Agenda 2014 10-20AGENDA NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Assembly Room, New Hanover County Historic Courthouse 24 North Third Street, Room 301 Wilmington, NC WOODY WHITE, CHAIRMAN - BETH DAWSON, VICE -CHAIR JONATHAN BARFIELD, JR., COMMISSIONER - BRIAN M. BERGER, COMMISSIONER - THOMAS WOLFE, COMMISSIONER CHRIS COUDRIET, COUNTY MANAGER - WANDA COPLEY, COUNTY ATTORNEY - TERESA ELMORE, INTERIM CLERK TO THE BOARD OCTOBER 20, 2014 9:00 AM MEETING CALLED TO ORDER (Chairman Woody White) INVOCATION (Abdul Rahman Shareef, Imam, Tauheed Islamic Center) PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE (Commissioner Thomas Wolfe) APPROVAL OF CONSENT AGENDA CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS OF BUSINESS 1. Approval of Minutes 2. Adoption of 2015 Schedule of Agenda Review and Regular Board of Commissioners Meetings 3. Adoption of Rules of Procedure for Meetings of the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners Manual 4. Approval to Purchase Lighting Equipment from Musco Lighting for the Castle Hayne /Northern Regional Park Multi- Purpose Fields 5. Adoption of Food Day Proclamation 6. Adoption of a Resolution of Approval to Submit a Smart Growth America Application for Free Technical Assistance Workshops on Land Use Code Audit 7. Approval to Purchase Second Chance Body Armor from Lawmen's Safety Supply as a Sole Source 8. Approval of August 2014 Tax Collection Reports 9. Approval of Board of Education Budget Amendments ESTIMATED MINUTES REGULAR AGENDA ITEMS OF BUSINESS 15 10. Presentation of Service Awards for to Retirees and Employees 5 11. Public Hearing and Consideration of Approval to Submit Application for Rural Operating Assistance Program (ROAP) Funds in the Amount of $231,125 10 12. New Hanover County Board of Examiners of Electricians Annual Update 10 13. New Hanover County Board of Mechanical Examiners Annual Update 10 14. New Hanover County Inspections Department Advisory Council Annual Board of Commissioners - October 20, 2014 Update 10 15. New Hanover County Planning Board Annual Update 10 16. New Hanover County Plumbing Board of Examiners Annual Update 10 17. New Hanover County Zoning Board of Adjustment Annual Update 10 18. Committee Appointments ESTIMATED MINUTES PUBLIC COMMENTS ON NON - AGENDA ITEMS (limit three minutes ADDITIONAL AGENDA ITEMS OF BUSINESS 10 19. Additional Items County Manager County Commissioners Clerk to the Board County Attorney 20. ADJOURN Note: Minutes listed for each item are estimated, and if a preceding item takes less time, the Board will move forward until the agenda is completed. Mission New Hanover County is committed to progressive public policy, superior service, courteous contact, judicious exercise of authority, and sound fiscal management to meet the needs and concerns of our citizens today and tomorrow. Vision A vibrant prosperous, diverse coastal community, committed to building a sustainable future for generations to come. Core Values Integrity - Accountability - Professionalism - Innovation - Stewardship Board of Commissioners - October 20, 2014 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION MEETING DATE: October 20, 2014 CONSENT DEPARTMENT: Governing Body PRESENTER(S): Chairman White CONTACT(S): Teresa P. Elmore, Interim Clerk to the Board SUBJECT: Approval of Minutes BRIEF SUMMARY: Approve minutes from the following meetings: Agenda Review Meeting held on October 2, 2014 Regular Meeting held on October 6, 2014 STRATEGIC PLAN ALIGNMENT: Superior Public Health, Safety and Education • Keep the public informed on important information RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Approve minutes. COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: (only Manager) COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS: Approved 4 -0 with an amendment by Vice -Chair Dawson. Board of Commissioners - October 20, 2014 ITEM: 1 This page intentionally left blank. NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION MEETING DATE: October 20, 2014 CONSENT DEPARTMENT: Governing Body PRESENTER(S): Teresa Elmore, Interim Clerk to the Board CONTACT(S): Teresa Elmore SUBJECT: Adoption of 2015 Schedule of Agenda Review and Regular Board of Commissioners Meetings BRIEF SUMMARY: After review and discussion, the attached draft schedule of Agenda Review and Regular Meetings is submitted for adoption. Please note the following: • All night meetings have been set to start at 4:00 p.m. • Tuesday, December 30, 2014 — Agenda Review meeting to be held on Tuesday to accommodate New Year's holiday which is Thursday. • Wednesday, January 14, 2015 — Agenda Review meeting to be held on Wednesday to accommodate the NCACC Legislative Goals Conference on Thursday and Friday. • Tuesday, January 20, 2015 — Regular meeting to be held on Tuesday to accommodate the Martin Luther King, Jr. Birthday holiday which is Monday. • June - Regular meetings will be on the second and fourth Mondays to accommodate additional time that maybe needed for budget process. • July and August will only have one Regular meeting each month. • Tuesday, September 8, 2015 — Regular meeting to be held on Tuesday to accommodate Labor Day holiday which is Monday. • Monday, December 14, 2015 — One Regular meeting for December as the second meeting would fall on the holiday week. STRATEGIC PLAN ALIGNMENT: Superior Public Health, Safety and Education • Keep the public informed on important information RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Approve the 2015 Calendar of Agenda Review and Regular Board of Commissioners Meetings. ATTACHMENTS: 2015 Schedule of Agenda Review and Regular Board of Commissioners Meetings Draft COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: (only Manager) Recommend approval. Board of Commissioners - October 20, 2014 ITEM: 2 COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS: Approved 4 -0 with the condition that the schedule be reviewed after the new Board is seated as requested by Vice -Chair Dawson. Board of Commissioners - October 20, 2014 ITEM: 2 10114 1 ay NEW HANO VER CO UNT Y BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS 2015 Agenda Review and Regular Meeting Schedules Agenda Review Meeting Dates Agenda Review Meeting Times Regular Meeting Dates Regular Meeting Times Location: NHC Government Center Conference Room 601 Location: NHC Courthouse, 24 North 3rd Street, Room 301 Tuesday, Dec. 30, 2014 4:00 p.m. Monday, January 5 4:00 p.m. Wednesday, January 14 4:00 p.m. Tuesday, January 20 9:00 a.m. Thursday, January 29 4:00 p.m. Monday, February 2 4:00 p.m. Thursday, February 12 4:00 p.m. Monday, February 16 9:00 a.m. Thursday, February 26 4:00 p.m. Monday, March 2 4:00 p.m. Thursday, March 12 4:00 p.m. Monday, March 16 9:00 a.m. Thursday, April 2 4:00 p.m. Monday, April 6 4:00 p.m. Thursday, April 16 4:00 p.m. Monday, April 20 9:00 a.m. Thursday, April 30 4:00 p.m. Monday, May 4 4:00 p.m. Thursday, May 14 4:00 p.m. Monday, May 18 9:00 a.m. Thursday, June 4 4:00 p.m. Monday, June 8 4:00 p.m. Thursday, June 18 4:00 p.m. Monday, June 22 9:00 a.m. Thursday, July 16 4:00 p.m. Monday, July 20 4:00 p.m. Thursday, August 13 4:00 p.m. Monday, August 17 4:00 p.m. Thursday, September 3 4:00 p.m. Tuesday, September 8 4:00 p.m. Thursday, September 17 4:00 p.m. Monday, September 21 9:00 a.m. Thursday, October 1 4:00 p.m. Monday, October 5 4:00 p.m. Thursday, October 15 4:00 p.m. Monday, October 19 9:00 a.m. Thursday, October 29 4:00 p.m. Monday, November 2 4:00 p.m. Thursday, November 12 4:00 p.m. Monday, November 16 9:00 a.m. Thursday, December 10 4:00 p.m. Monday, December 14 4:00 p.m. Conference Dates: NCACC Legislative Conference, Moore County, NC January 15 -16, 2015 NACo Legislative Conference, Washington, D.C. February 21 -25, 2015 NACo Annual Conference, Mecklenburg County/ Charlotte, NC July 10 -13, 2015 NCACC Annual Conference, Pitt County /Greenville, NC August 20 -23, 2015 Note: The Board may want to revisit the meeting schedule after the first quarter of 2015 to make sure no hardship has been created with the 4:00 p.m. meetings. Board of Commissioners - October 20, 2014 ITEM: 2 - 1 - 1 This page intentionally left blank. NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION MEETING DATE: October 20, 2014 CONSENT DEPARTMENT: Governing Body PRESENTER(S): Chairman White CONTACT(S): Teresa Elmore, Interim Clerk to the Board SUBJECT: Adoption of Rules of Procedure for Meetings of the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners Manual BRIEF SUMMARY: For the Board's consideration is an amendment to the Rules of'Procedure for Meetings of the New Hanover County Board of'Commissioners Manual. The current version was adopted August 15, 2011. The amended version presented here reflects the change of time for evening meetings, removal of verbiage concerning special meeting notices and other minor changes. STRATEGIC PLAN ALIGNMENT: Superior Public Health, Safety and Education • Keep the public informed on important information RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Adopt amended manual. ATTACHMENTS: Rules of Procedure for Meetings of the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners Manual COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: (only Manager) Recommend approval. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS: Approved 4 -0 with the condition that the 4 p.m. meeeting time be reviewed after the new Board is seated as requestd by Vice - Chairman Dawson. Board of Commissioners - October 20, 2014 ITEM: 3 RULES OF PROCEDURE FOR MEETINGS OF THE NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS I. APPLICABILITY Rule 1. Applicability of Rules. These rules apply to all meetings of the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners at which the board is empowered to exercise any of the executive, quasi - judicial, administrative, or legislative powers conferred on it by law, including but not limited to regular informal work sessions or committee meetings where public business is discussed but no official action is taken. II. OPEN MEETINGS Rule 2. Meetings to Be Open. a) The public policy of North Carolina and of New Hanover County is that the hearings, deliberations, and actions of this board and its committees be conducted openly. b) Except as otherwise provided in these rules and in accordance with applicable law, each official meeting of the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners shall be open to the public, and any person may attend. c) For the purposes of the provisions of these rules concerning open meetings, an official meeting of the board is defined as any gathering together at any time or place or the simultaneous communication by conference call or other electronic means of a majority of board members for the purpose of conducting hearings, participating in deliberations, or voting upon or otherwise transacting public business within the jurisdiction, real or apparent, of the board. Rule 3. Closed Sessions. a) Notwithstanding the provisions of Rule 2, the board may hold a closed session and exclude the public, but only for the permitted purposes set forth in N.C.G.S. 143- 318.1l(a)(1 -9). b) The board may go into closed session only upon motion made, seconded, and adopted at an open meeting. The motion shall state the general purpose of the closed session and must be approved by a majority of those board members present and voting. c) Unless the motion to go into closed session provides otherwise, the county manager, county attorney, and clerk to the board shall attend the closed session. All other persons present shall be at the discretion and consensus of a majority of the board. III. ORGANIZATION OF THE BOARD Rule 4. Organizational Meeting. On the first Monday in December following a general election in which county officers are elected, the board shall meet at their regular meeting time and place. a) The present chairman shall call the meeting to order and the present board, including retiring members, shall approve the minutes of the previous meeting(s). b) Newly elected members of the board shall take and subscribe the oath of office and be inducted into office, if they have not already been sworn. c) The present chair shall then recognize the county attorney or the clerk to the board to preside until a new chairman is elected from its members. Board of Commissioners - October 20, 2014 ITEM: 3 - 1 - 1 d) The board shall approve the bonds of the finance officer, tax collector, sheriff and the register of deeds and induct them and any other newly elected county officials into office as appropriate. Rule 5. Election of the Chairman and Vice - Chairman. The chairman and vice - chairman of the board shall be elected annually at the board's first Monday meeting in December for a term of one year and shall not be removed from the office of chairman or vice - chairman unless he or she becomes disqualified to serve as a board member. IV. REGULAR AND SPECIAL MEETINGS Rule 6. Regular and Special Meetings. a) Regular Meetings. The board shall hold a regular meeting on the first Monday of each month at 4:00 p.m. and on the third Monday of each month at 9:00 a.m. unless otherwise stated on the schedule approved by the board. Regular meetings shall be held in the Assembly Room located in the New Hanover County Courthouse, 24 North Third Street, Wilmington, N.C. b) Special Meetings. The chairman, or a majority of board members, may at any time call a special meeting of the board by signing a notice stating the time and place of the meeting and the subject(s) to be considered. The person or persons calling the meeting shall cause the notice to be posted on the bulletin board located by the west entrance doors of the New Hanover County Government Center and disbursed to the chairman and all other board members by fax, email, or other appropriate method at least forty -eight hours before the meeting. In addition, the notice shall be mailed, faxed, emailed, or other appropriate method to individual persons and media organizations having requested such notice as provided in subsection (e) below. Only items of business specified in the notice may be transacted at a special meeting, unless all members of the board are present or those not present have signed waivers. c) Emergency Meetings. If a special meeting is called to deal with an unexpected circumstance requiring immediate consideration, the notice requirements of this rule do not apply. However, the person or persons calling an emergency meeting shall take reasonable action to inform the other board members and the public of the meeting. Local media organizations having requested notice of special meetings as provided in subsection (e), below, shall be notified of such emergency meetings by the same method used to notify board members. Only business connected with the emergency may be discussed at the meeting. d) Work Sessions and Committee Meetings. The board may schedule work sessions, committee meetings, or other informal meetings of the board, or of a majority of its members, at such times and concerning such subjects as may be established by resolution or order of the board. A schedule of any such meetings held regularly shall be filed in the same place and manner as the schedule of regular meetings. Work sessions and other informal official meetings not held regularly are subject to the same notice requirements as special board meetings. e) Sunshine List. Any individual or media organization must file a written request annually, by the last day of July, with the clerk to the board for notice of all special meetings and regular meeting agenda summaries of the board. Requests by individuals, other than the media, will be subject to a $10.00 non - refundable annual fee; there will be no fee charged for notices sent by email or fax. Rules of Procedure for Meetings of the NHC Board of Commissioners — Amended October 20, 2014 Page 2 Board of Commissioners - October 20, 2014 ITEM: 3 - 1 - 2 Rule 7. All Meefin2s within the County. All meetings shall be held within the boundaries of New Hanover County except as otherwise provided herein: a) A joint meeting with the governing board of any other political subdivision of this or any other state may be held within the boundaries of either subdivision as may be specified in the call of the meeting. At any such joint meeting, this board reserves the right to vote separately on all matters coming before the joint meeting. b) A special meeting called for considering and acting on an order or resolution requesting members of the General Assembly representing all or any portion of this county to support or oppose any bill pending in the General Assembly or proposed for introduction therein may be held in Raleigh or other such place as stated in the call of meeting. c) A retreat, forum, or similar gathering held solely for the purpose of providing members of the board with general information relating to the performance of their public duties. d) A meeting to declare a state of emergency or make decisions pertaining to a state of emergency when a majority of the board is out of the County on official business. Rule 8. Broadcasting and Recording of Meetings. Except as provided in this rule, any media organization may broadcast all or any part of an official board meeting required to be open to the public. Any person may photograph, film, tape- record, or otherwise reproduce any part of a meeting that is required to be open. V. AGENDA Rule 9. Agenda. a) The county manager or the clerk to the board shall prepare the agenda for each regular meeting. A request to have an item of business placed on the agenda for a regular meeting must follow the approved agenda policy. Additional items may be introduced with the permission of the Chairman. b) The agenda packet shall include the agenda coversheet, any proposed ordinances, or amendments to ordinances, and supporting documentation and background information relevant to items on the agenda. A copy of the agenda packet shall be made available to each board member at least seventy -two hours before the meeting. Rule 10. Order of Business. At regular meetings, the board shall proceed to conduct business in the following order: 1) Call to Order 2) Invocation 3) Pledge of Allegiance 4) Consent Agenda Items of Business 5) Regular Agenda Items of Business 6) Presentation of Service and Retirement Awards and Introduction of New Employees 7) Consideration of proclamations, resolutions, budget amendment ordinances, etc. 8) Public Hearings 9) Committee Appointments 10) Unfinished business 11) Public Comments on Non - Agenda Items 12) Additional Agenda Items of Business Rules of Procedure for Meetings of the NHC Board of Commissioners — Amended October 20, 2014 Page 3 Board of Commissioners - October 20, 2014 ITEM: 3 - 1 - 3 Without objection, the chairman may call items in the order most convenient for the dispatch of business. VL CONDUCT OF DEBATE Rule 11. Powers of the Chairman. The chairman shall preside at all board meetings. To address the board, a member of the board must be recognized by the chairman. The chairman shall have the following powers: a) To rule on points of parliamentary procedure, including the right to rule out of order any motion offered for obstructive or dilatory purposes; b) To determine whether a speaker has gone beyond reasonable standards of courtesy in his or her remarks and to entertain and rule on objections from other members on this ground; c) To call a brief recess at any time; and d) To adjourn in an emergency. Rule 12. Action by the Board. The board shall proceed by motion. Any member, including the chairman, may make a motion. Rule 13. Second Required. A motion shall require a second. Rule 14. One Motion at a Time. A member may make only one motion at a time. Rule 15. Substitute Motion. A substitute motion is out of order while another substitute motion is pending. A substitute motion is deemed to be a "main" or "principal' motion as distinguished between it and the various procedural motions listed in Rule 18. Rule 16. Adoption by Maiority Vote. A motion shall be adopted if, after receiving a second, it is approved by a majority of the votes cast, unless otherwise required by these rules or North Carolina law. Rule 17. Debate. The chairman shall state the motion and then open the floor to debate, presiding according to the following general principles: a) The member making the motion or introducing the ordinance, resolution or order may speak first. b) A member who has not spoken on the issue shall be recognized before someone who has already spoken. c) If possible, the debate shall alternate between opponents and proponents of the measure. Rule 18. Procedural Motions. a) In addition to substitute motions, the procedural motions listed in subsection (b) of this rule, and no others, shall be in order. Unless otherwise noted, each motion is debatable, may be amended, and requires a second and a majority vote for adoption. b) In order of priority, the procedural motions are: 1) To adjourn. The motion may be made only at the conclusion of action on a pending matter; it may not interrupt deliberation of a pending matter. 2) To recess. Rules of Procedure for Meetings of the NHC Board of Commissioners — Amended October 20, 2014 Page 4 Board of Commissioners - October 20, 2014 ITEM: 3 - 1 - 4 3) To call to follow the agenda. The motion must be made at the first reasonable opportunity or it is waived. 4) To divide a complex motion and consider it by paragraph. 5) To defer consideration. A substitute motion whose consideration has been deferred expires one hundred days thereafter, unless a motion to revive consideration is adopted. 6) To call the previous question. The motion is not in order until there has been debate and every member of the board has had one opportunity to speak. 