Anchors Bend_improvement_permitFide ~um~er 1"~0~ LE Number ~ ~~: ~ ~ ~....-- Page 1 of New Hanauer County Health Department ~nvironn~ental Health Services 2301~arlCet Place Dr, Suite ~ ~~ Wilmington, N 25403 ~910~ 7~~wGG7 X910} 795729 fax NIPOVEN.~EI~'I'S PE I~' PERMIT IS SUBJECT TO REVOCAT[ON IF SITE PLANS OR 1NTBNDE~ USE CHANGE Dwt~er ~'- ~.~~;~ w ~ Address i ~ . ,~. ~ ...,,,' ~ ~ ~ ~'~1n~ ~ ~ ~ ht Site Looatian; ~ k~ „L,,~~`~~ „ a„ ~~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ '~ Applicant ~ ~ ~ r Phone No._ 1 ,.~~ ~ V,. ~,~~ ~_.. Tax Parcel ~,..... -w.,,. ..,.._ ~~f . o ~ ~ ~ L~ ~ ~ Lot: '~, l~locl~: section; Subdivision ;~~~~~~~ ~ ,,_._ ~ .,. ,, Residents I Commercial ~cirole ane~ if commercial, type ~ 1 ~. , ,,w.,~ gallday ~,~ ~Io. Units: ~ Na. Bedrooms; No, ~c,„p~antsll~t~ployees: max. peptic Tank Size; ~,~,~ allons Pump Tank ize~ 1~ gallons l_,TAR: ~, ~ a11dyJsq.feet System Type;°~.~. ~ water Supply: ~ public private dwell permit required No. Drainsines: "`~ length each~_ FT width each: ~, ~~ FT Drain~eld ~, Feet: "~, Bed Dimensions; .1 FT x '~' FT Trench Bottom Depth: ~'' inches Max.} ,~~, , „~~ The following conditions noted must be completed and approved prior to the issuance of are ~uchor~.a~rv~a . ,for i~as~ewa~er Sys~~r~ Cor~~truc~iorr permit. A Building Permit cannot be obtained without an ~4~thorr~a~iorr for ~as~ewa~er System o~s~r~tc~~orr. Check all that apply} '~ t,at most be recorded with the New Hanover County Register of Deeds Df~ce, Suitable fill material must be installed according to attached Fill Plan. Fill must be inspected and approved before release of~4u~l~arizu~xorr~or l~as~ewa~r Sys~en~ Co~rs~rucffarr,~ _ ApprQVed for use of Alternativel innovative system, type: ~~ ~Re~uest form must be completed and returned to Health Dept,} ~~..~_ -,~._ lnsta~ll drainage as required. ~ ether: ~ ~ sr ~ ~ o ~ r~ ~ ~~ cr ~ ~ .~ ~ ~ ~ ~ a ~t ~ n lssu~nee of this permit does not necessarily indicate that the proposed structure or use of the wastewater system meets county zoning and land use regulations. if you have any questions about passible zoning requirements, please contact the New fIar~over Cau~ty Planning Department, This permit does not exempt the permittee from complying with all other laws and regulations that are ~rnposed by other agencies, This permit shall in no way betaken as a guarantee for the performance al' the wastewater system fnr any girren period o~f ti~ne~ Any change in the nature} volume ar location of the system shall render this permit ~~~lD, ln~prvvements Permit Date ~~~ ~~ ~ iration Date ~r ~ ,.. .~..__ p ~ ~ i Signature; , t'ermit riot va id less signed by A~th~r~xed Agent ~wnerlApplicant Date ~~ "~ File Nu~ber ~ ~ ~E Nnmber --- ~ " ~ 1 Page 1 of New Hanauer County Health Depar~t~ent Environmental Health services X30 Market Place Dr, Suite 14D w~lnaingtan, NC 2$4I~3 {91 D} 79-ddb? {9 I D~ 798-7Z~9 fax III~IPI~OVEIVIEI~T~ P]E ~'~" PERMIT IS SUBJECT TO REVOCATION IF SITE PLANS OR INTENDED USE CHANGE owner ~-~LA~.~~ ~1~+~.,r~~~~ Address ~ . ~ . o ~ ~ ~ _ Site Locataan; ~~ ~ ~~ ~ ~„~ Applicant ~~, ~ Phone No. °I ~~~ - ~ Tax Parce l I~at; ~1~_ Biac~; ectian: 1 ~ ubdivisian ; ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ esidenti Carnmercial {circle one} if camrr~ercial, type . ~ 1 ~ __~,.,,.~._ gallday ~~ No. nits: ~ Na~ Bedrooms; Na. ~c~ cu~~an~slErr~pioyees: rnax. Septic Tank Sipe; ~ ~ o~ allons Pump Tank i~e~ 1~ gallons ~,TAI~: . ~ galldaylsq.feet System Type dater Supply: ~_ public private {well permit required} No. I~rainlines: '~ ~ ~,eng~h each:'",' FT width each; s,l~ FT Drainfield ~~. Feet: la Bed D~mensions.'_FT x ~~T 'French Bottan~ Depth: ~ ~r~ches {11rlax.} The following conditions Hated must be completed and approved prior to the issuance of an Ar~[hori~a~iorr-. ,for Wastc~va~er System o~s~ruc~r'on permit. A Building Permit cannot be obtained without an ~iut~orr'~a~ior~~for ~asiewa~er System orrs~ructr`~rr. {Check all that appiy~ "~'~ ~C Lot rr~ust be recorded with the New Hanover County Register of Deeds office, _ Suitable fill material must be installed according to at#ached pill Plan. {I~`ill must be ins ec~ed p and approved before release of~4~~J~ariza~ior~ fQr l~as~ewa~er Sys~err~ C~~ts~ruc~tan,} Approved far use of Alternativel Innovative system, type: {Request form must be completed and returned to Health Dept. ---~~ Install drainage as required. ether; ~~ t ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~i ~~C ~ ~ 1 ~~, ~ ~ n ~ ',~ ~ ~ ~ ~,~ ~~ Issuance of this perrnlt does Hat necessarily Indicate that the proposed structure or use of the wastewater system meets county caning ar~d land use regulations, If you have any gcestions about possible caning requirements, please contact the New Hanover County Planning Department. This permit does not except the permittee from complying with all other laws and regulations that are impaed by other agencies. This permit shall in Sao way be taken as a guarantee far tl~e perfarma~tce of the wastewater system 1'or any given period of time. Any ehane in the nature, volume ax location of the system shall reader this permit'~~ZIJ. lnaprovements Permit date ~~ ~~ a ~ Expiration date =~~~ ~,,~_~,'~. signature: i'err~it r~et va ' unless signed ~y A~ti~orized A~~~~ ~wnerlApplicant Date ~~ ~' ¢ A ~' , Fi~~Number '~~~~~~ ~TF,~r L~ Number ~~ ~ ~., f,. .:,:~=. Page l o~5 .._ New ~Iar~over County Health Department I~nvironmental Health Services ~3~ IV~arket Place Dr, Suite 14I~ Wilmington, NC ~l~~o~ ~9 ~ 0~ 79S-~G7 X910} ?95-7~~9 fax ~N.~PR~VEN~EI~'7CS PERNN~'I' PERMiT IS SUBJECT TO REVOCATION IF SITE PLANS OR [NTENDED USE CHANGE ,- ': ~ ,, ~.. ,: ~ ~ ~,< a' ., . , :. £.r . ~~~~.., ° ~ A p scan " qh, , ~ ~ ~~,• {Jw11~r ;.%.y :[; k' <• ,: . Vii. f .~ . r9 ~ f..~v6r`64F~ ...fi ..f;~fM~ ~,.:~~~''~A G p ~< "y r ,c~ ,i ~ ~~ ,~ ~ tee. r € d ~ <`", , ! ~{s..`~'f ~ ~` ,~ f~. p [~ [~ V Address a i3l~r'~ #~`°~~>..?[~ . ray ~ .l' r$~ 1 '. yf~`... ~~ ~ ,,. x° ~"~ ~ • b• > r~ .. ,.,fi ` ~ r - Phon No. ;~' ~ ' ~s. ...u~,< • ,. . ,'~ ,, . ~ ., ~ :, ;,.; y~ Tai Pare -~ , .., ~" r ti Site Locat~~n; ~y~~: ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~s:o~;~ ` ~ %~:~~`,~~ ~ . ~~ d~~ ~ ~ Lot: {;; ~~"; Block: Section: + , f,,S :[lRr,°[fi["..w ~•!.y~'~`v ,S ~'~ [~~~. :•~r~ ~ L Sllbd~V~s~on ' i~ *:.~ ~ s~ [~•. s~N, i ~y .. ..: ,or-wi.. s.,q ..... .. ~r.~ K WM1 t f.:} ryk~ Residential) kotrnercial circle ones If cornrnercial, type - 4....~ ;¢'~~~~- gal~day ~F"~;, ', ~~.. •o: ~~1C':`AR~~ f~t:~~ s~ No, Bedrooms: {;•~.~ ~,~~. o. ~ccupar~tl~mployee~ ,:~`~{ °. ~ may. peptic Tar,iC Sixes ~-;;~ 'Nx°~~~ allons Pump Tank i~~:~~~~~,.~ gallons L'~AR~ ~~~~F~`{ galldaylsq.fcet System Type: ;`~~..~,~ dater Supply: ~~;;r public ~ private {well permit required ~.. No. Drainlines: h`'¢~~ Length each:..