Anchors Bend_preliminary_plan_agency_commentsMike.Kozlosky@wilmi ~ ~~ ngtonnc.gov 01/25/2006 09:1 p AM Sarrl, To: sburgess~nhcgov.com, Aruna.ReddiC~3wilmingtonnc.gov cc: Subject: Re: TRC TOC]AY ! The MPO received the TIA for Anchors Bend on 1/17 or 1118. Staff has not had an opportunity to review this document in the timeframe provided for the plan to be considered by the TRC, if the TRC is considering approving this plan, I would recommend that approval 6e contingent upon review and approval of the TIA and condition the plan that any identified improvements must be installed prior to issuance of a certificate of occupancy. Mike Kozlasky Sr. Transportation Planner City of Wilmington/ Wilmington MPO (91.0} 342-2781 httpa/www.wmpo.org sbargessC nhcgov.com To dadamsl5@ec.rr.com, DHollis@nhcgov.com, mike.kozlosky~ ci.wilmington.nc.us, 01/25/2006 08:55 AM madavisC nhcgov.com cc dhayesC~nhcgov.com, SCandlerC~nhcgov.com, 12HarrisC~nhcgov.com, HMoore@nhcgov.com, LKeough@nhcgov.com Subject TRC TODAY TRC wi7.l meet today beginning at 2:00 pm in the Elections Conference Room. One item {Anchors Bend) is on the agenda. We should be able to conclude the meeting prior to 3:DD pm. sam (See attached fine: TECHNICAL REVIEW COMMITTEE AGENDA.doc} ,;:; -TECHNICAL REVIEW COMMITTEE AGEN©A.doc 4ERTI: ~':~;:C R,E~UESTED F3Y: B. ~:°x SITE ADDRESS/I.~?C; ~',;'I PARCEL ID . 1fCJMBEI 3168-$6-099!4.00, `t•... CURRENT OWNER OR I.i:l~ NAME OF DEV~~,,U[ ~t~l'T TYPE OF IMP~CyVEf+~I 2d :~ NUMBER OF LdTB/C3l ~::; ~ 20NTNG Ira ~"~rua~ ~•' CAPACITX REQUESTS I:~ z (Provi~~ G;.~.~~ C3TY ~a~~ eve2 ~'U~Y.Ht.' ~TTi<L~'~°~,ES T9.~~,~T11+I~I~T'}' ON OF WATER ~NL} SEVER AVATT,ABILITY Mitchel _ N: - 2200-25],9 Mid IId) ; 3168-6 168-77~220~..OOQ, EI,DPER' S NAME : A Anchors Bend '~' 40.="x3.0{)0, 3168-87-1209.00 d 3158-76-0626.000, az7.tic Blue nevelopers, LL - xes~denta,al Subd. NO_ ACRE3: 12$.9 ~~ 192 wits CURRENT ZONING: R-205 ~~ X05: PROPOSED ZONING: E4ATER: 69, 1.~p GPD; SEAR: _~r N.C~C GPD ,l~~ions To 3uppost Regtierst~d Cxap~.citi~~} ~ hereby Cex' .:..•~ ora behalf of the City of ~ilm~.ngton that to the beat o:~ my kr~aw].ec g=;: and belief, the a~srailability of the below indicated serva.ce i s 1 in a rtta,nner approved by the Gzty at the location stated above... This ce~tifi{ .~: ~ on in no way cz~empts tYae owner ~xvm comply~.ng with all Cvndi~tiozi's o~ w~'~ pier ~.2, titled "UTILITIES"~ of the City Code and any Other app;l,a,cat ls:~ regulations. Tl~e City of ~9.lmingtara approves usage o.~ the below ~z~dic ~€:• d service (s) by the awraer oa~ce Code requirements and othex app'lica~ 1•~~~ zegulati,pns are met. WATER: Nbt a~a:~ able through, City Water D~.stribution System _ ~Pxopext;r currently connected to City Water X New ~_ .nch Water Main: from Stoneybrook Road _ X Nt~w ~ .,nch Water Main: from Deanarest Villa e .,.___. W~~.l ~ 1.:_ wed pending Health Department Approval SEWER: X Nbt av 3.i, Pi'r3pe]: C°~r X Agra ~. J~ a ~ :i. New New .~. 5ept~.c ~~;: CO~FdTS : Thy Ci t ~? ... water T =_~ . ... the ~r~c~ ~.. _ _ ...:. ~.i.~e f 1, ~ ,+, CERTIFICATIOP~ ~ ,~ s~GrzATC1R~ : , ~-:~ BY • ~] ~ :~ ~87Ttg710N LNVIR4Ml/Id~Rd4.,~,E t4't+:H vorc~(9ta)as~.teos vfl+cE{~,a}ava•~s,o FnxBt~3d1~t PAx(~ta)a4T-4857 able through City Sewer Collect~.an System currently connected to City Sewer System. tkarough New Hanover County Collection System rach Sewer Service (s) nch, Sewer collection Main (s} frpm rzk(s) allowed with Health Department Approval f Wilmiz:gton kzas tment and b~,stri ted 69,120 GPD b a,n the Middle So ~r~ ° ~ia~8 ~ . Boa~a~r, CG~~~~ Mdri~gE-~ UTflfi'Y .SR.~VIG~$ Va~ce(stoyaat-7Q84 Fnx Q94~ 34t-8835 P.Q.BoK1810 W~NG"TON, NC 2802 ~n {axo) ~i-asp PHONE : 91 p--313-- 6 6Q B su~'~i.cient utzon Facil t has di~fi nd area. t in a.ts to ~ardvid w~r~w~7~ z~arr wATe~a r~r~~rrr LOU6HI.RtPEAlJT P~fa~rrrPi.,wr Vac~(9t0)3a3-3e~q VafCE(91~ 341.7890 Val (9'[x1 ~BS86p FAx (9i0) 34tT ~N((9t4334T~4B59 Fnx{97El17A1-d279 czzv ~~~~ eve2 Pubifc [~lli~ea Utl~cy spices 3a~ ct-~~~s, ~ Fig p0 6ax 1810 ~ Wilmit~#at, NC 284t~2-181fl CAROLINA 910 34178t~.5 . 910341.5881 lax ,1rr~t.bens~~'hningtennc.gw p / ~~~~ ~ rMr TO : ~~ ~ r - ~ ~: pax; NO: F~pPi: 7~~4 TE~.~PN~INF: ~ I. FAX ; NO : ?:I M~SSAGF ; ~ _,~ _... Te ~~!~ .,E -~ 'COYER SHE~~' E. Bansez~ (Jxa7) ~,-7805 yr Direct Lice 9~4-343-3977 1-~~~i er plus Attacb~mients total ~ pales. 