2014-04-21 SM Exhibit 8.8 5/22/2014 Exhibit Book ii page.113. Solid Waste Management Request for Proposal Analysis & Discussion 5 G 7 . y April 21,2014 New Hanover County Background & Overview 1 April 21,2014 , 11 New Hanover County Slide 2 1 5/22/2014 Background 1. Department tasked to issue an RFP for Solid Waste Services October 21, 2013 2. RFP approved for release November 18, 2013 3. Responses due January 31, 2014 — staff received two bids a. Waste Management b. Waste Industries • A April 21,2014 New Hanover County Slide 3 The RFP 1. Basic Services (Required Bid): Transfer station; load, transport, and dispose of municipal solid waste (MSW) 2. Optional Services: a. Landfill maintenance b. Construction and Demolition Debris (C&D) recycling c. Recycling collection, processing, and marketing d. Yard waste processing e. Household Hazardous Waste collection April 21,2014 '" New Hanover County Slide 4 2 5/22/2014 Proposal Review 1. Review Committee: Consisted of members from Finance, Legal, County Manager's office, Environmental Management, and County Commissioners 2. Review Process: a. Responsiveness of the bids b. Proposer Interviews c. Capability, Experience, and Historical Performance d. Cost Effectiveness e. Financial Strength f. Exceptions to Contract Principles April 21,2014 g. New Hanover County Slide 5 I Proposed Costs April 21,2014 New Hanover County Slide 6 1 3 5/22/2014 Base Bid • Base bid: • Construction/improvement of transfer station • Operation of transfer station • Loading transfer vehicles and transportation to final disposal facility • Disposal of MSW April 21,2014 New Hanover County Slide 7 Waste Management — Base Bid YEAR1 YEAR2 YEAR3 YEAR4 YEARS YEAR6 YEAR7 YFAR8 YEAR9 YEAR10 10YearTotal BASIC SERVICES MSW Disposal $ 7,138,560 $ 7,11,,126 $ 6,->r,443 $ 6,755,443 $ 6,633,061 $ 6,513,234 $ 6,395,900 $ 6,281,000 $ 6,168,473 $ 6,058,265 65,832,504 NC Solid Waste Tax 416,000 402,938 390,285 378,030 366,160 354,663 343,526 332,740 322,292 312,172 3,618,806 $ 7,554,560 $ 7,411,064 $ 7,270,728 $ 7,133,473 $ 6,999,221 $ 6,867,897 $ 6,739,427 $ 6,613,739 $ 6,490,765 $ 6,370,436 $ 69,451,310 Fee per ton 36.32 36.79 37.26 37.74 38.23 38.73 39.24 39.75 40.28 40.81 $ 38.38 • Base bid of$34.32 plus $2.00 NC solid waste tax. • Transfer station operation, loading and disposal subject to CPI increase each year. Above estimated costs reflect estimated CPI increase of 1.76% each year based on the past 5 year average change. • Above estimated costs reflect an estimated tonnage of 208,000. Tonnage decreases each year based on the 5 year history of MSW tonnage. April 21,2014 New Hanover County Slide 8 4 3 1 5/22/2014 Waste Industries — Base Bid YEAR1 YEAR2 YEAR3 YEAR4 YEAR5 YEAR6 YEAR7 YEAR8 YEAR9 Y EAR 10 10YeetTotal BASIC SERVICES MSW Disposal $ 7,893,600 $ 7,695,175 $ 7,520,555 $ 7,350,986 $ 7,186,321 $ 7,001,432 $ 6,871,127 $ 6,720,324 $ 6,573,874 $ 6,431,650 71,245,044 NC Solid Waste Tax 416,000 402,938 390,285 378,030 366,160 354,663 343,526 332,740 322,292 312,172 3,618,806 $ 8,309,600 $ 8,$'+,113 $ 7,910,840 $ 7,729,016 $ 7,552,481 $ 7,356,095 $ 7,214,653 $ 7,053,064 $ 6,896,166 $ 6,743,822 $ 74,863,850 Fee per ton 39.95 40.20 40.54 40.89 4125 4148 42.00 42.39 4279 43.21 4137 • Base bid of$37.95 plus $2.00 NC solid waste tax • Transfer station operation, loading, non-fuel component of hauling and disposal subject to CPI increase each year. Above estimated costs reflect estimated CPI increase of 1.76% each year based on the past 5 year average change. t • Fuel component of the hauling fee subject to a fuel escalation charge of 1%fee increase for every 10 cent fuel cost increase. • Above estimated costs reflect an estimated tonnage of 208,000. Tonnage decreases each year based on 5 year history of MSW tonnage. April 21,2014 ' :; New Hanover County Slide 9 Waste Industries Alt W— Base Bid YEAR1 YEAR2 YEAR3 YEAR4 YEARS YEAR6 YEAR7 YEAR8 