Anchors Bend_20081218_Chad_RiversBur ess, Sam Prom: Chad Rivers [crivers@espassociates.camj Sent: Thursday, December 18, 2008 4:18 PM To: Burgess, Sam Cc: Bart Edge Subject: RE: Anchors Bend - NCDOT Phase 1 Basic Letter -121508 Attachments: CLS PE Cert's for NCDOT Phase (1 &2), 3.pdf Good afternoon Sam, As indicated on the PE Certification attached that were signed by Larry Sneeden the NCDOT PE cert for Phase 1 &2 consisted of the portion of the project called the Preserve or Lots 1-54. Phase 3 (relative to NCDOT} was the area defined by lots SO-79 ~ 133-153. Sorry far the confusion but there is no Phase 2 basic letter relative to NCDOT; NCDOT's letter for the first phase should have referenced phases 1 &2 like the PE Certification does. The NCDOT Basic Letter for Phase 3 covers the lots far Phase 2 relative to the County while the NCDOT Basic Letter for Phase 1 covers the lots for Phases 1 & 3 relative to the County. Please call if this doesn't make sense to you, the table below may help: Phase 1 Phase 2 Phase 3 Thanks, Chad Rivers - E5P Bart, NCDOT (Cats 1-54} NIA (Lots 60-7J & 133-153) i~EIC (15 lots of 1-54} {60-79 & 133-153} {Remaining 39 lots of 1-54) Do you want a check ($ 500.) cut and mailed to you or do you want to pick it up at our office once its ready? Also, please follow up wi#h the NCDOT Basic Letter far Phase 2 of A.B. We have a basic for Phase 3.. . a. a. a...................1.........y.. ...... .... a ............. ... .. a ... ....... ._._---ti• t. .. s....... .. .. •.a... ..a .. b............ r.......... a .. a _.. Sam Burgess Principal Development Planner New Hanover County From: Bart Edge [mailt©:hedge@atlanticbluedevelopers.coml Sent: Thursday, December 18, 2008 2:51 PM To: Chad Rivers Cc: Burgess, Sam Subject: Re: Anchors Bend - NCDOT Phase 1 Basic Letter - 121548 Thanks Chad. Merry Christmas to you and your family. Sent from. my iPhone Dn Dec 18, 2008, at 2:121'M, "Chad Rivers" ~crivers{cr~,espassociates.com> wrote: Gentlemen, [ just received the attached NCDOT Basic Letter for Phase 1 at Anchors Bend today in the mail, I didn't see either of you listed as a cc sa I thought I should forward on to your attention. Thanks and Happy Holidays. Chad Rivers -ESP ESP Associates, P,A. engineering • surveying • planning ..a. ..._a __. Chad Rivers, >i Office: 910.313.8648 Fax: 910.313.6$23 Crivers(a~espassociates.com WWW.eSpaSSOCIateS.COm 2 'rhe information contained in this e-snail message is confidential and may be legally privileged and is intended only for lbe use ml the indiv°idual or entity named above. If you are no[ an intended recipient or if you have received this message in error, you are hereby notified that any dissemination, distribution or copy of this a-mail is strictly prohibited. Ifyou have received this a-suai] in error, please immediately nobly us by rctm'n a-mail or telephone if the senders phone number is listed above, then promptly and permanently deie[a this message. P€ease note [hat any attached electronic files are furnished for your information only. This should be considered as an interim work product and is subject to continued tnnditicatinn and revision. This is not a construction document. Construction documents with the appropriate seal, signed and doted, can be provided if necessary. Any use of this electronic file including modification, insertion, nr appendage to other documents is at the user's risk. liy accepting this electronic mail message, the user waives any claim against LSP Associates, P.A., (ESP) and agrees tp indemnify and hold ESP harmless from any claim or liability from injury or loss allegedly arising out of the use of infamnatipn providnd by ESP. The user Further agrees [o compensate ESP for any time spent or expenses incurred by ESP in defense against any such claim in accordance with ESP's prevailing fee schedule and expense reimbursement policy. Any reproduction ordistribution of [his inibnnation rcxluires written authorization ti-mn ESP Associates, P.A. Please consider the envirotttnent before printing this email. <NCDOT Phase 1 Basic Letter-12I50$.pd~ ESP Associates, P.A. engineering • surveying • planning Chad Rivers, EI Office: 910.313.6648 Fax: 910.313.6823 crivers cC~espassociates.cam www.e~a_ ssociates.com The information contained in this a-snail message is confidential and may be legally privileged and is intended Only for the use of the individual nr entity named above. If you are not an intended recipient nr i l•you have received this message in error, you are hereby notified that any dissemination, distribution nrcopy ofthis a-mail is strictly prohibited. If you have received this a-snail in error, please immediately notify us by return a-€nail or telephone if the sender's phone number is listed above, then pro€nptly and permanently delete this message. Please note that any attached electronic tiles are famished for your infonnatian only. This should be considered as an interim work product and is subject to continued moditica[ion and revision. This is not a construction document. Construction documents with the appropriate seaE, signed and dated, can 6e provided if necessary. Any use nFthis electronic file including modification, insertion, or appendage to other documents is at the user's risk. Tay a:cephng this electronic mail messa~ne the user waives any claim against ESP Associates, P.A. (ESP) and agrees [o•indemnify and hold E5P harmless fro€n any claim or liability fro€n injury or loss allegedly arising out of the use pF infprmation prnr ided by ESP. The user Further agrees to compensate E5P tar any time spent ar expenses incurred by ESP in defense against any such claim in accordance tivith ESP's prevailing fee schedule and expense reimbursement policy. Any reproduction ordistribution ofthis information red~ires 1~'ritten authorization from ESP Associates, P.A. T'lease consider the environment before printing this email. ISIG:494abe2d1827252596I7567'!