Edgewater Trace_preliminary_agency_commentsSam, Engineering Comments Water and Sewer are not immediately available for this site . No fences, trees or vertical obstructions on drainage or utility easements . Thanks, Jim James P. fannucci, PE, CFM Chief Project Engineer New Hanover County Engineering Department (91 p) 798-7139 www.nhcgov.com NOTICE.• L-Mai! correspondence to and from this address maybe subject to the North Carolina Public Records Lavt! Sam Burgess/NHC To Tom Sosebee/NHC 09/26/2046 49:35 AM cc bcc Subject Re: Edgewater Trace Tom, Don't know. Cheek with Gary or David in County Engineering. Sam S.A. Burgess Principal Development Planner New Hanover County Planning Department 230 Marketplace Drive, Suite 150 Wilmington, NC 28403 Phone: (910) 798-7441 Fax: (910) 798-7053 Tam SosebeelNHC Tom SosebeelNHC 09/26/2006 48:28 AM To Sam Burgess/NHC@NHC cc Subject Edgewater Trace Sam, Hydrant locations are OK. Cul-de-sac, OK. i understand water is from the other project, Waterstone, what time line are we working for this water???? Tom L)R. L). JOMLJ MORRIS, JR. Superintendent MICHAEL. WAYNE Executive Director Transporfa lion o cou SCH®®LS 10'tEM®RAI~DYJM May 26, 2005 To: Sam BurgesslBaird Stewart County Planning From: Miclc Wayne ~ Subject: Edgewater Trace Current district lines for Edgewater at Porter's Neck are Blair and Eaton Elementary, Noble Middle, and Laney High schools. Thank you far the opportunity to provide input on behalf of New Hanover County Schools. 2$14 CAROLINA BEACH PiOAD • VIIILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA 28412 • PHOnIe (910) 254-4080 • FAx (9 i 0) 254-4388 David Hollis 05/27/2005 02:00 PM Jim Craig 05/27/2005 01:05 PM David To: Sam BurgesslNHC@NHC cc: Subject: Re: Edgewater Trace -Preliminary Plan (Conventional) - Sl]# 1018 To: David HoIli51NHC@NHC cc: Subject: Re: Edgewater Trace -Preliminary Plan (Conventional) - SD# 1018[;] Active water and sewer are not available until adjacent tract develops to the west.... suggest developer discuss cost with adjoiner Jim David Mullis David Hollis Ta: Sam BurgesslNHC@NHC 05/27/2005 10:29 AM cc: Jim CraigINHC@NHC Subject: Edgewater Trace -Preliminary Plan (Conventional) - SD# 1018 For: Edgewater Trace -Preliminary Pian (Conventional) - SD# 10'18 Engineering Comments: ATC required. Common Area to be Drainage Easement also. 10 ft. utility easement along Edgewater Club Road. All new permits will be required (Water, Sewer, etc.) Water & Sewer are available to the site. David A. Hollis, P.E. Chief Project Engineer New Hanover County Engineering 230 Marketplace Drive -Suite 160 Wilmington, NC 28403 910-798-7142 (Offce) 910-798-7051 (Fax} 910-512-5077 (Mobile} David Hollis To: Sam BurgesslNHC@NHC 05/27/2005 10:29 AM cc: Jim CraiglNHC@NHC Subject: >~dgewater Trace -Preliminary Plan (Conventional) - SQ# 9018 For: Edgewa#er Trace -Preliminary Plan (Conventional) - SD# 1018 Engineering Commenfs: ATC required. Common Area to be Drainage Easement also. 10 ft. utility easemen# along Edgewater Club Road. All new permits will be required {Water, Sewer, etc.) Water & Sewer are available to the site. David A. Hollis, P.E. Chief Project Engineer New Hanover County Engineering 2317 Marketplace Drive -Suite 160 Wilmington, NC 28403 910-798-7142 (Office) 910-798-7051 (Fax) 910-512-5077 {Mobile) David Hollis To: Sam BurgesslNHC@NHC 05/26/2005 04:32 PM cc: Jim CraigINHC@NHC Subject: 1233 Edgewater Club Road -Minor - SD# 1199 For: 1233 Edgewater Club Road -Minor - SD# 1199 Engineering Commenfs: Sewer Cost Nate required. 10 ft. Utility Easement required along Edgewater Club Road. 30 ft. Utility 1 Access Easement can end at Lot A property fine. ATC required and granted per exemption. No additional impervious allowed. David A. Hollis, P.E. Chief Project Engineer New Hanover County Engineering 230 Marketplace Drive W Suite 160 Wilmington, NC 28403 910-798-7142 (Offce} 910-798-7051 (Fax} 910-512-5077 (Mobile} ~t/~,,,,: ~.,j Matthew Davis ~, .