy of appointments for November elections to Sheriff. 10 03 1872 2 376 ` . 24. Board discussed vacancy of Sheriff's office, but matter deferred to next meeting. 10 07 1872„ 2 380 25. R.B. Frazier failed to give bond, so Sheriff's office declared vacant. 10 14 1872„ 2 381 l, 26. Board balloted seven times, but no election due to no majority. 10 14 1872 2 381 ` 27., Commissioners Shoemaker and Morris appointed tellers for above election. 10 14 1872: 2 381 28.:, Board postponed consideration of Sheriff's office until October 15. 10 14 1872 2 381 ' 29..' Board proceeded to vote for Sheriff. 10 15 1872p 2 ? 382 ?, 30., Commissioners Shoemaker and Morris acting as tellers. 10 15 1872,. 2 382 :, 31.; No election on first and second ballots, but A.R. Black elected Sheriff on the tlzird ballot. ?0 15 1872 2 382 ,e 32., Mr. Black allowed until Wednesday to file his bonds and qualify. 10 15 1872 2 382 ? 33. Mr. Black resigned as Commissioner and County Examiner since elected Sheriff. 10 16 1872 2 384 34. Bonds of Mr. Black approved for collection of State, County, and public taxes and for office of Sheriff. 10 16 1872 2 384 : 35..: Bill from Sheriff Morris for services approved. 11 04 1872 2 389 36. Letter from Sheriff Black regarding stationary and furniture for his office referred to Committee on 11 07 1872 2 391 F , Public Buildings. 37.,. BiII for election returns telegram by Sheriff Black approved. 11 09 1872„ Z 396 38., Granted Sheriff's request for office stationary and furniture, except safe. „ 11 21 1872 2 398 6, 39.,, Board approved bill of Sheriff for making election returns. 11 21 1872;, 2 399 40. Sheriff to adopt some stated uniform for prisoners in Jail. 12 02 1872„ 2 400 41. Sheriff to charge 60? per day to Counties who have prisoners under care of Sheriff. 12 02 1872 2 402 r, 42.. Sheriff to obtain books of persons under tax Schedule B whose tax returns may not be correct. 12 02 I872, 2 402 ; 43..; Sheriff to publish order on tax Schedule B in city papers. , 12 02 1872, 2 402 ?,. 44.. Sheriff Black's fee approved. . 12 02 1872;. 2 402 ;. li INDEX TO CO?IMISSI0?IERS MINUTES - New Hanover Count?? N. C. _ MATTER: SHERIFF' S DEPARTMENT ` ¦ec. u. s. Counry Indezee Sinee 1888 ?? a•3-?- To locats names, open at COTT A-2 TAB INDEX r?r OFFICE ???' An Idontifying Trade Mark ??? SURNAME INITIAL TAB MADE BY THE CQTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS ? DATE ?? MINUiE BOOK `? ?' Month ? Day? Year '° Vol, ? Page ,i ? ?; ? .. E 1.? ? Bill from Joseph Highsmith for Sheriff's fees approved. 12 02 1872; 2 404 ?? ? 2.d Sheriff Black's fee approved. ,; 12 16 187?; 2 ? 406 , ,? 3. Sheriff's fees from E.D. Hewlett approved. ,, Ol 06 1873; 2 420 ;, 4.`? Sheriff Black's fees approved. O1 06 1873?; ? 2 420 ;, ? 5.? Board granted Sheriff's request to pay jurors their perdiem upon tickets duly issued. , 02 06 1873„, 2 426 ,, 6. E? Sheriff Black's fees approved. ,,, 02 06 1873;, 2 427 :? 7.t? € Committee reports on amount of sureties due County from late Sheriff Schenck. 03 03 1873: 3 29 ; 8.e5 Sheriff Black's fees approved. y 03 03 1873 3 33 , 9. ?? Sheriff's fees frou? E.D. Hera].ett approved. 03 03 1873 3 33 10., Board allowed Sheriff Black's fee. 03 27 1873 3 52 11... ? Bill from E.D. Hewlett for Sheriff's fees approved. 04 07 1873 3 57 12.;' Sheriff Black's fees approved. 04 07 1873 3 57 13.[? Sheriff to collect taxes levied by Lincoln Trustees to pay debt and for Grant Township for expenses. 04 21 1873 3 63 ,14.; Sheriff Black's fees approved. 05 06 1873 3 66 ?; 15.;; Sheriff to collect taxes levied on Masonboro Township with other taxes. 05 12 1873 3 69 16.;,'" After Sheriff receives revised Tax Lists it will be very difficult to make any changes, (See TAX DEPT.) 05 12 1873 3 70 ; 17.;? Sheriff to collect taxes from Wilmington Bridge Company for 1871 and 1872. 05 27 1873; 3 71 ,18.?? r? Sheriff to notify registrars and po1Z holders that a vote will be taken on adoption or rejection of 06 23 1873; 3 77 ,,? proposed amendments to Constitution of N.C. at August election. . ?. , 19.? Bills from Sheriff Black and W. Manltsby for Sheriff's fees approved. 07 07 1873 3 84 „ 20.?? . , Sheriff to receive Tax Books for 1873 from Clerk to Board. 07 10 1873.' .? 3 87 21.c" Sheriff to receive Tax Books of Wilmington Township and.City from Clerk. 08 04 1873 3 91 ? r; 22.'S Sheriff Black's fees approved. 09 04 1873 3 92 , ?? _ .. 23.s? , ? t Sheriff given duplicate copy of returns of votes on Constitutional amendments. ? 08 23 18730 3 101 24.` . ?? Sheriff to pay Clerk of Grant Township $30 from taxe? collected from Grant when Clerk given his bond. .. 10 06 1873 , 3 111 .. 25.ij Bills from Sheriff Black and V.V. Richarsdson for Sheriff approved, pages 114 -115. 10 06 1873, 3 114 r? 26.". ,j ? Sheriff to turn over to Clerk of LincolnTownship all taxes collected fQr said Township when Clerk's bond 10 17 187? . 3 116 ,. ?r , ??? is f iled . .. . ?. ,27.Fi r Sheriff to collect taxes on property of John Walker at Township Trustees' valuation instead of valuation 10 20 1873 3 119 ` , :? listed in Tax Books. ?. ., ,; 28.?{ Sheriff notified by Clerk to Board to appear and present official bond. 10 22 1873 3 121 ? ,29.;1 Sheriff to collect delinquent tax on land of E. Parneron. „ 10 29 1873 3 129 30.?? Sheriff to be notified of tax abatements in Finance Committee's report and to include these in his settle-„ 11 04 1873, 3 132 . hs ment with County and State. . , 31.'?; Sheriff Black's fees approved. 11 04 1873 3 139 „ 32.r? Sheriff Black's bond approved and registered. 11 05 1873,_ 3 140 „ 33.,; Board granted Sheriff Black's request to employ a guard for the Jail at not more than $1 per night. 11 15 1873, 3 146 _ .34.;; p' Sheriff to postpone sale of property of Wilmington Bridge Co. for taxes by order of Board. 11 15 1873;. 3 147 ,. ; 35.iq Fees of Sheriff Black approved, pages 151-152. , 12 02 1873,., 3 151 h, 36.;, Sheriff Black's fees approved. 02 02 1874; 3 174 F' 37.a; ; List of insolvent taxes made for Sheriff's settlement of taxes for 1873. 02 02 1874 . 3 175 .. 38.?' ' "k Sheriff and Register of Deeds to collect all taxes due on Schedule B. 03 05 187/? 3 191 39.?? Sheriff to pay to Masonboro Township Clerk the money in his hands due from 1873 taxes collected for said 04 06 1874 3 210 ?? f, Twonship. ? „ 40. ` Sheriff to collect Township taxes and hold subject to order of Board. 05 07 1874 3 214 , ?, 41.?? i? Clerk to send copy of tax remittances to Sheriff. 06 O1 187/? 3 222 ; '? , ? ?, p YE ? ?? ? 9 ?1 ?t,,: ? k'; INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover Count?, N. C. _ MATTER: SHERIFF' S DEPARTMENT ` aco. u. s. County Indezes Since 1888 To locat? namss, opsn at COTT A-Z TAB INDEX rAr a?r?ce C????E- An ldentifying Trsde Mark ? SURNAM6 INITIAL TAB MADE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOL Y OW UNN NEW ?i €? NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS ?? !o qE l.??Sheriff to advertise coming election on August 6, 1874 in daily papers. Eo C? 2.?#Tax Book for 1874 completed by George Flack and to be delivered to Sheriff. `c 3. ?{S.H. Manning elected Sheriff in August 6, 1874 election. 4.'??Clerk to file certified statement of August 6 election returns with Register of Deeds and Sheriff. 5. :'Claims against Cape Fear Township approved and order made on Sheriff for payments. 6. :Sheriff to compel payment of all taxes listed on Schedule B, 7. 'Petition from Sheriff relative to unpaid taxes of Walker Moore. 8. Mr. Moore has not paid retail liquor license tax and Sheriff is relieved from collecting said tax. 9. ,Claim of W.Q. Mantlsby for Sheriff's fees not collected. 10. Time extended for S.H. Manning, Sheriff elect, to file his bond. 11. , If Mr. Manning does not present his bond by Sept. 15, the office will be declared vacant. 12. ,Clerk to give Jury List to Sheriff for proper service on parties drawn. 13. Matter of determing amount of Sheriff's bond laid over. 14. Bond of S.H. Manning, Sheriff elect, presented and approved by 3-2 vote, and he took oath of office. 15. ;After September 23 Sheriff allowed 40? perdiem for maintaining each prisoner at Jail. 16.. Sheriff Manning's fee approved. 09 09 09 09 ,_ 09 „ 09 „ 09 09 11 17. ..:Sheriff Manning's fee approved. , 12 18. Sheriff Manning's fees approved, pages 291-292. Ol 19. Bills of E.T. Wood, Deputy Sheriff, referred back for information. ., .. 02 20. Sheriff Manning`s bill approved. 02 21. ;Sheriff Manning's fees approved, and bill from A.R. Black for sheriff's fee approved, pages 309-310. 03 22. , Clerk to give Sheriff Registration and Poll Books for April 15, 1875 election in Pender County. 03 23. .?Sheriff Manning's fees approved and bill from Lewis Williams for sheriff's fee approved. 04 24. :;Augustus Gamberg elected Sheriff of Pender County on April 15, 1875. ;. 04 25. ?Clerk to file certified copy of Pender County election returns with New Hanover Sheriff. , 04 26. ,Sheriff to forward notices of officers elected in Pender County to Sheriff of Pender County. ?, 04 27. .Committee to assist Sheriff A.R. Black in his 1873 settlement of poll and personal property tax collected „ 04 ., from delinquents. .. 28. ,; Sheriff Manning's fees approved. 05 29. ':Clerk to give Sheriff tax lists of Pender County Townships as returned to Commissioners of Pender County. 05 30. Fees of Sheriff Manning approved. 06 31. Sheriff to be furnished list of registrars and inspectors for August, 1875 election. 07 32. „ Sheriff Manning's fees approved. 07 33. Fees of Sheriff Manning approved. 08 34. . Bond of S.H. Manning for Sheriff put on record. 09 35. _Filed letter from S.H. Manning stating he had not received any public funds for year ending August 31, 1875. 09 36. Bills from A.V. Horrell and S.H. Manning for Sheriff approved. 10 37. ,Bill from S.H. Manning as Sheriff approved. 11 3$. ,;Bill of W.A. Dean, Sheriff of Wayne County, approved. ,, O1 39. , .bBi11 from S.H. Manning as Sheriff approved. „ 02 40. ,;Bi11 from S.H. Manning as Sheriff approved. ,. 02 41. ,,Bi11 from S.H. Manning as Sheriff approved. ,? 03 42. ,.Fees of Sheriff Manning approved. 04 43. .;Bi11 of Sheriff A.V. Horrell of Pender County ordered paid. 05 44. . Bi11 from Sheriff S.H. Manning approved. OS 45. ,,Sheriff to give claim of H.E. Scott presidence over any o?her claim against County for support of poor. 05 05 1874 05 1874 ,; 10 1874 10 1874 , 10 1874„ 14 1874 • 15 1874 ; 24 1874„ 02 1874 ;; 07 1874 ,. OS 1875 02 1875, 02 1875: 05 1875?. 16 1875: 06 1875 y 17 1875 17 1875? 17 1875,; 17 1875. 08 1875?. 24 1875 08 1875 08 1875 08 1875 03 1875 06 1875 06 1875 07 1875 09 1875 . 03 1876 07 1876s_ 11 1876;,, 08 18 7 6 ;, 03 1876'; 05 1876,. 05 1876;, 15 1876 ? '; ' ?? ?? D B EN G. D , B ERN, NOR DATE TH CAROLINA ?; MINUTE BOOK I/G ? Month : Day I I Year ? ?= Vol, Pa e i I g si 06 29 1874; 3 P 223 ? 07 06 1874 ' 3 ly 224 ia ?. i I 6; d; 08 10 1874 ??g 3 237 r? ` ?? 08 10 1874 w'? 3 237 ii ? 08 31 18?4'.' 3 239 ?' .. „ R?? ?? 08 ?. 31 1874 ?; 3 ?? 239 d? ,? 09 05 1874 ,? 3 242 y? 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 242 ?;. ;, 244 `; 255 ? 255 255 ?? 259 ` ?, 260 ?; ,; 264 274 :. 281 ;' ,? 2 91 ?; 296 '. ?? y. 298 r? 309 ?' 311 ' 316 ?; 319 ? 319 320 320 326 ;, 329 `' ?; „ 333 3? 351 ;. 352 ' ?? 364 372 373 383 ` 3 91 ??. 404 ?, 412 }` 414 420 '; 427 ? ,? 434 ;: e, 435 ;' 436 ? il ;; ?i 1? U MATTER INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover Count? SHERIFF' S DEPARTMENT . ? . _ : _ ¦E?. u. s. County Tndezee S?nee 1888 F?? ?+-3? To locate names, open at corT A-i TAa IRDEx e?r OFFICE ?.te.mf? An ldentiEying Trade Mark ?t? SURNAMB INITIAL TAB MADE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA '? n DATE i: ?? ?: MINUTE BOOK ;p NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS i' Month Day Year 4?? Vol. Page ?? ? ? - ?3 1. Sheriff to receive all County claims approved by Board in payment for County taxes for 1876. ?'' OS 15 1876M, 3 I 436 t? 2. Sheriff's request for a night watchman for Jail referred to Chairman. '' 05 15 1876`? ?; 3 ?r 436 ?' ?{ ? 3. Sheriff to pay taxes collected for Wilmington Township to Township's Clerk and Treasurer. ? 06 07 1876?a 3 443 ;? 4. Fees of A.V. Horrell and S.H. Manning as Sheriff approved. ; 06 07 1876?? 3 446 ? , 5. ? Sheriff recommended services of night watchman at Jail be dispensed with. ? 07 08 ? 1876,? , 3 ?.? 450 6. Fees of Sheriff Manning approved. ; 07 08 1876;? 3 451 ? 7. Bill from S.H. Manning for Sheriff's fees approved. . 08 07 1876 3 457 8.? June 7 order revoked authorizing Sheriff to pay all Township taxes collected for 1876 for Wilmington to 08 15 1876 ? 3 460 ? 4? , Toionship's Treasurer. .. „ 9.ym Claim of J.W. Griffin, Sheriff of Union County, referred to Auditing Committee. 08 15 1876 3 460 10.k? ; Sheriff to pay Treasurer $10,000 as part of tax levied for current expenses. 09 25 1876 ; 3 476 „ ll..;j ?? Sheriff to pay Treasurers of Wilmington and Harnett Townships all monies callected by him for them. 09 25 1876 , 3 477 ?? 12.? Sheriff to list half of property of Louisa Fleming to W.D. Mohn. 10 09 1876; 3 484 ? ?13.;? ; S.H. Manning elected Sheriff in November 7, 1876 election. 11 11 1876 3 491 . `1 14.? Fees of Sheriff Manning for September approved. 11 22 1876?; 3 498 +, 15.?? Fees of J.W. Griffin for Sheriff for September approved. 11 22 1876 3 499 t, 16.?? r; Bill from S.H. Ma.nning for incidental expenses approved, and for services as Sheriff. 12 04 1876 3 507 17.a Bond of Sheriff S.H. Manning approved and oath of office given. 12 05 1876 ? 3 508 ; ,18.p Tax Collector to pay Sheriff a bill paid by him to State Treasurer Worth for stationary for 1876. 12 05 1876 3 508 h 19. Treasurer to receive jury tickets from Sheriff as paid during last term of Superior Court on Schedule B. . 12 29 1876 ; 3 514 , 20.€ Bill for incidental expenses and stationary from S.H. Manning approved. 12 29 1876,' 3 514 „ 21.? Attorney Poisson for Messrs. Adrian and Vollers requested Board to order Sheriff to accept amount due , O1 03 1877,: 3 516 , , ?I ;' County for taxes in County orders. , ? i , i 22.?, Sheriff to further indulge Messrs. Adrian and Vollers in payment of their taxes. O1 03 1877,,, 3 516 ' i 23.? ? ? Matter of F. Poisson postponed to next meeting. ; O1 03 ' 1877'; 3 516 „ f ,24.;, Receipts spread on minutes received of Sheriff Manning on account of judgment of H.E. Scott against County. Ol 06 1877;,, 3 " 522 ;, F 25.?? Sheriff to cash claims of R.F. Eyden for feeding jurors during present term of Superior Court. Ol 29 1877 ? 3 523 , Y' . ?i 26.?? Sheriff to hold claims of R.F. Eyden to present to the Auditing Committee. Ol 29 1877: 3 523 27.?? Sheriff to pay Treasurer of Masonboro taxes collected by him for 1876. 02 OS 1877 ? 3 525 ?? s 28.? ? Sheriff to receive from Messrs. Adrian and Vollers County claims in payment of their taxes through 1877. 04 30 1877 3 540 29.! ? Treasurer to receive from Sheriff as cash the County claims of Messrs. Adrian and Vollers. 05 07 1877.. 3 545 ? D 30.? Sheriff to receive County orders from J.W. Atkinson and C.D. Myers in part payment of tax Schedule B. 05 07 1877 : 3 ' 545 31.?? Sheriff to turn over to Treasurer all Township funds and take a receipt. 06 05 1877,, 3 549 ?? 32.!' Bill from S.H. Manning for Sheriff's fees approved. 06 05 1877 3 553 , , ?3 33.?? Bill from S.H. Manning as Sheriff approved. 08 11 1877 3 593 ?g 34.?? Bill from S.H. Manning for Sheriff's fees approved for April, May, and June. 08 11 1877 3 594 ;, 35.F? Bills from Sheriff for incidental expenses and for fees for July approved. 08 11 1877 , 3 600 ?? 36.;j ? Letter from Sheriff of Wayne County asking that expenses of George Price be paid since erroneously „ 08 16 1877 , 3 606 . ? ? summoned by Superior Court, request disallowed. ,. ; ? 37. Report of Sheriff Manning on money he paid over to Treasurer to be spread on Records of Official Reports. '; 09 06 1877 , 3 609 k 38.y Tax books of several Townships to be turned over to Sheriff who is to collect the same. ; 09 22 1877 ; 3 614 b? 39.? ' Letter from Sheriff and Register of Deeds relative to stationary referred to Commissioners Worth & Grainge? 10 Ol 1877';;; 3 624 ? 40.? Committee on Public Buildings to prepare a place in rear of Sheriff's office to keep weights and measurers 10 03 1877 ? 3 626 + f i of Standard Keeper. 41.p Tax books of Wilmington Township to be received from lister and turned over to Sheriff. ? 10 15 1877 ' 3 628 ? 42. ? Sheriff will add school tax to list and collect. ? ?? 10 29 1877?3 rj I 3 628 C? I' INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES -- N H C t N C SHERTFF' S DEPARTMENT ew anover oun ?? . . _ MATT R: ? eco. u. s, ?q /????? Counry Indeze? Since 1888 ??j?'' To tocate names, open at COTi A•Z TAB INDEX a?i An ldcntifying Trade Mark U`rY SURNAME INITIAL TAB MADE BY TH@ COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO { ??t o?vwc ?.rj,`i.?i??G . , SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTM CAROLtNA ?s ; DATE r'? MINUTE BOOK ?j NATURE 0? PROCEEDINGS w? s? ? ? Month ? Day ? Year ?a VoL ? Page ? , 1.?= Sheriff's fees for S.H. Manning and A.V. Horrell approved, pages 644 and 647. 11 06 ; ' 1877?' 3 f. ? 644 ?? ,? .. ?9 2. { '? Sheriff to furnish Finance Committee with a list of errors found in current Tax Books. ' 11 ?.. 14 1877?"; 3 655 ; , 3. ' Sheriff not allowed insolvents in his settlement unless under extreme conditions, it is his duty to collect 11 23 1877'..y 3 ; 657 ?? ' ,a taxes with prosectution if necessary. . ;a .i ? E 4.,`? Sheriff S.H. Manning renewed his official bond and it was approved. ` 12 03 1877hV 3 658 €? , 5.' :? Sheriff's annual report relative to County funds to be spread on records. 12 ,. 03 1877',' ' 3 ,. 659 ?s ?, 6.`:? ' Bills from S.H. Manning for Sheriff's fees approved, pages 668, 669, 670, and 671. 12 " I5 1877; 3 ?, 668 :r ii 7. : Bill from E.W. Taylor for fees as Sheriff approved. 12 , 15 1877, .. 3 67I ; ;a S. , Statement and sett3?raer?t of St?eriff's accaunt of County and School Funds to be spread on minutes. O1 09 1878: 3 683 ? 9.., Sheriff's account of County and School Funds for 1877, pages 684-685. . Ol 09 1878., 3 684 ;; 10. Balance in hands of Sheriff belonging to Federal Point Township to be used in building Oakhill Schoo lhouse.. Ol 10 187$4 3 682 11.,, Attorney to collect from L.A. Hart one of sureties on Sheriff Schenck. ,. 02 16 1878, 3 701 a. 12., Sheriff is allowed 30? per day per prisoner for feeding inmates in Jail. ,a 03 04 1878, 3 707 ?; 13., Sheriff Manning reported total poll tax collected on last year's list. , 04 10 1878 3 718 , 14.:, Sheriff to collect single tax on property of A.M. Waddell for 1876. 05 06 1878„ 3 723 , 15.?; Bond of Sheriff Manning presented but not approved there being a question of validity. 09 02 1878, 3 743 ?' 16.,, Bond of Sheriff Manning presented but left open until Commissioner Sanders is present. , 09 04 1878,; 3 745 ?, ?' 17..., Bond of Sheriff Manning approved and he qualified by taking the oath of office. ,, 09 07 1878;: 3 746 `' 18. Bond of S.H. Manning for past two years to expire December l, 1878 was received. 09 .. 10 1878? .. 3 747 `., ;, 19. : ., Name of John Garrell drawn and substituted by Mrs. E.J. Pennypacker and bond received for Sheriff, 09 .. 10 1878: ,. 3 747 °. ?: 20. ' Persons who failed to list 1878 poll taxes may list and pay Sheriff. 10 07 1878: 3 770 , 21. Sheriff to deduct 25% on valuation of property of Emanuel and Polly Jones. 10 07 1878 3 770 , ,. .. ee 22. ., Sheriff's report on delinquent and insolvent taxes received. 11 ., 29 1878 .. 3 780 '. ;; 23. , Deputy Sheriffs executing processes in Justices` Courts will not be paid unless process is delivered to 12 06 1878 4 5?; k' Sheriff for execution. "? !e ? 24., Sheriff to report a Iist of all property sold to State for taxes since he took office. 25. Commissioners Worth and Bagg to audit and settle accounts of Sheriff with Treasurer. 26.,;Sheriff to refund privilege taxes collected from January 1 to date and collect no more taxes for 1879. 27. ;Sheriff to suinmon a jury of five freeholders to lay off a road in Masonboro and Federal Point. 2$.,; Report from Sheriff on laying off a new road in Federal Point and Masonboro Townships adopted. 29... Sheriff to summon a jury to lay off Harnett Township road. 30. Sheriff's report on laying off road adopted. 31.,, Sheriff to be notified of the insufficiency of his bonds. 32..: Sheriff allowed more time to tender his bond since his sureties are absent. 33... Sheriff tendered the additional bonds required of him and they were approved. 34.., Register of Deeds to deliver the 1879 Tax Books to the Sheriff. 35. .All persons who failed to list their poll tax may do so with Sheriff. 36. Sheriff to return deed to property sold in 1875 due to a clerical error to Roderick McRae. 37.' Bonds of Sheriff S.H. Manning approved. 3F. Sheriff to reduce the valuation on Steamer Isis. 39. y Sheriff to hold tax against Steamboat ?assport in abeyance until Superior Court rules on its validity. 40. Sheriff's annual statement of enjoined tax of 1875 collected by him. 41. . Letter from Sheriff Manning submitting his annual statement of monies received. 42.rSheriff's statement on enjoined tax for 1875 collected to December l, 1879. 43.4 Statement on fines and forfeitures collected and paid Treasurer for year ending November 30, 1879. 44.; Statement from Sheriff in account with County funds for 1879, pages 152-153. ? ?z ?? 12 27 187$, 4 Ol 06 1£i79 4 04 07 1879' 4 05 OS 1879 4 „ 05 05 1879., 4 06 09 09 09 09 09 10 02 1879;; Ol 187 9 . 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 15 1879.,. 22 1879 .. 22 1879: 22 1879. 06 1879. 12 O1 1879 12 03 1879: Ol .. 05 1880 r. O1 16 1880 OI 16 1880; Ol 16 1380? Ol . 16 1880s ,,, Ol 16 1880„ 4 4 4 4 4 I 8 i? 10 ? 57 s, 69 4; 71 ?; Y 78 103 ' ?? 1 C17 '' 112 112 , 112 ;, 114 ?? 131 , i? 133 ;: r: 140 : ,; 148 ;? 149 , 150 ;; 151 152 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES -- New Hanover Count? 19 L? SHERIFF MATTER DEPARTMENT ? . . y : ` ¦ec. u. s. County Indezea Since 1888 f?? k•?-? To loeate names, open at rer OFFICE ?? An Identifying 7rade Mark Fk? SURNAME iNIT1AL TAB coTT A•z TAe INDex MADE BY THE CQTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA NATURE Of PROCEEDINGS ?? DATE ?? ?? MINUTE BOOK ? ;, Month ? ? Day ? Year '?? Vol. ( Page ' 1. Sheriff's yearly account on School Fund for 1879, pages 154-155. ;?; O1 . . 16 1880?? 4 , „ i; 154 f; , 2. Sheriff's settlement with State Treasurer for 1879. k ?; Ol 16 18806g 4 i, 156 ka 3. Sheriff's receipt for funds paid State Treasurer. Ol 16 18?0 4 157 `; . , 4. Sheriff's list of polls for taxes for 1879 and amounts paid by each poll, pages 158-169. ?€ O1 16 ? 1380f? 4 158 5. Register of Deeds to deliver Tax Books to Sheriff for collection of taxes. ? !r' 09 13 1880?d " 4 232 ' 6. Sheriff's report on delinquent taxes received. ' 11 Ol ; , 1880+? ;r 4 242 ; 7.? Bonds of S.H. Manning accepted for collecting taxes. t 12 06 1880;a 4 ? 248 , 8.j s S.H. Manning qualified by taking oath of office. 12 .. 06 1880 ; 4 251 ?, 9.?? Report of S,H. Manning referred to Finance Committee. „ 12 20 18$0,? 4 258 10.?? Report from Sheriff on taxes collected for State from County for 1880. Ol 12 1881 . 4 270 . ?? 11.;? Bonds of Sheriff Manning submitted and approved. 12 05 ? 1881 4 341 :12.;; Finance Committee to settle with Sheriff. , O1 02 1882,' 4 349 , 13.( ? Sheriff's settlement of taxes with State Treasury. , Ol ' 02 1882';, 4 356 ` :14.?? Request from Sheriff for Water Works Co. to supply Jail with water and a hose in case of fire referred to ; 04 03 1882,, 4 369 ?z j# a committee. . , ;. , ,15.?} Sheriff to assemble a jury of freeholders to lay out a public road. 07 03 1882 ; 4 391 „ . . 16.?i Bonds of Sheriff S.H. Manning approved for collecting taxes. 12 04 1882 . 4 433 ?, YA 17.R? Receipt from State Treasurer for Sheriff's settlement with State on taxes collected. Ol 02 1883 , 4 449 ' ?; M 18.? b? Sheriff to be paid 25C instead of 30? per day.to feed Jail's prisoners. 08 06 1883 4 485 y, 19.? , Finance Committee to turn over Tax Books to Sheriff for collection. : 09 03 1883 ? 4 495 ' f ,20.j, ;1 Sheriff's office to be furnished with one ton of coal for winter's supply at County expense. 11 OS . 1883 ' , 4 505 ,21.?? Sheriff to collect taxes on white citizens of Cape Fear for use of white public schools. . 11 05 1383 4 505 3 22.?? Sheriff to collect single tax only on delinquent listers. ; 11 05 1883 ,r 4 506 ' :23.? Process bond, general tax bond, school and special tax bonds all approved for Sheriff Manning. n 12 03 1883 4 511 h ,24.°? B.G. Worth, James Montgomery and Roger Moore appointed to settle with Sheriff at appropriate time. . O1 07 1884: 4 521 , d ,25.pa ?A Sheriff to sell to highest bidders all lands acquired for nonpayment of 1881-1882 taxes. Ol 07 1884',, 4 522 zr 26.?? Sheriff to pay half of receipts of tax land sale to School Fund and half to County Fund as stated i n O1 07 1884_- 4 522 ;? ?? Chapter 55, Section 3697. ; i 27.? Sheriff's report to State Treasurer on State taxes collected by him in 1883. Ol 07 1884. 4 525 28. Statement of Sheriff on per diem due him. Ol 07 1884 ' 4 526 29. Receipt from State Treasurer for Sheriff's settlement with State on taxes. O1 ? 07 1884, ? 4 526 30.? ? Tax Books to be turned over to Sheriff for collection. 09 Ol 1884; 4 573 .. 31.? Sheriff to collect taxes from list given him by Clerk to Board of citizens in Harnett. 09 Ol 1884' 4 576 ; 4 32.? Process bond of Sheriff S.H. Manning approved. 12 O1 1884 4 593 ,? 33.oj Bond for school, poor and County tax collection of Sheriff Manning approved. 12 O1 1884 r 4 593 ? 34.?? ? Error in bond for collecting State Tax so Sheriff allowed time to havebond corrected. 12 . O1 1884 ? 4 ? 593 f 35.;9 ?, Sheriff S.H. Manning qualified as Sheriff of N.H. County. 12 Ol 1884 4 594 F 36.?? ? Bond for collecting public taxes from Sheriff Manning approved. 12 15 1884 4 597 ? 37.? Messrs. B.G. Worth, James Montgomery and Roger Moore to settle with Sheriff. O1 05 1885,; 4 603 , _38. Treasurer to turn over County tax deeds for 1883 to Sheriff. 02 02 1885 4 607 39.?? Receipt from State Treasurer for Sheriff's 1884 tax settlement. 02 02 1885,% 4 607 A 40.?' Matter of changing Sheriff's office to Grand Jury room left with Chairman. 03 23 1885• , 4 615 ' ?? 41.?? Sheriff exhibited 1884 tax receipts so 1885 Tax Books given him for collection. 09 07 1885; 4 649 , ? 42.? Sheriff to take the list of all delinquents up to and including January l, 1886. 09 07 1885 s 4 650 !f 43. Process bond of Sheriff Manning approved as well as bond for collection of school, poor and County taxes. 12 07 1885;? 4 663 44. Sheriff to receive payments from delinquent taxpayers without charging penalties. Ol ? 04 1886?° „ 4 673 ?r ? , ?? ', ' a ', ; + ;? 'za :_ Es xf? I? 1? INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES -- New Hanover County N C SHERIFF' S MATTER DEPARTMENT , . . _ : ` ¦[a. u, s. County Inaezee Since 1888 To locats names, open at ? COTT A•Z TAB INDEX /????? ? r?s OiF1C6 ?. i?(.a-?+' An IdentifYin¢ Trade Mark SURNAMB INITIAL TAB MADE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS. OHIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA ' NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS ;q DATE ?o MtNUTE BOOK f ? ?' Month I Day I Year ?? VoL I Page i? f? ,? i 1.`a Messrs. J.A. Montgomery, Roger Moore and B.G. Worth to settle with Sheriff. ?,; Ol ' " 04 f? 1886?e 4 ' ? 673 ? i q 4" Rj ? 2.?; Receipt from State Treasurer for State taxes collected by Sheriff Manning. ` Ol y. 04 1886?? 4 677 ' ? ? 3.'; Sheriff's settlement for school taxes for 1885, pages 678-679. ?; O1 04 ` 1886 a 4 ? 678 ?a ? 4. Sheriff's settlement of General Fund for 1885, pages 680-681. Ol s; 04 1886?? 4 680 , 5.`i Sheriff to offer a reward for arrest and delivery to him of Alexander Stewart. 03 26 1886?q 4 { 695 ? ? , 6..' Sheriff to receive deeds of property sold to County for 1884 taxes so he may collect. 04 05 j 1836?; 4 ? 701 $ " ( 7.? Matter of prisoners of County referred to Chairman and Sheriff. 05 03 1886?.' 4 709 ? i ?. t? f i 8., Sheriff showed he had settled 1885 taxes collected so 1886 Tax Books turned over to him. , 09 O1 ? 1886;? 4 t 734 " 6? 9. Clerk to furnish Sheriff an abstract of taxes due by F.W. Clark. 11 •? Ol 1886'; ?? 4 750 ; ?s 10.. Board increased bond of Sheriff. 11 10 1886 4 s. 754 ? 11. All three bonds of Sheriff Manning approved. 12 . 06 1886 ? 4 757 t; t. ' 12.. Messrs. Worth, Moore and Montgomery to settle with Sherif£ for 1886 taxes. O1 03 1887 4 771 ? 13..; , Sheriff's receipt from State Treasurer for 1886 taxes collected for State, O1 .. 03 1887 , ?? 4 774 " 4; 14.; Polls and property listed by Sheriff Manning for 1886 taxes. ;, 02 22 1887 4 r 782 ?, ?. i i 15.' List of insolvents and those taxes not found in 1885, but since collected, pages 783-786. „ 02 22 1887:y 4 783 ? , 16.. Sheriff's account with General Fund for 1886, pages 788-789. , 02 22 1887;; 4 788 ; ? 17..; Sheriff`s account with School Fund for 1886, pages 790-791. ,, 02 22 1887;, 4 790 ,; I 18. Chalr man reported on fees returned by Sheriff as collected from County for April, May and June. 08 .. O1 1884 ri ?, 5 35 ? ? 19. Sheriff exhibited receipts from State and County Treasurers for his tax settlements for 1886, 09 05 1887 ^ti 5 38 20. Tax Books for 1887 turned over to Sheriff for collection. 09 .. 05 1887 'r ,, 5 38 ` , 21.. ? All delinquent taxpayers allowed to list before Sheriff if tax paid when property listed. 09 05 1887 ` 5 38 ' ?; 22..; Sheriff to correct error in 1887 Tax Books on income taxes. 11 07 1387 5 48 ' , 23. Letter from S.H. Manning, S. Van Amringe, and J.E. Sampson was laid on the table. 12 05 1887?? 5 52 ?m 24. . , Process bond of Sheriff-elect, S.H. Manning, approved, 12 05 1887 5 i? ?? 53 ? F? 25.,a Official bonds for tax collecting of Sheriff Manning approved. , 12 OS 1887 ?, 5 53 , 26. Sheriff to levy tax on property of D.N. Chadwick, agent for Mrs. L. Chadwick, to satisfy 1887 taxes. 02 05 1888 ;4 5 66 ?; . ? 27. , Sheriff's account with School Fund for 1887 taxes, pages 72-73, 02 •• 05 1888:: 5 72 i? ,s ; , 2$.,, Sheriff's account with General Fund for 1887 taxes, pages 74-75. 02 05 ? 1888 ;; 5 ? 74 +? ', ? 29. Sheriff settlement made with help of committee. ;, 02 15 1888'?` 5 76 ;; 30.. Sheriff not to issue any liquor licenses to persons convicted of selling liquor on Sunday or of otherwise 07 02 1888 ? 5 j: 94 , ; , violating the liquor law. r gc ? ?' 31..; Sheriff displayed receipts from State Treasurer Bain and County Treasurer Hewlett showing he has settled „ 09 03 1888 ;[ 5 ?, 104 ;; , .. 1887 taxes. ? " 9? ? ?; 32.,, Tax Books for 1?388 turned over to Sheriff after exhibiting Treasurer's receipts, 09 03 1888 :; 5 104 ;, ? 33... Sheriff's bonds approved. 12 03 1388 ;.' S 119 ;; 34. Sheriff to summon a jury of freeholders to lay out new public roads fairly. 12 03 1888 : 5 121 ' 35. Certificate of election shows S.H. Manning elected Sheriff in November, 1888 election. 12 10 1888 5 123 `: 36. Sheriff made his annual settlement. Q2 .. 13 1889 ? ?? 5 138 a, 37.' Sheriff's settlement showing abatements by Commissioners for 1888 taxes. 02 13 1839 5 139 '; •? ?? ?a , 38. ? Sheriff's settlement showing list of persons and taxes for 1888, pages 140-142, 02 ? 13 1889 ,, ,p 5 j 140. ? :: 39.4 List of insolvents of 1887 collected by Sheriff since settlement last year. 02 13 1883 ;? 5 s ?' 143 ? s 40. Sheriff`s settlement showing amount of certificates for property sold County for 1888 taxes, pages 144-147. 02 13 1889 4q 5 144 ?