10-2013 October 3 2013 PB Agenda Package NEW HANOVER COUNTY PLANNING & INSPECTIONS DEPARTMENT 230 GOVERNMENT CENTER DRIVE, SUITE 110 WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA 28403 TELEPHONE (910) 798-7165 FAX (910) 798-7053 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NEW HANOVER COUNTY PLANNING BOARD OCTOBER 3, 2013 The New Hanover County Planning Board will hold a public hearing on Thursday, October 3, 2013 beginning at 6:00 p.m. or thereafter at the New Hanover County Historic Courthouse, 24 North Third Street (corner of Third and Princess Streets), Room 301 in Wilmington, NC to consider the following: Approval of September 2013 Planning Board Minutes Item 1: Rezoning Request (Z-928, 10/13) - Request by James C. Walker of CBR Wilmington, LLC to rezone 11.43 acres located at 4728 and 4800 Carolina Beach Road from R-15 Zoning District to R-7 Conditional Zoning District to develop a residential subdivision. The subject properties are classified as Urban according to the 2006 CAMA Land Use Plan. Technical Review Committee Report (September) The Planning Board may consider substantial changes in these petitions as a result of objections, debate, and discussion at the meeting, including rezoning to other classifications. Petitions for the above items may be viewed or inquiries made by contacting the Planning & Inspections Department at 798-7165, 230 Government Center Drive, Wilmington, NC. All interested citizens are invited to attend. Chris O’Keefe, AICP Planning & Inspections Director Dennis Bordeaux Inspections Manager Shawn Ralston Planning Manager PLANNING BOARD ITEM #1 Z-928, 10/13 Page 1 Case Z-928, (10/13) Rezone from R-15, Residential District, to CZD R-7, Medium Density Residential District Petition Summary Data Parcel Location & Acreage: 4728 and 4800 Carolina Beach Road, 11.43 acres Owner/Petitioner: James C. Walker, CBR Wilmington, LLC Existing Land Use: Single Family Residential Zoning History: Area 4 (April 7, 1971) Land Classification: Urban Water Type: Public Sewer Type: Public Recreation Area: Arrowhead Park Access & Traffic Volume: Average Daily Trips (ADT) at Carolina Beach Road and Antoinette Drive in August 2013 was 30,260, representing a Level of Service (LOS) of “F”. Fire District: New Hanover County South Watershed & Water Quality Classification: Barnards Creek (C;Sw) Conservation/Historic/ Archaeological Resources: None Soils and Septic Suitability: Johnston Soils (JO) – Severe: Flooding/Wetness Seagate Fine Sand (Se) – Severe: Wetness Lynn Haven Fine Sand (Ly) – Severe: Wetness Stallings Fine Sand (St) – Severe: Wetness Schools: Williams Elementary, Myrtle Grove Middle, Ashley High Z-928, (10/13) Page 1 CONDITIONAL ZONING DISTRICT REZONING REQUEST CASE: Z-928, 10/13 PETITIONER: James C. Walker, CBR Wilmington, LLC REQUEST: Rezone from R-15 Residential District to CZD R-7 Medium Density Residential District ACREAGE: 11.43 LOCATION: 4728 and 4800 Carolina Beach Road Parcel ID Number: 7100-002-009-000 LAND CLASS: Urban EXISITING CONDITIONS: Existing Zoning and Land Uses The subject property includes one parcel totaling 11.43 acres located along the south side of the 4700 block of Carolina Beach Road, approximately 1.25 miles from the Monkey Junction intersection of Carolina Beach Road and South College Road. The property is currently zoned R-15, Residential District, and the zoning in the vicinity is primarily R-15 with some areas of, B-1, and Office and Institutional zoning districts, including some under the jurisdiction of the City of Wilmington. Existing land use in the area consists of single family residential to the south and southeast, duplexes to the southwest on Yulan Drive, and two commercial uses (an electronics repair business and an automotive customization business) directly adjacent to the property to the north. Across Carolina Beach Road, existing land uses consist of a church and a single-family attached residential neighborhood, Magnolia Trace, which is currently under development. Existing Site Conditions TheAsiteAfeaturesAdirectA420.17’AofAfrontageAalongAand two driveways onto Carolina Beach Road. One of the existing driveways provides access to an occupied single family residential structure at 4800 Carolina