NCDOT COVIL FARM PED BIKE PATHS SUPPLEMENTALNORTH -• 4* -• ■_ TRANSPORTATION DATE: 8/21/2014 TIP #: EB -5543 AND WBS ELEMENTS: PE 45846.1.1 ROW 45846.2.1 CON 45846.3.1 FEDERAL AID #: STPEB- 1403(14) CFDA #: 20.205 TOTAL SUPPLEMENTAL FUNDS (NCDOT PARTICIPATION] $0 THIS AGREEMENT is made and entered into on the last date executed below, by and between the North Carolina Department of Transportation, an agency of the State of North Carolina, hereinafter referred to as the "Department ", and the County of New Hanover, hereinafter referred to as the "County." WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, the Department and the County on 11/14/2012, entered into a certain Project Agreement for the original scope: on -road bicycle lanes on Covil Farm Road and Red Cedar Road, and an off- road multi -use path along Middle Sound Loop Road from end of the SRTS Project. This Project will link with the already constructed Cross City Trail., programmed under Project EB -5543; and, WHEREAS, the parties wish to extend the completion date of the Project; and NOW THEREFORE, the parties wish to supplement the aforementioned Agreement whereby the following provisions are amended: TIME FRAME The County shall complete the Project by 5/31/15. Agreement ID # 5202 1 TITLE VI The County shall comply with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (Title 49 CFR, Subtitle A, Part 21). Title VI prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, color, national origin, disability, gender, and age in all programs and activities of any recipient of Federal assistance. E- VERIFY COMPLIANCE Each of the parties covenants that if it enters into any subcontracts in order to perform any of its obligations under this contract, it shall require that the contractors and their subcontractors comply with the requirements of NC Gen. Stat. Article 2 of Chapter 64. In this E- Verify Compliance section, the words contractors, subcontractors, and comply shall have the meanings intended by N.C. Gen. Stat. § 160A -20.1. Except as hereinabove provided, the Agreement heretofore executed by the North Carolina Department of Transportation and New Hanover County on 1111412012, is ratified and affirmed as therein provided. Agreement ID # 5202 2 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this Agreement has been executed, in duplicate, the day and year heretofore set out, on the part of the Department and the County by authority duly given. L.S. ATTEST: TITLE: , fo`[ 444 DATE: Yte j ,01 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BY: ' TITLE: DATE. % /1d NCGS 133 -32 and Executive Order 24 prohibit the offer to, or acceptance by, any State Employee of any gift from anyone with a contract with the State, or from any person seeking to do business with the State. By execution of any response in this procurement, you attest, for your entire organization and its employees or agents, that you are not aware that any such gift has been offered, accepted, or promised by any employees of your organization. This instrument has been pre - audited in the manner required by the Local Government Budget and Fis I Control Act. (FINANCE OFFICER) Federal Tax Identification Number �~ \ Remittance Address: New Hanover County DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION BY: (CHIEF ENGINEER) DATE: APPROVED BY BOARD OF TRANSPORTATION IT O: Agreement ID # 5202 3 (Date)