+ , 41. Sheriff's settlement in account with School Fund from ?888 taxes, pages 428-149. 02 13 1889 ;a 5 148 k. !? 42.. Sheriff to summon a ur of freeholders to la out a y, j y y public road fairl 03 04 18F39 ` ?8 5 t' 151 ?? 43. Sheriff to take legal action to obtain land County pruchased. 04 O1 1889 ! 5 ?i 156 ,p 44.ti; ? Sheriff's settlement in account with General Fund for 1888 taxes, pages 172-173. 06 04 1889 '? 5 172 ?? i ' ?k ?° : P ?? "1 - ??,. . i ii ?. ?•, ?s ?q y [ ?i . INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINU'?ES - New Hanover Count? 1\ SHERIFF' S DEPARTMENT U MATTER ? . . _ : ` ¦cc. u. s. County Indezea S???? 1888 F?' ?.?--? To locate names, open at ?Ar OFFICE ?e?1..?-Z? An ldentifying Trade Mark ?? SURNAME INITIAL TAB COTT A•Z TAB INDEX MADE BY THE CQT7 INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA ' DATE `i MINUTE BOOK ?? NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS : Month ( Day I p; Year ;? Vol. !;, Page '3 ?, 1.? All delinquent taxpayers may list before Sheriff if pay single tax when listing. I? 08 19 1889`' 5 188 ?' , 2.? Sheriff exhibited receipts from State and County Treasurers showing he had settled 1888 taxes. 08 19 1889`? 5 188 ` 3.tl Tax Books for 1889 given Sheriff to collect after he displayed Treasurer's receipt s, 08 19 1889f' 5 188 r 4. Several stevedores will be remitted 1888 poll taxes collected from them when they file written affidavit 11 r. 04 1.889!? 5 198 = , with Sheriff. ., i ?a .. 5.? Sheriff's bonds approved. 12 02 1889??' S 203 ,,, , 6.? B.G. Worth, J.A. Montgomery and Roger Moore appointed to settle with the Sheriff. Ol 06 1890 5 214 ;, , 7.? Sheriff's settlement with the State for 1889 taxes, pages 221-222. 02 03 1890 , 5 221 ? , 8.E? List of taxpayers in Sheriff's settlement for 1$89 taxes, pages 222-223, „ 02 9.`.! List of insolvents of 1888 collected since settlement for 1888 taxes. 02 . :? '10.;; List of abatements by Commissioners for errors in Tax List for 1889, 02 11. Returns of real estate sold by Sheriff for unpaid State and County taxes for 1889, pages 226-230. 02 ; 12.N? Sheriff's settlement in account with School Fund for taxes of 1$89, pages 230-231. 02 „ 13.?? Sheriff's settlement in account with General Fund for taxes of 1889, pages 232-233. 02 ?? 14.?? Reward will be offered for capturing and convicting any party charged with highway robbery. 07 fi 15.?p Clerk to notify Sheriff to collect 1890 taxes. ? 09 ?; 16.?? All delinquent taxpayers may list their taxes before Sheriff if pay same when listing, if not will be 09 hs `? i? charged double tax. 17.?? Sheriff-elect, F.H. Stedman, presented his election certificate and had bonds approved and took oath. 12 i 18.?i Protest made from W.H. Chadbourn, who claimed he had been legally elected Sheriff, 12 ii ,19.?r Reward for capturing Dennis Horn divided between Alonzo Millis and W.T. Brey, both who claimed reward. 12 .20.?; Sheriff's receipt from State Treasurer for State taxes from County for 1890. Ol ?; .21.' List of taxpayers for 1890 taxes from Sheriffy pages 299-301. Ol f ,22.?? List of property sold to County by Sheriff for unpaid 1?390 taxes, pages 302-305. Ol G' _23.; List of abatements by Commissioners for errors in valuation on 1890 Tax Books,, , Ol .24.;; List of insolvents of 1889 collected by Sheriff since settlement of 1889 taxes. ; O1 .25.;; ;; Sheriff's settlement in account with General Fund for taxes of 1890, pages 308-309. Ol .26.,; Sheriff's settlement in account with School Fund for taxes of 1890, pages 310-311. ,. O1 27.?F Tax Book for 1891 turned over to Sheriff for collection. 09 y ?; 23.`? . ;? Delinquent taxpayers may list before Sheriff if pay tax whe?n listing, if not will be charged a double tax. „ 09 ;? 29.e? Sheriff to retain all County monies he holds and is authorized to pay out of same all warrants drawn upon 11 's _ ?e Treasurer. .. ti ,30.?? Sheriff's bonds approved from T.F. Stedman. 12 i; 31.4f List of polls and property listed by Sheriff Stedman for 1891 taxes, pages 385-390. 02 k? ,32.;? ,, List of abatements by Commissioners for overcharge errors in 1891 Tax Book, pages 390-391. 02 ,33.k; Sheriff's settlement in account with the General Fund for 1891 taxes, pages 392-393. 02 ,34.G? Sheriff's settlement in account with the School Fund for 1891 taxes, pages 394-395. 02 'a „35.?y ?? Sheriff's settlement in account with the Special Sinking Fund for 1891 taxes, pages 396-397. , 02 ?r 36.`? List of certificates for property sold to County for unpaid 1891 taxes, pages 398-403. 02 ?? ,37?E List of insolvents not found as returned by Sheriff for 1891. ,. 02 38.?? List of insolvents of 1890 collected by Sheriff Stedman since settlement by Sheriff Manning for 1890 taxes, 02 is ,39.;; Receipt from State Treasurer on Sheriff's 1891 tax settlement. „ 02 ,40.f ? Clerk to Board to issue writ to Sheriff to lay off new public road in Masonboro Township. 06 P' 41; ' R Tax lister Burr turned over 1892 Tax Books and these given to Sheriff for collection. 09 42s' Sheriff to allow delinquents to list their property without double tax if pay tax when listing. 09 ?43.? Board will not accept deeds for real estate in Sheriff's settlement if taxpayer has personal property 11 ? which may be sold 03 189D :: 03 1890 03 1890„ 03 1890 03 1890 03 1890 : Q7 1890 O1 1890 Ol 1890 ; .? Ol 1890 ^ Ol 1890 Ol 1890 ; 28 1891 28 1891 „ 28 18 91 : 28 1891 28 1891 „ 28 1891 28 1891,, 07 1891 u 07 1891 30 1891? 07 1891 ; 02 1892 02 1892{ 02 1892 02 1892 02 1892. 02 1892 ;; 02 18 9 2 ,,; 02 1892,, 02 1892., 06 1892 05 1892 05 1892 07 1892 ,? i 5 222 5 224 5 225 5 226 5 5 S 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 230 232 256 268 `r 269 283 , 28 3 „ 284 298 299 302 ; 306 307 308 310 „ 350 350 : 364 5 366 5 385 . 5 390 5 392 5 394 5 396 5 39? „ 5 404 ;. 5 404 , 5 405 „ 5 422 5 439 5 439 , 5 450 : r` C=, ?? i ( SHERIFF' S DEPARTMENT H G t ? INDEX TO COMMISSIDNERS MINUTES --- I? anover oun y? li. . _ MA'lTER: ew ` eep. Y. s. County Indefo? Since 1888 ? To looate names, open at COTT A-Z TAB INDEX s?cwt?l? An Ideafifyin? ?'rad? Mark EURNAME INlTIAL TAB MADE 6Y THE COTT 1NDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO "? rer elrm? C N CAROLINA L DUNN W BERN NOR . i SO D BY OWEN G. , NE , T ; DATE ?? ? MINUTE BOOK ?? ' ?7 NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS `:` Month I Day ( ? ? Year ?; ; Vol. I Page ? ? l.`' Bonds of Sheriff F.H. Stedman approved. 12 - - 05 1892;; 5 ;! sE 454 :? ?? ? h? i? 2.' Statement of insolvents and not found taxables for 1892 as returned by Sheriff. " 02 06 1893;^ tl 5 473 ?9 .? ?? ist of insolvents of 1891 collected by Sheriff and accounted in his 1892 settlement. b? 2 6 893, 5 L €i fi 474 fE ER 4.; Sheriff's settlement in account with General Fund for 1892 taxes. 02 06 ? 1893:; 5 R? 479 ?° „ .. sh q? 5.; Sheriff's settlement in account with School Fund for 1892 taxes. ? 02 06 1893 ; ?? 5 480 ?? ?? 9 6.s . Sheriff's settlement in account with Special Fund for 1892 taxes. ? 02 06 1893r? ?? 5 ? 481 ?? ?1 7.q Tax Books for 1893 given to Sheriff after he presented receipts from State and County Treasurers for his 09 04 1893t; 5 518 ?? ?? ' settlement. , ? 8. Sheriff to a?Zow ae?inquents to ?ist property a?•ithout pay?ng double tax if they pay iahen listing. 09 04 1893,¢ 5 518 ? 9. Letter from State Treasruer S. McD. Tate instructing Sheriff to refund any pension taxes which he collect- 10 02 1893 5 523 „ ed since Treasurer had previously collected same. , 10., List of parties to receive rebate of pension tax collected by Sheriff. 10 02 1?93 5 523 ;. 11. Board will not accept any real estate deed from Sheriff as settlement of taxes if parties have personal . 10 02 1893,; 5 524 ? property which could be sold for said taxes. „ ;; 12., Sheriff F.H. Stedman's bond approved. , 12 04 1893, 5 532 ?, 13.., Sheriff to be notified of abatement of taxes on Wilmington and Southport Steamboat Co. ( See RAILROADS) „ 02 21 1894, 5 547 " 14.., Committee appointed to settle with Sheriff for 1893 taxes. 02 21 1894„ 5 547 ; 15.,; List of abatements by Commissioners for errors and overcharges in Tax List of 1893. 02 21 1894;, 5 548 y 16.,, Itemized statement from Sheriff for 1893 taxes. , 02 21 1894;, 5 548 ? ,; 17.., List of insolvents of 1892 collected by Sheriff and accounted in his 1893 settlement. „ 02 21 1894?: 5 549 ;; 18. Sheriff's settlement in account with General Fund for 1893. 07_ 21 1894 5 556 ' 19. Sheriff's settlement in account with School and Special Funds for 1893, 02 21 1894 S 557 20. „ Sheriff to call on all businesses in County to see if they have license and report those who do not to the. . 08 13 1894 5 581 ' ;? Register of Deeds. (See TAX DEPARTMENT) .. K, 21. Deputy Sheriff John Dudley exhibited State and County Treasurers'. receipts for 1893 tax settlement. 09 03 1894? 5 582 :?. ?; 22. Tax Books for 1894 to be given to Sheriff. 09 03 1894 5 582 23. Sheriff to allow all delinquents to list their property without paying double tax if they pay tax when 09 03 1894; ,. 5 582 ,. _ listing. " ? 24.,, D.L. Russell appeared on behalf of Sheriff-elect Elijah Hewlett and requested more time for him to file , 12 03 1894 5 594 ? his bond; granted. 25.y Bonds of Sheriff-elect Elijah Hewlett presented, but error found in Process bond. 26.„ Soard went into secret session to discuss validity of Sheriff's bond. 27., Board approved Sheriff's bonds on condition that errors be corrected. 28.,; Committee appointed to settle with Sheriff. ? 29.. Special committee to settle with Sheriff inet and Sheriff presented Treasurer's receipt for 1894 taxes. 30.? List of insolvents of 1893 collected by Sheriff Stedman since settlement. 31.., Condensed statement of 1894 taxes from Sheriff as returned to Commissioners, 32.; Former Sheriff Stedman's account with Special Fund for 1894 taxes. 33., Former Sheriff Stedman's account with General Fund for 1894 taxes. 34. Former Stedman's account with School Fund for 1894 taxes. 35. Clerk Taylor reported pay for Sheriff for jury tax. 36.' Attorney Manning requested cost be remitted in sale of property for taxes by Sheriff. 37. Board ruled it would accept payment from Mr. Manni?g without cost. 38.,, It came to ears of I?oard that Sheriff's bond has become impaired and committee to investigate rumor. 39. Committee to investigate Sheriff's bond met to discuss the issue.(Loose leaf page written in pencil) 40. Committee examining Sheriff's bond reported bondsman H.Butters still valid and secure since still a resident and owns property. Rj t? 12 10 1894 12 10 1894 12 10 1894 OZ 04 I895 , 02 13 1895 :: 02 13 1895 02 13 1895 02 „ 02 02 04 04 04 07 07 08 13 1895 ., 13 1895 ., 13 1895 Ol 1895 4 O1 1895 Ol 1895 Ol 1895 16 1895 05 1895 , I `I 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 S 5 S 5 5 5 5 5 5 601 ': p 601 601 612 615 ?; 617 618 626 ;; 627 G; 628 ?? 633 633 633 ? z? 648 ; 649 f` ?? C, t' 653 ' !? s? ?Y i? INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS ?IINUTES -- ?ew Ha?over Count?? li. U. _ MATTER: SHERIFF' S DEPARTMENT ` aec. u. s. County Indezca Since 1888 ? To Ioeate names, open at COTT A-Z TAB INDEX PAT OFFICE ?oJylLCa-?F An Identifying Trade Mark SURNAME INITIAL TAB MADE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, GOLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA .? y NA'fURE OF PROCEEDINGS ?ATE ??. MiNUre eooK '.?' Month I Day I Year r! Vol. ( Page `J ?? r l.? Sheriff would have to strengthen his bond if Mr. Butters became a nonresident. O8 05 1895 , 5 653 ? 2. Commissioner Stevenson explained verbally why he did not sign report on Sheriff's bond, 08 05 1895 5 653 ?r 3.?? Sheriff to allow all delinquents to list property without paying double tax if pay tax when listing. 09 02 1895;, 5 668 , 4.E? ?? Sheriff to purchase clothes for Lonny Brown, a discharged Work House prisoner, and charge to Keeper of 09 02 1895 5 668 ; f , # County Home . . .. .. ? 5.o Clerk to turn 1895 Tax Books over to Sheriff for collection. , 09 04 1895 ,. 5 ? 671 , , 6.?? Sheriff Elijah F_ewlett's bonds approved. 12 02 1895 ; 5 679 ; 7.;; Messrs. Worth, Pearce and Stevenson appointed to settle with Sheriff for 1895 taxes. 02 03 1896 5 692 , 8.?? Sheriff's settZement in accou?t raitlz Ger?eral Fund for 1895 taxes. 02 03 1896 , 5 695 . 9.,; Sheriff's settlement in account with School Fund for 1895 taxes, 02 03 1896 5 696 .10.,, Sheriff's settlement in account with Special Fund for 1895 taxes. 02 03 1896 S 697 ll.w', Consolidated statement of property and polls listed by Sheriff for 1895 taxes. . 02 03 1896„ 5 698 12. Consolidated statement of insolvents and not found taxables for 1895. 02 03 1896 5 699 ?? 13.;'; ? Consolidated statement of abatements by Commissioners for errors in 1895 Tax Books. 02 03 1896 5 699 ? 14.e? ?i List of property sold to County for unpaid taxes due 1895, pages 700-705. 02 03 1896 . 5 700 15.? Receipt from State Treasruer for Sheriff's settlement of 1895 State taxes. 02 03 1896 5 706 16.?; ., Chairman reported Sheriff had settled with County for 1895 taxes so road appropriations could be made, 03 02 1896 5 707 ; 17.`? Sheriff given 1896 Tax Book for collection after State's receipt from 1895 taxes was read. 09 07 1896 5 731 18.'? Sheriff to allow delinquents to list without double tax penalty if pay when listing. 09 07 1896 5 731 19.? Bonds of Sheriff-elect Elijah Hewlett approved. . 12 07 1896 5 747 ,20.?; Sheriff to keep taxes levied for general and special purposes separate and to get separate receipts from 02 Ol 1897 , 5 762 i ?; Treasurer. „ .. 21.aM u? Sheriff to take Mahali Scott to Eastern Hospital at Goldsboro, she being insane. 02 10 1897 5 765 ,22.,j j8 Sheriff to take Harrison Pierce to County Home, he being an epileptic. Q2 10 1897 5 765 , 2.3. ? Sheriff's settlement in account with Ueneral Fund for taxes collected in 1896. 03 19 1897 5 780 . ? ? `? 24.,? il Sheriff's settlement in account with School F`und for taxes collected in 1896. . 03 19 1897; 5 781 .. ,25.,; Sheriff's settlement in account with Special Fund for taxes collected in 1896. 03 19 1897„ 5 782 , 26.;j Sheriff's settlement in account with Military Fund for taxes collected in ?896, . 03 19 1897 : 5 783 27.!" . .a Sheriff's settlement in account with Hospital Fund for taxes collected in 1896. 03 19 1897 5 784 ,. 28.'' - ?i Sheriff's settlement in account with Public Roads Fund for taxes collected in 1896. 03 19 1897 . 5 785 29." ? List of property sold for taxes due for 1896, pages 788-796. 03 , 19 1897 5 735 'I 30.!; . .? Sheriff and Treasurer not to pay any jury or witness ticlcets or coupons of more than one year's standing 04 08 1897 6 2 without Bo.ard's audit. 31.; ? Sheriff Hewlett's receipt for handcuffs and keys passed. 09 Oo 1897 . 6 41 32.'? Sheriff presented receipts from State and County Treasurers showing 1897 tax settlement had been made. 09 06 1897,, 6 42 33.` Tax lists and Books turned over to Sheriff; Clerk to endorse. 09 06 1897 6 42 34.: Money allowed J.D. Flynn and W.W. King for arresting Ben Smith, a murderer. 10 13 1897. 6 48 35.?, Board decided it was not necessary for Sheriff to have his bond renewed. 12 06 1897:. 6 65 ,. 36.?' . ,? Auditing Committee to settle Sheriff's account of taxes due County. 02 08 1898,; 6 81 , 37.?? Sheriff's settlement in account with General Fund for 1897 taxes. 02 14 1898,; 6 92 38.'rj Sheriff's settlement in account with School Fund for 1897 taxes. „ 02 08 1898:; 6 93 39.?y Sheriff's settlement in account with Sinking Fund for 1897 taxes. 02 08 1893 . 6 ?4 , 40.`' ?? Sheriff's settlement in account with Military Fund for 1897 taxes. 02 08 1898 6 94 41.?? Sheriff's settlement in account with Public Road Fund for 1897 taxes. 02 08 1898 6 95 ;? 42.?? Sheriff's settlement in account with Hospital Fund for 1897 taxes. 02 08? 1898 6 95 43.?; ? tl , ;? ,j Property listed by Sheriff for 1897 taxes, pages 96-97. 02 a' 08 1898 : ` E9 6 96 ? {? MAiTER SH?RIFF?S DEPART?NT ? INDE? TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES -- New Hanover County N C , . ? , ecc. u. s. Coun?y Induea Since 1888 ? To IocWe names, open al (Ott R•3 TA8 INDER ??f arrice ?? An IdenGfying Trode Mark SURNAME INITIAL iA8 ANDE iY iHE (OTT INOEX fOMPANY, tOLUMBUS, GHIO SOID BY OWEN 6, DUNN, NEN BE RN, NORTH CAROLINA DATE MINUTE BOOK NATURE OF PROLEEDINGS Month I Day I Year Vol, I Page 1. Insolvent taxes of 1896 collected and accounted for in Sheriff's 1897 settlement listed. 02 14 1898 6 96 2. Abatements by Commissioners for overcharges and errors in 1897 Tax Books. 02 14 1898 6 96 3. List of certificates for property sold to County for unpaid 1897 taxes, pages 98-104. 02 14 1898 6 98 4. Sheriff reported on unsafe condition of flo?r in his office where large safe stands and need for support 03 07 1898 6 195 under floor. 5. Iron column put under floar where safe sits in Sheriff's office. 04 04 1898 6 112 6. Bids to be taken to make a new door and lock which was pried open while Sheriff and Register were out. 05 04 1898 6 123 ( COURTS RULED THAT ALL BOARD ACTION FROM AP.RIL 30, 1898 TO NLY 26, 1898 ILLEGAL) 7. Trivial. papers taken when office broken into, but important papers untouched, 05 04 1898 6 124 8. Sheriff's report and bills referred to Attorney. 06 06 1898 6 134 9. Sheriff's expense account for June referred to the Auditing Co:nmittee. 07 05 1898 6 148 10. Sheri£f to pay all warrants drawn by Board fra;n General Fund. 07 12 1898 6 152 11. Attorneys Bellamy and McKoy served subpoenas ordered by Board to Deputy Sheriff French who refused to accept 07 26 1898 6 155 or serve them. 12. Matter of putting electric fans in Sheriff's office left to committee. 07 26 1898 6 155 13. Sheriff to furnish Board with detailed state?nent of disbursements and receipts made by him since April 30. O7 26 1898 6 155 14. Sheriff not to pay any orders from old Board unless approved by this Board. 04 30 1898 6 162 (ALL BOARD ACTION FROM THIS ENTRY ON IS LEGAL ACTION BY THE LEGAL BOARD). 15. Sheriff refused to serve subpoena on Register since he did not recognize this Board as the 1ega1 Board. 06 25 1898 6 169 16. County Attorney to take legal action to serve Register's subpoena and punish Sheriff for not discharging 06 25 1898 6 169 his duty. 17. Committee on electric fans requested more time. 08 O1 1898 6 170 18. Committee advised against putting in electric fans since so late in the season. 08 O1 1898 6 172 14. Sheriff showed Treasnrer's receipts for taxes, so 1898 Tax Lists and Books turned over to him. 09 OS 1898 6 178 20. For banks which have paid State taxes directly to State Treasurer, Sheriff to deduct amount from County 12 05 1898 6 198 assessment so there will not be double taxation. 21. Bond of Walter G. McRae, Sheriff-elect, approved. 12 05 1898 6 200 22. Report from Sheriff Walter McRae approved. 02 06 1899 6 225 23. Tax Books for 1899 received from Register of Deeds and to be turned over to Sheriff. 09 04 1899 6 234 24. A11 delinquents to be relieved of double tax if pay Sheriff regular taxes before November 15. 10 02 1899 6 337 25. Bond of W.G, Mac Rae approved as Sherif£ of County. 12 15 1899 6 364 26. Examination of Sheriff's account continued. 02 20 1900 6 401 27. Sheriff's account approved and accepted. 02 29 1900 6 402 28. Board to offer reward for proof of person or persons who murdered Edward Walker. 04 02 1900 6 427 29. Tax Books for 1900 received from Register of Deeds and turned over to the Sheriff. 09 03 1900 6 473 30. Frank H, Stedman was elected Sheriff. 12 03 1900 6 488 31. Report from Sheriff McRae on taxes collected in 1900 filed. 12 03 1900 6 489 32. Bonds of Frank H, Stedman as Sheriff approved. 12 08 1900 6 491 33. Sheriff to furnish Auditing Clerk with list of all convicts and w?en their sentences expire and if any new 02 13 1901 6 519 convicts admitted. 34. Sheriff's McRae's account found correct and account sent to State Auditor. 03 04 1901 6 532 35. Warrants issued by Commissioner Holmes to Sheriff for jury tickets confirmed. 05 06 1901 6 549 37. Rewards r?ffered for capture and delivery to Sheriff of murderers of Maur.ine Brease and William Dudley. 07 18 1901 6 577 38. Tax Books given to Sheriff from Register of Deeds and endorsed by Clerk to Board. 09 03 1901 6 593 39. Sheriff to discharge T.H, Robbins, he was declared sane. 0? 25 1901 6 596 40. Annual rep?rt of Schedule B taxes was received from Sheriff and referred to Auditing Committee. 12 02 1901 6 615 ?+ , . . . N C . . _ MATTER: INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover County, SHERIF?"?S DEPARTMENT ? eEC. u. s. Counry Indexee Sinee 1888 ??j?, 1a lotofe namBt, open ot MADE BY THE fOiT A•I TAB INDEX WTT IHUEX (OMPIINY, (OLUMBUS, ONIO IAT OfFICE ?? An ldenfifying Trade Marlc Ih?" SURNAMR INITIAL iA6 SOLp EY OWEN C. DUNN, NEW 9ERN, NORTN fAROLIN? DAiE MINUTE BOOR NATURE OF PROtEEDINGS Month I Day I Year Yol, I Page l. Sheriff Stedman's bond received and approved. 12 02 1901 6 616 2. Bonds of Sheriff Frank H, Stedman approved by Attorney. 12 09 1901 6 621 3. Tax Books to be given to Sheriff after received from Register of Deeds. 09 04 1902 6 673 4. Sheriff's statement of collection of taxes under Schedule B for 1902 approved. 12 Ol 1902 6 683 5. F,H. Stedman elected Sheriff and oath given. 12 O1 1902 6 684 6. Bill of J,F. Wooten, Sheriff of Lenoir County to be settled. O1 05 1903 6 694 7. Bonds of Sheriff Stedman approved. O1 05 1903 6 695 8. Chairman, Messrs. Holmes and Robertson appointed to settle with the Sheriff. 03 02 1903 6 705 9. Tax Books for ?903 de?ivered by Register and Clerk to sign and give to Sheriff. 09 08 1903 6 747 10. Board directed Sheriff to make a 15% tax reduction on1903 levy. 09 09 1903 6 750 11. Sheriff to note changes in Tax Books on assessments against Carolina Insurance Co. and Jackson and Be11 Co. 10 05 1903 6 754 12. Annual tax statement for 1903 from Treasurer and Sheriff referred to Auditing Committee. 12 07 1903 6 764 13. Bonds of F.H, Fredman as Sheriff approved. 12 07 1903 6 765 14. Auditing Committee approved Sheriff's settlement of County taxes. 04 04 1904 6 787 15. Tax Books for 1904 were received fram Register, signed by Clerk and delivered to Sheriff. 09 06 1904 6 809 16. Bond of Frank H. Stedman approved as Sheriff. 12 05 1904 7 10 17. Report from Sheriff showing taxes collected under 5chedule B. 12 12 1904 1. 10 18. List of property which is to have double tax abated as listed by Sheriff. 03 09 1905 1 21 19. Sheriff will collect single tax on all delinquent taxes paid by October and double taxes on all paid 09 05 1905 ? 37 thereafter. 20. Register presented Tax Books for 1905 to be turned over to Sheriff. 09 05 1905 7_ 37 21. When taking prisoners to Courthouse, Sheriff to take them thraugh County enclosures. 10 02 1905 Z 39 22. Bonds of F. H. Stedman as Sheriff approved. 12 04 1905 1 42 23. Report from Sheriff on Schedule B and liquor taxes collected referred to auditing clerk. 12 04 1905 Z 44 '24. Settlement with Sheriff for 1905 Tax books received and recorded. 07 02 1906 ? 57 25. Tax Book for 1906 received from Register and to be given to Sheriff. 09 04 1906 7 61 ;26. Award offered for capture and delivery to Sheriff of William Ashe and Thomas Finds, also Fred Hi11. 10 O1 1906 ? 64 ?27. Chairman reported purchase of bloodhounds for County use. 11 06 1906 7 65 28. Bond of S. P. Carran approved as Sheriff. 12 03 1906 ? 67 '29. Committee to arrange for keeping and feeding bloodhounds. O1 07 1907 ? 74 30. Sheriff to employ extra deputys to guard prisoners while Jail is being repaired. O1 28 1907 ? 76 ,31. Register of Deeds turned in 1907 Tax Books which were given to Sheriff for collection. 09 03 1907 7 107 ?32. Reward offered for arrest and delivery to Sheriff of L. M. Bryan and Board to request Governor to offer 10 07 1907 ? 111 State wide reward. 33. Matter of Janitor collecting money from Sheriff for removing cots for jurors referred to Public Buildin gs 10 07 1907 ? 111 Committee. 34. Bond of Sheriff Cowan found satisfactory. 12 02 1907 ? 116 35. Sheriff presented Treasurer's receipt for 1907 taxes paid to him bySheriff. 03 09 1908 ? 127 .36. , Reward offered for L. M. Bryant withdrawn. 07 06 1908 ? 130 37. . Tax Book for 1908 turned over to Sheriff to collect by Register. 09 08 1908 7 145 38. Sheriff's request for Jail supplies referred to Public Buildings Committee. 10 05 1908 ?, 152 39. Sheriff to take monthly inventory of property in Jail. 10 05 1908 ? 152 40. Bonds of S. P. Cowan approved as Sheriff. 12 07 1908 ? 151 41. Sheriff filed his annual report of tax collected under Schedule B and the Jails monthly inventory. 12 07 1908 ?_ 159 42. Sheriff Cowan stated his settlement of 1908 taxes was ready; referred to auditing Committee. 04 05 1909 Z 173 43. Order to Sheriff to deliver Will Tallbert insane man, to Alabama recorded. 04 05 1909 Z 173 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES -- New Hanover County, N. C. , M TTfRT SHERIFF' S DEPARTMENZ eec. u. s. County Indexea Since 1888 ?,?'" To locat0 names? open pt COTT A•Z TAB INDEX r?t OFFICE ???.?a-?E' An Identifying Trade Mark U?.t7 SURNAME INlTIAL TAB ?DE YY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLU BY OiYEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLfNA NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS DATE Month Day I Year l. Sheriff Cowan presented Jail's inventory. 2. Sheriff Cowan presented Jail's inventory. 3. Sheriff Cowan presented Jail's inventory. 4. Register turned over 1909 tax books which were then given to Sheriff. 5. Authority in Jacksonville, FIa. to be paid for arresting and holding Benjamin Barge. 6. Sheriff Gowan pres?nted Jail`s inventory. _ _ _o 7. Sheriff Cowan's reported on 1909 taxes collected referred to Auditing Committee. 8. Sheriff Cowan presented Jail's inventory. 9. Sheriff Cowan's 1909 tax sett?ement referred to Auditing Board. 10. Clerk to Board to turn over 1910 tax books to Sheriff for collection. 11. Bonds of S. P. Cowan as Sheriff approved. 12. Sheriff Cowan's 19I0 tax settlement referred to Auditing Board. 13. Sheriff requested aid in detecting parties who blow automobile whistles in violation of law; granted. 14. Register of Deeds turned in 1911 Tax Books which were given to Sheriff for collection. 15. Joint purchase of blood hounds with City Council referred to Chairman. 16. Money not allowed Good Government League in bringing cases against lawbreakers. 17. Register turned in 1912 tax books which are to be given to sheriff for collection. 18. Bonds of S. P. Cowan approved as Sheriff. 19. Annual report from Sheriff Cowan to be published. 20. Councilman Moore requested money from Board to help f ight crime. 21. Board appropriated money to detect crime and criminals. 22. Committee and Sheriff to abate taxes when sufficient cause shown. (see Committees appointed) 23. Sheriff charged Mr. Shearin with charging twice for feeding prisoners when transferred from Jail to Camp. 24. Report from Accountant A. H. Marsh on Sheriff's office adopted. 25. Sheriff to accept tax from Mrs. R. W. Gibson. 26. Council B. C. Moore recommended County keep systematic records of criminals in County. 27. Authorization given to purchase motorcycle for Sheriff. 28. Sheriff reported he had one deputy at $1,200 per annum and two field deputies at $75 a month each. 29. Salaries of Sheriff and his deputies set. (see Salaries) 30. Deputy Sheriff to collect from delinquents on Recorder's Court records. 31. Building Committee recommended improvements in Sheriff's office. 32. Sheriff tendered settlement of 1912 taxes and same referred to County Auditor. 33. Sheriff to prevent erection of refreshment stands on Market St. on Decoration Day. 34. Sheriff requested funds for suppression of crime and Chairman to cooperate. 35. Bill from Sheriff Cowan for guarding Albert Highsmith at Hospital to be paid. 36. Sheriff allowed to employ another deputy at same salary as outside deputies. 37. List of insolvents referred to Sheriff and Auditor to collect. 38. Bill of Messrs. Poisson and Burgwin for services in case of State vs. Cowan in Superior Court approved 39. Bill from L. W. Tindall for services as temporary jazlor referred to Sheriff. 40. Sheriff to appoint H. M. Godwin as deputy to collect back costs due Recorder's Court. 41. Sheriff to appoint special deputy to check speed laws for 30 days. 42. Auditor presented 1913 tax books and given to Sheriff for collection. 43. Sheriff declined to appoint H. M. Godwin to collect back costs of Recorder's Court. 44. Percentages set for deputies for collecting back costs of Recorder's Court. 45. Money allowed Sheriff and deputies for collection Township taxes. 04 07 08 09 09 10 12 O1 04 09 12 04 06 10 10 09 10 12 12 Ol O1 O1 Ol 05 1909 06 1909 02 1909 08 1909 08 1909 04 1909 ?6 1909 03 1910 04 1910 06 1910 05 1910 03 1911 OS 1911 02 1911 05 1911 03 1912 07 1912 )2 1912 05 1912 06 1913 06 1913 13 19?3 13 1913 MINUTE BOOK Voi. I Page ? ? 174 ? 179 ? 181 ? 182 ? 182 ? 183 ? 186 ? 189 ? 193 ? 199 ? 203 ? 213 ? 223 ? 233 ? 234 ? 258 ? 260 ? 264 ? 266 ? 269 ? 271 ? 273 ? 273 O1 13 1913 ? 273 OI 13 19I3 ?? 274 03 24 1913 7 286 03 24 1913 7 286 05 Ol 1913 7 289 05 Ol 1913 ? 289 05 05 1913 7' 290 05 05 1913 7 291 05 09 1913 7. 291 05 15 1913 ? 292 06 23 1913 7 307 06 30 1913 7 308 07 14 1913 7 310 07 14 1913 7 310 09 15 1913 7 314 10 06 1913 ? 316 10 06 1913 7 316 10 06 1913 ? 316 10 06 1913 ? 316 10 15 1913 7 317 10 15 1913 ? 317 10 15 1913 7 317 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MIN?JTES N H C N C anover ount?, -- ew . . , MATTERT SHERIFF' S DE PARTMENT _ Rec. u. s. County Indexea Since 1888 Yo IOCOi9 names, open Ct r?T OFFICE Cw?? An ldentifying Trade Mark ? SURNAME INITIAL TAB ?DE BY THE COTT A-Z TAB INDEX COTT INDEX COAAPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD BY OWE N G. DUNN, NEW BE RN, NORT X CAROLINA DATE MINUTE BOOK NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS Month I Day ? Year Vol. I Page l. Delinquents to be relieved of double tax by Sheriff, upon order from Auditor. 10 15 1913 ? 318 2. Application of G. S. Shepard for position of tax collector for Harnett referred to Sheriff. 11 03 1913 ? 321 3. L. W. Lyndate recommended to Sheriff to serve as special officer to enforce speed laws. 11 03 1913 ? 321 4. Claim of Chief of Police of New Bern for reward for capture of Man and woman referred to Chairman. 11 03 1913 ? 322 5. Money allowed to pay Chief of Police of New Bern for capture of Haywood and Rachel Pollock. I1 10 1913 ? 323 6. Board to write to Pender County relative to their Sheriff failing to capture Walter Thomas when 11 10 1913 ? 323 had opportunity. 7. Board ruled that rewards to be offered when Sheriff failed to capture fugitive. 11 10 1913 ? 323 8. Sheriff to receive transeript of the meeting. 11 10 1913 ? 323 9. Sheriff reported he had eppointec3 J. S. Lane special officer to look out for speed laws. 11 10 1913 ? 324 10. Report from Sheriff on work of J. S. Lane, speed law officer. 12 OI 1913 ?. 325 11. Claim of Sheriff for collecting taxes outside City granted. 12 04 1913 ? 330 12. Auditor to investigate request from Sheriff for additional clerical aid and to grant if attorney consents. 12 04 1913 ? 330 13, Sheriff given extension for making his tax settlement. 02 02 1914 ? 337 14. Sheriff to get further information on fugitive name Humphrey. 02 02 1914 ? 337 15. Bi11 from Sheriff for clerical assistance referred to Attorney and Auditor. 05 04 1914 7 351 16. Sheriff given a few more days to make his settlement. OS 04 1914 7 351 17. Deputy Sheriff Cronly gave a verbal statement on Sheriff settlement and given more time to make a 05 11 1914 7 353 settlement. 18. Sheriff's settlement presented and referred to Auditor. 