FY15 Library State Aid applicationam-to e_Vj-W Governor Pat McCrory Secretary Susan Kluttz n 20 K"d Ze"? " rt payments for this fiscal year. Q 57 -Iff I I I I-TA ED] 157,91 1OWT M$e 2. Average Maintenance of Effort Report and Declaration Forml 3. Maintenance of Effort Report and Declaration Form(s) I Assurance of Professional Salaries Funded with State Aid ForFF 5. Checklist Form (please return with your other forms) 6. Maintenance of Effort Worksheet I Cal Shepard, State Librarian Application Form: By signing this form, the appropriate official indicates that the Library System wishes to apply for State Aid and that the Library System is in compliance with the State Aid Eligibility Rules which appear on the form. The official whose signature is required is identified an the form and is determined by the type of library and its governance. .1 Ulm r-M. - � MAILING ADDRESS 4640 Mail Service Center Telephone 919-807-7400 Raleigh, NC 27699-4640 Fax 919-733-8748 LOCATION 109 East Jones Street Raleigh, NC the County or City Manager, the County or City Finance Officer. Maintenance of Effort Form Worksheet. This form is designed to be a worksheet to help you calculate your total local support. The total for each line should match the total on that county/city MOE form. The total of all lines should be the total 4 Assurance of Professional Salaries Paid with State Aid Fonn.- f--(nd. Please fill in the libraQi namer check the a ro_vriatebox, then s! gn and date the form. MIT47M. = The omission of any documents required by the State Library may delay future State Aid payments. The St2P ember An audit for FY2013-2014 must be postmarked on or before Friday, February 15, 2015. A reminder notice regarding the audit will be sent in January 2015. Timing of State Aid Payments, 2014-2015 State Aid myments will again be deposited or mailed on a monthly basis in FY2014-2015. Once the MOE forms are received from all libraries, State Library staff will calculate each library's total NWE ;1�1! onthl-.M-ments accordingilf. If I can be of any assistance as you begin work on the State Aid Application Packet, do not hesitate to call me at 919-807-7415. MAILING ADDRESS LOCATION 4641 Mail Service Center Telephone 919-733-3683 109 East Jones Street Raleigh, NC Raleigh, NC 27699-4641 Fax 919-733-5679 S'IAI'[-- 1.111RA11,Y NOW1 I CAROLINA Please mail this checklist with your other State Aid documents with the boxes checked to show that your application for State Aid is complete. f L 1 b jj�zu,) RA*J()%,C-Am COL"MA14 El Bylaws for Library Board(s) of Trustees El Current Roster(s) for Library Board(s) of Trustees El Current Roster(s) for Officers of Library's Friends Group(s) 01111110STMIR SL/LD Rev. 07/15 30 Deadline fo r Submission: Postmarked on or before September 15, 2014 NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF CULTURAL RESOURCES W W W.NMCULYUME-Mam .A* N E 1.1 3R �,, NOR-11 I € ;AR01.ti' A APPL!CATIOM FOR STATi° AID TO PURVC LIBRARIES State Fiscal Year 291 - 2015 (Submit one form only) The type of library and its governance determine the signature required on this document: meets the following requirements and hereby applies for funding from the Aid to Public Libraries Fund. 07 NCAC 021 .0201 QUALIFICATIONS FOR GRANT ELIGIBILITY Libraries requesting funding from the Aid to Public Libraries Fund shall submit annually to the State Library of North Carolina an application for State Aid and supporting documentation including financial and statistical reports and shall meet the following eligibility requirements: (1) Be established consistent with the provisions of Article 14, Chapter 153A of the North Carolina General Statutes. (2) Provide library services in compliance with applicable State and Federal law to all residents of the political subdivisions) supporting the library. Public library services shall be provided from at least one designated facility with a catalogued collection that is open to the public a minimum of 40 hours per week. (3) Employ a full -time library director having or eligible for North Carolina public librarian certification. Full -time means working a minimum of 35 hours per week. (4) Secure operational funds from local government sources at least equal to the average amount budgeted and available for expenditure for the previous three years. A grant to a local library system from the Aid to Public Libraries Fund shall not be terminated but shall be reduced proportionately by the Department if the amount budgeted and available for expenditure by local government is below the average of the previous three fiscal years. State funds shall not replace local funds budgeted and available for expenditure for public library operations. (5) Secure aggregate operational funds from local sources at least equaling state aid. (6) Expend funds as authorized in the budget adopted by the Board of Trustees of a Regional Library, a County, or a Municipality. Any library having an unencumbered operational balance of more than 17 percent of the previous year's operating receipts shall have the difference deducted from its state allocation. (7) Pay salaries for professional positions funded from the Aid to Public Libraries Fund at least at the minimum rate of a salary grade of 69 as established by the Office of State Personnel. (8) Provide to the State Library of North Carolina an annual audit of the political subdivision(s) funding the library consistent with generally accepted accounting principles. (9) Submit annually to the State Library of North Carolina a copy of the bylaws of the library system's Board(s) of Trustees. (10) Submit annually a current long -range