Edgewater Trace_DOT_preliminary_plan_approval~', ,,,_ ~~~~ '~ -~.. ao.x.v.r STATE of NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION MICHAEL F. EASLEY DIVi510N QFHIGHWAYS LYNDO TIFPETT V VvERNOR SECRETARY November 24, 2008 DdS~'RIC'T: 03 C'®UNT~': Neev Harxover Tripp Engineering, P.C. 419 Chestnut Street Wilmingtan, NC 28401 Attn: Phillip Tripp, P.E. Subject: Preliminary Plan Approval -Edgewater Trace Subdivision New Hanover County Dear Mr. Tripp; This office has completed its review of the subject plans for compliance with current Department of Transportation minimum subdivisian construction standards and advises that they are hereby approved with required revisions indicated in RED on the plans. ltenxs crossed out in RED are not a part of dais approval. This approval is for Edgewater Trace Subdivision roads only indicated on the attached plan. This does not constitute approval for the driveway access point. A driveway permit is to be submitted and approved prior to any construction. Once the plat is recorded, four copies must be submitted to this office. It is the responsibility of the owner/developer to provide verification certifying that the subdivision was constructed in accordance with the approved preliminary plan. A certified report signed and sealed by a NG professiana.l engineer is required {see attached form). If testing results satisfy requirements, a letter of approval, "Basic Letter"; will be issued; if not, requirements for compliance will be given. In accordance with General Statute 136-102.2, the North Carolina. Department of Transportation does snot add roads to its system unless certain requirements are met. An explanation of these requirements can be found an pages i 3,14 and 15 of the current (Jan. 2000) NCDOT Subdivision Roads Manual. Particular attention: should be placed on items 2 (petition for addition), 4 {requirement for encroachment agreements), b and 7 (occupied housing requirement), l I, 12 and 13. Please be aware that only North Carolina Department of Transportation approved materials are to be used an public rights-of- way. Since this is the ultimate responsibility of the ovvnerldeveloper, we are placing the responsibility an you to assure that they are provided a copy of this letter and the above-referenced documents such that they may be fully informed. Wilmington District Engineer's Office 300 Division Drive, Wilmingtoq NC 28401 Telephone (910} 251-2655; Fax (910) 251-2759 Standard Rectairements: • All work and materials shall be in accordance with the current edition of the following: the Subdivision Roads Manual, the NCDOT Standard S ecifications for Roads and Structures the NCDOT Roadwa Standard Drawin s, and the Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD}. • The Developer shall be responsible for all traffic control :measures. This includes, but is not limited to, the placement of stop signs at all intersections. All traflac control measures shall meet the standards outlined in the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD) published by the Federal Highway Administration, North Carolina Department of Transportation Supplement to the MUTCD and the current edition of the North Carolina Department of Transportation Roadway Standard Drawings. Inquiries regarding traffic control measures maybe directed to Mr. Dan Cumbo, Division TrafTic Engineer, at 910-251-2754. Please note that these streets will not be added to the State System without the proper traffic control measures being installed. ® The use of double walled corrugated polyethylene pipe will be accepted only if installed with a minimum cover of 12 inches cover for paved drives and 18 inches cover for unpaved drives. The approval is lirztited to the use of pipe which meets AASHTO M 29a TYPE "S" specifications. Under no circumstances will the single walled (Type "C") pipe be allowed for driveways or storm drainage applications. No ridged type structures or any obstructions {including, but not limited to brick mailboxes or headwalls, etc.) shall be permzttod on the Right of Way. Refer to page 34 of the Subdivision Roads Minimum Construction Standards for further explanations. Slope and Drainage requirements for driveway pipe installations {see attached) • A1I maintenance of the drainage easements beyond the dedicated right of way piped or open ditch shall be the responsibility of the developer(s) and/or the property owners Wheelchair Ramps and/or wheelchair ramp curb cuts shall be constructed per NCDOT standards • Ail asphalt shall meet the requirements of the "Quality Management System for Asphalt Pavements, Maintenance Version" (available upon request) • Documentation which must be provided to NCDOT by developer shall include the following: ® Standard in-place soil compaction test results at 1000 LF intervals with a minimuzrr 1 test per road • Standard in-place aggregate base course compaction test results at 1000 LF intervals with a minimum 1 test per road • Completion of QMS forms (QMS-MV 1 and QMS-MV2) are required (see attached} ® Asphalt pavement density testing results per Form QMS-MV2 • PE Certification Form • Public Utilities Encroachment shall require an encroachment agreement between the utility Company and the Department of Transportation prior to addition to the state system. Wilmington District Engineer's Oi3ice 300 Division Dnive, Wilmington, NC 28401 Telephone (910} 251-2655; Fax (910} 25i-2759 ® Any revisions to the approved plans must be submitted to this office for approval prior to Construction. Also, plans for subdivision markers must be reviewed by ties office prior to Installation. Failure to do so may require the removal of the subdivision markers. This preliminary plan approval does not c©nstitnte acceptance of this subdivision onto the state road system. Upon receiving a petition for addition, an inspection wilt be scheduled, At that time, we will evaluate the maintenance condition of the subdivision, including drainage, and submit to you in writing approval or any deficiencies that must be addressed. If 1 can be of any further assistance, you may reach me at {910) 251-2655. Sincerel , (/~'" Anthony W. La District Engineer AWL/dbl cc: Terry Taylor, New Hanover Comity Maintenance Engineer New Hanover County Planning DeparOnent Wilmington District Engineer's Office 300 Division Drive, Wilmington, NC 28401 Telephone (410) 251-2655; Fax (910) 251-2759