Z Index to Minutes July 15, 1868INDEX TQ COMMISSIONERS MINUTES -- New Hanover County, N. C. , MU JECTBOARD OF ADJUSTI?NTS (ZONI VG) aec, u. s. ???j County Indezea Since 1888 ? To lo?at? nam?s? Op?n a1 COTT A-2 TA? INpEX PAT OFfICE C^„"`""'? An Identifying Trade Mark SURMAJNE INIiIAL TAY INADE BY THE COTT INDEX COh1PANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLO tT OIYEN i. OUNN, NEN fERN, NORTN GROLINA . NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS DATE MINUTE BOOK ' Month Day Year ' Voi. Page ?? 1. Appointments 09 10 1965 13 523 2. Appointments 10 18 1965 13 536 3. Appointment of inember. 06 i)5 1967 14 110 4. Appointment of inember. 11 i16 1967 14 65 5. Permanent Office Space for 12 02 1968 14 276 6. Appointment of inember to 12 16 1968 14 284 7. Appt. John Maye 03 28 1977 18 9 8. Public Hearing consider proposed amendment to zoning ord. 08 O1 1977 18 84 9. Reappt. Crumpler and Aman IO I7 I377 i8 IZ(? 10. Zoning Board decision upheald on Tregembo vs. Zoning Board 09 18 1978 18 282 11. Appointments - Mike Vaughn, Joseph Johnson 11 06 1978 18 302 12, Reappointments - Joyn May - Ezra Hester 11 06 1978 18 302 I3. Appointment - Kenneth D. Williamson ? 03 05 1979 18 369 14. Appointment - Ms. Lois Whitmire - alternate member 09 17 1979 18 479 15. Discussion on action of Zoning Board of Adjustment 09 17 1979 18 479 16. Mrs. Lois Whitmire appointed regular member to Boa?d 12 17 1979 18 531 17. Appointment of Jobe V. Hardee to Board 04 21 1980 18 588 18. Discussion on Burton Steel Company operation on Oakley Road 04 08 1980 18 577 19. Reimbursement to Board members for expenses incurred in their services at County mileage rate 02 02 1981 18 754 20. Appointment of Ludlow and Ward 09 08 1981 18 920 21. Discussion on Zoning Problems in Castle Hayne 10 19 1981 18 943 22. Appointments to Zoning Board of Adjustments 12 07 1981 18 972 23. Discussion on Compensation for members 03 Ol 1982 19 26 24. Filing Fee for Zoning Board of Adjustment 09 07 1982 19 145 25. . ,., ?? INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover County, N. C. _ MU JECT ZONING ? ne?, u. s. ? `_'A County Indexea Since 1888 ? To IOCOb nOnMf? OpNI a} COTT A-Z TA? INOE7I PA7 OFFICE C?cy/i7r?? An ldentifying Trade Mark fURNAME INITIAL TAY INADE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD ?Y ONEN i. YUNN, NEN {ERN, NORTN GROLINA NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS DATE MINUTE BOOK ; Month Day Year Vol. Page '' L ?? 1 i ? L_?. _. 1? County Planning and Zoning 2. Re: Sawmill - Bridgewater Bluffs 3. Appointment members to 4. Appointment members to 5. Official map for zoning area 2 6. County Zoning Ordinance Amendment to Masonboro Zoning map (3) 7. Recommendation Area 3 8. Public hearing to consider County Zoning Ordinance 9. Public hearing consider changes to County Zoning Ordinance 10. Rezoning Secondary Road 1409 11. Area 3- Middle Sound 12. Adoption Zoning Map Middle Sound 13. Adoption Zoning Map Middle Sound 14. Appointment to Wilmington 15. Public Hearing - Rexoning 3436 S. College Rd. 16. Appointment Member to Wilmington-New Hanover 17. Appointment member New Hanover 18. 