2008-12-19 SM Exhibitsn~ ~n Exhibit Book page 2= 1`IEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF EQUALIZATION AND REVIEW ~cz t~i o{ ~~ ce I, Jonathan Barfield, Jr., do solemnly swear that I will support and. maintain the Constitution and laws of the United States, and the Constitution and laws of North Carolina not inconsistent therewith, and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of my office as a member of the Board of Equalization and Review of New Hanover County, North Carolina, and that I will not allow my actions as a member of the Board of Equalization and Review to be influenced by personal or political friendships or obligations, so help me God. r~ y` ~ A Fr' s,, ~... f., J ATHAN BARF~ D,~.~R. Sworn. to and subscribed before me this the Nineteenth day of December, 2008. _~'_.1~1~- __ _. Ted Davis, r., Chair n Ne«~ Hanover County Board of Commissioners c Exhibit Book ~ Page ~~ NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF EQUALIZATION AND REVIEW Oath of ~~ice I, Jason R. Thompson, do solemnly swear that I will support and maintain the Constitution and laws of the United States, and the Constitution and laws of North Carolina not inconsistent therewith, and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of my office as a member of the Board of Equalization and Review of New Hanover County, North Carolina, and that I wili not allow my actions as a mei-nber of the Board of Equalization and Review to be influenced by personal or political friendships or obligations, so help me God. AS N R. THOMPSON Sworn to and subscribed before me this the Nineteenth day of December, 2008. Ted Davis, r., Cha an New Hanover County Board of Commissioners Ll~ ~L~