Anchors Bend_Ph1_20071228_1246_Larry_Sneeden_ATTASP Associates, F,A, Ir. Jinn ~annucei ~Ie ~anaver ~aunt~ engineering ~epa~rtn lent ?3 ~ C a~rernrnent tenter Drive, ui~e r OC il~nington# forth Carolina ~~~~3 fie; nehors Bend 5ubdi~isian Phase 1 Bending ~Rev~i~n ~} ESP Pro~e~t l~n. TB3~.~400 ~~' Mr. ~['lnnLlCC1. Decernb~r ~8, ?0~7 ESP As~acia~es is subn~it~ng a dine item estYmate for un~nihed eant~c~ien facilities that wi11 be bonded far ~~ Atlantic Blue anagernent, Tnc. as part a~'~he Phase 1 plat appraval far ~nchars Bend, Tree Mifigat~on al~per lnche~ NhiC Fee per 3 Inches . Neuv 3 caliper Inch Trees Planted ~ . , ~~ Tree Mitigation Fee ~-,-~ ::~ Tree ~litigatran Fee per Lai ~2g5 Lots} Late l~ecarded in Phase ~ Tree l~itigatio~n Fee to Bond street Signs in The Preserve Street Sign Cots to Bond Tree Mitigation Fee to Bond Fire Hydrants {~ ~ 500 Ea.} NCaDT Basic Letter or~fingency ~ ~°la Total Bond Amount to Record Plat ~, fi9 S * ' LV V rL+a X99 $ ~G5,~05 ,. $ ~,~93,fi8 ;` ~ ~ ~~ a $3~a each - $5,9ag.0a ~~~~~.~~ ~ o,~oa,no 5~~.Ua 3,55~,~5 1~ ~~~~Yi.4~ir Please do not hesitate to contact nee if you any addi~ienal comments ar concerns, r. Edge pre~iausly subn~ii~ed a bond in the amount of 4~,5 X4.88, and will leave that in effect, ~~~~~~ ~ xa r ~~ ~~~~~~~f sincerely, ~~~` (~~r~1C,~ ~ ~'~ ~~ ~~~~ ~~ ~1'~~pM*~rrt~r~~ ~ !~ • ~~~ V ~* ~ ~ ~~~ T ~i~ ~P Associates, ~.A. ~ ~~~. Ip ~ R Q* ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ art la ~ ~ ~~ * ~ w ~ ^ w ~ ~ j ~r ~~ ~ ~. Lav~rence 8needen ,~r.~ P.E. ~~~ ~.~~~~ ~~ *~ ~~~rra~:c~~t~~~e ~ ~ ~~v 7 ~1 ~ l~acine l~ri~~e • ~1~ilmii~~tnn, NC ?~~?~~ ~~0.~~~.G6~$ • fa~.9~Or313.G8?3 ~v~v~~~~es~a~socl~t~s.cr~~t~