1209 Airlie Road 19. Public Hearing-Zoning Area 4 20. Public Hearing-Amendments to Zoning 21. Zoning Area ??4 Adoption of 22. Designation of Zoning Maps 1, 2, 3, and 4 as Official Zoning Maps 23. Wilmington College 24. Porter's Neck area 25. Public Hearing Zoning Area 5 Proposed legislation to Authorize CC to exercise Zoning control in one Mile Area adjacent to City Limits 26. PUblic Hearing - Amendment to County Ordinance and Special Use Permit 27. Amendment to Masonboro Zoning Area (5) 28. Amendment to Zoning Area ??4 (6) 29. Designatioxt of official zoning map for Area 5 30. Discussion of Zoning Area 6 31. Zoning Area 4?6 32. Amendment to Zoning Area ??4 (7) 33. Amendment to Zoning Area ??2 (8) 34. Zoning Map of Area 6 35. Amendment to Masonboro Zoning Area (9) 36. Zoning Map of Area 7 as Official Map 37. Appointment Dr. Hartford 38. Necessity of Board 39. Amendments to Zoning Areas 2& 6(10) 40. Zoning Map of Area 7 as Official Map 41. Zoning Map of Area 7 as Official Map 42. Amendment to Zoning Area #5 (11) 43. Amendment to Zoning Area #4 (12) 44. Amendment to Zoning Area #6 (13) 45. Amendment to Zoning Area #4 (14) 06 07 1965 13 489 07 26 1965 13 506 10 20 196y 14 400 11 17 1969 14 411 Ol 05 1970 14 426 03 02 1970 14 445 04 06 1970 14 456 04 06 1970 14 456 04 20 1970 14 467 05 04 1970 14 473 05 04 1970 14 474 05 04 1970 14 472 05 18 1970 14 475 07 07 1970 14 495 07 07 1970 14 492 11 16 1970 14 545 11 16 1970 14 545 12 07 1970 14 554 Ol 04 1971 14 563 04 05 1971 14 600 04 07 1971 14 608 04 19 1971 14 609 06 07 1971 14 651 06 07 1971 14 651 06 21 1971 14 661 06 Z1 1971 14 659 06 21 1971 14 659 06 21 1971 14 660 07 19 1971 14 668 07 19 1971 14 668 08 02 1971 14 671 09 07 1971 15 4-5 09 07 1971 15 4-5 09 07 1971 15 5 11 Ol 1971 15 32 11 Ol 1971 15 32 11 15 1971 15 36 11 15 1971 15 42 12 06 1971 15 43/4 12 06 1971 15 45 12 20 1971 15 57 02 07 1972 15 ?2/72 02 07 1972 15 73 02 07 1972 15 73/74 ' 02 . 07 1972 .? 15 74 a ?a INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS N. C. MINUTES - New Hanover County MU JECT ZONING , ` _ aec. u. s. r?T OFFICE C?c./Q?J? County Indexen Since 1888 An Identifying Trade Mark ? TO IOtab namN. Op?n at fURNAME INITIAL iAY COTT A•Z TA? INYEII MADE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD ?Y OWEN i, oUNN, NEN tERN, NORTN GROLINA NAiURE OF PROCEEDINGS 1. Amendment to Zoning Area #2 (15) 2. Amendment to Zoning Area #6 (16) ' 3.' Amendment to Zoning Area #2 (17) • 4., Proposed Zoning of Area No. 8 5. Amendment to Zoning Area #6 (18) 6.' Designation of official Zoning Maps 8-A f? 8-B Area #8 7.` Felmington Subdivision 8. Rezoning, Amendments to County Zoning Ordinance 9. Rezoning 10. Amendment to Zoning Area #4 (19) 11. Amendment to Zoning Area #9-B(20) 12. Amendment to Zoning Area #9-B (21) 13. Amendment to Zoning Area #6 (22) 14., Amendment to Zoning Area #5 (23) 15. Amendment to Zoning Area #9-B (24) 16. Amendment to Zoning Area #8 (25) 17. Designation Official P?Iap Area No. 8 18. Ordinance amendment Zoning Area #8 19. Amendment to Masonboro Zoning Area (26) 20. Amendment to Zoning Ar?a #4 (27) 21. Amendments to Zoning Ordinance 22. Rezoning Reauest - Bragg Drive 23. Amendment to Zoning Area #2 (28) 24. Amendment to Zoning Area #6 (29) 25. Amendment to Zoning Area #9-A (30) 26. Public Hearing - Proposal amendments to Zoning Ordinance 27. Recommendations re: Airport Zoning 28. Amendment to Zoning Area #9-B (31) 29. Amendment to Zoning Areas 6? 8-B (32) 30. Amendment to Zoning Area #5 (33) 31. Amendment to Zoning Area 6? 9-B (34) 32. Amendment to Zoning (35) 33. Amendment to Zoning Area 9-B (36) 34. Amendment to Zoning Area 9-B (37) 35. Amendment to Zoning Area 9-A (38) 36. Amendment to Zoning Area 9-B (39) 37. Amendment to Zoning Area 4(40) 38. Amendment to Zoning Area 6(41) 39. Amendment to Zoning Area 9-B (42) 40. Amendment to Zoning Area 8-B (43) 41., Amendment to Zoning Area 4(44) 42. Amendment to Zoning Area 9-A (45) ?43. Amendment to Zoning Area 8-B (46) 44.;' Amendment to Zoning Area 9-A (47) 45..' Amendment to Zoning Area (48) ? 