2015-02-16 Regular MeetingNEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS BOOK 33 REGULAR MEETING, FEBRUARY 16, 2015 PAGE 231 ASSEMBLY The New Hanover County Board of Commissioners met in Regular Session on Monday, February 16, 2015, at 9:00 a.m. in the Assembly Room of the New Hanover County Courthouse, 24 North Third Street, Wilmington, North Carolina. Members present: Chairman Jonathan Barfield, Jr; Vice-Chairman Beth Dawson; Commissioner Skip Watkins; Commissioner Woody White; and Commissioner Rob Zapple. Staff present: County Manager Chris Coudriet; County Attorney Wanda Copley; and Clerk to the Board Teresa Elmore. INVOCATION AND PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Reverend John A. McLaughlin, St. Jude Metropolitan Community Church, provided the invocation and Commissioner Watkins led the audience in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. Chairman Barfield acknowledged the passing of Mary Green, who served the community with honor and distinction for 28 years with the Wilmington Police Department. APPROVAL OF CONSENT AGENDA Chairman Barfield asked if any member of the Board would like to remove or discuss any item on the Consent Agenda. Hearing no comments, Chairman Barfield requested a motion to approve the Consent Agenda. Motion: Commissioner Watkins MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner Zapple, to approve the Consent Agenda as presented. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. CONSENT AGENDA Approval of Minutes – Governing Body The Commissioners approved the following minutes as submitted by the Clerk to the Board: Agenda Review Meeting held on January 29, 2015 Special Meeting held on January 30, 2015 Regular Meeting held on February 2, 2015 Reappointment of Commissioner Rob Zapple to the Wilmington Downtown, Inc. Board of Directors – Governing Body The Commissioners appointed Commissioner Rob Zapple to serve on the Wilmington Downtown, Inc. (WDI) Board of Directors as the Commissioner Representative. Commissioner Skip Watkins resigned due to a conflict with the TAC/WMPO and the WDI meeting schedules. Adoption of State Road Resolution – Governing Body The Commissioners adopted NCDOT State Road Resolution supporting the addition of the following roads to the state maintained secondary road system:  Riesling Avenue, Winery Way, Chablis Way, and Shiraz Avenue located within the Vineyard Plantation Subdivision in New Hanover County (Division File No. 1204-N). A copy of the resolution is hereby incorporated as part of the minutes and is contained in Exhibit Book XXXIX, Page 4.1. Acceptance of New Hanover Soil and Water Conservation District as a County Department – County Manager’s Office The Commissioners accepted theNew Hanover Soil and Water Conservation District as a County Department effective March 2, 2015, and approved Budget Amendment 15-045 to budget funds for the remainder of the fiscal year. The County Manager was authorized to execute a Memorandum of Understanding that will formalize the action. A copy of the budget ordinance amendment is hereby incorporated as part of the minutes and is contained in Exhibit Book XXXIX, Page 4.2. Adoption of a Resolution Requesting the NCDOT to Install Landscaping along Transportation Routes to Improve the Aesthetics in Preparation of the 2017 Wells Fargo Golf Championship Department – County Manager’s Office The Commissioners adopted a resolution requesting the NCDOT to install landscaping along transportation routes in New Hanover County in order to improve the aesthetics in preparation of the 2017 Wells Fargo Golf Championship. The Wilmington Urban Area Metropolitan Planning Organization/Transportation Advisory Committee adopted a similar resolution on January 28, 2015. A copy of the resolution is hereby incorporated as part of the minutes and is contained in Exhibit Book XXXIX, Page 4.3. NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS BOOK 33 REGULAR MEETING, FEBRUARY 16, 2015 PAGE 232 Approval to Apply for the NCDENR 2015 Grant - Construction & Demolition Recycling Program in the Amount of $30,000 – Environmental Management Department The Commissioners approved submitting a grant application to the N. C. Department of Environment and Natural Resources for a $30,000 grant for the Construction and Demolition Recycling Program. The grant funding would be used to reduce the overall project cost by the full amount of the approved grant award. The $6,000 match is included in the FY 2015 adopted budget. Adoption of Resolution Awarding Contract to MTS Services for the Audio-Visual Technology Upgrade Design for the Board of Commissioners' Assembly Room – Public and