2014-05-05 RM Exhibits Exhibit � Book X) ppage 9. NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE REPAIR, RESTORATION AND REBINDING OF REGISTER OF DEEDS BIRTH AND FETAL DEATH BOOKS WHEREAS, North Carolina General Statute 132-7 provides that Board of County Commissioners of any county may authorize that any county records in need of repair, restoration or rebinding be removed from the building or office in which such records are ordinarily kept, for the length of time required to repair, restore, or rebind them; and WHEREAS, New Hanover County Birth Book 1; Book 2; Book 3 pages 1-324; Book 3 1 pages 325-670; Book 4; and Fetal Death Book 1 A are in desperate and dire need of repair, restoration and rebinding due to years of constant handling and use; and WHEREAS, it is our obligation to maintain and preserve the historical documents contained in the New Hanover County Registry to ensure for future generations that the people will have access to historical documents in their original condition; and WHEREAS,New Hanover County has entered into a contract with the C. W. Warthen to deacidify, encapsulate, mend, and rebind New Hanover County Birth Book 1; Book 2; Book 3 pages 1-324; Book 3 pages 325-670; Book 4; and Fetal Death Book 1A. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the New Hanover County Board of County Commissioners does hereby authorize and sanction Tammy T. Beasley, New Hanover County Register of Deeds, to remove New Hanover Birth Book 1; Book 2; Book 3 pages 1-324; Book 3 pages 325-670; Book 4; and Fetal Death Book 1A from the New Hanover County Registry located in the New Hanover County Registry for the purposes of repair, restoration and rebinding by the C. W. Warthen. ADOPTED this the 5th day of May, 2014. NEW HANOVER CO 41 a O _, Woody White, Chai . •n •0■1#4 ATTEST: Sheila L. Schult, Clerk to the Board Exhibit Book M /11 page R .20.. AGENDA: May 5,2014 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE FISCAL YEAR 2014 BUDGET BY BUDGET AMENDMENT 14- 073 1 BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County,North Carolina,that the following Budget Amendment 14-073 be made to the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending IJune 30,2014. Section 1: Details of Budget Amendment Strategic Focus Area: Superior Public Health, Safety and Education Strategic Objective(s): Increase public safety/crime prevention 1 Fund:General Fund I Department:Department of Social Services Expenditure: Decrease Increase Department of Social Services $27,823 i Total $0 II $27,823 : Revenue: Decrease Increase 1 Department of Social Services $27,823 Total $0 I1 $27,823 Section 2: Explanation On Decemeber 31,2013,the NC Department of Health and Human Services(DHHS)took$35,000 from our County for reallocation to other counties.On February 28,2014 DHHS gave back$27,823 to New Hanover County. With these funds DSS can provide daycare subsidy services for up to 25 children. Currently,there are 112 children on the waiting list. The funds were reverted to the state in Januaray 2014 on the State's projection;the County would not be able to spend all the funds they had received Section 3: Documentation of Adoption IThis ordinance shall be effective upon its adoption. i 3 NOW,THEREFORE,BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County,North Carolina,that the Ordinance for Budget Amendment 14-073,amending the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30,2014,is adopted. I IP Adopted,this 5th day of May,2014. , (SEAL) • 1 GOVN�Y•Hp � , Woody White,Chairman ° ,.L F i 1 IkIlk k o ATTEST: 1- iii L, ' \-„\‘‘. 1.1),ISt ,� �'" ,;�' Sheila L. Schult,Clerk to the Board •F'`tA ll a�t,tq 1 , 1 1 i 1 Exhibit i Book 2 ?C1//ll Page 4_:, , AGENDA: May 5,2014 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE FISCAL YEAR 2014 BUDGET I BY BUDGET AMENDMENT 14- 074 i BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County,North Carolina,that the following Budget Amendment 14-074 be made to the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending 1 June 30,2014. 