4 46.`± Amendment to Zoning Area 2(49) DATE Month Day 02 21 03 06 05 O1 05 O1 07 07 07 07 07 07 07 07 07 17 08 14 08 14 08 14 08 14 08 14 08 21 08 21 08 14 09 05 10 02 10 04 10 02 10 02 11 20 11 20 11 20 11 06 11 06 12 07 12 18 12 18 12 18 O1 02 O1 02 ?l Q2 02 05 02 05 02 05 03 05 03 OS 04 02 ?4 02 04 02 04 02 05 07 05 07 05 07 Year 1972 1972 1972 1972 1972 1972 1972 1972 1972 1972 1972 1972 1972 1972 1972 1972 1972 1972 1972 1972 1972 1972 1972 1972 1972 1972 1972 1972 1972 1972 1972 1973 1973 1973 1973 1973 1973 1973 1973 1973 1973 1973 1973 1973 1973 1973 MINI Vo1. 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 !TE BOOK Page ? 79 ,, ? 85 120 121 183 184 183 : x ? 181 195 s ? ? 195 € ? 196 ! r 1 196 196 196/97 204 E 205 198 ? 212 225-26 226 227 225 252 252 253 239 , 242 279 281 281 281 ?94-5 Z95-6 Z95-6 , 319 ? 319-0 I 320 ? 340 340 ? 362 ? 363 ? 363 ? 364 ? 377 „ 378 ! ? 379 / ? INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES -- New Hanover County N. C. Z°NIN? MU JE ? , _ CT xcc. u. s. County Indezes Since 1888 PAT OFFICE ?? An Identifying Ttade Mark ? TO IOtOt? Ilonl?f? op?0 a} SURNAME INITIAL TAY COTT A$ ?DE BY THE COTT INDEX TM INpEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, ONIO SOLD ?Y ONEN 0. pYNN, N EN ?ERN , NORTN GRO LINA NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS DATE MINUTE BOOK Month Day Year Vol. Page 1. Amendment to Zoning Area 8-A (50) 05 2I I973 15 4I9 2. Amendment to Zoning Area 2(51) 05 21 1973 15 ?19-0 3. Amendment to Zoning Area 8-B (52) 07 02 1973 15 443 4. Amendment to zoning Area 9-B (53) 08 06 1973 15 462 5. Amendment to Zoning Area 8-B (54) 08 06 1973 15 462 6. Amendment to zoning area 4(55) 08 06 1973 15 462 7. Amendment to Zoning Area 9-A (56) 08 20 1973 15 470 8. Amendment to zoning area 9-A (57) 08 20 1973 15 471 9. Amendment to zoning area 8-A (58) 08 20 I973 I5 471 10. Amendment to zoning area 9-B (59) 08 20 1973 15 471 11. Amendment to zoning area 8-B (60) 09 04 1973 15 480 12. Amendment to zoning area 8-A (61) 10 O1 1973 15 504 13. Amendment to zoning area 2(62) 11 05 1973 15 518 14. Amendment to zoning area 3(63) 12 17 1973 15 ?41-2 15. Amendment to zoning area 6(64) 12 17 1973 15 543 16. Appointment of Ted Glod to Board of Adjustments 11 19 1973 15 529 17. Discussion of amending to require width buffers O1 07 1974 15 552 18. Amendment to require buffer areas in 0? I Zones Ol 21 1974 15 557 19. Report on amendment to reQuire buffer areas 02 19 1974 15 581 20. Amendment to Zoning Area 9-A (65) O1 07 1974 15 551 21. Amendment to Zoning Area 9-B (66) O1 07 1974 15 551 22. Amendment to Zoning Area 9-B (67) 02 04 1974 15 572 23. Amendment to Zoning Area 9-B (68) 03 04 1974 15 589 24. Amendment to Zoning Area 6(69) 03 04 1974 15 589 25. Amendment to Zoning Area 9-B (70) 03 18 1974 15 598 26. Amendment to Zoning Area 9-A (71) 04 Ol 1974 15 608 27. Amendment to Zoning Area 8A (72) 05 06 1974 15 623 28. Amendment to Zoning Area 9A (73) 06 03 1974 15 647 29. Amendment to Zoning Area 9A- (74) 06 03 1974 15 647 30. Public Hearing to consider proposed amendments to Zoning Ordinance 06 03 1974 15 648 31. Public Hearing to consider amendments to Ordinance 06 17 Z974 15 t?55-b2 32. Public hearing to consider amendment zoning area 5 08 19 1974 15 E?98-99 33. Public Hearing to consider amendment zoning area 4 09 03 1974 15 706 34. PUblic hearing to consider amendment zoning area 7 09 03 1974 15 707 35. Amendments to ordinance 