2014-10-02 Agenda ReviewNEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS BOOK 33 AGENDA REVIEW MEETING, OCTOBER 2, 2014 PAGE 151 ASSEMBLY The New Hanover County Board of Commissioners met for Agenda Review Meeting on Thursday, October 2, 2014, at 4:00 p.m. in the Harrell Conference Room at the New Hanover County Government Center, 230 Government Center Drive, Wilmington, North Carolina. Members present: Chairman Woody White; Vice-Chair Beth Dawson; Commissioner Jonathan Barfield, Jr.; and Commissioner Thomas Wolfe. Commissioner Brian Berger was absent. Staff present: County Manager Chris Coudriet; County Attorney Wanda M. Copley; and Interim Clerk to the Board Teresa P. Elmore. Chairman White called the Agenda Review meeting to order and announced that the purpose of the meeting is to review and discuss the Board’s agenda items for the October 6, 2014 Regular Meeting with discussion as noted: Regular Agenda Item 8 – Consideration of Construction Prequalification. County Manager Coudriet noted that a presentation will be given on the revised rules enacted by the legislators concerning prequalification of construction contracts. An amendment to the county ordinance is proposed. Regular Agenda Item 9 – Public Hearing: Special Use Permit Request (S-619, 5/14) by Inlet Watch Development Partners to Develop a Mixed-Use Development on Three Parcels Totaling 7 Acres Located at 7261 and 7275 Carolina Beach Road . Planning and Inspections Director Chris O’Keefe responded to questions in regards to neighborhood concerns of traffic congestion, sloughing of breakwater near the marina, impact on property values, and retaining exclusive ownership of the “Inlet Watch” name. Planning Board recommended two conditions: keep the adjacent property owners abreast of permitting and development progress and the name “Inlet Watch” may not be used in association with the development. Staff did not find any concerns with the proposed plan but suggested some viable mixed uses that would be more appropriate for the location and adjacent residences. Update on the Fire Consolidation Feasibility Study Fire Chief Donnie Hall gave a briefing on the Agency Evaluation Update and Consolidation Feasibility Study of New Hanover County Fire Rescue and the City of Wilmington Fire Department as follows:  In 2013, Commissioners directed staff to explore potential improvements and efficiencies of services:  Emergency Services Consulting International was hired to explore additional opportunities to improve service efficiencies.  Report Expectations:  Reviews current operations, staffing, personnel management systems, service delivery volumes, and conditions of apparatus and facilities  Recommends potential initiatives of merging, consolidation, and functional operations  Provides a model to guide both agencies through implementing the recommendations  Time Line/Next Steps:  Preliminary Report available next week  Staff members to provide surveys on consultant’s report  Public meetings to provide feedback from citizens on the report – October 29  Presentation to the Commissioners on November 17:  Wilmington City Council on November 18  Final presentation to a joint meeting of the Boards in early 2015:  Boards to give direction on proceeding with recommendations ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, Chairman White adjourned the meeting at 4:18 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Teresa P. Elmore Interim Clerk to the Board