2015-01-29 Agenda ReviewNEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS BOOK 33 AGENDA REVIEW MEETING, JANUARY 29, 2015 PAGE 220 ASSEMBLY The New Hanover County Board of Commissioners met for Agenda Review on Thursday, January 29, 2015, at 4:00 p.m. in the Harrell Conference Room at the New Hanover County Government Center, 230 Government Center Drive, Wilmington, North Carolina. Members present: Chairman Jonathan Barfield, Jr; Vice-Chairman Beth Dawson; Commissioner Skip Watkins; Commissioner Woody White; and Commissioner Rob Zapple. Staff present: County Manager Chris Coudriet; County Attorney Wanda M. Copley; and Clerk to the Board Teresa P. Elmore. Chairman Barfield called the Agenda Review meeting to order and announced that the purpose of the meeting is to review and discuss the Board’s agenda items for the February 2, 2015 Regular Meeting with discussion as noted: Consent Item 2. Adoption of State Road Resolutions . In response to Board questions, County Manager Coudriet explained that the roads were built based on the County’s and the State’s standards and reviewed at the time of construction and the County does provide fire services. These roads may qualify for the density requirement for the number of housing units completed and the State is ready to take possession. Consent Item 3. Appointment of Directors to the New Hanover County Financing Corporation . In response to Board questions, County Attorney Copley reported that the Financing Corporation is a requirement for any corporation in the purchase of limited obligation bonds. The Manager, Finance Director and the Chairman of the Board serve as the Board of Directors and usually meet once a year for the annual meeting. Consent Item Award of Contract to Audit the County’s Financial Statements to Cherry Bekaert, 5. LLP . In response to Board questions, Finance Director Lisa Wurtzbacher reported that Cherry Bekaert is a national firm with seven offices in North Carolina. The contract is for one year with an option to continue for four years based on satisfactory reporting techniques. The bid amounts are based on the number of audit hours that the company provides for the task. Consent Item 6. Approval of NC Education Lottery Project Application for Renovations Needed to Use the Sidbury Road Site as a "Swing Space" for the College Park Elementary School During Building Replacement . In response to Board questions, County Manager Coudriet reported that the County Schools have several plans to use the property of the former Rock Church. Besides the temporary location for the College Park Elementary School as a swing site while the new school is being constructed, County Schools plan to use some of the property for a Transportation Facility for school buses. Consent ItemApproval of Board of Education Capital Outlay Budget Amendment #5 7. . In response to Board questions, Budget Director Cam Griffin reported that the budget amendment appropriates funds for the land purchase of the Northeast Elementary School in the amount of $1,627,374. The Commissioners approved the land purchase on November 17, 2014. Consent Item8. Adoption of Budget Amendment 15-044 for the Department of Social Services . County Manager Coudriet reported that the IV-E funds are federal reimbursement for the daycare subsidy. Regular Item 9. Public Hearing: Special Use Permit Request by Hellman, Yates, and Tisdale on Behalf of Angela W. Steele Life Estate to Develop a 150-Foot-Tall Telecommunications Tower at 6516 Murrayville Road (S-623, 11/14). Planning and Zoning Supervisor Ben Andrea provided a brief update on the request and responded to questions. The Planning Board voted 3 to 2 to recommend approval. Regular Item 10. Consideration of a Utility Infrastructure Reimbursement Agreement. County Manager Coudriet reported that the agreement would allow the development of the elementary school to go forward. Each participant would pay their pro rata share for the regional pump station and sewer expansion. Stevens Fine Homes is the builder for the proposed development surrounding the school. Cape Fear Public Utility Authority will design and construct the project. Regular Item 11. Consideration of Request for Approval to Proceed with the Issuance of an RFP (Request for Proposal) for Construction and Demolition Recycling Equipment for the New Hanover County Landfill, as Included in the FY14-15 Adopted Budget. Environmental Management Director Joe Suleyman responded to questions from the Board on the proposed C&D equipment. Removing C&D materials from the waste stream would save 1.3 years of landfill space per year. Vice Chairman Dawson commented that she would like the County to consider other options in recycling the C&D materials before spending $1.5 million on the proposed equipment. She asked Director Suleyman to research whether private businesses could recycle the C&D materials and investigate whether the homebuilders could expand their participation in separating the C&D materials. State of the County Address Commissioner White asked whether an advance copy of the State of the County Address would be available. Chairman Barfield responded that no advance copy would be provided. In response to further questions, NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS BOOK 33 AGENDA REVIEW MEETING, JANUARY 29, 2015 PAGE 221 County Manager Coudriet responded that the cost of the reception would be $5 per person for 100 to 150 people. The expense would be paid from the non-departmental budget. Staff Update : Finance Director Lisa Wurtzbacher presented a draft Travel Policy Update as follows:  Policy is for employees and it does not apply to Commissioners.  Advances were lowered to a minimum amount of the daily per diem.  Meals:  Per diem for travel related meals - based on GSA (US General Services Administration) rates:  Range from $46 - $71.  Procurement cards are not to be used for travel meals.  Meals during day trips are taxable.  Lodging:  Reimburse lodging the night before a conference/training in certain cases.  Transportation: Encouraged to use most economical mode of transportation:  Vehicles:  Mileage paid for personal vehicle used (IRS rate).  Procurement card used for gas purchases for rental cars only.  No family members are allowed to travel in County or rental vehicles.  Disallowed Expenses:  Entertainment (fees other than conference sessions/events) are not eligible. County Manager Coudriet explained that the travel policy applies to all staff members in the organization. If the Commissioners want to opt in on the policy, it would require Board action. The proposed policy will be easier for the employees, the departments processing the expense reports and for the Finance Department. Commissioner White stated that he would support adding the Commissioners to the travel policy at the Board meeting on Monday, February 2, 2015 or adding it to the agenda for the February 16, 2015 meeting. He announced that he needed to attend a CFCC Board of Trustees meeting and left the meeting at 4:35 p.m. The Commissioners discussed the proposed travel policy and agreed that the Commissioners should use the travel policy as a guide when traveling on County business. Additionally, the Commissioners believed that the resolution adopted in 2012 concerning reimbursement of expenses when a Commissioner fails to attend an event and the Commissioners’ Code of Ethics policy provide sufficient self-guidance for travel. The Commissioners supported employees attending conferences and training and did not want a travel policy to be burdensome for the employee. Consensus : The Commissioners agreed that the Commissioners would not be subjected to the travel policy and they agreed to use the employee’s travel policy as a guideline. Other Items of Discussion:  Commissioner Watkins resigned from the WDI, Inc. Board of Directors because of having a conflict with the TAC/MPO meeting schedule held at the same time. He suggested that Commissioner Zapple may want to be the Commissioners’ representative.  Commissioner Watkins announced that the Governor’s office has asked him to attend the forum on Offshore Seismic Survey scheduled next week in Raleigh. The Department of Environment and Natural Resources will be holding the forum and he will be on the panel discussion.  Commissioner Zapple congratulated and complimented Chris O’Keefe regarding the recently renovated County Development Services office areas and the recent open house.  Chairman Barfield reminded the Commissioners of the Legislative luncheon scheduled for tomorrow and asked that they be prepared to speak on the specific legislations impacting New Hanover County.  Vice-Chairman Dawson expressed appreciation to the Chairman and staff for their efforts in preparing a State of County Address. She believed it would be a beneficial report for the citizens to hear and hoped that the Board would continue providing the address in the future. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, Chairman Barfield adjourned the meeting at 4:58 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Teresa P. Elmore Clerk to the Board