7) To postpone the meeting to a certain time and /or day. 8) To amend a motion. An amendment to a motion must be relevant to the subject of the motion, but it may not achieve the opposite effect of the motion. There may be amendments to the motion and there may be substitute motions, requiring a second and taking priority in voting. If the substitute motion succeeds, the original motion dies and is not considered. Any amendment to a proposed ordinance shall be submitted in writing. 9) To revive consideration. The motion is in order at any time within one hundred days of a vote deferring consideration. A substitute motion on which consideration has been deferred expires one hundred days after the deferral, unless a motion to revive consideration is adopted. 10) To reconsider. The motion must be made at the same meeting where the original vote was taken, and by a member who voted with the prevailing side. The motion to reconsider cannot interrupt deliberation on a pending matter but is in order any time before adjournment. Rule 19. Renewal of Motion. A defeated motion may not be renewed at the same meeting. Rule 20. Withdrawal of Motion. A motion may be withdrawn by the introducer at any time before the chairman puts the motion to vote. Rule 21. Duty to Vote. It is the duty of each member to vote unless excused by a majority vote according to law. The board may excuse members from voting on matters involving their own financial interest or official conduct. A member wishing to be excused from voting shall so inform the chairman, who shall take a vote of the remaining members. A member who fails to vote, not having been excused, shall be recorded as voting in the affirmative. Rule 22. Prohibition of Secret Voting. No vote may be taken by secret ballot. If the board decides to vote by written ballot, each member shall sign his or her ballot and the minutes shall record the vote of each member. These ballots shall be retained and made available for public inspection until the minutes of that meeting have been approved, when they may be destroyed. Rule 23. Action by Reference. The board shall not deliberate, vote, or otherwise act on any matter by reference to an agenda or document number unless copies of the agenda or documents being referenced are available for public inspection at the meeting and are so worded that people at the meeting can understand what is being discussed or acted on. Rule 24. Introduction of Ordinances, Resolutions or Orders. A proposed ordinance shall be deemed to be introduced at the first meeting where it is actually considered by the board. Rules of Procedure for Meetings of the NHC Board of Commissioners — Amended October 20, 2014 Page 5 Board of Commissioners - October 20, 2014 ITEM: 3 - 1 - 5 Rule 25. Adoption, Amendment or Repeal of Ordinances. To be adopted at the meeting where it is first introduced an ordinance or an action with the effect of an ordinance, or any ordinance amending or repealing an existing ordinance (except the budget ordinance, a bond order, or another ordinance requiring a public hearing before adoption) must be approved by all members of the board of commissioners. If the proposed measure is approved by a majority but not by all the members of the board, or if the measure is not voted on at that meeting, it shall be considered at the next regular meeting of the board. If it then or at any time thereafter within one hundred days of its introduction receives a majority of the votes cast, the measure is adopted. Rule 26. Public Hearings. Public hearings required by law or deemed advisable by the board shall be organized by setting forth the subject, date, place and time of the hearing as well as any rules regarding the length of time allotted to each speaker and designating representatives to speak for large groups. At the appointed time the chairman shall call the hearing to order and preside over it. When the allotted time expires, the chairman shall declare the hearing ended and the board shall resume the regular order of business. Rule 27. Quorum at Public Hearings. A quorum of the board must be present at all public hearings required by law. VII. MINUTES Rule 28. Minutes. Minutes shall be kept of all board meetings. Rule 29. Closed Session Minutes. Pursuant to North Carolina General Statutes 143 - 318.10, the clerk to the board shall keep accurate minutes or general accounts of all closed sessions. a) At the next regular board meeting following any closed session, closed session minutes will be distributed to each commissioner in sealed envelopes. Closed session minutes will be considered and approved by the board at the time regular meeting minutes are considered and approved. b) Following approval, all copies of the closed session minutes provided to the commissioners will be returned to the clerk. Closed session minutes will be sealed and not made available for public inspection until released as hereinafter provided. c) The attorney and clerk shall periodically review the closed session minutes to determine if their disclosure no longer frustrates the purpose for which the closed session was held. d) Upon board approval, the closed session minutes shall be released and made available for public inspection. VIII. COMMITTEE APPOINTMENTS Rule 30. Committee Appointments. The board shall appoint citizens to boards and committees over which the board has power of appointment at regular or special meetings called by the board. A nomination for an appointment must be seconded in order to be considered for a vote by the board. It is the desire of the Board that all appointees shall serve at the pleasure of the Board and may be removed without cause by a majority vote of the county commissioners. Rules of Procedure for Meetings of the NHC Board of Commissioners — Amended October 20, 2014 Page 6 Board of Commissioners - October 20, 2014 ITEM: 3 - 1 - 6 IX. CODE OF ETHICS Rule 31. Code of Ethics. The board shall adhere to the Resolution Adopting a Code of Ethics as adopted unanimously on December 6, 2010. X. AMENDMENT TO RULES AND MISCELLANEOUS Rule 32. Amendments to These Rules. These Rules may be amended by an affirmative vote of a majority of the board members. Rule 33. Miscellaneous. These Rules of Procedure are directory, and not mandatory, and failure to follow them shall not be actionable in a court of law or equity unless otherwise provided by law. Initially adopted by the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners on February 15, 1993. AMENDED August 15, 2011. AMENDED October 20, 2014, effective upon adoption. NEW HANOVER COUNTY Woody White Chairman, Board of Commissioners ATTEST: Teresa P. Elmore, Interim Clerk to the Board Rules of Procedure for Meetings of the NHC Board of Commissioners — Amended October 20, 2014 Page 7 Board of Commissioners - October 20, 2014 ITEM: 3 - 1 - 7 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION MEETING DATE: October 20, 2014 CONSENT DEPARTMENT: Parks PRESENTER(S): Tara Duckworth, Parks & Gardens Director CONTACT(S): Lena Butler, Purchasing Supervisor SUBJECT: Approval to Purchase Lighting Equipment from Musco Lighting for the Castle Hayne /Northern Regional Park Multi- Purpose Fields BRIEF SUMMARY: Staff recommends the purchase and installation of Musco's Light Structure Green System at Castle Hayne/Northern Regional Park multi- purpose fields (4 fields). Musco is the manufacturer of the lighting system and is directly responsible for the production and performance which provides a 25 -year warranty. All maintenance associated with the lighting system including fixture repair, spot and group relamping is covered by Musco's Constant 25 warranty. The purchase and installation of this equipment was approved in the FYI budget. The lighting equipment including installation is being purchased using an exception to the formal bidding requirements. NCGS 143 -129 (e)(3) exempt purchases made through a competitive bidding group purchasing program, which is a formally organized program that offers competitively obtained purchasing services at discount prices to two or more public agencies. Keystone Purchasing Network (KPN) meets this requirement and currently has a contract with Musco Lighting for the purchase and installation of lighting equipment. Musco Lighting has submitted a proposal totaling $618,000 for this project. STRATEGIC PLAN ALIGNMENT: Superior Public Health, Safety and Education • Provide health and wellness education, programs, and services • Understand and act on citizen needs RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Recommend approval to proceed with purchase of Musco Lighting through Keystone Purchasing Network. ATTACHMENTS: Musco Quote Keystone Contract Resolution COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: (only Manager) Recommend approval. Board of Commissioners - October 20, 2014 ITEM: 4 COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS: Approved 4 -0. Board of Commissioners - October 20, 2014 ITEM: 4 Corporate: 1001 st Ave West PO Box 808 Oskaloosa, IA 52577 Manufacturing: 2107 Stewart Road PO Box 260 Muscatine, IA 52761 C= .11 September 1, 2014 Andy Johnson Parks & Gardens Assistant Director Parks & Gardens - Administration I New Hanover County 230 Government Center Drive, Suite 120 Wilmington, INC 28403 (910) 798 -7565 p 641/673-0411 8001825 -6020 Fax: 641/673-4852 563/263 -2281 8001756 -1205 Fax: 800/374-6402 Web: www.musco.com • Email: lightingiftusco.com Re: Castle Hayne Soccer Quote based on KPN /Musco contract #8022813 This quote includes lighting equipment, installation and underground. Musco will provide our Light- Structure GreenTM — engineered from foundation -to- poletop in 5 Easy PiecesTM — and Control -Link® systems. Light- Structure Green System Benefits Musco's Light Structure Green System provides 25 years of safe, guaranteed light levels at the lowest operating cost in a hassle free manner by eliminating 100% of the maintenance and communication costs for your field lighting. • Musco is the manufacturer and directly responsible for the production and performance of their lighting systems. • This is a quality UL Listed lighting system designed for 25+ year life expectancy — designed to all applicable lighting standards, with engineered foundations, enclosed wiring, and remote ballasts for maintenance and easy fuse inspection. • This system maintains the integrity of the light for 25 years (10,000 hours) of guaranteed maintained light levels with our patented Constant Light Technology. • Engineered signed and sealed foundations by a licensed North Carolina Structural Engineer with concrete below grade to eliminate corrosion are provided with Musco's system. • All maintenance associated with the lighting system including fixture repair, spot and group relamping covered by Musco's Constant 25 warranty. • Musco provides specifically funded reserves to assure owners of their ability to back up the performance claims and maintenance. • Musco provides testing and accountability throughout warranty period • Light Structure Green provides the lowest cost of ownership over an expected 30 -40 year life cycle of this lighting system as compared to conventional depreciating technology. • Musco Sports Lighting is the only manufacturer with dedicated field service /maintenance staff with a local office. • Control Link internet based control and monitoring system provides the most comprehensive values /features. All communication costs are included during the 25 year warranty period. Lighting .... We Make It Happen Board ot Commissioners - October 20, 2014 ITEM: 4 -1 -1 Page 2 of 2 • Glare and spill light control is reduced by at least 50% compared to conventional light technology as specified through improved photometrics and proper mounting height design. 4 Soccer fields per design #147082- B .... ............................... .......................$618,000 Pricing is based on September 2014 and is subject to change. Quote Criteria • 480 Volt, 3 Phase per Duke drawing provided • Structural code and wind speed = AASHTO 2009, 130 MPH Exp C • Standard soil conditions. Rock, bottomless, wet or unsuitable soil may require additional engineering, special installation methods and additional cost. • Signed and sealed foundation drawings included by Musco Sports Lighting LLC • Assumes all fields ship at the same time to the same location. • Assumes we can get in between rough and final grade. Thank you again for the opportunity to provide you with this information. Please let me know if there are any questions with regard to product. Sincerely, Dina Neeley Sales Representative Musco Sports Lighting, LLC Phone: 336- 414 -1030 E -mail: dina.neeley @musco.com Board of Commissioners - October 20, 2014 ITEM: 4 - 1 - 2 'KEYSTONE KPM PURCHASING ., NETWORK MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION FORM Membership in the Keystone Purchasing Network (KPN) is as simple as completing this application form, at no cost to the Agency. The Terms of Membership Agreement are listed on the back of this page. Submit this form to a KPN representative, fax to (570) 524 -5600, or scan and email to mbrennan6mcsfy.oEg or mail to KPN /90 Lawton Lane /Milton, PA 17847. PLEASE PRINT CLEARLY AGENCY NAME jvtw nymycir \/ vU HOW DID YOU LEARN ABOUT KPN? pin", C -e TYPE OF AGENCY (check one): ❑ TAX- EXEMPT NONPROFIT EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION. Enrollment I , / Circle or underscore type: School District, Charter School, Nonpublic /Parochial School, Nonprofit Preschool /Early Child, CTC /AVTS /Technical High School, Nonprofit Post - Secondary Technical School /Institute, Higher Education, Regional Educational Service Agency /Intermediate Unit, Other (Describe) ❑ PUBLIC LIBRARY jjj POLITICAL SUBDIVISION ❑ AGENCY OF THE UNITED STATES ❑ TAX - EXEMPT NONPROFIT PUBLIC HEALTH INSTITUTION OR ORGANIZATION ❑ NONPROFIT FIRE /AMBULANCE /RESCUE CO. ❑ PUBLIC AUTHORITY ❑ STATE PURCHASING AGENCY ❑ OTHER ENTITY THAT EXPENDS PUBLIC FUNDS FOR THE PROCUREMENT OF SUPPLIES, SERVICES AND CONSTRUCTION. Describe: AGENCY WEBSITE: http: // (AJjAJ tA)- 11 h C,j loy. eDm CHIEF CONTACT: FULL NAME A h G POSITION IN AGENCY E -MAIL ADDRESS OFFICE TELEPHONE OFFICE ADDRESS �o CIn SHIPPING ADDRESS fi CONTACT INFORMATION 2246),3 [mod JA nADrDITIONAAL AGENCY INFORMATION SUEII N11 T /CEO V�4 r I� S V E7u d r e� email C VDU r ir_e @n C4oy� CDM C�byl�ifi KE L� i SQ WLL14 X bac,h e�- email I vier 4Z I�ACC'12 r 'he evv. com BLDGS/ GRNDS MGR hone To - 799— 43.3& email , i ATHLETIC DIRECTOR �_ IIUCkWor4k email h V, Cor✓) FOOD SERVICE DIRECTOR IVI A email STATEMENT AND SIGNATURE I have read and understood the KPN Terms of Membership Agreement on the back of this form and agree to be bound by these terms. ]am authorized to apply for me ership on behal f m Agen , . SIGNATURE �, J DATE as 420 7,'Ve q r errs bma.;l: ba4ler c-gov, com y� Board of Commissioners - October 20, 2014 phvil'e i q10- 792- 7� q a ITEM: 4 - 2 - 1 IT KEYSTONE PURCHASING NETWORK TERMS OF MEMBERSHIP AGREEMENT 1. The Keystone Purchasing Network (KPN) is a program initiative of the Central Susquehanna Intermediate Unit (CSIU), 90 Lawton Lane, Milton, PA 17847. KPN is a cooperative purchasing program operating under Chapter 19, Intergovernmental Relations, of the Pennsylvania Commonwealth Procurement Code, 62 Pa.C.S.§ §1901 etseq., as the same may be amended from time to time (the "Act'), for those school districts assigned to the CSIU, as well as other organizations eligible to participate under the Act, whether such eligible organizations are Iocated inside or outside of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Eligible organizations under the Act include state purchasing agencies, agencies of the United States, political subdivisions, public authorities, tax - exempt nonprofit educational institutions, tax - exempt nonprofit public health institutions and organizations, nonprofit fire companies, nonprofit rescue companies, nonprofit ambulance companies, and to the extent provided by law, any other entity that expends public funds for the procurement of supplies, services and construction. By entering into this Membership Agreement, Member Agency does hereby attest and affirm that it is an eligible organization under the Act 2. KPN has conducted the steps of bidding and awarding contracts to vendors who are required to offer their best agency discounted prices and most responsible services to KPN members. 3. It is the sole responsibility of each Member Agency to adhere to its state's procurement statutes as they apply to cooperative purchasing or joint power agreements, with in -state and out -of -state public agencies. 4. Membership in KPN is free. 5. In the use of each KPN contract, the Member Agency shall adhere to the terms and conditions of the contract, including without limitation the order placement procedures provided by each official KPN Contract Vendor. 6. It is the sole responsibility of the Member Agency to accept delivery of supplies, construction and /or services, and the Member Agency hereby agrees to make timely payments to each KPN Contract Vendor for supplies, construction and /or services purchased under the KPN program. Under no circumstances shall any other Member Agency or the CSIU be responsible for payments on account of an individual Member Agency's purchases, it being the intent hereof that any such purchases shall constitute the separate agreement of each participating Member Agency with the particular Contract Vendor. Any disputes that may arise between the Member Agency and the KPN Contract Vendor are to be resolved between the Member Agency and the Contract Vendor. The CSIU will endeavor to facilitate a resolution between the Member Agency and the Contract Vendor. 7. The CSIU may make improvements or changes to the KPN program, or terminate the KPN program at any time. The CSIU may modify this Membership Agreement at any time, and such modifications shall be effective immediately upon distribution of the modified agreement Notification of any such improvements or changes to the KPN program, termination of the KPN program, or modifications to this Membership Agreement may be distributed to Member Agencies via e-mail. Member Agency agrees to review the notices of any improvements, changes or modifications prior to entering into a contract with a Contract Vendor and entry into a contract shall be deemed acceptance of such improvements, changes or modifications. Member Agency may cancel its membership in KPN by providing thirty (30) days prior written notice to the CSIU at the address listed in Section 1 of this Membership Agreement. 8. This Membership Agreement, togetherwith any additional improvements, changes, or modifications referenced in Section 7 hereof constitutes the entire agreement and understanding between the CSIU and the Member Agency. This Membership Agreement shall not be altered, changed or amended by the Member Agency, except by written addendum executed by the CSIU and Member Agency. 9. The Member Agency is not obligated to use KPN contracts or make purchases in order to retain membership. 10. The CSIU will use Membership Agency contact information to announce updates and new opportunities. Occasionally, KPN Contract Vendors may contact Member Agencies to announce special discounts. The CSIU will not sell or share contact information with any other third party for commercial purposes unrelated to KPN. The CSIU reserves the right to disclose non - specific aggregate Member Agency information, such as geographic spread of membership and number and types of members to third parties. 11. In no event shall the CSIU be liable for any special, indirect, punitive, incidental, exemplary, reliance or consequential damages or any damages whatsoever resulting from loss of use, business, data or profits, litigation and the like, whether based on breach of contract, tort (including negligence), product liability or otherwise. Any liability of the CSIU under this Membership Agreement shall be limited to direct, actual damages only. Member agency acknowledges that the limitations set forth above are fundamental elements of this membership agreement and KPN would not be provided to Member Agency absent such limitations. Board of Commissioners - October 20, 2014 ITEM: 4 2 - 2 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS RESOLUTION AWARD OF CONTRACT TO MUSCO SPORTS LIGHTING, LLC FOR THE PURCHASE AND INSTALLATION OF MUSCO'S LIGHT STRUCTURE GREEN SYSTEM AT THE CASTLE HAYNE/NORTHERN REGIONAL PARK USING AN EXCEPTION TO COMPETITIVE BIDDING REQUIREQMENTS WHEREAS, the purchase and installation of Musco's Light Structure Green System at the Castle Hayne/Northern Regional Park multi - purpose fields costing $618,000 is subject to the formal bidding requirements as per North Carolina General Statutes (NCGS) 143 -129; and WHEREAS, NCGS 143- 129(e)(3) exempts purchases made through a competitive bidding group purchasing program, which is a formally organized program that offers competitively obtained purchasing services at discount prices to two or more public agencies; and WHEREAS, Keystone Purchasing Network (KPN) meets this requirement and currently has a contract with Musco Sports Lighting, LLC for the purchase and installation of lighting equipment. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners approves the award of contract to Musco Sports Lighting, LLC in the amount of $618,000 under the exception as provided and authorized by NCGS 143- 129(e)(3). ADOPTED this the 201h day of October, 2014 NEW HANOVER COUNTY Woody White, Chairman ATTEST: Teresa P. Elmore, Interim Clerk to the Board Board of Commissioners - October 20, 2014 ITEM: 4 - 3 - 1 This page intentionally left blank. NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION MEETING DATE: October 20, 2014 CONSENT DEPARTMENT: Planning PRESENTER(S): Wanda Coston, Community Development Planner CONTACT(S): Wanda Coston and Chris O'Keefe, Planning and Inspections Director SUBJECT: Adoption of Food Day Proclamation BRIEF SUMMARY: Food Day is a nationwide movement and celebration to promote affordable, healthy and sustainable food that takes place each year on October 24. Food Day 2014 has a special focus on issues related to food justice, specifically, food access and equality, hunger and obesity, junk food marketing, food service workers and farm workers. Vice Chairman Dawson and the City of Wilmington Mayor Pro -Tem Haynes will participate in Food Day on Friday, October 24, 2014, beginning at 11:30 a.m. by presenting proclamations recognizing the day as Food Day in New Hanover County and the City of Wilmington. The welcome session and proclamations will be held at the Amphitheater located in front of the Fisher Student Union on the UNCW campus at 601 South College Road, Wilmington. A full day of events are planned for the day and are free and open to the public. The day will end with the screening of the documentary "Growing Cities" at 7:00 p.m. at the Tidal Creek Cooperative Food Market, Community Deck, 5329 Oleander Drive. Event information is attached. STRATEGIC PLAN ALIGNMENT: Superior Public Health, Safety and Education • Provide health and wellness education, programs, and services • Support programs to improve educational performance • Keep the public informed on important information • Understand and act on citizen needs • Deliver value for taxpayer money RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Adopt the proclamation. ATTACHMENTS: Proclamation Food Day Agenda Food Day Flyer COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: (only Manager) Board of Commissioners - October 20, 2014 ITEM: 5 Recommend approval. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS: Approved 4 -0. Board of Commissioners - October 20, 2014 ITEM: 5 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS FOOD DAY PROCLAMATION WHEREAS, the health and well -being of our citizens are of primary concern for New Hanover County; and WHEREAS, reducing obesity and diet - related diseases by promoting safe and healthy diets is a critical factor in improving citizens' overall health; and WHEREAS, supporting sustainable family farms and local agriculture benefits the local economy; and WHEREAS, recognizing the need to support healthy, affordable and sustainable food and celebrate the efforts to promote healthy lifestyles through healthy food; and WHEREAS, expanding access to food and ending hunger are of critical importance to aid those who live in food deserts; and WHEREAS, it is vitally important to combat rising obesity rates and raise a generation of healthy children. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT PROCLAIMED by the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners that October 24, 2014 be recognized as "Food Day" in New Hanover County. ADOPTED this the 201h day of October, 2014. NEW HANOVER COUNTY Woody White, Chairman ATTEST: Teresa Elmore, Interim Clerk to the Board Board of Commissioners - October 20, 2014 ITEM: 5 - 1 - 1 FEAST DOWN EAST UNM AM WILMINGTON OCTOBER 24. 2014 campusdining CENTER 0R i S{le TtC = IN- "1—I 1T= L. State Uni ewv ASTStat?L .r' COOPERATIVE i EXTENSION - FffIpCM1Y4j7WA] f[ _ .. i y . iullpfl$ --� cKpP�\,JoK ":&LTON HERB r T1:5114�F:0.iC1`f of 1Vi7kTF3 C41LL7Lf^J.5 V4rLI.IW7R'�:3'Catti' CMS COLLEGE of ITEALTF3 & ILllM1iAN SEPMM. "C Campus� !creation J tc,K L-rc �rhorct�m GRUB Board of Commissioners - October 20, 2014 ITEM: 5 - 2 - 1 WILMINGTON01 HOUSING i ♦' i *NEW HANOVER COUNTY• PROGRESSIVE ,r..5, ' FA r -rlr -r;rlr FOOS DAY OCTOBER 24, 2014 Lumina Theater, UNCW Campus - FSC 1006 Food Day is a nationwide celebration and a movement toward more healthy, affordable, and sustainable food culminating in a day of action on October 24 every year. Food Day aims to help people eat REAL FOOD -JUST FOOD. Use today to start —or celebrate— eating a healthier diet and educating yourself about our food system. 9:30 -10:30 am "Changing the World through Urban /Community Farming" - Evan Folds, Progressive Farm. 10:30 -11:30 am "Fermentation - Health Benefits, History and Application ", Learn how to make fermented vegetables, kombucha, home brews and sourdough bread starters. Amphitheater, UNCW Campus 11:30 — 12:00 Welcome Session and Proclamations Dr. Leslie Hossfeld, Chair and Professor of Sociology - Welcome Dr. Aswani Volety, Dean and Professor, College of Arts and Sciences - Welcome Dr. Justine Reel, Associate Dean and Professor, College of Health & Human Services Margaret Haynes, Wilmington Mayor Pro -tem, Food Day Wilmington 2014 Proclamation Beth Dawson, Vice Chair, New Hanover County Commissioner, NHC Food Day 2014 Proclamation u 12:00 -2:00 Sustainable Food Fair and Food Drive - DONATE A FRESH OR NON - PERISHABLE FOOD ITEM! Outdoor Iron Chef Competition Feast Down East - FoodCorps Kale Eating Competition Keeping Your Food Safe /$2 Meal "Eat Real!" Photo Booth Tidal Creek Coop Farm Worker Justice Mural Crop Mob UNCW Seahawk Adventures NourishNC Child Hunger Program Container Gardens by Shelton Herb Farm Raffles and more.... Lumina Theater, UNCW Campus - FSC 1006 1:30 -3:00 pm "Food and Our Future" Panel discussion moderated by Dr. Jill Waity, UNCW Professor of Sociology and Emily Kraft, Food Bank of CENC. Topics: Childhood Hunger and its Effects on Society, Paige Blair, NourishNC and Stephanie David, UNCW Director of Development • Food Insecurity and Access to Healthy Food • Eating Healthy on a Budget: Real Food vs. Fast Food • TOO MUCH SUGAR!!, Liz Flint - Somerville, GRUB Dubs Cafe, UNCW Campus - Warwick Center (Lunch Available Beginning at 11:00 am) Lunch Special: A locally sourced dish, prepared by UNCW's talented chefs, will be featured. "ALL YOU CAN EAT" for $7.00 per person OR one meal swipe!! Tidal Creek Cooperative Food Market, 5329 Oleander Drive 7 pm —9 pm Free Outdoor Screening, on the Co -op Community Deck, of the documentary, "Growing Cities" Presented by the Ability Garden @NHC, "The film examines the role of urban farming in America and asks how much power it has to revitalize our cities and change the way we eat." Also visit Tidal Creek Market Oct. 20 -24 and celebrate FOOD DAY by contributing to the FRESH Food Drive to benefit the Food Bank of Central and Eastern NC. The following local restaurants and cafes will be celebrating FOOD DAY 2014 with specials and promotions: UNCW Campus Dining Tidal Creek Cooperative Food Market List Your Restaurant HERE! Board of Commissioners - October 20, 2014 ITEM: 5 - 2 - 2 Ed q �1� I TON I�Q? P, 1 P r r r 11:30 - 12:00 pm Welcome Session and Proclamations UNCW Amphitheater 12:00 - 2:00 pm Sustainable Food Fair and Food Drive UNCW Amphitheater DONATE A "FRESH" OR NON - PERISHABLE FOOD ITEM! Outdoor Iron Chef Competition Kale Eating Competition "Eat Real!" Celebrity Photo Booth UNCW Seahawk Adventures Raffles and more.... 9:30 - 3:00 pm Breakout Sessions UNCIMs Lumina Theater "Changing the World through Urban /Community Farming" "Fermentation — Health Benefits, History and Get Your Kombucha On" "Food and Our Future" Panel For more information on workshops and events visit: www.feastdowneast.org 11:00 a.m. Lunch Special UNCIN's Dubs Cafe A locally sourced dish, prepared by UNCW's talented chefs, will be featured. "ALL YOU CAN EAT" for $7.00 per person, a meal swipe for UNCW students! 7:00 -9:00 pm Free Outdoor Screening, on the Co -op Community Deck, of the documentary, "Growing Cities" Tidal Creek Coopertive Food Market, 5329 Oleander Dr. Presented by the Ability Garden @NHC, "The film examines the role of urban ling in America and asks how much power it has to revitalize our cities and change the way we eat." -idal Creek Market Oct. 20 -24 and celebrate FOOD DAY by contributing to the FRESH Food Drive to benefit the Food Bank of Central and Eastern NC. J FEAST DOWNIEAST =::>=:> ALL EVENTS ARE FREE TO THE PUBLIC. <=<=<_�- i JNCVV. CUMPusdlning CEN'T'ER FOR lCC�iw vn� Science IN THE - EXTENSION Public Interest PROGRESSIVE G, �:. o� 3o mis octobe ' - "t^"° ` i IfAIRINIS � �" , IT .,,;�ko :� �^�: ur^�orMOs YYYYY Cam usecreation WILMINGTONI A I.. HOUSING •GRUB ., farmwo�uNul�Proglarw NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION MEETING DATE: October 20, 2014 CONSENT DEPARTMENT: Planning PRESENTER(S): Jennifer Rigby, Long Range Planner CONTACT(S): Jennifer Rigby, Chris O'Keefe, Planning and Inspections Director SUBJECT: Adoption of a Resolution of Approval to Submit a Smart Growth America Application for Free Technical Assistance Workshops on Land Use Code Audit BRIEF SUMMARY: Smart Growth America is an organization that advocates for smart growth solutions to combat urban sprawl. They provide communities with many resources and reports to aid in promoting responsible development patterns and work across the county to promote their mission of "Making Neighborhoods Great Together." Smart Growth America has partnered with the US Environmental Protection Agency's Office of Sustainable Communities through their Building Blocks for Sustainable Communities Program to offer communities grant opportunities for free technical assistance workshops. While these technical workshops include a wide range of opportunities, we are particularly interested in the Sustainable Land Use Code Audit Workshop. An audit of our existing zoning ordinance could be a valuable tool to identify gaps and inconsistencies with the goals of our comprehensive plan, therefore expediting the update of the zoning ordinance. The Smart Growth America grant opportunity provides a one -day session with community leaders and staff on the purpose of having a code that meets sustainability goals, presentations on the economic benefits of such a code, best practices around the nation, and a working session with local officials to perform an assessment. The typical cost of this service is between $7,500 and $15,000. Because of this grant, this service would be free to New Hanover County if awarded. STRATEGIC PLAN ALIGNMENT: Intelligent Growth and Economic Development • Implement plans for land use, economic development, infrastructure and environmental programs RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Support of grant application through adoption of resolution. ATTACHMENTS: Resolution of Approval Request to Pursue Grant Sustainable Land Use Code Audit Grant Application COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: (only Manager) Board of Commissioners - October 20, 2014 ITEM: 6 Recommend approval. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS: Approved 4 -0. Board of Commissioners - October 20, 2014 ITEM: 6 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS RESOLUTION Support of the Application for Smart Growth America's free technical assistance workshop to provide a Sustainable Land Use Code Audit WHEREAS, New Hanover County is creating a Comprehensive Plan for the orderly growth and development of the unincorporated portion of the County; and WHEREAS, the Comprehensive Plan is scheduled for completion and presentation to the Board of County Commissioners for consideration of adoption in summer 2015; and WHEREAS, the implementation of the Comprehensive Plan will include an audit of New Hanover County's existing land use regulations to assess barriers and regulatory gaps in the County's codes to attaining the goals set forth in the Comprehensive Plan; and WHEREAS, Smart Growth America is providing grant opportunities for communities to receive free technical workshops designed to provide an audit of their land use code with focus areas chosen by the community; and WHEREAS, if successful, an application to the Smart Growth America Sustainable Land Use Code Audit program would provide a one -day work session with technical assistance to staff and project stakeholders to assess the County's land use regulations for barriers and regulatory gaps to long -term sustainable development patterns and practices, economic growth, and community health. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners hereby supports the application for Smart Growth America's free technical assistance workshop to provide a Sustainable Land Use Code Audit. ADOPTED this the 20th day of October, 2014. NEW HANOVER COUNTY Woody White, Chairman Attest: Teresa Elmore, Interim Clerk to the Board Board of Commissioners - October 20, 2014 ITEM: 6 - 1 - 1 Ill ?.%H NEW HANOVER COUNTY PLANNING & INSPECTIONS DEPARTMENT 230 GOVERNMENT CENTER DRIVE, SUITE 110 WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA 28403 TELEPHONE (910) 798 -7165 PAX (910) 798 -7053 Chris O'Keefe, AICP Dennis Bordeaux Ken Vafier, AICP Planning & Inspections Inspections Manager Planning Manager Director To: Chris Coudriet Tim Burgess CC: Chris O'Keefe Ken Vafier From: Jennifer Rigby Date: October 10, 2014 Re: Smart Growth America Sustainable Land Use Code Audit Grant Opportunity Smart Growth America is an organization that advocates for smart growth solutions to combat urban sprawl. They provide communities with many resources and reports to aid in promoting responsible development patterns and work across the county to promote their mission of "Making Neighborhoods Great Together." Smart Growth America has partnered with the US Environmental Protection Agency's Office of Sustainable Communities through their Building Blocks for Sustainable Communities Program to offer communities grant opportunities for free technical assistance workshops. While these technical workshops include a wide range of opportunities, we are particularly interested in the Sustainable Land Use Code Audit Workshop. As we have discussed, a method for implementing the comprehensive plan is to update our zoning ordinance. Many of the principles supported by Smart Growth America have been identified in the public engagement portion of the comprehensive plan. An audit of our existing zoning ordinance could be a valuable tool to identify gaps and inconsistencies with the goals of our comprehensive plan, therefore expediting the update of the zoning ordinance. The Smart Growth America grant opportunity provides a one -day session with community leaders and staff on the purpose of having a code that meets sustainability goals, presentations on the economic benefits of such a code, best practices around the nation, and a working session with local officials to perform an assessment. The typical cost of this service is between $7,500 and $15,000. Because of this grant, this service would be free to New Hanover County if awarded. We believe this could be a valuable tool for local officials, staff and for our community and respectfully request your support to pursue this opportunity. With your support, we will need a resolution from the Board of Commissioners attached to our application which is due October 23, 2014. If awarded, we will Board of Commissioners - October 20, 2014 ITEM: 6 - 2 - 1 be notified in early December and the work session would take place in the spring of 2015. With the completion of the comprehensive plan planned for summer 2015, and the update of the zoning ordinance planned for fall 2015, the timing of this opportunity is ideal. Attached, is additional information about the opportunity. Please let me know if you have questions. Thank you for your consideration. Board of Commissioners - October 20, 2014 ITEM: 6 - 2 - 2 iii\ Smart Growth America ,q■iijr Making Neighborhoods Great Together Tool: Sustainat le Land Use Code Audit Provider: Smart Growth America and Clarion Associates Summary: Audits of local land use codes are being undertaken by an increasing number of communities that recognize their zoning and subdivision regulations are an important key to long -term sustainable development patterns and practices and economic growth. These code audits examine 10 -12 sustainability issues such as energy conservation, renewable energy, and community health that are chosen by the community and provide an assessment of barriers and regulatory gaps in the codes to attaining community sustainability goals in these areas and potential implementation strategies. Areas of potential focus include: The focus areas for the code audit are chosen by the community and can include topics such as: • renewable energy • energy conservation • climate change • recycling • community health • water conservation • housing diversity • urban agriculture • green infrastructure and water quality • outdoor lighting • natural resource protection The presentations and discussions will also cover costs and benefits of sustainable code provisions and implementation strategies. How it works: • One -day session with community leaders and staff begins with an overview (typically 1 hour) that answers the question: What is a sustainable development code and why undertake a sustainable code diagnosis? • Short presentations on the economic and other benefits of sustainable code provisions; specific sustainability topics such as renewable energy and water conservation, addressing barriers, incentives, and regulatory gaps. • Examples of best practices from around the nation • Hands -on working session with local officials to conduct an initial sustainable code assessment Outcomes: • Hands -on initial assessment of local zoning and subdivision ordinances • Understanding of code issues inhibiting sustainable development patterns and growth. • Know -how to conduct a detailed code assessment • Tips and advice on implementation j ifo 5T9TSs Q `w Assistance provided with grant support from US EPA's Office of Sustainable Communities aFa °= under their Building Blocks for Sustainable Communities Program. Board of Commissioners - October 20, 2014 ITEM: 6 - 3 - 1 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION MEETING DATE: October 20, 2014 CONSENT DEPARTMENT: Sheriff PRESENTER(S): Sheriff Ed McMahon CONTACT(S): Lt. D. H. Price SUBJECT: Approval to Purchase Second Chance Body Armor from Lawmen's Safety Supply as a Sole Source BRIEF SUMMARY: New Hanover County Sheriffs Office desires to purchase Safariland brand Second Chance Body Armor from Lawmen's Safety Supply in the amount of $90,772.07. Staff has researched and tested this type of vest and found the Second Chance Body Armor by Safariland to be the best fit for protection and durability. Safariland has confirmed in a letter to the County that Lawmen's Safety Supply is the only authorized distributor of Second Chance Body Armor for the State of North Carolina. Therefore, this purchase is in accordance with the provisions of NCGS 143- 129(e)(6)(ii) which exempts purchases of apparatus, supplies, materials, or equipment when a needed product is available from only one source of supply. This exception is referred to as Sole Source. STRATEGIC PLAN ALIGNMENT: Superior Public Health, Safety and Education • Increase public safety and crime prevention RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Approve the purchase of Second Chance Body Armor and Accessories from Lawmen's Safety Supply in the amount of $90,772.07 in accordance with the provisions of NCGS 143- 129(e)(6)(ii). ATTACHMENTS: Resolution Sole Source Letter Letter from Lt. D. H. Price COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: (only Manager) Recommend approval. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS: Approved 4 -0. Board of Commissioners - October 20, 2014 ITEM: 7 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS RESOLUTION AWARD OF CONTRACT TO LAWMEN'S SAFETY SUPPLY FOR THE PURCHASE OF SECOND CHANCE BODY ARMOR USING THE EXCEPTION TO COMPETITIVE BIDDING REQUIREMENTS WHEREAS, New Hanover County Sheriffs Office desires to purchase Safariland brand Second Chance Body Armor from Lawmen's Safety Supply in the amount of $90,772.07; and WHEREAS, staff has researched and tested this type of vest and found the Second Chance Body Armor by Safariland to be the best fit for protection and durability; and WHEREAS, Safariland has confirmed in a letter to the County that Lawmen's Safety Supply is the only authorized distributor of Second Chance Body Armor for the State of North Carolina; and WHEREAS, this purchase is in accordance with the provisions of North Carolina General Statutes (NCGS) 143- 129(e)(ii) which exempts purchases of apparatus, supplies, materials, or equipment for competitive bidding requirements when the needed product is available from only one source of supply. This exception is also referred to as Sole Source. