Riverside_Ph1_correspondenceMEMORANDUM March 9, 2007 To: Sam Burgess/Bobby Harris County Planning From: Mick Wayne Subject: River Side Current district lines for the Ocean Forest Ridge subdivision are Johnson and Wrightsboro Elementary, Virgo Middle, and New Hanover High schools. Thank you for the opportunity to provide input on behalf of New Hanover County Schools. 2814 CAROLINA BEACH ROAD • WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA 28412 • PHONE (910) 254-4060 • FAx (910) 254-4366 Ray Griswold/NHC To Sam Burgess/NHC@NHC 03/15/2007 07:56 AM cc bcc Subject RIVERSIDE SUB-DIVISION Sam - I have reviewed the proposed sub-division - Riverside. I have the following concerns : 1. Does Engineering have adequate water supply for fire flow requirements? 2. Delta Court cul-de-sac - requires 96 foot diameter cul-de-sac.. Only 74 foot shown. Road is over 150 foot long. 3. Move fire hydrant on Lot #53 to street corner of lot 38 4. Add fire hydrant in area of Lot # 49 on Down Stream Lane 5. Kerr Ave. access. I have great concern here as we do not have any drawings of how this part of the project is going to work. Are there any improvements going to be made ? Here are a few of the issues: a. Parking takes place now along the Food Lion by delivery trucks and some patrons. How is this going to be controled and enforced and what impact will it play They park along side of the building. b. Food Lion is a sprinklered building and relies on a fire pond as it's water source. They use a bladder tank and the reliance on the wetlands to maintain it's level. I reccommend that county water be brought over to repair this issue and to guarantee it's water supply prior to this project starting. Hopefully an agreement can be worked out. Zimmer Properties is the responsible agency. Kelly Hegadore (512-7638) is there agent. I reccommend this developer talk with them about this issue. I will contact her today about this concern. These are my immediate concerns. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at any time. Raymond Griswold Deputy Fire Marshal 798-7448 (off.) 512-3689 (cell) United States Natural Resources 230 Market Place Dr, Suite 100 Department of Conservation Wilmington, NC 28403 Agriculture Service 9101798-6032 TO: Sam Burgess, NHC Planning Dept. March 16, 2007 FROM: Shelly Miller, NH Soil & Water Conservation District RE: River Side I HAVE REVIEWED THIS PLAN AS REQUESTED AND HAVE THESE COMMENTS: The soils are predominantly Craven fine sandy loam (Cr), Johnston Soils (JO), Onslow loamy fine sand (On), Rains fine sandy loam (Ra), Seagate fine sand (Se), and Wrightsboro fine sandy loam (Wr). According to the booklet, , "Wilmington/New Hanover Classification of soils for Septic Tank Suitability, Onslow, Rains, Seagate, and Wrightsboro are Class II soils, Craven is a Class III soil, and Johnston is a Class IV soil. The Soil Survey of New Hanover County lists Craven and Wrightsboro as moderately well drained, Onslow and Seagate as somewhat poorly drained, Rains as poorly drained, and Johnston as very poorly drained. Rains and Johnston soils are on the New Hanover County Hydric Soils A list which means they are possibly wetland areas and subject to regulation under the Clean Water Act. Seagate is on the Hydric Soils B list, which means it may contain areas of wetland. It should be noted, according to the Soil Survey of New Hanover County, and/or wetness. An adequate drainage and maintenance plan is needed for suitable housing. