Colonial Ridge_20090209_Shawn_Ralston' f ~ C) To: Sam Burgess, Bobby Harris From: Shawn Ralston Re: Colonial Ridge - TRC Plan Review Comments • Section 67-3 of the Zoning Ordinance requires that a tree inventory be completed and that regulated and significant trees be preserved to the greatest extent practical and incorporated into required landscaping. Unsuitable reasons for clearing include "such factors as more parking than the minimum specified in Section 80 is desired or that non-selective clearing by bulldozer is less expensive than selective clearing by chainsaw." • Throughout the site, existing trees should be incorporated into landscape islands and required landscape areas. Trees located within areas to be dedicated for stormwater improvements should be worked into the stormwater plan by incorporating Low Impact Development techniques. Trees located in open space areas (specifically the large open space and wetland area on the far east of the property) should be preserved. • It is indicated on the plan that 2 significant trees will be removed from the right of way and mitigated, however, there is no indication of any trees that will be removed for any other site improvements (including development of the individual lots). These trees must also be accounted for. • To limit the need for water consumption for landscaping purposes, it is recommended that native landscape materials be incorporated throughout the site design. Water reuse is encouraged on home sites with the incorporation of devices such as rain water catchment systems - rain barrels or cisterns. • The proposed development drains to the Atlantic Intracoastal Waterway through creeks that have been designated as SA waters for shellfishing. To protect water quality, it is recommended that the use of Low Impact Development (LID) techniques be utilized in coordination with required stormwater management techniques. LID techniques could include: a constricted wetland, bioretention areas (rain gardens), pervious pavement, and vegetative buffer strips. It is recommended that the engineer refer to the City-County Joint Low Impact Development Manual for information about LID techniques. • Recommend minimizing the amount of impervious surfaces for roadways and parking and incorporating the use of pervious paving options on low flow traffic areas, driveways, and sidewalks. • Recommend limiting grading only to locations for driveways and streets. • Preliminary maps show that wetlands are present on the property. All wetlands must be delineated and permitted through the Corps.