05-2013 May 2 2013 PB Agenda Package NEW HANOVER COUNTY PLANNING & INSPECTIONS DEPARTMENT 230 GOVERNMENT CENTER DRIVE, SUITE 110 WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA 28403 TELEPHONE (910) 798-7165 FAX (910) 798-7053 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NEW HANOVER COUNTY PLANNING BOARD MAY 2, 2013  The New Hanover County Planning Board will hold public hearings on Thursday, May 2, 2013 beginning at 6:00 p.m. or thereafter at the New Hanover County Historic Courthouse, 24 North Third Street (corner of Third and Princess Streets), Room 301 in Wilmington, NC to consider the following items: Approval of April 2013 Planning Board Minutes Item 1: Special Use Permit Request (S-613, 04/13) - Request by Porters Neck Home Owners Association to obtain a special use permit to establish a parking area to accommodate an existing community boating facility. The property is located within an R-20S, Residential District at 8543 Bald Eagle Lane. This site is classified as Watershed Resource Protection according to the 2006 CAMA Land Use Plan. The proposal is located within the Porters Neck Small Area Plan and Wilmington/New Hanover County Comprehensive Greenway Plan. This item was continued from the April 4, 2013 Planning Board meeting. Item 2: Rezoning Request (Z-925, 05/13) - Request by Cindee Wolf, Design Solutions, on behalf of College Road Development Partners, LLC. To rezone 8.05 acres located at 2530, 2600, 2608, 2612, & 2616 North College Road from B-2 Highway Business and R-15 Residential to CUD(B-2) Conditional Use District B-2. The site is classified as Transition and Conservation Area according to the 2006 CAMA Land Use Plan. The subject properties are also located within the Wilmington/New Hanover County Comprehensive Greenway Plan. Item 3: Text Amendment (A-412, 05/13)- Request by staff to amend Section 71-1(9) of the Zoning Ordinance to provide clarification as to who has the authority to approve an administrative approval and qualifying modifications. Technical Review Committee Report (April) The Planning Board may consider substantial changes in these petitions as a result of objections, debate, and discussion at the meeting, including rezoning to other classifications. Petitions for the above items may be viewed or inquiries made by contacting the Planning & Inspections Department at 798-7165, 230 Government Center Drive, Wilmington, NC. All interested citizens are invited to attend. Chris O’Keefe, AICP Planning & Inspections Director Dennis Bordeaux Inspections Manager Shawn Ralston Planning Manager S-613, (04/13) Page 1 SPECIAL USE PERMIT S-613, 04/13: Request for a special use permit to construct a parking facility to accommodate an existing community boating facility located in an R-20S Residential District. Request By: Banks Currin on behalf of the Porters Neck Homeowners Association Location: 8543 Bald Eagle Lane, PID R03805-002-005-000 History of the Property The proposed parking facility is to accommodate an existing community boating facility, located at 8540 Bald Eagle Lane that was permitted as part of the Porters Neck Plantation subdivision. The use was established and deeded access was recorded on June 3, 1991, prior to the county’s adoption of regulations governing Community Boating Facilities which occurred in October of 1992. The proposed parking facility, located across the street, at 8543 Bald Eagle Lane, is anticipated to alleviate the existing congestion affiliated with the community boating facility. The facility is solely used to provide water access to approximately 150 community members. There are no boat slips offered at this time, nor a plan to include boat slips in the future. The current parking accommodations are restricted to six (6) spaces, due to the impervious surface limitations imposed on uses located within CAMA Areas of Environmental Concern. Water access is limited due to tidal dependency, to approximately a three (3) hour window before and after high tide. The existing facility is unable to improve the depth of the facility because dredging in this area is prohibited. Average usage is minimal during the boating off-season, September thru May. Utilization of the facility increases on weekends between June and August and extensive use is noted on holiday weekends, specifically Memorial Day, Independence Day, and Labor Day. During the noted holidays, vehicle and trailer parking along the shoulders of Bald Eagle Lane have been reported and impose safety concerns. S-613, (04/13) Page 2 Preliminary Staff Findings of Fact (In Accordance with Section 71 of the New Hanover County Zoning Ordinance) Finding 1: The Board must find that the use will not materially endanger the public health or safety where proposed and developed according to the plan as submitted and approved. A. Water and sewer are not currently available to the subject property; however, the proposed use does not require water or sewer. The special use permit request is to construct a parking area to accommodate homeowners with access to the existing boating facility located at 8540 Bald Eagle Lane. Due to the location of a pump station and deeded 10 foot access easement on the subject property, discussions were held between the applicant and the CFPUA. The agreement reached includes a total of 15 feet of cleared access to the pump station. B. The route of access is Porters Neck Road to Bald Eagle Lane. The average daily trips (ADT) along the Bald Eagle Lane/ Porters Neck Road intersection is 500 trips per a count conducted in June of 2012. Therefore, the volume to capacity ratio produces a Level of Service of A. The applicant provided a traffic impact worksheet, which estimates the boat dock and marina facility use produces an AM peak hour of 1 trip and a PM peak of 2 trips. C. The subject property is located in the New Hanover County Fire Service District. County Fire Services review conditions the applicant to satisfy the requirements for a single gate install, which include a Knox pad lock and all weather access, for the proposed gate. D. The subject property is not located within any flood or archaeological areas; however, it is located in a CAMA Area of Environmental Concern (AEC), therefore all land disturbance activities will be subject to a CAMA Minor Permit and limited to 25% impervious surface. Staff Suggestion: Evidence in the record at this time supports a finding that the use will not materially endanger the public health or safety where proposed. Finding 2: The Board must find that the use meets all required conditions and specifications of the Zoning Ordinance. A. The proposed parking facility’s ten foot buffer will satisfy the requirements of the Zoning Ordinance. Section 62.1-5 is enforced for this proposal, opposed to Section 62.1-4 because the proposed use does not have a structure to base the 50% setback standard towards. S-613, (04/13) Page 3 B. The proposal will be subject to a CAMA Minor Permit which will minimize the impact on water quality, primary nursery areas, shellfish grounds, and conservation resources per Section 72-37(1). C. There are no boat slips offered at this time, nor a plan to include boat slips in the future. Proposed parking accommodations are demand- based and will be limited to 25% impervious surface, which is more restrictive then Sections 72-37(2) and 72-37(3). D. The current community boating facility was permitted as part of the Porters Neck Plantation subdivision. The use was established prior to the County’s adoption of Community Boating Facility regulations in October of 1992. However, the facility is solely used to provide water access to approximately 150 community members by recorded deed satisfying Section 72-37(4). E. No commercial activities are proposed consistent with Section 72- 37(5). Staff Suggestion: Evidence in the record at this time supports a finding that the use meets all required conditions and specifications of the Zoning Ordinance. Finding 3: The Board must find that the use will not substantially injure the value of adjoining or abutting property or that the use is a public necessity. A. The proposed parking lot will remain in a natural state, provide a 100% opaque buffer from adjacent residential properties, and be subject to a CAMA Minor Permit. B. The proposed facility will have a minimal effect on neighborhood traffic, producing an estimated 1 trip AM peak and 2 trips PM peak and will further offer a solution to existing congestion and illegal parking during boating season. C. The applicant is further proposing to limit hours of operation to daylight only and restricted access will be enforced with a locked gate. D. No evidence has been submitted that this project will decrease property values of residents who live nearby. Staff Suggestion: The evidence in the record at this time supports a finding that the use will not substantially injure the value of adjoining or abutting property. S-613, (04/13) Page 4 Finding 4: The Board must find that the location and character of the use if developed according to the plan as submitted and approved will be in harmony with the area in which it is to be located and in general conformity with the plan of development for New Hanover County. A. The subject property is located in an R-20S, residential district. Community Boating facilities are permitted by special use permit in all residential districts, including R-20S. B. The 2006 Joint CAMA Land Use Plan Update shows the land classification as Watershed Resource Protection. The Watershed Resource Protection area occurs along tidal creeks and is defined as the area within ½ mile of the 100-year flood plain for those creeks. The protection strategy for this subclass of resource protection area focuses on minimizing new impervious surface, retrofitting protection measures to improve water quality of runoff from existing impervious surfaces and to promote low impact best management practices for development and redevelopment. The proposal is for the lot to remain natural and to preserve the existing ten foot native vegetative buffer along the northern and western property lines and supplement a ten foot buffer along the southern property line. Further, the proposed scope of work fulfills the definition of a community boating facility per the 2006 Joint CAMA Land Use Plan. As defined a community boating facility is “a private nonprofit boating facility including a dock pier, and/or launching ramp on property which has water frontage, the use of which is intended to serve 5 or more residential lots or units. The right to use such facility must be conferred by an easement appurtenant to the residential lot it is intended to serve. No commercial activities of any kind, including commercial letting of slips to parties who are not residents of the waterfront subdivision shall be allowed within confines of the facility.” C. The proposal is also supported by the objectives stated in the Porters Neck Small Area Plan, adopted June 1989 and updated November 2010. Specifically, the desire of the community to have the county support the recommendations of its public water access studies that have found the need to provide public water access, particularly boat access, to be critical. D. The subject property is also located adjacent to a proposed bicycle lane. The proposed lane is contained along the shoulder of Bald Eagle Lane, a sixty (60) foot public right of way. S-613, (04/13) Page 5 SUMMARY Staff concludes that the proposal meets the requirements of Section 72-37 of the Zoning Ordinance, the CAMA Land Use Plan and concludes that the findings are positive; however, staff recommends the following conditions: (a) Access to the existing CFPUA pump station be increased to 15 feet; (b) The proposed gate satisfy County Fire Services single gate installation requirements, which include a Knox pad lock and all weather access; (c) Hours of operation should be clearly identified on the property; and (d) Application and receipt of a CAMA Minor Permit. Note: A Special Use Permit is a quasi-judicial action requiring an evidentiary hearing and findings of fact. ACTION NEEDED: (Choose one) 1. Motion to Recommend Approval (with or without conditions) 2. Motion to table the item in order to receive additional information or documentation (Specify). 3. Motion to Recommend Denial based on specific findings in any of the 4 categories above, such as lack of consistency with adopted plans or determination that the project will pose public hazards or will not adequately meet requirements of the ordinance. Staff suggests the following motion: Motion to Recommend Approval of the Special Use Permit with the following conditions: (a) Access to the existing CFPUA pump station be increased to 15 feet; (b) The proposed gate satisfy County Fire Services single gate installation requirements, which include a Knox pad lock and all weather access; (c) Hours of operation should be clearly identified on the property; (d) Application and receipt of a CAMA Minor Permit. Case S‐613 (04/13)  Request to obtain a Special Use Permit to establish a parking area to accommodate an existing Community  Boating Facility in an R‐20S Residential District    Petition Summary Data  8543 Bald Eagle Lane    Owner/Petitioner:  D. Bank Currin, Vice President Porters Neck HOA on behalf of Porters Neck HOA    Existing Land Use: R‐20S, vacant    Zoning History:  Area 5, July 6, 1971    Land Classification: Watershed Resource Protection    Water Type:   Not available through CFPUA; however, not required for proposed use.     Sewer Type:  Not available through CFPUA; however, not required for proposed use.    Recreation Area:  Blair Elementary School    Access & Traffic Volume:  Porters Neck/ Bald Eagle Lane intersection has an average daily volume of 500;  therefore, based on volume to capacity ratio carries a 2012 LOS of A. The traffic impact worksheet estimates  an AM peak of 1 trip and a PM peak of 2 trips; therefore, No TIA is required.    Fire District: New Hanover County Fire Service District     Watershed & Water Quality Classification:  Futch Creek (Sa; HQW 3039d)    Aquifer Recharge Area:  A shallow water‐table sand aquifer and underlying artesian aquifer containing fresh  water over salty water.    Conservation/Historic/Archaeological Resources:  None    Soils:  Kenansville Fine Sand (0‐3% slopes)                Septic Suitability: Lakeland Sand and Kenansville find sand are Class I soils with suitable/slight limitation.    Schools:  Blair Elementary School, admission 599, capacity 490, over capacity per 2011‐12 year     Holy Shelter Middle School, admission 611, capacity 992     Laney High School, admission 1,826, capacity 1,535, over capacity per 2011‐12 year    Planning Areas:  2006 CAMA Land Use Plan   Porters Neck Small Area Plan     Wilmington/New Hanover County Comprehensive Greenway Plan  APPROVED PLANS ASSOCIATED WITH SUBJECT PROPERTY PROPOSED PLAN APPLICANT MATERIALS AGENCY COMMENTS 1 Williams-Rowland, Jackie From:Kent Harrell <Kent.Harrell@cfpua.org> Sent:Wednesday, April 17, 2013 8:26 AM To:Dreibelbis, Nicole Cc:Frank Styers; Christine Neal Subject:RE: S-613 Nicole,  I believe we have addressed this. See my email trail below.  If you have any questions please contact me.    Kent Harrell, PE  Engineering Manager  Cape Fear Public Utility Authority  910‐332‐6674    From: Kent Harrell   Sent: Monday, April 15, 2013 8:52 AM  To: Banks Currin  Subject: RE: Bald Eagle Lane Pumping station    Mr. Currin,  I understand you are managing the boat parking lot project on behalf of the Porters Neck HOA. Below is the response  CFPUA made to the county Friday regarding the project.   Kent    Kent Harrell, PE  Engineering Manager  Cape Fear Public Utility Authority  235 Government Center Drive  Wilmington, NC 28403  910‐332‐6674 office  910‐470‐6643 cell        From: Frank Styers   Sent: Friday, April 12, 2013 3:05 PM  To: COKeefe@nhcgov.com  Cc: Christine Neal; Christene Mitchell; Jim Flechtner; Robert Daughtry; Mike McGill; James Craig; Bernice Johnson; Kent  Harrell  Subject: RE: S‐613..Bald Eagle Lane Area Rezoning Request    Chris,    The Authority’s official position concerning the subject request as defined today during a coordination meeting, is to  request that a 15 foot clear area remain centered over the existing 10 ‘ access easement.  The Authority has no concern  about the rezoning request so long as this access can remain clear as stated above.  Please coordinate future  2 correspondence with Kent Harrell (332‐6674), Development Services Manager regarding additional questions or  information that you need.    Thanks,    Frank C. Styers, PE  Director of Engineering  Cape Fear Public Utility Authority  235 Government Center Drive  Wilmington, NC 28403  office 910.332.6670       fax 910.332.6353      mobile 910.470.1583  web www.cfpua.org      Stewardship. Sustainability. Service    From: Banks Currin [mailto:bcurrin7538@gmail.com]   Sent: Monday, April 15, 2013 8:31 AM  To: Kent Harrell  Cc: Dick kuhn; ginny .thompson; Nicole Dreibelbis  Subject: Bald Eagle Lane Pumping station    Thanks for the call on Fri. afternoon relative to the Porters Neck Homeowners Association  Application  for a Special Use  Permit .    I did not receive an email with the CFPUA proposal on the matter. Please re transmit.    Thanks,    Banks Currin  Total Control Panel Login To: ndreibelbis@nhcgov.com From: kent.harrell@cfpua.org You received this message because the domain cfpua.org is on the enterprise allow list. Please contact your administrator to block messages from the domain cfpua.org 1 Williams-Rowland, Jackie From:Kent Harrell <Kent.Harrell@cfpua.org> Sent:Thursday, April 18, 2013 9:09 AM To:Banks Currin (bcurrin7538@gmail.com); Dreibelbis, Nicole Cc:Frank Styers Subject:FW: Bald Eagle Lane Pumping station Attachments:PNHOA rule for parking version #2 4-18-2013.docx Banks and Nicole,  The description was acceptable to CFPUA.  