10 07 1974 lb 10-11 36. Amendments to Ordinance 12 02 1974 16 58-59 37. Amendments to ordinance 02 03 1975 16 100-2 38. Appointment of Ben R. Graham to Board (refused) 02 17 1975 16 120 39. Appointment of Stewart B. Hull (Alternate) to Board 02 17 1975 16 120 40. Amendments to ordinance 03 03 1975 16 127 41. Amendments to ordinance 04 07 1975 16 155-6 42. Appointment of Stewart B. Hull (regular) to board 04 07 1975 16 162 43. Amendments to ordinance re kennels 04 21 1975 16 172-3 44. Amendments to ordinance re home occupation 04 21 1975 16 173-5 45. Appointment of C. G. Berry (alternate) 05 05 1975 16 194 46. Amendments to ordinance re kennels 06 02 1975 16 210-11 INDEX TQ COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover County N. C. ZONING ?U ? , , JECT nec. u, s. ?, `- Cou?ry Indezea Since 188$ ?} ??.,?--? TO (otab nam?s, Op?n at v?T OFFICE C.?t?//7? [An Identifying Trade Mark ?8 SURNAME INIiIAL TA? COTT A3 TA? INpEX MADE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLG tY OIMEN ?. pUNN, N Ew tERN , NORTN GR OLINA p ? NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS DATE MINlRE BOOK , Month Day Year Vo1. Page 1.;' Amendment to ordinance re Industrial or Trade Union Offices 06 02 1975 16 2I1 2. Amendments to ordinance re Swimming Pools 07 21 1975 16 244 3.r Appointment of H. J. McGee F? William J. Kelly 08 18 1975 16 258 4.!' Appointment tabled to 9/2/75 mtg. 08 25 1975 16 260 5.'? Rezoning Area #8B 09 02 1975 16 262 6. Appointment of Calvin Wells to Board 09 22 1975 16 273 7. Amendments to Ordinance - automobile graveyard and scrap processor 10 06 1975 16 277-0 8. Rezoning in Area #9B 10 20 1975 16 286 9. Rezoning in Area #9A IQ 20 I975 I6 28' 10. Amendments - Residential sales office to ordinance 10 20 1975 16 289 11. Amendments - re Special use permits to ordinance 10 20 1975 16 289-0 12. Appeal rezoning east side of Hwy. #132 10 20 1975 16 290 13.` Approval of rezoning east side of Hwy. #132 11 03 1975 16 295 14. Appointments to bd. - Wm. J. Kelly, Calvin Wells, C.G. Berry and B, B. Willoughty 11 03 1975 16 298 15.. Appointment of Ezra Hester to Board 12 O1 1975 17 20 16. Approval amendments to County Zoning Ord. O1 05 1976 17 ?6-7 17. Discussion Zoning Ord. w/Raeford Parker O1 19 1976 17 ?7 18. Approval application 701 Planning f? A4anagement Assistance Funds 03 O1 1976 17 ?5 19. Discussion of use of Executive Session by Zoning Bd. of Adjustments 03 O1 1976 17 ?4 20. Approval proposed amendments to Zoning Ord. 04 05 1976 17 39-91 21. Approval proposed amendments to Zoning Ord. 05 03 1976 17 115-6 22. Approval proposed amendments to Zoning Ord. 05 03 1976 17 l16 23. Approval o? amendments to Zoning Ord. 06 07 1976 17 133-5 24. Approval Zoning Ord. on Fences, walks and hedges 06 07 1976 17 l35 25. Tabling of proposed amendment to Zoning Ord. 06 2I 1976 17 L50 26. Tabling of proposed amendxnents 07 06 1976 17 l59 27. Discussion of amendment on non conforming uses 07 06 1976 17 t61 28. Amendment deleting Art. VI, Sec. 61 07 19 1976 17 L63-4 29. Mobile Homes in 4-20 by SUP 09 07 1976 17 l85 30. Amendment to Art., V, Sec. 59. 