FY15 Senior Center General Purpose grant applicationI M1 s • 1 WX AM =190114M l FY 2014 -2015 APPLICATION PACKET CAPE FEAR AREA AGENCY ON AGING 1480 Harbour Drive Wilmington, NC 28401 NEW HANOVER SENIOR RESOURCE CENTER 2222 South College Road Wilmington, NC 28403 The Cape Fear Area Agency reserves the right to request additional information, references, to accept or reject any or all proposals to waive technicalities, to accept proposals in whole or in part, and to award a contract(s) which, in the opinion of the grantee, best serves the older adults. SENIOR CENTER GENERAL PURPOSE FUNDING Introduction and Instructions The Cape Fear Area Agency is pleased to announce the availability of funds for use by senior centers to support and develop programming and general operations or to construct, renovate, or maintain senior center facilities. $1,265,316 in general purpose funding was allocated for senior centers for the current fiscal year. This funding is allocated to the Area Agencies on Aging for distribution to the centers within the region which provide full time programs or will utilize the funding to develop full time programs. Across the state, 163 senior centers or developing senior centers will be funded. As you are aware, over the past several years, the Division of Aging and Adult Services has worked to develop a new statewide certification process for senior centers with standards that encourage centers across the state to strive for levels of `merit' or `excellence'. It is felt that all viable senior centers in the state could meet the newly developed standards in a reasonable amount of time. An intent of the certification process has been to increase base funding for those who have successfully completed the process. This ensures that funding is being well spent on readily identifiable programs and services and provides an incentive for centers that make investments to meet certification requirements. Therefore in order to provide an incentive to work toward certification, and to reward those who achieve it, the Division has altered its funding distribution method, with approval of the Legislature, to fund senior centers equally, based upon their certification status. Centers of Merit will receive two shares of the funding of non - certified centers and Centers of Excellence will receive three times the funding of non - certified centers. The objectives for this year are to: ➢ Allocate funding equally to every center, based upon certification status; ➢ Require documentation and accountability for the use of funding, and; Provide incentives for centers to improve themselves through certification. Again this year it has been decided to divide the annual appropriation into shares based on the total number of senior centers as determined by the Area Agencies on Aging plus extra shares for each senior center which meets certification status. Uncertified, identified centers will receive one share. For FY 2014 -2015, total funding available to the counties in Region O will amount to $73,970. Effective period: July 1, 2014 --June 30, 2015. Your center is eligible to receive: FY 14 -15 Senior Center General Purpose Funding $11,680 Local Match (25 %) $3,893 TOTAL $15,573 It is the responsibility of the applicant to certify the availability of the local match. The funds require a 25% local match. The funds must be spent first before reimbursed and before June 30, 2015. Therefore, projected June expenditures must be reported with May Services reported in June otherwise the unutilized portion of your allocation will revert to the state. Application submissions should include: (1) A completed description of proposed activities (add additional pages as needed). (2) Certification of the availability of local match. (3) A budget for senior center general purpose activities. 3 APPLICATION FOR SENIOR CENTER GENERAL PURPOSE FUNDING Applicant Information Date: Project Name: New Hanover Senior Resource Center Name of Project Director: All�i ,L 71JI/o —iL" Telephone Number: o'5 q _FAX: ?