Edgewater Trace_Ph2_final_agency_commentsTransmission Report DatelTime 08-21-2008 02:01:25 p.nt Transmit Header Texi Local ED 1 ~J107987053 Local Name 1 Lrne NEW HANOVER PLANNING DEP Local ID 2 Local Name 2 This document :Confirmed (reduced sample and details below} Document size : 8.5"x11 " Burgess, Sam From: Iannucci, Jint Sent: P~londay, Augus! 11, 20DB 4:SS PtJ; To: Burgess, Sam Cc: lhnat, Bennis; CEark, 7lmothy Jason; WetherAl, 8®Ut; Pinna, YUifliam 5ut~lecf: ~dgawator Trace SD # 1(618 sam, A freld inspection was conducted on August 22, 2fYJ8 and Engineering is prepared td sign the titre[ plat Far this suttdivision. Starmwafer waz exempt. CEFUA inspector kras signed oft on waterand sewer and has received as-bunts. All other improvements are in piece. Thanks, . Jim James P. lannucci, PE, CP,V9 ChieF Cnyneer Neav ~tanover Ccaunly EnSirteering Department 23fl Government Center Drive, Suite ]50 tWitmin~on, NC 284£13 www.ithet:ov.com Total Pages Scanned 3 Iota{ Pages Confintted 3 Abbreviatrons HS Host send PL: Polled local MP Mailbox print TU: Terminated by user HR Hosl receive PR; Polled remote CP Completed TS Terminated by system WS Waiting send MS Mailbox save FA Fail RP Repork G3; Group 3 EC. Error Correct ~3ur ess, Sam From: Sosebee, Thomas Sent: Friday, August 15, 2008 4:02 PM To: Burgess, Sam Cc; Davis, Matt Subject: EDGEWATER TRACE #2 SAM, I COMPLETED THE SITE VI51T FOR EDGEWATER TRACE TODAY. HE FINDINGS ARE AS FOLLOWS: **** CUL-DE-SAC 95 ` **** HYDRANTS LOT @ #13, NONE AT ENTRANCE, ACROSS THE ROADWAY, NEED 1 AT ENTRANCE **** ROADWAY WIDTH 20' "NO PARKING" SIGNS NEEDED lF HAVE QUESTfONS CALL. TOM Burgess, Sam -____ 01717AAPRT~AII RRI7A'flAm'h~IAP~ From: lannucci, Jim Sent: Monday, August 11, 2008 4:55 PM To: Burgess, Sam Cc: lhnat, Dennis; Clark, Timothy Jason; Wetherill, Beth; Pinnix, William Subject: Edgewater Trace SD # 1018 Sam, Afield inspection was conducted on August 1.1, 2008 and Engineering is prepared to sign the final plat for this subdivision. Stormwater was exempt. ~ CFPUA inspector has signed off on water and sewer and has received as-builts. ~ All other improvements are in place. Thanks, Jim James P. lannucci, PE, CFM Chief Engineer New Hanover County Engineering Department 230 Government Center Drive, Suife 160 Wilmington, NC 28403 www.nhc ov.coin burgess, Sam From: Sosebee, Thomas Sent: Friday, ©ecember 12, 2668 2:25 PM To: Burgess, Sam Cc: Davis, Matt Subject: RE: ]/dgewater Trace (]=final Plat) Sam, 1 completed the site visit today, 12/3.2/08 at Edgewater Trace. All issues have been taken care of except far the hydrant placement at the entrance. l spoke with Chief Davis and we would like to have a note placed in the final