Thank you,    Kent Harrell, PE  Engineering Manager  Cape Fear Public Utility Authority  910‐332‐6674    From: Banks Currin [mailto:bcurrin7538@gmail.com] Sent: Thursday, April 18, 2013 7:59 AM To: Dreibelbis, Nicole Cc: Dick kuhn; ginny .thompson; Kent Harrell Subject: Re: Bald Eagle Lane Pumping station Nicole,     Attached is a revised draft of the proposed PNHOA rule.     I realized after sending the first draft that I had used 80 feet as the width of the lot rather than 60 feet, the  actual width.     I would like this not to be a public document It will be adopted to provide the CFPUA the additional 5 feet of  drive area.  From: Dreibelbis, Nicole Sent: Tuesday, April 16, 2013 4:09 PM To: Banks Currin Subject: Re: Bald Eagle Lane Pumping station    Good Afternoon Banks,     I was wondering if you could provide me with an update on your correspondence with CFPUA? Planning staff  has a meeting with management at 1:30 tomorrow and the May 2nd Planning Board advertising deadline is  Thursday. Staff is trying to evaluate if your application can move forward. I look forward to hearing from you  soon.     Thanks,  2 Nicole    Sent from my iPhone    On Apr 15, 2013, at 8:31 AM, "Banks Currin" <bcurrin7538@gmail.com> wrote:  Thanks for the call on Fri. afternoon relative to the Porters Neck Homeowners  Association  Application  for a Special Use Permit .     I did not receive an email with the CFPUA proposal on the matter. Please re transmit.     Thanks,     Banks Currin  Total Control Panel Login To: ndreibelbis@nhcgov.com From: kent.harrell@cfpua.org Remove this sender from my allow list You received this message because the sender is on your allow list.   Porters Neck Homeowners Association  Vehicle and boat trailer parking at 8543 Bald Eagle Lane    Rule #  Draft 4/18  The purpose of this rule is to enhance the safety of those persons using the Porters Neck Homeowners  Association boat ramp located at 8540 Bald Eagle Lane by shortening the amount of time a vehicle and  trailer are on Bald Eagle Lane in preparation for launching or loading a boat.     The PNHOA obtained a Special Use Permit from New Hanover County on June 2, 2013.  This permit  allows daytime parking of vehicles and boat trailers on this property that is directly across Bald Eagle  Lane from the lot with the PNHOA boat ramp.  There are restrictions on where the vehicles and trailers may be parked:   to meet county set back rules,   to avoid encroachment on an easement held by Cape Fear Public Utility Authority (CFPUA), and   to efficiently use the lot for parking.  The required dimensions are a 10 foot vegetation buffer along the side property lines, a fifteen foot  drive easement through the center of the lot to provide access to the CFPUA pumping station and a 30  foot turning area in front of the CFPUA pump station and across the entire lot at that point.   This leaves 12.5 feet on each side of the easement for the parking of vehicles and trailers.   The area shall have a locked gate at all times. The lock shall be keyed to accept the same key used to  enter the boat ramp area.   The concrete pad near the top of the boat ramp shall be used as a turning area so vehicles with trailers  can drive forward down the paved lane to the boat ramp and then turn around on the concrete pad to  back their trailer down the ramp. While this occurs a second vehicle with a trailer may use the concrete  pad to place their trailer in position to use the ramp when the other person pulls off the ramp. The  concrete pad shall not be used for the parking of either vehicles or trailers.   Any person found to be violating these restrictions will have their access to the property terminated and  those that are PNHOA residents may be fined.     1 Williams-Rowland, Jackie From:Davis, Matt Sent:Wednesday, April 24, 2013 2:39 PM To:Dreibelbis, Nicole Subject:RE: S-613, Special Use permit for parking on Bald Eagle Lane Nicole,    Sorry for the delay, no major issues. The following will need to be addressed.        New gate install will require meeting the current requirements for a single gate install. (Knox pad lock)    New surface shall meet the current requirements for fire department access. (All weather surface)    Please let me know if you need further.        Matt Davis | Fire Chief, Deputy - Administration Division Fire Services | New Hanover County 230 Government Center Drive, Suite 130 Wilmington, NC 28403 (910) 798-7419 p | (910) 798-7052 f From: Dreibelbis, Nicole Sent: Friday, April 19, 2013 8:13 AM To: Davis, Matt Subject: S-613, Special Use permit for parking on Bald Eagle Lane   Good Morning,    Our office has received a request for a special use permit to develop a parking lot adjacent to an existing community  boating facility located at 8543 Bald Eagle Lane. Attached is their proposed site plan. They do plan to gate the entrance  to limit access to members with boat slips. Please provide comments.     Thanks,  Nicole  Nicole Dreibelbis | Current Planner Planning & Inspections - Planning & Zoning | New Hanover County 230 Government Center Drive, Suite 110 Wilmington, NC 28403 (910) 798-7571 p | (910) 798-7053 f COMMUNITY COMMENTS In Office Visit: (4/1/13)-DJ Everette, adjacent property #11 Security o Add lighting as a condition/discourage foot traffic o Access widened behind pump station to allow for vehicular traffic? Aesthetics Current Security: o Tom Butler, Security Officer o Front gate, improved security pending o Back gate, remote access o Gate rear of property with security card- prohibit free access PC (4/1/13)-Julia Worth, Board of Directors for Bald Eagle Lane Access to facility Email Correspondence continuously: Conrad Lowman, adjacent property #23 Buffer requirements Existing Community boating facility Notification process Zoning Ordinance requirements, specific to proposed and existing uses PC (3/29/13)-Pat Abbott, adjacent property #1 Buffer requirements Property value PC (4/4/13) with Debbie Winterbauer, 910-616-6844 cell, 910-686-6240, Porters Neck Quality of Life Association Board (Bald Eagle Lane Residents) Approval Process CFPUA access to pump station PC (4/19/13) with Joe Hardin, Porters Neck Community Member, 686-8848 CFPUA access to pump station NCDOT driveway permit concerns Case Z-925, (05/2013) Page 1 CASE: Z-925, 05/13 PETITIONER: Cindee Wolf, Design Solutions on behalf of College Road Development Partners, LLC REQUEST: Rezone from B-2 Highway Business and R-15 Residential to CUD (B-2), Conditional Use Highway Business District ACREAGE: 8.05 Acres LOCATION: 2530, 2600, 2608, 2612, & 2616 North College Road LAND CLASS: Transition and Conservation Area STAFF SUMMARY: PROPERTY SPECIFICS: The subject properties are located approximately 230 feet north of the Long Ridge Drive/North College Road intersection. The proposal includes five parcels with a combined area of 8.05 acres. All parcels are currently split zoned B-2 Highway Business and R-15 Residential and have direct access to North College Road. The proposed Conditional Use Highway Business District includes all of parcels 2608, 2612, and 2616 North College Road. Also included in the proposed conditional use district are the R-15 Residential portions of 2530 (depth of 60-feet) and 2600 (depth of 85-feet) North College Road. HISTORY OF ZONING PARCELS: The Original zoning in 1972 established approximately 1900 feet of B-2 Highway Business District at a depth of 300-feet along road frontage running north from Murrayville Road to 2600 North College Road, and included 2530 North College Road. 2608, 2612, and 2616 North College Road are also partially zoned B-2 Highway Business District, to a depth of 300 feet, per the County Commissioners July 13, 1998 general rezoning approval. The remainder of the properties stayed R-15 Residential. CHARACTER OF THE AREA: Current Zoning: The purpose of the R-15 Residential District is to insure that residential development not having access to a public water and dependent upon septic tanks for sewage disposal will occur at sufficiently low densities to insure a healthful environment. Case Z-925, (05/2013) Page 2 The purpose of the B-2 district is to provide for the proper grouping and development of roadside business uses which will best accommodate the needs of the motoring public and businesses demanding high volume traffic. The subject site is situated within an existing commercial node. North of the proposal is Laney High School. South of the subject properties, at the corner of Long Ridge Drive and North College Road, is an approved Dollar General. West is a variety of zoning districts. The Bavarian Lane/North College Road intersection is zoned Conditional Use District highway Business, subject to an approved master plan for Northside Baptist Church and the recent McDonalds, located at 2519 North College Road. Directly across North College Road from the subject properties the zoning transitions to R-15 Residential and is currently vacant property. 2619 North College Road is a pocket of Office and Institutional, housing a realty office and barber shop. East of the subject properties the zoning is R-15 Residential. Proposed Zoning: The B-2 district is established for the proper grouping and development of roadside business uses which will best accommodate the needs of the motoring public and businesses demanding high volume traffic. The proposal is CUD (B-2) Conditional Use Highway Business to accommodate a mix of commercial and residential uses, including a one hundred twenty three (123) apartment unit complex and 6,400 square feet of commercial on the first floor. Uses proposed in the commercial portion of the structure will be limited to uses permitted by right in a B-1 Business District. The apartments will be a combination of one and two bedroom units. The applicant is proposing sixty-one (61) one bedroom units and sixty-two (62) two bedroom units. The applicant is also adding two hundred sixty-two (262) parking spaces total for both uses, consistent with Section 81-1 of the zoning ordinance. Traffic: North College Road is an urban principal arterial roadway. The average daily trip count on North College Road, at the Long Ridge Drive intersection is 23,000 vehicles and is currently operating at a Level of Service F, meaning the traffic counts exceed the capacity of the roadway. The traffic impact worksheet prepared by the WMPO estimates that the proposed 123 unit apartment complex and 6,400 square feet of commercial space on the first floor will produce an AM peak hour of 93 trips and a PM peak hour of 182 trips. Therefore, a full traffic impact analysis was required per Section 61.4 of the New Hanover County Zoning Ordinance. The Traffic Impact Analysis (TIA) was prepared for the application by Dan Cumbo on behalf of Davenport Transportation Consulting. The TIA includes a development plan of approximately 120 residential apartment units with 6,400 square feet of commercial/office space on the first floor of the building. The traffic study also includes a Highway Business District outparcel to the south, which is planned for a 4,500 square foot fast food restaurant. Recommendations are Case Z-925, (05/2013) Page 3 based on traffic counts taken during the period of Wednesday, February 6, 2013. The TIA indicates a trip generation of approximately 2,159 net trips per day, with a.m. peak hour of 94 vehicles entering and 115 vehicles exiting. The study also estimates a p.m. peak hour of 109 vehicles entering and 131 vehicles exiting. The WMPO, New Hanover County Planning and the NCDOT staff have reviewed the College Road Development TIA report, dated March 4, 2013. The report has been accepted and appears to meet the minimum requirements for TIA submittal. Required Improvements include: 1. North College Road at Proposed North Access: Extend the two-way left turn lane to tie into the existing dedicated left turn lane at the intersection of New Village Way. Provide a left turn lane with 100 feet of storage and appropriate taper into the site. Provide one lane for exiting traffic. Provide a 100’ internal protected stem. 2. North College Road at Proposed South Access: Extend the two-way left turn lane to tie into existing two-way left turn lane to the north on North College Road. Restripe the outer northbound lane, currently striped as right turn lane, to a through lane. Provide a right turn lane with 100 feet of storage and appropriate taper into the site. Provide a left turn lane with 100 feet of storage and appropriate taper into the site. Provide two lanes for exiting traffic, one left turn lane and one right turn lane. Provide a 100’ internal protected stem. 3. North College Road at Long Ridge Drive: None identified. 4. North College Road at Murrayville Road/ Bavarian Lane: If not already existing at the time this development is constructed, extend the southbound left turn lane and tie into the two-way left turn lane. If not already existing at the time this development is constructed, modify traffic signal operations to eight phases and remove split side phasing. Case Z-925, (05/2013) Page 4 COMMUNITY SERVICES: Water/Sewer: Water is available currently; however, an extension may be required from a 12” main across North College Road, if additional flow is needed. Sewer would require an extension of a main line. At this time there are no capacity issues. Fire Protection: The property will be served by New Hanover County Fire Services. A fire hydrant layout will be required and shall at a minimum include three (3) hydrants to provide water to the facility, in addition to sprinkling the entire structure. Schools: School districts are determined by the New Hanover County Board of Education periodically. Currently, the subject properties would fall within the Castle Hayne Elementary School, Trask Middle School, and Laney High School districts. The following capacity information is available for those jurisdictions: Castle Hayne Elementary School, admission 460, capacity 595, per 2011-12 year Trask Middle School, admission 693, capacity 728, per 2011-12 year Laney High School, admission 1,826, capacity 1,535, over capacity per 2011-12 year COUNTY’SAPOLICIESAFORAGROWTHA NDADEVELOPMENT: CAMA Land Classification: The subject properties are located in the northern portion of the county in an area with two land classifications, including Conservation Area and Transition according to the 2006 CAMA Land Classification Map. The Conservation area runs consistent with the flood lines and is proposed to remain in a vegetated state. All new development would be contained within the Transition area. The purpose of the Conservation class is to provide for effective long-term management and protection of significant, limited or irreplaceable natural resources while also protecting the rights of the property owner. Management of these areas may be required for a number of reasons, including natural, cultural, recreational, productive or scenic values, but are primarily flood prone areas. The purpose of the Transition class is to provide for future intensive urban development on lands that have been or will be provided with necessary urban services. The location of these areas is based upon land use planning policies requiring optimum efficiency in land utilization and public service delivery. ENVIRONMENTAL CONSIDERATIONS: The subject properties are located within the Smith Creek watershed drainage area which is classified as C; SW 303(d). The soil maps indicate Murville Fine Sand, Baymeade Fine Sand, Seagate Fine Sand, and Johnston Soils are located on the subject properties. Murville fine sand is a Class III soil. It has Case Z-925, (05/2013) Page 5 severe limitations and requires extensive modification and intensive maintenance. Baymeade fine sand and Seagate fine sands are Class II soils. They contain moderate limitations and require moderate modification and maintenance. Johnston soils are Class IV soils and are unsuitable. STAFF POSITION: The proposal is inconsistent with the intent of locating a dwelling unit or units in a B-1 or B-2 District and may have been more compatible as an Exceptional Design Zoning District. However, the proposal includes construction of an external sidewalk fronting North College Road, connecting internal sidewalks to adjacent services. Further, the minimal impact on traffic, compliance with additional restrictions imposed on residential uses within a commercial district, and limiting development to an area classified as Transition is consistent with the 2006 CAMA Land Use Plan, stated intent of Conditional Use Districts and permissible residential development within a commercial district standards. Therefore, Staff is recommending approval. TWO PART ACTION – First Rezoning, then SUP Findings. ACTION NEEDED: In accordance with NCGS 153A-341,AparagraphA2,A“TheAPlanningAboardAshallAprovideAaAwrittenA recommendation to the board of county commissioners that addresses plan consistency and otherAmattersAasAdeemedAappropriatelyAbyAtheAPlanningAboard…” 1. Motion to Recommend Approval based on the consistency with the plan and other appropriate matters. 2. Offer Applicant option to withdraw the Petition. 3. Motion to table or continue the item in order to receive additional information or documentation (Specify). 