YEAR9 YEAR10 10 Year Total_ BASIC SERVICES MSW Disposal $ 7, ;.,000 $ 7,302,311 $ 7,144027 $ 6,982,406 $ 6,829,314 $ 6,680,618 $ 6,536,189 $ 6,395,903 $ 6,259,640 $ 6,127,283 67,741,690 NC Solid Waste Tax(F) 416,000 402,938 390,285 378,030 366,160 354,663 343,526 332,740 322,292 312,172 3,618,806 $ 1,904,000 $ 7,705,248 $ 7,530,312 $ 7,360,437 $ 7,195,475 $ 7,035,281 $ 6,879,715 $ 6,728,643 $ 6,581,932 $ 6,439,455 $ 71,360,4% 1 Fee per ton 38.00 38.25 38.59 38.94 39.30 39.67 40.05 40.44 40.84 4126 39.44 • Base bid of$36.00 plus$2.00 NC solid waste tax • Details of CPI increases and fuel escalation were not made available for Waste Industries Alternate W. As such, the same assumptions were used as were in the Waste Industries response to County's proposal. • Above estimated costs reflect an estimated tonnage of 208,000. Tonnage decreases each year based on 5 year history of MSW tonnage. 1 1 ,ith' April.21,2014 '. '` New Hanover County Slide 10 5 i 1 5/22/2014 Optional Service Bids • Optional bid: • Compliance maintenance, landfill operations, site maintenance, site leachate system and wetlands operation &maintenance • Operation & maintenance of 7 public recycling drop off centers, 2 government facilities,transfer, hauling, processing and marketing of recyclables • Household hazardous waste &electronic waste collection site operation &maintenance • Operation & management of construction & demolition diversion & recycling site • Operation & management of yard waste collection site &processing April 21,2014 New Hanover County Slide 11 Optional Services Request for Proposal Cost Analysis(Year One) Waste Management Waste Industries Waste Industries Alternate W Tip Fee I Cost Tip Fee I Cost Tip Fee I Cost Optional Services: C&D Recycling In Landfill Maintenance In Landfill Maintenance 2.51 522,080 2.51 522,080 Yard Waste Processing In Landfill Maintenance In Landfill Maintenance 0.18_ 37,440 0.18 37,440 Landfill Maintenance 21.15 4,400,000 7.24 1,505,681 1.61 334,880 Recycling 3.39 705,825 2.60 540,800 2.85 592,800 HHW No bid No bid 0.90 186,239 0.72 149,760 Waste Water Treatment System In Landfill Maintenance In Landfill Maintenance In Landfill Maintenance In Landfill Maintenance 2.50 520,000 Administration and Scale House N/A N/A N/A N/A 1.50 312,000 NC Grant and rebate credits N/A N/A N/A N/A (1.87) (388,960) Total Optional Services $ 24.55 $5,105,825 $ 13.42 $ 2,792,240 $ 10.00 $2,080,000 April 21,2014 .a New Hanover County Slide 12 6 5/22/2014 Optional Services YEAR1 YEAR2 YEAR3 YEAR4 YEAR5 YEAR6 YEAR7 YEAR8 YEAR9 YEAR10 10 Year Total Waste Management optional service fees 5,105,83 5,180,576 5,262,698 5,346,259 5,431,281 5,493,310 5,605,812 5,695,371 5,786,495 5,879,210 54,786,837 Wastelndustriesoptionalservicefees 2,792,240 2,803,485 2,826,163 2,849,541 2,873,628 2,::,006 2,923,958 2,950,216 2,977,213 3,004,960 28,885,409 Waste Industries Alternate W optional service fees 1,636,960 1,626,210 1,626,530 1,627,182 1,628,164 1,629,478 1,631,126 1,633,106 1,635,421 1,638,072 16,312,249 NHCcostsquotedinAlternateW 443,040 457,683 472,584 487,747 503,177 518,879 534,857 551,116 567,661 584,498 5,121,243 Alternate Woptional service fees and other costs 2,080,000 2,083,893 2,099,115 2,114,929 2,131,341 2,148,357 2,165,983 2,184,222 2,203,083 2,222,570 21,433,493 • Above estimated costs reflect estimated CPI increases of 1.76% each year based on the past 5 year average change. • Above estimated costs reflect an estimated tonnage of 208,000. Tonnage decreases each year based on 5 year history of MSW tonnage. April 21,2014 New Hanover County Slide 13 l Other County Operational Costs • Household hazardous waste for Waste Management bid as this service was not bid on by this vendor • Household hazardous waste disposal costs for Waste Industries • Administrative and personnel costs April 21,2014 New Hanover County Slide 14 7 5/22/2014 County Capital, Long