approval that perJim Tayson, the hydrant will be placed as soon as possible. Finn! Plat for this project is APPROVED from Fire Services. Tam IFrom: Burgess, Sam Sent: Thursday, December 11, 2008 3:23 PM To: Sosebee, Thomas Subject: RE: Edgewater Trace (Final Plat) Tom, l don't know. Since the last Ca. Fire comments in August, '07, it may be prudent to conduct another field exam. Sam From: Sosebee, Thomas Sent: Thursday, December 11, 2008 2:36 PM To. Burgess, Sam Subject: RE: Edgewater Trace (Final Plat) Sam, Have any of the last notes been taken care of? Tom I~rom: Burgess, Sam Sent: Thursday, December 11, 2608 2:03 PM To: davidgreerconst@bellsouth.net Cc: Sosebee, Thomas Subject: Edgewater Trace (Fnal Plat) Dave, Please share the following info with Terry regarding the Final Plat for Edgewater Trace. have reviewed the final plat and the following items need to be resolved prior to approval: 1) Final blessing Pram County l=ire {Tom Sosebee) 2) Need active recreational fee {based on fair market value of property -produce documentation} 3) fUCDOT Basic Letter or post 500 dollar band. Thanks, Sam burgess, Sam To: davidgreerconst@bellsoufh.net Cc: Sasebee, Thomas Subject: t=dgewater Trace (Final Plat) Qave, Please share the following info with Terry regarding the Final Plat for Edgewater Trace. I have reviewed the final plat and the following items need to be resolved prior to approval: 1} Final blessing from County Fire (Tom Sosebee} Z} Need active recreational fee (based on fair market value of property -produce documentation} 3} NCbQT Basic letter or past 5©0 dollar bond. Thanks, Sa m 'ram: ~ t;arnette 1'a~;e 1 at~ 1 ~~ ~ [Print] jClose] From: E Cornetts <cornettefc@yahao.carn> To: David Greer <davidgreercanst@belisouth.net> Subject: Fw: RE: FW: Edgewater Trace pate: Friday, August 22, 2008 8:05:40 f'M ___ On Wed, $/~/~~.Saar+rey, EGiav~b>rrly E Cf6imi~rfy.d..Gary®y~s~rn~2.u~c~.~rraAy.mfi> wrote: Kimberly lm ~Kimberiy.L.Garvey@saw02.usace.army.mil> N: Edgewater Trace ~" ~carnettefc@yahoo.com> lay, ]anuary 9, 2008, 8:55 AM gent of the Array permits SAV~f 2€}OQ-1627 was issued to Mr. Torn Bowen on 2/26101 for to fl.10 acres of wetlands for the construction of a road crossing in Edgewater Trace ion. It appears based on the information received to date that the permit is now in have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact me. of Engineers 284fl2-18901 http:l/requ latory. usacesurvey.com/ ~lr~m: E Corneae [maifto:corneaefc@yahoo.com] ~~~: Wednesday, January b2, 2008 12:45 PM ''i'®: Garvey, Kimberly L; Garvey, Kimberley L Ssi~~,~: Fwd: FW: Edgewater Trace Ms. Garvey, Attached is a copy of the recorded restrictive covenants far the Edgewater Trace