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers has federal jurisdiction over 404 Permits and the NCDEHNR, Dept. of Water Quality, has state jurisdiction over 401 Permits under the Clean Water Act. Before disturbing possible wetland areas, developers should contact these agencies to stay in compliance with State and Federal regulations. Anthony. Prinz@wilmingtonnc .gov 03/26/2007 03:40 PM Sam: To sburgess@nhcgov.com cc Mike.Kozlosky@wilmingtonnc.gov bcc Subject Preliminary Plat Review City Transportation Staff has reviewed the submitted preliminary plats and offers the following comments River Side Because the development is expected to generate more than 100 peak hour vehicle trips, a TIA is required for the project that includes any additional phases planned for the "Future Development" parcels. See the attached Word file for estimated trip generations. Staff makes the following recommendations regarding the River Side preliminary plat 1. That all roads be designated as public and constructed to NCDOT subdivision road standards 2. That additional accesses be constructed through adjacent vacant properties to Horne Place Drive and Chadwick Avenue. 3. That a 30' easement be dedicated for access to the proposed pump station 4. That a temporary turnaround be constructed, in accordance with NCDOT standards, at the end of the street projection. 5. That a cross-section for "Kerr Avenue" be included on the plat. 6. That a side walk detail be included on the preliminary plat 7. That, where possible, corner lots be accessed from secondary roads rather than the main loop road(River Side Drive). 8. The developer consider a three-spoke roundabout at the intersection of Kerr Avenue and River Side Drive to more efficiently accommodate expected traffic volumes at that intersection Ocean Forest Ridge Because the development is not expected to generate more than 100 peak hour vehicle trips, a TIA is not required for the proposed project. See attached PDF file for estimated trip generations. Staff makes the following recommendations regarding the Ocean Forest Ridge preliminary plat 1. That all roads be designated as public and constructed to NCDOT subdivision road standards 2. That road rights-of-way be 45' in width for the entire project 3. That centerline radii for all proposed road curves be indicated on the preliminary plat 4. That the proposed travelway widths be indicated on the preliminary plat 5. That a turnaround meeting NCDOT specifications for subdivision roads be installed at the northern terminus of the proposed road at Lot #2 and Lot #3. 6. That a street projection be constructed within the proposed southern "Utility and Access Easement" to connect the project to the adjacent parcel (Scotts Hill Baptist Church, property owner). 7. That a temporary turnaround be constructed, in accordance with NCDOT standards, at the end of the street projection. North Carolina Department of Transportation TRC Comments March 27. 2007 River Side • These comments are preliminary and are subject to further review upon receipt of the additional information requested. There may be additional comments and /or requirements for this site. • A NCDOT Driveway Permit is required. Submit a plan in accordance with pages 14 and 15 of the NCDOT driveway Manual to include access locations within 500' of the proposed access on both sides of the State road. Submit to the local NCDOT County Maintenance Office. • Developer shall submit subdivision plans to the North Carolina Department of Transportation for review, unless it is a private community. Therefore, if the developer anticipates adding or petitioning for addition to the state system, all roads/streets should be designed and constructed in conformance with the current North Carolina Department of Transportation design and construction guidelines. • NCDOT Encroachment Agreement required for utility connections or installation within NCDOT right of way. Exceptions granted for short side taps that will require no pavement cut or excavation within the 1:1 slope as it relates to existing edge of pavement. • Adequate horizontal and vertical sight distances should be reserved at all proposed entrances. • Foliage that interferes with sight distance should be cut back to protect lines of sight. • Adequate right-of-way for widening and sight distance triangles should be reserved. • Left and right turn lanes on NC 133 (Castle Hayne Road) shall