Edgewater Trace_performance_application£O1L(f 'nag •epua8tl ~~y ayl uo paaeld 8ucaq aao;aq 8uilaaw ay7 0l aoud xaam ({) auo panraaaa aq }snw sluawwoo ,CauaBy •spua~s 8urlaaw pg,t, parnpayos .C}asrnSaa lxau ay} uo paasrd aq rrrm usrd a}rs ay} `srenordde aSnursap pue aamas `aa}sm ylrrn Suors panraaaa uaaq aney sluaunuoa ,Caua~s gaup •,iauaSs 8urmarnaa a}erdoadde yaea of ,Cdoa e puss Iran ;uaw}aedaQ 9uruusrd ay} `pa}lturgns aas nerd a}rs ay7do („qr x „z~r g of paprod) sardoa ZT pus uot7sarrdds pa}ardwoa a gaup 'q •uorlearrdde argsldaaae ue Surasdaad ul no,i;srsse Rrreaauar3 's •saa}lar rznoxdde paxrnbaa aya 8urpae8aa no~i asrnpy .~ •swargoad u~rsap }usagru9rs ~fue }no lurod '£ •s}uawanoadur~ paarnbaa ay} aquasap rCpeaanap .Z •swa{goad is}uaumoarnua argrssoddo no~C asrnpy • { :ol paaaoxd rgn~d~els Suruue~d •aauaaa3uoa sty} of resodoad ano,ido qa;aXs yHnoa a ~uraq prnoys nab •uor}saridds args}daaas pue a}ardwoa s ~ur~rwgnsdo saausyo ano~C anoadwr rrrm no,i `aauaaa~uoa scq} Surpuaus ,Cg •uor}sarrdds us }ruagns o; pualur nn,t yargm uodn alsp ayl of aoud s>)aanti (~) oml;sea; ;e•gs7s }uau>aaedaQ Furuuerd ay} y;rm aauaxaduoa uor}earrdde-axd Iswao;ui us a8usaaa oa paPs.7noaua a.7s nom ~aalyw -wok mainag rsaruyaay s,,Cluno~ ayl ~q uodn palae pue panraaaa aas s}uawdo;anaQ ls~}uapisa~ ~suor}uanuo~ ao3 suo~}sat{dd~ •uol eagdde srg73o apes asaanaa ay} uo pa}srr aae s}uawaalnbaa asaq•r, •aausurpap uorsrnrpgng ay}3o Z£ uor}aag,}o s}uawannbaa ay} o} ~uriuao3uoa uerd a}rs s ms}uoa os~s ysnra uor}earrdds mod •uorsrnrpqus pasodoad ayl ao,~ (camas pus as}emj s}uawassa ,C}rrr}n pus a~surs.rp pasodad y}rm 8uop;d~o-una ~~e SursodsiP3o poy}aw pasodoad pus `sam}ana7s a3sutsxp aaedxrrs-gtts `srauusya aSemsap `saga}rp `sasmoa as}sm `saysasw rrs;o uor}scar ayy - aSeme.[Q ' £ '}aa(oad arp cocas o} luarulrwwoa Su[noadds ,iaua9s y7rsay rsaor ao a}s}S a}sradoadds ay; woa3 as}}ar y- ~amaS pne.aa;eM "Z •s}aaa}s alenrad rrs do u;~tsap ay} 8urnoadde aaawdug ,C}unop ay} woad aal}ar s ao s}aaa}s aggnd {~e_;o uSrsap ay} 3u~norddz uopeundsus.il,~o;uaupasdaQ eu~~oxe~ y}aoN ay} woa•} s}uawwoa ual}~aM - S,L~~2I,ES 'I •uor}earrdds sry} ~Suedwoaae ySny~ `e~unop ranousg maK o} args,Ced `aad sry,r, ~dew;eug a .rod. lrun~lor aad 00"ST$ snrd `pa3aeya aq {rrm uol}eorrdds sad O©'o0Z$ 3o aad fr -}uaua}asdaQ $uruuerd ay} ,Cq panraaaa ace swa}r $urmorro} ayl ~[}un a}ardwoanc se papaeaaa aq ir[m uotlea~rdde ano,L au-~N 1paFoid ~.I~I~TiiIdOrT~A~Q 'I~T.T.1rI~QTS~I '•I~~iOT.LIS~A!lt0~ ~b~.