/D E -Mail: &N6 ncl er n hcq o y.6o -. Name and Address of IvHe &W., oR CENTS e-"�'V Applicant: SQvjA epll ;h ead wj*/oi 720A� A/c- a8`1,a3 Type of Agency Applying: Private- Non - Profit Public m unto Location of _ Project: NE A)AIWA MAW C'p r (cou ASSURANCES N14C (hereinafter referred to as "Subgrantee ") HEREBY AGREES THAT it will comply with all Federal statutes relating to nondiscrimination. These include but are not limited to: (a) Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (P.L. 88 -352) which prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, color or national origin; (b) Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, as amended (20 U.S.C. 1681 -1683, and 1685- 1686), which prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex; and (c) Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended (29 U.S.C. 794), which prohibits discrimination on the basis of handicaps. r re and Title of Authorized Official Date [e.., Director, Board Chairman] CERTIFICATION OF THE AVAILABILITY OF REQUIRED NON - FEDERAL MATCH FOR SENIOR CENTER GENERAL PURPOSE FUNDING It is understood that the following required 25 percent non - federal match will be used to match Senior Center General Purpose funds in FY 14 -15 and will not be used to match any other federal or state funds during the contract period. The provider shall expend the award in keeping with the attached project description indicating how funding will be utilized. Funding will not be disbursed until this application is received and approved by the Area Agency on Aging. The contractor shall make a final report indicating how funding was utilized in a format provided by the Area Agency on Aging. FY 14 -15 Example only: Budget Request non certified center: $4,069 Required 25% Match $ 3,913 divided by .75= $5,425 [Total projected budget] Total FY 14 -15 $5,425 minus $4,069= Projected Budget$ 15 -5 73 $1,356 [local match] (up to the amount of the grant) Authorized Signature: Title: A6_5 51�9ar L,40 &n iy)ay)q err Date: Q1 R3 ( 1 _ W, SENIOR CENTER GENERAL PURPOSE PROJECT DESCRIPTION 1, Senior Center to receive funding: New Hanover Senior Resource Center 2. Amount of,�' fiunding: �� 5%.3 11 tvgD + ��3 r.� 3. Area served by Senior Center: N E —W 1MA10yre pu yN y 4. Describe how the funding will be spent: o 7t) G STATE APPROPRIATIOINS FOR SENIOR CENTER BUDGET INFORMATION STATE FISCAL YEAR 2014 -15 Organization Name: NAEld / 6FAI.,O9W � %/r614 Senior Center Name: New Hanover Senior Resource Center Address:,ZM 60,.75( 109ff- &W; Wi1�'1►% l?, IJC WP41,2 13 3rE4 i D Period Covered: 'T 1, ZD� = °L"Date Prepared: /7 / I IF OBJECTS OF EXPENDITURE Salary and Fringe Benefits Supplies /Other Operating Costs Equipment Capital Outlay (Real Estate, Construction, Renovation) Other AMOUNT $) ! b�� f 3w C-L TOTAL BUDGET (Including local match)$ (Up to grant amount, only) Each organization that receives, uses or expends any state funds shall use or expend the funds only for the purposes for which they were appropriated by the General Assembly or collected by the State. State funds include federal funds that flow through the state. If the contractor is a governmental entity, such entity is subject to the provisions of the requirements of OMB Circular A -133 and the NC Single Audit Implementations Act of 1987. If the Contractor is a non- governmental entity, such entity is subject to the provisions of G.S. 143 -6.2. Additionally, any non - governmental entity except a for - profit corporation is subject to the provisions of OMB Circular A -133. AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE: vz� art 1 cnc�e c� 1�% TITLE: ASS i1rA j r p!�/,ty n c �- DATE:__ ,�,'�f, s ,•r.,;;,': n :•� Gam' G:L° ' 'L�cwS TO: Region O Lead Agency Directors Jim Fish, BSRI Amanda Harrelson, Columbus County DOA Ben Brow, New Hanover County Senior Resource Center Wes Davis, Pender Adult Services, Inc. FROM: Jane Jones, Region O AAA Director DATE: September 15, 2014 RE: Senior Center General Purpose Funding Allocation & Proposal The NC Division of Aging and Adult Services recently notified the AAA and Senior Centers of the allocations for Senior Center General Purpose Funding. The funding amounts are based on the number of Centers of Excellence, Centers of Merit, and Uncertified Centers. I have attached the Administration Letter 14 -09, including the list of Certified and Uncertified Centers. Please note that the Administrative Letter requires that "projected June expenditures must be reported with May services reported in June ". For SFY 14115 the amounts for Region O Centers are as follows: Each Noncertified Center listed as follows will receive $3,893 with a required match of $1,298 for a total of $5,191: • Brunswick County: Leland, Shallotte, & Southport • Columbus County: Whiteville, Bolton, Bug Hill, Chadbourn, East Columbus, Fair Bluff, and Tabor City. Each Certified Center of Excellence listed as follows will receive $11,680 with a required match of $3,893 for a total of $15,573: • New Hanover County Senior Resource Center • Pender County: Heritage Place and Topsail Center Please complete