Beach Road. The other driveway provides access to 4728 Carolina Beach Road Units A through E; these modular single family residential structures appeared to be occupied as observed on a site visit on September 20, 2013. Energy transmission lines run adjacent to the property along Carolina Beach Road, withinAtheAroad’sAright-of-way. Utility easements of varying widths run along the interior of the southeastern and southwestern parcel boundary lines. Environmental Conditions A non-navigable water feature known as Long Branch transverses the southwestern portion of the property and drains to Barnards Creek, which has a water quality classification of C, Sw by the NC Department of Environment and Natural Resources. Soil types on the site include Johnston Soil (JO), Seagate Fine Sand (Se), Lynn Haven Fine Sand (Ly), and Stallings Fine Sand (St). TheAfollowingAtableAdescribesAtheAeachAsoilAtype’sAlimitationsAforAbuildingAsiteA development: Z-928, (10/13) Page 2 Soil Name Map Symbol Building Site Development Restrictions Shallow Excavations Dwellings without Basements Local Roads and Streets Lynn Haven Fine Sand Ly Severe: cutbanks cave, wetness Severe: wetness Severe: wetness Johnston Soils Jo Severe: cutbanks cave, wetness Severe: flooding Moderate: wetness, flooding Seagate Fine Sand Se Severe: wetness Severe: wetness Moderate: wetness Stallings Find Sand St Severe: wetness Severe: wetness Moderate: wetness No portion of the property lies within a Special Flood Hazard Area and there are no CAMA Areas of Environmental Concern on the site. A cursory review of the site by the application for significant trees noted some significant trees on the property which will need to be mitigated, as well as some significant trees in the area proposed for open space that are proposed to be preserved to the maximum extent practical. Traffic and Transportation Wilmington Metropolitan Planning Organization Staff has provided information that traffic counts were conducted on Carolina Beach Road from August 27, 2013 to August 30, 2013 at two locations. North of the site, at McCarley Bolevuard to Farifield Drive, the average daily trip count (ADT) was 29,843. South of the site, just north of Antoinette Drive, the average daily trip count was 30,262. These figures represent anA“F”ALevelAofAServiceA(LOS)AmeaningAthatAtrafficAcountsAareAapproachingAdesignAcapacityAofA the road, which is listed at 29,300. The subject property is in the vicinity of two transit stops served by WAVE Transit Bus Route 201. The closest stop is located approximately 0.12 mile northwest at the intersection of Carolina Beach Road and Silva Terra Drive and another stop is located approximately 0.19 mile southeast of the property at the intersection of Carolina Beach Road and Horn Road. Community Services Water and Sewer: The property is within the Urban Services boundary and is within the CFPUA service area. The applicant has indicated that an existing sewer line on the southern portion of the property and an existing waterline on the opposite side of Carolina Beach Road can be tapped for service. Fire Protection: The property is served by New Hanover County Fire Services and located in the New Hanover County South Fire District. Schools: The property is located within the school districts for Williams Elementary, Myrtle Grove Middle, and Ashley High schools. Conservation, Historic, and Archaeological Resources The subject property does not host any known conservation, historic, or archaeological resources. Z-928, (10/13) Page 3 PETITIONER’S REQUEST: The petitioner is seeking to rezone the property from R-15, Residential District, to R-7 Residential Conditional Zoning District with the accompanying conceptual site plan to pursue a 42 lot Performance Residential subdivision. Should the rezoning request be granted, a preliminary plan may be submitted for consideration by the Technical Review Committee (TRC) in accordance with the New Hanover County Subdivision Ordinance. Because any major modification to an approved Conditional Zoning District site plan must be approved by the Board of Commissioners, Staff and the Petitioner have worked to address issues that may arise during the TRC review process, including soliciting comments