FY14 Museum Grassroot Science amended budgetA Before it will be possible to finalize this award and make any disbursement, you are required to provide to the Department of Commerce Fiscal Management Division a detailed description and timeline for how the organization will spend the amount of funding allocated for the specific purpose as stated in the grant contract as follows: Below are general expenditure descriptions that can serve as a guide for preparing the organization's annual budget. Please add or delete expenditure captions for clarity if needed. The Annual Budget must be signed by the Board Chairman and the Board Treasurer or Other Authorizing Official. The Following Annual Budget is for the time period beginning 711113 and ending (6130/14). EXPENDITURE DESCRIPTION PERSONAL SERVICES $80,268 Salaries & Wages $ Fringe Benefits $ Other Personal Services $ PURCHASED SERVICES Travel $ Communications /Data Processing $ Postage/Freight/Deliveries $ Printing /Advertising $ Repairs/Maintenance/Utilities $ Contracted Services $ Other Services $1,130 SUPPLIES & MATERIALS General Administrative Supplies $3,850 Other Administrative Expenses $ FIXED CHARGES & EXPENSES Rent/Leases Insurance /Bonding Other Fixed Charges /Expenses CAPITAL OUTLAY Office Equipment Office Furniture $ Building /Other Structures /Improvements $ Land Motor Vehicles $ Other Capital Outlay $ GRANTS Grants to Other Enfities (Sub - Awards) $ DEBT SERVICE Principal Payments $. Interest Payments $ OTHER EXPENDITURES Other Expenditures $ TOTAL BUDGETED EXPENDITURES $85,248 AMOUNT With regard to the information contained herein, I certify that the annual budget has been approved by the Grantee's governing board and that any future budget adjustments will be approved by the Board and provided in writing to the Fiscal Management Division of the North Carolina Department of Commerce. Board Chai (name) Woodv White Board of Commissioners Chairman Signature Date 0 to so Board Treasurer r Other Authorizing Official (name) Timothy C. Burgess Signature � eeA_::? Date /,13,1_2."/X Cape Fear Museum of History and Science GSMC Budget 2013 1 & 2 Quarter FY14 Budget Salary & Wages $ 75,000 $ 0,00 Travel & Training Postage /freight �$ 0.00 Printing/advertising $ 4,00 Contracted services $ 3,236 Other services $ 1,112 General admin supplies $ 5,900 3,557.31 $85.2491 1 & 2 Quarter 3 & 4 Quarter 42,797.61 37,470.05 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,130.00 293.02 3,557.31 43,090.63 42,157.37 4< I Salaries and Wa,. es: Total salaries, wages, and benefits paid for two NCGRSMC funded positions for the third and fourth quarters. Due to decreasing NCGRSMC funding, the Museum has eliminated the Programs Assistant position and changed one full -time position to a part -time position. This has greatly impacted the ability of Museum Educators to develop new inquiry- based, curriculum- linked STEMprogramming. Despite these setbacks, concentrating funding in Educator positions rather than support positions has meant a continuance of high quality existing STEMfaeld trips and programs. Each of the two positions focuses on field trips and outreach programming to K -12 students, preschool, and adult audiences with the vast majority ofprogramming devoted to STEM subjects. Both have extensive experience in teaching STEM topics to a wide range of audiences. Expenditures Funds support the tools and equipment that make science education hands -on and relevant as well as the replacement of supplies used in programs. Supplies purchased in the third and fourth quarter were primarily in support of STEM related Summer Shorts programs, including the "Magnet Mania " program which examines the principles of magnetism for summer camps and day cares. Additional materials were purchased for STEM events like the Statewide Star Party, value added weekend family programs, and science field trips replacement supplies for programs related to STEM subjects. ® Dues & Subscriptions supports membership in the Association of Science & Technology Centers (ASTC) and science education publications. Membership in the Association of Science & Technology Centers (ASTC) was renewed in the third quarter. 3rd /4th Quarter Accomplishments: After successfully funding the field trip program Forces and Motion for all New Hanover County first grade students in 2012 -13 through a partnership with Wells Fargo and the Eshelman Foundation, in spring 2014 the Eshelman Foundation doubled its funding to ensure the entire first grade for the County participated in this hands -on, play -based field trip on Newton's Laws of Motion and push and pull forces. This program has been so successful that New Hanover County Schools agreed in the fourth quarter to fund the program for the 2014 -15 school year. Over 1,500 students were reached through this program in the third and fourth quarters. Cape Fear Museum of History and Science 3 T & 0 Quarter NC Grassroots Science Program Reports Hewett, From: Johnson, Monique M. < Monique.Johnson @nccommerce.com> Sent: Thursday, October 09, 201411:00 AM To: Danley, Lynda Cc: Hewett, Teresa; Hobby, Shannon H Subject: Amended FY 2013 -14 Approved Budget Importance: High Good Morning Lynda/Teresa, During my review of our FY 2013 -14 internal file for your organization, I realized that your organization's final FYE 6130114 Semi - Annual Quarterly Report doesn't correlate with the original FY 2013 -14 Approved Budget your organization submitted to our office. Consequently, our office is requesting your organization submit an Amended FY 2013 -14 Approved Budget that correlates with the final FYE 6130114 Semi - Annual Quarterly Report submitted. if you have any questions /concerns, please feel to contact rne. Thanks in advance for your prompt attention to this matter! MJ MDVU0(V -e M j0hK6Ow Internal Auditor NC Department of Commerce Fiscal Management 301 N. Wilmington Street 4302 MSC Raleigh, NC 27699 -4302 0 (919) 715 -6978 Fax: (919) 733 -8802 0 Email: monigue.iohnsono- nceommerce.com E-ma# correspondence to and from this address is subject to the North Carolina Pubic Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. rt „ ,v , 1 .` b , Lam. To: thewett a0phcgov.com Rcmove this sender from my allow list From: monioue. iohnson0mccommerce.com You received this message because the sender is on your allow list. GI rant Document Routing .o Start date: 10/29/2014 From: Teresa Hewett, Finance Department (7408) Signatures required: VTim Burgess, Assistant County Manager Chairman Woody White Return to Teresa Hewett, Finance Department (7408) Type(s) of document(s) attached: FYI modified Museum Grassroots Science Grant budget Explanation of document(s): The NC Department of Commerce has requested the Museum submit a revised FY14 Annual Budget for the Grassroots Science grant. I have attached a copy of the original grant budget, along with the year -to -date actual expenditures so you can see the changes made. Also, attached is a copy of the email from the NC Department of Commerce. Please let me know if you have any questions. Thank you, Teresa __.. ------- ---- -------- - - --------- r fi'riunce d epw -tment ------ DATE ADDED TO LASP•RFICHE PICKED UP BY: Print Name & Date Signature