the enclosed proposal(s) and return to the AAA by Friday, October 17, 2014. No money will be appropriated in ARMS until your Proposal Packet is received and approved. Please call if you have questions. Attachments (2) DOA Administrative Letter 14 -09 Senior Center General Purpose Funding Proposal CC: Ginn) Brinson County Managers (Letter only) Sx:.,V o Brurrsvvick Co,umbus, IV:,vr Hanover and Pender Counhes 1480 Harbour ArIve • Wilmington, NC 28401 (410) 395 -4-553 (800) 218 -6575 - Fax: (910) 395 -26&i F Im a Or � erk. i ;, ` ivna. ._ ' Dp E.Y. dc;,F:J " .ir ). P 4 North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services Division of Aging and Adult Services Pat McCrory Governor ADMINISTRATIVE LETTER NO: 14 -09 TO: FROM: Area Agencies on Aging and Senior Centers Suzanne P. Merrill, Acting Division Director September 8, 2014 Aldona Z. Wos, M.D. Ambassador (Ret.) Secretary DHHS Suzanne P. Merrill Acting Division Director 2014 -2015 Senior Center General Purpose Funding This year the state total for the Senior Center General Purpose funding is $1,265,316 with a local match of $421,772 for a grand total of $1,687,088. The local match will remain at 25% and can be cash or in -kind. Based on this requirement, the breakout is as follows: State Local Total Senior Center General Purpose $1,265,316 $421,772 $1,687,088 The General Purpose funding will be allocated to the Area Agencies on Aging for distribution to the centers within the regions which the AAAs have determined provide full -time programs or will utilize this funding to develop full -time programs. The centers receiving these allocations must be listed in the Division's Senior Center Directory [which is attached with this letter or can be located on the Division's website]. The senior center certification process has increased the base funding for those who have successfully completed this process. This ensures that funding is being well spent on readily identifiable programs and services and provides an incentive for centers that make investments to meet the certification requirements. Therefore, in order to provide an incentive to work toward certification, and to reward those who achieve it, the Division is again funding senior centers, equally, based on their certification status. The objectives for this year as in years past are to: • Allocate funding equally to every center, based upon certification status; • Require documentation and accountability for the use of funding, and; • Provide incentives for centers to improve themselves through certification. The annual appropriation will again be divided into shares based on the total number of senior centers as determined by Area Agencies on Aging I�us extra portions for each senior center which has been certified through July 1, 2014. As of July 1, 2014 the total number of senior centers is 163. www.ncdhhs.gov • www-.ncdhhs.gov, 'aging Tel 919 -855 -3400 • Fax 919- 733 -0443 Location: Taylor Hall, 693 Palmer Drive • Raleigh, NC 27603 Mailing Address: 2101 Mail Service Center • Raleigh, NC 27699 -2101 y i tr An Equal Opportunity / Affirmative Action Employer Noncertified, identified centers will receive one share equal to $3,893. Centers of Merit will receive two shares equal to $7,787 and Centers of Excellence will receive three shares equal to $11,680. The allocation distribution per center is as follows: [The total represents the addition of local match). State Local Total Noncertified Centers (79) $ 3,893 $1,298 $ 5,191 Centers of Merit (6) $ 7,787 $2,596 $10,383 Centers of Excellence (78) $11,680 $3,893 $15,573 The 25% matching resources for this funding must not be used to match any other state or federal funding that the agency may receive. The local match maybe in the form of cash and/or in- kind and must directlysupport the purpose for which the funds are being used. Senior Center networks receiving funding for more than one [1] center are expected to expend funds designated at each center, unless a different expenditure arrangement is approved by the Division. The seventy -eight x781 Centers of Excellence are as follows: Number County Senior Center city 1 Alamance John Robert Kernodle Activities Center Burlington 2 Ashe Ashe Services for Aging Senior Center, Inc. West Jefferson 3 Avery Avery Senior Services Newland 4 Beaufort Grace Martin Harwell Senior Center Washington 5 Beaufort Senior's Center - Belhaven Belhaven 6 Bladen Bladen County Senior Center Elizabethtown 7 Buncombe Lakeview Senior Center Black Mountain 8 Burke East Burke Senior Center Hildebran 9 Burke Morganton-Burke