01f17}20H6 15:13 9103415881 CITY ~; . ~., ~ .'. ~,~ CERTT~' C :; RE¢ISES~'ED BY : Ba ^ E:~ SITE ADDRESS/LQCA ~'~~~ PARCEL ID . Nt3MBER I 3168-a6-499~.aaa, CURRENT CIWNER QR. 7i:.' RiAME OF DErt1EL0 a .I° TYPE OF IMPRQVEME ~'[° ~ONINC3 In ~'~bsuax CAPACITY RE~VEST~7, (Brovid~ Cs 1 r.„ T hereby C~X't S.Ir best of my knpwlec~ ~::_. inda.cated service (s ~ Stated above. This certi~'i.c ~ ], alb, conditions o~ :~:: any other app7.i.cat L~:: of the below indic a'L and ctkxez appl.ica~:l.~;e OF WATER ANb SEWER Ay,~LAEILITY Mitchel FHONE PRG~ 02f 02 ]?.C`. Box 181(1 tNrrrcrr~ta, SV'c 2E44Z 910-313-6648 ,..,,, - _ - --__..r N: 2204-2519 Middle Sound Loo Rd. INj; 3168-69-~4053.40D, 3168-87-1209.4E14 1.68-77-2201.000, and 3168-76-0626.000. ELOPER' S NAt~ ; A.tl.ar~tic Blue .Developers, LLC --- .................... . Anchors Bend Residential Subd. NO, ACRES: 128.9 245 units CURRENT ZONING; Ry205 405: PRpPOSED ZONING: -- W,ATER: 73, 84a GFD; SEWER: B NHC C~'PD ,],ata.gng To Support R,equ~st~d C~p~ci.ti~a) vn be]~al.f of the City of w~,lmington that to the 7d be1..i.ef r the availability of the below n a manner approved bX the City at the location .n ire no way exempts the owner fxom complying with tk;r 3.2 r titled "UTILITIES", Of tl'ae City Code a,nd egulations . The G~.ty of Wi1mi.ngton approves usage service(s) by the owner once Code requirements egulations are met. WATER: Not a~ ~ :~.' able through City Watea~ Distribution System '"~ Propea t ~,~ currently caxznected to City Water X New ~ . nCri Water Maa.n: from Stone brofll~ Road --- - - X New € xach Water Main.: (roam nemarest va. age. t~el1 ~ 1~:L wed pending Health Department 3~pproval SEWER: X Not a~~,;L able through City Sewer Collection System. Prppe~~;~ currently connected t© City Sewer System X Availe 1:L througka New H~.x3.o~rer Couzzty Collection. System New nch Sewer Service(s) New .~..~~ nch S®wes Collection Main(s) fx~aact Septic~~'T nk(s) allowed with Health Department Apprpv~.l CpN~1+ITg; TY~e Ca.i ~; f wilmin ton has sufficient ca acct in ~.ts Water ' 3~~a tment and Distribution ~'aciJ.itze$ to provide the rec i.~~ ted 78, 800 Gk'fl but has diff~.cult achievin fire f: cE~,v in tk~e Middle Sflund area. CERTIFICATION ,•~ 4~., ~; ~ . ~ ~ . 8~axx~r x'01 ~Ct M$T1ag@~ 13TRATIt?A~ EN111lbiG1~t111~V'1'AL~ 9~1~ ~'$ ~Il'q.l1'YSER1fECE$ WA8TleYdAT~R~R~ATI~FR' WA7'~FITREATPI~T Vo1CE (B'i0) 341-7~5 VrncE {810} 343-3910 VDICE (9'IOy 341-7884 GAV~H41~ QU1f17 69ggt~trr Puwr Vow (910} 243~359b FNt 1~'~01341-58®1 FAx (910) 341.4657 Fax {D16) 343-0695 VOCE (910) 344-78~ 1I4~t~ (410} 795880 Fax ('~10y 341.457 1:Ax(910?341-49~ FNCt910}791.4279 "Barry Mitchell" To: ~ ~ ~brnitchel[@espassoc cc: iates.com> 011t2/20061i:38AM Subject: [IMAGE] Thanks for meeting with me today, Tom. <tsasebee @ nhcgov.cam~ "Larry Sneeden" ¢lsneeden_espC~exchange.electric.net~, "Bart Edge" ~bedge@atianticbluedevelopers.com~, ~sburgess@nhcgov.com> Anchors Bend NHC Fire Services Gomments Here concerns that we talked about today. I. The length of the cul-de-sac for the town homes. 2. The water pressure available for fire flow. 3. The two access easements to serve lots 6-8 and lots 26-28 We are doing the following to alleviate the concerns. 1. Shaw and label the cul-de-sac as 500' to the back of the sac. 2. We have given the NHC Fire Services copies of the hydrant flaw tests. You reviewed them when we met today and you believe that they show that there is adequate pressure in areas around the subdivision. I also showed you that tl~e plans we have for water service have more than orae connection point, provisions to connect to any future water mains along Middle Sound Loop Road, and we have a looped system in the current design. 3. We are proposing that the plans show a 20' wide concrete along the middle of the easements for the fire trucks to get to the lots. Please call me and let me know if the 20' concrete drives will work far your trucks. If you have any other question please let me know. Barry D. Mitchell, PE l1SP Associates, P.A. 2120-B Capital Drive Wilmington, NC28405 (910) 313-b6~8 Fax (910) 313-6823 ~~, ,, ~~~ , ~xz "Larry Sneeden" <]sneeden@espassoc iates.com> 01 /1 012006 06:28 PM Larry Sneeden C. Lawrence Sneeden, 7r. PE ESP Associates, PA 2120-8 Capital Drive Wilmington, NC28405 910-31.3-6648 O 910-3t3-6823 P To: "Bart lWdge " <hedge@atlanticbluedevelopers.com> cc: "Barry Mitchell" <bmitchell@espassociates.com>, "Sam Burgess " <sburgess@ nhcgov.com> Subject: Anchors Bend TIA From:John Bauerlein~mailto:jsb_msi@bellsouth.netj Sent: Tuesday, January 10, 2006 5:16 PM To: Dexter Hayes Cc: Mike Kozlosky; Larry Sneeden Subject: FW: Re: Anchors Bend Dexter, My analyses show that no improvements are needed far this development; no turn lanes at any of the four site accesses. I sent the results to David Smith this morning and, in this reply, he agrees with the recommendations. I should have the report available later this week. I urge your favorable consideration of this project - at least as far as traffic issues are concerned - at tomorrow's TRC meeting. If you have any questions, let me know. Jahn Bauerlein 2306 Mimosa Place Wilmington, North Carolina28403 {910) 251-8912 (910) 612-2363 (Mobile) (910} 762-3944 (Fax) 'sb rrtsiC~bellsouth.net ----- Original Message ----- From:DaVid A. Smith, P.E. To: jsb_msi@bellso~.7th.net Cc: Dan Cumbo; Anthon~r Law Sent:1/10/2006 5:05:33 PM Subject:Re: Anchors Bend John, Looking at the HCS analysis, it appears the intersections all operate at an acceptable LOS. I forwarded your results to Dan Cumbo for further review, but T don't see a need for further improvements based on this analysis for capacity There may be improvements required for safety reasons if existing conditions warrant. David. David A. Smith, P.E. Division Traffic Engineer Division Three 910-251.-2693 John Bauerleinwrote: David, Tf you can remember from the scoping meeting, Anchors Bend is a development w11.92 Single-Family homes that generates l l4 AM peak hour trips and 193 T'M peak hour trips. 1t is located in the southeastern portion of Middle Sound Loop Road. It has four access points; one via Stoneybrook Road, one via Northbend Roadand two proposed direct accesses to Middle Sound Loop Road. The study scope was to evaluate the two existing acccsscs and the two new proposed accesses. These four accesses are roughly equidistant from the centroid of the development so I assigned 25°!0 of the trips to each access. I am attaching the existing peak hour flow rates and trip distribution sheet. Please review and ]et me know if you have any problem w/those. Assuming that you have no problems w/the distributions, I am attaching the Growth + SiCe HCS analyses for your review. For the analyses, I assumed that there would be no separate turn lanes on any of the three approaches for all .four accesses. As you can see from the analyses, they all operate at LOS A or B. Please let me know if you havo any problem w/ recommending no improvements at all the four sites. One additional scopin; requirement was to expand my October 2003 TMC @ Market and Middle Sound Loop to 2011, assign 40% of the trips to the WB LT and the NB RT and present the resulting analyses in the report. Since you did not require any recommendations, Twill include the analyses For your information. Tf you have any questions, Hive me a call. We are trying to finish this report this week. In addition, I would like to have something, even if it's verbal, far the client prior to tomorrow's NHC TRC meeting. Ts this doable? Thanks. John Bauerlein2305 Mimosa PIaceWilmington, North Carolina28403(910) 251-8912(910) 612-2363 (Mobile)(910) 762-3944 (Fax)'sh msi@bellsouth.net - dasmith.vcf _ °Larry Sneeden" To: "Bart Edge " <badge@at[anticbluedevelopers.com> ~'~~ <Esneeden@espassoc cc: "Barry Mitchell" ~bmitcheliC~espassociates.com>, "Sam Burgess " iates.com> ~sburgess@nhcgov.com> Subject: Anchors Bend TIA 0/10/2006 06:28 PM >=Yz Larry Sneeden C. Lawrence Sneeden, 3r. PE ESP Associates, PA 2120-B Capital Drive Wilmington, NC28405 910-3 t.3-6648 O 910-313-6823 F )E'rom:Jahz1 Bauerlein[mailto:jsb_msi@bellsouth.netj Sent: Tuesday, January 10, 2006 5:16 PM To: Dexter Hayes Cc: Mike Kozlosky; Larry Sneeden Subject: FW: Re: Anchors Bend Dexter, My analyses show that no improvements are needed for this developn-~ent; no turn lanes at any of the four site accesses. I sent the results to David Smith this morning and, in this reply, he agrees with the recammendatians. I should have the report available later this week. I urge your favorable consideration of this project - at least as far as traffic issues are concerned - at tomorrow's TRC meeting. If you have any questions, let me know. John Bauerlein 