05 18 1914 7 355 19. Sheriff to put an officer on road to enforce speed laws. 08 15 1914 7 381 20. Commissioners to confer with City Council relative to money £or use in detection of crime. 09 08 1914 7 382 21.. Auditor presented Tax Books for 1914 and they to be given to Sheriff for collection. 10 05 1914 7 385 22. Letter from Sheriff relative to help in collecting taxes referred to Attorney to decide upon ability 10 05 1914 7 386 of persons appointed. 23. Money appropriated for use in suppressing crime put in hands of Chairman. 10 05 1914 7 386 24. Sherif£ to receive aid in collecting taxes with approval of Auditor and Attorney. 10 12 1914 7 391 25. Bill from quen City cycle Co. for repair of motorcycle approved. 10 12 1914 7 391 26. Amounts set for Sheriff's bonds. 11 02 1914 7 395 27. Sheriff Cowan`s bonds accepted. 12 14 1914 7 409 28. Board to request legislation allowing Commissioners to appoint special deputy sheriffs. 12 17 1914 7 417 29. Clerk to call Sheriff's attention to rate fixed for County Taxes. 02 O1 1915 7 431 30. Sheriff given until April 1 to settle county taxes. OZ 09 1915 7_ 435 31. Sheriff Cowan given more time to make his tax settlement 04 05 1915 7 447 32. H. Mack Godwin appointed special officer at $75 a month to have same authority as Constables or 04 05 1915 7 447 Deputy Sheriff. 33. Sheriffs 1914 tax settlement received and referred to Auditor. 04 19 1915 ? 453 ?34. Duties of special officer to be specified. 04 19 19I5 ? 453 35. Report for April presented by special o£ficer H. Mark Godwin. 05 03 1915 ? 456 36. Chairman reported progress on defining duties of special officer. 05 03 1915 7_ 456 37. Report from special officer filed. 06 07 1915 ? 460 38. Sheriff to make statement of fees due his office from criminal term of Superior Court. 06 07 1915 ? 460 39. Bond of H, Mack Godwin as special officer approved. 06 07 1915 ? 460 40. Sheriff to furnish Clerk with proper court statements as Auditor can credit correct amounts to correct 06 14 I915 ? 463 funds. 41. Money allowed for officers to go to New York to bring back Jim Hill, escaped prisoner, as requested 06 14 1915 ? 465 by Sheriff. ? nty N C MATTER INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES -- New Hanover Cou SHERIFF' S DEPARTMENT f ? , . . , : ` aec. u. s. County Indezea Since 1888 ? To locafe names, open a} COTT A•Z TAB INDEX ret OiFICE C??? An ldentiEvin6 Trade Mark SURNAME INITIAL TAB MADE BY THE COTT INDE% COMPANY, COLUMBUS. OHIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA DATE MINUTE BOOK .. NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS ' Month Day I Year Vol. I Page l. Report from special officer filed. 07 06 1915 ? 465 . 2. Chairman presented specifications of duties for the special officer. 07 06 1915 ? 467-68, 3. Wilmington Constable to attend sessions of Superior Court and execute processes instead of a deputy 07 06 1915 ? 467 sherif f . 4. Report from special officer filed. 08 ?2 1915 ? 475 5. Request from Sheriff for help in collecting taxes referred to Auditor and Attorney. 10 04 1915 ? 490 6. Board suggested tax collectors be part on percentage basis instead of per diem. 10 04 1915 7 490 7. Expenses from officer bringing J. Plummer Gilbert from Texas referred to Sheriff to get State to 10 04 1915 7 490 . settle same. 8. Reward offered for murder of J. B. Smith for capture of J. Plummer Gilbert. 10 04 1915 7 490 9. Auditor presented 1915 tax books and these given to Sheriff for collection. 10 04 1915 7 491 10. Report on help for Sheriff in collecting taxes and the commission to be paid collectors. 11 O1 1915 7 501 11. Magistrates to use regular officers before using specially deputized officers to serve papers. 11 Ol 1915 7 503 12. Automobile to be purchased for use of Special County Officer. 11 18 1915 Z 511 13. Sheriff's Report of Schedule B taxes collected referred to Auditor. 12 07 1915 7 517 14. Deputy Sheriff Cronly given extension on settling taxes collected. Ol 03 1916 7 521 15. Garage for rural police to be buil?+. Ol 17 1916 7 527 16. Services of field deputy C.H. Keen for collecting taxes extended 6 weeks longer. 02 07 1916 7 535 17. Tax settlement of Sheriff postponed and B.F. King employed by Sheriff for 10 days. 04 03 1916 7_ 543 18. Chairman and Auditor to take into consideration necessary expenses of Sheriffs office. 04 19 1916 7 548 19. Sheriffs 1915 tax settlement received and referred to Auditor. 05 O1 1916 Z 550 20. Bill from Ford Auto Co. for supplies for use on Sheriff's automobile approved. 05 08 1916 7 553 21. Appropriation made for supplies for one auto in Sheriff's Department. 05 08 1916 7 553 22. Matter of reward for R.W. Colwell for help in capturing L. Swinson referred to Chairman. 07 03 1916 ? 569 , 23. Chairman to settle with Sheriff on bill for auto supplies from C. S. Burnett. 08 07 1916 Z 573 24. Bills from Dr. Crammer and Mrs. Caldwell for service for Deputy Sheriff Reynolds referred to Chairman 08 07 1916 Z 573 to investigate. • 25. Bill for inquires to Deputy Sheriff Reynolds from Drs. Crammer and Mrs. Caldwell to be paid. 08 23 1916 7 579 26. Bills from Deputy Sheriff Kelly for auto supplies for patrolling roads approved. 09 05 1916 7 581 27. Special service of road patrols to be discontinued. 09 05 1916 Z 581 28. Money appropriated to suppress vice. 09 05 1916 ? 581 29. Sheri€f to summon disinterested parties to assess damages to land of W. B. McClelland by Kerr Ave. 09 18 1916 ? 583 30. M. Cronly, Deputy Sheriff, requested assistance in collecting taxes; referred to auditor and attorne? 10 02 1916 ? 589 31. Auditor presented 1916 tax books and these given to Sheriff for collection. 10 02 1916 ? 589 32. Report from Auditor and Attorney on help for Sheriff in collecting taxes. 11 06 1916 y? 593 33. Mack Godwin elected special officer at $75 a month. 12 04 1916 ? 597 34. Bonds of George Jackson approved as Sheriff. 12 04 1916 ? 597 35. Sheriffs tax settlement approved. 12 13 1916 7 601 36. Sheriff given more time to collect taxes. O1 02 1917 ? 605 37. Bond of Mack Godwin as special officer approved. Ol 24 1917 7 608 38. Resolution to Legislature requesting them not to deprive County of services of Special Officer. ?J2 17 1917 ? 612 39. Sheriff to exhaust personal estates of taxpayers before he sells real estate for 1916 taxes. 03 02 1917 ? 613 40. Request from Sheriff for increase in rate for feeding Jan. prisoners referred to Auditor and Attorney 05 07 1917 ? 620 41. Bills from Sheriff for guarding witness at Hospital and dragging creek in Neal Walter case approved. OS 07 1917 7 621 42. Reward to be paid to T. S. Burch, Sheriff of Florence, S. C. for capturing Dewey Green. 05 07 1917 ? 621 43. Reward to be paid to Annie Murphy for information leading to capture of James Johnson. 05 07 1917 ? 621 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover Count?, N. C. , lNATT RTSHERIFF' S DEPARTMENT ` eec. u. s. County Indezea Since 1888 ? Yo lotate namB4, opBn af COTT A•I TAB INDEX r?t OFFICE ?? An ldentifyin6 Trade Mark SURNAME INITIAL TAB ?DE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH GROLINA NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS 1. Chairman, Auditor and Attorney to check Sheriffs 1916 tax settlement. 2. Bill from J. W. Murchison Co. approved for firearms issued Sheriffs possession in July. 3. Automobile used by rural police was assigned to Wilmington Township assessments. 4. As suggested by Sheriff, money allowed for food at jail increased. 5. Bill of C.. H. Keen for arrest of E. Hamilton approved. 6. Sheriffs bills incurred in arrest of J. M. Hall, Fred Rushing and Bessie Powell to be paid. 7. Expenses of Sheriff allowed for taking W. Kermon to Stonewall School in Concord, N. C. 8. Damage to seine to be paid which was damaged while searching for body of colored man drowned in Burk's Channel. 9. Sheriff to receive help in collecting taxes subject to approval of Auditor and Attorney. 10. Auditor reported approval of Sheriff's 1916 tax settlement 11. Tax Book received from Auditor for 1917 and given to Sheriff for collection. 12, Bi11 of J. H. Kider, Sheriff of Rowan Co., approved for capturing Nathan Bell. 13. Expenses of Sheriff to be paid for trip to Raleigh. 14. Old motorcycle used by Sheriff to be repaired or exchanged f or a new one. 15, Additional men to be employed to help Sheriff collect ta?es 16, Bill approved for auto hire used by T. R. Aures to secure bloodhounds to take assailant of Mrs. Lance. 17. Sheriff to give protection to Mr. Naul from laborers on strike against his ship building interest. 18. Bill of Deputy Sheriff Kelly to be paid for services in securing a witness in Neal Walton case. 19. Bills for expenses of recapturing escaped convicts referred to Attorney. 20. Request from Sheriff for extension of time for Sandy Montgomery to collect taxes referred to Auditor and Attorney. 21. Board extended time for Sandy Montgonery to aid Sheriff in collecting taxes. 22. Money appropriated to Citizens Committee to combat crime. 23, Expenditures of Sheriff for enforcement of dog ordinances approved. 24. Salary of M. Cronly, Deputy Sheriff set at $1,650 per year. 25. Salary of H. G. Bullard in Sheriff's office set at $1,100 a year. 26. Salary of J. J. Rackely in Sheriff's office set at $1,100 a year. 27. Deputy Sheriff Cronly given more time to perfect his tax report for 1917. DATE MINUTE BOOK Month I Day Year Vol. I Pnge 05 07 1917 7 621 05 07 1917 7 621 06 04 1917 7 624 07 02 1917 7 625 08 27 1917 7 639 09 04 1917 7 09 04 1917 7 09 04 1917 7 10 O1 1917 7 641 10 Ol 1917 7_ 641 10 Ol 1917 7_ 641 10 O1 1917 7 541 11 05 1917 ? 646 11 05 1917 7_. 646 11 05 1917 ..7 647 11 05 1917 .,7 646 11 05 1917 ..7 646 11 12 1917 _7 649 11 12 1917 v7 649 02 04 1918 _? 665 03 04 1918 ? 673 04 O1 1918 ? 692 04 30 1918 ? 693 05 06 1918 7 696 05 06 1918 7 696 05 06 1918 7 696 05 06 1918 7 696 INDE? TO COMMISSIOI?ERS M?NUTES N H C ? N C ! !! -- ew anover ount y? . . , MATT RT SHERIF F' S DEPARTMENT nec. u. s. Counry Indexea Since 1888 ?? ?+?-- Yo locqfe names, open at COTT A-Z TAB INDEX SURNAME INITIAI TAB MADE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, ONIO v?r OFFICE t?J.?o-? An Idontifying Trade Mark ??-g ? SOLD BY OWEN G. OUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS DATE MINUTE BOOK ' Month Day I Year Vol. I Page 1. Reward offered for capture of escaped convicts, Willie Johnson and Charlie Dixon. 06 03 1918 8 11 2. Sheriff given extension to perfect his report. 06 03 1918 S 12 3. Award paid G. C. Smith for capture of Jessie Leake, escaped convict. 08 05 1918 8 16 4. Mr. McGirt to co nfer with Auditor and Attorney relative to salaries of various deputies. 12 02 1918 8 26 5. Bonds of George C. Jackson, Sr., approved as Sheriff. 12 02 1918 8 26 6. Request from Sheriff Jackson for expenses in returning boy to parents not allowed. 12 02 1918 8 28 7. Sheriff Jackson's bond returned to U. S. Fidelity and Guaranty Co. for proper execution. O1 06 1919 8 31 8. Sheriff's bill for capturing a whiskey still in Cat Fish Creek to be paid. 03 03 1919 8 38 9. County Attorney to represent Sheriff in John H. Brnum vs. G. C. Jackson relative to collection of taxes. 04 07 1919 8 43 10. Request from J. 0. Hinton for an officer to regulate traffic near Light House Station referred to Sheriff. 06 Ol 1919 8 61 11. Sheriff to issue dog tags to all dogs in County after owners pay a privilege tax. 06 O1 1919 8 61 12. Services of John H. Berry extended as an assistant in Sheriff's office. 07 07 1919 8 64 13. J. H. Berry and G. T, Shepard to assist Sheriff in collecting 1918-19 taxes. 07 07 1919 8 65 14. Attorney Bellamy to accept Sheriff's 19?8-19 tax settlement after Auditor checks same. 07 07 1919 8 65 15. Sheriff requested an extra deputy to enforce speed and light laws on County roads. 08 04 1919 8 70 16. Sheriff to be furnished extra deputies at Wrightsville Beach during the Good Roads Convention. 08 07 1919 8 71 17. Matter of convict Horace Gorman, afflicted with tuberculosis, referred to Sheriff. 08 28 1919 8 73 18. Horace Gorman, refused to go to the State Farm. 09 02 1919 8 74 19. Reward paid to Moses Sharpless for cagture of Sam Brown, escaped convict. 09 02 1919 8 74 20. Request from dupties W. H. Howe and R. W. Hodges for salary increases referred to Attorney and Auditor. 09 02 1919 8 74 21. Sheriff Jackson requested extra help in collecting I919-20 taxes. 10 06 1919 8 79 22. Board recommended salary increases for Deputies Howe and Hodges to $110 a month. 10 06 1919 8 79 23. Expenses of Sheriff Jackson in bringing back Lisbon Melton approved and reward given Chief of Police of 10 06 1919 8 79 Goldsboro for his captizre. 24. Auditor notified Board he approved salary increases for Deputy Sheriffs, and he approved any such action 11 03 1919 8 85 by Board. 25. Special officer to enforce traffic laws to be under control of Chairman of Board. 12 30 1919 8 91 26. H. M. Price appointed Special Officer to a motorcycle to be purchased for his use. O1 05 19?0 8 93 27. Sheriff to notify garages and auto dealers to adjust lights on vehicles according to law. 02 02 1920 8 96 28. Salary of M. Cronly, Chief Deputy, increased to $2,000 a year. 02 02 1920 8 97 29. Payment of bond premiums of deputies in Sheriffs office referred to Chairman F, Attorney. 02 02 1920 8 97 30. Sheriff to have extra help to collect taxes. 02 02 1920 8 97 31. Pay increases granted Sheriff filed deputies if install phone at own expense. 04 14 1920 8 105 32. Sheriff to secure other bids for repair or sale of motorcycle in his department. 05 03 1920 8 108 33. Sheriff offered reward for capture of Furney Scott, escaped convict. 05 14 1920 8 111 34. Alex Duct to assist Sheriff in directing parking of automobiles on Sundays at Wrightsville Sound. 06 07 1920 8 113 35. Increasing traffic problem at Wrightsville Sound referred to Chairman and Sheriff. 07 04 1920 8 116 36. Matter of policing County and fixing salary of rural police referred to Chairman and Sheriff. 07 04 1920 8 116 37. Man to be employed on rural police force at ?125 per month. 07 04 1920 8 116 38. C. L. Philemon appointed Special Officer to replace H. M. Prince. 09 O1 1920 8 120 39. Bill of M. F. Justice approved for one day's service as special deputy. 09 O1 1920 8 120 40. Committee to consider request from Sheriff for salary increases for his deputies. 10 04 1920 8 120 41. Tax Books for 1920 turned over to Sheriff for collection. 10 04 1920 8 128 42. Sheriff to employ extra help to collect taxes. 11 O1 1920 8 130 43. Bill from C. H. Keen for helping Sheriff collect taxes to be paid. 11 Ol 1920 8 130 44. Reward paid Oscar Johnson for capture of Mabel McQueen, escaped from County Farm. 11 04 1920 8 133 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES -- New Hanover Count?, N. C. _ MATTER: SHERIFF' S DEPARTMENT ` aec. u. s. Counry Indezca Since 1888 To locdte Hame4? open ot C07T A-2 T?8 1NDfX ?l?0-7? An idcntiiying Ttade Mark ? SURNAME INITIAL iAB ?AOE 6Y TNE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO ??T OFFILE SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTN UROLiNA DATE MINUTE BOOK NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS Morrrh I Day ? Year Vol. ? Page 1. Bonds of G. C. 3ackson as Sheriff approved, 12 06 1920 8 134 2. Money changing machine and adding machine far Sheriff's office referred to Auditor and Mr. Little. 12 06 1920 8 134 3, 5heriff?s 1920 tax settlement referred to County Attorney. 12 06 1920 8 134 4. Sheriff to employ extra help to collect taxes during absence of M. Cronly. 12 06 1920 8 136 5. M. Cronly granted a vacation of 10 days with pay. 12 06 1920 8 136 6. Request from Sheriff for bloodhounds referred back to him for more information. 12 07 1920 8 13b 7. Bond of G. C. Jackson approved as Sheriff. 12 17 1920 8 138 8. Sheriff given more time for collection of taxes and allowed extra help for same. Ol 03 1921 8 139 9. Metal badges to be purchased for Constables and Special Officers. O1 03 1921 8 140 10. Sheriff allowed to use County's motorcyc?e provided he maintains same. 03 07 1921 S 148 11. Sheriff allowed tt?rn key fee for prisoners admitted and released from jail and money for meals for 03 15 1921 8 150 prisoners. 12. Bill may be paid to deputy sheriffs for serving warrants e tc after being approved by the Sheriff. 03 IS 1921 8 15? 13. Auditor to purchase a new motorcycle for Special Officer. OS 02 1921 8 154 14. Sheriff to receive same mileage for conveying insane patients to asylum as for conveying prisoners. 05 24 1921 8 156 15. Bill from Sheriff Walker of Mecklenburg County £or conveying prisoner declined. 05 24 1921 8 156 i6. Auto repair bills approved for Leon George who works to suppress transporting intoxicating liquors. OS 24 1921 8 156 17. Special Officer to pay special attention to violation of ordinance on overloading vehciles. 06 06 1921 8 157 18. Special officer to report to Board each month. 06 06 1921 8 157 19. Bill from Sheriff for summoning jurors in case of State vs. Pratt Risley approved. 06 06 192I 8 159 20. 3une report from Special Officer filed. 07 05 1921 8 163 21. Report from Special Officer filed. 08 O1 1921 8 169 22. Special Officer to watch for prisons who refuse to yield sufficient road to passi_ng vehicles. 08 O1 1921 8 169 23. Reward to be paid Alfred Sounder of Folice Dept. of Phzladelphia for capture of Jim Brown. 08 O1 1921 8 169 24. August repoxt filed from Special 0£ficer, C. L. Philemon. 09 06 1921 8 174 25. Sheriff's 1920 tax settlement received and referred to Auditor. 10 03 1921 8 176 26. Auditor presented 1921 tax books and these given to Sheriff for collection. 10 Q3 1921 8 176 27. Board paid telephone bill of Sheriff Jackson. 10 05 1921 8 177 28. Minutes corrected showing that Sheri£f's settlement had been received. 11 07 1921 8 178 29. Report from Special Officer Philemon for October filecl. 11 07 1921 8 178 30. Bill approved for Chief of Police Cashwell for locating a whiskey still. II 07 1921 8 179 31. Reward offered for Robert Williams who escaped from Stockade and for Belle Malone, escapee from Farm. 11 27 1921 8 180 32. Reward paid Lewis Tindal for arrest of W. .3ohnson, escaped from Stockade. 11 27 1921 8 180 33. Rewards offered for W. Johnson, Joe Williams and John Thomas, escapees from Stockade. 11 3Q 1921 8 181 34. C: L. Philemon elected Special Officer at $125 a month. 12 05 1921 8 182 35, Report from Special Of£icer Philemon received. 12 05 1921 8 183 36. Bills from City for sexvices of Leon George as Deputy Sheriff to be investigated. 12 05 1921 8 183 37. Report from Special Officer Philemon filed. O1 03 1922 8 185 38. Report from Special Officer filed. 02 06 1922 8 187 39, Expense bi11s of Sheriff Jackson approved. 02 06 1922 8 188 40. Chief of Folice Cashwell paid for capture of a whiskey still. 02 06 1922 8 188 4I. Board approved payment to Deputy Sheriff Leon George for special work. Q2 06 1922 8 188 42. Special officer paid to guard John Jones while in hospital. 02 06 1922 8 188 43. Sheriff Jackson's expenses incurred in arrest in Goldsboro approved. 02 24 1922 8 i89 44. Old motorcycle used by rural police to be sold. 04 03 1922 8 193 45. Chief of Police Cashwell to be paid for capture of whiskey stills. 04 10 1922 8 194 INDE? TO COMMISSIOI?ERS MINUTES -- New Hanover County N C T SHERIFF' S DEPARTMENT kj , . . _ MAT ER _ aec. u. s. County lndezee Since 1888 ? io locate names, open at e?r OiFICE ?? An Identifying Trade Mark SURNAME INITIAL TAB COTT A-2 TAB INDEX MWDE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BE RN, NORTH CAROLINA NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS DATE MINUTE BOOK Month Day Year Vol. Page 1. Report from Special Officer filed. 04 10 1922 8 194 2, Bill from Leon George for services as Deputy Sheriff approved. 04 10 1922 8 195 3, Report from Special Officer filed. 05 O1 1922 8 197 4. Bill for expenses of Special Deputy Leon George approved. 05 O1 1922 8 197 5. Bill for expenses of Special Deputy Leon George approved. 06 05 1922 8, 201 6. Report from Special Officer filed. 07 22 1922 8 202 7. Sheriff's request for larger quarters for Welfare Officer referred to Courthouse Committee. 08 07 1922 8 206 8. Bill for expenses of Special Deputy Leon George approved. 08 07 1922 8 207 9. Report from Special Officer for August was received and filed. 09 05 1922 8 209 10. Matter of buying a new motorcycle for Special Officer Philemon to be investigated. 09 05 1922 8 210 11. Report from Special Officer filed. 10 02 1922 8 212 12. Sheriff's 1921 tax settlement to be adopted after he presents affidavit to his efforts to collect 10 02 1922 8 213 insolvents. 13. Tax Books for 1922 qiven Sheriff for collection. 10 02 1922 8 213 14. Report from Special Officer filed. 11 06 1922 8 214 15. Report from Special Officer filed. 12 U4 1922 8 217 16. Award paid to E. L. Law, Police Chief of Goldsboro, for capture of Will White. 12 04 1922 8 217 17. Bills for expenses of Special Deputy Leon George approved, 12 04 1922 8 218 18. C. L. Philemon elected Special Officer at $125 a month. 12 04 1922 8 219 19. Bond of George C. Jackson as Sheriff approved. 12 04 1922 8 219 20. Bonds of Sheriff was increased by Board; bond fixed presented and approved. 12 04 1922 8 220 ZI. Board agreed to assume part of cost for hiring Leon George as Special Officer to break up traffic of liquor.l2 04 1922 8 220 22. Bonds of Sheriff Jackson approved. 12 18 1922 8 221 23. December report from Special Officer filed. O1 02 1923 8 223 24. Expenses of Leon George approved. Ol 16 1923 8 224 25. Sheriff to be notified that Board found several insolvent taxes could have been collected by him instead O1 16 1923 8 224 of the special attorney. 26. Sheriff's bill approved for bringing Vester Yarborough, a juvenile to A?ilmington. 02 05 1923 8 228 27. Bill from Sheriff paid for bringing County Farm escapees back to Wilmington. 02 15 1923 8 228 28. Report from Special Officer filed. 03 12 1923 8 231 29. Expenses of Special Deputy Leon George approved. 03 12 1923 8 232 30. Sheriff's sale of real estate unpaid taxes on same for 1922 was extended to May 1, 1923. 03 15 1923 8 235 31. Bi11s from Sheriff Jackson for bringing men to Wilmington approved. 04 02 1923 8 236 32. Whiskey still recently captured to be destroyed. 04 04 1923 8 237 33. Expenses of Special Deputy Leon George approved. 04 04 1923 8 237 34. Ernest Brown given reward for capture of Eddie Crite, escapee from roads. 04 09 1923 8 239 35. Expenses of Special Deputy Leon George approved. 04 16 1923 8 239 36. Whiskey still found in County ordered destroyed. 05 21 1923 8 243 37. Deputy Sheriff Cronly push for settlement due him for sale of real estate for taxes. 06 04 1923 8 244 38. Report from Special Officer filed. 07 02 1923 8 247 39. Reward offered for capture of G. Roderick, escapee from Stockade. 07 02 1923 8 248 40. Report from Special Officer filed. OS 06 1923 8 256 41. Report from Special Officer filed. 09 04 1923 8 262 42. Report from Special Officer filed. 10 O1 1923 8 265 43. Bill from Ideal Cycle Co. for goggles for Special Officer approved. 10 Ol 1923 8 266 44. Sheriff's 1922 tax settlement given to Auditor for checking and auditor turned over 1923 tax bo oks 10 Ol 1923 8 266 to Sheriff. H N INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES C N C ew anover ount?? - . . , MATTER: SHERIFF' S DEPARTMENT ` nec. u. s. County Indexea Since 1888 TO IOCOtO namez, open G} r?r OFFICE ?p1J71?0? An Identifying Trade Mark ? SURNAME INITIAL TAB COTi A•2 TAB INDEX MADE 6Y THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, ONIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BE RN, NORTN GROLINA NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS ? DATE MINUTE BOOK Month Day Yea? Vol. I Page 1. No action on Sheriff's bill for capturing LeRoy Robertson. 10 08 1923 8 267 2. Whiskey still to be destroyed. 10 08 1923 8 267 3. Special Officer Philemon to furnish a surety bond. 10 22 1923 8 268 4. Report from Special Officer filed. 11 05 1923 8 269 5. Bill from Sheriff Jackson for deputies pay for court services referred to Attorney. 12 02 1923 8 272 6. Report from Special Officer.filed. 12 02 1923 8 272 7. Board refused to pay for auto repairs of Leon George, Special Deputy. 12 03 1923 8 273 8. E. L. Philemon elected Special Officer at $125 a month. 12 03 1923 8 274 9. Money allowed for Sheriff to employ extra deputies for attendance upon Superior Court. 12 17 1923 8 275 10. Supt.?of Stockade E. L. Eakins, to be made a Deputy Sheriff. Ol 07 1924 8 276 11. Report from Special Officer filed. O1 07 1924 8 277 12. Report from Special Officer filed. 02 04 1924 8 281 13. Bond of Special Officer, C. L. Philemon, approved. 02 04 1924 8 281 14. Sheriff Jackson bill approved. 02 08 1924 8 282 15. Pay for capture of Whiskey stills to be decided with each case. 02 08 1924 8 282 16. Report from Special Officer filed. 03 03 1924 8 285 17. Sheriff Jackson's bills approved. 04 07 1924 8 290 18. Money paid Pelton Ellis for capture of Whiskey Still. 04 07 1924 8 290 19. No action on Sheriff's request for removal of stop sign at Delgado Crossing. 04 10 1924 8 291 20. Chairman and Sheriff to confer relative to parking autos at Wrightsville Sound. 04 10 1924 8 291 21. Sheriff Jackson's bill referred to Attorney. 05 05 1924 8 296 22. Matter of buying an auto for Special Deputy Leon George referred to Chairman. 05 05 1924 8 296 23. Report from Special Officer filed. 06 04 1924 8 298 24. Expenses of Special Deputy, Leon George, approved. 06 04 1924 8 298 25. Whiskey stills that have accumulated to be destroyed. 06 30 1924 8 301 26. Report from ?{Special Officer filed. 07 07 1924 8 302 27. Report from Special Officer filed. 08 04 1924 8 304 28. Report to be made on death of Officer Leon George and U. S. Deputy Marshall Lilly. 08 04 1924 8 305 29. Pistol to be purchased for Special Officer, C. L. Philemon. 08 08 1924 8 306 30. Accumulated whiskey stills to be destroyed. 09 02 1924 8 308 31. Sheriff's 1923 tax settlement accepted and 1924 Tax Books turned over to him by the Auditor. 10 06 1924 8 311 32. Report from Special Officer filed. 10 06 1924 8 311 33. Money allowed A. F. Brundell for assistance in capturing a whiskey still. 10 06 1924 8 311 34. Report from Special Officer filed. 11 03 1924 8 312 35. Board ordered 3 whiskey stills to be destroyed. 11 07 1924 8 314 36. Report from Special Officer filed. 12 O1 1924 8 315 37. George C. Jackson qualified as Sheriff. 12 Ol 1924 8 316 38. C. L. Philemon elected Special Officer at $125 a month. 12 O1 1924 8 316 39. Sheriff Jackson's bonds approved. 12 O1 1924 8 317 40. Report from Special Officer filed. O1 05 1925 8 321 41. Sheriff to be paid for capture of whiskey stills. O1 OS 1925 8 321 42. Sheriff's bond for collecting State taxes cancelled, since he does not collect for the State. Ol 20 1925 8 324 43. Report from Special Officer filed. 02 02 1925 8 328 44. Harley-Davidson motorcycle to be bought for Special Officer. 02 02 1925 8 328 45. Report from Special Officer filed. 03 02 1925 8 331 46. Board refused to pay repairs on auto of late Special Deputy L. George. 03 02 1925 8 331 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES -- New Hanover Count N C SHERIFF' S DEPARTMENT \,? ?, . . , MATTER• ` ?cc. u. s. County Indezea Since 1888 To lotate namBS? open at ??r OFFICE ?pJ?? An Identifying Trade Mark ? SURNAME INITlAL 7AB COTT A-Z TAB INDEX MIADE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BER N, HORT H CAROLINA NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS DATE MINUTEBOOK Month Day Year Vol. Page 1. Mr. Dosher disapproves have convicts help in bringing in captured whiskey stills. 03 30 1925 8 334 2. Money allowed Sheriff for capture of whiskey still. 03 30 1925 8 334 3. Report from Special Officer filed. 04 06 1925 8 334 4. Deputy Sheriff I. M. Green paid for capture of Burns Harriss. 04 06 1925 8 335 5. Khaki uniform bought for Special Officer, C. L.Philemon. 05 04 1925 8 337 6. Report from Special Officer filed. 05 04 1925 8 337 7. Sheriff paid for capture of whiskey stills. 05 04 1925 8 337 8. Premuim paid on bond of C. H. Bonham, Deputy Sheriff. 05 11 1925 8 338 9. Report from Special Officer filed. 06 O1 1925 8 341 10. Uniform to be bought from C. F. Williams Co., Inc. for Special Officer C. L. Philemon. 06 O1 1925 8 341 11. Sheriff Jackson's bills paid for taking Sam Cooper to State Penitentiary. 06 25 1925 8 343 12. Report from Special Officer filed. 07 07 1925 8 344 13. Chairman and Sheriff to act on matter of special term of Court. 08 24 1925 8 350 14. Sheriff, deputies and City officers thanked for speedy capture and trial of Thomas Robinson. 09 04 1925 8 351 15. Report from Special Officer filed. 09 08 1925 8 351 16. Board paid for capture of whiskey stills. 09 08 1925 8 351 17. Sheriff's expenses paid for taking Paul Nelson and Freda Risbon to State prison and Morris Tindal 09 08 1925 8 351 and Tom Robinson from prison. 18. Release of captured still to Spiritine Chemical Co. referred to Attorney. 09 29 1925 8 353 19. Report from Special Officer filed. 10 05 1925 8 353 20. Money paid State Prison for keeping Morris Tindal and Tom Robinson. 10 05 1925 8 354 21. Sheriffs' 1924 tax settlement approved and 1925 tax books given him by auditor. 10 05 1925 8 354 22. Overcoat to be bought for Special Officer C. L. Philemon. 10 20 1925 8 355 23. Sheriff paid for capture of liquor stills. 11 09 1925 8 358 24. Safe for Sheriff's office in Courthouse Annex referred to Chairman. 11 28 1925 8 358 25. Sheriff's 1925 tax settlement will not be accepted until he tries all legal means to collect back taxes. 12 O1 1925 8 359 26. C. L. Philemon elected Special Officer at $125 a month. 12 07 1925 8 361 27. Report from Special Officer filed. O1 04 1926 8 365 28. List of whiskey stills captured. Ol 18 1926 8 367 29. Sheriff's bill for taking Jack Ramsey and Julius Pridgen to State Prison approved. O1 28 1926 8 367 30. Report from Special Officer filed. 02 Ol 1926 8 370 31. Office across from Sheriff's general offices to be used by Sheriff and Recorder as a private offi ce. 02 O1 1926 8 371 32. Sheriff paid for capture of whiskey stills. 02 12 1926 8 373 33. Report from Special Officer filed. 03 O1 1926 8 375 34. Sheriff to be paid for bringing J. C. Kelly from St. Paul, S. C. 03 O1 1926 8 377 35. Sheriff given extension on settlement for 1925 taxes and interest on back taxes now 200. 03 24 1926 8 378 36. Sheriff to serve personal notice to delinquent taxpayers and mail notice if party can't be found. 03 24 1926 8 378 37. Report from Special Officer filed. 04 05 1926 8 379 38. Uniform to be purchased for Special Officer. 04 05 1926 8 380 39. Report from Special Officer filed. 04 03 1926 8 384 40. List of charges Sheriff may make for sale of property for nonpayment of taxes. 05 21 1926 8 385 41. Report from Special Officer filed. 06 06 1926 8 386 42. Request for reward money for slayers of Leon George and Deputy Marshall Lilly. 07 06 1926 8 388 43. Report from Special Officer filed. 07 06 1926 8 389 44. Sheriff's bills paid for taking Herman Jenkin to State Hospital and Frank Smith to Jackson Training School. 07 06 1926 8 389 45. Partition in Sheriff's office to make a private office referred to Courthouse Committee. 07 12 1926 8 390 NE MINUTES N H C N S C anover ount?? ew ? I? RS -- INDEA TO COMMIS ? , MATT RT SHERIF F'S DEPARTMENT` nEC. u. s. Counry Indexea Since 1888 ? To locafe names, open at reT orncE ?l?1? An (dentifying Trede Met? SURNAME INIiIAt TAB ?OTT A•1 TAB INpEX ?NRDE BY THE COTT INDEX (OMPAMI, ?OtUMBUS, OHIO SOLD BY OWEX G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORiN (AROLINA DAfE MINUTE BOOK NATURE OF PRO(EEDINGS Month I Day I Year Yol. I Page 1. Reward not paid A. A. Nelms et al for capture of murders of Leon George ?, Samuel Lilly. 