Edgewater Trace_grading_permitsV Engineering Department 230 Market Place Drive -Suite .1G0 Wilmington, North Carolina 28403 TELEPHONE 91 D-79&-7139 Beth EasIe~ Wetherill, C.P.E.S.C. Soil Erosion Specialist April 12, 2005 David Greer 133 Gazebo Court Wilmington, North Carolina 28409 R.E: GP 43-00, Revision #1 Edgewater Trace Dear Mr. Greer: Enclosed is the original and a copy of the revised grading permit that you applied far. Pleas. a read the Hermit ,c©nditions carefully and return the signed original to oYxr office and kee the co for our records. Apre-construction meeting is required prior to any activity on site. Thank you for your cooperation. If you have any further questions, please feel free to contact our office. Sincerely, ~.e_-~-e-, ~-~ ~ Beth E. Wetl~.eri11 Soil Erosion Specialist New Hanover County BEW/aj cc: Linda Lewis, NCDENR, Water Quality Sam Burgess, NHC Planning Dept. Enclosure =~~~y,NOY£R CpGyJ`i ~. ~ ~ . a '9 u~r~f. per. ~~pF NpRS1~~4~ New Hanover County Department of Engineering 414 Chestnut Street, Roam 101 Wilmington, North Carolina 28401 (910) 341-7139 Permit# GP 4~-44 Revision #1 Permit for a Land Disturbing Activity As oath©rized by the New Hanover County Erosion and Sedimentation Control Ordinance This permit issued to Tom Bowen authorizes the development of 9.1~ acres of land at Edgewater Club Drive for Edgewater Trace in New Hanover County. This permit issued on October 13, 2000 is subject to compliance with the application and site drawings, all applicable regulations and special conditions and Hates set forth below. An~plan modifieatigns must be a roved b this office rior to field than es. It is understood by the applicant that a representative of New Hanover County's Engineering Department may inspect the site at any time following the issuance of this Pernnit. A copy of the approved Soil Erosion Plan and this permit must be available at all times at the site. Failure to execute the provisions of this permit and the approved Soil Erosion Plan, or any other provisions of the New Hanauer County Soil Erosion and Sedimentation Control Ordinance, shall result in immediate legal action by the County to the limits prescribed by the Ordinance. If the measures outlined on the approved Sail Erasion Plan and this Permit prove insufficient, additional Erosion Control measures can and will be required which in turn will be considered provisions of this Permit. This Permit does not preclude any other permits or approvals necessary for beginning ar completing this development. Approval of an erosion control plan is conditioned on the applicants compliance with Federal and State laws, regulations and rules. It is the Permittee's responsibility to obtain all necessary permits anal approvals. SPECIAL CONDITIONS (THESE CONDITIONS MUST BE FOLLOWED IN ADDITION TO THE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS) xAll the soil erosion control measures will be installed as the site is cleared and maintained throughout construction. These include the construction entrance, silt fences, stabilized 3:1 swales, 2 feet deep, 14' wide with 2 foot bottonns, and 6 check dam sediment traps. Swales 3 and 4 will be lined with excelsior mat. NOTE: Utilities may not be available at this time. This permit does not preclude any permits or approvals which may be necessary such as DEM Water Quality, C.A.M.A., the Corps of Engineers, DEM Solid Waste or any other agencies. '~No sediment shall leave the site or enter the wetlands in a~ event.. . '~If plan revisions are necessary you must submit a copy to this office for approval prior to any field changes. *If soil is removed from the site, it must be taken to an approved ar permitted site to be identified Co this office~riOr to removal from the site. *All County and State drainage and stormwater requirements will be adhered to. *If these measures fail to adequately control erosion, more restrictive measures will be required. *If any phase of grading ceases for more than 15 working days, the site will be temporarily stabilized. *The approval of an erosion control plan is conditioned on the applicants compliance with Federal and State Water Quality laws, regulations and rules. *All slopes will be stabilized within 15 days. *A pre-construction meeting is required prior to any activity on site. Please contact Beth Easley at (910) 341-7139 to setup this meeting. `The developer is responsible for obtaining any and aII permits and approvals necessary for the development of this project prior to the commencement of this land disturbing activity. This could include agencies such as the Division of Water Quality's stormwater regulations, their enforcement requirements within Section 401 of the Clean Water Act, the U. S .Army Corps of Engineers' jurisdiction of Section 404 of the Clean Water Act, the Division of Coastal Management's CAMA requirements, the Division of Solid Waste Management's landf 11 regulations, the State's Division of Land Quality's Mining xxRevision #1 approved 4112105 changes ownership from Tim Bowen to David Gz-eer.'