from key TRC members including the Cape Fear Public Utility Authority (CFPUA), New Hanover County Fire Services, New Hanover County Engineering, North Carolina Department of Transportation (NC DOT), and the Wilmington Metropolitan Planning Organization (WMPO). TheAproposedAproject,A dam’sALanding,AconsistsAofA42AresidentialAlots,AaAroadAnetwork,AopenAspace,AandA stormwater management features on the 11.43 acres site. All existing structures would be removed and the petitioner is proposing to completely develop the infrastructure initially and record the lots in two phases. The proposed 42 lots would be for detached single family residential structures with a minimal lot size of 5,000AsquareAfeetAandAaverageAdimensionsAofA60’AxA11’.AAMaximumAstructureAheightAisAlimitedAtoA35’AperA the Zoning Ordinance. The applicant has stated the density is approximately 3.7 units per acre, under the maximum allowance of 6 units per acre for R-7 Performance Residential per Section 51.8-4 of the Zoning Ordinance. A20’AinteriorAperimeterAsetbackAhasAbeenAdesignatedAonAtheAsiteAplan. Access to the subdivision would be via a 50’AwideAright-of-way subdivision road connecting directly to Carolina Beach Road. From the primary subdivision road stems two cul de sacs and one street terminating with a stub to the adjacent property on the southeastern boundary; these three roads are proposedAtoAhaveA40’Arights-of-way. The roads are proposed to be built to NC DOT subdivision road standards and dedicated as public. Sidewalks are proposed on both sides of the streets. Open space is proposed in two areas and a minimum of 1.26 acres of open space is proposed in the southeastern portion of the property. Half of this open space area (0.63 acre) will meet the criteria for active open space and the remaining half shall be passive open space. The area for the stormwater pond will not be included in the calculation of the open space area. The second area of open space is a strip along the frontage of Carolina Beach Road which will serve as a buffer between the residential lots and the thoroughfare. This open space area is not proposed to be included to meet the minimum required 1.26 acres. nA8’AtallAopaqueAfenceAisAproposedAalongAtheAsoutheasternAboundaryAlineAtoAbufferA the new residential lots from the existing residential uses. STAFF POSITION: Proposed Zoning Classification Considerations Adopted in 2012, the purpose of the R-7 zoning district is to encourage medium density development in Urban and Transition areas of the county where adequate services are available. The district allows for Z-928, (10/13) Page 4 greater variety of housing types provided that environmental impacts are minimized and adequate open space is provided. The R-7 zoning district has several intents: Provide for greater population densities to facilitate high qualify affordable housing, a greater range of lifestyles and income levels in close proximate to commercial and employment centers. ProvideAforAtheAefficientAdeliveryAofApublicAservicesAandAtoAincreaseAresidents’AaccessibilityAtoA employment, transportation, and shopping. Serve as a buffer and transition area between more intensively developed areas and lower density residential areas. Staff opines that the proposal is in harmony with the intentions of the R-7 zoning district. Land Use Plan Classification and Policy Considerations The subject property is classified as Urban according to the 2006 Wilmington-New Hanover County Joint CAMA Land Use Plan. The Urban land use classification is intended to provide for continued intensive development and redevelopment of existing urban areas. The proposal is consistent with the Urban land use classification and not contradictory to any policies within the Land Use Plan. Road Network and Design All proposed roads will be required to be designed and constructed to NC DOT subdivision road standards, including conforming to the required widths and cross sections. An NC DOT Driveway Permit will be required for the road connection to Carolina Beach Road. WMPO Staff has indicated that significant utilities and infrastructure including traffic signal fiber optic cable, communications cables, and overhead electrical transmission lines exist along the