07 26 1926 8 392 2. Sheriff's bill paid for taking prisoners to State prison. 08 02 1926 8 394 3. Report from Special Officer filed. 09 07 1926 8 396 4. Sheriff's 1925 tax settlement presented and Auditor turned over 1926 tax books to Sheriff. 09 29 1926 8 399 5. Money paid men for capture of whiskey stills in Middle Sound Section. 10 04 1926 8 400 6. Special Officer Report filed. 11 O1 1926 8 402 7. Money paid men for capture of Whiskey still along Fort Fisher Highway. 11 O1 1926 8 402 8. Purchase of Special Officer uniform authorized. 11 26 1926 8 409 9. Deputy Frank &a?2ay compensated for loss of auto during effort to apprend refuges. 11 26 1926 8 409 10. Special officer report filed. I2 06 1926 8 411 11. Sheriff bill submitted for approval. 12 06 1926 8 4I1 12. Estimates received on construction of Sheriff's office. 12 10 1926 8 413 13. Two bids received for Sheriff's private office, and Roderick F? Land accepted. 12 16 1926 8 415 14. Sheriff George Jackson's bill of $831,'ggfor hospitalization of W. B. Bethea of Morganton, NC appr?ved 12 21 1926 8 416 by Board, 15. Special Officer report filed. O1 07 1927 8 418 16. Deputy Fxank Bailey approved for payment for capture of still. 02 O1 1927 8 423 17. Special Officer report filed. 02 07 1927 8 424 18.. Whiskey still destroyed, 02 07 1927 8 424 19. Special Officers report filed. 03 07 1927 8 428 20. Sheriff bill approved for arrest of Lewis Cumming. 03 29 1927 8 433 21. Special Officer report filed. 04 04 1927 8 433 22. Sheriff bill to expense travel of prisoner referred to Attorney. 04 19 1927 8 436 23. Special Officer report filed. 05 07 1927 8 439 24. Sheriff's statement accepted for April 29. 05 07 1927 8 439 25. Sheriff bill for real estate ads referred to Attorney. 05 07 1927 8 439 26. Special officer's report filed. 06 06 1927 8 455 27. 5heriff's request for tax extension allowed. 06 06 1927 8 455 28. Sheriff bi11 approved to expense prisoner to Monroe. 06 06 1927 8 455 29. Special Officer report filed. 07 26 1927 8 455 30. Sheriff Jackson granted $20 for capturing still. , 08 Ol 1927 8 455 31. Damaged still turned over to M. L. Hanson. 08 16 1927 8 457 32. Bill approved for Mt. Olive police. 08 19 1927 8 459 33. Special officer report filed. 09 06 1927 8 461 34. Special Officer report filed. 09 27 1927 8 465 35. Special Officer report filed. 11 07 1927 8 469 36. Special Officer report filed. 12 06 1927 8 475 37. Packard truck authorized for purchase. 12 13 1927 8 477 38. Special Officer's report filed. 12 29 1927 8 480 39. Special officer report filed. 02 06 1928 8 487 40. Special Officer report filed. 03 05 1928 8 491 41. Special Officer report filed. 04 02 1928 8 502 42. Special Officer report filed, 05 07 1928 8 508 43. Sheriff paid for guarding prisoners. 05 22 1928 8 511 44. Special Officer report filed. 06 04 1928 8 512 45. Special Officer report filed. 07 02 1928 8 518 INDEX TO COMMISSIOI?ERS MINUTES N H C N ? -- ew anover ounty? . U. , MATT RT SHERIFF' S DEPARTMENT ` x nEC. u. :. County Indexea Since 1888 'fo lotate n4mB3, open pf COTT A-Z TAB INDEX e?r OFFICE L,?i?l??- An Idontifyina Trade Mark SURNAME INITIAL TAB ?IADE BY iHE COTi INDEX COMPANY, COLftMeUS, OHIO SOLD BY OWE N G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORT H (AROLINA NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS DATE MINUTE BOOK Month Day Year Vol. Page l. Sheriff paid for services. 07 11 1928 8 520 2. Special officer F. Porter Davis reinstated to job after shooting prisoner. 07 26 1928 8 524 3. Special officer report filed. 08 06 1928 8 525 4. Wilson County to examine statement of Sheriff's settlement. OS 06 1928 8 526 5. Sheriff bill approved to expense J. S. Parker to hospital. 08 21 1928 8 528 6. Special Officer Davis services continued, bond renewed, and expenses transferred from emergency fund. 08 28 1928 8 530 7. Special Officer's report filed. 09 04 1928 8 530 8. Special Officer authorized to get gasoline for motorcycle. 09 18 1928 8 532 9. Sheriff sales certificate of real estate proposal for purchase referred to next meeting. 09 18 1928 8 532 10. Sheriff to place sign in office. 09 25 1928 8 532 11. Special Officer Davis services continued, expenses transferred from emergency fund. 09 25 1928 8 534 12. Sheriff bond sufficient for tax collection. 10 Ol 1928 8 535 13. Special Officer Davis' services continued and clothing ordered. 10 30 1928 8 539 14. Special officer's report filed. 11 05 1928 8 540 15. Special Officers Davis and Philemon given half holiday until March 1, 1929. 11 13 1928 8 542 16. Sheriff bond fixed for tax collection. 11 27 1928 8 546 ? 17. Sheriff Jackson's bond for tax collection submitted accepted. 12 03 1928 8 546 18. Constable George Smith and R. C. Rogers of Cape Fear Township not present for oath of office or 12 03 1928 8 546 furnish bond hence, offices remain vacant. 19. Sheriff payment for Raleigh trip approved. 12 03 1928 8 547 20. Special Officer report filed. 12 03 1928 8 547 21. Peter Auston approved for payment of reward for information on Oscar Lane, stockade escapee. 12 11 1928 8 549 22. Special Of?icer F. Porter Davis' services continued and expenses transferred from emergency fund to 12 24 1928 8 550 meet expenses. 23. Special Officer's report filed. O1 07 1929 8 552 24. Board advised representatives on placing constable of Wilmington township on salary or fee basis. 02 19 1929 8 552 25. Reward approved for capture of livestock thieves. 02 26 1929 8 561 26. Special Officer report filed. 03 04 1929 8 562 27. Special officer report filed for March. 04 02 1929 8 567 28. Uniforms approved for Special Officer. 04 16 1929 8 570 29. Special Officer's report filed for April. O5 06 1929 8 573 30. Special Officer report filed for May. 06 03 1929 8 577 31. Archie Marine requested appointment as Wilmington Township constable, but taken under advisement. 06 03 1929 8 577 32. Officers seized gasoline stove, arrested J. D. Harper F? D. E. Mason, and turned stove over to Smith 06 25 1929 8 580 / l Furniture Co. for chattel mortgage. 33. Motorcycle for Rural police directed for purchase. 07 30 1929 8 587 34. Sheriff granted extension to submit 1928 insolvent. 08 05 1929 8 588 35. Duplicate warrants issued to Willie Moore, lost June 17. 08 05 1929 8 588 36. Sheriff made further report on I928 tax collection, time extended and tax list reviewed. 09 03 1929 8 594 37. Special Officer report filed. 09 03 1929 8 594 38. Rura1 Officer F. Porter Davis' motorcycle sold, and new one authorized. 10 Ol 1929 8 598 39. Payment to Carl Cook for capture of Herberry Knox authorized, subject to County Attorney's approval. 10 Ol 1929 8 598 40. Special Officer report filed. 10 07 1929 8 598 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUT?S -- New Hanover Count?y, N. C. _ MATTERT SHERIFF'S DEPARTMEN7 aec. v. s. County Indezee Since 1888 ? ?"?' To loeate names, open af COTT A•2 TAB INDEX PAT OFFICE ??? An ldentiEying Trade Mark V? SURNAME INITIAI. TAB MIADE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD BY OWEN 6. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA DATE NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS Month ? Day Year 1. Sheriff authorized extra desk. 2. Special Officer report filed. 3. Special Officer report filed. 4. Special Officer report filed. 5. Special Officer report filed. 6. Sheriff expenses allowed for auto transport of prisoners. 7. Sheriff Jackson paid $41 to expense John Schavanous' trip from training school at Concord, Nov. 2, 1929 8. Special Officer's report filed. 9. R. S.Baddour's screendoor damaged by Special Officers' motorcycle, and repairs authorized. 10. Two uniforms from Julian K. Taylor authorized for Special Officers. 11. Two automobile tires found, sold by special officer. I2. Special officers report filed. 13. W.R. Vann requested adjustments on storage charges for pork stolen and stored by Sheriff but was referred to Chairman. 14. Special Officers report filed. 15. Palmistry practitioners required to apply for license from Sheriff. 16. Sheriff allowed time extension for coilection of insolvents. 17. Sheriff John R. Morris' bond fixed for tax collection. 18. Question of amount of fees, retiring and income for refund referred to Attorney. 19. Incoming Sheriff process and tax-collection bond fixed at $2,500 each. 20. Sheriff Jackson's bond fixed at $7,500. 21. Sheriff John Morriss' qualifications (bond already submitted) submitted, accepted. 22. Special Officer Morriss request use of special officer for road patrol work, but declined by board. 23. Special Officer Morriss allowed $100 petty cash for County business only. 24. Special officer authorized to help Sheriff curb night crimes, and gasoline for motorcycle given. 25. $1.50 allowed for Sheriff's car, used as taxi for taking prisoners and insane to state institution. 26. Special Officer to continue night patrol with Sheriff. 27. Special Officer report filed. 28, Sheriff instructed that county refused to expense transportation of Charles Darden unless authorized by Board. 29. $60 payment to Sheriff approved for whisk? still capture. 30, Bill to Sheriff Morriss for summoning jurors and transportation of insane and prisoners approved, but payment of $7.20 declined due to extra help. 31. Bills to Sheriff Morriss for capture of still and operators approved, and bill of $41.15 to expense Fletcher Pyle and Mrs. Eula Sainta Maria to state hospital also approved. Board to employ extra man to help Sheriff. 32, Sheriff bi11 of $8 for juvenile arrests approved, but jail fees for W. C. Peters not allowed. 33. Fees and an assistant allowed for Sheriff transportation of prisoners and insane; affidavit and Clerk of Superior Court approval required. 34. Bill approved to Sheriff for capture of still and transportation of prisoners, but mileage not allowed. 35. Amount allowed to Sheriff for feeding prisoners confirmed by board. 36. Sheriff bill for transporting prisoners and insane approved for payment. 37. Expenses for transporting prisoners and insane discussed and Sheriff expensed two times for insane prisoner transportation and once for officer trip. 38. Communication on payment of fees for Sheriff and Clerk of Superior Court received and action deferred pending receipt of Legislature Act. ` ? MINUiE BOOK Vol. Page 10 15 1929 9 2 10 29 1929 9 5 12 02 1929 9 11 Ol 06 1930 9 16 02 03 1930 9 20 02 11 1930 9 23 02 18 193Q 9 24 03 03 1930 9 27 03 11 1930 9 30 03 18 1930 9 30 03 18 1930 9 30 04 07 1930 9 37 05 13 1930 9 42 06 02 1930 9 44 06 17 1930 9 46 09 02 1930 9 57 11 18 1930 9 75 11 18 1930 9 75 11 30 1930 9 76 11 30 1930 9 76 12 O1 1930 9 77 12 O1 1930 9 79 12 09 1930 9 79 12 16 1930 9 82 12 23 1930 9 8? 12 30 1930 9 84 O1 05 1931 9 85 O1 13 1931 9 86 O1 13 1931 9 86 02 17 1931 9 92 02 24 1931 9 93 03 09 1931 9 96 03 16 1931 9 98 03 22 1931 9 99 04 13 1931 9 102 04 20 193I 9 I03 04 20 1931 9 103 05 04 1931 9 105 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover County, N. C. , MATT RT SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT ` ncc. u. e. County Indexea Since 188$ ? To lotate namBf? open af COTi A•Z TAB INDEX r?r oFFICE C.?i?? An ldentiEYinB Trade Mark SURNAME INITIAL TAB MADE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS. OHIO SOLD BY OWEN 6. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS DATE MINUTE BOOK Month Day I Year Vol. I Page ? 1. Statement on Sheriff and Clerk of Superior Court annual fees of salary listed. 2. Order passed in April 9 meeting, reducing Sheriff's allowance for feeding jail prisoners, amended by changing time for 60? allowance to read, "For period from April lf?, 1931 to Oct. 1, 1931. 3. Two shirts to be purchased for rural police. 4. John A. Stevens requested monthly payment of $833.33 for 1930 tax collection, appearing before board on behalf of Sheriff Ja??son. Board voted to pay Sheriff the money. 5. Recommendation of County Auditor adopted, and auditor authorized to check Sheriff settlement by sales book and not have sneriff make up similar book. 6. Communication from auaitor reee3vec? on money reauested by Sherzff for tax collection under S. B. Bill 224. ? 7. Contract prepared by County Attorney and approved by Board, signed by Chairman, and Sheriff concerning confinement of prisoners in County Jail. 8. Payment of $237.50 to Sheriff Jackson for fees and transportation of insane. 9. Sheriff referred to County Attorney regarding commission on 15¢ school levy by State. 10. Dr. Russell Bellamy urged $15,000 appropriation for employment of two detectives to work under foreman of grand jury. 11. Bill of $22,20 approved as payment for conveying Thomas Fredericks from Southport to Wilmington. 12. Sheriff Morse announced collection of $670,237.80 in taxes for 1930 and $107,000 on real estate sold, and $8,155 insolvents; and granted extension to September,28. 13. New motorcycle authorized for Special Officer. 14. Special officer F. Porter Davis, suspended in line of duty for fatal shooting of Lupo Roberts. 15. Several Sheriff bills approved for payment to expense State Hospital trips,prisoner returns, and jurors meal. 16. Sheriff Morris absent and allowance for feeding prisoners deferred for next meeting. 17. S. G. Long, Superintendent of County home and farm, appointed special officer by law. 18. Sheriff's settlement of 1930 taxes and affidavits presented, accepted, subjected to auditor check. 19. Sheriff John Morriss presented bond covering collection settlement and collection of tax, in penalty of $75,000 with Union Idemity Company as surety; and bond was approved by Board. 20. Sheriff John Morris allowed $400 for petty cash account. 21. Sheriff Morris selected to aid Sheriff in taking prisoners to state prison. 22. Sheriff's allowance for feeding prisoners reduced from 60? to 50¢ per prisoner. 23. Bond of S. G. Long as Special Officer and rural police presented, approved. 24. Special Officer F. Porter Davis, who was found not guilty in trial with 3 sheriffs for shooting death of Lugo Roberts, given full salary for time loss during suspension. 25. Sheriff instructed to accept check from Nitrate Agencies Co. for 1931 taxes, since illness of their president, who could not sign the check. 26. Deputy C. R. Morse reported collection of $114,797.89 in 1931 taxes to December 1, 1931. 27. Sheriff's sales cost of $1.55 charged against lots 59 ? 81, Montgomery Place for 1931 owned by James E. Hall, was remitted because sheriff e?roneously failed to include lots in tax statement to Hall. 38. Two bills, one to Sheriff and to Sheriff Morris for approved for carrying Martha Campbell and Georgia Hall, insane, to state hospital; also, $156.04 bill to Sheriff approved for transport of prisoners. 39. Sheriff instructed to collect taxes due by Building and Loan Association. 40. $400 bill for Auto Parts and Accessory Co, for unlocking handcuffs on prisoners at hospital and opening safes, etc. approved for payment. 41. Deputy C. R. Morse reported 1931 tax collection of $284,913.34. 42. 1932 City Directory approved for Sheriff's office at $15. 05 04 1931 9 106 05 04 1931 9 107 06 O1 1931 9 111 06 08 1931 9 112 06 OS 1931 9 112 06 08 1931 9 112 06. 15 1931 9 113 06 22 1931 9 114 07 20 1931 9 119 08 ?3 1931 9 120 08 10 1931 9 122 08 31 1931 9 124 09 21 1931 9 128 09 21 1931 9 128 09 28 1931 9 129 09 28 1931 9 129 09 28 1931 9 129 09 28 1931 9 130 10 )5 1931 9 131 10 05 1931 9 131 10 05 1931 9 133 10 05 1931 9 133 10 19 1931 9 134 10 19 1931 9 135 11 09 1931 9 137 12 07 1931 9 141 12 14 1931 9 143 12 14 1931 9 143 12 14 1931 9 143 O1 11 1932 9 148 02 O1 1932 9 150 02 15 1932 9 152 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES -- New Hanover Count?y, N. C. _ MATT RT SHERIFF' S DEPARTMENT ` ' ecc. a. s. ?? ?? County Indezea Since 1888 Yo loeot0 name5, open ot COTi A•2 TAB INDEX v?r OFi1CE C-C?.ta/?7?0-? An Identiiyina Trede Msrk SURNAME INIiIAL TAB MADE BY THE fOTi INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS. OHIO SOLD BY ONfEN C. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS DATE MlNUTf BOOK Month Day I Year Vol. I Page l. Deputy C. R. Morse reported collection of taxes up to March 1. 03 08 1932 9 156 2. Cost of feeding prisoners discussed, Sheriff detained in court, and action deferred. 03 08 1932 9 156 3. Bill of $103.23 to Sheriff approved for payment of jurors meals, and transportation of prisoners and insan e.03 21 1932 9 158 4. Sheriff authorized to refund 1931 poll tax collected for garnishment to Joseph Bush, under 21, Harnett. 03 28 1932 9 158 5. C. R. Morse, Chief Deputy, reported I931 taxes collected to April 30. 05 OZ 1932 9 163 6, Sheriff reported collections for May totaling $415,253.15 collected to day for 1931. 06 06 1932 9 166 7. Sheriff reported collection of $18,991.94 for 1931 taxes for June. 07 05 1932 9 169 $. Sheriff's allowance of 40 cents per day per prisoner to be reduced to 35 Cents for August 1. 07 25 1932 9 173 9. Sheriff reported co??ectaon of $18,313.13 for 1932 taxes for July and $452,558.22 for July 31, 1932. 08 O1 1932 9 173 10. Sheriff Morris objected Board reducing his salary, but Board took no action to rescind their order. 08 O1 1932 9 174 11. Sheriff statement of 1931 tax collection received, referred to auditor for check, and more time given Q9 06 1932 9 180 Sheriff for I932 collection of personal taxes. 12. Sheriff's statement of 1931 tax collection received and referred to auditor and more time granted to 10 03 1932 9 183 collect insolvents. 13. Communication on checking Sheriff bill and jail fees received from auditor. 10 10 1932 9 184 14. Payment of $68.63 to Sheriff Morriss, as directed by order of Judge W. A. Devin, for transporting John D. 10 31 1932 9 188 Fields and Annie McKoy to Ashland, Va. referred to County Attorney. 15. Judge Devin requested County Attorney appear before him regarding claim of Sheriff ?Iorriss for $68.83 11 07 1932 9 189 for transporting prisoners to Ashland and order of Oct. 26 stricken from records because of prisoners charged with felony, state will pay Sheriff. 16. Sheriff bill of $68.83 for bringing prisoners from Asheland, Va. to Wilmington was approved for payment. 11 21 1932 9 191 17. Bill from W. F. Carpenter, magistrate, for fees and Sheriff Bill for transporting F. W. Taylor to State 11 28 1932 9 192 hospital approved, subject approval of County Attorney. (see Magistrate) 18. Qualifications of C. David Jones, Sheriff, submitted with three bonds: $2,500 for process bond $2,500 12 05 1932 9 193 for taxes and $1,000 for State-taxes; accepted by Board. 19. Ex-Sheriff John Morriss and tax collector reported collection of $23,981.88 for Nov. and $79,812.53 12 05 1932 9 193 total to date for 1932. 20• Sheriff Morriss, retired, as tax collector, instructed to return $100 of $400 petty cash acct., and David 12 05 1932 9 194 Jones, new Sheriff allowed it. 21. Ex-Sheriff Morriss and Tax Collector instructed to accept part payment by taxpayers for 1932. 12 05 1932 9 194 22. Sheriff Deputy C.R. Morse reported $74,609.80 in 1932 tax collections during December and total of $154, O1 03 1933 9 197 421 to Dec. 31. 23. Union Idemity Surety bonds on Sheriff, ex-sheriff and Tax collector are in hands of receiver, for take 02 09 1933 9 198 over, rewrite, etc. 24. Sheriff bills approved for payment, subject to approval of County Attorney. O1 23 ?g?3 Q Znn 25. Deputy C. R. Morse reported total of $251,570.13 in tax collection up to Dec. 31, 1933 and $97,148.00 for 02 06 1933 9 204 1932. 26. $264.10 payment approved for ex-sheriff and tax collector for jury and witness tickets, but future cash 02 13 1933 9 205 for jury and witness tickets not advised. 27. $143.70 bill to ex-sheriff ?torris for fees from Recorder's Court referred to County Attorney. 02 20 1933 9 207 28. Deputy C. R. Morse announced collection of $26,699.17 taxes for 1932 during Feb. ?, 278.269.30 to Mar. l. 03 06 1y33 9 208 29. Deputy Morse reported collection of $10,707.49 in 1932 taxes for ?Iarch and $288,976.79 total to March 31. 04 03 1933 9 212 30. Sheriff requested appoint and fix salary of assistant jailer at $1,000 yearly and continue 04 03 1933 9 213 employment of cook at $8 per week, but instructed to continue same operation until study of salary bill. Also Register of Deeds considered for salary of two clerks. 31. $45.70 payment to Sheri£f JOnes approved as half-fees Recorder's Court for Dec.-March, upon approval of 05 22 1933 9 222 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover Count? N C SHERIFF' S DEPARTMENT y? . . , MATTER: ncc. u. s. r?r OfFICE County Indexea Since 1888 ?? An ldentifying Trade Mark ? Yo locate names, open at SURNAME INIitAC TAB COTT A-Z TAB INDEX ?DE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS DATE Month Day Yenr MINUiE BOOK Vol. Page County Attorney. 1. Sheriff and two deputies authorized for not over $25 each to expense gasoline and oil for cars. 2. Qu?stion raised by Sheriff on schedule-B license, slot machines operations and machines destroyed as gambling devices, But board left it to Sheriff to determine. 3. Capt. Russell Bellamy requested elimination N. 3rd St. noise, but referred to Sheriff for action. 4. Sheriff Morriss requested refund of 10% salary reduction retained on 1932 tax collection, since under $10,000 limit; referred to Chairman and County Attorney. 5. Settlement of amount due ex-sheriff Morriss for 1932 taxes referred to County Attorney for conference with him. 6. $8 payment to McNlillan and Cameron approved for repairs to state highway truck damaged by prisoners at Seabreeze while used by Sheriff on duty. 7. E. S. Bland offered to install fingerprint bureau as experiment without cost to County, under Sheriff supervision, but referred to County Attorney. 8. C.R. Morse authoxized to hire extra man at salary not to exceed $125 per month at City-County Tax Dept. 9. E. S. Bland requested, denied fingerprinting Bureau in Sheriff's Office. 10. Sheriff's process and tax collection bonds approved. 11. Weapons approved for Sheriff and law enforcement officers. 12. Typewriter authorized for Sheriff's office. 13. 1934 City directory authorized Sheriff and Auditor. 14. Lewis Angel and E. P. Dudley, Jr. appointed Special officers at beaches and salaries fixed, as recommended by committee. 14. Bill of Dep. Sheriff of Chatham County approved for payment. 15. Sheriff authorized to provide meals and lodging for State patrol a 16. J. S. Howard, Faison Police Chief, paid for capture of County farm escapee, Lee Brown. 17, Parking space reserved for Sheriff and deputies at Princess St. office. 18. Payment to Joe S. Phipps, Guilford Co. Sheriff, approved for return of Tyler M. Jordan, escapee. 19. New motorcycle approved for rural police. 20. Sheriff requested and granted employment of J. A. Sallinger as extra office help. 21. No action taken on purchase of bloodhounds for robbers. 22. Sheriff authorized handcuffs. 23. Sheriff recommended and Louis Angel paid for 5 days duty. 24. Extra deputy hired. 25. Special officer paid for services. 26. Sheriff presented bonds and qualifications. 27. Sheriff presented bond and qualifications fixed. ?. 28. Sheriff paid to bring George King to trial. 29. Communication received from E. S. Bland on Federal ID Bureau. 30. Applications received for supervisor of fingerprint division. 31. Meeting held on establishing ID Bureau. 32. Mayor selected Harry Fales for appointment of ID expert, but no action taken. 33. Payment to S. B. Dorsey of Raleigh approved for fingerprinting. 34. Half-compensation to Officers approved for beach services. 35. ID officer examination taken by ES Bland, HE Fales, ER Medd, D. Witherspoon. 36. H. E. Fales appointed ID Bureau head for 2 year term, and fixing of salary referred to Chairman. 37. Two Wrightsville Beach and 3 Carolina Beach officers authorized half-cost on premium bonds. 38. Fingerprint Expert allowed monthly auto allowance, and expense transferred from emergency fund. 06 12 1933 9 226 06 26 1933 9 228 08 21 1933 9 240 09 11 1933 9 249 09 25 1933 9 250 09 25 1933 9 250 10 ?9 1933 9 253 10 16 1933 9 254 10 06 1933 9 255 O1 22 1934 9 267 02 26 1934 9 274 03 26 1934 9 278 04 02 1934 9 279 06 25 1934 9 289 06 25 1934 9 289 07 02 1934 9 290 07 16 1934 9 292 07 16 1934 9 292 07 30 1934 9 294 07 30 1934 9 294 08 06 1934 9 295 08 06 1934 9 296 09 04 1934 9 301 09 10 1934 9 301 09 17 1934 9 302 09 24 1934 9 303 11 19 1934 9 311 12 03 1934 9 312 O1 14 1935 9 317 02 25 1935 9 326 03 25 1935 9 331 05 O1 1935 9 337 05 O1 1935 9 337 06 03 1935 9 344 06 03 1935 9 344 06 24 1935 9 347 06 24 1935 9 347 07 O1 1935 9 353 09 30 1935 9 383 ? INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES -- New Hanover Count N C T SHERIFF'S E DEPARTMENT ?; ?, . . , MA T ER ` aes. u. s. Connty Indezea Sinee 1888 ?? ?-?' YO IOGOt9 names, open a} v?r OFFICE ?p?'11?6-?1?'.s An Identifying Trade Mark ?.? SURNAME INITIAL TAB COTT A-2 TAB INDEX MADE iY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BER N, NORTH CAROLINA NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS DATE MINUTE BOOK Month I Day I Year Vol. ? Page l. George W. Croom and J. M. Adams, Jr., charged with drunkeness and disorder in Reocorders Court, and 12 02 1935 9 353 fingerprinted; Board ordered photo of fingerprints cancelled. 2. Motion offered, not seconded on buying Fingerprint powder. O1 06 1936 9 400 3. ID Bureau committee adopted recommendation to photograph felony-charged persons. Ol 13 1936 9 400 4. Recommendation (above)adopted. O1 13 1936 9 400 5. No action taken on endorsing radio equipment for law enforcement. 02 03 1936 9 406 6. Sheriff authorized at county expense, to return Ralph Lee to Indiar?polis for indictment. 02 17 1936 9 408 7. Sheriff bond received, given to Sheriff. 03 16 1936 9 414 S, Pete Glisson, rec?uested, declined return of fingerprints. 03 23 1936 9 415 9. ID Bureau transportion expenses approved for payment. 06 09 1936 9 436 10. Sheriff given 2 extra deputies. 06 22 1936 9 437 11. Half-cost authorized for ID Bureau's kit. 07 13 1936 9 441 12. Petition presented, consideration taken on salary of officer G. E. Morgan. 08 31 1936 9 450 13. Sheriff Jones presented bond. 12 07 1936 9 467 14. Payment allowed for Special Officer uniform. , 12 07 1936 9 468 15. ID Bureau Manager requested, authorized for FBI Academy, Washington, DC. 04 16 1937 9 494 16. Payment authorized Deputies for services at Beaches. 05 24 1937 9 501 17. Special Deputy requested, granted, assigned at Seabreeze. 06 28 1937 9 511 18. Motion to place ID Bureau under Mayor-County died, but approved for Sheriff-Police. OS 04 1937 9 528 19. H. E. Fales named head of ID Bureau, and salary fixed. 08 04 1937 9 528 20. Transmitter for Sheriff taken under advisement. 08 16 1937 9 532 21. Radio for Sheriff taken under consideration. 10 11 1937 9 544 22. Sheriff to work with policy on stolen shrubbery around lake and driveway. 12 06 1936 9 558 23. Payment authorized for claim of clothing turned over to Sheriff by pxison officials. 12 13 1938 9 559 24. Radio for Sheriff taken under consideration. 12 1? 1938 9 559 25. Sheriff-police to round-up killer dogs. Ol 03 1938 9 561 26. Sheriff authorized to ma??-off parking spaces for cars. 04 04 1938 9 576 27. Deputy to police Kure Beach referred to Sheriff. 05 02 1938 9 580 28. Sheriff office authorized water cooler. 05 02 1938 9 580 29. Sheriff duties requested, continued at beaches. 08 29 1938 10 1 30. ID Bureau report filed for August. 08 12 1938 10 9 31. Servicesof Special deputies continued at Kure, Ft. Fisher, and Wilmington beach. 09 19 1938 10 10 32. Sheriff authorized special deputies for Legion Field Fair Week. 09 19 1938 10 10 33. Radio requested for Sheriff cars. 09 19 1938 10 10 34. R. B. King, Special Deputy, authorized payment for services. 10 03 1938 10 14 35. ID Bureau report filed. 10 10 1938 10 16 36. ID Bureau report filed for October. 11 07 1938 10 22 37. Sheriff presented bond. 12 05 1938 10 27 38. Sheriff bond fixed. 12 05 1938 10 27 39. Sheriff deputies bonds presented, given to Sheriff. 12 05 1938 10 27 40. ID Bureau report filed for November. 12 05 1938 10 27 41. ID Bureau report filed for December. O1 16 1939 10 33 42. ID Bureau report filed for January. 02 13 1939 10 40 43. Sheriff requested, referred on parking space. 03 13 1939 10 44 44. Sheriff agreed to meet on securing police radio. 03 13 1939 10 44 45. ID Bureau report filed for February. 03 20 1939 10 46 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover Count?y N C MATT RT SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT ? . . , ` aec. u. s. Counry Indexea Since 1888 ? 10 locate names, open at !AT OFi1GE ?? An Identifying Trade Maxk SURNAME INITIAL TAB COTT A-2 TAB INDEX MADE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD BY OWEN 6. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA DATE MINUTE BOOK NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS Month ? Day Year Vol. Page l. Sheriff granted appropriations to invite police association to County. 04 24 1939 10 52 2. Sheriff status discussed, referred on Workmen insurance benefits. 05 O1 1939 10 54 3. Mimeograph copies of road houses, camps authorized for distribution through Sh eriff office. 05 08 1939 10 55 4. Sheriff deputies to be insured under Workmen's Compensation. 05 08 1939 10 55 5. ID Bureau report received for May. 05 08 1939 10 56 6. Police protection petitioned at Carolina Beach, received for consideration. 05 22 1939 10 57 7. Sheriff deputies authorized auto expenses to beaches. 05 29 1939 10 60 8. ID Bureau report filed for May. 06 05 1939 10 61 9. ID Bureau requested, granted finger-printing project. 06 19 1939 1D b3 10. No action taken to fund NC Association of Identification. 06 19 1939 10 63 11. R. B. King authorized pay for Special Sheriff duties. 06 19 1939 10 63 12. ID Bureau report filed for June. 07 10 1939 10 66 13. Ruling received of Sheriff exemption from compensation. 07 17 1939 10 67 14. H. E. Fales re-appointed head of ID Bureau. 08 02 1939 10 71 15. ID Bureau given appropriations. 08 02 1939 10 71 16. ID Bureau report filed for July. 08 07 1939 10 72 17. Sheriff duties continued at beaches. 08 28 1939 10 78 18. Payment authorized for Beach Officers Association for expenses. 08 28 1939 10 78 19. ID Bureau report filed for August. 09 11 1939 10 82 20. ID Bureau officer approved payment to take body to Washington. 09 11 1939 10 82 21. ID Bureau report filed for September. 10 16 1939 10 89 22. Letter received on special officer on compensations. 10 16 1939 10 89 23. Expenses approved for pay for Sheriff deputy services at Fair. 10 23 1939 10 90 24. Sheriff disapproved low morality at fair. 10 23 1939 10 90 25. Sheriff presented with round-trip ticket for transportation. 12 04 1939 10 98 26. Action postponed on transportation for prisoners and insane. Ol 02 1940 10 104 27. ID Bureau report filed. O1 08 1940 10 105 28. Mileage payment adopted as basis of transportation of prisoners and insane by Sheriff. O1 OS 1940 10 105 29, ID Bureau report filed for January. 02 05 1940 10 109 30. ID Bureau report filed for February. 03 04 1940 10 117 31. ID Bureau report filed for March. 04 08 1940 10 121 32. ID Bureau report filed for April. 05 06 1940 10 125 33, Special Officer authorized payment for Beach service. 05 13 1940 10 126 34. Special Officer authorized for Beach service. G5 20 1940 10 127 35. Sheriff deputy's widcw given husband payment for services. 05 20 1940 10 128 36. T. Butler approved for payment of services. 05 27 1940 10 127 37. ID Bureau report filed for May. . 06 10 1940 10 127 38. Special Sheriff granted at Seabreeze. 