Anchors Bend_preliminary_application~b1L0 'nab •~prxa~~ ~~, a~~ uo paae~d ~u~aq ~~a,~aq ~ut~aauz aij~ a~ xaud ~aam ~j~ aiia pantaaa~ aC~ ~snui s~uaiziuiaa ~{aua~~ •~pua~~ ~ut~aa~u ~~~, painpa~as ~~x~~n~ax ~xau auk na paa~~d a~ t1iM u~Cd a~YS ar~~ `sjenaxdde a~~u~~xp pug xah~as `xa~~r~ t~~~h~ ~ua~~ paniaaax uaaq anE[~ s~uauuuaa r4aua~~ aaup ~~aua~~ ~uth~ai~ax a~~tdoxdd~ r~a~a as ~daa ~ puas ~jih4 ~uaui~x~daQ ~uiuu~~d aid `pa~x~uigns a1~ u~ld a~iS atp~a („~I x ~,ZII $ a~ papja~} saidaa ~~ pug uot~eatIdd~ pa~a~duzaa ~ aaup ~~ •uo~~~atjdd~ a~q~~daaa~ u~ ~uix~daxd ur nab ~s~ss~ ~[j~exaua~ ~~ •sxa~~ai ~~naxdd~ pa~m~ax ai~~ ~u~pxe~ax nod aslr~p~' '~ 'siuajaaxd u~tsap ~u~ai~ju~~s dui Ana ~utad •~ •s~uarx~an.axduzi paxmbaz adz aq~~asap ~j~~exaua~ •~ •suza~gaxd ~~~uaunxaxtnua ajgissod~a nab asir~p'd '~ :az paaaaxd ~iiM3~~~s ~uiuuejd •aauaxa~uaa s~i~~ a~ j~sodoxd xno~ ~a r~a~a~s i~~nax ~ ~utaq pjnai~s nab •uot}~a~jdde aCq~~daaa~ pug a~a~duzaa ~ ~ui}~tui~ns ~o saau~i~a xnar4 anaxduu ~~rnn no1~ `aauaxa,~uaa s~~~ ~utpua~e ~g •ual~•eac~dd~ u~e ~tuzgns a~ pua~ui nor4 i~a~i~m uadn a~~p at~~ a~ xo~xd s~aah~ (~} ohs ~s~ai ~~,~~~~s ~uauux~da~ ~utuu~~~ a~~ ipim aauaxa~ua3 uat~~a~~dd~-axd j~ur..ia~ur u~ a~u~xx~ a~ pa~~xnaaua axe nab, •aa~i~uu,ia~ main.a~ Ieatui~aa,~ s,~rma~ ar~~ ~q uadn pa~a~ pir~ panYaaax aae s~uauzda~ana~ ~~i~uapisa~ ~~uot~uahuo~ zap suoi~~ai~ddy •ua~~~at~dd~ sit~~ ~a apxs asxa~ax a~~ ua pa~si~ axe s~uauiaztnbax asat.~, aarx~u~pxp ua~s~nipgn~ a~~,~a Z~ uo~}aa~ ~a s~uau~az~nbax aip o~ ~uzux~a~uaa u~~d a~~s ~ u~e~uaa asj~ ~Sfl~ uot~~a~jdd~ zi~o~ ~uaisihipgns pasodoxd auk .ia~ ~xamas pine xa~e~~} s~uauzasea ~~jt~n pug a~~u~~xp pasadaxd ~~~nn ~ua~~ ~~a-uni iii ~uisadszp ~a pai~~au~ pasodaxd pug `saxr~an~s a~~ui~xp aa~~xnsy~ns `s~auu~r~a a~~ut~xp `sai~a~tp `sasznaa xa}inn `sat~sxeuz ij~,~a uoi~~aa~ ai{~, - a~~u~~xQ •~ ~~aafozd a~[l ahzas o~ ~uau~r~uaa ~urn.oxdd~e ~aua~~ u~j~a'~ ~~ao~ ~a a~~~S a~~txdaxdd~ ar~~ uzgx~ xa~~ai ~ ° .~anta~ pug aa~~h~ 'Z 's~aaz~s a~~~ixd ~~~,~a u~tsap ai~~ ~uYna~dd~ xaau~~u~ r~uno~ a~~ uiox~ xa~~aj ~ .io s}aax~s ai~gnd f~~~a u~isap ai{~ ~u~naiddi' ua~~~~iodsu~z~,~o ~uau~.x~eda~ ~u~jox~~ r~~xa~ ai~~ u~ax,~ s~uauzuxaa ua~ixl~1- Ss~d,~ 't uai~•ea~~dd~ s~i~~ r~u~draiaaae ~~I~ `~~tzna~ xanau~~ maN a~ a~c~~~C~d `aa~ sii~d, •d~ux ~~ui~ ~ xo~ ~tun~aj xad qq' ~ X ~ snjd `pa~xe~a aq ~Itm uat~•eai~dd~ xad ~~'~0~$ ~a aa~ ~ •~uau~x~daQ ~uiuu~~~ ai~~ ~[~ panzaaax axe suia~[ ~uYn~olia,~ a~~ rt~un a~ajdu~aau~ see papx~~ax as i~~m ua~~~ea~~dde mod auz~~~~~fnxd ~. ~,~~~~'1~1~~~ ~~~~.~~Q~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~ I~2i03 ~iOI.L~~I'IddV ~NINI~I`~'Id S,LI~iR03 2I~AO,~i~'H ~41~Ai as~aId ~Z~~~ ~a~~d .~o a~~,~ ~I~~~~"~d~U~ ~(~~~~ ~.~H~~1~~~HZ Q'~~ ~S~~~Id CONVENTIONAL DE VELOPMENT CRITERIA CONTENTSOFS[TE PLAN Twelve {12} copies of pro ased lan p p ___ ~._ Proliminary site plan fee: ~QQ.QQ ,•-~ kale not less than 1" =2QQ' Title information (name of development, name & address of owner & surveyor, date, & nartl~ arrow shown an b~ottam long edge of sheet} : . .