~}~n~"~ FT width each: _ ~~ FT Drainfield Sq. Feet: Bed Dirner~sions9~ FT x °~~~~~• I~T Trench Bottom Depth: r~,'~'~>~} inches ~~Iax.~ The following conditions rated must be completed and approved prier to the issuance of an ~u~hurr~a~rv#? .far I~as~ew~~er ~Sys~en~ 'o~s1t-uctr"ors perrnit, A Building Permit cannot be obtained without as ~u~harr~a~ior~~or N~as~ewa~er,~~s~ern ~ar~s~r~ratiorr. Check all that apply ~~~ ~ f,ot must be recorded with the New I-Ianover County Register of Deeds ~~'~ce~ Suitable fill material must be installed according to attached Fill Plan, ~i~'ill ~~ust be inspected and approved before release of ~~i~~ori~a~iar~~ for I~as~ewa~er Sys~err~ Corrs~r~c~r'arr.} ~. Approved for use ofAlterr~ativel Innovative system, type; Request Form rr~ust be completed and returned to Health Dept9} .Install drainage as requir,°d. .... 4¢~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ' s ~ , ' '~` ' N. ¢'ri f"",. !a , f i ;'i ~'"~,§ s' p i x ,~rl A c'' ~ ,r a. . , a ^~' ' <. ~ a .. .. : { er • :FF '..:' a.. : ' ',..9 ., 9: j . ,j,..' M" b.. ,/.fi u i <: 'k..s. 4+, !: a. A: , , {: 7. F F ~. !F'L Y . 4• { L.t. ' t J' ? •:' C '.~1 jt~, ,' x~. ~ A , ~ r„F.f .A . m .- ~~. room , ~.. # ' ~ , , w ~ , 2 '~Y; !'f ~ + P. 1'.' a ~. ~ f ..:i ~ f;.~r ~.. ,or c f' i F,s ~¢`~,~~ . ~'{ 7' [•` , <'.' ,: !'"! 'r' !: [ ' s . f ti . , .,. ~ t...,; w. .. ~ .• a, ,.~ ! :1r~ ,y .:::. ,'" . r :. ~'~~ , ~ '~~~ ,! . '~ r S rf} 'k~F ,..a~~ r'Wf~f .r f.~ r[ ~ 4 Issuance of this permit does ~aot necessarily indicate that the proposed structure or use of the wastewater system meets county zoning and land use regulations. I~' you have any questions about possible zoning requirements, please contact the New Hanover County Planning Department. Tljis permit does not exempt the perrMittee frorn complying with all other laws and reulations that arc imposed by other agencies, This permit shall in no gray lie taken as a guarantee for the performance of the ~vaste~~rater system 1nr a~iy given period of time. Any change in the Mature} volume ~r location of the system shall render this permit ~~~~i r,' ~~ l~nprovernents Permit Date ~~~F. ¢ ` } ' y Expzratior~ Date ~~" t~~~~t ~F ~~ ri ~ i[{~ ,f :E~ ~ i .. f:~ f a'~ k'`~. max,.., .~~~~ fi ,.3 ~ ~ r~ iY :'~ _ S~gnature~ , r a ~~ ,'~ r',Y& Xd :^w ': ~ ~° `C''J,:.." , . , :^ ; . .. Pc~~~~t got valid ~n~css~sig~ed ~y Au~i~orix~d Age~t~ r ~ ~wner~A l~car~t ~¢r ;~ , f' ~ 6! ' ~~~ .,,~°{~ ~~,~ Date ~~' ~• ~ f* ~yia~le Num} bar // ,:r1~• r s~"'%"~ ~;FY:~'; ,~~~..::. ~ ••~ ,~ s ~: -~ ,•~.~:, rr, ~ LW Number jti'4~ , f,~ v`:~~~f ,~ 3# r::~w~. tig;.w~i9 ~ ~..F< €~raA3t ~f4,d 1'~t ~ ~,i ~~.qq .;!~4'?,a ~{~E~ ~`: I~ p ~yrr ~~r ~¢ :v'~ :i #~ ~'%'rY~S t{ 4~.R:~~S ~ `k~ ~ ~A~~ R.i ~!:w.~, r~ `~ ~'2 ;$ '-" G ~' ~il~L~ ~ kJl La xi~.5'. Xm't~. ~: ~ ,~xa~g~o-~.~ ~ ,~ :~ K .:,SY vrn ;s ~:c x? .: e. - ~:;xj,. ~~~~Y~~ ` ~ ~4~r~~ ~`~~,~~ ~.~~~ r~~~ '~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ '~~.~ ~ eW anaver C ty rtm :~ ,;~a` ~~ ~~ ~• ~:.~~~ H oun ~lealth Depa ent ~nvironrnental I~ealth services 4 # ~~ . °~ki~~~~~ ~ ~~+yr-.:*w.a ,F-.~ ~ Market Plac :.:,~. J °. 3rr ~ //~]/1~] ~ Dr quite I~~ ~~.' .d + k, ~~ p S~ r INJ w. F :n~rrx: n. ,P'.°wxe, <•.vn ;#+r .~~6. f1 .:+a°.75~.. 4Sr ,;>~->r..W a~c~;r~ar.•rwa:=~~~Yt„xar.~:;~'~ w•:'S.t..;~.ra-.q 7 ~ln~~ngton~ NC ~8~03 ~9 ~ 0} 798-b~~7 X91 ~~ ?98~7~~9 f ax ~1VV~P~VEEI~TS PE ~' PERMIT IS SUBJECT TO REVOCATION IF SITE PLANS OR INTENDED USE CHANGE :R _ Owner ~ ' s~~'''`~~'~r t. ~, '•~a.,tjl. fi ;a'" ..r.~.;r~ ~ ~`<'<. i. S ~ ~« '~ }7 . , s iA'. .. . , . , 1 kddr~~747 $ ~" ~~~"~~ ~ ~ ~# ,1 X1.1. ti, F .. ~ r ~f~ ++ ~ ';+r ,~i ~} k ~ ~~~ r ~ Phone W3} s ~ rz^ "J .F pr ~;•~~~d"J's~` s~. ., ,'4fk;,.• •~ i~.,~,emr ~.~ ~ {a`g'1, T •.~ M ~'~ ~ ~~ ,:f~ ., ` f t off. &''r~f: ,~~~{'P §•~~£.i~ Y'~y' 4~.r ~r..F ~,•yti" ~' ~`. ,. - -~ - • .~ .. t` ~~? Y. ! Farce l u.r . y ~ .; f,. R < ~s< ii!r! ~ ~y{1 /~ ~ 1 c F' : f _ ~F S ~ ~ ~ ~ [ * !ice-y`1} •t~ LMYLFt~~l^~ r~~~ ~: F.:. ~ ~ wry? 4.r~ ~:~.{} ~ ~ ~t f i+~ 1 Lot. ~ Block: ect~an: . ~ r _. .,, f'ResidentiaCo~nmercial circle one} if commercial, ty e { :~ Na. Ur~~ts; ~ No. Bedrooms: ,~f No. ~ccu antsll~~~ ~o ees: ~ F,, ~ p y rnax. ~eptsc Tank iz~~~ ~`i`:;~'.`_~_gallons Pump Tank ~ize:ga,llons LTAR: 3 ~ allda 1 '~ -g ~ sq.feet system Type: ~' dater upply~~ - public ~ private dwell ermit re aired ~~, Dra~nllnes. ~~ p ~ Length each: ~~~ FT ~Iidth each: .~ FT Drair~feld .Feet: ~ } ,, Bed Dimensions: FT x FT Trench Bottorr~ De the ~ ~" -`~ ~- p ~`L inches Max.} The following conditions Hated must be co~,pleted and approved prior to the issuance of an ~~11~ ~~ .for YYas~~~a~er ~Systen~ a~rs~~•uc~rorr permit, A Building Permit cannot be obt ' arr.,alro~~ a~r~ed without an ~~~~ori~afr'~r~ for Was~ewa~er ysCern ons~ru~tian. check ail that ap 1 p ~'} fem. Lot must be recorded with the New Hanover Oounty Register of Deeds ~f~ce, uital~le X11 material must be installed according to attached Fill Dian. Fill mast be ins ec and approved before release of~u~hori~a~iQr~ ~r Waste~va~ r p ted ~' ~ ~ysterrr C'ot~s~r~rc~ror~.} ~. Approved for use ofAlter~rativel Innovative system, type: ~Requcst Form must be completed ar~d returned to health Dept,} j rl/'nysfta~l dra_ina_ge as_re~uired. J{1 f YY t d} + • / * ~ `- w~~. ~' ! ~~ "4: t.,: .. l..l ~ff 4n i~ T 1~r~ ~,t,i'~ ~~, ~'~ } r~ * ~~;i.;'} t' •r~S `~~ ~M 4 + ~ '1 ° 7 -, 'E. ~~ f ,r •' '~ ..4f'~,+r arY ~,.r••`~ ~fi• a«.:~ #-( 1. S" ~.i. ~ r,~ti ~~: ~; ~ f'* <.~^' ~~f, _i~I, f ,~. r" ~, r «~ °+. f~ ~ '" ~ •~` ..f !~ '- {.F 4 ,~y~. ~~•_~ ~~ t.I.. :~ 1M s. a s •f ~ :.,.~i ~ S ~ ; i. r, ,..; j', ,. .. • ~ r ~. ~ _ .. ,.. +.:: .. i ;1` r ~t i ; j~'~ 1 ~l ~«T~E,..~:`,f! ~F~} f~ yFr ~f~ .° r e ~.~~.€ y ~r ~xEY' ~'S~ ,s`~ i'< • . ~r f ••-~ Ik F. }' ~ ~ l ~ r r r ,. 4 `. Issuance off` this permit does not necessarily indicate that the ra .osed • system meets county Bonin and land use re u p p structure ar use o~ the wastewater g lations. I~ you have any questions about possibly zoning requirements, please contact the New I~Ianover bounty Panning De artment, This ermit the pernaittee froth cornply~n uvith ail other law p p fines not cxe~npt g sand regulations that are irnpased by other agencies. This permit shall in no way be fakery as a guarantee #'or the perl'armance of the wastewater s given period of time. Any change in the nature volume or 1 ystem far any permit ~~ID. , oeatxon oi* tl~e system shall render this irrrprovements Permit Date . ~~Y t~;%~,~ ~~ ira ' ~~F ~~~ ~ };~,~}~ ~~-0.. p ton Date }} ~4 Permit riot valid ~~iess~~ig~~d by~~A~ci~orixe~ A~e~~E yak ~~{ ~ M1 ~ ~ rbwb~ • k- ~, OwnerlAppl~cant ' ~ `.r,• - .r u YS ~4~ '~~:7 ~~ S5L, r1'r~~~rSa ....bax,y ~~ 11}~Jl {{//~~~~ 4. kx isi Jr ~ ~ k 5 ~- ~~ Y/ ~~.. +/ Mt~ f b~ '~~ Y ~ w ~ .