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners approves the purchase of Second Chance Body Armor from Lawmen's Safety Supply in the amount of $90,772.07 in accordance with the provisions of NCGS 143- 129(e)(ii). ADOPTED this the 201h day of October, 2014. NEW HANOVER COUNTY Woody White, Chairman ATTEST: Teresa P. Elmore, Interim Clerk to the Board Board of Commissioners - October 20, 2014 ITEM: 7 - 1 - 1 Safariland, LLC 13386 International Parkway Jacksonville, Florida 32218 904.741.5400 VIA EMAIL September 30, 2014 New Hanover County Sheriff's Office Attn: Wendy Clemmons 3950 Juvenile Center Road Castle Hayne, NC 28429 Re: Authorized Safariland Reseller To Whom It May Concern: �SAFARILAND GROUP Safariland sells through authorized distributors that respond to bids or tenders. For the state of North Carolina, Safariland identifies Lawmen's Safety Supply as the only Safariland Distributor authorized to respond to tender requests to which we are currently shipping Protech® Tactical and Second Chance Body Armor, wholly -owned brands of Safariland. If you have any questions you may contact our local Account Manager, Travis Cronk at 904- 923 -2872. Best Regards, i ( I I 11 I N Patricia Coppedge Inside Sales Specialist Together, We Save Lives. TM Board of Commissioners - October 20, 2014 ITEM: 7 - 2 - 1 New Hanover County Sheriff s Office Patrol Division 3950 Juvenile Center Road Castle Hayne, North Carolina 28429 Phone (910) 798 -4227 Fax (910) 798 -4230 September 26, 2014 Regarding: Ballistic /Stab Vests The Sheriff's Office has researched ballistic /stab vest extensively and have found that these vests are the ones that best fit our need for protection and durability. Previous years we have reached out to other vendors regarding our needs and they have been unable to accomplish the order without numerous errors or they failed to follow through with product information along with a quote for their products. The vests we purchase from Lawmen's have proven to be more comfortable to the deputies and this is essential to the safety and welfare of the deputies. We have been using Lawmen's for a number of years due to the pricing, convenience, and excellent service. The representatives are educated in the need for protection for the deputies and have made the yearly process efficient for product ordering and delivery. Sincerely, Lieutenant D. H. Price Board of Commissioners - October 20, 2014 ITEM: 7 - 3 - 1 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION MEETING DATE: October 20, 2014 CONSENT DEPARTMENT: Tax PRESENTER(S): Allison Snell, Assistant Tax Administrator CONTACT(S): Allison Snell SUBJECT: Approval of August 2014 Tax Collection Reports BRIEF SUMMARY: Tax collection reports for the month of August 2014 are submitted for approval. STRATEGIC PLAN ALIGNMENT: Superior Public Health, Safety and Education • Keep the public informed on important information RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Approve the reports. ATTACHMENTS: August 2014 Collection Report August 2014 Fire District Collection Report COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: (only Manager) Recommend approval. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS: Approved 4 -0. Board of Commissioners - October 20, 2014 ITEM: 8 New Hanover County Monthly Collection Report for August 2014 Current Year 2014 Real Estate Personal Property Motor Vehicles Combined $ 273,399.01 $ 12,855.36 Scroll /Billed $ 142,339,301.27 $ 142,625,555.64 Abatements $ (784,861.17) $ (5,634.32) $ (188.19) $ (790,683.68) Adjustments $ 646.79 $ 2,669.94 $ - $ 3,316.73 Total Taxes Charged $ 1411555,086.89 $ 270,434.63 $ 12,667.17 $ 141,838,188.69 Collections to Date $ 330,765.16 $ 5,143.50 $ 4,091.33 $ 339,999.99 Write-off $ - $ - $ - $ - Outstanding Balance $ 141,224,321.73 $ 265,291.13 $ 8,575.84 $ 141,498,188.70 Collection Percentage YTD Interest Collected 1 $ - 1 $ - 1 $ 40.58 1 $ 40.58 Prior Years 2004 -2013 Real Estate Personal Property Motor Vehicles Combined $ 2,499,322.82 $ 1,700,097.84 Scroll $ 1,391,725.40 $ 5,591,146.06 Abatements $ (16,852.12) $ (14,502.96) $ (1,555.29) $ (32,910.37) Adjustments $ - $ - $ - $ - Total Levy $ 1,374,873.28 $ 2,484,819.86 $ 1,698,542.55 $ 5,558,235.69 Collections to Date $ 143,572.31 $ 2,509.37 $ 72,134.76 $ 218,216.44 Write -off $ - $ - $ - $ - outstanding Balance $ 11231,300.97 $ 2,482,310.49 $ 1,626,407.79 $ 5,340,019.25 YTD Interest Collected 1 $ 13,547.17 1 $ 2,137.78 1 $ 9,971.52 1 $ 25,656.47 NEW HANOVER COUNTY Chairman Clerk to the Board Date Board of Commissioners - October 20, 2014 ITEM: 8 - 1 - 1 New Hanover County Fire District Monthly Collection Report for August 2014 Current Year 2014 Real Estate Personal Property Motor Vehicles Combined $ 766.11 Scroll /Billed $ 7,511,082.18 $ 11,201.17 $ 7,523,049.46 Abatements $ (77,861.12) $ (44.66) $ (26.84) $ (77,932.62) Adjustments $ 4,589.23 $ 343.49 $ - $ 4,932.72 Total Taxes Charged $ 7,437,810.29 $ 11,500.00 $ 739.27 $ 7,450,049.56 Collections to Date $ 15,851.67 $ 616.31 $ 196.61 $ 161664.59 Write-off $ - I - I - I $ - Outstanding Balance $ 7,421,958.62 $ 10,883.69 $ 542.66 $ 7,433,384.97 Collection Percentage 257,426.38 MTD Interest Collected I 1 1 $ 5.78 1 $ 5.78 Prior Years 2004 -2013 Real Estate Personal Property Motor Vehicles Combined Scroll $ 69,246.93 $ 120,224.08 $ 83,394.86 $ 272,865.87 Abatements $ (636.26) $ (986.35) $ (105.87) $ (1,728.48) Adjustments $ - $ 107.93 $ 80.30 $ 188.23 Total Levy $ 68,610.67 $ 119,345.66 $ 83,369.29 $ 271,325.62 Collections to Date $ 8,532.67 $ (407.12) $ 5,773.69 $ 131899.24 Write -off $ - $ - $ - I $ - outstanding Balance $ 60,078.00 $ 119,752.78 $ 77,595.60 1 $ 257,426.38 MTD Interest Collected 1 $ 720.78 1 $ 75.27 1 $ 587.25 1 $ 1,383.30 NEW HANOVER COUNTY Chairman Clerk to the Board Date Board of Commissioners - October 20, 2014 ITEM: 8 - 2 - 1 This page intentionally left blank. NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION MEETING DATE: October 20, 2014 CONSENT DEPARTMENT: Budget PRESENTER(S): Cam Griffin, Budget Director CONTACT(S): Cam Griffin SUBJECT: Approval of Board of Education Budget Amendments BRIEF SUMMARY: On September 2, 2014 the New Hanover County Board of Education approved the following budget amendments that involved local funding. General Fund Amendment #2 appropriates Board of Education Fund Balance to carryover funds for Hardee Baseball Field Improvements at Legion Stadium ($53,641), Instructional Carryover Balances ($355,716), record Carryover of BOE Expenses ($7,204) and record miscellaneous budget transfers. Capital Outlay Fund Budget Amendment #2 records Capital Outlay Projects carried over into the new year ($5,944,477) and transfer of $5,527 from Contingency to cover closing costs on Rock Church Property ($5,527). STRATEGIC PLAN ALIGNMENT: Superior Public Health, Safety and Education • Support programs to improve educational performance RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Approve the Board of Education Budget Amendments. ATTACHMENTS: General Fund Budget Amendment #2 Capital Outlay Fund Budget Amendment #2 COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: (only Manager) Recommend approval. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS: Approved 4 -0. Board of Commissioners - October 20, 2014 ITEM: 9 New Hanover County Board of Education General Fund Amendment #2 Be it resolved by the New Hanover County Board of Education that the following amendments be made to the Budget Resolution for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2015, on the 2nd day of September, 2014: Expenditures by Purpose/Function: Increasel(Decrease) Instructional services: Regular Instruction $ 320,024.41 Special Populations (31,617.55) Alternative Programs 6,000.00 School Leadership 11,314.80 Co- Curricular 4,000.00 School -Based Support (32,474.00) System -wide support services: Support and Development Special Population Support and Development 74,061 55 Alternative Program Support and Development - Technology Support Operational Support _ 4,406 98 Financial and Human Resources Accountability System -Wide Pupil Support Policy, Leadership and Public Relations _ 7,240 47 Ancillary: Community Services Nutrition Services Non- programmed Charges: Payments to Other Governments 53,641.00 Unbudgeted Salary Reserve Interfund Transfers Scholarships Revenue by Source: $ 416,597.66 New Hanover County $ Federal Sources Other Revenues Fund Balance Appropriation _ 416,597 66 Explanation: $ 416,597.66 To appropriate Fund Balance for carryover budget for Hardee Baseball Reld Improvements at Legion Stadium ($53,641), instructlonal Carryover Balances ($355,716.19), record Carryover for BOE Expenses ($7,240.47) and record miscellaneous budget transfers. Total Appropriation in Current Budget $ 75,458,420,44 Amount of Increasel(Decrease) of above Amendment 416,597,66 Total Appropriation in Current Amended Budget $ 75,875,018.10 �Pa sed by majority vote of the Board f Education of Now Hanover County on the �rJ day f e�C�be, -- 20�. \ %1 , r , y Board of Commissioners - October 20, 2014 ITEM: 9 - 1 - 1 New Hanover County Board of Education Capital Outlay Fund Budget Amendment #2 Be it resolved by the New Hanover County Board of Education that the following amendments be made to the Budget Resolution for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2015, on the 2nd day of September, 2014: Revenue by Source, New Hanover County Increase!(Decrease) Expenditures by Purpose /Function 810,791.CC Regular Instruction $ 13,381.34 Capital Outlay 4,854,977.47 Technology Support 139,942.33 Operational Support 915,118.44 Pupil Support 30,000.00 Unbudgeted (Contingency) 2,057.36 5,955,476.94 Revenue by Source, New Hanover County $ DPI School Bus Revenue 810,791.CC PSBCF - Lottery Revenue 3,002,868.24 QSCB Revenue Bond Revenue Other Revenue Transfers from Other Funds Fund Balance Appropriated 2,141,817.70 $ 5,955,476.94 Explanation: To record Capital Outlay Projects carried over into new year ($5,944,476.94), and transfer $5,527 from Contingency to cover closing costs on Rock Church Property ($5,527.00). Total Appropriation in Current Budget Amount of Increasel(Decrease) of above Amendment Total Appropriation in Current Amended Budget $ 7,353,177.00 5,955,476.94 $ 13,308,653.94 I/ Passed by majority vote of the Board of Education of New Hanover my on the c�"22E day of m 21) Board of Education Board of Commissioners - October 20, 2014 ITEM: 9 - 2 - 1 This page intentionally left blank. NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION MEETING DATE: October 20, 2014 REGULAR DEPARTMENT: Human Resources PRESENTER(S): Commissioners and Chris Coudriet, County Manager CONTACT(S): Bo Dean, Human Resources Analyst SUBJECT: Presentation of Service Awards for to Retirees and Employees BRIEF SUMMARY: Beginning this month, service awards for employees and retirees will be presented monthly during Board of County Commissioners meetings. This was agreed upon following a redesigned recognition program recommended by a focus group of New Hanover County employees. Officially launched on October 1st, this new "Reach for the Stars" program is New Hanover County's way for all to share the very best in experiences with employees and their service to our citizens and to one another! It is our hope all will tell us about encounters with employees' service in the community and on the job by nominating them for either a Community Service Award or a Stellar Award, and it has been made easy to do so through NHCGOV.com. New Hanover County Government has a promise to serve the public through a model of good governance with the best possible customer /citizen service. We hope that you will find this opportunity as a way to recognize their efforts. STRATEGIC PLAN ALIGNMENT: Effective County Management • Hire, develop and retain talented people • Recognize and reward contribution • Create and support an engaged workforce • Deliver value for taxpayer money RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Present service awards. ATTACHMENTS: October 2014 Retirees and Service Awards Board of Commissioners - October 20, 2014 ITEM: 10 COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: (only Manager) Present service awards. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS: Presented awards. Board of Commissioners - October 20, 2014 ITEM: 10 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION MEETING DATE: October 20, 2014 REGULAR DEPARTMENT: Finance PRESENTER(S): Megan Matheny, Wave Transit Director of Planning and Development CONTACT(S): Megan Matheny and Lisa Wurtzbacher, County Finance Director SUBJECT: Public Hearing and Consideration of Approval to Submit Application for Rural Operating Assistance Program (ROAP) Funds in the Amount of $231,125 BRIEF SUMMARY: New Hanover County is eligible to receive $231,125 via the N.C. Department of Transportation's Rural Operating Assistance Program (ROAP) for 2014 -2015. Funding must be used to provide transportation services to specific populations of the unincorporated areas of the County. The Senior Resource Center's sub - allocation is $42,841 and Cape Fear Public Transportation Authority's sub - allocation is $188,284. No County match is required. Elderly and Disabled Transportation Assistance Program (ED- TAP) Sen Res Ctr CFPTA $42,841 $64,261 Employment Transportation Assistance Program (EMPL) $33,022 Rural General Public Transportation (RGP) $91,001 STRATEGIC PLAN ALIGNMENT: Intelligent Growth and Economic Development • Understand and act on citizen needs RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Conduct public hearing and approve request to submit application for ROAP funds. Grant authorization to execute appropriate certifications and assurances for the application and acceptance of the grant if awarded. ATTACHMENTS: Certified Statement ROAP Public Hearing Record ROAP Application for Transportation Operating Assistance FY2015 ROAP Sub - Allocation Worksheet Board of Commissioners - October 20, 2014 ITEM: 11 COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: (only Manager) Conduct public hearing. Recommend approval. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS: Conducted public hearing. Approved 4 -0. Board of Commissioners - October 20, 2014 ITEM: 11 CERTIFIED STATEMENT FY2015 RURAL OPERATING ASSISTANCE PROGRAM County of New Hanover WHEREAS, the state - funded, formula -based Rural Operating Assistance Program (ROAP) administered by the North Carolina Department of Transportation, Public Transportation Division provides funding for the operating cost of passenger trips for counties within the state; WHEREAS, the county uses the most recent transportation plans (i.e. CTSP, CTIP, LCP) available and other public involvement strategies to learn about the transportation needs of agencies and individuals in the county before determining the sub - allocation of these ROAP funds; WHEREAS, the county government or regional public transportation authorities created pursuant to Article 25 or Article 26 of Chapter 160A of the General Statutes (upon written agreement with the municipalities or counties served) are the only eligible recipients of Rural Operating Assistance Program funds which are allocated to the counties based on a formula as described in the Program Guidelines included in the ROAP State Management Plan. NCDOT will disburse the ROAP funds only to counties and eligible transportation authorities and not to any sub - recipients selected by the county; WHEREAS, the county finance officer will be considered the county official accountable for the administration of the Rural Operating Assistance Program in the county, unless otherwise designated by the Board of County Commissioners; WHEREAS, the passenger trips provided with ROAP funds must be accessible to individuals with disabilities and be provided without discrimination on the basis of national origin, creed, age, race or gender (FTA C 4702. IA, FTA C 4704. 1, Americans with Disabilities Act 1990); and WHEREAS, the period of performance for these funds will be July 1, 2014 to June 30, 2015 regardless of the date on which ROAP funds are disbursed to the county. NOW, THEREFORE, by signing below, the duly authorized representatives of the County of New Hanover North Carolina certify that the following statements are true and accurate: • The county employed a documented methodology for sub - allocating ROAP funds that involved the participation of eligible agencies and citizens. Outreach efforts to include the participation of the elderly and individuals with disabilities, persons with limited English proficiency, minorities and low income persons in the county's sub - allocation decision have been documented. • The county will advise any sub - recipients about the source of the ROAP funds, specific program requirements and restrictions, eligible program expenses and reporting requirements. The county will be responsible for invoicing any sub - recipients for unexpended ROAP funds as needed. • The county will monitor ROAP funded services routinely to verify that ROAP funds are being spent on allowable activities and that the eligibility of service recipients is being properly documented. The county will maintain records of trips and services for five years that prove that an eligible citizen was provided an eligible transportation service on the billed date, by whatever conveyance at the specified cost. • The county will be responsible for monitoring the safety, quality and cost of ROAP funded services and assures that any procurements by subrecipients for contracted services will follow state guidelines. • The county will conduct regular evaluations of ROAP funded passenger trips provided throughout the period of performance. Board of Commissioners - October 20, 2014 ITEM: 11-1 -1 • The county will only use the ROAP funds to provide trips when other funding sources are not available for the same purpose or the other funding sources for the same purpose have been completely exhausted. • The county assures that the required matching funds for the FY2015 ROAP can be generated from fares and /or provided from local funds. • The county will notify the Mobility Development Specialist assigned to the county if any ROAP funded services are discontinued before the end of the period of performance due to the lack of funding. No additional ROAP funds will be available. • The county will provide an accounting of trips and expenditures in a semi -annual report and a final year -end report to NCDOT — Public Transportation Division or its designee. • Any interest earned on the ROAP funds will be expended for eligible program uses as specified in the ROAP application. The County will include ROAP funds received and expended in its annual independent audit on the schedule of federal and state financial assistance. Funds passed through to other agencies will be identified as such. • The county is applying for the following amounts of FY2015 Rural Operating Assistance Program funds: State - Funded Rural Operating Assistance Program Allocated �tk " Elderly & Disabled Transportation Assistance Program (EDTAP) 107,102.00 107,102.00 Employment Transportation Assistance Program (EMPL) 33,022.00 33,022.00 Rural General Public Program (RGP) 1 91 001.00 1 91,001.00 TOTAL 231,125 _F 231,125 WITNESS my hand and county seal, this Signature of County Manager /Administrator Printed Name of County Manager /Administrator State of North Carolina County of day of , 20 Signature of Board of County Commissioners Chairperson Printed Name of Chairperson Signature of County Finance Officer Printed Name of County Finance Officer Board of Commissioners - October 20, 2014 ITEM: 11-1 -2 Important — A public hearing MUST be conducted whether or not requested by the Public. ROAP PUBLIC HEARING RECORD APPLICANT: New Hanover County DATE: October 20, 2014 PLACE: New Hanover County Courthouse, 24 N 3rd Street, Wilmington NC 28401 TIME: 9:00am How many BOARD MEMBERS attended the public hearing? How many members of the PUBLIC attended the public hearing? Public Attendance Surveys ❑ (Attached) ❑ (Offered at Public Hearing but none completed) I, the undersigned, representing (Legal Name of Applicant) do hereby certify to the North Carolina Department of Transportation, that a Public Hearing was held as indicated above and During the Public Hearing ❑ (NO public comments) ❑ (Public Comments were made and meeting minutes will be submitted after board approval) The estimated date for board approval of meeting minutes is: Signature of Clerk to the Board Printed Name and Title Date Board of Commissioners - October 20, 2014 ITEM: 11- 2 - 1 Affix Seal Here Voluntary Title VI Public Involvement Title VI of the Civil Right's Act of 1964 requires North Carolina Department of Transportation to gather statistical data on participants and beneficiaries of the agency's federal -aid highway programs and activities. The North Carolina Department of Transportation collects information on race, color, national origin and gender of the attendees to this public meeting to ensure the inclusion of all segments of the population affected by a proposed project. The North Carolina Department of Transportation wishes to clarify that this information gathering process is completely voluntary and that you are not required to disclose the statistical data requested in order to participate in this meeting. This form is a public document. The completed forms will be held on file at the North Carolina Department of Transportation. For Further information regarding this process please contact Sharon Lipscomb, the Title VI Manager at telephone number 919.508.1808 or email at Lipscomb@ncdot.gov. Project Name: Date: Meeting Location: Name (please print) Gender: ❑ Male ❑ Female General ethnic identification categories (check one) E] Caucasian ❑ Hispanic American ❑ American Indian/Alaskan Native ❑ African American ❑ Asian/Pacific Islander Other: Color: National Origin: After you complete this form, please fold it and place it inside the designated box on the registration table. Thank you for your cooperation. Board of Commissioners - October 20, 2014 ITEM: 11- 2 - 2 Application for Transportation Operating Assistance FY2015 Rural Operating Assistance Program Funds Name of Applicant (County) New Hanover County County Manager Chris Coudriet County Manager's Email Address CCOUdrletknhcgoy.Com County Finance Officer Lisa Wurtzbacher CFO's Email Address lwurtzbacher(,nhcggy.com CFO's Phone Number (910) 798 -7187 Person Completing this Application Megan Matheny Person's Job Title Director of Planning & Development Person's Email Address mmathenyAwayetransit.COm Person's Phone Number (9I0) 202 -2057 Community Transportation System Cape Fear Public Transportation Authority Name of Transit Contact Person Megan Matheny Transit Contact Person's Email Address mmathenykwayetransit.COm Application Completed by: Signature Date: I certify that the content of this application is complete and accurately describes the county's administration of the ROAP Program, and the use of the ROAP funds in accordance with applicable state guidelines. County Manager: County Finance Officer: Signature Signature Application Instructions Date: Date: County officials should read the ROAP Program State Management Plan which contains guidance on the administration of the ROAP Program and information about the preparation of grant applications. • The application must be completed by an official of the county or his/her designee. • Click on the gray rectangle and type each answer. If needed, the text will automatically wrap to the next row. The answer may wrap to the next page if necessary. • If the county wishes to explain their response to any questions or provide more information, the county may include additional pages with this application form. All the pages of the application and any pages added by the applicant should be scanned into the same file. • If there are questions regarding this application, contact the NCDOT -PTD Mobility Development Specialist assigned to the area served by the transit system. 