covington approval_letter ~ ~~~ ~ ~'lan~ir~ C~~par~m~~ ~` ur~ntR.o~~~ ~~~ FH~fRX ~~ ~~~~~~ 0~1'1'~ l~nn~x ~~l~~~~ ~0 N4ar~Cef~~~~e drive, ~u~f~ ~ p ~~x'~s ~'~eei'e ilrr}in~tor~, ~' ~$~~3 P~ann~ng ~ireci':or ~ ~ 91 D.798,~'~ b~ ~ ~~ 0.~9~.~'~5 ~~Iy~, 00~ fir. doh ~a~~and, ~~ Pararno~n~te ~~.~neerxng ~~ Leander ~r~~e, Suite off. fie: ov~nto~ ~Perfor~nanee P~an~ dear fir. Ba~Ia~d: ~n regular session on Ju~~ ~., ~00~, ~~~ ours '~ Technical eve on1~~tee ~~~ a ~ro~ed the re~im~~nar ~ ~~ ~ ~' site ~~an for a~v~n~~on for to~a~ of'~ dots as des ~a ed o side desi~r~. xte ~~ rova~ is ~ ~ Y n dour ~ ~p ~ai~d for ~ period ~ t~vo ~~} years. 'Phe rote ~ the T vas -~ end comes nth the fo~~ov~i ~ ~ ng requ~remrer~t~s~ pr~o~r to ~na~ ~~at a~~ro~va~: ~} Prior ~o fir~a~ p~a~ ~~ro~a~ for a~Z or a port~or~ of the ro'ect roa . ~ J , ~ ~rnpro~vernen~ts from Lido ~]r~~el~"ox~er~h DrYVe ~r~tv the project along w~~h ~~~i~i~ greet to the ` pro~ec~ hot~ndary south} w~~~ he re~u~red, ~ S~de~va~~s ~~~ need to be extended from ~~do ~3r~ve and ~~~~via Street, ~ ~. bike tra~~ ~~~i need to be crewed he~~reen dots ~91~0 ~~1~3 t o a~~o access to the recreat~ona~ area. ~.ttnd~ng the r~aeet~n v~ere Ae~~n ~"~ Chairman erg "Fran ei ' g ~ ~Piann~u Board, aft ~av~s ~~'~re ~erv~ees~~ ~runa ftedd~ ~~ -noun P~ Ravi ~~'' ~, d o~~YS ~~ounty nYr~eer~ng~~ and azn Burgess ~P~ann~n~ staf ..Aso attendYn ~ ~ he ee~~ng sere h~-~s ~]'eefe and Bobby ar~~~ ~P~annin~ staf , o~~ Moore ouu~ ~ y ~ega~~, death ~~k ~deve~o~er}~ ~av~d death ~'on~ osebee ~~re erv~~es Jim ~a ~' }, uuu~c~ ng~neer~n and ~~ ~ u. Co~~n~~ou ~~Z~ be ~a~~d as a p~e~~~n~r~ary s~~e fan for two e ~ ~ ~ ~ ars. ~.~ a f~na~ plat fog a~~ or a pa~rt~ou of the pro~ec~ ~~ ~o~ sub~n~tted ~vYth~n a 4 ~on~h t~~ne frrn e, the ~~a~ use he ~resuh~tted ~~ a prer~.~nary plan ~~ accoxdance with the ubd~v~s~o . ~ eu~tzous, ~therwYSe, the ~~rel~rn~nary ap~~ova~ sha~~ become v'o~d, ~ one ear e~tens~ou ~o ` Y the ate p~au nay he requested through the ~ prior to e~p~~ration, Ealland Le#ter (cont'd) Zn the future, the ~ra~ec~ nay be ~e~aed by oun~y e~~r. ~aeve~r, due ~o the ~r~~~ ep~e~~y of the aunty's was~ea~er ~rea~~nen~ fae~~i~~~s, sewer c~~ac~~y nay ~u~ ea~~s~. ~~~' waste~.~er se'~r car~s~~ue~xur~ and ape~r~.~~ans per~n~~s ~adly~ ~n~ ~a~ a ~-av~~ ~ sec~ons nay be ~~hhe~d, i ~n the op~u~ou oaf the County ~ngin.ee~~ dequa~e s~~e~ c acs does snot e~~s~. ~~ease ~~so be ~dv~s~d ~ha~ a~~ a~her ~aea~, Sate, ar~d ~'eder~l reu~~ious ~x~~ ~e ~~p~~ca~~e ~o Covington, ~s you Ana, ~a~aZ p~~ a~~r~va~ far ~It or ~ ~artion of the ~xa~ect can riot ~e ob~a~ne~ un~x~ canstruct~on plan drawings ~~e su~n~i~~ed ar~d a~~roved by County ~ngi~ee~~n staff. N'v . ~ s~gn~~icant trees ap~e~red ~o ~~ ~vca~ed w~th~n the road right of wa.y. .Pease share thzs ~nf~rataon v~xth your c~~e~t aid remit ~ co~~es of the site plan based a~ the above re~u~reents for ~R 'hair~nan signature. outact nae if you have uest~ans. ~ may be peached at 79~-'~~4~.. cc: ~~annin ~aard m,eber ncere~y~ .~~~ ~nes~ anin ~ma~) ~ ~ .~ ~,~ J~~ ra.~ ~~ Knee ~ . ~ . ring ~~~~ aft Davis, ~xre Services ~ma~} ..~, Buxess Beth s~ey~ether~l~, ng~neer~ng ~~anner A~runa eddy, ~ty~ounty N.~~