Term, & One Time Costs • Capital projects include wastewater treatment system upgrade, cell 5B/6A closure and southern property permitting • Demolition of Wastec • Separation costs • Debt service for outstanding debt • Rain cover installation under Waste Industries proposal • Creating reserve for closure/post closure costs • Creating reserve for unexpected storms or events April 21,2014 New Hanover County Slide 15 Operational, Capital and Long Term Costs YEAR1 YEAR2 YEAR3 YEAR4 YEARS YEAR6 YEAR7 YEAR8 YEAR9 YEAR10 10 Year Total Waste Management Operational costs 976,879 994,072 1,011,568 1,029,371 1,047,488 1,065,924 1,084,684 1,103,775 1,123,201 1,142,970 10,579,932 Capital,LT,&One Time costs 5,945,542 1,328,292 1,324,608 1,258,981 1,220,221 1,620,280 1,617,426 1,558,869 1,558,869 1,558,869 18,991,957 6,922,421 2,322,364 2,336,176 2,2::,352 2,267,709 2,686,204 2,702,110 2,662,644 2,682,070 2,701,839 29,571,889 Waste Industries Operational costs 646,085 657,456 669,027 680,802 692,784 704,977 717,385 730,011 742,859 755,933 6,997,321 Capital,IT&One lime costs 6,466,277 1,328,292 1,324,608 1,258,981 1,220,221 1,620,280 1,617,426 1,558,869 1,558,869 1,558,869 19,512,692 7,112,362 1,985,748 1,993,635 1,939,783 1,913,005 2,325,257 2,334,811 2,288,880 2,301,728 2,314,802 26,510,013 Waste Industries Alternate W Operational costs 281,436 285,175 288,981 292,853 296,793 300,803 304,885 309,036 313,261 317,561 2,990,786 Capital,LT&One Time costs 5,732,914 1,328,292 1,324,608 1,258,981 1,220,221 1,620,280 1,617,426 1,558,869 1,558,869 1,558,869 18,779,329 6,014,350 1,613,467 1,613,589 1,551,834 1,517,014 1,921,083 1,922,311 1,867,905 1,872,130 1,876,430 21,770,115 April 21,2014 New Hanover County Slide 16 8 I 5/22/2014 1 1 Revenues • Tip fee of$59.00 per ton • State distribution and rebates • Sale of current fixed asset • Sale of current inventory • i April 21,2014 New Hanover County Slide 17 Results >« >« /EAU YEW /Eta >« WM >« Ilan >« Wate Management: TOTAL OPERATING REVENUE 12,605,000 12,219,659 11,846,418 11,484,897 11,134,727 10,795,553 10,467,029 10,148,820 9,80,604 9,542,065 110,084,772 TOTAL EXPENDITURES (19,582,906) (14,914,007) (14,869,602) (14,768,084) (14,698,211) (15,047,411) (15,047,349) (14,971,754) (14,959,330) (14,951,485) (153,810,037) NON-OPERATING REVENUES(SALE OF ASSETS&INVENTORY) 3,332,012 - - - - - - - - - 3,332,012 SURPLUS/(DEFICIT) (3,645,794) (2,694,345) (3,023,184) (3,283,187) (3,563,484) (4,251,858) (4,580,320) (4,822,934) (5,118,727) (5,409,420) (40,393,253) TIP FEE 76.53 72.37 74.49 76.37 78.46 82.98 85.67 87.99 90.76 93.66 81.32 Waste Industries: TOTAL OPERATING REVENUE 12,641,840 12,256,499 11,883,258 11,521,737 11,171,567 10,832,393 10,503,869 10,185,660 9,877,444 9,578,905 110453,172 TOTAL EXPENDITURES (18,214,202) (12,887,345) (12,730,638) (12,518,341) (12,339,115) (12,565,358) (12,473,422) (12,292,159) (12,175,108) (12,063,584) (130,259,272) NON-OPERATING REVENUES(SALE OF ASSETS&INVENTORY) 3,332,012 - - - - - - - - - 3,332,012 SURPLUS/(DEFICIT) (2,240,350) (630,846) (847,380) (996,604) (1,167,547) (1,732,965) (1,969,553) (2,106,499) (2,297,664) (2,484,679) (16,474,088) TIP FEE 69.77 62.13 63.34 64.27 65.38 6877 70.47 71.66 73.26 74.92 68.10 IWaste Industries Alternate W: • TOTAL OPERATING REVENUE 12,321,840 11,936,499 11,563,258 11,201,737 10,851,567 1,512,393 10,183,869 9,865,660 9,557,444 9,258,935 107,253,172 TOTAL EXPENDITURES (15,998,350) (11,402,609) (11,243,015) (11,027,200) (10,843,831) (11,104,722) (10,968,008) (10,780,770) (10,657,145) (10,538,455) (114,564,105) NON-OPERATING REVENUES(SALE OF ASSETS&INVENTORY) 3,332,012 - - - - - - - 3,332,012 SURPLUS/(DEFICIT) (344,498) 533,890 320,243 174,537 7,736 (592,329) (784,139) (915,110) (1,099,702) (1,279,550) (3,978,922) TIP FEE 60.66 56.35 57.36 58.08 58.96 62.34 63.57 6450 65.82 67.20 61.20 a 1 1 j. April 21,2014 i New Hanover County Slide 18 7 i 1 I #, 9 ,i