Anchors Bend_tree_preservation© t~31, j~7 ~J ~'~ ~^ r `C 1,.<.a D_.c,a ~ v.~ ~- -~ o/ -~-tiz2~ r..;.,~;.~c..l; :, 0...- ~ cs1'G.. Larry Sneeden" To "Sam Burgess " <sburgess@nhcgov.com> ' °°'' <Isneeden@espassociates.c om> cc "Barry Guise" <bguise@espassociates.com>, "Bart Edge " <hedge@atlanticbluedevelppers.com> O1I3112007 08:14 AM bcc Subject EW: Anchors Bend Tree Preservation Satrr, Per your comments of 7anuary30, 2007, we are modifying the tree protection proposal as follows Attached are the significant tree removal and mitigation calculations for the project To summarize, the owner expects to remove 40 significant trees totaling 130D caliper inches from the project construction areas. The owner will replace or pay in lieu a total of 2600 caliper inches. The Owner proposes the following course of action I .The owner will retain tite services of a tree spade to [nave existing trees bctweet4?" and 12" caliper from the building footprints of lots to medians, roadsides, detention ponds, and common areas The owner will track the number and size of trees, E]ag moved trees with orange tape for veld veriscation,and report to you prior to recording of any plat on the property. If the number of available trees/caliper inches is less than the 2604 required, the owner will: .Plan[ new trees oft" to 3" caliper size in the above areas to reach a Total afl60D caliper inches of moved and replacement trees Replacement trees wiEE also be Flagged with orange tape for field verification The number of replacement trees, assuming no trees are moved as described in Item 1, is 1300 trees of 2" caliper or 867 trees of 3"caliper based on replacing 40 significant trees. [f there is not available space to plant enough trees to complete the mitigation plan, the owner wiE1 .Pay for the remainder of the caliper inches at the rate of $?95 per 2" caEiper, for a maximum replacement cost to the County of $383,500 if no trees are moved or planted 4.The county's fee for replacing trees oft"to 3" caEiper is $295. Larry Sneeden C. Lawrence Sneeden, Jr. PE ESP Associates, P.A. 2I20-B Capital Drive Willmington, NC28449 Sam BurgesslNHC To "Larry Sneeden" <isneeden@espassociates.com> 01/30/2007 12:20 PM cc wetherili Beth Easley bcc Subject Re: Anchors Bend Tree Protection Larry, Your client's proposal to mitigate the significant trees in Anchors's Bend is acceptable. However, please incorporate your proposal with the following language. Once the modification is made, I will forward the info to Beth Wetherill. > Tree replacements will need #o be flagged with orange tape for field verification . > The County's cost for replacing trees at the 2"and 3" caliper level is 295 dollars. > To clarify: 1,300 2" caliper trees will need to be replaced based on 40 significant trees OR 867 3" caiiper trees " " If trees are not replaced, total cost payable to the County is 383,500 dollars Thanks, Sam S.A. Burgess Principal Development Planner New Hanover County Planning Department 230 Marketplace Drive, Suite 150 Wilmington, NC 28403 Phone: (910) 798-7441 Fax: (910)798-7053 "Larry Sneeden" <Isneeden@espassociates.com> "Larry Sneeden" ¢" <Isneeden@espassociates.c To "Sam Burgess " <sburgess@nhcgov.com> om> cc "Barry Guise" <bguise@espassociates.com>, "Bart Edge " 01/29/2007 02:04 PM <hedge@atlanticbiuedeveiopers.com> Subject Anchors Bend Tree Protection Sam, Did you have everything you need for the tree permit? Beth Wetherill is due to complete her review and we wanted to move ahead with construction "l"orry Sneeden" '°'~ <Isneeden@espassociates.c om~ 01/23/2007 03:14 PM Sam, To "Sam Burgess " <sburgess@nhcgov.com> ec 'Bart Edge " <i;Ledge@atlanticbluedevefopers.com>, "Barry Guise" <bguise@espassociates.com> bcc Subject Anchors Bend Tree Preservation Attached are the significant tree removal and mitigation calculations for the project Ta summarize, we expect to remove significant trees totaling 1300 caliper inches from the project construction areas. The owner will replace or pay in lieu a total of 2600 caliper inches. Per our conversation, we propose the following course of actiotx 1.Th~ owner will retain the services of a tree spade to ntove existing trees between"and 12" caliper fi-om the building footprints of Eots to medians, roadsides, detention ponds, and common areas We will track the number and size of trees and report to you prior to recording of any plat on the property. If the number of available trees'caliper inches is less than the 2G00 required, the owner will ~ ;,- ~, 2.Plant new tc~ees in the2" to 3" range to 611 the above areas lrthere is €tnt availab[e space to plant enough frees to complete the mitigation plan, the owner wi1L' 3. Pay €oe the remainder of the caliper inches at the rate of ~7 75 per 2" calipe3-. Please let me know if you need additional information to approve the tree mitigation plan Beth Wetherill expects to complete her erasion control review next Monday and we would like for her to have your sigt~ofF in order to issue the EC permit. Larry Sneeden C. Lawrence Sneeden, Jr. PE ESP Associates, P.A. 2120-8 Capital Drive Wilt~nington, NC28409 910-313-6648 (O) 910-313-6823 (F) ~a~, -~Y ~ ~ .