~ Detailed vicinity map`with north arrow Ta ri ht earn ~ p g er with d~v~s~an name below) Ad}acent property owners,subdivisions,:streets'with their locations ,; , . ~~. ~ Countylmunicipal boundaries in area {ifa~plicable) Existing zoning ~~strict .. ~. , . . :: ,. ~,. „~~._ oun arses properly draws ~jith alr`beari~gs & distances of tract bung divided ,, Location ofall existing structures {buildings, railroads, etc,} Topographic relief at too foot intervals indicating data source --.~.. Street right-af-way widths, unduplicated, street names and street designations ublic or rivate Total acreage proposed in develo ment {P ~ p ) P !' .. Location of {C,O.D.) conservation areas {if applicable) ..~. ~.. Acres to be used far open space ' , Average lot size, total nuznber of lots Location AEC's within 575' SA waters {if applicable} Lacatian of lOQ year floodplains {Hate ifnot applicable} Hurricane evacuation plan water front access. {if applicable} .. `~` . Proposed location ofpla,nned thoroughfares {if applicable} Sidewalks, pedestrian access, & bike routes {if applicable) Tree retention aiad landscaping in accordance with Section b7 afthe caning Ordinance Approvals of water and sewer by County Engineering 1 Environmental health Lacatian of fire hydrants in accordance with Section 5~~=$ dock lengths greater than 40p' but less than 1 QQO' .~ ' Blacks to have two tiers I double frontage lots avoided „__ Buffer strips {if applicable) Correct building setback lines Cul4de-sac less than SQL, designed minimum DOT specifications {if public) Major street intersection at least 8Q0' apart Street jags greater than X40' ,,,.~_ Lots conform to toning ordinance; depth 4 x mean width Corner lots conform to buildin lines an bath streets g ..•. Side lot lines substantially at right angles ar radial to street Imes Connections to adjacent streets Ternparary turn-araunds access adjacent property Appraxi~nate delineation of 404 wetlands & Section iD wetlands ~,,,.,_.,. Location of marshes, water courses, ditches, drainage channels, subsurface drainage structures and proposed rnethad of disposing of drainage run-off ~.... Lacatian and size of all drainage easements {ditched ar piped} whether located within or outside pra- ~ posed develapnlent Location af.sanitary sewers.. {other than septic tanks} utility easements,,storm.drainage, new water supplies; donneetions existing systems, & utility easer~e~its at least 15' {ifapplical~le} .-~- -~ .l~aadway cross section displaying:pavetnentwictth; arraa~int ABC, asphalt depth and drainage deli ~ Typical crass section dra~nageways ~ Drainage easements Hat less than 3Q' wide with ditch off cent .- erect ~.0 to 14 ___~..