06 17 1940 10 132 39. Sheriff complained, and department parking discontinued near Sheriff office. 07 17 1940 10 132 40. ID Bureau report filed for 3une. 07 0$ 1940 10 138 41. Sheriff and deputies granted membership fees for Officer benefits. 07 22 1940 10 140 42. ID Bureau report filed for August. 08 05 1940 10 145 43. ID Bureau report filed for August. 09 09 1940 10 153 44. Sheriff auto authorized, provided in budget. 09 30 1940 10 156 45. Sheriff granted budget funds for officer training school. 09 30 1940 10 156 46. ID Bureau report filed for September. 09 30 1940 10 156 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES -?N H C t N C T - ew anover oun ?, . . , MATT R ae?. u. s. ? County Indexea Since 1888 To locate names, open at COTT A-Z TAB INDEX ?,.,?' ???_ r?r OFFICE ?eii??-z.?i, An Identiiying Traao Mark SURNAME INlTIA? TAB SOLD BY OWEN GTDUNNENEW BERN,?NORTH CAROLNNA NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS DATE MINUTEBOOK Month Day Year Vol. Pqge 1. ID Bureau report filed for October. 11 04 1940 10 160 2. D. L. Sandlin offered, declined purchase of motorcycle, advertisements authorized. 11 12 1940 10 162 3. Refund authorized for Special Officer trousers. 11 25 1940 10 164 4. Bid received for Special officer motorcycle; David Carter bid accepted. 11 25 1940 10 165 5. Sheriff to file mileage report. I2 09 1940 10 169 6. Sheriff filed mileage report for November. 12 09 1940 10 169 7. Sheriff to reduce, continue car operations. 12 09 1940 10 169 8. ID Bureau report filed for January. 02 10 1941 10 I81 9. ID Bureau rec{uested commissioners extend appointments and increase salaries. 02 24 1941 10 184 I0. Sheriff questioned, referred on compensation of deputies. 03 10 1941 10 187 11. ID Bureau report filed for February. 03 17 1941 10 189 12. Offer to purchase County motorcycle declined. 03 24 1941 10 190 13. ID Bureau report filed for March. Q4 07 1941 10 192 14. Free license given to C. C. Thurmon to exhibit and lecture on crime prevention. 04 07 1941 10 192 1S. Police service requested for beach xesorts. 04 14 1941 10 193 16. ID Bureau approved for typewriter. 04 14 1941 10 193 17. Sale of Motorcycle approved. 04 28 1941 10 196 18. H. E. Fales re-appointed ID Bureau head. 05 05 1941 10 198 19. Special deputy employed at beaches. 05 12 1941 10 200 20. Deputy sheriffs authorized at Wrightsville and Carolina beaches. 06 02 1941 10 207 21. ID Bureau report filed for May. 06 16 I941 IO 209 22. Traffic light ignored; reduced speed limit sign requested. 06 23 1941 10 210 23. Special officers authorized payment for Seabreeze duties. 06 23 1941 10 210 24. ID Officer authorized payment in rape case of Fred JOnes. 06 23 1941 10 ZI1 25. Joint police radio considered. 06 23 1941 10 211 26. ID Bureau report filed for June. 07 07 1941 10 213 27. ID Bureau report filed for June. 07 14 1941 10 214 28. ID Bureau report filed for June. 07 21 1941 10 218 29. ID Bureau report filed for July. 08 11 1941 10 223 30. Sheriff deputies approved bond. 08 11 1941 10 223 3I. Action on car allowance postponed for Sheriff. 09 02 1941 10 226 32. Walter Horne, Jr. employed as patrolman replacing C. L. Philemon. 09 08 1941 10 227 33. Patrol car retained, two deputies authorized. 09 08 1941 10 227 34. ID Bureau report filed for August. 09 08 1941 10 228 35. Police protection authorized in beach areas. Q9 22 1941 10 230 36. ID Bureau manager given allowance. 09 29 1941 10 231 37. Sheriff and police authorized auto to curb prostitution. 09 29 1941 10 231 38. ID Bureau report filed for September. 10 20 1941 10 236 39. Sheriff deputies duties continued at beaches. 11 10 1941 10 239 40. Sheriff bill for returning prisoners for trial held in obeyance. I1 10 1941 10 239 41. ID Bureau report filed for October. 11 10 1941 10 240 42. Sheriff bill authorized for payment to return prisoners. 11 17 1941 10 241 43. Charles B. Snow bi11 approved for payment to FBI School. lI 17 194I 10 241 44. Joint consideration requested on ID Bureau equipment-employment. 12 24 1941 10 242 45. ID Bureau report filed. 12 08 1941 10 244 46. Police Chief C, H. Casteen declined use of Recorder's Court for School. 12 08 1941 10 244 , INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover Count?? N. C. , MA TE RT SHERIFF' S DF,PARTMENT ` eea. u, s. County Indexes $ince 1888 To locate nameS, open of COTT A•2 iA8 INDEX PAT oFi1CE ?L?6? An ldentiEying Trade Mark SURNAME INIiIAL TAB MADE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, XEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA NATURE OF PRACEEDINGS DATE MINUTE BOOK Month Day I Yea? Vol. I Page 1. Permits not issued, Sheriff to enforce Iaw against fire works. 12 22 1941 IO 246 2. Payment authorized for blood hounds to track robbers. 12 29 1941 10 247 3. Payment authorized for Sheriff badges. 12 29 1941 10 247 4. Appointment of patrolman referred to Sheriff. O1 05 1942 10 248 5. Sheriff authorized to continue use of car. O1 05 1942 10 248 6. H. E. Williamson appointed rural patrolman in resignation of Walter Horne, Jr. O1 12 1942 10 250 7. ID Bureau report filed. O1 12 1942 10 250 8. Sheriff granted allowance. 02 02 1942 10 256 9. ID Bureau report filed for JanL?ary. 02 09 1942 10 258 10. Sheriff reported rifle shots in building. 02 09 1942 10 258 11. Sheriff granted salary appropriation for officers. 03 02 1942 10 261 12. ID Bureau report filed for February. 03 09 1942 10 262 13. Special officers authorized at Carolina and Wrightsville Beaches. 05 11 1942 10 271 14. Special Officers approved at Carolina Beach. 06 08 1942 10 276 15. Special officers approved at Wrightsville Beach. 06 16 1942 10 277 16. ID Bureau report filed for June. 06 20 1942 10 283 17. Sheriff to investigate B. L. Wagamor's operating beer place. 07 27 1942 10 284 18. ID Bureau report filed for July. 08 10 1942 10 286 19. Action approved on three Sheriff cars. 08 10 1942 10 286 20. Bids received on three Sheriff cars. 08 10 1942 10 286 . 21. Bids awarded to Raney-Chevrolet. 08 10 1942 10 286 22. ID Bureau report filed for August. 09 08 1942 10 291 23. Civil Defense declined rent increase. 08 31 1942 10 291 24. Tear gas, etc. authorized for protection of citizens. 09 14 1942 10 292 25. Civil Defense control authorized increase in rent payments. 09 28 1942 10 293 26. Civil Defense granted appropriations for sirens. 10 05 1942 10 295 27. ID Bureau report filed for September. 10 05 1942 10 295 28. Radio equipment authorized for Sheriff car. 10 19 1942 10 297 29. Rural Officers uniforms allowance increased. 11 09 1942 10 301 30. Civil defense air raid demonstration allowed funds granted. 11 16 1942 10 301 31. ID Bureau report filed for October. 11 16 1942 10 302 32. Sheriff payment authorized for bring in Fred Parish. 11 30 1942 10 305 33. No action taken on fingerprinting criminals. 12 07 1942 10 306 34. ID Bureau report filed for November. 12 07 1942 10 306 35. Sheriff requested to investigate fortunetelling at Legion Fields Trailer Park. 12 07 1942 10 306 36. Radio approved for Car and Wrightsville beaches police. 12 21 1942 10 309 37. Statement recieved, payment declined on bill due to arrest of Fred Johnson. O1 11 1943 10 311 38. ID Bureau report filed for December. OI lI 1943 10 312 39. Miss Margaret Wilkinson petition on dog annoyance referred to Sheriff. O1 18 1943 10 312 40. Sheriff cars, trucks insured. 02 25 1943 10 314 41. Civil Defense salary and services approved for clerks. 02 25 1943 10 314 42. ID Bureau report filed for January. 02 08 1943 10 315 43. Skid pumps and equipment from Civil Defense received. 02 22 1943 10 315 44. ID Bureau report filed for February. 03 08 1943 10 319 45. ID Bureau operations to be discussed. 03 08 1943 10 319 46. Deputy authorized to replace Fred Herring, resigned. 03 08 1943 10 319 ? INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES --- New Hanover Count?, N. C. , MATTER• SHERIFF' S DEPARTMENT aec. u. s. ?q?? County Inde:ea Since 1A88 To lotdte naMBS, open Gt COTT A•2 TAB INDEX ??t OFFICE C??t(,o-re.i An IdentiEying Trade Matic ? SURNAME INITIAL 7AB MADE BY iHE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLO BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTN CAROLINA NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS 1. S. B. Yopp re-employed as deputy. 2. ID Bureau report filed for March. 3. Special deputy considered for employment at beaches. 4. Special deputy employed at beaches. 5. Payment authorized tfl Sheriff for examination of G. T. Tsaganos, deceased. 6. Petition to stop skating rink at Carolina Beach referred to Sheriff. 7. ID Bureau report filed for June. 8. ID Bureau report filed for August. 9. ID Bureau report filed for September. 10. ID Bureau report filed for October. 11. ID Bureau report filed for December. 12. ID Bureau report filed for January. 13. Petition referred on complaints on skating rink, referred to Sheriff. 14. ID Bureau report filed for February. 15. Sheriff authorized to transport service men from hospital. 16. ID Bureau report filed for April. 17. Employment of deputy approved, salary fixed. 18. ID Bureau report filed for May. 19. Sheriff car authorized trade-in. 20. Sheriff allowance on care increased. 21. ID Bureau report filed for June. 22. ID Bureau report filed for July. 23. ID Bureau report filed for August. 24. ID Bureau report filed for September. 25. Authority given to return T. B. Southerland to Virginia. 26. Police presented check for American Legion, appreciation given. 27. ID Bureau report filed for October. 28. Officers expenses requested for Sheriff's institute. 29. ID Bureau report filed for November. 30. ID Bureau report filed. 31. Motion carried, ID Bureau under Sheriff Department. 32. Action confirmed to place ID Bureau under Sheriff. 33. ID Bureau report filed for January. 34. ID Bureau report filed for February. 35. ID Bureau Superintendent paid for carrying Mrs. Ida W. Mercer body to Washington. 36. Sheriff authorized desk re-arrangement. 37. ID Bureau report filed for March. 38. ID Bureau report filed for April. 39. Police-Sheriff officer approved for service at Wrightsville Beach. 40. ID Bureau report filed for May. 41. Sh_eriff given salary increase. 42. Motion carried to name joint committee to determine duties of ID bureau. 43. Extra help for ID Bureau investigated. 44. ID Bureau report filed for July. 45. Report of committee incompleted on ID Bureau. 46. ID Bureau report filed for August. DATE Month Day I Year 03 15 1943 04 12 1943 05 17 1943 06 O1 1943 06 Ol 1943 07 06 1943 08 09 1943 09 07 1943 10 11 1943 11 08 1943 O1 03 1944 02 07 1944 02 07 1944 03 06 1944 04 03 1944 05 08 1944 05 08 1944 06 03 1944 06 26 1944 07 03 1944 07 10 1944 08 07 1944 09 05 1944 10 09 1944 10 30 1944 10 30 1944 11 06 1944 11 20 1944 12 04 1944 O1 08 1945 Ol 08 1945 O1 29 1945 02 12 1945 03 05 1945 03 26 1945 04 03 1945 04 09 1945 05 07 1945 05 14 1945 06 04 1945 07 16 1945 07 23 1945 07 23 1945 08 06 1945 08 27 1945 09 10 1945 ? ? MINUTE BOOK Vol. I Page 10 320 10 325 10 330 10 332 10 333 10 338 10 343 10 347 10 _353 10 356 10 363 10 367 10 368 10 373 10 376 10 382 10 3$3 10 387 10 393 10 393 10 394 10 398 10 404 10 408 10 411 10 411 10 412 10 415 10 416 10 422 10 422 10 425 10 427 10 431 10 432 10 433 10 434 10 439 10 440 10 443 10 449 10 451 10 451 10 453 10 453 10 457 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover County? N. C. _ MATTER: SHERIFF' S DEPARTMENT 4 eec. u. e. Counry In[Iexe? Since 1888 To loeafe naMes, Open af v?T OFFICE ?? An Identifying Trade Mork SURNAME INITIAL iA6 COTT A-I TAB INDEX MADE RY THE COTT INDEX COMPANT, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTN CAROLINA DATE MINUTE SOOK NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS Month I Day ? Year Vot. ? Page 09 10 1945 10 457 1. Sheriff Audit report filed for August. 10 08 1945 10 461 2, ID Bureau repoxt filed for September. 3. Sheriff bill declined payment for returning prisoner Jack Walls. 10 15 1945 10 462 4. Request granted to return pxisoner Roosevelt Stallings. 10 22 1945 10 463 5. Committee requested to report on services of ID Bureau. 10 29 1945 10 464 11 05 1945 10 465 6. ID Bureau report filed for October. 7. Vehicle directory authorized for Sheriff. 11 05 1945 10 465 8. Expenses granted for return of prisoner Thomas N. Eagleson. 12 03 1945 10 469 Ol 07 1946 10 475 9. ID Bureau report fi2ed for Decer?ber. OI 14 I946 10 477 10. ID Bureau report filed for December. 02 04 1946 10 480 11. ID Bureau report filed for January. 03 04 1946 10 484 12. ID Bureau report filed for February. 04 08 1946 10 491 13, ID Bureau report filed for March. 05 13 1946 10 496 14. ID Bureau report filed for Apri?. 06 10 1946 10 900 15. ID Bureau report filed for May. , 07 08 1946 10 503 16. ID Bureau report filed for June. 17. Two regular deputies and one special officer duties oxdered dispensed. 08 O1 1946 10 507 08 19 1946 10 509 I8. ID Bureau report filed for July. d9 19 1946 10 509 19. ID Bureau authorized extra help. 20. TD Bureau head authorized payment for dictaphone. 09 09 1946 10 515 09 09 1946 10 515 21. ID Bureau report filed for fiscal year. IO 07 1946 10 519 22. ID Bureau report filed for September. 11 04 1946 10 524 23, ID Bureau report filed for October. 12 02 1946 10 529 24. Sheri?f authorized new car. 12 09 1946 10 530 25. ID Bureau report filed for November. 26. ID Bureau report filed for December. O1 13 1947 10 534 27. Sheriff requested to stop trash dumping along highways. Ol 20 1947 10 536 28. Sheriff requested to indict trash dumpers along highways. O1 20 1947 10 536 . 29. ID Bureau report filed ?or .Ianuary. 02 10 1947 10 544 30. Sheriff authorized city directory. 02 10 1947 10 545 31. Sheriff authorized to stop trash dumping. 02 17 1947 10 545 32. Letter received, authorizing crime on trash dumping. 02 24 1947 10 546 33. ID Bureau report filed for February. 03 10 1947 10 549 34. Bill presented to pl.ace ID Bureau under city council. 03 17 1947 10 550 35. Sheriff Jones, ill in Richmond hospital, written. 03 17 1947 10 550 36. Sheriff and highway patrol to enforce law on trash dumping, and operation clean-up discussed. 03 31 1947 10 555 37. ID Bureau approved for payment for carrying three bodies to Washington, 03 31 2947 10 555 38. City Policy request withdrawn on using Legion Field. 04 07 1947 10 5S8 39. Mrs. C. David Jones considered for appointment as Sheriff to fill position of late husband. 04 12 1947 10 559 40. F. Porter Davis given appointment as Sheriff. 04 11 1947 10 559 41. ID Bureau report filed for March. 04 14 1947 10 560 42. Sheriff authorized new car. OS 05 1947 10 563 43. ID Bureau report filed for April. OS 12 1947 10 565 44. Motion carried to authorize more officers at beaches. 05 19 1947 10 566 45, Sheriff considered for Seabreeze assignment. O5 19 1947 10 566 46. ID Bureau report filed for fiscal year. 07 07 1947 10 574 N C INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES -- New Hanover Count T SHERIFF' S DEPARTMENT ?j `, ?? . . ` MATT R ` ncc. u. s. ,q1'? Counry Indeiea Since 1888 To loeate names, open at r?r OFi1CE C?n??[.6-?c? An Identifying Trade Mar?C ? SURMAME INIiIAL TAB COTT A•2 TAB INDEX MADE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA DATE MINUTE BOOK NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS Month Day I Yea? VoL I Page 1. ID Bureau bill approved for payment for payment for delivering bodies to Washington Lab. 07 07 1947 10 574 2. Payment to Special Officer R. T. Pinkston approved for senvices. 07 11 1947 10 575 3. Action recinded on Special Officer Pinkston payment. 07 11 1947 10 575 4. Special Officer paid thru July; Officer authorized at Kure Beach. 07 11 1947 10 575 5. Special Officers authorized at beaches. 07 11 1947 10 575 6. H. E. Fales paid to deliver bodies to Washington lab. 07 11 1947 10 575 7. State patrol authorized office of ID Bureau. 07 11 1947 10 575 8. State patrol authorized office under Sheriff department. 07 28 1947 10 577 9. ID Bureau report f?Iea for Ju?y. 08 11 1947 10 579 10. ID Bureau report filed for August. 09 15 1947 10 585 11. ID Bureau report filed for September. 10 06 1947 10 587 12. ID Bureau report filed for October. 11 17 1947 11 1 13. Sheriff F. Porter Davis approved payment for conference. 11 24 1947 11 2 14. ID Bureau report filed for November. 12 08 1947 11 4 15. ID Bureau report filed. Ol 05 1948 11 8 16. ID Bureau report filed. 02 09 1948 11 13 17. ID Bureau report filed. 03 08 1948 11 16 18. Sheriff request approved to call Civil Service meeting. 03 22 1948 11 17 19. Sheriff station wagon approved. 04 15 1948 11 20 20. ID Bureau report filed for March. 04 15 1948 11 20 21. Sheriff payment approved for prisoner trip. 04 26 1948 11 23 22. Sheriff granted balance of budget on office Deputy job. 05 10 1948 11 25 23. ID Bureau report filed for March. 05 10 1948 11 26 24. ID Bureau report filed for April. 06 07 1948 11 31 25. ID Bureau report filed for year. 06 07 1948 11 31 26. ID Bureau report filed for July. 08 16 1948 11 40 27. ID Bureau report filed for September. 10 04 1948 11 50 28. Sheriff declined expenses to New York meeting. 10 04 1948 11 50 29. ID Bureau report received. _ 11 08 1948 11 56 30. Sheriff payment approved for returning Mrs. Edna Bullard and daughter. 11 08 1948 11 56 31. ID Bureau report filed. 12 20 1948 11 63 32. No action taken on Extra Sheriff deputy. 12 20 1948 11 63 33. ID Bureau report filed for December. O1 10 1949 11 66 34. Return of prisoner from Washington referred to County Attorney. O1 10 I949 11 66 35. ID Bureau report filed for January. 02 07 1949 11 73 36. ID Bureau report filed for February. 03 07 1949 11 80 37. Mrs. Marjorie T. Higgins, ID Bureau employee, rec{uested leave of absence. 03 Z1 1949 11 82 38. Installing police xadio received for investigation. 03 21 1949 11 83 39. ID Bureau report filed for March. 04 11 1949 11 86 40. Attention focused on trash dumping and violations. 05 02 1949 11 90 41. ID Bureau report filed for April. 05 09 1949 11 92 42. Action postponed on divorce of police radio system. 05 16 1949 11 93 43. Bids opened for radio-telephone in Sheriff Office. 05 31 1949 11 97 44. Sheriff bids for radio-telephone taken under advisement. 05 31 1949 11 97 45. ID Bureau report filed. 06 06 1949 11 99 46. Sheriff bids discussed for Radio-telephone. 06 06 1949 11 99 INDE? TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover Count N C SHERIFF DEpARTMENT - ?, . . , MpTTER eEC. u. s. ? Covnty Indacea Since IBBB io loeote names, open at COTT A•2 fAt I NDE% "' ?? !AT OFFICE ?j?z?,?r.?' An ldentifying Trade Mazk SURNAME INITIAL TAB hIADE BY THE LOTi INDE% (OMPANY, COLUNBUS, ONIO SOLD BY OWEN & DUNN,NEW BERN,NORiN fAROLINA NATURE OF PRO(EEDINGS DATE MINUiE BOON Mo?h I Day I Year Vol. I Page 1, Motion carried to discuss police protection at Seabreeze. 06 13 1949 11 . 99 2, Sheriff radio contract awarded to Motorola, Inc. 06 13 1949 ll I00 3, Motorola manager advised County on reduction. 06 13 1949 11 100 4. Notice given to city to terminate contract on R?dio. 06 13 1949 11 100 5. Brown Towles offer received on land for State Highway Patrol Station. 06 20 1949 11 102 6. Contract with Motorola drawn, sent to home office. 06 20 1949 11 102 7. ID Bureau report filed for June. 07 11 1949 11 106 8. Motorola contract approved on Sheriff radio. 07 11 1949 11 106 9. Consideration requested on police service at Moffitt Village. 07 11 1949 11 106 10. Sheriff payment approved for return of prisoners. 08 08 1949 11 112 11. ID Bureau report filed. 08 08 1949 11 112 12. Need of more officers discussed. 08 08 1949 11 113 14. Sheriff's unpaid bill paid; Sheriff service continued at Seabreeze. 08 29 1949 11 118 15. Sheriff bid authorized for car. 08 29 1949 11 118 16. Commissioners reserved rights on cancellation of Sheriff bid for car. 08 29 1949 11 1?,8 17. Bids received for Sheriff cars. 09 12 1949 11 120 18. Bids received for Sheriff cars. 09 12 1949 11 120 19. Bid accpeted for Sheriff cars. 09 19 1959 11 121 20. Equipment authorized on Sheriff car; to be factory installed. 09 19 1949 11 121 21. Sheriff permited radio; motorola, Inc. notified. 09 26 1949 11 122 22, Sheriff authorized to attend meeting. 10 10 1949 11 126 23, Wilmington Police Recreation Dept. granted reimbursement. 10 24 1949 11 129 24, ID Bureau report filed for October. 11 07 1949 11 132 25. Conference set to improve ID Bureau operations. 11 07 1949 11 132 26. ID Bureau employees Dorothy Drayton and Mrs. F.Hobbs given salary increases. 11 14 1949 11 135 27. Sheriff allowed extra deputy. 12 05 1949 11 139 28. Sheriff authorized to return prisoners to Virginia. 12 05 1949 11 139 29. ID Bureau report filed for November, 12 05 1949 11 139 30. Police protection at Legion Stadium requested from city. 12 28 1949 11 144 31. ID Bureau report filed for December. O1 09 1950 11 146 32. Complaints received on Sheriff radio. O1 23 1950 11 151 33. ID Bureau report filed for January. 02 06 1950 11 153 34. City Directory authorized for Sheriff, 02 06 1950 11 154 35. City Directory authorized for ID Bureau. 02 06 1950 11 154 36. ID Bureau report filed. 03 06 1950 11 161 37. Letter written to Maj. J. R. Smith, State Patrol, on congratulations. 04 17 1950 11 176 38. Expenditures authorized for police at Seabreeze, 05 O1 ?50 11 179 39. ID Bureau report filed for April. 05 OS 1950 11 185 40. ID Bureau report filed for May. 06 05 1950 11 189 41. Payment authorized to C. P. Snow for fingerprint cards for ID Bureau. 06 19 1950 11 191 42. Sheriff authorized to assign deputy on courthouse parking. 06 26 1950 11 192 43, ID Bureau report filed for June. 07 10 1950 il 194 44. Sheriff and deputy given appropriation for convention. 07 31 1950 11 200 45. ID Bureau report filed for July. 08 07 1950 11 201 46, Sheriff authorized to employee deputy. 09 05 1950 11 206 47. ID Bureau report filed for Angast. 09 05 1950 I1 207 l ? ?, \ N C INDEX TO COMNdISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover Count? SHERIFF' S MATTER DEPARTMENT \? ? . . , • ` ncc. u. s. ?p???? County Indexea Since 1888 To loeafe names, open at r?r OFFICE ?jpJf?K.a? An ldentiEying Trade Mark ? SURNAME INITIAL TAB COTi A•2 TAB INDEX SOLD BY OWEN 6TDUNNENEW BERN,?NORTH GROLxNA DATE MINUTE BOOK NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS Month Day Year Vol. Page l. Sheriff authorized radio. 09 18 1950 11 210 2. Sheriff reported on Fla. trip to get fugitive,Thelma Henderson. 10 02 1 950 11 213 3. ID Bureau report £iled for September. 10 09 1950 11 215 4. Payment authorized to National Sheriff's Association. 10 09 1950 11 215 5. ID Bureau report ?iled for October. 11 07 1950 11 220 6. Motion carried to increase Sheriff petty cash allowance. 11 20 1950 11 224 7. Payment approved to Secretary of State for appointment of M. B. Register, L. C. Williams, Jr. and Mrs. 12 11 1950 11 229 R. King as deputies. 8. Sheriff request approved for gas and oil for car. 12 11 1950 11 230 9. ID Bureau report filed for November. 12 11 1950 11 230 10. Sheriff authorized expenses to institute. 12 27 1950 11 231 11. Sheriff bill approved for prisoner trips. 12 27 1950 11 231 12. Sheriff bids authorized for car. O1 22 1951 11 235 13. Sheriff bids received for car. Q1 29 1951 11 237 Sheriff read bids for car. O1 29 1951 11 237 14. 15. Sheriff awarded bids to Cape Fear Motor Sales, Inc. 02 02 1951 11 238 16. ID Bureau report filed for January. 02 05 1951 11 239 17. ID Bureau report filed for February. 03 05 1951 11 245 18. Appointment of Sheriff considered to replace F.P. Davis, Deceased. 03 05 1951 11 246 19. T4arvin B. Register appointed Sheriff. 03 06 1951 11 246 20. Sheriff bond accepted on M. B. Register. 03 06 1951 11 246 21. Sheriff register took oath of office. 03 06 1951 11 246 22. Payment or arrest authorized for trash dumping. 03 12 1951 11 247 23. ID Bureau report filed for March. 04 09 1951 11 253 24. ID Bureau report filed for April. 05 07 1951 11 259 25. Sheriff authorized city directory. 05 21 1951 11 261 26. Appropriations granted for police at Seabreeze. 05 21 1951 11 261 27. ID Bureau report filed for May. 06 11 1951 11 264 28. ID Bureau report filed for June. 07 d9 1951 11 269 29. No action taken on appointment of Sgt. Robert Williams to Wilmington Police Department. 07 23 1951 11 273 30. ID Bureau report filed for July. 08 06 1951 11 277 31. Letter of appreciation written to Sheriff Assoc. Secretary on convention at Carolina Beach. 08 20 1951 11 282 32. Inventory of Civil defense supplies presented to custodian and Sheriff Register appointed Civil Defense 09 04 1951 11 284 director. 33. ID Bureau report filed for September. 10 08 1951 11 29Z 34. Sheriff payment approved for trips of prisoners and insane. 10 29 1951 11 298 35. Sheriff F.Porter Davis (deceased) authorized bond release. 11 05 1951 11 300 36. ID Bureau report filed. 11 05 1951 11 300 37. ID Bureau report filed. 12 10 1951 11 307 38. Crape Myrtle Gard? Club referred on request for investigation of trash dumpers. 02 25 1952 11 319 39. ID Bureau report filed for February. 03 10 1952 11 322 40. ID Bureau report filed for March. 04 07 1952 11 330 41. Reward offered for trash-dumping information leading to arrests and convictions. 04 15 1952 11 331 42. ID Bureau report filed for April. 05 05 1952 11 334 43. Plans agreed on employing two Sheriff deputies to quarantine dogs. 05 05 1952 11 335 44. Sheriff txuck authorized to pick-up stray dogs. 05 19 1952 11 337 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES -- N H C t N C anover ew oun ?, . . ; MATTER: SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT _ nEC. u. s. Counry Indexea Since 1888 ? To loeate names, open at IAT OFFiCE G?l?-?' An ldentifying Trade Mark SURNAME INITIAL 7A6 COTT A-Z TAB lNDEX MUIDE BY THE COTT INDE% COMPANT, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BE RN, NORT H CAROLINA NATURE Of PROCEEDINGS DATE MINUTE BOOK Month ? Day I Year Vol. Page 1. ID Bureau report filed. 06 19 1952 11 340 2. ID Bureau report filed. 07 07 1952 11 347 3. Special Officers salaries merged with Regular deputies. 07 28 1952 11 356 4. ID Bureau report filed for July. 08 11 1952 11 358 5. ID Bureau report filed for August. OS I1 1952 11 362 6. ID Bureau report filed for September. 10 06 1952 11 369 7. Bids received on Sheriff car. 10 06 1952 11 370 8. Law enforcement officials written on games at Legion Stadium. 10 13 1952 11 372 9. ID Bureau report filect for October. 11 10 1952 11 377 10. ID Bureau report filed for November. 12 08 1952 11 384 ,11. Meeting held, but action referred on takeover of ID Bureau. 12 08 1952 11 384 12. Sgt. A. H. Clark, district patrolman to be written for decrease patrol safety record. O1 05 1953 11 390 13. ID Bureau report filed. 02 09 1953 11 399 14. ID Bureau report £iled. 04 l3 1953 11 414 15. ID Bureau status postponed. 05 04 1953 11 417 16. Resignation of H. E. Fales referred from ID Bureau. 06 08 1953 11 426 17. ID Bureau report filed for May. 06 08 1953 11 427 18. ID Bureau report filed for J?ne. 07 06 1953 11 435 19. City Manager letter received on ID Bureau services. 07 13 1953 11 437 20. Sheriff to discontinue allowing bondsmen to transact business in County jail. 08 03 1953 11 442 21. Medical report received on Deputy D. W. Fulcher injury. 08 24 1953 11 449 ;22. Alex Lashley presented detailed injury while employed as Sheriff. 09 21 1953 11 454 ,23. Letter received on liability of Sheri?f autos; referred to County Attorney. O1 25 1954 11 481 24. Bids authorized on Sheriff Car. O1 25 1954 11 481 25. No action taken on trash dumping along road-side. 02 )1 1954 11 483 26. Sheriff bids received for auto. 03 Ol 1954 11 489 ?27. Cape Fear Motor Sales awarded bid. 03 O1 1954 11 489 ?,?8. Harold J. Jackson, Sheriff deputy, employec? as dog warden, 06 07 1954 11 519 29. ? City given payment to repair police car. 06 14 1954 11 521 '30. No action taken on law enforcement equipment. 07 19 1954 11 530 31. Letter of thanks received from police chief on fire range repairs. 08 ?3 1954 11 537 32. Sheriff deputies to be placed on personal insurance policy. 09 13 1954 11 541 33. Sheriff letter received on Deputy Charles P. Snow passing test for sheriff deputy. 09 13 1954 11 541 34. Sheriff to handle sewer problems in Maffitt iiillage. 10 11 1954 11 546 35. Sheriff to arrest speeding offenders. 11 ZZ 1954 11 556 36. Sheriff authorized three new cars. 05 23 1955 11 600 37. Bids extended on Sheriff cars. 06 06 1955 11 603 38. Bids received on Sheriff Cars. 06 13 1955 11 604 39. Cape Fear Motor Sales awarded Sheriff bid. 06 13 1955 11 605 40. Sheriff budget received. 06 13 1955 11 606 41. Sheriff budget continued. 06 13 1955 11 606 42. Sheriff referred on auto allowance increase. 07 11 1955 11 613 43. Motion carried to place Dog Warden under Sheriff Department. 08 O1 1955 11 619 44. Invitation accepted on Sheriff Association at Carolina Beach. 08 04 1955 11 62I 45. Sheriff cars to be delivered. 08 08 1955 11 622 46. Meeting scheduled on dog warden. 08 08 1955 11 624 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES -- New Hagover Count? SHERIFF'S N C DEPARTMENT ' , . . _ MATTER• ` aec. u. s. ? `? County Indexea Sinee 1888 ?)t??-? TO lotpte namCS? OpCn at COTT A•Z TAB tNDEX r?r OFFICE C,.G?,?e//71?.? An Identifying Trade Mark ??? SURNAME INITIAL TAB MADE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTN CAROLINA NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS DATE MINUTE BOOK Month Day Year Vol. Page ' 1.. Sheriff deputies authorized payment for beach work. 08 15 1955 11 624 2. Police assistance request carried for Freeman Beach. 0$ 29 1955 11 626 3. Clerk Superior Court letter to Sheriff recieved on Sheriff Warrants. 08 29 1955 I1 627 4. Sheriff bi11 at Carolina Printing approved for payment. 08 29 1955 11 627 ?5. Trash dumping referred to Sheriff Department. 2 1$ 1957 12 131 6. Approved increase in salary for Leon Moor, Deputy Sheriff. 2 18 1957 12 131 7. Federal Civil Defense to match Coun.ty 50/50 for Sheriff's car communication. 3 11 1957 12 137 8. Approved Bill regarding Clerk of Superior Court and Sheriff's office. 3 18 1957 12 138 9. Approved Sheriff's reque3t for $25.00 fo?- stickers and sta.pplies. 5 6 1957 12 150 10. Application for constable, referred to Sheri:?f. 9 23 1957 12 182 11. Sheriff to report cost of equipment and maintenance to Commissioners. 10 7 1957 12 185 12. Complaint of stray dogs referred to Sheriff. 10 28 1957 12 190 13. Letter in regard for extra.i?elp_for the Sla.eriff Department. 12 5 1957 12 200 14. Presented budget requests. 7 14 1958 12 279 15. Cars for Sheriff to be advertised. 7 21 1958 12 281 16. Marvin B. Register, retiring Sheriff received a certificate. 12 1 1958 12 337 17. Letter requesting Sheriff to crackdown on litterbugs. 3 2 1959 13 390 18. Discussion, Sheriff's budget. 7 6 1959 12 460 19. Letter regarding salaries in Sheriff's Department, Sheriff to meet with Board. 7 1$ 1959 12 467 Zp, Sheriff's budget approved after adjustments. 7 23 1959 12 474 21. Sheriff to receive office requested when vacated by Highway Patrol. 11 2 1959 12 510 22. Sheriff appointed on Committee to study Fire Arm Control. (Sheriff Millis) 11 2 1959 12 511 23. Sheriff to use room above Superior Court €or interrogation room. 11 16 1959 12 S16 24. Letter informing Board of condition of Sheriff's ?ars, Sec to advertise for three cars. 12 21 1959 12 525 25. Fortune Telling application to be approved by the Board, Sheriff to finger print & photo. 1 4 1960 12 533 26. Budget meeting, approved, Capital Outlay increased, appropriated for additional Deputy. 7 15 1960 12 591 27. Presented salary cor??parison 1ist, requested relief in hours and salary £or men. 7 22 1960 I2 569 2$. No action taken on salary increase and furnishing of equipment. 