1 Section 1: Details of Budget Amendment Strategic Focus Area: Superior Public Health,Safety and Education Strategic Objective(s): Increase public safety/crime prevention i i Fund:Federal Forfeited Property Fund ) Department: Sheriff Expenditure: Decrease Increase 1 Sheriffs Office $98,485 s Total $0 $98,485 1 Revenue: Decrease Increase 1 Sheriffs Office $98,485 d l 6 Total $0 $98 485 i i Section 2: Explanation To budget Federal Forfeited Fund receipts for 3/24,3/26,4/18. Federal Forfeited Property funds are budgeted as received and must be used for law enforcement as the Sheriff deems necessary. The current balance in the Federal Forfeited Property Fund is$22,124. ISection 3: Documentation of Adoption 1 This ordinance shall be effective upon its adoption. i I NOW,THEREFORE,BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County,North Carolina,that the Ordinance for Budget Amendment 14-074,amending the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30,2014,is adopted. i Adopted,this 5th day of May,2014. (SEAL) _ , G�vr1TY 0�T 1 o 4,.._' . , Woody White,Chairman 1 i 1) O ATTEST: i 3''',/, '"i'l. 11 / ,%ciAaN L 0■4■14j)( f` "'^�;,' Sheila L.Schuh,Clerk to the Board fs?At+ucr+Ev 1 I 1 1 i i I Exhibit Book,rVN/l(Page.i. g C- AGENDA: May 5,2014 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS i AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE FISCAL YEAR 2014 BUDGET BY BUDGET AMENDMENT 14- 075 IBE IT ORDAINED by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County,North Carolina,that the following Budget Amendment 14-075 be made to the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30,2014. 1 Section 1: Details of Budget Amendment 1 Strategic Focus Area: Superior Public Health, Safety and Education Strategic Objective(s): Increase public safety/crime prevention Fund: Controlled Substance Tax Fund Department:Sheriff Expenditure:, Decrease Increase Sheriff's Office $2,764 t i Total $0 $2,764 Revenue: Decrease Increase 1 Sheriffs Office $2,764 Total $0 $2 764 1 Section 2: Explanation To budget Controlled Substance Tax receipts for 3/18,and interest on investments. Controlled Substance Tax funds are budgeted as received and must be used for law enforcement as Sheriff deems necessary. The current balance in the Controlled Substance Tax fund is$6,285. i Section 3: Documentation of Adoption This ordinance shall be effective upon its adoption. NOW,THEREFORE,BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County,North Carolina,that the Ordinance for Budget Amendment 14-075,amending the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30,2014,is adopted. Adopted,this 5th day of May,2014. (SEAL) I i Oj TY. I ,�� 'a 2? Woody White,Chairman O ->4.-- i '0" E) TEST: A��ti b 1011 /�?/ Sheila L.Schult,Cle k to the Board j...401.A,k •M'Afit BOO) 1 e i I 1 Book tt �lli ZL_Page Cl. 3 ., r J , Y . _ • k b �, 1 -,0 , �, , .,...,e,--1.4.(-- R . c% * ' � .,`I'� -- ,, i� Y ' ' y,V' .,'„,,,3 :''- Y'-�t—J �(.-.4,- vi -t;--,--' `-s-- - " _ / f -iq,mTm llllmU,r m!, �mmn^nilirmmm•mn'T1 fl I^'Ifimnnm,nnmrrnnnP1 mmmn�mmnr .mnl nnmm n mn mm i r inn n n mi Imr nmmrnr mmn nnmmnm"nrminiimq it Il,mtlmt,RlymmmimnnnlmnnnnnmnimmImminnPrnnml`Immmrmim,ci" 1 Imii y �� ;k{ NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS i .. 1 NATIONAL PRESERVATION MONTH ' ,- ) / PROCLAMATIONS� r ,4- WHEREAS, historic preservation is an effective tool for managing growth and d�' '< sustainable development, revitalizing neighborhoods, fostering local pride and _(%,r\ F maintaining community character while enhancing livability; and J i ( , „`4- WHEREAS, historic preservation is relevant for communities across the nation, both ,r urban and rural, and for Americans of all ages, all walks of life and all ethnic , /'' backgrounds; and ,,e46%) ,,s\:-•.'i;i,- 1.f• ,. , l,. , WHEREAS, it is important to celebrate the role of history in our lives and the �' ..---- contributions made by dedicated individuals in helping to preserve the tangible aspects 1 4 , \ • w ,,, ; of the heritage that has shaped us as a people; and = ,!i ,J :• ; WHEREAS, "New Age of Preservation, Embark, Inspire, Engage" is the theme for , ' - ',, `c l,41-National Preservation Month 2014, cosponsored by Historic Wilmington Foundation f ' -L 41A1 and the National Trust for Historic Preservation. �,, ' 1.