be required for this site. All widening should include appropriate storage lane, transitional and deceleration tapers. Recommended turn lane and transitional treatments are shown on pages 78 - 80 of the "Policy on Street and Driveway Access to North Carolina Highways," dated July 2003. • Where possible, opposite side driveways should be aligned to prevent the operational and safety problems caused by offset driveways. ® All "outparcels" or "excluded areas" should be served internally with no additional access onto abutting roadways. The developer should convey this condition in any lease or sell agreements. ® Storm Drainage shall not be permitted under the pavement structure, other than, at a 901 angle to the centerline of the proposed roadway. Summary of Trip Generation Calculation For 161 Dwelling Units of Single Family Detached Housing March 23, 2007 Average Rate Standard Deviation Adjustment Factor Driveway Volume Avg. Weekday 2-Way Volume 10 .01 0 .00 1. 00 1611 7-9 AM Peak Hour Enter 0 .19 0 .00 1. 00 31 7-9 AM Peak Hour Exit 0 .57 0 .00 1. 00 92 4-6 PM Peak Hour Enter 0 .64 0 .00 1. 00 104 4-6 PM Peak Hour Exit 0 .38 0 .00 1. 00 61 Saturday 2-Way Volume 10 .23 0. 00 1. 00 1647 Saturday Peak Hour Enter 0 .52 0. 00 1. 00 83 Saturday Peak Hour Exit 0. 44 0. 00 1. 00 71 Note: A zero indicates no data available. The above rates were calcula ted from these equations: 24-Hr. 2-Way Volume: LN(T) _ .92LN(X) + 2.71, R'2 = 0.96 7-9 AM Peak Hr. Total: T = .7(X) + 9.43 R~2 = 0.89 0.25 Enter, 0. 75 Exit 4-6 PM Peak Hr. Total: LN(T) _ .9LN(X) + .53 R'2 = 0.91 , 0.63 Enter, 0. 37 Exit AM Gen Pk Hr. Total: T = .7(X) + 12.05 R~2 = 0.89 , 0.26 Enter, 0. 74 Exit PM Gen Pk Hr. Total: LN(T) _ .89LN(X) + .61 R~2 = 0.91 , 0.64 Enter, 0. 36 Exit Sat. 2- Way Volume: LN(T) _ .94LN(X) + 2.63, R A 2 = 0.93 Sat. Pk Hr. Total: T = .89(X) + 10.93 RA2 = 0.9 , 0.54 Enter, 0.46 Exit Sun. 2- Way Volume: T = 8.83(X) + -9.76 , RA2 = 0. 94 Sun. Pk Hr. Total: LN(T) _ .89LN(X) + .44 R'2 = 0.88 , 0.53 Enter, 0. 47 Exit Source: Institute of Transportation Engineers Trip Generation, 7th Edition, 2003. TRIP GENER ATION BY MICROT RANS r~ ~l New r County Planning Department Chris O'Keefe Planning Director 4/10/07 Withers & Ravenel 7040 Wrightsville Ave. Suite 101 Wilmington, NC 28409 New Hanover County Government Center 230 Government Center Drive, Suite 150 Wilmington, NC 28403 P 910.798.7165 F 910.798.7053 Dear Ms. Lowe, Attached are Planning Comments for the River Side Subdivision. There appears to be only one way into the property. Recommend a stub out north and south of the property. ✓f. Road names are they approved? River Side Drive should be River Side Circle or Loop. Clarify / if Kerr Ave will be continued as a street. Check with Steve Scruggs on all road name issues. ✓3. Tree survey required. Only one copy is required for the Planning Department. v<' Add a note on plan: All lots will face internally within subdivision. 5. Lot 26: Is there sufficient room for driveway and home location? A. Label all adjoining owners: South of Lot 13,14, & 82-92 owners name missing. v7 Where is the Conservation Overlay District line? /8. Please clarify the storm water pond appears to be higher in elevation than all the proposed lots. V Staff recommends public streets. x%10. Is TIA been approved for this project? 11. The following are agencies that have not responded to this subdivision: Emergency Services, 414., and Environmental Management. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call or email. 