7 28 1960 12 599 29. Sheriff to employ crossing Guards for Lake Ave. & Oleander Dr. 9 6 1960 12 605 30. Approved payment for photographic equipment. 9 6 1960 12 608 31. Appropriated $350.00 for Walkie-Talkie, half to be refunded. Z 3 1961 12 640 32. Secretary to advertise for Sheriff's cars. (Bids) $ 7 1961 13 7 33. Received auto bids, contract awarded to Raney Chevrolet Co. 10 2 1961 13 22 34. Letter commending Chief Dep?u.ty R. A. Jarrell for action during C.A. P. tragedy. lI 6 1961 13 35 35. ?etter praising Local Military Unit for heroic acts. 11 b 1951 13 35 36, Received report in regards to Jail standards from State Advisory Committee of Sheriff ?,2 4 1961 13 44 and Police Officers. 37. Approved Specza? Deputies for Azalea Open Golf Tournament, allocated $150.00 for same. 3 5 1962 13 ?5 38. Increases in salaries and personnel to be considered in budget. 7 2 1962 13 120 39. Budget meeting, increase request in Pistol Range salaries to be considered in budget. 7 18 1962 13 134 40. Allocated $500.00 for air conditioning office 8 6 1962 13 140 41. Jessie M. Blanton, advanced to full Deputy, replacing Gil'bert M. Crowford, resigned. 1 21 1963 13 186 42. Lien prop?rty of Acie T, and Mamie W. Hanries referred to Sheriff's Department. 3 4 1963 13 194 43. Sheriff M. W. Millis, reported th e retirement of Mrs. Ruby K. Matthews. S 6 1963 13 210 44. Approved transfers?: within budget also Jail budget. 6 3 1963 13 220 45. Budget meeting, Sheriff to present list of duti?s proformed in City, not part of duties. 6 28 1963 13 231 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES -- New Hanover Count?y, N. C. , MATT RT SHERIFF ` nec. u. :. County indexea Since 1888 ?i X•3?? To loeate names? open pt COTT A-Z TAB INDEX rer OFFIGE ?e?l?a-7? An Identifying Trade Mark ??.? SURNAME INIiIAI TAB MADE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS DATE Month I Day I Year 04 06 1964 04 20 1965 05 17 1965 11 15 1965 O1 16 1967 04 )3 1967 12 18 1967 02 16 1968 03 04 1968 05 06 1968 05 06 1968 09 03 1968 11 18 1968 12 16 1968 Oti 04 1969 10 06 1969 11 03 1969 11 03 1969 03 16 1970 04 06 1970 04 20 1970 04 06 1970 04 20 1970 04 06 1970 04 06 1970 06 ?6 1970 08 03 1970 08 17 1970 10 19 1970 10 ?5 1970 11 02 1970 11 02 1970 02 15 1971 02 OS 1971 02 26 1971 02 15 1971 02 05 1971 03 Ol 1971 03 Ol 1971 03 27 1971 03 18 1971 04 19 1971 05 03 1971 MINUiE BOOK Vol. I Page 13 310 13 467 13 477 13 544 14 24 14 42 14 126 14 146 14 149 14 185 14 183 14 245 14 271 14 281 14 S77 14 392 14 405 14 405 14 453 14 459 14 464 14 457 14 467 14 460 14 456 14 457 14 519 14 523 14 538 14 537 14 542 14 541 14 581 14 580 14 585 14 581 14 580 14 586 14 587 14 599 14 595 14 614 14 622 1. Drunkometer 2. Automobile Bids 3. Automobile bids 4. Complaint - Humane Society 5. Littering of highways 6. Transfer of funds 7. Bids for automobiles 8. Need for additional employees 9. Need for additional employees 10. Civil disorders 11. Overtime pay 12. Sale of surplus cars 13. Pay, Deputy Dixon 14. Transfer of funds 15. Request to change starting salary 16. Bid-Opening Cars 17. Auto bid opening 18. Request for reclassification of deputy 19. Transfer of funds from Capital Outlay to Stationary 20. Transfer of funds 21. Transfer of funds - Telephone 22. Discretionary Fund 23. Discretionary Fund 24. Bid - Opening - Car 25. Approved Projects 26. Boat for 27. Restoration of funds for Grand Jury Officer 28. Pepper Fogger Machine 29. Radios - Purchase of Two 30. Insurance - Additional Funds for 31. Bid Opening - 3 cars 32. Mobile Radios ? 33. Overtime pay 34. Emergency Fund-Sheriff's Dept. 35. Curfew 36. Certification of letter of intent-matching funds-communication project Grant No. 70-A-209 37. Appreciation to Sheriff Millis 38. Transfer of funds-$500 to Telephone, $300 to Radio Maintenance 39. Request for Salary increase for Sheriff 40. Need for deputies 41. Appropriation for additional force 42. Sheriff's request-patrol car, radio, etc. 43. Star-Tron-Approval for Sheriff's Dept. to use $3,000 originally appropriated for night scope for other Special Equipment 44. Emergency car 45. Bid opening-dark room and photo lab equipment 06 07 1971 14 657 06 07 1971 14 652 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES -- New Hanover Count?, N. C. _ MUB ECT SHERIFF' S DEPARTMENT ` ae6, u. s. County Indezea Since 1888 g? ?y-- io IOtob pam?s? Op?p at COTT A•Z TA? INpEX PAT OFfICE (??? An Identifying Trade Mark ?-? SURNAME INITIAL TAi MADE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD ?T OWEN i. pUNN, NEN ?ERN, NORTN GROLINA ° NATURE OF PROCEEpINGS DATE MINUTE BOOK Month Day Year Vol. Page ' l. Purchase of patrol car for patroling schools 06 09 1971 14 659 2. Phto equipment, report from committee 06 21 1971 14 659 3. Additional car, report on purchase of 06 21 1971 14 659 4. Bid opening-patrol cars 11 O1 1971 15 33 5. Overtime pay 12 06 1971 15 51 6. Appropriation for auto expenses 02 07 1972 15 72 7. Braswell, Mr. Jessie, Sheriff's deputy 03 20 1972 15 94 8. Overtime pay 04 17 1972 15 108 9. Training Equipment 04 I7 IS72 35 3I2 10. Slaaries - Grand Jury officer 08 14 1972 15 193 11. Salaries - School guards 08 14 1972 15 193 12. Request use of Commercial Laundry 10 02 1972 15 228 I3. Request purchase of Psychological stress evaluator IO 02 1972 15 228 14. Ret{aest for additional School Crossing Guard 10 16 1972 15 231 15. Bid Opening - vehicles 11 06 1972 15 242 16. Outboard Motor appropriation 11 06 1972 15 237 17. Bids - vehicles 11 20 1972 15 262 18. Overtime pay 12 04 1972 15 277 19. Law Enforcement Assistance administration 12 04 1972 15 277 20. Overtime pay 12 18 1972 15 292 21. Authorization for additional detective 02 05 1973 15 327 22. Recognition of Sgt. Jackson 02 19 1973 15 335 23. Adjustment of salaries 02 26 1973 15 337 24. Police Information Network 03 19 1973 15 358 25. Transfer for Photography school 04 16 1973 15 373 26. Transfer for telephones 05 21 1973 15 421 27. Approval of interagency narcotics bureau 06 04 1973 15 430 28. Appointment of h. G. Grohman as Sheriff 06 18 1973 15 441 29. Modification of court pay policy 07 16 1973 15 449 30. Approval of off-duty pay (Radewicz and Woodall) 07 16 1973 15 449 31. Approval of public bonds for scheriff C?roham 07 16 1973 15 457 32. Approval of increased federal prisoner fees 0? 20 1973 15 477 33. Transfer of funds - salaries 08 20 1973 15 477 34. Discussion of changing pay scale 08 22 1973 15 479 35. Approval of LEAA grant for upgrading communications equipment 10 O1 1973 15 506 36. Approval of contract with N. C. Criminal Justice and Standards Council for supplementing salaries 10 15 1973 15 '>13-4 37. Overtime for deputies involved in State vs. Monk ? Spicer 10 15 1973 15 514 38. Acceptance of bid from Harris Pontiac for 5 cars 10 15 1973 15 514 39. Award of purchase contract for uniforms 11 19 1973 15 526 40. Sale of surplus property at public acution 12 03 1973 15 533 41. Approval of overtime pay for armed robbery surveillance 12 03 1973 15 535 42. Budget Amendment O1 D7 1974 15 :49- 43. Training F? Recreational Fac. O1 21 1974 15 561 44. LEAA Grant application 02 18 1974 15 582 45. Budget Amendment 03 ?4 1974 15 593 46. Transfer of funds 03 ?4 1974 15 595 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover County N. C. MU JECT SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT , _ _ eee. u. s. ? ` Counry Indezee Since 1888 ? To IoeaN nom?s, op?n al ing Trade Mark PAT OFFIC ?n IdentiE ( ? //? COiT MI MADE BY THE COTT INDEX TM INOEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO y E . c? . SURNAME INITIAL TAQ fOLO ?Y OIIEN 0. pUNN, N EN ?ERN , NORTB GR OIINA r: DATE MINUTE BOOK f NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS ? @i Month Day Year , Vol. Pnge : l.ig Discussion of bids for pistols 03 18 1974 15 600 2.' Budget amendment 03 18 1974 15 601 3.'; Bids on guns 04 O1 1974 15 612 4.a: Budget amendment 04 lb 1974 15 617 5.`{ Budget transfer 04 16 1974 15 617 6.?! Early payment to Local Government Employee's Retirement System, prior service by Capt. 0'Sullivan . 04 16 1974 15 617 7•,° LEAA Grant - Crime Scene Investigation 05 06 1974 15 6?7-8 8.? Co. Manager to report on radios in Sheriff's Dept. 05 20 1974 15 638 9.` Holding of inentally iII patients before admission to Cherry Hospital 06 03 1974 15 652 10. LEAA Grant application 07 15 1974 15 631-2 11. Tabling of request for retirement pay for James D. Brown 08 05 1974 15 693 12. Payment to retirement system for James D. Brown 08 19 1974 15 698 13. Budget transfer 09 03 1974 15 708 14. Reauest for credit in Retirement system for Sgt. Paul Wolfe 10 07 1974 16 15 15. Award of Contract - Uniforms 10 21 1974 16 29 16.? Award of contract - Vehicles 10 21 1974 16 36 17.` Award of contract - Vehicles 10 24 1974 16 37 18. Additional cost - vehicles 11 04 1974 16 39 19. County Attorney to represent Sheriff Grohman, et al, (Larry Bernard) 12 16 1974 16 69 20. Budget transfer - add'1 Phone lines 12 16 1974 16 74 21. Award of contract - Bullet`Proof Vests O1 06 1975 16 80 22., Approval of LEAA grant - communications system 02 03 1975 16 103-4 23." Budget transfer for gas ? oil and vehicle maintenance 02 03 1975 16 104 24.' Discussion of deputies moonlighting in uniforms 02 03 1975 16 105 25.' Approval of Sheriff's bonds 02 17 1975 16 116 26. Withdrawal of rec{uest f?r County Attorney to defned Sheriff in civil suit 02 17 1975 16 117 27. Public auction ordered-vehicles 03 03 1975 16 130 28., Approval of bi?ls on vehicles 03 17 1975 16 136 29. Approval of out of state travel 03 17 1975 16 145 30. Transfer of funds for travel 03 17 1975 16 146 31.: Approval of out of town travel for sheriff 05 26 1975 16 205 32. Transfer of funds for supplies 06 16 1975 16 223 33. Transfer of funds for prisoner safekeepin? 06 30 1975 16 233 34. Annrove cont?a?t a„? r.FAa rn arant 08 25 1975 16 260 35. Renew contract for policy information network 09 02 ]975 16 264 36.k Interest in enforcing Title IV-D Child Support Program 09 22 1975 16 275 37. Approval of continuation of LEAA 10 06 1975 16 278 38.. Award Vehicle bids 10 27 1975 16 293 39. Adopt LEAA resolution 11 10 1975 17 1-2 40. Approval of AM radios for cars 11 10 1975 17 2 41. Approval of Agreement frr °Child Support Enforcement Program 12 Ol 1975 17 18 42. Approval of bid on uniforms to Fligel's 12 08 1975 17 ?1-22 43. Budget Transfer - Group Ins. and Retirement 12 15 1975 17 25 44. Budget Transfer Cameras and Eauipment 12 15 1975 17 26 45. Authorization to sell vehicles 12 22 1975 17 29 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES -- New Hanover SHERIFF' S DEPARTMENl' County N. C. E ? _ MATT R• ` ? TO leeat? nam?s, ?pa? at acc. u. s. ? ` County Indezee Since 1888 r?r OFFIC? (?/',?,,?/j?'„? {? An [dentifvinQ Trade Marlc SURNAME INRIAL TAe COT7 A-2 TA? INOEX MADE BY THE COiT INDEX COMPANY, fOLdMB@S, ONIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN CO., NEW BERN , N. C. DATE MINUTE BOOK ?' NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS ? ? Month Day Year '? Vol. Page `a ?? 1. Award of bids on Sheriff Dept. vehicles Ol 05 1976 17 37-8 2. Change in bid amount at auction on '68 cadillac O1 19 1976 ' 17 43 3. Budget trans purchase 25 .357 revolvers O1 19 1976 17 44 4. , Approval of sale of 1973 Plymouth by private negotiation by Finance Officer O1 19 1976 , 17 44 , 5. Bids on revolvers 02 02 1976 17 53 6. Discussion on apology to Sheriff Dept. for survey that was done 03 15 1976 17 ?6-7 ; 7. Trans. funds for gas F? oil to complete this fiscal year 04 20 1976 17 106 8. I Budget trans. - to pay phone bill for June 06 21 1976 17 151 9. Authorization for sale of vehicles 07 06 I976 I7 I59 10. Training reimbursement for Sgt. Pickler 07 19 1976 17 163 11. Ted Sampley address re: discrepancies 08 02 1976 17 170 12. Accept bids on vehicles 08 02 1976 17 173 ', 13. Budget Amend. - purchase van 08 02 1976 17 173 14. Approve crossing guard Roland Grise School 08 16 1976 17 178 15. Law enforcement contract w/Kure Beach 08 31 1976 17 183 , 16. Training reimbursement Lt. Robert Spell 09 07 1976 17 189 17. Budget amend Kure Beach Contract 09 07 1976 17 190 18. Budget trans. Liability Ins. 09 20 1976 17 196 ; 19. Budget Amend. ABC Radios 10 04 1976 17 205 20. Budget Trans. - Radio Tower Bldg. 10 04 1976 17 205 21. Award Uniform contract 10 04 1976 17 208 , 22. ? Award of bid on boat for Sheriff's Dept. 10 18 1976 17 216 , i ? 23. Award of bid for a van 10 18 1976 17 216 , 24. Budget amend. - for purchase of a van 10 18 1976 17 217 , i 25. ? Award bid on vehicles 11 O1 1976 17 227 26. Training reimbursement - Billy DAwson 11 15 1976 17 233 27. ? Budget Trans. - Police Science School 11 15 1976 17 233 ,' 28. f Reclassify positions - Planning Officer F? Crime Prevention Officer 12 20 1976 17 247 ? 29. Discuss contract w/ABC Board O1 17 1977 17 ?62 30. Statement re: helicopter Ol 17 1977 17 ?62 ? 31. Budget Trans.-Jail O1 17 1977 17 ?62 ; 32. Agreement for ABC LAw Enforcement 02 07 1977 17 ?71-2 l 33. Budget Amends.-Elec., Copying, Tel F? Auto, Maint. F? Supplies 02 07 1977 17 ?72-3 34. LEAA Communications Grant application 02 07 1977 17 ?73 35. Approve 4 positions - ABC 02 21 1977 17 Z84 36. LEAA Crime Prevention 03 07 1977 17 Z95 37. Reimburse for training 03 07 1977 17 ?97 38. LEAA Juvenile Unit Grant Application 03 07 1977 17 Z99 ' 39. Training Reimbursement- W. F. Pickler 03 28 1977 18 3 40. Budget Trans.-Replacement Salaries 04 18 1977 18 21 41. Budget Amend. Radio for Helicopter 05 02 1 977 18 Z9 42. Tabling LEAA Crime Lab approval 05 02 1977 18 ?7-28 ? 43. Discuss cut in funding LEAA 05 07 1977 18 30 44. Approval restitution fo? fund shortage for Civil Division 06 20 1977 18 51 45. Discussion of audit of Sheriff Dept. 06 20 1977 18 51 46. Budget Trans.-overtime and court appearences 06 20 1977 18 52 SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover Count?y, N. G. _ MATTER: _ xec. u. s. Counry Indacee Since 1888 ?To leeat? namts, ?pfA a! COTi A•Z TA? INOEX r?r OFFICE ?,ei77/,?-? pn Identifvin¢ Trade Merk SURNAYL INRIAL TAS MADE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUM{US, ON10 SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN CO., NEW BERN, N. C. NATURE OF PROCEEDlNGS DATE MINUTE BOOK Month Day Year Vol. Page 1. Discussion on Audit 2. Denial execute contract w/Dept. of Coxrections 3. Discussion on female clothing allowance 4. Approval bids for uniforms 5. Approval uniforms for female deputies 6.' Budget Amend.-Civil Div. Fund Shortage 7. Budget Amend.-hire replacements 8. Budget Amend.-Law Enforcement Liability Ins. 9. Tabling award Bid Sheriff vehic2es 10. Aw?rd of bids-vehicles 11. Budget Transfer - YMCA memberships 12. Budget Transfer - food costs at jail and increased census at jail 13. Budget Amendment-Salary replacements 14. Approval vehicle sale 15. Additional vehicles for sale 16. James Brown retirment 17. Budget Trans-Complete fiscal year 18. Purchase of Law Enforc. Vehicles through State-denied 19. Budget Transfer - Division Crome Control Unit 20, Award of bids - Uniforms 21. Discuss Litter Problem 22. Budget Transfer for Noise Monitor Equipment 23. Budget transfer for guns & patrol car lights 24. Award of bids for vehicles & budget transfer 25.. Pay for former deputies 26. Budget transfer provide funds for terminated officers required to attend court 27. Leasing one of the dept's vehicles to the New Hanover Humane Society 28 Support of Sheriff in legal matters 29. Plaques presented to Sheriff H. Grohman & former Chief Deputy H. M. 0'Sullivan 30. Budget transfer for E.M.S. Communications 31. Budget transfer - to pay former deputies for testifying in court to cover cost of repairing a recorder 32. Proposal to put Sheriff's Department under Civil Service 33. Request for sick leave pay - Fred Pickler 34. Budget Amendment - to reduce budgeted figures to actual expenses 35. Sale of Sheriff Dept.'s vehicles 26.. ?udget transfer - LEAA reimbursement for rookie training 27, Bids for purchase of bullet-proof vests 28. Contributions to Law Enforcement Officers? Benefit & Retirement Fund 29. Bids on law enforcement vehicles 30. Award of bid for Sheriff's Dept. uniforms 31._ Discussion - 911 Communications System 32. Heroism Award presented to Deputy Sheriff James D. Poole 33... Budget Transfer - Open House 34.:. Award of bid for console map for Sheriff's Department 34.a. Jerry Ramsey and Bill Lynch gave update,on 911 System 35.,; Award of bid for rnobile radios for Sheriff's Department 36.. LEAA grant for console map approved along w/budget amendment 08 Ol 1977 18 09 06 1977 18 09 06 1977 18 09 06 1977 18 09 19 1977 18 10 07 1977 18 11 07 1977 18 11 07 1977 18 11 07 1977 18 11 21 1977 18 02 06 1978 18 03 06 1978 18 05 15 1978 18 05 25 1978 18 06 05 1978 18 06 19 1978 18 06 19 1978 18 08 07 1978 18 09 05 1978 18 09 05 1978 18 10 16 1978 18 10 16 1978 18 11 06 1978 18 11 20 1978 18 12 18 1978 18 Ol 02 1979 18 O1 02 1979 18 O1 02 1979 18 O1 02 1979 18 02 05 1979 18 OZ L9 1979 18 02 19 1979 18 03 19 1979 18 a4 02 1979 18 05 21 1979 1$ 05 21 1979 18 05 21 1979 18 07 23 1979 18 08 06 1979 18 09 04 1979 18 09 04 1979. 18 09 17 1979 18 09 17 1979 18 10 O1 1979 18 110 L5 199 99 188 11 05 1979. 18 82 95 99 99 106 117 126 126 126-7 134 167 180 213 215 222 225 233 255 273 274-75 291 294 300 307 321 333 336 336 337 352 360 361 372 378 409 412 412 447 458 467 472 476 479 490 498 497 510 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover Count ? SHERIFF' S DEPARTMEN? y? . U. _ MATTER: ae?. u. s. County Indezes Since 1888 ?? To loiafr nam?s, Op611 ?f PAT OFFIDE C.??l?az? AnldentifringTradeMazk COTT A TO Z TAB INDEX MADE ?Y TME COTT INDEX COMtANY. COLIIN?OS. ONIO SURNAME INIiIAL iAB SOLD BY OW EN G. D UNN CO., N EW BERN, N . C. ? NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS DATE. MINUiE BOOK Month Dny Year Vol. Page l. Recommendation to accept LEAA funds for 911 System 11 19 1?1? 18 511 Z, County Attorney to handle matters between Sheriff's Dept. & David G. Griffin O1 07 1980 18 538 3. Award of bid for Sheriff's Dept, vehicles O1 21 1980 18 541 4. Acceptance of LEAA Grant for Medical/Disease Facilities 03 10 1980 18 565 5. Acceptance of bids on radio equipment for Sheriff's Dept. 03 17 1980 18 568 6. Budget Amendment - cover operational expenses 04 08 1980 18 574 7. Award for alarm monitoring system 04 08 1980 18 574 8. Acceptance of bus from City of Wilmington 04 21 1980 18 583 9. Budget transfer - travel, meetings 6 schools OS 05 1980 18 589 1.0. Southern Bell Telephone Company's proposal for 911 Communications System 05 05 1980 18 592 11. Budget transfer-purchase training supplies & gas,oil for remainder of fiscal year 05 19 1980 18 599 1.2. Position ??21 reclassified from Clerk Typist IV, Range 59 to Deputy, Range 62 05 19 1980 18 598 13. Budget transfer-hospital & medical bills 05 19 1980 18 602 14. Resolution was adopted for supplemental benefits on Law Enforcement Retirement Fund 06 25 1980 18 621 15. Budget Amendment-Set up 911 Grant to purchase Communication Consoles 07 28 1980 18 637 16. Sale of Sheriff's De artment Vehicles P 07 28 1980 18 639 ?7. Reclassification of position in Sheriff Department 09 02 1980 18 659 18. Bid award for uniforms 10 06 1980 18 672 19. Task Force 10 20 1980 18 684 20. Rejection of bids received on vehicles 12 15 1980 18 733 21' Position request for 2 telecommunicator I positiQns - approved O1 05 1981 18 743 22. Rejection of bids on vehicles ? _ 01 19 1981 18 751 23, $udget amendment in Jail budget to appropriate increase in the Medical Grant from Government 02 02 1981 lg 755 24, Award of Bid for Sheriff's Dept. vehicles to Port City Chrysler/Plymouth 02 02 1981 18 756 25. Sheriff's dept. - funding request to repair roof on training building at range 04 06 1981 18 801 26. Renewal of PIN Contract 04 06 19$1 18 801 27. Budget amendment approved for CFTI training supplies 04 21 1981 18 808 28. Roof for Sheriff's Dept. Training Bldg. 04 21 1981 18 809 29. Acceptanc? of Governor's Crime Commission grant & award of equipment bid. 07 07 1981 18 886 30. Agreement with NRCD for ORV enforcement at Fort Fisher 07 07 1981 18 886 31. Ratification of agreement between Sheriff and Town of Kure Beach for Dispatch Service 07 07 1981 18 887 32. Agreement with City of Wilmington far Sheriff's Use of Police Information System 07 07 1981 18 887 33. Agr?ement for Child Support Enforcement Program 08 17 1981 18 901 34. AccepCance of Crime Control Grant for 911 System 08 17 1981 18 9(36 35. Ratification of Contract with Duplin County for Law Enforcement 08 17 1981 18 909 36. Approval of Rental Agreement for PIN Terminal at Sheriff's Department 09 08 1981 18 911 37.. Award of bid on 20 Channel Recorder for Department 09 21 1981 18 921 38.. Discus?ion of Grievance Claim with Department - Ted Sampley 09 21 1981 18 926 39. Approval of going under State Contract for Sheriff's Vehicles 09 21 1981 18 929 40. Award of Bids for Sheriff's Department Uniforms and Radio Equipment 10 05 1981 18 931 41.. Award of Bids on Mobile Radio Repeater System for 911 10 19 1981 18 941 42. Budget Amendment - Sheriff's Department 911 Grant 11 16 1981 18 959 43... Discussion on Disposition of $66,000 Found by Sheriff 12 07 1981 18 972 44. Approval of wage increase for school crossing guards 06 21 1982 19 96 45. Discussion on Fleet Leasing of Automobiles for Sheriff's Dept. 08 02 1982 19 130 46. Indemnification Agreement with NHMH for Antenna Placement 09 06 1982 19 144 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanov u t N C C T SHERIFF ° S DEPARTMENT er o n y, . . _ MATT R ` nEe. u. s. rer OFFI?E L??l? County Indezea Since 1888 An Identifring Trade Mulc To loeats names, Op611 at ? COTT A TO Z TAB INDEX ON?O w?Of ? 1 ? D` T ? !N UN ?AN 3 SURNAME INITIAL TAB 5 BY OWf N G D 0 N N NEW ? 9 NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS DATE MINUTE BOOK a q - a? Monih Day Year Vol. Page e'; ? „; '? j l.? , b, Donation of Autos to Cape Fear Tech. for La w Enforcement Training 09 07 . 1982 19 145 _ i ;? !2.'? a ' Amendment to Agreement with Hospital for Sh eriff's Dept. Repeater Antenna 10 04 1982 19 167 r ¢ ?;Ratification of contract with Duplin County for law enforcement 10 18 1982 19 175 i 3 • ?? ,r I f I •_ i ? { r ? ? / „ INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES -- New Hanover Count?, N. C. _ MAYTER• SOCIAL SERVICES ` aec. u, s. County (ndexea Since 1888 ? To IoCate namCS? open at COTT A•Z TAB INDEX r?r OFFICE ?1.??/-?E,' An Identifying Ttade Mark SURNAME INITIAL TAB M??DE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORiH CAROLINA NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS DATE MINUTE BOOK Month Day I Year Vol. I Page l. Miss Sadie Belyein of N. C. State Children's Home Society appealed to Board in interest of ngelected 03 Ol 1915 7 441 ? children. 2. Committee to confer with City Council relative to a Social Service secretary. 3. Committee on Social Service secretary reported progress. 4. O1 24 1917 02 05 1917 7 607 7 609 T SOCIAL INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover Count N C SERVICES ? y, . . , MATT R _ nec. u. :. ?p??? County Indexea Since 1888 ? To loeate names, open at COTT A•Z TAB INDEX o-?i. An Identifying Trade Mark SURNAME INlTIAL iA6 NIADE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO rer OFFICE ??K , SOLD BY OWEN G. DU NN, NEW BE RN, NORTH CAROLINA NATURE OF PROtEEDINGS DATE MINUTE BOOK Month Day Year Vol. Page 1. Newspaper clipping on report of R. F. Beasley, State Commissioner of Public Welfare, on vagrancy problem. 07 02 1918 8 13 2. Chairman of Board of Education recommended Odis B. Hinnant as Commissioner of Public Health. 07 07 1919 8 66 3. W. N. Harris urged appointment of Rev. Fred D. Dean to office of Commissioner of Public Welfare. 07 14 1919 8 66 4. Odis B. Hinnant appointed Commissioner of Public Welfare. 07 14 1919 8 68 5. Application of Mrs. Margaret Hurbert for position of Welfare Worker received. 09 02 1919 8 74 6. Boards of Commissioners and Education confirmed appointment of 0. B. Hinnant as Commissioner of Public 09 08 1919 8 75 Welfare. 7. Money allowed to buy an automobile for Odis Hinnant, Public Welfare Worker. O1 05 1920 8 92 8. Advertising bill from Harriss Printing and Advertising Co. incurred by Public Welfare Officer approved. 06 07 1920 8 113 9. Board will pay half of stationary expenses for public welfare officesif Board of Education pays other half. 12 07 1920 8 136 10. Commissioners and Board of Education met to appoint a Supt, of Public Welfare. 07 11 1921 8 163 11. Committee to investigate ability of a woman to perform duties of a Supt. of Public Welfare. 07 11 1921 8 163 12. Mrs. C. W. Bidgood appointed Chief Welfare Officer and W. F. Morrison appointed assistant and salaries 08 02 1921 8 170 fixed. 13. Odis B. Hinnant resigned as Welfare Officer and Miss Anita Waldhorset elected at $1,500 a year. 09 06 1921 8 173 14. Public Welfare officer given monthly allowance for stationery. 10 03 1921 8 175 15. Welfare Officer Anita Waldhorst made a report on her work. 10 05 1921 8 177 16. Expenses approved from Miss Waldhorst for taking youths from Juvenile Court to Greensboro and Samaracand. 12 09 1921 8 183 17. Quarterly report of Miss Waldhorst received. O1 03 1922 8 186 18. Sheriff's request for larger quarters for Welfare Officer referred to Courthouse Committee. 08 07 1922 8 206 19. Expense bills of Miss Waldhorst paid for taking an orphan to Home and two persons to Deaf $ Dumb School. 12 04 1922 8 217 20. Miss Anita Waldhorst elected Welfare Officer at $62.50 a month. 12 04 1922 8 219 21. Clerk to call to attention of Welfare Officer the limitation of her expense allowance. Ol 16 1923 8 223 22. Report from Miss Waldhorst. 02 05 1923 8 227 23. Expenses of Supt. of Public Welfare of Wayne County paid for delivering Mrs. Victoria Gurganus to Wilming. 03 12 1923 8 232 24. Bill from Miss Waldhorst for taking Elma Henderson to samarcand paid. 03 12 1923 8 232 25. Anita Waldhorst resigned as Welfare Officer. 06 04 1923 8 244 26. County Board elected Welfare Officer at $2,400 a year. 07 09 1923 8 249 27. Board approved payment for salary of Miss Anita Waldhorst. 07 13 1923 8 251 28. Expenses of Mrs. H. Hobson paid for taking a feeble minded child to Oxford, NC. 07 13 1923 8 251 29. Money allowed for Mothers Aid Fund £or orphans in home of Worthy Mothers. 07 16 1923 8 252 30. Attachment for typewriter of Welfare Officer to be purchased. 08 06 1923 8 256 31. Appropriation made for stationary for office of Welfare Officer. (See Charities.) 08 06 1923 8 256 32. Furniture to be bought for office of Charles 0. Baird, Welfare Office. (See Charities) 08 13 1923 8 258 33. See Charities 08 31 1923 8 261 34. See Charities 10 08 1923 8 267 35. Mrs. Julia Lumsden Farrow and Mrs. Sadie S. Easterling allowed money from Mothers Aid Fund. 12 03 1923 8 273 36. Expenses of Welfare Officer, Co. Baird, approved. O1 14 1924 8 279 37. Report from Welfare Officer filed. 02 04 1924 8 281 38. Report from Welfare Officer.filed. 04 07 1924 8 290 39. Bill for transferring girl from Greenville, SC to Samarcan Manor approved. 04 07 1924 8 290 40. Case of Mrs. W. C. Hewlett left with Welfare Officer for investigation. 06 30 1924 8 301 41. Welfare Officer, C. 0. Baird, to investigate all charity patients admitted to James Walker Mem. Hospztal. 08 26 1924 8 307 42. Mrs. Minnie R. Willett Aman allowed money from Mothers Aid Fund. 03 02 1925 8 331 43. Maternity fee of Louise Merritt from Salvation Army referred to Welfare Officer. 03 16 1925 8 333 44. County made bid to State to be included in counties to administer Mothers Aid. 05 04 1925 8 337 N INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover Count C SOCIAL SERVICES ?, . . , MATTER: _ aec. u. s. County lndexea Since 1888 To locate names, open at COTT A-Z TAB INDEX r?T OFitCE ?? An Identifying Trade Marlc ? SURNAME INITIAL TAB INADE YY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, ONIO SOLD BY OWEN 6. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH UROLINA DATE MINUTE BOOK NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS Month ? Day Year Voi. Page 1. Request of Jackson Shiver for aid referred to Welfare Officer. 06 O1 1925 8 341 2. Mrs. M. M. Dawson allowed money from the Mothers Aid Fund. 02 Ol 1926 8 371 3. Welfare Officer McGlaughon to investigate Old Folks Home. 04 05 1926 8 380 4. Board to pay expenses of Welfare Officer for sending lamb chil?ren and infant to Childrens Home Society. 05 21 1926 8 385 5. W. I. McGlaughon to attend Welfare Officers Summer School. 07 06 1926 8 388 6. Report from Welfare Officer filed. 07 06 1926 8 389 7. Board to continue agreement with Mother's Aid Division of State Board of Charities and Public Welfare. 07 06 1926 8 389 8. W. P. McGlaughon, Welfare Officer, paid for attending Summer School of Welfare Officers. 07 19 1926 8 391 9. Welfare Officer to investigate those receiving aid from Outdoor Poor Fund. 08 02 1926 8 394 10. Request for office help for Welfare Officer taken under advisement. 09 15 1926 8 397 11. W. P. McGlaughon, Welfare Officer, paid for postage stamps used in his office. 10 04 1926 8 400 12. Monthly report filed. 02 07 1927 8 424 13. Welfare Officer to attend meeting at county expense. 02 07 1927 8 424 14. Mrs. Lizzie Farrow applied, received Mothers Aid. 02 21 1927 8 425 15. George Hutaff proposal to convey land to Redcross Sanitorium referred to Chairman. 04 19 1927 8 436 16. Hutaff proposal (above) investigated, deed executed, F, Redcross Sanitarium to be paid by him. OS 02 1927 8 440 I7. Action on appropriations to Samarcand Training School subject to approval. 06 06 I927 8 445 18. Mrs. Claudia Ballard Davis applied for Mother's Aid, but referred to Chairman. 09 27 1927 8 464 19. Mrs. C. B. Davis F? Mrs. Moses Penny granted Mother's Aid allowances. 10 11 1927 8 466 20. Redcross Sanitarium report filed for November. 11 07 1927 8 469 21. David Bryant application for Assistant Welfare Worker received, and taken under advisement. O1 24 1928 8 485 22. NC Sorosis requested $800 for Tuberculosis Survey under direction of State Sanitarium; referred to 02 14 1928 8 ?.88 Chairman. 23. H. L. Stanton, supervisor of Voc. Rehabilitation requested apparel for David Satchell for vocational 02 28 1928 8 491 training, but referred to Chairman. 24. Action on Tuberculosis Survey aid deferred till June. 02 28 1928 8 491 25. Apparel for Satchell (above) authorized for purchase. 03 05 ?928 S 491 26. Redcross Sanitarium report filed for January ? February. 03 27 1928 8 501 27. Principal William Blount requested funds for John Willie Hooper for Jenkins Training School, Charleston, 04 17 1928 8 505 SC; taken under Board advisement. 28. Action taken under advisement on Tuberculosis report. 05 15 1928 8 509 29. Rev. W. H. Moore and Dr. F. W. Avant rec{uests for Welfare work and salary for workers taken under 05 15 1928 8 509 advisemenfi, and $956.09 check returned. 30. Mrs. Hattie V. Garrison applied, granted $20 per month Mother's Aid. OS 15 1928 8 509 31. Dr. John Wessell requested increase in appropriations for Redcross Sanitarium, but deferred for action. 05 29 1928 8 511 32. Aid to enlarge Jackson Training School Chapel taken under advisement. 06 19 1928 8 514 33. Mrs. R. W. Hicks, Mrs. J. Henry Gerdes and Dr. J. L. Farily request for Mother's Aid for prisoners famil y 07 02 1928 8 518 taken under Welfare investigation. 34. W. P. McGlauphon to attend Welfare Institute, Chapel Hill, July 3. 07 02 1928 8 518 35. Date fixed for Welfare Worker's appointment. 08 06 1928 8 526 36. Herbert McClammy Hargrove elected welfare worker. 08 04 1928 8 527 37. Telephone installed in welfare office. 09 04 I928 8 530 38. Lavatory removed, radiator installed in welfare office. ? 