~S F1~~ Number ~ ~..,}~~~p:~~,{ ~~,~:. ~~ ~~ F N~ Fth + Page ~ of ~~~ New Hanover bounty Health Department Environmental Health Services 2~0 arltet Place Dr, Suite 14D ~IJilmingtan, N X8403 ~~ I ~} 79S-~G~7 X91 ~} 798-72d~ fax ~I~PI~.OVE EN'Y'S PE I's' PERMIT IS SUBJECT TO REVOCATION IF SITE PLANS OR INTENDED USE CHANGE ., owner ~ fi__,,~~ _ ,~r >~'~.~.j }'~ }/++] ~: ~ ~i ~ '~ , r,~~/ ^' R~yyr~r,~!~' i,Y~.!B r~M. F.~~ <'"{(~,~~ ~~.~ 9 ~~{ °"`•~s°1~ :~~$.r''i ~p4f~iLrG~~t i *"r'~°W„~~/n;.~~kwr~' r ~.r'ry, f+l :#~4 S~ a h F'1F4'.~~'..f ~ i A <'"'1 f ~ ~' '? „-v ~ + €!f; ir.~'s,r i- ' ~'~.~ Yr /~ ~ddr~SS ' ~ _ ~ :~1~ ~ ~ '~~~~~ % #~' P~Or~~ NO s "• ~``'' ~ y~ ~ fi.•~;~! •~ ~,- ~ ..,~ _'€~.' ~ ~ ~~`~ n .~ ;~ .~~ ~.~..*~% •~ ~,~~ 4i .1 $. , .f ~ ,:~ ~1,~ . w'f .+' .' :' • v ~ - _~ 4 ~~ : ~, .{y'r 4 .~ i. r' i, . ~w N x . ~ i. ~. ~.,:~:• ! x p::.s.°, ~ .[s ~',; ~7~"~-` , ~ . ~~,.::<~'~ ~,~ ,. i~>'~ ,ax'~l~4 ~.~ ~~ ~"Y' Tax Parce~ ~ ` ~` f ~ r • 1.<r~ w ,~' ~~ a ! Site Locate n .~ _ , ~ .y ~~'~;~k.~~,~~~ ,~ n. 'o :f~~F f .•.~ ~ ~:~.~ ~~r '~ ~~ *~~ 6N Lot: -~ ~~ Black: Sectio . T ~ ........... f t< {{ ~Syl I~ _ :f' .~.',xr~ ~~ ~ y*, ~~di f i./+\+~ /~i~C r~ 6i~s.Wf ,.m, k• J' f~..JY 1,..}M 6r Y2'hw h{~M„.1' F 9': Sl 4w 1 iY.' ' ,~ F..f.'S {'~xr .rir~ ~.wa,wv.r e = ~' ~'.r• ~ residential! orrt~nercial circle ane} If commercial, type _„_;,,.. ___~~~ ~~~ ~gA ~...,"~.,..,.,_._ gal~day _~~~ ~~~:: No. Knits: ~p}~~ ~ No. Bedrooms: ,.~,~f`R' Na. ~cc~ipantslE~n~ployees: ~~.~ __ max. Septic Tank Si~e• ~ `~~''6~';Fgallans Pump Turk Si e: •°~.~~:~ allons LTAR: ~ ~ ~ al~dayls .feet .:.u YP ~-.i ~ ~'~ System Type: ; ~~~:,, water Supply.~~"~ public private dwell permit re~uired~ ~ •. . ~ i ~>r ~; No. Drainlines:w ~ Len th ea ;# { ~ chl `~' FT width each. ,~ ~ FT Drainl~ield q. ~`eet: ~ ~ ~ 1 ~ Bed Dimensions: ~xi~liT ~ ~~- FT Trench Bottom Depth: 4 ¢~~ ~~ inches ~Nlax.} - The following eondition~ noted must be completed ar~d approved prior to the ;ssuance of an ~u1~c~r~~~frr~~~ .far ~Yas~e~a~er S}~~ter~ Corrs~ruct~a~ permit. A Building Permit cannot be obtained without an ,4u~h~rr~a~r~n, for YYastewa~er S~sc~rr~ ~o~rs~ruc~r'~r~. {~hoel~ all ghat app~Y~ .~ ~:, ~R~ Lot rust he recorded with the New Hanover bounty register of Deeds ffice. Suitable fll material must be installed according to attached Pill Plan. Fill must be inspected and approved before release of~[utho~~i~at{orgy for I~as~e~a~~~~ Sys~err~ a~as~r~cc~iorr.} _ Approved for use of Alternativel Innovative system, type: Request form must be completed and returned to Health Rcpt.} _f~;'~n5tall dra~r~age as requ~r°d. ~ ~_..~ {~ r Y ty .'k r~drS g~i F N~ ~ 74 .1 1'.~ M~ ~'~ V f^ {~r. y fi ,) t".f ~o'" 'A A ~1~ Y~,.[{ r~ oC ~ ( ,.{' nF~~.F f~ Psi 2. ~~ ,~+/' ~ . ~~8 ,!5 ~ {~} +j~ 6 1~ ,~c ~,i 6'~~s~ i~ ~'~ '~~'r y! iF .I ~..a'~ .1 .a+ b ..~ ~.~.. •f~MYYW' V ~''1~~• '" ~ vY ,.r or~f.- ~r !' ~ .. r ~ 4 '~.J~ Y ~.i' .M~' f~~ ,.1 4~y.. ~ ~! t rr R.. ~ ~ ..s ~ ~~ ~ ji+-' r' r .r`~..~'~ r ~~ ~; ~ s ~ ~~. 3 f ~ yc~~'a ~'~'"~.o.~. ~'°~~"'~'" r{ ~` ° .`-/~,,.'. ~~:i... _ _ y .€~w ,~ "~9,: •F}T , 4 .e f~X~ f !2 j r R ~F s , r~i ~~ _`~"` '•'~ Y #_ f ~'.A,..,~i. -,xi~r $,r,f .c S y sr~~, ~,,~ ~ ,~f"a I ~-:•P..,#y~.£ r~~fi.,a+ap~ti: ~,~f` r'~r~~l~ ~ ~'~,'~~, •t f ' ~' ~ - ~: Issuance of this permit does not necessarily indicate that the proposed structure or use of the wastewater system meets county coning and lend use regulations) ~f you have any questions ahaut passible coning requirements, please contact the New I-Ianaver Caunt}r P[~nnin~ Department This pcrn:tit does not exe~~pt the permittee from complying with ail other Iaws and regulations that are imposed by other agencies. This permit shall in nn way be ta~er~ as a guarantee for the performance of the wastewater system for a~xy given period of tune; Any change in the nature, volume or location of tl~e system shall reader this permit V~l~. 3 ~ ;~ ~~ ~.~w ~ ~ E~ ... ~ers~r ~ In'1 roverner~ts Perr~~t Date ~~~''~~~~ ~~a. ~~~ ~`o~'; `~°:.`~,~~ ~ ~ "'~~ p --- -- _ Expiration Date ~~:~. ~,~~ ~ ~, Ll F i {f ~.s~,'~,<P~ ~e .~~.s~°k'f .Y lS~'~ ~ ~~f,,,r T "~ k ~ t'erm~~f~at valid ~nlessg~cd ~y A~ili~ori~~d~;~ge~~~ ~wnerl~ppl~cant ~~ ~ ,Ffi ~.~~ ~,. ^~~f ~!. ~it~ Date ~~,~ ~~ :~ .1.~ p :"~„y r, AT,%;s,'~ ~~ :: ~`:s ,f :, s ,}}. ; "i ,C4 -yyE Y';'•, ° fE gip} Yx f ?~~a, ~] >` ~,.;,~ ~ ~~ 6~ ~~~ i':y ^; "t l~,4w [i i~ai6l ^',Y`~.e"S,, y~ <`ri .F ;~d d 5" S~.V 5 ..::r ~ Eo' i`,~:. Es ~~ o: `~. ; ~ ••'~ ~3 ~'<4 iz wr:.'a":7 a .2F i;•,"~:/~ `+ ~ 'yf, Flee Nu~~er ~ ~' ~ ~ r,: LE Number ~:•~4~ '{~ :. Page ~ of ~e~ :l 'fi`r s~x".,7 s`.~~'+~ ` hY °.~:.iil .pT^ x.,-Tr 4~ ££!! o- ~ N ~ s },7s A ~. ~RIS, r, r;~ k~~.' ~• #i ' i.~ . ~,~ . s, ~ " ~ '~ ~ i° 4 ., MF.~ !.`-h11 ;; rr.`r .F 'i' h r?~ ~ i ~:! ':; x§~7:o& ~;:~' ~i`z y ~ ~ ~Y _,.~~~ f:~k~ ~ ~ r II .~: x'=•~.:, t,~:~ ~ ,~ ~ F~'ew Hanover County I-iealth ~~partm~nt `e '~' ~ c '~` "> ~? i;~7~,xn}'~.:~h So:~~ :S ';x:~V :,.. "+.i'=,'> ~ ~ :4 et:'=;~ §~ :~;o'd+ii ~ :~ )~nviranmental health services ~~ •~~ e ~ r ~~~~' ~,p ~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~ ~ ~~~ ~3a Market Place fir, Suite I ~~ ~ ~`~ wilmir~gton, N ~8~Ia3 ~ l a} 7~~-~b67 ~~ 1 ~} 79~-7~9 fax IIV~PROVEEN'TS PE I'~' PERMIT IS SUBJECT TO REVOCATION IF SITE PLANS OR INTENDED USE CHANGE owner ~ i'"~ =~.!°~~ ~ ~+~. ~':zt..{f. ~ ~ ~,~~- v ~r.: ~"~+, ~~, ~J a ~'/' { .: bite Location. r r ~ , ~`~ _ ~ • ~ ,~ ~, ~j_ -. ~ ;', it ,° }r~~'L:~ ~'^ t. Appl~cartt r • _ ~~ ~,.wkn"~ ~ , ~:~.~~~ ~ ~ ,. ~-~_.l~wi ~ ~ ~ -! ..}~~~ ~l ' ' .e ~ (j ~ - "4 F 1 • ~ 1 .~, -' :C~ ! n, 4 A ~~ .~ fit' ^ .~ } ~{ r{!"'~ n ' „j 'x°'s~' PIIOr~eND. ~i~-~' . ~x +i ~' 4 ~4 x~a~x 'G;,:' -'t~'E~ T.wy~,~;n y~o"aw'. f~'r. ~ 5 Tax Parcel ~~ ~`~~~~~ _~ Lot: ~ ~ Black: section: obdivision F .r~~.~~;'~?~ti~ ~~;tW~.~~~ ~fResidentia~l commercial circle ore} if commercial, type gallday ~`;~`~:~~' N~ knits: Na. Bedrooms; ~~ No, ~ccupants~~mployees: ~"~~ max, Septic Tank size: ~ ~~;~~ allons P~t~p Tank ire: ~~~~' gallons I~TA~: ~ .f ; galldaylsq.feet System Type: ~`~'~~ water ~uppiy~ ~'~ public private ~wel1 permit required} No, Drainlines: ~,~ Length each: ~~{~' FT width each: ~:~ FT I~rainfield Sq. Feet: ~:, ~~' Bed Dimensions: FT x ,~FT Trend, Bottom Depth:w'~~ inches ~Max.~ The fallowing conditions noted must be carnpleted and approved prior to the issuance of an ~~r~hvr~~a~r'otr .for ~'aste~v~ter ~~ste~rt ~or~~truc[iorr permit. A Building Permit cannot he obtained without a~n ~~~~orr'~a~ior~ for N~a~~e~~aCer S~~slerr~ Co~rs~ructiorr. {heck ali that apply} .~ Lot must lie recorded with the New Har~aver bounty register a~' Deeds office, Suitable fill material must be installed according to attached Fill Plan. {I~iII must be inspected and approved before release af~~rth~~~i~~~ro~ for l~as~~x~afer S~s~etxr Co~s~rt~c[rot7.