7 erely, E Bobby Harris 910-798-7443 bharris@nhcgov.com Catherine Timpy/NHC To Bobby Harris/NHC@NHC, Sam Burgess/NHC@NHC 4P 04/16/2007 03:38 PM cc Dianne Harvell/NHC@NHC bcc Subject Subdivision Review River Side Development Cape Fear Township This proposed subdivision of 103 acres would result in 161 residential lots. The proposed lots would be served by New Hanover County sanitary sewer and public water, according to the plan prepared by Withers & Ravenel, dated 01/29/07. If the subdivision is approved and these utilities are not presently available, construction cannot begin on the lots until the owners or his/her representatives obtain improvement (septic system) and/or well permits AND authorization for wastewater system construction from the New Hanover County Health Department. A site/soil evaluation must be conducted to determine if improvement and well permits can be issued for these lots. An approved stormwater management plan must be submitted prior to the evaluation of the sites. A recorded plat must be submitted to the Health Department prior to the issuance of an authorization to construct. Hunters Chase. Masonboro Township This proposed subdivision of 14.12 acres would result in 34 residential lots. The proposed lots would be served by New Hanover County sanitary sewer and City of Wilmington public water, according to the plan prepared by Withers & Ravenel, dated 03/12/07. If the subdivision is approved and these utilities are not presently available, construction cannot begin on the lots until the owners or his/her representatives obtain improvement (septic system) and/or well permits AND authorization for wastewater system construction from the New Hanover County Health Department. A site/soil evaluation must be conducted to determine if improvement and well permits can be issued for these lots. An approved stormwater management plan must be submitted prior to the evaluation of the sites. A recorded plat must be submitted to the Health Department prior to the issuance of an authorization to construct. Catherine Timpy, REHS/RS Senior Environmental Health Program Specialist New Hanover County Health Department Environmental Health Services 230 Market Place Dr., Suite 140 Wilmington, NC 28403 Phone: (910)798-6664 Fax: (910)798-7269 Warren Lee/NHC To Sam Burgess/NHC@NHC 04/30/2007 07:20 PM cc bcc Subject Plans Sam, Following are my comments on the latest round of preliminary plans, some of which have probably already gone to the TRC. Sorry for the delay in getting these reviewed! ® Sellars Cove - dead end parking areas with no turnarounds aren't friendly for large emergency vehicles. ® Ocean Forest Ridge - No significant issues ® River Side - No significant issues ® Hunters Chase - Do the wetlands in this area present a flooding problem during periods of heavy rain? ® Willow Bend - No significant issues o Progress Industrial Park - Is there a significant risk of flooding for the lots that lie along the south side of Progress Drive? It appears to me that some part of each lot lies within the 100 year flood zone. ® Myrtle Grove Village III - dead end parking areas with no turnarounds aren't friendly for large emergency vehicles. ® Tidal Walk - 48 of 106 acres of this project lie within the 100-yr flood zone. Doesn't this create an increased risk of flooding for any residential structures? ® Rockhill Subdivision - no significant issues. Thanks! Warren Lee, Director New Hanover County Department of Emergency Management 230 Government Center Drive, Suite 115 Wilmington, NC 28403 910-798-6910 office 910-798-6904 fax www.nhcgov.com/em Page 1 of 1 Harris, Bobby From: Cindee Wolf [CWolf@withersravenel.com] Sent: Wednesday, July 18, 2007 6:10 PM To: Harris, Bobby Subject: RE: riverside subdivision Follow Up Flag: Follow up Flag Status: Completed As far as we Land Planners are concerned, it is on hold because of sewer lift station issues being coordinated with the Engineering Department. Use it as a door stop for now. From: Harris, Bobby [mailto:BHarris@nhcgov.com] Sent: Wednesday, July 18, 2007 4:54 PM To: Cindee Wolf Subject: riverside subdivision Cindee, What is the status on the river side subdivision? Thanks. Bobby Harris !SIG:469e8fd0269015555821251! 