2306 Mirrtosa Place Wilmington, North Carolina28403 {910) 251-8912 (910) G12-23G3 (Mobile) (910) 7G2-3944 (Fax) jsb msi@be!lsouth.net Original Message From:David A. Smith, P.E. To: jsb_msi@bellsouth.t~et Cc: Dan Cumbo; Anthony Law Sent:l/10/200G 5:05:33 PM Subject:Re: Anchors Bend John, Looking at the HCS analysis, it appears the intersections all operate at an acceptable LOS. I forwarded your results to Dan Cumbo for further review, but I don't see a need for further improvements based on this analysis For capacity. There may be improvements required for safety reasons iF existing conditions warrant. David. David A. Smith, P.E. Division Traffic Engineer Division Three 910-251-2693 John BauerleinwrOte: David, If you can remember Frain the scoping meeting, Anchors Bend is adevelopment w/192Single-Family homes that generates I14 AM peak hour trips and 193 PM peak hour trips. It is located in the southeastern portian of Middle Sound Loop Road. It has :Four access points; one via Stoneybrook Raad, one via Northbend Roadand two proposed direct accesses to Middle Sound Loop Road. The study scope was to evaluate the two existing accesses and the two new proposed accesses. These four accesses are roughly equidistant From the centroid of the development so I assigned 25% of the trips to each access. I am attaching the existing peak hour Ilow rates and trip distribution sheet. Please review and ]et me know if you have any problem w/these. Assuming that you have no problems w/the distributions, I am attaching the Growth -h Site HCS analyses for your review. For the analyses, I assumed that there would be no separate turn lanes on any of the three approaches for all four accesses. As you can see from the analyses, they all operate at LOS A or B. Please let me know i F you have any problem w/ recommending no improvements at all the four sites. One additional seoping requirement was to expand my October 2003 TMC @ Market and Middle Sound Loop [0 2411., assign 44% of the trips to the WB LT and the NB RT and present the resulting analyses in the report. Since you did not require any recommendations, Iwill include the analyses for your information. If you have any questions, give me a call. We are trying to finish this report this week. In addition, T would like to have something, even if it's verbal, for the client prior to tomorrow's NHC TRC meeting. Is this doable? Thanks..Tohn Bauerlein2306 Mimosa PlaceWilmington, North Carolina28403(9[0) 251.-$9]2(910) 612-2363 (Mabile)(9l0) 762-3944 (Fax)jsb msi@bel]south.net - dasmith.vcf "Frye, Jennifer 5 To: "'Sburgess 1(1=-main)" ~sburgess@nhcgov.coma ,,~'~a SAW" ce: <Jenni#er.S.Frye@saw Subject: F'Erformance and Conventional Plans 02.usace.army.mila Oi/13/2D06 05:04 PM Sam, For your information.. 1. Nautical Green, Secof Construction: Their plans do depict a wetlands boundary; however, I cannot find a record of the Corps verification of the delineation. It could be that we have looked at it, it is just listed under a different project name or owner/developer. If the line is correct, then their project does not appear to have a regulated impact to the wetlands, excepting any mechanized land clearing and/or lot fill for those lots that contain JD waters. I have been trouble downloading the County's on-line tax maps lately; if I could view the aerial of the parcel and tax info. I may be able to give you a little more info. 2. Cypress Grove, Colorado Coastal Development, LLC: Once again, I cannot find a record of any JD of this property; but it could have been done under a different name/project. Its hard to tell from their plan the exact location, but I do believe that there is a stream channel running through this property and they are showirig impacts. The other linear features may or may not be jurisdictional -site visit needed to make that determination. No JD requests or permit applications have been received. 3. junction Creek Park Expansion, Gulfstream Shopping Center Properties, LLC: AHAI Found some files on this one. JD was performed in 1999 (1999013$5) and Angie Pennock did a preapplication site visit in 2001 (200100782). I am not exactly sure what was claimed in 1999 since I do not have easy access to Those files, but it does appear from Angie's notes that the,linear features were noted as jurisdictional, Regardless, the JD has expired; its greater than S years old, so a new one is needed. Based on my file review and their plans, it appears that they would need DA authorization for relocating that "ditch". 