} Approved for use of Alternati~re! innovative system, type:, . ~~ ~~equest farm must be completed and returned to I~ealth Dept.} install drainage as required. _ ,~ ether. ~~!-.' ~~~. ~ €-, ~, ,ti~F;..,~~ .;< < ~'.,- ; If".~' ~_iy ~..i~~ _. F •~~ '.i. ~..- 'x~,r ~ .~.« s,~ ~ ~ } ~.'~•..~ f t.' ,:,~ ~i • ~, 3-~~,r' ~`+.~'+.f ~~ ~ r '~ {r p ¢ ~a~ 1F ! I ~ /// T yf Y ~~ ,^ ~~~, t~t~. ..~~~f 1,^1~3 ~ 4,~p .~., Y~Jj-~4 V,+~'~~{~ f...4'i.4{~~ t L'~`f~ ,,M3 ~'i 3i 4 i. i~.~!,:w,Y~ ~ .4 r~ ~~~'.JFw '~*~-'~~,J ~~~ .t'11"'P...1 ~~•y~ ! ~~M y1 + I1iIII ~ y W ±r ''~ V 1.. 1 4 ~ + ~1 ~. ~ S. ~ '3~ ~ '*'~M' ~, µ ," ..4 ~ ~ ~ '~ }' Fr ~r ~ T 1 `~4 ~•H~ ~~~;+~~.. i''•'€~ t ~`~:~.w ~ ~"'li~~~ ~+'~~,"•.~~ 'ti~Z' f+R_!i ~4 ~.~~,R;~;`i ',..~ >{4 ~.i {-, ti..~.~ f~. ~.:}".,''~~-^ r!f ~ a y" i Issuance of this permit does not necessarily indicate ti~at the proposed structure yr use of the wastewater system meets county zoning at~d land use regulations. If you have any questions about passible zanir~g requirements, please contact tl~e Neer Hanover bounty Plnr~ing l~ep~rt~nent. This permit does not exempt the permittee from complying with all other Taws and regulations that are imposed by other agencies. This ~ertni# shall its no way be #aken as a guarantee for the performance of the waste~~rater sys#en~ fnr a~~y given perlnd of time. Any change in the na#re, volume or loeatian of the sys#em shah render this per€~it ~~If3, ¢-~M Improvements Permit Date ~ ' Bxpirat~on Date ~ 4 -~ ~~ #4 ~ ~, ! ~ I k 'J ~ ~ i ~atuC~; ~ `~ `~; t'~~mit ~~t valid a~le~s~sigaed by A,~il~a~i~ed Agent i r7 ;~ ~~ +~ .< r }} 2 ~ & #~ } F S ~ '~ Fggg4 ~ h'S ~ .r'~i1.1~ ~wnerlApplicant ~F ~~~#- :~ ¢9 ~~ 4 ,«~,~ ~, Date ~~ _,-~. ~~:._~:~,.... ~'' ~ r ._ ~ } '~ { f, ,., w~ w ' f, ~ ~ G ! S ~.. ~+t ~'y i i_ ~ ~...d } .k ~~..% 1. 3. 4' ~ t • w `+ I ~f.: i ~ ~ ~ x ~ 4~~ frtJ~ 1,.. ~,,}~ ~x i ;,. ~~~ ~, ~ ~'w~'j.,,J Pile N~mher ~ ~~~_~ =s [?~~: w~ L~ N~ir~ber ~ .~:~ka'~i ' ~ s r ,a Page ~ of,~-~' dew Hanover County Health Department Environrr,ental Health Services ~~~ Nlar~et Place Dr, Suite I4o 'ilmington, N~ 2843 ~~Ia~ 7~S-~~G~ {91D} ?9I1W7~~ fax PROVEEI~'TS P~RNIIT PERMIT tS SUB3ECT TO REVOCATION IF S1TE PLANS OR 1NTENDEI7 USE CHANGE ~fYrt rY-~'r~ f~Y }s j.'d '<T $~M .j ~;A l~cant fi. ,~~~,r~aF,1 i , /+ ~y V Y- nLr R ~ R { ..~ Jq ~'..Y o-. , ~r °r9 ~ r r s'~ "r' "~ .r S ~ '' «~.;,,~ ,.0.~'"'+ <~, a`Y'` f ! .: , , n ~ o ~ < .: o-`.•~ :~ h 6~xI r~fB <.~ ~`~ <'_• a.:,.~0..e'! r.~ s.~..• r6t pp ~ ~ ~ y. r.u..-~l n....: „b't .: r r .t r ~ .~~ .r .. ~J' :~%``, .h". ,[rs i.t h.. /// ~~{1nV ~{.Ir {~!'`k~.,r'' {,.r~ ~!y <:~ "~,f e,rr ~~Y ~d >`- ~..,r Y ,; 4~,,.~ ~"`s~~-~~ ~~ .~ : ~' ~ ~~,.~ ~ l,y~` ~• g%~ ~~ Tax Parcel f Fx'~ 3'r i f a'.s r~ • yy,g°`~i;'* ¢.? ~' ~,..~f~~! ?.[, 1~ .'e r, ~k[f~~ ~f' A~ at. 4 F~~y~ I~~SJ V~ya ', r Site Lacation.;~r L ~ Section• r , ~, ~ .. 4 ~b44~ ~ f Fs ~y.` r: ~~. ~ ~. V~SIa f.;~ {~ '' '„' [ 1. .r F~ r ~~ r F,~r Ise {'': _~~x _ i+++~ . .w. ~ r s3 .. ,{ 4'esidentia} cial net if commercial t e r'~~ ~ ' ~ # __... ----- gallday :YT=~~'?<:,~`~€~~:• ~ ~:~ - -~ r l1~a~nmer ~crrcle a , yp F "~~` ~ 1 o. . ~ :F 5 .k Na;„U~it~~ ~^y ~~ No. Bedrooms: ~' ~r ~~~ o, {~aaupantsl~mplayees:~ ~fx~~,~~~ masc. ~r'~ $,T,. , ` ~ allans Pam ~anlt ire: ,~.~~w allons L7`AR: ~~~,~~ gailday~sgFfeet Septic Tank. ~~e~ . ~ ~~~~ r g ~ - ~ . ~~ ¢~ ~ublic rivate weal ermit re aired ~` water u l p ~ p yste~n Type; ~; ~.~~:;y pP Y~ ~,s p .~.~.,- ~ 4, ¢~~ ~ •~ _ Length each: FT Width each: ~-°`~°~~`T Drainfeld Sq. Feet: ~.~ Na. Drainlines: ~~{ -.-~-~- , Bed Dimensions: ~e ~~;~ FT x ~~ ~~:f~ F~' ~"rench I3ottam Depth: r ~~_~ inches Max.} The following conditions Hated roust be completed ar~d approved prier to the issuance ~f an ~4~~hor~~alrat~ .for I~Yasc~wa~er S,~sten~ ar~s~r~uc~iorr permit. A Building Permit cannot be obtained without an ~~t~orraatr'o~r for ~as~ewa~~r• ~ys~~rrt o~s~~~ucl~~r~. ~Cheok all that apply ,~. .~ ~~¢R ~Y. Lot must be recorded with the dew ~Ianover County Register of Deeds ~f~ce. _ Suitai~~e fill rnatertal must be installed according to attached I~iII Dian. ~Fiil must be inspected and approved before release of ~uthor~~a~r'ot~ for ~Yas~e~v~ler• Sys~ern Co~rstr~r~~rat~.~ Approved far use of Alternativel Innovative system, type: Request form must he completed and returned to Health Dept. Install drainage as required ~ ~; .f 9 j % ?$ :~ ~ t•.~ fi ~:~.a[..•M:fF•.. S ~ F'~ ~ r a ~ ~ "y¢ y ~ .. ~`f [i ~'~.~ s.~ '` .~4*~„ :_ .~si la'y' }~• 1.'; ~r , ,,:o- ~ .7 4~.1i ? ~ ~i .~j'„~ p ~f ~ - F'' c 8. r~ ~„ '" ~ J. . r° ~/~h~L ~~~d F:~~~W ~.`r .s~ F~ / ~'k ~. ~~ :f •a .: ~~~. „q~,~ ,~~~o' ~-"~~,.~.r Y `,65.~~' r Jr~~~F •w~' y.. "~ ~ ~} T ~~ i " >b ~~~ ,.., 'r a ~ ~~ a~ r t.~~ ~ _ ~3 ~x°~"'nry r'~,Y ~ ~ '~ ° ~ :F r / w~' f i Y '.;.i~ r , f' S' <.- VC.. S ~ '~.6 a, lr. ~A~ ~~ ~,! s : '°'.~,.<~';I.~ s ~~~~ ~<<,.1~~ ` 4 ,} S.r,i Issuance of this permit does Hat necessarily indicate that the proposed strnct~€re or use of the wastewater system resets county zoning aid land use regulations. If you have any questions about passible zoning requirements, please contact the New Hanauer County Planning Department. This permit does Hat xe~~pt the perrnittee from complying with all other caws and regulations that are imposed by other agencies. 'his permit shall in noway be taken as a guarantee for the performance of the wastewater system for ax~y given period at' tune. any change in the nature, volume or loeatio~n of the system shall render this pertnlt'~~~. 5 J sic n„ r ~} A ~ ~ y qty ~ Y r S :~~1~Y d ~ ~~ t 6 .#+I~•~ ~.j ky /'~}'~ I~ p iy „~a~ 3 7 C ~ ~C rr~+e,~~ a ~'j H Lxp~rat~an Date ~ ry~~~1'.';f ~ it l~ ~ ~~y ~ Improverrrents Per.~~t Date ~ r i °;%~~ ! ~~ ~ F r i f . ~ >< r~6 $ ff..* ~? x ,rte Y f ~ , Signature. < ~ ~ r ~ z [ ~, ~ f , n t'crmit got valid ur~~ess stnc~ ~y.A~~l~~ri~ed A~~nt i ~' '~ ~ ~ { ~ S~ ~ ~rs 1M .f ~~ ~}r.:I ~Y~6r. ~r/:; 3y'4R ! ~ ~r ~wner~Applicant - Date ja. ~ i f:, rt Y:~;.~. s t ~ ~r" l~ r-'ti n ~w~ '4a :>~w;~ ~ .j .: ' ~ ~ „} ~' ~ ~ • &~ a ~ Ste? ~:'",;,~ ~9 ~ .;~ `E~;c;.,a`` b •. ~o ~~ ~'_! GV ~i \'i ~ ~~ ~ ',~ ice" ~jle NuCn~er LE N~rr~ber Page 1 of _r ;i ,,rte; 9. ~ S ~-. Min rs•:a a2""'a 3 &~ ~ yµ79 ex~~;M1 ~ c ~ti ~: ~~'~~~~ ~• i^._1~ :,.£:'r ,r'~'•t• ~`. ~ r. n~~ ~~ s ~~m ~~:~1 S'<~,E ~ ~: ~; ~2}?J~~,, ~~ f~ &:. $ s~~ ~ ~~ t { ~ ~ ~, ~. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~{~~~~F ~~~. ~~ ~ flew I-Iano er ~ !i alth ~ p man ~rf$~ 2; ~y~~~}rRy~ ~ r•~or,jG'~;~. r..< c~-S F~~ f s. p~a7x ~ Ot1n ~5 l~nviranmental I~ealth Services ~,* a~~~ ~:,~~ •~'~~ ,~g ~~~~~ ~ '~}~: ~ ~ 23~ Market Place Dry Suite l4U ~'~b ><",M`~~l a.ayxo`,i;'~>a,ar<~y~~:.Af R.1 'W~~r~~ngtou, N 284~~ {~ I0~ 7~-~G~7 {91 U} 791-?2~9 l~ax PROVEMEI~I'~'S PERNN~~'~` PERMIT CS SUBJECT TO REVOCATION [F SITE PLANS OR INTENDED USA CHANGE ~/~] ~1 y~ ~ r t t ~ ~ r. ! ~ ~ l~cant _ '' ~ ' ' „ sr : .. <" ~k: _,-0r ~{, ,¢'~, ~J~nV3 ~+". .: .,w .,. ift y~ .d .;~'~o ~ ~cr &3w~:'~'~~ .r;; '~di Address ~; k,. ~},;~:~.