addenbury_agency_comments~e~aren~ ~ ~on~n ~in~~~~ X40 T~: Caren Ilion, Nei n~er 1ED FRS; hells lller, o~~nunl oner~~loni~ R: ddenbur April ~ ~~4 I HAVE REVIEWED THIS PLAN AS REQUESTED AND HAVE THESE COMMENTS: The soils are predominantly Baymeade fine sand (Be) and Seagate ~€ne sand (Se)- A~eerdin ~ the ~oe~le~, , ;`iln~ing~~r~~e Hn~er ~laia~lort o~ eil far ep~i Tangy ui'~ail~, Seagate and ~an~eade are la ~ soils. The foil Sure ~ ~ ~lanever eun~y lisp ~aeade yell drir~ed~ and Seagate a saeh p~erl~ drained. Saafie i on the l ~dri foils "~" ~i~, Which means ~~ ~a contain areas o~ elnd. ~ sha~ld be noted accordin ~o the Sail Sure o~ ~e~u hoer noun the ~in~i~a~ior~ ~r de~lin i~h car i~l~ou basn~en~s and for small corr~rnercial hu~~din s is e~ere for alb o~ the soils on ~ ~. The lir~ior~s are due o I~in ndlc~r refines. n adequate drainage and n~inenance flan is needed for su~a~le housing. The ~.. ~1rn~~ Corps o ngineer has federal ~uridiior~ o~rer ~ Pern~i~s and the ~~lR; ep~. aver Cuii: Ira ale ~~ridi~ian over 0 ~e~i~s under the den ~a~er ~~. Se~ore d~~uring possible eland areas developers should onac these agencies ~o ire Colin i~~ S~a~ and federal r~uia~an. e, e, 4/28/04 ~5I~3~~0~~ ~.~: ~2 ~~~~4~~~~. C~7~ PAS ~~~~4 ., ~h~~ ~ev~icprn~nl h :~~s r~a~#~d rniderti~n far its ~orater but i i~t~d cut~ide the pity Licit. u~diviicr~ and~c i;;~vel~~r~ertt r~vi'~r outid~ #ha pity iirrt~ i handi~d y H Hnov~~ aunt. ~~~ Cif ~~tr : iu~std, t~ are ~ mini~um Maur ~4~ infra#ruct~re it~rn~ that ~Isa rnut b~ r~vi~~r~d ~y tha ~ i~ ~~ . The~~ #a~r ferns ire; 1~ Thy 'ate y ~'~~ will nc~ to ~ ~nst~~Icd to ~i~ ~tan~~~d.~ a~ad ~pr~ations. } ~'h~ ~~r sy~~ ~r~•~ ~v~~] nc~dd t~ ~~ in~~allc~l t~ Cif ~~` ~~ur~# ~t~r~da~~s aid ~~ic~tiv~, ~ 'the tor~~t~ r ;~y~tcm ~~~~ need to ba rv~d ~~ pity, ~aunt~~ and tats ~vith ~m~t~ i~~rx~d a~ r~i ~,i,, 4~ Thy ~ i~ : ~~~ to n~ w~~h ~ith~~ ~ N~~'~ rn~~i~~~ ~a~t ~#dards ~o ~n~~~d~ Raves rr; aid r~it~f wa~~ ~vi~t~as. ~ ~ ~~ ,~~~~~err~e~-.~, ~~~r~r~~ o ~~~~~ are ~ot[vw. ni w ~ ~.~i nY~u~~~ IIiM~IYYYIYYYYIYs ~~ Public tJtiiiti hay Zvi ~~~~r ~ rues# fay wa~~r cap~[t~ end ~~ p~ov~d~ #~~ ~stim~d ~,~~~ ~~ ~~r #h'r~ dcv~faprnent, ~ ~~[o latter ~a~ provided #~ ~hn ~~rrnn y h~c[t Davis ~n August f5, X003 ~#if 'iF~'~ the avaiiaa~li~y ~~ E~ ~#~r to ~v~ho fast end t, ~~ the pia~s #or the ~t~~ ~};~;#ension to N~v~~C~~ East hay ~~~n r~viar~d b~ ~ub~ic Utili#~es end ~~ ~~caRt~ble ~lth one ~k~;li~c~tion, ~`he detail fir the -inch ioio~r~ needs to he r~piac~d rth ~a ity' n~v~ detail. ~} The pans ~nr the wa#~~ ~+:~ytenion iVavaho e~ hay n reviewed bar ~'ublic #i~itie~ end ere accoptab[e uv~th twa ~ ~~~li'~ti~n~~ Tf~e de'~ii for the }inch blo~r-cf needs be ~eplacad nth the sty's new detail. ~[~ i~ p~apaed water