Legislative Affairs The Commissioners adopted a resolution awarding a contract to MTS Services for the audio-visual technology upgrade design in the amount of $134,998 for the Commissioners' Assembly Room in the New Hanover County Courthouse. A copy of the resolution is hereby incorporated as part of the minutes and is contained in Exhibit Book XXXIX, Page 4.4. Acceptance of December 2014 Tax Collection Reports – Tax Department The Commissioners accepted the following Tax Collection Reports as of December 2014: New Hanover County New Hanover County Fire District Copies of the Tax Collection Reports are hereby incorporated as part of the minutes and are contained in Exhibit Book XXXIX, Page 4.5. REGULAR ITEMS OF BUSINESS PRESENTATION OF SERVICE AWARDS TO RETIREES AND EMPLOYEES AND INTRODUCTION OF NEW EMPLOYEES County Manager Coudriet recognized the following retirees receiving retirement awards: Murdis Charles Craft, Sheriffs’ Office, with 15 years of service Celeste Chadwick, Department of Social Services, with 25 years of service Chairman Barfield presented a retirement award to each person and the Commissioners expressed appreciation and thanked each one for their years of dedicated service to New Hanover County. County Manager Coudriet requested the following employees to step forward to receive service awards: Ten Year: Timothy Lougher, Sheriffs’ Office Jason Williams, Sheriff’s Office Nano Scott, Sheriff’s Office Fifteen Year: Efrain Granda, Sheriff’s Office Twenty Year: Renee Chesnut, Legal Department James Shivar, Planning and Inspections Chairman Barfield presented a service award to each employee and the Commissioners expressed appreciation and thanked each one for their years of dedicated service. County Manager Coudriet requested the following new employees to stand and be introduced: John Graham Property Management Johnny Head, Fire Services Kelly Henry, Planning and Inspections Margie Jewell, Tax Department Ann Riley, Information Technology John Townsend, Planning and Inspections Anna Zell, Legal/Risk Management On behalf of the Board, Chairman Barfield welcomed the employees to County Government and wished them success in their new positions. APPROVAL TO SUBMIT A GRANT APPLICATION TO THE N.C. GOVERNOR'S HIGHWAY SAFETY PROGRAM FOR A BIKE SAFE PROGRAM Sheriff Ed McMahon reported that the Sheriff’s Office is requesting authorization to submit a grant application to the N.C. Governor’s Highway Safety Program for a Bike Safe Program in the amount of $91,000. Funding will be used to purchase two motorcycles equipped with cameras and laptops. The motorcycles currently being used are part of the patrol fleet without laptops or camera systems. The Bike Safe program will provide the citizens of the County a chance to be assessed on driving skills and how to make their experience as a motorcyclist NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS BOOK 33 REGULAR MEETING, FEBRUARY 16, 2015 PAGE 233 safer and more enjoyable. No local match is required. If the grant is awarded, a budget amendment will be submitted to the Commissioners for approval. Motion : Commissioner Watkins MOVED, SECONDED by Vice-Chairman Dawson, to authorize the Sheriff’s Office to submit a grant application to the N. C. Governor’s Highway Safety Program for a Bike Safe Program in the amount of $91,000 and authorize the Chairman to sign the Local Government Resolution. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. A copy of the resolution is hereby incorporated as part of the minutes and is contained in Exhibit Book XXXIX, Page 4.6. PRESENTATION OF THE NEW HANOVER COUNTY ADULT CARE HOME COMMUNITY ADVISORY COMMITTEE ANNUAL UPDATE Mary K. Busbee, Chairman of the New Hanover County Adult Care Home Community Advisory Committee provided an update on the activities of the Adult Care Home Community Advisory Committee. New Hanover County has 994 adult care home beds and ten family care home beds, which includes 201 special care beds that provide security for residents with Alzheimer. The committee members visit the adult care home facilities quarterly to ensure that the residents’ rights are upheld and that they are taken care of properly. The members advocate for the residents with the administrative staff of the facility before leaving the facility. Any concerns that a member has with a home are documented with the ombudsman. Currently the committee has 10 members, but need more members to help with the visits to the homes. Ms. Busbee requested the Commissioners recruit for additional applicants and support efforts in reducing the cost for residents, as Medicaid recipients are unable to qualify for funding to receive