~'~ Engineering Department/Water and Sewer District 230 Government Center Drive • Suite 1.60 Beth E. Wetherilt, C.P.E.S.C. Wilmington, North Carolina 28403 Soil Erosion Specialist TELEPHONE (9i0j-798-7139 Fax (910} 798-7051 October $, 2007 David Greer Construction, lnc. 133 Gazebo Court Wilmington, North Carolina 28409 RE: GP 43-00, Revisioxa, #'2 Edgewater Trace Dear Mr. Greer: Enclosed is the original and a copy of the revised grading permit that you applied for. Please read the ermit conditions carefull and return the ' ,,, 1 to our office and keep the c signed orx~ina ,.. opy for yo€zr records, Thank you for your cooperation. If you have further questions, please feel free to contact our off ce. Sincerely, ~~~ ~~ Beth E. Wetherill Soil Erasion Specialist New Hanover County Enclosure Copy: Sara Burgess, NHC Planning Charlie Cozier, PE, Tripp Engineering Permit# GP 43-00 Revision #2 Permit for a Land Disturbing Activity New Hanover County Department of Engineering 230 Government Center Drive -Suite 160 Wilmington, North Carolina 28403 (910} 798--7139 As authorized by the New Hanover County Erosion and Sedimentation Control Ordinance This permit issued to Tom Bowen authorizes the development of 9.16 acres of land at Ed ewater _ er Trace m New Hanover Coun This ermat issued on October 1 , olcompliance w' d~-pp ' g ~pP .. p - 3 2000 _ is subject zth the a lzcation and site drawin s, all a hcable regu_latzons and special conditions and notes Pp set forth b~I~~erstood by the applicant that a representative of New Hanover Coun eldEnanges. tY gineering Department may Ynspect the site at any time following the issuance of this Permit. A copy of the approved Sail Erosion Plan and this permit must be available at all times at the site. Failure to execute the provisions of this permit and the approved Soil Erosion Plan, or any other provisions of the New Hanover County Soil Erosion and Sedimentation Control Ordinance, shall result in immediate legal action by the County to the lirruts prescribed by the Ordinance. if the measures outlined on the approved Soil Erasion Plan and this Permit prove insufficient, additional Erosion Control measures can and will be required which in turn will be considered provisions of this Permit. This Permit does not preclude any other permits or approvals necessary fox begiz~ning or completing this development. Approval of an erosion control plan is conditioned on the applicants compliance with Federal and State Iaws, regulations and rules. It is the Permittee's responsibility to obtain all necessary permits and approvals. SPECIAL CDNDITIONS (THESE CONDITIONS MUST BE FOLLOWED IN ADDITION TO THE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS} 'All the soil erosion control measures will be installed as the site is cleared and maintained throughout _ construction. These include the construction entrances, silt fences, stabilized 3:1 swales, 2' deep, l4' wide with 2' bottoms and 6 check dam sediment traps. Swales 3 and 4 will be lined with excelsior anat. Nate: Utilities ma not be available at this time. 'Revision #1 approved 4/12,/05 changes ownership from Tim Bowen to David Greer.' ~~Revision #2 approved 7.0/5/07 with plan modifications include a construction entrance, silt fence, inlet and outlet protection, arse {1) 3:1 sloped excelsior matted ditch on Edgewater Club Road right-of-way, four {4) 5:1 sloped swales with excelsior mat in Swale #4, Four (4} sediment traps and two (2} scour holes Ined with pyraxnat."'"' Tree Removal Permits must be acquired froze the City of Wilmington and/or New Hanover County rior to clearing the site. *Silt fence stakes must be metal and will be placed six feet apart without wire reinforcement or eight feet apart with wire reinforcement. Silt fence is not allowed as inlet protection. 'This permit does not preclude any permits or approvals which maybe necessary such as DEM Water Quality, C.A.M.A., the Corps of Engineers, DEM Solid Waste or any other agencies. ~No sediment shall leave the site. 