frontage on Carolina Beach Road and the presence of this infrastructure may pose conflicts for the subdivision road connection and deceleration lane. Encroachment Agreements will be required for any utility connections or installations within NC DOT right-of-way (with some exceptions per NC DOT). New Hanover County Fire Services has indicated that the cul-de-sac diameters must be a minimumAofA96’,AandAthatAnoAgatesAorAtrafficAcalmingAmeasuresA will be permitted. Further review of these issues will occur during the TRC review of the Preliminary Plan. Traffic Per the Subdivision Ordinance Section 32-2(22), a traffic impact study must be completed prior to the submission of any preliminary plan that will generate more than 100 trips during the peak hour. A Traffic Impact Worksheet will need to be submitted prior to the submission of the Preliminary Plan. Utilities and Infrastructure Water and sewer service must be provided by CFPUA per the Zoning Ordinance and the applicant has indicated that existing water and sewer infrastructure nearby will be tapped to serve the project. CFPUA Staff has indicated that capacity is available at this time but will be further evaluated after the proper submittals to the Authority have been made during the Preliminary Plan review. Utility easementsAofA10’AinAwidthAwillAbeArequiredAalongAlotAfrontagesAonAtheAPreliminaryAPlan.AANewAHanoverA County Fire Services has indicated that one fire hydrant should be located near the entrance from Carolina Beach Road one hydrant near the second intersection on whichever side of the street the water main will be located. Further review of these issues will occur during the TRC review of the Preliminary Plan. Z-928, (10/13) Page 5 Environmental The project will be subject to several environmental regulations and permits. New Hanover County Engineering has indicated that a Stormwater Authorization to Construct and a Sediment and Erosion Control Permit will be required. Drainage easements will be required and must be verified on the final plat. The area around and including the run of Long Branch may contain wetlands and easements shall be required. Finally, the project is subject to a maximum impervious surface ratio for the gross site area of 50%. Further review of these issues will occur during the TRC review of the Preliminary Plan. Landscaping and Buffering Because the proposed minimum size is 5,000 square feet, no buffers are required for the project per Section 62.1-4(2) of the Zoning Ordinance. Although a cursory survey of significant trees was performed, a survey of the significant trees will be required as part of the Landscaping Plan per Section 62.1-8 of the Zoning Ordinance. The site does feature some significant existing vegetation, and retention and augmentation of the existing vegetation is encouraged to the maximum extent practicable. Aside from the potential mitigation of any significant trees, no additional landscaping is required. Open Space and Recreational Amenities The applicant is proposing to provide at least the minimum of 1.26 acres (0.03 acres per lot) required for the 42 lot subdivision. Per the Subdivision Ordinance, half of the provided open space must be Active Recreation Area and half Passive Recreation Area. The portion of open space adjacent to Carolina Beach Road does not meet the intent of open or recreation area and shall not be included in the computing the minimum 1.26 acres of required open space. Sidewalks are required to be constructed on both sides of the streets as well as along the frontage on Carolina Beach Road in accordance with Section 51.8-5(3) of the Zoning Ordinance and Section 52-11 of the Subdivision Ordinance. A further review of the proposed open space and sidewalk design will occur during the TRC review of the Preliminary Plan. REVIEW AND ACTION: This request is being facilitated by Section 55.3 – Conditional Zoning District ofAtheACounty’sAZoningA Ordinance, and has been processed and reviewed per Section 110 – Amending the Ordinance. A community meeting was held on Wednesday, July 24, 2013 in accordance with the requirements for such a request. The community meeting had six attendees with questions regarding the project, but no opposition was voiced. A