4. The Preserve at MIddle Saund -known now as Anchors Bend, Atlantic Blue Management, Inc.: We are currently finished the JD for the parcels; I have not yet signed off on a survey. (204540b18 and 200600152) Since they keep adding parcels and consultants and changing project names, it's been a bit of a hassle, keeping up w/ who's on first. Anyway, the most recent set of plans you sent to me look like the ones 1 just received today and it looks as though they'll need DA authorization for road crossing impacts. The consultant (ESP) seems to be staying on top of what they need to do, so hopefully the permitting process will go better than the JD. S. Madison Place, Ron Jessup: I am not finding a file record of a JD far this one. Could be under another name, once again. Their road is close to the unverit-ied wetland line, so I would be concerned about potential impacts. Also would ask if they are planning to have River access, docks, piers, etc., which would put them into a different permitting process (joint CAMA/Corps permits), potentially. Let me know if you have any questions about any of my comments. Thanks, Jennifer PROJECT NAME: ANCHORS BEND DATE: I/3/06 REVIEWED BY: _ANTHONY LAW APPLICATION RE i7IREMENTS Any person or corporation desiring to construct a new subdivision road which is to be dedicated as public, must submit the following information to the District Engineer for proper evaluation in order to obtain a certificate of approval as required by North Carolina General Stature 136-102.6. {See page 29 for Stature). If the new subdivision road (to be dedicated as public or private} will connect to a state system road, a driveway permitlencroachment agreement authorizing construction on State right-of--way must be obtained from the Division of Highways before beginning any construction. Application should be made to the District Engineer having jurisdiction in the area. 1. Four complete site layouts with vicinity map, including any future expansions anticipated. 2. Horizontal.alignment indicating general curve data on site layout plan. 3. Vertical alignment indicated by percent grade, P.I. station, vertical curve length, and k-value, on site layout plan. Existing ground pzofzle along centerline should also be included. 4. Typical section indicating the paven~lent design and width of pavement. All slopes shown in accordance with drawings on pages 39 and 40 of this manual. Include soil analysis and classification to justify pavement design or use Group II pavement design on page 23. 5. Submission of hydraulics plans and drainage calculations are required. A copy of U.S. Geodetic Survey or other contour mappings showing drainage areas are also required. {Note: A sample standard pipe-sizing chart is shown on page 38). 6. Four copies of the recorded plat are to be furnished to the District Engineer after certification or upon application for State Maintenance. 7. Lot lines shall not extend beyond the right-of way line. See North Carolina Transportation and Highway Laws, chapter 136, article 7, section 136-102.6 for additional information on right-of way width and lot lines. (See page 29 for statute}. 8. Four separate site plans for driveway permits will be required prior to construction within NCDOT Right-off Way. (See pages 36 and 37 for permit). 9. Cody of erosion control plans and permit, approved by Department of Environment and Natural Resources or local government, may be required by the District Engineer. See page 35. 10. Utility encroachment agreements required. (For agreement forms, please contact District Engineer). Additional Camznents: SUBMIT THE ABOVE LISTED INFORMATION .FOR PRELIMINARY PLAN APPROVAL. NCDOT DRIVEWAY PERMIT REQUIRED. ROADWAY IMPROVEMENTS ON MIDDLE SOUND LOOP ROAD WILL BE REQUIRED, SPECIFICS WILL BE PROVIDED ONCE TIA HAS BEEN REVIEWED BY NCDOT. ReF: NCDO'r's Subdivision Roads MinimuFn Construction Standazds dated 7anuary 2D00 page 10-11. PROJECT NAME: ANCHORS BEND lREVSED) DATE: I11 1/06 REVIEWED SY: ANTHONY LAW APPLTCATTON RE UTREMENTS Any person or corporation desiring to construct a new subdivision road which is to be dedicated as public, must submit the following information to the District Engineer far proper evaluation in order to obtain a certificate of approval as required by North Carolina General Stature 136-1 D2.6. (See page 29 for Stature). If the new subdivision road (to be dedicated as public or private) will connect to a state system road, a driveway permit/enc.roachment agreement authorizing construction on State right-of--way must be obtained from the Division of Highways before beginning any construction. Application should be made to the District Engineer having jurisdiction in the area. 1. Four complete site layouts with vicinity map, including any future expansions anticipated. 