09 11 1928 8 531 39. Health Officer and NC Sorosis rec{uested funds, July 2 resolution rephrases ?$400 appropriated. 09 11 1928 8 531 40. Streetcar fare approved for welfare worker. 10 30 1928 8 539 41. W. J. Mintz granted expenses for Madie Ray Pridgen (step daughter) trip to Caswell Training School. 11 13 1928 8 541 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES -- New Hanover County, N. C. , MATTER: SOCIAL SERVICES „E?. u. ?. ?pr?? County Indezea Since 1888 To locat0 names, open at COTT A•2 TAB INDEX MADE BY THE COTT INDE% COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO r?r ovvice ?K4-?i An Identifying Trade Mark SURNAME INITIAL TAB SOLO BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA i, NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS 1. Streetcar fare approved for welfare worker. Z. NC Sorosis lettered in appreciation and check returned. 3. Welfare Worker Hargrove report filed for December. 4. Welfare Worker streetcar fare granted. 5. Printing of School Attendance reports granted welfare worker. 6. Streetcar fare approved for welfare worker. 7. Board of Health granted mosquito funds. 8. Redcross Sanitarium report filed for January. 9. We?fare Worker report filed. 10. Welfare Worker report filed for March. 11. Viola Taylor and 2 children returned to Wake Coun';y Home. 12. Welfare Worker report filed for Apri1. 13. Welfare Wo?'ker report filed. 14. Contract for 1929-1930 Mother's Aid signed by Board Chairman and State Charities and tiUelfare. 15. Welfare Worker report presented, and 1,000 copies authorized for distribution. 16. Mother's Aid reduced by state, reduction listed. 17. Welfare Worker McGlauphon expensed to Welfare Institute at Chapel Hill (above). 18. Welfare Worker report filed. 19. Dr. John Wessell request for Redcross Sanitarium appropriation increase taken under consideration. 20. Welfare Officer report filed. 21. Welfare Officer report filed. 22. Mrs. Bessie C. Shipman and Mrs. K. P. Sykes granted Mother's Aid. 23. Payment to Mrs. W. L. Parsley to expense Susie Stokley and Margaret Pridgen to Samarcand, and returning Grace Shepard to Salvation Army subject to Recorder's approval. 24. Milk Station report from N.C. Sorosis received. 25. Welfare worker report filed. 26. Redcross requested, declined $5 worth of redcross seals. 27. Welfare worker report filed. 28. Board to expense Hazel Wilson trip to Samarcand and charge it to Recorder. 29. Welfare Worker report filed. 30. Welfare worker Hargrave declines expenses to Welfare Institute meeting. 31. Welfare Worker's report filed. 32. Welfare Worker's report filed. 33. Mrs. Mary C. Saunders granted $20 per month Mother's aid. 34. Mrs. H. C. Warren petition for sterilization of daughter Ruth, mentally defective, referred to the Chairman and Attorney. 35. Mrs. Warren grants sterilization of daughter Ruth, 19. 36. New Hanover included in all-county Mother's aid program. 37. Wel?are Worker report filed. 38. Louise Malone, juvenile taken to Industrial Home, Effland, NC, by Welfare Worker at County's expense. 39. Welfare worker report filed. 40. Welfare worker report filed. 41. Welfare worker report filed. 42. Chairman signed statement to aid Coxa M. Armstrong, deaf child.(cf. deaf). 43. Louise McKoy expense to training school approved. 44. Welfare worker report filed for September. DATE Month I Day Year ? n MINUTE BOOK Vol. I Page ? 12 03 1928 8 547 12 31 1928 8 551 O1 07 1929 8 552 O1 22 1929 8 554 Ol 22 1929 8 554 Ol 22 1929 8 556 02 12 1929 8 557 02 19 1929 8 559 03 04 1929 8 562 04 02 1929 8 567 04 09 1929 8 568 05 06 1929 8 573 06 03 1929 8 577 06 03 1929 8 578 06 18 1929 8 579 07 Ol 1929 8 581 07 O1 1929 8 582 07 O1 1929 8 582 07 O1 1929 8 582 08 05 1929 8 587 09 03 1929 8 595 10 29 1929 9 5 11 19 1929 9 8 11 26 1929 9 10 12 02 1929 9 11 12 02 1929 9 11 O1 06 1930 9 16 O1 28 1930 9 19 02 02 1930 9 20 02 11 1930 9 23 03 03 1930 9 27 04 07 1930 9 37 04 07 1930 9 37 04 29 1930 9 39 05 05 1930 9 41 05 05 1930 9 41 06 02 1930 9 44 06 17 1930 9 45 07 07 1930 9 48 08 04 1930 9 51 09 02 1930 9 57 09 16 1930 9 59 09 16 1930 9 59 10 06 1930 9 70 T SOCIAL INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover Count N C SERVICES ?, . . , MATTER ` ?ec. u. s. Counry ]ndexea Since 1888 ??"'? To loeate names, open at COTT A-Z TAB INDEX ??t OFFICE ?,e?? An ldontifying Ttade Merk U?:T SURNAME INITIAL iAB MADE BY THE COTT INDEX CaMPANY, COLUMBUS, ONIO SOLO BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORT H [AROLINA NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS DATE MINUTE BOOK Month I Day I Year I Vol. ? Page 1. Welfare worker report filed for October. 11 03 1930 9 75 2. Welfare worker report filed for November. 12 Ol 1930 9 78 3. Welfare worker report filed. O1 05 1931 9 85 4. Welfare worker Hargrave reported $108 in Home Savings Bank, and unpaid bill of $80.75 for Poor Relief 02 02 1931 9 88 and for burning wood for poor approved for payment. 5. Mrs. Pearl Orrell Burnett granted $10 a month, $15 from county and from state, subject to Charities and 02 02 1931 9 89 Welfare Boards approval. 6. James M. Hall named to represent board at Redcross Sanitarium meeting. 02 17 1931 9 92 7. Welfare Supt. W. P. McGlauphon tendered resignation for April 1, accepted by board, referred to Board of 02 17 1931 9 92 Education. ' 8. Welfare worker report filed for February. 03 02 1931 9 95 9. Selecting welfare officer to succeed W. P. McGlauphon deferred. 03 16 1931 9 98 10. Welfare worker report filed for April. 05 04 1931 9 105 11. Board voted to include New Hanover in counti;?s receiving Mother's aid, and agreement sign ed between Board 05 12 1931 9 108 and State Charities and Welfare. 12. Home Demonstration report filed for April. 05 18 1931 9 109 13. Typewriters in Welfare Office repaired. 05 25 1931 9 109 14. Welfare worker report filed. 06 O1 1931 9 110 15. Mrs. Pearl Orrell Burnett granted $15 a month Mother's Aid funds, paid by county ? state. 06 08 1931 9 112 16. Expression of regret received on Anne B. Horne's resignation, and appreciation for her work. 06 22 1931 9 114 17. James L. Smith granted $15 a month Mother's aid. 06 29 1931 9 115 18. Mrs. W. L. Clemmons granted $5 a week tanporary aid for care of two Turner children deserted by father. d6 29 1931 9 115 19. J. B. Stanley requested the county to provide $62.50 to match amount by State Rehabilitation Commission-- 07 13 1931 9 118 for his artificial leg, but was taken under consideration. 20. Boards of Commission and Education met in session to propose election of Welfare Officer. 07 13 1931 9 118 21. Petition presented and delegation requested continuance of Home Demonstration Agent. 07 20 1931 9 118 22. Welfare worker report received, filed for July. 08 03 1931 9 120 23. b1rs. ?rene K. Andrews granted $15 a month Mother's aid, subject to Charities and welfare approval. 08 10 1931 9 122 24. Mrs. Maud Lawrence Clewis granted $15 a month Mother's Aid, subject to Charities and welfare approval. 09 14 1931 9 127 25. Mrs. Garrison, appointee to Home Demonstrations, introduced, gave outline of accomplishments; Mrs. 09 14 1931 9 127 Estelle Smith, introducer, requested furniture for Customs office. 26. Mrs. Maud L. Clewis granted $15 a month mothers aid subject to charities and welfare approval. 09 21 1931 9 128 27. Miss Rasch, successor to home demonstration agent Anne B. Horne, was presented to Board. 10 05 1931 9 131 28. Two tires authorized for Home Demonstration agents car. 10 05 1931 9 131 29. Rev. Leon M. Hall and W. R. Dosher requested about $30 per month to aid Miss Mary Louise Merritt to remain 10 26 1931 9 135 at N.C. Sanitarium, but matter taken under consideration for next meeting. 30. $1 per day authorized for care and treatment of Mrs. Ethel Bure Rising and Miss Mary L. Merritt for 11 02 1931 9 136 tuberculosis at N. C. Sanitarium from Nov. 1, 1931 to Jan. l, 1932. 31. Welfare worker report filed for October. 11 02 1931 9 136 32. Appropriation not exceeding $250 granted for half cost of purchase of tools for use in projects for 11 09 1931 9 137 unemployed, as directed by Wilmington Relief Association. 33. Welfare Worker Hargrave authorized to take LeRoy Green and Lucille Williams to training school. 11 23 1931 9 139 34. 100 men employed on relief projects, and appropriations authorized for increase. 11 30 1931 9 139 35. Miss Elizabeth Ragan, home demonstration agent, reported department's activities. 12 07 1931 9 140 36. Welfare officer reported that Henry Wilkinson, informed N.H. County citizen, was confined to a Washington, 12 07 1931 9 141 DC hospital without funds; but no action taken by Commissioners. MATTER N C INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES -- New Hanover Count? SOCIAL SERVICES , . . _ : ` nec. u. s. Counry Indezea Since 1888 ?+?'"? Yo loeate names, open at tOTT A•i TAB INDEX NUIDE BY THE COTT INDE% COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO r?r aFFICE ?.I,e.?? An Identifying Trade Mark D?G7 SURNAME IN171AL 7A6 SQLD BT OIYEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLiNA DATE MINUTE BOOK NATURE Of PROCEEDINGS Month I Day I Yea? Voi. I Page 1. Welfare worker report filed. 12 07 1931 9 142 ' 2. $1 per day continuation agreed for keeping Miss Mary Louise Merritt at Sanatorium, NC, for 2 months. Ol 04 7932 9 146 3. Payment approved for treatment of Mrs. J. R. Risings at NC Sanatorium and $31 for Miss Mary L. Merritt. O1 25 1932 9 149 4. Verbal report of Miss Ragin made for January. 02 Ol 1932 9 150 5. Petition from relatives for sterilization of Minnie L. Mosley, of Rack Hill, was approved by welfare. 02 08 1932 9 152 6. Welfare Department requested county expenses for trip of Louise McKoy, Eloise Malone and Lousie Williams 02 23 1932 9 154 to training school, Efland, but declined by board. 7. Board agreed to pay Salvation Army $7.50 per month for caxe of Fred Edward Lamb, if transferred. 02 23 1932 9 154 8. Welfare worker report filed for February. 03 08 1932 9 156 9. Board and treatment expenses agreed for Miss Mary Louise Merritt in state Sanatorium for April. 03 28 1932 9 158 10. Welfare Worker report filed for March. 04 04 1932 9 159 11. J. S. McEachern and H. Al1en Huggins requested and permitted to aid in tuberculosis treatment of William 04 18 1932 9 161 Bass at NC Sanatorium at payment of $15 per month paid from emergency fund. 12. John R. Hollis, welfare officer, paid $25 bill of expense for WarrenHolloman to Stonewall Jackson School. 04 18 1932 9 161 ? 13. ? Board voted to be included in counties' mother aid program. 05 02 . ?.932 9 163 I 14. $2 payment to Redcross Sanatorium authorized to make X-Ray pictures for Willie Greenburg. 05 09 1932 9 164 ; 15. $24 payment to Redcrosss Sanatarium authorized for treatment of Miss Mary Louise Merritt. 06 27 1932 9 169 16. $11.46 payment approved to J.. Hollis, welfare officer, for transportation of William Grahman Warrick to 06 27 1932 9 169 Caswell Training School. 17. Welfare office requested L. Byrd be sent to state sanatorium for treatment at County expense, but 07 05 1932 9 170 action deferred. 18. Continuation of $15 per month payment to state sanatorium authorized for expenses of William Bass. 07 11 1932 9 170 19. Redcross Sanatorium requested by Board to arrange care and treatment of Luby Byrd, tuberculosis victim. 07 18 1932 9 171 20. Herbert McClammy requested increase appropriations for milk for indigents to $25 per month. 07 25 1932 9 172 21. $15 per month payment to NC Sanatorium for board and treatment of Luby Byrd, provided wife pay same. 07 25 1932 9 172 22. Col. Walker Taylor urged continuation of $300 appropriations to NC Children's Home Society, Greensboro, 08 O1 1932 9 173 and presented list of children with society. 23. Mrs. Nollie Bolton, granted $15 per month Mother's Aid. 08 Ol 1932 9 174 I 24. Welfare officer authorized to take Burroughs Sturgis, James Rich, Pink King and Corbett Kennedy to 08 O1 1932 9 174 East Carolina Training School, Rocky Mount, and Columbia Cummings to Caswell Training School. 25. Salvation Army approved for $12.50 payment for expense of Padrick children. 08 08 1932 9 175 26. $8.97 payment approved for transportation of J. C. Byrd to parent at Camden, NJ. to relieve grandfather 08 22 1932 9 179 who is to receive treatment at state sanatorium for tuberculosis. 27. $11.35 per month payment to NC Sanatorium authorized to expense treatment of Mrs. Louise Maultsby son, 09 06 1932 9 179 of Winter Park, for tuberculosis, as requested by Rev. A. H. Howell. 28. Welfare officer authorized to take Julian Edwards, and Lonnie H. Holleman to Stonewall Jackson School. 09 12 1932 9 180 29. Welfare officer authorized to take Sam and Bert Register to E. ?arolina Training School and Pearl Raynor 10 03 1932 9 184 and Family to Tarboro, NC at County expense. 30. Opening in partition authorized but Welfare office and adjourning room. 10 03 1932 9 184 31. Welfare officer authorized to take Fred Vereen to Jackson Training School, Concord, and Mrs. Fannie 10 10 1932 9 185 Harrington to Tarboro, NC home by truck and expense plus $11 for Raynor family referred to county Attorney. 32. Mrs. Edna Kellum granted $15 per month Mothers Aid. 10 10 1932 9 185 I 33. Community Old Folk Home granted $25 for October, where 5 indigents are. 10 10 1932 9 185 34. $2.50 per week check to Mrs. J. R. Bell authorized for care of Turner children instead of Mrs. Stone. 10 24 1932 9 187 35. Triplicate food order form adopted for purchase of food for poor to replace Charity order, as suggested 11 14 1932 9 190 by welfare officer. SOCIAL INDE? TO COMI?ISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover Count N C SERVICES ?, . . , MATTER: ` nec. u. s. Counry ]ndexen Since 1888 To locate names, open aT COTT A•2 TAB INDEX v?r OFFICE ??? An ldentifying Trade Mark SURNAME INITIAL TAB ?DE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMRUS, ONIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW B ERN, NORTN GROLINA NATURE OP PROCEEDINGS DATE MINUTE BOOK Month I Day ? Year Vol. I Page 1. Chairman, auditor and attorney named to prepare papers and secure approval from Local Government 11 21 1932 9 191 Commission to borrow at least $12,500 for Relief. 2. Mrs. Annie G. Mahn and 4 children granted $7.50 per month albwance. 12 12 1932 9 195 3. Repair of Welfare worker typewriter authorized under $3. Ol 09 1933 9 198 4. Transportation for Mrs. Ethel Leonard and 4 children to Pontiac, Mich. home referred ta welfare officer. OZ 06 1933 9 204 5. $2.63 payment authorized to expense trip of Luby Byrd from State Sanatorium to County. 02 20 1933 9 206 6. tNelfare officer authorized to take Linwood Waiters and Robert Blanding to Morrison Training School. 02 27 1933 9 208 7. Upon welfare approval, expenditures up to $10 for food and gasoline authorized to aid in returning 02 27 1933 9 208 Daminacco Ciannmira, wife and five children. 8. $11.35 payment to NC Sanatorium for March authorized for treatment of Deveraux Maultsby. 03 06 1933 9 209 ? 9. Upon Supt. of welfare recommendations, $3.45 payment to Miss Julia Yopp, Supt. of Traveler's Aid, 04 03 1933 9 213 authorized for transportating Mrs. Helen H. Holcomb and daughter to Washington, DC home. 10. Payment of transportation for C. H. Davis and wife of Castle Hayne to Stump Sound. 04 10 1933 9 214 11. Welfare officer authorized to carry Russel Moore to Jackson Training School. 04 28 1933 9 218 12. J. M. Harrell request for artificial leg at $125 under state rehabilitation plan taken under advisement. 05 08 1933 9 219 13. Welfare worker granted transportation for porothy and Lillian Riggs charity tuberculosis patients. 05 15 1933 9 221 14. Action taken to give $10 per month payment of $62.50 toward purchase of artificial limb for Harrell. 05 22 1933 9 222 15. Vote taken to include county in 1933-34 Mother's Aid program and agreement signed with state charities and 05 22 1933 9 222 welfare and budget set aside to match state appropriation. 16. Payment authorized to expense Perry Rose, from juvenile quarters to Stonewall Jackson Training School. 05 29 1933 9 223 17. Commissioner met in joint session with ?oard of Education to elect Supt. of Public Welfare. 06 05 1933 9 224 18. Payment of $15.50 to Minneapolis Artificial Limb Co. authorized for J. M. Harrell. 07 17 1933 9 231 19. Schedule of disbursement for Mother's Aid for 1933-34 appxoved, subject to state charities. 07 24 1933 9 234 20. Supt. of Public Welfa?e authorized to take Bernard Raftery, youth, to Stonewall Jackson Training School. 07 19 1933 9 234 21. Purchase of transportation for Prescilla Antwine to Kinston authorized, along with William Hartsoe. 07 31 1933 9 236 22. Payment of $38.50 to State Sanatorium approved in payment for treatment for Aug. Sep. at .50 per day. 08 07 1933 9 237 23. Welfare officer recommended, and John Garriss and wife, of Seattle, Wash., formerly of this county, 08 21 1933 9 240 stranded here authorized $15 for gas oil and food through welfare. 24. Expenses of Bowden Garrison to Stonewall Jackson Training School authorized as recommended by Supt, of 08 28 1933 9 247 welfare. 25. $15.50 payment to state sanatorium approved for board and treatment of Ashley Jackson. 09 05 1933 9 247 26. Purchase of transportation for Irene Horne approved to Duke Hospital, Durham for operation. 09 05 1933 9 247 27. Alfred Hale, wife and 3 children, indigents, authorized transportation to Faison, NC. 09 tl 1 933 9 249 28. Toilet facilities authorized for welfare worker at courthouse office. 09 11 1933 9 249 29. Jimmy Montford authorized transportation to Stonewall Jackson Training School. 09 25 1933 9 250 30. $24.99 payment approved for board treatment of Ashley Jackson at state sanatorium. 10 09 1933 9 253 31. About $18 per month appropriations for 3 months granted for treatment board of Belinda Johnson at State 10 23 1933 9 255 Sanatorium, recommended by welfare. 32. Welfare Officer J. R. Hollis granted about $20 for taking Linwood Walker and Martin Davis to Stonewall 10 23 1933 9 255 Jackson Training School. 33. Dr. A. H. Elliott's letter, requested securities to cover Health Dept. referred to Chairman. 10 23 1933 9 255 34. P. Holmes authorized transportation to E. Carolina Training School. 11 20 1933 9 259 35. $18 per month appropriations granted for board and treatment of H. S. Harrell for tuberculosis at 11 27 1933 9 260 Sanatorium, Welfare Officer recommended. 36. Chairman conferred with Dr. J. Wessell on admitting J. C. Belcher to Redcross Sanatorium, but must leave 12 04 1933 9 260 due to lack of funds, welfare officer indicated. INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover Count? SOCIAL N C SERVICES ` ? y, . . , NIAtTER: nec. u. s. ?j Counry lndezea Since 1888 ?o loeete names, open a! tOTT A•2 tA6 INDFX ??t OFi1CE C..?,??'J? An IdentiEying Trade Mark SURNAME INIiIAL TAB MADE BY TNE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUM6US, OHIO SOLD BY OWEN 6. OUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH GROLINA NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS uarE MINUTE BOOK Month I Day I Yea? Vol. Page I. $I52.83 to Baxter Durham, s?ate auditor, approved for maintenance expenses of indigent pupils for 1933-34. 12 04 1933 9 260 2. No room at Redcross Sanatorium to care for J. T. Belcher, Chairman reported and $15 per month payment. 12 11 1933 9 262 3. $25 payment to Childrens Home Society authorized as donation. 12 18 1933 9 2b3 4. Typewriter approved for welfare office at $55.88. O1 02 1934 9 265 5. Welfare officer to investigate demeanor of Catherine Kennedy Home inmate. Ol 22 1934 9 267 6. $15 per month board treatment on J. T. Belcher allowed to continue. 02 05 1934 9 273 7. $4 Relief funds given J. T. Capps, employee, for nurse during wife illness. 02 05 1934 9 273 8. Bill to Salvation Army approved for care of infant John T. Capps, 02 19 1934 9 274 9. Transportation approved to expense Norman McKee and Anderson Barnhill to Stonewall Jackson Training School. 03 05 1934 9 276 10. Appropriation requested by Roger Moore and welfare officex, given Edward Lamb for April-June. 04 02 1934 9 279 11. Hanson Blanton deceased, and transfer of his outdoor Poor funds to family referred to welfare officer. 03 26 1934 9 278 12. Welfare worker to take arthur Anderson to Morrison Training School. 04 (?2 1934 9 280 13. Salvation Army given $2.50 per week for care of Donald Russ. 05 21 1934 9 285 14. Transportation to Sanatorium approved for W. H. Daves, indigent. 06 04 1934 9 286 15. Board voted to be included in Mother's Aid program. 06 04 1934 9 286 16. Sanatorium paid for treatment of J. T. Belcher. 06 04 1934 9 286 ? 17. C. A. Wilson allowed food laundry allowance at Redcross Sanatorium, 06 04 1934 9 286 18. Roger Moore rec{uested fund for Salvation Army to care for children, but taken under consideration. 07 02 1934 9 290 19. Payment to East Carolina Training School approved for tonsil operations. 07 17 1934 9 291 20. Bill to Sanatorium approved for payment for treatment of J. T. Belcher. 07 30 1934 9 293 21. Aid for Mrs. Gay referred to welfare officer. 07 30 1934 9 293 22. Welfare officer authorized to take Catherine Gorman and Nellie Edwards to Samaxcand to East Carolina Schoo1 .07 30 1934 9 293 23. Salvation army granted funds for Children. 08 13 1934 9 298 24. Welfare Officer to take Edward Mintz, to state school for deaf and blind. 08 27 1934 9 300 25. Sam and Bert Register authorized by welfare to be taken to Mt. Olive Aunt. 09 04 1934 9 300 26. Mrs. L. D. Elks paid for care of William Golden at Sanatorium. 09 17 1934 9 302 27. Mrs. Edna Kellum discontinued Mother's Aid. 10 O1 1934 9 304 28. Welfare officer granted expenses for taking William Downes ta Training School. IO OI I934 9 304 ? 29. Mrs. Mary L. Fowler granted allowance to care for Jordan McIver. 10 22 1934 9 308 30. Mrs. Mary E. Piner granted allowance subject to welfare and chairty approval. 10 29 1934 9 308 31. N.C. Children's Home granted allowance to expense homeless children. 11 I3 1934 9 309 32, Medicenes and appropriations granted for son of Charles Belvin, diabetic, of Wrightsville Beach. 11 28 1934 9 311 33. Welfare officer granted expenses for Lemi Davis to Orthopedic Hospital. 11 28 1934 9 311 34. Payment to Baxter Durham approved for clothing for 5 indigents. 11 28 1934 9 31Z 35. Caswell Traini.ng School request, approved funds to entertain children. 11 28 1934 9 311 36. Allowance to Bert and Sam Register, insufficient, increased, 12 03 1934 9 312 37. Mother's Aid increased for : Mrs. L. G. Farrow, Mrs. J. Smith, Mrs. C. B. Davis, Mrs. M. C. Saunder. 12 17 1934 9 314 38. Payment to N. C. Sanatorium for treatment of J. T. Belcher. 12 17 1934 9 314 39. No action taken on welfare officer rec{uest to purchase spinal brace for Elizabeth George. Ol 14 1935 9 317 40. Aid for disabled referred to welfare. O1 28 1935 9 319 41. Welfare to transport James Thompson to Chester, SC home. Ol 28 1935 9 319 ' 42. I?elfare officer to return Mrs. Thelma Kitchen and baby to home. 02 18 1935 9 325 43. Payment to State Hospital approved for care of Dr. J. B. Montgomexy. 02 18 1935 9 325 44. Gasoline authorized by welfare officer for County truck. 02 18 1935 9 325 45. Welfare transportation allowed for John T. Capps to training school. 03 11 1935 9 328 46. Payment for laundry authorized for Isabel Martin by welfare. 03 11 1935 9 328 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS N C MINUTES -- New Hanover County SOCIAL SERVICES MATTER , . . , : aec. u. s. ?AT OiFICE ?i? County Indexee Since 1888 ?I?LLa-w. An Identifying Trade Maric To locate names, open pt ? SURNAME INITIAL TAB COTi A•2 TAB tNDEX NIADE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS. OHIO SOLC BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS 1. Salvation Army given allowance to care for Freddie Campbell. 2. Welfare transportation authorized for Virginia Britt. 3. Payment to state hospital authorized for William Grant, inebriate. 4. Payment to girls school authorized for Virginia Britt. 5. Welfare transported Houston Howard, Jordan McIver and Clifton Bellamy to Morrison School. 6. Welfare Supt. authorized to provide transportation for Mrs. Lucy A. Shepard. 7. Transportation authorized to return Calvin Bell to E. Carolina Training School. 8. Request £or appropriations to NC Sorosis received for consideration. 9. Commissioners voted to be included in Mother's Aid program. 10. J. R. Hollis elected welfare officer. 11. Mrs. Sarah Oliphant granted Mother's Aid, subject to approval. 12. Welfare transportation authorized to return Lucille Martin to Va. home. 13. Welfare transportation authorized to expense Beatrice Woodson to Conn. 14. Welfare transportation authorized to expense Lonnie Hollis to New Bern. 15. Welfare recommended and Herbert Smith, blind, granted hospital expenses. 16. Action taken on welfare recommendation to transport Rosa Branson and Medelyn Sykes to Savannah, Ga. home. 17. Expenses of inebraites declined for hospital treatment. 18. Welfare approved and Sam and Bert Register authorized books. 19. Welfare approved Edith Gore and Mary Blanchard expenses to Chadbourn and Fayetteville. 20. Welfare approved and Eleanor Smith expensed to Gastonia Hospital. 21. Mary Swindell and 2 children given week increase. 22. S. E. Smith given more allowances at Duke Hospital. 23. Transportation authorized for David High Smith and Ellis Galloway. 24. Transportation for Christian White to N.Y.C. referred to Chairman. 25. N. C. Children's Home Society given funds. 26. Perry Russ authorized payment to Stonewall Jackson School. 27. Calvin Bell authorized transportation to East Carolina. 28. Rehabilitation Commission expensed Edith Brown to Elizabeth City school. 29. Bill approved for payment to State institutions. 30. Welfare Supt. advised, and J. T. Belcher funds for treatment. 31. Appropriation granted Caswell Training School. 32. Shoes for 2 Register boys authorized for purchase. 33. No action taken to transport Eliza Wright from N. Y. City. 34. Boys' Christmas Fund allowed appropriations. 35. Payment approved to N. C. Sanatorium for care of Isabel Martin. 36. Payment approved to Dr. R. L. Carter for care of J. T. Belcher. 37. Purchase of apparel approved for Willie Jackson. 38. Welfare authorized transportation for Joseph Tardugno and family to Washington, DC home. 39. Payment to Dr. R. B.Rodman approved for treatment of Herbert Smith, Winter Park. 40. Payment approved for transportation of Frank Norwood to Hopewell, Va. 41. Supt. of welfare authorized to employ help to handle flq?r and commodities. 42. Welfare Supt. requested, declined funds for treatment. 43. Transportation cost authorized for Fellize family to Washington, DC. 44. Payment approved to Dr. R. L. Carter to treat J. T. Belcher. 45. Railroad fare requested, granted to Mrs. E. Perry to Fla. 46. Welfare authorized to continue W. F. Grant services. DATE Month Day Year 03 11 1935 03 11 04 O1 04 16 04 22 Q5 06 05 20 05 27 06 03 06 03 06 24 07 22 07 29 09 03 09 09 09 16 09 16 09 23 09 23 09 30 09 30 09 30 10 07 10 14 11 12 11 04 11 18 11 25 11 25 12 02 12 02 12 09 12 09 12 16 Ol 27 O1 27 02 03 02 17 02 24 02 24 02 24 03 02 03 02 03 09 03 16 03 30 1935 1935 1935 1935 1935 1935 1935 1935 1935 1935 1935 1935 1935 1935 1935 1935 1935 1935 I935 1935 1935 1935 1935 1935 1935 1935 1935 1935 1935 1935 1935 1935 1935 1936 1936 1936 1936 1936 1936 1936 1936 1936 1936 1936 1936 MINUTE BOOK Vol. Page 9 328 9 328 9 332 9 334 9 335 9 338 9 342 9 343 9 344 9 345 9 346 9 356 9 357 9 378 9 379 9 380 9 381 9 381 9 381 9 382 9 382 9 382 9 384 9 384 9 391 9 390 9 392 9 393 9 393 9 393 9 394 9 396 9 396 9 397 9 403 9 403 9 406 9 408 9 410 9 410 9 410 9 411 9 411 9 413 9 414 9 416 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES -- N H C t N C ! / j' ew anover oun y, . . , MATZER• SOCIAL SER VICES ` aec. u. s. ?j Councy Indexea Since 1868 {?? ?+?-- to locate names, open at (OTT A-Z TAB INDEX e?r OFFICE (.?.tP,?l?o-?' An identifying Tredc Mazk ?_+? SURNAME INITIAL TAB MADE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD BY OWEN 6. DUNM, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA NATURE OF FROCEEDiNGS DATE MINUTE BOOK Month Day Year Yol. Page 1. I Welfare authorized to transport Albert Andrews to school. 03 30 1936 9 416 ' 2, Eliis Galloway and Leroy Green authorized transportation. 04 13 1936 9 420 3. Sam and Bert Register authorized shoes. 04 13 1936 9 420 4. Payment to 0. H. Shoemaker approved by welfare. 04 13 1936 9 420 5. Board vote to be included in Mothex's Aid program. 05 04 1936 9 425 6. Paymen?C approved For X-Ray T.B. Test on Bert Register. 05 11 1936 9 426 7. Payment approved for Dr. R. L. Carter for treatment. 05 11 1936 9 426 8. Welfare office authorized typewriter. 06 O1 1936 9 434 9, James Hill authorized transportation, welfare recommended. 06 08 1936 9 434 10. Treatment continued on J. T, Belcher. 06 08 1936 9 434 11. Mrs. Addie Millis granted Mothers aid. 06 22 1936 9 437 12. Welfare authorized glasses. 06 29 1936 9 439 I3. Nellie Edwards authorized transportation. 06 29 1936 9 439 14. Welfare allowed expense for return of Mrs. Stella G. Keyes to home. 07 Ol 1936 9 439 '? 15. i Transportation cost authorized for Mrs. Bell Gore. 07 13 1936 9 441 16. Treatment of Lennuel C. Williams paid. 07 20 1936 9 442 17. Salvation Army advanced August appropriations. 07 27 1936 9 443 18. Welfare allowed to expense J. B. Rogers, Jr, to training school. 07 27 1936 9 444 19. Transportation for Mrs. Ida M. Poston and James Russ to Washington, DC. 07 29 1936 9 444 20. Transportation for Nellie Edwards to Duplin County allowed. 08 03 1936 9 446 21. Clothing authorized for Edward Mintz, 10, at Morganton. 08 ?7 1936 9 448 22. Clothing authorized for Edward Mintz, at Morganton. 08 24 1936 9 449 23. Payment for care authorized for Charles E. Walker. 08 24 1936 9 449 24. Transportation authorized for John M. Anderson to Maryland. 08 3I 1936 9 450 25. TRansportation authorized for Edith Brown to school. 08 31 1936 9 450 26. Transportation authorized for Mrs. Leola Hughes to Smithfield. 09 08 1936 9 451 27. Transportation declined to Charles Walker from Fla. 09 08 1936 9 451 28. Transportation authorized for lda Sparks to SC. 09 22 1936 9 453 ? 29. Transportation authorized for George, Nora, Fred and Lee McCartney to St. Pauls. 09 28 1936 9 454 30. Board voted to give funds to Stonewall Jackson School to erect chapel ? 10 12 1936 9 457 31. School books granted for Sam and $ert Register. 10 19 1936 9 458 32. Payment to Salvation Army authorized for Walker children. 10 19 1936 9 458 33. Transportation authorized for J. F. and Callie Richards to DC. 10 26 1936 9 459 34. Transportation authorized for C. H. Garrett to NC. 10 26 1936 9 459 35. Welfare authorized heater for WPA office. 11 10 1936 9 ?L53 36. Mrs. Annie Reese, Garden City, authorized Mothers aid. 11 10 1936 9 463 37. Stephen and Elizabeth Green transported to Whiteville. 11 23 I936 9 464 38. Payment authorized to Childrens Home Society. 11 23 1936 9 464 39. Payment authorized to Caswell Training School. 12 07 1936 9 468 40. J. T. Belcher improved in health. 12 21 1936 9 471 41. Sam and Bert Register authorized shoes. 12 21 1936 9 471 42. Salvation Army authorized payment. 12 21 1936 9 471 43. Mrs. Wavie Meares authorized Redcross X-ray. 12 28 1936 9 471 44. Welfare recommended and Stephen Chappel transported to Mecklenburg County home. 12 28 1936 9 472 45, Ervin Cash and wife authorized transportation to Gastonia. Ol 11 1937 9 474 46, Edith Brown authorized transportation to school. O1 11 1937 9 474 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES N H C ? N C -- ew anover ount y, . . , MATTER• SOCIAL SERVICES ` nec. u. s. A???? Counry Indexee Since 1888 To locate names, open af rAr OFFtCE C?G?Ca?