covington 2006_correspondenceA~una.Red~i wilr~i n ,~ .'-.. ~onnc.gov ~.. k' ~4141~06 ~3;~3 PM Sam, To; sh~~gesnhcgov.cor~ c~; Mike.~Co~lask~Cwiimingt~nr~c,gav ubje~#: Co~ington,Perfo~~anee ~esidentiai development ~~ don't ha~re any comments except ~o make sure the plan a.a~clude sidewalks for all the sta~eet network. Also the connocta.~rity to other streets, we shou.d see wh~.ch side a,t makes more practa.cal ~.~. other words which s~.de peop~.e would Aso ~, mare . Tr~.p generations for 73 res~.dentia~. singlo ~am~.ly units ; A~rg , wookday vo~.ume : X99 Ali pa.k hour: 55 ~M peak hour: 74 Saturday 2-way volume: 737 Thank You, Aruna S Redda. Associate Transportat~,on Planer City o~ Wilmington / G~ilmin~ton 1~P0 Wilm~,z~gton, NC 2$42 Tel: 9~.~~~~1 581 ~a~. 91~-~~~. ~~64 www.wmpo.org ~~~ ~~ : ~~~ ~~-1 ~-0~ ~~ D~ ~ ~8 ~~ 9~ 1 C~~~~~ FAX H0, 910 341 4038 P. 02 (r ¢~-~tL ~~ ~~~ ~~ ~~~~ ~ ~~~ ~~. ~ ~ ~~ ~~ ~~~ . ~- ~~ .._.,... . ...:.......:.:...:.:.. Greg ~"hor~~s~n To: David Hollil~HCN~{C °~~`.;~ 07 03 ~ c~: Jiro CraiINWC~NHC, Ker~p 8~rpea~lNHC~NHC, Sam ,. .~., 1 I o06 0~0o AM ! C~ HC ~~: ;~ _ _ Burgess NH N ,.5~_~~ ~~_4hk `.~~, '~ subject; Pe: gill Claris S~hdiviion[ just granted to make pure it ~aS clear to all, it is the opinion of County ~-anagement that the Bill Clark uhdivision should not he held up due to the failure of the owner of the parent paroel to comply Frith the sewer ordinance. if easements are needed across the Camelot track to aClo~r the District's system to expand appropriately then vue ere to move for~rard wig condemnation. Gregory ~, Thompson, P.~,, P.L.S. County engineer lVew ~lar~over County Engineeringlvl~ater & Sever Department X39 Market Place Driver Suite ~ ~~ Uvilmington, NC X8403 X91 ~} 798W7~ 39 Pax ~9~ 0~ 798-705 ~ ~ ~ ~; ~ ~ .~~~~ q~DU3TRY Q~ New JFIanover County Planning Department ~avrd ~. weaver Acting Pranning ~irecto~ dune 9, ~0 C~un~rAnnex Bui~d~n~ ~01~ar~C~tp~~~~ Dr~v~, u~~e 1 ~ V~i~ming~an, N~ ~8~4~3 P 9~0.7~8.716 ~ ~ ~ ~. ~98.7~~3 ~~~ ~': 794-4877 .fir, ~'hon~a . rohnson, fir. ward and smith ~.~. fox ~ ~~~$ 'ilrr~~ngton, ~8~0~~70~5 fie: ~ii1 iar ubd~viion ear fir. Johnson, "ha.n you for your ~.~c~ious cor~epondence ~~ :ail note received today. 7 understand your aruent that the creation ~~ your client's bract from the an~e~ot parent ~arcei did not constitute a subdivision under the a~~licabie statuy language. According, ~ askeai FZanning taf~ to schedule ilflx. 1a~~k for the ~uiy i ~, Technical ~e~~c~v omxn~ttee es~ion starting at Z;oO prn. ~~•. ~lar1~ ill need to con~~ly with a~~ subdivision requirerrients applicable to ,~ specific parcel. please contact ~e with any questions, c: any ~3urgess, Panning sincerely, e~ F. urpeau, deputy bounty Attorney ~~Icb New Hanover bounty Planning Depari~ment D~v~d ~". w~ave~r Actin ~~annfng ~~rec~o~ June oOG fir, ~o~ ~3alland, P ara,oun~e ~ng~r~eerl~g l7 aerne ~.r~ve, uzte ~0 '~li~.gton, ~ ~~~-0 fie: o~r~ng~o~a {er~orn~nce F~an~ bear 1V~r. Ballard: Counfiy ~n~ex ~~i~c~ing ~~ ~har~Ce~~lace Drive, a~ ife 1 ~~ I~r~mingf~n, ~ 2 X40 ~ ~~~,~9~.~'Ib F 9~ 0.79, 7Q~~ regular seszon on .~~~,~ ~, ZoO~, ~~~ oun~~' '~ec~„~ica~ e~rxew on~i~tee ~" ~o~ed iL ~ '1'1 ~ r ~~~ to con~~nue the o~~n~on project ~n~~l the util~t~ ea~e~en~ issue was resoled botweer~ the oun.ty and the currer~tl~or.er owner ~~ the propert~r. Please contact our office once tho issue is sett . Xcd anal Planning sta~~ will place the pxoposed project bacl~ or the ~'~. agenda. Attending the '~ eet~ng were Acting airn~a~ ate. burgess ~P~nxn ~taf ~a~r~d olli . g ~ bounty ng~ueer~r~g}, Arena ~edcli ~it~r_our~t~ 11~P~}, and a~ r~swoZd Byre Scrv~ces ,Also ~ } attending the .eet~ng were dolt Moore bounty Lea~~, ~obhy Barris ~Plannxn staf Tom asebe g ~} e Fire Services}, ~i ~annucc~ ~ngineering~~ and you. contact nee if yon have addition. questions. ~ a~ be reached ax ~~~-741. cc; Da~rid Collis, oun.t~r engineering incexely ~~emp ~urpeau, ount~r ~cg, ~ ~ oar .. , file . A, u~rges~ Planner 4 r - < ,~-;,,Y ,~, .