2015-03-16 RM Exhibits 1 Exhibitts� 4 Book1 IXPage (oil 1 s li ! , 3 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS 1 4 RESOLUTION RECOGNIZING WILLIAM W. (WOODY)HALL,JR.,PH.D. , 1 WHEREAS, William W. (Woody) Hall, Jr., Ph.D., began his career at UNCW in 1974 as one of twelve faculty members in the Department of Business and Economics—now the Cameron School of Business;and I WHEREAS, in addition to being a Professor of Economics at UNCW Cameron School of H Business, Dr. Hall is Senior Economist at the H. David and Diane Swain Center for Business and • Economic Services; and $ 1 1 WHEREAS, for over three decades Dr. Hall has provided economic projections and since the 4 inaugural 2004 UNCW Economic Outlook Conference, he has issued eleven economic forecasts for Southeastern North Carolina; and • WHEREAS, Dr. Hall will retire effective May 2015, with almost forty-one years of service to UNCW and New Hanover County. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners does hereby thank and recognize William W. (Woody) Hall, Jr., Ph.D. for many years of loyal service to UNCW, the citizens of New Hanover County and surrounding communities,and wishes him well in his retirement from public service and in his new endeavors. 1 ADOPTED this the 16th day of March,2015. • I NEW •NOVER COUNTY I/if/ i _,,,,- , ..,,,„ Z ® Ti Ethan Barfie i, Jr., Ch,' an 1 3y I 2 ,1 I t • ATTEST: ? .(14ini 1 ci tip NIt" c--- /..tke4-14.1 fi e-SY14-41-1L--- b Teresa P. Elmore, Clerk to the Board i i 1 1 i 1 , i i i 1 i f i 1 Exhi ' ll Book ge G7. a i 1 ;.,,5,, •4:, NEW HANOVER COUNTY Roger L. Kelley 1 ,, '�, Tax Administrator ;, TAX DEPARTMENT 230 GOVERNMENT CENTER DRIVE, SUITE 190 L. ;„,I WILMINGTON,NORTH CAROLINA 28403-1671 Allison Snell '''*i* Asst.Tax Administrator i- ; TELEPHONE(910)798-7300 z. FAX(910)-798-7310 i 1 1 i Order for Advertisement of 2014 Unpaid Tax Liens on Real Property 1 4 9 As required by G.S. 105-369 Advertisement of Unpaid Tax Liens on Real Property Y g I It is hereby ordered that the Collector of Revenue will cause to have published once in a local newspaper all unpaid 2014 tax liens on real property during the period prescribed by law. The 4 advertisement will combine the liens of the County of New Hanover, City of Wilmington, Town of Kure Beach,Town of Wrightsville Beach,Town of Carolina Beach and the Fire District taxes thereon. This the 16th day of March, 2015. Qu14 Y•N O �w� el Ale r/i 1' 1. i1 it a2 Jonathan it arfield,Jr., Chairman 4'E t',.,, q. F•ARLIsv+E-- New Hanover County Board of Commissioners i C4A.1/4A-11) _,P,,,4-a--612-. Witness 1 s 1 3 R i E i 1 Exhi ' Book Page (Pi..5CL Y' AGENDA: March 16,2015 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE FISCAL YEAR 2015 BUDGET a BY BUDGET AMENDMENT 15- 050 BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County,North Carolina,that the following Budget Amendment 15-050 be made to the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending 4 June 30,2015. i Section 1: Details of Budget Amendment Strategic Focus Area Superior Public Health,Safety and Education Strategic Objective(s): Provide health/wellness education,programs,and services Fund:General Fund Department: Health Expenditure: Decrease Increase Health Department $3,000 Total $0 $3,000 4 Revenue: Decrease Increase NC Division of Public Health Grant $3,000 Total $0 $3,000 Section 2: Explanation 1 The New Hanover County Health Department has been chosen by the NC Division of Public Health to receive a grant in the amount of$3,000 to address the medication and drug overdose epidemic by implementing 4 activities related to the Project Lazarus model. The funds will be used to purchase supplies for Naloxone dispensing kits,which provides a safe,non-addictive antidote for an opioid overdose. Kits will be dispensed to the public,local law enforcement and/or first responders. There is no County match required for the grant. 1 4 4 Section 3: Documentation of Adoption This ordinance shall be effective upon its adoption. 1 I NOW,THEREFORE,BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover 1 County,North Carolina,that the Ordinance for Budget Amendment 15-050,amending the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30,2015,is adopted. Adopted,this 16th day of March,2015. (SEAL) 3 1 a TY• pJN E NOS Jona-� Barfield,Jr hainman ATTEST: z al`0 I o C4.1.10.414-1 P il,-„,,,- ,,> ik1 Teresa P.Elmore,Clerk to the Board .y It 1 .FSIARIJSNED 8 # Exhi // _ �'�_ Boo,.Page(,, AGENDA: March 16,2015 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE FISCAL YEAR 2015 BUDGET BY BUDGET AMENDMENT 15- 051 BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County,North Carolina,that the following Budget Amendment 15-051 be made to the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30,2015. Section 1: Details of Budget Amendment Strategic Focus Area: Strong Financial Performance Strategic Objective(s): Control costs and manage the budget Fund:General Department:Parks&Gardens Expenditure: Decrease Increase Parks&Gardens $35,000 Total $0 $35,000 Revenue: Decrease Increase City of Wilmington $35,000 Total $0 $35,000 Section 2: Explanation To budget a contribution from the City of Wilmington for the maintenance of the Flemington Soccerplex. Funds from the City of Wilmington are not in the current budget or anticipated in FY15-16.These were funds anticipated in FY12-13 and FY13-14 and are not expected going forward.Maintenance will cover all ground work,parking lots,and other structures on the Flemington Soccerplex site. Section 3: Documentation of Adoption This ordinance shall be effective upon its adoption. NOW,THEREFORE,BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County,North Carolina,that the Ordinance for Budget Amendment 15-051,amending the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30,2015,is adopted. Adopted,this 16th day of March,2015. (SEAL) uNTY.iv 0 .04^. 