� '/'y L'ENOW, THEREFORE, BE IT PROCLAIMED by the New Hanover County Board of , f`' '' „.., 7 Commissioners that May 2014 be recognized as "National Preservation Month" in New Hanover County and that the people of New Hanover County are called upon to join ) lj, _their fellow citizens across the United States in recognizing and participating in this f vt, special observance. ' 1�:l, f-,, * (� DOPTED this the 5 th day of May, 2014. ,;,,' i -'..C!til W �>/k NEW HANO R 4 • 1 TY 1i ' I 1 , � 'S L. ' ia t � /.. , 1 ( ,. Woody White, Cha'• an , ',1 .,., ,' ) ,' 'I, ' ,lk ,„ ,,,,, ..1:(,_,_. , , - (\ _ ,t, ,,t, ' 0 J ' ' I ATTEST: _ „ , . 1-(. J ' lyy9 t 4c".2 Sheila L. Schult, Clerk to the Board Jf i jl ki`i 6 +.,y Z:". ' 4' F ;"� (`;,—;,.. ,c' v , - / ?_w 'rN,"/arm:'�"`t { , i � �if -criti:S A \;4��/� IAI c t , �Aiii /�\` A�;ia \1ltiW el i Al ( %ce\ TIPs, i ?lii,A •I NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS r1,'�� ! 1i �� MAY IS MENTAL HEALTH MONTH I\`, „� Exhibit ���. i 1'\11 fi PROCLAMATION Bookbageq. :g's '1 WHEREAS, mental health is essential to everyone's overall physical health and emotional well- �� /,,, 1,1V; i being; and '� r 1'�.% WHEREAS, mental illness will strike one in four Americans in a given year regardless of age, , �e?,, G\\;0 gender, race, ethnicity, religion or economic status, and J'!'1' .', WHEREAS, people who have mental illness do recover and lead full, productive lives, but the ���� i1\jil stigma surrounding mental illness can prevent people from seeking the medical attention they %!`� ( need, and tit `����` WHEREAS, forty-percent of those living with mental illness have been arrested one or more times, `��. and one in three of those experiencing homelessness also suffer from severe mental illness, and e 4,� f 1411 r,�f,;,44 WHEREAS, an estimated two-thirds of adults and young people who have mental health disorders j!'�i, are not receiving the help they need and nearly 30,000 American lives are lost each year to suicide =1 `1 i I and mental illness; and �;�� !,;',4� gill `'1' WHEREAS, the cost of untreated and mistreated mental illness and addictive disorders to u' °' �; American businesses, governments and families has grown to over$100 billion annually; and =t ..0 /r, 11�'" t WHEREAS, community-based services that respond to the needs of the individual and family are #¢ '`\ � cost-effective and beneficial; and t£ k��,'. ,'Ya.1 U ',gy1 •`4, i WHEREAS, Mental Health Month is observed every May nationwide by advocacy organizations to t 'f .' ,f raise awareness and understanding of issues related to mental health and to eliminate the stigma ' ;1',; 41 '. associated with seeking mental health services. I; yti�j 1 ,"., f ';," i NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT PROCLAIMED by the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners ,\;1 f;j"1',4 that May 2014 be recognized as "Mental Health Month" in New Hanover County, and call upon the �'y,;` \�, , citizens, government agencies, public and private institutions, businesses, and schools in New f4;-�1 I Hanover County to recommit to increasing awareness and understanding of mental illness and the r VI' `'4 need for accessible services for all people who suffer from mental disorders , ; ��0∎, t ,,, ��\j ADOPTED this the 5th day of May, 2014. I ,`; t1��l;'� NEW HANOVER C TY r 4'''� . \ , \ ; ;7'',,, LAS)At 1:l- -4k: �1 ()�1 •I 1i'\ Woody White, Chairman 0� i t ��: j X1,1 t .� ;1 ,9 ri t )\, I ATTEST 4 if,,� a i i !_ • a ' _ � 1$,0 'V (i 1{ ' ,,''' \t\L,Z\t k • QL 0 c !41',4; _ ,„ 40 !; '"��odM, • .' Sheila L. Schult, Clerk to the Board ` re, t ,y,,. //i‘.�\!??�'/// �i ITI ' V,I .k�Q? CAT_'///, "4k�7I7 NAVY'' it ?2 ��kW,i.41__/;:�`///:; W.Fi//% `�1iS i • 1 Exhibit Book M .Iii Page q• 5d i 9 3 N n . . O O1 . N tl N n O m np by ` O m Q Y Q . 