`T'~~ 05/261200509:49AM Ok, Is it County water?? To: Sam Burgess/NHC@NHC cc: Subject: Re: Edgewater Trace I feel like this should be a public road.. Matt Davis New Hanover County Fire Marshal 230 Market Place Dr. Suite 130 Wilmington, NC 28403 Phone 910-798-7419 Fax 910-798-7052 Sam Burgess Sam Burgess 05/26/2005 09:45 AM To: Matthew L)avislNHC@NHC cc: Subject: Re: Edgewater Trace Please clarify comments. Thanks Matthew Davis ~ f~::-,' Matthew Davis ~~~~""""-• 05/26/2005 09:16 AM To: Sam i3urgesslNHC@NHC cc: David HollislNHC@NHC, Jim Craig/NHC@NHC Subject: Edgewater Trace All, County Water?? Dnsure about private road status Matt Davis New Hanover County Fire Marshal 230 Market Place Dr. Sui#e 130 Wilmington, NC 28403 Phone 910-798-7419 Fax 910-798-7052 "Frye, Jennifer S SAW" To: "'Sburgess 1(E-maill}" <sburgess@nhcgov.com~ ~?~" <Jennifer.S.Frye@saw cc: 02.usace.army,mil~ Subject: Edgewater Trace 05/26/2005 10:09 AM Sam, The only file that I can fwnd on this one is a letter that was sent August 28, 2000 (by Scott McLendon} to Mr. Tom Bowen, in response to Scott's review of the preliminary plat sent from your office. Action ID 20000I6I7. So, it would appear that they need verification of the wetland Iine. In addition, if the wetland Iine is accurate, DA authorization is going to be necessary for that road crossing. Thanks -hope everything is well with you. Jennifer Mike»lCozlosky CPwi l m in ° ~ J ". gtonnago~ 05/31/2005 09:15 AM Sam, To: sburgess~nhcgov.com cc: Subject: Edgewater Trace Subdivision I have revied the Preliminary Plan for the Edgewater Trace Subdivision. Below please find the comments: Indicate if proposed Edgewater Trace is private or public Provide the dimensions of the proposed island in the Edgewater Trace Staft' would recommend providing the connection to Oyster Point Drive. However Qyster Point Drive is a private road, therefore this connection probably can nat be constructed. Please align Edgewater Trace wish Grenezay Road. Mike Kozlosky Sr. Transportation Planner City of Wilmington/ Wilmington MPO {910)342-2781 http://www.wmpo.org P,O, Box 1525 WI~'ningtan, NC 284U2.1525 PhCno: 9i 0-341.4300 Fax: s~fl.341-42~ Fa~c 7'a~: Ssrrt Burgess preae~a: Warren ~.~ ~ 798-7053 19~t®e May 3't, ~OOa Phbtle3 ~~$~~ ~~: ~dgawaterTr~ce t~ men, I nev;<owed tho pr~lisaalaoary srtm playa ~cr Esl~ewater '4'a~ce satid have ras la3seaaa~ with It other ;11al0 ~e shert tsarnirng t^edlus on $~ tcal da: 'saa Than9ca. warren JUI~-01-05 WED 09 ~ 28 Rt1 911 GE~iTE~ T®: N~~H~4M®VERC®I„il~~"y®FFBCE~~ ~ Zoning Enforcement / Hines. C~ Engineering / Hollis /Craig C~ SCS /Miller L~ Emergency Services /Lee L~ Fire Marshall f Davis ~ E9~~ / l~lewlett [~ Environmental Mealth / Harvell T~: OUTS1t3EA~ENC9ES: ~ Bell South ~/ Wood / Winstead ~ Corps of Engineers / Frye E7 NC coastal Managemen# ! Rcsich ~ C©unty Schools / Wayne Cl NCDOT /Law ~! Environmental Management / Lewis ~ Volunteer Fire Depar#ment l=-7 CP&L / Cabo ~ MPO / Kvzlosky ~ City of Vlfilmingtan 1 Banser !Davis FAQ CIO, 910 341 9038 P, 01 .- Y- ~~-.~,~ ~! Preliminary Plan onventianal Performance, HD) F>tZCI~: ~ Burgess, S, O Stewart, B, ®~~~: ~ r ~ 2f3L i a Revised Plan C~ Final Plat MESS~C~E. (~ Minor Plat Project Name: ~c~ry~..a-.a~~~,~ea. ~.T~~?.,~',~~ f~li~' f ~ Gs,,.~ Special Instructions:'' ~ Ti]e Planning ge~artmsnt is Lac~t~d of 230 Mat'kPt FJarr~ i'lrwa G<<s-a ern Ur:~...i~~.__ .t., .....,... 