Riverside_20080519_Cindee_Wolf_ATT_Pg1 N VEHICLE M OVERNAN6/ 9'xlb' PARKING 2' VE~4IGLE 9'x1b' PARKING OVERHANG/ 5' 2, SPACES z4' DRIVE AISLE IS' PARKING SPADE l8' PARKING SPACE zA' DRIVE AISLE SPACES SNCiJLpER ~{ome Place, Sec. 2 N/1" J o M88 Pg.42 N/F N/l+ Merle J. +1= Robin P. Graham WHITMAN Av>+ ~ ~ Edu Edward Stephen Edward 5. ~ Frieda Lowell D.B. 4868 Pg.21~4q W F LN LEAS DR W ~ ~ coNG. N/1= SIDEWALK 24" CURB a GutrfR Edward Stephen ~ Frieda D.B. 726 Pg.600 R-20 ~iARRC~-S tpN~ ~ ~ Lowell R-20 ~o S LauREL >,R ~ W ~ ~ ~ Frieda D,B D.B. 780 Pg,170 e nR W ~ U ~ Typical X-Section at Parking Area Lowell R-20 ~ _ wIND SAIL PLACE UR N NpRNE lY O N/F D.B. 760 Pg.17O~ `~o N KERB AVE ~ ~ Z a1 N/F Donna M. Vollers R-20 N/F N/F John Clayton D.B. 1121 Pg.8O3 Site ` f~ Ronald E. ~ Ronald 1<. ~ Vollers III R-20 _ ~ ~ N/F Victoria L. Victoria L. D.B. 3357 P .028 q~ ,r••~~ f'~ ~ ~ CNADWICK AVE NaRNETT AVE UI COCA 0 Vet~nie Edker Sett I3uffkin g 26 ti2gq.6 Buffkin R_2p Cavanaugh D.B. 4066 Pg.673 0 4 _ R-20 D.B. 4 $6 Pg.(o73 ~6 N/F D.B. 1OOq Pg.149 R-20 - .f--- J f f_ ' h~ y~ z CASTLE CREEK !M W 7 Vernie E. ~ Sett R-20 Y \ zil a ~ e ~ cLC N/F Cavanaugh e~_ ~ ~ \ ~~Rt SErTTE ~ ti~ H PILGRIM CI ~`i Z ~ L Vemle E. ~ BettY D.B. 604 Pg.Og2 r SuF~er ~1 Cavanau h o' Perim~_ ~-f r',l~ g R-2o X37" ~ f-- r s, a5 I~ \ 3 - 5tor~y1_ U •~CJ ~ R DR uQ eRIT~E PARK ~ DR ~ ~ ~ to 'S Stor~y1_ - -1 q~2fi~ ~ D.B. q03 Pg.323 ~s N ~ \ .r--- ~ ~ ~ p; ~4" _U~t~-t - 1 I 1 ~ ~ tw I d enGe ~ 19,R E 1 rsidence ~ ~ j~ ■ N1F Vicinity Map ~ ~ ~ i ~ ~ ~ ~ Wrightsboro Plaza (I~lo Scale) ~ ~ 4 ~ 6 Open Space/ J }sa' -~-r ~ Passive ~ ~ I D.B. 1613 Pg.gOa ~ ~ f- , 8-unit ~ 5C I o 1 ~ ~ ~ ~ a' ---r 18 q13 s.f. Rec Area . D~,~t~ _ f--r"' r Pad ! Garage/ W s rn FdIGIa6UfVG ~ ~ -r- + O,q aG. _ - 6 ~ 5tarage o Z ~ _ ~L ~s. 12 315 s.f. t Bldg. ~ - ~ ~ ~ N ~ Z ~ e~ N rn W ~ 17 124 s.f . 1 9 , os A S / 1111 ~ ~ 5 j a ~ $-unit '~8 3S, ~ - Garage/ Seal 'l~ a~ ~ Story e 25 GOD Huffer 9 ~ Bldg. N I 1 ~ N/F a 0 3, 273 s.f . W ~ W W 9 18 214 s.f. ~ Qpen Space/ Wrightsboro Plaza I ~ ~ , W i~ W W W Vr 1 p~ , D.B. 1618 Pg.1~4g0 Active sc Y - ~ - -~^^r - ~s w W W W v ~ , ~ W d•~~ W \ W W W 15,115 s.f. w J ~ Rec Area 0 W W / °rW ~Y W ~ W W v+ ~ t 2.1 ac . ± ` .w~ ~ ~ y~ y W W W\ W W I _ l i y Certificate Of Approval w~ ~ r J~ ~ ~ 9,~, W r W W W W ~ W ~ I I 13 657 s,f . y W W W \ W ~ _ ~'(`lOry/ ~ i New Hanover County Planning pept v ~ 13 465 s.f. ~ ~ ~ .,1 1 W y W W y W \y W W r 24 l~nit ~ ti ~ , Resi~~nce \ Date Planning Director U N 71 ~ \ r , ~ ~Y ~ W ~y W ~S,° W \ W W ~ I ~q \ \ 3 t~or / ~ Y 3 11, 7qO s.f . W \W W W W>etland~ W\ W W ~ I ~ ~ ~ J ~ =rt U~It5 ~ 1 ~ ~ ao \ ; 2~ Unit ''aka. ~ N ~~o W \W ~ 36,73 s.fW W \ y W' .i l `f' f"I U CII^ ~ ~ Resl~ence 215s`~38 in ~ o ~ try ` ~ \ ti 4 1 General Notes: z , ~ W W W W ~t I. 3~ I/ ~1 i o ~ _ ~ ~ , u its 1e72 " ~Y W~ W W W W ~ r > > 1. New Wanover Go. Parcel Nos.: ~ x s 1 X07' q~ 8q, W W S W W W w ~ I I ~ 3129{O6) - 37 -0950 0 U ~ 3129{06) - 37 - 2680 ~ m ~ q, oa5 s. f . ~ ~ f >Y W \ W W W ` 3129(06} - 47 -4528 ~ m l f W W 1 W W yr`, ~ I ".