1 ,^. M ri o t; rTii §ii-ti En ; ME ^^{•. N O N NNNNNN1Ay~O► NHNN .422g t?:, ;,.,; N N N (I) . . ^ ';O g ryO qO �O p T 0 q- ; n r Fi 1 •� N O r P hAN �mN hf � A O KN o N ra O; 'r';a o S a i Br; O pp N O n n r. ONO NN p a°NNN NC� h N N N N N N N N N N M N N ,._ j O p �p H UIli1 !O N N N N N N N• • U ^ ; rr §.§ § § § — § § § § §§ g§§ § § .., ^ NN ^ONN !Ig C^ N . . a) , N N N N N N N N M N N 114/ h_t • o°� 0 . . , ..s, : L z � m N CL :': : t'1 el _-i ii .7:-1 ri A '" m a alma . N ;�;,,:, N 8 3 1 oT, A3P, r:, Its b€ � rs t. mill ct ; 1 /P ;I a) , N A N �lQaj . 1 fLy 3.„, = . L , > wms 9l � � 02 .r mm E 1 0) :' m ' ” I Hill IHJfflflA!HIIJJ •amm LL o sir, � 9 R tI1 i b <�' a P;,,q� N N '1 v 0 O n ao a ° = V 72r v) o r� a p N IN , 2 O. 7 s 1 Exhibit l AGENDA: May 5,2014 Book)image '1' i NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE FISCAL YEAR 2014 BUDGET BY BUDGET AMENDMENT 14- 076 BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County,North Carolina,that the following Budget Amendment 14-076 be made to the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30,2014. 1 Section 1: Details of Budget Amendment i Strategic Focus Area: Intelligent Growth/Economic Development Strategic Objective(s): Innovate programs to protect the environment Understand/act on citizen needs Fund: Room Occupancy Tax Fund Department: Engineering Expenditure: Decrease Increase 1 Erosion Control Payment $2,590,000 Total $0 $2,590,000 3 I Revenue: Decrease Increase Contribution from NCDWR $727,000 Appropriated Fund Balance $1,863,000 Total $0 lI $2,590,000 Section 2: Explanation The US Army Corps of Engineers'project for the Carolina Beach Fall 2014 Coastal Storm Damage Reduction is projected to cost$7.4M. The non-federal portion is$2.59M. This budget amendment appropriates Room Occupancy Tax fund balance in the amount of$1.863M towards the project. The NC Department of Water Resources(NCDWR)is contributing the balance of the non-federal portion which is$727K. Section 3: Documentation of Adoption This ordinance shall be effective upon its adoption. 1 NOW,THEREFORE,BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County,North Carolina,that the Ordinance for Budget Amendment 14-076,amending the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30,2014,is adopted. Adopted,this 5th day of May,2014. ......xg& 'N, 9(SEAL) O,oNTY U ... 4,- r Woody White,Chairm. P 1&.�'1,; ATTEST iTr}/' • Sheila L.Schult,Clerk to the Board ftTARt15tit/ 1 9 Exhibit Bookn L Page. 7 1 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS RESOLUTION AWARD OF 320 CHESTNUT ADDITIONS AND RENOVATIONS CONTRACT WHEREAS,after due advertisement, bids were received and publicly opened by John Sawyer Architects for the project on March 27, 2014, and the following bids were received for 320 Chestnut Street additions and renovations as follows: 1 Contractor Base Bid Alt 1 Alt 2 Alt 3 Alt 4 Total Bid Daniels & Daniels $7,862,000 $17,500 $13,000 ($56.000) $0 $7,836,500 Monteith Construction $7,104,000 $37,000 $18,000 ($48.000) $0 $7,111,000 Thomas Construction - $7,652,007 $25,495 $7,945 ($56.000) $0 $7,629,447 J M. Thompson $7,715,000 $16,000 $12,300 ($50,000) $0 $7,693,300 The McKinley Building Corporation bid was rejected due to an error in written amounts provided; and WHEREAS, the architect recommended to staff that Monteith Construction Corporation, the lowest responsive, responsible bidder be awarded the contract; and WHEREAS, staff agrees and recommends that the contract be awarded to Monteith Construction Corporation, in the amount of seven million one hundred four thousand dollars($7,104,000). NOW,THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the New Hanover County Board Commissioners that the award for 320 Chestnut Street additions and renovations is awarded to Monteith Construction Corporation in the amount of $7,104,000 and the County Manager is hereby authorized and directed to execute the contract, contract form to be approved by the County Attorney. ADOPTED this the 5th day of May,2014. NEW OV 0 OU t. G0��iY�h a�Q o,�,Ty Woody White, Chairman Aitt. ` o ATTEST: 'i�. r -..- _(_ ,\h&::\,s,,___\___SW0..AAA t'y + \i Sheila L Schutt, Clerk to the Board A 'pry 9