4. Motion to Recommend Denial based on lack of consistency with adopted plans or determination that the change would not be reasonable or is not in the public interest. Case Z-925, (05/2013) Page 6 BECAUSE THIS IS A CONDITIONAL USE DISTRICT, STAFF HAS THE FOLLOWING PRELIMINARY FINDINGS OF FACT FOR THE COMPANION SPECIAL USE PERMIT: PRELIMINARY FINDINGS OF FACT: In its review of the request, the Planning Staff made the following preliminary “findings of fact.” 1. The Board must find that the use will not materially endanger the public health or safety where proposed and developed according to the plan as submitted and approved. A. Water is available currently, however; an extension may be required from a 12” main located across North College Road, if additional flow is needed. Sewer would require an extension of a main line. At this time there are no capacity issues. B. Fire Service is provided by New Hanover County Fire Services. A fire hydrant layout will be required and shall at a minimum include three (3) hydrants to provide water to the facility, in addition to sprinkling the entire structure. C. The subject properties contain some AE flood lines; however, all development will be located outside of the flood hazard areas. D. North College Road is an urban principle arterial roadway. The average daily trip count on North College Road, at the Long Ridge Drive intersection is 23,000 vehicles and is currently operating at a Level of Service F, meaning the traffic counts exceed the capacity of the roadway. However, incorporation of the recommended transportation improvements should decrease traffic impacts on congestion and improve safety on the roadway. Staff Suggestion: Evidence in the record at this time supports a finding that the use will not materially endanger the public health or safety where proposed road improvements required by NCDOT are implemented. 2. The Board must find that the use meets all required conditions and specifications of the Zoning Ordinance. A. Conditional use districts are designed for firm development proposals and not for tentative development. The applicant is proposing a mixed use development consisting of a 123 unit residential apartment complex with 6,400 square feet of commercial space on the first floor, consistent with Section 72-38(1). The apartment complex will contain sixty-one (61) one bedroom units and sixty-two (62) two bedroom units. B. The commercial portion of the structure will be limited to uses permitted by right in a B-1 Business District, consistent with Section 72-38(2). C. The applicant has provided conceptual elevations indicating proposed architecture style per Section 72-38(3). Case Z-925, (05/2013) Page 7 D. Sidewalks are proposed along the front of the subject properties, connecting internal sidewalks to adjacent services and are consistent with Section 72-38(4) and with the intent of the City-County Comprehensive Greenway Plan. E. The applicant proposes two hundred sixty-two (262) shared parking spaces to accommodate the mix of uses, consistent with Sections 81-1 and 72-38(5). F. The site plan proposes 3.67 acres of Park and Recreation Area, consistent with Section 72-38(6). G. The site plan includes a conceptual lighting plan, consisting of eleven (11) decorative light posts, not to shine or reflect directly onto any adjacent residential property, consistent with Section 72-38(7). H. Residential uses are proposed within the same building as the commercial uses, consistent with Section 72-38(8). Staff Suggestion: Evidence in the record at this time supports a finding that the use can meet all required conditions and specifications of the Zoning Ordinance. 3. The Board must find that the use will not substantially injure the value of adjoining or abutting property or that the use is a public necessity. A. No evidence has been submitted that this project will decrease property values of residents who live nearby. Staff Suggestion: The evidence in the record at this time supports a finding that the use will not substantially injure the value of adjoining or abutting property. 4. The Board must find that the location and character of the use if developed according to the plan as submitted and approved will be in harmony with the area in which it is to be located and in general conformity with the plan of development for New Hanover County. A. The 2006 Land Use Plan Update identifies the majority of the subject property as Transition. The transition designation is to provide for further intensive urban development on lands that have been or will be provided with necessary urban services. The location of these areas is based upon land use planning policies requiring optimum efficiency in land utilization and public service delivery. B. Policy 4.3 of the 2006 CAMA Land Use Update outlines the desire to maximize effectiveness of commercial uses by assuring that land is available for Case Z-925, (05/2013) Page 8 commercial uses within close proximity to the markets they serve and by ensuring that such commercial nodes do not diminish the quality of life in nearby residential areas. The proposal meets the requirements for B-2 Highway Business and Conditional Use districts, all proposed development is located within a Transition land classification, and the proposal is in compliance with additional restrictions imposed on residential uses within a commercial district. Further, roadway improvements required as part of the TIA approval will mitigate the impacts of additional traffic in the area. Staff suggests that findings are positive; however, would propose the following conditions be placed on the conditional use rezoning permit which the petitioner/property owner must agree to for the permit to be valid: 1. All improvements recommended in the final WMPO approval must be installed for the Conditional Use Permit to be valid; 2. Extension of pedestrian connections to the undeveloped outparcel at both access points; 3. Tract A remain undeveloped and the applicant shall supplement the existing vegetation in accordance with the buffer requirements of Section 62.1-4; 4. Work in coordination with the CFPUA to determine if a recorded utility access easement is necessary to maintain water and sewer connections; and 5. A fire hydrant layout and sprinkling plan be approved by County Fire Services. ACTION # 2 NEEDED: (Choose one) 1. Motion to recommend the special use permit based on the findings of fact (with or without recommended conditions) 2. Motion to table the item in order to receive additional information or documentation (Specify). 3. Motion to recommend Denial based on specific negative findings in any of the 4 categories above, such as lack of consistency with adopted plans or determination that the project will pose public hazards or will not adequately meet requirements of the ordinance. Z-925, 05/13 Page 1 Case Z-925 (05/13) Request to rezone approximately 8.05 acres from B-2 Highway Business and R-15 Residential to CUD (B-2) Conditional Use District Highway Business Petition Summary Data 2530, 2600, 2608, 2612, & 2616 North College Road Owner/Petitioner: Cindee Wolf, Design Solutions, on behalf of College Road Development Partners, LLC Existing Land Use: All of the subject properties contain split zoning of approximately 300’ of B-2 Highway Business, along North College Road frontage and the rear of properties contain R-15 Residential. Three dilapidated duplex structures exist on sites currently. Zoning History: Area 8B, July 7, 1972 Land Classification (by address): 2530: North College Road frontage is classified as Conservation Area; however, the rear is identified as Transition. 2600: North College Road frontage is classified as Conservation Area; however, the rear is identified as Transition. 2608: Majority of property is classified as Transition; however, there are pockets of Conservation Area, consistent with AE flood lines. 2612: Majority of property is classified as Conservation Area; however, there is a small pocket of Transition, fronting North College Road. 2616: The subject property is entirely located within the Conservation Area. Water Type: Public water is available, however; an extension may be required from a 12” main across North College Road, if additional flow is needed. Sewer Type: An extension of a main line would be required from the manhole located at Laney High School. At this time there are no capacity issues. Recreation Area: Castle Hayne Elementary School Castle Hayne Park Access & Traffic Volume: The North College Road/ Long Ridge Drive intersection currently operates at a LOS of F during the AM and PM peaks. The ITE Trip Generation, referenced in the Traffic Impact Analysis (TIA) indicates that the proposed site plan and future development of adjacent B-2 Highway Business out parcel have the trip generation potential of 2,159 net trips per day. The net trip generation includes an AM peak of 317 total trips and a PM peak of 380 total trips. Fire District: New Hanover County Fire Service District Watershed & Water Quality Classification: Smith Creek (C; SW 303d) Aquifer Recharge Area: Secondary recharge areas for Castle Hayne or Peedee where occurring near land surface under water-table conditions. Z-925, 05/13 Page 2 Conservation/Historic/Archaeological Resources (by address): 2530: North College Road frontage is located within the AE flood zone; however, the rear of the property lies outside of the flood zone. 2600: North College Road frontage is located within the AE flood zone; however, the rear of the property lies outside of the flood zone. 2608: The majority of the property lies outside of the flood plain; however, the rear contains AE flood lines. 2612: The majority of the property is located within the AE flood zone; however, there is a pocket of property outside of the flood, fronting North College Road. 2616: The entire property is located within the AE flood zone. Soils (by address): 2530: Murville Fine Sand & Seagate Fine Sand 2600: Murville Fine Sand, Baymeade Fine Sand, & Seagate Fine Sand 2608: Murville Fine Sand, Baymeade Fine Sand (1 to 6 percent slopes), & Seagate Fine Sand 2612: Baymeade fine sand (1 to 6 percent slopes) 2614: Murville Fine Sand & Baymeade fine sand (1 to 6 percent slopes) 2616: Murville Fine Sand & Johnston Soils Septic Suitability: Murville fine sand is a Class III soil. It has severe limitations and requires extensive modification and intensive maintenance. Baymeade fine sand and Seagate fine sands are Class II soils. They contain moderate limitations and require moderate modification and maintenance. Johnston soils are Class IV soils and are unsuitable. Schools: Castle Hayne Elementary School, admission 460, capacity 595, per 2011-12 year Trask Middle School, admission 693, capacity 728, over capacity per 2011-12 year Laney High School, admission 1,826, capacity 1,535, over capacity per 2011-12 year Planning Areas: 2006 CAMA Land Use Plan Wilmington/New Hanover County Comprehensive Greenway Plan 31 19 25 4 1 14 18 15 8 3 9 2 5 30 21 36 12 13 17 16 37 34 33 1128 35 32 10 27 2624 23 6 7 29 20 22 COLLEGE RD N KERR AVE N PRIVATE BAVARIAN LN MURRAYVILLE RD NEW VILLAGE WAY OWLS LN BENT TREE CT I-40 E FALLEN TREE RD RED HAWK RD FARLEY DR SI R I U S D R COLONEL LAMB DR MAIDSTONE DR CHARTHOUSE DR HENSON DR CATA LB A C T C R A N B R O O K D R PRIVATE PRIVATE PRIVATE P RI V A T E CASE MAPZ-925, 05/13 Notes: Request to rezone 8.05 acres from B-2 and R-15 to CUD(B-2) Conditional Use District B-2 Highway Business. Location: 2530, 2600, 2608, 2612 and 2616 North College Road Applicant: Cindee Wolf, Design Solutions, on behalf of College Road Development Partners, LLC ± 0400800 Feet Z-925 Z-925 LabelProperty Owner Receiving Notification 1ALL SAINTS ANGLICAN PARISH INC 2BASS WILLIAM LAWRENCE 3BEISTEL SHAWN E WENDY T 4BELLSOUTH TELECOMMUNICATIONS 5CALHOUN ROBERT A JR REV TR ETAL 6EAST CAROLINA REAL ESTATE LLC 7FARRAR DRUSILLA P 8HALES KEITH 9HALES KEITH A FAIRY G 10HALES KEITH A FAIRY G 11HALES KEITH A FAIRY G 12HALES KEITH FAIRY G 13HERRING VIOLET B 14MACRIS SPIRO J 15MCDONALDS REAL ESTATE COMPANY 16MEIER ANITA JO 17MEIER ANITA JO 18MEIER ANITA JO 19NEW HAN CNTY BD OF EDUCATION 20NORRIS TOMMY LANE SARAH E 21NORRIS TOMMY LANE SARAH EAKINS 22NORTHCHASE HOA INC 23NORTHCHASE HOA INC 24POPE WADE H 25PORT O PINES LTD 26RAYNOR PHILLIP D PATRICIA J 27RAYNOR PHILLIP D PATRICIA J 28ROWE MARTY J 29SPRINGER PEGGY ANN 30TOTAL CHILD CARE CENTER INC 31TRASK FARMS OF NEW HANOVER LLC 32TRITE DENNIS MARSHALL 33WEAVER R HENRY 34WEAVER R HENRY 35WILLIAMS ALFONSO RITA M 36WILLIAMS ALFONSO RITA M 37WRIGHTSBORO UNITED METHODIST COLLEGE RD N I-40 E I-40 W KERR AVE N PRIVATE MURRAYVILLE RD BAVARIAN LN FALLEN TREE RD LONG RIDGE DR OWLS LN NEW VILLAGE WAY BENT TREE CT RED HAWK RD FARLEY DR S I R I U S D R MAIDSTONE DR CHARTHOUSE DR HENSON DR BROKEN LIMB CT C AT AL BA CT O L S E N P A R K L N PRIVATE P R I V A T E PRIVATE P RI V A T E R-15 PD B-2 R-10 AR B-2 CD A-I O&I O&I CASE MAPZ-925, 05/13 Notes: Request to rezone 8.05 acres from B-2 and R-15 to CUD(B-2) Conditional Use District B-2 Highway Business. Location: 2530, 2600, 2608, 2612 and 2616 North College Road Applicant: Cindee Wolf, Design Solutions, on behalf of College Road Development Partners, LLC ± 0400800 Feet Z-925 Z-925 APPROVED PLANS ASSOCIATED WITH SUBJECT PROPERTY Section 54 B‐1 Business District     54.1: The purpose of this District shall be to provide convenient shopping facilities primarily of  necessity goods and personal services required to serve a neighborhood. The district's principal  means of ingress and egress shall be along collector roads, minor arterials, and/or major  arterials as designated on the County's Thoroughfare Classification Plan. (8/4/86) No B‐1  Business District shall be less than two (2) acres in area.     54.2: DELETED (1/5/81)  54.3: DELETED (1/5/81)     54.4: Dimensional Requirements:   (1) Minimum Lot Area – None   (2) Minimum Front Yard ‐ Fifty (50) feet along US and NC numbered highways and major  thoroughfares as designated by the Wilmington Area Thoroughfare Plan. Thirty‐five (35)  feet along all other public highways or streets.   (3) Minimum side and rear yards for property abutting residential districts:   (A) Required minimum setbacks for structures shall be calculated in accordance  with Section 69.11.   (B) Buffering and landscaping shall meet the requirements of Section 67‐4.  (3/9/88)   (4) Maximum Building Height ‐ Thirty‐five (35) feet (12/13/82)     54.5: Parking ‐ Parking and loading shall be provided in accordance with the provisions of Article  VIII.     54.6: Signs ‐ Signs shall be in accordance with Article IX.     54.7: DELETED (3/9/88)    B‐1 DISTRICT USES PERMITTED ( from Table of Permitted Uses)  Permitted by Right  1. Agricultural Uses  2. Kennels  3. Veterinaries  4. Wholesale Nurseries & Greenhouses  5. Special Trade & General Contractors with no Outside Storage  6. Electric/Gas & Sanitary Services  7. Electric Substations      Permitted by Right (Continued)  8. Telephone & Telegraph Facilities  9. Antenna & Towers Less Than 70 Ft. In Height & Ancillary to the Principle Use  10. Cellular & PCS Antennas  11. Amateur Radio Antennas (Up to 90 Ft.)  12. Wholesaling Seafood With Water Frontage  13. Apparel & Accessory Store  14. Automobile Dealers & Truck Sales  15. Convenience Food Store  16. Drug Store  17. Eating and Drinking Places  18. Entertainment Establishments, Bars, Cabarets, in a Shopping Center  19. Food Stores  20. Fruit & Vegetable Stand Produced on Same Parcel as Offered for Sale  21. Furniture, Home Furnishing & Equipment  22. General Merchandise Stores  23. Handcrafting Small Articles  24. Hardware  25. Miscellaneous Retail  26. Retail Nurseries  27. Historic restaurants  28. Banks, Credit Agencies, Savings & Loans  29. Barber/Beauty Shop  30. Business Services Including Printing  31. Dry Cleaning/Laundry Plant  32. Funeral Home  33. Indoor & Outdoor Recreation Establishments  34. Parks & Recreation Areas  35. Personal Services  36. Watch, Clock, Jewelry Repair  37. Children’s Day Care  38. Libraries  39. Museums  40. Churches  41. Lodges, Fraternal & Social Organizations  42. Fraternities/Sororities, Residential  43. Accessory Buildings or Uses, clearly incidental to the Permitted Use or Building  44. Christmas Tree Sales      Permitted by Right (Continued)  45. Private Residential Boating Facility  46. Demolition‐Landscape Landfill  47. Evangelistic and Religious Assemblies not Conducted at a Church  48. Government Offices & Buildings  49. Offices for Private Business & Professional Activities  50. Outdoor Bazaars excluding Yard Sales  51. Pumpkin Sales  52. Principal Use Sign  53. Special Fund Raising for Non‐Profit Organizations  54. Temporary Sign  55. Recycling Facilities‐Small Collection  Special Use Permit Required  1. Commercial Marina with Floating Structures  2. Commercial Marina  3. Other Communication Facilities Including Towers  4. Entertainment Establishments, Bars, Cabarets, Discos  5. Dwelling Unit Contained within Principal  6. Senior Living: Continuing Care Retirement Community or Life Care Community  7. Single Family Dwelling  8. Single Family Dwelling‐Attached  9. Recycling Facilities‐Large Collection        PROPOSED PLAN APPLICANT MATERIALS COLLEGE ROAD DEVELOPMENT New Hanover County, NC TRANSPORTATION IMPACT ANALYSIS Prepared for College Road Development Partners www.davenportworld.com Project Number: 13-208 3/4/13 DAVEN>ORT TransportationImpactAnalysis CollegeRoadDevelopment NewHanoverCounty,NC PreparedforCollegeRoadDevelopmentPartners March4,2013 Analysisby:MaryMorgan,P.E. Drafting/Graphicsby:MaryMorgan,P.E. TrishaHartzell,P.E. Reviewedby:TrishaHartzell,P.E. DanCumbo,P.E. Sealedby:DanCumbo,P.E. SEAL Thisdocument,togetherwiththeconceptsanddesignspresentedherein,isintendedonlyforthespecificpurposeand clientforwhichitwasprepared.Reuseof,orimproperrelianceon,thisdocumentbyotherswithoutwrittenauthorization andadaptationbyDAVENPORTshallbewithoutliabilitytoDAVENPORTandshallbeaviolationoftheagreement betweenDAVENPORTandtheclient. HomeOffice: 305\X!estFourthStreet.Suite2..-\(27101) 1'.0.Box-+131.\X'illstoll-Salcm.NC27115-4131 \lain:336.744.1636;Fax:336.