~r ? 3129{O6} - 47 - 7895 h ~ ~ 8. ~G / W W W , ~ , 3129{10) - 37 - 3236 v d, U 6 f 8 ! S, / ~~mpst~r 3129{11) - 57 - 2119 ~ ~ ~ N r / f ~~i~~~ f ~ 2. Total Tract Area: 95.16 ac.t ~ > ~ S 753 s.f . ~ W W ' y o ~ i ~ 3. Zoning District: R-15 ~ ~ U $ 706 s ~ W ~ t " f ~ ~k Dum ster 8-unit f ~ 4. Land Classification: Transition ~ ~ry ~ q, 085 s.f . ~ p ~ Pad ~ G09 Enclosure Garage/ 5. This tract is not within a Special 0 s S ~'lp Storage Flood +~azard Area as evidenced an 8 746 s. f . r ~ ~ ~ , U Bldg. FIRM 3720312900J, dated April 3, 2006 0 ~ 6~ ~ry f s,, Open Space/ ~ ~ Passive 6-unit n r ~ s,, ~ q 264 s.f. Rec Area Garage/ 30'R to vale 8 706 5. f . ~ ~ Storage ~ ~ ~v ~ s + for Gut-de•eac ~ 1.0 ac . 04 ~ We~land~ ~ ® ~ ' , U 8, 258° s. f ~ o ~ ..--~-r ~ c ~ Lerpth < 15a Bldg. 1 Q ~ t2 A8 R to Vo11sy °5 1 for Gut-de•eac S y a Extend Public R/W to ~ ' e intersection with Castle ~ U La►gth > 150' ~ 9 S1 Mayne Road (ref. TIA ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ao' ~ ~ ti fmpro vements} ~ Z ~ 8 746 s.f . ~ ~ 5s-~~ } ~ ~ ~ - l r~ rlri f--- , s, o 433 s.f . ~ ~ IOExrit. 10' Uttl. ~ r Wa ~ ~ ~ ~ Eamt, 120 ~ 1~ one I e 9ew~" d ~ _ ~ 2b' 30'R r "'f g~~ pubtw Say'. - - l o' ~I r sin. 5e~ ss w + ~ U ~ ~ Development Notes: ~ L ~ s„ pubu~ w w r..--' G I. All development shall be in accordance with n } ~ ~ ► idoll emen the New ~lanover County Zoning Ordmemce ~ W► ~ ~ and Subdivision Regulations. ~ ~ _ ~ ~ ur~u~ toy >Jt,uty - - - - - - 1 ~ ~v '"r--~' N N/F 2. River Pointe Drive to be dedicated ae a PUBLIC ~ ~ o Edwin I. al: Nancy R. Ennis Jr. road. All other streets to be dedicated as PRIVATE, Gul-de-sac Detail r e _ _ Active 51 ~ /E~' D.B. lq~g3 Pg.1768 ~RIVATE, but for ppublic use, and designed ~ Z ~ ~ R-20 constructed to N.G.D.D.T. standards. ~ ~ (w/ Valley Gutter) ~ y Rec Area N,7.5, These restrictions shall be included in the ~ Q .r-~~" . 124,649 s.f. ..---f-' x in the ~lameowners documents: ~ • - " ~ ~ ~ I No Gates U ~ s ~ 2.86 ac. 2.) Na Speed Bumps ~ _ ~ i}tility ~q5~ 3.) No On-Street Parking (~j s i..i 0 3, All common areas, inclusive of recreation areas, ~ a'Sidewalk ~ shall be dedicated to and maintained by a 'i ~ ro Homeoumer5~ Association. ~ 40' ROW - 2q' V-V ar `"'•f ~ - • - ut~uty ~ ~ utlllty Stormwater 4. Street lighting shall be provided in aaordance ~ n ~ Q Eaxanent 50 ROW - 34 V-V 120 Detention Pond with Sec. 52-9 of the Subdivision Regulations. (U W 1a to 5. Building setbacks shall be min, 20" from all a" ~ U 8,1 Max, t r 3~I Max. perimeter boundaries, 10' between detached Slope r ~ 1 y " tla"I~' J ~ structures and 20' between attached structures.. ~ r.r