~ ~t- ~ Phone Na. 1 -~.~ r ! . ,a.; ~~ .."p,: '+^~' ~- {j~i..a ,. h ,j~.~ ~-,}• ~~,' .f.l~' T{1A Parcel . ~ ~. ~~ f~-. i 4.i~~•• : - ~ -{ ~~ `- Site Location. ~~iry`. ~' ~ ~4. ~~ ~~ ~ ~ ~~1. ~ ~.~- i ; ~~ ~.. Lot: ~ Block: Sect~an; Subd~vls~an : ~~~ jn~ ~~E~ ~~#-T.~, yl ~Residentialf commercial {circle one} if co~nrnrcial, type - ----- -_-- gal~day ` `~~'.'TM`.~.~" ~ ~~ Na, Qccu antsll~m la ees: ~'~' max, No. C~nits. _ Na. Bedrooms: ~} __ p p Y .~--- '~ ~~ allans Pam Tank Sipe. gallons LTAR: ~ ~~~ galldaylsq,feet Septic 'Wank Sipe: ~ ~.~, . } p i.~ System Type: .. water Supply: ~ public private {well permit required) E`f, Na. Drainlines; ~ _ Length each: ~ +{~ FT width each: ~ PT Dra~nfield Sq. Feet: -_•-~~ Bed Dimensions: ~'~' x I~T Trench Battarn Depth: ~~' Inches {lviax.} The f`ollawing conditions noted roust be completed and approved prior to the issuance of an ~ttlhor•r~otrv~~ .for I~astewa~er ys~ern orr~~rucsro~r permit, A Building Permit car~n~t be obtained without are ,4~~{~orr'~a~ton for ~as~ewa~er S~stet~ Corrst~+~c~io~. {heck all that apply} = Lot rrtust be recorded with the New ~Ianover bounty Register of Deeds Office. Suitable dill material must be installed according to attached l~ il1 Plan, {dill must be inspected and approved before release of Au~~orizatio~~or I~as~e~vater SysEerrr o~s~ruct~orfi.} Approved for use of Alternativel Innovative system, typo: -_--- - _ {Request farm must be completed and returned to Health Dept.} _ Install drainage as requ~r° . _ ,,. . r _ `.:.. f" ~ ~`~-' ~1r ~,z~ ~,~w~~ti.,, .~~,ti ~ ~~.t ~~ ~J+,n4+,F,,..E,,.~~, .~~#-~ ~..;~: ~:.'..rr«~ ~~_ °~.t1 ; ',.~..1.~ ~ ~>~~~~'>~..i~~ ~.~RA~"j + ` `r~! .~ ~t"` 4..i~+~f,< `'~t*t`t f~y Other; 3 ~ , .. ~w .~»-., r 1fr' _ ~~` h °y~ ;... ;.+~ f 1~ :' ~ r~~ ~° .f ~. y n « f w,. , i,. a s: ~ ] ai t".t~ +~ i .i ~ #„' } ~.#Y ~l f~ ~.+`~`k, ~x~?~. ~rJ ~ ~ ~~ ,fS`:~ ~ •. 'w, .., ry ~ .~.~ , ~,~ ~ ~. ~>~y ~ .~ ~w.i . +...' ~ .. , {. ~ f ., , ~. r'. :. 41 r Issuance of this permit does not necessarily indicate that the proposed structure ar use of the wastewater system meets county ~vning and land use regulations. if you have ar~y questions about possible caning requirerneots, please contact the New Hanover bounty Planning Department. This permit does not exe~rrpt the permittee l'rorn complying with all other laws and regulations that are in~pased by ether agencies. This permit shill ire na way be taken as a guarantee for the perl`orma~nce of the wastewater system for any give~a period ~f time. Any change in the nature, volame or location or the system shall render this permit ~'~rD. Irnprovemeuts Permit Date :~ I;~piration bate 11 .may f, i s; r~ h j xxl!,; t Fr,! { v~~ f 4 1. ..$ -~ ~, f' f r f. w~p' ~ ~~ ~r ,.+Y-, ~.4't'.... } ~ ~ f~' S~f tJ ~ r y;~ y~ f ~cr~nit nct va~~~ ~~less~s~,r~ec~ by~Authorixe~ Ag~r~~ r .ja :~ ~+ a'FY'a s4C fix. ~: Y ~. d ~ € ~ r OwnerlA lioant ~ ~ ~f ~_ ,€~ Date ~} ~ ~:,~~•~ ~~- -~~~ p ,~.~ ,~ F~~e Nula~er ~"~;a~~~` ~; -~<< s.,r.Fi . cF "~ y i" Wage 1 of ':.° New I~anover bounty ~Iealth Department ~nvironr~ental I~eaith services ~0 lv~arket Place Dr, Suite 1 ~~ wilrr~ington, N~ ~S~o~ (9 I ~} 798-~~~ ~9 I0} 798-7~~9 fax 11~PR~'6~ElNN~E1~1TS PE I~' i'ERM1T 1S SUBJECT TO REVOCATION iF SITE PLANS OR INTENDED USE CHANGE s ~r ~ a, 1r5 ~ r g~ :F,> ', ~ 4..Y ;: ~~) ~~a~ ~~ •~r ; ~ 4 ~`:3~ f '~ y~ ~~,? iii , • o'.~";~sw;3 ~~.",i J I ,~ ~ .,"~ x r~ ~~ 6-0, Ap cant ~ ~•~ owner : ~' ., ,,,. ,o ~ r, ~ ~; ~. ~ . ~_~ ~ ~ ~ • .~•:.. ~A.} ~}[~[~ f r/ ~~{ f t ~ti ;~, c P ne N fa J~ F~ ~ ~ '" ~" a. ~a .Y'~ '~ aY~~r= ¢~~s f, .~:~ / 4~drL ~7 ~7 Y ~~' ...3.~ .~ ~. .f ~5 ~ ~y f/ ~ ~ p ,~.ea £..,J ~ ~~r lt.<'~ ~.f i~.. :. " . ~. « r ~~ ~.,,.. ti•f% ho ~, # " `9. 3 ~,y:. fz.,;3 1..;3L ..~' ~. ~~ d .~' s' '# t r. ,' .- • '~ppp~~~r~..^~ ~ Qy • //•/yyy~~yJ Jry i 55 ,~~. ~F+~'~F'~~~r 'N;~~y~i~ ,~F~.~.++'~it ~Z ,~~~ F~~~ T1.Ml Parcel }• ~• ~ rJ~~~~-S ~ 1: ~ .~'~~ .r : .. .. " .. 'rte t.. " y~r~' r' f :., ,~,; ,~ ~ n,od f ~y. I"'° .'} f~ i '~ ,~ Y ~/~j 7lr' ~„'w. 1 1/1,~Rf /[~; }l''~1 Site Locat~or~: <~ ~;~~ ~~ ~r . ~ ,Y, ~~~m,q~` ~ .r"P v `~ ~y,rf ~'.Si AF~~ r Lotr ~ BIa Y+~~ Y~t~V n+ .' ' ty ,r r ~ of ' . ~, ti , t ~ f'~. rf , 1 F i' ;::' #. ,~' u '~~~' f. ~h .r ~ i~/'~ # 4~ ~ ~j"1 rS' - ~~ } .. r, i ¢ :.. ¢ ~ Residenti~'ommercial circle one If commercial, ~ s' ~g~.x'~ .,r~ allda ~ :`~`~'".~ No• Units: ~~~ No. Bedrooms: ~~~~~4y.::, No. ~c~i~pantsll~~nployees:.~ ~Y ~s„~ max, ,.~., Septic Tank Size: ,gallons Pump Tank Six: r~°~~~gallons LTAR: ~~' ~ r~~~µj~ gall~~.ylsq.feet System Type: :,,';~~¢#:~~:. 'dater supply: ~~fi~~ public ~ private {well permit required No. Drainlines: ~~~ ~t? Length each: FT Width each: 4 ~y~ FT ~rai~t~eld ~~. Feet: ~~ ~~Y&~r~ Bed Dirnensians: `~~~" FT x *~°~~° FT Trench Bottom Dept17:.~~ ~~ inches Max.} . The ~`ollowing conditions noted must be completed and approved prior to the issuance of an ~~~~harr~air'v~~ .far Y~as~ev~atar stern 'o~ts~r•uctr'~rr permit. A Building Permit car~r~ot beobtained without an Aul~rori~a~ior~~ fa~• Yifas~ewa~er Sy~~~~~r Cor~~truc~iarr. Check all that apply} ,. ~~:~~" Lot must be recorded with the New I-Ianover bounty Register of Deeds ~f~ice• _ u~table fill material must be installed accardir~g to attached Fill Plan. Fill roust be inspected and approved before release of ~1~t~Dri~a~fD~ f ~r l~'as~~~v~~er ~ys~e~r~ Ca~rs~r~~c~ror~,} Approved for use afAlternativel Innovative system, type: ~~equest form must lac corr~pleted and returned to I~Iealth Dept. _;~ Install drainage as requ~r~ . ~; :~ fi ri fys ~ •E a"r~r ~.,," f ` fx ~^ y; k.i.ae,r„ ~` ~~ff !~ .. .. ~ ~ aj F r.r~f`sj° !' } Pf~ ~'' ,~ ~ f' ~' p ,y ~ ~~~Yy p~ of • :: y: ff ~~ r F~ ... '~ ) F tii ~ ~ f ~ ~ 7 ~~~a .~ ~~~~ ~~..~5 ~~ ~.r~~r.}~ ~~ ~„: I.`% .~ i /J e?~ • .X~`~°. .~ s .4'~P` r F~ _<.5 ~ ..r, f .. i';.If v.~ ' - ~ ~ ~~ t,~' d..w~~ ~'r ..; ~ ~ <~~~? .-71 e g .l~ ' "'# e' -~ r k _ !~?~,f'r~.;: ~~..f~hLw?~` ,.a ~'j"s .#~ ~d..•` j~~'s sj~ ~~ .p~. ~'~ ,~ ~ fly .~ r~ :+''Yi ~i T'.~` ~ ,.'~ r.',"~k <f,' ;~„~ f•z~,~'~.s~,.;~'~.~~ ~ ri.s ~ ~ r ~: Issuance of this permit does not necessarily indicate that the proposed structure or use of the wastewater system meets county zoning and land use regulations. If you have any questions about passible zoning requirements, please ca~tact the New ~Ianover bounty Planning Department. This permit does not exe~r~pt the per~nittee ~`rom complying with all other laws and regulations that are imposed by other agencies. This permit shall in no ~~ray be talten as a guarantee for the perfnrma~ce of the wastewater system for any given period of time. Any change in the nature, volume or location of the system shall reader this permit V~~D. ;A ' ~ 5 F ,~r~ ,}~ r Irnpravements Permit Date ~~_~~~~~~_ x ~';,~:~`... Bxpiratior~ Date ~ .y~~~: ". ~ ~,.