Anchors Bend_20090120_Bobby_Harrisw~.,.~ ~ t .~ ~~.;~ ~ ~ = .~~~ ,t ~~ ~~ ~~ ,, .. :~ ~~~ ~ ~ ~a 3~ ~•~ ~~~~ ~~ ~~°'I r ~~~~111~~ ~~~G~~fi ~~~~ Bart Edge 2 i ~7 idd~e found Loap Raad ''i~rri~~gton, N ~ 84 ~ ~ ~~ I-~anav~r ~a~an~y av~r~~r~~n~ Cen~~r ~~~ ~~~~m~~ Cn~r D~~v, Suits ~S~ l~1~1lrI~tO~~ ~~ ~~~~ ~ ~~,~~t~~~~ uh~ee~: Anchors Band ~~er~orn~ance on~entiona~ Plan Etenion} dear fir. Edge, ~n .~egu~ar sess~an on January i ~, ~~, the ount~'s Technical Re~~e~ a~r~it~ee ~TR~ appr~~ed a ane~~yer e~tenian second and last etenion~ to the preiirninar~ ire plan, Anchors Band suhdi~iion located o~~Niddlesaund Loop Road for ~0 lotslur~~ts. The vate b~ TRH was ~~~. Please ~e ad~~sed ghat aXi ~er~.s and cand~tions ~o the or~gznal site plan appro~ral X11 remain in e~~'ect {January, ~0~ letter to ESP}. Attending the TR nr~eet~ng v~e~e TRH ha~rrn.n~ Richard all~er ~Plann~ng Board}, a~n Burge ~Plan~,~ng ta~~ Jasan filar ~ount~ Eng~neer~ng}, Anthony Prints ~'~~~} and Torn osehee, ~F~re Services. Also, attending the meeting mere Jennifer Braswell ~~D}, Babhy Barris, Jane ~aughtridge, Shawn Ralston, hri O'~ee~ea Planning taf#~, Sharen ~u~~an ~eunt~ Legal} and you. ~. you l~na, final plat appro~ral ~`or ail or a part o~ the pro jet cannot be aht~ined un~~~ constr~ctian plan drav~ings are ~ubn~itted and approved h~ bounty Engineering staff. Sincerely, Bo~~ ~arri b1~a~hc ov,carr~ ~'lanning Board N~e.hers ~an.ing Enforcement County Engineering Cit~r~Count~r P~ bounty Fire eiees Beth ~Vetherill, Engineering} CDT s ]eveloper En~ironn~ental health