community meeting report was submitted by the petitioner. Staff recommends the approval of the proposal as requested. Action Needed Motion to approve the petitioner’s proposal as amended Motion to “table” the item in order to receive more information Motion to deny the petitioner’s request based on specific reasons Staff’sARecommendedAMotion: pproveAtheApetitioner’sAproposalAasArequested. CAROLINA BEACH RD HORN RD ILEX DR SILVA TERRA DR SPLIT RAIL DR PINE HOLLOW DR YULAN DR SALIX DR SILVER LAKE RD RAYE DR PRIOR DR GATE POST LN CARYA DR PRIVATE MATTEO DR BELLE MEADS WOODS RD SIKES DR APPLETON WAY CORNUS DR TESLA PARK DR MCGINNIS LN WHITEWELD TER WILLOUGHBY PARK CT HONEYDEW LN ALLEY RIGGS TRL LINDEN RIDGE RD STILL MEADOW DR BEA MON LN SAINT ANDREWS DR EXUMA LN PINE HOLLO W DR TRUMPET VINE WAY SHADE TREE LN PINEVIEW DR ALDER RIDGE RD H O N E Y B E E L N EVERETTE CT CLOVERLAND WAY CAROL ST CHATHAM PL BR ENT ON CT PRIVATE PRIVATE PRIVATE PRIVATE PRIVATE RAYE DR CAROLINA BEACH RD PRIVATE PRIVATE PRIVATE PRIVATE PRIVATE PRIVATE RIVER RD COLLEGE RD S OLEANDER DR KERR AVE S WRIGHTSVILLE AVE PINE GROVE DR EASTWOOD RD MILITARY CUTOFF RD AIRLIE RD 3RD ST N S H IP Y A R D B LV INDEPENDENCE BLV S A N D E R S R D US HWY 74/76 CAROLINA BEACH RD 17TH ST S COLLEGE RD S ^ ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 1,000Feet ® 10/3/2013 Applicant and Owner:Case:Review Board:Planning BoardRezoningRequest: Notes: James C. Walker4728 & 4800 Carolina Beach Rd.Wilmington, NC 28409 Z-928 Rezoning from R-15 to R-7 CZD Date: PLANNING & INSPECTIONSDirector: Chris O'Keefe Existing Zoning/Use: Residential, R-15 CAROLINA BEACH RD HORN RD ILEX DR SILVA TERRA DR SPLIT RAIL DR PINE HOLLOW DR YULAN DR SALIX DR SILVER LAKE RD RAYE DR PRIOR DR GATE POST LN CARYA DR PRIVATE MATTEO DR BELLE MEADS WOODS RD SIKES DR APPLETON WAY CORNUS DR TESLA PARK DR MCGINNIS LN WHITEWELD TER WILLOUGHBY PARK CT HONEYDEW LN ALLEY RIGGS TRL LINDEN RIDGE RD STILL MEADOW DR BEA MON LN SAINT ANDREWS DR EXUMA LN PINE HOLLO W DR TRUMPET VINE WAY SHADE TREE LN PINEVIEW DR ALDER RIDGE RD H O N E Y B E E L N EVERETTE CT CLOVERLAND WAY CAROL ST CHATHAM PL BR ENT ON CT PRIVATE PRIVATE PRIVATE PRIVATE PRIVATE RAYE DR CAROLINA BEACH RD PRIVATE PRIVATE PRIVATE PRIVATE PRIVATE PRIVATE RIVER RD COLLEGE RD S OLEANDER DR KERR AVE S WRIGHTSVILLE AVE PINE GROVE DR EASTWOOD RD MILITARY CUTOFF RD AIRLIE RD 3RD ST N S H IP Y A R D B LV INDEPENDENCE BLV S A N D E R S R D US HWY 74/76 CAROLINA BEACH RD 17TH ST S COLLEGE RD S ^ ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 1,000Feet ® 10/3/2013 Applicant and Owner:Case:Review Board:Planning BoardRezoningRequest: Notes: James C. Walker4728 & 4800 Carolina Beach Rd.Wilmington, NC 28409 Z-928 Rezoning from R-15 to R-7 CZD Date: PLANNING & INSPECTIONSDirector: Chris O'Keefe Existing Zoning/Use: Residential, R-15 CAROLINA BEACH RD SPLIT RAIL DR SILVA TERRA DR YULAN DR HORN RD CARYA DR PRIVATE MATTEO DR GATE POST LN BELLE MEADS WOODS RD ILEX DR RAYE DR SIKES DR WHITEWELD TER RIGGS TRL SHADE TREE LN PINEVIEW DR HONEYDEW LN SUMMER WOODS DR DELHAM CT LOGWOOD CT WINDING BRANCHES DR BR EN TO N CT XIN G PRIVATE PRIVATE CAROLINA BEACH RD 0 62 63 49 41 105 80 94 75 25 78 25 2 8 65 9 18 104 99 1 3 16 7 70 6 77 69 11 7973 74 68 72 81 67 84 66 13 71 90 76 82 22 83 21 100 86 93 9592 98 8885 97 96 108 23 17 64107 12 91 106 20 87 103 14 19 10 102 15 101 109 89 33 32 110 680Feet 10/3/2013 Applicant and Owner:Case:Review Board:Planning BoardRezoningRequest: Notes: James C. Walker4728 & 4800 Carolina Beach Rd.Wilmington, NC 28409 Z-928 Rezoning from R-15 to R-7 CZD Date: PLANNING & INSPECTIONSDirector: Chris O'Keefe Existing Zoning/Use: Residential, R-15 ®Parcels within 500 Feet of Case Site Neighboring Parcels ! ! !!!!!!!!! ! ! !!!!!!!! Z-928 Site 49 25 41 4 80 5 78 24 29 26 30 59 5 35 0 46 58 27 28 57 54 40 42 37 60 61 38 48 47 34 35 36 43 5 2 45 5 1 55 44 56 39 31 Case # Z-928, 10/13 PB Neighbor Parcels ID for Map Neighbor IDOwnerNeighbor IDOwner 0CBR WILMINGTON LLC45SOUTH COLLEGE ASSOCIATES LLC 1HENDERSON DANITA FOLTZ REVOCABLE TRUST46SOUTH COLLEGE ASSOCIATES LLC 2HOGAN JEFFREY D47SOUTH COLLEGE ASSOCIATES LLC 3DUNN GERALD N JO ANN48SOUTH COLLEGE ASSOCIATES LLC 4AV HOLDINGS LLC49SOUTH COLLEGE ASSOCIATES