9 J an Barfie ,Jr., ai — ATTEST: Teresa P.Elmore,Clerk to the Board Exhi / BookQage (D. 7 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS RESOLUTION OF SUPPORT FOR AN ALTERNATIVE GOVERNANCE STRUCTURE FOR THE AREA AUTHORITY SERVING NEW HANOVER COUNTY WHEREAS, in accordance with N. C. General Statute § 122C — 115 (c1), the Area Board of CoastalCare, an Area Authority serving Brunswick, Carteret, New Hanover, Onslow and Pender Counties and the Area Board of East Carolina Behavioral Health, an Area Authority serving Beaufort, Bertie, Camden, Chowan Craven, Currituck Dare, Gates, Hertford, Hyde, Jones,° Martin, Northampton, Pamlico, Pasquotank, Perquimans, Pitt, Tyrrell, and Washington Counties, have entered into an agreement to consolidate their agencies into a twenty-four county Area Authority serving all previously named counties; and WHEREAS,the Secretary of the N. C. Department of Health and Human Services has approved } this consolidation, as required by law; and WHEREAS, N. C. General Statute § 122C — 118.1, which specifies the composition of an Area Authority Board, permits an alternative Area Board structure to be implemented 1) if the total 1 population of the Area Authority catchment area exceeds 1,250,000 and 2) if the counties which 1 comprise the Area Authority agree by resolution to an alternative structure; and WHEREAS, the total population of the new Area Authority created by the consolidation of CoastalCare and East Carolina Behavioral Health is 1,260,778; and WHEREAS, it is in the best interest of the residents of the twenty-four counties to approve an alternative governance structure for the consolidated Area Authority. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners does hereby approve the structure of the Area Board and the Regional Advisory Boards of the consolidated Area Authority, as outlined below. To provide a local presence in the counties served and to assure that each county has input into the services received by its residents, the twenty-four county catchment area will have three regions. The regions have been designed to equalize, to the extent possible, the number of counties, population in the region, and overall square mileage of the regions. The three regions and the counties served are Northern Region: Bertie, Camden, Chowan, Currituck, Gates, Hertford, Martin, Northampton, Pasquotank and Perquimans Counties. Central Region: Beaufort, Craven, Dare,Hyde, Pamlico, Pitt, Tyrell and Washington Counties. Southern Region: Brunswick, Carteret, Jones,New Hanover, Onslow and Pender Counties. The counties in each region will appoint two members to the Regional Advisory Board: one county commissioner or designee and another individual who meets the requirements outlined in ti N. C. G. S. § 122C — 118.1 (b). In addition, the Regional Advisory Board will include the Chair or designee of the regional Consumer and Family Advisory Committee. County Commissioner members of the Regional Advisory Boards may serve for as long as they are a commissioner. Other members of the Regional Advisory Board may serve for up to three, three-year consecutive terms. 1 1 r The primary functions of the Regional Advisory Board will be to advise the Area Authority Chief Executive Officer on the evaluation and hiring of a Regional Director; recommending f priorities for expenditure of state and county funds for development of the annual budget; determining local priorities for inclusion in the overall strategic plan; identifying community needs and concerns; monitoring resolution of issues; and monitoring performance at the local • level, including access to care, expenditure of service funds, number of consumers served, services delivered, provider network size and composition, outcomes, and consumer satisfaction. i Each Regional Advisory Board will establish its own bylaws based on local needs, but in 1 compliance with standardized requirements established by the Governing Board for quorums, frequency of meetings, elections of officers, duties of members, committees and committee appointments, and attendance standards. Such bylaws are subject to the approval of the Governing Board. I Each Regional Advisory Board will select four (4) members to serve as the Area Authority Governing Board: one county commissioner, the Consumer and Family Advisory Committee chair or designee, and two other members. In addition, the chair or designee of the Area 1 Authority Network Council shall serve on the Governing Board as a non-voting member. The county commissioner members of the Governing Board shall serve one three-year term without I consecutive reappointment, so that commissioner representation on the Governing Board will rotate among the counties in each region. The other members of the Governing Board