~Narr~n Lei To: dam fur ~ssINH <<.:~~~~~,~ ~ ~ NBC ~:-.~~ ;~~. ~ ~ r a51~ ~I~o~6 0~~3~ PM ~c: ,;,.`~ 4A~ 9~ ' ran ~., :~° Sub~ec#: Prei~mi~ary Pans Sam, . Following are my comments on the most recent batch of pre~ir~lna cans, or far the rnave to Marl~et place has ut rY p ry delay...........the p everything else in my life an the back burner! ~ Fewer Tra~a~ - This entire pra~ect is within the flood zone. As such, l would by e that an r construction be re aired to be eieva p y es~dentlal q ted. otherwise, l would ~ecarnrnend no residential construction be allowed on the site. ~ whiskey bluff -This entire project is within the flood zone. As such l would ho a that an ' construction be re aired to be elevated. ~ Y res~dent~al q otherwise, l would recomrnend no resldentlal construction be allowed on the site. ~ Middle yaks - Access to the proposed townhouses at each end at Middle ~al~s drive will be ve difficult due to the narrow road and no place to torn around at the ~ The I~i~~a~ a ~~ end of each street. g att's ~.a~di~g ~ ~ fiver o acres of this proposed development are located within the 1 g~~year flood zone. l would recornrnend that all residential construction within the flood zone b elevated, Many of the cul~de-sacs {or courts have a short turnin e ~ g radius that will present challenges for large emergency response vehicles. ~ Belle Meade C~~mon ~ !have no significant issues with this project. Cvvi~gton - !have no significant issues with this ro'ect. The sho ' p 1 rt turning radius an the cal-de-sac at the end of l~enningtan Drive will be a challenge for large emergency res onse vehicles. ~ sycamore C~~ve - The short turnin radius cu ; - p g I de sacs off Julia ~rlve will be a challenge far large en~erger~cy response vehicles. warren Lee Director New l-~anaver County department of l~mergency Management David Hollis Ta: sarr~ BurgesslNHC NHC 0~18~~0~~ 1 ~:OG P! cc: Cary lVicsmithlNHC ~ NHC, Jaynes IannuccilNHC NHC, Jim CraigINHC~NHC subject: Cavington -Ogden Lake - sD# ~ ~ 73 Sam, Far: Covington ~ Ogden Lake - D# ~ ~ 7 Lr~gfrreerir~~ a~nr~entF~: County fewer currently available frorr~ outhside Plant, Project is in the Northeast Interceptor Boundary, fewer maratarium effective May 7, Oa6. Furthermore, there i na guarantee that sewer capacity will be available at the time of building permit application, Increments of no mare than ~ 00,00 gpd per phase to individual developments are available, on a first~came, first-serve basis, Can proceed with subsequent phases when certificate of occupancy far 84°lo of buildings are issued far 80°l~ of previous phases. fewer design must meat NI~C specifications and must be appraved by separate future submittal to NHC. Lift station location and position yet to be determined. Add County Engineer easement acceptance nate~ County IJllater currently available. vVater design must meet NHC specifications and must be approved by separate future submittal to NHC, Off-site Utility easements required for water and sewer. All off-site easements must be satisfied per NHC prior to preliminary plat approval. 10} Utility Easement an frontage at all lots along right-af-ways. Easement ~rif1 be Public, not "Nan-rnun~cipal'", ~0' Utility Easement required along entire perimeter of property. vl~etland I Recreatianl Common 1 Open space areas labeled DrainagelUtility Easement also. Pond lot under drainage easement. sedimentation and Erasion Control permit required. lViust comply with NHC tormwater Ordinance. Authorization-to-Construct permit required prior to development, ar land disturbance. AT certification required prior to retarding. Typical road cross-section must meet NCDOT standards, Developer or Lot Owner can not place vertical obstructions, fences, walls, etc. in easements, All easements subject to revision based an appraved water, sewer, storm drainage plans and as~built ~~~J~T NAME: Covinatan ~AT~; a41121ab doe ~ .