Exton Park_Ph2_final_app1 X30 a~ernrn.~ ~ e~,~er D~.ve r butte ~ ~~g~on, ~ ~84D ~ ~-798 ~ p~ae 9~0-798-7~~3 w1~w.~1~OV Name a~ ~~YIler ur D Veloper Name Date of ~ppiic tion A~ddre pity, state, ip ~ ~~.~t~ Email dress Telephone ~u~nber oi' ~waer o dame rveyar {i~ i~f ' ent than ~~vaer} Telepho ~ tuber a~ purveyor ~i~ dif~ereat tharr~ ~~vnex} Y Address of purveyor if different thin ~wne~r} C3~r, eta dip ~L~ ~ i c E~naxl reps {~i' d~t~exeot than finer} parcel ~D Number ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Eocation ~ property Square Feet{A.cre~ n~ Plat i~aad Classit~catioa ~uhdi~isioa Name Typ~~of ~ bdivision ~ ~~JBI ~ U.~~VIENT dour applica.on must u~.clude ~ maps that are folded. The~applicati~r~ gill be regarded as incomplete until the foliaw~ag items are received 1~y fhe Planing ~epartn~ent. . . . 1. ~ ~a.00 fee per lot or unit will be assessed, phis fee should be payable to New Hanover County, if a livable a ~9~ pp } fee is rewired four each street signs, ~ . Streets . basic letter franc the ortla Carolina Department of Transportation, approving the canst~uctian of all public rands being patted ~or a litter from the~our~t~r Engineer approving the design of a~~ pvat~ sheets. ~ ~ fin. lieu of a ~CDCT basic letter ar~d ar completed iastracture impraven~ents, a line item cost estimate n~a be Y submitted to Eagineeri~g staff far approval, Please refer to Section S 1 of the .Subdivision ordinance far more ~'oaation. . 4. ~f applicable, homeowner covenants detaili~,g road maintenance, common area, ownership, recreational areas and insurance must be submitted to the Planning Department far review prior to dal plat approval. ,applications far Finial Plat revie~r are received by the Planning Department ar~d~distributed to the Fire lV~arshall and County Engineeri.~ng Departn~cnts. Comments from each department w~.l be distributed to the surveyor or developer, G, The ~ianning 1Departrnent cannot release an,y plat withar~t writtep, canfirmatiun and appra~vai, from Engineering and `ire Services, . ~ P~.T ~T"~~TE Final p~at~ display ~~e fouawi~g c~r~if~ctes, l . Ownership, dedication and jurisdiction disclosure {dated & signed} Certcate of Accuracy and lapping {dated ; signed} 3. waterl Sever Disclaimer statement 4. Sewer Construction Certificate {ifapplicable} 5. Disclosure {signed dated by o~rnera if applicable} Fioodplai~ ll~anagement Disclosure {signed dated by owner, if applicable} Private Development Disclosure ~siga~ed S~ dated by owner, if applicable} 8. egistration~Disciosure homeowner's Covenants {if applicable 9. ~'horoughfare Statement {if appl~cable~ lD. ~a4 wetland Certcate {signed by Corps 1 i. County Engineering Certificate {signed by engineerzng staff Page ~ ofd , ~ fns xL L IIV! ~a~c~~ eac~t ~~e~r~ ~o c~~~, f ~r~aa ~t r~ i~c~a~c~ea~ on ~~a~ s~te,~~r~~a. ire ofplat must ha~re a n~inimun~ baxder of 1.5" on. the le~'t side and min~.n~un~ % border on a~~ other sides Plat sire not more than l8"~ 24", ~l"~ 30", or ~4"x 36" and dra~rn i~ ink on repraducib~e ylar Title block to ~.c~ude: ~~rner~s} Warne, property designation, townshi count state dates of actual curve P, scale or scale ~rat~o~ Warne address o~surveyor preparing plat project aan~e bottom of plat} T e north oust Tree Crud or a netic ~ , ~ A ~ g } Deed boob page re~ercnce, deta~~ed vreinrty map, ad~orn~ng la~.da~ners and streets Surveyor's ert~~cate ~ 4~-3~~D}, ~ {l1~ purveyor's o~igihal signature, seal registration number {no sticl~y bacs~ computer generated ~R~. Control comers in accordance with NCGS 9-32,~ NCDC]T Construction Certificate ~ii'roads are public} Ro ads deli hated ublic ar ri~rate . g ~ ~ . 