the care they may need. The Commissioners expressed appreciation for the work and compassion of the members who serve the residents in the adult care homes and directed the Clerk to advertise and recruit for applicants for the committee. Chairman Barfield, on behalf of the Commissioners, expressed appreciation for the report and the services that the committee members provide the community. PRESENTATION OF THE NEW HANOVER COUNTY NURSING HOME COMMUNITY ADVISORY COMMITTEE ANNUAL UPDATE Julie Brewer, Chairman of the New Hanover County Nursing Home Community Advisory Committee provided an update on the activities of the Nursing Home Community Advisory Committee for residents in long- term care. The committee members make unannounced quarterly visits to the nursing homes and try to speak with fifty percent of the residents or their family members. Before leaving the facilities, they speak with the administrator to share any concerns and follow-up with documentation to the ombudsman. Currently they have twelve trained members and they work to ensure that the residents’ rights are being respected. The committee members logged in 264 volunteer hours of service and visited nine facilities. New Hanover County has 1,129 beds for skilled facilities with 70 beds for persons with dementia or special needs. She requested the Commissioners to help advocate and raise community awareness on issues affecting the elderly and invited them to join the celebrations of National Nursing Home Week, May 10 – 11, 2015, and National Residents’ Rights Month in October. Chairman Barfield, on behalf of the Commissioners, expressed appreciation for the report and the service and dedication of the committee members. APPROVAL TO ISSUE A REQUEST FOR QUALIFICATION (RFQ) TO SELECT A FIRM/TEAM CAPABLE OF ASSESSING THE CAROLINA BEACH COASTAL STORM DAMAGE REDUCTION (CSDR) PROJECT’S CONTINUED FEDERAL INTEREST, PREPARATION OF A RISK REDUCTION PLAN AND POTENTIALLY A LIMITED RE-EVALUATION REPORT Shore Protection Coordinator Layton Bedsole presented a request for an RFQ to provide the non-federal Risk Reduction Plan and potentially produce a benefit cost ratio assessment. If the assessment were competitive, a decision would be made whether to prepare a limited re-evaluation report. The County would manage the non- federal part for oversight of the scope, fee and schedule and the work may provide an expedited path to determine whether federal interest would be received. The 2014 Water Resources Reform Development Act requires this route to extend beach renourishment for an additional fifteen years. Staff recommended advertising, interviewing and securing a team capable of fulfilling the needs of assessing the project. Later the Board would consider a contract for providing the non-federal Risk Reduction Plan. A benefit cost ratio assessment with subsequent re-evaluation report would be required. If the Corps of Engineers provides a manageable, cost effective and timely limited re-evaluation report, the County would have a team qualified in providing a plan that would be part of the Corps report. This long-term plan will expedite the process with the Corps in scheduling and getting funding for the project. Motion : Commissioner Watkins MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner Zapple, to authorize the issuance of an RFQ to select a firm/team capable of assessing the Carolina Beach Coastal Storm Damage Reduction Project by preparing the project risk reduction report, an economic benefit cost ratio evaluation, and potentially a limited re- evaluation report. Subsequent scopes and fees will be brought back before the Board for consideration. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS BOOK 33 REGULAR MEETING, FEBRUARY 16, 2015 PAGE 234 APPROVAL OF THE NEW HANOVER COUNTY SHORELINE MAPPING PROGRAM Shore Protection Coordinator Layton Bedsole reported that the County’s Shoreline Mapping Program (SMP) prepared by the engineering firm Moffatt & Nichol with field survey support by Geodynamics is entering the second survey season. The primary purposes of the program are to assess shoreline conditions, measure volumetric rates of erosion and accretion, track the movement of sand in the longshore and cross-shore direction through comparative surveys and evaluate beach conditions from one reach to another gauging the coastal storm damage reduction efforts. In the past, each beach town provided their own survey, but the reports were not consistent in their approach. The 2015 SMP tasks include: 1) surveying the 124 profiles established along Wrightsville Beach, Masonboro Island, Freeman Park, Carolina Beach, Kure Beach, Fort Fisher