FY15 HCCBG revised funding plan 2-3-151"T oc t,u N 00 72 a: E cn .2 of P u P Ln ce co co ce LLJ LLJ Lr LIJ > CL ce u m 00 W :5 N V) Lr '6 -5: C�l rA 'Ell V1, tb 00 oc oc oc e- C -C 00 'C c oc O O G 00 rl- oc kn C7, 'n In M > FL E C.0 Cl) a Lj- Ct LL 70 -:5 _5 -5 � -_-5: Cd 00 73 Ci 1.) oc ('A "I E lJ ;T CD C) U C") IL ca ct In 55 In oc 75 C's LO X673 s z L) ¢ ¢ a ¢z of ot zx r-- t r I 7Z� v CC tZ �7 Yll FL E ' o 22 '5 cr 7R CU S, LL 41 V CJ t4 E E AGENDA: January- 20, 2415 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE FISCAL YEAR 2015 BUDGET BY BUDGET AMENDMENT 1.5 - 043 BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County, North Carolina, that the following Budget Amendment 15 -043 be made to the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2015. Section l: Details of Budget Amendment Strategic Focus Area: Superior Public Health, Safety and Education Strategic Objective(s): Provide health /wellness education, programs, and services Understand 1 act on citizen needs Fund: General Department: Senior Resource Center Expenditure: Decrease Increase Senior Resource Center S12,887 54 Total 512,887 $0 Revenue: Decrease Increase HCCBG grant revenue 512,887 So Total $12,887 JF $0 Section 2: Explanation The Senior Resource Center has received notice that the Home and Community Care Block Grant (HCCBCi) FY15 grant award has been reduced by 512,887. The FY15 grant amount is now S957,253. Reductions will be made to congregate nutrition, home delivered meals, case assistance, center operations, transportation, adult day care and in -home aide programs. Staff has reduced impact to clients by cutting operational expenses however S7,290 of direct client services will be cut. These are services in transportation, adult day care and in- home aide. Section 3: Documentation of Adoption 'This ordinance shall be effective upon its adoption. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County, North Carolina, that the Ordinance for Budget Amendment 15 -043, amending the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2015, is adopted. Adopted, this 20th day of January, 2015. (SEAL) Jonathan Barfield, Jr., Chairman ATTEST: Teresa P. Elmore, Clerk to the Board Board of Commissioners - January 20, 2015 ITEM: 6 - 4 - 1 County: New Ilanover Date: 12116/2014 SFY 2U14 -2015 Home & Community Care Block Grant Meeting Worksheet Is this a budget revision? Yes X No Federal/State Home & Community Care Block Grant Funding: What amount of monies should the identified services receive? Service Transportation General Medical Home Delivered Meals Congregate Meals I&R Options Counseling Senior Center Operations In-Home Aide Adult Day Care/Health Submitted by.- — R Brow, B. Brow, SRC Manager Total $957,253 FY 2014-,2015 Adjusted Provider Current Buget Budget Difference SRC (contracted) $28,000 $28,000 $0 SRC (contracted) $48,894 $47,793 $1,101 SRC $290,440 $288,942 $1,498 SRC $80,823 $79,273 $1,550 SRC $180,579 $180,093 $486 SRC $31,918 $29,855 $2,063 Interim Healthcare $208,166 $204,003 $4,163 Elderhaus Inc $101,320 $99,294 $2,026 TOTAL $970140 9 7 53 $L2,887 Revenue Reduction Amount Expense Reduction Amount 11068733-302250-GO003 $1,550 11068730-700430-GO003 M&R Equip $750 Congregate Nutrition 11068730- 700520 -G 03 Supplies $800 n A 3 --7$870500 R Equip Supplies $ 15 11068733-302250-GOOO,T$1,4918 11068730- 700430 - 130005 $1000 Home Delivered Meals, 1106873,0-700570-G0005 7 $498 $106 5 u 'Home Delivered Ideal's 057 068733 _3 22 O-GO002 "0' _55 I&R, Options & Case Assistance 11068733-302250-GO002 $486 11068730-700370-GO002 Restage 11068730-70043,0-G0002 M Equip $50 11068730-700500-00002 O/S printing $50 11068730-700700-GO002 Dues 8,. Sub $180 11068130- 700900-G0002, T&T $100 110687203-302250-G0011 $2,063 11068720-700520-G0011 $2,063 Senior Center Operations 11068733-302250-GO016 $1,101 11068730 -700075-GO016 Medical $1,10-1 Medical & General edic Transportation 11068733 _ 302250-00-001 $20026;�-11-0687-30-780010-GO0001 $2,026 / Adult Day Care/Health 111 8 10687303-3022 50-GO006 $4,163 11068730-780005-GO006 $4,163 In-Home Aide L TO' AL :T:A: �L $ 12,887 ATTENDEES:: .Elizabeth Grace Jane .Tones Vick Mayes TIME HOME AND COMMUNITY CARE BLOCK GRANT ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEETING December 16, 2014 GUESTS: Ben Brow Amber Smith Ginny Brinson ABSENT: Kathy Mullen Frannie Shively Kathy Rawlings Susan Springer The Advisory Committee meeting convened at 2:00 PM. True to low attendance, Elizabeth Grace recommended that those present review the recommended allocation and consensus of group be accomplished via email. All present agreed.. Ben Brow, Senior Resource Center (SRC) Manager, presented allocation recommendations as noted on proposal (below). The total reduction is S 12,887 which is shared across all programs. Adult Tray Care/ Health and In -Home Aide were consulted to determine what percentage they could surrender without significant negative impact on their programs and both contacted. Ben later and pledged a 2% reduction. Betty Grace inquired as to how many individuals would lose services with these reductions. Ben stated that in the HCCBG providers meeting earlier in the month, both services felt that a combination of attrition and reduction in some hours- committed that no client needed to lose full service. Ginny Brinson reminded us that In -Horne aide had been cautious about adding clients in the last budget cycle for fear of cuts and had to surrender excess funds, and Adult Day Care /Health had been having difficulty filling their Health Program, following growth in the PACE program. Jane and Ginny noted that a correction needed to be made in the allocations for Medical Transportation and Senior Center Operations, which could be easily addressed with an exchange of $294 from Senior Center Operations to Transportation, The final numbers and differences remain unchanged. Corrections and minutes are to be sent to all members for comments and /car approval.. Discussion regarding the need to recruit more members and more standardized meeting times ensued. The recommendation is to meet every other month on a Wednesday afternoon with the understanding that emergency meetings may be required from time -to -time depending on allocation changes. Jane suggested that a Committee of 5 -7 members would be preferable, I am requesting that if you know someone who may be interested, please have them contact me @ 798 -6410 or bbrow c',nhcgov.com for an application. No further questions or comments, Meeting ended at 2:20PM. Respectfully submitted by B. Brow, Manager SRC Grant Document Routing 51 Start date: 1/29/2015 From: Teresa Hewett, Finance Department (7408) Signatures required: Lisa Wurtzbacher, Finance Director _- Avril Pinder, Assistant County Manager Chairman Jonathan Barfield Jr. Return to Teresa Hewett, Finance Department (7408) Type(s) of document(s) attached: 1 original (3 individual pages) — Senior Resource Center Home and Community Care Block Grant (HCCBG) Funding Plan Explanation of document(s): Attached are 3 individual funding plans for the HCCBG for the Senior Resource Center. The Board approved BA 15 -043, which cut expense and revenue for the HCCBG due to a grant award reduction in the amount of $12,887. The forms are required to authorize the new allocations. Please let me know if you have any questions. Thank you, Teresa --------------------------- - - - - -- for finance department use -------------------------------------------------- DATE ADDED TO LASERFICHE PICKED UP BY: Print Name & Date Signature