1~US~S grid Tie monu.ent established ~rithi~ ~~D~ feet } e~~ral ~~quxree~ts; . Final plat submitted ~Ithua months oI"pre~i~ninary parr. 1l~ndupZicat~d subdivision and sheet names approved by the ~ouraty Fire Impact fee required far Narth Chase, Riper Road and Blue Cla Farm Pro ernes y p Type narfh point {True, grid or Magnetic} Deed book page reference, vicinity reap, adjoining landowners and streets ~ USCG Crxid Tie {ifmanument established ~ri.thin ~~Q~ feet ~ owners name and street address on Plat . ~ ~ . Names and Zocations off` adjo%nin subdivisions streets adjacent ro e a ~ p ~ o~.ers Boundaries prapez~y drii with alb bearin ~ di~tan~e ~ } . g s, scale .not less 1 l ~0 IJocation, purpose, dim~.ensian areas used for a.er than residential {if applicable} Lots numbered consecutively, cats conform to coning district dater and surer capacity letter canfurmation bounty Engineering NCD~T basic setter {if goads are public} ~apy of ho~o~er c~ve~ants {di`ainage areas, private toads, recreation, open space, curable, taxes} ~loodpla~n { 100 years displayed {Hate if not applicable} 4a4 et~ands ~Accurate~y Delineated {if app~icable)~note if applicable}~-~ -c . Corrstructian Phan ,Apprava~ by bounty ngi~eering Side~vas and transportation improvements Pedest~arx access cif applicable} D~'a r~t~ri~: Block lengths. greater than 40D' but less than I Dad' Blocl~s to have 2 tiers Buffer stxips {if applicable} Designated coi~se~vation resource area with applicable setbacl~s ifre aired. ~ . ~ ~ ~ ~ Cul-de-sacs less than ~~0', designed minimum NCD~T requirements Nla~or Street intersect at least Sa0'apart and hat less than 7 degrees Street~ogs n~o less than ADO' curve Data Stub street improvements, street connectivity as required Road improvementslcannectians to adjacent streets, street lights Free mitigation complete {if app~icable~ Recreation space {land dedication ar i~ee} Ite d cost estimate {if irnprovernents not complete} ~ cep y b t orat~~~ pre~ea~tod Ichis ~ppX~oat~~n acc~ra~e t~ tbo b t my I~u~ edge. ti W L"~ i~ ~ property ~~~er ~,~lor developer riot ~~~e Page2af2 ~ 11U7 F'~ f M14r f ~ ~ •i << f. ove~nent Center Dr. Chris O'eefe Suite 1 Sa Plan~~~g ~]irec~or wilmingtan, 803 ~ 1 a~~9~-? 1 phone fro ~~n~~~ off 910-798y7~~ fax Li ~rgo~7~7 YY VY YY r~ a Y r~a111 Baby Harris tvo~. ~rug~ Jano Dauh~r~dge Shawn R~1s~on Pro'ec~ dame: ~ ~ ~ ~ ale. J ~e~se c~~~~ at~lo~ 1~~~~~i~ ~~xe u~p~o~ri~~e,~e~so~~sJ. ~relirriinary Alan conventional, Per~orn~ance, High Density are sent to the following agencies far additional comments. ~ Engineeringl Jim Zannueci ~ Soil Conservation ~er~ricesl Jennifer Braswell naergency ervicesl wat~en Lee ~ Fire arshalll ll~att Davis ~ E91 i I Hewlett ~ Environmental Healthl Harvell ~anl~ if plan includes well or septic tangy} Outside Agencies: ~ Corps of ~ngineersl imherly Carey written con~rnents not required prior to ~'~.C~ ~ Schaal systen~sl Wayne ~ NDOTI Jerry Taylor ~ iVIP0lAntho~y Frin~ ~ Division of Coastal IV~anage.ent {orb ~airs~ {plan sent if land is adjacent to coastal water} ~ ~,~..I Lewis ~ City of wilmingta. Dev, er~ublic utilities Minor ubdxvisians are sent to the following agencies far additional comments. ~ Fngineeringl Jinn Iannucci ~ nviranental Healthl Ha.r~ell Final subdivisions are sent to the following a envies 1"ar additional c mme ~ g a nts. ~ Fire l~arshall~ Batt Davis ~ ngineerin Jim Tannucci n r~c~ipt, ~lese send ~o~r r~t~n con~n~ent~ ~~c~ to a tannin ]e~rtn~nt within ee~~. ~.d~itional Co~nrnent: ~ p~ ~ ~ ~ C~ ~ ~ ~ m rn ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ C~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ m ~ ~ ~ ~ M Q ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ n ~ ~ ~ Q o ~ a o ~ 6 y q +1 4 6 4 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ m RI ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ C~ ~ ~ ~ m ~ ~ ~ _ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Q ~ ~ a ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o c o ~ ~ ❑ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ n ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ r ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~1 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ a ~4 ~ ~ ~ ~ " ~ ~ ~n ~ can ~ n ~ ~ o! ~ ~ ~ m ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ m ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ m f C ~ ~ 0 ~ m ~~6 t f L' kK;n~x.~,.'~ A