~9ais3a, ,w~3 a~hNrS ;i7aadoad3a asf7 pasodoad yrw7~J,~ ,(y~ada~7,{o ash 3u~7slxg ¢Of7Ca1~715SE[~ pUC'r Qz --'~ ,i73adold j0 $IICUO"~ ~ Z o • o/ 77 ' $ diJad0a~a0 CaJtil oon-nzo 7aaaed boo ~raa7g av~~ de7y xey Q~ ~~ ~-~r~§a~ 0O5 fitaadoad ao uoReao-7 60•p82 7N '~r~ 17 aa~tt*~7 C~1 aawt~p ,S7aadoad3o ssaappy ~NI ' 1`EOu.~nzt~.sr~ ~~2Ej O~i`b'~ (aaun~p ~iuadoad ue y7 7uat a ,dcpd[) Jalu~p .itaadoad,{o aute~7 as aoq¢~~ dd d I tl ~uorsstw n q S do a7ep ~ 7 '{ 7 12 a~ • ~ {~ . O ~ oiy auoyd s,7ueayddtl ~~Z ~r aol 31'°S ~1 ~+l`1N Sfl ~fi~-t.°JI ~Qd315~Vte~ sn,CanmS ao 7ueal{ddydo ssaapptl '~ ~. ~ Nil-ar~~'j aCw1 y°~.~~J... ao,Canmg/~uearrddydo au~err asgaid ~IQO;n~.~d.~a adaL~ OM.L~'IdWO~ ~2I03~~ A'THJR02IOH,L Q~~ ~5~~'~d I~I2IOd ~IOI,LE'~I'Idd~ ~AIIIeI~~'Id A,LI~R®~ 2I~CAOIa~~H ~1~AI C®I~VEIVT'I®I~AL REVEL®PMENT CRATE r CONTENTS OF SITE PLAN _ ~ d ~ e.~.~s c~Fc.~ V A cLt~ ~•~ Twelve (12}copies of proposed plan - '! Preliminary site plan fee: $200.00 r Scale not less than 1 "=200' / Title information (name of development, name & address of owner & surveyor, date, & north arrow shown an bottom long edge of sheet) '/ _ Detailed vicinity map with north arrow (Top right earner with division name below): ~/ Adjacent property owners, subdivisions, streets with their locations ~ ~ County/municipal boundaries in area (if applicable) ~`. Existing zoning district Boundaries properly drawn with all bearings 8c distances of tract being divided ~/ Location of all existing structures {buildings, railroads, etc.) - / Topographic relief at two foot intervals indicating data source :v zp.d }aye o ~ o..,~.cr. `~ Street right-of--way widths, unduplicated street names and street designations (public or private) / Total acreage proposed in development Location of (C,O.D.}conservation areas (if applicable) Acres to be used for open space ties, ~ (~ Average lot size, total number of lots Location AEC's within 575' SA waters (if applicable) '~ Location of i 00 year fioodplains (note if not applicable} ~~ Hurricane evacuation plan water front access (if applicable) ~ ~-- ~°-w-d . t' ~` Proposed Ioaation of planned thoroughfares (if applicable) ~ ~ Sidewalks, pedestrian access, & bike routes (if applicable) ^ °} '-~~.~ e d ~ 2n Tree retention and landscaping in accordance with Section 67 of the Zoning Ordinance Approvals ofwater and sewer by County Engineering /Environmental Health ~/ Location of fire hydrants in accordance with Section 52-8 ~/ Block lengths greater than 400' but less than 1,000' ~/ Blocks to have two tiers /double frontage lots avoided - t~ Buffer strips (if applicable) ~ a' 1. b~ ~ ~,, ~~ a C.~._.h -•/_ Catxect building setback lines ce-.~.f z....