Anchors Bend_Ph1_20071228_Jim_IannucciMr. Tile Iannucci New Hanover County Engineering Deparhnent 230 Government Center Drive, Suite lOb Wilmington, North Carolina 28403 Re: Anchors Bend Subdivision Phase ]Bonding (Revision 2) ESP Project No. TB30.400 Dear Mr. Iannucci: December 28, 2007 ESP Associates is submitting a line item estimate for unEnished construction facilities that will be bonded for by Atlantic Blue Management, Tnc. as part of the Phase 1 plat approval for Anchors Bend. Tree Mitigation Caliper Inches NFiC Fee per 3 Inches New 3 Caliper Inch Trees Planted Tree Mitigation Fee Tree Mitigation Fee per Lat (205 Lots) Lots Recorded in Phase 1 Tree Mitigation Fee to Bond Street Signs in The Preserve Street Sign Casts to Band Tree Mitigation Tree to Bond Fire Hydrants (2 @ 5000 1`a.) NCDOT Basic Letter Contingency @ 10% Total Bond Amount to Record Plat 2,696 $ 295.00 899 $ 265,205 $ 1,293.68 14 $ '18,1'11.56 23 @ $300 each = $6,900.00 $ 6,900.00 $ 18,111.56 $ 1D,aaa.a0 $ 5aa.00 $ 3,551.16 $ 39,062.72 Please do not hesitate to contact me if you any additional coznmients or concerns. Mr. Edge previously submitted a bond in the amount of $40,514.88, and will leave that in effect. Sincerely, ESP Associates, P.A. ~~~~~ e4tCYg71A71p3,rJr~t~f o~tq~p `~ ~r5~o~ fddfo .~ ~. o~~ssr~°•. q °-~. cL~ 9 ~~ as !0712 0°~•~ v a ~ ~ e w C. Lawrence Sneeden Tr., P.E. ~d'""~`q~'~F~°Gi N~~;®~~tc~wa` a ade ~C~ CJ~~. aee °rea/rraz:~aea~~~° r L_f Z. gi~v7 211 Raciike T7a'l~e • ~i'ilnlington, IVC "Lt3=it}3 910.313.66=?S fa;:5}10.:3I3.GS23 ~~~cv`v.esgassociates.con~ Page 1 of 1 Burgess, Sam From: lannucci, Jim Sent: Monday, March 03, 2008 2:51 PM To: Burgess, Sam Subject: FW: Anchors Bend SD # 1204 Sam, Correction. Make that a bond in the amount of $4p,514.88. Jim From: lannucci, Jim Sent: Monday, March 03, 2008 2:50 PM To: Burgess, Sam Cc: Clark, Timothy; Craig, Jim; lhnat, Dennis; McCollum, Alvin; McSmith, Gary; Neal, Chris; Pinnix, William; Wetherill, Beth Subject: Anchors Bend 5D # 12p4 Sam, Engineering Cornrne.nts: Engineering has completed a field inspection and is prepared to sign the plat for Phase 1 B. There is a small amount of sidewalk at the entrance that is in the process of being installed. With the completion of other outstanding improvements, the current bond in the amount of $39,062.72 that was previously submitted with Phase 1A is sufficient to cover the sidewalk. Thanks, Jim James P. lannucci, PE, CFM Chief Project Engineer New Hanover County Engineering Department 230 Government Center Drive, Suite 160 WilzXaington, NC 28403 www.nhcgov. com 3/3/2008