Anchors Bend_Ph2_final_application~~~o~~~ao~ ~~; ~ ~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~ ~~~~ ~~~~n~~ ~~~~ ~ oo~ ~:. °~~ ~ ~' ~~ d~2~ < ~ ~,~ . ~ °~`y., ~ Sri ~rK.. ''.al`<~ $ SSS e r~~N"fir, ~~ ~~ ~ ~3~ ~ro~~~~~~ nt~r rive y~ ~ ~~~ ~t~~t~ ~ ~~ ~~.'~ ~ , ~~~ . ~ ~ 1 ~ 9I~-7~~w7 ~~~ phnn~ .~,r...,~_ ,.~... , ~. ~am~ of ~~r~~r ur ~evel~p~r Name Date of App~t~a#iar~ Addr~,~ ~i~, Sin#~, dip Ema~ ~Addre~~ ~a~ep~zanc Numl~~r of ~~ner Faroe of urv~yar ~~i ~i~'~r~nk tlia~ D~vncr} ~'elep~ane N'um~r of S~rrv~y~r (lf ~Iffcre~t# tt~an ~r~ne~} ~ ~~~b~~ ~~~~ ~r~~ d6~~ ~ ~a~ A~ddres~ afur~reyar {~'~tfl•~r~nt tlYnn ~~vr~~~) Ci#y, ~lut~ Zip email Addr~~ ~~f ~l~'fer~z~# fan ~wucr} ~arcul ID I~un~~~r L~enfian nf~r~~ar~ gnar~ ~'e~~A~rr~ of~lu~ ~d ~I~ssl~caii~n ~~ddv~~inn ~amc '~pc of ~u~dlvi~i~~a ~~I~IV LIN'~5 dour applica~on rr~ust i~elad~ ~ maps ~a~ axe fo~~~at.'~he ~pplic~tion wi~1 b~ ra~~rded ~g i~tcorr~piete u~~it the ~olJa~in~ items ~~~ received b tl~e Plnnnin~ Depttrtmenk. ~, ~4 ~~,~~ ~`~~ per ~v~ ar unit wiil %ie asscs~e~.'~hi~ ~`ee ~i~o~tld be p~~+u~le ~~ New ~nav~r onnty. ~npplicable, ~ ~i~5 ~~e i~ required fcr each ~tr~et si~n5. ~, 5~r~e~~ ~~ ~as~c i~tter from the earth ~crolTr~a Depatfiment oi* ~'rur€sporlafiat~ appravir~~ the cnn~~uation ai~ cli public xoads beir~~ platted nr u ~~t#.er i'r~m tie ~o~nty ~n~ir~eer appFOVin~ fhe de~i~m ~~' ~lI private st~ee~~ 3, ~ lieu of €~ ~~~"~ ba~ac letter pnd or cnm~leted i~fras~oture impr~v~rnen~, n lEr~e its east e~grr~t~ mad ~~ ~rbmit~ed to ~n~ineerin~ ~taf,~fnr apprnv~I. Please refer to ~ectidn 5~ oi+ tl3e ~~div~~iot~ ~rinc~ for ors 1ri~Clrl~i~tlr~~~ ~, npplicak~l~, hameov~m~r covenffnts del~,ilin~ read main#er~nnce} no~mort ~re~, own~rsh~p, ~e~rtiar~~1 are~~~ and ir~~nrance mu~~ sn~r~itted tr! the Plar~nin~ Department fnr r~vx~rv friar to ~~inal plat ~pprava~. ~. Appl~~a~inn~ for Final Plc ~~vie~r are received by the ~'ianr~in~ ~ept~~ament nod di~t~'h~ted ~o the ~Y ~rshal~ ~d ~ourrty ~n~ir~ee~i~~ Depaen~. Cornmen#~ m ccch depar[~en# gill be di~t~ibuted to ~e purveyor or deve~rapar+ ~. a Pt~nnln~ ~epn~m~er~~~annot release any plat wttl~aut w~ritfen cor~~ntian end ~pprc~ra~ frc~rn ~nin~erin~ and "ire ae~iee~. Find p~~ts s~~11 ~r~p~~~ ~h fu~~ov~~~tg e~r~~cn~e~. ~, ~wr~ersl3ip, dedication and~i~dtetion di~clnsur~ (dated ~ si~m~} ~, ~c~i~'~oeta of ~acuracy and appin ~dnted ~ si~med} 3. ~'~ter~ fewer Di~ciaimer ~~tement ~. ~~p~+er anst~~tion ertioate ~i~ ~pptioahle} ~. ~~ ~is~Iv~ur~ ~~igned & dated by owner, i~~ppiicahie~ ~i. ~iondplair~ l~ana~~men# ~i~~ivs~re {,~ig~ed dated by ~wnec, i~"appiica~l~} 7, ~'~v~t~ D~v~lopmar~# ~isciasur~ ~~i~ned & cia~ed by ni~n~r, if appii~ahle~ 8, Re~istratioriscicsure ~~meownef7~ ~oveunnt~ ~i~ ~pplicab~~~ 9~ Thr~u~#yarc t~te~rrent ~iFappiicable~ . 