2. Horizontal alignment indicating general curve data on site layout plan. 3. Vertical alignment .indicated by percent grode, P.I. station, vertical curve length, and k-value, on site layout plan. Existing ground profile along centerline should also be incl~.tded. 4. Typical section indicating the pavement design and width of pavement. All slopes shown in accordance with drawings on pages 39 and 40 of this manual. Include soil analysis and classification Eo justify pavement design or use Group II pavement design on page 23. 5. Submission of hydraulics plans and drainage calculations are required. A copy of U.S. Geodetic Survey or other contour mappings showing drainage areas are also required. (Note: A sample standard pipe-sizing chart is shown an page 38). 6. Four copies of the recorded plat are to be furnished to the District Engineer after certification or upon application for State Maintenance. 7. Lot lines shall not extend beyond the right-of-way line. See North Carolina Transportation and Highway Laws, chapter ] 36, article 7, section 136-102.6 .for additional information on right-of way width and lot lines. (See page 29 for statute). 8. Four separate site plans for driveway permits will be required prior to construction within NCDOT Right-of-Way. (Sue pages 36 and 37 for permit). 9. Copy of erosion control plans and permit, approved by Department of Environment and Natural Resources or local government, may be required by the District Engineer. See page 35. ]p. Utility encroachment agreements required. (For agreement forms, please contact District Engineer). Additional Comments: SUBMIT THE ABOVE LISTED INFORMATION FOR PRELIMINARY PLAN APPROVAL. NCDOT DRIVEWAY PERMIT REQUIRED. ROADWAY IMPROVEMENTS ON MIDDLE SOUND LOOP ROAD WTLL BE REQUIRED, SPECIFICS WILL BE PROVIDED ONCE TIA HAS BEEN REVIEWED BY NCDOT. Ref: I~IC©OT's Subdivision Roads Minimum Construction Standa3•ds dated January 20flD page ]0-1 I . DEC-21--05 WED O1 ~ 54 PM 911 CEh1TER FAK 1~0~ 910 341 403$ P. 03 r ~ r v ~" L ~~ ~ ~. ~~~- ~~~ ~ ~~~~~ ~7 ~f qr• ~ ~,~~-~P ~ ~~~~. ~~~ / ~~/~0 5 Sam Burgess To: "Barry MitchelP' <bmitchellC~?espassociates.com> 01/05/2008 02:58 PM cc: cc: <sburgess@nhcgov.com> Subject: Re: Anchors Bend Barry, I have placed Anchors Bend on the TRC agenda for Jan 11. However, our office still needs an updated water letter from the City and the TIA. Also, our office has not completed their review of the revised plan. It is imperative that we receive a water letter and the TfA by next Monday -otherwise we may need to continue the item till January 25. I will contact you once our review on Anchors Bend is complete and report on the agencies that have updated their comments sa stay tuned. Sam PS: Received tree survey today. It appears that approximately 40 trees will need to be mitigated. "Barry Mitchell" <bmitchellC~espassociates,com> "Barry Mitchell" To: <sburgessC~nhcgov.com> "" <bmitchell@espassoc cc: iates.com> Subject: Anchors Bend 01/05/2008 02:12 PM [IMAGE] Hi Sam., I am not sure I want to know the answer but I wondering if we lucked out and made the .Tan. 11 TRC agenda. Thanks Barry D. Mitchell, PE ESP Associates, P.A. 2120-B Capital Drive Tom Sosebee To: Sam Burgess/NHCC~NHC 01/04/2006 02:11 C'M cc: Subject: Anchors Bend preliminary revisions Sam, We need to relocate the hydrant on EVENTIDE BLVD to lot #24 because of distance. We also need to add a hydrant an SEA CAC'T LANE at lot #35 or #4i again, because of distance. Tam Tom Sosebee To: Sam BurgesslNHC~NHC 01/03/2006 02:27 PM ce: Subject: ANCHORS BEND MIDDLE SOUND LOOP RD SAM, WE HAVE A FEW ISSUES ON THfS PROJECT: 1. WfbTH OF ROADS 2. ARE ROADS PUBLIC OR PRfVATE 3. ROUND ABOUTS ? 