and adjacent inlets with preparation of an annual report; 2) inclusion of the 2005/2006 U.S. Army Corps of Engineers survey data set facilitating long-term trend analyses while helping to develop future healthy shoreline volumes and potential event triggers. If needed and authorized by staff; 3) rapid response post-hurricane survey of all profiles along all areas listed above which includes a letter report summarizing the results; and 4) bathymetric surveys of all four borrow areas of Masonboro Inlet, Carolina Beach Inlet and offshore borrow areas. Items (3) and (4) are not included in the contract amount and if authorized will be billed per costs provided. The Port, Waterway and Beach Commission supports the shoreline mapping program. Room Occupancy Tax (ROT) funds are eligible for the proposed effort as defined by the General Assembly in 2002 “Costs directly associated with qualifying for projects either contracted through the Corps or otherwise permitted by all appropriate federal and state agencies.” This program meets local monitoring requirements within each federal Project Cooperation Agreement. Staff is requesting authorization to initiate the 2015 Shoreline Mapping Program Tasks 1 and 2 at a cost of $163,040, which is currently budgeted with ROT funds. In response to Board questions, Mr. Bedsole anticipated that within the next three to five years, the data should provide good trending information. Motion : Vice-Chairman Dawson MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner Zapple, to authorize and approve the County’s 2015 Shoreline Mapping Program task of 1) surveying the 124 profiles established along Wrightsville Beach, Masonboro Island, Freeman Park, Carolina Beach, Kure Beach, Fort Fisher and adjacent inlets with preparation of an annual report; and 2) inclusion of the 2005/2006 Corps survey data set facilitating long-term trend analyses while helping to develop future healthy shoreline volumes and potential event triggers using Room Occupancy Tax Funds as budgeted at a cost of $163,040. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. APPROVAL OF AMENDMENT 1 TO THE INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT BETWEEN NEW HANOVER COUNTY AND THE CAPE FEAR PUBLIC UTILITY AUTHORITY REGARDING MARQUIS HILLS SEWER EXTENSION AND HERITAGE PARK SEWER EXTENSION PROJECTS County Engineer Jim Iannucci reported that the communities of Marquis Hills and Heritage Park are ranked number one and two on the high priority list of areas with failing septic tanks in the County by the Cape Fear Public Utility Authority. These neighborhoods have had numerous septic tank failures that impact the environment and pose a health risk as well as a financial burden to the residents. The Board approved the project at its May 6, 2013 meeting to bring sanitary sewer systems to these affected areas. As part of the meeting, the Board directed staff to prepare an Interlocal Agreement with the Authority funding engineering and design for approval at a future meeting. The Interlocal Agreement went into effect on October 4, 2013, and allows the Authority to partner with the County in this project and details the distribution of costs between the two entities. The total cost of the project is $16,962,184 with the Authority contributing $4,264,000 through engineering and design work and overall project contribution. The County is responsible for funding the remaining cost of the project. Amendment 1 to the Interlocal Agreement clarifies the roles of the Authority and the County as well as modifies the scope of work. The addition in scope will add $113,400 to the projects. The additional costs would be covered through existing eligible Clean Water State Revolving Fund (CWSRF) proceeds and Authority project contributions and would not require increasing the loan amount for either project. Specifically:  Adds Bainridge Court to the project, located just outside the original Marquis Hills project limit and has six homes with failing septic tanks. The cul de sac is surrounded by existing sewer but was never connected to the system. The existence of these septic tanks in a sewered neighborhood was discovered after the project was designed.  A connection will be made to the recently added manhole in the vicinity of the O’Reilly Auto Parts store. This connection and modification to the sewer plans will facilitate the use of shallower sewer that will reduce the impacts of the project and result in reduction in cost. The manhole near O’Reilly’s was added after the project was designed and submitted.  