-+58.9377 ~M ~ ServingtheSoutheastsince2002 3/4/13 13-208 College Road Development – Executive Summary i College Road Development – Transportation Impact Analysis New Hanover County, NC Prepared for College Road Development Partners March 4, 2013 Executive Summary The proposed College Road Mixed-Use Development is located along the eastside of US 117/NC 132 (North College Road) just north of the intersection with Long Ridge Drive in New Hanover County, North Carolina. As currently planned, the site will consist of a mixed-use building that has 120 residential apartment units with 6,400 square feet of commercial/office space on the first floor of the building. The site also has a future parcel to the south, which is planned for a 4,500 square foot fast food restaurant. The site will be accessed by two (2) driveways on North College Road which will directly serve the mixed-use building. Access will be provided internally to the future fast food parcel via two locations. Additionally, per the request of the North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) and New Hanover County, cross access from the fast food parcel will also be planned for to the vacant parcel to the south (D.B. 5354-2729). DAVENPORT was retained to determine the potential traffic impacts of this development and to identify transportation improvements that may be required to accommodate the impacts of both background traffic and new development traffic. The following intersections were included in the study: • US 117/NC 132 (North College Road) at Murrayville Road/Bavarian Lane • US 117/NC 132 (North College Road) at Long Ridge Drive • US 117/NC 132 (North College Road) at Proposed North Access • US 117/NC 132 (North College Road) at Proposed South Access The above-mentioned intersections were analyzed for the following scenarios: • 2013 Existing Conditions • 2014 Future No Build Conditions • 2014 Future Build-Out Conditions • 2014 Future Build-Out with Improvements (as necessary) The build-out analysis year for this project was assumed to be 2014. The AM (7:00-9:00 am) and PM (3:30-6:00 pm) peaks were studied. The NCDOT and Wilmington MPO were contacted to obtain background information and to ascertain the elements to be covered in this Transportation Impact Analysis. Information regarding the property was provided by both Design Solutions and GSP Consulting, PLLC. 3/4/13 13-208 College Road Development – Executive Summary ii Level of Service Results The results of the study are discussed by intersection below: North College Road at Murrayville Road/Bavarian Lane This signalized intersection currently operates at LOS D during the existing AM and PM peaks. In 2014 future no build conditions, LOS D is expected in AM and PM peaks. With the addition of site traffic, this is expected to remain unchanged. An improvement to the southbound left turn lane is committed by the Northside Baptist Church Development. However, this improvement is not committed until Phase 2 of the development, which is anticipated in 2017. Due to potential queuing issues of the southbound approach, it is recommended that this improvement be in place at the buildout of this development. Therefore, the following improvements are recommended: • Share the cost to extend the southbound left turn lane and tie into the two-way left turn lane. • Share the cost to modify the traffic signal operations to eight phases and remove the split side phasing. North College Road at Long Ridge Drive The westbound approach of this unsignalized intersection currently operates at LOS F during the AM and PM peaks. With the improvements in place committed by the Northside Baptist Church Development, the westbound approach will operate at LOS C during the AM and PM peaks in 2014 future no build conditions. After the addition of project traffic, the westbound approach will operate at LOS D during the AM peak and LOS C during the PM peak. No improvements are recommended at this intersection. North College Road at Proposed South Access In future build-out conditions, this proposed site access is expected to operate at LOS F in the AM and PM peaks. The following improvements are recommended: • Extend the two-way left turn lane to tie into existing two-way left turn lane to the north on North College Road. • Restripe the outer northbound lane, currently striped as right turn lane, to a through lane. • Provide a right turn lane with 100 feet of storage and appropriate taper into the site. • Provide a left turn lane with 100 feet of storage and appropriate taper into the site. • Provide two lanes for exiting traffic, one left turn lane and one right turn lane. With these improvements in place, it is anticipated that this site access will operate at LOS E during the AM and PM peaks. 3/4/13 13-208 College Road Development – Executive Summary iii North College Road at Proposed North Access In future build-out conditions, this proposed site access is expected to operate at LOS F in the AM and PM peaks. The following improvements are recommended: • Extend the two-way left turn lane to tie into existing two-way left turn lane to the north on North College Road. • Restripe the outer northbound lane, currently striped as right turn lane, to a through lane. • Provide a right turn lane with 100 feet of storage and appropriate taper into the site. • Provide a left turn lane with 100 feet of storage and appropriate taper into the site. • Provide one lane for exiting traffic. With these improvements in place, it is anticipated that this site access will operate at LOS E during the AM peak and LOS D during the PM peak. North College Road at Long Ridge Drive looking north 3/4/13 13-208 College Road Development – Executive Summary iv Level of Service Summary Table A presents the summary of the level of service analysis. Table 5.2 - Level of Service Summary AM Peak 2013 Existing 2014 Future No Build 2014 Future Build 2014 Future Build with Improvements North College Road at Murrayville Road/Bavarian Lane D (37.5) D (42.7) D (44.1) D (44.1) North College Road at Long Ridge Drive F (88.7) C (24.5) D (26.7) WB Approach WB Approach WB Approach North College Road at Proposed South Access F (6042.4) E (44.9) WB Approach WB Approach North College Road at Proposed North Access F (860.6) E (36.0) WB Approach WB Approach PM Peak 2013 Existing 2014 Future No Build 2014 Future Build 2014 Future Build with Improvements North College Road at Murrayville Road/Bavarian Lane D (39.4) D (44.3) D (45.5) D (45.5) North College Road at Long Ridge Drive F (55.0) C (21.0) C (23.1) WB Approach WB Approach WB Approach North College Road at Proposed South Access F (6221.4) E (39.7) WB Approach WB Approach North College Road at Proposed North Access F (759.0) D (31.7) WB Approach WB Approach LOS (delay in seconds per vehicle) Note for unsignalized conditions, LOS and delay indicates only minor street approach with longest delay 3/4/13 13-208 College Road Development – Executive Summary v Summary and Conclusion This analysis has been conducted based on the scope given by the Wilmington MPO and NCDOT. We have identified all areas of deficiency and made recommendations for improvements where necessary. The ITE trip generation indicates that based on the current site plan, the College Road Development has a trip generation potential of 2,159 net trips per day. This is based on the development plan of 120 residential apartment units with 6,400 square feet of commercial/office space on the first floor of the building. The site also has a future parcel to the south, which is planned for a 4,500 square foot fast food restaurant. Per the Wilmington MPO and NCDOT, this analysis included the approved developments of the Northside Baptist Church Property Development and Dollar General. The future traffic associated with these developments as well as roadway improvements committed by them were included in future no build and build scenarios. The results of this analysis show that the intersection of North College Road at Murrayville Road/Bavarian Lane is anticipated to operate at LOS D in future build conditions. However, the committed improvement (committed by the Northside Baptist Church Property Development) to extend the southbound left turn lane at this intersection will not take place until 2017. Due to potential queuing issues of the southbound approach, it is recommended that this improvement be in place at the buildout of this development. Therefore, it is recommended that this development share the cost to extend the southbound left turn lane and tie into the two-way left turn lane. In addition, it is recommended that this development share the cost to modify the traffic signal operations to eight phases and remove the split side phasing. In addition, improvements are recommended at the proposed site accesses. These include extending the two-way left turn lane to connect with the existing two-way left turn lane north of the site. The outer northbound lane should be restriped as a through lane. Additionally, left and right turn lanes are recommended at both driveways. It should be noted that an interconnection between the Dollar General development, which is currently being reviewed by New Hanover County, and this development may be required. In conclusion, this study has determined the potential traffic impacts of this development and identified transportation improvements that will be required to accommodate the impacts of both background traffic and new development traffic. The recommended improvements are summarized in Table B. 3/4/13 13-208 College Road Development – Executive Summary vi Table B - Recommended Improvement Summary North College Road at Murrayville Road/ Bavarian Lane • Share the cost of committed improvement to extend the southbound left turn lane and tie into the two-way left turn lane. • Share the cost of committed improvement to modify traffic signal operations to eight phases and North College Road at Long Ridge Drive/ Northern Access • None. North College Road at Proposed South Access • Extend the two-way left turn lane to tie into existing two-way left turn lane to the north on North College Road. • Restripe the outer northbound lane, currently striped as right turn lane, to a through lane. • Provide a right turn lane with 100 feet of storage and appropriate taper into the site. • Provide a left turn lane with 100 feet of storage and appropriate taper into the site. • Provide two lanes for exiting traffic, one left turn lane and one right turn lane. North College Road at Proposed North Access • Extend the two-way left turn lane to tie into existing two-way left turn lane to the north on North College Road. • Restripe the outer northbound lane, currently striped as right turn lane, to a through lane. • Provide a right turn lane with 100 feet of storage and appropriate taper into the site. • Provide a left turn lane with 100 feet of storage and appropriate taper into the site. • Provide one lane for exiting traffic. 3/4/13 13-208 College Road Development – Transportation Impact Analysis 1 College Road Development – Transportation Impact Analysis New Hanover County, NC Prepared for College Road Development Partners March 4, 2013 Table of Contents 1.0 Introduction ........................................................................................................................ 2 Figure 1 – Site Plan ....................................................................................................................................... 3 Figure 2A – Site Location Map ................................................................................................................... 4 Figure 2B – Vicinity Map ............................................................................................................................. 5 2.0 Existing Conditions ........................................................................................................... 6 2.1 Inventory ................................................................................................................................................. 6 2.2 Existing Traffic Volumes ...................................................................................................................... 6 Figure 3 – Existing Lane Geometry ........................................................................................................... 7 Figure 4 – 2013 Existing Traffic Volumes ................................................................................................ 8 3.0 Approved Developments and Committed Improvements ................................................. 9 3.1 Approved Developments...................................................................................................................... 9 Figure 5A – Dollar General Trip Distribution ........................................................................................ 10 Figure 5B – Dollar General Pass-by Trip Distribution ......................................................................... 11 3.2 Committed Improvements ................................................................................................................. 12 4.0 Methodology..................................................................................................................... 13 4.1 Base Assumptions and Standards ...................................................................................................... 13 4.2 Trip Generation.................................................................................................................................... 13 4.3 Trip Distribution .................................................................................................................................. 14 4.4 Future No Build Traffic ...................................................................................................................... 14 4.5 Total Traffic .......................................................................................................................................... 14 Figure 6A – Primary Trip Distribution .................................................................................................... 15 Figure 6B – Pass-by Trip Distribution ..................................................................................................... 16 Figure 7 – 2014 Future No Build Volumes ............................................................................................. 17 Figure 8 – Primary Site Trips ..................................................................................................................... 18 Figure 9 – Pass-by Site Trips ..................................................................................................................... 19 Figure 10 – 2014 Future Build Volumes .................................................................................................. 20 5.0 Capacity Analysis ............................................................................................................. 21 5.1 Level of Service Evaluation Criteria .................................................................................................. 21 5.2 Level of Service Results ...................................................................................................................... 22 5.3 Level of Service Summary .................................................................................................................. 24 6.0 Summary and Conclusion ................................................................................................ 25 Figure 11 – Recommended Improvements ............................................................................................. 27 Appendix .................................................................................................................................. 28 Level of Service Analysis ....................................................................................................................... 29 Trip Generation ...................................................................................................................................... 34 Traffic Volume Data .............................................................................................................................. 35 Supporting Documentation ................................................................................................................... 