covington deediii~~o ~~i~~~ 2006011839 FOR REGgEB~~q P R6XITXER OF ~EE0.` NEW HPNOVER COUNTY. NC 206 MPR 9311:32:45 pM BK:~~C REV6STPMPBt4 412~.~m0 1NSiNi ~ Z90~11839 Exe~sc Tax $~~t~~ ~e~~~da'n~ Tune, soak ~d ~~ge Tax Lat X10, verified by , Parcel Identifier ~o~ ~~~D-~01 ~O~l-aka ~~nty un the ~.,~.,, dad of , ~0 bar Mail aver reearding to Thomas ~, Morgan, s~. ~ ooh "fifth Avenne~ 'i~ingt~n, NC ~$0l ~~ef ~eeription far the index Portion of ~aet ~hov~n in Map ~oo~ 34, Pale 3~~ NORTH CAROLINA GENERAL WARRANTY DEED THIS DEED made as of the 2?''4 day of ~c~i~~ary , 2006, by and betv~een ~T CAM~LT A~MP~~~], ANC., forth Carolina corporation AI~T~ BALL L~~ H~M~ ~F ~LMINCTI~, LLB, a ~~ aralina limited liability oon~~an~ c~a president ~~a ast~rood load, Suite lea ~Vi ~~ningtan, ~ 28~~3 Ever in ~pmgriatc beck for etch p$r~}r: mac, addre$s, ar~~, if s~progri~~, char~ctcr ~f ~~ttity, c,g,, rppratiun ar ~~ztr~ersh~p. The designation grantor and Grantee as used herein shall include said ~a~ie, their heirs, suceessors~ and assigns, and shall inold~ singular, plr~rai, aeuline, feminine or neuter ~ required ~~ context ~TS~TH, fat the Grantor, far a ~raiuahle conside~'ation laid ~y ~~~ grantee, the reipt of ~rhich is hereby ackno~rledged, has and b~ these presents does grant, bargain, ell and can~e~ unto the grantee fee simple, ail that certain parcei ar tract off' land situated in the bounty o'Nev~ Hanover, state afNot~h Csralina and more particularly described on ~xhihit ~ attached hereto and incorporated here by reference RETURN TO t~iJ~//~i--eG~ 0 ~~~~~ The properr her~ina6a~e descri~~d bin a ~orti~n of the propel acquired by rantar by insttnent recorded in ~ao~ ~ 8~3, Fade ~ ~ . A rnap showing the a~a~r~ described prop~~Y i recorded in Neap aa~ 34, page ~~b. ~'~ HAS A~T~ ~~ ~ e aforesaid Ivt or parcel of land and all privileges and appurtenances thereto ~bela~aging to the grantee ~n fie simple, And e ~rrantar covenants with the grantee, that C raptor is seised of the prerr~ses in fee s~rnple, has the right to cor~~ey the same in ~'ee simple, that title is maretahle and free and clear ~f all encumbrances ether than those stated herein} and that ~rantar will warrant and defd the title against the lawful claims of all persons whotnsoeaer except for the exceptions hereinafter stated. Title to the props hereinahave described is subject t~ the lien of~ ~ ~ ~ the year ~~0~ ~d ~alarern prape~'y t~~es; ~} easements, cavenarr~s, restrictions and righsMof~way of record; and ~} applicable ~vnin and building laws and ordinances, TN w~TNI~ ~~~, the grantor has hereunto set his hand and seal, or if corporate, has caused this instrument to be signed in its caorate narrle by its du.1y authari~ed officer by authority of its hoard of ~]irectars, the day atad year first aha~e ritten~ CAME DT GROUND, INC. uS E BL AC President INK oM LY s~~-~-s~r~P use su~c~c ~~~ D~lI~Y ~ ~ ~~ *~~• .