A clarification was included that states “The cost of the sewer taps are included in the estimated project cost to be funded by the County. Tap fees are not due from the owners of individual parcels.” This was added because of citizen feedback at the public meetings for the project and clears up the fact that residents will not pay a tap fee to the Authority for sewer.  Section 4 of the Interlocal Agreement was modified to read: “4. Authority Cost Participation. The Authority cost participation shall not exceed a contribution of $4,264,000 toward the Project. Cost participation can include both the costs that are eligible and those that are ineligible for reimbursement through the CWSRF program and can be split as required for both Marquis Hills Project costs or Heritage Park Project costs. Costs can include, but are not limited to, engineering, construction, paving and NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS BOOK 33 REGULAR MEETING, FEBRUARY 16, 2015 PAGE 235 easements.” This modification was added to allow flexibility in funding both projects as well as make maximum use of the low interest loan to pay for eligible project costs. Costs such as additional paving that are not loan eligible can be paid out of the Authority’s contribution. The Authority’s contribution can be used for either project as needed to further aid in the flexibility of funding both projects as well as taking full advantage of the low interest loan. Staff recommends approval of Amendment 1 to the Interlocal Agreement between the Cape Fear Public Utility Authority and the County for the sewer projects in Marquis Hills and Heritage Park communities to eliminate failing septic tanks. The amendment was executed by the Authority on February 2, 2015. In response to questions from the Board, County Engineer Iannucci said that other areas in the County have failing septic tanks and need to be connected to the sewer system to protect the watersheds, tidal creeks and water quality. Some of the homes would require expensive sewer package systems if the public sewer system were unavailable. While sewer lines are being installed in the Heritage Park area, the Authority will add waterlines and a charge a connection fee to the residents. Motion : Vice-Chairman Dawson MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner Watkins, to approve Amendment 1 to the Interlocal Agreement between the Cape Fear Public Utility Authority and the County for the sewer projects in Marquis Hills and Heritage Park communities to eliminate failing septic tanks. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. FISCAL YEAR 2015 FINANCIAL UPDATE Finance Director Lisa Wurtzbacher reported that the Commissioners have received quarterly updates on the financial status of the County since 2014. The first quarter results were not presented due to the timing of the financial audit presentation. Results through the second quarter appear favorable, noting the following:  Property taxes and sales taxes, the largest sources of County revenue for both the General Fund and the Fire Services Fund, exceed amounts collected at the same time last fiscal year.  Charges for services in the Environmental Management Fund are slightly above prior year’s second quarter results with approximately 47% of the budgeted amounts recorded through the second quarter.  Overall expenditures were in line with expectations. Fiscal Year 2015 Second Quarter Financial Summary YTD % Budget Actual to Budget FY 14-15 12-31-2014 Collected General Fund Revenues Ad Valorem Taxes 162,065,212 118,884,692 73.36% Sales Taxes 54,172,350 14,634,601 27.01% Other Taxes 3,291,763 2,107,337 64.02% Charges for Service 10,418,574 14,655,284 44.68% Intergovernmental Revenue 45,557,361 18,289,888 40.15% Other Revenues 1,373,938 917,467 66.78% Long Term Debt Issued 6,010,759 - 0.00% Appropriated Fund Balance 14,448,240 - 0.00% Total Revenues 297,338,197 159,489,269 53.64 General Fund Expenditures General Government 34,622,778 15,247,141 44.04% Human Services 61,457,718 25,605,451 41.66% Public Safety 52,771,815 25,554,871 48.43% Economic and Physical Development 2,303,703 784,297 34.05% Culture and Recreation 12,359,405 5,171,013 41.84% Education - Community College 10,625,605 5,313,303 50.00% Debt Service 32,544,838 20,569,373 63.20% Transfers Out: Education - Public Schools 86,647,695 40,865,731 47.16% Other 4,004,640 2,723,977 68.02% Total Expenditures 297,338,197 141,835,157 47.70% Fire Services Revenues Ad Valorem Taxes 8,820,223 6,761,096 76.7% Sales Taxes 2,494,358 676,085 27.1% Intergovernmental Revenue 117,608 - 0.0% Charges for Services 61,474 67,683 110.1% Other 6,100 4,423 72.5% Long Term Debt Issued 1,116,195 - 0.0% Appropriated Fund Balance 515,218 - 0.0% Total Revenues 13,131,176 