1 ~, l~ ~d~~d Cer#i~cate ~si~m~d ley ~~s~ ~ 1. Cau~ty ~r~~iue~rin~ Cer#i~c~te died >~y et~gin~crir~~ sluff Page I u1'~ ~p 1 ll~7 ~~~~~k ~~clr t~~1~i f~ ~cQ~~,~r~rr~ drat i~ r~ ~r~c~rr~~~l arr ~1~e sr'~c,~~a#~. !~ 0~4 ~i~e of platm~st lave ~ minint~rn ~nr~er of 1.5" va ti;~ i~~ side and rnini~u~'I$ border nr~ alI over si~e~ ~ feint sire ~~t mire fan I8"x ~4" i"x ~~" or ~~"~ ~6" ~~~ drawn in i~tir on re roduci5le inr ~ Y ~T;tip iolo~k to in~Iude: ~wnes~ nameF r~ ~erty d~si~mati~ri, tc~~cm~hi , c~~nty, Mate, dates aI~~ctual serve sale ar scnle ~ A P Y~ radio, game ~ address o~~~arve~ar greparin~ plat ~xa~ eet €~ame l~attam at' pia#~ - - _ _~Te earth paint ~~`rue, grid ar Nfag~ed~~ ~~~~ ~~~~ & page re~e~~t~e, dctaile~ vicinity rnap~ nd~4in,~ Inr~daumers and ~ slxeets Surveyor's curial si~ma#ure, seal & tngi~t~~atian ~nrnher {no stxck,~ ~aclcs, compu#er generated ~ Con~a1 narner~ in accordance with ~~ 3~-~~,~ ,~ir1~D~T ~or~st~t,~tion ~e~i~i~ata ~i~'r4ads ere public ,~ ~ ~,.,~, Roads designated pu~l~c ar pr~vake X15 Grid Tie cif rnanuzner~t e~tabii~~ed ~c witl~ir~ ?~~~ feet ~ea~ar~~ ~quxr~~n~n ~ ir~a~ int ~nbmi~ed tilir~ ~~ maakl~~ a~`preliminary iao. F ~ ~U~tdupliea#~d s~~dxvisian ~€nd street ~~mes ap~raved by ~~ ~~ua~ „~,,.,,, dire Impact fee rewired far ~a~ ~ilase, diver ~~~~ and ~~~~ Cla~- I~nrm ro~erties ,~~rye earth aint ~~e grid ur lea etic deed ~nalc a ~ re~'erence vicir~ rn~i ad'ol€~ia i~odawners and s~r~ets ~t,~S~S grid `fie {If rnat~nr~ent e~tabltshed ~ within ~i~i}~ feet} ~~wner~ name and street address en piut ~'~me~ and loeagans a~'a~~nining s~f~divisiot~.~, streets, adjncent property n~tmers ~ ~ ` tgn ~ -~~ t undax~e~ praperly drawn vc~tix alI Iaearin des c ~, scale riot less ~ 1~~ ocntian, purpose, & dimens~or~ areas used ~~r over than residential ~~'f nppiianl~le} ,..~.,- . Lots nutnhered coe~utiveiy~ Iots ~o~~r~rrr~ to ,~c~r~ing district ~ ~at~r ar~d sewer capacity letter co"~r-mation Caun~+ ~a~iaee~r~g -~~C~~~ bnsia letter (marls $re pu~lic~ ~ c~~ ~~~ ~ ~.~+ ~~, C~~~~c ~r~~r ~ ~ ~~ `€~~., ~~~ dopy afh~~neowner covenar~#s ~drainnge areas, private rands, re~r~kiar~, open spnce, insu.t~hte, taxes f . , F p'loodpl~~r~ ~I~O gear} d~s~layed ~n~#e ~f ~~~ t~pp~~cak~ie~ ~~~~ et~an ~lncu~te~y l~eli~e~ted cif applicahle~(t~ote ~~ app]icnble~ Car~s#~etion plan Appravgi ~~ C~u~ty Engineering ~idewai~ and transportation irnpravete~ts ~Pedestrx~ aecess~ifapplingi~le~ D~s~ n ri~~xia; ~lac~ 1gths greater fan 4~~' but less tl~~ 1 ~I7~' ,~, ~ rocs to 3~ave tiers ~~ars#r7'ps {ifappli~abic} ~esi~na~ed cortsetvativr~ ~sc~rce area witi~ applicable s~t~acks cif re~uired~ ,,,~..,,.