*~' :~ ~~ ~ ~ ; C~ ~~ ' ~`~'- ~~~~~~~~ ~~~" ~ ~~,A, ~ Jaunty. I, I~at~ry Fubl~c, certify that ~ I i ~crsanally came b~farc ma phis day $nd ac~nowled~~d that he is ~res~d~nt ~f A.E~,~T Al~"PCR~C~J, ., ~ North ara~ina carporat~On~ and that he as r're~idcnt, being autharix~d to dv sv, ~ ecuted the ~'arc~aing on behalf of the cvr~aratianM witness my hand end aicial seal, this ~ day of ~~~G. Notary abli ~~' cammis~inn exptr~s; ~~~~~ camrr~unity fnfrgal-uCtu~~ ~urtcuttgnla ~k~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~ Proposed ~esri~tion i"or Bilk ark domes .~~~ ~l~ Acre Parcel ~ ~~d~n fakes A pertain i~r~t or par~ol of land lava! at a c~,rrenf easr~~ terminus ~~ i„ida load (~' wider, i"iarne ~owns~i~~ ~~ Hanover bounty, Sate a~ Forth C'arol'ina, l~eln ~a of the hands of Carr~elo~ ~am~~rour~d# Ino# as recorded ~~ ~ dew Hanover Cour~~ Register oi" Des office in ~d Bo~~ ~~~ at 'ale ~~~ and ~~ shorn on the mad entitled "F~r~rty 5~rv~y, dill dark Homes, f~ropod Ogden ~a~Ces, ~larnett ~`ownshi~, dew Harraver County- ~or#h Carolina"~ prepared ~y ,, l~ick~on end dated ar~uary 1 , ~~; said par~~l ~elr~g more rticul~r~y d~scri~d ~~ ~ollows~ beginning ~~ an iron rid located at ~e ir-t~rse~ion o~ the westerly line of mid lends of arnel~t , campground, I'n~. wtth tie centerline of i~ido Drjve ~~u~lic l~i~~t~af-~JVay ~~~ id~~t said irar~ F rod ~o~ated south ~oo'~~~ east ~ distance of 18~.~~ feet from a concrete mor~unnt located at the intersect~nn ~~ the centerline of t.ida drive with a centerline of Fvxwer ~riv ~publio R~ght~of~ill~~y ~a' w~de~- er~~e franc said iron rod north ~~~'0~~ e~s~ along ~~e westerly [ino ~f said lads of Camelot ampgr~unds, Inc. a distance of $4.~3 feet to n inn god looted o~ -~ northerly line of paid lands of ~amelat Campground, lnc.; her~~e south °3~~~9' east along Bald nortl~erl~ line a distance of ~~.~9 feet to an iron rod; `The~~e south 3~~~~'~9' crest tl~ro~rgh said lands of Camelot campground, lne~ a distance of ~~58~~ ~ feet to an iron rod located o~ tie sor~ther~y ~~~e of said lads o Carnelai arn~~r~ur~d~ Inc; Thence n~~th ~a°~o~44' wept along said southerly line a distance of ~.8~ feet to an iron rod located on the westerly lire of sold lards of Camelot campground, i`nc~; "hence nar~h °~~'~~' past along said westerly lire a distance of 4~0~~ feet to tl~e poi~rt of gior~ir~ ca~tair~ing 9~~,~9~1. s~t~a feet or ~.~~~ aor~s, more ar less. ~~~~~~~~ :..~ ~. ~~9 Ma~~~t atr~et ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~rlm~~gran, ~C ~~~Di ~~ ~s~ ~~I ~~~7~,~2~U ~~ ~ ~~~~ 9 ~o~~~~~a~~~~~ fax ~t~.7~~.4~~1 w~w.w~Cd~ckso~.cor~ Nar~h ~aroliaa • auth Car~l~~a • Georgia • ~~ar~da AVER ~o~ ~ ~~ ~ ~- ,~ ~4 ~Ar ;e .r~1 REBECCA P. SMITH REGISTER OF DEEDS, NEW HArlOVER 216 NQRTH SECOND STREET WILMINGTON, NC 28401 i~~d ~Q~ F~Bgi~#r~f~~n: ~k: ~~cu~r~~ ~,: ~ Rte. TAT ~~~~ Tom: ~~~~3R~~~~ ~~ ~~#~~ ~E ~98~ ~'~~~; 8~~78 ~~~D ~ x,99 }~ ! ~r~1f ~~ ~~ firth ~~o~~n~~ ~u~ ~~ ~~v #a~n~~r~~ YELLOW PRt]BATE SHEET IS A VITAL PART OF YOUR RECORDED D(}CUMENT. PLEASE RETAIN 1~IfTH ORIClA1~,L DOGU~IEWT ~1D SUBMIT FOR Rf~-RECQRDIPIG. 2006011839