LLC 5RAY JEREMY50SOUTH COLLEGE ASSOCIATES LLC 6BELL JANA B PHILLIP51SOUTH COLLEGE ASSOCIATES LLC 7LANGLEY ERIC W52SOUTH COLLEGE ASSOCIATES LLC 8HOGAN JEFFREY D53SOUTH COLLEGE ASSOCIATES LLC 9MARCUCILLI ANTHONY SHIRLEY54SOUTH COLLEGE ASSOCIATES LLC 10BOSWELL DIANE LIF EST55CASON RODNEY 11MARCUCILLI ANTHONY JOSEPH ETAL56SOUTH COLLEGE ASSOCIATES LLC 12LANE ROY RICHARD57SOUTH COLLEGE ASSOCIATES LLC 13MALPASS RUDIE M REV TRUST58SOUTH COLLEGE ASSOCIATES LLC 14GASQUE STEVEN L ELIZABETH D59SOUTH COLLEGE ASSOCIATES LLC 15EDWARDS BENNIE L IRIS B60SOUTH COLLEGE ASSOCIATES LLC 16WEST TONNYA D61SOUTH COLLEGE ASSOCIATES LLC 17MORSE JOSEPH L62SHP BELLEMEADE LLC 18MANNING NANCY CANNADY ETAL63LAWSON LAWRENCE HRS 19BUYCE DAVID64UNDERKOFLER ALAN J ANITA P 20EARNHARDT STACY LANE65STEWART MICHAEL K MICHELE L 21BRADSHAW JOSEPH N WENDY A66WINTER WALTER O 22MARCUCILLI ANTHONY J SHIRLEY67WINTER WALTER O 23STANGE BRYAN JAMES ETAL68WINTER WALTER O 24FINN DORIS69WINTER WALTER O 25TREETOPS HOA INC70WALTER JOSEPH E 26RHODES ALEXANDRA71WINTER WALTER O 27AV HOLDINGS LLC72HILDEBRAND ARTHUR SCOTT 28AV HOLDINGS LLC73COITE LINDA J 29DUNCAN WILLIAM G LENEVE D74SAILFISH DEVELOPMENT & RENTALS 30DUNCAN WILLIAM G LENEVE D75STEWART MICHAEL K MICHELE L 31ABBOTT DORIS A76POSADAS HENRY C 32EMBREY RICHARD W JR77WINTER WALTER O 33CLARK JEFFREY S TAMMY W78RIGGS DONALD U DONNA P 34SOUTH COLLEGE ASSOCIATES LLC79WINTER WALTER O 35SOUTH COLLEGE ASSOCIATES LLC80DOWNING CAMILLA L ETAL 36SOUTH COLLEGE ASSOCIATES LLC81HOGAN JEFFREY D 37SOUTH COLLEGE ASSOCIATES LLC82HOGAN JEFFREY 38SOUTH COLLEGE ASSOCIATES LLC83PADGETT DEMETRIA 39SOUTH COLLEGE ASSOCIATES LLC84HOGAN JEFFREY D 40SOUTH COLLEGE ASSOCIATES LLC85DOLFAX GUSTAVE BARBARA J 41SILVER LAKE BAPTIST CHURCH INC86NELSON JEAN M 42SOUTH COLLEGE ASSOCIATES LLC87MASON MICHAEL D 43SOUTH COLLEGE ASSOCIATES LLC88WISE MARY H 44SOUTH COLLEGE ASSOCIATES LLC89TODD LACY K 1 Case # Z-928, 10/13 PB Neighbor Parcels ID for Map Neighbor IDOwner 90COURTNEY RICHARD D LISA S 91MASON MICHAEL D 92SWICEGOOD BETTY SUE 93GARCIA VILLAFANE LUIS ETAL 94CLARK JONATHAN VANCE 95DOLFAX GUSTAVE F BARBARA J 96RATLIFF ROBERT B III 97REED JUDITH S ETAL 98RUSS CHARLES LINDA 99JOHNSTON GAIL RUSS ETAL 100SWENSON CAROL A 101DIGIOIA MATTHEW JEAN M NELSON 102CASEY LAVONNE B 103NORRIS BILLY WAYNE HELEN E 104QUALITY WATER SUPPLIES 105CLARK JEFFREY SCOTT TAMMY W 106LB PROPERTIES OF WILMINGTON LLC 107MALPASS RUDIE W QTIP TRUST AGR 108HOGAN JEFFREY D 109MARCUCILLI JOSEPH ETAL 110UNDERKOFLER ALAN J ANITA P 2 R-15 CITY CITY B-2 CITY CITY CITY B-2 CD R-10 B-2 CD CZD O&I B-1 C D B-2 CD O&I C D R-15 1,000Feet ! A-I AR B-1 B-2 CITY EDZD FF I-1 I-2 O&I PD R-10 R-15 R-20 R-20S RA RFMU SC WB Zoning ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !!!!!!!!!! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !!!!!!!!!! Z-928 ® 10/3/2013 Applicant and Owner:Case:Review Board:Planning BoardRezoningRequest: Notes: James C. Walker4728 & 4800 Carolina Beach Rd.Wilmington, NC 28409 Z-928 Rezoning from R-15 to R-7 CZD Date: PLANNING & INSPECTIONSDirector: Chris O'Keefe Existing Zoning/Use: Residential, R-15 R-15 CITY CITY B-2 CITY CITY CITY B-2 CD R-10 B-2 CD CZD O&I B-1 C D B-2 CD O&I C D R-15 1,000Feet ! A-I AR B-1 B-2 CITY EDZD FF I-1 I-2 O&I PD R-10 R-15 R-20 R-20S RA RFMU SC WB Zoning ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !!!!!!!!!! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !!!!!!!!!! Z-928 ® 10/3/2013 Applicant and Owner:Case:Review Board:Planning BoardRezoningRequest: Notes: James C. Walker4728 & 4800 Carolina Beach Rd.Wilmington, NC 28409 Z-928 Rezoning from R-15 to R-7 CZD Date: PLANNING & INSPECTIONSDirector: Chris O'Keefe Existing Zoning/Use: Residential, R-15 APPLICANT MATERIALS PROPOSED SITE PLAN BYNO.DATE DESCRIPTION DRAWN: APPROVED: SCALE: SHEET OF DATE: OWNER: ADDRESS: PHONE: DESIGNED: STROUD ENGINEERING, P.A. 102-D CINEMA DRIVE WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA (910) 815-0775 (910) 815-0593 FAX 11 R E V I S I O N S D R A W I N G N O . : P R O J E C T N O . : GRAPHIC SCALE: 0 8’ TALL OPAQUE FENCE 8’ TALL OPAQUE FENCE SITE DATA JHF JHF JHF MASONBORO TOWNSHIP NEW HANOVER COUNTY NORTH CAROLINA (910) 675-8001 CBR WILMINGTON, LLC 13515 NC HIGHWAY 210 ROCKY POINT, NC 28457 1" = 50’ 