~ Streets intersect Hat less than 75 degrees ~~~~~~~--~-~- . -. ra is impact study {if applicable} ~" Street connectivity "links to Hades" Barrier, riverine & estuarine island re ulatian ~ ~ ~ ~~~ ~ ~ g s (~f applicable) , c Streetlights ~~. ~ ~. ~., "x ~.~ ~~ ~'P ~ssocr~~es, ~.~. "m ert~irtcyer~~ag ~ 4irr~~,~~~~~g • plarrrrl~~~ .a . ~~ .~.. 2~ ~0-B C~~~~I Drive VII~lr~ington, Noah CaraCina 2~40~ {~~ ~~ 3~ ~-~~~8 ~ thane Date: Campan~~ Attent~vn. Address; Cityltatel~i~: Dec. 29, 2Dg5 _N/~}w~ ~{H~.aea/a/ver County Planning wrll i 1 L.F ~.I~M Y~~ 1J~filmington, NC .. . ...: .. :. A ~lddres~~~:. : ~~ ~ :: 4 ~.'...~::~'.~.~.:.:..::....~.......':...~::: .. .. ... :~~. ........ ..~.. ': ..'.. .~. ..:. .. Y Y :~ ~~::: ~~.. ~s; ~la~r~: ~?ro~ec# File ~ :: {Cj~ ~:~ P~'~ Pi~oj~c~ File. ~:. ~ ~ . ~~ . .. ...... ., ... .. Y illfiffYfFfYf•Yf YYi•If Y4 Y4 Yf 4Y Yf YY Yf Y~YY.Y.if.f Y.•Yi.l...• f1Y ~~Y ~i.~li.~Y ^x ~r~closed ^^ Change Order ^ ~ ~ri~ir~als Samples ~Corraputations 0 Sepia{s) LiteratureSpecifications 0 Print(s) Copy of Lefter ~Disk~tte / CD ~ Set(s} of Plans ^ Under separate caner via .:::: Co yes ::.::::::.:: Rafe :; :,: ~..:::::::::~: ~ :: - .:.::~ ~ : ~::::: ~~ ~: ~:::: ~::::::::.~ ::~ :~~ :::::.:.::::::::::::: :~:: ~ :.::::::: ~~ :::::~:.: ~ ::: ~~ ~::.: : ~::.. ~ ::: P .. d .... ....Sheep.. ........ ... ... ... ..: .. ~e~cr,pttan.. :.... .. ....: . , ... ~ 0 ~ 21~~10~ Prel These are being Sent; 0 For Yaur Approval ^ Approved as noted ~ Corrected and Returned ^ For Your Use ~^ Approved as Submitted ^ A Requested ^ For Your Review and Cor~ment ^ Approved as Changed ~^ ^ For Yaur Signature ^ Returned far vrrecr:ians ^^ For Bids Due ^~ Returned After ~.oar~ to Us ~y; ^^ Courier ^ UPS ~ Federal Rxpress ^^ Mail ~^Dther 4 t ~ ~ ~ M ti R .. .:.:: .* .... . ................ . ... ... .. .... ....:.............. :. .: :~ .: ~~ * ~ ~. ....:..... ..:.::....:...::.:.. . . :..::..... . :. .:: .........:..::....:....:.......:....... 4. ,# 4 M • #'#'i'/'i'i'i'i'!'i'/'i'i l i'~'-'# i f #'# # i'~ • # •~#'i'!'i'i'i # i i~#'i i'i'i'/'! # #'* *'* # LETTEd~ OFT NS~IAIYTAL .. ~S~'~oje~tNam~:.:::: Ancho~s~Bend::~ .: ;~ ..::... , .. .~: ; .... I~S~ ~rn~~~~~u~e~::~ ~ -r~~o:aao~ ~~:~r~~~:~~~~~~ ~...::: Sender & Date ESP Emplaye~} Barry.:~~tchell-::~ 2129~a~~:..::~:.~:~:..:.~ ., ~ rtes & Date R ec~ gent g ~ ~ ~ ~: ~. ~~~~ ~~~~~~~1~ 1 ~~~ Fourteen ~I4) copies of proposed plan Scale no smaller thsm or~c t*I} inch to two I~undred (~0~) feet r~ Preliminary site plan fee of 2~~ ~' Vicinity or location map, North arrow, and date t~1'ap right earner) Name of designer, ~ngin~~r or sEU~veyor, ~ ad~r~ss {sho~vr~ on bottom I~ng edge of sheet .,~,,, Owner's name, address, and phone number an plan {shown an bottom long edge ofsheet~ ~ Oevelopcr ~ifother than owner}, development game {shaw~ ~n botta~ loa~g edge of sheet} Tax map, block, and parcel numbers l~ounda~ry line aftract to be developed drawn accurately with bearings & distances