4. WATER AVAILABLITY, AND FLOW WILL CONTACT ESP ASSOC. SO WE HAVE SOME ANSWERS FOR TRC MEETING. TOM Sam Burgess Ta: JSB_MSIC~bellsouth.net, dasmith@dotstate.nc.us, alaw(~3dot.nc.us, 1 211 912005 09:09 AM mike.kozlosky~ci.wilmington.nc,us, IsneedenC~espassociates.com, Dexter Nayes/NHC, Steve CandlerlNHC cc: Linda Keough/NHC cc: Subject: TIA Scoping Mtg Confirmation Gentlemen, A T'IA Scoping Mtg on the Anchors Bend (Middle Sound} project proposal will be held this Weds (Dec 21 } at DOT's Division Office on Division Drive beginning at 9:00 a.m. Pls mark your calendars. Sam Sam Burgess To: JSB_MSI@bellsouth.net, dasmith(~dotstate.nc.us, alaw~dot.ne.us, 1 211 512005 02:21 PM mike.kozloskyC~ci.wilmington.nc.us, Isneedenc~espassociates.com, Dexter Hayes/NHC, Steve Candler/NHC cc: cc: Subject: TIA 5coping Mtg Anchor's Bend Gentlemen: Anthony Law, David Smith, and Mike Kozfosky can not meet on Monday to flesh out a TIA study on Anchors Bend located in the Middle Sound Community. David & Anthony can meet on Weds, Dec 21 at 9:00 a.m. at their office on Division Drive. John, I believe you have a meeting with David between 8-9:00 am. -Division Dr. Pls confirm whether the above date, time and location is ok for the rest of you by tomorrow (Fri). Thanks, Sam G~ q. ~.,~..., ~"~t,.~.,~ C~ - otz. ~~ ~~ .5 ,.~:~. t^L.. a 42 ~--w-~ off. Sam Burgess To: JSB_MSI@beffsouth.net, DASmithc?dot.sta#e.nc.us, alaw@dot.nc.us, 1 2/1 412005 1 1:19 AM mike.kozlosky~ci.wilmington.nc.us, fsneedenc~espassociates.com, Dexter Hayes/NHC, Steve Candler/Nh€C cc: cc: Subject: TIA Scope Anchors Bend Gentlemen: Planning staff has received a preliminary site plan proposal fora 192 lot project in the Middle Sound Community which will require a T1A. A T1A scoping of the project is desired by the developer. Please advise whether the following date and time will fit into your schedule. Monday, Decemfaer 19 Q 9:00 a.m. (County Annex Building -Market Place Mall) Thanks, Sam PS: Larry, please share this information with Barry Mitchell of your office and his clients. °~~ ~ Cam.- ......c~.x ~,~- ~ ,Q.~-F.1.~ ...,~ %, ~cw w~ 'v~.s e.d 5 ~o, tZ7-~ acv. United States ~latural 1?esourceS 414 Ctaestnut Street - rde~n. 305 Department Of Conserr-at"ron Wilmington, NC 28401 AgricuBture Service 9101762-6072 TO: Karen Allison. New Hanover 5WC^ FROM: Shelly Miller. Community Conservationist RE: Anchors Bend November 22, 20x5 I HAVE REVIEWED THIS PLAN AS REQUESTED AND HAVE THESE COMMENTS: The soils are predominantly Craven fine sandy loam (Cr), Johnston Soils (JO), Lakeland sand (La), Lynchburg fine sand (Ls), Lynn Haven fine sand (Ly), Norville fine sand (Nu), Pantego loam (Pn), Torhunta loamy fine sand (To), and Wrightsboro fne sandy loam (Wr). According to the booklet, , "WilmingtonlNew Hanover Classification of soils for Septic Tank Suitability, Lakeland is Class I soil, Lynchburg and Wrightsboro are Class II soils, Craven, Lynn Haven, Norville, Pantego, and Torhunta are Class III soils, and Johnston is a Class IV soil. The Soil Survey of New Hanover County lists Lakeland as excessively well drained, Craven and Wrightsboro as moderately well drained, Lynchburg as somewhat poorly drained, Lynn Haven as poorly drained, and Norville, Pantego, Torhunta, and Johnston as very poorly drained. Lynn Haven, Norville, Pantego, Torhunta, and Johnston soils are on the New Hanover County Hydric Soils A list which means they are possibly wetland areas and subject to regulation under the Clean Water Act. Lynchburg is on the Hydric Soils "B" list, which means it may contain areas of wetland. It should be noted accordin to the Soil Surv_ey_ of New Hanover County, the i,imiiation for dwellings with or without basements and for small commercial buildin s is severe for all of the soils on this site. The limitations are due to floodin andlor wetness. An adequate drainage and maintenance plan is needed for suitable housing. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers has federal jurisdiction over 404 Permits and the NCDEHNR, Dept. of Water Quality, has state jurisdiction over 401 Permits under the Clean Water Act. Before disturbing possible wetland areas, developers should contact these agencies to stay in compliance with State and Federal regulations. C3avid Hollis To: Sam Burgess/NHC@NHC O1/D5/~Ot)6 1:46 AM cc: Jim CraigINHCC~NHC, James lannucci/NHCc~NHC, Gary McSmith/NFIC~NHC, David 5elke/NHCC~NHC, Beth Easley Wetherill/NHC~NHC, bmitchellC~3espassociates.com Subject: Anchors Bend (Preserve ~ Middle Sound) - SD# i2t]4 Sam, For: Anchors Bend (Preserve C?a Middle Sound) - 5D# i204 Revised Plan from Planning i-4-06 Engineering Comments; County Sewer currently available. Sewer design must meet NHC specifications and must be approved lay separa#e future submittal to NHC. City water. Must .meet City of Wilmington development standards. 