1 Board of Commissioners - October 20, 2014 ITEM: 11- 3 - 1 FY2015 ROAP Program Schedule Pre - Deadline Disbursement (25 %) September 26, 2014 Application Deadline October 24, 2014 Final Disbursement (75 %) November 14, 2014 The 25% disbursement must be returned to the state if a ROAP application is not received by the application deadline. The Final Disbursement will occur only after review and approval of this ROAP application. County's Management of ROAP Funds All counties are eligible to receive Rural Operating Assistance Program (ROAP) funding from the State of North Carolina. As a recipient of ROAP funds, the county must implement administrative processes that will ensure the following: • ROAP funds are expended on needs identified through a public involvement and /or planning process. • ROAP funds are expended on eligible activities only. • Supporting documentation of expenditures is maintained. • Service recipients meet eligibility requirements and their eligibility is documented. • Trips funded with ROAP funding are monitored and evaluated throughout the period of performance. • An accounting of trips and expenditures is provided in a semi -annual report to NCDOT. • ROAP funds received and expended are included in the local annual audit. Transportation Needs and Public Involvement in Funding Decisions Yes or No A. Did the county ask the Community Transportation Advisory Board (TAB), which is affiliated with the community transit system, to recommend how the ROAP funds should be sub- Yes allocated? B. In addition to the public hearing notice and the public hearing, were other outreach efforts conducted to inform the public about the availability of ROAP funds and to discuss No transportation needs BEFORE the county decided to sub - allocate the ROAP funds? C. Does the federally funded Community Transportation System operating in the county have a Community Transportation Service Plan (CTSP) or Community Transportation Improvement Yes Plan (CTIP) that was developed in the last five years or being completed at this time? Date of the plan: June 2012 D. Does your county have a Coordinated Public Transit -Human Services Transportation Plan (LCP) that provides a list of unmet transportation needs and /or gaps in transportation services? Yes Date of the plan: December 2011; to be updated December 2014 E. Does the county have other transportation plans that address public transportation needs? Yes If yes, list and describe these plans. Long Range Financial Plan F. How did the county decide who would receive the ROAP funds? List the names of anyone who participated in the decision to suballocate the ROAP funds and their role in the community. The New Hanover County Finance Director and Wave Transit staff determines ROAP funds sub - allocation to The Department of Aging and Wave Transit. G. How did the county decide on the amount of ROAP funds to sub - allocate to a subrecipient? The New Hanover County Finance Director determines ROAP funds sub - allocated to the New Hanover County Department of Aging and Wave Transit. 2 Board of Commissioners - October 20, 2014 ITEM: 11- 3 - 2 Financial Management of ROAP Funds Yes or No H. Does the county disburse /allocate ROAP funds to any county governmental departments? Yes L If yes, how does the county account for these funds within the county's accounting system? The New Hanover County Finance Director is made asware of funds expensed through New Hanvover County Department of Aging and Wave Transit. J. Does the county pass through any ROAP funds to agencies or organizations that are not Yes- Funds county governmental departments or agencies? disbursed to K. If yes, does the county have a written agreement with these agencies that addresses the Yes proper use and accountability Of these funds? (Include a sample agreement with application) L. ROAP funds cannot be used instead of using the existing transportation funding an agency or organization receives from any other funding source. If any of the departments, agencies or organizations receiving ROAP funding from the county get transportation funding from other Federal, State or Local funding sources, list those funding programs: FTA, NCDOT, City of Wilmington and New Hanover County M. Do any subrecipients receive ROAP funds before any trips are provided, and refund the Yes unused portion at the end of the period of performance? N. Are ROAP funds being deposited in an interest bearing account? No If no, then why aren't ROAP funds deposited in an interest bearing account? The Authority does not hold enough funds to warrent opening an interest bearing account. O. What does the county do with the interest from the ROAP funds? P. Does the county provide any local funds for transportation operating assistance to any of the Yes ROAP sub - recipients in addition to the state ROAP funds? Q. Is supporting documentation maintained for all ROAP grant financial transactions for five Yes years? IMPORTANT: Yes is the only correct answer. Monitoring and Oversight Responsibilities Yes or No R. The Finance Officer OR the Executive Director of an eligible transportation authority will be responsible for the oversight and evaluation of the transportation services provided with the Yes ROAP funding? IMPORTANT: Yes is the only correct answer. S. Does the county require the subrecipients of ROAP funds to provide progress reports and Yes statistical data about the trips provided with ROAP funds? T. If progress reports and /or operating statistical reports are required by the county, how frequently are these provided to the county for evaluation? ROAP funds are reviewed by Wave Transit on a monthly basis. The efficeincy of the programs in operation with ROAP funds are analyzed on a quarterly basis. A semi - annaul report is generated analyzing trips and costs. U. Does the county require the subrecipients of ROAP funds to use the transportation services of Yes the federally funded Community Transit System operating in the county? V. Are subrecipients of ROAP funds coordinating transportation services with other Yes subrecipients in the county therefore reducing any duplication of effort? Board of Commissioners - October 20, 2014 ITEM: 11- 3 - 3 Accountability to North Carolina Taxpayers Yes or No W. Is the method used to sub - allocate the ROAP funds fair and equitable? Open and Yes transparent? banking X. Is the county prepared to provide documentation that an eligible citizen was provided an Yes eligible service or trip on the billed date, by whatever conveyance, at the specified cost? Y. A semi - annual ROAP Report must be completed and sent to NCDOT. Who will be designated to complete these reports in FY2015? (name, title, employer) Joseph Mininni, Director of Finance, Cape Fear Public Transportation Authority Elderly and Disabled Transportation Assistance Program The Elderly and Disabled Transportation Assistance Program ( EDTAP), originally enacted by legislation in the 1989 Session of the North Carolina General Assembly (Article 2B, 136- 44.27), provides operating assistance funds for the transportation of the state's elderly and disabled citizens. This transportation assistance allows the elderly and disabled to reside for a longer period in their homes, thereby enhancing their quality of life. Elderly and Disabled Transportation Assistance Program Questions Yes or No A. What will be the purposes of the trips provided with EDTAP funds? (Check all that apply) ® Personal care activities, medical appointments, pharmacy pick -up, shopping, bill paying, meetings, classes, banking ® Job interviews, job fair attendance, job readiness activities or training, GED classes ® Transportation to workplace ❑ Group field trips /tours to community special events (Federal charter regulations apply to transit.) ❑ Overnight trips to out -of- county destinations (Federal charter regulations apply to transit) ❑ Human service agency appointments B. How will the transportation service be provided? (Check all that apply) ® Public Transportation System ® Private Provider ® Taxi Service ® Agency Staff Driver ❑ Volunteer Driver Program C. Are any of the EDTAP services you are funding, listed as an unmet need or gap in service in the Public Transit -Human Service Coordination Plan or any other transportation plan for your Yes county? See these page numhers in the plan:. See pages 10 -12 in plan Plan Title: Coordinated Public Transportation Human Services Plan for SE NC D. Does the federally funded Community Transit System operating in your county receive a Yes sub - allocation of EDTAP funds? If yes, does the county dictate which agencies and organizations will receive Yes transportation services with any of the EDTAP funds the transit system receives? Can the Community Transit System use any of the EDTAP funds it receives to provide transportation for elderly and disabled citizens of the county who do not have a human Yes service agency or organization to pay for the service? 4 Board of Commissioners - October 20, 2014 ITEM: 11- 3 - 4 Elderly and Disabled Transportation Assistance Program Questions (con't) Yes or No If the transit system's Community Transportation Service Plan (CTSP) is less than six years old, does it describe and evaluate the services the transit system is providing for N/A the elderly and disabled? See these page numbers in the plan: Plan Title: Does the CTSP recommend any new EDTAP funded services for FY2015? See these page numbers in the plan: N/A Plan Title: E. Will any of the subrecipients use their EDTAP sub - allocation as matching funds for any of the following programs? (Matching funds for operating assistance only.) 5310 — Elderly Individuals and Individuals with Disabilities Program 5311 - Non - urbanized Area Formula Program No 5316 — Job Access and Reverse Commute Program (JARC) 5317 — New Freedom Program F. Will any of the subrecipients of EDTAP funds charge a fare for an EDTAP funded trip? Yes If yes, how much will the fare be? $5.00 If yes, how will the fare revenue be used? Operating Costs G. Do any of the subrecipients of EDTAP funds restrict EDTAP funded trips based on the No origin, timing or destination of the trip? H. Is there a process or policy for determining when it is appropriate to transfer EDTAP funds from one sub - recipient to another to prevent there being unspent funds at the end of the period of Yes performance? New Hanover County Finance Director will be 1. EDTAP funded trips are expected to be provided throughout the entire year. If the EDTAP aware of funds funds are expended in less than a year, will the county provide county funds to prevent the expended and discontinuation of transportation trips? determination wil be made if addiional funds are needed. Employment Transportation Assistance Program The Employment Transportation Assistance Program (EMPL) is intended to help DSS clients that transitioned off Work First or TANF in the last 12 months, Workforce Development Program participants and/or the general public to travel to work, employment training and/or other employment related destinations. Employment Transportation Program Questions IML Yes Or No A. What will be the purposes of the transportation services provided with EMPL funds? (Check all that apply) ® Job interviews, job fair attendance, job readiness activities or training ® Transportation to workplace (Scheduled by the individual only. No agency scheduled trips.) ® Child(ren) of working parent transported to Child Care 5 Board of Commissioners - October 20, 2014 ITEM: 11- 3 - 5 B. How will the transportation service be provided`? (Check all that apply) ® Public Transportation System ® Private Provider ® Taxi Service ® Agency Staff Driver ❑ Volunteer Driver Program Employment Transportation Program Questions (con't) Yes or No C. Describe the eligibility criteria to be used in this county to determine who will be provided EMPL funded trips. Transportation services that will be provided using employment transportation funds will be for work purposes. Services will be provided to customers who are outside the normal income levels as indicated by New Hanover County Department of Social Services. D. Are any of the EMPL services you are funding, listed as an unmet need or gap in service in the Public Transit -Human Service Coordination Plan or any other transportation plan for your county? See these page numbers in the plan: See pages 10 -12 Yes Plan title: Coordinated Public Transportation Humans Service Transportation Plan for SE NC E. Does the federally funded Community Transit System operating in your county receive a sub- Yes allocation of EMPL funds? If yes, does the county dictate which agencies and organizations will receive Yes transportation services with any of the EMPL funds the transit system receives? Can the Community Transit System use any of the EMPL funds it receives to provide transportation for citizens in the county who need transportation to a job or employment Yes related destination and who do not have a human service agency or organization to pay for the service? If the transit system's Community Transportation Service Plan (CTSP) is less than six years old, does it describe and evaluate the services the transit system is providing for N/A the employed or unemployed? See these page numbers in the plan: Plan title: Does the CTSP recommend any new EMPL funded services for FY2013? See these page numbers in the plan: N/A Plan title: F. Will any of the subrecipients of EMPL funds charge a fare for an EMPL funded trip? No If yes, how much will the fare be? If yes, how will the fare revenue be used? G. Do any of the subrecipients of EMPL funds restrict EMPL funded trips based on the origin, No timing or destination of the trip? H. Is there a process or policy for determining when it is appropriate to transfer funds from one sub - recipient to another to prevent there being unspent funds at the end of the period of Yes performance? L Has the county transferred any EMPL funds to EDTAP or RGP in the last two years? No Board of Commissioners - October 20, 2014 ITEM: 11- 3 - 6 J. Will any of the subrecipients use their EMPL sub - allocation as matching funds for any of the A. What will be the trip purposes of the transportation services provided with RGP funds? (Check all that apply) following programs? (Matching funds for operating assistance only.) ® Job interviews, job fair attendance, job readiness activities or training, GED classes 5310 — Elderly Individuals and Individuals with Disabilities Program ® Child(ren) of working parent transported to child care 5311 - Non - urbanized Area Formula Program No 5316 — Job Access and Reverse Commute Program (JARC) B. How will the transportation service be provided`? (Check all that apply) 5317 — New Freedom Program ® Private Provider ❑ Taxi Service New Hanover C. Are any of the RGP funded services the transit system will provide listed as an unmet need or County Finance gap in service in the Public Transit -Human Service Coordination Plan or any other transportation Director will be K. EMPL funded trips are expected to be provided throughout the entire year. If the EMPL aware of funds funds are expended in less than a year, will the county provide county funds to prevent the expended and discontinuation of transportation services? dertimination D. If the transit system's Community Transportation Service Plan (CTSP) is less than six years will be made if old, does it describe and evaluate the general public services the transit system does in the county additional funds for citizens who need transportation but don't have a human service agency or organization to are needed. Rural General Public Program The Rural General Public Program assistance funds are intended to provide transportation services for individuals from the county who do not have a human service agency or organization to pay for the trip. The county, in consultation with the Community Transportation System, must determine the RGP services to be provided with the RGP funds. Rural General Public Transportation Program Questions A. What will be the trip purposes of the transportation services provided with RGP funds? (Check all that apply) ® Personal care activities, medical appointments, pharmacy pick -up, shopping, bill paying, meetings, classes, banking ® Job interviews, job fair attendance, job readiness activities or training, GED classes ® Transportation to workplace (Scheduled by the individual only. No agency scheduled trips.) ® Child(ren) of working parent transported to child care ❑ Group field trips /tours to community special events (Federal charter regulations apply to transit.) ❑ Overnight trips to out -of- county destinations (Federal charter regulations apply to transit.) ❑ Human service agency appointments B. How will the transportation service be provided`? (Check all that apply) ® Public Transportation System ® Private Provider ❑ Taxi Service ❑ Volunteer Driver Program C. Are any of the RGP funded services the transit system will provide listed as an unmet need or gap in service in the Public Transit -Human Service Coordination Plan or any other transportation plan for your county? See these page numhers in the plan: 10 -12 Yes Plan title: Coordinated Public Transportation Human Services Transportation Plan for SE NC D. If the transit system's Community Transportation Service Plan (CTSP) is less than six years old, does it describe and evaluate the general public services the transit system does in the county for citizens who need transportation but don't have a human service agency or organization to N/A pay for the service? See these page numhers in the plan: Plan title: 7 Board of Commissioners - October 20, 2014 ITEM: 11- 3 - 7 E. Does the CTSP recommend any new RGP funded services for FY2013? See these page numbers in the plan: N/A Plan title: F. Will RGP trips be provided to citizens who need transportation but don't have a human Yes service agency or organization to pay for the trip? No: however Wave Transit G. Will any of the RGP funded trips be restricted based on origin, timing or destination of the may enact restrictions if trip to control the expenditure of funds overtime? necessitated by budget conditions. H. Since the subrecipient can only use RGP funds to pay for 90% of the cost of a trip, will the Yes, along with Community Transit System use fare revenue to generate the local 10% match requirement for New Hanover RGP funds? County funds If yes, how much will the fare be? $2.00 If yes, how will the fare revenue be used? Matching funds Rural General Public Transportation Program Questions (con't) Yes or No If no, describe the source of the required matching funds? N/A L Will RGP funded trips be coordinated with human service agency trips? Yes J. How will the Community Transit System market the proposed RGP funded services? Wave Transit markets RCP routes with other fixed routes. Additionally, Wave Transit Staff attends public speaking and civic events throughout the year in order to provide information to all individuals about this service. K. Will the Community Transit System use any of their RGP sub - allocation as matching funds for any of the following programs? (Matching funds for operating assistance only) 5310 — Elderly Individuals and Individuals with Disabilities Program 5311 - Non - urbanized Area Formula Program No 5316 — Job Access and Reverse Commute Program (JARC) 5317 — New Freedom Program L. Is any part of the county in an urbanized area according to the 2010 census? Yes Board of Commissioners - October 20, 2014 ITEM: 11- 3 - 8 M. RGP funded trips are expected to be provided throughout the entire year. If the RGP funds are expended in less than a year, will the county provide county funds to prevent the discontinuation of transportation services? 9 Board of Commissioners - October 20, 2014 ITEM: 11- 3 - 9 New Hanover County Finance Director will be aware of funds expended and determination will be made if additional funds are needed. Wave Transit will support RGP using general and operating funds if RGP funds are expended. d d s N >L O V O Q 3 a Q w O N LL Board of Commissioners - October 20, 2014 ITEM: 11-4- 1 7 O U O C z `o d U LL 3 U d 3 (6 3 U Cu U Q E z V O O O O O O O O O O O O aZi � 0 ER O ER O ER O ER O ER O ER O ER O ER O ER O ER O ER O ER a o C a co (7 O - c't 0 O O O v O o c Q L CL d O O O O O O O O O O O (7 V) O a y m O O O O O O O O O O O O O Eo O O O O O O O F w z a ° V y O o a a L 0 d 0 a Q O O O O O O O O O O O a O LO fA fA fA fA fA fA fA fA fA fA fA O CO. O) O cc::)) O O O O O O O O O 0 O � 0 d9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 c� d o rn a5 rn R O a H 0 0 � y Q E0 Q O O O O O O O O O (D U) a� C L0 0 d m U O O a m Q � C ~ $ O E O O d Ln z o d c o d Cl) Q y O E m U E J a z N W H CL c, o U_ O U a v � >" 0 a N O O O O O O O O O O O N d F d o C4 6c> EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA 0 O O a LL m E M 6c> _ co 6c> c oa (1) a C y m C E U J w O QQQG O O O O L0 ('7 c o. CO V F- O 0 O O o o E N VI R `m y a y Ea F O z d y d, W O n O O O O O O O O O O N R >' O N EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA O R Q d d cu V O N V I) O ?