Anchors Bend_Ph3_20080602_NCDOTaS~7$a ~~~~~~ ~~ ~R ~ o+w~ STATE of NORTH CAROLINA DEP.ARTI~~EN"r OF TRANSPORTATION MICHAEL F. EASLEY DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS LYND~ TIPPETT GovERrrOx S~cxE~rAxv Tune 2, 2008 ESP Associates, P.A. 2I I Racine Drive Wihnington, NC 28443 Subject: Basic Letter Phase Three, Anchors Bend SID Dear Mr. Sneeden: This is to advise that Phase Three, of Anchors Bend Subdivision has been constructed per the preliminary plans approved on December l 8, 2007. The roads in Phase Three, of Anchors Bend Subdivision meet the minimum construction requirements of the Department of Transportation for basic drainage, base and pavement. All other drainage must meet Department of Transportation standards at the time of petitioning for addition to the state system. This is to further advise that utilities located within dedicated public rights of way zxzust have an encroachment agreement before addition to the state maintained road system can be considered. Also, minilnurn residency requirements must be met and the roads must be in acceptable state of maintenance when petitioned. Sincerely, Anthony W. Law District Engineer AWL:jdd cc: G.M Taylor, New Hanover County Maintenance Engineer New Hanover County Planning 300 Division Drive, Wilmington, N.C. 28401(910) 251-2655 Fax: {910) 2S 1-2759