Senior Center Morganton 10 Cabarrus Cabarrus County Senior Center Concord 11 Caldwell Caldwell Senior Center, Inc. Lenoir 12 Carteret Leon Mann Jr. Enrichment Center Morehead City 13 Chatham Eastern Chatham County Senior Center Pittsboro 14 Chatham Western Chatham Senior Center Siler City 15 Chowan Chowan Senior Center Edenton 16 Cleveland Cleveland Council on Aging/Senior Center Shelby 17 Cleveland H. Lawrence Patrick Senior Center Kings Mountain 18 Cumberland Fayetteville Senior Center Fayetteville 19 Dare Thomas A. Baum Center Kill Devil Hills 20 Davidson Lexington /Davidson County Senior Center Lexington 21 Davidson Thomasville Senior Center Thomasville 22 Davie Davie County Senior Services Mocksville 23 Durham Durham Center for Senior Life Durham 24 1 Forsyth Kernersville Senior Enrichment Center Kernersville 25 Forsyth Shepherd's Center of Greater Winston- Salem Winston -Salem 26 Gaston Gaston County Senior Center Gastonia 27 Granville Granville County Senior Services Oxford 28 Greene Greene County Senior Services Snow Hill 29 Guilford Greensboro Senior Center Greensboro 30 Guilford Roy B. Culler Jr. Senior Center High Point 31 Halifax Scotland Neck Senior Center Scotland Neck 32 Halifax Jo Stow Senior Center RnannkP Ranirka 33 Hertford Hertford County Office on Aging/Senior Center Winton 34 Iredell Iredell County Council on Aging/Senior Center Statesville 35 Iredell South Iredell Senior Center Mooresville 36 Jackson Senior Center of Jackson County S Iva 37 Johnston Clayton Center for Active Aging Clayton 38 Lee Enrichment Center of Lee County Sanford 39 Lenoir Lenoir COA /Geor e T. Skimmer Center Kinston 40 Mecklenburg Shamrock Senior Center of Charlotte- Mecklenburg SCs Charlotte 41 Mecklenburg Tyvola Senior Center of Charlotte- Mecklenburg SCs Charlotte 42 McDowell McDowell County Senior Center Marion 43 Montgomery Troy-Montgomery Senior Center TI ro 44 Moore Moore County Enrichment Center West End 45 Nash The NASH New Ageless Senior Haven Nashville 46 New Hanover New Hanover County Senior Center Wilmington 47 Northampton J.W. Faison Senior Center Jackson 48 Onslow Onslow County Senior Services Jacksonville 49 Pamlico Pamlico County Senior Center Alliance 50 Pender Pender County Adult Services, Heritage Place Burgaw 51 Pender Pender County Topsail Senior Center Hampstead 52 Person Person County Council on Aging /Senior Center Roxboro 53 Pitt Pitt County Council on Aging /Senior Center Greenville 54 Randolph Liberty Senior Center Liberty 55 Richmond Hamlet Senior Center Hamlet 56 Richmond East Rockingham Rockingham 57 Rockingham Reidsville Senior Center Reidsville 58 Rockingham Center for Active Retirement Wentworth 59 Rockingham Madison -Ma odan Senior Center Ma odan 60 Rowan Ru - Holmes Senior Center Salisbury 61 Rutherford Rutherford County Dept. of Aging/Senior Center Spindale 62 Sampson Garland Senior Center Clinton 63 Stanly Stanl County Senior Center Albemarle 64 Stokes Walnut Cove Senior Center Walnut Cove 65 1 Surry I Surry County Senior Center Mount Airy 66 Transylvania Silvermont Senior Center Brevard 67 Vance Vance County Senior Center Henderson 68 Wake Northern Wake Senior Center Wake Forest 69 Wake Cary Senior Center Cary 70 Wake Garner Senior Center Garner 71 Warren Warren County Senior Center Warrenton 72 Washington Washington County Senior Center Wendell 73 1 Watauga L.E. Harrill Senior Center _Plymouth Boone 74 11 Wayne Wayne County Senior Center Goldsboro 75 Wilson Gee Corbett Senior Center Wilson 76 Yadkin East Bend Senior Center East Bend 77 Yadkin Yadkin County Senior Center Yadkinville 78 Yadkin Yadkin Valley Senior Center Jonesville The six r6l Centers of Merit are as follows: Number County Senior Center city 1 Clay Clay County Senior Center Ha esville 2 Randolph Archdale Senior Center Archdale 3 Randolph Randleman Senior Center Randleman 4 1 Robeson Pine Street Senior Center Lumberton 5 Stokes City of King Senior Center Kin 6 Wake Eastern Wake Senior Center Wendell No state funds can be dispersed after the close of the fiscal year. Projected June expenditures must be reported with May services reported in June. If you have any questions, please call Melvinna Adams, Leslee Breen or Steve Freedman at the Division, 919- 855 -3400. Thank you. 2014 -2015 General Purpose Funding by Region REGION I TOTAL REGIONAL ALLOCATION A $42,825 B $38,932 C $50,613 D $54,505 E $42,826 F $120,691 G $253,066 J $140,158 K $62,292 L $70,079 M $42,825 N $62,292 O $73,970 P $85,652 $58,399 R $66,184 TOTAL $1,265,309* *there is a $7.00 differential from ,$1,265,316 due to budgeting method