� d o EL? fA a W y E0 Q tM U) C s Q O Q C � O E z O m O O Q g CL c > U) 0 T F O O O y U a � > O Q ii m m � U z Board of Commissioners - October 20, 2014 ITEM: 11-4- 1 7 O U O C z `o d U LL 3 U d 3 (6 3 U Cu U Q E z V O O O O O O O O O O O aZi � 0 ER O ER O ER O ER O ER O ER O ER O ER O ER O ER O ER O ER a o (7 0 Q I— O O O O O O O O O O O Q to O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O a ° o L 0 Q O LO O O O O O O O O O (D Q CO. O) O O O O O O O O O O O 0 Oi 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a5 H 0 0 W Q O O O O O O O O O (D U) a� C 0 U O O Q � C $ O E c o Q U W H U_ O U v � Z o_ > O LL m _ (1) a m U z Board of Commissioners - October 20, 2014 ITEM: 11-4- 1 7 O U O C z `o d U LL 3 U d 3 (6 3 U Cu U Q E z NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION MEETING DATE: October 20, 2014 REGULAR DEPARTMENT: Governing Body PRESENTER(S): James R. Shivar, Jr., Electrical Compliance Supervisor/New Hanover County Board of Examiners of Electricians Chairman CONTACT(S): Teresa Elmore, Interim Clerk to the Board and James R. Shivar, Jr. SUBJECT: New Hanover County Board of Examiners of Electricians Annual Update BRIEF SUMMARY: The New Hanover County Board of Examiners of Electricians will make its annual presentation to the Board of Commissioners. Attached is the information regarding this board. STRATEGIC PLAN ALIGNMENT: Superior Public Health, Safety and Education • Keep the public informed on important information RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Hear presentation. ATTACHMENTS: New Hanover County Board of Examiners of Electricians Information COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: (only Manager) Hear presentation. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS: Heard presentation. Board of Commissioners - October 20, 2014 ITEM: 12 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF EXAMINERS OF ELECTRICIANS Number of Members: 5 consisting of 1 Chief County Electrical Inspector, 2 Independent Electrical Contractors, 1 Electrical Contractor Nominee by Power Company, 1 Electrical Contractor nominated by the County Division of N.C. Association of Electrical Contractors Regular Meetings: Meetings are held as required usually every two months in the office of the County =s Chief Electrical Code Enforcement Official at the County Government Center. Compensation: None Term of Office: 2 years - may be reappointed Statute or Cause Creating Board: New Hanover County Code, Chapter 11, Article 4, Section 11 -241 Brief on the Functions: The primary purpose of this Board is to issue certificates of competence to Journeyman Electricians and Apprenticeship cards to new electrician helpers. The Board establishes minimum journeyman standards and issues certificates to those passing a written examination. Generally, recognition is given to Journeyman certificates issued by other jurisdictions. Revised: 5/6/2014 Board of Commissioners - October 20, 2014 ITEM: 12- 1 - 1 TERM OF OFFICE CURRENT MEMBERS CATEGORY APPOINTMENT EXPIRATION Charles A. Harrell Electrical First 8/13/07 9/1/09 6573 Murrayville Road Contractor Second 9/21/09 9/1/11 Wilmington, NC 28411 Third 10/17/11 9/1/13 791 -1910 (H) 395 -0717 (W) Fourth 9/16/13 9/1/15 Michael Pulley Electrical First 8/15/05 9/1/07 P.O. Box 10382 Contractor Second 8/13/07 9/1/09 Wilmington, NC 28404 Third 9/21/09 9/1/11 790 -9081 (H) 798 -1280 (W) Fourth 10/17/11 9/1/13 Fifth 9/16/13 9/1/15 Eddie Richards NC Assoc. 8734 Lowes Island Drive Nominee Wilmington, N.C. 28411 231 -8567 Dale Sutton Power Progress Energy Company P.O. Box 1110 Nominee Wilmington, NC 28402 256 -7293 (W) Staff Support: James R. Shivar, Chairman Electrical Compliance Supervisor File: /Electricians New Hanover County Planning and Inspections Dept. B/C #9 9/13 Government Center Drive, Suite 110 798 -7205 Revised: 5/6/2014 Board of Commissioners - October 20, 2014 ITEM: 12- 1 - 1 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION MEETING DATE: October 20, 2014 REGULAR DEPARTMENT: Governing Body PRESENTER(S): Bruce Polity, New Hanover County Board of Mechanical Examiners Chairman CONTACT(S): Teresa Elmore, Interim Clerk to the Board and William Eubanks, Plumbing /Mechanical Compliance Supervisor SUBJECT: New Hanover County Board of Mechanical Examiners Annual Update BRIEF SUMMARY: The New Hanover County Board of Mechanical Examiners will make its annual presentation to the Board of Commissioners. Attached is the information regarding this board. STRATEGIC PLAN ALIGNMENT: Superior Public Health, Safety and Education • Keep the public informed on important information RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Hear presentation. ATTACHMENTS: New Hanover County Board of Mechanical Examiners Information COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: (only Manager) Hear presentation. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS: Heard presentation. Board of Commissioners - October 20, 2014 ITEM: 13 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF MECHANICAL EXAMINERS Number of Members: 6 appointed by the Board of Commissioners as follows: 2 mechanical contractors 1 person experienced in gas piping installations 1 person experienced in commercial grease extractor systems 1 person experienced in heat, ventilation and air Conditioning installations 1 N. C. Registered Mechanical Engineer Terms of Office: 2 years Qualifications: Each member shall have a minimum of five years of experience in his or her representative field. Compensation: none Regular Meetings: The Board shall meet after each examination, but not less than twice a year. Statute or cause creating Board: General Statutes 153A -352, New Hanover County Code Chapter 5, "Building" Amended by adding a new Article VII, "Regulation of Mechanical Work ", dated 7/20/87 and amendment dated 12/19/88. Brief on Functions: To issue certificates to all persons who (1) provide satisfactory evidence to the Board regarding their training and education; (2) pass an examination administered by the Board, and (3) provide evidence of two years of experience in their perspective fields. To administer written or oral examination quarterly on the first Tuesday in January, April, July and October. The Board may revoke certificates and reinstate certificates in accordance with the County Code. CURRENT MEMBERS CATEGORY TERM OF OFFICE APPOINTMENT EXPIRATION Thomas L. Crittenden Jr. Class I I I First 8/16/04 8/31/06 1144 Princeton Drive Journeyman Second 8/14/06 8/31/08 Wilmington, NC 28403 Mechanic Third 9/22/08 8/31/10 763 -4025 (H) 343 -1234 (W) Fourth 9/20/2010 8/31/12 Fifth 10/15/12 8/31/14 Sixth 9/15/14 8/31/16 Larry Lisk Mechanical First 8/13/07 8/31/09 137 King Arthur Drive Contractor Second 8/17/09 8/31/11 Wilmington, NC 28403 Third 11/21/11 8/31/13 256- 9547(H) 796 -3978 (W) Fourth 9/16/13 8/31/15 Ray McClory Class 11 First 8/14/06 8/31/08 113 Yorkshire Lane Journeyman Second 9/22/08 8/31/10 Wilmington, NC 28409 Mechanic Third 9/20/2010 8/31/12 675 -1944 (H) 675 -1944 (W) Fourth 10/15/12 8/31/14 Fifth 9/15/14 8/31/16 Board of Commissioners - October 20, 2014 ITEM: 13- 1 - 1 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF MECHANICAL EXAMINERS (CONT.) CURRENT MEMBERS CATEGORY TERM OF OFFICE APPOINTMENT EXPIRATION Michael A. Callari Class I First 10/15/12 8/31/14 P.O. Box 12083 Journeyman Second 9/15/14 8/31/16 Wilmington, NC 28405 Mechanic 686 -6389 (H) 392 -2030 (W) Bruce Polity, Chairman Mechanical First 8/13/07 8/31/09 802 Rolling Hills Cove Contractor Second 8/17/09 8/31/11 Wilmington, NC 28409 Third 11/21/11 8/31/13 452- 7816(H) 772- 1555(W) Fourth 9/16/13 8/31/15 David B. Sims, Jr. NC Registered First 8/17/09 8/31/11 2512 Shandy Lane Mechanical Eng. Second 11/21/11 8/31/13 Wilmington, NC 28409 Third 9/16/13 8/31/15 799 -0599 (H) 791 -8016 (W) Staff Contact: File: \Mechanical William Eubanks, Plumbing /Mechanical Compliance B/C #19- 9.13 Supervisor; Planning and Inspections Department 230 Government Center Drive, Suite 110 Wilmington, NC 28403 798 -7206 Revised: 9/18/2014 Board of Commissioners - October 20, 2014 ITEM: 13- 1 - 2 This page intentionally left blank. NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION MEETING DATE: October 20, 2014 REGULAR DEPARTMENT: Governing Body PRESENTER(S): Rodney Q. Harris, New Hanover County Inspections Department Advisory Council Chairman CONTACT(S): Teresa Elmore, Interim Clerk to the Board and Chris O'Keefe, Planning & Inspections Director SUBJECT: New Hanover County Inspections Department Advisory Council Annual Update BRIEF SUMMARY: The New Hanover County Inspections Department Advisory Council will make its annual presentation to the Board of Commissioners. Attached is the information regarding this council. STRATEGIC PLAN ALIGNMENT: Superior Public Health, Safety and Education • Keep the public informed on important information RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Hear presentation. ATTACHMENTS: New Hanover County Inspections Department Advisory Council Information COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: (only Manager) Hear presentation. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS: Heard presentation. Board of Commissioners - October 20, 2014 ITEM: 14 NEW HANOVER COUNTY INSPECTIONS DEPARTMENT ADVISORY COUNCIL Number of Members: 8, appointed in categories as follows: Commercial Builder, Electrical Contractor, Engineer, Mechanical Contractor, Plumbing Contractor, Residential Builder, and 2 At -large Term of Office: Three years Regular Meetings: The Council shall meet at least quarterly and may, at its discretion, establish a more frequent meeting schedule. Meetings are held at the New Hanover County Planning and Inspections Department, 230 Government Center Drive, Suite 110, Wilmington, NC. Action Creating Council: The County Commissioners established the Council on June 15, 1998. Membership increased to 8 on July 13, 1998. Purpose: The Council will provide advice and guidance to the Inspections Department to ensure consistent, timely, economical, professional, and efficient service as an integral part of the department's purpose to protect the lives and property of the citizens living in New Hanover County. Board of Commissioners - October 20, 2014 ITEM: 14- 1 - 1 TERM OF OFFICE CURRENT MEMBERS CATEGORY APPOINTMENT EXPIRATION Stephen Beacham Mechanical First 7/23/12 7/31/15 832 Gull Point Road Contractor Wilmington, NC 28405 443- 5111(H) 798- 4822(W) Anthony T. Dombroski, III Engineer First 7/23/12 7/31/15 2206 Acacia Drive Wilmington, NC 28403 620- 3263(H) 681- 0801(W) Rodney Q. Harris, Chairman Residential Unexpired 1/19/10 7/31/10 7422 Fisherman Creek Drive Builder First 7/12/10 7/31/13 Wilmington, NC 28405 Second 7/15/13 7/31/16 452- 1151(H) 313- 2468(W) 443- 3444(C) Mike Hayes At -Large First 7/12/10 7/31/13 1408 English Court Second 7/15/13 7/31/16 Wilmington, NC 28411 279 -0906 (C) 790 -5700 David F. Michael Commercial First 7/20/09 7/31/12 5724 Oak Bluff Lane 28409 Builder Second 7/23/12 7/31/15 P.O. Box 4189 Wilmington, NC 28406 350 -0226 (H) 392 -5220 (W) Ronald Allen Electrical First 7/15/13 7/31/16 306 N. Channell Haven Drive Contractor Wilmington, NC 28409 443 -1442 (C) 799 -5458 (W) Board of Commissioners - October 20, 2014 ITEM: 14- 1 - 1 NEW HANOVER COUNTY INSPECTIONS DEPARTMENT ADVISORY COUNCIL (CONT.) Revised: 7/19/2013 Board of Commissioners - October 20, 2014 ITEM: 14- 1 - 2 TERM OF OFFICE CURRENT MEMBERS CATEGORY APPOINTMENT EXPIRATION Randall Siegel Plumbing First 7/23/12 7/31/15 448 Marsh Oaks Drive Contractor Wilmington, NC 28405 686- 0068(H) 471- 6766(C) David Lee Smith At -Large First 7/12/04 7/31/07 905 Saltwood Lane Second 7/23/07 7/31/10 Wilmington, NC 28411 Third 7/12/10 7/31/13 681 -0394 (H) 362 -7148 (W) 520 -6395 (C) I Fourth 7/15/13 7/31/16 Dennis Bordeaux, Inspections Manager File: /Inspections Chris O'Keefe, Director B/C #40 -7.13 New Hanover County Planning and Inspections Department 230 Government Center Drive, Suite 110 Wilmington, NC 28403 798 -7175 Revised: 7/19/2013 Board of Commissioners - October 20, 2014 ITEM: 14- 1 - 2 This page intentionally left blank. NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION MEETING DATE: October 20, 2014 REGULAR DEPARTMENT: Governing Body PRESENTER(S): Edward T. (Ted) Shipley, III, New Hanover County Planning Board Chairman CONTACT(S): Teresa Elmore, Interim Clerk to the Board and Chris O'Keefe, Planning & Inspections Director SUBJECT: New Hanover County Planning Board Annual Update BRIEF SUMMARY: The New Hanover County Planning Board will make its annual presentation to the Board of Commissioners. Attached is the information regarding this board. STRATEGIC PLAN ALIGNMENT: Superior Public Health, Safety and Education • Keep the public informed on important information RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Hear presentation. ATTACHMENTS: New Hanover County Planning Board Information COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: (only Manager) Hear presentation. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS: Heard presentation. Board of Commissioners - October 20, 2014 ITEM: 15 NEW HANOVER COUNTY PLANNING BOARD Number of Members: 7 Term of Office: Three years Compensation: $20.00 per meeting Regular Meetings: First Thursday of every month at 6:00 p.m. in the Assembly Room of the New Hanover County Courthouse, 24 North Third Street, Wilmington, NC. Statute or cause creating Board: N. C. General Statutes 153A -321. New Hanover County Ordinance and Resolution establishing Planning Board dated September 2, 1980, for the purpose of planning and making recommendations in order that the elected and appointed officials of the County may competently perform their duties. Brief on the functions: Make studies of the County and surrounding areas; determine objectives to be sought in the development of the study area; prepare and adopt plans for achieving these objectives; develop and recommend policies, ordinances, administrative procedures, and other means for carrying out plans in a coordinated and efficient manner; advise the Board of Commissioners concerning the use and amendment of means of carrying out plans; exercise any functions in the administration and enforcement of various means for carrying out plans that the Board of Commissioners may direct; perform any other related duties that the Board of Commissioners may direct. Much of the Board's time is consumed with Land Use Planning, Zoning, and Growth Management Issues. Board of Commissioners - October 20, 2014 ITEM: 15- 1 - 1 TERM OF OFFICE CURRENT MEMBERS APPOINTMENT EXPIRATION Donna Girardot, Vice -Chair First 4/21/14 7/31/17 927 Radnor Road Wilmington, NC 28409 452 -1078 (H) 264 -9696 (C) Lisa Mesler First 7/23/12 7/31/15 4825 Castleboro Court Wilmington, NC 28411 297 -2171 (H) 793 -3903 (W) Tamara Carter Murphy First 7/12/10 7/31/13 5105 Exton Park Loop Second 7/15/13 7/31/16 Castle Hayne, NC 28429 623 -4011 (H) 251 -4048 (W) Anthony Prinz First 7/21/14 7/31/17 2116 Klein Road Wilmington, NC 28405 750 -2418 (C) Thomas "Jordy" Rawl Unexpired 7/21/14 7/31/15 17 Coral Drive Wrightsville Beach, NC 28480 332 -8528 (H) 252 - 916 -4575 (C) 794 -8699 (W) Board of Commissioners - October 20, 2014 ITEM: 15- 1 - 1 NEW HANOVER COUNTY PLANNING BOARD (CONT.) Revised 10/6/2014 Board of Commissioners - October 20, 2014 ITEM: 15- 1 - 2 TERM OF OFFICE CURRENT MEMBERS APPOINTMENT EXPIRATION Edward T. (Ted) Shipley, III, Chairman First 7/15/13 7/31/16 2226 Lynnwood Drive Wilmington, NC 28403 386 -6589 (C) 815 -7123 (W) David F. Weaver First 7/23/12 7/31/15 4929 Pine Street Wilmington, NC 28403 799 -9772 (H) 620 -7800 (C) Director: Chris O'Keefe File: /Planning Planning & Inspections Department B/C #24- 10.14 Planning Manager: Ken Vafier 230 Government Center Drive, Suite 110 Wilmington, NC 28403 798 -7165 Revised 10/6/2014 Board of Commissioners - October 20, 2014 ITEM: 15- 1 - 2 This page intentionally left blank. NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION MEETING DATE: October 20, 2014 REGULAR DEPARTMENT: Governing Body PRESENTER(S): Ernest Duarte, Plumbing Board of Examiners Chairman CONTACT(S): Teresa Elmore, Interim Clerk to the Board and William Eubanks, Plumbing /Mechanical Compliance Supervisor SUBJECT: New Hanover County Plumbing Board of Examiners Annual Update BRIEF SUMMARY: The New Hanover County Plumbing Board of Examiners will make its annual presentation to the Board of Commissioners. Attached is the information regarding this board. STRATEGIC PLAN ALIGNMENT: Superior Public Health, Safety and Education • Keep the public informed on important information RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Hear presentation. ATTACHMENTS: New Hanover County Plumbing Board of Examiners Information COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: (only Manager) Hear presentation. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS: Heard presentation. Board of Commissioners - October 20, 2014 ITEM: 16 NEW HANOVER COUNTY PLUMBING BOARD OF EXAMINERS Number of Members: 3 (2 Master Plumbers and 1 Journeyman Plumber) Ex- Officio: New Hanover County Plumbing Inspector Term of Office: 3 years Qualifications: A journeyman plumber is a person skilled or trained in the installation of a plumbing system in commercial or residential properties; and shall have in his possession a valid license issued by the Board of Plumbing Examiners of New Hanover County, or a valid license from another county in North Carolina. Compensation: None Regular Meetings: Held as necessary in the Inspections and Planning Department Statute or cause creating Board: N.C. General Statutes 14 -4 and an Ordinance requiring Plumbing Installations to be made by Journeyman Plumbers and governing the licensing of Journeyman Plumbers in New Hanover County, dated October 20, 1975, amended May 17, 1976. Brief on Functions: To administer tests and issue license to qualified plumbers. Revised: 5/6/2014 Board of Commissioners - October 20, 2014 ITEM: 16- 1 - 1 TERM OF OFFICE CURRENT MEMBERS APPOINTMENT EXPIRATION Ernest Duarte, Master Plumber - Chairman First 1/19/10 12/1/12 4917 Grosse Woods Drive Second 1/22/13 12/1/15 Wilmington, NC 28411 791 -7071 (H) 367 -8426 (W) Thomas L. Crittenden, Jr. First 1/22/13 12/1/15 P.O. Box 3194 Wilmington, NC 28406 763 -4025 (H) 343 -1234 (W) David K. Woodbury, Master Plumber First 2/21/11 12/1/14 2308 Waverly Drive Wilmington, NC 28403 763 -6888 (H) 763 -4324 William Eubanks File: /Plumbing Plumbing /Mechanical Compliance Supervisor B/C #25 1/13 New Hanover County Inspections Department 230 Government Center Drive, Suite 110 Wilmington, NC 28403 798 -7206 Revised: 5/6/2014 Board of Commissioners - October 20, 2014 ITEM: 16- 1 - 1 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION MEETING DATE: October 20, 2014 REGULAR DEPARTMENT: Governing Body PRESENTER(S): Justin Lewis, New Hanover County Zoning Board of Adjustment Chairman CONTACT(S): Teresa Elmore, Interim Clerk to the Board and Chris O'Keefe, Planning & Inspections Director SUBJECT: New Hanover County Zoning Board of Adjustment Annual Update BRIEF SUMMARY: The New Hanover County Zoning Board of Adjustment will make its annual presentation to the Board of Commissioners. Attached is the information regarding this board. STRATEGIC PLAN ALIGNMENT: Superior Public Health, Safety and Education • Keep the public informed on important information RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Hear presentation. ATTACHMENTS: New Hanover County Zoning Board of Adjustment Information COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: (only Manager) Hear presentation. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS: Heard presentation. Board of Commissioners - October 20, 2014 ITEM: 17 NEW HANOVER COUNTY ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT Number of Members: 5 plus 3 alternates Ex- Officio: Planning Director Term of Office: 3 years Regular Meetings: Fourth Tuesday of every month at 5:30 p.m. in the Lucie F. Harrell Conference Room at the Government Center, 230 Government Center Drive, Wilmington, NC. Compensation: $20.00 per member per meeting plus auto mileage Statute or cause creating Board: N.C. General Statutes 153 -A -345, 266.17. The Commissioners increased to 3 alternates 11/21/94 (officially 4/1/96). The Zoning Ordinance requires members to be appointed from different areas within the County's zoning jurisdiction. Brief on Functions: In New Hanover County, the duties of the Board fall into two general categories: Interpretation and Granting Variances. Interpretation: The function of the Board of Adjustment which is most closely similar to that of the courts is interpretation of the Ordinance. This function involves (a) interpreting the meaning of parts of the Ordinance which are unclear, (b) applying the Ordinance to particular fact situations, and, if necessary, (c) correcting any mistakes or abuses of discretion which the zoning official may have made in administering the Ordinance. In exercising this power, the basic principle for the Board to keep in mind is that it must not vary the Ordinance. Its function here is to interpret and apply what the governing body has written, not to vary that legislative pronouncement to fit its own ideas. Its decisions must be in accord with what the Board believes to be the actual meaning and intent of the Ordinance. Granting of Variances: General Statute 153A- 345(d) provides that, "when practical difficulties or unnecessary hardships would result from carrying out the strict letter of a zoning ordinance, the Board of Adjustment may, in passing upon appeals, vary or modify any regulation or provision of the Ordinance relating to the use of land, so that the spirit of the Ordinance is observed, public safety and welfare secured, and substantial justice done." Basically, a variance is a permit, which the Board may grant in certain situations, enabling a property owner to make use of his property in some way which is in conflict with the literal provisions of the Ordinance. Sometimes a lot so small or so peculiarly shaped that the owner would have great difficulty in complying with the yard requirements and yet erecting a suitable building. Sometimes contours of the terrain are such as to create hardships in complying with these requirements. Sometimes the lot is located in a cluster of nonconforming uses which will prevent the owner from securing any reasonable return from his land if he complies with the Ordinance (as where a lot in a residential district is surrounded by nonconforming business structures). When the Board grants exemptions from harsh provisions, it is "granting a variance." The above has been largely excerpted from the Zoning Board of Adjustment in North Carolina by Michael B. Brough and Philip P. Green, Jr. Board of Commissioners - October 20, 2014 ITEM: 17- 1 - 1 NEW HANOVER COUNTY ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT PAGE 2 Revised: 10/6/14 Board of Commissioners - October 20, 2014 ITEM: 17- 1 - 2 TERM OF OFFICE CURRENT MEMBERS APPOINTMENT EXPIRATION Peter M. DeVita First 11/15/10 12/1/13 7108 Key Point Drive Second 12/9/13 12/1/16 Wilmington, NC 28405 262 -2113 (W) Justin Michael Lewis, Chairman First 11/16/09 12/1/12 3702 Providence Court Second 11/13/12 12/1/15 Wilmington, NC 28412 919 - 414 -8410 (H) 794 -4880 (W) Michael D. McCulley, Jr., Vice - Chairman First 11/21/11 12/1/14 6102 Lydden Road Wilmington, NC 28409 547 -5185 (H) 251 -2500 (W) 616 -6979 (C) Chad McEwen First 11/21/11 12/1/14 226 Shore Point Drive Wilmington, NC 28411 604 -2100 (C) Joe Miller First 12/9/13 12/1/16 6715 Creek Ridge Road Wilmington, NC 28409 833 -8485 (W) ALTERNATES: Henry A. Adams Unexpired 3/24/14 12/1/16 8725 Fazio Drive Wilmington, NC 28411 686- 5941(H) 350- 1200(W) 520 -1434 (C) H. Brian Prevatte First 12/9/13 12/1/16 321 Island Creek Drive Wilmington, NC 28411 686 -4917 (H) 399 -6839 (W) 520 -4482 (C) Colin J. Tarrant First 11/21/11 12/1/14 7842 Olde Pond Road Wilmington, NC 28411 919 - 414 -2684 (C) Staff Support: Ben Andrea, Exec. Secretary 10/14 Current Planning & Zoning Supervisor File: /Zoning NHC Planning and Inspections Department B/C #33 230 Government Center Drive, Suite 110 Wilmington, NC 28403 798 -7571 Revised: 10/6/14 Board of Commissioners - October 20, 2014 ITEM: 17- 1 - 2 This page intentionally left blank. NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION MEETING DATE: October 20, 2014 REGULAR DEPARTMENT: Governing Body PRESENTER(S): Chairman White CONTACT(S): Teresa Elmore, Interim Clerk to the Board SUBJECT: Committee Appointments BRIEF SUMMARY: Vacancies exist on the following Boards and Committees: Cape Fear Museum Advisory Board Cape Fear Public Transportation Authority/Wave Transit Authority New Hanover County Adult Care Community Advisory Committee STRATEGIC PLAN ALIGNMENT: Superior Public Health, Safety and Education • Keep the public informed on important information RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Make appointments. ATTACHMENTS: Cape Fear Museum Advisory Board Cape Fear Public Transportation New Hanover County Adult Care Community Advisory Committee COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: (only Manager) Make appointments. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS: The following apppointments were made. Cape Fear Museum Advisory Board: J. Tucker Stevens was appointed to an unexpired term expiring 6/30/2016. Cape Fear Public Transportation Authority/Wave Transit Authority: Steven D. Kelly was appointed. Board of Commissioners - October 20, 2014 ITEM: 18 New Hanover County Adult Care Community Advisory Committee: Timothy Potter and Eddie J. Smith were appointed. Board of Commissioners - October 20, 2014 ITEM: 18 REVISED 10/20/14 COMMITTEE APPOINTMENTS CAPE FEAR MUSEUM ADVISORY BOARD 1 Vacancy: Unexpired Term Expiring 6/30/2016 APPLICANTS: ELIGIBLE FOR REAPPOINTMENT Denise Chadurjian Timothy Potter J. Tucker Stevens (Mr. Stevens served 151 term 612011- 612014; did not ask for reappointment due to schedule issues; he is now able to serve) Attachments: Committee Information Sheets Applications Board of Commissioners - October 20, 2014 ITEM: 18- 1 - 1 CAPE FEAR MUSEUM ADVISORY BOARD Number of Members: 12, which may include one County Commissioner Term of Office: Three years - may not serve more than two consecutive terms and cannot be reappointed until at least one year after the last term. Qualifications: Any County resident 18 years of age or older who has a sincere interest and commitment to the preservation of the history of the Lower Cape Fear region. Members shall be required to sign a conflict of interest agreement that will be provided in advance of their appointment. Compensation: None, but may be reimbursed for approved expenses incurred in performance of their duties. Regular Meetings: Third Wednesday of every month at 4:00 p.m. at the Museum, 814 Market Street. (No meeting in July) Functions: To develop necessary policies for the efficient and responsive operation of the Cape Fear Museum; to advise the Museum Director and staff on programs and exhibits; to advise the County Manager and County Commissioners concerning the operating and capital needs of the Museum; and to serve on relevant committees. In addition, Board members are expected to actively promote the Museum's programs, and to assist and participate in its programs, including efforts to solicit outside funding for the Museum. (Changed from board of trustees to an advisory board effective 8/4/2003 (Book 29 page 694). Board of Commissioners - October 20, 2014 ITEM: 18- 1 - 2 TERM OF OFFICE CURRENT MEMBERS APPOINTMENT EXPIRATION David Ball First 6/16/14 6/30/17 3539 Aster Court Wilmington, NC 28401 343 -1343 (H) 762 -2621 (W) Stuart Borrett First 6/21/10 6/30/13 1806 Ann Street Second 6/17/13 6/30/16 Wilmington, NC 28403 795 -7502 (C) 692 -2411 (W) T. Gwendolyn Grear Brown First 6/18/12 6/30/15 3224 Amber Drive Wilmington, NC 28409 794- 9359(H) 620- 4817(C) Nancy Ballard Cox Unexpired 7/23/12 6/30/14 102943 rd Street First 6/16/14 6/30/17 Wilmington, NC 28403 350 -8018 (H) Melissa Ivey First 6/16/14 6/30/17 511 North Channel Drive Wrightsville Beach, NC 28480 919 - 601 -9252 (C) 313 -3336 (W) Board of Commissioners - October 20, 2014 ITEM: 18- 1 - 2 CAPE FEAR MUSEUM ADVISORY BOARD (CONT.) Revised: 6/19/14 Board of Commissioners - October 20, 2014 ITEM: 18- 1 - 3 TERM OF OFFICE CURRENT MEMBERS APPOINTMENT EXPIRATION William A. Oden, III First 6/16/14 6/30/17 2201 Echo Lane Wilmington, NC 28403 252 - 474 -4227 (C) 794 -4813 (W) Daniel Hill Owen First 6/18/12 6/30/15 116 Edgewater Lane Wilmington, NC 28403 297- 4123(C) 509- 5142(W) Nancy H. Pritchett First 9/19/11 6/30/14 5330 Megans Place Drive Second 6/16/14 6/30/17 Wilmington, NC 28409 791- 2827(H) Sandra J. Sheridan Unexpired 7/20/09 6/30/10 4600 Bentley Drive First 6/21/10 6/30/13 Wilmington, NC 28409 Second 6/17/13 6/30/16 799 -5541 (H) Q,dj $ l sit q- William (Bill) H. Terrell First 1/22/13 6/30/16 8640 Fazio Drive Wilmington, NC 28411 686- 2376(H) Allen N. Trask, III, Chairman First 6/21/10 6/30/13 2814 Hydrangea Place Second 6/17/13 6/30/16 Wilmington, NC 28403 470 -8631 (H) 794 -4804 (W) Museum Associates, Inc. President: Mike Ryan County Commissioner: Beth Dawson Appointed 12/17/12 798 -7260 (NHC Office) Director: Ruth Haas File: /Museum Cape Fear Museum B/C #21- 6.14 814 Market Street Wilmington, NC 28401 798 -4350 Fax 798 -4382 Revised: 6/19/14 Board of Commissioners - October 20, 2014 ITEM: 18- 1 - 3 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS 230 Government Center Drive, Suite 175 Wilmington, NC 28403 COMMITTEE APPLICATION Telephone (910) 798 -7149 FAX (910) 798 -7145 Board/Committee: Cape Fear Museum Advisory Board Name: Denise Chadurjian E_Mail:dcdechad241@gmail.com Home Address -409 S. 2nd St. Wilmington 28401 e (Zip Code) Mailing Address if different. (City) Rip Code) Home Phone: 919- 218 -7470 Fax. Cell: 919- 218 -7470 Business: Years living in New Hanover County: 4 Male: Female: ✓ Race: White Age: 56 (Information for the purpose of assuring a cross - section of the community) Do you have a family member employed by New Hanover County? If yes, name No Employer: none A person currently employed by the agency or department for which this application is made, must resign his/her position with New Hanover County upon appointment, in accordance with Article Vl, Sec. 4 of the New Hanover County Personnel Policy. Furthermore, applicant should have no immediate family member employed by such agency or department. Occupation: none Professional Activities: 20+ years Mork experience in budget mgmt, masters in public admin. Volunteer Activities: Budget /Grants Mgr for "Bread for Life ... 11; volunteer with WKQR Why do you wish to serve on this board/committee? I want to put both my educational and work experience skills to use on behalf of the Museum. Conflict of Interest: If a board member believes he/she has a conflict or potential conflict of interest on a particular issue, that member should state this belief to the other members of his/her respective board during a public meeting. The member should state the nature of the conflict, detailing that he/she has a separate, private, or monetary interest, either director indirect, in the issue under consideration. The member should then excuse himselbherself from voting on the matter. What areas of concern would you like to see addressed by this committee? Ensuring that the Museum remains a vital community resource for local history of the Lower Cape Fear region. Qualifications for serving: I have a profound interest in local history (natural and otherwise) and a professional and volunteer background in community outreach and finance. Other municipal or county boards/committees on which you are serving: none currently List three local personal references and phone numbers: 1. Mark Gaskill 910- 619 -5635 RECEIVED 2 R. Claudette Fiskin 910 - 343 -5276 MAY -8 2013 3 Sue Kovaleski 910- 939 -1392 NHC DaCC Date: May 6, 2013 Signature Applications are kept on file for 18 modths, I understand that any board or committee appointee Oify be remove without cause by a majority of County Commission rs. Please use reverse side for additional comma atsd of Commissioners - October 20, 2014 ITEM: 18- 1 - 4 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS 230 Government Center Drive, Suite 175 Wilmington, NC 28403 t✓0 -M' MITTEE APPLICATION Telephone (910) 798 -7149 FAX (910) 798 -7145 1i Board /Committee: ` z r2 r' y u Ye U M /td V S o r i a Name: T mdll r 0 f _'w _ _ -E-Mail: 7 4 23 kM q, 1, ( 64-'7 Home Address: 73/6- Or (, ot v 4E hreet ) (U,ry (Zip o e Mailing Address if different: _. All 4 Home Phone: Fax. (City) (Zip Code) Cell: 9 /0'- Z 9 7 — ! r7 lBusiness: Years living in 2 New Hanover County: � M;31e: Age: Female: Race:` _ (Information for the , ,)crpo se of assuring a cross - section of the commundy) Do you have a7-family member employed' hy New Hanover County? If ryes, name _ 1/ J Employer. 3/� //� -f "1 , G� / IJLf S A person currently employed by the agenc or departm ant for w rich this aprlicaton is made, must resign h, /her position with New Hanover County upon appointment, in accordance with Article VI, Sec. 4 of the hew Hanover Co inty Part onnel Policy Furthermore, applicam should have no immediate fam ,y member employed by such agency or department. Occupation: 6 / 6 � q l 4. Professional Activities: , a' l � of r! e y' Volunteer Activities: Why do you wish ,too serve on this b�oc�rd /committee? _/ Iw , S ;r. S� ✓ 1 /-e �-c C L) 'n, Yin (.r N / ,f W 1` CM Q V.4A` 1 y�A �`� / ��1 k1 U Y'VI iA rA Conflict of Interest: If a board member believes he/sne has a c nflict or potential conflict of interest o,7 a particular issue, that mem er should state this belief to the other members of his/her respective board curing a public meeting T'ie member should state the nature of the conflict, detailing that he /she has a separate, private, or monetary V_V_Q Y61' interest, either director indirect, in the issue under consieeratioi i. The member should then excuse himself/herself from voting on the matter. What areas of concern would' you like to : ee addressed by this committee? J, G� or)���nv� �% e�F �fI'y-ey►�sl, Qualifications for servin, : T _ GL rof e 5 /,�0,A 1 P c-y o u a M+ W'�11 V 'Cd- QS101A'AAA a Other municipal or county boards/co „,rmitt'es on which you are serving: _ _ J • List three local personal i- eferences and F hone numbers: R E C E I V E O E PP 0 2814 2. 3. Lqev;�j aV V _ X,41. (o Date: Z S I `I Signature �L , i y'` Applications are kept on file for 18 months I understand that any board or committee appointee may be removed without cause by a majority of County Commissioners. Please use reverse side for additional coinme 7t s Board of Commissioners - October 20, 2014 ITEM: 18- 1 - 5 Timothy Potter 7316 Orchard Trace • Wilmington, NC 28409.910- 297 -1571 Tjp7423 @gmail.com Summary A business adviser with in depth knowledge of finance and accounting, both academically and professionally. Familiar with international operations, including globalized workforces located in the United States, Europe, and Asia Pacific. Excellent problem solver that focuses on identifying and deploying best practices to ensure operational effectiveness. Experience International Business Machines Durham, NC Manager— Global International Tax Accounting December 2013 to Present • Direct the operations of national /regional tax accounting shared services centers, providing instruction on technical International Assignee tax /policy matters and ensuring consistency in execution. • Execute daily management functionality over a global mobility team, including staff development initiatives such as performance appraisal and hands -on job coaching. • Communicate monthly results to the Executive Management team. • Advise on process enhancements and cost savings initiatives. Team Lead — Global International Tax Accounting August 2010 to December 2013 • Conducted on -site international effort to re- engineer processes and resolve aged account balances that posed significant financial and audit exposure to IBM. Included over fifteen international business trips. • Developed operational metrics and designed reporting that provide indicators /highlights of operational effectiveness. • Rapidly learned international cultures which allowed for the development of business plans and management styles that optimized performance. • Assumed responsibility of a worldwide business controls project which resulted in accelerated closure of over 300 risk items that had been open for greater than one year. Professional Accountant August 2007 to August 2010 • Directed and coordinated monthly and year end close activities of other accountants. • Applied Generally Accepted Accounting Principles with a focus on lease exit/restructuring reserves, joint ventures, sublease transactions, deferred income, income recognition, and accounts receivables. • Developed automated expense allocation tool resulting in $18 thousand annual savings and received Green Belt Six Sigma certification. • Transitioned to a new funding process for third party site management services which included developing the expense tracking and reporting methodology for monthly site expenditures. • Consolidated and presented monthly financial results to management, finance & operations team, and PWC. • Led accounting team that calculates annual tax credit for Research and Development division. McGladrey & Pullen Charlotte, NC Audit Intern January 2006 to April 2006 o Interviewed clients, analyzed business processes, and tested financial papers. Education University of North Carolina at Wilmington Cameron School of Business (AACSB Accredited) Masters of Science in Accountancy Bachelors of Science in Bisiness Administration Concentration: Accountancy. Concentration GPA 3.9 Skills /Achievements IBM Six Sigma Green Belt Certified System experience in SAP, BRIO, Hyperion, DB2 environment, SQL, and Microsoft Office Board of Commissioners - October 20, 2014 ITEM: 18- 1 - 6 Wilmington, NC 2007 2005 06110/2011 11:25 8664625101 EDWARD JONES PAGE 02 NEW HANOVER COUiVTY BOARD OF COMMISSI()NERS 230 Gavemmant Canter Drive, ,Suite 175 T61800na (91 28403 COMMITTEE ITTEE APPLICATION Telspha,te (89t?) 798 -7149 FAX (910) 798 -7145 .-,.., i't r Ovaidlrl;ort mittee: Ca PQ Fear Museum Advisory Board !tame: J. Tucker Stevens E -Mafl: tucker. stevens @edwardjones.c Home Add a• 3117 Wickforrl Dr, Wilmington, ITC 28 09 e (LIP a e Mailing Address It different. (CRY) (Zip Code) Hume Phone- (9649) 46.2-5101 Carl_ (910) 616- -11.40 7s1 2128 yL'ars living In Mew Harnevw Coungy- lg � Male: V( Female: Race: Caucasian Age. (Mannatlon for tho purpose of assuring a arose- section of the commurA),) Do yom have a family member ernployed by New Hannover County? if yes, name Nancy Stevens Empjoyyar° Edwmrd ilonex xaVestffMrtW-- k!s--f e vp v. � A person currently amployad by the agency or aepertmsn, for whkh Gd1, AppllcaGan is made, must resign hre/her paehlon rh New aran4uer County upon app ntntertt Jn 04parfmamt, with ArtlGe Vf, SAC, t Of the New Hanover County Personnel p4uGy- Furthermore, applicant should have no lmmedlate ferrdly member — played by akh sgoncy or doparimont, occypg8/ona Financial Advisor f of slpraralll G ltles n }orfR'ra.i.vfar Hnl ly Trews vl¢ae,entary School gtoc -e Club j iAiianirl to>; South 4/ ®la�f��p �a�Qil�atie 9 Rotary, Saint Androses P resbyterian Chu rc h Youth !carder Why do you wish go serve on this bOard(COmrnit%e? To furthar the community outreach of the �=Geuul "ad foster awareness throughout teas region of museum content /programs. conf kf of )"10 r.. !f a bum member baUvas he/she has a comWet or poweat cenElcr of interest an a paRlcular lassie, Gnat member should stafa this belief .40 the ether rrtembera of hlsMar r®spscroVe boartf dudng $ public meeting. The member should state the nature of the conflict, 601118n9 that he/she has a uparata, private, hr mmatary lnlha�gwl, gH/wr die'get tlf 1ndL'ocl, !n ihq rgRtw �ndor ronuldafyffosa 7Yro m�nbar al�aufd Iflgn qurcuRe hlmeWflhornglf from �oling on tHo mq(fyr. � What areas of concern would you like to see addressed by t61is committee? Enbancoxmut of public ai arean- nags. Other manIclpel or county boardsloommi?tovs on which you ars serving:: none at this time List three local per nal references and phone numbers: 9. Parke Griffin - (910) 232 -2885 2. Dx. Cbaarlev rays - (910) 799 -0179 3. Or. Ellis Tinsley - (910) 617 -1754 i U R I c` BD. Os Ct ?'i;!4'SSICNFR Date. 06/10/2011 Sions tune AW/cetlons are kspt on I /fs for 78 months r untierstend that bcerd 'o:r; commrttsa appointee say he ramomd without reuse hY AJurity county Gommisslonsrs, Plev&v us* re�rerve side for odditional comments Board of Commissioners - October 20, 2014 ITEM: 18- 1 - 7 This page intentionally left blank. COMMITTEE APPOINTMENTS CAPE FEAR PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION AUTHORITY (WAVE TRANSIT AUTHORITY) 1 Vacancy: Unexpired Term Expiring 12/31/2015 APPLICANTS Steven D. Kelly Timothy Potter Attachments: Committee Information Sheets Applications ELIGIBLE FOR REAPPOINTMENT Board of Commissioners - October 20, 2014 ITEM: 18- 2 - 1 i.1 CAPE FEAR PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION AUTHORITY WAVE TRANSIT AUTHORITY Number of Members: The Authority consists of 11 members: 1 County Commissioner, 1 City Council member, 4 members appointed by the County Commissioners, 4 members appointed by Wilmington City Council, and 1 member appointed by the Authority from a human service agency served by public transportation services. Term of Office: Three years Regular Meetings: The Authority meets on the fourth Thursday of every month at 12:00 noon in the Wave Transit Conference Room located at 505 Cando Street. Statute or Action Creating Board: In July of 2004 the WNHTA, the WTA and NHTS were dissolved and a new transportation Authority was created utilizing NC §160A -25. The merged entity officially became the Cape Fear Public Transportation Authority effective July 1, 2004. The new Authority kept the name Wave Transit. Function: The Authority is to develop and maintain an effective, efficient, and safe system of public transportation services within the county. Transportation services provided shall be designed to maintain and encourage the use of public transit and shall contribute to the economic vitality of the community, the conservation of natural resources and the protection of the environment. Board of Commissioners - October 20, 2014 ITEM: 18- 2 - 2 TERM OF OFFICE CURRENT MEMBERS APPOINTMENT EXPIRATION Don Betz, Secretary Unexpired 9/18/07 12/31/08 2518 Park Avenue First 12/15/08 12/31/11 Wilmington, NC 28403 Second 12/19/11 12/31/14 763 -7997 (H) 383 -1919 (W) Chris Hawkins First 1/19/10 12/31/12 520 Taylor Street, Apt. 102 Second 12/17/12 12/31/15 Wilmington, NC 28401 910 - 343 -5209 p 1 / 0// V Jeffrey B. Petroff First 1/19/10 12/31/12 5480 Eastwind Road (28403) Second 12/17/12 12/31/15 P.O. Box 1172 Wilmington, NC 28403 796 -9922 (H) 254 -9333 (W) 540 -1346 (C) Wylie Beckman Smith III First 12/9/13 12/31/16 5227 Marina Club Drive Wilmington, NC 28409 799- 3182(H) 352 -4671 Board of Commissioners - October 20, 2014 ITEM: 18- 2 - 2 CAPE FEAR PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION AUTHORITY PAGE 2 WAVE TRANSIT AUTHORITY Revised: 12/12/2013 Board of Commissioners - October 20, 2014 ITEM: 18- 2 - 3 TERM OF OFFICE CURRENT MEMBERS APPOINTMENT EXPIRATION County Commissioner Representative: Appt. 12/15/08 Not designated Jonathan Barfield, Jr. 230 Government Center Drive, Suite 175 Wilmington, NC 28403 233 -8780 Wilmington City Council Representative: 11/11 Kevin O'Grady P.O. Box 1810 Wilmington, NC 28402 341 -7815 City Council Appointees: Henry Adams, Vice - Chairman 8725 Fazio Drive Wilmington, NC 28411 520 -1434 William Bryden 805 Gull Point Road Wilmington, NC 28405 910- 509 -9713 Euran S. Daniels 3301 Market Street Wilmington, NC 28403 763 -6070 (W) Captain David R. Scheu, Chairman 5708 Ruxton Way Wilmington, NC 28409 452 -9068 (H) Human Services Agency Representative: Vacant Director: Albert Eby WAVE Transit File: /WAVE 505 Cando Street B /C #31- 12.13 P.O. Box 12630 Wilmington, NC 28405 202 -2053 Office 202- 2035(P) 343 -8317 Fax Revised: 12/12/2013 Board of Commissioners - October 20, 2014 ITEM: 18- 2 - 3 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS 230 Government Center Drive, Suite 175 Wilmington, NC 28403 COMMITTEE APPLICATION Telephone (910) 798 -7149 FAX (910) 798 -7145 Board(Committee: Cape Fear Public Transportation Authority- -Wave Transit Authority Name: Steven D Kelly Home Address: 5463 Eastwind Road (Street) Mailing Address if different: E-Mafl:skelly@ec.rr.com Wilmington North Carolina 28403 (City) (Zip Code) Home Phone: 910- 395 -0872 Fax: (CRY) (Zip Code) Cell: 910 -619 -5939 Business: Years living in New Hanover County: 34 Male: F✓ Fema/e:a Race: x ed (Information for the purpose of assuring a cross - section of the community) Do you have a family member employed by New Hanover County? If yes, name No Age: 66 Employer. A person currently employed by the agency or department for which this application is made, must resign his/her position with New Hanover County upon appointment, in accordance with Artide Vl, Sec. 4 of the New Hanover County Personnel Policy. Furthermore, applicant should have no immediate family member employed by such agency or department. Occupation: Civil Engineer Professional Activities: Past President and Current President Elect, ASCE NC Coastal Branch Volunteer Activities: Civitan member, Math Tutor Why do you wish to serve on this board/committee? Cf . enclosed attachment Conflict of Interest: fl a board member believes he/she has a conflict or potential conflict of interest on a particular issue, that member should state this belief to the other members of his/her respective board during a public meeting. The member should state the nature of the conflict, detailing that he/she has a separate, private, or monetary interest, either director indirect, in the issue under consideration. The member should then excuse himselfiherself from voting on the matter. What areas of concem would you like to see addressed by this committee? Cf. . enclosed attachment Quaiiffcations for serving: management experience, technical (engineering) background Other municipal or county boards/committees on which you are serving: None List three local personal references and phone numbers: RECEIVED 1. George Dolan 256 -4565 Z. Dan Johnson 313 -1759 - - - -'" 3. Aulee Crouch 762 -2383 N H C 6 O C C Date: September 12, 2013 Signature Applications are kept on the for 18 months I understand that any boa or commAtee appointee may be removed d of Commttis�o'�rSau� t�o1WWCount ommissioners. Please use reverse side for additional comm�ri ITEM: 18- 2 - 4 ,�i Ion. Exhibit to New Hanover County Board of Commissioners Committee Application for Steven D Kelly September 12, 2013 Response to "Why do you wish to serve on this board /committee ? ": I wish to advocate for the low- income members of our community who rely upon mass transit for basic transportation, find ways to encourage the use of mass transit by other members of the community as a means of reducing the area's carbon footprint, and optimize the delivery of services under constraints imposed by budgets. Response to "What areas of concern would you like to see addressed by this committee ? ": I would like for the committee to address the following areas of concern: • Delivery of services to those with special needs • Optimization of existing routes • Fuel efficiency • Reinstatement of routes lost to budgetary constraints • Recognition of the importance of mass transit in an increasingly urbanized county Board of Commissioners - October 20, 2014 ITEM: 18- 2 - 5 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS 230 Government Center Drive, St, ite 1 T5 Wilmington, NC 28403 C OAAIMITTEE APPLICATION Telephone (91010 ) 798 -7149 FAX (910) 798 -7145 Board /Committee: e -_ Fea r/ 1 U 6( j C TV qV1 S n �tC ) pIn —A�JIA�, Name: H VIA 0 1 0 L, T_+ E -Mail: Home Address: Mailing Address if different: v a�1av0( trG (City) 2 6yo (Zip Code) Home Phone: Fax - Cell: WO-2-17-1 �� Business: Years living in % / 3 New Hanover County: __ / Male: V / Female: Race:Q� � Age: (Information for the purpo se of assuring a cross - section of the ;ommunity) Do you have a family member employed by New Hanover County? If yes, name /—It/ O Employer. 4 4_e i IrI el 14 vt A person currently employed by the agency or department !or W -kh this apl accordance with Article Vl, Sec. 4 of the New h'anover Covrty P art onnel Policy department. � 5 S •[� c� c lil i lit P .S / .� 11 /Vl 1 .ahcn is made, must resign his/her poniften with New H nover County upon appointment, in Furthermore, applicant s could have no immediate famiy member employed by such agency or Occupation: /0 bc(/ �•,e b V zv ro y /% 1 0 �' l_I _ , Professional Activities: _LL—) %`CA C-e- r t ;T1 e Volunteer Activities: Why do you wish to server on this board /co �mitteery �0 5 t'vyC_�� o pp-�- , d7 N2G✓ i� «rn o��✓ PT hit: eve, w�l (_�rI :�a�tia�l� s- _Ic:(� s i ti ; k avid ��,c�r� �.v�c. e -1b Conflict of Interest: If a board me Tber believes he /sne has a confii t or potential conflict of interest o i a partictilar issue, tlyat me rber should statd this belief to the other members of his/her respective board curing a public meeting. Toe member: hould state the nature of tt a conflict, detailing that he/sne has a separate, private, or monetary i interest, either direct or indirect, in the slue under consieeratic: r. The member should then excuse himsr -lf/herseff from voting on the matter. 0 °l r 0i e What areas of concern would you like- to ,;ce addre -•used by this committee.' �Srtive SLl IcoLA {r�;� R_0C 0 p_e yv�LiJgy��sz�eCt,'��vt -eSS Qualifications for serving: o p S��h^�1I- 1��t��� +u VII �1�� �X�.2InCl1t QXa¢r��Vt L'e_ iM N ot h Fe ott. , a!j sir -e-0 , "In, �. Other municipal or county bo ards/contmi 13es on which you are sery List three local personal references and F hane numbers: R E C E I V E D NHC BOLL 3. P \l'1 V LAY Y —._ _`� `7,3 — Date: R Z 5f �__ __ _ Signature Applications are kept Dirt file for 1T ;le wlthi! I understand that ,7r y board or committee appointee may be removed without cause by ,v , najority of County Commissioners. Please use reverse side for additional comme its Board of Commissioners - October 20, 2014 ITEM: 18- 2 - 6 Timothy Potter 7316 Orchard Trace • Wilmington, NC 28409.910- 297 -1571 Tjp7423 @gmail.com Summary A business adviser with in depth knowledge of finance and accounting, both academically and professionally. Familiar with international operations, including globalized workforces located in the United States, Europe, and Asia Pacific. Excellent problem solver that focuses on identifying and deploying best practices to ensure operational effectiveness. Experience International Business Machines Durham, NC Manager— Global International Tax Accounting December 2013 to Present • Direct the operatiors of national /regional tax accounting shared services centers, providing instruction on technical International Assignee tax /policy matters and ensuring consistency in execution. • Execute daily management functionality over a global mobility team, including staff development initiatives such as performance appraisal and hands -on job coaching. • Communicate monthly results to the Executive Management team. • Advise on process enhancements and cost savings initiatives. Team Lead — Globai International Tax Accounting August 2010 to December 2013 • Conducted on -site international effort to re- engineer processes and resolve aged account balances that posed significant financial and audit exposure to IBM. Included over fifteen international business trips. • Developed operational metrics and designed reporting that provide indicators /highlights of operational effectiveness. • Rapidly learned international cultures which allowed for the development of business plans and management styles that optimized performance. • Assumed responsibility of a worldwide business controls project which resulted in accelerated closure of over 300 risk items that had been open for greater than one year. Professional Accountant August 2007 to August 2010 • Directed and coordinated monthly and year end close activities of other accountants. • Applied Generally Accepted Accounting Principles with a focus on lease exit/restructuring reserves, joint ventures, sublease transactions, deferred income, income recognition, and accounts receivables. • Developed automated expense allocation tool resulting in $18 thousand annual savings and received Green Belt Six Sigma certification. • Transitioned to a new funding process for third party site management services which included developing the expense tracking and reporting methodology for monthly site expenditures. • Consolidated and presented monthly financial results to management, finance & operations team, and PWC. • Led accounting learn "hat calculates annual tax credit for Research and Development division. McGladrey & Pullen Charlotte, NC Audit Intern January 2006 to April 2006 o Interviewed clients, analyzed business processes, and tested financial papers. Education University of North Carolina at Wilmington Cameron School of 3usiness (AACSB Accredited) Masters of Science in Accountancy Bachelors of Science in Business Administration Concentration: Accountancy. Concentration GPA 3.9 Skills /Achievements IBM Six Sigma Green Belt Certified System experience in SAP, BRIO, Hyperion, D62 environment, SQL, and Microsoft Office Board of Commissioners - October 20, 2014 ITEM: 18- 2 - 7 Wilmington, NC F01I1Y7 2005 This page intentionally left blank. COMMITTEE APPOINTMENTS ADULT CARE HOME COMMUNITY ADVISORY COMMITTEE Membership: 18 maximum, 13 mandated based on the number of facilities operating in the County Current Members: 8 Vacancies Terms: APPLICANTS: Timothy Potter Eddie J. Smith Up to 10 1 year term initially, expiring 10/30/15 Attachments: Committee Information Sheets Application ELIGIBLE FOR REAPPOINTMENT Board of Commissioners - October 20, 2014 ITEM: 18- 3 - 1 NEW HANOVER COUNTY ADULT CARE HOME COMMUNITY ADVISORY COMMITTEE Number of Members: 13 State mandated; May appoint up to 18 (1 member for each permitted facility) The Adult Care Home Administrators may nominate one -third of the members. If possible, one member must be a person involved in the area of mental retardation. A County Commissioner shall be appointed to serve in an ex- officio capacity. Compensation: None, but may be reimbursed for actual expenses. Term of Office: 1 year term initially; 3 year term thereafter Qualifications: Must be a resident of New Hanover County. No person or immediate family member of a person with a financial interest in a home served by the committee, or employee or governing board member of a home served by the committee, or immediate family member of a resident in a home served by the New Hanover County Adult Care Home Community Advisory Committee may be a member of this committee. Immediate family is defined as mother, father, sister, brother, child, grandmother, and grandfather, as well as in -laws. See Volunteer Job Description for more information. Purpose: The committee supports the spirit of the Adult Care Home Resident's Bill of Rights, visits adult care homes quarterly, promotes the wellbeing of residents and encourages community involvement. Statute establishing Committee: N.C.G.S. 131 D -31 Regular Meeting: Quarterly Meetings are held on the first Wednesday of January, April, July, and October at 9:30 a.m. at the Cape Fear Council of Governments, 1480 Harbour Drive, Wilmington, NC. Board of Commissioners - October 20, 2014 ITEM: 18- 3 - 2 TERM OF OFFICE CURRENT MEMBERS APPOINTMENT EXPIRATION Pamela Applewhite Initial 8/11/14 8/31/15 802 Summer Tree Lane Wilmington, NC 28412 465 -0839 Mary K. Busbee First 9/16/13 9/30/16 8402 Emerald Dunes Road Wilmington, NC 28411 686 -2763 Shirley T. Fowler Initial 3/24/14 3/31/15 945 Radnor Road Wilmington, NC 28409 799 -2454 (H) David Jenkins Initial 7/23/12 7/31/13 8506 Hammock Dunes Drive First 9/16/13 9/30/16 Wilmington, NC 28411 686- 9495(H) Board of Commissioners - October 20, 2014 ITEM: 18- 3 - 2 ADULT CARE HOME COMMUNITY ADVISORY COMMITTEE PAGE 2 Revised: 9/18/2014 Board of Commissioners - October 20, 2014 ITEM: 18- 3 - 3 TERM OF OFFICE CURRENT MEMBERS APPOINTMENT EXPIRATION L. Thomas Jennings Initial 11/21/05 11/30/06 415 Charlotte Avenue First 12/18/06 12/31/09 Carolina Beach, NC 28428 Second 12/7/09 12/31/12 458 -2584 (H) 619 -0762 (C) Third 9/16/13 9/30/16 Lorraine McEvoy Initial 8/14/06 8/31/07 121 Spartan Road First 8/13/07 8/31/10 Wilmington, NC 28405 Second 8/16/10 8/31/13 784 -9325 (H) Third 9/16/13 9/30/16 Sandra Oglesby Initial 12/18/06 12/31/07 1508 Rock Hill Road First 12/17/07 12/31/10 Castle Hayne, NC 28429 Second 12/20/10 12/31/13 675 -8040 (H) 452 -8200 (W) Third 3/24/14 3/31/17 Cecil W. Sutton Initial 9/15/14 9/30/15 2000 Trinity Avenue Wilmington, NC 28411 512 -7292 (H & C) 962 -2059 (W) COG Long Term Care Ombudsman: File: Adult /9.14 Patti Sacchetti, 1480 Harbour Drive, Wilmington, NC 28403 395 -4553 Revised: 9/18/2014 Board of Commissioners - October 20, 2014 ITEM: 18- 3 - 3 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS 230 Government Center Drive, Suite 175 Wilmington. NC 28403 COMMITTEE 'TEE DoE,PPLICA,TION Telephone (910) 798 -7149 FAX (910) 798 -7145 Boardl Committee: l ve o ver ,4t4 Y Cq k -( d o pm kM 4 m l 17a d v/'5 0 k- C OM /h Name: 1114A jpD -�,r _ E -Mail: __- T I P 7 `1 23 C_ c3 rKQ I I- C o K x Home -7 Address: ye Mailing Address if different: Home Phone: Fax, (C'ty) .6�0 9 (zip Code) (Zip Code) Cell:'?/ U =2 q 7 -1 T-7/ Business: Years living in I / New Hanover County: __7 Male: Female: Race;�(f��1 r� Age: (Information for the purpo >e of assuring a cross - section of the i;ommunity) Do you have a family member employed by New Hannover County? If dyes, name _A D9 Employer. - �Te✓MN� P/K A person currently employed by the agency or departm ant for which this apj*crition is made, must resi,ln his/her position ith New Hanover County upon appointment, in accordance wdh Article VI, Sec. 4: of the New Hanover County P rsonnel Policy Furthermo %e, applicant should have no immediate far, 'y member employed by such agency or department. Occupation: &Io b4' J e 1, t/ .er bee d ek � ✓ / M 0 cc d � �J- ' r 'TT Professional Activities: _ �l X , <12M. C-C r"_f!i ►?�_ Volunteer Activities: Why do you wish to serve on this boardlcommittee? iv /S 12ey,,CL y,-e _ C 0 l./.,kjjCAJ1 C>7 N-eRl ( o G{ilril T Jel'�y� W l� �r�n g1t±u s C,, 5 q[4 k9 Conflict of Interest: If aboard member elieves he — /sne has a contGct or potential conflict of interest 9(7 a particular ssue, that member should state this belief to the other members of his✓her respective board curing a public meeting. The memter should state the nature of the conflict, detailing that hersi a tias a separate, private, or monetarybacvr__' interest, either direct or indirect, in the issue under consiceratic. i. The memter should then e<cuse himself/herselr from ✓wing on the ria„Er. What areas of concern would you like to :,ee addressed by this committee -e'�^f- WL)k fd ! �C e � fyt SuV-t SuS lq,hq t bi�1�t1 �7 tLI.eo(v . up, C/ dC-ek ll okelI -eT�eC'flUC�i�SS. Qualifications for serving: am Acr A'_Cokif�cc W/A - 6�kf -eh 5 ;ye ek QYiCytC� iy1 Vh _iamq ipo fred-e / lik . �nG��l_ine'?hl /#p' YoC PSS.'S Ct'h4� c�rc�c {t7� ?•t 2xf Other municipal or county boards/commilees on which you are setvJng: List three local personal 1 eferen yes and l: hone numbers: 1. mto A l-e_ V 0 " �f7/ 1/ I -7 7 R E C E I V E 0 2. kf-0M 1 � _ ql U 7i/ r SEP 3 0.2014 3. Nevin Carr ,-1y3 - &2q- 69 �76 _. ANE aaEC Date: _ Z 5 _` Signature _ W Applications are kepl _ mn file for 18 m �nihs� 1 understand that an. y board or - ommittee a,ipomintee may be removed without cause by a rnaiority of County Corn nissioners. Please use reverse side for additional comme its Board of Commissioners - October 20, 2014 ITEM: 18- 3 - 4 Timothy Potter 7316 Orchard Trace • Wilmington, NC 28409.910- 297 -1571 Tjp7423 @gmail.com Summary A business adviser with in depth knowledge of finance and accounting, both academically and professionally. Familiar with international operations, including globalized workforces located in the United States, Europe, and Asia Pacific. Excellent problem solver that focuses on identifying and deploying best practices to ensure operational effectiveness. Experience International Business Machines Durham, NC Manager— Global lntemational Tax Accounting December 2013 to Present • Direct the operations of national /regional tax accounting shared services centers, providing instruction on technical International Assignee tax /policy matters and ensuring consistency in execution. • Execute daily management functionality over a global mobility team, including staff development initiatives such as performance appraisal and hands -on job coaching. • Communicate monthly results to the Executive Management team. • Advise on process enhancements and cost savings initiatives. Team Lead — Global International Tax Accounting August 2010 to December 2013 • Conducted on -site international effort to re- engineer processes and resolve aged account balances that posed significant financial and audit exposure to IBM. Included over fifteen international business trips. • Developed operational metrics and designed reporting that provide indicators /highlights of operational effectiveness. • Rapidly learned international cultures which allowed for the development of business plans and management styles that optimized performance. • Assumed responsibility of a worldwide business controls project which resulted in accelerated closure of over 300 risk items that had been open for greater than one year. Professional Accountant August 2007 to August 2010 • Directed and coordinated monthly and year end close activities of other accountants. • Applied Generally Accepted Accounting Principles with a focus on lease exit/restructuring reserves, joint ventures, sublease transactions, deferred income, income recognition, and accounts receivables. • Developed automated expense allocation tool resulting in $18 thousand annual savings and received Green Belt Six Sigma certification. • Transitioned to a new funding process for third party site management services which included developing the expense tracking and reporting methodology for monthly site expenditures. • Consolidated and presented monthly financial results to management, finance & operations team, and PWC. • Led accounting team ghat calculates annual tax credit for Research and Development division. McGladrey & Pullen Charlotte, NC Audit Intern January 2006 to April 2006 o Interviewed clients, analyzed business processes, and tested financial papers. Education University of North Carolina at Wilmington Wilmington, NC Cameron School of Business (AACSB Accredited) Masters of Science in Accountancy 2007 Bachelors of Science in Business Administration 2005 Concentration: Accountancy, Concentration GPA 3.9 Skills /Achievements IBM Six Sigma Green Belt Certified System experience in SAP, BRIO, Hyperion, D132 environment, SQL, and Microsoft Office Board of Commissioners - October 20, 2014 ITEM: 18- 3 - 5 10/02/2014 21:06 9107938611 FEDEX OFFICE 0870 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS 230 Government Center Drive, Suite 175 r� M) 798-0713 COMMITTEE APPLICATION FAX (910) 798 -7145 Board/Committee: Name: ' Home E Mar Address: (Shaft) (ckrr��`1L! L+d Mailing Address if diftrent, Home Phone: Fax: Years living in `�� f Business: _ New Hanover County: --� Male: x ' (lnlormat/on for the Female: Race: purpose of assurinq a atosa -oec bl the cor�murt b —/ DO you have a family nlemberammmu,&A j... _ ► n PAGE 02 yo �i Cell' �0C3/II,>LQ= -[.LIQ Professional Ac vitfes: Volunteer Actfvitie,.s, Why do you wish to same nn #j.r....__ —,_ Age: '7a mnnafers of h1s�lrCr R+R,Rnvas neisne has a CoMlq Or pott►Mkr/ conAlC vl blterdsl an ac''L `• irrHerBSt, tllher atrect or MalFbct, fhe ur10'er coftkWM0lx 7lhe member ow at then a mit Pk. h &Wkf der hwut, that member —&W stole this beat to-ow OM r oanEt. The member W &h d state n a nature k. conAkY, 11A901 rrg that hdshe has a aeparete prkva '^aWWY YMhat areas of concern would 1 �rCWi�0M Mg an the per. ' Or you like to see addressed by this committee ?�U ll J.,t1 wn� n_ 1 r... r Qualifications for servfirg: Oi0er municipal or county boards/committees on which you are sewing: i List three local personal references and phone numbers. -.r, i llk{�fi01/1�{- 14 OCT — 2 2Ui4 14 Ile N H C B 0 Dom' Q� Signature Appii 4va"n... k ept vn lilt for 1A fontha I understand that any board or oonrm a without cause b a ma point" may be removed Please use reverse sides for addtbnal comments y f°rih' o► County Co Cornmrsslonem. Board of Commissioners - October 20, 2014 ITEM: 18- 3 - 6