36 3/4/13 13-208 College Road Development – Transportation Impact Analysis 2 College Road Development – Transportation Impact Analysis New Hanover County, NC Prepared for College Road Development Partners March 4, 2013 1.0 Introduction The proposed College Road Mixed-Use Development is located along the eastside of US 117/NC 132 (North College Road) just north of the intersection with Long Ridge Drive in New Hanover County, North Carolina. As currently planned, the site will consist of a mixed-use building that has 120 residential apartment units with 6,400 square feet of commercial/office space on the first floor of the building. The site also has a future parcel to the south, which is planned for a 4,500 square foot fast food restaurant. The site will be accessed by two (2) driveways on North College Road which will directly serve the mixed-use building. Access will be provided internally to the future fast food parcel via two locations. Additionally, per the request of the North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) and New Hanover County, cross access from the fast food parcel will also be planned for to the vacant parcel to the south (D.B. 5354-2729). Figure 1 presents the site plan. DAVENPORT was retained to determine the potential traffic impacts of this development and to identify transportation improvements that may be required to accommodate the impacts of both background traffic and new development traffic. The following intersections were included in the study: • US 117/NC 132 (North College Road) at Murrayville Road/Bavarian Lane • US 117/NC 132 (North College Road) at Long Ridge Drive • US 117/NC 132 (North College Road) at Proposed North Access • US 117/NC 132 (North College Road) at Proposed South Access The above-mentioned intersections were analyzed for the following scenarios: • 2013 Existing Conditions • 2014 Future No Build Conditions • 2014 Future Build-Out Conditions • 2014 Future Build-Out with Improvements (as necessary) The build-out analysis year for this project was assumed to be 2014. The AM (7:00-9:00 am) and PM (3:30-6:00 pm) peaks were studied. The NCDOT and Wilmington MPO were contacted to obtain background information and to ascertain the elements to be covered in this Transportation Impact Analysis (TIA). Information regarding the property was provided by both Design Solutions and GSP Consulting, PLLC. 3/4/13 13-208 College Road Development – Transportation Impact Analysis 3 Figure 1 – Site Plan FIGURE 2A SITE LOCATION MAP SITE INDICATOR    FIGURE 2B VICINITY MAP STUDY INTERSECTIONS EXISTING PROPOSED    3/4/13 13-208 College Road Development – Transportation Impact Analysis 6 2.0 Existing Conditions 2.1 Inventory A field investigation was conducted by DAVENPORT staff to determine the existing roadway conditions in the study area. Table 2.1 presents a summary of this review. Figure 3 illustrates the existing lane geometry. Table 2.1 - Street Inventory Facility Name Route # Cross Section Pavement Width Speed Limit Maintained By North College Road NC 132 / US 117 2-5 lane undivided & divided Varies from 24’ to 60’ 55 MPH NCDOT Murrayville Road SR 1322 2-5 lane undivided Varies from 22’ to 60’ 45 MPH NCDOT Bavarian Lane SR 2124 3-6 lane undivided & divided Varies from 36’ to 68’ 45 MPH NCDOT Long Ridge Drive SR 2160 2-lane undivided Approx. 20’ Not Posted NCDOT 2.2 Existing Traffic Volumes Existing traffic volumes for this project were collected by DAVENPORT staff. Table 2.2 below contains the dates these counts were conducted. Figure 4 shows existing AM and PM peak hour volumes. The full reports for these volumes can be found in the appendix. Table 2.2 - Traffic Volume Data Count Location: Date Taken: By: North College Road @ Murrayville Road/Bavarian Lane 2/6/2013 DAVENPORT North College Road @ Long Ridge Road 2/6/2013 DAVENPORT *** NOT TO SCALE *** PROJECT NUMBER 13-208 NORTH COLLEGE ROAD MIXED-USE DEVELOPMENT Thisdocument,togetherwiththeconceptsanddesignspresented herein,isintendedonlyforthespecificpurposeandclientforwhichit wasprepared.Reuseof,orimproperrelianceon,thisdocumentby otherswithoutwrittenauthorizationandadaptationbyDavenport TransportationConsultingshallbewithoutliabilitytoDavenport TransportationConsultingandshallbeaviolationoftheagreement betweenDavenportTransportationConsultingandtheclient. UNSIGNALIZED INTERSECTION TRAFFIC MOVEMENT BLACK= EXISTING ROADWAY LEGEND Murrayville Road North College Road North College RoadFIGURE 3EXISTING LANE GEOMETRY SPEED LIMIT 55 SPEED LIMIT 45 1,300' Bavarian Lane Long Ridge Drive SPEED LIMIT NP SPEED LIMIT 45 SIGNALIZED INTERSECTION 600' 125' 250' 125' 250' 125'425'950' 250' 200' 625'650' *** NOT TO SCALE *** FIGURE 4 EXISTING TRAFFIC VOLUMES PROJECT NUMBER 13-208 NORTH COLLEGE ROAD MIXED-USE DEVELOPMENT Thisdocument,togetherwiththeconceptsanddesignspresented herein,isintendedonlyforthespecificpurposeandclientforwhichit wasprepared.Reuseof,orimproperrelianceon,thisdocumentby otherswithoutwrittenauthorizationandadaptationbyDavenport TransportationConsultingshallbewithoutliabilitytoDavenport TransportationConsultingandshallbeaviolationoftheagreement betweenDavenportTransportationConsultingandtheclient. UNSIGNALIZED INTERSECTION TRAFFIC MOVEMENT BLACK= EXISTING BLUE= PROPOSED ROADWAY LEGEND AM PEAK / PM PEAK 324 / 108 239 / 94 187 / 117 253 / 275 49 / 204 85 / 56 129 / 268519 / 588220 / 141 57 / 174706 / 695182 / 177 6 / 3 6 / 2 0 / 6 862 / 995 3 / 51280 / 1073 Murrayville Road North College Road North College Road Bavarian Lane Long Ridge Drive SIGNALIZED INTERSECTION 3/4/13 13-208 College Road Development – Transportation Impact Analysis 9 3.0 Approved Developments and Committed Improvements 3.1 Approved Developments Approved developments are developments that have been recently approved in the area, but not yet constructed. Per NCDOT and New Hanover County staff, there are two approved developments to be included in this analysis: Northside Baptist Church Property Development and Dollar General. These are discussed below. Northside Baptist Church Property Development The buildout of the Northside Baptist Church Property Development, which includes a fast food restaurant and a 260,000 square foot church, is considered in this analysis. The TIA which was prepared by DAVENPORT and approved by NCDOT and New Hanover County in January 2012, was utilized. Dollar General Per the Wilmington MPO, the 9,100 square foot Dollar General development located at the northeast corner of the intersection of US 117/NC 132 (North College Road) at Long Ridge Drive was included in this analysis. The trip generation for this development was estimated and is provided in Table 3.1. The trip distribution was also assumed for this development and is provided in Figures 5A and 5B. It should be noted that this development is still in the review process and an interconnection between the Dollar General and the College Road Development may be required. Table 3.1 - ITE Trip Generation Approved Development - Dollar General Average Weekday Driveway Volumes 24 Hour AM Peak Hour PM Peak Hour Two-Way Land Use ITE Land Code Size Volume Enter Exit Enter Exit Free-Standing Discount Store 815 9.1 Th.Sq.Ft.GLA 521 7 3 23 23 Total Unadjusted Trips 521 7 3 23 23 Free-Standing Discount Store Pass-by Reduction (17% PM) -89 0 0 -4 -4 Total Adjusted Trips 432 7 3 19 19 *** NOT TO SCALE *** PROJECT NUMBER 13-208 NORTH COLLEGE ROAD MIXED-USE DEVELOPMENT Thisdocument,togetherwiththeconceptsanddesignspresented herein,isintendedonlyforthespecificpurposeandclientforwhichit wasprepared.Reuseof,orimproperrelianceon,thisdocumentby otherswithoutwrittenauthorizationandadaptationbyDavenport TransportationConsultingshallbewithoutliabilitytoDavenport TransportationConsultingandshallbeaviolationoftheagreement betweenDavenportTransportationConsultingandtheclient. Proposed South Access FIGURE 5ADOLLAR GENERALTRIP DISTRIBUTION UNSIGNALIZED INTERSECTION TRAFFIC MOVEMENT BLACK= EXISTING BLUE= PROPOSED ROADWAY LEGEND IN= ENTERING OUT = EXITING ORIGIN NODE% Murrayville Road North College Road North College Road Bavarian Lane Long Ridge Drive Proposed North Access SIGNALIZED INTERSECTION 15% 35% 15% 35% 35% 35% IN 15% OUT15% OUT35%OUT 15% IN 15% IN 65% IN 35% OUT 65% OUT 35% OUT35% IN 35%IN 35% OUT 35%IN *** NOT TO SCALE *** PROJECT NUMBER 13-208 NORTH COLLEGE ROAD MIXED-USE DEVELOPMENT Thisdocument,togetherwiththeconceptsanddesignspresented herein,isintendedonlyforthespecificpurposeandclientforwhichit wasprepared.Reuseof,orimproperrelianceon,thisdocumentby otherswithoutwrittenauthorizationandadaptationbyDavenport TransportationConsultingshallbewithoutliabilitytoDavenport TransportationConsultingandshallbeaviolationoftheagreement betweenDavenportTransportationConsultingandtheclient. Proposed South Access FIGURE 5BDOLLAR GENERAL PASS-BYTRIP DISTRIBUTION UNSIGNALIZED INTERSECTION TRAFFIC MOVEMENT BLACK= EXISTING BLUE= PROPOSED ROADWAY LEGEND IN= ENTERING OUT = EXITING ORIGIN NODE% Murrayville Road North College Road North College Road Bavarian Lane Long Ridge Drive Proposed North Access SIGNALIZED INTERSECTION 50% 35% 50% +50% IN-50% IN +50% OUT +50% OUT+50% IN-50% IN 3/4/13 13-208 College Road Development – Transportation Impact Analysis 12 3.2 Committed Improvements Committed Improvements are improvements that are planned by NCDOT, a local municipality, or a developer in the area, but not yet constructed. The Northside Baptist Church Property Development has committed roadway improvements and proposed access driveways along the North College Road corridor. The following improvements have been included in all no build and build analysis conditions: • Northern Site Access @ Long Ridge Drive o Create fourth leg to intersection and include a 100 foot southbound left turn lane, an additional southbound 200 foot combination through and right lane, and a northbound left turn lane with full width to connect to existing two-way-left-turn- lane • Main Site Access o Construct access approximately 300 feet south of Northern Site Access and include an additional southbound combination through and right lane with full width to the Northern Site Access • Southern Site Access o Construct access approximately 440 feet south of Main Site Access to operate under Right-In/Right-Out movement only. • North College Road @ Murrayville Road/Bavarian Lane o Extend the southbound, left turn lane storage to 400 feet o Modify the traffic signal operations to an 8-phase operation (remove the split side phasing) 3/4/13 13-208 College Road Development – Transportation Impact Analysis 13 4.0 Methodology 4.1 Base Assumptions and Standards In general, the analysis for this project was conducted utilizing commonly accepted NCDOT standards. The following table contains a summary of the base assumptions: Table 4.1 - Assumptions Peak Hour Factor 0.90 Background Traffic Annual Growth Rate 3.0% per year for all roadways Base Signal Timing/Phasing Provided by NCDOT Analysis Software Synchro/SimTraffic Version 7.0 Lane widths 12-feet Truck percentages 2% 4.2 Trip Generation As currently planned, this development will include 3,200 square feet of retail space, 3,200 square feet of office space, 120 multi-family units and a 4,500 square foot fast food restaurant. The Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE) Trip Generation software was used to develop the projected trips created by this development. Table 4.2 contains the results. Table 4.2 - ITE Trip Generation Average Weekday Driveway Volumes 24 Hour AM Peak Hour PM Peak Hour Two-Way Land Use ITE Land Code Size Volume Enter Exit Enter Exit Apartments 220 120 Dwelling Units 851 13 50 54 29 General Office Building 710 3.2 Th.Sq.Ft.GLA 94 11 1 14 68 Shopping Center 820 3.2 Th.Sq.Ft.GLA 725 12 8 31 32 Fast Food with Drive- Thru 934 4.5 Th.Sq.Ft.GLA 2233 113 109 79 73 Total Unadjusted Trips 3903 149 168 178 202 15 % Internal Capture Reduction -585 0 0 -27 -30 Subtotal with Internal Capture 3318 149 168 151 172 Retail Pass-by Reduction (34% PM) -210 0 0 -9 -9 Fast Food Pass-by Reduction (49% AM, 50% PM) -949 -55 -53 -34 -31 Total Adjusted Trips 2159 94 115 109 131 3/4/13 13-208 College Road Development – Transportation Impact Analysis 14 Mixed-use developments of this type are designed to combine a number of uses into one site, allowing people to live, work and shop in the same area and without dependence on a vehicle. This proposed development meets the criteria as defined in the ITE Trip Generation Handbook for a “multi-use” development. Therefore, the trips for this development were reduced using the method prescribed in Chapter 7 of the ITE handbook. A reduction of 15% was applied to daily and PM peak hour trips for apartment, retail and office land uses. The worksheets for the internal capture are shown in the trip generation section of the Appendix. Developments of this type also generate what are called “pass-by” trips. The ITE Trip Generation Manual defines “pass-by” trips as trips that are generated by the development, but are already on the adjacent roadway. These trips are not new trips, but are a part of the existing background traffic on North College Road. A “pass by” reduction of 34% was applied to retail trips in the PM peak hour. For the fast food restaurant, an AM peak hour “pass by” reduction of 49% was applied and 50% in the PM peak hour. 4.3 Trip Distribution Site trips for this proposed development were distributed based on the existing traffic patterns and engineering judgment. The directional distributions for the primary site trips are as follows: • 35% to/from the south on North College Road • 35% to/from the north on North College Road • 15% to/from the east on Murrayville Road • 15% to/from the west on Bavarian Lane The primary trip distribution is shown in Figure 6A. 50% of pass-by trips were assumed to originate from the south and north on North College Road. The pass-by trip distribution for this development is illustrated in Figure 6B. 4.4 Future No Build Traffic The 2014 future no build traffic volumes were computed by applying a 3.0% compounded annual growth rate to the 2013 existing traffic volumes. Approved development traffic was also included in the future no build traffic volumes. Figure 7 shows the 2014 future no build traffic volumes for AM and PM peaks. 4.5 Total Traffic The 2014 build-out traffic volumes were obtained by summing 2014 future no build volumes and primary and pass-by site trips due to the proposed project. Primary site trips are shown in Figure 8. Pass-by trips are shown in Figure 9. The resulting build volume totals for AM and PM peaks are shown in Figure 10. More information can be found in the Traffic Volume Data section of the appendix. *** NOT TO SCALE *** PROJECT NUMBER 13-208 NORTH COLLEGE ROAD MIXED-USE DEVELOPMENT Thisdocument,togetherwiththeconceptsanddesignspresented herein,isintendedonlyforthespecificpurposeandclientforwhichit wasprepared.Reuseof,orimproperrelianceon,thisdocumentby otherswithoutwrittenauthorizationandadaptationbyDavenport TransportationConsultingshallbewithoutliabilitytoDavenport TransportationConsultingandshallbeaviolationoftheagreement betweenDavenportTransportationConsultingandtheclient. Proposed South Access FIGURE 6ATRIP DISTRIBUTION UNSIGNALIZED INTERSECTION TRAFFIC MOVEMENT BLACK= EXISTING BLUE= PROPOSED ROADWAY LEGEND IN= ENTERING OUT = EXITING ORIGIN NODE% Murrayville Road North College Road North College Road Bavarian Lane Long Ridge Drive Proposed North Access SIGNALIZED INTERSECTION 15% 35% 15% 35% 35% 35% IN 15% OUT15% OUT35%OUT 15% IN 15% IN 65% IN 65%OUT40% IN25% IN 25% IN 20% OUT 40% OUT 20% OUT 25% OUT 15% OUT15% IN20% IN 20% IN25%OUT *** NOT TO SCALE *** PROJECT NUMBER 13-208 NORTH COLLEGE ROAD MIXED-USE DEVELOPMENT Thisdocument,togetherwiththeconceptsanddesignspresented herein,isintendedonlyforthespecificpurposeandclientforwhichit wasprepared.Reuseof,orimproperrelianceon,thisdocumentby otherswithoutwrittenauthorizationandadaptationbyDavenport TransportationConsultingshallbewithoutliabilitytoDavenport TransportationConsultingandshallbeaviolationoftheagreement betweenDavenportTransportationConsultingandtheclient. Proposed South Access FIGURE 6APASS-BYTRIP DISTRIBUTION UNSIGNALIZED INTERSECTION TRAFFIC MOVEMENT BLACK= EXISTING BLUE= PROPOSED ROADWAY LEGEND IN= ENTERING OUT = EXITING ORIGIN NODE% Murrayville Road North College Road North College Road Bavarian Lane Long Ridge Drive Proposed North Access SIGNALIZED INTERSECTION 50% 35% 50% +40% IN-40% IN +10% IN-10% IN +40% OUT +40% OUT +10% OUT +10% OUT+10% IN-10% IN +40% IN-40% IN *** NOT TO SCALE *** FIGURE 7 2014 FUTURE NO BUILD VOLUMES PROJECT NUMBER 13-208 NORTH COLLEGE ROAD MIXED-USE DEVELOPMENT Thisdocument,togetherwiththeconceptsanddesignspresented herein,isintendedonlyforthespecificpurposeandclientforwhichit wasprepared.Reuseof,orimproperrelianceon,thisdocumentby otherswithoutwrittenauthorizationandadaptationbyDavenport TransportationConsultingshallbewithoutliabilitytoDavenport TransportationConsultingandshallbeaviolationoftheagreement betweenDavenportTransportationConsultingandtheclient. UNSIGNALIZED INTERSECTION TRAFFIC MOVEMENT BLACK= EXISTING BLUE= PROPOSED ROADWAY LEGEND AM PEAK / PM PEAK 353 / 127 251 / 100 193 / 121 271 / 292 53 / 214 94 / 66 147 / 292572 / 653235 / 153 59 / 179778 / 761196 / 189 7 / 13 8 / 19 2 / 16883 / 1020 8 / 221304 / 1102 Proposed South Access Murrayville Road North College Road North College Road Bavarian Lane Long Ridge Drive Proposed North Access SIGNALIZED INTERSECTION 0 / 0 0 / 0 0 / 0942 / 1065 0 / 01361 / 1147 0 / 0 0 / 0 0 / 0942 / 1065 0 / 0 1361 / 1147 Northside Baptist Church 63 / 45 0 / 0 51 / 34 49 / 32 0 / 0 61 / 48 *** NOT TO SCALE *** FIGURE 8 PRIMARY SITE TRIPS PROJECT NUMBER 13-208 NORTH COLLEGE ROAD MIXED-USE DEVELOPMENT Thisdocument,togetherwiththeconceptsanddesignspresented herein,isintendedonlyforthespecificpurposeandclientforwhichit wasprepared.Reuseof,orimproperrelianceon,thisdocumentby otherswithoutwrittenauthorizationandadaptationbyDavenport TransportationConsultingshallbewithoutliabilitytoDavenport TransportationConsultingandshallbeaviolationoftheagreement betweenDavenportTransportationConsultingandtheclient. UNSIGNALIZED INTERSECTION TRAFFIC MOVEMENT BLACK= EXISTING BLUE= PROPOSED ROADWAY LEGEND AM PEAK / PM PEAK 14 / 16 0 / 0 0 / 0 14 / 16 0 / 0 0 / 0 17 / 2040 / 4617 / 20 0 / 033 / 380 / 0 0 / 0 0 / 0 0 / 074 / 85 0 / 061 / 71 Proposed South Access Murrayville Road North College Road North College Road Bavarian Lane Long Ridge Drive Proposed North Access SIGNALIZED INTERSECTION 17 / 20 29 / 33 14 / 1619 / 22 23 / 2723 / 26 23 / 26 46 / 53 19 / 2229 / 33 37 / 4423 / 27 Northside Baptist Church 0 / 0 0 / 0 0 / 0 0 / 0 0 / 0 0 / 0 *** NOT TO SCALE *** FIGURE 9 PASSBY SITE TRIPS PROJECT NUMBER 13-208 NORTH COLLEGE ROAD MIXED-USE DEVELOPMENT Thisdocument,togetherwiththeconceptsanddesignspresented herein,isintendedonlyforthespecificpurposeandclientforwhichit wasprepared.Reuseof,orimproperrelianceon,thisdocumentby otherswithoutwrittenauthorizationandadaptationbyDavenport TransportationConsultingshallbewithoutliabilitytoDavenport TransportationConsultingandshallbeaviolationoftheagreement betweenDavenportTransportationConsultingandtheclient. UNSIGNALIZED INTERSECTION TRAFFIC MOVEMENT BLACK= EXISTING BLUE= PROPOSED ROADWAY LEGEND AM PEAK / PM PEAK 0 / 0 0 / 0 0 / 0 0 / 0 0 / 0 0 / 0 0 / 00 / 00 / 0 0 / 00 / 00 / 0 0 / 0 0 / 0 0 / 00 / 0 0 / 00 / 0 Proposed South Access Murrayville Road North