1-2 08 02 1976 17 l69 31.' Temporary construction and sales offices 09 07 1976 17 l86 32. Revise Article IV non-conforming uses 09 07 1976 17 l87 33. Amendments to Art. V, Sec. 56-1 and Art. V, Sec. 54-3 12 20 1976 17 ?45 34. Tabling amendment for barber shop in R-15 zone hy SUP 12 20 1976 17 ?45-6 35. Warrant against Foxcroft resident for violation 12 20 1976 17 ?52 36. Discuss Barber shop amendments Ol 17 1977 17 261-2 37. Deny Barber shop amendments 02 07 1977 17 Z75 38. Deny amendment Utility storage 03 07 1977 ?7 294 39. Amendment-Auto Paint, body repair and France shop , 03 07 1977 17 Z9S 0. ? Amendment Zoning Ord. to permit Adult Day Care facilit.ies 06 06 1977 18 44-45 41. Request for amendment to Ord. referred to Planning Commission 09 19 1977 18 102 42. Public Hearing consider proposed County Zoning Ordinance 11 07 1977 18 124-5 , 4 ,, .? . .. . ... INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES -- New Hanover County N. C. M E ZONING , _ ATT R: ` asc. u. s. County ?nde:es Since 1888 ? Te NeaN namn. ?pM if COTT A-I PAT OFFICE ?gJjll?,a.?E- An Identifyin? Trade Mark ? SURNAM[ INITIAL TA! ??? BY THE COtt INDEX TA? IMOEX COMPANY, COLUM/OS, ONIO_ SOLD BY OWEN G, DUN N CO., N EW BERN, N. C. . ?a y ? NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS ' DATE „ f MlNOTE BOOK ?? ?'?? Month Day Year Vol. ?. Page ? , ,' 1. Public Hearing - Amendment County Zoning Ord. 03 06 1978 18 . 178 ? 2. Request for Amendment to Zoning Ord. re: Special Use Permits 03 06 1978 18 180 ? 3. Public Hearing-proposed amendment to ordinance 05 Ol 1978% 18 200-1 ` 4. Public Hearing-allow off-street residential parking 06 19 I978 18 ; 227 5. Public Hearing-rezoning petitions be accompanied by letters 06 19 1978 18 228 6. Public Hearing-retail sales in conjunction w/wholesale establishments 07 03 1978 18 240 7. Public Hearing - Cut-off date for submission of zoning & SUP to provide additional time 07 03 1978 18 242 8. Public Hearing-definitions fuel pump islands and overhead canopies 07 03 1978 18 242-3. 9. Request changes in uses allowed in B-I District 08 07 1978 18 254 ' 10. Discuss revising B-1 & B-2 Zoning District 10 02 1978 18 285 11. Amend B-1 & B-2 Zoning Districts . 10 02 1978 18 291 12. Amend O& I Zoning Districts 11 06 1978 18 296 13. Amend Zoning Ordinance to comply with CAMA 11 06 1978 18 296 14. I Amendments to permit Health Spas 12 04 1978 18 314 ; 15. Amendment to County Zoning Ordinance for Townhouse bevelopment Ol 02 1979 18 331 ' 16. Public Hearing - deny rezoning from R-15 to B-2 Ol 02 1979 18 332 i 17. Public Hearing - rezoning property & adoption of Rezoning Ordinance 02 05 1979 18 347 18. Amendment - Apartments & family dwellings 02 i9 1979 18 357 19. Amendment Section 54-3, Section 55-3 & amend Section 72 05 )7 1979 18 398/399 20. Deny from 0& I to B-1 05 )7 1979 18 399 the existing requirements for direct access to a major 21. Proposed amendment to Section 72-5 to modify:thoroughfare for multi-fam. development in accordance with proposed functional classification in a B-2 District 06 04 1979 18 416 I 22. Adoption of revised Section 72-5 06 ?4 1979 18 416 I 23. Rezoning property located at intersection N. Kerr Ave. & Smith's Creek from R-15 to A-1 06 ?4 1979 18 420 24. Amend Sectiorc 71-1(2) & Section 111-1 06 ?4 1979 18 420 ? 25. ? Public hearing - proposed amendment to County Zoning Ordinance 10 ?l 1979 18 485 ? 26. To consider amendment to the County Zoning Ordinance - Section 72-5 11 05 1979 18 506 ? 27. 1 Appeal to rezone 4949 Wrightsville Ave, from R-15 to Office & Institutional District 11 05 1979 18 506 ? 28. Amendmen.t to 72-29 11 05 1979 18 . 506 2g, L?mendment to Section 55-2 02 18 1980 18 554 30. Public Hearing to consider an ordinance amendment to the County Zoning Ordinance, Section 23 03 10 1980 18 564 31. Amendment to the Zoning Ordinance, Section 52, 52-4, Dimensional Requirement 06 02 1980 18 608 facilities ? 