covington gradingM~ r ~ s ~~' ~ . .~,^ ~x ~~ ~ ~ ~: .~ f7f 1 ~~ ~ ~~I1 } •~~ ~ ~ Y~~ ~ebruar~ 5, ~0~7 ~~w x~s~rovE~ cou~~~ ~ninee~ing Deartmentlater and Se~~ver ~istrYCt Z~~ ove~rnnaent enter ~l~ive • ~i~e ~.~4 ~~~~ ~. ~ve~herill, ~~~,.,. ~~mxn toy o~rtla rotz~a ~8~0 Soil erosion Sp~~ialist ~`a~ ~9~~} 79S/-7~ dill ~larlc an~es af~1'iirnintan, ~~ ~43 ~ Eas~ood ~aad ilxnir~ton, earth Carolina $40 ~.itentian: l~r, Edward ~. Clark ~: radzng ~ermxt #'7-U6, o~'in~tan ub~ivision dear fir. ~iarlC: This a~~~ce has rc~rieed the pub jest s~dYme~ta~~on a~~d erosion aon~ra~ plan. ~ ~.d tie Ian to be acceptable. ~'~~ase read tie err~~~~ co~d~~~o~rs care r~~~ ar~d re~r~t ~~e s~ ~cd on ina~ ~o oar ~ ice ar~d fee ~~~~ co~y for dour records, ~„~~~~~ Please he advised that a cagy of the approved sail erosion plan and a copy of the issued grading permit must be available at ail times at the site. ~'e ana~er aunty's Saii Erasion and Sedimentation cantrai pragratn is per~ar.ance oriented requiring protection o~ the natural resources and adjoining properties. Zf ~alio~in the con~rr~encerrzen~ o~ the project, xt is determined that the plan ~s inadequate to meet the requirements o~ the New anavcr County Sail Erosion and edinaer~tatian control ordinance,this office mad require revisions in the plan and its irr~plementatia.n to insure compliance with the ordinance, ~ecagni~ing the desirability oaf early coordination o sedimentation and erasian control measures, ~re~ons_ _ Ctlon meetln~s ~'~ ~D'4~ ~'~~u1Ced, These .cetings si~or~ld be ~,eld prior to and land disturbing activity on site and should be attex~dcd b~ the grading contractor and jab s~xperintendent. Please contact this office to set the date of the pre~canstxuctia~a conference at X91 a~ 7~-7 i 3 ~, This permit will not preclude and other permits ar approvals necessary far beginning or completing this de~ciopment. It is the a~rners responi6ili to have all the approvals ar permits that a~•e required. prior to beginning construction. ~ppraval of an erasian cantrai plan is conditioned an the applicants compliance Frith federal ar~d State ~U'ater duality lames, regu~atians and rules. respectfully yours, ~-~-~t-e., ~-Pe _ w.~ Seth Easley etherill NBC Sail Erosion specialist cc; Sam burgess, ~ Planning Jeremy ~3iair, ~~~ Paramounte Engineering BE'laj I'e~~nrt ~-~G ..~~ ~~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~ !~ k~~ r~~ ,x r ,~ .« M.,. ~~p ~~.. ~ ~~ ~ ~~ e~rr~it for Lind ~s~~n ~~~~r~ f yR . ~c~ ~ ~~~< ,~ifl.~~}i'~l. ~w anO~Te~` ount~ ~epartn~ent of Enn.ee~~n ~3a a~rrnment tenter ~rr~re -Suite 1 a Hinton, North a~olzna ~5~03 {~0~ x'95-739 .s aut~o~~,zed b~ the dew ~ano~ex County ~ros~on and Sedirnen#ation Control ~~dinance This permit Issued to ~~~~ la~rl~ Hones ~~ w~~~n~n on ~~ athox~~es the de~elorn.ent of ~ acres of land at av~~.,oa~ uhd~vxs~ar~ in 11~ew ano~er Caunt~ This permit issued on Leh 5 aa7 xs subject to compliance with ~ pp~.cation and site dxaw~ns, a~. ap~cable xegulations and special cond~t~ans and Hates set f oath beXow. ~~ p~~n _~nod~~~cat~ans must be a roved b this off ace rYOr ~o f lead cha~n es. Yt rs unde~~staod bar the pplzcant that a representative of Neer Hanover County"s ~n~neering 17epaxtent n~a~r inspect ~ site at any t~rne folrawin the issuance of this ~'exmrt. ~ copy of the apro~~d Soil Erosion flan and this permit must ~e avai~.b~e at alY t~n~es at the site. E~lure to e~cecute the pro~risions of this permit and the appra~red Soil ~rasron ~~an, ox• and other pxov~sians of the New ~ano~rer ount~r Soil Exos~on