m~~n should be lcceted ~nde~ the ephe[t pe~en~ent i~ ~t~eet t~~e~ are pr~a ~;+_ yr er~tici#ed [n the t"ure, ~} The pity`s revs of t n:,=,ts and Q~ainage yes af~e~ an appliaa#~~n is r~~~iv~d fay a i #orr~ete~ D;s'a~ ~'~~5rrnit. As ~ ~and~ion for o~#~[ning' pity ~rter, the deve[o~er gust wiilin~ to oor~forn'M v~ith either ~~ ly ~~ ~~~T minlun~ s#reet st~r~dards include pr~em~nt end righ#~~~r yid#hs~ ~ t~;~ ~n~ir~ring wil[ c~ener~ ~ev~ cornrnonks vn #re~ and ~raina~ and issue a i t~at+ ~r I~i~charg~ rrni# when #here review camr~ents ere eddre~ed. fit appear #c ~e t~et the pro~os~ ~ ;rt~eet~ ~~i steed ~~ n~e~rn nth ~t~ndards aceept~~[a to ND~T~ as their fal[ a [ill short of R~ .1:~~~d~~}} ~~ T4~e utili aan~tru~ti~n ~~jaun~ ire #~ have tine ~it~' stamps a~ epprava~l when its ~e#er is to e~ctended to sense a d~ v ~:~ioprnent iacated ou#~~de the pity i~im i~ ~~~~J~~~~~ ~~: ~L ~~L~J~~~~~1 _~ ••.. , i.l~ ' ~ f ,5 ~'~' **~~ J ~ ~~ +rre ~'} . bIi ~ ~ ,,~~ •r ~` a ~ + '. ~i~~ 4 rrr I `~ ~' w L~ ~.` `w ~ V~ 1 ~- 1 w ~ m d ~s U O V I/~f ~+ ~ Y rra.wryi K '~ , ~' ' V ~ ~i ~, ~ ' [J yf T ~I~F h ^ y 1 i 4 _... STAND9R~ DETAIL 2" BLOWOFF DETAIL ~~~~ ~- ~~~ ~~~ ~r 1~1~ ~~ Q~ ~~~~~~ ~ W~l,~f ~I~I~~~~ QF`~fG~ ~~~ ~. ~~~~Vii~ fr,±F1~1l~h~f~~fl1l~~~R~1~ ~~ ~ 1R ~ny.S ~~~T~~~ 7~~~~~~~ ~~ ~~ ~ i ~~,+ ''~ ~ ~~ Devi ~ +~~ ~~ ~~~ ~ ~~~b ~~~ ~ j~ ~~ ~~ ~~~~~ n~ ~~~ ~~~~ ~~ ~.~~g~~~ th~~ ~~ ~h~ ~~~~ ~~ ~~ ~~~~~ f ~~ t~ ~~~ion ~~~~~~ ~ ~4~ ~ ~ ~~N ~~ ~~~~ ~~~r~ ~~~ ~t i~~t t • ~ ;~,;~,~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~t~~~ir~~1~Y1.i~~ ~ /~ ~y1~lg~]yl i[~1. i'l41~~[ ~ 'A 1~^ ~~!""~ ~'~ ~ 1Ei ~^AIr~4~~ ~~~~1~R"~~~ ~~L~WY~T~~~ ~11'~~l4 fY~ A/~~~ ~r~ x ~ ~a. ~ii~a~~ 7L+ 1 R .. IYYYYYIN ~~ 4+ ~ +' ~~~ ~~~ P~~~~ r ~ ~' ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~ ~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~F~, ~wwwww~w wrf~ ~~~ {~~r ~ E ~~~1~ ~~~ ~~ ~~~ ~~~f f c~ ~n~ ~~ ~~ ~ ~~t~~ ~~~~~~~~ ~~ '~ i~~ ~~~ ~~~~~ APR-28-04 WED 08.58 AM 911 CENTER FAS N0, 910 34l 4038 P. 03 ~.~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~ C~..L~~ ~rc~' ~l ~~~~ r ~~h~vu pavis To: a~ Bu~~eslN~NH ~~4~~D1~~0~ ~8:~2 ANi ~c; ~~cc; archive} ~u~jec~: Addenb~ry Sari, I~ee~ location of fre hydrant placement, lef~er from ~i~y for water flow req~iremen~s. Thanks Matt Davis dew Hanover bounty Firs 11arshaf X30 Market Place Dr. Suite ~ ~ IJVilr~i~gton~ i~ X8403 Phone ~ 0-798-74~ ~ Fax 9~0-798-705 ~nn~thar~.davi dci.wi I ~µ min~~n.r~c.u ~~ 0~0120~~ 02:5 i~M 11~ark, ~'o: ~ar~t.~ir~k~eraci.~ril~nir~gton.r~c.