32. Amendment to County Zoning Ord. regarding the definitions & classification of private piers, comm. boating/ 07 07 1980 18 628 33. Puhlic Hearing to consider amendments to the County Zoning Ordinance 09 02 1980 18 655 ? 34. Text Amendments 11 03 1980 18 696 35. Public hearing to consider zoning ordinance text amendments 12 Ol 1980 18 719 36. Amendment to Zoning Ordinance Text amending section 132 "Penalties for Violation" 02 02 1981 18 758 37. Amendment to Zoning Ordinance Section 50-2 and Article VI 03 02 1981 18 774 38. Amendment to Zoning Ordinance, Article VI 03 02 1981 18 775 39. Amendment to Zoning Ordinance, Article VI, Section 45-4 03 02 1981 18 775 40. Amendment to Zoning Ordinance, Article VI, Section 62 03 02 1981 18 775 Public hearing to consider an appeal from the recommendations of Planning Board to deny a zoning ordinance , 41. text amendment-Section 50-2 04 06 1981 18 800 42. Zoning Ordinance amending the Zoning map of Zoning area 9-B adopted. Book I, Sec. 9-B, Pg. 39 05 04 1981 18 817 i 43;. Public Hearing to consider Amending Section 50-2 Tabulation of Permitted Uses - Add Children's Day Care `? Service as Special Use in I-1 and I-2 Industrial Districts 05 04 1981 18 ?'' 818 i" ' Public Hearing to consider zoning ardinance text amendment amending Section 71, Special Use Provisions by ? '? 44«, adding specific guidelines whereby th€ superintendent of inspections can approve minor site plan revisions P,6 , ? 05 04 1981? 18 830 ?? A upon favorable "recommendation by the Planning Department ?? 'I f ?? ? S INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover County N. C. M E ZONING ORDINANCES , _ ATT R: ` TO I?eab nam?s, ?pa1 at COTi A•i TAt INOEX REG. U. S. / County Indezes Since 1888 ? MADE BY THE COTT INDEX CGMPANY, r?r OFFICE ?,?'J? An ldentifying Trade Mark SURNAME INITIAL TA! COLUNLLUS, OHIO ?a SOLD BY OWEN 6. DUNN CO., NEW BERN, H. C. ? NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS DATE MINUTE BOOK ,, Month Day Year Vol. Page ' ?A ?; .. 07 ?7 . 1981 . 18 , ?80 : l.; r Public Hearing to consider a zoning ordinance text amendment to amend Section 94-2, Outdoor Advertising signs ., 2.'i Public Hearing to consider a zoning ordinance text amendment to amend section 50-2, Table of Permitted . Uses, by adding special trade contractors, with no storage, as a permitted use in the B-1 district 07 07 1981 18 883 .. 3,,; e Public Hearing to consider a Zoning Ordinance Text Amendment to amend Section 23, Definitions 09 08 1981 18 914 ; F ?; 09 08 1981? 18 912 ? 4.`;g k. To consider zoning Ordinance text amendment to amend Section 50-2, Tabulation of permitted uses, Residential Car .. =_ . .. ,' 5.;' Public Hearing - Zoning Ordinance Text Amendment to amend Section 50-2 11 02 1981 18 951 ?: . „ .. 6.'? ., Public Hearing-Zoning Ordinance Text Amendment to amend Section 46, Subsection 46-2 and 46-3 11 02 1981 18 952 .. 7. Discussion on Quality of Life Alliance request for new Zoning Classification Il 30 I981 18 962 g, Zoning & Subdivision Ordinance Text Amendments to make certain Revisions to Zoning and Subdivision 12 07 1981 18 969 Ordinances eoncerning multi-family development 9. Adopting of Ordinance Establishing R-20-S Zoning District 12 07 1981 18 969 Zoning Ordinance Text Amendment to increase the maximum allowable height of pilings supporting primary 10. structures Iocated in Coastal High Hazard (V-Zones) in all Residential Districts from 35 ft. to 44 ft. 03 Q1 1982 19 18 11. Discussion on R-15S & R-20S Zoning Designations 03 12. Appeal from recommendation of Planning Board to deny Zoning Ordinance Text Amendment to Section 72-20 (4) to increase the Maximuzn Allowable size of outdoor signs for Child Day Care Centers located along existing . collectors or arterial facilities 03 Adoption of Zoning & Subdivision Ordinance text amendments replacing the multi-family special use permit 13. ?,?,ith pre-extablished performance standards for High Density Development 03 Continuation of Public Hearing to consider zonzng unzoned property located on South side of Castle 14. Hayne Rd. North of Gladiolus Rd. & existing power line to GE's Southern property line to R-20 District. 04 ?? Public Hearing to consider zoning of unzoned property on west side of Castle Hayne Rd. No. of Gladiolus 15. Rd. and Existing power Iine to GE's Southern Property line to R-20 district. OS Public Hearing to consider zoning ordinance text amendment to revise the "legaZ provisions" of the zoning 16, & Mobile Home & Travel Trailer Park Ordinance to reflect State General Statutes 05 17. Public Hearing to consider appeal from Planning Board's recommendations not to consider a zoning ? Ordinance text amendment to establish a new R-15S district for sing?e-family development under article V of the zoning ordinance. OS 18. Recission of R-15 S Zoning Designation 05 19.i?iPublic Hearing to consider zoning Ord. TExt Amendments to Art. II, Def. and ARt. V, TAble of Permitted ??` Uses to Al1ow certain double wide Mobile Homes as a permitted use in R-20 Districts and Revisions to ` Art. VI, Sec. 63, to reflect Mobile Home Park Regulations concerning the number of Mobile Homes on a lot. 06 20.c Public Hearing to consider Zoning Ordinance, text amendment to include Art. XI Amendments, Section 112, ' by adding a new subsection 112-3 to reference NCGS 153-A-348, Statute of Limitations for Appealing Zoning Ordinance or Amendment Decisions ?7 21. Public Hearing to consider Zoning Ordinance Text Amendments to Art. II, V, VI, and XII to allow sludge and septage disposal as permitted use in I-2 Districts and as special use in R-15 Districts with certain additional provisions. 07 Text Amendment to Art. VII, Sec. 71-1(2) General Requirements, Art. XI, Section 110-2(3) Fees, & Art. XII, 22• Section 121-4, Fees for appeal variances, by referencing the application fee for zoning amendments, special use permits and appeal variances to an amount established by the CC 08 23. Text Amendment to Art. VTI, Provisions for Uses Allowed as Special Uses, Section 71-1, General Requirements, by revising Subsection (5) to clarify SPU extensions, time limits & appeal procedures. 08 'Text Amendment to Art. IV, non-conforming situations, Section 45-2, Change in Kind of Non-Conforming Use, 24." by deleting reference to Section 46 Concerning the Use of Non-Conforming Proper-ty for Conforming Purposes 08 Text Amendment to Art. VI, Supplementary District Regulations, Section 65, Structures to have access by 25. Deleting the Sub-Section 65-1(1) Concerning the One (1) Acre Lot Access Exemption 08 To consider Zoning Ordinance Text Amendment to Amend Article II, Definitions, by adding a new 5ection 26. 23-72 to Define Hotel/Motel. 09 To consider zoning property (approx. 9 sq. miles) located E. of the Centerline of Atlantic Intracoastal 27.,. Waterway, N. of Centerline of Carolina Beach Inlet, S, of Centerline of Masonboro Inlet, & W. of Atlantic Ocean Shoreline, including all the area known as Masonboro Island Area from Unzoned to an R-20 District. 