project. F just wanted to make sure you received this. What do we need to do now to progress with the development at the site. please email or tail me at Z70-2914. Hope you had a Happy Holiday and look forward to hearing from you soon. Ellen Cornetts Note: forwarded message attached. Never miss a thing. Make Yaho~our hom_epage http://webmail.att.net/wmc%n-US/~rlwm/4SB47~~BQ406EE0F00QQ 122Q22193100Q29~ Q... 8/26/204 D Q cv d -., ~ ~ y~~x~ ..1.CKl `~Y?SH l~iAR$N ~ i ii ~ ~ Q ~ X~ SM A. ~' 1 l I ~kMSH r / I - _ _(tVR$N '~ ~ 1 ,= ~ { !! ~~ } ~ i ~` 1 . ~ ~ .. Grp( ».. (~ '~ I I , ~y f~~ ~ ~~.rsn # IU A Z J l ! ~ ^I m ~ ~ c~ ~ ,~ m ti ` x ! ~..RSrt 12~ RCP ~ ItP ~ z I ~ ' I: I 18 ' ~ ~'~ 100- Y~"AR Ft,OpD PLAIN I ! ! ~ ELEV. = !!.0 100 -YEAR FLGt~D ELEV. = 1/. p' ~~ n e ~'47t2 ~e p-2~ ' C-23 ~,.t~.,, ,A "R' ~M13 ~;~' T ~A•36 ~~ yt ~ ~.. ...~,_ JIYL~L`~ .(N UM S4G'i9 ~8-W n ~ ~ 3p' EASEMENI RESERVED FOR OYSTER POINT DEYEIGPMENi CO. ~ _.._._ ____ __.__ i I >_ I i~ i r~ r-- IQ { a I w ~ ~ a t- (n t v I~ I}~ F rx x.t .s r.wwcs'r 421.57 I m ~, S w tt a PART OF NARNET7 TOWNSHIP SCAE~E 1' = 50' Q 25 50 1tJp 2 CERTIFICATE OF THE U. S. ARMY CORPS OF k'r THIS PLAT lOENTlF/ES A5 VIETLANDS ALL ARE4. 773 SECTION 404 OF THE CLEAN ~YATER ACT A TN/S 13AT . TNlS OET RMINATION OF SECTION 4+ FOj A ERI00 T O EXCEED 5 YEARS FROM M 1L / TN 1987 CORPS OF ENGINES 3 0~ z~ CGWPS F ENGINEER QATE ESMA GRE {t (TAX PARCEL Y t OYSTER POINT DEVELOPMENT CO. (FUTURE DEVELOPMENT} (uB 2T PC t22} WETLAt'~D SURVEY ~,~' ~'~'D~E~~%, of ~ 2~ 90.Q1 ACRE TRACT ~ 3 FoR ~ ~ r ~„~ T4M B4WEN ~~~_ i~' THE W,M. GREENE TRACT D.B. i84 pG. 592 NEW HANOVER COUNTY, N.C, JUNE, 20fl0 zoo Joa aap soo spo _.L NGtNEERS SCALE !N FEEZ 75' OF WETL4NOS REGULATED PURSUANT ~S DETERMINED B}' THE UNDERSIGNED ON ~4 JURlSOICT/GI"N MAY 8E RELIED UR'JN i THIS DATE, THIS OE'TERMlNATION WAS SRS WETLAND OELfNE'AnON MANUAL n _. _ _ A c_t I ROGER Toi. SEITTER LANQ SURVEYOR N.C.P.~.S. No. L-2914 244 PRfNCESS STREET WlLMfNGTQN, N.C, 28401 PHONE (910) 783-0261 EENE McCLAA{FAY E'Y WtLL} X37-pOO-004-pp8.OOd} xaf *crLnw~p..__._._._._.... ~-^ ._ ~~ro `~o `s ~O;.Fo-e . yz~ z, ' ~ d- leZ UC Ci ',ri y,~~f-26 o-c .i ~~ e e- #r+c 7JIFA Cf KR4npy '--~yy.02t SOUw.X RI.i f 'yU A+{ 1,41 ~ ~ O~ ,n' `~ . LOCATtpN ASAP NTS I.EGENO: NIP O IAON AfPE SfT E.I,P. ® E%tSTINC IRON FIPE CfL t~ CEN YER LINE ~ O E%#ST1NG CONCAETE >xON{lAIENi PP ~ POWER Pd.E >! ~~+. jj ~ ~\ -_ ` '.. CONTRdL CORhfER / /~ uo ! ~' AIfL~ a wL7LIJW +.~ saruic srCr S / ' C / j - / orsaKe~o roMSa Lw¢ / I a ~ ~ ~~ J~ ~ / L titi ~q ~ /~ f ~ ~o~ f ~ ~ , ~ .~ i k` ~ J~ { ~ / ~~ ~~ ~ w~ ~,e /~U~ ^BENCH MARK `~ l RAM ~~~vAr~aN z~.4s ~ ~ A ~ ~ ?W 1(~~cD ~ nE. \\ ~... ~~ ~ GMF ao sr ~ ~. ~F :v \