-~ ~~„~~..Y Cut-de-sac less than 500; designed minimum DOT specifications (if public) Major street intersection at least 800' apart Street jogs greater than 200' Lots conform to zoning ordinance; depth 4 x mean width ~ Corner lots conform to building lines on both streets ~~ Side lot lines substantially at right angles or radial to street lines Connections to adjacent streets Temporary turn-arounds access adjacent property / Approximate delineation of 404 wetlands & Section 10 wetlands --w.. Location of marshes, water courses, ditches, drainage channels, subsurface drainage struchires and proposed method of disposing of drainage run-aff ~~ Location and size of all drainage easements (ditched or piped) whether located witlxin or outside proposed development ~ Location of sanitary sewers (other than septic tanks) utility easements, storm drainage, new water supplies, connections exisfing systems, & utility easements at least 15 ' (if applicable) Roadway cross section displaying pavement width, amount ABC, asphalt depth and drainage design Typical cross section drainageways Drainage easements not less than 30' wide with ditch off centered 20' to 10' cr.n s ,,.~,~ t,l b ~,~~~;.~~ ~~ Streets intersect not Tess than 75 degrees ~ Y ~ J°~ Traffic impact study (if applicable) Street connectivity "links to nodes" Barrier, riverine & estuarine island regulations (if applicable} Street lights Staff Comments: irtsbaC- [~AO~LCt c,n •• Cw-ve.-..ktP....~ ~ C}eveC~~Q.._~t - T , l ~c c~Fe -f-c~o ~o,... csL o-.- 2~2m..- - ~clyzl...s~~c.. rj•k...zz+ N„--G, off. i..c..be2 i ~c wlcttc~. ', a ~u .r e~.o:. ce'k ~_ 0.b a Q C c> sv. rti -mss ~ w7 R.p G rte," t.e ~ ~ ,_, r~ c ~ S `-1 ~ ~ lw c a+ ti : ~t ~ _. ` r~-v.- ~ S ; z~ - T 5,.~~ 't• w i'< ~ ` C,.~Q ~ d ~ • S ~•c, G-.z c~~e.. 5 vo ' { i>:2 k~.a t~ o-e~ Reviewed by: Date: - F>.4.:. ot.. ~ d cj t ~.ueik c.i T-~..ee..2. .a~ G'.2^~-E'Z- ~ ~ aN a.~d e'er-4.~.k ~ ti 1 - GY-~c.r--d C~.~ • d e ~ n ac. 'E o C>y a t c.. t' t . P..~.; r s., .5 ~R.j,,Lk ~L,.t t-t o•E a-1 ~~.... ~ . - ~-icn (j) its rlodxn (. 2) = i•~J ~ 1_ y t.zGu.uccl~ Y y m n ~ m GG = D m ~ p "-' m o a ~ m a ~y G P 1 i ~ j 0 C ~T1 y m = 3 m z ; m n C Z ~ ~ n b 2 ~~ ~ ~ ~ a r t m m m n r~r~ ~.-+ E n~ n 2 as m o n o m .'~ y :0 m m -1 fFl 8 __1 d D D 3 ~ ~ 0 69 ~r ~, :n ~7 h m_ C m r~ ~ 'S1 ~i ro O m n ~ 9 ~ 0 2 ~ w ~ D ' 1 0 Z 0 m n p ~ M 0 Z 0 m "n A_ • ~ 0 Z 0 ~_ z ~ ~ ~ A m y z n ~ 09 ~ ~ ma m ~ p o ~ ^ ~ a a c -~ ~ n m ~ a a 3 m ~ D m 2 z X n 9 R Q C 2 { Q ~ A m 'R ~ m -~ ® ~ D n y a = N x ~ a ~ n a C'1 n z n~ ~D mn -~ O Z G3 ~ ~ 0 0 v ~' ~ K N ! 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