-- _ ~~'~~~'~~ ~3Y~ _.., hence ~ „~~~,~,~,.,,... APPL~C~-T~~~ , ~,C~~~ll~l~T Any person or corporation desiring to construct new s~l~division raad which is to be dedicated as public, must submit the following in~oration to the District Engineer for proper evaluation in order to obtain a certificate of approval as required by North Carolina general Stature ~3-~10.. See page Z9 far Stature}. ~f the new sul~di~ision raad Ito be dedicated as public or private} will connect to a state system raad, a driveway permitlencraachment agreement autl~orixin construction an State right-a~ way must be obtained fro. the Division of ~Tighways before beginning any construction. Application should be made to the District l~ngineer having ~ urlsdtetron In the area. i. dour complete site layouts with vicinity snap, including anyfuture expansions anticipated. 2~ Horizontal alignment indicating general curve data on site layout plan, ~r Vertical alignment indicated by percent grade, l~~T. station, vertical curve length, and l~:-value, an site layout plan. Existing ground prole along centerline should also be included. 4. Typical section indicating the pavement design and width of pavement. All slopes spawn in accordance with drawings on pages ~9 and 40 of this rrtanual. Include soil analysis and elassi~cation to justi~l'y pavement design or use raup TI pavement design an page 2~. Submission oi'hydraulic plans and drainage calculations are requiredr A copy of U,S. Ceadetic Survey or other centaur mappings showing drainage areas are also required. =Note: , sample standaxd pipe-i~ir~g chart is shown on page ~$}. ~. Four copies o~ the recorded plat are to be furnished to the District l~ngineer after certification or upon application for State Maintenance. 7. Lot lines shall nit extend beyond tlae right-off way line. See North Carolina Transportation and Highway Laws, chapter I3b, article ~, section i3y1a~,~ I'or additional in:~orrnation on right-of way width and lot lines, See page ~9 for statute}. S. Pour separate site pions for driveway permits will be required prier to construction within NCT~~T Right-o~~ way, See pages 6 and 37 for permit}. 9. Copy of erosion control plans anal permit, approved by .l~epartrnent of l~nvironment and Natural Resources or local government, nay he required by the District Engineerr See page 35. l~, Utility encroachment agreements required. (For agreement farms, please contact district >~ngineer~. Additional ~amments~ SUBMIT THIS ABOVE LISTED ~Nl~'~RMATI~N PDT ~RE~,IMTNAY PLAN REVTE ^" . RC~ADwAY fMPR~VEMI~NTS MAY BE lU~T~D P~STBLI~ RTCHT iN RrCT ~T l 'T ~~J.' J./Aa1.! .[ l~ ~ 1 1 TT~T~J..iT~~J~r PIWIIMIIM 4UWIWWWAIIWIWIIIAill~ilrni~ IrPI111~11A1r1AYr _. WIYIMIIInMiAm Yhrrrr~ Rif: NC~QT's Subdivision Roads Minimum onstructio~ ,standards dated Jan~~ry ~QQD page 1~-'l 1. Tom aehee To: Say ~urgesslNHC ~ NWC 0~1061~00~ 0~:~5 ~lll~ c~: ubjec~: ~~v~ng~on dam, ! gent o~rer the map o~ onvingtan and i don't have any problems with the hydrant layout. Work has not started at phis sight as ofi yet. Tom MEIVIORAI9TDUM Apri]6,2006 To: Sam Burgess/Baud Stewart County Planning From: Mick Wayne ~ ~~ Subject: Covington {formally Ogden Lakes) Current district lines for the Covington subdivision are Blair and Eaton Elementary, Trask Middle, and Laney High schools. Thank you for the opportunity to provide input on behalf of New Hanover County Schools. X814 C~~oL~~~a B~,c~€ ~o~Q • Vlli~~~n~~~or~, No~z~ C~~o~~~~ 8~~ ~ • P~or~~ ~~1 ~} ~~-~~8~ • ~~x ~~ i 0~ ~4-~~88