'elf plan revisions are necessary you must submit a copy to this office fox approval rior to any field changes. ~If soil is removed from the site, it must be taken to an approved or permitted site to be identified to this office prior to removal from the site. Engineering Department/Water and Sewer District 230 Government Center Drive • Suite l60 Beth E, Wetherell, C.P.E.S.C. Soil Erosion Specialist Wilmington, North Carolina 28403 TELEPHONE (910)-798-7139 Fax (910) 798-7051. March 18, 2008 David Greer Construction, Inc. P.O. Box J.5813 Wilrningtoz~, NC 28408 Attn: David Greer RE: GP 43-00, Revision, #I3 Edgewater 'T'race Dear Mr. Greer: Enclosed are the original and a copy of the revised grading permit that you applied for. Please read the permit conditions carefully and return. the signed original to our office and keep the copy for your records. Thank you for your cooperation. If you have any further questions, please feel free to contact our office. Sincerely, `~--`CVO ~ < (~,~ .~.~ Beth Easley Wetherell Soil Erosion Specialist New Hanover County Enclosure Copy: Sawn Burgess, NHC Planning Charlie Cozier, PE, Tripp Engineering Permit# GP 43-00 Revision #3 I'ermif fvr a hand Disturbing Acfivify New Hanover County Department of Engineering 230 Government Center Drive -Suite 160 Wihnirkgton, North Carolina 28403 {910)798-7139 As authorized by the New Hanover County Erosion and Sedimentation Control Ordinance This permit issued to David Greer authorizes the development of 9.16 acres of land at Ed e~w_ _ater Club Drive for Ed ewater Trace in New Hanover County. This permit issued on October 13, 2000 is subject to compliance with the application and site drawings, all applicable regulations and special conditions and notes set forth below. An~nla~. momodifications must be a roved b this office rior to field than es. It is understood by the applicant That a representative of New Hanover County's Engineering Department inay inspect the site at any time following the issuance of this Permit. A copy of the approved Soil Erosion Plan and this permit must be available at all times at the site. Failure to execute the provisions of this permit and the approved Soil Erosion Plan, or any other provisions of the New Hanover County Soil Erosion and Sedimentation Control Ordinance, shall result in immediate legal action by the County to the limits prescribed by the Ordinance. If the measures outlined on the approved Soil Erosion Plan and this Permit prove insufficient, additional Erosion Control measures can and will be required which zn turn will be considered provisions of this Permit. This Permit does not preclude any other permits or approvals necessary for beginning or completing this development. Approval of an erosion control plan is conditioned on the applicants cornphance with Federal and State laws, regulations and rules. It is the Permittee's responsibility to obtain all necessary permits and approvals. SPECIAL CONDITIONS (THESE CONDITIONS MUST BE FOLLOWED IN ADDITION TO THE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS) *All the soil erosion control measures will be installed as the site is cleared and maintained throughout construction. These include the construction entrances, silt fences, stabilized 3:1 Swales, 2' deep, l4' wide with 2' bottoms and 6 cheek dam sediment traps. Swales 3 and 4 will be lined with excelsior mat. Note: Utilities mad not be available at this time. *Revision #1 approved 4/12/05 changes ownership from Tim Bowen to David Greer.' *~'Revisiaxk #2 approved 10/5/07 with plan modifications include a construction entrance, silt fence, inlet and outlet protection, one (1) 3:1 sloped excelsior rna#ted ditch on Edgewater Club Road right-of-way, four (4) 5:1 sloped Swales with excelsior mat irk Swale #4, four (4) sediment traps and two (2) scour holes lined with pyrarnat.~'* *Tree Removal Permits must be acquired from the City of Wilmington and/or New Hanover County prior to clearirkg the site. *Silt fence stakes must be metal and wi11 be placed six feet apart without wire reinforcement ar eight feet apart with wire reinforcement. Silt fence is not allowed as inlet protection. *This pexznit does not preclude any permits or approvals which may be necessary such as DEM Water Quality, C.A.M.A., the Corps of Engineers, DEM Solid Waste or any other agencies. *No sediment sha111eave the site. ~'If plan revisions are necessary you must submit a copy to this office for approval prior to any field changes. *If soil is removed from the site, it must be taken to an approved or permitted site to be identified to this office prior to removal from the site.