}~ ., :~ .Y~ jiff d ~ ~ ~f~ ~ ,.rY°:7 r { ~ C'~ r rn " r tt e] '+~+p _R_'~°" S nature. Ees. ~'...f ! ~ f>'`t~ ° f .•~r.I /;~,ir'~;17~ is v>r....":., ,,k r ~..~ Pcr~riit ~o~ va~~d ur~~cs~.~~~ncd ~y ~~t~~arized Agc~~t , ..~~~; ~ rA '6 ~" ~ M~ r ~wnerlAppl scant `~ s~ b ~r ~~~ ~~~~Y ~ ~ ~H~R Date - o~. „ ~' ~ g+~(4~h ~Y<.'.sJ! '9.ti'<,• ~ :".. £ :S .Sw,ti ..:`y :.. ~ ~° a. ...y. '`s ls~ #+ >~ ~«.~s ~ ~'~l~ ~uXn~~~ LP Number Page ~ of y we~4: ,~ a ,i~r;,~a #;r n i~e;~ ['~r. >;~ ~::s"~~ Ef~t~s ym ~ .'}I-~i.w Hanauer Gau~ty ~.,1i}?~p ~rcr,, v ~o~ g 5 a?~'d' s. ~`,~ r~ v ri'•~z.'~ X. E ~~d 7 ~~a ~ ~p~i al l~Vnt ~: ` ~: S ~ ~ < E: f' °i'~ •a'~}~ k r.., ~:rd'':^Yf~~KSC sd ~~ ~e ~? r ~,~ w ~ ~ }: } t;,m c.'„ y ~ ,~ .f ~ ~!' i~~2~1 3 s; y~ ,~; 7}''~1 ~{f r (~ ~~ .f ~ ~ z ~ ~1: r~'<« ,~ fi.a~"wsra ~-,r~~2u:~ ~ r.~~,py.,:,7.i 'o~; }e` }~ ",6:~. ja~ kF~Y&wt ~~ ~ ~ U • i l~a~th ~~L } ~{~Y~ ~~~ , ~nv~ronrnenta~ ' 9']~'~ri~ ~ ~~~ Market dace Dr Suite l 40 iA~Z t ~~~'V ~/+'+F So~~.a..1. +~diS` iL~i 5~ F It _°~',~~~~~* ~~4 ~ _:JS$ Vf ri v' + 4 ~~' ~ ...ti~~..;+ °.!.~a.:~ ~. .sr.,~.~,.,,>«~°~ w1~rX~~I~gtan, SIC ~i~~a~ ~~ l D} 7 J S'~~~7 ~9 10~ 79-769 fax 1~IIPROVJEEl~T'TS PE I'T PERMIT 1S SUBJECT TO REVOCATION IF SITE PLANS OR INTENDED USE CHANGE ~VVrler ''43;µr.?!...'~i'~Eµ" ',.~..lw~l~le ~'3~Y~`~s~ ~5„'~~ 's'. ~. t.. .~~ f Address ~ "~' ~. .. ,.a ' _ /~ _ ~ r ~ ~ppl~cant t t"~ #~~.,,;~~~ 4 ~ _ .~~ ~x,I~ ~ ; ~.1,~,< r;;....i x +,;y ; ~ , `p , 7 ~ 1 .. ... ,.. ~ l :. 1R. •'. ~~ ~ '.`r~aF n~ Y ~ ~l:~~R' p.~y Phone 1 j~. 1 pp}} { ~{-, ~..~ • +~< ~P~~r~;;7": ; ~~'.3 ~rr~ r,~,~ y`f~ :f ,f n ";~'"i ff'~~~` "~t `4ri" S7'.i~t i ~ {.~ 7 s'. m~.S' I~>`'~~4~'i ~~,~'x~'es ax~° p" ,',Y~69°1,~ Tax Parcel S// Slte OCa~lark:'~~' 'ti'"`:"~' ~~.j-~"§,.~~~ ',~?~' ~r~ ~ Lot: ~F~ Block: Section: .~ Subdiv~sian • ; ~'~ `.:'.'!" _+~ ~f.."~~ - Resident~a~l ornmercial circle one} if eornme~ciai, type gallday ~``-" ~~' ,{ Na+ ~n~ts: ~ No. Bedrooms: ~ No. ~ccupantslEmplayees. ~ ~~ ~nax. Septic Tank Size: ~ ~:~~# ~ allans Pump Tanlt ize:~gallans LTAI~: ~ •~' gallday~sq.feet System Type: :k~~- -- dater Supply:;, public ~ private dwell permit required} No. Drainlines: Length each: ~~t. FT width each: FT Drainfeld q. Feet: r~~' Bed Dimensions: p'T x FT Trench Battom Depth: ~'~ inches {~Iax.} The following conditions noted must be completed and approved prior to the issuance of are ~4t~tho~•i~alrr~t~ . f°r Ylraste~va~~r ~ys~e~ C~nslructrorr permit. A Building Permit cannot be obtained wi~haut an J#4u~~arr'~'a~ra~ror Y~a~~ewater S~sterr~ orrs~r~rc~iorr, Check all that apply} ~~. Lot must be recorded with the New I-ianover County Register of Deeds office. Suitable Bll material must be installed according to attached Fill Plan Fill must be inspected and approved before release of Au~hori~a~io~, f~r~ I~astewar~r• ~ysterr~ o~rsrructior~.} .~ JApproved far use of JAlternativel Innovative system, type Request form must be completed and returned to Health Dept.} _ Install drainage as required. ~ _ ~''./ ~f th VrF ~~ ~ ~+'l~. ~~..+ ~~~'+• ,. ~..~'~i~'f. i. ti.,~k ;{,~.Ff~ 1.. E. ~ ~ f~~~i f ,~ Rw'~~'~3j ~y~ ,. .. {~~~i L'~ k~".i ir# ~ J'f~r ' ~'I~i•i ~x +4. s' P :~~ f {„'?# ~ ~ f, .•~4}f~ ~ ~... ..;", ~~ ~~ ~. j..3''~~~~#~~~~~.~~ 1 'y~,. ~ t^~`~.., ~;.},... `, < ,~~-'~:~ ~i ry ~xi~!', j#~ .W i:f...`,.r' / ~ ~ 3 f ~~ t ~ i , 1 " .,'+ } '~ if ~~ r1j"'# ~~~Hf '. r k 4~r t y~,1,,,~#'~: r' f,.~fity~' ~,-~~~:f ~• ~7~#,~~ S",f4' .I~ FJT~~ri.,}., ,~...<~ i,a 4r E~r• ~ ,~~.rtF.~~rfi.,~. ff .;}r ~ ~. Issuance of this permit does not necessarily indicate that the proposed structure ar use of the wastewater system meets county zoning, and lead use regulatiaus. If you have any questions about passible zoning requirements, pease contact the New Hanover County planning Department. This permit does not exe~r~pt the perinittee from complying with all other laws and regulations that are imposed by other agencies. This permit shall xrr no way he tal~en as a guarantee f€~r the performance of the wastewater system #`ar ajxy given period of time. Any e~ange in the nature, volume or iocatiarr o#` the system shall render this perm~'~~ID. ~_ ~~, ~ ~ C~°' ' Expirat~an Date Irriprovements Permit Date :. ~ ~" .,;~~~ )'' ~ A}~ t ~"'~' ~y~ ~ ~ ., w~ ~ ; a "~ ~ . ,, ~~ { i~ r" ~'tf. t~ j a' a ^~~.1 .~6# f~ F F • i ~{f~ A~ ~.ir, f ~ C Signature: ``J ' Per~~~t nit va~i~ finless sigr~e~ ~y 1A~t~~arixed Agc~t ~' F 'r ~ t R 9 cµ. :3 ~wnerlA licant ~ ~~~~~y~~ ~°, ~~~ ~ ~`~.~~. Date ~~~ ~ ~~~ a ~ ~ ~MPI~.~VEEN'TS PE IB' PERMIT IS SUBJECT TO REVOCATION IF SITE PLANS OR INTENDED USE CHANGE ., , f ~j # s ~ ~ Owner ; : ' ~ '..,#~ ~. ~.F P'`..a' , ~ r~,~, ' F• ' ~ < r *s<:w `{ ~F 'v'~:, i { ~~ ir' { ~s . ° <• ' f L~]~]~~LI L4n~ < r j'> .:f '~`.r ~,~° C ~n `~ •.~ ' ' ~~.T.: P: s ~' ? x' ~ . ~ r' a {' r V . . 6 ~~ . !}~ Address r « ~.'° ~ ,~.~~° j"~~f' T y~ lw •a< ~ "` r`"f~ .~a ~ . . { if ~ i L . : , A; ,: ,,:, ,F~ . r .. _ ~ r'tlr ~ r"'tea 9i x ne; ~~ s,a. d ..~~+rr.~ e ~ ` ~i i .~ { /~ 4+ } f ~ a l~ha~~i lYa. r" ':r '~,t'~ ;rya r~} *~ '~},~::~"`~/ ~..,i~'y '~ ~ . €,' r.: ~s r:. ~~ ~. ~..GR'~ ' !~ ~ ! f; rc~ ,fr,:L~t t.E~!:>Z°~ a <4•'6~.. ~J~ _<~.~' ~ .n ~ l < :.d .r'F~~. ~',; ~r'4, ~ kg ~ '{+.^.~ Y-.«,~~ e~{~ [+p1 ~ ~ 1 ~ r.~,rn•.~ ~ rx~~~.~~~.. ~.~...~ x, w .. Tax parce l Site LOCationl ti~Mj ~~x • ~'> x{ ~ '~ ~~'~r~ r ~~Ri.:! , "n " 1 {;Y /'~ ~~ •'{~ > l.;r~' i, 8 ~r LVt. ~„af°~ Bl {l~~a oct~or~. N s t f •3 1 1 I~~ ~nY }~ p } .fy~ e~"F ~ w~ri ~ ~r; ~~~ ~ ~f F r~- ;~;'~R' 9 ~ ~~~c+~ i~ ~bd~~iM~Vl^ r 9,~J~~},~~.y~'~~.§f < ::~ ~ ~ .i r ~~~,r ~,~.~'k V ~,n -a ~ r,~ .5 `~esiden~ a~l~,Corr~merciai circle one If comrr~ercial, t e ~'';~~$k ~~ k'. allda ~~#~=~~`~ .q..' ~ 0'+- K '~~~yAr 4 No~ units: #A'~ ~ N0. Bedrooms: ~ `~~~~ "~ ~Vo. ~c'c~pants~~~npfoyee: -~'~~'~~~----max. Se tic Taol~ Size: ~~,.>`~.~.:~ allons Pump Tank Sipe: ~~~~ g s~". galldaylsq.feet p ~ ~:= ~ alions LTAR: ~ System Type: rri ~ *~ .. water upply:~~'~~F, public private dwell permit required} Na. Drainlines; ~~~~`>~ Length each: a~~ ~~ ~ FT width each: ~~~ ,PT Drainfield q. lµeet: ~~~~~~,~ 13ed Dimensions: ~~.R~,~. FT x ~~".' ~T Trench Bottom Depth:f~~_ inches ~Nlax.} Tl~e fallowing conditions noted must be completed and approved prior to tl~e issuance of an ~~~~hvri~~f~o~~ .for ~as[~~vater S~s~ern ~ons~ruc~rot~ permit A Building Permit cannot be obtained witlYOUt an ~4ut~rorr~a~~r'ar~ fog ~as~~wa~~r System ~o~rs~~~~~~~~~. ~Chec~C all that apply} ~~ ~~v f~ Lot must be recorded with the New ~Ianaver County Register of Deeds ~ffce. Suitable fill material must be installed according to attached bill Plan. spill must be inspected and approved before release of~l~~~or•~~a~ior~ fir ~as~ew~~e,• S~s~err~ Carrs~rr~c~~o,~.