100’50’50’25’ W :/ M A S TE R / P W - 1061 / DGN / D L M . DGN P W - 1061 IN D E P EN D EN C E B LVD 17TH ST ST A N D RE W S D R PROJECT AREA C O L LE G E R D C AR OL IN A BE AC H R D BARNARDS CREEK SILV A TERRA D R NO SCALE M AGN ET I C 12345678910111213141516 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 2930 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 4 0 ’ P U B L I C R / W C A R O L I N A B E A C H R O A D 1 6 0 ’ P U B L I C R / W 40 ’ P U B L I C R / W 4 0 ’ P U B L I C R / W 50’ PUBLIC R/W VICINITY MAP 1" = 50’ ADAM’S LANDING 20’ PERIMETER SETBACK 2 0 ’ P E R I M E T E R S ET B A C K 2 0 ’ P E R I M ETE R S ET B A C K 20’ PERIMETER SETBACK 4728 & 4800 CAROLINA BEACH ROAD S 3 4 4 3 ’3 6 " E 1 2 0 . 1 7 ’ S 3 4 3 4 ’0 0 " E 3 0 0 . 0 0 ’ L 5 L 4 L 3 L 2 L 1 RUN OF LONG BRANCH IS PROPERTY LINE 45.07’ N5527’23"E S 34 32 ’3 7 " E 5 2 5 . 6 6 ’ 45.04’S2009’16"E 23.41’S0125’16"E 17.96’S1526’24"E 11.92’S7359’53"E 16.05’S4239’49"EL5 L4 L3 L2 L1 DISTANCEDIRECTIONLINE LINE TABLE 30’ DRAINAGE EASEMENTV A R I A B L E W I D T H U T I L I T Y E A S E M E N T 40’ UTILITY EASEMENT 30 ’ U T I L I T Y E A S E M E N T 2 0 ’ U T IL IT Y E A S E M E N T 30’ UTILITY EASEMENT 20’ UTILITY EASEMENT 15’ UTILITY EASEMENT 15’ UTILITY EASEMENT 20 ’ U T I L I T Y E A S E M E N T 20’ ACCESS EASEMENT DAVID L. MENIUS, P.E. SEAL 35677 H TR O N CAR O N A L I O N A S S E F O R P L I . ... . . . ...... ... . . ... . . . ...... ... . N E NG I EER V D A I D L MENIUS . DATE > L O N G BR A N C H S5525’27"W 1177.57’ N5526’00"E 1152.02’ P HA S E 1 P HA S E 2 P HA S E 2 P HA S E 1 NOW OR FORMERLY CLARK, JEFFREY S AND AND TAMMY W BOOK 1629 PAGE 0689 CLASS: RESIDENTIAL USE: 10-SINGLE FAMILY RES ZONE: O&I NOW OR FORMERLY SOUTH COLLEGE ASSOCIATES, LLC BOOK 5659 PAGE 1439 CLASS: RESIDENTIAL USE: 959-OTHER UNDEVELOPED LAND ZONE: R-15 NOW OR FORMERLY POSADAS, HENRY C BOOK 5281 PAGE 5052 CLASS: RESIDENTIAL USE: 10-SINGLE FAMILY RES ZONE: R-15 NOW OR FORMERLY SAILFISH DEVELOPMENT AND RENTALS BOOK 2491 PAGE 744 CLASS: RESIDENTIAL USE: 11-TWO FAMILY RES ZONE: R-15 NOW OR FORMERLY WINTER, WALTER O BOOK 2364 PAGE 758 CLASS: RESIDENTIAL USE: 11-TWO FAMILY RES ZONE: R-15 NOW OR FORMERLY WINTER, WALTER O BOOK 1534 PAGE 165 CLASS: RESIDENTIAL USE: 11-TWO FAMILY RES ZONE: R-15 NOW OR FORMERLY PADGETT, DEMETRIA BOOK 4480 PAGE 74 CLASS: RESIDENTIAL USE: 11-TWO FAMILY RES ZONE: R-15 NOW OR FORMERLY MARCUCILLI, JOSEPH ET AL BOOK 5330 PAGE 2096 CLASS: RESIDENTIAL USE: 11-TWO FAMILY RES ZONE: R-15 NOW OR FORMERLY LB PROPERTIES OF WILMINGTON BOOK 5685 PAGE 923 CLASS: RESIDENTIAL USE: 11-TWO FAMILY RES ZONE: R-15 NOW OR FORMERLY HOGAN, JEFFREY D. BOOK 5595 PAGE 2142 CLASS: RESIDENTIAL USE: 11-TWO FAMILY RES ZONE: R-15 NOW OR FORMERLY MALPASS, RUDIE W QTIP TRUST AGR BOOK 2489 PAGE 313 CLASS: RESIDENTIAL USE: 10-SINGLE FAMILY RES ZONE: R-15 NOW OR FORMERLY CLARK, JEFFREY S AND AND TAMMY W BOOK 1627 PAGE 0999 CLASS: COMMERCIAL USE: 730-BUSINESS ZONE: O&I NOW OR FORMERLY SILBER LAKE BAPTIST CHURCH BOOK # PAGE # CLASS: EXEMPT RELIGIOUS USE: 866-RELIGIOUS ACTIVITIES ZONE: R-15 NOW OR FORMERLY RIGGS, DONALD AND DONNA BOOK 5013 PAGE 1858 CLASS: RESIDENTIAL DOUBLE WIDE USE: SINGLE FAMILY RES ZONE: R-15 NOW OR FORMERLY STEWART, MICHAEL K AND MICHELE L BOOK 9912 PAGE 110 CLASS: RESIDENTIAL DOUBLE WIDE USE: 10-SINGLE FAMILY RES ZONE: R-15 S T O R M W A TE R P OND CONDITIONAL REZONING PLAN 9/19/2013 OPEN SPACE NOTES: 1. A MINIMUM OF 1.26 ACRES OF OPEN SPACE SHALL BE PROVIDED. 2. A MINIMUM OF 0.63 ACRES OF OPEN SPACE SHALL MEET THE CRITERIA FOR ACTIVE OPEN SPACE. 3. A MINIMUM OF 0.63 ACRES OF OPEN SPACE SHALL MEET THE CRITERIA FOR PASSIVE OPEN SPACE. 4. OPEN SPACE PROVIDED ALONG THE CAROLINA BEACH ROAD FRONTAGE SHALL NOT BE USED TO SATISFY THE MINIMUM AREA REQUIREMENTS. 11.43 AC R07100-002-009-000 5734/45 PERFORMANCE RESIDENTIAL 42 35’ 1.26 AC 60’ X 110’ 5000 SF BARNARD’S CREEK C/SW R-15 (CD) R-7 3.7 URBAN TOTAL SITE AREA PARCEL ID DEED BOOK/PAGE PROPOSED USE PROPOSED NUMBER OF LOTS PROPOSED MAX BUILDING HEIGHT REQUIRED OPEN SPACE (0.03 ACRES PER LOT) AVG. RESIDENTIAL LOT SIZE MINIMUM RESIDENTIAL LOT AREA RECEIVING STREAM STREAM CLASSIFICATION EXISTING ZONING PROPOSED ZONING UNITS PER ACRE CAMA LAND USE CLASSIFICATION OPEN SPACE OPEN SPACE O P E N SP A C E O P E N SP A C E GENERAL NOTES: 1.NO PORTION OF THIS PROPERTY IS LOCATED IN THE 100 YEAR FLOOD HAZARD AREA. 2. BOUNDARIES, LOCATIONS AND DESCRIPTIONS OF EXISTING FEATURES IS BASED ON A DRAWING BY MICHAEL UNDERWOOD AND ASSOCIATES, P.A. DATED 8/28/2007 AND IS NOT THE RESULT OF A SURVEY BY STROUD ENGINEERING, P.A. 3. THE DEVELOPER INTENDS TO COMPLETE ALL INFRASTRUCTURE INITIALLY AND RECORD LOTS IN 2 PHASES. 