10' Utility Easement on frontage of all lots along right-of-ways within development and along Middle Sound Loop Raad. 10' Utility Easement along Southern Property line with Loftin Lane. Wetland areas and Open Space Adjacent to wetlands labeled Drainage/Utility Easement also. Open Space in Western Property under Drainage/Utility Easement also. Drainage Easement required for drainage ways from wetland areas throughout project. From Lot 26 to 30. From 41 to 34. From 39 to 38. ' 30 foot Utility Easement along lotline of Lot 11 & 12. 30 foot Utility Easement and Sewer Extension along 30' Access easement at lotline of Lots 5 & 9. 30 foot Utility Easement and Sewer Extension along 30' Access Easement at Latline of Lots 29, 28, & 27. Or possible sewer extension to the rear of properties. 3Q foot Utility Easement for extension along lotline of Lots 29 & 30. Possible realignment of lot line to accommodate easement and extension. Utility easement required on Lo# 35 for proposed sewer connection Existing Utility easement on Lot 35 and along the rear of Lots 36, 37, & 38 may be released after sewer extension down proposed Sea Captains Court is completed and Sewer from Lift Station at the rear of Suzanne Glassgaw Jameson property is connected to proposed system. 20 foot additional Utili#y Easement along southern side of Existing Utility easement running from Lot 34, & Lot 42 - 49 and recorded in Map Sook 44 page 354-355. Utility easement and stated existing Sewer along the rear of Lots 52-54 does not exist. Connection to sewer across Lot 53 must be rerouted. Correct Location of Sewer and Utility is on Northside of Wetland and recorded in Map Book 44 Page 353. Stated existing Utility Access Easement is also in error. Lots # - 5will have conflict with existing sewer location. Easement starts at approximately ~ 83 feet south along right-of -way of Middle Sound Laop Road from Northern property line. Existing Drainage Pipe located to accommodate drains from wetlands on Lot 56 and adjacent to Lot i 9. Drainage easements required in these areas. brainage easement required along Rear of Lots 30 to 48 along Baldwin Park Drive. Proposed 30' Drainage & Utility Easement along the rear of Lots t - 28 south of Aloft Way to remain as proposed. Drainage Easement across Lot 32 and 25 at corner of Baldwin and North Bend along with open space and wetland lot adjacent to Lots 28 & 29. 20 foot additional Utility Easement along southern side of existing Utility easement on Lot 80 on North Bend Road. Easements recorded in Map Book 44 Page 357-359, 20 foot additional Utility Easement to the eastern side of existing Utility easement on rear of Lots 26 - 30 on North Bend Road and extending to southern property line. 20 foot additional Utility Easement to the northern side of existing Utility easement adjacent to proposed Ridgefield development. Drainage easement required from wetland area adjacent to lot 29 on Afaft Way along existing drainage way. Drainage easement required for drainage ways from Old Baymeade property to Ridgefield Development.. Connection can be made with Demarest Village at beginning of proposed Townhome locations. Sedimentation and Erosion Control permit required prior to land disturbance. Some wetland impacts are proposed. May require permits from proper agencies. Must comply with NHC Stormwater Ordinance. Authorization-to-Construct permit required prior to development or land disturbance. No apparent provisions made for stormwater runoff control. Roads must meet NCDOT Standards. Uplands to the North of Ridgefield could be developed. Will this proposed development not allow future development in that area? Developer or Lot Owner can not place obstructions, fences, wails, etc. in easements. Al] easements subject to revision based on approved water, sewer, storm drainage plans and as-builts prior to recording. Thanks, Hollis New Hanover County