-?i. An ldentiFl'in& Trade Nlarlc SURNAME INITIAL TAB COTT A•Z TAB INDEX MADE BY THE COTT INDE% COMPANY. COLUMBUS. OHIO SOLD BY OWEN 6. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH GROLINA NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS DATE MINUTE BOOK Month I Day I Year Voi. I Page 1. Welfare allowed mileage for transportation of Social Workers to conference. Ol 25 1937 9 477 2. Welfare and VFW exchanged offices. O1 25 1937 9 477 3. Financial statement and letter of appreciation received from Redcross Sanatorium. ?. 02 O1 1937 9 478 4. William E. Guthrie authorized transportation to Duke Hospital. 02 O1 1937 9 478 5. Payment approved to expense Mary Merrick and three children to N. Y. City. OZ I5 I937 9 48I 6. Payment authorized Salvation Army Home for nine children. 02 15 1937 9 481 7. Transportation authorized for Gretha Cox to Ohio home. 02 22 1937 9 482 8. Shoes authorized for Riggs girls. 03 08 1937 9 484 9. Mrs. Ben Kirkham granted Mothers aid. 03 15 1937 9 486 10. Medicine authorized thru welfare. 03 22 1937 9 489 11. Payment approved for care of Bernard Blake, infant. 04 05 1937 9 489 12. Welfare action approved ontransportation rates for Leasy, Thelma, Lucille, and mother Boone. 04 19 1937 9 492 13. Welfare requested, granted shoes for 3 Riggs girls. 05 10 1937 9 497 14. Redcross Sanatorium to X-ray Mrs. Julie King's arm. 05 17 1937 9 500 15. Welfare authorized transportation for Francis Potter. 05 24 1937 9 502 16. Miss Jane D. Wood appointed and J. B. Huntington recommended for welfare position. 05 24 1937 9 503 17. Miss Wood requested, granted early consideration on welfare position. 06 Ol 1937 9 504 18. Transportation authorized for Grotchen Campbell. 06 07 1937 9 507 19. Freddie Campbell placed with Mrs. E. Neilson. 06 07 1937 9 507 20. Miss Wood declined, and Mrs. Thomas appointed to welfare board. 06 07 1937 9 507 21. State sanatorium authorized payment of expense. 06 14 1937 9 508 22. State authorities requested by board to make arrangements for William Golden. 06 21 1937 9 509 23. Payment to Sanatorium approved for Roland Greer. 06 21 1937 9 509 24. Elsie Neilsen paid to care for Ernest Avery, Jr. 06 21 1937 9 509 25. Welfare activities budget submitted. 07 06 1937 9 519 26. Welfare recipient approved return of Edith Brown to Elizabeth City. 07 06 1937 9 ?19 27. E. C. King protested cost of welfare expenses. 07 12 1937 9 521 28. J. C. Blackburn and Lucille Blackburn approved for payment of Durham trip. 07 12 1937 9 522 29. Payment authorized ?or Mary Smith to Whiteville. 07 19 1937 9 523 30. Pauline Miller to Charlotte and Corine Gamble to Kings Mts. 07 19 1937 9 523 31. Payment approved to Redcross Sanatorium for X-ray. 07 26 1937 9 524 32. Welfare authorized to employ nurse for Mrs. Bevil. 07 26 1937 9 524 33. Freddie Campbell, dependent, included in Social Security. 08 02 1937 9 526 34. Ernest AverY? Jr., included in Social Security program. 08 02 1937 9 526 35. Ida and Josephine McIver included in Social Security program. 08 02 1937 9 526 36. Payment of transportation approved for George Bellamy. 08 09 1937 9 529 37. Payment of transportation approved for Ethel Bellamy. 08 09 1937 9 529 38. Budget allowance increased for case workers of welfare. 08 09 1937 9 529 39. Payment authorized for dental work on E. Brown. OS 30 1937 9 536 40. Payment authorized for mattresses. 08 30 1937 9 536 41. Welfare authorized to get tonsil operation for Frances Potter. 09 07 1937 9 539 42. Welfare authorized typewriters. 09 07 1937 9 539 43. Sam and Bert Register authorized books. 09 20 1937 9 541 44. Eva M.Hamilton authorized transportation to Charlotte. 09 20 1937 9 541 45. Welfare authorized typewriters. 09 20 1937 9 541 46. Helen Brinson authorized transportation to Samarcand. 09 20 1937 9 54I ? C y, N. . INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES -- New Hanover Count , MATT Rr SOCIAL SERVICES ` aec. o. s. County (nde:ea Since 1888 ? To locafe names, open at r?T OFFICE L????Ci*-7? An IdentifSinB Trade Mark SURIJAME IN1TlAL 1'AB COTT A-Z TAB INDEX MADE BY THE COTT INDEIf COMPANT, COLUMBUS. OXIO SOLQ BY OMEN 6. DUNN, NEW BfRN, NORiH CARQLtNA bATE MINUT EBOOK NATURE Of PROCEEDINGS Month Day ? Year Vol. I Page 1. W. D. Justice authorized transportation to Rocky Mount. 09 20 1937 9 541 Z. Edward Sowell and wife authorized transportation to Atlanta. 09 27 1937 9 542 3. W. R. Kennedy and wife authorized transportation to Durham. 10 11 1937 9 544 4. Gretchen Campbell authorized clothing. 10 11 1937 9 544 5. Freddie Campbell authorized clothing. 10 11 1937 9 544 6. Ernest Avery authorized clothing. 10 11 1937 9 544 7. Helen Morriss authorized transportation to Efland, NC. 10 11 1937 9 544 8. Mrs. Rowland Green authorized transportation to Sanatorium. 10 25 1937 9 549 9. Thelma Potter, authorized payment for school. 10 25 1937 9 549 10. Hector McMillan authorized transportation to Wilson. 10 25 1937 9 549 11. Thelma Potter authorized transportation to Kinston. 10 25 1937 9 549 12. William Lockleer authorized transportation to Pembroke. lI 08 1937 9 5S2 13. Redcross Sanatorium authorized X-Ray for Ed Edwards. 11 15 1937 9 553 14. N. C. Sanatorium authorized payment to treat Mrs. Greer. 11 15 1937 9 553 i 15. Welfare Association Charities invited Commissioners to Welfare conference. 11 15 1937 9 553 16. Caswell Training School given donation. 11 22 1937 9 554 17. Eva Hamilton authorized transportation to Wilmington. 11 29 1937 9 555 18. Payment authorized for board of Inex Holloman girl. 11 29 1937 9 555 19. Ernest Avery, Jr. authorized clothing. 11 29 1937 9 555 20. Welfare authorized to ignore payment to Association Charities. 11 29 1937 9 555 21. Caswell Training School granted Christman funds. 11 29 1937 9 556 22. Caesar Collins authorized increase in allowance. 12 06 1937 9 557 23. H. Futrell and family approved increase in allowances. 12 06 1937 9 557 24. State treasurer authorized payment for blind. 12 06 1937 9 557 25. Jack Reaves authorized transportation to School. 12 27 1937 9 560 26. Edwin Mintz authorized transportation to county. O1 03 1938 9 561 27. Viola Riggs authorized shoes. O1 03 1938 9 561 28. Inez Holloman authorized shoes. O1 03 1938 9 561 29. Welfare office authorized to investigate Ganey family. O1 10 1938 9 562 30. H.E. Moore authorized payment of gasoline. O1 17 1938 9 563 31. Rights waivered on Social Security benefits. O1 31 1938 9 564 32. Helen Morris authorized shoes for school. O1 31 1938 9 565 33. Girls Social Club authorized half payment for rent. Ol 31 1938 9 565 34. Roland King authorized transportation to Sanford, Fla. O1 31 1938 9 565 35. Welfare dept. granted extension phone. 02 07 1938 9 567 I 36. Helen Morris authorized shoes. 02 28 1938 9 569 37. Avant Butler and Willie Jackson granted transportation. 02 28 1938 9 569 38. Cement floor for Salvation Army referred to Chairman. 02 28 1938 9 570 39. Fannie Riggs authorized shoes. 03 07 1938 9 571 40. Edith Brown authorized shoes. 03 07 1938 9 571 41. Glenn and Bodie Blanchard authorized transportation. 03 31 1938 9 573 42. Jessie and Jackie Blanchard authorized transportation. 03 31 1938 9 573 I 43. Mattresses and goods referred to welfare dept. 03 28 1938 9 575 44. Dorothy Lee Foster authorized transportation to Rocky Mount. 04 04 1938 9 576 45. Viola Riggs authorized shoes. 04 04 1938 9 576 46. Inex. Holloman authorized shoes. 04 04 1938 9 576 INDE? TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES -- New Hanover County N SOCIAL SERVICES C MATTER , . . _ : ` aec. u. s. Councy ]ndexea Since 1888 To locate names, open at !AT OFFICE ?? An Idontifying Trade Mark ? SURNAME INIiIAL TAB COTT A-2 iAB INDEX ?DE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS DATE MINUTE BOOK Month Day I Year Vol. Page 1. Mrs. Dora H.Morton declined old age assistance. 04 04 1938 9 576 2, Mrs. Roland Greer continued treatment. 04 11 1938 9 577 3. Welfare to use out to attend conference. 04 11 1938 9 577 4. Welfare authorized to attend con?erence. 04 11 1938 9 577 5. Eleanor Smith authorized transportation to hospital. 04 18 1938 9 578 6. Marion Martin authorized transportation to school. 04 25 1938 9 579 7. Edward Mintz authorized return from school. 04 25 1938 9 579 8. Welfare authorized expenses for juveniles. 05 02 1938 9 581 9. Edith Brown authorized expenses to school. 05 Q9 1938 9 581 10. Conard J. Wise authorized payment for transportation. 05 09 1938 9 582 11. Welfare authorized cabinets. 05 09 1938 9 582 12. Welfare authorized two case workers. 05 16 1938 9 583 13. Welfare budget approved for 1938-39. 05 23 1938 9 585 14. Welfare authorize transportation for Jean A. Pate. 05 31 1938 9 588 15. Welfare authorize to take Drascher children to Clarendon. 05 31 1938 9 588 16. Welfare authorize to place Inez Holloman in Boarding home. 05 31 1938 9 588 17. Welfare granted expenses for Graham Sykes'trip to school. 05 31 1938 9 588 18. Eleanor Smith authorized trip to Goldsboro clinic. 06 13 1938 9 590 19. Rocky Mount Hospital authorized payment from welfare. 06 20 1938 9 591 20. Inez Holloman authorized clothing. 06 20 1938 9 591 21. Frances Potter authorized transportation to Wilmington. 06 20 1938 9 591 22. Lonnie Roberts authorized removal of tonsil. , 07 05 ?938 9 597 23. Sam and Bert Register authorized reduction of appropriations. 07 05 1938 9 597 24. Charles Atwater authorized transportation food, etc. expenses. 07 18 1938 9 600 25. Old-age assistance quota increased. 08 O1 1938 9 603 26. Truck authorized for J. H. Hardison and family trip. 08 Ol 1938 9 603 27. Redcross Sanatorium to get appropriation increase. 08 02 1938 9 605 28. Welfare increase requested. 08 03 1938 9 606 29. Welfare office authorized care of typewriters. 08 22 1938 9 611 30. We?fare office authorized transportation for Edith Brown. 08 33 1938 9 611 31. Welfare authorized transportation for Van D.Russ and Donald R.Russ to school. 08 15 1938 9 610 32. Welfare authorized trasnportation for Eleanor Smith. 08 15 1938 9 610 33. Payment authorized to treat Rufus McRae at State sanatorium. 08 15 1938 9 610 34. Welfare Commissioners named to study ?ocial Security issue. 8 29 1938 10 1 35. Authorized transportation for Addie P. Cartrett, Will?e Griffira. and Nathan Davis. 8 29 1938 10 1 36. Mrs Williams authorized transportation to Whiteville. 8 12 1938 10 8 37. Authorized m?terial for Riggs girls. 8 12 1938 10 8 38. Seventy-five children approved for "Aid to Dependent Children" list. 9 12 1938 10 9 39. Authorized school books for Bert Register. 9 19 1938 10 11 40. i?T??_f_are case worker notified that County would continue services. 9 19 1938 10 11 41. Edith Guffy employed, salary fixed as case worker. 10 3 1938 10 14 42,Authorized clothing for William M. Horne. 10 24 1938 10 19 43. Welfare conference scheduled, Commissioners invited. 11 14 1938 10 23 44. Authorized transportation for Eleanor Smith to Goldsboro. 11 14 1938 10 23 45. Authorized dictphone set, payment transferred from general fund. 11 23 1938 10 23 46. Authorized transportation for Annie Mae Canady and Juanita Langley. 11 23 1938 10 23 INDE? TO COMMISSIONERS MII?UTES -- N H C t N C , ew anover oun ?, . . _ M T TER: So?ial Services - ¦ec. u. s. Councy lndwces Since 1888 io loea+s names, op?n ot COTT A•2 TA! INDEX e?r OFFICE ???? An (dentifying Trade Mark ? M14CE By 7HE COTT INDEX COA9PANY, COLUMBUS, DHIO StJRltAME INITIl1? TAB SOLD iY OWEN i. DUNN, NErI ?ERN, NORTH GROLINA NATURE Of PROCEEDINGS DATE MINUTE BOOK lNonth Day Year Vol. Page l. J. R. Hollis reques#:ed, declined payment ??z- programs for Welfare conference. 11 28 1938 10 25 2. Welfare declinecl for gas heating equipment, and funds for conference programs. 11 28 1938 1G 25 3. Authorized transportation for Eleanor Smith. 1 3 1939. I0 30 4. Joseph Hardison authorized to remove furniture to Wilmington. 1 9 1939. 10 32 5. Authorized to take C. L. Justice to Rocky Mt. School. .l 16 1939 10 33 6. Welfare approved for maintenan.ce renewal of typewriter, ?tc. 1 16 1939 10 33 7. Authorized to pay Sanatorium for treating Ria.fers MacRae,Jr. 1 16 1939 10 33 8. Authorized sho?s for Fannie Riggs. 1 23 1939 10 35 9. A.uthorized payment to care for Lewis Brayan at Rocky Mt. School. 2 6 2939 ZO 38 10. Authorized payment to treat Susie Wooten at Sanato?ium. 2 6 1939 10 38 11. Authorized to take Clifton Padrick, Freddie Vereen and Jack Batson to S. Jackson School. 2 13 1939 10 40 12. Welfare report filed for January. 2 20 1939 10 41 13. Thomas F. Turner authorized dental work. 3 13 1939 10 44 14. Welfare report filed for Febnzary. 3 13 1939 lU 45 15. Joint meeting set on Civil Service Commission. 3 13 1939 1.0 45 16. Sanatorium authorized payment for X-Ray of 0. R. Piner. 3 29 1939 10 47 17. N.Y.A. Office approv?d for rental at six (6) and Swann. 3 27 1939 10 47 18. Violet and F?nnie Riggs authorized shoes, Edith Brown authoriz?d clothing. 4 3 1939 10 48 19. Authorized transportation for Mildred F.Lee. 4 10 1939 10 50 20. Annie M. Can?ady authorized paym?nt fc?r examination and glasses. 4 l7 1939 10 SO 21. Social Services =•eport filed for March. 4 17 1939 10 51 22. Dependent children, Old age and administrational aids submitted to Welfare -Charities. 5 1 1939 10 53 23. Assista?ZCe for "Blind Hatty" referred to Social Services. 5 15 1939 10 56 24o Authnrized transportation for Mrs. Branch to Charotte. 5 15 1939 10 57 25. Social ?erv?ces report filed for April. 5 15 1939 10 57 26. Pa??ment granted to transport Edith Brown for Elizabeth City School. 5 15 1939 10 57 27. Mrs Mary N. Mi11er, Social Servi.ce office requested funds for Nathan Butler, referred. 5 22 1939 10 57 28. Payment approved to care for Jack Campbell. 5 22 1939 10 57 29. Authorized to admitt George Wilson for t?eatm.ent. 5 29 1939 10 59 30. Autho?ized to transport Francis P?tter fram Samarcand. 5 29 1939 10 59 31. J. R. Ho?lis appointed Social Service Supt.? Mr. Hollis opposed countersigning checks. 6 5 1939 10 61 32. Mrs '?homas ,J. Cause appointed to Charities-Social Service Board. 6 5 ?939 10 61 33. Nc?tary Commission authorized for I??ez Hopkins, Social Service clerko 6 S 193?? 10 61 34. A?at??.or?_zed to take ,Iames P. Yeager to Kinston. 6 5 1939 10 61 35. Payment aathorized on wheel chazr for J. P. Yeager. 6 12 1939 10 62 36. Authorized X-Ray for George Wilson. 6 12 1939 10 62 37. Social Serv2ce worker's parking space discussed with sheriff? 6 12 1939 10 62 38. Social Services report filed for May. 6 12 1939 10 61 39. The National Youth Association requested appropriations, approved. 8 2 193g IO 71 40. Sanatorium appropriations approved. ? 2 1939 10 71 41. Discussed pros and cons of case worker, services to be continued, 8 2 1939 10 71 42. Authorized to give person material ta G?or?;e Wilson. 3 18 1939 10 78 43. Authorized purcl?.as? clothing for Roderick children. 8 28 1939 10 78 44. Authorized transporta.ti?n for Emira Rei11y and Annie Bell, clothi.ng for Edward Mintz. 9 5 1939 10 80 45. Social Services problems discussed. 9 11 1939 10 82 . 46. Authorized purchase of denta]_ plate fo? George Wilson. 10 2 1939 Ol 86 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES -- New Hanover Count?, N. C. _ MATiER: So?ial Services - nec. u. s. County Indezea Since 1888 ? io IoCaN nam?t, op?n aT COTT A•i TA6 iNDEX e?r OFFICE ?p?'J? An lden6fying Trade Mark MI?C E BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SURNAME (NITIAI TAB SOLD iY OWEN i. pUNN, NEw ?ERIf, NORTN CAROLIXA NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS 1.., Authoriz?d? food for Mrs . L. M. Spears and clothing for Rodericks . 2.. Authorized to take George McDonald to tr?ining School. 3,.Edith Brown declined, letter referred on appropriation request. 4.. Mrs. T. H. 'H?ymes authorized payment for school books for Bert Register. 5? Social Services was paid for attending Institute. 6.. Monthly funds disbursed for Social Services. 7.. Check awarded to Children Home Society. 8.- N. Y. A.'s appropriatinn increased from Emergency Funds. 9. Authorized payment for feeding Mrs. Addie Hart, indigent. 10. Samarcand, Caswell, Stonewall Jackson, E. Carolina and Morrision Training Schools given donations. 11. Au.thorized transportation for Sarah Lee Re??,?es and Katherine Burton. 12, Social Service to transport Richard Bell to Orphanage. ]?3. Social Service to transport Adeline Gore to Samarcand. 14., Social Service to transport .Iames Heath to E. Carolina School. 15.. Quarters for youth employment ?.pp.rov??d for N.Y.A. 16?, No action taken on Red Creoss, refusal to take John Kelly for treatment. 17.. Transfer of Miss Wilkinson's p?rsonal items referred to Social Services. 18.. Mrs Walter Gainey granted weekly fund for care of ?nfant Stanley. 19.? Vernell McKinney, 8 authorized care in Mrs. M. Neilsen's home. 20. Authorized to trans?ortation for James McNeill and M:cs. Audy Branch. 21. Allotments approved for Old Age and Dependent Ghildren. 22. Social Service to ??rovi_de transportation for Lillian Kermon to Samarcand. 23.. Bremington children authorized X-Rays. 24. Authorized transportation for Edith Brown from Alanta. 25. Authorized X-Ray for Walter Roderick and Charles McKenize. 26.. N. Y. A. member Evelyn Mintz employed as Social Service Clerk. 27. Authorized transportation for Cecil K. Gore to Orphanage. 28._ Adoption of Social Se?vice budget postponed. 29. Social Service authorized electric fans in vault. 30. N. Y. A. report filed for May. 31a Transportation payment authorized for William Haman and family. 32. Transportation payment authorized for Edith Brown to Atlanta: 33? National Yauth Association appropriations approved. 34., Red Cross Sanatorium Appropriations ?pproved. 35, National Youth Association report received for June. 36, Authorized transportation for two (2) girls and two (2)i,oys. 37. Social Services budget increased. 38. Red Cross Sanatorium premises to be cleaned by prison labor. 39. Marcelle and Olla Fay Glisson approved for tonsil operation. 40, Mrs. Gertrude W. Fralix referred for Dependent Aid for Chi_ldren. 41? Social Services statement re??erred on activities and salariesa 42. Authorized transportation for Cecil Gray to school. 43. Social Service caseworker resigned, salary increase reque?ted for others. , 44, Caseworker, J.R. Hollis allowed salary increase. 45. Caseworkers allowed ?alary increase. DATE MINUTE BOOK Monfh Day Year Vol. Pnge 10 2 1939 10 82 _ 10 11 1939 10 88 10 18 1939 10 89 10 23 1939 10 89 „ 10 23 1939 10 90 11 6 1939 10 92 11 6 1939 10 92 11 13 1939 IO 94 11 20 1939 10 95 11 27 1939 10 96 12 26 1939 10 103 1 15 1940 10 106 1 15 1940 10 106 1 29 1940 10 107 2 5 194?0 10 109 2 S 1940 10 109 2 ? 1940 10 109 3 18 1940 10 118 3 25 19?-0 10 119 4 15 1940 10 122 4 22 1940 10 122 4 22 1940 10 123 4 22 1940 10 123 5 6 1940 10 125 5 6 194?0 10 125 5 13 1940 10 127 6 3 1940 10 129 6 3 1940 10 130 6 1Q 1940 10 l?G 6 10 1040 10 130 6 17 1940 10 132 6 17 1940 10 132 7 5 1940 10 137 7 5 1940 , 10 137 7 8 1940 10 138 7 8 1940 10 138 7 23 1940 10 143 7 29 1940 10 143 7 29 1940 10 144 8 19 1940 10 148 8 19 194Q 10 148 9 9 1940 10 153 9 9 1940 10 153 9 9 1940. 10 153 9 9 1940 10 153 INDEX TO COMMISSIO?IERS MINUTES -- New Hanover Count?y, N. C. _ MA TfR• So?ial Services ? eec. u. s. ??q ?? County Indezee Since 1888 ? To loto*Y nam?s, op?n ot M0.LE Bll THE COTTT ND X COMPANYX COLUMBUS, OHID r?r OFfICE C.l'c?v¢/I71?.?? An Identifying Trsd? Marlc SURI?AME INIiIAL 7AB SOLD ?Y OWEN G. pUNN, NEM ?ERM, NORTN GROLINA NQTURE OF PROCEEDINGS l. C??mmissioners authorized payment to Social Services Board meeting. 2..George Wilson to continue t?°eatment at `?anatori?.?m. 3. El?_??.abeth Horne resigned from Social Service, pay-ment authorized. 4. Social Service t??eeting set, Chairman to atterL?? 5. Social Service office authorized adding machine. 6..Civil Service report filed. 7. National Youth Association request?d, granted construction of new building. 8. National Youth P?ssociation offices transferred to Courthouse. 9. Payment approved b?? Social Service to hospitalize ,Te?;se Roderick. 10. Social Service copies of minutes received and filed. 11. Social Services requested increase in 01d Age and Chi•.ldren's Aid. 12. Social Service submitted bill to change method to select Social Service members. l3, National Youth Association projects filPd. 14. Scheduled report of Old Fo?_k Home referred fopinvestigation. 15. Social Service a?uthorized John Brogan to take Mary C. Stutts and W. H. Mathis to S. C. 16. Social Service authorized to employ H. G. Ward as caseworker. 17. Mrs T. J. Gause re-appointed to Social Service Board. 18. Seaman Friends Society granted lease of National Youth Association Building. 19. Social Service budget referred on Old Age and Childrens Ai?. 20. Social Service aid approved for administration, Old Age and Dependent Children. 21. Travelers Aid Society Ladies considered fo? app?opriations. 22. National Youth Association appropriations separated, payment authorized. 23. Motion carried to increase Redcross Sanatorium appropriationso 24. Dr. J. P. Bowen given pa?rment for appendectomy -care of Jessie L. Roderick at Samarcand. 25. National Youth Association office rented, payment authorized. 26? National Youth Association sewing room grai:rted appropriations. 27. Social Services authorized appropriations. 28. Mrs. Rosalee F. Gores complaint referred to Social Service on aid. 29. National Youth Association project sponsored for beautification. 30. Social Service authorized half-payment of inedical exepenses for John E. Owens. 31. National Youth Association granted use of Courthouse room. 32. Social Service granted appropriations. 33a Funds authorized for treating inmates and George Wilson. 34. Gheck accepted Qn salary of Mrs. A. S. Wright, caseworker. 35. Payment authorized to treat Helen Mitchell at Sanatorium. 36. Payment authorized to treat Helen?Mitchell a? Sanatorium. 37. Payment authorize? to treat Maude G. Jernigan at Samarcand. 38. Wilson Lee Jackson granted license for store thru Social Service office. 39. Social Service authorized to negotiate with Sanatorium offices on treatment of I. Stukes. 40. Travel expens?s advanced for caseworker, Mrs. A. S. Wright. 41. Old Age and Dependent Childrens' aid approved, subject to reductions. 42. Payment of bi11 approve for treatment of Ervin Stukes, 43. Social Service salari?s, travel expense funds approved, subject to reductions. 44, Payment approved for treatrnent of Margaret P. Count at Sanatorium. 45. Caseworker Mrs. M. N. Miller given minimun salary. 46, Caseworkers Mrs C. Barnette and Augusta Cooper gi??en minimun salary. DATE MINUTE BOOK Month Day Year Voi. Page 10 7 1940 10 L57 10 14 10 14 Il 12 12 9 12 9 1 13 2 3 2 IO 2 17 2 24 3 10 3 10 3 10 3 17 3 17 3 31 4 7 5 5 5 12 6 23 6 30 6 30 6 30 6 30 9 15 9 22 9 29 10 20 11 3 11 17 12 15 12 1 1 S 1 26 2 2 2 2 2 9 2 23 4 6 5 4 5 18 6 1 7 13 7 20 7 20 194Q 1940. 1940. 1940 1940 1941 1941 I94I 1941 1941 1941 1941 1941 1941. 1941 1941 1941 1941 1941 1941 1941_ 1941 1941 1941 1941 1941 I941 1941 1941 1941 1941 1941 1942 1942 1942 1942. 1942 1942 1942 1942 1942 1942 1942 194? 1942 ?0 157 10 158 10 L62 10 L68 10 L68 10 L74 10 L79 1(7 L 8 I 10 L82 10 L83 10 L87 10 L87 10 L87 10 189 10 L89 10 191 10 L92 10 L98 10 ?10 10 ? 1 c?) 10 ?11 10 ?11 10 ?12 10 ?12 10 229 10 231 10 Z32 10 ?3? 10 ?38 10 ?41 10 Z45 10 243 10 248 10 252 10 ?57 10 257 10 258 10 Z60 10 266 10 Z71 10 273 10 275 10 Z82 10 283 10 ?83 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MII?UTES - New Hanover County, N. C. eec. u. s. County Indezee Since 1888 ? TO IOCa?? nOm?s? opln af e?r OFFICE ?l?e.? An Identifying Trade Mark SURNAiNE INITIAL TAB NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS SUBJECT ? _ MATTER: Social Services - COTT A•2 TAY INDEX MILCE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, DHIO SOLD tT ONEN 0. oUNN, NEII ?ERN, NORTN GROLINA l?: Social Service Supt. granted petty cash allowance. 2.. Caseworkers H.B. Sneeden, NIaN. Miller,..D. Bennette and A. Cooper salaries adjusted. 3. Jacob Cooper granted free store license by Social Services. 4.. Social Service authorized payment for Hospital bill oi John A. Hines. S.. Social Service authorized payment of Hospital bill of Richard Rising. 6. James Hall appointed to repr-esent Commissioners on Redcross Sanatorium. 7.. Mrs. Mary S. Gause appointed to Social Service Board. 8.. Social Service Supt. granted f?.nds for treatment of J. A. Hines. 9. Old Age and Dependent Childrens' aid approv?d, subject to reductionse 10. Paytr?ent approved to treat Willie M. Merrill at Sanatorium. ? 11. Social Service report referred on J. A. Hines, cancer victim. 12. Old Age and Dependent Childrens' aid approved, subject to reductiorLs. 13. Report received from Social Service Supt. on patient treatment being continued at Sanatorium. 14?. Mrs Mary C. Butler not allowed tax?settlement of J. W. Winner's land. 15., Mattie J. Garress referred ior adjustment. 16. Tax collector to advertise unpaid taxes on real e?tate. 17. Intangible taxes reporte?. by Board of Assessments. 18. Capt. Russell Bellany requested tax reduction. 19. Tax report received for June. 20., Old Age and Dependent Childrens' aid report received, referred to a.uditor 21. General summary of Social Services Dept. received. 22.. Social Service authorized typewriter. 23.. F.W.A. conference set to discuss need of Sanatorium for treating TB. 24.. F.W.A. in Richmond to endorse funds for Sanatorium. 25. Committee. to work on construction of TB Sanatorium. 26. Application to be submitted for funds for Sanatorium. 27. Material used at National Youth Association Headquarters authorized to be purchased. 28. Statement received on Old Age and Dependent Childrens'- aid. 29.. Sanatorium construction cost discussed, action to consfer??ct postponed. 30. Cost of Sanatorium objected, petition presented to reconsider Feb. 7th action. 31.: Report read on Sanatorium operations before abandonment. 32. Construction cost of Sanatorium clarified. 33.. Social Service Supt. to write and request contribution from Fla. Authorities. 34. Statement received. on Old Age and Dependent Chyldrens.' aid. 35.. F. Willetts, C. B. Kornegay re-elected to Civil Service Commission. 36. R. B. Roebuck named to Social Sercice Board. 37. Letter received urging construction of Sanatorium, letter acknowledged. 38. Caseworker,granted mileage increase. 39. Report r?ceiv?d on Old Age and Dependent Children.s' aid. 40. Statement received on 01d Age and Dependent Childerns' aid. 41. Budget approved for Old Age and Dependent Childrera.s' funds, Trask declined to vote. 42. Statement received on Old Age and Dependent Childrens` aid. 43. Dr. J.P. Bowen paid for treatment of Viola Smith at Samarcand. 44. Old Age and Dependent Childrens' aid statement received. 45. Committee appointed on Social service salaries. QATE MINUTE BOOK Month ? Day Year Vol. ? Page ; 8 3 1942 10 285 ? 8 17 1942 10 288 ? 8 31 194? 10 28? 10 26 1942 10 299 11 9 1942 10 301 1 11 1943 10 312 3 22 1943 10 321 4 12 1943 10 325 4 12 1943 IO 325 6 1 1943 10 332 6 14 1943 10 335 6 21 1943 10 336 6 21 1943 IO 336 8 2 1943 10 343 8 2 1943 ?.? 343 8 2 1943 10 343 8 2 1_943 10 343 8 2 1943 10 343 8 2 1943 10 343 $ 2 1943 10 343 9 7 1943 10 347 9 20 1943 10 349 10 25 1943 10 355 11 8' 1943 10 356 1 10 1944 10 363 1 24 1944 10 365 1 31 1944 10 367 , 2 7 1944 10 367 2 7 1944 10 367 3 6 1944 10 373 3 6 1944 10 373 3 6 1944 10 373 3 6 1944 10 374 3 13 1944 10 374 4 3 1944 10 376 4 3 1944 10 376 4 3 1944 10 376 4 17 1944 10 378 4 24 1944 10 379 S 1 1944 10 381 5 8 1944 10 382 6 5 1944 10 387 6 26 1944 10 393 7 31 1944 10 398 8 14 1944 10 399 i ? INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - N H t C N C ! ew anover oun y, . . , MATTERr Social Service s - aec. u. s. County Indezea Since 1888 To lotnte nomBS? Open pt r?r OFiiCE ?? An Idcntifying Trade Mark SURNAME INITIAL 7A6 COTT A•Z TAB INDEX ?DE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD EY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA NATURE OF PROCEEDIlVGS DATE MINUTE BOOK Month Day I Year Vol. ? Page Z. Old ?nge and Dependent Childrens' aid statement received. 9 5 I944 10 404 2. Committee named for con.ference with Civil Defense. 9 5 1944 10 404 3. Old Age and Dependent Childrens' aid report received. 10 2 i944 10 407 4. Old Age and Dependent Childrens' aid report received. 11 6 1944 10 412 5. Social Service conference extended invitation to Commissioners. I_1 20 1944 10 414 6. Old Age and Dependent ChildrenS' aid report received. 11 20 ??:944 10 414 7. Social Service employee Mrs. L. Highsmith declined salary while attending school_. 12 27 1944 10 420 8. Statement received on Old Age and Dependeni? Childrens' aid. 1 8 1945 10 421 9. OId Age aid increased. 1 8 1945 10 +ZI 10. Old Age and Dependent Childrens' aid statement received. 2 5 1945 10 '+26 11. Social Service exempted from establishing ?omest?_c ?el?±tions Courts. 2 5 1945 10 426 12. Mrs. Thomas J. Gause re?appointed to Social Service Board. 2 26 1945 10 ?+29 13. Statement received on Old Age ar?d Dependent Childrens' aid. 3 5 1945 10 ??+3??. 14. Assistance approved for Old Age and Dependent Children. 4 3 1945 10 ?+33 15. Sta`eme?t received on Old Age and Dependent Childrens' aid. 4 3 1945 10 ?+33 16. Statement received on ?Jld Age and Dependent ChildrenS' aid. 5 7 1945 10 439 17. Social Service budget approved. , S 28 1945 10 ?+42 I8. Social Service charge against 0. P. Stuckey held in abeyance. 5 28 1945 10 ??+42 19. Statement received on Old Age and Dependent Childrens' aid. 6 4 1945 10 ?+43 20. Statement recei?led on Old Age and Dependent Childrens' aid. 7 9 1945 10 '+48 21. Committee named or? Social Service adjusting salaries? 7 16 1945 10 '+49 22. Statement received on Old Age and Dependent Childrens' aid. 8 6 1945 10 ?+53 23. Statement received on Old Age and Dependent C'r?ildrens' aid. 9 10 1945 10 ?+57 24. Advisement taken on Old Age increase. 10 8 1945 10 ??+61 25. Statement received o;?a Old Age and Dependent ChildrenS? aid. 10 8 1945 10 %61 26. Statement received on Old Age and Dependent Childrenas' aid, 11 5 1945 10 ?+65 27. Allotments increased on Old Age and Dependent Childrens' aid. 11 19 1945 10 467 28. Statement received on Old Age and Dependent ChildrenS' aid. 12 3 1945 10 !?69 29. Social Service authorized new dictaphone. 12 17 1945 10 ?74 30. Statement received on Old Age and Dependent Childrens' aid. 12 17 1945 10 474 31. Si:atement received on pld Age and Dependent Childrens' aid. 1 7 1946 10 475 32. Childrens' aid increased. 1 7 1946 10 475 33. Statement received on Old Age and Dependent Childrens' aid. 2 4 1946 10 480 34. Social Service to inv?stigate req??est for aid ?f Eddie Thompson and Family. 3 4 1946 10 484 35. Sta??ment received on Old Age and Dependent Childrens' aid. 3 11 1946 10 485 36. Physical qualifications referred to Social Service. 4 1 1946 10 490 37. Allotment approved for Old Age and Childreno 4 22 1946 IO 493 38. Statement received on Old Age and Dependent Childrens? aid. 5 6 1946 10 495 39. Social Service budget approved. 5 27 1946 l0 498 40. Old Age allotment approved. 6 10 1946 10 500 41. Statement received on i31d Age and Dependent Childrens' aid. 7 8 1946 10 504 42. Social Service ??udget discussed, salary increases received. 7 12 1946 10 504 43. 4 Title for property clarified, letter written on Sanatorium. 7 1S 1946 10 505 44. Motion carried ta appoint a Committee on Sanatorium negotiations. 7 22 1946 10 505 45. Old Age and Childrens' allotment discussed. 8 1 I946 10 507 46. Redcross SanatozYzum land appraisal up for discussion. 8 5 1946 10 508