} Approved far use ofAlternativel lnr~ovative system, type; Request form must be completed ar~d returned to Health Dept.} ~4lntall drainage ast requir°d. . ^~`-`~ ~ 'Y~ ~ v',o- ~._. ~'a ~~~ !) y: f.r ~ ~FAr 6{ y~ .u" ww ^ac*"'r f~ S ~ ~ F~~ A rr r F F r3Y ~ . #•a.. • }g .Y y Ali ~+ ~' k: J, r<," i ~ '`t <1. fi.., 3,2~ ~ :` a i ~;8 ~th11r. ~ ~~ fdd'' ~. ~: ~.i /,•^.ik r ?~.~1Y ~ ~~: P~ ~~ ~ ",~d`€ ~' ~ 13, n.' t ~,r ' pv .5x k.r ~?, . ~.a,~. e,r N:J~f,_f~1~~ ~ ~J~ .~3~' ~.,F..'~.a"~' 1Y.r ~~ -~:.: c.. ~ . -r~rJa. ~.., ''k„e>~.~d~sy ~ µfa ~. y, •'~1~ry. ~~ ~' ~~k'~~ ~%` f ~ ,y. New l~lanover County Health Department n~vironmental Health Services 2~0 l~arlcet Place Dr, Suite l40 V~liimingtan, NC 28403 ~~ l ~} 798~GbG7 X910} 798-72b9 fax ~! '~ fit .,1~,R w~.~'ti :~ ,f.~ A ~'4 iM .~ "•,y,r-~4 ~w~ ~'~ .~ .zwx~. +.~ .,fss .~_~ F,... ~ 't~~«.~ ,+...,~.~'i f` ~r"~ ~~ .~Mr~eR~ „~~ ,~;r~..~~wf.,1~ .?,~;/ ~; a ~.~ "~ C $ Fi~ issuance of this permit does not necessarily indicate that the proposed structure ar use of the wastewater system meets county zoning and land use regulations. if you have any questions about passible ~or~ing requirerr~ents, please contact the New ~l~nover County Planning Department. This permit does not exempt the perrnittee from complying with all other laws and regulations that are imposed by othe~• agencies. This permit shall in na way be taken ~s a guarantee for the performance of the ~~vastewa~er system for any given period of tune. Any change xn the nature, volume pr location of the system shall render this permit ~I~~D, lrnprovements Permit Date s': ~ .~y~F ~~ 1 ~ '` ,, x F', ~ 1 ai F Bxpzratlnr~ bate ~ ~~`~~~{ ~~. ~ "~~. fN'~f .~' ~ ~~ ,; ~ Signature: ,~ ~ °`~~~ • `~" . l CE~71t ~t V~~1~ !~ ~` ~ ~... r c #> S ~s, C~wnerlAppl~cant ~' ~r`~ f r ~ ~1~~3~{~ ~~ ~~1~10~~~~~ ~g~l~~ i~~ J ~3 ~F~. F~ r ~i a;n f~ .S* ~'. A. r+ =±: Date ~.y d' ~ .4" 4';;ed'.r ~, ~ ~ . ~°~ ~i~e Number ~ ~`"~ :: ~,. ~Numb~~ ~ ~. ~;,:~.: 1 a e rt.1 x :f .rs ~, t.: it 'z~ i a. .. ~ _ T: 77 ryY ~e ~ `~ Y3~';~ ~}r~ p `'~~f.4:, ~~ '~ ~E'.~"'`h ~~:,.&,~ #~ ~~ ~~ ~:` ~':S ~;cFr~ q'; > ~ c3 ~~' °,SaR r~i .~ i L1~4 ~ ~f -~ z~ { 5~ q: y. Yar~'S s& ~~a`2 o-s CI & iFxx..""~3 ~~~ ;.~,, ..•r<cq x:~ id^-5r x~ f °»~aa~ ~ ~ P ~ ~ s~~ y2 'I ~ ~~,`-~`~ ~ ~ #~ ~~ } ;t a a is -t / -~ J (~ ~L l/''1 [~ ]{_~ }~ ~'"~ "~r `~ ~ ~' ~~~'}~ I~ fyJ. F; ~`~"t ~.~§ ~'p~~ ;~ E_~'.s;3, ach ,y,"~^,'f#-~~ij~ I.pi~, ~Y1 l~~n{.I~V~ 1}Lrun H~~i~i~ ~~p~~i/i~~~ ~~'` !,? ~~~ 6 ~ $. ,yf R~ ~< ~ ~~,o,.'.~ °.`>' }~ ri £tarx..7 is v x+,~~;~.s~~ 4 ~fI }V~ 'C ~ ~'~~ ~ llnvirant~ental Health Services ~~~. e ~ ~ ~ ~~Y~~~~ #~~~@~~ ,~~~~;~~ ~-.~i7~i'~4 ~.~ Z~I~ Ivlarket Place Dr, Suite 14~ wilrnington, ]~lC ~84D3 ~910~ 798w~6~~ ~~1a} 7-7~~9 fax IPROiTE1V~EN'~'S PE IT PERMIT IS SUBJECT TO REVOCATION IF SITE PLANS OR 1NT6NDE~ USE CHANGE VY1~nLr ~~.... ' ~.k, t+ '„)i' ~'y' .Ws~, ~k °{' {Ai $r'~e .,r. -3 ~ 4 Address i ~_' . ~,r ~r. ~$~...~~., ~. <':~..~ , Slte Lacat~on, ~~~ 5E ~ ~j. ~`~,~, ;A }w ~,.~~1 . •„!..''~ ~ . qE:, .. .w ~q ,a+ '~.- .. ~, .. W Applicant ~} as :f.,~rl r t ~ ..If' I ~+ .#.-~}' ,~i,^~ ~~ . 1 1 ,~µ dry ~y/{ ~ ~ S.r ;~ N < E, •i Z ^o- i ~~ r ra 6 ~. Phone { {a• • ~ ~ f ,~ ~t ~ , C . ~ i@SP~; ~4~~3 6Y$1..,~ d ~'~~h~ ~~~-E.~ ;~~~~ y~~$'Y~ ~R .9<J' J~~.,~F ~:. ~{~. Tax Parcel . ax.~. b~" 6• Lat; `~' Black: ~u~~~~4n: <<- ~~' { .f, {`residential] orr~merciai circle one} If commercial, type gallday ~ ~ ~ . u .y_.....,,~~~~ ~~ , No. knits: Na, ~edraarns: ~~ Na. ~ccupantsll~rnplayees: r~ max. ' '~`` allon Pura Tank Size: allans I~T,r: ~,~4 allda 1s feet Septic Tank S~ze:yw .:~~,~ ~ P ~g ~~ y q• System Type: ~~ ~ water Supply: ~~~ public private dwell permit required} Na. Drainlir~es: ~:. Length each: ~.4= FT 4~idth each: ,~~ FT Drainfield ~q, Feet: {~'~ ~~~' fed Dimensians; FT x FT ~`rench Batton Depth: ~~ ~~ inches ~Max.~ The fallowing conditions noted rr~ust be campleted and appraued prior to the issuance of an ~r~~f~ari~a~iv~~ .~°r ~asle~a~~er Sys~e~~t a~~struc~farr permit. t~ 3uilding Permit cannot be obtained without art ~ ~rlhvri~atia~ far l~as~ewater ~ys~err~ a-a~trr~c~ia~r. {Check ai 1 that apPiy~ °~. Lot must be recorded with the New Hanauer Counter register of needs office. T Suitable fill material must be installed according to attached Fill Plan. Fill must be inspected and approved beforo release of ~f~l~ori~a~iarr far Was~ewa~er Sy~~err~ orrs~~•~~atia~~.~ Approved far use ofAlterr~ativel Innovative systerr~, type: Request forte must be campleted and returned to Health Dept.} Install drainage as requir°d. .. ., i ~ / V 4hLJr + ~ "~.r .., ; .,. ~,o 'x . ;' #', f- ~ *F A , ,~ ~ ~ ' ... - hs'/ ~ ~ '~~~t: `` ~ ~ ~ 4} ~ h ~/'~J 1a p .. w I ~ _ ... , r' .. ' 1 , . ~ # .. ~ ... ..r^ , .. ~ ~ « ,..,,,,.. ~ - ~ .,, .:rA f ~ '"„~ . ' S "1. ,- of o ~. r-i.:~ ; ~: '"' ~ ~;• .. t ~i" ;; r r4 ',~-~~~ 'y~ c ~~7.4~,_ F";'1 „i'~ ~~ ~'); ~ I~ :f"+ti~ ~kw~•a~~;~ ~. 4 'f"'~t~ ,..F~g.~ ~^$ i,.~y;~F~k~~~-~l`I ~ € 4El .F~°~•~ F f: ~' ! Issuance of this permit does not necessarily indicate that the proposed structure ar use of the wastewater system meets county zoning and land use regulations. If you have any questions about passible zoning requirements, please contact the New Hanover County Planning Depart~nent~ This permit does not exex~pt the permittee from corr~piying with all other laws and regulations that arc imposed by other agencies. This per~rit shall xn na v~ay be taken as a guarantee for the performance of the waste~~ater system 1'ar any given period of time. Any change in the. nature, volume or location of the system shall render this permit VOID. Impraverr~ents Permit Date Y.: _ , :• r '~'f ~~i ~~~ i•R ~ } ~M Bxpiratian Date .} F .is". Y"S's. Signature: ---- x ` ~ ~ ~ r-., Permit nit valid un~~ss~~~ed by Aut~~ori~e~ A~ge~t e ~~ itt ~wnerlAppl~oant ~ ~$ ,, t1 ,}{ '~ `y date ~.. ~•~ ~~• f ~ P ti x « < +• k~ °~F~ <~o ~il~ N~mher .~ ~~~`~~~ ~ ~` ~` LB Number ~ ~~;~s~ ~ ~'~A~ E ~ ~' 9. Wage 1 Of,~~ New I-Ianover onnty Health Department IJnviranrnental health services ~D Market Place Dr, quite l4~ wilmingtan, N ~S~a ~9 I a~ ~98~~b~7 ~ I ~} 798~7d9 fax IIi~PR~VEEI~d'~`S PE IT PERMIT IS SUBJECT T4 REVOCATION ~F SITE PLANS OR 1NTENDE~ USE CHANGE Qwner ~{j~~`~~~.~F l $~~wG~' ~ .~~,rf'~~~j ~, ~;~~ ~ ~`~ ~'~~~ Applicant ' ~ ~NN~ i~',~ ~~ ,~~r~n Address .~~ra~~ ~~=~ p „r~~ .af'~ < F~ -. { ~ ,,,, t ~ ~ } ~ ~_~~~ ~~~ f~;~ Phone No. ~ ~.~ tr; '~ ~ s , ~~ ~~.;r ~, ~ ~ ~:~~ ~F ~~ } ~r~ ~ ~` p~~+.~f~q~~~~.r' w! '"yp~ ..~ S3 3 ~ ~,. ~;: ~:,ti ~ 1 ,h,. ~Ej' ~ f; 1 ' 9t: P_,~Y ¢ ~. .~ _. . «.. . :` ~~ '~ ~ ~ ~ 7 . » 'i .w's ~ ..M r? .J'r¢`~."I'a~ ~~~, .~~9 rx<~, ,., .. zs ............ .. ~ '~ ,-0 + ~ , : ,...,.~~ ~ ,.s ~~}} g~'1 rra~yy r~ /'-p .. ,,+~~d r'4 F'';~ f#~~ ~. rn T4iA Parcel ~ , .