10 Ol 1982 19 21 Ol 1982 19 22 22 I982 19 38 05 1982 19 41 03 1982 19 59 03 1982 19 60 03 1982 19 61 25 I982 19 77 ?7 1982 19 86 ?6 1982 19 109 06 1982 19 110 02 1982 19 127 02 1982 19 128 02 1982 19 128 02 1982 19 129 07 1982 19 147 04 1982 19 164 28. ? To consider Text Amendment to the NH County Zoning Ordinance concerning floating Homes and Floating Home Marinas. 10 04 1982 19 165 29. ' To consider Text Amendment to N H County Zoning Ordinance, Art. II, Definitions, by adding a new section 23-72 to define Hotel/Motel. 10 04 1982 19 165 30 `?Public hearing to consider Text Amendment to the NH County Zoning Ordinance, Article II, Definitions, by ?adding a new section 23-72 to define Hotel/Motel IO 18 1982 I9 I7I 31.?^Further discussion on Public Hearing to define Hotel/Motel 10 18 1982 19 _72 32.e?Public Hearing to consider Zoning Ord. Text Amendments to Art. II, Definitions, Art. V, Table of Permitted ? huses, and other pertinent secfiions concerning requirements for Hotel/Mote1 &"Resort" Hotel/Mote1 11 OI 1982 19 181 33.','?Continuation of Public Hearing & Joint Meeting with Planning Board to discuss the Ordinance, Art. II, Definitions, Art. V, Table of Permitted Uses and other pertinent sections concerning requirements for ,?Hotel/ Motel " ? "," lI IS 1982 19 187 34."x Public Hearing to consider original Zoning for property located at Nothern end of Shell Island, approx. ?? 1,600 feet South of Mason's Inlet and East of the Intracostal Waterway, extending to the Atlantic Ocean ?? Shoreline from unzoned to R-20 District ? '? ?'? ?12 06 1982 19 _96 35.°jPublic Hearing to consider Zoning Ordinance Text Amendment to Art. V, Sec. 50-2, Table of Permitted Uses, ? ? ?{'to allow Membership Sports and Recreation Clubs in I-1 and I-2 districts 12 05 1982 19 197 36.i?Public Hearing to consider Zoning Ordinance Text Amendment to Art. V, Sec. 50-2, Table of P?rmitted Uses, ??to delete Hotel/Motel as a permitted use in B-1 Districts and Section 54, B-1 District, by adding a new ? ?+?subsection 54-4 (4) to establish a maximum buildibg height of 35 feet ? 12 06 1982 ,:19 198 " , ?yi i? ?'? ?; ?s, Zoning Ordinances ? INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES -- New Hanover County, N. C. = MaTTER _ xEG. u. s. County Indezes Since 1866 ?'? To loea» names, OpB11 O} COTT A TO Z TAB INDEX PAT OFFIGE ??.il?i-? AnldentifyingTtadeMark MAGE tY THE COTT INDEX COMrANY, COLUM6US? ONIO SURNAME INITIAL iAB SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN CO., NEW BERN, N. C. NATURE OF PRO?EEDINGS Public Hearing to consider Zoning Ord. Text Amendment to Art. V, Sec. 54, B-1 by adding a new subsection ? 51. ? 54-4 (4) to establish a maximum building height of 35 feet. ?' S2. Public Hearing to consider Zoning Ord. Text Amendment to Art. VIII, Off--Street Parking Requirements, Sec. 80-1, to prohibit elevated parking structures in all residential districts and B-1 Districts 53. Public Hearing to consider Zoning Ord. Text Amendment to Art. V, Sec. 50-2, Table of Permitted Uses, to allow Children` s Day Care Service in B-2 District 54. Public Hearing to consider Zoning Ord. Text Amendment to Art. V, Sec. 50-2, Table of PermittediUses to Distinguish bet?aeen retail nurseries, wholesale nurse ries, greenhouses and landscaping services 55. Public Hearing to consider Zoning Ord. Text Amendment to Art. V, Sec. 50-2, Table of Permitted Uses to allow shooting ranges in I-2 &LA-1 Districts subject to certain screening and setback requirements DATE MINUiE BOOK ? Month Day Year ? Yol. Page ?? s? i 12 13 1982 19 ; 201 i ii 12 13 1982 19 201 ?? ? I2 13 1982 . 19 ? 201 I? I; 12 13 1982 19 202 j? i' 12 13 1982 19 202 ?; t? t? fi i' ;S a' .'t t {' li !' :t ??