7,509,287 57.2% Fire Services Expenditures Salaries and Benefits 8,114,664 3,729,200 46.0% NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS BOOK 33 REGULAR MEETING, FEBRUARY 16, 2015 PAGE 236 Operating Expenditures 2,993,512 1,905,371 63.7% Debt Service 651,036 446,618 68.6% Capital Expenditures 1,371,964 940,906 68.6% Total Expenditures 13,131,176 7,022,095 53.5% Environmental Management Revenues Charges for Service 11,440,000 5,473,540 47.8% Intergovernmental Revenue 411,000 109,524 26.6% Other 925,872 271,785 29.4% Transfers In - 1,408,869 Appropriated Fund Balance 3,041,320 - 0.0% Total Revenues 15,818,192 7,263,718 45.9% Environmental Management Expenditures Salaries and Benefits 1,881,644 835,421 44.4% Operating Expenditures 5,615,163 2,326,083 41.4% Debt Service 792,966 428,794 54.1% Capital Expenditures 2,161,230 348,700 16.1% Transfers: Capital Reserve Fund 250,000 250,000 100.0% Env. Mgmt. Post Closure 1,158,869 1,158,869 100.0% Capital Projects 3,411,000 3,411,000 100.0% Other 547,320 - 0.0% Total Expenditures 15,818,192 8,758,867 55.4% Chairman Barfield commented on the very good report of the County’s revenues and expenditures and expressed concern that the legislators were considering a possible change in the disbursements of sales tax revenues, which would greatly impact the County. He thanked Ms. Wurtzbacher for the excellent presentation on the status of the County. COMMITTEE APPOINTMENTS Appointments to the New Hanover County Industrial Facilities and Pollution Control Financing Authority Chairman Barfield reported that two vacancies exist on the Industrial Facilities and Pollution Control Financing Authority with two applicants eligible for reappointment and a new applicant available for consideration and requested direction from the Board. Motion : Vice-Chairman Dawson MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner Zapple, to reappoint Neal W. Andrew and Frank J. Oddo to serve six-year terms on the Industrial Facilities and Pollution Control Financing Authority with the terms to expire on February 22, 2021. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Appointment to the New Hanover County Juvenile Crime Prevention Council Chairman Barfield reported that a vacancy exists on the Juvenile Crime Prevention Council for a student under the age of 18 with one applicant available for consideration and requested direction from the Board. Motion : Chairman Barfield MOVED, SECONDED by Vice-Chairman Dawson, to appoint Christan Stukes to serve a two-year term on the Juvenile Crime Prevention Council in the category for a student Under Age 18 with the term to expire on September 30, 2017. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Appointment to the New Hanover County Library Advisory Board Chairman Barfield reported that a vacancy exists on the Library Advisory Board with two applicants available for consideration and requested direction from the Board. Motion : Commissioner Zapple MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner Watkins, to appoint Amy Damutz to serve a three and one-half year term on the Library Advisory Board with the term to expire on August 30, 2018. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Appointment to the Wilmington/New Hanover Port, Waterway and Beach Commission Chairman Barfield reported that a vacancy exists on the Port, Waterway and Beach Commission with one applicant available for consideration and requested direction from the Board. Motion : Commissioner Zapple MOVED, SECONDED by Vice-Chairman Dawson, to appoint Jeremy M. Wilson to serve a three-year term on the Port, Waterway and Beach Commission with the term to expire on February 28, 2018. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. PUBLIC COMMENTS ON NON-AGENDA ITEMS Chairman Barfield reported that no one had signed up to speak on non-agenda items. Commissioner Comments: th  Vice-Chairman Dawson sent happy birthday wishes to her father, George Freeman, on his 84 birthday. th  Chairman Barfield reported that he and Commissioner Zapple attended the Mayor’s 17 Annual Prayer Breakfast prior to the Board meeting. NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS BOOK 33 REGULAR MEETING, FEBRUARY 16, 2015 PAGE 237 ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, Chairman Barfield adjourned the meeting at 10:15 a.m. Respectfully submitted, Teresa P. Elmore Clerk to the Board Please note that the above minutes are not a verbatim record of the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners meeting. The entire proceedings are available for review and checkout at all New Hanover County Libraries and on-line at www.nhcgov.com.