~_.__ __-_.--.wy __-~ ... - - - ~ ~~a ~ r.+r ~ ~r / ii{{~~ 9 ~~t~ LacatiVnU{~X~L ia~'N o•J} ~~ {i. /X ~} ~~f:~~i~~~`gf(fp:} 9x;4` ~ k.} LatF ~¢4m:~ ~~~~~• ect~an. 'off 1's' ,r ~ . a •~ r ;..~~,r;~r'`~ > ,.R•, ~v~.:~.,~~`~.r.~ ~ ~~~~,.,. uhd~v~s~on . ,:'r,~ € ,~ ~~~~ ,.~~ ~•~ ~ ~ ~,• -r' .~:~ . ~~sidenti~ll~~arnmercial j ~q~~r~°!;~ ~~ a~lda ~~ ~eircle ane~ If c~mn~ercial ~ e ~~~;' ~ yp ~ Y r ~No ~`it~: ~N ~~~"~ ~~ , : ~ No, Bedraa~ns; ~". ~~ :~'-0' No. ~ccu ~~antsl~l~rn to acs: x: peptic Tank Si~e:~~°$f~ ~;= allans Purnp Tank Sipe: i~ gallons LTAR: :~; ~ ,~ gaildaylsq.#'eet yste~n Type: ~~~ water Supply: ~~~ public ~ private {well pe mit required Na. Drainlines:f ~:~ gig, Length each: "~~ ~~' PT width eaclZ: :~; FT I~rain~eld Sq. Feet: ~~R~ Bed Dimensians:~PT x -~~ I~T Trench Bottom Depth: ~~~ inches {Max.} - The fallowing conditions noted must be completed and approved prior to the issuance of an ~4u~~ror•i~a~ia~~ for I~a~1~~a~er ~s[er~ ~a~a~~r~c~ian permit, ,~ Building Permit cannot be obtained without an A~thari~a~ia~, fat Ias~~water Sys~err~ Co~~~r~trc~iorr. check all that apply} a ~,ot must be recorded with the New l~anaver Jaunty register of Deeds office. suitable fill material must he installed according to attached Fill Finn. ~I~`ilI must be inspected and approved before reiease of~u~l~ori,~a~io~ far ~Yastewa~er•Sys~e~rr ~ot~s~r~r~~rarr.} ,~ ,approved for use of ~:lternativel Innovative system, type: ~I~equest farm must be completed and returned to Health rcpt,} Install drainage as required. ,~ _ . p ~ ,,{{~~ ~,'~4 x g 4 t er .~ Arf,d,,;.*_d ~ ~~ ~'f/ ~! ~ ~1i6't ~" d~ ~g,J ~~ ~ `~ ~~f ~ 1~f <~i ~~~ d°a,..,~. : ~ ~ ~'~, .. i. ~ '. .~~ !~1 t,,i r~~r~r:w ~$.r iA ~ Y .r ~~ ,, ,? ..,9 -_ ^"t ~ ,.~ 3 ., 9 =~ ~ h ~..r ~, ~ ~ R'f .al + ~ fFn ~.... f ~" ~ n s 4 ~{f .,~~~ ~c `." s~' Y ~ ..-~« ~ ~ , r Y ..:,.,. .a ,3.;,~'f,,,<~ar' ! ~ i~ f' S. /',,i ~ £. r'~ :rr~ ..,~ x r E~ ,: ~~f o:`(," ~~ .~~' ~ i~,' ~ ~ : .~ ~ ,tom ~~$w~,~~~ N~~ t ~'~ ~ i s ~~ ~~ ± p+} 1 ~~~, ~Y ~~ ~ Issuance of this permit does not necessarily indzcate that the proposed structure or use of the wastewater system meets county caning and lend use regulations. If you have any questions about passible coning requirements, please contact the New Hanover bounty Planning Department. This permit does rat exempt the permrittee Pram ca~nplying with all other laws and regulations that are imposed 6y other agencies. This permit shall in no way be taken as a guarantee far the perl'arn~ance of the waste~vater system far a~~y given period o~l' time An~+ change in the nature, volume ar lacatian ol" the system shall render this permit ~~~~. ££~ d ~ Irr~proverr~ents Pr~nit Date ~~t~'~ ,{ {~ ~ ~ ~ I~xplratlan Date ~~~~~jp~~! y ~~~~,.~ . Signature. ~~ ~Ja.»' f.~.ya ~~ s~. _ c~ "'rf~,.~?~' ~ f~Fi~ .r~rw;'~ ,I~d`~a1 ~~~~at iJ Perx~it4.r~ot~valid ~,~les~s~gn~~'by A~t~orixed ~e~tT y~ d:. 8 9L ~ ~ F~ P y-' y .Y~4 «~x ~ ~ ~ '~~ ~. d s, ' ~wnerl~pplicant ~ ~ k& ~ ~ ~~~ ~ YP ~ ~2 Date ~ ,~,~ ~:: § .~ r t °.r k" `~ ~4 ~ s ' ,~ ~. ~ xn ;gib:,, .,•.,-K,~.y M 2 f<'~iro~. ~# a~~ $'` `~".a ,•,~~ ~c5y~a; ~~",:r¢~~tl f'r{ r;:~ f:.:, ~ ~`~~, ~S ~ ~,~a ~ Y4 ',9i ~-0 z ~' ~~~ F Y i~ i j •~ g o<.g2' Fes' F 3.R ~~ f ~5 ~ ~',' ~ S ~'~leN~rn~er ~~ Number Page i of ~• ::t ~._ p~ Ry ~J Fad ~5 r~~~< ~'^~~: ;"•~`3 ~; ~ 3s:,~ rC~~`f~~ 1 ~~~.:.~: {3 ~ ~~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~..~ ~~ ~~u _ y sg,,~~ ,~~ ~ ~~~~ ~~ ~~ew Hanauer County Health Department t{ SMe .~ ~ ~'f ~ z 7 r ~ ~ }` 6%~ .c~ k i~m.Y.,i:<.;~5 a ~i '~~..:' ~nvironrnental ~-Iealth Services .~,,~ ~-0r'r~ ~§s~ g z,~~~ ~ r ..~ X30 Market Place Dr, u ite ~ 40 .~ f.~.~b~ , ~a~i~:x!E~' ~'Y:r~~ arA r ~,~=.a,,,:7?~;~I"c•'E~^.Pam°"o',-~c~=`~-d4'i2,.°.'E~2'~w` ~9 ~ ~} 79S-G~d7 X91 ~} 7~~~~~d9 fax PR~'6~EN~EN~`S PE X'T PERMIT IS SUBJECT TO REVOCATION fF SITE PLANS OR INTENDED USE CHANGE owner A~~ ~. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~: . address ~- -~` ~.M = j r~~~ ~' , ~~ lie ~~at~On:.r,~r , < - . , ,_ ~ ~._~. ~~ ~ {~ `pp~~1~+~~~t ~~~.iti a F-..~ ~ ! ; i. i~~T ~ .~ ,~r-'f ti', ~'~` ~„ ~ ~ ~ !, ~~Y>. Phone N~• E.t ~ i ,l; - L }~ 4 ! d~i{'ul~~j~~it . ~~/f~ . q ~,•>@i Y°8 `~R°'"l/ ~is ~`."rye ~ <, Tai Parcel --- __ ~.at: - BlDCk: Section: allda ~{ , - ~ f ,~esiden~ial~~ commercial circle one} if eamna~rc~al, type ~~, _ _..::..-.- -- ~ y No. CJnits: Nay Bedrooms: ,~~~ No. QccupantslEr~ployees: ~~~~~ max. Septic Tank Size. ~..n~~ f'`~ a~lons Pump Tank Size:_~gallons LTAR: ~~ ~galldaylsq.feet System Type: ~~ water Supply: ~= public ~ private ~we1! permit required} . . Length cacti: ~ i, FT width each: = PT Drainfield q. Feet, `~ ` ~ `~ No. Drainlines; ,~, . Bad Dimensions FT x FT Trench ~attam Depth: ~~~-~ inches ~~Iax.} - The fallowing conditions noted must be completed and approved prior to the issuance of an .4u[hurrWo~~o~~ .for YYastewa~~r ~ys~~ Corrs~r•uct~orr pcrrnit. A Building Permit cannot b obtained without an ~4u~h~rrzaf~~rz, for ~as~~w~~er ~5.~~en~ ~o~s~rir~~tivrr~ ~hec~ alI that ~ppl~} _ ~ Lot must be recorded with the New Hanauer County ~.egister of Deeds Office. i suitable ~lI material must be installed according to attached Fit! Plan. Fill must be inspected and approved before release of ~~r~hari~a~ran, for YVas~e~va~er Sys~ert~ Cor~str~~ctr`on.} Approved for use ofA~lternative! lnnvvatiue system, type: ~I~.equest form must be completed and returned to Health Dept.} Install drainage as required. _ _ . .. .~ rr :a . r~ f ~¢~ Dtller i .-*',, ,.•, ~~ r~~~.. ~ ~'iys ~.t~. 1 ~rS '~ I~ ~~~ '~~~ V ~ ~.~l~`~i s ra f { ,l ~ ... .~! d y"os--~ ri, jr , ,. f'. {.;ail {4~~Y 3 ~ a, ~~+ :jh~J~ ~: ~~':a ;~ iV ~ f ;~4. 5" ~~! ! ~ Y i.' 0~..1 ~,~ i~Li'. , 4t J'f '>IFf, ~~~ Syr _ ".E~ ~,.~L. i',{ti 1'~~~; ~ i r*SF ^p ~. , .~*~~# ,1 yl•,Y~.y# ,it,;~%.` ~'k :j 2~'.~.-,~~`~j ~p"~~.~~ f- ~~ ~~~ w4 iIF~..~R.r..'.3i, ,.,~ ~~~3 ~~a~''.1~~~.~5~w~+~-+~• F~t~ ~ .~Ey;~~#h~Y# Issuance aI:` this permit does not necessarily indicate that the proposed structure ar use of the wastewater system meets county zoning ar~d land use regulations. If you have any questions about possible zoning requirements, please contact the New Hanover County Planning Department. This permit does not exempt the perrnittee from coroplying with all other laws and regulations that are imposed by other agencies. This permit shall in noway be taken as a guarantee for the performance of the v-~astewater system for ax~y given period ~f time, Any change in the nature, volume or IQCation of the system stroll render this permit'~~fll, Improvements Permit Date 4 .. , , . ; ., 4 i f ~ ~~~ w~. ~ ' ~ ~xpiratian Date ~ i Y ; ;; Permit ~~t valid ur~~css sig~~ by Au~ho'rixe~ Age~~t a ~ ~, S 4Y'~ '~ ~=y{ ww-"i~ w.; s ~ .owe.cr6b ~wnerlApplicant ~ ~g ~~ ~ ..~F~~ ~ .~~ ~~ ~r