U Index to Minutes July 15, 1868INDE? TO COMMISSIO?ERS MINUTES -- New Hanover Count N C U S CONGRESS _ ? ?, . . . . MATTER• ` ¦ec. u. s. rsr OFFICE ?p? Counry [nclexea Since 18fS8 /?.? An Identifying Trade Mar? ? To focate names, open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB tOTT A-Z TAB INDEX MADE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLO BY OWEN 6. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS DATE MINUTE BOOK ? Month ?Day Year Vol. Page ; , 1. Board learned that the U.S. Government is thinking of rebuilding its wharf on Cape Fear River. 02 14 1898 6 87 ? ?. ? 2. Board wants Chamber of Commerce to ask our U,S, representatives to urge that the wharf be built of stone. 02 14 1898 6 87 ? t N H C C INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - N TY OF NORTH anover oun ?, . . _ ew MATTER: CAROLINA ` ecc. u. s. Counry Indexee Since 1888 ?h ? To loeats names, open at ?er oFnce ?J11.C4??t?'.s An ldentifyinQ Trade Mark ?S SURNAM6 INITIAL TAB Rorr a•z rns tNOeX MADE BY THE COTT INDE% COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA ? '? DATE ;i MINUTE BOOK ''d ; ?q NATURE OF PRO(EEDINGS ? ?n ?d ? Month ? Day ? Year ?o: Vol. ? Page i , l.;i E.A. Alderman appointed a student at University of N.C, under Section 3 of Act of Assembly, 08 - OS i? 18786 4 738 ?? iy { E; 2.n? Clerk to inform President of U.N.C. of appointment and give a certificate of appointment to Mr, Alderman. 08 05 5 1878?y 4 738 k? I i? ? 3.? ?, E.A. Alderman granted a studentship at University of N.C, OS 05 1879'?i ,. 4 71 F, 4.. ; Position of County Student at U.N.C. awarded Jesse B. Hawes. 06 06 1881?? ? 4 298 ?? r; 5.? Jesse B. Hawes appointed a student to U,N.C, 08 07 1882? 4 400 ?? 6.' Jesse B. Hawes reappointed a student at U.N.C, „ 07 02 1883 4 479 °: z , 7.:; James D. Hedrick appointed student at U.N.C. 08 11 1884 4 572 ?. _ 8. James D. Hedrick appointed student to U.N.C. . 07 06 1885„ 4 640 ? 9. Jarries D. Hedrick declines appointment as student at U.N.C, , 08 02 1886; 4 729 , ! 10.,, A.D. Marshall appointed student to State University. 08 09 1886„ 4 733 ? ?. 11. Attorney for Susan Bayette requested refund of taxes paid on property sold to her by Sheriff, but now O1 06 1896 5 686 ; ruled as belonging to U.N.C. (See TAX DEPARTMENT) „ 12. Request from UNC to have back taxes removed from records referred to Attorney Bellamy for investigation. 07 05 1904 , 6 802 13. ? ? I .. J. W. Little requested abatement on back taxes on property bought by UNC; referred to Auditor and Attorney. 05 ,. Ol 1914 „r 7 353 , i f. .a , .,. . .. o .. .. ., j? Y. . M. . ? I ?. li ?? . d ?? . , . I . ? . .. vn . !r y. y. ?? i!Z 1' ' ? ? , ' .. . Y ?? . n ? {? ?1 f i ? ?: :i ?! ' ?-0 i? j{ ^` ?l INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES -- New Hanover County, N. C. _ MATiER: ??? ??NING ` Re?. u. s. Covnty Indezes Since 1898 To loea» namss, OplD Ot COTT A TO Z TAB INDEX r?r OFFICE ??i?L?Q?..' AnldentifyingTradeMark ? MADE ?Y THE COTT INDEX tOYPAIlY, COUIM?OS? ONIO SURNAME INITIAL TAB SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN (0., NEW BERN, N. C. NATURE OF 'PROCEEDINGS l. Resolution adopted establishing an Urban Gardening Program DATE MINUTE BOOK Month Day Year Vol. Page 03 16 1981 18 782 2.