~s cc: sburge~s aco.ne-banover.nc.us, ~bcc: archive} ub~eo~: ~~: Addenbury and lenburn aAddenhu~r ubdkv~sion. I received a nail dram a 1VIr. Cahn Bresnan. NSr lreman vas concerned about the County TRC not receiving any comments l~xv. you regarding his subdivisions, Addenbury and Glenb~arn aAddenbury. ~ gave Sam Buxgss at the County ~ coil and discussed the situation with hi~n. Sam indicated that he sent the plans to the iVIP~ and aisv stated that it was not a urge subdivision. dam aisv said that ifyau could send hi~n a chart email stating that you have looked at ~e plans and have na comments that would be great. Mr, burgess did indicate that we need to do this be~'vre SPM wed. 1*Iope~u~iy that is the day you are reading this email. l~yvu are nod around an fed 7'll dig through. your aI'l;ice. Ta talk tv lVlr. burgess his number ~s 79~W71 GS, and il'yau desire to talk to 1VIr Berman the applicant, his number is 471 1234. I did call ~r l3errnan back and let hi~n know that since this was such a small project that most likely the P~ would not have any cv~n~.ents. I also let horn know that the County sends the IVIP~ these subdivision plans as a ~aurteaus and he should not worry that a lack of cvnarnents from the PO will hold up his TIC review. ~vnat.han David wilmingtvn 11~1~0 Punning Division City o~ ilmingtan P.~, l3ax 181 3a5 Chestnut t, '~ilmingtan, NC. 240-I814 9 I 0 34 ~ 3234IFax 9~ D 34 ~ 78 Y D jonathan.david aci.v~il~ningtan.nc,ns ~.~3, Box ~ ~4~~1r~gf~~t, ~!~ ~~~~,~~~ ~~: X10-~~~ ~~x. ~~~~4~~ T~, ~~ ~ur~~ ror~: ~rr~n - rrruwwiwnwwwnrnrnr~~ ~i~~~~i ~~~~~~ ~r I~ari~~l K D~~r ~r~~s1n~ U~d~~la~~ ~ r~s Creek i h~va ~,~~au~h~~ ~~v~~~'d ~h~ ~I~Nimin~a~y ~i pinr~~ far ~h~ ~'aiiarn~ prapa~ed pr~o~~c~~ end aver ~~ oh~~i~ ~t~~ ~ ~-dd~nbur~ - ~h p~a~l a~ ~i~~ n~n~ ~~~~n~u aura to ~h~ ~~II"II~ on ah~ rn~~ u~ m~ iua~ v~#h ~in~ a~ sYh~ ~~~` ~~va qull~ng auk a~ A~d~ur~. po4~ it~i huffy ~raund ~h~ curvy an N~V~I~d~ o~ ~h~ ~ul~d~~ ~~~' ~i~nb~r~ Ca~~ ~~ ~u~ ~~~r~~~~~p~o~ Huh ~aam ~a ~g~ e~c~ ~ai~~c~~ ~~~ ~ra~~i~g ~ r~a~~r~g ~n~~a~ ~~ aut a4 ~h~ ar~~nar~~~.M~ju~~ ~y ~to~m~I did~fr~ ~a~ ~ha ~ui~f~~~r,~ ~d ~a -~ in d and ~y ~u t~~a~~~p~an. Y~av~[~~ ~a ~r~~~ - ism pia $~ ~~~~ '~i one V~i~~ ~~~'~ ~~~~~ ~a~ ~araiin~ ~e~ci~ ~aa~l ~d i~~~r ~a i~~~~~~ r~~y ]ut~ps auk ~~ ~a an ~ . ~'~ ~~ b~~~r i~ ~ha ~u~r~ ~a ~~ ona m~ ~ ~~~~ ~~ mui~n~il~ ~i an 4h~ ~V~ ~id~, ~~~ ~~'~ u~t~ ~~ ~ ii~~ h~~f~~r ~i~~ia~t, ~ 1 I~~ ~h~ ~an~~~~nit~ pi~ccd ~h~ ~~~o~n~~~g V~#~~~' R~~k ~~~. ~~a~ curieu~~~~~~~~h~~ will i~ du ~a ~iia~i pq~~~~~~a~ ~~ ~ ~m~tadi~#~ viai~l one' i~ ~~o~ n~~ ~ ~v~~~ ~a ~~~ a~~ cv~pi~~ a~~~i p~a~ ~r pie~~ii~i rih~ ~~~~~1 ~~~~ ~d: ~~ ~ ~ new xnxou~a cnuxrr scxoas ~~-~~~~~4~~~8~ NI~C ~~J ~RAG~ P~1E A .. .. r..~, ~ ~ . ,~- r • , ~,, M~~~IA~, AYI~~ s , `' h 1 r~ 1 ' ri , 1' ~ 1 ' y~ h ~« ~ ~ , 1' F~ 1`, 1 , r i 1 ~~, a.,. « 1 ~ ~ . r ~ a~ `«1. ~ « ~ ' ~ ~ 1 ~ ~' ~ ` ~ ' ~ ~ ^ ~I .., 5 ~ ~ 1h~ i r• 1 } • ~ ,1 * 1« F 11' ~ 4 M ,. ~: 1 Fri ~~~ ~~~ ~1« •• ~ .. , . 