may serve f three, three-year terms. To achieve maximum geographic representation, other than the I Consumer and Family Advisory Committee chair, the other Regional Advisory Board members selected for the Area Authority Governing Board shall be from different counties. } 1 The Governing Board's primary responsibilities will include determining policy; strategic planning, including consideration of local priorities as determined by the Regional Advisory Boards; budgets; hiring and evaluations of the Chief Executive Officer; monitoring of deliverables, including overall performance and financial management; government affairs and advocacy; reporting to constituent counties; responding to concerns and feedback from the Regional Advisory Boards; reviewing, revising and approving the Regional Advisory Board • bylaws; and all other responsibilities outlined in N. C. law for Area Authority Boards. The Governing Board will develop and adopt bylaws to address its activities in accordance with law. • ADOPTED this the 16th day of March, 2015. 1 1 i NEW • NOVER COUNTY f •S• / i rj J. athan B. e •,Jr., h.• an z ' z - 2 it 14 a ' -,� _ ATTEST: �9 �'�'iRI.ISHEO� I�I��lle/ 4 Teresa P. Elmore, Clerk to the Board 1 I Exhi a Boo k INZLIA Page C9•5 i 1 AGENDA: March 16,2015 { NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE FISCAL YEAR 2015 BUDGET BY BUDGET AMENDMENT 15- 052 BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County,North Carolina,that the following Budget Amendment 15-052 be made to the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30,2015. i Section 1: Details of Budget Amendment Strategic Focus Area: Productive Strategic Partnerships a Strategic Objective(s): Develop appropriate public/private partnerships i 4 Fund:General Department:Economic Development&General Government ' Exnenditure: Decrease Increase £ Economic Development&General Government $300,000 Contribution to the City of Wilmington $300,000 1 Total $300,000 $300,000 I Section 2: Explanation This budget amendment will contribute funding to the City of Wilmington to help advance the development of 1 the 202 Raleigh Site.Due to funds being transferred within the budget,the overall County budget will not ; increase. Section 3: Documentation of Adoption This ordinance shall be effective upon its adoption. NOW,THEREFORE,BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County,North Carolina,that the Ordinance for Budget Amendment 15-052,amending the annual budget i, ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30,2015,is adopted. 1 'a Adopted,this 16th day of March,2015. t 1 (SEAL) / / O�SpITY.No Jo .Ian Barfield,Jr, hairman , awG , �jy p Vt,,• (. ATTEST: ; — .1 44.A.tite..i P aypt4). '��'2 _�,� ,,,I- a2 Teresa P.Elmore,Clerk to the Board �9. Am islicv a , t 4 I y 1 I I Exhi•'��, Booker Page (A NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS RESOLUTION IN OPPOSITION OF MUNICIPAL BOND TAXATION WHEREAS,North Carolina and local units of government like New Hanover County perform essential capital improvements with the costs of these improvements often financed through the issuance of bonds or other notes of indebtedness; and WHEREAS, tax exempt municipal bonds are the single most important tool in the U.S for financing investment in schools, roads, water and sewer systems, fire stations, airports, bridges, and other vital infrastructure; and WHEREAS, ninety percent of municipal bonds funded these types of projects across the United States over the last ten years with more than 6,600 tax-exempt municipal bonds financing more than $179 billion worth of infrastructure projects in the United States in 2012 alone; and WHEREAS, changes to the tax exemption for municipal bond interest would affect all Americans and American household retirement plans with three-quarters of the municipal bond market held by these households; and WHEREAS, a repeal of the tax-exemption on municipal bonds would disproportionately harm smaller governments causing them to face higher interest rates as they issue large bonds; and WHEREAS, changes to the taxation status of municipal bonds would slow economic recovery and investment, shift the tax burden to the local property tax owners, and cause a loss in local jobs due to an inability to finance critical projects otherwise funded by municipal bonds; and WHEREAS, losing the tax exemption status for municipal bond funding would have a very serious and negative impact on any major capital improvement planning for the future of North Carolina and New Hanover County; and WHEREAS,under current market conditions,New Hanover County would realize a$4.6 million benefit } in debt service payments by issuing tax-exempt municipal bonds for all of its currently unissued voter authorized debt; and WHEREAS, opposition to the taxation of municipal bonds is a top priority legislative item for both the North Carolina Association of County Commissioners (NCACC) and the National Association of Counties(NACo). NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners adopts this day this resolution in opposition of any federal legislation or executive action that would eliminate the federal tax-exemption on municipal bonds. ADOPTED this the 16th day of March,2015. NEW • VE COUNTY GON1"4, O y o ?Z Jona 'AI Barfield,Jr h s>f~� ATTEST: Teresa P.Elmore, Clerk to the Board