HomeMy WebLinkAboutFebruary 27 2014 Board Meeting/  Department Of Emergency Management and 911 Communications 230 Government Center Drive, Suite 115 Wilmington, North Carolina 28403 Telephone (910) 798-6920 Fax (910) 798-6925 wlee@nhcgov.com  Warren Lee Director    Memorandum To: Public Safety Communications Center Policy Board Members  From: Warren Lee, Director  Subject: February 27, 2014 Board Summary  Date: April 3, 2014   A Public Safety Communications Center Policy Board meeting was held on Thursday February 27, 2014 at 10:00 AM in the Emergency Operation Center, 220 Government Center Drive, Wilmington, North Carolina. MEMBERS PRESENT: MEMBERS ABSENT: Jerry Brewer Mike Core Warren Lee Frank Blackley Tim Burgess Tim Corbett Matt Davis Darrell Lanier Cynthia Deacon Steven Still Matt Holland Zach Augustine Sharon Braxton Guests Debora Cottle, Emergency Management & 911 Andy Whitley, Emergency Management & 911 Mike Cavaluzzi, Wireless Communications Jason Adams, Wireless Communications Chris Graham, City of Wilmington Acting Chairman Brewer called the meeting to order at 10:06 a.m. Chairman Brewer asked if everyone had a chance to review the minutes from December 5, 2013 meeting and if there were any questions, comments, changes or corrections. There were none. Chairman Brewer asked if there was a motion to approve the minutes. Matt Davis made a motion and Cynthia Deacon seconded. All in favor; none opposed. Motion passed. OLD BUSINESS: AVL Chairman Brewer asked Darrell Lanier if there was an update on AVL; Darrell stated they were still testing AVL; it has not been fully implemented. Chairman Brewer asked if Fire already had AVL; Matt Davis said they did as well as EMS. Rebanding Chairman Brewer asked Jason Adams for an update on rebanding. Jason said next up for rebanding is the Sheriff’s Office, WAVE, GE, Public Works Department and Carolina Beach. Chairman Brewer asked Jason how they would work the encrypted channels with the beaches once they are completed; will they have to go back and retouch the radios that are not encrypted. Jason stated that was entirely up to those agencies. Encryption was requested on some of the channels after rebanding so those agencies wanting the encrypted channels will have request and pay the fees associated to reconfigure the radios to have access. Chairman Brewer said that someone with State Ports had asked and he didn’t know what to tell them. Darrell Lanier said he had several people ask him and he informed them that if they had requested access before there should not be a problem getting them added to their radios. Chris Graham said there were some issues with the AVL; City of Wilmington Fire is experiencing issues with Windows 7 and USB modem. They are working with OSSI to see if it is a Windows issue or OSSI or Verizon. Chris stated he was going to call it a Windows issue because they have not found a port blocker that fits Windows 7; they currently have one for XP but not Windows 7. Zach Augustine stated they had done some troubleshooting with those issues and came up with a solution; if Chris will get with him they can discuss it. NEW BUSINESS Chairman Brewer asked if anyone had items for new business. No one had anything else for new business. Matt Davis did want to take a moment to commend Debora Cottle and her staff for the excellent job they did during the ice storm. There were some Fire folks assisting when they were in the center. While Matt was in the center it seemed to be controlled chaos. Debora said that all the agencies worked really well together. OTHER ITEMS AND REPORTS 9-1-1 Center Chairman Brewer asked for an update on 911. Debora stated the new class started; 7 are in training and two had previous experience so they hit the floor already. Chris Graham asked if Wilmington Fire could get a timestamp added when they arrive at the patient’s side. Right now they have the capability to have an arrive stamp but they want to add a stamp of arrival at the patient’s side. Debora says that yes it can be done if they will verbally tell the telecommunicator they are at the patient’s side. Andy Whitley stated that is a Change Management issue to be requested in the next meeting. Andy also wanted to know if that was going to be a searchable feature. Change Management would be the forum to request the feature since it also requires policy/procedure changes in the 911 Center. Matt Davis also said there were multiple agencies that would utilize the information and Change Management would be the correct route to pursue the requested changes. IT Chairman Brewer asked Zach Augustine if he had any updates from IT. Zach stated they were doing some minor updates in RMS/JMS today to fix reporting issues. They are also working on a project plan of replacement for the message switch server and should be set up within the next month or two. They have also received confirmation of the 911 funds for the server purchases of the One Solution upgrade that they will be working on a project plan for as well. Change Management Chairman Brewer asked if there were any updates for Change Management and Andy Whitley stated the group will meet in mid-March. If anyone is interested in attending please let him know. He does send out invites to previous participants but anyone that would like to be included let him know so that he can add you to the list of attendees. Chairman Brewer asked if there were any other items for discussion. No one had anything. Chairman Brewer adjourned at 10:19 a.m.