1:.. ~; ~ « « 'A~1 « A. ' ~ 1h« ~ 1 •~ ~~ ~~ h 1 < ' S ~ i 1 y :i Ih~ ~~~ ~ ,~~ ~, . ~Y ;~ . ~ s~.~~ior~ ~~~or~, a~~ ~ a } ,., t.« and P~n~ ~~~c 1~~~' ~~~`~{~a~ ~I~d.~, ~~rd ~ ~ ~ ~ , ~I; , . H~ ~ s~~o~s, a rF ' ' ' ~~ ~ , ~;~ fr . •~ , Tian ~~u o ~ , t . , ~ ,.~ ~ .,,~ 1 1 . . ~, i , 1 ~ ~ ..~~ ,. 1: r~ , ~ « ' ~~1 i ' ' '1, ~ ~ ~.~ . } . . ..,. ~ j' #~ ~r~ , .1 ~ ',a" " .~ ~~ 1 ~•Y F ~ '' ~'' « ~ 1 .`~~ «!~S` « ~~ :~ ' • i ~ i 4 1 I S ~~ ~ ~ ~ a t<~ • ~ 1' ' 11 51 ~ ' ~ ~ .! i~~ ~ 5 ~5'; 1' I r ~ ~~ r [} `+ * r ; 1 i. 1., • • « 1 ,` .1~ 1,1~ , « aIn ~ r'~ i, ~. 3' i - 1' i ~ h ~ ~ Y r . ~, ~. « i.~l h ~ ~ ,~1 ~ ~ r i ~ i ~ • ~' . ~ «' i ~ ~ f', « r y ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 1« ~ IS ~~ ~ 1« ~' 1 ~ 1 11~ i ~, ~ ~j1 , ~ ~, i ~ 4:.. Beth l~icardi 70: Sam B~rgesslNl~C~NI~~ ~~ _.~~~ '~~`'. ;~ p41~910~~ ~2:0~ PM cc. ~hcc. ar~h~ve} Yb xj~iy .~ x. ~ Subject. Re: Development Name & Streets ~~ All names are approved ~~oth panning and ~~ ~} and on reserve for John. Bath P~cardi Neer Hanover ~o~nty Planning Departrnent 9~0.~98.1~3 Sari Burgess Sam Burgess To: Beth PicardilN~C aNH~ 04~~91~004 ~ x:07 PM cc: ~bcc: archlve~ Subject: Development Name & Streets Beth Please advise uvhether the falloing names are ok for a proposed development located off Navaho Troll. Addenbury ~Dev Name} Addenbury o~rt lennb~rn court Thanks, Sam PR~~~T NAME: ADDI~NBURY „~,~,,. ~]A~T~: M~~~~4 RE~~E'4~~D ~: ,.,ANT__ ~C~i~T~ LAS" APPL~~TI~N R~~~~RI~~ Any pezson or corporation desiring to construct a new subdivision .rand which is to be dedicated as ,public, rr~ust submit the following information to the District l~ngineer for proper evaluation in order to obtain a certi ficate of approval as .required by forth Carolina en.eral Stature 136- l X2.6. {See page ~9 far Stature}. ~~ the aew subdivision road Ito be dedicated as public or privates will connect to a state system road, a driveway permitlencroaahm~ent agreement authorising construction on State riht~o~ way must be obtained from the Division of Highways laefare beginning any canstructiar~. Application should be made to the District l~ngineer having jurisdiction in the area. I . dour complete site layouts with vicinity map, including any future expansions anticipated. 2. horizontal alignment indicating general curve data on site layout plan. 3. Vertical alignnnent indicated by .percent grade, P.I. station, vertical curve leng~, and k-value, on site layout plan. Existing ground profile along centerline should also be included. 