Edgewater Trace_Ph1_driveway_permitd~~~4 y.r ~~ ~`~ a.w ~~ STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION MICHAEL F. EASLEY GOVERNOR July 22, 20Q8 David Greer Construction, Tnc. PO Box 15813 Wilmington, NC 28408 LYNDO TIPPETT SECRETARY Subject: NH 4928 on SR 1402 Edgewater Trace Driveway Access approval for Phase 1 Dear Sir: Your application for the subject driveway access has been approved. Attached is your copy of the approved permit subject to the attached conditions. • The proposed swale within the Edgewater Club Road right-of--way is to have 3:1 side slopes for its entirety. A 6' shoulder is also required to 6e provided for the entirety of the swale. Utilities in conflict with the proposed swale will be required to be relocated at the expense of the applicant. • This driveway permit approval is for Phase 1 only of this development. This approval is to allow the developer to construct and occupy three(3) single family dwelling units. At such time the developer plans to exceed the units in Phase 1 a revised driveway permit will be required. • The Department is in receipt of a check in the amount of $3,835.40 which is the required Phase 1 contribution for the planned roadway improvements to be constructed at the intersection of Edgewater Club Road and Porters Neck Road. • A total contribution to the aforementioned roadway improvements in the amount of $23,000.00 is - required to be submitted prior to approval of a full build out driveway permit for this development. Please refer to the permit number NH-4928 in all future inquiries. Please contact Jeff Garrett, TT-Tl, at (910) 341-0500 before beginning work. Sincerely, !~ Anthony . L District Engineer Attachments cc: Jerry Taylor New Hanover County Maintenance Engineer New Hanover County Planning 300 Division Drive, Wilmington, NC 28401 (910} 2S 1-2655 F"' '~•S ~ 1 f ' ~ 1~~ ;~f~~f APPLICATION IDENTIFICATION rmit No. J11N~ ~./~~~ Application New Hanover ent Name: Edgewater Trace S R 1402 LOCATION OF N.C. DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION STREET AND ©RIVEWAY ACCESS PER~IIIT APPL[CATION ERTY: ~l.N. [NA1~T Exact Distance 600 ^ Miles N S E W R~i~~~~~d ® Feet ^ ® ^ ^ From the Intersection of Route No. SR 9402 and Route Na. SR 1455 Toward SR 1895 WIII Be USed For: ®Residential /Subdivision ^ Commercial ^ Educatipnal i=aeilities ^ 7'Nb ^ Emergency Services ^ Qther r~ ~ ei ~ U is ®is not within Wilmin ton City Zoning Area. AGREEMENT • I, tike undersigned property owner, request access and permission to construct driveway(s) or street{s) on public nigh#- of-way at the above location. • I agree to construct and maintain driveway(s) or street entrance{s} in absolute conformance with the current "Paley on Street and Driveway Access to North Carolina Highways" as adopted by the North Carolina Depar#men# of Transportation. • I agree that no signs or objects will be placed on or over the public right-of-way other than those approved by NCDOT. • I agree that'the driveway{s) or street(s) will be constructed as shown on the attached plans. • I agree that that driveway(s) or street{s) as used in this agreement include any approach tapers, storage lanes or speed change lanes as deemed necessary. • !agree that if any future improvements to the roadway become necessary, the portion of driveway(s) or street{s) located on public right-af--way will be considered the property of the North Carolina Department of Transportation, and I wifl not be entitled to reimbursement or have any claim far present expenditures for driveway ar street construction. • I agree that this permit becomes void if construction of driveway(s) or street{s) is not completed within the time specified by the "Policy on Sheet and Driveway Access to North Carolina Highways". • I agree to pay a $50 construction inspection fee. Make checks payable to NCDQT. This fee will be reimbursed if application is denied. • I agree to construct and maintain the driveway(s) or street{s} in a safe manner so as not to interfere with ar endanger the public travel. • I agree to provide during construction proper signs, signal lights, flaggers and o#her warning devices for the pratec#ian of traffic in conformance with the current "Manua! on Uniform Traffic Control Devices for Streets and Highways" and Amendments ar Supplements thereto. Information as to the above rules and regulations may be obtained from the District Engineer. • I agree to indemnify and save harmless the North Carolina Department of Transportation from all damages and claims for damage that may arise by reason of this construction. • I agree that the North Carolina Department of Transportation will assume no responsibility for any damages that may be caused to such facilities, within the highway right-of way limits, in carrying out its construction, • 1 agree to provide a Performance and Indemnity Bond in the amount specified by the Division of Highways for any construction proposed on the State Highway system. • The granting of this permit is subject to the regulatory powers of the NC Department of Transportation as provided by law and as set forth in the N.C. Policy on Driveways and shall not be construed as a contract access point. • I AGREE TD NOTIFY THE DISTRICT ENGINEER WHEN THE PROPOSED WORK BEGINS AND WHEN IT IS COMPLETED. 2004-Di NOTE: Submit Four Copies of Application to Local District Engineer, N.C. Department of Transpartafion TEB 65-04rev. 61-D34~9 alvrvw I u.IK~S Vr AI'YLICAIVT PROP OW (PPLICANT) WITNESS ' COMPANY David r r s c' n, Inc. NAME SIGNATURE SIGNATURE ~, ADDRESS 733 Gazebo ou ADDRESS 419 Chestnut Street Q~f ~IUCh Wilmin t C 40 Phone No. 790-0040 Wilmin tvn, NC 28401 . U Q 'f GENT WITNESS COMPANY David re r on, Inc. NAME SIGNATURE SIGNATURE ADDRESS 13 azebo Ca ADDRESS 419 Chestnut Street Wilmin ton, C 409 Phone No. 790-0040 _ Wilmington, NC 2$401 ,. ,_., APPROVALS APPLICATION RECEIVEp $Y DISTRECT ENGINEER SIGNATURE DATE APPLICATION APPROVED BY LOCAL GOVERNMENTAL AUTHORITY (when required) SIGNATURE TITLE DATE APPLICATION APPROVED l3Y DISTRICT ENGINEER ~~ Z~ p~° SIGNATUR D TE INSPECTION BY NCDOT SIGNATURE TITLE DATE COMMENTS: f~ ~r5 A~r~i'~f ~~ f s ~/L ~I'lA'SZ f ~ , rc1~'L!` 2 c~1~/~'~ oT ~ ~~ 2:1y ~dyyj~s ~o~ i ro~v9 c~~~lc m,~~ / ~ ~ ~~ ~~s ~~ P"G~~ 0''2 ~/2~e5 Q r~/f ~ iv "There are special conditions as part of this driveway permit approval Please sec the a royal letter and Drivewa Standard Provisions attache PP y d to permit for these conditions This permit does not include any waterand/or sewer approvals. The encroaching party shall comply whit a[I applicable local, s€ate and federal environmental permits, including but not limited to those related to sediment control, stormwater, wetland, streams, endangered species and historical sites. All changes in red on the plans submitted with the pertttit application must be adhered to. A Perfomrance and Indemnity Bond in the amount of $1,Q00.D0 has been submitted. will conduct a final investieation. If the bond will be released.