College Road North College Road Bavarian Lane Long Ridge Drive Proposed North Access SIGNALIZED INTERSECTION 5 / 4 5 / 4 6 / 4-6 / -4 6 / 4-6 / -4 21 / 16 21 / 16 22 / 17-22 / -17 22 / 17 -22 / -17 Northside Baptist Church 0 / 0 0 / 0 0 / 0 0 / 0 0 / 0 0 / 0 *** NOT TO SCALE *** FIGURE 10 2014 FUTURE BUILD VOLUMES PROJECT NUMBER 13-208 NORTH COLLEGE ROAD MIXED-USE DEVELOPMENT Thisdocument,togetherwiththeconceptsanddesignspresented herein,isintendedonlyforthespecificpurposeandclientforwhichit wasprepared.Reuseof,orimproperrelianceon,thisdocumentby otherswithoutwrittenauthorizationandadaptationbyDavenport TransportationConsultingshallbewithoutliabilitytoDavenport TransportationConsultingandshallbeaviolationoftheagreement betweenDavenportTransportationConsultingandtheclient. UNSIGNALIZED INTERSECTION TRAFFIC MOVEMENT BLACK= EXISTING BLUE= PROPOSED ROADWAY LEGEND AM PEAK / PM PEAK 367 / 143 251 / 100 193 / 121 285 / 308 53 / 214 94 / 66 164 / 312612 / 699252 / 173 59 / 179811 / 799196 / 189 7 / 13 8 / 19 2 / 16957 / 1105 8 / 221365 / 1173 Proposed South Access Murrayville Road North College Road North College Road Bavarian Lane Long Ridge Drive Proposed North Access SIGNALIZED INTERSECTION 22 / 24 34 / 37 20 / 20955 / 1083 29 / 311378 / 1169 44 / 42 67 / 69 41 / 39949 / 1081 59 / 61 1362 / 1157 Northside Baptist Church 63 / 45 0 / 0 51 / 34 49 / 32 0 / 0 61 / 48 3/4/13 13-208 College Road Development – Transportation Impact Analysis 21 5.0 Capacity Analysis 5.1 Level of Service Evaluation Criteria The Transportation Research Board’s Highway Capacity Manual (HCM) utilizes a term “level of service” to measure how traffic operates in intersections and on roadway segments. There are currently six levels of service ranging from A to F. Level of service “A” represents the best conditions and Level of Service “F” represents the worst. Synchro Traffic Modeling software was used to determine the level of service for studied intersections. Note for unsignalized intersection analysis, the level of service noted is for the worst approach of the intersection. This is typically the left turn movement for the side street approach, due to the number of opposing movements. All worksheet reports from the analyses can be found in the Appendix. Table 5.1 – Highway Capacity Manual Levels of Service and Control Delay Criteria Signalized Intersection Unsignalized Intersection Level of Service Control Delay Per vehicle (sec) Level of Service Delay Range (sec) A ≤ 10 A ≤ 10 B > 10 and ≤ 20 B > 10 and ≤ 15 C > 20 and ≤ 35 C > 15 and ≤ 25 D > 35 and ≤ 55 D > 25 and ≤ 35 E > 55 and ≤ 80 E > 35 and ≤ 50 F > 80 F > 50 3/4/13 13-208 College Road Development – Transportation Impact Analysis 22 5.2 Level of Service Results The results of the study are discussed by intersection below: North College Road at Murrayville Road/Bavarian Lane This signalized intersection currently operates at LOS D during the existing AM and PM peaks. In 2014 future no build conditions, LOS D is expected in AM and PM peaks. With the addition of site traffic, this is expected to remain unchanged. An improvement to the southbound left turn lane is committed by the Northside Baptist Church Development. However, this improvement is not committed until Phase 2 of the development, which is anticipated in 2017. Due to potential queuing issues of the southbound approach, it is recommended that this improvement be in place at the buildout of this development. Therefore, the following improvements are recommended: • Share the cost to extend the southbound left turn lane and tie into the two-way left turn lane. • Share the cost to modify the traffic signal operations to eight phases and remove the split side phasing. North College Road at Long Ridge Drive The westbound approach of this unsignalized intersection currently operates at LOS F during the AM and PM peaks. With the improvements in place committed by the Northside Baptist Church Development, the westbound approach will operate at LOS C during the AM and PM peaks in 2014 future no build conditions. After the addition of project traffic, the westbound approach will operate at LOS D during the AM peak and LOS C during the PM peak. No improvements are recommended at this intersection. North College Road at Proposed South Access In future build-out conditions, this proposed site access is expected to operate at LOS F in the AM and PM peaks. The following improvements are recommended: • Extend the two-way left turn lane to tie into existing two-way left turn lane to the north on North College Road. • Restripe the outer northbound lane, currently striped as right turn lane, to a through lane. • Provide a right turn lane with 100 feet of storage and appropriate taper into the site. • Provide a left turn lane with 100 feet of storage and appropriate taper into the site. • Provide two lanes for exiting traffic, one left turn lane and one right turn lane. With these improvements in place, it is anticipated that this site access will operate at LOS E during the AM and PM peaks. 3/4/13 13-208 College Road Development – Transportation Impact Analysis 23 North College Road at Proposed North Access In future build-out conditions, this proposed site access is expected to operate at LOS F in the AM and PM peaks. The following improvements are recommended: • Extend the two-way left turn lane to tie into existing two-way left turn lane to the north on North College Road. • Restripe the outer northbound lane, currently striped as right turn lane, to a through lane. • Provide a right turn lane with 100 feet of storage and appropriate taper into the site. • Provide a left turn lane with 100 feet of storage and appropriate taper into the site. • Provide one lane for exiting traffic. With these improvements in place, it is anticipated that this site access will operate at LOS E during the AM peak and LOS D during the PM peak. North College Road at Long Ridge Drive looking north 3/4/13 13-208 College Road Development – Transportation Impact Analysis 24 5.3 Level of Service Summary Table 5.2 presents the summary of the level of service analysis. Table 5.2 - Level of Service Summary AM Peak 2013 Existing 2014 Future No Build 2014 Future Build 2014 Future Build with Improvements North College Road at Murrayville Road/Bavarian Lane D (37.5) D (42.7) D (44.1) D (44.1) North College Road at Long Ridge Drive F (88.7) C (24.5) D (26.7) WB Approach WB Approach WB Approach North College Road at Proposed South Access F (6042.4) E (44.9) WB Approach WB Approach North College Road at Proposed North Access F (860.6) E (36.0) WB Approach WB Approach PM Peak 2013 Existing 2014 Future No Build 2014 Future Build 2014 Future Build with Improvements North College Road at Murrayville Road/Bavarian Lane D (39.4) D (44.3) D (45.5) D (45.5) North College Road at Long Ridge Drive F (55.0) C (21.0) C (23.1) WB Approach WB Approach WB Approach North College Road at Proposed South Access F (6221.4) E (39.7) WB Approach WB Approach North College Road at Proposed North Access F (759.0) D (31.7) WB Approach WB Approach LOS (delay in seconds per vehicle) Note for unsignalized conditions, LOS and delay indicates only minor street approach with longest delay 3/4/13 13-208 College Road Development – Transportation Impact Analysis 25 6.0 Summary and Conclusion This analysis has been conducted based on the scope given by the Wilmington MPO and NCDOT. We have identified all areas of deficiency and made recommendations for improvements where necessary. The ITE trip generation indicates that based on the current site plan, the College Road Development has a trip generation potential of 2,159 net trips per day. This is based on the development plan of 120 residential apartment units with 6,400 square feet of commercial/office space on the first floor of the building. The site also has a future parcel to the south, which is planned for a 4,500 square foot fast food restaurant. Per the Wilmington MPO and NCDOT, this analysis included the approved developments of the Northside Baptist Church Property Development and Dollar General. The future traffic associated with these developments as well as roadway improvements committed by them were included in future no build and build scenarios. The results of this analysis show that the intersection of North College Road at Murrayville Road/Bavarian Lane is anticipated to operate at LOS D in future build conditions. However, the committed improvement (committed by the Northside Baptist Church Property Development) to extend the southbound left turn lane at this intersection will not take place until 2017. Due to potential queuing issues of the southbound approach, it is recommended that this improvement be in place at the buildout of this development. Therefore, it is recommended that this development share the cost to extend the southbound left turn lane and tie into the two-way left turn lane. In addition, it is recommended that this development share the cost to modify the traffic signal operations to eight phases and remove the split side phasing. In addition, improvements are recommended at the proposed site accesses. These include extending the two-way left turn lane to connect with the existing two-way left turn lane north of the site. The outer northbound lane should be restriped as a through lane. Additionally, left and right turn lanes are recommended at both driveways. It should be noted that an interconnection between the Dollar General development, which is currently being reviewed by New Hanover County, and this development may be required. The recommended improvements are summarized in Table 6.1 on the following page and are illustrated in Figure 11. In conclusion, this study has determined the potential traffic impacts of this development and identified transportation improvements that will be required to accommodate the impacts of both background traffic and new development traffic. 3/4/13 13-208 College Road Development – Transportation Impact Analysis 26 Table 6.1 - Recommended Improvement Summary North College Road at Murrayville Road/ Bavarian Lane • Share the cost of committed improvement to extend the southbound left turn lane and tie into the two-way left turn lane. • Share the cost of committed improvement to modify traffic signal operations to eight phases and remove split side phasing. North College Road at Long Ridge Drive/ Northern Access • None. North College Road at Proposed South Access • Extend the two-way left turn lane to tie into existing two-way left turn lane to the north on North College Road. • Restripe the outer northbound lane, currently striped as right turn lane, to a through lane. • Provide a right turn lane with 100 feet of storage and appropriate taper into the site. • Provide a left turn lane with 100 feet of storage and appropriate taper into the site. • Provide two lanes for exiting traffic, one left turn lane and one right turn lane. North College Road at Proposed North Access • Extend the two-way left turn lane to tie into existing two-way left turn lane to the north on North College Road. • Restripe the outer northbound lane, currently striped as right turn lane, to a through lane. • Provide a right turn lane with 100 feet of storage and appropriate taper into the site. • Provide a left turn lane with 100 feet of storage and appropriate taper into the site. • Provide one lane for exiting traffic. UNSIGNALIZED INTERSECTION TRAFFIC MOVEMENT ROADWAY LEGEND SIGNALIZED INTERSECTION Proposed South Access North College Road Proposed North Access BLACK= EXISTING GREEN= COMMITTED BLUE= PROPOSED 200'100' 100' 100' Extend TWLTL and tie into existing TWLTL to the north Extend TWLTL 100' 100' Restripe outer northbound lane to a through lane Extend TWLTL Restripe outer northbound lane to a through lane *** NOT TO SCALE *** PROJECT NUMBER 13-208 NORTH COLLEGE ROAD MIXED-USE DEVELOPMENT Thisdocument,togetherwiththeconceptsanddesignspresented herein,isintendedonlyforthespecificpurposeandclientforwhichit wasprepared.Reuseof,orimproperrelianceon,thisdocumentby otherswithoutwrittenauthorizationandadaptationbyDavenport TransportationConsultingshallbewithoutliabilitytoDavenport TransportationConsultingandshallbeaviolationoftheagreement betweenDavenportTransportationConsultingandtheclient. FIGURE 11 RECOMMENDED IMPROVEMENTS Murrayville Road North College Road Bavarian Lane Long Ridge DriveNorthside Baptist Church 600' 250' 125' 250' 125'425'950' 250' 200' 625'650' ExtendTWLTL Share cost of committed improvement to modify traffic signal operations to 8 phase (remove split side phasing) Sharecost of committed improvement to extend existing southbound left turn lane to tie into the TWLTL *** NOT TO SCALE *** 3/4/13 13-208 College Road Development – Transportation Impact Analysis 28 Appendix 3/4/13 13-208 College Road Development – Transportation Impact Analysis 29 Level of Service Analysis 3/4/13 13-208 College Road Development – Transportation Impact Analysis 30 North College Road at Murrayville Road/Bavarian Lane 3/4/13 13-208 College Road Development – Transportation Impact Analysis 31 North College Road at Long Ridge Drive/Northern Access HCM Unsignalized Intersection Capacity Analysis 200: Northside Baptist Church & N College Rd 3/1/2013 13-208 N. College Rd. DevelopmentAM 2014 Build with Improvements DAVENPORTPage 4 MovementEBLEBTEBRWBLWBTWBRNBLNBTNBRSBLSBTSBR Lane Configurations Volume (veh/h)490618076313658295751 Sign ControlStopStopFreeFree Grade0%0%0%0% Peak Hour Factor0.900.900.900.900.900.900.900.900.900.900.900.90 Hourly flow rate (vph)5406890870151792106357 Pedestrians Lane Width (ft) Walking Speed (ft/s) Percent Blockage Right turn flare (veh) Median typeTWLTLTWLTL Median storage veh)22 Upstream signal (ft)1291 pX, platoon unblocked0.780.780.780.780.780.78 vC, conflicting volume200227625602265278676311201526 vC1, stage 1 conf vol1096109616611661 vC2, stage 2 conf vol90616666041124 vCu, unblocked vol171326935602052272311411201098 tC, single (s) tC, 2 stage (s) tF (s) p0 queue free %7310086921009989100 cM capacity (veh/h)200134472111122711619489 Direction, Lane #EB 1EB 2WB 1NB 1NB 2NB 3SB 1SB 2SB 3 Volume Total5468177010115142709411 Volume Left54097000200 Volume Right06880090057 cSH2004721836191700170048917001700 Volume to Capacity0. Queue Length 95th (ft)271271000000 Control Delay (s)29.613.926.711. Lane LOSDBDBB Approach Delay (s)20.926.70.50.0 Approach LOSCD Intersection Summary Average Delay 1.3 Intersection Capacity Utilization 58.9%ICU Level of Service B Analysis Period (min)15 HCM Unsignalized Intersection Capacity Analysis 200: Northside Baptist Church & N College Rd 3/1/2013 13-208 N. College Rd. DevelopmentPM 2014 Build with Improvements DAVENPORTPage 4 MovementEBLEBTEBRWBLWBTWBRNBLNBTNBRSBLSBTSBR Lane Configurations Volume (veh/h)32048190134511732216110534 Sign ControlStopStopFreeFree Grade0%0%0%0% Peak Hour Factor0.900.900.900.900.900.900.900.900.900.900.900.90 Hourly flow rate (vph)36053210145013032418122838 Pedestrians Lane Width (ft) Walking Speed (ft/s) Percent Blockage Right turn flare (veh) Median typeTWLTLTWLTL Median storage veh)22 Upstream signal (ft)1291 pX, platoon unblocked0.780.780.780.780.780.78 vC, conflicting volume204827106332118271766412661328 vC1, stage 1 conf vol1282128214161416 vC2, stage 2 conf vol76614287031301 vCu, unblocked vol177326266331864263501266845 tC, single (s) tC, 2 stage (s) tF (s) p0 queue free %781008787100989197 cM capacity (veh/h)160149423157133841545611 Direction, Lane #EB 1EB 2WB 1NB 1NB 2NB 3SB 1SB 2SB 3 Volume Total3653365086945918819447 Volume Left3602150001800 Volume Right0531400240038 cSH1604232345451700170061117001700 Volume to Capacity0. Queue Length 95th (ft)201113800200 Control Delay (s)33.914.723. Lane LOSDBCBB Approach Delay (s)22.423.10.40.2 Approach LOSCC Intersection Summary Average Delay 1.3 Intersection Capacity Utilization 52.6%ICU Level of Service A Analysis Period (min)15 3/4/13 13-208 College Road Development – Transportation Impact Analysis 32 North College Road at Proposed South Access HCM Unsignalized Intersection Capacity Analysis 300: South Site Access & N College Rd 3/1/2013 13-208 N. College Rd. DevelopmentAM 2014 Build with Improvements DAVENPORTPage 6 MovementWBLWBRNBTNBRSBLSBT Lane Configurations Volume (veh/h)674413625941949 Sign ControlStopFreeFree Grade0%0%0% Peak Hour Factor0.900.900.900.900.900.90 Hourly flow rate (vph)7449151366461054 Pedestrians Lane Width (ft) Walking Speed (ft/s) Percent Blockage Right turn flare (veh) Median typeTWLTLTWLTL Median storage veh)22 Upstream signal (ft) pX, platoon unblocked vC, conflicting volume26597571579 vC1, stage 1 conf vol1513 vC2, stage 2 conf vol1146 vCu, unblocked vol26597571579 tC, single (s) tC, 2 stage (s)5.8 tF (s) p0 queue free %438689 cM capacity (veh/h)132350413 Direction, Lane #WB 1WB 2NB 1NB 2NB 3SB 1SB 2 Volume Total744975775766461054 Volume Left740000460 Volume Right049006600 cSH1323501700170017004131700 Volume to Capacity0.570.140.450.450.040.110.62 Queue Length 95th (ft)701200090 Control Delay (s) Lane LOSFCB Approach Delay (s) Approach LOSE Intersection Summary Average Delay 2.2 Intersection Capacity Utilization 60.3%ICU Level of Service B Analysis Period (min)15 HCM Unsignalized Intersection Capacity Analysis 300: South Site Access & N College Rd 3/1/2013 13-208 N. College Rd. DevelopmentPM 2014 Build with Improvements DAVENPORTPage 6 MovementWBLWBRNBTNBRSBLSBT Lane Configurations Volume (veh/h)6942115761391081 Sign ControlStopFreeFree Grade0%0%0% Peak Hour Factor0.900.900.900.900.900.90 Hourly flow rate (vph)7747128668431201 Pedestrians Lane Width (ft) Walking Speed (ft/s) Percent Blockage Right turn flare (veh) Median typeTWLTLTWLTL Median storage veh)22 Upstream signal (ft) pX, platoon unblocked vC, conflicting volume25736431353 vC1, stage 1 conf vol1286 vC2, stage 2 conf vol1288 vCu, unblocked vol25736431353 tC, single (s) tC, 2 