and edi~nentat~on ontro~ ~rd~ar~anc~, shad result in~ed~te legal action by the aunt~r to e limits presc~~xbed bar the ~rd~nance. If th.e ~rne~sures outlined on the appxoved Soil Erosion Plan and ~~s Permit prove insufficient, addltzanaX ~ros~on ontxol measures can and ~~ be required which in t~.rn will be considexed pro~r~sians of this 'exit. This ~'e~rrnit does not p~~eclude arr~r othex pern~~its ax approvals necessary fax begging or cox~.pletYng this de~reloprnent. A~pp~~o~ral of an eroszon can~ro~ plan ~s conditioned on the applicants con~.pl~ance wig edxal and State has, regula~,ons and rules. It ass the 1'er~.ttee`s repons~brlit~ to abta~n a.ll necessax~ permits and approvals. .....~.~...~~:~ ~~ Y..~.....,~....~.....r+wf+~..w~w-+o,..+.~.......~..~.~ ~~ ~f~~~..:~..,~.~...~....... w.,~~.....~~:.. W...,~...........++w.r~r++~r.r....~...~.~...~..~ ~:~.~.....Y.. ~.~..... ~.. ~..~....~. ~ ~ ~ ~.~.....~.,~.....~r+.rt~~.,...~...: ~ ~~ ~:,............~...~~ ~~~., ~.,.~.....~.... SP~~L D~T~NS THEE ~~~~TZ~N ~T BE ~~~~~] ZN ~D~~T~1~ TD THE ~~1~~I A~'~ pE~EC~.T~~~S} ~'~~ the soil erosion cont~~oi measures will be installed as the site x cleared and maintained throughout cans~ruc~an. These incl~zde a construction entrance, ditch plugs and innnediate ditch fxllg prior to any rain e~rent, inlet and outlet protection, installation of sediment traps and x~n~.ediate canstr~.ctian and stabili~atian of 1 sediment basin, its slopes and, the outlet structure with a filte~~ berm. ~eu~ I~a~o~er o~~~~ u~i~~ r~o~ ~~ ~~~d ~iab~e ~or f ~oa~~t ~~t~t ~~ ~cc~~ ~~~a~~ o~" ~1~is ac'vi. '~T~ree Reo~al perxnxts must be acqux~red from the Cxt~y of 'ilmin~tton ancif or dew Hanover oun r to clearing the site. ~S~t fence stales must be n~.etal and wall ~e placed six feet apart without ware reYnforcernent or eight feet apa~art with wire rexnforcernent, Silt fences at iarzlets will not e alxowed, 'This pe~rn~it does Hat preclude a.ny permits ox approvals which rna~r be necessax~r such as DES dater t~alit~, C.A,~„., the Corps of engineers, DE1~1 Salad waste or any otl~ex agencies, ~~o sediment shall leave the site. '~~f plan revisions are necessax~r you must subxx~.t a caper to this office far appxo~ral r to any field changes. elf sail is ren~o~red from the site, xt must be tal~en to an a~pro~red or pern~.itted site to 1~e identified to this office x or to re~na~a~ f xaarr~. ~ site. '~~.11 Cit~r and f or Counter and State drainage and stor~nwatex requirements will be adheared to. ~~f these measures fail to adequatel~r control e~rosxon, more restrictive measures will be requixed. (Conti.nued) -Page T~vo '~~~ and phase ~f ad~n eease oar mare #an ~~ c~~ndar da~~ ~a~~ arias, ~nc~ud~n ~~~~~, e s~~ x~~ b~ te~orar~~~ s~a.~~~.zed. `The a~~ar~~a~ a~ a~ ros~an ~x~#x~1 ~ar~ ~s candr-~~ned on .e ap~~~caz~~ car~,p~~anc ur~~ ed~ral and ##~ a~~r ~a~.r haws, r~gu~,at~or~ anal rues, ~a#e #~~ e~c~~sed ~'~ ~n~orn~a#~a~. ~ro~. #e #a# far s~#es drs.r~xn 1 acre ~r .are and fih~ re~uYre ra#es far seed, ~~~ne, fer~~~~er ar~d n~~u~ch ~r~ yo~.r se~~~n s~ecxcatYar~s, '~.pre-cars#rc#~nn a#xn ~s r~uxred ~~r~ar #a and ac~~~r~r ~n ~~e. ~'~ease can#ae~ ~e#~ . e#h~r~~X a# ~~~} 79~~~~.~9 #a se# ~. #h~s rriee#~n. ~"is ~'er~# ~~~~ ex~re ane ear dram da#e ~ issue ~~ ua cansuc#zan ac#~~r~#~r ~er~ ~n s~#e. T~~s ~er~# rna~r na# be arneded ar #ras~erred ~a ana#~er ~ar~r w~#~ou# ppra~ral a~ #~~~ o~~ice. ~c~~na~r~edrr~e~~ o~ rece~~# o~ ~'ern~~~ ~~rer ~. 4~ ~ ~. ti . ~e~h E, e#~iari~i, ~.P.L..., aid rasYnz~ pec~aYis~e Hanover Cauu#y By (please print} xgna#~xe