8/6/2007 Page 1 of 1 Burgess, Sam From: Dan Cumbo [dcumbo@dot.state.nc.us] Sent: Monday, September 10, 2007 4:48 PM To: Anthony Law; Mike Kozlosky Cc: Jerry Taylor; Benjamin T. Hughes; Burgess, Sam Subject: River Side Subdivision TIA review recommendations (formerly named River View) Mike/Anthony, My recommendations are as follows: North Kerr and Castle Hayne Road • Construction of a NB right turn lane - 100' full storage and appropriate deceleration ftill and taper. • Extend existing WB through lane to create minimum of 400' full storage • Construction of WB right turn lane - 150' full storage and appropriate deceleration full and taper. • Construction of exclusive EB left, through, and right lanes with 200' full storage in each lane protected with a concrete median island • Modify signal operations to provide protected + permitted phasing on EB and WB approaches • Modify signal operations to provide right turn overlap phases for all right turn lanes Thanks !SIG:46e5ad7b168491279516832! 9/10/2007 WILMINGTON URBAN AREA Metropolitan Planning Organization Members: City of WILMINGTON Lead Planning Agency P.O. Box 1810 Wilmington, North Carolina 28402 910 341 3258 910 341 7801 FAX To: Mr. David Spencer, P.E., Withers & Ravenel From: Mr. Mike Kozlosky, Senior Planner Wilmington MPO Cc: Mr. Chris O'Keefe, Planning Director, New Hanover County Town CAROLINA BEACH Mr. Sam Burgess, Principal Development Planner, New Hanover County Mr. Dan Cumbo, P.E., Division Traffic Engineer, NCDOT Town of Mr. Anthony Law, P.E., District Engineer, NCDOT KURE BEACH Mr. Anthony Prinz, Associate Planner, Wilmington MPO Town of WRIGHTSVILLE BEACH Re: Memorandum Approving the River Side Subdivision TIA NEW HANOVER Date: September 13 2007 County , Town of BELVILLE The Wilmington M PO and NCDOT staff has reviewed the Traffic Impact Analysis Town of (TIA) for the River Side Subdivision dated September 4, 2007. The TIA meets the LELAND minimum requirements for submittal and the Wilmington MPO approves the TIA. Per MPO and NCDOT review, the following mitigation measures are required to address Town of the impact of this development on the local street network: NAVASSA BRUNSWICK North Kerr and Castle Hayne Road County C Construction of a NB right turn lane - 100' full storage and appropriate deceleration full and taper PENDER . Extend existing WB through lane to create minimum of 400' full storage County . Construction of WB right turn lane - 150' full storage and appropriate CAPE FEAR deceleration full and taper Public Transportation ° Construction of exclusive EB left, through, and right lanes with 200' full storage in Authority each lane protected with a concrete median island ® Modify signal operations to provide protected + permitted phasing on EB and WB North Carolina approaches BOARD OF ® Modify signal operations to provide right turn overlap p hases for all right turn TRANSPORTATION lanes The applicant is required to obtain an NCDOT driveway permit for access to the state road network and all applicable NCDOT driveway access technical standards and policies shall apply. Comments from the Technical Review Committee shall also apply. Please contact me at (910) 342-2781 with any further questions regarding this approval. TO: NEW HANOVER COUNTY OFFICES: Zoning Enforcement / Hines Engineering / lannucci / Craig SCS / Miller ~Z Emergency Services / Lee =r Fire Marshall / Davis/ Heath/ Sosbee E911 / Hewlett D Environmental Health / Harvell TO: OUTSIDEAGENCIES: D Bell South / Wood / Winstead 3 ; ' Corps of Engineers / Frye E` NC Coastal Management / Christianberry lil- County Schools / Wayne NCDOT / Law/ Chance Environmental Management / Lewis Q Volunteer Fire Department Progress Energy/ Cobb MPO / Kozlosky/ Reddi City of Wilmington / Bonser / Davis DATE: Mcu r~, cQ . 2007 FROM: ) Burgess, S. Daughtridge, J. Harris, B. D Scruggs, S. VZZ7 Preliminary Plan (Conventional, Performance HD) D Revised Plaa Final Plat MESSAGE: Minor Plat Project Name:. Side Co. ~94 Special Instructions: o-r co,...~k o ~V-z a aiQn4 I TL.. 01--.1.... fl.......~.«...J t.. i ---1-1 non I.- r,_:.._ n..:._ e... a®__: r.