stage (s)5.8 tF (s) p0 queue free %478991 cM capacity (veh/h)145416504 Direction, Lane #WB 1WB 2NB 1NB 2NB 3SB 1SB 2 Volume Total774764364368431201 Volume Left770000430 Volume Right047006800 cSH1454161700170017005041700 Volume to Capacity0.530.110.380.380.040.090.71 Queue Length 95th (ft)65900070 Control Delay (s)54.914. Lane LOSFBB Approach Delay (s) Approach LOSE Intersection Summary Average Delay 2.0 Intersection Capacity Utilization 67.4%ICU Level of Service C Analysis Period (min)15 3/4/13 13-208 College Road Development – Transportation Impact Analysis 33 North College Road at Proposed North Access HCM Unsignalized Intersection Capacity Analysis 400: North Site Access & N College Rd 3/1/2013 13-208 N. College Rd. DevelopmentAM 2014 Build with Improvements DAVENPORTPage 8 MovementWBLWBRNBTNBRSBLSBT Lane Configurations Volume (veh/h)342213782920955 Sign ControlStopFreeFree Grade0%0%0% Peak Hour Factor0.900.900.900.900.900.90 Hourly flow rate (vph)3824153132221061 Pedestrians Lane Width (ft) Walking Speed (ft/s) Percent Blockage Right turn flare (veh) Median typeTWLTLTWLTL Median storage veh)22 Upstream signal (ft) pX, platoon unblocked vC, conflicting volume26377661563 vC1, stage 1 conf vol1531 vC2, stage 2 conf vol1106 vCu, unblocked vol26377661563 tC, single (s) tC, 2 stage (s)5.8 tF (s) p0 queue free %729395 cM capacity (veh/h)135346419 Direction, Lane #WB 1NB 1NB 2NB 3SB 1SB 2 Volume Total6276676632221061 Volume Left38000220 Volume Right24003200 cSH1771700170017004191700 Volume to Capacity0.350.450.450.020.050.62 Queue Length 95th (ft)3700040 Control Delay (s) Lane LOSEB Approach Delay (s) Approach LOSE Intersection Summary Average Delay 0.9 Intersection Capacity Utilization 60.3%ICU Level of Service B Analysis Period (min)15 HCM Unsignalized Intersection Capacity Analysis 400: North Site Access & N College Rd 3/1/2013 13-208 N. College Rd. DevelopmentPM 2014 Build with Improvements DAVENPORTPage 8 MovementWBLWBRNBTNBRSBLSBT Lane Configurations Volume (veh/h)3724116931201083 Sign ControlStopFreeFree Grade0%0%0% Peak Hour Factor0.900.900.900.900.900.90 Hourly flow rate (vph)4127129934221203 Pedestrians Lane Width (ft) Walking Speed (ft/s) Percent Blockage Right turn flare (veh) Median typeTWLTLTWLTL Median storage veh)22 Upstream signal (ft) pX, platoon unblocked vC, conflicting volume25476491333 vC1, stage 1 conf vol1299 vC2, stage 2 conf vol1248 vCu, unblocked vol25476491333 tC, single (s) tC, 2 stage (s)5.8 tF (s) p0 queue free %739496 cM capacity (veh/h)151412513 Direction, Lane #WB 1NB 1NB 2NB 3SB 1SB 2 Volume Total6864964934221203 Volume Left41000220 Volume Right27003400 cSH2011700170017005131700 Volume to Capacity0.340.380.380.020.040.71 Queue Length 95th (ft)3500030 Control Delay (s) Lane LOSDB Approach Delay (s) Approach LOSD Intersection Summary Average Delay 0.9 Intersection Capacity Utilization 67.2%ICU Level of Service C Analysis Period (min)15 3/4/13 13-208 College Road Development – Transportation Impact Analysis 34 Trip Generation College Road Development Summary of Multi-Use Trip Generation Average Weekday Driveway Volumes February 07, 2013 ____________________________________________________________________ 24 Hour AM Pk Hour PM Pk Hour Two-Way Land Use Size Volume Enter Exit Enter Exit ____________________________________________________________________ Apartments 120 Dwelling Units 851 13 50 54 29 General Office Building 3.2 Th.Sq.Ft. GFA 94 11 1 14 68 Shopping Center 3.2 Th.Sq.Ft. GLA 725 12 8 31 32 Fast-Food Restaurant with Drive-Thru 4.5 Th.Sq.Ft. GFA 2233 113 109 79 73 ____________________________________________________________________ Total Driveway Volume 3903 149 168 178 202 Total Peak Hour Pass-By Trips 55 53 73 71 Total Peak Hour Vol. Added to Adjacent Streets 94 115 105 131 ____________________________________________________________________ Note: A zero indicates no data available. TRIP GENERATION BY MICROTRANS 3/4/13 13-208 College Road Development – Transportation Impact Analysis 35 Traffic Volume Data (Including Intersection Photographs) DAVENPORT TRANSPORTION CONSULTING Project No. 13-208 US 117/NC 132 at Long Ridge Drive, Wilmington, NC US 117/NC 132 at Long Ridge Drive looking North US 117/NC 132 at Long Ridge Drive looking South US 117/NC 132 at Long Ridge Drive looking East US 117/NC 132 at Long Ridge Drive looking West File Name: 13-208 N. College Rd & Long Ridge Site Code: 00013208 Start Date: 2/6/2013 Page No: 1 Counted By: B. Whitaker, J. Williams Weather: Clear Groups Printed- Cars - Trucks - Bikes College Road Southbound Long Ridge Drive Westbound College Road Northbound N/A Eastbound Start Time Left Thru RightPeds App. Total Left Thru RightPeds App. Total Left Thru RightPeds App. Total Left Thru RightPeds App. Total Int. Total07:00 AM056005610102057005700000115 07:15 AM191009230205076007600000173 07:30 AM01130011300000092009200000205 07:45 AM1158001590000002350023500000394 Total2418004204030704600046000000887 08:00 AM0169001691020301352013700000309 08:15 AM0167001672010301971019800000368 08:30 AM0234002342000202670026700000503 08:45 AM0241002411030403630136400000609 Total081100811606012096231966000001789 03:30 PM1306003070010102171021800000526 03:45 PM0286002861000102001020100000488 Total15920059310102041720419000001014 04:00 PM1250002510000002312023300000484 04:15 PM0212002120000002634026700000479 04:30 PM2282112860023501931119500000486 04:45 PM3223002260010102322023400011462 Total69671197500336091991929000111911 05:00 PM1238002391010202061020700000448 05:15 PM1258002590000002470024700000506 05:30 PM1257002581010203052030700000567 05:45 PM0204102050010102307023700000443 Total395710961203050988100998000001964 Grand Total 12 3745 213760130163320 3746 2423772000117565 Apprch %0.3 99.60.10 40.60509.4 000100 Total %0.249.50049. Cars12 35903623 % Cars100 95.910010095.9100093.810096.9096.791.710096.700010010096.3 Trucks0153001530010101202012200000276 % Trucks04.1004.1006. Bikes020020000003003000005 % Bikes00.1000.10000000.1000.1000000.1 Davenport Transportation Consulting 305 West Fourth Street, Suite 2A Winston Salem, NC 27101 File Name: 13-208 N. College Rd & Long Ridge Site Code: 00013208 Start Date: 2/6/2013 Page No: 2 Counted By: B. Whitaker, J. Williams Weather: Clear College Road N/A Long Ridge Drive College Road Right 2 0 0 2 Thru 3590 153 2 3745 Left 12 0 0 12 Peds 1 0 0 1 InOutTotal 3638 3605 7243 121 153 274 3 2 5 3762 7522 3760 Right15 1 0 16 Thru 0 0 0 0 Left13 0 0 13 Peds 3 0 0 3 Out Total In 34 31 65 2 1 3 0 0 0 36 68 32 Left 0 0 0 0 Thru 3623 120 3 3746 Right 22 2 0 24 Peds 2 0 0 2 OutTotalIn 3603 3647 7250 153 122 275 2 3 5 3758 7530 3772 Left0 0 0 0 Thru0 0 0 0 Right0 0 0 0 Peds1 0 0 1 Total Out In 2 1 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 3 1 2/6/2013 07:00 AM 2/6/2013 05:45 PM Cars Trucks Bikes North Davenport Transportation Consulting 305 West Fourth Street, Suite 2A Winston Salem, NC 27101 File Name: 13-208 N. College Rd & Long Ridge Site Code: 00013208 Start Date: 2/6/2013 Page No: 3 Counted By: B. Whitaker, J. Williams Weather: Clear College Road Southbound Long Ridge Drive Westbound College Road Northbound N/A Eastbound Start TimeLeft Thru Right PedsApp. Total Left Thru Right PedsApp. Total Left Thru Right PedsApp. Total Left Thru Right PedsApp. Total Int. TotalPeak Hour Analysis From 07:00 AM to 11:45 AM - Peak 1 of 1 Peak Hour for Entire Intersection Begins at 08:00 AM 08:00 AM016900169102030135 2013700000309 08:15 AM016700167 2010301971019800000368 08:30 AM0234002342000202670026700000503 08:45 AM0 24100 24110 30 40 3630 136400000 609 Total Volume 081100811606012096231966000001789 % App. Total 010000 500500 0000 PHF.000.841.000.000.841.750.000.500.000.750.000.663.375.250.663. College Road N/A Long Ridge Drive College Road Right 0 Thru 811 Left 0 Peds 0 InOutTotal 968 811 1779 Right6 Thru0 Left6 Peds0 Out Total In 3 12 15 Left 0 Thru 962 Right 3 Peds 1 OutTotalIn 817 966 1783 Left0 Thru0 Right0 Peds0 Total Out In 0 0 0 Peak Hour Begins at 08:00 AM Cars Trucks Bikes Peak Hour Data North Davenport Transportation Consulting 305 West Fourth Street, Suite 2A Winston Salem, NC 27101 File Name: 13-208 N. College Rd & Long Ridge Site Code: 00013208 Start Date: 2/6/2013 Page No: 4 Counted By: B. Whitaker, J. Williams Weather: Clear College Road Southbound Long Ridge Drive Westbound College Road Northbound N/A Eastbound Start Time Left Thru Right Peds App. Total Left Thru Right Peds App. Total Left Thru Right Peds App. Total Left Thru Right Peds App. Total Int. Total Peak Hour Analysis From 12:00 PM to 05:45 PM - Peak 1 of 1 Peak Hour for Entire Intersection Begins at 04:45 PM 04:45 PM 32230022600 1010232 20234000 11462 05:00 PM123800239 1010 202061020700000448 05:15 PM1 25800 2590000002470024700000506 05:30 PM125700258101020 30520 30700000 567 Total Volume 69760098220305099050995000111983 % App. Total 0.6 99.400 400600 099.50.50 000100 PHF.500.946.000.000.948.500.000.750.000.625.000.811.625.000.810. College Road N/A Long Ridge Drive College Road Right 0 Thru 976 Left 6 Peds 0 InOutTotal 993 982 1975 Right3 Thru0 Left2 Peds0 Out Total In 11 5 16 Left 0 Thru 990 Right 5 Peds 0 OutTotalIn 978 995 1973 Left0 Thru0 Right0 Peds1 Total Out In 0 1 1 Peak Hour Begins at 04:45 PM Cars Trucks Bikes Peak Hour Data North Davenport Transportation Consulting 305 West Fourth Street, Suite 2A Winston Salem, NC 27101 DAVENPORT Project No. 13-208 N. College Rd (NC 132) at Murrayville Rd & Bavarian Dr, New Hanover County, NC N. College Rd (NC 132) at Murrayville Rd & Bavarian Dr looking west N. College Rd (NC 132) at Murrayville Rd & Bavarian Dr looking north N. College Rd (NC 132) at Murrayville Rd & Bavarian Dr looking south N. College Rd (NC 132) at Murrayville Rd & Bavarian Dr looking east File Name: 13-208 College at Murrayville - Bavarian Site Code: 00000000 Start Date: 2/6/2013 Page No: 1 Counted By: L. Reid Weather: Clear Groups Printed- Cars - Trucks - Bikes College Street Southbound Murrayville Road Westbound College Street Northbound Bavarian Lane Eastbound Start Time Left Thru RightPeds App. Total Left Thru RightPeds App. Total Left Thru RightPeds App. Total Left Thru RightPeds App. Total Int. Total07:00 AM29942301463344220993179310141201622058444 07:15 AM2184250130494324211850120350205321935086539 07:30 AM21137520210729640020851163170231501614181730 07:45 AM26103541184595272018352166150233521226191691 Total9741815416702132351582608184528980810154639723162404 08:00 AM5615162026932511220205451961502568412310127857 08:15 AM2612852020624409001543418110022567914090675 08:30 AM571354902413142310104239380124391023173542 08:45 AM3013127018833222608141120120173341316063505 Total16954519009041201552690544143590450778224448413532579 03:30 PM56215360307261619061311482202015431171103672 03:45 PM61178480287212825074311102601676224240110638 Total117393840594474444013562258480368116554112131310 04:00 PM7015134025524322408034122241181472615088604 04:15 PM40155270222221725064401512812205740290126632 04:30 PM62160500272221419055331233201885834270119634 04:45 PM48136330217242127072321513712216041111113623 Total2206021440966928495027113954712138102221418214462493 05:00 PM73126440243282033081481434102325442190115671 05:15 PM80168270275362921086441814702727666210163796 05:30 PM6715837026229242708053220491323855550145810 05:45 PM38116411196302420074391563302288025140119617 Total2585681491976123971010321184700170110552951885905422894 Grand Total 861 2526 7212411059561566721879712 2623 48243821 1011 49136351870 11680 Apprch %20.961.517.50 31.732.735.50.1 18.668.612.60.1 54.126.319.40.3 Total %7.421.66.2035. Cars854 2486256511488 % Cars 99.298.498.610098.61009998.11009998.797.899.610098.296.899.496.710097.598.4 Trucks735100520613019757106530211043179 % Trucks0.81.41.401.3011.90112.20.201.730.4302.31.5 Bikes0500500000211042110413 % Bikes00.2000.1000000.300. Davenport Transportation Consulting 305 West Fourth Street, Suite 2A Winston Salem, NC 27101 File Name: 13-208 College at Murrayville - Bavarian Site Code: 00000000 Start Date: 2/6/2013 Page No: 2 Counted By: L. Reid Weather: Clear College Street Bavarian Lane Murrayville Road College Street Right 711 10 0 721 Thru 2486 35 5 2526 Left 854 7 0 861 Peds 2 0 0 2 InOutTotal 4198 4053 8251 100 52 152 3 5 8 4301 8411 4110 Right654 13 0 667 Thru609 6 0 615 Left595 0 0 595 Peds 2 0 0 2 Out Total In 1822 1860 3682 10 19 29 2 0 2 1834 3713 1879 Left 703 7 2 712 Thru 2565 57 1 2623 Right 480 1 1 482 Peds 4 0 0 4 OutTotalIn 3432 3752 7184 46 65 111 6 4 10 3484 7305 3821 Left979 30 2 1011 Thru488 2 1 491 Right351 11 1 363 Peds5 0 0 5 Total Out In 2023 1823 3846 23 43 66 2 4 6 2048 3918 1870 2/6/2013 07:00 AM 2/6/2013 05:45 PM Cars Trucks Bikes North Davenport Transportation Consulting 305 West Fourth Street, Suite 2A Winston Salem, NC 27101 File Name: 13-208 College at Murrayville - Bavarian Site Code: 00000000 Start Date: 2/6/2013 Page No: 3 Counted By: L. Reid Weather: Clear College Street Southbound Murrayville Road Westbound College Street Northbound Bavarian Lane Eastbound Start TimeLeft Thru Right PedsApp. Total Left Thru Right PedsApp. Total Left Thru Right PedsApp. Total Left Thru Right PedsApp. Total Int. TotalPeak Hour Analysis From 07:00 AM to 11:45 AM - Peak 1 of 1 Peak Hour for Entire Intersection Begins at 07:30 AM 07:30 AM21137520210 7296400 20851163 17023150 1614 181730 07:45 AM2610354 11845952720183 52166150233521226191691 08:00 AM 5615162 0 269 3251 122 020545 196 150 25684 12 31 0 127857 08:15 AM2612852020624409001543418110022567914090675 Total Volume 12951922018691872393240750182706570945253498523892953 % App. Total 14.859.725.30.1 24.931.943.20 19.374.760 6512.621.90.5 PHF.576.859.887.250.808.649.622.664.000.901.875.901.838.000.923.753.766.685.500.766.861 College Street Bavarian Lane Murrayville Road College Street Right 220 Thru 519 Left 129 Peds 1 InOutTotal 1283 869 2152 Right324 Thru239 Left187 Peds0 Out Total In 235 750 985 Left 182 Thru 706 Right 57 Peds 0 OutTotalIn 791 945 1736 Left253 Thru49 Right85 Peds2 Total Out In 641 389 1030 Peak Hour Begins at 07:30 AM Cars Trucks Bikes Peak Hour Data North Davenport Transportation Consulting 305 West Fourth Street, Suite 2A Winston Salem, NC 27101 File Name: 13-208 College at Murrayville - Bavarian Site Code: 00000000 Start Date: 2/6/2013 Page No: 4 Counted By: L. Reid Weather: Clear College Street Southbound Murrayville Road Westbound College Street Northbound Bavarian Lane Eastbound Start Time Left Thru Right Peds App. Total Left Thru Right Peds App. Total Left Thru Right Peds App. Total Left Thru Right Peds App. Total Int. Total Peak Hour Analysis From 12:00 PM to 05:45 PM - Peak 1 of 1 Peak Hour for Entire Intersection Begins at 04:45 PM 04:45 PM481363302172421270723215137 1221604111 1113623 05:00 PM73126 4402432820 33081481434102325442190115671 05:15 PM 80168270 2753629210 864418147027276 66210 163796 05:30 PM67158370262292427080 53220491 323855550145 810 Total Volume 2685881410997117941080319177695174210482752045615362900 % App. Total 26.95914.10 36.729.533.90 16.966.316.60.2 51.338.110.40.2 PHF.838.875.801.000.906.813.810.818.000.927.835.790.888.500.811.809.773.667.250.822.895 College Street Bavarian Lane Murrayville Road College Street Right 141 Thru 588 Left 268 Peds 0 InOutTotal 1078 997 2075 Right108 Thru94 Left117 Peds0 Out Total In 646 319 965 Left 177 Thru 695 Right 174 Peds 2 OutTotalIn 761 1048 1809 Left275 Thru204 Right56 Peds1 Total Out In 412 536 948 Peak Hour Begins at 04:45 PM Cars Trucks Bikes Peak Hour Data North Davenport Transportation Consulting 305 West Fourth Street, Suite 2A Winston Salem, NC 27101 100 100 AM PEAK 2013 TMC Balancing 2013 Base 2014 Projected Offsite Northside Trips Offsite Dollar General SITE TRIPS PASS BY TRIPS 2014 Future No Build 2014 Future Build PM PEAK 2013 TMC Balancing 2013 Base 2014 Projected Offsite Northside Trips Offsite Dollar General SITE TRIPS PASS BY TRIPS 2014 Future No Build 2014 Future Build EBL2532532619114 271285 EBL275 2752836316 292308 EBT49 49503 5353 EBT204 2042104 214214 EBR85 85886 9494 EBR56 56588 6666 WBL 187 187 193 0 193 193 WBL 117 117 121 0 121 121 WBT 239 239 246 5 251 251 WBT 94 94 97 3 100 100 WBR324 32433418114 353367 WBR108 10811113316 127143 NBL182 1821879 196196 NBL177 1771827 189189 NBT 706 706 727 49 2 33 778 811 NBT 695 695 716 37 8 38 761 799 NBR57 57590 5959 NBR174 1741790 179179 SBL 129 129 133 14 0 17 147 164 SBL 268 268 276 13 3 20 292 312 SBT 519 519 535 36 1 40 572 612 SBT 588 588 606 39 8 46 653 699 SBR 220 220 227 8 0 17 235 252 SBR 141 141 145 5 3 20 153 173 Total 2950 0 2950 3039 156 5 135 0 3202 3337 Total 2897 0 2897 2984 134 28 156 0 3147 3303 200 200 AM PEAK 2013 TMC Balancing 2013 Base 2014 Projected Offsite Northside Trips Offsite Dollar General Trips SITE TRIPS PASS BY TRIPS 2014 Future No Build 2014 Future Build PM PEAK 2013 TMC Balancing 2013 Base 2014 Projected Offsite Northside Trips Offsite Dollar General Trips SITE TRIPS PASS BY TRIPS 2014 Future No Build 2014 Future Build EBL 0 0 0 49 49 49 EBL 0 0 0 32 32 32 EBT 0 0 0 0 0 0 EBT 0 0 0 0 0 0 EBR 0 0 0 61 61 61 EBR 0 0 0 48 48 48 WBL 6 6 6 0 2 8 8 WBL 2 2 2 0 17 19 19 WBT 0 0 0 0 0 0 WBT 0 0 0 0 0 0 WBR 6 6 6 0 1 7 7 WBR 3 3 3 0 10 13 13 NBL 0 0 0 63 63 63 NBL 0 0 0 45 45 45 NBT 962 318 1280 1318 -14 0 61 1304 1365 NBT 990 83 1073 1105 -1 -2 71 1102 1173 NBR 3 3 3 0 5 8 8 NBR 5 5 5 0 17 22 22 SBL 0 0 0 0 2 2 2 SBL 6 6 6 0 10 16 16 SBT 811 51 862 888 -5 0 74 883 957 SBT 976 19 995 1025 -3 -2 85 1020 1105 SBR 0 0 0 51 51 51 SBR 0 0 0 34 34 34 Total 1788 0 2157 2222 205 10 135 0 2436 2571 Total 1982 0 2084 2147 155 50 156 0 2351 2507 North College Road at Murrayville Road/Bavarian Lane North College Road at Murrayville Road/Bavarian Lane North College Road at Long Ridge Drive North College Road at Long Ridge Drive 300 300 AM PEAK 2013 TMC Balancing 2013 Base 2014 Projected Offsite Northside Trips Offsite Dollar General Trips SITE TRIPS PASS BY TRIPS 2014 Future No Build 2014 