dimensions Total gross acres ~ the tract ~ + ~ Taal acres occupied by all stractnres ~includin$ street right-of way and parking areas} Total acres and boundaries o~lan,d Iyin$ within the I~0 ycarfloodplain and below rncsn high water mark, plus delineation of I OQ year flood boundary (note if not applicable} Boundaries & acreages ofaIl open space areas ,~, Location ofall existing and proposed multiple dwelling structures Total s~urnl~er of dwelling units to be constructed with Number ofbcdrooms per unit Loeatiort and right-of-way widths of all s#~-eets and easements [and other areas to be dedicated to for public used, including sect designation ~pul}iic or private) & unduplicated street names 5~eet cross-section with typical rna.rl and asphalt depths Location and description of aII open space ~ recreation areas and facilities, if any Location of natural features, including topographical information {contour interval two {2) feet, water courses and approximate forest lanes ' Location and size of all cxistit~g proposed utility and drainage facilities ~Scction ~~} ~~ ~, ~, 1Q' se#back between attached s~uctures and rn peripheral lot~lincs;l ~' setback between detached structures ~ ` Within area ofpmpased thoroughfare {Sf~ow location ifapplicable} Parking provided in accordance with Znniag Ordinance Note if NOT applicable} Trcc retention and Iandscapsng ~n accordance with ~cction tr7 ,~~ ~,,~.~ ~ ~~~ {O,O~D.}Conservation Resource Areas designated Area within Division of l;nvironmental,Nlanagement Stormwater Review ~` Water supplylsewage disposal methods and approval letters Areas to be maintained by Homeowner's Association clearly indicated ou plan "~ Private stzcets acceptable to County Engineer or public s~ccts acceptable to NCDOT Approximate delintion of`40~ wetlands & Section lIa wctIands Total acres submerged land, plat area per dwelling unit ~ acreage of open space ~ ~ '~` Existing zoning classification & adjoining land 1 land owners Location of County andlor municipal limits {ifapplicable} +~~ ~ ~ ~ '~ Lot lines, minimum setback lines ~ ~~. ~ ~ hurricane evacuation plan (ifapplicable} ,,,~ pixa hydrant locations (section 52.8} e ~~€~ ~~, ~ 'i'ra~c impact study {~f appI~cable) _ street conncctivi#y „Links to Nodes" {Section 4I*1}{7 Iw) ~'~ ~` Sidewalks pedestrian access {Section 52-11} Q.- , ~ % . ~,~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~.,,~ ~~ ~ ~,~~ ~,.~ ~ . ~ ~.~ N~t'~r~ct Arcs Maximum Density fog applicable Circle: R~14 ~ 3.3: R-15 ~ ~,5: -2~ = equals t~trmbe~ of uni#s permuted ~n site TOTAL * r • ~~ ~ ~ if you intend to subdivide your property into lots, additional requirements imposed by the New Hanover County S-~bdivision Regulations must be met. I cer#ify that all of the infor-untion presented in this application is accwyate to the best of my knowledge, information and belief. i afore afAppl~ ant andlor Owner