4. A TREE SURVEY HAS NOT BEEN CONDUCTED. A CURSORY REVIEW OF THE SITE, WHICH IS HEAVILY WOODED, REVEALED FEW SIGNIFICANT TREES. ALL EFFORTS SHALL BE MADE TO PRESERVE EXISTING TREES, ESPECIALLY AROUND THE PERIMETER OF THE SITE. NHC TREE APPROVAL SHALL BE SOUGHT PRIOR TO COMMENCING SITE WORK. MITIGATION OF SIGNIFICANT TREES SHALL BE ACCOMPLISHED THROUGH ONSITE PLANTINGS TO THE GREATEST EXTENT PRACTICABLE. 5. LOTS SHALL BE AFFORDED CFPUA WATER AND SEWER SERVICE BY WAY OF EXTENDING ADJACENT MAINS. 6. STREETS SHALL BE DESIGNED AND BUILT IN ACCORDANCE WITH NCDOT SUBDIVISION ROAD REQUIREMENTS AND DEDICATED AS PUBLIC. 7. SIDEWALKS SHALL BE PROVDED ON BOTH SIDES OF THE PROPOSED STREETS. 8. EXISTING STRUCTURES SHALL BE REMOVED. COMMUNITY MEETING REPORT PLANNING BOARD TRC REPORT Page 1 of 2 Technical Review Committee Report: September, 2013 The County’s Technical Review Committee met once in September. Three (3) projects were reviewed. Village at Motts Landing: Phase 1B (Performance Site Plan) The Village at Motts Landing is located in the southern portion of our jurisdiction, more specifically on the north side of Sanders Road. The area is classified Urban on the adopted 2006 Land Use Plan. The Urban classification provides for continued intensive development and redevelopment of existing urban areas. The developer for the project submitted a twelve (12) residential unit site plan addition to the overall development that was approved by TRC back in 2005. The proposed residential units will be supported by private streets with public sewer and private water. No TIA was required for the project. In a vote of 4-0, the TRC approved the Village at Motts Landing; Phase 1B for all twelve (12) units with the following conditions: 1) An updated water capacity letter be submitted prior to final plat approval supporting the twelve units, 2) No gates, traffic calming devices, or on-street parking be permitted and 3) A written proposal to create a sidewalk from the Village at Motts Landing entrance with Sanders Road to Bellamy Elementary School be finalized prior to the next phase of the project. Discussion pertaining to the specific sidewalk location should include representatives from the school system, NCDOT, Planning, and the WMPO. Maple Ridge (Performance Site Plan) Maple Ridge is located near the northeastern portion of our jurisdiction, more specifically near West Bay Estates subdivision off Market Street. The area is classified as Wetland Resource Protection on the adopted 2006 Land Use Plan. This Resource Protection subclass is utilized to mitigate loss of wetland areas. The developer for the project proposed a 47 residential lot division with private streets and public water and sewer. No TIA was required for the project. In a vote of 4-0, the TRC approved Maple Ridge for 47 lots. No significant conditions were placed on the plan. Grathmore (Sketch Plan) Grathmore is located in the northern central portion of our jurisdiction, more specifically near the confluence of Murrayville and Crooked Pine Roads. The area is classified as Wetland Resource Protection on the adopted 2006 Land Use Plan. This Resource Protection subclass is utilized to mitigate loss of wetland areas. The developer for the project proposed a 338 Page 2 of 2 residential lot division with a blend of private and public streets. Public water and sewer was also proposed. With this being a sketch design, no scoping to determine TIA for road improvements was discussed. The Military Cut-Off Extension/Bypass corridor bisects the project. In a vote of 4-0, the TRC denied the Grathmore sketch plan based on the plan being located within the recorded Corridor Map for NCDOT Transportation Improvement Project U-4751. The TRC recommended that a redesigned preliminary site plan be submitted for formal review.