Future Build PM PEAK 2013 TMC Balancing 2013 Base 2014 Projected Offsite Northside Trips Offsite Dollar General Trips SITE TRIPS PASS BY TRIPS 2014 Future No Build 2014 Future Build EBL 0 0 0 0 EBL 0 0 0 0 EBT 0 0 0 0 EBT 0 0 0 0 EBR 0 0 0 0 EBR 0 0 0 0 WBL 0 0 46 21 0 67 WBL 0 0 53 16 0 69 WBT 0 0 0 0 WBT 0 0 0 0 WBR 0 0 23 21 0 44 WBR 0 0 26 16 0 42 NBL 0 0 0 0 NBL 0 0 0 0 NBT 1286 1325 35 1 23 -22 1361 1362 NBT 1076 1108 31 8 27 -17 1147 1157 NBR 0 0 37 22 0 59 NBR 0 0 44 17 0 61 SBL 0 0 19 22 0 41 SBL 0 0 22 17 0 39 SBT 868 894 46 2 29 -22 942 949 SBT 997 1027 30 8 33 -17 1065 1081 SBR 0 0 0 0 SBR 0 0 0 0 Total 0 0 2154 2219 81 4 177 43 2303 2522 Total 0 0 2073 2135 61 16 205 32 2212 2449 400 400 AM PEAK 2013 TMC Balancing 2013 Base 2014 Projected Offsite Northside Trips Offsite Dollar General Trips SITE TRIPS PASS BY TRIPS 2014 Future No Build 2014 Future Build PM PEAK 2013 TMC Balancing 2013 Base 2014 Projected Offsite Northside Trips Offsite Dollar General Trips SITE TRIPS PASS BY TRIPS 2014 Future No Build 2014 Future Build EBL 0 0 0 EBL 0 0 0 EBT 0 0 0 EBT 0 0 0 EBR 0 0 0 EBR 0 0 0 WBL 0 29 5 0 34 WBL 0 33 4 0 37 WBT 0 0 0 WBT 0 0 0 WBR 0 17 5 0 22 WBR 0 20 4 0 24 NBL 0 0 0 NBL 0 0 0 NBT 1286 1325 35 1 23 -6 1361 1378 NBT 1076 1108 31 8 26 -4 1147 1169 NBR 0 23 6 0 29 NBR 0 27 4 0 31 SBL 0 14 6 0 20 SBL 0 16 4 0 20 SBT 868 894 46 2 19 -6 942 955 SBT 997 1027 30 8 22 -4 1065 1083 SBR 0 0 0 SBR 0 0 0 Total 0 0 2154 2219 81 4 125 11 2303 2438 Total 0 0 2073 2135 61 16 144 8 2212 2364 North College Road at Proposed North Access North College Road at Proposed North Access North College Road at Proposed South Access North College Road at Proposed South Access 3/4/13 13-208 College Road Development – Transportation Impact Analysis 36 Supporting Documentation N SIGNALIZED INTERSECTION UNSIGNALIZED INTERSECTION TRAFFIC MOVEMENT BLACK= EXISTING GREY= UNANALYZED BLUE= PROPOSED ROADWAY LEGEND AM / PM PEAKS 0 / 0 0 / 0 0 / 0 0 / 0 0 / 0 0 / 00 / 0 35 / 25 Main Site Access Long Ridge Drive 0 / 00 / 023 / 14 22 / 13 0 / 0 34 / 23 35 / 250 / 0 34 / 230 / 0 34 / 230 / 0 Southern Site Northern Site Access *** NOT TO SCALE *** PROJECT NUMBER 11-252 NORTHSIDE BAPTIST CHURCH NEW HANOVER COUNTY, NC Thisdocument,togetherwiththeconceptsanddesignspresentedherein,is intendedonlyforthespecificpurposeandclientforwhichitwasprepared. Reuseof,orimproperrelianceon,thisdocumentbyotherswithoutwritten authorizationandadaptationbyDavenportTransportationConsultingshallbe withoutliabilitytoDavenportTransportationConsultingandshallbeaviolation oftheagreementbetweenDavenportTransportationConsultingandthe client. Owls Lane FIGURE 7 PHASE I PRIMARY TRIPS 8 / 517 / 138 / 5 Bavarian Lane 35 / 250 / 0 8 / 5 0 / 0 6 / 4 0 / 0 0 / 0 3 / 2 0 / 0 0 / 0 RedHawk 0 / 017 / 140 / 0 0 / 0 9 / 6 0 / 0 0 / 0 0 / 0 6 / 4 0 / 0 0 / 0 8 / 5 0 / 00 / 0 Farley Drive Southern Site Access Murrayville Road N. College Road 9 / 66 / 4 8 / 5 *** NOT TO SCALE ***client. N SIGNALIZED INTERSECTION UNSIGNALIZED INTERSECTION TRAFFIC MOVEMENT BLACK= EXISTING GREY= UNANALYZED BLUE= PROPOSED ROADWAY LEGEND AM / PM PEAKS -28 / -20 28 / 20 Main Site Access Long Ridge Drive -28 / -2028 / 20 27 / 19 27 / 19 Southern Site Northern Site Access *** NOT TO SCALE *** PROJECT NUMBER 11-252 NORTHSIDE BAPTIST CHURCH NEW HANOVER COUNTY, NC Thisdocument,togetherwiththeconceptsanddesignspresentedherein,is intendedonlyforthespecificpurposeandclientforwhichitwasprepared. Reuseof,orimproperrelianceon,thisdocumentbyotherswithoutwritten authorizationandadaptationbyDavenportTransportationConsultingshallbe withoutliabilitytoDavenportTransportationConsultingandshallbeaviolation oftheagreementbetweenDavenportTransportationConsultingandthe client. Owls Lane FIGURE 8 PHASE I PASS-BY TRIPS Bavarian Lane RedHawk Farley Drive Southern Site Access Murrayville Road N. College Road *** NOT TO SCALE ***client. SPEED LIMIT 55 0 ' 0 ' N LEGEND Long Ridge Drive Northern Site Access 20 0 10 0 TWLTL (Align with Long Ridge Drive) SIGNALIZED INTERSECTION UNSIGNALIZED INTERSECTION ROADWAY LEGEND Main Site Access ~300' FULL (Shift~200'north) TWLTL TRAFFIC MOVEMENT BLACK=EXISTING GREY =UNANALYZED BLUE=PROPOSED SouthernSite TWLTLExtendTWLTL~440' (Shift200north) OwlsLaneRedHawk SouthernSite Access . CollegeRoad 100' ~550' Murrayville Road N. 150'FULL TWLTL SPEED LIMIT 45 SPEED LIMIT 45300' 150' FULL FULL130' FIGURE 4 2011 EXISTING TRAFFIC VOLUMES Bavarian Lane Farle y Drive 635' TWLTL SPEED 300 200' 635' SPEED FIGURE10 PHASE 1 RECOMMENDED IMPROVEMENTS *** NOT TO SCALE *** PROJECT NUMBER 11-252 NORTHSIDE BAPTIST CHURCH NEW HANOVER COUNTY, NC Thisdocument,togetherwiththeconceptsanddesignspresentedherein,is intendedonlyforthespecificpurposeandclientforwhichitwasprepared. Reuseof,orimproperrelianceon,thisdocumentbyotherswithoutwritten authorizationandadaptationbyDavenportTransportationConsultingshallbe withoutliabilitytoDavenportTransportationConsultingandshallbeaviolation oftheagreementbetweenDavenportTransportationConsultingandtheclient. LIMIT 55 LIMIT 55 N SIGNALIZED INTERSECTION UNSIGNALIZED INTERSECTION TRAFFIC MOVEMENT BLACK= EXISTING GREY= UNANALYZED BLUE= PROPOSED ROADWAY LEGEND AM / PM PEAKS 0 / 0 0 / 0 0 / 0 14 / 19 19 / 26 0 / 014 / 190 / 0 Main Site Access Long Ridge Drive 0 / 0 23 / 170 / 0 0 / 0 0 / 0 0 / 0 41 / 30 5 / 318 / 13 19 / 265 / 3 SouthernSite Northern Site Access 0 / 0 ***NOTTOSCALE*** PROJECT NUMBER 11-252 NORTHSIDE BAPTIST CHURCH NEW HANOVER COUNTY, NC Thisdocument,togetherwiththeconceptsanddesignspresentedherein,is intendedonlyforthespecificpurposeandclientforwhichitwasprepared. Reuseof,orimproperrelianceon,thisdocumentbyotherswithoutwritten authorizationandadaptationbyDavenportTransportationConsultingshallbe withoutliabilitytoDavenportTransportationConsultingandshallbeaviolation oftheagreementbetweenDavenportTransportationConsultingandthe lit OwlsLane FIGURE 15 PHASE II, SCENARIO 2 PRIMARY TRIPS (CHURCH EXPANSION) 6 / 8 19 / 260 / 0 Bavarian Lane 41 / 30 5 / 3 9 / 7 8 / 11 0 / 0 3 / 4 0 / 0 6 / 8 RedHawk 0 / 032 / 239 / 7 5 / 3 9 / 7 0 / 0 3 / 4 6 / 8 3 / 4 5 / 3 14 / 10 0 / 0 8 / 116 / 8 Farley Drive Southern Site Access Murrayville Road N. Colleg e Road 0 / 08 / 11 14 / 10 NOT TO SCALE client. SPEED LIMIT 55 0 ' 0 ' N LEGEND Long Ridge Drive Northern Site Access 20 0 10 0 TWLTL SIGNALIZED INTERSECTION UNSIGNALIZED INTERSECTION ROADWAY LEGEND Main Site Access ~300' FULL TWLTL TRAFFIC MOVEMENT BLACK=EXISTING GREY =UNANALYZED BLUE=PROPOSED SouthernSite TWLTL~440' Under Scenario2, modifyand restrict OwlsLaneRedHawk SouthernSite Access . CollegeRoadora ge to 400' ~550'Modifytraffic signal operations to access to right-in and right-out movements Murrayville Road N. 150'FULL TWLTL SPEED LIMIT 45 SPEED LIMIT 45300' 150' FULL FULL Extend st o ygp 8 phase (remove split side phasing) FIGURE 4 2011 EXISTING TRAFFIC VOLUMES Bavarian Lane Farle y Drive 635' TWLTL SPEED 300 200' 635' SPEED FIGURE18 PHASE 2 RECOMMENDED IMPROVEMENTS *** NOT TO SCALE *** PROJECT NUMBER 11-252 NORTHSIDE BAPTIST CHURCH NEW HANOVER COUNTY, NC Thisdocument,togetherwiththeconceptsanddesignspresentedherein,is intendedonlyforthespecificpurposeandclientforwhichitwasprepared. Reuseof,orimproperrelianceon,thisdocumentbyotherswithoutwritten authorizationandadaptationbyDavenportTransportationConsultingshallbe withoutliabilitytoDavenportTransportationConsultingandshallbeaviolation oftheagreementbetweenDavenportTransportationConsultingandtheclient. LIMIT 55 LIMIT 55 Summary of Trip Generation Calculation For 9.1 Th.Sq.Ft. GFA of Free-Standing Discount Store February 28, 2013 ____________________________________________________________________ Average Standard Adjustment Driveway Rate Deviation Factor Volume ____________________________________________________________________ Avg. Weekday 2-Way Volume 57.24 19.54 1.00 521 7-9 AM Peak Hour Enter 0.72 0.00 1.00 7 7-9 AM Peak Hour Exit 0.34 0.00 1.00 3 7-9 AM Peak Hour Total 1.06 1.22 1.00 10 4-6 PM Peak Hour Enter 2.50 0.00 1.00 23 4-6 PM Peak Hour Exit 2.50 0.00 1.00 23 4-6 PM Peak Hour Total 5.00 2.60 1.00 46 AM Pk Hr, Generator, Enter 2.79 0.00 1.00 25 AM Pk Hr, Generator, Exit 2.69 0.00 1.00 24 AM Pk Hr, Generator, Total 5.48 3.03 1.00 50 PM Pk Hr, Generator, Enter 2.79 0.00 1.00 25 PM Pk Hr, Generator, Exit 2.79 0.00 1.00 25 PM Pk Hr, Generator, Total 5.57 2.82 1.00 51 Saturday 2-Way Volume 71.07 15.44 1.00 647 Saturday Peak Hour Enter 3.77 0.00 1.00 34 Saturday Peak Hour Exit 3.62 0.00 1.00 33 Saturday Peak Hour Total 7.39 3.10 1.00 67 Sunday 2-Way Volume 56.36 10.89 1.00 513 Sunday Peak Hour Enter 3.81 0.00 1.00 35 Sunday Peak Hour Exit 3.51 0.00 1.00 32 Sunday Peak Hour Total 7.32 2.90 1.00 67 ____________________________________________________________________ Note: A zero indicates no data available. Source: Institute of Transportation Engineers Trip Generation, 8th Edition, 2008. TRIP GENERATION BY MICROTRANS Dear Mr. Cumbo: Based on the information provided, and conversations held to date, it is our understanding that the proposed development will consist of a mixed use building with 120 residential apartment units and 6400 sq/ft of commercial space on the first floor of the building (estimated 50/50 split of office and retail) and an adjacent 4,500 sq/ft fast food restaurant. The site(s) will contain the following external access points:  Two full access driveway connections to/from US 117/NC 132 (N. College Road) Below please find the scope to be used for the Traffic Impact Analysis: 1. Data Collection - Analysis Parameters: a. Existing Conditions i. Turning movement counts weekday AM (7:00 AM – 9:00 AM) and PM (3:30 PM – 6:00 PM) peak periods, Signal Timing (if applicable) and Lane Geometry;  US 117/NC 132 (N. College Road) and Murrayville Road/Bavarian Lane (signalized intersection)  US 117/NC 132 (N. College Road) and Long Ridge Drive/McDonalds site access  US 117/NC 132 (N. College Road) and two (2) site access points to the development property WILMINGTON URBAN AREA Metropolitan Planning Organization P.O. Box 1810 Wilmington, North Carolina 28402 910 341 3258 910 341 7801 FAX Members: City of WILMINGTON Lead Planning Agency Town of CAROLINA BEACH Town of KURE BEACH Town of WRIGHTSVILLE BEACH NEW HANOVER County Town of BELVILLE Town of LELAND Town of NAVASSA BRUNSWICK County PENDER County CAPE FEAR Public Transportation Authority North Carolina BOARD OF TRANSPORTATION 27 February 2013 Mr. Dan Cumbo, PE Davenport Transportation Consulting P.O. Box 15997 Wilmington, NC 28408 RE: Scope for the Traffic Impact Analysis associated with the proposed North College Road Mixed Use Building New Hanover County, NC ii. Signal plans may be acquired by sending an email request to NCDOT Traffic Services: Ross Kimbro, rkimbro@ncdot.gov or by calling (910) 341-0300 b. Site Trip Generation, Site Trip Distribution and Background Traffic Assumptions i. Site Trip Generation Estimate  See below ii. Site Trip Distribution  35% to/from the south on North College Road  35% to/from the north on North College Road  15% to/from the east on Murrayville Road  15% to/from the west on Bavarian Lane iii. Adjacent Development (approved (but as of yet to be built) development including but limited to;  McDonalds fast food restaurant  Northside Baptist Church Master Plan – All Phases  Dollar General iv. Planned Roadway Improvements  Developer required improvements associated with the McDonalds TIA.  Developer required improvements associated with the Northside Baptist Church Master Plan TIA. v. Background Traffic Assumptions  Horizon year – 2014  Growth rate – 3% per year  Pass-by capture – See Trip Generation Estimate below 2. Capacity Analysis: Week day AM & PM Peak Hour (as listed and for locations per 1.a.i) a. Existing - 2013 b. Background – 2014 [existing + 3% background growth] c. Combined - 2014 [existing + background growth + site trips] 3. Final Report Submittal: a. Completed TIA Application b. Signed and sealed by a Professional Engineer c. Four copies and one PDF d. Synchro analysis files in digital format 4. Notes: i. This scope shall remain valid for three months from the date of this letter. ii. Please note that if any changes occur (including but not limited to; land use, intensity and/or site access) additional analysis may be required. Please contact me if you have any questions regarding this scope. Regards, Tara S. Murphy, RLA/LEED AP Associate Transportation Planner Wilmington MPO Copy: Anthony Law, District Engineer, NCDOT Nicole Dreibelbis, NHCo Planning Katie Hite, Division Traffic Engineer, NCDOT Jessi Booker, NCDOT Mike Kozlosky, Executive Director, WMPO Don Bennett, CofW Traffic Engineer Estimated Site Trip Generation (Exhibit provided by Davenport Consulting Engineers) Trip Generation Estimate Average Weekday Driveway Volumes 24 Hour AM Peak Hour PM Peak Hour Two- Way Land Use ITE Land Code Size Volume Enter Exit Enter Exit Apartments 220 120 Dwelling Units 851 13 50 54 29 General Office Building 710 3.2 Th.Sq.Ft.GLA 94 11 1 14 68 Shopping Center 820 3.2 Th.Sq.Ft.GLA 725 12 8 31 32 Fast Food with Drive-Thru 934 4.5 Th.Sq.Ft.GLA 2233 113 109 79 73 Total Unadjusted Trips 3903 149 168 178 202 15 % Internal Capture Reduction -585 0 0 -27 -30 Subtotal with Internal Capture 3318 149 168 151 172 Retail Pass-by Reduction (34% PM) -210 0 0 -9 -9 Fast Food Pass-by Reduction (49% AM, 50% PM) -949 -55 -53 -34 -31 Total Adjusted Trips 2159 94 115 109 131 Location Map (NHCo GIS with site outline by WMPO) North Conceptual Site Plan (Provided by Davenport Consulting Engineers) North AGENCY COMMENTS 1 Williams-Rowland, Jackie From:Griswold, Raymond Sent:Tuesday, April 23, 2013 9:07 AM To:Dreibelbis, Nicole Subject:N. COLLEGE MIXED USE Sam –                    I have reviewed the “Conditional District Site Plan” for the 2600 block of North College Road. The following  items are in need of discussion. They are:    1. The building is to be fully sprinklered. Is their enough water supply for this project???? I suggest they connect to  the far side of the street, as the side they are on is an older fire line and not cross connected. It dead‐ends at  Laney High School. Fire flow requirements are to be provided.  2. A fire hydrant layout is required with a minimum 3 fire hydrants providing water to this facility. Both fire lines  could be used to establish this.  3. What type construction will be used in this project???    These are the requirements / information I will need for this project to procede in the building of this site. As far as  rezoning the driveway layout meets the fire code. If you need further, please contact me at any time.    Raymond Griswold  Deputy Fire Marshal  New Hanover County Fire Services  910‐798‐7448 (off.)  Raymond Griswold | Fire Marshal, Deputy Fire Services | New Hanover County 230 Government Center Drive, Suite 130 Wilmington, NC 28403 (910) 798-7448 p | (910) 798-7052 f 1 A 412 AMENDMENT TO THE NEW HANOVER COUNTY ZONING ORDINANCE APPLICANT: STAFF Staff proposes to amend Sections 71-1 and 112-7 to clarify what modifications can be handled administratively. Proposed changes are in red . Section 71: Special Use Permits Issued by the Board of County Commissioners 71-1: General Requirements (9) The original applicant(s), their successors or their assignee may make minor changes in the location and/or size of structures provided the necessity for these changes is clearly demonstrated. Minor changes shall be reviewed by the Planning and Inspections Department and upon favorable recommendation by the Planning and Inspections Director may be approved by the Superintendent of Inspections Zoning Administrator. Such approval shall not be granted should the proposed revisions cause or contribute to: (A) A change in the character of the development. (B) A change of design for, or an increase in the hazards to pedestrian and vehicle traffic circulation, or (C) A reduction modification in the originally approved setbacks from roads and/or property lines exceeding ten percent. (5/4/81) Section 112-7: Administrative Review (1) Minor changes made to an approved Conditional Zoning District, Conditional Use District, Exceptional Design Zoning District, Planned Development District, or Riverfront Mixed Use District shall be considered in the same manner as that used for Special Use Permits as set forth in Section 71-1(9). (2) Any request for a change to an approved Conditional Zoning District, Conditional Use District, Exceptional Design Zoning District, Planned Development District, or Riverfront Mixed Use District that does not qualify as a minor change under the provisions of Section 71-1(9) of the Zoning Ordinance shall be submitted as a new zoning map amendment application. Technical Review Committee Report: April, 2013 The County’s Technical Review Committee met once in April. One project was reviewed. Woodlake at Lords Creek (Performance Plan) Woodlake subdivision is located in the southern portion of the unincorporated area of the County, more specifically between Ocean Forest Lakes and Lords Creek subdivisions. The project was re- approved in May, 2009 for 246 lots with private roads, water, and sewer. The developer for Woodlake requested that TRC consider a pavement width reduction on Champlain Drive from 32’ to 20’ with a 2’ valley curb while retaining the same right-of-width. According to the developer, the purpose of the road width reduction proposal was to change the status of the road from a collector to a local road. The original design of the project displayed the road stubbing at the western project boundary with a potential future extension to River Road. With environmental constraints affecting/prohibiting the future extension to River Road, the collector road was no longer necessary. In a vote of 4-0, the TRC approved the developer’s request. Gates, obstructions, and parking along Champlain Road was to be avoided for emergency service delivery.