plan of service to the State Library of North Carolina. A long -range plan of service is a plan of at least five years. Upon request, submit an assessment of a community's library needs to the State Library of North Carolina. (11) Submit a copy of the agreement establishing the library system, if composed of more than one local governmental unit. (12) Meet the following stipulations when establishing new library or re- establishing eligibility for the Aid to Public Libraries Fund: (a) meet all qualifications for the state aid to public libraries program on July 1 of the year prior to the fiscal year that the library plans to receive State Aid, (b) continue to meet all qualifications for the state aid to public libraries program from July 1 to June 30 of that year, which shall be known as the demonstration year, (c) file a full application for state aid by the June 30 deadline at the close of the demonstration year in order to receive state aid in the next fiscal year. Application Reviewed and Accepted: Submit application to: Jennifer Pratt Library Development Section State Library of North Carolina 4640 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699 -4640 SL/LD Rev. 07/14 Caroline Shepard, State Librarian of North Carolina NORTH CARMUNA oEPARTMENT OF CULTURAL RESOURCES www.wccuLTUee.cnae Date: Deadline for submission of FY July 1, 2014 -June 30, 2015 application is: September 1 4s_ rATE LIBRARY of NOIRTFI CAR01 -INA AVERAGE MAINTENANCE OF EFFORT REPORT AND DECLARATION State Fiscal Year 2014 - 2015 (Submit one form only) Please submit this average summary form for the library system in addition to the individual Maintenance of Effort forms from your local funding entities. This sheet shows the library system's average appropriation from all of its local funding sources from the last three years. Please place the total of all Maintenance of Effort forms for FY 2014 -2015 (from the MOE worksheet) in the FY 2014- 2015 box. in order to meet Maintenance of Effort, the total appropriation for FY 2014 -2015 must equal or exceed the average figure of the last three fiscal years. This summary form requires only the library director's signature. The other Maintenance of Effort forms for each funding entity must be completed and signed as usual. New Hanover County Public Library Name of Library AVERAGE County and /or City Appropriations Budgeted and Available for Expenditure FY 2011 -2012 FY 2012 -2013 FY 2013 -2014 (Excluding capital outlay and State Aid appropriations) $3,503,632 Signed: tibia !rector Submit application to: State Aid Consultant Library Development Section State Library of North Carolina 4640 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699 -4640 SLILD Rev. 07115 TOTAL County and /or City Appropriations Budgeted and Available for Expenditure FY 2014 -2015 (Excluding capital outlay and State Aid appropriations) $ AIZUA2,7 NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF CULTURAL RESOURCES WWW.WCOULTYRE -00M Date: - - (l Headline for submission of FY July 1, 2014- June 30, 2015 application is: Postmarked on or before September 15, 201 STATE LIBRARY NOR'I'l i GN1101.1NA MAW "if FA,4'A-HV-i 07- �AFVCxre A.MU Sfat , V*wzl Vnch.� 21214 SIS (Submit one form for each city/county local funder) The New Hanover County Public Library Name of Library will maintain its local governmental support in order to receive State Aid funds in accordance with North Carolina Administrative Code, Chapter 7, Subchapter 21, Section .0200. Budgeted and Available for Expenditure FY 2014-2025 TOTAL County or City Appropriations(Exc/uding capital outlay and State Aid appropriations) Total $ 13 3.3 C) Z7 Date the budget was approved by the Board of Commissioners / City Council LL,'ic IU 10N New Hanover Name of County / City I certify that the appropriation for FY 2014-2015 has been approved by 60Q-J—O— �- --C-Gksr i o-A ur-'-5N ouaf,d ot co rn rn �r:v Cciun r o is suoDorted by official records, and is available for expenditure by the New Hanover County Public Library Signed: for: Signed: Date: isT;F county/ Manager, T; *%.74-11 C. IV" Submit application to: Jennifer Pratt Library Development Section State Library of North Carolina 4640 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-4640 SULD Rev. 07115 O\WV- ("Ir-I County / City Library Director NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF C U BTU RAL RESOURCES WwwjqCG4LTURK.00M Date: Deadline for submission of FY July 1, 2014 -June 30, 2015 application is: Postmarked an or before September 15, 2014 LIBRARY AVSURANCE OF PROFIESS10141,A]. LIBRARIANS W - -- :1 11VVWMY State Fiscal Yevir 2014 - 2015 (Submit one form only) The LIEW 146AL&LL CQL'—A4 f' Name of Libraryl A TRITITT 11101 11571111FINTIT15 Nam.= • ( ) Does pay the following salaries in whole or in part from State Aid funds Signed: '. Klj 7- 31- fq V ry Director Date The following professional librarians* (minimum annual salary $37,125") will be paid in full or in part from State Aid funds: IL F i Mw Position: Salary: Name: Position, Salary: Name: Position: Salary: Professional librarians have received a Masters Degree in Library and information Science. Pay salaries for professional positions funded from the Aid to Public Libraries Fund at least at the minimum rate of a salary grade of 69 as established by the Office of State Personnel. Administrative Code, Title 7, Subchapter 2l, Section .0201, Rule Z Submit application to: State Aid Consultant 4640 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-4640 SULD Rev. 07/15 NORTH CAROUNA DEPARTMENT OF CULTURAL RESOURCES WWW.N000L'r01k1E.CCjM go, Ma"Wo , I application September 15, 2014