To Grade 2,•Qr r 2,_Or To Grade 6` Va11 1-1/2r Valle Slopa 1 826 S, f , O 6. Tract has been timbered, There are no trees Gutty 51,58 Gutty within the proposed rights-of-way, Current Circle Private Road X-Section Development Data= (w/ Valley Gutter) t2o~ Total Tract Area - g5.16 ac. Area in Lots - 41.54 ac.f Recreation t" recreation Area - Utility Notes: lob ~ 03061328 166 Lots X 0.03 ac./unit = 4.q8 ac. req,'d. 1. Stormwater mangement shall carnply W ~ Drawn By: C Wolf minus Glass IV Soils - _0_ Area in R/W - 10.59 ac.t 166 Lots ~ Multi-family Area - 10.91 ac.t 2.q a, (1QOX Preservation) 2.q ac. Passive Area prov'd, with both Now Nmover County # Common Areas - 32.12 ac.~ 4,6 a, minus Natural water features -0- 4.6 ac, Active Area prov'd, g Checked Byl: N.C.D.E.N.R. stormwater re ulations / R dn7 G F toot applicable) ~ TC Yotal 7.5 ac. rov'd. Graphic Scale p 2. Sanitary sewer service shall be connected to $ Scale: I~: # 80~ Impervious znurtaces Total Development Area - g5.16 ac.t Streets - 273 2ql s.f. 72 Units } 72 Units X 0.03 ac./unit = 2.16 ac. read. the New Hanover County public system. so ao 30 zo loo zs so as Date: 04/03/08 f ~o Performance Residential Density Sidewalks - 17,618 s.f. I. q ac - 2.1 ac or I.q ac. Passive Area provid. 3. Water service shall be connected to the New I Hanover County public system. Increased Revisions: 04/30/08 staff comments 2.1 ac. Active Area prov d. capacity will need to be provided to Certificate Disclaiming Water / sewer 95.16 ac. @ 2.5 units/ac. Building Rooftops - 431074 s.f. Tc Total 3.0 ac. prov d. contour Interval - I' Suitability 4 Water / Sewer Availability Total Units Permitted - 238 Parking Area Pvmt. - 66,006 s.f. mitigate impact to the system. Topographic data complied from NHCo 05/05/08 aerial topo maps, not from a field survey. O5/lq/08 for - - Not withstanding New Hanover County approval of this Preliminary Plat, lots shown on Single-family Units Lots - 72 166 Sidewalks 7,462 s.f. 4. All telephone, electric, gas and television Boundary data compiled Pro' 4 Road Name sa Yid plat may not receive Wealth Department approval for on-site sewage disposal Y SubTotal - 126,362 s.f. (21.9%) ! service lines shall be installed underground. from an actual field survey by: Sheet: s stems, nor for individual water suPP1Y sYstemsr nor does such approval guarantee the (38R single-family lots 5. No construction shall commence until a permit Paul D. Talbot, P.L.S. availability of water or sewer services from New Hanover County. 2 4 3BR apartment units) Total - 407r451 s.f. (q.8%) Total Project Units - 238 (For DWQ "low-density" development of max. 24% is obtained in accordance with the New Hanover 16747 U.S. Hwy. 17, Suite 108 of County Soil Erosion 4 Sedimentation Ordinance. Hampstead, NC 28443 each lot can have up to 3500 s.f. impervious) Tel. (910) 270-9824 11