4 ~ ~ f, I PRO.IECT NAME: EDGEWATER TRACE DATE: TUNE 2, 2005 REVIEWED BY:_ANTHONY LAW APPL ICATION REQUIREMENTS Any person or corporation desiring to construct a new subdivision road which is to be dedicated as public, must submit the following information to the District Engineer for proper evaluation in order to obtain a certificate of approval as required by North Carolina General Stature I36.102.6. (See page 29 for Stature). If the new subdivision road {to be dedicated as public or private) willconnect to a state system road, a driveway permitlencroachment agreement authorizing construction on State righ~o£ way must be obtained from the Division of Highways before beginning any construction. Application should be made to the District Engineer having jurisdiction in the area. I . Four complete site layouts with vicinity map, including any future expansions anticipated. 2. Horizontal alignment indicating general curve data on site layout plan. 3. Vertical alignment indicated by percent grade, P.I. station, vertical curve length, and k value, on site layout plan. Existing ground profile along centerline should also be included. 4. Typical section indicating the pavement design and width of pavement. All slopes shown in accordance with drawings on pages 39 and 40 of this manual. Include soil analysis and classification to justify pavement design or use Group II pavement design on page 23. 5. Submission of hydraulics plans and drainage calculations are required. A copy of U.S. Geodetic Survey yr other contour mappings showing drainage areas are also required. {Note: A sample standard pipe-sizing chart is shown on page 38). 6. Four copies of the recor,~„ dedd~lat are to be furnished to the District Engineer after certification or upon application for State Maintenance. 7. Lot lines shall not extend beyond the right-of-way line. See North Carolina Transportation and Highway Laws, chapter I36, article 7, section 136.102.6 for additional information on righ~of--way width and Iot lines. {See page 29 for statute). 8. Four separate site plans far driveway permits will be required prior to construction within NCDOT Right-of--Way. (See pages 36 and 37 for permit). 9. Copy of erosion control plans and permit, approved by Department of Environment and Natural Resources or local government, may be required by the District Engineer. See page 35. 10. Utility encroachment a regiments re wired. {Fora regiment forms, lease contact District En ineer). Additional Comments: ROADS ARE INDICATED TO BE PLANNED AS PRIVATE THEREFORE PRELIMINARY PLAN APPROVAL FROM NCDOT WILL NDT BE RE UIRED. SUBMIT A NCDDT DRIVEWAY PERMIT APPLICATION WITH PLANS IN ACCORDANCE WITH PAGES 14 AND I5 OF THE NCDOT DRIVEWAY MANUAL TO INCLUDE DRIVEWAY LOCATIONS WITHIN 500' OF THE PROPOSED ACCESS ON BOTH SIDES OF EDGEWATER CLUB ROAD ALIGN ENTRANCE WITH GRENEZAY ROAD. ROADWAY IMPROVEMENTS MAY BE RE UIRED ALONG EDGEWATER ROAD. Ref NeDOT's Subdivision Roads Minimum Construction Standards dated January 2000 page ! 0-I 1. ~ ~ ~jE, ~., ~ >,. ~=f~w~ ~.., ._. ~. . ~r~.a c~`- ., ....,n .., .e- ~;,-...-.~ ~. -a.m..-. u. - ~~C~ ~E ''-~~- c _ !j't iJ h ~ (`~"'`~'"~ ~ pa,yz~~ .. °~9~ro v~>~ ~~ $'sG~-ate {'jy{ r'c>...:....-...Y~ t,"'~. ?'7.T ~h . ' _ (~, ~^, k "° _. ~~~ sQe ~a ro. .~d, ~`-. a .~ ,.~ ,- ,~ ~z ,~, _ _ °~~ ~ t; " -.. r ~ ~">a-r^~ ~: ^. Pmt ~,-n~aq~.A r.~2 0 .,^~- ~l ~n ^r-o~o^n ~,^~-sr ~E' ~ ~,..-, v^., -~.~ ~ 4 .,gym,.. ~ t ¢ ~:. @ ,~, t S 'S'_Cn ,~~'¢1 .^'J +7 a. .. d ~.1,J wi .. i^':"n fi: .:'Jl - ~.~J°-i ~ e. ~.,} Y!'. a.. 5 Z ~: q J C. ~i S'".~ ~ T'' ~ ' ~ r1^.~ll~ iT" ~-`~ ^~. Y "' 3 T' 4 ~... ',. {{ >~ ~ ° _ ~~ '~. e "°• "", h' " ° ,-,.ei ~ ~,.,, "mil - ~,°~ 'f'0"g ~ 'e' ` ~'~ .. . - r _ G "~ ~ 1 +. ~.. b„ .. i, ~; ,~., z ~~;4 ~ ~ ,~} :.-, -^_-, .> ~4 '-:eau.. ,~Y ~•-,-; ~ :y.'. ~~,:~-7 ~.~-s.~,..,~:_:~ a -d-f '-:...4. ^>-~ d i' ~ ~:> -. .* car,-+ ~7: -. ~ '^` _ ~ c~ .~, c~ a _ 'n, ..r.~ .~ a