~ a ~. ~- - =~ ~ o ~,~~,~ ~,.~~. ~_= ~d - TB30 Tree Mit. Calcs.dac Sam BurgesslNHC Tp bmitchell@espassociates.com 09126!2006 10:45 AM cc bcc Subject Anchors Bend Tree Mitigation Barry, Your client's proposal to mitigate 59 trees in the Anchors Bend project has been reviewed by Planning staff. Please note the following comments: ~ This mitigation plan appears to have more significant trees than the original preliminary plan that was approved in January, 2006. The original plan displayed approximately 40 trees. Question: Has the road network been adjusted to encompass more significant trees or is this new tree plan a refinement from the January plan? ~ Calculations for the 2"and 3" caliper trees is good. However, if a fee is paid, the amount per tree would be 295 dollars or 383,500 dollars for 1,300 2" caliper trees. *~` Pls be advised that we still need 5 updated paper copies of the preliminary plan for TRC Chairman signature. The updated plan would be based on the requirements of the January approval letter sent to you in Feb.** Thanks, Sam S.A. Burgess Principal Development Planner New Hanover County Planning Department 230 Marketplace Drive, Suite 150 Wilmington, NC 28403 Phone: (910) 798-7449 Fax: (910) 7987053 PROJECT: Anchors Bend CLIENT: Atlantic Blue Mana ement SUBJECT: Significant Tree talc DATE: 91310E PROJ. NO.: TB30.4O I DESIGNED BY: 6DM Hardwoods 15significant trees, 28+2d+30+24+24-r24+26+24+25+24+24+24+24+25+24=376 caliper inches. Pines 34 significant trees, 25+25+28+25+31+30+24+24+2d+26+30+2d+24+28+30+24+24+26+28+28+24+24+24+24+36+24+24+24+2 4+30+32+24+24+24=838 caliper inches Flowering trees 10 significant trees, 8+8+8+8+8+8+8+8+12+10=8d caliper inches _Total Significant Trees 59 significant trees, 376+838+8d= 1300 total caliper inches. Replacement Tree Calculations 1300 total caliper inches x 2 = 2600 total caliper inches to replace. Replace with 3 caliper inches trees., ~ ~7 2600 caliper inches / 3 caliper inches = 87 Trees , Need 8,6T tree of 3 caliper inches to replace the 59 signi fican t trees lost replace with 2 caliper inches trees , 2600 caliper inches / 2 caliper inches = 1300 Trees , Need 1300 tree of 2 caliper inches to replace the 59 significant trees lost Nf itigate with Fee. ~.~~~ 2 f~ ~- 2600 caliper inches / 2 caliper inches = 1300 Trees , r' 1300 trees x $5°00 = .~ ~" ~~7;5@D OD fee _ ,g '~`~ ~ ~ ~ rte, ~ w ~., ^, ~ t `\v ..ESP Associates, P. A. enginee+'irtg • surveyiub • ylmvring 212p-S Caprta! Brive lVilnringiary NC 2$4p5 (91 p) 313-6648 Frrx I41 p) 313.6613 rvsnv. espass ocia tes. cam ESP Associates, P.A. engineering • snrv~t~ing • planning 2120-B Capita[ Drive Wiimington, North Carolina 28405 {910) 313-6648 -Phone (910) 313-6823 -Fax www.espassociates.com Qate: Company: Attention: Address: CitylStatel,Zip ~K~~~~ 911 412 0 0 6 New Hanover Co. Planning Sam Burgess Wilmin ton, North Carolina COPY.TO: (A) `Addresses i {BJ : ESP Main,i?rojeet File (C) PM's Project Fite We are Sending: ^X Enclosed ^Change Order ^ Originals Samples ^Computations ^ Sepia(s) ^Literature ^Specifications ~ Print(s) ^ Copy of Letter ^ Diskette 1 CD ^ Set(s) o€ Plans ^ Under separate cover via Copies 17ated Siieet - < Description 2 01/19/06 Anchors Bend Tree Miti ation Plan 2 01/19/06 Anchors Bend Tree Calculation Sheet These are Being Sent: ^ For Your Approval ^ Approved as Noted ^ Corrected and Returned ^ For Your Use ^ Approved as Submitted ^ As Requested For Your Review and Comment ^ Approved as Changed ^ ^ For Your Signature ^ Returned for Corrections ^ For Bids bue ^ Returned After Loan to Us By: ^ Courier ^ UPS /Federal Express ~ Mail ^Other REMAR}(S: s• • s•• s s• •.• ••• f s s s s s s f•• f s s s s• •.s f f f • s s s f f f f f f f f 1 1 IR~P~RTAI~T AI®TE 7P"® RECAPIE~T.• : PA~~~e: ~A~A`. ,, ,,... 3/G~ED C®PY fa E'SP, : go ffAl@.: sender's ~tt~ntianf THA~~ Y®lB. • f f f f s f • s• •• / s s s•• • •'f• •• s •f~f s s s s~ss s f f f f f f f~f \ f'f • s ESi' Project Name: Anchors Beryd ESP Projeci Number: TB3U Sender & Date {ESP Employee) Barryi]:;Mitchell PE Signed ~ Date (Recipient)