4. Typical section indicating the pavement design and width of pavement. All slopes shown in accordance with drawings on pages 39 and 44 oI'this rnanuaI. include soil analysis and classification to justify pavement design ar use raup II pavement design on page ~~, 5. Submission of hydraulics plans and drainage calculations are required, A copy of U.S. Ceadetic Surve}~ or other contour mappings showing drainage areas are also required. Note: A sample standard pipe-siring char. t i Shawn on page S}. ~, Four copies of the recorded..,plat are to be furnished to the District engineer after certification or upon application I'ar State Maintenance. 7. Lot Iir~es shall not extend beyond the right~a~ way Iine, See North aroiina Transportation and Highway Laws, chapter 136, article 7, section 136-1D2. for additional information on right-off way ~vidth and lot lines, See page ~ far statute}. Eour separate site plans far drive ray permits will be required prior to construction within NDDT Right-off way, {See pages 36 and 37 far permit}. 9. dopy of erasion. contro.I plans and permit, approved by Department o~I' nviranr~ent and Natural Resources or local govexnnnent, may be required by the District engineer, See page 35. I Q. Utility encroachrr~ent agreements required. For agreement forms, please contact District .l~n ineer . g ~ Additional Comments: PRV~DE INF~RIVIAT~ON LISTED ABOVE p~R 1?REL~IfNAR~" ALAN A~~R~VA.L FRAM NCD~T. SUBMIT ~CDC~T .DRIV~~wAY PERMIT A~~LIATIDN. SUBMIT ENCR~~CHMENT .ACRE~MI~NTS I~OR PR~~OSED UTILITY" ~NSTALLATI~N wITH~I RIOT ~F ,~ ~F NA,VAH~ TRAIL. `. ref: ~~D~T's ~ub~ivisi~n wads Mini~~n Con~tn~ction ~t~ndards dat~~ Ja~uury ~Q~O page l~-1'l. Adam Rahha~ Ta: Sam B~rges~NH~ aNI~ ~~: ~hc~: archive} .~` ` ~~~ ~:::. 6 ~~~: 0~10~12aa~ a8:~a A~ Suh~ect: Addenb~ry Prelim. d~ ~ 39 ._ .,. n~ . Sari, sewer capa~i~y a~railahle fia the site, they need ~a meek new farm req. Adam Rahhal, Staff engineer New Hanave~ Jaunty Engineering Department Once ~9~ a~~98~?~4 Fax ~~~a} 198~7a~ arahhal anl~cgov.cam Adam Rahhal Adam ~ahh~l Ta: Sari i~ur~es~NF~ a31~912~a4 aS:~a PM cc: `~" ~.`. ~b~ect. N~v~ho ~a~t & Ie~~ sketch} sd~~ X39 Sam, you may release sketch plan; Sewer capacity available, they need ~a meet new ~~arm regs, TO: NEW HANOVER COUNTY OFFICES: O Zoning Enforcement / Hines d Engineering / Rahhal /Craig d SCS /Miller C/f Emergency Services /Lee Q Fire Marshall / Davis GZl E911 /Hewlett O Environmental Health / Harvell TO: OUTSIDE AGENCIES: O Bell South /Wood O~ Corps of Engineers / Pennock O NC Coastal Management / Rosich m County Schools / Wayne {Z1 NCDOT/Law G~7 Environmental Management / Lewis D Volunteer Fire Department O CP&L/Cobb ¢~ MPO / Tlnkler ~ czy u~: e:~:,~ C bP..p~..) FROM: 1~ Burgess, S. O Stewart, B. DATE: ~_~~, a 4 ~~ r~ ~M~9- 1 _ J~~- h d ~ y :~ I~~:i7[ } :F R ~iihf"illy A "7 ~~ 77 The P~a~~ing D~pa~~m~r~# ~ ~.ocaf~d ~ ~~ ~rk~ ~f~ce ~~~v~ ~i~e ~~ ~r ~~1'I"~~~lgfor~, X8403