~, ~ul~t~e-sari less Haan 50I~', desi,~ned rninim~crn N~D~T re~ni~rnents „,~,.,ajor ~tre~t Fnlersec# nt least 8~~'~part nn~ eat leis ti~nn 1~ de~rces "~''~~Seta~gs rio less thin ~~~' ?~ l~~V~ ~8t~ ' ..~.,a Sib strut ~mpxovamertts, suet cor~r~ectivity as re~r~~r~d ~ I~nad impravements~coectians to ~adjncer~t streets, suet ~i~~~ Tre$ mitigation ~ornplete (if epplible~ I~.ecre~ts~r~ space ~I icati4n arfee) Itemized east est[ d#e ~i~ i provements not ~ompio#e~ ~ ~~~y ~~t ~I~ ~ ~i~n~atur~ ~~n~~d in t~i~ ~p~Ii~a~Q~t is ~~r~t~ t~ the I~es~ ~~' ~~ ~~u~u~edg~ ~r ~r~ ~~ ~levelo~er ~in~ ~n~e P~~c ~ ~F~ F~ ~ IJ~7 G-~ k ~:. a ~,. ..'N r;~~ ` ~ ~r~gir~~}erir~g ~ ,~rrf~vc~~rr~~ •p~rr~trr~~~g ~: ` ... 2~~ Racine Dr. ~vilmingtcn, Noah Carolina X8403 ~9~0~ 3~3-~~48~ Phone ~~~~~ ~~~~~~V ~ ~~~ WWW.~S~aSSOCf~~BS.C~~T] Dot@: Company: Attention: Address: CitylState~~ip: February ~~, ~~~~ New Hanover Co. Planning Sam Burgess ~~ government Canter drive 1Nilmington, North Carolina •~a~r~r~r~a~rr+irr~r~r~assr~r~~~rFr~r~.~r.*~..~••••••.••ti Ct~PY TQ::.:~: ~: ~::;::~~ . ::.. .:. ~A~::;. Addressee: : ~ :.~:. ~:~ :: ~E~. ~ , ESP fain. Project; file:.: : i ~..: {~~ ~::~ PM'.Projeo~ l=ily ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~. .. :~~~ ................... . . .. .. ~ . •~a. a~a~a..~har.a.a..a...a~. aa~. a. a..... ara~a~r~r~a~r~a~H Mlle are Sending: Enclosed ~ Change Order ~ Originals Samples ~ Computations ~ Sepias} LiteratureSpecifications ~ ~Prin#~} Copy of Letter Diskette ~ CD ~ Sets} of Plans ~lnder separate Dover via ~~. a ~es~ :::;~; :::~::. :.:::::: :: ..:.:~ .~ : ~:~ ::: ~ :: ~ .~ ~.:::::....:~:::: ~~:: -::::::::: ~~ . .. .. .. gated ::. ~ ~:: ~ : ~ Sheef .. .. .. .... .. .. ..... .......: Descrr tEOn ~ :::. ~ :. :.:::::::.::::: ....:.: :.:::::: . p p ~ D1J2~o8 NIA Prelimina Plat for Phase ~ B a# Anchors Bend ~ on ianll sunbrr~itted for a total of 3 ~ ~~CO~~oB Final Plat AcnlicationlCl~eclclist y Phase ~A These are Being Sent: For Your Approval Far Your Use ^x For Your Review and Comment For Your Signature Far Bids Due ^ Approved as Noted Approved as Suhrnitted ^ Approved as Changed Returned for Corrections Returned After Lawn to Us Corrected and Returned As Requested ~y: ~x Courier ~lim, UPS ~ Federal Express MailOther We are submitting this preliminary plat for phase ~ B for your review. fur intentions are to have everything in place and ready to sign once the moritoriur~ is lifted, l appreciate your tiny, please feel free tD contact me or Ray with any concerns. Thanks, Chad L.E'P'1°EI8 OF 7° rlSNIITTAL EBP~ Pru~ect~ Marne: Anchors B~n~d:~ .:.:.: :::::::::~ ~ ~ :::: EBP.:Projec#~>ur~ber: ~ '~B~~~~:~ :~ :::::. ~` ~ ~ . ~. ~ :